Front Matter
Front Matter
THE JOURNAL LIBRARY CORNELL UNIVERSIT@ MEDICAL COLLEGE NEW YORK CITY APR261941 OF MENTAL SCIENCE BY AUTHORITY THE OF ROY AL MEDICO.PSYCHOL0G@@ MANAGING G. W. T. H. EDITOR FLEMING IN COLLABORATION Douglas McRae AND E. F. S. C. D. C. M. J. WITH ASSOCIATION WITH Alexander THE Adrian Bartlett Coleman C. Earl ASSISTANCE Walk OF P. K. McCowan Alfred Meyer Lionel S. Penrose A. A. W. Petrie F. L. Golla E. G. Holmes C. J. McCarthy W. M. Scott E. T. 0. Slater W. Stephenson VOL. LXXXVI LONDON J. & A. CHURCHILL, LTD. MCMXL This @ One I@ @ III @II UIflI@ II11@ I@ 1II@I@ UlII@ liii I@I PGAJ-4LJ-9CXY ‘¿Inadopting our title of the Journal of Mental Science, published by authority of the Medico-Psychological A ssociaiion, we profess that we cultivate in our pages mental science of a particular kind, namely, such mental science as appertains to medical men who are engaged in the treatment of the insane. But it has been objected that the term mental science is inapplicable, and that the term mental physiology or mental pathology, or psychology, or psychiatry (a term much affected by our German brethren), would have been more correct and appropriate; and that, moreover, we do not deal in mental science, which is properly the sphere of the aspiring metaphysical intellect. If mental science is strictly synonymous with metaphysics, these objections are certainly valid; for although we do not eschew metaphysical discussion, the aim of this JOURNAL is certainly bent upon more attainable objects than the pursuit of those recondite inquiries which have occupied the most ambitious intellects from the time of Plato to the present, with so much labour and so little result. But while we admit that metaphysics may be called one department of mental science, we maintain that mental physiology and mental pathology are also mental science under a different aspect. While metaphysics may be called speculative mental science, mental physiology and pathology, with their vast range of inquiry into insanity, education, crime, and all things which tend to preserve mental health, or to produce mental disease, are not less questions of mental science in its practical, that is in its sociological point of view. If it were not unjust to high mathematics to compare it in any way with abstruse metaphysics, it would illustrate our meaning to say that our practical mental science would fairly bear the same relation to the mental science of the metaphysicians as applied mathematics bears to the pure science. In both instances the aim of the pure science is the attainment of abstract truth; its utility, however, frequently going no further than to serve as a gymnasium for the intellect. In both instances the mixed science aims at, and, to a certain extent, attains immediate practical results of the greatest utility to the welfare of mankind; we therefore maintain that our JOURNAL is not inaptly called the Journal of Mental Science, although the science may only attempt to deal with sociological and medical inquiries, relating either to the preservation of the health of the mind or to the amelioration or cure of its diseases; and although not soaring to the height of abstruse metaphysics, we only aim at such metaphysical knowledge as may be available to our purposes, as the inechanician uses the formularies of mathematics. This is our view of the kind of mental science which physicians engaged in the grave responsibility of caring for the mental health of their fellow-men may, in all modesty, pretend to cultivate; and while we cannot doubt that all additions to our certain knowledge in the speculative department of the science will be great gain, the necessities of duty and of danger must ever compel us to pursue that knowledge which is to be obtained in the practical departments of science with the earnestness of real workmen. The captain of a ship would be none the worse for being well acquainted with the higher branches of astronomical science, but it is the practical part of that science as it is applicable to navigation which he is compelled to study. “¿â€”Sir J. C. Bucknill, M.D., F.R.S. (Journ. Ment. Sd., vol. vii, i86i, p. ‘¿fl'). Made and Printed in Great Britain. LIBRARY COPJ@LL UNIy RSIT, MP.@DI CAL COLr@,Fr@ NEW YORK CITy THE ROYAL MEDICO-PSYCHOLOGICAL YEAR ASSOCIATION BOOK 1940 CONTENTS COUNCIL AND OFFICERS STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES TRAINING INSTiTUTIONS FOR NURSES HONOURS ROLL MEDALS, PRIZES, AND CERTIFICATES LIST OF MEMBERS, ETC. Members changes to (Additional the are particularly of address, Secretary, requested honours, 11 and Chandos to send additional Street, notification of qualifications London, W. 1. copies of Year Book, price 6d., can be obtained from Messrs. Adiard Limited, Bartholomew Press, forking) 6 Son, I TIlE COUNCIL AND OFFICERS, 1939-40. Officers. Presiden@.—A. HELEN A. BOYLE, M.D., L.R.C.P.&.S. T. LINDSAY, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., D.P.M. (South-Eastern). R. W. ARMSTRONG, Vice-Presidents and Divisional Chairmen M. A. ARCHDALE, W. D. CHAMBERS, B.Sc., MB., MA., T. A. GREENE, M.D., B.CH., D.P.M. B.S., M.D., (South-Western). D.P.M. (Northern CuB., F.R.C.P.E. L.R.C.P.&S., J.P. and Midland). (Scottish). (Irish). C. J.LODGE PATCH, MC., L.R.C.P.&S.ED., L.R.F.P.S.GLA5. (Indian). President-Elect—THOMAS C. GRAVES, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.S. Ex.President.—J. R. G1LMOUR, MB., CM., F.R.C.P.E. Treasurer.—GEORGE WILLIAM SMITH, O.B.E., MB. Hon. General Secretary.—W. GORDON Registrar—H. Hon. MASEFIELD, G. L. HAYNES, Librarian.—J. M.R.C.S., M.R.C.S., R. WHITWELL, South-Eastern.—R. M. MACFARLANE, South-Weste,'n.—S. E. MARTIN, Divisional Northern and Midland.—J. IVISON Scottish.—W. M. McALISTER, M.B. M.D., CH.B., D.P.H., RUSSELL, MA., MORAN, D.P.M. D.P.M. M.B. Secretaries Irish.—PATRICK L.R.C.P., L.R.C.P. M.B., M.D., F.R.F.P.S.G. CH.B., F.R.C.P.E. M.B., B.CH., D.P.M. Indian.—BANARSI DAS, MB., B.S., D.P.M. PARLIAMENTARY Chairman.—NATHAN Vice-Chairman.—W. Secretary.—R. COMMITTEE. RAW, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S.E. F. MENZIES, B.Sc., M.D., C.M., F.R.C.P. M. MACFARLANE, M.D., EDUCATIONAL Chairman.—A. A. Vice-Chairman—DONALD Secretary.—K. W. PETRIE, ROSS, K. DRURY, RESEARCH D.P.M. M.D., B.Cu., J.P. D.P.M. COMMITTEE. R. WHITWELL, F. F. McDOWALL, AND D.P.H., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S.ED. M.B., CuB., M.R.C.P.E., M.P.C., M.C., BA., LIBRARY Chairman.—J. Secretary.—C. Cu.B., COMMITTEE. CLINICAL M.B, M.D. COMMITTEE. Chairnsan.—F. L. GOLLA, MA., M.B., B.Cu., F.R.C.P. Vice-Chairman.—A. A. W. PETRIE, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S.ED. Secretary.—P. K. McCOWAN, M.D., F.R.C.P., D.P.M., BARRISTER-AT-LAW. MENTAL Chairman.—F. DEFICIENCY DOUGLAS Vice-Chairman.—W. REES THOMAS, Secretary.—E. 0. LEWIS, THE Managing Co-Editors JOURNAL COMMITTEE. TURNER, MB., M.D., B.S., M.A., D.Sc., OF MENiAL M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., WALK, Non-Official M.D., L.R.C.P., D.P.M. MEMBERS. T. LINDSAY, B. W. F. ARMITAGE, C. J. C. EARL, E. J. C. HEWITT, C. W. BOWER, J. G. HAMILTON (S.E. Div.); R. W. ARMSTRONG, Div.); M. A. ARCHDALE, H. DOVE CORMAC, (N. & M. Div.) ; W. D. CHAMBERS, C. R. THOMPSON, T. A. GREENE (Irish Div.); R. M. STEWART, R. EAGER (SW. D. MACMILLAN, E. L. HOPKINS, G. A. CHISLETT (Scottish Div.); C. LODGE PATCH, G. W. WILL, MOORE TAYLOR (Indian Div.). NOMINATED E. P. BOYLE, D.P.M. Members. REPRESENTATIVE J. E. DHUNJIBHOY, M.P.C. SCIENCE. Editor.—G. W. T. H. FLEMING, M.R.C.S., DOUGLAS McRAE, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. ALEXANDER L.R.C.P. D.P.M., L.R.C.P. A. E. EVANS, MEMBERS. J. H. MACDONALD, C. J. THOMAS, J. M. C. SPEER, COLEMAN, J. E. HOWIE, R. G. McINNES. S. M. iv THE STANDING COMMITTEES. {The President, President-Elect, General Secretary, Treasurer, the Editors, and the Divisional Secretaries are ex-officio Members Parliamentary of all Standing Committee. W. BROOKS KEITH. D. BLAIR. J. SHAW BOLTON. SIR Committees.] HUBERT NEIL T. KERR. R. M. MACFARLANE (Secretary). BOND. C. W. BOWER. A. R. M. H. W. W. R. HELEN A. BOYLE. B. CAMPBELL. A. COLLINS. DOVE CORMAC. H. COUPLAND. R. DAWS@N. EAGER. T. H. G. R. SAXTY GOOD. G. L. HAYNES. W. B. JAMES. F. JARRETT. T. C. MACKENZIE. D. MACMILLAN. E. MAPOTHER. W. F. MENZIES (Vice-Chairman). NATHAN RAW (Chairman). W. ROBINSON. R. PERCY SMITH. F. R. P. TAYLOR. F. DOUGLAS TURNER. E. BARTON WHITE. J. R. GILMOUR. Educational Committee. The Registrar, the Examiners, the Area Examination R. W. ARMSTRONG. E. T. W. R. ASHBY. J. SHAWBOLTON. SIR HUBERT A. HELEN Secretaries and 0. LEWIS. LINDSAY. J. MACARTHUR. P. BOND. K. McCOWAN. J. H. MACDONALD. A. BOYLE. J. BRANDER. M. J. McGRATH. N. H. M. BURKE. R. T. E. BURROWS. D. MACMILLAN. R. B. CAMPBELL. ELIZABETH CASSON. M. A. COLLINS. H. DOVE CORMAC. W. H. COUPLAND. W. R. DAWSON. K. K. DRURY (Secretary). R. EAGER. C. J. C. EARL. DOUGLAS (Vice-Chairman). D. F. A. R. H. R. F. J. GIFFORD. T. SAXTY GOOD. G. H. GRILLS. D. K. HENDERSON. R. FITZROY JARRETT. NEIL T. KERR. W. J. T. KIMBER. H. B. LEECH. (Secretary). lAM. (Chairman). ROSS. E. E. SCHNEIDER. SHEPHERD. PERCY SMITH. FREIZE STEPHENS. M. STEWART. R. P. TAYLOR. C. J. THOMAS. W. REES THOMAS. F. DOUGLAS TURNER. E. BARTON WHITE. Library W. McWILI McRAE E. MAPOTHER. W. F. MENZIES. A. A. W. PETRIE J. R. GILMOUR. A. J. LEWIS. E. MAPOTHER. COLIN McDOWALL G. McINNES. Committee. J. E. NICOLE WILLIAM STARKEY. W. H. B. STODDART. R. STROM-OLSEN. J. R. WHITWELL (Chairman). v Research and Clinical Committee. ELECTED SIR HUBERT BOND, D. K. MEMBERS. HENDERSON, W. F. MENZIES, J. G. J. N. GLAISTER, W. NORWOOD EAST, E. MAPOTHER, GOODALL, R. W. ARMSTRONG, R. G. McINNES. SECRETARIES S. M. COLEMAN (Pathology, (Psychotherapy Bacteriology Bio-Chemistry), A. E. EVANS (Study Tours (Papers and Discussion). OTHER W. McCARTAN (Clinical), (Psycho-Pathology, etc.), R. K. K. DRURY, STRO and Post-Graduate REPRESENTATIVES W. M. FORD C. W. PHILLIPS, BOLTON, E. OF SUB-COMMITTEES. and Psycho-Pathology), and PORTER J. SHAW F. A. PICKWORTH M-OLSEN Education), (Clinical W. FORD Psychiatry), ROBERTSON OF SUB-COMMITTEES. ROBERTSON BOWER (Study (Pathology, etc.), M. E. FRANKLIN Tours, etc.), W. D. NICOL (Clinical), G. DE M. RUDOLF (Infectious Diseases), W. R. ASHBY (Infectious Diseases), D. N. PARFITT (Pathology, etc.), D. N. HARDCASTLE (Psycho-Pathology), K. FRASER (Study Tours), L. C. COOK (Papers and Discussions), M. J. McGRATH (Infectious Diseases). REPRESENTATIVES OF MENTAL E. C. DAX, E. 0. LEWIS, Chairman.—F. L. GOLLA. COMMITTEE. THOMAS, Vice-Chairman.—A. Secretary.—P. Mental DEFICIENCY W. REES K. Deficiency F. D. TURNER. A. W. PETRIE. McCOWAN. Committee. J. W. W. ADAMSON, D. R. ALEXANDER, J. S. ALLEN, J. R. BAILEY, R. M. BATES, H. E. BEASLEY, T. BEATON, E. BENJACAR, R. J. A. BERRY, J. BONNELL, H. C. BRISTOWE, D. C. BRUCE, N. H. M. BURKE, W. A. CALDWELL, C. G. A. CHISLETT, R. D. CLARKSON, L. C. COOK, H. CORNER, W. H. COUPLAND, T. CROWLEY, J .T. CURRAN, T. A. DANBY, S. W. DAVIES, C. W. S. DAVIES-JONES, E. C. DAX, C. J. C. EARL, A. IL EVANS, H. R. FERGUSON, E. J. FITZGERALD, D. J. FORBES, J. TYLOR FOX, K. FRASER, S. E. GILL, T. SAXTY GOOD, R. G. GORDON, C. H. G. GOSTWYCK, H. A. GRIERSON, R. HANDLEY, E. A. HASLAM-FOX, C. J. HENDER SON, C. P. H. HUNTER, F. E. INGALL, R. F. JARRETT, J. M. JOHNSTON, D. L. KELLY, J. V. KELLY, J. K. C. LAING, J. J. LANDERS, R. LANGDON-DOWN, P. S. B. LANGTON, E. LAVAL, E. 0. LEWIS (Secretary), E. LEWIS, T. LINDSAY, E. S. LITTELJOHN, D. B. M. LOTHIAN, J. F. LYONS, G. McCOULL, P. K. McCOWAN A. M. McCUTCHEON, G. W. J. MACKAY, F. MAcMAHON, D. M. MACMILLAN, D. MAGRATH, R. G. B. MARSH, J. J. MASON, W. F. MENZIES, J. B. METHVEN, J. E. MIDDLEMISS, E. MILLER, C. G. MILLMAN, D. H. F. MILMO, J. V. MORRIS, R. M. NORMAN, K. C. L. PADDLE, L. S. PENROSE, D. PRENTICE, J. A. FRASER RO BERTS, G. S. ROBERTSON, D. J. ROSE, G. DE M. RUDOLF, F. E. E. SCHNEIDER, E. B. SHERLOCK, R. S. S. SMITH, S. M. STEEL, H. FREIZE STEPHENS, R. M. STEWART, D. H. H. THOMAS, W. REES THOMAS (Vice-Chairman), A. F. TREDGOLD, C. E. H. TURNER, F. DOUGLAS TURNER (Chairman), A. WILSON, I. G. H. WILSON. Vi SPECIAL Mental Nursing England and Advisory Committee Wales.—H. DOVE S. EDGAR MARTIN, Scotland.—W. DONALD COMMITTEES. CORMAC, to the General Nursing Councils. W. G. MASEFIELD, GEORGE W. SMITH, C. J. C. EARL. M. McALISTER, ROSS. R. D. HOTCFTKIS, Northern Ireland—F. J. DEANE, DOROTHY T. C. MACKENZIE, GARDNER, DOUGLAS N. B. GRAHAM, McRAE, M. J. NOLAN, J. WATSON. Eire.—S. BLAKE, J. O'CONOR Examiners ENGLAND.—A. A. W. DONELAN, for the Certificate PETRIE, M.D., N. G. HARRIS, SCOTLAND.—D. K. HENDERSON, M.D., O'CONOR Preliminary: A. WALK, M.D.; W. J. RAITT, K. @ K. L.R.C.P.Lond., Ch.B.Edin., for the F.R.F.P.S.Glasg.; M.D.; M. Nursing T. J. D.P.M.; ANGUS MAcNIVEN, L.R.C.P.&S.IreI. I. R. MAC PHAIL, CAREY, J. NOLAN, Certificates. M.R.C.P.; CATHERINE DRURY, F.R.C.S.Edin., D.P.M. D.P.M. G. DR M. RUDOLF, M.B.; C. J. McCARTHY. Medicine. M.D., L.R.C.P.&S.Irel.; Examiners MENTAL—Final: F.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.P.Edin., DONELAN, P. GRACE, In Psychological B.S., M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., IRELAND.—J. R. R. LEEPER, MB.; HENNELLY, L.R.C.P.&S.; T. LINDSAY, M.D.; W. D. M.D. N1COL, M.B.; H. MACDONALD,MB.; P. J. AIRD, MB. MENTAL DEFEcTIvEs.—Final: PADDLE, NURSE D. J. M.R.C.S., EXAMINERS—MISS FORBES, L.R.C.P.; RUARK, R.M.P.N.C., S.R.N.; Miss WALSH, Miss TITTERINGTON, List of Examination SOUTH-EASTERN Southern SOUTH-WESTERN MB.; R. R. G. BLAKE S.R.N.; R.M.P.N.C., R.M.P.N.C., S.R.N.; S.R.N. M. STEWART, MARSH, Miss DIVISION: (i) Northern DIVISION: (i) Bristol Area (North of ASHFORD, Miss C. MORRIS, Areas and Area Examination Mental Nursing Certificate. Area (South of Thames), M.D.; M.R.C.S., Thames), Secretaries W. J. T. K. C. L. L.R.C.P. R.M.P.N.C., R.M.P.N.C.; for the KIMBER; (2) A. A. W. PETRIE. Area,J. F. LYONS; (2) Cardiff Area, N. MOULSON; (@)Exeter Area, J. W. FISHER; (4)Oxford Area; J. M. C. SPEER; (@)Salisbury Area, C. W. S. DAVIES-JONES. NORTHERN AND MIDLAND DIVISION : (i) Nottingham Area, H. DOVE CORMAC ; (3) Leeds Area, D. Area, T. W. K@ BRUCE; DAVIDSON; (.@) York Area, (2) Manchester T. M. DAVIE; (@)NewcastleArea, H. G. DRAKE-BROCKMAN;(6) BirminghamArea, A. SHEPHERD. SCOTTISH IRISH DIVISION: DIVISION (One (One Area): Area) P. J. R. B. J. CASSIN. ROBB. vii Training [For recognition as Training Defectives must be visited the Training Sub-Committee and reported ENGLAND AND for Nurses. Mental Institutions on favourably and Institutions for Mental by a referee or referees appointed by or Registrar.] FOR (i) Institutions Schools, TRAINING MENTAL NURSES. WALES. (i) All County, City, (ii) Criminal Asylum: and Borough Broadmoor. Mental Hospitals, including Tooting Bec Hospital. (iii) Registered Hospitals: St. Andrew's (Northampton), Cheadle Royal, Holloway Sanatorium, Bethlem Royal, The Retreat, Barnwood House, Bootham Park, Bethel (Norwich), Coton HIll, Wonford House, The Warneford, The Coppice, The Lawn (for Female Nurses only). Special Hospitals: Netley (D Block); Royal Naval Hospital, Yarmouth; Maudsley Hospital; St. George's Retreat, Burgess Hill, Sussex (with the Hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth, for Training in Medical and Surgical Nursing). (v) Private Mental Hospitals: The Old Manor, Camberweli House, Laverstock House, Peckham House, Brislington House, Ticehurst House, Northumberland House, (iv) The Priory, Middleton Nurses only). (vi) Municipal Hospitals: Hall, Bailbrook Erdington House House, Brooke (Birmingham), House (for Female Smithdown Road (Liverpool). (2) SCOTLAND. (I) Royal Asylums and Hospitals: Glasgow (Gartnavel), Aberdeen, Montrose, Crichton (L)umfries), Dundee, Edinburgh, James Murray's (Perth). (ii) All City and District Asylums and Mental Hospitals. (iii) Poor Law Asylum: Greenock. (iv) Poor Law Hospital: Stobhili Hospital (Glasgow). (v) Private Mental Hospital: New Saughton Hall (Polton). (3) IRELAND. (i) All County, City and District Asylums and Mental Hospitals. (ii) Criminal Asylum: Dundrum. (iii) Chartered Hospitals: St. Patrick's. (iv) Private Mental Hospital: Farnham House (for Female Nurses only). (@)CHANNEL ISLANDS. Jersey Mental Hospital. (@)FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Central (6) INDIA. Ranchi Mental Hospital, Mental Hospital Tanjong Rambutan, for Europeans, Perak. Kankè, Province of Bihar and Orissa. (7) SOUTHERN RHODESIA. Ingutsheni, (8) SYRIA. Lebanon FOR (i) Bulawayo. Hospital. TRAINING THOSE NURSING MENTAL DEFECTIVES. ENGLAND. (i) State Institutions: Rampton, Moss Side. (ii) Certified Institutions: Aston Hall, Nr. Derby; Botleys Park, Surrey; Brentr), Bristol; Brockhall, Blackburn; Bromham House, Nr. Bedford; Brunswick House, Mistlev, Essex (for Male Nurses); Calderstones; Cell Barnes Colony, Herts; Clerks Croft, Surrey; Coldeast Colony, Nr. Southampton; Coleshill Hall; Cranage Hall, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire; Farmfield, Horley, Surrey; Great Barr Park Colony; Harmston Hall Colony (with Holbeach, Bourne and Caistor ancillary premises), Nr. Lincoln; Hensol Castle, Pontyclun, Glam. Hortham, Bristol; Leicester Frith Institution; Leybourne Grange Colony, Kent; Little Plumstead Norfolk; Middlesex Wilts; Royal Albert St. Catherine's Hall Colony (with Heckingham Colony, Shenley; Institution; Royal Institution, Doncaster; Monyhull Earlswood; St. Colony; Royal Andrew's ancillary premises), Pewsey Colony, Eastern Counties; Colony, Morpeth; Sandhill Park (with ancillary premises); Silverton House, Northumberland (for Female Nurses); South Ockenden Colony. Essex; South Side, Streatham; Stoke Park Colony, Bristol; Stretton Hall, Leicester; The Manor, Epsom; Thornhili, Derby; Western Counties Institution. viii (iii) Approved Institutions: Darenth Nurses only). (iv) Certified Houses: Normansfield. (2) Park, Leavesden, Caterham, Fountain (for Female SCOTLAND. Baldovan; Institution; FOR Gogarburn, Stoneyetts. TRAINING FOR Edinburgh; THE Lennox CERTIFICATE Castle; IN Royal Scottish OCCUPATIONAL National THERAPY. ENGLAND. North Riding Chester Mental Mental Hospital, Hospital, Cardiff City Mental Hospital, Lancashire County York. Upton, Mental Chester. Whitchurch, Hospital, Glani. Whittinghani. The Old Manor, Salisbury. The Library and Secretary's ii CHANDOS @ STREET, Telephone: Secretary and Assistant LONDON, Office. W. I. Langham Librarian.—Miss M. HIGGINS. Publications. From MESSRS. ADLARD & SoN, LTD.: Year Book of the Association. Price 6d. Postage id The Charter and Bye-Laws of the Association. Price if-. Postage id. Engraved Book-Plate of the Association. Price i/-. Postage id. The Clinical Study of Mental Disorders.― Price 6/.. Postage 4d. “¿FirstReport on the Comparative Incidence of Cancer in Mental Hospital Patients and in the General Population of England.― Price 9d. Postage id. “¿TheState Registration of Mental Nurses.― Part II. Price 6d. Postage id “¿An Account of a Tour of Dutch Mental Hospitals and Clinics.― Price If-. Postage id Enquiry (History) Form for use in Mental Hospitals. In three sizes. Prices and specimen forms on application. From MESSRS. J. “¿TheJournal of Mental Science.― Published Catalogue of the Association's Library. Price From & A. CHURCHILL, LTD: six times a year. 2/.. Post free. MESSRS. BAILLIi@RE, TINDALL the REGISTRAR, “¿Syllabuses “¿, for the Examinations Littleton Hall, for the Certificates 6/-. Postage extra. & Cox: “¿Handbook for Mental Nurses.― 7th edn. 1923. Price 6/-. Manual for Mental Deficiency Nurses.― 1931. Price 6/-. “¿Occupational Therapy―: Addendum to “¿Handbook “¿.1938. From Price Price Brentwood, of Proficiency 6d. Essex. in Mental Nursing and in Nursing Mental Defectives. Price 2d. each. Postage kd. “¿Syllabuses“¿, for the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in Occupational Therapy. Price 2d. each. Postage 4d. “¿Regulations and Rules for the Nursing Examinations.― Revised, 1938. Price is. each. Postage id. “¿Examination Papers, 1928—38.―Price is. 6d. each. Postage id. ix ilonours Year. Roll. Qaskell Medal and Prize. Bronze Medal and Prize. 1883 J. Wigiesworth.@ 1884 S. R. Macphail. T. D. Greenlees. i88@ i886 1887 i888 i88g 1890 J. E. D. Mortituer. J. Wiglesworth. T. B. Hyslop. J. C. Mackenzie. G. M. Robertson. W. J. Smythe. 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 G. M. Robertson. Nathan Raw. G. R. Wilson. A. W. Campbell. C. Beadles. G. W. F. Macnaughtoii. W. R. Dawson. C. Hubert Bond. J. R. Lord. 1898 F. G. Crookshank. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 Maurice Craig. W. H. B. Stoddart. C. C. Easterbrook. G. H. Grills. A. A. D. Townsend. J. M. Rutherford. C. J. Shaw. H. Devine. C. F. F. McDowail. H. Morton. G. H. Garnett. 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 J. Turner. S. C. Howard. J. G. P. Phillips. W. Boyd. \V. R. Thomas. D. McKinley Reid. J.C. Wootton. ‘¿9,4 1915 1916 ‘¿9,7 1918 J. C. Woods. 1919 1920 1921 1922 J. Walker. 1923 1924 j. 1. H. Madill. Mary Barkas. R. Eager. W. S. Dawson. 1925 W. S. Dawson. 1926 G. de M. Rudolf. Elizabeth Casson. 1927 1928 1929 ‘¿93° P. K. McCowan. F. R. Martin. Alexander Walk. G. W. T. H. Fleming. 1932 ‘¿933 ‘¿934 ‘¿935 1936 ‘¿937 1938 @ ‘¿939 Duncan Macmillan. J. H. Ewen. ‘¿93' Muriel L. M. Northcote. Louis Minski. Desmond Curran. William Blyth. W. R. Ashby. D. N. Parfitt. H. C. Becele. Arthur Guirdham. S. W. Hardwick. D. K. Bruce. E. H. E. S. Stern. F. T. Thorpe. Kitching. j Eliot Slater. J. A. Hobson. * Prize G. Tayleur only. Stockings. x Medals The (iaskell and Prizes. Gold Medal I @alzie no! less I/un: and Prize. Li'..) this Medal and Prize was established, at the A unual Meeting held on A ugust 9, i886, in honour of Samuel Gaskell, Esq., F.R.C.S., at one time Medical Super intendent of the County Asylum, Lancaster, and afterwards for 17 years a Commissioner in Lunacy. Upon his death on March 16, i886, his sister, Mrs. Holland, gave £,ooo to the Association, and other members of the family contributed further sums amounting to £340. The interest of this sum is given annually as a prize to the candidate who most distinguishes himself in an Examination in the subjects hereunder mentioned. ilie examination (i) Candidates must must be held in England produce evidence: according (a) Of having to the terms attained of the Trust. the age of 23. (b) Of having been qualified Medical Officers in one or more mental hospitals or clinics in psychiatry in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in the British Empire for at least two years. (c) Of possessing the Certificate in Psychological Medicine of this Association or a degree or diploma in Psychological Medicine of one of the Universities or Examining Boards having the power to grant medical qualifications registrable in the British Isles or elsewhere in the British Empire. (2) Candidates will be examined in: (a) Psychology. of the Nervous System, reproductive and endocrine in relation to mental disorders. (c) The diagnosis, Illental disorders. (d) Clinical cases. An entry fee of £3 35. is charged, returnable (b) Anatomy, Histology glands; Pathology prognosis, treatment to bona-fide and Physiology of the above, especially and legal relations of candidates. xi The Bronze Medal and Prize. ( I―al,i'T',z (;lI1@11-(lS.) -@-- The Bronze Medal and Prize was established at the A @znual .lleeting August 2, ,88z, and is awarded to any assistant ,nedical officer of a mental (public or private) for the best dissertation on a cli@lical or pathological relating to mental disorders. The following (i) The (2) Each envelope or device is an abstract dissertation dissertation to be to be held Ofl hospital subject of the conditions: written distinguished in English. or device, containing the name and residence of the author, corresponding with that on the dissertation. by a motto and and having accompanied by on the outside a sealed a motto (@)The dissertation shall not exceedio,ooowordsin length. (@)The dissertation and every accompanying drawing and preparation will become the property of the Association, to be published in the Journal at the discretion of the Editors. (5) The dissertations not approved, with their accompanying drawings and preparations, will, upon application within one year, be returned, together with the sealed envelopes unopened: if not claimed within one year they will become the property of the Association. (6) The dissertations for the year must be delivered to the Registrar before April 30. (7) No prize will be awarded if none of tile dissertations is of sufficient merit. xii Divisional Prizes (Two for Prizes Assistant Medical Officers. of J@zo and £5 resj5eclively.) The proposal to award Divisional Prizes under the conditions set out below emanated Irish Division and was adopted at the Annual Meeting held on July I 3, 191i. (I) Two vided prizes sufficient Divisional £‘o and £s respectively be shown) Institution Competitors must will be for the best paper Meeting by an Assistant Neurological (2) of merit awarded read annually during (See also be of members the Regulation the Association the preceding Medical Officer or Assistant or Service. by calendar Physician from the (pro year at a in a Psychiatric or No. 7.) Association. (@)Only one paper by a competitor can be entered during any competitive year. The same applies to a paper entered by more than one author.* (@)Only papers certified by the Secretary of the Division (in the absence of the Secretary, the Chairman of the Division of the Meeting) to have been read at a meeting for this competition can be entered. Divisional Secretaries are to withhold cases where there has occurred material alterations or additions. and to be eligible their certificates in (@)Papers certifiedas eligiblefor the competitionshall be forwardedto the Registrar not later than April 30 of the following year. They shall be submitted to the Examiners in Psychological Medicine for report and then adjudicated shall not invalidate a paper for adjudication.t (6) The results shall be announced, and the prizes for the Certificate on by the President. awarded, if any, by the Annual Meeting in the year following the competitive year. (7) Papers by more than one author can be entered and any prize awarded among Publication President at the will be divided the authors. (8) If in any competitive Council may withhold either year, one or two papers only are submitted or both prizes; or it may, after considering for competition the the report of the Adjudicator, and if in its opinion the paper or papers are of outstanding or second or both prizes, at its discretion. The Certificate This Certificate was founded examinations were held in i886. in Psychological at the A nnual Meeting merit, award a first Medicine. held on A ugust 4, 1885, and Candidates must be at least twenty-one years of age, and must produce a certificate had at least three months' clinical experience of mental disorders, or of having attended the first of having a course of lectures on insanity and the practice of a mental hospital (where there is clinical teaching) for a like period, or they shall give such proof of experience in mental disorders as shall, in the opinion of the President, The examination be sufficient. is held yearly, and is in three parts : (i) Written. (2) Oral. (3) Practical. Candidates must be registered under the Medical Act (1858) before the certificate is bestowed. The fee for the examination is £33S., and intending candidates should communicate with the Registrar, who will supply Candidates examinations This means failing on payment that date in the tbe joint and place examination of examination. may present themselves at the next or subsequent of a fee of Li is. authors (though separately eligible) cannot enter another paper in the competitive year. t The originai MS., certified in accordance with Regulation No. circumstances can a certified reprint accompany the certified original MS. of a published paper @, is to be submitted. be accepted, but a eprint, Oniy under exceptional where possible, shouid xiii The Insignia of the Nursing The Certificate Certificate. of Proficiency iii Mental Nursing was founded Meeting held on lu/v 24, /890. The Nursing The Nursing The Nursing Badge was founded 7uIv .1 ,znutzl Medal. Badge. at the 11, at the 1928. A nnual Mee'fi@zg held on xiv Honorary Certificate 1928. H.R.H. in Mental THE PRINCESS Nursing. ROYAL. The Campbell Clark Gold Medal and Prize. This Prize was instituted in 1933 in memory of the late Dr. Campbell Clark, and is awarded in May and November of each year to the candidate, whether mate or female, who obtains the highest number of marks at the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in Mental Nursing. It is provided that only candidates who have completed the whole of their training in one institution are eligible. The value of the prize is Three Guineas, together with the Medal. Winners 1933, ,, May. Barnett Hindson, Cambridge Mental Hospital. Nov. Florence Barber, MaudsleyHospital. 1934, May. 1935, Arthur of the Campbell Clark Medal. Nov. May. Cissie Morris, Bexley John Humphries, Thelma Mary Mental Hospital. Belfast Mental Hospital. Preece, Powick Mental Hospital. Nov. 1936, May. Nov. Ronald Nears, Claybury Mental Hospital. Winifred Amelia Hill, Erdington House. Norah Peck, Brentwood Mental Hospital. Frederick Austin, Hull City Mental Hospital. 1937, May. Mabel Nov. Alfred Stanley May. Trixie M. Frank Holden, 1938, 1938, Nov. ,, ,, 1939. May. Nelson Castling, B. Earp, Durham Rubery Padmanabha, Smithdown Mental Hospital. Hill Mental Hospital. Devbn Mental Road Hospital. Hospital. Josephine M. Burrow, Wilts County Mental Hospital. Mabel G. Scott, Belfast Mental Hospital. xv List of Chairmen. 841. Dr. Blake, Nottingham 1842. Dr. de Vitré, Lancaster 1843. Dr. 1844. 1847. 1848. 1851. Dr. Thurnam, The Retreat. Dr. Wintle, Warneford House. William Ley, M.R.C.S., Littlemore Dr. Conolly, Hanwell Asylum. 1852. Dr. Wintle, Warneford 1854. 1855. A. J. Sutherland, M.D., St. Luke's Hospital, J. Thurnam, M.D., Wilts County Asylum. r8@6. 1857. J. Hitchman, M.D., Derby County Asylum. Forbes Winslow, M.D., Sussex House, Hammersmith. 1858. John Conolly, Hanwell General Asylum. Asylum. Asylum. Asylum. House. List of Presidents. Conolly, M.D., Hanwell London. Asylum. 1859. Sir Charles Hastings, D.C.L., Worcester. @86o. J. C. Bucknill, M.D., Devon County Asylum. i86i. Joseph 1862. 1863. 1864. John Kirkman, M.D., Suffolk County Asylum. David Skae, M.D., Royal Asylum, Edinburgh. Henry Munro, M.D., Brook House. Lalor, M.D., i865. Wm. Wood, i866. W. A. F. Browne, M.D., Commissioner 1867. C. A. Lockhart r868. W. H. 0. Sankey, M.D., Sandywell 1869. T. Laycock, Edinburgh. i87o. Robert Boyd, M.D., Wells Asylum. M.D., Richmond Asylum, Kensington Robertson, M.D., Maudsley, House. M.D., in Lunacy for Scotland. Haywards Heath Henry 1872. Sir James The Lawn, 1873. Harrington 1874. i875. T. L. Rogers, J. F. Duncan, 1876. W. H. Parsey, M.D., Warwick 1877. 1878. 1879. G. Fielding Blandford, M.D., London. Sir J. Crichton.Browne, M.D., Lord Chancellor's J. A. Lush, M.D., Fisherton House. ,88o. i88i. G. W. Mould, M.R.C.S., Royal Asylum, Cheadle. D. Hack Tuke, M.D., London. M.D., Asylum. Park, Cheltenham. 1871. Coxe, M.D., Dublin. Hanwell. Commissioner in Lunacy for Scotland. Tuke, M.D., Chiswick House. M.D., Rainhill M.D., Dublin. M.D., Asylum. County Asylum. Visitor in Lunacy. 1882. Sir W. T. Gairdner, 1883. 1884. i88@. W. Orange, M.D., State Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Broadmoor. Henry Rayner, M.D., Hanwell Asylum. J. A. Eames, M.D., District Asylum, Cork. i886. Sir Geo. H. Savage, M.D., 1887. Sir Fred. Needham, M.D., Barnwood ,888. 1889. Sir T. S. Clouston, M.D., Royal H. Hayes Newington, F.R.C.P., Asylum, Edinburgh. Ticehurst House. 1890. David Asylum, 1891. E. B. Whitcombe, 1892. Robert 1893. J. Murray 1894. 1895. 1896. Conolly Norman, F.R.C.P.I., Richmond Asylum, Dublin. David Nicolson, C.B., M.D., State Criminal Lunatic Asylum, William Julius Mickle, M.D., Grove Hall. Yellowlees, Baker, M.D., Lindsay, 1897. Thomas A. R. Urquhart, 1899. J. B. Spence, 1900. r9oi. 1902. Fletcher Beach, Oscar T. Woods, J. Wiglesworth, Bethlem Royal M.R.C.S., M.D., 1898. Glasgow. Retreat. M.D., Derby M.D., County M.D., Glasgow. Birmingham. Asylum. Northumberland M.D., James Murray's O.B.E., Hospital. House. City Asylum, The W. McDowall, Royal Burntwood M.B., London. M.D.. District M.D., Rainhill Asylum, Asylum. Asylum. Royal Asylum, Asylum, Cork. Perth. Lichfield. Broadmoor. xvi 1903. Ernest W. ‘¿904. R. Percy ‘¿905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. White, Smith, C.R.E., M.D., MB., City of London Asylum, Stone. London. T. Outterson Wood, M.D., London. Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones, C.B.E., M.D., Claybury Asylum. P. W. MacDonald, M.D., Dorchester County Asylum. Chas. A. Mercier, M.D., Flower House. W. Bevan-Lewis, M.Sc., West Riding Asylum, Wakefield. Sir John Macpherson, M.D., Commissioner in Lunacy for Scotland. Wm. R. Dawson, O.B.E., M.D., Inspector of Lunatic Asylums, Dublin. J. Greig Soutar, MB., Barnwood House. James Chambers, M.D., The Priory. 1914-18. David G. Thomson, C.B.E., M.D., Norfolk 1918. John Keay, C.B.E., M.D., Bangour Village. County Asylum. 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. Bedford Pierce, M.D., The Retreat. William F. Menzies, M.D., Cheddleton Mental Hospital. Sir Hubert Bond, K.B.E., M.D., Commissioner, Board of Control. G. M. Robertson, M.D., Royal Mental Hospital, Morningside, Edinburgh. Edwin Goodall, C.B.E., M.D., Cardiff City Mental Hospital. Michael J. Nolan, L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Downpatrick Asylum. Sir Frederick W. Mott, K.B.E., M.D., London. 1926. John 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. Hamilton Marr, C.B., M.D., Commissioner, General Board of Control J. Shaw Bolton, D.Sc., M.D., West Riding Mental Hospital, Wakefield. Nathan Raw, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S.E., Lord Chancellor's T. Saxty Good, O.B.E., M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Oxford County 1931. 1932. 1933. R. R. Leeper, L.R.C.P.I., F.R.C.S.I., St. Patrick's R. B. Campbell, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., Stirling District Frank Douglas Turner, MB., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., R. Lord, Hospital, C.B.E., M.D., Horton Mental Hospital, Epsom. for Scotlana. Visitor in Lunacy. and City Mental Littlemore. Hospital, Mental Royal Dublin. Hospital, Larbert. Eastern Counties Institution, Colchester. 1934. Daniel 1935. Reginald F. 1936. M. 1937. Douglas A. Rambaut, Worth, Collins, M.A., O.B.E., O.B.E., McRae, M.D., M.D., Rutherford M.D., St. MB., B.S., Hospital, Mental M.R.C.S., F.R.C.P.E., John A. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. Sir J. Crichton-Browne, LL.D., D.Sc., M.D., F.R.S. Sir F. W. Mott, K.B.E., LL.D., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. Sir M. Craig, C.B.E., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Charles Kirk Clarke, LL.D., M.D. J. Carswell, F.R.F.P.S. Joseph Shaw Bolton, D.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P. Boyle, MB., M.D., CM., F.R.C.P.E., L. R.C.P.&S., 1926. George Edwin Goodall, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P. Sir John Macpherson, C.B., M.D., F. R.C.P.E. Charles E. Spearman, Ph.D., F.R.S. The Hon. Mr. Justice McCardie. Sir Hubert Bond, K.B.E., LL.B., D.Sc., M.D., 1932. Sir 1933. Adolf The 1935. 1936. Edward Meyer, Right Farquhar M.D., F.R.C.P.E., Buzzard, Bart., Lord Macmillan, 1937. F. L. Golla, D. K. Henderson, E. Mapother, Lecturers. F,R.C.S.E. F.R.C.P. K.C.V.O., M.A., Lewis C. Bruce, M.C., M.D., F.R.C.P.E., Sir Walter Langdon Brown, M.A., M.D., 1938. M.A., M.D., MB., B.Ch., M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.P., LL.D. M.P.C. F.R.C.P. F.R.C.P. F.R.C.P.E. F.R.C.S. Park, Sussex. M.D. Hon. Ayr. Scalebor Hove, 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. @ M. Robertson, Canterbury. Hospital, List of Maudsley @ L.R.C.P., Glengall 1939. A. Northampton. Hospital. 1938. Helen Gilmour, Andrew's Springfield M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Burley-in-Wharfedale. xvii Membership SOUTH-EASTERN Honorary Ordinary DivIsioN: . . SOUTH-WESTERN Honorary. Ordinary NORTHERN AND Honorary Ordinary ScoTTIsH IRISH of the Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘¿@ 68 352 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 i@i . . 201 . . 98 DIVISION: . . . MIDLAND M DIVISION: . . . . . . . . - 201 Honorary . . . . . . Ordinary . . . . . . DIvIsIoN: 8 DIVISION Honorary . . . . . . Ordinary . . . . . . . . 87 88 Ordinary . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i@) @i 114 48) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDIA: OTHER COUNTRIES: Honorary. Corresponding Ordinary . TOTAL MEMBERSHIP: Honorary. Corresponding Ordinary . b @i 1,053 967 Honorary xviii Members. HONORARY 1932. Armstrong-Jones, Sir Robert, MEMBERS. C.B.E., D.Sc., M.D., B.S., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., F.S A., D.L., J.P., 27, Phillimore Gardens, W. 8 (and Plas Dinas, Carnarvon, North Wales). (Ord. Mem. since 1882; Gen. Sec., 1897—1906; PRESIDENT, 1906—7.) 1900. Blumer, G. Alder, 196, Blackstone 1928. Bond, Sir Hubert, Senior M.D.Edin., of Control, Lect. on Psychiat., 1906—12; PRESIDENT, Johannes, burg, D.Sc., Board Emeritus Secretary, Bresler, K.B.E., Commissioner, S.W. z; 1900. M.D., L. R.C. P.Edin., Superintendent-Emeritus, Boulevard, Providence, R.I., U.S.A. (Ord. Sanitätsrat Oberschlesien, Dr., Butler Hospital; Mem., 1890.) LL.B.Lond., Hobart House, Middlx. Hosp. F.R.C.P., Grosvenor M.P.C., Place, London, (Ord. Mem., 1892; General 1921—22.) Director Germany; of Editor, the Provincial Mental Hospital, Psychiatrisch-neurologische Kreuz Wochenschrift. (Corr. Mem., 1896.) 1932. Briggs, 1934. 192 3.) Brock, Sir Laurence Grosvenor Place, L. Vernon, 1925. 1937. Chamberlain, Claude, Prof. 1909. Collins, Paris, M.D., 1924. Beacon G., GB., London, Rt. Hon. Henri, Neville, Professor of the M.D., MS., Job, K.C.V.O., Ruth, C.B.E., Senior Commissioner, Place, London, SW. i. Dawson, Lt.-Col. W. R., O.B.E., B.A., M.D., i8, Brock Street, Bath. (Ord. Mem., Board NW. Board U.S.A. of (Corr. Control, B.Sc., F.R.C.S., 1938. Goodall, Edwin, C.B.E., M.D., Hove, Sussex. Asst. Editor, 1923—24; Ord. Mem. since 1922. l'Hermitte, Dr. Paris Jacques (VHIe), Pierre, Jauregg, Terrace, of Control, Hobart @ Kirkland, House, S.W.i. Ampere, Jean, M.D., Hofrat of Vienna; J., O.B.E., Rt. B.S.Lond., F.R.C.P., 1894—5, and Co-Editor 1889.) Mbdecin Grosvenor B.Ch.Dubl., F.R.C.P.Irel., D.P.H., M.P.C., 1894; PRESIDENT, 1911—12; Co-Editor of de l'Hospice School, Vineland, Deficiency. M.P.C., “¿Fairlawn― of Journal, 1895—98; Paul Member of the Institute 54, Rue de Varenne, Brousse, Paris; Kingsway, PRESIDENT, 9, rue Marbeuf, Prof. Julius R. Wagner, i, Landesgerichtstr. of France; Professor of Hon. F.R.I.B.A., Lord, c/o. G.C.V.O., M.D., late Professor of Psychiatry, Dr. MA., E. A. Roberts, Macmillan, Macpherson, Sir John, C.B., M.D., C.M., F.R.C.P.Edin., (Ord. Me,n., i886; PRESIDENT, 1910—11.) 1921. Maudsley, Carr, K.C.M.G., Univer i8, Vienna. 1910. Melbourne Hospital, Victoria; Psychology, Paris (Vile), France. 1928. Sir Henry Regent's House, ‘¿935. Keay, John, C.B.E., M.D., CM., F.R.C.P., “¿Champions“¿, Beaminster, Mem. i886; PRESIDENT, 1918; Chairman, Educational Committee, 1937. since France. College of France; sity Hobart i, Albert Journal, 1920—21.) Edgar A., Ph.D., Director of Research at the Vineland Training New Jersey; President of the American Association on Mental Janet, Mem. i. Darwin, von Mass., M.P., Prime Minister, io, Downing Street, London, of Psychiatry, University of Paris; ii, Rue Doll, 1930. Boston, Chairman SW. i. 1936. 1930. Street, France. Sir Wm. Park, London, 1936. 64, C.B.E., LL.D., M.D., 34, Lowndes Milbank, SW. Dorset. (Ord. 1920-27.) Street, SW. @. i. “¿Hillside―, Cleeve, nr. Bristol. B.S., F.R.C.P., 8, Collins Street, Melbourne. Consulting Physician Honorary Members. 1937. Menzies, William Street, 1926. Meyer, Adolf, Nolan, 1922. Pactet, 1927. Rolleston, Sir F.R.C.P., 1929. Sherrington, James, Smith, “¿Three Trees “¿, Theobald Chief, Phipps Psychiatric L.R.C.S.I., J.P., Consulting Clinic, Johns Hopkins Visitor-in-Lunacy to the of Northern Ireland, and to the Chief Justice, Eire ; Slieve Road, Newcastle, Belfast, Ireland. (Ord. Mem. since ,888; 1924—5.) Florentin, Médecin Honoraire Seine, France. Humphry Davy, BI., “¿Martins “¿, Hasiemere, Sir Charles Scott, G.C.V.O., Surrey. O.M., “¿Broomside “¿, Valley Percy, M.D., Robert 1885; 1899—1903; PRESIDENT, 1901. Toulouse, Dr. Edouard, France. 1934. Whitwell, James Richard, James, M.A., Road, F.R.C.P., Secretary, 1896-97; de in Seine; DCL., LL.D., LL.D., Ipswich, 42, 35, Grande D.Sc., D.Sc., M.D., M.D., F.R.C.P., Suffolk. Albion Street, Chairman, London, Educational W. 2. Committee, 1904—05.) Médecin des Asiles Newbury, Berkshire. Library Committee, Frederick B.S.Lond., General des Asiles K.C.B., G.B.E., F.R.S., (Ord. Mem., Sir F.R.C.P.Lond., U.S.A. L.R.C.P.I., Dr. François Rue, Châtenay, F.R.C.S., 1927. C.M.Edin., in Md., Chief Justice Bryansford PRESIDENT, M.D., Psychiatrist Baltimore, Michael Lord Dhu, B.Sc., Herts. M.D., Hospital, 1931. F., Radlett, xix M.B.Edin., 43, de Ia Seine; Lancaster Close, i, Rue Cabanis, W. 2; ,6, Ord. Mem. since 1889; Acting Hon. Librarian since 1927; Hon. Librarian since 1928.) 1923. Willis, 1926. 1936. Winkler, C.. M.D., 35, Heerenstraat, \Vood, Rt. Hon. Sir Kingsley, M.P., K.B.E., C.B., Church Utrecht, Minister House, Bramley, Holland. (Corr. of Air, Whitehall, Paris Westgate Road, and Chairman, Guildford Mem., SW. (XIV'@), 1924.) i. xx Corresponding Members. CORRESPONDING 1928. Bliss, Malcolm 301, @ Andrews, Himboldt M.D., Consultant Buildings, St. 1929. Bouman, 1929. Psychiatric Clinic, Buscaino, V. M., M.D., Herman, 1897. Buschan, 1930. Campbell, Charles Macfie, M.D., Director, Boston Psychopathic 1927. Charpentier, Sanitätsrat setts, 1935. Minn., Prof. Justus Karl Berlin-Grbnewald. Professor of Edmund, Psychiatry and Jan Luykenstraat 24, Amsterdam. Professor of Psychiatry, University Dr. med. et phil. G., Friedrich Professor Hospital; St. Luke's Hospital; U.S.A. of Director, Director of of Catania, Carlstrasse the University Sicily. 7, Stettin, Psychiatry, 74, Fenwood Zehlenhof Harvard Road, Germany. Medical School; Boston, Massachu U.S.A. René, Paris; 1936. M.D., in Neuro-Psychiatry, Louis, Boedeker, Geheimer Sanitätsrat, Asylum; i8, Kolnrigs-Aliee, K. MEMBERS. M.D., Vice-Président x 19, rue Perronet, Cheney, Clarence 0., Medical 121, Westchester Avenue, Combemale, Pierre, Professor Neuilly de la s/Seine Director of the White Plains, of Psychiatry Société Médico-Psychologique (Seine), de France. Westchester Division, New York, U.S.A. in the University of New Lile, York Hospital, Médecin-Chef a l'Asile de Bailleul, Nord, France. @ Coroleii, Wilfrid, Medico forense del distrito de la Barceloneta, Aribau, 31, Barcelona, of Colorado; Spain. 1896. Cowan, F. M., M.D., 109, Perponcherstraat, 1929. Ebaugh, 1930. Frankl1in G.. Director, Colorado Colorado, U.S.A. Evensen, Dr. Hans, Commissioner Society. 1911. 1907. 1930. 1911. A.B., M.D., Professor Psychiatric Medical in Legal The Hague, Holland. of Hospital; Director, Psychiatry, University 4200, Ninth Gaustad Medicine East State for Norway; Hospital, Avenue, Vinderen, President, Denver, Norway; Norwegian Psychiatric Falkenberg, Sanitätsrat, Dr. Wilhelm, Berlin-Friedenau, Ringstr. @. Ferrari, Giulio Cesare, M.D., Director, Manicomio Provinciale, Imola, Bologna, Italy. Flournoy, Dr. Henri, 6, Rue de Monnetier, Geneva, Switzerland. Friedländer, Prof. Dr. Adolf Albrecht, Haus Sonnblick, Littenweiler, bei Freiburgi/Baden, Germany. 1931. Génil-Perrin, 1938. tary, French League for Mental Hygiene; 99, Avenue La Bourdonnais, Gjessing, R., Dikemark Sykehus, Asker, pr. Oslo, Norway. Dr., 1901. Gom,nfis, 1930. Haskovec, Dr. Chief Marcel, Prof. Dr. Physician, 5, Rue Seine Parrot, Ladislav, Department Paris Professor Mental Hospitals; General Secre Paris (VII). (XIU). of Nervous Diseases in the Charles University, Prague, Czecho-Slovakia. 1931. Hincks, Clarence Mental Meredith, Hygiene, C. 1928. Kappers, 1936. Research, Amsterdam. Klaesi, Prof. Jakob, Director, 1934. Kraus, 1936. Maier, G., Prof. U. A.B., Aribns, M.D., General Avenue, Director, University Provinciaal Ziekenhuis, H. Director, W., M.D., 450, Seventh Director of the New York, Netherlands Psychiatric Santpoort, University by National Central Institution Clinic, Waldau, Haarlem, May, James V., M.D., 36, Adams Avenue, Psychiatric Watertown, for Clinic, Mass., for Brain Berne, Switzerland. Holland. Switzerland. 1932. Committee U.S.A. U.S.A. Burgholzli, Zurich, Corresponding 1930. Miyake, •¿ Dr. Koichi, Professor Tokio Municipal of Matsuzawa Psychiatry, Moreno, Dr. Samuel Ramirez, Director, Morowoka, Dr. T., Owada, 102, Shibuya, 1929. Pameijer, H., M.D., Inspector M.D., Professor xxi Tokio Psychopathic 193!. 1922. J. Members. Imperial Hospital, University; Manicomio General, Tokyo, Japan. of State Mental Director, Japan. Mexico Hospitals, City. Bildersstraat 22, The Hague. 1928. Pighini, Giacomo, Instituto Italy. 1909. 1929. Pilcz, Pratt, Psichiatrico Prof. Dr. Alexander, G. K., M.D., Assistant 1937. Répond, Dr. A., Maison Riedel, Dr. Gustavo, de Janeiro, 1931. Westport, de Sante Director, Brazil; and de Malévoz, Monthey, Brazilian 1922. Sano, 1929. Scheer, Dr., late Directeur Prof. W. der, Mental de M.D., @o, Hygiene, Switzerland. of Engenbo de Dentro, for Mental Diseases, for Mental Hygiene; Butler Hospital, Gheel, Rio Vice Illenau, Báden, Secretary, Health Providence, Yale University, New Haven; Chairman, Committee for Mental Hygiene. de Ia Colonie M. van for League for Mental Hygiene; Superintendent, U.S.A.; Lecturer in Psychiatry, tive Committee of the National Valais, Colony Association Welfare Committee, Baden. Ruggles, Dr. Arthur H., Medical Scientifici, Via Dc Amicis U.S.A. Hospital-Psychopathic German Laboratori Reggio Emilia, 43, Vienna. National Committee Connecticut, Hon. President, Secretary, Director, S. Maurizio, President, Brazilian Society of Psychiatry. Roemer, Dr. med. Hans, Director, Institute Germany; 1931. Psychiatry VIII/2 Alserstrasse Medical Director, 8o, Myrtle Avenue, 1931. of di S. Lazzaro, R.I., Execu Belgium. Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Kliniek, Groningen, Holland. 1934. 1930. Simon, Strecker, 1929. Stuurman, Hermann, Edward College; Direktor A., M.D., iii, F. Oegstgeest, 1935. Sveinsson, North J., M.D., der Provinzialheilanstalt, Professor of Nervous Forty-ninth Secretary, near Leyden, Thordur, Street, Dutch Gütersloh, Westphalia, Germany. Mental Diseases, Jefferson Medical and Philadelphia, Association U.S.A. for Psychiatry and Neurology; Holland. Medical Superintendent, Gamle Kleppur Asylum, Reykjavik, Iceland. 1927. 1929. Targowla, René, M.D., Chev. Leg. Hon., 169, Rue Thom, Douglas A., M.D., Professor of Mental Commonwealth 1935. Tómasson, Avenue, Helgi, Medical Boston, Mass., Superintendent, de L'ljniversité, Hygiene, Tuft Paris (Vile). Medical School; 520, U.S.A. N@ja Spitalanum a Kleppi, Reykjavik, Director, Psychiatric Iceland. 1930. Weygandt, Dr. phil. et med. Clinic, University 1929. Wiersma, E. D., late Clinic, Groningen, 1930. Williams, Frankwood Bulletin; Wilhelm, Professor of Hamburg; Professor of Psychiatry Friedrichsbergerstr of Psychiatry and and 6o, Hamburg. Director of the University Mental Hygiene and Psychiatric Holland. E., D.Sc., M.D.; 44, West 12th Street, Editor, New York City. Mental Hygiene xxii Members ORDINARY Alphabetical of the A ssociation. MEMBERS List of Ordinary OF THE ASSOCIATION. Members of the Association on January I, 1940, with the year in which they joined@ 1928. Abd-el-Hakeem, Mohammed, Mental 1910. Adam, Hospital, George Henry, Malling, 1931. Adamson, M.B., Abbassia, B.Ch.Cairo, Cairo, M.R.C.S., James Weeden Adev, J. K., MB., Victoria, 1923. Ainsworth, Aird, L.R.C.P., Woodhams, C.M.Melh., Cyrus Patrick Gerald, Allan, Samuel Allen, M.B., Miller, James 1924. Alexander, Mailing Place, L.R.C.P., Wales), Hobart House, Royal West L.S.A., Com House, Grosvenor Park, Melbourne, Alexander, MB., Marion D.P.M., Cameron, Medical D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Medical D.P.M., 6i, L.R.C.P., Devon Superintendent, Collins D.P.M., B.Ch., B.A.O.Belf., Hall Mental Hospital, MB., Assistant St. Street, Deputy Melbourne, Medical Super Surrey. M.B., Elizabeth, D.P.H., Doncaster. M.R.C.S., Epsom, Medical Officer, Storthes Dorah D.P.M., B.S.Syd., MC., Manor, L.R.C.P., Dublin. Ch.B.Belf., MB., Reid, The M.R.C.S., Devon. Loversall, Arthur, B.Ch.Camb., B.A.O.N.U.I., Hospital, Ch.B.Glasg., B.Sc., Douglas intendent, MB., Exminster, Institution, Albiston, Norman Australia. Allman, Officer, Chichester. B.Ch., Hospital, Stewart, 1926. 1899. and Receiving LL.B., Mental M.D., Mental Catherine's 1922. Physician, M.R.C.S., (England F.R.A.C.P., Hospital, Grangegorman County 1932. Resident M.D.Durh., MA., Mental Joseph, Officer, 1931. Medical Australia. Graylingwell 1935. Assistant Kent. missioner of the Board of Control Place, London, SW. I. 1919. D.P.M., Egypt. B.Ch.R.U.I., Dip!. Psych. Kirkburton, Karavanagh, Edin., Assistant near Huddersfield. 52, Sandymount Avenue, Dublin. 1935. Anderson, 1929. Anderson, John Colquhoun, Glasgow, W. 2. Edward W., 1938. Anderson, Rupert George, M.D.Edin., Hobart House, Grosvenor Place, 1918. Anderson, William M.D., Andrews, Gordon Hospital, 1912. Annandale, Frank, James 1938. Annesley, Dudley 1904. Archdale, Scott, MB., MB., Alexander, Bernard Bethlem 1930. Armstrong, County 1935. Arnott, Bank, Dartford, Psych., 68, Commissioner, i. F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Kent. Highburgh Board Lect. Road, of Control, on Ment. Dis., Glasgow. L.R.C.P., Assistant Medical Officer, Severalls D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Kingseat Medical Officer, Hospital, Aberdeen. B.Ch.Dubl., Assistant Severalls Essex. Mervyn Armitage, Ch.B., Ch.B.Aberd., Newmachar, M.B., Hall, Middleton-St.-George, ‘¿903. D.P.M.Lond., London, SW. Crescent, M.R.C.S., Midland DipI. Essex. Thomas, Colchester, c/o Ch.B.Glasg., M.D., 2, Woodside Colchester, Mental Hospital, D.P.M., MB., Kirkpatrick, Andr. Col!., Glasg.; 1938. M.R.C.P., B.Sc., William B.S.Durh., Durham. Francis, Royal Hospital, Robert William, and City Mental D. P.M., Medical (Chairman, MA., M.R.C.S., Monk's Orchard, Superintendent, Almora N. and M. Division, L.R.C.P., Assistant Eden Park, Beckenham, B.Sc., M.D., B.Ch.BeLf., D.P.M., Hospital, Littlemore, Oxford. Medical (Chairman, 1938—40.) Physician, Kent. Superintendent, SW. Division, 1938—40.) Desmond 143, 1930. Ashby, William Henry, Street, Sydney, Macquarie William Ross, St. Andrew's 1934. Aslett, 1927. Atkin, Henry tendent, Isaac, Knowle 1922. Back, Frederick, Sunderland M.A., M.D., Hospital, Edward M.D., Mental Hospital, M.B., B.Ch.Cantab., M.R.C.S., Mental Hospital, M.R.C.S., Mental Ch.M., F.R.A.C.P., D.P.M.Sydnev, “¿Harley “¿, Australia. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Pathologist, Northampton. Cullinan, Rauceby MB., B.S.Lond., Hospital, L.R.C.P., Fareham, M.R.C.S., Cherry L.R.C.P., Sleaford, D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superin Lincs. D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Hants. L.R.C.P., Knowle,Ryhope, D.P.M., Medical Durham. Superintendent, @VIembersof the Associaiion. 1938. 1926. xxiii Bailey, Kenneth Cyril, MA., MB., B.Ch., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Assistant Officer, Warlingham Park Hospital, Upper Warlingham, Surrey. Bailey, Josiah Reginald, M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., Medical Superintendent, Gogarburn Institution, Corstorphine, Edinburgh. 1937. Bain, 1906. City Mental Hospital, Humberstone, Baird, Harvey, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Medical Archibald James, MB., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M.Leeds, Senior Leicester. Superintendent, Assistant Medical Certified Medical Periteau House, Officer, Winchelsea, Sussex. 1934. Barnford, Charles Mental 1922. Banbury, Barry, Percy, Barber, Leonard, Barbour, 1922. William Barclay, L.R.C.P., M.D., Medical Mental D.P.M.Dub!., Morpeth, Medical Superintendent, Gateshead Northumberland. D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Borough Mental Ipswich. Deputy Surrey. 1934. Ch.B., Stannington, M.R.C.S., Hospital, 1930. M.D., Hospital, B.S.Durh., Johnstone, Hospital, Rachel L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Superintendent, M.D., Rowditch, Mary, MA., L.R.F.P.&S.Glasg., Brookwood Ch.B., Hospital; D.P.M., D.P.M., “¿TheOrchard Medical “¿, Knaphill, Superintendent, Borough Derby. LL.B., M.D.Edin., Dip!. Psych., 2, W. Crosscauseway, Edinburgh. 1938. Bardon, Desmond Terence, Hospital, Dublin. ‘¿904. Barham, 1919. 1927. Guy Foster, MA., B.Ch., M.D., B.A.O., Assistant B.Ch.Camb., Medical M.R.C.S., Haven, Cornwall. Barkas, Mary Rushton, M.Sc.N.Z., M.D., B.S., Tapu, Thames, New Zealand. Barkas, Thomas Cook, O.B.E., M.B., B.S.Durh., Hall, Middleton 1923. MB., L.R.C.P., John St. Patrick's Tresilian, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Resident Medical Gorran D.P.M., Officer, Taihoa, Middleton St. George, co Durham. Barnes, Francis Gregory Lawson, MB., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., Superintendent, Long Grove Hospital, Epsom, Surrey. z93@. Barnes, Officer, Francis Lovel, MA., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Hill End Hospital, Medical St. Albans, Herts. 1939. Barua, Hem Chandra, MB., ‘¿9°'. Baskin, J. Lougheed, bury, Bucks. 1932. Bates, Ralph Marshall, Purdown 1933. 1921. 1932. 1934. 1922. Bedford, Mental Percy Hospital, William Page, Tezpur, Assma, Warming Medical Stoke Resident Officer, Park L.R.C.P., D.P.M., SW. M.D., D.P.M., Resident Bell, Gavin John, Bell, George Benjacar, MB., Hospital, Ch.B., Superintendent, Dis., Bethlem 1927—31.) Deputy City Royal Edward Mental Hosp. Medical Superintendent Dip!. Psych.Edin., Medical Superintendent' The Warneford, Superintendent, Dundee. D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Park Prewett Ladysbridge Mental Hants. Ch.B.Edin., Medical Assistant Medical Superintendent, Banff. Edgar, Institution, B.S.Lond., M.B., Colony; i7. Westgreen, Basingstoke, Macdonald, Ayles Medical Officer, Dorset County Mental Hospital, Herrison, near Dorchester. Beggs, John, MA., M.B.,Ch.B., B.A.O.Dubl.,Senior Assistant Physician, Oxford. Bell, Andrew Allan, MB., Ch.B., F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., D.P.M., Medical Mental Hospital, India. Hall, Bristol. Beccle, Harold Charles, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P., Hospital, 1933. Hospital, L.R.F.P.S.G!asg., Middlesex Colony, Shenley. Beaton, Thomas, O.B.E., M.D.Lond., F.R.C.P., Medical Hospital, Milton, Portsmouth. Lect. on Ment. (Assistant Editor, 1926-27, and Co-Editor of Journal, Mental 1931. D.P.M., Stapleton, Beasley, Henry Eric, MB., B.S., M.R.C.S., Dundee 1934. Mental L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., F.R.C.S., House, Springfield 1913. Superintendent, M.D., M.D.Malta, Colchester; Armstrong, Officer, The Turner Village, Turner 1931. Bennet, 1914. London; 97, Harley Street, London, Bennett, James Wodderspoon, M.R.C.S., Torquay, S. Devon. M.C., MA., M.D., D.P.M., W.,. L.R.C.P., Royal Eastern Physician, The Tavistock “¿Marsden “¿, Babbacombe ,@37. Benson, Gerald Edward Officer, Fiddington i9@4. Benson, John Robinson, F.R.C.S., Resident Physician, Lavington, Wilts, and Laverstock House, Salisbury. 1936—38.) Counties Road, Mile End, Colchester. Meade, MA., B.M., B.Ch., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., House, Market Lavington, Devizes, Wilts. Fiddington (Chairman, Resident Clinic, Road, Medical House, Market S.W. Division, xxiv Members Cecil ‘¿939. Beresford, 1899. 1922. and Deputy Medical Superintendent, The Retreat, York; 132, Lawrence Street, York. Beresford, Edwyn Henry, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 2o,Campiofl Road, Putney, London,S.W.i@. Berkeley-Hill, Owen Alfred Rowland, M.A., M.D., B.Ch.Oxon, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., Lt.-Col. I.M.S. (retired), “¿ Hillstow “¿,Tatisilwai, Ranchi District, Bihar, India. 1912. Berncastle, 1938. Croydon. Berrington, William Pvc, MB., Officer, West Park Hospital, B.Ch., B.A.O.Belf., Epsom, Surrey. 1939. Betts, L.R.C.P., George Arnold, Sorab 1938. Bhattacharjya, D.P.M., 1934. Biggart, 1920. L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.S., D.P.M., L.R.C.P., Lt.-Col. I.M.S. Bidyapati, MB., Officer Commanding, John Toorak, Assistant 36, Medical Physician Birdhurst D.P.M.Lond., Assistant (retired), Rise, Assistant Officer, S. Medical County L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., c/o Lloyds Bank, Ltd., Bombay, Henry, Malone Senior and City Hereford. Jamasji, L.M.Dubl., B.S.Lond., Melbourne, Hospital, Bhathena, 2, MB., Herbert Mental 1932. Clee, of the Association. M.D., Park, B.S.Pat., ,o Indian Professor L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., India. M.R.C.P.Lond.&Edin., General Hospital, Egypt. of Pathology, Queens M.R.C.S.Eng., University, Belfast; Belfast. Birch, 1894. William Somerset, MC., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Medical Superintendent, The Mental Hospital, Bridgetown; “¿Rosemont “¿,Bridgetown, Barbados, British West Indies. Blachford, James Vincent, C.B.E., M.D., B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.P.C., 1935. Blacker, Milverton 1898. 1938. House, Long Ashton, Somerset. Carlos Paton, David, M.A., M.D., Donald Alexander C.M.Glasg., Sangster, D.P.M.Lond., Blake, 1919. Blake, 1939. Bleaden, 1932. 1934. 1900. B. S., Assistant L.R.C.P.&S.1., Frank D.M.Oxon., M.R.C.P., General Secretary, 3a, Eton Terrace, Edinburgh. MA., M.B., Ch.B.Cantab., Central Autridge, Eugenics London, S.W.'. Medical Officer, Cane Hill Hospital, Stanley, L. R.C.P.&S.Irel., Mental Hospital, Donabate, Criminal Asylum, Dundrum, Deputy Resident co. Dublin. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Medical M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Coulsdon, Surrey. Co. Dublin. Superintendent, D.P.M., Assistant Portrane Medical Officer, Brighton County Borough Mental Hospital, Haywards Heath, Sussex. Blyth, William, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., F.R.F.P.S., Senior Physician, Royal National Institution, Larbert, Stirlingshire. Bogle, Harriette Grenelle, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Holloway Sanatorium, Virginia Water, Surrey. Bolton, Joseph Shaw, Diseases, Bucks. 1935. MA., Square, Blair, Blair, 1939. MC., Society, 69, Eccleston Boome, Edward L.C.C., D.Sc., M.D., University (PRESIDENT, James, and MB., Visiting B.S.Lond., of Leeds; 1928—29.) Ch.B., Medical F.R.C.P., Emeritus Professor “¿Merevale “¿,Brownswood M.R.C.P., Officer, D.P.H., Farmfield T.D., Road, Divisional Certified Scottish Officer, of Mental Beaconsfield, Medical Institution; Officer, Greystacks, Hill View Road, Woking, Surrey. 1937. Bonnell, Hugh Hospital, S.W. 4. Jane, Emrys, B.5c.Wales, Wickford, 1937. Bonnell, 1934. Hall, Harmston, Lincoln. Booth, Edith Marion, M.B., Ch.B., Hospital, Stone, near Aylesbury. 1922. Bostock, John, M.Sc., Essex; MB., A.I.C., B.S., M.R.C.S., ,6, L.R.C.P., Queenswood M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Assistant M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Visiting Court, Assistant Medical Pathologist, King's Medical Officer, F.R.A.C.P., Runwell Avenue, London, Officer, Bucks D.P.M., Harmston County Lauriston, Mental Wickham 1898. Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Bower, Cedric William, L.M.S.S.A., Physician-Superintendent, Springfield House, near Bedford. (Chairman, SE. Division, 1938—39.) Boyd, William, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.H., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Fife and Kinross District Asylum, Cupar, Fife. Boyle, A. Helen A., M.D.Brux., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., 5, The Drive, Hove, Sussex. (Presi 1933. Boyle, 1918. 1926. dent, ‘¿939—40.) 1926. Eric Patrick, MB., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M.Eng., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Worcester County and City Mental Hospital, Powick, Worcester. Braithwaite, Joseph, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Cumberland 1922. Bramwell, and Westmorland and Edwin, Prof. M.D., of Clin. Mental Hospital, Garlands, F.R.C.P.Edin.&Lond., Med., Univ. of Edin., Carlisle. F.R.S.Edin., 23, Drumsheugh Physician, Gardens, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. Members of the Association. 1911. Brander, John, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., F.R.C.P., Hospital, New Southgate, London, N. ii. 1925. Brennan, Richard District 1930. Bristowe, Hubert Brody, B.Ch.N.U.I., M.R.C.S., Belgrave Benjamin, D.P.M., Medical D.P.M., Superintendent, Assistant Friern Medical Officer, Waterford. M.D.Lond., @,Upper Morris MB., Hospital, C., (retired), 1937. Dominick, Mental xxv Road, MB., L.R.C.P., Clifton, Ch.B., M.P.C., Hon. Major R.A.M.C. Bristol. Assistant Physician, Runwell Hospital, Wickford, Essex. 1938. Brooks, Matthew Severalls James, M.R.C.S.Eng., Hospital, Basil Colchester, William, 1924. Brown, 1905. London, SW. 15. Brown, Harry Egerton, O.B.E., M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Road, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, S. Africa. 1908. Brown, Robert MB., L.R.C.P.Lond., Dods, 1935. Brown, Roger State 1916. Brown, Crosbie, 1939. Browne, James, Cherisey, 1935. Brownlees, 1917. 1932. 1928. Bruce, M.A., Oxford; MB., B.Ch., M.D., D.P.H., Dipl. Deputy Psych., Physician Assistant F.R.C.P., Wilde London, Medical Superintendent, Berks. Reader John Kilpatrick, Hospital, Alexander Ninian, M.R.C.S., Exminster, Officer, D.Sc., L.R.C.P., near M.D., F.R.C.P.Edin., Brunton, George Llewellyn, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Hospital, Mapperley Hill, Nottingham. Oswald, 1939. Buckle, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Donald George Fergus, Street, Maatjevera, Botleys Park Assistant Lect. Doris MB., Elizabeth, %V. i. Noel Hawley Denmark B.S.Melb., New South Ch.B., Natal, London, 75, MB., Sydney, Pietermaritzburg, on Neurol., Villas, Hove, Medical D.P.M., National City Bank of Capetown, Medical Officer, Fort Napier Institution, B.S.Lond., 1924. Bushe, 1921. (retired), Hill End Hospital, St. Albans, Herts. Buzzard, Sir Edward Farquhar, Bart., K.C.V.O., MA., M.D., B.Ch.Oxon., Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford University; 8@, Banbury Road, 1921. 1928. Caldicott, Caldwell, 1938. Calvèrt, Charles William Park Preston Cameron, West B.A.Cantab., O.B.E., B.A., Hospital M.D., M.R.C.S., Herrison, David Medical Assistant Medical Officer, Medical Super L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Hospital, Burghill, Hereford. Assistant Medical Officer, B.Ch.Dubl., C. Epsom, Surrey. L.R.C.P., Junior Dorchester, S., MB., Place, D.M.R.E.Camb., Surg.-Rear-Admiral Assistant West RN., F.R.C.P., Oxford. Commissioner, i. MB., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Grantbourne, M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.P.M., Medical (L.C.C.), Craine, Alexander M.R.C.S., Macdonald, MA., MD., D.P.H.Edin., House, Grosvenor Place, London, SW. Holt, M.B.E., Alexander, Hospital, D.P.M., Devonshire 1935. Hannah Hobart L.R.C.P., 15, intendent, Hereford County and City Mental Burt, Hutchison, MB., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M.Leeds, Riding Mental Hospital, Wakefield. Eggleston, M.R.C.S., D.I@.M., Burrows, Calder, Flora Control, Michael, M.R.C.P., 1936. 1928. Australia, S. Africa. MB., Kendal, Mental Wales. 1932. Charles Edin.; Sussex. Superintendent, c/o of Superintendent, Perth. Medical Officer, Superintendent, Cell Barnes Colony, St. Albans, Herts. Burns, Robert Henderson, B.A.Cantab., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Claybury Hospital, Woodford Bridge, Essex. Thomas Officer, Univ. Burke, 1939. Colony, Medical 1928. Mental Mental Exeter. Brunlees, West in W. I. 8, Ainslie Place, Edinburgh. Bruce, David Charles, MB., Ch.B.Edin., Dip!. Psych. Edin., Medical Criminal Lunatic Department and State Institution for Defectives, Bruce, David Kennedy, M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., Senior Assistant Storthes Hall Mental Hospital, Kirkburton, near Huddersfield. Bunbury, “¿, Henderson Surrey. Mental Buhrmann, Officer, Roehampton, Gates Medical Crowthorne, Street, 1913. 1933. Priory, Green B.Ch.Oxon., 88, Harley B.A.O., The M.P.C.,― Junior Broadmoor, 1927. 1939. Medical Aberdeen. L.R.C.P., Asylum, Univ. Thomas Devon Hospital, M.R.C.S., Lunatic D.P.M., F.R.C.P.Edin., Mental D.Sc.Lond., Philosophy, L.M.S.S.A., Ch.B., Royal Criminal William, B.S.Lond., M.D., Superintendent, Assistant Essex. Board of Chobham, Surrey. Superintendent, Medical Officer, Counts Dorset. Ch.B., Bangour Mental Hospital, Broxburn, Hospital, Worcester, Lothian. 1925. Cameron, 1936. Mass., U.S.A. Cameron, Kenneth, MB., C1LB., Dip!. Psych., Mental Hospital, Morningside, Edinburgh. Donald Ewen, MB., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., Worcester Assistant State Physician, Edinburgh Royal Members xxvi 1936. of the Association. 1932. Campbell, Margaret Catherine, M.B., Ch.B.Glas., Assistant Medical Officer, @@est Riding Mental Hospital, Wakefield. Campbell, Robert Brown, M.D., CM., F.R.C.P.Edin., 15, Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh 12. (Secretary, Scottish Division, 1910-20, and Chairman, 1929—30; PRESIDENT, 1932—33.) Cannon, Alexander, MA., M.D., Ph.D., D.P.M., 53, Welbeck Street, London, W. i. 1930. Cannon, 1897. H. C. A. Physician, 1936. Cant, 1927. Carey, John 1938. Carlv!e-Gall, Tandy, Surgeon Springwell Arthur Pinney, Catherine, Cork. Lt.-Commander House, Hayes MB., MB., Ch.B.Bir., B.Ch.N.U.I., Carlyle Marchant, RN. End, Waltham Assistant \I.R.C.S., (Ret.), L.R.C.P.&S.I., Resident Middlesex. House, Medical Coleshill, Officer, L.R.C.I'., near District l).P.M., Birmingham. Mental 37, Hospital, tniversity Road, Belfast. 1)32. Carroll, Denis Charles, M.A.Cantab., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Proud's Farmmm, Thaxted, Essex. 1933. Carruthers, Peter Walter, MB., Ch.B.Edin., Assistant Medical Officer, The Old Manor, Salisbury. 1935. Carse, Joshua, M.D., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Gravlingwell Mental Hospital, Chichester. 1939. Carson, James, MB., Borough 1928. 1922. 1934. 1928. 1932. Cassin, Patrick Chalmers, 1937. Chalmers, Chambers, M.D., B.Ch.N.U.I., M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., Larbert, John, M.B., Walter Medical Officer, Brighton County Sussex. D.M.D., Assistant Ch.B.Glasg., Deputy MA., Resident Medical Medical M.D., Medical Officer, Superintendent. Royal Charlton, Ernest Chennell, Peter Eileen Chevens, National Herries, MB., B.S., Ayr. F.R.C.P.Edin., M.P.C., Assistant Medical Physician House, l'erth. (Chair Psych. Edin., Medical Officer, Bexlev Hospital Kent. Anne, Leslie Scottish Superintendent,GlengallHospital, Ch.B., Superintendent, James Murray's Royal Asylum; Murray man, Scottish Division, 1939—40.) Chapman, William Noel James, MB., Ch.B., D.P.H., Dip!. Superintendent, Lanark District Asylum, Hartwood. MB., B.S., M.R.C.S., Officer, Brooke House, Clapton, 1923. Assistant Heath, Stirlingshire. Duncanon, (L.C.C.), Bexley, 1928. Senior Haywards Joseph, Edith, 1911. ‘¿p39. D.P.M., Hospital, Mental Hospital, Kilkenny, Ireland. Casson, Elizabeth, M.D., Ch.B.Brist., D.P.M., Dorset House, Clifton, Bristol 8. Cates, Bernard, M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M.Lond., Assistant Physician, City of London Mental Hospital, Stone, near Dartford, Kent. Cates, Henry Joseph, M.D.Lond., D.P.H., Medical Superintendent, Northwoods House, Winterbourne, Bristol. Institution, 1932. Ch.B., Mental Charles Frederick, L.R.C.I@., London, E. M.R.C.S., D.P.M., Assistant Medical @. L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Cookshaves, Moreton hampstead, Devon. ‘¿937. Child, John Peto, B.M., B.Ch.Oxon., M.R.C.P., Aisistant Medical Officer, St. Alfege's Hospital, Greenwich, London, SE. 10. 1917. Chisholm, Percy, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Medical Superintendent, Queen i9o7. Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand. Chislett, Charles Game Angus, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.F.P.S Glasg., Medical Superintendent, Lennox Castle Certified Institution, Lennoxtown, Stirlingshire. (Chairman, 192!. Cholmeley, Scottish Division, London, 1937. Christie, SW. Clark, James Adye, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., 43, Upper Richmond Road, 15. Thomas, Brewster 1937. 1938—39.) Montague M.D., Ch.B., Gardens, Thomson Medical North Doran, Officer, Kensington, MB., H.M. Prison, London, Ch.B.Edin., Wormwood Scrubs; 22, W. zo. Medical Officer, Wyke House, Isleworth, Ment. Deficiency, Middlesex. 1907. Clarke, 1907. Clarkson, Geoffrey, M.D.Lond., Robert Univ. Baldwyns, Durward, of Edin.; B.Sc., Little i@, M.D., Cambus, Elgin CM., Road, Bournemouth. F. R.C.P.Edin., Doune, Lect. Perthshire. on (Chairman, Scottish Division, 1935—36.) ‘¿931. Clegg, John Leonard, Worcestershire Louis M.D., Mental D.P.H., D.P.M., Clifford, 1938. Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Dundrum, co. Dublin. Coats, Percy Murray, M.D., B.S.Dur., Medical Officer, 1933. Colahan, Nicholas L.R.C.P.I.&L.M., Whistler, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Bromsgrove. 1934. Arthur Seymour, Ch.B., Hospital, M.B., L.R.C.S.I.&L.M., Ch.B., 12, Assistant H.M. De Prison, Montfort Medical Liverpool. Street, Leicester. Officer, Members of the Association. 1900. Cole, Sydney John, MA., M.D., B.Ch.Oxon., Alphen, xxvii Sea Lane, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, Sussex. 1930. Coleman, Stanley wall Mental 1906. Collier, Walter oaks, 1903. Collins, Maurice, M.R.C.S., Hospital, Bodmin. Edgar, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.P.M., L.R.C.P.Lond., Medical Ailsa Superintendent, Cottage, Parkfield, Michael Conlon, Abdy, Thomas Mental 1921. Seal, Seven Kent. O.B.E., M.D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Ministry Medical Services Division; Burwood House, Whitstable Road, Secretary, 19,2—18; Vice-Chairman, Educational Committee, SE. Division, 1932—33; PRESIDENT, 1936—37.) 1934. Corn Connell, Joseph, L.R.C.P.I.&L.M., Hospital, Ernest Enniscorthy, Henry, MB., D.P.M., Assistant of Canterbury. 1919—27; Medical Pensions, (General Chairman, Officer, District Co. Wexford. Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., 9, Redford Crescent, Colinton, Edinburgh. 1920. Connell, Oliver George, Hospital, 1914. Connolly, Victor Hants 1927. Cook, 1930. Cooper, Leslie Cohn, Copeland, Cecil County B.Ch., 1938. Copeland, Neville, Brentwood, ‘¿903. Cormac, Harry Superintendent, D.P.M., Prewett, Basingstoke. St. Andrew's L.R.C.P., D.P.M., M.R.C.P., Moulsford, MB., Hospital, Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent, Kent. B.S.Lond., Hospital, D.P.M., Wallingford, Ch.B.Liverp., Medical Superintendent, Berks. D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Chester. MB., Essex. Dove, B.Ch.Be!f., Park Bexlev, MB., Leonard, Mental Medical M.R.C.S., (L.C.C.), Mental MB., Hospital, MB., Astley, County M.C., Mental Hospital Hugh L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Norwich. Lindley, County Bexley 1928. MC., Thorpe, Ch.B., Assistant MB., M.S.Madras, Medical Officer, D.P.M., Medical County Mental Hospital, Superintendent, County Mental Hospital, Parkside, Macclesfield; Lect. of Manch. ; Parkside House, Macclesfield. (Chairman, on N. Cheshire Ment. Dis., Univ. and M. Division, 1931—32.) 1891. 1910. Corner, Harry, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Albans, Herts. Coupland, William Henry, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Leigham Avenue, 1932. Courtney, Patrick M.P.C., M.D.N.U.I., Farm, Sandridge, L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., High Road, Streatham, J., Jersey Assistant London, Medical Flat near 8, Manor St. Court, S.W. 16. Officer, Donegal Mental Hospital, •¿ Letterkenny. 1931. Couston, Alastair New 1936. Cox, Gordon, Alice, MB., Transvaal, 191'. Cox, Donald Cox, Sunnyside Mental Hospital, Christchurch, Ch.B.Glasg., Maxwell, Mary, 65, Lister Building, xçj@, Jeppe Street, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Hereford 1938. L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Zealand. MC., County MB., M.R.C.S., Mental B.Ch., L.R.C.P.Lond., Hospital, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Burghill. B.A.O., Assistant Medical M.D., B.Ch.N.U.I., Officer, Ruberv Hill Mental Hospital, Birmingham. 1926. Coyne, William Joseph, District 1937. Craigie, Mental Hugh Hospital, Brechin, MB., D.P.M., Monaghan, Ch.B., Resident Medical Superintendent. Ireland. Assistant Medical Officer, County Mental Hospital, Lancaster. 1911. Crichlow, Charles Bangour Adolphus, Village, ‘¿93°.Crichton-Miller, Hugh, Tavistock 1915. Crosthwaite, 1923. Witrand Crow, Norah M.B., Uphall, MA., Clinic; Ch.B.Glasg., M.D.Edin., 6, Devonshire Frederick Douglas, Institute Annie, Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Linhithgowshire. M.D.Pavia, Place, MB., London, Ch.B.Edin., for Feeble-minded, M.A.Edin., M.D., Hon. W. Senior Physician, The @. D.P.H., Physician Superintendent, Potchefstroom, Transvaal, S. Africa. B.S.Lond., “¿Kingsclere “¿,Harrington Road, Brighton. 1937. Crowe, Philip Michael, Mental 1935. Crowley, 1933. Curran, Timothy, 1933. Curran, James Castle MB., St. George's Thomas, Certified Ch.B., Parkside, MB., Desmond, Med., MB., Hospital, Ch.B.Edin., B.Ch.Camb., Hospital; MB., Institution, D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Cheshire County Macclesfield. Hallington F.R.C.P., 14, Wimpole Ch.B.Glasg., Lennoxtown, Hall, Blythebridge, D.P.M., Street, Deputy Stoke-on-Trent. Physician London, Medical Stirlingshire. and W. Lect. on Psych. @. Superintendent, Lennox xxviii 1935. Members of the Association. Curran, Thomas Patrick, County 1936. i93o. 1934. Mental MB., Cuthbert,Theordore Martin, M.R.C.S., Daly, Patricia Mary Josephine, Danby, Thomas Anyan, Daniel, Alfred Darlington, Das, 1925. Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent, Deputy Banarsi, M.B., Davidson, B.Ch.Carnb., Wishart, Pathologist, Thomas since M.B., City Mental Macnaughton, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Hospital, Red Deputy Medical Superintendent, Mental Hospital, Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., Hospital, Humberstone, B.S.Lond., L.M.S.S.A., Mental Hospital, Carmarthen. Davies-Jones, Charles Isle of Wight Davis, Robert 1920. Dawson, M.R.C.S., Glam. William Mental Diseases, William L.R.C.P., Siegfried, M.B., M.D., Dax, Eric Cunningham, Netherne 1926. Deane, 1935. Dedman, Frederick Coulsdon, John, James Mental B.Sc.Lond., Hospital, Hospital, John James, 1936. Surrey. (Assistant Editor, Dc Vine, Michael George, MB., 1904. Devon, 1932. Dewar, Henry, James, Campbell, Dhunjibhoy, Jal Indian D.P.M., B.S.Lond., Edulji, Mental MB., Hospital, Medical B.S.Bomb., Dick, Robert M.C., M.B., G., Macquarie Medical Avenue, Wellington Officer, Belfast. Officer, Cornwall The Great King I.M.S., B.A.O., District Medical Water, Street, Edinburgh. Asylum, Dykebar, Superintendent, and Orissa, Assistant Medical Virginia L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Renfrew Bihar Dublin. Ridge, of Journal, 1920-27.) Street, London, W. @. 67, Lt.-Col. Ch.B.Glasg., Road, M.P.C., Medical Superintendent, India; The c/o Lloyds Officer, Rubery Stoneyetts Hill Certified Lanarkshire. Dickson, ,g,5. County Mental Hospital, Downpatrick, Ireland. Dillon, Frederick, M.D., Ch. B. Edin., Medical Superintendent, Finsbury Park, London, N. 4. L.R.C.P.&S.I., 1909. Dillon, L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., in D.P.M., ,35, Medical 1936. Kathleen, F. F.R.A.C.P., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Kanké, Ranchi, 1921. Chryston, 68, F.R.C.P., Superintendent, Bank, 6, Pall Mall, I.ondon, S.W.i. Diamond, Thomas Patrick, MB., B.Ch., Mental Hospital, Birmingham. Alexander, Specialist Rawalpindi, House, Cyprus Assistant Ch.B.Glasg., 1938. Institution, 24, F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., M.B., Assistant Superintendent, Assistant 1916—1920, and Co-Editor B.Ch.N.U.I., 126, Harley L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Douglas D.P.M.Lond., Paisley. 1925. M.D., Hensol Cornwall. L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., O.B.E., Officer, I.M.S., F.R.C.P., Senior D.P.M., Devine, Joint Hospital, B.M.A. L.M.S.S.A., D.P.M., Delany, Officer, Surrey. Ch.B.Edin., ‘¿905. Capt. Military B.Ch.Oxon., Ch.B.Edin., 1925. Medical L.R.C.P., c/o Indian MB., Bodmin, Medical Ch.B.Edin., MB., Baillie, Yorks. Med4cal Superintendent, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Sydney; Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 1937. Barrister-at-Law, Newport. M.R.C.S., Command; MA., India. Superintendent D.P.M., Medical D.P.M., Whitecroft, M.B.Cantab., Northern Ph.D., D.P.M., Saunderson, Hospital, Brocklesby, Mental India. Ch.B.Edin., Medical Davies, 1921. Agra, Leicester. 1931. 1938. M.D., Deputy 1935. Davies, Stuart Wyndham, Castle, nr. Pontyclun, Super 1938.) M.C., 1928. 25, Wells. Medical Superintendent, East Riding Mental Hospital, Beverley, Davies, Isaac John, MB., B.Ch., B.Sc.Wales, D.P.M., Senior Assistant Cardiff City Mental Hospital, Whitchurch, Glam. M.B., Roofs, Committee, 1920—27.) Davie, Sidney, Medical “¿Wayside “¿, Bishop's 1922. Counties Medical R.A.M.C.(T.A.), Taunton; D.P.H., Mental D.P.M., Division Assistant (Secretary, Educational B.Ch.Dubl., B.S.Punjab, Indian Thomas and MB., Capt. Lydeard, Surrey. and Bath D.P.H., co. Dublin. D.P.H., Bishop's M.D., BA., Somerset B.A.O.N.U.I., Donabate, Ch.B.Vict., BA., Arthur, (Secretary, B.Ch., Park, Drive, Petersham, intendent, ‘¿930. Deputy Manchester. L.R.C.P.,D.P.M., M.B., MB., Wilson, Lauderdale 1926. D.P.M., near Mental Hospital, Superintendent, Sandhill Lydeard, Taunton. 1907. B.A.O., Prestwich, Sunderland Mental Hospital; “¿Field House “¿,Cherry Knowle, Ryhope, co. Durham. Cutts, George Lambert, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.D.S., D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superinten dent, Friern Hospital, New Southgate, N. u. Officer, Portrane ‘¿935. Ch.B., Hospital, D.P.H., Assistant Senior Medical Assistant Officer, Medical Officer, Northumberland District Asylum, Down House, Mullingar. Members 1938. Doherty, Patrick, MB., Hospital, Waterford. 1892. Donelan, 1928. (Chairman, Douglas-Morris, John O'Conor, Henry Hospital, Drummond, Drury, MB.,@ Kenneth 1926. 1937. 1923. Dudley, Dunne, Dymock, 1906. Eager, 193'. Earl, MB., M.D., Richard, Superintendent, Mid-Wales Counties' East, O.B.E., Guy B.Ch.Dubl., D.P.M., Hospital, Narborough, Mental Medical Superin near Leicester. 1936.) Medical “¿Hilton Superintendent, “¿, Keyberry 1907. East, 1895. Berks. Easterbrook, Hotel, Glasgow District Park, Newton Abbott, 1931. Eaves, Edel, 1895. Edgerley, B.S., Mental Ernst, Edwards, 1924. Edwards, M.P.C., Crossways, Officer, Lanark Countess Medical District Weir, near Exeter. Superintendent, Cowper, Medical Cottingwood, F.R.C.P., Monyhall M.D., Wilfred, “¿Rhododendrons F.R.C.P.Edin., B.S., M.P.C., D.P.M.Lond., MA., M.D.Camb., South Hill Superintendent,Northum Morpeth. M.P.C., Mental Hospital, Wadsley, 2, The Mount, Glossop Road, J.P., Honorary Sheffield; Sheffield, “¿,Crowthorne. Murrayfield Neuro-pathologist, Lect. zo. M.R.C.S., on South Physiol., L.R.C.I@., Private Univ. D.P.M., 9, of The Plymouth. M.D.Berlin, Samuel, 63, M.A., M.D., Francis Henry, Park, C.M.Edin., man, N. and M. Division, 1897. Medical B.Hy.Durh.,D.P.H., Hospital, M.D.Lond., Herbert 1937. Superintendent, 5. Assistant D.P.M., Charles C., MA., M.D., Murrayfield, Edinburgh. Crescent, Medical Mental Lanarkshire. F.R.C.P.I., M.D., Elizabeth Eddison, NW. Senior Shotts, M.D., Ch.B.Aberd., Norwood, Yorkshire Sheffield; Resident Dublin, Medical Birmingham. County Wm. D.M.D., Hospital, Cecil, Rowland, berland St. Gartcosh. Hartwood, James near Clinic, Bucks. Medical M.D., since Ch.B.Glasg., Hospital, Charles Dublin. of Pensions Pagnell, Mental Ch.B.Edin., B.Ch.R.U.I., Mental Thomas, Colony, 1924. BA., L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., John, Mental Co. Devon. Duncan, Archibald Glen, M.D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Superintendent, Essex County Mental Hospital, Severalls, Cohchester. Dunlevy, Annie Josephine, L.R.C.P.&S.I., Assistant Medical Officer, Portrane Hospital, Donabate, Dublin. Mental 1921. Foxrock, Ministry Superintendent, Committee MB., Gartloch, Grangegorman 1932. MC., Mitchell, Francis, Neurologist, Officer, Breconshire. and Rutland Educational Mental Hospital, 1899. Sylvan, L.R.C.P.Lond., Medical Talgarth, Kirkpatrick, Arthur Medical Home, Newport M.R.C.S., Ch.B., Leicestershire (Secretary, Dryden, George, Assistant M.P.C., Abbey Nursing Chancefield, tendent, ‘¿907. D.P.M., xxix Middlesbrough. Peter, Hospital; 1921. B.A.O., L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Tykeford Drake-Brockman, Luke's 1933. B.Ch., Irish Division, 1931—33.) Ernest Mannering, L.M.S.S.A., Nottingham; ‘¿919. of the Association. London, M.P.C., NW. Holly 3. Bank, Menston, Leeds. (Chair 1934—36.) M.D.Brux., M.R.C.P.Lond., “¿Cherchefelle “¿,Reigate, Surrey. Thomas Lloyd, Officer, Glamorgan 1919. Eggleston, Henry, M.B., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., County L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Mental Hospital, B.S.Durh., M.P.C., c/o D.P.M., Assistant Medical Bridgend. Standard Bank of S. Africa, 10, Clement's Lane, E.C. 4. 1936. Elphinstone, John Henry, Gate, London, 1901. Erskine, Wm. J. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.M.S.S.A., Windsor Hotel, Lancaster W. 2. Adams, M.D., C.M.Edin., The Orchard, Ravenmeols Lane, Formby, Miles Platting, Med., Univ. near Liverpool. 1925. Esson, Walter Louis, MA., M.B., Ch.B.Aberd., 21, Oldham Road, Manchester. 1895. Eurich, Frederick Wilhelm, M.D., C.M.Edin., Emeritus Prof. Leeds; Lanshawe Cottage, Dibden Purhieu, Southampton. 1939. Eustace, Anthony, 1934. Eustace, Henry 19o9. stead, Glasnevin, Dublin. Eustace, William Nelson, L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., 1918. Evans, Albert MB., Jocelyn, Edward, Visitor in Lunacy; B.Ch., L.M., MB., B.Ch., MB., B.S.Lond., ii, Weymouth St. Edmondsbury, Lucan, B.A.O.Dubl., Avenue, Dublin. Assistant Lisronagh, M.R.C.S., of For. Medical Glasnevin, L.R.C.P., Hamp. Dublin. D.P.H., Mill Hill, NW. Officer, 7. Lord Chancellor's of xxx 1927. Members of the A ssociation. Ewan, Grey Larnont, J.P., B.Sc., The Mental Hospital, 1930. Ewen, John Harold, Tooting, 1914. Ewing, Cecil St. 1929. Wilmot, L.R.C.P.&S.lrel., Clevedon, William Ch.M.Sydney, D.P.M., nr. Newcastle, D.P.M., SW. 17. Crescent, 1925. M.R.C.P.E., London, Mary, Fairbairn, M.D., Stockton, Medical Medical Superintendent, D.P.M., Superintendent, New South Wales. Green Springfield Bank, Edward Hospital, Road, Walton Somerset. Ronald Dodds, MA., M.D., Ch.B.Edin., DipI. Psych., i8, Lansdowne Edinburgh. Fairweather, Anne, M.D., B.S.Durh., D.P.M., The Red House, Haydon Bridge, Northum berland. 1933. Faull, 1908. Fenton, Henry Felix, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., and City Mental Hospital, Powick. John Langdon, 1930. Fenwick, Philip M.R.C.S., Cuthbert L.R.C.P., Collingwood, East Sussex Mental Hospital, 1937. Ferguson Henry wood 1928. Finiefs, Robb, Leonidas Three 1938. Finkleman, 1938. Lancashire Fisher, Henry, Medical John William, Fitzgerald, Senior L. R.C. Medical Assistant County Superintendent, Physician, Royal Earls D.P.M., Hospital, L.R.C.P., Irel., Deputy Medical Super Beds. Assistant Medical Officer, Winwick, Warrington. L.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.F. P.&S.Glas., D.P.M., S. Devon; Medical D. P.M., Nottingham. D.P.H., Exminster, P.&S. Arlesey, M.Sc.Vict., Mapperley M.R.C.S., Alexis, Bristol. Worcester L.R.C.P., Hospital, Ch.B., Officer, Brow, Deputy M.R.C.S., Mental Devon Mental Hospital, Paignton, S. Devon. 1903. D.P.M., County Mental Hospital, M.D.Ber!., LR.C.P.Edin., Assistant Fisher, L.M.S.S.A., M.D.Paris, MB., Cotham Surrey. Counties Benedict, 6,, Superintendent, Hellingly. ChB., Redhill, Aristodimos, intendent, 1930. M.B., Institution, D.P.M., Medical Assistant Glen Medical Officer, Lea, 58, Oldway Superintendent, I)istrict Mental Road, Hospital, Waterford. 1929. FitzGerald, 1908. Fitzgerald, Edward Joseph, James Mental Hospital, 1928. Fitzgerald, John, Mental M.D., Francis, M.D., B.Sc.N.U.I., D.P.M., Fitzgerald, 1933. Fitzgerald, Otho William Strangman, Officer, Shenley Mental Hospital, May, 1921. Fleming, Gerald 1904. Fleming, MB., William B.Ch., Managing Wilfried D.P.H., B.A.O., Thomas Barnwood 1932—38, Medical Superintendent, District Resident Medical Superintendent, Mulhingar. 1930. intendent, Resident Clonmel, co. Tipperary. Hospital, Nora B.Ch.N.U.I. L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Hunter, House, Editor Louis Mental M.R.C.S., Gloucester. of Journal Remi, Hospital, Mulhingar. MA., M.D., B.Ch.Dubl., Shenley, Herts. L.R.C.P., Assistant D.I@.M., (Assistant since M.R.C.S., D.P.M., Editor, Medical Medical I93I-@32, Super Co-Editor, 1938.) L.R.C.P.@ J.P., Suffolk House, Pirbright, Surrey. 1925. Flind, James, M.D., Cb.B.Glasg., D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Peckham House, London, S.E. 15. 1937. Foley, Timothy Mental 1930. Forbes, Laurence, Donald Ford M.D., Forrester, Robert Medical Marsden, M.D., Research Forsythe, Cairns, Thomas L.M., Assistant Medical Superintendent, MB., Ronald, Ch.B.Edin., Institute; Officer, Ba!dovan MB., Director, 28, Hamilton Ch.B.Edin., City of London Mental Hospital, 1939. B.A.O., Certified House, by Dundee. William Neuro-Psvchiatric 1926. B.Ch., Ch.B.St.And., Craigmill Robertson, MB., Sligo. John, Institution; 1927. BA., Hospital, D.P.M., West of Scotland Park Avenue, Glasgow, W.2. Deputy Medical Superintendent, Stone, Dartford. Ch.B.Sheffield, D.P.M., Commissioner, Board of Control. 1925. 1920. Fox, Fox, Francis Elliot, House, Bristol. J. Tylor, intendent, 1923. Franklin, MA., B.A.Camb., M.D., Lingfield Marjorie Ellen, M.R.C.S., B.Ch.Camnb., Epileptic M.B., B.Sc., M.D., M.R.C.S., Colony; B.S., London Clinic for Psycho-Analysis; Kate, L.R.C.P., Ch.B.Glasg., Medical Superintendent, L.R.C.P., 1919. Fraser, 1928. of Control, Scotland; 25, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Fraser, William, B.Sc., MB., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.H., D.P.M., tendent, North Riding Mental Hospital, York. Deputy Medical Lingfield, L.R.C.P.Lond., 86, Harley Street, D.P.H., D.P.M., The Homestead, M.R.C.S., Brislington D.P.M., London, Commissioner, Deputy Super Surrey. Physician, W. r. General Board Medical Superin Members 1935. French, Margaret, MB., B.S., xxxi of the A ssociation. Wick Lodge, Catsey Lane, Bushey, Herts. ‘¿q37. Freudenberg, Rudolf, M.D. Freiburg, Advisory Physician, Moorcroft House, Hillingdon, Middlesex. 1936. Frew, John McIntyre, M.B., Ch.B.Glas., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, North Riding Mental Hospital, York. ‘¿@37. Frost, 1q3$. Isaac, B.Sc., M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Officer, Friern Hospital, New Southgate, London, N. ii. Furniss, Frank Webster, Whittington 1928. Gallagher, Charles M.A.Cantab., M.R.C.S., Hall Institution, Old Eddie, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Assistant Medical Medical Superintendent, @Vhittington, Chesterfield. “¿ Killiecrankie “¿, 196, Main Road, Sidcup, Kent. 1932. Galloway, James Public Forbes, Health M.D.l.iverp., Ch.ll., Department, M.R.C.S., Municipal L.R.C.P., Buildings, D.P.M., Halifax D.P.H., Road, Dewsbury, Yorks. 1928. Gardner, Dorothy Margaret, Mental Hospital, Lionel M.B., B.Ch.Belf., Purdysburn, Belfast. 1938. (;@irdiier, 1938. Mental Hospital, Glasgow, SW. (;@irner, Algernon Ronald, M.R.C.S., Hospital, Colchester, Essex. Dalrvmple, 1931. Garrod, Marjorie, uSc., M.R.C.S., “¿Bankcroft“¿, Douglas 1912. Garry, John Mental MB.,, L.R.C.P., Hon. Road, Harpenden, William, MB., Ennis, co. Clare. William, M.B., C.M.Edin., Assistant Assistant 2. L.R.C.I'., Hospital, John D.P.H., B.Ch.N.U.I., Medical Assistant Medical Registrar, Assistant Geddes, 1938. Essex. Geraghty, Daniel Joseph, MEl., B.Ch., 13.A.O., D.P.M., Grangegorman Mental Hospital, Dublin. 1919. Gifford, John, B.A.Cape, Lancashire 1931. Gilchrist, Thomas, Gill, Samuel 1938. (;illespie, Tavistock Clinic; District Worthing. D.P.M., Dornhurst, Assistant D.P.M., Halstead, Medical Medical Officer, Superintendent, Prestwich. L. R. F. P.S.Glasg., Mental Hospital, Ernest, Brighton, Ch.B.Edin., Mental Hospital, Severalls Superintendent, House, L.R.T.P.&S.G., L. R. F.P.&S.Edin., Park Prewett 1931. @,Ambrose M.B., County l1awkhead Officer, The Medical Gemmell, L.R.C.P.&S.1., Belfast Herts. 1896. Topping, Officer, Officer, Medical 1930. Daniel Medical Assistant Medical Officer, Basingstoke. M.D.l.ond., D.P.H. 3, Buckingham Place, Seven Dials, i. John Eustace St. Albans, Herts. Robert l)ick, O'Neill, M.D.I)ublin, Ch.B.Glasg., F.R.C.P., D.P.M., Oster 1920. Psych. Med., Guy's Hosp.; Gillis, Kurt, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., town, South Africa. i6, Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N.W. i. Physician Superintendent, Mental Hospital, Grahams 1)38. Gillnian, Simeon W., Co@cntry Mental l..R.C.P., Assistant Medical Hatton, near Warwick. 1938. Gilmour, MB., Ch.B.Edin., Deputy Medical Physician Hospital, Gillespie, M.R.C.S., Hospital, D.P,M., House 1921. David, Ml)., MA., Officer, and Lect. on Warwickshire Superintendent, Murray and Royal, Perth. 1897. (;ilrnour, John strand, Rutherford, Norfolk. President, i@o6. Gilinour, MB., CM., (Secretary, F.R.C.P.Edin., N. and M.P.C., 3!. Division, Fairway “¿,Over !q2o—8, and Chairman, “¿The 1929-31 1938—39.) Richard Withers, MB., l3.S.I)urh., M.R.C.P., Wilslev House, Holme Lacy, Hereford. 1929. Glaister, John Norman, for Nervous 1936. Glass, 1923. Golla, Joseph District 1897. Good, Frederick Thomas B.S., Vincent, M.B., Mental Hospital, Neurological (Chairman, MB., M.R.C.S., and Mental Disorders; Lucien, Research Saxty, B.Ch., B.A.O.N.U.I., Carlow, Ireland. MA., Institute, M.B., O.B.E., Committee 1920. Gordon, George, MB., B.Ch.Glasg., 25, Gordon, Ronald Grey, D.Sc., F.R.C.P.Edin., Park since Oxford. Crescent, Hospital W. ,. Medical Medical Officer, Director, Frenchav, Burden n'r. Bristol. 1931.) L.R.C.P., Lect. øn Psychiat., (PRESIDENT, Iç@3o-31.) London, 23, British Assistant Newlands, M.R.C.S., Park Road, 1928. M.D., F.R.C.P., Bristol; M.A.Oxon., @,Upland Physician, Place, London, D.P.M., B.Ch.Oxon., Stapleton, and Clinical Univ. of Oxford; l..R.C.P.Lond., 2, Devonshire Queen \V. Square, ,. Bath. Members xxxii 1901. Gostwyck, Cecil Medical Hubert Gostwyck, Superintendent, Isabel of the Association. M.D., Ch.B., Moss Side State 1923. Gough, 1928. Shepherds, Cranbrook, Grace, Pierce, L.R.C.P.&S.I., 1938. Portlaoighise (Maryborough), Leix. Grace, Richard Fairfax T., M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Maudshey London, 1933. Graham, Falconer, James, Ch.B., Clinical MB., ‘¿9z4. Graham, Medical Assistant, Ch.B., - Superintendent, District M.R.C.P., Part-time White Norman Bell, M.C., B.A.R.U.I., Samuel John, M.B., ,937. ,go8. Royal Albert Graham, William L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Institution, Shepherd, Mental Hospital, Alastair Cotford, Robertson, Grant, Florence Margaret Court, Buckingham Grant, John King, MB., near M.D., Ch.B.Aberd., (née Gamble), Gate, London, Ch.B.Aberd., M.D., B.S., SW.,. Dipl. Psych., 1915. D.P.M., Rubery Hill, Graves, Thomas Chivers, Kathleen Superintendent, (President-Elect, Gray, Greaves, James, M.D., Greene, Thomas man, Greener, and Gregorson, 1926. 1934. Griffiths, Griffiths, 1901. Grills, Ethne, Sutton Albert Medical St. James's Superintendent, Dykebar Officer, City Mental B.S.Lond., F.R.C.S., Hollymoor Mental M.D., Hospital, Ch.B.Liverp., M.R.C.V.S., Medical Hospitals, Northfield, Ross-shire. D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Cassel J.P., Gocean, Killvleagh, co Down. (Chair 1937—40.) MB., Ch.B., D.P.M., D.P.H., 174, Birmingham Road, William, M.D., Arrowsmith, Ch.B., M.C., Hamilton, 1936—38.) Guirdham, Arthur, Batheaston, F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., i7, Forestdale, Southgate, MB., B.S.Lond., Medical Officer, H.M. M.D., M.A., B.Ch.R.U.I., D.M.Oxon., Henry, Brighton 1938. Guttmann, Erich, 1932. Hagedorn, D.M.D., M.P.C., Upton, Chester. D.P.M., Egmont M.C., M.D.Munich, Frederick Essex. M.R.C.S., Mental Hospital, Oscar, Road, Singapore. Haggar, Norman James, County Mental Hospital, Wickford, Prison, Medical Medical (Chairman, W.,. Superintendent, N. and M. Division, Superintendent, Bailbrook House, Bath. Francis tendent, Wylde Cold field, Warwickshire. Gwenvron Mary, M.D.Lond., M.R.C.P., 56, Wimpole Street, London, Henry John, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 9, Crown Villas, Morriston, Swansea. Guppy, Mental London, S.W. 2. Galbraith Haldane, Munlochy, Officer, Kent. Cheshire County Mental Hospital, 1939. Medical 306, N. 14. Hugh Brixton, @ Lancashire D.P.M., B.S.Lond., Viewmount, L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Division, Joan London, 1922. Superintendent, M.R.C.P., M.D., L.R.C.P.Lond., Penshurst, Adrian, Irish Green, Grierson, ChB.Edin., Swaylands, and ‘¿939—40.) Marion, M.R.C.S.Eng., Hospital, 1935. Somerset Cyril, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Senior Assistant Medical City Mental Hospital, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Gray George Edward, M.D., B.Ch., B.A.O., Assistant Medical Officer, Belfast Hospital, Belfast. 1934. 1927. Hill Medical Officer, Superintendent, Gray, 1928. 1922. Harvey, Birmingham. B.Sc., M.D., Rubery Brimingham. 1936. Annie Super Preston. Graves (née Sykes), Assistant Medical Senior Assistant Medical Whittingham, 1928. 1909. Lightwater, Taunton. 1930. 1938. Street, Senior Resident Medical Mental Hospital, Paisley, Renfrewshire. Grant, Penuel Grant, M.D., Ch.B., D.P.H., Assistant Fishponds, Bristol. 1916. Road, D.P.M., L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Lancaster. M.B., B.Ch.R.U.I., County Mental Hospital, 1925. @o,Wimpole Guildford B.Ch.Belf., intendent, Purdysburn Villa Colony, Belfast. Graham, William, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P.S.G., 1927. Hospital, Medical Officer, Villa Colony, Belfast. Graham, Grant, D.P.M., Mental Clinic; Lodge, 1918. 1921. M.P.C. Liverpool. L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., The Tavistock D.P.M., Psych., near - Medical Officer, Purdysburn Bath DipI. Maghull, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Kent. Resident Hospital; W. i. John Surrey MB., F.R.C.P.Edin., Institution, Paterson, L.R.C.P., The Maudsley Heath, Hospital, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Deputy Denmark Ch.B., Assistant Hill, 441, Assistant Medical Super London, S.E. Sussex. L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Stone, Aylesbury. MB., D.P.M., Haywards Medical Physician, Pasir Officer, Runwehl Panjang Bucks Hospital, @. Members 1928. Hamilton, John Gerard, Physician, Kent. 1920. Hancock, 1929. Handley, Coulter, MC., MB., Harding, Noel, Edward Palmer, Mental Hardwick, Sydney 1936. Harke, Wilfred 23, Browning Avenue, Sydney, Harper, ‘¿904. Harper-Smith, Wivelsfield 1938. Harris, Arthur, Officer, London, 1939. Harris, Cyril 1924. Harris, 1928. 1898. John Harrison, Sussex. BA., M.D.Munich, Hart, J., William Bernard, 1930. 1935. Haynes, Horace (Secretary, 1934—36 ; Registrar 1938. Haworth, Kew 1927. Healey, since Norah A., Road, Kew. B.A., Henderson, L.S.A., Street, The Hall, County Mental Medical Superintendent, on Ment. Dis., Univ. Coll. Medical Superintendent, Assistant Medical Officer, County D.P.M., Medical Super Lancs. M.D., B.Ch.Dubl., Berry Wood, Northampton. L.R.C.P., Committee, M.R.C.S., Branch, Littleton Hall, 1929—36; Chairman, L.R.C.P., Kirkland Brentwood, S.E. M.P.C., Capt., House, Whitehall, F.R.C.S.Edin., Jodhpur, Division, L.M.S.S.A., Lieut., R.A.M.C. London, R.A.M.C., India. Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., Hospital, M.B., Assistant Hatton, B.S.Lond., M.A.Camb., Henry, near M.R.C.S., Medical Officer, Warwick Warwick. L.R.C.P., Arthington, Barton B.Sc., M.B., Robert Cyril M.D., B.Ch., Edward, John, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Ch.B.Birm., D.P.M., D.P.M., 69, Medical Gloucester Court, Superintendent, Norwich. Mental Hospital, tion, Lancaster. c Harley Lancs D.P.M., M.R.C.S., Mental M.B., City Mental Hospital, 1920. Lect. D.P.H., M.A.Cantab., Hospital, Denis, Hemphill, 414, Torquay. Portrane 1932. Superintendent, 1938.) Officer, Thomas, Officer, and Preston, Parliamentary Coverntry Frederick Hegarty, Officer, @. Ch.B., Lankester, William, Hellesdon 1933. Medical Medical D.P.M., Ch.B.Edin., Tranchell, Medical Sydney Road, Street, Cheshire. MB., Lilian Ann, MB., Hayward, Medical George Assistant Medical W. M.B., Chapel, Hayward, 1935. Meadow, Assistant Court, D.P.M., Physician 1939. and Sussex. Green D.P.M., Senior Ch.B.Glasg., London, Haynes, William Noel Lankester, c/o Glyn Mills & Co., Holts S.W.'. shire Hov@, L.R.C.P., Surrey. M.R.C.P., Whittingham, Guy Essex. Hayward, Avenue, Midlothian. Arthur, Duncan Edwin for Bournemouth; Lancs. 1936. 1938. First M.R.C.S., D.P.M., Water, County Mental Hospital, Principal Medical Department Hospital, 94, Bryanston F.R.C.P., McFadden, Edmund East Deputy Physician, Hants L.R.C.P., M.D., Polton, Street, Hospital, intendent, 1920. Hall, Thomas Hayes, 36, Assistant McConnachie, Hall, Holmes Mental 1923. D.P.M., West M.R.C.S., Warrington, Edward Haughie, D.P.M., Southall; Ch.B.Edin., M.D.Lond., Cranage London, Surrey. and B.Ch.Dubl., L.R.C.P.&S.I., 79, Harley Haslam-Fox, Street, Herts. Colwyn Bay, N. Wales. Winwick, Hosp.; Epileptic Superintendent, M.R.C.P., M.D.Camb., Virginia M.D., New Saughton 1905. Maid Hants. Hospital, MB., Geoffrey Harrowes, Lewis Anne Hospital, Woodford Bridge, Essex. Gordon, M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., W. i. Llewellyn, M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hospital, 1928. Medical L.R.C.P., MA., Green, Stuart, Glan-y-don, 1930. Hastie, Sanatorium, Claybury Harris, Noel London, Harris-Liston, Queen Deputy Epsom, Victoria Boscombe, Robert, 62, Stortford, L.R.C.P., Royal St. Bernard's W. i. Holloway D.P.M., Heath, David Bishops B.Sc.Lond., M.R.C.S., George D.P.H., Barming Director, D.P.M., Hospital, M.R.C.S., Disorders, Raymond 1920. Park Vaughan, Functional L.R.C.P., Hospital, M.D., West Assistant Beckenham, Beverley. Walpole, Superintendent, Park, L.R.C.P., Hospital, Medical L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Hospital, Senior Eden M.R.C.S., Mental D.P.M., Emergency D.P.M., Orchard, Cheshire. M.R.C.S., Haymeads Riding B.S., County Edge, xxxi ii L.R.C.P., Monks MB., Kent Alderley Douglas M.R.C.S., Ch.B.Manch., Warford, W. i; 1934. Hospital, Richard, Hardcastle, 1920. B.S., Royal Superintendent, Colony, 1923. M.D., Bethlem Allen Medical stone. of the .4ssociation. B.A.O. N.U.I., Donabate, B.Ch., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, co Dublin. B.A.O.Dubl., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Bristol. M.B.Durh., Medical Superintendent, The Royal Albert Institu xxxiv 1929. Members Henderson, David, Stafford 1916. Henderson, Henderson, 1930. Hennelly, 1924. Medical Officer Cheddleton; The Hollies, Ch.B.Edin., F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Keane, B.A., LL.B.Camb., Rauceby John, M.D., MB., Mental B.Ch., James Ewart, MB., D.P.M., Glainorgan; B.Ch.R.U.I., Professor Senior near Leek. of Psychiatry, D.P.H., Sleaford, B.A.O.N.U.I., Pathologist, Physician-Super Gh.B.Edin., Hospital, City Mental Hospital, Whitchurch, National School of Medicine and Cheddleton, Edinburgh Royal Mental Hospital, Morningside; of Edinburgh; Tipperlinn House, Edinburgh. Thomas Herbert, M.D., Superintendent, Cardiff Welsh Assistant Hospital, Kennedy, Norman Medical Ch.B.Glasg., Mental David intendent, University 1923. M.D., County of the Association. Medical Superintendent, Lecturer Assistant D.P.M., Lincs. in Mental Medical Diseases, Officer, District Asylum, Omagh. 1938. Herd, James Alan, Leavesden MB., Ch.B.Man., Hospital, John, M.B., Abbots M.R.C.S., Langley, 1925. Heron, 1929. Hewitt, 1938. tendeñt, Shenley Mental Hospital, Higgins, Niall B., MB., B.Ch., B.A.O., Mullingar. 1937. Hill, Edward Ch.B.Edin., John Horace D.P.M., Campbell, Bryden, British M.D., MB., L.R.C.P., Watford, Dispensary, Ch.B.Edin., 35, Medical Raffles D.P.M., Shenley, Herts. D.P.M., Assistant B.S.Lond., Assistant Officer, Herts. M.R.C.P., Place, Deputy Medical Medical Singapore. Medical Officer, Officer, Superin Mental Hospital, Laverstock House, Salisbury. 1937. Hill, John Denis Palace 1933. Hilliard, Leslie Hills, Officer, Harold Hingston, Cicely Hobson, Jack Hospital, 1939. Hoclge, Holmes, Cedric, 1929. Holmes, Gordon, M.A., Eric chemical 1925. Honan, Laboratory, Bernard 1920. Hooper, Reginald Fulford, 1929. Hopkins, 1935. Horsley, L.R.C.P. Hon. Hosie, 1894. Hotchkis, Hull, 1897. 1928. Hunter, William Irel., D. Medical Physician, \Voodside Psychologist, West Hospital; in Biochem., End The Abbey, L.D.S.Liverp., P.M., Medical Assistant Univ. Medical Camb.; Bio Superintendent, Superintendent, James L.R.C.P., City D.P.H., Mickleover, District Mental Hospital, Asylum, D.P.M., Medical Superin Derby. M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Deputy Medical Superinten Broadmoor. L.R.C.P., 2, Senior Chester M.A.Glasg., Assistant Medical Road, M.D., Gardens, M.D.Liverp., MB., Hospital, M.B., Primrose for Mental Northwich, B.S.Durh., Dewar Dorset St. Andrew@, M.R.C.S., Cheshire. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., Fifeshire. L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Hollins B.S., M.R.C.S., Bicton B.Ch., B.A.O., near L.R.C.P., Heath, Drive, Win D.P.M., Blackburn, Helena, Welfare, Medical Superintendent, Hunter, Hospital, Salop Shrewsbury. Deputy Medical Superintendent, Lancs. L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., D.P.H.Edin., 25, Palmerston Place, Secretary, Edinburgh; MA., M.B., B.Ch.Camb., L.S.A., Medical Superintendent, (Secretary, SE. Division, 1910—191 3). Mental Officer, Lancs. Whailey, Constance M.R.C.S., Kennedy Stanley, Mental Randal, Officer, P.&S. Ch.B.Glasg., Erskine, Association Linlithgow. Hunter, David, Nottingham. Hunter, Visiting Physician, Cre@vkerne Lect. Hospital, Dunmore, Calderstones, 1931. Hon. B.Ch.Camb., M.R.C.S., Rathmore, James Eric “¿,Rod Dorchester. M.B., County 2932. Assistant Physician, M.B., Lunatic Stephen, Robert Hughes, D.P.M., Chester. MC., Stanley, wick, Warrington, 1904. Hon. L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., B.S.Durh., Mental Hospital, William, Ho@vie, Assistant “¿Cotsmoor L.R.C.P., Hospital, MB., Criminal John M.P.C., 1934. D.P.M.Camb., Mental L. R.C. Lancelot, State Mental 1926. D.P.M., 17. Cork. County Joseph dent, L.R.C.P., Cambridge. Arthur, Edwin Hopwood, Lambeth York. tendent, 1926. Ch.B., N. io. Diseases; Francis, Mental Hospital, House, 29, The Drive, Hove, Sussex. L.R.C.S.Edin., County Thomas's SW. M.R.C.S., Hove; M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., Officer, M.R.C.S., London, M.R.C.P., B.Sc., MB., Hill, London, Sessions, Medical B.Ch., M.B.E.(Mil.), Abbott, Muswell St. Glos. Hospital, Hospital for Nervous Crewkerne, Somerset. 1935. L.R.C.P., Hospital, B.S.Lond., Stroud, Lamorna, Ralph MB., Bec M.D., Lady Chichester M.R.C.S., ,. MA., Common, i@3g. B.S., SE. Tooting William, borough 1932. MB., London, Theodore, Medical 1931. Nelson, Road, MB., Ch.B.N.Z., Seacliff, Otago, Dipl. Psych., New Zealand. Senior Scottish St. Catherine's, The Coppice, Assistant Medical Members 5939. Hunter, Robert Herrison 1935. Hurley, Munro Manson, Hospital, Theodore Hutton, 1931. Effie Hutton, Lilian, Eustace, Hutton, B.S., Emslie, Illingworth, Reginald Superintendent, 1915. Ingall, 1926. Ironside, Frank Hon. Place, F.R.C.S., D.P.H., M.A., Irvine, 1906. Mental Hospital, Hellingly. Irwin, Peter Joseph, L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Limerick. Philip, M.B., 1936. Jackson, Winifred M., MB., House, Birmingham. 1927. Jacobson, James, 124, @935. James, James, 1922. Blomfield, Hillingdon, Treharne, Stanley Jarrett, Malaria Therapy North Wales Hospital for Mental L.R.C.P., 1. Medical Officer, Superin East District D.P.M., Susseic Mental Medical Hospital, Officer, Erdington D.M.R.E.Camb., London, M.D., Kent. Physician Natal, S. Africa. Assistant Hospital, S.W. B.S.Lond., Deputy 17. L.S.A., D.I@.M., Physician, Lect. on Ment. Dis., St. Mary's (Secretary, MB., M.D., M.Ch., Institution, Reginald B.A.O.Belf., W. Ashford, Assistant Superintendent, Uxbridge; B.Sc., Road, B.Ch., Parliamentary Assistant Committee, Medical Officer, Hosp.; 1926—29.) Dorset Mental Dorchester. George, State Albert Ch.B.Aberd., Medical MC., London, Herrison, Rampton Mental \V. i. Assistant Fountain House, Street, Gwilym Knowle Officer, British London, Pietermaritzburg, M.R.C.S., William Harley Hospital, 1939. 36, M.B., B.Ch., Nathan, George Officer, Superintendent. Physician, Ch.B.Liverp., Superintendent, Moorcroft Medical 6, Montagu 1932. 1914. Medical Ch.B.Edin., Jennings, Jack Research Deputy Fort Napier Institution, Medical Medical Ernest, L.R.C.P.&S., L.D.S.Edin., D.Psy.Durh., Deputy Medical Northumberland County Mental Hospital, Cottingwood, Morpeth. Ernest, Francis Medical Officer, Denbigh. M.D., Archibald tendent, Assistant D.P.M., L.R.C.P., Disorders; 1926. Assistant Epsom. M.R.C.S., Nervous D.P.M., B.S.Lond., Hospital, Mental Hospital, Isabel and Ch.B., D.P.H., Hants. MB., Horton Counties' 19'!. MB., Fareham, Centre, B.Sc., MB., xxxv Dorchester. Egan, Hospital, 1938. of the A ssociation. M.R.C.P., Retford, Fitzroy, F.R.F. D.P.M., DeputY Medical Superintendent, Notts. P.S.Glasg., L. M.S.S.A., Medical Superintendent, Leybourne Grange Colony, West MaIling, Kent. 1938. Jefferson, Gertrude M., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., 33, Belfield Road. Didsbury, Manchester. @9o8. Jeffrey,Geo. Rutherford, M.D.,Ch.B.Glasg.,F.R.C.P., F.R.S.Edin., M.I'.C., ii, Langland Gardens, Hampstead, London, NW. 3. 1938. Jeffrey, Manfred, MB., Ch.B.Glasg., Assistant Medical Officer, \Vadsley Medical Superintendent, Mental Hospital, Mental Hospital, Sheffield. 1925. Jenkins, John Alexander, Larbert, 1924. Jenkins, 1935. Johnson, M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., Stirlingshire. Reginald James Durham Edward, L.M.S.S.A., Stanley, M.B., County Hayne, Hospital, Winterton, 1936. 5. Moore, MB., B.Ch., B.A.O.Dub., Resident Hospital, Omagh, co. Tyrone, Ireland. 1935. Jones, Shaw, Keane, Clarence tendent, 1927. D.P.M., Kearney, Joseph, 1907. Keene, George ‘¿909. Keith, William Surrey. Officer, Lyndhurst, Assistant Primrose Bank Medical Physician, Road, Superintendent, Royal Edinburgh.. Daniel Department; c@ Hospital, MB., B.Ch.N.U.I., Henry, Lane, L.R.C.P., Berry D.P.M., Wood, D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superin Northampton. Resident Medical Superintendent, Mental. Donegal. M.D., Brooks, Essex. M.R.C.S., Mental Letterkenny, St. Audry's Parliamentary Kelly, Road, Witham, Augustine, The Hospital, 924. Ch.B.Edin., Ch.B., Cheam, Medical Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders, Morningside, Edinburgh. Jones, Norman Howard, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Apartment Haus, Steinengéaben 51, Basel, Switzerland. Jones, Thomas Brinley, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Bridge Home Institution, @Vithaiii Carlow, London 1934. M.B., N. Stockton-on-Tees. Edinburgh, Johnston, John The Mental Maxwell MB., Road, Assistant Johnston, 1938. McLauchlan, London D.P.M.Leeds, 1928. 1936. James Mental Willow B.S.Durh., B.Ch.Dubl., M.C., 6i, M.D., Cowper Ch.B.Aberd., Road, M.P.C., Hospital, Melton; Redwald House, Committee, 1921—26; Chairman, S.E. L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., 52, Grosvenor Inspector Road, Rathgar, of Mental Dublin. Rathmines, Medical Melton, I)i,'ision, Hospitals, Dublin. Superintendent,. Suffolk. 1936—7.) l.ocal (Secretary,. Goyernnicnt xxxvi Members of the Association. ‘¿930. Kelly, 1939. John Vincent, MB., B.Ch., Hospital, Castlebar, Ireland. Kelly, Patrick Joseph, Hospital, D.P.M., L.R.C.P.&S.I., Assistant L.M., D.P.M., Kennedy, 1931. Kennedy, Alexander, 1938. Mental Hospital, Wadsley, Sheffield. Kennedy, William Graeme, MB., Ch.B.St.And., Diseases, Eastern Command; Indian Military 1938. Kenton, Colman, Neil M.R.C.S., Thomson, el Gordon Wicken Medical Medical Officer, Mental Avenue, Cheam, Surrey. Superintendent, West Capt. I.M.S., Specialist Hospital, Lucknow. Medical Ardsenaig, Ch.B.Aberd., South Officer, Riding in Mental County Mental Ardrishaig, Argvll. (Chairman, M.R.C.S., Superintendent, Mental Hospital, L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medico-Legal Office, Post Egypt. Teil, Hospital Medical Africa. Kamel, Joseph End J.P., Alexandria, William Hill 124, D.P.M., Assistant C.M.Edin., MB., Mohamed Kimber, Mental 1930—3L) C.P., Office Buildings, 1920. M.R.C.P., Ch.B., L.R.C.P., MB., James, Kholy, Assistant District Lanes. Division, Grahamstown, 1923. M.B., Rainhill, Scottish Key, B.S.Lond., Stewart, Hospital, 1920. M.D., Robert Kerr, Officer, Limerick. 1936. 1902. Medical and M.R.C.S., Clinic, L.R.C.P., St. D.P.M., Albans. Medical (Secretary, Director, Educational Committee, 1927—30.) 1903. King, Frank Peckham 1902. King-Turner, Raymond, B.A.Camb., M.R.C.S., House, Peckham, London, S.E. 15. Arthur Fairford, 1935. Kingston, Charles, M.B., C.M.Edin., L.R.C.P., Medical Medical Superintendent, Superintendent, The Retreat, Gloucestershire. Frank Officer, Edward, West MB., Riding Richard R., B.S., Mental 1915. Kirwan, ,j33. Hospital, Menston, Leeds. Kirwan, William Joseph, MB., MB., M.R.C.S., Hospital, L.R.C.P., Menston, B.Ch.R.U.I., Assistant B.Ch., D.P.M.,' Assistant Medical nr. Leeds. Medical B.A.O.N.U.I.. Officer, West D.P.M., Riding City Mental Mental Hospital, Winson Green, Birmingham. 1j36. @ Kitcliiñg, Edwin Howard, MB., Manchester Royal Infirmary; Knight, Gwendoline Officer, Dorothy, The Mary Ch.B.Leeds, Retreat, M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., Street, L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Manchester, D.P.M., I.eeds, Assistant 1937. Hospital, Riccartsbar. Knox, John Stuart, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Junior Deputy Medical Broadinoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Crowthorne, Berks. 1914. Ladell, Robert 1923. Laing, John Park, Lalkaka, MA., George Assistant MB., M.B., Ch.B.Vict., B.S.Melb., Medical Queens D.P.M., Officer, Hospital, Medical Paisley Superintendent, Birmingham. Superintendent, Ardeshir J., MB., B.S.Bombay, “¿Nishat “¿, Darabsha Joseph, Mary, 1896. Teddington; Langdon-Down, Middlesex. Lansdowne, Holmesdale Road, Teddington. Reginald L., MA., MB., B.Ch.Camb., Normansfield, 1938. Larkin, 1925. 1935. 1937. Lascelles, SW. William Laval, 1935. Laverty, M.D., Evariste, Samuel M.B., C.M.Edin., John, B.A., Assistant D.P.M., Laws, John Hospital, Leckie, James, Joseph, Yamuna Bombay, Road, Medical Deputy Medical D.P.M., Assistant Park Ch.B., Lincoln; M.R.C.S., Officer, Normansfield, Teddington, Superintendent, West Ham Medical End, Egham, B.A.O., Medical Officer, Claybury L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Indian D.P.M., Military Hospital, Surrey. L.M., D.P.M., Adviser, L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Assistant Assistant Physician, Royal Medical Lincolnshire Medical Superintendent, Joint Board Officer, Horton Epsom. B.Sc., MB., 6. Wandsworth Essex. B.Ch.Belf., M.B., Harmston Hall Colony, the Mentally Defective. 1936. B.S., Goodmayes, James, Lvford Hospital, Woodford Bridge, Essex. Last, Samuel Leopold, M.D.Berlin, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.Edin., Penarth, Runwell, nr. Wickford, Essex. Laughland, William Walker, MB., Ch.B., Capt. I.M.S., Almora, UP. 1935. 1929. B.S.Lond., M.B., Hospital, 26, Bai IS. M.B., Henry, D.P.H. to Langdon-Down, Edward Darenth Sea Road, 1935. London, B.Ch.N.U.I., Psychiatrist off Nepean Landers, Mental M.B., Hon. Road, 2925. Common, Mental Kent. Hospital; John Ch.B.Glasg., Macdonald, Kaikhushru bai Nair M.B., Collier, Dartford, Medical York. Knight, Kidd Psychiatrist, @. 1919. 1935. Reid, M.R.C.S., 22, St. John Ch.B., Mental Hospital, Aberdeen. for Members 1915. Leech, Henry Brougham, Warwickshire. 1909. Leech, John 1899. Leeper, Wilts R., ; 55, M.D., Kenilworth Road, Leamington, B.Ch.Dubb., D.P.M., Medical Superinten Devizes. L.R.C.P.Irel., Dublin. xxxvii 1923—24.) Hospital, F.R.C.S., PRESIDENT, William, B.Ch.Dubl., B.A., Mental Hospital, 1929—31 Leggett, M.D., Registrar, Wolseley, County Richard Patrick's 1906. BA., (A cting Frederick dent, of the Association. M.P.C., (Secretary, Irish Medical Division, Superintendent, St. 1911—29, and Chairman, 1931-32.) B.A., M.D., B.Ch.Dubl., Medical Officer, Smithston Mental Hospital, Greenock. 1927. Levinson, 1937. Lewis, 1933. Lewis, 1930. ‘¿9 i6. Reuben, Lewis, Edward, Lewis, John Biddulph Liddell, John Kenneth Lilly, George, Thomas Lindsay, Crawford, MC., London, W. i. Medical Linklater, Litteljohn, Hill Clifton, M.D., M.R.C.S., Southall, Ch.B.Edin., Hensol L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Middlesex. D.P.M., M.D.Camb., Senior Assistant Medical M.R.C.P., James L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Surrey. Medical Officer, Bristol Police; 50, Bristol. The D.P.M., Pines, Irvine, Edinburgh; M.R.C.S., Coulsdon, F.R.C.S.Edin., (L.C.C.); 1939—40.) Edward M.D.Camb., Hospital, M.D.Oxf., Road, George Medical Superintendent, Hospital, MiS., M.A., Cane Thomas, M.A., St. Bernard's Mortimer, M.O.H., 1908. Street, L.R.C.P.Lond, House, Gloucester. Austen, Hospital Division, 1933. Wimpole Glamorgan. Strafford, Superintendent, Pembroke 1927. 58, M.R.C.S.Eng., L. R.C. P.&S. Edin., Pontyclun, Superintendent, 1939. D.P.M., B.Sc.Lond., F. R. F. P.S.Glasg., Officer, Barnwood 1920. D.P.H., Rossiter, Institution, Medical 1931. Ch.B.Edin., Picton Officer, H.M. Prison Service; 162, Du Cane Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W. 12. Aubrey Julian, M.D.Adelaide, F.R.C.P., Clinical Director, Maudsley Hospital, London, SE. @. Lewis, Edmund Oliver, M.A.Camb., D.Sc.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Commissioner, Board of Control, Hobart House, Grosvenor Place, London, SW. i. (Secretary, Mental Deficiency Committee since 1935.) Castle 1924. MB., Arthur O.B.E., Westland Salterne, Medical Caterhamn, M.D., House, M.R.C.S., Superintendent, Surrey. M.R.C.P.E., Eskbank, L.R.C.P., Caterham (Chairman, D.P.H., South-Eastern D.T.M., Assistant Midlothian. Medical Superintendent, The Manor, Epsom. 1938. Littlewood, James, Hospital, 1935. Lloyd, MB., John Ernest Medical Lloyd, John Stanley, Lockwood, Madeline 1922. Logan, Fenstanton, County M.D., 1923. Lovell, 1931. Road, Streathamr. Ch.B., 1906. 1928. 1926. Mental Hospital, Mental MC., Margaret Ch.B., F.R.C.P.Edin., Downpatrick, M.D., 2. Superintendent, Horton Road, Mental Medical Hospital, Officer, Gloucester. Singapore. Monmouth Frances i, House, Hallamn Pathologist, Beach Jane, D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, N. Ireland. B.S.Lond., Kent; Clinic for the Treatment Weymouth S.W. Medical Superintendent, Senior Assistant ,7. Abergavenny. M.D., Beckenham, SW. Middlesex. Medical Superintendent, London, Lindi, Barrister-at-Law, London, Road, Bethlem Emsworth, M.R.C.S., Street, Royal L.R.C.P., and Study London, Hon. of Nervous W. Hospital, Monk's Hants. Medical Director, and Delicate Children; i. Lowry, James Arthur, M.D., B.Ch.R.U.I., Medical Superintendent, Mental Hospital, Brookwood. Lowson, William, M.D., Ch.B.St. Andr., Medical Officer, Moat House, Colehill, Tamworth, Staffordshire. Surrey Tamworth; 9, Lucas, c/o & Edmund Bombay, Stanley Sayer, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Major, I.M.S., County Grindlay India. Lucas, Saul Harold, M.R.C.S., Hospital, Abbots Langley, ‘¿930. Lyons, 1936. M., Hospital, Hill, Gloucester; The Children's Co., 1938. Parkside D.P.M., Tooting, F. R.F.P.S.Glasg., M.B., CILB., Assistant M.D., Ch.B.Edin., B. Mental Clement, Lowenfeld, Officer, M.R.C.P., Hospital, M.D., Robert, O.B.E., Orchard, Fountain Colquhoun, Douglas Down Medical M.D., F.R.C.S.Edin., Hayes Park, Hayes, Rose, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Resident and City William Peter, Lothian, Assistant Ch.B.Liverp., The County Mental Hospital, 1924. D.P.M., Christchurch Frederick Logan, Lornie, Seton, Superintendent, 1936. 1934. 1932. 1924. Ch.B., Macclesfield. I..R.C.P., Watford, D.P.M., Herts. Bernard, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.N.U.I., Medical Hospital, co. Galway. Lyons, John Francis, L.R.C.P.&S.I., D.P.H., D.P.M., Hortham Colony, Almondsbury, near Bristol. Assistant Medical Officer, Leavesden Superintendent, L.M.Rot., Ballinasloe Medical Mental Superintendent, xxxviii 1920. 1906. 1923. 1939. Members McAlister, William Malcolm, of the Association. MA., M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.P.Edin., Dip!. Macaulay, stone Joseph Langham, House, Bedford. Robert P. J., M.D., MB., L.C.P.&S.Quebec, Ch.B.Glasg., Medical Medical Wedgewood, Superintendent, 1936. McBroom, x88o. MacBryan, Henry Crawford, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., @a,Clifton Road, Somerset. MacCallum, Alexander Grigor, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., 8, Becmead 1926. Psych., Superintendent, Bangour Village, West Lothian; Lect. on Psychiat., Univ. of Edin. (Secretary, Scottish Division, since 1935.) Macarthur, John, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, County Mental Hospital, Bracebridge Heath, Lines. Macaulay, Douglas Ian Otto, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Chiswick House, Pinner, Middlesex. Cadzow Street, Bishop Motherwell. Weston-super-Mare, Avenue, Streatham, London, S.W. i6. 1929. Maccallum, Archibald lpswich 1929. MacCalman, 1929. McCartan, 1934. McCarthy, Douglas Mental Joyce, Hospital, 1936. 1920. ChB.Glasg., Ch.B.Glasg., M.R.C.P., Hospital, Haywards B.Ch., M.D., 128, D.P.H., J., L.R.C. Stretton, ‘¿93'. McConnell, M.D., Hospital, John, Church McCoull, Robert, Mental McClintock, M.D., Assistant Medical Harley Street, D.P.M., Heath, London, Medical W. @. Superintendent, Sussex. B.A.O.N.U.I., B.Sc., D.P.H., D.P.M., Grange Co. Dublin. P.&S.Edin., Resident Medical Superintendent, D.P.M., Assistant Grove House, Salop. M.D., BS.Lond., Medical Officer, Long Grove Epsom. George, M.D., B.S.Durh., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., L.R.F.P.SGlasg., Medical intendent, Prudhoe Hall Colony for Mental Defectives; Tyne View, Tyne. McCowan, Alexander Knight, M.D., Ch.B., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Pathologist, Chartham Mental Hospital, Canterbury, Kent. McCowan, Officer, Ipswich. M.D.Belf., Cornelius gorman 1927. Hospital, William, Brighton 1900. Montgomery, Mental Peter Knight, Physician M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Superintendent, F.R.C.P.Lond., Crichton Royal, D.P.M., Dumfries. Super Prudhoe-on Officer and Barrister-at-Law; (Secretary, Research and Clinical Committee, since 1931.) 1926. McCowan, Mrs. P. K. (née Northcote), Crichton House, Crichton Royal, 1932. McCulley, 1936. Norwich. McCulloch, Andrew Stenhouse, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., Officer, Lanark District Asylum, Hartwood. 1921. McCutcheon, Wick 1931. William B.Sc., Archibald Road, McDiarmid, James Glasgow Hill, M.B., Arlesey, MacDonald, M.B., Munn, Selly Neil, Hospital, 1901. John, MB., Macdonald, Queen 1905. McDougall, 1906. Murthly. McDowall, Cohn John, MB., Assistant Medical Psych. Edin., Shepperton, Superintendent, Three F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., 40, Counties Medical Cardonald, Glasgow; Scottish Division, Ch.B.Edin., M.B, D.P.M., Ch.B.Glasg., Cosham, MB., Sells' Mental Superintendent, Lect. on Psychol. 1932—33) Medical Superintendent, Coton Medical Officer, Ministry of Pensions, Hampshire. Ch.B.Edin., Ch.B.Glasg., Francis M.P.C., Macfarlane, Natal, Neil M., C.B.E., South Africa. 1924. Macfarlane, Robert Middlesex. Committee John, Melvin, (Secretary, since 1936.) M.B., Hospital, Medical Frederick, Ticehurst 1895. Mental Ch.B., M.D., Fraser, Superintendent, since 1922.) McGarvey, Thorpe, Olive Lodge, Polworth Terrace, District Asylum, ,i. 1928. 192 3. Hospital, F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Hawkhead, Hospital, William Edinburgh Andrew's Stafford. William, Alexandra MacDonald, D.P.M., 29. (Chairman, O.B.E., Robert L.R.C.P., St. Dip!. Medical M.B., Asylum, Hill Mental Hospital, 1928. Ch.B., Ch.B.Glasg., Hogg, Ranald, D.P.M., M.R.C.S., Beds. District MacDonald, Ch.B., Birmingham, Med., Univ. of Glasgow. 1911. M.D., B.S.Lond., Dumfries. M.D., D.S.Durh., House, Ticehurst, M.D., C.M.Aberd., M.D.,Ch.B.Edin., SE. B.Ch.Belf., Wells. Superintendent, Division D.P.M., Perth M.R.C.S., Sussex. Laurelhill, D.P.H., since Medical L.R.C.P., Medical (Secretary, Library Committee, 10, Nonoti Avenue, D.P.M., Jamnagar House, 1935 ; Secretary, . Superintendent,Somerset Durban, Staines, Pa.rliamentary and Bath Members 1928. MacGilp, Finlay Duncan, Durham County Mental 1934. McGlashan, Alice, Hospital, 1925. MB., William MB., Ch.B. StAnch., Hospital, Winterton, Ch.B., Prestwich, McGlashan, MacGown, Reid, Agnes MA., Mildred, Pathologist, 1921. 1938. 1938. McGrath, McGregor, 1938. McGuiness, M.B., Ch.B.Aberd., Ch.BEdin., Village, Joseph, John, Mcllroy, Medical Officer, County Mental D.P.M., Physician to Mental D.P.M., Uphall, MB., the Assistant Medical Officer and Linlithgowshire. B.Ch.R.U.I., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., William Deputy Ernest, Hospital, MB., Medical Road, Superintendent, Llandaff, L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Narborough, Ch.B., Hospital, MB., Llantrisant I .R.C.P.&S.t@din., Hayes Mental John, Ardchoille, Plenderleith, Carlton bridge Mclnnes, MB., John Officer, 1924. Assistant West Riding Mental Hospital; The Gables, Bar Lane, Stanley, near Wakefield. McGrath, William Michael, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Leavesden Hospital, Abbots Langley, Watford, Herts. MacGregor, James MacWilliam, L.R.C.P.&S.E., L.R.F.P.S.G., Assistant Medical Officer, Worcestershire Mental Hospital, Barnsley Hall, Bromsgrove. 1902. 1931. Deputy Medical Superintendent, Ferry Hill, co. Durham. Office, Lukis House, Grange, Guernsey. M.D., Bangour Mathew D.P.H., xxxix Manchester. Health Services, Health 1925. of the A ssociation. B.A.O., near D.P.M., Glamorgan. Assistant Medical Leicester. Assistant Medical Officer, Brace Lincoln. Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., MedicalSuperintendent, City Mental Hospital, ‘¿iVillerby, Hull. 1932. Mclnnes, Robert Gow, The Warneford, 1924. Mackay, George Control, 1929. MacKay, and L.R.C. P.&S.Edin., Oxford; William Hobart John, House, John, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Mental Hospital, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Place, D.P.M., D.P.M., Norton Medical 1936. Mackenzie, 1911. Mackenzie, Donald Mental Lachlan, Hospital, Ivy, District Board John Hospital, Burntwood, Murdo, Mackenzie, Myra, 1934. Mackenzie, Norman Fraser, hall Certified Institution Mackenzie, Theodore Deputy 1934. McLeman, 1927. Macleod, John, Macleod, MacMahon, McManus, 1930. McMenamin, M.D., Ch.B., M.D., Macmillan, Ch.B.Edin., 9, Angus, M.D., Harley Street, M.P.C., Mental Margaret Street, Medical Lincoln. MC. M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Brock Inverness. D.P.H., D.P.M., Preston. Renfrewshire. D.P.M., MB., Glasgow District Mental Medical Superintendent, 7, Herts. King Edward Ch.B.Edin., M.R.C.P.Edin., Mental Deputy Watford, Hospital; M.R.C.P.Edin., l).Psych., D.P.M., 1922. Macphail, Avenue, Lower Medical Deputy Thorneywood 1910. L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., 38, D.P.M., Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital; 2, Whittingehame (Secretary, Scottish Division, 1934—35.) MacPhail, Hector Duncan, O.B.E., M.A., M.D., Ch.B.Edin., City Mental Hospital, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Univ. of Durh. L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Druim, Greenock, MacNiven, Ross, Mental W.,. Lawn, Whittingham, Officer, 121, Clifton, York. M.D., D.P.M., Ch.D.Viet., City Hospital, 1925. lain London, The D.Hy.Durh., Langley, Sales, B.Sc., MB., Stafford N.B. Abbots de Nottingham Officer, Ch.B.Aberd., Assistant Lenzie, Charles, Duncan, tendent, County Glasgow C. 3. Medical F.R.C.P.Edin., Dublin. ‘¿93'. Macmillan, Donald MacPhail, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Great Barr Park Colony, near 1929. Officer, Physician, Glasgow, Superintendent, County Ch.B.Edin., Francis Medical Superin M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Deputy Medical Superintendent, for Mental Defectives, Langho, near Blackburn. Superintendent, Hospital, 122, Medical M.D.Edin., D.P.M., James Francis, MA., Hugh Newport, Medical Consulting Assistant M.R.C.P., Alexander, Woodilee, Neil, Lond., Charles, M.D., Leavesden 1925. B.S. M.D., John, Deputy Assistant Terrace, Ch.B.Edin., Ch.B.Aberd., Gordon Medical Hospital, 1921. 1938. M.D., M.D., Robert Superintendent, Lichfield. Mackenzie, McLaren, D.P.M., Somerset Taunton. Medical F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., io, Woodside M.D., 1930. ‘¿903. M.D., of Control; Cosserat, Ch.B., of Lanes. B.Sc., 1927. 1935. M.D., Rainhill, MA., Ch.B.Edin., Board Superintendent, Fitzwarren, Borough Mental Hospital, Caerleon, Mon. MacKeith, Stephen Alexander, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., tendent, Graylingwell Hospital, Chichester, Sussex. Mackenzie, Commissioner, SW.,. Mackay, 1937. M.D., Physician-Superintendent, Oxford. London, Deputy Cotford, MC., P. Edin., Road, 1914. 1927. Ross, Hill Top Grosvenor Bath Magnus M.R.C. Gabriels, Mount, Physician Gardens, Blackpool. Baggot Street, Superintendent, Medical Superin Nottingham. Superintendent, Glasgow, W. 2. Medical Superintendent, Lect. on Psychol. Med., ‘¿iVye House, Buxton. xl 1901. Members McRae, Douglas, M.D., (Assistant Scottish 1922. Asylum, Isabella J.P., Duich, Co-Editor Ch.B., West of Journal 1931—32; Vice-Chairman, PRESIDENT, 1937—38.) McWilhiam, William, M.D., Maddox, F.R.C.P.Edin., 1915—20, and Division, District 1923. C.M., Editor, of the Association. Linton, since Educational F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Peeblesshire. 1920 ; Chairman, Committee, D.P.M., Medical 1933—1937 Superintendent, Inverness. Anne (née Gillespie), M.B., B.Ch.Edin.. D.P.M.. Oxhey Grove, Hatch End, Middlesex. 1925. Madgwick, John Medical 1923. Madill, Joseph Magrath, Alexander, Donald, MB., 1928. Main, Dorothy Willerby, Mary, Hull. 1931. Malloy, Holder, Joseph 1939. County Mantani 1908. Mapother, M.D., 19, Queen Anne Marnan, John, B.A., Marsh, Rex Godfrey Bromham Marshall, co. Gilbert, Armagh. I939. Marshall, John St. Ebba's 1926. Martin, 1922. Kemsley, Hospital, Assistant Medical Officer, Medical Deputy Officer, Mental City Mental Hospital, Superintendent, DO., Superintendent, F.R.C.P.Lond., and near Stafford Sir C. J. Mental F.R.C.S.Eng., Lect. in Psych. B.Ch., MB., Professor Med., King's Road, Gloucester. D.P.M,, Medical of Coll. Hosp.; Superintendent, Bedford. D.P.H.Dub.Univ., D.M., M.R.C.S., Epsom, Surrey. Reid, D.P.M., Surrey. Deputy B.S., B.S.Lond., MB., D.P.H., Mental India. of London, Colony, BA., Alexander Martin, D.P.M., Westmorland Ottershaw, Medical Street, London, W. i. M.B., B.Ch.Dubl., 2, Horton Blake, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., House 1938. Assistant M.B., Sind, University F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., and L.R.C.P.Lond., Colony, Deputy Cheddleton. Jawahirmal, Edward, City, And., Hospital, Hyderabad, Psychiatry, 1903. 1929. M.D.St. B.Ch.Edin., B.A.O.N.U.I., Ch.B.Glasg., Mental Khushaldas Hospital, Park MB., Ch.B., Ireland. MB., M.B., D.P.M., Surrey. Cumberland M.R.C.S., Botleys L.R.C.P., Epsom, B.A.R.U.I., Ch.B.Birm., Mahony, Elizabeth Maud, Hospital, Monaghan, M.R.C.S., Hospital, Superintendent, Superintendent, 1929. shire Grove Herbert, M.P.C., Medical Carlisle. Medical M.D.Lond., Long Thomas D.P.M., Hospital, 1931. Reginald Superintendent, Pembroke L.R.C.P., B.Ch.Belf., D.P.M., D.P.M., 24, House, Assistant Gramercy Markethill, Medical Park, Officer, New York U.S.A. Frederick Robertson, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., 6, Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey. ‘¿930. Martin, John James Fishponds 1907. Martin, 1914. Martin, Mary 1921. Masefield, Hove, Black, Mental 1937. Edith, M.B., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Ch.B.Edin., Salisbury. William Mason, William Mathieson, Gordon, McLaren, (Secretary, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., SW. Superintendent, M.P.C., 9, The Moir, Hospital, Din Rosslynlee, MB., Wadsley, Dayal, Drive, Mathur, Maudsley, Henry Fitzgerald, MC., Hon. Neurologist, Melbourne Victoria, Australia. 1932. Maxwell, Warnock, Nora, 1934. Maybin, 1939. Mayer-Gross, W., 1938. Meade-King, Michael Springfield Meenan, John Hospital, B.S., MB., B.CII., Superintendent, Educational Superintendent, Committee, Brentry Medical Officer, Colony, Midlothian Assistant Medical Officer, South Yorks of Jail, Bharatpur State, India. M.D.Melb., M.R.C.P.,. F.R.A.C.P., D.P.M.Lond., General Hospital; 8, Colilns Street, Melbourne, L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Berry Northampton. B.A.O., M.D.Heidelberg, D.P.H., 17, Antrim M.R.C.P., Liddon, Hospital, (Secretary, Assistant Superintendent M.R.C.S., Hospital, 1930.) Medical Midlothian. Ch.B.Aberd., 1939. Mental since D.P.M., Superintendent, Sheffield. ,934. Robert MB., Medical Division, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin.&Glasg., Asylum, James Wood Medical Barrister-at-Law, Essex County Mental Hospital, Brentwood. 1930—36; Hon. General Secretary since 1936.) Mason, James Johnston, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., Medical Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. Mental 1939. B.Ch., Bristol. L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Edgar, and Peebles 1911. M.D., Sussex. Samuel The Old Manor, 1938. MA., Hospital, M.R.C.S., Beechcroft M., MB., B.Ch., Grangegorman, B.A.O., Dublin. Road, Liiburn, L.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.C.P., Road, L.M., Crichton D.P.M., Assistant London, SW. D.P.M., Assistant co. Antrim. Royal, Dumfries. Medical Officer, 17. Medical Officer, Mental Members 1937. Mellett, Michael Riding 1932. Menzies, Kevin, Mental M.B., B.Ch., Hospital, Archibald, of the Association. B.A.O.N.U.I., Menston, near L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., xli Assistant Medical Officer, \Vest Leeds. L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., 6@, Dixon Avenue, Glasgow, S. 2. 1926. Menzies, Duncan, MA., Plymouth 1932. Methven, James Meyer, Alfred, Middlemiss, 1928. Crest “¿, Scott Hall Road, Mill, Laura Margaret Dorothea, 1929. Miller, Ernest, Miller, to 1924. Miller, Robert Stewart, M.D., Hubert Ch.B.Glasg., Hospital Kenneth Oswald, Prison, M.B., B.Ch.Dubl., (L.C.C.), Caterham, M.D., 1910. Monnington, Richard Caldicott, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., of Pensions; 33, New Street, Salisbury. 1915. Monrad-Krohn, 1917. Morris, Hospital, G. Neil 1925. B.A., M.D., Frederick Morris, John M.D., Morton, Ardee, Vincent, Mould, Gilbert 1934. Moulson, Medical Officer, Medical Officer, D.PM., Superintendent, Neurologist, M.R.C.S.Eng., Rikshospitalet, Senior Ministry Medical M.P.C., Oslo, Officer, Norway. Storthes Hall Huddersfield. (Secretary, B.S.Durh., St. Patrick's Hospital, Medical Superintendent, Irish Division since Inspector-General “¿,Pembroke M.B., Medical F.R.C.P., M.D., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.M., Resident MB., BA., Bertram, Officer, 1896. Assistant Cell Street, ILCh.Dubl., St. Medical of Peter's, Dublin. Ardee 1937.) Hospitals, South Adelaide, South Superintendent, Little Plumstead M.R.C.S., L.R.C.I'., l).l'.M., Assistant Brentwood, Essex. Norwich. Richard Medical Diseases, Superintendent, D.P.M., Oslo; D.P.M., co. Louth. Howel, D.P.H., B.S.Oslo, near “¿Tros-y-Parc near Medical D.P.M., University, Kirkburton, Hospital, Hall, 1939. H., McEachran, Bedlington Mental lo, Estcourt Avenue, Leeds 6. Deputy Medical Superintendent, Ch.B.N.U.I., co. Wexford. John Norman Parker, BA., Patrick, M.B., B.Ch.N.U.I., Australia; Australia. New Epsom, Surrey. Royal Hospital, for I..R.C.P., B.M., B.Ch.Oxon., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., Bernard, M.B., Mental Hospital, of Med., Mental 169, N. 7. Molony, Charles Enniscorthy Moore, Moran, D.T.M.&H., D.P.H., M.R.C.S., London, 1922. 1939. 1925. East Surrey. Ch.B.Leeds, Pentonville, Michael John Wilmott, Louis, M.D., B.S.Durh., Mental Edinburgh. l)irector, W. i. Hospital Deputy Minshull, Minski, Montgomery, L.R.C.P., “¿The Syria. 1933. 1923. 1935. M.P.C., Hon. London, Lebanon near Beyrout, Francis, Caterham Prof. Pathological @i. Place, D.P.M., M.R.C.S., Milmo, St. Ebba's County Hove 3, Sussex. 1931. H.M. S.E. L.R.C.P.Lond., L.R.C.P., Millman, Cyril Guy, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P., Barnes Colony, St. Albans, Herts. Milner, Somerset Central London, M.R.C.S., 1938. 1938. L.C.C. Hill, 23, Park Crescent, Lanfear, Superintendent, Officer, Pathologist, M.R.C.S., P.O. Box 92, Asfuriyeh, Dermod Medical Chapel-Allerton, Leeds. MB., Ch.B.Glasg., 25, Palmerston Richard Road, the F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., M.A.Camb., Frederick Church Medical Bristol. Denmark London Child Guidance Clinic; 1930. Bourton, Hospital, 1910. Emanuel, Assistant Flax Assistant Maudsley Deputy Devon. Ch.B.Edin., House, M.D.Bonn., James D.P.M., Ivybridge, MB., Cambridge Laboratory, Ch.B.Aberd., Hospital, Black, Council; 1937. M.B., Mental Edward, Norman, MB., Counts' B.S.Lond., Mental M.R.C.S., M.D.Lond., Hospital, L.R.C.P., D.P.M., The Grange, Medical Rotherham, Superintendent, Vorks. Cefn Coed Hospital, Swansea. 1914. Moycs, John 1919. Mules, Annie Murray, 1907. Mules, Bertha 1939. Mulligan, MB., Shortridge, Mary, Mar@ Ch.B.Edin., M.R.C.S., M.D., D.P.M., B.S.Durh., Frances, Ardcaein, L.R.C.P., Court Court L.R.C.S.1., Hall, Shantallow, Hall, Kenton, Kenton, Assistant South Medical I.ondonderry. South Devon. Devon. Officer, Mental Hospital, Mulhingar. 1929. Mulhin, Bartholomew Joseph, Superintendent, 1929. Munro, Thomas Royal 1925. Murdoch, Arthur, Eastern James Hospital, 1931. Murray, Helen 1932. Murray, John Wilson, Sara L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Hospital, Ch.B., M.B., Perak, MB., Dipl. Colchester, Ch.B.Aberd., Rambutan, D.P.H., B.S.Lond., Banstead Hospital Medical Medical M.R.C.S., (L.C.C.), Psych., Hon. Psychiatrist, Essex. Federated Ch.B.Edin., M.D., I).P.M., Exeter. M.R.C.P.Edin., Institution, Euphemia, Raymund, House MB., Counties Tanjong Superintendent, MC., Wonford Superintendent, Malay Cedar Grange, L.R.C.P., Sutton. Central Mental States. Caterhani, D.P.M., Surrey. Deputy Medical xlii 1937. Members Napier, Francis James, Carlton 1939. Nevin, Nicol, B.Sc., William 1923. 2938. Mental Nightingale, 1920. Nix, M.B.. 1938. Noble, John I 19, 1922. Noble, M.D., Ralph Brook Superintendent, Pathological Mental II, D.P.M., Medical Laboratory Health Upper Medical London Street, Superintendent, School of Medicine Superintendent, D.P.M., Services; Wimpole Lancashire Assistant for County Medical Officer, Essex. L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Hospital, Visiting Deputy Medical Chichester. Medical Officer, Leicester Frith Institution Leicester. MB., Grosvenor James, F.R.C.P., Mental M.R.C.P., Athelstane, Hubert Central of London; Brentwood, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Road, Street, the Warrington. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Grayhingwell Medical Council's University D.P.M., Mental Hospital, M.D., B.S.Durh., Henry, of County Lect. on Psychiatry, Winwick, Slingsby, l.oughborough Deputy Leicester. Director B.S.Lond., L.M.S.S.A., Superintendent, near London Epsom; Hospital, Geoffrey Brentwood Sidney, the Pathology, Drew, Hospital, Women. Nicole, J. Ernest, M.R.C.P., to D.P.M., Narborough, M.D., of Mental W. i. Horton L.C.R.P., Hospital, Pathologist Professor London, 1920. M.R.C.S., Hayes Samuel, and of the A ssociation. Ch.M.Syd., Square, D.P.M., 86, Norman, 1938. House Mental Hospital, London, SE. 5 ; Lect. on Ment. Dis., \Vestm. Hosp. Northcotes, 79, West Hill, Sydenham, London, SE. 26. Norman, Ronald Melville, M.D., Ch.B., D.P.M., Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Stoke Park Colony, Bristol; Medical Assistant to the Burden Mental Research Trust; 25, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. 1932. Norris, Frank 1939. Nuthall, 1930. O'Brien, Edwin, Du Cane Robert Nuthall, O'Connell, MB., Daniel Andrew's 1934. 2937. 1924. OdIum, Doris Medical Officer, Ogden, L.R.C.P., B.Ch., The Homestead, B.A.O.N.U.I., M.D., Ogilvie, Orpington, D.P.M., D.P.H., Kent. Assistant Medical D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, St. B.A.Lond., M.R.C.S., Mental Hospital, L.M., Assistant I..R.C.P., D.P.H., 42, W. i. M.R.C.S.Eng., (L.C.C.), William Prison; co. Dublin. B.Ch., M.A.Oxon., London, William, H.M. Northampton. Maude, Street, Hospital 1918. D.P.M., Camberwell 12. Mental Hospital, Joseph, Hospital, Superintendent, O'Connor, Joseph, M.D., N.U.I., Assistant Medical Officer, Ardee Ardee, co. Louth. O'Dea, John Francis, B.Sc., MB., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.H., D.P.M., Medical Officer. Mental Hospital, Clonmel, co. Tipperary. Harley 1938. W. M.R.C.S., J., Medical L.R.C.P., London, Officer, Grangegorman 1929. D.P.H., M.R.C.S.Eng., Road, Eveleen Ch.B.Edin., F.R.A.C.P., W. i. 1909. 164, MB., M.R.C.P., London, L.R.C.P., Bexlev, Mitchell, D.P.M.,, Assistant Medical Officer, Bexlev Kent. M.B., C.M.Aberd., “¿ Monymusk “¿,2, Riselaw Terrace, Edinburgh. 1911. Oliver, Norman Henry, Ministry 1938. O'Meara, I.ouisa brook, 1936. Ethel London, 1924. O'Reilly, 1930. MB., MB., Winson Joseph, Mental Hospital, Orr, David, M.D., C.M.Edin., Orr, James Henry Cubitt, Asylum, Rosslyn Carr, House, Mill 1932. O'Sullivan, Edward Rhyd, Mental Mecklenburgh Square, Medical Superintendent, City Assistant Medical Officer, North Riding N. M., District B.Sc., Hospital, Grange Road, Medical Midlothian and Edinburgh. Superintendent, Castle. 2936. Superintendent, M.B., 24, Ch.B.Edin., Private Mental Hospital, Cork. O'Sullivan, t@aniel Joseph, MB., Grangegorman Mental Hospital, David Court, D.P.M., D.P.M., M.P.C., M.D., Osburne, County Surrey. Richmond Birmingham. Ch.B., 1933. Owen, D.P.M., Byron B.Ch.Belf., Green, MB., 1902. 1935. Superintendent, Richmond, York. 1910. John D.P.H., I..R.C.P.&S.Edin., Joseph, John B.A.O., Medical House, ,. Hospital, Peebles B.Ch., Adelaide, James O'Riordan, Barrister-at-Law, Northumberland CI. W.C. Mental L.R.C.P., Hospital; Mary, Jersey, Orchard, M.R.C.S., of Pensions B.Ch., BA., B.A.O.N.U.I., B.Ch., Dublin. MB., B.Ch., Mental Hospital, M.B., B.Ch.Wales, Bridgend; Medical B.A.O.N.U.I., B.A.O., Superintendent, Assistant D.P.M.N.U.!., Lindville Medical Resident Officer, Medical Killarney. Angelton, Medical Bridgend, Superintendent, Glam. Glamorgan Members 1928. Paddle, Kenneth Cecil Superintendent, 1938. tp3o. 1937. 1936. Laurence, Botlevs M.R.C.S., Colony; Palmer, Harold Pal, Anstruther, Sachindra M.B., Woodside Bhushan, i933. Panton, John Stafford. 1927. Parasuram, B.A., Tanjong Bane, Parfitt, David L.M.S.Calc., Neil, Rampattar, Jean Hospital, M.D., Mental Brown, MB., Paisley. Medical BA., M.R.C.P., Parkin, Arthur Paton, St., Thomas, Hospital, Patterson. 1928. Patterson, ‘¿93'. Paul, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Suffolk. Alexander Edward Arthur Cecil, Mental Hospital, House, Greyfriars, MB., Phillips Pearson, Kate Robert Devon Napier, Penrose, Young, Lionel Pentreath, I9@7. Perera, Sharples, 1928. Perk, 1929. Peters, David, 191,. Petrie, M.A., Medical Officer, Perry Hill, London, Physician, Royal SE. Cheshire Infirmary; 6. County Greyfriars M.D.Leeds, Haldane, M.R.C.S., MB., Claybury Alexander D.P.M., Street, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Deputy Kirkcaldy, Deputy Medical Fife. Medical I..R.C.P., of Journal, M.R.C.S., Mental Superintendent, L.R.C.P., Hospital, The D.P.M., Deputy Mickleover, Derby. D.P.M., Assistant L.R.C.P., Ontario Hospital, ‘¿937—39.) Medical Medical Super Superin Angoda, Ceylon. D.P.M., Frank, L.S.A., Exminster. (Co-Editor County Osmund, Alfred Audry's Surrey. Montgomery M.D.Camb., Mental Hospital, Superintendent, Lt.-Col. London, St. Assistant Chester Coulsdon, M.R.C.S., Hospital, Uther Gordon Bourne M.R.C.P.Lond., Superintendent, Lodge, L.R.C.P., 2, Canada. Derby Clement tendent, Mental Boscomnbe, F.R.C.P.Edin., Consulting Physician, M.R.C.S., Ch.B., Mental Edward Mental MA., M.D., Ch.B.Edin., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medico Council; 13, Harley Street, London, W. r. D.P.M., 17, Abbey Road, Harborne, Birmingham, i7. Greenwood, Ontario, intendent, Riccartsbar Kent. Croom Hill Hospital, MB., Augustus London, 1937. Cane County Superintendent, L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Bank, 6, Pall Mall, B.A.O.llelf., MaIling, Hon. Pearn, Penny, Deputy Chester. 1920. 1931. Medical Road, Medical M.B., B.Ch.Camb., ‘¿931. 1913. Deputy B.Ch.Belf., MA., Pearce, Oscar M. R.C. P. Edin., Medical Superintendent, Ch.B.,. B.Ch., \Vest Chester; Superintendent, Hospital, Madras. Petersfield M.D., MB., Colony, Blackwell, Mental Superintendent, Grocott, D.P.M., Stafford, Grange Mental W. i. John Dalziel Wyndham, Psychologist, London County Pearce, May I., M.D., Ch.B.Birm., 1933. Medical M.A.Oxon., London, Melton, Levbourne 2929. Ch.B.Vict., Spencer, x8, Harley 1937. Deputy mouth. Patch, Charles James Lodge, MC., l..R.C.P.&S.Edin., I.M.S., 39, Jail Road, Lahore, India; do Lloyds S.W. m. (Chairman, Indian Division, 1938—40.) Paterson, Central County D.P.M., 1920. M.D., Wood Hatton. Parker, William Patrick Hugh, L.R.C.P.&S.1., Assistant Hospital, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. Gray, Officer, L. M.S. Madras, 1931. George Physician, Physician, Mental Hospital, B.S.Lond., Hospital, Ch.B., Senior Assistant Parker, ‘¿930. Medical Malay States. Assistant Government B.Sc., D.P.M., Senior Federated L.R.C.P.Edin., County M.R.C.P., i 938. 1929. D.P.M., Close, Ottershaw, N. 10. Rambutan, Govindarajpuram Warwick B.Ch., Avenue, Medical Superintendent, ,cimb. L.R.C.P., Copse Lea, Tringham Chertsey, Surrey. Leonard Gilbert Millar, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P., Senior Medical Officer, City of Norwich Mental Hospital; “¿Gorsefield “¿, Drayton, Norwich. Page, William Robert, BA., MB., Ch.M.Sydney, F.R.A.C.P., D.P.M.Lond., Hon. Psychiatrist, Sydney Hospital and St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney; 221, Macquarie Street, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. Pakenham-Walsh, Robert, BA., B.M., B.Ch., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, County Mental Hospital, Lancaster. Hospital, 1932. MC., Park xliii Page, side Hospital, 1927. of the A ssociation. “¿Aldington B.S., Hospital, Webster, “¿,7, M.R.C.S., Poole Woodford M.D., Road, L.R.C.P., Bridge, B.S., Bournemnouth. D.P.M., Deputy Medical Essex. F.R.C.P., M.D., F. R.C.S.Edin., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Banstead Hospital (L.C.C.), Sutton, Surrey; Lect. on Ment. Dis., Charing Cross Hosp. and \Vest Lond. Hosp. (Vice-Chairman Research and Clinical Committee, since 1932; (‘hairman, Educational Cornmitiee, SiflCC (908. Phillips, 1933.) John George Superintendent, 19, Cavendish 1913—20.) Porter, M.D., Bethlem Royal Hospital, London, \V. Square, B.S., F.R.C.P., Monk's @. (Secretary, M.P.C., Resident Orchard, Beckenham, Educational Physician Kent; Committee, xliv Members of the Association. 1906. Phillips, Nathaniel Richard, M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S., •¿intendent, Monmouth County Mental Hospital, 1905. Phillips, Norman Routh, Superintendent, 1921. Phillips, Philip Gordon, Collingham, 1924. Pickworth, M.D.Brux., St. Andrew's L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Abergavenny. M.R.C.S., Hospital, L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Northampton. L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Medical Deputy Medical (A cting Registrar, L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Super Bryn, 1937-38.) The Avenue, Leeds. Frederick Alfred, B.Sc., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., .A.I.C.(exam.), Ph.C., Director, Joint Board of Research for Mental Diseases, City and University of Birmingham ; Dept. of Mental Disease Research, Medical School, Hospitals Centre, Birmingham, i@. ‘¿939. Pilkington, Francis Edward, MA., MB., B.Ch., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.P.I., D.P.M.,―Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Warwickshire Mental Hospital, Thistley Hill, Hill Farm Road, Hatton, nr. Warwick. 1935. Pinkerton, 1934. County Mental Hospital, Devizes. Pool, Arthur, MB., Ch.B., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, York ; Lecturer in Mental Disease, Sheffield University. William 1921. Poynder, Ernest tendent, 1931. Prentice, David, MB., Price, Annie Bapty, Prideaux, Joseph Puflar Strecker, 1928. Quine, Glasg., J., Assistant Margaret Great Smith M.D.WQrzb., Annette, MB., Lancashire John, Venkata Raw, 1920. Read, 1927. Rees, Ch.B.Aberd., Dipl. C.M.G., 1926 ; Walter Laurence Lincoln. D.C.M.S.; London, D.P.M., Percy, B.Sc., Officer, Daniel M.D., M.B., M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., McKinley, Hospital, Senior Assistant F.R.C.S., Hospital, M.D., L.R.C.P., MB., Hospital, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Rainhill, near Medical Medical F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Medical Ch.B.Edin., Reginald tendent, St. Surrey. Superintendent, Led. on East Ment. Sussex Superintendent, Superintendent, Clinic, Friern George, St. Bernard's D.P.H., M.D.Chicago, 515, Public M.R.C.S., House, Dixon, L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Ph.D.Cornell, Torn, Erdington Officer, A.M., Hygiene Beresford Medical Riches, A.B., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Medical Rich, 1922. Muirhead, John Terrace, D.P.M., Superintendent, 1929. Officer, Committee Cliff Liverpool; 1939. Richardson, L.S.Sc.Durh., Warlingham, Officer, Kingseat Mental Hospital, Newmachar, Aberdeen. Reitmann, Francis, M.D.Budapest, M.D.Vienna, Arthington, Barton 1938. D.P.M., Hospital; M.R.C.S.Eng., Upper Reid, Richards, L.R.C.P., Mental ,@, West 1932. 1937. Hospital, Parliamentary M.R.C.P., Park D.P.M., Ch.B., Lichfield. Mental Trivellore, Mental F.R.S.Edin., (Chairman, Physician, City Exeter. M.A.St.And., J., Medical Hellingly. Burntwood, County of Hill, Assistant Government B.Ch.Wales, B.S., William, Gilbert Ministry Shepherd's D.P.M., Government W. 9. Hospital, Hospital, William M.R.C.P., London, Warlingham County Mental of Liverp. Hospital, Mental Reid, Western 1929—30.) Frederick, Benjamin, Mental Reid, Royal Warrington. Psych., Superintendent, B.S., Road, Superintendent, Ernest Reid, M.D., PRESIDENT, Thomas Reeve, Superin S.W.i. 73, Winwick, Woolfe, M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S., Cliffs, Ramsgate Kent. Lancashire Dis., Univ. 1910. M.D., 22, Ashworth Medical 1911. MB., Subba, Nathan, since 1931. The I.awn, L.R.C.P., Kilpauk, Madras. Ratcliffe, Tom Arundel, BA., MB., B.Chir.Cantab., M.R.C.S., D.C.H., Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Nottingham City Robin Wood, The Wells Road, Mapperley, Nottingham. M.P.C., 1911. Officer, L.R.C.P., Hospital, 933. 1889. Medical Street, M.R.C.S., Mental Royal Mental Hospital, Aberdeen. Rao, Bhaskara, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Medical Chingleput Dt., S. India. 936. William B.S., County Raitt, S. Medical Retreat, Devon. L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., 928. Rao, The Wilts N.6. Officer, 1937. Officer, D.P.M., Ivybridge, D.T.M.&H., M.R.C.S., Buildings, A. L.R.C.P., Medical Devon. MB., Ch.B., Engledue, Herbert Assistant Blackadon, D.P.M., Starcross, B.Sc., Francis D.P.H., M.R.C.S., Hospital, Ch.B., i,Sanctuary London, B.Ch., Thornton, Mental Institution, Pensions, 1928. MB., George Plymouth Counties 1936. 1918. Maurice, Safety L.R.C.P., D.N.B., Bldg., D.P.M., Stafford Assistant Medical Road, Torquay. Director, Milwaukee Milwaukee,Wisconsin, L.D.S., Mental Deputy U.S.A. Medical Birmingham. MB., Hospital; M.R.C.S., Hospital, B.S.Lond., 39, The L.R.C.P., Southall, M.R.C.S., Ridgeway, D.P.M., Middlesex. L.R.C.P., Friern Deputy D.P.M., Barnet, Assistant N. Medical Superin Members 1920. Rickman, John, MA., M.D., of the A ssociation. B.Ch.Camb., Physician, xlv London Clinic of Psycho-Analysis; xx, Kent Terrace, London, N.W. i. 1938. Rizvi, Khwaja Nasir Hospital 1931. Roachsmith, C. E., Napsbury igi@. Robarts, 1922. Mental Robb, John Husain, Henry Howard, Roberts, Dix, Edward D.P.M., Deputy House, MB., Lenzie, Ch.B.Glasg., “¿TheOrchard Douglas Superintendent, Medical UP., Officer, Civil India. Medical Superintendent, Albans. M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Woodilee Constance Roberts, Roorkee, D.P.H., Medical Ennerdale, Haddington, Scotland. Beith, M.D.Durh., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Mental Hospital; 1921. St. D.P.M., Hospital, L.R.C.P., Hospital, Hospital, Robert B.S.Lucknow, Engineering M.R.C.S., Mental Superintendent, 1938. M.B., and Thomason East Lothian F.R.F.l'.S.Glasg., Medical Glasgow. Junior Medical “¿, Lower Hellesdon, Thomas, Officer, M.R.C.S., Officer, L.R.C.P., Herts County Mental Hospital, City of Norwich Norwich. D.P.M., Deputy Medical Hill End, St. Albans. 1938. Roberts, John Alexander Fraser, MA., M.B., Ch.B., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., Principal gator to the Burden Mental Research Trust; Special l.ecturer on Human University of Bri@tol; Stoke Park Colony, Bristol. Investi Genetics, 1936. Roberts, Assistant John Herbert Owen, M.D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Officer, North Wales Counties Mental Hospital, Denbigh ; Cam Ingli, Denbigh. ‘¿903. Roberts, Nordiffe, O.B.E., M.D., B.S.Durh., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, West Park Hospital, Epsom. 2935. Roberts, Reginald F., MB., Ch.B., Medical Officer, County Mental Hospital, Rainhill, St. Fillans, Elton Head Road, St. Helens, Lancs. 1927. Robertson, David, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Medical Superintendent, Bootham Park, York. 1908. Robertson, George Dunlop, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Dipl. Psych., @8, Kelvingrove Street, Glasgow, C. 3. 1934. Robertson, Guy Scott, M.B., Ch.B., Medical Superintendent, Calderstones, Whalley, near Blackburn. 1920. Robinson, William, M.D., Ch.B.Leeds, Mental Hospital, Stone, Dartford. 2937. Robson, James Smylie, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., Assistant Hospital, Lancaster. 1936. Robson, Mary Hospital, 1922. Rodger, 1914. 1930. Hospital, Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia. Rodger, Murdoch Mann, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Dechmont, Rodger, Thomas Ferguson, B.Sc., MB., Ch.B.Glasg., Glasgow, W. 2. 1908. Rodgers, M., M.B., B.Ch., Antrim, Ireland. Kenneth Mann, Frederick M.B., Millar, D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Medical Officer, County B.A.O.Belf., D.P.H., Assistant Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., Medical O.B.E., M.D., City of London Medical Officer, Superintendent, D.P.H., Mental Mental Helouan, Egypt. D.P.M., 3o, Falkland ChB.Vict., Mental Mansions, Clayton, Cooden Drive, Assistant Medical Officer, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Bexhill-on-Sea. 1934. Rohan, James Charles, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.N.U.I., Coleshill Hall, Coleshill, near Birmingham. 1895. Rolleston, 1922. 1931. 1934. 1935. Lancelot William, C.B.E., M.B., D.P.M., B.S.Durh., Queen Anne's Mansions, St. James's Park, London, S.W.i. Rollins, Ernest Edward, B.A., MB., B.Ch.Dubl., Resident Medical Superintendent, Brooke House, Upper Clapton. London, E. 5. Roper, William Francis, MB., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.I@., Medical Officer's House, Princetown, Devon. Rose, Douglas John, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Broc@chall Certified Institution for Mental Defectives, Langho, near Blackburn, Lancs. Rose, Louis, Hill; M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 4, Arundel Charle5 Court, MacDonald, Superintendent, Ipswich 1935. Ross, 1938. Morningside Drive, Edinburgh, xo. Ross, David, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.F.P.S.G., Hospital, MB., Grove, Ch.B.Edin., Atkinson Morley Hospital, f@opes Norwich. Deputy Assistant Physician-Superintendent, Physician, Aberdeen 151, Royal Mental Aberdeen. 1910. Ross, Donald, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.P.Edin., M.P.C., J.P., Argyll and Bute Asylum; Tigh-na-Linne, Lochgilphead, Educational Committee, 1927—33,and since 1937; Chairman, 1899. Rotherham, Arthur, 1922. Enton, Roy, John Godalming, Surrey. Allen Chisholm, MB., M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Camb., Cheadle, Cheshire. Ch.B.Vict., Medical Superintendent, Argyll. (Vice-Chairman, Scottish Division, 1936—38.) Lord Chancellor's Medical Visitor; Superintendent, “¿Hazards― Royal Hospital, xlvi 1938. 1924. Members of the A ssocia.tion. 1929. Roy, Jyotermay, M. B.Cal., D. P. M.Eng., Superintendent, Mental Hospital, Nagpur, India. Rudolf, Gerald de Montjoie, M.R.C.P., D.P.H., D.P.M., Physician, British Hospital for Functional Nervous Disorders; 5, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol 8. Russell, David, M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., 24, Kempnough Hall Road, Worsley, near 2923. Russell, 1912. Hospital, Russell, John tendent, Manchester. John, MB., Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Exeter City Mental Exeter, Devon. Ivison, M.D., Ch.B., F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., D.P.M., M.P.C., Medical Superin North Riding Mental Hospital, Clifton, York. (Secretary, N. and M. Division, since 1929.). 1938. 1912. Russell, Leonard William, M.B., Ch.B.Leeds, D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, St. Bernard's Hospital, Southall, Middlesex. Russell, William, M.C., M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Dip. Psych., D.T.M., Commissioner for Mental Hygiene, Union Buildings, Pretoria, South Africa. Rutherford, Cecil, B.A., M.B., B.Ch.Dubl., Assistant Medical Officer, Holloway 1907. Rutherford, 1896. tendent, Farnham House, Rutherford, James Mair, M.B., 1915. Sanatorium, Virginia Water, Surrey. Henry Richard Charles, x9o8. Samuels, William Herts. 1932. Sanders, Frederick, 1935. Officer, Long Grove Hospital, Sands, Dalton Eric, M.R.C.P., Marjorie Sang, Janet Adeline L.R.C.P.Ixel., L.M., L.Ch.Dubl., Elizabeth Frances, Medical Officer, Claybury 1923. F.R.C.S., Finglas, co. Dublin. C.M., F.R.C.P.Edin., Agnes, M.P.C., Ch.B.Edin., Epsom. L.R.C.S.Edin., Medical Brislington “¿Etrusca “¿, Berry MB., Hospital, D.P.H., L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Lane, Bristol. Aldenham, Assistant L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Woodford House, Grove D.P.M., Superin D.P.M., Medical Assistant Bridge, Essex. L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., Long Acre, Station Road, Scholes, Leeds. 1939. Santyanand, 2938. Mental Hospital, Lahore, India. Saville, James Edwin, MB., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Officer's House, H.M. Prison, Pentonville, London, N. 7. David, 1932. Schneider, 1928. Superintendent, Notts. Scholberg, Harold Frank MB., B.S., Edwin Ernest, Rampton Alfred, 1926. 1925. 1930. Scott, Scott, 1925. 2929. James, William 1912. MB., B.Ch., Clifford 1925. L.M., D.P.M., Munroe, 8, B.Sc., Irving Aloysius, M.R.C.S., Shah, Mazhar Hussain, India. Shand, George Ernest, Bagatelle, 1938. M.R.C.S., for L.R.C.P., Punjab Deputy L.R.C.P., Medical D.P.M., Mental Medical Defectives, D.P.H., Retford, Pathologist, Cardiff Crescent, Cardiff. Loraine MB., Road, Holloway, L.C.P.S.Ont., L.R.C.P., tendent, Lunatic Asylum, Angoda, Ceylon; London, NW. 6. Senneck, Beryl, M.B., B.S., D.P.M., Resident Road, Marston Green, nr. Birmingham. Sergeant, John Noel, MB., B.S., M.R.C.S., Newlands House, Tooting Bee Common, Eastern Division, 2939. M.R.C.S., Institution 3, St. Andrew's Superintendent, D.P.M., London, 1..M.S.S.A., N. 62, 7. D.P.M., i8, Devonshire Street, London, W. i. Scroope, Gervace Wm. Mavy, M.B., B.Ch.Dubl., Resident Medical Superintendent, Central Criminal Asylum, Dundrum, co. Dublin. Selkirk, Elizabeth Thompson, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Hollymoor Mental Hospital, Northfield, Birmingham. Selling, Lowell Sinn, B.A.Mich., M.A.Columbia, D.N.B., Sc.M.New York, M.D.Bellevue, Ph.D., Psychopathic Clinic, Recorder's Court, City of Detroit; 16196, Cherrylawn Avenue, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. ‘¿938. Senanayeke, 2939. M.D.Lond., Medical Scoresby-Jackson, Margaret, M.D., B.S.Durh., do Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., Cornhiil, London, E.C. 3. Scott, Francis Leonard, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, City of Canterbury Mental Hospital, Canterbury, Kent. 1935. 1911. Deputy State M.B., City Mental Hospital; Assistant D.P.M., Assistant 63, Priory Medical Road, Officer, Ivy Medical Superin West Hampstead, Lodge, Coleshil] L.R.C.P., Medical Superintendent, London, SW. 17. (Secretary, South 1913—35.) M.R.C.P., M.D., D.P.M., Ch.B.Aberd., Captain, l.M.S., D.P.H., Villa Civil Belga, Surgeon, Westbourne New Delhi, Avenue, Jersey. Sharma, Ram Singh, MB., Punjab Mental Hospital; B.S.Pb., D.T.M.Cal., Deputy 37, Jail Road, Lahore, India. Medical Superintendent, Members 1938. Sharman, Sydney, Nottingham. 1937. Sharp, William, M.D., Hospital, ‘¿930. Sharpe, Shaw, Ch.B.Glasg., Smith, Shaw, M.D., 1909. Shaw, William Shearer, Christina 1923. Shepherd, County Shepherd, Shepley, Andrew, Mental Charles Arthur Mental Upperton MA., George 1938. 7922. 1928. Shortt, Jane Elder, Silverston, Joseph William, Chartham M.D., Denzil, Slight, D.P.M., Deputy Surrey. B.Ch.Camb., M.R.C.S., East Sussex M.D.Lond., Hospital, County Worcester Medical near Medical Superintendent, L.R.C.P., Mental Superin Canterbury. Pathologist, Hospital, Medical Superintendent, Hel!ingly; D.P.H., Barrister-at-Law, D.P.H. D.P.M., Mayo Grove, Medical County 20, Beresford Medical Superintendent, Shenley, Herts. Medical Officer, St. Patrick's Ch.D.Glasg., Upton M.D., D.S.Durh., Mental M.D., Hospital, Dublin. County Mental Slough, Ducks. Superintendent, B.S., D.P.H.,D.M.R.E.,DeputyMedicalSuperin Hospital, Dorchester. D.T.M.&H., D.P.M., Superintendent James of Dispensaries, Lashkar, India. Henderson, David, (ret.), Cassel Superintendent, D,P.M.Vict., M.D.Belf.,D.P.M., State, Mental I.M.S. Officer, Down, MC., MB., Ch.B.Edin., Dip!. Psych., Mental Hospital, Union Mills, Isle of Man. ‘¿935. Skinner, Edward Fretson, MA., M.D., B.Ch.Cantab., Royal Hospital; 342, G!ossop Road, Sheffield. 1934. (L.C.C.), Lancaster. Mahabir, Leslie Medical Warlingham, M.D., O.B.E., County Gwalior Skottowe, 1927—3i.) Hospital Eastbourne. ArthurCrawford, tendent, 1925. (Chairman, Committee, Lt.-Col. Ch.B., County Mental Hospital, MB, B.Ch., B.A.O.,Assistant Hospital, Skene, Cornwall. Bex!ey Upper and Gardens, Middlesex Short, Francis, 1921. Officer, Senior Hospital, MB., Hospitals Shore, Singh, Mawes, B.Ch.R.U.I., Ch.B.Glasg., Hospital, Geoffrey, 1923. 1939. County Dorset. Sheridan, Alfred, L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., Resident Mental Hospital, Castlebar, Ireland. ‘¿914. Sherlock, Edward Dirchall, D.Sc., M.D.Lond., Avenue, Twickenham, Middlesex. Sinclair, Mental (Biochemist), and Clinical ChB.G!asg., D.P.M., Medical Darnsley Hall, Bromsgrove. Alan, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., County Park MB., Parkstone, 1928. 1928. Officer St. Research Medical M.D.Belf., MB., Hadfield, Eastbourne 10, Hall Kent. MB., Hospital, Ernest Kent William Shera, Medical Lislee, Assistant Road, Hamilton, Warlingham 1927. Jagoe, Sandicotes Penshurst, tendent, 1938. B.Ch.R.U.I., M.R.C.P., Samuel House, Swaylands, 1928. Storthes Hospital, Kent. Calcote 1920. Assistant 1932—33 ; Secretary, M.D.Lond., Dexley, Officer, Mapperley Huddersfield. Ch.B.Glasg., Henry, David, Medical Officer, Stafford. N. and M. Division, 1936. xlvii Medical Assistant nr. M.B., Hospital, Benjamin Assistant Ch.B.Leeds, Kirkburton, John Mental 1901. M.D., of the Associa.tion. Stewart Hospital, M.D., Ian, Stone, M.D.Glasg., Aylesbury, Ch.B.Edin., Medical F.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Physician, Sheffield Superintendent, Bucks Ducks. F.R.C.P., D.P.M., Professor of Psychiatry, University 1933. Clinics Division of Chicago, The University of Chicago, U.S.A. Small, Doris Kathleen, L. R.C.P.LL.M.&L.R.C.S.I.L.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Heigham Hall, Norwich, Norfolk. Small, James Alexander, M.A., M.D., Resident Licensee, Heigham Hall, Norwich. 1928. Smith, ,939. Arthur tendent, 1934. 1938. 1905. Smith, Wallace The Edward, Mental M.D., Herbert, M.R.C.S., Hospital, New D.S.Durh., L.R.C.P., Amsterdam, Assistant Medical D.P.M., British Officer, Menston, near Leeds. Smith, Edwin Charles Allan, M.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.Edin., Superintendent, Central Hospital for Mental Diseases, Yeravda, Poona, India. Smith, George William, O.B.E., M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Wyke Medical Superin Guiana. West Riding Mental Hospital, L.R.F.P. &S.Glas., Yeravda; River House, Isleworth, D.P.H., Prospect, Middlesex. (Treasurer since 1931.) 1933. Smith, 1936. Smith, Gilbert Mackay, City Mental Hospital, Henry St.George, Superintendent, 1923. 1934. The BA., MB., Mapperley MA., M.D., Stewart Smith, Herbert, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hospital, Fishponds, Bristol. Smith, James Morrison, M.D., Ch.D., Hospital, Fulford, York. B.Ch.Dubl., D.P.M.. Hill, Nottingham. B.Ch., Institution, Deputy Deputy D.A.O.(Dub. Palmerstown, Medical Medical Assistant Univ.), Medical Resident Officer, Medical co. Dublin. Superintendent, Superintendent, City York City Mental Mental xlviii Members of the Association. 1899. Smith, John Grimmond, 1931. Smith, Robert Sydney 1913. (L.C.C.), Caterham, Surrey. Smith, Thomas Cyril, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., Hospital, Barnwood, Gloucester. Deputy 1926. Snell, M.R.C.S., Harvie H.M. 1938. 1923. Kennard, Prison, C.M.Edin., Spark, M.D., Assistant B.S., “¿, Bath Medical Medical Road, Officer, Bournemouth. Caterham Superintendent, L.R.C.P., Hospital County D.P.H., Mental Medical Officer, Highbury Quadrant, London, N. 5. D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superintendent, West Liverpool. Mental Percy “¿PineGrange L.M.S.S.A., Soddy, Kenneth, MB., B.S., D.P.M., Somerville, George, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Ham 1906. M.D., Steele, Hospital, Charles, 3a, Goodmayes, M.R.C.S., Ilford. L.R.C.P., cJo Barclays Bank, Hanwell, London, W. 7. 2925. Speer, James Millar Wilts 1929. Spence, David Spence, M.D., Mental and Thomas B.Ch.Belf., Hospital, Sheridan, Somerset 1922. Craig, County BA., Bath MB., Mental Reginald D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Devizes. B.Ch., Hospital, B.A.O.Dubl., Wells, Carwardine, M.C., Assistant Medical Officer, Psych., Medical Somerset. MB., Ch.B.Edin., Dipl. Superintendent, Royal Scottish National Institution; Westerpark, Larbert, Stirlingshire. 1938. Spiridion, Jan Tadeusz, MA., MB., Ch.B.Camb., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Springfield Hospital, London, SW. 17. 1937. Stalker, Harry, M.B., Ch.B., Assistant Physician, Royal Edinburgh Hospital; West House, Morningside, Edinburgh. ‘¿90'. Starkey, William, MB., B.CILR.U.I., Bryn-y-Neuadd, Llanfairfechan, N. Wales. (Secretary, SW. 1936. Starr, Donald, Canterbury, t928. Statham, Hugh, Diseases, 1934. Steadman, Division, MB., Royal P., Long and MB., B.S.Lond., Hospital, Steel, 1925. Liverpool. Steel, Samuel Maxwell, M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., Colony, Kings Heath, Birmingham. 1907. Steele, Patrick, 1929. Stenhouse, 1929. Stephen, M.D., Ch.B., Hospital; Jack Banstead Fingland Martin, B.A., Clinic of Psycho-Analysis; ‘¿914. Stephens, Harold Freize, Certified Institution, 1933. Stephenson, 2933. Stern, 1909. Steward, George 1922. Sidney Stewart, John, MB., Stewart, D.S.O., Hugh, 193!. 1887. Hospital, Superintendent, Superintendent, Monyhull Roxburgh District Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Surrey. B.S.Lond., Barrister-at-Law, Physician, London B.Ch., D.P.M., Assistant Medical M.D., B.Ch.Camb., Birmingham Officer, M.R.C.S., The Deputy L.R.C.P., Priory, Medical D.P.H., M.A., Court, Melville, MB., D.Sc.St.And., Pinehurst, Ch.B.Edin., M.D., Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., Major I.M.S. Cambridge. Superintendent, County Stewart, Richard Arthur, MB., B.Ch., B.A.O.T.C.D., Medical Superintendent, House, Upper Halliford, Shepperton. Stewart, Ronald, M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., Deputy Medical Officer of Health Services, Corporation of Glasgow: 23, Montrose Street, Glasgow. Halliford Littlemore, Deputy Medical Oxford. for Mental Stewart, Rothsay Charles, L.S.A., M.R.C.S.Eng.,― The Elms “¿, Oak End Waye, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. ‘¿914. Stewart, Roy MacKenzie, Superintendent, 1939. Road Surrey. 12, Grange Francis Assistant @o,Gordon Square, London, W.C. i. and City Mental Hospital, 1938. Smithdown M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Medical Superintendent, Coleshill Hall, Coleshill, near Birmingham. Vaughan, Guildford, Francis (retired), 1927. D.P.M., Roehampton, London, SW. 15. Edward Samuel, MA., MB., B.Ch.Cantab., M.R.C.P., D.P.M., Superintendent, City Mental Hospital, Humberstone, Leicester. Dapdune, Nervous Bournemouth. Surrey. Medical Medical for Road, L.R.C.P., Hospital, Melrose. Sutton, M.B., Physician M.R.C.S., Deputy Mental 3, Elgin Superintendent, M.B., (L.C.C.), Leslie, Hospital; Epsom, F.R.C.P.Edin., The Hermitage, Hospital Adrian Medical Chartham L.R.C.P., Hants Grove Ch.B.Edin., Officer, M.R.C.S., West 1927. Mental M.D., Medical B.C.Camb., Hubert, Officer, John Assistant Victoria Harry Medical 1922—30.) M.B., Ch.B., Kent. M.D., Leavesden Ch.B., Hospital; F.R.C.P.Edin., Coles Farm, (Chairman, South-Eastern Division, 1937—38.) Still, Robert Merrick Lloyd, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Major, gale Mental Hospital, Rangoon, Burma. M.R.C.P., Leavesden, 1.M.S., D.P.M., Medical Watford, Superintendent,Tada Herts. Members 1899. 1938. 1939. 2897. 1909. xlix of the Association. Stilwell, Reginald John, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Moorcroft House, Hiflingdon, Middlesex. Stirling, Pauline W. M. C., M.D., Ch.B., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Cane Hill Hospital, Coulsdon, Surrey. Stockings, George Tayleur, M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Warlingham Park Hospital, upper Warlingham, Surrey. Stoddart, William Henry Butter, M.D., B.S.Lond., F.R.C.P., M.P.C., 573, Wimpo!e Street, London, W. i. (Secretary, Educational Committee, 1908— 2912.) Stokes, Frederick Ernest, M.D., Ch.D.Glasg., D.P.H.,― Glenmalure “¿, Portsmouth Road, Lee-on-the-Solent, Hants. ‘¿937. Stol!er, Allan, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Assistant Medical Officer, Storthes Hall Hospital, Kirkburton, nr. Huddersfield. i88@. Street,Charles Tidbury, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Haydock Lodge, Newton-le-Wil!ows, 2929. Strom-Olsen, Rolf, M.D., B.Ch., D.Sc.Wales, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Superintendent, Runwell Hospital, near Wickford, Essex. 1909. Stuart, Frederick London, Joshua, 1927. Stungo, N.W. 3. Suffern, Alex. Canning, Ellis, 1921. Suffern, L.R.C.P.&S.Edin., Canning, 1918. jq39. 1928. Sutherland, 2923. t@3I. 2910. Daniel, Clontarf, 1897. 1935. 2932. 1925. Francis, Talbot, D.Ch.Camb., F. R.C.S., 1908. Hi!lway, Highgate, Hampstead, London, Hi!! Head, L.R.C.P.Lond., Medical 44, Harrington Ch.B.Edin., D.P.H., Fareham. Glan-y-Mor, Street, Deputy Superintendent, Vervi!le Dublin. Commissioner, Genera! Board of B.Sc., Wads!ey, Sheffield. M.D., Ch.D.Manch., Assistant Taylor, Arthur Taylor, Fred Loudoun, B.Sc., Stafford County Hayden, M.D., MB., Mental B.S., Ch.B., Medical F.R.C.P.Edin., Hospital, B.Hy., Burntwood, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Officer, Lancashire Medical Superintendent, Bucks. Bristol General Hospital; Pembroke Road, Clifton, Senior Assistant Medical Lichfie!d. D.P.H., Medical Officer, H.M. Prison, Wormwood Scrubs; 156, Du Cane Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W. 12. Taylor, Frederick Ryott Percival, M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., @o,Carew Road, Eastbourne. (Chairman, Educational Corn ,nittee, 1927—33; Chairman, SE. Division, 1930—32.) Taylor, Moore, Major I.M.S., M.D., D.P.H., Medical Superintendent, Ranchi European Mental Hospital, P.O. Kanké, Bihar and Orissa, India. Taylor, Richard Hamilton, M.D., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.H.N.U.I., 119, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin. Taylor, Robert, Tennent, Thomas, L.R.C.P.&S.Irel, Thomas, Cyril D.P.M., Senior Thomas, David Assistant Medical Officer, St. D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Patrick's Dublin. M.D., Hospital, James, Ch.B.Glasg., D.P.H., Howell St. Northampton. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hugh, B.Sc., D.P.M., M.R.C.S., Wilts County Council M.D. Institutions; 1920. 1936. Drive, Glan-y-Mor, M.R.C.S., Knowle Mental Hospital, Fareham, Hants; Joint Mental Health Institutions Committee; 1938. i, Heath L. R.C. P.Irel., co Dublin; M.D., Geoffrey, Andrew's 1921. MCII. R.U.I., County Mental Hospital, Prestwich, Manchester. Tattersal!, Stanley Roy, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Deputy Bucks County Mental Hospital, Stone, near Aylesbury, Taylor, Arthur Leslie, M.D.Leeds, Ch.D., Hon. Pathologist, Visiting Pathologist, Bristol Mental Hospital; 83, Bristol, 8. Hospital, 1926. 55, Control; 25, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Sutton, Isaac, B.Sc., MB., Ch.B.Vict., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M.Vict., Assistant Medical Officer, County Mental Hospital, Prestwich, Lancs. Sykes, Elizabeth Sarah Marples, M.D., Ch.B.Sheff., Assistant Medical Officer, South Officer, 1935. M.D., MB., Yorks Mental Hospital, 192d. L.R.C.P., Fareham. Patrick Asylum, L.R.F.P.S.Glasg., O.B.E., MA., Hill Head, Sullivan, M.R.C.S., Lancs. Medical N. 6. i886. 1922. O.B.E., Mental D.P.H., Medical Superintendent, Principal Medical Adviser, Hants Lect. in Ment. Dis., Univ. of Leeds. L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Manor House, Easton Medical Officer to Royal, near Marl borough. Thomas, Frederic Percival Selwyn, M.D., Ch.B.Vict., 4, Mill Ridge, Edgware, Middlesex. Thomas, John Clifford Sawle, L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., Assistant Medical Officer, Litt!emore Hospital, nr. Oxford. Thomas, Joseph David, B.A., M.B., B.C.Camb., “¿Dan-y-Graig “¿, Cheyne Road, Stoke Bishop, Bristol. 1 191!. 1925. 1921. 1920. 1938. 1937. Members Thomas, William Rees, M.D., B.S., F.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.P.M., M.P.C., Senior Com missioner, Board of Control; 34, Chartfield Avenue, Putney Hill, London, S.W. @. (Vice-Chairman, Mental Deficiency Committee, since 1935.) Thompson, Robert, MB., B.Ch.Belf., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, County Mental Hospital, Armagh, N. Ireland. (Secretary, Irish Division 1929—37.) Thomson, Aidan Gordon Wemyss, M.B., Ch.B.Glasg., D.Psych., Commissioner, General Board of Control; 23, Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh. Thomson, William George, MA., M.B., Ch.B.Aberd., D.P.H., D.P.M., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Royal Hospital, Cheadle, Cheshire. Thomson, William Spruell, M.B., Ch.B., Deputy Medical Superintendent, Hawkhead Mental Hospital, Glasgow, SW. 2. Thorley, Arnold Officer, 1927. Thorpe, Stanley, Friern 1935. 1938. Tooley, Thomas, South Jerome, Tredgold, B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., New Southgate, London, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., M.B.,Ch.B..D.P.M.,L.M., Hocart, M.B., B.S.Lond., Francis, MB., B.Ch., L.R.C.P., 1933. Turner, 1906. 1922. Cyril Hedgman, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Assistant Twomey, John Tyrrell, Christopher, Hospital, Thomas M.B., Port Anger Ch.B.Liverp., Alfred, Fereman, Cape MB., D.P.H., Province, “¿, Guildford, Officer, Superintendent, Medical Officer, Physician South B.S.Lond., 4. Officer, Medical Medical Senior Hall, Medical St. Martin's D.P.M., and London,S.W. Storthes Hall Mental Hospital, Kirkburton, nr. Huddersfield, Yorks. Turner; Frank Douglas, M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Medical Superintendent, Eastern Counties Institution, Colchester. (PRESIDENT, 1933—34 ; Mental Deficiency Committee, since 1935.) Mental 1934. Edward Officer Boughton Assistant M.R.C.S., 1909. Medical Medical Avenue, L.R.C.P., Hospital, Woodford Bridge, Essex. Frank, M.D.Durh., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.Edin.,― Lect. on Ment. Deficiency, London Univ. Roger Assistant Assistant 97, King's M.R.C.S., County Mental Hospital, Brentwood, Essex. Turnbull, Peter Mortimer, M.C., MB., B.Ch.Aberd., Tooting Bee Hospital, London, S.W. 17. Turnbull, Robert Cyril, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1906. D.P.M., N. i i. Yorkshire Mental Hospital, Wadsley, Sheffield. MB., Ch.B.Edin., Medical Superintendent, Stanley, Patrick Claybury ‘¿903. Tredgold,Alfred Surrey; 1938. MB., Hospital Frederick Pathologist, Tisdall, Charles Chester. Torrance.Lionel 1914. of the Association. Royal Chairman, Superintendent, The Africa. L.M.S.S.A., St. Mildred's, Milverton, Somerset. 1939. Uytman, John Douglas, in-Wharfedale, MB., Ch.B., Assistant Medical Officer, Scalebor Park, Burley Yorks. ‘¿931. Valentine, James, MB., Ch.B.Glasg., IXP.M., Medical Burley-in-Wharfdale. ,939. Van Dam, Lucie, MB., Ch.B.Glasg., Assistant Physician, Superintendent, The Mental Scalebor Hospital, Park, Grahams town, South Africa. 1938. 1922. Van Someren, Gerald Antony, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., Assistant Medical Officer, Carlton Hayes Hospital, Narborough, near Leicester. Viehoff, Herman Crowther, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 48, Moor Lane, Great Crosby, Lanes. 1894. Vincent, William James Westbourne 1923. Wadsworth, George Lancashire 1928. Waldo, Henry Notts 1926. Walk, since M.D., B.S.Durh., M.B., M.R.C.S., Mental M.D., Epsom, B.Ch.Belf., L.R.C.P.Lond., 43, D.P.M., Barrister-at-Law, Radcliffe-on-Trent, B.S.Lond., Assistant Medical Officer, Lancaster. L.R.C.P., Hospital, Surrey. M.R.C.S., xo. Reginald, Cecil, Alexander, Sheffield, County Mental Hospital, County Hospital, N., C.B.E., Road, D.P.M., (Assistant Medical Superintendent, Notti. Deputy Medical Editor, Superintendent, 1928—31, and Horton Co-Editor of Journal 1931.) 1914. Walker, Robert Clive, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., Hospital, Menston, Leeds. 1908. Wallace, John General Vivian, A@ndrew of Mental Leslie, Hospitals, 1912. Wallace, 1932. Walsh, Fergus O'Connell, (Maryborough) District L.R.C.P.&S.Irel., M.D., Medical Ch.B.Edin., New South D.P.H., L. R.C.P.&S.Irel., Mental Hospital, Superintendent, F.R.A.C.P., West M.P.C., Riding f.P., Mental Inspector Wales. Ballinakill, Multyfarnham, co. Westmeath. Assistant Medical Officer, Portlaoighiiz' Portlaoighise, co. Leix, Ireland. Members 1939. 1928. 1889. of the Association. li Walsh, John, MB., B.Ch., D.P.M., Assistant Medical Officer, Blackadon, lv@-bridge, Devon. Walsh, Michael Anthony, L.R.C.P.&S.I., D.P.M., Assistant Hospital, Woodford Bridge, Essex. Warnock, John, C.M.G., B.Sc., M.D., C.M.Edin., Plymouth Mental Hospital, Medical Officer, Claybury M.R.C.S.Eng., 234, New Road, Kew, Surrey. 1922. Watson, 1924. Watson, Douglas Chalmers, John, M.D., M.C., MB., F.R.C.P.Edin., Fenton B.Ch.Edin., Resident Barns, Dren,, Medical East Lothian. Superintendent, District Asylum, Londonderry. 1939. Watterson, Donald Mental 1911. Webber, Leonard County 1929. James, Service; Weber, Mortis, Mental Hilda Webster, Weir, 1932. Weir, M.R.C.S., William B.Sc., M.D.Lond., Leckie, Thomas M.B., MB., William 1938. White, Alfred D.P.M., M.P.C., The B.Ch.Aberd., Assistant Duncan, Cartwright, Medical M.R.C.S., Monk's Medical Glyn, Mills of Daviot, Pitcaple, D.P.M., Assistant Wales. Ltd., Salisbury. Officer, Wilts County Mental Orchard, Douglas, M.B., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., St. Acocks Merryn, Braunton, Green, Birmingham. Assistant Beckenham, Physician, Bethlem Kent. Ch.B.Vict., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, Stafford County Mental Hospital, Cheddleton, Leek. Will, George Wishart, O.B.E., M.B., Ch.B.N.Z., M.P.C., Major R.A.M.C., British Military Hospital, Colaba, Bombay, India. Williams, Edward Lincoln, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Hall, Harrow Weald, Middlesex. Williamson, David Hardie, MB., Ch.B.Edin., Assistant Medical Officer, Glasgow District Mental Hospital, Woodilee. Lenzie, Scotland. Williamson, Wilson, Geoffrey, M.B., Hospital, Rainhill, Alban, Wilson, Alexander Park 1927. Wilson, Charles 1928. Wilson, Edward 1938. Wilson, George D.P.M., St. Helens, Assistant L.R.C.P.Lond., MB., ; Brandon, Herbert, D.P.M., Ch.B., Tongue M.B., Medical M.D., Shepherd, MB., Mental D.P.M., Lane, B.Ch.Dubl., Alexander, County Medical Meanwood, 6, Herbert Ch.B.Edin., Port Officer, Superintendent, County Coldeast Ch.B.Glasg., Hospital, Park, Wilson, 1923. Clinic; 142, Harley Street, London, W. i. Wilson, Isabel Grace Hood, M.D., Ch.B.Edin., M.R.C.P., Control, Hobart House, Grosvenor Place, London, D.P.M., Senior Assistant M.R.C.P., Superintendent, Physician, D.P.M., S.W.i. Leitch, Edward, 1938. Medical Officer, County Mental Hospital, Rainhill, Lanes. Wilson, Robert Scott, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.Edin., L.D.S., Assistant Medical Warwickshire and Coventry Mental Hospital, Hatton, near Warwick. Officer, 1937. Wilson, Mental Muir, 1937. Wishart, John Medical 1938. Woddis, William, Officer, Gideon Nottingham. M.B., Ch.B., Senior L.R.C.P., Resident Medical London, L.R.F.P.&S., Officer, Gartloch W. of James L.R.C.S., Street, Board Robert Gartcosh, Harley Commissioner, Tavistock Wilson, Ch.B.,Liverp., 146, The Wilson, MB., D.P.M., D.P.M., Medical Officer, 1920. Hospital, Ch.B.Edin., Medical Dublin. Islands. 1937. Thomas MB., B.Ch.Camb., Donnybrook, Stockton-on-Tees. 1930. M.D., Meanwood 6. Falkland D.P.M.Eng., Winterton, Wilson, Harriette Appleby, MB., Ch.B.Leeds, West Riding Mental Hospital, Wakefield. Leonard, Superintendent, Leeds, Darwin, 1925. Henry Medical Lanes. Southampton. Hogarth, Colony Durham Ch.B.Manch., M.R.C.S., Colony, Sarisbury, 1937. M.R.C.S., B.A.Cantab., Hospital, Mental 1923. of c/o D,P.H., Whittaker, 1937. House B.A.O.Belf., 1937. 1925. 1922. R.A.M.C., Mental Hospital, Carmarthen, L.R.C.P., c/o Lloyds Bank, 192!. 1929. Institute Wiltshire. Barton William Surrey i. Physician, B.Ch., The Lt.-Col. SW. N. Devon. (Chairman, SW. Division, 1930—33.) Whitelaw, William, M.B., B.Ch.Glasg., @8,Hazelwood Road, Wilkins, L.C.C. W. i. White, 1913. Officer, Superintendent, Physician, 1911. Royal Medical Medical London, London, M.D., Counties M.R.C.S., MB., Devizes, Edward Street, Assistant Harold, Arnold, Hospital, D.P.M., Ch.B.Edin., Ch.B., Assistant Surrey. Coulsdon. House, Whitehall, Hugh, B.Sc., Aberdeenshire. D.P.M., L.R.C.P., 72, New Cavendish Medical Officer, Joint Westrup, Joseph Perceval, @ B.Ch., Effinghai@i, Netherne, & Co., Kirkland 1936. MB., l.odge, Hospital, Marion, Psychology; 1922. B.A., Beech i. Assistant Glasgow. BA., MB., Cheddleton Mordecai, B.S.Lond., Mental M.R.C.S., M.R.C.S., Hospital, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Assistant Staffs. Assistant Medical Officer, The Coppice, lii 1934. Members Wood, Alexander, Hospital, 1912. Woods, M.D., Ch.B.Aberd., Newport, James of the A ssociation. Cowan, B.A.R.U.I., M.D., 1885. London, W. i.; Lect. on Ment. Woods, John Francis, M.D.Durh., 1912. Wootton, 1922. Wootton, John Lodge, Deputy Charles, M.C., Superintendent, B.S., M.R.C.S., County L.R.C.P., Dis., London Hospital. L.S.A., M.R.C.S., 7, Harley M.R.C.S., Newton-le-Willows, Leonard Medical Mental I. of Wight. L.R.C.P., Medical 40, Harley Street, Street, London, Superintendent, W. I. Haydock Lancs. Henry, M.C., D.Sc., M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Medical Superintendent, St. Ebba's Hospital, Epsom. 1900. ‘¿917. Worth Reginald, O.B.E., Head, Hampshire. Wright, Maurice Beresford, MB., B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Cedar Cottage, Hill (Hon. General .‘@ecretary, 1919—36; PRESIDENT, 1935—36.) O.B.E., M.D., C.M.Edin., Physician, The Tavistock Clinic; 1938. 86, Brook Street,London, W.i. Wright, William Robinson, MB., B.Ch., B.A.O., Assistant Medical Superintendent, Mental Hospital, Armagh. 1933. 1929. Wyatt, Wylie, 1928. Yates, 1934. Yates, Walter, Andrew M.D., Ch. D.Edin., D. P. M.Lond., ii, McNae, B.Sc., M.D., Ch.B., Midpark Arthur Gurney, M.A., M.D.Edin., 53, Wilkinson Street, Sheffield. Irene, M.D., Road, B.S.Lond., London, D.P.M., Edinburgh, 12. Road, Dumfries. Sheffield Royal @i,The Grange, Infirmary, Maitland Park 3. Ye!lowlees, 1914. Yellowlees, Henry, O.R.E., M.D., Ch.D., F.R.C.P.Edin., F.R.F.P.S.Glasg., D.P.M., Physician and Lect. on Psych. Med., St. Thomas's Hospital; Street, London, W. x. Young, George Campbell, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Assistant Medical City Mental Hospital, Willerby, Hull. 1938. M.B., M.R.C.P.Lond., Physician, Terrace, Bankend 1921. 1938. David, NW. F.R.C.P., Western South, Ch.B.G!asg., 77, Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow, Zscherpel, Harold Duncan, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Superintendent, Peshawar; Medical Officer i/c Mental Hospital, Peshawar; Road, Peshawar, India. C. 3. F.R.C.P., 93A, Harley Officer, Central IA, North Hull Prison, Circular OBITUARY. Honorary 1928. 1930. B!euler, Cushing, Eugen, Harvey, Surgery, 1923. 1936. 1939. Ellis, Freud, Potts, Members. l'rof. Dr., Zol!ikerstrasse 98, Zollikon bei Zurich, C.B., AM., LL.D., Sc.D., Litt.D., M.D., M.Ch., The Yale Medical School, New Haven, Switzerland. F.R.C.S., Professor Connecticut, of U.S.A. Henry Havelock, L.S.A., Cherry Ground, Hintlesham, nr. lpswich, Suffolk. Prof. Dr. Sigmund, 39, E!sworthy Road, London, NW. 3. W. A., M.A.Camb., M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 231, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham - (Ordinary Member Ordinary i9o9. Bain, John, MA., 1934. Hospital, Rowditch. Boyd, Arthur Ross, M.D., County Mental Hospital, 1938. Crook, Medical Superintendent, B.Ch., B.A.O.R.U.I., Antrim. Hugh Walter Dover, M.R.C.S., Mental Hospital, Fareham, Dodds, Hayes, William Henry 1929. Muthiah, Hospital, John, Douglas, D.Sc., M.D., Seacliff, Hospital, Charles Tanjong John, New Richard, M.D., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., ‘¿905. Shaw, 1900. Asylum, Montrose. (Chairman, Wilkinson, Harry Bacon, M.R.C.S., Southport, Lanes. Ch.B., Borough Medical Assistant Mental Superintendent, Medical Officer, Hants. Road, Frestwick, Superintendent, Ayrshire. The Mental Zealand. L.M.S.Singapore, Rambutan, Derby Resident M.D., C.M.Edin., 19, Marina Ch.B.Edin., D.P.M., Medical Otago, Asainayagam i 913.) Members. M.D., Ch.B.Glasg., Knowle 1879. 1924. since Perak, Assistant Federated M.R.C.P.Edin., J.P., Physician, Central Mental Malay States. Medical Superintendent, Scottish Division, 1933—34.) L.R.C.P., “¿Dalestorth “¿, Lynton Drive, Royal Hillside,