Namaste me - The Lenox Garden Club


Namaste me - The Lenox Garden Club
Little Garden Club of Rye Schedulerev:Namaste me 3/4/11 4:09 PM Page 1
The Little Garden Club of Rye
Member of the Garden Club of America
A GCA Flower Show
September 22 & 23, 2011
Wainwright House
Rye, New York
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The purpose of a flower show is threefold: to set standards of artistic and
horticultural excellence; to broaden knowledge of horticulture, flower arrangement,
conservation, and other related areas; and to share the beauty of a show with
fellow club members and with the public.
–The Garden Club of America Flower Show and Judging Guide, 2009 Revised Edition
The purpose of The Garden Club of America is to stimulate the knowledge
and love of gardening; to share the advantage of association by means of
educational meetings, conferences, correspondence and publications; and to restore,
improve and protect the quality of the environment through educational programs
and action in the fields of conservation and civic improvement.
is an ancient Sanskrit greeting honoring one another.
One utters these words with hands pressed
together in front of the heart. “I honor the place in you
where the whole Universe dwells...”
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The Little Garden Club of Rye
Member of the Garden Club of America
A GCA Flower Show
September 22 & 23, 2011
Wainwright House
260 Stuyvesant Avenue
Rye, New York 10580
Thursday, September 22
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Open to the public at no charge
Thursday, September 22, 2011
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday, September 23, 2011
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
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The Little Garden Club of Rye
The Little Garden Club of Rye was founded in 1931 in the midst of the Great Depression by
a small group of enthusiastic women intent on improving their surroundings through service
to their local community. Members of The Little Garden Club of Rye share this important precept with our founders to this very day. Throughout its rich history our club has promoted the
mission of The Garden Club of America in a nurturing social setting that values our members
and promotes civic responsibility. The Little Garden Club of Rye is a not-for-profit voluntary
association of like-minded individuals focused on horticultural excellence, conservation education, artistic enrichment and civic preservation. Some of our projects include plantings at
the Rye Train Station and Post Office, the native garden at Rye Nature Center, the kitchen
garden at Knapp House and the triangle at Rockridge intersection.
Wainwright House
Wainwright House is the oldest non-profit, non-sectarian holistic educational center in the
United States whose mission is to foster spiritual growth and ethical values. It is a sanctuary
where each person can find his or her own path through programs in spiritual development,
health and healing, the arts and the social issues of our time. Built in 1931, it was a family
home for J. Mayhew Wainwright; in 1951 his only child founded Wainwright House as a multicultural, interfaith center for people of all backgrounds to discuss philosophical, spiritual
and ecological advancement of humankind.
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timetable for exhibitors......................................................5
Flower Show Committee........................................................6
gCA Rules ..............................................................................8
general information.............................................................9
Division i
Flower Arrangement guidelines ....................10
Flower Arrangement Class.............................11
Division ii Horticulture guidelines ................................12
Horticulture Classes .....................................13
Division iii Photography guidelines..................................16
Photography Classes ......................................18
Division iV Conservation and education exhibits ............19
gCA Zone Flower Show & Club Awards.............................20
Registration Forms .............................................................22
Directions to Wainwright House .......................................24
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march 22, 2011
Horticulture - Six month ownership deadline
June 22, 2011
Horticulture - Three month ownership deadline
August 15, 2011
Flower Arrangement, Horticulture (Classes 22 -27) and
Photography registration deadline
September 1, 2011 Photography entry delivery deadline
wednesday, September 21
5-6:00 p.m.
Flower Arrangement and Horticulture entries accepted for
Flower Show personnel
Thursday, September 22
7:00 a.m.
Flower Arrangement and Horticulture entries accepted and passed
for Flower Show personnel
7:30 a.m.
Flower Arrangement and Horticulture entries accepted and passed
for all other exhibitors
9:30 a.m.
Entries closed
10:00 a.m.
Judges’ Briefing
10:30 a.m.
Judging begins
1:00 p.m.
Flower Show Evaluation and Judges’ Lunch
2-4:00 p.m.
Show open to the public
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Cocktail Reception
Friday, September 23
8:00 a.m.
Refreshing and maintenance of exhibits
9:00 a.m.
Show open to the public
11:00 a.m.
Lecture and demonstration
Arranging with Garden Flowers, Henry Cochran
Box lunches available
2:00 p.m.
Show closes
2:15-3:00 p.m.
All entries must be removed
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Susan Gabel
Julie Goldie
203 532 5621
914 967 3760
Club President
Anna Parker
914 967 1824
Division Chairmen
Flower Arrangement
Chris Duncan
914 967 0428
Nancy Sullivan
914 925 0595
Mary Julian
Karen O’Brien
914 921 2547
914 921 0507
Liz Caspi
914 967 6064
Frances Allen
Alex Jasper
Michelle Minks
Andrea Stewart
914 698 7044
914 921 1469
914 696 2120
914 967 0039
Margot Clark-Junkins
Betsy Gallagher
Liz Garrett
914 921 4454
914 967 7675
914 967 5475
Laura Haley
914 967 7851
Kathy Barnard
Rita Shubert
914 946 6887
914 967 8759
Childrens’ Class
Pam Keller
Ann Straub
914 967 5053
914 967 6729
Judges and Clerks
Marilyn Donahue
914 921 0195
Gusta Van Reesema
203 354 0245
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Stephanie Hoover
914 921 1615
Chris Murray
914 967 3204
Printing and Signage
Toni Archibald
914 548 7752
Susan Gabel
203 532 5621
Sarah Freimuth
window Design
Fran Buckley
Amy Coleman
914 921 5439
914 967 7163
914 967 0633
Namaste by Night
Ginny Benzak
Sarah Freimuth
Pam Selden
914 967 0078
914 921 5439
914 967 4433
Flower Arrangement
Nancy Sullivan
914 925 0595
Karen O’Brien
914 921 0507
Liz Caspi
914 967 6064
Laura Haley
914 967 7851
Show Photographer
Julieane Webb
914 967 3751
Donna Koval
Karen Mulhern
Widgie Pierpont
914 967 9202
914 921 2542
914 967 0780
Betty Jo Hannigan
914 967 1441
Volunteer Coordinator
Meg Tyre
914 967 2716
wainwright house liaison
Donna Koval
914 967 9209
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1. Please carefully read and follow GCA flower show rules, general information and division
guidlines. All rules as stated in The Garden Club of America Flower Show and Judging Guide, 2009
Revised Edition, shall apply.
2. All plant material must be correctly identified with the botanical and common names, if
possible. The RHS Index of Garden Plants and The AHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants are
the accepted references and will be available at the show. The Royal Horticultural Society
Horticultural Database is available online at
3. The Garden Club of America expects all exhibitors to be aware of the need to promote
conservation of endangered and threatened plants. Plants collected in the wild and listed by the
New York Natural Heritage Program may not be exhibited in any flower show sponsored by a GCA
club. Cultivated plant material listed by New York’s Natural Heritage Program may be exhibited if
accompanied by a typed card stating that it has not been collected from the wild and giving
information concerning its cultural requirements and methods of propagation. Natural Heritage
Program lists will be available before and during the show from the division chairmen and are
available online at
4. Plant material showing evidence of insects or disease must be removed immediately from
the exhibition area.
5. All entries in the flower arrangement and horticulture divisions must include fresh and/or dried
plant material. Fresh plant material must be in water or conditioned in such a way as to remain
in pristine form while on exhibition. An entry not maintained in show condition may have its
award removed.
6. Locally invasive plants, diseased plant material, artificial plant material, live animals
(including fish), taxidermy, natural birds’ nests, and protected sea life, are not permitted.
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1. Entries are open to all GCA club members, including provisionals and professionals in their
discplines. Division II, Section C is open to children of garden club members and their friends.
2. Registration is required for all classes, with the exception of Division II Horticulture Classes
1–21, 28, and 29. Registration forms are provided at the back of the schedule. Classes will be filled
in the order registration forms are received according to the postmark/fax/email date and time.
Advance registration for cut specimens is appreciated but not required. The total number of cut
specimens will be limited to 125; entries will be accepted in order received.
3. While The Garden Club of America, The Little Garden Club of Rye, and Wainwright House will
exercise due caution in safeguarding exhibits, responsibility for damage, loss or personal injury
cannot be assumed.
4. Any clarification or change in the rules, as originally stated in the schedule, shall be
communicated promptly in writing by the division chairman to all exhibitors in the class and, at
the show, to the judges and to the passing committees.
5. An entry card must accompany each entry. Entry cards will be available at the show and, upon
request from the registration or division chairmen, in advance of the show. Information required on
the entry card must be completed in black waterproof ink or typed.
6. The passing committee must pass each entry before an exhibitor may leave the show area. The
passing committee reserves the right to refuse any entry that does not conform to the schedule. The
exhibitor has the option of correcting the entry, if time permits. If not corrected, the entry cannot be
judged, but may remain in place, marked “For Exhibition Only.” The judges may not disqualify any
entry passed by the passing committee, unless evidence of insect infestation or disease is identified.
7. Once an entry is passed, the exhibitor(s) must immediately leave the exhibition area. A passed
entry may not be touched again until after judging and then only to carry out necessary maintenance.
8. Only participating judges, clerks, flower show committee chairmen and division
chairmen will be allowed on the floor during judging.
9. All containers and accessories must be inconspicuously labeled with the exhibitor’s name.
10. All exhibits must remain in place and in show condition until fifteen minutes following the
show closing time.
11. A novice is an exhibitor who has not won a first place ribbon or a GCA Novice Award in the
division entered at a GCA Show or a GCA Major Show. Only an individual novice exhibitor is eligible
to receive the Sandra Baylor Novice Award or the GCA Novice Award. A novice exhibitor will be
identified by a red dot placed on the top of the entry card, following the initial judging.
12. A statement of intent is optional and must be submitted at the time of passing. The
statement must be no more than 25 words, typed or printed in waterproof ink on a 4" x 6",
white, unlined card.
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Flower Arrangement Guidelines
1. Please carefully read and follow the GCA rules, general information and timetable
for exhibitors.
2. An exhibitor is permitted only one entry per class, but may enter more than one class. The
exhibitor(s) under whose name(s) it has been registered must arrange the entry. All participants
must be listed. Only listed exhibitors and show personnel may be on the show floor at the
time of entry.
3. If forced to withdraw, an exhibitor must find a substitute and notify the registration chairman
and class consultant unless there is a waiting list for the class.
4. Mechanics should not be visible unless they are an integral part of the design.
5. At GCA Flower Shows, arrangements may be executed off-site and brought to the
show completed.
6. Anything not prohibited in the GCA rules, flower arrangement division guidelines,
or individual class descriptions is permitted.
7. Although permitted, the use of cut fruits and vegetables is discouraged and should be
undertaken only with proper treatment to prevent spoilage.
8. Judging will be based on the principles of design: balance, contrast, dominance, proportion,
rhythm and scale; and the elements of design: light, space, line, form, color, texture, pattern and size.
Creativity is important, as is distinction, conformance to and interpretation of the class and schedule.
9. The recommended scale of points for judging interpretive and miniature designs, and
exhibition tables may be found on pgs. 112-117 in the FS&JG.
10. Accessories are permitted, unless otherwise stated in the class description.
11. Pertinent paint samples will be available from the division chairman after registration form is
received. All pedestals and the medium niche in Class 2 are painted a custom dark navy blue.
L-shaped niche in Class 3 and arch in Class 6 are painted a light gray-green.
12. In Class 2, Still Waters, the niche may be lined but care must be taken to not damage the
surface of the niche; plant material may not protrude from the front of the niche.
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Flower Arrangement Classes
Class 1
Flower Power: Live, Blossom, Expand
4 entries
A design staged on a pedestal 42" h with a 15" square top. Design not to
exceed 15" from center of pedestal top on either side. Height is restricted to
72" from floor. Viewed from all sides.
Class Consultant: Chris Duncan, 914 967 0428,
Class 2
Still Waters: The Elixir of Life
4 entries
A design staged in a niche 29" h x 24" w x 16" d. Niche is staged 42" from
the floor and will be lit from above. Viewed from the front.
Class Consultant: Chris Duncan, 914 967 0428,
Class 3
Lotus: Beauty Born from Mire
4 entries
A miniature design staged on an 8" L-shaped niche which has an 8" square floor and
an 8" square backdrop. Niche is staged 52" from the floor. Viewed from three sides.
Class Consultant: Nancy Sullivan, 914 925 0595,
Class 4
Tea Ceremony: One Encounter, One Chance
4 entries
An exhibition table 30" h x 30" in diameter covered with a floor length navy cloth.
Overlay permitted. Viewed from all sides.
Class Consultant: Laura Haley, 914 967 7851,
Class 5
Pathways: Dharma to Karma
4 entries
A design staged on a pedestal 42" h with a 14" square top. Design may not exceed 12"
from center of pedestal top on any side. Height is restricted to 72" from floor. Viewed
from three sides.
Class Consultant: Nancy Sullivan, 914 925 0595,
Class 6
Nirvana: Heaven on Earth
4 entries
A hanging design staged within an arch 84" h x 54" w. A hook will be suspended 60"
from the floor. Depth of design not to exceed 24". Viewed from three sides.
Class Consultant: Laura Haley, 914 967 7851,
Educational notes
Exhibition Table: an exhibit in which the components - dishes, linens, plant material, etc. – are artistically
arranged to represent a coordinated design. The practical service of food should not be implied.
Miniature Arrangement: a diminutive arrangement which with all of its components is not more than 5" in
height, width, and depth.
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Horticulture Guidelines
1. Please carefully read and follow the GCA rules, general information and timetable for exhibitors.
2. Entries must have been owned and grown by the exhibitor for a minimum of three months,
unless otherwise stated in the schedule. Entries eligible for the Catherine Beattie Medal will be
marked with a green dot and entries eligible for the Clarissa Willemsen Horticulture
Propagation Award will be marked with a blue dot. Both must have been in the possession of the
exhibitor for at least six months.
3. An exhibitor may submit multiple entries in Classes 1 - 21, provided each is a different
species or cultivar.
4. All entries propagated by the exhibitor must be so identified with the method and relevant date(s)
of propagation on the entry card.
5. Mats, stands, saucers, stakes and ties are allowed.
6. Classes may be subdivided and entries moved and/or reclassified at the discretion of the
horticulture committee and/or the judges.
7. Containers are measured at the diameter or the diagonal of the inside rim.
8. One key card (diagram or plant list) is required when multiple species or cultivars are exhibited
in the same container. Key card must be a 4" x 6", white, unlined card and completed in black
waterproof ink or typed. A 4" x 6" photograph with identifying numbers may be used.
9. Container-grown plants must be exhibited in containers that are clean, unobtrusive and
compatible with the exhibit. Terracotta clay pots are preferred. Other options include stone-like
(Hypertufa), green or terracotta colored plastic pots, bonsai containers, wire baskets, slatted orchid
baskets and plants mounted on driftwood. Disguised double potting and top dressing are permitted;
top dressing must not float when watered. Containers with drainage holes must have saucers.
10. The committee will provide containers and wedging materials for all cut specimens.
11. The committee will water the exhibits if instructed to do so in writing.
12. The recommended scale of points for judging Section A, Section B Class 28, and Section C
can be found on pgs. 121-125 of the FS&JG. The scale of points for Section B Classes 22 – 27, is
indicated in each class description.
13. The length of the cut stems will be measured from the lip of the bottle to the tip of the
stem and not include plant material under water.
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Horticulture Classes
Section A: Cut Specimens - Striking a Pose
(Classes 1 - 21)
125 entries
One stem, spike, or spray not to exceed 30" in length.
Classes 1-4
Cobra: Bhujangasana
Annuals and Non-hardy Perennials. One flowering stem with foliage; any
foliage must be attached to the stem.
1. Cosmos
2. Salvia
3. Zinnia
4. Other
Classes 5-9
Shoulderstand: Sarvangasana
Hardy (to USDA growing zone 6) Herbaceous Perennials. One blooming stem;
any foliage must be attached to the stem.
5. Anemone
6. Aster
7. Echinacea
8. Sedum
9. Other
Classes 10-13
Sun Salutation: Surya Namaskara
Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes and Tubers. One blooming stem; any foliage must
be attached to the stem.
10. Canna
11. Colchicum
12. Dahlia
13. Other
Classes 14-17
Hero: Vajrasana
Roses. One stem or spray with at least one attached leaf with 3-5 leaflets.
14. Floribunda
15. Climber
16. Shrub
17. Other
Classes 18-21
Warrior: Virabhadrasana
Trees or shrubs. One branch; any foliage must be attached to the specimen.
18. Grown for berries, berries must be attached to specimen
19. Grown for flowers, must be in bloom
20. Grown for foliage
21. Evergreen
Class Consultant for Section A: Karen O’Brien, 914 921 0507,
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Section B: Container-Grown Plants - rooted
Class 22
(Classes 22- 28)
Yogi’s Garden
8 entries
A transparent glass enclosure with lid for a natural planting, provided by the
exhibitor, planted with a minimum of three different species or cultivars, not
to exceed 24" in any direction. Accessories may not be manufactured or
artificial. Key card required. Judged 30% quality and condition, 30%
suitability of material, 20% design and arrangement of plants, 15% grooming,
5% suitable key card.
Class Consultant: Chris Murray, 914 967 3204,
Class 23
Unlimited entries
Challenge class. Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Katsura Tree grown from seed in a
container not larger than 8" in diameter with compatible saucer. Seeds available
from class consultant upon request while supply lasts or from Schumacher Tree
and Shrub Seeds, Judged 70% horticultural
perfection, 20% distinction, 10% propagation information.
Class Consultant: Chris Murray, 914 967 3204,
Class 24
Yin and Yang
8 entries
Two plants of distinctly different qualities from the same family, grown by
exhibitor in two separate containers, each container not to exceed 8" in
diameter. Judged 45% cultural perfection, 15% form, 15% grooming,
15% distinction, 10% conformance.
Class Consultant: Marilyn Donahue, 914 921 0195,
Class 25
8 entries
Collection of 3 or more fragrant herbs displayed in a container not to exceed
12" in diameter. Key card required. Judged 50% cultural perfection, 20%
compatibility of plant material, 15% grooming, 10% distinction, 5% labeling.
Class Consultant: Marilyn Donahue, 914 921 0195,
Classes 26-27 Tree of Life
A standard topiary grown in a container not to exceed 12" in diameter.
Judged 50% cultural perfection, 25% design and distinction, 15% grooming,
10% maturity.
26. Propagated and trained by exhibitor
6 entries
27. Grown by exhibitor
6 entries
Class Consultant: Mary Julian, 914 921 2547,
Class 28
Unlimited entries
An exhibit of exceptional horticultural merit, which does not qualify for entry
elsewhere in the Horticulture Division. Entries in the Par classes must have
been owned and grown by the exhibitor for a minimum of six months. Cut
specimens, orchids and hanging baskets are not permitted. Containers may
not exceed 12" diameter/diagonal.
Class Consultant: Mary Julian, 914 921 2547,
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Section C: Child’s Pose
Class 29
Hare: Shashankasana
Unlimited entries
Komatsuna, Brassica rapa, Asian green leaf grown from seed in a container
not to exceed 8" in diameter. Seeds available from class consultant or from for children of garden club members and their friends.
Class Consultant: Ann Straub 914 967 6729
Educational note:
A standard topiary is a plant grown on a single stem with the growth concentrated at the top. Staking
should be inconspicuous.
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Photography Guidelines
1. Please carefully read and follow the GCA rules, general information and the timetable
for exhibitors.
2. An exhibitor may make only one entry in a class and may enter no more than two classes, if space
permits. Total entries per exhibitor for the show are limited to two photographs. Advance registration
is required by August 15, 2011 using the registration form at the back of the schedule. Exhibitors
will be notified if accepted or not at the time of registration. If forced to withdraw, an exhibitor must
find a substitute unless there is a waiting list for the class. The division chairman and the class
consultant must be notified immediately of any changes.
3. Photographs that have won first place in a GCA or GCA Major Flower Show may not be
entered in competition again. A photograph that was previously entered and did not place first, may
be entered again if the image is altered and newly printed.
4. Each photograph must be the work of the exhibitor, under whose name it is registered. Matting,
mounting and printing may be done professionally.
5. Any manipulation at the time of exposure, in the darkroom, by computer, or in the printing
process is allowed in all classes and must be the work of the exhibitor only. This includes cropping
of image, enhancement for color or clarity, removal of a part of the image, combining images, or
distorting the original subject.
6. Photography entries are limited to subjects consistent with Garden Club of America interests
such as horticulture, flower arrangement, gardens/landscapes, conservation/the environment,
historic preservation and civic improvement.
7. All photographs must include plant material.
8. Identification of plant material on the entry form is encouraged but not required. A title or brief
explanation may be added to the entry card if desired.
9. Photographs must be mounted and/or over-matted with a total perimeter dimension no larger
than 50". The color of mat board and the surface finish of the photograph are the choice of the
exhibitor. Glass and framing are not permitted.
10. Each entry must be labeled on the back of the photograph mounting with the exhibitor’s name,
garden club, zone, address, phone and fax number, email address, and class entered. The top of the
photograph must be indicated.
11. A custom dark navy blue is the color of staging background. A sample is available upon
request. If space allows, photos will be centered & hung at a height of 60" from the floor with
velcro. Photos will be judged from a range of close up to a maximm distance of four feet away.
12. Photographs must be received no later than September 1, 2011. Send photographs to Liz
Caspi, 140 Kirby Lane, Rye, NY 10580. Your registration will be confirmed and receipt of your
photograph will be acknowledged. For information, contact Liz Caspi at 914 967 6064 or
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13. If a photograph entry is to be returned, the exhibitor must provide a self-addressed return label,
envelope, postage and packing material. Any award received will be noted on the back of the mount
before it is returned.
14. All photographs will be passed by the photography committee to verify that class specifications
have been met. If a photograph is not passed, the exhibitor will be notified and allowed, if time
permits, to send a replacement photograph.
15. Only the photography committee may reclassify an entry, but only with the permission of
the exhibitor. The photography committee and the judges may subdivide a class.
16. A follow-up letter will be sent to all photography exhibitors listing the results of the
Photography Division.
17. The recommended scale of points by which the classes are to be judged.
Technical Merit
Interpretation of Theme
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Photography Classes
Classes 1-2 Awakenings
4 entries
4 entries
1. Color
2. Monochrome
Classes 3-4 Reflections
4 entries
4 entries
3. Color
4. Monochrome
Classes 5-6 The Road Less Traveled
4 entries
4 entries
5. Color
6. Monochrome
Class Consultant: Liz Caspi, 914 967 6064,
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Conservation Exhibit
eat with Awareness
Eating with Awareness will address the importance of the choices we make every day with
regard to the foods we eat. We will show how the benefits of growing our own and eating locally
grown foods can positively affect our environment.
Education Exhibit
Path to enlightenment
Path to Enlightenment illustrates how meditation gardens are designed
specifically to provide oases of calm and opportunities for quiet contemplation
of nature in the midst of a busy world.
The labyrinth garden on the grounds of Wainwright House is but one example of a meditation
garden. This exhibit will show other types of meditation gardens which seek to offer similar
experiences of tranquility, enlightenment and even transcendence.
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GCA Flower Show Awards described below have been applied for and will be presented if merited.
The Harriet DeWaele Puckett Creativity Award may be awarded to members of GCA clubs or
non-members in recognition of a uniquely skillful and creative response to an imaginative schedule.
It will be given for an innovative and interpretive entry, which, although it abides by the principles of
good design, goes beyond traditional period arrangement to whatever art form the arranger(s)
chooses. The arrangement must have placed first, second, or third in the Flower Arrangement
Division of a GCA Flower Show. An entry in any challenge class is not eligible to receive this award.
The award is not a substitute for Best in Show and will be given at the discretion of the judges.
The Dorothy Vietor Munger Award may be awarded to members of Garden Club of America clubs
in competitive flower arrangement classes at a GCA Flower Show. It is offered in recognition of
creative work of outstanding beauty using predominantly fresh plant material. The arrangement
must have placed first, second, or third. Challenge class entries are not eligible. The award is not a
substitute for Best in Show and will be given at the discretion of the judges.
The Sandra Baylor Novice Award may be given at a GCA and a GCA Major Flower Show to an
exhibitor who is a member of a GCA club and who has never won first place in the Flower
Arrangement Division of a GCA or a GCA Major Flower Show. It shall be awarded to an individual
novice exhibitor for a unique and skillful response to the schedule. Novice entries placing first,
second, or third in any competitive class, including challenge classes, are eligible for this award. An
exhibitor may win this award only once in a GCA Show or once in a GCA Major Show.
The Catherine Beattie Medal is to be awarded for a horticulture entry distinguished by its vibrancy, prime condition, and perfection of grooming. It must have been grown by the exhibitor for at
least six months. The medal may be awarded for a single plant, collection of plants, container
garden, or cut specimen, but only if there is an exhibit worthy of the honor. It may be awarded to
members of GCA clubs only; individual, joint, and club entries are eligible. The award should not be
considered as a substitute for Best in Show. The medal may not be awarded to the same exhibit more
than once; however, offspring of a Beattie winner are eligible to receive the award.
The Clarissa Willemsen Horticulture Propagation Award is to be awarded for a horticulture
entry distinguished by its prime condition, flawless grooming and difficulty of propagation. The
entry must have been propagated and grown by the exhibitor for at least six months. The
Horticulture Propagation Award may be given for a single rooted plant or a collection of rooted
plants. The dates and method of propagation must be recorded on the entry card. The entry must
have placed first, second, or third at a GCA Flower Show. The award may not be given to an
exhibit more than once.
The Rosie Jones Horticulture Award may be presented to a horticulture entry of exceptional visual
appeal that reflects the spirit of growing with joy and enthusiasm and inspires others to propagate,
grow, show and share horticulture. An exhibit that has been propagated by the exhibitor will be
given special consideration but propagation is not a requirement. Perfection, while always desirable,
is not a primary criterion. This award celebrates the ineffable joy inherent in the beauty and pursuit
of horticulture. It could be the entry that would win the popular vote but not necessarily the Beattie
or the blue ribbon. Its primary virtue shall be its exceptional and exuberant inspiration.
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The GCA Novice Award may be given at a GCA and a GCA Major Flower Show in the Horticulture,
Photography and Special Divisions to an exhibitor who is a member of a GCA club and who has
never won first place, in the division entered, of a GCA or a GCA Major Flower Show. It shall be
awarded to an individual novice exhibitor for an outstanding exhibit. Novice entries placing first,
second, or third are eligible for this award. An exhibitor may win this award only once in a GCA
Show or once in a GCA Major Show.
The Photography Committee Creativity Award may be given to a member of a GCA club in
recognition of creative and technical excellence in response to the theme of the schedule. The entry
must have placed first, second, or third.
The Ann Lyon Crammond Award may be presented at a GCA or GCA Major Flower Show to an
outstanding educational exhibit which best educates the public about gardens. Any educational
exhibit, which increases the appreciation of any aspect of plants, gardens, or landscape design, may
be considered for this award. The award may be given to GCA club members, member clubs, nonmembers or other organizations.
The Marion Thompson Fuller Brown Conservation Award may be presented for an
outstanding conservation exhibit at a GCA Flower Show. The award recognizes an exhibit of
exceptional educational and visual merit, which increases knowledge and awareness of the
environment. The exhibit should emphasize environmental concerns and may demonstrate
conservation practices. Plant material may or may not be used and, when appropriate, must be
clearly identified. Protected material may be included if such materials are identified as protected
and not collected in the wild. The award may be given to Garden Club of America clubs, club
members, non-members or other organizations. Exhibits may be judged as a par class or in
competition with other entries.
A Best in Show, selected from among the first place winners, may be awarded in each division.
A Judges’ Commendation may be given to an entry, class, section, special exhibit or other aspect of
the show that is of exceptional merit.
The Little Garden Club of Rye Awards
The Katharine Haley Donahue Award may be presented to The Little Garden Club of Rye
member whose competitive flower arrangement best captures the spirit of her chosen class. A special
appreciation for nature’s beauty and joy is a hallmark of the award and of its namesake.
The Phyllis Louise Mallory Award may be presented to The Little Garden Club of Rye
member whose competitive horticulture entry best exhibits outstanding perfection in growth,
grooming and presentation. A special appreciation for a challenging horticulture
specimen is considered for the award.
Little Garden Club of Rye Schedulerev:Namaste me 3/4/11 4:10 PM Page 24
Flower Arrangement registration Form
Please complete one Registration Form per entry.
Send to: Nancy Sullivan
10 Highland Park Place
Rye, NY 10580
Registration Deadline: August 15, 2011
914 925 0595
Please print using block letters.
Name: ________________________
Garden Club/Zone______________________________
Class Number
Class Title
1st Choice_____________________________________________________________________
2nd Choice_____________________________________________________________________
Novice? Yes c No c (individual exhibitor only)
Date: _________________________________
horticulture registration Form
Registration is not required but appreciated for cut specimen classes 1-21, 28 or 29; registration
required for all other classes.
Please complete one Registration Form per entry.
Send to: Karen O’Brien
53 Crawford Road
Harrison, NY 10528
Registration Deadline: August 15, 2011
914 921 0507
Please print using block letters.
Name: _____________________________
Garden Club/Zone__________________________
Class Number
Class Title
Novice? Yes c No c (individual exhibitor only) Date: _________________________________
Little Garden Club of Rye Schedulerev:Namaste me 3/4/11 4:10 PM Page 25
Photography registration Form
Please complete one Registration Form per entry.
Registration Deadline: August 15, 2011
Send to: Liz Caspi
140 Kirby Lane
Rye, NY 10580
914 967 6064
Please print using block letters.
Name: __________________________________Garden Club/Zone_______________________
Class Number
Class Title
1st Choice_______________________________________________________________________
Novice? Yes c No c (individual exhibitor only)
Date: ___________________________
Photograph entry Form
Photograph Entry Deadline: September 1, 2011
Please complete one Entry Form per exhibit. Affix the form to the back of the mounting.
Send photograph to: Liz Caspi, 140 Kirby Lane, Rye, NY 10580
Class Entered:__________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________ Garden Club/Zone_____________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Tel: _________________________ Return postage and packaging have been provided.
Identifiable Plant Material:_________________________________________________
Novice? Yes c
No c
Award Won:_____________________________________
Little Garden Club of Rye Schedulerev:Namaste me 3/4/11 4:10 PM Page 26
Photograph entry Form
Photograph Entry Deadline: September 1, 2011
Please complete one Entry Form per exhibit. Affix the form to the back of the mounting.
Send photograph to: Liz Caspi, 140 Kirby Lane, Rye, NY 10580
Class Entered: __________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________ GardenClub/Zone______________________
Tel: _________________________Return postage and packaging have been provided.
Identifiable Plant Material:_________________________________________________
Novice? Yes c No c
Award Won: ________________________________
From I 95: take exit 19, Playland Parkway, and travel 9/10 of a mile. Turn right on
Milton Road and continue 9/10 of a mile to blinking light. Turn left on Stuyvesant
Avenue. Wainwright House is 6/10 of a mile on the right. 914 967 6080
Little Garden Club of Rye Schedulerev:Namaste me 3/4/11 4:10 PM Page 27
CoVer ArT
Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning “circle”.
Mandalas are generally used to focus the mind for
meditation and are intricate pieces of art.
Little Garden Club of Rye Schedulerev:Namaste me 3/4/11 4:10 PM Page 28
"Keep a green tree in your heart and
a song bird will come"
– Chinese proverb
The Little Garden Club of Rye
Printed with vegetable-based inks on 100% post-consumer waste