2012 Guidebook - Markus Rothkranz


2012 Guidebook - Markus Rothkranz
The 2012 Handbook
by Markus Rothkranz
This is a literal transcription of the new years eve speech,
bringing in the year 2012, in Phoenix Arizona.
We are literally hours away from a new life in a new world.
I gave the opening keynote speech at
the first big Raw Spirit Fest with three
thousand people, and I am giving the
last speech of the era before 2012.
You've made it this far- give
yourselves a hand.
The Era of You is coming in.
Everything you've heard about what could happen, is
happening already. It doesn't matter, let it happen. You can
all change it. That's what I'm here to talk to you about. I'm
going to send you guys home tonight with a new life. I'm
not going to talk about raw food. Raw food is one tiny part
of what you are, you open your mouth, you put something
in, it digests, it makes something happen in you. It's a type
of energy. I think we all know that everything is just energy,
right ? Einstein proved it. Well so is the person sitting next
to you. So is how they speak to you. That's a type of food.
So is the noise in a room. So is the chatter on the stereo or
television. So is everything you are soaking in, everything
your parents have ever told you, everything society has told
you, everything that the news, the people around you, the
government, everything you've ever absorbed since the
moment you were conceived… even when you were inside
your mothers womb and what they were talking about…
about their new child, the money problems they're going to
have, everything they're going to have to do to make that
Everything that you have ever heard or absorbed is what
you are now. And that's why you're having the issues
you're having now. You're sitting there going "where am I
going with my life? How am I going to improve myself?
How am I going to find happiness? Will all this work out? Is
the Illuminatti going to kill me? Are the chemtrails going to
poison me?"
I don't care !!! And you shouldn't care either. All you should
be caring about …is you. I have something to say about the
healing arts in general. People go "O.K., I need to meditate
more, I need to do yoga, I need to do this, I need to do
that"… and this is where I get a little bit irked. We have a
stressful life, o.k., and then we say, "ok, I've gotta go to this
yoga thing, this meditation thing and I sit there with a bunch
of people for an hour and I feel better… I de-stress." So
here we have stressful day (pointing to left), and here we
have yoga session, meditation session or whatever it is
(pointing to right). So we set a certain time of day side for
that- 6 am, 6pm, whatever it is. We have to wear certain
yoga clothes, whatever it is. O.k., so we have
separateness. We have stress (reaching left), and then we
have "yoga session", meditation session (reaching right) or
whatever it is you do to try and de-stress.
What people don't realize is the way its supposed to be in
the new world, and it will be… the reason it hasn't been
working, is because this(left) and this (right) should not be
separate. Meditation, yoga …is a way of living life. Every
moment you are conscious, while you are on this planet is
when you should be meditating and doing yoga. The way
you sit in front of the computer, the way you are talking to
another person, when you are in the phone making your
business deals - that's meditation, that's yoga- that's the
way you should be living life. You don't separate this and
It's not "I'm a poor victim, and the government, those rich
people, the illuminati, whatever it is you want to call it,
they're all oppressing us, they're taking our money and our
houses away"- that's again- US and THEM. There is no
separateness. That's what we've gotta realize- we are not
separate. It's not us and them. They ARE us !!! We've
gotta understand this guys. There is no separateness
between us and them. There is no us and them. There is
only… US ! They are an extension of us, but they are still
us. We are connected. We've got to realize this. And this is
what my new book "The Prosperity Secret" talks about
because you guys… now I'm just going to be real blunt
here because that's the way I am, I just get to the point, I
don't fluff it up.
There is kind of a … um… what do you call it…paw … I
can't even remember the word… pod… poverty… I can't
even remember the word bleah! It's not in my vocabulary.
There is a poverty consciousness among the people who
want to do the right thing. The green crowd. They think
money is bad and the people who have money are bad…
again… they think it's us and them. That you need to be
poor to be appreciated. All the heroes that we think of
when we were brought up in our childhood are poor people
fighting the system, right ? Look at T.V. I grew up in the
70's, all the mean guys in those crime dramas, they wore
three piece suits. We were programmed that the people "up
there" are bad and the good people are "down here". And
if you want to be a hero, you've gotta speak the common
poor persons language and stay "down here". If you ever
go "up there", you're gonna be hated. None of us want to
be hated, so we never end up "up there". So now we are
miserable our whole lives because we don't have any
money, we can't pay our bills, our houses are being taken
away, we don't have our health. Sure we are meditating,
we are trying to be conscious, but we're not completely
fulfilled, we can eat all the raw food we want. There are raw
foodists dying at 70 or 80 and there are people
approaching 100 that drink and smoke and we hate them
because they are living the good life and we're trying to do
all the right stuff and we are arrrrghhhh! Here we are trying
to be peaceful and loving and yet we are still resentful and
that's negative energy and it's killing us.
So we have to realize that real prosperity is no more
separateness. There is nothing wrong with having money.
Money is just a piece of paper, that's all it is… it's
worthless. It's the energy that we put into it. You know, the
economy might collapse. This is kind of what I'm going to
tell you- what happens this next year… ok.- Rome had it's
day… and Rome fell. The United States and Europe had its
day. They are falling. China and India are coming up, so
there's always a balance. Now, here's what we've gotta
realize- there are no good guys or bad guys, there's always
a balance in nature.
So. O.k., lets say the economy collapses. Lets say our
paper money becomes worthless. So what. You know
what? Its been 2000 years and Rome is still there! There
are still people living in Rome. Lots of them. Lets say the
economy collapses and lets say the dollar becomes
worthless. There is still going to be some kind of currency
that we're going to give each other and its worth something.
It may be seeds or gold, silver, I don't know, it doesn't
matter. The point is there is still going to be an (energy)
exchange of some kind for something. And there are still
going to be houses to live in. There are still going to be
bodies for you guys to live in. There is still going to be food.
If any of you have watched my Free Food and Medicine
DVD sets, you know that weeds are edible. Actually they
are the best food and medicine on the planet and they are
everywhere. You cannot starve.
What's the biggest fear that we have? Death. Right ?
What's the biggest thing we ultimately feel in our core that
would cause that death? Starvation. Not just food
starvation, but Love starvation, the starvation of not being
able to do what we are here to do and not be recognized…
it's basically all starvation. Well once you realize that you
can never starve… even if the grocery stores cease to exist
and they shut the power grid off, and stop the government
and stop the money… once you realize that you can simply
go out in your yard and start eating dandelions and be
healthier than you've ever been before (for free!), you will
go "o.k.- I started with nothing, and now I have a base from
which to live and grow!"
Some of you don't know this about me,
but I gave everything up, and I went to to
the desert. I had what most would think
was a "good" life, I lived in Hollywood, I
made a 2.5 million dollar film, I worked
with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven
Spielberg, George Lucas, bla bla bla. I had a nice house,
wife, everything. But I wasn't happy, my body was falling
apart and I was dying. So I gave it all up and said "I'm
outta here". I was not happy. Everything that society told
me to get, I gave it all up, went to the desert, took my
clothes off and said I don't even know if I'm coming back.
There was no plan for me to come back. I literally just
erased. Completely. Zero. No clothes. I had no identity, no
one to answer to, I had no agenda, no plans to come back.
I didn't even have a plan to survive to live. I literally gave it
all up, because whatever I was doing, it was not working
and I didn't want to play that game anymore. Everybody in
their existence at some point has to have that moment.
The greatest moment you will ever have in your life, is the
moment before you die. Because in that moment you give
up. You completely give up. You say nothing anymore, and
you go silent. You just accept. You finally accept oneness,
the truth, reality. You finally stop resisting. Here's an
interesting thing- Have you ever noticed- this has
happened several times in my life in the close circles I've
been in, where some old dying person who may have
Alzheimers, they are senile, they are making no sense at
all, their bodies are all decrepit and they are moments
away from dying… and suddenly they sit up in bed and
they go "Hey Bob! Hi Sam! How are you doing? Hey I
miss you so much. I love you so much. Oh my God, I wish I
said this years ago,…" they are totally there !!! Suddenly
this Alzheimers patient is totally lucid, totally there, looking
you right in he eye and talking to you like nothing's wrong.
And then they fall dead. I don't know if any of you have
noticed this phenomenon, but it's quite common.
You know why that happens? Because they finally let go !
Then the real them came out- they weren't fighting
anymore. O.k. now here's the trick. To live like that- to give
up, completely, zero out, and be o.k. with whatever and
accept the truth and reality… every waking moment of your
life, from now on, to just let it happen. And this is the
interesting thing… this is the fear factor that we have… our
mind kicks in and goes "oh, but this can happen or that can
happen…" Well what can happen ? You can lose your
house, your car, your relationship? So what. You're already
losing it anyway. It's probably not the house and car you
really want anyway. The relationship might be
dysfunctional. The government might take it away from you
or the banks will take it away from you, or like I did, you just
give up and walk away willingly. At some point in your life,
you're going to have basically everything taken away from
It's not the worst moment of your life, actually the best
moment of your life, and this is the weird twisting mind
thing that we have to get straight. That's happening for a
reason. Why do you think everything that's happening in
the world is happening right now? Because the old
system's not working. Let it happen. Get rid of the shit. Get
on with your life! When you get rid of everything,… ok…
here's a great example. Who makes the best soldier- who
should you be the most afraid of … a guy that has a wife, a
house and kids, …or a guy that has nothing to lose. The
real warrior that you should be afraid of is he one that has
nothing to lose. My father in law can attest to that. He was
in Vietnam, he had the same experience. This is not
wanting to die, it's just not caring if you live or die. It's a
complete giving up and being in the moment- that makes
you the best warrior in the world. And that's what you need
to be every moment of your life- to just give in to the
Let's say you're a girl and a guy comes on to you. You back
away, because it's kind of like the stalker thing, the guy
comes on too strong, you get turned off, you back away.
But if the guy says ok I'm outta here and walks away,
suddenly you want the guy. Why? Because if something
pushes towards you, you pull back. If something pulls away
from you, you pull forward. It's part of the magnetic field of
nature. That's why if you try to run away from an animal, it
will run after you and bite you or even try to kill you. It's just
an instinctive thing. It's the way nature works. So- stop
going after money. Stop going after great relationships.
Stop going after whatever it is you want. Stop going after
it. This is the miracle of life, the weird twisted reality that
we're in, but it's the way it's set up. It even says it in the
Bible. If you want the "kingdom of heaven" - and I'm not
talking about this sterile white storybook thing "up
there" (remember- no separateness!).. the kingdom of
heaven is paradise, it's Eden, …it's down here, it's
everywhere. If you want the kingdom of heaven, you've got
to be able to give up everything that's worth anything to
you, and then God/the Universe, whatever you want to call
it, THEN comes to you.
So if you really want to prosper, you've got to not want
prosperity. You've got to not want anything. Just be o.k. and
accept, let go of it all, and when you let go and give up, …
that's when you finally get everything. So whatever it is
that you have right now, STOP hanging on to it like "oh my
God if you take this away, it will be the end of my world".
The Universe hates a vacuum. When you create a hole, its
going to get filled. If you have an empty shelf, a horizontal
surface, there will always be some keys, a glass, people
just start automatically putting things on that surface. If you
have a garage, you will start filling it with crap. If there is a
place to put something, something's gonna fill it. If you
create a void in your life, a hole, the universe is going to
start filling it. It will probably be with the latest, greatest,
newest model of whatever it is. So stop holding on to the
old thing that are not working very well or burdening you. If
there's a giant hole in your life, the universe will fill it.
People know me as the "raw food guy". The only reason I
got into raw food is because when I was in the desert, and I
was dying, I just laid there on a rock and I looked around at
the little animals… they have no fear. They just live. They
eat , have sex three times a day, they lay in the sun, they
maybe eat each other once in a while, whatever… they just
live in the moment. If they have a little argument, it lasts
maybe three seconds and it's over, and then they're making
out again. They are totally in the moment. They are living
totally in nature. The other thing I noticed is animals don't
age. Did you ever notice that when you go in the woods
and you see a deer… do you ever see a grey-haired fat
bald deer? Animals don't age. They look beautiful and then
they die when their time is up. That's normal. It's just
normal to be beautiful, live your full life and then die. Look
at a candle, it burns completely bright until the very last
moment and then it's out. It doesn't just slowly fade away.
You don't spend the last 50 years of your life losing your
hair, your vision, your teeth, your hearing, gaining weight,
losing your energy, getting depressed, …that's not normal !
That's not what we're here for.
We are here to experience LIFE! To LIVE !!! To know what
it's like to feel another human being. We have a spiritual
sensory machine. We have ten thousand billion nerve
endings - why ? So we can embrace someone else with ten
thousand billion nerve endings… and enjoy life and hear
the beautiful music of nature and see beauty- to look at
someone and say "This is what a healthy person looks
like!" We are here to experience life. There is a lineup in
heaven waiting to come down and know what it's like to be
in a human body. To know what it's like to make love. Do
you know what "orgasm" means? It means "little death".
A death. In other words, you give up yourself and you let
the good white energy of life come through you.
So give up. Let yourself die and experience
life. That is the balance of nature.
You've got to let yourself go in order to live.
There is no secret. The miracle of life is whatever you are
hanging on to, that you are afraid of, … that's the only thing
that's stopping you from really living. And I guarantee you,
if you let go, and you just walk out there, naked into life, …
you will be given the most amazing "clothing" in life that you
could ever imagine.
What I didn't tell people from the raw food thing, is, yeah I
healed everything, I'm 50 now but my body is that of
someone in their twenties or thirties because I'm getting
younger every year. We've already established that . Come
on, we already know this stuff. But what people don't know
about me is, when I came back from the desert, and I had
nothing and I was naked, I actually lived in a friends closet
for two weeks. I had to start somewhere. Yes. I lived in a
closet for two weeks. But what I didn't tell people, because
they weren't ready for it until now, … is that I went from
naked in the desert with nothing - no name, no identity, no
credit cards, no drivers license, nothing… I went from
that… to driving a Ferrari within 90 days.
… because I had nothing to stop me. When you have
nothing to lose (like the warrior), you are invincible. You
can live any dream you want, because there is nothing
holding you back. You don't have a house to lose. You
don't have car payments or repairs. You don't have a
relationship that's messing you up. You have nothing to
lose. And you have everything- the whole world is waiting
for you. I started living my dream life. I did everything. I
started flying first class, private jets, I hung out with Guns N
Roses, I did everything I ever dreamed of doing. I'm not
done yet. Not even close. I'm just starting.
What I'm trying to tell you guys is there's so much more out
there than just being concerned about just what goes in
your mouth or making mortgage payments.
Anyone who's read my books,
knows I am not just plugging raw
food. The main thing that heals
you- is what you GET RID OF !
It's what you clean out of your life.
Anything that's a burden to you.
It's so funny when people say they
are going to go "roughing it" and
go camping or hiking with these
giant heavy backpacks with every possible scenario
planned for. They have knives and scissors and guns and
camping stoves, and tents and god knows what they have.
Why? I was naked in the desert, and I was fine. Animals
don't have backpacks. They don't have pocketknives or an
insurance policy for every possible thing that could go
wrong. That's fear based. Excitement is when you go into
the desert- I mean I want to take my clothes off right now
and walk outside and roll around on the grass with you
guys- that's what this is about. That's life !!! Right ?
Ok, again, we are not having a stressful life here (gesturing
to left), and over here (gesturing to right) we make up for it
with some meditation or yoga. No that needs to be over
here and it needs to be a way of living. It's not "us poor
guys" and "those rich guys". This is something we have to
realize and it talks about it in my book (the Prosperity
Secret)- most of the rich guys- (and this blows people's
minds)- is - they're not bad ! I know. I was around Beverly
Hills for 20 years and those rich people are not spending
their time trying to figure out how they can manipulate and
oppress the less fortunate. No, they are too busy getting
cellulite treatments and plastic surgery. They are not
planning world domination. They are too self-absorbed and
vain for that. There are only a few people at the very top
who have some kind of weird mind game going, but that
never lasts- look at Hitler or any time in history where
someone tried to take over the world… let's say China
takes over the world, so what? Its not gonna last. I am
German. I grew up in Germany. In the 1920's, their money
collapsed. Paper money was worthless. They used
wheelbarrows of money to light a fire to stay warm. The
money literally was worthless. It could happen to us next
year or next 5 years… it doesn't matter what happens. The
point is Germany is still there, and it's one of the strongest,
most stable economic countries in the world. The bad guys
are gone. The allies won. Good always wins. Always.
Always. Always. So stop fearing whatever is going to
happen. It doesn't matter.
The real economy is YOU.
What is a country? What is an
economy? It's just a bunch of you
guys doing something. The
government must follow the trend.
You think they are manipulating
you ? No. Once you realize that
dandelions are edible and the
government can't starve you, you
are in control. They can't tax a
dandelion. You can't tax, mallow, thistles, weeds, grass
and any other thing growing wild out there, and it's a
thousand times better than anything you'll ever find in a
grocery store which was picked unripe two weeks or
months ago in New Zealand, shipped here and has no
more life force in it. The real life is what's growing within
one mile of where you live. That's what my new DVD "Free
Living 101" is about. It doesn't matter if you live in suburbia
or the city. Everything you need is within grasp of where
you live right now. The longest living people barely eat, so
you don't even need food that much. What you need is
what you see when you are standing naked in front of the
mirror. That's all you need.
And you don't even need a mirror, because everyone
around you is a mirror. Everything's already perfect and
figured out. The loved one you're with is the person with
enough courage to tell you that you have a booger hanging
out of your nose or your breath stinks. Nobody else is going
to do that. It's their job to be your mirror and tell you that
stuff. So if someone is cutting you down, they are not really
cutting you down. They are just trying to make you aware of
something. Maybe they're not too elegant in the way they're
saying it, but everyone around you is a mirror, so don't look
at them as "bad guys" or as someone that doesn't love you,
or someone with a mental problem- listen to what they are
really trying to tell you. Don't pay attention to how they are
telling you because they are just human beings stumbling
through life. They might not be elegant orators. They're just
trying to tell you in their clumsy way something that you
need to know, so listen to them. It doesn't matter if it's your
worst enemy, they're trying to tell you something. Pay
attention to how you make them feel. What does that tell
you about yourself?
And when you listen and actually become receptive, they
are not your enemy anymore.
Stop listening to your brain- that's just a hard drive with
some faulty programming. It's just a bunch of facts, figures
and rules that have been given to you throughout your
whole life, and that doesn't mean much. What really
means something is the message coming from God,
coming through you in your heart.
So really, what you're here to do, is not do that job that you
have to pay your bills with, just so you can make it another
month. That's just going to make you more miserable, then
you'll get cancer and become a burden to society. This
makes you what's called a consumer, your whole purpose
for living is to consume stuff. In nature, if we weren't here,
the world would continue for a billion years no problem
because every living thing on this Earth other than man
gives back what it takes equally. An animal eats, it poops
out it becomes fertilizer, it dies, recycles, everything is
perfectly balanced. We're the only species that doesn't put
back what we take. And, what we do put back is usually
So what we have to do is learn to totally be natural and
healthy and loving and honest and clean. And there's
nothing wrong with being rich, but there is something wrong
with living a life where your whole reason for getting up in
the morning is to work at a job you hate to make money for
a house that's killing you so somebody doesn't hate you
and leave you, to pay for a car that's going to be outdated
three years from now. Name a billion reasons. It's funny, I
grew up in Canada where it's snowy and cold and
everything like that, it's slush and it's just nasty. The first
thing I did when I turned 18 is I got on a plane to Florida,
because that's where I really wanted to be- the sun and the
Everybody says "yeah that would be nice one day, I dream
of being in Tahiti on a beach, that would be so nice. I keep
hearing that! I tell people, so why aren't you there? They
say, "well, I've got a mortgage, a wife, kids, they go to
school, I've got responsibility, I've got a job. bla bla bla." I
say "well they have those over there too!" Then they say "I
don't know if I'll get a job down there, I know I have one
here"… so they hang on to all that they know. If you only
took a chance and followed your dream, you might find
that your dream costs less than you thought. (It costs much
less to live in most tropical islands than than here in
America) My friend Matt went to Hawaii and had nothing.
He took every penny, everything he had, sold it all, went to
Hawaii, didn't have a hotel or anything. He just got in a
cab, told it to drive him to the edge of the jungle and he
lived in the woods like a monkey for over half a year. He
ate raw mangos, papayas, whatever was growing there on
the beach and had the time of his life and it didn't cost him
a penny. He was living in paradise! So why are we looking
at these post cards of paradise saying that we can't go
there? I don't want to hear the excuses. The only thing that
is stopping you from doing that is YOU. You can live the
life you want right now and this is not some kind of
motivational hype. This is the real thing, you can live your
dream right now.
Stop waiting for the government to heal the economy, it's
not going to happen. Stop waiting for your job to give you
this magic thing. Stop working for other people. Stop
waiting for someone else to give you happiness, it's not
going to happen. I'm sorry guys, nobody is going to save
you, nobody! I can't save you. The only one that can pull
you out of the rut that you're in right now is yourself. And
the best way you can do that is it to stop hanging onto the
few little things you have, because that's pitiful. The real
paradise is right around the corner, and you guys are going
to experience this. 2012 is going to have everything taken
away from you if you hold on too tight. But if you become
like a flexible palm tree in the wind or seaweed in the
ocean and you flow and just let it happen, I guarantee you
guys, you will become the new world. You're going to
determine the future!!! That's why we're here guys.
You are not here to follow. Everyone's going to look at
everyone else wondering who's going to make the first
move. No one's going to make the first move in your life
other than you. You've gotta be the one to get up on the
stage of your life and say "I'm going to do what I want, and
I'm loving it!" And whoever's having a good time- that's
going to inspire other people to follow. You can't lecture
people, you've gotta be living it and prove it. Your kids,
your spouse are not going to change unless you become
the living proof that this new way of living works. If you
follow your heart and dream, your fear might be that you
will lose them. Well if it does, then that's supposed to
happen. I hate to say it guys, but you don't own anything.
You don't own your lover. You don't own your money. You
don't own anything. That's the stuff that comes and goes
through your life, and you've got to accept that. You have
to give them freedom. If you want to lose a lover, hold on
too tight. That's how you lose them. If you want to not get
money, hold on tight to what you have. Money is air. It's
water. If you hold on to tight, you squish it through your
fingers and you have nothing.
The purpose of money or anything good used to create
something with, including love or anything else, is you need
to keep it moving. Life is movement. You have to let it flow.
That's the only way life happens. If you stagnate
something, it dies. So if you feel like you are stagnant in
life, start moving! It doesn't matter what you do, just start
doing something. Start cleaning out your house. Fix that
crack on your wall. Just go for a drive. Go meet your
parents, whatever it is, just DO SOMETHING ! Just stop
doing the same monotonous thing every day, because the
only way you're going to have the same miserable life is if
you keep doing the same things you are doing. If you want
a new life, start moving, and don't worry about what
happens. Trust. If you put a foot forward, a stepping stone
appears, I guarantee it. The universe is watching you.
The universe created you. You are a child of the universe.
God, whatever you want to call it.
Let's say you were a billionaire. Would you give a million
dollars to a six year old? No, because a six year old
doesn't know how to handle it. Why would the universe
give you a million dollars if you have a poverty
consciousness or are afraid, or have the wrong mentality,
or don't appreciate it - if you think that rich people are evil,
mean, greedy bastards ruling the world. Nobody's going to
give you money with that kind of mentality. You have to be
loving because the reason for prosperity is to share it, to
help heal others… to keep it moving.
Sure there are a few mean people out there. We should
have learned this is in school- any classroom we had,
there was always a mean bully, right ? He picks on us.
That was one or two people out of thirty. The other twenty
nine were probably pretty normal. Most of them were
probably nerds. Those nerds grew up to be Steve Jobs
and Bill Gates. Those are not mean people. They make
lots and lots of money. Now all you think about though is
that one bully that tried to rule the class, right ? That bully
will eventually go away, and those 29 nerds are going to
keep going. The point is- you are the 29 people. Your job
is to become that successful person and help everybody
else. It is our duty given to us by God to become
prosperous so we can share that wealth with everyone else
and bring the world up to the level it's supposed to be at.
We need to be prosperous. I feel like crying now, because
that is what we are here to be. To thrive. We need to
realize this. We need to be o.k. with it. Most people aren't.
They have this really faulty programming. You see this all
the time- some poor person wins the lottery. What
happens? Guaranteed- within a short amount of time they
are poor again because they wasted all the money- they
didn't know how to handle it. Rich people- Donald Trump's
been broke five times over, but he gets rich again, because
that's what he's comfortable with. You've got to be
comfortable with prosperity. You've gotta be o.k. with it, like
that's where you belong … and most people are
uncomfortable with that.
I'm not just talking about money, I'm talking about health,
about loving relationships, about anything. This is a
universal formula and you've gotta be there. You don't
strive for it, you don't "try" to get it, you've gotta just DO it
and BE it.
Just start doing it. This is life.
This is why we are here… to
thrive. We have sensory
machines (our body) with ten
million sensory receptors on us
so we can see and feel and touch
and taste life and roll around in it.
That's why we are here. We are
God in a human body. This is the
best gift we could ever be given is a human body. Honor
this. Respect this. Because this is how we savor and taste
life. We're not here to be a slave to anything or anyone,
including ourselves, because the only thing that's going to
set us free, is ourselves. So start listening to the music in
your heart, because that's the music of your future. That's
why you are here. I don't want to hear any excuses as to
why you're not thriving. I don't wanna hear mortgage, I
don't wanna hear school, kids, wife, health conditions, I
don't want to hear any of that. Because all of that- is just an
illusion. If you let go of something like your house, there's
going to be another one to take it's place, and I guarantee
you , if you do what I said, it's going to be a much better
house. If that relationship's not working, I guarantee you if
you clear your faulty programming, learn your lessons and
you don't repeat them, you are going to have a much better
But it starts with you, because you're only going to attract
what you expect and what you feel you are worth. So I am
here tonight to tell you, 2012 is only going to give you what
you feel you are worth. What are you worth guys ?
Come on, what are you worth ?
You are here to show the world what thriving is all about.
You are here to spread the love that most people out there
have no clue what real love is. This is a raw spirit fest.
Let's show the world what raw spirit is, even if it's just two
of us. Gandhi changed an entire nation and he had nothing
but a loincloth. You can do it a little quicker if you have
millions of dollars. So stop being poor, people, and start
getting some power in your world. Start claiming what's
yours. Stop giving it away to people. Your job is to take
what's out there and move it in a direction that can help.
That's why we are here.
Stop with the courage thing. People think you need
courage to do this stuff- no. What I'm trying to explain to
you is, and this is kind of funny …courage is overrated. It
takes too much energy to be courageous. What you really
need to do is just give up like I did, and just let go.
Surrender. That takes no energy at all. Just walk away, and
let the universe give you the tools for what you need. Start
living a natural life, the way nature intended, and it will give
you everything you need. This may sound a bit bizarre, but
that's the way it is. You just gotta start stepping forward
one step at a time and the universe will show you the way.
That's all you need.
That's all you need.
So whatever you have going on in here (in head), tonight
we shut it off. And we start experiencing a life that has
never happened before on this planet, because the way it's
been working, its not working. That's why everything's
falling apart. Stop hanging on to that. Let it go. Just let it
go. It takes no energy to give up. And guess what- when
you let go, that's when you get everything. That's love. Stop
going after things, let it come to you. You deserve it.
We have a new era coming in, and it's all comprised of
individual people like you starting to follow your individual
dream, your individual voice. Every one of you is a piece of
a puzzle. Stop copying the person next to you and start
doing what you're here to do. The person next to you will
go "wow, I'm impressed, you have the courage to do what
you're here to do. I want to be like that too." The energy
will spread, and the new person that you are- the new you,
is going to create the new world.
You are the new world.
Just get down to the real you. Hear the music in your life.
What is the song that you have playing in your heart?
Remember Rocky? That music, that song, you get up in the
morning before the sun comes up, you hear those
trumpets playing , you're jogging through the cold… that's
what you need to feel in yourself. You need to hear the
Rocky theme- you guys show the world what a champion
is, because the world is looking for them right now. You
guys are champions. Let's do it! I love you all, Happy new
year, Happy new YOU !!!
short video clip of the last 3 minutes of speechhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZXC_dkWF4g
For more Markus inspiration, go to MarkusNews.com
Markus books, DVDs and life-cleansing products are at
The main website is BeautifyLife.com
Wenn du dein Leben ernsthaft verändern und nie wieder krank sein willst, wenn du dich
verjüngen möchtest und bereit bist für die absolute Wahrheit über wirkliche Heilung und
Langlebigkeit, dann möchte ich dir an dieser Stelle mein Buch „Heile dich selbst“ noch
einmal ans Herz legen, sofern du es noch nicht gelesen hast.
Gesund zu sein ist sehr einfach. Es kostet nahezu nichts und wirkt tatsächlich. Neben ausreichend Schlaf und Bewegung, Sonnenlicht und einer positiven Einstellung zum Leben,
braucht es nur ein paar weitere Elemente, die ich in meinem Basisbuch aufgeführt habe.
Es enthält alle Informationen auf Grundlage von Studien und wissenschaftlichen Forschungen sowie Beobachtungen, die wir brauchen, um unser Leben radikal zu verändern
– und nicht mehr krank zu werden.
Doch es geht dabei nicht nur um Ernährung. Alle Aspekte des Körpers werden einbezogen, ebenso wie der Geist und die Seele. Wichtig ist, dass wir unseren Körper zuerst von
Giftstoffen reinigen und ihm dann nur das Beste angedeihen lassen: Rohkost, eine ausreichende und richtige körperliche Bewegung, Schlaf, Sex, Energiearbeit... Die Themen
„Umweltschutz“ und „Spiritualität“ finden hier ebenfalls ihren Platz, denn wir können unsere Erde nur dann heilen, wenn wir selbst gesund werden.
Jeder hat unterschiedliche Motivationsgründe. Die einen möchten Gewicht verlieren und
wieder sexy und attraktiv aussehen. Die anderen möchten zu Wohlstand kommen. Wieder
andere möchten ihre Beziehungen und ihr Liebesleben verbessern. Es ist egal, wo du anfängst. Das Ergebnis wird sich auf alle Bereiche auswirken. Wenn jemand für sich etwas
verbessert, dann verändert sich alles überall, weil alles miteinander verbunden ist. Ein höherer Selbstwert führt zu besseren Beziehungen mit mehr Liebe und Romantik, was wiederum zu attraktiveren und glücklicheren Menschen führt. Diese können besser arbeiten
und viel bewusstere Entscheidungen als Verbraucher treffen. Bessere zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen werden bessere internationale Beziehungen mit sich bringen. Gesunde
Menschen treffen gesunde Entscheidungen. Alles ist miteinander verbunden.
Das Buch „Heile dich selbst“ zeigt dir, wie du deine Heilung praktisch umsetzen kannst
und wie die Natur dir dabei zu Hilfe kommt. Die Antworten gibt es bereits, sie sind so einfach. Der Wandel beginnt GENAU JETZT bei dir Zuhause. Wenn Millionen von Menschen
sich anders verhalten, wird die Auswirkung auf die Welt gewaltig sein und dies wird sehr
schnell eine heilende Energie freisetzen, die weit über das hinausgeht, was wir bisher erfahren haben. Die Heilung der Welt beginnt immer damit, dass wir uns selbst heilen. Wenn
du dies jetzt liest, hat deine Heilung bereits begonnen.
Für die neuesten Nachrichten, Aktualisierungen, spannende
Informationen und Videos trage dich in den Newsletter ein:
Deutsche News unter: www.MarkusRothkranz.de
Englische News unter: www.MarkusNews.com
Das Buch beschreibt in einfach zu verstehenden Worten, wie du
deinen Körper reinigen kannst, so dass du nie mehr krank wirst.
Buchbestellung deutsche Version: HEILE DICH SELBST
englische Originalfassung unter: HEAL YOURSELF 101
Buchbestellung deutsche Version unter: HEILE DICH SCHÖN
englische Originalfassung unter: HEAL YOUR FACE
Markus Rothkranz
Heile dich schön
Wie wir wieder jung und vital aussehen können - und uns auch so fühlen.
In unserem Körper ist alles miteinander verbunden – das ist die einfache Wahrheit, die
erstaunliche und erfolgreiche Lösungen bei der Heilung verspricht. In diesem Buch wird
erklärt, wie Gesicht und Organe energetisch zusammenhängen, welche Stelle unseres
Gesichts mit welchem Organ oder Körperteil korrespondiert. Ein Pickel oder Fältchen ist
also kein Makel, sondern ein wichtiges Warnzeichen, das uns unser Körper schenkt. Präzise Anleitung mit vielen Abbildungen und Fotos veranschaulichen, was wir in unserem
Gesicht und insbesondere in den Augen lesen können. Es wird erklärt, wie wir weitere
Körperteile – etwa unsere Hände, Finger und Fingernägel – lesen können. Ist das Problem oder die Organschwäche und deren Ursache einmal ermittelt, können wir selbst einfache Heillösungen anwenden - ohne großen finanziellen Aufwand… In den abschließenden Kapiteln finden wir eine große Übersicht, welche Vitamine und Vitalstoffe – welches
Obst, Gemüse, welche Kräuter oder Beeren – zur Heilung der Organe beitragen können
und was wir besser von unserem Speiseplan streichen sollten. In „Heile dich schön“ ist
alles zusammengetragen, was die Organe und die Haut heilt - natürlich, einfach und
Buchbestellung deutsche Version unter: HEILE DICH REICH
englische Originalfassung unter: THE PROSPERITY SECRET
Markus Rothkranz
Heile dich reich
Wie wir wirklich erfolgreich sein können, wenn wir unsere Bestimmung leben.
Die wirklich erfolgreichen Menschen tun einfach das, was sie aus tiefstem Herzen tun
wollen. Wenn das Universum fühlt, dass sie es ernst meinen, dann bietet es ihnen jede
Unterstützung an. Dies ist eines der größten Geheimnisse, die zum Erfolg führen: Höre
auf dein Herz, auch wenn in deinem Kopf negative Gedanken und Ängste aufsteigen.
Dann kommt alles automatisch.
Wir sind auf dieser Welt, um die Fülle zu erleben. Sobald wir das erkennen, können wir
dabei helfen, die Welt zu heilen. Im Grunde ist Geld nur ein positiver Nebeneffekt. Es
stellt sich ein, sobald wir unser Leben auf die richtige Art und Weise führen. Dann fließt es
zu uns hin. Geld ist eine Energie, die uns sehr nützlich sein kann, wenn es darum geht,
wieder Frieden zu erlangen und unsere Mission zu erfüllen. Es schenkt uns die Freiheit
und die Kraft, zu uns selbst zu finden und unsere Träume zu leben. Dann sind wir wie ein
Licht in der Welt, auf der es so viele Menschen gibt, die dieses Licht brauchen, weil sie
keine Hoffnung mehr in sich tragen. So sind wir ihnen ein Botschafter, der zeigt, dass
Träume tatsächlich wahr werden können! „Heile dich reich“ unterstützt den Leser dabei,
die eigene Bestimmung zu leben, damit äußerer Wohlstand ein Spiegel seines inneren
Friedens werden kann.
Free Food and Medicine 5er-DVD-Doku-Set
DVD-Serie über Wildpflanzen, die eine wichtige Nahrungsgrundlage bilden und schon seit Jahrtausenden zur Heilung
von allen möglichen Beschwerden eingesetzt werden. In diesem umfassenden Dokumentations-Epos wird auf 5 DVDs gezeigt, wie Menschen von frei verfügbaren Wildpflanzen leben
und diese medizinisch einsetzen. Zusätzlich sind viele Wildkräuter-Rezepte enthalten. (DVD in englischer Sprache)
5er DVD-Set + Rezepte-Buch unter:
Free Food and Medicine ($ 59,95 zzgl. Versand)
Free Living DVD 5er-DVD-Doku-Set + 1 Audio-CD
Nach vielen Monaten der Arbeit, habe ich nun ein neues DVDSet fertiggestellt, welches dein Leben verändern wird. Diese
DVD-Serie bringt “Free Food and Medicine” auf die nächsthöhere Stufe. In “Free Living 101″ wirst du Garry Tibbo kennenlernen. Er lebt in Toronto Kanada. Und obwohl dort im Winter
viel Schnee fällt, braucht er keinen Supermarkt. Nahezu alles,
was er isst, erntet er in seinem direkten Umfeld und musste
nichts in einem spezielle Garten anpflanzen. Er ist nicht mehr
vom Geld abhängig. Er hat seine Krankheiten geheilt. Er ist
glücklich. Er ist die Zukunft. (DVD in englischer Sprache)
Informationen zum DVD-Set unter: Free Living
Raw Vegan Muscle - 3er DVD-Set (englisch)
Der ultimative Beweis, dass vegane Rohkost für den Muskelaufbau absolut geeignet ist. Dieses 3er DVD-Set stellt inspirierende Menschen vor – von Mr. Universe bis hin zum ganz
normalen Taxifahrer, der nur 6 US-Dollar pro Tag für seine Lebensmittel ausgibt und damit ein roh-veganer “Rocky” geworden ist. Diese Leute trainieren nur 2 - 3 x die Woche und essen nur halb so viel wie die meisten „normalen“ Bodybuilder.
3er DVD-Set und Infos unter: Raw Vegan Muscle
Der ultimative Wildkräuterführer – Free Food and Medicine (englisch)
480 Seiten – 1000 Pflanzen – über 2.500 Pflanzenbilder
In diesem Buch werden alle Arten von Pflanzen aufgeführt
von Wildpflanzen über Bäumen, Blumen, Zimmerpflanzen
usw. Es wird gezeigt, wofür die Pflanzen in der Geschichte
genutzt wurden und was man aus ihnen zubereiten kann,.
Dabei geht es nicht nur um Essen, sondern auch um Pflegeprodukte wie Shampoos, Seifen u.v.m. Weiterhin wird aufgezeigt, welche Pflanzen man für welche Krankheiten einsetzen kann oder wie sie zur Verschönerung das Äußeren dienen. Welche Kräuter wirken bei Haarausfall, gegen Falten oder sind gut für ein ausgefülltes Sex- und Liebesleben. Welche Pflanzen reinigen die Leber oder welche Kräuter sind giftig? In diesem Buch findest du alle wichtigen Informationen
zur Pflanzenwelt. (Buch in englischer Sprache)
UVP der englischen Originalausgabe: $ 29,97
Weitere Infos unter: Free Food and Medicine
Gesundheitsbroschüren „HealthCures101“ (englisch)
70 ergänzende E-Books zum Basisbuch „Heile dich selbst“
Diese krankheitsspezifischen E-Books sind der persönliche
Erfahrungsschatz meiner Arbeit, der sich in über 20 Jahren
der Forschung und Selbsterprobung angesammelt hat. Auf
über 3.000 Seiten wird auf Grundlage von wissenschaftlichen Studien und persönlichen Erfahrungen jedes erdenkliche Gesundheitsproblem behandelt – von Allergien, Alzheimer, Arthritis über Brustkrebs, Bluthochdruck, Cholesterin,
Depression, Diabetes, Erkältungen, Entzüdnungen, Frauenkrankheiten, Geschwüre bis
hin zu Herpes, Herzkrankheiten, Krämpfe, Krampfadern, Leukämie, Leber- und Lungenproblemen, Multiple Sklerose, Ohrinfektionen, Parasiten, Parkinson, Rheuma, Schmerzen,
sexuelle Probleme, Stress, Süchte, Zähne u.v.m.
Kapitelthemen und weiterführende Informationen unter: HealthCures101
Deutschsprachige Informationen zu allen Büchern und DVDs unter:
Eine Reihe an empfehlenswerten Nahrungsergänzungen zur Unterstützung deiner Heilung
findest du auf meiner Webesite www.markusproducts.com - bitte beachte US-Versand.
Green Formular
Dieses ist die vitalstoffreichste grüne Nährstoffkombination
überhaupt. Die Basis bilden die kraftvollen Wildpflanzen,
die hundertmal stärker sind als ihre gezüchteten Artgenossen. Dieses Supermittel kannst mehrmals täglich einnehmen - einfach so oft wie du willst. Dabei ist es so kraftvoll,
dass du es statt einer Hauptmahlzeit zu dir nehmen
kannst. Geeignet ist es zur Gewichtsabnahme ebenso wie
zur Deckung des täglichen Energiebedarfs.
Super Plant Protein
Super Plant Protein wird aus den besten roh-veganen
Proteinen hergestellt, die dieses Welt zu bieten hat. Vergleichbare Produkte kommen nur schwer an den hohen
Qualitätsstandard heran, denn dieses Produkt enthält Zutaten, die aus Kostengründen nur sehr selten verwendet
werden wie Durian, Kaktusfeige und Pinienkerne, eine der
reichhaltigsten Proteinquelle von Nüssen und Samen.
Probierʻs mal für einen Monat aus und du kannst deinem
Siegelbild dabei zusehen, wie es sich verändert!
Energy Formular
Auf Grundlage vieler Jahre der Forschung und der persönlichen Erfahrung von Olympiaspielern wurde Energy
Formular entwickelt. Diese Produkt enthält kostspielige
Inhaltsstoffe, da es nur die besten Energielieferanten enthält, die die Welt zu bieten hat. Es wurde nicht kosten
sondern ergebnisorientiert entwickelt, so dass man mit
diesem Produkt das Beste erzielen kann. Dabei wirkt es
nicht überstimulierend, wie es oft bei anderen Produkten
der Fall ist, sondern auf einer sehr viel tieferen Ebene.
Night Rebuild
Nachts ist die Zeit, in der der Körper Hormone produziert,
sich erneuert, regeneriert und heilt. Ohne ausreichend
Schlaf und einer guten Hormonversorgung leiden wir an
frühzeitiger Alterung. Dieses Mittel ist essentiell für Bodybuilder ebenso wie für Menschen, die sehr viel Stress
ausgesetzt sind oder sich im mittleren Lebensalter befinden. Es fördert einen erholsamen Schlaf und regt die
Produktion von Hormonen an. Das wunderbar süßlich
schmeckende Produkt ist ein super wichtiges Mittel in der
heutigen mitunter sehr aufreibenden Zeit.
Dieses Produkt ist mein absoluter Bestseller. Jeder hat Parasiten.
JEDER! Und es gibt über 10.000 verschiedene Arten von Parasiten,
von den Amöben, die Gehirn und Organe befallen, bis hin zu zehn
Meter langen Bandwürmern, die es sich im Darm gemütlich machen.
Wir sollten ein- oder zweimal im Jahr eine Parasitenbehandlung machen. Du bist oft müde? Hast Schmerzen? Bist immerzu hungrig?
Rate mal, woran das liegt. Inhaltsstoffe u.a.: Grüne Schale der
Schwarzen Walnuss, Rote Himbeersamen, Aloe Vera u.v.m.
Die Leber ist der Filter des Körpers und daher unser wichtigstes Organ. Alle Giftstoffe landen in der Leber und bilden dort Steine, die
dann in die Gallenblase wandern. Die Leber produziert auch Glukose, aus der der Körper seine Energie nimmt. Wenn du oft müde und
abgeschlagen bist, solltest du unbedingt deine Leber reinigen! FreeLiver enthält Chanca Piedra, eine Heilpflanze gegen Gallensteine.
Eine Darmreinigung ist das wichtigste. Die solltest du immer zuerst
durchführen. Diese Mischung hilft, die Schlacken auf sanfte Weise
abzubauen, ohne dass du ständig aufs Klo rennen musst. Sie enthält viele Ballaststoffe, um den Darm „auszubürsten“ und die abgelagerten Giftstoffe aufzunehmen. Die Mischung wirkt super und reinigt den Darm von oben bis unten!
Dieses Mittel ist eine hochwirksame Kombination aus Kohle und
Bentonit, mit deren Hilfe ALLE Giftstoffe, die sich in deinem Körper
befinden, absorbiert und ausgeschieden werden. Zusätzlich enthält
dieses Produkt Kräuter, die deine Verdauung und Darmtätigkeit unterstützen. Zudem hilft es u.a. bei Verdauungsproblemen, die durch
Krankheit und Parasiten im Körper entstehen.
Dies ist ein wirkungsvolles Anti-Aging-Mittel. Die Mischung enthält
die stärksten Antioxidantien, die bekannt sind, um freie Radikale im
Körper unschädlich zu machen, die maßgeblich zum Alterungsprozess beitragen. Es enthält außerdem Vitamin E, den vollständigen
Vitamin-B-Komplex, Ellagitannin und Kurkuma, Fo-Ti, Jiaogulan,
Astragalus, Ashwagandha u.v.m. – somit das Beste vom Besten!
Viele Onlineshops liefern Kräuter einzeln, so dass du sie dir nach Bedarf zusammenstellen
kannst. Eine umfangreiche Liste der Rohkost-Versandshops, die die in diesem Buch aufgeführten Kräuter und Nährstoffe in Rohkostqualität liefern, sind unter folgendem Link aufgeführt:
Lieferung Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich z.B.:
• Algen Chlorella, Spirulina, Afa, Kelp, Rotalge - Regenbogenkreis; Raw Living; HealthXL
• Aloe Vera frische Blätter - HealthXL
• Aschwaganda: HealthXL; Raw Living; Avocadostore
Astragalus/Bärenschote: HealthXL
Chanca Piedra Regenbogenkreis (Regenwaldkräuter), HealthXL
Ellagsäure Himbeersamenpulver ist in meiner Parasitenkur enthalten (Parasite Free)
Ellagsäurehaltige Granatapfelkerne: topfruits
Jiaogulan: HealthXL
Kefir-Bio-Kulturen und Bio Kombucha: Avocadostore
Kokosöl aus biologischem Anbau: Keimling; Kopp; HealthXL; Raw Living
• Lapachorinde und Lapachopulver: Regenbogenkreis (Regenwaldkräuter)
Marina Plankton: HealthXL (Alge)
Munddusche von Waterpik: z.B. bei amazon
Olivenöl in Rohkostqualität: VitaVerde
Probiotika & Prebiotika (flüssig & Kapseln): Regenbogenkreis; Raw Living; HealthXL
Shilajit: HealthXL
Shiitake - Vitamin D: amazon (Belts); topfruits
Sibirischer Ginseng: HealthXL
Schisandra in Bio-Rohkostqualität: Avocadostore; HealthXL
Stevia: Regenbogenkreis; HealthXL; Raw Living
Trimethylglycine (TMG): amazon (z.B. Marke „Now Food“)
Una de Gato (Katzenkralle / Cats Claw): Regenbogenkreis; HealthXL
Wasserstoffperoxid: HealthXL
Zink: amazon (z.B. Marke „Now Food“)
Einige Produkte bekommst du ggf. auch in Asia-Märkten oder gut sortierten Reformhäusern oder Naturkostläden ! Dort sind die Rohkost-Produkte jedoch nicht als „Rohkost-Qualität“ gekennzeichnet. Empfehlenswert ist an dieser Stelle das Buch „Rohe Produkte im
Bioladen“, welches beziehbar ist über www.GermanyGoesRaw.de
www.Wilde-7.de - Wildkräuter aus dem Ökodorf Sieben Linden der Lüneburger Heide
www.lichtenborner-kraeuter.de Demeter-Kräutertöpfe und -pflanzen
www.schwarzwaldkraeuter.de Sachsen Kräuter - frisch geerntete Kräuter
Entsafter, Mixer, Dörrautomaten etc.: www.germanygoesraw.de/rohkost-geraete/
Biomärkte oder Reformhäuser z.B. die Marke „lavera“, „Sante“ oder bei www.ringana.com
bio & vegetarisch: www.bio-tierkost.de
www.GermanyGoesRaw.de - Rohkost in Deutschland
www.WorldGoesRaw.de weltweite Rohkost-Trends
www.rohspirit.de - Rohkost und Spiritualität
www.rohzepte.de - Rohkost-Rezepte
www.HippocratesInst.de - 50 Jahre Heilerfahrung mit Rohkost
www.MarkusRothkranz.de - Heile dich selbst
ABSCHLIESSENDE EMPFEHLUNG - falls du Beratungsbedarf hast
Wenn du mein Buch „Heile dich selbst“ gelesen hast, dann
hast du bereits die Informationen erhalten, die du brauchst,
um dein Leben grundlegend zu ändern. Andererseits weiß
ich auch, dass viele von euch mit diesem Buch ein gänzlich
neues Wissensgebiet betreten. Dieses erscheint mitunter
merkwürdig oder gar verrückt, vor allem, wenn man über einen längeren Zeitraum den Fehlinformationen der Massenmedien und den schlechten Gewohnheiten der Eltern,
Freunde und der Gesellschaft gefolgt ist. Dabei ist es im
Grunde ganz einfach. Es ist nur der Verstand, der Neuem
gegenüber misstrauisch ist. Er versucht uns vor dem zu
schützen, was er selbst nicht kennt. Die Ironie dabei ist nur,
dass er uns in diesem Fall damit VERLETZT, indem er all
den Müll glaubt, der ihm bislang aufgetischt wurde und der
uns in Krankheit, Erschöpfung, Burn-Out, Depression, Unglücklichsein, Erfolglosigkeit und alle möglichen Verwirrungen und Irritationen geführt hat.
Jeden Tag erhalte ich Hunderte von E-Mails aus aller Welt (ca. 300), die ich leider nicht
alle persönlich beantworten kann... vor allem, wenn es um Gesundheitsfragen geht. Ich
kann dir mit einer schnellen kurzen E-Mail nicht helfen. Es gibt keine Wunderpille. Um eine
Idee von dem zu bekommen, was dir fehlt, brauche ich sehr viele verschiedene
Informationen. Der beste Weg, um herauszufinden, was dir hilft, ist in dein Haus zu
kommen und einen Blick in deinen Kühlschrank und deine Schränke zu werfen. Aber das
wäre ein so großer Aufwand, den du dir vermutlich nicht leisten kannst - zumal ich auch
noch auf einem anderen Kontinent lebe als du.
Die Antworten sind meist einfacher als du denkst. Wir sind auf die Welt gekommen mit allem, was wir brauchen. Die Natur ist perfekt. Alles was du brauchst, ist, es ein bisschen
besser zu verstehen. Und wenn du dem dann folgst, dann bist du in Kontakt mit der Liebe
des Lebens und wirst überrascht sein, wie fantastisch und wundervoll es ist. Es ist die
reinste Genialität, die sich im großartigen Lebensplan ausdrückt, in dem alles miteinander
verbunden ist. Wenn selbst die kleinsten Ungeziefer ihren Lebensplan verstehen, dann
kannst du es auch. Dein allzu paranoider, analytischer, angstgetriebener Verstand muss
einfach nur auf den richtigen Weg gebracht werden. Mit meinen Büchern kann ich dir dabei helfen, zu mehr Klarheit zu gelangen und den Weg der Wahrheit wieder zu finden, auf
dem du dich verjüngen kannst und zu einer gänzlich neuen Gesundheit gelangst.
Wenn du weitere Beratung und Unterstützung brauchst: in Deutschland, Österreich und
der Schweiz gibt es eine Vielzahl von Ärzten, Zahnärzten, Heilpraktikern und Ernährungsberatern, denen die Wirkung der Rohkost bekannt ist.
Eine Liste mit Ansprechpartnern und Rohkost-Experten findest du unter:
Dr. Joachim Mutter (Autor des Vorwortes)
Praxis für Integrative Medizin
Lohnerhofstr. 2
78467 Konstanz
Tel: 07531/8139682 - Fax 07531 991604
Web: www.detoxklinik.de
E-Mail: jm@zahnklinik.de
Stilles Haus Gesundheitszentrum - Heilpraktiker Grünemei
Waldparkstr. 15
34537 Bad Wildungen
Tel.: 05626-999 510 - Fax: 05626-999 540
Web: www.stilleshaus.de
E-Mail: info@stilleshaus.de
JC Vita-Sana - Arztpraxis für Naturheilkunde mit Hotel Oasis
Eichholzstr. 11
97839 Esselbach
Tel.: 09394-995 227 - Fax: 09394-995 228
Web: www.JC-Vita-Sana.de
E-Mail: info@jc-vita-sana.com
Ayurveda Health & Beauty
Possenhofenerstr. 29
82340 Feldafing
Tel.: 08157-7152 - Fax: 08157-7068
Web: www.ayurveda-bayern.com
E-Mail: info@ayurveda-bayern.com
Das Sonnenhaus - Pension für Roh- und Naturkost (Ernährungsberatung)
Am Brink 20
23617 Obernwohlde
Tel.: 04506-300 - Fax: 04506-188351
Web: www.das-sonnenhaus.de
E-Mail: neu@das-sonnenhaus.de
Medizinisches Zentrum Bircher-Benner
Dorfstr. 12
CH - 8784 Braunwald
Tel.: 0041-(0)21 801 60 04 - Fax: 0041-(0)55 843 16 93
Web: www.bircher-benner.com
E-Mail: info@bircher-benner.com
Hippocrates Health Institute & Spa
1443 Palmdale Court
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Tel.: 561-471-8876, 800-842-2125
Fax: 561-471-9464
D-Web: www.HippocratesInst.de
US-Web: www.HippocratesInst.org
Deutschsprachige Reisegruppen finden jedes Jahr statt.
Infos/E-Mail für D, CH, AT: GermanyGoesRaw@web.de
Ann Wigmore Institute
Box 429 Rincon
Puerto Rico 00677 USA
phone: 787-868-6307 fax 787-868-2430
Ann Wigmore Foundation
P.O. Box 399
San Fidel, NM 87049
Phone 505/5552-0595
Fax 505/552-0595
Living food education and rejuvination center.
Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
PO Box 1080
Patagonia, AZ
phone: 85624 520-394-2520
fax: 520-394-2099
email: tlrc@dakotacom.net
Optimum Health Institute San Diego
6970 Central Avenue
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
Tel.: (800) 993-4325 or (619) 464-3346
Web: www.optimumhealth.org
E-Mail: optimum@optimumhealth.org
OHI Austin
265 Cedar Lane
Cedar Creek, TX 78612
Tel.: (800) 993-4325 or (512) 303-4817
E-Mail: reservations.austin@optimumhealth.org
Annapurna Retreat & Spa
538 Adams
St. - Port Townsend, WA, 98368
Tel.: 1-800-868-2662 Fax: 1-360-379-0711
Healing Waters Health Center
1016 N. Davis Drive
Arlington, Texas 76012
Tel.: 1-(817)275-4771
Shinui Living Foods Retreat & Learning Center
1085 Lake Charles Dr.
Roswell, GA 30075
Tel.: 1-770 992-9218
Creative Health Institute
112 West Union City Road
Union City, Michigan 49094
Tel.: 1-517-278-6260
Fax: 1-517-278-5837
The Institute of Living Food on Åland Ltd.
22930 Fiskö - Åland, Finland
Tel. + Fax: +358-28-56 285
Elaine Bruce - Living Foods Centre
Holmleigh, Gravel Hill
Ludlow, SY8 1QS, UK
Tel.: 00944 (0)1584 875308
Fax: 00944 (0)1584 875778
Rohkost-Resort Florida www.HippocratesInst.de
Markus wurde
wurde 1962
1962 in
in Mülheim
Mülheim a.d.
a.d. Ruhr
Ruhr geboren.
geboren. Er
Er kam
kam mit
mit einem
einem schwachen
schwachen ImmunImmunMarkus
system zur Welt und war als Kind häufig sehr krank. Seine Eltern gaben ihm ganz normale
Lebensmitteln zu
zu essen,
essen, wie
wie Milch,
Milch, Zucker,
Zucker, Fleisch
Fleisch etc.
etc. Sie
Sie wussten
wussten damals
damals nicht,
nicht, wie
wie ununLebensmitteln
gesund dies alles war. Im Kindesalter immigrierte Markus mit seinen Eltern in die USA. Im
Erwachsenenalter arbeitete
arbeitete er
er erfolgreich
erfolgreich als
als Filmproduzent
Filmproduzent in
in Hollywood.
Hollywood. Doch
Doch all
all dieser
Erfolg ließ ihn nicht glücklich werden. Zudem war er immer wieder sehr krank, so dass er
eines Tages
Tages verzweifelt
verzweifelt auf
auf gab.
gab. Er
Er zog
zog sich
sich zurück
zurück und
und ging
ging für
für 40
40 Tage
Tage in
in die
die Wüste
Wüste NeNeeines
ervadaʼs. Statt zu sterben entdeckte er dort die Selbstheilungskräfte seines Körpers und erkannte die
die heilende
heilende Wirkung
Wirkung der
der veganen
veganen Rohkost-Ernährung.
Rohkost-Ernährung. Mit
Mit diesem
diesem Wissen
Wissen befreite
eer sich selbst von jahrelangen gesundheitlichen Beschwerden und erlebte dabei einen enormen
normen Verjüngungsprozess. Seither brennt Markus für diesen gesunden Lebensstil und
verkündet die
die heilende
heilende Botschaft
Botschaft weltweit.
Markus Rothkranz mit 27 Jahren
Markus Rothkranz mit 46 Jahren
Heute mit 50 sieht Markus jünger aus als vor 20 Jahren und wendet sich nach erfolgreichen Projekten wie Total Recall und Star Wars seinem größten Werk zu –
der wahren Gesundheit von Körper, Geist und Seele!
Dabei ist er selbst ein leuchtendes Beispiel dafür, wie großartig das Leben sein kann,
wenn man die Dinge selbst in die Hand nimmt. In Las Vegas produziert Markus in Eigenregie inspirierende Werbetrailer, DVDʼs und schreibt unzählige Bücher für einen gesunden
Lebensstil. Aber es ist nicht nur die Rohkost, die ihn fasziniert. Markus denkt ganzheitlich
und ruft Projekte wie das „World Health Project“ ins Leben, bei dem es neben der Ernährung auch um erneuerbare Energien, wahre Freundschaften, Liebe, unsere Berufung, Fülle und Wohlstand sowie das gesamte Universum mit den Beziehungen allen Lebens zueinander geht.
Die Kernaussage von Markus ist, dass keiner die globalen Umstände verändern kann,
aber jeder die Macht hat, sich selbst zu verändern! Frei nach dem Motto:
„Heile DEINE Welt und du heilst die ganze Welt!“