bernd widdig - Boston University


bernd widdig - Boston University
Boston University Study Abroad
888 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215
Office Phone: 617 253 7113 Office Fax: 617 358 0381
LAST UPDATE: February 2012
Stanford University
Ph.D. in German Studies
Universität Bonn
Erstes Staatsexamen in Political Science/Sociology
and German Literature
Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
(Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande)
Infinite Mile Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Service in the
School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science at MIT
Opportunity Grant, Program for the Study of Germany and Europe, Center for
European Studies, Harvard University
1998, 1996, 1994
Levitan Prize for best research project in the Humanities at MIT
The Class of 1958 Career Development Professorship, MIT
American Council of Learned Societies, Fellowship/Grant-in-Aid
Old Dominion Fellowship, MIT
National Endowment for the Humanities, 1992 Summer Seminar, Berlin
Universität Bonn/Stanford University, exchange student grant
Fulbright Commission, travel grant
Begabtenförderung der Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, Fellowship
Executive Director, BU Study Abroad, Boston University
Director, McGillycuddy-Logue Center for Undergraduate Global
Studies, Boston College
Director, Office of International Programs, Boston College
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
Associate Director, MIT International Science and Technology
Initiatives (MISTI)
Director, MIT-Germany Program
Fall 2009
Spring 2001
Spring 1989
Boston College, Lecturer in German Studies
MIT, Lecturer in German Studies
Harvard University, Visiting Associate Professor of German Studies
MIT, Associate Professor of German Studies
Assistant Professor of German Studies
Visiting Assistant Professor of German Studies
Middlebury College, Visiting Assistant Professor of German
Stanford University, Lecturer, Stanford Overseas Program in Berlin
Jury Member, Preis für Hochschulkommunikation, DIE ZEIT Stiftung,
Advisory Board, MIT-Germany Program
Co-chair, Crisis and Reform in European Higher Education Study
Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Advisory Board for the Agency for International Economic and
Scientific Cooperation, Stuttgart, Germany
Affiliate scholar, Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Co-chair, German Study Group, Center for European Studies,
Harvard University
1998, 1999
James Bryant Conant Fellowship Selection Committee, Center for
European Studies, Harvard University
Co-chair, Study Group on German Cultural History, Center for
European Studies, Harvard University
1995, 1996,
Reader, evaluating manuscripts for University of California Press and
2003, 2004, 2005 German Quarterly
Head Resident Tutor, Pforzheimer House, Harvard University
Freshman advisor
Member, Institute-wide Committee for Global Opportunities at MIT
Advisor for Minor in Applied International Studies
Member, Graduate Admission Committee, Comparative Media Studies
Chair, German lecturers’ reappointment committees
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
Chair, FLL Committee on Internationalization and Fundraising
Chair, Organizing Committee for Section Retreat
Freshman admission process (reader and member of round up)
Co-chair, History and Literature Faculty Workshop
Major and Minor Advisor for German
Chair, Chief International Officers Group, Inter-Institutional Academic
Collaborative, Atlantic Collegiate Conference
Member, Advisory Board to the Presidents, Inter-Institutional Academic
Collaborative, Atlantic Collegiate Conference
Member, University Council on International Exchange and Research
Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2001.
Männerbünde und Massen. Zur Krise männlicher Identität in der
Literatur der Moderne. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992.
In Search of Global Engineering Excellence: Educating the Next
Generation of Engineers for the Global Workplace. Hannover 2006.
“Cultural Capital in Decline: Inflation and the Distress of Intellectuals.”
Weimar Politics/Weimar Subjects: Rethinking the Political Culture of
Germany in the 1920s. Kathleen Canning, Kerstin Brandt, Kristin
McGuire, eds. New York: Berghahn Books, 2010, 302-320.
“Communicating Across Cultures: Humanities in the International
Education of Engineers.” What is Global Engineering For? The Making
of International Educators. Gary Downey, Kacey Beddoes, eds. San
Rafael, Morgan and Claypool, 2010, 247-261.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
“Melancholie und Moderne. Wolfgang Koeppens ‘Der Tod in Rom.’”
Wolfgang Koeppen. Neue Wege der Forschung. Jürgen Egyptien, ed.
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2009, 43-61.
“'Ein herber Kultus des Männlichen': Männerbünde um 1900,” In:
Walter Erhart, Britta Herrmann, eds., Wann ist der Mann ein Mann?
Theoretische und Historische Perspektiven der Männlichkeit, Stuttgart:
Metzler Verlag, 1996, 235-248.
“Tägliche Sprengungen: Elias Canetti und die Inflation,” In: Michael
Krüger, ed., Einladung zur Verwandlung. Essays zu Elias Canettis
'Masse und Macht', München: Hanser Verlag, 1995, 128-150.
“Laudatio.” Preis für Hochschulkommunikation 2009: Das beste
Studierendenmarketing. Beiträge zur Hochschulpolitik 9/2010.
Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, ed. Bonn: 2010, 13-21.
“Crossing Boundaries: International Education is Fundamental for
Successful Innovation.” Index of the Massachusetts Innovation Economy
2009, John Adams Innovation Institute, 2010, 20-21.
“Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler und die deutsche Inflation.” Der
Deutschunterricht, Heft 3, 2001, 22-30.
“Kameraden, Männerhelden und Dichterfürsten: Männerbünde in der
Moderne,” In: Der Deutschunterricht, Heft 2, 1995, 64-74.
“Tägliche Sprengungen: Elias Canetti und die Inflation,” In: Merkur.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, Vol. 48, Number 548,
November 1994, 985-997.
“Cultural Dimensions of Inflation in Weimar Germany,” In: German
Politics and Society, Issue 32, Summer 1994, 10-27.
“Mode und Moderne: Gottfried Kellers Kleider machen Leute,” In:
Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, Vol. 48,
Number 539, February 1994, 109-123.
“Mann unter Männern: Männerbünde und die Angst vor der Masse in
der Rede Von deutscher Republik,” In: German Quarterly, Vol. 66,
Number 4, Fall 1993, 524-536.
“Melancholie und Moderne: Wolfgang Koeppens Der Tod in Rom,” In:
Germanic Review,Vol. LXVI, Number 4, Fall 1991, 161-168.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
Guest editor of Germanic Review, Vol. LXVI, Number 4, Fall 1991.
Special issue: Reflections on National Socialism in German Literature
after 1945.
Gideon Reuveni. Reading Germany: Literature and Consumer Culture
in Germany before 1933. New York: Berghahn Books, 2006. In:
American Historical Review, April 2007, 607-608.
Simon Ward, Negotiating Positions: Literature, Identity and Social
Critique in the Works of Wolfgang Koeppen. Amsterdam, New York,
2001. Colloquia Germanica Vol. 36, Number 2, 2003, 193-194.
William Smaldone, Rudolf Hilferding: Tragödie eines deutschen
Sozialdemokraten. Bonn, J.H. Dietz Verlag, 2000. Labor History, 2001.
Glenn R. Cuomo, ed., National Socialist Cultural Policy. New York: St.
Martin's Press, 1995. In: German Quarterly, Vol. 70, Number 2, Spring
1997, 202-203.
Klaus von See, Barbar, Germane, Arier. Die Suche nach der Identität
der Deutschen. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1994. In:
German Quarterly, Vol. 69, Number 3, Summer 1996, 339-340.
Paul Michael Lützeler, ed., Hoffnung Europa. Deutsche Essays von
Novalis bis Enzensberger. Frankfurt: Fischer Verlag, 1994. In:German
Quarterly, Vol. 69, Number 1, Winter 1996, 75-76.
Hermann Korte, Geschichte der deutschen Lyrik seit 1945. Sammlung
Metzler, Realien zur Literatur, Band 250, Stuttgart: Metzler, 1989. In:
German Studies Review, Vol. XV, 1, 1992, 175-176.
Martin Hielscher, Zitierte Moderne. Poetische Erfahrung und Reflexion
in Wolfgang Koeppens Nachkriegsromanen und in 'Jugend'. Heidelberg:
Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1988. In: German Studies Review, Vol.
XV, 1, 1992, 174-175.
Stephen Eric Bronner and Douglas Mackay Kellner, eds. Critical
Theory and Society. A Reader. New York, London: Routledge, 1989. In:
German Studies Review, Vol. XIV, 1, 1991, 203-204.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
January 2011
“The Special Role of the Liberal Arts in Sustained Global
Commitments.” AIEA-Brandeis University Forum. Brandeis University,
Waltham, MA.
April 2010
“The Cultural Dimensions of Inflation.” Goethe Institut Boston, Boston
November 2009
Keynote Speaker (Laudatio): Preis für Hochschulkommunikation der
ZEIT Stiftung, Annual Meeting of the German Rectors Conference
(HRK), Leipzig, Germany.
March 2009
“Trends in International Graduate Student Mobility in the United
States.” American University of Kuwait, Kuwait City.
November 2008
Panel discussant, “Creating a Global Curriculum.” ACC-IAC
Conference on International Education. University of Miami, Coral
Gables, FL.
October 2008
Commentary on Panel: “Money as Metaphor: Cultural Meanings of
Money. ” 32nd Annual Conference of the German Studies Association,
Minneapolis, MN.
May 2008
Keynote Address: “Communicating Across Cultures.” Second Annual
Conference of International Research and Engineering Education
(IREE) Grantees Conference on behalf of NSF. Washington, DC.
April 2008
“International Graduate Students in Science and Engineering.” 2008
National Conference on Trusteeship. Association of Governing Boards
of Universities and Colleges. Boston, MA.
December 2007
“Educating the Global Engineer.” International Conference on Higher
Education: “Developing Global Competence for the Future.”
Hochschule Bremen. Bremen, Germany.
November 2007
“Leidenschaften wecken, Talente fördern.” Keynote presentation at the
125th. Anniversary Convention of the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology of the Technical University
Darmstadt. Frankfurt, Germany.
October 2007
Co-chair of conference track with five panels: “Ensuring Quality,
Enabling Global Mobility.” Global Colloquium of the American Society
of Engineering Education. Istanbul, Turkey.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
June 2007
“Educating Engineers for a Global Workplace.” Presentation at the
Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education.
Honolulu, Hawaii.
June 2007
“Communication Across Cultures.” Workshop for Collège des
Ingénieurs, Munich, Germany.
January 2007
“Educational Quality as Key Factor in International Competitiveness.”
Deutsche Studienstiftung, US Stipendiatentreffen. Harvard University,
Cambridge, USA.
December 2006
“German-American Cross-cultural Communication.” Workshop for VW
Autouni. Wolfsburg, Germany.
November 2006
“In Search of Global Engineering Excellence. Educating the Next
Generation of Engineers for the Global Workplace.” Presentation at
international press conference, Frankfurt, Germany.
September 2006 “Communicating Across Cultures.” Workshop for Argonne National
Laboratory, Chicago, IL.
June 2006
“Communication Across Cultures.” Workshop for Collège des
Ingénieurs, Munich, Germany.
June 2006
“Educating the Global Engineer.” Workshop with eight team partners of
international study, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
November 2005
“Successful Strategies in International Education.” Eighth Colloquium
on International Engineering Education, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.
October 2005
“The Changing Nature of International Education.” School of
Architecture and Urban Planning, Humphrey Fellows Program, MIT,
Cambridge, MA.
September 2005 “The Use of Languages in a Globalizing Corporate World.” Foreign
Languages and Literatures, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
June 2005
“Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany.” Germanistisches Seminar,
Universität Bonn, Germany.
June 2005
“Communication Across Cultures.” Workshop for Collège des
Ingénieurs, Munich, Germany.
May 2005
“The MISTI/Ilabs Africa Project: Opportunities for International
Learning for MIT Students.” Makarere University, Kampala, Uganda.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
April 2005
“Communicating Across Cultures.” Workshop for Argonne National
Laboratory, Chicago, IL.
January 2005
“Der Bachelor-Studiengang am MIT.” Technische Universität Dresden,
January 2005
“Educational Quality as Key Factor in International Competitiveness.”
Universität Leipzig, Germany.
November 2004
“Inflation and the Erosion of Civic Trust during the Weimar Republic.”
Symposium on Democracy, the Economy, and the Middle Class.
Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark
University, Worchester, MA.
October 2004
“US-German Cross-Cultural Communication.” Workshop for members
of the Knowledge Transfer Group, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart,
July 2004
“Educational Quality as Key Factor in International Competitiveness.”
Technische Universität Karlsruhe, Germany.
July 2004
“Anmerkungen zum Studium an einer amerikanischen
Forschungsuniversität.” Schule Schloss Salem, Überlingen, Germany.
May 2004
“MIT und das Cambridge High-Tech Cluster:Was kann Deutschland
davon lernen?” Conference: “Potentialausschöpfung im
Wissenschaftssystem: ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und den
USA.” Humboldt Institution on Transatlantic Issues, Humboldt
Universität, Berlin, Germany.
April 2004
“Modernity out of Bounds: Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany.”
Keynote speaker at the symposium “Culturele Ontwaarding:
Modernisering en Cultuur in Nederland 1900-1940 in Internationaal
Vergelijkend Perspective.” Netherlands Institute for War
Documentation, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
April 2004
“Communicating Across Cultures.” Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
March 2004
“Terror in the City: Fritz Lang's ‘Dr Mabuse, the Gambler’.”
Conference “Filming Cities: The Modern Metropolis and Visual
Media.” Trinity College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
December 2003
“Educational Quality at MIT.” DAAD and Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Technische Hochschulen Tagung: “Qualität deutscher
Ingenieurausbildung im internationalen Wettbewerb.” Berlin, Germany.
October 2003
“Models of Short-Term Programs Abroad.” Sixth Colloquium on
International Engineering Education, University of Rhode Island,
Warwick, RI.
October 2003
“Teaching Cross-cultural Communication.” Workshop for Participants
of the Sixth Colloquium on International Engineering Education,
University of Rhode Island, Warwick, RI.
August 2003
“Teaching in an American Classroom.” MIT Graduate Student
Orientation, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
May 2003
“Communicating Across Cultures: How Cultures Vary.” The
Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, MIT, Cambridge,
March 2003
“Teaching German Studies in the Context of a Technical University.”
International Symposium on the Future of German Studies in the USA,
Korea, and Japan. Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.
October 2002
“Fundraising for International Education.” Fifth Annual Colloquium on
International Engineering Education, University of Rhode Island,
Warwick, RI.
September 2002 “Teaching Foreign Languages in the Age of Globalization.” Roundtable
Discussion, Cambridge-MIT Institute Workshop, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
May 2002
“The MIT International Science and Technology Initiative (MISTI) and
International Education at MIT.” The Consortium for Language
Teaching and Learning, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
April 2002
“Inflation and Intellectuals in Weimar Germany.” International
Conference “Rethinking Weimar,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
December 2001
“Globalization and the Study of German.” Canadian Centre for German
and European Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada.
November 2001
“Educating Engineers in the Age of Globalization.” Fourth Annual
Colloquium on International Engineering Education, University of
Rhode Island, Warwick, RI.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
September 2001 “American Universities and Colleges: Models for the Reform of
German Universities?” Presentation to the Committee of Higher
Education, Research, and the Arts of the State of Hesse, Germany. MIT
Industrial Liason Program, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
May 2001
“Trials and Tribulations of Interdisciplinary Research.” Department of
Germanic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, Cambridge,
February 2001
“Wheelbarrows of Money and Witches Dancing: Images of the German
Inflation.” Centre canadien d’études allemandes et européennes,
Université de Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
February 2001
“Money and Modern Culture.” German Department and Center for
German and European Studies, Georgetown University, Washington,
December 2000
“Tales from an Outpost: Teaching German Studies at MIT.”
International Workshop on the Future of German Studies. Centre
canadien d’études allemandes et européennes, Université de Montreal,
Montreal, Canada.
October 2000
“Building a Successful Internship Program: Outreach to German
Business.” Third International Colloquium on International Engineering
Education Colloquium, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
October 2000
“Gender and Inflation in Weimar Germany.” Departments of German
Studies, Economics, and History, Brown University, RI.
October 2000
“Internationalizing Education at MIT.” Consortium On Financing
Higher (COFHE), Assembly Meeting, Wesleyan University, CT.
July 2000
“Visionen von Arbeit: Hugo und seine Doppelgänger.” Germanistisches
Seminar, Universität Duisburg, Germany.
June 2000
“Hexentanz: Weiblichkeitsdiskurse und Inflation in der Weimarer
Republik.” Historisches Seminar der Ludwig Maximilian Universität
München, Munich, Germany.
April 2000
“Witches Dancing: Gender and Inflation.” Conference: The Sexual
Revolution of the Twentieth Century, Old Dominion University, VI.
February 2000
“Under the Sign of Zero: Money and Inflation.” Department of German
and Russian, Pomona College, Claremont, CA.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
February 2000
“Cultural Capital in Decline: Inflation and the Distress of Intellectuals.”
Department of German, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA.
February 2000
“Visions of Work: Hugo Stinnes and his Doubles in Literature and
Film.” Department of German, University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA.
February 2000
“Cultural Capital in Decline: Inflation and the Distress of Intellectuals.”
Department of German Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
October 1999
“Visions of Work: Hugo Stinnes in the Cultural Imagination of the
Early Twenties.” German Studies Association, Twenty-third Annual
Conference, Atlanta, GA.
October 1999
“Internationalizing Education: The MIT-Germany Program.” Second
International Engineering Education Colloquium, University of Rhode
Island, Kingston, RI.
November 1998
“Germanistik - German Studies - German Cultural Studies:
Perspektiven aus den U.S.A.” Universität Greifswald, Germany.
October 1998
“Educating for the Global Workplace: The MIT-Germany Program.”
International Engineering Education Colloquium, University of Rhode
Island, Kingston, RI.
October 1998
“Aspects of Recent German Cinema.” Moderator, German Studies
Association, Twenty-second Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
October 1998
“The Hero in German Film.” Moderator, German Studies Association,
Twenty-second Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
March 1998
“Under the Sign of Zero: Money and Inflation.” Deutsches Haus,
Columbia University, New York, NY.
February 1998
“Daily Explosions: Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany.” History
and Literature Faculty Workshop, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
September 1997 “Responses to Modernity: Shaping, Administering and Representing
the Metropolis 1909-1933.” Commentator, German Studies
Association, Twenty-first Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
April 1997
“Propaganda.” Introduction to Media Studies, Film and Media Studies
Program, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
October 1996
“Practical Applications of Interdisciplinarity: Possibilities and Limits of
German Studies in the Academy and in the Work Place." Moderator and
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
Commentator, German Studies Association, Twentieth Annual
Conference, Seattle, WA.
October 1996
“The Crisis of Modernity and Modern Intellectuals in Imperial
Germany.” Commentator, German Studies Association, Twentieth
Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
October 1996
“Methodologies in German Studies: Culture and Inflation in Weimar
Germany.” Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA.
April 1996
“Current Discussions and Future Trends: The American and German
Systems of Higher Education. A comparative Analysis.” Presentation in
conjunction with visit of members of state parliament of Bavaria,
Germany at MIT.
March 1996
“Japan and Germany: The Past in the Present.” MIT-Japan Program,
Lecture and Panel Discussion, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
March 1996
“Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler and the Experience of Inflation.” Ninth
Hollins Colloquium on German Film, Hollins College, Roanoke, VA.
February 1996
“The New MIT-Germany Program.” Presentation to Visiting Delegation
of the German Federal Ministery of Education, Science, Research and
Technology, led by Federal Minister Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers, MIT.
December 1995
“Germany after Unification: One Nation - Two Cultures?” Department
of German, Wellesley College, MA.
September 1995 "Masses of Money: Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler and the Experience of
Inflation." German Studies Association, Nineteenth Annual Conference,
Chicago, IL.
April 1995
“Culture and Inflation in Fritz Lang's Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (1922).”
Northeastern Modern Language Association Convention, Boston, MA.
December 1994
“Renaissance of a Text: Helmuth Plessner's Grenzen der
Gemeinschaft.” Modern Language Association Convention, San Diego,
November 1994
“The Limits of Community: Crisis and Culture in the Weimar Republic
and Post-wall Germany.” Department of Germanic Languages and
Literatures, Rutgers University, NJ.
November 1994
“The Ideology of Gemeinschaft in the Weimar Republic and Post-wall
Germany.” Department of Modern Languages and Literatures,
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
Swarthmore College, PA.
September 1994 “Renaissance eines Textes: Helmuth Plessners Grenzen der
Gemeinschaft.” German Studies Association, Eighteenth Annual
Conference, Dallas, TX.
September 1994 “Workshop on Interdisciplinary German Studies.” Wellesley College,
Wellesley, MA.
May 1994
“Leidenschaft und Frauenhaß: Männerbünde in der Kultur der
Moderne.” Department of German Literature, University of Freiburg,
April 1994
“Inflation als kulturelle Metapher.” Department of German Literature,
Free University Berlin, Germany.
April 1994
“What is Cultural History?” Commentator at Symposium on German
Cultural History at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA.
October 1992
“Der Hexentanz der Inflation. Sexual and Cultural Politics of the 1923
Hyperinflation.” German Studies Association, Sixteenth Annual
Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
June 1992
“Cultural Dimensions of Inflation in Weimar Germany.” National
Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, Berlin, Germany.
December 1991
“Male Bonding and German National Identity.” Modern Language
Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.
December 1991
“Inflation as a Cultural Paradigm in Weimar Germany.” Center for
European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
“Thomas Mann, Male Bonding and Modernity.” Humanities Faculty
Workshop, MIT.
November 1989
“Berlin - Rhöndorf - Rom. Faschismusanalyse in Wolfgang Koeppens
Der Tod in Rom.” American Association of Teachers of German,
Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
October 1989
“Sexualität und Rasse als Determinanten kultureller Produktion in
Wolfgang Koeppens Tauben im Gras.” German Studies Association,
Thirteenth Annual Conference, Milwaukee, MN.
Curriculum Vitæ
Bernd Widdig
October 1988
“Mann unter Männern: Männerbünde und die Angst vor der Masse in
Von Deutscher Republik.” German Studies Association, Twelfth Annual
Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
December 1987
“Freuds Massenpsychologie und Manns Mario und der Zauberer.”
Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA)
Forum on Study Abroad
NAFSA – Association of International Educators
American Association of Engineering Education
German Studies Association
American Association of Teachers of German
First and Second Year German
Advanced German Conversation and
German in Business and Technology
Introduction to German Literature
Modern German Novel in Translation
German Short Fiction
Modernism and its Discontent
German Culture and Society 1750-1945
Germany and its European Context
Postwar Germany and its Historical Burden The German Cinema
Dreams, Visions, and Nightmares:
Visual Histories: German Cinema since 1945
German Cinema 1918-1945
Fin-de Siècle Vienna
Globalization: How does it affect me?
Communicating across Cultures
Capstone Seminar: From Across the World,
Back to the Heights: Reflections on International Experiences