Energy modernisation of industrial heating systems.
Energy modernisation of industrial heating systems.
Energy modernisation of industrial heating systems. Options for increasing efficiency and saving energy in large-scale combustion plants. Contents. Forewords. dena foreword. BDH foreword. 1. Introduction. 1.1 Energy usage and efficiency in industry and production in Germany. 1.2 Heating systems: applications and potential savings. 2. Overview of heating system optimisation. 3. Optimising heating demand. 3.1 Analysis of current energy status. 3.2 Minimising heat losses. 4. Energy-efficient heat generation. 4.1 Energy-efficient plant design. 4.2 Increasing burner and boiler efficiency. 4.3 Optimisation by measurement and control systems. 4.4 Waste gas control in steam and hot water generation. 4.5 Energy generation management in heating systems. 5. Heat recovery. 5.1 Mode of operation of heat recovery. 5.2 Waste gas heat recovery. 6. Energy-efficient conversion and generation technologies. 6.1 Combined heat and power generation. 6.2 Heat pumps. 6.3 Solar thermal energy. 6.4 Heat storage. 7. Partners for greater energy efficiency in industry and production. 8. Best practice examples. 2 Energy efficiency pays off. 3 4 6 7 9 16 19 21 22 Forewords. dena foreword. BDH foreword. The generation of heat for industrial processes accounts by far for the largest proportion of energy demand in industry and manufacturing. Virtually any manufacturing business is dependent on an industrial heating supply for generating steam and hot water or for operating furnaces and drying plants. Process heat has accordingly long been a significant cost factor for many companies. Around 80 per cent of Germany‘s combustion plants are over ten years old and are no longer in line with the current state of the art. Energy modernisation of these 250,000 outdated plants could save the German economy considerable quantities of oil and gas and, thus, considerable costs. It is precisely in their heating systems that businesses can still make significant energy savings. Investing in energy-efficient systems is not only highly cost-effective, but it also pays companies back in many different respects: energy efficiency cuts production costs, helps to reduce CO2 emissions and develops the company‘s innovative strengths and, thus, its competitiveness. This brochure shows how all the components of a heating system can be ideally adapted to one another, thereby enabling the systematic exploitation of potential energy and cost savings. The brochure concludes with brief descriptions of projects from companies which have already successfully optimised their heating systems as practical examples for others to follow. I hope this gives you some food for thought. Your Stephan Kohler Chief Executive Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) German Energy Agency In the light of ambitious German and European climate protection targets, the need for action is urgent. Since 2006, Germany has already cut CO2emissions by around 3.2 million tonnes by promoting investment in building energy efficiency. We estimate that, solely by focusing on the industrial sector and large buildings with a rated thermal input of 100 to 36,000 kW, energy optimised heating systems could generate savings five times this magnitude. This brochure will give you some idea of the potential energy efficiencies lying dormant in your company. By modernising your existing systems, not only are you contributing to climate and environmental protection, but you can also dramatically cut your own energy costs. The benefits outlined in this brochure will prove persuasive for your company to invest in the energy efficiency of your combustion plants. Your Andreas Lücke MA, General Executive Manager Bundesindustrieverband Deutschland Haus-, Energie- und Umwelttechnik e. V. (BDH) Federal Industrial Association of Germany House, Energy and Environmental Technology 3 1. Introduction. Figure 2: Economically viable potential energy savings in industrial companies by field of application (in TWh/year). 30.0 350 20.0 TWh/year 400 la y s og se ol es hn ec op tr ec El Final Report 18/06, Potential for energy saving and energy efficiency in the light of current price trends, commissioned by: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Prognos AG, Basel and Berlin, 31 August 2007. All data on energy usage and potential energy efficiencies in this section are taken from this source. 2 Including hot water 1 Energy efficiency pays off. ol oc Total potential energy savings for all fields of application amount to approx. 98 TWh/year. The measures shown in Figure 2 overlap, which means that the potential savings cannot be added together. ot tin g pr Li oc gh at he e ac Sp Bi in or ot m ic tr tin g s s se es oc ec Th El pr al g 0 m es og s op an y tim d s ys is a te tio m n s se ec ot Bi El 50 er Pr la op ec tr TWh/year 100 4 hn oc tin g pr e ac Sp es tin g in ot or se m ic tr ec Th er m 150 El al pr oc es 200 g 0.0 s 250 10.0 gh 300 Li Figure 1: Energy end-use per field of application in industry and production in Germany (in TWh/year). s Process heat accounts for some 400 TWh of energy end-use by companies. This amounts to 57 per cent of total industrial energy end-use and is, thus, by far the most energy-intensive field of application, ahead of electric motors, space heating2, lighting, electroplating processes and biotechnology. at Companies from industry and production account for some 30 per cent of Germany‘s entire energy end-use. This amounts to approx. 700 TWh per year (source Prognos1). The associated expenditure is increasingly becoming a crucial cost and, thus, competitive factor for companies. For instance, according to statistics from the German Federal Ministry of Economics, energy costs for manufacturing industry totalled around €36 billion in 2008. Process heat is generated from various energy sources (e.g. electricity, oil and gas), transported by different media (e.g. warm/hot water, steam and hot air) and, depending on specific process requirements, must be provided at different temperature levels. As in other fields of application, considerable potential energy efficiency savings are open to companies from industry and production: looking at all thermal processes, it may be conservatively estimated that there are economically viable savings totalling 30 TWh per year of e nergy, corresponding to approx. 7.5 per cent of industrial energy usage for process heat, to be made. Further annual savings of 17.5 TWh are available in space heating. he 1.1 Energy usage and efficiency in industry and production in Germany. other combustion fuels (TWh/year) electricity (TWh/year) 1.2 Heating systems: applications and potential savings. The majority of the measures for optimising heating systems which are presented here are cross-sector applications, i.e. they may be used across various sectors. Only in drying plants are the measures almost exclusively industry-specific and so limited to a particular field of application for heating systems. Accordingly, this brochure takes no further account of them. Figure 3 shows the energy requirements and potential savings for the individual applications of heat. Further potential savings amounting to 13 TWh per year may be achieved by process- and system-specific optimisation measures in all fields of application for process and space heating. Steam and hot water generation. Around 40 per cent of demand for industrial process and space heating arises in boiler plants for generating steam and hot water. Germany uses some 92.9 TWh of energy each year for process heat, mainly in the chemicals, papermaking, cap ital goods and the food and beverage industries. As much as 96.2 TWh of energy are required each year for space heating. The most important energy efficiency measures include g reater use of heat recovery, burner and boiler optimisation, demand-based control and improvement of thermal insulation. On average, energy savings of 15 per cent can be achieved for each plant. Integrated optimisation of the entire heating system by adapting and better matching its component parts to one another is the way to achieve additional energy and cost savings. The following sections are a step-by-step guide to achieving these potential savings. Furnaces. Furnaces are required for thermal processes such as firing, smelting and heating, for casting and shaping purposes, for heat treatment or for sintering and calcination. These energy-intensive processes account for around half of industrial demand for process heat and space heating, amounting to 240.1 TWh per year. Furnaces, which are used across sectors, account for one third of this. As described in the following section, major increases in energy efficiency may primarily be achieved by installing energy-efficient burners, combustion processes with oxygen, optimised control, improved insulation and by making use of waste heat. Overall, economically viable savings of 13.3 TWh per year may be made in this energy-intensive field of application. Economically viable potential savings in steam and hot water generation amount to 12 TWh annually, there being additional potential savings of 17.5 TWh in space heating. Figure 3: Energy demand and potential savings for individual applications of heat. Application Sectors Energy demand in TWh/year Potential savings in TWh/year Steam/hot water generation and other thermal processes Chemicals and papermaking industry, production of capital goods and foodstuffs and beverages 92.9 12.0 Cross-sector generation of space heating 96.2 17.5 Furnaces and processes from 200 to over 500°C Production of various primary materials, iron, nonferrous metal and steel production, cement, ceramics and glass production, capital goods industry, industrial baking 240.1 13.3 Drying and other processes below 200°C Food industry processes and drying of wood, coal, bricks, paper, paints and coatings, fine ceramics etc. 65.6 5.3 5 2. Overview of heating system optimisation. Measures for optimising heating system energy usage should always be taken as part of optimisation of the overall system, as the greatest increases in energy efficiency can only be achieved if all the components of the overall system are of matching efficiency. If an optimum result is to be achieved, it is advisable to take the systematic approach explained step by step in the following sections: Optimising heating demand. The first step to take when optimising a heating system‘s energy usage, is initially to obtain a detailed analysis of current energy consumption and to optimise heating demand. analysis of a system‘s current energy usage and actual required heating demand optimisation of production process energy usage minimising heat losses optimisation of heating demand Energy-efficient heat generation. In a second step, the energy usage of all the system‘s components and the overall system is optimised: checking the components and the entire heating sys- tem for energy efficiency or energy-efficient design replacement or acquisition of new energy-efficient burners and boilers boiler cascade control/multi-boiler control system burner speed control burner waste gas control Waste gas system Heating demand CHP station Boiler and burner Heat recovery. Industrial heat generation and use inevitably gives rise to “waste heat”, on average 40 per cent, which is released into the surrounding environment. Heat recovery measures are a way of tapping this enormous potential: economisers condensing boiler technology combustion air preheaters recuperative and regenerative burners 6 Energy efficiency pays off. Conversion and generation technologies. The last step is to select the most suitable conversion and generation technologies so as to reduce energy usage still further: combined heat, power (and cold) generation heat pumps solar thermal energy heat storage 3. Optimising heating demand. The first step in the energy optimisation of a heating system is a detailed analysis of current heat consumption (current status) and of actual heating demand (target status). The focus should be on eliminating energy losses from the production process. First of all, measures should be taken to minimise losses and possible ways of optimising demand in production processes, for example, by more efficient process technologies, should be investigated. In a second step the heating system may be optimised. 3.2 Minimising heat losses. 3.1 Analysis of current energy status. An analysis of current energy status offers an overview of energy usage, heating demand and the overall heating system and its individual components. Such an audit should also include the performance parameters of the processes and systems – amount of heat, pressure and temperature. In many businesses total energy usage is known simply from the cost statements for the respective energy sources which do not give any idea of how usage is divided between the various processes and plants. Such a breakdown is absolutely essential, however, if a temperature- and time-dependent heating demand profile is to be established for processes and plants. An energy consultant can provide valuable assistance when carrying out this analysis. Of the various options available to anyone wanting to carry out the analysis themselves, the Einstein Audit Guide (downloadable from provides a useful starting point. The total thermal energy demand process engineering processes or of an entire company can be mapped using a pinch analysis. The cornerstone of this analytical method is to record thermal energy streams to all a company‘s process systems and subsequently to implement measures to reduce energy consumption. Heat losses may occur at different points in the heating system: at the point of consumption, during transport or during energy generation. In processes, i.e. at the point of consumption, energy losses can be kept low, for example, by suitably dimensioned thermal insulation for tanks or furnaces, thereby reducing demand. To limit heat losses at the point of energy generation, care should be taken at the design stage to ensure that boilers release very little heat and have good heat storage capacity. In existing plants losses can be reduced by cleaning the heating surfaces and eliminating leaks in the furnace body. High losses arise during energy generation as a result of high waste gas temperatures of over 200 °C. This energy can be used if heat recovery measures are taken. 7 To minimise radiation losses during generation and transport of heat, the heat generators, pipes and any heat storage present should be thermally insulated and existing insulation checked and repaired if necessary. Boiler feed water for steam and hot water boilers contains salts which accumulate as a result of boiler water evaporation. This not only leads to corro sion damage to the boiler, but also to energy losses. The boiler feed water must, therefore, be deionised. Sludge additionally collects at the bottom of a steam and hot water boiler which must be removed. This process likewise leads to heat losses (see Figure 4). Good water pretreatment reduces the amount of sludge. Continuous maintenance of burners, boilers and the steam and hot water distribution network may, not least, reduce energy usage and, thus, also energy costs. Shutdown or standby losses can be reduced significantly by means of control systems which prevent superfluous switching on and off of burners (see Section 4.3). Figure 4: Heat losses in steam and hot water boilers. Radiation losses at the boiler surface Flushing losses Sludge losses 8 Energy efficiency pays off. 4. Energy-efficient heat generation. When building a new plant, energy-efficient design of all system components and the entire plant must be borne in mind from the outset. In the case of existing plants, the individual components of a heating system must be checked for their energy efficiency and any inefficient components should be replaced with efficient ones. Fuel consumption and costs may be further minimised by measurement and control systems. that they are now often operated inefficiently, for example, with pressure-reducing valves. 4.1 Energy-efficient plant design. In many businesses, steam pressure and temperature are reduced by “deliberate” heat losses in uninsulated parts of the pipework. In some cases, the desired temperature reduction is even achieved by sprinkling the outside of the hot pipes with water. It is substantially more efficient to reduce steam temperature by condensate injection. Reducing the temperature level may also enable heat recovery or other energy-efficient conversion or generation technologies such as Combined Heat and Power generation (CHP) or heat pumps. Fuel selection has a considerable impact on energy costs and CO2 emissions. Natural gas has numerous advantages in this respect, since, of all the fossil energy sources, it gives rise to the lowest CO2 emissions and, moreover, may be particularly efficiently used in condensing boilers. Heating oil‘s CO2 emission factor is only slightly higher than that for natural gas and low-sulphur grades are available everywhere. Biogenic fuels such as biogas and bio-oil not only conserve the world‘s finite oil and gas resources, but also enhance a plant‘s CO2 balance. Many heating plant components are also already designed to use biogenic fuels. Electricity is the most expensive and, on the basis of Germany‘s current “power mix”, the most CO2 intensive energy source for generating process heat. Using speed-controlled burners and energy-efficient motors can gen erate considerable savings here. * In the case of steam boilers, it is advisable to choose a boiler with a good storage capacity. In most applications, shell boilers are, therefore, preferable to high-speed steam generators. The large water capacity means that there is an energy buffer which can equalise fluctuations in steam demand. The heat consumer with the highest temperature or pressure level in a system is always decisive when it comes to defining the design pressure of the heat generator. It may, therefore, make sense to operate a dedicated steam generator for an individual very high pressure consumer. If a plant‘s energy efficiency is to be increased, an energy-efficient energy supply medium should be selected for each process step depending on specific requirements. If possible, hot water should be used instead of steam as a heat-transfer medium since steam generation is associated with high conversion losses. The crucial factors in energy-efficient plant design are to dimension the boiler correctly and to adapt operating pressure to the prevailing technical requirements. In the past, heating systems were often greatly overdimensioned, which means * Commission Regulation (EC) No. 640/2009 from 22 July 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council defines binding eco-design requirements for electric motors. 9 Case study: Agrana Fruit Germany GmbH. At its Constance site, Agrana Fruit Germany GmbH operates two gas-fired steam boilers which generate the steam for process heat and for sterilising the fruit. Depending on base material and temperature, an anaerobic reactor produces biogas with a calorific value of approx. 6–7 kWh/Nm3 at a rate of approx. 20–30 normal cubic metres (Nm3) per hour. Installing a new gas burner in one of the two steam boilers has meant that, instead of natural gas, a major part of the biogas produced may be used for steam generation, whereas prior to modernisation it was flared off. Annual fuel consumption was reduced by 290,000 kWh and costs by approx. Reduction in energy consumption 448,000 kWh/year Percentage energy saving 4.2 % CO2 reduction* 109 t/year Investment €65,000 Cost reduction €19,300/year Return on investment 30 % €10,000. Further savings of around 160,000 kWh were achieved by a multifuel burner system (see below), speed control (Page 12) and the installation of an O2- and CO-controlled waste gas control system (Page 14) for the new gas burner. Implementing all these measures has resulted in an annual reduction in fuel consumption of 448,000 kWh and in costs of €19,300. Eliminating natural gas as a combustion fuel has, in particular, made it possible to cut CO2 emissions by approx. 109 tonnes. R eturn on investment on the energy saving investment amounts to 30 per cent. * All the examples are based on the following GEMIS equivalent values: natural gas 244 g CO2/kWh. 4.2 Increasing burner and boiler efficiency. Potential energy savings may also be made in heating systems by installing more energy-efficient burner and boiler systems. A plant‘s energy efficiency can be increased with the following types of burners and boilers: Multifuel burner systems with internal waste gas recirculation. Modern multifuel burner systems with internal waste gas recirculation for hot water and steam generation systems make use of the principle of air and fuel staged mixing systems. An increased mixing pressure additionally increases 10 Energy efficiency pays off. the discharge momentum of the air or air mixture stream emerging in the outlet zone to such an extent that internal flue or combustion gas recirculation takes place in the furnace body. This results in optimised and enlarged flame geom etry which leads to better heat transfer to the surrounding furnace body and simultaneously reduces the flame temper ature, thereby also bringing about a distinct reduction in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Biogenic fuels may also be used in these systems. Burner motor power consumption may also be reduced by means of speed-controlled operation. In addition to conventional heating boilers with their elevat ed waste gas temperatures, steam and hot water systems are today increasingly making use of condensing boilers. Unlike conventional boilers, these boilers recover the heat present in the waste gas by means of additional heat-transfer surfaces. The heat may be used, for example, to preheat process or boiler feed water. The waste gas temperature of condensing boilers is consequently distinctly lower. Condensing boilers are primarily of interest for relatively large capacity plants and for retrofitting to existing plants. Waste heat boilers use the heat from waste gases (often also known as flue gases) from combustion processes or from hot waste air streams to produce hot water or steam. Hot waste gas is here passed through a tube bundle where it transfers its heat to the water located in the boiler body. Figure 5: Cross-section through a three-pass shell boiler by way of example of a steam or hot water boiler with burner. Waste gas connection to flue Flame tube (1st pass) Smoke tube (2nd pass) Burner Smoke tube (3rd pass) The boiler pressure vessel is a horizontal cylindrical tube, closed at both ends and insulated all around. This pressure vessel accommodates a flame tube (1st pass), which is fired by a burner, and an internal reversing chamber which reverses the direction of the waste gases and recirculates them in the 2nd pass. On the front of the boiler there is an external reversing chamber, which again deflects waste gases and leads them to the end of the boiler in the 3rd pass. The following burners and processes are primarily of relevance for furnaces: Recuperative and regenerative burners are high effi ciency burners which use the waste gas heat directly for preheating the combustion air. These two types of burner are explained in greater detail in the Heat Recovery Sec- tion (Page 16). Flameless oxidation (FLOX®) is a high efficiency burner technology which enables compliance with stringent NOx limit values even at elevated combustion air preheat- ing temperatures. The high outflow velocity of the combustion gases in high-velocity or high-momentum burners ensures internal recirculation of the furnace body gases in the combustion chambers or furnace bodies and, thus, uni- form temperature distribution, as a result of which these burners are more efficient than conventional burners. In comparison with a combustion process with air, com- bustion with pure oxygen has some advantages in furnaces: for instance, the combustion temperature and cobustion efficiency are distinctly higher, since combustion with pure oxygen reduces the volume of waste gas and waste gas losses are, therefore, also distinctly lower. 11 4.3 Optimisation by measurement and control systems. Boiler cascade control and multi-boiler control. By using boiler cascade control in steam and hot water gener ation, exactly the required volumetric flow rate may be continuously conveyed in the system. As a result, only the number of boilers with appropriate capacity (speed-controlled) needed for generation have to be operated. The control system not only reduces burner load and burner startups, but can immediately compensate any instabilities and faults. The boilers can consequently always be operated at their ideal load point and with optimum efficiency. The efficiency of a plant may be further increased by installing multi-boiler control. A “hydraulic separator” here decouples all the primary circuit heat generators (generation system) from the consumers in the secondary circuit. Control of volumetric flow in the primary circuit ensures hydraulically optimised operation of the plant which adapts the necessary burner or boiler capacity to demand in the secondary circuit. Blowdown flash tank and high pressure condensate system. The flushing-related waste heat arising in the boiler blowdown may largely be recovered by flashing and used for preheating the feed water. System efficiency may be increased by up to two per cent in this way. If the flash steam or vapours escape unused in an open condensate system, this results in a steam generation heat loss. It is generally possible to use the vapours for preheating boiler feed water or cleaning water, for example. The lowest heat losses occur if the condensate is returned to the boiler under pressure in a closed circuit. The high pressure condensate system results in fuel savings of up to twelve per cent and additionally reduces flushing and sludge losses (see Section 3.2). Figure 6: Measurement and control systems in modulating burners. O2 probe O2 module Gas supply Mixing device Stepping motors Oil supply Air supply Visual displays Pulse generator Frequency converter 12 Energy efficiency pays off. CAN bus Firing management system Display and control unit CAN bus Building management system Bus system Burner control. By means of modulating or speed-controlled operation, burners may be purposefully controlled in partial load ranges instead of controlling partial load by switching the burner on and off. Since the combustion chamber has to be flushed before each ignition, shut-down and start-up losses can be re duced in this way. Moreover, a distinctly lower power range may be achieved in the event of load fluctuations by using speedcontrolled burner motors. This has a number of advantages: not only are unnecessary burner shut-downs avoided, but cooling of the boiler by pre-ventilation is similarly minimised. Speed control for pump drives. It is generally worthwhile investigating speed control of pump drives. For each pump type, e.g. boiler feed pumps or circulation pumps, consideration must be given as to whether or not speed control makes sense. Speed-controlled circulation pumps are, for example, worthwhile if smaller masses of water need to be circulated in summer than in winter. In the case of boiler feed pumps for supplying a steam generator with feed water, it must be ensured that the speed-controlled pump maintains the necessary constant boiler pressure. The level of potential savings is then dependent on how long the plant was operated under partial load. Fuel consumption and costs may be reduced by between 2 and 10 per cent in this way. Electric power consumption and costs may also be considerably reduced by speed control of the blower. In furnaces, model-assisted furnace management may be used for virtually all kinds of furnace, in particular, the small heating furnaces which are in widespread use. Control is here based on measurements and the use of empir ical and analytical parameters of relevance to the process. Operational management of the furnace may in this way be continuously adapted to actual production conditions. Potential saving: up to 15 per cent of the energy costs for a furnace. Case study: Teutoburger Mineralbrunnen GmbH & Co. KG. In 2007, Teutoburger Mineralbrunnen GmbH & Co. KG carried out an analysis of its steam generation boiler systems and had a plan drawn up for refurbishing the system. Prior to the refurbishment, despite modulated operation, the boilers were regularly shut down, resulting in unnecessary energy usage. Now, thanks to the use of speed-controlled burner motors, the burner motor speed is adapted to actual requirements. In the event of load fluctuations, the system may, thus, adopt a distinctly lower power range. This prevents unnecessary burner shut-downs. Just thanks to Reduction in energy consumption 2,378,800 kWh/year Percentage energy saving 26 % CO2 reduction* 718 t/year Investment €219,000 Cost reduction €142,700/year Return on investment 65 % speed control (Page 13) savings of approx. 800,000 kWh or approx. €48,000 per year have been made. Measures to reduce demand (Page 7), such as improved insulation, weekend power reductions and a cut in steam pressure, were additionally implemented. Further energy savings were achieved by installing an O2 controller (Page 14). Taken together, all the energy efficiency measures reduced annual energy usage by approx. 2.4 million kWh and energy costs by €142,700. With its return on investment of 65 per cent, this package of measures makes very definite economic sense. * All the examples are based on the following GEMIS equivalent values: heating oil 302 g CO2/kWh. 13 4.4 Waste gas control in steam and hot water generation. Depending on fuel type and plant age, burners are operated with 5 to 20 per cent surplus air as a safety measure. However, if more air is supplied to the combustion process than is required, the oxygen present in the air no longer participates in the combustion and the air is heated up, thereby resulting in heat losses. These losses may be reduced by an O2 controller which continuously measures the O2 content of the waste gas from the boiler and adjusts the air supply accordingly. This can increase efficiency by up to three per cent. This approach can also compensate the effects which occur when the boiler is sited in locations with large temperature fluctuations be tween summer and winter and at different altitudes. Using a CO controller, the residual oxygen content may be reduced back down to values of below 1 per cent by volume, thereby increasing efficiency by up to 1 per cent. This approach to control may only sensibly be applied to gaseous fuels since liquid fuels may form soot before the measurement is carried out which affects the measurement. In operation, the quantity of air is reduced until the probe in the waste gas detects the pres ence of uncombusted fuel constituents in the waste gas. The quantity of air is then raised again until no uncombusted constituents may any longer be detected in the waste gas. Energy consumption can be further reduced by monitoring and controlling further combustion parameters such as waste gas temperature, soot index or furnace body pressure and by installing automatic flue gas or combustion dampers. The latter prevent the boiler from cooling down during regular, relatively long boiler shut-downs (e. g. over weekends). Figure 7: Improvement of combustion efficiency. 98 96 94 O2 content [%] 92 Combustion efficiency [%] 0 90 5 88 86 110 130 150 Waste gas temperature – feed air temperature [°C] 14 Energy efficiency pays off. 170 190 210 4.5 Energy generation management in heating systems. A range of important operating data may be used to carry out a detailed analysis of a plant‘s fuel consumption or steam and temperature profiles. An energy generation management system may be developed on the basis of these data which, by demand-based adjustments, can reduce the energy us age and costs of heating systems. One possible application is consumption-controlled heating and start-up programs which differentiate between priority and subordinate con- sumers over time. In this case, the heat generator may be dimensioned to be of somewhat lower capacity than would be suggested solely by adding the various demands together. In modern burners, all functions are controlled and monitored by sophisticated microprocessors. Such digital combustion management also make it possible to communicate via an integral bus with other systems, for example, building management systems. Case study: Albertinen-Krankenhaus, Hamburg. One aspect of a comprehensive program of new building and expansion at the Albertinen-Krankenhaus in Hamburg in 2010 involved bringing the heating and air conditioning systems up to date. One boiler was fitted with a low NOx dual-fuel burner for operation with heating oil and natural gas. The other two boilers were modernised and equipped with the latest generation of gas burn ers which are, for example, optimised with regard to fluid dynamics. The quantity of heat generated is adapted to actual demand by energy-optimised operation both of the burners (modulating operation, Page 13) and of the blowers (speed control, Page 13). Using of an O2 controller (Page 14) eliminates the influence of disruptive vari- Reduction in energy consumption 19,150,000 kWh/year Percentage energy saving 24 % CO2 reduction* 4,673 t/year Investment €490,000 Cost reduction €337,000/year Return on investment 69 % ables such as weather conditions or hysteresis and optimises the combustion process, i.e. combustion with an optimised ratio of supplied and required air (combustion air ratio) and any excess of air is minimised. This burner setup and combustion air preheating (Page 18) reduces losses due to the energy carried away with the waste gas: in this way, combustion efficiency of 97 per cent can be achieved in the low and moderate power range. This comprehensive package of measures achieves an overall reduction in annual energy usage of more than 19 million kWh, generating savings of around €337,000 per year. At 69 per cent, the return on investment of the energy saving investment is high. * All the examples are based on the following GEMIS equivalent values: natural gas 244 g CO2/kWh 15 5. Heat recovery. The waste heat from heat generation and utilisation can be used by taking steps to recover heat. Significant amounts of waste heat can be recovered for further use from steam boiler and furnace waste gases. 5.1 Mode of operation of heat recovery. Waste heat can be transferred directly or indirectly (via an intermediate medium) to another process by heat exchangers, providing the temperature of the source of (waste) heat is above the temperature of the consumer. In principle, heat recovery is, therefore, more worthwhile the higher the temperature of the available waste heat. To minimise losses resulting from transport and storage, heat potential should always be used locally and as directly as possible. If this is impossible, the use of storage technologies for interim storage of the waste heat arising should be looked into. In such cases, it is important for all pipework to be provided with good thermal insulation. If the low temperature of the waste heat makes direct heat recovery impossible, a heat pump can be a sensible solution. Heat pumps (see Section 6) are capable of raising the temper ature of heat from a low to a higher level. Case study: Textilveredlung an der Wiese GmbH. In 2007, Textilveredlung an der Wiese GmbH carried out the energy modernisation of a steam generator for textile finishing. Once heat generation energy efficiency had been enhanced by implementing an O2 control system, it proved possible to make still further significant improvements in system efficiency by installing an econ omiser. In optimised operation with feed water preheating by the economisers, a waste gas temperature of just Reduction in energy consumption 850,000 kWh/year Percentage energy saving 3% CO2 reduction* 207 t/year Investment €78,000 Cost reduction €34,000/year Return on investment 44 % 130 °C is now achieved, where it was formerly 230 °C. This measure has enabled waste gas losses to be reduced by 20 per cent under minimum load conditions, and by around 45 per cent under full load conditions. By retrofitting the steam boiler with an economiser, annual fuel consumption was reduced by three per cent. This means savings of 850,000 kWh of energy and €34,000 in operating costs per year with a high return on investment of 44 per cent. * All the examples are based on the following GEMIS equivalent values: natural gas 244 g CO2/kWh. 5.2 Waste gas heat recovery. Waste gas heat recovery can substantially boost the energy efficiency of combustion plants which, due to the nature of the process, are operated with elevated waste gas temperatures and for extended periods. It is, therefore, particularly worth-while using such systems in steam and hot water generators, furnaces, dryers or gas turbines. In this process, a waste gas heat exchanger draws some of the heat 16 Energy efficiency pays off. from the waste gas and transfers it to a heat-transfer medium such as water or air. In this way, the heat can be supplied to another point in the process. Heat transfer continues for as long as the temperature of the (waste) heat source is above the temperature of the consumer. The waste heat may be used, for example, to preheat combustion air, to heat plant or process water or to feed heat into the heating system return. Economisers and condensing heat exchangers. An economiser is a waste gas heat exchanger which is capable of utilising boiler waste gas to heat boiler feed, heating or plant water. If a condensing heat exchanger (or waste gas condenser) is arranged downstream of the economiser, the waste gas temperature can be reduced to below the condensing temper ature of water, so that the heat of condensation of the steam present in the waste gas can also be used (see condensing boiler technology). However, the waste gas heat can be put to further use in a downstream condensing heat exchanger (see Figure 8), for preheating the cold make-up water from the chemical water treatment process (approx. 10-12 °C), before it enters the degasser. Heat recovery by means of economisers and condens ing heat exchangers can increase efficiency by between 5 and 12 per cent. Figure 8: Circuit diagram of a high pressure steam boiler plant with two waste gas heat exchanger stages (economiser/ condensing heat exchanger) Feed pump modules Water service module Waste gas condenser Steam Economiser Steam boiler Condensing boiler technology. The “calorific value of an energy source” includes not only the thermal energy released on combustion but also the energy released by condensation of the steam contained in the waste gas, the heat of condensation. In industry, usually only the sensible heat of the waste gases (> 100 °C) is used in boiler systems. The heat of condensation which arises on further cooling of the waste gases to below the condensing temperature of the steam is generally lost as waste gas loss via the flue. In new plants, it is generally quite straightforwardly possible to make use of the heat of condensation since the corrosion-resistant materials in heat exchangers and moistureinsensitive waste gas systems and flues mean this is possible without equipment damage. Condensing boiler technology is used primarily in hot water boilers. In contrast, for high Pump modules Make-up water pressure hot water boilers waste gas condensation can only be used if a low temperature circuit is available. When selecting suitable fuels, natural gas offers the greatest potential benefits for condensing boiler technology. Natural gas stands out from all other fuels not only in that it has the highest steam content in the waste gas and the highest waste gas dew point, but also in that its waste gases contain virtually no soot or sulphur. However, heating oil is also a suitable fuel for condensing boiler technology since the low-sulphur heating oil available these days allows effective and troublefree boiler operation. 17 Case study: Westfalenhallen. In the course of modernisation in 2008, the old central heating plant of the Westfalenhallen event centre in Dortmund was replaced by a new heating system comprising a gas condensing boiler (970 kW) and three steel boilers with different outputs (1,900, 3,050 and 5,200 kW). By graduating the outputs of the boilers used, the energy-efficient gas condensing boiler runs for very long period as the guide boiler while the three downstream boilers are operated as required. Modernisation allowed the efficiency of the complete heating system to be in- Reduction in energy consumption 2,000,000 kWh/year Percentage energy saving 11 % CO2 reduction* 488 t/year Investment €500,000 Cost reduction €100,000/year Return on investment 20 % creased from 83 per cent to 92 per cent. The intelligent interplay between the new heating system and a modern building management system and a total of 40 heat counters distributed over the site additionally allows flexible and demand-based heat supply. With the assistance of the condensing boiler and the demand-based control system, it was possible to reduce annual fuel consumption by 2 million kWh, the company thus being able to make savings in energy costs of €100,000 per year. Return on investment on the energy saving investment is 20 per cent. * All the examples are based on the following GEMIS equivalent values: natural gas 244 g CO2/kWh. Combustion air preheating. A combustion air preheater uses hot waste gas to preheat the combustion air. Heat recovery using combustion air preheat ing can increase combustion efficiency by five per cent. Combustion air can also be preheated using waste heat from compressed air generators or from the boiler house. Recuperative and regenerative burners for furnaces. With recuperative burners, a heat exchanger is used to preheat combustion air to a temperature of 550 to 600 °C using hot waste gas. Burner and combustion air preheaters are combined into a structural unit. 18 Energy efficiency pays off. With regenerative burners, two burners are used alternately. While the first burner is in operation, the hot waste gas is extracted by the second burner and passed via a heat storage medium. The waste gas releases approx. 85 to 90 per cent of the heat to the regenerator. After a given burn time, the system switches over to the second burner. In the process, the combustion air flows via the regenerator and is heated to a temperature which is 100 to 150 °C below the combustion chamber temperature. When used in the temperature range from 800 to 1,500 °C, this technology allows fuel savings of up to 60 per cent over burners without heat recovery. 6. Energy-efficient conversion and generation technologies. The final important step involves the selection of suitable conversion and generation technologies which lower energy usage still further. In principle, from the point of view of economic viability and plant engineering, it is best to design CHP systems as base load supply systems. 6.1 Combined heat and power generation. Combined heat, power and cold generation (CHPC) plants can compensate the fluctuations in heat requirements over the course of a year by using the excess heat in the summer to generate cold (for example, for building airconditioning). Combined heat, power and cold generation can be achieved by combining any CHP technology with a thermal refrigeration unit, usually an absorption or adsorption refrigeration unit. The additional cold generation then allows the CHP base-load proportion and annual working hours to be increased, which has a positive effect on the plant‘s economic viability. Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is the generation of power while making simultaneous use of the heat which arises. Up to 90 per cent of the energy content of fuels can be utilised in this way. The waste heat arising when gen erating power can be used as process heat for space heating or to heat water. The prerequisite for economically viable operation of a combined heat and power plant is year-roundheating demand which allows a high operating time of at least 5,000 operating hours per year. Case study: Rittal International GmbH & Co. KG. The Rittershausen plant of Rittal International GmbH & Co. KG operates a bio-oil operated CHP plant with a capac ity of 420 kW for the plant‘s thermal base load. Two catalytic waste gas purifiers (catalytic afterburning) from the production side are also available as suppliers of heat. The main consumer is the paint shop, whose pretreatment tanks have to be maintained at a constant temperature in both summer and winter. In the winter, the majority of the energy consumed is used to heat buildings. A multi-boiler control system (Page 12) was installed at the site in 2007 to optimise the plant. In the course of this work, the primary Reduction in gas consumption 8,056,000 kWh/year Bio-oil consumption for heating 6,720,000 kWh/year Absolute energy saving 1,336,000 kWh/year Percentage energy saving 9% CO2 reduction* 1,095 t/year Investment €620,000 Cost reduction €270,670/year Return on investment 44 % and secondary circuit pumps were replaced with speed-controlled pumps (Page 13). The volumetric flow rate meter required for the multi-boiler control system was fitted in the primary circuit (heating system), while the secondary circuit (secondary consumer) was decoupled by a hydraulic separator (Page 12). All the energy efficiency measures together have reduced energy usage by approx. 1.3 million kWh and energy costs by approx. €270,000 per year. With its return on investment of 44 perc ent, this package of measures makes very definite economic sense. * All the examples are based on the following GEMIS equivalent values: natural gas 244 g CO2/kWh, rapeseed oil 129.6 g CO2/kWh (German Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance) 19 6.2 Heat pumps. A heat pump brings heat flux (from the ground, water or air) which is at a relatively low temperature to a relatively high temperature. This allows ambient heat or waste heat to be used for heating purposes. To heat domestic and industrial and commercial buildings, low temperature heat pumps are used which can utilise heat from air, groundwater or the ground to provide t emperatures of up to at most 65 °C. High temperature heat pumps offer the possibility of raising unusable industrial waste heat to a higher temperature so that it can be used for space heating, providing process water or steam or even for drying and distillation purposes. State of the art high temperature systems which operate on the basis of cold vapour compression processes, can achieve temperatures from 80 °C to a maximum of 95 °C. Although some manufacturers offer a two-stage system with which vapour can also be produced at relatively high temperatures, this additional heat pump stage reduces overall efficiency. Use of an industrial heat pump can save up to 80 per cent of energy costs. With open or semi-open heat pump systems (thermal and mechanical vapour compressors) process steam can be used directly as a working medium and brought to a higher pressure and temperature level. At source temperatures of 70 to 80 °C, these heat pumps can produce process steam or proc ess heat with a temperature of up to 200 °C. A good parameter for measuring the efficiency of an electrical heat pump system is the annual coefficient of performance. This describes the ratio over a year between amount of energy released (thermal heat) and supplied energy (drive 20 Energy efficiency pays off. energy). It includes the different operating states and, therefore, the many different, good and poor performance ratings over the year. To ensure that the energy balance of an electric heat pump is positive, the annual coefficient of performance for electrical heat pumps should achieve a value of at least 3.0 since electricity generation in Germany is associated with high primary energy consumption. 6.3 Solar thermal energy. In Germany, thermal solar systems are used primarily to provide process heat at a temperature of up to an approximate maximum of 120 °C. Solar thermal energy should always be connected to the existing heating system at the lowest possible temperature since the efficiency of all collector technologies falls with increasing temperature. Coupling solar thermal energy directly to the process is suitable for: clean ing, drying, evaporation and distillation, bleaching, pasteurisation, sterilisation, boiling, painting, degreasing and cooling as well as space heating. 6.4 Heat storage. Storage technologies allow peak loads to be reduced and the proportion of base load increased. For processes with pronounced temporary peak loads, supply systems and system components can be dimensioned for an average output lev el. The heat storage is discharged during phases with high power requirements, while energy is stored temporarily if requirements are below average output. 7. Partners for greater energy efficiency in industry and production. dena‘s “Initiative EnergieEffizienz” (“Energy Efficiency Campaign”) is a Germany-wide information and motivation campaign which promotes efficient electricity use in all consumption sectors. Target group-specific campaigns are used to inform end consumers in private households, in industry and production and in the service and public sectors about the options for efficient electricity use and to motivate them to act in an energy-effi cient way. The campaign is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). “Initiative EnergieEffizienz” also offers businesses information and practical assistance in many further areas, ranging from energy management to financing, to help them make more efficient use of electricity and cut costs. This brochure was prepared jointly by dena‘s “Initiative EnergieEffizienz” and the Bundesindustrieverband Deutschland Haus-, Energie- und Umwelttechnik e. V. (BDH) with the support of Interessengemeinschaft Energie Umwelt Feuerungen GmbH (IG). Bundesindustrieverband Deutschland Haus-, Energie- und Umwelttechnik e. V. (BDH)/Interessengemeinschaft Energie Umwelt Feuerungen GmbH (IG) is an industry association representing the commercial, technical and political interests of its members to policy makers, government and the general public. The companies in BDH manufacture innovative energy-efficient utility engineering systems based on gas, oil and electricity and particularly for utilising renewable energy sources focusing on heat generation for private households, commercial buildings and industrial applications. More details from: (in German) Publisher. Editorial office. Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) German Energy Agency Energy Systems and Energy Services Chausseestraße 128 a 10115 Berlin, Germany Tel.: + 49(0) 30 72 61 65-677 Fax:+ 49(0) 30 72 61 65-699 E-mail: Internet: w Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) German Energy Agency Printed by: trigger.medien gmbh, Berlin As at: December 2011 Layout: Müller Möller Bruss Werbeagentur GmbH, Berlin All rights reserved. Any use is subject to consent by dena. With the kind support of the Federal Industrial Association of Germany House, Energy and Environmental Technol ogy (BDH) and the Syndicate of Energy Environmental Combustion Systems Ltd. (IG) Image credits. Certificate Number: 164-10794-1111-1005 Pages 1 and 6: © Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG Pages 7, 8/9, 11 and 17: © Bosch Industriekessel GmbH as well as Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH Page 10: © Walter Dreizler GmbH Pages 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20: © Max Weishaupt GmbH Page 15: © ELCO GmbH Page 16: © SAAKE GmbH Page 18: © Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH 21 8. Best practice examples. The following companies have already successfully carried out energy optimisation of their heating systems: Operators Manufacturer/System planner Measures Agrana Fruit Germany GmbH, Konstanz plant - production of fruit preparations, or ganic products since 1991 - 30 staff Walter Dreizler GmbH - manufacturer of burners and control technology - medium-sized company, 62 staff - use of the biogas resulting from the process for heat generation - speed control and O2 and CO waste gas control in a burner motor contact: Hans-Joachim Wehrle Maintenance, Workshop Manager Tel.: +49 (0)7531 5807-0 Contact: Daniel Dreizler Head of Distribution, pp. Tel.: +49 (0)7424 700 90 Albertinen-Krankenhaus, Hamburg-Schnelsen - 628 beds and around 60,000 outpa tients and inpatients - Hamburg University Teaching Hospital ELCO GmbH, Mörfelden-Walldorf - manufacturer of industrial burners and the related measurement and control technology - 450 staff Albertinen-Zentrale Dienste GmbH, Technical service business unit Süntelstr. 11A 22457 Hamburg Contact: Harald Rohde Industrial Sales Engineer, Northern Division Tel.: +49 (0)511 9668 212 Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan - brewery - 100 staff Bosch Industriekessel GmbH - manufacturer of steam and hot water boilers - 600 staff Contact: Hans Wolfinger Technical Director Tel.: +49 (0)8161 536-0 Manufacturer of industrial boiler systems: Bosch Industriekessel GmbH Contact: Franz Dörr Sales Manager, Germany Tel.: +49 (0)9831 56-253 - low NOx dual-fuel burners - flow-optimised gas burners - modulating operation - speed and O2 control - combustion air preheating - replacement of the existing heavy oil boiler - speed control/CO control - feed water preheating by means of an economiser - brewing water heating by means of a waste gas condenser - combustion air preheater using waste heat from the chilling plant Consultancy, planning and performance: Bayerische Ray Energietechnik GmbH & Co. KG Contact: Helmut Reiter Sales Manager Tel.: +49 (0)89 329 004-0 22 Dortmunder Energie- und Wasserversorgung GmbH (DEW21) - supplier to around 330,000 house holds in the Dortmund region - supply of the Westfalenhallen event centre in Dortmund Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, - gas-condensing boiler Buderus Deutschland - intelligent heat generation manage- manufacturer of equipment for heat ment and building management system ing, cooling and air-conditioning, hot water provision, solar installations, biomass systems, heat pumps - 51 sales offices, 11 regional training centres, 10 service centres, 13,000 staff throughout Germany Contact: Gabi Dobovisek Corporate Communications Tel.: +49 (0)231 544-3271 Contact: Luc Geerinck Marketing Director, Buderus Germany Tel.: +49 (0)6441 418 1610 Energy efficiency pays off. Operators Manufacturer/System planner Measures Grundfos Pumpenfabrik GmbH, Werk Wahlstedt - production and assembly of circulating pumps for heating, air-conditioning and ventilation and of high pressure centrifugal pumps and pressure-boost ing systems for water supply - 1,000 staff Max Weishaupt GmbH - manufacturer of burners, heating and condensing systems, and of solar technology, heat pumps and building automation systems (Weishaupt/Neuberger), heat pumps and geothermal bore systems (Weishaupt/BauGrund Süd) - approx. 3,000 staff - adaptation of entire hydraulic system including decoupling of heating and consumer circuits - low temperature boiler with waste gas heat exchanger - multi-boiler control - speed and O2 control as well as control by measurement of volumetric flow rate Contact: Matthias Wiese Maintenance Manager Tel.: +49 (0)45 54 98-0 Hamburg branch office Contact: Frank Gries Branch Manager Tel.: +49 (0)40 5380-9420 Pulcra Chemicals GmbH, Geretsried plant - manufacture of process chemicals such as dyestuffs and auxiliaries for the textiles, fibres and leather industry - 100 staff SAACKE GmbH - oil and gas burners and plant and energy technology for industrial applications, on ships and offshore installations - 1,000 staff Contact: Bernhard Neumaier Technical Director Tel.: +49 (0)81 71 6 280 Contact: Stefan Schult Product Management Energy Efficiency Systems Tel.: +49 (0) 33203 8039-70 Rittal International GmbH & Co. KG, Standort Rittershausen - predominantly production of switch cabinets - 1,000 staff Max Weishaupt GmbH, Siegen branch office Contact: Rafael Armbruster Head of Group, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection Tel.: +49 (0)2772 505-0 Contact: Björn Kowohl Branch Manager Tel.: +49 (0)271 660 42-20 Teutoburger Mineralbrunnen GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld - production of “Christinen” brand natural mineral water and soft drinks - 240 staff nationwide Max Weishaupt GmbH, Kassel branch office (see Grundfos example) Contact: Herbert Dörfler, Managing Director Contact: Frank Mosenhauer Tel.: +49 (0)561 951 86-30 Textilveredlung an der Wiese GmbH, Lörrach plant - production of industrial textiles, bed linen, table linen and shirt/blouse fabrics - 150 staff SAACKE GmbH (see Pulcra Chemicals GmbH example) - low NOx burner - economiser - waste gas condenser - multi-boiler control - energy-efficient burner - bio-oil operated CHP plant - changeover from thermal waste gas purification to catalytic waste gas purification with heat recovery - waste gas heat exchanger - demand reduction: weekend power reduction and cut in steam pressure - speed and O2 control economiser Contact: Steffen Herrmannsdörfer Executive Director Tel.: +49 (0)7621 957 60 23 For all questions about efficient energy use in industry and production: Free-phone energy hotline 08000 736 734 E-mail: An initiative by: Our partners: Supported by: