moers festival 2011 - early bird ticket and moers festival calendar


moers festival 2011 - early bird ticket and moers festival calendar
moers festival 2011 - early bird ticket and moers festival calendar
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On the eve of its 40th birthday, the moers festival is reinventing itself!
Here's the latest from the moers festival office - please feel free to spread the news.
Despite not escaping totally unscathed from the financial crisis, the festival will
continue to be a showcase of and trendsetter in international improvised music.
On the 4th day of the festival (Whit Monday), the artist and musician Helge Schneider
will present a new format entitled "Helges Heimatabend". The show will combine a
set of Schneider's own with contributions from exciting and talented personalities
from around the region.
As the festival is thus divided into two blocks (the first three days and the fourth day),
we are introducing a two-tier price system for the early bird ticket. Please mention the
fact that the number of early bird tickets available is, as always, limited.
Festival ticket:
(first three days)
early bird price 56 € / box office price 72 €
(three plus one = first three days of the festival + Helge's Heimatabend)
early bird price 76 € / evening box office price 92 €
With Christmas rapidly approaching, we are also pleased to announce that the moers
festival calendar 2011 is soon to go on sale! Once again, the calendar contains stage
portraits by our photographer Oliver Heisch of the artists who performed at last year's
festival. The calendar is 20 x 60 cm (upright format) and costs just € 9.80 plus
postage and packaging. If you would like to download a printable image of the front
cover, go to, / "Presse" / "Bildmaterial".
Orders for both early bird tickets and the festival calendar can be placed with our
online shop (see from 1st December. As part of the festival's
40th birthday celebrations, we will enclose a free festival calendar with the first 40
early bird ticket orders received.
Best regards,
Tinka Koch
Pressemitteilung Early-­‐Bird Ticket & moers festival Kalender www.moers-­‐ Moers Kultur GmbH
Nordring 5
47441 Moers
Telefon: +49 (0) 28 41 367 367 5
Fax: +49 (0) 28 41 367 152 0
Pressemitteilung Early-­‐Bird Ticket & moers festival Kalender www.moers-­‐ 

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