Part II - Root Cause


Part II - Root Cause
About the Institute for Black Male Achievement
Our Mission
The IBMA strengthens, connects, and showcases its member organizations and leaders who are committed to improving the
life outcomes of black men and boys, in order to sustain and grow their work to expand opportunities and tackle obstacles for
black males and for all our communities.
What We Do
STRENGTHEN CAPACITY: Provide and connect leaders and organizations to capacity-building services to sustain and grow
their impact.
SHOWCASE AND SPREAD WHAT WORKS: Support organizations to spread their effective practices and policies focused
on black male achievement to fuel the momentum for a national movement.
SUPPORT NETWORKS: Support existing networks and create new networks as vehicles for leaders and organizations to
come together to learn, connect, and collaborate with one another.
PROMOTE THE FIELD: Develop common, effective messaging for individual organizations to effectively communicate
their own work to a wide range of audiences, and promote the overall field of black male achievement.
Our Members
IBMA members, currently numbering more than 2,800 leaders representing 1,700 organizations across the country, are
engaged in various activities to improve the life outcomes of black men and boys: direct service, advocacy, public policy,
providing funding, research, communications, managing networks, and more.
Join a national network of leaders and organizations committed to black male achievement
Eligibility to apply for capacity-building service grants and other support opportunities
Access to capacity-building, leadership development, and other BMA specific resources
Share knowledge and learn with like-minded peers conducting similar and complementary activities
Connect and collaborate with other leaders across the private, public, and nonprofit sectors
In exchange for benefits, members agree to contribute their time, knowledge and connections to strengthen the IBMA network.
How to Join
1. First, visit our IBMA website at and click on ‘Register’ at the top to sign up.
2. Then, take the IBMA member survey at
Your information is critical to help the IBMA understand and address your needs as a member.
Please contact with any questions.
Who Can Join
IBMA membership is open to senior, mid-level and emerging leaders working in the areas of nonprofit, philanthropy,
academia, government, business/entrepreneurs, schools, faith-based, and community-based/grassroots leadership. IBMA
members can join as a representative of an organization, a program or initiative within a larger institution, or as an individual.
The Black Male Achievement Life Outcomes Dashboard
Leadership. Sustainability. Impact.
United States (National Data)
Developed by the Institute for Black Male Achievement, the
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard is a leading source of data on
a select set of indicators that track opportunity during the life
course of black males in the United States. The dashboard is a
unifying reference for IBMA members to:
• Assess how black males are faring nationally and locally;
• Choose measures that best correspond with their goals; and
• Adopt promising and proven policies and practices to
improve life outcomes for black men.
2 Demographics
3 Education
5 Health
6 Safety
7 Work
8 Family
Currently, the Dashboard tracks demographic information in
addition to data on indicators across 5 categories: Education,
Work, Health, Safety, and Family. The IBMA will be considering
adding both indicators and cities in the future. In the
meantime, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to
email us at
For the online version of the national data, visit:
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 1
Who are the black males in the region and how are they faring?
The indicators in this category describe the age structure and poverty rates of the
black male population. These indicators can inform targeted strategies to improve
outcomes and forecast the need for age- and socioeconomic- specific policies,
programs, and practices. Knowing trends for population size by age can help cities
prepare for growing or shrinking populations of young, working age, or elderly
people through housing, education, or workforce strategies. Similarly, understanding how black males are faring using poverty and socioeconomic data can help
encourage strengthening the safety net and the identification of strategies to
boost people into the middle class.
Number of males and percent of total
male population by age
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
United States
Less than 10 years old
13.7 %
10 to 14 years old
7.0 %
15 to 17 years old
4.4 %
18 to 24 years old
1.4 %
10.3 %
25 to 44 years old
3.3 %
27.3 %
45 to 64 years old
2.8 %
25.9 %
Age 65+
0.9 %
11.3 %
12 %
100 %
Percent of males below the
federal poverty level
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
United States
*The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the American Community Survey 5 year 2007–2011 dataset.
Source: Steven Ruggles, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2010.
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 2
Can black males access and attain a quality education?
Percent of children enrolled in nursery school,
preschool, or kindergarten (ages 3 to 5)
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
Percent of boys at or above proficiency
levels at grade 4 math
Percent of boys at or above proficiency
levels at grade 4 reading
Percent of boys at or above proficiency
levels at grade 8 math
Percent of boys at or above proficiency
levels at grade 8 reading
Education remains a critical determinant of health, well-being, and economic
success. The indicators in this category focus on access, proficiency, and critical life
course milestones from the early years (3-5) to early adulthood (25+). Across the
early parts of one’s life, access to high quality preschool education, proficiency in
reading and math along with high school and post-secondary completion are essential components towards opportunity.
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
*The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the American Community Survey 5 year 2007–2011 dataset.
Source: Steven Ruggles, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2010.
**Source: National Center for Education Statistics. Reported generated by National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 3
Education, continued
Number and percent of males with less than a
high school diploma, GED, or equivalent (age
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
Number and percent of males with an
Associate’s degree or higher (age 25+) (pooled
ACS data: 2007–2011)*
United States
United States
For resources to help improve these indicators,
*The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the American Community Survey 5 year 2007–2011 dataset.
Source: Steven Ruggles, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2010.
**Source: National Center for Education Statistics. Reported generated by National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 4
How is the health of black males being supported?
Life expectancy of males in years
Percent of males with
health insurance coverage
(pooled ACS data: 2009–2011)**
Adult male obesity rates (age 18+)
(pooled BRFSS data: 2006–2010)***
One of the most basic indicators of well-being is life expectancy. Black males
have made impressive gains in life expectancy since the 2000 U.S. Census, but
health inequities in life expectancy and other areas persist. While the story behind poor health outcomes for black men is not fully explained by access to care,
it is a critical factor. Strategies that support health for black males should contribute and be connected to other efforts to strengthen and support economic
well-being and educational success.
United States
United States
United States
For resources to help improve these indicators,
*Source: National Center for Health Statistics. Life expectancy at birth, at age 65, and at age 75, by sex, race, and Hispanic origin: United States, selected years
1900–2010. Web.
**The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the American Community Survey 3 year 2009–2011 dataset.
Source: Steven Ruggles, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2010.
***The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 5 year 2006–2010 dataset.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Data. Atlanta, Georgia: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006–2010.
****Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). United States Adult Life Expectancy by State and County 1987-2009. Seattle, United States: Institute
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). United States Adult Life Expectancy by State and County 1987-2009. Seattle, United States: Institute for Health
Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 2012 for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 2012
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 5
Homicide rate per 100,000 for all males (pooled
WISQARSTM data: 2004–2010)*
Do black males live in safe and secure communities?
Safe and secure communities support the physical, mental, and social well-being
of their residents. In communities throughout the world, homicide rates are a
strong and reliable predictor of violence and insecurity. In the US, the communities marked by these trends are mostly low-income and of color. For these places,
high rates of homicides contribute to weak social bonds, fear, stress, and a lack of
economic development. The most effective strategies for stopping homicides—
and ensuring communities are safe and secure—focus on investing in and
providing opportunities to the people that live in them.
United States
For resources to help improve this indicator,
*The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System 7 year 2004 – 2010 dataset. http://wisqars.cdc.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Centers for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System
(WISQARS) [online]. (2010). Available from:
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 6
Can black males access good jobs?
Economic success for black males begins with opportunities to work and earning a livable or family sustaining wage. For youth, employment is a concrete
step toward adulthood, independence, and social development. Moreover,
there is an enormous cost to society when youth are disconnected. Securing
employment opportunities for black males, especially those that are disconnected, will allow them to sustain their families and be productive, long-term,
contributors to the economy.
Number and percent of out of school males
in the labor force who are employed
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
United States
Median household income of
male-headed households
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
Number and percent of disconnected males
(not employed and not enrolled in school),
(ages 16 to 24)
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
United States
United States
For resources to help improve these indicators,
*The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the American Community Survey 5 year 2007–2011 dataset.
Source: Steven Ruggles, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2010.
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 7
Educational attainment of mothers with
male children under 18
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
Are black males living in nurturing and supportive families?
Strong family units promote black male achievement. Research indicates that the
children’s success depends on their parent’s educational attainment (particularly
the mother’s); living with both parents (irrespective of their gender or sexual
orientation); and residential stability. Strategies to promote black male achievement must take the familial context into account and contribute to the success
and parenting capacity of caregivers as well as support, strengthen, and connect
United States
HS diploma or higher
AA degree or higher
Percent of male youth (under age 18) that have
changed residence since a year ago (pooled
ACS data: 2007–2011)*
Percent of men (ages 18-64) living with
their own children in the household
(pooled ACS data: 2007–2011)*
United States
United States
For resources to help improve these indicators,
*The data represented above is a pooled estimate from the American Community Survey 5 year 2007–2011 dataset.
Source: Steven Ruggles, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Matthew B. Schroeder, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 5.0 [Machine-readable database]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2010.
BMA Life Outcomes Dashboard: National 8
The Institute for Black Male Achievement Member Network
Below is as list of current IBMA members, and the list keeps growing. Membership is free, so if you are committed to
improving the life outcomes of black men and boys, please join by going to:
Edward Brown, 100 Black Men of Greater Montgomery
Marvis Burns, Community Foundation of South Alabama
Marcus Carson, Growing Kings, Inc.
Rodney Greer, Auburn University
Erica Henry, Students for Education and Economic Development,
Jessica Jackson, Alabama Department of Child Abuse and
Neglect Prevention
Letetia Jackson, Tandeka, LLC
Michael Jackson, The Dubois Institute for Entrepreneurship, Inc.
Christopher Jones, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Douglas Littles, Community Foundation of South Alabama
Scott Muhammad, Students for Education and Economic
Development, Inc.
Nikeland Nichols, P.U.S.H. Inc
Alvertha Penny, Community Foundation of South Alabama
Chris Rogers, Together Assisting People (TAP)
Justin Sims, Team Focus
Cedric Sparks, City of Birmingham
David Thomas, Grade Results, Inc
Jeremy Thomas, Tuskegee University
L. Simone Washington, Community Foundation of South
Ivan Watts, Auburn University
Jessica Beresford, Father Matters
Tyre Davis, Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department
Jeanette Davis-Loeb, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
N'neka Gaines, N/A
Ruth Webb, N/A
Cory Anderson, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
Sonja Browning, Browning & Browning Developers
Vivian Flowers, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Marq Golden, City of Little Rock
Eric Huffman, National Association of Black Men United
James Lawson, Arkansas Department of Finance and
Kareem Moody, Pulaski Technical College
Ken Richardson, City of Little Rock
Daniel Sims, Cottonwood Group Investments
Sherece West-Scantlebury, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
Askari Abdul-Muntaqim, Forgotten Scholars Islamic Institute
Naomi Abraham, PolicyLink
Momo Akade, GigaBryte
Nathan N. Alexander, Education Pioneers
William Alexander, Unity Care
Fred Ali, Weingart Foundation
Timothy Allen, Carlston Family Foundation
Tomas Alvarez, Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.
Jazmin Alvarez, Youth Policy Institute
Zef Amen, Brothers Public Relation
Phillip Arca, Biotech Partners
Celia Maldonado Arroyo, Tulare County Board of Education
Lacy Asbill, Boys Moving Forward
Larry Aubry, Black Community, Clergy, and Labor Alliance
Andrew Baskin, N/A
Sabrina Beason, Liberty Hill Foundation
Julia Beatty, Tides-Twenty-First Century Foundation
James Bell, The W. Haywood Burns Institute
Deborah Bellush, Biotech Partners
Tamika Bennett, Boys & Girls Club of East County
Lynn Berkley-Baskin, Education Forward
Nazleen Bharmal, UCLA - Health Systems
Fred Blackwell, City of Oakland
Angela Glover Blackwell, PolicyLink
Joshua Bloom, The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Kafi Blumenfield, Liberty Hill Foundation
Devone Boggan, City of Richmond
Brian Bonner, California Parent-Teacher Association
Valerie Bordeaux, California State University Long Beach
David Bouttavong, Fresno Barrios Unidos
Shannon Bowen, Civicorps Schools
Andy Bowles, Mission Economic Development Agency
Jamilah Bradshaw, Greenlining Institute
Andre Breaux, Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson - Sacramento, CA
Kim Brettschneider, Children's Defense Fund-California
Monika Brooks, Mocha Autism Network
Joe Brooks, PolicyLink
Kisasi Brooks, PolicyLink
Cedric Brown, Kapor Center for Social Impact
Douglas Brown, Krimson and Kreme Inc Foundation
Rebecca Brown, Urban Strategies Council
Lewis Brown, Jr., PolicyLink
Guy Bryant, 100 Black Men of Bay Area Community Charter
Markese Bryant, Fight For Light, Inc.
Omar Butler, College Track
Jacqeline Byers, Black Organizing Project
Mercedes Carmona, First 5 Fresno County
Brad Carson, Jobs Create Peace
Janee Carter, Youth Radio
Augustine Cavanagh, N/A
Eugene Chan, PolicyLink
Arnold Chandler, Forward Change Consulting
Christopher Chatmon, Oakland Unified School District
Sarah Chavez, Juma Ventures
Michelle Cheang, Youth Policy Institute
Maisie Chin, CADRE
Madeleine Clarke, Oakland Unified School District
B. Cole, Brioxy, Inc.
Charles Cole III, Juma Ventures
Meghan Colgan, Biotech Partners
Raymond Colmenar, The California Endowment
Rochelle Conner, Biotech Partners
Remon Corley, Crenshaw High School
Misha Cornelius, Black Organizing Project
Victor Corral, Mission Economic Development Agency
Lois Corrin, N/A
Lori Cox, Alameda County Social Services Agency
Crystallee Crain, College of Alameda
Sarah Creighton-Kirley, Fighting Back Partnership
Oscar Cruz, Families in Schools
Lola Smallwood Cuevas, UCLA - Los Angeles Black Worker
Carla Dartis, Tides Center
Justin Davis, Kapor Center for Social Impact
Donna Davis, Operation COY (Concentrate on You)
Gary Davis, Operation COY (Concentrate on You)
Christine Dean, Liberty Hill Foundation
Stephen DeBerry, The California Endowment
Quinn Delaney, Akonadi Foundation
Alexandra DelValle, Groundswell Fund
Joseph Devall, Community Coalition
Alicia Dixon, Marcus Foster Education Fund
Diane Dodge, East Bay College Fund
Michael Dolphin, State of California Employment Development
Milan Drake, Biotech Partners
David Durand, The Reset Foundation
Adam Dyer, Starr King School for the Ministry
Jamila Edwards, Children's Defense Fund-California
Maurice Emsellem, National Employment Law Project
Herb English, A2MEND
William Etue, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)
Maisha Everhart, Office of Mayor Jean Quan - Oakland, CA
Dr. Salim Faraji, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Allen Fernandez-Smith, Urban Habitat
Charles Fields, The California Endowment
Joseph Fleming, PICO National Network
John Fletcher, Fresno Street Saints
Sandra Flores, Fresno Regional Foundation
Leslie-Anne Frank, Lagrant Communications
Jean Franklin, Equal Justice USA
Jean Franklin, United Job Creation Council
Heather Fukunaga, Youth Policy Institute
Wendy Garen, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Felecia Gaston, Phoenix Project of Marin
Kristen Gates, Youth Policy Institute
Adam Gettinger-Brizuela, RIOSS Counties Regional Fatherhood
Carmen Gil, Second Chance Family & Youth Services
Nedra Ginwright, Leadership Excellence
Shane Goldsmith, Liberty Hill Foundation
Juan Gomez, National Compadres Network
Sabina Gonzalez, Communities for a New California
Diane Gray, Bayview Association for Youth
Lisa Gray, Bayview Association for Youth
Lisa Gray, Urban Ed Academy
Lisa Haefele, Alameda County Social Services Agency
Anika Hardy, Oakland Unified School District
Robert Harris, Stentorians of Los Angeles County
Frank Harris III, San Diego State University
Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Community Coalition
Bill Heiser, Center for Employment Opportunities
Amy Henderson, Rebuild The Dream
Sonia Hernandez, Antelope Valley Youthbuild
Keith Herron, Target Excellence
Keith Herron, Target Excellence
Reginald Hillmon, University of California Office of the President
Arlene Hipp, N/A
Bill Hobson, Watts Healthcare Corporation
Gregory Hodge, Khepera Consulting
Bettie Hodges, The Hannah Project Partnership
Jim Hollis, Calculus Roundtable
Tyrone Howard, UCLA - Black Male Institute
Evelyn Hsu, Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism
Nick Hutchinson, Juma Ventures
Jakada Imani, The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Gregg Irish, City of Los Angeles Workforce Investment Board
Nike Irvin, California Community Foundation
Anthony Iton, The California Endowment
Raymond Ivey, Krimson and Kreme Inc Foundation
Leslie Ivie, Liberty Hill Foundation
Summer Jackson, Bay Area Blacks in Philanthropy
Regina Jackson, East Oakland Youth Development Center
Torman Jahi, Microphone Mechanics, Inc.
Taj James, Movement Strategy Center
Patrick Jefferson, Los Angeles Southwest College
Rick Jennings, Center for Fathers and Families
Rossie Johnson, Antelope Valley Youthbuild
Reginald Johnson, Community Development Technologies
Earvin Magic Johnson, Magic Johnson Foundation
Alex Johnson, Office of Mark Ridley-Thomas - Los Angeles, CA
Michael Johnson, Office of Mayor Jean Quan - Oakland, CA
Jasmine Jones, Black Organizing Project
Carol Jones, Office of Mayor Jean Quan - Oakland, CA
Dwayne Jones, Urban Ed Academy
Hassaun Jones-Bey, Children's Music Network
John Jordan, Jr., Fight For Light, Inc.
Sanam Jorjani, Rogers Family Foundation
Renee Joslyn, Tides Center-U Want Game
Cassandra Joubert, Central California Children's Institute
David Kakishiba, East Bay Asian Youth Center
Amaha Kassa, Africans Communities Together
Sara Kershnar, Black Organizing Project
Brian King, Fresno Street Saints
Kirk Kirkwood, College Bound CA
Josh Kirschenbaum, PolicyLink
Naomi Kobayashi, Capital Group Companies Charitable
Kokayi Kwa Jitahidi, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Leo Lamanna, Marcus Foster Education Fund
Jamahn Lee, PolicyLink
Nicole Lee, Urban Peace Movement
Josh Leonard, East Bay Agency for Children
Robert Lewis, California Community Foundation
Mykol Lewis, Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade
Robert Lewis, Nex-Impact
Kandee Lewis, The Positive Results Corporation
Sharoni Little, University of Southern California
Ruben Lizardo, PolicyLink
Gaylon Logan, VillageConnect
Michelle Love, Alameda County Social Services Agency
Reggie Lyles, City of Oakland
Awele Makeba, Oakland Unified School District
Alicia Maldonado, Mockingbird Communications
Kathleen Maloney, Irene S. Scully Family Foundation
Anne Marks, Youth Alive
Ted Marsh, Two Win Communications
Tia Elena Martinez, Bay Area Leadership Network of Color
Sarah Marxer, Urban Strategies Council
Dori Maynard, Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism
Michael McAfee, PolicyLink
Michael McBride, PICO National Network - Lifelines to Healing
Mirishae McDonald, Black Organizing Project
Robert McGowan, CADRE
Roy Mclver, Brown Boi Project
Darryl McMillon, Vision International Ministries
Naomi McSwain, AL Wooten Jr. Heritage Center
Deborah Meehan, Leadership Learning Community
Jaime Mendoza, California State University Long Beach
Elana Metz, Boys Moving Forward
Jerry Metzker, Biotech Partners
Jesse Mills, University of San Diego
Maeve Milstead, Long Beach Community Action Partnership
Otilia Mirambeaux, PolicyLink
Evelin E. Montes, Liberty Hill Foundation
Tamara Moore, College Access Foundation
Lanita Morris, UCLA - Los Angeles Black Worker Center
Omar Muhammad, Venice Community Housing
Devin Murphy, The Bridgespan Group
Robert Murrell, Northern California Christian Minitries and
Isabelle Mussard, Safe Passages
Tessa Nichols, Civicorps Schools
Udak Ntuk, Building Healthy Communities: Long Beach
Dorsey Nunn, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
Alicia Olivarez, Urban Strategies Council
Tonna Onyendu, Liberty Hill Foundation
Alisa Orduna, United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Tamara Orozco, Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.
Nate Parker, N/A
Ann-Ellice Parker, Seasons of Change LLC
Tacing Parker, YMCA of San Francisco - Urban Services
Manuel Pastor, University of Southern California
Gino Pastori-Ng, Youth SEED
David Payne, Heritage Community Housing, Inc.
Eric Payne, State Center Community College District
Harold Pearson, Student Programming for Academic and
Athletic Transitioning
Robert Perez, Fenton Communications
Carmen Perez, Tides Center-Gathering for Justice
Arnold Perkins, Brotherhood of Elders Network
Darrin Person, Fresno Unified School District
Galen Peterson, United Roots Oakland
Robert Phillips, Sierra Health Foundation
Rise Phillips, T.H.E. Clinic
Marc Philpart, PolicyLink
Denise Pines, Smiley Group, Inc.
Denise Pines, Tavis Smiley Foundation
Elisabeth Pinio, Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism
Steven Pitts, UC Berkeley-Center for Labor Research and
Laura Weidman Powers, CODE2040
Marcellus Prentice, Bay View Hope CDC
Anne Price, Insight Center for Community Economic
Kalimah Priforce, Qeyno Labs
Lisa Prudek, Fansler Foundation
Jenn Rader, James Morehouse Project
Shaun Randolph, Deo V. Development and Investments
Maria Cristina Rangel, College Track
Richard Raya, Youth Radio
Stephen Redmond, Hayward Unified School District
Castle Redmond, The California Endowment
Raymond Reisler, S. Mark Taper Foundation
Chantal Reynolds, City of Oakland
Martin Reynolds, Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism
Boris Ricks, California State University, Northridge (CSUN)
Mark Ridley-Thomas, Office of Mark Ridley-Thomas - Los
Angeles, CA
Shawn Riggins, Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps
Stephanie Ritoper, UCLA - Labor Center
Martha Rivas, Youth Policy Institute
Timothy Roberts, Alameda County Social Services Agency
Ernest Roberts, Playa Vista Job Opportunities and Business
Services (PVJOBS)
Dick Roberts, Sally and Dick Roberts Coyote Foundation
Alberto Roca, DiverseScholar
Lauren Rodriguez, Leadership Learning Community
Sharifa Rohlehr, Bay Area Blacks in Philanthropy
Ryan Rosario, Biotech Partners
Robert Ross, The California Endowment
Tarik Ross, Sr., Amer-I-Can Foundation
Victor Rubin, PolicyLink
Jorge Ruiz de Velasco, Stanford University - John W. Gardner
Jacqueline Rushing, Young Scholars Program
Rasheed Salaam, Healthy Communities, Inc.
Sabrina Sanders, California State University Office of the
Luis Santana, Reading And Beyond
Diane Scearce, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
D'Artagnan Scorza, Social Justice Learning Institute
Jonathan Segarra, Mission Economic Development Agency
Nate Sessoms, Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade
Porter Sexton, Student Programming for Academic and Athletic
Irvin Shannon, West Angeles Community Development
Nina Shepherd, Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation
Suzanne Silverstein, Cedars-Sinai Psychological Trauma Center
Olis Simmons, Youth UpRising
Jeremiah Sims, Level Playing Field Institute
Jerry Sims, Young Scholars Program
Kamal Sinclair, Songha & Company, LLC
Sam Sinyangwe, PolicyLink
David Smiling, N/A
Onjewel M. Smith, American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation
Tony Smith, Oakland Unified School District
Earl Smith, Project Impact
Charles Smith, Raja Concepts, LLC
Tokiwa Smith, Science, Engineering and Mathematics Link Inc
Ryan Smith, United Way of Greater Los Angeles
James Smith, Youth Employment Solutions
Celsa Snead, The Mentoring Center
Seng So, Khmer Girls in Action
Noemi Soto, Coalition for Responsible Community Development
Marc Spencer, Juma Ventures
Barbara Staggers, Children's Hospital Oakland
Randi Kay Stephens, CCS Partnership
Liz Steyer, Athletic Scholars Advancement Program
Anand Subramanian, PolicyLink
Renee Sutton-Herzfeld, Community Child Care Center of
Alameda County
Cynthia Swann, Tavis Smiley Foundation
Sandre Swanson, Office of Mayor Jean Quan - Oakland, CA
Kymberly Taylor, United Black Student Unions of California (aka
Kids Youth Mentorship Services)--Southern Region
Clarence Lamont Terry, UCLA - Black Male Institute
Michael Thomas, Niroga Institute
Michael D. Thomas, Simpson, Garrity, Innes & Jacuzzi
Nathaniel Thompkins, Tides-Twenty-First Century Foundation
Debra Thompson, Merced County Black Chamber of Commerce
Jerry Thompson, Thompson Management
Mauricio Torre, South Bay Community Services
John Torres, Youth Alive
Tunua Trash, West Angeles Community Development
Jason Trimiew, REDF
Johnny Trujillo, Hope Now for Youth
Michael Tubbs, City of Stockton City Council
Paul Turner, West Angeles Community Development
Deen Tyler, Brotherhood of Elders Network
Admin Userr, PolicyLink
Moana Vercoe, Success in Challenges
Claudia Vierra Allen, East Bay Agency for Children
Natalia Vigil, Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth
Lisa Villarreal, The San Francisco Foundation
Linda Voong, Collaborative Tutoring
Joshua Wafer, Chrysalis Enterprises
Will Walker, Pacific Educational Group Foundation
Jeffery Wallace, Los Angeles Urban League
Gloria Walton, Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy
Education (SCOPE)
Amber Washington, PolicyLink
Debra Watkins, California Alliance of African American
Daphyne Watson, Mental Health America of San Diego County
Daphyne Watson, Mental Health of San Diego County
Charisse Bremond Weaver, Brotherhood Crusade
George Weaver, Brotherhood Crusade
Maurice Weeks, Alliance of Californians for Community
Laura Weidman Powers, CODE2040
Gloria Whitaker-Daniels, California Alliance of African American
Pete White, Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN)
Bryson White, PICO National Network - Faith in the Community
Lauren Williams, College Bound CA
Jesse Williams, FarWord Inc.
J.B. Williams, Santa Monica College Police Department
Carolyn Williams, Southern California Gas Company
Calvin Williams, Urban Strategies Council
Junious Williams, Urban Strategies Council
Amelia Williamson, Magic Johnson Foundation
Veronica Wilson, Fresno Street Saints
Chris Wilson, Gay-Straight Alliance Network
Geoffrey Winder, Gay-Straight Alliance Network
Luke Wood, San Diego State University
Paula Wood, Success in Challenges
Erica Woodland, Brown Boi Project
Sonya Young, Los Angeles Urban League
Jason Young, Mindblown Labs
Josiah Young Esq, Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson - Sacramento,
Carla Zamarripa, Brown Boi Project
Lauren Casteel, Denver Foundation
Juston Cooper, Colorado Juvenile Defender Coalition
Melissa DeShields, Frontline Solutions
Francisco Gallardo, Gang Rescue and Support Project (GRASP)
John Riley, Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
Michael Sapp, City of Denver
Dedrick Sims, Sims-Fayola International Academy
Jabari Smith, Jabari Inspires
Otis Spears, Otis Spears Enterprises, LLC
Faith Wassink, Brandes Associates, Inc.
Cynthia Chan, The Community Foundation for Greater New
Kenn Harris, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
Benjamin Jackson, Stamford Alumni Chapter Leadership
Development Institute
Howard Jean-Denis, Green Competitive Advantage
Chrystal Moore, Women's Serenity House, Inc.
Cassandra Codes-Johnson, Codes-Johnson Consulting, LLC
Kashmir Goins, GoKash Productions
Michele Jackson, The Jackson Project
Greg Acs, Urban Institute
Charles Adams, SEED Public Charter School
Maria Anderson, Concerned Black Men National
Deven Anderson, Kid Power, Inc.
Leon Andrews, National League of Cities
Niiobli Armah, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People
Algernon Austin, Economic Policy Institute
Bobby Austin, Planning Committee on the Status of African
American Men
Mia Bailey, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
Margery F. Baker, People for the American Way Foundation
Monifa Bandele, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
Dennis J. Barbour, The Boys Initiative
Melody Barnes, White House Domestic Policy Council
Sherry Bellamy, Leftwich & Ludaway
M. Victoria Bellard, District of Columbia Public Schools
Jamila Bey, Big Chair Chess Club
Deborah Bey, Rising Tides
Kisha Bird, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Jerrilyn Black, National League of Cities
Claire Blumenson, School Justice Project
Aaron Bobik, Venture Philanthropy Partners
Jermane Bond, Healthy Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political
and Economic Studies
Jermane Bond, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
La'Sondrick Bridges, Concerned Black Men National
Diallo Brooks, People for the American Way Foundation
Eugene Brown, Big Chair Chess Club
Mary Brown, Life Pieces To Masterpieces, Inc
Randall Brown, US Department of Health and Human Services
Kathryn Brown, Verizon DC
John Brown, White House Initiatives on Historically Black
Colleges and Universities, DOE
Judith Browne-Dianis, Advancement Project
Rhonda Bryant, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
George Bumbray, N/A
Maurice Buntin, Concerned Black Men National
Dennis Burroughs, Concerned Black Men National
Kenneth Campbell, Black Alliance for Educational Options
Melanie Campbell, National Coalition on Black Civic
Thom Campbell, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
Paul Carttar, The Bridgespan Group
Michael Casserly, Council of Great City Schools
Kia Chatmon, Concerned Black Men National
Marianna Chauvin, Common Health Action
Carol Thompson Cole, Venture Philanthropy Partners
Sarah Comeau, School Justice Project
Ebony Daughtry, Education Trust
Samantha Davis, Black Swan Academy
Ryan Davis, United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
Joshua DuBois, Values Partnerships
Arne Duncan, US Department of Education
Michael Eric Dyson, Georgetown University
Marian Wright Edelman, Children's Defense Fund
Leonard Edwards, N/A
Robert Entman, George Washington University School of Media
and Public Affairs
Timothy Evans, National League of Cities
Raleigh Fatoki, Golden Eye Recruiting
Thaddeus Ferber, The Forum for Youth Investment
Hana Fleary, Advancement Project
Rachel Friedman, Men Can Stop Rape
George Garrow, Jr., Concerned Black Men National
Sarah Gesiriech, 127 Global Strategies
Nate Giles III, Concerned Black Men National
Steve Glaude, City of District of Columbia
Nicholas Gourdine, Change for the King
Tobeka Green, DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI)
Melissa Greenberg, White House Domestic Policy Council
Kedrick Griffin, Urban Alliance
Calvin Hadley, The Institute for Responsible Citizenship
Edward Hailes, Advancement Project
John Harper, The Institute for Responsible Citizenship
Linda Harris, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Liz Havstad, Hip Hop Caucus Education Fund, Inc.
Kati Haycock, Education Trust
Mark Hernandez, Concerned Black Men National
Elijah Heyward, The Institute for Responsible Citizenship
Jonathan Hicks, The BET Foundation
Eleanor Holmes-Norton, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Alan Houseman, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Marjorie Innocent, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Neil Irvin, Men Can Stop Rape
Monique Jackson, Children of the Light, Inc.
Christal Jackson, Head and Heart Philanthropy
David Johns, White House Initiative on Educational Excellence
for African Americans
Alexis McGill Johnson, American Values Institute
Earl Johnson, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
David Johnson, US Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Secretary
Malcolm Jones, US Green Building Council (USGBC)
Sean Jones, World Learning, Inc
Kendall Joyner, Hands On Greater DC Cares
Michael Keegan, People for the American Way Foundation
William Kellibrew, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
William Keyes, The Institute for Responsible Citizenship
Maleka Lawrence, Education Trust
Debra Lee, The BET Foundation
Richard Lewis, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Quentin Liggins, DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI)
Jalaya Liles, Children's Defense Fund
Chris Lloyd, Verizon DC
Sonya Lockett, The BET Foundation
Chris Longstreet, Concerned Black Men National
Tom Maridada, Children's Defense Fund
Lisa Marlow, PICO National Network
Javier Martinez, US Congress
Aisha May, Vision of Victory Community Development
LaRuby May, Vision of Victory Community Development
Leila McDowell, Advancement Project
Shree Medlock, Black Alliance for Educational Options
Linda Mellgren, US Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Secretary
Monique Miles, Aspen Institute
Monique Miles, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
Joy Moore, Campaign for Grade Level Reading
Mario Morino, Venture Philanthropy Partners
David Muhammad, N/A
Nekosi Nelson, DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI)
Natasha Noel, Concerned Black Men National
Nabavi Oliver, SMART Insights Group, LLC
Wendy Osefo, DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI)
Kristal Owens, Empowerment Center
Tyrone C Parker, Alliance of Concernd Men
Lee Christian Parker, The Community Foundation for the
National Capital Region
Steve Patrick, Aspen Institute
Emily Persons, N/A
Lena Prince, Zambia Orphans of AIDS (ZOA)-US
Sombo Pujeh, Strengthening Our Ancestors Roots
Scott Roberts, Advancement Project
A.J. Robinson, Symphonic Strategies
Wayne Salter, Concerned Black Men National
Chad Sawyer, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
Ayris Scales, DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI)
Joe Scantlebury, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Eugene Schneeberg, White House Center for Faith-based and
Neighborhood Partnerships
Ben Seigel, US Department of Labor-Center for Faith-based and
Neighborhood Partnerships
Charles Sharp, Black Emergency Managers Association
Wendy Shenefelt, Children's Defense Fund
Jeff Simms, US Department of Health and Human Services-Office
of the Secretary
Jeannette Simon, Concerned Black Men National
Michael Smith, Case Foundation
Edward Smith-Lewis, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Elaine Sorensen, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
Jonathan Stith, Alliance for Educational Justice
Kyle Storms, Urban Alliance Foundation, Inc.
Lester Strong, AARP Experience Corps
Tom Tauke, Verizon DC
Mala Thakur, National Youth Employment Coalition (NYEC)
Lisa Thomas, American Federation of Teachers
Ivory Toldson, The Journal of Negro Education/Howard
Vicki Turetsky, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
Tonya Tyson, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
Alisha Vieira, American Values Institute
Jacob Waites, Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) DC
Curtis Watkins, National Homecomers Academy
Gordon Whitman, PICO National Network
John Wilson, N/A
Garland Yates, Neighborhood Funders Group
Rev Yearwood, Hip Hop Caucus Education Fund, Inc.
Diana Zarzuelo, White House Domestic Policy Council
Philip Agnew, Dream Defenders
Aileen Alon, Opa-Locka Community Development Corporation
Kristal Armstrong, Young Fathers of Central Florida, Inc.
Irvin Cohen, Edward Waters College
Benjamin de la Peña, Knight Foundation
Kenneth Duke, St. John Primitive Baptist Church
Lisa Early, City of Orlando
Nicole Foster, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Miami
Rodney Foxworth, Black Male Engagement
Rafael Franklin, National CARES Mentoring Movement - South
Andrew Gillum, City of Tallahassee
Donna Frisby Greenwood, Knight Foundation
Charles Griggs, 100 Black Men of Jacksonville, Inc.
Christian Guerrier, Millennials Project, Inc.
Meredith Hector, Knight Foundation
Anthony HIll, Office of Mayor Alvin Brown - Jacksonville, FL
Tammie Holt, Strengthening Our Sons, Inc.
Phyllis Hubbard, Radiant Health Strategies, LLC
Alberto Ibargüen, Knight Foundation
Kevin Jones, City of West Palm Beach
Ashley Smith Juarez, The Chartrand Foundation
Eric Kelly, Quantum Foundation
Monica Knight, Seminole County Public Schools
Carl Lavender, Concerned Organization for Quality Education for
Black Students (COQEBS)
Lionel Lightbourne, Solutions for Saving Black Boys
Benjamin MacConnell, Direct Action and Research Training
Center (DART)
Malcolm Macleod, Johnson Scholarship Foundation
Brenda March, City of Orlando
Dr. Ralph Martin, Rkrm Consulting Inc.
Michael McMahon, Institute for Workforce Innovation
Desmond Meade, Florida Rights Restoration Coalition
Robert Morris, Florida International University
Terry Newton, Palm Beach County Government
Haki Nkrumah, Young Fathers of Central Florida
Mikelange Olbel, Team Saving Our Youth, Inc.
Bernard Oliver, University of Florida
Neil Phillips, Visible Men Academy
Jennifer Porter-Smith, Nap Ford Community School
Glenn Providence, City of Orlando
Zara Rahim, City of Tampa
Marlene Resnick, Visible Men Academy
Belinda Reyes, Orange County Public Schools
Samantha Richardson, The Gathering of Women Inc.
Shirley Riochardson, M Ensemble Company, Inc
Ernest Robinson, Run Your Race Foundation
Dave Roman, City of Jacksonville
Dave Roman, Office of Mayor Alvin Brown - Jacksonville, FL
Harold Scott, Florida State University
Summer Hill Seven, Poemedy.TV
Kathleen Shaw, The Community Foundation in Jacksonville
Trabian Shorters, Black Male Engagement
Daniel Smith, The Crescent Foundation, Inc.
Tracy Tousey, Do Something Great Today Foundation
Chris Vastine, Knight Foundation
Cherrise Wilks, Logistics Business Consulting Group, Inc.
Rodney Williams, City of Orlando
Rashaun Williams, Phresh Perspectives
Larry Williams, Simeon Resource and Development Center for
Men, Inc.
Hannah Wittmer, Direct Action and Research Training Center
Marcia Atkins, Center For HOPE
Leah Austin, Annie E. Casey Foundation- Atlanta Civic Site
Lewis Autor, Destiny: The Rock of Escape
Tiffany Banks, National CARES Mentoring Movement
Kimberly Bates, Partnership for Southern Equity
Malik Bellamy, Bella Management
David Patrick Bickham, N/A
Spencer Casseus,
Troy Causey, A Better Tomorrow, Inc.
Alexis Crawford, MACTEC Engineering & Consulting
Jim Crisp, Theatre Macon
Diann Dawson, DDA & Associates
Rick Dunn, Clarke County School District
Francheska Freedom, Male Action Coalition
Cicley Gay, National CARES Mentoring Movement
Anthony Gee, The Carthage Capital Group
Sandra Goodridge, National CARES Mentoring Movement
Aaron Gray, The Legacy Movement
Robert Charles Green, National CARES Mentoring Movement
Muhammad Hameed, usePULSE
Harold Hamilton, 100 Black Men of North Metro Atlanta, Inc.
Milano Harden, The Genius Group
Sakinah Harrison, United Way Atlanta
Delmar Harrod, N/A
Jeff Hodges, YMPmedia1Network
Dana Irwin-Golowich, Cobb County School District
Chloe Jackson, N/A
Van Johnson, City of Savannah
Jessica Johnson, The Scholarship Academy, Inc.
Donovan Lee-Sin, Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
John Lewis, Georgia's Fifth Congressional District
Adrienne Lance Lucas, Kid Entrepreneurs Need Opportunities
Foundation, Inc (KENO)
Bryant Marks, Morehouse College-Morehouse Male Initative
Atiba Mbiwan, The Zeist Foundation
Dumaka Moultrie, LIFE Preparatory Academy
Jinan O'Conner, Advancement Via Individual Determination
(AVID) - Eastern Division
Arlethia Perry-Johnson, University System of Georgia's AfricanAmerican Male Initiative (AAMI)
Folami Prescott-Adams, Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP)Metro Atlanta
Robert Randall, Northeast High School
Nathaniel Smith, Partnership for Southern Equity
Donald Speaks, Morehouse College School of Medicine
Kelli Stewart, L.E.A.D., Inc. (Launch, Expose, Advise, Direct)
Geoff Streat, University System of Georgia's African-American
Male Initiative (AAMI)
Susan Taylor, National CARES Mentoring Movement
Isaiah Thomas, NBA TV
Elishah Thompson, The Talented Tenth Program
Marlyn Tillman, Gwinnett Parent Coalition to Dismantle the
School to Prison Pipeline
Charles Walker, Partnership for Southern Equity
Gerald Washington, Steve Harvey World Group
Shawntel White, SOA Event Concepts
Lorelei Williams, National CARES Mentoring Movement
Bob Wise, University System of Georgia's African-American Male
Initiative (AAMI)
Mychal Wynn, Foundation For Ensuring Access And Equity
Carol Adams, DuSable Museum of African American History
Michelle Adler Morrison, Youth Guidance
Ellen Alberding, The Joyce Foundation
Roseanna Ander, The Joyce Foundation
Michael Anthony, Oakton Community College
Molly Baltman, Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Jami Becka, The Black Star Project
Michael Bennett, DePaul University
Ken Bennett, City of Chicago
Shannon Bennett, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization
Deborah Bennett, Polk Bros. Foundation
Ray Bentley, Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
Victur Blackful,
Andre Boulrece, Chicago Urban League
Leroy Bowers, Veterans Neighborhood Builders Association, Inc
Tiauna Boyd, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference Inc.
Eva Brown, Metropolitan Family Services
Donnie Brown, Genesis Housing Development Corporation
James Bryson, Illinois Central College
Michael Burns, City of Chicago
Sharon Bush, Grand Victoria Foundation
Iva Carruthers, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference Inc.
Isaac Carter, Paul Robeson High School-Black in the Game
Multicultural Group
Cathy Cohen, University of Chicago - Black Youth Project (BYP)
Kedar Coleman, University of Chicago - Black Youth Project (BYP)
TJ Crawford, National CARES Mentoring Movement
William Davis, Governors State University
Harold Davis, Talks Mentoring
Dorothy Davis, The Black Star Project
Evelyn Diaz, City of Chicago
Kelly Dickens, Urban Prep Academies
Victor Dickson, Safer Foundation
Aleen Donaldson, National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. Mu
Dallas Donnell, University of Chicago - Black Youth Project (BYP)
Jason Eano, The Remix Project
Bryan Echols, Metropolitan Area Group for Igniting Civilization,
Inc. (MAGIC)
Ric Estrada, Metropolitan Family Services
Shayne Evans, University of Chicago Charter School
Marcus Flenaugh, South Side Help Center
Pat Ford, Steans Family Foundation
Andre Garner, Chicagoland Social Enterprise Development
Richard Glass, Urban Prep Academies
Richard Glass Jr., Urban Prep Academies
Rodney Gore, Kappa Leadership Institute - Chicago
Tina Green, City of North Chicago
Troy Harden, Chicago State University
Dr. Kirk E. Harris, Fathers, Families, and Healthy Communities
Robert Harris, Museum of Science and Industry Chicago
Michael Holmes, Illinois African American Family Commission
Craig Howard, MacArthur Foundation
Grace Howe, Woods Fund Chicago
Terry Husband, Illinois State University College of Education
Dr. Toni Irving, Get In Chicago
Phillip Jackson, The Black Star Project
Corey Jenkins, The Remix Project
Bennett Johnson, Third World Press
Dr. Waldo E. Johnson, University of Chicago - Center for the
Study of Race, Politics, and Culture
Virgil Jones, LINK Unlimited
James Jones, Heartland Alliance - National Transitional Jobs
Tim King, Urban Prep Academies
Iris Krieg, Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation
G. Sequane Lawrence, Fathers, Families, and Healthy
Communities (FFHC)
Michael Levesque, Leap Learning Systems
Keith Lewis, DePaul University
Evan Lewis, Urban Prep Academies
Anthony Lowery, Safer Foundation
Bill Lowry, The Chicago Community Trust
Haki Madhubuti, Third World Press
Paula Madison, Williams Group Holdings LLC --Madison Media
Management LLC
J. Brian Malone, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization
Hina Mammood, Woods Fund Chicago
Clifton Manneh, N/A
Kierna Mayo, Johnson Publishing Co.
Terry Mazany, The Chicago Community Trust
Dominique McKoy, Urban Prep Academies
Tawa Mitchell, City of Chicago
Helen Mitchell, Office of US Representative Danny Davis
Kenneth Moody, Economic Recovery Institute
Joseph Moore, Baptist General State Convention of Illinois
Gerald Morrow, Paul Robeson High School-Black in the Game
Multicultural Group
Wendell Mosby, Just WIMP Company
Khaleelah Muhammad, Nation of Islam - Speakers Bureau
Eleanor Murkey, N/A
Karin Norrington Reaves, Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
Brenda Palms Barber, North Lawndale Employment Network
Mark Payne, City of Chicago
Aurie Pennick, Field Foundation
Lawrence Pickett, PKA Chicago
J. Afrika Porter-Ollarvia, Afrika Enterprises
David. R. Powell, Genesis Lodge #33
Howard Rambsy II, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Toya Randall, Casey Family Programs
Muhammad Raqib, Real Men Talk
Jim Reynolds, Loop Capital
Harold Rice, Albany Park Community Center
John Rogers, Ariel Investments
Desiree Rogers, Johnson Publishing Co.
Alex Roseborough, Fathers, Families In Transition
Ira Rounsaville, Chicago Public Schools
Amy Rynell, Heartland Alliance - National Transitional Jobs
Brian Samuels, University of Chicago - Chapin Hall
Charles Scott, Garvey/Tubman Cultural Arts&Research Center
Antoine Scroggins, N/A
L. Anton Seals, Jr., Kartemqin Films
Sheldon Smith, The DoveTail Project
Unmi Song, Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Peter St. Jean, Peaceful World Movement
Erin Starkey, SGA Youth & Family Services
Norris Steves, City of Chicago
Sharifa Stewart, Generation B.L.E.S.S.
Lindoria Storey, Pathway to Peace
Julian Stratton, Cook County Juvenile Advisory Council
Shannon Sullivan, Illinois Safe Schools Alliance
Jo-Anne Terrell, Chicago Police Department
Lynn Todman, Adler School of Professional Psychology
William Towns, University of Chicago - Office of Civic
Jhatayn Travis, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization
Shaan Trotter, Northwestern University-Lurie Cancer Center
Agyei Tyehimba, Tyehimba Consulting Services
Kim Van Horne, Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
Chris Warland, Heartland Alliance - National Transitional Jobs
Mandel Williams, Knights of Omega Foundation
Diane Williams, Safer Foundation
Bob Wordlaw, Chicago Jobs Council-Fathers, Families, and
Healthy Communities (FFHC)
Melissa Young, Heartland Alliance - National Transitional Jobs
John Zigler, DePaul University
Andrea Zopp, Chicago Urban League
Michael Baird, Boys & Girls Club of Northwest Indiana
Alicia Baird, USA Funds
Patrick Barry, Missio. Philanthropic
Mark Becker, Office of Mayor Tom Henry - Fort Wayne, IN
Samuel Cargile, Lumina Foundation
Stephanie Crandall, Office of Mayor Tom Henry - Fort Wayne, IN
Garry Hamilton, City of Fort Wayne
Ontay Johnson, 100 Black Men of Indianapolis
Susan Johnson, Lumina Foundation
Derrius Quarles, Million Dollar Scholar
Lars Rascoe, Boys II Men, Inc.
Jonathan Ray, Fort Wayne Commission on African American
Kathryn Roos, City of South Bend
Rusell Skiba, Equity Project at Indiana University
Tina Gridiron Smith, Lumina Foundation
Olgen Williams, City of Indianapolis
Chuck Wilson, Agency for Instructional Technology
Izaah Knox, African American Leadership Forum
Izaah Knox, Des Moines Area Community College
Alex Kolker, United Way of the Quad Cities Area
Dwight Miller, The Greater Men Foundation
Frederick Newell, Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County
Bruce Bynum, Kansas Children's Service League
Lazone Grays, Jr., IBSA, Inc.
Jerica Sherrell, N/A
Jon Auslander-Price, KentuckianaWorks
Shannah Banks, Housing Authority of Bowling Green
Eileen Blanton, Peace Education Program
Atif Bostic, Citi Community Development
Glenn Brown, City of Lexington
Khalilah Collins, The Center for Women and Families
Dwayne Compton, Minority Teacher Recruitment Project
Arthur Cox, St. George's Community Center
Cheryl Ford, Black Butterfly, Inc.
Melissa Gordon, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America of
Abigail Gordon, St. George's Community Center
Stacey Hamilton-Nance, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana
D'artagnan Ramsey, Urban Males to College
Anthony Smith, Office of Mayor Greg Fischer - Louisville, KY
Jeri Swinton, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana
Daryle Unseld, Metro United Way
Elise Adams, The Friends of King School District
Raymond Allmon, Stand for Children
Chandra Anderson, Anderson Consults
Ethan Ashley, Black Alliance for Educational Options
Evola Bates, Southern University System
Warren Bell, Southern University System
Samantha Bickham, Gulf Coast Funders for Equity
Eliza Brinkmeyer, Youth Empowerment Project
James Carter, City of New Orleans
Drusilla Carter, New St John Baptist Church Academy
Carolyn Carter, The Metamorphosis Project
Blake Clark, N/A
Charles Corprew, Loyola University
Sarah Dunnagan, Families and Friends of Louisiana's
Incarcerated Children
Roxanne Franklin, City of New Orleans
Ashleigh Gardere, City of New Orleans
Greta Gladney, The Renaissance Project
Norris Henderson, Voice of the Ex-Offender
Leroy Hollins, II, Louisiana Academy
Larry Irvin, Brothers Empowered to Teach (BE2T)
Nicole Jolly, Partnership for Youth Development
Kristyna Jones, Brothers Empowered to Teach Initiative (BE2T)
Christine Jordan, Entergy Corporation
Jerome Jupiter, Youth Empowerment Project
Mitch Landrieu, City of New Orleans
Bivian Lee, Son of a Saint Foundation
Corlita Mahr Spreen, Voice of the Ex-Offender
Rayne Martin, Stand for Children
Ronald Mason, Jr., Southern University System
Darrin McCall, Youth Empowerment Project
Judy Morse, Office of Mayor Mitch Landrieu - City of New
Willie Muhammad, Youth Empowerment Project
Minh Nguyen, Vietnamese American Young Leaders Association
of New Orleans (VAYLA-NO)
John Pierre, Southern University Law Center
Leola Placide, Hopkin Street Renaissance Association
Wanda Ramirex, Young Men in Transition, Inc.
Wanda Ramirez, Young Men in Transition, Inc.
Gregory Rattler Jr., Loyola University-New Orleans Fatherhood
Petrice Sams-Abiodun, Loyola University-New Orleans
Fatherhood Consortium
Melissa Sawyer, Youth Empowerment Project
Terrence Scott, Junebug Productions, Inc.
Tyronne Walker, City of New Orleans
Charles West, City of New Orleans
Gina B. Womack, Families and Friends of Louisiana's
Incarcerated Children
Bettina Abbott, The Osisis Group
Terence Arrington, City of Salisbury
Terrence Arrington, City of Salisbury
Aisha Audu, A3 Foundation
Sandra Avila, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Barbara Babb, University of Baltimore Foundation
Djenaba Bahar, CollegeBound Foundation
Amy Battjer, The Hatcher Group
Antoine Bennett, Men of Valuable Action (MOVA)
Ann Billingsley, Hoffberger Family Foundation
Natacha Blain, Grantmakers for Children, Youth, and Families
Roslyn Booker, Center for Urban Families
Stacey Bouchet, Women In Fatherhood, Inc.
Tony Bowen, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Brenda Boyd, TuTTie's Place
Lawrence Brown, Morgan State University- School of
Community Health and Policy (SCHP)
Peter Bruun, Art on Purpose
Shawn Burnett, Walks of Art
Tonee Buwana, D.R.Lynes, VTP LLC
Leon Caldwell, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Jennifer Campbell, The Carpenter House, Inc.
Rod Carter, Black Professional Men Inc.
Gardnel Carter, Safe Streets East
Emmanuel Cephas, N/A
Emmanuel Cephas Jr., Human Storm, LLC
Christina Church, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater
Rob Clark, Family League of Baltimore
Nadia Clarke, Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL
Bill Clarke, Osprey Foundation
Derek Daniel, Prince George's County Public Schools
Tanika Davis, The Hatcher Group
Steve Delice, Coppin State University
Monique Dixon, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Alexis Dobbins, WriteRelations
Rachel Donegan, Promise Heights
Paula Dressel, JustPartners, Inc.
Julie Drizin, Journalism Center on Children and Families
Kiera Edwards, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Ernest Elliott, Black Administrators in Child Welfare
Jennifer Epstein, Baltimore City Health Department
Therman Evans, Mentoring to Manhood
Clayton Evans, N/A
Tongelar Everett, Mentoring to Manhood
Ron Fairchild, Campaign for Grade Level Reading
William Fay, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Matt Fischer, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake
Sue Fothergill, Baltimore's Safe & Sound Campaign
Brandon Frame, The Black Man Can
Kristi France, The Carpenter House, Inc.
Jackie L. Gibson, In the Meantime...Mentoring Inc.
Crystal Glover, Baltimore City Public Schools
Doni Glover,
Brian Gray, CUPs Coffeehouse
Cirron Lanier Greenidge, Encouraging The World
Gillian Gregory, Promise Heights Promise Neighborhood
Edward Griffin, A Touch of Class Cleaning Service
Veronica Grimes, Promise Heights Promise Neighborhood
Trevor Hale, Wide Angle Youth Media
Julia Hayman Hamilton, Women In Fatherhood, Inc.
Matt Hanna, Next One Up
Richard Harris, GROUP Ministries
Elder C.W. Harris, Strength to Love II
Gayle Headen, Union Baptist Head Start
Lydell Henry, Beat the Streets - Baltimore
Fanon Hill, Art on Purpose
Page Hinerman, Center for Urban Families
Daniel Hirschhorn, Blaustein Philanthropic Group
Erin Hodge- Williams, Higher Achievement- Baltimore
Sam Holmes, Art on Purpose
Robert Howze, Mentoring to Manhood
Adam Jackson, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle (LBS)
Charles Jackson, N/A
William Jawando, Discovery Communications
Ben Jealous, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People
Robert Johns, Reaching Your Horizon
Nicole Johnson, East Baltimore Development Inc.
Branden Johnson, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People
Melissa Johnson, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People
Joseph Jones, Center for Urban Families
Phyllis Jordan, The Hatcher Group
Teresa King, National Federation of Families for Children's
Mental Health (NFFCMH)
Pam King, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Pamela King, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Terris King, II, The Black Man Can
Christine Kirkley, Next One Up
Amy Kleine, Center for Urban Families
Muata Langley, NPO 360 Solutions
Laura Latta, Family League of Baltimore
Philip Lee, Results Leadership Group, LLC
Eliza Leighton, Casa de Maryland
Dayvon Love, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle (LBS)
Tonya Mackin, Athletes Mentored to Achieve Greatness
Robert Malone, Mentoring to Manhood
Olga Maltseva, Camden Partners
LaRon Martin, Center City Public Charter Schools
Ganesha Martin, City of Baltimore
Stephanie McGencey, Grantmakers for Children, Youth, and
William McIntyre, 100 Black Men of Maryland
Natalie Meade, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater
Garry A. Mendez Jr., National Trust for the Development of
African-American Men
David Miller, Urban Leadership Institute
Michael Moore, Greater Love Community Church
Diana Morris, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Janks Morton, iYAGO Entertainment Group
David L. Nash, National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Lisa Nkonoki, Women In Fatherhood, Inc.
Cory Odol, Easter Seals Services
Tenille Patterson, Center for Urban Families
Matt Prestbury, Black Fathers Radio
Floyd Price, The People's Community Baptist Church
Anton Pridget, GROUP Ministries
Dean Radcliffe-Lynes, D.R.Lynes, VTP LLC
Akil K. Rahim, AKRA - AC Learning Design Studios
Selwyn Ray, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake
Jean Albert Renaud, Protect Yourself 1 Inc.
Jackie Rhodes, Center for Urban Families
Joe Rooney, Brookings Institute
Bashi Rose, Direct Responses Alleviate Misdirected Aggression
Program (DRAMA)
Debra Rubino, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Muhammad Salaam, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Wendy Samet, Goldsmith Family Foundation
Bari Schwartz, CollegeBound Foundation
Michael Scott, Equity Matters (Baltimore's Place Matters Site)
Dorelle Scott, The People's Community Baptist Church
Karin Sheets, Mentoring to Manhood
Beshon Smith, Baltimore City Public Schools
Ralph Smith, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Donald Smith, Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of Metropolitan
Donald Malcolm Smith, Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation of
Metropolitan Baltimore
Emily Smith, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Davine Snead, Bowie State University
Billy Stanfield, New Vision Youth Services
Billy Stanfield Jr., New Vision Youth Services
Alvin Starks, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People
Jane Sundius, Open Society Institute-Baltimore
Luther Thompson, Youth Empowered Society Drop-In Center
Jacob Waites, TIME
Vernon Wallace, Center for Urban Families
Sophia Ward, Center for Urban Families
David Warnock, Center for Urban Families
R. Wesley Webb, 100 Black Men of Maryland
Tracey Webb,
Joy Weems, Center for Urban Families
Elijah Wheeler, Montgomery County Collaboration Council for
Children, Youth and Families
Tonya Wiley, T Wiley and Associates
Andrea Williams-Ali, Namique Creations
James Worthy, Center for Urban Families
Jess Young, Annie E. Casey Foundation
David Abelman, Tufts Health Plan Foundation
Nikki Andrade, N/A
Ron Ashford, US Department of Housing and Urban
Ellen Bass, Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston, Inc.
Barbara Best, Harvard Kennedy School Center for Public
Willie Bodrick, Boston Rising
Doug Borchard, New Profit Inc.
Kathleen Boundy, Center for Law and Education
Anthony Britt, City Year
Dana Brown, Malden Public Schools
Hehershe Busuego, The Boston Foundation
Darrell Byers, WBUR
Duncan Campbell, Friends of the Children
Bithiah Carter, Grand Circle Foundation
Bethiah Carter, New England Blacks in Philanthropy
Selvin Chambers, The Food Project
Gerald Chertavian, Year Up
Rebecca Coleman, Root Cause
Jody Cornish, Root Cause
Carlton J. Cosby, US Department of Housing and Urban
Damon Cox, Boston Rising
Cherie Craft, Smart from the Start, Inc.
Mary Ann Crayton, Boston Public Schools
Gregg Crouteau, UTEC
Ceronne Daly, Wheelock College Pre-Collegiate and College
Access Program
Tiziana Dearing, Boston Rising
Anand Dholakia, Root Cause
Rahn Dorsey, Barr Foundation
April Dortch, Young People's Project
Shawna Ellis, Schott Foundation for Public Education
Yordanos Eyoel, New Profit Inc.
Zeina Fayyaz, Root Cause
Inez Foster, City of Boston
Kerry Foster, Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
Jill Frankfort, Persistence Plus
Ankita Gandhi, Root Cause
Adria Goodson, Hunt Alternatives Fund
Andrew Grant-Thomas, Proteus Fund
Tiffany Gueye, Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL
Christopher Harris, The Boston Foundation
Jeffrey Hawkins, Sankaty Advisors
Tony Howland, Howland Capital Management
Liberty I-Mortal, LibertyMusic Commitment Africa
Kimberly Jackson, Root Cause
John Jackson, Schott Foundation for Public Education
Nigel Jacob, City of Boston
Benjapon Jivasantikarn, Root Cause
Hubie Jones, City Year
Chris Jones, Dudley Street Neighborhood Inititiative
Audrey Jordan, Boston Rising
Esther Kaplan, Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
Stephanie Koh, Root Cause
Moses Landrum, City of Boston
Curtis Lawson, Lawsontech Enterprises
Sally Sharp Lehman, Strategic Grant Partners
Jacqueline Lewis, New Profit Inc.
Robert Lewis Jr., The Boston Foundation
Rachel Lieberman, The DREAM Program
Chuck Longfield, Blackbaud
Eliza Love, Root Cause
George Luse, Massachusetts Teachers Association
Kellen Massie, Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
Ron McCray, Boston Celtics
Travis McCready, The Boston Foundation
Makeeba McCreary, Boston Rising
Joe McGrail Jr., State Street Foundation
Tom McKenna, Roca
Joe McKown, National Center on Time & Learning
Brianne Miers, Root Cause
Alfred Miller Jr, Schott Foundation for Public Education
Celina Miranda, Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation
Jameelah Morris, Root Cause
Maisha Moses, Young People's Project
Reenie Murphy, City of Newton
Susan Musinsky, Root Cause
Prathama Nabi, Root Cause
Mamadou Ndiaye, Jobs for the Future
Natasha Noel, United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack
Nolizwe Nondabula, YouthBuildUSA
Nwando Obele, United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack
Andrew Offit, City of Somerville
Imari Paris Jeffries, Jumpstart
Laura Perille, EdVestors
Brian Potts, Fiduciary Trust Company
Colleen Richards Powell, Massachusetts Convention Center
Stephen Pratt, Root Cause
Kathy Quigley, Germantown Neighborhood Center, YMCA
Anne Radday, Root Cause
Walter Raleigh Higgs, The Greater Boston Morehouse College
Alumni Association (GBMCAA)
Frank Reid, III, Bethel AME Church
George Russell, State Street Corporation
Cassie Schwerner, Schott Foundation for Public Education
David Shapiro, MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership
Nicole Sharpe, Schott Foundation for Public Education
Sylvia Simmons, Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation
Anthony Simmons, Schott Foundation for Public Education
Erika Smith, Myra Kraft Transitional Year Program at Brandeis
Stanley Smith, State Street Global Markets
Marci Spector, New Profit Inc.
Will Stansbury, roundCorner
Colette Stanzler ,Root Cause
Mike Stevens, N/A
Josh Stroman, Greater Works
Brianna Sullivan, Root Cause
Roger Swartz, Health Resources in Action
Tammy Tai, MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership
Marquis Taylor, Coaching For Change, Inc.
Margot Tyler, Families United in Educational Leadership (FUEL)
Sean Vann, Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
Steve Vassor, MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership
Johanna Wald, Harvard Law School-Charles Hamilton Houston
Institute for Race and Justice (CHHIRJ)
Ron Walker, Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
Carl Walker, Germantown Neighborhood Center, YMCA
Orlando Watkins, The Boston Foundation
Yanina Wolfe, Root Cause
Andrew Wolk, Root Cause
David Wright, Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston, Inc.
Sarah Yun, Root Cause
Ethan Zuckerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center
for Civic Media
Alford Young Jr., Scholars Network on Black Masculinity
Alice Thompson, Black Family Development, Inc.
Alicia Jones, Harmony Point Comuter Training Center (CTC)
Allan Washington, National Guide Right (Detroit)
Amy Morley, Harriet Tubman Center for the Recruitment and
Development of Community Organizers
Andre' Dandridge,
Andrew Gatewood, Kresge Foundation
Angela Reyes, Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation
Angela Richardson, New Detroit Incorporated
Angela Waters Austin, One Love Global
Antoine Jackson, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit
Arielle Milton, The Skillman Foundation
Armond Harris, Networkingout, LLC
Beverly Brown, Michigan Department of Education
Bill O'Brien, Harriet Tubman Center for the Recruitment and
Development of Community Organizers
Blandina Rose, Black Family Development, Inc.
Bobbie Smith, New Detroit Incorporated
Brook Ellis, Wayne State University
Carla Thomas, N/A
Charles Daniel, ACTS, Inc
Charles Ellis III, Greater Grace Temple
Charles G. Adams, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church
Charles Pugh, City of Detroit
Charles Small, Don Bosco Hall, Inc.
Cheryl Hiathco, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit
Chris Stallworth, Council of Michigan Foundations
Christine Gavin-Patterson, Don Bosco Hall, Inc.
Christopher L. Rizik, Renaissance Venture Capital Fund
Clement Brown Jr., FAME SHOP
Curtis Lipscomb, KICK-The Agency for LGBT African-Americans
Daniel Patton, Harriet Tubman Center for the Recruitment and
Development of Community Organizers
Daniel Varner, Excellent Schools Detroit
Dara Munson, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit
Darryl Redmond, Faith Chapel Reformed Church
Dave Bing, City of Detroit
David Campbell, McGregor Fund
David Cherry, City Connect Detroit
David Gamlin, New Detroit Incorporated
David McGhee, Mott Community College
David O. Egner, Hudson-Webber Foundation
DeAndre' Calvert, The Children's Center
Dennis Talbert, Empower Outreach, Inc
Derek Blackmon, Black Family Development, Inc.
Dierk Hall, City Connect Detroit
Donele Wilkins, Green Door Initiative
Donna Givens Williams, Youth Development Commission
Donna Murray-Brown, Michigan Nonprofit Association
Douglas Stewart, Max and Marjorie Fisher Foundation
Dwayne Barnes, DMBJ Strategic Relations, LLC
Dwayne Logwood, N/A
Ebony P. White, WK Kellogg Foundation
Eddie Connor, Boyz 2 Books
Edgar L. Vann, Second Ebenezer Church
Edmund Lewis, Minority Males for Higher Education
Edwina King, City of Detroit
Emmet Mitchell, The Milestone Agency
Emu Michael Kumane, BEST CORP Enterprises
Erica Hollins, SER Metro-Detroit
Esperanza Cantu, Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation
Eze Ejelonu, Transamerica Financial Services
Fran Westbrooks, Detroit Comeback Kids
Frank McGhee, Neighborhood Services Organization (NSO)
Freda Sampson, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
Gail Christopher, WK Kellogg Foundation
Gaston Nash, College Core Block Club
George W. Jackson Jr., Detroit Economic Growth Corporation
George W. Swan III, Wayne Community College
Gerlma Johnson, Detroit Public Schools
Greg Roberts, Michigan Office of Community and Faith-based
Guillerma Hernandez-Gallego, Kresge Foundation
Guy Williams, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
Ida Byrd-Hill, Uplift, Inc.
Isaac Nzoma, Better Men Outreach
Israil Steen, First Children's Finance
James Tate, City of Detroit
Jamiil Gaston, KICK - The Agency for LGBT African-Americans
Jamiil Gaston, KICK-The Agency for LGBT African-Americans
Janie Jones, Zeni Global Alliance
Jason Lee, Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program
Jason Wilson, Yuinon Inc.
Jerry Dash, Volunteers in Prevention, Probation, Prison, Inc. (VIP
Jo-Anne Woodward, Don Bosco Hall, Inc.
Jocelynn Carr, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation
Joe Jones, Grand Rapids Urban League
Johnnie Turnage, Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling
Strength (MOSES)
Jonathan Parks, Wayne State University
Karla Hall, DTE Energy Foundation
Kathleen Hatke Aro, Accounting Aid Society
Kayla Mason, Harriet Tubman Center for the Recruitment and
Development of Community Organizers
Keith Bennett, Flip the Script
Keith Young, Creation Station CGLC
Kenneth Cokrel, City of Detroit
Kevin Bryant, Black Family Development, Inc.
Kimberly Perry, Volunteers in Prevention, Probation, Prison, Inc.
(VIP Mentoring)
Kristen McDonald, The Skillman Foundation
Kurt Metzger, Data Driven Detroit (D3)
Kwasi Akwamu, Helping Our Prisoners Elevate (HOPE)
Kyle Caldwell, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
LaKente Carter, Sustain Kitchen
LeAnda N. Hicks, McGregor Fund
Lee Hampton, Jackson Community College
Leon Henry, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit
Lewis Colson, Project: Better Man, Inc.
Linda West, Earn and Learn
Lynette Simmons, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan
M. Chiquita McKenzie-Bennett, G-Force One, Ltd
Maggie Williams-Hinton, Maggie Lee's Community Center
Malik Yakini, Detroit Black Community Food Security Network
Mariam C. Noland, Community Foundation for Southeast
Mark Greer, II, Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling
Strength (MOSES)
Marquan Jackson, Hamilton Crossing Family Empowerment
Marshalle Montgomery, New Detroit Incorporated
Martin Williams, City of Southfield
Mary Anne Lesiak, The Leona Group
Matt Clayson, Detroit Creative Corrider Center
Michael Randall, Washtenaw Community College
Miguel Pope, Be Exposed
Nick Patterson, Men Aiming for Progression (MAP)
Nikita Buckhoy, City Connect Detroit
Norman Hurns, Brothers Making a Difference
Norman Hurns Sr., Brothers Making a Difference
Phil Black, The Manhood Project
Ponsella Hardaway, Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling
Strength (MOSES)
Primavera Jimenez, SER Metro-Detroit
Quanna Fish, Young Fathers Standing United
R. Lee Gordon, Better Detroit Youth Movement
Rahman Shareef, New Young
Randall Wilburn, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Flint
Randy McNeil, Youth Development Commission
Ray Winans, Keeping Them Alive
Raymond Lozano, New Detroit Incorporated
Raynard Ross, Grand Rapids Community College
Rebecca Salminen Witt, Greening of Detroit
Reggie Barnes, Eastern Michigan University
Rick Bolger, Safe Haven Detroit
Rip Rapson, Kresge Foundation
Robert Counts, Youth Development Commission
Robert E. Shimkoski, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation
Robert S. Collier, Council of Michigan Foundations
Robert Thornton, The Skillman Foundation
Robert Troutman, Detroit Regional Chamber
Sahir Rashid, N/A
Sarah Kochis, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit
Sarah Wilson, Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling
Strength (MOSES)
Scott Alan Davis, Vanguard Community Development
Senita Lenear, City of Grand Rapids
Shaka Senghor, Live in Peace Digital and Literary Arts Project
Sharnita Johnson, WK Kellogg Foundation
Shawn Blanchard, Networkingout, LLC
Shirley R. Stancato, New Detroit Incorporated
Shirley Wright Haley, Little Scholars Child Development Center
Shuna Hayward, City Connect Detroit
Sonia Plata, New Detroit Incorporated
Sterling K. Speirn, WK Kellogg Foundation
Steven Dandridge, Excellent Choices LLC
Steven Dandridge,
Tammie Jones, The Skillman Foundation
Terrance Dillard, Digital Countermeasures
Terrel White, Wayne State University
Theresa Saunders, Michigan Department of Education
Tommy Summerville, Manhood Inc.
Tonya Allen, The Skillman Foundation
Trina Shanks, University of Michigan School of Social Work
Truman Hudson Jr., DEXDesign Associates, Inc.
Ural Hill, Healing Ourselves through Excellence and Preparation
(HOTEP) Christian Services
Wendell Anthony, Fellowship Chapel
William Hanson, The Skillman Foundation
William Malcolm, The Suit Project
Xiomara Torres, Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation
Yazeed Moore, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Yusef Shakur, Helping Our Prisoners Elevate (HOPE)
Christa Anders, Advance Consulting, LLC
Beth Becker, Urban Ventures
Heidi Benson, Q Health Connections
Bill Chickering, Ujamaa Place
Gary Cunningham, Northwest Areas Foundation
Latanya Daniels, Minneapolis Public Schools
Don Fisher, Dads Make A Difference
Jennifer Franklin, Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Cymone Fuller, Minnesota Minority Education Partnership
Lisa Garcia, N/A
Trista Harris, Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Reynolds-Anthony Harris, Lyceum Partners design
Shawn Harris-Berry, Minneapolis Public Schools
Lissa Jones, Center for Communication and Development (CCD)/
KMOJ Radio
Clarence Jones, Southside Community Health Services
Karen Kelley-Ariwoola, The Best Academy
Nekima Levy-Pounds, Brotherhood, Inc.
Shawn Lewis, Pan African Community Endowment
Kevin Lynch, Social Enterprise Alliance
Mary McKinley, Heartland Democracy
Sarah Orange, Brotherhood, Inc.
David Peeples, Northside Achievement Zone
Mary Ann Pulk, VocalEssence
Mark Robinson, EMPOWER
Leadriane Roby, Minneapolis Public Schools
Sondra Samuels, Northside Achievement Zone
Anthony Shields, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity - Mu Chapter
Antonio Smith, City of Brooklyn Park
Gary Speese, Financial Growth Mortgages, Inc.
Christopher Stewart, African American Leadership Forum
Chris Stewart, Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Bill Svrluga, Ujamaa Place
William Svrluga, Ujamaa Place
Craig Tacheny, Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota
Tyrone Terrill, The Best Academy
Eric Thornton, Wayzata Public Schools
Tom Vellenga, Heartland Democracy
Jeffrey Westbrook, Minneapolis Public Schools
Tiffany Wilson-Worsley, White Bear Lake Area Schools
Ashely Wolf, Southside Community Health Services
Otis Zander's, Ujamaa Place
Ivye Allen, Foundation for the Mid South
Cassio Batteast, KINGS Leadership & Development Institute
Martha Bergmark, Mississippi Center for Justice
Beneta Burt, Mississippi Road Map for Health Equity
William Buster, WK Kellogg Foundation
Bill Bynum, Hope Enterprise Corporation
Susan Campbell, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Greg Claus, City of Greenville
Leroy Clemons, Philadelphia Coalition
Rebecca Combs-Dulaney, Phil Hardin Foundation
Curtis Cotten, Jr., Main Street Baptist Church
Ted Cross, The BEACON Center
Ted Cross, The Crudup-Ward Activity Center
Will Crossley, The Piney Woods School
Josh Davis, II, Delta Health Alliance-Indianola Promise
Portia Espy, Children's Defense Fund-Southern Regional Office
Oleta Fitzgerald, Children's Defense Fund-Southern Regional
Abrigal Forrester, YouthBuildUSA
Paul Gauthier, YouthBuildUSA
Stephanie Gilmore, Delta Health Alliance-Indianola Promise
Susan Glisson, University of Mississippi - William Winter
Institute for Racial Reconciliation
Tiffney Gray, Jackson State University Development Foundation
Lori Greer, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation
David Hoard, Jackson State University Development Foundation
Robert L. Jackson, Mississippi State Legisislature
Derrick Johnson, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People-Mississippi
Melita Jones, Trinity Outreach Corporation, Inc.
Larry King, Boys & Girls Club of Central Mississippi
Marquise Lowe, Young People's Project
Tommy McClam, YouthBuildUSA
Karla McCullough, Juanita Sims Doty Foundation
Deborah Moore, Delta Health Alliance-Indianola Promise
Omo Moses, Young People's Project
Joyce Parker, Citizens for a Better Greenville
Anthony Powell, Delta Health Alliance
Okolo Rashid, International Museum of Muslim Cultures
Billy Redd, Boys & Girls Club of Central Mississippi
Erica Reed, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation
Lolita Ross, Common Health Action
Malkie Schwartz, Institute of Southern Jewish Life Inc.
Antonio Simpson, YouthBuildUSA
Melbah Smith, Coalition for a Prosperous Mississippi
Mable Starks, Mississippi Action for Community Education
Dorothy Stoneman, YouthBuildUSA
Albert Sykes, Young People's Project
Rosie Walden, Nollie Jenkins Family Center (NJFC)
Nikisha Ware, Jackson State University-Mississippi Learning
Linda West, Mississippi Families for Kids
Primus Wheeler, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation
Al White, Action Communication and Education Reform, Inc.
Rhea Williams-Bishop, Mississippi Center for Education
Carolyn Willis, Delta Health Alliance-Indianola Promise
Vernesia Wilson, The Piney Woods School
Darrol Woods, University of Mississippi - William Winter
Institute for Racial Reconciliation
Mary Young, Citizens for Educational Awareness
Mary Young, Southern Echo
Rev. Luther Baker, Man of Valor, Inc
Bishop Luther Baker, Man of Valor, Inc.
Andre Brown, University of Missouri
Janet Davis, Man of Valor, Inc.
Tiffany Johnson, Elevate Leadership Development
Terri Jordan, Urban Strategies, Inc.
Eric Lyons, North American League of Gentlemen Inc.
David Mauroff, Urban Strategies, Inc.
Shawn Mckie, JuiceBox Community and Economic Development
Corporation (JBCEDC)
Leslie Scott, C.I.T.Y. Center
Esther Shin, Urban Strategies, Inc.
Genesis Steele, St. Louis Community College
Tamara Vaughn, Urban Strategies, Inc.
Shelly Welsch, City of University City
Napoleon Williams III, Connections to Success
Jennifer Lehman, Rural Dynamics, Inc.
Rodney Evans, Metro Area Youth Services (MAYS)
Cameron Gales, City of Omaha
Mona Way, Boys Town
Grace Alfiero, UIH Family Partners
Karen Andrade-Mims, UIH Family Partners
Kaili Baucum, Pallus
Cory Booker, City of Newark
Jean Catchings, The Reliance Foundation
Robert Clark, YouthBuild Newark
Jordan Coleman, Say It Loud Film
Alexia Crawford, Alexia Crawford, Inc.
Ron Crawford, Verizon DC
Arraiyan DuBose, Center for Family Services
Darrell Edmonds, Friday Is Tie Day, Inc.
Allen Kwabena Frimpong, BCT Partners
Keith Green, United Way of Essex and West Hudson
Shane Harris, Prudential Foundation
Jerome Harris, Shiloh Community Development Corporation
Zachary Hawkins, ten2one Group LLC
Brenda Henry, Foundation Center
Rolando Herts, Rutgers University-Newark
Diane Hill, Rutgers University-Newark
Carlos Lejnieks, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Essex, Hudson &
Union Counties
Deborah Lemmen, New City Kids
John Leslie, Newark Comprehensive Center for Fathers
Jane Lowe, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Fredrick Mann, N/A
Chandra McQueen, Moona Public Relations LLC
James Mendez, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
LaVonyia Mitchell, Glassboro Public School
Torod Neptune, Verizon NY
Kate Nordling, New City Kids
Randal Pinkett, BCT Partners
Susan Promislo, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Juan Rivera, Center for Family Services
Latrese Robinson, City of Paterson
Rick Robinson, SARE Homes Group
Vashti Rutledge, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Kelsey Sanderson, Center for Family Services
Natalia Sardo, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Essex, Hudson and
Union Counties
Leroy Scott, Faith Christian Counseling Center Inc.
Nicole Sheppard, Center for Family Services
Khaatim Sherrer El, Fund for the Future of Newark
Kimaada Sills, Rutgers University-Newark
Maisha Simmons, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Wayne Smith, Wayne Smith Education Foundation
DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens
Rose Stuckey Kirk, Verizon Foundation
Greg Taylor, Fund for the Future of Newark
Vanni Thach, The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship
Marie Thelusma, Shiloh Community Development Corporation
Jordan Thierry, Better Man Productions
Margaret Tyler, The Tyler Group
Altarik White, Leaders for Life, Inc.
J Edward Whitehead, The Reliance Foundation
James Whitehead, The Reliance Foundation
Michele Williers, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Essex, Hudson &
Union Counties
LaVar Young, Newark Now
Kalonji Mwanza, African American Health Network (AAHN)
Kenneth Winfrey, Optimal Psychology
Lisa Morris Hibler, City of Las Vegas
Anthony Harris, Discovery Life Management Services
Melissa Aase, University Settlement Society of New York, Inc.
Yusuf Abdul-Qadir, Ecologique, Inc.
Angel Acosta, Hip Hop For Life
Robert Acton, Taproot Foundation
Zanetta Addams-Pilgrim, Eagle Academy Foundation
Barry Addison, Alpha School Center for Progressive Living
Taí Merey Alex, Center for Court Innovation-Harlem Community
Justice Center
Jesse Allen, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Rochester
Sonia Alleyne, Black Enterprise/ Earl G. Graves Publishing
Richard Altman, Jewish Child Care Association
Michael Alvarez, Bronx Library Center
Armando Amador, VIBE Media
Eve Ammons-Johnson, Turning Point
James Anderson, Bloomberg Philanthropies
Matthew Anderson, Essential Pieces Family Support Services
Andrea Anderson-Hamilton, Anderson Hamilton Consulting
M.Starita Boyce Ansari, MSBphilanthropy Advisors LLC
Katie Appel Duda, Bloomberg Philanthropies
Maria Archuleta, Open Society Foundations-US Programs
Theo Arrington, REAL Skills Network Inc.
Theodore Arrington, REAL Skills Network Inc.
Carol Van Atten, Charles Hayden Foundation
Meghan Austin, Equal Justice USA
Lacy Austin, International Center of Photography
Juanita Ayala-Vargas, United Way NYC
Paul Bachleitner, Joint Affinity Groups
Orlando Bagwell, Ford Foundation
Lauren Bailey, National Academy Foundation
Donnel Baird, BlocPower
Robert "Biko" Baker, League of Young Voters Education Fund
David Banks, Eagle Academy Foundation
Stephen Barr, Johnson Publishing Co.
Hector Batista, Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
Julia Bator, The Fund for Public Schools
Susan Taylor Batten, Association of Black Foundation Executives
Leonard Battle, City of New York - Department of Small Business
Kevin Beckford, Huffington Post
Dallas Lee Bell, Achievement Centers for Excellence
David L. Bell, Columbia University Mailman School of Public
Janet Dewart Bell, Janet Dewart Bell Mangement and Consulting
Vanda Belusic-Vallor, City of New York - Department of
Steve Berkley, Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP)-NYC Through
Richard Berlin, Harlem RBI
Greg Berman, Center for Court Innovation-Staten Island Youth
Justice Center
Akie Bermiss, N/A
Jermina Bernard, Teach for America
Janice Berthoud, Ecumenical Community Development
Lori Bezahler, Hazen Foundation
Judy Bigelow, Fordham Street Foundation
Roger Blissett, RBC Capital Markets
Christopher Bloodworth, Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood
Michael Bloomberg, City of New York
Elissa Blount-Moorhead, Parsons School for Design
Don Bluestone, Child Development of Mosholu Montifiore
Community Center
Rowland Boateng, Harlem Children's Zone
Mario Booden, Center for Community Alternatives
Nakia Booth, Media Scheme
Laura Bosley, Children's Arts & Science Workshops, Inc.
Jamaal Bowman, Cornerstone Academy for Social Action Middle
Cynthia Brackett, Center for Employment Opportunities
Debra Bradley, School of Cooperative Technical Education
Dominick Brancato, New York Center for Interpersonal
Joe Branch, Tides Center-U Want Game
Kenneth Braswell, Fathers Incorporated
Ellen Braune, Tides Center-Opportunity Agenda
Susan Brenna, The After-School Corporation (TASC)/ExpandED
Joe Brewster, Rada Film Group - American Promise
Jimmie Briggs, Man Up Campaign
Michelle Britto, InlightenMe Books
Monique Brizz-Walker, National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People-Legal Defense and Educational
Fund, Inc.
Leonard Brock, The Children's Agenda
Raheem Brooks, Laguardia Community College
Carlton Brown, Full Spectrum of NY
Allison Brown, Open Society Foundations-Campaign for Black
Male Achievement
Kobie Brown, Sony Music Entertainment
Gabriel Bryant, Sankofa Community Empowerment
Maria Buck, The City University of New York (CUNY)
Richard Buery, Children's Aid Society
Rashida Bumbray, Creative Time
Kyson Bunthuwong, Taproot Foundation
Evelyn Burnett, Admiral Center
Kristen Bush, City of New York - Department of Youth &
Community Development
Keith Butler, BCS Placements, LLC
Paul Butler, The Brotherhood/Sister Sol Inc.
Calvin Butts, Abyssinian Baptist Church
Martin Caba, DOME Project, Inc.
Genese Cage, Johnson Publishing Co.
Michele Cahill, Carnegie Corporation of New York
LaShunda Campbell, League of Young Voters Education Fund
Geoffrey Canada, Open Society Foundations-US Programs
Marcia Cantarella, Cantarella Consulting
Pam Cantor, Turnaround for Children, Inc.
Robert Carmona, STRIVE
Demetrius Carolina, First Central Baptist Church
Dennis Carter, Directions For Our Youth, Inc.
Christopher Caruso, The After-School Corporation
Casey Castaneda, JPMorgan Chase Philanthropic Services
Carolyn Cavaness, George Jackson Academy
Carl Cecora, Italian American Civil Rights League
Claudette C'Faison, New York Youth at Risk
Regina Chamberlain, Fathers Incorporated
Chris Chavez, Catchafire
David Chen, Chinese American Planning Council
Jack Chernak, Archers
Steven Chernigoff, Evander Childs Campus
Gloria Chukwuma, Community Mediation Services
Don Cipriani, Just and Fair Schools Fund
Teresa Clarke,, LLC
Julian Cohen, City of New York - Department of Education
Clyde Cole, New Leaders for New Schools
Varise Cooper, Sabaoth Group
Joel Copperman, Center for Alternative Sentencing and
Employment Services
Hector Cordero-Guzman, Baruch College
Leslie Cornfeld, City of New York - Mayor's Office
Beth Cory, Children's Aid Society
Omisha Covington, West Farms Library
Quintin Cross, Staley B. Keith Social Justice Center Inc.
Adam Culbreath, Open Society Foundations-Soros Justice
Matilda Cuomo, Mentoring USA, Inc.
Paul Curiale, Millennium Development (Bergen Basin
Community Development Corp)
Jennifer Curry, The After-School Corporation (TASC)/ExpandED
Rachel Cytron, Harlem RBI
Emily Dake, Ruby Slippers Fundraising
Tim Daly, The New Teacher Project
Cheryl Damian, Fenton Communications
Milly Hawk Daniel, PolicyLink
Jess Dannhauser, Graham Windham
Roger Davila, Eagle Academy Foundation
Ron Day, Body by Day
Raquel de Anda, Songha & Company, LLC
Sherrie Deans, Admiral Center
Francine Delgado, Seedco
Jean Desravines, New Leaders for New Schools
Nancy Devine, The Wallace Foundation
Wayne Devonish, 500 Men Making a Difference Inc.
Sharon Devonish-Leid, Kings County District Attorney’s Office
Daniel Diaz, East Side House, Inc.
Erika Dilday, Dilday Meyer & Associates
Shae Dixon, Southern Queens Park Association
Holly Dodge, The Wallace Foundation
Aria Doe, Action Center for Education & Community
Cheryl Dorsey, Echoing Green
Charles Dotson, New York Center for Interpersonal
Shawn Dove, Open Society Foundations-Campaign for Black
Male Achievement
Gretchen Dovholuk, Columbia University-Center for Research on
Fathers, Children & Family Well-being
Jason Drucker, Tides Center-Opportunity Agenda
Brad Dudding, Center for Employment Opportunities
John Duval, City of New York - Department of Education
Alfred Edmond, Black Enterprise/ Earl G. Graves Publishing
Amy Ellenbogen, Center for Court Innovation-Crown Heights
Community Mediation Center
Que English, Bronx Clergy Criminal Justice Roundtable
Bryan Epps, Mayor's Office of Contract Services
Jonathan Escoffery, Building Young Minds Inc.
Robert Espaillat, Alianza Dominicana, Inc.
Colin Eubank, Staley B. Keith Social Justice Center Inc.
Stacie Evans, Lutheran Family Health Centers
Daphne Farganis, New York University
Alan Farrell, City of New York - Young Men's Initiative
Brian Favors, Sankofa Community Empowerment
Edward Fergus-Arica, New York University
Bill Fink, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC)
Paul Forbes, City of New York - Department of Education
William Forrester, Goodwill Industries of Greater NY & Northern
Janice Foss, Eagle Academy for Young Men III
William Foster, Neighborhood Initiatives Development Corp.
Devaughn Fowlkes, Harlem Children's Zone
Nicole Franklin, Little Brother
Rodney Frazier, Action for a Better Community inc.
David Freeman, N/A
Saroya Freidman-Gonzalez, National Urban League
Lucy N. Friedman, The After-School Corporation
Thomas Galante, Queens Library-Central Library
Nicole Gallant, United Way NYC
Anna Garcia, EsperanzaNY
Phil Gartenberg, Safe Space NYC, Inc
David Garza, Henry Street Settlement
Elizabeth Gaynes, The Osborne Association
Cheryl Gentry, Glow Media
Jim Gerace, Verizon NY
Wendy Gerber, Mentoring USA, Inc.
Linda Gibbs, City of New York - Mayor's Office
Keisha Gill-Jacob, Friends of Bedford, Inc
Bryan Glover, Funders for LGBTQ Issues
Sarah Gogel, Global Potential
Wendy Goldstein, Lutheran Medical Center
Keith Goodman,
Steve Goodman, Educational Video Center
Jacob Gorchav, Eagle Academy Foundation
Robert Gore, Kings County Hospital
Brenda Greene, Medgar Evers College
Nazerine Griffin, The Doe Fund
Jasmine Gripper, Alliance for Quality Education
William Guarinello, Heartshare Human Services
Lisa Haefele, Equal Justice USA
Anthony Hagan, Colonial Consulting LLC
Sandra Hagan, The Child Center of New York
Leon Haley, Equal Justice USA
Rachel Hamalainen, Open Society Foundations-Campaign for
Black Male Achievement
Leah Hamilton, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Donald Hardaway, Finger Lakes Health System Agency
Donald Hardaway, Rochester Area Community Foundation
Conrad Harper, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Wayne Harris, City of New York - Department of Education
Rahsaan Harris, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy
Neka Harrison, The Brotherhood/Sister Sol Inc.
Melanie Hartzog, Children's Defense Fund-New York
Arisha Hatch,
Kareem Hayes, Blueprint Educational Consulting Services
Keith Hefner, Youth Communication
Roderick Henkels, Henkels and McCoy
Lisa Herndon, Columbia University Double Discovery Center
Mia Herndon, Third Wave Foundation
Darcy Heusel, Picture Motion
Damon Hewitt, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People-Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Ernest Heyward, Marketplace for Social Awareness and Social
Rochelle Hill, Harlem CARES
Kenya Hobbs, Buffalo Promise Neighborhood
Sonni Holland, Charles Hayden Foundation
bill holmes, Equal Justice USA
Bill Holmes, Harlem RBI
Keith Honeywell, Real Dads Network, Inc.
Allan Houston, New York Knicks
Nijaah Howard, Young Men Strong, LLC
John Hughes, Fedcap Rehabilitation Services, Inc
Bob Hughes, New Visions for Public Schools
Emma Hulse, Parent Action Committee
Chung-Wha Hung, New York Immigration Coalition
Joan Hunt, Catholic Charities of Columbia and Greene Counties
Gerard Hunt, Frederick Douglass Resource Center
Jahmani Hylton, City of New York - Young Men's Initiative
Erlin Ibreck, Open Society Foundations-US Programs
Ebele Ifedigbo, Ambassadors for Africa
Sherrilyn Ifill, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People-Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Asha Isable, New Yorkers Organized to End Lives Lost to
Inequality Center (NOELLI)
Robert Jackson, Brooklyn Rescue Mission
Clarence Jackson, HomeBound Leadership Institute
Trevor Jaha, Man Up Global LLC
Isha James, Isha James Consulting Services: Heart & Soul
Community Development
Sheronia James, Youth Development Institute/Fund for the City
of New York
Eleni Janis, Tides Center-Opportunity Agenda
Roderick Jenkins, New York Community Trust
Rosemary Ordonez Jenkins, Phipps Community Development
Alan Jenkins, Tides Center-Opportunity Agenda
Jacqueline Jenkins, United Way NYC
Sehu Jeppe, Black Wellness, Inc
Anthony Jewett, Echoing Green
Linda E. Johnson, Brooklyn Public Library
Robert Johnson, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Glenda Johnson, PolicyLink
Laura Johnson, Union Settlement Association
Edward Jones, Association of Black Foundation Executives
David Jones, Community Service Society of New York
Alicia Jones, Equal Justice USA
Jennifer Jones Austin, Federation of Protestant Welfare
Zeljko Jovanovic, Open Society Foundations-Roma Initiatives
Janet Kelley, New York City Youth Funders (NYCYF)
Kimberly Kendall, Laguardia Community College
George Khaldun, Harlem Children's Zone
Zuhirah Khaldun-Diarra, National Urban League
Obafemi Kitching, PolicyLink
Mark Kleiman, Community Mediation Services
Derek Koen, Washington Koen Media Productions-Beyond the
Bricks Project
Ditashiah Kohn, Settlement Housing Fund - DREAMS/Youthbuild
Jeremy Kohomban, The Children's Village
Elayna Konstan, City of New York - Department of Education
Jaime Koppel, Children's Defense Fund-New York
Bonnie Krois, Center for Urban Rehabilitation and
Raquiba LaBrie, Open Society Foundations-US Programs
Clinton Lacey, City of New York - Department of Probation
Casey Lane, Youth Advocate Programs--South Bronx AIM
Sunny Larson, The Fund for Public Schools
Joshua Laub, City of New York - Department of Education
Maurice Lauriano, City of New York - Department of Education
Steven Lawrence, Foundation Center
Edward Lawson, Fathers Incorporated
Khary Lazarre-White, The Brotherhood/Sister Sol Inc.
Malia Lazu, Tides Center-Gathering for Justice
Scott Leach, Daddy's ToolBox
Nicole Leach, Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Danielle LeBlanc, Grameen America
Chantal Legros, Southern Queens Park Association
Rich Leimsider, Echoing Green
Dana Lemaster-Schipani, DOME Project, Inc.
Jamilah Lemieux, Johnson Publishing Co.
Kristina Leonardi, The Women's Mosaic
Ed Lewis, Solera Capital LLC
Natasha Lifton, Seedco
Loira Limbal, Firelight Media Inc.
Donna Linder, Child Find of America, Inc.
Julia Lindsey, Jobs-Plus
Elizabeth Linzer, Catchafire
Aisha Lloyd, George Jackson Academy
James Logan, iMapVentures
Paulette LoMonaco, Good Shepherd Services
Laura Longhine, Youth Communication
Frank Lopez, Gamechanger Fellow
Barbara Lowry, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation
Frances Lucerna, El Puente de Williamsburg
Khaleaph Luis, Rada Film Group
Jack Lund, YMCA of Greater New York - Chinatown
Ryan Mack, Optimum Institute of Economic Empowerment
Gail Magaliff, Federation Employment & Guidance Services, Inc.
Katy Mainelli, Open Society Foundations
Andrew Maisel, Open Society Foundations
Miguel Mancebo, Selective Corporate Internship Program (SCIP)
Monica Mancebo, Selective Corporate Internship Program (SCIP)
Nichele Manning, Eagle Academy Foundation
Leslie Mantrone, East Side House, Inc.
L. Trenton Marsh, It Takes a Village @ New York University
Mentoring Program
Glenn Martin, Fortune Society
Claire Marx, Hsiang | Marx LLC Strategic Communications
Nicole Mason, New York University Women of Color Policy
Ryan Matthews, Catchafire
Kevin Matthews, Columbia University Double Discovery Center
Angela Mayo, Phipps Community Development Corporation
Mary McCormick, Fund for the City of New York
George McDonald, The Doe Fund
Adam McFadden, Rochester Area Community Foundation
Allen McFarlane, New York University
Rob McGhee, Citi Community Development
Heather McGhee, Demos
Lawrence McGill, Foundation Center
Rich McKeon, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable
Carolyn McLaughlin, BronxWorks
Julio Medina, Exodus Transistional Community
Peter Mertens, Hostos Community College
Rosalba Messina, Third Wave Foundation
Tani Mill, Center for Employment Opportunities
Mindy Miller, Harlem Children's Zone
Hamp Miller, Mount Vernon Youth Bureau
Ruben Mina, City of New York - Department of Youth &
Community Development
Ron Mincy, Columbia University-Center for Research on Fathers,
Children & Family Well-being
Andre Mitchell, Man Up
Marjorie Momplaiser-Ellis, CAMBA
Bob Monahan, Greater Ridgewood Youth Council
Paul Mondesire, The Oliver Scholars Program
Elba Montalvo, Committee for Hispanic Children & Families
Jayme Montgomery-Bak, League of Young Voters Education
Wes Moore, The Oprah Network (OWN)
Gabriel Morales, City of New York - Department of Education
Dianne Morales, Phipps Community Development Corporation
Marc Morial, National Urban League
Bruce Morrow, Bank Street College of Education
Phillip Morrow, South Bronx Overall Development Corp
Jeanne Mullgrav, City of New York - Department of Youth &
Community Development
Richard Murphy, iMapVentures
Karie Nabinet, Bed-Stuy Fatherhood Initiative
Sana Nasser, Harry S. Truman High School
Gail Nayowith, SCO Family of Services
Aryeh Neier, Open Society Foundations
Michelle Neugebauer, Cypress Hills Local Development
William Newlin, Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement
Decker Ngongang, Echoing Green
Arthur Niles, Vannguard Urban Improvement
David Nocenti, Union Settlement Association
Pedro Noguera, New York University
Leonard Noisette, Open Society Foundations-Justice Fund
Aisha Norris, CTM Dreams, Corner the Market Media
Chris Norwood, Health People
Kiah Nyame, Ujima Rochester, Inc.
Jeannie Oakes, Ford Foundation
Beth Wladyka O'Brien, John Jay College
Ana Oliveira, New York Women’'s Foundation
Joanne Oplustil, CAMBA
Emma Oppenheim, Open Society Foundations-Campaign for
Black Male Achievement
Maria Orengo, New York City Mission Society
Milagros Baez O'Toole, The National 100 Hispanic Women, Inc.
Keenan Pace, Equal Justice USA
Keenan Pace, The Osborne Association
Harlyn Pacheco, Qlovi
Joanne Page, Fortune Society
Christine Pahigian, Friends of Island Academy
Stephanie Palmer, New York City Mission Society
Jason Panda, B Holding Group, LLC
Marlowe Paraiso, City of New York - Department of Youth &
Community Development
Michael Parker, Youth Action Programs and Homes
Lynda Parmely, Hagedorn Foundation
Cristina Parnetti, Open Society Foundations-US Programs
Sam Patton, League of Young Voters Education Fund
Elizabeth Payamps, Future Now/IMPACT
John Payton, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People-Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Randolph Peers, Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow
Kristin Pereira, Eagle Academy Foundation
Don Perry, Digital Diaspora Family Reunion LLC
Shawn Peters, Rebel Soul Music
Marvin Pierre, Sons of Promise Mentoring and Empowerment
Supriya Pillai, Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing
Terrance Pitts, Open Society Foundations-Justice Fund
George Polsky, StreetSquash, Inc.
Jen Porter, The Reset Foundation
Kevin Powell, BK Nation
Stephen Powell, Mentoring USA, Inc.
K. Maeve Powlick, Catholic Charities of Columbia and Greene
Tahira Pratt, Taproot Foundation
Aarian Punter, New York City Mission Society
Ellenrita Purcaro, Highbridge Community Life Center
Jonathan Quash, York College - CUNY
Hakeem Rahim, Live Breathe, LLC
Stephanie Ramirez-Burnett, Open Society FoundationsCampaign for Black Male Achievement
Nora Ranney, Open Society Foundations-Democracy Fund
Bret Ratner, The After-School Corporation (TASC)/ExpandED
Kima Reed, Eagle Academy Foundation
Melvin Reeves, StoryCorps
Katie Renzler, Eagle Academy Foundation
Krystal Reyes, City of New York - Young Men's Initiative
John Rice, Management Leadership for Tomorrow
Michael Rieger, Center for Alternative Sentencing and
Employment Services
Reshard Riggins, The Door
Sheryl Robertson, South Brooklyn Youth Consortium Inc.
Andre Robinson, Carbon-Fibre Media
Rashad Robinson,
Luz Rodriguez, Foundation Center
Ricardo Rodriguez, Qlovi
Simone Rodriguez-Dorestant, Medgar Evers College
Chelsey Roebuck, Emerging Leaders in Technology and
Engineering, Inc
Margarita Rosa, Grand Street Settlement-Bushwick-Hylan
Dara Rose, The Wallace Foundation
Deirdre Royster, New York University Wagner Graduate School
of Public Service
Rochelle Rubin, Alpern Family Foundation
Donald Ruff, Eagle Academy Foundation
Laura Russello, The Doe Fund
Kevin Ryan, New York Foundation
David Saltzman, Robin Hood Foundation
Latoya Santiago, League of Young Voters Education Fund
Grace Sato, Foundation Center
Mario Scarder, City of New York - Department of Education
Rose Schapiro, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Andrea Batitista Schelisinger, Open Society Foundations-US
Jon Schnur, America Achieves
William Schroader, Sullivan and Cromwell
Chris Scott, Open Society Foundations-Campaign for Black Male
Michael Scuello, Metis Associates, Inc.
Rhonda Sealey, N/A
Matt Segneri, Bloomberg Philanthropies
Rinku Sen, Applied Research Center
Jamel Shabazz, N/A
Rashid Shabazz, Open Society Foundations-Campaign for Black
Male Achievement
Seema Shah, Foundation Center
Shruti Shah, Teach for America
Justina Shaw, Just Act
Brian Sheehan, Kings County District Attorney’s Office
David Sherman, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Susan Shiroma, Foundation Center
Robert Siebel, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
Laura Silber, Open Society Foundations
Shari Silberstein, Equal Justice USA
Walter Simpkins, Community Fathers Inc.
Ron Skeete, Children's Aid Society
Heather Small, CONNECT, Inc.
Bayeté Ross Smith, Songha & Company, LLC
Bradford Smith, Foundation Center
Mary Smith, Harry S. Truman High School
Anna Deavere Smith, Institute on Arts and Civic Dialogue
Hal Smith, National Urban League
David Sorkin, Jewish Community Center of Staten Island
George Soros, Open Society Foundations
Nancy Sottile, Federation of Italian-American Organizations of
Daionne Sparks, New York Christian Center Academy
Serge St. Leger, City of New York - Department of Education
Trudy Stallings, National Academy Foundation
Michele Stephenson, Rada Film Group - American Promise
Chris Stone, Open Society Foundations
Caroline Stratton, Rada Film Group
Erika Strong,
Linda M. Stutz, MS Ed., The Children's Village
Alana Sweeny, Police Athletic League, Inc.
Kim Sweet, Advocates for Children of New York
Carl Sylvestre, New York City Mission Society
Joseph Lloyd Tait, Harlem Commonwealth Council, Inc.
Leslie Talbot, Talbot Consulting
Mindy Tarlow, Center for Employment Opportunities
Anne Tatreau, Harlem RBI
Susan L Taylor, National CARES Mentoring Movement
Michelle Taylor, Community Access, Inc.
Cheo Taylor, Forward Ever Media
DaMond Taylor, The Brotherhood/Sister Sol Inc.
Maya Tessema, Open Society Foundations-US Programs
Hank Thomas, Songha & Company, LLC
Joshua Thomas, crowdMGMT
Joshua Thomases, City of New York - Department of Education
Kevin Thomson, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People-Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Tunua Thrash, Equal Justice USA
Jasmin Tiggett, Little Brother
Frank Torres, Center for Community Alternatives
Stephen Tosh, Boys Club of New York
Jama Toung, The After-School Corporation (TASC)/ExpandED
Rodney Trapp, Dance Theatre of Harlem
Ann Travers, Fortune Society
Richard Trouth, Neighborhood Housing Services of BedfordStuyvesant, Inc.
Carmen Valentin, East Side House Settlement
Felipe Vargas, The Doe Fund
Soumary Vongrassamy, Public Interest Projects
Dennis Walcott, City of New York - Department of Education
Quentin Walcott, CONNECT, Inc.
Darren Walker, Ford Foundation
Earl Wallace, The Three-Dimensional Leader: Negotiating Your
Mission, Resources and Context
Marcus Walton, Association of Black Foundation Executives
Jason Warwin, The Brotherhood/Sister Sol Inc.
Ouida Washington, Beyond the Bricks Project
Ouida Washington, Washington Koen Media ProductionsBeyond the Bricks Project
Dennis Watson, Youth & Gang Violence Task Force
Kelly Watts, The Osborne Association
George Weaver, Equal Justice USA
Marvin Webb, Funders for LGBTQ Issues
Jeremy Weinstein, The Fund for Public Schools
Marsha Weissman, Center for Community Alternatives
Pat White, Westchester County Department of Community
Mental Health
Amy Wilkins, The College Board
Jevon Williams, City of New York - Department of Education
Ramik Williams, College Ready Community
Larry Williams, Equal Justice USA
Cathleen Williams, I'm Just Saying, LLC
Terrie Williams, The Terrie Williams Agency
Marlon Williams, United Way NYC
Tracy Williams-Maclin, A Call to Men
Jane Wilson, The Reset Foundation
Sandra Wilson, Verizon NY
Renee Wilson-Simmons, Columbia University Mailman School of
Public Health
Stacey Winter, Taproot Foundation
George Wright, Citi Community Development
Brett Wright, NU America Agency
Sheena Wright, United Way NYC
Alfonso Wyatt, Fund for the City of New York
Marissa Yanez, Emerging Leaders in Technology and Engineering,
Nancy Youman, Open Society Foundations-Program on
Independent Journalism
John Young, Dr. Edward Bouchet Society
Rye Young, Third Wave Foundation
Brad Zervas, Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York
Ken Zimmerman, Open Society Foundations-US Programs
Lewis Zuchman, Supportive Children's Advocacy Network
Jorge Zuniga, CTM Dreams, Corner the Market Media
Kshawna Askew, N/A
Julius Bishop, II, Positive Youth Transformation
Tom Bonfield, City of Durham
Karl Brustmeyer, C-Core
Tom Burrell, Community Investment Network
Pamela Chess, Children's Global Summer Institute (for
Philanthropy, Culture & Higher Learning)
John Clifton, Positive Youth Transformation
Chasity Cooper, University of North Carolina - School of
David Craig, Wayne Community College
Barron Damon, Community Investment Network
Sandra Davis, Black Methodist Coalition
Loretta Faheem, Symmetry Financial Group
Alvin Garner, II, N/A
Atrayus Goode, Movement of Youth
Darrell Gregory, Boys to Men Foundation
Christine Harradine, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Katrina Johnson, Central Piedmont Community College
Chad Jones, Community Investment Network
Suepinda Keith, Triangle Bikeworks
Keynon Lake, My Daddy Taught Me That...
Darryl Lester, Community Investment Network
Dionne Lester, Community Investment Network
Chance Lewis, Lewis Educational Consultants, Inc.
Shirley W. Liles, Vision Child and Family Consulting Services, Inc.
Madeline McClenney-Sadler, Exodus Foundation
Mark McDaniel, Bridges2Success
Antoine Medley, Cornel West Academy of Excellence
Jenille Morgan, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Sarah Morse, Isothermal Community College-Uncommon
Leaders Program
Fredrica Nash, D3 Community Outreach, Incorporated
Stacy Parker-Fisher, Oak Foundation USA
MJ Pearle, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle
Keith G. Pemberton, Preparing Our Youth Foundation
David Roundtree, Young Brothers United (YBU)
Jeffrey Shears, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Bradford Simmons, N/A
Howard Simms, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
John Smith, Isothermal Community College-Uncommon Leaders
Deborah Stroman, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
David Taylor, Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts
and Culture
Phyllis Utley, Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College
Reginald Wilkerson, N/A
Charmaine Williams, Central Piedmont Community College
Donna-Marie Winn, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Michelle Alexander, Ohio State University-Kirwan Institute for
the Study of Race and Ethnicity
AJ Allen, Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB)
Tyrone Bledsoe, Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB)
Ronald Briggs, Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB)
Jeffrey Brown, 100 Black Men of Greater Akron
Evelyn Burnett, Neighborhood Progress
Maverick Carter, LRMR
Barbara Clark, The Neighborhood House, Inc.
Emmanuel Curtis, Lima City Schools-Closing the Achievement
Gap (CTAG)
Sharon Davies, Ohio State University-Kirwan Institute for the
Study of Race and Ethnicity
Sheri Dozier, Neighborhood Progress
Avis Files, Toledo Area Ministries
Kimberlee Gambrell, The Mentoring Collaborative of
Montgomery County
George Golden, Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Shannon Hardin, City of Columbus
William Harris, University of Cincinnati
Adriennie Y. Hatten, Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
Neal Hodges, Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
Robbin Hudson, Neighborhood Leadership Institute
Yvonne C. Hunnicutt, Human Service Chamber of Franklin
County (HSCFC)
Anthony Jarrell, Omega Mentoring Association of Ohio
William Johnson, Cincinnati Public Schools (M.O.R.E. Program)
James Joyce, Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB)
Keith Key, KBK Enterprises
Bakari Kitwana, Rap Sessions
Edward Little, EL Innovative Solutions LLC
Valerie McCall, City of Cleveland
Randell McShepard, Policy Bridge
James L Moore III, Ohio State University-Todd A. Bell National
Resource Center on the African American Male
Trent Mosley, Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Dennis Muhammad, The Peacekeepers Global initiative
Robert L. Murphy Ed.D., The Ted Ginn Senior Masters
Preparatory Academy
Wesley Nash, Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB)
Fedearia Nicholson, University of Akron
Charles Noble, Ohio State University-Kirwan Institute for the
Study of Race and Ethnicity
Donald Perryman, Center of Hope Family Services, Inc.
Tracee Perryman, Center of Hope Family Services, Inc.
Kris Putnam-Walkerly, Putnam Community Investment
Muqit Sabur, Center for Fatherhood and Family Dynamics
Kenneth Simonson, Emerging Ethnic Engineers Program
Kenneth Simonson, University of Cincinnati
Billy Soule, City of Akron
Dr. Rena E. Starks, The BEEE Group Inc.
Steve Stevenson, City Year- Columbus
Sonya Turner, United Way of Greater Cincinnatti
Latesha Williams, LRMR
Steve Hill, City of Oklahoma City
Gwendolyn Jones, Advocacy Council
Lorenzo Jones, Youth on the Move, INC
Ken Wenglewski, Community Action Project
Kirk Wester, Community Action Project
Marva White, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Kandy Whitley-White, Community Action Project
John Branam, Grantmakers for Education
Antoinette Edwards, City of Portland
Tony Hopson, Sr., Self Enhancement, Inc.
Chad Stover, Office of Mayor Charlie Hales - Portland, OR
Susan Walsh, The Campbell Foundation
Christopher Allen, N/A
Christopher C. Allen, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
A. Nasir Al-Maliki, Stop the Madness-Stop the Violence Inc.
Anne Marie Ambrose, City of Philadelphia
Carmen Anderson, The Heinz Endowments
Ismael Arcelay, City of Allentown
Edith Arrington, OMG Center for Collaborative Learning
Erica Atwood, City of Philadelphia
Joel Austin, Daddy University Inc.
Heath Bailey, Canon-McMillan School District
Kyron Banks, City of Philadelphia
Omar Barlow, Eastern University Academy Charter School
Leslie Battle, S.T.A.R.R.*S
Kevin Beckford, Huffington Post
Bruce Bekker, Girard College
Cortnie Belser, Swarthmore College
Romona Riscoe Benson, The African American Museum in
Henry Beukema, McCune Foundation
Bro. Ra-SEAN Beyah, IDAAY Inc., Men United for a Better
Kaseen Bolden, DollarBoyz, Inc.
Christopher Bolden-Newsome, University of Pennsylvania
Urban Nutrition Initiative
Earl Bowen, Pennsylvania Prostate Cancer Coalition
Ryan Bowers, Frontline Solutions
Jamie Bracey, Temple College of Engineering
RaShall Brackney, City of Pittsburgh
Wade Briscoe, Family Planning Council
Fred Brown, Kingsley Association
Ronald Brown, Ivan Pick Brown Memorial Foundation (IPBMF),
Brandon Brown, Mayor's Commission on African American
Males - Philadelphia
Melanie Brown, The Heinz Endowments
Rhonda Brownstein, Education Law Center
Spencer Bruce, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Sophie Bryan, Philadelphia School District
Viola Burgess, Pittsburgh Public Schools
Jamira Burley, League of Young Voters Education Fund-GenYNot
James Burnett, West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution
Robyn Buseman, Mural Arts
Esther Bush, Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh
Thomas Butler, Philadelphia College Prep Roundtable
Malcolm T. Byrd, Mayor's Office of Faith Based Initiatives
Malcolm Byrd, NewCORE (New Conversation on Race and
T. Rashad Byrdsong, Community Empowerment Association
Ian Campbell, DollarBoyz, Inc.
Kevin Carter, Adonai Center for Black Males
Lori Carter, Philadelphia Works
Robb Carter, University of Pennsylvania - African American
Resource Center
Jael Chambers, United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Sean Chambers, Yes Philly School
Bryheem Charity, STEAM Rising
Andrew Cheeseboro, Small Seeds Development Inc.
Harvey Chism, Philadelphia Youth Network
Timothy Colman, Philadelphia Student Union
Ronald Cook, Anti Drug and Alcohol Crusaders, Inc.
Yvonne Cook, Highmark Foundation
Greg Corbin, Philly Youth Poetry Movement
Jason Cosley, Impact Services Corporation
Kenneth Covert, Chester Community Improvement Project/East
Gateway Triangle
Kevin Covington, Community College of Philadelphia-Center for
Male Engagement
Kevin Covington, Community College of Philadelphia-Center for
Male Engagement
Rex Crawley, Robert Morris University
Sannii Crespina-Flores, N/A
Elizabeth Crossen, Philadelphia Youth Network
Cacie Cunningham, Robert Morris University
Cedric Curbison, American Rebirth Tour
Stephen Curtis, Community College of Philadelphia Foundation
Beth Ann Cushanick, City of Pittsburgh
Darrell Daniels, Rising Sons
Paula Davis, Alcoa Foundation
Joe Davis, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital
James Davis, Temple University
Marla Davis, Temple University School of Medicine
Larry Davis, University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work
Herman Davis, URB Marketing & Branding
Khayla Deans, Frontline Solutions
Gregory Dell'Omo, Robert Morris University
Kevin Dougherty, City of Philadelphia
Joseph Douglas, BABA Inc
Jack Drummond, Friends Of Arise Academy
Tyree Dumas, DollarBoyz, Inc.
Will Dunford, East Bay National Society of Black Engineers Jr.
Nijmie Dzurinko, Philadelphia Student Union
Anne Edmunds, Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz and Performing
Patrick Edouard, Rising Sons
Mark Edwards, Philadelphia Works
Sharif El-Mekki, Mastery Charter School
Todd Elston, Community Empowerment Association
Wendy Etheridge Smith, Higher Achievement - Pittsburgh
Eric Ewell, Propel Schools Foundation
Philip Fitzgerald, Philadelphia Foundation
Joel Fitzgerald, Sr., City of Allentown
Keino Fitzpatrick, Small Seeds Development Inc.
James Fogarty, A+ Schools
Derrick Ford, Department of Behavioral Health
Derrick Ford, The Strawberry Mansion Athletic Association
V. Shayne Frederick, The Brothers' Network
Stephanie Freeman, City of Chester
Chekemma Fulmore-Townsend, Philadelphia Youth Network
Nathaniel Gadsden, Imani African Christian Church
Stephanie Gambone, Philadelphia Youth Network
Saadiq Jabbar Garner, Quality Of Life Projects
William Generett, Pittsburgh Central Keystone Innovation Zone
Julani Ghana, Male Achievers Program/College Access Center of
Delaware County
Saleem Ghubril, Pittsburgh Promise
Charles Gibbs, Bowman & Partners, LLP
Everett Gillison, City of Philadelphia
Micah Gilmer, The Friends of King School District
Frederick Ginyard, Youth United for Change
Kristen Golia, Astral Artists
Selwyne Gonzales, Rising Sons
W. Wilson Goode, Sr., Philadelphia Leadership FoundationAmachi Mentoring Program
Gavin Grant, Philadelphia Youth Action Inc.
Paradise Gray, 1Hood
Glenn Grayson, Wesley Center AME Zion Church
Gary Green, Re-Integration Services (RISE)
Michael Greenwood, Rising Sons
Eric Grimes, AAKT Concepts LLC
Michael Gross, STEAM Rising
Jahmiah Guillory, Pennsylvania State University
Leslie Guy, The African American Museum in Philadelphia
Gregory Hailey, N/A
Leon Haley, Adonai Center for Black Males
Joaquim Hamilton, Intelligent Men of Color Purposefully
Accomplishing College Together (IMPACT)
Joaquim Hamilton, Philadelphia Futures College Connection
Kevin Harden, City of Philadelphia
Derrick Hardy, Pittsburgh Public Schools
Shaun Harper, University of Pennsylvania - Center for the Study
of Race and Equity in Education
Carey Harris, A+ Schools
Loren Harris, Frontline Solutions
Leon Haynes, Hosanna House
Derric Heck, Propel Schools Foundation
Maurice Henderson, Anti Drug and Alcohol Crusaders, Inc.
Russell Hicks, Ebony Suns, Enterprises, LLC
Alandrea Hiller, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Lovett Hines, Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz and Performing Arts
Samuel Hirsch, Community College of Philadelphia Foundation
Kirk Holbrook, A+ Schools
Stacy Holland, School District of Philadelphia
Maori Holmes, BlackStar Film Festival
Bomani Howze, University Energy Partnership
Knowledge Hudson, Growth Through Energy and Community
Health (GTECH) Strategies
Rosemary Hughes, Philadelphia Youth Network
James Huguley, University of Pittsburgh - Center on Race and
Social Problems and School of Social Work
Byron Hurt, Soul Food Junkies
Ricky Hurtado, Frontline Solutions
Jamar Izzard, Radio One
Scott Izzo, Richard King Mellon Foundation
Ronald Jackson, Community College of Philadelphia Foundation
Wayne Jacobs, X-Offenders for Community Empowerment
Kevin Jenkins, The Pittsburgh Foundation
Tracy Johns, Pittsburgh Public Schools
James Johnson, Afro American Music Institute
Rev. Dr. Kevin Johnson, Bright Hope Baptist Church
Phil Johnson, The Heinz Endowments
Alan N. Johnson, Woodland Hills School District
Alain Joinville, City of Philadelphia
Jordan Jonas, Rising Sons
Jeff Jones, Greater Days Ahead
Solomon Jones, Art Sanctuary
Robert Jones, Brothers and Sisters Emerging
Reuben Jones, Frontline Dads
Brandon T. Jones, New Generation Foundation
Fernando Jones, Rising Sons
Matt Joyce, Greenlight Fund
Justin Laing, The Heinz Endowments
Andrea Lawful-Trainer, Southeast Pennsylvania Cares
Ronald Lawrence, 100 Black Men of Western Pennsylvania
Valerie Adeniji Lawrence, Ashoke Communications
Mubarak Lawrence, Rising Sons
Michele Lawrence, Saving Our Boys
Nathea Lee, Kulu Mele African Dance & Drum Ensemble
Carmen Lee, The Heinz Endowments
John Leigh, Temple University
Yahya John Leigh, Uni-Five
Mark Lewis, POISE Foundation
Keon Liberato, Philadelphia Student Union
Will Little, The UFO Project
Pamela Little-Poole, A+ Schools
Marcus Littles, Frontline Solutions
Rachel Loeper, Mighty Writers
Derrick Lopez, Homewood Children’'s Village
Doreen Loury, Black Male Development Symposium (BMDS)
Susan Lowry, Philadelphia Youth Network
Howard Sid Lucas, Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz and Performing
Rufus Lynch, Institute for the Advancement of Working Families
Stephen MacIsaac, Neighborhood Learning Alliance
Von Madden, Shadow Student Athletes
Devon Madden, Shadow Student Athletes
Derek Martin, AESYNT
Jabreel Martin, DollarBoyz, Inc.
Michelle Martin, Philadelphia Youth Network
Sharmain Matlock-Turner, Urban Affairs Coalition
Pamela D. McClenton, City of Philadelphia
James McDonald, Richard King Mellon Foundation
Lori McDowell, Woodland Hills School District
Maurine McFarlane, Lighthouse Covenant International,
Transform Your Mind
Denise McGregor Armbrister, Wells Fargo Regional Foundation
Laura McHugh, Philadelphia Youth Network
William McIntyre, Community Empowerment Association
Ernest McNear, Kingdom Care Reentry Network
Ashley Mercer, Mastery Charter School
Ari Merretazon, Pointman Soldiers Heart Ministry
Jil Michal, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern
New Jersey
Crystal Miller, City of Philadelphia
Reuben Mills, New Media Technology Charter School
Diana Milner, Stoneleigh Foundation
Richard Milner IV, University of Pittsburgh School of Education
Michael Mingrone, North Side Christian Health Center
Mary Anne Mistick, Grable Foundation
Anthony Mitchell, Pennsylvania State University
Tracy Mitchell, Woodland Hills School District
Khary Moody, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Jimmie Moore, Cobbs Creek Community Environmental
Education Community Center
Anton Moore, Unity in the Community
Shawn Mooring, Frontline Solutions
Elisha Morris, National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People-Philadelphia
Keith William Murphy, Bethany House Academy
Anthony Murphy, Town Watch Integrated Services
Chris Norris, Techbook Online
Lisa Nutter, City of Philadelphia
Michael Nutter, City of Philadelphia
Cheryl Oakman, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and
Southern New Jersey
Cheryl Oakman, United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Michael O'Bryan, Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence
Ruben Ortiz, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Nelson Parrish II, Grace United Methodist Church
Everette Pearsall, National Alliance of African American Athletes
Michael Pearson, Union Packaging
Alex Peay, Rising Sons
Brandon Pembleton, Da Bottom 4
Andi Perez, Youth United for Change
Derrick Perkins, Community College of Philadelphia-Center for
Male Engagement
Desiree Peterkin-Bell, City of Philadelphia
Terry Pittman, Urban League of Philadelphia
David Poindexter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity-Rho Chapter
David Poindexter, Cheltenham School District
Arun Prabhakaran, Urban Affairs Coalition
Nathan Price, Brainstorm
Wesley Proctor, Victory Christian Center
Bilal Qayyum, Father's Day Rally Committee (FDRC)
Michael Quigley, Robert Morris University
Chris Rabb, Temple University
Samiha Rahman, Lutheran Settlement House
Charles Ramsey, City of Philadelphia
Ric Ramsey, City Year - Philadelphia
Laura Reddick, Black Male Development Symposium (BMDS)
Michael Reid, Tree House Books
Jeremy Resnick, Propel Schools Foundation
Shondell Revell, City of Philadelphia
Stuart Rhoden, Temple University
John Rich, Drexel University-School of Public Health
Wadell Ridley Jr., St. Joseph's University
Len Rieser, Education Law Center
Hiram Rivera, Philadelphia Student Union
Jason Rivers, Pittsburgh Public Schools
Anthony Robins, Robert Morris University
Christopher Rogers, Built4Us
Julia Rubio, Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra
Jacqueline Roebuck Sakho, Duquesne University
Farrah Samuels-Alexander, Urban Affairs Coalition
Sabrina Saunders, Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh
El Sawyer, The Village of Arts and Humanities
Lori Schaller, Youth Places
Kris Scott, Graduate! Philadelphia
Ryan Scott, Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh
Tracy Segal, Astral Artists
James Shelton, Rising Sons
Myreon Smallwood, Masjidullah, Inc.
Celeste Smith, 1Hood
Jamaine Smith, BuildaBridge International
Tim Smith, Center of Life
vincent smith, City of Philadelphia
Wali Smith, Universal Companies
Darria Stafford Williams, Hamilton Health Center
Terry Starks, Operation Ceasefire
Mark Stephen Bibro, Birmingham Foundation
Howard Stevenson, University of Pennsylvania School of
Nakia Stith, Top of the Clock Security, Resiliency
Eric Stoller, The Heinz Endowments
William Strickland, Manchester Bidwell Corporation
Craig Stroman, We Feed the Homeless Philly
Eva Tansky Blum, PNC Foundation
Garth Taylor, Brothers and Sisters Emerging
David Thomas, Community College of Philadelphia
Malcolm Thomas, Neighborhood Learning Alliance
Charmayne Thompson, In The Black Investments - Project
Management and Business Consulting
Charmayne Thompson, Black Male Development Symposium
Chester Thompson, Robert Morris University
Stan Thompson, The Heinz Endowments
Deryck Tines, Mon Valley Men
Deryck Tines, The Heinz Endowments
Darin Toliver, Widener University
H. Dean Trulear, Philadelphia Leadership Foundation- Healing
Maxine Tucker, Black Boys Project
Stephen Tyson, Philadelphia Futures College Connection
L-Mani Viney, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Gregory Walker, The Brothers' Network
John Wallace, Jr., University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work
Rev. Dr. Alyn Waller, Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
Patrick Walsh, VILLA
Howard Walters, OMG Center for Collaborative Learning
Dawn Warden-Reeder, Mighty Writers
Linda Weaver, The Buhl Foundation
Cathy Weiss, Stoneleigh Foundation
Dwayne Wharton, The Food Trust
Jake Wheatley, Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Gregory Whetsone, Resources for Human Development
Tim Whitaker, Mighty Writers
Shawn White, Phremen Audio Studio Academy
Samuel White, United Communities Southeast Philadelphia
Michael Whittington, Mural Arts
Denise Williams, Mt. Ararat Community Activity Center, Inc.
Rashuan Williams, Phresh Philadelphia
Eric Williams, Project Elijah Empowering Autism
Darryl Ford Williams, WQED Multimedia
Ricardo Williams, YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh
Ian Willison, Lutheran Settlement House
Devin Wills, Rising Sons
Frances Wilson, East Bay National Society of Black Engineers Jr.
Sulaiman Wood, Public Health Management Corporation
Omar Woodard, Venture Philanthropy Partners
Kelly Woodland, Philadelphia African American Leadership
Wayne Wormley, Community College of Philadelphia
Jasiri X, 1Hood
Phillip Yacinthe, Wesley Proctor Ministries
Mila Yochum, APOST
Jeffery Young Jr., Office of Council President Darrell L. Clarke
Khalil Fuller, Learn Fresh Education Co.
Nick Monzi, Learn Fresh Education Co.
Hillary Salmons, Providence After School Alliance, Inc.
Matthew Costello, Eau Claire Promise Zone
Calvin Harris, Midlands Technical College-African American Male
Leadership Institute
Sam Johnson, City of Columbia
Jacquie Kennedy, City of Charleston
Mariam Mauro, ED101
Theodore Mauro, ED101
Zaccheus Moss, SEED
Jesse Outen, Telamon Corporation
Tommy Quick, Promised Land Community Development
Tasia Stevenson, Concerned Black Men National
Marquita Walker, Bdazzled Art and Design
Alexander Walker, N/A
Andre Canty, Highlander Research & Education Center
Eric Capehart, All The Kings Men
Deb Fay, Martha O'Bryan Center
Sara Glascock, Nashville Promise Neighborhood
Tam Gordon, City of Nashville
Patrick Hendricks, City of Memphis - Mayor's Innovation and
Delivery Team
Tim Hooper, Tennessee State University
Jamal Hutchinson, Fisk University
Angelica James-Garner, Data Works, LLC
Reggie Jenkins, UUNIK Academy
LaRhonda Magras, Martha O'Bryan Center
Peter Martino, Martha O'Bryan Center
Bishop Mays, City of Memphis - Memphis Gun Down
Mariana Merritt, Communities in Schools Tennessee
James Nelson, City of Memphis
Robert Oselen, Jr., Mid-South Community College
Darren Reed, New Leaders for New Schools
Reginald Reser, New Life at the Crossroads Institute, Inc
Jackie Shrago, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
Terry Strickland, City of Knoxville
Robin Veenstra-VanderWeele, Martha O'Bryan Center
Patrick Willis, City of Jackson
Joe Anderson, The Mahogany Project (TMP)
Susan Back, Texas Tech University College of Education
Valerie Ballard, North Texas Fatherhood Initiative
Carlos Banks, Young Lions - Boys Rite Of Passage
Carter Bedford, University of Texas at Arlington
Paula Blackmon, City of Dallas
Brandi Brown, Waymaker Life Strategies, Inc.
Antoine Bryant, City of Houston
Jean Clack, Spiral Education Foundation
Jean Rodgers Clack, Spiral Educational Foundation
Shawn Farrell, University of Texas at Arlington
Queensley Felix, N/A
Patrice Hargrove, United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County -Eastside Promise Neighborhood
Alberta Harris, United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County -Eastside Promise Neighborhood
Annie Heitman, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Katrina R. Johnson, Horizon Outreach
Katrina Johnson, K. Johnson Realty
Mervil Johnson, Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County
Kelli King-Jackson, The Simmons Foundation
Tony Leverett, United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County -Eastside Promise Neighborhood
Mali Locke, Maverick Capital Foundation
Gwendolyn Matthews, Second Chance Technology Edge High
Roderick Miles, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Chrishelle Palay, Texas Low Income Housing Information Service
Buff Parham, Marcus Graham Project
Omar Peters, V.E.C.A.
Reo Pruiett, Educate Texas
Brandale Randolph, Project: Poverty
Brandon Reed, A.M.N Global Media
Hank Roberts, Peacemakers, Inc.
Colleen Robinson, Capacity Building for start up organization
Colleen Robinson, Urban Initiatives TNE 3
Audwin Samuel, City of Beaumont
Diane Schorr, The Suder Foundation
Janet A. Simmons, Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.
William Sparrow, The College Hour
Lincoln Stephens, Marcus Graham Project
Bill Stubblefield, The Difference Maker's Fellowship
William-Paul Thomas, City of Houston
Demetrius Walker, Black Male Empowerment Institute
Angela Williams, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Samuel Yamthe, Praise Healing and Deliverance Ministries
Nekya Young, Texas Southern University
Tim Jackson, United Way of Northern Utah
David Ford, Main Street Museum
Tyvon Bates, Grassroots Solutions- Community Information
Michelle Ba'th Bates, The fe-Male Perspective
L. Robert Bolling, William Byrd Community House
Theron Cook, Chasseur Group
Linda Curtis, City of Hampton
Sarad Davenport, City of Promise
Ezekiel Dennison, jr., Delta Omega Foundation, Inc.
Gretchen Ellis, City of Charlottesville
Chanda Epps, Life Power Music Mentoring
Eddie Harris, Children, Youth and Family Services
Paul Harris, University of Virginia
Jane Holliday Wilson, Robins Foundation
Dion Lewis, University of Virginia
Angela R. Logan, The Harvest Foundation
Kevin McGowan, Educational Solutions, LLC
Barbara Miller, Monticello Area Community Action Agency
Anthony Mingo, Sr., Richmond Family and Fatherhood Initiative
Will Moffett, City of Hampton
Patrick Patterson, ICF International
James Peterson, City of Hampton
Debra Pontisso, US Department of Health and Human ServicesAdministration for Children and Families
Serenia Remley, FRIENDS Association for Children
Karen Shepard, Monticello Area Community Action Agency
Sean Slaughter, Life Power Music Mentoring
Shellye Sledge, Norfolk State University
Stan Southworth, Partnership for Families Northside
Kristin Szakos, City of Charlottesville
Barry Taylor, YMCA of Greater Richmond
Antonio Tijerino, Hispanic Heritage Foundation
Tina Vick, City of Newport News
Phillip White, Henrico County Virginia Department of Social
Eric White, N/A
Phillip White, Richmond Family and Fatherhood Initiative
Yvonne Williams, K.I.Services, Inc
Stacey Young, Saving Our Communities at Risk Through
Educational Services (SOCARTES)
Sean Young, Young Minds Youth and Family Development Inc.
John Allen, Washington Department of Social and Health
William Bell, Casey Family Programs
Stacie Buchanan, Casey Family Programs
LaRon Burris, Divine Alternatives for Dads Services
Christine Calpin, Casey Family Programs
Tracey Campfield, Casey Family Programs
Jovi Catena, Metrocenter YMCA
Joseph Colón, College Success Foundation
Shavonda Dial, Casey Family Programs
Maria Fuentes, Casey Family Programs
Abbi Griffin, YMCA of Greater Seattle
Fran Gutterman, Casey Family Programs
Lorenzo Herman, SJ, National Black Catholic Seminarians
Steve Hill, Yakima County Department of Human Services
Michael Hursh, City of Auburn
Antoinette Malveaux, Casey Family Programs
Barbara Miller, College Success Foundation
Yakicewey Mitchell, Casey Family Programs
Carol Mizoguchi, Casey Family Programs
Solomon Odame, Tacoma Urban League
Hector R. Ortiz, WorkSource Pierce
Anna Raksany, Seattle Jobs Initiative
Randy Riley, College Success Foundation
Carmen White, City of Tacoma
Anthony Williams, Casey Family Programs
Victoria Woodards, City of Tacoma
Russell Woods, Casey Family Programs
Nicole Angresano, United Way of Greater Milwaukee
Mandela Barnes, Wisconsin State Legislature
Jeffery Berry, Black Men of Tomorrow
Seneca Blue, Blueprint for Success
Jacquelyn Boggess, Center for Family Policy and Practice (CFFPP)
Joanna Borowiec, City of Milwaukee
David Bowen, Urban Underground Inc.
Nuntiata Buck, Metropolitan Milwaukee Alliance of Black School
Khalil Coleman, Changing Lives Through Literature
Joe Davis, City of Milwaukee
Gevon Daynuah, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Rick Flowers, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Edward A. Flynn, Milwaukee Police Department
Scott Gelzer, Faye McBeath Foundation
Ashanti Hamilton, City of Milwaukee
Kenneth Harris, Jr., 100 Black Men of Greater Milwaukee
james Hill, Univesity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Astra Miriaku Iheukumere, City of Madison
Derrick Johnson, Adelman Travel Group
Derrick Johnson, Dream MKE
Joe Kellam, Running Rebels Community Organization
Sally Ladky, Compel Them to Come, Inc. (DBA COMPEL)
Rochelle Landingham, Families Moving Forward
Maria Lopez Vento, Helen Bader Foundation
Steven Mahan, City of Milwaukee
Curtis Marshall, Wisconsin Division of Public Health
David McKinney, Public Allies
Reggie Moore, Center for Youth Engagement
Sharlen Moore, Urban Underground Inc.
David Pate, Center for Family Policy and Practice (CFFPP)
Joanna Polanco, City of Milwaukee
Terrence Ray, City of Milwaukee
Aaron Robbins, Compel Them to Come, Inc. (DBA COMPEL)
Angela Robbins, Compel Them to Come, Inc. (DBA COMPEL)
Nino Rodriguez, Center for Family Policy and Practice (CFFPP)
Jeffery Roman, Community Advocates Public Policy Institute
Jeffery Roman, Community Advocates, Inc.
Jeff Roman, Milwaukee Planning Group LLC
Ronald Sickles, Jr., Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Gina Stilp, Zilberman Family Foundation
Debora Taylor, TaylorMade International Institute
Sean Walker, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee
Ambrose WB, Misipibo Fitness, LLC
Gregory Williams, Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board,
Darryl Baynes, Interactive Science Programs
Ajawavi Ajavon, DAB Mediation Consultant, LLC
James Alexis, N/A
Andrae Banks, N/A
David Banner, N/A
Hilary Beard, American Promise
Steven Belskie, N/A
Steve Belskie, Steve Belskie
William Black, The Comcast Foundation
Emmanuel Bondzie, N/A
Curtis Boswell, Liberty Management
Graham Brathwaite, N/A
Wiley Brazier, N/A
Allison Brown, N/A
David Brown, The Marketing Collaborative
Cecily Bumbray, N/A
Alderman Walter Burnett, N/A
Kephra Burns, N/A
Michael Campbell, N/A
Taylor Campbell, N/A
Hedy Chang, Attendance Works
Tara Childs, Young and Powerful Group
Leslie Colston, Foundation for Communities of Color, Inc.
Ernest Comer, N/A
Donna Cooper, N/A
Pierre Cooper, WVON
Viv Cotte, The Cove
Wilson Curtis Jr., N/A
Linda Cuttler, N/A
Lisa Egbuonu-Davis, LED Enterprise, LLC
Harold Epps, N/A
Eric Esteves, N/A
Alexander Evans, N/A
Brandon Evans, N/A
John Farrell, N/A
Paul Fields, Intelligent Men of Color Purposefully Accomplishing
College Together (IMPACT)
Laresha Franks, N/A
Patrick Freeman, N/A
Ade Fuqua, N/A
Meligha Garfield, N/A
Darwitt R. Garrett, N/A
Grace Garry, Campaign for Grade Level Reading
Amelia Gary, N/A
Drew Giddings, N/A
George Gipson, N/A
Rey Green, N/A
Amanda Greene, N/A
Aprill Harmon, N/A
Shae Harris, N/A
Franco Harris, Super Bakery
Bill Hart, N/A
Maurice Henderson, Community Change-National Support
Alex Hernandez, N/A
Heather Hodges, N/A
Jammie Hopkins, WORK IT OUT Wellness Services
Shanna Houston,
Chevelle Howard, N/A
Tamanika Howze, N/A
Howard Hughes, N/A
Sean Hunter, Real Positive Black Men
Mark Jews, N/A
Valerie Johnson, Black Policy Institute
Aaron Johnson, N/A
Elijah Johnson, N/A
Kim Johnson, N/A
Edwin Jones, Living Faith Baptist Church and International
Jeffrey Jones, N/A
Jeremy Jordan, N/A
Alan Joynes, Perfect Vision 20/20
Sherman Justice, N/A
Jonathan Kelly, N/A
Diane Lang, N/A
S. Archye Leacock, N/A
Keith Leaphart, N/A
Woullard Lett, N/A
Carrie Lynch, N/A
Kimberly Manns, N/A
Leonardo Mason, N/A
Chuck Mayfield, N/A
Serie McDougal, N/A
Dulce McFarlane, N/A
Kavitha Mediratta, Atlantic Philanthropies
Bernard Miller, Career Educational Pathways
Samia Mirza, N/A
Maurice Moore, Capacity Development Associates, LLC
Shirley Moorman, COST
Colleston Morgan, Jr., N/A
Abdul Muhammad, N/A
La'Shawn Allen Muhammad, N/A
Gregory Murray, N/A
Tyronda Murray, N/A
Laurene O'Bryan, N/A
Michael Omenazu, N/A
Linda Parham, N/A
Gargi Parikh, N/A
Network Partner, N/A
Jonathan Peterson, N/A
Anthony Powell, N/A
Evelyn Powell, N/A
Andrea Price, N/A
Cynthia Primas, Institute for the Development of Education in
the Arts (IDEA)
Teri Primm, N/A
Diana Collins Puente, Graduating Champions
Annette Pyatt, N/A
Nazneen Qazi, N/A
Samuel Reeves, Reveas Foundation
Justin Richardson, N/A
Joshua Rivers, N/A
JaLem Robinson, N/A
Michael Robinson, N/A
Shannon Roundtree, N/A
Helen B. Rucker, N/A
Anderson Sainci, N/A
Bunmi Samuel, N/A
Jim Sanders, N/A
Natalia Sardo, N/A
Dana Seay, N/A
Porter Sexton, N/A
Michael Simon, N/A
Shay Singleton, N/A
Anthony Smith, N/A
Curtis Smith, N/A
Phillip Smith, N/A
Faisal Tavernier, The Urban Globe
Jai Thomas, N/A
MinNekhekh (Malcolm) Thomas, N/A
Lee Thornhill, N/A
Walker Tisdale,
Aaron Wallace, Cineapse Pictures
Bernadine Watson, N/A
Dr. Dennis Rahiim Watson, N/A
Alex Weightman, N/A
Antwan Williams, N/A
Marcus Williams, N/A
Renee Willis, Responding to Challenges, LLC
Will Win, N/A
Eric Worley, N/A
Clif Wright, N/A
Zach Z, N/A
Thank You to Our Partners
IBMA Funding Partners
Sequane Lawrence, Fathers, Families, and Healthy
Casey Family Programs
The California Endowment
Khary Lazarre-White, The Brotherhood/Sister Sol
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Marcus Littles, Frontline Solutions
The Chicago Community Trust
Rubén Lizardo, PolicyLink
The Heinz Endowments
Kierna Mayo, Ebony.Com
Knight Foundation
Atiba Mbiwan, The Zeist Foundation
Kapor Center for Social Impact
Michael Mcafee, PolicyLink
Open Society Foundations
Pedro Noguera, New York University Metropolitan Center
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
For Urban Education
The Skillman Foundation
Robert Perez, Fenton Communications
Neil Phillips, Visible Men, Inc.
Selection Committee
Naomi Abraham, PolicyLink
Tonya Allen, The Skillman Foundation
Carmen Anderson, The Heinz Endowments
Stacey Bouchet, Women In Fatherhood, Inc.
Markese Bryant, Fight For Light, Inc.
Iva Carruthers, Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, Inc.
Raymond Colmenar, The California Endowment
Milly Daniel, PolicyLink
Stephen DeBerry, Bronze Investments
Paul Forbes, NYC Department Of Education
Robert Michael Franklin, Morehouse College
Khalil Fuller, NBA Math Hoops
Anthony Gee, Carthage Capital Group
Melanie Hartzog, Children's Defense Fund-New York
Bill Heiser, Center For Employment Opportunities
Erin Hodge-Williams, Higher Achievement Baltimore
Tyrone Howard, UCLA Center X
Tim King, Urban Prep Academies
Denise Pines, Smiley Group, Inc.
Anne Price, Insight Center For Community Economic
Vashti Rutledge, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Maisha Simmons, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Sylvia Simmons, Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation
Kamal Sinclair, Songha & Company -- Question Bridge:
Black Males
Michéle Stephenson, Rada Film Group
Mike Stevens
Cheo Taylor, Forward Ever Media
Susan Taylor Batten, Association Of Black Foundation
Ivory Toldson, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation,
Stacey Winter, Taproot Foundation
Social Innovation Accelerator Consultants
Greg Hodge
Benjapon Jivasantikarn
Sheelah Muhammad
John Newsome
Stephen Pratt
Sushma Raman
Julie Zack
Katie Barnett
Susan Musinsky
Key Partners
Karen Schub Epstein
Malkia Cyril
Nicole Kindred
Cynthia Massarsky
Anne Sherman
Jennifer Fellner
Julie Sherman
Shawn Dove
Stephanie Ramirez-Burnett
Social Innovation Accelerator, Institute for Black Male
Rashid Shabazz
Rebecca Coleman
Zeina Fayyaz
Kisasi Brooks
Benjapon Jivasantikarn
Lewis Brown
Stephanie Koh
Milly Hawk Daniel
Jameelah Morris
Glenda Johnson
Prathama Nabi
Jamahn Lee
Rukmini Reddy
Marc Philpart
Andrew Wolk
Sam Sinyangwe
Sarah Yun
Amber Washington

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