Curriculum Vitae - Center for Economics and Neuroscience


Curriculum Vitae - Center for Economics and Neuroscience
CV Bernd Weber
Curriculum Vitae
First Name:
Academic Degree:
Prof. Dr. med.
Current Position:
Center for Economics and Neuroscience
Head of NeuroCognition-Imaging
at the Department of Epileptology
University of Bonn
Sigmund-Freud Str. 25
53127 Bonn
Tel.: +49-228-6885262
Fax: +49-228-6885261
peer-reviewed: 88
h-Index (google scholar): 30
Gymnasium (Higher School;
1985 – 1995
Abitur (High School Diploma;
April 1995
Civil Service (St. Marien-Hospital, Bonn)
September 1995 – August 1996
Medical School (University of Bonn)
October 1996 – Dezember 2003
Graduation from Medical School
December 2003
Medical doctor with honours
“summa cum laude“ within the graduate school
246 funded by the German Research
December 2003
Habilitation and “venia legendi" for
“experimental neurology“ at the medical
faculty, University of Bonn
June 2008
Bernd Weber – Curriculum Vitae
Language Skills:
page 2
German (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Academic Positions:
since January 2004
Research fellow and resident at the Department
of Epileptology, University Bonn
since January 2005
Head of the Group NeuroCognition-Imaging of
the Department of Epileptology and of the
Life&Brain Center, University of Bonn
since January 2008
Research affiliate and Research Professor (2010)
at the German Institute for Economic Research
(DIW), Berlin
since July 2009
Board of Directors, Center for Economics and
Neuroscience (CENs), University of Bonn
June 2010
Offer for an Adjunct Professorship University of
Groningen Medical School (declined)
since July 2010
Heisenberg Professorship for “Biological basis of
human economic decision making” at the
University of Bonn, sponsored by the German
Research Foundation (DFG)
Bernd Weber – Curriculum Vitae
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Teaching Experience:
Co-organisation of the Bonn Lecture Series in Neuroscience together with Heinz Beck,
Ullrich Herrlinger and Michael Heneka, since 2012.
Module “MRI in cognitive neuroscience” within the Master program “Master of Science
(M.Sc.) Neurosciences”, Bonn, since 2009
Co-organisation of the lecture series “Neuroeconomics“ together with Armin Falk (Institute
of Empirical Economics, University of Bonn) at the “Graduate School of Economics“
(4 hrs/week), Bonn, 2008
Co-organisation of the “Bonner Imaging Seminar“ together with Henning Boecker
(Radiology), Volker Coenen (Neurosurgery) and Frank Jessen (Psychiatry), Bonn,
Lecturer for “Medicine“
April – August 2007
Teaching Course “Neurology“ at the University Hospital Bonn, 2004 – 2007
Integrated Neurophysiological Seminars (together with the Institute of Physiology) at the
University Hospital Bonn, 2004 – 2007
Initiation and organization of the seminar series “scientific methods for medical students” at
the University Hospital Bonn, 2001 – 2002
Supervision of several diploma, master, and doctoral students
Bernd Weber – Curriculum Vitae
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Work within the scientific community:
Editor-in-chief “Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics” (together with Dan
Houser, GMU, USA)
President of the Association for Neuropsychoeconomics
Member of FWO Expert Panel Med5 (Flandern Research Council)
Referee for the “German Research Foundation” (DFG)
Referee for the “Austrian Science Fund” (FWF)
Referee for the “Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences” (IRCHSS)
Referee for the “National Science Foundation” (NSF)
Referee for the “Israel Science Foundation” (ISF)
Referee for the “Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)”
Editorial Board “Open Neuroimaging Journals”
Ad-hoc Reviewer for (among others):
 Annals of Neurology
 Brain
 European Journal of Neurology
 European Journal of Neuroscience
 International Journal of Advertising
 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
 Journal of Neuroscience
 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
 Nature
 NeuroImage
 Neuron
 Neuropsychologia
 Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes
 Science
Bernd Weber – Curriculum Vitae
Member of:
page 5
Association of Neuropsychoeconomics
Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (German Neuroscience Society)
Society of Neuroeconomics
Society for Neuroscience
Honours, Prizes:
Medical Doctor with Honours “summa cum laude”
Grant by the German Research Foundation for the medical doctor thesis “Pathogenesis
of central nervous system diseases“ within the graduate school
Research Grant by the Carl Duisberg Society (CDG) for a research visit at the lab of
Professor Anthony Wagner at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
Boston, USA
National Epi Fellow Travel Grant of the American Epilepsy Society to the meeting of
the American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, USA
Article of the Quarter of the German Neuroscience Society 1/09 for “Connectivitybased segregation of the human striatum predicts personality characteristics. Nat.
Neurosci., 12(1):32-4”
Park Outstanding Contribution Award of the Society for Consumer Psychology, 2013
BMBF-Project “Influences of D-Serine on cognitive abilities“, total amount:
€208.797, 2006 – 2008
Research Project within the collaborative research center ‘Mesial Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy‘ (Project A1): “Subtemporal vs. transsylvian approach for selective
amygdalahippocampectomy: a randomized controlled trial on the epileptological and
cognitive outcome“, principal investigators: Johannes Schramm, Christoph
Helmstaedter, Bernd Weber, total amount: €532.000, 2008 – 2012
Research Project within the collaborative research center ‘Mesial Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy‘ (Projekt A8): „White matter changes in temporal lobe epilepsy: Investigation
of structural and metabolic basis and their functional consequences“, principal
investigators: Michael Deppe, Bernd Weber, Christian Elger, total amount: €428.000,
2008 – 2012
Heisenberg Grant of the German Research Foundation for the investigation of the
“Biological basis of human economic decision making”, since July 2010 (positive
Evaluation in 8/2013), total amount ~ €560.000
Bernd Weber – Curriculum Vitae
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Important Scientific Collaborations:
 Armin Falk (Professor of Economics, University of Bonn, Germany), especially on
topics of motivation and incentive systems
 Eric Johnson and Elke Weber (Dept. of Psychology und Business School Columbia
University, New York, USA) on the relation of memory and value-based decision
 Markus Nöthen (Dept. of Human Genetics, University of Bonn) on behavioral genetics
 Daphna Shohame und Elliott Wimmer (Dept. of Psychology, Columbia University,
USA) on reward-learning in patients with hippocampal lesions
 Daniel Houser (Professor of Economics, George Mason University, Washington DC,
USA) on betrayal aversion
 Camelia Kuhnen (Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern
University, Evanston, USA) on the investigation of biomarkers as predictors for real
economic outcomes
 Hilke Plassmann (Professor of Marketing, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France)
consumer behavior
 Martin Reuter (Professor of Psychology, University of Bonn, Germany) on
interindividual differences in personality and genetics.
 Marc Tittgemeyer (Group Leader, Max-Planck Institute Cologne, Germany)
diffusion tensor imaging
 Gert Wagner and Jürgen Schupp (Professors of Economics, German Institute for
Economic Research (DIW), Berlin, Germany) on representative samples
Prof. Dr. Bernd Weber
Publications (h-index google-scholar 13.06.2014: 30)
In press
1. Leue A, Weber B, Beauducel A. How do working-memory-related demand, reasoning
ability and aversive reinforcement modulate conflict monitoring? Front Hum Neurosci., in
2. Schoene-Bake JC, Keller SS, Niehusmann P, Volmering E, Elger CE, Deppe M, Weber
B. In-vivo mapping of hippocampal subfields in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: relation to
histopathology. Hum Brain Map, in press
3. Aimone J, Houser D, Weber B. Neural Signatures of Betrayal Aversion. Proc. R. Soc. B, in
4. Cornil Y, Ordabayeva N, Kaiser U, Weber B, Chandon P. The Acuity of Vice: Attitude
Ambivalence Improves Visual Sensitivity to Increasing Portion Sizes. J Consum Psych., in
5. Strombach T, Jin J, Weber B, Kenning P, Shen Q, Ma Q, Kalenscher T. Charity begins at
home – cultural differences in social discounting and generosity. J Behav Decis Making.,
in press
6. Markett S, Reuter M, Voigt G, Montag C, Lachmann B, Rudorf S, Walter NT, Felten A,
Elger CE, Weber B. Assessing the function of the fronto-parietal attention network:
Insights from resting-state fMRI and the attentional network test. Hum Brain Map, in
7. Lallement HJ, Kuss K, Trautner P, Weber B, Falk A, Fliessbach K. Effort increases
sensitivity to reward and loss magnitude in the human brain. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci,
in press.
8. Strang S, Utikal V, Fischbacher U, Weber B, Falk A. Neural correlates of receiving an
apology and active forgiveness: An fMRI study. PLOSOne, 9(2):e87654
9. Schneider C, Helmstaedter C, Luders E, Thompson PM, Toga AW, Elger CE, Weber B.
Relation of callosal structure to cognitive abilities in temporal lobe epilepsy. Front
Neurology, 5:16
10. Ortner GR, Wibral M, Becker A, Dohmen T, Klingmueller D, Falk A, Weber B. No
evidence for an effect of testosterone administration on delay discounting in male
university students. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(9), 1814-1818
11. Ivo R, Nicklas A, Sobottke R, Delank KS, Eysel P, Weber B. Brain structural and
psychometric alterations in chronic low back pain. Eur Spine J, 22(9), 1958-1964
12. Liu WY, Weber B, Reuter M, Markett S, Chu WC, Montag C. The Big Five of
Personality and structural brain imaging revisited: a VBM-DARTEL study. Neuroreport,
24(7), 375-380
Bernd Weber - peer reviewed publications
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13. Markett S, Weber B, Voigt G, Montag C, Felten A, Elger CE, Reuter M. Intrinsic
Connectivity Networks and Personality: The temperament dimension harm avoidance
moderates functional connectivity in the resting brain. Neuroscience, 240:98-105.
14. Feis DL, Schoene-Bake JC, Elger CE, Wagner J, Tittgemeyer M, Weber B. Prediction of
post-surgical seizure outcome in left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, NeuroImage: Clinical,
15. Wagner J, Schoene-Bake JC, Malter M, Urbach H, Huppertz HJ, Elger CE, Weber B.
Quantitative FLAIR analysis indicates predominant affection of the amygdala in antibodyassociated limbic encephalitis. Epilepsia, 54(9):1679-87
16. Montag C, Eichner M, Markett S, Quesada CM, Schoene-Bake JC, Melchers M, Plieger
T, Weber B, Reuter M. An interaction of a NR3C1 polymorphism and antenatal sunspot
activity impacts both hippocampus volume and neuroticism in adulthood. Front Hum
Neurosci., 7:243
17. Neeb H, Schenk J, Weber B. Multicentre Absolute Myelin Water Content Mapping:
Development of a Whole Brain Atlas and Application to Low-Grade Multiple Sclerosis.
Neuroimage Clin., 1(1):121-130.
18. Faber J, Schoene-Bake JC, Trautner P, von Lehe M, Elger CE, Weber B. Progressive
fibre tract affections after temporal lobe surgery. Epilepsia, 54(4):e53-7
19. Montag C, Schoene-Bake JC, Wagner J, Reuter M, Markett S, Weber B, Quesada CM.
Volumetric hemispheric ratio as a useful tool in personality psychology. Neurosci Res.,
20. Keller SS, Ahrens T, Mohammadi S, Gerdes JS, Möddel G, Kellinghaus C, Kugel H,
Weber B, Ringelstein EB, Deppe M. Voxel-Based Statistical Analysis of Fractional
Anisotropy and Mean Diffusivity in Patients with Unilateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy of
Unknown Cause. J Neuroimaging, 23(3):352-9
21. Kuss K, Falk A, Trautner P, Elger CE, Weber B, Fliessbach K. A reward prediction error
for charitable donations reveals outcome orientation of donators. Soc Cogn Affect
Neurosci, 8(2):216-23
22. Rudorf S, Preuschoff K, Weber B. Neural Correlates of Anticipation Risk Reflect Risk
Preference. J Neurosci, 32(47):16683–16692.
23. Wibral M, Dohmen T, Klingmueller D, Weber B, Falk A. Testosterone administration
reduces lying in men. PLOS One, 7(10):e46774.
24. Keller SS, Schoene-Bake JC, Gerdes JS, Weber B, Deppe M. Concomitant Fractional
Anisotropy and Volumetric Abnormalities in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Cross-Sectional
Evidence for Progressive Neurologic Injury. PLOS One, 7(10):e46791.
25. Markett S, Reuter M, Montag C, Weber B. The dopamine D2 receptor gene DRD2 and
the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene CHRNA4 interact on striatal gray matter
volume: Evidence from a genetic imaging study. Neuroimage, 64C:167-172.
26. Dimoka A, Banker RD, Benbasat I, Davis FD, Dennis AR, Gefen D, Gupta A, Ischebeck
A, Kenning P, Müller-Putz G, Pavlou P, Riedl R, vom Brocke J, Weber B. On the Use of
Neurophysiological Tools in IS Research: Developing a Research Agenda for NeuroIS,
MIS Quaterly, 36(3)
27. Rohe T, Weber B, Fliessbach K. Dissociation of BOLD Responses to Reward Prediction
Errors and Reward Receipt by a Model Comparison. Eur J Neurosci., 36(3):2376-82
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28. Montag C, Reuter M, Weber B, Markett S, Schoene-Bake JC. Individual differences in
trait anxiety are associated with white matter tract integrity in the left temporal lobe in
healthy males but not females, Neuroscience, 217:77-83
29. Fliessbach K, Philips CB, Trautner P, Schnabel M, Elger CE, Falk A, Weber B. Neural
responses to advantageous and disadvantageous inequity. Front Hum Neurosci, 6:165
30. Weber B. Neuroscience: The case for brain imaging technology. Nature, 483(7487):7.
31. Wagner J, Schoene-Bake JC, Bien CG, Urbach H, Elger CE, Weber B. Automated 3D
MRI volumetry reveals regional atrophy differences in Rasmussen Encephalitis. Epilepsia,
32. Hoppe C, Fliessbach K, Stausberg S, Stojanovic J, Trautner P, Elger CE, Weber B. A key
role for experimental task performance: effects of math talent, gender and performance on
the neural correlates of mental rotation. Brain Cog., 78(1):14-27
33. Montag C, Weber B, Trautner P, Newport B, Markett S, Walter NT, Reuter M. Does
excessive play of violent first-person-shooter-video-games dampen brain activity in
response to emotional stimuli? Bio Psychol, 89(1):107-111
34. Raab G, Elger CE, Neuner M, Weber B. A neurological study of compulsive buying
behavior. J Consum Policy, 34:401-413.
35. Wagner J, Weber B, Urbach H, Elger CE, Huppertz HJ. Morphometric MRI improves
detection of focal cortical dysplasias in comparison to conventional visual inspection.
Brain, 134:2844-2854.
36. Minnerop M+, Weber B+, Schoene-Bake JC, Roeske S, Mirbach S, Ansbach C, SchneiderGold C, Betz RC, Helmstaedter C, Tittgemeyer M, Klockgether T, Kornblum C. The
brain in Myotonic Dystrophy 1 and 2: evidence for a predominant white matter disease.
Brain, 134:3527-3543.
37. Huppertz HJ, Wagner J, Weber B, House P, Urbach H. Automated quantitative FLAIR
analysis in hippocampal sclerosis. Epi Res, 97:146-156.
38. Reimann M, Aholt A, Neuhaus C, Schilke O, Teichert T, Zaichowsky J, Weber B.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Consumer Research: A Review and
Application. Psychology and Marketing, 28(6):608-637.
39. Ma Q, Shen Q, Xu Q, Li D, Shu L, Weber B. Empathic responses to others' gains and
losses: an electrophysiological investigation. Neuroimage, 54(3):2472-2480.
40. Greven M, Otsuka T, Zutz L, Weber B, Elger CE, Sato S. The Amount of TMJ
Displacement Correlates with Brain Activity. Cranio-the Journal of Craniomandibular
Practice 29:291-296.
41. Kaaden S, Quesada CM, Urbach H, Koenig R, Weber B, Schramm J, Rudinger G,
Helmstaedter C. Neurodevelopmental disruption in early-onset temporal lobe epilepsy:
Evidence from a voxel-based morphometry study. Epilespy&Behavior, 20(4):694-699.
42. Dohmen T, Falk A, Fliessbach K, Sunde U, Weber B. Relative versus Absolute Income,
Joy of Winning, and Gender: Brain Imaging Evidence. Journal of Public Economics, 95(34):279-285.
43. Radicke M, Mende J, Kofahl AL, Wild J, Ulucay D, Habenstein B, Deimling M, Trautner
P, Weber B, Maier K. Acoustic Radiation Contrast in MR Images for breast Cancer
Diagnostics – Initial Phantom Study. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., 36(2):253-261.
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44. Mende J, Schindler J, Ulucay D, Radicke M, Kofahl AL, Weber B, Krieg R, Maier K.
Acoustic radiation force contrast in MRI: detection of calcifications in tissue-mimicking
phantoms. Med. Phys.,37(12):6347-6356.
45. Riedl R, Banker RD, Benbasat I, David FD, Dennis AR, Dimoka A, Gefen D, Gupta A,
Ischebeck A, Kenning P, Müller-Putz G, Paylou PA, Straub DW, Brocke J, Weber B. On
the Foundation of NeuroIS: Reflections on the Gmunden Retreat 2009. Communications
of the Association for Information Systems,27(15).
46. Montag C, Schoene-Bake JC, Faber J, Reuter M, Weber B. Genetic variation on the
BDNF gene and differences in white matter tracts in healthy humans. Genes, Brain and
Behavior, 9(8):886-891.
47. Schoene-Bake JC, Parpaley Y, Weber B, Panksepp J, Hurwitz TA, Coenen VA.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(13):2553-2563.
48. Fliessbach K, Buerger C, Trautner P, Elger CE, Weber B. Differential effects of semantic
processing on memory encoding. Hum Brain Mapp., 31(11):1653-1664.
49. Heinemann T, Hoppe C, Weber B, Elger CE. Ethically Appropriate Handling of
Incidental Findings in Human Neuroimaging Research. Clin Neurorad, 19(3):242-243.
50. Reimann M, Zaichowsky J, Neuhaus C, Bender T, Weber B. Aesthetic package design: A
behavioral, neural, and psychological investigation. Journal of Consumer Psychology,
20(4): 432-441.
51. Schonlau M, Reuter M, Schupp J, Montag C, Weber B, Dohmen T, Siegel NA, Sunde U,
Wagner GG, Falk A. Collecting Genetic Samples in Population Wide (Panel) Surveys:
Feasibility, Nonresponse and Selectivity. Survey Res Meth, 4(2)
52. Linder N, Uhl G, Fliessbach K, Trautner P, Elger CE, Weber B. Organic labeling
influences food-valuation and choice. Neuroimage, 53(1):215-20.
53. Fliessbach K, Rohe T, Linder N, Trautner P, Elger CE, Weber B. Retest Reliability of
Reward-Related BOLD Signals. Neuroimage, 50(3):1168-78.
54. Montag C, Weber B, Jentgens E, Elger CE, Reuter M. An epistasis effect of functional
variants on the BDNF and DRD2 genes modulates gray matter volume of the anterior
cingulate cortex in healthy humans. Neuropsychologia, 48(4):1016-21.
55. Wellmer J, Weber B, Urbach H, Reul K, Fernandez G, Elger CE. Cerebral lesions can
impair fMRI-based language lateralization. Epilepsia, 50(10):2213-24.
56. Weber B, Rangel A, Wibral M, Falk A. The medial prefrontal cortex exhibits money
illusion. PNAS, 106(13):5025-8.
57. Reuter M, Weber B, Fiebach CJ, Elger CE, Montag C. The biological basis of anger:
Associations with the gene coding for DARPP-32 (PPP1R1B) and with amygdala volume.
Behav. Brain Res., 202(2):179-83.
58. Schoene-Bake C, Faber J, Trautner P, Kaaden S, Tittgemeyer M, Elger CE, Weber B.
Widespread affections of large fibre tracts in postoperative temporal lobe epilepsy.
Neuroimage, 46(3):569-76.
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59. Montag C, Weber B, Fliessbach K, Elger CE, Reuter M. The BDNF Val66Met
polymorphism impacts parahippocampal and amydala volume in healthy humans:
Incremental support for a genetic risk factor for depression. Psych. Med., 39(11):1831-9.
60. Cohen MX, Schoene-Bake C, Elger CE, Weber B. Connectivity-based segregation of the
human striatum predicts personality characteristics. Nat. Neurosci., 12(1):32-4.
61. Axmacher, N, Bialleck, KA, Weber B, Helmstaedter C, Elger CE, Fell J. Working
memory representation in atypical language dominance. Hum Brain Mapp, 30(7):203243.
62. Huppertz HJ, Kröll-Seger J, Danek A, Weber B, Dorn T, Kassubek J. Automatic striatal
volumetry allows for identification of patients with chorea-acanthocytosis at single subject
level. J Neural Transm, 115(10):1393-400
63. Montag C, Reuter M, Newport B, Elger CE, Weber B. The BDNF Val66Met
polymorphism affects amygdala activity in response to emotional stimuli: evidence from a
genetic imaging study. Neuroimage, 42(4):1554-9
64. Mormann F, Osterhage H, Andrzejak EG, Weber B, Fernandez G, Fell J, Elger CE,
Lehnertz K. Independent delta/theta rhythms in the human hippocampus and entorhinal
cortex. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 2:3. doi:10.3389/neuro.09.003.2008
65. Wellmer J, Weber B, Weis S, Klaver P, Urbach H, Reul J, Fernandez G, Elger CE.
Strongly lateralized activation in language fMRI of atypical dominant patients –
Implications for presurgical work-up. Epilepsy Res., 2008, 80(1):67-76
66. Döhler F, Mormann F, Weber B, Elger CE, Lehnertz K. A cellular neural network based
method for classification of magnetic resonance images: towards an automated detection
of hippocampal sclerosis, J. Neurosci. Meth.,. 2008, 170(2):324-331
67. Cohen M, Elger CE, Weber B. Amygdala tractography predicts functional connectivity
and learning during reward-guided decision-making. Neuroimage, 2008, 39(3):1396-407
68. Fließbach K, Weber B, Trautner P, Dohmen T, Sunde U, Elger CE, Falk A. Social
comparison affects reward-related brain activity in the human ventral striatum. Science,
2007, 318(5854):1305-8.
69. Cohen M, Krohn-Grimberghe A, Elger CE, Weber B. Dopamine gene predicts the brain’s
response to dopaminergic drug. Eur J Neurosci, 2007, 26(12):3652-60
70. Weber B, Luders E, Faber J, Richter S, Quesada CM, Urbach H, Thompson PM, Toga
AW, Elger CE, Helmstaedter C. Distinct regional atrophy in the corpus callosum of
patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, 2007, 130(Pt 12):3149-54]
71. Weber B, Fliessbach K, Lange N, Kügler F, Elger CE. Material specific memory
processing is related to language dominance. Neuroimage, 2007, 37(2):611-17
72. Fliessbach K, Trautner P, Quesada CM, Elger CE, Weber B. Cerebellar contributions to
episodic memory encoding as revealed by fMRI. Neuroimage, 2007, 35(3): 1330-7
73. Weber B, Kügler F, Elger CE. Comparison of implicit memory encoding paradigms for
the activation of mediotemporal structures. Epilepsy&Behavior, 2007, 10(3): 442-8.
74. Mormann F, Fernández G, Klaver P, Weber B, Elger CE, Fell, J. Declarative memory
formation in hippocampal sclerosis: An intracranial ERP study. Neuroreport, 2007, 18(4):
75. Weber B, Aholt A, Neuhaus C, Trautner P, Elger CE, Teichert T.Neural evidence for
Reference-Dependence in Real-Market-Transactions. Neuroimage, 2007, 35(1):441-7
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76. Fliessbach K, Weis S, Klaver P, Elger CE and Weber B. The effect of word concreteness
in recognition memory. Neuroimage 2006, 32(3):1413-21.
77. Jansen A, Menke R, Sommer J, Förster AF, Bruchmann S, Hemplemann J, Weber B, and
Knecht S. The assessment of hemispheric language dominance in fMRI - Robustness and
Reproducibility. Neuroimage 2006, 33(1):204-17.
78. Helmstaedter C, Fritz NE, Gonzalez Perez PA, and Weber B. Shift-back of right into left
hemisphere language dominance after control of epileptic seizures: Evidence for epilepsy
driven functional cerebral organization. Epilepsy Res. 2006, 70(2-3):257-62.
79. Weber B, Wellmer J, Schür S, Dinkelacker V, Ruhlmann J, Mormann F, Axmacher N,
Elger CE, and Fernández G. Presurgical Language fMRI in patients with drug-restistant
epilepsy: Effects of task performance. Epilepsia 2006, 47: 880-6.
80. Weber B, Wellmer J, Reuber M, Mormann F, Weis S, Urbach H, Ruhlmann J, Elger CE,
and Fernández G. Left hippocampal pathology is associated with atypical language
lateralisation in patients with focal epilepsy. Brain 2006, 129: 346-351.
81. Weber B, Fliessbach K, Elger CE. Highly Functional Ipsilateral Motor Control after
Extensive Left Hemispheric Damage during Gestation. NeuroCase, 2006, 12(5):292-5.
82. Weber B, Hoppe C, Faber J, Axmacher N, Fliessbach K, Mormann F, Weis S, Ruhlmann
J, Elger CE, and Fernández, G. Association between scalp hair-whorl direction and
hemispheric language dominance. Neuroimage 2006, 30: 539-543.
83. Mormann F, Fell J, Axmacher N, Weber B, Lehnertz K, Elger CE, and Fernández G.
Phase/amplitude reset and theta-gamma interaction in the human medial temporal lobe
during a continuous word recognition memory task. Hippocampus 2005, 15: 890-900.
84. Voermans NC, Petersson KM, Daudey L, Weber B, Spaendock KP, Kremer HPH, and
Fernández G. Interaction between the human hippocampus and the caudate nucleus
during route recognition. Neuron 2004, 43: 427-435.
85. Meulenbroek O, Petersson KM, Voermans N, Weber B, and Fernández G. Age differences
in neural correlates of route encoding and route recognition. Neuroimage 2004, 22: 15031514.
86. Weber B, Schlicker E, Sokoloff P, Stark H. Identification of the dopamine-autoreceptor
in the guinea-pig retina as D2 receptor using novel subtype-selective antagonists. Br. J.
Pharmacol. 2001, 133: 1243-1248.
87. Weber B, Schlicker E. Modulation of dopamine release in the guinea-pig retina by Gibut not by Gs- or Gq-protein-coupled receptors. Fund. Clin. Pharm., 2002, 15:1-8.
88. Kathmann M, Weber B, Schlicker E. Cannabinoid CB-1 receptor-mediated inhibition of
acetylcholine release in the brain of NMRI, CD-1 and C57BL/6J mice. NaunynSchmiedeberg´s Arch. Pharm., 2001, 363:50-56.
89. Kathmann M, Weber B, Zimmer A, Schlicker E. Enhanced acetylcholine release in the
hippocampus of cannabinoid CB-1 receptor deficient mice. Br. J. Pharmacol., 2001,
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Bernd Weber - Invited Talks
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Invited Talks (2009-2014 (selection))
Talk at Columbia University NYC, USA
Talk at the BMBF Symposium “Imaging Neuroscience” – Hamburg
Talk at the Conference of the German Association of clinical neurophysiology (DKGN),
Talk at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Economics, George Mason University,
Washington D.C., USA
Talk at the Leuphania University, Lüneburg
Talk at the Meeting of the German leage against epilepsy, Rostock
Talk at the Conference of the International Brain Mapping Society, Boston, USA
Talk at the Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Evanston, USA
Chair of the Neuropsychoeconomics conference in Bonn
Talk at the Founding Event of the French Association of Experimental Economics, Grenoble
Talk at the Center for Neuroeconomics, New York University, USA
Talk at the Donders Centre, University Nijmegen, Niederlande
Session Chair of the annual binational meeting of the Humboldt Foundation and Chinese
Academy of Science, Qingdao, PR China
Talk at the Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Evanston, USA
Lecture at the graduation ceremony of the medical faculty, Bonn.
Talk at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Economics,Psychology and Social Sciences,
Milan, Italy
Talk at the Center for Management Science, Zheijang University, Hangzhou, PR China
Lecture at the World Business Dialogue Meeting, Köln
Talk at the Royal Economic Society, London, England
Talk at the Mercedes-Benz-Foundation Symposium on Decision Making (organised by the
Center for Economics and Neuroscience, Bonn), Berlin
Talk at the University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finnland
Talk at the conference of the International Brain Mapping Society, San Francisco, USA
Talk at the Decision Neuroscience Conference, Philadelphia, USA
Talk at the National University of Singapore, Singapore
Talk at the opening ceremony of the Master Course in Neuroeconomics, Maastricht
University, Netherlands
Talk at the „Hauptstadtkongress Medizin“, Berlin
Talk at the Chinese Conference on Neuroeconomics and Neuromanagment, Hangzhou, PR
Lecture at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Bernd Weber - Invited Talks
page 14
Talk at the Institute of comparative Psychology, University of Düsseldorf
Talk at the Herrenhäuser Conference of the VW-Foundation Hannover
Talk at theDepartment of Economics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Chair of the Conference of the Association for Neuropsychoeconomics, Bonn
Talk at the Conference for Neuroeconomics, Lausanne, Switzerland
Talk at the Meeting of the European Association of Psychology Student Associations,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Panel on use of fMRI in market research, Neuromarketing World Forum, NYC, USA
Talk at the Conference “Die Illusion mündiger Verbraucher und die verbraucherpolitischen
Implikationen“, Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen
Chair of a symposium on „decision Neuroscience“, ESCAN Meeting, Dortmund
Talk at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg on “Neuroscientific, psychological, economic and
sociological insights on cooperation”

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