CVs of Speakers and Moderators
CVs of Speakers and Moderators
Speakers and Moderators CVs Marcus V. Alves Director, Brazilian Forest Service, Brazil Marcus V. Alves is Deputy Director-General of the Brazilian Forest Service and since 2011 Director of Forest Policy and Economics. He further held the positions of Executive Manager of Forest Planning and Director of Strategic Planning. He worked for twenty-five years as a research scientist at the Forest Products Laboratory and served as its Head for eleven years. Marcus V. Alves holds a degree in Forestry from the University of Brasília and a Ph.D. in Forest Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Dr. Jürgen Blaser Professor for International/Tropical Forestry and Climate Change, Bern University of Applied Science, Switzerland Next to his assignment at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Jürgen Blaser also acts as Global Advisor on Forests to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Between 2002 and 2011, he was the head of the Forest and Environment Team and Vice-Director of Swiss Intercooperation. From 1996 to 2001 he was Senior Forestry Advisor at the World Bank. Previously, he worked in international forest development cooperation with assignments in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Russia. Dr. Jürgen Blaser was chair of the International Tropical Timber Organisation and led the development of the Status of Tropical Forest Management Reports 2005 and 2011. More recently, he has advised the World Bank on the design of the Forest Investment Programme and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. Dr. Jürgen Blaser has served on the Boards of CIFOR, Tropenbos and Tropical Forest Foundation and is member of the Sustainability Panel of Precious Woods. Dr. Hadi Daryanto Secretary General, Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia Before being appointed Secretary General, Dr. Hadi Daryanto was Chairman of the ASEAN Product Working Group on Wood Based Panel and held different positions within the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry. Dr. Hadi Daryanto worked as Senior Expert on the Strengthening Management Capacity Project for the GTZ (now GIZ) and contributed to numerous workshops, trainings and seminars. He obtained a PhD in Advanced Wood Science and Technology from E.N.S.E.M Grand École Nancy/France. Forests for Future Generations – Public and Private Responsibility for Sustainability 1 Speakers and Moderators CVs Professor Lars G. Josefsson Chairman, Bioelectric Solutions LGJ AB, Sweden Lars G. Josefsson is a Swedish manager who currently holds different positions including: associate of the Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand K.G., non-executive Board-member of the Robert Bosch GmbH and Holmen AB, Chairman of the Board of Green Circle Bioenergy Inc. and Burntisland Fabrication Ltd., Director of Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners Limited., member of the Board of GermanSwedish Chamber of Commerce, Chairman and Managing Partner of BioElectric Solutions LGJ AB, Founder of Biomass for Electricity Initiative and Foundation, member of the board of trustees of Hand in Hand International. He formerly served as president and CEO of the Swedish energy company Vattenfall AB and was president of Eurelectric, the European Industry Association in Brussels until 2011. Besides, Lars G. Josefsson has taught as Honorary Professor in Physics at the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus and was appointed energy climate advisor to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2006 to 2007. Christopher Knight Assistant Director Sustainability and Climate Change, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), United Kingdom Christopher Knight is a trained scientist with years of experience across a range of industry sectors and specializes among others on forest carbon projects and markets, as well as sustainable forest management and finance. Since 2004, he has been a member of the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Sustainability and Climate Change team leading the work on forestry, ecosystems and biodiversity. He represents PwC on several international REDD and conservation finance working groups. His current projects include a global financial governance review for the Forest Stewardship Council and the Strategic Review of Sustainability in the Tropical Timber Sector in support of the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH). Dr. Charlotte Streck Director, Climate Focus Dr. Charlotte Streck is an internationally recognized expert on the law and policy of sustainable development, climate change and emissions trading. She advises on the regulatory framework of international and national climate policy, with particular expertise on the consideration of forestry agriculture and land use in climate change regulation. Dr. Charlotte Streck directs the consultancy Climate Focus and is responsible for the management of the company’s forestry and agricultural focal area. She coordinates and delivers advisory services on international climate policy, agriculture and forestry. Dr. Charlotte Streck further reads environmental law and diplomacy in frequent lectures and is a prolific writer and publisher. Forests for Future Generations – Public and Private Responsibility for Sustainability 2