Davos, 23. – 25. Juni 2004
Davos, 23. – 25. Juni 2004
EIN PRODUKT DER FREHNER CONSULTING Davos, 23. – 25. Juni 2004 2éme congrès annuel commun de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie et de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire swiss knife 2004; special edition © 2. Gemeinsamer Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefässchirurgie INSERAT PFIZER Editorial British Journal of Surgery als Schaufenster des SGC-/SGTHG-Jahreskongresses Le British Journal of Surgery, vitrine du congrès annuel de la SSC et de la SSCTV Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen Chers collègues, Erstmals werden die Abstracts des 2. Gemeinsamen Jahreskongresses der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (SGC) und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefässchirurgie (SGTHG) in einer Spezialausgabe von swiss knife publiziert. Das Editorial Board von swiss knife hat diese wichtige Aufgabe von unserem ehemaligen Publikationsorgan Swiss Surgery übernommen, damit die Dokumentation der wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit der Schweizer Chirurgen nicht in einer losen Blättersammlung vorliegt. Pour la première fois, les abstracts du 2ème congrès annuel commun de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie (SSC) et de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire (SSTCV) sont publiés dans un numéro spécial de swiss knife. Le comité de rédaction de swiss knife a repris cette tâche importante de notre ancien organe de publication Swiss Surgery afin que les preuves de l’activité scientifique des chirurgiens suisses ne se résument pas en une collection de feuilles volantes. Erfreulicherweise hat ausserdem das Editorial Board des British Journal of Surgery (BJS) der SGC offeriert, 80 Abstracts des Kongresses in der Juli-Ausgabe des BJS zu publizieren. Dies gibt uns die Chance, die wissenschaftlich innovativen Studien der SGC-/SGTHG-Mitglieder auf internationalem Parkett vorzustellen. Diese Abstracts sind zitierbar und können als Erstveröffentlichungen gelten. Leider ist diese Chance meiner Ansicht nach für 2004 nicht optimal genutzt worden. Damit aus dieser Plattform ein maximaler Nutzen resultiert, bedarf es einer seriösen Planung mit einzuhaltenden Deadlines, formal richtiger Eingabe der Abstracts und einer sorgfältigen, fundierten Evaluation nach rein wissenschaftlichen Kriterien. Die Bewertungspunkte müssen Originalität und Relevanz der Studie, methodische Aspekte inklusive Statistik, Qualität der Resultate und Schlussfolgerungen sowie die sprachliche Umsetzung umfassen, während typisch schweizerische Rücksichten auf Regionen, Spitäler und Autoren auf dieser internationalen Ebene keine Rolle spielen dürfen. Schliesslich ist eine gemeinsame Diskussion des auswählenden Gremiums für eine Feinabstimmung der Abstracts-Selektion notwendig. Nur so ist garantiert, dass einzig die relevantesten Arbeiten im BJS erscheinen. Ich hoffe, dass es gelingt, die wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten der Mitglieder für den Jahreskongress 2005 im Schaufenster des BJS besser zu repräsentieren! Allen Beteiligten in der Produktionslinie möchte ich für den grossartigen Einsatz danken, der es innert kürzester Zeit ermöglicht hat, diese swiss knife special edition zu realisieren. Par ailleurs, le comité de rédaction du British Journal of Surgery (BJS) a proposé à la SSC de publier 80 abstracts de ce congrès dans le numéro de juillet du BJS, ce qui ne peut que nous réjouir. Nous avons ainsi l’opportunité de présenter les travaux scientifiques innovants des adhérents de la SSC et de la SSCTV dans une tribune internationale. Il est possible de faire référence à ces abstracts qui peuvent être considérés comme des premiers publications. Malheureusement, à mon avis, cette opportunité n’a pas suffisamment été mise à profit pour 2004. Tirer le maximum d’avantages de cette plate-forme nécessite d’effectuer un travail de planification sérieux, avec des dates limites à respecter, une saisie des abstracts sous la forme appropriée et une évaluation minutieuse de leur contenu s’appuyant sur des critères purement scientifiques. Le mode d’appréciation doit prendre en compte l’originalité et l’importance des travaux, les aspects méthodologiques, y compris statistiques, la qualité des résultats et des conclusions ainsi que celle de la rédaction, les considérations typiquement suisses concernant les régions, les hôpitaux et les auteurs ne devant jouer aucun rôle à ce niveau international. Enfin, une discussion regroupant tous les membres du comité de sélection est nécessaire pour faire un choix judicieux parmi les abstracts soumis pour publication. Ce n’est qu’ainsi que nous aurons la garantie de voir paraître dans le BJS uniquement les travaux les plus significatifs. J’espère que, pour le congrès annuel 2005, nous réussirons à mieux présenter les travaux scientifiques de nos membres dans la vitrine que nous offre le BJS! Mit dem ansprechenden Landschaftsbild von Davos auf der Titelseite heisst Sie das Editorial Board von swiss knife zu einem interessanten und stimulierenden Kongress willkommen! Je tiens à remercier tous ceux qui, tout au long de la chaîne de production, n’ont pas ménagé leurs efforts afin de réaliser cette édition spéciale de swiss knife dans des délais extrêmement brefs. Avec une page de couverture offrant un magnifique panorama sur Davos, le comité de rédaction de swiss knife vous souhaite la bienvenue à un congrès qui s’annonce intéressant et stimulant! Markus Zuber Markus Zuber swiss knife 2004; special edition 3 INSERAT stratec Index Sitzung 01 Viszeralchirurgie 1.01 Detection of pheochromocytoma: what is the most sensitive test? 1.02 Comparison of morbidity between sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) alone versus axillary dissection in early breast cancer: A prospective swiss multicenter trial of 423 patients 1.03 Is there a way of sparing selective radical lymph node dissection (SRND) to melanoma patients with positive sentinel nodes (SN)? 1.04 Laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass is superior to laparoscopic gastric banding 1.05 Superobesity after laparoscopic gastric banding in the long time follow up 1.06 Peritoneal cavity exploration during a routine laparoscopic procedure 1.07 Closure of giant ventral incisional hernias by a modified components separation technique 1.08 Objective ability measurement: a systematic assessment of surgical trainees 1.09 Virtual reality simulation - the future surgical skills training tool? Sitzung 03 Allgemeinchirurgie 3.01 The PHILOS for complex Fractures of the proximal humerus: Is angular stability really the key to better functional results? 3.02 Erste Resultate der winkelstabilen 3,5/4,5 Metaphysenplatte bei Tibia- und Humerusfrakturen. Eine Analyse von 37 Patienten 3.03 Minimal invasive perkutane Plattenosteosynthese (MIPO) bei distalen Tibiafrakturen 3.04 Experience with the locking compression plate (LCP) in fracture treatment of osteoporotic bone 3.05 Dorsal double plating for distal radius fx: differential indication and experience w/ 2.4 locking plates 3.06 Endoscopic carpal tunnel release as a standard treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: eight year’s experience with the chow technique 3.07 Der Einsatz eines Facharztes als „Notfallmanager“ verbessert die Betreuung der Patienten auf dem Notfall 3.08 Videotaping of trauma patients in the resuscitation room - a useful tool for quality improvement? 3.09 Wie realistisch sind die Operationszeiten des TARMED? Sitzung 04 Thoraxchirurgie 4.01 Incidence of non-metastatic extrathoracic lesions detected by whole-body FDG PET-CT imaging in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer 4.02 Comparative evaluation of intraoperative sentinel lymph node detection in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by use of radioisotopic and colourimetric techniques (patent V blue and fluoresceine) 4.03 Neoadjuvant cisplatin based chemotherapy versus radiochemotherapy for stage III (N2) NSCLC: Comparison of postoperative mortality, mediastinal downstaging and survival 4.04 Incidence and prevention of bronchial stump fistula after pneumonectomy in patients with and without neo-adjuvant chemotherapy 4.05 The utility of pet scan in the evaluation of the response to neoadjuvant radio-chemotherapy of esophageal cancer 4.06 Intraoperative photodynamic therapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma: comparison of mTHPC versus Verteprofine in an experimental setting 4.07 Postpneumonectomy syndrome treated by implantation of expandable prosthesis Sitzung 05 Video 1 5.01 La colpomyorraphie posterieure etendue 5.02 How we do it: sacral nerve stimulation 5.03 La liberation du nerf honteux interne par voie transgluteale dans le syndrome d’al coock 5.04 Treatment of chronic anal fissures with fissure excision and botulinum toxin type a injection 5.05 Technique du lambeau muqueux dans la cure des fistules anales trans et supra sphincteriennes 5.06 Recronstruction sphincterienne par overlapping pour incontinence post obstetricale 5.07 Central hepatectomy with total vascular occlusion 5.08 Resection of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with thrombus in the portal vein and hepatic duct 5.09 Laparoscopic liver resections: experience in 13 cases 5.10 Laparoscopic treatment of giant solitary nonparasitic symptomatic biliary cysts Sitzung 06 Viszeralchirurgie 6.01 Change of treatment strategy for colorectal liver metastasis by a novel PET/CT imaging technique 6.02 Integrated positron-emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) in gallbladder and bile duct cancer 6.03 Impact of concomitant unilateral portal vein ligation on selective intra-arterial chemotherapy for downstaging of liver metastasis from colorectal cancer 6.04 Increased ischemic injury in the old mouse liver. A novel pathway of injury 6.05 13 years of surgical therapy of pancreatic carcinoma: a review 6.06 Histoire naturelle de la hernie hiatale para-oesophagienne: chirurgie systématique pour chaque cas? 6.07 Would you undergo surgery again? Long-term results after laparoscopic fundoplication 6.08 Influence of mesh reinforcement on hiatal hernia repair 6.09 Value of abdominal CT scan in the emergency department for non-traumatic abdominal pain in adults Sitzung 09 Video 2 9.01 Total thyroidectomy through video-assisted technique 9.02 Laparoscopic mesh-reinforced cruroplasty and anterior fundophrenicopexy 9.03 incarceération intra-thoracique post-traumatique du côlon transverse: case-report et technique chirurgicale 9.04 How we do it: laparoscopic conversion of gastric banding to roux-en-y gastric bypass 9.05 Partial laparoscopic splenectomy 9.06 Die latero-terminale Anastomose bei der laparoskopischen Sigmaresektion 9.07 Resection of the colon without laparotomy - laparoscopic rectosigmoidectomy with transvaginal colon removal 9.08 One trocar appendectomy 9.09 Chirurgisch - medizinische Transcodierung in HTML: www.code-atlas.com Sitzung 10 Viszeralchirurgie 10.01 Left-sided elective colorectal surgery with primary anastomosis without mechanical bowel preparation – meta-analysis 10.02 Bedeutung der „Koprostase“ als chirurgische Diagnose? 10.03 The use of carbon dye in the sentinel lymph node procedure for colon cancer facilitates the detection of small nodal tumor infiltrates 10.04 Operative Therapie der Divertikelerkrankung - wann ist heute die offene Resektion noch notwendig? 10.05 Resultate der laparoskopische-assistierten linksseitigen Kolonchirurgie 10.06 One Trocar Appendektomie - eine Alternative zur offenen oder laparoskopischen Appendektomie? 10.07 Surgical management of an unsuspected appendiceal mucocele 10.08 Pitfalls in laparoscopy: the vanishing appendix. Intussusception of the appendix due to mucinous cystadenoma. 10.09 Lymph node retrieval after abdominoperineal resection: a comparison of anal and rectal cancer 10.10 Long-term results after stapled rectal mucosectomy for hemorrhoids 10.11 Distale Rektumwanddoppelung nach Girona als valable therapuetische Option in der Fistelchirurgie 10.12 Complication exceptionnelle d’une ligarture elastique 10.13 Diagnostic et traitement du tail gut cyst a propos de 8 cas 10.14 Desmoid tumors associated with Gardner’s syndrome are more difficult to treat than colonic polyposis: 25 years follow up in an extended kindred of 61 persons 10.15 Textilome: migration complète d’une compresse intraabdominale 10.16 Hepatocellular adenoma in adults: management of single-uncomplicated, multiple and ruptured tumors. 10.17 Laparoscopic liver resections: experience in 13 cases 10.18 Intraoperative three-dimensional cholangiography 10.19 The accuracy of preoperative CT based liver volumetry in major liver surgery dans le colon sigmoÏde et expulsion par les voies naturelles 10.20 First experiences with M.A.R.S. at the university hospital of bern 10.21 Long term results after pancreatoduodenectomy for cancer 10.22 Long-term results of surgical treatment for vater’s ampulla neoplasms 10.23 Adenoma of the ampulla vateri: A cause for secondary biliary cirrhosis 10.24 20 years of liver transplantation in Berne and in Switzerland 10.25 Optimal use of split liver grafts and of pediatric donors fulfills the need of liver transplantation in children 10.26 Transarterial chemoembolization before liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma 10.27 Association of non-melanoma skin cancer with post-transplant malignancy in kidney transplant recipients 10.28 Medical morbidities in patients who survived 10 years after liver transplantation 10.30 The time point of a first acute rejection but not the actual graft function at rejection influence the longterm kidney transplant survival 10.31 Ileum or colon conduit as bladder replacement for kidney transplantation: technical aspects and long-term outcome 10.32 Risk analysis for outcome of renal transplantation: a single centre experience 10.33 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis: a prospective 7-year multicenter analysis of 5`289 cases 10.34 Conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy: the Swiss experience 10.35 Intra-and postoperative complications after laparoscopic surgery 10.36 Langzeitresultate der videoendoskopischen Oesophago-Diverticulostomie beim Zenkerschen Divertikel 10.37 Reduction of slippage-rate with new 11cm lapband and change of gastric banding technique 10.38 Conversion of vertical banded gastroplasty to roux-y gastric bypass 10.39 Upper digestive symptoms before and after roux-en-y gastric bypass in Switzerland - a multiple regression analysis of the SALTS prospective data base Sitzung 11 Allgemeinchirurgie 11.01 Proximal humerus fractures in elderly: claim and reality of an anatomical fixation system with angular stability (PHILOS) 11.02 Penetrating abdominal stab wounds: a six year, single centre retrospective swiss knife 2004; special edition 5 Index on primary human osteoblasts study and establishment of a treatment algorithm 11.03 Outcome following plate-osteosynthesis of comminuted intraarticular distal radius fractures 13.09 Melatonin in vivo prolongs cardiac allograft survival in rats 11.04 Experience with routine monitoring of intracompartmental pressure and 13.10 Induction of stable peripheral tolerance to concordant and discordant islet xenografts 11.05 Diagnosis of occult scaphoid fracture with high-spatial-resolution sonography. 13.11 A prospective blind study 13.12 A new modified technique of ureteroureterostomy in rat kidney transplantation Synchronous bilateral ductal carcinoma in situ associated with gynecomastia 13.13 Phylogenetic disparity influences the predominance of direct over indirect pathway of antigen presentation in selective fasciotomy in minimal invasive osteosynthesis of tibial fractures. 11.06 by inhibition of signals 2 and 3 in a 30 year old patient following repeated injections of stanozolol: a case report Effect of microcapsule composition and short-term immunosuppression on intraportal biocompatibility islet xenotransplantation 11.07 Resultate nach konservativer Therapie ligamentärer Handgelenksverletzungen 11.08 Projet académie suisse intégrée de médecine militaire et de catastrophe 11.09 Implementing a whole-body multislice CT in the initial management of 13.15 polytraumatized patients – do we improve time? 13.16 13.14 Cytotoxic effects of camptothecin and cisplatin combined with Apo2L/TRAIL in a model of primary culture of non-small cell lung cancer Comparison of different cell isolation and culture methods for liver progenitor cells from adult rat bone marrow Differential expression of anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 in keratinizing vs. non-keratinizing squamous cell 11.10 Necrotizing fasciitis of upper extremity and chest wall 11.11 Stabilisation von proximalen Humerusfrakturen 13.17 mit einem neuen winkelstabilen Verriegelungsnagelsystem (Targon PH) 13.18 Intrathoracic photodynamic therapy on malignant mesothelioma bearing rats 11.12 Le Nodule de soeur Mary Joseph 13.19 Increased connexin43 is associated with human venous intimal hyperplasia 11.13 Appendicitis acuta duplex 13.20 Novel long-chain ceramides induce cell death in human colon cancer cells by aponecrosis 11.14 Syndrome de Bouveret: complication rare de la maladie lithiasique 11.15 Papillomatose der intrahepatischen Gallenwege, ein seltenes Krankheitsbild Sitzung 14 Allgemeinchirurgie 11.16 Unusual acute appendicitis: amyand’s hernia 14.02 Midshaft fracture of the clavicle: prospective evaluation of ORIF with an elastic intramedullary titan nail 11.17 Team-performance im Schockraum-Management - wie beurteilen wir unsere Arbeit und Ausbildung? 14.03 Flexible endomedullary nailing of midthird clavicular fractures: surgery for a fracture that needs no surgery? 11.18 HPV typisation of condylomata accuminata and recurrent disease 14.04 11.19 Spontaneous splenic rupture: a rare complication of von willebrand disease carcinoma of the anus Histologic analysis of the irradiated anal sphincter Intramedullary nailing (TEN®) for midclavicular fractures in athletic patients: Indications, technical pitfalls and early results 11.20 Tätigkeit von nichtchirurgischen Oberärzten auf dem chirurgischen universitärem Notfall 11.21 Gastrointestinale Stromatumoren, 7 Fallbeispiele 11.22 Der Iso C-3D - Optionen und Grenzen eines Durchleuchtungsgerätes Sitzung 16 Thoraxchirurgie 11.23 Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernias: a preliminary study 16.01 Long-term results after unilateral LVRS for emphysema 11.24 Lokale und systemische Reaktion auf Verschleisspartikel; eine vergleichende in vivo Studie mit rostfreiem Stahl 16.02 Thoracoscopic treatment of pulmonary sequestration: is it a safe operation? 11.25 Kommunikation mit den Hausärzten übers Internet: Das Pilotprojekt eHealth Chirurgie 16.03 14.07 Komplikationsrate und Outcome bei Versorgung lateraler Claviculafrakturen mittels Balserplatte Die videoassistierte Thorakoskopie (VATS) mit Minithorakotomie: Eine weitere Möglichkeit der chirurgischen Therapie im Stadium II des Pleuraempyems Sitzung 12 Gefässchirurgie 12.01 Iliac artery rupture and retroperitoneal fibrosis related to an infected aorto-iliac endograft. 12.02 When the legs depend on the internal thoracic artery 16.05 12.03 Das Kompartment-Syndrom - eine seltene Komplikation der Varizenchirurgie 16.06 Catamential pneumothorax - clinical approach and review of the literature 12.04 Right forearm ischemia due to thrombosis of a lusorian artery stenosis 16.07 Extra-thoracic tracheal reconstruction using the latissimus dorsi muscle flap in three different ways: 12.05 16.04 Thorakoskopische Therapie des rezidivierenden Spontanpneumothorax: parietale Pleurektomie und Pleuraabrasio im Vergleich Patterns of recurrence after video-thoracoscopic treatment in patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax An experimental study in pigs Early experience and preliminary results with a new polyurethaneurea vascular graft (PVG) in vascular access surgery for chronic haemodialysis 12.06 Preliminary carotis- vertebralis transposition and carotis-subclavia bypass Sitzung 17 Allgemeinchirurgie allowing endovascular treatment of an aortic arch aneurysm 17.01 Laparoskopische partielle Fundoplicatio nach Toupet als generelle chirurgische Therapieform der gastro- 12.07 Behçet’s disease revealed by arterial aneurysms of the extremities 12.08 Traumatische Läsion der A. vertebralis 17.02 12 years laparoscopic cholecystectomy: one institution’s results of a prospetive trial of 4498 cholecystectomies 12.09 Temporärshunt zur Vereinfachung der Anastomosentechnik in der cruralen Bypasschirurgie 17.03 La chirurgie de l’obésité en Suisse. Résultats d’une enquête nationale 12.10 Renal artery stenosis by fibres from diaphragmatic crus is a rare cause of renovascular hypertension 17.04 Two colons – two cancers paradigm shift and clinical implications 12.11 Embolization of a high-output postnephrectomy arterio-venous fistula by an endovascular 17.05 oesophagealen Refluxkrankheit. 5 - Jahresresultate einer prospektiven Langzeitstudie transfemoral bidirectional approach 12.12 Soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and the retroperitoneum: results of treatment with special regard of impact factos for local recurrency Aneurysmata der Arteria mesenterica superior, A. gastroduodenalis 17.06 Utilité de l’analyse génétique dans la prise en charge du carcinome médullaire familial de la thyroïde in Kombination mit einer Stenose des Truncus coeliacus (Fallbeispiel) 17.07 Totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernioplasty using a non fixed anatomical slit polyester mesh: PARIETEX®ADP2. 12.13 Unterschenkelamputation – wie gelingt sie immer? 12.14 Successful surgery for traumatic carotid artery dissection 17.08 Chirurgie endoscopique des veines perforantes des membres inférieurs 12.15 Angiosarcoma of the abdominal aorta presenting with tumor embolisation to the leg 17.09 Surgical management of patients at risk in a rural hospital in cooperation with a regional hospital - does such 12.16 Comparative evaluation of multi-slice CT-angiography vs duplex ultrasound scan for longterm a cooperation make sense? follow-up of surgically excluded popliteal artery aneurysms 12.17 Traumatic brachial artery aneurysm as an occult source of emboli to the upper extremity 12.18 Akute obere GIT Blutung bei rupturierendem Aortenaneurysma und primärer aortoduodenaler Fistel Sitzung 18 Viszeralchirurgie 18.01 Neoadjuvant short-term radiotherapy of low rectal cancer impairs healing Sitzung 13 Forschung 13.01 Translational enhancement of hepatic insulin expression improves glycemic control in STZ-induced diabetic rats 13.02 Anti-CD154 mab treatment but not recipient CD154 deficiency leads to long-term survival of xenogeneic islet grafts 13.03 Collagenase for human islet isolation 18.03 Outcome of surgery for rectal cancer in octogenarians 13.04 Monitoring small bowel motility after colorectal surgery with MR imaging 18.04 Is the transverse coloplasty-anal reconstruction afflicted with an increased leak rate? 13.05 Increased ischemic injury in the old mouse liver. A novel pathway of injury 18.05 Quality of life after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis: 13.06 The effect of hematopoietic growth factors on survival in a novel surgical small for size liver remnant mouse model 13.07 Mechanical stability of intestinal anastomosis in healthy pigs is not altered by intraoperative hyperthermic of rectal anastomoses after low anterior resection 18.02 comparison of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis and ulcerative colitis 18.06 chemoperfusion (IHCP) with mitomycin c 13.08 6 In vitro effect of low molecular weight heparin (Dalteparin) and fondaparinux (Arixtra®) swiss knife 2004; special edition Langjährige Erfahrung mit der trimodalen Therapie beim tiefsitzenden Rektumkarzinom: Verhindert eine komplette Remission (CR) ausgedehnte Resektionen? Renal transplant patients have a higher risk to develop complicated diverticulitis compared to non-transplant patients 18.07 Appendizitis perforata. Laparoskopische Ergebnisse von 334 Patienten mit Appendizitis perforata. Index 18.08 Quality of life after sacral nerve stimulation in patients with faecal incontinence Sitzung 27 Viszeralchirurgie 18.09 Is Prophylactic Drainage Useful after Gastrointestinal Surgery? 27.01 Frozen section in thyroid surgery 27.02 Surgery for neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors – an increasing entity? Sitzung 19 Forschung 27.03 Radioguided surgery for intestinal carcinoid tumor 19.01 Platelets: a novel pathway of liver regeneration 27.04 19.02 Glucose-dependent hepatic insulin expression in STZ-induced diabetic mice after systemic plasmid DNA gene transfer 19.03 A rare combination of phaeochromocytoma & carcinoid tumor of Vater’s papilla in a patient with von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis 27.05 Treatment of fulminant liver failure by transplantation of microencapsulated primary or immortalized GIST and a duodenal neuroendocrine tumour in a patient with von Recklinghausen’s disease: A case report and review of literature xenogeneic hepatocytes 27.06 Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: towards a clinically reliable prognostic scale 19.04 Magnetic resonance imaging provides accurate volume determination in regenerating mouse livers 27.07 Umbilical hernia: is the operation without a mesh graft still adequate? 19.05 Retransplantation of discordant xenogeneic islets using costimulatory blockade 27.08 Preoperative identification of malnutrition in surgical patients using bioelectrical impedance analysis 19.06 Different etiology of steatosis has different tolerance to ischemic-reperfusion injury 27.09 Pancreatic surgery for carcinoma - A 20-year experience in a single institution 19.07 Pancreatic islet engraftment after intrahepatic transplantation: Evidence of early graft loss 27.10 Kolorektale Karzinomchirurgie am Zentrum oder an der Peripherie? - Ein Outcome Vergleich Sitzung 28 Thoraxchirurgie 28.01 Early experience with the minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum in adults in a syngeneic rat model 19.08 Hepatocyte specific metabolic activity can be induced in adult liver stem cells isolated from rodent bone marrow Sitzung 21 Herzchirurgie 28.02 The role of surgery in the management of isolated mediastinal tuberculosis: report of 4 cases and review 21.01 Superior flow pattern of internal thoracic artery over saphenous vein grafts during OPCAB procedures 28.03 Multiple thoracic aneurysmal bone cysts: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges 21.02 Conversion of off-pump surgery to extracorporeal circulation: the importance of the LAD bypass in patients 28.04 Mediastinal Goiter: Sometimes the exposure comes from below with severe coronary artery pathology 28.05 Douleurs rétrosternales et dysphagie aiguë. Rupture spontanée d’un kyste bronchogénique 21.03 Predictors of early and late outcome after reoperative coronary artery revascularization 28.06 Das primär adenoidzystische Karzinom der Lunge; eine seltene maligne Neoplasie 21.04 Prediction of mortality and prolonged Intensive care unit stay after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting 28.07 An accidentally discovered endobronchial lipoma Impact of surgical technique on right ventricular function: comparison of on-pump versus off-pump coronary 28.08 Neue Therapieoptionen - Hat die extrakorporale Membranoxygenation (ECMO) beim ARDS ausgedient? revascularization; an echocardiographic study 28.09 Pulmonary vein thrombosis after lobectomy 21.06 Guidant heartstring: initial experience in OPCAB surgery 28.10 21.07 Impact of female gender on early outcome in OPCAB surgery 21.08 Evaluation of early graft-patency with multislice spiral computed tomography after CABG 28.11 Sitzung 24 Forschung 28.12 24.01 Tat-Her2/neu transduced DC induce a specific immune response and a reduction of tumor growth 24.02 E2F-1 interaction with human telomerase reverse transcriptase (HTERT) expression predicts survival after Sitzung 29 Herzchirurgie colorectal liver metastases resection 29.01 Proteome analysis of myocardial tissue in „young” transgenic mice overexpressing beta-1 adrenergic receptor 24.03 Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) inhibition sensitize pancreatic cancer to adjuvant treatment 29.02 Prevention of surgical pericardial adhesions after implantation of a biodegradable hydrogel 24.04 Humoral & cellular immune responses in stage III-IV melanoma patients: implications for immunotherapy 29.03 Revascularisation coronarienne chirurgicale à cœur battant sous assistance circulatoire chez une population 21.05 Management of delayed Boerhaave syndrome with lobectomy and esophagoplasty by intrathoracic transposition of a latissimus dorsi muscular flap. Reconstruction trachéale par un muscle grand dorsal pour une déchirure chronique et récidivante post-intubation. Spontaneous intercostal pulmonary herniation after prolonged severe coughing – a case report and review of literature in breast cancer bearing mice de patients à haut risque 24.05 NY-ESO-1/LAGE-1 tumor associated antigen expression in clinical samples: a tissue microarray study. 24.06 Molecular biology of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus: a comparison of HIV positive 29.04 Odyssee im Notfall - keine Seltenheit ! and HIV negative patients 29.05 New technique of proximal aortic anastomoses during OPCAB 24.07 TNF-mediated regulation of intracranial IL-18 in traumatic brain injury: a clinical and experimental study 29.06 The prognostic value of preoperative B-type natriuretic peptide in patient undergoing coronary bypass surgery 24.08 Regulation of neutrophil apoptosis in patients with sepsis by STAT-3 Sitzung 25 Gefässchirurgie 25.01 Vascular tissue engineering using synthetic biodegradable scaffolds 25.02 Peripheral vascular bypass operation using autlogous endothelialized PTFE-prosthesis 25.03 Endoprosthesis and IVUS: the tools for straightforward repair of traumatic aortic rupture 25.04 Thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair – does EVAR add safety to the combined repair? 25.05 Gluteal ischemia – serious complication after infrarenal aortic surgery? 25.06 Die Revaskularisation beim diabetischen Fuss. Langzeitergebnisse > 10 Jahre 25.07 Die extraanatomische laterale Rekonstruktion der Femoralgefässe 25.08 Sartorius-muscle flap for treatment of infected inguinal access after vascular prosthesis 25.09 Venous morbidity after superficial femoral vein harvest for infra-inguinal reconstructions Sitzung 26 Herzchirurgie 26.01 „Lifesight“ improves concentration and reaction time in surgery 26.02 Impressum Impact of a modfield harvesting technique of the internal thoracic artery on morphhological changes of the endothelial layer 26.03 Preoperative optimization with nesiritide (BNP) in high-risk mitral valve surgery 26.04 Tricuspid valve repair with the Edwards MC3 annuloplasty system: early clinical results 26.05 Proteomics analysis – a promising tool to investigate ascending aortic disease 26.06 Risk for embolization at aortic cross clamping? Intraaortic filter captures particulate emboli. 26.07 Intravascular near-infrared spectroscopy is applicable for ischemia and reperfusion monitoring during off-pump coronary bypass surgery Herausgeber: Frehner Consulting AG Unternehmensberatung für PR CH-9014 St. Gallen www.frehner-consulting.com info@frehner-consulting.com Produktion: Media Republic AG Ihr Partner für Printprodukte CH-9006 St. Gallen Tel. +41 (0)71 243 05 40 Fax +41 (0)71 243 03 25 Inseratemarketing: Polygon Media AG Zürcherstrasse 170 CH-9014 St. Gallen Tel. +41 (0)71 272 80 40 Fax +41 (0)71 272 80 41 swiss knife 2004; special edition 7 01 1.01 U. Güller 1, J. Turek 2, L. Delong 2, S. Eubanks 2, D. Oertli 1, J. Feldman 3 1 Department of Surgery, Division of General Surgery and Surgical Research, University of Basel, 2Department of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC/USA, 3 Durham VA Medical Center, Division of Medicine, Duke University, Durham, NC/USA Detection of pheochromocytoma: what is the most sensitive test? Background: Pheochromocytoma is a rare, catecholamine producing tumor with preferential localization in the adrenal gland. Despite its importance, this disease is still poorly described and the most sensitive test to establish the diagnosis remains to be defined. The objective of this investigation was to describe one of the largest ever published samples of pheochromocytoma patients and to define the most sensitive test to establish the diagnosis. Patients and Methods: Prospective data collection was done on patients with pheochromocytoma treated at the Duke University Medical Center and the Durham Veterans Affairs Hospital. All analyses including urinary homovanillic acid, vanillymandelic acid, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, serotonine, as well as blood dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine were highly standardized. Iodine131-labeled metaiodobenzylguanidine scinitgraphy scans (131I–MIBG) were independently reviewed by two nuclear medicine physicians. Results: A total of 156 patients (54.5% female) were enrolled in the present analysis. Patients were predominantly white (73%). Spells and hypertension at diagnosis were present in 50.1% and 65%, respectively. Bilateral disease was found in 11.5%, malignant pheochromocytoma in 31%, and hereditary forms in 23.7%. Tumor size significantly correlated with malignancy (p < 0.0001). Also, abnormal homovanillic acid (p<0.0001) and urine dopamine levels (p<0.0001) highly correlated with malignant disease. The most sensitive tests were 131I–MIBG (82%), urine norepinephrine (75.0%), and urine vanillymandelic acid (74.0%). In combination, 131I–MIBG and urine norepinephrine had a sensitivity of 95.6%, 131I– MIBG and urine vanillymandelic acid of 91.2%. Conclusions: Large pheochromocytomas and abnormal levels of urine dopamine and/or homovanillic acid are significantly correlated with malignant disease. The tests of choice to establish the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma are 131I–MIBG scans, urine norepinephrine, and urine vanillymandelic acid. A combination of urinary measurements and 131I–MIBG does further improve the sensitivity. 1.02 I. Langer, G. Berclaz, O. Köchli, H. Moch, D. Oertli, F. Harder, M. Zuber For the Swiss Multicenter Trial Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer Comparison of morbidity between sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) alone versus axillary dissection in early breast cancer: a prospective swiss multicenter trial of 423 patients Background: Axillary lymphadenectomy (ALND) in breast cancer is associated with considerable morbidity. The percentage of node-positive patients is constantly decreasing.The SLNB has proven to accurately reflect the status of the axillary lymph nodes. The hypothesis was that patients undergoing SLNB only versus ALND will benefit significantly regarding postoperative morbidity. Methods: In this prospective multicenter trial, 696 patients with early-stage breast cancer and clinically negative axillary lymph nodes were accrued between January 2000 and December 2003. In total, 423 patients, who accomplished at least one follow-up exam after a median time of 4 months, were eligible. All patients underwent SLNB. In case of SLN metastasis a completion ALND was carried out. Morbidity criteria based on a standardized protocol were evaluated. Results: SLNB only was performed in 290 patients, while 133 patients underwent consecutive ALND. Median follow-up was 4 months (range 3–12 months). Postoperative morbidity was observed in both groups, but significantly less frequently in the SLN group. Lymphoedema Hypertrophic scar Shoulder restriction Pain in upper arm Numbness SLN alone 03/290 1.0% 07/290 2.4% 09/290 3.1% 08/290 2.8% 29/290 10.0% SLN + ALND 09/133 6.8% 15/133 11.3% 12/133 9.0% 16/133 12.0% 28/133 21.1% p Value 0.002 0.0005 0.014 0.0004 0.003 Conclusions: The morbidity after SLNB only is not negligible. But the SLNB is associated with significantly less postoperative morbidity compared with level I and II ALND. 1.03 M. Matter 1, D. Liénard 2, O. Gugerli 3, A. Lobrinus 3, F. Lejeune 2 Service de chirurgie Viscérale et Transplantation, CHUV, 2Centre Pluridisciplinaire d’Oncologie, 3Institut Universitaire de Pathologie, CHUV 1 Is there a way of sparing selective radical lymph node dissection (SRND) to melanoma patients with positive sentinel nodes (SN)? Introduction: Patients evaluated by SN Biopsy (SNB) technique show a 20-25% rate of positive SN. This indicates 75-80% will not be proposed a selective radical lymph node dissection (SRND). There is a suggestion that patients with intermediate thickness melanoma accor- 8 swiss knife 2004; special edition ding to AJCC-UICC staging will benefit of SNB, as well as selected T1 patients. However only 20-30% of patients with positive SN have positive non SN (NSN) in the SRND. The aim of the study is to determine if a further selection of positive SN patients is feasible to avoid SRND in selected patients. Material and Method: Prospective cohort of consecutive patients since 1997 in one centre and one surgical team, using triple technique (lymphoscintigraphy, blue dye, gamma probe) and anatomopathologic examination including serial sectioning and immunohistochemistry with Melan A and protein S-100. Correlation with clinical and anatomopathological factors including S classification (1), univariate analysis with Chi-square test. Results: In 267 patients with primary melanoma 58 (22,5%) had positive SN and 51 had SRND (4 patients refused and 3 with isolated tumour cells (ITC) were initially not proposed). Univariate analysis showed that T2-4 stage, localisation (limbs, trunk, head and neck), gender and number of basins were not significantly associated with positive SN. In contrast, type of melanoma (SSM 15,3% / other 41,4% p<0,001), age (£60 17% / >60 31,3% p<0,01) and ulceration (present 36,8% / absent 22,9% p<0,05) were clear risk factors for positive SN. Following SRND 10 patients (19,6%) had positive NSN. T stage, ulceration, S classification, tumour burden in metastatic SN (ITC / <2mm / >2mm) and number of positive SN were not significant predictors. Moreover up to 3 positive SN have been harvested in the 41 patients having SN as the only positive node(s). Discussion and Conclusion: no clinical or tumour related factor can significantly predict positive NSN. While awaiting prospective randomised trials on survival benefit for SN and SRND in positive SN patients, this procedure should be performed in all positive SN patients. 1. Starz H et al. Cancer 2001, 91: 2110-2120. 1.04 M. Weber, M. Müller, S. Wildi, D. Dindo, R. Hauser, PA. Clavien University Hospital Zurich Laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass is superior to laparoscopic gastric banding Background: Two techniques, laparoscopic gastric bypass or gastric banding, are currently widely used to treat morbid obesity. Since both procedures offer certain advantages, a strong controversy exists which operation should be proposed. Therefore, data are needed to identify the best therapy (Editorial, Ann Surg 237:17-18, 2003). Methods: Since randomized trials are most likely not feasible due to the highly different invasiveness and irreversibility of these procedures, a matched-pair design of a large prospectively collected database appears to be the best method. Therefore, we used our prospective database including 678 bariatric procedures performed at our institution since 1997. 103 consecutive patients with laparoscopic gastric bypass were randomly matched to 103 patients with laparoscopic gastric banding according to age, BMI and gender. Results: Both groups were comparable regarding age, gender, BMI, excessive weight, fat mass and co-morbidity such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. Feasibility and safety: All gastric banding procedures were performed laparoscopically, one gastric bypass operation had to be converted to an open procedure. Mean operating time was 144 min for gastric banding and 190 min for gastric bypass (p=0.001). Hospital stay was 3.3 days for gastric banding and 8.4 days for gastric bypass. The incidence of early postoperative complications was not significantly different, but late complications were significantly more frequent in the gastric banding group (pouch dilatation). There was no mortality in both groups. Efficiency: BMI decreased from 48.0 to 36.8 kg/m2 in the gastric banding group and from 47.8 to 33.4 kg/m2 in the gastric bypass group within two years of surgery. These differences were significant from the first postoperative month on. Conclusion: Laparoscopic gastric banding and laparoscopic gastric bypass are feasible and safe. Pouch dilatations after gastric banding are responsible for more late complications compared to gastric bypass. Laparoscopic gastric bypass offers a significant advantage regarding weight loss after surgery. Therefore, in our hands laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass appears to be the therapy of choice. 1.05 M. Thurnheer, L. Marti, J. Lange Klinik für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital St.Gallen Superobesity after laparoscopic gastric banding in the long time follow up Introduction: The indication of the purely restrictive bariatric surgery at super-obesity (BMI>50kg/m?) is discussed controversially and the data about long time course of these patients after gastric banding is rare. Method: 450 patients (81% women, age 38±8 years, BMI 47.3±4kg/m2) became a gastric adjustable band carried out between 1.11.95 and 31.12.2003 in laparoscopic technique (95%). 365 patients (81%) were morbidly obese (BMI 36-49.9kg/m2), 85 patients superobese (BMI 50-64kg/m2). The prospectively recorded data of the two groups were analyzed regarding the excessive weight loss (EWL) and postoperative quality of life (Moorehead Ardelt QOL). Results: The excessive weight loss was in the group with a BMI under 50 kg/m2 (43.6±3, n = 365) 47,6±17% after 2 years (n=250), 46,9±19,6% after 4 years (n=144) and 46,9±20,4% after 6 years (n=44). In the collective with preoperative BMI over 50 kg/m2 (54.5±3, n = 85) the EWL amounted to 41,5±13% (p<0.02, Mann-Whitney-U) after 2 years (n=59), 41,3±16% (p<0.16) after 4 years (n=46) and 39,7±18,2% (p<0.35) after 6 years (n=13). The quality of life index (QOL) was at the morbidly obese patients 1.33±0.75, with the superobese patients 1,16±0.92 (no significance between the two groups) after 4 years. Conclusions: The weight loss is significantly deeper with the superobese patients 2 years after gastric banding and stagnates after this in the two groups on the same rank. The group with morbid obesity surpasses the one of superobese patients for the quality of life for this one though not significant. Therefore the indication of gastric banding at a BMI via 50 kg/m2 must be put restrainedly under one cover of broader clinical parameters like accompanying illnesses, eating behavior, age and the function of the esophagus. 1.06 X. Delgadillo, M. Gonzalez, C. Becciolini, M. Merlini La Chaux de Fonds General Hospital Peritoneal cavity exploration during a routine laparoscopic procedure Background: Laparoscopy is universally accepted as a minimally invasive technique with low morbidity rates. The peritoneal cavity exploration during a routine laparoscopic procedure sometimes reveals incidental findings. We evaluate the effectiveness of a systematic exploration and its consequences. Methods: A prospective trial was conducted in our Department of Surgery from 1998 to 1999 to systematically assess the peritoneal cavity. A five year follow-up was also undertaken. 101 consecutive routine laparoscopic explorations were carried out by nine staff surgeons during 83 cholecystectomies, 4 gastric fundoplications, 6 sigmoidectomies and 8 miscellaneous procedures. A method to evaluate in percentage the completeness of abdominal organs examination through laparoscopy was perfected. Results: 69 women and 32 men underwent the trial. 8 patients were excluded from the five year follow-up study (7 deaths for non abdominal causes and 1 patient lost to follow-up). The liver could be assessed in 84%, the stomach in 75%, the spleen in 40%, the colon in 56%, the pelvis in 40% and the small bowel in 32%. 48 operations revealed a normal peritoneal cavity, 35 described incidental findings: adhesions 77%, liver haemangioma 14%, ovarian cyst 5% and minor findings 4%. Direct consequences of all incidental findings were eleven lysis of adhesions (11 partial), two liver biopsies (non malignant haemangiomas) and one ovarian cystectomy. The mean duration of the laparoscopic exploration was 11 min.(range 5 to 25 min). In the 5 year follow-up period, one patient died (11 months after the laparoscopic exploration) of a peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarian origin, non detected during the previous cholecystectomy because of important pelvic adhesions. Conclusions: We conclude that peritoneal cavity exploration during a routine laparoscopic procedure is a short and safe procedure. However, we believe that it is an unnecessary manoeuver because it mainly discovers incidental minor findings with low surgical consequences. In our study the only case in wich laparoscopic routine exploration could have revealed an important pelvic pathology was missed because tight adhesions. 1.07 R. Bühlmann 1, R. Schlüchter 1, R. Hollmann 2, C. Meuli-Simmen 2, R. Schlumpf 1 1 Klinik für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital, CH-5001 Aarau, 2Klinik für Plastische, Wiederherstellungsund Handchirurgie, Kantonsspital, CH-5001 Aarau Closure of giant ventral incisional hernias by a modified components separation technique Subject: Incisional hernias are a fairly common complication of median laparotomies appearing in about 10% over all. Repair techniques without mesh prosthesis are associated with a recurrence rate up to 50%. Procedures using surgical meshes in sublay technique became the method of choice. Very large abdominal wall defects, commonly due to laparostoma techniques, require an extended operative procedure. For such instances we developed a modification of the components separation technique. Goal: The goal of this study was to prospectively evaluate our repair technique for giant incisional hernias. Methods: Our operative technique included the classical steps of components separation with release of the external oblique muscle along the linea semicircularis. However we combined this with implantation of a poplypropylene/polyglactin light weight mesh behind the rectus muscle (sublay technique). Skin grafts over the intestines were deepithelialised using CO2 laser and placed underneath the dorsal rectus sheath. Results: 8 patients between 25 and 74 years of age underwent repair of a ventral giant hernia at our department (2001-2003). 4 cases presented with a skin grafted intestinal prolaps. The vertical and horizontal diameters of the defects ranged from 10-25 cm, mean operating time was 4.5 hours and mean postoperative stay 8.7 days. Return to normal acitivity occurred after 1.5-4 months. Postoperative complications included one patient with delayed wound healing and temporary seroma formation. In a second case a slowly progressive and hardly symptomatic hernia superior to the right iliac crest occurred 11 months postoperatively. There were no ventral hernia recurrences and no deaths during mean follow up of 17 months. Conclusions: Tension free closure of large midline defects is well manageable with our modified components separation technique. By this, anatomy and the dynamic competence of the abdominal wall are restored. Laser vaporization of skin grafted areas decreases risk of bowel lesions, operating time and blood loss. In addition, risk of hernia recurrence is supposed to be substantially reduced using the additional mesh in sublay technique. 1.08 M. Wagner, JM. Heinicke, D. Candinas VCHK, Inselspital Bern, Bern Objective ability measurement: a systematic assessment of surgical trainees Introduction: Reduction of working hours confronts basic surgical training programmes. In order to meet this development, efficient training programmes are needed in addition to optimal evaluation of surgical candidates. Therefore, we compared the existing practice with regard to conducting formal appraisals for surgical trainees in our surgical department with a more objective assessment of surgical skills. Methods: Formal appraisal of each trainee was conducted twice a year based on a standardized questionnaire and a structured interview. In addition, a three-task skills examination was implemented assessing theoretical surgical knowledge, surgical skills (knotting, suturing) and handling a particular clinical scenario. Theoretical knowledge was assessed with a multiple choice questionnaire. Knotting and suturing skills were video assessed. The clinical scenario was judged according to fixed criteria. Final assessment was determined according to a linear point scale. Results: Median duration of surgical training was 26 months (3-72) in a total of 15 trainees. Based on formal appraisal, the performance of 6 candidates was summarized as excellent, 4 were judged as good, 2 as moderate and 3 as poor. 10 trainees performed the three-task skills examination. Each of the three different tasks was able to discriminate between a low and high performance. There was no correlation between duration of surgical training and total performance in the skills examination. However, there was a significant difference concerning the overall skill-test performance between trainees judged as poor to moderate and those judged as good to excellent according to the formal appraisal. Conclusion: Based on these initial results, simple duration of surgical training can not be taken for granted to improve the capabilities of surgical candidates. Especially theoretical surgical knowledge as well as the competence to handle routine clinical scenarios seems to be highly variable among candidates and less affected by duration of training. Thus individual adaptations may be required in order to improve the quality of our surgical training despite a shortening in working hours. 1.09 R. Rosenthal 1, WA. Gantert 1, C. Hamel 1, J. Metzger 2, P. Vogelbach 3, D. Scheidegger 1, D. Oertli1. 1Departement Anästhesie und Chirurgie, Universitätskliniken Basel, 2Chirurgische Klinik A, Kantonsspital Luzern, 3Chirurgische Klinik, Spital Dornach Virtual reality simulation - the future surgical skills training tool? Introduction: Traditionally, skills training takes place in the operating room. Economic, ethical and educational considerations have lead to the development of other training methods, such as virtual reality. In endoscopic surgery, adequate performance depends on perceptual motor skills, cognitive skills and non-cognitive factors. Aim: The present study investigates the correlation between perceptual motor skills assessed by the LS 500 Virtual Reality Surgical Simulator and the assessment of participants at an international laparoscopic training course during pelvitrainer sessions. Methods: 85 participants of the 20th International Gastrointestinal Surgery Workshop (Davos 2003) performed two trials of a standardized task on the LS 500 Simulator consisting of clipping and cutting the cystic duct and artery. A number of objective performance parameters, such as time to task, economy of movement (tool tip travel distance) and number of errors were recorded. Additionally, the participants were assessed by the course instructors during all laparoscopic training sessions according to a structured observation form. The LS 500 performance measurements were correlated with the assessment during the pelvitrainer sessions. Results: Performance on the Simulator was better in the second than in the first trial. Significant correlation of the performance parameters time to task and economy of movement with the assessment during pelvitrainer sessions was found. This correlation was higher with data from the second than from the first trial. performance trial 1: mean (range) regression coefficient trial 1 time to task 4:10 (1:52-7:05)s 2:52 (1:35-7:24)s task score 38.53 (0-100) 58.55 (0-100) Travel distance left instrument 1.70 (0.35-6.79)m 1.19 (0.31-3.25)m Travel distance right instrument 2.46 (0.98-4.39)m 1.78 (0.92-3.89)m performance trial 2: mean (range) regression coefficient trial 2 r=-0.409 r=-0.610 r=0.162 r=0.170 r=-0.112 r=-0.778 r=-0.509 r=-0.770 Conclusion: Given a standardized task on the LS 500 Simulator, some of its performance parameters are a valid assessment of perceptual motor skills relevant in endoscopic surgery. Virtual reality is an important technology in surgical skills assessment and training. swiss knife 2004; special edition 9 INSERAT glaxo 03 3.01 D. Zeller, C. Meier, M. Dietrich, A. Platz Department of Surgery, Stadtspital Triemli, Zurich, Switzerland The PHILOS for complex fractures of the proximal humerus: is angular stability really the key to better functional results? Introduction: Complex fractures of the proximal humerus are difficult to stabilize and secondary displacement due to implant failure is not uncommon. A new generation of implants provide angular stability which increase the grip even in osteoporotic bone. We present our experience with the PHILOS in a group of mainly elderly patients. Methods: Prospective consecutive case series, starting in 02/2003. Currently, the PHILOS was used in 54 patients (mean age 68.6 years, range 22-90 years, 30 patients > 70 years) for fractures of the proximal humerus (AO 11-A2 to 11-C2). Postoperatively the shoulder was immobilized for 7 days followed by standardized physiotherapy. Outcome was measured using the Constant score, SF-36 questionnaire and x-ray studies after 6- and 12 weeks, 6 months and 1 year. Until now 42 patients have been followed for at least 6 months. Operation time, hospital stay, complications and functional outcome were evaluated. Complications due to implant failure are critically discussed. Results: Mean operation time was 88 minutes (range 55 to 145 minutes). Mean hospital stay was 14 days (3 to 26 days). Local complications were observed in 5 patients (9.3 %). One deep infection was recorded (1.9 %). 3 patients (5.6 %) had to undergo revision surgery due to implant breakage or secondary fracture displacement with or without penetration of screw tips into the joint. No AVN has occured yet. Analysis of the Constant score revealed a gradual improvement between 6-and 12 weeks and 6 months postoperatively (from 51 to 64 and 78 points, respectively). Results at one-year follow-up will be presented as well. Conclusions: Angular stability provides a better grip even in osteoporotic bone. Nevertheless secondary displacement and penetration of the screw tips into the joint occurs. These problems can be minimized by additional fixation techniques (additional screws, medial buttressing, tension sutures) and the use of shorter locking screws. Functional results continue to improve for at least six months after the operation justifying long-term physiotherapy. 3.02 M. Schneider, P. Regazzoni, N. Helmy Universitätsspital Basel Erste Resultate der winkelstabilen 3,5/4,5 Metaphysenplatte bei Tibia- und Humerusfrakturen. Eine Analyse von 37 Patienten Einleitung: Winkelstabile Implantate finden zunehmend Beachtung und werden vor allem bei osteoporotischem Knochen empfohlen. Wir möchten die präliminären Daten einer prospektiven Studie mit der winkelstabilen 3,5/4,5 Metaphysenplatte vorstellen. Material und Methode: Prospektive Studie mit Erfassung aller Patienten der chirurgischen Universitätsklinik Basel, welche vom 1.6.2002 bis 31.1.2004 bei Tibia- resp. Humerusfrakturen mit einer Metaphysenplatte versorgt wurden. Das Kollektiv umfaßte 37 Personen, davon 16 Frauen (43.2%) und 21 Männer (56.8%), mittleres Alter 54.5 Jahre (Range 18-96 Jahre). Dabei wurden 24 Tibiafrakturen (64.9%) und 13 Humerusfrakturen (35.1%) versorgt. Die 4.5 Metaphysenplatte ist ein winkelstabiles Implantat mit Schrauben der Dimension 4.5 für den Schaftbereich und 3.5er Schrauben für die Gelenksanteile. Dokumentiert wurden Heilungsrate, Komplikationen und die Klinik. Die Nachkontrollen erfolgten nach 6 + 12 Wochen, 6 Monate und 1 Jahr postoperativ. Mittlerer Beobachtungszeitraum 11.7 Monate (Range 3-20 Monate). Resultate: In 97.3% der Fälle zeigte sich eine komplikationslose Frakturheilung. In einem Fall kam es zu einem Infekt. Bei 4 Personen (11.1%) war eine Osteosynthesematerialentfernung nötig. In keinem Fall kam es zu einer Pseudoarthrose oder Implantatversagen. Diskussion: Aufgrund der sehr guten Resultate (97.3%) können wir die Anwendung der winkelstabilen Metaphysenplatte bei Humerus- und Tibiafrakturen empfehlen. Durch die Winkelstabilität ist das Implantat auch bei stark osteoporotischen Frakturen geeignet, was aufgrund der sehr guten Ausheilungsraten auch bei sehr alten Patienten gezeigt werden konnte. Durch ihr Design trägt die Platte im Bereich des medialen Malleolus nicht auf und erlaubt bei Humerusfrakturen ein weit kraniales Anlegen ohne Impingementprovokation. 3.03 E. Hasenböhler, R. Babst Kantonsspital Luzern, Chirurgische Klinik A Unfallchirurgie Minimal invasive perkutane Plattenosteosynthese (MIPO) bei distalen Tibiafrakturen Fragestellung: Die minimal invasive Plattenosteosynthese (MIPO) wurde seit Einführung der Locked Compression Plate (LCP) relevant erleichtert. Dieses Implantat erlaubt als Fixateur interne verwendet, die Fixierung der Frakturen in der „Brückenplattentechnik“ mit konsekutiver sekundärer Knochenheilung über Kallusformation. Heilungsdauer und schmerzlose Belastbarkeit nach dieser Stabilisierung wurden bei distalen Tibiafrakturen, welche nicht für eine Nagelosteosynthese qualifizierten, untersucht. Methoden: Konsekutiv wurden 21 Patienten, 4 Frauen und 17 Männer im Alter von 19 bis 71 Jahre in der Zeit vom Dezember 2001 bis März 2003 in der beschriebenen Technik fixiert. Die Fraktureinteilung erfolgte gemäss der AO-Klassifikation mit 10 Frakturen Typ 42 A, 3 Typ B und 8 Typ C Frakturen. Von den 21 Patienten hatten fünf (5) eine II° offene Fraktur, welche gemäss Gustillo eingeteilt wurden. Die durchschnittliche Operationszeit betrug 86.9min.(60min.-145min.) Eine 4.5 LCP-Platte wurde bei 19 Patienten und eine 3.5 LCPPilon Platte bei 2 Patienten benutzt. Wundheilungsstörungen oder Infekt traten keine auf. 19 Patienten wurden klinisch und radiologisch nach 6 Wochen, sowie 3-6-9 und 12 Monaten nachkontrolliert. 2 Patienten mit Wohnsitz im Ausland konnten nicht untersucht werden. Als Frakturheilung wurde die sichtbare Kallusüberbrückung einer Kortikalis, im lat. und ap. Bild und die klinisch schmerzfreie Vollbelastung definiert. Ergebnisse: Nach den genannten Kriterien beurteilt, war die Fraktur bei 6 Patienten nach 3 Monaten, bei 4 Patienten nach 6 Monaten und bei 3 Patienten nach 9 Monaten geheilt. Bei 1 Patient war eine Reosteosynthese nach 5 Monaten wegen einer verbogenen Platte notwendig. Alle 19 Patienten waren nach 12 Monaten geheilt. Schlussfolgerung: Die MIPO Technik hat sich bezüglich der Weichteile und der KnochenBiologie bewährt. Die sekundäre Knochenbruchheilung ist aber speziell bei einfachen Frakturmustern oft mit länger dauernden Beschwerden im Frakturbereich assoziiert. Auf diesen Umstand sollten Operateur und Patient vorbereitet sein, wenn distalen Tibiafrakturen in MIPO Technik und als Brückenplatten-Osteosynthesen durchgeführt werden. 3.04 CH. Sommer, M. Wullschleger, M. Walliser, H. Bereiter, A. Leutenegger Departement Chirurgie, Kantonsspital, Spitäler Chur AG Experience with the locking compression plate (LCP) in fracture treatment of osteoporotic bone Introduction: Operative fracture treatment in osteoporotic bone is problematic. Mechanical complications as screw loosening with loss of stability are frequent. Implant systems providing angular stability are one solution for better results. The Locking Compression Plate system (LCP) offers to fix nearly all human bones with plates combined with angular stable screws. We report our experience with the LCP in osteoporotic bone in the first four years of application with special attention to the mechanical complications. Patients and methods: Retrospective study of 90 patients older than 70 years with a fracture treated with a LCP from 2000-2003(total number of LCP fixations: 494). 83x fresh, 7x pathologic or old fx. 65x upper extr.(20x prox. humerus, 32 distal radius), 25x lower. Followup > 3months: 69/90 patients (= 76.7%). 21x no FU (4x exitus, 6x < 3months, 11x lost). Results: All 69 fractures healed. 21x complication: 16x mechanical: 9x major (= reoperation): 4x plate breakage (3x femoral shaft, 1x humerus), 3x screw protrusion into joint (all cases on prox. humerus), 2x construct pull out. 7x minor complication: 3x screw protrusion into joint (prox. humerus), 2x broken screw (trad. screws), 1x cut through (distal radius), 1x bent plate. 5x nonmechanical complication: 2x infection, 3x other. Discussion: Due to the poor bone quality mechanical complications are expected, but astonishingly quite rare seen. The cases with plate breakage are not related to the bone quality nor the implant system and are caused by technical errors and/or poor patient compliance. The cut through and the screw protusions into the joint however are new complications not yet seen with traditional small fragment implants and are closely related to the angular stable system. Adaptation of the surgical technique (partial predrilling and use of shorter, but higher number of screws in the epiphysis) may reduce the rate of this complication. Overall the LCP is an excellent system for the stabilisation of fractures in osteoporotic bone and enables a successful moderne fracture treatment also in the elderly patient. 3.05 DA. Rikli, A. Businger, J. Rosenkranz, R. Babst Chirurgie A, Kantonsspital Luzern Dorsal double plating for distal radius fx: differential indication and experience with 2.4 locking plates Introduction: treatment concepts for distal radius fractures have changed considerably in the last years. The advance of locking plates have reinforced the tendency towards operative treatment. Various locking plate systems are currently available. Indications for dorsal, palmar or combined dorso-palmar approaches are controversial. At our institution a clear concept for the indication of palmar, dorsal or combined osteosyntheses has been established. In this paper we present our differential indication for dorsal double plating and our experience with the new 2.4mm Titanium locking plates. Patients and Method: 22 consecutive patients were prospectively documented. Dorsal Double Plating was used to treat 18 intraarticular fx and 4 malunited extraarticular fx (early corrective osteotomy). Standard x-rays were analysed for quality of reconstruction and loss of reduction. Any complication during the course of treatment was documented. ROM of the wrist was compared to the contralateral side and the subjective functional outcome was assessed using the DASH score. Results: no bone graft was used. All fx healed with no loss of reduction. All were treated by immediate early function. No intraoperative complication or infection was noted. One algodystrophy healed w/o sequalae. No tendon irritation/rupture occurred. The functional results were good to excellent in all cases. Implant removal was performed in 4. Conclusion: there is a clear indication for dorsal double plating in a small subset of distal radius fx. The method is save and produces predictable results. The amount of tendon problems has decreased compared to earlier series with different implants used for dorsal plating. There is still a rate of 20% implant removal. swiss knife 2004; special edition 11 3.06 2 1 1 1 F. Sorrentino , T. Mitschele , P. Beuchat , C. Sartoretti Chirurgische Abteilung, Kreisspital für das Freiamt, Muri, 2 Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Olten 1 Endoscopic carpal tunnel release as a standard treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: eight year’s experience with the Chow technique Introduction: The technique of endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR) for treating carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), was developed in the early nineties in an effort to decrease the most common complications after open procedures like hypertrophic or painful scars and pillar pain. Skepticism is still expressed by some hand surgeons regarding this technique mainly because of major neurovascular complications and recurrences. Since 1996 we use in the hospital of Muri, the dual portal Chow technique as standard technique for CTS. With this retrospective study we wanted to evaluate in a large series of patients the safety and efficacity of ECTR using the Chow technique. Materials and Methods: Between January 1996 and December 2003, 400 hands in 344 patients underwent ECTR using the Chow technique. The diagnosis based on clinical symptoms, electromyography and nerve conduction velocity tests. Demographic data as well as objective and subjective data were collected on all patients based on chart review. In addition we sent a questionnaire to every patient containing questions about general satisfaction of the treatment, duration of pain after operation, return to work after operation, recurrences and reoperations. Results: Three cases were converted to open procedure because of complications during the operation. Two cases were reoperated within 6 weeks after primary operation because of infection and sensory disorders. Most of the evaluated patients (95%) were completely asymptomatic or had very minor problems after ECTR. The final follow-up is not yet completed, but most of the patients who sent back the questionnaire were completely satisfied with the procedure. Discussion: ECTR was introduced in the last decade as a new technique for surgical treatment of CTS. Although many studies have showed a high success rate for the procedure, there is still major controversy regarding the safety, success and the complication rate of this procedure. Our study analysed a consecutive series of patients who had surgery by a single surgeon and the results suggest that ECTR with the Chow technique is a reliable alternative treatment for CTS and can be done safely. 3.07 F. Got, P. Saudan, M. Rudin, K. Käch Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Winterthur Der Einsatz eines Facharztes als „Notfallmanager“ verbessert die Betreuung der Patienten auf dem Notfall Einleitung: Lange Wartezeiten, komplizierte Abklärungen und ein zäher Informationsfluss stellen wesentliche Kritikpunkte am Betrieb in einer Notfallstation dar. Zur Verbesserung der Patientenbetreuung, wird seit dem 1.9.2003 zu Zeiten mit der höchsten Frequenz an Notfällen (8-22 Uhr) ein chirurgischer Facharzt als Notfallmanager (NM) eingesetzt. Er nimmt Zuweisungen entgegen und weist die Fälle nach einer Erstbeurteilung seinen Mitarbeitern (2 Assistenzärzte, 1-2 Unterassistenten) zu. Schon früh werden die Patienten über die weiteren Schritte orientiert. Die Hausärzte werden telefonisch und schriftlich informiert. Methode: Vom 1.8.-30.9.2003 traten 1615 Patienten auf die interdisziplinäre Notfallstation ein, davon 1455 (90%) zwischen 8 und 22 Uhr. 699 Patienten wurden vom Notfallmanager gemanagt, 786 durch einen Assistenzarzt. Die Patienten wurden in 4 Gruppen eingeteilt: Ambulante mit niedrigem (A) oder hohem (B) Abklärungs- und Behandlungsaufwand (Röntgen, Ultraschall, Labor, CT, Gips), nichtoperative (C) oder operative (D) stationäre Patienten. Die Reduktion der Aufenthaltsdauer steht als Ausdruck für die Effektivität des Einsatzes des NM. Statistische Analyse mittels t-Test. Resultate: Die durchschnittliche Aufenthaltsdauer sämtlicher Patientengruppen konnte mit dem NM um 20% signifikant gesenkt werden (A: 18% 123 vs.101 Min.; B: 26% 139 vs. 102 Min.; C: 20% 216 vs. 172 Min.; D: 21% 205 vs. 161 Min.; p<0.005). Nur noch 50% der ambulanten Patienten waren > 90 Min. auf dem Notfall (Gruppe A: Reduktion um 19%, B um 35%, p<0.005), bei operativen stationären Patienten dauerten noch 63% der Abklärungen > als 120 Minuten (Gruppe D: Reduktion um 14%, p<0.005). Die Patienten und Zuweiser bewerteten den rascheren Informationsfluss als positiv. Schlussfolgerung: Organisiert ein Facharzt die Abklärung und Behandlung der Patienten auf dem Notfall, reduziert dies die Aufenthaltszeit deutlich. Die Zufriedenheit der Patienten und zuweisenden Aerzte steigt. Da sich andere Faktoren im Notfallbetrieb nicht verändert haben (z.B. Wartezeiten Röntgen, Ultraschalloder auf Gipsverbände), ist die Reduktion der Aufenthaltsdauer auf die Tätigkeit des NM zurückzuführen. 3.08 S. Gaum, M. Klaja, P. Rupp, H. Zimmermann Notfallzentrum Inselspital Bern Videotaping of trauma patients in the resuscitation room - a useful tool for quality improvement? For the outcome of trauma patients diagnostic modalities and therapy are in the first hour of crucial importance. For quality management purposes a video camera was installed. The evaluation of the video reviewing occurred by means of questionnaires. The performance of 12 swiss knife 2004; special edition the teamleader was evaluated in five categories (identification and presence, clear instructions, general overview, fluent sequence according to ATLS and preparation) and three stages (bad, medium and good). The completness and the duration of the primary survey, performance of the log roll and systematic problems were reviewed. From May 2003 to January 2004 253 trauma patients were treated in the resuscitation room and 37 (15%) were subsequently videotaped. The small number of videotapes were partially due to nonacceptance by members of the resuscitation team. Results of all 37 videotapes were as follows; the teamleader was clearly identified in all 37 videotapes. The overview and the clarity of the instructions were 34 times “good” and three times “medium”, the fluent sequence according to ATLS was judged 26 times as “good” and 11 times as “medium”, the preparation was in 28 cases “good”, 8 times “medium” and once “bad”. The average time to primary survey was 2:12 min (min. 0:50 min, max. 4:30 min). The completeness was judged 22 times as “good”, 13 times “medium”. A log roll was performed in 18 patients, the quality thereby was classified 15 times as “good” and 3 times as “medium”. Seized systematic errors: in 13 cases (35%) the x-ray apparatus handicaped the treatment of the patient; 8 times (22%) the different consultants disrupted the arranged operational sequence by examining the patient before relocating and/or before completing the primary survey. Due to the finer details of trauma assessment not being remembered, we considered videorecording as a useful and suitable tool for quality improvement. To augment the usage of viedotaping the acceptance by the personal staff has to be improved by discussions with all members of the resuscitation team. 3.09 H. Gelpke, K. Käch, P. Wigger, M. Bär, M. Decurtins Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Winterthur Wie realistisch sind die Operationszeiten des TARMED? Einleitung: Der TARMED entschädigt den Arzt für Leistungen am Patienten und die Infrastruktur separat. Der TARMED beruht auf dem Prinzip der Minutage, welche vom erfahrenen Facharzt als Leistungserbringer ausgeht. Diese Arbeit überprüft die Minutage des TM gestuft nach Erfahrung des Operateurs an Schlüsseleingriffen für die Chirurgische Weiterbildung. Methode: Es standen die Schnitt-Naht-Zeiten vom 01.01.1998 bis 31.01.2004 von 37’554 Operationen zur Verfügung. Die Operateure wurden in die Kategorien A (Chefarzt, Leitender Arzt), B (Oberarzt mit FMH) und C (Oberarzt, Assistenzarzt ohne FMH) eingeteilt. Die Operationen waren durch 51’000 Codes des ICD-9 und Text definiert. Aus dieser Datenmenge wurden 20 Eingriffe ausgewählt, wovon 17 für die Weiterbildung typisch sind. Es waren dies Operationen an der Karotis, der Schilddrüse, der Lunge, der Gallenblase, der Appendix, dem Kolon, bei Inguinalhernien, Varizen, Unterarmfrakturen und Femurfrakturen. So konnten 6939 Operationen eingeschlossen werden. Resultate: Die Minutage gewichtet nach der Anzahl der Eingriffe wurde im Gesamtkollektiv um 3.3% überschritten. Operateure der Kategorie A unterschritten sie um 28.3%, der Kategorie B überschritten sie um 0.8% und der Kategorie C um 18.0%. Schlussfolgerung: Die Minutage des TARMED ist realistisch und kann von den Fachärzten realisiert werden. Die in Ausbildung stehenden Chirurgen erreichen die vorgegebenen Zeiten der Minutage nicht. 04 4.01 D. Lardinois 1, H. Steinert 2, M. Tutic 1, G. Görres 2, R. Stahel 3, W. Weder 1 Division of Thoracic Surgery University Hospital Zurich, 2Division of Nuclear Medicine University Hospital Zurich, 3Division of Oncology University Hospital Zurich 1 Incidence of non-metastatic extrathoracic lesions detected by whole-body FDG PET-CT imaging in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer Background: To assess the incidence and nature of unsuspected extrathoracic focal increased FDG accumulation in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) staged with whole-body integrated PET-CT. Methods: Whole-body integrated PET-CT scans for staging of NSCLC were analysed in a consecutive series of 300 patients, including 212 men and 88 women, with a mean age of 67 years (range 36-84 years). After application of 350-400 MBq FDG, whole-body PET-CT was performed (Discovery LS, GE Medical System). Every solitary unsuspected focal abnormality was interpreted as highly suspicious for a metastasis. The true diagnosis was confirmed histopathologically. Results: PET/CT imaging revealed 99 unsuspected extrathoracic lesions. Beside 62 lung cancer metastases, tumor unrelated focal abnormalities were found in 37 (12.3%) patients, which represents 37.4% of all the extrathoracic findings. Histopathologic correlation could be obtained in 89.2% of these 37 patients and revealed 6 malignancies including carcinoma of the breast in 2 patients, carcinoma of the orbit, oesophagus, prostate, non-Hodgkin lymphoma in one patient each, as well as 27 benign tumors or inflammatory lesions. These 27 lesions consisted of 3 Warthin´s tumors, 1 granuloma of the lower jaw, 1 adenoma of the thyroid gland, 1 compensatory muscle activity due to vocal chord palsy, 2 arthritis, 4 reflux oesophagitis, 2 pancreatitis, 4 diverticulitis, 7 adenomas of the colon, 1 haemorrhoid, and 1 extrauterine pregnancy. Conclusions: The critical analysis of additional PET positive lesions which may mimic metastases of NSCLC is important for correct staging and optimal therapy. 4.02 A. Meyer 1, C. Antonescu 2, E. Pezzetta 1, A. Bischof Delaloye 2, HB. Ris 1 1 Service de chirurgie thoracique et vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne, 2 Service de médecine nucléaire, CHUV, Lausanne Comparative evaluation of intraoperative sentinel lymph node detection in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by use of radioisotopic and colourimetric techniques (patent V blue and fluoresceine) Objectives: Prospective comparative evaluation of intraoperative sentinel lymph node detection (SLND) by use 99m TC-nanocolloid, patent V blue dye and fluoresceine in patient with NSCLC with respect to its usefulness and feasibility for clinical application. Methods: Ten patients (M/F = 6:4, mean age 63 years) with stage I to II NSCLC undergoing resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection were enrolled. After standard thoracotomy,2 ml of patent V blue dye, 1 ml of 10 % fluoresceine and 1 ml of 99m Tc-nanocolloid ( 0,4 mCi) were injected into the peritumoral subpleural tissue. Intraoperative radioactivity counting and detection of lymph node staining was performed at the level of interlobar (ATS 11), hilar (ATS 10), and subcarinal (ATS 4) nodes, and of paratracheal (ATS 4), aortopulmonar window (ATS 5) and mediastinal (ATS 6) nodes on the right, and left side, respectively. Mesurements was started 10 minutes after injection and repeated every 10 minutes for 60 minutes. A Wood’s lamp was used for fluoresceine, and a gamma-probe (scinti Probe MR 100®, pol.hi.tech srl, Corsoli, Italy) for radioistopic detection. After completion of the measurements, lobectomy and lymph node dissection was performed. Results: Concordant findings were obtained by the three different methods, with a progressive increase of hypercaptation of the dyes and radioactivity in the lymphatic tissues, first at the interlobar, then at the hilar and finally at the mediastinal level. However, no particular lymph node could be clearly identified by none of these technique in any patient at any time point assessed within one hour after subpleural peritumoral injection. 4.03 E. Pezzetta 1, TH. Krueger 1, A. Zouhair 2, R. Stupp 3, HB. Ris 1 Sevice de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire CHUV Lausanne, 2Service de Radio-oncologie CHUV Lausanne, 3Centre cordonné d’Oncologie CHUV Lausanne 1 Neonadjuvant cisplatin based chemotherapy versus radiochemotherapy for stage III (N2) NSCLC: comparison of postoperative mortality, mediastinal downstaging and survival Background: Prospective comparison of neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy and cisplatin – based radiochemotherapy followed by resection in patients with mediastinoscopically proven stage III N2 NSCLC regarding resectability, postoperative morbidity, pathological mediastinal downstaging, survival and DFS. Methods: Eighty-two patients were enrolled between January 1996 to June 2003, 36 had cisplatin (100mg/m2) and doxetacel-based chemotherapy (group I) and 46 cisplatinbased radiochemotherapy up to 48 Gy (group II), either with sequential (25 patients) or concurrent accelerated hyperfractionated (21 patients) radiochemotherapy. All patients had exclusion of distant metastases by bone scintigraphy, thoracoabdominal CT scan (or PET scan), and brain IRM, and all underwent pre-induction mediastinoscopy, resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection by the same surgeon (HBR). Results: Group I and II comprised T1/2 tumors in 17 and 13 patients, T3 tumors in 16 and 19, and T4 tumors in 3 and 14, respectively (p=0.01), with a similar distribution of right-sided pneumonectomy in both groups (9 and10, respectively). There was no difference between stage IIIA and IIIB patients with respect to overall and disease-free survival. Group I and group II revealed a postoperative 90-d mortality of 2.8% and 4.3% (ns), a complete (R0) resection rate of 92% and 93% (ns), mediastinal nodal downstaging (pN0 / pN1) of 62% and 78% of the patients (p=0.008), a 3y- survival of 53% and 62% (ns) and a 3y-DFS of 34% and 58 % (p=0.04), respectively. There was no difference in concurrent hyperfractionated accelerated versus sequential radiochemoinduction with respect to postoperative morbidity, complete resections, mediastinal nodal downstaging, survival and DSF. Conclusion: Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy was associated with a similar postoperative mortality, an increased pathological mediastinal downstaging and a better DFS as compared to cisplatin doxetacel-based chemoinduction in patients with stage III (N2) NSCLC although a higher number of T4 tumors were admitted to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy. 4.04 T. Weber, M. Beshay, B. Hoksch, R. Stein, R. Schmid Inselspital Bern, Devision of General Thoracic Surgery Incidence and prevention of bronchial stump fistula after pneumonectomy in patients with and without neo-adjuvant chemotherapy Objective: Although the incidence of postpneumonectomy bronchial stump fistula (PBSF) has decreased over recent years, it still represents a serious complication. In this regard the benefit of surgical techniques to prevent PBSF are discussed controversially. To further clarify this item we analysed different coverage techniques in pneumonectomy patients with and without neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NEO). Material: All 102 patients operated between 1.1.98 and 28.2.03 were included. 73 patients had surgical therapy alone (group I) and 29 patients received NEO (group II). Following coverage techniques were performed: no coverage (NC), intercostal bundle (IB), pericardial fat (PF), m. serratus flap (MS) and others (m. latissimus dorsi flap, pericardium, diaphragma, parietal pleura). RESULTS: Overall 30 day mortality was 2.9% (n=3), in 17 patients (16.6%) revision thoracotomy due to suspected empyema or PBSF was done, PBSF was finally diagnosed in 7 patients (6.8%). Surprisingly all PBSF were observed in group I without NEO (PBSF rate 9.5%), Within group I, NC achieved similar PBSF rates (n=1/15, 6.6%) as all coverage techniques together (6/58, 10.3%). NC was comparable to IB (PBSF 1/19, 5.2%) but considerably better than PF (4/24, 16.6%). The absence of PBSF in neo-adjuvant treated patients might be attributed to the high percentage of MS coverage (48.2% group II vs. 6.8% group I). Conclusion: NEO did not increase the risk for PBSF, provided that bronchial stump coverage, preferably MS, was performed. On the other hand the low PBSF rate in patients without chemotherapy and no bronchial stump coverage may indicate, that individual risk factors or surgical preparation techniques are more important for the development of PBSF than the applied coverage technique. 4.05 Y. Durmishi, P. Charbonnet, O. Nafidi, A. Spiliopoulos Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève The utility of PET scan in the evaluation of the response to neoadjuvant radio-chemotherapy of esophageal cancer Introduction: The purpose of the present study is to prove the utility of the PET scan in the evaluation of a neoadjuvant treatment of esophageal cancer, as well as to better assess the operability and the probable effectiveness of a surgical intervention. Method: The study also draws a comparison between the data obtained from the scintigraphic examination, the radioactive tracers, the echo-endography and the scanner on one hand, and from the PET scan on the other, in order to determine respondent and non respondent patients. The study covers a period of 24 months, from January 2000 until December 2002, and includes 7 male patients. All patients underwent a PET scan before and after radio-chemotherapy. Six out of 7 underwent surgery, and 1 patient showed distant metastasis and had thus already exceeded the stage for surgery. Once the pathological stage had been confirmed after operation, the latter was compared to the data collected from a second PET scan after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, but also to the echo-endoscopic data. Results: We noted a reduction of the hypermetabolic locus on 3 PET scans, while 3 other PET scans showed complete disappearance of the hypermetabolic locus. In only one case the widespread hypermetabolic locus persisted, certainly linked to post-actinic esophagitis. In other words, these results represent: - 43% of decrease of the hypermetabolic locus - 43% of complete disappearance of the locus - 14% of persistence of the locus. We have presented the assessment of the pathological stage by means of an echo-endoscopy and histological evaluation, and shown a clear decrease in the pathological stage compatible with the reduction of the hypermetabolic activity as documented by the second PET scans. Conclusion: We believe that the PET scans is a necessary and efficient examination in the evaluation of the response or non-response of esophageal cancer to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in view of a surgical intervention. 4.06 I. Opitz1, Y. Pan1, T. Krueger1, HJ. Altermatt2, HB. Ris1 1 Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital of Lausanne, 2 Institute of Pathology, Berne Intraoperative photodynamic therapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma: comparison of mTHPC versus Verteprofine in an experimental setting Background: Comparison of the clinically approved sensitizers mTHPC (Foscan ) vs Verteprofine (Visudyne®) for intraoperative intrathoracic photodynamic therapy (PDT) in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) bearing rats (4 goups with n=3) with respect to anticancer activity and tumor selectivity. Material & Methods: A locally growing MPM tumor was generated in 15 Fischer rats by subpleural mediastinal injection of 0.1ml of 1x106 syngenic malignant mesothelioma cells (II-45) via left thoracotomy. Focal PDT was performed 5 days after tumor cell implantation (spot size 1.3cm diameter) through a re-thoracotomy guided by in-situ dosimetry. 6 animals received mTHPC (0.1mg/kg n=3, 0.2mg/kg n=3.) followed by light delivery of 0.2W/cm2, 20J/cm2 at 652 nm 4 days after i.v. sensitisation. 6 animals received Visudyne® (0,6mg/kg n=3, 1.2mg/kg n=3) followed by PDT (0.1W/cm2, 100J/cm2, 689 nm) 20min after i.v. sensitisation. Autopsy was performed at time of death or 5d after light delivery with histological evaluation. Results: All 3 control animals revealed 5 days after tumor cell implantation a mediastinal tumor nodule of 5mm diameter with an infiltrative growth pattern and without spontaneous necrosis. 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg mTHPC resulted in a 0.5-1mm and 1-2 mm deep coagulation tumor necrosis, respectively. The adjacent normal mediastinal tissues were spared at both drug doses but interstitial lung fibrosis was observed. 0.6mg/kg Verteprofine resulted in extensive subtotal tumor necrosis. Adjacent mediastinal organs were not damaged but hemorrhagic necrosis of the lung was observed. All 3 animals receiving 1.2mg/kg Verteprophine died few hours after focal PDT, histological assessment revealed massive pulmonary blood congestion. Conclusions: Focal PDT guided by in situ dosimetry was feasible on locally grown MPM generated by subpleural mediastinal implantation of II-45 cells in syngenic Fisher rats. Both, mTHPC and Verteprofin resulted in a dose-dependent extent of tumor necrosis while sparing surrounding normal mediastinal structures. The extent of of tumor necrosis and lung injury was more important after PDT with Verteprofin compared to mTHPC at PDT conditions usually applied for clinical purposes. ® swiss knife 2004; special edition 13 4.07 5.03 MK. Djebalili 1, N. Kritikos 2, G. Sgourdos 2, A. Spiliopoulos 2 1 Geneva University Hospital Cardiovascular Thoracic Unit, 2 Geneva University Hospital Thoracic Unit K. Skala, G. Zufferey, J. Robert-Yap, B. Roche Unité de Proctologie Hôpital Universitaire Genève Postpneumonectomy syndrome treated by implantation of expandable prosthesis Introduction: Postpneumonectomy syndrome is a late complication occurring almost exclusively after right pneumonectomy. The syndrome is caused by excessive shifting of mediastinal structures into the right hemithorax, leading to tracheobronchial compression, progressive dyspnea, stridor and recurrent pulmonary infections. The diagnosis can be made by bronchoscopy and Computed Tomography. Methods & Results: We report two cases of this entity, a 62-year and 66-year-old men who presented the syndrome 3 and 2 years, respectively, after they had undergone right pneumonectomy because of lung cancer with no signs of malignancy relapse.Treatment consisted in surgical implantation of an expandable prosthesis in the empty cavity. An anatomic correction of the shifted mediastinum was achieved, which in both cases resulted in functional improvement and Considerable symptomatic relief. Conclusion: The implantation of an intrathoracic prosthesis can dramatically improve the clinical symptoms and reduce the functional obstructive syndrome. The expandable prosthesis allowed well tolerated recentring of the mediastinum, avoiding a developpement of tracheobronchial malacia. 05 5.01 K. Skala, G. Zufferey, J. Robert-Yap, B. Roche Unité de Proctologie Hôpital Universitaire de Genève La colpomyorraphie postérieure étendue Les rectocèles symptomatiques peuvent répondre à un traitement chirurgical. La classification en trois stades de cette maladie permet d’associer à chaque stade un type d’intervention. Le type II qui est représenté par une rectocèle volumineuse intéressant tout le septum rectovaginal avec début d’intussusception de la paroi rectale antérieure est corrigé par colpomyorraphie postérieure étendue. Cette intervention est réalisée par un abord vaginal en incision arciforme au niveau de l’hymen afin de ne pas générer une nouvelle cicatrice au niveau de la paroi postérieure du vagin. La dissection large doit être menée jusqu’au niveau du cervix ou du cul-de-sac postérieur du vagin. La dissection doit s’étendre latéralement afin de mettre en évidence les muscles releveurs de l’anus sur toute leur hauteur. A l’aide de points séparés de Maxon 2.0 GU 46, on procède à une raphie des muscles releveurs de l’anus sans tension. Les deux premiers points prennent en triangulation la paroi antérieure du rectum afin de la fixer, pour ne pas transformer une rectocèle en un prolapsus anal muqueux antérieur. Nous avons pratiqué durant ces dix dernières années 564 colpomyorraphies postérieures étendues. Les complications sont essentiellement de type hémorragique et de déhiscence de la suture muqueuse. Les résultats fonctionnels montrent une disparition de la dyschésie dans 93% des cas, une disparition de l’incontinence dans 97% des cas. Un collectif prospectif de 333 patientes avait mis en évidence une activité sexuelle conservée chez 95% de ces patientes. Le suivi à long terme de ce même collectif démontrait une récidive dans 7% des cas. Conclusion: La colpomyorraphie postérieure étendue permet de corriger la rectocèle de type II, ainsi que les troubles fonctionnels qui lui sont associée. 5.02 FH. Hetzer, D. Hahnloser, Y. Knoblauch, PA. Clavien, N. Demartines University Hospital Zurich, Visc.& Transpl. Surgery How we do it: sacral nerve stimulation Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) is a new promising therapy for patients with urinary and bowel incontinence. Originally, the procedure was described in a three-step procedure: 1) percutaneous nerve evaluation test (PNE) and temporary stimulation (screening) with a test electrodes, 2) replacement of test electrodes by permanent electrodes and 3) permanent implantation internal pulse generator (IPG). Recently, modifications in the introducing set and in the electrode allow to perform the SNS in a minimal invasive two step-procedure and in local anaesthesia. The two-step technique of SNS with the PNE and the implantation of permanent tined lead is described. The first step take place in prone position and under latero-lateral pelvic fluoroscopy. A foramen needle and later the tined lead are inserted. Then the tunellisation and the connection of the electrode to the external stimulator is presented. In a second step, by patient with at least a 50% reduction of symptoms at the end of the screening phase, the definitive implantation of the IGP is demonstrated. Between May 2001 and January 2004, 28 PNE tests in 22 patients (12 women) were performed, median age was 58 years (range 32-86). In all but one patient, PNE was successfully. After the screening phase the IPG was implanted in 13 patients (65 %). We had no infection, but one subcoutaneous seroma around the stimulator pocket, which needed an intervention in local anaesthesia. Both, PNE testing and implantation of the permanent electrode can be easily and safely performed at the same time and under local anaesthesia. 14 swiss knife 2004; special edition La liberation du nerf honteux interne par voie transgluteale dans le syndrome d’al coock La compression du nerf honteux interne se traduit par des douleurs systématisées, répétitives, majorées à la position assise de la région périnéale. Le diagnostic repose sur l’infiltration du nerf honteux à l’aide d’anesthésiques locaux. En cas de non-guérison après deux infiltrations, une chirurgie de libération est proposée. La chirurgie est menée par voie transglutéale postérieure pour mettre en évidence le ligament sacro-tubéreux qui est réséqué, puis le nerf honteux interne qui passe en chevalet audessus du ligament sacro-épineux. Le ligament sacro-épineux est sectionné, afin de pouvoir transposer le nerf honteux interne dans une position endo-pelvienne. En fin d’intervention, le fascia du canal d’Alcock est largement ouvert afin de libérer le nerf honteux dans toutes les zones où il pourrait être comprimé. De 2001 à 2003, nous avons réalisé 12 libérations du nerf honteux. Nous nedéplorons aucune complication. la symptomatologie douloureuse a disparu chez 9 patients. En conclusion, la libération du nerf honteux interne par voie transglutéale est une intervention qui offre de bons résultats avec peu de complications. 5.04 H. Fehsenfeld, D. Hahnloser, PA. Clavien, N. Demartines, FH. Hetzer University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery Treatment of chronic anal fissures with fissure excision and botulinum toxin type A injection 80% of acute anal fissures heal spontaneously or with conservative local therapy (nitro-glycerine cream). In contrast, chronic fissures are often resistant to conservative treatment, and currently lateral internal sphincterotomy is considered by many to be treatment of choice. This procedure is however associated with the risk of permanent incontinence up to 10%. An alternative is the combination of fissure debridement and injection of Botulinum Toxin Type A (BTA) without damage to the sphincter. The technique of fissure debridement and injection of BTA is described. In modified lithotomy position and under general or spinal anaesthesia, the lateral margins of the anal fissure are excised in a triangle form and the floor of the fissure is cleaned with a sharp spoon. Haemostasis if necessary is performed by electro coagulation. 100 IE of BTA are dissolved in 2ml NaCl. 2 x 0,2ml of this solution (=2x 10 IE BTA) are injected with a small insuline syringe and a 25 G needle just left- and right-lateral to the excised fissure into the internal sphincter muscle. Postoperatively, stool regulation is recommended for at least 6 weeks. The patients are discharged the same day. Since 2001, we treated 45 out of 48 patients successfully with this technique. Only 3 patients required further interventions. We conclude that excision of the fissure and injection of BTA is a safe and reproducible treatment of chronic anal fissure without risk of sphincter damage. 5.05 K. Skala, G. Zufferey, J. Robert-Yap, B. Roche Unité de Proctologie Hôpital Universitaire de Genève Technique du lambeau muqueux dans la cure des fistules anales trans- et suprasphincteriennes Le traitement d’une fistule comporte l’exérèse de tous les trajets fistuleux et de l’orifice de drainage secondaire. Lorsque cette fistule passe au travers du plan musculaire, le traitement chirurgical peut entraîner une incontinence anale irréversible. La technique du lambeau muqueux a pour avantage de pratiquer l’excision de tout le tractus fistuleux, de l’orifice primaire, sans léser l’appareil sphinctérien. Cette vidéo démontre comment par dissection progressive, il est possible de pratiquer l’excision du trajet fistuleux au travers de l’appareil sphinctérien sans léser ce dernier. Une reconstruction après excision de l’orifice primaire, de la paroi musculaire et d’un abaissement d’un lambeau muqueux au-delà de la suture musculaire permettent une guérison de ces fistules dans 89,2%. On observe donc 10,8% de récidives. En cas de récidive, il est toujours possible de répéter cette intervention. Notre collectif de 153 patients montre 3 incontinences aux gaz temporaires, une incontinence persiste en raison de la rigidité du canal anal due à la scarification des tissu suite à 11 opérations antérieures. Conclusion: La technique du lambeau muqueux permet de traiter les fistules complexes, Le taux de récidives est 11% et les résultats fonctionnels sont excellents. 5.06 G. Zufferey, J. Robert, K. Skala, B. Roche Unité de Proctologie Hôpital Universitaire de Genève Recronstruction sphincterienne par overlapping pour incontinence post obstetricale L’incontinence post obstétricale représente 80% de toutes les incontinences anales. La lésion intéresse le sphincter interne et/ou externe. Sa localisation son étendue sont précisées par l’échographie endo-anale. La vidéo démontre la technique de reconstruction du sphincter par overlapping en insistant sur une dissection peu traumatique, menée suffisamment loin sur les lambeaux musculaires déchiquetés afin de permettre une apposition de ces derniers et un chevauchement d’au moins 1 cm. La reconstruction doit être effectuée sur toute la hauteur du canal anal, c’est-à-dire sur plus de 3 cm, afin d’obtenir un résultat post opératoire satisfaisant en ce qui concerne l’incontinence. En 10 ans, nous avons pratiqué 307 reconstructions sphinctériennes pour lésions post obstétricales. La récupération de la continence complète est obtenue dans 87% des cas. Les complications sont le fait de rupture secondaire de la reconstruction par passage de fécalome chez deux patientes, d’abcès dans deux cas, de fistule une fois, de déhiscence de la suture cutanée dans 17% des cas. Conclusion: La reconstruction du sphincter par la technique de l’overlapping est une chirurgie fine, qui donne de bons résultats pour autant que les règles de chevauchement des lambeaux musculaires et de reconstruction de toute la hauteur du canal anal soient respectées. 5.07 PA. Clavien, L. McCormack, M. Selzner University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery Central hepatectomy with total vascular occlusion Large liver tumors in a central location often present a technical challenge for liver resection. Tumor involvement of the vena cava or the proximal hepatic veins are associated with a high risk for intra-operative bleeding despite vascular inflow occlusion. To minimize the bleeding risk in these patients total vascular exclusion of the liver may be indicated. Case presentation: A 63-year-old patient with chronic hepatitis B presented with non-specific upper abdominal pain. An abdominal CT demonstrated a large liver mass in the segments IV, V, VIII. Angiography revealed a hyper-vascularized tumor showing the features of a hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). AFP was normal. The lesion was initially chemo-embolized and after mild downstaging was scheduled for a central hepatectomy. The abdominal cavity was opened through a bi-subcostal incision. The liver was mobilized and the hepato-duodenal ligament encircled. The supra- and infrahepatic vena cava were isolated and the right adrenal vein was ligated. Total vascular occlusion was performed by clamping the portal vein, hepatic artery, and the supra- and infrahepatic vena cava. Parenchyma transsection was performed using the Kelly clamp technique and bipolar forceps under a total ischemia time of 25 minutes. Histology evaluation demonstrated a HCC without vascular invasion and tumor free margins. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged 7 days after surgery, and tumor free at 1 yr. Conclusion: Total vascular occlusion remains an important technique to safely perform difficult central hepatectomy or for large tumors involving the vena cava or the hepatic veins. Parenchyma transsection can be performed with minimal blood loss and excellent control of the venous structures. The ischemia time should be below 60 minutes to avoid irreversible liver injury. 5.08 PA. Clavien, L. McCormack, M. Selzner University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery Resection of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with thrombus in the portal vein and hepatic duct. Prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with tumor thrombus in the main portal vein, inferior vena cava, or extrahepatic bile duct treated by conventional therapies is poor, although surgical resection remains the best therapeutic option for these patients. Case presentation: A 23-year-old woman was referred to us with obstructive jaundice and intermittent fever. The CT scan showed a central liver tumor with vascular invasion of the hepatic pedicle and intrahepatic dilatation of the bile ducts. The alpha-fetoprotein level was 19.800 ng/ml and serology for hepatitis B infection was positive. Pre-operative endoscopic biliary stent was placed in order to reduce cholestasis of the remnant liver after resection. Preoperative staging showed absence of extra-hepatic disease. With the diagnosis of advanced HCC the patient was scheduled for surgery. Explorative laparoscopy excluded peritoneal carcinomatosis and lymph node metastasis in the hepatic pedicle. Intra-operative ultrasound showed a central liver tumor with thrombosis of the right and main portal vein and common hepatic duct. We decided to perform a right hemi-hepatectomy with complete resection of the extra-hepatic biliary tree. A thrombectomy with partial resection of the main portal vein was performed with direct reconstruction. Biliary reconstruction with hepato-jejunostomy using a Roux-en-Y was performed. Histology confirmed the diagnosis of HCC with macroscopic vascular invasion. Postoperative outcome was uneventful with normal liver test 3 months after surgery. Conclusions: When feasible, surgical resection for HCC with vascular and biliary invasion offer the best quality of life in patients with advanced disease. These procedures should be done only in high volume centers offering low mortality and morbidity rates. 5.09 F. Dahm, M. Weber, M. Selzner, L. McCormack, PA. Clavien University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery Laparoscopic liver resections: experience in 13 cases Background: Laparoscopic techniques have not been widely applied to liver surgery due to safety and technical issues. Yet in selected cases, especially when a minor hepatic resection would necessitate a relatively large laparotomy, laparoscopic liver resections are indeed feasible and larger numbers are being reported. Method: Since June 2002 we selected 13 cases for laparoscopic resection of hepatic lesions. Median age was 45 years (26-78) and 12 patients had normal liver function. Standard liver workup was supplemented by intraoperative ultrasound in each case. Laparoscopic resections (8 left bi-segmentectomies, 4 wedge resections, 1 cyst deroofing) were performed by an experienced team of hepatobiliary and laparoscopic surgeons, using ultracision, tissulink, clips, vascular stapler and argon beam. Hepatic inflow occlusion was done in 9 cases. All specimens were evacuated with an endobag. No conversion to open surgery were necessary. Histological diagnosis were FNH (5), hemangioma (2), adenoma (1), retention cyst (1), biliary hamartoma (1), HCC (1) and metastatic carcinoid (1), i.e. only 2 patients had an underlying malignancy. Results: There was one intraoperative (pneumothorax) and one postoperative complication (pneumonia and effusion). No liver specific complications ocurred. ALT and AST peaked at a median of 92 (47-291) and 163 (53-301), while bilirubin and quick were almost unchanged. Patients were discharged after a median of 4 days (2-13). Conclusion: Laparoscopic hepatic surgery is an excellent treatment modality for highly selected cases, and is associated with low morbidity and early hospital discharge. Benign lesions in the left lateral and anterior liver segments or superficially located are clear indications for laparoscopic resection. The role of laparoscopic resections in malignant lesions still needs to be defined. Advanced skills in hepatobiliary and laparoscopic surgery are needed, supplemented with advanced technical infrastructure. For this reason laparascopic liver surgery should be restricted to specialized centers. 5.10 N. Halkic, N. Koch, D. Gintzburger, R. Ksontini, K. Z’graggen Service de Chirurgie Viscerale et Transplantation, CHUV, Lausanne Laparoscopic treatment of giant solitary nonparasitic symptomatic biliary cysts Introduction: Although hepatic cysts are frequent and usually clinically silent, large cysts may become symptomatic. Different treatment options for symptomatic, benign and nonparasitic hepatic cysts have been proposed: enucleation, fenestration, deroofing or hepatic resections. The aim of the study was to analyse the technical feasibility and safety of these procedures by laparoscopy, and to evaluate the outcome on follow-up. Results: Between September 1994 and December 2003, 15 patients underwent laparoscopic hepatic surgery for benign cystic lesions. Eleven patients had one solitary cyst, two had two cysts and two had three cysts. There were eight males and seven females (mean age 56.4 years). Hydatic disease was excluded serologically and radiologically. The mean diameter of the cysts was 60.5 mm (30-170mm). The mean operative time was 105 min and the mean postoperative hospital stay was 4.5 days. There was no mortality. During a mean follow-up of 24 months (range 3-78), one patient had to be reoperated for a recurrence of the cyst 4 months after surgery. Discussion and conclusion: laparoscopic hepatic surgery (laparoscopic fenestration or wide resection) may be the treatment of choice for solitary symptomatic hepatic cysts. Surgery remains indicated only in case of severe symptoms or rapid growth of the lesion. swiss knife 2004; special edition 15 6.01 06 M. Selzner1, TF. Hany 2, P. Wildbrett 1, L. McCormack 1, Z. Kadry 1, PA. Clavien 1 University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery, 2University Hospital Zurich, Nuclear Medicine 1 Change of treatment strategy for colorectal liver metastasis by a novel PET/CT imaging technique Background: Positron emission tomography (PET) has been used in combination with the ceCT to improve evaluation of intra- and extrahepatic tumors in these patients. In this study we compared ceCT and a novel fused PET/CT technique in patients evaluated for liver resection for metastatic colorectal cancer. Material and Methods: Between April 2001 and July 2003 all patients evaluated for resection of liver metastases from colorectal cancer were entered into a prospective database. All patients received a ceCT and a PET/CT. Both examinations were evaluated independently by a radiologists/nuclear medicine physician. The sensitivity and the specificity of both tests regarding the detection of intrahepatic tumor load, extra/hepatic metastases, and local recurrence at the colorectal site were determined. As the main endpoint of the study we determined the impact of the PET/CT findings on the therapeutic strategy. Results: Seventy-six patients with a median age of 63 years were included in the study. Comparable findings were provided by the ceCT and PET/CT for the detection of intra-hepatic metastases with a sensitivity of 95% and 91%, respectively. PET/CT was superior in establishing the diagnosis of intra-hepatic recurrences in patients with prior hepatectomy (specificity 50% vs 100%, p= 0.04). Local recurrences at the primary colo-rectal resection site were detected by ceCT and PET/CT with a sensitivity of 53% and 93%, respectively (p= 0.03). Extra-hepatic disease was missed in the ceCT in one-third of the cases (sensitivity 64%), while PET/CT failed to detect extrahepatic lesions in only 11% of the cases (sensitivity 89%) (p= 0.02). In 21% of the patients the therapeutic strategy was changed because of new findings in the PET/CT. Conclusion: PET/CT is superior to ceCT for the detection of recurrent intra-hepatic tumors after hepatectomy, extra-hepatic metastases and local recurrence at the site of the initial colorectal surgery. PET/CT is now routinely performed at our institution in all patients evaluated for liver resection for metastatic colorectal cancer. 6.02 P. Wildbrett 1, H. Petrowsky 1, M. Schäfer 1, W. Jochum 2, T. Hany 3, PA. Clavien 1 1 University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery, 2University Hospital Zurich, Pathology, 3 University Hospital Zurich, Nuclear Medicine Integrated positron-emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) in gallbladder and bile duct cancer Introduction: The overall prognosis of malignant tumors of the intrahepatic biliary tree, extrahepatic bile duct and gallbladder remains poor. Therefore, better staging modalities are urgently needed. Integrated positron-emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) is a new imaging modality that provides both anatomic and metabolic information of tumors. The goal of this study was to assess the metabolic activity, localization and extension of the biliary tumor by PET/CT. Methods: From May 2000 to May 2003 each patient who was treated for a malignancy of the biliary tree at our institution had a PET/CT in addition to the standard work-up imaging. The data of these patients were reviewed from a database and analyzed according to the endpoints. Only those patients were analyzed whose tumor was histologically proven by surgical resection specimen, biopsy or brush cytology. All imaging and data acquisition were performed with a combined PET/CT inline system that was able to acquire CT images and PET data for the same patient in one session. Results: 38 patients with primary malignancies of the biliary tree were analyzed. Seventeen patients had extrahepatic bile duct cancer (Klatskin tumor n=9, middle bile duct n=6, papilla vateri n=2), 10 patients intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and 11 patients gallbladder cancer. All 11 patients with gallbladder cancer had a high FDG uptake into the tumor. High specific FDG uptake of the tumor was observed in 8/17 extrahepatic bile duct cancers and 9/10 patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas. Sensitivity of PET/CT in gallbladder cancer (100%) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (90%) was significantly different compared to extrahepatic bile duct cancer (47%) (p=0,003). Conclusion: These new and encouraging data demonstrate that PET/CT is an useful diagnostic tool for gallbladder cancer and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma to identify the primary tumor site. This may facilitate staging and resectability of these tumors. In contrast, PET/CT of extrahepatic bile duct cancer had a low sensitivity to detect the primary tumor and should therefore not be considered for the work-up of these tumor types. 6.02 P. Wildbrett 1, H. Petrowsky 1, M. Schäfer 1, W. Jochum 2, T. Hany 3, PA. Clavien 1 1 University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery, 2University Hospital Zurich, Pathology, 3 University Hospital Zurich, Nuclear Medicine Integrated Positron-Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET/CT) in Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Introduction: The overall prognosis of malignant tumors of the intrahepatic biliary tree, extrahepatic bile duct and gallbladder remains poor. Therefore, better staging modalities are 16 swiss knife 2004; special edition urgently needed. Integrated positron-emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) is a new imaging modality that provides both anatomic and metabolic information of tumors. The goal of this study was to assess the metabolic activity, localization and extension of the biliary tumor by PET/CT. Methods: From May 2000 to May 2003 each patient who was treated for a malignancy of the biliary tree at our institution had a PET/CT in addition to the standard work-up imaging. The data of these patients were reviewed from a database and analyzed according to the endpoints. Only those patients were analyzed whose tumor was histologically proven by surgical resection specimen, biopsy or brush cytology. All imaging and data acquisition were performed with a combined PET/CT inline system that was able to acquire CT images and PET data for the same patient in one session. Results: 38 patients with primary malignancies of the biliary tree were analyzed. Seventeen patients had extrahepatic bile duct cancer (Klatskin tumor n=9, middle bile duct n=6, papilla vateri n=2), 10 patients intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and 11 patients gallbladder cancer. All 11 patients with gallbladder cancer had a high FDG uptake into the tumor. High specific FDG uptake of the tumor was observed in 8/17 extrahepatic bile duct cancers and 9/10 patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas. Sensitivity of PET/CT in gallbladder cancer (100%) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (90%) was significantly different compared to extrahepatic bile duct cancer (47%) (p=0,003). Conclusion: These new and encouraging data demonstrate that PET/CT is an useful diagnostic tool for gallbladder cancer and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma to identify the primary tumor site. This may facilitate staging and resectability of these tumors. In contrast, PET/CT of extrahepatic bile duct cancer had a low sensitivity to detect the primary tumor and should therefore not be considered for the work-up of these tumor types. 6.03 N. Selzner 1, Z. Kadry 1, B. Pestalozzi 2, M. Selzner 1, L. McCormack 1, PA. Clavien 1 University Hostpital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery, 2University Hospital Zurich, Oncology 1 Impact of concomitant unilateral portal vein ligation on selective intra-arterial chemotherapy for downstaging of liver metastasis from colorectal cancer We previously reported on the effectiveness of intra-arterial chemotherapy for downstaging of unresectable colorectal liver metastases. We designed a pilot study to evaluate the effects of concomitant unilateral portal vein ligation (PVL) with selective intra-arterial chemotherapy on (1) safety, (2) ability to induce contra-lateral hypertrophy, (3) tumor growth and (4) resectability. Methods: Eleven patients with unresectable liver metastases were included. Selective chemotherapy was delivered using a pump device via a catheter placed in the gastro-duodenal artery. Each patient underwent concomitant unilateral PVL of the hemi-liver judged to have the higher tumor load. Patients were evaluated by CT scan every 3 cycles. Response to chemotherapy was defined by a decrease of tumor size by at least 30%. The results were compared to those obtained in a similar group of patients previously reported without unilateral PVL. Results: There were no surgical complications due to the surgery. All patients developed contra-lateral hypertrophy and significant atrophy of the “deportalized” hemiliver. No patient developed an increase in tumor load. Six of 11 patients (63%) had a response to chemotherapy in the liver at 3 months. In 4 patients (36%) downstaging enabled curative resection after only 3 cycles of chemotherapy. All of these patients are currently alive and tumor free, with at least one year of follow up. Compared to the previous group of 23 patients treated with a similar regimen without PVL, the new strategy significantly shortened the timing between initiation of chemotherapy and resection (3 vs 11 months, p<0.01), with a trend toward increased resectability. Conclusion: The combination of PVL with intra-arterial chemotherapy appears safe and is associated with major atrophy of the “deportalized” hemiliver with contralateral hypertrophy. No negative impacts on tumor growth was observed, and the resectability rate was superior to previously reported patients treated without PVL. The main advantage appears to be a dramatic decrease in length of therapy prior to resection. 6.04 M. Selzner 1, N. Selzner 1, W. Jochum 2, PA. Clavien 1 University Hospital Zurich, Visc. & Transpl. Surgery, 2University Hospital Zurich, Pathology 1 Increased ischemic injury in the old mouse liver. A novel pathway of injury Elderly people are currently more subject to liver surgery. However, the effect of age on ischemic/ reperfusion injury of the liver is unknown. Furthermore, the beneficial effect of ischemic preconditioning as a protective strategy against ischemic injury of old livers is not yet determined. Methods: 60 minutes ischemia of the liver with or without ischemic preconditioning was performed in C57BL/6 mice of 6 and 60 weeks of age. Some old mice were pretreated with 0.3ml Glucose 10% prior to ischemic preconditioning. Glycogen and ATP content of the liver was determined by bioluminescence assay. Liver injury was evaluated by AST release. Apoptosis was determined by TUNEL staining and caspase 3 activity. Results: Young mice had 4-fold higher glycogen content in the liver than old mice prior to surgery (6 vs 1.5 mg/ml) and at the end of reperfusion (1.84 vs 0.25 mcg/ml). Livers from young mice had a significantly higher ATP content when compared with the old group prior to surgery (0.85 vs 0.4 nmol/mg) and 4hr after reperfusion (0.6 vs 0.23 nmol/mg). Old mice had significantly higher AST levels (12500 vs 8200 U/L; p<0.05) and caspase 3 activity (98 vs 67 AUF/mg; p= 0.04) after 4hr of reperfusion than young mice. In addition, old mice had significantly more TUNEL pos. hepatocytes (55% vs 77%; p<0.05). Ischemic preconditioning in young mice resulted in a decrease of AST release (3200 vs 8200 U/L), caspase 3 activity (39 vs 67 AUF/mg) and TUNEL staining (15% vs 55%). In contrast, ischemic preconditioning did not protect the old mice. Injecting glucose prior to preconditioning into old mice significantly increased the intrahepatic ATP levels (0.5 vs 0.25 nmol/mg) with a dramatic decrease of injury. Furthermore, old mice with glucose treatment prior to preconditioning developed less necrosis than old mice without glucose application (15% vs 60%). Conclusion: Old livers have a lower energy state than young livers. Pretreatment of old mice with glucose prior to preconditioning increases the hepatic energy state and results in strong protection of preconditioning against reperfusion injury. 6.05 L. Marti, C. Marti, M. Zünd, J. Lange Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Switzerland 13 years of surgical therapy of pancreatic carcinoma: a review Background: In the Western world pancreatic carcinoma is the fourth frequent cause of death in patients with malignant tumours, and postoperative 5-year survival rates > 20% are rare. Despite this, surgical therapy offers the only chance of cure. It is therefore our objective to analyse our own results. Method: We examined the outcome for the 272 patients with pancreatic carcinoma who have received treatment with us since the beginning of 1991. Our main interest was focused on such aspects as median survival rate, postoperative lethality, complications, recurrences and quality of life. We searched our electronic patient database, studied case histories, contacted the patients’ general practitioners, studied cancer registries and examined the surviving patients. The histological results showed 224 cases of ductal adenocarcinoma, 22 neuroendocrine and 15 periampullary carcinomata. In 122 patients a partial duodenopancreatectomy was performed, 36 patients received a different curative resection, and palliative bypass surgery was performed in 71 patients. The remaining 43 patients received palliative chemotherapy. Results: 30-day lethality after curative surgery was 3.8%. The 5-year survival rate following Whipple’s operation was 22%, 24% after R0 resection and rose to 41% in patients without lymph node involvement. Partial duodenopancreatectomies in the case of neuroendocrine carcinoma showed a significantly better prognosis with a 5-year survival rate of 63%. The 5year survival rate of patients without neuroendocrine carcinoma was 17% after such operation. The median survival time after palliative surgery was 7 months vs. 8 months in patients without surgery. Conclusion: Although adenocarcinoma of the pancreas has a bad prognosis, therapeutic nihilism is pointless at the curative operative stage. After all, an median survival time of 35 months can be achieved in patients with N0 stage. Further research will have to prove if neoadjuvant radio- and chemotherapy lead to significantly better results. Palliative bypass surgery does not contribute to better survival and should be performed in symptomatic patients only. 6.06 F. Volonte, D. Azagury, PH. Morel, F. Terrier, O. Huber Clinique et Policlinique de Chirurgie viscérale, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Histore naturelle de la hernie hiatale para-oesophagienne: chirurgie systématique pour chaque cas? Plusieurs auteurs affirment que la chirurgie est indiquée pour chaque patient chez qui le diagnostic de hernie hiatale para-oesophagienne (HHPO) est posé, à cause des risques de complication et du taux élevé de mortalité en cas de chirurgie en urgence. Ces conclusions découlent d’études de séries chirurgicales, de sorte que le vrai risque lié à la HHPO dans la population reste inconnu. Nous avons interrogé la banque de données automatisée de notre service de radiologie en cherchant tous les patients chez qui le diagnostic de HHPO avait été posé pendant ces 10 dernières années. L’histoire médicale de ces patients après diagnostic a été obtenue par des questionnaires téléphoniques structurés. Les symptômes digestifs spécifiques ont été évalués grâce au Gastro-Intestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI). 140 patients ont été identifiés. Le suivi a pu être obtenu pour 128(91%). 7 patients présentant des hernies par glissement pures ont été exclus. 121 patients avec HHPO confirmée et une histoire médicale complète après le diagnostic forment notre groupe d’étude. L’âge moyen au moment du diagnostic était de 69+/-13 ans. Le suivi moyen était de 71+/78 mois. Le score moyen du GIQLI était 112+/-15. 28 patients avec un GIQLI < 100 ont été identifiés comme significativement symptomatiques. Les symptômes typiques de reflux étaient graves dans 21 cas, la dysphagie dans 7 et les douleurs rétro sternales dans 6. 8 patients ont été opérés, 5 sévèrement symptomatiques en conditions électives et 3 en urgence (1 décès). Le risque de complication aiguë menant à la chirurgie en urgence était alors de 2,5% après 72+/-80 mois pour les 116 patients observés. La mortalité liée à la HHPO était de 0,8% dans ce groupe. Le risque de décès lors d’observation est tout à fait comparable au risque rapporté dans des séries récentes de chirurgie élective pour HHPO réalisées chez des patients choisis. Une attitude expectative après diagnostic de HHPO semble alors justifiée. 6.07 R. Rosenthal, R. Peterli, MO. Guenin, B. Kern, P. Tondelli, M. von Flüe, C. Ackermann Chirurgische Abteilung, St. Claraspital Basel Would you undergo surgery again? Long-term results after laparoscopic fundoplication Introduction: The evaluation of patient satisfaction and quality of life is a central issue of qua- lity control after laparoscopic fundoplication. In the study presented, all patients after laparoscopic fundoplication since its introduction in 1992 were questionned about their actual complaints and quality of life. Methods: Between 1.1.1992 and 31.12.2002 (11 years), a total of 186 laparoscopic fundoplications were performed. Apart from the retrospective evaluation of details of surgery, all patients were sent a questionnaire on their actual complaints and quality of life according to the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI 1,2). Results: The mean follow-up time was 4.6 years. The most frequent preoperative symptom under medical therapy was regurgitation (54%), followed by heartburn (30%). Indications for surgery were symptoms refractory to medical therapy in 88% and a disfavour for lifelong medication in 41%. Preoperative evaluation showed an erosive esophagitis in 77% and a hiatal hernia in 92%. Surgery consisted in a Nissen fundoplication in 98% and in a Toupet fundoplication (for severe motility disorder with reduced propulsive peristalsis) in 2%. Conversion to an open procedure was necessary in 10%. Mortality was 0%. 6 patients (3%) had to be reoperated on. The results of the questionnaire showed that the preoperative reflux symptoms had disappeared in 82% of the patients. 94% were satisfied with the result and would undergo surgery again. The mean GIQLI was 115 points (healthy volunteers in the literature 121 points 1). Conclusion: Laparoscopic fundoplication is a safe procedure to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease. Patient satisfaction is high at long-term follow-up and postoperative quality of life is nearly normal. 1. E. Eypasch et al. Der Gastrointestinale Lebenqualitätsindex. Chirurg 1993;64:264-274 2. E. Eypasch et al. Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index: development, validation and application of a new instrument. Br J Surg 1995;82:216-222 6.08 BP. Müller-Stich 2, T. Kapp 1, F. Holzinger 3, C. Klaiber 1 Department of Surgery, Spital Aarberg, Aarberg, Switzerland, 2 Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 3Department of Surgery, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland 1 Influence of mesh reinforcement on hiatal hernia repair Background: After laparoscopic repair of hiatal hernias type II and type III, a high recurrence rate is reported. In order to solve this problem a mesh reinforcement of the narrowed hiatus is being discussed. Methods: Fifty-nine laparoscopic hiatal repairs (17 with and 42 without mesh reinforcement) in 58 consecutive patients were performed at our hospital between 1992 und 2003. After a median of 59 months (9-127), the symptomatic outcome was analysed with a standardised questionnaire, and after a median of 57 months (9-117) we analysed the recurrence rate with a barium contrast swallow. Follow-up was 90% related to the symptomatic outcome and 92% for contrast studies. Results: The recurrence rate after operations without mesh reinforcement was 22%, whereas there was no recurrence in patients with mesh reinforcement (p<0.05). However, only half of the recurrences were symptomatic. Intra-operative complications were seen in 14% of procedures (with mesh: 24%; without mesh: 10%; p=0.16), and the peri-operative complication rate was 17% (18%; 17%; p=0.93). There was no mesh-related complication and no operation-related death. In the long-term follow-up 59% of patients (69%; 55%; p=0.34) were asymptomatic or had only a mild gas bloating, 15% (25%, 11%; p=0.19) needed regularly PPIs, 96% (93%, 97%; p=0,50) assessed the outcome as good or excellent, and 98% (94%; 100%; p=0.13) would choose the operation again. Conclusions: Laparoscopic repair is save and successful in the treatment of hiatal hernias type II and type III. Mesh reinforcement reduces the recurrence rate. No mesh-related complications occurred in our series. 6.09 S. Kohl 1, JM. Heinicke 2, H. Zimmermann 1, P. Vock 3, D. Candinas 2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Inselspital, University of Berne, 2Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Inselspital, University of Bern, 3Department of Radiology, Inselspital, University of Berne 1 Value of abdominal CT-scan in the emergency department for non-traumatic abdominal pain in adults Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of abdominal CT in the emergency department on treatment plans for patients with non-traumatic abdominal pain. Methods: Over a 1-year period, 90 consecutive patients with non-traumatic abdominal pain in whom abdominal CT was demanded by the consultant abdominal surgeon on call after the clinical examination were enrolled in a prospective study. The consultant abdominal surgeon was required to report: (1) the most likely diagnosis; (2) the level of estimated certainty and (3) the treatment plan for their patient before and after abdominal CT. This information was compared to the radiologist’s CT diagnosis. The subsequent outcome of each patient was evaluated. Results: Pre- and post-CT diagnoses were concordant in only 59%. Before CT the surgeons indicated a diagnostic certainty of 5.6 on a scale from 1 to 10, it raised by 3.5 points after the CT-scan. Post-CT diagnoses were consistent with the final diagnosis in 96 %. Prior to CT, the management plan would have included hospital admission for 87 of 90 patients, but after CT only 59 patients were actually admitted thus avoiding 32% of hospital admissions. Prior to CT, in 64% of the cases a conservative or expectant treatment was planned and 32 patients would have been operated on immediately. After CT only 75% of swiss knife 2004; special edition 17 these actually required immediate surgery. Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced abdominal CT frequently leads to modification of the initial clinical diagnoses and treatment plan. It considerably raises diagnostic certainty, avoids unnecessary operations and admissions, and thus contributes to improve efficiency in the emergency management of patients with acute abdominal pain. 09 réséqué. Le defect diaphragmatique, mesurant environ 4 cm de diamètre, a été réparé à l’aide d’un filet non-résorbable. Le patient est rentré à domicile 15 jours après son admission à l’hôpital en bon état général. Conclusions: Un pneumothorax associé à l’incarcération intrathoracique de côlon non-perforé 20 ans après un traumatisme fermé de l’abdomen est une présentation rare de hernie diaphragmatique post-traumatique. La thoracotomie dans le 8ème espace intercostal, pouvant être facilement prolongé en phréno-laparotomie, est une excellente voie d’abord permettant la réparation du diaphragme et la résection de structures digestives. 9.01 X. Delgadillo, F. Chèvre, J. Renggli, C. Becciolini, M. Merlini La Chaux de Fonds General Hospital Total thyroidectomy through video-assisted technique. Background: We report our initial experience of total thyroidectomy by the video-assited technique and we evaluate feasibility, safety and benefits of this new aproach. Methods: Between April and December 2003, 10 female patients (mean 46.5 years) underwent a total thyroidectomy under video-assisted technique at our Department of Surgery. Our pre-operative protocol included clinical examination, thyroideal laboratory blood tests, ultrasonography or scintigraphy. We operated on under general anesthesia through a minimal medial-cervical skin incision (2 cm). Results: Nine patients were operated on for multinodular goiter and one for a large solitary nodule. The mean cranio-caudal axis of the glands excised were 4.5 +/- 0.5 cm. The mean total glandular weight was 10.5 g ( range 8.3 - 11.7 g ) No conversion to an open procedure was necessary. Mean operative time was 180 min ( range 102 - 224 min.) Laryngeal nerves were identified in 97.5 % of patients. Post-operatively we noticed 2 cases of transient hypocalcemia. Mean hospital stay was 2 days in 90% of patients. Conclusions: Video-assisted thyroidectomy is a feasible, safe and effective technique in selected cases. Patients benefit from the technique in terms of short hospital stay and better cosmetic results. 9.02 BP. Müller-Stich, A. Zerz, G. Linke, J. Lange Surgical Department, Kantonsspital, St. Gallen Laparoscopic mesh-reinforced cruroplasty and anterior fundophrenicopexy Background: Mesh reinforcement is recommended in the treatment of large hiatal hernias in order to reduce recurrences. At least in the treatment of hiatal hernias, however, the role of fundoplication is uncertain. We question if a fundoplication is even needed in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux when mesh reinforcement is used to prevent transdiaphragmatic herniation of the gastroesophageal junction. Operative technique: The operation is performed with the patient in a 30° upright French position. The CO2-pneumoperitoneum is established and maintained with 12mmHg. 4-5 trocars are then placed in the upper abdomen. Any transhiatally herniated structures are first repositioned. Further preparations are done after placing a 56-F illuminated gastric tube. Upon incision of the lesser omentum and the peritoneum over the crura of the diaphragm, the hernia sac, if existent, is reduced completely. Additionally, a circular dissection of the oesophagogastric junction is performed. The crura are narrowed by 3-4 non-resorbable sutures, and an 8 x 8 cm polypropylene mesh with a 2-cm hole is applied from behind, so that the oesophagus is surrounded circularly. The mesh is then fixed towards the diaphragm, and the two leaves of the mesh are ventrally closed with 8-10 staples. Finally, a fundophrenicopexy is performed by reconstructing an acute His’ Angle with 7-10 non-resorbable sutures. Results: We have operated on 10 patients either for symptomatic hiatal hernias or gastroesophageal reflux using the technique described above. After a 3-month follow-up all patients showed good results without reflux and without dysphagia. Conclusions: The laparoscopic mesh-reinforced cruroplasty with anterior fundophrenicopexy seems to be successful in the treatment of hiatal hernias as well as in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. 9.03 D. Christoforidis 1, P. Nordback 1, HB. Ris 2 Service de Chirurgie Viscérale et Centre de Transplantation, CHUV, Lausanne, 2 Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne 1 Incarceération intra-thoracique post-traumatique du côlon transverse: case-report et technique chirurgicale Introduction: La hernie diaphragmatique se manifestant des années après un traumatisme abdominal fermé est une entité connue mais rare. L’incarcération des structures digestives dans la cavité thoracique peut avoir des conséquences dévastatrices et nécessite toujours un traitement chirurgical. La voie d’abord, classiquement abdominale dans la phase aiguë et thoracique dans la phase chronique, doit être planifiée en fonction de la clinique et de l’imagerie pre-opératoire. Vidéo: Nous présentons un cas d’une hernie diaphragmatique droite post-traumatique qui s’est manifestée environ 20 ans après un accident de voie publique avec traumatisme fermé de l’abdomen. Le côlon transverse était incarcéré dans la cavité pleurale droite et présentait une longue déchirure séreuse, sans perforation mais accompagné d’un pneumothorax. Le patient a été opéré le lendemain de son admission par thoracotomie droite dans le 8ème espace intercostal, prolongée en phréno-laparotomie. Le côlon transverse a été 18 swiss knife 2004; special edition 9.04 M. Müller, S. Wildi, PA. Clavien, M. Weber Universitätsspital Zürich How we do it: laparoscopic conversion of gastric banding to roux-en-y gastric bypass Background: Countless laparoscopic gastric bandings have been implanted during the recent years. Despite excellent short-term results, long-term failures and complications have been reported in more than 20 % of patients. We have shown that the laparoscopic conversion from gastric banding to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is a feasible, safe and more efficient rescue procedure than laparoscopic rebanding1. In this video presentation we focus on technical aspects of this advanced laparoscopic procedure. Out of 249 laparoscopic gastric bypass procedures which have been performed in our department between June 2000 until January 2004, 59 were laparoscopic conversion from previous banding procedures to a bypass. Video presentation: Pneumoperitoneum is established and 5 trocars are placed. The plication of the stomach wall is released from the band to restore the original anatomy. Then the silicon band is cut and removed. The stomach is transected after calibration of the new pouch of 25 cc. With experience, we performed the gastric transection above or below the scar tissue of the band system to avoid gastric pouch staple-line insufficiency. The jejunum is divided 50 cm distal to the duodeno-jejunal flexion. A stapled side-to-side jejunojejunostomy anastomosis is performed, with a Roux limb length of 150cm. The Roux limb is positioned antecolic to perform the gastrojejunal anastomosis with a circular stapler. A swamp drain is left in place until the gastrographin swallow has shown a sealed anastomosis. Results: Each procedure was performed laparoscopically, the conversion rate was zero. Mean operating time was 215 min. Early complications occurred in 2 cases in the bypass group; all underwent a laparoscopic re-exploration without the need for open surgery. There was no mortality in this series. BMI in the gastric bypass group decreased from 42.0 to 31.8 kg/m? within one year of surgery. Conclusion: Laparoscopic conversion to a gastric bypass is feasible and safe. Conversion to gastric bypass offers a significant advantage in terms of further weight loss after surgery1. Therefore, this procedure should be considered as the rescue therapy of choice after a failed laparoscopic gastric banding. 1. Weber et al.; Ann Surg 2003;238: 827–834 9.05 S. Breitenstein, F. Goti, M. Decurtins Clinic of Surgery, Kantonsspital Winterthur Partial laparoscopic splenectomy Purpose: Preserving splenic tissue and function whenever possible decreases the risk of postsplenectomy sepsis. The indications of partial splenectomy are mostly benign tumors, splenic cysts as well as some cases of splenic trauma. Only few case reports of the laparoscopic procedure of partial splenectomy can be found in the literature. Material and Methods: Our video shows a partial laparoscopic splenectomy (PLS) being performed on a 35-year old patient. The tumor in question has a diameter of 2.1cm, located peripherally and dorsolaterally in the middle segment of the spleen. We begin the preparation at the interior splenic pole, followed by the dorsolateral side. We can thus clearly localise the tumor as well as the hilus. Clipping of the local arterial branches demarcates the affected area around the tumor. The resection of the splenic segment is performed with the electrocoagulator as well as the ultrasonic scissors. The additional coagulation of the resection plane is assisted by the argonbeamer. The splenic segment is removed in a laparoscopic bag. The histological analysis reveals a partially cystic Hemangioma. Discussion: The terminal nature of the splenic blood supply makes the partial resection of the spleen possible. The dissection of the splenic arterial branches permits a clear tissue demarcation. A remarkably bloodless resection can be carried out. As showed in our video this procedure can also be done laparoscopically. Several PLS case reports describe firstly islolated splenic trauma with preoperative arteriography and embolization of a polar artery and resection of the superior splenic pole, secondly dissection of the inferior splenic vessels with resection of the inferior pole, thirdly two cases of PLS by resection of splenic cysts and finally a PLS combined with an aneurysmectomy in the case of a splenic artery aneurysm. Conclusion: Partial splenectomy has been advocated in a number of splenic pathologies. On the basis of advanced laparoscopic technology and surgical experience in some cases a partial laparoscopic splenectomy is feasible and safe and incorporates the traditional advantages of the minimal invasive approach. Conclusion: The technique of the one trocar appendectomy is a simple and safe alternative to an open or a laparoscopic appendectomy in cases of uncomplicated appendicitis with a normal position of the appendix. This procedure has all the advantages of laparoscopic surgery with a particularly impressive cosmetic result. 9.06 MO. Guenin, B. Kern, R. Peterli, C. Ackermann, M. von Flüe St. Claraspital, Basel Die latero-terminale Anastomose bei der laparoskopischen Sigmaresektion Die laparoskopische Sigmaresektion ist mittlerweile eine weit verbreiterte operative Technik bei Patienten mit symptomatischer Sigmadivertikulose. Bei Patienten mit Status nach komplizierter Divertikulitis kann aber die Festlegung des proximalen Resektionsrandes schwierig sein. Häufig finden sich am proximalen Resektionsrand noch Divertikel, welche die Anlage einer Tabaksbeutelnaht zum Einnähen des Staplerkopfes schwierig und zu einem Sicherheitsrisiko machen. Die latero-terminale Anastomose wird antimesenterial in einer divertikelfreien Zone angelegt. Dadurch kann zusätzlich an Länge gewonnen werden was zur spannungs- freien Anastomosierung beiträgt. Kaliber Unterschiede zwischen relativ engem Kolon descendens und breitem proximalem Rektum sind dadurch auszugleichen. Methode: Nach Mobilisation der linken Kolon werden die proximalen und distalen Resektionsränder festgelegt. Es folgt die zentrale Ligatur der Gefäße und die Durchtrennung des Mesolrektums mit dem Ligasure. Das Rektum wird unterhalb des Promontoriums mit dem Endo-GIA® durchtrennt. Durch eine suprapubische Pfannenstielinzision wird das Präparat geborgen und der Stapler- Kopf (Zircular 29mm) ins Kolon descendens eingeführt. Der Anvil wird 4 cm proximal davon antimesenterial durch eine Tänie ausgeleitet und das Kolon deszendens endständig mit dem Linearstapler verschlossen. Nach Verlagerung des Kolons nach intraabdominal erfolgt die transanale Anastomose mit dem zirkulärem Stapler. Resultate: Es handelt sich um eine einfache, gut reproduzierbare und sichere Technik die mit geringer Morbidität durchführbar ist. Das Video zeigt unsere Technik und die ersten Resultate. Schlussfolgerungen: Die guten Resultate rechtfertigen eine randomisierte Studie, wobei die laterao-terminale laparosokopische Technik mit der herkömmlichen End-zu-End Staplertechnik verglichen wird. 9.09 J. Gerbitz Spital Laufenburg Chirurgisch-medizinische Transcodierung in HTML: www.code-atlas.com Einleitung und Problemstellung: Die Codierung medizinischer Diagnosen (ICD-10) und Prozeduren (CHOP) für Statistik und Leistungserfassung (SLK, Tarmed, TNL) ist fester Bestandteil chirurgisch-ärztlicher Tätigkeit. Selten werden dabei die Möglichkeiten moderner Programmierung und Vernetzung (Hyperlinks) ausgeschöpft. Material und Methode: Die in der Schweiz gebräuchlichen Verschlüsselungs-Kataloge: ICD10, CHOP, Tarmed wurden in HTML formatiert. Als Benutzer-Oberfläche bietet die metapherbasierte topologisch-anatomische Struktur des Code-Atlas® (Posterpreis 2003 der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie) maus-gesteuerten Direktzugriff auf den Code. Sofern inhaltlich sinnvoll, sind die Codes durch Hyperlinks 1:1, anderenfalls bereichsweise nach Organgruppen und Körperregionen über Auswahl-Menüs miteinander verknüpft (“Transcodierung”). Resultate: Bei einer Hardware-Reaktionszeit von < 1 sec lassen sich alle Codierungen durch maximal 3 Mausklicks (< 3 sec) einstellen. Überregional ist das System im Internet abrufbar und anwendbar, allerdings beschleunigt die lokale Installation auf dem PC oder im Intranet die Zugriffszeit erheblich. Die Akzeptanz der Anwender liegt deutlich über herkömmlichen Systemen mit Listen und Freitext-Eingabe, die Fehlerquote ist signifikant geringer. Diskussion: Die vollständige und zuverlässige 1:1 Transcodierung existierender Codes ist nicht nur technisch, sondern auch inhaltlich nicht möglich. Mit der Struktur des Code-Atlas® ist eine bereichsweise Gruppierung nach Organen und Körpersystemen möglich, so dass diese code-übergreifend miteinander assoziiert werden können (Auswahl-Menüs). Das HTML-formatierte, browser-unabhängige Interface kann als Codiertool in beliebige Spitalsoftware integriert werden. Zusammenfassung: Der elektronische Code-Atlas® bietet eine einfache, selbsterklärende Benutzeroberfläche zur Codierung von Diagnosen und Operationen und erleichtert durch seine Struktur die sinnvolle Transcodierung. 9.07 S. Breitenstein 1, P. Saudan 1, A. Rehn 2, T. Hess 2, M. Decurtins 1 1 Clinic of Surgery, Kantonsspital Winterthur, 2Clinic of Gynaecology, Kantonsspital Winterthur Resection of the colon without laparotomy - laparoscopic rectosigmoidectomy with transvaginal colon removal Purpose: Laparoscopic colon surgery has progressively become established for the treatment of benign diseases of the colon. Removal of the colon is usually carried out through minilaparotomy. In rare cases the evacuation may be transvaginal or transrectal. Material and Methods: Our video shows a transvaginal colon removal from a 39 year-old patient. The diagnosis of recurring sigmadiverticulitis and an uterus myomatosus led to a combined laparoscopic rectosigmoidectomy and vaginal hysterectomy. The operation begins with the laparoscopic mobilisation of the colon and the proximal part of the rectum. Following identification and stapling of the sigmoidal blood vessels, the proximal rectum is stapled. The next step is the proximal separation of the colon. The rectosigma is then deposited pericoecally. After vaginal hysterectomy the rectosigma is also removed transvaginally. The stapler head is placed into the abdomen. After closure of the vagina we apply a new pneumoperitoneum. A transanal stapler anastomosis completes the operation. Discussion: The necessity for such a combined operation, hysterectomy and rectosigmoidectomy, is rare. However as our video shows a transvaginal removal of the colon is possible. Laparoscopic introduction of the stapler head into the colon and the laparoscopic purse-string suture present additional technical challenges. Conclusion: Tansvaginal removal of the colon, simultaneously with a transvaginal hysterectomy, can be carried out safely by a surgical team with advanced laparoscopic colorectal experience. This procedure maximises the advantages of the laparoscopic technique. 9.08 S. Breitenstein, M. Arigoni, M. Decurtins Clinic of Surgery, Kantonsspital Winterthur One trocar appendectomy Purpose: Different techniques for appendectomy are currently in use. Both open appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy have similar rates of complications. Standard laparoscopic methods use three ports. Appendectomy techniques involving one ore two trocars are rarely reported. Material and Methods: Our video shows the so-called one trocar appendectomy technique. The single port is localised umbilically. An open pneumoperitoneum is used and a 12 mm trocar is introduced. During the operation the patient is slightly rotated to the left. The appendix is localised using an angulated optic system with a 5mm working channel. The appendix is laparoscopically clamped at the tip. Gas is released and the tip of the appendix is gently pulled out through the umbilical incision. The mesoappendix is dissected outside of the abdominal wall. Similar to the open technique the base of the appendix is ligated. The base of the appendix is covered with a purse-string suture. The coecum is pushed back into the abdomen. The suture is checked laparoscopically and the abdomen is rinsed. Finally the umbilical incision is closed. Discussion: The one trocar appendectomy is a combination of laparoscopic and conventional open operation techniques. This single trocar procedure has limits. Retrocoecal appendicitis, perforated appendicitis and situations with multiple adhesions have to be approached using other techniques. 10 10.01 P. Bucher 1, B. Mermillod 2, P. Gervaz 1, CL. Soravia 1, Ph. Morel 1 Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, 2 Division of Medical Statistics, Geneva University Hospital 1 Left-sided elective colorectal surgery with primary anastomosis without mechanical bowel preparation – meta-analysis Background: Mechanical bowel preparation (MBP) has been considered to be efficient to decrease the risk of infectious complications after colic anastomosis. This dogma is not based on solid evidence, but more on observational data and expert’s opinions. Objectives: To assess the role of prophylactic MBP in terms of morbidity after elective colorectal surgery. Materials and methods All publications describing MBP before elective colorectal surgery were sought through Medline and hand search. All randomised, clinical trials, performed in order to answer the hypothesis (i.e. comparison of MBP and MBP avoidance, before elective colorectal surgery) were included. For Statistical analysis the Fleiss J.L. approach was used. Results: 7 randomised control trials (RCT) were retrieved. Of the 1357 patients included in these RCT, 673 were allocated to MBP group and 684 to no MBP group. Anastomotic leak: 5.5% in MBP group (37 of 673 patients) compared with 2.6% in no MBP group (18 of 684 patients); Odds ratio (OR) 2.15, 95% CI: 1.21 - 3.82 (P=0.01). Wound infection: 8% in MBP group (54 of 673 patients) compared with 5.6% in no MBP group (38 of 684 patients); OR 1.51, 95% CI: 0.98 – 2.31. Intra-abdominal abscess: 3.1% in MBP group (15 of 489 patients) compared with 2% in no MBP group (10 of 490 patients); OR 1.51, 95% CI: 0.67 - 3.41. Re-laparotomy (5 RCTs reporting this end point): 5.7% in MBP group (23 of 400 patients) compared with 2.3% in no MBP group (9 of 398 patients); OR 2.64, 95% CI: 1.20 - 5.78. Extra-abdominal morbidity: 21% in MBP group (83 of 403 patients) compared with 17% in no MBP group (68 of 397 patients); OR 1.26, 95% CI: 0.88 - 1.79. Mortality: 0.9% in MBP group (5 of 557 patients) compared with 0.5% in no MBP group (3 of 561 patients); OR 1.69, 95% CI: 0.4 – 7.09. Conclusions: The present results failed to support the hypothesis that MBP reduces anastomotic dehiscence rates and other complications. Moreover, MBP seems to contribute to a higher risk of post-operative infectious complications after colorectal anastomosis. Thus, the routine use of mechanical bowel preparation in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery is questionable. swiss knife 2004; special edition 19 10.02 T. Steffen, M. Zünd, J. Lange Klinik für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital St. Gallen Bedeutung der „Koprostase“ als chirurgische Diagnose? Einleitung: Die Ausschlussdiagnose Koprostase bei akutem Abdomen und ansonsten negativen Resultaten von Zusatzabklärungen ist nicht selten. In unserer Klinik werden Patienten mit akutem/subakutem Abdomen stationär aufgenommen. So auch die Patienten, bei welchen nach Durchführung der initialen Diagnostik die Diagnose Koprostase verbleibt. Wir haben uns gefragt, wie die weiteren Verläufe dieser Patienten waren und wie oft im Verlauf sich ein Diagnosewechsel ergab. Methode: Zwischen 1.4.2001 und 31.1.2003 haben wir prospektiv alle Patienten der chirurgischen Notfallstation mit der Eintrittsdiagnose „Koprostase“ bzw. „Kolonpassagestörung“ erfasst und bezügl. ihrem weiteren Verlauf retrospektiv ausgewertet. Resultate: In den 22 Monaten sind insgesamt 110 Patienten mit akutem Abdomen und der genannten Diagnose über unsere Notfallstation eingetreten. 46% waren Männer und 54% Frauen, das Durchschnittsalter lag bei den Männern bei 57 und bei den Frauen bei 54 Jahren. 54% der Patienten wurden mit der Eintrittsdiagnose „Koprostase“ auch entlassen, bei den anderen Patienten ergaben die weiterführenden Abklärungen im Verlauf einen Diagnosewechsel. Dies war bei Frauen mit 59% häufiger der Fall als bei Männern mit 47%. Die im Verlauf gestellten Diagnosen waren sehr vielfältig. Es wurden u.a. folgende Diagnosen gestellt:: Ileus, Cholezystolithiasis, Enteritis, Leberabszess, Passagestörung bei Adhäsionen, Sigmadivertikulitis, Nierenstauung. Schlussfolgerung: Koprostase und Kolonpassagestörung ist eine in der chirurgischen Notfallstation häufig gestellte Diagnose nach Ausschluss der häufigsten anderen Ursachen für ein akutes Abdomen. In 46% der Fälle ergaben die Abklärungen im weiteren Verlauf der Hospitalisation eine andere Diagnose. Wir empfehlen die grosszügige stationäre Aufnahme von Patienten mit Kolonpassagestörung zur Verlaufsbeobachtung und ggf. weiteren Abklärung. 10.03 CT. Viehl 2, U. Guller 2, CT. Hamel 2, HM. Riehle 3, V. Banz 1, WR. Marti 2,M. Zuber 1 1 Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital Olten, Olten, CH, 2Department of Surgery, Division of General Surgery, University of Basel, CH, 3Institut für klinische Pathologie, Basel, CH The use of carbon dye in the sentinel lymph node procedure for colon cancer facilitates the detection of small nodal tumor infiltrates Introduction: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping using a combination of isosulfan blue and carbon dye has been recently described in patients with malignant melanoma. In contrast to the transient nodal staining by isosulfan blue, carbon dye led to a permanent mark, as it is phagocyted by macrophages in draining lymph nodes. Nodal tumor infiltrates and carbon particles were found in the same lymph node compartment. The objective of the present investigation regarding the use of carbon dye for SLN procedure in colon cancer – the first one in the literature - was to evaluate whether the use of carbon dye facilitates the detection of small nodal tumor infiltrates. Patients and methods: Nineteen patients underwent open, oncological standard resections of localized colon cancer and SLN procedure according to a standardized protocol. All operations were performed by one surgeon. Isosulfan blue 1% and sterile filtered carbon dye (mixed 1:1) were injected into the subserosa circumferentially around the tumor. Mesenterial lymph nodes staining blue were marked as SLN. Serial sections of each SLN were stained with H&E and with the pancytokeratin marker AE1/AE3. The intranodal localization of micrometastases (pN+[mi]) and isolated tumor cells (pN0[i+]), and of carbon particles was correlated. Results: Identification of at least one SLN was successful in 18 patients (identification rate 95%). Four patients (22%) were pN+, 11 (61%) were pN0(i-). Three patients (17%) were upstaged to pN0(i+) as isolated tumor cells were detected in six of their SLN: in two patients carbon dye and isolated tumor cells were found in the same nodal compartment, hence facilitating the recognition of isolated tumor cells by the pathologist; one patient had no carbon dye in his SLN. SLN were significantly more likely to contain carbon particles than NonSLN (40 out of 80 SLN, and 81 out of 344 Non-SLN; p<0.0001, chi-square test) and to harbor nodal tumor infiltrates (p=0.0006, chi-square test). Conclusions: The use of carbon dye in the sentinel lymph node procedure for colon cancer facilitates the detection of small nodal tumor infiltrates and improves tumor staging. 10.04 S. Dätwiler, TH. Köstler, O. Schöb Limmattalspital, Schlieren Operative Therapie der Divertikelerkrankung - wann ist heute die offene Resektion noch notwendig? Hintergrund: Mit steigender Erfahrung hat sich das Indikationsspektrum für die laparoskopische Sigmaresektion auch auf die komplizierte Divertikelkrankheit erweitert; ist dieser Trend lohnend und sinnvoll? Methode: Es wurden retrospektiv die Daten des Limmattalspitals über die Zeitspanne von 4 Jahren (1.6.99-31.5.2003) ausgewertet. Resultate: Es wurden 180 Sigmaresektionen bei Divertikelerkrankung durchgeführt, davon 28 offen (20 primär offen und 8 (5.2%) nach Konversion) und 152 (84%) laparoskopisch. Der häufigste Konversionsgrund (62.5%) war intraabdominale Adhäsionen nach vorange- 20 swiss knife 2004; special edition gangenen Baucheingriffen. 27 (15%) Sigmaresektionen erfolgten bei komplizierter Divertikelerkrankung (Fistel, Perforation, Illeus, Blutung, Abszess). Von den 27 komplizierten Divertikelerkrankungen wurden 17 (63%)primär offen operiert, 7 (70%)laparoskopisch und 3 (30%) mussten konvertiert werden. Wegen fistulierender Divertikelerkrankung wurden 9 Resektionen durchgeführt. In 6 (67%) Fällen konnte die Operation laparoskopisch durchgeführt werden, bei einer Mortalität und Morbidität von 0%. Die postoperative Komplikationsrate betrug insgesamt 6%, wobei die Komplikationsrate nach Sigmaresektion bei komplizierter Divertikelerkrankungen besonders hoch war (37%). Die postoperative Mortalität betrug insgesamt 1%. Schlussfolgerung: Für die unkomplizierte Divertikelerkrankung hat sich die laparoskopische Sigmaresektion als Verfahren der ersten Wahl etabliert. Bei der komplizierten Sigmadivertikelerkrankung gilt die primär offene Operation bei Notfalleingriffen nach wie vor als Standardverfahren. Kontrovers ist die Verfahrenswahl bei der komplizierten Divertikelerkrankung unter elektiven Bedingungen. Wir konnten an unserem Patientengut zeigen, dass bei Vorliegen von kolovesikalen, kolointestinalen oder kolouterinen Fisteln die laparoskopische Resektion mit einer niedrigen Konversionsrate und niedrigen postoperativen Komplikationsrate durchgeführt werden kann. 10.05 B. Boldog, M. Senn, B. Hüttenmoser, W. Schweizer Kantonsspital Schaffhausen Abt. Chirurgie Resultate der laparoskopische-assistierten linksseitigen Kolonchirurgie Einleitung: Die Kolonresektion mit direkter Anastomose stellt einen Routineeingriff in der Viszeralchirurgie dar. Die konventionelle Laparotomie bietet zwar eine gute Uebersicht und eine hohe technische Sicherheit, stellt aber gegenüber der Laparoskopie für den Patienten eine höhere Belastung mit vermehrten postoperativen Schmerzen und einer langsameren Rekonvaleszenz dar. Eine Optimierung der laparoskopischen chirurgischen Intervention kann erreicht werden, wenn der Präpara-tentfernungswechselschnitt primär als Zugang für die unterstützende Hand des Chirurgen verwendet wird. Patienten und Methoden: In unserer prospektiven Studie haben wir zwischen 1999 und 2003 bei 152 Patienten (109 Frauen, 43 Männer) eine laparoskopische hand-assistierte Kolonresektion vorgenommen. In 135 Fällen wurde eine anteriore Rektosigmoidresektion, in 8 Fällen eine tiefe anteriore Rektumresektion und in 9 Fällen eine Hemikolektomie links durchgeführt. Resultate: In keinem Fall war eine Konversion zur Laparotomie notwendig. Die mediane Operationszeit lag bei 121 Minuten. Bei drei Fällen kam es zu einer klinischen Anastomoseninsuffizienz, die mittels Neuanastomose zweimal laparoskopisch und einmal offen therapiert wurden. Ein Anus praeter wurde nie angelegt. Die Letalität war null. Der durchschnittliche Spitalaufenthalt lag bei 6 Tagen. Der postoperative Kostaufbau erfolgte deutlich rascher erfolgen als in zwei retrospektiv evaluierten Kollektiven mit offener Resektion. Unser Evaluationsprotokoll beinhaltet den intraoperativen Blutverlust, die Operationsdauer,den postoperativer Schmerzmittelbedarf und die Hospitalisationsdauer und vergleicht unsere prospektive Serie mit zwei konsekutiven retrospektiven Kollektiven (1993-95 und 1990-98) mit offener Operation. Schlussfolgerung: Die laparoskopische handassistierte Kolonresektion ist einfach, schnell, sicher und komplikationsarm. Die Frühresultate zeigen einen deutlich höheren Patientenkomfort mit einer deutlichen Senkung des postoperativen Analgesiebedarf und ein besseres ästhetisches Resultat. Das Ergebnis ist überzeugend und mit der offenen Technik vergleichbar. 10.06 M. Arigoni, S. Breitenstein, M. Decurtins Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Winterthur One trocar appendektomie - eine Alternative zur offenen oder laparoskopischen Appendektomie? Einleitung: Zur Appendektomie werden heute verschiedene Operationstechniken angewendet. Die offene und die laparoskopische Operationstechnik haben vergleichbare Komplikationsraten. Die laparoskopische Appendektomie wird üblicherweise mit drei Trokarzugängen durchgeführt. Vereinzelt sind aber auch Operationstechniken mit nur einem oder mit zwei Trokarzugängen beschrieben. Wir zeigen hier unsere Erfahrungen und Resultate mit der sogenannten one trocar Appendektomie, einer Kombination zwischen offener und laparoskopischer Operationstechnik. Material und Methode: Seit August 2003 haben wir bei 35 Patienten (16 Männer, 14 Frauen) eine one trocar Appendektomie durchgeführt. Wir haben die Patienten prospektiv erfasst und insbesondere die Operationszeit, die Hospitalisationsdauer und die Komplikationen analysiert. Die Indikationen waren Unterbauchperitonismus, laborchemisch erhöhte Entzündunsparameter sowie ultrasonographisch Nachweis einer Appendizitis acuta. Intraoperativ lag die Appendix dreimal retrozökal, einmal zeigte sich eine perforierte Appendizitis, einmal lag eine Abszedierung vor. Resultate: Bei 32 Patienten konnte die one trocar Appendektomie erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Dreimal war die one trocar Appendektomie nicht erfolgreich, einmal wurde auf eine offene Appendektomie konvertiert, zweimal wurden zwei zusätzliche Laparoskopiezugänge angelegt. In den 3 nicht erfolgreichen one trocar Appendektomie-Fällen lagen eine retrozökale oder eine perforierte Appendizitis vor. Komplikationen traten bis auf eine Wundinfektion keine auf. Die mittlere Operationszeit betrug 56 (+/- 15) Minuten und die mittlere Hospitalisationsdauer war 3 Tage. Schlussfolgerung: Bei unkomplizierter, nicht retrozökaler Appendizitis ist die one trocar Appendektomie eine sichere Alternative zur offenen oder laparoskopischen Appendektomie. Kontraindikationen sind die Appendizitis perforata sowie die retrozökale Appendizitis. Die one trocar Appendektomie hat alle Vorteile der laparoskopischen Operationstechnik, insbesondere ist das kosmetische Resultat beeindruckend. 10.07 10.09 B. Gloor 1, T. Berchtold 1, R. Weimann 2, D. Inderbitzin 1, M. Wagner 1, SA. Vorburger 1, D. Candinas1. 1 Department of Visceral- and Transplant Surgery, Inselspital; University of Berne, Switzerland, 2Department of Pathology, University of Berne, Switzerland A. Sermier, P. Gervaz, M. Dao, JF. Egger, Ph. Morel University Hospital Geneva Surgical management of an unsuspected appendiceal mucocele Background: Mucoceles from either benign or malignant mucinous neoplasms represent the majority of appendiceal tumours. Aim: to determine the outcome during follow-up of patients with incidental appendiceal mass. Methods: Retrospective study of 86 patients diagnosed with ‚appendiceal mass’ and/or mucocele’ and/or pseudomxyoma peritonei consecutively allocated at the department of pathology between 1989-2003. Results: There were 37 women (43%) and 49 men (57%)) with a mean age of 55 and 50 years, respectively. In the absence of peritoneal spread at the time of appendectomy, the diameter of the appendix was the only criterion to differentiate between malignant and benign disease. Three pathological entities were analysed. Group Pathology N Median Perforated diameter (range) Initially appendectomy only Eventual outcome pseudomyxoma peritonei 1 Simple 53 1.5 obstructive (62%) (0.6-5) mucocele 9/53 (17%) 30/53 (57%) 2/53 (4%) 2 Cystadenoma 19 2 (22%) (1-4.5) 3/19 (16%) 15/19 (79%) 1/19 (5%) 3 Cystadeno- 14 3.8 carcinoma (16%) (1.8-10) 3/14 (21%) 7/14 (50%) 10/14 (71%) One-way ANOVA showed a difference of medians between groups p<0.001 (Kruskal-Wallis). Group 3 was significantly different from group 1 and 2. ROC-curve analysis revealed a sensitivity of 0.8 and a specificity of 0.6 for a cut-off value of 1.5 cm to discriminate between malignancy and non-malignant tumours. Pseudomyxoma peritonei was diagnosed (later) in 13 patients (11 men (85%) and 2 women (15%)). In 2 /13 (16%) the appendix was perforated at the time of initial surgery. Initial surgical treatment in these 13 patients consisted of simple appendectomy in 9 patients (69%), locally extended resection in 3 (23%) and extended peritonectomy in one (8%). An extended peritonectomy was performed in 7/12 patients with warm intraperitoneal chemotherapy in 4 after a median of 420 days (range 20 to 2950). Conclusion: Our data show that the size of a mucocele is directly correlated to its malignant potential. Pseudomyxoma peritonei is primarily associated with the underlying pathology. Perforation of the appendix at initial surgery is of minor importance. 10.08 T. Roth 1, S. Dragoje 3, M. Gass 1, D. Candinas 1, JJ. Brugger 2 Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital, Berne, 2 Department of General Surgery, Hospital of the Providence, Neuchatel, 3 Department of Pathology, Neuchatel 1 Pitfalls in laparoscopy: the vanishing appendix. Intussusception of the appendix due to mucinous cystadenoma Introduction: Classically, invagination of a segment of bowel is a pediatric disease (90%), which occurrs idiopatically. In contrast, the intussusception in adults occurrs rarely and is due to an organic lesion such as a digestive tumor. Isolated intussusception of the appendix however is an exceptional finding. Case report: A 26 year-old woman was admitted with a history of acute paroxystically abdominal pain of 24 hours duration. The pain migrated progressively to the right lower quadrant. The patient had a temperature of 37.8° and a localised tenderness with rebound. Leukocytosis was elevated to 12.6. Surgical operation was indicated because of clinical suspicion of acute appendicitis. Laparoscopy showed a normal bowel and pelvic organs, but the appendix was initially not visible. Finally a white tip of the appendix appeared on the caecum but the incarceration of the appendix could not be released laparoscopically and needed a conversion through a Mc-Burney approach. The appendix was manually reduced and a 1.5 cm tumor at it’s base was discovered necessitating a resection of the caecum. Histologically a mucinous cystadenoma was diagnosed. The patient left the hospital at the 4th postoperative day. A barium enema failed to show any other colonic tumor. Discussion: First described by Mc Kidd in 1858 in a child who died, intussusception of the appendix is rare, in particular in adults. In 1964 only 118 cases were found in literature. The aged varied between 10-months and 85 years. The invagination has polymorph presentations ranging from completely asymptomatic presentation to paroxystically pain or even acute occlusion. Organic bowel lesions or particular anatomy could favour invagination. 51 patients had intussusception due to a mucocele of the appendix. Only in very few cases a mucinous cystadenoma was the reason of invagination. Conclusion: The intraoperative absence of an appendix without previous operation must be carefully differentiated from agenesis. In such cases direct palpation of the caecum is advocated to rule out an intussusception. Further, in this particular case the association of mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix with colonic adenocarcinoma necessitated to rule out the latter condition. Lymph node retrieval after abdominoperinal resection: a comparison of anal and rectal cancer Background: The yield of lymph nodes (LN) in abdominoperineal resection (APR) specimen is notoriously low, due in part to the effect of preoperative radiation therapy. This has important implications for staging, and may be worsened in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the anus (SCCA), who are commonly treated with a higher dose (60-70 Gy) than patients with rectal cancer (45-50 Gy). We hypothesized that the yield of LN retrieval in APR specimen was radiation dose-dependant and, consequently inferior in patients with SCCA by comparison with patients with rectal cancer. Methods: We performed a retrospective study on 57 patients who underwent APR in a single institution between 1992 and 2003. Pathological reports were reviewed and the number of lymph nodes retrieved in APR specimen was correlated with: 1) Location (anal or rectal) of cancer 2) Dose of pelvic irradiation Results: There were 36 males and 21 females, with a median age of 68 (range 22-89) years. There were 9 patients operated for SCCA and 48 for rectal cancer. 89% and 69% of patients with anal and rectal cancer respectively underwent neoadjuvant radiotherapy. The mean ± SD number of LN in APR specimen was 11.5±6. The mean number of LN in APR specimen was significantly lower in patients with SCCA than in patients with rectal cancer (6.4±5.5 Vs. 12.2±5.7, t test p=0.009). However, in patients with rectal cancer the mean number of LN was identical in irradiated and non-irradiated patients (12.2±5.4 Vs. 12±6, p=0.89). Conclusion: Pelvic irradiation at a dose of 60-70 Gy results in a significant decrease in the yield of LN in APR specimen. This pathological alterations are not observed in rectal cancer specimen, indicating that necrosis of pelvic LN is probably dose-dependant and restricted to dose superior to 50 Gy. 10.10 PH. Füglistaler, MO. Guenin, R. Peterli, B. Kern, M. von Flüe, CH. Ackermann Allgemeinchirurgische Abteilung, St.Claraspital Basel Longterm results after stapled rectal mucosectomy for hemorrhoids Introduction: Stapled rectal mucosectomy for hemorrhoids is an uncomplicated surgical procedure causing minimal pain for treatment of hemorrhoids. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term results with a follow-up of more than 1 year. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study including 216 patients treated by stapled rectal mucosectomy. Chief complaints preoperatively were prolapse (46%), anal bleeding (35%), anal pain (11%), anal incontinence (5%) and anal itching (3%). Over all 77% of patients presented with anal bleeding, 73% with prolapse and 42% with anal pain. All patients were evaluated using a standardized questionnaire. Results: Follow-up data were acquired for 193 of 216 patients (89%) with a mean follow-up of 30(range 12-53) months. 88% of patients were satisfied or very satisfied by the operation. In 94% chief complaints were completely alleviated (66%) or improved (28%). For 9 patients reoperation was necessary during follow-up (rate of reoperation 5%). The most frequent reasons for reoperation were recurrence of hemorrhoidal prolapse (3%) and anal fissure (1%). 69% of patients experienced no anal incontinence, 21% mild, 7% moderate and 3% severe incontinence. 40% reported an urge-incontinence, which 17% of patients considered to be a mild and 8% a severe disturbance. Conclusion: Stapled rectal mucosectomy is a suitable procedure to permanently control most frequent symptoms of hemorrhoids such as hemorrhoidal prolapse, anal bleeding and anal pain in a long-term follow-up. About 10% of patients remain unsatisfied by the outcome of the procedure. Main reasons are recurrence of hemorrhoidal prolapse and urgeincontinence. These results allow us to potentially improve preoperative patient selection and to better inform patients. 10.11 T. Carstensen, B. Mölle, J. Lange, J. Girona Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Chirurgie Distale Rektumwanddoppelung nach Girona als valable therapuetische Option in der Fistelchirurgie Komplexe Fisteln u.a. vesicorektale, rektovaginale, im Rahmen einer chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankung (CED) oder auch postaktinische stellen eine besondere technische Herausforderung dar. Methode: Diese Technik wurde 1983 von R.C. Tiptaft basierend auf dem Advancement Flap von A. Parks beschrieben und von J. Girona modifiziert. Sie kann sowohl endo- als auch extraanal angewandt werden. Nach Fisteldarstellung/–excision und -verschluss (Blase,Vagina, Sphinkter) erfolgt eine semicirculäre Rektumvollwandincision auf Höhe der inneren Fistelöffnung, Dissektion von der Faszie mit proximaler Mobilisation. Nach kompletter, distaler Mucosektomie wird die Rektumwand gedoppelt, indem die distale Lefze an die Rektumwand fixiert und die proximale über das mucosektomierte Areal gezogen und adaptiert wird. Die Mucosa wird zusätzlich in EKN vernäht. Procedere: Manovac Drainage über 48H, 2 Tage gelockerte Bettruhe, 2 Tage flüssige Kost mit anschliessendem langsamen Kostaufbau unter medikamentöser Stuhlregulation. swiss knife 2004; special edition 21 Ergebnisse: Es wurden 7 Patienten (1M/6W) Alter: 31-74 2001-02 operiert. Es lagen 2 rektovaginale davon 1 Rezidiv, 1 transsphinktäre nach Parks IIb(CED), 2 extrasphinktäre nach Parks IVc (1 CED),1 vesicorektale und 1 postaktinische Fistel vor. Bis heute (Follow up 6-24 Monate) gibt es bei klinischer Beschwerdefreiheit kein Rezidiv. Es liegt jeweils eine volle Kontinenzleistung für sämtliche Stuhlqualitäten vor, manometrisch keine signifikanten präoder postoperativen Unterschiede. Folgerungen: Die Rektumwanddoppelung nach Girona bietet sich – besonders bei komplexen Fisteln – neben den konventionellen Techniken als zusätzliche therapeutische Option in der analen Fistelchirurgie an. 10.12 K. Skala, G. Zufferey, J. Robert-Yap, B. Roche Unité de Proctologie Hôpital Universitaire de Genève Complication exceptionnelle d’une ligature elastique La ligature élastique selon Baron réalise le traitement de choix des stades II et III de la maladie hémorroïdaire. Plusieurs milliers de ces gestes sont effectués chaque année dans le monde. La littérature rapporte des complications sous forme d’abcès, d’abcès hépatiques et exceptionnellement de décès. Nous reportons le cas d’un patient qui nous a été présenté suite à une telle ligature. Cette dernière a occasionné un volumineux abcès sous-lévatorien de l’hémi-quadrant inférieur droit entraînant une nécrose du tissu incriminé ainsi qu’une sclérose du sphincter interne. Le traitement conservateur a permis de cicatriser cette lésion, le patient a bénéficié d’une colostomie qui a pu être fermée, la continence est complète, mais l’anus est marqué par une déformation allant de 5 à 7 heures en position gynécologique. Les complications liées à la ligature élastique sont rares, elles doivent être reconnues rapidement, tout abcès doit être drainé en urgence, faute de quoi, une destruction tissulaire irréversible peut être observée. 10.13 R. Degolla, K. Skala, G. Zufferey, J. Robert-Yap, B. Roche. Unité de Proctologie Hôpital Universitaire Genève Diagnostic et traitement du tail gut cyst a propos de 8 cas Introduction: Le tail gut cyst (TGC) est une formation polykystique qui se développe dans l’espace rétrorectal. Ces malformations sont rares. L’aspect radiologique et hystopathologique de ces lésions font qu’on les distingue relativement facilement des autres kystes de l’espace rétrorectal. Methode: Huit patients adultes présentant des TGC ont été opérés entre 1994 et 2003. Nous avons exclu de la casuistique toutes les autres formations kystiques rétrorectales, tels que les tératomes et autres. Il s’agit essentiellement de patients de sexe féminin, d’âge de 20 à 54 ans, avec un âge moyen de 34 ans. L’imagerie diagnostique échographie endo rectale, CT scan permet de localiser avec précision les lésions. Le traitement a consisté en une résection du kyste par un abord périnéal dans 6 cas, un abord intersphinctérien dans 2 cas. Dans un seul cas d’abord intersphinctérien nous avons dû répéter l’intervention en raison d’une formation kystique résiduelle ignorée lors de la première intervention. Le tail gut cyst est une lésion cystique bénigne rare, plus fréquente chez la femme. En raison de potentiel d’évolution vers la malignité, ces tails gut cyst doivent être excisés chirurgicalement par voie périnéale et de manière complète. 10.14 C. Pavlik 1, G. Gadient 2, HP. Simmen 1 1 Chirurgische Abteilung, Spital Oberengadin, Samedan, 2 Pathologisches Institut, Kantonsspital, Chur Desmoid tumors associated with Gardner’s syndrome are more difficult to treat than colonic poloyposis: 25 years follow up in an extended kindred of 61 persons Gardners’s syndrome as a variant of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is associated with colonic adenomatosis and extracolonic manifestations such as soft tissue tumors and osteomas. Desmoid tumors are the most important extraintestinal growths that are of clinical concern. Desmoids occur in about 10% of FAP affecting mainly mesenteric structures as well as the abdominal wall. Despite their lack of metastatic potential, these lesions can cause siginificant morbidity and mortality due to their ability to surround, compress, and erode adjacent tissues. Surgical trauma is considered to be one of the major risk factors for their developement. But surgery is unavoidable in patients suffering from FAP requiring prophylactic colectomy. However, radical surgical excision has proved to be the treatment of choice. Since 25 years we observe an extended kindred of 61 people (3 generations: 22 women, 39 men), aged from 1-74 years. The diagnosis of desmoid tumor was made by clinical inspection, CT scan and exploratory laparatomy. Particular attention was given to the anatomical site and to the history of previous surgery. A total of 7 persons (4 women, 3 men) were affected by desmoid tumors. Desmoids were found exclusively wthin the abdomen (small bowel mesentery) in 2, in the abdominal wall alone in 3, and at both sites in another 2 patients. In 5 patients desmoid tumours were diagnosed 2-5 years following surgery for colonic resection. Desmoid tumors resulted in death in 2 patients. Abdominal wall desmoids rarely cause serious clinical problems, whereas those within the abdomen can obstruct the bowel an ureters, as well as making abdominal surgery difficult 22 swiss knife 2004; special edition or impossible. Often the desmoid tumors develope 2-5 years after operation. We made good experience by radical resection of abdominal wall desmoids. For intraabdominal desmoids medical therapy may be an acceptable alternative since they are often not resectable. Intraabdominal desmoids may not cause any symptoms for long periods. Therefore we advocate the widespread use of CT scans or MRI to detect these life threatening tumors with unpredictable course as early as possible. 10.15 F. Volonte, M. Chilcott, O. Nafidi, PH. Morel Clinique et Policlinique de Chirurgie Viscérale, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Textilome: migration complète d’une compresse intra-abdominale dans le colon sigmoÏde et expulsion par les voies naturelles Introduction: Le textilome, ou corps étranger chirurgical est une condition rare mais potentiellement dangereuse qui peut compliquer de façon importante tout type de chirurgie. Cela amène souvent à des interventions chirurgicales supplémentaires et répétées associées à une morbidité et mortalité importantes. Description du cas: Il s’agit d’une patiente de 32ans, en bonne santé habituelle, connue pour trois césariennes dont la dernière 4 mois avant son hospitalisation, qui présente des douleurs abdominales crampiformes en fosse iliaque gauche. S’associent des diarrhées importantes et des vomissements occasionnels. A son arrivée, le CT-Scan montre une masse hétérogène bien délimitée de 10x5 cm, entourée d’une coque épaisse et en contact direct avec la paroi du sigmoïde. Le diagnostic retenu est celui de textilome en voie de fistulisation avec le colon sigmoïde. L’indication opératoire est retenue. Le jour avant l’opération, la patiente ne présente plus de douleurs et affirme avoir pu aller à selles de façon très importante. Un CT-Scan de contrôle montrera alors la disparition du corps étranger et, à la place, une cavité collabée à parois épaisses en communication directe avec le colon sigmoïde. Conclusions: Avec l’aide de ce cas, nous présentons une revue de la littérature centrée sur l’évolution naturelle, le pronostic, la prise en charge et la prévention du textilome intra abdominale. 10.16 C. Toso, P. Majno, A. Andres, T. Berney, L. Buhler, PH. Morel, G. Mentha Service de Chirurgie Viscérale, Hôpital Cantonal, Genève Hepatocellular adenoma in adults: management of single-uncomplicated, multiple and ruptured tumors Background: hepatocellular adenomas (HA) can present as single-uncomplicated, multiple or ruptured tumors. Although the characteristics of HA have been described often, some controversy remains on the management of its various forms. Methods: 25 consecutive patients operated for 58 HA (9 simple, 6 multiple,10 ruptured) were reviewed. Results: All simple HA (2.2 to 14cm in size) were removed. Two included foci of hepatocellular carcinoma. In the multiple HA group, additional tumors were identified during surgery in 5/6 cases by ultrasonographies and biopsies. In three cases with multiple spread HA (7, >10 and >10 HA), several lesions had to be left unresected. They remained unmodified after 4, 6 and 6 years of radiological follow-up. Patients with ruptured HA (1.7 to 10cm in size) were initially managed with hemodynamic support and angiography, allowing the embolization of actively bleeding tumors in two patients. All ruptured tumors were subsequently removed electively, 5.5 days (4-70) after admission. Conclusion: Tumors suspect of HA should be resected, whatever the size, because HA can bleed (10/25 patients) or contain malignant foci (2/25). Although it is desirable to remove all lesions of multiple HA, this may not be possible in some patients, for whom long-term follow-up is advised. Ruptured HA can be primarily managed by hemodynamic support and angiography, allowing secondary elective surgery. 10.17 F. Dahm, M. Weber, M. Selzner, L. McCormack, PA. Clavien Universitätsspital Zürich Laparoscopic liver resections: experience in 13 cases Background: Laparoscopic techniques have not been widely applied to liver surgery due to safety and technical issues. Yet in selected cases, especially when a minor hepatic resection would necessitate a relatively large laparotomy, laparoscopic liver resections are indeed feasible and larger numbers are being reported. Method: Since June 2002 we selected 13 cases for laparoscopic resection of hepatic lesions. Median age was 45 years (26-78) and 12 patients had normal liver function. Standard liver workup was supplemented by intraoperative ultrasound in each case. Laparoscopic resections (8 left bi-segmentectomies, 4 wedge resections, 1 cyst deroofing) were performed by an experienced team of hepatobiliary and laparoscopic surgeons, using ultracision, tissulink, clips, vascular stapler and argon beam. Hepatic inflow occlusion was done in 9 cases. All specimens were evacuated with an endobag. No conversion to open surgery were necessary. Histological diagnosis were FNH (5), hemangioma (2), adenoma (1), retention cyst (1), biliary hamartoma (1), HCC (1) and metastatic carcinoid (1), i.e. only 2 patients had an underlying malignancy. Results: There was one intraoperative (pneumothorax) and one postoperative complication (pneumonia and effusion). No liver specific complications ocurred. ALT and AST peaked at a median of 92 (47-291) and 163 (53-301), while bilirubin and quick were almost unchanged. Patients were discharged after a median of 4 days (2-13). Conclusion: Laparoscopic hepatic surgery is an excellent treatment modality for highly selected cases, and is associated with low morbidity and early hospital discharge. Benign lesions in the left lateral and anterior liver segments or superficially located are clear indications for laparoscopic resection. The role of laparoscopic resections in malignant lesions still needs to be defined. Advanced skills in hepatobiliary and laparoscopic surgery are needed, supplemented with advanced technical infrastructure. For this reason laparascopic liver surgery should be restricted to specialized centers. 10.18 G. Beldi 1, M. Styner 2, H. Waelti 2, D. Candinas 1 1 Dept. of Visceral and Transplant Surgery, Inselspital, University Hospital, Berne, Switzerland, 2 Maurice E. Müller Insitute, Berne, Switzerland Intraoperative three-dimensional cholangiography Background: In laparoscopic and open liver surgery full appreciation of the detailed biliary anatomy is the key to avoid biliary complications and its associated morbidity. Precise intraoperative assessment of the architecture of the biliary tree optimises intraoperative dissection and helps to reduce damage to the intra- or extrahepatic bile ducts. Here we report our preliminary experience with intraoperative three dimensional cholangiography in the clinical setting. Methods: Isocentric C-arm fluoroscopy acquires a defined set of images in 60 to 120 seconds during a 190° orbital rotation. Water soluble contrast medium is injected via the cystic duct. The bile ducts are displayed by real-time rotational projections or multiplanar reconstructions. This technique was evaluated initially by experiments in a human cadaver. Intraoperative data acquisition was subsequently performed in three patients with centrally located liver malignancies: One hepatocellular carcinoma and two cholangiocellular carcinomas. Results: Three dimensional cholangiography was safe and successfully performed in all three patients. For each operation one intraoperative acquired dataset sufficiently revealed important anatomical details of the architecture of the bile ducts. Conclusion: Perioperative biliary imaging can be improved by the application of intraoperative three dimensional cholangiography. By defining landmarks of the liver in a three dimensional space, this technique has the potential to develop into an important tool for navigation in liver surgery. 10.19 BM. Schmied 1, M. Kremer 1, M. Thorn 3, P. Schemmer 2, HP. Meinzer 3, MW. Büchler 2, K. Zgraggen 1 1 CHUV Lausanne, 2Universität Heidelberg, 3Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) The accuracy of preoperative CT based liver volumetry in major liver surgery Major hepatectomies often require preoperative three-dimensional visualization of the liver volume and its biliary or vascular trees. Particularly in living donor liver transplantation the exact illustration of the anatomical proportions are of crucial importance. Up to now there are no reliable data concerning the accuracy of the calculated to the real liver volume. In this study we tested in the porcine model the accuracy of a newly established algorithm and compared it to 20 of the most common published techniques. A total of 15 pigs were anesthetised and a three-phase CT scan of the liver in 3 mm slices was performed. A three dimensional visualisation and calculation of the liver volumes was performed by computer assisted processing. Subsequently the pigs were hepatectomised and the liver volumes were calculated by the principle of Archimedes. The arterial and venous vessel trees were then plastinated and the parenchyma digested. The sculptures did undergo another thin sliced CT Scan. The real volumes of the vessel trees were again determined by the principle of Archimedes. The calculated and measured volumes of the parenchyma and the vessel trees were compared to each other and statistically analyzed. Our results show that the virtual computer assisted volumetry of thin sliced CT scans produce precise data on liver volume, with a significant increase of the accuracy of the newly developed algorithm (p<0,001). The calculated non functional liver volume represented by the vessel trees count for about 8 % of the total liver volume but is significantly higher when measured by the principle of Archimedes (12%). The portal venous phase reveals branches up to the fourth grade, the arterial phase up to the 2nd grade. However, on the base of plastination the branches up to the 6th grade can be visualized and the real blood volume can be measured more accurately. The computer assisted three dimensional volumtery gives not only precise information of the liver anatomy but also on liver volumes and the vessel trees. These information are of crucial importance in planning and performing major hepatectomies or living donor liver transplantation. 10.20 A. Ringger 1, D. Inderbitzin 1, J. Reichen 2, D. Candinas 1 1 Departement of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital Berne, 2 Departement of Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital Berne First experiences with M.A.R.S. at the university hospital of Berne Standard medical supportive therapy in liver failure alone cannot provide sufficient hepatic support to allow liver regeneration. M.A.R.S (Molecular absorbent re-circulating system) is a device developed to dialyse blood and remove albumin-bound as well as water-soluble toxins accumulated as a result of liver malfunction. First results: A total of five patients (13 cycles) were treated with MARS since November 2002. Patient one was treated after radical resection of a cholangiocarcinoma for a small size liver remnant presenting with fulminant liver failure. The patient left hospital 23 days after resection. Patient two was treated for acute liver failure due to paracetamol intoxication. She left hospital 15 days after MARS treatment. Patient three was bridged with MARS to retransplantation after primary non function of an orthotopic liver transplant and was discharged 17 days after MARS treatment and successful re-transplantation. In patient four MARS treatment was initiated in a cirrhotic patient due to acute on ≤≤chronic liver failure following emergency cholecystectomy but had to be discontinued due to the patients request. The patient died 5 days thereafter. In patient five MARS treatment was stopped due to persisting sepsis following aspiration in a cirrhotic liver remnant after radical resection of a hepatocellular carcinoma. The patient died 2 days after the last treatment. Conclusions: Due to the small number of patients as well as the diversity of aetiologies of hepatic insufficiencies our experiences remains centred on individual cases. No technical problems were observed. In our experience however, the lack of precise MARS treatment parameters and parameters determining treatment success coincides with observations made elsewhere. 10.21 Y. Durmishi, G. Chassot, P. Bucher, L. Buhler, A. Roth, G. Mentha, PH. Morel Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Long term results after pancreatoduodenectomy for cancer Introduction: Pancreatic cancers and particularly pancreatic adenocarcinomas remain common digestive cancers with high mortality rates. Curative surgical resection is the best therapy for this type of neoplasia. Method: We analysed retrospectively all cases of cephalic pancreatoduodenectomies performed for cancer between January 1994 and August 2003 at our institution. Patients with stage II disease received adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy. The type of intervention, the pathological stage and the long-term follow-up were studied. Results: A total of 123 patients were operated during this period. The technique used was either a Whipple resection (DPC, n=85) or a pancreatoduodenectomy with conservation of the pylorus (DPCPP, n=38). Histopathological diagnoses were adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head (n=63), of Vater’s ampulla (n=24), of the distal choledochus (n=11), of the duodenum (n=6), endocrine tumors (n=5), carcinoid tumors (n=5), mucous cystadenocarcinomas (n=2), as well as metastases or gastric cancers infiltrating the pancreas. The postoperative mortality was 8,9% (11 deaths, 5 of which were classified ASA III) and morbidity was 45 %. The major common surgical complication was a leak of the pancreatic anastomosis (18,6% or n=23). The median survival within the group of pancreatic adenocarcinomas was in correlation with the staging, i.e. over 800 days for patients with stage I, and 370 days for patients with stage IIb. For patients with ampullomas, survival was significantly longer, i.e. a median time of 1172 days. Regarding distal choledochal cancer, median survival was 490 days. The median survival after DPCPP (680 days) was longer than after DPC (439 days). Conclusion: Curative treatment of pancreatic tumors remains a challenge. DPCPP should be attempted for resectable tumors, as it allows better abdominal comfort and is not a risk of shorter survival. A multidisciplinary approach, involving surgeons, gastro-enterologists, radiologists and oncologists should allow further improvements of results. 10.22 P. Bucher, G. Chassot, Y. Durmishi, Ph. Morel Visceral and Transplantation clinic, Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospital Long-term results of surgical treatment for vater’s ampulla neoplasms Background: Vater’s ampulla neoplasm are quite rare, however they account for 40% of resected bilio-pancreatic confluent tumors. Study aim was to review the long-term results of surgical treatment of Vater’s ampulla neoplasms. Methods: A retrospective review from 1993 to 2002 identified 55 patients admitted for Vater’s ampulla neoplasm in our institution. Clinical, surgical, pathological and follow-up data were reviewed. Results: Among the Vater’s ampulla neoplasm reviewed, 10 were adenoma (median age 71) and 45 adenocarcinoma (median age 69). 60% percent of the adenoma were treated surgically (ampullectomy 1, pancreaticoduodenectomy 5) with excellent long-term results. Among the Vater’s ampulla adenocarcinoma the resecability rate was of 84%. 34 patients had a pancreaticoduodenectomy and 4 an ampullectomy. Seven were treated by endoscopy due to poor condition. Of note among the resected patients the rate of false negative during preoperative biopsies was of 45%. Actuarial five years survival after pancreaticoduodenectomy was of 68%, compare to 0% for ampullectomy and endoscopic treatment (p<0.01). After curative resection (pancreaticoduodenectomy), the lymph node status significantly influenced survival (P<0.01). And disease free survival at 5 years was of 84% for N0 and of 27% for N1 (p<0.001). Among the pancreaticoduodenectomies, 55% consisted of pylorus preserving procedure which did not influence prognosis compare to absence of pylorus preservation. Conclusion: Treatment of Vater’s Ampulla neoplasms through pancreaticoduodenectomy is associated with good long-term results However, the prognosis of Vater’s ampulla adenocarcinoma after curative surgical resection is dependant on the lymph node status. swiss knife 2004; special edition 23 10.23 1 1 2 1 E. Burri , C. Glaser , G. Cathomas , CA. Maurer 1 Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Liestal 2 Kantonales Institut für Pathologie, Kantonsspital Liestal Adenoma of the ampulla vateri: a cause for secondary biliary cirrhosis Case report: Secondary biliary cirrhosis (SBC) occurs after chronic obstruction of the bile duct system. Gallstones, postoperative and postinflammatory bile duct strictures and chronic pancreatitis are the most common causes of chronic obstruction. Benign intraluminal tumors of the biliary tree have been reported to cause SBC but are very rare and patients with malignant disease hardly survive long enough to experience liver cirrhosis. We report the cases of two patients with adenoma of the Papilla Vateri and secondary biliary fibrosis and cirrhosis. A newly developed jaundice led to admission to the hospital in both cases. Diagnostic work-up by abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography and laparoscopy with intraoperative liver biopsy revealed a solitary tumor of the Papilla Vateri in both cases, in one associated with liver fibrosis and in the other associated with liver cirrhosis due to chronic cholostasis. Viral hepatitis was excluded and there was no history of alcohol abuse. The tumors were resected in one case by pylore preserving partial pancreaticoduodenectomy and by ampullectomy in the other. Final histological analysis confirmed adenoma of the Papilla Vateri in both cases and revealed malignant transformation in one patient. Secondary biliary cirrhosis due to adenoma of the Papilla Vateri has to the best of our knowledge not been previously reported. 10.24 CA. Seiler1, S. Schmid1, CA. Redaelli 1, P. Bischoff 1, B. Lauterburg 2, J. Reichen 2, D. Candinas 1 1 Dept of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery Inselspital, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland, Dept of Clinical Pharmacology and Hepatology Inselspital, 2 University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland 20 years of liver transplantation in Berne and in Switzerland Background: After the first Orthotopic Liver Transplantation (OLT) in the world, performed more than 40 years ago, the first OLT in Switzerland was performed 1983 in Berne. OLT meanwhile has become the standard treatment for end stage liver disease and nowadays interest is focused more on long term survival and quality of life after liver transplantation rather than technical aspects and short term results. Patients and Methods: Prospective analysis of all 192 OLT performed in Berne divided into 3 periods (1983 – 1985; 1987 – 1990 and 1991 – 2004). Beyond peri-operative parameters long term follow up and quality of life (Visual Analogue Scale and Sickness Important Profile) were evaluated. Results: Actuarial patient survival 1, 5 and 10 years was: in the first period (1983 – 1985) 40%, 40%, and 20%; in the second period (1987 – 1990) 60%, 60% and 47%; in the third period (1991 – 2004) 92%, 89%, and 81%, respectively. Actual 1 and 5 year patient survival is 94% and 93%, respectively. Detailed assessment showed the quality of life 1 year after liver transplantation to equalise in the majority of cases the quality of live of sex and age matched controls. In consequence, more than 70 % of the transplanted patients are able to work normally and take care of their own and their family’s life. As a further consequence of this, adding direct and indirect costs for an OLT the average Swiss household saves 21 878.— CHF per saved life year per liver transplanted patient compared to ongoing conservative treatment and premature death. Conclusion: 20 years ago liver transplantation was introduced in Switzerland under pioneering circumstances. Meanwhile OLT has become the standard treatment for end stage liver disease achieving good long term survival, excellent quality of life and a good reintegration of the patients into social and working life thereby contributing to a reduction of the overall costs for the treatment of end stage liver disease. 10.25 P. Majno 1, C. Le Coultre 2, PH. Bugmann 2, L. Bühler 1, Th. Berney 1, Ph. Morel 1, G. Mentha 1 1 Transplantation and Visceral Surgery, 2Pediatric Surgery, University Hospitals, Geneva Optimal use of split liver grafts and of pediatric donors fulfills the need of liver transplantation in children Introduction: It has been suggested that the techniques of liver reduction and living-donor liver transplantation - costly in terms of available grafts and operative risk for the donors, respectively - are obsolete thanks to in situ liver splitting and optimal use of pediatric grafts. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the impact of the two latter options in a combined adult and pediatric program. Methods: review of our experience of pediatric liver transplantation in the past 5 years, when in-situ liver splitting has been the favored technique, and during which it has been possible to optimize the use of pediatric grafts thanks to a supranational network allocating organs that had no recipient in their native country. Results: Since 1.06.1998 we performed 36 liver transplants in 35 children (median age: 1,6 years, rage : 0.4 –16 years). We used 17 whole size grafts (16 from pediatric donors and one adult graft), 10 split-liver grafts: segments 2-3 in 9 cases (between a child and an adult) and segments 1+4-8 in 1 case (between two children), and 9 reduced livers on pediatric grafts to compensate for a donor-recipient size mismatch. No graft that could be used 24 swiss knife 2004; special edition for an adult was used for a child alone. Two children died on the waiting list (abdominal sepsis on intestinal obstruction and cerebral haemorrhage), all other children were transplanted after a median waiting time of 10 weeks. Four patients died: 3 after fulminant hepatitis (primary non-function, GVH disease and brain oedema) and one with a myelodysplastic syndrome of massive pulmonary embolism after a biliary repair. Vascular complications occurred in 5 cases, none causing graft loss. Biliary complications occurred in 6 cases, 4 of which required re-operation. Survival at 1, 3 and 5 years was 89%. Conclusions: In our country, the full use of pediatric donors and of the split liver technique allowed to transplant all children without resorting to living donors or to grafts potentially needed by adult recipients. 10.26 P. Majno 1, S. Terraz 2, O. Nafidi 1, L. Bühler 1, T. Berney 1, Ph. Morel 1, G. Mentha 1 1 Transplantation and Visceral Surgery, 2Radiology, 3 Pathology University Hospitals, Geneva Transarterial chemoembolization before liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma Aim: To evaluate the effects of selective transarterial chemoembolization (s-TACE) in patients with suspected hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) before liver transplantation. Patients and methods: 36 candidates to OLT and a total of 64 nodules suspected of HCC (median 2.5 cm, interquartile range 1.5 to 3.2, range 0.7 to 6.5 cm) underwent 62 sessions of TACE with doxorubicin-lipiodol in 1-3 sessions. Catheter position was sub-segmental 23 (37%), segmental in 19 (31%) and unilobar in 20 (32%) sessions. Particles were added unless complete stasis was observed (50% of the sessions). The delay between TACE and OLT was 149 days (5 to 500 days). Histological findings in the explanted liver were correlated with all clinical, biologic and radiological parameters. Results: Post embolization syndrome with pain and fever developed after 15 sessions (24%).One patient developed an arterial pseudo-aneurysm at the puncture site, and one patient had a variceal bleed that decompensated the cirrhosis form B to C at the time of transplantation. No other complications were observed. Histological examination of the explanted livers showed 48 HCC, 2 hepato-cholangio carcinomas, 5 dysplastic nodules, 5 regenerative nodules, 1 focal nodular hyperplasia, and 3 nodules could not be localized. Among the 55 malignant or dysplastic nodules, we observed 100% necrosis in 25 (45%). 90%-99% necrosis in 8 (15%), 50%-89% necrosis in 7 (13%) and 0%-49% necrosis in 27. Apart from completion of the embolization protocol before LT (p=0.003), no other factor was associated with complete response on univariate analysis. (size p=0.09). Although tumor differentiation could not be thoroughly assessed in necrotic nodules, in the 33 nodules with > 90% necrosis there was no vascular invasion, and capsular invasion was observed in only 1 nodule, while among the 22 nodules with < 90% necrosis, 13 nodules had capsular and /or vascular invasion (p< 0.001). Conclusions: s-TACE leads to >90% necrosis in the 60% of HCC or dysplastic nodules. The absence of signs of invasivity in the nodules with good response suggests that response to TACE could be used as a surrogate marker for favorable tumor biology. 10.27 PC. Nett 1, BD. Shames 2, LA. Fernandez 2, DM. Heisey 2, JD. Pirsch 2, HW. Sollinger 2 1 Universität Bern, Departement für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Berne, Switzerland, 2University of Wisconsin, Hospital and Clinics, Division of Organ Transplantation, Madison, USA Association of non-melanoma skin cancer with post-transplant malignancy in kidney transplant recipients Introduction: Patients with non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) are at increased risk to develop secondary invasive malignancy. NMSC is the most frequent type of cancer occurring after kidney transplantation. However, it is unknown whether an association between NMSC and the occurrence of invasive malignancy in kidney transplant recipients exists. Material and Methods: Risk factors associated with increased post-transplant rate of malignancy were retrospectively analyzed in a single-center kidney transplant population by means of Cox-proportional hazard and time-varying models. Results: Between January 1994 and December 2000, 1571 kidney and simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplants were performed at the University of Wisconsin. 24 patients (1.5%) had a history of pre-transplant NMSC. During an average follow-up of 3.9 years (range 1 to 7.2 years) 95 patients (6.0%) developed post-transplant cancer (58 NMSC, 30 invasive malignancy, and 7 both). The most common post-transplant invasive malignancy was lymphoma (6.4%), breast (3.8%), and colorectal carcinoma (2.5%). An increasing age (RR=1.03, P=0.024) and the presence of pre-transplant NMSC (RR=3.7, P=0.02) both resulted in a significant higher risk for post-transplant invasive malignancy. Analysis with the time-varying model showed that the occurrence of post-transplant NMSC was an equally important prognostic risk factor for development of post-transplant invasive malignancy (RR=3.4, P=0.028) leading to an increased risk for death with functioning graft (RR=12.2, P<0.0001). Conclusions: This retrospective analysis showed that kidney transplant recipients with a history of pre- or post-transplant NMSC are at increased risk for invasive malignancy suggesting that the development of any non-melanoma skin cancer (pre- or post-transplant) should increase vigilance for invasive malignancy. 10.28 1 1 1 O. Nafidi , P. Majno , Y. Durmishi Transplantation and Visceral Surgery, University Hospitals, Geneva, 2Hepatogastroenterology, University Hospitals, Geneva 1 Medical morbidities in patients who survived 10 years after liver transplantation Methods: cohort analysis all patients surviving longer than 10 years since the start of the program in our hospital (July 1987). Results: Of the 55 patients transplanted up to December 1993, 36 were alive after 10 years (65,45 %),(median follow-up: 13 years). There were 12 females and 24 males, mean age at transplantation 45 years (range 16 years –64 years). The indications were: cholestatic diseases (13), Hepatitis C (10), Hepatitis B (6), fulminant hepatic failure (2), ethanol (3), metabolic (2), retransplantation for chronic rejection (1). All patients had a triple immunosupppression of Azathioprine, Cyclosporine and prednisone, later adjusted to mycophenolate and low dose calcineurin in all except for 2 presently on rapamycin. Prednisone was stopped in all patients except 6: 3 with de-novo autoimmune hepatitis, and 3 with concomitant medical indications. Recurrent primary disease was seen in 10 of 10 patients with HCV, 2 at the stage of cirrhosis, in 2 / 10 patients with PBC, and in 1 of the 3 patients transplanted for alcoholic disease. No patient transplanted for HBV or PSC had recurrent disease. At 10 years, 50 % (18/ 36) are treated for hypertension, 11,1 % (4/ 36) for diabetes, and 11.1 % for hyperlipidaemia. Impaired renal function (GFR < 50 ml/ min) is observed in 22,5 % (8 / 36), and one patient needed a renal transplant. A vertebral bone-density loss of – 1 SD was seen in 32% (9/28) and in the femoral neck in 74 % (20/27), despite propylactic treatment. Vertebral body fractures occurred in 16 % (6/36) and aseptic necrosis of the femoral heads, requiring hip joint replacement in 6% (2/36). Extra-hepatic tumours occurred in 6/36 of the patients none causing patient’s death so far. Conclusion: The overall health status was satisfactory in patients reaching 10 years after transplantation, and recurrent liver disease was seldom a problem, except in HCV patients. The complexity of medical problems, and in particular the danger of renal failure, mandates to continue a specialized follow-up, associating nephrological and hepatological expertise. 10.30 PC. Nett 1, DM. Heisey 2, BD. Shames 2, LA. Fernandez 2, JD. Pirsch 2, HW. Sollinger 2 Universität Bern, Departement für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Berne, Switzerland, 2University of Wisconsin, Hospital and Clinics, Division of Organ Transplantation, Madison, USA 1 The time point of a first acute rejection but not the actual graft function at rejection influence the longterm kidney transplant survival Introduction: The time point of a first acute rejection (AR) episode after kidney transplantation is correlated with a variable risk for graft loss. However, it is unknown whether the increased risk for kidney graft loss after a late AR episode is due to an impaired graft function. The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate if the time point of a first AR episode influences the risk for kidney graft loss and whether this time-dependent risk is correlated with the serum creatinine as an indicator for kidney graft function. Material and Methods: In a retrospective study time-dependency of graft loss after a first AR episode and the influence of actual graft function on graft survival were analyzed in a cohort of 730 primary cadaveric donor kidney recipients by means of Cox-proportional hazard and time-varying models. Results: Statistical analysis revealed that a first AR within 0-30days, 31-365days, or >365days post-transplant conferred a 3.1, 9.1, and 49.3-fold risk for graft loss compared to the reference group without rejection (P<0.001). By including serum creatinine as an indicator for graft function at the time of a first rejection, the risk for graft loss decreased to 2.4, 7.1, and 21.8-fold, but remained still significant (P=0.023). Conclusions: Our study provides further evidence that the risk of graft loss after kidney transplantation increases the later the first episode of AR occurs. Although serum creatinine as an indicator for kidney graft function reduced the time-dependent risk of a first AR episode on graft loss, the impact of late AR seems to be only partly related to the actual graft function at rejection. 10.31 F. Dahm, M. Weber, DR. Mattiello, N. Demartines, PA. Clavien Universitätsspital Zürich Ileum or colon conduit as bladder replacement for kidney transplantation: technical aspects and long-term outcome Background: Kidney transplantation is the standard of care for end-stage renal disease, usually performed with implantation of the ureter into the recipient bladder. Rarely, kidney transplantation has to be performed in patients with conduit urinary diversion due to congenital or acquired abnormalities of the lower urinary tract. Method: Between 1975 and 2002 a total of 2080 kidney transplantations were performed. Of these 19 transplantations were done in 16 patients with an ileal (15) or colon (1) conduit. These were 14 males and 2 females, with a mean age of 38 years (21-60). In all but two patients conduits were constructed before transplantation (a mean of 8.6 years). Urinary diversion was for neurogenic diseases (5), after neoplasia (5), congenital abnormalities (4) and other reasons (2). Perioperative mortality for conduits was 1/16, in a patient who had already received his transplant. Furthermore one case of stomal prolapse and one ureteral anastomotic stricture occurred. All patients were on hemodialysis for a mean of 4.1 years prior to transplantation and received cadaveric organs (one non heart beating donor). Etiology of renal failure was reflux nephropathy (7), chronic pyelonephritis (3), glomerulonephritis (3) and varia (6). Native kidneys were removed in 11 patients (7 bilaterally). Results: Kidney transplantation was performed in standard heterotopic technique in the iliac fossa, except for the modified ureteral implantation into the conduit. Transplantation had no perioperative mortality. 14 complications occurred in 11 patients: ureteral stricture (3), pulmonary edema (3), anastomotic leakage (1), vascular complications with graft nephrectomy (1) and others (6). Five patients had acute rejection and two had delayed graft function. Mean creatinine at 1 year was 150µmol/l. Conclusions: We present one of the larger series of kidney transplantation in patients with urinary diversion along with a technical guide. Although multistep operations are required in these complex patients, it is feasible and the outcome acceptable. These patients should not be excluded from transplantation. 10.32 D. Dindo, M. Weber, E. Stöckli, A. Frey, P. Ambuhl, N. Demartines, PA. Clavien University Hospital Zurich Risk analysis for outcome of renal transplantation: a single centre experience Background: Quality assessment has gained increasing attention in medicine. However, there is still a lack of a proper method assessing quality in renal transplantation. The dramatic organ shortage urges risk-adjusted, standardized outcome reports to compare results within and among different centres to reach highest possible standards. This study aimed to evaluate risk factors for graft failure in renal transplantation and to assess surgical outcome using a complication classification. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out on 517 patients that were transplanted over a ten years period in our institution. Systemic complications were differentiated from local complications that were defined as complications involving the transplanted kidney, ureter or urinary bladder. Postoperative complications were also assessed using a novel management-based five-scale classification. Risk factors for graft failure were analysed using multivariate logistic regression models. Results: Self-limiting complications (grade I) occurred in 22.2% of the patients, pharmacological treatment (grade II) was indicated in 21.9%, invasive treatment of postoperative complications (grade III) in 18.2% and complications requiring intensive care management (grade IV) in 3.3% of the patients. 2.7% of the patients died within 30 days after transplantation (grade V). 21.5% of the grafts of the entire study population failed during the followup. If patients were censored for death with functioning graft (DWFG), failure rate was 18.4%. Multivariate analyses identified perioperative blood transfusion (p<0.001) and local (p<0.001) as well as systemic complications (p<0.001) as independent risk factor for graft loss (censored for DWFG) and cardiac history (p<0.001), perioperative blood transfusion (p<0.001) and systemic complications (p<0.001; not censored for DWFG). Conclusion: Risk-adjusted, standardized outcome data in kidney transplantation are required for proper comparison of quality within and among centres. Therefore, this analysis endeavours to identify risk factors for creation of a risk profile for kidney transplant recipients. 10.33 U. Giger 1, JM. Michel 1, R. Vonlanthen 1, TH. Kocher 2, L. Krähenbühl 1 Department of General Surgery Kantonsspital Fribourg, 2 Swiss Association for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery 1 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis: a prospective 7-year multicenter analysis of 5`289 cases Definition: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become the treatment of choice for symptomatic cholelithiasis. However, the laparoscopic approach has remained controversial for patients with acute cholecystitis (AC) because higher conversion and complication rates such as major bilde duct injuries compared to open cholecystectomy (OC) are reported. Methods: The Swiss Association for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery (SALTS) keeps a prospective maintained computer data base. Treatment and outcome of all patients who underwent LC from January 1995 to December 2002 at currently 114 surgical institutions (universities, district and county hospitals and surgeons in private practice) were prospectively recorded and analysed. Results: 5,289 patients with AC were investigated. A conversion rate of 15.9%, Veres needle and trocar injuries of 0.47% and perioperative bleeding complications of 3.3% were observed. Bile duct injury occured in 0.3%. Furthermore, common bile duct stones were found in 7.5%, malignant tumour in 0.43% and Mirizzi`s syndrome in 0.61%. Postoperative morbidity and mortality was 11.8% and 0.4%, respectively. Reoperation was necessary in 1.3% of patients. Only 1.1% of patients required rehospitalisation during a 30 days followup period after the initial hospital discharge. Conclusions: In this study, to our knowledge the largest series yet reported, early LC in AC is technical feasible and safe. The main problem remains the high conversion rate which, however decreased over the evaluation-time. Although bile duct injuries remain more frequent in LC, the perioperative morbidity in our series is much lower than that reported for OC. swiss knife 2004; special edition 25 10.34 1 3 2 C. Kulli , T. Kocher , M. Schäfer 1 Dept. of Surgery, County Hospital of Bülach, Switzerland, 2 Dept. of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 3 Swiss Association for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery, Aarberg, Switzerland Conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy: the swiss experience Aims: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has almost completely replaced open cholecystectomy (OC) for treating symptomatic gallstone disease and acute cholecystitis. The main goal of this study was to investigate the incidence and reasons of conversion from LC to OC in the laparoscopic era beyond the learning curve in Switzerland. Methods: The Swiss Association for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery prospectively collected the data of all patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy between 1995 and 2002. This database was investigated with special regard to patients that needed conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy. Results: There were 25’071 patients (sex ratio male/female 0.46, mean age 55.1 yrs) with symptomatic cholecystolithiasis (SCCL), 5’289 patients (sex ratio male/female 0.84, mean age 58.8 yrs) with acute cholecystitis (AC) and 679 patients (sex ratio male/female 0.81, mean age 66.1 yrs) with gallbladder empyema (EMP). The overall conversion rates for SCCL, AC and EMP were 6.4%, 15.9% and 36.4%, respectively. Conversion was mainly caused by the inability to correctly identify anatomical structures in the triangle of Calot (46%53%), the occurrence of intraoperative complications (15%-23%), and planned conversions (16%-25%). The conversion rates for all subgroups significantly declined from 1995 to 2002 (SCCL 7.9% to 4.4%, AC 20.5% to 10.8%, EMP 43% to 29.1%). In particular, the number of planned conversion decreased, while the surgeon’s experience increased. The mean hospital stay decreased for SCCL, AC and EMP from 7.2d to 5.6d, 9.4d to 7.1d, and 11.1d to 9.8d, respectively. While the incidence of bile duct injuries for SCCL remained unchanged (0.22%), there was a significant decrease for AC from 0.43% to 0.19%. The mortality for all patients with conversion was 0.1%. Conclusions: Although LC has been introduced almost 15 years ago, there is still a learning curve that influences the treatment results of symptomatic gallstone disease and acute cholecystitis. This is probably related to the increasing surgical experience which has been achieved in non-specialized centers for laparoscopic surgery. The conversion rate was closely related to the surgical experience. 10.35 I. Opitz 1, W. Gantert 2, UF. Giger 1, L. Krähenbühl 1 1 Cantonal Hospital Fribourg, 2St. Anna Hospital Lucerne Intra-and postoperative complications after laparoscopic surgery in Switzerland - a multipleregression analysis of the SALTS prospective data base Introduction: The aim of the underlying study was to evaluate intra- and postoperative complications of different laparoscopic procedures in a nationwide prospective multicenter study in Switzerland for a time period of 1995-2001 after the initial learning curve. Material and Methodes: Since 1989, SALTS has prospectiveley collected data from patients undergoing laparoscopic or thoracoscopic surgery at 108 surgical institutions (university, county and district hospitals, private practice). More than 130 items, including indication for surgery, intraoperative course, local as well as general complication and mortality and follow-up were recorded on a computerized data-sheet. Results: For the time period 45.000 procedures ( 52% cholecystectomy, 18% groin hernia repair, 12% appendectomy, 4% colorectal resection, 14% others) were evaluated and analysed. In 0.05% of the whole patient group local morbidity occurred, whereas 3.3% developed general postoperative complications. The mortality rate was 0.2%. A multiple logistic regression anaylsis was performed in order to identify the following predictors for the incidence of intra- and postoperative complications: age, BMI, sex, ASA-classification, indication of the operation, intraoperative technical problems, the operator`s experience, the duration of the operation, the fact of conversion. Additionally, a trend-analysis of the complication rate over the time period of 1995-2001 was performed. Conclusion: Age, the fact of conversion and the indication of operation were independently predicting factors for complication. Although laparoscopic procedures for these indications occur nowadays quite often, the rate of complications is still substantial. These results demonstrate that collection of data in form of a multicenter-study is essential for quality control. It permits to visualize and to understand the current problems in laparoscopic surgery in order to improve the quality of daily surgical practice and nationwide teaching. 10.36 P. Bisang, T. Clerici, J. Lange Klinik für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital St. Gallen Langzeitresultate der videoendoskopischen Oesophago-Diverticulostomie beim Zenkerschen Divertikel Einleitung: Seit der Einführung von Videoendoskopen und endoskopischen Staplern 1993 wird der transorale Zugang zum Zenkerschen Divertikel zunehmend angewandt. Die Langzeitresultate der transoralen, videoendoskopischen Stapler-Oesophagodiverticulostomie (ESD) sind jedoch noch unklar. Methoden: Wir führten eine retrospektive Untersuchung an 37 konsekutiven Patienten durch, die zwischen 1996 und 2003 an einem einzelnen Zentrum am Zenkerschen 26 swiss knife 2004; special edition Divertikel operiert wurden. Bei den 20 ESD, 11 offenen Operationen und 6 Konversionen interessierte insbesondere die Zufriedenheitsrate im Langzeitverlauf. Resultate: Nach einem medianen Follow-up von 59 Monaten waren 80% der Patienten nach ESD und 94% nach offener Operation zufrieden und hatten keine oder minimale Symptome. Nach ESD wurden 3 Patienten (15%) aufgrund eines Rezidivs reoperiert, nach offener Operation sahen wir im Langzeitverlauf 1 Rezidiv (6%). Die Morbidität war in der endoskopischen Gruppe mit 7.7% kleiner als in der offenen Gruppe mit 17.7%. Die perioperative Gesamt-Mortalität war 2.7% (n=1, kein direkter Zusammenhang mit der Operation). Operations- und Hospitalisationsdauer waren für die ESD deutlich kürzer (28 vs. 74 min; 5.5 vs. 9.6 Tage). Divertikel von 2 cm Grösse und kleiner führten immer zu einer Konversion. Diskussion: Die ESD wies in unserem Kollektiv deutlich kürzere Hospitalisations- und Operationszeiten und weniger Komplikationen auf als die offene Operation. Die Rezidivrate war allerdings höher. Der Vorteil der geringeren Invasivität überwiegt in diesem bei uns durchschnittlich knapp 70jährigen Patientengut. Mit 80% ist die Zufriedenheitsrate im Langzeitverlauf nach einmaliger ESD als gut zu bezeichnen, wobei mit zunehmender Erfahrung mit dieser relativ neuen Operationstechnik mit einer weiteren Verbesserung zu rechnen ist und die ESD eine wiederholbare Methode darstellt. Sie ist bei uns deshalb Therapie der Wahl, allerdings nur bei Divertikeln über 2 cm, da ansonsten zu häufig konvertiert werden muss. 10.37 B. Wölnerhanssen1, B. Kern1, T. Peters 2, C. Ackermann1, MO. Guenin1, M. von Flüe1, R. Peterli 1 1 Surgical Clinic, St.Claraspital Basel, 2 Interdisciplinary Center of Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases, St.Claraspital Basel Reduction of slippage-rate with new 11cm lapband and change of gastric banding technique Background: Slippage describes a typical complication after Gastric Banding: dislocation of the band with herniation of the stomach and consecutive pouch enlargement. With the perigastric technique for Gastric Banding slippages occur in 2-18%. We investigated the slippage-rate prior and after the introduction of the pars flaccida technique and the new 11 cm LapBand and the long term results of the re-operated patients. Methods: Between 12/96 and 2/04 a total of 360 patients with a mean BMI of 44 kg/m2 were operated: group A (n=168, mean follow-up 65 months) in perigastric technique with the 9.75cm LapBand; group B (n=15, 44 months) in pars flaccida technique with the 9.75cm LapBand; group C (n=177, 21 months) with the new 11cm LapBand. Follow-uprate was 97%. Prospective series. Results: In group A, a total of 28 (17%) slippages occurred, in group B one (7%) and two (1%) in group C. The average yearly re-operation rate for slippage in the first 3 years postop was 3.8% in group A, 2.2% in group B, and 1.2% in group C. 19 patients showed a dorsal slippage (counter clockwise rotation of the band, herniation of dorsal fundus), suffering either from food intolerance (68%), reflux (16%) or both (11%) or insufficient satiety (5%). They were all laparoscopically re-banded after a median of 12 (3-60) months. 12 patients needed rebanding after a median of 18 (8-38) months for lateral slippage (clockwise rotation of the band, herniation of antero-lateral fundus) that had suffered from food intolerance (67%), reflux (25%) or both (8%). The late postoperative course was independent of the type of slippage: uneventful in 52% of the patients after re-banding, weight regain could be seen in 35% and/or esophageal motility disorder in 23%, secondary band intolerance in 20%, and once a persistent dorsal slippage. 8 patients (26%) needed bilio-pancreatic diversion type duodenal switch. Conclusion: Since the introduction of the pars flaccida technique and the new 11cm LapBandâ we observed a significant reduction of slippages. Patients after re-banding had a less favorable long term result compared to patients after LapBand alone. 10.38 A. Lechleiter, JM. Heinicke, B. Egger, D. Candinas Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie Inselspital Bern Conversion of vertical banded gastroplasty to roux-y gastric bypass introduction and objective: Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) as a treatment for morbid obesity has shown a high failure rate necessitating conversion to Roux-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) which is a technically challenging operation. The purpose of this study is to review the main reasons for, the safety of and the outcome after conversion. Methods: In this study 19 consecutive conversions of VBG to RYGB performed in a single university institution since 1999 were followed up with prospective data collection. Results: At the time of VBG the 19 patients reported had a median age of 42 years (18-59) and a median initial BMI of 49.2 kg/m2 (40.0-61.7). The median interval between VBG and conversion to RYGB was 36 months (10-74). In 13 cases the reason for reoperation was a disruption of the stapler line associated with a secondary gain of weight. In 7 cases the operation had to be performed due to a symptomatic stenosis of the mesh band, which was associated with band erosion in one of them. Two patients were reoperated because of unsatisfactory weight loss with no technical problem found. At the time of conversion the median BMI was 41.6 kg/m2 (30.1-49.3). The technique used was a distal Roux-Y gastric bypass with a side-to-side-gastroenterostomy and a short common channel of 150 cm (median operating time 360 min). The median hospitalisation time was 14 days (8-29). Two reoperations were necessary (1 intraabdominal abscess, 1 leak at the gastroenterostomy). The actual median follow-up time is 23 months (1-62). The 14 patients with a follow-up of at least 1 year lost a mean of 4.8 BMI points (0.5-16.4) following conversion. The 11 patients presenting a BMI of >40 kg/m2 at the time of conversion lost a mean of 6.7 BMI points (0.5-16.4, median BMI 34.9 kg/m2 versus 43.0). Conclusion: This study suggests that the high failure rate of VGB is mainly due to mechanical problems. Conversion of VBG to RYGB seems to bear an acceptable complication rate and a satisfactory outcome with regard to weight loss, and thus should be performed in patients with failed VBG. 10.39 D. Azagury, A. Modaressi, A. Scheiwiller, G. Chassot, A. Carecchio, Ph. Morel, O. Huber Clinique de Chirurgie Viscérale, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Upper digestive symptoms before and after roux-en-y gastric bypass Aims: Determine: 1) the frequency of dysphagia, regurgitations, and anastomotic ulcers after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB); 2) the prevalence of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) in morbidly obese patients and 3) the efficacy of RYGB on GERD symptoms. Methods: During follow-up, our patients were regularly screened for post-operative dysphagia, regurgitations and anastomotic ulcers. A GERD screening questionnaire was sent to every patient. If GERD was suspected, patients were re-evaluated. The severity of pre- and post-operative symptoms was measured by a 0-10 visual analogical scale (VAS). Symptom frequency and drug intake were determined. Results: By December 2002, 295 patients had more than 6 months follow-up. Dysphagia: 16 patients (5.4%) had mild, 4 had moderate (1.4 %) and 1 had severe postoperative dysphagia (requiring a dilatation). Regurgitations: Present in more than 50 % of patients after 3 months, persisting in 12 cases only (4%) after one year. Anastomotic ulcer: Confirmed in one case and suspected but not proven in another. Preoperative GERD: 242 screening questionnaires were analysed. From 117 patients suspected of GERD and investigated further, the diagnosis was confirmed in 59 (24 %). Postoperative GERD: 50 of the 59 patients became symptom free (85%); 8 (14%) only had negligible symptoms remaining (VAS ≤ 2); one patient did not improve and one developed new minor symptoms. The mean VAS score dropped from 6.66 to 0.35. Out of 51 patients taking proton pump inhibitors preoperatively, only 2 still take them regularly and another one very occasionally. Conclusions: One fourth of morbidly obese patients suffer from significant GERD. Besides being an excellent bariatric operation, RYGB is very effective on GERD symptoms. Furthermore, the rate of upper digestive “complications” is low and their clinical impact minimal. Penetrating abdominal stab wounds: a six year, single centre retrospective study and establishment of a treatment algorithm Introduction: Penetrating abdominal injuries are rising in incidence in most European countries. Classical surgical management has been mandatory laparotomy, but the advent of keyhole surgery and recent publications of a more conservative approach may be changing attitudes. Material and Method: we present a six year (1998-2003) retrospective study of 50 consecutive cases of penetrating abdominal wounds, caused by knife injury, admitted to our hospital’s emergency department. All cases were reviewed on medical files. Results: 50 patients of mean age 30.7 (16-66) with a female:male ratio of 1:7.3. There were 8 suicides for 42 aggressions. All but six patients underwent general anaesthesia and surgery. Of the 44 surgical cases there were 7 blank laparotomies and 6 blank laparoscopies, (13/44, 29.5%) There were no deaths. Discussion: The retrospective analysis of the 50 cases, with particular attention to the almost 30% of unnecessary surgeries have led to the establishment of a treatment algorithm which we present here and hope to apply in a controlled study in our centre in the years to come. 11.03 PM. Lenzlinger, R. Stärkle, H. Büchel, GA. Melcher Chirurgie, Spital Uster Outcome following plate-osteosynthesis of comminuted intraarticular distal radius fractures Introduction: The treatment of complex distal radius fractures remains a challenge. At our institution these fractures are treated with open reduction and plate fixation through a volar approach and, if necessary, a cancellous bone graft (CBG) and/or an additional dorsal plate. Here, we report the prospective follow-up of 50 patients operated for complex intraarticular radius fractures (AO23-C3) during a five-year period from 1998 to 2002. Materials and methods: Between January 1998 and December 2002 we treated 60 patients (m:w = 24:36, 54+/-13 yrs.) with 61 distal multifragmentary intraarticular fractures of the radius (AO 23-C3) with volar plate osteosynthesis. In 2001 the angular stable 2,4/2,7 mm T-Radiusplate became available and replaced the 3,5 mm T-Plate as the volar implant. Additional dorsal implants or CBG were used, as considered necessary by the surgeon. We clinically examined 51 fractures 6 to 44 months (20+/-11) postoperatively. Ten patients were lost to follow-up or declined participation. Outcome was measured subjectively as well as objectively using a modified Garland-score. Results: Twenty-six fractures were stabilized by a conventional 3,5 mm T-Plate (conv. group = C) and 25 by an angular stable implant (angular stable group = A). Main results are shown in the table below: Group N Dorsal plate CBG 2° dislocation Outcome A (anglular stable) 25 C (conventional) 26 48%* 77%* 44% 62% 8% 27% *Fisher’s exact test p < 0.05 (Garland good or better) 11.01 11 V. Quarz, D. Ludin, S. Styger, C. Wullschleger, P. Regazzoni, T. Gross Trauma Unit, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland Proximal humerus fractures in elderly: claim and reality of an anatomical fixation system with angular stability (PHILOS) Introduction: In view of the increasing number of proximal humerus fractures particularly in elderly, the optimal treatment for displaced and unstable fracture types presents a challenge for the trauma surgeon. The use of new locking plate systems promises more stability of fracture fixation especially in the osteoporotic bone. Methods: Prospective one year follow up of all patients undergoing reconstructive surgery with the PHILOS-plate +/- Ticron tension bending at our department. Complications, joint-(ConstantScore) and daily function (Dash-Score), personal satisfaction and radiological course were documented. Results: 86% of the 90 patients who passed already one year after the operation could be examined. 43 patients were over 70 years old (mean age 81.3 years). According to the Neer classification 2-part-fractures were found in 30 %, 3- and 4-part-fractures in 35% each. Patients mean satisfaction was 1.65 on the visual analogue scale (VAS, 1=absolutely content, 10=totaly discontent). 84% of patients stated no or only slight impairment for activities of daily living. The mean Constant-Score of the operated shoulder was 61 points (85% of the contralateral side). The mean DASH-Score was 25 points (0-100, 0=no impairment). In comparison to the 34 patients who were <=70 years old (mean age 56 years) there was no relevant difference in the Constant-Score (83% of opposite side), the DASH-Score (mean 21.6 points) or satisfaction (mean VAS 2.0; unpaired t-test). 5 patients (11.6%) had to undergo implant removal +/- subacromial decompression due to a complication: 2 impingements, 2 intraarticular screw protrusions, 1 osteonecrosis of the humeral head. The problem resolved in 2 cases (4.7%) completely, in other 2 cases partially. Conclusions: Anatomical angular stabilised implants offer a major step forward in the therapy of osteoporotic fractures. Our results demonstrate that one year after fracture fixation with the PHILOS over 80% of the treated elderly are free of complaints or impairment. Even in severe fractures of the proximal humerus older age per se is by no means a contraindication to joint preserving surgery. 11.02 M. Chilcott, PH. Morel Clinique de Chirurgie Viscérale, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève 88% 73% Morbus Sudeck was observed in 1 case of group A and suspected and treated accordingly in additional two cases (one each in groups A and C). Conclusions: Volar plate fixation of comminuted intraarticular distal radius fractures is a good and safe treatment modality. Dislocated dorsal fragments often require additional dorsal implants; in cases of metaphyseal impaction CBG may be used. However, with the new angular stable volar plate these two procedures are considerably less frequently necessary. Thus, these plates afford equal or better results (clinical outcome and secondary dislocation) while often requiring a less invasive procedure. 11.04 C. Buchli1, M. Wullschleger1, J. van den Brand2, C. Sommer1 1 Departement Chirurgie, Kantonsspital, Spitäler Chur AG 2 Department of General Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands Experience with routine monitoring of intracompartmental pressure and selective fasciotomy in minimal invasive osteosynthesis of tibial fractures Introduction: Minimal invasive osteosynthesis procedures of the tibial shaft seem to cause more acute compartment syndromes (ACS). Therefore we analysed the incidence of ACS, relevance of preoperative clinical examination and the effectiveness of selective fasciotomy after monitoring of intracompartmental pressure (ICP) in a prospective study. Patients and Methods: Consecutive patients with fractures of the tibia shaft (AO 42) or head (AO 41) with shaft involvement that needed direct operative treatment were included. Pathological and grade IIIc open fractures were excluded. Clinical assessment of ACS was done and registered in the emergency room. At the start of operation ICP was measured in all four compartments with a 20-G needle connected to a pressure transducer. After osteosynthesis a clinical reassessment was performed and ICP was measured again. Indications for fasciotomy were ICP over 40mmHg or intracompartmental perfusion pressure (IPP= mean arterial pressure - ICP) below 40mmHg. Selected subcutaneous decompression of affected compartment(s) was performed. Again measurements were repeated. If decrease of ICP was insufficient we converted to open fasciotomy. Postoperative repetitive clinical assessments were done initially every two hours and after 6 weeks. Results: 47 patients were analyzed. 8 of them had open fractures. 21 nailing procedures, 14 minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis and 12 external fixations were performed. 12 of 47 patients had fasciotomy according to the protocol, one patient redeveloped ACS after selec- swiss knife 2004; special edition 27 tive anterior fasciotomy. Two patients that required fasciotomy the next day. 6 of the 14 patients that had fasciotomy showed no signs of ACS at admission. Conclusion: We found a high incidence of elevated ICP in this group. Almost half of the patients with imminent ACS were not under suspicion at admission demonstrating the rate of developing ACS during the delay from admission to the OR. Selective fasciotomy can be performed savely if ICP is measured during surgery and it avoids unnecessary surgical trauma. However close postoperative reassessment is important to detect delayed ACS. 11.05 C. Fusetti 1, PA. Poletti 2, T. Glauser 1, DR. Della Santa 1, S. Bianchi 2 1 Unité de Chirurgie de la Main, HCU Genève, 2Département de Radiologie, HCU Genève Diagnosis of occult scaphoid fracture with high-spatial-resolution sonography: a prospective blind study Aim: The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. Up to 25% of these fractures remain initially occult, representing a challenging diagnosis on the basis of unspecific clinical signs and equivocal conventional radiographs. CT-Scan and MRI are high reliable diagnostic modalities but they share some limitations in terms of availability and costs. The aim of this prospective blind study was to determine the diagnostic accurancy of high-spatial-resolution sonography ( HSR-S) in the diagnosis of occult fractures of the scaphoid. Material and Methode: HSR-S of the scaphoid bone was performed in 24 consecutive patients with clinically suspected scaphoid fracture and normal initial radiographs. Three levels of clinical suspicion were considered: high (10), moderate (8), and low (6). US was performed within 24 hours by one experienced radiologist, blinded to the results of the clinically examination. US appearance was graded on three levels ( low = 16, moderate = 3 patients, high= 5 patients) on the basis of cortical discontinuity, articular effusion and soft tissue hematoma. Data from early sonograms were then compared with CT tomogram. Results: CT-Scan examinations proved fracture of the scaphoid in 5 patients (21%). In all patients, fracture was suspected on sonograms showing cortical disruption associated with local effusion. There was 3 sonographic uncertain findings and no false-negative results. The global sensitivity was 100% , the specificity 74%, the positive predictive value ( PPV) 50% and the negative predictive value( NPV) 100%. An high US index of suspicion was correlated with 100% of sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV. Conclusion: HSR-S appears to be a reliable, available and cost-effective method for infirming occult fractures of the scaphoid. In absence of cortical disruption and periscaphoidal effusion we don’t advocate others diagnostic tools. An high index of sonographic suspicion should lead to MRI or CT-Scan to depict the extent and the direction of the fracture for a minimally invasive surgery. 11.06 RF. Staerkle 1, PM. Lenzlinger 1, SL. Suter 2, Z. Varga 3, GA. Melcher 1 1 Department of Surgery, Spital Uster, Uster, Switzerland, 2 Endocrine Practice, Maennedorf, Switzerland, 3 Institute of Clinical Pathology, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Synchronous bilateral ductal carcinoma in situ associated with gynecomastia in a 30 year old patient following repeated injections of stanozolol: a case report Breast cancer in males is very rare (0.5% of all malignant breast disease). Only about 5% of all male breast carcinomas are pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). A literature search using “male” AND “DCIS” produced only one published case of a synchronous bilateral DCIS in a male. We report here a case of synchronous bilateral DCIS in a patient treated for gynecomastia following repeated injections of stanozolol, a non-aromatizeable androgen. A 30 year old male body builder was admitted to our department for subcutaneous mastectomy for bilateral gynecomastia. The patient reported an abuse of stanozolol during three months, one year prior to developing the gynecomastia. The familial medical history was negative for breast cancer. Work-up of serum hormone levels was normal. Histological examination of the resected tissue showed a bilateral and multifocal DCIS and resection margins were not found to be disease-free. There are no published guidelines for the treatment of such a particular case. A multidisciplinary panel decided to perform a modified radical mastectomy without axilla dissection, since there was no invasive carcinoma. The patient underwent the second surgery 5 weeks following the primary procedure. The final histological examination showed no more DCIS nor invasive carcinoma. Therefore no adjuvant therapy was indicated. Only two larger series of pure DCIS in men are reported. It occurs at an older age and displays significantly different morphologic subtypes compared to female disease. This case is insofar extraordinary as the patient was only 30 years of age at presentation for surgery and the synchronous occurrence of bilateral DCIS in a male has only been reported once before. Only limited data exists regarding risk factors, which may include a positive familial history for female breast cancer, low levels of androgens, and high levels of estrogen. Stanozolol is generally not believed to exert pro-estrogenic effects. However, one experimental study provides indirect evidence that this compound may stimulate peripheral estrogen receptors. Therefore, its possible role in promoting male breast disease remains to be elucidated. 11.07 L. Mathys, G. Mark Chirurgie Kantonsspital Chur Resultate nach konservativer Therapie ligamentärer Handgelenksverletzungen 28 swiss knife 2004; special edition Einleitung: Ligamentäre Verletzungen im Handgelenksbereich haben einen beträchtlichen Einfluss auf die Funktion und Prognose bezüglich des Gebrauches der Hand des Patienten im Alltag und Berufsleben. Goldstandart zu deren Nachweis ist die Arthroskopie, mit folgender arthroskopischer oder offener Bandrekonstruktion. Diesem Konzept wollen wir unsere rein konservative Methode gegenüberstellen. Material und Methode: Nach Ausschluss einer ossären Läsion mittels konventioneller Radiologie wurden unsere Patienten mit einem MRI abgeklärt, bei Vorliegen von rein ligamentären Verletzungen wurde das Handgelenk für 5 bis 6 Wochen mittels NaviculareSarmientogips ruhiggestellt, mit anschliessender ergotherapeutisch begleiteter Mobilisation. Ein Jahr nach Behandlungsabschluss kontrollierten wir die Patienten nach, schwerpunktmässig bezüglich subjektivem Empfinden und Reintegration in den Arbeitsprozess. Resultate: 14 Patienten (Läsionen des TFCC und/oder radioulnarer resp. scapholunärer Bandläsion) mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 38 Jahren wurden nachkontrolliert. 10 mal war die dominante Hand betroffen, subjektiv war das Resultat 8 mal sehr gut, 3 mal zufriedenstellend und 3 mal mässig. 12 Patienten gingen wieder zu 100% ihrer ursprünglichen Arbeit nach, 2 mussten einen Arbeitswechsel vornehmen. Die mittlere Dauer von der Erstkonsultation bis zur vollen Arbeitsfähigkeit betrug 4 Monate. Diskussion: Unsere Resultate zeigen, dass auch eine konservative Behandlung der rein ligamentären Verletzungen des Handgelenkes zu einem guten Resultat führt. Weitere, vergleichende Studien zur Therapieplanung und allenfalls Stratifizierung je nach Ausmass der Verletzung sind angezeigt. Der Einfluss auf die Arbeitsunfähigkeit der Patienten ist dabei nicht unerheblich. 11.08 A. Sermier1, Ph. Morel1, PH. Gygax2, GA. Lupi2, H. Bürgi 2 1 Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, 2 Académie suisse intégrée de médecine militaire et de catastrophe Projet académie suisse intégrée de médecine militaire et de catastrophe Introduction: Le projet d’académie suisse intégrée de médecine militaire et de catastrophe (ASIMC) est novateur et réunit dans un même effort la médecine civile, militaire et humanitaire suisse. Objectifs: Afin d’augmenter le recrutement des médecins engagés dans l’armée, la protection civile et l’aide humanitaire suisse, les offices concernés de l’administration fédérale et des cantons unissent leurs efforts dans le projet ASIMC. L’ASIMC a pour but de compléter la formation des médecins et autres professionnels de la santé disposés à s’engager dans le Service sanitaire coordonné et l’aide humanitaire suisse. Organisation: L’ASIMC réunit un réseau interdépartemental (départements fédéraux de la défense, de la protection de la population et des sports, des affaires étrangères et de l’intérieur), un réseau intercantonal (départements cantonaux de la sécurité militaire et civile, de la santé) et interassociatif [Commission interfacultaire médicale suisse (CIMS), Swiss Medical Rescue and Emergency Conference (SMEDREC), Fédération des Médecins Helvétiques (FMH) et Hôpitaux suisses (H+)]. Participent également à l’ASIMC plusieurs organisations partenaires, telles le Corps Suisse d’aide humanitaire (CSA), la Croix-Rouge Suisse, les hautes écoles fédérales et les hôpitaux universitaires avec une distribution des spécificités par centre (Lausanne : médecine de catastrophe, Berne : infectiologie, Bâle : anesthésie et réanimation, Zürich : psychiatrie de guerre, Genève : chirurgie de guerre). Activités: Formation pré- et post graduée (cours, stages hospitaliers et recherche scientifique), création d’un modèle d’avancement pour les étudiants en médecine compatible avec le calendrier universitaire ainsi que des engagements en cas de crise ou de catastrophe. 11.09 R. Schröder, P. Rupp, R. Soyka, P. Henning, H. Zimmermann Emergency and Trauma Unit, University Hospital of Berne, Switzerland Implementing a whole-body multi-slice CT in the initial management of polytraumatized patients – do we improve time? Purpose: To evaluate the use of a whole-body fast 8- and 16-slice CT in the diagnostic workup of polytraumatized patients in order to shorten the duration for diagnostic evaluations. Methodes: In a first evaluation phase we collected data from trauma patients who underwent whole body CT scanning from August 2002 until June 2003 (8-slice CT, located 130 meters away from the ER). Further access to an elevator was necessary. Initially, standard treatment guidelines using ATLS was conducted which included conventional x-rays and a FAST followed by CT scanning. In June 2003 we started to use a faster 16-slice CT located closer to the ER (65 m) without requiring an elevator. Standard ATLS guidelines were also followed. From March 2004 we will further modify our diagnostic approach. Results: During the first evaluation 93 consecutive patients could be included, the median time from patients arrival in the ER until commencement of the CT was 30 minutes. The duration of CT scanning itself took an average of 53 minutes which included transport time. Using the new 16 slice CT (73 patients included until now) resulted in a patient turning maneuver after imaging head and c-spine in order to get more adaequate images from the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The median time until CT commencement could significantly be reduced to 25 minutes (p=0.012), and the length of CT imaging to 45 minutes (p=0.009). There was also a 63% reduction seen in the sum of all conventional x-rays of the trunk performed before whole-body CT scanning. In particular, c-spine imaging was reduced by 87%. Conclusions: These early results demonstrate that implementing a faster multislice CT, shortening the duration of transportation and reducing the number of conventional x-rays adae- quately reduced time for diagnostic workup in trauma patients. However, the expected improvement in time by using a faster CT was partially negated by the need to turn the patient on the CT table in order to get higher quality images. A further assessment of whether additional modifications of the diagnostic approach is necessary to shorten the duration of diagnostic workup with subsequent clinical improvement remains to be seen. 11.10 N. Class, C. Köchli, I. Schwegler, R. Schlüchter, R. Schlumpf Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Aarau trouve pas d’étiologie primaire dans 29% des cas. Les nodules de SMJ représentent 30% des tumeurs ombilicales. Dans 90% de ces cas, il s’agit d’un adénocarcinome. Macroscopiquement, le nodule est ferme, d’aspect érythémateux et peut s’ulcérer. Microscopiquement, le dépôt tumoral peut être localisé au niveau du derme, du tissu sous-cutané ou du péritoine. La ponction à l’aiguille fine pose le diagnostic, et le bilan d’extension est pratiqué au moyen d’un CT-Scanner thoraco-abdomino-pelvien. Le pronostic est sombre car la tumeur est habituellement associée à un cancer intrapéritonéal métastatique avancé. 11.13 Necrotizing fasciitis of upper extremity and chest wall Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rapidly progressive soft tissue infection characterized by extensive necrosis of the superficial fascia, cutis and subcutaneous tissue with thrombosis of the small vessels. The disease is mainly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes or synergistic infection of anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria. The paucity of cutaneous findings early in the course of the disease makes the diagnosis difficult, but the progression of the NF is often fulminant, and the prognosis hinges on accurate diagnosis and immediate institution of appropriate treatment. The patients usually present in a reduced condition and with the triad of exquisite pain, swelling and fever. It is a lifethreatening infection with a lethality ranging up to 80%. We present four cases of NF of the upper limb and the chest wall: two occuring after bursitis olecrani, one after intra-articular injection of the shoulder and one with infection of the axilla without apparent trauma.The male patients were between 40 and 73 years old. In either case preoperative C-reactive protein was substantially raised (>260mg/L).In 2 patients the bacterial cultures showed group A beta-haemolytic streptococci and in 2 cases Staphylococcus aureus was isolated. The antibiotic treatment did take place with Rocephin or Dalacin/Penicillin respectively with Floxapen. All four patients survived. In three cases infection could be controled by radical surgical debridement. In one case a interscapulothoracic amputation (fore quater amputation) was performed to contain the infection. Finally all the wounds were covered with a skin graft. Prompt radical surgical debridement and postoperative intensive care along with appropriate antimicrobial treatment represent the corner-stones of therapy. Though a high index of suspicion is important in view of the paucity of specific cutaneous findings early in the cours of the disease. M. Seifert Chirurgische Abteilung Kant. Spital Wattwil 11.11 Syndrome de bouveret: complication rare de la maladie lithiasique Définition: L’obstruction gastrique par lithiase biliaire au niveau du duodénum ou du pylore (Syndrome de Bouveret) est une complication rare de la maladie lithiasique, environ 300 cas ont été rapportés dans la littérature depuis sa description en 1896. Cas clinique: Un homme de 73 ans s’est présenté aux urgences en raison de vomissements incoercibles depuis 2 jours associés à une perte pondérale de 4kg en quelques jours. L’abdomen était souple, sans péritonisme. L’ultrasonographie abdominale et la tomodensitométrie abdominale ont montré un épaississement localisé du duodénum occasionnant une sténose, avec une image compatible avec un calcul au niveau du pylore ainsi qu’une aérobilie. La gastroscopie a montré un œdème de la muqueuse du duodénum à l’origine de la sténose et a permis d’extraire un calcul biliaire de 3x2 cm. La fistule cholecysto-duodénale n’a pas pu être visualisé en raison de l’œdème. Les suites ont été simples avec disparition de la symptomatologie digestive. Discussion: Le syndrome de Bouveret est une forme rare (2%) d’iléus biliaire, caractérisé par sa localisation pylorique ou duodénale après migration du calcul par une fistule cholécysto-duodénale ou gastrique. La symptomatologie d’appel est souvent aspécifique et inclus des nausées, vomissements, épigastralgies et des antécédents de coliques biliaires. Il est plus fréquent chez la femme (65%) âgée (70-80 ans). La gastroscopie confirme dans la majorité des cas le diagnostic. Son traitement consiste en l’extraction du calcul soit par voie endoscopique, soit par voie chirurgicale, voire sa fragmentation par lithotripsie extra ou intra-corporelle. Conclusion: L’extraction endoscopique du calcul peut être considérée comme traitement définitif en l’absence de calculs vésiculaires résiduels. En cas d’échec ou de lithiase résiduelle, le traitement est chirurgical avec extraction du calcul par duodénotomie, cholecystectomie avec fermeture de la fistule. Dans certains cas, une simple entérotomie avec extraction du calcul peut être envisagé chez des patients à risque. D. Gianom, A. Vollenweider Chirurgische Klinik, Kreisspital Männedorf, Männedorf Stabilisation von proximalen Humerusfrakturen mit einem neuen winkelstabilen Verriegelungsnagelsystem (Targon PH) Die operative Versorgung von proximalen Humerusfrakturen ist nach wie vor Gegenstand von Diskussionen bezüglich dem geeignesten Fixationsverfahren. Mit den meisten Verfahren erreicht man keine Rotationsstabilität des Humeruskopfes, wodurch einerseits eine funktionelle Behandlung schwierig ist und andererseits die Gefahr eines sekundären Repositionsverlustes besteht. Targon PH ist ein winkelstabiles Verriegelungsnagelsystem, bei dem die Verriegelungsschrauben im Humeruskopf winkel- und gleitstabil im Nagel verankert sind. Durch entsprechende Positionierung der Schraubenlöcher können die Tubercula mitgefasst werden. Der Nagel erlaubt einerseits eine minimal invasive Osteosynthese, andererseits erfolgt eine rigide Fixation der Kopffragmente als Voraussetzung für eine funktionelle Nachbehandlung. Der Targon Nail ist seit Oktober 2003 an unserer Klinik im Einsatz. Seither haben wir 8 Patienten operiert. Wir stellen das Implantat und die Operationstechnik vor und berichten über die kurzfristigen klinischen Resultate. Der Targon Nail ist nicht die Lösung aller Probleme bei Humeruskopffrakturen, stellt jedoch bei Beachtung der Indikationen eine wertvolle Bereicherung der chirurgischen Optionen bei diesen Problemfrakturen dar. 11.12 X. Delgadillo, M. Gonzalez, M. Merlini Hôpital de La Chaux de Fonds Le nodule de soeur Mary Joseph Cas clinique: Il s’agit d’une patiente de 59 ans qui présente depuis 3 semaines, l’apparition d’un nodule ferme et indolore au niveau de l’ombilic, associé à une baisse de l’état général. Le status révèle une palpation sensible en région épigastrique. Un US abdominal confirme l’absence de hernie ombilicale. Un CT-Scanner abdomino-pelvien montre une masse tumorale infiltrante au niveau du corps et de la queue du pancréas en contact direct avec l’estomac et le rein gauche. Une laparotomie exploratrice met en évidence une carcinose péritonéale étendue, et des biopsies pratiquées montrent un adénocarcinome du pancréas. Discussion: Le nodule de Sœur Mary-Joseph (SMJ) est la découverte d’une métastase ombilicale cutanée d’un cancer intrapéritonéal. Elle peut s’expliquer par une migration tumorale par voie veineuse, lymphatique ou par extension directe le long du ligament rond. Sœur Mary-Joseph Dempsey, infirmière assistante opératoire de William Mayo de 1890 à 1915, remarqua chez certains patients que les porteurs d’un cancer avancé présentaient à l’ombilic un nodule ferme et indolore. Les sites les plus fréquents à l’origine du nodule de SMJ sont l’estomac (26%), les ovaires (12%), le côlon (10%) et le pancréas (7%). On ne Appendicitis acuta duplex Fallbeschreibung: eine 35j. Patientin wird mit Verdachtsdiagnose einer akuten Appendizits laparaskopisch operiert. Eine normale gelegene entzündete und perforierte Appendix wird laparaskopisch entfernt. Wegen der Perfortion wurde eine Draingage eingelegt. Am 3. postoperativen Tag entleert sich daraus eitrige Flüssigkeit und die Patientin zeigt eine Unterbauchperitonitis. Es wird wieder laparaskopiert und wegen Unübersichtlichkeit eine Unterbauchlaparatomie durchgeführt. Wir finden nochmals eine Appendix am Coecum dorsalseitig, ebenfalls mit Entzündung und Perforation. Der weitere Verlauf war komplikationslos ausser einem Wundinfekt. Histologisch liegen zwei Befunde mit Appendizits mit Perforation vor. Diskussion: es existieren 4 Typen von doppelter Appendix nach Cave-Wallbridge. Differentialdiagnostisch abzugrenzen ist das Coeumdivertikel. An die Möglichkeit einer doppelten Appendix ist zu denken und eine genaue Inspektion durchzuführen. Auch Jahre später kann so ein appendektomierter Patient noch eine Appendizitis erleiden. Eine Appendicitis duplex ist ein sehr seltener Befund. 11.14 C. Haller 1, C. Guenot 2, JM. Bruttin 2 1 Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne, 2 Service de Chirurgie, Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte, Morges 11.15 K. Sprengel 1, B. Boldog 1, R. Flury 2, W. Schweizer 1 1 Kantonsspital Schaffhausen, Abteilung Chirurgie, 2 Kantonsspital Winterthur, Institut für Pathologie Papillomatose der intrahepatischen Gallenwege, ein seltenes Krankheitsbild Einleitung: Papilläre Veränderungen der intrahepatischen Gallenwege sind selten und reichen von einzelnen Tumoren bis zur diffusen Papillomatose. Obwohl es sich histologisch um semimaligne Tumore handelt, stellen sie mit Ihrem hohen Grad an Rezidivneigung, Mucinproduktion und maligner Entartung ein schwerwiegendes Krankheitsbild dar. Fallbericht: Wir berichten über eine 68-jährige Patientin, bei der wegen eines rechtsseitigen Lebertumors mit intrahepatischer Cholestase eine Leberresektion der Segmente V-VIII unter dem Verdacht eines Cholangiocarcinomes notwendig wurde. Postoperativ zeigte sich überraschend die histologische Diagnose einer multifokalen biliären Papillomatose mit fortgeschrittener Dysplasie. Bei der Rezidivoperation nach 9 Monaten wurde deutlich, dass eine kurative Sanierung bei diffusem Wachstum aussichtslos erschien, wobei die Histologie swiss knife 2004; special edition 29 inzwischen klar maligne Charakteristika zeigte. Für weitere 2 Jahre wurden wiederholt palliative Resektionen sowie Interventionen mittels ERCP-Stenting bei rezidivierendem Ikterus mit zufriedenstellender Lebensqualität durchgeführt, bis die Patientin bei Unmöglichkeit einer weiteren Intervention verstarb. Diskussion: Caroli beschrieb 1959 die seltenen papillomatösen Tumore der intrahepatischen Gallenwege. Bisher existieren nur wenige Fallberichte. 50% der Patienten sterben innerhalb der ersten 5 Jahre an Rezidiven mit Cholestase und Cholangitis. Die Therapie besteht, sofern aufgrund der Ausdehnung möglich, in einer Leberteilresektion mit oder ohne biliodigestiver Anastomose. Bei jungen Patienten kann eine Lebertransplantation in Betracht gezogen werden. Palliativ wurden in der Literatur die ERCP mit Stenteinlage, die Lasertherapie sowie die intraluminale Iridium-192 Brachytherapie genutzt. Schlussfolgerung: Die biliäre Papillomatose stellt eine seltene Differentialdiagnose bei einer intrahepatischen Raumforderung dar und ist aufgrund ihres semimalignen Verhaltens ein primär chirurgisch zu therapierendes Krankheitsbild. Bei fehlender oder unmöglicher kurativer Therapieoption kann durch rezidivierende Resekionen und endoskopische Interventionen eine gute Lebensqualität für einige Zeit erhalten werden. 11.16 M. Chilcott, I. Inan, PH. Morel Clinique de Chirurgie Viscérale, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève Unusual acute appendicitis: amyand’s hernia Introduction: Amyand’s hernia, first described in 1735 is a rare occurrence, consisting of acute appendicitis within an inguinal hernia sac and accounts for only 0.13 % of all acute appendicitis. This diagnosis, often established only at operation poses clinical and surgical problems to many a young surgeon. Material und Methode: Retrospective study by the authors on medical files and per-operative knowledge of all of the cases. Results: Six patients of mean age 87 years (69 -95) were all operated on with success. One male for five females. Four of the hernias were femoral and two inguinal, all on the right. Appendicectomy was practised in all cases and a Mc Vay herniorraphy was practised for femoral hernias and a Bassini technique for inguinal hernias. All but one case were discharged within one week. The last case died of cardiopulmonary complications on day 7. Discussion: We present, in poster form, the results of our six case series in a highly illustrated form with multiple peroperative photos, illustrating both the anatomo-pathological situation and the surgical techniques used. 11.17 PH. Füglistaler 1, F. Amsler 2, W. Ummenhofer 3, R. Hügli 2, P. Regazzoni 1, T. Gross 2 1 Abteilung Traumatologie, Universitätskliniken Kantonsspital Basel, 2Universitätskliniken Basel, CARCAS, 3Abteilung Anästhesie, Universitätskliniken Kantonsspital Basel Teamperformance im Schockraum-Management wie beurteilen wir unsere Arbeit und Ausbildung? Einleitung: Organisation und Kommunikation spielen eine entscheidende Rolle im interdisziplinären Management potentiell schwerverletzter Patienten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, durch eine Selbstbewertung der involvierten Mitarbeiter die Qualität des Schockraum Managements zu erfassen. Methode: Konsekutive anonyme schriftliche Befragung (Likert Skala 1-5) der involvierten klinischen Mitarbeiter aller traumatologischer Schockraumeinsätze in einem Universitätsspital zwischen 6/2002 und 12/2003 (p<0.05,ANOVA). Resultate: 884 Mitarbeiter beantworteten den standardisierten Fragebogen in 171 Schockraumeinsätzen (81% ISS>15): 25% Chirurgen, 20% Anästhesisten, 18% Radiologen, 16% Notfallpflegende und 21% übrige. Insgesamt zeigten sich 79% der Mitarbeiter zufrieden mit der Gesamtbehandlungsqualität (Likert 4-5), 7% unzufrieden (Likert 1-2) und 14% unentschieden. Nahezu alle befragten Aspekte des Schockraum-Managements wurden im Falle von polytraumatisierten Patienten (ISS>15) signifikant schlechter bewertet. In der detaillierten Analyse der einzelnen Teilbereiche wurden fachunabhängig Verantwortungsregelung (Likert 4.6) und Kommunikation im eigenen Fachgebiet (Likert 4.4) am besten beurteilt. Am meisten kritisiert wurden die Teilbereiche Zeitmanagement (Likert 3.8), eigene Ausbildung (Likert 3.9) und Abläufe im Gesamtteam (Likert 3.9). Während sich in der Analyse einzelner Teilbereiche z.T. signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Fachgebieten zeigten (z.B. eigene Ausbildung, Abläufe im Gesamtteam p<0.001), wurde die Gesamtbehandlungsqualität einheitlich beurteilt. Unter den involvierten Mitarbeitern befanden sich 21% Leitende Ärzte/Oberärzte (LA/OA) und 38% Assistenzärzte (AA). LA/OA stuften die eigene Ausbildung signifikant besser ein als AA (p<0.001). 2/3 aller LA/OA, aber nur 1/3 aller AA hatten eine ATLS-Ausbildung absolviert. Schlussfolgerung: Die standardisierte Mitarbeiterbefragung bietet ein kritisches und ergänzendes Messinstrumentarium zur Beurteilung der Behandlungsqualität im Notfallmanagement. Die von Beteiligten genannten Defizite in Ausbildung und interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit sollten objektiviert und korrigiert werden. 11.18 A. D’Ambrogio 1, T. McKee 2, R. Sahli 3, JC. Givel 1 1 Department of General Surgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, 2 Pathology Institute, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, 3 Department of Microbiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne 30 swiss knife 2004; special edition HPV Typisation of Condylomata Accuminata and Recurrent Disease Purpose: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection causes condylomata accuminata. HPV 6 and 11 are most frequently involved in the disease. Recurrence is classical but no HPV type has been shown to correlate with it. Aim of the Study: The aims were to assess whether a correlation exists between the HPV types and propensity to recur, as well as between HIV status and recurrence. Confirming these hypotheses would make systematic typisation mandatory, so that patients at risk could benefit from close follow-up. Methods: Between 1990 and 2001, 90 patients underwent surgery for anal condylomata accuminata. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for HPV typisation has been performed on lesions from 52 patients; two groups have been defined: with/without recurrence. The correlation between HPV type and clinical evolution has been studied. HIV status has also been considered. Results: Seven(13.4%) of 52 patients 3 of whom were HIV positive showed recurrent disease. Among the 45(86.6%) patients without recurrence, 17 were HIV positive. In the recurrent group, 16 lesions have been examined: 3(18,8%) were HPV type 6, 3(18.8%) HPV11, 1(6.2%) was HPV58, 1(6.2%) was positive for HPV but not typable and in 2(12.4%) no HPV was found; 6 (37.6%) lesions contained combined types of HPV. HPV type 11 was present in all of them. In the non-recurrent group, 45 lesions have been examined: 28(62.2%) were HPV type 6, 7(15.6%) HPV11, 1(2.2%) was HPV61, 1(2.2%) HPV66, 1(2.2%) was homologous to HPV2a, 1(2.2%) was homologous to HPV27 and in 3(6.7%) no HPV was found; 3 lesions contained combined types of HPV. HPV6 was present in all of them but HPV11 has never been found. Conclusions: There is no correlation between the inclination to recur and HIV status. No specific HPV type seems to directly correlate with the incidence of recurrence but presence of two or more HPV seems to be associated with increased recurrence risk. 11.19 C. Haller 1, C. Guenot 2, M. Gillet 3 1 Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne, 2Service de Chirurgie, Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte, Morges, 3Service de Chirurgie viscérale, CHUV, Lausanne Spontaneous splenic rupture: a rare complication of von Willebrand disease Definition: Von Willebrand disease is one of the most common inherited bleeding disorders. In this disease the von Willebrand factor is absent or present in a functionally abnormal form. Case report: A 60-year-old woman known to suffer from von Willebrand disease presented with complaints of sudden onset abdominal pain, diarrhoea and vomiting. Physical examination revealed that she was cold, clammy and shocked. The abdomen was slightly distended and was tender on the left side. Following resuscitation with crystalloids an blood, a CTScan was performed which showed free intraperitoneal blood and a splenic rupture grade IV. Factor VIII and von Willebrand factor replacement therapy was started. Selective angiography was performed with embolization of the splenic artery. The evolution at two years is favourable. Discussion: Spontaneous rupture of spleen is usually seen in cases of pathologically enlarged spleens where the organ is predisposed to slight trauma overlooked by the patient or in malaria, infectious mononucleosis, bacterial endocarditis, thyphoid, splenic tumours, amyloidosis, leukemias and haemophilia. In the literature six cases of spontaneous splenic rupture in haemophilic patient are reported but no case in von Willebrand disease is reported. The exact mechanisms leading to spontaneous rupture of the spleen remain unclear in cases of haemophilic and von Willebrand disease. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that selective embolization of splenic rupture in patient with von Willebrand disease can be performed safely, but it is essential to correct the coagulopathy throughout the perioperative period. 11.20 L. Martinolli, M. Wolf, H. Zimmermann Notfallzentrum Inselspital Bern Tätigkeit von nichtchirurgischen Oberärzten auf dem chirurgischen universitären Notfall Am chirurgischen Notfallzentrum des Inselspitals Bern sind seit dem 1.Mai 2003 auch Internisten, Anästhesisten, Intensiv- und Notfallmediziner als Oberärzte tätig. Die Internisten arbeiteten bereits im medizinischen Notfallzentrum und wurden erst nach Abschluss eines Einführungskurses im chirurgischen Bereich eingesetzt. Über einen begrenzten Zeitraum wurde die Tätigkeit der nicht-chirurgischen Oberärzte seitens der chirurgischen Kollegen supervisioniert. Alle Oberärzte arbeiten in einem interdisziplinären Notfallzentrum und dies ermöglicht zu jeder Zeit die Konsultation jeglicher chirurgischen Fachdisziplinen. Wir haben nun das klinische und diagnostische Vorgehen zwischen den nichtchirurgischen Fachärzten und den Chirurgen anhand des Eiweisungsgrundes „Unklare Bauchschmerzen“ und „akutes Abdomen“ verglichen. Dabei konnten wird keine statistisch signifikante Unterschiede feststellen. In einem zweiten Verfahren haben wir anhand eines Fragebogens die Assistenzärzte und das Pflegefachpersonal im Bezug der Tätigkeit der nichtchirurgischen Fachärzten am chirurgischen Notfall befragt. Diese erhielten insgesamt eine hohe Akzeptanz aufgrund der stetigen Präsenz auf der Station, der Organisationsfähigkeit und der Patientenbetreuung. Zum Schluss verglichen wir die Zeiten des „primary survey“. Bei den Chirurgen ergab die Auswertung der Schockraumzeiten einen Mittelwert von 4,01 Minuten und bei den anderen Fachdisziplinen einen Mittelwert von 4,42 Minuten. Die Daten zeigten keine statischen Bedeutung und keine medizinische relevante Unterschiede. Anhand dieser Evaluationen kann man daraus schliessen, dass keine relevanten Unterschiede zwischen Chirurgen und nichtchirurgischen Fachärzten festgestellt werden konnten und dass dieses Projekt in diesem Sinne weiterzuführen ist. 11.21 K. Sprengel 1, B. Boldog 1, R. Flury 2, W. Schweizer 1 Kantonsspital Schaffhausen, Abteilung Chirurgie, 2 Kantonsspital Winterthur, Institut für Pathologie 1 Gastrointestinale Stromatumoren, 7 Fallbeispiele Einleitung: Seit Mitte der 90-iger Jahre wird vermehrt durch verbesserte histologische Untersuchungsmethoden die Diagnose gastrointestinaler Stromatumor (GIST) gestellt. Er leitet sich von interstitiellen Cajal-Zellen ab und kann leiomyogenen oder neurogenen differenzieren. Klassische zytomorphologische Malignitätskriterien sind nicht anwendbar, wobei aber klinisch eine hämatogene Metastasierung vorliegen kann. Diagnosebeweisend ist eine c-KIT-Posivität (CD 117) in 95% der Fälle als Mutation im c-Kit-Gen mit der Folge einer dauerhaften Aktivierung der KIT-Rezeptor-Tyrosinkinase. Patienten: 1997-2004 wurden an unserem Kantonsspital 7 Patienten mit GIST behandelt. Die Lokalisation war viermal das Jejunum, zweimal der Magen und einmal der Ösophagus. Die klinische Symptomatik variierte von Refluxbeschwerden bis zur Ileussymptomatik. Entsprechend waren partielle Resektionen, teilweise gastroskopisch, bis zu ausgedehnten multiviszeralen Eingriffen notwendig. Eine R0-Resektion war fünfmal möglich, zweimal wurde die adjuvante Therapie mit Imatinib (Glivec) durchgeführt. Bei den Nachkontrollen (2-29 Monate) zeigen die 5 überlebenden Patienten eine zufriedenstellende Lebensqualität. Diskussion: GIST sind die häufigsten Weichteiltumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes. Sie zeigen einen Gipfel in der 5. und 6. Dekade. Aufgrund des submukösen Wachstums verursachen sie erst spät Symptome. Die Lokalisation liegt in absteigender Häufigkeit im Magen, Dünndarm, Kolon, Ösophagus und primär mesenterial. Prognoserelavante Faktoren sind Tumorgrösse, Mitoseindex, Erkrankungsausdehung und Resektabilität. Die chirurgische R0-Resektion mit einem Abstand von 2 cm ist anzustreben. Imatinib als Systemtherapie zeigt sehr gute Ansprechraten. Die Abschätzung der Dignität ist problematisch, die Rezidivrate hoch. Schlussfolgerung: Wir werden uns wohl in Zukunft mit dieser neuen Tumorentität und den Behandlunsmodalitäten mit dem erst seit kurzem verfügbaren Tyrosinkinaseinhibitor Imatinib (Glivec) sowie der multidisziplinären Therapie vermehrt auseinandersetzen müssen. Grössere Studien und Langzeitbeobachtungen sind notwendig. 11.22 S. Styger 1, S. Meckel 2, TH. Gross 1, R. Hügli 2, P. Messmer 3, P. Regazzoni 1 Abteilung Traumatologie, Kantonsspital Basel, 2Abteilung Radiologie, Kantonsspital Basel, 3 Abteilung Unfallchirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich 1 Der Iso C-3D - Optionen und Grenzen eines Durchleuchtungsgerätes Einleitung: Für die Frakturanalyse wird bei komplexen Gelenksfrakturen häufig zusätzlich zur konventionellen, planaren (2D) Röntgenuntersuchung, ein Computertomogramm (CT) zur dreidimensionalen (3D) Darstellung der Fraktur angefertigt. Diese dient zur präoperativen Planung und in speziellen Situationen auch zur postoperativen Qualitätskontrolle. Der Nachteil des CT ist die geringe Mobilität, so dass intraoperative 3D-Rekostruktionen im Operationsraum nicht möglich sind. Zudem stellt die CT-Untersuchung eine beträchtliche Stahlenbelastung für den Patienten dar. Diese Nachteile regten die Entwicklung eines Durchleuchtungsgerätes (Iso C-3D) an, das Schnittbilder in sagitaler, koronarer und axialer Ebene sowie 3D-Rekonstruktionen herstellen kann. Resulate: Präklinische Untersuchungen in der Literatur ergaben, dass sowohl die Bildqualität als auch die Orts- und Kontrastauflösung des Iso C-3D mit dem Computertomogramm (CT) bei kleinen und mittelgrossen Gelenken vergleichbar sind. Für Objekte mit einer Kantenlänge über 12cm ( Becken, Wirbelsäule) ist das Durchleuchtungsgerät dem CT allerdings unterlegen, da diese auf Grund des limitierten Bilddurchmessers nicht in toto dargestellt werden können. Der Iso C-3D bietet ausserdem die Möglichkeit, intraoperative Schnittbilder zur Qualitätskontrolle der Reposition oder Osteosynthese durchzuführen. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Iso C-3D kann das Coputertomogramm (CT) bei der Analyse von komplexen Frakturen bei kleinen und mittleren Gelenken ersetzen, bei Objekten über 12cm Kantenänge allerdings sollte dem CT den Vorrang gegeben werden. Durch den intraoperartiven Einsatz kann bereits während der Operation eine Stellungskontrolle zur Qualitätssicherung durchgeführt werden, was eine eventuelle Korrektur in der gleichen Operation erlaubt. Um Strahlenartefakte zu minimieren, ist ein Karbontisch für die 3D-Durchleuchtung unverzichtbar, was bei der Anschaffung eines Gerätes mitkalkuliert werden sollte. 11.23 F. Chèvre, JC. Renggli, S. Mpyisi, X. Delgadillo, M. Droguett, C. Becciolini, M. Merlini Service de Chirurgie Hôpital de la Chaux-de-Fonds Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernias: a preliminary study Introduction: Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernias was first described in 1993. It is a safe and effective procedure that reduces length of hospital stay and morbidity. The technique was recently introduced in our institution and the preliminary results are reported in this article. Methods: prospective non randomised follow-up study of patients with ventral incisional hernia treated with a nonabsorbable mesh (Parietex composite) implanted intracorporeally by laparoscopy. Results: Between October 2003 and February 2004 laparoscopic repair of ventral incisional hernias was performed in 10 patients, 7 men and 3 women. One of these repairs was for a recurrent defect. All patients underwent an intracorporeal implantation of a nonabsorbable mesh ((Parietex composite). The average size of the mesh was 443 cm2 (144 – 600 cm2). The average operating time was 110 minutes (45-315 min). The average length of hospital stay was 6.25 days (4-12 days). Two complications occurred in the same patient and consisted of a urinary tract infection and a seroma. Conversions to open surgery were not necessary. No recurrent ventral hernia occurred in the early follow-up period. Conclusion: preliminary results are reported in a prospective non randomised study started in October 2003. Laparoscopic technique is applicable in most patients presenting a ventral incisional hernia. The rate of conversion, the length of hospital stay and the rate of complications are low. 11.24 B. Burian 1, MA. Wimmer 3, J. Kunze 3, C. Sprecher 3, O. Schmitt 2, CN. Kraft 2 1 Kantonsspital Basel, Departement Chirurgie, 2Universitätsklinik Bonn, Klinik und Poliklinik für Orthopädie, 3AO-Forschungsinstitut Davos Lokale und systemische Reaktion auf Verschleisspartikel; eine vergleichende in vivo Studie mit rostfreiem Stahl Durch Fretting von Osteosynthesematerialien, z.B. zw. Schraubenkopf & Platte, entstehen Abrieb- & Korrosionsprodukte, die eine Reihe von biologischen & -chemischen Reaktionen hervorrufen. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die kurzfristigen lokalen & systemischen Reaktionen von implantierten rostfreien Stahl- & Titanpartikeln quantitativ zu beschreiben. Mit einem speziellen Prüfstand wurde aus Reintitan (Ti) bzw. Implantatstahl (St) Abrieb in Ringerlösung erzeugt. 4 mm3 des jeweiligen Materials wurden in Rückenhautkammern von Goldhamstern subkutan implantiert. Die lokale Gefäßperfusion & das Leukozytenverhalten wurden mittels intravitaler Fluoreszenzmikroskopie über 2 Wochen beobachtet. Blutproben wurden unmittelbar vor OP, nach 24h & nach 14d entnommen. Nach Euthanasie der Tiere wurden die Implantatstelle, Leber, Milz, Lunge, Herz & Nieren entnommen. Eine Hälfte der Organe wurde spektrometrisch auf Ti,Cr & Ni analysiert, die andere Organhälfte & die Implantatstelle diente für histologische Untersuchungen. Im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (K) führte die Implantation der körperfremden Materialien in bd. Gruppen zur Aktivierung von Leukozyten. Die Entzündungsreaktion fiel bei der St-Gruppe heftig aus & führte zu einem Ödem innerhalb von 8h. In der Ti-Gruppe zeigte sich der Anstieg transient mit Erholung nach 3d. In bd. Gruppen konnten wir eine signifikant erhöhte Konzentration der Elemente Ti,Cr & Ni in den Organen nachweisen. Bei den Blutproben der Ti-Gruppe gab es im Vergleich zur K-Gruppe keine signifikanten Unterschiede, wobei in der St-Gruppe der Cr- & Ni-Gehalt stets erhöht war. Die histologischen Untersuchungen der TiGruppe waren unauffällig. In den Schnitten der St-Gruppe fiel an der Implantatstelle eine starke Inflammation mit Nekrosen auf. In allen Organen fanden sich lichtmikroskopisch keine pathologischen Vorkommnisse. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine akute,materialspezifische Reaktion hinsichtlich Abrieb stattfindet. Ferner kommt es zu einer systemischen Verteilung der Abriebpartikel innerhalb des Organismus. Der Nachweis im Blut legt die Blutbahn als einen Transportweg nahe. Weitere Untersuchungen sind nötig, um Aufschluss über den genauen Transportweg der Fremdstoffe zu erhalten. 11.25 L. Marti, H. Marlovits, J. Walker, J. Lange Klinik für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital St. Gallen Kommunikation mit den Hausärzten übers Internet: das Pilotprojekt eHealth Chirurgie Grundlagen: Um dem Informationsbedürfnis der Hausärzte sowie deren Wunsch auf elektronischen Datentransfer nachzukommen, hat unsere Klinik beschlossen eine Kommunikationsplattform für das Internet aufzubauen. Es sollte ein rascher, papierloser und zeitlich unabhängiger Informationsaustausch ermöglicht werden. Methode: In Zusammenarbeit mit Firmen aus der Medizinalinformatik entwickelten wir eine Kommunikationslösung für das Internet. Im Vordergrund stand die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und eine Anpassung an die internen Abläufe. 48 Hausärzte meldeten sich freiwillig für den Pilotbetrieb. Aus sicherheitstechnischen Überlegungen verbot sich die Benutzung von eMails. Die Sicherheit wurde gewährleistet durch: 1. Autorisierung und Identifikation, 2. Verschlüsselung, 3. Erstellen eines Zugriffschutzes auf eigene Systeme und 4. die Selektion der Informationsempfänger. Resultate: Die Hausärzte haben aktuell die Möglichkeit Patienten für Spitalaufenthalte und Sprechstunden anzumelden, diese elektronisch am Tumorboard vorzustellen und Spezialistenauskünfte einzuholen. Diese Funktionen boten wir während der gesamten Projektzeit von > 1 Jahr ohne Unterbruch, Serverabsturz oder Sicherheitspanne an. Obwohl ein grosses Interesse am Angebot bestand und 85% der Hausärzte die Applikation als gelungen beurteilten, wurde diese nur von 25% rege genutzt. Die Hausärzte begründeten dies mit der Doppelspurigkeit, die entstünde, wenn an eine Klinik elektronisch und an die übrigen nur konventionell zugewiesen werden könne. Ihre Hauptanliegen sind: 1. Ausweitung auf mehrere Kliniken, 2. weitere Angebote (z.B. Labor), 3. Schnittstellen zu ihrer Software. Schlussfolgerung: Generell besteht ein Bedürfnis der Hausärzte für eine Kommunikation mit dem Spital über das Internet. Ein solches Angebot ist für diese nur interessant, wenn damit ihr administrativer Aufwand sinkt und ihnen keine Kosten entstehen. Die Entwicklung einer Kommunikationsplattform ist aufwendig, muss die Datensicherheit gewährleisten und an eigene Prozesse angepasst sein. Durch eine breite Abstützung über mehrere Kliniken oder Spitäler wird der Aufwand besser tragbar und das Angebot attraktiver. swiss knife 2004; special edition 31 12.01 C. Haller, J. Rey, S. Deglise, E. Pezzetta, JM. Corpataux Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne 12 Iliac artery rupture and retroperitoneal fibrosis related to an infected aorto-iliac endograft Case report: A 65-year-old man was admitted 28 months after aorto-bi-iliac endograft deployment for aortic aneurysm. He complained of right lower abdominal pain. A CT-Scan showed a right psoas haematoma with suspicion of active bleeding from the right external iliac artery and a right-sided hydronephrosis. First, the bleeding was stopped by use of endovascular deployment of a covered iliac stent. Right lumbotomy was then performed, the haematoma was evacuated and a right-sided ureteral dilatation was seen due to a narrowing by retroperitoneal fibrosis at the level of the iliac artery. This required ureterolysis, resection and cystoplasty. Blood cultures obtained at admission revealed S. aureus. Discussion: In the literature, only five cases of iliac rupture after endograft infection have been reported. The treatment of endograft infection is not standardized, due to the small number of cases reported up to now. A conservative approach with 6 weeks of i.v. antibiotic regimen may be considered in the absence of a mycotic aneurysm or embolism. Other authors recommend immediate removal of the endograft together with resection of the artery, followed by venous or extra-anatomical reconstruction. Conclusion: We reported an iliac artery rupture related to an infected aorto-iliac endograft 28 months after deployment. The associated ureteral stenosis at the level of the iliac-bifurcation is probably at the origin of the infection. 12.04 C. Haller 1, SD. Qanadli 2, J. Rey 1, E. Pezzetta 1, JM. Corpataux 1 1 Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne, 2Service de radiodiagnostic et radiologie interventionnelle, CHUV, Lausanne Right forearm ischemia due to thrombosis of a lusorian artery stenosis Definition: The lusoria artery is an anatomic variation of the right subclavian artery originating from the aortic arch and crossing the midline behind the oesophagus, with a reported prevalence ranging from 0.4 to 2%. This anomaly is usually asymptomatic however dysphasia, coughing or thoracic pain may appear at the age of 40 year in 30-40% of cases. Case report: A 74-year-old woman presented with acute ischemia of her right forearm. Angiography suspected right subclavian artery thrombosis. The brachial artery was exposed and thrombectomy was performed with restoration of a valid inflow. Intraoperative radial and ulnar artery thrombolysis was performed due to distal extension of the thrombosis. Angio-CT-Scan performed during follow-up revealed an ostial arteria lusoria stenosis and stenting was successfully performed by use of a right transbrachial approach. Discussion: We present a rare case of thrombosis of the right brachial artery, distal extension from thrombosis of an arteria lusoria stenosis. After thrombectomy, correction of the ostial stenosis was performed by percutaneous stent deployment via a right transbrachial approach. Conclusion: Aneurysm may appear on lusoria artery, but stenosis are quite rare. The endovascular treatment of an ostial stenosis in an aberrant right subclavian artery (lusoria artery) is feasible by a right transbrachial approach. 12.02 T. Wolff, L. Gürke, T. Eugster, P. Stierli Universitäres Zentrum für Gefässchirurgie Aarau-Basel When the legs depend on the internal thoracic artery We describe the case of a 57 year old patient with severe ischemic pain in both legs due to Leriche’s syndrome (occlusion of the infrarenal aorta). In the work up for planned aortic surgery, severe coronary 3-vessel disease was diagnosed. It was decided to perform coronary artery surgery first, followed by aortic surgery several weeks later. Coronary artery bypass was performed off-pump and consisted of an internal thoracic artery bypass to the left anterior descending and a single vein bypass to the right coronary artery. Soon after coronary surgery, paresis of both legs was noted. On the second postoperative day severe ischemia of both legs was diagnosed and emergency aorto-bifemoral bypass was performed. At this stage the patient was in septic shock and required intotrope support. Because of progressive gangrene, through-knee amputation of one leg was necessary. The patient developed progressive hemodynamic instability and multi-organ failure and died on the 22nd postoperative day. A careful re-analysis of the preoperative aortic angiogram showed that both legs were perfused via collaterals from the internal thoracic artery to the epigastric artery. This explains why the use of the internal thoracic artery as a coronary bypass graft led to acute leg ischemia.A search in the literature reveals that our case is not unique: there are several documented cases of leg ischemia following cardiac surgery, all of them in patients where an internal thoracic artery bypass was used in the presence of severe aortoiliac disease. But there are also other clinical situations described in the literature where, in the presence of aorto-iliac disease, non-vascular surgery has led to leg ischemia by interrupting collaterals that have become vital for leg perfusion. 12.03 A. Oesch, HU. Würsten, U. Laffer Spitalzentrum Biel Das Kompartment-Syndrom - eine seltene Komplikation der Varizenchirurgie Einleitung: Schwere Komplikationen der Varizenchirurgie, wie tiefe Venenthrombose, LE und Verletzung tiefer Gefässe, sind selten und gut bekannt. Dagegen wurde das KompartmentSyndrom kaum beschrieben und ist sehr selten. Anhand von zwei Fällen möchten wir auf diese folgenschwere Komplikation aufmerksam machen. Fallbericht: Zwei Patientinnen wurden wegen eines Varizenleidens abgeklärt und durch eine klassische Crossektomie mit Hemistripping und Phlebexhairèse, ohne Blutsperre behandelt. Nach 8, resp. 12 Stunden klagten beide Frauen über zunehmende Schmerzen im Bein. Trotz Entfernung des Verbandes blieben die Beschwerden stark. Rasch wurde die Verdachtsdiagnose eines Kompartment-Syndroms gestellt und mittels Logendruckmessung bestätigt. Bei beiden Patientinnen erfolgte dann eine notfallmässige Logenspaltung 16, resp. 12 Stunden postoperativ. In beiden Fällen konnte ein diffuses Muskeloedem ohne Einblutung festgestellt werden. Eine Patientin hat sich praktisch ohne Folgen erholt, bei der zweite musste eine Achillessehnenverlängerung wegen einem Spitzfuss durchgeführt werden. Diskussion: Komplikationen bei Varizenchirurgie sind meistens leicht (Lymphfisteln, Wundheilungsstörungen, Schädigung eines Nerves). Schwere Komplikationen liegen unter 1% (Verletzung V. femoralis communis, tiefe Venenthrombose oder LE). Praktisch nie wird das Kompartment-Syndrom als Komplikation der Varizenchirurgie erwähnt. Die Ursachen für ein Kompartment-Syndrom sind bestens bekannt nach Trauma oder arterieller Revaskularisation. Nach Varizenchirurgie hingegen sind die Ursachen unklar. Als einzige Erklärung bleibt in unseren zwei Fällen wohl eine zu enge Bandage postoperativ unter Residualanästhesiebedingungen. Schlussfolgerung: Das Kompartment-Syndrom ist eine seltene, aber schwere Komplikation der Varizenchirurgie. Ein ungeklärter postoperativer Schmerz muss als Warnzeichen erkannt werden, um eine rasche chirurgische Fasciotomie durchführen zu können. Nur so können die neurologischen Spätfolgen des Kompartment-Syndroms vermieden werden. 32 swiss knife 2004; special edition 12.05 L. Giovannacci, S. Schlunke, A. Marx Ospedale Regionale di Lugano Early experience and preliminary results with a new polyurethaneurea vascular graft (PVG) in vascular access surgery for chronic haemodialysis Introduction: The polyurethaneurea vascular graft (VectraR) is a new material for synthetic vascular access grafts in chronic haemodialysis for end stage renal insufficiency. Compared to the commonly used extruded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) graft, PVG has been reported to have similar characteristics in terms of primary and secondary patency rates, adverse events and complications. The reported advantage of PVG is the absence of perigraft edema after implantation, allowing therefore early graft cannulation for haemodialysis within only a few days after graft implantation. Patients and Methods: Since October 2003, we used the PVG as standard graft for vascular access in patients with end stage renal insufficiency where autologous venous vasculature was already used and therefore the creation of direct AV fistulas were impossible. Overall 12 PVG grafts were implanted. This is, as far as we know, the greatest series of PVG grafts implanted in Switzerland. Clinical parameters as e.g. intraoperative handling, time of first cannulation after implantation, patency rate, adverse events (post cannulation haemorrhage, infection) were prospectively monitored. Colour doppler ultrasound scan was routinely used for assessing graft morphology and access blood flow. Results: All of our 12 implanted PVG but one are patent at the moment. The only failure was due to postoperative infection and led therefore to the removal of the graft. Grafts were cannulated routinely within 48h (!) after implantation. We had so far one post-cannulation haemorrhage which stopped eventually and needed no specific therapy. Conclusion: The first results of the largest PVG graft series in Switzerland are encouraging. Since synthetic grafts are usually implanted in patient already on long stage chronic haemodialysis, the very early graft cannulation after implantation has obviously enormous advantages for the patient: time and therefore complications of provisory hemodialysis using percutaneously introduced subclavian catheters can therefore drastically be reduced. Our results are comparable to those reported in the literature. 12.06 E. Cereghetti, P. Stierli, E. Eugster, T. Wolff, L. Gürke Universitäres Gefässzentrum Aarau-Basel Preliminary carotis-vertebralis transposition and carotis-subclavia bypass allowing endovascular treatment of an aortic arch aneurysm Purpose: Preliminary ancillary surgical procedures may enable endovascular repair of aortic arch aneurysm. An open surgical repair of the aneurysm can thereby be avoided, resulting in reduced morbidity and mortality. Case report: A 65-year-old woman with new-onset dysphonie and paresis of the left laryngeal recurrens nerv was found to have a 4-cm pseudoaneurysm of the aortic arch (CT-scan). An aortogram showed a saccular pseudoaneurysm (having 2-cm caudal length)originating opposite the left subclavia and a common ostium between the left vertebral and the left subclavian artery. The history was notable for severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity. An endovascular therapy was planed. To allow endovascular treatment, the left vertebral artery was transposed to the left carotid artery and a left carotid- subclavia interposition graft was performed. Thereafter endovascular therapy of the aneurysm was realized. There were neither intra nor postoperativ complications. The 1month follow up (CT scan) demostrated the successful endovascular aneurysm exclusion and the patency of supraaortic vessels. Conclusion: Preliminary ancillary open surgery may enable endovascular therapy of aortic arch aneurysm in high risk patients. 12.07 1 2 1 2 S. Zeini , M. Christodoulou , H. Probst , N. Peloponissios , A. Richard 1 Hopital Regional de Sion, 2CHUV - Lausanne 1 Behçet’s disease revealed by arterial aneurysms of the extremities Background: Behçet‘s disease is a recurrent multi-systemic disease of unknown cause. First described in 1937, the disease is defined by a triad associating oral and genital ulcers and uveitis. Its prevalence is 0.1 to 7.5 per 100000 inhabitants in Europe. Vascular onset is present in 3% of patients. Case report: A 25-year.old male patient presented pulsatile bulging of the right wrist and the left internal maleolus and thigh in a 2-month interval. Arteriogram showed pseudo-aneurysms of the right radial artery, the left tibial posterior and superficial femoral artery. Treatment Surgical procedures comprised exclusion of the aneurysm and bypass for every pseudo-aneurysm. The biological, haematological, immunological and pathological exams were aspecific. The diagnosis was made on the association of oral ulcers and recurrent arterial pseudo-aneurysms. A systemic treatment of corticoid and immunosuppression drugs was initiated. Conclusion: Arterial pseudo-aneurysm is an uncommon presentation of Behçet’s disease. The management comprises a clinical assessment, immunological exams and arteriogram or duplex-ultrasound. Surgical vascular procedures prevent further complications associated with a 5-per-cent mortality. 12.08 C.Hueber 1, T. Obeid 1, J. Huber 2, A. Mironov 3, L. Gürke 1, P. Stierli 1 Universitäres Zentrum für Gefässchirurgie Aarau/Basel, 2Klinik für Orthopädie, Kantonsspital Aarau, 3Klinik für Radiologie, Kantonsspital Aarau 1 Traumatische Läsion der A. vertebralis Einleitung: Traumatische Läsionen der A. vertebralis (AV) stellen weniger als 1% aller Gefässverletzungen dar. Neben der penetrierenden Halsverletzung stellt auch das stumpfe Halswirbelsäulen (HWS)-Trauma, insbesondere in Kombination mit vorbestehenden degenerativen Veränderungen, eine bekannte Ursache dar. Patient und Methode: Wir berichten über einen 72 jährigen Patienten, der sich bei einem stumpfen HWS-Trauma eine Verletzung der AV zuzog. Ergebnisse: Der dialysepflichtige Patient mit langjährigem M. Bechterew zog sich bei einem Autoselbstunfall eine dislozierte, instabile Fraktur von Halswirbelkörper 5/6 mit linksbetonter, sensomotorischer Paraparese zu. Die Indikation zur ventralen Spondylodese wurde gestellt. Intraoperativ manifestierte sich nach Eröffnung des vorderen Längsbandes eine starke arterielle Blutung aus dem Frakturbereich. Diese konnte erfolgreich tamponiert werden. Der Verdacht einer Verletzung der AV wurde angiographisch bestätigt. Es erfolgte sogleich die kathetertechnische Embolisierung. Diskussion: Läsionen der AV entstehen durch penetrierende oder stumpfe Gewalteinwirkung. Instabile Patienten mit stark blutenden Halswunden werden chirurgisch exploriert. Stumpfe Verletzungen der AV entstehen meist durch Hyperextensions- oder Hyperflexionstraumen und führen zur Blutung, resp. Hämatom, Pseudoaneurysma, Embolie oder Okklusion. Muss eine HWS-Verletzung operativ versorgt werden, kann eine verletzte AV zu einer starken Blutung führen. Je nach Lokalisation der Läsion, z.B. im V2-Abschnitt, kann eine chirurgische Blutstillung extrem schwierig sein, und es empfiehlt sich zu tamponieren. Die jetzt indizierte, selektive Angiographie demaskiert die Verletzung und erlaubt die kathetertechnische Embolisierung. Die verletzte AV sollte proximal und distal verschlossen werden. Die Inzidenz einer Hirnstammischämie beträgt für die linke AV 3.1%, für die rechte 1.8%. Die chirurgische Rekonstruktion der AV ist nur bei angiographisch nachgewiesener, inadäquater Kollateralisierung indiziert. Schlussfolgerung: Bei Halswirbelsäulenverletzungen muss an eine begleitende Verletzung der A. vertebralis gedacht werden. 12.09 G. Heller, H. Savolainen, M. Menth, MK. Widmer, T. Carrel, J. Schmidli Klinik für Herz- und Gefässchirurgie, Inselspital, Bern Temporärshunt zur Vereinfachung der Anastomosentechnik in der cruralen Bypasschirurgie Einleitung: Die Anastomosentechnik in der crurale Bypasschirurgie ist duch arteriosklerotisch veränderte Gefässe delikat. Es stellt sich die Frage, wie man ohne störenden In- und Backflow arbeiten kann. Alle bekannten Techniken –lokales Abklemmen extern, Oberschenkelblutsperre und Katheterintubation- weisen Nachteile auf. Wir verwenden temporäre Intraluminalshunts (Flo-Thru) der Fa Synovis welche die Zirkulation gewährleisten und trotzdem ein Arbeiten ohne Blutung ermöglichen. Das Ziel ist es, diese Technik auf Durchführbarkeit und ihre Vorteile zu untersuchen. Methode: Alle Patienten erhielten einen femoro-cruralen autologen, gedrehten Venenbypass. Das arterielle Empfängersegment wurde freipäpariert und überprüft. Die Vene entnommen und eingezogen. Nach Gabe von Heparin erfolgte die proximale Anastomose. Die crurale Arterie wurde eröffnet. Durch externe Kompression der Weichteile wurde der Blutfluss kontrolliert und überprüft. Es erfolgte die Auswahl des Shunts nach Gefässgrösse. Nach Einlage konnte die Anastomose durchgeführt werden. Kurz vor der Vollendung wurde der Shunt entfernt, die Blutung wiederum extern kontrolliert. Resultate: Fünf Patienten (4 Männer, 1 Frau) welche einen femoro-cruralen Bypass erhielten wurden so operiert. Das Alter der Patienten betrug 71,6 Jahre (57 bis 82). Wir haben in allen Fällen den 3 mm Shunt verwendet. Einmal wurde ein kleinerer Durchmesser gewählt und wegen Blutungen neben dem Shunt gegen einen Grösseren ausgetauscht. Wir sahen keine technikrelevanten Komplikationen. Diskussion: Wir sehen mehrere Vorteile im Gebrauch von Shunts in der peripheren Bypasschirurgie. Es erfolgt kein Klemmen der Gefässe, was gerade bei einer Arteriosklerose vorteilhaft ist, kein vollständiges Freilegen und Denudieren des Gefässes. Eine Blutsperre ist nicht notwendig und das schon ischämische Bein somit immer perfundiert. Der Intraluminalshunt verhindert zudem ein Mitfassen der Hinterwand. Schlussfolgerung: Temoräre Intraluminalshunts in der pripheren Bypasschirurgie bilden unserer Meinung nach eine Erleichterung der operativen Technik. Die Machbarkeit und Vorteile haben wir bei unseren Patienten klar aufzeigen können. 12.10 J. Rey 1, S. Binaghi 2, C. Haller 1, S. Qanadli 2, HB. Ris 1, JM. Corpataux 1 Service de chirurgie thoracique et vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne, 2 Service de radiologie, CHUV, Lausanne 1 Renal artery stenosis by fibres from diaphragmatic crus is a rare cause of renovascular hypertension Definition: renovascular hypertension is caused by atheromatous disease, fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal arteries, renal vasculitis and more rarely by stenosis due to diaphragmatic crus. Case report: A 39-year-man had a resistant hypertension with increased creatinemia. Renal Doppler showed left ostial renal artery stenosis associated with superior mesenteric artery stenosis of 80%. Cerebrovascular RMI permited to exclude other vascular anomaly. An angioplasty with deployement of an autoexpansible stent was carried out with difficulties because of stent recoil on an elastic stenosis, requiring the placement of a second stent. The angiographic result showed residual artery stenosis of 30 %. Plasma creatinine values decreased from 180 to 120 mmol/l and systolic pressure remained high. After 6 months, a renal Doppler demonstrated left artery renal ostial acceleration and apparition of turbulences among ostial right renal artery. The CT scan showed linear structure originating in the left and right crus. Left aorto-renal bypass with saphenous vein interposition and reimplantation of the right renal artery were carried out. Musculotendinous fibers from the left and right diaphragm surrounded the superior mesenteric artery and both renal arteries have been resected. Postoperative course was good with progressive decrease of creatinemia and normalisation of tensional values without any anti-hypertensive therapy. Discussion: Stenosis of the renal artery by extrinsic compression is a rare cause of renovascular hypertension. In 1962 were described the first two cases of renal artery compression by musculotendinous fibres and since then, less than 20 cases are found is the literature. Young hypertensive patient without any risk factors and after exclusion of other etiology should benefit from a renal angioscanner to evaluate diaphragm anatomy. 12.11 J. Duwe 1, E. Burri 1, D. Toia 2, P. Nussbaumer 3, CA. Maurer 1 Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital Liestal, 2Department of Radiology, Kantonsspital Liestal, 3Department of Internal Medicine/Angiology, Kantonsspital Liestal 1 Embolization of a high-output postnephrectomy arterio-venous fistula by an endovascular transfemoral bidirectional approach An arterio-venous fistula between the renal artery and renal vein is a rare complication of nephrectomy. Recurrence of hypertension after nephrectomy, increasing heart failure and lumbar or upper abdominal bruit are the most characteristic clinical findings suggesting the presence of a renal arterio-venous communication. We report a case of a high-output, large-calibre, postnephrectomy arterio-venous fistula (PNAVF) between the renal vessel stumps successfully treated by an endovascular transfemoral bidirectional approach. A 70-year-old woman had undergone right nephrectomy for shrinking kidney 45 years ago and suffered from abdominal pain and dyspnoea due to volume overload of the heart. Diagnosis was made by clinical signs and confirmed by colored duplex sonography and angiography. The aortogram revealed a massive shunt from the aorta to the inferior vena cava via the stumps of right renal artery and renal vein. For embolization we preferred a combined venous and arterial transfemoral percutaneous approach with a catheter loop over the fistula that allowed to decrease the flow through the fistula by a 13 mm Fogarty occlusion balloon catheter. This balloon occlusion of the fistula’s run-off allowed prevention of inadvertent embolization into the lungs. Following vascular obstruction of the venous part of the PNAVF, 9 coils with a diameter between 6 and 14 mm were inserted in the renal artery for transcatheter embolization. The overall length of the coils was 2.09 meter. The fistula was embolized successfully with immediate improvement of symptoms and without pulmonary embolization. The bidirectional endovascular approach allows a reliable occlusion of centrally located high-output arterio-venous fistulas without risk of systemic embolization. 12.12 R. Vonlanthen 1, JM. Corpataux 2, L. Krähenbühl 1 1 Klinik für Chirurgie, Kantonsspital Freiburg, Freiburg, 2 Klinik für Gefässchirurgie, CHUV, Universität Lausanne, Lausanne Aneurysmata der Arteria mesenterica superior, A. gastroduodenalis in Kombination mit einer Stenose des Truncus coeliacus (Fallbeispiel) Hintergrund: Aneurysmata der Viszeralarterien sind selten (0.1-0.2% der Aneurysmata). swiss knife 2004; special edition 33 Werden sie im Rahmen einer Ruptur (22%) diagnostiziert, sind diese mit einer Letalität von 9-75% verbunden. Meistens werden Viszeralarterienaneurysmata (VAA) zufällig entdeckt, wie im folgenden Fallbeispiel. Fallbeispiel: Eine 66 jährige Patientin, suchte wegen lumbalen Schmerzen ihren Hausarzt auf. Die klinische Untersuchung der LWS ergab keinen pathologischen Befund. Radiologisch (LWS ap/seitlich) zeigten sich neben einer Discarthrose zusätzlich zwei intraabdominale Verkalkungen, die den Verdacht auf verkalkte Aneurysmata erweckten. Die CT zeigte neben einem Aneurysma der Arteria mesenterica superior (AMS) an der Unterseite des Pankreaskorpus (Durchmesser 28mm), ein Aneurysma der A. gastroduodenalis (Durchmesser 12mm) sowie eines der Arteria lienalis (Durchmesser < 1cm). Um die die Aneurysmata besser lokalisieren zu können wurde eine Angio-CT und selektive Angiographie der AMS angefertigt. Dabei zeigten sich im Verlauf der AMS sechs weitere kleinere Aneurysmata (<1cm). Zusätzlich fand sich eine 80% Stenose des Haupstammes des Truncus coeliacus mit einem entsprechenden Umgehungskreislauf über die AMS respektive über die A. pacreatico-duodenalis/gastroduodenalis. Die hohe Mortalitätsrate bei Ruptur, impliziert die Behandlungsdringlichkeit für jedes VAA (>2cm), sofern keine Kontraindikationen bestehen. Erschwerend in unserem Fallbeispiel war die Stenose des Truncus coeliacus sowie die Vielzahl der kleinen VAA. Wir haben uns auf eine Resektion des grössten Aneurysmas beschränkt (Aneurysma am Abgang AMS/Unterrand Pankreaskorpus). Der entstandene Defekt wurde mittels eines Venenpatchs gedeckt. Auf eine Embolisation der A. gastroduodenalis/pancraticoduodenalis (Umgehungskreislauf für die A. hepatica communis) wurde aufgrund der ansonsten mangelnden Durchblutung der Leberarterie verzichtet. Schlussfolgerung: VAA sind ein häufiger Zufallsbefund. Die Rupturhäufigkeit liegt je nach Lokalisation zwischen 2-90% und die Mortalitätsrate ist hoch (8.5-75%). Deshalb ist beim Vorliegen eines VAA (> 2cm) die Indikation zur elektiven Therapie gegeben, jedoch nur soweit es die vorliegende Anatomie erlaubt. 12.13 M. Lüdin 1, P. Mäder 2, W. Nagel 1 1 Gefäss-, Thorax- und Transplantationschirurgie, 2Klinik für Chirurgie, St.Gallen Unterschenkelamputation – wie gelingt sie immer? Einleitung: In der Gefässchirurgie sind Amputationen oft Endpunkt einer ganzen Reihe von gefässrekonstruktiven Eingriffen. Die Resultate sind, bedingt durch die Grunderkrankung aber auch durch die Tatsache, dass diese Operationen meist von unerfahrenen Aerzten durchgeführt werden, häufig unbefriedigend. Wir wenden in unserer Klinik bei Unterschenkelamputationen erfolgreich eine Methode zur Festlegung der Schnittführung an, welche auf Anhieb einen perfekten Stumpf garantiert und die Operation sehr vereinfacht. Methode: Wir operieren grundsätzlich nach der Methode von Burghes. Eine Handbreite unterhalb der Tuberositas tibiae wird der Unterschenkelumfang gemessen. Der Umfang wird durch drei dividiert, dies entspricht dem Wert x in cm. Anschliessend wird jeweils von der Tibiakante x cm nach medial und lateral abgetragen und markiert. Von diesen Punkten wird wiederum x cm nach caudal abgemessen, so dass die an dieser Stelle dorsal verbleibende Zirkumferenz wiederum x cm beträgt. Nach Verbinden dieser Punkte ergibt dies grob die Schnittführung. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass der M. soleus konsequent entfernt wird, ergibt diese Schnittführung einen perfekt passenden dorsalen Haut-Muskellappen. Patienten und Resultate: Wir haben seit Juli 2000 in unserer Klinik bei 63 Unterschenkelamputationen diese Methode angewandt, ohne dass je der Hautmuskellappen korrigiert oder die Knochen nachgekürzt werden mussten. Fazit: Mit der “Drittels-Methode” wird die Unterschenkelamputation ausserordentlich vereinfacht. 12.14 H. Misteli, TH. Wolff, TH. Eugster, L. Gürke, P. Stierli Universitäres Zentrum für Gefässchirurgie Aarau-Basel Successful surgery for traumatic carotid artery dissection A 62 year old patient was struck against the neck by a heavy piece of wood. A superficial wound was sutured and the patient was discharged. The patient had no neurological symptoms but returned the following day because of hoarseness of the voice. A CT scan of the neck was performed which showed a floating thrombus in the left common carotid artery. After referral to our vascular surgery unit, emergency operation was performed: The carotid bifurcation was snared and a temporary shunt was placed between the common and internal carotid artery. The common carotid artery showed a subtotal occlusion by a fresh thrombus that had formed at the site of an intimal tear of approx. 10 mm length. After thrombectomy, the intimal flap was fixed by tack-down sutures and the arteriotomy was closed with a Dacron patch. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient developed no neurological symptoms. Carotid artery dissection is a rare complication of blunt trauma to the neck but can also occur spontaneously or after minor trauma such as spinal manipulation. The typical symptom is ipsilateral head pain, which is more common than pain in the neck region. Neurological symptoms occur in 30 - 70 % of patients. The classical location is the internal carotid artery and often the dissection continuous into the carotid sinus and is not accessible to surgery. Conservative treatment consists of oral anticoagulation and has generally superior results to surgery. In our case the dissection was known to be local, accessible to surgery and the floating thrombus meant there was a large risk of imminent cerebral embolism. These factors persuaded us to optain for surgery which turned out to be successful. 34 swiss knife 2004; special edition 12.15 CH. Nebiker, TH. Wolff, TH. Eugster, P. Stierli, L. Gürke Universitäres Zentrum für Gefässchirurgie Aarau-Basel Angiosarcoma of the abdominal aorta presenting with tumor embolisation to the leg A 67 year old man developed acute ischemia of the left leg. Arteriography showed multiple emboli in the arteries of the thigh and calf. A CT scan showed a partially thrombosed infrarenal aortic aneurysm of approx. 43 mm diameter and this was considered to be the source of embolism. The emboli were successfully treated by aspiration and Rotarex ablation and oral anticoagulation was instituted. Aortic aneurysm surgery was deferred because of fever of unknown origin. 5 months later the patient developed acute abdominal pain. A CT scan revealed impending rupture of the aneurysm. Emergency surgery was performed. On opening the aneurysm an unusual, crumbly mass was found in the lumen and sent for histology. A bi-iliac PTFE graft was implanted. Histology revealed a high grade sarcoma of the intima of the aortic wall. Postoperative MRI, CT and PET revealed a tumor mass in the anterior aneurysm wall overlying the prosthesis and an enlarged paraaortic lymph node, but there was no sign of distant metastases. 6 weeks later the suspected lesions were resected. There was no macroscopic tumor visible. On histology there was microscopic tumor residue in the aortic wall but not in the lymph node. 6 months later the patient is well and has no signs of tumor recurrence. Aortic angiosarcoma is extremely rare with only 86 cases published in the literature. The mean age at presentation is 60 years, with a male to female ratio of 2:1. In most cases the diagnosis was made only post mortem. The most common clinical presentation seems to be peripheral embolization, as in our case. Tumors of the media and adventitia can produce back and abdominal pain. As for all angiosarcoma the prognosis is poor: Without therapy the average survival is reported to be 1.5 years. Surgical treatment with en bloc resection is recommended only when clear margins can be expected and when there is no sign of metastasis. Nevertheless long-term survival after total resection has been described even when the tumor presents by distal embolisation. This shows that tumor emboli do not necessarily lead to distant metastasis. 12.16 S. Déglise 1, AL. Kelekis 2, N. Ducrey 3, C. Haller 1, SD. Qanadli 2, JM. Corpataux 1 1 Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV, 2Service de Radiologie, CHUV, 3Service d’Hypertension et Angiologie, CHUV Comparative evaluation of multi-slice CT-angiography vs duplex ultrasound scan for longterm follow-up of surgically excluded popliteal artery aneurysms Objective: Surgical exclusion and reconstruction of the vessel by vein graft interposition is the procedure of choice for the management of popliteal artery aneurysms (PAAs). However, little is known regarding the risk of recurrence and enlargement after this approach. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of surgically treated popliteal aneurysms in this respect and to compare the role of multi-slice CT angiography (MSCT) with color duplex ultrasound scan in the assessment of operated PAAs during follow-up. Patients and Methods: Fifteen patients with 26 PAAs were evaluated with duplex ultrasound scan and multi-slice CT with a mean follow-up time of 67 months. Aneurysmal progression, graft patency and graft-related complications were analyzed. Results: Duplex examination showed that 2 PAAs (10%) revealed a perfused aneurismal sac whereas in the 19 others PAAs (90%), no evidence of intrasac blood flow was observed within the excluded aneurysms. In contrast, MSCT demonstrated blood flow in 6 excluded PAAs with an average increase of the diameter of 21 mm over time. Fifteen PAAs demonstrated no blood flow and revealed an average decrease of 7 mm in diameter over time. In addition, MSCT demonstrated 5 anastomotic aneurysms and 3 graft stenosis which were not observed by Duplex examination. Conclusions: Twenty-four percent of the patients after surgical exclusion of PAAs revealed a perfused aneurysmal sac with an associated risk of increase of the aneurismal diameter up to 60 mm during follow-up. MSCT was superior to duplex ultrasound scan examination in detecting a residual sac perfusion and increase of aneurismal diameter after surgical treatment of PAAs. 12.17 MK. Djebaili, E.Khabiri, A. Kalangos Cardiovascular Surgery Unit Geneva University Hospital Traumatic brachial artery aneurysm as an occult source of emboli to the upper extremity Introduction: Aneurysms of the brachial artery are rare but potentially dangerous lesions that threaten the upper extremity with vascular and neurological compromise. Most can be treated effectively with surgical excision and vascular grafting. Methods & Results: We report a case of a 64-year-old man with a medical history of traumatic shoulder dislocation 45 years ago. He presented an inaugural right upper limb ischemia with paresthesia in the right forearm with spontaneous resolution. Three days before his admission to hospital same symptomatology occured and he was tooken to the operating room for embolectomy with good results and full recovery of his right hand. An extensive check up with an echocardiography, holter EKG, cardiac MRI, and blood analysis showed no source for an embolus. Eleven days later the patient complaint of pain, paresthesia, numbness and coolness in the right forearm and hand. Angiography performed from the right common femoral artery approach showed that the aortic arch was normal. The angiogram revealed irregularity at the junction of axillary an brachial artery, which was occluded, in the initial portion, both radial and ulnar arteries were sub occluded distally and the radiologist concluded a brachial pseudoaneurysm. The patient underwent an operation. 6-x 4cm brachial artery aneurysm was removed, with interposition of polytetrafluoroethylene graft (Impra ePTFE) 8 mm in diameter was fashioned; embolectomy of both ulnar and radial arteries was performed. The brachial, radial, ulnar pulses were palpable post operatively. He received one aspirin tablet a day and anticoagulant regimen for 3 months (INR range: 2 to 2.5). And the patient was discharged to home on the tenth postoperative day. Conclusion: Brachial artery aneurysm is a rare entity with serious complications, most commonly by blunt trauma. Arteriography is the mainstay of diagnosis and treatement in these lesions should be considered as soon as they become apparent to prevent limb loss or dysfunction. 12.18 S. Eichenberger, M. Zuber, L. Eisner Departement Chirurgie, Kantonsspital Olten Akute obere GIT Blutung bei rupturierendem Aortenaneurysma und primärer aortoduodenaler Fistel Die aortoduodenale Fistel ist eine seltene aber gefürchtete Ursache einer gastrointestinalen Blutung. Sie tritt meist sekundär in Folge einer vorhergehenden Rekonstruktion bei Aortenaneurysma auf, als Rarität primär bei nativem Aortenaneurysma. Die Diagnose der primären aortoduodenalen Fistel gestaltet sich oft schwierig. Die Symptome Schmerz (32%), palpable abdominale Masse (25%) und Blutung (64%) sind nicht immer vorhanden. Die Fistel kann oft sowohl endoskopisch als auch radiologisch nicht dargestellt werden, so dass die Diagnose nicht selten erst intraoperativ erfolgt. Wir präsentieren den Fall eines 57 jährigen Patienten, der sich auf unserer Notfallstation mit einer kreislaufaktiven GIT Blutung präsentierte. Eine notfallmässig durchgeführte obere Panendoskopie zeigte eine unklare Sickerblutung im Pars II duodeni. Die Diagnose einer primären aortoduodenalen Fistel in Pars III duodeni bei rupturiertem infrarenalem Aortenaneurysma konnte erst anlässlich der notfallmässigen Laparotomie gestellt werden. Das Aneurysma wurde mit einem 18 mm Dacron-Tube-Graft ersetzt. Diese Prothese musste trotz resistenzgerechter Antibiose am 10. Tag wegen Protheseninfekt durch einen AortenHomograft ersetzt werden. Der Patient erholte sich erfreulich bevor es am 14. Tag erneut zu einer (sekundären) aortoduodenalen Fistel mit nicht mehr beherrschbarer Blutung kam. Die primäre aortoduodenale Fistel bleibt ein Krankheitsbild mit extrem hoher Morbidität und einer Mortalität um 70%. In Abwesenheit einer klar diagnostizierten Blutungsquelle muss sie als Blutungsursache bis zum Beweis des Gegenteils in Erwägung gezogen werden. Bei präoperativer Diagnosestellung besteht die Therapie der Wahl im Ersatz der Aorta durch einen Homograft. 13 13.01 PC. Nett 1, HW. Sollinger 2, T. Alam 2 1 Universität Bern, Departement für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Berne, Switzerland, 2 University of Wisconsin, Hospital and Clinics, Division of Organ Transplantation, Madison, USA Translational enhancement of hepatic insulin expression improves glycemic control in STZ-induced diabetic rats Introduction: Gene-therapy based hepatic insulin production is a promising strategy in the treatment of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). We have previously shown that hepatocytes engineered with Ad.3SAM2 including the liver-specific albumin promoter coupled with three glucose inducible regulatory elements (GIRE)s and the modified proinsulin, improved glucose tolerance tests and corrected fasting hyperglycemia in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. However, due to insulin insufficiency, postprandial hyperglycemia was not fully corrected. Material and Methods: To increase the insulin output we generated a new insulin gene construct (3SATEM) containing an additional translational enhancer sequence derived from vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The capacity of insulin expression of both constructs 3SAM2 and 3SATEM were tested in vitro and in vivo. Results: Primary rat hepatocytes (1x106cells) exposed to 27.5mM glucose and transduced with Ad.3SATEM showed a 3.1-fold increase of glucose-dependent insulin secretion (435±45ng/ml) over a period of 24 hours compared to Ad.3SAM2 (142±21ng/ml), while glucose responsiveness was still maintained. In vivo studies in STZ-induced diabetic rats demonstrated that treatment with Ad.3SATEM in contrast to Ad.3SAM2 significantly increased insulin serum concentration under both postprandial (14.9±1.9?U/ml) and fasting (5.9±1.2?U/ml) conditions (P<0.001), thus accelerating kinetics to restore postprandial euglycemia and improving re-feeding tests. Both Ad.3SAM2- and Ad.3SATEM-treated groups showed a significant reduction of postprandial hyperglycemia and reduced weightloss compared to diabetic control rats. Conclusion: This study substantiates the feasibility of gene therapy-based treatment for IDDM and provides novel information on the potential use of translational enhancement in a preproinsulin gene construct (3SATEM) that substantially improved the output of hepatic insulin secretion and accelerated kinetics to restore postprandial euglycemia in vivo. 13.02 G. Mai, P. Bucher, Ph. Morel, T. Berney, L. Bühler Cell Transplantation Lab, Surgical Research Unit, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Geneva Anti-CD154 mAb treatment but not recipient CD154 deficiency leads to long-term survival of xenogeneic islet grafts Aim: Rejection of islet xenografts (IXG) is primarily mediated by a cellular immune response and can be modulated by costimulatory blockade. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of CD40-CD154 pathway in the rejection process of concordant and discordant IXG. Methods: Diabetic C57BL/6, CD40-KO or CD154-KO mice were transplanted (TX) under the kidney capsule with either rat or human islets. For rat-to-mouse and human to-mouse combinations, 4 groups were performed (N=6 each group): Group 1, islet TX in C57BL/6 without therapy; Group 2, islet TX in C57BL/6 with anti-CD154 mAb therapy (MR1, 0.5mg i.p. on days 0, 2 and 4); Group 3, islet TX in CD40-KO without therapy; Group 4, islet TX in CD154-KO without therapy. Islet function was measured by glycemia and histology was performed on regular intervals. Results: Short-term MR1 therapy significantly prolonged both concordant (median graft survival (MGS) >120 versus 17 days, p < 0.001) and discordant IXG survival (MGS >120 versus 11 days, p < 0.005), compared to control. In CD40-KO mice, concordant IXG survival was shorter compared to control (MGS 9 versus 17 days, p = 0.5), but discordant IXG survival was prolonged (MGS 27 versus 11 days, p = 0.06). In CD154-KO, concordant IXG survival (MGS 17 versus 17 days) and discordant IXG survival (MGS 16 versus 11 days) was not significantly modified compared to control. In Group 1, histology obtained at rejection showed dense graft infiltration by immune cells and IgG, IgM and C3 deposition. In Group 2, histology performed after 120 days showed a mixed cellular infiltrate around intact islets, without antibody or C3 deposition. In Groups 3 and 4, a moderate cellular infiltrate was observed at rejection, with no IgG, but moderate IgM and C3 deposition. Conclusion: Short-term costimulatory blockade (MR1) allowed long-term survival of concordant and discordant IXG. Absence of CD40 and CD154 expression on lymphocytes did not significantly modify concordant or discordant IXG survival, suggesting that other costimulatory pathways allowed efficient T cell activation. Furthermore, expression of CD154 is required to achieve activation-induced apoptosis of donor-reactive T cells by MR1. 13.03 P. Bucher 1, Ph. Morel 1, A. Andres 1, D. Bosco 1, M. Kurfürst 2, L. Bühler 1, TH. Berney 1 1 Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, 2 Nordmark Arzneimittel GmbH, Uetersen, Germany Collagenase for human islet isolation Aim: Advances in the success rate of human islet isolation are due in part to the availability of new purified enzyme blends. We evaluated a new enzyme preparation (collagenase NB1), which, is composed of highly purified collagenase and can be reproducibly blended with neutral protease. Methods: Nine human islet isolations were performed with Collagenase NB1 supplemented with neutral protease (Serva, group I). Yields, morphology, in vitro insulin secretion and islet cell apoptosis (Cell Death Detection ELISA, Roche) were assessed. Results were compared to those of nine isolations performed with Liberase (Roche, group II) and matched for circumstances of death. Donor mean age were 48 ± 11 and 46 ± 11 years for group I and II and mean BMIs were 25 ± 2 and 26 ± 4 for group I and II, respectively. No significant differences were observed in pancreas weights, warm and cold ischemia times between group I and II. Results: IE post-purification (x103) IE/islet ratio IE/gram of pancreas Acute Insulin response (m U/L/100IE) Islet cell apoptosis (12h culture) Preparation with >250000IE Collagenase 354± 65 0.83± 0.2 4020± 1200 695± 270 1.25± 0.03 9 (100%) Liberase 272± 147 0.51± 0.1 2350± 1300 290± 240 7.25± 1.23 6 (66%) P 0.08 <0.01 <0.05 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 Islet morphology was significantly improved in group I with a higher proportion of intact islets. Conclusion: This new enzyme preparation (Collagenase with neutral protease adjunct) was as effective as Liberase in terms of islet yields and function. Islet morphology was improved and rate of islet cell apoptosis was lower with this new collagenase. 13.04 S. Breitenstein 1, MA. Patak 2, JM. Fröhlich 2, H. Gelpke 1, M. Decurtins 1, KU. Wentz 2 Clinic of Surgery, Kantonsspital Winterthur, 2Institute of Radiology, Kantonsspital Winterthur 1 Monitoring small bowel motility after colorectal surgery with MR imaging Purpose: Postoperative intestinal paralysis is a significant problem after abdominal surgery. Discomfort ranges from abdominal cramps to nausea and vomiting. It leads to delayed hospital discharge and has a considerable impact on health care costs. Currently there are only invasive techniques available to quantitatively assess small bowel motility. The aim of our study was to test the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a non-invasive method for the visualization and quantification of postoperative motility. swiss knife 2004; special edition 35 Material and Methods: 25 patients were included into the study 3-5 days after colorectal surgery (CRS). Neither bowel preparation nor additional drugs were used before or during imaging. Three dynamic coronal scans (2D bFFE, TR/TE 2.7/ 1.3ms) were acquired in different imaging planes, each in apnea (17 sec) with a high temporal resolution (4 frames / sec) using a 1.5T MR system (Philips INTERA).On each dynamic image cross-sectional jejunal and ileal bowel diameters were measured and plotted over time. The mean bowel lumen diameter changes, resulting amplitudes and motility patterns were assessed. Results: Imaging 3-5 days after CRS was well tolerated by all patients. Average duration was 20 minutes. Small bowel diameters, amplitudes and motility patterns were obtained in all 25 Patients. The mean diameter of the unprepared small bowel loops was 19,4 (+/ 2.4mm) and the mean cross sectional contraction amplitude 9.3 (+/- 5.3mm). Four motility patterns were identified: Paralysis, shivering, disordered contractions and sinusoidal motion. These patterns were seen simultaneously in varying combinations and over different bowel segments. Conclusion: MRI provides a well tolerated non-invasive method to study bowel motility in patients after CRS. It does not require any bowel preparation or drug administration. A quantification of jejunal and ileal motility has thus become possible for the first time using cineMR. The clinical impact of these motility patterns has yet to be evaluated. A special focus may be the effects of pharmacological therapy, hydration management and nutrition on bowel motility after CRS. 13.05 M. Selzner 1, N. Selzner 1, W. Jochum 2, PA. Clavien 1 1 University Hospital Zurich, Visc. & Transpl. Surgery, 2University Hospital Zurich, Pathology Increased ischemic injury in the old mouse liver. A novel pathway of injury Elderly people are currently more subject to liver surgery. However, the effect of age on ischemic/ reperfusion injury of the liver is unknown. Furthermore, the beneficial effect of ischemic preconditioning as a protective strategy against ischemic injury of old livers is not yet determined. Methods: 60 minutes ischemia of the liver with or without ischemic preconditioning was performed in C57BL/6 mice of 6 and 60 weeks of age. Some old mice were pretreated with 0.3ml Glucose 10% prior to ischemic preconditioning. Glycogen and ATP content of the liver was determined by bioluminescence assay. Liver injury was evaluated by AST release. Apoptosis was determined by TUNEL staining and caspase 3 activity. Results: Young mice had 4-fold higher glycogen content in the liver than old mice prior to surgery (6 vs 1.5 mg/ml) and at the end of reperfusion (1.84 vs 0.25 mcg/ml). Livers from young mice had a significantly higher ATP content when compared with the old group prior to surgery (0.85 vs 0.4 nmol/mg) and 4hr after reperfusion (0.6 vs 0.23 nmol/mg). Old mice had significantly higher AST levels (12500 vs 8200 U/L; p<0.05) and caspase 3 activity (98 vs 67 AUF/mg; p= 0.04) after 4hr of reperfusion than young mice. In addition, old mice had significantly more TUNEL pos. hepatocytes (55% vs 77%; p<0.05). Ischemic preconditioning in young mice resulted in a decrease of AST release (3200 vs 8200 U/L), caspase 3 activity (39 vs 67 AUF/mg) and TUNEL staining (15% vs 55%). In contrast, ischemic preconditioning did not protect the old mice. Injecting glucose prior to preconditioning into old mice significantly increased the intrahepatic ATP levels (0.5 vs 0.25 nmol/mg) with a dramatic decrease of injury. Furthermore, old mice with glucose treatment prior to preconditioning developed less necrosis than old mice without glucose application (15% vs 60%). Conclusion: Old livers have a lower energy state than young livers. Pretreatment of old mice with glucose prior to preconditioning increases the hepatic energy state and results in strong protection of preconditioning against reperfusion injury. 13.06 G. Beldi, A. Keogh, S. Bisch-Knaden, P. Studer, D. Stroka, D. Candinas, D. Inderbitzin Department of Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Hospital Berne, Berne The effect of hematopoietic growth factors on survival in a novel surgical small for size liver remnant mouse model Background: It is known that hematopoietic growth factors protect and stimulate regeneration of non-hematopoietic tissues. Objective: To develop a standardised small for size liver remnant model in the mouse and to determine the effect on survival of the systemically administered hematopoietic growth factors erythropoietin and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) supporting extensive liver resection. Methods: In 13 male balb-C mice the entire liver was resected and all five liver lobes (i.e. left, median, right superior, right inferior, caudate) isolated and weighted. Based on the data obtained 62±2.9% (left, median lobe, n=45), 77±1.8% (left, median and right inferior lobe, n=12) and 85±1.3% (left, median, right inferior and caudate lobe, n=20) hepatectomies were defined and performed. In a second series of experiments animals received daily either 5?g GCSF (n=12) or 10IU erythropoietin (n=13) for 5 days. Subsequently 85% hepatic resection was performed and daily injection of hematopoietic growth factors continued. Results: The total weight of the mouse liver was found to be 5.2±0.4% of body weight. Survival without pre-treatment was 97% after 62% hepatic resection, 42.7% after 77% resection and 16.6% after 85% resection. In the G-CSF group survival was significantly higher with 40.0% than in the erythropoietin group 10.8% (p<0.05, log rank test). Conclusion: The surgical 85% resection mouse model is suitable to test hepatic supportive regimens in the setting of small for size liver remnants. Administration of G-CSF improves survival up to 40% whereas erythropoietin does not increase the regenerative capacity of the liver remnant. The mechanism of the effect of GCS-F is being investigated. 36 swiss knife 2004; special edition 13.07 R. Inglin 1, O. Wagner 1, M. Borner 2, D. Candinas 1, B. Egger 1 1 Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Berne, Switzerland 2 Department of Medical Oncology, University of Berne, Switzerland Mechanical stability of intestinal anastomosis in healthy pigs is not altered by intraoperative hyperthermic chemoperfusion (IHCP) with Mitomycin C Introduction: Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemoperfusion (IHCP) with various agents reduces incidence and progression of peritoneal carcinomatosis following oncological intestinal surgery. There are however reports on increased anastomotic leakage rate following IHCP which might impede the widespread use of this therapeutic modality. Previously we have shown that systemic administration of Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) improves healing of bowel anastomosis in rats (Br J Surg 2001;88:90-98). The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether locally administered IGF-I prevents anastomotic breakdown in pigs undergoing IHCP. Materials and Methods: 24 pigs were divided into 2 groups. Laparatomy and division of small bowel and of the left colon was performed followed by intramucosal injections of IGF-I (5mg/anastomosis, n=12) or vehicle (n=12) into the dissection margins. Hand-sutured continuous single layer anastomoses were performed followed by IHCP (4 Liters of circulating Mitomycin-C solution,10mg/L,42.5°C,1h). Animals (6 of each group) were sacrificed on POD 2 and 4. Mechanical stability of anastomoses were evaluated by measuring bursting pressures (BP). Results: In the IGF-I and the control group BP’s were surprisingly high and statistically not different. BP [mmHg; mean + SEM] in small intestinal anastomosis was 171±9 vs.177±9 (n.s.) on POD 2 and 162±19 vs.162±19 (n.s.) on POD 4 in IGF-I treated and control animals, respectively. BP in colon anastomosis was 104±4 vs.97±3 (n.s.) on POD 2 and 102±10 vs.102±5 (n.s.) on POD 4 in IGF-I treated and control animals, respectively. Similar BP’s were measured in an additional control group with no IHCP (small bowel: 172±8; colon 105±6). Conclusion: In contrast to our anticipation, IHCP with Mitomycin C even at high doses does not impair healing and mechanical stability of bowel anastomosis in healthy pigs during the early postoperative period. Since bursting pressures were similar to the additional group without IHCP a beneficial effect of locally applied IGF-I could not be demonstrated. Further studies with other chemotherapeutic agents are warranted and underway. 13.08 AE. Handschin 1, GA. Wanner 1, S. Hemmi 2, O. Trentz 1, G. Zund 2, OA. Trentz 2 1 Division of Trauma Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland, 2 Research Division, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland In vitro effect of low molecular weight heparin (Dalteparin) and fondaparinux (Arixtra®) on primary human osteoblasts Introduction: Postoperative thromboembolism may requiere long-term heparin therapy. The prolonged administration of heparin has been associated with an increased risk of heparininduced osteoporosis. Fondaparinux (Arixtra®) is a new antithrombotic drug, which, in contrast to heparin preparations, is a full synthetic, single chemical entity that has the ability to specifically inhibit factor Xa. Because of the known interactions of other antithrombotic agents on bone remodelling, we analysed the effect of Fondaparinux on human osteoblasts in vitro. Methods: Primary human osteoblasts derived from the iliac crest were incubated with either low molecular weight heparin Dalteparin (Fragmin®) in concentrations of 30-900 µg/ml or Fondaparinux (Arixtra®) in concentrations of 25, 50, 100, 200 and 250 µg/ml. After 1, 3 and 7 days, cell proliferation rates were measured using the MTT-Proliferation test. Osteocalcin, collagen type I and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) concentrations were measured using ELISA and gene expression of these osteoblast markers were measured using Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR and Real-time PCR). The cultures were analyzed histomorphologic using a vital fluorescence assay. Results: Dalteparin incubation led to a significant, dose-dependent inhibition of osteoblast proliferation (MTT) and expression of phenotype markers after 3 and 7 days (Osteocalcin, ALP) (p<0.05). In the Fondaparinux treated cultures, cell proliferation rates were equal to the control group. Osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase concentrations and gene expression were significantly lower in the heparin-treated cultures (p<0.05), while expression of these markers did not change following Fondaparinux treatment. Conclusion: In the present study, the low molecular weight heparin Dalteparin significantly inhibited osteoblast proliferation and expression of phenotype markers while Fondaparinux did not cause an adverse in-vitro effect. Similar to the decreased incidence of heparin-induced thrombopenia described before, the risk of heparin-induced osteoporosis may be lower using Fondaparinux for treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolism. 13.09 S. Korom 1, FJ. Jung 1, L. Yang 1, L. Härter 2, D. Lardinois 1, M. Keel 2, W. Weder 1 Division of Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, 2 Department of Traumatology, University Hospital Zurich 1 Melatonin in vivo prolongs cardiac allograft survival in rats Introduction: Melatonin, secreted by the pineal gland, is a multifunctional agent which (a) protects tissues from damage through free radical scavaging and attenuates ischemia/reperfusion injury in organ grafts; (b) acts synergistically with cellular antioxidants; (c) displays com- plex, dose-dependent immunoenhancing and -suppressing effects in vitro and in vivo. We analyzed the immunomodulatory effect of melatonin on acute allograft rejection. Materials & Methods: Cardiac grafts were transplanted from LBNF1 to LEW rats and anastomosed to the abdominal great vessels. The effect of low dose (LD; 20 mg/kg/d) and high dose (HD; 200 mg/kg/d) melatonin treatment in recipients compared to untreated controls was investigated. Results: HD melatonin therapy abrogated acute rejection, significantly prolonging allograft survival (mean survival: 12.3d ± 1d SD; n = 8; P < 0.0001) compared to untreated controls which rapidly reject the transplant (6.3d ± 1d n = 12). LD therapy did not extend survival significantly (7.3d ± 1.1d; n = 12). Allospecific IgM showed a significant decrease in animals receiving HD therapy vs. untreated recipients at days 10 and 14 post transplantation (P < 0.01), whereas in the LD group at day 10, a significant increase in allospecific IgM (P < 0.01) over the HD cohort was demonstrated. HD treatment markedly reduced lymphocyte proliferative capacity compared to controls and the LD group. Conclusion: HD melatonin treatment abrogated acute allograft rejection and significantly prolonged graft survival. Our results suggest an involvement of melatonin in humoral and cellular immune pathways following perfused organ transplantation. These findings may indicate a novel therapeutic approach, based on modulation of the neuroendocrine/immune axis through melatonin as a possible future immunosuppressant in organ transplantation. 13.10 G. Mai, P. Bucher, Ph. Morel, T. Berney, L. Bühler Cell Transplantation Lab, Surgical Research Unit, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Geneva Induction of stable peripheral tolerance to concordant and discordant islet xenografts by inhibition of signals 2 and 3 Aim: Inhibition of signals 2 and 3 of T cell activation by costimulatory blockade (CB) and rapamycin (RAPA) can establish peripheral tolerance to allografts by activation-induced apoptosis of donor-reactive T cells. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of CB and RAPA on concordant and discordant islet xenografts (IXG). Methods: Diabetic C57/BL6 mice were transplanted under the kidney capsule with either rat or human islets. For both species combinations, the following groups were performed (6 mice/group): Group 1, islet transplantation (Tx) without therapy; Group 2, RAPA (0.2 mg/kg i.p. every other day from day 0 to 14); Group 3, anti-CD154 mAb (MR1, 0.5 mg i.p on days 0, 2 and 4); Group 4, combination with MR1 and RAPA; Group 5, (only rat-to-mouse) combination with MR1, RAPA and early IL-2 (2000 U given i.p. bid from day 0 to 14 post-Tx); Group 6 (only rat-to-mouse) combination with MR1, RAPA, and delayed IL-2 (given from day 100 to 114). Islet function was monitored by glycemia and histology. Results: RAPA did not significantly prolong rat or human mean graft survival (MGS) compared to controls (24 and 16 days versus 17 and 11 days, respectively, p=0.05). MR1 alone significantly prolonged both concordant and discordant xenograft survival (MGS 98 and 100days, p<0.001), but rejection still occurred. Combination therapy with MR1 and RAPA allowed indefinite graft survival of concordant (5/6) and discordant (4/6) IXG. When exogenous IL2 was given at Tx with MR1 and RAPA, rapid rejection developed in all mice (MGS 7 days). In contrast, when IL-2 was given 100 days after Tx with MR1 and RAPA induction, no rejection developed. In Groups 1, 2 and 5, histology showed graft infiltration by immune cells with islet destruction at day 7. In Groups 3, 4 and 6, a mixed cellular infiltrate around intact islets was observed. Conclusion: Combination with RAPA and MR1 allowed indefinite graft survival of concordant and discordant IXG. Administration of exogenous IL-2 at time of Tx prevented tolerance induction, suggesting that classical anergy plays a role in the immediate post-transplant period. Delayed administration of IL-2 failed to induce rejection, suggesting that anergy was no longer critical. 13.11 C. Toso 1, Z. Mathe 1, Ph. Morel 1, J. Oberholzer 1, C. Wandrey 2, L. Bühler 1, T. Berney 1 1 Centre d’isolement et de transplantation cellulaire, Chirurgie viscérale, Genève, 2 Laboratoire des polymères et biomatériaux, EPFL, Lausanne Effect of microcapsule composition and short-term immunosuppression on intraportal biocompatibility Background: With higher nutriment and oxygen supply and closer contact to blood, portal vein is a possible alternative to peritoneum for transplantation of encapsulated cells. Data regarding intra-portal biocompatibility of microcapsules are lacking. Methods: Cellular and fibrotic peri-capsular infiltration thickness was measured 3 and 7 days after intra-portal implantation of microcapsules of various compositions in rats. Capsules were as follows: polycation-containing microcapsules or polycation free microbeads built with alginates of high or low viscosity, with various mannuronic/guluronic acid ratios and linked to barium or calcium. Overgrowth was caracterized using various colorations (hematoxylin-eosin, Giemsa, ED-1 for monocyte/macrophage, ?-actin for myofibroblasts, CD31 for endothelial cells). The impact of 5 day immunosuppression (gadolinium chloride 20 mg/Kg/day, rapamycin 1 mg/Kg/day, tacrolimus 3 mg/Kg/day or a combination of the last two) was further assessed 3, 7 and 42 days after implantation. Results: Overall, overgrowth increased from day 3 to day 7 (p<0.001). Three and 7 days after implantation, polycation-containing microcapsules induced more reaction than microbeads (p<0.001 and <0.01). Considering polycation free beads, barium-alginate induced the weakest reaction. Biocompatibility of microbeads was independent of mannuronic/guluronic acid ratio and viscosity. Infiltration was mainly a monocyte/macrophage-rich foreign body reaction, but an eosinophil-containing immuno-allergic reaction was also observed. Short term immunosuppression reduced infiltration in all conditions. Conclusion: Biocompatibility after intraportal infusion was best for barium-alginate microbeads and poorest for polycation-containing microcapsules. Short and long term overgrowth could be significantly reduced by a 5 day-immunosuppression. 13.12 A. Pietsch 1, PC. Nett 2, DA. Hullett 3, HW. Sollinger 3 Universität Rostock, Abteilung für Allgemein- und Transplantationschirurgie, Rostock, Germany, 2Universität Bern, Departement für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Berne, Switzerland, 3University of Wisconsin, Hospital and Clinics, Division of Organ Transplantation, Madison, USA 1 A new modified technique of ureteroureterostomy in rat kidney transplantation Introduction: Numerous modifications of surgical techniques for ureteric reconstruction have been evaluated in order to reduce complications and to extend long-term survival. However, ureteric complications still occur frequently, especially when the diameter of both donor and host ureters are disproportionate. Material and Methods: Male inbred Dark-Agouti (DA) and Brown-Norway (BN) rats with different ureter diameter were used as donors and recipients (DA: 0.6-0.7mm versus BN: 1.3-1.5mm). In group A (DA?BN; n=10) and in the control group (BN?BN; n=10), non-splinted ureter anastomosis was performed as previously described by Oesterwitz in an end-to-end interrupted suture technique between the kidney and the bladder. In group B (DA?BN; n=20) the small ureter (diameter 0.6-0.7mm) of the donor (DA) was spatulated to enlarge the ureter stump for adequate anastomosis with the wide, obliquely transected ureter (diameter 1.3-1.5mm) of the recipient (BN) to avoid kinking. Surviving animals were sacrificed postoperative on day 60. Results: The overall incidence of ureteric complications was 15% (3/20) when the modified technique of non-splinted ureteroureterostomy was performed (group B) compared to 80% (8/10) when the technique was performed as previously described by Oesterwitz (group A, P<0.0001; see table 1). The control group (BN?BN) showed an incidence of ureteric complications of 10% (1/10). Operating time for ureteral anastomosis in group A and B was similar (12.4±2.4min versus 17.1±1.6min; n.s.). Table 1 Ureteric complication Group A Group B Control Stenosis of ureteric anastomosis 6/10 (60 %) 2/20 (10 % 1/10 (10%) Ureteric leakage 2/10 (20%) 1/20 (5%) 0/10 Overall 8/10 (80%) 3/20 (15%) 1/10 (10%) Conclusion: Our modification proofs the feasibility of non-splinted ureteroureterostomy in a technical highly demanding rat model of kidney transplantation with an acceptable rate of ureteric complication considering the disproportionate difference of diameter between the host and the donor ureter. 13.13 A. Andres, C. Toso, Ph. Morel, D. Bosco, P. Bucher, T. Berney, L. Bühler Laboratoire de Transplantation cellulaire, Chirurgie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Phylogenetic disparity influences the predominance of direct over indirect pathway of antigen presentation in islet xenotransplantation T cells and macrophages play a major role in the rejection of xenografted islets. We investigated in vitro by mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) the importance of direct and indirect antigen presentation in rejection of concordant (rat-to-mouse) and discordant (human-tomouse) xenografts. In vivo, we performed rat-to-mouse and human-to-mouse islet transplantation and depleted recipient macrophages by using gadolinium chloride (GdCl). The MLR showed a predominant direct antigen presentation for the mouse anti-rat combination. In contrast, direct and indirect pathways were similar for the mouse anti-human combination. Survival of rat islets was not modified by GdCl therapy, but survival of human islets was significantly prolonged in GdCl-treated mice, compared to controls. Our results indicate that, in contrast to the concordant combination, the indirect pathway is important in discordant islet xenograft rejection. Therefore, macrophage depletion can be considered as therapeutic tool in discordant islet xenotransplantation. 13.14 S. Frese 1, M. Miescher 1, M. Gugger 2, J. Zbären 3, RA. Schmid 1 General Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Berne, Institute of Pathology, 2University Hospital Berne, 3Department of Clinical Research, University Hospital Berne 1 Cytotoxic effects of camptothecin and cisplatin combined with Apo2L/TRAIL in a model of primary culture of non-small cell lung cancer Objective: The cytokine tumor-necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL) has been shown to preferentially induce apoptosis in cancer cells. A recent study of our group demonstrated that non-small cell lung cancer cell lines can be sensitized to Apo2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis by chemotherapeutic agents (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002 Jan;123(1):168-74). The aim of the present study was the evaluation of these results in a model of primary culture of non-small cell lung cancer. Methods: Lung cancer tissue and normal lung tissue obtained from 14 patients who underwent operation were cultured and treated with Apo2L/TRAIL alone and in combination with cisplatin and camptothecin for different periods. Metabolic activity of the tissue was measured by Alamar blue. Markers for apoptosis were determined by Hoechst staining, immuno- swiss knife 2004; special edition 37 histochemistry and Western blot. Statistics was performed using Anova nonparametric repeated measures. Results: Tissue from non-small cell lung cancer treated with cisplatin plus Apo2L/TRAIL, camptothecin alone and camptothecin plus Apo2L/TRAIL for 72 hours showed significant reduced metabolic activity. Importantly, none of these effects were seen in cultured normal lung tissue from the same patients. Conclusions: Our results obtained in a model of primary culture of lung cancer suggest that the combination of Apo2L/TRAIL with cisplatin and camptothecin as well as camptothecin alone might present effective strategies for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. 13.15 D. Inderbitzin 1, A. Keogh 1, I. Avital 2, D. Candinas 1 Department of Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Hospital Berne, 2 Department of Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA 1 Comparison of different cell isolation and culture methods for liver progenitor cells from adult rat bone marrow Liver progenitor cells can be isolated from adult bone marrow by different methods. Two subpopulations of bone marrow cells were obtained either from the non-adherent cell fraction after a panning procedure on a polystyrene surface or by a two-step immunoisolation procedure (Beta-2-Microglobulin negative/Thy-1 positive selection). To determine the growth characteristics and the individual liver specific metabolic capacity, the bone marrow cells were cultured under different conditions. Methods: The two subpopulations were cultured either on a polystyrene dish or on a layer of matrigel, in a 1:1 mixture of Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium and Ham’s medium F12 supplemented with hepatocyte growth factor or in small hepatocyte media and seeded in high (100’000 cells) or low (10’000 cells) density for 12 days. Real-time PCR on the Taqman system (Applied Biosystems) was performed according to standard protocols for 18S rRNA, albumin, Mrp1, and Mrp2. Urea formation and albumin secretion was determined by a colorimetric assay and a sandwich ELISA in the culture media and standardized by 18S rRNA content. Results: Both cell isolation procedures yielded albumin and multidrug resistance associated protein (Mrp1) positive cells. The Beta-2-Microglobulin negative/Thy-1 positive subpopulation of bone marrow cells cultured on matrigel in small hepatocyte media produced significantly more urea from ammonia and also secreted a superior amount of albumin in the culture media when compared to the panned cell fraction(p<0.001). Conclusions: The role of the Beta-2-Microglobulin negative/Thy-1 positive subpopulation of the bone marrow requires further investigation and could prove to be valuable for the development of novel cell based treatment strategies for congenital or acquired liver diseases. 13.16 P. Gervaz 1, A. Allal 2, Ph. Morel 1 1 University Hospital Geneva, Department of Surgery, 2 University Hospital Geneva, Department of Radiation Oncology Differential expression of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 in keratinizing vs. non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of the anus Background: Histologically, tumors of the anal region are either keratinizing (K) or non-keratinizing (NK) squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). We hypothesized that these two variants might represent, not only morphologically, but also biologically dissimilar malignancies. The present study was undertaken to compare the expression of apoptosis-regulating proteins Bcl-2 and p53 in K vs. NK SCC of the anus (SCCA). Methods: We performed an immunohistochemical analysis on 98 pre-treatment biopsies of patients with anal canal cancers. Tissue sections were examined immunohistochemically for expression of proteins Bcl-2 (clone 124, DAKO, 1:100) and p53 (clone DO7, DAKO, 1:200). Expression of p53 and Bcl-2 was considered positive when >5% of tumor cells were stained. Tumor histology was correlated with protein expression as well as with other clinical variables. Results: There were 64 NK and 34 K SCC. The proportion of Bcl-2 positive tumors was statistically higher in NK carcinomas (51% vs. 23%, p=0.009). In addition, women were more likely than men to present with NK carcinomas (71% vs. 45%, p=0.03) as well as with Bcl2 positive tumors (47% vs. 29%, p=0.05). The more the tumor is distal (anal margin) the more the keratinizing subtype is observed (87% vs. 23%, p=0.0002). By contrast, there was no correlation between p53 and tumor histology (p=0.83). Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that non-keratinizing and keratinizing SCCA differ in their Bcl-2 expression. In addition, significant differences were observed in the distribution of these 2 histological subtypes according to gender and to tumor sublocation. These findings may indicate possible differences in the carcinogenesis process of these two histological subtypes. 13.17 P. Gervaz, G. da Silva, S. Wexner Department of Colon & Rectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Florida Histologic analysis of the irradiated anal sphincter Background: There is accumulating evidence, both quantitative and qualitative, that pelvic irradiation adversely affects anorectal function. However, histologic evidence of sphincter injury has not been demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to perform histologic 38 swiss knife 2004; special edition assessment of collagen deposition and nerve alteration in the internal anal sphincters of rectal cancer patients who underwent abdominoperineal resection after adjuvant chemoradiation therapy. A second aim was to correlate the degree of histological changes with the time interval between chemoradiotherapy and abdominoperineal resection. Methods: Anal canal specimens were prospectively collected in patients undergoing abdominoperineal resection. Representative slides were cut transversely at the level of the dentate line. Using trichrome and S-100 protein staining, a single pathologist blinded to the patients’ treatment assessed collagen deposition and nerve fiber densities in the internal anal sphincter, respectively. Results: There were 12 patients who received radiation for rectal cancer [chemoradiotherapy group] and 6 who were treated by surgery alone, including 4 patients with rectal cancer (1 leiomyosarcoma) and 2 with Crohn’s disease [Control group]. There was a trend towards increased fibrosis (replacement of more than 10% of normal structures by collagen) and nerve density in the chemoradiotherapy group compared to the Control group (p=0.08 and p=0.05, respectively). Nerve density significantly increased as chemoradiotherapy to abdominoperineal resection interval increased (p=0.004). Conclusion: Pelvic irradiation results in damage to the myenteric plexus of the internal anal sphincter of patients with rectal cancer; these alterations appear to be time-dependent. A trend towards increased collagen deposition was also observed. Together, these results provide a morphological basis, which concurs to previously described physiologic and clinical alterations in the anal sphincter of patients irradiated for rectal cancer. 13.18 I. Opitz 1, T. Krueger 1, Y. Pan 1, N. Tran 1, HJ. Altermatt 2, HB. Ris 1 1 Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital of Lausanne, 2 Institute of Pathology, Berne Intrathoracic photodynamic therapy on malignant mesothelioma bearing rats Introduction: In order to study the PDT-related morbidity in association with surgery intraoperative PDT in MPM-bearing rats (8 groups with n=3) was evaluated under clinical conditions. Material and Methods: A syngenic malignant mesothelioma cell line (II-45) was implanted in the left pleural cavity. 6 days after tumor implantation (TI) and 4 days after i.v. sensitization (0.1 mg/kg mTHPC), a left-sided pneumonectomy (P) was performed, followed by PDT with a light dose of 20J/cm2 at 652 nm. Group 1: spherical illumination to the entire chest cavity guided by in-situ light dosimetry (fluence rate 15 mW/cm2), group 2: focal illumination of a tumor area of 1.3 cm in diameter at 150 mW/cm2. Control animals: TI only (group 3), TI with P (group 4), TI with P and sensitization but no irradiation (group 5), TI with P and irradiation but no sensitization (group 6), TI with PDT of the entire chest cavity but without P (group 7), and P with PDT of the chest cavity without TI (group 8). Postoperative observation time was 4, the extent of necrosis was assessed by histology. Results: TI resulted in an invasively growing sarcomatous type of mesothelioma in all animals without spontaneous necrosis. All control animals and those with P and focal PDT survived four days without morbidity. All tumor-bearing animals undergoing P and PDT of the entire chest cavity postoperatively died between 48h to 72h. Histological examination revealed areas of 0.5-1 mm deep tumor necrosis (group 1), a 1-2 mm deep focal tumor necrosisfor (group 2). No tumor necrosis was observed in control animals. Lung fibrosis has been observed in animals without P after PDT.No normal tissue injury was seen in tumor-free animals after pneumonectomy. Conclusions: The MPM tumor model in rats MPM closely resembled to that observed in patients. Pneumonectomy and PDT of the entire chest cavity resulted in postoperative death of tumor-bearing animals despite controlled light delivery. P and focal PDT, as well as PDT of the entire chest cavity without pneumonectomy was well tolerated in all tumor-bearing animals. No injury of mediastinal organs was observed but interstitial lung fibrosis occurred after PDT without pneumonectomy. 13.19 S. Deglise 1, H. Probst 1, D. Martin 2, F. Saucy 1, JM. Corpataux 1, JA. Haefliger 2 1 Servic de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, 2Service de Médecine Interne Increased connexin 43 is associated with human venous intimal hyperplasia Background: The limitation of outcome of vascular interventions is due to lumen occlusion secondary to intimal hyperplasia (IH), which consists of proliferation of medial smooth muscle cells (SMC) and their migration to the subintimal space, where they produce extracellular matrix. Intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions is undoubtly necessary in the neointima formation. These channels, composed of proteins named connexins (Cx), are involved atherosclerosis or angiogenesis. The aim of this study was to study the presence and the distribution of four “vascular” connexins (Cxs37, 40, 43, 45) in the wall of human saphenous vein and to evaluate whether these connexins are affected during the development of IH in a model of organ culture. Material and Methods: Human saphenous vein segments were harvested during operation and stayed in culture for 14 days. The presence of IH was demonstrated by histomorphometrical analysis. Quantitative RT-PCR, Western Blots and immunofluorescence analyses were performed on both segments to characterize the expression of Cx37, Cx40, Cx43 and Cx45. Results: Presence of Cxs 37, 40, 43 and 45 in the human saphenous vein wall, both in native and cultured states, was demonstrated by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that Cx43 was expressed predominantly in the SMC whereas Cx40 was only expressed by the endothelial cells. After 14 days of culture, histomorphometrical analysis showed a significant increase in the intimal thickness due IH. A time-course analysis of Cx43 expression revealed a progressive increase during culture period. Quantitative RTPCR analysis showed that the expression of Cx43 increased six-fold in the vein after 14 days in culture (p < 0.01). Western blots analysis further revealed that levels of Cx43 were increased (eightfold in samples stayed in culture (p< 0.001) but no changes of Cx40 expression was observed in cultured segments compared to native levels. Conclusion: These four connexins are present in the human vein wall. Moreover, Cx43 expression is increased in IH. Its precise role is not known but Cx43 is involved in angiogenesis or endothelial wound repair. Thus, Cx43 could be a target in the inhibition of IH. 13.20 D. Dindo 1, A. Bielawska 2, R. Graf 1, PA. Clavien 1 1 Unviersity Hospital Zurich, 2Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston/USA Novel long-chain ceramides induce cell death in human colon cancer cells by aponecrosis Background: Ceramides are important lipid second messengers involved in cell growth, differentiation and cell senescence. Therapy with anti-cancer drugs such as anthracyclines (e.g. Doxorubicin) is associated with an increase of endogenous ceramide levels. Exogenous ceramides have emerged as potential chemotherapeutic drugs inducing apoptosis in a variety of cancer cells. However, these studies have been almost exclusively restricted to the use of short-chain ceramides (C2-C8). It is still questioned whether the activity of such short-chain ceramides may be compared to the naturally occurring, long-chain ceramides. Methods: To study the effect of long-chain ceramides in vitro, soluble cationic _pyridinium bromide D-erythro-C16-ceramide (LCL-30) and _ -pyridinium bromide L-threoC16-ceramide (LCL-87) were designed. The human colon cancer cell line SW403 was cultured in presence of LCL30 and LCL87. Doxorubicin was tested on its ability to enhance cell death ellicited by these ceramides. Results: After addition of LCL30 and LCL87, the viability of SW403 cells decreased in a concentration and time-dependent manner. In freshly isolated rat hepatocytes these ceramides had no effect. Conventional D-erythro-C2-, C6- and C16-ceramides did not induce cell death in SW403 cells, while cells treated with either LCL30 or LCL87 exhibited activation of apoptosis, with disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP; __m), cytochrome c release and caspase-9 and –3 activation. The combination of either long-chain ceramide with Doxorubicin resulted in a synergistic toxic effect. Ultrastructural analyses revealed swollen mitochondria and nuclear chromatin condensation. However, no fragmentation of the nucleus or blebbing of the cellular membranes was observed. Conclusion: The novel, soluble long-chain ceramides LCL30 and LCL87 induced cell death in SW403 cells but not in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. Doxorubicin enhanced the toxic effect in SW403 cells. Cells treated with these long-chain ceramides showed hallmarks of apoptosis. However, ultrastructural analyses showed a more necrotic phenotype. Therefore, an ‘aponecrotic’ cell death is proposed. 14.02 14 S. Schlunke, S. Lucchina, S. Bertoglio, S. Neuendorf, JA. Al Muaid, D. Donati, P. Biegger Ospedale La Carità Locarno Midshaft fracture of the clavicle: prospective evaluation of ORIF with an elastic intramedullary titan nail Dislocated and eventually shortened fractures of the clavicle midshaft often heal with some permanent discomfort for the patients. The indications for open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) are well known; the usually preferred reconstruction plate or bridge spanning plate have some also known disadvantages. Presenting our own cases (11 patients), we demonstrate the advantages of the “elastic” stabilization by means of an intramedullary titan nail. The patients have been followed prospectively, inquiring about subjective pain, use of analgesics and mobility at 2, 4, 12 weeks and at 4 and 6 months. Radiological documentation of bone healing was always carried out. We present in detail this simple operative method with its pitfalls, tricks and hints. It allows the patients an immediate functional after treatment without limitation of the range of shoulder motion with very low complaints. The presented study confirms the promising results of the yet published series in the literature, which is also reviewed. It should help leading this simple but highly efficient fixation method to a broader acceptance. 14.03 J. Mühlebach, J. Rosenkranz, R. Babst Chirurgie A, Kantonsspital Luzern Flexible endomedullary nailing of midthird clavicular fractures: surgery for a fracture that needs no surgery? Definition: Midthird fractures of the clavicle are mostly treated conservatively. Patients suffer from pain until the fracture is consolidated and are at risk of functionally relevant shortening and of pseudarthrosis. Flexible endomedullary nailing offers a minimally invasive alternative to avoid these problems. Method: From 11/2001 to 6/2003 19 midthird clavicular fractures were treated by flexible endomedullary nailing (TEN®, Titan Elastic Nail) at our institution and were followed up clinically using Constant-Murley-Score (CMS) and Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Score and radiologically for 24 wks. postoperatively. Pain was assessed by visual analog scale (VAS), duration of pain medication, sick leave and hospitalisation were noted. Results: 11 male and 8 female patients with a mean age of 30.5 (15-55) years. According to OTA classification fractures were classified as 06-A1 in 3, 06-A2 in 4, 06-A3 in 5, 06-B2 in 5 and 06-B3 in 2 cases. Closed reduction was achieved in 9, it was open in 10 cases. Median operation time was 55 (20-140) min. Median hospitalisation was 3 days. Consolidation was documented within 24 wks. in all but 2 cases, which developed hypertrophic non-union, one patient was completely pain-free, the other was stabilized by plate osteosynthesis. No patient healed with relevant shortening, all showed correct axial alignment. Age adapted CMS was on average 104%, the mean DASH-score of 6 cases was 6.8%. Median time of sick-leave was 3 (0-12) wks. Pain medication was taken for 9 days on average. Hypertrophic scarring occurred in 2 and local paraesthesia in another 2 patients. Hardware removal was done electively in 9 cases after 6 months, 3 nails had to be removed because of irritation due to the medial nail end. Conclusions: Endomedullary nailing of mid-clavicular fractures might add to the patient`s comfort with reduction of pain and sick-leave and can correct relevant shortening. Although the technique is simple and minimally invasive it cannot guarantee fracture healing. For selected patients it might be a good alternative to conservative treatment or invasive plating. 14.04 C. Meier, P. Grueninger, A. Platz Department of Surgery, Stadtspital Triemli, Zurich, Switzerland Intramedullary nailing (TEN®) for midclavicular fractures in athletic patients: indications, technical pitfalls and early results Introduction: Midclavicular fractures are common in young and athletic patients. With conservative treatment clavicular shortening occurs frequently. Functional outcome has been reported to be worse for a shortening of >1-2cm. As complete recovery with full function is essential for athletes, intramedullary nailing of the clavicle is a potential alternative to conservative treatment. It is a minimally invasive procedure aiming at restoration of the clavicle’s length with improved clinical outcome and earlier return to full activity. Methods: Prospective consecutive case series. Between 09/2002 and 11/2003 13 patients entered the study. Only young patients (16- 50 years) with high activity levels were included. TEN® was used for isolated, closed fractures of the mid clavicle (simple or wedge fractures) with a lack of bony contact and/or shortening of >1-2cm. Operation time, local complications and functional outcome were analyzed. Constant score and x-ray studies were evaluated after 1- and 6 weeks and 3- and 6 months. The surgical technique and potential pitfalls are critically discussed. Results: Mean age was 28 years (range 16-40 years). Mean operation time was 63 minutes (range 33-123 minutes). Open reduction was necessairy for 7 fractures (53.8%) through a 2cm incision over the fracture site. Mean hospital stay was 1.5 days (range 1-5 days). No infection was observed. In 1 patient (7.7%) the hardware was removed prematurally after skin perforation of the nail due to a direct trauma. In 2 cases (15.4%) the TEN® had to be shortened at its medial end due to persistent skin irritation. No refracture or nonunion was observed. In 7 patients (54%) the hardware has already been removed electively (mean 35 weeks, range 1856 weeks). The Constant score averaged 80 after 1 week and 96 after 6 weeks. Compared to the contralateral side mean difference of length was 1,8mm (range -7 - +4mm). Conclusions: Intramedullary nailing for midclavicular fractures is technically demanding. It providesrestoration of the length of the clavicle and allows immediate active mobilisation with early return to normal activity. Functional results are excellent. 14.07 M. Kauper, R. Babst, J. Rosenkranz Chirurgie A, Kantonsspital Luzern Komplikationsrate und Outcome bei Versorgung lateraler Claviculafrakturen mittels Balserplatte Es stehen verschiedene Stabilisierungsverfahren zur Behandlung lateraler Claviculafrakturen zur Verfügung. Die Osteosynthese mittels Balserplatte ist eine etablierte Methode, um dieses oft schwierige Therapieproblem zu lösen. Methode: Konsekutive Fallkontrollstudie aller operativ mittels Balserplatte versorgten lateralen Claviculafrakturen zwischen 5/98 und 10/03. Klinische Nachkontrolle nach 19 Monaten (431) mit Erhebung von Constant- und Dash-Score. Bei allen Patienten wurden zusätzlich Röntgenbilder hinsichtlich Konsolidierung beurteilt. Resultate: Es wurden 19 Patienten mit lateralen Claviculafrakturen (OTA 07A und OTA 07B) mittels Balserplatte versorgt (18 männlich, 1 weiblich). 18 waren primäre Frakturen und eine Pseudarthrose nach erfolgloser konservativer Therapie. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 38.7 Jahre (19-63).8 Patienten wiesen zusätzliche Verletzungen auf. Die durchschnittliche Operationszeit betrug 105 Minuten, die Hospitalisationszeit 8 Tage (2-35). Der Haken der Platte wurde im Median nach 4.5 Monaten bei radiologisch konsollidierender Fraktur entfernt. Bei 11 Patienten wurde die Platte zwischenzeitlich entfernt, 3 weitere sind für Anfang 2004 geplant. 47% der Patienten klagten vor Plattenentfernung über ein störendes Gefühl beim Liegen auf der betroffenen Seite. Alle Frakturen heilten primär ab. Reoperation waren abgesehen von der OSME nicht nötig. Bei 16 Patienten wurde die OSME zweizeitig, bei 3 einzeitig durchgeführt. Die Beurteilung der radiologischen Aufnahmen ergaben bei allen Patienten konsollidierte Frakturen. Es zeigte sich kein Hinweis auf subacromiale Osteolysen. Bislang konnten 9 Patienten im Durchschnitt 19 Monate (4-31) nach operativer Versorgung klinisch nachuntersucht werden. Der Dashscore betrug im Median 19.3 (1.6 – 77.5), der altersadaptierte Constant Score der verletzten Schulter 88% (50-91) und der unverletzten Schulter 93%88-101). Schlussfolgerung: Die osteosynthetische Versorgung lateraler Claviculafrakturen mittels Balserplatte ist eine zuverlässige Methode mit guter Heilungsrate. Die ein- bzw. zweizeitige OSME ist ein Nachteil der mit der sicheren Verankerung durch den Balserplattenhaken erkauft wird. swiss knife 2004; special edition 39 16 16.01 E. Pezzetta 1, Z. El-Lamaa 2, TH. Geiser 3, HB. Ris 1 1 Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire CHUV, 2Service de Pneumologie CHUV, 3 Division de Pneumologie, Hôpital de l’Île, Berne Long-term results after unilateral LVRS for emphysema Introduction: significant functional and clinical improvements have been observed in patients with severe emphysema after lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS). The procedure may be performed as uni- or bi-lateral approach. We present a prospective long-term study of unilateral LVRS performed by VATS. Methods: All patients referred for LVRS and qualifying for the procedure were treated unilaterally, the lung with the more heterogeneous pattern of disease (ct-scan, perfusion scintigraphy) being chosen for the intervention. Postoperative mortality and morbidity were recorded. Lung function, walking distance, dyspnea and the incidence of staged procedures were assessed up to 5 years after unilateral LVRS. Results: Forty-two patients were included and followed up to 5 years after the operation; 60%, 40%, 33%, 24% and 19% of the patients had a follow up of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, respectively. There was no 30-d mortality. Four patients (9%) died during follow-up. 6 patients (14%) underwent staged LVRS after a mean interval between the two procedures of 34.6 months. FEV1 and 6MWD were significantly improved up to 1year, and RV and dyspnea significantly decreased up to 2 and 3 years, respectively. Mean 6MWD and dyspnea score index did both not reach the bottom line at 5 years. Conclusions: Unilateral LVRS is safe, associated with a low postoperative morbidity and may offer improvements up to 5 years in patients with severe heterogeneous emphysema and hyperinflation. Since the number of patients requiring a staged LVRS is low, this approach should thus be considered as a valuable alternative to bilateral simultaneous LVRS. 16.02 PB. Kestenholz, D. Schneiter, S. Hillinger, W. Weder University Hospital Zurich, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Zurich Thoracoscopic treatment of pulmonary sequestration: is it a safe operation? Objective: Pulmonary sequestration (PS) is a rare congenital malformation and may be the cause of recurrent infections or haemoptysis. Thoracoscopic resection is feasible but may be difficult due to inflammatory changes especially in the vicinity of the aberrant artery. The aim of this study was to analyze the outcome of the treatment in our series. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the files of all consecutive patients who underwent thoracoscopic or open surgical treatment for PS from January 1991 to June 2003 at our institution. The following data were collected: sex, age, major complaint, diagnostic procedures, treatment, and short term outcome. Operative technique, localization of the sequestration, and arterial blood supply were evaluated. Results: 18 patients (10 women) with a median age of 34 (range 20-64) were surgically treated. Main symptoms were recurrent infection (12), haemoptysis (4), chest discomfort (1) and dyspnoea (1). The diagnosis was made by CT- scan. 16 intralobar (all lower lobes, 9 on the right) and 2 extralobar PS were found. 13 patients were treated thoracoscopically (8 lobectomies, 3 atypical segmentectomies, one extralobar resection and one occlusion of the aberrant artery). One case had to be converted to a thoracotomy due to a bleeding. 5 patients were treated by open resection (2 lobectomies, 2 segmentectomies and one extralobar resection). Complications included pneumonia in 5, hemothorax, pneumothorax after removing of the chest tube, wound infection and one temporary palsy of the ulnaris nerve in one each. No reoperation was necessary. There was no mortality. There were equal results in open and thoracoscopic procedures with a median hospital stay of 8(3-13) days. Conclusion: The aberrant systemic artery can be freed and dissected despite the frequently occurring inflammatory changes. Conversion rate to thoracotomy is very low. Thoracoscopic treatment of pulmonary sequestration in this series was safe. 16.03 L. Molnar, HU. Würsten, U. Laffer Chirurgische Klinik, Spitalzentrum, Biel-Bienne Die videoassistierte Thorakoskopie (VATS) mit Minithorakotomie: eine weitere Möglichkeit der chirurgischen Therapie im Stadium II des Pleuraempyems Einleitung: Gemäss internationalen Richtlinien in der Behandlung der fibrinös-purulenten Phase (Stadium II) des Pleuraempyems existieren die Thoraxdrainage mit Spül-/Lysetherapie und die VATS als etablierte Massnahmen. Die offene Dekortikation ist primär dem Stadium III vorbehalten. Da der Uebergang vom Stadium II ins Stadium III oftmals fliessend ist, scheint uns die Möglichkeit der VATS mit Minithorakotomie als „Handport“ eine sinnvolle Alternative. Methodik: In einer retrospektiven Studie von 1999 – 2003 wurden bei 50 Patienten gesamthaft 57 Operationen im Stadium II respektive III durchgeführt. Dabei erfolgten 14 thorakoskopische Operationen, 7 VATS mit Minithorakotomie, 9 Konversionen und 22 offene Dekortikationen. In 5 Fällen kam es zu einer Reoperation. Bei 2 Patienten wurde eine offene Dekortikation beidseits durchgeführt. Postoperativ erfolgte in den meisten Fällen eine Nachbeatmung für 24 Stunden und die Thoraxdrainage für 5 Tage. Resultate: Im Zeitpunkt der Operation fanden wir häufig eine „Uebergangssituation“ zwischen 40 swiss knife 2004; special edition Stadium II und III, so dass wir in den letzten zwei Jahren primär eine VATS mit einer Minithorakotomie in 6 Fällen kombinierten, eine VATS mit Minithorakotomie erfolgte im Jahre 2000. Die 5 Reoperationen waren eine VATS mit Spülung nach primärer thorakoskopischer Operation, eine Thorakotomie und offene Dekortikation nach VATS, eine Thorakotomie und offene Dekortikation nach VATS mit Minithorakotomie sowie 2 Rethorakotomien nach primär offener Dekortikation. Dank der vielleicht hohen Konversionsrate von 9 Fällen sowie der Kombination einer VATS mit einer Minithorakotomie in 7 Fällen konnte eine höhere Reoperationsrate vermieden werden und nach primärer VATS musste nur in einem Fall in einer zweiten Operation eine Thorakotomie mit offener Dekortikation durchgeführt werden. Schlussfolgerung: Wir befürworten eine rasche und aggressive Behandlung des Pleuraempyems und denken, dass die Minithorakotomie zusätzlich zur VATS eine Hilfe bei der Dekortikation durch Unterstützung der manuellen Ausräumung respektive den Einsatz der grösseren Instrumente aus der offenen Lungenchirurgie sein kann. 16.04 M. Dietrich 2, S. Korom 1, L. Carboni 1, D. Schneiter 1, W. Weder 1 Abteilung f. Thoraxchirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, 2 Chirurgische Klinik, Stadtspital Triemli Zürich 1 Thorakoskopische Therapie des rezidivierenden Spontanpneumothorax: parietale Pleurektomie und Pleuraabrasio im Vergleich Einleitung: Innerhalb der letzten Dekade wurde die chirurgische Therapie des rezidivierenden Spontanpneumothorax durch die video-assistierte thorakoskopische Chirurgie (VATS) etabliert. An mechanischen Pleurodeseverfahren wird die thorakoskopischen Pleurektomie und als Alternative die Pleuraabrasio durchgeführt. Ziel unserer Arbeit war ein Vergleich dieser beiden Verfahren. Methode: Wir untersuchten 68 Patienten, welche zwischen 1/93 und 12/97 bei einem idiopathischen Spontan- oder Rezidiv-pneumothorax am USZ thorakoskopisch operiert wurden. Prospektiv und fast ausschliesslich alternierend geplant erfolgte bei 34 Patienten eine thorakoskopische Pleurektomie, bei 34 eine Pleuraabrasio. Resultate: Insgesamt kam es im Beobachtungszeitraum von durchschnittlich 3.6 Jahren zu vier (5.9%) operationsbedürftigen Rezidiven, wobei in beiden Gruppen je ein Früh- und ein Spätrezidiv auftrat. Interessanterweise fanden sich 3 der 4 Rezidive bei Patienten, bei welchen keine Parenchymresektion durchgeführt wurde. Es zeigten sich vergleichbare, etwas verlängerte Drainage- (+0.9d) und Hospitalisatioszeiten (+0.7d) bei pleurektomierten Patienten. Deutlich mehr Patienten der Pleurektomiegruppe litten an persistierenden Gefühlsstörungen über der operierten Thoraxseite (45% vs. 26%) (p > 0.1). In 7.4% der Operationen gab es kleinere therapiebedürftige Komplikationen, dabei eine operative Reintervention. Schlussfolgerung: Die thorakoskopische Pleurabrasio (mit Parenchymresektion) beim rezidivierenden Spontanpneumothorax hat sich zunehmend etabliert. Gegenüber der Pleurektomie ist die Pleuraabrasio technisch einfacher und zeigt eine deutliche Tendenz weniger Gefühlsstörungen an der Thoraxwand zu verursachen. Zwar laßen sich in einem Vergleich zwischen Pleurektomie und Pleurabrasio keine Unterschiede im Hinblick auf Rezidiv- und Komplikationsrate aufzeigen, aufgrund der in den letzten Jahren gewonnenen Erfahrung halten wir die Pleurabrasio, zusammen mit einer detailierten Beurteilung des Parenchyms und ggf. Resektion für den optimalen Therapieansatz. 16.05 C. Buchli 1, P. Nussbaumer 1, M. Kuhn 2, A. Leutenegger 1, M. Furrer 1 Departement Chirurgie, Kantonsspital, Spitäler Chur AG 2 Pneumologie, Kantonsspital, Spitäler Chur AG 1 Patterns of recurrence after video-thoracoscopic treatment in patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax Objective: Primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) occurs in young active patients and has a high rate of recurrence without treatment. Video-Thoracoscopic (VT) bulla ablation combined with pleurodesis has gained acceptance as treatment modality in recurrent or persistant pneumothorax. Our prospective quality control program demonstrated higher rates of second recurrencies after VT for SPS than in the literature. Patients and Methods: 386 VT were performed between 1996 and 2003. 80 consecutive operations concerned spontaneous pneumothorax. 14 VT performed in patients with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax were excluded. Indications for VT treatment consisted of second ipsilateral, first contralateral recurrence, bilateral simultaneous pneumothorax or persisting pneumothorax after chest tube drainage (air leakage >5 days) and patients with professions or activities at risk. During this study period all patients underwent preoperative CT scan and had one chest tube drainage postoperatively. We analysed patients with new recurrence and tried to define risk factors. Patients without recurrency served as controls. The 66 interventions were perfomed in 61 patients. Results For all SPS patients treated by VT morbidity concerned exclusively postop. air leakage (> 5 days, 24%), no mortality occured. The overall recurrency rate was 10.9%. Highly significant risk factors for further recurrencies were the individual case load of the surgeons and the incomplete expansion of the lung in postop. X-rays (71% vs. 29% in the control). We observed in 3 from 7 young patients the formation of new bullae when comparing the two respective preoperative CT scans. Conclusion Restrictive indicational guidelines for VT in SPS patients probably define a study patient population that is at higher risk for further recurrencies than reported in other series where more liberal inclusion criteria were used. The surgeon’s minor case load and the incomplete immediate apical contact of the lung to the thoracic wall were identified as major risk factors for further recurrencies. In very young patients we observed the formation of new bullae that might also favore recurrency. 16.06 S. Korom 1, A. Missbach 2, D. Schneiter 1, PJ. Keller 3, M. Furrer 2, W. Weder 1 Division of Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, 2Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital Chur, 3Department of Gynecology and Obsterics, University Hospital Zurich 1 Catamential pneumothorax - clinical approach and review of the literature Background: Catamenial pneumothorax (CPT) is a rare entity of spontaneous recurring pneumothorax in women. It has been associated with thoracic endometriosis, yet, varying clinical courses and the lack of consistent findings during intraoperative evaluation form the basis for conflicting etiologic theories. Methods: We demonstrate the etiology and report on the clinical courses and surgical treatment of three women diagnosed with CPT. In addition, the world literature since the first description in 1958 is reviewed. Results: Three women (31, 32 and 39) presented with recurrent, menses-associated rightsided spontaneous pneumothoraces. All of them had been explored thoracoscopically previously, and had undergone various unsuccessful procedures. Re-thoracoscopy revealed multiple perforations (1-5mm in size) in the tendinous part of the right diaphragm, with histological proven endometrial implants. Following plication of the involved area, two patients were free of recurrence for 18 and 10 months respectively. Laparoscopic evaluation in one woman with a further recurrence revealed additional but asymptomatic pelvic endometriosis. This patient has been free of recurrences after initiation of LHRH-analogue therapy for 15 months. From 219 described cases of CPT in the world literature, adequate clinical information was given for 185 patients (84.5%). Of those, 144 (77.8%) were treated surgically, with detailed intraoperative findings reported in 130 cases (90.2%). Thoracic endometriosis was diagnosed in 73 patients (56.2%), and diaphragmatic lesions in 54 (36.8%). Surgical treatment was described for 120 patients (83%). In 47 women (38.4%) diaphragmatic lesions were repaired, and in 40 (33.3%) pleurodesis was performed. Conclusions: CTP may be suspected in ovulating women with spontaneous pneumothorax, even in the absence of symptoms associated with pelvic endometriosis. During thoracoscopic exploration, visualization of the thoracic cavity and inspection of the diaphragmatic surface should be achieved. Thoracoscopic plication of the involved diaphragm alone can be successful. In complicated cases, hormonal suppression therapy may be a helpful adjunct. 16.07 D. Christoforidis 1, P. Pasche 3, S. Simon-Valla 2, S. Gebhardt 2, L. Nauroy 1, HB. Ris 1, E. Pezzetta 1 Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne, 2 Service de Pathologie, CHUV, Lausanne, 3 Service d’Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie, CHUV, Lausanne 1 Extra-thoracic tracheal reconstruction using the latissimus dorsi muscle flap in three different ways: an experimental study in pigs Introduction Reconstruction after resection of long tracheal segments remains an unsolved clinical problem. Following our clinical experience with intrathoracic transposition of the latissimus dorsi muscle for the coverage of lengthy tracheal resections, we investigated three different types of tracheal reconstruction in an experimental setting. Methods A cervical segment of the trachea, 4 rings long and 1/3 of the anterior circumference large was resected. A silicone stent was placed inside the lumen and the tracheal defect was covered by a pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flap, reinforced by three different techniques: a) latissimus dorsi alone (n=3); b) latissimus dorsi together with a segment of the 10th rib which was sutured into the defect with the pleural surface of the rib facing the lumen (n=3); c) latissimus dorsi flap prepared together with its thoracoabdominal fascia. A biodegradable thermomalleable multi-perforated polylactide plate (Macropore®) was embedded between the fascia and the muscle and was sutured into the defect with fascia facing the lumen (n=3). Three months later the silicone stent was removed and at 4 months, after control endoscopy, the animals were sacrificed, the trachea was excised en bloc and analyzed by histology. Results The cross-sectional area at the most stenotic level of the reconstruction, expressed as percentage of the cross sectional area of normal trachea, was 75%, 50% and 25% in group a, 85%, 50% and 40% in group b and 80%, 5%, and 5% in group c. Epithelialisation of the reconstructed trachea was almost complete in all animals in group a (80-90%), incomplete in group b (40-60%) and absent in group c. Moreover, the plate in group c eroded in the tracheal lumen in all animals. Conclusions Large extra-thoracic tracheal defects can be closed by latissimus dorsi flaps with satisfactory epithelialisation. However, structural support is needed for such defects. Pedicled rib segments or embedded biodegradable polylactide plates have not shown their utility in this respect in this model. 17 17.01 TH. Kapp 1, F. Holzinger 2, CH. Klaiber 1 1 Spital Aarberg, 2Service de Chirurgie Viscérale CHUV Lausanne Laparoskopische partielle Fundoplicatio nach Toupet als generelle chirurgische Therapieform der gastrooesophagealen Refluxkrankheit. 5-Jahresresultate einer prospektiven Langzeitstudie Einleitung: Bei Patienten mit gastrooesophagealer Refluxkrankheit (GERD) kommen je nach Oesophagusmotilität verschiedene laparoskopische Antirefluxverfahren zur Anwendung. Wir haben aufgrund der relativ hohen Incidenz manschettenbedingter Nebenwirkungen der Nissen-Fundopilicatio das Konzept des “tailored approach” verlassen und führen bei allen Patienten mit Gerd unabhängig ihrer Oesophagusmotilität die partielle Fundoplikatio nach Toupet als generelle Therapieform durch. Methoden: In einer auf 5 Jahre ausgelegten prospektiven Studie werden die erzielten 5 Jahresresultate der ersten 100 konsektutiven GERD-Patienten evaluiert. Alle Patientendaten wurden prospektiv in einer Datenbank erfasst. Alle Patienten erhielten präoperativ eine Oesophagogastroskopie mit 24-Std-ph-Manometrie. Bei einem Drittel der Patienten (n=34) erfolgte 8 Wochen postoperativ eine Kontrollmanometrie. Die klinischen Kontrollen erfolgten 1,2,6,12 und 60 Monate postoperativ. Evaluiert wurden der klinische De Meester Score, Morbidität der Reoperationen, Mortalität, digestive Beschwerden sowie die Patientenzufriedenheit. Ergebnisse: Der 5 Jahres Follow-up betrug 87% ( 5 Patienten starben, 8 lost in follow up).Die 5-Jahresheilungsrate der GERD betrug im untersuchten Patientengut 88,5%. Bei 3,5 % der Patienten trat ein Rezidiv der GERD auf. Der mittlere klinische De Meester-Score sank von präoperativ 4,27+/-1,5 Punkte auf 0,47+/- 0,9 Punkte 5 Jahre postopertiv (p<0,0005). Wegen persitierender Dysphagiesymptome erhielten 5% der Patienten eine postoperative Bougierbehandlung. Als Komplikationen waren zu verzeichnen: RefluxRezidiv (11,5%), Manschettendislokation (3,4%) sowie Gasbloatsyndrom (1,1%). Die Reoperatinsrate betrug 5% bei einer Gesamtmorbidität von 16,0% und einer Moratlität von 0%. 96,6% der Patienten waren mit der Operation zufrieden und 95,4% würden sich wieder operieren lassen. Schlussfolgerung: Aufgrund der nachhaltig guten 5-Jahresresultate mit niedriger Rezidivund Dysphagierate können wir die partielle Fundoplicatio nach Toupet als generelle und laparoskopische Therapieform der GERD empfehlen. Dem laparoskopisch versierten Chirurgen steht damit eine sichere und wirksame Methode zur Verfügung. 17.02 B. Wölnerhanssen, C. Ackermann, MO. Guenin, B. Kern, P. Tondelli, M. von Flüe, R. Peterli Surgical Clinic, St.Claraspital Basel 12 years laparoscopic cholecystectomy: one institution’s results of a prospetive trial of 4498 cholecystectomies Aims: We studied the development of indication, operation time, conversion rate, morbidity and mortality from the beginning of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Method: Between June 1990 and August 2002 we prospectively evaluated 4498 patients undergoing cholecystectomy, of which 3558 (79%) were done laparoscopically (lap), in 298 (6.6%) the procedure had to be converted from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy (Con) and 642 (14%) had primary open cholecystectomy (open). Results: During these 12 years the proportion of gender (72% females) and age (average: 57yrs., range:14-102 yrs.) remained constant. The rate of open decreased steadily (49% in 1990, 7.2% in 2002). The average operation time of lap decreased in the first half year only, remaining constant with an average of 74 min. thereafter (range: 20-330min.). The conversion-rate decreased in spite of widened indication of lap for even more complicated gallstone diseases from an initial 9.4% to 2.5%. Among intraoperative complications in lap and Con, bile duct lesions remained constant with 5/3856 (0.1%, main bile duct transsection 3x, -puncture-lesions 2x). Bleeding, which led to conversion decreased (from 1.9% to 0.3%) and the rate of gall bladder perforation increased (from 12% to 20.5%). The 30-day-morbidity was 2% in lap, 5% in Con and 11.5% in open; the mortality was 0% in lap CE, 0.7% in Con and 1% in open. Conclusion: Since the introduction of lap at our institution in 1990 the indication for this minimal-invasive operation steadily increased and the conversion-rate decreased. In spite of training unexperienced surgeons in our hospital (yet with a constant team of staff surgeons) the complication-rate could be held low. Even with vast experience in lap CE, up to 7% of all cholecystetomies are technically difficult and remain to be carried out primarily in an open technique. The lap has become the gold standard in the therapy of gallstone disease. 17.03 M. Suter Hôpital du Chablais, Aigle La chirurgie de l’obésité en Suisse. Résultats d’une enquête nationale Introduction: La prévalence de l’excès pondéral et de l’obésité est en augmentation constante. En l’absence de traitement conservateur efficace au stade de l’obésité morbide, la chirurgie bariatrique demeure la seule méthode entraînant une perte pondérale significative et durable. Malgré cela, les conditions de remboursement de cette chirurgie par les assurances devien- swiss knife 2004; special edition 41 nent de plus en plus restrictives. Le but de ce travail est de faire le point sur les pratiques actuelle en Suisse. Méthodes: Questionnaire envoyé durant l’été 2003 aux membres de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie. Résultats: 307 des 764 questionnaires envoyés ont été retournés (40,1 %). Seuls 58 chirurgiens (18,9 %) pratiquent la chirurgie bariatrique, le plus souvent par intérêt personnel (77,5 %), ou en raison de la demande des malades (74,1 %). 56,9 % des répondants effectuent cette chirurgie depuis au moins 5 ans, 20,7 % depuis plus de 10 ans, alors que 6,4 % l’ont arrêté. La plupart des chirurgiens (67,2 %) opèrent par année moins de 20 malades, adressés dans 75 % des cas par leur généraliste ou interniste. Une dizaine de chirurgiens effectuent environ la moitié des interventions. Les indications opératoires sont en accord avec le consensus international, et confirmées dans 87,9 % des cas par un groupe multidisciplinaire. Le nombre d’interventions annuelles ne cesse d’augmenter. Les techniques utilisées évoluent: avant tout restrictives durant la fin des années 90, elles incluent de plus en plus le by-pass gastrique et même les dérivations bilio-pancréatiques. Près de 90 % des interventions sont effectuées par laparoscopie. Conclusions: La chirurgie de l’obésité prend de l’importance en Suisse parrallèlement à l’augmentation de la prévalence de cette maladie. Une minorité de chirurgiens s’intéressent à cette discipline hautement spécialisée, et peu d’entre eux en ont une grande expérience. Pour faire face à l’épidémie d’obésité qui se développe rapidement, un accent devrait être porté sur la sensibilisation et sur la formation des chirurgiens aussi bien aux techniques chirurgicales bariatriques, relativement complexes, qu’à la prise en charge globale et à la compréhension de l’obésité morbide. 17.04 P. Gervaz, Ph. Morel Department of Surgery University Hospital Geneva Two colons – two cancers paradigm shift and clinical implications Embryological and physiological data suggest that proximal (in relation to the splenic flexure) and distal parts of the colon represent distinct anatomical and functional entities. Since 1990, molecular biologists have identified two distinct pathways, microsatellite instability (MSI) and chromosomal instability (CIN), which are involved in the pathogenesis of colon cancer (CC). On a molecular standpoint, there is increasing evidence that tumors located proximal to the splenic flexure represent a distinct entity, with specific clinical and pathological characteristics. The vast majority of MSI tumors are located proximal to the splenic flexure, while CIN tumors are preferentially distributed in the left colon and rectum. In our series of eighty-eight T3N0 patients, CIN was detected in 60% of left-sided Vs 16% of rightsided tumors, and 70% of MSI tumors were located proximal to the splenic flexure. Thus, a new paradigm has emerged with the discovery that CC is a heterogeneous disease; furthermore recent data have demonstrated that these two distinct pathways in colorectal carcinogenesis are characterized by a different clinical outcome. Since patients with stage III MSI tumors have a better prognosis than patients with stage III CIN cancers, it was logical to assume that the risks and benefits of chemotherapy may differ between the two groups. In a recent study of patients with stage III colon cancer, the benefit of 5-FU was restricted to the patients with CIN. Surprisingly, 5-FU-based adjuvant chemotherapy actually decreased overall and disease-free survival among patients with MSI tumors. The implications of this new paradigm for clinicians are two-fold; 1) tumors originating from the proximal colon have a better prognosis due to a high percentage of MSI-positive lesions; and 2) location of the neoplasm in reference to the splenic flexure should be documented before group stratification in ongoing trials of adjuvant chemotherapy for colon cancer. In the future, clinical decision-making regarding adjuvant chemotherapy might be stratified according to the MSI status of cancers located proximally to the splenic flexure. 17.05 A. Missbach- Kroll, CH. Sommer, M. Furrer Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital Chur, Switzerland Soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and the retroperitoneum: results of treatment with special regard of impact factos for local recurrency Background: Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are rare malignant tumors. Not suspecting malignancy excisions without prior biopsies and without respecting safety margins are often still performed. Radicality however is the most important prognostic factor even in an interdisciplinary oncological approach in STS. We analyzed our own results using an extremity preserving strategy in peripheral and retroperitoneal STS with special regard of impact factors for local recurrency (LR). Methods and Patients: Out of 33 patients with STS treated at our institution since 1996, 23 had tumors located at extremities (18) or at the retroperitoneum (5). Treatment strategy consisted of either a preoperative incisional biopsy or the direct “wide excisions” in case of an undoubtful MRI. Postoperative radiotherapy was optional. Overall survival and recurrency rates were calculated. Histological tumor type, grading, radicality of the first resection as well as whether radiotherapy was performed or not were studied in patients with LR in comparison to the whole group. Results: The mean observation time was 38 months. Malignant fibrous histocytoma (MFH) and liposarcoma were the most frequent tumor types. Overall tumor related mortality was 21% (17% in peripheral and 50% in retroperitoneal STS). Mean survival time was 27 months. LR occured in 17% of patients, distant metastasis in 22%. Mean time to LR alone was 11 months. All patients with LR had prior non radical local excisions performed at other 42 swiss knife 2004; special edition institutes. On the other hand were all patients with grade I and II STS, having had “wide excisions” and radiotherapy for grad >1 STS free of LR in this series. Functional results avoiding amputation even in case of extensive resections were acceptable in all patients. Conclusions: “Excisional biopsies” in patients with even a low suspicion of a STS should be avoided. Using extremity preserving strategies in grade I and II STS good results can be reached if radical resection is performed by a so called “wide excision” followed by postoperative radiotherapy in case of grade >1 histology. 17.06 F. Pugin, P. Christofilopoulos, A. Spiliopoulos Clinique et Policlinique de Chirurgie Thoracique, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Utilité de l’analyse génétique dans la prise en charge du carcinome médullaire familial de la thyroïde Introduction: Le proto-oncogène RET est impliqué dans le développement du cancer médullaire familial de la thyroïde, une tumeur rare, dérivant des cellules C. Il existe une corrélation entre le type de mutation et l’agressivité de la tumeur. La découverte d’une mutation permet d’identifier les individus à risque et sa caractérisation permet d’adapter l’âge auquel sera proposé une thyroïdectomie prophylactique. Seule une douzaine de familles présentant la mutation RET V804M ont été rapportées. Cette mutation rare semble être associée à un type de tumeur moins agressive. Méthode: Nous rapportons les cas de trois membres d’une famille, porteurs de la mutation RET V804M. Résultats: Une thyroïdectomie est réalisée chez une patiente de 52 ans présentant un carcinome médullaire de la thyroïde. La présence de la mutation RET V804M est retrouvée également chez la fille et le fils. Une thyroïdectomie prophylactique est réalisée chez la fille à 26 ans, et chez le fils à 23 ans, qui présentent tous deux un taux basal de calcitonine normal, et un taux élevé après stimulation à la pentagastrine. L’examen histo-pathologique démontre la présence de deux foyers de micro-carcinome chez la première et une hyperplasie diffuse des cellules C chez le second. Conclusion: La caractérisation de la mutation du proto-oncogène RET impliqué dans le cancer médullaire familial de la thyroïde permet dans certains cas de proposer une thyroïdectomie à l’âge adulte. 17.07 JA. Witzig, PH. Depierre, K. Francis, PH. Zurbuchen Clinique Générale Beaulieu Totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernioplasty using a non fixed anatomical slit polyester mesh: PARIETEX®ADP2 Background: Many techniques for groin hernia repair have been described throughout the world, with or without mesh, via open or laparoscopic approach. Today, the meta-analysis of prospective studies prove (1) that repairs with mesh lead to less recurrences and (2) that posterior laparoscopic approach less operative morbidity. We have selected to reinforce the abdominal wall with a large prosthetic mesh via a preperitoneal laparoscopic approach. Since 2000, in order to avoid pain due to fixation and to decrease surgery costs, we have used a non fixed anatomical mesh. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and the tolerance of a non fixed anatomical slit polyester mesh. Methods: A prospective study was set up, including all consecutive patients between February 2000 and December 2003. The specific design of the Parietex® ADP2 anatomical mesh (SOFRADIM-Trevoux-France) with its lateral slit allows the mesh self fixation around the spermatic pedicle. Patients were examined at 1 month, and every year. Indication, immediate, short and long term complications and results were recorded. Results: 247 patients (350 hernias) were included in the study for groin hernia repair (age: 50 ± 14 years and weight: 75 ± 12 kg). Only one complication occurred during surgery (possible nervous damage). 243 patients (98,4%) were controlled at 1 month and no serious event was reported (abdominal ecchymosis 1,1%, haematoma 2.6%, seroma 5.1%, testicular pain 5,7%, inguinal pain 4%). Over 1 year, 94% of the patients were clinically controlled and there was no recurrence. Conclusion: The use of this non fixed anatomical slit polyester mesh exhibits no serious complication. Over one year, no recurrence occured and the high rate of the patient satisfaction confirm the interest for the laparoscopic approach. 17.08 G. Zufferey, K. Skala, J. Robert-Yap, B. Roche Unité de Proctologie Hôpital Universitaire de Genève Chirurgie endoscopique des veines perforantes des membres inférieurs Introduction Durant la dernière décennie, la chirurgie des varices a progressé en raison de 3 facteurs principaux: l’avènement de méthodes diagnostiques performantes non invasives une nouvelle classification de l’insuffisance veineuse chronique le développement de la chirurgie minimale invasive et de la chirurgie endosco pique des veines perforantes. Technique opératoire: La ligature des perforantes est indiquée au stade C3 à C6 de la mala- die veineuse.L’intervention est réalisée sous garrot à l’aide d’une optique à visée axiale 0° comportant un canal de travail. L’abord est mené au tiers supérieur de la face interne de la jambe à 2 travers de doigt de l’épine antéro interne du tibia. Le fascia est incisé et le décollement de la loge est mené de proche en proche par un mouvement de balayage jusqu’à rencontrer les diverses perforantes. Successivement celles-ci sont coagulées puis sectionnées. Un anesthésique local est instillé dans la loge en fin d’intervention. Le fascia et le plan cutané sont refermés. Matériel et méthode: De janvier 1997 à décembre 2002, 653 cures de varices ont été effectuées au centre de chirurgie ambulatoire de notre institution. Nous y avons associé 72 ligatures endoscopiques de perforantes (13.2 %). L’indication concernait 42 hommes et 30 femmes d’âge moyen 58.2 ans (40-82). 65 fois la procédure était ambulatoire. Nous y avons associé 7 faciotomies. Résultats et complications 3 hématomes et une infection de la loge de décollement sont survenues dans le post opératoire immédiat. Nous avons dû ré hospitaliser 2 patients pour douleurs. Nous ne déplorons aucune lésion nerveuse, aucune complication cutanée, aucune thrombose veineuse profonde post opératoire. Le contrôle de 63 patients à un an montre que 2 perforantes ont été omises chez 2 patients. Une évolution de la maladie veineuse chez 8 patients a imposé une intervention contro latérale. Conclusion: La technique de ligature endoscopique est indiquée pour les stades CEAP 3-4 à 6. Très efficace, elle entraîne moins de troubles cutanés que la technique de Linton. Elle se complique dans 5.5 % des procédures. Cette intervention peut être aisément associée à la cure classique de varice. Elle s’effectue sur un mode ambulatoire dans 90.3 % des cas. 17.09 D. Heim 1, A. Kohler 2, U. Stricker 1, B. Noesberger 2 Spital Frutigen, 2 Spital Interlaken 1 Surgical management of patients at risk in a rural hospital in cooperation with a regional hospital - does such a cooperation make sense? Introduction: Small rural hospitals do not dispose of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). How to manage patients at risk from rural hospitals requiring ICU wishing the surgeon from the rural hospital to perform the operation and wishing postoperative rehabilitation in “his” hospital? To enable such a management a surgical cooperation between a rural hospital and its larger neighbouring regional hospital has been established. Does such a cooperation make sense and/or does it put the patient unnecessarily at further risk? Method: The team of the rural hospital is performing the operation in the regional hospital. Postoperative care on ICU by the team of the regional hospital. After ICU patient’s transfert to “his” rural hospital for the rest of rehabilitation. Results: From April 1999 to December 2003 40/ 2571 patients with the average age of 72 years (45-90 years) have been treated in this way. Their mean ASA Score was 2.8 (II-IV). Surgery: 16 colonic resections, 8 cholecystectomies, 3 gastric resections, 3 internal fixations of fractures and 10 other surgical procedures. Average stay on ICU 4.3 days (2-7 days) The patients were discharged from the rural hospital after another 10 days (5-14 days). Complications: 4 hematomas requiring reintervention (3 performed by the team of the regional hospital, 1 by the local team) and 1 burst abdomen (closure by the local team at the rural hospital). One patient died 2 days after discharge from ICU from a myocardic infarction in the rural hospital. No patient required readmission on ICU after discharge to the rural hospital. Conclusions: On the overall few patients only had to be managed in the above mentioned manner. The rate of complications is in regard to the severity of the surgical act and the reduced general state of these patients acceptable. The fact, that more reinterventions were performed by the team of the regional hospital reflects the high standard of this cooperation. Such a mangement means better use of infrastructural facilities such as ICU without any loss of personal care for the patient at risk! 18 18.01 I. Winiger 1, B. Egger 1, R. Greiner 2, D. Candinas 1 1 Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Berne, 2 Department of Radiooncology, University of Berne Neoadjuvant short-term radiotherapy of low rectal cancer impairs healing of rectal anastomoses after low anterior resection Introduction: Data of randomised controlled multicenter trials show that patients with advanced rectal cancer undergoing low anterior resection (LAR) and total mesorectal excision (TME) benefit from neoadjuvant preoperative short-term radiotherapy (STRT) (5x5Gy, 5 days) in terms of local recurrence rate and prolonged survival without serious adverse effects. Of note, in these studies the lower border of the irradiation field was above 3cm of the upper anal verge. In contrast to this experience we observed in our single center series of patients with low rectal cancer undergoing STRT prior to LAR/TME a high rate of anastomotic breakdown (ALR). Methods: In the past two years 64 patients with rectal cancer were treated at our institution. 45 of them underwent LAR/TME, of whom 17 had a low rectal cancer (distal tumor border < 4cm above the upper anal verge). In this group (n=17) asymptomatic patients (no bleeding or stenosis) and patients with no need for downstaging of the tumor underwent STRT (total dose of 25 Gy in 5 fractions during 5 days) (n = 6). All other patients underwent eit- her immediate LAR/TME (n=8) or operation after a four weeks course of neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy (n=3). Upon clinical signs anastomotic leakage was verified by computed tomography using a contrast agent or by contrast agent enema. Results: There was no perioperative mortality and to date no local recurrence was noted. Overall ALR in patients with low rectal cancer was 17.5% (3/17). In patients with STRT ALR was 50% (3/6) and in the group without preoperative short-term irradiation ALR was 0% (0/11) (p<0.05). Conclusion: Our prospectively collected single center data demonstrate in patients with low rectal cancer undergoing LAR/TME a significantly higher ALR in the group with STRT compared to the group without STRT. Our experience suggests that STRT of the sphincter area seems to be a major risk factor for postoperative breakdown of low anastomosis. In this light we conclude that STRT of low cancers should be abandoned or only be performed under controlled study conditions. 18.02 A. Schnider 1, R. Pescia 2, HR. Honegger 3, U. Metzger 1 1 Chirurgische Klinik Stadtspital Triemli Zürich, 2Klinik für Radioonkologie und Nuklearmedizin Stadtspital Triemli Zürich, 3Institut für Medizinische Onkologie Stadtspital Triemli Zürich Langjährige Erfahrung mit der trimodalen Therapie beim tiefsitzenden Rektumkarzinom: Verhindert eine komplette Remission (CR) ausgedehnte Resektionen? Retrospektiv wurden 84 Patienten mit tiefsitzendem Rektumkarzinom UICC II/III, die eine neoadjuvante Chemoradiotherapie mit anschliessender Resektion erhielten analysiert. Ansprechenrate, Morbidität, Sphinktererhalt, Lokalrezidive und 5-Jahresüberlebensrate werden diskutiert. Von 1995 bis 2004 wurden insgesamt 84 Patienten wegen eines tiefsitzenden Rektumkarzinoms (durchschnittlich 4,6cm ab Anokutanlinie (ACL)) neoadjuvant vorbehandelt (5-FU 1000mg/m2/24h Woche 1 und 5, RT 25x1,8 Wochen 1 bis 5). Nach einem Intervall von 4-6 Wochen erfolgte die Operation. Resultate Bei 12 Patienten (14%) konnte nach der neoadjuvanten Chemoradiotherapie eine komplette pathologische Remission (CR) erzielt werden, bei 39 (47%) zeigte sich eine partielle Remission (PR), bei 17 (20%) eine stabile Situation und bei 16 (19%) eine Progression. 65 Patienten (77%) konnten sphinktererhaltend operiert werden (17 APR, 62 LAR, 2 Pelvine Exenterationen und 3 lokale Exzisionen). Chirurgische Komplikationen traten bei 23 der Patienten (27%) auf, 16 (19%) mussten reoperiert werden. Anastomoseninsuffizienzen waren bei 5 von 65 Patienten (8%) und präsakrale Hämatome/Abszesse bei 7 von 84 Patienten (9%) zu beobachten. Die Hospitalisationsletalität bertrug 0%. Lokoregionäre Rezidive traten in 9,5% (8 von 84) und in 6 (7%) Fällen als alleinige Tumormanifestation auf, bei einer medianen Nachbeobachtungszeit von 74 Monaten. Kein Patient mit CR zeigte ein Tumorrezidiv. 5 Jahresüberlebensrate und krankheitsfreies Ueberleben werden vorgestellt. Schlussfolgerung Die trimodale Therapie beim Rektumkarzinom wird von den Patienten gut toleriert und ermöglicht in Ergänzung zur chirurgischen Technik in vielen Fällen eine kontinenzerhaltende Operation. Eine CR kann in 14% erreicht werden. In einzelnen dieser Fälle kann auf eine ausgedehnte chirurgische Resektion verzichtet werden. 18.03 E.Andereggen 1, F. Ris1, I. Neyroud 2, P. Gervaz 1, PH. Morel 1 Clinic of Visceral Surgery, University Hospital Geneva, 2Geneva Cancer Registry 1 Outcome of surgery for rectal cancer in octogenarians Introduction: Life expectancy of the elderly population is increasing. Therefore, curative treatment of cancer in elderly patients represents an important challenge. The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of surgery for rectal cancer in patients 80 years or more of age. Method: A retrospective study of 29 patients older than 80 years who presented with the diagnosis of rectal adenocarcinoma in our institution between 1997 and 2001 was undertaken. Results: 24 out of 29 patients (83%) underwent surgery, 23 being operated electively. Five patients had no surgical procedure (in 3 cases the patient refused the operation; in 2 cases the patients had locally advanced and/or metastatic disease and were considered irresectable). Six (25%) patients were classified as ASA II, 17 (71%) patients as ASA III and one patient (4%) as ASA IV. Twenty out of 24 patients (83%) underwent resection with a curative intent (abdominoperineal resection N=7, low anterior resection N=7, Hartmann’s procedure N=2, transanal resection N=4). Four patients (17%) had a palliative procedure (defunctioning colostomy). Eight out of 20 patients (33%) operated with curative intent underwent preoperative radiotherapy. Median hospital stay was 13 (range 10-35) days. Postoperative complications occurred in 11 patients (46%), and in 3 cases were surgically related ( 1 bleeding after transanal resection; 1 dehiscence of the perineal wound; and 1 anastomotic leak). Overall operative mortality was 12.5% (3/24 patients). When considering only elective procedure with curative intent, operative mortality was 5% (1/20 patients) and 2-year overall survival was 80%. At the time of last follow-up, 13 patients were alive, five of them with no evidence of recurrent disease at 5 years. Four out of the 7 deaths which occurred 8 months to 5 years after surgery were due to medical causes unrelated to cancer. Conclusion: In our experience, two thirds of patients older than 80 years who presented with rectal cancer underwent surgery with curative intent. In this population, good results in terms of short-term survival can be achieved, at the price of a relatively elevated postoperative mortality and morbidity. swiss knife 2004; special edition 43 18.04 1 1 2 2 CA. Maurer , K. Kessler , T. Gläser , G. Schüder 1 Dept. of Surgery, Hospital of Liestal, CH, 2Dept. of Surgery, Hospital of Wertheim/Main, DE Is the transverse coloplasty-anal reconstruction afflicted with an increased leak rate? Background: The transverse coloplasty (Bern’s Pouch) was developed in a pig model by Maurer and Z’graggen in 1997 and proposed for rectal replacement in humans in 1999. The transverse coloplasty is a simple procedure consisting of a longitudinal antimesenterial colotomy of 8cm length, 2-3cm proximally to the later coloanal anastomosis, followed by a transverse double-layer closure of the colotomy. Despite the world-widely increasing acceptance of this novel procedure some surgeons are sceptical for fear of increased leak rates. Patients and methods: 78 consecutive patients with transverse coloplasty anal anastomosis between 1999 and 2004 were prospectively registered in two databases and retrospectively analyzed. The median age was 67.5 years (range 24 – 85 years). All patients had preoperative orthograde bowel preparation. Inferior mesenteric artery was always resected and the part of colon used for reconstruction was the descending or transverse colon, exclusively. All anastomoses were below 5cm from anal verge. All coloplasties were sutured and all but two coloanal anastomoses were stapled. Pelvic omentoplasty was used in 38 patients (49%) and transanal tube drainage for 3-5 days in 41 patients (53%). A protective stoma was performed in 45 patients (58%). Pelvic irradiation was applied in 13 patients (17%) preoperatively, and in 11 patients (14%) postoperatively. Radiological control of anastomosis/pouch was done in case of clinical or laboratory findings indicating infection and always before stoma take-down. Results: Postoperative signs of infection has been recorded in 10/78 patients. The causes were: pneumonia (n = 2), urinary infection (n = 4), wound infection (n = 1), vein thrombosis/phlebitis (n= 1), central venous catheter infection (n = 1), unknown origin (n = 1). Only one patient presented with a leak at the coloanal anastomosis in form of a colo-vaginal fistula. Reoperation consisted in a loop colostomy. None of the other patients needed reoperation. None of the coloplasties showed a clinical or radiological leakage and there was no abdominal or pelvic abscess. Discussion: Our results suggest that the transverse coloplasty anal reconstruction is a safe procedure. 18.05 P. Wuthrich, P. Gervaz, Ph. Morel Department of Surgery, University Hospital Geneva Quality of life after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis: comparison of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis and ulcerative colitis Background: Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) is the gold standard for treatment of severe ulcerative colitis (UC) and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). However, the longterm quality of life (QoL) of patients who underwent this procedure has rarely been investigated. In addition, the impact of either the initial pathology (UC Vs FAP) and the type of reconstruction (J- Vs S-pouch) on QoL remains to be determined. Methods: A questionnaire-based evaluation of QoL using the Medical Outcomes Study short-form (SF-36) was undertaken. The SF-36 questionnaire is composed of 36 items that assess 8 health concepts; physical functioning (PF); role limitations due to physical problems (RP); bodily pain (BP); general health perception (GH); vitality (VT); social functioning (SF); role limitation caused by emotional problems (RE); and mental health (MH). Results: 67 out of 106 (63%) patients who had an IPAA in our institution from 1981 to 2002 responded to the questionnaire. The median age at the time of the procedure was 38 (range 17-69) years and the median delay between the procedure and the assessment of QoL was 83 (range 4-230) months. Forty-seven (70%) patients had UC and 15 (22%) patients were operated upon for FAP. Pouch construction was of the J-type in 37 (55%) cases. For the whole group, the results in terms of QoL were the following; PF = 50±9, RP = 44±16, BP = 49±13, GH = 47±11, VT = 46±13, SF = 44±12, RE = 40±20, MH = 42±14. QoL was not significantly different between UC and FPA patients (Physical Component Summary [PCS] = 52±9.7 in UC and 50±9.5 in FAP, t test p value = 0.39 ; Mental Component Summary [MCS] = 42±16 in UC and 38±16 in FAP, p=0.40). Time-dependent regression analysis demonstrated a trend towards decreasing QoL with time after IPAA (Spearman rank correlation r=-0.24, p=0.05). Conclusion: IPAA patients did not differ from the general population in all of 8 general health categories assessed by the SF-36. All aspects of QoL appeared better preserved in UC compared with FPA patients although the difference did not reach statistical significance. However, decreasing QoL with time is to be expected after this type of procedure. 18.06 P. Wildbrett, N. Demartines,M. Weber, C. Motta, V. Rousson, PA. Clavien University Hospital Zurich Renal transplant patients have a higher risk to develop complicated diverticulitis compared to non-transplant patients Introduction: Complicated diverticulitis is a serious complication after renal transplantation, with more emergency operations than in the non-transplanted population. The aim of this study was to assess (1) if renal transplant patients have a higher prevalence to develop acute diverticulitis, (2) higher rates of complicated diverticulitis, and (3) a higher need for emergency operations compared with a non-transplanted group. 44 swiss knife 2004; special edition Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all kidney transplant patients between 1964 an 2003 at our institution. An in-depth search was performed for post transplant acute diverticulitis requiring hospital admission (transplant group). Furthermore, non-transplanted patients admitted for acute diverticulitis to our hospital between 2000 and 2003 formed a control group. Free perforation, phlegmon, abscess or fistula were criteria for the definition of complicated diverticulitis. Data were analyzed regarding prevalence of acute diverticulitis, rates of complicated diverticulitis and emergency operations as well as length of hospital stay. Results: 1995 patients underwent renal transplantation during the study period. Twentythree of these patients (1,1%) were admitted to the hospital due to acute diverticulitis. Furthermore, 122 non-transplanted patients with acute diverticulitis served as control group. 90% of patients in the transplant group had a complicated diverticulitis compared to only 35% of patients in the control group (p<0,001). An emergency operation was required in 90% of patients with complicated diverticulitis in the transplant group vs only 67% of patients in the control group (p=0,065). The mean hospital stay of patients with emergency operations was not significantly different between both groups (28 vs 18 days, p=0.27). Conclusion: The prevalence of acute diverticulitis in renal transplanted patients is about 1%, similarly to the general population. However, the study shows that diverticulitis in renal transplant population presents typically in a complicated form whereas two third of nontransplant patients present with a non-complicated course. 18.07 B. Strub, M. Zünd, R. Warschkow, J. Lange Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital St. Gallen Appendizitis perforata. Laparoskopische Ergebnisse von 334 Patienten mit Appendizitis perforata Einleitung: Die laparoskopische Appendektomie ist heute als sichere Operationsmethode anerkannt. Das laparoskopische Management bei einer Appendizitis perforata wird in der Literatur kontrovers diskutiert. In einigen Studien gilt eine Appendizitis perforata gar als Kontraindikation für eine laparoskopische Appendektomie. Die laparoskopische Appendektomie wird bei uns seit 1990 routinemässig durchgeführt. Methode: Retrospektive Analyse von 334 Patienten mit einer Appendizitis perforata, welche zwischen 11/91 und 11/03 primär laparoskopisch operiert wurden. Resultate: 334 operierte Patienten. 140 Frauen (41.9%); 194 Männer (58.1%). Das mediane Alter betrug 48 Jahre (Range:13 - 94 J.). Bei 26.3 %.der Patienten war eine Konversion notwendig. Über die ganze Zeitspanne blieb die Konversionrate beinahe unverändert. Die mediane Hospitalisationsdauer betrug in der lap. Gruppe 7 Tage (Range: 3-23 Tg.), die mediane Operationsdauer 70 Minuten (25-225 Min.). In 90.6% der laparoskopischen Operationen wurde eine reine Appendektomie durchgeführt, in den restlichen Fällen kam es zu einer Operationserweiterung (z.B Ileocoecalresektion; Adhäsiolysen). Postoperative Komplikationen traten bei 30.9% der Patienten auf. Die häufigsten Komplikationen waren itraabdominelle Infekte (13), Ileus/-Subileussymptomatik (11) und Wundinfekte (7). Diskussion: In der Literatur wird eine Komplikationsrate von 10-50% bei laparoskopischen Appendektomien und von 10-40% bei offenen Appendektomien beschrieben. Unsere Erfahrungen zeigen, dass die laparoskopische Appendektomie bei einer Appendizitis perforata eine sichere Methode ist. Die Konversionsrate ist relativ hoch. Der häufigste Grund für eine Konversion ist die Unübersichtlichkeit bei Verwachsungen und Konglomerattumoren. Der Entscheid zur Konversion wird meist primär zur Sicherheit des Patienten und nicht wegen der Methode an sich gefällt. 18.08 FH. Hetzer, Y. Knoblauch, S. Buse, D. Hahnloser, PA. Clavien, N. Demartines University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery Quality of life after sacral nerve stimulation in patients with faecal incontinence Introduction Several studies demonstrate the success of sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) in the treatment of faecal incontinence. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of SNS on Quality of life (QoL). Methods: SNS was performed in two steps, first a percutaneous nerve evaluation (PNE), with insertion of a screening lead. The second step is the implantation of the internal pulse generator (IPG). The permanent implantation is proposed if a reduction of symptoms of more than 50% is observed during the screening phase. Quality of life was assessed by three different scores (Eypasch, Royal London Hospital (RLH) and the SF-36). Faecal incontinence was graded by the Wexner-Score, urine incontinence by the Hanley-Score before and 6 months after permanent implantation. Results: Between May 2001 and January 2004, 28 PNE - tests were performed in 22 patients (male / female = 10/12) with a median age of 58 years (range 32-86). The permanent stimulator was implanted in 13 patients (59%). Mean follow-up was 7 months (120). The median preoperative Wexner-Score was 15.0 (8-20) and postoperative 4.3 (0-11), P= 0.005. The preoperative urine incontinence score decreased from 2.1 (0-8) to 1 (0-2), P= 0.655. Significant QoL improvement were found for the RLH-QoL score from 95.7 (6202) to 39.0 (10-119), P= 0.066 and for the SF-36 from preoperatively 65.3 (13-100) to postoperatively 28.0 (7-80), P= 0.068. No difference was seen in the Eypasch score (preto post operative 99 to 98 P= 0.102. This later score is probably less specific for patients with faecal incontinence. Conclusion: In addition to an objective improvement of faecal incontinence score after SNS permanent implantation, a significant improvement of the physical, emotional and social quality of life score was documented. This positive influence of permanent SNS on continence and quality of life needs to be confirmed in long-term follow-up studies. 18.09 H. Petrowsky, N. Demartines, V. Rousson, PA. Clavien University Hospital Zurich, Visc.&Transpl. Surgery Is prophylactic drainage useful after gastrointestinal surgery? Introduction: Prophylactic drainage (PD) is considered as method to reduce and detect postoperative complications. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that routine drainage may not be useful or even harmful after many GI procedures. To determine if PD is useful in gastrointestinal (GI) surgery we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: A Medline search from 1966 to 2003 was performed to identify articles comparing PD with no drainage in GI surgery. The studies were reviewed and classified according to their quality of evidence (U.S. Preventive Service Task Force). Sixteen randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were found for hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery, 2 for upper GI tract, and 12 for lower GI tract surgery. If sufficient RCTs were identified, we performed a meta-analysis to characterize the drain effect using the random effect model. Results: There is evidence of level I that drains do not reduce complications after hepatic resection, cholecystectomy, pancreatic resection, colonic or rectal resection with primary anastomosis and appendectomy for any stage of appendicitis. The meta-analysis of 2 RCTs on liver resection revealed an odds ratio (OR) for infected intraabdominal collections of 3.4 (p=0.10) with trend in favouring the no-drainage group whereas drainage status had no influence on the rate of bile collections (OR 0.96; p=0.95). The meta-analysis of 7 RCTs on colorectal surgery showed no benefit of a PD policy in reducing complications. The metaanalysis of 3 RCTs on appendectomy for gangraneous or perforated appendicitis demonstrated an advantage for non-drained patients for the endpoints wound infection (OR 1.75; p=0.068) and fecal fistula (OR 12.4; p=0.039). Conclusion: Many GI operations can be performed safely without PD. In some respect drains were even harmful. Drains should be omitted after hepatic resection, cholecystectomy, pancreatic resection, colonic or rectal resection with primary anastomosis and appendectomy for any stage of appendicitis, whereas PD remains indicated after esophageal resection and total gastrectomy due to the potential fatal outcome in case of anastomotic and gastric leakage. 19.01 19 M. Lesurtel 1, B. Aleil 2, W. Jochum 3, R. Graf 1, C. Gachet 2, PA. Clavien 1 1 Department of Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, 2 INSERM 311, Etablissement Francais du Sang-Alsace, Strasbourg, France, 3 Department of Pathology, University Hospital, Zürich Platelets: a novel pathway of liver regeneration Background: Leukocyte recruitment triggers hepatocyte proliferation after partial hepatectomy. Since platelets interact with leukocytes and play an important role in liver ischemia/reperfusion injury, we attempted to assess the role of platelets in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Methods: To assess liver regeneration, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and Ki67 expression were determined in male C57BL6 mice 48 hours after 70% hepatectomy. Two models of thrombocytopenia and a model of inhibition of platelet function were developed. Immune thrombocytopenia was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a monoclonal rat antiplatelet antibody (immune group). Central thrombocytopenia was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of busulfan (busulfan group). To inhibit platelet aggregation, mice were pretreated with clopidogrel (clopidogrel group). A forth group of mice was treated with SR 25989 an enantiomer of clopidogrel which has the antiangiogenic property of clopidogrel but lacks its antiaggregant property (SR group). Results: In the immune group, platelet counts decreased below 10% of normal. Busulfan induced both thrombocytopenia and leucopoenia as assessed by platelet and leukocyte counts which were below 15% of normal. Clopidogrel did not affect platelet and leukocyte counts. In immune and busulfan groups, PCNA and Ki67 expression was reduced to 40% compared to the controls (p<0.01). In the clopidogrel group, PCNA expression was reduced to 60% compared to the controls (p<0.05), however decreased Ki67 expression did not reach significance. Liver regeneration was not impaired in the SR group, in which platelet aggregation was normal. Conclusion: These results suggest that platelets play an important role in liver regeneration after hepatectomy. 19.02 PC. Nett 1, HW. Sollinger 2, T. Alam 2 1 Universität Bern, Departement für Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Berne, Switzerland, 2 University of Wisconsin, Hospital and Clinics, Division of Organ Transplantation, Madison, USA Glucose-dependent hepatic insulin expression in STZ-induced diabetic mice after systemic plasmid DNA gene transfer Introduction: Gene-based therapy for the treatment of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) requires the development of a surrogate beta-cell able to synthesize and release insulin in response to glucose challenge in a physiological range. Some viral vectors transduce hepatocytes efficiently and express transgenes at high levels; however, non-viral vec- tors have the advantage of being less toxic, less immunogenic and further lack the risks associated with to viral vectors. Recent studies provide evidence that intravascular delivery of plasmid DNA results in an effective gene transfer to hepatocytes. Material and Methods: To test whether the systemic delivery of plasmid DNA is sufficient to correct diabetic hyperglycemia, proinsulin plasmid DNA was injected via the tail vein into streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice. The construct included the liver-specific albumin promoter coupled with three glucose inducible regulatory elements (GIRE)s from the S14 gene and the modified proinsulin with (3SATEM) or without (3SAM2) an additional translational enhancer sequence derived from vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Results: Compared to diabetic control mice, both 3SATEM- and 3SAM2-treated diabetic mice showed a normalization of fasting blood glucose levels, a significant reduction of postprandial hyperglycemia and reduced weight-loss. Treatment with 3SATEM in contrast to 3SAM2 significantly increased insulin serum concentration under both postprandial (3SATEM: 8.0±4.8μU/ml, and 3SAM2: 2.8±1.0μU/ml) and fasting (3SATEM: 2.4±0.3μU/ml, and 3SAM2: 0.3±0.4μU/ml) conditions (P<0.05), thus accelerating kinetics to restore postprandial euglycemia. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that high levels of hepatic insulin expression can be achieved by plasmid DNA injection via the tail vein avoiding the inherent risks of gene delivery by viral vectors. Additionally, the enhanced translational efficacy of our preproinsulin construct (3SATEM) substantially improved the output of hepatic insulin secretion and accelerated kinetics to restore postprandial euglycemia in vivo. 19.03 G. Mai 1, TH. Nguyen 2, PH. Morel 1, D. Trono 2, L. Buhler 1 1 Cell Transplantation Lab, Surgical Research Unit, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Geneva, 2 Department of Genetics and Microbiology, University of Geneva Medical School Treatment of fulminant liver failure by transplantation of microencapsulated primary or immortalized xenogeneic hepatocytes Aim: Shortage of human donors limits the number of liver transplantation (Tx) and new sources of tissues are being searched. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of encapsulated xenogeneic hepatocytes (EXH) Tx as a treatment of fulminant liver failure (FLF) in mice. Methods: Rat and human hepatocytes were isolated from normal liver by collagenase perfusion and digestion. Human hepatocytes were immortalized using lentiviral vectors coding for SV 40 large T antigen, Bmi-1 and telomerase. Rat and immortalized human hepatocytes were encapsulated in 400micron alginate-PLL-alginate membranes. In vitro, EXH were cultured for 2 weeks in albumin-free medium and albumin production was measured by ELISA. In vivo, a model of FLF was established in C57/BL6 mice by acetaminophen administration (700 mg/kg i.p) followed by a 30% hepatectomy. EXH were Tx intraperitoneally. The following groups were performed: Group 1 (N=20) injection of Hanks; Group 2 (N=12) Tx of empty capsules; Group 3 (N=20) Tx of free primary rat hepatocytes (50x106 hepatocytes per mouse); Group 4 (N=12) Tx of encapsulated primary rat hepatocytes (50x106 hepatocytes per mouse); Group 5 (N=12) Tx of encapsulated immortalized human hepatocytes (50x106 hepatocytes per mouse). Animals were euthanized at regular intervals and histopathology of microcapsules was performed. Results: In vitro, encapsulated primary rat hepatocytes showed continuous albumin secretion during 2 weeks, but encapsulated immortalized human hepatocytes showed minimal albumin secretion. In Group 1, 2, 3, and 5, survival was 30-35%. In Group 4, Tx of encapsulated primary rat hepatocytes significantly increased survival rate to 80% (P<0.001). Histopathology revealed that EXH were viable up to 2 weeks post-Tx. Conclusions: Primary hepatocytes maintained synthetic functions after encapsulation, whereas immortalized human hepatocytes showed minimal albumin secretion, suggesting that hepatocytes may lose specialized functions after immortalization. After induction of FLF, Tx of encapsulated, but not free, primary xenogeneic hepatocytes significantly improved survival. These results indicate that EXH can sustain metabolic functions during FLF and allow regeneration of native liver tissue. 19.04 M. Gass 1, C. Stoupis 2, G. Beldi 1, E. Ayouni 1, B. Gloor 1, D. Candinas 1, D. Inderbitzin 1 Klinik für Viszerale und Transplantationschirurgie, 2 Klinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie 1 Magnetic resonance imaging provides accurate volume determination in regenerating mouse livers To test liver supportive regimens in mouse models of liver regeneration a non-invasive repetitive volume determination would provide an attractive tool for real-time measurement of the therapeutic effect. The aim of the study presented was to develop a magnetic resonance (MR) based volumetric procedure to accurately determine the hepatic volume in the regenerating mouse liver. Methods: In Balb-C mice (20-25g, 6-8 weeks) under general intraperitoneal (i.p.) anaesthesia varying amounts of liver tissue was resected (i.e. 62%, n=8; 35%, n=3; 27%, n=2). MR imaging was performed 24 hours later in a 1.5 Tesla Unit (Sonata, Siemens), using a phased-array coil for small parts (dedicated wrist coil) under i.p. anaesthesia. T1 and T2 weighted images (T1: VIBE, TR 11,3, TR 5.51 msec, T2: TSE, 3D, TR 3000, TE 113 msec) in axial plane were acquired with continuous 1 mm thick slices. Two groups of animals were compared: With (n=6) or without (n=7) intravenous administration of paramagnetic con- swiss knife 2004; special edition 45 trast agent (GadovistÆ). Immediately after MR examination animals were killed, the livers resected and weighted. The liver border was delineated in every single 1mm MR image by two independent, blinded examinators and the hepatic volume calculated by the surface areas determined. Simple linear regression analysis was performed from the data obtained. Results: Correlation coefficients (CC) between liver volume measured and liver weight were 0.83 in T1 weighted images in the group without paramagnetic contrast injection. Injection of paramagnetic contrast agent allowed superior liver delineation in T2 weighted images (CC=0.96, p=0.002,) while discrimination in T1 pictures was difficult (CC=0.42). The standard error of the estimate of the mean was 6.8% resulting in an accurate liver volume determination. Conclusions: The MR-based volumetric protocol developed allows accurate and precise liver volume measurement during regeneration in a mouse model. Repetitive individual volumetry decreases inter-individual differences between animals thereby reducing the numbers of animals needed per group to detect significant differences in hepatic regeneration. 19.05 P. Bucher, G. Mai, Z. Mathe, D. Bosco, Th. Berney, L. B¸hler, Ph. Morel Division of Surgical Research, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Geneva Retransplantation of discordant xenogeneic islets using costimulatory blockade Background: We analyzed the feasibility of xenogeneic islet retransplantation using costimulatory blockade. Methods: Streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice were transplanted with human islets (HI). On day 14, mice were nephrectomized (graftectomy) and retransplanted with HI obtained from a different donor under the controlateral kidney capsule. Four groups were performed (6 mice/group): Group I: 1st and 2nd Tx without MR1. Group II: 1st Tx without MR1, 2nd Tx with MR1. Group III: 1st Tx with MR1, 2nd Tx without MR1. Group IV, 1st and 2nd Tx with MR1. Anti-CD154 mAb (MR1) was given at 0.5 mg i.p. on days 0, 2 and 4 post-Tx. A control group was transplanted only once without MR1 to evaluate the rejection process in nonsensitized mice. After 2nd Tx recipient mice serum was analyzed by cross-match on human lymphocyte for detection of anti-human antibodies. Results: In the control group, mean graft survival was 13± 7 days. Pre-transplant cross-matches were all negative. Group Therapy for 1st Tx Therapy for 2nd Tx Mean 2nd Tx Survival (days) Cross-match I None None 5± 3 + II None MR1 16± 13 + III MR1 None 62± 15 + IV MR1 MR1 >100 - Conclusion: Retransplantation of xenogeneic islets without therapy was associated with accelerated rejection. After pre-sensitization to xeno-antigens, MR1 was unable to induce tolerance to a 2nd Tx. MR1 given at the 1st Tx only, allowed prolonged survival of the 2nd Tx, but rejection still occurred. MR1 given at 1st and 2nd Tx allowed long-term survival of retransplanted xenoislets and prevented occurrence of anti-donor antibodies. 19.06 N. Selzner, M. Selzner, PA. Clavien University Hospital Zurich Different etiology of steatosis has different tolerance to ischemic-reperfusion injury Due to the dramatic organ shortage fatty livers are commonly used for liver transplantation. The role of micro- and macrovesicular steatosis in ischemia/ reperfusion injury is unclear. Methods: ob/ob mice and mice with choline deficient diet were chosen as models for steatosis. 45 minutes of ischemia of the liver were performed in both mice. The amount of total lipids was evaluated in the liver tissue. Liver injury was quantified by serum AST levels. Liver necrosis was determined by H&E staining and the ATP content of the liver tissue by bioluminescence assay. The blood flow in the portal vein was evaluated by laser doppler. Results: The amount of total intrahepatic lipids were similar in ob/ob and choline deficient mice (50 vs 48 mcg/mg, p= 0.5), and were 5-times lower in the lean control group (9.2 mcg/mg). Ob/ob mice had more macro- than microvesicular steatosis (75% vs 25%), while choline deficient animals had less macro- than microvesicular fat (30% vs 70%). After 45 minutes of ischemia and 4hr of reperfusion ob/ob mice had significantly higher AST levels (20100 U/L) than choline deficient (7200 U/L) or lean mice (5400 U/L). After 4hr and 24hr of reperfusion ob/ob mice had more necrosis in the liver tissue than choline deficient mice (4hr: 62% vs 41%; 24hr: 80% vs 65%). Lean mice had only minimal necrosis at this time point. ATP levels were comparable in ob/ob and choline deficient mice prior to ischemia and after reperfusion. Lean animals had a rapid normalization of the portal vein perfusion after reperfusion (90% of the baseline within 1hr). Choline deficient mice had 60% of the baseline portal vein flow within 1hr of reperfusion. In contrast, ob/ob mice had a decreased portal vein perfusion up to 24hr of reperfusion (15% of the baseline after 24hr). Conclusion: Macrovesicular steatosis results in higher liver injury in the early phase after ischemia and reperfusion. In contrast to lean livers both types of fatty livers results in a necrotic form of cell death. The decreased portal vein flow following reperfusion is a possible mechanism of the early severe injury in mice with macrovesicular steatosis. 46 swiss knife 2004; special edition 19.07 W. Moritz 1, R. Züllig 2, Y. Tian 1, G. Cavallari 1, PA. Clavien 1, M. Weber 1 University Hospital Zurich, Visceral & Transpl. Surgery, 2 University Hospital Zurich, Internal Medicine 1 Pancreatic islet engraftment after intrahepatic transplantation: evidence of early graft loss in a syngeneic rat model Purpose: Pancreatic islet transplantation is a practical approach to restore glucose homeostasis in patients with diabetes. Despite a remarkable progress during the last three years, a widespread application of clinical islet transplantation is limited by the high amount of islet tissue that is required for a successful therapy. The aim of the study was to investigate the process of intrahepatic islet engraftment in the early phase after transplantation beyond the scope of a diabetic state, graft rejection and the recurrence of autoimmunity. Methods: Islets were isolated from Lewis donor rats and transplanted into the caudate liver lobes of syngeneic healthy recipient rats by portal administration. The liver was harvested after one, three, eight and 14 days after transplantation and histology was examined. Results: Blood glucose values in transplanted rats were comparable to those in sham operated rats. Histology from liver paraffin sections show islets grafts embolized in the portal system, resulting in occasional focal necrosis and sporadic, transient macrovesicular steatosis. Insulin immunostaining indicates a reduction of functional b-cell mass with time by 50-80% within 14 days after transplantation which is paralleled by a decrease in average islet size and disturbed islet integrity. Cellular infiltrates can be observed occasionally at day three and eight post-transplantation. Conclusion: The loss of transplanted b-cell mass within the first days after intrahepatic transplantation in a syngeneic model suggests a non-specific inflammatory response, which is consistent with the observed cellular infiltration. This indicates that early graft loss in islet cell transplantation is provoked to a substantial part by non-immunogenic events which may contribute to the high demand of donor tissue in clinical islet transplantation. 19.08 D. Inderbitzin, A. Keogh, G. Beldi, D. Stroka, B. Gloor, D. Candinas Department of Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Hospital Berne Hepatocyte specific metabolic activity can be induced in adult liver stem cells isolated from rodent bone marrow Adult liver stem cells (ADULIS) can be isolated from rodent bone marrow. When cultured under specific conditions ADULIS are transdifferentiating into a hepatocyte-like lineage and are able to produce urea from ammonia. The aim of the study presented is to describe the hepatocyte specific metabolic capacity of cultured ADULIS from normal or bile duct ligated (BDL) rats in single or co-culture with hepatocytes, with or without Interleukin-3 (IL-3). Methods: ADULIS were isolated by a two-step immunoisolation procedure (i.e. Beta-2microglobulin negativity/Thy-1 positivity) from rat femoral bone marrow and cultured on a matrigel layer. Isogeneic hepatocytes were seeded on an inlay for co-culture experiments. IL-3 was added in the corresponding experimental groups (10ng/ml). Urea formation was determined with a colorimetric assay and 18S(rRNA) content used to standardize the metabolic signal for cell number. Results: Relative urea synthesis in cultures from normal animals was 1.03±0.42 in single and 1.38±0.41 in co-culture. With addition of IL-3 urea genesis was stronger: 1.68±0.6 in single and 2.65±1.02 in co-culture (p<0.05). In cell cultures from seven days BDL rats relative urea formation was 1.58±1.43 in single and 2.63±1.32 in co-culture. With the addition of IL-3 values were 2.39±0.51 in single and 3.16±0.81 in co-culture (p=n.s.). Co-culture induced stronger ureagenesis under all culture conditions examined. Conclusions: Addition of IL-3 to the cultures of adult liver progenitor cells from normal animals induced augmented hepatocyte specific metabolic capacity. Our data indicate a broader biological spectrum for the haematopoietic growth factor IL-3 than previously recognized. Co-culturing ADULIS with hepatocytes increased ureagenesis in all paired culture experiments. As there is no direct cell contact between hepatocytes and ADULIS, paracrine soluble factors must be involved. These factors should be isolated and might be used to support the failing liver in vivopotentially by activation of the ADULIS pool in the bone marrow and the liver. 21 21.01 R. Tavakoli 1, M. Genoni 1, K. Graves 1, M. Wilhelm 1, C. Hofer 2, M. Turina 1 1 Cardiac Surgery Triemli Hospital, 2Anesthesiology Triemli Hospital Superior flow pattern of internal thoracic artery over saphenous vein grafts during OPCAB procedures Background: The internal thoracic artery (ITA) is established as the conduit of choice for revascularization of the LAD. However, the advantages of its use over that of the saphenous vein (SV) for revascularization of the RCX or RCA are still debated. Methods: From 11/01 to 08/03 intraoperative flow measurements were carried out in 462 consecutive patients (Euroscore 5.1) undergoing OPCAB (92% of isolated CABG during the same period, 3.7±1.0 distal anastomoses/patient). RCX was grafted in 380 patients[176 ITA(46%), 204 SV] and RCA in 392 patients [55 ITA(14%), 337SV]. Results: Mean pulsatile index (PI) was significantly better for the single ITA/RCx grafts (2.8±1.9;n=138) than for the single SV/RCx grafts (3.3±1.7, n=65;p=0.05). Mean flow did not differ (28±22 and 31±25 ml/min;p=0.3). Accordingly, the PI was significantly better for the single ITA/RCA grafts (2.2±1.2;n=55) than for the single SV/RCA grafts (3.4±2.6, n=268;p=0.0001). The flow did not differ (30±16 and 32±22 ml/min;p=0.9). Early mortality and incidence of perioperative myocardial infarction were 1.5% (7/462) and 3.5% (16/462) for the whole patients. The incidence of perioperative myocardial infarction tended to be lower in patients receiving an ITA to either the RCx or the RCA than in those receiving a SV [3/138 of ITA/RCx(2.2%) vs. 3/65 of SV/RCx (4.6%), 2/55 of ITA/RCA (3.6%) vs. 13/268 of SV/RCA (4.9%)] but Troponin release on the 1. postoperative day was significantly higher in patients with SV compared to those with ITA to either territories. Furthermore the need for red blood cell transfusion was significantly lower in patients receiving an ITA rather than a SV to both target vessels. Conclusion: Matching better coronaries’ diameter, the ITA provides superior flow properties than the SV to the RCx and RCA regions with reduced release of biological marker of myocardial ischemia. Whether this advantage persists after adjusting for the grade of the proximal coronary stenosis needs further studies. 21.02 M. Genoni 1, M. Wilhelm 1, R. Tavakoli 1, C. Hofer 2, S. Costabile 1, H. Löblein 1, M. Turina 1 Cardiac Surgery Triemli Hospital, Zurich, 2Anesthesiology Triemli Hospital, Zurich 1 Conversion of off-pump surgery to extracorporeal circulation: the importance of the LAD bypass in patients with severe coronary artery pathology Introduction: Off-pump bypass surgery (OPCAB) has been proven to be feasible in more than 90% of patients requiring bypass surgery. In some cases, however, conversion to extracoporeal circulation (ECC) is necessary due to hemodynamic instability. The purpose of this study was to characterize such patients. Patients and methods: From January to December 2003, 245 patients underwent OPCAB. Preoperative characteristics and intra- and postoperative course of patients requiring conversion to ECC were analyzed. Results: In 7 (6 male, 1 female, 67.7±6.0 years, EF 46.7±12.9) out of 245 patients (2.9%) ECC was necessary. In those patients, Euroscore (6.5) tended to higher than in the whole group (5.6). More patients (43%) underwent emergeny operation than in the total cohort (7%) (p<0.05), all having instabil angina (total cohort: 35%; p<0.05). Two of the emergency patients received an intraaortic balloon pump before surgery, one intraoperatively. Four patients (57%) showed a significant main stem stenosis (total cohort: 35%; p<0.05), three patients (43%) a filiform LAD stenosis together with RCA occlusion. The time point of hemodynamic instability which required conversion to ECC was in 5 patients (71%) mobilization of the heart for perfomance of the LAD anastomosis, and in 2 patients (29%) mobilization for anastomoses to the criculflex artery. All patients received a left internal mammary artery (IMA) bypass to the LAD. One patient was completely revascularized with arteries (left IMA jump plus right IMA), the remaining six received 2 to 4 venous bypasses (distal anastomoses: 3.6±0.7). One patient (14%) died from acute circulatory failure on the first postoperative day, and one patients (14%) exhibited perioperative ischemia. Length of intensive care therapy was 1.7±0.7 days, length of hospital stay 7.1±3.1 days. Discussion: Conversion to ECC as rescue-therapy in OPCAB is required only in a small number of OPCAB patients. They are characterized by a high percentage of emergency operations and most severe coronary artery pathology. In such patients, performance of LAD anastomosis is particularly cirtical and seems to determine the need for ECC. 21.03 A. Weber, R. Tavakoli, M. Genoni, S. Aydin, B. Seifert, M. Turina Department for Cardiovascular Surgery, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland Predictors of early and late outcome after reoperative coronary artery revascularization Objectives: Reoperative coronary bypass surgery (redo-CABG) has been associated with less favorable outcome compared to primary CABG. We investigated the factors affecting early and late outcome after redo CABG. Methods: From 01/1990 to 12/1999, 158 patients underwent redo CABG (2.8% of total iso- lated CABG), with a mean age of 63±8 years (vs. 51±8 years at primary-CABG). The mean interval between primary and redo-CABG was 140 months (range 19-259 months). Mean follow up time was 47.6 months. Results: Early mortality (EM) after redo-CABG was 8.9%. Interestingly, the presence of 3-vessel disease (p< 0.01) and an incomplete revascularization (p<0.01) at the primary operation were risk factors for early mortality after the redo CABG. Anginal class 3 or 4 (p<0.05), emergency redo operation (p< 0.05), the need for intraoperative IABP (p<0.01) and duration of CPB (p<0.01) at reoperation were also risk factors for early mortality after redo CABG.Estimated survival rates for hospital survivors after 1, 5 and 10 years were 98.5%, 79% and 64%. Peripheral arterial vascular disease (p<0.05) and renal insufficiency (p<0.05) were risk factors for late mortality. Revascularization of the LAD at redo CABG was a strong predictor of improved survival (p<0.01). The use of the internal thoracic artery at redo CABG improved the late survival (p=0.05). Conclusion: Although redo CABG carries a higher mortality than the primary coronary bypass surgery, revascularization of the LAD and the use of arterial grafts at the time of redo-CABG improve substantially the late outcome in these patients. 21.04 L. Furrer 1, C. Hofer 1, R. Tavakoli 2, K. Graves 2, M. Turina 2, A. Zollinger 1, M. Genoni 2 Anesthesiology Triemli Hospital, 2Cardiac Surgery Triemli Hospital 1 Prediction of mortality and prolonged intensive care unit stay after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting Background and Goal of Study: Prolonged intensive care unit (ICU) stay contributes to increased cost and resource utilization in cardiac surgery1;2. The aim of this study was to evaluate prediction of outcome, i.e. 30d mortality, and postoperative duration of ICU stay in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCABG) using the European System of Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE)3. Material and Methods: From Jan 1st, 2001 to Dec 31th, 2002 398 patients underwent OPCABG in our institution (78% of all isolated CABG procedures performed during this period). Patients were scored using the simple additive EuroSCORE. 30-day mortality and duration of ICU stay were recorded. The discriminative power of the score was assessed by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). P<0.05 was considered significant. Results: EuroSCORE was 4.6±3.6 for these patients (age= 64.3±9.7 years, female/male ratio=89/309, ejection fraction=58.1±15.3%). The preoperative risk profile was equally distributed (low risk [EuroSCORE 0-2]=0.4%, medium risk [EuroSCORE 3-5]=33.4% and high risk group [EuroSCORE >6]=6.2%). Predicted 30-day mortality was 5.3%, observed 30-day mortality was 1.5% (6 death during follow-up period). ROC for EuroSCORE to predict mortality was 66% (p=0.17; i.e. no significant difference from 0-hypothesis: ROC area = 50%). Duration of ICU stay was 1.7±1.4 d. ICU stay and EuroSCORE correlated positively (Pearson correlation coefficient [r]=0.48, p<0.001). ROC to predict ICU stay >1 d was 66.3% (p<0.001). For ICU stay >2 d ROC was 74.8% (p<0.001), for >3 d, >4 d and >5 d 80.2%, 90.4%, and 91.7% (p<0.01). Conclusion: The power of EuroSCORE to predict mortality in this sample of patients undergoing OPCABG was weak. By contrast, discriminative power to predict prolonged postoperative ICU stay was good. Use of the score might allow for more efficient allocation and thus for cost reduction. 21.05 F. Bernet 1, I. Michaux 2, M. Filipovic 2, HR. Zerkowski 1, M. Seeberger 2 Division of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Basel, 2Department of Anesthesia 1 Impact of surgical technique on right ventricular function: comparison of on-pump versus offpump coronary revascularization; an echocardiographic study Background: The vulnerability of the right ventricle during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), as well as the potential occurrence of pulmonary hypertension after CPB are well known. The purpose of our study was to compare right ventricular (RV) function after myocardial revascularization with and without CPB using echocardiographic indexes of RV performance. Method: 41 patients scheduled for elective coronary artery bypass surgery were randomized to either on-pump (n=21) or off-pump (n=20) surgery. Transthoracic echocardiographic examinations were performed on the evening before (baseline), 7 days, and 3 months after surgery. We investigated the RV function using the velocity of the movement of the tricuspid lateral annulus measured by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). TDI measurements of the tricuspid annular velocity indicate systolic function by the systolic wave (Sm), and diastolic function by the early wave (Em). Anesthetic management and surgical procedures were performed in a standardized way. Cardioplegic arrest was induced in the CPB group with intermittent antegrade cold blood cardioplegia. In the off-pump coronary artery bypass group the Octopus (Medtronic) device was used. Results: Both groups were similar in their preoperative demographic characteristics. The intergroup comparison showed no difference between the two surgical groups for Sm and Em parameters of the RV function (Mann-Whitney U- test). The intragroup comparisons showed that Sm was significantly reduced 7 days and 3 months after surgery in both groups; Em was significantly reduced 7 days after surgery in both group. Three months after surgery, Em remained significantly reduced in the on-pump group but the reduction was no longer significant in the off-pump group (Wilcoxon signed-ranks test). Conclusions: Our results suggest that the systolic RV function, as indicated by TDI-Sm, is similarly impaired in both groups after 7 days and remained impaired 3 months after sur- swiss knife 2004; special edition 47 gery. Diastolic function, as indicated by Em, is similarly impaired 7 days after surgery in both groups, and remained impaired 3 months later in the on-pump group. Whereas the diastolic function in the off-pump group shows a trend towards the baseline value. 21.06 sion determined. The bovine mammarial artery was occluded. The evaluation of 1 radial artery graft was not conclusive due to limited visualisation. Conclusion: 16-sliced CT scan is an excellent non-invasive imaging diagnostic method for early assessment of graft patency after CABG. It has therefore the potential to initiate an early re-intervention in patients with perioperative myocardial infarction after CABG. A. Weber, O. Reuthebuch, A. Kuenzli, M. Lachat, M. Turina Department of Cardiovascular-Surgery, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland Guidant heartstring: initial experience in OPCAB surgery Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of the HEARTSTRING hemostatic seal system for proximal anastomoses in OPCAB surgery without the need of aortic side clamping. Material and Methods: Between May-November 2003, 50 proximal bypass anastomoses were performed with the HEARTSTRING device in 29 consecutive patients (21 man;8 women) with calcified aorta (assessed by transesophageal echocardiography/digital palpation). Mean age was 68+/-7years. A mean of 1.7 anastomoses per patient was performed. Bypass patency was assessed by intraoperative flow measurements. Neurological outcome was graded in 4 severities. Results: Learning curve was completed after deployment of approximate 10 devices. Crack of the seal occurred in 8 cases prior to deployment. No conversion to conventional side clamping was needed. No stitching of the seal or wrapping of the suture around the seal stem was adverted. Slight diffuse bleeding occurred with arterial pressure under 65mmHg. Bypass-graft flow was 53.7+/- 23.9 l/min. No perioperative ischemic events occurred, aswell as no postoperative neurological complications. Conclusions: Proximal bypass aortic anastomoses can be performed safely without side clamping using the HEARTSTRING hemostatic seal system. Anastomoses can be performed without remaining foreign material. 21.07 O. Scholz, F. Bernet, A. Todorov, HR. Zerkowski Division of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Basel Impact of female gender on early outcome in OPCAB surgery Background: The female gender is an independent predictor of adverse outcome after conventional coronary artery bypass surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass. The aim of this study was to determine wether this gender difference would be applicable in off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB). Methods: We compared retrospectively outcomes among 225 consecutive patients undergoing OPCAB over a 36-month period, operated by the same surgeon. The study included 49 women and 176 men, representing 16% of all isolated CABG procedures (1389) during this period. Adverse outcomes were divided into minor (MIN) and major (MAJ) adverse outcomes. MIN included postoperative bleeding, atrial fibrillation, respiratory complication without prolonged ventilation and superficial wound infection. MAJ included myocardial infarction, stroke, renal failure, prolonged ventilation,, mediastinitis and mortality within 30 days. Preoperative and intraoperative variables were evaluated as predictors of MIN and MAJ by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: We have seen no gender differences concerning age and preoperative risk profile (body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, renal failure, cerebrovascular disease, myocardial infarction and ejection fraction). 60% of both gender had a 3 vessel diseases with a mean graft number of 2.97 in women and 2.79 in men (NS). Inhospital complications were as follow: atrial fibrillation 6.12% in women, 15.90% in men (p=0.029), major bleeding 2.04% in women, 0.56% in men (p=0.49), pneumonia 0% in women, 2.27% in men (p=0.045), myocardial infarction 0% in women, 1.13% in men (p=0.45), stroke 0% in women, 0.56% in men (p=0.59). Overall mortality was 1.3% (3 of 225). In-hospital deaths was 0% in women and 1.70% in men (p=0.083). Prolonged ventilation, mediastinitis or acute renal failure was not noted in either group. Conclusions: In our series OPCAB surgery, female gender up to now is not an independent predictor of MIN and MAJ. In contrary, we suggest that in highly selected female patients OPCAB surgery might have a beneficial effect on early outcome. Further evaluation with a higher number of patients is mandatory to support this suggestion. 21.08 V. Goeber 1, HP. Dinkel 2, J. Gralla 2, F. Eckstein 1, M. Stalder 1, T. Carrel 1 1 Klinik für Herz,-Gefässchirurgie, Inselspital Bern, 2Klinik für Radiologie, Inselspital Bern Evaluation of early graft-patency with multislice spiral computed tomography after CABG Background: Early Evaluation of graft-patency after CABG can be important especially in patients showing signs of perioperative myocardial infarction. At present there is no non-invasive imaging diagnostic method established. The Multislice Spiral Computed Tomography (MSCT) is getting more and more an alternative solution towards the coronary angiography. Methods: We evaluated in an ongoing feasibility study 7 patients (all male; mean age 64 years; all isolated 3-5fold CABG) within 3 to 8 days after CABG with 16-sliced MSCT scans (Siemens Somatom Sensation 16; duration of rotation 0.37 sec). Scans were ECG-triggered, 3D reconstructed and evaluated by a radiologist. Results: In all patients we were able to visualise all natural coronary arteries, all in all 6 venous grafts, 9 grafts with mammarial arteries, 5 grafts with radial arteries, 4 jump grafts and 1 graft with bovine mammarial artery. There was no human graft or native artery occlu- 48 swiss knife 2004; special edition 24 24.01 CT. Viehl 1, DM. Frey 1, Y. Tanaka 1, UK. Liyanage 1, DC. Linehan 1, TJ. Eberlein 1, PS. Goedegebuure 1 1 Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2 Department of Surgery, Divisions of General Surgery and Surgical Research, University of Basel Tat-Her2/neu transduced DC induce a specific immune response and a reduction of tumor growth in breast cancer bearing mice Introduction: Dendritic cells (DC) transduced with full length proteins efficiently stimulate antigen-specific CD8 T cells. We recently reported on the generation of a fusion protein between the protein transduction domain of the HI virus (Tat) and the extracellular domain of Her2/neu. DC transduced with Tat-neu (DC/Tat-neu) induced CD8 T cells to specifically recognize Her2/neu-expressing tumor cells in vitro. In this study we evaluated the in vivo effect of DC/Tat-neu in a murine breast cancer model. Methods: FVB/N mice received one or two weekly intraperitoneal (i.p.) immunizations with DC/Tat-neu, one i.p. injection of DC/irrelevant Tat-fusion protein (DC/Tat-empty), or no DC followed by a subcutaneous tumor challenge with syngeneic, neu+ breast cancer cells NT 5. Mice were monitored twice weekly for tumor development They were sacrificed after 69 days and resulting tumor volumes were measured. To test for tumor specific CD8+ T cells, similarly treated mice were sacrificed two weeks after tumor challenge. CD8+ cells from spleen and tumor draining lymph nodes (TDLN) were isolated through magnetic beads separation and tested in an IFNgamma ELISPOT against NT5 and irrelevant tumor lines. Results: Immunized mice developed palpable tumors significantly later than mice injected with DC/Tat-empty (p=0.001 for two, and p=0.02 for one immunization, respectively), or receiving no DC (p=0.002 and p=0.02, respectively). Similarly, immunized mice showed smaller resulting tumors than mice injected with DC/Tat-empty (p=0.04 and p=0.01, respectively) or untreated mice (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). Twice immunized mice harbor neu-specific CD8+ cells in spleen and TDLN that recognize the neu+ NT5 significantly better than neu- or haplotype mismatched tumor lines (p<0.001). Additionally, significantly more tumor specific CD8+ splenocytes were found in twice immunized mice than in untreated animals (p<0.001). Conclusions: These data suggest that protein transduced DC may be effective vaccines for treatment of cancer. Average tumor volume (±SEM) (mm3) 2x DC/Tat-neu 1x DC/Tat-neu 1xDC/Tat-empty No DC 84.6 (±12.9) 79.6 (±6.6) 128.3 (±14.0) 165.1 (±11.8) 24.02 SA. Vorburger 1, JN. Vauthey 2, G. Krummrey 1, JC. Soria 3, B. Fang 2, D. Candinas 1, KK. Hunt 2 1 University of Berne, Inselspital, Berne, Switzerland,2 UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Tx, USA, 3Gustave Roussy Institute, Villejuif, Paris, France E2F-1 interaction with human telomerase reverse transcriptase (HTERT) expression predicts survival after colorectal liver metastases resection Introduction: 80% to 95% of cancer cells show activation of telomerase, which is critically regulated by human reverse telomerase transcriptase (hTERT). Several investigators have shown that telomerase activity may be useful in predicting the behavior of gastrointestinal cancers. Recently, it has been found, that the overexpression of the transcription factor E2F-1 downregulates hTERT activity in vitro. Because conflicting data exist on whether E2F-1 overexpression in tumor cells is a positive or negative prognostic factor, we evaluated the potential of E2F-1 to counteract hTERT activation in the nature of metastatic colorectal disease. Methods+Results: Reporter assays with cells either co-transfected with adenoviral vectors expressing E2F-1 (AdE2F) and hTERT (AdhTERT) or with stable transfectants showed hTERT-promoter downregulation by E2F-1. Western blot analysis of AdE2F transfected cancer- and normal cells confirmed the downregulation of constitutive hTERT activity. Conversely, downregulation of E2F-1 by siRNA induced hTERT overexpression. Immunohistochemical analysis (IHC) of LS174T xenograft flank tumors in nude mice showed E2F-1 overexpression, hTERT downregulation and prolonged survival after intratumoral AdE2F application. In a case-cohort study paraffin-embedded tissue slides from 70 patients with completely resected colorectal liver metastases were analysed for E2F-1 and hTERT expression by IHC. hTERT expression correlated with a poor 5 year survival (P=0.001(Fisher’s exact); OR=0.14 [95% CI 0.05-0.52]), whereas, E2F-1 expression was significantly associated with better survival (P=0.045; OR=4.7 [95% CI 1.23-16.4]). C2– analysis of patient groups that survived <2 years (n=26), 2-5 years (n=24), >5 years (n=20) identified the ratio of hTERT- to E2F-1 -expression as significant prognostic factor (P<0.002). Summary: In this study, we confirmed the potential of E2F-1 to suppress hTERT expression in cancer cells and we showed its prognostic value for patients with resected liver metastases. To our knowledge this is the first report that showed the downregulation of hTERT promoter activity in tumors by E2F-1 in vivo and that proved the clinical relevance of this interaction. 24.03 PO. Berberat 1, Z. Damrauskas 1, T. Giese 2, N. Giese 1, S. Meuer 2, MW. Büchler 1, H. Friess 1 1 Chirurgie I, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, 2Institut für Immunologie und Serologie, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) inhibition sensitize pancreatic cancer to adjuvant treatment Pancreatic cancer shows very poor survival rates mainly due its aggressive growth behavior and its exceptional resistance to all forms of adjuvant treatment. The so-called protective gene heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), which plays a key role in the defense against all kind of cellular stress, is highly expressed in different human cancers. In several experimental solid tumor models the inhibition of HO-1 activity decreased tumor growth, by induction of apoptosis and/or inhibition of angiogenesis, and prevented the occurrence of metastasis.In this study we demonstrate that the cell specific down-regulation of HO-1 expression and activity sensitize pancreatic cancer cells to adjuvant treatment options. Methods: The expression of HO-1 was analyzed in human pancreatic cancer samples in comparison to normal pancreas by quantitative PCR, Western blot and confocal microcopy. Influence of radio- and chemotherapy on HO-1 expression in pancreatic cancer cell lines was evaluated. Finally, HO-1 expression was specifically suppressed by siRNA transfection. Alterations of growth behavior and resistance to adjuvant treatment were tested. Results: Human pancreatic cancer showed significant over-expression of HO-1 in comparison to normal pancreas on mRNA and protein level. The cancer tissue revealed markedimmunostaining in tumor cells and in some tumor associated macrophages. Pancreatic cancer cell lines demonstrated divergent expression levels, from high to not detectable. Treatment of the pancreatic cell lines with Gemcitabine or radiation strongly induced HO-1 expression. Targeted knockdown of this HO-1 expression led to pronounced growth inhibition of the pancreatic cancer cells and made tumor cells significantly more sensitive to radio- and chemotherapy. Conclusion: HO-1 seems to provide a growth advantage to pancreatic cancer cells and to make them resistant against radio- and chemotherapy. Specific inhibition of HO-1 sensitizes the tumor cells to adjuvant treatment and may therefore be a new valuable agent in the therapy of pancreatic cancer. 24.04 M. Adamina1, M. Bolli 2, P. Zajac1, WR. Marti 2, D. Oertli 2, GC. Spagnoli 1, M. Heberer 1 Institut für Chirurgische Forschung & Spitalmanagement, Kantonsspital Basel, 2 Allgemeinchirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Basel 1 Humoral & cellular immune responses in stage III - IV melanoma patients: implications for immunotherapy Aim: To assess humoral and cytotoxic T lymphocyte responsiveness in melanoma patients undergoing active specific immunotherapy trials. Methods: 24 stage III (n=5) and stage IV (n=19) melanoma patients were admitted to immunization trials with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding 3 tumor associated epitopes (TAA: gp100280-288, Mart-127-35 and tyrosinase1-9) and CD80/CD86 costimulatory molecules (rVV). Booster immunizations were performed with the same TAA epitopes. Immunogens were administered i.d. in a first trial (trial I, patients 1-17) and intranodally in a second, ongoing trial (trial II, patients 1-7). Frequencies of CTL precursor (CTLp) specific for TAA or influenza matrix 58-66 (IM) control epitope were evaluated by limiting dilution analysis prior and after immunization. Humoral response against rVV vector was measured by ELISA prior and after vaccination. Results: Depending on specific responses to immunization (CTLp > 2fold pre-treatment) patients were ranked as good responders (responsive to 3 or 2 epitopes) or poor responders (unresponsive or responsive to 1 epitope only). All stage III patients in both trials showed CTL responses against all 3 epitopes. In contrast (p<0.05), 7/13 stage IV patients were poor responders. 6/13 stage IV patients were good responders, one showing a complete, long lasting clinical response despite a high metastatic burden. Remarkably, CTLp specific for IM in stage IV melanoma patients were significantly lower than that detectable in healthy donors. rVV specific humoral response was increased (OD >50% of pre-treatment) in all stage III patients, but only in 6/13 stage IV patients (p<0.05). A significant correlation (p<0.05) emerged between low rVV specific humoral response (OD <50% of pretreatment) and poor CTL responses. Conclusions: Immunocompromission in stage IV melanoma patients might hamper the induction of tumor specific CTL responses. Conversely, induction of rVV specific humoral responses does not prevent the generation of CTL specific for TAA. These data suggest that stage III melanoma patients and immunocompetent stage IV patients are more likely to respond to tumor specific immunotherapy. 24.05 M. Bolli, M. Adamina, E. Schultz-Thater, U. Guller, D. Oertli, GC. Spagnoli, M. Heberer Institut für Chirurgische Forschung und Spitalmanagement, Kantonsspital Basel NY-ESO-1/LAGE-1 tumor associated antigen expression in clinical samples: a tissue microarray study Background: Cancer testis tumor associated antigens (C/T TAA) expressed in tumors of different histological origin and in healthy testis represent potential targets for active specific immunotherapy. NY-ESO-1 is able to induce both cellular and humoral immune responses. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) have been used to detect this antigen in small series of clinical tumor samples. Here we used tissue microarray (TMA) technology to assess NY-ESO-1 expression at the protein level on a panel of over 2.000 tumors, by taking advantage of a mAb whose specificity was unambiguously established by epitope mapping. Methods: D8.38 mAb was generated by using, as immunogen recombinant NY-ESO-1. Its target epitope sequence was identified by random peptide library analysis. A TMA including 121 samples from 27 healthy tissues and 2052 tumor specimens from 100 different histologies was stained with D8.38 mAb. Samples were considered positive when at least 20% of the tumor cells displayed moderate or strong specific staining. Results: D8.38 mAb recognizes the aminoacid sequence encompassed by residues 26-40 in NY-ESO-1 TAA and shared by its alternatively spliced homolog LAGE-1. Four of five healthy testis tissues (positive controls) were stained by D8.38 whereas all other healthy tissues were negative. Concerning tumors, relatively high positivity frequencies were detected in melanoma (12/38: 31.6%), large cell carcinomas of the lung (8/45: 17.8%), advanced (pT2-4) stage bladder TCC (6/33: 18.2%), basalioma (6/33: 18.2%), fibrosarcoma (5/9: 55%) and rhabdomyosarcoma (2/9: 22%). In the last three tumor types NY-ESO-1/LAGE-1 expression was also found to be significantly associated with concomitant expression of MAGE family TAA, as detected by 57B mAb. Conclusions: These data derived from a large series of specimens confirm the high tumor specificity of NY-ESO-1/LAGE-1 expression and support the use of this C/T TAA in active specific immunotherapy of tumors of diverse histological origin. 24.06 P. Gervaz 2, D. Hahnloser 1, B. Wolff 1, S. Thibodeau1 1 Mayo Clinic Rochester, 2University Hospital Geneva Molecular biology of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus: a comparison of HIV positive and HIV negative patients Aim: The molecular mechanisms involved in progression of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus (SCCA) are poorly elucidated, as well as the potential role of HIV infection. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is one of the mechanisms responsible for inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (TSG). We hypothesized that HIV-induced immunosuppression may contribute to an alternate molecular pathway in SCCA progression. This study was undertaken to compare the molecular biology of SCCA in HIV positive and HIV negative patients. Methods: We retrieved tumor specimen from 18 HIV negative and 10 HIV positive patients, diagnosed with SCCA in two institutions. DNA from tumor and normal tissues was extracted, and then amplified by PCR. LOH patterns were investigated with 14 primers at 6 loci: 18q (DCC); 13q (Rb); 17p (p53); 11q; 2q; and 5q (APC). LOH was defined by a tumor DNA/normal tissue DNA >2. Results: HIV positive patients were younger (36± 7 Vs. 53± 13 years, p=0.001) and showed a trend towards tumors of larger size (3.7±1.6 Vs. 2.6±1.5 cm, p=0.09). A total of 46 allelic losses were observed in the whole group. LOH were the most frequent on chromosome 11q (13 out of 28 patients [46%]). When considering all loci, tumors in HIV negative patients were more likely to present with LOH than tumors in HIV positive patients (38 LOH/108 loci [35.2%] vs. 8 LOH/60 loci [13.3%], p=0.002). Differences between the two groups with regard to allelic losses were also observed at specific loci, such as 18q (7/18 [HIV-] vs. 0/10 [HIV+], p=0.03) and 17p (8/18 [HIV-] vs. 1/10 [HIV+], p=0.09). Conclusion: Consistent LOH on chromosomes 17p, 18q and 11q were observed in HIV negative patients with SCCA. By contrast, allelic losses at 17p and 18q seem to be rare in tumors of HIV positive individuals. These data suggest that immunosuppression may promote SCCA progression through an alternate pathway, and that persistence of human papillomavirus within the anal canal may play a central role in this process. 24.07 PF. Stahel, OI. Schmidt, CE. Heyde, W. Ertel Dept. of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Charité, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin TNF-mediated regulation of intracranial IL-18 in traumatic brain injury: a clinical and experimental study Interleukin-18 (IL-18) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) are potent mediators of intracerebral inflammation following traumatic brain injury. Regulation of IL-18 expression in the intracranial compartment through TNF has not yet been evaluated. We examined the posttraumatic release of IL-18 and TNF in cerebrospinal fluid of 10 patients following severe traumatic brain injury. Using an experimental model of intracranial TNF injection in C57BL/6 mice, the effects of TNF on IL-18 expression were investigated. In addition, IL-18 concentrations were assessed in brains of wild-type C57BL/6 and TNF/lymphotoxin(LT)-a-/- mice in a model of closed head injury for up to 7 days after trauma. Significant inverse correlation for IL-18 and TNF levels were found in patients following traumatic brain injury (r= –0.6 to –0.8, swiss knife 2004; special edition 49 P<0.05). In the experimental setting, increased IL-18 concentrations were detected in brain homogenates of mice injected PBS (vehicle) only, while the intracerebral injection of 200 ng mouse-recombinant TNF blocked IL-18 increase significantly within 24h. Both groups subjected to experimental brain injury showed significant increase of IL-18 concentrations, however no significant differences between wild-type and TNF/LT-a-/- mice were found. However, the gene knockout mice had significantly increased mortality within 24h and 7 days after trauma, compared to wild-type littermates. Based on the proposed „dual“ role of TNF as pro- and anti-inflammatory mediator in neuroinflammation, we suggest that the TNFmediated inhibition of intracranial IL-18 expression may represent a so far unknown antiinflammatory mechanism after traumatic brain injury. 24.08 L. Mica, L. Härter, O. Trentz, M. Keel Division of Trauma Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich Regulation of neutrophil apoptosis in patients with sepsis by STAT-3 The reduction of spontaneous Apoptosis in neutrophil granulocytes (PMN) after severe Trauma contributes to the pathogenesis of SIRS and sepsis. Endotoxins lead to activation of transcriptionfactors like NF-?B and STAT-3. This study investigates the involvement of STAT3 in the regulation of PMN apoptosis in patients with sepsis. PMN from patients with sepsis (n=7) and healthy controls (n=7) (1x106/mL) were stimulated 16 hours with LPS (1?g/mL). STAT-3 was inhibited by preincubation with Curcumin (20?M). Apoptosis was measured in flow cytometry (FACS) after FITC-Annexin and propidiumiodide staining. Expression of STAT-3 mRNA was measured in RT-PCR and protein in westernblot. Inhibition of STAT-3 abolished the LPS-induced survival in PMN from patients with sepsis (23.5 ± 2.6 to 47.7 ± 4.7) and from healthy controls (22.7 ± 2.9 to 55 ± 1.0). Expression of STAT-3 mRNA was found in control PMN, but not in patients with sepsis. STAT-3 protein was reduced in cells 25 25.02 JM. Gauer 1, P. Soyka 1, J. Meinhart 2, R. Flury 3, W. Schweizer 1 Kantonsspital Schaffhausen, Abteilung Chirurgie, Institut für angewandte cardiovasculäre Biologie, 2Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien-Lainz, Austria, 3Dept. of Pathology, Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland 1 Peripheral vascular bypass operation using autologous endothelialized PTFE-prosthesis Introduction: In the absence of suitable veins the peripheral bypassoperation using PTFE prosthesis remains problematic due to poor patency rates. 1999 Zilla, Deutsch, Meinhart et al. reported a patency-rate of 68% in 86 peripheral autologous endothelialized expanded PTFE-reconstructions after 5 years. In spite of the intricate logistics we decided to start using this method in patients requiring peripheral vascular reconstruction without suitable venous graft material. Methods: A piece of cepahlic vein is harvested and sent to the laboratory in Vienna under clima-controled conditions (800 km). 3 to 4 weeks later the endothelialized Goretex Graft is sent back. The bypass-operation is performed in standard technique, the graft is constantely filled with the nourishing medium. A piece of prosthesis is histologically examined, furthermore immunohistochemically the expression of CD 31 proves the viability of the endothelial layer. After operation patients receive platelet inhibitors and are checked for patency with duplex-ultrasound after 3, 6 and 12 months. Results In the first patient the procedure could not be performed since the endothelial cells did not survive the December climate due to failure of the clima-container; the second patient had too high levels of serum cholesterol and glucose which resulted in poor growht of the endothelium.From the third patient onward (December 2001) logistics were established and since then we have sucessfully operated on 10 patients. In 6 cases a below knee reconstruction was performed. In 8 patients the grafts are patent(6-26m).In 2 patients, both with a below knee reconstruction, the graft occluded due to extremely poor run-of. Conclusion Altough the logistics are intricate due to the distance between our insitution and the laboratory, we believe that peripheral arterial reconstruction using autologous endothelialized ePTFE grafts is the methode of choice in the absence of suitable venous material. The results are as good as in autologous vein reconstruction. Due to the strict selection of suitable candidates the number of patients is stil low. We hope to report in the near future about more cases. 25.01 25.03 BH. Walpoth 1, L. Karrer 1, E. Khabiri 1, M. Cikirikcioglu1, JC. Pache1, A. Kalangos 1, GL. Bowlin 2 1 Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland, 2 Biomedical Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA 1 Vascular tissue engineering using synthetic biodegradable scaffolds Objective Small synthetic grafts are associated with high occlusion rates. New biodegradable materials may help to overcome this problem. Different vascular grafts materials were evaluated as a biodegradable scaffold for tissue engineering. Methods Four different biodegradable materials were made by electro-spinning: Poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) (0.14 g/ml); Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) (0.14 g/ml); copolymer of PGA and PLA, PLGA (50:50); PGA + heparin (100 units/ml pre-spin solution). Grafts were first tested in an arterio-venous femoro-femoral shunt in 5 domestic pigs. Grafts were perfused for 3 and 9 minutes and examined by scanning electron microscopy for semi-quantitative assessment of thrombogenicity (score: 0 = best; 3 = worst). Secondly, pieces (1 cm length) of each graft material were implanted sub-cutaneously in 16 Wistar rats (250g). At 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks, four animals were sacrificed for semi-quantitative (score: 0 = best; 3 = worst). histologic evaluation of degradation rate, cellular in-growth and tissue reaction. Results (mean ± 1SD; compiled for 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks: *P< 0.05 vs. other materials) Material Thrombogenicity Score Degradation rate Cellular ingrowth Tissue reaction PGA PLA PLGA PGA+ heparin 1.6 ± 0.7 1.5 ± 0.9 1.7 ± 0.9 0.9 ± 0.6* 1.2 ± 1.0 2.0 ± 0.6* 1.7 ± 0.8* 1.0 ± 0.8 1.1 ± 1.0 0.6 ± 0.3* 0.7 ± 0.5* 1.1 ± 0.6 0.7 ± 0.9 2.0 ± 0.9* 0.7 ± 0.6 0.6 ± 0.7 PGA eluting heparin significantly improves blood thrombogenicity but has no influence on degradation rate and tissue reaction in the subcutaneous rat implant model. Degradation rate was high in most of the tested materials and increased over time. Degradation rate was highest in PLA and lowest in PGA. Cellular in-growth was highest in PLA and lowest in PGA, but tissue reaction was significantly lower in PLA. Conclusions: Electro-spun biodegradable graft materials are promising with regard to degradation rate and tissue reaction. PGA, especially with bound heparin, showed the best results for thrombogenicity and degradation. This material may serve as a scaffold for vascular tissue engineering because of its optimal biocompatibility. 50 swiss knife 2004; special edition B. Marty 1, LK. von Segesser 1, PG. Tozzi 1, P. Ruchat 3 CHUV Service de Chirurgie Cardiovasculaire, 3Service de Chirurgie Cardiovasculaire Endoprosthesis and IVUS: the tools for straightforward repair of traumatic aortic rupture Purpose: Open repair of thoracic aortic rupture is associated with a high rate of morbidity and paraplegia in these polytraumatized patients. An endovascular approach showed to be beneficial minimizing additional trauma load. Endoprosthetic treatment based on intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) for these lesions is presented. Methods: Endovascular repair for traumatic aortic rupture was performed in 10 patients (mean age 32+5). Target site identification, neck quality assessment and deployment control were performed by IVUS (Clearview, Boston Scientific Corp, USA), and an image intensifier (Siremobil compact, Siemens, GE). Enhanced computed tomographic scans and plain X-rays were performed postoperatively and at follow-up (13+9 months) Results: Visualization of the aortic lesion and device deployment at the target site were achieved in 10/10 patients. Procedure time was 105+41 min and fluoroscopic time 5+2 min. There were no conversions. Mortality was 0 %, morbidity 10 % consisting of a brain infarction. All aortic lesions were covered by the device, and follow-up confirmed complete dissolution of the periaortic hematoma with stable device position. Conclusions: Straightforward and effective treatment of traumatic aortic rupture is achieved by IVUS. A unique advantage of IVUS is visualization of the entire aortic lesion during the procedure. 25.04 D. Mayer 1, T. Pfammatter 2, A. Künzli 1, M. Turina 1, M. Lachat 1 1 Cardiovascular Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich, 2 Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Zurich Thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair – does EVAR add safety to the combined repair? Definition: To evaluate the safety of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in combined thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Method: Retrospective analysis of a series of 29 EVAR patients who had a combined repair of thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm between 1995 and 2004. 4 groups were identified: group A (8 patients) with a combination of thoracic and abdominal EVAR, group B (13 patients) with a combination of thoracic EVAR and abdominal aortic graft replacement, group C (4 patients) with a combination of abdominal EVAR and thoracic aortic graft replacement and group D (4 patients) with multiple open surgical and/or endovascular aortic procedures. Results: Overall 30 d mortality rate and overall 30 d neurologic complication rate was 10% and 0%. In group A 1 patient died 20 d postoperative because of aspiration pneumonia, in group B 2 patients died, one intraoperatively and one patient because of multi-organ failure 5 d postoperative. Subgroup analysis shows that pulmonary complications were lowest in the combined thoracic and abdominal EVAR group (group A). Long-term survival after a mean follow-up of 33.1 months (range: 1.2 – 66.0) was 73.9% Conclusion: EVAR in combined thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair is a safe procedure. Spinal cord ischemia was not observed despite repair of thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm. 25.05 V. Makaloski, J. Schmidli, G. Heller, A. Akert, E. Zingg, T. Carrel, H. Savolainen Swiss Cardiovascular Centre magna rekonstruiert. Die Vena femoralis wurde nur in zwei Fällen, beide jeweils mit e-PTFE ersetzt. Postoperative Komplikationen waren in einem Fall eine grosse Lymphzyste und in einem weiteren Fall eine ausgedehnte tiefe Wundinfektion. Die primäre Patency der Arterienrekonstruktionen betrug nach 1-7 Jahren 100%. Die Patency des Ersatzes der Venen war 0% ohne, dass damit weitere Folgen verbunden waren. Konklusion: In Situationen, in denen der Gefässersatz schwierig ist, wie beispielsweise nach einer Kompartimentausräumung oder nach einem ausgedehnten Debridement eines schweren Gefässinfektes, empfehlen wir den extraanatomischen lateralen Gefässersatz als elegante und sichere Methode. Gluteal ischemia – serious complication after infrarenal aortic surgery? Introduction: Because of the good collateral circulation of the pelvis, complications associated with occlusion of the internal iliac artery (IIA) are less common than those following occlusion of the external iliac arteries. However, these uncommon complications can provoke devastating sequaelae after surgery of the infrarenal aorta such as gluteal ischemia or necrosis. Patients and method: Between 1998 and 2001, 218 consecutive elective infrarenal aortic operations were performed at the University Hospital Berne. Of the 10 patients (4,6%, 8 men) who developed an early postoperative gluteal ischemia, six had abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and four aorto-femoral bypass for aortic occlusive disease. Three patients had aortic-bifemoral reconstruction and in seven an aorto-biiliac operation with preservation of at least one IIA was performed. Results: An ipsilateral ischemia was seen in 4 patients with an IIA ligated intraoperatively, two of them ending with small unilateral buttock necrosis and 6 had bilateral buttock ischemia with one-side predominance. The median maximal elevation of creatine kinase was 11435 U/L. One patient required a repair of the proximal anastomosis, the nine patients were treated conservatively with peridural analgesia, rehydration and specialised soft beds. No patient needed plastic surgery reconstruction. The median stay in the ICU was 0.6±1.2 days, in the IMC-Unit 3.3±1.6 and average hospital stay was 19±8.2 days. There was no in-hospital mortality and all patients were able to walk unassisted at discharge. At three months all patients reported full recovery. Conclusion: We conclude that gluteal ischemia after elective infrarenal aortic surgery is a rare and unpleasant complication, which can primarily be treated conservatively. However, the role of hypogastric revascularisation and the necessity of avoidance of postoperative hypotension remain the gold standard for the prevention of pelvic malperfusion. 25.08 25.06 25.09 T. Eugster, T. Obeid, T. Wolff, L. Gürke, P. Stierli Universitäres Gefässzentrum Aarau-Basel H. Probst, N. Ducrey, M. Depairon, D. Hayoz, F. Saucy, JM. Corpataux Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Die Revaskularisation beim diabetischen Fuss. Langzeitergebnisse >10 Jahre Einleitung: Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus haben ein deutlich erhöhtes Risiko, eine peripher arterielle Verschlusskrankheit zu entwickeln. Die Resultate der arteriellen Rekonstruktion beim Diabetiker werden in der Literatur kontrovers diskutiert. Methode: Wir haben unsere prospektiv erfassten Früh- und Langzeitergebnisse (1988 bis 12-2002) von autologen, infrainguinalen arteriellen Rekonstruktionen bei Diabetikern mit denen von Nichtdiabetikern verglichen. Resultate: Insgesamt wurden während der Beobachtungszeit 225 Venenbypässe bei Diabetiker mit Fussläsionen und 190 Bypässe bei Patienten ohne Diabetes aber chronisch kritischer Ischämie angelegt. Diabetiker und Nichtdiabetiker unterschieden sich nicht bezüglich Geschlecht, Alter, Bypassart und Risikofaktoren. Die Offenraten waren für beide Gruppen vergleichbar. Es bestand aber ein signifikanter Unterschied zu Ungunsten der Patienten mit Diabetes bezüglich Beinerhalt. Diese Patienten benötigten signifikant mehr grosse Amputationen (12.4% vs. 4%). Persistierende Fussinfekte waren in allen Fällen die Ursache für Amputationen bei offenem Bypass. Schlussfolgerung: Eine frühzeitige aggressive Abklärung und Therapie hinsichtlich Ischämie beim Diabetiker mit Fussläsionen ist notwendig. Zusammen mit einem adäquaten Débridement, einer resistenzgerechten Antibiose und einer interdisziplinären Fussnachsorge kann auf diese Weise vielen diabetischen Patienten die Extremität erhalten werden. Venous morbidity after superficial femoral vein harvest for infra-inguinal reconstructions Background: The superficial femoral vein (SFV) is a well-established alternative conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions. The potential for acute or chronic venous hypertension after SFV harvest may however result in significant morbidity. This study reports the efficiency of SFV as conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and characterize the anatomic and physiologic changes in harvest limbs and their relationship to the development of venous complications. Methods: From May 1999 through November 2003, 23 SFV were harvested from 21 patients undergoing infra-inguinal reconstructions. Bypasses were controlled by regular duplex-ultrasound. The venous morbidity was assessed by measurements of leg circumferences, straingauge plethysmography and quality of life, investigated by the VEINES-QOL scale. Results: At a mean follow-up of 10.4 months (range 1-56), primary, secondary patency and limb salvage rates of infra-inguinal bypasses using SFV are 71.4%, 76.2% and 85.7% respectively. No patient had major venous claudication. Oedema was significantly present in 9 patients. Strain-gauge plethysmography showed outflow obstruction in all patients. The VEINES-QOL assessment showed no limitation in social and domestic activity, moderate complain about leg heaviness despite presence of oedema. Conclusion: The SFV harvest is a reliable conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and results in moderate venous morbidity in terms of functional consequences and quality of life. 25.07 26.01 1 1 1 2 1 1 T. Obeid , R. Rosenthal , T. Eugster , F. Hefti , L. Gürke , P. Stierli Universitäres Zentrum für Gefässchirurgie Aarau-Basel, 2 Kinderorthopädische Universitätsklinik Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel 1 Die extraanatomische laterale Rekonstruktion der Femoralgefässe Einleitung: Weichteilsarkome oder schwere Gefässinfekte des Oberschenkels benötigen oftmals ausgedehnte Resektionen. Damit verbundene, arterielle und venöse Rekonstruktionen sind aufgrund zu erwartender Wundheilungsstörungen oder Infekten oftmals erschwert. Die richtige operative Strategie für den Gefässersatz ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Methode: Wir berichten über vier Patienten mit Weichteilsarkomen am Oberschenkel, bei welchen aufgrund einer medialen Kompartimentresektion eine Gefässrekonstruktion notwendig wurde. Die Rekonstruktionen der Arterien und eventuell Venen erfolgte extraanatomisch. Diese wurde zur Vermeidung einer Ischämie bereits vor der Kompartimentausräumung vorgenommen. Der Zugang zur infrageniculären Arteria poplitea erfolgte von lateral durch Resektion des Fibulaköpfchens. Resultate: Bei allen 4 Patienten wurden die Arterien mit der kontralateralen Vena saphena JM. Gauer, P. Soyka, N. Ganzoni, W. Schweizer Abteilung Chirurgie, Kantonsspital Schaffhausen Sartorius-muscle flap for treatment of infected inguinal access after vascular prosthesis Introduction: Infection of the inguinal acces wound after vascular reconstruction remains a difficult problem especially if a vascular prosthesis has been implanted. The impossiblity treating the infection may lead to abandonning the reconstruction. To avoid the infectionrelated failure of prosthetic revascularisation or anastomotic bleeding, we use a sartorius flap technique to protect the vascular graft by separating it from the infected wound, provided the deep femoral artery is patent. Patients and Methods: In 18 patients (8 with apparent infection, 10 with productive lymphfistula with or without cellulitis) after vasular reconstruction with PTFE grafting, the longitudinal access was enlarged proximally, a careful debridement performed and the origin of the sartorius muscle at the anterior superior spina transsected. The muscle was mobilised medially and laterally, up to three perforating vascular pedicles were ligated. The flap was rotated medially thus covering the vascular compartment and fixed with one to two sutures. The wound was dressed with Vacuseal technique. In one fistula-case a bilateral procedure has been performed. Results: In all cases the infection was controlled, after 3 to 4 Vacuseal changements the inguinal wound could be secondarely closed with intact vascular reconstruction. Conclusion: Using well vascularised muscle tissue to separate a PTFE graft from an apparent or threatening woundinfection is easy to perform, effective and in our hands a valuable technique for protecting the underlying vascular reconstruction. 26 A. Beuchat, S. Taub, AF. Corno, G. Codeluppi, LK. von Segesser Cardiovascular Surgery, CHUV, Lausanne “Lifesight” improves concentration and reaction time in surgery Objective: High mental concentration and focus within the surgical field are of prime importance during surgery. However, monitoring of vital parameters (ECG, blood pressure, etc) is usually displayed on a remote screen outside of the visual field. Having to shift attention back and forth from the patient to monitors, while realizing complex surgical procedures makes complete integration of remote information in real time extremely difficult. Methods: Centralisation of various sources of information within the visual field of the surgeon can be achieved by combining modern wearable head-up displays. The cyber tool allows the surgeons to simultaneously view the patient and the patient’s vital parameters using vision-through over a wireless 2.4 GHz, potentially enhancing the speed, accuracy and safety of surgical decisions. Using a human patient simulator mannequin, a group of surgeons were given a series of standardized surgical tasks to perform. The aim was to assess surgical and intellectual per- swiss knife 2004; special edition 51 formance in a realistic surgical environment by measuring the quantity of surgical tasks performed (A) during a given time and the reaction time (B) to recognize asystole using an electrocardiogram monitor attached to the simulator. The performance ratio (A/B) was useful for comparison between cyber tools display and standard remote monitors. Results: The amount of surgical tasks performed with traditional remote monitors accounted for 10.2±3.1 arbitrary units versus 11.1±2 for cyber tools (A: p=0.8 NS). Mean reaction time for traditional remote monitors was 14.5±5.6 s versus 8.4±2.3 s for cyber tools (B: p<0.01). The performance ratios (A/B) are 0.7 for traditional remote screens versus 1.3 for cyber tools (higher = better). Mean head arising with monitors was 10±3 times per minute against 0 times with the cyber tools. Conclusion: During surgery, modern cyber tools allow for significant improvement of reaction time and concentration due to real time access to vital information, which is traditionally displayed on remote screens. 26.02 MT. Grapow 1, MA. Konerding 2, DC. Reineke 1, P. Matt 1, F. Bernet 1, HR. Zerkowski 1 1 Division Herz-Thoraxchirurgie, Kantonsspital Basel, 2 Institut für Anatomie, Joh.-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Deutschland Impact of a modfield harvesting technique of the international thoracic artery on morphhological changes of the endothelial layer In previous functional organ bath experiments and plasma protein analysis for adhesion molecules the traditional harvesting method of internal thoracic artery (ITA) i.e., dissecting distally and occlusion with a clip during the anastomoses of other grafts (CA) was put up against a group, in which the ITA was preparated, kept perfused and dissected immediately before its anastomoses (PA). Results revealed significantly reduced endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine and significantly increased contraction to serotonin and endothelin-1 in CA. Plasma concentration of sP-selectin and thrombomodulin investigated from blood taken directly from the ITA were significantly higher in CA compared to PA. It was of interest whether these observations can be correlated with structural changes of the endothelial layer. In a total of three patients two samples of the vessel were taken of each patient, the first directly after its preparation, serving as a PA sample, then the artery was occluded with a clip, stored and shortly before performing the anastomosis to the LAD the second specimen was dissected and assigned to the CA group. These six samples were examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy. In blinded analysis by two independent observers all specimens were matched correctly to the CA vs PA groups. Significant changes in endothelial cell surface structure and membrane topology were seen in CA. The PA group showed in general a more flatly extended endothelium with clearly recognizable cell borders with no signs of intimal fracture or endothelial cell loss. Exposure of basement membrane and loss of individual endothelial cells was found only in CA. Extent and quality of morphological alterations suffice to induce pronounced functional endothelial cell impairment of the CA group. These observations strongly support our above cited results showing significant deterioration in endothelial function and highly abnormal increase in contractility in the clipped artery group. Functional, biochemical and structural results suggest therefore that a maintained perfusion of the ITA preserves endothelial function with possible influence on patency-rates. 26.03 S. Salzberg, F. Filsoufi, A. Gass, L. Aklog, D. Adams Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York Preoperative optimization with nesiritide (BNP) in high-risk mitral valve surgery Background: Nesiritide is a recombinant human brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), which decreases pulmonary arterial (PA) pressures and myocardial oxygen consumption while increasing coronary blood flow and urine output. Mitral valve surgery in patients with impaired left ventricular function and pulmonary hypertension has been historically associated with a high operative mortality. We hypothesized that preoperative optimization with BNP may improve surgical outcomes. Methods: From 5/03 to 9/03, 12 patients (7 male / 5 female, age 64, systolic PA 63mmHg, EF 37%) undergoing mitral valve surgery (7 repairs, 4 replacement; 4 reoperations) for 34+ mitral regurgitation were treated for an average of 27 hours (13-55) preoperatively with intra-venous BNP in an intensive care setting with PA catheter monitoring. The mean expected mortality by EUROSCORE was 25% (7.8-59%). Concomitant procedures included tricuspid valve repair (n=7), coronary artery bypass grafting (n=3) and left atrial maze (n=2). Results: Mean systolic PA pressure (63 vs. 34 mmHg, p=0.0003), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (31 vs. 14 mmHg, p=0.001), central venous pressure (12 vs. 5 mmHg, p=0.002) and weight (-3.7 kg, p=0.006) decreased significantly following BNP treatment, which was well tolerated. All other hemodynamic parameters remained constant, mean ventilatory time was 13 h and 30-day mortality was 0%. Conclusion: Preoperative optimization using BNP may improve early outcomes in high-risk patients undergoing mitral valve surgery. This may be due to improved ventricular loading conditions (decreased PA pressures, more effective diuresis) and/or a direct myocardial effect of BNP. Further prospective evaluation of the role of BNP in cardiac surgery is warranted. 52 swiss knife 2004; special edition 26.04 F. Filsoufi, S. Salzberg, M. Goldman, L. Aklog, D.Adams Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York Tricuspid valve repair with the Edwards MC3 annuloplasty system: early clinical results Background: Moderate to severe functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR) should be corrected in patients with left sided valve disease to improve long-term outcome. The superiority of prosthetic remodeling annuloplasty over other surgical techniques has been well demonstrated. We sought to determine the safety and efficacy of the new Edwards MC3 remodeling ring. Material: From 8/02 to 12/03, 39 Patients (15M/24F, mean age 63, mean EF 49) underwent tricuspid valve repair (TVR) for functional TR (grade ≥3) due to annular dilatation with the Edwards MC3 system (Edwards Lifescience, Irvine, CA). Etiology of underlying left sided valvular disease was: rheumatic (n=19), degenerative (n=13), endocarditis (n=3), ischemic (n=2), lupus (n=1) and congenital (n=1). 7 Patients underwent redo operations. Concomitant procedures were: mitral valve surgery (n=34), aortic valve replacement (n=4), coronary artery bypass grafting (n=6), maze (n=11), ASD-repair (n=2) and Bentall (n=1). Results: Operative mortality was 5.12 % (n=2). One late death occurred in a patient with endocarditis. 8 patients (20%) required postoperative trans-venous pace-maker placement. Follow-up echocardiography was done in all patients before discharge. Mean TR decreased to 1 (p<0.001) and mitral regurgitation to <1 (p<0.001) while EF increased to 52% (p=0.047). Conclusion: Concomitant tricuspid valve repair for TR associated with left sided valve surgery carries low operative mortality in high-risk patients. The new Edwards MC3 Annuloplasty system is easy to implant and significantly reduces FTR, with excellent early clinical results. Further follow-up and larger series are required to establish the long-term stability of this annuloplasty ring. 26.05 P. Matt, M. Grapow, T. Grussenmeyer, SE. Dörge, F. Bernet, I. Lefkovits, HR. Zerkowski Division of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Basel Proteomics analysis – a promising tool to investigate ascending aortic disease Purpose: Ascending aortic disease such as aortic root dilatation, ascending aneurysm or aortic dissection are of major interest in cardiac surgery. Little is known about the molecular pathways in the development and progression of these diseases. Proteomics analysis is expected to hasten the understanding of the pathologic processes at the protein level. Material and methods: Ascending aortic samples from patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass (n=4), aortic valve (n=4) or ascending aortic replacement (n=4) were excised, and frozen in liquid nitrogen. Samples were solubilized using a standard sample buffer containing NP-40, high pI ampholines and urea. Two dimensional (2-D) gels were prepared according to O`Farrell using the ISODALT system, in order to separate polypeptide components according to their charge and molecular size. Polypeptide spots were visualized by silver-staining. 2-D gel images were analyzed employing the PDQuest software. The modelled spots were compared to previously established 2-D gel patterns of myocardial tissue (n=4). Results: Due to the fibrous character of the aortic tissue, the solubilization and protein separation was more tedious than in myocardial tissue. 2-D gel patterns of aortic samples showed an average of 683 spots (range 512-786). In myocardial tissue (left ventricle) an average of 836 spots (range 624-912) were detected (p=NS). Statistical analysis revealed several spots that varied among different aortic diseases: the spot match rate ranged from 34 to 84%. It was not yet possible to differentiate between inter-individual and disease-related variations. Conclusions: Proteomics analysis is a feasible and promising tool to investigate ascending aortic disease. The solubilization and protein separation of aortic samples is a difficult task. The number and quality of detected spots is comparable to myocardial tissue. Quantitative spot intensity comparison is now under scrutiny. 26.06 JT. Christenson, D. Vala, J. Sierra, A. Kalangos Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève Risk for embolization at aortic cross clamping? intra aortic filter captures particulate emboli Objectives: Particulate emboli play a significant role in the development of complications after cardiac surgery. Intra-aortic filtration has shown to be safe and catches particulate emboli, thus reducing the risk for emboli related complications. Intra-aortic filter has been placed prior to declamping of the aorta. Aortic cross clamping is another high-risk period for embolization. This study was undertaken to evaluate particulate emboli release during cross clamping. Material: In 15 consecutive patients undergoing cardiac surgery, two intra-aortic filters were separately used. Filter A was inserted prior to aortic cross clamping and Filter B just before aortic declamping. All filters (n=30) were examined for histopathologic evidence of particulates by an independent institution. Results: Particulate emboli were identified in all filters deployed. Both Filter A and B contained macroscopic particles, primarily fibrous atheroma (10/15, 66.7% in each group). The average number of particulates was 7.1±2.6 (Filter A) and 6.7±2.6 (Filter B), regardless of epiaortic scanning and transesophageal echocardiography findings. In 10/15 (66.7%) patients, and equal or greater number of particles was find in Filter A compared to Filter B. There were no complications attributed to the filter identified. Conclusions: This study has shown that there is a risk for particulate embolization at aortic cross clamping, since all Filter A contained particulates. This suggests that intra aortic filtration ought to be routinely employed prior to aortic cross clamping, in order to avoid embolic complications. 26.07 F. Bernet, J. Wehrle, HR. Zerkowski, D. Baykut Division of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Basel Intravascular near-infrared spectroscopy is applicable for ischemia and reperfusion monitoring during off-pump coronary bypass surgery Objective: Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a reliable diagnostic tool for tissue oxygenation monitoring by spectral analysis of oxygen-dependent agents. The interruption of myocardial O2-supply leads to changes in coronary venous blood by tissue deoxygenation and accumulation of metabolites which are accessible for NIRS. NIRS absorbance spectra of coronary venous blood in animal experiments indicate reproducible changes during ischemia and reperfusion which could be used for ischemia monitoring in off-pump coronary surgery (OPCAB). Method: To transfer NIRS signals into coronary sinus, a fiberoptic catheter comprising two concentric fiber groups was developed with one fiber group for signal emission and the other one for collection. For data analysis and processing, a miniature spectrophotometer with multivariate statistical package was used. Continuous NIRS analysis of the coronary venous blood was performed in six patients (three OPCAB / three on-pump cases using blood cardioplegia) together with hemodynamic parameters, transesophageal echocardiography and ECG. Results and perspectives: In on-pump patients, NIRS absorption patterns showed that myocardial O2-consumption was interrupted under myocardial protection and returned to baseline after aortic de-clamping. In OPCAB patients, absorption spectra were not markedly changed which indicated that the myocardium was not suffered from ischemia during peripheral anastomoses, in accordance with hemodynamics and transesophageal echocardiography. Conclusions: 1. There are significant differences in NIRS absorbance between on-pump and OPCAB patients. 2. These differences represent changes in O2-consumption in beating and arrested heart. 3. NIRS can be used as an appropriate tool for online monitoring of myocardial oxygen metabolism under varying dynamic conditions in OPCAB surgery. 27 27.01 SW. Schmid 1, CA. Seiler 1, R. Weimann 2, D. Candinas 1 Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital of Berne, Switzerland, 2Department of Pathology, University Hospital of Berne, Switzerland 1 Frozen section in thyroid surgery Background: The value of intraoperative frozen section examination for intraoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancer is an issue of considerable debate. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of intraoperative frozen section analysis in our institution and its impact on the intraoperative strategy. Methods: All patients who underwent thyroid gland surgery between January and December 2002 were identified in a prospective database and evaluated with regard to the accuracy of intraoperative frozen section analysis (performed in all patients), and its imminent consequences on the selection of the surgical procedure. Results: One hundred and seventeen patients underwent thyroid surgery. Indications for thyroid resection were benign goitre (52 cases), hyperthyroid goitre (35), thyroid carcinoma (22), and recurrent disease (8), including 1 carcinoma. All patients underwent either hemithyreoidectomy ± subtotal contralateral resection or a total thyreoidectomy. In malignant disease an ipsilateral modified neck dissection (including bilateral cervico-central, and unilateral cervicolateral lymphadenectomy) was performed. 106 patients (90%) had a correct frozen section diagnosis; in 8 cases (7%) the frozen section analysis was inaccurate (6 follicular carcinomas and follicular variants of papillary carcinomas, 1 papillary carcinoma, 1 medullar microcarcinoma). Three samples (3%) were deferred and showed papillary carcinoma on final histology within 24 hours. Frozen section analysis revealed a thyroid carcinoma in 5 cases and subsequently altered the surgical strategy in these patients (4 papillary carcinoma, 1 Hurthle cell carcinoma). Conclusion: Intraoperative frozen section analysis showed a high overall accuracy with a high impact on intraoperative decision-making in newly detected malignant disease. Deferred results are worked up within 24 hours aiming at a reoperation within 72 hours. The determination of malignancy intraoperatively is difficult in lesions with follicular pattern and microcarcinomas resulting in a lower accuracy of frozen section examination in these particular cases. 27.02 G. Siegel, M. Wagner, B. Egger, B. Gloor, CA. Seiler, D. Candinas. Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Inselspital, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland Surgery for neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors – an increasing entity? Background: Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the pancreas are rare diseases, arising predominantely from the pancreatic islets. While biologically active NETs are detected in an early tumor stage, clinical diagnosis of biologically inactive tumors is difficult, therefore patients with hormone inactive tumors often present in advanced tumor state. However, NETs may have a better prognosis compared to adenocarcinomas of the pancreas if treated correctly. Methods: The medical records of patients with NETs of the pancreas who underwent surgery at our institution between Jan 2001 and Dec 2003 were reviewed. The incidence of NETs and the survival rates were compared to patients with adenocarcinoms of the pancreas. Results: Between Jan 2001 and Dec 2003 a total of 127 patients with tumors of the pancreas were treated surgically in our department. 20 patients (15,7%) had NETs of the pancreas. 7 NETs were localized, metastasising or locally advanced tumors were found in 13 cases. Tumors were completely removed in 14 cases (70%). Surgical procedures consisted in 8 pancreatectoduodenotomys, 6 left sided pancreatic resections and 3 local tumor enucleations. In 3 patients only a palliative gastroenterostomy was performed, due to advanced tumor state. All patients with localized tumors (7 patients) and also all patients with metastasising tumors who where removed completely (6 patients) are still alive. In the patient group with not completely removable tumors or palliative surgery 3 patients are still alive, while 4 patients died (median survival 6.8 months, range 2-11 months). Conclusion: NETs of the pancreas are more frequent than generally assumed. The survival of patients with NETs is better than in patients with adenocarcinomas, especially in advanced and metastasic disease. Therefore aggressive surgery including multi-visceralresections with splenectomy, pancreatectomy, liver resections, colonic or gastric resections should be considered. Even in patients with advanced disease a tumor debulking and resection of metastases may lead to a prolongation of survival and improved quality of life (reduction of side effects of hormone secretion). 27.03 MA. Chappuis 1, A. Bischof-Delaloye2, Y. Groebli 1 1 Unité Hospitalière de Neuchâtel, Département de Chirurgie, 2 CHUV, Lausanne, Service de Médecine nucléaire Radioguided surgery for intestinal carcinoid tumor Introduction: Carcinoid tumours differ from other malignancies in behaviour and spread. Surgery is the only curative treatment. Preoperative imaging may fail to localize small tumours. Laparotomy for midgut (pancreatic or small bowel) carcinoids may be unsuccessful in up to 30% of cases. Fusion of Indium-111-octreotide scintigraphy and computerized tomography (SPECT/CT) has been shown to be useful in identification of infracentimetric tumours. Radioguided surgery has been reported to help surgeons in the localization of such tumours. Case report: a 43 year old woman suffered from several episodes of acute watery diarrhoea with major electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. A small carcinoid tumour of the duodenum was found at endoscopy. Biologic markers were elevated. Octreotide scintigraphy showed 3 uptake foci in the right upper abdominal quadrant. Neither CT nor magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could identify any tumour. Segmental resection of the duodenum was performed. Only one tumour was found histologically. After a short symptom-free interval, the patient resumed experiencing severe episodes of watery diarrhoea. Markers were still elevated. 2 small lesions were visible on SPECT. CT and MRI were again negative. In the absence of distant spreading we assumed the likelihood of curative surgery. Methods: SPECT/CT fusion images showed the hot spots to correspond to lymph nodes of the pancreatic region, which appeared normal on high resolution CT. Radioguided surgery was performed 48 hours after iv injection of In-111- octreotide. Two nodes showed intense radioactivity compared with the background and were removed. The metastatic nature was confirmed histologically. The patient remained asymptomatic for more than one year, but the markers did not return to normal. She refused new imaging procedures.Conclusion: Although definite cure may not have been achieved in this case, SPECT /CT fusion images and radioguided surgery have been useful for localizing and selective removing of centimetric lymph nodes metastases of a duodenal carcinoid tumour. 27.04 CJ. Geppert, M. Koch, A. Troendle Spital Bern Tiefenau A rare combination of phaeochromocytoma & carcinoid tumor of Vater’s papilla in a patient with von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis A 58-year-old male suffering from Recklinghausen’s fibromatosis (NvR) presented as an emergency with perforated diverticular disease & widespread peritonitis. During the laparotomy with Hartmann’s procedure the patient suffered multiple hypertensive crises with the swiss knife 2004; special edition 53 INSERAT systolic blood pressure rising to 250-300mmHg. The suspected phaechromocytoma was demonstrated postoperatively by abdominal computertomography & I-123-MIBG-scintigraphy with bilateral phaeochromocytomas without extramedullary manifestation. After recovery an elective bilateral adrenalectomy with prae-operative alpha-blockade (phenoxybenzamin-HCL) was planned. Due to personal circumstances surgery was delayed. 5 months later the patient presented yet again as an emergency with right-sided upper abdominal pain & cholestatic jaundice. Investigations confirmed the diagnosis of gallstones & by ERCP additionally a well-differentiated carcinoid tumor of Vater’s papilla. The patient was treated by an adrenalectomy right, subtotal adrenalectomy left, duodenotomy, papillectomy & papilloplasty, cholecystectomy & descendo-rectostomy. Histopathological investigations of the carcinoid tumor failed to express somatostatin receptors. The carcinoid tumor was nonreactive to serotonin, weakly reactive to chromogranin & clearly reactive to synaptophysin. After recovery, no progression of the disease was observed up to the present date. A review of the literature shows that many patients with NvR are at high risk of developing duodenal somatostatin-rich carcinoids, gastrointestinal stromal & gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumors. Phaeochromocytomas are also associated with NvR, however, the triad of NvR, phaechromocytoma and neuroeondocrine tumor of Vater’s papilla is a rare condition. There are suggestions in the literature that neurofibromatosis, phaeochromocytoma & duodenal carcinoid constitute a distinct & specific multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome (NPDC Syndrome). 27.05 L. Regusc, RE. Vandoni, B. Fournier, Ph. Gertsch Servizio di Chirurgia, Ospedale San Giovanni, Bellinzona GIST and a duodenal neuroendocrine tumour in a patient with von Recklinghausen’s disease: a case report and review of literature Introduction: Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) or neuroendocrine tumours (NT) of the small intestine have already been described in patients with von Recklinghausen’s disease. We report an exceptional association of both GIST and NT of the small intestine and von Recklinghausen’s disease. Case report: A 62 year-old man presented in emergency with gastrointestinal bleeding and anaemia. Eso-gastro-duodenoscopy identified, as the origin of the bleeding, a submucosal tumour with a small ulceration at its apex in the first portion of the duodenum. No evidence of metastases was found. CA 19-9 and CEA were normal. Laparotomy, besides a 3 cm tumour of the lateral wall of the duodenum, also revealed a 2 cm tumour of the distal jejunum. A curative resection of both tumours was performed by local resection of the duodenum and segmental small bowel resection. The diagnosis of NT in the duodenum and GIST in the jejunum were confirmed by immunohistology. Discussion: Neuroendocrine tumours associated with neurofibromatosis, frequently localised in the Ampulla of Vater, are rarely associated with a neuroendocrine syndrome. They may present with gastrointestinal bleeding, obstructive jaundice or abdominal pain. GIST in von Recklinghausen’s disease has been described, and may be another expression of the same disease. The association of both GIST and NT with von Recklinghausen’s disease is exceptional. Treatment is essentially surgical, in association with oncological therapies. 27.06 P. Bucher 1, P. Villiger 1, JF. Egger 2, F. Ris 1, L. Bühler 1, Ph. Morel 1 Visceral and Transplantation Clinic, Geneva University Hospital, 2 Department of Pathology, Geneva University Hospital 1 Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: towards a clinically reliable prognostic scale Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are mesenchymal tumors characterized by constitutive overexpression of the tyrosine kinase receptor KIT. Their natural history range from benign to highly malignant and prognostic factors are not well defined. Methods: A retrospective review from 1993 to 2002 identified 87 patients (median age 58) admitted for GIST. We tested the following prognostic scale: minor criteria: tumor size > 5cm, mitotic count > 5/HPF, presence of necrosis, invasive component (to mucosa or serosis) and Mib1 >10%; and major criteria: presence of lymph node invasion or metastasis. Presence of 4 of the five minor or 1 major criteria was diagnostic of high malignant potential GIST. Results: Among the 87 GIST reviewed, 53 originate in the stomach, 30 in the small bowel, 2 in the colon and rectum and 2 in the mesentery. Cases diagnosed only at autopsy (7 from the stomach) were further excluded for analysis. Tumor location did not correlates with prognosis. According to Fletcher scale, 16 GIST were classified as very low risk (median followup 39 months), 26 as low risk (median follow-up 77 months), 16 as intermediate risk (median follow-up 71 months) and 29 as high risk (median follow-up 29 months) (p<0.05). According to the present scale, 66 GIST were classified as low malignant potential (median follow-up 60 months, range 12-132) and 21 as high malignant potential (median follow-up 27 months, range 1-50). There was a significant correlation between survival and classification as low or high malignant potential GIST, with 5 years survival of 95% and 21%, respectively (p<0.001). No recurrence were observed in the low malignant potential GIST, while 17 cases with high malignant potential GIST either recurred after primary surgical treatment (10 cases) or had metastasis at diagnosis (7 cases) (p<0.01). Sensitivity of Fletcher and this scales were similar, while specificity of this scale was higher for detection of high risk GIST. Conclusion: The present prognostic scale can reliably predict GIST behavior after primary surgical treatment. It could be used to select patients who would benefit from adjuvant treatment after GIST resection. 27.07 F. Grieder, H. Gelpke, M. Decurtins Kantonsspital Winterthur Umbilical hernia: is the operation without a mesh graft still adequate? Introduction: On the basis of very good results with the reinforcement of a mesh graft when repairing inguinal- and incisional hernias, the question must be raised whether allo-plastic materials are necessary for the operation on umbilical hernias. There is only one prospective randomized study in existence that compares suture and mesh repair. For this reason, the patient`s data collected in our hospital were compared retrospectively. Method: The data from 72 patients from the years 1994 until to 2002 were analyzed. 36 patients with suture-repair alone (that is 88% of all operated patients) were compared with 36 patients receiving a mesh reinforcement. All the follow-up examinations were carried out by the same examiner by the means of a questionnaire, a clinical examination and an ultrasonic scan of the abdominal wall. Results: Patients with suture repair alone showed an average risk of a recurrence of altogether 16.6%. The recurrence-rate increased to 44.4% if the BMI was higher than 28 and the hernia diameter larger than 2cm (0.78 inch). Patients to whom these criteria did not apply had a recurrence probability of only 8.3%. Patients who were supplied with a mesh had a surprisingly high recurrence rate of 11%, which increased to 23%, if the mesh size was smaller than 100cm? (15.5 sq inches) compared with 4.3% if the mesh size was larger than 100cm?. Conclusion: In summary, the repair of a umbilical hernia with suture repair alone can not be considered sufficient for patients with a BMI>28 and a hernia size >2cm. In such cases, augmentation with a mesh of sufficient size is advisable. In our patients with a mesh sizes smaller than 100cm?, the probability of a recurrence increased rapidly. When recurrence occur at the cranial edge of the mesh, the distinction from a newly arising epigastric hernia is difficult. For this reason, a comparison with rates of recurrence in the literature is problematical and the expression “secondary hernia” would rather be more appropriate. 27.08 M. Schiesser, P. Kirchhoff, JM. Michel, M. Schäfer, PA. Clavien University Hospital Zurich Preoperative identification of malnutrition in surgical patients using bioelectrical impedance analysis Objective: Malnutrition is frequent in surgical patients, and is typically ignored or underestimated. A careful patient screening and assessment of malnutrition represents the key issue to identify and properly treat these patients. Although there are numerous scores and methods in clinical use to assess malnutrition, a widely accepted gold standard is still lakking. The goal of this current study was to investigate Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) as a simple, inexpensive, and non-invasive method to assess patient’s preoperative nutritional status compared to the Nutrition Risk Score (NRS) and Nutrition Risk Index (NRI) that are based either on anamnestic and/or laboratory findings. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 200 consecutive patients (102 male, 98 female) admitted in our surgical Department for elective gastrointestinal surgery. BIA was performed to determine body cell mass (BCM), phase angle and lean body mass (LBM). Simultaneously, NRI and NRS were calculated for all patients. The results of BIA were compared to NRI and NRS by statistical analysis using non-parametric correlations. Results: There were 41 (20%) malnourished patients (20 male, 21 female) who were identified by NRI and NRS, respectively. Using BIA, 56 patients were identified having a phase angle lower than 6°, indicating a preexisting malnutrition. 102 patients revealed a %BCM (BCM as percentage of total body weight) lower than 30%. The statistical analysis between BIA and NRS revealed only a moderate overall concordance estimates resulting in a correlation co-efficient of 0.208 (spearman’s rho) for phase angle and 0.23 for %BCM. Conclusions: The prevalence of malnutrition among surgical patients is increased (20%). BIA is able to detect changes of tissue electrical properties reflecting abnormal body composition that are caused by malnourishment. However, there is only a moderate correlation between BIA and NRS and NRI, respectively. 27.09 F. Herrle, B. Kern, C. Ackermann, R. Peterli, MO. Guenin, M. von Flüe Department of Surgery, St. Claraspital, Basel, Switzerland Pancreatic surgery for carcinoma - a 20-year experience in a single institution Background: Today surgery for pancreatic cancer at high-volume institutions has a good clinical outcome with low mortality and morbidity. Methods: All patients undergoing surgery for pancreatic cancer, periampullary carcinoma or distal cholangiocarcinoma between 1984 and 2003 were analyzed retrospectively for postoperative outcome and mortality. Results: 124 patients were included. Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) was performed in 82 patients, distal pancreatic resection (DP) in 6 patients, bilio-digestive bypass (BP) in 25 patients and other interventions in 11 patients. Mean age was 65 years (34 –93). Mean operating time was 6.6 hours (4.75-9) for PD, 4 hours (2.2-5.7) for DP and 3.3 hours (0.94.7) for BD. Surgery related complications occurred in 11.3% (14/124 patients), other postoperative complications in 22.6% (28/124). 8 patients (6.5%) had to be reoperated due to intraabdominal hemorrhage (3 patients), anastomotic leakage (1 patient), ileus (2 swiss knife 2004; special edition 55 INSERAT delta INSERAT KCI patients) and wound infection (2 patients). 30-day-mortality was 1.6 % (2/124). Overall median time of hospital stay was 21 days (5-119). Median survival was 15.4 months overall (19.4 months for PD, 58.5 months for DP, 6.8 months for BD). Conclusion: Our data show that surgery for pancreatic cancer can be done safely in a lowvolume center. Morbidity and mortality are comparable to high-volume institutions. A good team-work between surgeon, anesthetist and intensive-care physician is required. Discussion: Intrathoracic extrapulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis is rare and 50 % of these cases affect the mediastinal lymph nodes. These patients are young immigrants. Diagnosis relies on histological and microbiological analysis. This can be obtained by FNA or bronchoscopy but with lower sensitivity than provided by surgical biopsy. The treatment of symptoms may require resection due to compression or infiltration of the involved nodes in adjacent organs such oesophagus or trachea. 27.10 28.03 1 1 2 3 2 1 M. Arigoni , S. Breitenstein , S. Arma , C. Meier , F. Fasolini , M. Decurtins Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Winterthur, 2Ospedale Reginale, Mendrisio, 3 Stadtspital Triemli Zürich A. Zwetkow 1, P. Nussbaumer 1, F. Hefti 2, M. Furrer 1 1 Departement Chirurgie, Kantonsspital Chur, 2 Kinderorthopädische Universitätsklinik beider Basel Kolorektale Karzinomchirurgie am Zentrum oder an der Peripherie? - Ein Outcome Vergleich Einleitung: Die Korrelation zwischen Outcome und dem Operationsvolumen einer Chirurgischen Klinik in der Behandlung des kolorektalen Karzinoms wird in grossen Multizenterstudien kontrovers diskutiert. Wir vergleichen unter diesem Gesichtspunkt die Resultate von zwei unterschiedlich grossen Kliniken der Schweiz, dem Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW) und dem Regionalspital Mendrisio (OBV). Material und Methode Die zwischen 1993 und 1997 im Kantonsspital Winterthur (n=277) und die zwischen 1990 und 1997 im Regionalspital Mendrisio (n=173) wegen eines kolrektalen Karzinoms operierten Patienten wurden retrospektiv analysiert. Die Patientenkollektive, die Morbiditäts- und Mortalitätsraten sowie die 5 - Jahres - Ueberlebensraten wurden miteinander verglichen. Resultate: Insgesamt wurden 450 Patienten erfasst, 277 im Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW), 173 im Regionalspital Mendrisio (OBV). Die Alters- und Geschlechtsverteilung sind vergleichbar. Das weitgehende Übereinstimmen von Tumorstadium und Tumorlokalisation (Rektumkarzinome KSW 37,5%, OBV 35%) ermöglicht einen Vergleich der zwei Populationen. Die Morbiditäsrate bettrug am KSW 39% (6% Anastomoseninsuffizienz) und am OBV 26.5% (2.3%). Die postoperative Mortalität (30 Tage) war 4.4% im KSW und 4,6% im OBV. Die 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate über alle Tumorstadien betrug insgesamt 48,5% (KSW) und 44,5% (OBV). Schlussfolgerung: Verglichen zum Zentrumspital KSW zeigt das periphere Spital OBV eine leicht schlechtere 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate dafür eine bessere Morbiditätsrate bei vergleichbarer Mortalitätsrate. Sämtliche Outcomeparameter entsprechen jedoch für beiden Spitäler den Daten der Literatur (Morbidität 20 - 30 %, Mortalität 4 – 6%, 5-Jahres-Überleben 40 – 60%). Eine sichere kolorektale Karzinomchirurgie ist gemäss unseren Resutaten am Zentrumsspital wie auch am peripheren Spital möglich. Multiple thoracic aneurysmal bone cysts: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges introduction Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) are rarely located in ribs or shoulder girdle bones. Demonstrating an uncommon case we want to discuss not only the difficulties in confirming histological diagnosis, but also the challenge in proper management at delicate thoracic locations. Case report: A 52 years old patient is presenting a painful swelling of the left chest wall. Thoracic X- ray shows a tumour of the third rib. The preoperative CT-guided core-biopsy is histologically interpreted as a giant cell tumour tissue. Left sided resection of the ribs 2- 4 is therefore performed. A marlex net plasty and a pediculated latissimus dorsi muscle flap are used to close the defect. Definitive histology results in an ABC. Subscapular chest wall haematoma on the left side occurs two weeks after the operation under oral anticoagulation. Surgical evacuation is performed. 19 months later the patient suffers from more pain and less movement of the left shoulder. MRI reveals a new cystic tumour of the left scapula (9x7cm) involving the glenoid region of the bone. To preserve the shoulder joint therapeutic embolization of the suprascapular artery, the thoracoacromial artery and other branches of the axillar artery are performed in two sessions. Pain is decreasing rapidly and two years later progressive sclerosis of the slightly shrinking bone cyst is visible on the regular CT scan follow-ups. The patient is highly satisfied with his state, he is able to abduct and elevate the left arm over 120 degrees. Discussion: Correct diagnosis of an ABC in ribs and/or shoulder girdle bones seems to be more difficult than at other locations. Alternatively to curettages or injections of steroids as used in long bone ABC, chest wall resection with plastic reconstruction can be recommended liberally at these locations. On the other hand embolization offers a rarely used therapeutic strategy to conserve “non resectable” bones. 1 28.04 28.01 28 RM. Stein, M. Beshay, RA. Schmid Division of General Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Berne Early experience with the minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum in adults Introduction: The well-known minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum was developed and published by Donald Nuss and has become an established method for correction of funnel chest in children and juveniles. This operation combines the advantages of minimal invasiveness without any exposing incision along the sternum, any resection of cartilage, shorter operating time and slight blood loss together with excellent long-term results. The routine application of this method with adults is analyzed and evaluated in a prospective study. Material and methods: We report a prospective study with patients beyond 16 years, who received a correction of their pectus excavatum with one or two pectus bar. Results: 26 patients, aged 16 to 46 years, who were operated on and followed up at our division since september 2002. Conclusions: The minimally invasive correction with pectus bar is - provided the appropriate surgical carefulness - a safe and efficient method for correction of pectus excavatum in adults with excellent cosmetic results, though long-term results are still to be obtained. 28.02 S. Deglise, E. Pezzetta, C. Haller, HB. Ris Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire, CHUV The role of surgery in the management of isolated mediastinal tuberculosis: report of 4 cases and review Introduction: although rare, isolated mediastinal involvement can be encountered as a clinical presentation of thoracic tuberculosis. The disease may be symptomatic or asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. Non-invasive tests often fail to give definitive diagnosis. In this setting, surgery has a place not only for diagnostic purposes but also sometimes for the treatment of symptoms or complications. Patients and Results: over a period of thirteen months, four patients underwent surgery in the setting of isolated mediastinal tuberculosis. Two patients had subcarinal nodal biopsy by video-mediastinoscopy. The two other patients were submitted to subcarinal or paratracheal nodal resection because of symptomatic disease related to infiltration or compression of neighbouring structures. Transmural oesophageal infiltration required debridement and reconstruction of the oesophageal wall in one patient. GL. Carboni, N. Class, T. Kinsbergen, R. Schlumpf, A. Bissat Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Aarau Mediastinal goiter: sometimes the exposure comes from below Mediastinal goiter is a benign disease, usually resectable through a cervical incision with minimal morbidity and mortality. Occasionally other surgical approaches are necessary. We present three cases were exceptional dimensions, possible malignancy and recurrent disease necessitated a combined thoracic and cervical approach and discuss the surgical anatomy of mediastinal thyroid masses. Patients: 3 male patients aged 64, 70 and 83 yrs were admitted with mediastinal thyroid disease. The first had a slow growing goiter for 15 yrs and after large intrathoracic disease resulted in dysphagia and dyspnea he was referred for surgery. The second had recurrent mediastinal disease with high serum thyreoglobulin 13 yrs after transsternal resection of a goiter. The third patient had recurrent disease in the mediastinum and neck 40 yrs after bilateral surgery for benign disease through a cervical approach and suffered of severe dysphagia and paroxysmal dyspnea. All mediastinal masses were located posteriorly on the right side. Methods: All patients received thoracic and cervical CT scan, pulmonary and cardiac function tests. A combination of an antero-lateral thoracotomy with a partial longitudinal median sternotomy (hemiclamshell approach) and a Kocher cervical incision were used. Intraoperative recurrent nerve monitoring was applied. Results: Two patients had an uneventful postoperative course. One patient died 6 d after resection due to cerebral ischemia. Discussion: Thyroid disease that extends posterior and below the innominate artery is not resectable through cervical incision. Vicinity of superior caval vein, thoracic duct, azygos vein, esophagus and phrenic nerve mandates a good exposure for safe dissection. Although rare, aberrant intrathoracic thyroid typically derives its blood supply from intrathoracic sources. Control of supraaortal branches and pulmonary hilar structures provides a safe dissection in any unexpected anatomic variation. Conclusions: Large mediastinal thyroid disease is rare. The hemiclamshell approach provides a superb exposure for posterior mediastinal thyroid masses. It is an invasive approach with an acceptable morbidity. 28.05 A. Nougou, M. Suter Hôpital du Chablais, Aigle Douleurs rétrosternales et dysphagie aiguë. Rupture spontanée d’un kyste bronchogénique Introduction: Les kystes bronchogéniques sont des entités cliniques rares, d’origine dysembryoplasique, en rapport avec des anomalies de développement de l’arbre trachéo-bronchi- swiss knife 2004; special edition 57 INSERAT KCI Inserat que (ébauche diverticulaire sur la paroi ventrale de l’intestin antérieur). Lésions souvent asymptomatiques, elles peuvent se révéler à l’occasion d’évènements aigus infectieux ou compressifs. Matériel et méthode: présentation d’un cas. Résultat: Il s’agit d’une patiente tabagique de 42 ans qui consulte en urgence pour des douleurs rétrosternales et une dysphagie d’apparition subite. L’examen clinique décrit une hypoventilation de la base pulmonaire droite. Une légère leucocytose et une élévation de la CRP sont présentes aux examens de laboratoire. La radio du thorax montre une cardiomégalie ainsi qu’un aspect effacé de la coupole diaphragmatique droite en rapport avec un épanchement pleural. Le CT-SCAN thoracique met en évidence un important infiltrat médiastinal, d’aspect en partie liquidien prédominant dans le médiastin moyen associé à un épanchement pleural droit. Le transit oesophagien est normal. Une médiastinoscopie réalisée à des fins diagnostiques permet l’évacuation d’un liquide d’aspect purulent et inodore, en avant de la trachée et dans l’espace trachéo-bronchique. Les prélèvements effectués sont stériles et les biopsies démontrent l’existence d’un kyste bronchogénique. Les symptômes décrits plus haut s’amendent rapidement. Le kyste bronchogénique est extirpé 4 mois plus tard, sans complication. Discussion: Les kystes bronchogéniques peuvent rester quiescents pendant de nombreuses années et se manifester de manière brutale par une complication (surinfection, hémorragie, ou rupture comme dans notre cas), amenant à recourir à des procédures diagnostiques inhabituelles. Ils doivent être évoqués dans le diagnostic différentiel des douleurs thoraciques. Lorsqu’ils sont symptomatiques, ils doivent être excisés en totalité, ceux découverts fortuitement et asymptomatiques devraient également l’être si le risque opératoire est acceptable, afin de prévenir des complications. 28.06 S. Wienbeck1, D. DeLorenzi1, C. Küng1, G. Cathomas2, A. Huber1 1 Chirurgische Klinik Kantonsspital Bruderholz, 2Institut für Pathologie Kantonsspital Liestal Das primär adenoidzystische Karzinom der Lunge: eine seltene maligne Neoplasie Einleitung: Primäre adenoidzystische Karzinome (ACC) sind sehr seltene und in ihrem Verhalten schlecht verstandene maligne Tumoren der Lunge. Sie machen insgesamt < 0,2% aller Tumoren der Lunge aus. Bisher wurden weltweit lediglich ca. 250 Fälle publiziert. Das durchschnittliche 5-Jahres Überleben aller Patienten liegt dabei zwischen 65-79%, sowie zwischen 53-57% nach 10 Jahren. Anhand von einem Fallbeispiel aus unserer Klinik möchten wir diese seltene maligne Neoplasie vorstellen. Methodik: Zur Ergebnisevaluation werden dabei die histologischen und radiologischen Untersuchungen herangezogen. Ergebnisse: Als Gewebe epithelialen Ursprungs, zeigt der Tumor insgesamt ein langsames, diffus infiltrierendes Wachstum mit perineuraler Invasion, Infiltration des zentralen Bronchialsystem, sowie umgebenden Lungengewebes. Gefäß- und Lymphsystem bleiben unbeteiligt. Unsere histologisch gewonnenen Ergebnisse decken sich dabei insgesamt mit denen aus der Literatur. Der Tumor weist in unserem Fall eine tubuläre Wachstumsform auf. Es werden jedoch auch cribriforme und solide Wachstumstypen mit unterschiedlicher Metastasierungstendenz beschrieben. Postoperativ erfolgten keine weiteren Therapien, ohne Hinweise auf ein Rezidiv in der 6-Monats Kontrolle. Schlussfolgerung: Gesicherte Daten bezüglich der Nachsorge bei ACC liegen noch nicht vor. Die chirurgische Resektion bleibt dabei nach wie vor die Therapie der Wahl. Außerdem wird eine gewisse Radiosensitivität des Tumors beschrieben, mit teilweise vollständigen Remissionen unter Radiotherapie, deren Rolle jedoch noch unklar ist. Langfristige Ergebnisse und neue Erkenntnisse für ein optimales Therapiekonzept stehen noch aus. Literatur: Moran CA et al: Primary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the lung. Cancer 1994; 73:1390-7 Prommegger R, et al: Long-term results of surgery for adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea and bronchi. Eur J Surg Oncol 1998; 24: 440-444 28.07 FC. Grafen 1, J. Gresser 1, D. Lardinois 2 1 Department of Surgery, 2 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Zurich An accidentally discovered endobronchial lipoma A case report: Benign endobronchial tumors are very rare. Among them lipomas range about 4,6%. Often they are discovered because of symptoms like cough, asthma, hemoptysis, sputum or because of pathologic radiographical findings. So was this case. A 46year-old man admitted hospital for an elective resection of a sinus pilonidalis. He had an obstructive lung disease, adipositas per magna (38,5), nicotine abuse (80py) and ejected sputum daily. His chest radiograph showed an atelectasis in the right upper lobe which was specified by CT scan. The radiologic finding was described as a canvas-like shadow. A tumor could not be proved neither any thickened lymph nodes. Afterwards a bronchoscopy was performed to get some bioptic material and to localize the tumor. During bronchoscopy a spheroidal tumor was seen which obstructed the right upper anterior segment. Histologic result was not representative because of difficulties in biopting the tumor. The tumor was well located but malignancy was not excluded. That is why a surgical resection was chosen. The right upper lobe was removed and the tumor entirely excised. The staging lymph node excision showed no malign cells. Immediately post operationem the patient was extubated. After 36 hours he developed a respiratory failure, wherefore he had to be reintubated for another 72 hours. Radiograph revealed an atelectasis of the left inferior lobe. Bronchoscopy showed a mucus clot obstructing the entrance to the left inferior lobe. Airway clearing was regularly performed. Due to regular physiotherapy to improve the respiratory situation the Patient recovered quickly and was discharged on 13th day after intervention. The excised tumor was histologically diagnosed as an endobronchial benign lipoma with mature adipose tissue growth under a metaplastic respiratory epithelial layer. According to literature the diagnosis was tried to be proven by radiograph, CT scan, bronchoscopy and histologic analysis. The risk factors obesity and smoking coincide also. First choice for treatment is bronchoscopic laser resection. But a malignancy was not excluded in this case, therefore a surgical resection was performed. 28.08 F. Rüter 1, U. Rüttimann 2, R. Dolanc 2, L. Fischler 2, H. Pargger 2, HR. Zerkowski 1 Univ.-Kliniik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie, Kantonsspital Basel, 2 Operative Intensivbehandlung des Departementes Anästhesie, Kantonsspital Basel 1 Neue Therapieoptionen - hat die extrakorporale Membranoxygenation (ECMO) beim ARDS ausgedient? Das akute Lungenversagen (ARDS) hat immer noch eine Mortalität von 40-60%. Bisher stand neben der differenzierten Respiratortherapie zur Behandlung nur die extrakorporale Membranoxygenation (ECMO) zur Verfügung. Wegen hoher Komplikationsraten ist der Einsatz der ECMO im Vergleich zur konservativen Therapie umstritten. Das neue novalung“System als parakorporales, pumpenloses Device scheint eine (preisgünstige) Alternative. Fallbericht: Nach Sturz aus 10 Metern Höhe wurde eine 15jährige Patientin mit schwerem Thoraxtrauma, multiplen Rippenfrakturen und Lungenkontusionen zugewiesen. Nach bakterieller Pneumonie im Verlauf der Respiratortherapie entwickelte sie ein ARDS, das bei abnehmender Compliance der Lunge und Hyperkapnie keine adäquate Oxygenierung mehr zuliess. Aus vitaler Indikation wurde novalung“ eingesetzt. Methode: Kern des Systems ist ein Polymethylpenten-Membranoxygenator zum O2- und CO2Austausch. Der geringe Flusswiderstand (Druckabfall 2 - 10 mmHg, Blutfluss 0,5 – 2,5 L/min) erlaubt es, das Device arteriovenös im Nebenschluss durch den Patientenkreislauf zu versorgen. CO2-Elimination und Oxygenation erfolgen unter externer O2-Zufuhr von bis zu 12 L/min. Je nach Blutflussrate und O2-Zufuhr wird eine lungenprotektive Beatmung bis zur ApnoeVentilation möglich. Nach Füllung des Systems mit heparinisierter Ringer-Laktat-Lösung erfolgt die Kanüleneinlage in Seldinger Technik in A. und V. femoralis. Verlauf: Unter Zufuhr von 8 L/min O2 normalisierte sich der PaCO2 der Patientin in wenigen Minuten, der PaO2 verbesserte sich nach initial geringem Abfall in wenigen Tagen, sodass unter Apnoe-Ventilation (PEEP 20mbar) der FiO2 von 1,0 auf 0,4 reduziert werden konnte. Nach sukzessivem Wiederbeginn der mechanischen Ventilation wurde das System am 11. Tag chirurgisch entfernt. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Einsatz des Systems war erfolgreich und hat auch hinsichtlich des pflegerischen und ärztlichen Aufwandes überzeugt. Die Effektivität im Rahmen grösserer Fallzahlen und eine Erweiterung des Einsatzspektrums beispielsweise zum perioperativen präemptiven Einsatz in der Thoraxchirurgie (bei Grenzindikationen) sollten nach weiteren klinischen Studien evaluiert werden. 28.09 E. Burri, J. Duwe, M. Kocher, C. Kull, CA. Maurer Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Liestal Pulmonary vein thrombosis after lobectomy Case report:Pulmonary vein thrombosis is a known complication after lung transplantation but has rarely been reported after lobectomy or bilobectomy. We report the case of a left upper pulmonary vein thrombosis following an uneventful left lower lobectomy for bronchial carcinoma. Postoperative arterial blood gas values and chest radiographs were normal. On the fifth postoperative day the patient became progressively dyspneic, developed hemoptysis and showed total opafication of the left lung without mediastinal shift on chest radiography. The patient remained dyspneic despite intravenous antibiotic therapy for suspected pneumonia and absence of obstruction at bronchoscopy. Diagnosis of left upper pulmonary vein thrombosis was finally made by contrast-enhanced multisclice computed tomography followed by pulmonary angiography. Further clinical deterioration under conservative treatment forced us to remove the remnant left upper lobe that already showed gangrenous alterations. The patient remains well half a year later. Discussion: Pulmonary vein thrombosis following lobectomy or bilobectomy is very rare. Only seven cases have been reported in the literature so far. Conservative treatment with antibiotics and anticoagulants may be successful but in case of clinical deterioration the affected lobe has to be resected. The mechanism of thrombosis remains unclear although intraoperative torsion and injury of vessels seem to be most likely since pulmonary vein thrombosis occurred in the operated hemithorax only. swiss knife 2004; special edition 59 INSERAT smith 28.10 C. Vallet, E. Pezzetta, M. Christodoulou, J. Rey, C. Haller, HB. Ris Service de Chirurgie Thoracique et Vasculaire CHUV, Lausanne Management of delayed Boerhaave syndrome with lobectomy and esophagoplasty by intrathoracic transposition of a latissimus dorsi muscular flap Introduction: spontaneous esophageal perforation, also known as Boerhaave syndrome, is a challenging condition especially if late recognized. Surgical treatment is indicated in the large majority of cases and different procedures have been described. We present a case of delayed diagnosed oesophageal perforation, with penetration in the right lower lobe, which was successfully managed by lobectomy and esophago-myoplasty performed by intrathoracic transposition of a pedicled latissimus dorsi muscular flap. Case report: a 72-year old patient was referred to our hospital with an abscess of the right lower lobe and a right pleural empyema related to spontaneous esophageal perforation evolving for more than ten days. An hydrosoluble contrast study demonstrated a perforation of the distal esophagus. A right posterolateral thoracotomy was performed and the latissimus dorsi was dissected. After decortication of the right lung and lower lobectomy for an intrapulmonary abscess a longitudinal 7 cm tear was noticed in the distal third of the esophagus. Because of excessive fragility and inflammatory appearance of the esophageal wall, primary suture was avoided and a reconstruction by a muscular flap was decided. The pedicled latissimus dorsi muscular flap was therefore transposed into the thorax and sutured to the esophageal tear. After weaning the patient could progressively resume oral feeding with long term satisfactory functional results and good endoscopic appearance. Conclusion: early diagnosis and definitive surgical management are the key for successful outcome in the management of spontaneous esophageal perforation. In case delayed diagnosis closure of the oesophageal defect by intrathoracic transposition of a latissimus dorsi muscular flap may be considered as a valuable surgical alternative. 28.12 R. Stoll 1, A. Breitenbuecher, D. De Lorenzi 1, A. Huber 1 Chirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Bruderholz, 2 Medizinische Klinik, Kantonsspital Bruderholz 1 Spontaneous intercostal pulmonary herniation after prolonged severe coughing – a case report and review of literature Introduction: Intercostal herniation is an uncommon phenomenon. Normally it is seen posttraumatic, congenital or postoperativly. Spontaneous Pulmonary hernias are rarely described. Case: We report the case of a 58-year-old man with acute chestpain and subjective feeling of swelling at the left hemithorax after prolonged severe coughing. The Chest-X-ray was normal. The CT-scan detected an intercostal pulmonary herniation after cartilaginary fracture of the left costal arc between 7th and 8th rib. At surgery an anterolateral defect of ruptured intercostal muscles was confirmed. Surgical treatment consisted of closure the defect by suturing the 7th and 8th rib. Discussion: Mostly acquired pulmonary hernias are posttraumatic. Spontaneous intercostal pulmonary hernias can occure after vigorous coughing. If severe chestpain persisted, surgical repair is the treatment of choice. 29 29.01 P. Matt, T. Grussenmeyer, M. Grapow, S. Engelhardt, I. Lefkovits, HR. Zerkowski Division of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Basel 28.11 A. Meyer 1, E. Pezzetta 1, Z. El Lama 2, HB. Ris 1 1 Service de chirurgie thoracique et vasculaire, CHUV, Lausanne, 2 Service de Pneumologie, CHUV, Lausanne Reconstruction trachéale par un muscle grand dorsal pour une déchirure chronique et récidivante post-intubation. Introduction: Les lésions iatrogènes de l’arbre trachéo-bronchique restent une pathologie très rares. La prise en charge dépend de la localisation et de la longueur de la lésion. Nous décrivons un cas de déchirure chronique et récidivant après plusieurs intubations traité par reconstruction trachéale au moyen d’un muscle grand dorsal. Cas clinique:Il s’agit d’une patiente de 66 ans connue pour des épisodes d’emphysème sous-cutanné cervical d’évolution spontanément favorable, opérée pour une plastie abdominale sous anesthésie générale. L’anesthésie s’est déroulée de façon standard par une intubation endotrachéale sans difficulté au moyen d’un tube de diamètre 7,5 avec ballonnet à basse pression. L’extubation et les suites post-opératoires immédiates seront sans particularité.17 heures après l’extubation, elle développe rapidement un emphysème souscutannée cervico-faciale et abdominal. Une radiographie du thorax et un CT-scan montreront un important emphysème sous-cutanné associé à une lésion postérieure de la trachée au niveau de la pars membraneuse. La patiente est transférée dans notre institution pour prise en charge.Lors de l’intervention, nous pratiquons une endoscopie au tube rigide qui met en évidence une longue lésion chronique de 8 cm de la pars membraneuse recouverte de fibrine. Le défect sera recouvert par un lambeau pédiculé du muscle grand dorsal après transposition intrathoracique et suture sans tension sur les bords du défect trachéal. Résultats: L’extubation a lieu en post-opératoire immédiat. Des contrôles bronchoscopiques à une, quatre semaines et 3 mois, montreront aucune déhiscence de la plastie, aucune sténose et une absence d’herniation musculaire lors des cycles respiratoires. De plus à 3 mois, le muscle recouvrant le défect trachéal est recouvert d’un muqueuse épithéliale de type respiratoire. Conclusions: La transposition intra-thoracique de lambeau musculaire est efficace pour la fermeture de longue déchirure chronifiée de la trachée si une fermeture directe de la pars membraneuse n’est pas réalisable. La bonne intégration du tissu musculaire dans la trachée est démontré par le fait qu’il est progressivement recouvert par un épithélium de type respiratoire. Proteome analysis of myocardial tissue in “young” transgenic mice overexpressing beta-1 adrenergic receptor Purpose: Beta-adrenergic receptors play a central role in cardiac function and failure. Overexpression of the beta-1 adrenergic receptor in transgenic mice leads to myocardial hypertrophy and failure. We asked wether alterations at the protein level are detectable already in young mice before signs of hypertrophy or failure occur. Material and methods: Left ventricle of young beta-1 adrenergic receptor transgenic mice (n=3) and the wild type (n=3) was dissected, and a portion solubilized using a standard sample buffer containing NP-40, high pI ampholines and urea. Two dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis was performed according to O`Farrell using the ISODALT system, in order to separate polypeptide components to their charge and molecular size. Polypeptide spots were visualized by silver-staining. 2-D gel images were analyzed employing the PDQuest software. Results: 2-D gels of myocardial tissue showed an average of 682 spots (range 622 to 799) in transgenic 29.02 E. Khabiri, BH. Walpoth, D. Morel, A. Kalangos Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland Prevention of surgical pericardial adhesions after implantation of a biodegradable hydrogel Aim: Open-heart surgery inevitably creates post-operative pericardial adhesions; these render re-intervention difficult and dangerous. The aim of this study is to evaluate the application of a homologous biodegradable hydrogel on the heart before pericardial closure in an experimental model. Method: The hydrogel is made of homologous albumin. Fourteen New Zealand white rabbits (3 months, 4 kg) were operated under general anaesthesia with intubation. The gel was implanted through a sternotomy and pericardiotomy. After sternotomy and wound closure rabbits survived from 1 to 8 weeks. After sacrifice macro and microscopic evaluation for adhesions, tissue reaction and fibrosis was performed. Results: All rabbits survived surgery and were sacrificed between weeks 1 and 8. Hydrogel was still present after 3 weeks showing a severe inflammatory reaction with PMNs, eosinophiles, lymphocytes and fibroblasts. After 4 weeks the gel was reabsorbed showing a lesser inflammatory reaction which decreased over time. No major fibrosis was noted after gel application. Conclusion: Post-operative adhesion formation with fibrosis remains a problem during cardiac re-interventions. The preliminary results following the application of a biodegradable homologous hydrogel are promising in this pre-clinical study. swiss knife 2004; special edition 61 29.03 D. Delay, CH. Sierro, G. Girod, P. Vogt, F. Stumpe Hôpital de Sion Revascularisation coronarienne chirurgicale à cœur battant sous assistance circulatoire chez une population de patients à haut risque Problème: Les patients référés pour une chirurgie de revascularisation coronarienne ont un age et un nombre de co-morbidités croissants souvent accompagnés d’une dysfonction ventriculaire gauche. Dans ce contexte, l’utilisation de la technique habituelle combinant circulation extra-corporelle et cardioplégie s’avère particulièrement délétère et une revascularisation à cœur battant n’est pas toujours hémodynamiquement possible. Chez ces patients, nous proposons une autre approche, combinant une revascularisation à cœur battant sous CEC de support. Méthode: Entre aout 2003 et janvier 2004, 10 patients ont été opérés avec cette technique, 8 hommes et 2 femmes dont l’âge moyen était de 71.8 ± 8.9 ans. Huit d’entre eux présentaient une dysfonction ventriculaire gauche importante, 3 une insuffisance rénale sévère, 3 des sténoses carotidiennes bilatérales, 2 étaient sous ballon de contrepulsion. Leur euroscore moyen était de 8.3 ± 3.7. Le nombre d’anastomoses distales a été de 2.4 ± 0.7, le temps de CEC de 69 ± 20 minutes. Résultats: La sortie de CEC s’est déroulée normalement chez tous les patients. Il n’y a eu aucun décès, et comme unique complication un accident ischémique cérébral transitoire. Le séjour moyen aux soins intensifs a été de 2.1 ± 1.7 jours et le séjours hospitalier de 11.1 ± 4.3 jours. Conclusions: Cette technique de revascularisation, simple à mettre en œuvre, et qui assure une perfusion myocardique et périphérique peropératoire optimale s’est révélée efficace, dans notre expérience, chez une population de patients à haut risque. 29.05 M. Wilhlem 1, R.Tavakoli 1, C. Hofer 2, R. Behr 1, H. Löblein 1, M. Turina 1, M. Genoni 1 Cardiac Surgery Triemli Hospital, Zurich, 2Anesthesiology Triemli Hospital, Zurich 1 New technique of proximal aortic anastomoses during OPCAB Background: Aortic dissection and neurological events have been described as major complications of off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) and are mainly attributed to the aortic injury following the partial clamping of the aorta. Therefore new techniques of proximal aortic anastomsis are necessary to avoid the aortic clamping and to reduce the risk of neurological events. Patients: 138/144 (96%) of consecutive patients needing isolated CABG (mean age 66±9 years, mean Euroscore 5.4±3.3) underwent an OPCAB procedure (1 without proximal aortic anastomoses). All proximal aortic anastomoses were performed using the HeartString System®. Patients were assessed early after the operation for the patency of the proximal aortic anastomoses by angiography and for major clinical complications. For hemodynamic instability 9 (6.5%) patients required preoperative and 3 (2.2%) patients intraoperative an intraaortic balloon pump. Left internal mammary artery bypass to the LAD was performaed in 137/138 (99%)patients and right internal mammary artery was used in 39/138 (28%)patients. Results: An average of 3.9±0.97 distal anastomoses/patient and a total of 243 proximal aorto-venous anastomoses using the HeartString System® were performed. 30-day mortality was 2/138 (1.4%). Median CK value was 340±540 U/L, CK-MB 18±44 U/L and Troponin 1.06±18 ìg/L. 46/138 patients (33%) required transfusion of blood products. 5/138 patients (3.6%) had a perioperative ischemia but no patient presented with new neurological event. The mean ICU stay was 1.8±4.1 days. In 22 patients an angiography was performed 7 days after OPCAB. All 39 proximal aorto-venous and 82/85 (96%) distal anastomoses were patent. Conclusions: Proximal aorto-venous anastomoses without aortic clamping are safely performed with the Heart String System and contribute to reduce the risk of neurological events during OPCAB procedures. 29.06 29.04 H. Löblein 1, R. Tavakoli 1, M. Wilhelm 1, C. Hofer 2, B. Seiffert 3, M.Turina 1, M. Genoni 1 Cardiac Surgery Triemli Hospital, Zurich, 2Anesthesiology Triemli Hospital, Zurich, 3 Department of Biostatistics ISPM, University Zurich 1 V. Makaloski, H. Savolainen, B. Kipfer, B. Liesen, T. Carrel, J. Schmidli Klinik für Herz- und Gefässchirurgie, Inselspital Bern Odyssee im Notfall - keine Seltenheit ! Problemstellung: Trotz hoher Spitaldichte und kurzen Wegstrecken kommt es bei Notfällen nicht selten vor, dass Patienten durch die halbe Schweiz in ein herz-gefässchirurgisches Tertiärzentrum (TZ) transportiert werden. Reduktion von Akutbetten und Schliessung von kleinen Spitälern belasten die Betten der TZ zusehends. Die Verfügbarkeit von freien Intensiv-Betten in zuständigen TZ ist nicht immer vorhanden. Dies hat zur Folge, dass das Behandlungsspital gelegentlich erst vom Helikopter aus gefunden werden kann. Patienten und Resultate: Zwischen 2001-2003 wurden 14 Patienten mit notfallmässig diagnostizierten Aortendissektionen aus dem Einzugsgebiet der Kantone Zürich und Luzern nach Bern ins Inselspital gebracht und behandelt. 10 Patienten (67%) hatten eine Typ-A und 4 (33%) eine Typ-B Dissektion, die mittels Angio-CT-Untersuchung bereits in einem Regionalspital diagnostiziert wurden. Ein Patient mit Typ-B Dissektion verstrab in der Ambulanz unterwegs nach Bern. Von den anderen Patienten mit Typ-B Dissektion wurde eine Patientin wegen rupturiertem Bauchaortenaneurysma und akutem Leriche-Syndrom operiert; die übrigen zwei Patienten wurden konservativ behandelt. Bei allen 10 Patienten mit Typ-A Dissektion wurde notfallmässig ein Graftersatz der Aorta Ascendens durchgeführt. Alle behandelten Patienten konnten in den nachfolgenden Tagen zurück in die zuweisenden Kliniken oder in deren TZ verlegt werden. Schlussfolgerung: Trotz verzögertem Transport und lebensbedrohlichem klinischen Zustand konnten die meisten dieser Patienten mit komplexer Aortenpathologie rechtzeitig und erfolgreich behandelt werden. Dringliche Notfälle aus anderen Einzugsgebieten können die Resourcen des Behandlungsspitals zusätzlich erheblich belasten und zu Behandlungsengpässen führen. 62 swiss knife 2004; special edition The prognostic value of preoperative B-type natriuretic peptide in patient undergoing coronary bypass surgery The natriuretic peptides are cardiac neurohormones secreted in response to volume expansion and pressure overload. Studies evaluating the prognostic implications of B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) have been limited to cardiologic patients. However there are very few reports on the prognostic value of BNP in surgical patients. Methods: Preoperative BNP was measured consecutively in 90 patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery. The patients were divided into the following groups. Group 1 (n = 21): BNP 49.9 pg/ml and 110 pg/ ml and 200 pg/ ml. We investigated the association between preoperative BNP and Intensive care unit (ICU) days, hospital days, troponin I, creatinine, and atrial fibrillation (AF). We adjusted analyses for age, gender, preoperative ejection fraction (EF), preoperative serum creatinine, chronic obstructive lung disease, critical preoperative state, recent myocardial infarction (MI), preoperative systolic PAP>60 mg HG and extracardiac arteriopathy. Result: Preoperatively the BNP level correlated with preoperative EF (correlation coefficient (cc) -0.322 p=0.02), age(cc 0.271 p=0.01), Euro score(cc 0.466 p<0.001), preoperative serum creatinine (cc 0.217 p=0.04) and with recent MI (p=0.17), although there was no significant correlation between levels of BNP and postoperative Troponin I, postoperative Creatinine, postoperative AF and total hospital days. A significant correlation was found between BNP levels and the number of postoperative days in the ICU. In multiple logisticregression analysis the B-type natriuretic peptide level added significant independent predictive power to other clinical variables in predicting the postoperative duration in the ICU (p=0.016, odd ratio=3.2). Conclusions: Used in conjunction with other clinical information, preoperative measurement of BNP is useful in predicting the postoperative duration in the ICU. Additional investigations are needed to support our findings and to further evaluate the prognostic value of BNP level in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery. INSERAT Tyco INSERAT astra zeneca