THE PET EMULATOR Copyright 1982, Commodore Business
THE PET EMULATOR Copyright 1982, Commodore Business
THE PET EMULATOR Copyright 1982, Commodore Business Machines Professional Computer Division 487 Devon Park Drive Wayne, PA. 19087 COPYRIGHT This software product is copyrighted and all rights reserved by Commodore Bus i ness Mach i nes, Incorporated. The di s tr i but i on and sale of this product are intended for the use of the original purchaser only. Lawful users of this program are hereby licenced only to read the program, from its medium into memory of a computer, solely for the purpose of executing the program. Duplicating, copying, selling or otherwise distributing this product is a violation of the law. This manual IS copyrighted and all rights are reserved. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, In writing, from Commodore Business Machines (CBM). DISCLAIMER COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. ("COMMODORE") MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PROGRAM DESCRIBED HEREIN, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS PROGRAM IS SOLD "AS IS". THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IS WITH THE BUYER. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE FOLLOWING ITS PURCHASE, THE BUYER (AND NOT THE CREATOR OF THE PROGRAM, COMMODORE, THEIR DISTRIBUTORS OR THEIR RETAILERS) ASSUMES THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL COMMODORE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PROGRAM EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME LAWS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIABILITIES FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY. PREFACE The Commodore PET EMULATOR software package execute programs that were originally designed for PET computer on the new Commodore 64. allows you to the Commodore The PET EMULATOR modifies the CBM Model 64 so that it will operate identically to the 2.0 Basic PET 2001 in most respects. Th i s mod if i cat i on cons i sts of two parts: memory re-conf i gurat i on and system interaction interpretation. The exact technical spec if i cat ions of jus t how the PET EMULATOR operates are we II outs i de the scope of th i s documen t, however the more importan t conceptual information of its operation are presented. It is recommended that you trying to use the EMULATOR to wi II be a successful one. read the entire document before ensure that your first experience USER CONVENTIONS It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Commodore keyboard. Here is a brief description of certain keys and symbols , and their respective function in reference to the PET EMULATOR and th i s manua I. Up Arrow The Up Arrow character, on the upper left corner of the keyboard, is used to load and execute program. / These two keys are used to load a program into the computer's memory. A more definitive explanation will be presented later in this manual. and % @ and Greater Than Th'ese two keys are used in terchangeab I y as the command prompt for the emulator. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 Getting Started 1.1 Loading the PET Emulator 2.0 Theory of Operation 3.0 Operation 2 4.0 DOS 5. I 2 4.1 Command Summary 3 5.0 Combinations of Mode/Memory 4 1.0 Getting Started The operation of the PET Emula t or is not on l y simple but really transparent to the user. I t was des i gned by Commodore for one reason only: Software Compatability. It is our desire that you find the program useful and of real benefit. Please take a moment to make sure that you have the following equipment connected properly, as per the instructions In the Commodore 64 User Manual. I. 2. 1.1 Commodore 64 Commodore 1541 Disk D r ive Loading the PET Emu lator On the diskette contained in -the package there is a small program that will load and execute the PET Emulator, the Emulator itself, and several PET Publ ic Domain programs for your enjoyment. To load the PET Emu Iator type: LOAD" *" ,8. Aft er the computer replies READY , type RUN. This will load and execute the Emulator. You will notice a message appears on the screen indicating that the Emulator is loaded and running . 2.0 Theory of Operation Memory Configuration The CBM 64, in normal operati'on, stores BASIC programs in the $0800 to $9fff memory range (HEX), wi th the screen stored at $0400 to $0800. The PET stores BAS IC programs at $0400 to $ 7fff, wi th the screen stored at $8000 to $8fff. The Emulator re-configures the Commodore 64 memory so that duplicates the PET internally . Thus POKES to the screen, ' POKES the program, and other such direct access operations work proper Iy. it to System Interaction Interpretation Many PET programs access the sys tem direct I y with PEEKS , POKES and WAITS. Most of the common PEEKS, POKES and WAITS are interpreted by the Emu Iator and shou I d operate exact I y as they wou I d on the PET. These locations are as follows: The PET Emulator Page -1- Location PEEK 50003 59464 59467 59466 59468 x x x POKE Operation x x BASIC version type test CB2 sound frequency CB2 sound on/off x Set upper/lower case set to 15 x All POKES and PEEKS between $0000 and $03ff translated. POKES not able to be interpreted 'i lIegal quantity error'. Cassette buffer #2 (same as the PET). system routines will th i s cassette buffer. (when possible) are return the message is also available for machine code programs Machine language programs that do not ca II work with no modifications if they reside in The CB2 sound is emulated as closely as possible. Certain very high tones avai Iab I e on the PET can not be obta i ned on the 64, and the pitch of the tones varies across the scale. Musical tunes may not be emulated correctly, but other sound effects usually sound better under the emulator than they may have on the PET. 3.0 Operation The Emu I ator loads into high memory on the 64, $COOO (HEX). I t may be loaded directly by typing: LOAD"EMULATOR",8, I and then after the computer repl ies READY, type SYS 12*4096. As stated above, the fir st program on the di skette is a program that will load and execute the Emulator for you. In addition this program contains the logic to allow screen color selections before actually loading the Emulator. 4.0 DOS 5.1 I nc I uded on the di skette, and operabl e with the Emu Iator, is another valuable product from Commodore, the DOS 5.1 Universal Disk Operat i ng System program. Th i s program is more common I y ca II ed the DOS Wedge because it 'wedges' itself in between the computer and the disk drive to facilitate disk operations such as LOAD and SAVE. The DOS Wedge provides a very useful 'short cut' method of communicating with the disk drive. It cannot make the disk drive do anything more than can be done through commands in a BASIC program, but allows the user to communicate in a direct mode. Th i s versi on of the DOS Wedge will actua II y a II ow the 'short commands to be given from within a BASIC program as well. The PET Emu Iator form' Page -2- 4.1 Command Summary Normal DOS Wedge Commands up arrow Load and Run a program / Load a program program area % Load a program into the area in memory dictated by the programs load address left arrow Save a program @ Read and channel @$x Display drive x @$x:pgm* Search the directory on drive the files that begin with 'pgm' @n:name,id Header 'id' @rO:a=b Rename file 'b' on drive 0 to 'a' @cO:a=O:b Copy file on drive 0 @sO:name Scratch file 'name' on drive 0 @uj Reset disk drive @1I9 Change the active unit default value of 8 to 9 @q Qu it, turn Emulator @ix Initialize disk drive x into display the the normal disk drive the directory of the (ie. @$O for drive 0) a NEW 'b' off, di sk, on the us ing drive DOS BASIC error disk in x for 'name' and to file 'a' number from the 0 Wedge and the File names for the LOAD and SAVE commands may be within quotes anywhere on a line of the screen (as in a directory listing), and all other extraneous information on the line is ignored. Using the DOS Wedge from within a program: 10 20 30 40 INPUT "DO YOU WANT TO LIST THE DISK DIRECTORY" ;A$ IF A$="Y" GOTO 40 STOP @"$O" The PET Emulator Page -3- 5.0 Combinations of Mode/Memory New commands include: added to the DOS @m toggle memory configuration @e togg I e emu I ate mode (PET /64) Wedge to support the Emulator E i ther of the I atter two commands will display the current mode/memory status. The @m command 'news', erases, the BASIC program currently in memory. Therefore, 'are you sure' is asked before the command is executed. The emulator normally loads up into the PET memory mode with the PET emu I ator on. Thus four combi nat ions of mode/memor y ex i s t. When chang i ng modes warn i ngs are pr i n ted where potent i a I conf us i on exists. Now once the computer is in PET memory mode with the Emulator on, the system operates as a PET as described above. When in 64 memory mode wit h the emu I ator off, the emu I ator has no effect on the normal operation of the Commodore 64. Please note disabled. that The PET Emulator when in the PET memory mode the RUN/STOP key Page -4- is