What`s brewing


What`s brewing
Number 1 ‐ November 2008 What’s brewing ?
Fermentis & their distributors present craft breweries around the world using Fermentis dry brewing yeasts
Every month a Fermentis distributor interviews one of his customers. This first edition, launched in Brau Beviale is the occasion for Fermentis to present a special microbrewery :
the Weyermann® Pilot Brewery in Bamberg. Weyermann ® malts are the exclusive distributors of Fermentis dry brewing yeasts to Craft Brewers in Germany, Austria & Switzerland. For the Brau Beviale 2008, a special ‘Red Brick Wheat’ combining Weyermann® Specialty Malts & Fermentis Safbrew WB-06, has been brewed in the pilot brewery.
The Weyermann® Pilot brewery.
Since it’s opening in 2003 the Weyermann® pilot brewery has been the scene of intense activity & creativity. With over 9,000 litres of beer brewed in 2007 (each brew be‐
ing a new beer style) by Oliver Honsel – Weihenstephan trained brew master of the Pilot Brew‐
ery – assisted by Peter Schulz the brewery has since long made its reputation among the Worldwide Weyermann Family. The main activity of the pilot facility is the development of beer recipes. Samples of which Oliver Honsel, Brew Master at the Weyermann® pilot brewery
can be bought in the Weyermann® Fan Shop and tasted during the numerous Weyermann® events. One of the most original recipes ever brewed in the Pilot brewery is the Weyermann® Schlotfegerla. This beer brewed with 5 different malts has a very intense malti‐
ness and a fine smoked finish & will be part of the “Weyermann® Specials” served during this year’s Brau Beviale & Bavarian Party. The Weyermann® Pilot Brewery has become a rendezvous for brewers from around the world. Regularly, brewers are invited to participate in the Weyermann® Brewer’s Academy where they can learn more on malt & brewing. Another occasion for brewing is given to award winning brewers using Weyermann® Malts in their process. A tribute of Weyermann® to their medals and a friendly way for the brewers to get to b r ew a German b ee r in Germany! The 5 medals winner at the Great American Festival 2007, Kevin Templin from the Red Rock Brewery in Salt Lake City USA, visited Weyermann® in November 2007 and developed a special Coffee Stout recipe with Oliver during his stay in the Pilot Brewery. Kevin Templin & Oliver Honsel, Nov 2007.
Developing new recipes is one activity, but the pilot brewery is also used for Research & Development for Weyermann® and their partners. Brewing with alternative grains (rice, oat, buck wheat…), developing gluten free beers, testing specific recipes or yeasts for Fermentis, working on research programs with the universities of Weihenstephan & VLB are among the other activities that are done in the Weyermann® Pilot Brewery. A pilot brewery is for beer brew‐
ing only ? Not at Weyermann’s! The Weyermann® Pilot Brewery has already participated in the development of 2 malt based soft drinks. And this is certainly not the last surprise Weyer‐
mann® Malz reserve us. To organize a visit of the Weyermann® Facility a n d t h e P i l o t B r e w e r y c o n t a c t : silke.thomas@weyermann.de The beers they brew
The enthusiasm of Weyermann® for the Fermentis yeasts has led to the development of nu‐
merous recipes containing both Weyermann® Malts & Fermentis dry yeasts. Brewery Technical I.D.
Liters Kaspar Schulz Brew House
open fermenting vessel
Cylindro-Conical Tanks
A malty and mild hopped ale with a deep red colour Alcohol Volume: 4.7% Original Extract: 11.5 ‐ 12°P
Base Malt: 73% Weyermann® Vienna Malt Yeast: Fermentis Safale US‐05 Lagering tanks
sheet beer filtration unit
bottle washer & filler
Brau Beviale Exclusive Weyermann® Red Brick Wheat Recipe Malt Bill: Weyermann® Vienna Malt 33% Weyermann® Wheat Malt Pale 25% Weyeramnn® Wheat Malt Dark 25% Weyermann® Caraamber® 13% Weyermann® Carared® 4% A bright and red brick like, full bodied & fruity wheat beer. Yeast Flavours of banana, peach and clove come together with the Fermentis Safbrew WB‐06 exquisite caramel & malt components. Alcohol Volume: 4.7% Original Extract: 12.5° P Original Extract: 12.5°P
Base Malt: 33% Weyermann® Vienna Malt Alcohol: 4.7 % Yeast: Fermentis Safbrew WB‐06 Come & pick up your sample of the this Red Brick wheat during Brau Mash (Infusion) Beviale at the Fermentis booth Hall 1—605 or during the Weyermann Mashing in 37°C Bavarian Party Saturday November the 15th at 3 PM in Bamberg.
20 minutes at 50°C 45 minutes at 63°C 5 minutes at 68°C 20 minutes at 72°C Final mash pumping at 77°C The Weyermann® Specialties served during Brau Beviale Hops: 15 BU (Perle) This is a recipe provided by Weyermann® Specialty Malts. A succesful realisation Weyermann® Schlotfegerla cannot be guaranteed. Please consider the Alcohol Volume: 4.5% specific technological conditions of the brewery. Original Extract: 11—12 °P Base Malt: 57% Weyermann® Munich Malt Type 2 Yeast: Fermentis Saflager W‐34/70 For any further service on Weyermann® recipes contact: Weyermann® English Bitter Andreas Richter Alcohol Volume: 4.4% andreas.richter@weyermann.de Original Extract: 11.5 °P Base Malt: 87% Weyermann® Pale Ale Malt Weyermann® Specialty Malts will exhibit in Yeast: Fermentis Safale US‐05 Brau Beviale Hall 1, Stand 301 A classical lightly red golden Bavarian Style Hefeweizen. Alcohol Volume: 4.5 % Original Extract: 12.0 ‐ 13°P
Base Malt: 55% Weyermann® Wheat Malt Pale Yeast: Fermentis Safbrew WB‐06
This first edition of What’s Brewing was made possible thank’s to Weyermann® Malz ‐ with a special thank you to Sabine Weyermann, Thomas Kraus‐Weyermann, Andreas Richter, Oliver Honsel & Silke Thomas. Photogtaphies © Weyermann® Specialty Malts ‐ Copy writing & Design: Fermentis—Divison of S.I.Lesaffre ‐ No reproduction authorized. November 2008

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