New Publications - Deutscher Apotheker Verlag


New Publications - Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Spring 2014
Rights Catalogue
Pub. dal
Soldner / Stellmann
Individual Paediatrics
Physical, emotional and spiritual aspects
of diagnosis and counseling
Anthroposophic-homoeopathic therapy
By Georg Soldner and Dr. Hermann Michael Stellmann.
2014. Translated from the German 4th edition.
XXXII, 950 pages. 2 figures. 24 tables.
Hardcover. € 120,– [D]
Prepublication price valid until 31.05.2014: € 98,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-5064-7
Integrative treatment of children
Enriching and broadening the spectrum of possibilities
through integrative medicine is becoming ever more
Twelve years after its first publication in German this
classic work of anthroposophic and homoeopathic
paediatrics is appearing as a completely revised
4th edition in its first-ever English translation.
Edited by Priv.-Doz. Dr. Grit Ackermann.
3rd updated edition 2014. 16 colour cards.
13 mindMap® figures. Format 12 x 8 cm.
Card fan with Chicago screw. € 12,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3193-6
Proper application means effective therapy
The most important antibiotics at a glance!
Which indications are they used for?
How are they dosed and applied?
■ Which contraindications and side effects
must be watched out for?
■ When can interactions occur?
13 cards – 13 substance groups:
practical and easy to use!
This book is based on the internationally recognized
system and concepts of modern paediatrics and aims
to offer doctors ways of augmenting their therapeutic
repertoire. It includes:
Integrative ways of comprehending modern
medical and physiological data.
■ Inspiration and support for practising
individualized paediatrics.
■ Background information on homoeopathy and
anthroposophic medicine and their application
in integrative paediatrics.
■ Clear medication recommendations
with information on dosages.
Readership: Paediatricians, general practicioners, specialists
in internal medicine, alternative practitioners, pharmacists
Readership: Physicians, pharmacists, health care
professionals, students
MedPharm Scientific Publishers
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Ammon / Mutschler / Scholz
Antibiotics and Antimycotics
Drug Information
and Recommendations
Substances – syndromes –
pathogen-specific therapy
Edited by Priv.-Doz. Dr. Grit Ackermann.
4th revised and enlarged edition 2014.
XX, 660 pages. 31 colour figures. 265 colour tables.
(Medicinal-Pharmacological Compendium).
Softcover. € 69,80 [D]
Special price for subscribers to the series: € 55,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-2940-7
Broad-spectrum or narrow?
The proper use of antibiotics depends on professional
expertise and sure instincts to ensure that therapy is
efficacious, cost-effective and well tolerated by the
patient. A team of experts has put together all the facts
you need:
comprehensive monographs on the active substances
in all antibiotics, antimycotics and TB drugs
evaluations of therapeutic importance
pathogen-specific therapy
therapeutic regimens for a variety
of infectious diseases
antimicrobial therapy for specific patient groups
New in this edition:
Drug Portraits with Evaluations
for Physicians and Pharmacists
Edited by Prof. Dr. Hermann P.T. Ammon,
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dres. h.c. Ernst Mutschler
and Prof. Dr. Hasso Scholz.
Editorial assistance Dr. Monika Neubeck.
Complete work incl. 11th supplement 2013. 2144 pages.
2 ring binders. Loose-leaf serial. € 98,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3196-7
Advising and prescribing –
be informed, quick, and objective
Selecting the right medication and providing patients with
qualified advice is only possible with solid professional
knowledge! Three respected pharmacologists and their
teams provide tested knowledge in a nutshell:
basic information on selection and dosage
information on suitability for use during pregnancy
and nursing
■ dispensing instructions and tips on what
recommendations to make
■ extra: objective evaluations of therapeutic value.
The well-known standard reference work on drug therapy
continues to grow and provides you with the right tools
for the job!
Readership: Doctors in hospitals and private practices,
pharmacists in hospitals and pharmacies
Readership: Officinal pharmacists, physicians, pharmacy
interns, pharmacists new to the job and returning to work
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
problem germs, resistance and the development
of resistance
■ perioperative prophylaxis
■ pet-related infections
Pub. da
Pub. da
Borsch / Maurus / Pompe
Fricke / Beck
New Drugs Volume 21
By Julia Borsch, Verena Maurus
and Sina Pompe.
Edited by Prof. Dr. Uwe Fricke
and Prof. Dr. Thomas Beck.
2014. Approx. 400 pages. Format 9,5 x 12,5 cm.
Paperback. € 14,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-2906-3
2014. Approx. XII, 620 pages. 58 figures.
70 tables. Softcover. Approx. € 72,– [D]
Special price for subscribers to the series:
Approx. € 54,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3182-0
Short and sweet – it must be nano!
When counselling patients in the pharmacy,
you need certain information fast.
Which pharmaceutical forms and strengths
is a certain medication available in?
■ What are the risks for pregnant women,
and which alternatives are there?
■ Which OTC preparation can be recommended
to the patient?
There’s only one answer: Medicines nano
Facts and Evaluations
Fricke/Beck has long become synonymous with reliable
evaluations of the therapeutic efficacy of new drugs.
In it, physicians and pharmacists who want to take
a critical look at new drugs will find sound information
independent of any commercial interests.
The authors of volume 21 in this tested series are
respected pharmacologists and clinicians. On the basis of
the available data they provide assessments of 30 drugs
which were newly approved in 2009 and 2012.
Each chapter is rounded out by a review of medical
fundamentals and therapeutic context preceding the
monographs. A cumulative index ensures that drugs
covered in one of the previously released volumes can
be found quickly.
Readership: Pharmacicsts, pharmacy interns,
pharmacy students, pharmaceutical technicians
Readership: Physicians in hospitals and private practice,
pharmacists in dispensaries and hospitals
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Pub. dal
Pub. dal
Gröber / Holzhauer / Kisters
Anthroposophic Drug Therapy
Feeling Better during Cancer Therapy
for Physicians and Pharmacists
More quality of life with the right vitamins and minerals
Edited by Dr. Michaela Glöckler.
By Uwe Gröber, Dr. Peter Holzhauer
and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters.
Complete work incl. 5th supplement 2013.
Approx. 1300 pages. 2 ring binders. With CD-ROM
“Part III Drugs”. Loose-leaf serial. € 159,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3202-5
Take charge of good health
In this standard reference, numerous well-known
anthroposophic doctors and pharmacists compile
their knowledge and experience for you to provide
insight into the fundamentals of anthroposophic
medicine and its understanding of disease
■ detailed treatment strategies for all the most common
ailments, with an emphasis on drug therapy
■ information on the composition, properties and
application areas of all of the discussed medications
in detailed monographs.
Physicians, pharmacists and natural practitioners will find
both an understandable introduction and a useful guide
to anthroposophic drug therapy and the effective use
of its remedies.
2014. 288 pages. 76 colour figures. 31 colour tables.
Format 17 x 21,5 cm. Softcover. € 35,– [D]
Prepublication price valid until 30.06.2014: € 28,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3160-8
Maximizing Quality of Life for Cancer Patients
Micronutrients can strengthen the human immune
system, reduce inflammation and ease the side effects
of chemo and radiation therapy. All in all, they can
substantially improve quality of life for patients.
This book provides solid scientific facts in understandable
terms to guide you through the jungle of information
on vitamins and minerals for cancer patients.
It answers fundamental questions such as:
Am I getting enough vitamins and minerals
in my regular diet if I am a cancer patient?
■ Which micronutrients can be lacking during treatment?
■ What do I need to watch out for when taking vitamin
preparations as a cancer patient?
■ What can micronutrients do during cancer treatment –
and what can’t they do?
Readership: Pharmacists, physicians, alternative practitioners,
pharmacy technicans, nursing staff
Readership: Pharmacists, pharmaceutical technicians,
physicians, nurses, patients and their families
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Pub. dal
Pub. da
Krauß / Müller / Unterreitmeier
Ludewig / Regenthal
Pocket Guide to
Taking Medicine
Acute Poisoning and Drug Overdoses
When – How Much – With What
By Dr. Jürgen Krauß, Petra Müller
and Dr. Doris Unterreitmeier.
3rd revised and enlarged edition 2014. 360 pages.
(Für die Kitteltasche). Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm. Flexible.
Approx. € 22,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3138-7
Take your medicine – but do it right!
“Will it work fast?”
“How long will it work?”
■ “What dose can I give a small child?”
Three experts give the answers – quickly, clearly,
and with authority. Here are tips and information
that physicians and pharmacists will find nowhere else.
Recommendations on how to take nearly 800 drugs.
Pharmacokinetics in practice.
Whether a drug works often depends on the physician or
pharmacist. With this pocket guide, they can ensure that
dose, dosing frequency and timing with meals are correct.
Successful therapy is what counts!
Quick Information and Background Knowledge
on Diagnosis, Course, Treatment and Prevention
Edited by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ludewig
and Dr. Ralf Regenthal. In collaboration with
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Claus Köppel, Dr. Wolfgang Poelchen,
Prof. Dr. Hans-H. Wellhöner, Dr. Michael Burgkhardt
and 20 specialist advisers.
11th completely revised edition 2014. Approx. 950 pages.
Approx. 70 colour figures. Hardcover. Approx. € 89,– [D]
Prepublication price valid until 30.09.2014:
Approx. € 68,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3211-7
Recognise – Evaluate – Treat
The systematic, clear structure of Ludewig/Regenthal gives
doctors and pharmacists, chemists, criminologists and
conservationists the instant guidance they need to find
their way through the jungle of the myriad poisons.
Detailed monographs for all the relevant substances and
drugs point out poisoning symptoms, health hazards
and countermeasures.
■ Illustrations of fungi, plants and designer drugs help
quickly identify and evaluate the cause of poisoning.
■ An extensive survey of antidotes and precise directions
for their use help prevent the worst.
■ 13,000 entries in the index guarantee that you will find
the information you are looking for.
Ludewig/Regenthal in its eleventh completely revised
edition, remains a unique reference work worldwide
for all cases of poisoning.
Readership: Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacists,
physicians, nurses, students of medicine and pharmacy
Readership: Physicians in general and clinical practice,
pharmacists, toxicologists, chemists, criminologists,
lawyers, conservationists
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Pub. da
Plaza / Ziegler
Schäfer / Marschall-Kunz
Dermatological Formulations
Pocket Guide to
Poisons and Poisonings
for Physicians
in the house, the backyard and the great outdoors
By Dr. Tobias Plaza and Dr. Andreas S. Ziegler.
By Dr. MHA Constanze Schäfer
and Dr. Brigitte Marschall-Kunz.
2014. 61 cards. Format 10,5 x 17 cm.
Spiral binding. € 24,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-7692-6202-5
Your Prescription for Formulations
Whenever a physician needs to prescribe an individual
formulation, a number of criteria have an impact on
the effectiveness of the medication. In addition to dosage
and application, possible instability and incompatibility
with the excipient or other active ingredients must be
taken into account. The book provides a quick overview of
the proper dosage
relevant therapeutic information
■ information on stability and compatibility
■ the appropriate ointment base for 56 commonly
used dermatological agents
2nd revised edition 2014. Approx. 600 pages.
Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm. Flexible.
Approx. € 40,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3192-9
House and garden accidents
Each year there are over 100,000 cases of poisoning
in Germany. Chemical burns from household cleaners
or cardiac dysrhythmia from nose sprays happen every day.
Food poisoning often leads to hospitalisation, and toads,
snakes, mushrooms and berries can be dangerous as well.
Each time, speedy help is of the essence!
In this guide the reader learns all about toxic substances
and their poisoning symptoms. Instructions on first aid
for poisoning help take the right steps in an emergency.
Need highly concentrated information at your fingertips?
aporello is the answer!
Readership: Physicians prescribing individual formulations
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Readership: Pharmacicsts, pharmaceutical technicians,
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Pub. da
Auterhoff / Kovar / Laufer
Emde / Riedel
Identification of
Pharmaceutical Substances
Pocket Guide to
Anthroposophic Medicinal Products
Stas-Otto process, thin layer chromatography,
colour reactions, UV and IR spectroscopy, DC-UV coupling
Recommendations for Self-Medication
Founded by Prof. Dr. Harry Auterhoff and
Prof. Dr. Karl-Artur Kovar. Revised by Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer.
2014. XIII, 233 pages. 2 colour figures.
104 colour tables. Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm.
Flexible. € 24,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3183-7
7th completely revised edition 2014.
Approx. XII, 350 pages. 330 colour figures.
14 tables. Spiral binding. Approx. € 39,80 [D]
Prepublication price valid until 30.09.2014:
Approx. € 29,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3119-6
From concept to drug
Almost 45 years after its first edition, the legendary
“Idefix” is finally available in a completely revised and
updated version.
The 160 pharmaceutical substances currently assigned most
often in pharmacy practicals and all the common vehicles
and ointment bases are covered. Single monographs
with characteristics, solubility and identification methods
on the basis of the pharmacopoeias, an extensive infrared
spectrum collection and numerous thin layer chromatograms help you quickly identify the assigned substance.
By Birgit Emde and Juliane Riedel.
360° Service
Whether globuli or drops for internal use or externally
applied ointments and oils, anthroposophic medicine
has the right remedy for (almost) every ailment.
The reader will find a compact summary of the information
he or she needs to recommend the best possible remedy
for 50 indications for self-medication:
concrete recommendations for remedies,
clearly differentiated by symptom
■ type and frequency of use with additional instructions
■ clear, concise explanation of the anthroposophic
concept of disease.
Let two experienced pharmacists explain what you need
to know in everyday practice.
The contents of the new edition have been put through
their paces in several practical courses and tested to see
how they stand up in actual practice. The verdict: highest
marks for usefulness!
From the contents: test samples | vehicles | systematic
analysis (Stas-Otto process) | colour reactions | group
reactions and detection of individual substances | thin
layer chromatography | IR spectroscopy | UV spectroscopy
| DC-UV coupling | elemental analysis
Readership: Pharmacy students, pharmacists,
chemists in analytical laboratories
Readership: Pharmacicsts, pharmacy interns,
pharmaceutical technicians
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Pub. dal
Pub. da
Martin / Lehle / Ilg
Pocket Guide to
Hazardous Substances
Pharmacology of Manufactured Drugs
Occupational Safety and Dispensing Made Easy
By Maria Regina Emsbach.
2014. XXII, 339 pages. 10 colour figures.
130 colour tables. Format 11,5 x 16,5 cm.
Flexible. € 34,80 [D]
Prepublication price valid until 31.05.2014:
€ 29,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3091-5
Hazardous substances in the pharmacy –
be on the safe side!
Bottling ether for a doctor’s practice, testing acetylsalicylic acid for formulation, dispensing hydrochloric acid
to customers – how can pharmacists protect themselves
while handling hazardous substances, and what do they
need to watch out for when labelling and dispensing?
The author provides clear answers to all of the important
everything you need to know about occupational safety,
including the German Federal Chamber of Labour (BAK)
colour coding system,
■ checks, information, documentation: systematic
procedures when dispensing hazardous substances
■ proper packaging for the various hazardous substances
on double-page tables.
Edited by Peter Lehle.
Revised by Dr. Till Fuxius, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ilg,
Peter Lehle and Frauke Repschläger.
9th edition 2014. Approx. 520 pages.
Approx. 40 colour and 170 b/w figures.
Approx. 140 tables. Softcover. Approx. € 48,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3018-2
The classic reference for
pharmaceutical technicians
The success story of one of the most popular textbooks
for pharmaceutical technicians goes on, and with the
completely new ninth edition learning is easier and more
effective than ever.
Understand drug effects by learning to understand
basic mechanisms at the level of substance groups.
■ Gain confidence by studying with review questions
and exercises.
■ Build expertise by finding out how to effectively use
patient information and OTC sales recommendations.
A team of experienced experts has made an excellent
textbook and workbook even better.
Up to date information at a glance!
Readership: Pharmacies, pharmacy personnel,
pharmaceutical technicians, schools for technicians
Readership: Pharmaceutical technicians, pharmacists
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Pub. da
Melzig / Kummer
Romer et al.
Herbal Drugs
322 index cards
Chemistry Workbook for
Pharmaceutical Technicians
By Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig
and Dipl.-Pharm. Joscha Kummer.
By Marion Romer, Silke Dittmar,
Dorothee Famulla-Weber and Claudia Huppertz.
2014. 322 learning cards with colour photographs.
Format 14,8 x 10,5 cm. Index Card Box. € 58,90 [D]
Prepublication price valid until 31.05.2014: € 49,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-8047-3148-6
3rd edition 2014. Approx. 90 pages.
Softcover. € 13,90 [D]
ISBN 978-3-7692-5898-1
Anise, Spanish fly and zedoary root – for pharmacists,
herbal drugs play an important role in the classroom
and on the job, and they need to be familiar with them.
Many pharmaceutical technicians in training know the
situation. They understood everything in the textbook, but
during the exam they draw a blank. Those days are over!
The two authors have compiled profiles for 322 common
herbal drugs,
The authors teach chemistry every day and know what
they are writing about. In more than 200 exam-tested
questions and answers about anorganic and organic
chemistry they show how to combine and apply the
material that has already been learned to solve new
problems – and have fun doing it.
with name, family, active substances,
action and application
■ synonyms and instructions for use
■ and photographs of the herbal drug itself.
The combination of photograph and profile make it easy
to learn to quickly identify drugs and can help readers
to prepare effectively for examinations and refresh
their knowledge on the job.
Learning chemistry is fun!
Pharmaceutical technicians in training use the Chemistry
Workbook to test their knowledge and identify information
gaps before examination day, and are prepared when
it counts!
Readership: Students of pharmacy and biology,
pharmaceutical technicians, pharmacists
Readership: Pharmaceutical technicians in training,
instructors of PTA courses
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Pub. da
Romer et al.
Acne and Rosacea
Continued by Marion Romer, Silke Dittmar,
Dorothee Famulla-Weber and Claudia Huppertz.
Founded by Doris Grimm.
Real-life consulting practice
9th completely revised edition 2014. Approx. 670 pages.
Approx. 930 figures and 150 tables. Softcover.
Approx. € 50,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-7692-5897-4
When the chemistry is right ...
Is chemistry just stinks and bangs, but nothing you can
really understand? This textbook helps pharmaceutical
technicians discover what chemistry is really all about.
With it, they can review the fundamentals, consolidate
what they’ve learned and learn how to work independently.
The 9th edition is now in colour and even more clearly
structured. Chemistry is presented in a pharmaceutical
context so that technicians can grasp it as an aspect of
pharmacy. Practical examples, memory aids and summaries
provide structure and help learn the material.
Chemistry wakes the pharmaceutical technician’s interest
in drugs, providing the best basis for mastering everyday
chemistry in school and on the job.
By Monika Schneider.
2014. XII, 205 pages. 20 colour figures.
44 colour tables. Format 17 x 21,5 cm.
Softcover. € 18,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-7692-5860-8
Does your customer feel at ease in his own skin?
Skin ailments such as acne or rosacea can mean real
suffering for patients. Good advice from the pharmacist can
make a tremendous difference, for a simple change in skin
care products can go a long way toward clearing up skin
problems. Pharmaceutical technicians and pharmacists
have a real chance to show their expertise
with information tailored to the individual patient’s
disease and therapy
■ with counselling about the proper use of medication
■ with recommendations for suitable skin-care products.
Find out how fulfilling counselling can be with the right
Readership: Pharmaceutical technicians
Readership: Pharmacists, pharmacy interns,
pharmaceutical technicians in training and on the job
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Pub. dal
Pub. da
Seestädt / Prus / Candels
Practical Course in Galenic Formulation
for Pharmaceutical Technicians
Nutrition Counselling
in the Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical technical exercises
for classroom and practice
By Dr. Beatrice Rall.
By Petra Seestädt, Judith Prus and Tanja Candels.
2nd completely revised and enlarged edition 2014.
Approx. 360 pages. Approx. 40 figures and 20 tables.
Softcover. With CD-ROM “Solutions of the Exercises“.
Approx. € 40,– [D]
ISBN 978-3-7692-5542-3
Become a galenics expert!
The challenge: to put theoretical knowledge into practice.
Practice makes perfect when it comes to making sure
creams remain stable, suppositories are consistent and
tablets don’t crumble. Two experienced pharmaceutical
technology instructors show you how it’s done:
Pharmaceutical technicians learn what they need to
know to prepare and compound medications and are
helped by memory aids, instructions and practical tips.
■ Current formulations from the German NRF, DAB and
DAC are explained step by step so that pharmaceutical
technicians know what to watch out for.
■ A total of 100 exercises help pharmaceutical technicians
to become real pros.
2nd updated and enlarged edition 2014.
Approx. 250 pages. 49 colour figures.
36 colour tables. Softcover. € 26,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-7692-6204-9
We are what we eat!
The author guides the reader from basic facts about
proper nutrition over diets and nutritional supplements
all the way to diets for special diseases.
New in the 2nd edition:
Tips and concepts for the practical implementation
of nutritional counselling in the pharmacy.
The book series follows the PTAheute concept, with
practical, easy-to-understand knowledge for the
pharmacy, the ideal companion for everyone who
enjoys his job and wants to keep on top of the latest
The book shows pharmaceutical technicians how to
perform galenic formulation. It provides pharmaceutical
technicians with the best possible preparation for practical
courses in school and work in the pharmacy.
Readership: Pharmaceutical technicians
Readership: Pharmaceutical technicians, pharmacists,
pharmacy interns
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Pub. dal
Pub. da
Froböse / Hamm
Dynamic at 50 plus
Biology for the Clueless
Your nutrition and exercise plan
An introductory aid for students
By Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse and Prof. Dr. Michael Hamm.
By Dr. Christa Söhl.
2nd updated and and redesigned edition 2014.
172 pages. 233 colour figures. Format 17 x 21,5 cm.
Softcover. € 22,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-7776-2255-2
2nd edition 2014. Approx. XII, 300 pages.
141 figures. 19 tables. Softcover. € 29,80 [D]
ISBN 978-3-7776-2392-4
Eat right and exercise
Everyone is interested in staying fit as they grow older.
The sports scientist Prof. Ingo Froboese and nutritionist
Prof. Michael Hamm show how to stay young and energetic
with their magic formula “eat right and exercise”.
Become an expert yourself with this guide, and put
together your own individual diet and exercise plan.
Fitness is not a question of age. Read here how you can
stay active!
From the contents:
the formula for vitality
caveman software in the computer age
vitality organs in motion
vitality substances you can’t do without
my own path to fitness –
with self-test and exercise plan
sports that help you age well
my personal diet check and nutrition plan
service section
Mitochondria, Mendel’s laws,
Muscle contractions –
Didn’t I read about that somewhere!?
As the study of life itself, biology is the branch of science
that touches us most directly. But biology in the school
classroom and at university rapidly progresses beyond just
the birds and the bees. The technical terms multiply, and
the subject starts to become difficult.
Biology for the Clueless was designed to be an expert
companion for high school students and beginning
university students with a minor in biology. Students in
bachelor’s and master’s programmes in biology will also
find it useful for reviewing and polishing up old material.
From the contents:
Cell biology | Metabolism | Nervous and sensory
physiology | Muscles and locomotion | The hormone
system | Reproduction and ontogenesis | Genetics |
Immune defenses | Behavior | Ecology | Evolution
Learn how we tick!
Readership: Health-conscious laypersons, fitness trainers,
nutrition counsellors
Readership: Medicine students, students of natural sciences
and biology
S. Hirzel Verlag
S. Hirzel Verlag
Pub. da er
Pub. da
Pub. da
Hartwig / von der Linden / Skrobisch
Cellulose and
Cellulose Derivatives
Chemistry and Physics
of Milk
Heat Preservation
in the Food Industry
Fundamentals, Interactions
and Applications
Natural Product Raw Material - Foodstuff
By Gert Hartwig, Heiko von der Linden
and Hans Peter Skrobisch.
By Tanja Wüstenberg.
Edited by Alfred Töpel.
2013. 444 pages. A5 format.
Hardcover. € 106,47 [D]
ISBN 978-3-95468-019-1
3rd edition 2014. 800 pages.
Format 170 x 248 mm.
Hardcover. € 159,97 [D]
ISBN 978-3-95468-037-5
2nd edition 2014. 230 pages.
A5 format. Hardcover. € 85,07 [D]
ISBN 978-3-89947-588-3
When the French chemist Anselme
Payen first extracted cellulose in 1838,
he probably had no idea how important
this substance would become.
In addition to its primary use in the
production of paper and paperboard,
cellulose is used to produce some
60,000 metric tons of cellulose ether
for use in foods, cosmetics and
pharmaceutical products.
This book describes the chemical structures and their interactions in cellulose
and the cellulose derivatives used in
foods, cosmetics and pharmaceutical
products. In addition to functional
characteristics the book also describes
and explains the various applications in
an easy to understand fashion. Because
of the numerous sample applications,
practising chemists are able to test and
refine existing formulations. This makes
the book a comprehensive standard
reference for everyone using cellulose
and its derivatives in their products.
Highly respected in the dairy industry,
the reference book Chemistry and
Physics of Milk compiles everything
known about the chemical and physical
properties of milk. It provides valuable
insights and facts that help the reader
better control the highly complex
system that is milk. Readers will find the
technical information about controlling
the pH value of milk products, the
crystallisation conditions of milk fat
and temperature influences on milk
protein particularly useful.
From the contents: The importance
of milk | the composition and components of milk | identification and
analysis of milk ingredients | protective
agents – antibacterial substances in
milk | milk as a polydisperse system |
physical and chemical characteristics |
milk as a foodstuff | milk as a raw
material | processing and treatment
of milk and milk components
Germ reduction, fermentation and
enzyme activation play a major role
in heat preservation. D and F values,
cooking value, E value and heat transfer
are only a few of the terms used in
this connection. But what do all these
expressions mean, and how can
F values and z values be calculated?
What factors influence heat transfer?
How can processing times be shortened?
The authors answer these and other
questions in the area of heat preservation of foods. Their book focuses on
practical knowledge from food engineers
for food engineers.
From the contents: Food spoilage | the
role and the aims of heat preservation
| D value – decimal reduction time |
z value – influence of temperature on
time | F value – index value vs. actual
value | E value – enzymes and their role
in the heat processing of foods | C value
– fermentation and cooking damage
| microbiological quality control of
canned foods | factors influencing heat
transfer | temperature measurements |
validation of thermal processes
Readership: Food industry
Readership: Food industry
Readership: Food industry
Behr’s Verlag
Behr’s Verlag
Behr’s Verlag
Fiedler – Encyclopedia of Excipients
Index Nominum –
International Drug Directory
Revised by Dr. Martin Holzer.
Annual licence fee for one concurrent user from one location:
For individuals or community/retail pharmacies:
€ 184,– plus VAT
For hospitals or hospital pharmacies: € 368,– plus VAT
For companies or institutions: € 736,–plus VAT*
Edited by pharmaSuisse, Swiss Pharmaceutical Society.
* Other prices apply to additional locations or additional
concurrent users. Quotation on demand. Free 10-days-trial
Fiedler – Encyclopedia of Excipients is an unique database
on excipients used in pharmacy, cosmetics and related
fields offering 12,000+ entries. Monographs follow
a unified structure:
Names and synonyms: INN, INCI, compendial,
trivial and chemical names, trademarks,
CAS-, EINECS- and E-numbers
Definition: Description, composition,
chemical structure, molar mass
Basic properties: Appearance, physicochemical
data, solubility, spectra etc.
Application characteristics and main uses in
pharmacy and cosmetics, illustrated by examples
Stability and incompatibilities
Pharmacology and toxicology
Analysis methods
References with broad literature citations
List of excipient suppliers
Annual licence fee for one concurrent user from one location:
For individuals or community/retail pharmacies:
€ 298,– plus VAT
For hospitals or hospital pharmacies: € 596,– plus VAT
For companies or institutions: € 1192,– plus VAT*
* Other prices apply to additional locations or additional
concurrent users. Quotation on demand. Free 10-days trial
At the click of a mouse Index Nominum tells you the active
ingredient with its structural formula and its trade names
in each country along with the manufacturers’ addresses.
You can search by
Substance name
Trade name
CAS registry number
Therapeutic group
ATC code, ATCvet code
Your Bonus:
Off-market drugs and trade preparations are included
and specially tagged.
A manufacturer’s directory gives addresses
and full contact details.
Readership: Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries,
research organizations, laboratories, suppliers, authorities,
colleges/universities, pharmacies
Readership: Pharmacists, authorities, pharmaceutical
industry and wholesale
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
S. Hirzel Verlag
MedPharm Scientific Publishers
Behr’s Verlag
For translation rights please contact:
Sabine Koerner, M. A., Rights Manager
Phone: +49 (0) 711 2582-221
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70191 Stuttgart | Germany
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