NMP Profile - NRW.Europa
NMP Profile - NRW.Europa
NRW goes FP7 Beratung rund um die EU-Rahmenprogramme durch das NRW.Europa-Team - Katalog mit aktuellen Beispielen von Partnergesuchen aus dem Bereich Nano/Mikro/Produktion für Projekte im 7. FRP - Stand: 03.09.2012 Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 1 Beratung rund um die EU-Rahmenprogramme Ausgangssituation Das NRW.Europa-Team bei ZENIT ist qualifizierter Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen rund um Antragstellung und Information über die spezifischen Programme im FRP und CIP. ZENIT ist im Auftrag des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums darüber hinaus Nationale Kontaktstelle für das EUFörderprogramm CIP ICT sowie für die KMU-spezifischen Programmteile des 7. Forschungsrahmenprogrammes. Service ZENIT berät mit seinem NRW.Europa-Team innerhalb des 7. FRP insbesondere im spezifischen Programm „Zusammenarbeit“, das die Themenfelder Gesundheit, Ernährung, Informations- und kommunikationstechnologie, Nanowissenschaft/Nanotechnologie/Werkstoffe/Produktion, Energie, Umwelt, Transport/Verkehr, Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Geisteswissenschaften, Raumfahrt und Sicherheit umfasst. Konkret und kostenfrei bieten wir : • Allgemeine Informationen zum 7. FRP und/oder CIP bzw. Horizon • Gezielte Hinweise auf relevante Förderthemen • Individuelle Betreuung bei der Konzeption eines Antrags • Unterstützung bei der Gestaltung eines ausgewogenen Konsortiums • Hilfe bei der Budgetplanung • Redaktionelle Begleitung bei der Antragsstellung • Hilfe bei der Suche nach geeigneten Projektpartnern • Zugang zu Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorschlägen anderer europäischer Projektpartner (konkrete Beispiele von gezielten Partnergesuchen finden sich in diesem Katalog) Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 2 Zielgruppe Unternehmen, Forschungsinstitute und Vertreter der nordrheinwestfälischen Hochschulen, die sich aktiv an einem europäischen Forschungsprojekt beteiligen wollen und als Projektpartner oder auch als Projektkoordinator neue Projektideen auf den Weg bringen wollen. Kontakt Dr. Karsten Lemke ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa Bismarckstraße 28 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr Telefon: 0208-30004-27 E-Mail: le@zenit.de Webseiten www.zenit.de www.frp.nrw.de www.nrweuropa.de Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 3 NMP: Nanotherapeutics for Klebsiella Pneumoniae caused infections technologies Programme: FP7-NMP-2013 Call Identifier: FP7-NMP-2013-LARGE-7 Call deadline: 23 October 2012 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Description: The project is based on using different types of nanocarriers to deliver an antimicrobial agent against Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria. These bacteria can cause Klebsiella pneumonia, which causes destructive changes to human lungs. They also attack people with a weakened immune system when they are in hospital for some other reason (a nosocomial infection). Nowadays the number of antibiotic resistant K. pneumoniae strains is increasing, so new types of therapy are urgently required to kill bacteria avoiding the standard methods. For that purpose this project is going to make use of several nanocarriers with different characteristics (polymeric and inorganic NPs, liposomes…) in order to improve the delivery of the new antimicrobials to the infected area. In this case the nanosystems are going to target mainly the lungs, which is an attractive route for noninvasive administration of a drug. Moreover, nanotherapeutics offer many advantages in pulmonary drug-delivery system, due to their huge surface area availability and their potential to achieve uniform distribution of drug dose among the alveoli. As a consequence of the biological nature of some of the novel antimicrobials, they need to be protected while they are delivered to the affected tissue. Additionally, small molecules that function following a different path from common antibiotics can be very effective killing bacteria, but they also need a nanocarrier due to their hydrophobic or labile chemical nature. Therefore, the development of appropriate and effective nanovehicles to treat K. pneumoniae caused infections will definitely improve the healing process of patients and avoid complications for people in hospital. Partner sought: SME, Consultancy, Research - Pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies looking for new carriers to deliver their antimicrobial molecules (biological or not) developed against K. pneumonia; - Companies that generate nanosystems with interest in developing carriers for inhalation; - In vitro models. Expertise sought: Nanotechnology and Nanosciences, Medicine, Health, Biotechnology, Life sciences, Medical biotechnology Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 4 NMP: BrightWall - translucent concrete (Ref: 12 DK 20B7 3Q90) Programme: FP7-SME-2013 Call deadline: 15 November 2012 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Description: A project consortium led by a Danish SME specialized in the production of sandwich façades proposes a project which is to develop a completely new building material – translucent concrete – in the form of a sandwich panel. In order to complete the consortium the partners are looking for an architecture company (SME) working with concrete elements, an SME within insulating materials and a RTD performer with knowledge in manufacturing processes for sandwich panels. The project aims to develop a completely new building material in the form of translucent concrete by using embedded optical fibers, which can provide energy efficient lighting quality in buildings – and enable entirely new design concepts and architectural solutions. As the core novelty, this new material can be used for facades and as load bearing, while providing high quality and energy efficient light to European buildings. Letting sunlight supply part of the total lighting has thus obvious benefits in terms of cost and emission savings, but also, the individual buildings will be positively affected by being sunlit. The concept uses a combination of high-strength concrete (HSC) and light-conducting fibers (in the most appropriate material – to be defined during the project) that are integrated in the elements with very high precision through an innovative production process, thereby forming a brand new, translucent building material with great capabilities and flexibility. In order to achieve the necessary thermal insulating properties, the concept of sandwich construction is included, with a core of insulating material which is led through the optical fibers. The combination of materials provides unique thermal properties, and also allows high structural strength, so that the elements can be load bearing and thus be an energy effective envelope material for the building. This provides a new material that not only has unique physical parameters, but also provides important aesthetic, tactile and cultural characteristics with huge market potential for companies in the construction and creative industries. Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 5 Consortium of partners already existing: 1 Danish SME specialized in the production of sandwich façades, 1 Danish SME specialized in the methodology for alignment of optical fibers in the concrete building elements, 1 UK SME with know-how in the development of optical fibers, 1 Danish RTD with extended expertise within fibre optics and application of fibre optics. Partner sought 1. SME - Architecture company working with concrete elements, 2. SME - Expertise in insulating materials, 3. RTD - Knowledge in manufacturing processes for sandwich panels. Tasks to be performed by the partner sought: 1. Innovation activities related to buildings' architecture, 2. Study and selection of the insulation materials, 3. Optimization of the process to make it economically viable. Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 6 NMP: WearInspect: Vision-based tool condition monitoring of machining processes Programme: FP7-SME-2013 Call deadline: 15 November 2012 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Description: The modern manufacturing environment is competitive, diverse and fast-moving. Machining processes often involve small batch sizes and a wide variety of products or components, many of which can be complex and costly to manufacture. The trend has been towards unsupervised CNC machining centres equipped with open architecture controllers. Accuracy and high surface finish quality are of paramount importance in attracting and retaining customers. All this places a high demand on machine tools, which must be used for a multitude of operations on a range of materials. Methods of predictive tool maintenance based on simple end-of-life models, or routine intervention and off-machine checking to ISO 3685 by highly skilled toolmakers do not fit well with modern, lean manufacturing regimes and so reliable methods of tool condition monitoring (TCM) are constantly being sought. It is widely accepted that intelligent, sensor-based manufacturing is vital to achieve the high quality levels demanded by the aerospace, automotive and high-end component manufacturing industries. TCM sensor technology, properly integrated within commercial machining centres, can be expected to play a crucial role in factories of the future. Information about tool condition is insufficient by itself. Additional in-process quality control data and machine tool diagnostics are a requirement of future automated machining centres. Intelligent systems such as these can help to reduce wastage of both material and tools, allow high speed cutting and reduced coolant consumption, optimised machining methods and the use of innovative tooling technologies. It has been demonstrated that the effective machining time of a CNC milling centre could be increased by anything from 10 to 65% with an effective monitoring and control system. New tools and tool materials are making rapid advances, and the demand for machining of more ‘difficult’ stock materials leads to the need to prevent tool failure and machine down-time, with all the extra costs this can involve. The main concept of successful tool condition monitoring can be summarised thus: "The goal for tool condition monitoring is to optimise the cutting operation, including production quality and production rate. Therefore, it is very important to determine whether the current condition of the tool is acceptable and accordingly, develop a strategy to optimise the cutting operation. This strategy involves changing the cutting conditions to compensate for the effect of tool deterioration and/or replacing the tool if necessary." The key requirements for sensors used in any TCM system have been identified as fast response, rugged construction, high reliability, simple design and non-invasive to the machining process. Computer vision techniques offer many advantages over other sensor types and have the added versatility of being able to perform TCM on either the tool or the work piece, or even a combination of both. Added to this, non-contact optical systems offer the ability to determine position of the cutting tip with respect to the CNC machine axes, enabling online gauging or tool re-setting as part of the cutting optimisation process. Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 7 Consortium of partners already existing: RTD 1 - EU - project coordinator. Machine vision and automation. RTD 2- EU - Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering. SME end user – Manufacturers of pieces for aeronautic sector. Partner sought: SME (End user) Skills: High value-added manufacturing SME (low-volume, high-value manufacturing sectors e.g. aerospace, automotive, petrochemical sector). Not Spanish Role: System specification and validation. Technical SME Skills: Manufacturer of lathe and milling machines. Not Spanish Role: Manufacturer of proposed system. Technical SME Skills: SME manufacturer of computer vision systems. Not Spanish Role: Manufacturer of computer vision system. End user (OTHER) Skills: Large EU/multinational manufacturing company, preferably in aerospace, automobile, petrochemical sector Role: System specification and validation. Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 8 NMP: PURGE - Plasma Utilisation for Removal of Germs in healthcare Environments Programme: FP7-NMP-2013-LARGE-7 oder FP7-NMP-2013-SME-7 Call deadline: 23 October 2012 (1st stage) at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Description: The main aim of the project is to: implement new disinfection technologies, patient support equipment and innovative new materials for superior infection control in hospitals. What is new about the approach? To date infection control has relied on manual cleaning with ineffectual and damaging disinfectants. We propose a plasma-based system for a complete, automated and validated disinfection of a hospital bed and bay enclosure. SME Partners hold patented technology on plasma disinfection, mattress material science and plastics packaging. With RTD’s world leaders in plasma particle and radical biophysics, medical microbiology and toxicological assessment. Why now? Scientific progress in knowledge of air ionisation and its antimicrobial properties allied to increased cost of dealing with infection control and associated problems across the EU healthcare system. Our consortium will develop a unique way of reducing nosocomial pathogens including antibiotic resistant species. The specific objectives of the project are: - Develop 2nd generation miniaturised RADICA prototype with variable control. - Create novel mattress material capable of being sterilised by air radicals in safe manner. - Develop commercially viable hermetically sealed mattress and or bay surround. - Gain accredited standards for Radica and ancillary equipment. - Attain professional and academic credibility through peer reviewed publications. Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 9 Why this consortium? To achieve a significant reduction in healthcare related infection the group has been assembled to add expertise to different aspects of the disinfection process. From the plasma gas generation to materials and plastic wrapping to contain gas disinfectant in situ. RTD’s will provide best in field expertise in particular, materials testing and plasma gas physicochemical characterisation. Consortium of partners, already existing: Athlone Institute Technology RTD Microbiology, Plasma technology, Material science RTD 2 RTD World leader in Plasma physics RTD 3 RTD Validation and standards compliance Arann Healthcare SME Hold patents in plasma disinfection SME 2 SME Bed Mattress manufacturer SME 3 SME Plastics producer and design specialist Partner sought SME, RTD Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 10 NMP: Biomaterials - Production of peripheral nerve implants based on natural and synthetic polymers and selective manufacturing method Programme: FP7-NMP-2013 Call Identifier: FP7-NMP-2013-SME-7 Call deadline: 23 October 2012 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Description: The goal of the project is the validation of biomaterials structural plasticity and those compatible manufacturing technologies that will enable the generation of a tubular structure containing an internal array of aligned channels. The regenerative properties of this prototype will be also validated in vivo in a sciatic nerve section animal model. This project proposal will take advantage of partners; experience in the design of medical devices composed of natural and synthetic biomaterials and in scaled-up production mechanization technologies for the generation of the most effective peripheral nerve implant. Consortium of partners already existing: - TEKNIKER as coodinator. - Histocell as leader. - Other two SMEs and two universities. Partner sought: A partner with wide experience in task related to: - Preclinical regulatory affairs. - Definition of experimental protocols taking due account of current good laboratory practice (GLP) and ISO guidelines. - Good manufacturing practice (GMP), process analytical technology (PAT), and regulatory work. Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 11 NMP: BioMime Programme: FP7-NMP-2013 Call Identifier: FP7-NMP.2013.2.2-2 Call deadline: 23 October 2012 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Description: - CT based biomimetic modelling of bone replacing structures in comparison to biomechanically optimized structures using FEA. - Animal studies of bone ingrowth under biomechanical load - Post-op follow-up biological, structural and mechnical characterization of bone-implant interaction Consortium of partners already existing: - University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland - Fraunhofer IWM and IFAM - University in China Partner sought: Since the involved partners consist of research institutes, a partner who could take over the role of a ‘Project-Coordinator‘ is sought. Auswahl Katalog NMP FP7-Profile/Stand 03.09.2012 Seite 12