Tax Status of Premiums - Pensionskasse für die Deutsche Wirtschaft
Tax Status of Premiums - Pensionskasse für die Deutsche Wirtschaft
INFO Information for Employers: Tax Status of Premiums Up to 4 % of the relevant premium assessment ceiling for (western) statutory pension insurance can be paid into PKDW free of tax and social security contributions (in accordance with § 3 No. 63 of the Income Tax Act [EStG]). In 2016, this amounts to EUR 2,976, or EUR 248 per month. Premiums exceeding this amount will be subsidised differently depending on when the pension commitment was granted. > New commitments (granted from 01/01/2005 onwards) Members whose pension commitment was granted from 01/01/2005 may pay a further EUR 1,800 - over and above EUR 2,976 - into PKDW tax free (in accordance with § 3 No. 63 EStG). The EUR 1,800 top-up is subject to social security contributions. > Old commitments (granted until 31/12/2004) Under § 40 b EStG, if the pension commitment was granted before 01/01/2005, the employee may pay in an additional amount of EUR 1,752 into the company pension scheme, i.e. taxed at 20 % (plus church tax and solidarity supplement). Premiums exceeding the limits specified in § 3 No. 63 EStG (EUR 1,800) and § 40 b EStG (EUR 1,752) may only be paid in out of taxed income. If premiums for the year exceed 8 % of the assessment ceiling (in 2016: EUR 5,952), an application for a special premium is required. If the employee has also included disability cover in his insurance, an up to date health check will be carried out. Benefits (pension or lump sum) resulting from tax free premium payments are fully taxable and subject to mandatory health and nursing care insurance premiums. Only the interest portion of benefits resulting from premium payments to the pension fund which are taxed individually or at a flat rate will be taxable when the pension is paid (does not apply to additionally subsidised premiums). You can find further information on this on our website in the area »Für Rentner – Steuern und Sozialabgaben«. Please report premiums paid by using our electronic premium report file (Beitragsmeldedatei) (available on our website in the area »Für Unternehmen – Infos / Formulare«). You can also find out here which type to report premiums under. For questions on reporting premiums or account clarification, please feel free to contact: Sarah Wollschläger Tel: +49 (0)203 99219-22 or Bettina Wiesel Tel: +49 (0)203 99219-24 As of: 01/ 2016 Pensionskasse für die Deutsche Wirtschaft VVaG, Am Burgacker 37, 47051 Duisburg, Tel 0203 99219-0, Fax 0203 99219-38,