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Cedarville University
Commencement Documents
2010 Commencement Program
Cedarville University
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114th Annual
-------of------Cedarville University
"Therefore, as you received Christ jesus the Lord,
so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him
and established in the faith, just as you were
taught, abounding in thanksgiving. "
Colossians 2:6-7, ESV
Today is the celebration of the 114th
Commencement of Cedarville University. In
1887, five godly men were led to found
Cedarville College. They envisioned an
institution that would provide an outstanding
education to equip graduates to serve God.
Today their purpose lives on at Cedarville
Our theme for this academic year has been
"Christ Alone." This year we have emphasized
the supremacy of the person of Jesus Christ, not
only in our personal lives but also in history,
current world events, and the future. "Jesus
Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
Lynne and I, along with our University family, congratulate the Class of 2010. You
stand tall on the shoulders of those who have gone before you. The University family
has been honored to walk these years of your journey with you. Our desire is that
you always will be aware of God's guidance and provision as you walk into the future
He has prepared.
To all of the family and friends who are here to celebrate the commencement of the
Class of 2010, we welcome you to our ceremony. I trust that this will not only be a
time of celebration and joy for you, but also a time of reflection about your own
relationship with God and His love for you. The Scriptures say, "But God
demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for
us" (Romans 5:8). The beautiful reality of God's love for us and His desire for us to
be His children is clearly communicated in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins.
We hope this is a reality in your life.
While today marks an end, it is also a beginning. We are blessed to have you here
today and trust you will leave changed.
William E. Brown, Ph.D.
President, Cedarville University
As president of one of the nation's largest familyowned businesses, Dan Cathy represents the
next generation of leadership for Chick-fil-A. In
1967, his father, S. Truett Cathy, founded the
Atlanta-based quick-service chicken restaurant
chain. Eager to incorporate his own skills and
talents into the business, Dan Cathy has taken
an unconventional yet personally and
professionally rewarding approach to Chick-fil-A
Since 2001, Cathy has served as president and
chief operating officer, challenging himself to
uphold Chick-fil-A's efforts to provide genuine
hospitality and ensuring that customers have an exceptional dining experience. He
seeks to provide customers with "second-mile" service, exceeding even the highest
expectations of a typical fast-food restaurant.
Rather than leading from his corporate office in Atlanta, Cathy chooses to spend the
majority of his time traveling to the chain's growing family of restaurants and
interacting with a committed team of restaurant operators and team members. His
actions stem from a belief that working in the field provides a clearer understanding
of the ever-evolving wants and needs of Chick-fil-A customers. Leading from the
front line also enables him to personally convey his servant's spirit to his more than
50,000 employees.
Cathy's personal passion is to see the fulfillment of the Chick-fil-A Corporate
Purpose: "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To
have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."
Under Cathy's leadership, the company consistently receives top placement in
national surveys and competitions. In 2008, Business Week and J.D. Power and
Associates named Chick-fil-A among the top 25 "Customer Service Champs." In
2009, Chick-fil-A received Restaurant and Institutions magazine's "Choice in Chains"
award for the 16th consecutive year and ranked first in QSR magazine's '~erica's
Best Drive-Thru" survey for the sixth time. In 2007, Chick-fil-A was recognized as
first in overall service in a survey conducted by Zagat and NBC's "Today" show. In
2004, Chick-fil-A was honored with Fast Company magazine's inaugural "Customer
First" award and was the highest-rated quick-service chain in the South in J.D.
Power and Associates' "Customer Satisfaction" survey.
Cathy received his Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from
Georgia Southern University. He served as director of operations, vice president of
operations, and executive vice president before being named president and chief
operating officer of Chick-fil-A. He and his wife, Rhonda, have been married for
36 years and have two sons, Andrew and Ross.
Revelation Song
Worthy is the
Lamb who was slain.
My Redeemer Lives
Brass Choir
G.F. Handel/Melody Green
arr. Chris Woods
Holy, holy is He.
Sing a new song, to Him
who sits on
Heaven's mercy seat
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to
With all creation I sing:
Praise to the King of Kings!
Pomp and Circumstance
Edward Elgar
Brass Choir
William Rudd, D .Min.
Chair, Board ofTrustees
Welcome Address
John Gredy, Ed.D.
You are my everything,
And I wiU adore You.
Clothed in rainbows of
living color,
Flashes of lightning, rolls of
Blessing and honor, strength
Glory and power be
To You the Only Wise King.
Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:8-14, ESV
Charles R. Clevenger, D.M.A.
Professor of Piano and Humanities
Introduction of Featured Speaker and
Presentation of Medal of Honor
William E. Brown, Ph.D.
Commencement Address
Dan Cathy, D.Hum.
President and Chief Operating Officer, Chick-fil-A, Inc.
Filled with wonder,
Awestruck wonder,
At the mention ofYour
Jesus, Your Name is power,
Breath, and living water,
Such a marvelous mystery.
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to
With all creation I sing:
Praise to the King of Kings!
You are my everything,
And I will adore You.
Presentation of Class Gift
Rebecca M. Gregg
Class President
Acceptance of Gift
William E. Brown, Ph.D.
Class Song
Revelation Song
Guitar and Vocals: D.J. Blatherwick
Keyboard and Vocals: Alise Merrin
Vocals: Aubrey Womack
Vocals: Justin Willetts
Bass Guitar: Timothy Doenges
Drums: Tina Hyun
Percussion: Briana DuPree
Jennie Riddle
President's Address
William E. Brown, Ph.D.
Rebecca M. Gregg
Presentation of Candidates
Thomas Cornman, Ph.D .
Academic Vice President
Joel C. Walton
Vice President
**Conferral of Degrees
William E. Brown, Ph.D.
Presentation of Awards
William E. Brown, Ph.D.
Luke A. Comers
Prayer of Dedication
Mrs. Chrissy Faulkner
Assistant Director, Event Services
*Alma Mater The Spirit of This Place
Lyle J. Anderson, Ph.D.
Whitney L. Wood
Women's Ministry
Let the spirit of this hallowed place
Be kindled from above,
And the joy ofserving Christ our Lord
Increase in Christian love.
0 Cedarville, your call fulfill
And to our God be true!
Then we who truly seek His will
And come to you
May learn to shine for Him in all we do.
Chrissy Faulkner
Lauren Townsend
Jessica Wynalda
Paul Dixon, Ed.D., D.D., LL.D.
Catherine Stampfli
Ami Sheder
Finale From Act II from Aida
Brass Choir
Guiseppi Verdi
Rebecca M. Baker,
Associate Professor of
Communication Arts
Please remain in place until the academic
procession has left the building.
*Congregation standing
**Please hold your displays ofsupport until
all degrees have been conferred.
Matthew M . Moore,
Professor of
Communication Arts
The following members ofthe Class of20I 0 received awards
during the annual Honors Day Chapel.
William E. Brown
Ce< otrvtlle 0
Ryan D . Chaney
"The David G. Canine Award
Stuart]. Green
"n1e George L. Lawlor Greek
Paul H. Dixon
eld Oh10
S1 dn
William J. Rudd
Joseph R. Veres
The Oxford University Press
Awards- Preseminary
Mu. b.egon, Michtt
Ronald G. Becker
Vice Chair
Katelyn D. Reuther
The Oxford University Press
Awards- Bible Comprehensive
C " 'SOl' f., ,as
Albert F. Stevens
}o:: cy
Mary L. Howard
Nor I r •
William K. Bernhard, Jr.
Kathryn J. Tutino
"01e Rev. Henry and Lilian
Hutchison Christian Education
Stuart J. Green
The Daniel Award
H'.ookfiell, \\ 1
Amy J. Goldman
The Hugh T. Hall Memorial
John E. Blodgett
William J. Bolthouse
Avila Bo
Matthew D. Foote
TI1e Dr. Clifford W Fawcett
Business Senior Scholar Award
Kezia McNeal Curry
James H. DeVries
Amanda L. Graves
"The Marinus Hazen Memorial
Ad· 'tv ic
James D. Engelmann
Davt on,
Jared C. Simpson
"The Olen Tilma Business Award
David M. Gower
111m •s
David D. Graham
Amy C. Ernsberger
The Shari Boblitt Family
Memorial Award
Benjamin R. Kilian
The Austin Elmore Award in
Plant Biology
Daniel L. Thomas
"n1e Creation Research Award for
Steven A. LoCicero
TI1e Creation Research Award for
John T. Weston
The Creation Research Award for
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Darren P. Wurz
lhe Creation Research Award for
Life Science Education
Rebecca]. Nesbitt
"The Creation Research Award for
Physical Science Education
Matthew T. Weeks
The Creation Research Award for
The Wall Street journal Award
Cristina E. Hatch
The Creation Research Award for
Lauren E. Kriss
"The Centennial Library
Scholarship in Library Science
Christopher L. Gehman
ll1e Harold R. Green Christian
Ministries Award
Robert D. Bogan
The James R. Phipps
Communicacion Award
Courtney E. Davis
The Harold R. Green Christian
Ministries Award
Jessica M. Korthals
1ne Dr. Merlin and Mrs. Rurh
Agcr Education Award
Christopher L. Gehman
The James T. Jeremiah Award
Keith P. Robinette
C "·ng.o
Brent D . Fugate
The Outstanding Future Music
Teacher Award
John C. Hays
Re}no d
Delaw1 e,
Deforia Lane
Michael G. Loftis
I cwisl.._
Dominic W. McKinley
Kelly E. Miller
Randall W. Patten
Nob! ·sH I
L. Paige Patterson
f r . \\o> ·th
K. Beth Prentice
Jlou, wn
Lorne C. Scharnberg
r ~s Mo
Hannah M. Endres
The Outstanding Future Music
Teacher Award
Sari A. Bright
The Ruby Jeremiah Scholarship
The colorful academic regalia dates from the first European
universities in the Middle Ages. Academic costume has been in use
in the United States since colonial times and is traditionally used for
graduation convocations. The mortarboard is the standard cap. The
tassel color, as established by an intercollegiate commission,
indicates the subject field.
Deborah A. Stephens
Cedarville, Ohio
Robert R. Thomas
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
W. David Warren
Cedarville, Ohio
arts, history, letters, languages ... . .. ... .. .. ... . . white
business, commerce . .. . . .
............ drab
communication . . .. ... . . . ... . . . . ... .. ... . . .. silver gray
criminal justice .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. ...... .. . navy blue
education . . .
. ... .. .. . .... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . light blue
engineering . . .... .. .. .. . ... .. .... . .... . .. ... .. orange
fine arts .
. ................................... dark brown
....................... maroon
musiC ...
...................................... pink
nursing... ..
. . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . ......... apricot
pharmacy . .. . . .. .... .. .... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..
philosophy ... . . . . . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. royal blue
physical education, allied health ............... sage green
.. . . .. . .. .... . . .. ......... scarlet
science, mathematics, psychology ............. golden yellow
social work, political science,
public administration ....................... citron
doctor of philosophy ... . .. .. . .. .. . .. .... . .. gold
doctor of education ............................ gold
doctor of rheology .. .. ......................... gold
doctor of arts ........................................ gold
The length of the hood and the width of the velvet indicate the
level of the degree. The doctor's hood is quite long, has two tails,
and has a five-inch-wide velvet. The master's hood is shorter than the
doctor's and has a three-inch-wide velvet. The bachelor's hood is
shorter yet and has a two-inch-wide velvet. The color of the velvet
indicates the field of study. Blue indicates a doctoral degree. Dark
brown indicates a master of arts degree. White indicates a bachelor
of arts or a master of arts degree. Scarlet indicates a bachelor of
divinity degree or a master of divinity degree. Yellow indicates a
bachelor of science degree. The colors in the lining of the hood are
the university colors.
The gown's traditional color is black. The distinguishing feature
of the master's gown is the tippet sleeve. The doctor's gown has two
distinguishing features. It is cut much fuller than the bachelor's or
the master's gown and has velvet panels on the sleeves, around the
neck, and down the front. These panels may be black or the color
that symbolizes the subject field in which the degree was earned.
Some regalia represent academic awards that have been
conferred from universities outside the United States, notably from
Europe. Universities in Europe have not undergone the
standardization in academic dress that was introduced in the United
Stares. Each European university retains the right to design unique
and distinctive regalia for its graduates. This results in a wide variety
of hood and gown colors. The crest of the university may be woven
into the hood or panels in the gown. Gowns are worn open, and
formal attire is worn underneath the gown; women wear black skirts
and white blouses, while men wear a formal suit or national
Hayes P. Wicker
Naples, Florida
Randal E. Wilcox
Farmington, Connecticut
Jeffory D. Willetts
Bellefontaine, Ohio
Bill J. Williams
Lewis Center, Ohio
Eugene Apple
Orange Village, Ohio
Francis Bresson
Menomonee J•alls,
Gilbert Brueckner
Menomonee ralls,
James Carraher
Ft. Myers, Florida
Jack Cline
Rockbridge, Ohio
Joseph Godwin
Gallipolis, Ohio
Roy G. Guenin
Cordova, 1ennessee
E.L. Hawkins
Northfield, Ohio
Ruth R. Kempton
Lititz, Pennsylvania
C.E. Gene Miller
Traverse City, Michigan
Irwin Olson
Mesa, Arizona
Lynn Rogers
Sagamore Hills, Ohio
Bill Smith
Allegan, Michigan
Robert Sumner
Lynchburg, Virginia
Renna B. Bertsche
Kyle Lawrence Ferguson
Valerie Jean Huber
Joshua Adam Vaccar
Bachelor ofArts
Levi Richard Amerine
Rachel Lynn Arthur t
Christian David Beals
Nathan Andrew Bell t
Robert H. Bentley
Stacey Michelle Bernard tt
Sara Ruth Blacklidge t
Donald J. Blatherwick
Sarah Elizabeth Brandt
Justin Frank Busenitz tt
Alex Keith Carlson
Eric Lee Carroll
Ryan Daniel Chaney tt
Andrew Ross Chesterman
Angela Marie Christian
Megan Christina Cline
Luke Andrew Comers t
Mara J. Cordial
Courtney Elizabeth Davis t
Briana Shardee Lashae DuPree
Benjamin Dallas Espinoza ttt
Sean Andrew Ewing t
Craig K. Farrell
Timothy James Fehl
Phillip Michael Garber
Ross Anthony Garrett
Christopher Lee Gehman
Amy Joy Goldman ttt
Stuart John Green tt
Joshua Lucky Haynes
Jesse Earnest Hensarling IV
Kyle John Hess t
Grant William Holloway
Daniel Garrett Holtz tt
Maxwell Arthur Hounshell
Jeffrey Allen Hughes t
Troy Daniel Jones
Kristian Angelle Kershaw
Jeremiah James Kitchen
Dale Emery Lempa t
Patricia Lee Frances Linebaugh
Jeremy Malcolm McDuffie
Kaleb Aaron McMaster
Carissa Joy Parmerlee ttt
Jeremy L. Presley
Katelyn Diane Reuther ttt
Michael J. Richards
Rachel Elisabeth Schemer t
Alison Noel Schmidt
Adam Jacob Shank ttt
Chase Robert Socha ttt
Caleb Benjamin Speicher t
Kathryn Joanna Tutino t
Joseph Russell Veres ttt
Justin Daniel Willetts
Daryl Leon Winters, Jr.
Department of Communication Arts
Bachelor ofArts
Jared Samuel Banz tt
Brianne Melissa Barnes t
Katie Ann Bliss
Robert David Bogan tt
Gabrielle Marie Boward ttt
Peter James Brandt
Natalie Jolene Brooks
Megan Rachel Cafferty
Morgan Leigh Callahan
Timothy Steven Carter t
Bradley Dean Childs
Jazmine Pauline Cook
Timothy James Dammer
Priscilla Grace David
Abby Elizabeth Fisher
Hannah Elisabeth Fletcher
Emily Jane Haney
Rebekah Michelle Harris
Chelsey Kay Hauser
Justin Bryant Hobbs t
Suzanne Marie Hofert t
Rachael Joy Hubin
Kimberly Kay Hutson
Rebecca Joy Johnson
Alison Dianne Kearney t
Elizabeth Ann Knorr
Tiffany Hope Lethbridge
Jordan Scott Link
Elyse Morine Looyengoed tt
Matthew Isaac Miner
Peter William Mitchell
Michelle M. Mostaed
Sarah Lynne Murphy t
Lindsay Elisabeth Neal tt
Jordan William Nikerle
Lauryn Geneva Nowak
Aaron Michael Palmer
David George Palmer t
Dresden Linde Peters
Jonathan David Powell
Jessica Lynn Raymond
Brian Andrew Roloff
Katy E. Russell t
Alexander Ray Sellman
Timothy Wayne Shumaker
Brennan Robert Smith
Clifford Scott Smith
Patrick Stephen Smith
Timothy S. Smith t
Lauren Renee Sosey t
Zachary D. Suram
Rachel Mary Torres
Jonathan William Walburg ttt
Dakotah Lee Waugh
Mallory Joy White
Kaleb Kurt Wilcox ttt
Aubrey Joy Womack t
Rachel Elizabeth York ttt
Daniel Eugene Zimmerman
Department of History and Government
Bachelor ofArts
Devin Andrew Babcock t
Leanna Julia Baumer ttt
Holly Ann Brown
Darrin Kent Carrier t
John Michael Cooper ttt
Nathan Andrew Dollison
Nicholas Owen Dunn
Stuart William Ellis
Jenna Maree Fox
William Michael Gaynier t
Clara Louise Gebert ttt
Christopher Ryan Gehring
Luke S. Griffith t
Michael Jeffrey Hall
Sarah Elizabeth Jones
David Arthur Kidd
Daniel James Knudsen
Melissa Beth Martin t
Anna Marie McCarthy t
Daniel Jonathan Merkh ttt
Daniel Joseph Michael
John Robert Milliman
Timothy Neil Moore II t
Andrew William Neubecker t
Rebecka Lyn Neyman
Steven Bennett Palmer tt
Jessica Peck tt
David Edward Reke
Emily Marie Ruffner tt
Sarah E. Saxe
Sarah Jean Schaszberger tt
Michael Schoonover
Richard Nelson Shoemaker III
Benjamin E. Shorey t
Jordan E. Shumaker
Timothy Adam Snell
Derek Ross Stockwell
Shayla Renee Ternes
Andrew John Vitaliti ttt
Andrew Steven Winget tt
Department of Language and Literature
Bachelor ofArts
Michael Allen Aho
Kimberly Ann Bowen
Jessica Kay Brazalovich tt
Kaitlin Alexis Brewer
Whitney Lauren Burch
Emily Ann Burris
Nicholas Andrew Carrington t
Rachael Marie Casoni t
Ashley Cassandra Davis tt
Eric J. DeLange
Gwendolyn R. Dewhurst t
Jill Cecelia Forsberg tt
Erika Lee Goodrow tt
Lyndsey Rose Gvora
Jessica}. Johnson
Jessica Marie Korthals tt
Victoria Anne McPherson
Cristin Joy Murschel
Janelle Alaine Myers
Asheritah Stefaniah Oana ttt
Matthew D. Pretty
Kristen Elizabeth Recupero t
Nathan James Reed ttt
Amanda Suzanne Roberts t
Benjamin John Roscup
Genelle Kristene Schedlbauer
Kelly Kathryn Shackelford ttt
Michael Sausun Shirzadian tt
Abby Elisabeth Swaney
Joel Christopher Walton
Department of Music, Art, and Worship
Bachelor ofArts
Mary C. Abraham ttt
Bradley Houston Anderson
Esther Ruth Barron
Roland R. Bowersox
Bethany Ellyn Brewer
Andrew Conrad Cody ttt
Jessica Nicole Cruz
Lisbeth Walton Cummings tt
Carolyn Jeanette Deemer tt
Rachel Ana Duarte t
Angela San Gregory Eldridge ttt
Evan Taylor Geary
Sean Michael Green
Regina Ann Hager tt
Jacob Alan Hand
Sarah Jessie Haynes t
Nicole A. Johnson
Jonathan Truman Knight tt
Lauren A. Komarek
Sharon Lynn Lehr t
Peter John Mariani
Alise Joy Merrin t
Gerhard Frank Mullican t
Holly Elizabeth New-Day t
Bethany Lizette Ohlin
Dorothea Louise Orr
Trevor Elliott Plumley t
Joseph Robert Price
Cameron Jay Reynolds-Fiatt t
Christina Sidaras t
Joy Michelle Starbuck
Kaitlin Marie Start tt
Abigail Lynn Trantina tt
Amanda K. L. Weidman t
Elizabeth Kate Weix t
Tyler Grant West
Bachelor ofMusic
Ryan Matthew Hales
Elizabeth Janelle Preston
Bradley Louis Smith
Laura Lynn Thayer tt
Bachelor ofMusic Education
Hannah Melissa Endres
Evan William Felmet
Brent Duane Fugate
Department of Business Administration
Bachelor ofArts
Alexis Joy Affieck tt
Ricardo Odayne Alliman
Sarah Bethany Allison
Daniel Mark Atkeson
Shawn D. Austin
Chase Alan Baldwin
Elizabeth Joy Barkas
Joshua Michael Benson ttt
John Carl Bertsche
Annemarie Dawn Billman tt
Zachary Bruce Bingaman
Rachel L. Bowers t
David Paul Brittin
Nathan Daniel Chester
Adam David Clouse tt
Tricia Renee DeKorne t
Monica Nicole Duffell t
Sarah Beth Early
Joshua Kyle Filler t
Amy Taryn Fleming
Matthew Donald Foote ttt
Arthur Brian Garlow II
Tricia Danette George t
Sean Donald Gillesby
Amy Joan Glass t
Emilie Jean Gouch
Christian L. Graff t
Amanda Lynne Graves ttt
John Michael Hanna
Joseph Andrew Hatch t
David Everett Hazen t
Caleb Andrew Hill
Zachary J. Hill
Trevor Mark Hines
Laura Lee Hobbs
Audrey Jill Huebert
Brandon Lee Inkrott ttt
Sarah Louise Jacobson
William L. Johnson IV
Danny Abraham Johnson
David Matthew Johnson
Eric Carlson Kempton
Adam Robert King
Charles Carl Klint
Eliott Bartel Krieger
Kathryn Irene Krizo t
Matthew Collin Krogstad tt
Erin Lindsey Landers
Stephanie Erin Latham
Andrew C. Long
Jessica Rose Martin t
Christopher Todd Morcom
Matthew Wayne Newfield
Christopher Bryant Newman
Ryne Taylor Oller
Katie Anne Plante
Clinton Daniel Price
J. Michael Rittenhouse II
Zachary Jordan Roberts
Keith Patrick Robinette ttt
Brett Justin Rogers
Nevin Christopher Rosner
Lisa Michelle Rothacker ttt
Grant E. Schlabach
Ann Marie Schlindwein
Aaron Andrew Schmid
Zachary Michael Siebert
Jared Christopher Simpson tt
Julia Ann Skelton
Paul Mitchell Smith t
David Reed Stacy
Stephanie Jean Stahl
Justin Matthew Stephens
Molly Ann Thomas
Nicholas Allen Thurow tt
Brandon James Tress
Naomi Rose Washatka t
Kenneth John Webber II
Zachary John Westrum
Valerie Marie Wood
Kurtis William Woods t
Robert M. Wynalda III tt
Brandon Michael Young tt
Elmer W. Engstrom Department of
Engineering and Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Flaviu Emanuel Ciuciu tt
Stephen William Halwes
Matthew Scott Kent
Joshua J. Klink
Tanner Wesley Perrien
Aaron Charles Ramsey t
Aaron Michael Volenec
Matthew Thomas Weeks ttt
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Engineering
Brandon Alan Brown t
John Thomas Hagen ttt
Miles Ethan McGee
Krista Page Ray
Frank Raymond Roney t
Bachelor ofScience in
Electrical Engineering
Michael Richard Benson
Jason Ryan Lentz
Kenneth L. Peery III t
Noah Richard Van Zandt
Nathaniel Wright Wade t
Joshua Lee Witry
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Scott R. Bardakjy t
Benjamin Bruce Beall
Andrew Jacob Biehl tt
Brian Keith Blocher
Andrew Nathan Buchheit
Matthew David Crissman
Nicholas Stanford Duncan
Evonne Renee Fearnot
Elizabeth Katherine Flow
Kurt Daniel Groman
Zachary James Hanna
Ryan Andrew Hokuf tt
William Clinton Humphrey, Jr.
Matthew Alan Kauffmann
Nathaniel David Keith
Aaron Roy Kirchinger
Andrew Ryan Kjellman
Jordan Matthew Leach
Jordan Seth Leman
Michael Ryan Loosa tt
Wesley Ray Muntz, Jr.
Daniel Christopher Peters
Nathaniel Robert Petersen
Jared Matthew Petry t
Jonathan Matthew Pyles
Sarah Leanne Robbins
Kyle Edward Spivey
Samuel Allan Starr
Mary Deborah Steinbach ttt
Isaac Joseph Stern
John Alexander Stevenson
Mallory Mae Travis
Christopher Anthony Vinciguerra
Christopher Alando Walker
Matthew Peter Ware t
Benjamin James Wilkins
Christopher Joel Williams
Jesse Dustin Winchester
Andrew Jesse Yoakam tt
Ryan Eric Zeiser t
Department of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kristin Renee Adkins
Nannette Sue Ayers
Rachel Beltran del Rio
Jenne Rae Bigg
Sari Autumn Bright
Jessica Karin Brown
Bridget Marie Buenz
Mary Lynne Cervi
Bethany Lynn Chamberlain
Katherine Lynn Chandler
Nora Louise Chasnov t
Lauren Kay Ciarrone
Trisha Christine Comers t
Kaitlyn Isabel Cook t
Lisa Suzanne Cook t
Evelyn Christine Cunliffe tt
Ashley Nicole Dasuqi t
Jennifer Louise DeGroft tt
Katherine Marie DeVault
Timothy Daniel Doenges
Kelly Ann Donohue
Meredith Anne Edwards t
Sarah Dorine Egenreider
Dea Ann Fallin
Megan Elizabeth Fansler t
Martha Carolyn Flow
Amy Christine Garner
Sarah Elizabeth Garrison t
Leah Michelle Gibson
Erica Gayle Goecke t
Lisa Elayne Gray
Kortni Ann Hasselbach
Rebecca Joy Hawkins t
Jessica Lynn Hinkle
JungAh Hyun
Nicole Andrea Jillich
Lindsay Renee Jordan
Devin Paul-Michael Kramer
Hannah Kathryn Kramer
Melissa Rose Krebs
Brooke May Larsen t
Rachel Nicole Latario t
Nathan James Linder
Courtney Anne Lounds
Stefanie Ann Manzer t
Casey Adele McCown
Katherine Louise Miller t
Jennifer Nicole Neudorff t
Justin Daniel Newman
Nicole Marie Overly t
Sarah Diane Peak
Torrie Leanne Pepper
Jessica Marie Plaatje
Heather Marie Preston
Janaye Michelle Sandberg tt
Karyn Marie Sandefur
Samantha Ann Seifert
Joy Elizabeth Shaughnessy
Brianna Nicole Shenk ttt
Stephanie Ann Sherrell
Katherine Elizabeth Shifrin
Jessica Renee Skinner t
Rachel Marie Slagh t
Kettia St. Paul
Melissa Kathryn Stacy t
Sarah Stambach
Heather Rochelle Stout
Elizabeth Jane Strode ttt
Jacquelyn Renee Surant tt
Valerie Naomi Talbott
Jillian Kate Vaughn
Grace Elizabeth Wagner t
Megan Beth Wright t
Bethany Jo Yowler
Adam Michael Zagara
Department of Science and Mathematics
Bachelor ofArts
Jeffrey David Antioho
Nicole Cara Brewin
Joshua Scott Briddick
Justine Jacqueline Christiaanse tt
Rachel Renee Dearden t
Madison Mikala Denison
Amber Michelle Ellett ttt
Molly Patricia Fillion t
Valerie Jean Gingrich
Jaclyn Kay Hilderbrand
Megan Elizabeth Hodges
Alicia Rae McCullough tt
Alexander James Mol
Daniel Paul MtPleasant
Brandon Paul O'Keefe
Danielle Nicole Pruzaniec t
Heather Leigh Rice
Meredith Ashley Richard
Benjamin Paul Roose tt
Brent Michael Trowbridge
Matthew James VandeKopple ttt
Darren Paul Wurz tt
Bachelor of Science
Christopher Thomas Battista ttt
Benjamin Kenneth Bertsche
David Edward Calderhead t
Hannah Scarlett Cathers t
Kristin Joy Colman tt
Jacob Douglas Eldridge t
James Kenneth Fallin t
Kristen Elyse Ferguson t
Cristina Elizabeth Hatch ttt
Jonathan Frederick Juhl
Zachary Wilson Kennedy
Anna-Marie Kokx t
Julia Lynn Kranenburg
Steven Anthony LoCicero tt
Allison Christine McClain t
Lucas Malcolm McConnell
Logan Charles McCool tt
Melissa Grace Miller t
Sharon Rose Miller ttt
Amy Lynn Ouellette
Hallee Michele Palmer tt
Pamela Ruth Proctor
Caitlin Kay Ryninger
Mychaela Marie Sherry
Sara JoAnna Smith t
Daniel Lewis Thomas t
William Peter Thompson
John Thomas Weston ttt
Mark Robert Williams t tt
Claire Victoria Williamson
Adam Mark Woiwood
Ashley Anna Yager t
Department of Education
Bachelor ofArts
Laura Kimberly Anfang
Diana Kay Basford
Valerie Joy Blackstone tt
Stephanie Marie Davenport t
Diana Marie Deakin tt
Kimberly Ann Desena
Jenna Nicole Develbiss
Barbara Jean Dickhoner
Yekaterina P. Didik t
Johannah Marie Dunham
Susan Kathleen Fisher t
Tanya Lynn Frederick tt
Andrew Charles Frohmberg
Anna Danielle Furoran
Rachel Elizabeth Gilin
Bethany Renee Godwin t
Rebecca Josephine Hamilton
Elizabeth Anne Hanna t
Sonya Marie Harris
Julie Anna Howell
Alyssa Mae Johnson t
Evan William Johnson
Rachel Marie Judd t
Lauren Eileen Kriss t
Juliann Lamb t
Renee Grace Lanphier t
Hannah Rachael Laswell
Jennifer Marie Lester
Jacqueline Marie Mensik t
Sarah Lynn Miller tt
Brianna Renee Mottashed tt
Renee LeAnne O'Neal tt
Hannah Michelle Olmstead ttt
Erin Michelle Olsen
Kelly Jayne Pankratz ttt
Katherine Frances Port tt
Sarah Noel Porter
Tara Laine Price t
Jessica Lynn Russell
Sarah Ann Schmitt t
Cayla Jean Scott
Ashley Elizabeth Solomon tt
Jennifer Renee Steckel t
Elizabeth Marie Stephen
Amy Rebecca Streitmatter t t
Jessica Twyla Stroup tt
Nathan Ernest Terra
Katie Marie Thomas t
Julie Ann Utz t
Department of Exercise and
Sport Science
Bachelor ofArts
Michael Jon Beight
Julie Lynn Brandt
John James Bright
Lacie Jane Condon
Jason Ronald Cunningham t
Dorianne Jane Eaves t
Stephen Mark Eggleston t
Daniel Brant Goodpaster
Bethany Noelle Hayes
Brandon Scott Lanquist
Julia Faith Mattson t
Amber Marie McCowen
Jason Allan Rost t
Zachary Stephen Rost
Brandon Paul Salsbury tt
Justin K. Salzman
Sean Michael Scheerschmidt
Kyle William Siemer
Brandon Thomas Sok
Nathaniel Richard Studebaker
Megan Jennie Van Schepen
Janna Leigh Weilein
Kelly Lynn Wise
Elizabeth S. Thayer tt
Jordan Cassidy Wood tt
Whitney Lee Muhlenkamp Wood
Joshua S. Zeron
Bachelor of Science
Department of Social Work, Criminal
Justice, and Sociology
Bachelor ofArts
Eric G . Andersen
Allyson Gladding Castle
Stephen Matthew Grist
Chelsea Marie Hartwig t
Andrew Clay Hundley
Sara Mae Koepke
Alison Mae Lemon t
Brittany Lynn Musselman
Stefanie Jo Rodgers
Emily Lynn Shade
Deanna E. Strohm
Stephen Wayne Warwick tt
Brett Nathan Wilcox
Matthew Brandon Willett t
Department of Psychology
Bachelor ofArts
Anne Marie Alexander
Jennifer Anne Alfieri tt
Stephanie Marie Beblavy
Anastacia Aileen Belden t
Stephanie Renee Cleek
Justin Harrison Duff ttt
Amy Catherine Ernsberger ttt
Heather Danielle Flippin tt
Luke Daniel Freshwater
Grant Joseph Goodman t
Rebecca May Gregg
Rebecca Kay Hattenfield tt
Amanda Faye Hills
Christine Rachelle Keeports ttt
Megan Elizabeth Kelton
Grace Elaine Kohl t
Whitney Desiree Lyons
Callie Marie Mcinturf
Kevin Lee Napp
Jillian Elizabeth Pierce tt
Ruth Romaine Plasterer tt
Alicia Pauline Popp
E. Samuel Roberto t
Katelyn Elizabeth Roberts
Michael Lee Ruckman II
Amanda Leigh Sherman ttt
Justin David Sides t
Andrea Marie Smith
Heidi Analise Thalman
Haddon Richard Anderson
Kevin Louis Brockmeyer
Kayla Renee Butz t
Kyle Lee Chamberlin
Bradley Scott Colas ttt
Jenna Renae Culver
Jewell Elizabeth Davis
Jonathan David Gorrell
Ryan William Harrison
Tara Nicole Leaman
Timothy David MacDougall
Jordan Scott Alexander Seibert
Peter Joel Sherwood t
Rebekah Suzanne Veldt
Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth Glenn Baker tt
Sarah Elizabeth Benson t
Sarah Marie Bresson
Alberto Jose Carrion Rodriguez t
Samantha Rhea Coffill
Kelsey Leigh Freed t
Ashley Nicole Groce
Katelyn J. Harrison tt
Victoria Grace Horosz
Caitlin Marian Hull
Rebecca Jean Jones
Hannah Anna-Louise Leitch
Alison Nicole Marks
Georgiann Kelly McClure t
Jennifer Lauren Mukes t
Jennifer Lynne Nelson
Erica Lauren O'Neal
Amber Renee Prince
Deborah Marie Shaeffer
Jessica Leigh Sipe
Amy Elizabeth Smith
Amanda Marie Sugg
Amanda Joy Sutton t
Lydia Anne Wong tt
Anna Christa Wood tt
Linnea Faith Young
The following members ofthe Class of2010 completed these special programs.
Leanna Julia Baumer
Nicole Cara Brewin
Rachael Marie Casoni
Hannah Scarlett Cathers
Kristin Joy Colman
John Michael Cooper
Molly Patricia Fillion
Amy Joy Goldman
Danny Abraham Johnson
Christine Rachelle Keeports
Matthew Collin Krogstad
Allison Christine McClain
Alicia Rae McCullough
Gerhard Frank Mullican
Asheritah Stefaniah Oana
Jessica Peck
Nathan James Reed
Keith Patrick Robinette
Michael Sausun Shirzadian
Caleb Benjamin Speicher
Nathaniel Richard Studebaker
Andrew John Vitaliti
Adam Mark Woiwood
Lydia Anne Wong
Whitney Lee Muhlenkamp Wood
Brandon Alan Brown
Andrew Nathan Buchheit
John Michael Cooper
Erica Gayle Goecke
Rebecca Joy Hawkins
Sara Mae Koepke
Jordan Seth Leman
Jordan Scott Alexander Seibert
Matthew Thomas Weeks
Kyle Lee Chamberlin
Kaitlyn Isabel Cook
Luke Daniel Freshwater
David Arthur Kidd
Andrew William Neubecker
Michael Lee Ruckman II
Andrew Steven Winget
Adam Michael Zagara
Students graduating with academic honors are
wearing a gold cord. A student who earns a grade
point average of 3.50 or better is graduated "with
honor"; one who earns a grade point average of
3.75 or better is graduated "with high honor";
and one who earns a grade point average of 3.90
or better is graduated "with highest honor." A
student must be in residence at least two full
years (60 semester hours) in order to qualify for
with honor
tt with high honor
ttt with highest honor
Adopted in 1894, the seal reflects the commitment of the
first board of trustees to the cause of Christ. Prominently
displayed on the seal are the words "PRO CORONA ET
FOEDERE CHRISTI," translated "For the Crown and
the Covenant of Christ," as well as a crown to signifY His
preeminence. The trustees desired to emphasize that Christ
was the One for whom Cedarville College existed.
The board of the Baptist Bible Institute, after taking
over the operation of Cedarville in 1953, retained the
original seal of the college, acknowledging that the desire
of Cedarville's founders was theirs as well. They then
surrounded the seal with the motto of the Baptist Bible
Institute, "For the Word of God and the Testimony of
Jesus Christ," to visually remind those who observed the
seal of the common commitment by both institutions to
Jesus Christ.
The seal was updated in 2000 when Cedarville College
became Cedarville University.
251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314

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