Probabilistische Proportionalhaftung und Haftung für
Probabilistische Proportionalhaftung und Haftung für
CHRISTOPHER BOLKO EHLGEN Probabilistische Proportionalhaftung und Haftung für den Verlust von Chancen [Proportional Liability and the Doctrine of Loss of a Chance.] Published in German. Proving causation of harm and damage in an action for medical or legal malpractice often turns out to be an onerous task. Christopher Bolko Ehlgen examines an alternative method of addressing this di culty: a theory of apportioned liability which grants compensation in an amount proportional to the probability that the defendant actually caused the harm. The author demonstrates that liability based upon a principle of “all or nothing” ultimately leads to more just results. Christopher Bolko Ehlgen Geboren 1983; 2003–08 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Heidelberg und Köln; 2008–09 LL.M.-Studium an der University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia); 2012 Promotion; seit 2011 Referendariat beim LG Wiesbaden. 2013. XXV, 443 pages. StudPriv 30 ISBN 978-3-16-152318-2 cloth 109,00 € Order now: Phone: +49 (0)7071-923-17 Fax: +49 (0)7071-51104 Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 2040 D-72010 Tübingen