CV Robert Lehmann - Institut für Forensische Psychiatrie


CV Robert Lehmann - Institut für Forensische Psychiatrie
Institut für Forensische Psychiatrie
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
13437 Berlin
Tel +49 - 30 – 450-525-844
Born on 26th June 1981 in Potsdam (Germany)
Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Charité – University Medicine Berlin
(supervisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Dahle)
01/2011 – 06/2014
PhD (summa cum laude)
Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Charité – University Medicine Berlin
09/2002 - 10/2009
Diploma (Final Grade: 1.0; 1 down to 6)
Berlin Technological University and Free University Berlin (Germany)
Studies in Psychology with focus on Psychology & Law and Criminology
09/2006 - 07/2007
University of Liverpool (UK)
Study Abroad in Forensic Psychology and Advanced Statistics
08/1994 - 06/2001
Abitur (A-Level equivalent; Final Grade: 1.9; 1 down to 6)
Helmholtz-Gymnasium, Potsdam (Germany)
Distinguished Dissertation Award of the Psychology & Law Division of the
German Psychological Society (DGPs)
Early Career Award of the European Association of Psychology and Law
Graduate Research Award of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual
Abusers (ATSA)
01/2011 – 12/2013
Scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
(German National Academic Foundation)
Scholarship for an Intensive English Language Course for University Students
from the Dr. Jürgen und Irmgard Ulderup-Stiftung
Travel grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (ATSA Conference)
Travel grant of the Psychology & Law Division of the Germany Psychological
Society (EAPL Conference)
Travel grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (ATSA Conference)
Travel grant of the Psychology & Law Division of the Germany Psychological
Society (IAIP Conference)
2014 – present
Expert Witness (Risk Assessment)
07/2012 - 08/2012
Public Safety Canada, Corrections Research (Ottawa, Canada)
Research Volunteer supervised by R. Karl Hanson, PhD
05/2012 - 06/2012
Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada)
Visiting Scholar supervised by Prof. Alasdair M. Goodwill
03/2010 - 07/2010
Hospital Order Treatment Berlin (Germany)
03/2008 - 01/2009
Free University Berlin (Germany)
Student research assistant at the Chair of Psychology
10/2007 - 02/2008
State Office of Criminal Investigation Berlin (Germany)
07/2006 - 08/2006
08/2007 - 09/2007
Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Charité – University Medicine Berlin
Research Internship
03/2006 - 07/2006
Juvenile Prison Berlin (Germany)
06/2002 - 11/2009
Jewish Museum Berlin (Germany)
Host Service
Language Skills
mother tongue
qualification in Latin
Computer Skills
MS Office, Windows, SPSS
Lehmann, R. J. B., Goodwill, A. M., Hanson, R. K., & Dahle, K.-P. (2015). Acquaintance Rape:
Applying Crime Scene Analysis to the Prediction of Sexual Recidivism. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of
Research and Treatment. doi: 10.1177/1079063215569542
Goodwill, A. M., Lehmann, R. J. B., Beauregard, E., Andrei, A. (2014). An action phase approach to
offender profiling. Legal and Criminological Psychology. doi: 10.1111/lcrp.12069
Dahle, K.-P., Biedermann, J., Lehmann, R. J. B., & Gallasch-Nemitz, F. (2014). The Development of
the Crime Scene Behavior Risk measure for Sexual Offense Recidivism. Law and Human Behavior.
doi: 10.1037/lhb0000088
Dahle, K.-P., Lehmann, R. J. B., & Richter, A. (2014). Die Screening Skala Pädophilen Tatverhaltens.
Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 1-8. doi: 10.1007/s11757-014-0261-8
Lehmann, R. J. B., Goodwill, A. M., Hanson, R. K., & Dahle, K.-P. (2014). Crime Scene Behaviors
Indicate Risk-Relevant Propensities of Child Molesters. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41(8), 10081028. doi: 10.1177/0093854814521807
Lehmann, R. J. B., Hanson, R. K., Babchishin, K. M., Gallasch-Nemitz, F., Biedermann, J., & Dahle,
K.-P. (2013). Interpreting multiple risk scales for sex offenders: Evidence for averaging. Psychological
Assessment, 25(3), 1019-1024. doi: 10.1037/a0033098
Lehmann, R. J. B., Goodwill, A. M., Gallasch-Nemitz, F., Biedermann, J., & Dahle, K.-P. (2013).
Applying crime scene analysis to the prediction of sexual recidivism in stranger rapes. Law and
Human Behavior, 37(4), 241-254. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000015
Goodwill, A.M., Stephens, S., Oziel, S., Sharma, S., Allen, J.C., Bowes, N., & Lehmann, R. (2012).
Advancement of Criminal Profiling Methods in Faceted Multidimensional Analysis. Journal of
Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. doi: 10.1002/jip.1388
Goodwill, A.M., Alison, L.J., Lehmann, R., Francis, M. & Eyre, M. (2010). The impact of outcome
knowledge, role and quality of information on the perceived legitimacy of lethal force decisions in
counter terrorism operations. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 28(3), 337-350. doi: 10.1002/bsl.897
Dahle, K.-P., Janka, C., Gallasch, F. & Lehmann, R. (2009). Tatcharakteristika, Rückfallrisiko und
Rückfallprognose bei Sexualstraftätern vom Jugend- bis ins Seniorenalter [Offending Characteristics,
Risk of Recidivism and Prediction of Recidivism in Sex Offenders from Adolescence to later Adulthood].
Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 3, 210-220. doi: 10.1007/s11757-009-0007-1
Dahle, K.-P., Janka, C., Gallasch, F. & Lehmann, R. (2008). Jugendliche Sexualstraftäter: Spezialfälle
der Prognoseerstellung? [Juvenile Sex Offenders: Special Cases for the Prediction of Recidivism?]
Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 2, 213-221. doi: 10.1007/s11757-008-0091-7
Book Chapters
Lehmann, R. J. B., Fernandez, Y., Helmus, L. M. (in press). Strengths of actuarial risk assessment. In
D. R. Laws & W. T. O’Donohue (eds.), Treatment of Sex Offenders: Strengths and Weaknesses in
Assessment and Intervention. New York: Springer
Lehmann, R. J. B. (2013). Zur inkrementellen Validität hoch korrelierter Maße bei der Vorhersage
sexueller Rückfälligkeit. [Incremental Validity of Highly Correlated Measures of Sexual Recidivism Risk]
In P. Briken, J. L. Müller, M. Rösler, M. Rettenberger, V. Klein, & D. Yoon (eds.), EFPPP Jahrbuch
2013 (pp. 108-116). Berlin: Medizinische Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
Dahle, K.-P. & Lehmann, R. (2013). Klinisch-idiographische Kriminalprognose. [Structured-idiographic
risk assessment] In M. Rettenberger & F. von Franqué (eds.), Handbuch kriminalprognostischer
Verfahren (pp. 347-356). Göttingen: Hogrefe
Dahle, K.-P. & Lehmann, R. (2012). Psychophysiologische Täterschaftsdiagnostik: Die Befragung des
Tatverdächtigen mit dem Polygraphen. [Psychophysiological Detection of Deception] In Bayerischer
Anwaltsverband (eds.), Neue Vernehmungsmethoden – Hypnose, Hirnforschung, Polygraph (pp. 4893). Bonn: Deutscher Anwaltverlag
Dahle, K.-P. & Lehmann, R. (2012). Grundlagen und Methoden der Kriminalprognose [Principles and
Methods for the Prediction of Recidivism] In R. Egg (ed.), Psychologisch-psychiatrische Begutachtung
in der Strafjustiz (pp. 151-180). Wiesbaden: KrimZ
Dahle, K.-P. & Lehmann, R. (2009). Physiopsychologische Täterschaftsdiagnostik mit dem
sogenannten „Lügendetektor“. [Psychophysiological Detection of Deception with the so-called “lie
detector“] In J. Müller (ed.). Neurobiologie forensisch relevanter Störungen (pp.274-289). Stuttgart:
Verlag W. Kohlhammer
Lehmann, R. J. B (2014). Using Crime Scene Behavior for Risk Assessment in Sexual Offenders
(Ph.D. thesis). Free University, Berlin. Available from
Diploma Thesis
Lehmann, R. J. B (2009). Untersuchung der prognostischen Potenziale der Tatbildanalyse für sexuelle
Gewalttäter außerhalb des sozialen Nahraums [Risk Assessment of stranger rapists using crime
scene analysis] (Unpublished diploma thesis). Technical University, Berlin.
Lehmann, R J. B. (2015). Crime scene behaviors indicate propensities of child molesters: A replication.
Talk at the European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL), Nuremberg
Schmidt, A. F., Lehmann, R J. B., Babchishin, K. (2015). Viewing time as a measure of pedophilic
sexual interest: A meta-analysis of studies with child sexual abusers. Talk at the European Association
of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL), Nuremberg
Lehmann, R J. B. (2015). The risk matrix 2000 (RM2000): Recent developments. Talk at the European
Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL), Nuremberg
Volbert, R., Hoff, K., Lehmann, R J. B. (2015). Criteria-Based content analysis: Empirical analysis of
diagnostic value and latent structures. Talk at the European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL), Nuremberg
Babchishin, K. M, Schmidt, A. F., & Lehmann, R. J. B. (2015). The evolution of role-specialized male
androphilia: Toward an understandign of male same-sex attraction. Presented at the Puzzle of Sexual
Orientation Meeting. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Lehmann, R J. B. (2014). Variants of sexual and violent offenders: Legal outcome and biographical
correlates. Talk at the 33nd Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the
Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), San Diego
Lehmann, R J. B. (2014). Standardization of types of sexual- and violent offender using the
Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Risk Assessment and criminogenic needs. Talk at the 49. Kongress
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bochum
Lehmann, R J. B. (2014). The diagnostic and prognostic potential of crime scene information. Talk at
the European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL), Sankt Petersburg
Lehmann, R J. B. (2013). Is it Possible to Identify Sexual Sadism using Crime Scene Analysis? Talk at
the 32nd Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual
Abusers (ATSA), Chicago
Lehmann, R J. B. (2013). Incremental Validity of Risk Tools: How Construct Validity Can Help. Talk at
the 32nd Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual
Abusers (ATSA), Chicago
Lehmann, R J. B. (2013). Interpreting Multiple Risk Scales for Sex Offenders: Evidence for Averaging.
Poster at the 32nd Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment
of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), Chicago
Lehmann, R J. B., Hanson, R. K., Goodwill, A. M., Dahle, K.-P. (2013). The predictive validity of crime
scene analysis. Is it possible to identify criminogenic needs via crime scene analysis? Talk at the 15.
Fachgruppentagung Rechtspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bonn
Lehmann, R J. B., Hanson, R. K., Goodwill, A. M., Dahle, K.-P. (2013). Identifying an offender’s propensities based on crime scene behavior in a sample of child molesters. Talk at the European Association of Psychology and Law Conference (EAPL), Coventry
Lehmann, R J. B., Goodwill, A. M., Dahle, K.-P. (2013). The Relationship between Crime Scene Characteristics and Sexual Recidivism in Child Sexual Abuse. Poster at the European Winterschool: Novel
Insights into Antisocial Behavior, Seeon
Lehmann, R J. B., Goodwill, A. M., Dahle, K.-P. (2012). Applying Crime Scene Analysis to the Predicth
tion of Sexual Recidivism in Stranger Rape Cases. Talk at the 14 International Academy of Investigative Psychology Conference (IAIP), London
Goodwill, A. M., Lehmann, R. J. B., Andreei, A., Beauregard, E. (2012). Crime Element Relationships
in Stranger Sexual Offending: A Crime Process Approach to Offender Profiling. Talk at the 14 International Academy of Investigative Psychology Conference (IAIP), London
Lehmann, R. J. B., Hanson, R. K., Babchishin, K. M., & Dahle, K.- P. (2012).Combining Risk Scales for
Sexual Offenders: More is better. Talk at the 2. Symposium zur Empirische Forschung in der
forensischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie (EFPPP), Hamburg
Lehmann, R. J. B., Goodwill, A. M., & Dahle, K.- P. (2012). Applying crime scene analysis to the preth
diction of sexual recidivism in rape cases using the Static-99. Talk at the 12 International Association
for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Berlin
Lehmann, R. J. B., Goodwill, A. M., & Dahle, K.- P. (2012). The Predictive Accuracy of a Behaviorally
Based Thematic Measure of Acquaintance Rapes. Talk at the European Association of Psychology
and Law Conference (EAPL), Nicosia
Lehmann, R., Gallasch-Nemitz, F., Biedermann, J. & Dahle, K.-P. (2011). The prognostic potential of
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Münster
Biedermann, J., Gallasch-Nemitz, F., Dahle, K.-P. & Lehmann, R. (2011). Risk assessment in the context of police work: Prevention & Intervention – Part 1. Talk at the 14. Fachgruppentagung Rechtspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Münster
Gallasch-Nemitz, F., Biedermann, J., Lehmann, R. & Dahle, K.-P. (2011). Risk assessment in the context of police work: Prevention & Intervention – Part 2. Talk at the 14. Fachgruppentagung Rechtspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Münster
Organized Symposia
Lehmann, R J. B. (2014). Dimensions of child sexual abuse: A multi-method approach. Talk at the
33nd Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual
Abusers (ATSA), San Diego
Invited Talks
Lehmann, R J. B. (2015). The value of crime scene information for forensic assessments. Forensic
and Clinical Research Group (FCRG), Lincoln
Lehmann, R J. B. (2014). The importance of crime scene behavior for risk assessment of sexual offenders. Postgraduate workshop of the Psychology & Law Division of the Germany Psychological
Society (DGPs), Braunschweig
Lehmann, R J. B. (2013). Is it possible to identify criminogenic needs based on crime scene information? Colloquium of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, Berlin
Journal of Sexual Abuse
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
Sexual Offender Treatment
2013 – 2015
Assistant Spokesman of the Young Academics of the Psychology & Law
Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)
Lectures at the University of Huddersfield
Lie Detection (Bachelor level)
Sexual deviance (Graduate level)
2011 – present
Substitute lectures
Forensic psychophysiology using the polygraph (Graduate level)
Sexual Offenders (Graduate level)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Fachgruppe für Rechtspsychologie (Psychology & Law)
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)