Amongst - Siemens


Amongst - Siemens
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 1
A Siemens Southern Africa newsletter
Vol 29 • August 2009
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From left, Stuart Clarkson, CEO Siemens South Africa, Dr. Siegfried Russwurm, Member of Siemens AG Managing Board and Chairperson of our local Siemens Limited Board and Dirk Hoke, CEO,
Siemens Africa Cluster.
Stuart Clarkson new CEO of Siemens South Africa
Stuart Clarkson was announced as the new
CEO of Siemens South Africa at a press
conference in Johannesburg, attended by
journalists from SA and around the world.
Dr Siegfried Russwurm, member of the
Managing Board of Siemens AG with
responsibility for the region of Africa
(amongst other tasks), announced the
appointment with effect from 1 July 2009.
Stuart replaces outgoing CEO Sigi Proebstl
who has returned to Siemens in Germany.
Stuart is a born and bred South African who
started his career with Siemens in 1981. He
held both local and international positions
with our company, fulfilling various
leadership roles culminating in his
appointment in 2007 as Divisional Director
for Siemens Industrial Solutions and Services
and later head of the newly formed Siemens
Industry Sector in South Africa. As South
Africa faces a number of challenges,
including the effects of a worldwide
economic recession, Stuart believes the
prudent fiscal policies adopted by
government in the past and increased
spending in public infrastructure and power
– two of Siemens main areas of competence
– will ensure that our local operation
continues to perform well. Comments
Stuart: “Given our extensive expertise and
track record in supporting the South African
government and the private sector in the
fields of energy, industry, healthcare as well
as information and communication
technologies, I look forward to expanding
our role and enhancing our contribution to
the growth and development of the South
African economy.
He continues: “Through our focus on
renewable energy and environmentally
friendly products and services across the
value chain, our organisation aims to act as
Continued on page 4
World Cup 2010 a catalyst for business success
A delegation of journalists representing
publications in Germany, France, Ukraine, Spain,
Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, The
United Kingdom and Brazil visited South Africa
in early July to get a first hand impression of the
local company’s role in supplying sustainable
solutions to benefit the country in the broader
context of the 2010 World Cup.
Dr Russwurm and Stuart Clarkson, joined by Dirk
Hoke, CEO Cluster Africa, and Graham Boyle,
Managing Director of Osram South Africa,
presented our company’s business successes in
the build-up to the World Cup and beyond. Dirk
Hoke discussed our Africa strategy and the
commitment we have for the continent.
Major events like the World Cup are a catalyst
for further key infrastructure investments in a
country. Our goal is not only to make the World
Cup in South Africa a success but also to
contribute to the country’s long-term,
Continued on page 4
The panel of senior Siemens representatives at the press conference, from left: Greg Gibbons, Head of Corporate Communications, Siemens
Limited; Grahame Boyle, Managing Director, Osram South Africa; Stuart Clarkson, CEO, Siemens Limited; Dr Siegfried Russwurm, Siemens AG;
Dirk Hoke, CEO, Siemens Africa Cluster and Constantin Birnstiel, Head of Media Relations, Siemens AG.
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 2
Our CEO’s corner
Dear colleagues,
It gives me great pleasure
to write my first
AmongstUs column as the
new Chief Executive of
Siemens South Africa. We
have a long and esteemed
history in the country and
in the region, and I look
forward to doing my very
best in building on this
legacy with you, our
valuable employees and
most treasured asset.
My immediate focus areas
will include building a
positive and shared
company culture where
teamwork is encouraged
and rewarded and where
working for Siemens is
viewed as an exciting and fulfilling experience, as well as
aligning our business structure to meet the demands of the
challenging external environment which currently prevails.
On that note, it’s worth pointing out that we are not far
away from our financial year end and I am pleased to report
that in general we have performed admirably thus far. It is
in times like these that the true value of our diverse yet
integrated technology portfolio really comes to the fore.
We are also fortunate that we began with corrective
measures well in advance of the financial crisis and our
ongoing drive to reduce our SG&A costs will ensure we are
more efficient and competitive and able to emerge from
the crisis in far better shape than many of our competitors.
My appeal to you all, however, is that we retain our focus
over the final few weeks of this financial year as there is
still much work to be done.
One Africa intranet
Globally, the company is also performing well and is well
positioned for future growth. Our third quarter figures,
released a few weeks ago demonstrate that we are still on
track to meet our targets for 2009, although the decline in
new orders does indicate that there are still difficult times
ahead, especially in the short cycle businesses of our
Industry Sector.
I would like to echo the words of our global Chief
Executive, Peter Loescher, who, in a letter to all staff stated
that: “Now, more than ever, we must further strengthen
our innovation power to show customers that we are
innovation leaders, ahead of the competition, especially in
the green technologies of the future.”
I look forward to working with you in the weeks and
months ahead. We are all part of a wonderful organisation
that provides answers to the crucial questions of our time.
Let’s work together to achieve success, always mindful of
our commitment to consolidating our best in class
compliance status and our unwavering embrace of our
values of Responsible, Excellent and Innovative.
With kind regards,
Stuart Clarkson
Chief Executive: Siemens Limited
Effective 1 July the Cluster Southern
Africa and the Cluster Western and
Central Africa as well as individual
countries from the Cluster Middle East
(Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti) have
been combined to form the Regional
Cluster “Africa“ with Dirk Hoke as Cluster
CEO and Andrew Hall as Cluster CFO.
To support the concept of a united
continent, a “One Africa” Intranet site was
recently launched. Although South Africa
has been the only country with its own
Intranet until now, a central platform for
all the African countries to access
important information and
communication from the Cluster
management was needed. In the initial
phase, the new Intranet site must serve as
a high-level portal with content such as
information about the creation of the
Africa Cluster, the organisational
structure, information about the various
countries and offices, key contacts, latest
news and events, video clips etc. This
content must also be translated into
To visit the site:
Dale Ladner,
Corporate Communications
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 3
Siemens. In Africa. For Africa
AmongstUs: Why were the previous
African Clusters consolidated into a
single “One Africa” Cluster?
The Siemens Africa Cluster officially came into being
on 1 July 2009. AmongstUs asked Dirk Hoke, our Africa
Cluster CEO, and Andrew Hall, our Africa Cluster CFO,
some questions related to this development.
Dirk Hoke: The Africa Cluster gives us a
singular focus and unity of purpose. The
new Cluster, or “One Africa” as we like to
refer to it, is a wonderful and most
encouraging indication of just how seriously
the Managing Board of Siemens AG takes
the continent. Although Siemens has a long
and proud history in Africa, the new Cluster
makes a clear statement: Africa is firmly on
the Siemens radar and the expectations are
high. The market potential in Africa is
extremely large and many countries are
showing very impressive GDP growth, even
in difficult financial times. Government
investment in infrastructure was more than
$30 billion in 2008 alone, all focused on
closing the developmental divide. This
investment trend is set to continue and
even accelerate in the future. That’s why
we’re very excited about our business
prospects and One Africa will inject renewed
vigor into our efforts.
AmongstUs: What of our current
business success? What are the key
countries for us on the continent?
AmongstUs: What are the key
objectives of the Africa Cluster and
what changes can we expect to
Andrew Hall: The Africa Cluster will offer us,
and more importantly our customers, a
number of advantages. Firstly it will
facilitate stronger market exploitation
potential due to the fact that we have a
clearly defined continent-wide structure
with a corresponding set of roles and
responsibilities, be these customer facing or
back office. This in turn will enhance our
customer orientation whilst allowing us to
become more competitive, faster and more
flexible. Secondly, the new Cluster will allow
for an increase in internal efficiency as we
will be able to bundle a number of functions
and tasks at the Cluster level – this will
ensure that internal synergies are exploited
and cost savings are realised. Also, we will
be able to transfer capabilities with regards
to standards, processes and expertise across
borders to the benefit of all countries on the
continent and this will ultimately help
ensure sales growth and stability. Lastly, I
think our One Africa approach will allow for
improved oversight in terms of continental
business, thus improving corporate
governance and increasing trust and
confidence with our various stakeholders.
AmongstUs: What are the key
technology markets in Africa and
where can we expect to see the
most growth in the future?
Dirk Hoke: We know there is a huge need
for infrastructure development on the
continent and accordingly we expect all of
our Sectors to be successful, although we
see the energy market as being particularly
attractive. For example, energy supply in
Africa is a major challenge. In many regions,
95% of the population is without electricity
and, according to the United Nations, 530
million people in Africa currently have no
access to the power grid. In 20 years, this
figure could reach 600 million. With our
energy portfolio, which extends from
primary energy right through to power
distribution, Siemens can be a key partner
for the continent. In the area of Healthcare,
the International Finance Corporation
estimates that $25-$30 billion in new
investments will be needed to meet
demand for medical care in Africa between
the most multilingual continent in the world
with approximately 2000 languages and
dialects being spoken. However, Siemens is
a company that celebrates diversity and
thrives on the creative potential that is
derived from multiple cultural and social
points of reference. Indeed, we recognise
diversity as a prerequisite to our sustainable
success, especially in a globalising world.
We understand diversity to be the creative
interplay of different modes of thinking,
backgrounds, experiences, types of
expertise and individual qualities across all
organisation levels. We have always said
that we are “In Africa. For Africa” and this
means that we are not “business tourists” –
we have been here for well over a century
and are a truly local citizen, employing local
people and engaging with local
communities. A good example of this is our
unwavering commitment to the
transformation agenda in South Africa.
Notwithstanding that it’s the right thing to
do; we recognise that to be successful in
local markets one needs to embrace the
local agenda.
From left: Andrew Hall, Africa Cluster CFO and Dirk Hoke, Africa Cluster CEO.
2005 and 2016 alone. We’re the first fully
integrated Healthcare company in the
world, combining imaging and lab
diagnostics, therapy solutions and medical
information technology. It therefore goes
without saying that we will continue to be a
major partner in the development of Africa’s
Healthcare needs. There are also significant
opportunities for our Industry colleagues as
well, across their broad technology
spectrum. When one thinks that more than
300 million Africans lack access to safe
drinking water, with millions of people
dying each year from preventable
waterborne illnesses, it is very apparent that
we have the ability to provide the crucial
answers to many of the pressing challenges
facing the continent. That’s why we believe
we are so well placed for the future.
AmongstUs: What about the topic of
the environment? Is it compatible to
focus on green technologies when
many parts of Africa do not even
have access to the basics?
Dirk Hoke: Absolutely and these things
should not be thought of as being mutually
exclusive. Our technologies are
environmentally friendly – not only in the
area of renewables. Since innovation and
technological revolutions have always been
our specialty, no one is better equipped to
lead the green revolution than Siemens.
We’re a green infrastructure giant, with the
technologies in our Environmental Portfolio
already generating sales of roughly €19
billion, accounting for about one-quarter of
our total global revenue. Our Environmental
Portfolio embraces nearly all relevant areas
involving the generation, transmission,
distribution and use of energy as well as
other environmental technologies, covering
nearly all divisions in our Industry, Energy
and Healthcare sectors. At Siemens,
sustainable development in environmental
protection implies the responsible and
careful use of natural resources – a position
which holds extra significance for a
continent such as Africa.
We can already present numerous examples
of projects across Africa where Siemens has
provided sustainable, environmentally
friendly technologies. Here we can mention
energy efficient power plants in South
Africa, water treatment plants in Algeria,
mobility projects in Tunisia and off-grid
lighting solutions delivered from
photovoltaic panels in Kenya and Uganda,
to mention but a few.
Andrew Hall: It is however very true that
renewable energy is a particularly exciting
field in Africa, especially since we are on the
threshold of a new era in electricity. A good
example of this is Siemens’ commitment to
Desertec. Along with other industrial
companies, Siemens Energy is participating
in the Desertec initiative to provide
sustainable power to Europe, the Middle
East and North Africa. A corresponding
Memorandum of Understanding was signed
recently in Munich. Although a technical
and financial concept will still be developed,
the idea is for environmentally friendly
power generated at solar thermal power
plants in the Sahara and wind farms in
North Africa to be transported to the load
centres where the power is needed.
Desertec is a visionary project, but the
technologies needed to implement it are
already available.
AmongstUs: Africa is a very diverse
continent with numerous languages
being spoken and hundreds of
different cultures. Does this make
doing business on the continent
more difficult?
Andrew Hall: On the contrary. It’s true that
Africa is an extremely diverse continent.
Consisting of 53 countries (although our
Africa Cluster excludes Libya and Egypt), it’s
Dirk Hoke: Well it’s important to state that
we stand willing and prepared to service the
infrastructure requirements of the content
as a whole, but it’s true that there are
certain countries with bigger market
potential, and already established track
records, than others. Here I think of
countries such as South Africa, where we
have been active since 1860, Angola,
Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and
Tanzania. However, let me repeat that the
whole of Africa is important to us. We have
more than 3,000 employees on the
continent, with offices or manufacturing
sites in twelve countries. We also have
access to our global network of innovation
and the collective knowledge, ability and
passion of 400,000 employees.
AmongstUs: What about our
approach to corporate governance
in Africa?
Andrew Hall: There are no exceptions: only
clean business is Siemens business. We will
not compromise on this and we have a zero
tolerance approach for non-compliant
behaviour. Compliance is our top priority
and is embedded in all our business
practices. Globally, we have invested in a
robust Compliance Programme comprising
of the three pillars of “Prevent“, “Detect“ and
“Respond“. This Programme is applicable to
all Sectors and regions – including Africa.
Our hard work has been recognised too: in
2008 Siemens’s rating in the “Codes of
Conduct/Compliance“ category of the Dow
Jones Sustainability Index shot up to 93%, a
benchmark. Moving forward, we are also
focusing on taking a leadership role in
fighting corruption together with
governments and other companies.
AmongstUs: What is your message
to our South African and Africa
Dirk Hoke: My message is to seize the
moment. Siemens has declared its
intentions in Africa and we are focused on
our success on the continent. Now is the
time for action. By embracing our global
values of Responsible, Innovative and
Excellent in everything we do, we will
undoubtedly achieve our goals. We are one
team – “One Africa” – and we must work for
each other!
Greg Gibbons,
Corporate Communications
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 4
Stuart Clarkson, new CEO
Continued from page 1
an essential partner in the search for
sustainable solutions that provide answers to
the many problems faced by developing
countries today. Through proactive
organisational policies and in line with global
best practice, Siemens will continue to play a
leading role in the development and
transformation of South African society and
the economy. With a substantial BEE
shareholding and employment equity
practices that both predatd existing legislation,
we aim to remain an employer of choice and
continue to fulfill our role and meet our
obligations as a good corporate citizen,
committed to sound corporate governance
and ongoing social responsibility.”
Local and international journalists were given the opportunity to engage with senior Siemens
representatives at a press conference held in Sandton.
The delegation visited Soccer City stadium, under development for the 2010 Soccer World Cup.
Employees pull together for the SPCA
A catalyst for business success
facing the entire African continent. Sustainable
expansion will be one of the key drivers of the
sustainable development, commented Dr
continent’s future development. The needs
Russwurm. Successful major events require an are immense; according to the United Nations,
appropriate infrastructure – not only
some 530 million Africans currently have no
temporarily in the stadiums. An important
access to a power grid. In 20 years, this figure
lever for a successful major event is the
could reach 600 million. Due to aging and
infrastructure of a country, e.g. the network
poorly maintained power grids, outages are
for power supply, transportation and logistics
frequent in many regions, lowering the quality
solutions and the healthcare sector.
of life and directly burdening economic
development in the countries affected.”
Dr Russwurm informed the journalists that
Siemens AG landed orders totaling about
The World Cup stadiums in South Africa are
Euro1 billion for infrastructure projects in
expected to play host to more than 3.5 million
advance of the 2010 World Cup in South
people during the World Cup. More than 50
Africa. Most of these orders are connected
venues, airports and hotels must be linked
with the expansion of the country’s energy
together. According to a joint study by
infrastructure. He commented that “our
Siemens and Roland Berger, a major event like
infrastructure solutions are supporting our
the World Cup – with investments in long-term
partners in South Africa in ensuring the 2010
infrastructure measures serving as a catalyst –
World Cup will be an emotional highlight for
generates sustainable growth. The positive
the country. Long after the World Cup is over, effects include a sustainable increase in a
the solutions we’re providing in South Africa
county’s GDP and job creation. In South Africa
will continue to bring sustainable
too, infrastructure solutions from Siemens will
improvements in the quality of people’s lives.
continue to support development after the last
The products will support the further
whistle blows in the 2010 World Cup.
development of the economy and enhance
A visit to Soccer City
environmental protection.”
The delegation was invited to visit SAFA House
He added that besides contributing a large
(South African Football Association), where
number of solutions in the areas of power
they got a glimpse of the awe inspiring Soccer
generation and transmission, Siemens is
City stadium under construction. Danny
participating in the design of traffic
Jordaan, Chief Executive of the 2010 FIFA
management solutions for mass transit
World Cup Organising Committee, addressed
systems and in the improvement of healthcare
the delegation on the preparedness of our
services. In addition, OSRAM our associate
country to host a successful world cup. Piet
lighting company, has enjoyed significant
Boer, senior associate from Boogertman Urban
success and has provided lighting solutions for
Edge and Partners, the architects who
eight of the ten World Cup stadiums, including
designed the Johannesburg stadium, took our
the lighting for the state of the art Durban
visitors though the process of design that led
Stadium (also known as the Moses Mabhida
to the final approved plans for the stadium.
Stadium) and its distinctive arch. The 30 storey
The group also visited Energy’s manufacturing
high arch measures 350m and weighs 2,600
site at the N1 Business Park in Midrand where
tons. Together with local manufacturers,
OSRAM designed a luminaire to meet the high Dion Govender, Head of our Energy Sector,
gave them an insight into Siemens’ activities
demands of the Arch lighting specifications.
and capabilities. There was also some time for
Projects in our Energy Sector account for some
leisure activities, with the journalists visiting
80% of our company’s World Cup orders.
local tourist attractions and sampling typical
Siemens has built efficient new power plants
South African cuisine. A notable highlight was
in Cape Town and Mossel Bay. These plants
a visit to Siemens Park, where the journalists
will help manage peak loads in the national
were impressed by our corporate headquarters
power grid during the World Cup and secure
and its focus on work/life dimensions.
general energy supplies for the local
All in all, the press event was a major public
population and businesses. Other Siemens
relations success for the organisation with
solutions will ensure the efficient distribution
extensive media coverage received across the
of energy in the South African grid. Says Dr
Russwurm: “These orders demonstrate the
strength of Siemens’ portfolio across the entire
Greg Gibbons,
energy field. The improvement of power
Corporate Communications
supplies is one of the most urgent challenges
Continued from page 1
As part of our employee volunteerism programme, Siemens employees from our
various office locations around Midrand dug deep into their pockets to donate dog and
cat food, and blankets for the animals in need at the Midrand SPCA.
Coordinated by Sherrie Eddey from our Corporate Communications division,
approximately 300 kgs of dry and tinned food, numerous blankets and a R2000 cash
donation was delivered to the Midrand SPCA.
Sincere thanks are extended to everyone who gave so generously.
Danny Jordaan, Chief Executive of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee, addresses
delegates on their visit to SAFA House.
The Corporate Communications ladies loading the car for the trip to the SPCA, from left:
Sarita Gouws; Sherrie Eddey and Lesego Sekhu.
Sherrie Eddey, Corporate Communications,
Dion Govender, CEO, Siemens Energy Sector, addresses the delegation at their site visit to one
of Energy’s premises at the N1 Business Park.
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 5
Our new CEO addresses
staff for the first time
Letter from the Editor
Dear readers,
Since the last edition of AmongstUs, I am
pleased to be able to recap on some key
milestones: the appointment of our new
CEO, Stuart Clarkson; the announcement
of the Siemens Africa Cluster as well the
improvement of our Empowerdex rating.
Addressing staff at the Open Forum, from left: Kevin Rogan, RCO; Stuart Clarkson, CEO and Andrew Hall, CFO.
Stuart Clarkson, newly appointed CEO of
Siemens South Africa, addressed staff at
Siemens Park for the first time in his new
position at an Open Forum held at the end of
July. He emphasised his enthusiasm for, and
commitment to, his new position and
informed staff that he will work tirelessly with
the team to ensure that Siemens South Africa
reaches all business targets and makes a
significant contribution to the Africa Cluster.
Stuart was joined by our CFO, Andrew Hall,
who commented that the business
environment is still very challenging and asked
all employees to actively look for cost savings
in their day to day activities. Stuart also used
the opportunity to formally introduced Kevin
Rogan, new RCO for South Africa. Kevin, an
American lawyer with vast experience, will
have responsibility for compliance across the
Africa Cluster. Kevin commented that he is
excited to work with a very capable team and
that they will build on the excellent work
already done in the area of compliance.
To view a recording of this Open Forum visit the intranet
Colleagues gathered in the Siemens Park auditorium and listening attentively to
information shared
Greg Gibbons,
Corporate Communications
SpoDoM – a multipurpose tracking tool for
sponsorships, donations and memberships
Effective July, all Siemens activities related to
sponsoring, donations, and memberships
must be recorded and approved in a
standardised manner, using the new
Siemens-wide Sponsoring, Donations and
Memberships (SpoDoM) tool.
Siemens supports many organisations all
over the world through sponsoring,
donations and hospitality packages.
Memberships in various associations and
organisations are another major part of the
Corporate Social Responsibility programme
and a prerequisite for our leading position in
industry initiatives. These activities are not
only strategically important for Siemens, but
– as with other contributions to other
organisations, made without concrete
consideration – must under certain
circumstances also be uniformly checked
from a compliance viewpoint.
More transparency
Tested and deemed sound
The new SpoDoM tool documents not
only sponsoring activities and hospitality
packages, but also facilitates the tracking
for approval of donations and
memberships, along with any other
contributions provided to other
organisations – even if nothing is
received in return. This process, which is
uniform throughout Siemens, will ensure
greater transparency and that all
activities optimally support the
company’s strategy.
The new tool not only ensures that various
activities can be categorised according to
standardised criteria, but it also guides
users in a simple and reliable way through
the application process. The type and scope
of the information required are based on
the monetary value of the requested
activity and the information provided on a
standardised compliance questionnaire.
Furthermore, the tool allows individual
Siemens units to set up customised
approval processes and documentation.
Over the course of an extensive pilot phase,
users from 24 countries as well as Sector
organisations reviewed the tool’s practical
utilisation and the process’s acceptance.
In addition, this is an important step to
simplify implementation of compliance
rules. For the first time, users can now
enter all activities in the tool and have
them implemented on the basis of
uniformly applicable compliance rules.
Link to SpoDoM:
As the current Siemens financial year
draws to an end, we need to tackle the
new 2009/2010 financial year with
positivity and a compulsion to challenge
the way things have been done in the
past. The current economic climate
dictates to a large extent the necessary
steps we need to take in order to remain
successful, and to enhance our internal
processes and customer satisfaction
Amongst other core focuses, Siemens is
striving to be “the most admired
company in the world”, to quote Dr.
Siegfried Russwurm. Skills development,
retention of talent and attraction of new
blood into the company are still top of
mind. An organisation’s success is
determined primarily by its people, with
each individual bringing unique talents
and strengths to the resource pool.
It is also imperative that we consider
ourselves ambassadors of the Siemens
brand. The brand is not just a logo on a
building, brochure or billboard, or the
quality of its products and solutions – it
encompasses the opinions expressed by
its employees around the water cooler or
over the dinner table when engaging
with family and friends. How we dress
and how we interact with customers and
colleagues – our conduct represents the
Siemens culture and is just as important
to cultivating Siemens’ identity and brand
values in the market place.
I hope you enjoy reading this edition of
AmongstUs as much as we took pleasure
in putting it together. Don’t forget to visit
the AmongstUs Intranet site to enter the
competitions and to comment on
editorial and features. In addition, an
electronic version of AmongstUs is
available for download both on the
Intranet and the
Until next time …
Sherrie Eddey
How to contact us:
Tel. 011 652 2009
Post: Siemens Limited. Corporate
Communications, AmongstUs,
Private Bag X71, Halfway House 1685
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 6
In the news
A customer solutions showcase for Power Distribution
As part of a programme aimed at
getting closer to our customers,
highlighting our considerable
competence and extensive expertise in
the power distribution area and
showcasing our latest products and
services, our Energy Sector Power
Distribution (PD) division held the first
of its Customer Days earlier this year at
our new manufacturing facility at the
N1 Business Park.
Olaf says the feedback from those
attending was overwhelmingly positive,
with some larger customers expressing
their surprise at the size of our
operation and the range of our products
and solutions.
“While some customers were unaware
of exactly what we were doing or how
much we are capable of, they were very
impressed with our facilities, the way in
which we structure our processes and
how organised these are,” he says. “The
orderliness and cleanliness of our
manufacturing environment also made
a huge impression.”
The RCS is a carefully constructed
hierarchical set of codes to classify records
based on the business activities that
generate the records. It comprises a two-digit
alphabetical primary code, which describes
the function of the records within the file,
followed by a secondary two-digit numerical
code that specifies categories within the
function. Another optional secondary code
can be added using a hyphen to group
records further, resulting in either a 4 or 7digit code describing the record type.
Cutting the ribbon to officially open the Power Distribution factory premises at the first PD
Customer Day, from left: Dr. Heuring, CEO Power Distribution Medium Voltage, Siemens AG;
Silas Zimu, CEO, City Power and Dion Govender, CEO Siemens Energy Sector.
advantage a multinational like Siemens
has in using international best practice
and the ability to draw on global expertise
to the benefit of local manufacture.”
Looking ahead, Olaf says that following
the success of this first Customer Day –
which will be repeated at least once a
year - the initiative will be rolled out
across the country. “Rather than have our
customers from other regions having to
travel to Johannesburg to attend our
annual event, in the future we will hold
a series of regular road shows across
the country that will allow us to take
our solutions and services directly to
the customers,” concludes Olaf.
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
Mobility takes top honours
at Africa Rail Awards
Having consolidated our manufacturing
business at the new state-of-the-art
factory premises at the N1 Business
Park, Olaf says PD is now able to deliver
a variety of different solutions
manufactured to customer
requirements from a single location.
“Working from a single, unified facility,
we are also able to consolidate
engineering, sales and marketing for
the business units under one roof,
making it easier for us to handle the
often complex requirements specified
by the customer,” says Olaf, adding that
customers appreciated the benefits of
having a reliable supplier that
understands the needs of their
business, and that by addressing these
correctly, how PD is able to help them
to meet their objectives successfully
and profitably.
“This was further reinforced by the
variety of products we can deliver and
the solutions we offer based on core
customer needs, ranging from low-end
to high-end functionality that can be
made available at any time,” he says.
“We were also able to highlight our
competence as a manufacturer as well
as our ability to answer some tough
questions. This was thanks in part to
our colleagues from Germany and the
USA, who used the interactive forum as
an opportunity to demonstrate the
A new mandatory filing system has been
implemented in Siemens with the aim of
establishing a standard set of guidelines,
processes and methodologies for paperbased record management to ensure all
business areas follow a universal filing and
archiving system using top retrieval filing
The new system consists of three interlinked
elements. Firstly, a new universal Records
Classification System (RCS) to make filing
and retrieval of paperwork easier, increase
productivity, save space, time and improve
daily management activities.
Olaf Krieg, PD Divisional Director and
General Manager for the Medium
Voltage business, says the Customer
Days were held as a way to inform both
internal and external customers of the
types of business that PD offers, to
showcase our new factory, and to
demonstrate our ability to meet local
requirements linked to Broad Based
Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)
and competitive supply chain
“By creating awareness among our
customers of the substantial resources
devoted to local manufacturing as well
as offering technical presentations and
practical demonstrations, we want to
show our extensive knowledge to our
customers and the extent to which this
can be applied to help the customer be
more successful,” he says.
A new standard in
paper-based record
The second component of the new system is
a Document Retention Schedule that
explains the retention time for each record
type (as per the RCS) including onsite
retention, offsite storage and finally disposal
procedures. Offsite storage and retrieval of
these records is the third aspect of the new
paper-based record management system.
Nico Swanepoel,
Information Technology
A great return rate
The Siemens Employee Satisfaction Survey
(SESI) is conducted on an annual basis to
gauge employees’ feelings or opinions on a
number of topics. Comments, Braam Meij,
Director Corrporate Development, “This year
we noted the highest return rate ever of 78%.
This is very encouraging as it shows us that
employees view the survey as a credible and
valuable process within our company.”
The company’s overall results also improved
from 3.4 in 2007(SESi Lite was conducted in
2008 due to organisational restructuring) to
3.7 this year. This again shows a very positive
result, that in general employees are happier
within our organisation and view Siemens as
a preferred company to work for .This also
indicates that management is taking the
results seriously and making significant effort
to address the areas of concern.
Healthcare came out tops amongst the
Sectors with an overall rating of 3.8. On the
corporate side, Corporate Communications
achieved the highest rating of 4.4 this year.
Gregor Kaulhausen (middle) proudly receives the “Best Technology” award for Siemens
Mobility at the Africa Rail gala dinner.
Our Mobility division received the “Best
Technology” award at the prestigious
Africa Rail gala dinner held at the Sandton
Convention Centre. Says Gregor
Kaulhausen, Senior Vice President of
Special Projects from Siemens AG
Mobility, “This award is the Oscar of the
sub-Saharan rail industry and emphasises
our role as a key technology partner to
the industry”.
Adjudicated by a panel of rail experts, the
award was given for Railcom Manager,
Mobility’s integrated station management
software that provides operators with
immediate control of all the station assets
including closed circuit television (CCTV),
public address, passenger help points,
customer information system and digital
voice announcements. These features will
be installed at strategic stations on the four
major rail corridors in preparation for the
2010 Soccer World Cup.
Keshin Govender,
Corporate Communications
Areas with the most improved rating was
Communication “knowing what is going on”
with the least improvement category being
Compensation & Benefits and Performance
Braam concludes, “The SESI survey is
conducted annually in order to ascertain how
employees are feeling about our organisation
and to give an indication of areas that need
improvement. The process is anonymous and
the participation of each employee is valued.
Now that the results are available, each area
must review their score and put action plans
in place with employee buy-in, to address
areas that need improvement.”
Natalie Venter,
Corporate Development
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 7
Harry Hollier, Executive Director (front centre) with the group of enthusiastic learners visiting Siemens Park as part of the “Cell C Take a Girl child to Work Day”
Young ladies learn all about Siemens
Siemens is a longstanding supporter of the
“Cell C Take a Girlchild to Work Day”
initiative and participated again this year by
hosting 30 students at Siemens Park in
Midrand. The theme for this year’s initiative
was “Change the World” and emphasises
how learners should use available
opportunities and resources to empower
themselves with information, knowledge,
experience and understanding in order to
make changes that will pave the way to a
brighter, successful future. Explains Emily
Molefe, Corporate Social Responsibility
manager, “As part of our Generation 21
programme, we invited learners from our
partner school, Inqgayizivele High in
Tembisa as well as learners from the
Abraham Kriel Children’s Home to spend the
day with us at Siemens Park. “We exposed
them to a programme designed to inform
them about Siemens career and training
opportunities with our company as well
as inspirational talks by female
colleagues, talking to the girls about
challenges in the working environment
and inspiring them to follow their
Siemens adds cherry on
top at Process Show 2009
Our Industry Sector Industry Automation
(IA) division recently showcased their
Process Instrumentation (PI) hardware
and Simatic software at the biennial
Process Show.
Says Ryan Chetty, Manager Sensors and
Communications at IA, “This event brings
together a select crowd of customers
and end clients and gives us an
opportunity to directly market and
communicate our offerings on a face-toface level”.
In preparation for the show, the PI team
made provision for the design and
manufacture of static demo units - one
of the main attractions on the stand
which allowed visitors a hands-on
opportunity to view the range of
products with helpful and
knowledgeable product experts on
Apart from the products and solutions on
display, the Siemens stand featured lots
of entertainment. Visitors were treated
to “Siemens Dancers” and football
On the left: The Industry Automation stand
at the 2009 Process Show displayed our
Instrumentation hardware and Simatic
IA staff also held competitions
throughout the day, where Siemens
branded prizes were awarded to those
brave enough to challenge the football
stars or those that could answer a
football related question.
In keeping with the corporate campaign
of Sustainability and Answers for
Industry, both international and local
product presentations and Siemens
video trailers were looped on Plasma
screens which further added to the
detail of the stand.
In addition, important customers and
VIP guests were invited into the Siemens
hospitality area for snacks and coffee.
Concludes Ryan, “We were also able to
showcase our recently awarded claim as
being the number one Automation
Company in the world. The result was a
dramatic increase of visitor enquiries
and sales leads compared to previous
shows. I believe our work ethic and
general sense of team spirit contributed
to the success of the Siemens offering.”
Keshin Govender,
Corporate Communications
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 8
Movers & shakers
Leading Siemens
Healthcare Diagnostics
into the future
A born and bred South African of Greek
descent, Helen Brown, CEO of Siemens
Healthcare Diagnostics, boasts an
impressive resume with a National
Diploma and National Higher Diploma
in Medical Technology, a diploma in
Purchasing Management and Manager
Development Programme, as well as a
Masters Degree in Business Leadership
(MBL) where she majored in
transformational leadership.
Furthermore, Helen is a qualified mentor
having completed an eighteen-month
training programme with Reach Africa in
2003, in addition to being a certified
Board Director with the Institute of
Directors of South Africa. She is a
registered professional with the Health
Professionals Council of South Africa
(HPCSA) and also sits on the Executive
Board of the South African Laboratory
Diagnostics Association (SALDA) which is
affiliated to the South African Medical
Devices Association (SAMED).
Helen commenced her career in 1987 at Ampath Trust Laboratories, one of the
largest private pathology groups in Africa, as a Medical Technologist in
Haematology. She quickly progressed to Assistant Head of the Laboratory before
taking up the challenge to move into Ampath’s Procurement and IT Systems
department in 1992 as the Divisional Purchasing and Materials Manager. Her
success in streamlining this area of the business opened the door for Helen to
apply her skills in another field: that as Group Information Systems Manager
where she oversaw the upgrade and enhancement of Ampath’s entire IT system.
Her studies were also furthered with a Diploma in the Introduction to Computer
Networking during this time.
Profile Awards winner tours Germany
As reported in the April 2009 edition of
AmongstUs, the overall winner of the 2008
Profile Awards, Sean Woods, was
announced at a gala event held earlier this
year. As the overall winner for his “Life’s a
Gas” magazine entry, Sean was awarded a
trip to Germany. This is what he had to say
about his experience:
Being given the opportunity to visit
Germany was a big deal for me. I already
knew Siemens was a respectable global
concern with diverse technology-related
interests, but it was only when visiting your
various operations around the country that
the scale of it all really sunk in. To say that I
was impressed would be an
I was also struck by the good-natured, cando attitude displayed by everyone I
interacted with. More than anything this
illustrated the “Siemens’ ethos” to me in no
uncertain terms, and in such a pleasurable
way. I would specifically like to thank Dr.
Stephen Heimbach for making time to see
me. Markus Zapke, your tour through the
gas turbine manufacturing plant in Berlin
was without a doubt the highlight of my
trip; my only regret is that we couldn’t
spend more time together - after all, good
company along with fine German beer is a
combination that’s hard to beat.
To Ursula Fassl, thank you for being so
organised, the entire trip ran flawlessly.
Lastly, I’d like to thank Greg Gibbons for
being such an excellent travel buddy. I will
definitely be entering the competition again
next year.
Sean Woods
Profile Awards is Siemens’ annual
competition for journalistic excellence in the
field of science and technology.
In 1997 Helen became the National Support Manager for Procurement and
Materials Management when the merged Drs Du Buisson, Bruinette and Kramer
Diagnostic Pathology Labs, now Ampath Trust, was affected. She was responsible
for negotiating all the major contracts for everything the company procured and
became involved in the development of the first e-procurement system for the
pathology industry in South Africa – a system which is still used today.
Leaving Ampath in March 2004, Helen joined Bayer Healthcare Diagnostics as
Business Unit Manager for their Sales and Marketing division. In the first eighteen
months, she increased sales by approximately 20%. In November 2005 Helen
joined Dade Behring as country manager for its local operation. Within two years,
she had increased the business’s profitability and sales from approximately $3
million turnover per annum to $6.5 million.
In July 2006, Siemens acquired Bayer Healthcare Diagnostics and a few months
later, with the acquisition of Dade Behring, the two companies were consolidated
into Siemens Medical Diagnostics Solutions with Helen at the helm as CEO.
Effective 1 May 2009, the new Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (SHD) (Pty) Ltd.
was born.
With a passion for empowering people and a special interest in technology
development, Helen has commandeered the business through the expected
complications of a merger. “The foundation for our smooth integration has been
the establishment and acceptance of our company values: QC-TRIBE (quality,
customer-focus, trust, respect, integrity, bias for action and excellence). One of
our secrets to success is that our people have really bought into these values,”
says Helen. “I feel very privileged to work for Siemens - a company that has a
great culture and is a brand leader. Our service offering complements that of
Siemens Healthcare and to date our transition into Siemens has been reasonably
seamless with great cooperation all round.”
Speaking of her future goals for SHD, Helen emphasises the importance of
achievement and growth in terms of both people development and business
results. Despite comprising of only 85 people - the SHD team is a well-oiled
machine that is maintaining the business’s growth of 15% year-on-year whereas
the market’s growth is only 6%. In its respective industry, SHD is currently number
three in South Africa with respect to revenue: a goal that Helen already plans to
improve on. “Although our biggest challenge is to continue to grow the business
while still keeping our costs under control, we have set our sights on becoming
the number one leader in-vitro diagnostics company in the market,” she says.
When not focusing on driving the SHD business forward, Helen plans to further
her Masters degree by specialising in International Marketing. To de-stress and
relax, she loves retreating to the bush, bird watching and playing golf. She also
has a long term personal goal to write a book.
The delegates at the IA / DT annual Automotive Users Forum held this year at a game reserve
in the Eastern Cape.
Fifth Users Forum is biggest yet
Our Siemens Industry Sector Industry
Automation (IA) and Drive Technologies
(DT) division recently hosted their biggest
yet Annual Automotive Users Forum this
year in the Eastern Cape. Product
specialists from our head office in
Midrand, along with several colleagues
from Siemens in Portugal and Austria,
joined forces with team members from
our Eastern Cape branch to host 43
companies from industry.
Delegates were transported from Port
Elizabeth and East London to a game
reserve for a day of technical
presentations and live demonstrations
which showcased available innovations
and products from our comprehensive
The day’s proceedings were concluded
with a game drive for all delegates
followed by an African themed buffet
dinner and drumming activity which
provided a social environment for
Grant Nel,
Industry Automation
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
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Success depends on strategy and people
According to recent research on organisational success,
an average of only 10% of a company’s workforce knows
and understands its vision, strategy and goals. Most
companies experience a gap of 40% between the desired
results and the final outcome during strategy execution.
In order to reduce this risk for Siemens,
our Corporate Development team is
coordinating the Siemens Performance
Matrix project to drive strategy
development, alignment and
implementation on all levels within the
organisation and to cascade strategies,
objectives and responsibilities consistently
down to operational level.
A scorecard/dashboard tracks strategy
execution and monitors key performance
indicators on all levels of the organisation.
The project is supported by specialist
company, Stracienta, and their innovative
matrix-concept and web-based
management platform called
AmongstUs spoke to various participants
in the roll-out to gain a further
understanding of this project.
AmongstUs: How does this MatrixConcept work?
Braam Meij, Director, Corporate
Development: The concept is based on
using a matrix to clearly understand and
articulate the various dimensions:
Firstly, the destination of the company
(e.g. FIT42010/ GP2012);
Then the objectives and performance
measures (what do I need to achieve?);
Thirdly the roles and responsibilities
throughout the organisation (what do I
do?); and
lastly the contributions to get to the
destination and achieve the objectives
(how to achieve?).
Once objectives, responsibilities and
contributions are aligned, Stracienta’s
unique matrix-in-a-matrix approach is used
to break down every contribution into a
next level with sub-objectives, sub-areas
of responsibilities and sub-contributions
and so forth.
AmongstUs: What is the benefit for
the Industry Sector?
Stuart Clarkson, CEO: We place a lot of
emphasis on strategy development but we
are still not effectively tracking the
successful execution our strategies. This
matrix enables each manager at every
level of the organisation to get an
immediate overview of the performance
of that area and where necessary, drill
down into problem areas.
The Matrix concept is supported by
THENEXTSTEPTM, which provides each
manager with an individualised portal to
map, manage and monitor their
strategies. Most importantly, this will
become the base for all management
meetings on all business levels as it
provides an excellent overview of the
current status of our organisation.
AmongstUs: Is this the same as the
Balanced Scorecard?
Natalie Venter, Project Manager, Siemens
Performance Matrix: Stracienta’s unique
matrix approach goes beyond the
balanced scorecard, because it does not
limit us to the standard four perspectives
of the balanced scorecard but allows for
flexibility regarding company specific
achieve our Performance goals.
We first defined the importance of each of
these pillars for Industry in Siemens
Southern Africa and then further divided
each pillar into business specific
contributing objectives as well as the
responsibilities per business area. For each
contributing objective we have defined
key performance indicators to measure
and track progress.
AmongstUs: What have some of the
benefits been so far for SIS?
Tebogo Sehume, Head of Strategy &
Business Development, SIS: During the
workshops the matrix approach helped us
to clarify and align our objectives with the
overall SIS strategy (which is aligned with
the Siemens Southern Africa strategy), get
a common understanding of our roles and
responsibilities, identify critical focus areas
and to develop ideas on how to address
them. I also enjoyed the rich discussions and
debates during the workshops in order to
clarify our contribution to the SIS strategy.
AmongstUs: Who has access to the
new Siemens Performance Matrix?
Natalie Venter, Project Manager, Siemens
Performance Matrix: The different
management levels all have access. Each
manager is able to access his/her
responsibile areas and all areas linking into
that. Access to the system is determined by
line management.
Natalie Venter,
Project Manager,
Siemens Performance Matrix
T-shirts from Germany
Our colleagues at Siemens Caring Hands in Germany donated 500 t-shirts for
distribution in South Africa. The shirts were distributed to our existing Corporate
Social Responsibility initiatives. Pictured below are children from the Maranatha
House in Port Elizabeth, the Youthspace House in Johannesburg and students from
the Funda Community College in Soweto.
More importantly Stracienta’s matrix
approach provides a clear framework to
cascade strategies and scorecards down to
operational level whilst clarifying roles and
responsibilities on all levels.
AmongstUs: What is the scope of
the project?
Natalie Venter, Project Manager, Siemens
Performance Matrix: Phase one of the
project covers Executive Management,
Industry and SIS Sectors including their
divisions and business units. Procurement
and IT have also been included in this first
phase. A further roll-out to other areas is
under discussion.
Children and Housemothers from the Maranatha House in Port Elizabeth
AmongstUs: What are the types of
activities that will be measured?
Stuart Clarkson, CEO: In the Industry
Sector we have focused on the main
pillars of FIT-4-2012, namely People
Excellence, Portfolio, Operational
Excellence and Corporate Responsibility,
which provides the foundation for us to
Students from the Funda Community College
The boys from the Youthspace House in Mayfair
Emily Molefe, Corporate Communications,
The Siemens Performance Matrix.
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 10
Green technologies
will account for
40% of Siemens’
planned order
volume by 2012
Siemens expects to win new orders of around
€15 billion in the next three fiscal years 2010
until 2012, which will be generated by
government stimulus programmes already
announced around the world.
Green technologies are expected to account
for 40% or approximately €6 billion of this
total, which will significantly increase the
share of the company’s revenues from its
environmental portfolio in the future.
Siemens based this forecast on an initial
systematic analysis of the largest stimulus
programs. “With their programmes,
governments worldwide are sending the right
signal. Against the backdrop of the worst
global economic crisis in decades, these
government measures are at least partially
cushioning, in some cases, sharp declines in
private-sector demand. They should also have
a stabilising effect on our business,” said our
global President and CEO Peter Löscher. “In
addition, the government programmes will
safeguard jobs worldwide. The large portion
of the investments in environmental
technologies will probably create new green
future is
jobs as well. This applies particularly to
Siemens as a green infrastructure giant,”
Peter Löscher added. To overcome the global
economic crisis, stimulus programmes of
around €2.0 trillion have been announced
and, in some cases, already initiated. Roughly
one third of this total – or some €700 billion
– is slated for investment in infrastructure
projects. The remainder is accounted, for
example, by tax cuts for private households.
The total volume of planned infrastructure
expenditures relevant for Siemens comes to
approximately €150 billion in the next three
fiscal years. Given our current average market
share worldwide, these expenditures can be
partners – who are often small to mediumsized companies – will also profit from the
stimulus programmes in Germany and other
countries around the world,” said Peter
expected to generate new orders of roughly
€15 billion, of which some €6 billion will
likely come from environmental technologies.
In fiscal 2008, Siemens’ environmental
technologies generated revenue of about €19
billion and we intend to increase this figure to
€25 billion a year by 2011. Our company has
strong roots in the majority of the local
markets we operate in – and have had these,
in most cases, for over 100 years. Local valueadd, a reputation as a respected and
important employer, social commitment and
our employees make Siemens a trusted and
valued partner in regions all around the
world. “We’re firmly rooted in Germany. Our
In a country-by-country comparison, the
shares of the stimulus programme that
Siemens can address are the largest in the
United States, where they total slightly more
than €85 billion. China comes next with a
Siemens-relevant share of around €25
billion, followed by Germany with a share of
roughly €5 billion. Major parts of these
stimulus programmes are earmarked for
green technologies. For example,
investments in green technologies account
for nearly 50% in China and for about 60% in
“The various governments are strongly
focused on sustainable investments.
Siemens can help other countries reach their
climate protection targets, particularly in
close partnership with local communities,”
said Peter Löscher.
Around 420,000 Siemens employees in 190
countries are working to provide answers to
the toughest questions facing society. We
have oriented all our activities toward the
megatrends of climate change, urbanisation
and shifting demographics.
solution for
Our Information Technology (IT) division has
successfully implemented the new Siemens
customer relationship management (CRM)
application, “Philos”.
The application, operated by Oracle,
replaces the current preferred local CRM
solution, Maximizer, and was first rolled-out
in the Energy and Industry Sectors in June
this year.
The CRM solution by Oracle was initially
chosen as the preferred application for
Siemens globally in the last quarter of 2008
and was pre-empted by the cancellation of
the then CRM solution, CONCORD, earlier in
the year. The decision was based on several
criteria: cost-efficiency and its ability to meet
Siemens’ requirements with “out-of-the-box”
functions and integration options as well as
a fast roll-out.
Is it only grass that
makes a city green?
Scan QR-Code
with your
mobile and learn
more about our
With sustainable infrastructure solutions, Siemens helps big cities
become even greener.
Ask any big city resident how to improve everyday life and you’ll hear plenty of ideas: cleaner air, purer water, better public
transport, crime-free streets, reliable power supply, affordable and efficient healthcare. Our answer: an extensive range of
innovative products and solutions that help to make city life a greener, healthier and a more enjoyable experience.
Initiated in March 2008, a benchmarking
study was conducted in the first phase of
the initiative to obtain a clear picture of the
current situation on the CRM market. During
this survey, several companies comparable
with Siemens were analysed with regard to
their current CRM solutions and their
experiences with typical CRM challenges.
The survey showed that the CRM solutions
available on the market provide a wide
range of standard functions and are used
“out-of-the-box” by many companies. In
most cases, only small adaptations to the
standard functions were necessary. The
survey also indicated that an increasing
number of companies are optimising their
cost structures by using “on demand”
In the next step, the detailed Siemens
requirements in terms of functionality,
architecture, security, rollout and operation
of the solution were defined in close
cooperation with our Industry Sector.
Together with the market standard
functionality, these requirements resulted in
a joint tender document issued to various
suitable vendors. After an analysis and
negotiation phase, Siemens decided in
favour of the solution from Oracle and
initiated the roll-out of the new application.
Rithaygono Hammond,
Information Technology
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 11
The committee members from ACSA Park, from left: Anthony
Mnisi (Fire Marshall); Paula Mfulwane (First Aider), Sam
Khoza (Alternative Coordinator); Theo Schroen, Luis Coutinho
(Coordinator Evacuation) and Brenda Khokhoba (First Aider).
The Wadeville fire fighting members, from left: Tshepo Mphole;
Dirk Swanepoel; Peter Steenkamp; Hasani Maluleka; China
Nkadimeng; Wally Harris; Nicky de Villiers; Alfred Chambers;
Jandre Van Wyk and David Mahlo.
The First Aiders at our Wadeville branch, from left: Emely
Magane; Peter Steenkamp; Dirk Swanepoel; James Magane;
Dawid Muller; David Mahlo and Jandre Van Wyk.
Safety first
at all times!
Innovations offer
advantages for
Our health, safety and environmental
committee, which comprises of more than
30 members from all the Siemens sites,
strive to create and maintain a healthy and
safe working environment that benefits all
Siemens employees. One of the ways in
which this team attempts to reduce injuries
and diseases in the workplace is by meeting
at least once every quarter to address
occupational health, safety and
environment issues.
ON THE RIGHT: The Siemens Park health,
safety and environmental committee
members, back row from left: Dean West;
Alan Derham; Craig Naude and Godfrey
Maoko. Front row from left: David
Netshiavha; Lorraine Makgobe; Yolanda
Lekgothwane; Henda van der Wath, Ria
Rheeder; Anne du Toit; Mardelyn Brown;
Jimmy Mabaso and Thanyani Nedzingahe.
Site specific Emergency Evacuation Plans can be found at:
The Siemens Health and Safety Principles are on the Intranet:
CQM Home page:
The ACUSON X300 Premium Edition is the
latest Siemens Healthcare ultrasound
Our Siemens Healthcare Sector has
showcased the latest in ultrasound solutions
featuring innovative knowledge-based
workflow and 4D applications that increase
diagnostic confidence and improve clinical
workflow with the latest edition of the
ACUSON X300 Premium Edition (PE).
Incorporating syngo Auto OB
measurements, an advanced clinical tool
that automates routine biometry
measurements of the foetus, Tremayne
Ramballie at our Healthcare Sector, says this
latest development offers significant
advantages for both mothers-to-be and
physicians. The application also addresses
the challenges related to user-dependence
and variability, as well as consistency and
reproducibility in foetal biometry. Syngo
Auto OB measurements are available
exclusively on Siemens’ premium
performance ACUSON S2000 and the
ACUSON X300 PE systems.
Tremayne says that while several of these
machines have been installed at both public
and private healthcare facilities across the
country, upgrades are available for older
machines that will enable them to take
advantage of this new technology.
Drive Technologies showcases their answers for industry
Colleagues from our Siemens Industry
Sector Drive Technologies (DT) division
participated at the Switchgear and Drives
conference and exhibition held earlier this
year at Gallagher Estate. As one of the lead
sponsors, DT showcased their full range of
products and solutions to a niche market
consisting of industry professionals,
competitors and customers. In addition, Rob
Ritchie and Willie Rynboom from DT spoke
at the conference on Energy Efficient Drives
and High Voltage Motors. The picture above
shows the DT stand at the Switchgear and
Drives conference and exhibition.
Keshin Govender,
Corporate Communications
Until now users needed to perform
biometry measurements manually, but with
automatic measurement, workflow rates are
dramatically improved in addition to the
advantage of greater measurement
accuracy. Syngo Auto OB measurements
eliminate the time-consuming manual
process by saving up to 75 percent of the
keystrokes in routine fetal measurements
which may also help to reduce repetitive
stress injury.
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 12
provides security
solutions for the
Ngqura Sea Port
Grintek Ewation (GEW) has chosen our
Industry Sector Building Technologies
(BT) division as the preferred hardware
and software vendor to provide services
on its portion of the contract to supply,
install and commission the closed circuit
television (CCTV) and access control at
the new Ngqura Sea Port.
The deep-water port, a venture by stateowned Transnet Port Terminals (formerly
the South African Port Operations) and the
National Ports Authority, is situated at the
mouth of the Coega River in Algoa Bay,
20km from Port Elizabeth. It is the deepest
container terminal in Africa and is South
Africa’s eighth and latest commercial port
development designed to serve the rest of
southern Africa.
The project entailed the building of the
modern deep-water port, while the Coega
Development Corporation developed the
entire landside infrastructure for the
Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ),
vast areas of land adjacent to the port for
industrial developments.
An aerial view of the Ngqura Sea Port in Algoa Bay, 20 km from Port Elizabeth.
Economic Crunch? Who says manufacturers need to bite down!
Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS)
provided some of the answers to the
manufacturing industry’s toughest
questions at an event hosted at the
Johannesburg Stock Exchange in Sandton.
their enterprises afloat. He pointed out
that a bleak outcome is guaranteed if
organisations don’t have industry specific
solutions to leverage during the economic
The total value of our contract is
estimated at approximately R6 million and
currently the Siemens access control
system has been deployed at the port.
Executives from best of breed companies
in manufacturing, from the likes of De
Beers, PPC Cement, Premier Foods and
BHP Billiton, to mention just a few,
attended this event. Guests were exposed
to the true science behind the
development of solutions that have and
are saving manufacturers money every
day and helping them to stay a step ahead
of the economic crisis.
Jacques Bezuidenhout,
Building Technologies
Jayesh Ranchod, SIS Divisional Director,
gave insight into the current global and
local economic climate with key
challenges faced by executives in keeping
South African scenario and forecast guru,
Clem Sunter, who boasts fantastic insights
and real global vision, was the guest
speaker of the day. With his
manufacturing background and
experience as former Chairman of Anglo
American, he painted various scenarios
that could be expected from the industry
as a result of the economic crisis and
suggested potential flags that industry
should keep in mind when working on
strategies to keep afloat.
Although GEW initially contracted Siemens
as the component supplier to only deliver
access control equipment, namely K32
controllers, MiFare SmartCard readers as
well as MiFare Biometric readers, it was
soon realised that extensive integration
would be needed into other deployed
systems and technologies. As a result, our
contract was extended to include the
software delivery, implementation and
A strategic answer was provided by
Siemens Account Director, Anel Parkin.
With over 20 years experience in the IT
field it was a simple matter of reflecting
the science behind creating innovative
solutions being provided to manufacturers
globally every day. Saving of escalating
costs created by inefficient IT solutions
and by not having the solutions in place
was made exceptionally clear to the
executives in attendance.
Our IT Solutions and Services team not
only presented solutions for current
challenges, they also presented pictures of
the future with scenarios for 2010 and
beyond, scenarios for which Siemens has
the Answers.
Michelle Barnes, SIS
Digital media for Broadcasters Conference
The Siemens Media Solutions team from
Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS)
showcased our company’s offerings at the
Digital Media for Broadcasters Conference
held in Johannesburg.
Topics discussed ranged from tools to
enable multimedia content, streaming,
podcasting and vidcasting, generating
revenue from your digital property, gaining
competitive edge and the future of digital
Delegates at the Digital Media for Broadcasters Conference.
Merlin Naicker, Siemens Head of Media and
Telecommunications presented a Siemens
case study on the success of the i-player at
the BBC and the role of Broadband Media
Platform (BMP). The i-player is a web-based
content driven service that permits
consumers to download and store
programmes for up to 30 days from both
TV and radio. This gives the user the
freedom to select their own desired
content and review it at their own
convenience. Since consumers determine
their content requirements, the BMP
solution offers the ease and functionality to
upload and access content therefore
making the consumer the producers and
vice versa.
Comments Merlin, “This conference
provided us with a great opportunity to
network, inform the media and media
related industries that Siemens has a
presence in the media space and the
solutions provided by Siemens are of
world-class standards. Our tagline for
Media Practice is ‘creative media solutions’
and, judging from this event, there is an
abundance of solutions available in the
market but none as creative and innovative
as Siemens’ media solutions.”
Michelle Barnes, SIS
AmongstUs August09
1:52 PM
Page 13
A roundup of sport, healthy living and entertainment
The canteen at our head office, Siemens Park,
recently opened its doors to employees after an
extensive upgrade which now features a separate
function area for casual events, stylish décor and
upgraded menu options to match. New flooring,
wall panelling and seating create a vibrant
atmosphere in which to enjoy breakfasts, lunches
and tea breaks.
From dull to wow
a new dining experience at Siemens Park
The upgraded food court serves a selection of
quality hot meals and includes a dedicated callorder area where stir-fry and other ‘meal of the
day’ dishes such as pizzas, baked potato, grill and
pasta options are prepared. Meals are pre-plated
for convenience and presentation, and a variety
of side dishes to complement the main meal are
available. With a focus on healthy eating, the
menus include low fat or vegetarian options while
dividing proteins, vegetables, starches, salads and
sweets into separate serving stations with three
options of each in ready-prepared single portions.
A convenience store offers cold drinks, magazines
and pre-packed sandwiches, amongst other items,
as well as the essentials like bread and milk. In
addition, a brand new coffee shop, complete with
coaches and easy chairs, provides an ideal
meeting place for informal discussions over a cup
of coffee. Besides coffee, an array of cakes,
scones and other treats are on offer. Both the
convenience store and the coffee shop remain
open until 18:30 to accommodate staff working
after hours.
Chris du Preez, SREM
Cutting the ceremonial ribbon to officially open the newly renovated canteen, from left: Harry Hollier, Executive Director; Sigi
Proebstl, former CEO and Andrew Hall, CFO.
Back row from left: Sigi Proebstl, former CEO; Chris du Preez, SREM; Thinus Griessel, Managing
Director, SREM and Nomaan Khan, Financial Director, SREM. Front: Carol Palani, SREM.
Above: Sigi Proebstl with Beauty in the new coffee shop.
Below: The convenience store is fully stocked with cold drinks and snacks.
AmongstUs August09
1:53 PM
Page 14
AmongstUs Roundabout
Snap happy. Send us your interesting photo
This edition’s chosen photograph was sent
in by Shrikant Agre from our Energy Sector
Fossil Power Generation division. Shrikant,
who is based onsite at the Camden Power
Plant in Ermelo, is photographed here at the
Cape Point in the Western Cape, South
Siemens Golf
Society update
The Siemens Golf Society (SGS) is fast
becoming one of the most popular
Siemens employee sports clubs with
Sunday afternoon golf days growing on a
month to month basis, with the last golf
day at CMR on 26 July being the best
attended yet. Below are the results from
the previous months’ games:
If you have visited any unique or
interesting places lately, send your
photo to
and in addition to having your photo
published in AmongstUs, you could
win a R250 Woolworths gift card.
26 April – Kempton Park
1st – Hilde Meyer
2nd – Marius Van Niekerk
3rd – Siyabonga Manqamane
Images should preferably be in highresolution and the person submitting the
image should be pictured in the photograph
frame. Please also include a brief description
of where the photo was taken along with
your contact details.
31 May 2009 – Benoni Lake
1st – Marius Van Niekerk
2nd – Wayne Van Wyk
Lets meet...
2nd – Hilde Meyer
3rd – Dale Ladner/Marius Van Niekerk
Benefits Manager at Siemens
Corporate Human Resources
The SGS is open to all Siemens employees.
For more informaton, visit the SGS Intranet
A motivation to others, Anne’s frank and “go-getter”
approach to her personal life and career demonstrates the
importance of having the right attitude. AmongstUs
chatted to this inspiring woman for some tips on how to
achieve success in all facets of one’s life.
Did you know?
The muscle that lets your eye blink is the
fastest muscle in your body. It allows you
to blink 5 times a second. On average you
blink 15,000 times a day as women blink
twice as much as men.
Your career history?
I did a short stint with government after finishing high school
before joining Old Mutual in 1991 as a retirement fund
administrator. I systematically worked my way up to being an
Account Executive for a portfolio of large corporate clients.
During my career there I had the opportunity to live and work
in Durban for two years. In 2008 I joined Old Mutual Actuaries
and Consultants as a Fund Consultant for almost a year and
then took up an opportunity to move to Siemens.
Not all our taste buds are on our tongue;
about 10% are on the palette and the
Your qualifications and where did you study?
Where were you born and bred?
People always look at my surname and wonder so here goes:
The ancestry is Croatian (both parents were born there). I was
born in Canberra, Australia and bred in South Africa. We moved
to South Africa when I was a child and I grew up in Bethal,
Mpumalanga. I moved to Pretoria after high school to start
Why did you decide to join Siemens?
Work to me needs to be more than just a job that pays a salary
at the end of the month and after so many years with Old
Mutual I started feeling as if I was stagnating and needed a
new challenge. Several Old Mutual colleagues and friends have
been very complimentary about Siemens, so when the
opportunity at Siemens arose, I decided to see what it feels like
to be the client rather than the service provider. So far no
How do you spend a typical work day?
Depending on my diary, I get to work between 07:00-09:00
every morning. I try to first check my e-mails before settling
into a day that usually consists of meetings with colleagues and
service providers as well as telephone calls (this takes up quite
a bit of my day as my Siemens colleagues are my customers).
In between these, I have to focus on a number of projects and
As I am still fairly new on-the-job, it takes a while to fully
understand the intricacies of a new organisation. Right now I
am still sorting out my office and getting to know my new
colleagues better.
What has been a highlight in your career to date?
A highlight was my appointment as the first non-actuarial
consultant within Old Mutual Actuaries and Consultants. I
always thought the fact that I didn’t have a tertiary education
21 June – Glenvista
1st – Anton Kotze
Anne Petricevic
Life has been my university. I have a matric and have been
studying part time in the retirement fund line. I currently
require three subjects to obtain my Diploma in Insurance
Studies through UNISA. Unfortunately, with the change in job, I
have given studies a skip for this year but will hopefully finish
next year.
3rd – Dale Ladner
African elephants only have four teeth to
chew their food with.
was a problem and when this happened I realised that anything
is possible with hard work and dedication.
What characteristics do you think is most important to
possess in the workplace?
Attitude, but this must not be confused with ego. If you
approach things with the right attitude and are open-minded,
you will get far. I also believe in being a team player as one
cannot achieve success without the support of colleagues.
What interests or hobbies do you have outside of
As most of our days are spent in an office, I enjoy being outdoors
as much as possible. My hobbies are things that can take me
back to nature such as scuba diving, water sports and walking.
Whenever the opportunity arises I will be off to the coast or a
dam that is away from the city lights.
How do you manage to maintain an effective balance
between your work and home life?
I regard my weekends as my off-time and I spend as much time
as I can with family and friends. Although right now I don’t feel
like a good example of someone practising effective work-life
balance - as my weekdays consist of work and home only – I
hope to change this once I’ve settled down and sorted myself out
in my new job. I do try though to get to gym a few times in the
week to shake off the stress of the workday.
Your favourite saying or motto?
An ostrich can run up to 70 km/h
Before the year 100, the word “she” did
not exist in the English language. The
singular female reference was the word
“heo”, which was also the plural of all
genders. The word “she” only appeared
in the 12th century, about 400 years after
English began to take form. “She” was
probably derived from the old English
feminine “seo”, the Viking word for
feminine reference.
The living does not outnumber the dead:
since the creation about 60 billion people
have died.
An onion, apple and potato all have the
same taste. The differences in flavour are
caused by their smell.
The Walt Disney company was founded in
1923, and in 1927 Walt came up with the
idea for an animated mouse called
Mortimer Mouse. His wife Lillian
convinced him to change the name to
Mickey Mouse.
I recently heard a definition of honesty and integrity that has
remained with me. Honesty is being true to others and integrity
is being true to oneself. I don’t believe you can be true to others
if you are not true to yourself first.
Orville Wright numbered the eggs that
his chickens produced so he could eat
them in the order they were laid.
Any good advice for people wanting to achieve success
in their chosen careers?
The high jump method of jumping head
first and landing on the back is called the
Fosbury Flop.
Success is when you have a sense of achievement in your chosen
career. It doesn’t necessarily mean having to climb the corporate
ladder. If you are true to yourself, success will definitely come
your way. In the process, be open to ideas and willing to take
that chance - you never know what lies around the next corner!
The longest war in history is the so-called
“100 year war” between Britain and
France. The war actually lasted 116 years
and ended in 1453.
AmongstUs August09
1:53 PM
Page 15
AmongstUs Roundabout
Submit your opinion
for publishing
Have an opinion you would like published?
Submit your article in writing to
For further information, visit the AmongstUs Intranet portal,
which can be accessed via the Corporate Communications
landing page.
b pc - the 411 on txtspk
The manner in which we
communicate is evolving. I
say this because if you read a
text message or chat online,
the language used might not
actually look like any English
terminology you’ve ever come
across - but rather some
foreign gobbledegook.
Although I would like to consider myself
abreast of this latest communication media,
Textese is a dialect of the English language I
find cumbersome to master yet oddly
fascinating. According to the Internet (what
did we do before Wikipedia), Textese, also
known as chatspeak, txt, txtspk, txtk, texting
language or txt talk, is a term for the
abbreviations and slang most commonly
used when mobile phone text messaging
and on the Internet, including e-mail and
instant messaging. The objective of Textese
is to use the fewest number of characters
needed to convey a comprehensible
message which explains the lack of
punctuation, grammar, and capitalisation.
I read with interest an article where linguists
and teachers lamented that the use of
Textese could be considered the death of
the English language. The fact remains that
the English language will change whether
we wish to acknowledge it or not. Just as
William Shakespeare modernised the English
language around the turn of the 17th
century - in fact, today his plays, sonnets
and poems are considered the greatest in
Western literature - so too could Textese do
the same for English in the future.
Researchers now claim that texting boosts
literacy and is producing a generation of
better communicators. Although I reserve
judgement, I’ve decided its best to board the
21st century language bus and familiarise
myself with some of the most popular txt
2moro – tomorrow
2nite – tonight
2G2BT – too good to be true
411 – information
4COL – for crying out loud
4EVA – forever
A3 – anyplace, anywhere, anytime
ABT2 – about to
AITR – adult in the room
AML – all my love
B4 – before
B4N – bye for now
BRB – be right back
BI5 – back in five
BIBI – bye bye
BD – big deal
BEG – big evil grin
BCOZ or CUZ– because
BFF – best friends forever
BM – bite me
BTW – by the way
BWL – bursting with laughter
BZ – busy
C-P – sleepy
C4N – ciao for now
CLM – career limiting move
EZ – easy
EVRE1 - everyone
F2F – face to face
Sudoku for life
FF – friends forever
FYI – for your information
G1 – good one
G2G – got to go
G4N – good for nothing
GOL – giggling out loud
GR8 – great
HHOK – haha, only kidding
HUGZ – hugs
IOW – in other words
K – okay
KISS – keep it simple stupid
KIT – keep in touch
L8R – later
LOL – laugh out loud
LY4E – love you forever
M4C – meet for coffee
MSG – message
MIA – missing in action
N1 – nice one
NE – anyway
NOYB – none of your business
NUFF - enough
NVM – nevermind
OMG – oh my goodness
OTH – off the hook
OTT – over the top
P-ZA – pizza
P911 – parent alert
PLZ – please
POS – parent over shoulder
QL – quit laughing
QT – cutie
R&R – rest and relaxation
RB@Ya – right back at you
RBTL – read between the lines
ROFL – rolling on floor laughing
RU – are you
SEC – wait a second
SMH – shaking my head
SO – significant other
SOZ – sorry
SRSLY – seriously
STR8 – straight
SUL – snooze you lose
SUP or S^– what’s up?
TLK-2-U-L8R – talk to you later
TMI – too much information
TX – thanks
U - you
U2 – you too
W8 – wait
WTF – what the f***
W2G – way to go
WYS – whatever you say
XLNT – excellent
XOXO – hugs and kisses
Y – why
YR - your
ZZZ – bored, sleeping
^5 – high five
^URS – up yours
Editor’s comment:
Sjoe - TFS
If you would like to post a comment, visit
the AmongstUs Intranet portal.
Improve your mental aptitude with this edition’s Sudoku puzzles. For tips on how to complete a Sudoku puzzle
visit the AmongstUs Intranet portal which can be accessed via the Corporate Communications landing page.
AmongstUs August09
1:53 PM
Page 16
Long Service
10 years
June 2009
AmongstUs Roundabout
Record your memories
Solve the AmongstUs puzzle below and one lucky person will win the RCA-EZ205 Small
Wonder Digital Camcorder with two hours of video (expandable with memory card), a flipout screen and flip-out USB connection, plus Memory Manager Software.
Sherrie Eddey
Melinda Godden
July 2009
Andries Martinus Groenewald
Thea Le Roux
John Monama
Simtha Nkosi
Dean Nurden
Martin Taverner
October 2009
Gert Van Der Merwe
November 2009
Devan Govender
Mphikeledi Moses Dubazana
Phillip Khumalo
20 years
July 2009
Rui Paula Da Silva
Melanie Donohue
Albert Juhnke
Lot Zulwane Kubyane
Derek Phillips
How to enter:
August 2009
• Send your answers to
• Submit your entry via the AmongstUs
Edwin Malcolm Johnson
Helen Kekae
Errol Retief
Veronica Voges
October 2009
Malepa Ezael Motumo
November 2009
Sipho Job Matlala
Bheki B Mhlanga
David Jabulani Ntuli
Jurica Anderea Zupanc
25 years
Intranet portal which can be accessed
from the Corporate Communications
landing page.
• Cut out this entry and fax your answers
to 086 506 6237 or send via internal
mail to “AmongstUs, Corporate
Communications, Siemens Park, K1”
Terms and conditions:
• The competition is open to all Siemens
employees, except members of the
AmongstUs editorial committee
• Only one entry per person will be
accepted.Closing date for competition
entries is 23 October 2009.
Winners of the environmental
word search puzzle
Mardelyn Brown from Industry Solutions
and Janine Roberts from Mobility are the
lucky winners of the hottest green gadgets
on the market, the OSCAR USB hub and the
LILI webcam.
In addition, Chantall Harker from our
Western Cape branch, Ingrid du Preez from
Human Resources, Carol Palani from SREM,
Berdine du Toit from Accounts Receivable
and Ruby Chetty from CQM each take
home a copy of Simon Gear’s book, “Going
Green – 365 Ways To Change Our World”.
The ten words hidden in the word search
puzzle are shown on the right.
Which of the seven black shapes are identical to the red one?
Note: there may be more than one which is exactly the same
July 2009
Quartus Dorfling
Andrew Harle
Boris Krull
Jimmy Mabaso
Reginald Bhekinhlanhla Mthinyane
September 2009
Roy Elliot
Michael Hewett
Reuben Matlala
October 2009
Joel Sibiya
November 2009
Michael Peters
40 years
October 2009
Reinhard Rasch
First name:
Employee number:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
AmongstUs August09
1:53 PM
Page 17
Transformation corner
Level 4 BBBEE contributor - another answer for diversity
I remember describing last year’s BBBEE
rating result as the achievement of
“another milestone” on the
transformation journey. The good news
is that we are still going from strength to
strength, however the last twelve
months have seen our conversations shift
from scorecard development to scorecard
We have progressed to a level 4 status
(up from level 6 in 2007) which
highlights our success from a scorecard
development perspective. More
importantly, we now need to sustain this
competitive position.
Firstly, by continuing to provide excellent
technology solutions and services to our
customers we will remain successful and
sustain our organisation’s health. This, in
turn, will prove our commitment to
maximising shareholder value thereby
contributing towards empowerment in
our ownership structure.
Secondly, our procurement system is
aligned with, amongst others, the BBBEE
framework. New and existing suppliers
are consistently assessed to determine
their capacity, technology, quality
standards and empowerment status. In
addition, monitoring mechanisms are
applied to ensure that our policy and
other standards are met.
Thirdly, our employment equity and skills
development initiatives will continue. We
have seen a steady improvement in our
scores as a consequence of target
New CSR video
ens Corporate
Social Invest
Corporate S
Siemens Sout
h Africa
A new Corporate Social Responsibility
video is available, showcasing our
company’s commitment to the various
projects in the Corporate Social
Responsibility portfolio. The 30 minute
production, features segments on our
flagship programme Youthspace,
featuring children from the Mayfair
house in Johannesburg, the partner
school initiative with Inqgayizivele High
School in Tembisa, and our Arts and
Culture project, the Funda Community
College in Soweto. Copies of this
production are available from Godfrey
Maoko at Corporate Communications.
Emily Molefe,
Corporate Social Responsibility
setting, defined recruitment, development
strategies and retention schemes.
The continuation of these key aspects will
sustain us in the empowerment space. We
are a responsible organisation aiming to
remain competitive by meeting our
customers’ requirements, returning value to
our shareholders, developing our staff and
contributing towards society.
Marvin Benjamin,
Diversity Manager
on strong
growth and
looking to
the future
Although the current global economic
downturn is a cause for concern,
companies and organisations need to
adopt a positive approach and use this
period to prepare for the inevitable upturn
in orders to take advantage of future
opportunities. This is the position of Kevin
Pillay, Divisional Director of Mobility in our
Siemens Industry Sector. Kevin addressed
employees at the Mobility Open Forum
held earlier this year and further
congratulated them on a job well done
thus far.
In addition to the division’s current
projects in rail signalling, automation and
information communication systems,
airport electrical system upgrades and
road traffic management solutions, Kevin
says Mobility is expecting further ad hoc
projects relating to maintenance, repairs
and project extensions to be awarded in
the short to medium term.
“Our position as a leading provider of rail,
traffic and airport solutions has enabled
us to capitalise on the massive
investments being made by national,
provincial and local government in
addressing the backlog of investment in
transportation infrastructure”, says Kevin.
Keshin Govender,
Corporate Communications
AmongstUs August09
1:53 PM
Page 18
Punting Unified
Keeping up-to-date with emergency
medicine ultrasound training
Felix Honigwachs, SIS UCS Product Manager
Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS) is
partnering with Microsoft to deliver a
Unified Communications (UC) solution.
With this solution, companies can save
more than 40% on communications costs.
Above and below: Emergency/trauma practitioners attend the Emergency Medicine Ultrasound
course hosted by the College of Emergency Medicine, Siemens and Netcare. The course, held
at Siemens Park earlier this year, featured practical demonstrations using one of the Siemens
ACUSON ultrasound systems.
Unified Communications is a converged
approach to collaboration and
communication across various media,
including desktops, business and office
applications, fixed and mobile voice.
Comments Felix Honigwachs, SIS UCS
product manager, “The solution that we and
Microsoft created is customer-driven,
because our clients expect us to be
continuously innovative. With this UC
solution, organisations can save on
communication and travel costs, as well as
increase productivity.”
Siemens Healthcare Imaging in conjunction
with Netcare has initiated an Emergency
Medicine Ultrasound course designed for
trauma/emergency doctors. Due to the rapid
developments in the field of Sonar, the
need for relevant training was realised some
two years back culminating in the
development of a course by Dr. Mike Wells
from the College of Emergency Medicine.
Together with Siemens and Netcare, the
first two-day course was conducted in
December 2008 with a select group of
emergency department practitioners.
The course is internationally acclaimed and
with the pre-course test and post-course
evaluation, candidates can complete the
second phase of the training and receive a
certification in Emergency Ultrasound. In
addition, the training includes practical
demonstrations of the Siemens ACUSON
ultrasound systems for abdominal, vascular
and cardiac examinations.
“Using UC applications such as telepresence,
instant messaging and videoconferencing
companies can eliminate the need for
expensive business trips and off-site
meetings, and also reduce carbon emissions
emanating from all the travelling.”
Thus far, 60 candidates from emergency
departments in government and private
institutions have been trained in ultrasound
in the emergency rooms. By the end of
2009, 25 more candidates are expected to
be fully trained and certified.
Felix concludes, “There are a number of
savings which companies can make with UC
and we are excited to work with the public
and private sector.”
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
Felix Honigwachs, SIS
Arts and culture
young talent
On the road again
Siemens is a longstanding participant in the
Rally to Read project, a joint initiative by the
McCarthy Group, Financial Mail and the Read
Educational Trust. The programme aims to
promote reading in underprivileged
communities and schools by donating books
and learning material. In addition the Read
Trust conducts an extensive training
programme to ensure teachers have all the
knowledge and skills to teach learners to read.
This year, the Siemens team participated in the
Northern Cape Rally, delivering books to
schools in the rural area around Kuruman.
Comments Emily Molefe, our Corporate Social
Responsibility manager, “In total 3234 learners
from the Northern Cape will benefit from the
programme this year. Over the weekend we
delivered 40 boxed library units to schools. In
addition, 16 teachers in the Northern Cape
region will be exposed to the professional
development programme. We have been
participating in this programme since 1998,
and are proud of the part we play in this very
worthy project.”
As part of Siemens’ programme to promote
Arts and Culture in previously disadvantaged
communities, our company is financially
assisting the South African Ballet Theatre
Katlehong Outreach Programme.
Photographed are ballet students from
various schools in Zonkisizwe, Katlehong.
Emily Molefe and Sbahle Kgobe from Siemens amongst the volunteer group who
donated books to schools in the Kuruman area.
Children from a school in the Kuruman area visited by the Rally to Read group.
Emily Molefe, Corporate Communications,
Young ballet students from the Katlehong
Outreach programme, with their teacher.
AmongstUs August09
1:53 PM
Page 19
comfort for the surgeon rather than
technical limitations are in the focus during
a procedure.
Artis zeego
brings surgery
and industry
The unique positioning capabilities of the
Artis zeego allow C-arm positioning from
the side. This way the head side can be kept
free and interference with anesthesia can be
“Furthermore, Siemens offers syngo
DynaCT, a special imaging modality
producing CT-like images from a series of
images and projections, acquired as the xray tube and detector rotate around the
patient. These can then be reconstructed to
form 3-D visualisations,” Graham says. “To
date, the CT images obtained with
conventional angiography systems have a
small field of view - circular diameter of 24
centimetres - which is insufficient to image
for example the complete thoracic aorta.
However, the Artis zeego’s unique option
‘landscape DynaCT’ makes it possible to
almost double the field of view - elliptical 24
× 47 centimetres - by performing two
rotations in rapid succession. This allows
imaging e.g. both femoral arteries at a
In a development that offers greater
operating versatility for minimallyinvasive surgical procedures, advanced
imaging, and improved patient comfort,
our Siemens Healthcare Sector recently
introduced the Artis zeego. Artis zeego is
a floor-mounted robotic x-ray
angiography system that maximises the
benefits of using hybrid operating rooms.
Graham Maritz, CEO, Siemens Healthcare
Sector, says the Artis zeego offers surgeons
significant advantages when performing
procedures that normally require open
surgery. “An increasing number of
procedures can now be performed with
minimally invasive surgery, either by
working through a blood vessel or with very
small incisions,” he says. “These
interventions, which require improved
imaging technology to help navigate the
procedure, generally result in reduced
morbidity rates and faster recovery for
patients when compared to open surgery.”
Recent developments in surgical techniques
such as endovascular aortic repair or transcatheter valve replacement, promise far
better therapeutic possibilities by combining
interventional procedures. Now patients
that had previously been considered too old
or too sick for open surgery can be treated.
Graham says the ideal environment for
these procedures is the hybrid operating
theatre, an integrated operating room with
high-end imaging capabilities for
interventions. One of the strongest points
for a hybrid room is that the patient does
not need to be transferred to a dedicated
room with an imaging system in order to
perform an intervention but can be treated
in the same room, on the same table.
With the Artis zeego, an angiography
system based on robotic technology,
Siemens delivers the most advanced
imaging for the hybrid lab. The surgeon has
the choice between two fully integrated
table systems. First, an endovascular table
with a floating table top. Second, a
conventional OR table system with two
different exchangeable table tops – a
radiolucent one-piece carbon table top and
a breakable table top.
“As a floor-mounted robotic angiography
system, the Artis zeego allows for previously
unknown degrees of freedom and flexibility
as it is the first system equipped with a
multi-axis robotic arm”, he says.
“Conventional C-arm systems restrict the
position of the patient isocentre and limit
the amount of coverage for 3-D
The isocentre is the area where anatomy
being imaged must be positioned for the
best image quality. This means the patient
always has to be right in the middle
between tube and detector. Changing the
table height in conventional systems brings
the patient out of the isocentre and
consequently affects image quality. With
cardiac and vascular operations being highly
complex and time consuming, ergonomics
for the operating team require a variable
table height. Consequently, the best image
quality can only be guaranteed by a variable
isocentre, as uniquely realized in the Artis
zeego system. Now, clinical needs and
The unique software syngo iPilot also
provides 3-D road mapping, in which
previously obtained 3-D images (e.g.
acquired with syngo DynaCT) are
superimposed over live fluoroscopy images.
This leaves the clinician free to concentrate
on the intervention. As a result, complicated
interventional procedures become less timeconsuming, more accurate and practical to
perform, and will result in improved patient
“Simply put, Zeego brings surgery and
industry together,” concludes Graham.
The Siemens Artis zeego, a floor-mounted robotic x-ray angiography system.
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
An ongoing
The Siemens Partnership programme
with Ingqayizivele High School in
Tembisa is growing from strength to
strength.Since the formation of the
partnership in 2007, Siemens has
embarked on a number of initiatives to
improve the conditions at the school.
These include providing much needed
equipment for the Science lab, provision
of stationery and computers as well as
the installation of a state-of-the-art
security system. More recently,
additional computers were donated to
be used for administrative purposes. In
addition, a digital data projector and
workstations were installed.
Francis Sehloho, Principal, with learners from Ingqayizivele High School receiving
computers for the Administration office.
Newly installed workstations in the Technology Laboratory.
Lesego Sekhu, Corporate Communications presents the
new Data projector to school principal, Francis Sehloho.
Emily Molefe, Corporate Communications,
AmongstUs August09
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Page 20
New analysers for Ampath and PathCare
PathCare Laboratories: Back row from left: Monique Smit, SHD and Jackie van Tonder,
PathCare. Front row from left: Rosie Botha; Karen Usher and Lilian Smit, all from PathCare.
Primary school kids discover science
and technology the Siemens way
Jerminah Ramogale Principal of Entshonalanga Primary (left) receiving a Discovery
Box from Emily Molefe, Siemens Corporate Communications (right).
As part of an ongoing programme that
aims to assist under-resourced
educational institutions and encourage
learning in mathematics, science and
technology, Siemens has equipped three
Tembisa primary schools with a total of
twenty ‘Discovery’ boxes, a complete
educational concept that includes
experiment sets on ‘Energy and
Electricity’ and ‘Environment and Health’
as well as a DVD with instructions for
Emily Molefe, our Corporate Social
Responsibility manager explains “The key
to enable learners to successfully master
mathematics and science later in life lies
in exposing them to these increasingly
complex subjects as early as possible in
their school career, and presenting the
material in a practical and exciting
“This is not text-book learning, but rather
a practical and fun way of giving children
their first experience of scientific and
technical phenomena, which even the
very small already find highly
interesting,” she says.
“The child-friendly, fun experiments in
the Discovery boxes make science real
and are thus an important element of
early childhood education.”
The three recipient primary schools,
Endulwini, Entshonalanga and
Tlamatlama, all act as feeder schools to
Ingqayizivele High, our partner school in
Showcasing the RAPIDLab 1265 system for Ampath Laboratories, from left: Sister Ntombi and
Candice Cullingworth.
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (SHD) was
recently awarded the contract to equip
PathCare Laboratories throughout the country
with 42 Stratus CS Acute Care Diagnostic
Systems. The Stratus CS analysers provide
quantitative cardiac analysis for fast, cost
effective evaluation of patients with suspected
myocardial ischemia, a condition characterised
by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle
via the coronary arteries which often results in
chest pain (angina pectoris).
When a patient enters the hospital emergency
room with chest pains suggestive of
myocardial ischemia, a rapid evaluation is vital
to ensure the patient receives the correct
treatment and monitoring. The Stratus CS
instrument offers a broad menu of tests that
allow better chest pain differentiation from a
single sample, on a single run, in order to
ensure speedy completion of a cardiac profile
in only 25 minutes. Many extra benefits
include, among others, the reduction of
wastage, reduced maintenance and a simple
three-step operation for all skill levels. In fact,
the system is so cost effective that smaller
laboratories can now offer all seven of the
cardiac tests whereas previously they could
not afford to do so. Our SHD colleagues
implemented the project within two months
and hosted training sessions for all relevant
PathCare laboratory personnel – all ahead of
In another project, SHD has upgraded all blood
gas analysers in Ampath Laboratories from the
previous 800 series to the new RAPIDLab 1200
systems and RAPIDPoint 400 systems. Blood
gas analysis is an important part of patient care
and is used primarily to determine the
concentration of O2 and CO2 in the blood,
blood pH, or to indicate an acid-base
imbalance due to a metabolic or renal
condition. Arterial blood gas analysis is
performed to evaluate respiratory diseases and
other conditions that affect the lungs, as well
as to evaluate the effectiveness of oxygen
The new blood gas analysers boast low
maintenance, easy operation with very little
technical experience required and 60 seconds
to a full panel result which allows for faster
treatment times. To date, 35 blood gas
analysers have been placed and 400 laboratory
staff have been trained over a period of nine
weeks – including training of night staff after
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
An international contingent for ITSSA
Emily continues, “As a knowledge-based
company, Siemens aims to encourage
the next generation to investigate the
world around them starting at a young
age, and the ‘Discovery’ boxes allow
children to have fun finding out all about
a variety of exciting everyday scientific
phenomena as the kits have all the
equipment necessary for exploring water,
air, colour, sound and electricity.
“Early science education by means of
experiment kits is an important part of
Siemens’ global commitment is to
interest young people in science and
technology. In this way we are meeting
our responsibilities and fulfilling our
obligations as a good corporate citizen as
education is a prerequisite for the
cohesion and successful development of
Emily Molefe,
Corporate Communications
The Siemens Mobility stand at the ITSSA conference and exhibition.
In conjunction with colleagues from Siemens
Intelligent Traffic Solutions in Austria and the
United Kingdom (UK), our local Mobility
division participated at the International
Transport Systems of South Africa Conference
and Exhibition (ITSSA). Christoph Wondracek
from Siemens in Austria and Ray Wood from
Siemens in the UK joined forces with our
local Mobility representative, Derek
McMaster, to promote Siemens’ international
experience and technologies at the South
African event. Says Derek, “The conference
afforded us the opportunity to successfully
create awareness in terms of Siemens’
solutions to resolve South Africa’s ever
increasing traffic problems.”
Keshin Govender,
Corporate Communications
AmongstUs August09
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Page 21
International expert hosts
safety workshops
Movers & shakers
Siemens welcomes
our new RCO
Our new Regional
Compliance Officer (RCO)
for the Siemens Africa
Cluster, Kevin Rogan, hails
from the United States and
brings his vast international
experience in strategy, legal
and compliance issues to
the Siemens compliance
In a series of workshops aimed at
highlighting steps that can be implemented
in the design and operational areas to
prevent industrial accidents, especially those
in the petro-chemical, oil and gas sectors,
Siemens has facilitated an international
expert in the industry to deliver a number of
comprehensive presentations on functional
process safety.
Dr Cornelius Riess, Group Manager of TUV the German-based independent third party
company that is one of the world’s foremost
process safety organisations and credited
with inventing functional process safety –
was the chief presenter of the workshops.
Dr Riess says while functional safety is not
immediately visible or patently obvious at
many plants, in order to avoid the
potentially catastrophic effects of plant
accidents, it is essential to incorporate this
vital aspect in every stage, from planning
and design right across the entire lifecycle
of the plant.
Bob Lampman, Business Development
Manager at Siemens Industry Sector
Industry Automation (IA) and Drive
Technologies (DT) divisions, says this latest
round of free workshops held in Cape Town
and Durban are a sequel to several similar
successful events hosted by Siemens in
September last year where delegates were
exposed to a range of topics surrounding
functional process safety at plants.
“These one-and-a-half day workshops are
aimed at control system engineers and
designers, functional safety electrical design
engineers, chemical process engineers,
maintenance engineers involved in safety
instrumented systems as well as safety,
health and environmental engineers. The
aim is to raise awareness about functional
process safety,” says Bob. “The workshops
are fully sponsored by Siemens and are
designed for personnel who want to
understand the design, engineering and
maintenance of process safety and safety
instrumented systems from a hardware,
software and process engineering
Keshin Govender,
Corporate Communications
Born in New York, Kevin has a
BA in Political Science from Yale
University as well as a
qualification from the Fordham
University School of Law. His
first job was as an Associate
Attorney at Pillsbury Winthrop, a
large international law firm,
where he worked for four years
on mergers, acquisitions, public
offering of securities and
general commercial matters. He
joined PepsiCo Inc. as Senior
Counsel in 1982. Among other
duties, Kevin managed
compliance, securities filings
and capital market offerings.
In 1988 he moved to Diageo PLC, an international consumer products company
headquartered in London, England. For the next four years he represented
Diageo’s subsidiary, The Häagen-Dazs Company, as Vice President and General
Counsel where he was responsible for compliance with all laws and regulations,
the development and implementation of compliance programmes and processes
and legal services for the company’s operations in North America, Europe and the
Far East. In addition, he worked for two years as Senior Vice President and
General Counsel for another one of Diageo’s subsidiaries, Pearle Vision, before
leaving the company and taking up a position in 1994 as Assistant General
Counsel for McKesson Corporation based in Dallas, Texas. A healthcare
company and the largest pharmaceutical wholesaler in the United States, Kevin
ensured the company’s adherence to healthcare regulations, negotiated
acquisitions of several healthcare companies and advised management in terms
of anti-trust litigation against the pharmaceutical industry.
Thereafter he served as Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary for
AmeriServe Food Distribution, a PepsiCo spin-off company. During a period of
three years, he started the company’s legal department and acted as General
Counsel. In 2001 he became a partner of Hunton & Williams LLP, an
international law firm with 850 attorneys, representing companies and
partnerships in financings, acquisitions and general commercial matters.
Bob Lampman, IA and DT Business Development Manager (right) chats to one of the delegates.
Since 2005 Kevin has worked at Celanese Corporation, a global chemical
company registered on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). His first role
within the company was as Associate General Counsel and Assistant Secretary,
followed by a position as Interim Vice President for Human Resources, and most
recently as Vice President for Celanese’s Business Strategy and Development.
Joining Siemens earlier this year, Kevin says his immediate priority is to learn the
Siemens business and the compliance needs that are relevant to each Sector and
business area. He plans to continue the work of integrating the compliance
function in the day-to-day operations of the business while endeavouring to
streamline the compliance processes and controls to meet our compliance
requirements in an efficient manner.
Says Kevin, “The compliance function will continue to focus primarily on anticorruption and anti-trust, however, considering the broad nature of the Business
Conduct Guidelines, compliance will play a key role in other areas too.”
Along with his wife and three children, Kevin has set-up home in South Africa.
“I am already very impressed with the beauty of this country. The people that I
have met so far, in and outside of Siemens, have been very friendly and happy to
help me get settled in my new home. I look forward to exploring the incredible
sights South Africa has to offer,” he says.
Delegates at one of the fully sponsored workshops on functional process safety facilitated by
our IA and DT divisions.
Kevin enjoys participating in outdoor activities with his family and is also an avid
AmongstUs August09
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Page 22
Arts and culture
Showcasing talent
The Funda Community College, based in Soweto,
was a proud exhibitor at The Johannesburg Art Fair,
giving its students the opportunity to showcase
their work alongside South Africa’s best artists.
Comments Emily Molefe, our Corporate
Social Responsibility manager, “our
company’s decision to support the Funda
exhibit for the second year in a row through
financial funding that is used for bursaries
and the provision of art materials, forms an
integral part of Siemens’ overarching
commitment to supporting the arts, as well
as its intention to facilitate the creation of
opportunities for young people from
historically disadvantaged backgrounds.
“As a good corporate citizen, Siemens is
always mindful of our obligation to give back
to the communities we serve, not only by
providing financial support but also ensuring
that the support we provide makes a real
difference to people’s lives and forms part of
a sustainable and promising future.
” The Funda Community College meets all
the company’s objectives as it is the oldest of
its kind in the country and is widely
recognised as an incubator of young talent,
not only in the field of art, but also in
business studies, Information Technology
and life skills.”
Charles Nkosi, director of the Fine Arts
department at Funda, says the Art Fair is an
exceptionally positive development for the
College as not only are the students able to
sell their works and generate an income, but
as one of only two institutions represented at
the exhibition, there is a great deal of
interest shown in their work by international
and local galleries.
Visitors to the Johannesburg Art Faire admiring artwork on the Funda exhibit.
“We are fortunate to have the support of
Siemens without which we simply could not
afford to participate in an event of this
calibre,” he says.
The Funda exhibition featured 43 pieces by
17 artists in assemblage, collage and acrylic,
with some done in sand and other objects.
Several sculptures and prints were also on
display. Besides affording the students and
lecturers an opportunity to gain wide
exposure from art buyers, critics and
collectors, the recognition and
acknowledgment that comes with
participating in a show of this kind helps to
motivate, encourage and inspire youngsters,
and in so doing, help them to reach their full
Emily Molefe,
Corporate Social Responsibility
Emily Molefe, Siemens CSR manager (fourth from left) and Charles Nkosi Head of Funda
college(third from right) with the staff and students of Funda who exhibited at the art fair.
Mobility provides solutions for
infrastructure development
Teddy Msibi, Smangaliso Mkwanazi and Michael Khoza on
their lounge suite in the Mayfair house.
Youthspace update
Our flagship Corporate Social Responsibility programme,
Youthspace, looks after about 50 children based at homes in
Johannesburg, Pinetown, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town.
Ongoing projects are undertaken at all the homes to provide
a well equipped, safe and family orientated home for the
children. At the Malvern Children’s home in Pinetown, eight
teenagers are accommodated. A number of upgrades are
planned for the near future, including converting the garage
into bedrooms for the boys, as well as enclosing the
verandah to serve as a study area.
Maranatha in Port Elizabeth is home to 16 children. Since
opening in July 2003, the house has undergone numerous
upgrades. It now comprises five large bedrooms for the
children, two rooms for the housemothers, four bathrooms,
two games rooms, two lounges, a kitchen, laundry and
enclosed verandah. In Cape Town, the Tereo house is home
to nine children. Recent work on the house includes repair of
the roof, plastering, painting and tiling the living area. In
Johannesburg, eight boys reside at the Youthspace house in
Mayfair. Of these, two are currently in grade 12, preparing to
write their matriculation exams. In recent months, Siemens
purchased a washing machine and lounge suite for the
house. Emily Molefe, our Corporate Social Responsibility
manager comments, “The Youthspace programme is of
major importance to us and we plan to continue with the
good work already done, in order to ensure these homes
provide a safe and nurturing environment.”
Emily Molefe, Corporate Social Responsibility
The Industry Sector Mobility division
recently showcased its transportation
product portfolio at the Africa Roads 2009
conference. Held annually, the conference
aims to address the developments in the
roads sector while focusing on Africa’s key
issues in terms of the global market.
Delegates representing the majority of
African countries demonstrated extensive
knowledge on the latest developments,
case studies and trends in the
transportation sector.
Transportation infrastructure and the
funding thereof was highlighted as a key
topic for future development
encompassing the building of new roads
as well as renovating existing roads,
improvement of the public transportation
system, new construction and renovation
of the rail network especially the major
North South connections as well as various
East West lines, and improvements of the
public transportation network in cities by
means of a joint bus, tram and train
Ray Wood, International Business Development Manager, Traffic Solutions UK
(far right) at the Africa Roads 2009 conference.
A viable option for financing such
infrastructure development is offered by
our Mobility division: satellite based toll
systems. These toll systems make use of
satellites for positioning and the mobile
communication network GSM for
transmission of the toll charge. It is also
cost effective as the expansion cost to
include additional roads is nominal and it
requires minimal installation of equipment
on the road side, thus minimising theft of
copper cables and other metals.
Our mobility solutions will help the African
continent network transportation systems
in order to move people and goods safely
and efficiently.
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
From left: Derek Mc Master, Siemens South Africa, Business Unit Manager, ITSU with K. Mzwandile, JRA (previously General Executive Manager, Business
Mobility Network Department)
AmongstUs August09
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Page 23
Western Cape offers a new choice in open MRI
Siemens Healthcare has installed the
second MAGNETOM Espree unit in South
Africa at Dr Schnetler and Partners’ Louis
Leipoldt practice in Bellville. The
MAGNETOM Espree is the Western Cape’s
first open bore, 1.5 Tesla, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) system that
combines a larger bore, or opening, making
it easier for obese, claustrophobic,
orthopedic and pediatric patients to have a
MRI examination which produces high-field
quality diagnostic images.
With a global increase in adults who are
overweight, the healthcare industry is
challenged to accommodate these larger
patients with imaging systems that were
designed for people who weigh much less.
Currently, patients too large to fit inside the
bore of a high-field MRI magnet have
image studies done in open MRI systems
with low-field magnets. This limits the
diagnostic usefulness of the images
obtained. The field strength of a magnet is
measured in units of Tesla – the higher the
number, the higher the field strength. The
higher the field strength, the better the
quality of images produced.
Claustrophobic patients present another
challenge for MRI systems. They can be
sedated, adding to their inconvenience and
the time it takes to schedule and perform
an examination. Due to the larger bore and
shorter magnet claustrophobic patients will
not need to be sedated before an
The Siemens Healthcare MAGNETOM
Espree installed at Dr’s Schnetler and
Partners features a bore opening of 70cm
in diameter and 30cm of free space
between a patient’s head and the magnet.
The Espree also features the shortest 1.5
Tesla magnet available. At 125 cm long
(shortest on the market), the magnet
allows more than 60 percent of exams to
be completed with the patient’s head
outside the bore, helping to ease
The MAGNETOM Espree unit, the first open bore, 1.5 Tesla MRI system in the Western Cape,
being installed at Dr Schnetler and Partners’ Louis Leipoldt practice in Bellville.
The system’s functionality, image quality
and patient-friendly design has been so
well received by Dr Schnetler and Partner’s
that they have now placed a second order
for the same unit. This will be installed at
their practice at the Christian Barnard
Memorial Hospital later this year.
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
Siemens and the NMMU help technical schools prepare learners for industry
As part of an ongoing commitment to
advancing studies in the fields of Science
and Technology, our Industry Automation
and Drive Technologies (IA & DT) divisions
together with the Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University’s (NMMU)
Engineering School have initiated a
programme with two Port Elizabeth
technical high schools to provide learners
with a practical introduction to the
electrical environment.
Martin Taverner, IA & DT Regional
Manager based in Port Elizabeth, says that
in terms of the programme, the Newton
and Daniel Pienaar Technical High Schools
each invested in two sets of Siemens
LOGO! training kits, following which a
further four sets were donated free of
charge to each institution.
“A relatively small investment in
automation training equipment from
each school has resulted in a three fold
contribution from Siemens and the
NMMU,” says Martin. “Each school is now
equipped to train learners on Automation
Logic Controllers, give them a basic
understanding of the Electrical
Environment and promote creation and
innovation with these learners.”
Martin says that as there is a definite
shortage of electrical engineering
expertise in the Eastern Cape, initiatives
like this will ensure that learners benefit
from a more comprehensive training
programme before they go out into the
Southern Africa that has enabled the school
to become involved in the industry training
as well as student project development,”
says Karl du Preez, former HOD of
Mechanical Engineering at the NMMU.
“The Sponsorship to the Technical High
Schools is directly due to this partnership
and will hopefully assist in learners at these
schools to be more prepared for tertiary
studies. There is definite need for industry
to assist teaching institutions with facilities
to train learners in the latest technologies
available, which creates a good grounding
for the learners and encourages informed
decision making when going into the
engineering fields.”
(Left to right) Karl du Preez, HOD of Mechanical Engineering at NMMU, Jakobus Potgieter
Deputy Principal of Newton Technical High School, Sampie Marais HOD Electrical Technology
at Daniel Pienaar Technical High School and Martin Tavener IA-DT Regional Manager, Siemens
Eastern Cape.
“The offer to give students exposure to
industry will help them make the correct
career choice,” says Jakobus Potgieter,
Deputy Principal at Newton Technical High
School. “We are thankful for Siemens’ and
the NMMUs’ involvement in our school.”
“It is wonderful to see Siemens and the
NMMU getting involved with Technical High
Schools to give pupils early exposure to the
industry,” says Sampie Marais, Head of the
Department of Electrical Technology at the
Daniel Pienaar Technical High School. “We
as teachers are grateful for the opportunity
to use this great equipment in preparing
pupils to become aware of the needs
required in the industry.”
Siemens and the NMMU have developed
their relationship over the past four years to
ensure that all the students learning at the
University are trained on the latest
technologies available. The company’s
highly popular annual Cyber Junkyard
competition also provides a major boost to
universities across the country with prizes
and donations of electrical engineering
equipment helping boost the capacity of
these institutions to provide a high standard
of practical training to their students.
“The School of Engineering at the NMMU
has a formal partnership with Siemens
According to Martin Taverner, Siemens and
the NMMU plan to continue this drive to
more Technical High Schools in the Eastern
Cape over the next few months, a move
supported by Professor Kotie Grove,
executive director of the NMMU Trust, who
says the contribution by Siemens towards
skills training at underprivileged schools
and institutions is just what is needed to
address the dire skills shortages in South
“It is the commitment and vision of
companies such as Siemens to worthwhile
projects such as this one initiated by NMMU
that will go a long way to addressing our
country’s problems and creating a powerful
future generation,” he says.
Martin Taverner,
Industry Sector
AmongstUs August09
1:54 PM
Page 24
The most admired company in the world...
As part of Siemens’ drive to realise the objective of becoming “the
most admired company to work for,” an international Employer
Branding Workshop was held earlier this year in Biel, Switzerland. The
event, which was attended by sixty delegates representing all Sectors
and Corporate functions from Siemens offices around the world, took
place at the IdeaFactory, a facility dedicated to the industrial
production of ideas operated by innovation consultancy Brainstore.
Tim Walwyn was selected to represent
South Africa at the workshop. Tim
provides AmongstUs with further insight:
AmongstUs: How did Siemens
came to participate in this event?
Tim: Siemens has recognised the
importance of marketing itself to the
brightest talents around the world as an
employer of choice. It’s also important
that the brand values and corporate
ethos of the company are projected in a
uniform way that is accessible to people
from all of the diverse cultures where
Siemens operates. Corporate HR in
Germany initiated a project to bring
people who work at Siemens in all
regions together to develop employer
branding ideas that are simultaneously
authentic to employees’ daily experience,
as well as relevant globally.
Siemens South Africa was invited to send
one Sector delegate, and I was fortunate
to be able to take some of the insights I
developed during my participation in the
Skills Revolution to the workshop.
the final outcome?
Tim: There’s still a lot of work to do to
analyse the feasibility of the ideas before
they become reality; the central message
will rest on the Siemens values, with a
strong focus on the heritage of the
company contrasted against its futureorientation. Another big element for a lot
of the participants was the global
community that we can all participate in
as employees of Siemens. The branding
activities selected by the team range
from global events to small personal
touches – these are already being
considered by a dedicated multinational
implementation team. What I do know is
that Siemens is taking the slogan
presented by Dr Siegfried Russwurm at
the opening of the workshop, “The most
admired company in the world,”
seriously, so watch this space.
Nicolette Barnard,
Corporate Human Resources
AmongstUs: Brainstore, who
hosted the event, specialise in
industrial innovation – how exactly
does this support the development
of an Employer Brand?
IT Services –
rising above
the industry
Tim: The industrial innovation process
pioneered by Brainstore is an excellent
way to bring together a diverse group of
people in a short period of time. There’s a
lot of emphasis on creativity and action,
and most of all fun, which allows people
to drop their inhibitions and really
collaborate meaningfully. Another
important aspect of the process is that it
allows for external participants to get
We were assisted by a creative team
consisting of students as well as experts
in fields ranging from performance
management to performing arts, who
injected a lot of ideas into the mix that
may not have come from within Siemens.
Brainstore also provides advanced
technology, which is vital to trace the
thousands of ideas generated in the
workshop and present them to the
participants for evaluation in a
meaningful way.
Claire Carradice, Service Excellence Operations Analyst (right) hands over the raffle prize to
Mike McGinn from Transnamib (left).
To further increase the return rate, a
competition was recently held to
encourage users to rate and comment on
their IT service experience. Claire
Carradice, Service Excellence Operations
Analyst at Siemens IT Solutions and
Services says, “The feedback we receive
from users is priceless”. Andries
Groenewald from Siemens, Mike McGinn
from Transnamib and Nobantu
Masebelanga from Medscheme won the
lucky draw prizes.
AmongstUs: So what was the focus
of the workshop?
Tim: There were two phases to the brand
development process. The first task was
to identify Siemens attributes that
resonated with all of the regions
represented. With that done, on the
second day we looked at creative ways to
convey the brand message to both
current and potential employees.
Input from the end-user satisfaction
surveys is taken very seriously and
Siemens IT Solutions and Services have
made many changes and enhancements
to their service based on this input. For
this reason staff are encouraged to rate
their service experiences once IT calls
have been resolved.
In both cases the group generated
thousands of ideas, which were filtered
down by a group of top Siemens
managers assisted by a second expert
panel. The final ranking of ideas is carried
out through a vote, so the results really
reflect the consensus of all the
participants. Global innovation at work!
AmongstUs: Can you tell us about
Gartner, the world’s leading information
technology research and advisory
company, states that the average
industry return rate of IT Service end-user
surveys is 15%. With diligent and
consistent effort, our colleagues from
Siemens IT Solutions and Services
managed to rise above this industry
standard with an 18.83% return rate on
their IT Service end-user surveys.
Claire Carradice, Service Excellence Operations Analyst, (right)) hands over the raffle prize to
Andries Groenewald from Siemens (left).
Claire Carradice, SIS
AmongstUs August09
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Picture per fect Por tugal
Lisbon’s most traditional mode of transport, the electric tram.
Winners of the Sales Award
Programme jetted off to explore
Portugal earlier this year. The
group, comprising sales achievers
from Energy, Industry, Healthcare
and IT Solutions and Services,
travelled from Johannesburg to
Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal.
First on the agenda was a visit to Siemens’
head office on the outskirts of Lisbon where
Carlos de Melo Ribeiro, CEO Siemens
Portugal and his team welcomed the South
African colleagues. Our group attended a
very informative presentation about
Siemens’ activities in Portugal and
afterwards enjoyed Port and traditional
Portuguese snacks whilst chatting to the
Portuguese colleagues.
The sales award incentive group photographed at The Pine Cliffs Resort, Algarve, shortly before returning back home
But it was not all business, leaving the
Siemens office, our group headed back to
the city centre of Lisbon to start exploring
this fascinating city build on seven hills. In
traditional trams, the travelers wound their
way up the narrow streets, taking in the
sites and stopping at St George’s castle to
overlook the entire Lisbon. They then set off
to explore the countryside around Lisbon,
taking in the town of Sintra and stopping at
Cabo da Roca, the westernmost point in
Then there was also a vist to modern
Lisbon, including Parque das Nacoes,
(Nations Park) which was home to the EXPO
’98 World Exposition. This entire waterfront
area was completely rebuilt for the World
Fair and its modern, futuristic architecture is
a complete contrast to the city’s old
quarters. Modern Lisbon is an architectural
showpiece spread along a 3 mile stretch of
the Tagus River.
Pena Palace, near Sintra outside Lisbon, built around 1840 is a bizarre
mix of various architectural styles
Leaving the city of Lisbon behind, our group
travelled to the Algarve, Portugal’s most
popular tourist region with beautiful
beaches and picture perfect rural villages.
Here they had time to rest and relax whilst
explored the beaches, or doing shopping in
Albufeira, a typical coastal village. A
highlight was an excursion, in jeeps, into
the countryside, passing fruit orchards,
rubber trees, indigenous flora and stopping
at quaint villages.
The group agreed that Portugal offered a
perfect balance of sightseeing
opportunities, excellent cuisine and
opportunities to relax and enjoy nature.
Jayesh and Aarti Ranchod, at Cabo da Roca, Europe’s most western point.
Exploring the Algarve.
Sarita Gouws
AmongstUs August09
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Jan Myburgh, team leader.
Neil Lipsitz.
John De-Haan.
Gustav Kruger.
Sophia Nel.
The collective power of talented individuals to achieve group success
Our Siemens Healthcare Sector has started a
bold initiative called the “SWAT” team to help
drive their business objectives and make sure
that the company stays ahead of its
competitors in southern Africa. Launched at
the annual Healthcare conference earlier this
year, the team comprises of: Jan Myburgh
(team leader), Neil Lipsitz, John De-Haan,
Gustav Kruger and Sophia Nel. Inspired by
the SWAT (special weapons and tactics) team
of the USA and some international police
departments, the Siemens Healthcare SWAT
team can also be considered an elite tactical
unit. They are selected to perform high-level
As the latest contribution to our
Ambassador Programme, an on-going
initiative aimed at supporting South
African tertiary intuitions and their
engineering faculties in particular,
Siemens donated ten LOGO! automation
systems to the department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering at the
Tshwane University of Technology.
strategic operations that fall outside their
regular daily activities. The management of
Healthcare understands that the people
closest to the problem are in the best position
to solve the problem, and have therefore put
together a team to harness their intelligence
and develop the most appropriate solutions.
This team of talented individuals from cross
functional departments within the Sector
have been given the mandate to challenge
the way things have always been done and to
implement new ideas in order to achieve
customer and people excellence while
ensuring quality in everything that Siemens
Healthcare does. While a police department’s
SWAT team is equipped with specialised
firearms and equipment, the colleagues in
Healthcare’s SWAT team are armed with
customer knowledge and market
intelligence. They are required to share their
expertise to open up additional business
opportunities and improve Siemens’
competitive advantage. The team must
collectively brainstorm ideas to counter
threats, improve processes and drive change.
Over the past six months, the team has
tackled a project identified by the Sector’s
management as high priority: designing a
customer services marketing concept that
will improve Siemens’ market position.
Under the guidance of Sophia Nel,
Healthcare Sales and Marketing Manager,
the team will present their final
recommendations to Graham Maritz, CEO,
Siemens Healthcare Sector and Sabine
Dall’Omo, CFO, Siemens Healthcare Sector
at the Healthcare Open Forum in
Jennifer Naidoo,
Corporate Communications
Universities benefit from Ambassador programme
Emily Molefe, our Corporate Social
Responsibility manager says the donation
will enable students at the University to
participate in practical hands-on training
lessons where they will learn the first
practical programming of Nano
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).
“As one of the world’s leading automation
companies and a market leader in its
field, the Siemens LOGO! helps students
apply their theoretical knowledge in a
practical way by familiarising them with
the products and systems they are likely
to encounter in the workplace after
graduation,” she says.
For the lessons, Siemens provided ten
LOGO! hardware systems for students
including the software and PC cables,
while for the lecturer, there is an
additional system mounted on a training
display with simulation capabilities.
With the members of the Electronical Engineering Department at the Tshwane University of Technology: Front row from left: Josef Ploch,
Promoter Micro Automation, Siemens IA/DT and Emily Molefe, Siemens CSR Manager. Back row far left: Hendry Heymans, Ambassador.
Centre: Lesego Sekhu, Corporate Communications.
The Ambassador Programme forms part
of our company’s international
Generation 21 initiative that promotes
improved education at primary, secondary
and tertiary levels with a particular focus
on Mathematics and Science and in
support of the SA government’s focus on
skills development.
Other beneficiaries of this programme
include the Cape Peninsula University of
Technology, the University of
Stellenbosch, the University of Pretoria,
the University of Johannesburg, the
University of the Witwatersrand, the
University of Cape Town, the University of
KwaZulu-Natal, the Durban Institute of
Technology, and the Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University.
Emily Molefe,
Corporate Communications
Wits: (Left) Head of School in Electrical and Information Engineering Professor
Ian Jandrell handing over the prize to the award winning Muhammad Khan.
Stellenbosch: Dr Stefan Du Plessis working on one of the
computers donated by Siemens
AmongstUs August09
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SIS rewards
to service
Siemens IT Solutions and
Services (SIS) colleagues
received recognition for
service excellence at an
awards ceremony recently
held at Siemens Park.
The award winners are a team of
employees who perform actions on a
regular basis to improve service delivery.
The service improvement actions they
take are based on the feedback received
from users who rate their IT service
experiences in the end-user surveys
after their call has been resolved.
At the ceremony, Aldon Dickson, SIS
Chief Operations Officer, emphasised
that customer satisfaction is vital in our
business, because it is this factor which
will keep our customers satisfied and
loyal. “Since customer satisfaction sits
very high on my agenda, we need to
acknowledge the people who help
support that. Without the people, there
is no service.”
From left: Aldon Dickson, Arthur Hope (Operations Services Manager,
DOL), Imraan Parak
Sharon Fourie, SIS Local Infrastructure
Operations Director, added that
customer satisfaction is so important
that it affects employee bonuses.
“We can get users to rate their service
experience, but if we don’t use the
ratings to make improvements, it is a
pointless exercise to continue, and that
is where these awards come into play”.
Operational Service Excellence Awards
were awarded to the following team
From left: Aldon Dickson (COO – SIS), Danieta Britz (Service Desk
Manager), Nicola Spies (Associate Operations Controller)
The Top Award went to Leon Stoltz
who, before his recent promotion to
Service Delivery Manager, acted as the
Infrastructure Operations Manager on
the Siemens account.
From left: Aldon Dickson, Basil Webster (Remedy Developer, Process
Tools), Jon Rindle (Process Tools Manager)
Nicola Spies, Associate Operations
Controller - Service Desk and Daleen
Heynecke, Northam Account, were
awarded for outstanding, consistently
dedicated attention to service
Michael Strydom, Operations Services
Manager, Medscheme Account, was
awarded for the actions, from a
customer satisfaction survey point of
view, to maintain the status of
Medscheme as a flagship account.
From left: Aldon Dickson, Michael Strydom (Operations Services
Manager, Medscheme), Imraan Parak (Desktop and Server Manager)
Operational Service Commitment
Awards for consistently dedicated
attention to service excellence was
awarded to Arthur Hope, one of the
Department of Labour Operations
Services Managers as well as Riaan
Loubser, Operations Services Manager
for Transnamib, Jessica Shelembe,
Associate Operations Controller - Service
Desk, Basil Webster, Remedy Developer
and Glenda Hearder, Remedy
Administrator, both from Process Tools.
From left: Aldon Dickson, Jessica Shelembe (Associate Operations
Controller, Service Desk), Danieta Britz (Service Desk Manager).
In addition, two special awards were
presented: one to AJ Meyer, Service
Operations Analyst who received an
Operational Service Commitment Award
for outstanding dedication to the design
& maintenance of customer satisfaction
reports, as well as to Chris Lemmer from
Process Tools who received an
Operational Service Commitment Award
for dedicated attention to the design of
the new customer satisfaction templates
on the new service management tool.
From left: Aldon Dickson, AJ Meyer (Service Operations Analyst), Sharon
Claire Carradice, SIS
From left: Aldon Dickson, Glenda Hearder (Remedy Administrator,
Process Tools), Jon Rindle.
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Arts and culture
on canvas
In celebration of our Energy Sector’s early
completion of the Gas1 project at the
Ankerlig power station in Atlantis and the
Gourikwa power station in Mossel Bay,
Siemens commissioned a student from the
Funda Community College in Soweto to
visually capture the project on canvas.
The painting was presented to Eskom at a
function to celebrate the completion, two
months ahead of schedule, of seven Open
Cycle Gas Turbines, Type SGT5-2000E,
with a combined power output of 1029
MW. These units complement the earlier
seven units of equal output, installed at
both sites.
The power plants are designed to alleviate
the extreme critical generation capacity in
the Western Cape during peak morning
and afternoon periods as well as to
provide a comprehensive backup during
the 2010 world cup soccer event.
Claude Trevisan,
Energy Sector
Project Management Members of the Siemens AG and Siemens Limited consortium with the artwork painted by a Funda Community College student.
Gourikwa power station in Mossel Bay: In the foreground the Gas1 Project (two units) and in
the background the OCGT Project (three units).
Over the years, Siemens has created a
networking platform with Learning
Institutions and schools around the country
to help schools and university learners gain
a better understanding of Siemens and our
business’s primary focus.
Ankerlig power station in Atlantis: In the foreground the Gas1 Project (five units) and in the
background, the OCGT Project (four units).
Ongoing skills development
Sharon Thotharam, from our Recruitment
Centre explains, “On a yearly basis, we visit
top schools and universities around the
country, in order to promote career
opportunities with Siemens as well as our
training programmes such as the
Commercial Advancement Training Scheme.
“Our aim and focus is to recruit, further
develop and grow selected matriculants and
graduates in their field of interest. Our
development and training programmes
inform learners about training opportunities
offered by our organisation as well as the
requirements for studies from a university
perspective. “
On a recent visit to our partner school,
Ingqayizivele High School in Tembisa,
matriculants were informed of career
opportunities with Siemens.
Sharon Thotharam,
Human Resources
Sharon Thotharam, Human Resources, with students at Ingqayizivele High School.