2,6 MB - internationale tanzmesse nrw
2,6 MB - internationale tanzmesse nrw
promoting dance t a n z me ss e i nfo 2 0 1 2 Auch 2012 war für die internationale tanzmesse nrw wieder ein Jahr der Erfolge und neuer Rekorde! Im zehnten Jahr in der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf hat sich unsere Vision von der internationalen tanzmesse nrw verwirklicht: Die Tanzmesse ist ein internationaler Kontakthof von Kunstmachern, Kunstvermittlern und Kunsterverwertern. Mit dieser „tanzmesse info“ präsentieren wir Ihnen einen Rückblick auf die internationale tanzmesse nrw 2012. Noch mehr Bilder, Videoausschnitte aus dem Künstlerischen Programm und einen breiteren Eindruck über die Tanzmesse 2012 erhalten Sie auf unserer Webseite www.tanzmesse.com.Dort finden Sie die neuesten Informationen über die internationale tanzmesse 2014, die vom 27. bis 30. August stattfinden wird – einen Überblick über wichtige Daten erhalten Sie bereits auf der Rückseite dieser „tanzmesse info“. Ihr Tanzmesse Team The year 2012 was once more a year of success and new records for the internationale tanzmesse nrw! In its 10th year in Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhein Westphalia (NRW), we have achieved our prime goal and realized the vision. The internationale tanzmesse nrw was created to be an international “Kontakthof” for artists, agents and organizers and with the 2012 edition that vision has been achieved. With this “tanzmesse info” we present to you a retrospective of the internationale tanzmesse nrw 2012 with objective statistics and facts as well as personal impressions and comments. To give you a broader impression of Tanzmesse 2012, you will find more photos and film excerpts from the performances of the artistic program on our website www.tanzmesse.com. On the website you will find the latest information on internationale tanzmesse 2014, which will take place from 27 to 30 August – for a quick overview on Tanzmesse 2014, take a look at the back cover of this “tanzmesse info”. Your Tanzmesse Team Now online: Tanzmesse Documentation 2012: http://www.youtube.com/user/tanzmesse/videos © photos by Ursula Kaufmann www.tanzmesse.com !.=.: =;<.55.::.48:=7- >.:0:HJ.:<. .;;.1*55.7 *A>CI >34A F464= 34A 0=70;C4=34= F4;CF48C4= 8=0=I:A8B4 E4AI4827=4C4 384 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4 C0=I<4BB4 =AF 48=4= =4D4= DBBC4;;4A D=3 4BD274AA4:>A3 DBBC4;;4A 0DB 0;;4A -4;C F0A4= 0= $4BB4BCL=34= E4ACA4C4= AD=3 <47A 0;B 8< (4:>A3907A (D=3 3A48 ,84AC4; 34A DBBC4;;4A :0<4= 0DB 34< DB;0=3 0DB 4DCB27;0=3 A48BC4= 0DB 4DA>?L8B274= #L=34A= 0= :0<4= 0DB K14AB44 D=3 784A E>A 0;;4< 0DB %>A30<4A8:0 D=3 B84= ABC<0;B F0A4= DB BC4;;4A 0DB 78=0 E4ACA4C4= 7B*15 -.: =;;<.55.: 7*,1 F7-.:7 $.0287.7 !=6+.: 8/ .@12+2<8:; *,,8:-270 <8 ,8=7<:2.; :.0287; 4DCB27;0=3 4A<0=H K14AB44 &E4AB40B DA>?0 DA>?4 !=6+.: 8/ .@12+2<8:; 1*; :2;.7 *0*27 4B?8C4 >A 3D4 C> C74 >=6>8=6 58=0=280; 2A8B8B C74 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4 C0=I<4BB4 A468BC4A43 <>A4 4G7818C>AB 0=3 E8B8C>AB C70= 4E4A 145>A4 *7A44 7D=3A43 0=3 CF4=CH >=4 4G7818C>AB 5A>< 0A>D=3 C74 F>A;3 F4A4 A4?A4B4=C43 0C 4G7818C8>= 1>>C7B R 0= 8=2A40B4 >5 0??A>G8<0C4;H 2><?0A43 C> C74 A42>A3 H40A *74 ;0A64BC 6A>D? >5 4G7818C>AB 20<4 5A>< 5>A486= 2>D=CA84B 20<4 5A>< DA>?4 5A>< >E4AB40B 8= ?0AC82D;0A 5A>< %>AC7 <4A820 0=3 B80 0=3 5A>< 4A<0=H >A C74 58ABC C8<4 >A60=8B0C8>=B 5A>< 78=0 ?0AC828?0C43 8= C74 *0=I<4BB4 P 0;; ?7>C>B 1H +ABD;0 "0D5<0== (2.5/*5< *=/ -.: I17. 26 %<=-28 =726 #.:/8:6*7,. #*:,8=:; 0B :N=BC;4A8B274 'A>6A0<< 34A *0=I<4BB4 70C 30B NBB4;3>A54A 'D1;8:D< D=3 *0=I14648BC4AC4 0DB %>A3A748= -4BC50;4= 0=64I>64= -L7A4=3 34A E84A *064 34A 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4= C0=I<4BB4 =AF F0A4= ,>ABC4;;D=64= &?4= )CD38>B D=3 34A '4A5>A<0=24 '0A2>DAB 384 =074ID 0;;4 0DBE4A:0D5C F0A4= ID B474= 0B =4D4 >A<0C 34B '4A5>A<0=24 '0A2>DAB <8C '4A5>A<0=24B D=3 =BC0;;0C8>=4= 30B 0D5 34< 4;L=34 34A 0=B '4C4A /8<<4A )C85CD=6 BC0CC50=3 70C 384 /DB270D4A 0D5 48=4 A:D=3D=6BC>DA 64B2782:C R 48= A;41=8B ;>B64;MBC E>< CA038C8>=4;;4= N7=4=A0D< %827C =DA 3DA27 384 8<<4A =4D4 ">=BC4;;0C8>= E>= DBBC4;;4A= "><?0=84= D=3 02714BD274A B>=34A= E>A 0;;4< 3DA27 =4D4 >A<0C4 D=3 ">>?4A0C8>=4= F84 <8C >;;0=3 >= C74 $>E4 5NA 30B "8=34A D=3 !D64=3?A>6A0<< 184C4C 384 *0=I<4BB4 0;;4 IF48 !07A4 48=4= =4D4= ;82: D=3 48=4= =4D4= ;82:F8=:4; 0D5 384 8=C4A=0C8> =0;4 *0=IF4;C D27 34A ?A>54BB8>=4;;4 DB C0DB27 8= ">=54A4=I4= D=3 8B:DBB8>=4= 64F8==C 5NA 384 *0=IBI4=4 F8434A BCLA:4A 0= 434DCD=6 R 0;; 384B4 )CAM<D=64= B?8464;C 384 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4 C0=I<4BB4 F834A ,>= 18B B8=3 8=B64B0<C =0C8> =0;4 D=3 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4 "><?0=84= D=3 )>;8B C4= 8< :N=BC;4A8B274= 'A>6A0<< 34A 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4= C0=I<4BB4 =AF 0D564CA4C4= 2>.:;2<A 87 ;<*0. 27 <1. ;<=-28 *727 <1. #.:/8:6*7,. #*:,8=:; *74 0AC8BC82 ?A>6A0< >5 C74 *0=I<4BB4 70B 0CCA02C43 C74 NBB4;3>A5 64=4A0; 0D384=24 0=3 30=24 4=C7DB80BCB 5A>< %>AC7 (78=4 -4BC?70 ;80 DA8=6 C74 5>DA 30HB >5 C74 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4 C0=I<4BB4 ?4A5>A<0=24B &?4= )CD38>B 0=3 C74 '4A5>A<0=24 '0A2>DAB F4A4 ?A4B4=C43 R <>BC >5 C74 4E4=CB F4A4 B>;3 >DC *74 =4F 5>A<0C >5 C74 '4A5>A<0=24 '0A2>DAB F8C7 ?4A5>A<0=24B 0=3 8=BC0;;0C8>=B ?4A5>A<43 >= C74 ?A4<8B4B >5 C74 0=B '4C4A /8<<4A )C85CD=6 B4=C C74 0D384=24 >= 0 9>DA=4H C7A>D67 C74 5>A<4A 10:8=6 502C>AH R 0= 4G?4A84=24 A4<>E43 5A>< C74 CA038C8>=0; BC064 *74 *0=I<4BB4 ?A>E834B 4E4AH CF> H40AB 0 =4F E84F 0=3 0 =4F ?4AB?42C8E4 >= C74 8=C4A=0C8>=0; 30=24 F>A;3 =>C >=;H F8C7 4E4A 270=68=6 2>= BC4;;0C8>=B >5 4G7818C>AB 2><?0=84B 0=3 ?A> 54BB8>=0; E8B8C>AB 1DC 8= ?0AC82D;0A C7A>D67 =4F 5>A<0CB 0=3 2>;;01>A0C8>=B BD27 0B C74 278;3A4= 0=3 H>DC7 ?A>6A0< 8= 2>>?4A0C8>= F8C7 >;;0=3 >= C74 $>E4 $>A4>E4A ?A>54BB8>=0; 4G270=64 8= 2>=54A4=24B 0=3 ?0=4; 38B2DBB8>=B 8B 8= 2A40B8=6;H A4608=8=6 8<?>AC0=24 R 0;; C74B4 CA4=3B 0A4 A45;42C43 8= C74 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4 C0=I <4BB4 4CF44= 0=3 0 C>C0; >5 =0C8>=0; 0=3 8=C4A=0C8>=0; 2><?0=84B 0=3 B>;> 0AC8BCB 70E4 ?4A5>A<43 8= C74 0AC8BC82 ?A>6A0< >5 C74 8=C4A=0C8>=0;4 C0=I<4BB4 =AF 27 *:495*<B /I: -.7 &*7B M 869*72.7 7=<B<.7 -2. 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This was quite something else from what they have experienced in many other international gatherings. Justine Doswell, Irland Liz Roche Company It was an exciting, very rich and fruitful four days, we met old friends and made a lot of new ones. Performing Fast Portraits in your 2012 programme, gave the company a valuable opportunity to showcase the work. Overall we had a wonderful time and for me it was my first Tanzmesse! Fantastic, just fantastic! John Scott, Ireland We really enjoyed our time in Dusseldorf, it was fantastic to be included in your fabulous programme and to have the opportunity to perform and meet so many interesting people from around the world of Dance. Niina Airaksinen, Finland Dancer-choreographer, video/photographer, producer Yes it was a VERY fruitful week there, I enjoyed it greatly, got loads of new contacts, saw great shows and had very interesting discussions in depth. » » Arató Balázs, Hungary I am already missing the atmosphere and want to go back. You should prolong the festival. » Howool Baek, Germany I got quite good feedback after my performance. And I will see what’s gonna happen in the future. :) For me, it was first time to be in the art market. I think it was worth to be there. » Susanne Linke, Germany es war doch großartig gelaufen und die Stimmung war bombig und die Bude brummte und schien aus den Nähten zu platzen. » » Lene Bang | Vonpang, Norway International relations & booking I am still following up on the conversations as a lot of positive exchange took place during the concentrated days. » Eric Oberdorff, France We indeed had very interesting contacts for the Compagnie’s Humaine's projects about touring the existing works and producing our new works. We were also very happy for the success and the important interest met by our European network 'studiotrade' which, as you know, has been founded after a meeting during the 2010 Tanzmesse. © Rhida Zouari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andeshauptstadt Düsseldorf 2< '7<.:;<I<B=70 >87 ;=998:<.- +A (468BCA0C8>= )C0ACB 'D1;820C8>= '4A5>A<0=24B 'A>6A0< *82:4C B0;4 BC0ACB *A (468BCA0C8>= >>C7 )C055 BC0ACB -I;;.5-8:/ M 0.:6*7A 84 27<.:7*<287*5. <*7B6.;;. 8BC 48= 'A>94:C 34B =AF ;0=34B1D4A> C0=I 64CA064= E>= 34A 4B4;;B2705C 5NA /48C64=MBB8B274= *0=I %(- 4 , *74 27<.:7*<287*5. <*7B6.;;. 8B 0 ?A>942C >5 C74 =AF ;0=34B1D4A> C0=I BD??>AC43 1H C74 /* %(- )>284CH 5>A >=C4<?>A0AH 0=24 8= %>AC7 (78=4 -4BC?70;80 ;>B8=6 30C4 5>A ?A>?>B0;B !8> 9:25 ??;820C8>= ?A>24BB BC0ACB ;>B8=6 30C4 5>A 40A;H 1>>:8=6 >>C7 (4=C0; BC0ACB %.9< 27<.:7*<287*5. <*7B6.;;.