Midterm Report - Foundry sand project
Midterm Report - Foundry sand project
Re-use of surplus foundry sand by composting LIFE13 ENV/FI/285 Midterm Report Covering the project activities from 01/08/2014 to 30/04/2016 Reporting Date 03/06/2016 LIFE-Foundrysand Project Data Project location Finland Project start date: 01/08/2014 Project end date: 31/03/2018 Extension date: - Total Project duration (in months) 44 months Total budget 2,051,644 € Total eligible budget 1,992,144 € EU contribution: 996,070 € (%) of total costs 50 % (%) of eligible costs Beneficiary Data Name Beneficiary Meehanite Technology Ltd Contact person Ms Sara Tapola Postal address Kuokkamaantie 4, 33800 Tampere Visit address Kuokkamaantie 4, 33800 Tampere Telephone +358 40 5518761 Fax: E-mail sara.tapola@ax.fi Project Website www.life-foundrysand.com 1. List of content 1. 2. 3. 4. List of content ..................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 4 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 8 Administrative part ........................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Description of the management system ......................................................................... 10 4.2 Evaluation of the management system........................................................................... 17 5. Technical part.................................................................................................................... 18 5.1. Technical progress, per task .......................................................................................... 18 5.1.1 A1 Preparation of compost sites in Finland and Spain......................................................... 18 5.1.2 B1 Surplus sand quality control and sand samples process in foundries............................. 20 5.1.3 B2 Compost processing on laboratory scale ........................................................................ 24 5.1.4 B3 Composting in Finland..................................................................................................... 32 5.1.5 B4 Composting in Spain........................................................................................................ 41 5.1.6 B5 Biological and project outcomes..................................................................................... 46 5.1.7 B6 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 49 5.1.8 C1 Project monitoring .......................................................................................................... 50 5.1.9 D1 Notice boards and the Layman’s report ......................................................................... 52 5.1.10 D2 Website and social media ............................................................................................. 53 5.1.11. D3 Events........................................................................................................................... 54 5.1.12. D4 Publications and the dissemination material............................................................... 55 5.1.13. E1 Project management and reporting by Meehanite...................................................... 56 5.1.14. E2 Networking with other LIFE Projects............................................................................ 57 5.1.15. E3 After Life Communication Plan..................................................................................... 59 5.1.16. E4 Project auditing ............................................................................................................ 60 5.2 Dissemination actions .................................................................................................... 61 5.2.1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 61 5.2.2 Dissemination: overview per activity ............................................................................ 61 5.3 Evaluation of Project implementation............................................................................ 67 5.4 Analysis of long-term benefits ....................................................................................... 71 6. Comments on the financial report..................................................................................... 78 6.1. Summary of Costs Incurred....................................................................................... 78 2 3 2. Executive Summary The overall objective of the LIFE-Foundrysand project is to support the sustainable production and waste prevention and recycling by studying how different foundry sand types can be cleaned and hazardous organic compounds eliminated by the innovative composting method piloted in this project. The aim of the LIFE-Foundrysand project is to keep contaminated foundry waste sands away from landfills that in coming years have more and more limited capacity, and to establish and improve acceptance of this generally valuable cleaned and recycled soil material to be used for geo-engineering applications in the future. The design of the pilot test arrangements started in autumn 2014 in Finland (Action A1). The first environmental permit for pilot tests to be carried out in Pälkäne, Finland was delivered to the Regional State Administrative Agency (RSAA) in November 2014. Pilot site designs and drawings were made in cooperation with Humuspehtoori Oy, Meehanite Technology Ltd, AX-LVI Consulting Ltd and Salaojakeskus Oy. Humuspehtoori Oy and Biopap Oy decided to withdrawn from the Foundrysand project in February 2015. Humuspehtoori was responsible for composting test activities in Finland (Action B3). Humuspehtooori decided to withdraw from the project because of an unforeseen large increase of more than 100, 000 – 500, 000 € in the costs needed for the pilot site construction work. The increase in costs was due to new unforeseen requirements stated in the environmental permit granted by RSAA. Biopap was the company making the biological and chemical analyses of the Finnish composting tests in the project (Action B5). Biopap withdrew from the project because of an unforeseeable change in work load in 2015. The company is a one-man company and therefore no other employee can be allocated to project activities. After receiving the announcement from Humuspehtoori for leaving the project completely in February 2015, the coordinating beneficiary started to look for other partner candidates in Pirkanmaa area. A new suitable partner was found and the preparations of the new pilot site environmental permit were started. The new partner is Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto (Tampere Regional Solid Waste Management Ltd) and they have an existing waste treatment center (landfill) in Nokia. Some clarifications were requested by authorities and the revised environmental permit for pilot tests in Koukkujärvi, Nokia was received on 18th June 2015. The pilot site preparation work was completed in August 2015. In Spain there was no need for environmental permit since Ormaiztegi pilot site had the environmental permit existing already. Also the pilot site needed no additional work or preparation work before the pilot tests (Action B4). In the original Grant agreement Biopap provided biological and chemical analyses for the project in action B5. In the new project structure AX and the new partner Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelut Ltd (Eurofins) will divide the activities of Biopap in action B5 between them. AX will carry out the sampling procedure, collect the samples and deliver them to 4 Eurofins. Eurofins will do the biological and chemical analyses and deliver the results to AX. AX will be responsible for reporting of the results. The revised amendment request was delivered to the Commission on 23rd November 2015 because the partnership changes were regarded as substantial. Project overall activities and total costs did not change but there were some changes between cost categories. The Partnership Agreements with the new partners were made and PA’s of the existing partners were revised and submitted parallel with the amendment request. The AR was approved and signed on 3rd February 2016. The withdrawn of these two partners cased a lot of unforeseen extra work for the coordinator in the preparation activities in action A1 Preparation activities in Finland and also some delays in this action but did not effect on the project overall timetable to start with the composting tests in action B3 according to the Grant Agreement. In the action B1 Surplus sand quality control and sand samples in foundries, guidelines of treating and handling the surplus foundrysand in foundries will be provided. Based on the project first composting test results in summer 2015 and experiences from his previous projects, the draft version of the guidelines for surplus foundry sand and its assessment of applicability in composting are produced by Mr Devendra Maharjan from the Aalto yliopisto as a master of science of technology thesis. The guidelines will be updated in the final report when more results of foundrysand qualities are available and when the ongoing MARA –asetus (Valtioneuvoston asetus eräiden eräiden jätteiden hyödyntämisestä maanrakentamisessa 591/2006, Government decree of some waste reuse in geo-construction work) will be finalised by the end of 2017. The new recommendations will be taken into account in the guidelines and recommendations for foundries in quality control system. Compost processing on laboratory scale (action B2) tests started in March 2015 by Helsinki University. Final results are presented in this midterm report. Small scale tests were carried out in Jokimaa experiment field site in Lahti and in laboratory premises. Results are presented in the Deliverable B2 Compost processing on laboratory scale (Annex 1). A master of thesis work was produced of these test results by Ms Johanna Pollari from University of Helsinki. The tests were not as successfully as needed and therefore more laboratory scale tests will be made in 2016 to get more concreate and valuable information of the optimal and critical parameters affecting for composting method. This action will continue until the end of 2016. In action B3 Composting tests in Finland the pilot tests are carried out in summer 2015 and in winter (December-June) 2015-2016 according to the Grant Agreement. Six test heaps were constructed and tested in summer 2016 and three double-sized test heaps were are currently tested for winter tests in Koukkujärvi pilot site. Meehanite Technology is responsible for the test arrangements in cooperation with the new partner, Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto. Results from the first tests in summer 2015 were promising and tests were successfully completed. New summer test heaps size were constructed in May 2016 and tests be completed in November 2016. Also the meadow test was constructed in May 2016 in the same pilot site where foundry sand will be added in the humus layer and e.g. oat seems are planted. Aim is to study how the hazardous organic compounds from foundry 5 sand will be eliminated from the humus layer. This test will end in October 2016 according to the Grant Agreement. Tecnalia started the composting tests in August 2015 (Action B4). Tecnalia constructed three small size test heaps representing different types of foundrysand specimens. The tests were completed in March 2016. Results are reported in this midterm report but some samples are still being analysed. The kick-off meeting with Tecnalia and Meehanite was arranged in Bilbao on 15.4.2014 and pilot sites and test arrangements were presented and discussed. Tecnalia visited the Finnish pilot site for learning on 30th June 2016. Meehanite visited and checked the pilot site arrangements of Tecnalia in Spain in the beginning of March 2016. Summer 2016 tests will start after the final analyses are made and the demolition of the test heaps of autumn 2015 tests can start. Original partner, Biopap Oy, was responsible for the activities in action B5 Biological and chemical analyses. The analyses originally planned to Biopap are re-allocated to the new partner Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu Ltd and to AX Cunsulting Ltd. They will be responsible for the chemical and biological analyses. AX-LVI Consulting Ltd will do the sampling procedure, deliver the samples from Koukkujärvi pilot site to Eurofins for analyses. The analyses to be made were decided in the kick-off project meeting and these are according to the environmental permit approved by the RSAA authority. Results are reported to the local environmental authorities at Centre for Economic Development and Transport and Environment (Pirkanmaan ELY-keskus) and also Environmental authorities in Nokia Community and waste treatment plant in Nokia are informed. Test results are evaluated and controlled by project partners in Action C1 in project quality control meetings (6 meetings in 2015). Results are reported in the action B3 Composting tests in Finland B3 and action B4 Composting tests in Spain. The overall progress of the project activities are followed in action C1 Project monitoring by project partners. In 2015 six quality control meetings were arranged and composting test results were discussed and future tests and activities were decided. Communication activities are reported in actions D and they are progressing as planned. Meehanite is responsible for these activities. Notice board was placed on pilot site in Koukkujärvi on May 2015 and in Spain in August 2015 for test trials. Project website was opened in January 2015 (www.life-foundrysand.com). Website is the key platform for exchange of information between partners as well as with wider interested audience has been established and will be continuously updated. Two articles have been published in the AX magazine in 2014 and 2015. Helsinki University will produce two technical publications on 2016 and 2017 in relevant magazines of the laboratory scale test results. Project leaflet, roll-up and poster models were updated in March 2015 with new partners and these were delivered to the partners for dissemination purposes. Meehanite and AX have participated in 10 relevant happening and events presenting the project activities in 2015 and until April 2016. Meehanite read a paper in Finnish foundry association annual seminar in March 2016 where foundry representatives were present. The composting method and the results were widely 6 discussed in the seminar. More events will be participated and results will be disseminated after all tests are completed and results are available. Project management activities are carried out in actions E. In total 11 project meetings were arranged in 2015 including project overall technical and financial issues and reporting, detailed planning of actions and progress and delays in actions. Steering Committee meetings were merged into project meetings because the project consortium is very small and same persons are involved in the project meetings are also participating in project activities and are responsible for the cost reporting. In project meetings high-level management issues like amendments to the work plan, financial matters and monitoring of the project are decided. Costs are reported to the coordinator every 4th month by the partners. Meehanite is responsible for technical and financial reporting to the Commission in progress reports. Inception report was submitted to the Commission on 30th of April 2015 covering the period of 1st of August 2014 to 30th of April 2016. Two monitoring meetings were arranged with NEEMO EEI Monitoring Team on 4.9.2015 and on 11.5.2016. In spite of the withdrawn of two original partners no changes in the project actions and overall objectives have occurred. Project actions are in timetable and objectives will be successfully reached based on the results gained already from the first composting tests. All activities will be implemented as planned and according to the Grant Agreement. 7 3. Introduction The aim of the LIFE Foundrysand project is to keep contaminated foundry waste sands away from landfills that in coming years have more and more limited capacity, and to establish and improve acceptance of this generally valuable cleaned and recycled soil material to be used for geo-engineering applications in the future. In Europe, around 18 M tons of foundry waste sand is left over every year and in many cases big landfills do not have enough capacity to deposit those large amounts of waste sand. In most countries several smaller landfills are being closed and replaced by large so called “EU landfills”, so the distances and transport costs to the landfills are also increasing for the foundry companies and alternative ways of treating those wastes in a more environmental friendly way have to be found. The main idea is to study the quality target of the piloted specimens to fulfil the product requirements for re-using the cleaned sand as substitute ground construction materials or other soil-like materials for geo-engineering applications. Therefore, the specific objectives are to: develop a new method for cleaning and re-using foundry sand through composting; produce guides on practical level for foundries and suppliers of the cleaning service in Europe; implement the procedure for foundries to minimize their wastes, for reducing the operational costs for foundries and therefore saving energy; improve acceptance of this valuable material (the cleaned foundry sand) for agricultural and geo-engineering applications, especially in areas of low humus content in soils this can be a valuable exercise to create soil as an artificial layer in order to improve fertility, and to substitute synthetic fertilizers. There is a future vision of this sustainable composting system (or service) that can be transferred to the areas where several foundries operate in the same region to clean the surplus foundry sand for reuse purposes. There are about 4000 sand foundries in Europe – estimated 200 of them could apply this new method by 2020 and 1000 in Europe by 2025. At the moment only the foundries equipped with the thermal sand reclamation can treat surplus sand in sustainable way. They do it in recycling but not in disposing yet while this is expensive and not obligatory. In the first phase the innovative composting method, an optimized process will be established including the optimized receipts, optimized reaction conditions, adequate quality control and detailed product specifications. Based on these experiences an economic validation of the method will be carried out. That is the basis to convince the future consumers and financers to guarantee the sustainability (there is a clear and proven market need). The targets of the project address and support the following EU Targets (Mainstreaming sustainable development into EU policies: 2009 review of the European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development; Brussels, 24.07.2009): Climate change (and clean energy); 8 Sustainable (consumption and) production and waste prevention; Conservation and management of natural resources. The project activities support the EU Waste Frame Directive (2008/98/EC) in increasing the reuse of the industrial waste in other applications and increasing the recycling of waste instead of landfilling. Project aim is to reduce the amount of surplus foundry sand to be landfilled and to find cost-effective innovate method to reuse the industrial waste in geo-engineering applications. Within the goal "climate change impact" it shall be found out if the new process will be advantageous with respect to methane, CO, and CO2 production by microbiological degradation. 9 4. Administrative part 4.1 Description of the management system Overall progress of the project activities is controlled by the coordinator (Meehanite). Coordinator, Mr Markku Tapola, who is responsible for project technical implementation and progress of pilot tests and planning the future test arrangements. Project manager, Ms Sara Tapola is responsible for financial and technical reporting for the Commission. Partners are responsible for cost reporting assisted by the project manager. In total 11 project meetings were arranged with project partners and relevant stakeholders. Dates, agendas and participants of meetings are presented in table below. In project meetings progress of actions, results, and future activities with test arrangements were planned and discussed. Also the administrative and financial issues were handled in these meetings. In addition to the project partners also relevant representatives like authorities from Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Pirkanmaa, Environmental authorities from Nokia Community, Nokian Vesi (waste water treatment plant in Nokia) and foundry representatives were invited. More relevant stakeholders will be contacted and invited to the meetings and excursions will be arranged in summer 2016. Memos were mailed to the participants and they are placed on the project website (www.life-foundrysand.com) on private site. Steering Committee meetings were merged into project meetings because the size of the consortium is very small in this project and same persons are involved in project overall meetings where high-level management issues like amendments to the work plan, financial matters and monitoring of the project were decided. Two monitoring meetings with Neemo EEIG monitoring team members were also arranged (2015 and 2016). Agenda Kick-off meeting in London Project meeting in Lahti Project kick-off meeting in Tampere Time 20.10.2014 21.1.2015 25.2.2015 Negotiations with new partner Eurofins Project monitoring meeting with Ms Inta Duce and Ms Sonja Jaari and project representatives Project meeting with Tecnalia, Spain 29.4.2015 9.4.2015 15-16.4.2015 Participants Meehanite Helsinki University, Meehanite Meehanite, AX, Helsinki University, Biopap, Aalto University Eurofins, AX, Meehanite Neemo EEIG, Helsinki University, AX, Meehanite Tecnalia, Meehanite, Aalto University 10 Project meeting and excursion to pilot site 30.6.2015 Project management, administrative issues, situation with composting tests, results and analyses Project presentation to authorities and local water companies 3.9.2015 Project meeting with partners, authorities, and foundry representatives. Project activities and results of summer 2015 pilot tests Meeting with Evira for presenting the results of LIFE project so far and the composting endproduct Project meeting in Spain with Tecnalia and pilot site visit by Meehanite Project meeting with Helsinki University of the lab scale test results and additional tests in 2016 25.11.2015 Project monitoring meeting with Ms Sonja Jaari and project representatives. Summer 2016 test planning with Hki University 11.5.2016 9.9.2015 19.1.2016 Tecnalia, Helsinki University (HU), AX, Meehanite Eurofins, Meehanite, AX Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Pirkanmaa, Nokia City, Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto (PJH), Nokian Vesi Oy, Meehanite, AX Componenta Pori Oyj, Alteams Oy, Nokia City, Aalto University, HU, Eurofins, Meehanite and AX Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, AX, Meehanite 2-3.3.2016 Tecnalia, Meehanite 19.4.2016 Martin Romantshuk (SC member), Olli-Pekka Penttinen, Johanna Pollari (HU), Seppo Heinänen (AX), Sara Tapola and Markku Tapola (Meehanite) Neemo EEIG, HU, AX, Meehanite Project actions are planned in meetings with partners responsible and involved in each action. Coordinator will invite the partners for meeting where detailed planning of activities will be made and decided. During the tests meetings are arranged and coordinator will visit the pilot sites for check-up. Progress of the tests will be followed by emails, phone calls and test results delivery. When all results are available these will be handled in project meetings will all partners. Project activities are reported in project memos. Meetings are arranged regularly in Finland with all partners so beneficiaries are informed and updated of project activities and future activities. Tecnalia´s activities in Spain related to the composting tests and dissemination activities are discussed in emails and phone calls with Patricia Caballero and the coordinator Markku Tapola and project manager Sara Tapola. Three meetings with Tecnalia have been arranged in 2015-March 2016. Tecnalia will visit Finland in summer 2016 to see the new test arrangements and updating the project future other activities. 11 Costs are reported and invoices mailed to the coordinator every 4th month. Coordinator is responsible for technical and financial reporting to the Commission in progress reports. Project coordinating beneficiary and associated beneficiaries Coordinating beneficiary Meehanite Technology Oy is the coordinating beneficiary of the project. Meehanite is a young company (established in 2009) in the field of environmental engineering like emission control, odours abatement and energy saving options of different industry sectors. Meehanite personnel have been working as coordinating beneficiary in four LIFE projects since 2006. Meehanite is responsible for administrative and financial reporting of the project (Action E1). Meehanite is the contact partner with the Commission. Meehanite is responsible for progress reporting, midterm and final reporting in cooperation with the associated beneficiaries. Meehanite requests financial documents and invoices from beneficiaries about every 4th month. Or more often if needed to be updated of the current cost reporting and cost categories. Meehanite is also responsible for project progress and monitoring activities and quality control in Action C1. Meehanite will also participate in producing the project dissemination materials and notice boards (Actions D1 and D4). The dissemination materials are reported in section 5.2.2 Dissemination activities. Meehanite is responsible for action B3 Composting activities in Finland. Associated beneficiaries AX-LVI Consulting Ltd: AX-LVI Consulting was established in 2006. The Environmental Unit of AX Consulting is specializing in environmental engineering and air pollution control design, measurement services (industrial processes, industrial hygiene, boiler, noise and HPAC), energy analyses, safety studies, risk analyses and life cycle assessment. During piloting studies all relevant environmental impacts will be investigated. These are: dust that is emitted from windrows in normal condition and mixing treatment, gases and odours (according the odour panel standard EN13725) and noise emission will be measured while transport and mixing the heaps. The impacts dispersion will be modelled around the test site in 2015 and 2016. Weather conditions (temperature, wind, rain, humidity, cloudiness, shine) will also be controlled continuously in pilot site by AX. AX will be responsible for the biological and chemical control of the field tests in action B5. AX will carry out the sample procedure of the composting materials and waste waters. Samples will be delivered to Eurofins for analyses. AX will report the results. Tecnalia Research & Innovation: Tecnalia is responsible for field tests in Spain (Action B4). Composting field tests will be tested also in Spain in order to study the climate impacts in this innovative 12 composting method. Tecnalia will construct the tests heaps and report the test results. Tecnalia is responsible for carrying out the laboratory tests by their own laboratory services. Tecnalia has a test field area where the composting tests will be carried out. Tecnalia will also participate in project dissemination activities and in relevant events (Action D3). Tecnalia will be in contact in Spanish authorities and disseminate the project results to relevant stakeholders in Spain (D4). Helsinki University: HU is responsible for the laboratory scale tests (Action B2). Small scale containers each of size about 200 kg will be used for composting tests. Same sand specimen will be used as in composting tests in Koukkujärvi pilot site. Duration of each treatment was about three months. Laboratory tests were carried out in summer 2015. Also outdoor experiments at Jokimaa test field in Lahti were made. The master of thesis work will be produced of the test arrangements by Ms Johanna Pollari in autumn 2016. Prof. Olli-Pekka Penttinen is responsible for the Helsinki University activities. Laboratory personnel will carry out the analyses of the pilot tests with Ms Pollari (hired for project work). HU will participate in project monitoring activities evaluating the test results and project deliverables with other partners. HU will also participate in relevant events and seminars during the project. HU will also produce articles in relevant magazines in cooperation with coordinating beneficiary. Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto: PJH is responsible for composting field tests in Finland (Action B3). PJH will provide a test field site of size about 2000 m2 at the Koukkujärvi landfill area for project purposes and they will construct the test heaps, maintain the composting heaps and monitor the test arrangements and quality control. They will also take care of the endproduct material and use it at the landfill site. PJH will provide the device, personnel and field test area for project purposes. PJH will participate in project meetings. PJH will invite relevant stakeholders and authorities to visit the field site for disseminating purposes. Viljavuuspalvelu Eurofins: Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelut Ltd has over 16.000 employees across 200 sites in 36 countries, Eurofins is the leading international group of laboratories providing an unparalleled range of testing and support services to the pharmaceutical, food, agricultural, environmental and consumer products industries and to governments Eurofins in Mikkeli will work in the project for composting material and waste water analysis services. AX will gather the samples and deliver these to Eurofins for analyses. Eurofins will analyse all the sand specimens, composting materials and waste waters of composting tests in Finland (Action B5). Eurofins will also participate in project meetings (Action E1) and quality control of test results (Action C1). 13 Project organigramme 14 The overall progress of the project Action Number/name action A1. Preparation of compost sites in Finland and Spain 2014 of B1. Surplus sand quality control B2. Compost processing on lab scale B3. Composting in Finland B4. Composting in Spain B5. Biological and chemical control B6. Conclusions and project outcomes C1. Project monitoring D1. Notice boards and the Layman’s report D2. Website and social media D3. Events D4. Publications and the dissemination materials E1. Project management and reporting by Meehanite E2. Networking with other LIFE projects III IV 2015 I II III IV 2016 I II III IV 2017 I II III IV 2018 I Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual E3. After LIFE communication plan Planned E4. Project auditing Actual Planned Actual 15 Amendment no 1 to the Grant Agreement Humuspehtoori Oy and Biopap Oy decided to withdrawn from the Foundrysand project in February 2015. Humuspehtoori was responsible for composting test activities in Finland (Action B3). Humuspehtooori decided to withdraw from the project because of an unforeseen large increase of more than 100, 000 – 500, 000 € in the costs needed for the pilot site construction work. The increase in costs was due to new unforeseen requirements stated in the environmental permit granted by RSAA. Biopap was the company making the biological and chemical analyses of the Finnish composting tests in the project (Action B5). Biopap withdrew from the project because of an unforeseeable change in work load in 2015. The company is a one-man company and therefore no other employee can be allocated to project activities. Amendment request to the Grant Agreement was submitted to the Commission on 23rd of October 2015 for the following reason: 1) Changes in the partnership structure: Two partners, Humuspehtoori Oy and Biopap have withdrawn from the Foundrysand project in February 2015 and two potential new partners Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto (PJH) and Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu were found who had the competence to complete the tasks set in the Grant agreement. PJH entered the project on 02.03.2015 and Eurofins on 1.5.2015. 2) Substantial changes to the project budget: A revised budget was proposed and approved in the amendment request. No changes in the total eligible costs or EU contribution are made. Cost increase of 36.429 € are foreseen in the cost category Consumables and they will be re-allocated from the cost category Other costs. 3) Prolongation of project period: A six month extension of the project period is expected. Prolongation is needed because the partnership changes caused delays in project actions (B2 Compost processing on laboratory scale and B3 Composting in Finland). The extension is needed to ensure that the quality of the dissemination activities of the project results is achieved and relevant authorities and policy makers are contacted and informed about project final outcomes. Deadlines for the deliverables and milestones are postponed accordingly. No need for the requested prolonging is foreseen based on the summerautumn 2015 tests that were completed successfully by Meehanite and Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto in Finland. Prolonging was request until 03/2018. Based on the test results from 2015, there is no need for additional tests anymore in summer 2017. Winter tests in 2015-2016 and summer tests in 2016 will be carried out as planned. This will effect on the project timetable. Tests can be completed by the end of 2016 and project could be finalised by 09/2017 according to the original Grant Agreement. 16 The AR was approved and signed by the Commission on 3rd February 2016 4.2 Evaluation of the management system Project management system has progressed as planned. In 2015 in total 11 project meetings were arranged of overall progress and financial reporting issues. Meetings will be arranged also regularly in the future (about every 3-4 months) to update the project activities and plan the future activities. Dates, agendas and participants of the arranged meetings are listed above. Because of the small size of the project consortium, relevant key persons were present in the project meetings and the decision could be made directly. Technical activities are planned in cooperation with project coordinator Mr Tapola and partners responsible. Project activities are presented in memos and mailed to participants and placed on website. Progress of tests or revision needs are reported regularly to the coordinator and results are discussed in quality control meetings where also the future analyses of revise test arrangements are decided. In total 6 quality control meetings were arranged in 2015. The dates and participants are listed in the table presented in action C1. Project monitoring. Communication with the Commission and Monitoring team is made by the project manager. Ms Sara Tapola informs monitoring team member Ms Sonja Jaari of the project progress regularly. All deliverables are mailed to the Commission with the progress reports. No problems related to the management of project or the partners have occurred. 17 5. Technical part 5.1. Technical progress, per task 5.1.1 A1 Preparation of compost sites in Finland and Spain Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement was 08/201406/2015. There was delay of one month in pilot site preparation work in Finland because of the partnership changes and search for the new pilot site. Pilot site preparation work was completed in August 2015. In Spain the pilot site of Tecnalia was already existing and ready for test arrangements. In spite of delays this action has been completed successfully. No deliverables will be produced in this action. Meehanite is responsible for this action. Due to the partnership change the location of the pilot site had to be changed. The new pilot site is situated in Koukkujärvi waste treatment center, Nokia, 25 km from Tampere. Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto will provide the pilot site for project purposes and composting tests in 2015-2017. Because of the change in location, a new environmental permit application for LIFE project pilot tests had to be made in May 2015. The permit was granted on 18.6.2015 after which the preparation of the pilot tests was started. There was a delay of three months with the preparation activities because of the partnership change and the preparation of a new site for composting test purposes. Humuspehtoori was the beneficiary responsible for action A1 activities for preparation work of the pilot site. Now Meehanite took over the responsibilities and arrangements at the new pilot site in cooperation with Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto According to the Grant Agreement a new pilot site with ground construction work and waste water treatment system should have been constructed in Pälkäne for pilot test purposes by Humuspehtoori. Because of the change of the location unforeseen facilities and accessories were needed at the new pilot site in Koukkujärvi, Nokia. At the new pilot site there was a water-tight asphalt layer existing on ground surface and the waste water collection system from the whole landfill area. In the project we are applied to follow the waste water quality from the pilot test heaps and therefore the facilities for this purposes were constructed in the pilot site by Mehanite. Also other accessories or facilities needed for test purposes were missing. Following facilities and accessories were needed and constructed by Meehanite for test purposes: 18 - - - A cabin for carrying out measurements and storing measurement devices was needed as there is no shelter/cabin at the site. This was needed to ensure the stable measuring conditions including no humidity for the measuring devices and equal temperature in the summer and the winter time. Electric power and cables were constructed by Meehanite to the site. The cables were constructed and installed from 100 meters away for test purposes. Pipelines and water tanks were purchased for composting test heaps irrigation purposes. Pipelines for aerating and heating the test heaps were also constructed at the new site. Heating and aerating systems were constructed and placed in the cabin. Encapsulating area for waste waters of pilot tests was constructed to be able to separate the waste waters from all other waste waters from the normal operation at the site. These constructions are made from wood and timber and they will be reconstructed for new tests to avoid contamination of previous pilot tests and the contaminants from the surrounding area when needed. Winter covers were purchased for test purposes when needed. The preparation activities of the pilot site are presented here but the costs of these items, facilities, materials and external construction work needed are reported in action B3 Composting tests in Finland according to the Grant Agreement. The pilot site should have been ready in May 2015 according to the Grant agreement. Due to the partnership changes in this action and search for the new pilot site the construction work was started on 18.6.2015 and completed by the end of August 2015. No major drawbacks and problems occurred after the new partner for pilot tests was found and the pilot site was approved by RSAA authorities. In Spain there was no need for environmental permission because the pilot site had already existing permission from local authorities Composgune in Spain. The pilot test arrangements were clarified and delivered to the local authority and tests were able to start in August 2015. No additional construction work was needed for pilot tests at the site. This action was completed successfully by the end of August 2015 Costs: Only personnel costs are reported in this action by Meehanite, Tecnalia and AX. 19 5.1.2 B1 Surplus sand quality control and sand samples process in foundries Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 10/201403/2015. This action had delays because of the withdrawn of the two partners. Coordinator had full-time work until March 2015 to find new partners for the project. This action was started later than planned in January and was completed in April 2015 when the master of science of technology thesis was made by Mr Devendra Maharjan (Aalto University). The thesis is attached as Annex 1. Prof Juhani Orkas was the supervisior of the work. This manual is attached in the thesis work in annex 1. It will be updated during the project and final deliverable will be published under Action B6 Conclusions as “Practical guide: Surplus foundry sand quality controlling foundries”. The deadline for this deliverable is 31/03/2018. Meehanite is responsible for this action. In the action B1 Surplus sand quality control and sand samples in foundries, guidelines of treating and handling the surplus foundrysand in foundries will be provided. Prof. Juhani Orkas visited the pilot foundries (3 foundries) to discuss the project activities and sand quality control system in January-April 2015. Based on the project first composting test results in summer 2015 and experiences from his previous projects, the guidelines for surplus foundry sand and its assessment of applicability in composting was produced by Mr Devendra Maharjan from the Aalto University as a master of science of technology thesis. The guidelines and limit values will be updated in the final report when more results of foundrysand qualities are available and when the ongoing MARA –asetus (Valtioneuvoston asetus eräiden jätteiden hyödyntämisestä maanrakentamisessa 591/2006, Government decree of some waste reuse in geo-construction work) will be released by the end of 2017. The changes in this decree will affect in the reuse applications of foundrysand in case surplus foundrysand will be included in this list. Prof. Juhani Orkas is a member of the UUMA –project Committee trying to include surplus foundrysand among this decree. The guideline for surplus foundrysand quality control system will be updated in Action B6 Conclusions when all results are available and the current revision work concerning the reuse possibilities of foundry sand (MARA –asetus) in Finland will be finalized in 2017. These new recommendations will be taken into account in the guidelines and recommendations for foundries in reusing the surplus foundrysand. The purpose of the Foundrysand project was to carry out research on reuse possibility of surplus foundry sand in composting and develop a guideline for the Finnish foundries to assist them in setting quality control system criteria to control the quality of surplus foundry sand for composting and preventing any harm or risk to environment, human and natural resources. The research in Foundrysand project was made on the typical foundry sand specimens used such as alkaline phenolic sand, furan sand and green sand that are used in Finnish foundries. The results of summer tests 2015 are reported in this thesis work and the draft version of the guidelines is presented in this thesis in Annex 1. 20 The draft guideline contains the quality control system that meets the quality assurance standard of inert waste landfills regulation (331/2013). The guideline prepared will help Finnish foundries to monitor the fluctuation in the quality of their surplus foundry sand. The description of the main stages and control mechanisms used for quality control system of surplus foundry sand are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively. The main stages signify all the essential steps that are similar to the process required to be performed by foundry before dumping waste foundry sand in landfills and steps essential to get environmental permit. Figure 1. The outline of main stages before quality control mechanism. 21 Figure 2. Sampling point in control mechanisms used for quality control system of surplus foundry sand. In order to landfill surplus foundry sands foundries are obliged to monitor the quality of the surplus foundry sand. This is requested in the environmental permits of foundries. In first stage foundries have to test surplus foundry sand to obtain the data related to basic characterization of the composition and the leachability characteristics of surplus foundry sand. The compliance testing shall be repeated at least once a year to show that surplus foundry sand produced meets the threshold values set and that the quality of surplus foundry sand fluctuation remains stable. The foundry should keep record of compliance testing since these documents are useful for composter to get environmental permit for composting. Figure 2 illustrates suitable place in foundry system described to collect samples of surplus foundry sand. Grains of foundry sand sample collected should be < 4mm. The sampling vessel could be made out of plastic or metallic jar with the dimension that exceeds the width of falling stream. It prevents the particles falling out of the vessel. The sample which is half filled in the jar is preferred to be a minimum of 1 kg. Samples need to be sealed and stored in dry and cool condition before delivering it to the laboratory test. It is requested to include important information for example, the sampling time, the name of the responsible person, and sampling site. The samples should be sent without any pre-treatment to the laboratory. The guidelines presented in this thesis work will follow the Finnish regulations and qualify the approved standard for harmful components on soil. The foundries are 22 requested to check if samples from different sampling period are under the detection level or standard. If the values of harmful components in the waste foundry sand are under detection level, it is suitable for re-use; otherwise, risk assessment of surplus foundry sand is needed. Risk assessment includes change in casting process or changing the factors that affect the quality of surplus foundry sand. The final deliverable of “Surplus sand quality control and sand samples process in foundries will be attached in the final report in action B6 Conclusions by 31/3/2018/. Costs: Only personnel costs are related to this action by Meehanite. 23 5.1.3 B2 Compost processing on laboratory scale Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201412/2015. Due to the partnership changes this action was started later than planned (March 2015) because the coordinator had full-time work to find new partners and a new pilot site. Therefore it was not possible to deliver sand specimen and composting materials to Helsinki University because we had not started the composting tests until June 2015. First tests were reported in April 2016. Additional tests are needed because the results of the first tests were not satisfactory. More details are provided in this action. The deadline for this action is end of 2016. This will not have any remarkable impacts on the total costs of this action. All activities will be carried out as planned. The deadline for the deliverable ”Action B2 Results of compost processing on laboratory scale for the field test optimization” was on 31/12/2015. The deliverable was ready in April 2016. The deliverable is attached as Annex 2. The master of thesis was made from the laboratory scale tests by Ms Johanna Pollari (University of Helsinki) in spring 2016 and this will be attached in the final report. Prof Olli-Pekka Penttinen was the supervisor of the thesis. University of Helsinki (HU) is responsible for this action. Helsinki University (HU) was focusing on short-term laboratory scale composting tests using the same foundry sand specimen that will be used in B3 (Composting in Finland). These controlled small scale indoor experiments were complemented by outdoor experiments at Jokimaa test field in Lahti to understand the composting process and it’s limitations in a small scale operational level vs. the test heaps of bigger size. Composting and analytical setup A relatively small, ca. 5 m3 compost pile (length 4.2 m x width 1.5 m x maximum height 0.8 m) was constructed to Jokimaa ground research station by HU technical staff using mixture of straw and “organic” horse manure as a building material (Fig 3). Dig- and-drop method was applied and composting sand material was placed in a bucket size holes in the compost pile. Temperature of each treatment system and the whole pile were continuously monitored by data loggers from 10th April to 22th April, 2015. 24 Figure 3. Small-scale outdoor compost treatment set-up for three foundry sand type in the Jokimaa station. Laboratory-scale composting testing, using green, phenolic and furan sands plus their mixture (Foundry 50%), was performed at the Department of environmental sciences, Lahti using the compost material from the test heaps constructed at Koukkujärvi pilot site in June 2015. The composting process was followed over period of 8 week from 30th June to 21st August, 2015. The samples from each composter (400 g in triplicate) for the chemical analyses were taken in days 0, 14, 28, 40 and 49 during the relatively short composting period. In the laboratory scale sand composting tests, all the chemical and biological analyses excluding polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were carried out by Ramboll Analytics. Quantification of PAHs was performed using Shimadzu GC-MS QP2010 Ultra being an important part of MSc thesis work by BSc Johanna Pollari, and it was carried out in at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Lahti. Results: Temperature of composting pile remained relatively low in the Jokimaa outdoor tests during the short term composting period between 11th April and 22nd April 2015 (Fig 4). The results reflect both low outdoor temperature and small compost pile size. In the laboratory composting tests under controlled room temperature equal time-related temperature pattern was observed and the compost temperature never exceeded 50 °C during composting process of eight week. Foundry sand specimens have major differences in their chemical characteristics. Furan sand had the lowest pH and the highest DOC concentration (see the Annex 2, Table 3). Phenolic sand had logically the highest phenol index but also high fluoride concentration. The green sand had the highest metal concentrations, and also relatively high BTEX level. The concentration of the ionic forms of metals were low in all foundry sand specimens 25 Figure 4. Temperature changes in the outdoor (left) and indoor (right) test composts during spring and summer 2015 including phenolic, furan and green foundry sand specimens and their mixture sand compost (blue line in right hand side figure). The total concentrations of PAHs were decreased during foundry sand compost tests (Fig. 5, Table 1). The results also showed that concentration of the naphthalene was the highest among the 16 PAH compounds analyzed, followed by phenanthrene, anthracene and fluorene. Changes in PAH concentrations during composting process were directly related to the fate of small and volatile PAHs. 26 Table 1. The concentrations of PAH compounds at the beginning of the laboratory scale tests Figure 5. Changes of total PAH concentrations during eight weeks composting tests Concentration of chloride and sulphates were the highest in furan sand. Phenolic sand has the highest phenol index but opposite to sand only situation phenol index was measurable also from all foundry sand specimens’ compost tests. Fluoride was found only from 1) the mixture compost and 2) green sand. Nitrate levels were high both in furan and green sand composts. Level of ammonium and phosphate were relatively consistent in all foundry sand compost treatments. There was no clear time related changes in concentrations of metals (total and soluble), total N and P, or BTEX during eight weeks composting process. From the pathogens analyzed, Salmonella was not detected but unfortunately E. coli was present in all foundry sand specimen tests after the composting process. Conclusions and future work (season 2016): General conclusion of season 2015 In terms of experimental compost construction laboratory-scale was a challenging starting point especially in Jokimaa outdoor experiments. However, it helped to understand the composting process and it’s limitations compared the test heaps of 27 bigger size in Tampere experiments. Size truly matters also in composting. Similarly indoor small-scale composting experiments at the Department of environmental sciences were only partly successful. However, concentrations of PAH compounds, fluoride and phenol index decreased during the composting process. Results also indicated that waste water sludge used in the composting had high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulphate and phenols before mixing with other composting materials. And opposite to Koukkujärvi experiments, in the end of the composting tests, these concentrations were partly over the limit values demonstrating unsuccessful composting process. End concentrations of fluoride and presence of pathogen E. coli (>1000 cpu/g was exceeded only in one treatment) were another negative indicators. Outline of season 2016 laboratory experiments In the future works we must focus on optimizing the small scale laboratory composting process. Another relevant issue is monitoring the toxicity both of the foundry sand specimens and compost including sand and different organic materials. Therefore during the summer 2016 three set of experiments will be conducted at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Lahti: 1) Optimized composting conditions – microbiologial approach 2) Ecotoxicity of foundry sand specimens – standardized tests 3) Effect directed analysis of foundry sand composts Combination of these three research lines form a very novel approach and the third part of it (EDA) consists of chemical analysis of different fractions and their specific mode of action based toxicity evaluation. EDA section will be one part of PhD thesis work of MSc Mari Dahl. Compost optimizing process (June to September 2016) Objectives To investigate the optimal conditions and the driving abiotic and biotic parameters for cleaning different surplus foundry sand types (furan, phenol and green sand) by composting; To promote a ready-to-use product/technique which could be applied for treatment of surplus foundry sand on-site, in a bigger scale. Time schedule: Three months laboratory scale test: June to August 2016 One month data analyses: August to September 2016 Experiment setup and analytical methods A laboratory test series will be established. The specimen amount shall be small (max. 10 kg) and the composting process could be conducted in a small container under monitored conditions (e.g. temperature, moisture, aeration, pH). A real-time approach for continuous monitoring will be installed. Samples will be taken on weekly/ semi-monthly basis for chemical and microbiological analyses 28 (Tables 2 and 3). The progress of hazardous compounds degradation, nutrients, microbial and abiotic parameters of testing piles will be closely followed. The final products are expected to be free of hazardous organic compounds. Table 2. Chemical analyses pH, conductivity, temperature, LOI oxygen, moisture Total N, Total P, NO3, NH4, PO4 K. Ca, Mg Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, Pb, As, V PAHs: naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene Table 3. Microbiological analyses microbial cultivation and enrichment DNA qPCR PCR* pathogens detection* Alma lab Ramboll Analytics Elan 6000 ICP-MS Elan 6000 ICP-MS Shimadzu QP5000 GC/MS Shaker-Incubator Commercial extraction kit qPCR reagents Roche Light Cycler PCR reagents MJ Research DYAD PCR/ microarray based techniques Rationale for effect analysis of foundry sand samples Effect-directed analysis (EDA) is based on the understanding that environmental samples may contain thousands of mostly organic chemicals and that only a fraction of them can be analyzed by chemical target analysis. Non-target screenings provide insights into unexpected or unknown contaminants but they do not provide any prioritization or hazard information. Thus, EDA takes a biological effect as the basis to narrow down the huge amount of possible analytes and aims to direct chemical analysis to those compounds that contribute significantly to a measurable effect. The approach combines ecotoxicological/toxicological testing, physico-chemical fractionation procedures and chemical analysis in a sequential procedure. The sample or an extract thereof is tested usually with the in vivo or in vitro test of choice depending on the objective of the study. If effects are detectable the mixture is fractionated according to the physico-chemical properties of the components. The components of active fractions are identified and quantified by chemical analytical means. Depending on the objective of the study, in a final confirmation step the 29 contribution of the identified candidate compound to the measured effect should be quantified or estimated in order to exclude that major contributors have been overlooked. During the summer 2016 samples will be taken from 1) the test heaps constructed at Koukkujärvi pilot site in May 2016, and 2) from the laboratory scale compost experiments described in chapter 6.2. Furthermore, foundry sand compost samples from Koukkujärvi winter composting experiments (2016-2016) are included in the EDA process. Furthermore toxicity of three different foundry sand specimens will be analyzed during the 2016 using standardized eco-toxicological tests. From the project perspective EDA as a product is rather labor and cost-intensive for monitoring purposes. On the other hand it provides important information regarding the development of toxicity of the foundry sand compost material during the composting process. Comparison to protective guideline values is a novel approach in foudry sand issue. EDA approach is also scientifically sound iterative process and will give information for deeper understanding of the full-scale foundry sand composting process. Based on the results of these tests we will have information of the possible toxicity of different raw materials used and tested in the Foundrysand pilot tests. In case some outcomes of harmful toxicity are found these possible foundry sand specimens or organic materials will be further discussed and such substances can be avoided to be used in foundrysand composting process. Regarding labor and costintensity, one week of laboratory time is required at minimum to accomplish all the extractions and chemical analyses of different fractions. Project workers MSc Mari Dahl will work in the project 3 months (PAH analysis, extraction of compost samples, EDA analysis). Hired by HU PhD Dan Yu will carry out the tests during for 2 months (compost optimizing experiments). Hired and working for AX. Mr. Eero Leppänen will work in the project 1.5 months as a trainee. Hired by HU. 30 The extension and additional tests will not have remarkable impact on total costs of this action. The costs for hiring assistants for laboratory tests will be re-allocated from consumable costs of HU to personnel costs. The 2% rule of public body for civil servants is taken into account and will be changed. Since this action started later, also cost reporting for this action started later. Costs: Personnel costs of Helsinki University. Prototype: HU has also constructed the small scale laboratory prototypes which are belong to this action costs. External assistance costs: Laboratory services bought by HU are costs of this action. Consumables: Laboratory accessories, glass bottles and bags, laboratory chemicals for project purposes. 31 5.1.4 B3 Composting in Finland Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 4/201512/2017. There is no delay in this action. The deadline for the deliverable Report of the results of the field testings in Finland 31/05/2017. Results of summer tests in 2015 are presented in the deliverable attached as Annex 3. Meehanite is responsible for this action. During the project 17 test heaps will be tested in Finland. First six test heaps were constructed in summer 2015 and tests were carried out in June-November 2015. Three winter test heaps were constructed in 8-12th of December 2015 and tests will continue until May 2016. Summer tests with following six test heaps will start in May 2016. This action is proceeding as planned. Six test heaps were constructed at Koukkujärvi pilot site in June 2015 (Fig 6-7). Test heaps were made in cooperation with project partners, Meehanite Technology Ltd and Tampere Regional Solid Waste Management Ltd (Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy). AXLVI Consulting Ltd was responsible for the sampling procedure and airborne emission and waste water effluent measurements. Chemical and biological analyses were carried out by Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu Ltd. The size of the each test heap was about 20 tons. The portions of surplus foundry sand varied in test heaps between 20-33%. The most commonly used foundry sand types like furan, phenolic and green sand specimens were used in composting tests. Other organic materials like wood chips from deciduous trees, horse manure and waste water sludge were added in the test heaps. Six test heaps were constructed as follows: Two test heaps with 20% and 30% of green sand. Two test heaps of 20% and 30% phenolic sand. Two test heaps of 20% and 30% furan sand. 32 Figure 6. Foundry sand specimens from Finnish foundries and other organic materials. Figure 7. Six composting test heaps ready in summer 2015. The progress of the composting process was controlled by continuously measurable indicators (temperature and pH). Composting material analyses were made from each test heap in the beginning, during and in the end of the test period. Also waste water effluents from the test heaps were gathered to a well and analysed and airborne emissions measured. 33 Based on all the project results, the modelling of the total impacts to environment will be made at the end of the project. The heaps were mixed in Mid-September and the temperatures raised back to about 60 degrees. Figure 8. Test heaps in the end of the composting test. Final measurements and sampling procedure of the composting tests and waste waters were made in the end of October 2015 (Fig 8). Test heaps were composted approximately 4,5 months. Post-maturing test is ongoing with one of the test heaps for longer time period. Test results are presented with details in Deliverable “Composting tests in Finland: Results of summer tests in 2015”. The deliverable attached as Annex 3. Short summary of results is attached below. Results: Fluoride concentrations were high in green sand and phenolic sand samples gathered from these two foundries. The fluoride is most probably coming from the fluoride containing feeders used in the molds used in all sand systems. It is expected that less foundries use the fluoride containing feeders in the future because of the environmentally harmful compounds. Substitute materials are available in the market already. During the tests fluoride concentrations were reduced below the limit values. It was assumed that fluoride was dissolved into the rest of the material (organic portion). This will be studied in the balance calculations. Phenol concentrations exceeded the inert solid waste limit values only by phenol sand samples. But it has to be considered that phenolic compounds origin also from cores produced by cold box method. 34 Waste water sludge had high concentrations of DOC, sulphate and phenols before mixing with other composting materials. However, in the end of the composting tests, these concentrations were under the limit values demonstrating successful composting process. Based on the results of the summer 2015 composting tests, we can assume that the tests were successfully completed and the innovative composting end-product will fulfil the limit values set in the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on Fertiliser Products 24/2011 and the end-product can be used as substrate and for gardening purposes. Since the waste water sludge included high phenol, DOC and sulphate concentrations more tests with other organic materials will be made in next pilot tests during winter time and summer 2016 tests. Environmental impact assessment of the composting method: Foundry Sand -project studied the environmental impacts of surplus foundry sand composting method. The focus was on emissions into the air and waste waters. The results are presented in the Master of thesis work of Mr Joni Tanskanen from Tampere University of Technology in 2016. This deliverable is attached as Annex 4. Air emissions from one compost test heap were measured three times during the summer and autumn 2015. The compost heap was covered during the measurements and the gases were conducted through an air chimney on top of the compost heap (see Fig 9). The concentrations of different gaseous compounds emitted from the heap were measured with FTIR and FID analysers. Also samples from gas were taken to adsorption filters, which were sent to a chemical analysis. Figure 9. Air emission measurements of one test heap. 35 The emission measurements were used to calculate the annual release of pollutants into the air. Also the specific emission of the treatment for a ton of foundry sand was calculated. The result was that for every ton of foundry sand composted 63 g/a of ammonia, 3,8 kg/a of carbon monoxide, 130 kg/a of carbon dioxide, 230 mg/a of benzene and 220 g/a of methane is released. Odours were measured from one test heaps parallel the air emission measurements (see Fig 10). Figure 10. Odour emission measurement and equipment. A dispersion model was used to calculate the environmental effects of the pollutants (Fig 11). Odour was recognized as the most significant pollutant of the treatment. Odour can be distinct for over 2 % of time at distance of 1 kilometer from the compost site if com-posting is carried out on a larger scale. For other pollutants the dispersion calculation results showed no concentrations that were harmful to environment or people according to the Finnish legislation. 36 Figure 11. Dispersion modelling of the odours in the surrounding of the pilot site were calculated. Results are presented in percentages (%) of smell hours. The concentrations in waste waters were examined by conducting the waters from the test site to a collecting well. Samples were taken from the well three times during the test period. Comprehensive analyses for the samples were carried out by a chemistry laboratory to determine all possible detrimental compounds in waste water. No exceptional concentrations were observed in the samples when kept in mind that the water was going to a sewage treatment plant. No harmful environmental effects were discovered or they are really minor. This is in a case where foundry sand composting is carried out with enough distance to closest habitation to prevent the inconvenience of odours and the waste waters are treated properly. This action is progressing as planned with winter time pilot tests (ending in May 2016) and planning the summer pilot tests starting in June 2016). Winter tests in 2015/2016: Winter tests started in December 2015 with three test heaps (size of 43-51 tons each, Fig 12-14). The winter heaps were twice the amount compared to the summer test heaps. The heating and aerating system was built to heat up the test heaps when needed. Test heaps were mixed on 3rd of May 2016. Composting materials are analysed according to the environmental permit and project analysis programme. The 37 winter tests will be completed in May or latest in June depending on the analyse results of the composting material. Figure 12. Winter test heaps were constructed in November 2015. Figure 13. Continuous measurement of the test heaps in winter time. 38 Figure 14. Aerating system of the winter test heaps. Meadow test in summer 2016: In addition to the composting tests, the pilot treatment trial of meadow compost will be carried out (Fig 15). This test will be built from farm field moulder (humus) and surplus foundry sand. The foundry sand is mixed in the top layer (10-20 cm) of farmland moulder. This is because of the clear indications of high microbe activity of humus in degrading of all (also hazardous) organic compounds. This piloting will also be controlled by humus layer and waste waters equally like test heaps. Figure 15. Meadow test arrangements were constructed in May 2016. 39 High cost items purchased for this action: Personnel costs are reported in this action by Meehanite and AX. Travel costs: Meehanite and AX have reported travel costs here. Prototype costs: Pilot site preparation work and pilot test arrangements and materials. Encapsulating area for waste waters, heating and aerating system and pipelines, irrigation system, electric cables and accessories and electric work, winter covers for test heaps, wood and timber materials for test construction purposes, materials for meadow construction work, drainage system construction work for meadow, sand sampling equipment and transportation boxes, a container for transporting the animal manures to pilot tests, items for test purposes and preparing the samples for analyses, etc.). Preparations and construction work at pilot site and pilot test heaps and maintenance work of test heaps. Two small scale biofilter pilot plants were bought by Meehanite in total of 95,362 €. The biofiltration systems will be tested in odour abatement of composting test heaps in summer 2016 in Finland. The inquiry and one offer are attached in Annex 16. Consumables: Measurement cabin construction materials. Sand samples storage shelters at AX for keeping the reference samples from the project. Fume hood for treatment of samples at AX laboratory. Other costs: Transportation cost of composting materials. AX costs: Equipment costs: Data loggers, monitoring equipment. 40 5.1.5 B4 Composting in Spain Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 4/201512/2016. There is no delay in this action. The deadline for the deliverable Report of the results of the field testings in Spain is 31/12/2016. Test results are presented with details in Deliverable “Composting tests in Spain: Results of summer tests in 2015”. The deliverable attached as Annex 5. From 2015-2017, in two locations with different climates, Spain and Finland, around 400 tons of foundry sand destined for landfill are to be processed. Mid-term results show that hazardous organic compounds such as phenols and PAHs can be 97% neutralized. In order to evaluate scope, different sand mixes including furan, phenol, silicate and green sand, are being trialed and monitored in both climates. Various combinations of foundry waste sand, mixed with agents such as waste water, sludge, horse manure, and forestry waste, are being analyzed to determine efficiency and practicality. In the case of Spain, Tecnalia Research & Innovation focused on the best combination to obtain compost with fertilizing characteristics. In Spain the tests started in September 2015 following a fact-finding visit to the Finnish plant in June which had six test heaps in place. Using their set-up as a reference for like-for-like comparison (but in different climates) Tecnalia initiated three tests heaps (Fig 16). The initial results for Spain are presented herein. Figure 16. Monitoring visit at pilot site by Meehanite Tecchnology, inMarch 2016. 41 The location of the test heaps required a site with the appropriate environmental permit already in place. In our case, Composgune, S.L, was chosen. This site is located in the centre of the Basque Country, Ormaiztegi, northern Spain, 50 km from the Cantabrian Sea and 512 meters above sea level (Fig 17). Figure 17: Climate data for Ormaiztegi Three test heaps were constructed at the pilot site in September 2015. The heaps were made in coordination with project partner Meehanite Technology Ltd Ormaiztegi Compost. Tecnalia was responsible for the sampling procedure and airborne emission and waste water effluent measurements. Chemical and biological analyses were carried out by Tecnalia laboratory division. The size of the heaps was restricted to those stipulated in the permit terms and conditions obtained by Composgune, S.L. from the Basque authority. The weight of the each test heap was approx.13 tons and the proportion of surplus foundry sand to organic material was between 20-33% (Fig 18). Mixes of the most commonly used foundry sand types like furan, phenolic and green sand specimens were used in composting tests. The organic materials included wood chips from deciduous trees, horse manure and waste water sludge. Two of the heaps were constructed with green sand and the third were constructed using silicate sand. The composting process was monitored through the continuous measurement of temperature and pH. Analysis of the composting material in each heap was carried out at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the experiment. Waste water seeping from the heaps (from both natural rainfall and simulated rainfall added to compensate for the below average rainfall during the trial) was channeled to a deposit for analysis. This was carried out between phases one and two, and two and three. Airborne emissions were measured during stage three when these were expected to be at their 42 height. Temperature monitoring was carried out using two thermocouples in each heap (Fig 19). Figure 18. Three test heaps were located in the centre of the Basque Country, Ormaiztegi, northern Spain. Figure 19. Detailed sensors of the thermocouple placed in test heaps. 43 Results of the composting tests in autumn 2015 to spring 2016 in Spain: Fluoride concentrations were higher in green sand than in silicate sands - the origin probably being fluoride seeping from the feeder system during casting. This is higher in green sand (iron casting) due its to higher absorption capacity. It is expected that fewer foundries will use the fluoride containing feeders in the future as substitute feeder systems are coming onto the market. However, fluoride concentrations reduced to levels below the limit values in both sands by the end of the process. It was assumed that the fluoride was transformed and dissipated by the organic material. This will be further studied in the balance calculations. Water seeping from the heaps had high concentrations of DOC, sulphate and phenols in the beginning. However, at the end of the composting tests these concentrations were under the limit values. In the middle of the tests the phenol content ranged from 76 to 100 µg/Kg m.s, but at stage 3 this decreased to 4 µg/Kg m.s in heap one and to <1 µg/Kg m.s in heap 2. See tables 4, 5 and 6. Regarding BTMX compounds, they were found to degrade completely by the end of the composting process with the exception of Phenanthrene (between 45 and 72 µg/Kg m.s). In addition to analyzing the composting material and waste water, the emissions to air from one of the green sand test heaps were also measured during the three stages. The aim was evaluate the total environmental impact of the composting experiment. In order to aerate the heaps and facilitate composting, the heaps were turned-over approx. every two weeks. We found that carbon dioxide (CO2) was formed due to the active degradation of microbes during composting (Fig 20). Oxygen consumption remained stable at over 20% throughout the process. Methane (CH4) emissions in the beginning are higher than in the middle and disappear in the end of the test period. These figures are comparable to those of natural composting (not using foundry waste sand). 44 Figure 20. Carbon dioxide concentrations from one test heap at the beginning (stage1), in the middle (stage 2) and at the end (stage 3) of the composting test. Based on the results of the autumn 2015 composting tests, we can conclude that the experiment was successful as the limit values set out in the Basque Country Reguations for Forestry on Fertiliser Products 24/2011 were met. The end-product can be used as substrate and for gardening purposes. Since the waste water sludge included high phenol, DOC and sulphate concentrations more tests with other organic materials will be made in next pilot tests. For evaluating the possibly leaches in waste waters and airborne emissions, AX has carried these measurements in Finland. Results are evaluated in the environmental impact assessment (the master of Science Thesis by Joni Tanskanen from AX, Annex 4). No remarkable effluents in waste waters were measured. Tecnalia has also carried out waste water and emission measurements, but only once during the tests. Costs: Personnel costs of Tecnalia are reported in this action. Planning design and monitoring the activities are Meehanite’s personnel costs. Travel costs: Travel costs of Tecnalia and Meehanite (chek-up visits). Prototype costs: Pilot test heaps construction costs. 45 5.1.6 B5 Biological and project outcomes Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 04/201503/2017. There is no delay in this action. The deadline for the deliverable Report of the analytical methods and results is 31/03/2017. Results of the tests are reported under each action in Composting tests in Finland (Action B3) and Composting tests in Spain (Action B4). AX is responsible for this action. Biological, chemical and hygiene analysis are important to control the progress and results of the innovative foundry surplus sand composting method. Analyses and compounds to be analysed were discussed with project partners and presented for authorities in the environmental permit application. Regulations in Finland: List of analyses to be followed in Finnish composting tests was agreed by the RSAA authorities in the environmental permit. Same analyses will be made also from pilot tests in Spain. Biological and chemical analyses are made from foundry sand specimen, composting materials, waste waters from test heaps. Also the total environmental impacts will be measured and evaluated (emissions, odours and waste waters) and reported in the final report. Composting material analyses are made from each test heap in the beginning, during and in the end of the test period. Following parameters and compounds must be measured and monitored during tests. Authorities must be informed of the results. 1. Progress of the composting process and environmental impacts must be followed by analyses according to the permit. Before constructing the composting test heaps, heavy metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, Pb ja Hg) must be analysed from the foundry sand specimen. Same parameters and compounds must be analysed from the end-product according to this permit. 2. Analyses from each test heap (foundry sand+other organic materials) must be made in the beginning, middle and end of tests. Following analyses must be made: fluoride, heavy metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, Pb and Hg), PAH, BTXE, phenols, TOC and DOC. Regular monitoring of the test heaps temperature must be arranged. pH and humidity must be monitored in the beginning, middle and end of the tests. 3. Waste waters of the test field must be gathered for analyses from the collecting well. Analyses must be made in the beginning, middle and end of the tests for following parameters: 46 - pH, electrical conductivity, chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD7ATU), total nitrogen, ammonium, total phosphorus, solid matter and heavy metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, Pb and Hg). Additionally, in the end of each test period thermotolerant coliformic bacteria must be analysed from the waste waters. Limit values according to the Finnish regulations to be followed for waste waters, foundry sands and composting materials are presented in the Annex 6. Regulations in Spain: In order to comply with Basque Country Government instruction 1/2015 for recycled sand for use as compost or as a construction material (geothermic), the following figures must be observed. Ele men As mg /kg 0,5 Elem ent Hg mg/ kg 0,0 Elem ent Se mg/k g 0,1 Ba Mo 1 0,5 Zn 4 Ni 0,4 Cl- 800 Cr 20 0,0 4 0,5 Pb F- 10 Cu TO C Phe 2 300 00 1 Sb SO4 1000 PCB 0,5 0,0 6 1 PHA 40 DOC 500 TDS 4000 Cd noli Detailed results of the composting tests in Finland and Spain carried out in summerautumn 2015 are presented in action B3 Composting tests in Finland and B4 Composting tests in Spain under “Results”. This action is progressing as planned. High cost items purchased for this action: Personnel costs: AX, Eurofins and Meehanite have reported personnel costs in this action. Travel costs: Travel costs for sampling procedure by AX, Meehanite and Eurofins. Equipment costs: Two more expensive measurement devices were bought by AX Consulting and the tendering procedure was made for these devices. FTIR Gasmet DX4000 for emission measurement was purchased for 66,120 € (3 offers were received, Annex 13) and HFID Analyzer with heated sample pump was purchased for 19188 € (2 offers were received, Annex 14). These are used for emission 47 measurements. Also smaller equipment were bought like water sampler, sample pumps, micromanometers (under 5,000 €/each) Consumables by AX: Transportation trailor for measurement devices, heated sample lines for emission measurement devices (HFID and FTIR), laboratory accessories, chemicals and gases, sample bottles, probes, thermoelements, sample bottles/bags, teflon pipes, etc. 48 5.1.7 B6 Conclusions Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 01-03/2018. The deliverables produced in this action: 1) Practical guide “Surplus foundry sand quality control in foundries (03/2018) 2) Report” Applicability of cleaned foundry sand recycling in Finland, Germany and Spain (limit values, applicability and market approach)” (10/2017) 3) Practical guide “Constructing recommendations for composters of cleaning the foundry sand by composting” (6/2017) Meehanite is responsible for this action. This action deals with the demands of the foundries, that is, how to release the surplus foundry sand in a way that it can be used for composting and with the demands of the compost manufacturers: advices will be given to pilot foundries on how to separate the surplus foundry sand to be composted in the production and the analyses methods for sand samples to be made and how to run the process in a best way (best practice); the economic side conditions will be presented. A calculation example of how to calculate the price of the product as well as the price for taking the foundry sand. The example is based on the commercial results at Pirkanmaan jätehuolto Oy. The impact of transport costs will be included; the market situation will be analysed in the countries Finland, Germany, and Spain. This part will give general market figures on compost but will take especially notice of the price structure, the legislation, the distances between foundries, compost sites, and consumers. Carbon footprint calculations will be also made by the external subcontractor. This action has not yet started. Costs: No costs reported yet. 49 5.1.8 C1 Project monitoring Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201403/2018. Deliverables to be produced in this Action: Annual progress reports of monitoring the impacts 31/12/2015, 31/12/2016 and 30/09/2017. First monitoring report of monitoring activities in 2015 is attached as Annex 7. Project monitoring activities include project overall activities that are discussed and handled in project meetings. These meetings, dates, agendas and participants are reported in section 4. Administrative part. Monitoring activities include also progress monitoring of composting tests and quality control of results. These are presented in this context. Progress of the composting tests at Koukkujärvi pilot site in Nokia, Finland, is followed by Meehanite, AX and Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto. Regular check-up visits and measurements at site were made 1-3 times / week by Meehanite (Mr Markku Tapola, Ms Sara Tapola, Mr Mika Myllytie) and AX personnel (Ms Mervi Myyrä, Mr Joni Tanskanen and Mr Markus Karhula). Tecnalia will follow the test arrangements in Spain and report the results and progress to the coordinator. Quality control of results: Meehanite AX-LVI Eurofins Tecnalia Markku Tapola, Sara Tapola, Prf. Juhani Orkas Seppo Heinänen, Mervi Myyrä Manna Kaartinen, Kalevi Koivunen Patricia Caballero Quality monitoring of the project includes project overall progress monitoring and composting test results monitoring, waste water control monitoring and emission and odour measurement results monitoring. Eurofins is responsible for analyse procedures. AX reports the results to the coordinator. Results are discussed in face-to-face meeting and by emails with partners. In total 6 quality control meetings were arranged in 20152016. In addition weekly discussions with Meehanite/AX are arranged to update the latest results and progress of the tests. 50 Agenda Revisions of the analytical concept Composting test measurements and sampling procedure Construction of 6 pilot test heaps and measurement preparation at Koukkujärvi site Analyses results of first measurements and manual for quality control of foundry sand Draft version of the manual for quality control of foundry sand Quality control discussions of pilot tests Winter test composting preparation Time 3.3.2015 1.6.2015 Participants B-B-H: J Helber Meehanite, AX 18.6.2015 AX, Meehanite, PJH 2.9.2015 18.11.2015 Aalto University, AX, Meehanite, Helsinki University Aalto University, Meehanite 1-2/month 8-10.12.2015 AX, Meehanite Meehanite, AX, PJH Patricia Caballero reports the results to the coordinator for check-up and comments. The results of Tecnalia tests will be also handled in the quality control meetings with other project partners. Results of the composting tests in Finland and Spain and on laboratory scale tests in Lahti, Finland are reported in the pilot test reports produced by the partner responsible after each pilot test period. Results are checked and evaluated in the meetings and lessons learnt and future activities are planned. In case more tests or analyses are needed, this will be decided by the coordinator. This action is progressing as planned and no delays or withdrawn have occurred. Costs: Personnel costs of Meehanite, AX, Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto, Helsinki University. Travel costs: Check-up visits at pilot site and quality control of composting method by Meehanite. 51 5.1.9 D1 Notice boards and the Layman’s report Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201403/2018. Deliverables to be produced in this Action: Two notice boards (30/6/2015) and Layman’s report (31/3/2018). Meehanite is responsible for this action. This action progresses as planned. This action is presented under section 5.2.2 Dissemination. Costs: Personnel costs by Meehanite External assistance costs: Notice boards to pilot sites by Meehanite. 52 5.1.10 D2 Website and social media Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201403/2018. Website opened in December 2014. No deliverable in this action. Meehanite is responsible for this action. This action progresses as planned. This action is presented under section 5.2.2 Dissemination. 53 5.1.11. D3 Events Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201403/2018. No deliverable for this action. Relevant events are listed in progress reports during the project. Objective is to participate in relevant seminars, events, conferences, exhibitions in 2014-2018 (about 5-10 events). One project seminar will be arranged. Meehanite is responsible for this action. This action progresses as planned. This action is presented under section 5.2.2 Dissemination. 54 5.1.12. D4 Publications and the dissemination material Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201403/2018. Deliverables to be produced in this Action: A revised project leaflet was produced in March 2015 after the new partners were decided (03/2015 Annex 8), three technical publications (31/3/2018, Annexes 10 and 11). Meehanite is responsible for this action. This action is presented in section 5.2 Dissemination This action is progressing as planned. 55 5.1.13. E1 Project management and reporting by Meehanite Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201403/2018. Deliverables to be produced in this Action: Inception report (30/4/2015), Midterm report (30/6/2016), Progress report 30/06/2017 and Final report 30/05/2018. Meehanite is responsible for this action. The progress of this action is presented in section 4. Administration part This action is progressing as planned. 56 5.1.14. E2 Networking with other LIFE Projects Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 08/201403/2018. Indicators: 50 face-to-face meetings or contacts with relevant networking partners to transfer the concept (30/9/2017). Meehanite is responsible for this action. In February-December 2015 Meehanite has contacted about 20 Finnish foundries and visited 4 of them for project activities and discussing sand composting possibilities in this project and in the future. Also Tecnalia has contacted 15 potential foundries as suppliers of the surplus sand for composting purposes. Meehanite and AX have participated in national events in 2014 and 2015 for project networking activities. The events were listed under action D3 Events where the networking took place. Relevant LIFE projects have been contacted and networking activities carried out. Ramboll Finland Oy has some interesting LIFE projects (ongoing or finished) and networking activities have been planned and one meeting has been arranged: UPACMIC (LIFE12 ENV/FI/000592) the objective is to demonstrate through its pilot applications various aspects of constructing the tailings ponds’ bottom and cover layers as well as the reactive barrier layers with secondary materials with the primary purposes of preventing contaminants leaching into ground waters. Ideas of the reuse possibilities of composted foundry sand in cover layers purposes will be discussed and proposed for mining representatives and project partners by Ms Harri Jyrävä form Ramboll Finland Oy. ABSOILS was a LIFE+ project which demonstrated conversion of abandoned and low-quality soils - such like soft clays - into construction materials. (LIFE09 ENV/FI/000575). The ABSOILS and Foundrysand projects deal with nature construction materials and re-use possibilities. Experiences will be exchanged concerning the challenges of European policies and legislation barriers and future reuse potentials in markets. LIFE FoundryTile (LIFE 14 ENV/ES/000252). The main objective of the FoundryTile project is to demonstrate the valorization of iron foundry sands and dust in the ceramic tile production process, contributing to the implementation of Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC). In the field of waste foundry sands valorization and introduction of recycled materials in the manufacture of ceramic tiles knowledge and results will be exchanged. Taking into account the experience of the LIFE FOUNDRYSAND project and the scope of FoundryTile project emails will be exchanged and networking activities fostered. 57 Mr Jesus Aranzabal from ECOFOND S.a (Salvatierra – Agurain, Spain) was invited to present the sand treatment system used in Spain in the project meeting on with Tecnalia and Meehanite Technology on 1.3.2016 in Bilbao. This company has been cooperating with Tecnalia in other EU co-funded foundry project. The general situation of foundry waste management in Spain at present was discussed and networking and experiences will be exchanged during the project. Also networking activities and demonstration tests are negotiated with the Finnish BIOFAKTA Oy. Also other relevant LIFE projects will be searched and networking activities created. This action will progress as planned. Costs: Meehanite personnel costs Travel costs: Meehanite travel costs for networking activities and meetings. 58 5.1.15. E3 After Life Communication Plan Deliverable: After LIFE Communication plan will be produced latest by 31/03/2018. The aims of the “Afer LIFE communication plan” are to: - distribute project results to all relevant target groups and the general public after the end of the project This action has not been started yet. Costs: No costs reported yet. 59 5.1.16. E4 Project auditing Implementation time of the action according to the Grant Agreement is 03-05/2018. Deliverable: Independent audit report This action will be carried out at the end of the project actual duration when all costs are available (latest 05/2018). Name of the auditor: Jaakko Rönkkö Cerfified public accountant, KHT, JHTT, CIA Revisium Oy Finlaysoninkuja 9 33210 Tampere Puh. 050 355 0140 jaakko.ronkko@revisium.fi www.revisium.fi This cost has not started yet. 60 5.2 Dissemination actions 5.2.1 Objectives Objectives of dissemination plan set out in the revised project proposal: 1) Notice boards will be produce and placed on pilot site during the test trials (2 pieces). 2) Website will be opened. 3) About 5-10 events will be participated. 4) Roll-up for project partners will be produced by Meehanite (one for each partner) for disseminating purposes. 5) 1 leaflet will be produced and disseminated to relevant stakeholders European wide. Also about 1000 paper copies (also as an electronic version). 6) 3-5 technical publications/articles in relevant magazines will be produced. 5.2.2 Dissemination: overview per activity Action D1 Notice boards and Layman’s report The notice boards describe the project clearly and they were displayed at strategic places accessible to the public, mainly concerning the pilot sites in Finland and Spain. The LIFE logo will always appear on them. Meehanite produced notice board in Finland and it was placed on pilot site in June 2015 when the test trials started. Tecnalia was responsible for the notice board in Spain during the tests and they have placed the notice board on site in August 2015. At the end of the project the Layman’s report will be produced. Figure 21. Notice board at the pilot site in Finland. 61 Figure 23. Notice board at the pilot site in Spain (is in place all time at site). Action D2 Website and social media The main project results and activities are informed on the project website (www.lifefoundrysand.com). For private site the username: visitors and password: valimohiekka2015. This is only for project partners and the Commission desk officers and the Monitoring Team member. The project website will have public and private parts. The public site will be promoting and informing about the project results. The private part will enable better information exchange between the partners. It will contain produced memos, deliverables, relevant news and happenings, etc. Also the members of the monitoring group will have the access to the private part of the web-site. Action D3 Events List of relevant happenings or seminars for Foundrysand project dissemination events in 2014-216: 1. Indoor air seminar in Helsinki on 11 March 2015 arranged by Sisäilmayhdistys ry. http://www.sisailmayhdistys.fi/sisailmastoseminaaritjasisailmapajat/sisailmastoseminaari-2015. Participated by AX. 1300 participants. Seppo Heinänen 2. Air pollution prevention -seminar on 19-20 August 2014 in Lappeenranta, Finland. Participated by AX. Also in 18-19 August 2015 the same annual seminar was arranged where AX had a stand and Foundrysand project dissemination material present (Fig 22). About 200 participants. Seppo Heinänen and Mervi Myyrä and Markku Tapola. 62 3. Life 2014 info seminar and workshop in June 2014 arranged by Ministry of the Environment in Finland. Presentation of the project by Meehanite. 30 -40 participants. Markku Tapola. 4. Training of the new European Deposit regulation (331/2013) of the materials to be placed on landfills after 1 January 2016 arranged on 19 September, 2014. Meehanite (Ms Sara Tapola) participated in this relevant training. 15 participants. Sara Tapola 5. Markku Tapola presented the project activities and results of first pilot tests at Suomen Valimoyhdistyksen -koulutuspäivät (the seminar arranged by Finnish Foundry Technical Association) on 4-5 February 2016 in Tampere. There were Finnish foundries’ representatives present. Participated by Meehanite. The presentation is attached as Annex 12. http://www.svy.info/?q=node/132 (Fig 21). 40-50 participants 6. Finnish Food Safety Authority EVIRA. Project activities and results presentation of Foundrysand composting end-product in 19 January 2016 in Helsinki. Discussions of composting end-product requirements and limit values in Finland. Seppo Heinänen, Markku Tapola, Sara Tapola and Mervi Myyrä. 7. Project leaflets distributed to FEAF members (15 potential foundries as suppliers of sand) by Tecnalia, Spain. September 2015. Patricia Caballero. 8. Presentation of the project to two companies (AMUFER & JEZ) by Tecnalia, Spain. Patricia Caballero. 9. Presentation of results for BIOFAKTA Oy and discussions of the demonstration activities with surplus foundry sand during the project. Meeting was arranged on 31.3.2016. Hannu Pöntinen, Markku Tapola and Sara Tapola. 10. CAEF Environment committee meeting was arranged on 19th April 2016 is Düsseldorf, Germany. Prof. Juhani Orkas is a member of this committee. Health issues related to crystalline silica (RCS) dust thresholds were discussed and also the re-use possibilities of foundry sand in different European countries were presented. Prof. Juhani Orkas participated in this meeting. 11. GIFA Messe (International Foundry Trade fair with Technical Forum) on 1617.6.2015 in Düsseldorf, Germany. A specialised fair for foundry representatives in Europe. Meehanite had discussions with foundries of sand treatment methods and limit values in German foundries. Discussions also with European foundry associations (IfG and CAEF) and Tecnalia representatives from Spain were arranged. Project meeting with Prof. Juhani Orkas and Dr. Joachim Helber from B-B-H Beratungsbüro in Düsseldorf was arranged during the fair. Mr Markku Tapola and Ms Sara Tapola participated in this fair. Over 48,000 visitors were at GIFA. 63 Figure 24. Markku Tapola gave a presentation at Finnish Foundry Technical Association seminar on 5.2.2016 in Tampere. Figure 25. Air Pollution Prevention seminar in 18-19.8.2015 in Lappeenranta. Seminar presentations are available on website (life-foundrysand.com). The project ask permission to present the results of laboratory experiments in a 7th SETAC World Congress which will be held in Orlando, FL, USA, from 6-10 November 2016. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a not-for-profit, global professional organization comprised of some 6,000 individual members and institutions from academia, business and government. Since 1979, the Society has provided a forum where scientists, managers and other professionals exchange information and ideas on the study, analysis and solution of environmental problems, the management and regulation of natural resources, research and development, and environmental education. More information of SETAC can be found from their internet pages https://www.setac.org/ and the link for the Orlando congress is also available: https://orlando.setac.org/. There are three major reasons to participate this meeting. First this is the most important forum for presentation of environmental remediation related issues in terms 64 of both scientific and practical value. Second over 2500 experts will participate this conference thus providing excellent opportunity for scientific communication and networking. Thirdly from personal motivation perspective program of the conference offers excellent opportunity for professional development during a 5-day event featuring a variety of training, and learning opportunities. There are also practical reasons regarding the timing of the project. For institutional reasons (Big Wheel by University of Helsinki) autumn 2016 is a perfect time to participate scientific conference that is included in the original plan according to Grant agreement. SETAC World Congress only occurs once every four years and attracts more than 2,500 scientists, assessors, and other stakeholders of environmental protection. We still have time to submit abstract to one of the nine Remediation/Restoration sessions. To our knowledge similar type of congress will not be organized in EU countries during 2016-2017. Personally I have been member of SETAC since 1997. Annual self-paid membership fee of 120 € is taken into account in the registration rate of the congress US$520/ US$736 (early bird rates). Thus relatively low (470 €) registration rate compensates moderate price of airline tickets (ca. 500-680 €, for example Icelandair 648 €). Total budget of the conference including accommodation (6x100 €), daily allowance (7x65 €). transportation (750 €), and registration fee (470 €) are in the range of 2,275 € at minimum. Action D4 Publications and the dissemination material Project second and revised leaflet was produced in March 2015 (Annex 8) after the access of two new partners by April 2015. Roll-up and posters were also revised and produced in May 2015 (Annex 9 and Annex 9.2). By the Midterm reporting in summer 2016, in total two articles of LIFE-Foundrysand project has been produced by AX and Meehanite Technology in the AX Magazine in 2014 and 2015. Both are attached as Annex 10. LIFE logo (flag) was used in reports, presentations, publications and in all deliverables. In addition the sentence “Supported by EU Commission LIFE Environment Programme 2013” was used. More articles will be produced when all the results are available in 2017-2018 in cooperation with all partners. 65 Updated list of deliverables produced by 04/2016 66 5.3 Evaluation of Project implementation Evaluation of the project implementation actions is presented in Table 4. Task Action A1. Preparation of compost sites in Finland and Spain Action B1. Surplus sand quality control and sand samples process in foundries Foreseen in the revised proposal Construction and preparation work of the pilot site by the end of May 2015. Achieved Yes, completed. Evaluation Because of the partnership changes of a new pilot site was searched in March-April 2015 and a new environmental permit was made in May 2015 for the new site. The new partner, Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Ltd, provided a new site at waste treatment center in Koukkujärvi, Nokia. The change caused less than one month delay with the preparation work at site. Pilot tests in Action B3 were started 3 weeks later than planned. Environmental permit for project pilot tests to be applied from national authorities. Yes, completed. The guidelines of quality control and treatment of surplus foundry sand in foundries. Yes. The manual will be updated during the project. The environmental permit was received on 18th June 2015 from the Regional State Administrative Agency. In Spain no additional permission was needed. The pilot site had the permission from the local authority (Composgune) existing already. This action was completed successfully and pilot tests were started in Finland 3 weeks later than planned. A guideline for the Finnish foundries was developed to assist them in setting quality control system criteria to control the quality of surplus foundry sand suitable for composting purposes. A master of thesis was made of this work by Aalto University. The work will be updated during the project based on the more test result gained from composting pilot tests. This action was completed successfully and the final results are updated under the Action B6 in Practical guide "Surplus foundry sand quality control in foundries". Action B2. Compost processing on laboratory scale Small scale experiments on laboratory scale have was carried out to investigate the Yes. Additional tests will be The results of this action are visible right after the project. Outdoor field tests were carried out at the Jokimaa field station in Lahti for soil and sediment studies. 67 Action B3 Composting tests in Finland Action B4. Composting tests in Spain driving parameters for the process under controlled conditions, not only to receive repeatable results but also to define the optimal process conditions for field tests. made in 2016. Also small size laboratory tests were carried out. Chemical and biological analyses were made during the tests. A master of thesis was produced of the tests by Helsinki University. Additional tests will be made in 2016 because the results were not satisfying and composting tests were not completed successfully. The size and aeration of the small size containers will be studied more carefully. Additionally toxicity tests will be carried out. Results are visible during the project. In total 17 small scale pilot tests will be carried out. Action is progressing as planned. 6 small scale composting pilot test heaps were tested in summer 2015. Winter tests 2015-2016 (large scale 3 test heaps) are ongoing until June 2016. Summer tests 2016 (6 test heaps) will start in June. Meadow test will be constructed in May 2016 at Koukkujärvi. Hazardous organic compounds of surplus foundry sand will be cleaned by about 95%. Achieved and continues. Based on the results we can assume that the tests were carried out successfully and the innovative composting end-product will fulfil the limit values set in the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on Fertiliser Products 24/2011 and the end-product can be used as substrate and for gardening purposes. In total about 150-200 tons of surplus foundry sand will be treated and cleaned by composting method. Continues in 2015-2017. In 2015 about 40 tons of surplus foundry sand was cleaned by composting method in Finland. During piloting studies all relevant environmental impacts will be investigated. Yes. Achieved. The environmental impacts have been measured and evaluated. Also the dispersion modelling of the impacts has been produced based on the pilot tests in 2015. A master of thesis of this work has been produced by Tampere University of technology. In total 12 small scale pilot tests will be carried out. Action is progressing as planned. The results of this action are visible right after the project. First 3 pilot test tests were started in August in 2015 and completed in March 2016. In total 15 tons of surplus foundry 68 sand was treated and cleaned by composting method. Based on the results the tests were completed effectively and organic hazardous emissions like phenols were reduced by 97 %. Action B5. Biological and chemical composting Biological, physical and chemical parameters will be sampled and analysed from the pilot tests in Finland and Spain. Action is progressing as planned. The results of this action are visible right after the project. Because of the withdrawn of one partner, Biopap Ltd, a new laboratory analyses partner was needed. Eurofins Viljavuuspalvelu Ltd will provide all biological and chemical analyses in the project. The cooperation has been successful and this action continues as planned. Sampling procedure and analyses were agreed in the environmental permit with the local authorities. Results of the pilot tests in Finland and Spain will be reported under Actions B3 and B4. Deliverable “Report on the analytical methods and results” will be produced by the end of the project. Action B6.Conclusions and project outcomes 1) Report "Applicability of cleaned foundry sand recycling in Finland, Germany and Spain (limit values, applicability and market approach)". Sampling procedure and list of analyses will be produced in the final report and visible after the project. Not yet started. 2) Practical guide "Construction recommendations for composters of cleaning the foundry sand by composting". 3) Practical guide "Surplus foundry sand quality control in foundries" The results of this action are visible right after the project. 1) A survey of the composting method feasibility, limit values and markets will be produced. Replicability and transferability of the composting method implemented across Europe will be visible in 2-5 years after the project. 2) Construction recommendations will be provided by Meehanite at the end of the project. Yes. The manual will be updated during the project. 3) Master of thesis of the surplus foundry sand quality control in foundries is produced by Aalto University. The manual will be updated during the project when all results are available and the practical guidelines are discussed with relevant authorities and foundry representatives. Results of the implementation of the manual in the foundries will be 69 Action C1 Project monitoring Three Progress reports of monitoring the impacts (20152018) Action is progressing as planned. Action D1 Notice boards and Layman’s report Action D2 Website and social media 2 notice boards will be produced Action completed Project website life-foundrysand.com Will be updated regularly Action D3 Events 5-10 events will be participated by the project consortium Action D4 Publications and the dissemination materials Action E1 Project management and reporting by Meehanite 3 technical publications Action is progressing as planned Action is progressing as planned Action is progressing as planned Action E2 Networking with other LIFE projects 10 contacts in other LIFE projects Action is progressing as planned After LIFE Communication plan Action E4 Project auditing After LIFE Communication Plan will be produced Project auditing will be made at the end of the project Action not started yet Action not started yet Partnership agreements will be made. 4 progress reports will be delivered to the Commission. Project meeting memos will be produced visible in 2-5 years after the project. Project results and outcomes in 2015 have been evaluated and reported in the first report. 2 project notice boards have been placed on pilot sites (Finland and Spain) Project websites were opened in January 2015. Relevant information will be placed on site and they will be updated by the coordinator. In 2015 and until March 2016 in total 11 events were participated by partners. 2 publications are produced by (2014 and 2015) Revised partnership agreements have been produced and delivered to the Commission on 23rd November 2015. Inception report was delivered in April 2015. Memos are mailed to partners and placed on website (private site) 3 relevant LIFE projects have been found and contacted. Cooperation possibilities are planned in 20162017 Not yet started The auditor has been selected. Effectiveness of the dissemination and comment on any major drawbacks: Project activities have been disseminated in two articles in AX magazine in 2014 and 2015. Markku Tapola presented the project activities and results of first pilot tests at Suomen Valimoyhdistyksen -koulutuspäivät (the seminar arranged by Finnish Foundry Technical Association) on 4-5 February 2016 in Tampere. Three master of thesis work are produced in 2015: 1) Compost processing on laboratory scale by Helsinki University (Ms Johanna Pollari) 2) Surplus foundry sand and its assessment in applicability in composting by Aalto University (Mr Devendra Maharjan) (Annex 1) and 3) Valimohiekan kompostointikäsittelyn ympäristövaikutukset (Environmental impacts’ assessment of composting method”) by Tampere University of Technology (Mr Joni Tanskanen) (Annex 4). Project results will be widely disseminated when all results are available from composting tests in Finland and Spain. Meetings with responsible authorities are arranged during the 70 project and excursions to site will be organised. Project partners will actively disseminate the results in different happenings. Juhani Orkas the Professor of Foundry Technology at Aalto University is actively in contact with Finnish foundries and relevant meetings will be participated during the project. Prof Orkas is also the member of Environment Group of CAEF. These contacts for dissemination purposes will be utilised and relevant stakeholders are contacted. Spanish foundry association, Tecnalia, has wide contacts with Spanish foundries and with relevant EU projects for networking activities. No major drawbacks with dissemination activities have occurred. Dissemination activities are focused on the latter part of the project when all the results are available and discussions with authorities are arranged concerning the foundry sand quality control manual in foundries. 5.4 Analysis of long-term benefits 1. Environmental benefits a. Direct / quantitative environmental benefits The highlights of the project are: The expected result of the LIFE-Foundrysand project is to keep contaminated foundry waste sands away from the landfills; Through piloting in 2014-2017 around 150-200 tons of surplus foundry sand will be cleaned by the innovative composting method; In total of 17 test trials will be carried out at waste treatment centre, Koukkujärvi in Finland with different foundry sand types (furan/phenol/green sand); In total of 12 test trials will be carried out at Tecnalia’s pilot site in Spain with different sand foundry sand types; Additionally small scale composting test trials will be carried out on laboratory scale by Helsinki University; The hazardous organic compounds (like phenol index, PAHs) are cleaned with the efficiency of more than 95%. The final composted product has to meet the national requirements; CO2 equivalent emissions are reduced with more than 80%; The increase of re-use of industrial waste material by in other applications instead of dumping in landfills. The new end-product is ready to be used in geo-engineering applications when the national requirements are met. b. Relevance for environmentally significant issues or policy areas The targets of the project address and support the following EU Targets (Mainstreaming sustainable development into EU policies: 2009 review of the European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development; Brussels, 24.07.2009): Climate change (and clean energy); Sustainable (consumption and) production and waste prevention; Conservation and management of natural resources. 71 Within the goal "climate change impact" it shall be found out if the new process will be advantageous with respect to methane, CO, and CO2 production by microbiological degradation. The project activities support the EU Waste Frame Directive (2008/98/EC) in increasing the reuse of the industrial waste in other applications and increasing the recycling of waste instead of landfilling. Project aim is to reduce the amount of surplus foundry sand to be landfilled and to find cost-effective innovate method to reuse the industrial waste in geo-engineering applications. The cleaned foundrysand be used for construction purposes e.g. in green field construction work, noice embankments, football fields, etc.). The European Commission adopted an ambitious Circular Economy Package in the beginning of 2016, which includes revised legislative proposals on waste to stimulate Europe's transition towards a circular economy which will boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs. The revised legislative proposals on waste set clear targets for reduction of waste and establish an ambitious and credible long-term path for waste management and recycling. LIFE-Foundrysand project objectives are in line with the concrete measures to promote re-use and stimulate industrial symbiosis - turning one industry's by-product into another industry's raw material. 2. Long-term benefits and sustainability a. Long-term / qualitative environmental benefits: The highlights of the project are: The new innovative composting method will be developed to clean surplus foundry sand. The method will be ready to use after the end of the project and utilised in silica sand foundries in Finland, Germany and Spain; To keep contaminated foundry waste sands away from the landfills; To save valuable landfill space for residues which have not the capability of being re-used – especially not in such a highly valuable way; To re-use industrial waste and produce new end-products suitable in other applications (e.g geo-engineering construction, road construction, green field construction purposes); To produce new spin-off products for composting companies or waste treatment centres for markets (new composting materials, bio-moulder products and moulder recipes including cleaned sand); To create a relief in environmental burdens by re-use of the contaminated surplus foundry sands in combination with other organic waste material; To establish and improve acceptance of this generally valuable cleaned and recycled material for geo-engineering (e.g. road construction) applications -The foundry waste sands can in some cases be quite little contaminated compared to other much riskier and hazardous waste but the amounts of tons of foundry waste sand are very high (around 18 M tons in Europe each year) and thus these waste will be more and more problematic for the landfills with limited capacity. 72 To improve the acceptance for foundries in general when they are seen more environmentally friendly by reusing their waste into new end-products by ecofriendly biological method. To calculate the feasibility and effectiveness of the new method for Finland, Germany and Spain as pilot countries; To produce the manual for surplus foundry sand quality control in foundries. The manual can be adopted in about 200 silica sand foundries in Europe and that way to reduce dramatically the amount of surplus sand to be landfilled and To save money for European foundry industries by opening a further route of re-use of foundry waste sand in other purposes and avoiding costly deposition in landfills. b. Long-term / qualitative economic benefits: In most countries several smaller landfills are being closed and replaced by large so called “EU landfills”, so the distances and transport costs to the landfills are also increasing for the foundry companies and alternative ways of treating those wastes in a more environmental friendly way have to be found. Aim is to reduce the transportation need of waste foundry sand to the centralized landfills that can locate far from the foundries. In the future surplus foundry sands suitable for composting purposes could be transported to local composters or waste treatment centres for composting or several foundries together could compost the sands themselves in suitable areas. The re-used and composted foundry sand could be a new spin-off product for foundries and a new end-product for composters and waste treatment companies. Based on the first results from pilot tests in Finland the new end-product meets the requirements of “mixture soil material” (Fertiliser Products (24/2011) and it applicable for geo-engineering, green field construction and road construction purposes in Finland. So, instead of paying the high landfill fee costs, the foundries themselves could sell out the new product for geo-engineering purposes and get incomes in the future or they can transport the surplus sand to composter companies with lower costs for treatment. c. Long-term / qualitative social benefits: Socio economic assessment of the project dealing with future visions of the sustainable composting system that can be transferred to areas (sand deponies) where over 200 foundries operate to clean surplus foundry sand for re-use purposes will be made. There are about 4000 foundries in Europe - estimated 200 of them could apply this new method by 2020 and around 1000 by 2025. The impacts of "centralised" foundry sand composting system will be assessed through out transportation, logistical, employment and economical points of view. Economic impacts to foundries of introducing the new composting method compared to existing system will be assessed. Also the impacts on local employment growth, end-product utilisation by different end-users will 73 be assessed. This will be made by Meehanite and external subcontractor (Prof Joachim Helber) evaluating the situation in Germany and Spain. The assessment will be made in the end of the project. d. Continuation of the project actions by the beneficiary or by other stakeholders. 3. Foundrysand project website will be available at least until 2023. Deliverables will be available for public audience. “Guidelines and recommendations” for composting method construction purposes can be uploaded form the website. The coordinator is responsible for maintaining the website. The recommendations for composting method use and construction work developed during the Foundrysand project can be implemented in Finland and in other EU countries. Dissemination activities via national foundry associations in Finland, Germany and Spain which we will contact directly. The surplus sand quality control and sand samples process in foundries can be implemented in foundries representing the same sand specimen as tested in the project (furan, green sand and phenolic sand) in Finland and in other countries. Feasibility study and the market approach will be implemented in Finland and in other European countries. Based on the tentative studies there are different laws and regulations set for reuse of foundrysand in other applications in each country that have to be studied. Barriers of surplus foundry sand reusing potentials are commonly related to very strict limit values for harmful substances in each country and differences inside the countries. In this project we aim to provide more accurate information and results of the composting method to authorities to make the environmental permit procedure more easier and more coherent between countries. In this project we also clarify the situation of current patents in the market. Project partners like Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto will continue with the composting method after the project. The environmental permit is needed at the moment but future vision is that an announcement procedure will be implemented in Europe. Pilot foundries involved in this project are provided with detailed instructions of the quality control system based on the project results. Meehanite will continue with the dissemination activities and knowhow distribution work of the composting method. Results will be actively disseminated in relevant events and seminars by project partners in the future. Replicability, demonstration, transferability, cooperation: Some 100,000 tonnes of surplus foundry sand is annually produced from Finnish casting processes. In Spain the annual waste sand amount is ten times higher, 1 74 Mil. tonnes/y. In Europe, in total estimated of 18 M tons of foundry sand is produced annually. So the market potential is high. This sustainable composting system or service can be transferred to the areas where several foundries operate in the same region to clean the surplus foundry sand for reuse purposes. There are about 4000 foundries in Europe - estimated 200 of them could apply this new method by 2020 and around 1000 by 2025. These foundries represent the silica sand foundries that could apply the composting method in cleaning the surplus foundrysand. The barriers for the replicability and transferability of the composting method are related to the national laws and regulations and strict limit values set for harmful organic compounds existing in surplus foundrysand. In Finland the Government Degree of 331/2013 sets regulations and limit values for waste foundrysand reuse possibilities. The regulations and limit values vary in each country. Our aim is to provide authorities relevant information and results of the cleaned foundrysand to enable the reuse possibilities. This composting method can be taken into use by composters, waste treatment centres who already have the environmental permits existing and who could receive and treat surplus foundry sand in their production. The use of foundry sand in composting purposes requires nowadays always an environmental permit in Finland. Situation is other countries will be studied in this project by Meehanite. Discussions with Finnish authorities (ELY-keskus, Aluehallintovirasto RSAA) have are arranged to give more information of the innovative treatment method and results and to make the environmental permit procedure more easier and shorter for new appliers. The composting method can also be used for cleaning other types of phenolic and furan sand specimens that are not all tested in this project. Such sand types could be olivine and zirkone sand specimens. This is not the question of sand types alone but especially the residuals coming from the mould bonding system. Also contaminated soil materials could be cleaned by this method. Materials containing heavy metals cannot be composted because heavy metals are not degradable. Both foundries and composters/waste treatment centres can have high economic benefits from this arrangement. The foundries do not have to pay high deposit fees and the composters get the sand they need to add in composting material cheaper or for free instead of buying costly virgin gravel. The aim is to sell this method for composter and waste treatment centers in the future. A novelty search of different organic raw materials and different surplus foundry sand types was carried out in this project to find out that there are no patents existing for different composting raw materials tested in this project. The composting method can be also used for cleaning the contaminated soils and humus materials. Restrictions for the transferability of this method are related to the current environmental laws and existing environmental permissions that do not allow the reuse of foundrysand without an environmental permission (Finland). 75 4. Best Practice lessons: Based on the first results from pilot tests in Finland the new end-product meets the requirements of “mixture soil material” (Fertiliser Products (24/2011) and the objectives set in the project proposal and the new end-product is applicable for geoengineering purposes in Finland. The composting method seems to be efficient enough in reducing the hazardous organic substances from surplus foundry sand specimen. Results have been presented to relevant authorities and regulatory bodies in project meetings on 9.9.2015 and 25.11.2015. At the moment when the MARA degree revision is ongoing and decisions will be made by the end of 2017 for increasing the industrial waste reuse possibilities our aim is to provide all information and results from Foundrysand project for the use of the UUMA project Committee where Pof Juhani Orkas is also present. By presenting the good results to relevant environmental authorities out aim is to convince that this method is feasible and safe. Foundrysand project aims to provide all analyses results to authorities when they evaluate the environmental impacts. By this way our aim is to make the environmental procedure more easier for composter companies and waste treatment companies to start to implement this composting method. The meetings arranged in 2015 were a good plate form for authorities, foundry representatives and waste treatment companies to discuss this subject and future challenges. An excursion to authorities will be arranged in August 2016 for authorities and relevant stakeholders. 5. Innovation and demonstration value: The state of the art with respect to the primary quality of the foundry residues in question is a wide variety in quality. This variety is not only characterized by (widely different) concentrations of hazardous chemicals but also by the habit of mixing together different types of sands or even materials which should be kept separate from the surplus sand (like refractories, filter dusts, shot-blasting grains etc.). These different qualities have primarily been investigated during the last three decades by different investigators like [Bradke (1993); Lemkow & Crepaz (1994); Orkas (2001)] and have been proven by thousands of waste declaration analyses. The idea of composting was promoted mainly in the Nordic countries of Europe and the United States. The most prominent and complete example may be the CASKAD project – co-financed by EU funding (2005). These developments have slowly accessed markets but are not at all yet common or tested properly. These activities aimed at the clarification of the question how this class of materials can be deposited safely. Most of the foundry waste sand cannot be directly re-used without cleaning. Also the material which this Foundrysand project is dealing with in the testing phase has a quality (in terms of the level of contamination) which would be rejected by the mentioned regulations and limitations and thus needs to be cleaned properly to be re-used applying this innovative composting method. 76 Based on the first results carried out in 2015 the requirements and limit values can be reached and the new end-product is suitable for geo-engineering applications. More tests will be carried out with different organic materials and sand specimen. Negotiations and discussions with foundries and relevant authorities like RSAA, Centre for Economic Development and Transport and Environment and the environmental authority in Nokia municipality were arranged in 2015 to introduce this innovative method and end-product for potential end-users construction companies, municipalities, farmers, etc). The new tools, quality control manual for foundries and sample procedure will be created in this project in order to make this innovative composting method easier to take into use by the local composters, waste treatment companies or foundries themselves. Negotiations of these requirements and tools and sampling procedures are arranged with relevant authorities during this project. 6. Long term indicators of the project success: Number of composters/waste treatment companies applying the innovative composting method in cleaning the surplus foundry sand by composting method Number of foundries applying the innovative composting method in cleaning the surplus foundry sand by composting method Amount of surplus foundry sand treated by composting method (tons) Amount of new end-users for the new end-products (geo-engineering, road construction, green area construction, etc applications) Amount of foundries applied for the “surplus sand quality control and sand samples process in foundries” system Amount of environmental permits or other announcement procedure to relevant authorities for taking into use the innovative composting method Reductions in landfill use for dumping the surplus foundry sands (tons) 77 6. Comments on the financial report 6.1.Summary of Costs Incurred In the midterm report eligible costs are reported for 1,492,118 €. The total eligible project budget is 1,992,144 €. 75 % of total eligible costs are reported. In the following table concerning the incurred project costs comments are presented below on each of the cost categories focussing particularly on discrepancies compared to the allowed flexibility of 30,000€ and 10% (cf. Article 15.2 of the Common Provisions). In the midterm report no remarkable deviations have occurred in any of cost categories. PROJECT COSTS INCURRED Cost category 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Personnel Travel External assistance Durables: total nondepreciated cost - Infrastructure subtot. - Equipment sub-tot. - Prototypes sub-tot. Consumables Other costs Overheads TOTAL Budget according to the Costs incurred within grant agreement* the project duration % 1,195,830 71,488 183,000 943,010 38,578 56,899 79 54 31 59,500 175,000 142,429 34,571 130,323 1,992,144 52,407 155,041 130,518 18,050 97,615 1,492,118 88 89 92 53 75 75 78