Conversational German
Conversational German
Volume 44— #1 DAS ECHO January—March 2014 Accordion Club: First Sunday of the month at 11 am, and practices throughout the month. (Details: check calendar) New members welcome Conversational German: Every Wednesday at 7 pm (Details: see p. 4) Members and non-members welcome Edelweiss Dancers: Contact: Mike Weirmier 250-477-7665 At the end of September, Dieter and Marlene travelled to the Alpen Club in Vancouver to represent The Edelweiss Club at a dedication ceremony at the German Heritage Plaza. Dieter gave a short address to the crowd and later met with special guest, Grace McCarthy. Activities & Events In October, the Wendische Trachtentanzgruppe Ströbitz visited from Germany and performed at a special Schnitzel Night. The Harmony Choir rounded out the evening’s entertainment. German Movie Afternoon: Fourth Sunday of the month at 2 pm (Details: see p. 4) Harmony Choir: Every Thursday at 7 pm New singers welcome (Contact: see p. 4) Literaturkreis: Second Tuesday of the month at 2 pm Neue Mitglieder sind herzlich willkommen! (Contact: see p. 3) INSIDE THIS ISSUE CLUB PROFILE, CONTACT………………..2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES…..2 VICE-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE...……...2 ACTIVITIES……………………….3,4 CALENDAR……………………..5,6,7 NOTICE BOARD..…………………...8 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL……………...8 Some of our Fall Our three Oktoberfests were well attended. Pictured above: The Victoria Accordion Club and the Edelweiss Dancers. German Canadian Cultural Society of Victoria Victoria Edelweiss Club 108 Niagara Street Victoria, BC V8V1E9 250-383-4823 DAS ECHO published 4 times per year. Advertising Rates (annual) $100.00 business card size $150.00 double business card BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dieter Hartmetz, Vice President 250-658-6148 Kim Laing, First Treasurer 250-478-5666 Rod Kurtz, Second Treasurer 250-882-9981 John Fear, Secretary 250-386-7282 Mona Jane, Bar Manager & Caretaker Liaison 250-380-9158 June Jackson, Program Committee 250-381-2967 Winston Cardinez, Membership 250-477-7264 Monika von Selz, Membership & Member Liaison 250-652-2345 Ursula Muirhead, Rentals 250-479-6288 Marlene Sand, Das Echo 250-658-6148 TRUSTEES Albrecht Willmann 250-479-4648 Dieter Hartmetz 250-658-6148 VICE—PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE On behalf of the members of the Board, I extend warm wishes to you and your family and friends as well for a very healthy and happy 2014! Most of you are well aware that 2013 has been a challenge for the Club in many ways; but with the untiring help of a number of very dedicated volunteers we have overcome those adversities and have now entered a stage of calm and tranquility. I would like to mention some of them by name here—for their dedication and tremendous contributions—however, they prefer to remain “anonymous” (but you do know who they are). Financially, the Club has done quite well, in particular since our Octoberfests. The new caretakers have been very supportive and helpful; we are grateful to them for their contribution. Marlene and I represented the Edelweiss Club in September at the 27th Annual Celebration event of the German Canadian Heritage Plaza in Vancouver, for the first time. Hopefully, this can be repeated in the future. Again, thanks to the willing help of a number of dedicated volunteers, the Christmas events were not only well-attended but quite successful. Our annual Christmas Brunch, to mention just this one event, was a joyous affair and quite popular. In particular, we enjoyed the musical presentations by the young accordion players, and the food was excellent and plentiful, as always. During both the Christmas Market and the Christmas Brunch, a crew from HTVBC visited the Club and made a video recording, which was aired on December 21. Some of you may have watched it on Shaw TV—channel 4, (also posted on Utube). Again, please do remember how important it is that all members of the Edelweiss Club offer to do some volunteer work. Let us make this promise to ourselves as we enter the New Year. Respectfully submitted, Dieter Hartmetz Christmas Market 2 Literaturkreis Elfie Kirste 1-250-646-2364 - Helga Traylen 250-370-2819 - Daniel Taft 250-479-1357 Unser erstes Literaturkreistreffen im Neuen Jahr 2014 findet am Dienstag, dem 14. Januar (14:00 Uhr) statt. Wir zeigen den Film DER UNTERTAN, die historische Satire von Heinrich Mann mit schneidender Schärfe und überlegener Komik. Dauer: 104 Minuten. Den Februarnachmittag - 11.02.2014 - 14:00 Uhr - übernimmt Angelika Arend mit einem Vortrag über die Dichterin Else Seel - Vom Berlin der Zwanziger Jahre in den Urwald von Britisch- Kolumbien. Am Dienstag, dem 11. März - 14:00 Uhr - beschäftigen wir uns mit der nächsten Epoche in der Serie Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur. Die Dichtung des Expressionismus (1910 - 1925) ist an der Reihe, und ihre Vertreter Georg Trakl, Gottfried Benn, Franz Kafka, Franz Werfel, und viele andere, werden uns in ihrer Verschiedenheit zum Erstaunen bringen. Gerhard Fischer übernimmt die Leitung, unterstützt von Elfie Kirste. Und nun ein Sprung zum Monat März mit einem Gedicht von Friedrich Hölderlin (1770 - 1843) Der Frühling Die Sonne glänzt, es blühen die Gefilde, die Tage kommen blütenreich und milde. Der Abend blüht hinzu und helle Tage gehen vom Himmel abwärts, wo die Tag’ entstehen. Das Jahr erscheint mit seinen Zeiten wie eine Pracht, wo sich Feste verbreiten. Der Menschen Tätigkeit beginnt mit neuem Ziele, so sind die Zeichen in der Welt, der Wunder viele. Cell: (250) 818-3226 Phone: (250) 479-6288 Weddings, banquets, cocktail parties or barbeques Let us make your special event magical! Club Christmas Party Uschi prepared another delicious buffet lunch….. ...and Santa delighted the children with his visit. 3 Conversational German Submitted by John Fear 250-386-7282 Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Games Room Instructor: Susanne Garmsen M.A. For many years we have hosted a Conversational German Class. Sessions run from September until May of each year. Some years, we also offer a class for beginners as well as one for more advanced speakers of German. The classes are intended to give people whose German is a little rusty a chance to brush up their conversing skills and socialize with others keen on communicating in German. Please phone me for details. Members of the Harmony Choir Members of the Harmony Choir Harmony Choir Submitted by Erika Waberski 250-652-0406 Dear Members, Once our Christmas Concert is over, the year, too, comes to an end. It was very nice to see so many familiar faces and also numerous new ones. I hope everybody enjoyed our program. All in all the year 2013 was a good one for us. Beside our two regular annual concerts in the Spring and at Christmas, we prepared a few smaller performances. We enjoyed our practices on Thursday evenings, both the hard work and the good fun. We look forward to an equally enjoyable year in 2014. Filmnachmittag Victoria Accordion Club Submitted by June Jackson 250-381-2967 The Victoria Accordion Club was kept very busy, performing at many organizations during the months of October through to December. In addition to playing at Oktoberfest, we also provided music at Shannon Oaks on October 30th. We were very pleased to play for the Edelweiss Schnitzel night in November; and thank you to Sam & Doreen Iseli for playing at the Schnitzel night in December. On December 4th, we performed for the "Selfhelp Group" at the Gorge Vale Golf Club, and of course, we can not forget the Edelweiss Club’s annual "Christmas Market" and the "Christmas Party" - two great afternoons! Anyone interested in finding out more about the VAC, please contact me. 14:00Uhr - Upper Bar Please do not forget our movie afternoons on every 4th Sunday of the month. The next show is on January 26. We will see the continuation of the popular series "Die Landärztin". As always, the movie will be followed by a friendly get-together over coffee and cake. Eintritt: $6.00 für Film, Kaffee und Kuchen Erika Waberski: 250-652-0406 4 January 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Happy New Year! 5 Accordion Club - Card Room 11am ____________ Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 12 6 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 19 20 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room Accordion Club Practice 6pm 26 27 Hall Rental (am) ______________ Movie Afternoon - 2pm ____________ Fri 3 Sat 4 Choir Rehearsal Rental - Choir Room - Games Room 3rd Floor Rental - Main Hall 8 9 11 Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal Swing Night - Choir Room - Main Hall 3rd Floor ____________ Rental - Games Room 14 15 16 Literaturkreis - Upper Bar Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal Swing Night - Choir Room - Main Hall 3rd Floor 21 22 23 Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal Swing Night - Choir Room - Main Hall 3rd Floor 29 30 Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal Swing Night - Choir Room - Main Hall 3rd Floor 7 Program Meeting 7pm 13 Thu 28 10 17 24 18 25 31 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 5 February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Accordion Club - Card Room 11am ____________ Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 9 3 6 Conversational German - Games Room Schnitzel Night Call (by prev. Sunday) for reservations: 250-380-9158 ____________ 11 12 13 Literaturkreis - Upper Bar Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal Swing Night - Choir Room - Main Hall ____________ 3rd Floor Rental - Games Room 18 19 20 Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal Swing Night - Choir Room - Main Hall 3rd Floor 26 27 Conversational German - Games Room Choir Rehearsal Swing Night - Choir Room - Main Hall 3rd Floor Program Meeting 7pm 10 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 16 17 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room Accordion Club Practice 6pm 23 24 Movie Afternoon - 2pm ____________ Church Rental Main Hall & Games Room 5 4 25 7 8 Swing Night - Main Hall 14 21 15 22 28 6 March 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Accordion Club - Card Room 11am _________ Church Rental - Main Hall & 9 3 Program Meeting 7pm 10 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 16 17 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room Accordion Club Practice 6pm 23 24 Movie Afternoon 5 Conversational German - Games Room 6 Schnitzel Night 7 8 Call (by prev. Sunday) for reservations: Swing Night - Main Hall 250-380-9158 ____________ Choir Rehearsal 11 12 13 Literaturkreis - Upper Bar Conversational Choir Rehearsal Swing Night German - Choir Room - Main Hall - Games Room ____________ 3rd Floor Rental - Games Room 18 19 20 14 21 15 22 Conversational Choir Rehearsal Swing Night German - Choir Room - Main Hall - Games Room 3rd Floor 25 26 27 28 29 NO Swing Conversational Choir Rehearsal ____________ Rental German - Choir Room - Main Hall - Games Room 3rd Floor - 2pm ____________________________ Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 30 4 31 Church Rental - Main Hall & Games Room 7 Theo U Schmidt CFP, FMA Joe W. Schlichter, Ing. Real Estate Agent ▶ ▶ ▶ Residential / Commercial / Agricultural Phone: 778-679-0785 e-mail Web: Investment & Retirement Planning Wealth Management, Tax Planning Estates and Family Wealth Transfer 36 Jahre Erfahrung und solide deutsche Ausbildung im Investmentbereich. Excellente Kundenbetreuung in Englisch und Deutsch. Special Commission Discounts For Edelweiss Club Members Email: Phone: 250-704-8809 Ihr Immobilienmakler Ein vertrauter Name mit 33 Jahren Erfahrung im Verkauf von Häusern, Wohnungen & Grundstücken. Für eine kostenlose persönliche Beratung in Deutsch oder Englisch, bitte rufen Sie mich jederzeit an. Rod Kurtz Mortgage Specialist Cell: 250-882-9981 Sonderangebote für Mitglieder & Pensionäre BRISTOL TOWN HAIR FASHION Fred Lerch Personal Real Estate Corporation Sutton Group West Coast Realty Office: 250-479-3333 Cell: 250-889-2528 John Fear 2562 Sinclair Road Victoria, BC V8N 1B8 250-477-3098 “Involved in the sale of over 1300 properties in Victoria” 2014 Renewal & Membership Form Please detach and submit with your membership renewal payment and send to: Victoria Edelweiss Club, 108 Niagara St., Victoria, B.C., V8V 1E9 Each member is expected to volunteer a few hours each year. Category Annual fee (includes HST) Check box to select category Name of Member Address (City & Postal Code) Adult (19-64) $53.00 Senior (> 65) $44.00 Youth (<19) $21.50 Phone Number (include area code) Family $96.00 E-mail Address (2 adults & children < 19) PLEASE FILL IN BELOW AMOUNT ENCLOSED Additional card name: Additional card name: Are you a member of an affiliated group (Edelweiss Dancers, Harmony Choir or Victoria Accordion Club)? If so, please indicate which group you belong to here: 8