FCC Newsletter April 2014 - First Congregational Church


FCC Newsletter April 2014 - First Congregational Church
Mark Your Calendars!
Apr.19: Men’s Group Breakfast Meeting,
8:30 a.m. in the Guild Room. Please RSVP.
Apr.1-9: Wednesday Eve Lenten Faith Exploration Class: “Forgiveness” with Rev.
Ann, in the library.
Apr.25: FCC Ladies’ Night Out! Book discussion and refreshments 7:30-9:30pm at
Anne Garty’s house. Please RSVP.
Apr. 6: Ministry of Spirituality & Worship
will meet in the library following worship.
Recurring Events
Apr.13-19 Holy Week: (see front page for
Wednesday Evenings through May 28:
Labyrinth Walks. 6-8pm in the sanctuary.
Apr.14-19 Prayer Flag Week: (see inside)
Mark your calendar:
a newsletter of First Congregational Church of Montclair, New Jersey
an Open & Affirming congregation of the
Easter Sunday Worship
April 20, 10:20am!
Youth Ministry Update
Holy Week Prayer Flags
Maundy Thursday Supper
Interfaith Habitat for
Humanity Build April 17
Get Ready for the Yard
Sale May 3!
"Never place a period where God
has put a comma." -Gracie Allen
April, 2014
FCC Yard Sale Saturday May 3, 9am-2pm!
Apr.17: Habitat For Humanity opportunity
8am-4pm in Newark (see inside).
From My Study
Apr. 17: Maundy Thursday Fellowship Dinner, 6:30pm. Reservations needed.
Holy Week Schedule 2014
The Week Between
Apr. 17: Maundy Thursday Service of FootFind out about MMO’s quality child care.
Visit www.mmoprograms.org and set up a tour.
Washing & Holy Communion, 8pm.
40 South Fullerton Avenue
Montclair, New Jersey 07042
(973)744-4856; admin@fccmtc.com
w w w. f i r s t c o n g m o n t c l a i r. o r g
visit our website...and tell a friend
JOIN US! Sunday mornings at 10:30 for worship
Wednesday, April 16, 6-8pm
As I write this, the sun is streaming
through my office window. I haven’t
felt this warm and bright for months!
For many of us this has been a particularly long and difficult winter. And yet spring is clearly
here now and my thoughts happily turn to new life and yes
— resurrection!
Special Labyrinth walk with Stations of the Cross in
the Sanctuary
April 17 Maundy Thursday Supper 6:30pm (see
inside for details)
April 17, Maundy Thursday Worship Service
And yet the journey of our faith will not take us straight to
the celebration of Easter morning; it takes a detour through
the most important week of the year — Holy Week. Holy
Week begins with the rousing parade of Palm Sunday when
Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem like a conquering hero.
But the crowds had it all wrong, and as the week wore on
they would soon turn on Jesus and demand his death.
We will celebrate Jesus’ last supper with his friends in
a special worship service with foot washing and Holy
Communion in the Sanctuary.
April 18, Good Friday Service of Tenebrae
8 :00pm
Take the journey to the cross in a moving, contemplative service featuring sacred music, scripture readings, prayers and a special meditation at the cross.
How can we possibly get from the cries of “Hosanna” to
the cries of grief on Good Friday? How can we find meaning in this ancient yet living story of what happens when
the power of love confront the power of fear? We get there
through Holy Week. I know it’s so tempting to skip all that
frightening and difficult stuff. It would be so easy just to
go from the celebration of Palm Sunday to the celebration
of Easter — from joy to joy. But that’s not our story. Ours
is one in which we face our fears and know that God is with
us even in the darkness. Ours is one in which we put ourselves at the foot of the cross and don’t turn away. Let us
continue this journey together.
April 19, Silent Saturday Labyrinth Walk
Saturday after the crucifixion God was silent. Jesus
was laid in the tomb and the world was still. The
labyrinth will be open for a special silent walk and
meditation time.
Thank You! Thank You!
March was a busy month and there are so many people to
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Fun was had by all who attended the Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper at First Montclair house. Special thanks
for making the dinner a big success go to Heidi and
Mike Kelly, Gerald Taylor, Anne Garty and Dick
Thomas, Nancy and Luis Pi-Sunyer, Melissa and Alex
Ragan along with Lucy, Molly and big brother
Sam, Janine Williams and daughter Makai
Mercy, Lynley Jones along with Quinn and CarlEric, Maureen and Tim Holly, Heather and Jim Cherrey, Liz Miller, and Shira Kalman-Hicks
It was a magical moment when, at the Cabaret, Elizabeth
Honer stopped the show with her rendition of “At Last”
and then pulled her partner Liz Perryman on the stage and
proposed! Congratulations to E-liz and Liz on their engagement! We look forward to an October 2015 wedding!
SO MANY hands and hearts went into creating the wonderful Cabaret “The Word is Love” on March 21& 22.
These include the performers (FCC Choir and
Friends), our producer/director, Chuck Haley, our
music directors Julie Morgan & John Leatherman,
our “ticket master” Errol Medjuck, “light and sound
guys” Dan Burger and Dennis Telischack for providing the pipe and drape.
The Hospitality Committee would like to especially thank
all who contributed treats for the wonderful dessert table. Anne Garty, Cindy Vickery, Deb Duhamel,
Tracey Winand, Rafael Rodriguez, Stephanie Sheerin,
Elizabeth Honer, Jan Burgess, Liz Donald, Maureen
Holly, Heather Cherry, Mary Swope and Diana Telischak. Helping with special assignments under the direction of Errol Medjuck including video taping, ushering,
selling 50/50s, etc. were Deb and Tim Duhamel, Rich
Gilfert, Roberto Melendez and Keith Entricken , Dan
Burger and Gerald Taylor. A fantastic job of straightening up after the first night and putting the Guild Room
back in order after the final show was accomplished by
Errol Medjuck, Roberto Melendez and Keith Entricken, Deb and Tim Duhamel, Rich Gilfert, Anne
Garty and Dick Thomas, and all the members of the
cast. A special thank you to OutPost In the Burbs for the
use of their risers.
Sunday School Teachers Thank You’s!!!
To Rich Gilfert for donating a TV/DVD player for the
Sunday School! Also, thank you for teaching and shepherding our children in March: Elissa Center, Deb Duhamel, Mark Egan, Rachael Egan, Nece Ferraro,
Sarah Gray, Susan Hunt, Missy Pentecost, Geri Perret and Kim Robinson.
One of the great things about
attending seminary in New
York City is having access to so
many innovative spiritual programs. For example, on Ash
Wednesday I participated in a
program called “ Ashes to Go”,
in which members of different Christian communities
offered ashes to pedestrians at outdoor locations
throughout the city. I participated with Trinity Church,
which is an Episcopal church located in the financial
district at the intersection of Broadway and Wall
Street. By coincidence, this is right across the street
from the main corporate headquarters of the bank I used
to work at. It made me reflect on how much has
changed in my life in so little time.
Cabaret was a huge success!
Photo by Sarah Day-Boodhoo
Men’s Group
April Breakfast
Saturday April 19, 8:30-10am
Men of FCC are warmly invited to attend the
FCC Men’s Breakfast group to be held in the
Guild Room . All you need to do is bring
yourself. Breakfast foods, coffee and juices
will be provided.
Please email John Ralosky at
JohnRalosky@msn.com if you plan to attend, so we can provide enough for everyone.
Mark Your
Notes from
But back to the ashes - imposing ashes in public is a
really wild ride! You meet people from so many traditions. Some people receive ashes as a blessing; some
receive hoping it will heal their troubles; some do it out
of a sense of obligation; and some out of a feeling of
nostalgia. Whatever the reason, for an amazingly intimate moment, as I smeared ashes on their forehead and
repeated the words “From dust you came, and to dust
you shall return,” they would drop out of time and out of
their lives. You could see it in their eyes and in the way
they said “Amen”. And then they were gone, back to
their responsibilities and commitments. Trinity Church
estimated that its volunteers provided ashes to more than
6000 pedestrians on Ash Wednesday. For me, it was a
privilege to share some many divinely infused moments
with complete strangers. What an amazing way to usher
in the season of Lent!
John Sampson
June 3, 5 & 7
Join us as we serve temporarily homeless families in
our area through the IHN
program. We will provide dinner, evening activities and overnight supervision (no overnight on 7th).
If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact
Sarah Feliciano as soon as you’re able to & let her
k n o w h o w yo u ’ d l i k e t o h el p sfeliciano1@gmail.com or cell 973-807-6160.
(We’re also signed up to help the week of October
Holy Week
Prayer flags
Share the prayer that is on
your heart with the world
during Holy Week. We will
be writing our prayers and
intentions on squares of fabric and stringing them on
the front lawn from April
14-18. They create a beautiful visual of hope and peace in time for Easter.
See Jack Cuffari at the table in the narthex each
Sunday in Lent if you have questions.
April birthdays!
Kimberly Alvarado
Geri Perret
Aiden Boodhoo
Beth Williams
Dinma Rodriguez-Rios Apr.7
Sarah Feliciano
Deb Duhamel
Brad Bannon
Henry Morales
Korey Mackinson Apr.29
Seamus Podwoski Apr.14
Kim Robinson
Make sure to email us your birthday for upcoming
Luis Pi-Sunyer
newsletters! Email Rena at admin@fccmtc.com.
Brendan Krauza
Pat Berry
Megatron (Big and Affectionate!):
In January, both Youth Groups visited the South Orange Animal Shelter and fell in love with a dog
named Megatron! Our friend is looking for a home
and we’d love Megatron to join a member of the
FCC Community! Here are important facts about
In the Spirit of Lenten preparation, the high school youth group laid important
groundwork in March. Through letter writing, babysitting, and even oral reports,
the youth group has committed to getting ready for their Belize experience. This
month the youth group shared their research on Belizean economics, traditions, and
ecology. Each participant captured the vibrancy of each Belizean culture! Belize
fundraising efforts continue to move forward.
Thanks to Melissa Ragan, the youth group babysits for the
community each month. Please keep on the lookout for our
fundraising video and your personalized invitation into the
Belizean experience in the coming weeks! Thank you to E-Liz
Honer for all her hard work putting the video together. Speaking of E-Liz…many of us were thrilled to witness her beautiful proposal to Elizabeth Perryman at the Cabaret! “At last!”
In the Spirit of all those enticing Buzzfeed quizzes, the Middle
School Youth Group played “which Bible character does your
Emerson Pentecost and Nick Duhamel
John Rogers
Age: Three years Old
“Megatron is a kind, loyal, loving dog that deserves a
loving family! Megatron loves people and the great
outdoors! Megatron reminds me of Pete-y, the cute
dog from The Little Rascals!” --Catherine Jackson &
her mom
Gender: Male
Medical History: Neutered, Shots Current
“Megatron is a sweet energetic dog that simply loves
humans. If you care for him he will love you and
thank you for giving him a home.” --Henry Morales
Build: Slightly Thin, due to the stress of Megatron’s current environment
match?” this month. The chance to delve into our personalities and
passions made for some wonderful conversation. At one point, one
of the participants shouted out “I just love life!” The rest of the
group made that affirmation a chorus. (So much for all stereotypes
about middle school cynicism!) Overwhelmed by the positivity, I
asked all the kids to literally breathe in the moment, “It smells like
church!” one kid exclaimed, punctuating the moment like only the
Middle School Youth Group could.
We are looking forward to the Second Annual Hunger Games Retreat in April. Thanks for your continuing support of the Youth
ministry at FCC!
Here’s What the FCC Youth Say
about Megatron!
Breed: Pit Bull, Terrior Mix
Personality: Big and Affectionate! Megatron
walks well on a leash. He is very friendly with
both children and other dogs.
“Megatron is a handsome, friendly dog who loves people. He is very well behaved, and needs a good home.”
--Simona Graceffo
For more information on Megatron, visit: http://
"Megatron is an awesome dog but he doesn't have a
home. He is really calm and cute." --Trevor Morales
April Breakfast
The phone number for the South Orange shelter is (973) 763-7322 .
Loretta Graceffo
This summer, our Youth Group is traveling to Belize to take part in a
cultural exchange and service project! In addition to your prayers, you can help
support the youth in several ways:
Saturday, May 3, 2014 — 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Come out and support our Belize fundraiser! We are now recruiting volunteers and
collecting new and gently used books, household goods, toys, CD’s, and anything else
you can thing of (please, no clothes). This is a great opportunity to clean out your
cupboards, closets, garage and other spaces while supporting our awesome Youth
Group! Your items can be dropped off in the Guild Room (fireplace area) during the month of April.
For questions, volunteering & donations, please contact: Deb Duhamel - 857-891-0951 debbieduhamel@hotmail.com or Melissa Ragan - 978-996-5517 raganmelissa@gmail.com
All proceeds will10
go towards our Youth Group’s trip to Belize.
Make donations online via the FCC webpage. Choose "Other" and write in "Belize".
Start clearing out your closets for a FCC Yard Sale to be held in early May.
Prepare for Central American delights with our first ever International Dinner and Silent Auction coming this Spring!
If you have young children, proceeds from the monthly childcare (the 4th Saturday of
each month) goes toward the Youth Group's Belize trip!
Keep on the lookout for more information on all of these events, or contact John Rogers
at john.rogers28@gmail.com. Thank you!!!!
Melissa Ragan
You can place them in the box marked
“clipboards” (and now “Easter eggs”), in the Guild Room
on Sundays and under the table in the mail room
throughout the week. WE NEED SEVERAL HUNDRED that can be opened and filled. Thank you!
Families with children: we are
collecting 2013/14 Christian
Education registration forms for
your children on an ongoing
basis. Please fill out one of
these forms for the children in
your family if you haven’t already (up to 3 children may be
listed on one form; just attach a
second form if you have more than 3 children) and give it
to Jan Burgess, Deb Duhamel or Melissa Ragan. Blank
yellow forms, headed “First Congregation Church,
Montclair NJ/Registration Form – 2013/2014 Christian
Education Program” may be found on a table in the narthex as you enter worship. These forms are very important to maintaining the church as a safe place for
your children; even if your children do not have allergies or special needs information, the forms also state
who is allowed to pick up your child and other crucial
information. Also, please be sure that you check one of
two boxes on the back indicating whether we may or may
not use your child’s photo in FCC publications (your
child will never be named in these media). Not sure
whether you’ve completed one of these? Contact Jan at
cedirector@fccmtc.com. We REALLY, REALLY need
your help in this—please take a minute to help us keep
your children safe!
Have you been enjoying our “loaves and fishes snack
mix” (made with Chex cereals and fish-shaped crackers)
at coffee hour recently? Sunday School children have
been rotating through various stations, learning about just
a few of the many names and deeds of Jesus. One older
class also shaped bread dough into Christian symbols.
Students in the gym participated in “names of Jesus
BINGO” and an “Elijah, John the Baptist, Jeremiah or
Jesus” relay, in which participants carried flashlights
(representing fire), cups of water, or other items to represent these important people. Pantomimes, skits, discussion and reflection have also been important elements in
this rotation.
Calling all Empty Nesters and Spring Cleaners! Do you
have any plastic Easter eggs you’re done with? If so,
please consider donating them for our Sunday School’s
Jan Burgess,
Don’t forget: we ALWAYS need your help in guiding
the spiritual formation of OUR children! We need subs
who can step in on a one-time basis when a shepherd or
teacher needs to be away. Want to know if it’s for you?
Contact Jan at cedirector@fccmtc.com with your questions!
FCC Ladies' Night Out!
Come join with
other FCC women
for an evening of
good conversation
and light refreshment on Friday
April 25 (7:30 to
9:30 pm) at Anne Garty's house. We will have a
discussion of When God Winks: How the Power
of Coincidence Guides Your Life, by SQuire
We'd also like to hear thoughts on organizing a
women's group at FCC; come share your ideas
about that as well. If you have any questions, see
Liz Donald or Anne Garty. Hope you can make
This Month at MMO Programs
Interim Director
Parents Night Out!
Saturdays: April 26, May 24 and June 21
from 6-10pm
Our Holiday Kids Camps in December were so
popular, we’re going to hold one EVERY MONTH!
Potty-trained children ages two and up can take part in
our monthly Parents Night Out.For $20 per child ($10
additional for each additional child from the same family), kids can take part in a craft, listen to a story, have a
snack, and watch a kid-friendly movie. Activities are
supervised by our amazing Youth Group as well as two
parent volunteers.
Quality Child-Care and Preschool
Education Program
(beginning at 6 weeks old)
(Toddlers from 18 to 30 months)
Spring is here and we are all looking forward to
warmer temperatures and more outside time! This
month we will be focusing on the Earth and how
we can care for it. Amongst many endeavors, students will focus efforts on recycling projects and
getting back into our garden! We will continue registration for the 2014-15 school year as well as for
Summer Camp. For information, please call (973)
Programs for 2 through 6 years olds.
We are currently registering for the
2014-2015 school year!
MMO Fundraiser April 12!
The MMO Fundraising event scheduled for Saturday April 12th is shaping up to be quite an exciting
evening! Live music, food by 12West, Casino
games and a silent auction with items from over 40
vendors! We hope this event will become a key
component in raising the additional financial support needed to enhance our playground. If you are
interested in attending, tickets are $75 per person
or $100 per couple. Tickets are available for purchase at the MMO office. If you have any questions, please email me at:
Corrine@mmoprograms.org. Thank you!
7:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.
Monday through Friday.
Calendar available upon request.
If you would like more information and/or a
tour please call: 973-744-6521
or e-mail: info@mmoprograms.org
Corrine Harney,
Executive Director
Money collected will be used to support the youth
group's trip to Belize.
I just love to brag on FCC and
it's wonderful members. When
FIA was approached about helping feed the hungry I wondered
how long we could keep up the
generous donations before folks
started to "forget" to bring in
food each Sunday. Well, you all far exceeded my expectations in a big way! Last month we again took close to
20 tightly packed bags of food to the food pantry.
Thanks again to the youth group for loading the car and
to Anne Garty and Dick Thomas for being the delivery
persons. In addition our thanks go to newbies Mike and
Heidi Kelly who have volunteered to be the overseers of
this Ministry.
We have a couple of new ministries that fall within the
Faith In Action heading for your consideration.
Educational Opportunity on Death with
Dignity Legislation
will be working with the Newark chapter. Adults and
children 16-years-and-older are welcome to spend the
day volunteering. We will meet at FCC and carpool to
Newark. Plan on staying from 8-4pm. More details will
be provided as we approach. Call, text or email Ali
Campbell 646-288-3232 or alicam43@gmail.com to
sign up, and with any questions. Thanks to Ali for her
work with Habitat and for leading this work detail. I
hope some of you will be able to join her. April 17th is
Holy Thursday -- what great way to spend this holy day
in service to others!
If you have an idea to practice our Faith In Action please
call me or e-mail me at 973-89-1691 or revcherrey@optonline.net.
Through our ministries we are
showing others that "Jesus has left the building and we
are following." Come and walk the walk with us.
Heather Cherrey
We are looking for folks interested in supporting a greeting card ministry for prisoners, who send the cards to
their loved ones on holidays. If you would like to send
blank cards utilizing FCC's return address to a California
prison, please contact Stephanie Kip for further information esjaykip1@netzero.com or 973-271-5549. Our
thanks to Stephanie for bringing these issues to our attention and for agreeing to oversee them as well.
If you think you would like to be part of this Ministry, please email me at tamwinand@gmail.com. I
look forward to meeting you and working with you.
If you hear of anyone in need of our support, please
let either myself or Reverend Ann know, so that we
may reach out to him or her.
I am still looking for volunteers to help serve on
this ministry. If you are looking for a way to get
involved, but don’t have a lot of time, this could be
your calling! We need caring individuals who
would be willing to send a card or make a phone
Tracey Winand,
The State of New Jersey is considering passing a Death
with Dignity law, similar to that in Oregon and Washington. If you might be interested in attending a meeting
to learn about the Death and Dignity movement, please
contact Stephanie Kip at esjaykip1@netzero.com or
Prison Greeting Card Ministry
call to a sick or grieving church member. You
wouldn’t even have to leave your houses to do it!
There would also be times where we would look
for volunteers to cook a meal or drive individuals
who are having difficulty getting to and from
church. (maybe even just once a month!) The
choice would be yours to decide in the way you
could serve.
It is so nice for all
of us to feel as if
we have a second
family here at
FCC! The Ministry of Congregational Life sets out
to care for the
sick, grieving, and
needy members of
our family.
A Note from our Minister-At-Large for
Pastoral Care
Collecting Food
for the Hungry
Year ‘Round
To help address the need to
supply our area food pantries,
FCC will be holding a year
‘round food drive — inviting
everyone to bring some food
with them when they come to church. We have a tiered
shelf set up in the Narthex where folks can leave their
items each week. When we have gathered a generous
amount we will divide it up and deliver it to various
area food pantries.
Inter-Faith in Action Opportunity with
Habitat for Humanity,
Thursday, April 17, 2014, 8-4pm
Last month, I wrote about the driving and listening aspects of my pastoral
care work and how they were crucial to the work that I do. There are other
crucial pieces that form the basis of pastoral care. One is the need to be
present to the person and to the situation that currently focuses where that
person is when the two of us meet. That focus, of course, changes from
meeting to meeting depending on the events that occur in between.
Some of the conversations I have had are spent in detail descriptors for what is happening - the
who, where, when. More of the conversations are spent in the what to do, how to do it, what the
repercussions are for the various options available, the overriding question of WHY? and how the
answers help to develop a reasonable resolution for all those involved. This "reasonable resolution" is not always perceived as "reasonable" by all.
Here’s what’s needed:
Canned vegetables/fruits
• Peanut butter
• Rice
• Juice boxes
Mac and cheese
In addition, Ali Campbell has set up and confirmed
April 17th as our date to work with the folks at Bnai
Keshet and Habitat for Humanity. From their website:
“Habitat for Humanity believes that every man, woman
and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place
to live. We build and repair houses all over the world
Please make sure that foods are nutritious and not past
using volunteer labor and donations. Our partner famitheir expiration date! If you would like to help us sort
lies purchase these houses through no-profit, no-interest
and deliver, please reach out to Heather Cherrey.
mortgage loans or innovative financing methods.” We 8
All of the conversations include thoughtful silence; sometimes there are tears, frustration, anger,
good exchanges, laughter. All are undertaken with the understanding that God is present, that we
are seeking the best in resolve, that love is the operating power that allows us to be together and
to talk to, listen to and hear each other. Sometimes we are silent; sometimes we can feel the
power of God's grace and sometimes, we just agree to meet again.
God's peace to all,
Rev. Joan , Minister of Pastoral Care
Ministry Update
As I write this, my toes are still tapping and my fingers are still snapping
from the wonderful rhythms of the
Cabaret! And even though the show
wasn't technically under the auspices
of the Spirituality and Worship Ministry, if music, friendship, love, and
even a marriage proposal don't constitute spirituality and worship, I don't know what does! It
was a pleasure and a joy to be part of it, and I can't wait
for the next one!
As we return to our Lenten journey, we have much to look
forward to, and much to do to make our spiritual journey
profound and meaningful. Our journey starts with Palm
Sunday where we will experience the joy of the day and
the beginning of the sorrow that is to come. Wednesday
will feature a special Labyrinth walk and opportunity to
visit the Stations of the Cross. Thursday, we will gather at
6:30 PM for our traditional Maundy Thursday supper, followed by a foot washing and contemplative worship service with special music. Our great thanks to Maureen
Holly for coordinating the dinner. The Guild Room can
accommodate 75, and there will be a suggested donation
of $10 per person or $25 per family. But of course, as is
our tradition, no one who cannot pay will be turned away.
Our Good Friday service will be powerful, as our Sanctuary doors will be slammed shut as we await the joy of
Easter morning. Saturday will feature a special "Silent
Saturday" Labyrinth walk. Look for a special reading
from Rev. Ann in advance of this day that will help us
process the period of waiting and move into the anticipated celebration of Easter.
I am so grateful for the volunteers who have stepped up to
make all of this possible. And a special thanks also to
Jack Cuffari who will be organizing our Prayer Flag outreach.
Our Lenten/Easter journey is truly a community effort. If
there are any initiatives that speak to you, or you would
like to volunteer your time and talents, I am sure there will
be a place for you as we prepare this special week. If you
are interested in the Prayer Flag outreach, please contact
Jack Cuffari. I know he would be most grateful for your
help. If you can assist with the Maundy Thursday dinner,
please contact Maureen Holly as it will take many hands to
make this the wonderful experience it has been in the
past. If you would like to help with set-up for Easter
morning, please contact me. It will be a joyful task!
In closing, I would urge you to join us for as much of the 6
Holy Week journey as your schedule will allow. It is
through traveling this difficult, sad, and painful road that
we truly understand and share in the joy of Easter morning.
I look forward to traveling it with you all.
Elaine Wells,
Lenten Faith
Wednesday Evenings
March 12-April 9, 8:15
Forgiveness is one of the most central tenets of Jesus’
teachings — and one of the most difficult for many of us
to follow. Forgiveness requires courage, vulnerability,
humility and a degree of honesty that can be hard to muster — especially when we are hurting. During this season
of Lent we will engage this challenging practice through
an exploration of our scriptures as well as our own experience. This will be both a scripture study experience
as well as a time of personal reflection, journaling and
sharing. You may bring your bibles, a notebook and pen,
and an open heart. Rev. Ann will lead the sessions. We
will gather in the library following the labyrinth walk.
Questions? Please see Rev. Ann.
Labyrinth Walks
Wednesday Evenings
from 6-8pm
Center yourself in the
midst of a hectic week
with a walk on the labyrinth.
A labyrinth is a spiritual tool, a prayer
path, that opens us up to the heart of
God. The walk is open – take as much
or little time as you like. And no experience necessary. Come, take your soul
out for a walk!
Mark your calendar!
Annual Maundy Thursday Fellowship
Dinner, Thursday April 17, 6:30pm
Enjoy a delicious Mediterranean meal (lamb, pilaf,
salad, bread and dessert)
as we prepare for the Last
The ritual is entirely voluntary. All are welcome, but
only if you feel moved should you participate. There will
be four stations with a chair, a basin a pitcher and towels up
front in the Sanctuary. Folks will form two lines down the
center aisle (like Communion) — remove shoes and socks
before you get in line! Instructions will be given during the
service to explain the procedure. You will have a chance to
both have your feet washed and wash another’s feet. Water
in the basin is changed frequently and there are fresh towels
for each person.
This experience can be moving and disconcerting and humbling all at once — and it’s supposed to be! Showing service and compassion in this way is out of many of our comfort zones. But Holy Week invites us to find the blessing in
the unexpected as we grow closer to God.
To ensure enough food, registration and
Prepayment are required.
Tickets to the dinner will be $10 for anyone over
18 years old, $5 for those 8 to 18 years, and children under 8 free (with a family total of $25).
A personal
memory from Phyllis Stone:
My first foot washing experience!
Your reservation will come when your
check is received.
The dinner is a lamb dinner (with ample vegetarian
sides) with a Middle Eastern flavor and is well
worth the price of a ticket.
See or call Maureen Holly (973-818-4632)
Service of foot
washing and Holy
Thurs. April 17, 8pm in the Sanctuary
What is foot washing (and why?)
When Jesus invited his friends to join him for the Passover
meal (which became his last supper), he began the night by
doing something very unexpected: he washed their feet.
This was an act of profound humility and service. That one
act said more than any sermon. On Maundy Thursday (Holy
Thursday) we model that kind of servanthood by washing
one another’s feet.
The anticipation of my first foot washing exercise was so
I came dressed for the cool night in multiple
layers. But for whatever reason, I didn’t calculate the actual washing of feet. As I’m sitting in the first row of the
pew, I began to realize that I’m not quite prepared. My
eyes clicked to the bowls of water and wash cloths on the
floor. Uh oh! I’m sitting with a full gear of stockings hugging my legs. My thoughts begin to race, “ok do I just
casually dip my stocking feet in the water?….I’m sure others have done it…no… that’s silly”….”maybe I can
squoosh down and remove them without anyone noticing….probably unlikely since I’m in the front row!” But
luckily I was sitting next to a fellow newbie and we both
figured out that we made the same snafu and targeted the
small room left of the altar with the curtain…perfect dressing room! So being free spirited….we attempted to slip
unnoticed by walking in front of the entire congregation for
a quick change. Now keep in mind that it’s completely
dark behind that curtain….so as we’re raising skirts and
removing stockings….shoes are flying….and then we begin
to giggle like school girls….that actually softened any embarrassment…..and connected us in such a special way.
We finally emerged from our curtain call to join our fellow
awkward foot washers in line with our feet freed for their
proper bath. Although I had no idea of how to wash feet or
what to expect, I moved and took my place within the line,
first receiving and then giving a lovely foot wash. Water
was splashed and drizzled….but I did my best. And totally
unexpected, my missteps became a wonderful part of my
experience that helped to remind me not to sweat the small
stuff and just show up. And I walked away with some awesome memories…….stockings and all!

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