CV Template Michel Desbordes


CV Template Michel Desbordes
Personal Details
Address: 70, allée de la clairière
91190 Gif sur Yvette France
Telephone: +33 (0)6 84 60 84 81
Nationality: French
Marital Status: Married, 3 children
Date of birth: 21st November 1969
Specialist in sport marketing (sponsorship, management of sport
events, public policies and sport, methodology and surveys).
Academic and consultant.
Editor of the International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
Ranked 1 academic journal in sport marketing and 3rd journal in sport
management worldwide
Career Summary
2009 – 2015: Professor auxiliary at the University of Ottawa (Canada)
2007-present: Full Professor, University Paris South, Paris (France)
2005-2007 Full Professor, University Marc Bloch, Strasbourg (France)
1999-2005: Associate professor, University Paris Sud-11 (France)
1994-1998 Lecturer, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (France)
Habilitation, Management Sciences, with High Honors, University of ParisAssas Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, 2003.
Subject : "Sport marketing : products, services, events"
Advisor : Professor Patrick Hetzel
Ph.D. Management Sciences, with High Honors, University Louis Pasteur,
Strasbourg (France), 1998.
Subject : "The diffusion of Innovations in sport industry"
Advisor : Professor Gilles Lambert
B.A. Management Sciences, with High Honors, University of Paris IXDauphine, 1992
Experiences abroad (conferences and lectures)
2006: keynote speaker at the Sport Marketing Association Conference in
Denver (Colorado, USA)
• Developing marketing partnerships
2007 and 2010: invited professor at the Université Laval (Québec, Canada)
• French (and European) specificities of sport marketing vs. an American
• Sport sponsorship: toward a more mature system?
• Sport sponsorship: state of the art and tendencies.
2007: keynote speaker at the Conference of the Portuguese Association of
Sport Management (Porto, Portugal)
• European specificities of sport marketing vs. an Anglo-Saxon vision?
• Sport marketing and globalization : the example of football in Europe,
America and Asia
2007 and 2008: invited professor at the UIBE (University of International
Business and Economics in Beijing (China)
• General marketing
2008 and 2009: invited professor at the EVTEK Institute of Technology
(Helsinki, Finland)
• Sport marketing and ethics.
2009 and 2010: invited professor at the University of San Sebastian (Spain)
• Sport marketing
2009 and 2010: invited professor at the University of Moscow (Russia)
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
• Sponsorship and Olympic Games
• Marketing and football
2009: keynote speaker at the LBS Conference in St-Petersburg (Russia)
• Sport marketing in Europe and in the US
2009: invited professor at Corvinus University (Hungary)
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
2010: invited professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
• Sponsorship and Olympic Games
• Marketing and football
2010: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
the University of South Carolina, VA (USA)
• European governance of sport
• Regulation and sport economics
• Sport marketing in the European and US context
2011: invited professor at the University of Adelaide (Australia)
Topics (MBA level):
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
• Sponsorship and Olympic Games
• Marketing and football
• Management of sport events
2011: keynote speaker at the Korean Association of Marketing Science
(KAMS) in Seoul (South Korea)
Topics: Sport marketing.
2011: invited professor at the Yonsei University (South Korea)
• Marketing and football
2011: invited professor at the School of Tourism Management, Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou (China)
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
• Sponsorship and Olympic Games
• Marketing and football
2011: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
Virginia Commonwealth University, VA (USA)
European governance of sport
Regulation and sport economics
Sport marketing in the European and US context
2011: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
Suny Cortland University, NY (USA)
• European governance of sport
• Regulation and sport economics
• Sport marketing in the European and US context
2012: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
the University of Tampa, FL (USA)
• European governance of sport
• Regulation and sport economics
• Sport marketing in the European and US context
2012: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
Emory & Henry College, VA (USA)
• European governance of sport
• Regulation and sport economics
• Sport marketing in the European and US context
2012: invited professor at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
• Sponsorship and Olympic Games
2012: invited professor at the School of Economics and Management
Shanghai University of Sport (China)
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
• Marketing and football
2012: keynote speaker for the MSc in Sports and Outdoor Industry
Management, EM Lyon (China/France)
• Introduction to sport business
• The economic impact of sport events
2013: keynote speaker for the MSc in Sports and Outdoor Industry
Management, EM Lyon (China/France)
• Branding and the globalization of sport
The management of sport events
2013: invited professor at the School of Economics and Management
Shanghai University of Sport (China)
• Sport marketing.
• Sport sponsorship
• Marketing and football
2014 : invited professor at the University of Georgia (USA)
2014 : inivted professor at the University of Beyrouth (Lebanon)
Refereed Journal Articles
1. Desbordes, M. (1998). Management de l’innovation dans l’industrie du
sport : variations autour du cas Salomon. Annales des Mines - Gérer et
Comprendre, 53, 14-25.
2. Desbordes, M. (1998). Facteurs clés de succès dans le management et la
diffusion d’une innovation : analyse de cinq cas dans l’industrie du sport.
International Journal of Design and Innovation Research, 1, 35-52.
3. Desbordes, M. (2000). Cycle de vie du produit et comportements
technologiques des firmes : analyses sectorielles dans l’industrie du sport.
Revue STAPS, 51, 107-120.
4. Desbordes, M.(2000). La stratégie marketing de Lacoste. Revue de la
Société Française de Management du Sport, 1, 1-5.
5. Desbordes, M. (2000). Choix du consommateur sportif et stratégie des
firmes : le rôle de la technologie. Revue Européenne de Management du
Sport, 4, 1-36.
6. Desbordes, M. (2001). Le marketing technologique dans l'industrie du
sport ou la nécessité de gérer une double complexité des produits. Revue
Gestion (Canada), vol. 26, 2, 27-36.
7. Desbordes, M. (2001). Innovation management in the sports industry:
lessons from the Salomon case. European Sport Management Quarterly,
vol.1, 2, 124-149 .
8. Desbordes, M.(2002). Empirical analysis of the Innovation Phenomena in
the Sports Industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol.14,
4, 481-499.
9. Desbordes, M. (2002). Interview with Jean-François Richard, Director of
Marketing, Tour de France. International Journal of Sports Marketing and
Sponsorship, vol. 4, n°3, 193-203.
10. Desbordes, M. (2002). Etudes de cas : comment manager efficacement
une innovation dans l’industrie du sport ? Management & Conjoncture
Sociale, automne 2002, n°616, 83-89.
11. Desbordes, M. (2002). Managing sport events. European Sport
Management Quarterly, vol.2, 1, 72-73.
12. Desbordes, M., Loret, A. (2004). Le marketing du sport : fondements
constitutifs du champ en STAPS. Revue Européenne de Management du
Sport, n°11, 5-56.
13. Desbordes, M. (2006) Special issue on marketing and football.
International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, guest editor,
148-289 .
14. Desbordes, M. (2006) New directions for marketing in the field of football?
International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 151-152.
15. Desbordes, M. (2006) The financial control of professional soccer clubs in
France. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 158162.
16. Desbordes, M. (2007). The economic impact of a major sport event: the
case of the Tour de France among different regions. International Journal
of Sport Management and Marketing, vol.2, 5-6, 526-540.
17. Desbordes, M. (2008). Le marketing du sport en question. Revue
Française de Marketing, n° 219-4/5, 5-9.
18. Desbordes, M. (2008).Interview d’Hubert Génieys, directeur de la
communication externe de Nestlé Waters. Revue Française de Marketing,
n° 219-4/5, 47-53.
19. Richelieu, A., Lopez, S., Desbordes, M. (2008). The internationalization of
a sports team brand: The case of European soccer teams. International
Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, October, 29-44.
20. Barros, C.P., Desbordes, M. (2009). Introduction to the special issue on
Health Fitness Management. International Journal of Sport Management
and Marketing, vol.5 n°4, 367-368.
21. Richelieu, A., Desbordes, M. (2009). Football teams going international: A
matter of brand positioning. Journal of Sponsorship, Vol.3 number 1, 1022.
22. Desbordes, M., Hautbois, C. (2010). Sport events and public organisations
: the case of Conseil Général de la Sarthe and “the 24h of le Mans”.
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. Vol.7, ¾, 223240.
23. Blumrodt, J., Desbordes, M. & Bodin, D. (2010). The Sport Entertainment
Industry and Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Management &
Organization. Vol. 16, Issue 4, 09.2010, pp. 514-529.
24. Hautbois, C., Desbordes, M., Pierce, D.A. (2011). Improving Territorial
Image through Sport-Based Communication by Local Government Bodies:
A Case Study of the French Seine-Saint-Denis Department International
Journal of sport Communication. Vol.3, n°3, 336-354.
25. Scelles, N., Desbordes, M., Durand, C. (2011). Intra-championship
competitive intensity in French football Ligue 1 and basketball Pro A.
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, special issue
on “Marketing and Sponsorship in Sport Leagues”, vol.9, n°1/2,13-28.
26. Hautbois, C., Desbordes, M. (2011). Stratégie de communication par le
sport des collectivités territoriales : quel rôle des acteurs publics ?
Le cas de la Seine-Saint-Denis. Politique et Management Public, 4, 4,
décembre, 467-488.
27. Djaballah, M., Hautbois, C., Desbordes, M. (2012). La legitimation de
l’intervention publique dans le secteur des événements sportifs : une
analyse du role des pratiques de responsabilité sociale. Revue
Européenne de Management du sport, n°33, mars 2012.
28. Richelieu, A., Desbordes, M. (2013). Co-branding as a leverage for both
teams and equipment makers in their internationalisation. Sport, Business,
Management: an International Journal, volume 3.1, 63-77. Blumrodt, J.,
Desbordes, M., Bodin, D. (2013). Soccer brands and corporate social
responsibility. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal,
vol. 3.3.
29. Dekhil, F., Desbordes, M. (2013). The Effect of Involvement, Emotion, and
Exposure on Sponsor Recall and Recognition: An International
Comparative Study at the FIFA 2006 World Cup. International Review of
Management and Business Research. ISSN: 2306-9007, impact factor
30. Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M., Ferrand A. (2013). Faut-il avoir peur de
l'ambush marketing ?. Jurisport, 128, 41-45.
31. Dovergne, ML., Desbordes, M. (2013).Les spécificités de la RSE dans le
champ de l’événementiel sportif français. Jurisport, 134, septembre, 4145.
32. Dovergne, M.L., Desbordes, M. (2013). La responsabilité sociétale des
organisateurs d’événements sportifs : etude des spécificités de la RSE
dans le champ de l’événementiel sportif français. Revue Européenne de
Management du Sport, n°39, septembre, 42-54.
33. Petrovic, L., Milovanovic, D., Desbordes, M. (2014). Emerging
technologies and sports events : innovative information and
communications solutions. Sport, Business and Management: An
International Journal, forthcoming.
34. Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2014). Le parrainage multiple, vers une
evolution conceptuelle et managériale du sponsoring sportif ? Revue
Gestion (HEC Montréal), Canada, vol.38, n°4, 27-36.
35. Chanavat, N., Renaud, M., Desbordes, M. (2014). Naming et modularité
d’un stade nouvelle génération : quel impact économique pour les clubs
sportifs professionnels ? Le cas du « Matmut Stadium » du LOU Rugby.
Jurisport, mai 2014, 41-45.
36. Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M. (2014). Effects of multiple sponsorship
activities: Propositions and framework. Sport, Business and Management:
An International Journal, forthcoming.
37. Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2014) Interview with Frédéric Longuépée,
international development director of PSG. International Journal of Sports
Marketing and Sponsorship, January, vol. 15 .2, 79-89. Impact Factor :
38. Zouaoui, R., Desbordes, M. and Dekhil, F. (2014). The effectiveness of
sports sponsorship in term of brand value: A case of a soccer match in
Tunisia, Archives of Business Research, 2(2), 47-57.
39. Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2014). Towards the regulation and
restriction of ambush marketing? The first truly social and digital mega
sports event: Olympic Games, London 2012. International Journal of
Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, April, vol.15.3, 151-161. Impact
Factor : 0,225.
40. Zouaoui, R., Desbordes, M. and Dekhil, F. (2014). The effectiveness of
sports sponsorship in term of brand value: A case of a soccer match in
Tunisia, Archives of Business Research, 2(2), 47-57.
41. Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2014). Towards the regulation and
restriction of ambush marketing? The first truly social and digital mega
sports event: Olympic Games, London 2012. International Journal of
Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, April, vol.15.3, 151-161. (Impact
Factor : 0,225).
42. Gerke, A., Desbordes, M., Dickson, G. (2015) Towards a sport cluster
model: the Ocean Racing Cluster in Brittany. European Sport
Management Quarterly. Under press. (Impact factor : 0,638)
43. Djabbalah, M., Hautbois, C., Desbordes, M. (2015). Nonmega sporting
events social impacts: a sensemaking approach of local governments
perceptions and strategies. European Sport Management Quarterly. Under
press. (Impact factor : 0,638)
Publications: books
1. Desbordes, M., Ohl, F., Tribou, G. (1999). Marketing du sport. Economica
publisher, 1st edition : Paris. 507 p. (2000 Award of the French
Academy of Marketing : book of the year).
2. Desbordes, M. (2000). Gestion du sport. Vigot publisher, Paris. 102 p.
3. Desbordes, M. (Eds.) (2001). Stratégie des entreprises dans le sport :
Acteurs et management. Economica publisher, 1st edition : Paris. 284 p.
4. Desbordes, M., Ohl, F., Tribou, G. (2001). Marketing du sport. Economica
publisher, 2nd edition : Paris. 523 p.
5. Desbordes, M., Ohl, F., Tribou, G. (2001). Estrategias del Marketing
Deportivo. Editorial Paidotribo publisher, Barcelona, Spain. 553 p.
6. Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2003). Les événements sportifs. Les Editions
d’Organisation publisher, Paris, preface by Michel Platini, 272 p.
7. Desbordes, M., Ohl, F., Tribou, G. (2004). Marketing du sport. Economica
publisher, 3rd edition, Paris, 487 p.
8. Desbordes, M. (Eds.) (2004). Stratégie des entreprises dans le sport.
Economica publisher, 2nd edition, Paris, 288 p.
9. Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2004). Les événements sportifs. Les Editions
d’Organisation publisher, Paris, 2nd édition, preface by Michel Platini, 258
10. Desbordes, M., Bolle, G. (Eds.) (2005). Marketing et Football : une
perspective internationale. Presses Universitaires du Sport publisher. 398
11. Benguigui, N., Fontayne, P., Desbordes, M., & Bardy, B. (Eds.) (2005).
Recherches actuelles en sciences du sport. EDP Sciences publisher, 861
12. Desbordes, M (Eds.) (2006). Marketing and football, an international
perspective. Elsevier publisher, Oxford (UK), 544 p.
13. Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2006). Gestion y Organizacion de un Evento
Deportivo. INDE Publicaciones, Barcelona, Spain, 221 p.
14. Desbordes, M., Falgoux, J. (2007). Les événements sportifs. Les Editions
d’Organisation publisher, Paris, 3rd edition, preface by Michel Platini, 260
15. Aubel, O., Desbordes, M., Lefevre, B. (2008). Pratique des études dans
les organisations sportives. PUF publisher, Paris, 274 p.
16. Hautbois, C., Desbordes, M. (2008). Sport et marketing public : études de
cas dans les collectivités. Economica publisher, Paris, 271 p.
17. Desbordes, M., Richelieu, A. (2011). Néo-marketing du sport. Editions De
Boeck, Bruxelles, Belgique, 186 p.
18. Desbordes, M., Richelieu, A. (2012). Global Sport Marketing:
Contemporary Issues and Practice. Editions Routledge, may, 208 p.
19. Desbordes, M. (2012). Sport et business. Editions StudyramaPro, 240
20. Desbordes, M., Richelieu, A. (2014). Global sport marketing. Publisher
MIGMO, Russian version, Moscow, December.
21. Desbordes, M., Richelieu, A. (2014). Global sport marketing.
Publisher Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China, Chinese version,
forthcoming, December.
22. Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2015). Marketing et football. Editions
Economica, Paris, France, 300 pages, September.
23. Chanavat, N., Chadwick, S., Desbordes, M. (2015). Handbook in sport
marketing. Publisher Routledge, UK, forthcoming, 500 pages, December.
Book chapters
1. Desbordes, M. (2001). Positionnement stratégique et histoire des firmes :
le cas d’Adidas et de Lacoste. In M. Desbordes (Eds.), La stratégie des
entreprises du sport : Acteurs et managements.. Editions Economica :
Paris. 13-30.
2. Desbordes, M. (2001). Introduction : les managers du sport en question. In
M. Desbordes (Eds.), La stratégie des entreprises du sport : Acteurs et
managements.. Editions Economica : Paris. 1-12.
3. Desbordes, M. (2002). Positionnement des firmes dans l’industrie du
sport : une nouvelle approche stratégique fondée sur la culture
d’entreprise. In A. Loret (Eds.), Sport, Culture et Organisations. Presses
Universitaires du Sport. Sous presse.
4. Desbordes, M. (2002). Management de l’innovation et taille des
entreprises. Etude de cas dans l’industrie du sport. In C. Divry et P.
Trouvé (Eds.), Synergie en l’honneur des PME, Cahiers Travail & Emploi.
La Documentation Française : Paris. Sous presse.
5. Desbordes, M., Marcille E. (2003). Les entreprises et le marketing du Tour
de France. In P.Porte et D.Vila (Eds.), Maillot Jaune, regards sur cent ans
de Tour de France. Editions Atlantica. 249-276.
6. Desbordes, M. (2004). Les techniques d’évaluation du sponsoring : vers
une plus grande maturité des outils utilisés ? In M.Desbordes (Eds.)
Stratégie des entreprises dans le sport. Editions Economica. 45-87.
7. Desbordes, M. (2005). Sponsoring d’athlètes vs. sponsoring d’événements
: quels choix pour quels risques ? In F.Nicolleau (Eds.) Où va le sportif
d’élite ? Les risques du star system, Dalloz, Paris, 47-75.
8. Desbordes, M. (2006). The relationship between sport and television : the
case of TF1 and the 2002 Football World Cup. In C.Jeanrenaud &
S.Kesenne (Eds.) The Economics ofSport and the Media, Edward Elgar
Publishing, 126-147.
9. Desbordes, M. (2006). The economics of cycling. In W.Andreff ,
S.Szymanski and J.Borland (Eds.). The Edward Elgar Companion to the
Economics of Sports. 645-662 .
10. Desbordes, M. (2006). The role of financial control in French football’s
regulation: an unique model that can be exported? In M.Desbordes (Eds.):
Marketing and football : an international perspective, Elsevier, London, 85107.
11. Desbordes, M., Tribou, G. (2007). Sponsorship, endorsements and
naming rights. In J.Beech and S.Chadwick (Eds.). The marketing of sport,
Financial Times, Prentice Hall, Publisher, London. 267-291.
12. Tribou, G., Desbordes, M. (2007). Managing service quality and innovation
in sport. In J.Beech and S.Chadwick (Eds.) The marketing of sport,
Financial Times, Prentice Hall Publisher, London. 485-500.
13. Desbordes, M. (2007). The future of the Tour de France: from an
independent style of organization to a “Formula 1 model”? In D.Arthur and
S.Chadwick (Eds.). International Cases in the Business of Sport, Elsevier,
London, 358-371.
14. Desbordes, M., Hamelin, A. (2009). The situation of French football. In
S.Hamil and S.Chadwick (Eds.) Managing Football: An International
Perspective, Elsevier, London, 303-320.
15. Desbordes, M. (2011). Stratégie des équipementiers des clubs de football
et internationalisation, In M.Desbordes and A.Richelieu (Eds.). Neomarketing du sport, De Boeck, Brussels, Belgium, 91-122.
16. Desbordes, M. (2011). L’implantation et le management des enceintes
sportives dans une logique néo-marketing, In M.Desbordes and
A.Richelieu (Eds.). Neo-marketing du sport, De Boeck, Brussels, Belgium,
17. Desbordes, M. (2012). The establishment and management of sport
arenas : a neo-marketing approach, In M. Desbordes and A. Richelieu
(Eds.). Global Sport Marketing: Contemporary Issues and Practice.
Editions Routledge, London, UK, 156-186.
18. Desbordes, M. (2012). Manufacturers of equipment for football clubs :
strategy and internationalization, In M.Desbordes and A.Richelieu (Eds.).
Global Sport Marketing: Contemporary Issues and Practice. Editions
Routledge, 110-139.
19. Desbordes, M. (2012). Football event management. In J.L. Chappelet and
D. Aquilina (Eds.) Handbookof Football Association Management, UEFA,
Nyon, Switzerland, 117-144
20. Desbordes, M., Helleu, B. (2013). Recruiting and keeping fans in new
stadiums: marketing and economical implications. The French football
case in the “Big-5” market. In H.Dolles and S.Söderman (Eds.) Handbook
of Research on Sport and Business, Edward Elgar, London, UK, 257-274.
21. Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2014). La politique de formation d’une
fédération internationale comme élément de formatage des stratégies
événementielles des fédérations nationales : l’exemple de l’UEFA. In C.
Hautbois (Eds.) Le Marketing des fédérations, éditions Economica, 240255.
22. Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2014). La démarche d’une étude marketing
dans une fédération : application à l’optimisation des stratégies sponsoring
des partenaires de la FFF. In C. Hautbois (Eds.) Le Marketing des
fédérations, éditions Economica, 158-169.
23. Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M. (2014). La stratégie marketing de la
federation française de karaté. In C. Hautbois (Eds.) Le Marketing des
fédérations, éditions Economica, 187-207.
Guest-editor of special issues
1. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship (2006):
special issue on “Marketing and football”, 141 p.
2. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (2008):
special issue on “Health Fitness Management: the road to Wellbeing
and profits”, forthcoming.
3. Revue Française de Marketing (2008): special issue on sport
Scientific expertise for academic journals
1. Sport Management Review (Member of the editorial board)
2. Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science (Member of the
editorial board)
3. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship (Editor and
member of the editorial board)
4. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Management (Member of
the editorial board)
5. European Sport Management Quarterly
6. Science et Motricité,
7. La Revue STAPS,
8. La Revue Européenne de Management du Sport,
9. La Revue Française de Management du Sport,
10. Les Cahiers d’Economie et Sociologie Rurales.
11. Décision Marketing.
Supervision of PhD students
10 Habilitati
11 PhD
12 PhD
Pascal TAYOT « La France qui gagne » : stratégie
des fédérations olympiques françaises
(Jeux Olympiques d’été). Analyse
exploratoire et incidences sur la
performance sportive à moyen terme.
Les processus de distinction sociale
dans les pratiques sportives : Le cas
du roller « Quad ».
Déterminer comment se construit la
normalisation et la diffusion des
savoirs dans la pratique du street.
Pascal TAYOT Culture et performance : une
approche interculturelle du sport de
haut niveau. Le cas des centres de
Olivier FOURE L’idéologie de marque perçue par le
consommateur à travers la publicité
télévisée : définition conceptuelle,
proposition d'une échelle de mesure
et analyse causale. Application de
l'échelle aux marques sportives.
L’événement sportif, un modèle
d’échanges communicationnels
territorialisés : étude des inférences
du contexte sur son système de
Evénements sportifs et responsabilité
sociétale de l’entreprise (RSE) : étude
du comportement des organisateurs
d’événements sportifs en matière de
Les apports de la valeur perçue du
EIDEIVOTOH marketing one-to-one versus one-tofew sur la motivation et la fidélité du
consommateur :e-Coaching des
activités de fitness pour la santé dans
le contexte de la France et des EtatsUnis.
Facteurs de diffusion des pratiques
sportives hors cadre et stratégie des
acteurs : études de cas comparatives
dans la délocalisation des sports de
nature aux milieux urbains.
Marketing du sport : contribution à
l’analyse des stratégies des
organisations non-marchandes.
Impact du Sponsoring de la Marque
sur la Valeur de l’Entreprise : Cas d’un
Evènement Sportif.
Une approche sensemaking de la
13 PhD
responsabilité sociale dans le secteur
de l’évènementiel sportif
The relationship between inter
organisational behaviour and
innovation within sport clusters
Referred Conference Papers
1. Desbordes M., Innovation et diffusion des matériaux dans l’industrie du
sport, Quatrième Congrès Européen en Management du Sport,
Montpellier, France, 2/5 octobre 1996.
2. Desbordes M., Maturité de la technologie, cycle de vie du produit et
nature des structures industrielles : une analyse empirique du secteur
du sport à travers la diffusion des matériaux, Deuxième Congrès
International Franco-Québécois de Génie Industriel, Ecole des Mines
d’Albi, France, 3/5 septembre 1997.
3. Desbordes M., Empirical Analysis of the Innovation Phenomena in the
Sports Industry, Fifth Congress of the European Association for Sport
Management, Glasgow, Grande-Bretagne, 17/20 septembre 1997.
4. Desbordes M., Sports instrumentés et gain de pouvoir d’achat du
consommateur : analyse de l’offre de produits durant la décennie 90,
Premier Congrès de la Société Française de Management du Sport,
Montpellier, France, 11/13 décembre 1997.
5. Desbordes M., Gasparini W., La gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et
des compétences dans les services municipaux des sports, Premier
Congrès de la Société Française de Management du Sport,
Montpellier, France, 11/13 décembre 1997.
6. Desbordes M., Parganin D., Materials innovation in the sport field :
results of case studies, Second International Conference on the
Engineering of Sport, Sheffield, Grande Bretagne, 13/17 juillet 1998.
7. Desbordes M., Quality in sports products : results of case studies about
innovations, Sixth Congress of the European Association of Sport
Management, Madère, Portugal, 30 septembre/4 octobre 1998.
8. Desbordes M., Gasparini W., Public sports services quality and human
resources, Sixth Congress of the European Association of Sport
Management, Madère, Portugal, 30 septembre/4 octobre 1998.
9. Desbordes M., Tribou G., Look et Mavic : deux conceptions de la
politique d’innovation dans l’industrie du cycle, Deuxième Congrès de
la Société Française de Management du Sport, Montpellier, France,
10/12 décembre 1998.
10. Desbordes M., Lambert G., Les difficultés du management dans
l’industrie du sport, Troisième Congrès International Franco-Québécois
de Génie Industriel, Montréal, Canada, 26/28 mai 1999.
11. Desbordes M., Ohl F., The technological complexity of sport goods ; a
gap between suppliers and demand, Seventh Congress of the
European Association of Sport Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16
septembre / 19 septembre 1999.
12. Desbordes M., Le marketing technologique dans l’industrie du sport :
des stratégies mondiales ?, Troisième Congrès de la Société
Française de Management du Sport, Lille, France, 9/11 décembre
13. Desbordes M., Pratiques de management de l’innovation dans
l’industrie du sport & taille des entreprises, Séminaire annuel de
l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne « Organisation, innovation
& international », Compiègne, France, 24/27 janvier 2000.
14. Desbordes M., Marketing et aventure, Congrès raids et aventures
sportives, INSEP, Paris, France, 22-23-24 novembre 2000.
15. Desbordes M., Innovation management in the sports industry : lessons
from the Salomon case, 16th Annual Conference of the North
American Society for Sport Management, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, 30
mai/2juin 2001.
16. Desbordes M., Choix du consommateur sportif et stratégie des firmes :
le rôle de la technologie, Séminaire du CREGO-LATEC « Distribution
et comportements de consommation », Université de Bourgogne, 16
novembre 2001.
17. Desbordes M., Le sponsoring sportif : approches « classiques » et
nouvelles tendances, Le sport comme vecteur de développement
économique et social, Rabat-Salé, Maroc, 8-9 mars 2002.
18. Desbordes M., Sport sponsorship : « classical » approaches and new
tendencies, 17th Annual Conference of the North American Society for
Sport Management, Canmore, Alberta, Canada, 29 mai/2 juin 2002.
19. Desbordes, M., Le marketing et les fédérations : un mariage
nécessaire, Convention de la Fédération Française Sports pour Tous,
Metz, 16 novembre 2002.
20. Desbordes M., Les chercheurs STAPS en entreprise, journée « jeunes
chercheurs » organisée par l’ACAPS, Orléans, 27 novembre 2002.
21. Desbordes, M. The relationships between sport and television : the
case of the French network TF1 and the World Cup 2002. Conference
of the International Association for Sports Economists, Neuchâtel,
Suisse, 23-24 mai 2003.
22. Desbordes M., Sponsorship evaluation : can a brand be efficient by
using two different sports simultaneously ? 18th Annual Conference of
the North American Society for Sport Management, Ithaca College, NY
State, USA, 29 mai/2 juin 2003.
23. Chen M.Y., Desbordes M., Hsieh L.W., Gray D.P. Teenage Consumers
Information Search Behaviors in the Athletic Footwear Category: A
Cross-National Comparison. 18th Annual Conference of the North
American Society for Sport Management, Ithaca College, NY State,
USA, 29 mai/2 juin 2003.
24. Bradish C.L, Burton R., Desbordes M., Lathrop A.H., Stevens J.A.,
Taks M. Tapping Generation Y: Understanding and Interpreting the
within the Global Sport Marketplace. 18th Annual Conference of the
North American Society for Sport Management, Ithaca College, NY
State, USA, 29 mai/2 juin 2003.
25. Desbordes, M., Offre de produits sportifs et capacité d'expertise des
consommateurs : un décalage grandissant ?, 10ème Congrès de
l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives,
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 30-31 octobre & 1er novembre
26. Desbordes, M., Evaluation du sponsoring sportif : une marque peut-elle
être efficiente en utilisant deux sports « opposés » simultanément ?,
10ème Congrès de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques
et Sportives, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 30-31 octobre & 1er
novembre 2003.
27. Desbordes M., Evaluation du sponsoring sportif : les grands
événements sont-ils morts ? Application au Tour de France cycliste
2003, 4ème Congrès de la Société Française de Management du Sport,
Université de Bourgogne, 5 novembre 2003.
28. Desbordes M., La logistique, quelles spécificités pour les événements
sportifs ? Journée de recherche sur la logistique, Université de
Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, 12 février 2004.
29. Desbordes M., Les spécificités du marketing du sport en France vues
sous l’angle d’une revue de la littérature anglo-saxonne, Journées
normandes de la consommation, ESC Rouen, 11-12 mars 2004.
30. Desbordes M., Le cas Tony Parker à la lumière du marketing sportif,
Table ronde « Sports US vs. sports européens » de l’ESG, INSEP, 17
juin 2004.
31. Desbordes M., Le marketing du sport : vers une professionnalisation
des secteurs et des savoirs. Séminaire du laboratoire SOI, EA 3690,
Université Toulouse III, 12 mai 2005.
32. Desbordes M., Ingénierie sportive et marketing : un mariage de raison.
2ème congrès du Réseau Français d’Ingénierie du Sport, Université de
Valenciennes, 24 juin 2005.
33. Desbordes M., The French specificities of sport marketing. Meeting of
sport marketing, Birbeck College, University of London, UK, 23
novembre 2005.
34. Desbordes M., Le marketing du sport : une nécessité pour les
patinoires. Rencontres internationales du syndicat des patinoires,
Neuchâtel (Suisse), 14 mai 2006.
35. Desbordes M., Launching of the special issue of IJSMS : an
introduction to marketing dedicated to football. Meeting of sport
marketing, Birbeck College, University of London, UK, 24 mai 2006.
36. Desbordes M., Pourquoi les ingénieurs doivent-ils faire du marketing ?
3ème congrès du Réseau Français d’Ingénierie du Sport, Biarritz, 15-16
juin 2006.
37. Desbordes M., Consommation sportive et distribution, Séminaire
organisé à l’initiative de l’agence Armania, Paris, 19 septembre 2006
38. Desbordes M., Developing marketing partnerships, Intervention en tant
que keynote speaker, 4th Congress of the SMA (Sport Marketing
Association), Denver, USA, 2-4 novembre 2006.
39. Richelieu, A., Desbordes, M. The internationalization of a sports team
brand: The case of European soccer teams. Congress “Sport and
business : facing the challenges of internationalization”, Heibronn
Business School, Germany, April 23rd-24th 2007.
40. Desbordes M., Launching of the book “marketing and football”: an
introduction to marketing dedicated to football. Meeting of sport
marketing, Birbeck College, University of London, UK, 22 novembre
41. Desbordes M., European specificities of sport marketing vs. an AngloSaxon vision? Keynote speaker of the Congress of the Portuguese
Association of Sport Management, Aveiro, Portugal, May 24th 2007.
42. Desbordes M., Sport marketing and globalization: the example of
football in Europe, America and Asia. Keynote speaker of the
Congress of the Portuguese Association of Sport Management, Aveiro,
Portugal, May 26th 2007.
43. Desbordes M., Europe vs. North America : what are the fundamental
differences in the field of sport marketing ? 22nd congress of the North
American Association for Sport Management, Fort Lauderdale (USA),
May 29th-June 2nd 2007.
44. Richelieu, A., Desbordes M., The strategic value of branding in sport:
An international perspective, 23rd congress of the North American
Association for Sport Management, Toronto (Canada), May 28th-June
1st 2008.
45. Richelieu, A., Desbordes M., The internationalization of a sport league:
A comparison between the National Basketball Association (NBA) and
the French Soccer League (LFP), 24th congress of the North American
Association for Sport Management, Columbia (USA), May 28th-June
1st 2009.
46. Desbordes, M., Richelieu, A. (2009). Co-Branding as Leverage for
Teams and Equipment Manufacturers in their Internationalization
Efforts. Keynote speaker of the conference “Economics, Management
and Optimization in Sport”, organized by the Royal Academy of
Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain, Barcelona, Spain,
December 1st to December 3rd 2009.
47. Richelieu, A., Desbordes, M. (2010). Sport teams and equipment
manufacturers going international : the strategic leverage of cobranding. 10th EURAM Conference, Rome, Italy, May 19th-22nd
48. Richelieu, A., Desbordes, M. (2010). Branding and sports marketing:
An international perspective. Symposium, Global Marketing
Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 9th-12th 2010.
49. Desbordes, M. (2010). The key role of stadiums and arenas in
delivering sport events. Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan,
September 9th-12th 2010.
50. Dekhil, F., Desbordes, M. (2010). The effect of involvement, emotion
and exposure on sponsor recall and recognition: an international
comparative study at the FIFA World Cup 2006. Global Marketing
Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 9th-12th 2010.
51. Desbordes, M. (2010). Sport, Business and Management: An
International Journal' in 'Meet the Editors' session. Global Marketing
Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 9th-12th 2010.
52. Desbordes, M. (2010). Sport marketing, what’s over the horizon ?
European Outdoor Forum, October 12th-14th 2010.
53. Desbordes, M. (2011). Stadiums and arenas : an important issue for
sport marketers. Seminar at the University of Adelaide, Wine Center,
Australia, March 21st 2011.
54. Desbordes, M. (2011).Sport marketing : what is over the horizon ?
Seminar at the University of Adelaide, Australia, March 23rd 2011.
55. Desbordes, M. (2011). Sport marketing and globalization : the example
of football in Europe, America and Asia. Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea, May 27th 2011.
56. Desbordes, M. (2011). Sport marketing, what’s over the horizon ?
Keynote speech at the 2011 KAMS Spring International Conference,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, May 28th.
57. Desbordes, M. (2011). International Journal of Sport Marketing and
Sponsorship : An International Journal' in 'Meet the Editors' session.
2011 KAMS Spring International Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul,
Korea, May 28th.
58. Desbordes, M. (2011). Co-Branding as Leverage for Teams and
Equipment Manufacturers in their Internationalization Efforts. 2011
KAMS Spring International Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul,
Korea, May 28th.
59. Zouaoui, R., Desbordes, M. (2011). Sponsoring et choix de la discipline
sportive retenu par les sponsors tunisiens. Colloque de Strasbourg :
Etat de la recherche en management du sport, 16 et 17 Juin 2011.
60. Dekhil, F., Desbordes, M. (2011). Une comparaison internationale des
effets de l’implication durable et de l’émotion sur l’image de marque
des sponsors de la Coupe du Monde de Football. Le cas de Coca-Cola
et Emirates. Colloque de Strasbourg : Etat de la recherche en
management du sport, 16 et 17 Juin 2011.
61. Edeivotoh, E., Desbordes, M. (2011). L’effet de la valeur perçue du
marketing one-to-one versus one-to-few et de la technologie sur la
motivation et la fidélité à la pratique des activités de fitness. Colloque
de Strasbourg : Etat de la recherche en management du sport, 16 et
17 Juin 2011.
62. Hautbois, C., Desbordes, M. (2011). Large-scale sporting events and
stakeholders’ effect: the case of the 2018 Winter Olympics French bid.
26th Congress of the North American Society for sport Management,
London, Ontario, Canada, June 1st-4th 2011.
63. Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M. (2011). Impact of innovative marketing
strategy on fan’s brand experience regarding professional sport entity:
the case of Stade Français. 26th Congress of the North American
Society for sport Management, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1st-4th
64. Gerke, A.C., Desbordes, M., Dickson, G. (2011). The relationship
between inter-organisational citizenship behaviour and innovation
within sports clusters – a cross-cultural approach. 28th Euro-Asia
Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference,
University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
65. Gerke, A.C., Desbordes, M., Dickson, G. (2012). Toward a model of
interorganisational citizenship behavior and innovation: A study of sport
clusters. North American Society for Sport Management NASSM)
Conference, Seattle, USA, 23-26 May 2012.
66. Gerke, A.C., Desbordes, M., Dickson, G. (2012). Toward a model of
citizenship behaviour and innovation – a study of sport clusters. 12th
European Academy for Management (EURAM) Conference,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8 June 2012.
67. Gerke, A.C., Desbordes, M., Dickson, G. (2012). Interorganizational
citizenship behaviours and cluster governance : a study of two French
sport clusters. European Association for Sport Management (EASM)
Conference, Esjberg, Denmark, 18-21 September 2012.
68. Djaballah, M., Desbordes, M., Hautbois, C. (2012). A sensemaking
approach of corporate social responsibility in French sport events –
How does CSR make sense ? European Association for Sport
Management (EASM) Conference, Esjberg, Denmark, 18-21
September 2012.
69. Petrović, L. and Desbordes, M. (2012). Globalisation and its Aspects in
the Business of Sport, paper presented at the Eighth International
ECPD UPEACE Conference on Reconciliation and Human Security in
the Balkans entitled “New Balkans in a Changing World with a
Changing Europe”,City Hall Belgrade, 20 October 2012. Presentation
delivered by the co-author, Lidija Petrović.
70. Desbordes, M., Petrović, L. and Milovanović, D. (2013). Digital
Technology Development and Commercial Solutions for Sports Event,
a key-note address at the VIII International Conference on
Management in Sport, Alfa University and The Olympic Committee of
Serbia, 8 June 2012, Belgrade, in press. Presentation delivered by the
co-author, Lidija Petrović.
71. Desbordes, M., Petrović, L. and Milovanović, D. (2013). Digital
Technology Development and Commercial Solutions for Sports Event,
a key-note address at the VIII International Conference on
Management in Sport, Alfa University and The Olympic Committee of
Serbia, 8 June 2012, Belgrade, in press. Presentation delivered by the
co-author, Lidija Petrović.
72. Gerke, A.C., Desbordes, M., Dickson, G. (2013). Sport clusters :
members, relationships, behaviors. European Association for Sport
Management 21st Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, September
73. Le Clinche, S., Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M. (2013). Exploratory Study
of French Spectators Behavior: Horse Love and Attachment on
Equestrian Events. European Association for Sport Management 21st
Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2013.
74. Djaballah, M., Desbordes, M., Hautbois, C. (2013). Non-mega sport
events’ social impacts: A sensemaking approach of local governments’
perceptions and strategies. European Association for Sport
Management 21st Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, September
75. Hautbois, C., Chanavat, N., Bouchet, P., Desbordes, M. (2013)
Segmenting Sport Spectators of National Teams in Pre- Competition
International Context. Using the Sport Experience Search (SEES)
Scale to Analyse the Nature and the Expectation of Sport Spectators.
Sport Marketing Association 11th conference, October 22nd-26th 2013,
Abuqueruque (NM), USA.
76. Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M., Hautbois, C. (2013). Measure of
Expectations and Propositions Regarding Sponsorship Activations.
Sport Marketing Association 11th conference, October 22nd-26th 2013,
Abuquerque (NM), USA.
77. Desbordes, M. (2013). « Meet the editors » session. Sport Marketing
Association 11th conference, October 22nd-26th 2013, Albuquerque
(NM), USA.
78. Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M., Hautbois, C. (2014). How Sponsors,
Sponsees and Consumers Imagine an “Ideal” Sponsorship Activation?
Concrete Responses with the Case of the French Soccer Federation.
North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Pittsburgh
(PA), USA, 28th-30th May 2014.
79. Gerke, A., Desbordes, M., Dickson, G. (2014). Interorganizational
Citizenship Behavior in Sport Clusters. North American Society for
Sport Management Conference, Pittsburgh (PA), USA, 28th-30th May
80. Desbordes, M. (2014). « Meet the editors » session. Sport Marketing
Association 12th conference, October 22nd-24th 2014, Philadelphia
(PA), USA.
81. Hautbois, C., Tribou, G., Desbordes, M., Chanavat, N. (2015).
Segmenting the Spectators of National Team Sports: The Case of a
Pre-Competition Match. Global Business Conference, Tignes, France,
February 2nd-6th 2015.
82. Chanavat, N., Desbordes, M., Hautbois, C., Tribou, G. (2015). Towards
the Regulation and Restriction of Ambush Marketing? The First Truly
Social and Digital Mega Sports Event: London 2012 Olympic Games.
Global Business Conference, Tignes, France, February 2nd-6th 2015.

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