local phone book - Boulder Area Chamber of Commerce
local phone book - Boulder Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 278 ~ Boulder, MT 59632 ~ (406) 465-2106 Visit us online at: www.bouldermtchamber.org ½ pg color, member, $150 New ad created by Monitor 2014 BoulderMonitor.wpd Photo by Burdette Anderson Boulder Area Telephone Book ~ 2014-2015 “Speaking with a collective voice, the Boulder Area Chamber of Commerce actively encourages and promotes economic and social development that leads to the enhancement of the quality of life of the Boulder area.” SPA& & RETREAT Inn,INN, Spa RetreatCENTER Center Overnight and Geothermal GeothermalPools Poolsininaa100 100Year YearOld Old Inn OvernightAccommodations Accommodations and Inn PoolHours Hours::April April October(10:00 (10:00AM AM –– 9:00 9:00 PM) Pool – –October PM) November – March (Noon – 8:00 PM) November – March (Noon – 8:00 PM) Featuring special occasion buffets, massage and facilities for group facilities for group workshops, retreats and conferences. workshops, retreats and conferences. Featuring special occasion buffets, massage and (406) 225-4339 * Hwy 69 in Boulder MT (406) 225-4339 * Hwy 69 in Boulder MT www.boulderhotsprings.com www.boulderhotsprings.com A Smoke & Alcohol-Free Environment A Smoke & Alcohol-Free Environment JLDC provides information, finance solutions and educational programs for business and community members. Contact us by telephone or learn more at our website. Jefferson Local Development Corp. 406 287-3282 PO Box 1079 - Whitehall, MT 59759 http://www.jldcmt.com Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Open 7 Days a week 7 am to 9 pm Special summer hours until 10 pm Offering: ¢ Chicken & Sub Sandwiches ¢ Pizza ¢ Breakfast Sandwiches ¢ Snacks ¢ Party Subs & Platters ¢ Fresh Baked Bread Daily ¢ Home of the 52” Party Pizza FREE Wi-Fi available to everyone during our open hours as well as several TVs to catch up on the latest news, sports, weather and movies. Eat in or Take out 105 S. Main, Boulder Pizza Buffet Tuesdays 5-8 pm Phone: 225-9100 Featuring Wilcoxson’s ice cream, Hand dipped shakes, Sundaes & Cones Open Mother’s Day through September Daily 10 am - 6 pm Nursery opens mid - April (406) 933-8789 Phone www.tizergardens.com info@tizergardens.com Youth Dynamics is a licensed Mental Health Center with over 30 years of experience supporting youth and families struggling with behavioral or mental health issues. 406.225.4600 www.youthdynamics.org As you believe - so you behave. As you behave - so you become. As you become - so becomes the world. Unknown Come out and enjoy these Chamber Sponsored & Supported Events: BVFD Corned Beef Dinner - Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day Ballin’ in Big Rock Basketball Tournament - late April/May Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday before Easter Kiwanis Kite Festival - May Farmer’s Market every Thursday July - Sept. Boulder Area Community Wide Garage Sale - Saturday of Father’s Day weekend Brother Van’s Cowboy Poetry Festival Father’s Day Fairy & Wizard Festival at Tizer Gardenslast Saturday in June 4th of July Celebration & Fireworks Display Annual Heritage Center Garden Party Jefferson County Fair & Rodeo - last week in August Annual Boulder Car Show - late August Annual Boulder Music & Art Festival first full weekend in Sept. FiddleFest - last Saturday in October Annual Christmas Bazaar Saturday before Thanksgiving Community Thanksgiving Service & Dinner - November Community Christmas Dinner - mid December For more details on these and other events, visit www.bouldermtchamber.org/events 21 Whitetail Rd. Boulder, MT The park has a large picnic area with a gazebo, tables, shade trees and a playground. Facilities available for rent http://jeffersoncounty-mt.gov/ county/fair.html Jefferson Co. Rodeo Assoc. Boulder NRA Rodeo & Fair August - Weekend before Labor Day Concert Thursday In-County Rodeo Friday Rodeo Parade Saturday NRA Rodeo Saturday & Sunday Jim McCauley 225-3234 Earl Grant 225-4316 The Chamber meets every 2nd Wednesday 5:00 pm - City Hall © Copyright 2014 Boulder Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) BACC does not accept any responsiblity or liablity for omissions or errors in your listing. For changes in your listing (name, address, and/or telephone number) please contact the Chamber at 465-2106. Churches Basin Community Church................................. 225-3564 Sunday School 10 a.m. - Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship 6 p.m. - Thursday Prayer & Worship 6 p.m. Boulder Assembly of God.................................. 225-3841 502 N. Jackson - PO Box 572 Boulder, MT 59632 Sun. Fellowship 10 am - Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am Boulder United Methodist Church..................... 459-2306 211 W Centennial - PO Box 389 Boulder, MT 59632 Sun. Worship Service: 9 am Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.... 225-3963 Faith Lutheran Church........................................ 461-6701 South Main Street - PO Box 586 Boulder, MT 59632 Sun. Worship Service: 10 am First Baptist Church of Boulder......................... 225-4240 107 W Hauser - PO Box 665 Boulder, MT 59632 Sunday Family Bible Classes 9:30 am Sunday Meet & Greet 10:30 am Sunday Worship Service 11 am Sunday Night Study 5:30 pm - call for location Seventh-Day Adventist Church ......................... 459-7146 119 S. Main St. Boulder, MT 59632 Sat. Worship Service: 9 am - Lesson Study 10:30 am Wednesday Prayer Meeting 10 am St. Catherine’s Catholic Church......................... 225-3222 214 S Elder Boulder, MT 59632 Sat. Mass: 7:30 pm - Sun. Mass: 10:00 am -TTACEY Angela .....................................................465-8858 TALKINGTON Lynda 501 W Leslie St .................225-3639 TAYLOR Heather 512 W Centennial ...................225-3258 TEELING Colleen 225 Muskrat Rd .....................465-8589 TEELING George 225 Muskrat Rd .....................465-8588 THIEL E R ..........................................................225-3833 THIEL Jackie 307 N Jackson ..............................431-8107 THIEL Jeanie 307 N Jackson ..............................431-5713 THOMPSON Ina 121 N Whitetail Rd ..................225-9038 THRAPP Armela ................................................225-3163 TIEFENTHALER Thomas & Ruby 208 S Cleveland .............................................225-3569 TIMBERLINE COMMUNICATIONS INC 610 N Adams ..................................................225-3795 TIPLER Becky 85 Depot Hill Rd ........................225-4239 TIZER BOTANIC GARDENS & ARBORETUM ........................................................................933-8789 TIZER LAKE DISTRIBUTORS .........................933-8789 TLC LAWN CARE ...............................................225-3723 TOMICH Robert 218 S Madison .........................225-3249 TOMICH Roy 302 Cook ......................................225-9527 TOWN PUMP FOOD STORES 701 N Main ......225-4330 TROLINGER Charlotte 92 Browns Gulch ...........225-3580 TRU GREEN .......................................................441-2244 TURNER Jolene & Matt ......................................225-4327 TUTEN Steve 202 East 2nd Ave .........................459-7065 TWOHY Jenny 107 N Cleveland .........................202-0575 TWOHY Spike 107 N Cleveland .........................465-3238 -VVANDUYNHOVEN Joan 16 Quartz Av ................225-3810 VOSSLER EXCAVATING 72 N Main ..................933-5610 VOSSLER Les 310 E 3 Av .................................225-3865 VOSSLER Luke & Lisa 36 Plain View Rd …........439-3901 VOSSLER Patty ..................................................439-3815 VOSSLER Stables 601 N Main ...........................933-5610 -WWAGNER Bruce ..................................................431-9917 WAGNER Millisa .................................................465-6953 WARFLE Robert 181 Amazon Rd .......................225-4288 WARREN Bonita 114 N Washington ...................459-4661 WARREN Jason & Katie ….................................595-1044 WATKINS Craig &Toni 4 Hope ............................225-3859 WATKINS Frank R 51 Basin ...............................225-3721 WATTS Katie .......................................................465-4133 WEBB Jeff ...........................................................225-4246 WEBER Ken & Kelly ...........................................287-9112 WEIR Matthew 204 S Jackson ............................225-3436 WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER LOCATIONS OR TELEGRAMS & MAILGRAMS ...............800 325-6000 WESTBROOK Bill ...............................................465-2631 WILLIAMS Mary Jane 103 Basin ........................225-3525 WILLIAMS Suzy 313 S Jackson .........................225-4310 WILSON SCHAEF ASSOCIATES 31 Hot Springs Rd ..........................................225-9171 Tacey - Zohner, Civic Organizations WINDSOR BAR 201 N Main .............................225-3335 WISE Jennifer 170 Rocky Rd ..............................225-4216 WOLNY Ted 5 N Whitetail Rd .............................225-3887 WOOD Imogene 320 W 2nd Av ..........................225-4321 WOODS William & Dorianne 803 W 2nd Av .......225-9026 WORTMAN FENCE CO 10 Rodeo Trail .............439-2499 WORTMAN R .....................................................225-3423 WUERTLEY Ron & Renee .................................225-9705 WYNN Lionel & Jerre 107 E Potts ......................225-9014 WYRICK James W 132 Little Boulder Rd ...........225-3675 -YYANZICK Cynthia 405 E 3 Av .............................225-4256 YOUTH DYNAMICS ..........................................225-4600 -ZZENDRON Connie 402 E Centennial..................225-3659 ZENDRON Ron 402 E Centennial........................225-3942 ZIETTLOW J .......................................................225-3411 ZIRNGIBL Kathie 89 Hot Springs Rd ..................225-9632 ZOHNER Vern & Jan 300 Thompson St .............225-4338 - Civic Organizations- American Legion Post #46 ..................................225-3463 Animal Shelter & Care .........................................225-4334 BARTCOM ..........................................................225-3668 Boulder Area Chamber of Commerce..................465-4106 Boulder Housing Advisory Board ........................287-3282 Boulder Outlaws 4-H ...........................................225-4378 Boulder Parks & Recreation ............................... 225-3723 Boy Scouts ..........................................................465-2453 Drug & Alcohol Prevention ..................................461-3618 Elkhorn Basketball ..............................................437-4871 Friends of the Boulder Library .............................225-3241 Habitat for Humanity ...........................................225-4270 High Ore Gun Club ..............................................439-6722 reACT ..................................................................225-3164 Service Learning BES .........................................202-4025 Service Learning JHS ............................225-3317 ext 105 Spay/Neuter Clinic ..............................................225-4334 Stamping/Scrapbooking Club ..............................439-0991 Youth Baseball ....................................................565-6782 Veteran’s Memorial Pool Boulder, MT Open 1 part of June - end of Aug. st Mon - Fri 6 to 8 am - Adult Laps Tu - Fri 9 am to Noon - Lessons Tu - Fri 1 to 5 pm, 6:30 to 8:30 pm Open Swim Sat 1 to 5 pm - Open Swim Pool available for rental on Sundays Relay - Swanson RELAY MONTANA-VOICE ...........................800 253-4093 REMMICH Beverly 207 E 1 Av ............................225-3512 RENNIE James Richard 143 Amazon Rd ...........225-3618 RENSKERS Stan & Michelle 200 Dry Cr Rd ......225-4228 RESTAURANTS BOULDER RIVER PIZZA & SUBS .................225-9100 ELKHORN CAFÉ & SUPPER CLUB.................225-3213 GATOR’S PIZZA ............................................225-3536 LEANING TOWER OF PIZZA ........................225-9790 MOUNTAIN GOOD RESTAURANT ................225-3382 SILVER SADDLE ............................................225-9995 SUNSET ON 69 .................................................475-0410 WINDSOR BAR ................................................225-3335 RICE Todd 35 Hanging Wall Rd ..........................225-3954 RICHARDS Paul T 30 Browns Gulch ..................225-4235 RICHARDSON D 101 W Centennial ...................225-3880 RICHARDSON Jim ................................................225-3600 RIEDER David 35 Sloans Ln .................................225-3689 RIEDER Bunkhouse 35 Sloans Ln ......................225-3483 RINTAMAKI Vicki 8 S Adams ….............................422-7736 ROARK Carla 400 S Adams #4 ............................225-4286 ROBERTS Rhonda 500 Butte County Rd .............225-4320 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOSPICE .............................442-2214 ROE Jeffrey 237 Amazon ....................................225-4317 ROEBER Dorothy 218 N Washington .................225-3534 ROGERS Shirley 211 N Madison …....................461-5761 ROMERIO Dan ...................................................225-3767 RONAYNE Michael 604 N Adams .......................225-3140 RS GIULIO CONTRACTOR 707 N Main ...........225-3309 RUDOLPH Gary K 405 E Centennial ..................225-3965 RUX Bob 401 W Hauser .....................................225-9177 RUX Saundra G 205 E Centennial ......................225-3612 RYAN Priscilla .....................................................225-3169 RYAN Steve & Priscilla ........................................521-0231 RYKAL Eric 505 W 2nd Av ..................................417-0594 RYKAL Eric & Heather 505 W 2nd Av .................225-4384 -SSAARINEN Jeremy 204 E 2 Av ...........................225-3772 SAARINEN L Larry 301 W Leslie ........................225-3526 ST CATHERINE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 214 S Elder ....................................................225-3222 SAMSON Sam & Joanne 95 Browns Gulch ........225-3678 SARCHET Andrea 109 S Monroe ......................438-0026 SCHLUETER Bettie L 301 W Hauser .................225-3178 SCHMIDT Tim 218 E Centennial ........................225-3623 SCHOOLS-PUBLIC BOULDER GRADE 205 S Washington .........225-3316 JEFFERSON HIGH 312 S Main ....................225-3317 SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE 312 S Main.....225-3740 BASIN SCHOOL 30 Quartz Av ......................225-3211 SCHROEDER John 400 S Admas ......................225-3114 SCHULTZ Patricia 105 ½ E Madison St ............422-7053 SCOTT FUNERAL HOME 109 2nd St ...............287-3271 SCOTT Reginald L 113 N Monroe .......................431-3942 SCOTT Barb 113 N Monroe ................................491-0502 SCOTT Sam 67 Basin .........................................225-4364 SCOVILLE Michael 124 Basin ............................225-4349 SEVERCOOL Shawn 406 W 5th .........................225-4332 SEWELL Marshall F 504 N Adams .....................225-3308 SHADDUCK Robert 2360 Hwy 69 ......................225-9603 SHANDRO Gary & Barbara 25 Quartz Av ...........225-9110 SHEEHAN Alice ..................................................225-9173 SHEEHAN Sean & Debbie 51 Basin Cr Rd ........225-4362 SHEPHARD John & Kathy 2525 Hwy 69 ............225-3336 SHERIFF- EMERGENCY CALLS ...............................911 SHOQUIST William 134 Muskrat Ln ...................225-3376 SHULTZ Susanne ...............................................439-0446 SILVER SADDLE 109 Basin ..............................225-9995 SIMS Robert & Connie 1554 State Hwy 69 .........287-5117 SKY TOP RANCH 116 Sloans Ln ......................225-9620 SLOAN Newton & Marie 311 E 3 Av ...................225-9569 SMALLWOOD Dudley R 50 Quartz Av.................225-3592 SMARTNICK Joyce 305 N Washington …...........594-1327 SMARTNICK Ron & Dawn 611 N Monroe ..........225-3106 Cell ...............................439-6410 SMARTNICK Ronald 305 N Washington ............225-3602 SMILEY Jodi 111 S Jackson ...............................459-3676 SMITH Cheryl - Arbonne .....................................933-5588 SMITH Granvel Wayne 4th St ..........................437-3597 SMITH Jeanette 100 N Jefferson ........................437-2503 SMITH L ..............................................................225-3486 SMITH Paul Brud 502 Lower Valley Rd ..............225-4397 SMITH Paulette 205 W Hauser ...........................225-4264 SMITH Ryan Wayne 4th St .................................437-3597 SMITH Tresa V 500 Lower Valley Rd ..................225-3666 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN ........................800 772-1213 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN - MEDICARE ..800 332-6146 SONSTENG Lisa 119 N Jackson ........................225-3494 SORENSON Helen 305 E 2 Av ...........................225-3490 SOTOLA Celeste 111 W Basin ............................225-3909 STALLARD Sharon & Gary 127 Bear Gul Rd .....225-3132 STANGHILL John 311 S Cleveland ....................459-1146 STASCH Sherlyn 127 S Cleveland .....................225-4304 STEELE 59 Earth Angel Rd ................................225-3516 STEKETEE S Mark DC 104 S Main ...................461-6353 STEKETEE Sabrina 32 Browns Gulch ................225-3428 STEVENS Linda .................................................225-4298 STEWART TITLE COMPANY 2620 Colonial Hln ...........................................443-2225 STOLP Kelly 85 Depot Hill Rd .............................225-3613 STONE Dwayne G 33 Quartz Av .........................225-9690 STRAUSSER Kessie ...........................................225-3401 STREIB James 217 S Jefferson ..........................225-3643 STREIB Julia 15 Valley Way ...............................225-3266 STREIB Steve 216 S Jefferson ...........................225-3133 SULLIVAN Dennis 301 Cook ...............................439-1439 SULLIVAN Jeremy ..............................................438-6804 SUNSET ON 69 ..................................................475-0410 SUNSHINE HEALTH MINE and ARTISAN STUDIO & GIFT GALLERY 130 Galena Gulch Rd .....................................225-3670 SUTHERLIN Denise 306 S Adams .....................225-3596 SWANSON Lee 102 N Cleveland .......................225-3361 ~ QUICK LOOKUP GUIDE ~ City & County Services Basin County Water & Sewer .....................................225-4234 Boulder Ambulance..................................................... 225-3196 Boulder-Basin Senior Center/See & Save................. 225-3656 Boulder City of-Office................................................. 225-3381 Boulder Community Library....................................... 225-3241 Boulder Medical Clinic................................................ 225-4201 Boulder Police Department-Non Emergency............ 225-3694 Jeffco Food Share....................................................... 225-3841 Jefferson County Appraisal-Assessments.......................................... 225-4001 Attorney.................................................................... 225-4010 CASA 5th Jud. Dist. Voice for Children................. 225-4042 Central Shop............................................................ 225-4168 Clerk & Recorder..................................................... 225-4020 Clerk Of District Court............................................. 225-4042 Commissioners........................................................ 225-4025 DES........................................................................... 225-4035 Elections................................................................... 225-4018 Justice Of Peace...................................................... 225-4055 Juvenile Probation.................................................. 225-4060 Planning-Rural Addressing.................................... 225-4040 Public Defender’s Office......................................... 444-0104 Public Health Nurse................................................. 225-4007 Road-Central Shop.................................................. 225-4158 Sanitarian-Junk Vehicle.......................................... 225-4126 Sheriff-Non Emergency........................................... 225-4075 Solid Waste.............................................................. 225-4159 Supt. Of Schools......................................................225-4114 Tobacco Prevention................................................ 439-9317 Treasurer-Motor Vehicle.......................................... 225-4100 Victim Advocate....................................................... 225-4014 Weed Dept................................................................ 225-4165 Jefferson Local Development Corp........................... 287-3282 Schools Basin School ...........................................................225-3211 Boulder Elementary School.................................... 225-3316 website: bgs.k12.mt.us BES Parent Teacher Group..................................... 225-3316 21st Century Community Learning Center ............225-3316 Jefferson High......................................................... 225-3317 website: jhs.k12.mt.us JHS Booster Club.................................................... 225-3317 Senior Commodities........................................... (800) 356-6544 U.S. Postal Service-Basin........................................... 225-4333 U.S. Postal Service-Boulder....................................... 225-3395 Volunteer Fire Dept. (Bull Mtn. & Boulder)................ 225-4075 Aakre - Boulder Cash Grocery • Free After School Program • Summer Program free breakfast & lunch Rochelle Hesford Boulder Elementary School 225-3316 Kindergarten thru 8th grade Providing mentoring relationships for children, contributing to brighter futures and stronger communities. Become a Mentor! Refer a Child! 406-442-7479 www.bbbs-helena.org Boulder Administration Services, Inc. For Administration of Employee Benefits 406.225.3699 www.boulderadmin.com Boulder Auto Parts Boulder Auto Diesel & Welding 221 S. Main, Boulder Hours: Mon - Fri 8-6 • Sat 9-1 Joe & Stacey Canzona (406) 225-3913 (406) 422-8010 Cell boulderadw1@hotmail.com -AAAKRE Larry 306 S Adams .....................................225-3506 ACE HARDWARE 121 N Main...............................225-3346 ADAMS C 306 S Adams ..........................................225-3313 ADAMSON James 17 Placer Loop Basin ...............225-3267 AHL David 400 S Adams .........................................225-4285 ALEXANDER Allyson 515 W Centennial .................491-2487 ALEXANDER Chris & Susan 103 N Parsons .............225-3555 ALEXANDER Ian 515 W Centennial .......................599-8567 ALLEN Matthew & Linda 3 Lenore Ln .....................225-4248 ALLEY Nancy 303 E 4 Av .......................................225-9570 ALVERSON Bill & Pat 504 Capitol Heights .............225-3149 AMBULANCE SERVICE (Emergency only) ...................911 ANDERSON David M 612 N Adams .......................225-3250 ANDERSON Kimberly 108 N Jackson ....................225-3407 ANDRADA Melinda 518 W 3rd ................................225-4249 Cell ….......................................422-7343 ANNA Dee Rev 21 Red Fox Lane............................225-3121 ARBONNE - Cheryl Smith ...................................... 933-5588 ARNOLD A L ............................................................225-3172 ARNOLD Marie 318 S Cleveland ............................439-5095 ATKINSON Courtney 801 W 2 Ave..........................465-2453 ATKINSON Todd 801 W 2 Ave ................................465-2471 ATWOOD Keith 200 N Main ...................................225-9186 AUTO MECHANICS BOULDER AUTO PARTS ....................................225-3913 DR PONTIAC LERUM AUTO 501 N Main ..........225-9555 AUCH, Montgomery & Helen 203 S Monroe ...........225-4398 -BBAERGA Patricia 2751 Hwy 69 ...............................461-8616 BAERTSCH Jerry 59 Hot Springs Rd ......................225-9817 BAGLEY M H 504 N Monroe ...................................225-3254 BAILEY Norman .....................................................225-9480 BAILEY, Sarah 290 Amazon Rd ..............................225-4312 BARNEY Craig 41 Nursery Way ..............................890-5072 BARRAGATO John & Pam 512 Capital Heights Dr ...225-4258 BASIN CREEK POTTERY 82 Basin .......................225-3218 BAUER Sarah M 104 S Main...................................594-1919 BEAR GRASS SUITES 400 W Thompson St.............225-3101 BEAUPRE Connie & Shane 1078 Lower Valley Rd ...225-3341 BERG R ...................................................................225-3830 BIELER Fritz 104 N Cleveland ................................225-9434 BIG BOULDER APARTMENTS 501 E 4 Av ............225-3712 BIG BOULDER RESIDENTS 504 E 3rd .................225-4245 206 S Parson .....................225-4250 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS .............................442-7479 BIG SKY BROKERS................................................594-1919 BILLINGS, Elizabeth 311 S. Main ............................225-3251 BLACKFOOT COMMUNICATIONS Missoula...855-556-1777 BOSWELL Allen 4 Hillside .......................................225-9141 BOULDER ADMINISTRATION SERVICES, INC. ....225-3699 BOULDER AMBULANCE 205 W 2nd Ave ..............225-3196 BOULDER AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ..... 465-2106 BOULDER ASSEMBLY OF GOD 502 N Jackson.................................................... 225-3841 BOULDER AUTO PARTS 221 S Main .....................225-3913 BOULDER CASH GROCERY #56 209 N Main ........225-3354 MCCAULEY Jackie 2950 Hwy 69 .......................225-3932 MCCAULEY James 612 N Monroe .....................225-3676 MCCAULEY James & Anika 188 Dry Cr Rd .............225-3234 MCCAULEY Steve 608 N Monroe ......................225-9210 MCCLAFLIN Bill ..................................................225-4354 MCCLAIN Rita 116 Sloans Ln .............................225-3495 MCCRACKEN Lacie 450 Depot Hill ...................431-5560 MCFADDEN Chad & Terri 211 S Jackson ...........225-9608 MCFADDEN Zach 211 S Jackson St ..................459-1988 MCFARLANE Wayne & Joanne 202 Sherman ..225-3307 MCGINNIS Cindy 168 Little Boulder Rd .............225-4229 MCMAHON James A 301 Edgerton ....................225-3862 MEAD Paul 309 N Adams ...................................225-3463 MEHUS Dan 45 Hanging Wall Rd .......................225-3298 MENDENHALL Cliff 201 N Jackson ....................225-3252 MERRY WIDOW & HEALTH MINE 93 Basin .....225-3220 MERRY WIDOW HEALTH MINE 29 Frontage Rd ..............................................225-3220 MILLER Ervin ......................................................225-4253 MINOW Terry Lynn 502 Lower Valley Rd ............225-4397 MOFFETT Sheldon 303 Edgerton St ..................461-9623 MOLITOR Mary 311 2 Av ....................................225-3764 MONTANA CITY BANK 9 Bankers Ln ................443-0497 MONTANA DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER ...........225-4411 MONTANA EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ASSN 216 E Centennial ...........................................225-3259 MONTANA INTERNET ........................................443-3347 MONTANA WOODS ............................................459-1712 MORAN Butch & Jean 602 W 2 Av .....................225-4374 Cell ......................................459-7332 MORGADO Don Jr 113 5th Ave ..........................437-3982 MORRILL Leonard & Kim 30 Rogers Ln .............461-5602 MORTIMORE Crystal & Rodney 410 N Monroe ...438-2214 MORTIMORE Ronald & Barbara 119 S Adams ..225-4329 MONTANA HUMAN RIGHTS BUREAU ..............225-4331 MOUNTAIN GOOD RESTAURANT 124 N Main .....................................................225-3382 MOUNTAIN MAN LOG BEDS .............................431-7063 MPQHF ...............................................................225-3110 MUMMEY Clifford Jr 1 Scotts Dr .........................225-3245 MURPHY Tom & Judy 218 N Adams ..................225-3627 -NNANCE Brett & Teresa 4 N Hillside Basin ...........422-9661 NELSON Sheryl 306 N Monroe ….......................422-9282 NETTIK W B 311 W Hauser ................................225-3883 NEWMAN Travis 400 S Adams ...........................225-3471 NIEMEIR CONSTRUCTION Box 954 ................439-3951 NIEMEIR Mark & Franki Box 954 ........................439-3951 NIX Gyle ..............................................................533-9671 NORDEN Dick & Linda 502 Capital Hts ..............225-3879 NORDEN Linda ...................................................461-5690 NORMAN Jason & Michelle 2 Basin Creek Rd ...225-3624 NORRIS Bill 107 Basin .......................................225-3901 NORTH WESTERN ENERGY Customer Service ....................................888 467-2669 Gas Emergencies-Odors-Leaks .............888 467-2427 Electric Emergencies-Outages ...............888 467-2353 McCauley, J - Reiter New Construction ...........................................443-8900 Customer Advocacy-Energy Efficiency .........443-8901 Underground Line Location ....................800 424-5555 -OO-Z MOTEL 114 N Main .....................................225-3364 OLIVER Floyd H Rev 1 Creekside ......................225-3564 OLSON A ............................................................225-3450 OLSON Mark & Susan 26 Depot Hill Rd ............225- 3921 OLSON Oliver 130 Old Hwy 91 ...........................225-3277 OLSON Steve 20 Old Hwy ..................................225-3554 O’NEILL Tonna 205 Upper Valley Rd ..................225-3177 OSTERHOLM Arthur 8 Hillside ...........................225-3655 OVERTURF Greg & Jessica 1 E Lode ................225-9551 -PPACE Garry & Geraldine 421 N Monroe .............225-4292 PADGETT BUSINESS SERVICES .....................221-7001 PAGEL Craig 2512 Hwy 69 ................................225-4208 PALLISTER Phillip 16 N Whitetail Rd ..................225-3648 PALLISTER Seth 16 N Whitetail Rd ....................225-3181 PALMER Shawn & Nicole 470 Upper Valley Rd ..225-3117 PASINI Gene & Sue 101 S Elder ........................225-5012 PARDIKES Kris & Dennis 30 Lower Valley .........225-4314 PEACE VALLEY HEALING CENTER PO Box 979 ....................................................225-3488 PEACE VALLEY QUILTS & MORE LLC 215 S Elder ....................................................459-3464 PENTECOST Lorien & Carl ................................225-9181 PETERSON Eddie & Vicki 5 Lenore Ln ..............225-3708 PETERSON Richard B 403 E Centennial ...........225-3958 PETROFF Paul 87 Oasis Rd ..............................225-4279 PHARMACY, ELKHORN .....................................225-3240 PHIL & TIM’S BAR & BOWL 115 N Main ............225-3201 POHLEY Elie & Robert 301 E 4th Av ..................225-3104 POLICE EMERGENCY CALLS ..................................911 POLICE ALL OTHER CALLS ............................225-3694 POTTS Brenda ....................................................225-3414 POWLEY Brittany 4 Lucky Chance Place Rd …..461-8259 POWLEY Debbie & Steven 4 Lucky Chance Pl ....225-3299 PRICE Lynn 305 2nd W Ave ...............................465-7283 PRYOR Jennifer 411 S Washington ....................225-3814 -QQRS SIGNS 317 N Main .....................................225-4337 QUILTING CORRAL 60 Frontage Rd ................225-4306 -RRACHLIS Sandra 36 Quartz Av ..........................225-3349 RAMEY Deannie I 317 S Cleveland ....................225-3693 RAMEY David 4 N East .......................................225-3742 RAMEY WOOD PRODUCTS ..............................225-3742 RANCH BED & BREAKFAST 2120 Hwy 69 ...06-287-5835 RASHLEIGH B 302 N Washington ......................225-3265 RED’S DISTRIBUTING 123 N Whitetail Rd ........225-3939 REED Wendy 501 E 4th ......................................225-4380 REEDY Heather & John 3171 Hwy 69 ................465-0468 REITER Barb ......................................................461-3618 Lattin - McCauley, E Boulder Area Chamber of Commerce www.bouldermtchamber. org Jefferson County TRANSFER STATIONS 9:30 am - 5:30 pm Boulder Monday, Thursday & Saturday Basin Saturday only Jefferson City Tuesday & Saturday Clancy Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday Montana City Everyday LATTIN Gail & Larrey 434 Upper Valley Rd ........225-3622 LATTIN Gail .........................................................431-8736 LATTIN Larrey .....................................................431-9730 LAUMEYER Robert L 111 S Monroe .....................225-3228 LAYNG, Clint & Sarah 106 N Cleveland .............225-4358 LEANING TOWER OF PIZZA 110 Basin ..........225-9790 LEARY Mick ........................................................225-3134 LEAVITT Caroline 140 Little Boulder Rd ............225-4221 LEE Dennis & Shellie …......................................465-5465 LEGENDARY FINISHES INC 4 Highgrade Pl ....225-4379 LEMIEUX Allen 37 Hubbard Ln ...........................438-1006 LEMIEUX “Luke” .................................................461-9711 LEMOINE Maleena L 10 Evans ..........................225-3419 LEROUX Judy & Larry 6 Silver Bell Rd ...............225-4393 LERUM AUTO 501 N Main ..................................225-9555 LEWIS Leah Boulder Valley ................................459-0689 LEWIS Patricia 149 Depot Hill Rd .......................225-4259 LEWIS Robert W 313 S Main ..............................225-9432 LINDELL Leroy 602 N Adams ...........................225-3130 LIQUOR STORE #56 -MONTANA-RETAIL 209 N Main .....................................................225-3354 LLEWELLYN Colleen 501 W 1st Av ....................225-4278 LOCK SHOPPE 200 Sherman ...........................439-1783 LONETREE RENTALS ........................................461-0087 LOUNSBERRY Ev & Dee ...................................437-4732 LOWE Ronald 113 S Cleveland ..........................225-3236 LOWRY S 235 Upper Valley Rd ..........................225-3540 LUCKY LIL’S CASINO 701 N Main ....................225-9891 LUDWIG William 309 W Hauser .........................225-9025 LUTKEHUS Brett ................................................225-4247 LYNCH Gene 315 Cook ......................................225-3544 -MMACLAUGHLIN Mary 140 N Whitetail Rd ..........225-9604 MAGNUSON Sonia 417 W 4 Av ..........................225-3836 MAICHEL Shane 305 S Washington ...................225-3303 Cell ...............................461-4833 MAKELA Clarence 103 W 5th Av ........................225-3756 MANN Jason 608 N Adams ................................225-3638 MARQUIS Steve 107 N Monroe ........................225- 3966 MARSH Orin E 401 E Centennial .......................225-3574 Cell .....................................594-3574 MARION Sandy 316 Cooke ................................225-4343 MARTIN Earl E 111 W Basin St ..........................225-3909 MARTIN Curtis & Marcy 166 Little Boulder Rd ...439-3156 MARTIN Vanessa 111 Basin ...............................225-4210 MATHIASON Emily 506 Capital Heights ...........225-3892 MATLACK C 300 E Centennial ...........................225-3216 MCALLISTER Robert & Mary .............................225-3125 MCCABE C A 206 S Jackson .............................225-3568 MCCALL Steve ...................................................431-3866 MCCANN Marie...................................................202-4047 MCCANN Steve ..................................................202-4048 MCCARL Daniel A 415 N Monroe........................439-5759 MCCARTY Diane 123 Basin................................225-3184 MCCAULEY Ed 973 Lower Valley Rd..................225-3541 MCCAULEY Emmett 80 Willowsprings Rd..........225-3610 MCCAULEY Evelyn 109 N Jefferson ..................225-3671 BOULDER CITY OFFICE 304 N Main ................225-3381 BOULDER COMMUNITY LIBRARY 202 S Main ......................................................225-3241 BOULDER CRANE & PILING SERVICE 178 N Whitetail Rd .........................................225-4217 BOULDER FARMERS MARKET ........................225-3164 BOULDER FITNESS CLUB 104 S Main .............225-3288 BOULDER HOT SPRINGS .................................225-4339 BOULDER MEDICAL CLINIC 214 S Main ..........225-4201 BOULDER MONITOR 104 W Centennial ..........225-3821 BOULDER PERSONAL STORAGE.....................491-4694 ...........................................................491-5377 BOULDER PIETRA SANTA APTS 311 S Main....439-3175 BOULDER RIVER PIZZA & SUB 105 S Main .....225-9100 BOULDER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 211 W Centennial ...........................................459-2306 BOULDER VOLUNTEER FIRE/RESCUE............461-4833 BOULDER-BASIN SENIOR CENTER 201 S Main .....................................................225-3656 BOULDIN Norman & Marge 211 S Cleveland .....225-3350 BOYD ANDREW COMMUNITY SERVICES Helena ...........................................................443-2343 BOYSEN Eric ......................................................461-4054 BROWN Debbie 58 Upper Valley Rd ..................225-4243 BROWN Michael & Lacy 111 1/2 W 5 Ave ..........225-3515 BRUCE Glenn 27 N Whitetail Rd ........................202-1226 BRUCE Tina 27 N Whitetail Rd ...........................202-4282 BULLOCK Bill K & Sonja 10 E Hauser ................225-9051 BULLOCK Bill M 404 E 2 Av ...............................225-3857 BULLOCK Buster & Megan 54 Elkhorn Rd ...........225-3894 BULLOCK Chris & Stacy 7 Depot Hill Rd ............225-3112 BULLOCK Delbert M 22 Quartz Av .....................225-3260 BULLOCK Lance & Rita ......................................287-5709 BULLOCK Rose 23 Quartz Ave ..........................225-3219 BURGAN Laura 106 S Jackson ..........................225-4377 BURNS Don & Cindy ............................. ............431-9743 BURRIS Stanley D & Dena 25 Wheeler Way.......225-3667 BUTLER Charlie 408 W 2nd St. ..........................225-4233 BUTLER Charlie & Laura 408 W 2nd St..............491-2635 -CCET ENVIRONMENTAL 124 Lenore Ln .............225-9413 CANSLER Patricia 303 N Monroe ......................225-4274 CANSLER Victoria 411 N Washington ................225-4336 CANZONA Joe & Stacey .....................................422-8010 CAREY Chris & Sandy 2300 State Hwy 69 .........287-5756 CAREY Frank & Cathy 1985 State Hwy 69 .........287-5836 CAREY John 2050 State Hwy 69 ........................287-5830 CAREY John & Stephanie 1882 State Hwy 69 ...287-9322 CAREY Mike & Anne Marie 1880 Hwy 69 ...........287-5740 CAREY Patrick 2050 State Hwy 69 .....................287-7928 CAREY Thomas 2120 State Hwy 69 ...................287-5835 CAREY Tom Jr 2235 State Hwy 69 .....................287-5265 CAREY Vincent 2274 Hwy 69 .............................287-5862 CARLSON Molly & Terry 302 N Adams ...............225-3274 CARNEY Laura .......................... ........................431-3090 CARR David 610 W 1 Av .....................................225-3553 CARRADINE Patricia 28 H Ln ............................225-3452 Boulder City Office - Carradine Boulder Basin Senior Center 225-3656 See n Save Shoppe 10 am to 4 pm M~W~F senior center Bingo 10 am - Noon Tues & Thurs Lunch at Noon Tues, Wed, Thurs Call for lunch reservations Boulder Community Library 225-3241 Mon: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Tues: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wed: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. & 6:30 - 8:30- p.m. Thurs: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun: 1 - 5 p.m. Storytime: Tues. at 10 a.m. 104 South Main Call 225-3288 for information CONSTRUCTION & WOODWORKING PO Box 35 Basin, MT 59631 (406) 225-3430 (406) 439-7636 craigfrenchmt@gmail.com Cary, P - Elliott, B EAGLE GLASS DAN STURDEVANT P.O. Box 275 Clancy, MT 59634 933-5360 voice 439-9297 cell 933-8396 fax Auto • Residential • Commercial For the Personal Touch Over 50 Years Experience Elkhorn Cafe & Supper Club 204 North Main P.O. Box 44 Boulder, Montana • Dine In • Take Out • Call Ahead 406-225-3213 Charissa Martin, dmd 406.225.4222 211 N. Main ~ Boulder, MT GIULIO DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. 225-3607 • Container & Rolloff Service • Commercial & Residential CARY Patrick 110 S Main ...................................225-3566 CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH 104 N Main ...225-9114 CEROVSKI Sheila 801 W Centennial .................225-3575 CHARLTON CONSTRUCTION ...........................949-1496 CHARLTON Mike & Betty 420 N Adams .............225-3806 CHRISTENSEN Darrel & Carol ...........................225-3239 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS THE Boulder Branch 501 N Jackson ..................225-3963 CM FRENCH CONST .........................................225-3430 COCHRAN S .......................................................225-3314 COLELLA Deborah 3411 Hwy 69 ........................439-6364 COLELLA Tom 3411 Hwy 69 ...............................439-6365 COMPTON Gene 747 Lower Valley Rd ..............225-3925 COOPER Rick L & Debbie N Of Boulder ............225-3615 CORDEIRO Ray 407 Edgerton ...........................225-3371 CORRIGAN Jon 311 S Main ...............................225-3137 COSTCO ............................................................495-7058 CRAFT Rhonda...................................................225-4320 CRAFT Gary & Marilyn 220 S Centre St .............225-3976 CRAFT Gerold 512 Garden Dr ............................225-3723 CRAFT Carmen 512 Garden Dr .........................439-0991 CRAWLEY Janice ...............................................459-8267 CRENSHAW Bill 411 S Washington ....................225-3814 CRUM J 220 S Jackson ......................................225-3202 CULBERT Jim & Sharon 42 Quartz ....................225-4294 -DDANIELS N P 107 E 3rd Av ................................225-3882 DAVIDSON Karen 20 Old Hwy ...........................225-3554 DAWSON Drew 201 E 3rd Av .............................225-3738 DAWSON George 1704 State Hwy 69 ................287-5839 DAWSON Jack 1672 State Hwy 69 ....................287-5759 DAWSON Thomas 3020 Hwy 69 ........................225-3736 DEMERS Betty 602 E 2nd ..................................225-3237 DEMERS Elleigh .................................................600-7724 DEMERS Lacie & Joe 116 Little Boulder Rd .......533-8754 DEX-ONE Customer Service .......................800-422-1234 DIREC TV Activations And Sales .................800 201-0848 DISH NETWORK Toll Free-Dial 1 & Then ....800 201-1960 DONALDSON Ben A 140 Little Boulder Rd ........225-4221 DR PONTIAC LERUM AUTO 501 N Main ...........225-9555 DUBOIS Michael 219 N Adams ..........................225-3293 DUENAS R .........................................................225-4219 DUPLER Jerry 610 N Adams ..............................225-3794 DYER Kathy 207 S Adams ..................................225-3475 -EEAGLE GLASS ...................................................933-5360 ECKMAN Patrick 82 Basin ..................................225-3218 EDER Charles .....................................................225-4275 EDER Chas & Terri ..............................................225-3122 EDWARDS Stephen 419 W 1 Av ........................225-3152 EKBLOM Robert 29 Lucky Chance Pl ................225-3212 ELKHORN CAFÉ & SUPPER CLUB 204 N Main .225-3213 ELKHORN FAMILY DENTAL 211 N Main ...........225-4222 ELKHORN PHARMACY .....................................225-3240 ELLIOTT Barb 16 Lucky Chance Pl ....................560-2022 Houtchens - Larsen HOUTCHENS S M 101 N Washington ................225-3397 HOWELL Raymond 3361 Hwy 69 .......................225-3235 HUGHES Greg ....................................................225-3138 HUMPHREY Samantha & Troy 15 Cattle Drive Rd ..........................................431-0044 HUTCHINSON Marylyn 303 W Hauser ...............225-4257 -JJAMES Katy ........................................................431-4149 JEFFERSON COUNTY SHOP 111 Odyssey Ln ..............................................225-4269 JEFFERSON COUNTY ..................................See Page 1 JEFFERSON LOCAL DEV. CORP (JLDC) .........287-3282 JELLISON Bonnie 83 Basin ...............................225-3394 JESKE KELLY 309 S Monroe ............................225-3167 JESSEN John 605 W 2 Av ..................................225-4276 JESSOP Ron 204 Cook ......................................225-3835 JOHNSON Brad 106 Basin .................................225-9597 JOHNSON Doyle 100 S Cleveland .....................225-4396 JOHNSON Eileen ........................................619-379-7878 JOHNSON Sara ..................................................565-6782 JOHNSON William J 55 Dry Creek Rd ...............225-3570 JOHNSTON John H ............................................225-3946 JONES Lyle 407 N Wicks ....................................225-3645 -KK & L MORTUARIES 210 E 2nd Av Boulder .....287-3271 or 842-5731 (IF NO ANSWER CALL 285-3341) KALLBERG Josh & RaeAnn 402 N Monroe .......225-4271 KATZBECK Edward A & Cara 93 Browns Gulch .225-4280 KEATING Margaret 309 E 3 Av ...........................225-3617 KEENER Tim & Sallie 104 S Jackson .................461-3691 KELLY Mark 206 Edgerton ..................................225-3625 KENT Patricia 127 Muskrat Rd ...........................225-4326 KINDLER Lynn 400 S Adams ..............................225-3116 KING Waveland & Stacey 213 W Centennial.......788-0508 KIRK Randall 2360 Hwy 69 .................................225-3165 KIRSCH Cory ......................................................949-3346 KIRSCH David H 206 E 2 Av ...............................225-3737 Cell ..............................................439-4404 KNUTSON John & Denise ..................................225-3141 KOIVISTO Dannette ............................................439-2792 KOLSTAD Kim 92 Browns Gulch Rd ...................439-0012 KOSOLA William M 407 S Adams .......................225-3204 KRAUS Bill & Gin 28 Browns Gulch ....................490-0318 KREMER Bill & Brenda 401 N Main ....................225-3208 KROLL Beau 211 E 2nd Ave ..............................225-4351 KROLL Luvern 101 S Cleveland .........................225-3626 KROLL Mike 211 E 2 Av ......................................225-3918 KROTT Belva & Richard .....................................933-8789 KUMASAKA K L 31 Hot Springs Rd ....................225-3802 -LL & P GROCERY 215 N Main ...........................225-3301 LAFOURNAISE Margery 205 E 4th Av ...............225-3454 LAFROMBOISE Butch .......................................225-4366 LAGERQUIST Lori 33 Galena Gulch Rd .............225-3583 LARSEN Kim …...................................................439-3721 O-Z Motel Hunting • Fishing Health Mines PO Box 257 Boulder, MT 59632 114 North Main Phone (406) 225-3364 SUNSET ON 69 (Inside Phil and Tim’s) Mon - Thurs: 6:30 am - 9 pm Fri: 6:30 am-10 pm Sat & Sun: 7am - 9 pm Find us on Facebook! sunseton69@yahoo.com For Expert Lawn Service • Lawn & Tree Shrub Feedings • Noxious Weed & Insect Control • Aeration & Contour Pruning • Perimeter Pest Control • Friendly, Licensed Specialists Free Written Analysis Pre-Pay Discounts Available 441-2244 Giordano - Holder LEANING TOWER OF PIZZA, LLC SUBS ~ SALADS SOUPS & SPIRITS Lisa & Bruce Giulio, Owners Open Wed. - Sun. Basin, Montana 225-9790 DR. PONTIAC/LERUM AUTO DANA LERUM ~ 406.225.9555 501 N. Main Boulder, MT 59632 Complete Auto Repair Tires & Exhaust Used Cars & Trucks Racing & High Performance Parts & Repair Be Jefferson High TOUGH! Stop your friends from driving drunk. T ake the keys. O ffer to drive. U se common sense. G et everyone home safely. H ave no regrets! P.O. Box 151 Boulder, MT 59632 Facebook: Mariah’s Challenge JHS Mine Motel minemotel.com by Reservation Only 888-890-5860 starting at $76+ tax/night - dbl. occ. GIORDANO Joseph 19 Airport Rd ......................225-4205 GIULIO Branna ...................................................202-4825 GIULIO Bruce 603 N Monroe ..............................439-6754 GIULIO Lisa 603 N Monroe .................................439-6753 GIULIO Dennis H 45 Galena Gulch Rd ...............225-3644 GIULIO DISPOSAL SERVICE INC 707 N Main .....................................................225-3607 GIULIO Gordon & Mary 56 High Ore Rd ............225-3282 GIULIO RV & Leonella 34 Hanging Wall Rd .......225-4212 GOOD Robert & Kaelynn 20 Broken Limb Ln .....225-3818 GOODWIN C & H 17 Quartz Av ..........................225-3578 GOODWIN Charlie 10 Quartz .............................439-2780 GORDY Dean & Teena 405 E 2 Av .....................225-4218 GRACE Edward Jr 127 Basin .............................225-9005 GRAF Rusty & Traci 161 Little Boulder Rd .........461-9233 GRANT Earl & Melody 214 N Madison ...............225-4316 GREEN JR EH 106 S Clevelend #3.....................202-5197 GRENZ Deane 303 E 3 Av ..................................225-3288 GREYTAK William J Rev 214 S Elder .................225-3222 -HHAASAKKER Rick & Cheryl 408 E 2 Av .............225-4334 HADFIELD Bill 321 N Washington ......................225-3751 HAIR DEPOT 201 S Main ..................................225-3864 HARLOW’S SCHOOL BUS SERVICE INC 101 N Main ......................................................225-3344 HARN Colleen 2751 Hwy 69 ...............................461-8616 HARRIS Carrie 5 Aspen Dr .................................490-1769 HARRIS Donald 26 H Ln ....................................225-3302 HARRIS Kip 5 Aspen Dr .....................................225-9749 HART Stacey ......................................................225-3160 HARTFORD Stephan 417 W 4 Av ......................225-9207 HAYES Charlie ....................................................225-3492 HAYES Ronald 500 Butte County Rd ..................225-4335 HAYKIN Michael 143 Rawhide ............................225-9525 HAYS Raymond 310 E 2nd Av ............................558-9329 HAYS Sandra 310 E 2nd Av ................................465-2845 HEARD Richard L 415 S Adams .........................225-3294 HEATON Terry & Kay 11 Hope ............................225-3807 HEDGECOCK James & Priscill 2 Lenore Ln ......225-4385 HEIDE John & Nancy 59 Upper Valley Rd ..........225-3640 HEIKES Jim ........................................................225-3121 HEIMBERG Andy ................................................439-0779 HELTON Bruce 402 N Adams .............................225-3322 HENDRICKSON Diane …................................... 593-5745 HERITAGE CENTER 210 N Main .......................422-9879 HERONEMUS Steve & Shelly 35 Hillside ...........225-3705 HERSEIM Amil & Felma 219 S Washington .......225-3778 HESFORD Mike & Rochelle 874 Lower Valley Rd ......................................225-3164 HESS Paul & Virginia .........................................225-3129 HILDEBRAND Dean ..........................................439-2229 HILLIER Dwain 214 N Main ................................225-9523 HILLIER Verna 609 W 3 Av .................................225-3563 HILTZ Chris 601 N Adams ...................................225-3872 HOERNER Dianne 316 N Washington ..............465-4140 HOGLUND Bruce 311 S Main .............................225-3162 HOLDER Sheila 500 Butte County Rd ................225-4328 Elliott, H - Gilson ELLIOTT Henry 207 E Centennial .......................225-3765 Cell .................................431-3336 ELLIOTT Shirley ..................................................459-1660 ELLIOTT Kent 16 Lucky Chance Pl ....................422-6908 ELLIS Glenda ......................................................461-0087 ELLMAKER Ashley & Cindy ................................459-3464 EMERGENCY SERVICES ...........................................911 ENGLUND Dave & Vera 29 Quartz Av ................225-3360 EVANS E & S 419 W 1 Av ...................................225-9670 EYER TJ , Sarah & Rahkei 100 Heide Way ........225-3420 Cell ................................465-5498 -F4/W Fencing ........................................................431-6824 FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC OF BOULDER 104 S Main .....................................................225-3111 FARNUM Dustin 305 W 2nd Ave ........................465-7282 FAULKNER John ................................................459-4364 FELLER Fred 407 E 3rd Av .................................225-3427 FIRE-FOREST & RANGE FIRES .......................444-4242 FIRE-TO REPORT ALL FOREST AND RANGE FIRES .......................................................................444-4242 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BOULDER 107 W Hauser ................................................225-4240 FIRST BOULDER VALLEY BANK 109 W 2nd......................................................225-3351 FISHER Jack ......................................................225-3120 FITZPATRICK Michael 114 E 2 Av ......................225-3715 FLETCHER Keith 204 Edgerton .........................225-9762 FLETCHER S 2 Silver Ave .................................225-3193 FOLEY Robert & Connie 13 Boulder ..................225-3159 FORD Beverly Ann 111 W 5th Av ........................225-3634 FORD J ...............................................................225-3290 FORD Jeanine ...................................................225-3636 FRANCHI Bernice 91 Upper Valley Rd ...............225-3768 FRANCHI James 1073 Lower Valley Rd .............225-3680 FREE ENTERPRISE HEALTH MINE 149 Depot Hill Rd ...........................................225-3383 FRENCH Craig 24 Valley ....................................225-3430 FROG’S CORNER DAYCARE ............................225-4353 FULFORD Virginia 310 Cook ..............................225-3870 FULLER Libby & Ron 200 N Madison .................225-3611 -GGABSE Debbie.....................................................465-2233 GABSE Mike 606 N Adams .................................225-3225 GADAIRE George& Jessica 301 S Elder ...........225-9566 Cell ................................465-6925 GADAIRE Marilyn 406 N Washington Bldr ..602-376-0508 GATOR’S PIZZA 102 N Main .............................225-3536 GENAW Russell 402 N Washington ...................225-3469 GEORGE Jerry & Debbie 505 Garden Dr ...........225-9745 GIBSON Justin 212 W 1st Ave .........................225-3142 GIFREDA Laura ..................................................461-4734 GILL Gregory 220 N Washington ........................225-3889 GILLES Michael J ...............................................431-7063 GILMER Bruce 178 N Whitetail Rd .....................225-4217 GILSON-JOHNSON Kathy 90 Upper Valley Rd 225-3262 Hair Hair Depot Depot 201 South Main Boulder, Montana 59632 Cheryl 225-3864 Jessica 439-1676 Hours: Tue - Sat 9 am - 6 pm Harlow’s School Bus Service, Inc. Bus Repair & Sales Charters & Rentals Fire Buses Mike Benson, Manager Boulder, MT 59632 PO Box 946 (406) 225-3344 aka Jefferson County Geanology Society 210 N. Main b 422-9879 Keeping you in titches Mending & More Bettie Schlueter PO Box 13, Boulder, MT 59632 406-225-3178 Josh Morris Pharm D/Owner Your helpful hardware place for • Appliances • Paint • Furniture • Cabinets • Beds • Sporting Goods • Wood Stoves • Steel Roofing • Flooring (carpet, vinyl) 121 N Main • Boulder 225-3346 • Mon - Sat Phone: (406) 225-3240 Fax: (406) 225-3246 215 N. Main, Boulder In L&P Grocery Quick • Efficient • Personal Easy prescription transfers elkhornpharmacy@live.com By your side for the long run .... 109 W. 2nd ~ P.O. Box 207 Boulder, MT 59632 (406) 225-3351 Senior & Assisted Living PO Box 629 400 West Thompson St. Boulder, MT 59632 (406) 225-3101 • beargrass1@live.com Lobby Hours: 8 am to 4 pm Drive Up: 8 am to 6 pm 24 Hr access ATM K&L Mortuaries Serving Jefferson County Since 1926 Whitehall - Boulder 406-287-3271 L&P Grocery Boulder, MT 225-3301 Mon-Sat 7:30 am - 8:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm www.lnpgrocery.com New Bus service to Great Falls, Butte, Idaho, Salt Lake City AND connecting to the Greyhound network! Call (800) 356-9796 for Tickets or go to saltlakeexpress.com Sarah M. Bauer Real Estate Broker “A Real Straight Shooter” sbauer@mt.net www.mymontanahome.net 104 So. Main Boulder, MT 59632 406-594-1919 www.bankingonthefuture.com Full service, locally owned and operated 9 Bankers Lane Montana City, MT 59634 (406) 443-0497 Call for appointment 406-225-4201 Insurance accepted 214 S. Main, Boulder, MT 59632 Boulder United Methodist Church Celebrating 125 Years: 1889 to 2014 Open Hearts Open Minds Open Doors 211 W. Centennial Boulder, MT boulderumc.org April 1 - October 15 [ 9a - 4p 149 Depot Hill Rd [ Boulder, MT 406 225-3383 http://www.radonmine.com ‘Like’ us on Facebook! [ Free Tours Lobby Hours: 9 am to 4 pm Drive Up: 8 am to 6 pm 24 Hr access ATM www.bankingonthefuture.com Hays Saddlery & Tack Repair 310 East 2nd P.O. Box 609 Boulder, MT 59632 Cell 406-558-9329 Cafe & Bar Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week 109 Basin St., Basin 225-9995 Dennis Lee Shellie Lee (c) 465 - 5465 Serving the Boulder community P.O. Box 1420 • 1424 National Helena, MT 59624 406-443-3347 Fax: 406-495-2909 www.mt.net ARTISAN STUDIO & GIFT GALLERY 130 Galena Gulch, PO Box E Boulder, MT 59632 (406) 225-3670 e-mail: info@sunshinehealthmine.com www.sunshinehealthmine.com
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