Curriculum Vitae - Northern Arizona University


Curriculum Vitae - Northern Arizona University
Curriculum Vitae
Björn Krondorfer
Director of Martin-Springer Institute &
Endowed Professor of Religious Studies
(Department of Comparative Cultural Studies)
Martin-Springer Institute
Northern Arizona University
P.O. Box 5624
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5624
(o) 928 523-5029
May 1990:
Temple University, Philadelphia (Religious Studies)
Temple University, Philadelphia (Religious Studies)
Georg August Universität Göttingen (Protestant Theology)
Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Protestant Theology)
Employment and Teaching:
2012-to date Northern Arizona University, Director of the Martin-Springer Institute &
Endowed Professor of Religious Studies (Dept. of Comparative Cultural Studies)
Courses taught (cl=cross-listed)
CCS 250
REL 395
REL 491
REL 497
HUM 497
Holocaust: Experience, History, Meaning
Religion and Violent Conflict: From Torture to Genocide (cl HIS 399)
Masculinities in Christianity, Judaism, and Beyond
Bedzin Ghetto: Applied Research/Traveling Exhibit Independent Study
Digital History Project: Bedzin Ghetto
Faculty Affiliate (Visiting Position), University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Professor of Religious Studies
RELG 101
RELG 225
RELG 302
RELG 304
RELG 310
RELG 360.1
RELG 360.2
RELG 380.1
RELG 380.2
RELG 390
RELG 399.1
RELG 399.2
RELG 480.1
RELG 480.2
RELG 480.3
RELG 480.4
RELG 499.1
RELG 499.2
RELG 499.3
Introduction to World Religions
Introduction to Christianity
Religion, Violence & Reconciliation: From Torture to Genocide (cl WGSX)
Values Inquiry: Phenomenon of Violence & Nonviolent Strategies
Ascetics, Saints, and Sinners: Western Religious Thought (cl WGSX)
Comparative Religious Belief & Practice: Religious Global Fundamentalisms
Comparative Religious Belief & Practice: Food and Religion
Topics: Masculinities in Christianity and Judaism (cl WGSX)
Topics: Confessions, Transitional Justice, Reconciliation (cl POSC/DMST)
Holocaust: History and Meaning (cl HIST)
Representing the Holocaust: Memory, Memorials und Museums
Family Biography in Modern Korean History
Topics: Madonna: Devotion in the History of Christianity & Popular Culture
Topics: Religion, Ritual, and Performance
Topics: Jewish and Christian Responses to the Holocaust
Topics: Religion and Film
Comparative Iconography: Christianity/Islam/Buddhism
Racial Reconciliation
Israel/Palestine: Dialogues of Reconciliation
RELG 499.4
PHIL 303
NITZ 280
NITZ 299
HIST 338
HIST 499
THEA 103
1990 (S&F)
Religion, War and Film
Philosophical Inquiry: Violence & Nonviolence in the Western Tradition
Resistance to Evil: Leadership in an Age of Atrocities
Teaching Editorial Work on Student Publication
Nazism and the Holocaust
German Fascism: Roots & Development
Introduction to Performance
Freie Universität Berlin, Guest Professor, Institute of “Evangelische Theologie und
Technische Universität Berlin, Gastwissenschaftler, Institute of “Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Historisch-Politische Bildung“
Temple University, Post-Grad. Fellow/Instructor (Intellectual Heritage Program)
Lehigh University, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Depts.’ of Religion and of History
Temple University, Instructor/Teaching Assistant
Professional Development
University Leadership Program (Northern Arizona University):
one-year program to prepare future leaders in higher education to discuss challenges facing
the university and higher education across the nation and to gain understanding of the
Arizona university system, including strategic planning and budgeting.
Editorial/Advisory Boards and Services:
2010-to date Editorial Board, Text-Raum, network journal for Bibliodrama (Germany)
2009-to date Editorial Board, Religion and Gender, open access, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary
journal (Netherlands)
2009-to date Advisory Board, CrossCurrents journal (USA)
2007-to date Editorial Board, theologie.geschichte, open access, peer reviewed journal on
theology and contemporary church history (Germany)
Editorial Board, The Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality (JMMS), open
access, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal (New Zealand/Australia)
Book Review Editor of JMMS
2002-to date Reviewer of Article Submissions: Journal of Literature & Theology (UK); Journal of
Ecumenical Studies (USA); Journal of Men’s Studies (USA); Nordic Journal for
Masculinity Studies [NORMA] (Norway); The Korean Journal of Psychodrama (South
Korea); Sexualities: A Journal of Culture and Society (UK); Humanity and Society
2000-to date Reviewer of Book Manuscripts & Proposals: Oxford University Press, University of
California Press, Routledge, Palgrave, New York University Press, Ashgate, SUNY
Press, Continuum/Bloomsbury, Wipf and Stock, Pickwick.
Series Editor: Cultural Criticism Series published by American Academy of Religion
(AAR) and Oxford University Press. 2003
Member of Publication Committee of the
Editorial Board, Living Text: Journal of Contemporary Midrash
Advisory Board, “The Institute for Contemporary Midrash”
Scholarly Networks and Academic Services:
Co-convening 2-day International Research Forum, “Living in the Aftermath of
2008-to date
2008-to date
2004-to date
1996-to date
Trauma and Mass Violence,” with Prof. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, University of the
Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa (February)
Co-Convening of four-week Coolidge Annual Research Colloquium on “Explorations
at the Intersection of Religious Pluralism and Jewish-Christian Dialogue,” Union
Theological Seminary, New York (July)
Chair of Subcommittee of Christian Scholars Group on Christian-Jewish Relations:
planning/designing 2011 summer seminar on Religious Pluralism and JewishChristian Dialogue (at Union Theological Seminary)
Steering Committee, “Religion, Memory, History Consultation,” American Academy of
Religion (AAR)
Netzwerk Geschlechterbewusste Theologie (annual meetings for European scholars
on gender & theology). Boldern/Zürich, Switzerland
“Potentiale Christlicher Versöhnungstraditionen” (interdisciplinary and ecumenical
research project on reconciliation), University of Oldenburg, Germany
Member of the Christian Scholars Group on Christian-Jewish Relations; bi-annual
scholarly meetings
Co-Chair, “Men’s Studies in Religion Group” (AAR)
Member of the international Stephen Weinstein Holocaust Symposium (formerly
Goldner Symposium), Fairleigh Dickinson University at Wroxton, England (biennial
Steering Committee, “Men's Studies in Religion Group” (AAR)
Steering Committee, “Arts, Literature, Religion Section” (AAR)
Member of Leadership Team of International Bibliodrama Conference (IBC), Evang.
Akademie Nordelbien/Bad Segeberg, Germany
Steering Committee, “Ritual Studies Group” (AAR)
Consultation and Facilitation:
“Practical Approaches to Reconciliation in Comparative Perspective.” 2-day seminar
for Ph.D. candidates and faculty. Center for Reconciliation Studies, Friedrich-Schiller
University, Jena, Germany. February.
Research Consultation & Facilitation: 5-day joint book project on transmission of
intergenerational trauma with Study Group on Intergenerational Consequences of
the Holocaust (PAKH, Germany) and Prof. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (South Africa).
Supported by Fetzer Institute. Kleve/Düsseldorf. Germany, December.
“Constellation Work: Options in Real-Life Scenarios.” Workshop as part of Bullying
Prevention Teachers’ Seminar, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff. September.
“Kulturelles Erinnern szenisch gestalten: Einführung in die Living-Sculpture Arbeit.”
One-day Seminar-Workshop, Study Group on Intergenerational Consequences of
the Holocaust (PAKH), Köln, Germany. July.
“The Role of Forgetting and Remembering in Learning about the Holocaust.” 2-day
National Teacher Training at Memorial Library Leadership Institute (Holocaust
Educators Network), New York City. June.
“Racial Reconciliation Seminar.” 5-day retreat; joint project for students of Northern
Arizona University and St. Mary’s College of Maryland; co-facilitated with Prof. Sybol
Anderson. May.
Consultant, Third International Multidisciplinary Conference: Engaging the Other:
Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein, South Africa. December.
Research Consultation & Facilitation: 5-day joint book project on transmission of
intergenerational trauma with Study Group on Intergenerational Consequences of
the Holocaust (PAKH, Germany) and Prof. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (South Africa).
Supported by Fetzer Institute. Cape Town, South Africa, December.
2010 & 2012 “Racial Reconciliation.” Student seminars & weekend retreats, co-facilitated with
Prof. Sybol Anderson, St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Spring.
“Home, Roots, Rupture.” 2-day National Teacher Training at Memorial Library
Leadership Institute (Holocaust Educators Network), New York City. June.
2009-to date Consultation and Facilitation of FAB (Friendship Across Borders), a trilateral peacebuilding organization for Palestinians, Israelis, and Germans:
2014: “Between Trauma and Politics” (Part II). Facilitation of 4-day seminar for 21
participants, Freiburg, Germany. January-February.
2013: “Between Trauma and Politics” (Part I). Facilitation of 4-day seminar for 21
participants, Freiburg, Germany. October
2012: “The Art of Building a Vision for FAB.” Facilitation of 5-day seminar for core members,
Aegina, Greece. July
2011: “Restorative Forgetting, Necessary Remembering/Heilsames Vergessen, Nützliches
Erinnern.” Facilitation of 4-day workshop on Jewish/German relations. Bad Honnef, Germany.
2011: “Empathy without Borders.” Workshop on Israeli-Palestinian-German encounters, at
international conference Conflict Transformation and Mysticism. Würzburg, Germany. April
2010: “Regaining Hope through Self-Awareness.” Facilitation of 9-day workshop for group of
50 Israeli, Palestinian and German students & mentors. Beit Jallah, Palestine. August
2009: “Jerusalem Seminar.” Facilitation of mentor seminar for Israelis, Palestinians and
Germans. Jerusalem, Israel. August
2009: “German Mentor Preparation.” Facilitation seminar for German mentors. Wasmuthausen, Germany. May
“Knowing Ourselves and the Other.” One-day Workshop with Dr. med. Samson
Munn. International Conference, Identities: Dangerous Images of Me and the Other
and their Transformation into Collective Wisdom, Würzburg, Germany. May
“Transgenerational Transmission & Intergenerational Dialogue in Families Affected
by the Holocaust.” Facilitating Workshop at Jewish Holocaust Museum, Melbourne,
Australia. December
Leading Study Abroad Tour for Nitze Seminar (St. Mary’s College): From Vienna to
Berlin. January
“Faith in the Face of the Abyss.” Facilitation of 3-day interreligious seminar for
Chicago Board of Rabbis & German Christian clergy, Weimar & Buchenwald,
Germany. January
“Global Conflicts.” Getty Foundation resident scholar for a 5-day core program at
Vancouver School of Arts and Academics: curriculum reform The Arts as a Unifying
Factor in Middle- and High School Education.Vancouver, WA. March
Teacher training and lecturer on Holocaust for afterschool program “Bright Futures,”
Spring Ridge Middle School, MD
Program Director of International Summer Program on the Holocaust. Facilitation
and organization of one-month summer programs (1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1999,
2002, 2005): intercultural study of the Holocaust for Jewish & Christian students of
U.S. and European colleges/universities in the U.S., Germany and Poland
Consultation for U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington
1990-to date Conducting Bibliodrama Workshops in United States, Europe, and South
Dissertation Mentoring and Supervision:
External member, Ph.D. thesis by Angel Verdugo, “Engaging with Heteronormativity:
The Affect on Queer Faculty Members’ Curriculum and Instruction,” Northern Arizona
University, College of Education
Second Reader & Evaluator, Ph.D. thesis by Oliver Arnhold, “Die Thüringer Kirchenbewegung Deutsche Christen und das Eisenacher Institut zur Erforschung und
Beseitigung des jüdischen Einflusses auf das deutsche kirchliche Leben,” University
of Paderborn, Germany
International Supervisor, Ph.D. thesis by Amelia Klein, “Third-Generation Responses
to Holocaust Video-Testimony,” Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Other Professional Activities:
2004-to date Artistic collaboration and numerous exhibits with artist Karen Baldner
(Bloomington, IN).
Organization of “Annual Series on the Holocaust and Genocide,” St. Mary’s College
of Maryland.
2011 Art After Atrocities
2009 The Holocaust in Eastern Europe
2006 Art & Holocaust: 2 Gen. Responses
2004 Witnessing
2002 Surviving
1999 Children and the Holocaust
1997 Preserving Memory
1995 History, Memory, Memorialization
2010 Testimony: Surviving the Holocaust
2007 Armenia: The Forgotten Genocide
2005 Testimony: Holocaust & Rwanda
2003 Sites of Memory and Atrocity
2000 America and the Holocaust
1998 Genocide: Search for Justice
1996 Resistance, Rescue, Reconciliation
1994 Cultural Heritage of 20th Century
U.S.-correspondent for Tribüne (a German-Jewish journal)
Board of Directors, Interfaith Council on the Holocaust, Philadelphia
Founder & member of The Jewish-German Dance Theatre. Performances in the
U.S. and Germany. Television appearances: “Sunday Morning w/ Charles Kurault” (CBS),
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR3), Südwestfunk (SWF3), Hessischer Rundfunk (HR3)
Awards and Honors:
Selected Scholar for Speakers Bureau of the Arizona Humanities Council
“Delta Phi Alpha” (National German Honors Society), Honorary Membership
conferred on May 9 (Chapter Kappa Xi, Northern Arizona University)
Norton Dodge Award for Scholarly and Creative Achievement (this award is given
every three years to honor one faculty member of St. Mary’s College of Maryland)
Recipient of Mellon Grant through the Center of Democracy Study (at St. Mary’s
College) to develop seminar on “Confessions, Transitional Justice, Reconciliation”
Recipient of International Education Travel Award to Thailand on Socially Engaged
Buddhism (Theravada Tradition), St. Mary’s College of Maryland (May 14 -30)
Summer Research Workshop on Gender & Holocaust, U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Museum, Washington (June 14-26)
Selected Scholar for Speakers Bureau of the Maryland Humanities Council
1996-to date Fellow of Stephen Weinstein Holocaust Symposium (formerly Goldner Holocaust
Symposium): Biennial international meetings at Wroxton College (of Fairleigh
Dickinson University, NJ), Wroxton, England
Selected Scholar for Speakers Bureau of the Maryland Humanities Council
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Temple University
Dissertation Fellowship, Temple University
Teaching Assistant, Temple University
Fellow of Coolidge Research Colloquium, Cambridge
Luther Stipend from Hesse, Germany
DAAD Stipend (German Academic Exchange Service)
Presidential Award, Germany: essay contest “German History”
Services at Northern Arizona University:
Member of FSC/ARC at the Department of Comparative Cultural Studies
(Faculty Status Committee/Academic Review Committee)
Member of (reconstituted) Search Committee of the College of Arts & Letters:
CAL Development Officer
CCS Search Committee Member, Lecturer Positions in Comp. Religious Studies
Member of the Cline Lecture ad-hoc Committee (for T.C. Boyle’s campus visit)
Member of FSC/ARC at the Department of Comparative Cultural Studies
(Faculty Status Committee/Academic Review Committee)
Member of Search Committee of the College of Arts & Letters: CAL Development
Services at St. Mary’s College of Maryland:
Convocation Speaker
Chair, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Senator for Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Curriculum Committee, Chair
Faculty Development Grant Committee
Women’s Studies Colloquium Committee
Member of the Strategic Planning Committee
Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees
Vice President of Faculty Senate
Member of the International Council (not in 2004)
Member of Executive Council
Curriculum Committee, Chair
Editorial Committee, The Mulberry Tree Papers
Curriculum Committee, Divisional Representative
General Education Curriculum Committee, Divisional Representative
Male Confessions: Intimate Revelations and the Religious Imagination. Stanford: Stanford
University Press. Pp. 298.
Men and Masculinities in Christianity and Judaism: A Critical Reader. Editor. London: SCM
Press. Pp. 512.
Der Text im Körper: Leibgedächtnis, Inkarnation und Bibliodrama. Co-edited with Marcus
Friedrich, Thomas Fuchs, Julia Koll, and Gerhard Marcel Martin (Bibliodrama Kontexte, vol.
8). Hamburg: EB-Verlag. Pp. 135.
Korean translation of Body and Bible: Interpreting and Experiencing Biblical Narratives, with
a new Preface. Trans. Hun Young Hwang and Sae Joon Kim. Seoul: Chang-Ji Co. Pp. 397.
Mit Blick auf die Täter: Fragen an die deutsche Theologie nach 1945. Co-authored with
Katharina von Kellenbach and Norbert Reck. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag. Pp. 317.
Das Vermächtnis annehmen: Kulturelle und biographische Zugänge zum Holocaust.
Beiträge aus den USA und Deutschland. Co-edited with B. Huhnke. Giessen: Psychosozial
Verlag. Pp. 368.
Von Gott reden im Land der Täter: Theologische Stimmen der dritten Generation seit der
Shoah. Co-edited with Katharina von Kellenbach and Norbert Reck. Darmstadt:
Wissenschaftlicher Buchverlag. Pp. 303.
My Father’s Testament: Memoir of a Jewish Teenager, 1938-1945. Authored by Edward
Gastfriend. Edited with an Afterword by Björn Krondorfer. Philadelphia: Temple University
Press. Pp. 187.
Men’s Bodies, Men’s Gods: Male Identities in a (Post-) Christian Culture. Editor. New York:
New York University Press. Pp. 324.
Remembrance and Reconciliation: Encounters Between Young Jews and Germans. New
Haven: Yale University Press. Pp. 260.
Body and Bible: Interpreting and Experiencing Biblical Narratives. Editor. Philadelphia:
Trinity Press International. Pp. 209.
Journal Editions:
Masculinities and Religion: Continuities and Change. Guest-Editor with Stephen Hunt.
Religion and Gender 2/2:190-327.
Embattled Masculinities in the Religious Traditions. Guest-Editor. CrossCurrents (December)
Pp. 426-573.
Special Lectures and Key Note Addresses:
2012. “The Art of Dialogue: Jewish-Christian Relations in a Post-Shoah World.” The Jerome S.
Cardin Memorial Lecture, Loyola University, Baltimore, MD. March 25.
2011. “Männer und Männlichkeiten in Christentum und Judentum.” Public Keynote Lecture at
international conference Religion and Masculinities in Modernity. Friedrich-Schiller University. Jena.
Germany. September 14.
2011. “Disregard, Compassion, Forgiveness.” Panel Moderation with Avraham Burg (Israel), Pumla
Gobodo-Madikizela (South Africa), Bernhard Sabella (Palestine), Scilla Elworthy (UK) at Conflict
Transformation and Mysticism, Würzburg, Germany. April 29.
2010. “The Future of Memory: Reconciling Past Hurts and Present Conflicts.” The William Temple
Lecture at Jaamiatul-ilm Wal-Huda (Islamic College), in conjunction with Blackburn Cathedral,
Blackburn, United Kingdom. June 29.
2009. “Conversation with Archbishop Tutu, Rabble Rouser for Peace: Engaged, Compassionate
Leadership in Challenging Times.” Panelist with Desmond Tutu at international conference Beyond
Reconciliation. Cape Town, South Africa. December.
2007. “Textual Male Intimacy and the Religious Imagination.” Keynote at Conference Sexing the
Text. Glasgow, United Kingdom. December 7.
2004. “Remembrance and Reconciliation: Why the Memory of the Holocaust Matters Today.” The
2004 Robert Salomon Morton Memorial Lecture, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. March.
1997. “The Future of Remembrance: Building Bridges across Separate Memories.” Keynote
speaker at annual 8th Holocaust commemoration, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, April.
Book Contributions:
(forthcoming). “On Torture and Sincerity.” In Losing Trust in the World: Holocaust Scholars Reflect
on Torture, eds. Leonard Grob and John Roth.
2014. “Biblical Masculinity Matters.” In Biblical Masculinities Foregrounded, eds. Ovidiu Creanga
and Peter-Ben Smit. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, pp. 286-296.
2013. “Interkulturelle Erinnerungsarbeit als offener Prozess.” In Handbuch Nationalsozialismus und
Holocaust: Historisch-Politisches Lernen in Schule, außerschulische Bildung und Lehrerbildung,
eds. Hanns-Fred Rathenow, Birgit Wenzel, Norbert Weber. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag, pp.
2013. “From Pulp to Palimpsest: Witnessing and Re-Imagining through the Arts” (in collaboration
with Karen Baldner). In Different Horrors, Same Hell: Gender and the Holocaust, eds. Myrna
Goldenberg and Amy H. Shapiro. Seattle: University of Washington Press, pp. 132-162.
2012. “Beyond Uniqueness: Holocaust and Transitional Justice.” In Doppelte Vergangenheitsbewältigung und die Singularität des Holocaust, ed. Lucia Scherzberg. Saarbrücken: universaar, pp.
2010. “Männlichkeit und Selbstmitleid: Religiöse Rhetorik in Selbstzeugnissen von NS-Tätern.“ In
Scham und Schuld: Geschlechter(sub)texte der Shoah, eds. Maja Figge, Konstanze Hanitzsch,
Nadine Teuber. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 195-221.
2010. “Interkulturelle Begegnungsprogramme zum Holocaust: Familenbiographie und kreative
Erinnerungsarbeit.“ In Elemente einer zeitgemässen politischen Bildung, eds. Christian Geißler,
Bernd Overwien. Münster: Lit Verlag, pp. 253-269.
2009. “Theologische Horizonte des Mann-Seins: Gedankenanstöße.” In Gender, Religion, Bildung:
Beiträge zu einer Religionspädagogik der Vielfalt, eds. Annebelle Pithan, Silvia Arzt, Monika Jacobs,
Thorsten Knauth. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag, pp. 229-235.
2009. “Whose Memory is it Anyway? Reflections on Remembering, Preserving and Forgetting.” In
Testifying to the Holocaust, eds. Pam Maclean, Michelle Langfield, Dvir Abramovich. Sydney:
Australian Association of Jewish Studies, pp. 199-222.
2008. “Mit Gott und unseren Körpern unterwegs: Gedanken zur christlichen Dramatisierung der
Leiblichkeit.” In Der Text im Körper: Leibgedächtnis, Inkarnation und Bibliodrama, eds. Marcus
Friedrich, Thomas Fuchs, Julia Koll, Björn Krondorfer, and Gerhard Marcel Martin. Hamburg: EBVerlag, pp. 104-128.
2008. “Eunuchen oder Viagra? Frühchristliche Männlichkeitsideale als zeitgenössische Irritation”;
and “Nicht allein im männlichen Körper.” In Theologie und Geschlecht: Dialoge Querbeet, eds.
Heike Walz and David Plüss. Münster: LIT, pp. 57-71, 75-80.
2008. “Protestantische Theologenautobiographien und Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Helmut
Thielicke als Beispiel für einen nachkriegsdeutschen Leidensdiskurs.” In Vergangenheitsbewältigung im französischen Katholizismus und deutschen Protestantismus, ed. Lucia Scherzberg.
Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, pp. 203-222.
2006. “Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in Autobiographien protestantischer Theologen.” In Mit
Blick auf die Täter: Fragen an die deutsche Theologie nach 1945, co-authored with Katharina von
Kellenbach and Norbert Reck. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag, pp. 23-170.
2002. “Revealing the Non-Absent Male Body: Confessions of an African Bishop and a Jewish
Ghetto Policeman.” In Revealing Male Bodies, eds. Nancy Tuana et. al. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, pp. 247-268.
2002. “Einleitung.” Das Vermächtnis annehmen, co-edited with B. Huhnke. Giessen: Psychosozial
Verlag, pp. 9-41.
2002. “Eine Reise gegen das Schweigen.” Das Vermächtnis annehmen, co-edited with B. Huhnke.
Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag, pp. 315-344.
2002. “Die Gegenwärtigkeit des Holocaust in interkulturellen Begegnungen: Stimmen der dritten
Generation.“ Das Vermächtnis annehmen, co-edited with B. Huhnke. Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag,
pp. 345-363.
2001. “Abschied von (familien-) biographischer Unschuld im Land der Täter: Zur Positionierung
theologischer Diskurse nach der Shoah.” In Von Gott reden im Land der Täter, co-edited with
Katharina von Kellenbach and Norbert Reck. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftlicher Buchverlag, pp.11-28.
2001. “Of Fire and Water: Holocaust Testimony, Biblical Texts and German ‘After Auschwitz’
Theology.” In Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide, vol. 2, ed. in chief
John Roth, Elisabeth Maxwell. Basingtoke: Palgrave, pp.760-774. (Revised and expanded version
of “Of Faith and Faces”).
2001. “At Ratner’s Kosher Restaurant.” In Second Generation Voices: Reflections by Children of
Holocaust Survivors and Perpetrators, eds. Alan Berger and Naomi Berger. Syracuse: Syracuse
University Press, pp.258-269.
2000. “Of Faith and Faces: Biblical Texts, Holocaust Testimony, and German ‘After Auschwitz’
Theology.” In Strange Fire: Reading the Bible after the Holocaust, ed. Tod Linafelt. Sheffield:
Sheffield Academic Press, pp.86-105.
1998. “Gedanken zur Politik, Geschichte, Ästhetik und Rezeption des US Holocaust Memorial
Museum.” In Nachträgliche Wirksamkeit: Vom Aufheben der Taten im Gedenken, ed. Christian
Staffa and Jochen Spielmann. Berlin: Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Vergleichende
Geschichtswissenschaften, Band, pp.147-165.
1998. “Biographische Arbeit in Jüdisch/Deutschen Begegnungsgruppen nach der Shoah.” In
Biographische Arbeit in der Erwachsenenbildung: Beispiele aus der Praxis, ed. Manfred Jurgovsky
and Ronald Hirschfeld. Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie,
1998. “Begegnung als Bearbeitungsform der nachträglichen Wirksamkeit des Holocaust.” In Die
Gegenwart der Geschichte des Holocaust: Intergenerationelle Tradierung und Kommunikation der
Nachkommen, eds. Christian Staffa and Katherine Klinger. Berlin: Schriftenreihe des Instituts für
Vergleichende Geschichts-wissenschaften, Band 2, pp.111-117.
1996. “The Confines of Male Confessions: On Religion, Bodies, and Mirrors,” and “Introduction.” In
Men’s Bodies, Men’s Gods, ed. Björn Krondorfer. New York: New York University Press, pp.3-26,
1996. “Third-Generation Jews and Germans: History, Memory & Memorialization.” In Working
Papers of the Volkswagen-Foundation Program in Post-War German History. Washington D.C.:
AICGS (John Hopkins University) and German Historical Institute, pp.1-23.
1995. “Re-Mythologizing Scriptural Authority: On Reading 'Sacrifice and the Beginning of
Kingship.'” In Transformations, Passages, and Processes: Ritual Approaches to Biblical Texts, ed.
Mark McVann. SEMEIA: experimental journal for biblical criticism 67, Atlanta: Scholars Press,
1992. “The Whole Gamut of Experience: Historical and Theoretical Reflections.” In Body and Bible,
ed. Björn Krondorfer. Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, pp.5-26.
1992. “Jacob, Esau, and the Crises of Male Identity: Investigations into the Seriousness of Play.” In
Body and Bible, ed. Björn Krondorfer. Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, pp.175-190.
1989. “Embodied Testimonies: Experimental Drama as a Device for Confronting the Holocaust.” In
Remembering for the Future, eds. Yehuda Bauer et al. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp.1504 -1512.
1988. “Experimental Drama and the Holocaust: The Work of the Jewish-German Dance Theatre
and its Application to the Teaching of the Holocaust.” In Methodology in the Academic Teaching of
the Holocaust, eds. Zev Garber, Alan Berger, Richard Libowitz. Lanham: UP of America,
Scholarly Articles:
2013. “Ritual Denied and Read as Truth: From Totalizing Sincerity to the Seriousness of Play.”
Journal of Ritual Studies 27/1:59-72.
2012. “Introduction: Religion and Masculinities: Continuities and Change” (co-authored with Stephen
Hunt). Religion and Gender 2/2:194-206.
2012. “The Art of Dialogue: Jewish-Christian Relations in a Post-Shoah World.” CrossCurrents
62/3 (September):301-317.
2010. “Witnessing and Re-Imagining through the Arts: Meditation on a Dialogical Project.”
CrossCurrents 60/4 (December):495-514.
2010. Review Essay: “Susannah Heschel, The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in
Nazi Germany.” Association of Contemporary Church Historians (ACCH) 16/2:6-13. First published as book review in
Theologie. Geschichte: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kulturgeschichte 4 (2009).
2008. “Textual Male Intimacy and the Religious Imagination: Men Giving Testimony to
Themselves.” Literature and Theology 22/3:265-279.
2008. “Is Forgetting Reprehensible? Holocaust Remembrance and the Task of Oblivion.” Journal of
Religious Ethics 36/2 (June):233-267.
2008. “A Perpetrator’s Confession: Gender and Religion in Oswald Pohl’s Conversion Narrative.”
Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 2/2 (June):62-81.
2008. “Serious Play: Bibliodrama in the Context of Creative Incarnation.” The Korean Journal of
Psychodrama 11/1:81-91; first printed Proceedings of Annual Conference of KAPS (Korean
Association of Psychodrama and Sociodrama), Seoul (2008, January):109-120. In same volume:
Korean translation by Y. M. Choi (January):121-130.
2008. “Bibliodrama: Embodying Biblical Stories.” Proceedings of Annual Conference of KAPS
(Korean Association of Psychodrama and Sociodrama), Seoul (January):133-140. In same volume:
Korean translation by Sung Hee Cho (January):141-146.
2008. “Religiöse Männlichkeitsideale im Widerstreit: Von Gottesmännern und männlichen
Eunuchen.“ Fachtagungs Religionen und Geschlecht: Geschlechterdemokratie im multiethnischen
und multireligiösen Europa (Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung / Gunda-Werner-Institut, Berlin). Translations:
Czech: “Náboženské ideály mužství v rozporu: o Božích mužích a mužských eunuších” (2008);
Polish: “Starcie religijnych ideałów męskości: boży mężczyźni i męscy kastraci” (2008); English:
“Conflicting Religious Ideals of Masculinity: On Godmen and Male Eunuchs” (2008).
2007. “World Religions, Christianity.” Entry in International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities,
1 vol., eds. M. Flood, J. K. Gardiner, B. Pease and K. Pringle, London, New York: Routledge, pp.
2007. “Rejoinder: Navigating through Troubled Language.” Theology & Sexuality 14/1:107-112.
2007. “Who’s Afraid of Gay Theology? Men’s Studies, Gay Scholars and Heterosexual Silence.”
Theology & Sexuality 13/3:257-274.
2004. “Men’s Studies in Religion.” (co-authored with Phil Culbertson). Entry for Encyclopedia of
Religion, 2nd edition. Ed. in chief Lindsay Jones. Detroit, New York: Macmillan.
2004. “Mel Gibson’s Alter Ego: A Male Passion for Violence.” CrossCurrents 54/1 (Spring):1621.
2004. “Theological Innocence and Family History in the Land of Perpetrators: German Theologians
after the Shoah.” Harvard Theological Review 91/1 (January):61-82.
2003. “Interkulturelle Erinnerungsarbeit und Familienbiographie: Warum Emotionen in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Holocaust wichtig sind.“ Erziehung Heute 3 (Innsbruck, Österreich):9-13.
2000. “Der disziplinierte Körper: Thesen zur Wiederentdeckung einer religiösen Körpersprache.”
Lernort Gemeinde: Zeitschrift für theologische Praxis 18/3:21-26.
1999. “Islamische Identität in Nordamerika.” CIBEDO: Beiträge zum Gespräch zwischen Christen
und Muslims 13/1:4-11.
1998. “Dance and Drama: In Monotheistic Traditions.” Entry for Encyclopedia of Women and
World Religion. Ed. by Serinity Young. Macmillan.
1994. “Ritually Enacting the Reading Experience: A Dramatic Way to Teach Literature.” Authored
with Robin Bates. English Education 26/4 (December):236-248.
1994. “Our Soul Has Not Suffered: Intimacy and Hostility Between Fathers and Sons in Post-Shoah
Germany.” The Journal of Men's Studies 2:3 (February):157-169.
1993. “Play Theology as a Discourse of Disguise.” Literature & Theology 7(4) (December):365-380.
1993. “Kulturgut Holocaust: Gedanken zum neuen U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in
Washington.” Tribüne 127:91-104.
1992. “Bodily Knowing, Ritual Embodiment, and Experimental Drama: From Regression to
Transgression.” Journal of Ritual Studies 6 (Summer):27-38.
1992. “Ethos der Erinnerung: Das liberale amerikanische Judentum und der Holocaust.” Tribüne
124: 117-124.
1991. “Gefühle der Schuld und Abwehr: Begegnungen zwischen Nachkriegs-Deutschen und Juden
der Nach-Shoah.” Tribüne 119:130-139.
1991. “Ist die deutsche Kultur antisemitisch? Gedanken zur (Fremd-) Bestimmung des Judentums.”
Tribüne 117: 131-143.
Book Reviews, Criticism, Short Essays:
2014. Book Review. A Misplaced Massacre: Struggling Over the Memory of Sand Creek. By Ari
Kelman. Dialogues on Historical Justice and Memory (June), n.p (3 pg).
2014. Book Review. Jewish Masculinities: German Jews, Gender, and History. Eds. Benjamin Maria
Baader, Sharon Gillerman, Paul Lerner. Religion & Gender 4/1:66-69.
2014. Book Review. The American West and the Nazi East: A Comparative and Interpretive
Perspective. By Carroll P. Kakel III. German Studies Review 37/1 (February):228-230.
2013. Book Review. Young Men in Haredi Yeshiva Education: The Scholars’ Enclave in Unrest. By
Yohai Hakak. JAAR: Journal of the American Academy of Religion 82/1 (March):270-273.
2013. Book Review. Hitler’s Volksgemeinschaft and the Dynamics of Racial Exclusion: Violence
againt Jews in Provincial Germany, 1919-1939. By Michael Wildt. Holocaust and Genocide Studies
27/3 (Winter):483-485.
2013. “Tätertrauma.” Junge Kirche 74/3:6-9.
2013. Book Review. The Other Jewish Question: Identifying the Jew and Making Sense of
Modernity. By Jay Geller. Holocaust and Genocide Studies 27/2 (Fall):326-329.
2013. Book Review. Christian Masculinity: Men and Religion in Northern Europe in the 19th and
20th Centuries. By Yvonne Maria Werner (ed.). Theologie.Geschichte: Zeitschrift für Theologie und
Kulturgeschichte 8.
2012. Book Review. Ecce Homo: The Male Body-in-Pain as Redemptive Figure. By Kent Brintnall.
Theology & Sexuality 18/2:162-165.
2012. Book Review. Männlichkeiten Denken: Aktuelle Perspektiven der kulturwissenschaftlichen
Masculinity Studies. By Martina Läubli and Sabrina Sahli (ed.). Journal of Men, Masculinities and
Spirituality 6/2 (June):114-116.
2011. “Bibliodrama Interreligiös? Ansätze und Begrifflichkeiten.” Textraum: Bilbiodrama Information
18/35 (November):8-11.
2011. “Die Religion entdeckt den ‘Mann’: Kritische Männerforschung in Religion und Theologie.”
Schlangenbrut 29/115:35-37.
2011. Book Review. The Male Body at War: American Masculinity during World War II. By Christina
Jarvis. Theologie.Geschichte: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kulturgeschichte 6.
2011. Book Review. Confronting Genocide: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. By Steven L. Jacob (ed.).
Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 6: R1-4.
2011. Book Review. Die Präsenz der Gefühle: Männlichkeit und Emotion in der Moderne. By Manuel
Borutta and Nina Verheyen (ed.). Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 5/2 (June):114-117.
2011. Book Review. The Embrace of Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity. By
Margaret D. Kamitsuka (ed.). Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 5/2 (June):118-120.
2010. Book Reviews. Erlöser: Figurationen männlicher Hegemonie . By Sven Glawion, Elahe
Hashemi Yekani, and Jana Husmann-Kastein (ed.); and Frau–Gender–Queer: Gender-theoretische
Ansätze in der Religionswissenschaft. By Susanne Lanwerd and Márcia Elisa Moser (ed.). Journal
of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 4/2 (June)
2010. “From Jerusalem to Cape Town: Reconciliation in the Face of Political Conflict.” River
Gazette 10/1 (Spring):14, 16.
2010. Book Review. A Bull of a Man: Images of Masculinity, Sex, and the Body in Indian Buddhism.
By John Powers. Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 4/1 (January):37-40.
2009. Book Review. The Boswell Thesis: Essays on Christianity, Social Tolerance and
Homosexuality. By Mathew Kuefler (ed.). Theology & Sexuality 15/3:349-351.
2009. Book Review. Why Aren’t Jewish Women Circumcised? Gender and Covenant in Judaism.
By Shaye J. D. Cohen. Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 3/2 (June):155-58.
2008. “Bibliodrama in Korea.” Textraum: Bibliodrama Information 15/28 (April):40-47.
2007. Book Review. Blasphemy: Art that Offends. By Brent Plate. Journal of the American
Academy of Religion 75:4 (October):1012-1015.
2007. Book Review. Studying the Jew: Scholarly Antisemitism in Nazi Germany. By Alan E.
Steinweis. Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History 13/1 (Summer):103-106.
2007. Book Review. Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood. By Idith Zertal. Holocaust
Studies: A Journal of Culture and History 13/1 (Summer):111-114.
2007. Book Review. The Perfect Servant: Eunuchs and the Social Construction of Gender in
Byzantium. By Kathryn M. Ringrose. Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 1/2 (June):183-85.
2007. Book Review. Sanctity and Male Desire: A Gay Reading of Saints. By Donald Boisvert.
Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 1/2 (June):186-88.
2007. Book Review. Von der babylonischen Gefangenschaft der Kirche im Nationalen:
Regionalstudien zu Protestantismus, Nationalsozialismus und Nachkriegsgeschichte 1930 bis 2000.
By Manfred Gailus and Wolfgang Krogel (ed.). Theologie.Geschichte: Zeitschrift für Theologie und
Kulturgeschichte 2 First published in
Newsletter: Association of Contemporary Church Historians XIII:6 (June 2007).
2007. “The Virginia Tech Tragedy: A Professor’s Words Give Voice to our Common Grief.” River
Gazette 7/3 (Summer):3.
2006. “Mit Gott und unseren Körpern unterwegs: Die christliche Dramatisierung der Körperlichkeit.“
Textraum: Bibliodrama Information 12/25 (November):12-18.
2006. “The Art of Mending: Healing Broken Relations in a Post-Holocaust World.” River Gazette
6/6 (Dec.):6.
2006. Book Review. A Church Divided: German Protestants Confront the Nazi Past. By Matthew D.
Hockenos. German Studies Review 29:2 (May):421-22.
2006. Book Review. Sex after Fascism: Memory and Morality in Twentieth-Century Germany. By
Dagmar Herzog. German Studies Review 29:2 (May):424-25.
2006. Book Review. The Sex Lives of Saints: An Erotics of Ancient Hagiography. By Virginia
Burrus. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 74:1 (March):259-262.
2005. “Re-Imagining Across the Abyss: Jewish/German Dialogue Through the Arts.” (Co-authored
with Karen Baldner), International Bulletin 21 (Autumn):12-15.
2005. Book Review. Committed to Memory: Cultural Mediations of the Holocaust. By Oren Baruch
Stier. Holocaust and Genocide Studies 19:2 (Fall):290-292.
2005. Book Review. The Continuing Agony: From the Carmelite Convent to the Crosses at
Auschwitz. By Alan Berger, Harry Cargas, Susan Nowak (eds.). Shofar: Interdisciplinary Journal of
Jewish Studies 23/3 (Spring):172-174.
2005. “Some Pseudo-Rabbinic Musing: Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Jewish Dietary
Laws.” Reflections: Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy & Religious Studies, St. Mary’s College.
2005. Book Review. Telling Truths in Church: Scandal, Flesh, and Christian Speech. By Mark D.
Jordan. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 73:1 (March):255-257.
2005. “Bibliodrama als kritisches Gegenüber.” Textraum: Bibliodrama Information 13/22 (März):5-6.
2004. Book Review. After Such Knowledge: Memory, History, and the Legacy of the Holocaust. By
Eva Hoffman. Holocaust and Genocide Studies 18:2 (Fall):291-293.
2004. Film Review. “Gibson’s Passion plays to violent, spiritual emptiness.” Southern Maryland
Weekend/ Enterprise (March 5). Revised version “A Passion for Gratuitous Violence” appeared in
River Gazette 4/3 (Summer):17.
2003. Book Review. Unlikely History: The Changing German-Jewish Symbiosis, 1945-2000. Ed.
Leslie Morris and Jack Zipes. Shofar: Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 21/4
2003. Book Reviews. War Stories: The Search for a Usable Past in the Federal Republic of
Germany. By Robert G. Moeller; and Shifting Memories: The Nazi Past in the New Germany. By
Klaus Neumann; and Ambiguous Memory: The Nazi Past and German National Identity. By Siobhan
Kattago. Holocaust and Genocide Studies 17:1 (Spring):170-177.
2002. Book Review. The Manly Eunuch: Masculinity, Gender Ambiguity, and Christian Ideology in
Late Antiquity. By Mathew Kuefler. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 70:4 (December):
2002. Book Review. Remembering to Forget: Holocaust Memory through the Camera’s Eye. By
Barbie Zelizer. CrossCurrents 51/4 (Winter):544-550.
2001. Book Review. Liturgische Körper: Der Beitrag von Schauspieltheorien und –techniken für die
Pastoralästhetik. By Marcus A. Friedrich. Homiletic XXVI/2 (Winter).
2001. Book Review. Begotten, Not Made: Conceiving Manhood in Late Antiquity. By Virginia
Burrus. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 69:4 (December):915-17.
2001. Book Review. Reading the Holocaust. By Inga Clendinnen. Journal of Holocaust Education
10/2 (Fall):110-13.
2001. “Blechhammer oder: Was habe ich mit einem jüdischen Überlebenden zu tun?”
Widersprüche: Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik 81 (September):37-48. (Revised and translated
version of “Afterword” in My Father’s Testament; translated by Ilse Schwenkel-Omar).
2001. “Die dritte Generation: Interkulturelle und familienbiografische Aspekte in der Begegnung mit
der Shoah.” Studium Generale der Evangelischen Fachhochschule Berlin.
2000. Book Review. Abraham Geiger and the Jewish Jesus. By Susannah Heschel. Journal of
Religious History. 24:2 (June).
2000. Book Review. Oh, Jerusalem! The Contested Future of the Jewish Covenant. By Marc H.
Ellis. Religion and Theology 7:3 (June).
2000. Book Review. God’s Phallus: And Other Problems for Men and Monotheism. By Howard
Eilberg-Schwartz. Mythosphere: A Journal for Image, Myth, and Symbol 2/1 (June).
2000. “Die Gegenwärtigkeit des Holocaust in interkulturellen Begegnungen.” WFD-Querbrief
(Weltfriedensdienst) 2 (Mai).
1999. Book Reviews. Wrestling with the Angel: Faith and Religion in the Lives of Gay Men. By
Brian Bouldrey (ed.); and Reclaiming the Spirit: Gay Men and Lesbians Come to Terms with
Religion. By David Schallenberger. Journal of Men’s Studies 7:3 (Spring). Reprinted in translation
(by Norbert Reck) as “Glaubenskämpfe.” Werkstatt Schwule Theologie (Summer 2000).
1999. “Whose ‘Goodness’ Anyway?” Fragments from Wroxton: Contributions from Members of the
1998 Pastora Goldner Holocaust Symposium (n.d.).
1998. “The Presence of the Past: The Holocaust in the Lives of Young People.” The Mulberry Tree
Papers XX/1 (Fall):22-30. Reprinted in a shortened version in International Bulletin 8 (Spring
1998. “Sommerobst und Leichen (Amos 8).” In Textraum: The Power of Atmosphere (Sonderheft).
1998. Book Review. The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia. By Michael Sells. Z
Magazine (October).
1997. “Abraham, Isaac & Co.: Bibliodrama as a Participatory Process.” Living Text: Journal of
Contemporary Midrash 2 (Winter):26-32.
1997. “Die Dritte Generation: Neue Möglichkeiten der Verständigung angesichts der Shoah.” In
Deutschland und die Amerikanische Juden: Versöhnung-Begegnung-Perspektiven, Stephan Eisel
and Christian Koecke (eds.), Interne Studien 144 (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung), pp.33-40.
1997. Book Review. Redeeming Men: Religion and Masculinity. By Stephen B. Boyd, W. Merle
Longwood and Mark W. Muesse (eds.). The Journal of Men's Studies 5:2 (May).
1997. Book Review. A Body Knows: A Theopoetics of Death and Resurrection. By Melanie May.
CrossCurrents 47/1 (Spring).
1996. Book Review. African American Islam. By Aminah Beverly McCloud. Journal of Ecumenical
Studies 33/3 (Summer).
1995. Book Review. Marrying & Burying: Rites of Passage in a Man's Life. By Ronald L. Grimes.
The Journal of Men's Studies 4:2 (November).
1994. “American News: Neue Konflikte.” Tribüne 130:66-72.
1993. “Händedruck in Washington: Amerikanische Reaktionen auf das israelisch-palästinensische
Abkommen.” Tribüne 128:104-108.
1993. “Die Realität setzt ein: US-Präsident Bill Clintons erste hundert Tage.” Tribüne 126:161-168.
1993. Book Review. Evil and Exile. By Elie Wiesel and Phillipe de Saint Cheron. Literature &
Religion 7:3 (September)
1993. “Erste Anzeichen einer Wende: Bill Clintons Einzug ins Weiße Haus.” Tribüne 125:110-114.
1992. “The Agony of Reconciling: Reflections on a Summer Program for Jewish/American and
East/West German Undergraduate Students.” In The Future of Nontraditional/Interdisciplinary
Programs: Margin or Mainstream? S. Reithlingshoefer (ed.), George Mason University, pp. 229-240.
1992. “Unruhige Zeiten für das US-Judentum.” Tribüne 122:107-112.
1988. “A Different Rosh Hashanah.” Reconstructionist LIV/1, (September).
1987. “To the Editor: Notes on The Living Theatre Symposium.” The Drama Review T115 (Fall).
1987. “Spilling Guts on Stage” & “Women in Modern Dance,” Welcomat (Philadelphia), (Dec/Sept.).
1986. “Holocaust Photography: Innocence, Corruption, Holocaust.” Christianity & Crisis 46/11
1985. “Hammer, Blut und Torah: Widerstand in den USA.” Junge Kirche 1 (January).
1985. “Sodom & Gomorrha.” The Circle (December).
1984. “Armut in Amerika: Soup Kitchens statt Fleischtöpfe.” Graswurzel Revolution 84 (May).
1983. “Kirche und Apartheid in Südafrika.” Kreuz und Quer 2.
Scholarly Presentations:
2014. “The Art of Dialogue-Dialogue Through the Arts” (workshop facilitation) & “Testimonies from
the Bereaved [Palestinian/Israeli parents]” (respondent). 10th Stephen Weinstein Holocaust
Symposium. Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Wroxton College. Wroxton, Great Britain. July.
2014. “Border-Lines and Border-Crossings: The Contribution of Critical Men’s Studies to Religious
Gendered Identities.” International Conference Religiöse Grenzgänge und Geschlecht, Philips
University Marburg, Germany. June.
2014. “Encounters with the Holocaust by New Audiences.” Scholars’ meeting on “Teaching the
Holocaust in a Multireligious World” (Programs on Ethics, Religion and the Holocaust), Mandel
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, USHMM, Washington DC. May.
2014. “The Sociopolitical Dimensions of Ethnic Discourse in Colonial Rwanda.” Panelist. Cluster on
Comparative Genocide, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. April.
2014. “Traveling to a Place of a Father’s Secret: German Generations Remembering War and
Holocaust.” Cluster on Comparative Genocide, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (April).
2014. “Framing the Conversation: Introductory and Concluding Remarks.” International Research
Forum, Living Together in the Aftermath of Mass Trauma and Violence, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein, South Africa. February.
2014. “Unsettling Empathy: Working through Historical and Cultural Trauma.” Lecture at Legacies
of the Shoah: Understanding Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity,” 6th Biennial
Wang Symposium, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA. February.
2013. “The Generation of Postmemory: Writing and Visual Culture after the Holocaust.” Panelist
with Marianne Hirsch. AAR (American Academy of Religion). Baltimore. November.
2013. “Early Christian Masculinities: Of Seminal Fluids, Burnt Flesh, and Dried Bodies.” Public
Research Lecture at Department of Comparative Cultural Studies, Northern Arizona University,
Flagstaff, AZ. November.
2013. “Gender and Post-Conflict Representations: Autobiographical Writings of German
Theologians after 1945.” Conference on Reassessing Contemporary Church History, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. July.
2013. “Perspectival and Theoretical Notes on ‘Bodies in Transitional Justice.’” Research Project
Symposium, “Transitional Bodies: Körper im Transitional-Justice Raum.” University of Flensburg,
Flensburg, Germany. July.
2013. “Über die Unvermeidbarkeit des Vergessens in der Erinnerungsarbeit.” Psychoanalytisches
Institut Düsseldorf (IDP) and Arbeitskreis für Intergenerationelle Folgen des Holocaust (PAKH),
Düsseldorf, Germany. July.
2013. “Challenges of Teaching the Holocaust Comparatively.” Think-tank meeting on “Teaching the
Holocaust in a Multireligious World” (Programs on Ethics, Religion and the Holocaust), Center for
Advanced Holocaust Studies, USHMM, Washington DC. May.
2013 “Human Rights in the Age of Genocide.” Chair of Panel. 43rd Annual Scholars’ Conference
on the Holocaust and the Churches, American Jewish University, Los Angeles, March.
2012 “Unsettling Empathy: Dialogue in the Aftermath of Historical Trauma.” Third International
Multidisciplinary Conference, Engaging the Other: Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition,
University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, December.
2012. “Naming our History, Rebuilding our Alliances, Mapping our Future.” Panelist on “Sex,
Gender, Sexuality and Religion Cluster.” AAR. Chicago. November.
2012. “Behold the Book, the Author, and the Critic: Kent Brintnall’s Ecce Homo: The Male-Body-inPain as Redemptive Figure.” AAR. Chicago. November.
2012. “Dialogue and Reconciliation in a Post-Shoah World.” Lecture: Human Rights and Genocide
Series. Hobart and Wiliam Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY. October.
2012. “Unsettling Empathy: Reflections on Reconciliatory Processes.” Living Compassion Conf.
Northern Arizona University. Flagstaff. October.
2012. “Rethinking Holocaust Humor” & “Revisiting the Call of Tikkun” & “Revisiting Fiction’s Role in
Facing History.” Panelist at three sessions. 9th Stephen Weinstein Holocaust Symposium. Fairleigh
Dickinson University’s Wroxton College. Wroxton, Great Britain. June.
2012. “The Confessiographic Impulse: The Divine and the Erotic Male Body in North American Gay
Religious Scholarship.” International Conference Bodies-Systems-Structures: Masculinities in UK
and US, 1945 to the Present. Fakultät Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Technische Universität
Dresden, Germany. June.
2012. “Sex in College; Exploring the Hook-Up Culture.” Panelist. Le Moyne College. Syracuse. April
2011. “Devotion, Coercion, Restoration: Community and Memory in Asia and Eastern Europe.”
Panel Respondent. AAR. San Francisco. November.
2011. “Men in Power and Trouble: Masculinity Studies and Father Abraham.” Panel Respondent to
“Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible,” SBL (Society of Biblical Learning). San Francisco. November.
2011. “Male Confessions: Intimate Revelations and the Religious Imagination.” Le Moyne College,
Gender and Women’s Studies Program. Syracuse. October.
2011. “Religious Freedom: A Comparison among Different Cultural Perspectives.” CESPEC,
Libertà religiosa e trasformazioni democratiche (Religious Liberty and Democratic Transformation),
University of Turin at Alba, Italy. September.
2011. “Religious Freedom, Religious Pluralism, and Religious Studies.” CESPEC, Libertà religiosa
e trasformazioni democratiche (Religious Liberty and Democratic Transformation), University of
Turin at Cuneo, Italy. September.
2011. “Die Aufarbeitung des Holocaust und die Suche nach ‘Transitional Justice.’” 4. Internationale
Fachtagung, Doppelte Vergangenheitsbewältigung und die Singularität des Holocaust, Trier,
Germany. January.
2010. “Men and Masculinity in Christianity and Judaism: A Critical Response.” Respondent to book
review panel of Krondorfer’s Men and Masculinity in Christianity and Judaism (2009). AAR. Atlanta.
2010. “On Seminal Fluids and Confessional Discipline: Codes of Christian Masculinity in Late
Antiquity.” 2nd Biennial Symposium, Gender Codes, Canadian Initiative in Law, Culture &
Humanities, Ottawa, Canada. October.
2010. “The Language of Violence and the Spirit of Reconciliation: From the Enclosed World of
Torture to the Public Realm of Restorative Justice.” CESPEC, Traditizioni religiose e diritti dell-uomo
(Religion and Human Rights), University of Turin. Cuneo, Italy. September.
2010. “Educating for Social Responsibility: Our Two-Hundred-Year Present.” 8th Stephen Weinstein
Holocaust Symposium, Wroxton College, United Kingdom. July.
2010. “Liberated Bodies: The Case of the Gnostic Phibionites.” Netzwerk Geschlechterbewusste
Theologie, Boldern/Zurich, Switzerland. January.
2009. “Creative Dialogue and Power Asymmetry: Working with Israelis, Palestinians and
Germans.” International conference Beyond Reconciliation. Cape Town, South Africa. December.
2009. “Ethics of Memory: Religious Commemorations and Myth Construction.“ Panel Respondent.
AAR. Montreal, Canada. November.
2009. “Ritual Denied and Read as Truth: On the Sincerity of Politics and the Sacred.” AAR.
Montreal, Canada. November.
2009. “On the Sincerity of Testimony and the Necessity of Interpretation: Working with Memory and
Oblivion in Reconciliatory Practices.” Paper. Research symposium Erinnerungskultur und Praktiken
der Versöhnung. Oldenburg University, Oldenburg, Germany. September.
2009. “Spiegelungen: Theologische Horizonte des Mann-Seins.” Evangelischer Kirchentag
(Männerforum), Bremen, Germany. May.
2009. “Why Men? Why Religion? Critical Men’s Studies in Religion.” Faculty Seminar. St. Mary’s
College of Maryland. March.
2009. Moderator at Fachtagung Theologie und Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Gemeinschaftskonzepte des 20. Jahrhunderts zwischen Wissenschaft und Ideologie. Trier, Germany. January.
2008. “Across the Great Divide: Men, Masculinities, and the Challenge of Gay Religious
Scholarship.” Panelist, AAR. Chicago. November.
2008. “Discourses of Victimization in post-1945 Autobiographies of German Theologians.” Jewish
Studies Program. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. October.
2008. “Is there a Place for Forgetting in the Study of the Holocaust?” Presenter and Panel
Moderator. 7th Stephen Weinstein Holocaust Symposium, Wroxton, United Kingdom. June.
2008. “Jesuanische Leiblichkeit oder körperbefreiter Christus? Zum Verständnis des Männerkörpers in ‘Gay Theology’ und ‘Radical Orthodoxy.’” Netzwerk Geschlechterbewusste Theologie,
Boldern/Zürich, Switzerland. June.
2008. “Männlichkeitsideale im Christentum: Anstöße aus den Men’s Studies in Religion für Gender-
forschung und Theologie.” Lecture at Konstanz University (Literaturwissenschaft; Gender Studies/
Gleichstellungsrat der Universität), Konstanz, Germany. June.
2008. “Critical Men’s Studies in Theology and Christian Men’s Movements.” Presentation at
Scholarly Meeting on Das Neue Testament in der (politischen) Krise: Feministische Impulse aus den
USA. Boldern/Zürich, Switzerland. May.
2008. “Männlichkeit und Religion: Anstöße aus den Men’s Studies in Religion für Genderforschung
und Theologie.” Lecture at Salzburg University (Fachbreich Praktische Theologie; Zentrum für
Gender Studies; Katholische Männerbewegung), Salzburg, Austria. May.
2008. “Mit Blick auf die Täter: Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in Autobiographien
protestantischer Theologen.” Lecture at Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit,
Paderborn, Germany. May.
2008. “Serious Play: Bibliodrama in the Context of Creative Incarnation.” Lecture at Annual
Conference of KAPS (Korean Association of Psychodrama and Sociodrama), Seoul, Korea.
2007. “Männlichkeitskonstruktionen.” Paper at Religion and Gender: Gender Democracy in Multiethnic and Multi-religious Europe, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Berlin, Germany. December.
2007. “Protestantische Theologenautobiographien und Vergangenheitsbewältigung.” Paper at
Fachtagung on Theologie und Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Französischer Katholizismus –
deutscher Protestantismus 1930-1950, Katholische Akademie Trier, Germany. January.
2006. “Who is Afraid of Gay Theology? An Intellectual Probing of Heterosexual Silence.” AAR.
Washington D.C. November.
2006. “The Hour of the Church: Nationalizing Christian Identity in Post-1945 Autobiographies of
German Protestant Theologians.” AAR. Washington, D.C. November.
2006. “How it Looks from Here: Holocaust Education in Europe.” Panelist at 7 th Holocaust
Education Conference in conjunction with Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR).
Seton Hill University. Greensburg, PA. November.
2006. “A Perpetrator and his Hagiographer: The Case of Oswald Pohl’s Conversion.” Lecture at
Lessons & Legacies IX, International Conference on Memory, History and Responsibility, Claremont
McKenna College, Claremont, CA. November.
2005. “Whose Memory Is It Anyway? And How Do You Preserve It? Reflections on Remembering,
Recording and Forgetting.” Lecture at Conference on Holocaust Testimonies, Australian Research
Council in conjunction with Jewish Holocaust Museum. Melbourne, Australia. December.
2005. “Response to Prof. Kevin Spicer’s Paper on Antisemitic Catholic Priests during the Third
Reich.” Colloquium, History Department, Catholic University. Washington, DC. November.
2005. “Is Forgetting Permissible? The Necessary Role of Oblivion in Holocaust Remembrance.”
AAR. Philadelphia. November.
2005. “To Remember in Order to Forget: The Holocaust in German Postwar Autobiographies.”
Lecture at 28th Annual Holocaust Lecture Series. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, October.
2005. “Mit Gott und unseren Körpern unterwegs: Die christliche Dramatisierung der Körperlichkeit.“
Lecture at Seminar on Leibhaftige Spiritualität. Ev. Akademie Hofgeismar, Germany. October.
2005. “Constructing Memory, Eluding Culpability: The Holocaust and National Socialism in
Autobiographical Writings of German Theologians.” Christian Scholars Group, Boston College.
Boston. June.
2004. “Der männliche Körper als Problem christlichen Sprechens: Ein (feministisches)
Weiterdenken.” Tagung: Querbeet Feministisch: Theologische Wege der dritten Generation. Ev.
Tagungshaus Boldern, Switzerland. August.
2003. “’I had difficulties holding back my tears’: Autobiographical Memory of German Theologians
about National Socialism and the Post War Years.” 33 rd Annual Scholar’s Conference on the
Holocaust and the Churches. Philadelphia. March.
2002. “Complicity, Resistance, Agency: Reading Memoirs of German Theologians.” AAR. Toronto,
Canada. November.
2002. “Positionierung, Familienbiographie, Unschuldsdiskurse: Neue Herausforderungen an eine
Theologie nach Auschwitz.“ Fachtagung: Weiter denken: Neue Versuche theologischen Denkens
nach der Schoa. Hohenheim/ Stuttgart, Gemany. June.
2002. “Religiöse Körpersprache: Impulse zu einer Körpertheologie.” Ev. Akademie Iserlohn.
Jahrestagung für Berater und Seelsorger, Erfahrungen der Leiblichkeit in Beratung und Seelsorge.
Germany. February.
2001. “Rupture, Rapture, Revelation: Confessions of an African Bishop and a Jewish Ghetto
Policeman.” AAR. Denver. November.
2001. “Interkulturelle Erinnerungsarbeit: Auseinandersetzung mit der Shoah in amerikanischjüdisch-deutschen Kontexten.” Institut für Gesellschaftswissenschaften & Historisch-Politische
Bildung, Technische Universität. Berlin, Germany. July.
2001. “Die dritte Generation: Interkulturelle und familienbiografische Aspekte in der Begegnung mit
der Shoah.” Evangelische Fachhochschule Berlin, (Studium Generale). Berlin, Germany. June.
2001. “Religiöser Pluralismus in den USA.” Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung (CAP).
Conference: Religious Tolerance and Truth. Munich, Germany. February.
2001. “Die Spiritualität von Bewegung.” (Opening Lecture). Evangelische Akademie Nordelbien:
Lebensrhythmen: Biografie und Bewegung. Bad Segeberg, Germany. January.
2000. “Of Fire and Water: Holocaust Testimony, Biblical Texts, and German ‘After-Auschwitz’
Theology.” Remembering for the Future 2000. Oxford and London, England. July.
1999. “Searching for the Other Across the Generational Gap: A Journey.” Center for Austrian
Studies. Conference on Creating the Other: Causes and Dynamics of Nationalism, Ethnic Enmity,
and Racism in Central and Eastern Europe. Minneapolis, MN. May.
1999. “Healing the Wounds: Post-Holocaust Generations in Dialogue” (Plenary Panel) and “Taking
Your Father to a Camp: Journeying Between German Fathers and Jewish Survivors” (Paper). 29th
Annual Scholars’ Conference on Holocaust and Churches. Uniondale, NY. March.
1998. “German-Jewish Dialogue: Three Generations After the Holocaust.” Drew University Center
for Holocaust Studies. Conference: Sixty Years After Kristallnacht: German-Jewish Relation in
Germany Today. Madison, NJ. October.
1997. “Encounter as a Way of Working through the long-lasting Effects of the Holocaust.” Panelist
at Intergenerational Transmission of the History of the Holocaust. Berlin, Germany. January.
1996. “Trajectories of Male Spirituality & Identities.” Panelist. American Men's Studies Association
(AMSA). Washington D.C. March.
1995. “Self and Body in Male Confessional Narratives.” AAR. Philadelphia. November.
1995. “Performance, Liberation, and Religion.” Panel respondent. AAR. Philadelphia. November.
1995. “Remembrance and Reconciliation in the Third Generation.” Research Institute of the U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum. Washington, D.C, September.
1995. “Post-Shoah Jewish/German Relations: The Third Generation.” American Institute for
Contemporary German Studies. Washington, D.C. April.
1995. “Remembrance and Reconciliation.” Annual Scholars Conference on the Holocaust and the
Churches, Brigham Young University. Provo, UT. March.
1994. “High and Low Art and the Religious Imagination.” (Panel respondent), AAR. Chicago.
1994. “Holocaust Memory and the Identity of Post-Shoah Jews and Germans.” Remembering for
the Future II. Berlin, Germany. March.
1994. “German Family History: A Stumbling Block in Jewish/German Encounters” (with Katharina
von Kellenbach). Conference on Christianity and the Holocaust, Rider College, NJ. March.
1993. “Bibliodrama: A Dynamic and Participatory Process in the Teaching of Biblical Narratives.”
Conference Critical Thinking in the Teaching of Biblical Studies. Washington D.C, November.
1993. “The Making of Memory: Holocaust Museums in Conflict with History, Art, and Community.”
AAR. Washington D.C, November.
1992. “A Conspiracy of Silence: Some Observations on the Lack of Intimacy between Fathers and
Sons in Post-Shoah Germany.” AAR. San Francisco. November.
1992. “The Agony of Reconciling: Reflections on a Summer Program for Jewish/American and
East/West German Undergraduate Students.” 10th Annual Conference on Nontraditional/
Interdisciplinary Programs. Virginia Beach. May.
1990. “The Hermeneutic Significance of Body Rituals in Creative Processes: From Regression to
Transgression.” AAR. New Orleans. November.
1990. “Play Theology as a Discourse of Disguise or Is the Crucifixion a Case of Child Abuse.”
Mid-Atlantic AAR. Philadelphia. April.
1988. “Embodied Testimonies: Experimental Drama and the Holocaust.” International Scholars'
Conference on Holocaust/Genocide. Oxford, England. July.
1987. “Confronting the Holocaust: Experimental Drama as a Healing Ritual Between Jews and
Germans.” AAR. Boston. December.
1987. “Ritualistic Theatre & Religion: The Fall in Joseph Chaikin's The Serpent.” Mid-Atlantic AAR.
Philadelphia. April.
Public Appearances, Presentations, Interviews:
2014. “Reconciliation: The Power of the Arts & Creative Approaches.” AZ Humanities Speaker,
Beatitudes Campus Life Center, Phoenix, AZ (May 5).
2014. “Reflections on My Father: Remembering War and the Holocaust.” Speakers Series as part
of State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda exhibit by the Phoenix Public Library
and USHMM, Burton Barr Library, Phoenix, AZ (April 17).
2014. “Mentality of Perpetrators: A Postwar Perspective.” Genocide Awareness Week. Scottsdale
Community College, Scottsdale, AZ (April 8).
2014. “The Mentality of Perpetrators.” Holocaust Education Conference. Bureau of Jewish
Education & Phoenix Holocaust Survivor Association, Scottsdale, AZ (March 3).
“German Family History and the Holocaust.” Powerpoint Presentation, ACES (Academic &
Cultural Event Series), Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, Iowa (Nov. 3).
“Richard Wagner and Antisemitism in 19 th Century Germany.” Mini-Lecture at Horizons
Concert Series Richard Wagner (200th anniversary), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff,
AZ (Oct. 28).
“Taking Your German Father to a Camp: Reflections on a Journey to Holocaust Awareness.”
Arizona Jewish Historical Society, and Phoenix Survivor Association, Phoenix, AZ (Sep 23).
2013. “Reconciliation and Memory.” Holocaust Education Conference. Bureau of Jewish Education
& Phoenix Holocaust Survivor Association, Scottsdale, AZ (March 4).
2012. “Post-Conflict Reconciliation: An Interactive Workshop.” Hobart and William Smith Colleges,
Geneva, NY (Oct 29).
“From Anti-Judaism to Antisemitism.” Presentation at Ryken High School, Leonardtown MD
(March 19), and Introductions to Survivor Testimonies by Martin Weiss and Charlene Schiff
(March 28).
2012. “Difficult Dialogues: Healing Social Wounds through the Arts.” Workshop. Loyola University,
Baltimore (March 24-25).
“Holocaust Memory and Social Repair.” Presentation, Montgomery Scholars and Core
Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD (March 23).
“German-Jewish Dialogue in the 21st Century.” Panelist (in conjunction with photo exhibit kin
by Adam Golfer), Goethe Institute, Washington DC (May 19).
“Empathy Without Borders.” Interactive Presentation/Workshop at Conflict Transformation
and Mysticism, Würzburg, Germany (April 29).
“Sculpting Social Conflicts: Holocaust Memory and Current Conflicts.” Presentation,
Montgomery Scholars and Core Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD (March 31).
“Holocaust: Surviving the Power of Prejudice.” Global and International Studies, Leonardtown High School, Leonardtown MD (March 31); and Introductions to Survivor Testimonies
by Martin Weiss and Charlene Schiff (April 7).
“From Nazi Propaganda to Genocidal Anti-Semitism: The Power of Prejudice.” Jewish
Federation of Howard County (MD Speakers Bureau), Columbia, MD (March 8).
“Why Christians Must Remember the Shoah.” Yom HaShoah Presentation, St. Joseph’s
University, Philadelphia (April 18).
“Race Categories, the Holocaust, and the Effects on Family History.” Presentation,
Montgomery Scholars and Core Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD (April 9).
“From Nazi Propaganda to Genocidal Anti-Semitism: The Power of Prejudice.” Fairhaven
Retirement Community (MD Speakers Bureau), Sykesville, MD (February 24).
“Touching the Past: Visiting a Camp with my German Father.” Presentation, St. Mary’s
County Genealogical Society, Leonardtown, MD (October 26).
“Community Building and the Role of Memory and Forgetting.” Presentation, Montgomery
Scholars and Core Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD (April 3).
“Introduction to Islam.” Adult Education, Wildewood Community Center, MD (Feb. 19 & 26).
“Jews as ‘Other’: A Conversation about German, Guilt and Atonement.” Panel conversation
with Ernestine Schlant Bradley. JCC Manhattan. New York City (January 26).
“The Future of Action Reconciliation in the U.S.” Moderation of panel 40 th anniversary of
ARSP, Remember, Relate, Reconcile, Philadelphia (October 25-26).
“Art Across the Abyss.” Powerpoint presentation with Karen Baldner at the symposium
Wit(h)ness: Art, Memory and the Holocaust. Mathers Museum of World Cultures,
Bloomington, IN (October 5).
“Identity and Experiencing the Other: Growth and Transformation.” Panelist at International
Conference, Identities (see above), Würzburg, Germany (May 9).
“Fearing the Imagined, Encountering the Real: Reconciliation as Active Memory Work.”
Presentation at 50th Anniversary of Aktion Sühnezeichen/Action Reconciliation, Tracing the
Future: German Jewish Dialogue in the 21 st Century, Berlin, Germany (April 27).
“What is Home?” Last Lecture. Power Point Presentation, Nitze Scholars Program, St.
Mary’s College of Maryland (April 19).
“Mending Broken Relations: Personal and Creative Explorations of the Holocaust.”
Presentation, Montgomery Scholars and Core Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD
(April 13).
“Mending Broken Relations: Personal and Creative Explorations of the Holocaust.”
Powerpoint Presentation, Fairhaven Retirement Community (MD Speakers Bureau),
Sykesville, MD (April 4).
“Mending Broken Relations: Personal and Creative Explorations of the Holocaust.”
Powerpoint Presentation, ACES (Academic & Cultural Event Series), Buena Vista University,
Storm Lake, Iowa (October 8).
“Holocaust and Family History: A Personal Exploration.” Presentation for all Middle School
students (grades 5-8), Alta, Iowa (October 9).
Lecture for Montgomery Scholars/Core Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville. MD (March
“Transforming Pain into Hope: Learning from Holocaust Survivors.” Maryland Humanities
Council, Baltimore (March 5).
“Religious Fundamentalism: A Global and Comparative Perspective.” Fairhaven Retirement
Community (MD Speakers Bureau), Sykesville, MD (February 13).
“German Family History and the Necessity of Dialogue.” Presentation with Katharina von
Kellenbach, B’nai Brith, Sydney, Australia (January 5).
“The Germans and the Holocaust.” Interview with SBS Radio Australia, Melbourne (Dec. 15).
“Family History, Dialogue, and the Legacy of the Holocaust.” Presentation with Katharina von
Kellenbach, Jewish Holocaust Museum, Melbourne, Australia (December 13).
“Global Religious Fundamentalisms.” Lecture for Social Studies High-School Teachers
Conference (MD Speakers Bureau), Waldorf, MD (November 10).
“Remembering, Forgetting, Restoring.” Public Panel Presentation, 28 th Annual Holocaust
Lecture Series, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (October 11).
“Working Biographically.” Workshop at Action Reconcilation (ASF) Länderseminar,
Washington D.C. (May 25).
“Putting on the Word: A Bibliodrama Workshop.” Moravian Theological Seminary,
Bethlehem, PA (April 15-16).
Lecture for Montgomery Scholars and Core Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville (April 7).
“Männer, Körper, Theologie, Spiritualität.” Seminar für die Fachstelle für „Frauen und
Männer“, Evangelisch-Reformierte Landeskirche Zürich, Switzerland. August.
“Moral Accountability & the Holocaust.” Invited Panelist. ADL’s Bearing Witness National
Summer Institute, Washington D.C. (July 27).
“Global Religious Fundamentalisms.” Asbury Retirement Ctr., Solomons Island, MD (May
Interview with The News Journal on drama in world religions and Christian churches,
Delaware, NJ (April 11).
“Traumatic Past, Creative Responses: Reflections on the Holocaust as a Challenge for
Today.” The Slifka Program in Intercommunal Coexistence, Brandeis University, Waltham,
MA (March 31).
Lecture for Montgomery Scholars & Core Faculty, Montgomery College, Rockville (March
“Moral Accountability and the Holocaust.” Invited Panelist. ADL’s Sixth National Bearing
Witness Summer Institute, Washington D.C. (July 30).
Lecture for Freshman Scholars Core Curriculum, Montgomery College, Rockville (April 4).
“The Civil Rights Movement and Nonviolent Strategies.” Presentation with poet Lucille Clifton
at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (January 20).
“Born Guilty.” Post-Performance Panelist at Theater J, Washington D.C. (June 2).
“Second Generation Voices.” Invited Panelist. Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of
Religion. New York (Oct. 11).
“Tradierung eines Traumas: Die dritte Generation und der Holocaust.” Evangelische
Akademie Sachsen Anhalt. Magdeburg, Germany (June 18).
“Familienbiographisch orientierte Bildungs- und Begegnungsarbeit: Erfahrungen aus
deutsch- amerikanisch, jüdisch/nichtjüdischen Programmen.” Evangelische Akademie
Berlin/Aktion Sühnezeichen. Jour fixe: “Erinnerung und Interkulturalität.” Berlin, Germany
(April 5).
“Children of Victims and Perpetrators—Why Work Together?” Panelist. International
Holocaust Survivors’ and Second Generation Gathering, London (July 16).
“Reconciliation? When Young Jews meet Young Germans.” Lecture. Holocaust Education
Week, Boston University (April 10).
2000 “Descendants of the Holocaust: A Post-Shoah German Perspective on the Future of
Dialogue Between Jews and Germans.” Lecture. Winter Scholars Series, Jewish Community
Center of Greater Washington, Rockville, MD (Feb.7).
“America and the Holocaust.” Radio Talk Show, WMDM, Southern Maryland (Oct. 21).
“The World Around Us: Listening to the Voices of the Holocaust.” Lecture-Performance.
Academic & Cultural Events Series, Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, Iowa (Oct. 11).
“Breaking the Silence: German Family History and the Holocaust.” Lecture-Performance.
Generation After, Jewish Community Center, Rockville, MD (May 16).
“Holocaust in History and Contemporary Society.” Keynote speaker. “The History of
Genocide: Our Obligations to the Next Century.” Western Wyoming Community College,
Rock Springs, WY (April 16-17).
“Taking Your German Father to a Camp: German Families and the Holocaust.”
Performance-Lecture. Montgomery College, Rockville, MD (Oct.14).
Invited participant at International Professional Networking Seminar, “The Legacy of
Genocide & Inherited Conflict.” Berlin, Germany (May 8-11).
“Germany’s Holocaust Memorials: Commemorating Victims in a Land of Perpetrators?”
Rotary Club International, Leonardtown, MD (Feb. 12).
“Meditations on Evil: Can Anything be Learned from the Holocaust?” Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship, Lexington Park, MD (Jan. 25).
1997-1999: Public lectures on topics related to Holocaust in History and Contemporary Society:
<Italics indicate presentations sponsored by Speakers Bureau of the Maryland Humanities Council>:
[1999] * Ryken HS, Leonardtown, MD, Oct. 18; * Carroll Comm. College, Westminster, MD, Apr.15;
[1998] * Ryken High School, Leonardtown, MD, Feb. 18; * Montgomery College, Rockville, MD,
Oct.14; * Ryken HS, Leonardtown, Oct. 19; * Georgetown Preparatory School, Rockville, MD, Dec.15;
[1997] * Old Mill Middle School, Millersville, MD, Jan. 14; * Ryken HS, Leonardtown, MD, Feb. 5;
Carroll County Public Schools (Social Studies Teachers), Westminster, MD, Feb. 17; Bishop
McNamara High School, Forestville, MD, Apr. 15; * Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD,
Apr. 29; *Esparanza Middle School, California, MD, Nov.12; * Asbury-Solomons Island, MD, Dec. 8.
Participation at 1-day seminar on “Jewish/Christian Dialogue and Bibliodrama: Jacob, Esau
and the Prodigal Son.” Sponsored by the Institute for Jewish and Christian Studies
(Baltimore) and Institute for Contemporary Midrash (Philadelphia), Baltimore, MD (Dec.18).
WJHU Baltimore (Natl. Public Radio affiliated station). Interview: “The Apocalyptic
Imagination” (Sep. 26).
“German Family History, Jews & the Shoah.” Facilitation of one-day orientation for German
volunteers of Action Reconciliation/Service for Peace, Philadelphia, PA (Sep. 13).
Sender Freies Berlin (SFB). Life interview: “Impact of Shoah on third generation” (Jan. 27).
“German-American/Jewish Relations: Taking Stock.” Panelist, Konrad Adenauer
Foundation, Washington, D.C., November.
“Die Dritte Generation nach Auschwitz,” Interview with Kreuz and Quer 4:24-33. Reprinted in
Analyse und Kritik (7 March 1996).
Public Radio International (WHYY-Philadelphia and affiliated stations), Voices in the Family:
Interview with Dan Gottlieb on transmission of Holocaust trauma (April 30).
WNYC-Radio, New York: author-interview with L. Lopate on Remembrance and
Reconciliation (May 15).
TV-Interview on Jewish/German Relations (WPHL, Philadelphia).
Atrocity: Questions of Morality and Responsibility. (Reflections on the 2004-2005 Nitze
Seminar and Study Tour). Pp. 35.
Memory Work and Post-Holocaust Identity: Confronting the Past as a Third Generation
(Reflections on the 2002 International Summer Program on the Holocaust). Pp. 60.
Confronting Memory, Tolerating Differences: Encountering the Holocaust as a Third
Generation (1999 Report of the International Summer Program on the Holocaust), Tenth
Anniversary Edition, 1989-1999. Pp. 68.
Living in a Post-Shoah World II: Reflections of American, German, Jewish and Christian
Students. Ed. with Christian Staffa. Berlin: Evangelische Akademie Berlin-Brandenburg
(Nach-Lese 1/97). Pp. 74.
Living in a Post-Shoah World I: Reflections of American, German, Jewish and Christian
Students. Ed. with Christian Staffa. Berlin: Evangelische Akademie Berlin-Brandenburg
(Nach-Lese 5/94). Pp. 97.
The Third Generation After the Shoah Between Remembering, Repressing and
Commemorating: American/Jewish and East/West German Exchange Program. Ed. With
Christian Staffa. Berlin: Evangelisches Bildungswerk (Dokumentation 88/92). Pp. 110
A Journal of a German/American Student Exchange Program: Encountering the Holocaust
as a Third Generation. Ed. with Jon Schmidt. Berlin: Evangelisches Bildungswerk
(Dokumentation 73/90). Pp. 76.