Broschure - Fachhochschule Stralsund
Broschure - Fachhochschule Stralsund
Research and Education in the field of Renewable Energies School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & Institute of Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) Fachhochschule Stralsund Zur Schwedenschanze 15 D-18435 Stralsund Phone: +49 3831 456583 Fax: +49 3831 456687 e-mail: Internet: Services May 2010 Fachochschule Stralsund / University of Applied Sciences Stralsund Zur Schwedenschanze 15 D-18435 Stralsund School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (FB ETI) Head: Internat. affairs: Prof. Dr. Bernd Büchau, Phone:+49 3831 456 580 Prof. Dr. Hans-Friedrich Bauch, Phone:+49 3831 456 710 Fax: +49 3831 456 587 Institute of Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) / / click the 3-flower banner ! Board of managers: Head Prof. Dr. Thomas Luschtinetz (Head), +49 3831 456 583 +49 1782 103 724 Public relations Prof. Dr. Matthias Ahlhaus Economy Prof. Dr. Michael Klotz Project manager Dr. Ulrich Fischer Laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Sponholz IRES / IFEU - project teams (choice): Automation:;; Bioenergy: Economy:; Environment: Hydrogen / FC:;; PV: Solar-thermal appl:; Wind energy: … Print version 2010: B. Steffenhagen, M. Barz, T. Luschtinetz Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Overview Introduction Course programmes and services for foreign students x Master course Electrical Engineering with the focus on “Renewable Energies” x Course Renewable Energies for last year graduate & postgraduate students x Spring school „Fuel cells and hydrogen technology” o Overview of the 18th SpringSchool 2010 with the topic „Automation and Modeling of FC-based Energy Systems” o Schedule of the 18th SpringSchool 2010 o Report of the 16th – 18th SpringSchools AMES Institute of Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) x Structure of the IRES / international cooperation x Experimental equipment of the Laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems x Research projects (choice) 1. Fuel cell systems for special markets 2. Long term monitoring of PEM fuel cells 3. Continuous energy production using wind power stations in a combined wind / hydrogen process chain 4. Combined dry/wet fermentation for biogas production 5. Energy biomass from rewetted peat lands 6. Solarthermie 2000 /Solarthermie 2000+ Monitoring and optimizing solar–thermal applications Conferences x 2nd International Baltic Bio Energy Conference 2006 x 15th Symposium REGWA 2008 x 16th Symposium REGWA 2009 x 17th Symposium REGWA and Climate Congress MV 2010 Additional activities x Project days with schools of the region x Projects for pupils: e.g. hydrogen truck model x ThaiGer-H2-Racing (Shell Eco-marathon) Publications and public activities of the IRES / KAE (choice) x Publications 2008 / 2009 x Training Courses 2006 – 2009 x Exhibitions 2006 – 2009 x Publications 2001 – 2007 x Selected publications Fachhochschule Stralsund page 1 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Fachhochschule Stralsund page 2 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Introduction The term ‘renewable energies’ resounds throughout the society and economy at the moment. Due to increasing shortage and continually rising prices of fossil raw materials the development of the use of alternative energies becomes more and more important. Renewable energies reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, make a contribution to supply security and prevent raw material conflicts. Renewable energies have also a considerable share to climate protection because they prevent the emission of CO2. Research - and application fields are wind power, photovoltaics, biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower and as storage-possibilities the hydrogentechnology with fuel cells and the actual extension by electromobility. For the development of new concepts and plants for regenerative energy supply, the requirements for specialized staff will increase strongly in the future. In order to keep track with this development renewable energies play an important role in teaching and applied research at the University of applied sciences Stralsund for a long time. The FH Stralsund has established a master degree programme (3 semester) with the focus to "renewable energies" within the study-course Electrical Engineering in 2007 and a bachelor degree programme in 2009 (7 semester). The master programme is accredited by the ASIIN (the German agency for accreditation of study courses in natural, computer and engineering sciences). Besides the theory base subjects in spring semester (in german language at present), students can specialize in subjects like bioenergy-technologies, wind-power plants, hydrogentechnology etc. during winter semester (in english language) – so this semester is often used as an sandwich semester in the master/PhD study programmes of our foreign students. Shared research-activities of the Insititute of Renewable Energy Systems IRES with enterprises as well as the industrial equipment used in the Laboratory for Integrated Energy Systems KAE ( guarantee a high educational quality. An important role plays the high degree of internationality in the research and teaching programme. Foreign guest-students and lecturers are highly-welcomed to work and study together with our German participants. In November they are invited to form and participate in the Conference “Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Hydrogen Technology REGWA” (since 1994). Moreover, the FH Stralsund offers a wealthy set of educational possibilities to study the subject renewable energies at the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Beside the master study course, a further one-semester course ‘Renewable Energies and Hydrogen Technology’ can be chosen in each winter semester (since 1997). It is taught in English and finishes with a final certificate. Regular guests are students from the Baltic and Spain for many years. Other participants came already from the US, Thailand, Ecuador, Paraguay and Argentina. When finished this course many of the students deal with this topic within their final project studies in summer semester at IRES / KAE-lab. The knowledge and skills acquired during the study are highly appreciated in their home countries. Some of them became graduated also as German engineers – based on Double Degree Programmes with their home universities. One of the highlights is the yearly Stralsund SpringSchool taking place for students from seven countries (since 1993). It offers during two weeks an intensive study of specific topics like the automation of fuel cell systems and hydrogen technology. Fachhochschule Stralsund page 3 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Master-Study-course Electrical Engineering with the Special Field of Study “Renewable Energies” This course covers 3 semester. The first semester contains basic studies like mathematics, natural science and technical basics. Here the most course are held in German. Specialized technical subjects in the field of renewable energies will be held in the second semester. Most of these courses will be held in English. In the third semester the students will work on their master thesis. Curriculum The Curriculum consists of 3 main subjects. 1. Mathematical-scientific and technical bases x x x Higher mathematics (1. semester) System theory (1. semester) Theoretical electrical engineering (1. semester) 2. Specialized technical bases of the renewable energy-technology x x Regenerative energy systems (2. semester) Procedures of power engineering (2. semester) 3. Application-oriented basic knowledge In this area, there are options for choosing among several modules. It is not mandatory to go through all of them. x x x x x x Process engineering (2. semester) Automation methods (2. semester) Wind-power plants (2. semester) Hydrogen-technology (2. semester) Bioenergy technologies (2. semester) Current topics of renewable energies (1. semester) 4. Interdisciplinary qualifications (1 from 3) Students can choose among several modules. It is mandatory to work through one of them. x x x Power industry Commercial law Marketing / management Fachhochschule Stralsund page 4 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Curriculum Main subject / module electrical engineering renew able energies 1. 2. 3. ETM5800 – ETM6300 – Higher mathematics Software technology System theory Physics Theoretical electrical engineering Regenerative energy systems Procedures of power engineering P P P P P P P P - P - P 2+2 2+2 4+0 2+2 4+0 Regenerative energy systems ETM5500 – Communication theory ETM5400 – Micro-system technology ETM6100 Technical diagnostics ETM6300 – Procedures of power engineering ETM5100 Embedded systems ETM5700 – Plasma technology ETM6500 Broadband technology I ETM6600 Broadband technology II ETM5000 Automation methods ETM7000 Process engineering ETM7200 – Wind-power plants ETM7100 – Hydrogen-technology ETM6800 – Bioenergy technologies ETM6700 Current topics of renewable energies ETM5900 Software technology ETM5600 Physics 30 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 3+1 4 6 3+1 4 6 Specialized technical bases ETM5800 – ECTS 20 Mathematical-scientific and technical bases ETM5200 ETM5900 – ETM6000 – ETM5600 ETM6200 - SWS 16 24 W - 3+1 4 6 W W W W 3+1 3+1 4 4 6 6 W W W - 3+1 3+1 4 4 6 6 W W W W W W 2+2 3+1 4 4 4 6 6 6 W W 3+1 4 6 W W W W W W W W W 3+1 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 W W 3+1 4 6 - W W 2+2 2+2 4 4 6 6 4 6 ETM5300 - P *) P *) 4+0 4 6 P *) P *) P 4+0 2+2 Master-Thesis P *) P *) P 4 4 6M 6 6 30 24 + 6M 16 40 + 6M 66 24 90 3+1 4+0 4+0 3+1 3+1 Interdisciplinary qualifications Marketing / Management ETM6400 - Commercial law ETM6900 – power industry Sum of obligation modules Sum of option modules Cumulative Fachhochschule Stralsund 6M 6M page 5 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Explanations: P W *) 6M x+y = Obligation module = Option modules = Students can choose among three modules. It is mandatory to work through one of them. = 6 Monate = Lecture / Seminar + Laboratory / Seminar The distribution of hours per semesters (SWS) in Lecture / Seminar + Laboratory / Seminar hours is a proposal. The professor can vary it. Among of the option modules the students have to choose tree of them. Occupational fields of our students x Development and sale of components of wind power-, bioenergy, photovoltaic, CHP- plants, fuel cell systems and hydrogen technology installations x Projection, installation und machine care of such plants are possible. Degree Master of science Conditions for entry: Bachelor degree course in Electrical Engineering or comparable courses School: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Contact person for further information and application address for studying one or two semester Antje Pedde Fachhochschule Stralsund / International Affairs Center Zur Schwedenschanze 15 D-18435 Stralsund Phone: +49 3831 457052 / Fax: +49 3831 456640 e-mail: Application address for full course students All foreign and stateless applicants who have questions regarding studying at the Fachhochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences, can ask Antje Pedde. Please send the application documents to the following address: Fachhochschule Stralsund c/o ASSIST e.V. Helmholtzstr. 2-9 10587 Berlin Germany All applications, which are send to the Fachhochschule Stralsund, will be forwarded automatically to ASSIST e.V. Fachhochschule Stralsund page 6 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Course Renewable Energies and Hydrogen Technology for last year graduate Students / Postgraduate Students Autumn/Winter Semester 2010 / 2011 Fachhochschule Stralsund – University of Applied Sciences offers a five months Study Course during September 2010 – February 2011 for last year graduate students/ postgraduate students of engineering fields and engineers respectively from abroad and Germany as well. This course is established since 1997. Within theoretical lectures and seminars, practical work, excursions to visit realizations and production, as well as examinations treat FH Stralsund grants about 30 ECTS - credit points to certify the results. The main fields covered are as follows: Hours /Week 2 ECTS Points 3 2 3 2 2 DI Sponholz 2 2 Bioenergy Prof. Ahlhaus 2 3 K120 Incl. current topics in bioenergy Wind Power Plants Prof. Cremer 2 3 K120 With Laboratory Temporary Version 001 - (2010-25-05) Environmental Energy Management Hydrogen Technology Electrochemistry and Fuel Cells Hydrogen Energy Technology Hydr. Combustion and Lab. Fuel Cells Prof. Thiele Additional Information oral oral Prof. Bartelt / Prof. Luschtinetz Prof. Lehmann / Prof. Luschtinetz Renewable Energy Systems Photovoltaics and solarthermal Energy Dr. Fischer K120 3 4 Power Systems Technology Prof. Harzfeld 2 3 Electrical Power Quality Prof. Beley (Russia) 1 1 Wavelet Analysis / Mathematica Prof. Bauch 2 3 Small Project Energy Excursion Programme Exams With Laboratory K120 Concentrated in 2 weeks in November Lab work 2 Prof. Thiele 1 German 4 Totals 24 Fachhochschule Stralsund Power plants and public utilities 30 page 7 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies 18th Spring school 2010 AMES Automation and Modeling of FC-based Energy Systems Erasmus Intensive Programme at University of Applied Sciences Stralsund Duration: 2 weeks in April 2010 Summary of the project Modern energy supply systems include the use of renewable energy sources. Because of the fluctuating character of photovoltaic and wind energy, Hydrogen will be used as an energy vector in the future. Fuel cells as a part of automated energy systems play a dominant role in this scenery. The programme, offered to the students, contained - lectures about modeling of fuel cells, firstly on theoretic fundamentals and secondly an introduction into modeling with Matlab / Simulink of fc systems, - lectures about control and automation of fuel cells itself, the design of fuel cell based systems, coupling of fuel cells with different renewable energy sources and - thirdly about aspects of the Hydrogen Technology added by practical training in the Laboratory for Integrated Energy Systems at the Fachhochschule Stralsund - University of Applied Sciences. One important result is that the students will become familiar with a brand-new technology, the practical use of low temperature fuel cells. In addition the teamwork in multinational groups might be a first step towards a term abroad to gain practical experience and to serve to a better understanding within the European Community. Scheduled lectures: 1. Theory of Fuel Cells, 8h lectures 2. Modelling of FC, 4h lectures, 4h laboratory 3. Automation of PEM-FC, 4h lectures, 8h seminar, 4h laboratory 4. E-Conversion / Grid Connection and Quality, 6h lectures, 4h laboratory 5. Hybrid and FC-Systems, 6h lectures, 4h laboratory 6. Hydrogen Technology, 4h lectures, 2h laboratory 7. Integration of renewable energies and actual aspects, 4h lectures 7. Exkursion (Hannover Fair and regional enterprises and institutions) Participants: Students, lecturers and staff members from: Agder University College, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Grimstad, Norway; Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Control Systems, (Lithuania) Vilnius Gedeminas Technical University, Electronics Faculty, Vilnius, Lithuania; Kymenlaakso Polytechnic, Mechanical Engineering Department, Kotka, Finnland; Tallinn University of Technology, Power Engineering Faculty, Tallinn, Estonia; Polytechnic University of Valencia, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria del Dinseño(ETSID), Valencia, Spain; Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Marine Technology, Szczecin, Poland; Fachhochschule Stralsund, FB Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Stralsund, Deutschland. Fachhochschule Stralsund page 8 18th Stralsund SpringSchool 2010, April 11th – 25th final version 16.04.2010 AMES – Automation and Modeling of FC and Hydrogen based Energy Systems Date 11.4. 12.4. Mo 13.4. Tu 14.4. We 15.4. Th 17.4. Sa 18.4. 19.4. Mo 20.4. Tu 21.4. We 22.4. Th 23.4. Fr 24.4. Sa 25.4. institute of renewable energy systems school of electrical engineering + computer science Institut für Regenerative EnergieSysteme IRES time Topic Sunday 08:00 08:30 - 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 11:30 arrival / journey to Stralsund Opening Session / Introduction, house 5 – lecture room 2 Lecture Hydrogen as a fuel, house 5 -lecture room 2, Prof. Lehmann, group photo Lecture Hydrogen storage, house 4 - lecture room 5, Prof. Lehmann Visiting the Labs with safety instruction, Meeting point at Laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems (windturbine) – DI Sponholz & FH Rallye Lunch Presentations of the home universities of the participants house 4 – lecture room 4 Visit of the town of Stralsund, Meeting Point: 15:00 bus station FH Welcome for participants, Meeting Point: 19:00 Younior-Hotel Introduction to PEM-fuel cells, house 4 - lecture room 8, Prof. Luschtinetz Batteries and their use in hybrid systems together with electric drives, house 4 - lecture room 6 Prof. Rinkeviciene Lunch Laboratory 1 + 2, DI Last, DI Sponholz, DI Miege, MSc. Krause, Piascik, Guarochico,... Welcome to participants house 8 - barbecue Modelling of PEM-FC with Simulink, house 4 - lecture room 8, Prof. Mäkelä Automation and control of PEM-FC, house 19 - lecture room A (111), Prof. Mäkelä Fuel efficient race cars based on fuel cells , house 5 - lecture room 2, Prof. Luschtinetz Lunch Laboratory 3 + 4, Prof. Troitino, Prof. Balsevich, Prof. Mäkelä, Dr. Fischer,.. Lecturers Dinner “Brasserie” Theory and Characteristics of FC I, house 4 - lecture room 6, Prof. Middleton Theory and Characteristics of FC II, house 4 - lecture room 6, Prof. Middleton Lunch Technical Tour: Institute of High Temperature Plasma Physics, Greifswald – Fusion Experiment – Meeting Point: 12:30 bus station FH Theory and Characteristics of FC III, house 19 - lecture room B (113), Prof. Middleton Theory and Characteristics of FC IV, house 19 - lecture room B (113), Prof. Middleton Lunch Laboratory 5 + 6, Prof. Balsevich, Prof. Troitino,... Technical Tour: Historical Technical Information Centre, Peenemünde Meeting Point: 08:00 central bus station Free Hydrogen reconv. I – CHP, comb. engines, cat burner, house 5 - lecture room 2, Prof. Balsevich Hydrogen reconversion II, house 4 - lecture room 5, Prof. Balsevich Lunch Laboratory 7, DI Miege,.. Laboratory 8, DI Sponholz,.. Big Dinner “Wallensteinkeller”, Meeting Point: 18:45 New Market Place Lecture E-conversion, house 4 - lecture room 6, Prof. Cremer Classic power plants and new technology plants based on renewable energies, H4/6, Prof. Jonaitis Lunch Preparation for presentations, house 4 - room 214 & 219 and KAE Preparation for presentations, house 4 - room 206 & 207 and KAE Visit of the Hannover Fair (by bus) Meeting Point 05:00 central bus station or 04:45 bus station FH Grid connection of actual problems of integration of renewable energies house 4 - lecture room 6, Prof. Jonaitis PV-systems - actual aspects, house 4 - lecture room 6, Prof. Zapalowicz Production of gaseous fuels from biomass, house 4 - lecture room 7, Prof. Nielsen Lunch Presentations of lab results, house 4 - lecture room 3 and KAE, Prof. Sanchez / Prof. Balsevich Lecturers Dinner “Ventspils” Hybridization – from small systems to power plants, house 19 - lecture room B (113), DI Miege Research Seminar – Actual problems in FC research and application, house 19 - lecture room B Lunch Examination 2h, house 4 - lecture room 6 Excursion: Ozeaneum Stralsund, included guided tour in English (80 min) – Meeting Point: 09:30 Ozeaneum Round table discussion – Energy sources of the future / Fuel efficient cars Evaluation and farewell Journey home 12:30 13:00 - 15:00 16:00 - 18:00 19:00 08:00 - 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 13:00 –17:00 18:00 08:00 - 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 11:30 – 12:15 13:00 – 17:00 18:00 08:00 – 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 12:30 – 18:00 16.4. Fr fachbereich elektrotechnik + informatik 08:00 – 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 13:00 – 15:00 08:00 – 16:00 Sunday 08:00 - 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 12:00 13:00 - 17:00 19:00 08:00 - 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 12:00 13:00 - 15:30 15:45 – 17:15 05:00 - 22:00 08:00 - 09:30 09:45 - 11:15 11:30 – 12:15 13:00 - 17:00 18:00 08:00 - 09:30 09:45 – 11:30 12:00 13:00 - 15:00 09:45 - 12:00 13:00 - 14:30 15:00 – 18:00 Sunday Fachhochschule Stralsund page 9 18th Stralsund SpringSchool 2010, April 11th – 25th final version 16.04.2010 AMES – Automation and Modeling of FC and Hydrogen based Energy Systems fachbereich elektrotechnik + informatik school of electrical engineering + computer science institute of renewable energy systems Institut für Regenerative EnergieSysteme IRES Labs: FC1 – Heliocentris Box / Simu - Simulink / FC2 – Screener / FC3 - UPS 50W PEMFC / FC4 - Logo PLC / FC5 – Nexa-1kW-FC / ELY – Electrolyser / HCC - H2-combustion (Buderus) - 2 h each Laboratory work: in each team – members of different countries; 6 teams with each 6 or 7 students Preparation of 2 presentations (.ppt) by each team First topic – 3 stud. + second topic – 3 stud. Team 1 and 4 : FC2-Screener + Ely Team 2 and 5 : FC3-50 W + Simu/FC4 Team 3 and 6 : HCC-Buderus + FC5-Nexa Tue 13.4. Lab 1 13:00 H-Box 4/217 1 + 4 Simu1 Logo 4/113 Screener 3 Ely 50 W 5 Nexa 2 Buderus 6 Tue Die Lab 2 15:00 2+5 1 4 6 3 Wed 14.4. Lab3 13:00 3+6 1+4+2 1+4+2 5 Wed Mittw Lab4 15:00 3+5+6 3+5+6 4 1 2 Fri 16.4. Lab5/6 13:00 6 1 3 5 Mon 19.4. Lab7 13:00 Mon Mo Lab8 15:00 6 3 4 1 2 Locations: KAE = Komplexlabor = near Windmill / H4 = house 4 FC 1 – Heliocentris Box Micro Electrolyzer / PV and FC H4 / 217 Simu – Simulation H4 / 230 Modeling of FCs with Matlab/Simulink FC 2 – Screener / KAE FC 3 - UPS 50W / KAE FC 4 – Logo PLC H4 / 113 FC 5 – Nexa / KAE ELY 1 – Electrolyser / KAE HCC 1 H2-combustion - KAE Testing of single membranes with an Hydrogenics Screener Automation of a 50W-FC using a Logo PLC Programming of a PLC for a 50WUPS Nexa 1,2 kW UPS Modell electrolyser and windmilllectrolyser-system (20kW type) Catalytic burner (Buderus) 2 5 4 Mie Pia Tro Mäk Mie Bal Fis Gua / Spo Kra / Las Spo Bal Andreas Miege, Tomasz Piascik, Lucas Troitino Merja Mäkelä, Andreas Miege Ulrich Fischer Stephan Krause, Mathias Last Andreas Miege Juan Balsevich Christian Sponholz Victor Guarochico , Christian Sponholz Juan Balsevich Christian Sponholz Instructor A-teams 1/ 2/ 3: Luschtinetz / Miege / Balsevich ... Instructor B-teams 4/ 5/ 6: Sponholz / Troitino / Jonaitis ... 18 lectures (2SWS), lab work, 16h excursion = 5 ECTS - points Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hans-Friedrich Bauch Tel.:03831 456 710 + 01757000559 Barbara Bartels Tel.:03831 456533 MSc-stud.-ing. Marcel Berger Prof. Dr. Thomas Luschtinetz Tel.: 03831 456 583 + 016099204375 Maria Kalwait Tel.: 03831 456 811 BSc-stud.-ing. Ulli Stutz FB Elektrotechnik und Informatik / TIT / IAS / IRES / Komplexlabor Fachhochschule Stralsund page 10 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies 16th – 18th Stralsund SpringSchool AMES 2008 - 2010 Description of the Intensive Programme, supported by the EU Main objectives of the Intensive Programmes AMES 2008 – 2010 Automation and modelling of the operation of modern fuel cell based energy systems are the main areas of this intensive programme. The IP was focussed to fuel cells using Hydrogen as the main source of energy, in addition other energy vectors like natural gas and methanol were discussed with the view to available special fc types. The reason, why we payed broad attention to the hydrogen technology is it´s future role in the use of fluctuating renewable energies like wind power and solar radiation. The use of a hydrogen loop will establish a steady feeding in of renewable power to the grids and in addition this will encourage the use of hydrogen in mobile systems and isles without grid connection and the hydrogen fuel cell represents the most important element of these systems. It offers an higher efficient conversion to electrical energy compared with the usual combustion engines and under environmental points of view too. Theoretical fundamentals, modelling and simulation of different types of hydrogen fuel cells, the automation of its operation and the application into practical energy supply projects are teached methodically and excellently to the students of energy technology at FH Stralsund. The laboratory-sided prerequisites were created and the topic was under work in international cooperation within the last 17 years since the foundation of the FH Stralsund in 1991 and this Erasmus intensive programme was applied as a result of the international dimension of the academic life at the University of Applied Sciences in Stralsund. Particularly the University i Agder is a long-standing partner in the field of the renewable energies. This is to be seen in its “Energieparken”, an energy park in Grimstad / Norway, which was created in consultation with the Stralsund engineers and after the example of the Laboratory for Integrated Energy Systems “Komplexlabor (KAE)” in Stralsund. Stralsund university works together with the University of Szczecin in a cooperation for a long time. Nearly each year students from Poland made their final project research work in the “Komplexlabor” in Stralsund. Fachhochschule Stralsund page 10 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies The renewable energies play a more and more important role in Spain and by this way many students found their “final project” in Komplexlabor in Stralsund. Therefore the Universidad Politechnica de Valencia also takes part in this Intensive Programme. The common aim of the universities involved in the program consists in transfering the fuel cell and hydrogen technology as a technology of the future to the participants. This includes the focus on the international level of development and current research topics also by the visit of the leading European exhibition in this field, the Hannover fair industry and leading institutes in the field of research in catalysis and plasma physics in the north east of Germany. Additional important contributions of the intensive programme are the personal experiences of the common practical work in mixed teams in the laboratories, the communication in a foreign language and the exchange about leisure time, personal careers and political topics. Organisational aspects The organization of the intensive program was made by the Stralsund professors H. -F. Bauch and Th. Luschtinetz. Each year we started with a call to the members of the programme to join with lecturers into the program and to get the agreement of the colleagues, who were involved in the preparation of the program. With the result we worked out the schedule of the course and prepared the structure of lab work. With regard to his competence Prof. Dr. J. Lehmann was won as lecturer with the focus to hydrogen technology, he had made substantial contributions to the laboratory and the equipment in Stralsund in the last decade. Further experts were named in arrangement with the universities involved. Prof. Cremer from the FH Stralsund taught the problems of converting the electric power, received from hydrogen fuel cell systems as well as wind turbines and photovoltaic installations, to electric grids. The theory of the hydrogen fuel cells could be conveyed excellently by Prof. Dr. H. Middleton from Grimstad / Norway, showing practical aspects based on his work in SOFC projects in Switzerland and the cooperation with Norske Hydro. His lectures were extremely thoroughly and very well understandably as well as supported by meaningful scripts. Prof. Dr. Th. Luschtinetz treated particularly the use of fuel cell in hybrid energy supply systems with the focus to simple basic models, the automation of fuel cell systems in practice and the application in mobile systems. Traditionally a workshop with actual research topics was added: In 2008 Dipl.-Ing. (FH) A. Miege (Valencia / Stralsund) explained modelling of small PMFC systems in a research project with industry. Msc. S. Siewert (Stralsund) discussed different board car grids and driving strategies in the use of fuel cell hybrid cars. Dipl.-Ing. F. Gamallo (Enertrag AG Germany) presented the hydrogen loop in a hybrid power plant to improve the feed in of wind power by biogas and hydrogen use. This was completed by the lesson of PhD A. Jonaites from Kaunas University of Technology concerning the experiences in practice and modelling with the stability of the power grid in Lithuania. Nestor M. Solalinde presented excellenty his Bachelor thesis concerning the introduction of hydrogen technology to solve energy consumption problems in Paraguay as an interesting addition to the programme, worked out during his stay in Stralsund. The practical experiments formed a main part of the complete course. They are documented among others with the laboratory instructions. Working was performed practically in international teams mixing each of the Fachhochschule Stralsund page 11 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies laboratory teams with members from different nations. So the students could exchange their country specific experiences and expectations. Each team prepared a detailed presentation about realization and results of one of their lab experiments and then teams presented and discussed their results in the common end-sessions. The technical benefit arose moreover that such lab facilities aren´t available at the other universities. The participants tested their future professional teamwork in these mixed international groups from work until cohabiting and spending leisure time together. German students were included in the common lab work. By this way we got a good connection to the regional activities of students. The excursions were the third main component of the IPs each year. The journey to the Hannover Fair Industry showed the advanced level in research and industry, well focussed by the special exhibition concerning Hydrogen technology. Students met leading enterprises of the world, they discussed actuell fuel cell prototypes, test beds and mobile applications. It was reflected enriching without exception by all students. The second excursion was normally an inhouse one. At the Day of the open door at Stralsund university, the students visited different laboratories in the School of Mechanical and Electrical – for instance laboratories of electric machines, automation, virtual reality, material sciences and car development. Race cars are a special subject connected with the mobile application of fuel cells and combustion engines – we discussed the preparation and the results of our fc driven car ThaiGer during the Shell Eco Marathon races in Nogaro (2008) and at the Eurospeedway in Germany in May 2009 and 2010. The third excursion was a visit of the most modern place in Europe in fusion research to the Max-Planck institute for plasma physics in Greifswald. Graduates of the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences found there their workplace and could now demonstrate modern technology and international cooperation. With the second station, Peenemünde at the isle of Usedom, a look was carried out on the beginning and the historical dimension of the hydrogen use with the connection between the birth of rocket technology and its use to suffer and ruin people at production and war. Together with her German members the foreign participants agreed to defend the Europe growing together against every nationalism. Nearly no free place left over for additional activities. The students organisation organised an interesting visit of the town and a trip to the isle of Ruegen to visit not only the impressive natural monuments in the national park landscape but see the broad use of renewable energies in the north of Germany too. Outputs The common aim of the participants involved in the program consists in improvement of their knowledge on fuel cell and hydrogen technology as a technology of the future. With the implemented program we reached this aim adding the view to the international level of development and current research topics. Fachhochschule Stralsund page 12 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies The participants got handouts of the lectures, lab instructions and at the end a CD with all these materials and an additional summery of fc-literature. Photos of the course and the final lab presentations were added. All students passed the written examination and got an equivalent of 5 ECTS-Credit points, written in the certificates tey got in the final session of the IP. Contribution to the priorities for IP The IP AMES is a good example for the actual multidisciplinary and international common approach in research and teaching process. Students from electrical and mechanical engineering, chemistry and material sciences, business and social sciences worked in an intensive two weeks program in mixed teams together – explaining one to the other from their level of knowledge the main principles of the new technology. FC technology needs for its further development well trained students – the IPs 2008 - 2010 supported this in an excellent way. Teaching staff improved their lectures with the focus to an short and intensive introduction to the most essential aspects of fuel cell simulation and application. In addition lecturers and research engineers discussed actual topics in research and got new ideas for teaching – for instance an intensive course in at Adger University in Norway is under discussion using the heliocentris fc-boxes from Stralsund for an introduction into fc-technology. The lectures were opened to the students of the university and pupils of the Hanseatic town Stralsund. In this context the participants of the IP prepared impressive presentations showing their native countries and universities. By this way they presented a broad audience the possibilities of a stay in foreign countries during their studies. As a further result some students decided to try to take part in the Course Renewable Energies and Hydrogen Technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Stralsund in autumn / winter 2008 –2010 and do their final projects in Stralsund. Lecturers and staff members (choice 2008 – 2010): Prof. Dr. H. Middleton (Univ. I Adger) Prof. Dr. K. Nielsen (University I Adger) Prof. Dr. Rinkeviciene (Vilnius Technical University) Prof. Dr. M. Mäkelä (Kymenlaakso Polytechnic Kotka) Prof. Dr. Zapalowicz (Technical University of Szczecin) Prof. Ph.D. A. Jonaites (University Kaunas) Prof. Msc. J. Balsevich (Universidad National Asuncion, Paraguay) Bsc. L. Troitino (Universidad National Mar del Plata, Argentina) From FH Stralsund: Prof. Dr. R. Cremer Dr. U. Fischer Dipl.-Ing. C. Sponholz Dipl.-Ing. A. Wulf Dipl.-Ing. M. Last Msc. S. Krause Prof. Dr. rer. nat. J. Lehmann Prof. Dr. Th. Luschtinetz Dip.-Ing. A. Miege Dipl.-Ing. F. Gamallo (Enertrag AG) Dipl.-Ing. P. Wendt Msc. S. Siewert Msc. Chorchong (SERT, Thailand) Msc. Wirungrong (SERT, Thailand) Msc. Chatchai (SERT, Thailand) Stud.-Ing. Tomasz Piascik (University Elblag) Stud.-ing. Priit Pikk (University Tallinn, Estonia) Stud.-ing. Esteban Linares Jorda (University Elche, Spain) Stud.-ing. Angeles Beneite (University Elche, Spain) Stud.-ing. Nestor Manuel Solalinde Bernal (Paraguay) Stud.-ing. Victor Guarochico (ESPOL, Ecuador) Fachhochschule Stralsund page 13 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies 22.04.2008 – Newspaper Ostseezeitung (OZ): European Award for SpringSchool Fachhochschule Stralsund page 14 INTERNATIONALE SOMMERSCHULE AN DER FH STRALSUND UND AM LEIBNIZ-INSTITUT FÜR PLASMAFORSCHUNG UND TECHNOLOGIE (INP) - SCHWEIZER TECHNIK-STUDENTEN BEGEISTERT Seit längerer Zeit pflegt die Stralsunder Hochschule enge Kontakte zur Hochschule für Technik in Zürich (HSZ-T), die letztendlich bei einem Besuch der Züricher Hochschulleitung in Stralsund auf den Weg gebracht wurden. Nach Forschungsaufenthalten von Professoren der Fachhochschule Stralsund in der Schweiz, stand jetzt ein größerer Besuch von Studierenden und Lehrenden der Züricher Hochschule in Stralsund auf der Tagesordnung. Fünf Tage waren viel zu kurz, um die vielfältigen Angebote der technischen Fachbereiche der Fachhochschule Stralsund und des Leibniz-Instituts für Plasmaforschung und Technologie (INP) Greifswald, das ebenfalls langjährige Kontakte zur Züricher Hochschule unterhält, an die Schweizer Gäste der Hochschule für Technik in Zürich zu vermitteln. So war von Technische Informatik, Alternativen Antrieben und Brennstoffzellen, Plasmaforschung und –anwendungen ein Mix zum Thema „Moderne Technologien“ im Angebot. Die enge Zusammenarbeit der beiden gastgebenden Organisationen zeigt sich z. B. auch darin, dass der Doktorand des INP Christian Rackow, der Einblicke in Plasmaanwendungen bei der Reinigung von Kunststoffflaschen gab, ein Absolvent der Fachhochschule Stralsund ist. Das INP hat schon etliche Absolventen der FH eingestellt und auch weiter qualifiziert und ist weiterhin daran interessiert. Dies zeigt also, dass sich Ingenieuren auch in der Region hervorragende Berufschancen bieten. Zudem ist internationaler Austausch eine interessante Möglichkeit, die zur Zeit ein Student der HSZ-T am INP und ein Elektrotechnikstudent aus Stralsund in Zürich im Praktikum nutzen. Wie immer waren dann die Exkursionen zu den überwältigenden großtechnischen Anlagen, die es so nirgendwo anders auf der Welt gibt, eingebettet in die weite vorpommersche Ostseelandschaft, Höhepunkte für die aufmerksamen Studenten aus Zürich, die als Abendstudenten gleichzeitig im Beruf stehen. Nirgendwo anders auf der Welt als im Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Greifswald wird ein Stelleratorexperiment zur Wasserstofffusionsforschung aufgebaut, wo sechs Tonnen schwere Spulen - die erst mit modernen mathematischen Methoden und neuesten Computern überhaupt berechnet werden konnten - mit Toleranzen von weniger als einem halben Millimeter zusammengesetzt werden müssen. Und dass in Peenemünde die Wiege der Weltraumfahrt steht, ist einmalig. Dabei wurden an beiden Standorten die Ambivalenzen von Krieg und Frieden, von Energievergeudung und Energieerzeugung, von Erderwärmung und Lebensstandard ebenso wie die gewaltigen und überraschenden technischen Ausmaße erörtert. Studenten der Fachschaft Elektrotechnik und Informatik der FH Stralsund fanden mit ihren Angeboten zur Erkundung der Hansestadt bei den Gästen großen Anklang, Rektor und Dekane der FH eröffneten das intensive Programm. Am Ende konnten alle Teilnehmer das Zertifikat für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme erhalten, und die Resonanz auf das Prof. Dr. Hans Friedrich Bauch (2.v.l.), Auslandsbeauftragter des Fachbereiches Elektrotechnik und Informatik der FH Stralsund, begleitet die Schweizer Gäste bei ihrem Besuch am MaxPlanck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Greifswald Angebot der FH Stralsund und des INP Greifswald in dieser internationalen Sommerschule war äußerst positiv, so dass eine weitere Zusammenarbeit der beiden Hochschulen und des LeibnizInstituts bereits vereinbart ist. Prof. Dr. Hans Friedrich Bauch Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik - Leiter der Sommerschule REAKTION DER STRALSUNDER GÄSTE „Sehr geehrte Kollegen, für die eindrucksvolle, einwöchige Intensivwoche und die gehaltvollen, mehrstündigen Seminare möchte ich mich sehr herzlich bedanken. Ihre Ausführungen haben uns und unseren 16 Studierenden der Klasse 7Ma des Studienganges Maschinentechnik der Hochschule für Technik Zürich viele wichtige Denkanstöße vermittelt. Speziell möchte ich mich für Ihre sehr freundliche Aufnahme, die engagierte Begleitung und perfekte Organisation bedanken. Uns und unseren Studierenden hatte diese Woche sehr viel Freude bereitet. Mit den besten Grüßen in der Hoffnung auf eine weitere gute Zusammenarbeit Thomas Wenzler, Dr. sc. nat., Dipl. Phys., Assistent der Hochschulleitung“ Stralsunder Hochschulanzeiger 2/2008 11 Fax +49 3831 456680 Fon +49 3831 455 Zentrale Energie Systeme IRES Institut für Regenerative House 4, Room 202 Fax +49 3831 456687 Fon +49 3831 456581 Elektrotechnik + Informatik Fachbereich D-18435 Stralsund Zur Schwedenschanze 15 Fachhochschule Stralsund 4ALLINNå5NIVERSITYåOFå4ECHNOLOGYå%STONIA 5NIVERSITYåOFå!GDERå.ORWAY %2!3-53å0ROGRAM u%UROPEANå å 3UCCESSå3TORIEShåå !WARD :URå3CHWEDENSCHANZEå $å3TRALSUND 0HONEå åå &AXå %-AILå ("AUCH FHSTRALSUNDDE (OUSEåå2OOMåB ååå!PRILå EVENTåDATE &ACHHOCHSCHULEå3TRALSUND 0ROFå$Rå(ANS&RIEDRICHå"AUCH ååå VENUE CONTACT 7ESTå0OMERANIANå5NIVERSITYåOFå4ECHNOLOGYå0OLANDå 6ILNIUSå'EDIMINASå4ECHNICALå5NIVERSITYå,ITHUANIA 0OLYTECHNICå5NIVERSITYåOFå6ALENCIAå3PAIN 3PONSOREDåBYå +YMENLAAKSONåå5NIVERSITYåOFå!PPLIEDå3CIENCESå&INLAND +AUNASå5NIVERSITYåOFå4ECHNOLOGYå,ITHUANIA 5NIVERSITYåOFå!PPLIEDå3CIENCESå3TRALSUNDå$EUTSCHLAND ORGANISER !UTOMATIONåANDå-ODELLINGåOFåå &#BASEDå%NERGYå3YSTEMS ånååå 86)) åSPRING SCHOOL gbdiipditdivmf tusbmtvoe vojwfstjuz!pg bqqmjfe tdjfodft praxis verstehen — chancen erkennen — zukunft gestalten understanding reality — facing challenges — creating future veranstaltungen events 3ATURDAYå HOUSEååSTUDENTåCLUB å å å å -ONDAYå &REEå å &RIDAYå ååå ,ABORATORYåååå å 0EENEMÓNDE å å åå GUIDEDåTOURåINå%NGLISHååMINå å %XCURSIONå/ZEANEUMå3TRALSUNDåINCLUDEDåå ååå 0REPARATIONåFORåPRESENTATIONSåLECTUREåROOMåå å å ,UNCH åå LECTUREåROOMåå0ROFå#REMERå å ånåå (ISTORICALå4ECHNICALå)NFORMATIONå#ENTREå å ååå ,ECTUREå%CONVERSIONåANDåGRIDåCONNECTIONå))åå 0HYSICSå'REIFSWALDå å å ånåå )NSTITUTEåOFå(IGHå4EMPERATUREå0LASMAåå LECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå0ROFå#REMERå å å ååå 4ECHNICALå4OUR å ååå ,ECTUREå%CONVERSIONåANDåGRIDåCONNECTIONå)åå å 4HURSDAYå å 4UESDAYå å å ååå ,ABORATORYååå ,UNCHå LECTUREåROOMåå$IPL)NGå3PONHOLZå ååå ,ABORATORYåååå ,UNCH SUPPLIESåLECTUREåROOMå!å0ROFå,USCHTINETZå åå åå å å å å LECTUREåROOMå!åHOUSEåå0ROFå,USCHTINETZå ååå ,ECTUREå(YDROGENåRECONVERSIONå))å å ååå ,ECTUREå!UTOMATIONåOFå&#åBASEDåPOWERåå LECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå$IPL)NGå3PONHOLZåå ENGINESåCATåBURNERåå å å å å å ååå ,ECTUREå(YDROGENåRECONVERSIONå)ånå#(0åCOMBå å å ååå ,ECTUREå(YDROGENåBASEDå0%-&#SYSTEMSåå 7EDNESDAYå 7ELCOMEåFORåPARTICIPANTSåå åå å å å TIONSååCONSULTATIONSåLECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåååå 0REPARATIONåFORåPRESENTATIONSååLABåEVALUAå å å ,UNCHåå å &#åRESEARCHåLECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå å 3ATURDAYå å LECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå0ROFå,USCHTINETZå å åh/PENå$AYvå å å å å å å *OURNEYåHOMEå 3UNDAYå å %VALUATIONåANDåFAREWELLå SOURCESåOFåTHEåFUTUREåLECTUREåROOMåå 2OUNDåTABLEåDISCUSSIONånå%NERGYåå DELEGATIONåLECTUREåROOMååHOUSEå PROJECTSååSTUDENTSåOFåEACHåå ANDåEXPERIENCESåINåRESEARCHåå praxis verstehen — chancen erkennen — zukunft gestalten understanding reality — facing challenges — creating future å å å åå å åå å å å åååå 0RESENTATIONåOFåHOMEåUNIVERSITIESåå å å ååå 6ISITåOFåTHEåLABSåOFå&(å3TRALSUNDåDURINGåTHEåå å ååå ,ECTUREå(YDROGENåINåTHEåMOBILEåSECTORåå å å ååå %XAMINATIONåHåLECTUREåROOMåå åå å ååå 2ESEARCHå3EMINARånå!CTUALåPROBLEMSåINåå &RIDAYå å å åå 0RESENTATIONåOFå,ABåRESULTSåLECTUREåROOMå å SAFETYåINSTRUCTION å ååå ,ABORATORYååå 3UNDAYå ååå 7ORKåINåGROUPSåLECTUREåROOMå å å å å ååå 350!åCOMPANYåCONTACTåFAIRåATå&(å3TRALSUND ,UNCH LECTUREåROOMåå0ROFå,USCHTINETZ å å ,UNCH LECTUREåROOMåå0ROFå-IDDLETON å åå å å ,UNCHå LECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå0ROFå,USCHTINETZ ååå 6ISITåTHEåCAMPUSåLIBRARYåANDåLABORATORIESåå åå å åå LECTUREåROOMåå0ROFå,EHMANNå å å å LECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå0ROFå-IDDLETON ååå 4HEORYåANDå#HARACTERISTICSåOFå&#å)6åå å ååå 4HEORYåANDå#HARACTERISTICSåOFå&#å)))åå å ååå ,ECTUREå(YDROGENåSTORAGEåå LECTUREåROOMåå0ROFå,EHMANNå å ååå 3IMULATIONåANDå#ONTROLåOFå&#åBASEDåSYSTEMSåå STUDENTåRACINGåCARå49åHOUSEåå å å å å å 4HURSDAYå ååå 3IMULATIONåANDå#ONTROLåOFå0%-&#åå å å å LECTUREåROOMåå0ROFå-IDDLETON 7EDNESDAYå ååå 6ISITåOFåTHEå(ANNOVERå&AIRåBYåBUSå å ånåå OPTIONALåUNVEILINGåOFåTHEåNEWåå å å å å ååå ,ECTUREå(YDROGENåASåAåFUELåå å LECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå å å /PENINGå3ESSIONåå)NTRODUCTIONåå åå 4UESDAYå ARRIVALååJOURNEYåTOå3TRALSUNDåå%ASTERå-ONDAYå -ONDAYå å ååå 4HEORYåANDå#HARACTERISTICSåOFå&#å))åå å å LECTUREåROOMååHOUSEåå0ROFå-IDDLETON å (YDROGENåBASEDå%NERGYå3YSTEMS å ååå 4HEORYåANDå#HARACTERISTICSåOFå&#å)åå !UTOMATIONåANDå-ODELLINGåOFå&#åANDåå ,UNCH åå !-%3ånå Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies The Institute of Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) and its Laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems (KAE) With the foundation of the University of Applied Sciences in 1991 renewable energies were established as one of the main research and teaching areas of the new university. By this reason the Laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems was founded as an interdisziplinary laboratory of three Departments, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as well as the School of Economics in 1993. The Laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems, well known as Komplexlabor Alternative Energien (KAE), has developed to a recognized regional competence centre for innovative renewable energy solutions in the northeast of Germany. With its experiences and installations it offers in an ideal manner the basis for research and development in a reality-near way. The research & development activities of the Laboratory are focused on the development of integrated renewable energy technologies - particularly to use the renewable sources wind, solar radiation, biomass as well as technologies with a promising future like the utilization of hydrogen (produced from renewable sources) in fuel cells. As an result of the positive development the Institute of Renewable Energy Systems IRES was founded by more than 30 researchers and professors of the university as an inside-institute in January 2009 in addition to the existing IFEU, the Institute of Energy and Environment as an external institute. The aim is to multiply the activities in research, teaching and public work in the field of renewable energies inside the IRES – by the use of the human and lab ressources of the university. The KAE-lab is included with its activities into the IRES and the IFEU. The close cooperation with national and international partners as well as regional enterprises verify the enormous interest and the necessity to combine the competences of science and economy to develop a sustainable energy economy. The ongoing research projects deal with application-oriented topics like development of integrated energy supply solutions on the basis of regenerative energy sources, the utilization of the Bioenergie, Back-up power for wind farms via hydrogen, measurements, modelling and operating experiences with small fuel cell systems, the utilization of solar radiation-energy and internal combustion engines. National and international partners in the cooperation in the field of renewable energies are (choice): x Universities of Rostock, Greifswald, Wismar, Neubrandenburg, Leipzig … x Instituts of Catalysis (Rostock), Plasma Physics (IPP and INP Greifswald), Research institut of agriculture and fisching of MV, ISET Kassel, ZSW Ulm… x Hydrogen technology initiative MV / German hydrogen and fuel cell association x Federal association of bioenergy BBE x Universities of Szczecin, Gdansk, Elbling (Poland), Valencia, Elche (Spain), x Energiparken Grimstad (University of Agder, Norway) x School of Renew. Energy Technologies, Phitsanulok (Naresuan Univ., Thailand) x Hanoi University of Science, Hong Duc University (Vietnam) x Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Guayaquil, Ecuador) x National University (Buenos Aires, Argentina) MV = Mecklenburgia Western Pommerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 17 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Experimental Equipment of KAE-lab Wind power unit 100 kW Photovoltaic field 10 kW Electrolysis station 20 kW, H2 Pressure storage + Filling station KAE-lab includes heat- and power-coupled equipment in commercial size with a management for electricity & heat by Siemens WINCC for: - the use of renewable energy sources x PV field 10 kW, four types x Wind turbine 100 kW (1996) x Biomass boiler (50 kW) x Stirling engine (50th/10el kW) x Solarthermal collector (2x3,6m²) - the hydrogen technology x electrolyzer (20 kW, 4 Nm3/h) x filling station with compressor (300 bar) x pressure tank (200 Nm3 hydrogen, 25 bar) and hydrogen supply system x metal-hydride storage devices, x CHP-Plant (60th/30el kW) – mixed use of NG and hydrogen x Catalytic heating boiler Buderus (hydrogen) x Test beds for PEMFC: Screener (Hydrogenics) x Impedance Spectroscopy (FuelCon) x PEM fuel cell systems: 50 W / 360W (Staxon) / 2x1kW (Ballard) / 2 kW Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 18 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 19 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Selected research projects 1. Fuel Cell Systems for Special Markets, BMWi - Duration: 02/2007- 06/2009 Motivation x Fuel Cell based energy supply systems are still expensive and in many cases not competitive with conventional energy supply systems (e.g. combustion engines) x FC systems can solve energy supply problems in special market segments like e.g. marine systems (luxury yachts, major floating light etc.) x The development of application oriented system solutions demands cooperation between science and economy Project objective x Development of efficient, long living and cost effective Fuel Cell based energy supply systems for such markets Project partners x Staxon Consulting GbR (Fuel Cell Producer) x Heliocentris Energiesysteme GmbH (System Integration) x argus electronic GmbH (Controlling) x FH Stralsund (Modeling and Testing of components Exemplary result: A commercial system with an output capacity of 400 W was optimized to an output capacity of 2 kW. Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 20 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies 2. Long Term Monitoring of PEM Fuel Cells, ministry of economics - , Duration: 2005 - 2007 In 2005 a bus of the „Ostsee BUS GmbH“ (local public transport company) was equipped with an environment friendly PEM FC System to ensure the public transport In the nature conservation area „Fischland Darß“. The model project should demonstrate the advantages of Fuel Cell power under field conditions. Motivation x Fuel cell power is a promising opportunity for the mobility sector of the future x Lack of information about the long term behavior of fuel cell systems under field conditions x The monitoring of complex FC system solutions under field conditions is difficult and expensive Project objective x Investigations of Fuel Cell characteristics x Possibility to simulate the operation behavior of a bus in the Laboratory x Examinations at single cells (low costs) x Finding out of critical points x Optimizing of complex systems Testing equipment: Hydrogenics „FC screener“ Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 21 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies 3. Continuation of Energy Production from Wind Power Stations by Combined Wind/Hydrogen Process Chain in a Hybrid Power Plant Industry research with ENERTRAG AG - Duration: April 2007 - 2011 Motivation x The German Renewable Energy Act created profitable conditions to produce electricity from Wind Energy x Large number of Wind farms with huge capacities were installed during the last years x Wind Energy is a discontinuous Energy: no Energy production during calm periods insufficient grid capacities to transfer the produced wind power during periods with high wind velocities difference between predicted and real wind power x Grid operators are interested in a continuous and well predicted quote of energy from wind farms/ renewable energy sources x Production of hydrogen for the use in mobility sector will increase the profitability of wind farms Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 22 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies 4. Combined dry/wet fermentation for biogas production BMWi/AiF - Duration: 04/2007 – 12/2009 Motivation x The German Renewable Energy Act created profitable conditions to produce electricity from Biomass x Large number of biogas plants were installed during the last years (mostly wet fermenation processes) x Wet fermentation is only suitable for manure and starch– and sugar rich substrates x Competition to use agriculture products for energy and food/feed production x Increasing prices for substrates Schema of the dry fermentation test plant Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 23 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies 5. Energy Biomass from rewetted Peat Lands DBU - Duration: 02/2007 – 2008 Motivation x The German Renewable Energy Act created profitable conditions to produce electricity from Biomass x Large number of Biomass CHP plants for wood with huge capacities were installed during the last years x Competition to use forest wood for industry and Germany x There is a negative forest balance in Germany x Increasing prices for energy wood x There are already bottlenecks in fuel supply for Biomass CHP plants in Germany 6. Solarthermie 2000 /Solarthermie 2000+ Monitoring and Optimizing of Solar –Thermal Applications BMU - Duration: 01/1994 – 06/2008 Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 24 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Conferences Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 25 VON DER ENERGIESPEICHERUNG UNTERTAGE BIS ZUR SOLAREN KÜHLUNG 15. SYMPOSIUM REGWA Wie immer am Ende der ersten Novemberwoche fand in diesem Jahr bereits das 15. Stralsunder Energiesymposium „Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik“ statt. Die gegenüber den letzten Jahren deutlich gestiegene Teilnehmerzahl verwundert Insider nicht: Arbeitsschwerpunkte wie „Gespeicherter Strom aus Wind und Solarstrahlung“, „Bioenergienutzung und Biokraftstoffe der zweiten Generation“ und „Solare Wärme und Kühlung“ gewinnen mit steigenden Preisen fossiler Energieträger an Interesse. Zugleich entwickeln sie im konkreten gesellschaftlichen und technischen Kontext auch eine zunehmende Brisanz, was in der Anfangsphase der Nutzung der erneuerbaren Energien leider verkannt worden war. stoff zu werden. Oder ist sie es gar schon? Nur scheinbar viel zu früh wurde mit dem Vortrag von Sabine Hübner (KBB Underground Te c h n o l o g i e s Hannover) die Wasser stof fspeicherung in Kavernen diskutiert. Obwohl diese Speicherung Auch im Klärwerk Barth wurden die Anlagen im Bereich der Regenerativen die 100fache Energiesysteme besichtigt Kapazität der Druckluf t speicherung aufweist und ein deutlich höDaran lässt sich ablesen, wo auf dem Drei heiße Themen leiteten dann auch heres Realisierungspotential als PumpGebiet der regenerativen Energien zur die Konferenz ein: Michael Wenske, ausspeicherkraftwerke hat, steht sie noch Zeit die Schwerpunkte der Kooperation gewiesener Experte und mit der Fachganz am Rand der öffentlichen Wahrunserer Hochschule liegen. hochschule seit dem Aufbau unserer nehmung. Dabei erfordert das deutsche eigenen Elektrolyseanlage verbunden, Bergrecht einen Planungsvorlauf von Wie alle Jahre endete die Tagung mit eisprach über „Elektrolyse und Elektrolywenigstens zehn Jahren. Und ohne Zwiner Fachexkursion. Die besuchten nachseure“. Damit wurde das Bindeglied zwischenspeicherung von Elektrizität zur haltigen und innovativen Projekte der schen regenerativ erzeugtem Strom und Stabilisierung des Netzes ist dieses für Einbeziehung regenerativer Energien Kraftstoff angesprochen. Klare Worte den schwankenden grünen Strom nur zeigten nicht nur positive Erfahrungen, und einprägsame Darstellungen vermitbegrenzt aufnahmefähig. beeindruckend ist immer der Prozesstelten, welcher Elektrolyseur zu welchem charakter der Umsetzung und der zuProjekt passt. Nicht ausgespart blieb die Zum heißesten Thema referierte Detlef gehörige Strauß bewältigter Probleme Frage, wann endlich die Industrie Geräte Ohms von Hoppecke Batteriesysteme: – beim Fahrzeugbau Strela, im Klärwerk im Megawatt-Bereich zu akzeptablen Die Zukunft gehört den Elektromobilen Barth, dem Gutshaus Ehmkendorf und Preisen anbieten will, um nicht zum - mit Brennstoffzelle oder Akkumulator? der Fischzuchtanlage in Woltow. Hemmschuh bei der Entwicklung des Sein fundierter Vortrag über ElektrospeiWasserstoffs zum Handelsartikel Kraftchersysteme und deren künftige VerbesDeutlich war zu erkennen, dass Mecklenserungen lieferte die grundsätzburg-Vorpommern die Energiezukunft liche Antwort: Die kommenden nicht verpassen wird, kein Gedanke daalltagstauglichen Autos und ran, die in alten Geschichten zugebilligte Busse sind nur mit Batterie und Verspätung von hundert Jahren könnte Brennstoffzelle im Verbund rebeansprucht werden. Einmal mehr konnalisierbar. Dies war übrigens te das Energie-Symposium einen lebenauch ein Ergebnis des europädigen Teil zum öffentlichen Bild und zur ischen CUTE-Projektes mit CityAusstrahlung unserer Fachhochschule bussen und es wird durch den beitragen. Aufwand und Einsatz der OrHonda FCX Clarity als ersten ganisatoren haben sich gelohnt. Vielen Serien-PKW mit Brennstoffzelle Dank allen, die dabei geholfen haben! demonstriert. Weitere Beispiele Herzlichen Dank den Referenten, den packender Vorträge und sich Teilnehmern und den Sponsoren! anschließender Diskussionen ließen sich nennen. Letztere Bleibt noch der Wunsch für die nächsten mussten nur zu oft aus Zeit15 Jahre: Stets ein gutes Gespür für die gründen in den Pausen zu Ende Entwicklungen, die sich künftig als die geführt werden. tragenden erweisen werden und stets eine junge Generation, die dafür offen Die Internationalität der Konist! ferenz wurde durch jeweils mehrere Vertreter Technischer Prof. Dr. em. Jochen Lehman; Universitäten aus Szczecin, Prof. Dr. Thomas Luschtinetz Bei der Exkursion im Rahmen des Symposiums wurde auch die Fischzuchtanlage Woltow besucht Thailand und Ecuador geprägt. Komplexlabor Alternative Energien Stralsunder Hochschulanzeiger 3/2008 5 Fax +49 3831 456680 Fon +49 3831 455 Zentrale D-18435 Stralsund Zur Schwedenschanze 15 Fachhochschule Stralsund 0ROFåEMå$RåRERåNATå*OCHENå,EHMANN &ACHBEREICHå%LEKTROTECHNIKåUNDåå ãBERNACHTUNGSEMPFEHLUNG (OTELå'ARNIåu!NåDENå"LEICHENh &ONåååå&AXååå (OTELANDENBLEICHEN GMXDE (OTELå2ÓGENBLICK &ONåååå&AXåååå REZEPTION HOTELRUEGENBLICKDE ""Kå2OSTOCK +ONTOååå ",:ååå 6ERWENDUNGSZWECK +:å å3YMPOSIUM UNDå4HOMASå,USCHTINETZå3TRALSUND SOWIEå-ATTHIASå!HLHAUSå*OCHENå,EHMANN %RICOå3PINADELå"UENOSå!IRESå2EINHOLDå7URSTERå/TTOBRUNNåå 6IKTORå(ACKERå'RAZå7LADYSLAWå.OWAKå3CZCECINåå 2OBERTOå$ANTEå-EXIKO#ITYå*ÓRGENå'ARCHEå5LMåå "ANKVERBINDUNG )LONA.OSTER FHSTRALSUNDDE &AXååå &ONååå $å3TRALSUNDå :URå3CHWEDENSCHANZEå )LONAå.OSTER +ONFERENZKOMITEE 0ROFå$R)NGå4HOMASå,USCHTINETZ &ACHHOCHSCHULEå3TRALSUND )NFORMATIK 7ISSENSCHAFTLICHEå,EITUNG !NSCHRIFT ånååå 86å praxis verstehen — chancen erkennen — zukunft gestalten understanding reality — facing challenges — creating future .UTZUNGåREGENERATIVER %NERGIEQUELLENåUND 7ASSERSTOFFTECHNIK ENERGIEånåSYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM veranstaltungen events å %RFFNUNGåDURCHåDENå2EKTORå DERå&ACHHOCHSCHULEå3TRALSUND -ICHAELå7ENSKEå%.%242!'å$AUERTHALå 7ASSERSTOFFånå(ERSTELLUNGåPERå%LEKTROLYSE $ETLEFå/HMSå(OPPECKEå"ATTERIEå3YSTEMEåå "RILON !KKUMULATORENåå3TANDåDERå4ECHNIK UNDå0ERSPEKTIVEN !LEJANDROå*å'ESINOå)3%4å+ASSEL 7INDå&ARMå#LUSTERå-ANAGEMENTå3YSTEM 7INDERTRAGSPROGNOSE (ANS*OACHIMå7INKELå5NIVERSITÛTå2OSTOCK 3CHALENKREUZANEMOMETERånåWASåMISSTå MANåBEIå3CHRÛGANSTRMUNG *OACHIMå3CHWABEå7IND#ONSULTå "ARGESHAGEN -ETEREOLOGISCHEå-ESSUNGENåAUFåDERåå &ORSCHUNGSPLATTFORMå&)./å)) -ICHAå:ENCZAKå45å3ZCZECIN %LECTRICåANDåMAGNETICålELDSåNEARåWINDå POWERåFARMS &RITZå#ROTOGINOå3ABINEå(ÓBNERå +""å5NDERGROUNDå4ECHNOLOGIESå(ANNOVER %NERGIESPEICHERUNGåINå3ALZKAVERNENåå %NTWICKLUNGENåUNDåKONKRETEå0ROJEKTEå FÓRåADIABATEå$RUCKLUFTåUNDåFÓRå7ASSERå STOFFSPEICHER 2OLANDå(AMELMANNå&(å,ÓBECK 7INDKRAFTåUNDå7ASSERSTOFF 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/URå4EAMå(ISTORYåINåTHEå3HELL%CO-ARATHON 4ECHNICALå$ATA praxis verstehen — chancen erkennen — zukunft gestalten understanding reality — facing challenges — creating future )MPRESSIONSåOFåOURå4EAM DAS DEUTSCH-THAILÄNDISCHE TEAM THAIGERII AUS STRALSUND BEIM SHELL ECO-MARATHON® AUF DEM L AUSITZ-RING Der Shell Eco-marathon ist jedes Jahr im Mai Treffpunkt für junge Tüftler und angehende Ingenieure, die mit neuen Denkansätzen und den besten verfügbaren Komponenten extrem verbrauchsarme Autos entwickeln. Der aktuell gültige Rekord der ETH Zürich aus dem Jahr 2005 liegt bei einem Verbrauch von 0,026 Litern Benzin auf 100 km – erzielt mit einem Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug und Wasserstoff, dessen Energieinhalt auf Normalbenzin umgerechnet wird. Dieser Rekord wird beim diesjährigen Rennen, das erstmals auf dem EuroSpeedway Lausitz ausgetragen wird, aufgrund der dortigen Rennbedingungen voraussichtlich unterboten werden. Seit dem letzten Jahr nehmen Stralsunder Teams mit brennstoffzellenbetriebenen Leichtrennwagen am Shell Eco-marathon teil – in diesem Jahr als einziges echt binationales Team in Kooperation der School of Renewable Energy Technology SERT der Naresuan Universität (Thailand) und des Instituts für Regenerative EnergieSysteme IRES an der Fachhochschule Stralsund, unterstützt vom Haus der Wirtschaft Stralsund, regionalen deutschen und thailändischen Unternehmen und Verbänden. Im Anschluss an den ersten Start im Mai 2008 in Nogaro in Südfrankreich und seine Auswertung durch die damalige Fahrerin, die thailändische Master-Studentin Ms Titiporn, wurde für 2009 das Projekt ThaiGerII aufgelegt. Die zu erreichenden Ziele und Lösungsansätze stellte Prof. Luschtinetz gemeinsam mit Dr. Sukruedee bereits im Juli 2008 an der Naresuan-Universität in Bangkok vor. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Senkung des H2-Verbrauchs auf 33%, d.h. 0,1 Liter Normbenzin auf 100 km, um die durch das Reglement vorgegebene Wasserstoff-Limitierung zu erfüllen. Die spanische Fahrerin Maria del Pilar aus Valencia, die im vergangenen Semester einen Kurs „Regenerative Energien“ an der Fachhochschule Stralsund absolviert hat und jetzt ein weiteres Semester im Studiengang Maschinenbau eingeschrieben ist, arbeitet angespannt in ihrem neuen Rennwagen 4 Nun ist die Vorbereitung auf das Rennen abgeschlossen – jetzt kann der Wettkampf beginnen Teamleiterin Frau Dr. Sukruedee vom SERT formierte dann im November 2008 gemeinsam mit ihren deutschen Kollegen des Komplexlabors Alternative Energien in Stralsund das internationale Team, in dem Studenten, Schüler und Mitarbeiter aus Thailand, Spanien, Deutschland, Argentinien und der Schweiz mitarbeiten. Internationalität ist dabei nicht Selbstzweck, sondern motiviert umfassend – so erarbeiteten interessierte Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Stralsunder Region Detaillösungen und ermittelten Fahrzeugreferenzdaten, Studenten des Renewable Energy Courses wurden ins Team integriert und betreuten u.a. die Teilnehmer der 17. SpringSchool zur Automatisierung von Brennstoffzellensystemen. Die erreichten Verbesserungen am ThaiGerII sind gravierend – Roll- und Luftwiderstand konnten durch das Team um Dipl.-Ing. Paul Wendt und die Erfahrungen von Dipl.-Ing. Florencio Gamallo deutlich verringert werden. Die Brennstoffzellenleistung wird in einem breiten Einsatz- und Lastbereich durch eine von Steffen Kaufmann im Rahmen seiner Diplomarbeit entwickelte Mikroprozessorsteuerung sicher erreicht und das Zusammenspiel mit den Supercaps ist Dank der Arbeit von Ms Chatchai sichtlich verbessert. Die batteriegestützten Fahrtests am 1. Mai waren erfolgreich, so dass nun zielstrebig auf die technische und Sicherheitsabnahme am 6. Mai auf dem Lausitzring hingearbeitet wird. Ms Wirungrong, PhD-Studentin vom SERT aus Phitsanulok (Thailand) übernimmt für das Rennen die Teamleitung und ist gemeinsam mit der spanischen Studentin Maria del Pilar (Valencia) Fahrerin des ThaiGerII. Zum vierzehnköpfigen Rennteam auf dem Lausitzring zählen weiterhin vier Schülerinnen und Schüler von Schulen des Stralsunder Raums, vier deutsche Studenten, Mitarbeiter der FH Stralsund und Unternehmer J. Bornhöft. Dank der guten Unterstützung seitens der Werkstätten der FH Stralsund und des Hauses der Wirtschaft ist das ThaiGerII-Team optimistisch hinsichtlich des erfolgreichen Starts in dieser Woche. Nach inzwischen ersten eingetroffenen Nachrichten vom Lausitzring verlaufen seit Dienstagabend die letzten Vorbereitungen planmäßig und mussten eigentlich nur kurz aufgrund des schlechten Wetters unterbrochen werden. Wie Prof. Dr. Thomas Luschtinetz als Teamleiter mitteilte ist die Stimmung im Team hervorragend und alle warten sehnsüchtig auf den Beginn der Wettkämpfe. Besonders interessiert bei der Arbeit sind auch die beiden Schüler aus der Region Karl Senneke und Lisa Krüger, die im Rahmen eines Praktikums, das sie an der Fachhochschule Stralsund ableisten, an den Rennvorbereitungen teilgenommen haben und letztendlich auch mit auf dem Lausitzring zum Wettkampf waren. Stralsunder Hochschulanzeiger 1/2009 THAIGER II DER FH STRALSUND MIT HERVORRAGENDEN 0,1 LITER SUPER 96 AUF 100 KM UNTERWEGS … 100 m vor dem Ende der 5. Runde rollt der ThaiGer II nach dem Verbrauch von genau 58 Litern gasförmigem Wasserstoff am Samstag auf dem EuroSpeedway in der Lausitz aus. Damit gehört der von einem deutsch-thailändischen Studenten- und Schülerteam an der Fachhochschule Stralsund gebaute Brennstoffzellen-Rennwagen zur Klasse der 0,1-Liter-Fahrzeuge, denn mit einem Liter Super 96 hätte er hochgerechnet 1050 km erreicht. Entspannt helfen Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Miege und der Student Steffen Kaufmann der thailändischen Fahrerin Ms Wirungrong aus dem schnittigen Rennwagen. Hochkonzentriert haben sie und die spanische Zweitfahrerin Maria del Pilar während der vier Wertungsläufe die Reichweite schrittweise um 50% steigern können! Das entspricht Platz 28 in der Prototypen-Gesamtwertung, denn aufgrund der in den Regeln des Shell Eco-marathon verankerten Limitierung des Wasserstoffs müssen mindestens 1300 km für eine Platzierung der Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge erreicht werden. Für die Prototypen mit Verbrennungsmotor besteht diese Einschränkung nicht. Mit der Steigerung in der kooperativen Rennatmosphäre – Aceton, Sandpapier, Verrohrungsteile u.v.m. stellten u.a. Nachbarteams aus der Türkei, Rotterdam und Spanien zur Verfügung - konnte mit der 1000 km-Reichweite eine wichtige Schallmauer auf dem Weg zu einer Wertung durchbrochen werden. Diese wird aufgrund der noch möglichen Verbes- Jetzt geht’s los serungen im kommenden Jahr mit dem ThaiGer II erreichbar sein, stellte Teamkoordinator Dipl.-Ing. Paul Wendt nach dem Rennen fest. für einen Umbau der Wasserstoffversorgung im Rahmen des technischen Checks notwendigen Teile bereit gestellt werden. Die Platzierung unter den besten 30 Rennwagen Europas war nur durch die kollegiale Unterstützung der Werkstätten des Hauses der Wirtschaft Bildungszentrum Stralsund, der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau sowie Elektrotechnik und Informatik der Fachhochschule Stralsund und des Technikums Kraftwerkstechnik an der BTU Cottbus möglich. In Cottbus konnten dem Team am Donnerstag die Die Wasserstoffnutzung in der Mobilität und der stationären und mobilen Energieversorgung ist dabei ein wichtiger Forschungs- und Studienschwerpunkt der FH Stralsund im Institut für Regenerative EnergieSysteme und im Studiengang „Regenerative Energien- Elektrische Energiesysteme“, deren nachhaltige positive internationale Ausstrahlung auf die eigene Geschäftstätigkeit von einem der Hauptsponsoren im Gespräch auf dem Euro Speedway unterstrichen wurde. Das diesjährige ThaiGer II-Team stellt sich siegessicher den Fotografen Stralsunder Hochschulanzeiger 1/2009 Der Umzug von Nogaro (Südfrankreich) in die moderne Anlage in der Lausitz ist den Veranstaltern hervorragend gelungen – so haben sich die Arbeitsbedingungen deutlich verbessert. Mit etwas französischem Laissez-faire der Dienstleister und ausreichenden Internetzugängen für die studentischen Medien-Verantwortlichen der zweihundert startenden Teams wird die Veranstaltung in Zukunft weiter gewinnen. Diese heute einfach notwendige Infrastruktur könnte zukünftig über die nur 7 km entfernte Hochschule Lausitz in Senftenberg bereitgestellt werden, wie der Renn-Teamleiter des ThaiGer II Prof. Dr. Thomas Luschtinetz mit der Dekanin des Fachbereiches Informatik/Elektrotechnik/ Maschinenbau, Frau Prof. Lehmann, in Auswertung der ereignisreichen Renntage feststellte. 5 Vom H2-Racer zum ThaiGer II Kontrollierte Wasserstofferzeugung mittels Katalysator aus 5 mL Ameisensäure mehr als 3,2 L Wasserstoff bis zu 500 mL / h Wasserstoff aus Ameisensäure bei Raumtemperatur keine Reformierung notwendig Ameisensäure als Wasserstoffspeicher ! H2 - Racer 0,25 W aus 150 mL Wasserstoff / h 2 km/h ThaiGer I (2008) 360 W aus 210 L Wasserstoff / h Start beim Shell Eco Marathon im Mai 2008 in Nogaro Innovativ zum Shell Eco Marathon 2009 - Mit den beim ersten Start gesammelten Erfahrungen soll bis zum Mai 2009 ein neuer ThaiGer II entstehen: • innovativer Brennstoffzellenbetrieb mit H2 aus Ameisensäure / optional reiner H2 • geringerer Leistungsbedarf durch verbesserten Luftwiderstand und Mechanik; Datenerfassung und drahtlose Kommunikation zum Team ThaiGer II 120 W aus 70 L Wasserstoff / h (150 g Ameisensäure / h) • internationales Studenten- und Schülerteam der FH Stralsund, des Leibniz Instituts für Katalyse e.V. und der School of Renewable Energy Technology (Thailand) Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. Sponsoren gesucht ! Unterstützen Sie unser motiviertes Team ! an der Universität Kontakt: / Tel.: 03831 / 457 314Rostock (LIKAT) Albert-Einstein-Str. 29 A / Tel.: 0381 / 1281 174 18059 Rostock o. und bzw. Pupil-Project Hydrogen Model Truck Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Publications and public activities of the IRES / KAE-lab (choice) Publications 2009 o o o o o o Luschtinetz, T.; Lehmann, J.: Tagungsband 16. Symposium „Regenerative Energien u. Wasserstofftechnik (REGWA)“ 5.-7.11.2009, Fachhochschule Stralsund, ISBN 3-9809953-8-0 Weinrich, S., J. Liebetrau, M. Nelles, F. Scholwin, C. Wahmkow: Chances in Closed-Loop Process Control of the Anaerobic Digestion of Biomass, Orbit2009; 19th- 21st November 2009; China Agricultural University, Beijing Weinrich, Sören, Christine Wahmkow, Michael Nelles: Regelung einer Biogasanlage mit Hilfe neuronaler Netze und Fuzzy Logic; Energie- Symposiums 5.- 7.11.2009; FH Stralsund Steffenhagen, Birgit: Automatisierung eines PEM-Brennstoffzellensystems, atp Automatisierungstechnische Praxis 11/2009, oldenbourg-industrieverlag Miege, A.; Luschtinetz, T.; Wendt, P.; Kaufmann, S.; Sponholz, C.: Brennstoffzellen hybridisiert mit elektrischen Speichern, 16. Symposium REGWA, Fachhochschule Stralsund, 5.-7.11.2009 Vogel, T., M. Ahlhaus, M. Barz “Optimisation of biogas production from grass by dry-wet fermentation”; Plenarvortrag im Rahmen der 8th Int. Scientific Conference: Engineering for Rural Development; Jelgava, Latvia, 28.-29.5.2009 XIX. Symposium Research–Education-Technology, Bremen, 24.-25. September 2009: o Ahlhaus, M. „Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) – Actual Projects and Possibilities for Cooperation“ o Rinck, W. Some Simple Experiments with Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) in Measurement Technic o Borchert, U.; Szymczyk, J.: High Temperature Flow Control for Combustion Chamber test Bench o Beckmann, W. Hythan-Betrieb von Blockheizkraftwerken, XIX. Symposium Research – Education-technology o Schilling, O.; Schünemann, G. Effizienz von Regenerativen Energiequellen bei der Wärme- und Kälteversorgung von Gebäuden o Borchert, Szymczyk: Gasturbinen in der dezentralen Energieversorgung o o o o o o o o Vogel, T, M. Ahlhaus: Nutzung von Landschaftspflegematerial in Biogasanlagen. 3. Forum Bioenergie, Rostock: 15.10.2009 Ahlhaus, M. Riga: Interdisciplinary Education of Engineers. Int. Conference der Riga Technical University, 16.10.2009 Ahlhaus, M.: Renewable Energies in Germany – Education, Research and Fields of Cooperation; Kaliningrad, 21.10.2009, 7. Internationalen Konferenz "Innovationen in der Wirtschaft und in der Bildung" der Technischen Universität Kaliningrad Gamallo, F.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C. u.a.: The ENERTRAG Hybrid Power Plant, 16. Symposium REGWA, Fachhochschule Stralsund, 5.-7.11.2009. Luschtinetz, Th.: Hybridization, Development and Use of small PEMFCs in Power Supply Units; Seminar on Future of Fuel Cell Research and Development, School of Renewable Energy Technologies (SERT)/ Naresuan University Phitsanulok (Thailand), 24.9.2009. Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.; Gamallo, F. u.a.: Change of Wind Power into Prognosticated Current and Zero Emission Fuel; EPS Symposium on Wind Energy, IPP Greifswald 13./14.10.2009. Steffenhagen, B., T. Luschtinetz, A. Miege: Automatisierung & Optimierung eines PEMBrennstoffzellensystems, AALE 2009 / Berlin, 19.02.2009 Luschtinetz, Th.; Miege, A.; Kaufmann, S.: Project ThaiGer II – story, results, future; FH Stralsund, 14.5.2009; Naresuan University Phitsanulok (Thailand) 24.09.2009, King Mongkut´s University of Technology Thonburi/ Bangkok, 28.9.2009. Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 39 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies o o Bauch, H.-F.; Luschtinetz, Th.: Education and research in the field of renewable energies at the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund and its Institute of Renewable Energy Systems IRES. FURB Blumenau (Brasilien), 25.6.2009; SENAI Blumenau (Brasilien), 26.6.2009; Universidad National de Asuncion (Paraguay), 30.06.2006; Univesidad Catolica de Asuncion (Paraguay), 1.7.2009; Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentinien), 4.7.2009. Barz, M.: Research, Education & Innovation at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences in the Field of Renewable Energy Technologies, Vietnam-German Workshop on Renewable Energies, Hanoi University of Technology (HUT), 16.10.2009. Publications 2008 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Luschtinetz, T; Lehmann, J.: Tagungsband 15. Symposium „Regenerative Energien und Wasserstofftechnik (REGWA)“, Fachhochschule Stralsund 2008, ISBN 3-9809953-8-0 Olejnik, T.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T.: Solarthermie200Plus. Final report, subproject Fachhochschule Stralsund, Dezember 2008. Barz, Mirko: Biomass Technology for Electricity Generation in Community, IIRE International Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 3 No. 1, January 2008, ISSN 1905-7172 Gamallo, F.; …: Elektrolyse als Mittel zur Vergleichmäßigung der Einspeisung am Beispiel von Windstrom, 4. Deutscher Wasserstoffkongress, Essen, 19.-21.02.2008 Bauch, H.-F.: Renewable Energies taught in English in the North-East of Germany, International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED, Valencia, 3th – 5th March, 2008 Lehmann, J.; : The storage of Wind Electricity in a large scale, 3rd PWEA Conference, Warszawa (Poland), 11. – 12.03.2008 Lehmann, J.; Gamallo, F.; Olejnik, T.: H2 as a sustainable fuel – Use of renewable energy and storing of electricity, ERGAL-Workshop, 5. – 9.05.2008 Guayaquil (Ecuador) Bauch, H. F.: ERASMUS Intensive Programme AMES FH Stralsund, in: Erasmus - Mobility creates opportunities – European success stories; Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2008 Luschtinetz, T.+O.; Lehmann, J.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.; Wagner, S.; Newi, G.; Wenske, M.; th Gamallo, F.: Wind electricity changed into prognosticated power and zero-emission fuel, 17 World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Brisbane / Australia, 22.-26.06.2008 Barz, Mirko: Sewage sludge from waste water treatment as energy source, IIRE International Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 3 No. 2, June 2008, ISSN 1905-7172 Lehmann, J.; Olejnik, T.; Gamallo, F.: Wasserstofftechnik, solare Klimatisierung und Meerwasserentsalzung – Stabilisierung von Energiesystemen, Intensivkurs an der Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), 27.- 29.08.2008, Guayaquil (Ecuador) Barz, M.; Ahlhaus, M.; Wichtmann, W.; Timmermann,T. : Production and Energetic Utilization of Biomass from Rewetted Peatlands, Heat & Power and Thermal Physics; Scientific Proc. of Riga Technical University, p.48 ff. Riga 2008, ISSN 1691-5054 Vogel, T.; Barz, M.; Ahlhaus, M.: Dry-Wet Fermentation for Biogas Production, Heat & Power and Thermal Physics; Scientific Proc. of Riga Technical University, p.68 ff. Riga 2008, ISSN 1691-5054 Miege, A.; …: Use of Electrolysers in Hybrid Power Plants for a prognosticated feeding-in of Wind Energy, 12th Int. Symposium Heat Transfer and Renewable Sources of Energy (HTRSE), Miedzyzdroje, 11.-14.09.2008, ISBN 978-83-7457-055-8 Luschtinetz, T.; Steffenhagen, B.; Miege, A.; Krause, S.: Automation and Optimization of PEM Fuel Cell Systems, 12th Int. Symposium HTRSE, Miedzyzdroje 2008 Vogel, T.; Ahlhaus, M.; Barz, M.: Optimisation of biogas production from herbaceaous Biomass substrates by dry-wet fermentation, 12th Int. Symp. HTRSE, Miedzyzdroje 2008 Ahlhaus,M.; Barz, M.; Wulf, A.: Use of biomass from re-wetted peatlands for heat and power production, 12th Int. Symposium HTRSE, Miedzyzdroje 2008 Luschtinetz, T.; …: Hybrid Power Plants for a Prognosticated Feeding-in of Wind Energy, International Congress H2-Expo Hamburg, 22./23.10.2008 Wulf, A.; Wichtmann, W.; Barz, M. Ahlhaus, A.: Energy Biomass from rewetted peatlands for combined heat and power generation, 15. Sympoium REGWA, Stralsund, 6.-8.11.2008 Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T. + O.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.: Hydrogen for Electricity supply, X. TEVK Conference, 13.11.2008, Tartu (Estonia) Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 40 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies o o o Mansiri, K.; Luschtinetz, T.; Barz, M.: Performance Test of a Stirling Engine, Proceedings of the 1st Thailand Renewable Energy Community Configuration conference, 15.–16.12.2008, Phitsanulok (Thailand) Ahlhaus, M.: Bioenergy – the exceptional Renewable Energy; Common conf. of European Physical Society and Societe Francaise des Physique, Les Houches, France, 1.-5.6.2008 Ahlhaus, M.: Situation of Renewable Energy in Germany – actual projects at Fachhochschule Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, International Symposium Research – Education – Technolgy, Gdanzk, Poland, 26.6.2008 Training Courses x Bauch, H.-F.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T., Miege, A.; Sponholz, C. u.a.: 14th / 15th International SpringSchool Stralsund, DOHES - Design and Operation of Hydrogen Aided Energy Systems, FH Stralsund / FB ETI, 19.-29.4.2006; 17.-28.4.2007 x Bauch, H.-F.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T., Miege, A.; Sponholz, C. u.a.: 16th - 18th International SpringSchool Stralsund, AMES – Automation and Modeling of FC-based Energy Systems, FH Stralsund / FB ETI, 14.-26.4.2008 / 14.-27.4.2009 / April 2010. x Ahlhaus, M.; Wulf, A.: Heating with wood / pellets, Teaching Seminars KAE / Handwerkskammer Stralsund, 16.1. 2007, 18.1.2007, 24.4.2007 x Miege, A.; Last, M.; Jungmichel, D.; Steffenhagen, B.: WINCC-Automation of Renewable Energy Systems, FH Stralsund, FB ETI/KAE, 2 Kurse a 20h, 26.3.-21.5.2007. x Bauch, H.-F.; Luschtinetz, T., Cremer, R., Steffenhagen, B., Rossmanek, P. u.a.: Stralsund SummerSchool - Modern Technologies - Plasma / Renewables Energies / Mobility, FH Stralsund, 1.-6.9.2008 / 24.-26.8. 2009 Exhibitions / Events Hannover-Messe Industrie 2006 (Hannover Fair Industry), Komplexlabor / FH Stralsund as Hydrogen Ambassador Team Germany 1, Hannover, 24.-28.4.2006. Long Night of Science Rostock 2006 / 2007 / 2008 KAE / Institute for Catalysis Rostock, 27.4.2006./ 26.4.2007 / 24.4.2008 European Biomass-Day of Regions, 29.09.2006, KAE. Day of German Unity, 2./3.10.2006, Kiel; 2./3.10.2007, Schwerin. Day of Ideas – KAE-lab as a place in federal initiative „Germany, Land of Ideas“ 10.04.2007. 7. Technologietag der Region Rostock, KAE im LiKat an der Uni Rostock, 5.12.2007. Race car ThaiGer – Shell Eco-marathon, Team 213, 19.05. – 26.05.2008, Nogaro(France) ThaiGer – presentations: 13.6.2008 (Rostock), 5./6.7.2008 (Wolfsburg), 26.10.2008 (Rostock) Race car ThaiGerII – Shell Eco-marathon, Team 227, 7.-9.05.2009, EuroSpeedway Lausitz (Germany) Race car team ThaiGer-H2-Racing – Shell Eco-marathon Europe, Team 221, 5.-7.05.2010, EuroSpeedway Lausitz (Germany) – 16th of hydrogen prototypes ThaiGer-H2-Racing presentations, Greifswald 25.6.2009 and 15.10.2009, Stralsund – Ozeaneum 7.7.2009, 16th REGWA Stralsund 5./6.11.2009, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Hamburg, 7.11.2009. Research and training in hydrogen technology at FH Stralsund, presentation at ENERTRAG hybrid power plant - starting ceremony, Prenzlau 21.4.2009hibition Wahmkow, Ch.; IP 2009 Groningen „Zukunft der Energie in Europa“ vom 18.10.- 31.10.2009 Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 41 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies Publications (choice) 2001 - 2007 o Beckmann, W.; Katke, H.-J.; Sponholz, C.:Prozessüberwachung und –regelung bei kleinen Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen. In: Meyer-Fujara, J. (Hrsg.): Wiss. Schriftenreihe der Fachhochschule Stralsund, Nr. 2: Regenerative Energien, Fachhochschule Stralsund, Stralsund, 2001, 15 – 22. o Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T.; Grossmann, U.-P.: Experiences during the development of a monitoring system for the filling state of metal hydride storage vessels. Hypothesis IV, Stralsund, 9.-14.9.2001. o Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T.: The progres in fuel cell technology, 5th Intern. Conference UEES´01, 5.-8.9.2001, Szczecin and Miedzyzdroje, Poland. o Lehmann, J.; Menzl, F.; Luschtinetz, T.: The Wind – Hydrogen – Fuel Cell Chain, 14th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2002. o Lehmann, J.; Menzl, F.; Luschtinetz, T.: Wind energy use, hydrogen storage and fuel cell application, Conf. Heat Transfer and Renewable Sources of Energy, Miedzyzdroje 2002. o Beckmann, W.; Tiede, W; Katke, H.-J.; Sponholz, C.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Nutzung von Erdgas-Wasserstoff-Gemischen in Verbrennungsmotoren, Proceedings of 3rd Dessau Gas Engine Conference, May 2003. o Lehmann, J.; Menzl, F.; Luschtinetz, T. und 0.; Sponholz, C.: Hydrogen Energy – Stationary, Portable, Mobile, Hypothesis V, Porto Conte, Sept. 2003, S. 763 – 765. o Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T.; Miege, A.: Sponholz, C.: Uninterruptible Electricity Supply via Hydrogen – The Zeroemission Energy Island, 6th Intern. Conf. Unconv. Electromech. and Electrical Systems, Alushta / Ukraine, 2004. o Lehmann, J., T. Luschtinetz, A. Miege, C. Sponholz: Emergency Electricity Supply with PEM Fuel Cell Modules, 10th Intern.Symp. Heat Transfer and Renewable Sources of Energy, p. 269 – 274, Miedzyzdroje / Poland , Sep. 2004. o Lehmann, J. u.a.: Hydrogen Based Uninterruptible Energy Supply for Single Houses. 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Yokohama, Juli 2004. o Sponholz, C., Miege, A., Luschtinetz, T., Lehmann, J.: Operating Behaviour of Connected NEXATM-Modules for Power Supply. Hypothesis VI, Cuba 2005. o Lehmann J.; Miege A.; Sponholz C.; Luschtinetz T.: Operating Methods of a cascaded Fuel Cell System. 2nd European Hydrogen Energy Conf. Zaragoza, Spain, 22.11.-25.11.2005 o Lehmann, J.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.; Luschtinetz, O.; Sandlaß, H.: Wasserstoff – Medium zur Speicherung von regenerativ erzeugter Elektroenergie, Untersuchungen zur Netzkapazität, Infrastruktur und Wirtschaftlichkeit in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Studie des IFEU e.V. an der FH Stralsund für das Wirtschaftsministerium M/V, 2004 – 2005. o Ahlhaus, M., Barz, M. (Editors): Proceedings 2nd Int. Baltic Bioenergy Conference; Stralsund, 2.-4.11.2006, ISBN 3-9809953-3-X o Ahlhaus, M., Barz, M.: Ergebnisse von Prüfstandsuntersuchungen zur vergleichenden Verbrennung von unterschiedlichen festen Biobrennstoffen. Int. Conference Heat Transfer and renewable sources of energy, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 13.-16.9.2006. o Ahlhaus, M.; Barz, M.; Kunze, M.; Nielsen, H.: Combustion and gasification experiments with woody biomass from southern Norway. 2nd Int. Baltic Bioenergy Conf.; Stralsund 2006. o He, Jingdong; Song, Wenli; Gao, Shiqiu; Dong, Li; Barz, Mirko; Li, Jingha; Lin, Weigang: Experimental study of the reduction mechanisms of NO emission in decoupling combustion of coal; Fuel Processing Technology 87 (2006) 803 – 810. o Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz O. u. T.; Miege, A.; Sandlaß, H.; Sponholz, C.: Smooth feeding-in of wind energy via Hydrogen. 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Lyon / France, o Miege, A.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz 0. & T.; Sandlaß, H.; Sponholz, C.: Back-up power for wind farms via hydrogen. 11th International Symposium Heat Transfer and Renewable Sources of Energy, Miedzyzdroje / Poland , Sep. 2006. Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 42 Research and teaching in the field of renewable energies o Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz 0. & T.: Wind electricity changed into steady current and zero emission fuel – Energy storage by Hydrogen. 5th International Wind Energy Conference, New Delhi / India 6.-8.11.2006. o Deibel, A.; Luschtinetz, T.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.; Steffenhagen, B.: Fuel Cells and FCSystems in Development and Training. Intern. Congress H2-Expo, Hamburg, 25./26.10.2006. o Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 14th Symposium REGWA, 8.-10.11.2007, FH Stralsund, ISBN 3-9809953-6-4 o Lehmann, J, …: Wind-Hydrogen Systems. Key Note, Proc. 2nd National Congress/ 1st Ibero American Congress Hydrogen and Renewable Energies, Posadas, June 2007. o o o Ahlhaus, M.: Small Scale Biomass Technology for Combined Heat and Power Production; Barz, M.: Biomass Technology for Electricity Generation in Community; Luschtinetz, T.: Application of Fuel Cells for Electricity Generation; Renewable Energy Seminar for Electricity Generation in Community, Pitsanulok / Thailand 24.-25.09.2007. o Gamallo, F.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, O. u. T.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.: Hydrogen Production as a Suitable Alternative for Grid-balancing. Proc. 6th World Wind Energy Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina, Oct. 2007. o J. Lehmann: Energy Stored in Hydrogen. Proc. 6th WWEC, Mar del Plata, Oct. 2007. o Gamallo, F.; Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, O. u. T.; Miege, A.; Sponholz, C.: Wind power stabilization by means of water electrolysis. 14. Symp. REGWA, Stralsund, Nov. 2007. o Plantikow, U.; Huß, R.; Lehmann, J.: An improved seawater desalination plant as a selfstoring part of a sustainable island supply for electricity. 14. Symp. REGWA, Stralsund, Nov. 2007. o Vogel, T.; Barz, M.; Ahlhaus, M: Ein kombiniertes Trocken-Nassfermentationsverfahren zur Produktion von Biogas auf der Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe. FH Stralsund, 14. Symposium REGWA, 8.-10.11.2007. o Steffenhagen, B.; Luschtinetz, T.; Miege, A.: Optimierung des Kühlkreislaufs eines PEMBrennstoffzellensystems. FH Stralsund, 14. Symposium REGWA, 8.-10.11.2007. o Barz, M.; Wichtmann, W.; Ahlhaus, A. Timmermann, T.: Utilization of Common Reed as Energy Source, Proceedings of the 15. European Bioenergy Conf., Berlin, 7.–11.05.2007 o Lehmann, J.; Luschtinetz, T. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 13th Symposium REGWA, 2.-4.11.2006, FH Stralsund, ISBN 3-9809953-2-1 Fachhochschule Stralsund / IRES page 43 J. Lehmann, T.& O. Luschtinetz, A. Miege, C. Sponholz 1 S. Wagner, G. Newi, M. Wenske, F. Gamallo 2 1 Laboratory for Integrated Energy Systems – University of Applied Sciences Stralsund – Zur Schwedenschanze 15 – D 18435 Stralsund – Germany 2 ENERTRAG AG – D 17291 Dauerthal – Germany E-mail: Abstract In the north-eastern German territory, more than 30% of the consumed electricity is produced by wind turbines, but the capacity of the grids is limited. The project of ENERTRAG AG uses hydrogen as an energy carrier to supply the grid with firm, prognosticated power by a wind farm: the electrolyser works as a variable consumer of wind power, in case of the wind exceeds the expected speed, otherwise a reconversion of the hydrogen in a CHP unit delivers the lacking capacity. Intelligent coupling with a biogas power plant enlarges the feasible difference between prognosticated and real wind power, or turns the focus to fuel delivery. The modelization of the different operation modes, based on wind power registers of past years, shows the benefit of the system – a drastic reduction of the unavailability of the system in relation to the predicted power production. Power (MW) Integration of wind energy real wind power State of the art are wind farms with a number of features like conventional power plants. So the installed control power reserve in Germany (7.000 MW) was nearly constant in the last few years, although the wind energy feeding increased steadily and reached an installed windpower capacity of more than 22.000 MW in 2006, equivalent to a 25% of the grid load. Extreme situations like Kyrill storm with its speed of more than 200 km/h illustrate two problems: Current export causes an overload situation in neighboring regions and the wind power prediction error may reach with 7.000 MW the level of German control power reserve – normally the real small prediction error causes a well balanced control power (Fig. I, source: – Windblatt 3/2006). control power balance One week in April 2004 Fig. I Integration of wind energy in the E.on-grid Potential of variable power electrolysis Fig. II: Classic structure of a hydrogen-based balancing system The main problem in grid stability is to predict and manage not only the variable demand, but also the increasing renewable supply. For this, wind farms should at first work with a predictable power production. Possible systems using a hydrogen storage loop with (wind)-electrolysis, pressure storage and fuel cell reconversion are const-intensive and demand a cost relation of standard electricity and back-up power of 1:30. The stabilisation range of this structure (Fig. II) is limited by the electrolyser power in the case of excesses (without pitching) and by the CHP nominal power on opposite site. Both limitations demand improvements in two ways: Extension of the stabilisation range and fulfilment of additional tasks like short time grid balancing and hydrogen production. Extended hybrid power plant The German ENERTRAG AG started the design and construction of an industrial-sized windhydrogen plant, aimed to balance the fluctuations of the electricity generated by a wind farm before entering the main grid, and also producing hydrogen, oxygen and heat for internal consumption. The basic plant consists of three wind turbines of 2 MW and an electrolyser of 500 kW (Fig. II). The extension of the working range is done by means of adding a 400 kW Biogas CHP and a special reconversion CHP (400 kW) with a usable gas mixture of hydrogen and biogas up to 30% biogas (Fig. III). Fig. III: Extended hybrid power plant This extended hybrid power plant permits different options for energy supply: (1) Power generation with the target power value following the wind power prediction, for a real, instantaneous fluctuating wind power bandwidth of 30% (2) Base power generation, defined by the CHP reconversion capacity (10% of installed wind power) (3) Hydrogen production on demand using the hydrogen storage capacity of 1350 kg (4) Grid stabilisation, using the bandwidth of (1), included the non-steady operation control of the electrolyser and the aspects of the production of hydrogen on demand (3) First of all, the non-steady operation of electrolyser has to be studied and field-tested. Then the ability of the plant for running in the discussed operation modes will be evaluated. Fachhochschule Stralsund Zur Schwedenschanze 15 D-18435 Stralsund Zentrale Fon +49 3831/455 Fax +49 3831/45 680 Pforec - wind forecast Pv4 - used wind power Pv6 - H2-CHP Pava Pv5 Pv1 - real wind power Ptarget - target power - electrolyser power tank - hydrogen storage - biogas-CHP Calculations based on predicted and real wind data sets of the past years have shown, that the expected effects of the extended hybrid power plant, when working with an optimised target value, are effectively attainable (Fig. IV). Under working mode (1), the unavailability of the plant, for a given predicted wind power curve went down from 16% to values lower than 1%. The use of the available wind resource increased from 92 % up to 96 % and the electrolyser use factor is around 16 %. Fig. IV Daily cycle of wind use, tank content and grid feed-in (Ptarget) praxis verstehen — chancen erkennen — zukunft gestalten understanding reality — facing challenges — creating future supported by: Sewage-project Matthias Hinz Andre Deibel Andreas Miege Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Lehmann jochen.lehmann@fh-stralsund. de Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Luschtinetz Christian Sponholz Island Ruden in the South of Rügen Laboratory for Integrated Energy Systems FH-Stralsund Alkaline Electrolyser FH-Stralsund Representatives Institut für Energie und Umwelt Pictures (LTR.) D- 18435 Stralsund Zur Schwedenschanze 15 Komplexlabor Alternative Energien Fachhochschule Stralsund Address Contact Autarkic energy project supported by: praxis verstehen — chancen erkennen — zukunft gestalten understanding reality — facing challenges — creating future Autarkic Consumption Hannover Fair’06 Controlled Team Germany I Energy Supplies fachhochschule stralsund university of applied sciences Based only on regenerative energies No further energy input necessary Stand-alone application Non-polluting – – – – AUTARKIC ENERGY WIND-SOLAR-HYDROGEN into hydrogen via electrolysis. In case of power requirements sensitive regions. Energy output in two forms – – Wind energy is refined – Independence of grid situation and wind energy input (electricity and fuel) Support of the grid – fed into the grid in the form of back-up power. within the grid, hydrogen is reconverted into electricity, which is In times of strong winds the surplus of wind energy is converted natural wind energy yield from the power requirements. to these problems. It investigates the possibility to uncouple the Our study tackles the mentioned issues and highlights a solution is marginal and therefore the concept is adequate for innovative components the impact on the environment the island is necessary. For that reason and due to the ruptible energy supply. No further energy import onto hydrogen provide the basis for an autarkic uninter- A wind and a solar generator in combination with energy of a 2-axle-tracking solar plant. The oxygen is are produced here by electrolysis with the help of the renewable energies in use! Oxygen and hydrogen „Fischland-Darss-Zingst” the National Park Zero-emission fuel-cell bus runs in “Waste” product hydrogen is also used the gases on the spot at the sewerage plant Generation and consumption of valuation of the sewerage plant Ecologically reasonable re- praxis verstehen — chancen erkennen — zukunft gestalten understanding reality — facing challenges — creating future – – – – cations can refuel at the service station. dings. But also other users of hydrogen driven appli- driven Midi bus in the town of Barth and its surroun- The “waste” product hydrogen is used by a fuel cell SEWERAGE PLANT SOLAR-HYDROGEN-OXYGEN sold at a service station. times of peak loads in summer. And the hydrogen is because of the rising number of wind turbines. - an innovative concept. used to activate cell cultures of the sewerage plant in grid. In the future the grid situation will get even more critical is completely based on renewable energy sources The sewerage plant of Barth is a unique example of OF THE ELECTRICAL GRID Wind power causes an increasing overload within the electrical The autarkic energy supply on the small island Ruden P R O J E C T III WIND-HYDROGEN-SUPPORT P R O J E C T II P R O J E CT I XXXFOFSHZOFU QVCMJTIJOEVTUSZ7FSMBH(NC) "VTHBCF XFFL .3,5&]453"5&(*&/]5&$)/*,];6,6/'5 4JMJ[JVN%àOOTDIJDIU (BTFGàSEFO)FSTUFM MVOHTQSP[FTT 4FJUF %*&%*(*5"-&;&*56/( &OFSHJFFGGJ[JFO[ -ÚTVOHFONJU&OFSHJF FJOTQBSQPUFO[JBM4FJUF *OOPWBUJWF1SPEVLUF /FVJHLFJUFOBVGEFS )BOOPWFS.FTTF4FJUF ,63;,/"11 &OFSHZFSTUNBMT 2VFMMF,,MPU[QJ NJUFJHFOFN4UBOEBVG EFS)BOOPWFS.FTTF *OGPSNJFSFO4JFTJDI àCFSXFJUFSF1SPEVL UFWPO&OFSHZVOE RVBMJGJ[JFSFO4JFTJDIGàS VOTFSF1SJOU"VTHBCFO 2VFMMF3ÚNFS&OFSUSBH "VGEFS).*NJUFJHFOFN 4UBOE)BMMF# ,PPQFSBUJPOWFSFJO CBSUàCFSEJFHFNFJO TBNF&OUXJDLMVOHWPO 8JOEQSPKFLUFOVOE EFO"VGCBVWPO&S[FV HVOHTLBQB[JUÊUFOIB CFO&O#8VOE/PSEFY )ZCSJELSBGUXFSL(SVOETUFJOHFMFHU*OEFS6DLFSNBSLFOUTUFIUFJO,SBGUXFSL EBTTCFEBSGTHFSFDIU4USPNBVTFSOFVFSCBSFO&OFSHJFOFS[FVHFOTPMM"VTàCFSTDIàTTJHFN8JOETUSPN XJSE8BTTFSTUPGGIFSHFTUFMMUEFSBVDIJN7FSLFISTTFLUPS"OXFOEVOHGJOEFOTPMM.FISBVG4FJUF *OEVTUSJF 45"3,&)&--*(,&*5"6',-&*/&3'-$)& &%-&4."5&3*"-'Ã3#*0("4"/-"(& -JDIUTUBSLF-&%NJUXFOJH7FSCSBVDI 'FSNFOUFSBVT&EFMTUBIM 2VFMMF0TSBN 1SP[FOU IFMMFS BMT EJF 4UBOEBSE"VTGÛISVOH TUSBIMF EJF PQUJNJFSUF -&% "EWBODFE 1PXFS 5PQ-&%1MVTWPO0TSBN 0QUP 4FNJDPOEVDUPST 0QUJNJFSUF-&%TFU[U,BOUFO -JOJFOPEFS'MÊDIFOJO4[FOF %JF-JDIUBVTCFVUFCFUSB HF CJT [V MN8 6O UFSTDIJFEMJDIF 8FJUÕOF WPOCJT,MBT TFWFSTDIJFEFOF8FJFJO ESÛDLFWPOXBSNXFJCJT LBMUXFJ SFBMJTJFSFO %JF -&% TFJ TQF[JGJ[JFSU GÛS FJOF "OTDIMVTTMFJTUVOH CJT[V8&OUTUFIFOEF 8ÅSNFXFSEFÛCFS(VMM 8JOH"OTDIMÛTTFBOEFO ,POUBLUUSÅHFS VOE EJF -FJUFSQMBUUFBCHFMFJUFU4P LPNNF NBO PIOF BVG XFOEJHFT UIFSNJTDIFT .BOBHFNFOUBVTի 'ÛS FJOF EFS OBDI #F USFJCFSBOHBCFO HSÕUFO #JPHBTBOMBHFO EFS 8FMU MJFGFSU 5IZTTFO ,SVQQ /JSPTUB OJDIU SPTUFOEFO &EFMTUBIMGÛS'FSNFO 2VFMMF5IZTTFO,SVQQ/JSPTUB %FS )FSNFT "XBSE HFIUBO7PJUI5VSCP8JOE "VTHF[FJDIOFUXVSEFEBT 6OUFSOFINFOGàSFJONF DIBUSPOJTDIFT"OUSJFCTTZT UFNEBT[VSIPDIEZOBNJ TDIFO %SFI[BIMSFHFMVOH JO 8JOEFOFSHJFBOMBHFO FJOHFTFU[U XJSE 8FJUFSF OPNJOJFSUF &OFSHJFUIF NFO XBSFO FJO IZESP TUBUJTDIFT SFHFOFSBUJWFT #SFNTTZTUFN WPO #PTDI 3FYSPUI VOE FJO ÚMGSFJFS 5VSCPLPNQSFTTPS NJU WB SJBCMFS%SFI[BIMWPO$PN QBJS%SVDLMVGUUFDIOJL )FSNFT"XBSE #JPHBT#FUSJFCEFSFSTUFO "HHSFHBUFGàS"VHVTUHFQMBOU UFS EJF .FUFS IPDI TJOE VOE FJOFO %VSDI NFTTFS WPO .FUFSO IBCFO%BT.BUFSJBMFOU [JFIF EFO BHHSFTTJWFO 4UPGGFO JN *OOFSFO EFS 'FSNFOUFS KFHMJDIF "O HSJGGTGMÅDIF%FS)FL UBS HSPF #JPHBT1BSL EFS EFS[FJU WPO 8FMUFD #JPQPXFSJO,ÕOOFSOCFJ )BMMF 4BDITFO"OIBMU FSSJDIUFU XJSE TPMM OBDI EFS'FSUJHTUFMMVOH.JM MJPOFO,VCJLNFUFSBVGCF SFJUFUFT#JPNFUIBOJOEBT &SEHBTOFU[FJOTQFJTFOի #3"/$)& "VTHBCFFOFSHZXFFL &JO#MJDLJOEJFv&ö[JFO[4DIBU[LJTUFi 4POEFSTDIBV*OEVTUSJFMMF&OFSHJFFGGJ[JFO[JOGPSNJFSUàCFS&OFSHJFFJOTQBSQPUFO[JBMF 2VFMMF,,MPU[QJ 8FSJNWFSHBOHFOFO+BIS EFO &GGJ[JFO[UVOOFM JO )BMMFCFTJDIUJHUFLPOO UF BC VOE BO 1SPNJOFOUF MJWF FSMFCFO "VDI JO EJF TFN +BIS TPMM EJF 4POEFS TDIBVt&OFSHJFFGGJ[JFO[JO JOEVTUSJFMMFO1SP[FTTFOiJO )BMMFBN4UBOE#FJO #FTVDIFSNBHOFU XFSEFO *N 3BINFO JISFT .FT TFSVOEHBOHT IBU HFTUFSO TDIPO #VOEFTLBO[MFSJO FO ;BIM BO SFBMJTJFSUFO &OFSHJFFGGJ[JFO[QSPKFLUFO CFTPOEFSTIFSBVTSBHFOEF #FJTQJFMFBVTHFXÅIMUVOE QSÅTFOUJFSFOTJFBMT3FGF SFO[QSPKFLUF &JO'BCSJLNPEFMMNBDIU TJDIBMT'PUPNPUJWTJDIFS HVU)BUFTBVDI1SBYJT CF[VH %BT .PEFMM EBT XJS IB CFO CBVFO MBTTFO JTU OJDIU JSHFOEFJOF t1IBO UBTJFBOMBHFi #BZFS VOE #BZFS 5FDIOPMPHZ 4FS WJDFTIBCFOVOTTFISXFJU JO JISF t4DIBU[LJTUFi CMJ DLFO MBTTFO VOE FT VOT FSNÕHMJDIUFJOF#JPFUIB OPM"OMBHF OBDI 0SJHJ OBMQMÅOFO [V CBVFO "O EJFTFN .PEFMM LÕOOFO TFIS HFOBV EJF &OFSHJF FJOTQBSQPUFO[JBMF BVGHF [FJHUXFSEFO%BTJOUFSFT TBOUFBOEJFTFS"OMBHFJTU EBTT JO JIS TPXPIM 1SP [FTTBMTBVDI'FSUJHVOHT BVUPNBUJPO [VN &JOTBU[ LPNNU 'BDICFTVDIFSXFSEFOPGU WFSUJFGFOEF 'SBHFO TUFM MFOXPMMFO8PGJOEFOTJF "OTQSFDIQBSUOFS 4JF GJOEFO BN 4UBOE EJF 'BDIMFVUF EFS BVTTUFMMFO EFO'JSNFOEJF"OTQSFDI QBSUOFSEFS3FGFSFO[QSP KFLUFEJF7FSCÅOEF;7&* VOE 7%." 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