interaction + product design
interaction + product design
Eric Ringard Portfolio interaction + product design Eric Ringard Contact design student spark generator 09/2012 - present currently in semester 3 of 4 Technical University Delft - Design for Interaction Delft, Netherlands Bachelor 03/2008 - 02/2012 University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Gestaltung) Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, Germany - Student of Product Design (Bachelor of Arts in 02/2011) Experience (internship) 04/2011 - 08/2011 Internship @ Vapor Studio, Encinitas,CA, USA Assisting brand & lifestyle projects for clients as: Alpinestars, Scosche, Adidas Golf Exchange semester 08/2010 - 12/2010 Exchange Semester in Industrial Design at the Istituto Tecnológico (TEC), Cartago, Costa Rica Experience (internship) 04/2010 - 07/2010 Internship @ Luis Eslava Studio, Valencia, Spain Assisting multidisciplinary projects for partners like: Almerich, LZF, Vialis, Hat Gallery - Valencia Otrascosas de Villarosás - Barcelona School 09/1995 - 07/2005 Hans-Leinberger-Gymnasium , Landshut, Germany - Abitur (general qualification for university entrance) other jobs 07/2009 - 08/2009 Employee at Poly-Tools Bennewart GmbH, Donsieders - Various tasks in internal storage depot reorganization 10/2006 - 01/2007 Employee at Jungheinrich GmbH, Moosburg, Germany - Various technical tasks in of pre-assembly-line work 10/2005 - 07/2007 Alternative Civilian Service at VIF e.V, Munich Society for Self-Determination and Integration of People with Disabilities or other Social Disadvantages - Worked as personal assistant of a physically disabled student in his everyday life Tech Specs +31 636 301 902 Current location Schijflaan 20, 2625KG Delft, Netherlands Born on March 25th 1985 in Poway, CA, USA Nationality United States of America, Federal Republic of Germany Languages English German Compadible with InDesign CS6 Illustrator CS6 Photoshop CS6 Acrobat XIi Logic Studio 8 Audacity Rhinoceros 4.10 SolidWorks 2010 Bunkspeed Hypershot Works MS office various prototyping apps Arduino (basic) machine sewing CNC milling machine forming 3D-printing laser-cutting vacuum forming varnishing Prototyping skills worked with so far Things I enjoy woods metals plastics silicone clays (native) (native) Spanish French (basics) (basics) glas urethane foams gypsum fabrics papers travelling, meeting new people, spontaneity, liveliness, nature, art, music, plants & garden, cooking, priceless situations, cookies Background Master of Science Paper Prototype: Material Library Applied skills and techniques: Spinal Pack Sample Cubes Cut & Fold Carton material related machine forming (woods, plastics, metals, silicone) Concept: Two sheets of carton form a freely formable and safe packaging system intended for transport and display. 2-Touch Messenger Bag Applied skills and techniques: Prototype Neoprene machine sewing Touch surface Gypsum mold casting Silicone forming Concept: Creating a reinterpretation of nature's feel by combining structures' haptics with artificial materials which stand in a characteristic contrast to its original. This fashionable and tough everyday bag lets you experience natural haptics beyond known experience and silently set a statement questioning the relations between modern life and our proximity to nature today. Plus a strong closure system made of hidden magnets worked into the fabric keep the corner latch fixed, too. Bridges and Holes: Structure O1 The Challenge: Bridge the gap of 50 cm with a construction which must at least carry an attached weight of 0,5 kg 50 cm 0,5 kg Requirements: - Construction must be removable / not fixed to any side - Use the least amount of material as possible Applied skills and techniques: Model Laser cutting Gypsum mold casting Studio Lighting & Photography Concept: A series of rhombuses is laser-cut out of a flat sheet of currugated cardboard and equipped with an balanced array of eyed holes to guide an elastic cord. Attaching the weight will force the flat form into an arch structure which stands stable and holds loads way beyond 0,5 kg. Folding layout: Bridges and Holes: Structure O2 Applied skills and techniques: Prototype Origami Folding Techniques Studio Lighting & Photography Material 1 sheet of construction paper tape to attach weight NetWake Video Alarm Clock Applied skills and techniques: Model CAD construction Photoshop & Rendering Ureol forming Paint and varnishing Studio Lighting and Photography Concept: NetWake is the idea of expanding the functions of an alarm clock by a screen, Wi-Fi, and a built-in camera to give people the possibility to send and recieve live video wake-up calls and let them start their day feeling much closer to their loved ones than they physically might be. Mo 09:32 HotelNet Call from: Marie Connecting pillows. Share good mornings starts and bedtime stories from the most comforting places in the world. . . Compactable Shovel KS+ Applied skills and techniques: Model CAD construction Photoshop & Rendering Ureol forming Paint and varnishing Studio Lighting and Photography Concept: The new combination of several different shovel types enable a very compactable, light-weight and easy to store solution while expanding the range of use. The layered shovel blades can be adjusted to two different modes depending on the area of use: + the compacted, narrow and strong pan form of a spade typically used for tough ground or ice + the expanded, wider and flexible pan form of a sand shovel to scoop and move loose dirt or snow Proportionen Wave Lamp @ Luis Eslava Studio Applied skills and techniques: Model Process Paper & Plastic Mock-up modelling CAD construction Photoshop & Rendering Presentation in company meetings Concept: The Wave Lamp is easy and cheap to produce and will provide ambient lighting to attract interested looks. It's playful way of dealing with the light emitting through the shade's form will blend in smoothly with its environment and provide a very classy yet fresh look. Stool concept @ Luis Eslava Studio Applied skills and techniques: Model Process Building woodforming tools Steambending and glueing wood Construction and assembly Ideation, Prototyping Concept: The stool was a team-project created for a pitch of a Barcelona-based footwear company. Since the company's philosophy is all about combining high-quality natural materials, handcrafted excellency and a very distinct fashion vision, the intention was to create playful and intelligent accessoirs that can live up to its name. The furniture is intended to enable a novel experience in interaction with the user in a intuitive and playful way and to blend in seamlessly in the company's flagship stores. The beauty lies the simple form, which changes its form based on the users body weight while in use. Chair concept @ Luis Eslava Studio Applied skills and techniques: Model Process Construction Periscope Part-assembly in the team Detail Varnishing Ideation, Optical Tinkering Concept: The chair also was a team-project created for the same pitch of the previously mentioned footwear company with its proud company's philosophy about high-quality natural materials, skilled craftsmanship and fashion. Again the intention was to create a playful and intelligent object which represents the companies views and the it was intended to be used by shopping adults as well as their children while spending time in the flagship stores. This concepts enables the user to use the integrated periscope and explore the world at foot-level while touching and smelling the fine leather materials, which it is worked into. It playfully introduces the viewer to the company's main focus, passion and emphasizes its sense for asthetic footwear. A change of perspective may open a window to a new world and let you discover things from an entirely different level. Bachelor Thesis Applied skills and techniques: Model Machine Milling, Vacuum Forming Soldering, Varnish, Electronics Process Research, Ideation, Layout, Prototyping Concept: The thesis with the title: ''acoustic communication in the product world'' is a basic introduction to the field of products and sounds and the effects of acoustic signals in interactions. It consists of an interactive presentation covering several topics from auditive cognition to informational feedback and interaction. There are sound examples and videos included to clarify particular subjects and inspire a creative way of thinking about sound. There are three final concept objects which illutrate certain user-interactions with sound. Akustische Kommunikation in der Produktwelt Eine interaktive Einführung in Klänge und Geräusche Bachelor Thesis Audiosignale: Klänge und Geräusche Content of Interactive Presentation The particular subjects of this work are subdivided into following main chapters: Sound und Assoziationen Assoziationen zu Produktgeräuschen werden häufig verwendet um bestimmte Eigenschaften eines Produkts zu unterstreichen und es dadurch von anderen Produkten abzuheben. - Sound and Hearing Häufig verfügen Sportwägen, wie etwa der Ford Mustang über einen wilden oder aggressiven Motorsound, den die kraftvollen Charakter des Produkts zum Ausdruck bringt und bei Autofans wie Musik in den Ohren klingt. - Basics of Acoustic Perception Oftmals werden die gegebenen Motorgeräusche modifiziert und in der Gestaltung an die Empfindung bekannter Analogien, wie etwa aus dem Tierreich orientiert. - Acoustic Communication So kann ein Auto wie eine kraftstrotzende Bestie klingen oder eben auch im Gegenzug akustisch völlig reduziert werden, um den hohen Grad der Präzision in der Verarbeitung des Produkts zu verdeutlichen. - Audio Signals: Sounds and Noises Ford Mustang Porsche - Sounds and Interaction Sample Pages from the thesis Akustische Kommunikation Sound und Interaktion Auditory Icon Rhythmus und Interaktion Das Auditory Icon bezeichnet eine akustische Metapher mit Wirklichkeitsbezug. Meist handelt es sich um reale Klang- oder Geräuschaufnahmen, welche in virtuellen Systemen repräsentativ für bestimmte Vorgänge stehen. Ein sehr berühmtes Beispiel an dieser Stelle ist das Geräusch von Papier-Knüllen beim Leeren des virtuellen Papierkorbs. Der zusätzliche Einsatz von gut gestalteten Klängen kann den Menschen in seinem Handeln klar beeinflussen. Interessant ist hier oft die Wahl des Geräusches, welches als Träger der Metapher fungiert, um den Bezug der Funktion bei der jeweiligen Zielgruppe herzustellen. So ertönt bei dem Eingang einer neuen E-mail-Nachricht im Programm Mail (Apple) der Klang eines für ein U-Boot typisches Sonars, welcher im eigentlichen Sinne nur die Information eines Entdeckung oder Ortung eines Objektes auf dem (Sonar-)Schirm beinhaltet und neutral meldet. Daraus lässt sich nicht auf weitere Informationen, wie die Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten, deren Inhalt, Absender oder Dringlichkeit schließen. Das Rhythmusgefühl kann beispielsweise bei Musikern mit Hilfe eines Metronoms trainiert werden, welches den gewünschten Takt vorgibt. Das Gehirn lässt sich hier relativ widerstandslos leiten, da der Körper von Natur aus für Synchronisation sehr offen ist. Im Urlaub merkt man es vielleicht beim Klang des Meeres. Der Rhythmus eines ruhigen Wellengangs entspricht dem Pulsschlag eines entspannt ruhenden Erwachsenen. Ein typisches Konzertphänomen ist, dass besonders ältere Menschen im Publikum dazu neigen, mit dem Takt mitzuwippen oder mitzuklatschen. Ein anderes Anwendungsbeispiel ist das akustische Signal der Fußgängerampel, für Blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen. Dies kann ein Ton oder ein Klicken sein und steigt tendenziell gegen Ende der Grünphase im Tempo an, um die überquerenden Menschen zu einem schnelleren Weitergehen zu bewegen. Bachelor Thesis Interactive Concept Objects Three different applications were developed and realized in order to illustrate and demonstrate certain product interactions with sounds. These objects are: - Sonic Tape Measure - Sonic Level - Audiocontrolled Dimmable Light Die singende Sonic Level Wasserwaage 24 23 25 20 22 21 19 18 17 16 14 13 10 12 11 9 8 5 7 6 4 3 2 1 15 Das klingende Maßband Sonic Tape Measure Das Ruflicht Audiocontrolled Dimmable Light Bachelor Thesis Interactive Concept Objects Each object was based on a selected principles of functions and interactions and is intended to demonstrate them in a comprehendible fashion. Every objects is unique in its application and informational value in sound, which enables each single one to bear a different user-experience. The way of how sound is used also differs in each example as well as how it is created. The Sonic Tape Measure uses mechanical parts and processes in order to work. The Sonic Level is based on electronic sensors and signal processing as well as digital sound creation. In the Audiocontrolled Light, acoustic signals are given by the user (whistle or other clear tone), processed in VVVV (Pitch Analysis) in order to control the light's dim-switch in real-time and without physical contact. Due to the volume of this work I have made the complete thesis and videos available online in its original German version. Click on the link to download: The pictures display screenshots of the final videos, which were made to capture the objects in action. Bachelorthesis - Eric Ringard - 2012 POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Master of Science: Design for Interaction ERIC RINGARD enrolled since Q3 - 2012 current semester 3 course projects Exploring Interactions: Social City embracing neighborhood connectivity watch video Course: Mentors: Exploring Interactions Dr. Ingrid J. Mulder Sanne Kistenmaker research methods: personal interviews context mapping cultural probes user testing with Arduino prototypes idea interaction create a more tangible neighborhood feeling that raises awareness about itself and its community members. the communication takes place by shaking one of the houses since this makes them all react by giving off of a pulsing light this signal is considered as sending a wave or waving and recognized as a friendly and inviting gesture design goal as soon as the same or another house is moved again, the procedure repeats, making it an answering wave to the previous one. essentially everybody can wave to everybody else at the same time and from as well as into one’s living space and comfort zone embracing neighborhood connectivity by stimulating communication and social interaction between the residents in an open and playful manner. prototype interaction vision the test house contains the required technologies of the concept, which enable the intended kind of subtle and open communication. It is programmed to suggest to the user that several houses are connected wirelessly throughout the neighborhood and are actively in use. “It should feel like spotting a neighbor and greeting him with a waving hand to communicate a friendly hello.” qualities: simple, subtle, playful this prototype consists of: an Arduino board a accelerometer a bright LED-light source and a battery CONCEPT The large range of glasses in optician stores enables us to be original and individual but it can become quite overwhelming as well. Frame. helps you to make FRAME. pick a pair. try it on. Online recommendations in a physical store. get suggestions. Modular hexagons can contain glasses, mirrors or advertising. watch videos FRAME: fusing shopping experiences When picking up a pair you will get recommendations of other pairs of glasses you might also like. The system leads you through the pairs by highlighting a couple Frame. or to wonder around some more. Suggestions are based on the selections of previous visitors. Course: Mentors: Interactive Technology Design Aadjan van der Helm Ianus Keller Team: Steffen de Jonge / Imara Speek Bart Kallenbach / Jorik Hepworth Eric Ringard Suitable for multiple customers. personal input: ITD concept THE NTERNET THINGS conceptualization & design direction modelling user testing movie editing runner and quick problem solver The large range of glasses in optician stores enables us to be original and individual but it can become quite overwhelming as well. Frame helps you to make a choice by offering suggeestions of previous visitors. When picking up a pair you will get recommendations of other pairs of glasses you also might like. The system leads you through the various pairs by highlighting a selection of other pairs to try on next. Finally it is still your choice to act according to Frame‘s offers or explore them by yourself. structure how it works BACK END FRONT END RFID reader RFID tag All this data will be sent through the client to a database on a remote server.It stores the information about the glasses and links between them, but also its location. From that moment it keeps track of the time it off i.e. how interesting the pair is. When placed back, the system will register which pair is picked up next. The frequency of this connection and the amount of time the pairs are taken off determine the weight of the link. Future recommendations will be based on this data i.e. the system learns from all its users. The three strongest links will be indicated by the server and will be highlighted by the LEDs behing the recommended pairs. user Delft _ 03-07-2013 _ ID#3721 _ 03:27 min. software All pairs of glasses have RFID-tags, the RFID-readers in the hexagons (replaced by switches in the prototype) detect when the glasses are taken off by a customer. server Delft client Amsterdam client hardware etc. play and share your favorite music as easily as placing an apple in a bowl. qualitative original product product analysis quantitative research 82% of participants use their cell phone as alarm. research SoundBowl: a social music station Course: Mentor: Cell phone 8% use an alarm clock and only 4% use a radio to wake up. 87% of participants have their wake-up device in or next to their beds. Team: The most common locations for a speaker system are in the 76% use a speaker system in their (student) bedroom, living room. Mobile devices that can household and 60% own more than be placed in various locations are very much favored. one device to play music out loud. 8% use an alarm clock and only 4% use a radio to wake up. design goal ideation redesign the Sony ICF-DS15iP for inviting & intuitive use by diverse family members within the kitchen context as an intensive living area. conceptualization ideation usability tests interactive user testing concept Start screen Sequence direction app design concepts solution first screen SoundBowl is a smart music docking station concept which embraces tangible interaction with mordern technology in a social fashion. Users can share and instantly play their personal music through placing their smartphones on top. introduction register page setting profile choose color set presets personal input: Project Usability and User eXperience Assessment in Design Arnold Vermeern Erik Jepma Clemence Dullard / Maik de Rooij JoepSerrarens / Noortje Habets Hui Lin / Eric Ringard user testing conceptualization app-development interactive prototyping incredible acting in movie applied methods: interview and observation sessions usability testing wireframe home page A first time user set network login page home page choose the user profile choose music resourse go to your preset app watch video place on device B normal user preset page change or add source edit source from app edit internet URL change saved confirmation 32 ( Thank you ) looking forward to hearing from you!