Transgenic Animals Status-quo in relation to risk assessment and
Transgenic Animals Status-quo in relation to risk assessment and
Report Transgenic Animals Status-quo in relation to risk assessment and the state of research Forschungsberichte der Sektion IV Band 2/2008 Report Transgenic Animals Status-quo in relation to risk assessment and the state of research Forschungsberichte der Sektion IV Band 2/2008 Impressum: Herausgeber, Medieninhaber und Hersteller: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Familie und Jugend, Sektion IV Radetzkystraße 2, 1031 Wien Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: BL Mag. Ulrich Herzog Erscheinungstermin: April 2008 Autoren: Konzeption, Durchführung: Mag. Alice Schmatzberger Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit: Mag. Heike Schultz Die vorliegende Studie stellt die Übersetzung des Forschungsprojekts “Transgene Tiere – Status-quo bezüglich Risikoabschätzung und Stand der Forschung” (erschienen im Dezember 2007 als Band 6-07, ISBN 978-3-902611-10-9) in die englische Sprache dar. Druck: Kopierstelle des BMGFJ, Radetzkystraße 2, 1031 Wien Bestellmöglichkeiten: Telefon: +43-1/711 00-4700 DW Fax: +43-1/715 58 30 E-Mail: Internet: ISBN 978-3-902611-16-1 Diese Studie/Broschüre ist kostenlos beim Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Familie und Jugend, Radetzkystraße 2, 1031 Wien, erhältlich. Transgenic animals Transgenic Animals Status-quo in relation to risk assessment and the state of research Concept and realisation: Mag. Alice Schmatzberger Scientific support: Mag. Heike Schultz November 2007 commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth Page 1 of 131 Transgenic animals Mag. Alice Schmatzberger Mag. Heike Schultz Translation: Fiona Salter-Townshend, LL.B., LL.M. Seite 2 von 131 Foreword Foreword The genetic modification of animals has long been a fixed component of the most various research areas. As, however, commercialisation in the area of food and pharmaceuticals from transgenic animals is a long time in the coming, the international discussion of this topic is mostly only temporary, i.e. arises out of particular occasion and in small circles. Declarations of intent and progress reports are regularly found in scientific literature, these hardly ever enable a concrete assessment of the respective current status-quo of the research work. Risk assessment in relation to possible effects on human health and/or the environment – as is shown even still by the experiences surrounding the discussions on genetically modified plants – quickly form the focus of public interest, nevertheless differentiated discourses or research findings are hard to find. However, the topic transgenic animals– while more slowly than was propagated some years ago – really is becoming more and more pressing. In January 2006 in Brussels, an international workshop organised by the Netherlands Ministry of the Environment took place, which with the title “Application of the Directive 2001/18/EC on genetically modified animals” was for the first time devoted exclusively to the topic of genetically modified animals. In parallel with this at an international level, since September 2005, is the work of the FAO/WHO Codex Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology. A working group1 on transgenic animals set up by this task force has drawn up a proposal for specific risk assessment, the “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from rDNA animals”. This proposal was conclusively discussed at the end of September 2007 within the framework of the 7th session of the task force and is now with the International Codex Alimentarius Commission for final adoption.2 The author of the present study took part both in the workshop in Brussels and in the above-mentioned international working group, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth. The current developments of the last two years show, furthermore, that transgenic animals can also quite inadvertently become topical, as shown by the cases of the genetically modified ornamental fish which have turned up illegally in the European Union or the transgenic pigs in Canada (see chapter 3.3.1 and 3.1.2). The overview of this ever more current of topics, developed within the framework of this study, should prospectively enable the Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth, as the competent authority, to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate those developments which make applications for the approval of a transgenic animal or a food /-product from such animal probable in coming years. Moreover, the scientific questions arising in connection therewith and potentially problematic aspects in relation to risk assessment shall be pointed out and the existing instruments in this context (relevant legal provisions, guidelines, etc.) shall be described and analysed for possible deficits. 1 2 Codex Working Group on the Safety Assessment of Foods derived from rDNA animals This is due to happen at the 31st session from 30.6.-5.7.2008 Seite 3 von 131 Seite 4 von 131 List of contents Foreword ............................................................................................................. 3 List of contents .................................................................................................... 5 Summary ............................................................................................................ 7 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 12 1.1 Problem, focus questions and objectives .................................................. 12 1.2 Methodological approach ........................................................................ 14 1.3 The structure of the report ..................................................................... 14 2 Risk assessment. Legal provisions and Guidelines ............................................. 15 2.1 Risk assessment theory.......................................................................... 15 2.2 European Union .................................................................................... 16 2.2.1 Directive 2001/18/EC ........................................................................ 16 2.2.2 Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 ........................................................... 18 2.3 FAO/WHO............................................................................................. 20 2.3.1 FAO/WHO Expert consultation on the safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified animals, including fish .............................................. 20 2.3.2 Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals ........................................................... 21 2.3.3 Analysis........................................................................................... 22 2.4 Countries ............................................................................................. 27 2.4.1 USA ................................................................................................ 27 2.4.2 Canada............................................................................................ 28 2.4.3 Argentina......................................................................................... 30 2.4.4 Other countries................................................................................. 31 Excursus: ethical aspects..................................................................................... 35 3 Transgenic animals. Examples ........................................................................ 42 3.1 Agricultural animals, fish........................................................................ 43 3.1.1 Cattle .............................................................................................. 43 3.1.2 Pigs................................................................................................. 44 3.1.3 Chickens.......................................................................................... 45 3.1.4 Sheep.............................................................................................. 45 3.1.5 Fish................................................................................................. 46 3.2 Gene-pharming..................................................................................... 48 3.2.1 Goats .............................................................................................. 49 3.2.2 Chickens ....................................................................................... 49 3.2.3 Cattle .............................................................................................. 50 3.2.4 Other animals................................................................................... 50 3.3 House pets ........................................................................................... 51 3.3.1 Ornamental fish ................................................................................ 51 3.3.2 Cats ................................................................................................ 54 3.3.3 Other kinds of animal ........................................................................ 55 4 Conclusions.................................................................................................. 56 List of references ................................................................................................ 65 Annexes ............................................................................................................ 72 Annex I, FAO/WHO Draft Guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals .............................................................. 73 Annex II, Canada: Notification Guidelines for the Environmental Assessment of Biotechnology - Derived Livestock Animals.......................................................... 88 Annex III, Canada: Novel Food Regulation (Health Canada) ................................ 104 Annex IV, Canada: Animal Health Risk Analysis Framework for Biotechnology-Derived Animals ........................................................................................................ 106 Annex V, Argentina: Application for Permit for Experiments with and/or Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Animals..................................................... 121 Seite 5 von 131 Seite 6 von 131 Summary Summary Problem and objectives Risk assessment with regard to genetically modified plants has long been discussed intensively; there are numerous models and approaches and just as much criticism and suggestions for improvement. With respect to risk assessment regarding genetically modified animals on the other hand, this report is one of the first breakdowns of the problem with a synoptic representation of relevant aspects and statutory instruments as well as identified need for action. The overview developed within the framework of this study should prospectively enable the Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate those developments which make applications for the approval of transgenic animals or by-products from such animals probable in coming years. The focus lies on questions of risk assessment regarding genetically modified agricultural animals including fish intended for use as food as well as on animals that have been genetically modified in the course of so-called gene pharming3, furthermore, examples of genetically modified pet animals have been compiled. The relevant protection objectives are human health, food safety and protection of the environment. Thus, topics such as animals genetically modified for scientific or medical research purposes (model animals, xenotransplantation), genetically modified forage crops, genetically produced medications and cloning aspects are not covered in this study. The genetic modification of animals has long been a fixed component of the most various research areas since the first transgenic animal was developed in the early 1980s. Several publications and reviews have since then regularly predicted that in the next 510 years respectively, correspondingly genetically modified animals and/or applications for their approval on the market should be expected. However, differentiated discourse or research findings on the aspects of risk assessment in this context are hard to find. As commercialisation in the area of food and pharmaceuticals from transgenic animals is a long time in the coming and the current status-quo of research can hardly be concretely assessed, the international discussion of this topic is mostly only temporary, i.e. arises out of particular occasion and in small circles. Nevertheless, the topic transgenic animals is becoming – although more slowly than was thought some years ago – more and more pressing. In September 2005 a special working group4 on transgenic animals was set up by the FAO/WHO Codex Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology, which drew up a first proposal for specific risk assessment, the “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from rDNA animals”. This proposal has been finally discussed during the seventh session of the above mentioned Task Force (September 2007) and is now on hand to be adopted by the International Codex Alimentarius Commission.5 The current developments of the last two years show, furthermore, that transgenic animals could also quite inadvertently become topical, as shown by the cases of the genetically modified ornamental fish which turned up illegally in the European Union or the transgenic pigs in Canada. 3 Gene pharming aims at the production of pharmaceutically/therapeutically relevant proteins in the animal system, which can be harvested from the serum, urine or milk of the respective animal. The terms “gene farming” and “gene pharming” are used synonymously in the relevant literature. 4 Codex Working Group on the Safety Assessment of Foods derived from rDNA animals, participation by the author of this study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Health, Women and Youth. 5 This should take place during their 31st session from 30.6.-5.7.2008 Seite 7 von 131 Summary Risk assessment Within the framework of this study, legal regulations, recommendations and other similar instruments which are applied in connection with the risk assessment of genetically modified animals were researched. The following regulations were subjected to detailed analysis: Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on genetically modified food and feed FAO/WHO Expert consultation on the safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified animals, including fish (2003) FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Draft Guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals (2007). This report contains one of the first extensive commentaries on this proposal. The Canadian legal position with regard to the risk assessment of genetically modified animals The Australian legal position with regard to the risk assessment of genetically modified animals With reference to the protection objective Environment, Directive 2001/18/EC offers an extensive catalogue of criteria which could also be implemented usefully in connection with genetically modified animals, although some specification seems to be required. With regard to human health or food safety, the EU regulations basically formulate the corresponding protection objective at a general level; however, there are hardly any concretely defined criteria for how this protection objective should be fulfilled in the course of a risk assessment. Especially Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 on genetically modified food requires to be supplemented and concretised. In this context, the abovementioned proposal for a corresponding FAO/WHO Draft Guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment formulates further-reaching and more precise requirements. Overall, Canada has the furthest-reaching regulations; this will be all the more true once the development of a specific guideline for the assessment of food safety has been concluded. Moreover, in Canada a separate risk assessment under the aspect of animal welfare must be conducted. Australia, too, has comprehensive regulation together with specifying guidelines concerning the environmental risk assessment as well as food safety. There is fragmentary information for Argentina, Japan and the USA, which is also described. For some Member States of the European Union specific aspects, e.g. questions concerning animal welfare or animal ethics, are presented. Finally, the report presents generally to be considered aspects of risk assessment regarding genetically modified animals and their by-products, these are derived from a synopsis of the assessments of diverse public authorities, respondent enterprises or scientists, comparative analyses of the existing regulatory instruments and their shortcomings, scientific literature and similar analyses of risk assessment regarding genetically modified plants. Transgenic animals, research and commercialisation It became apparent that in purely quantitative terms significantly more research trials on the genetic modification of animals are in progress than was assumed when the study was begun. In fact, there is such an abundance of publications available that a complete overview of the status-quo and/or the respective relevance is hardly possible any more. So, genetic modifications of animals have been topical for many years, research on and Seite 8 von 131 Summary use of genetic methods in the context of agricultural animals or pets is performed on every major animal species. Significantly more is being done in the field of pharmaceuticals than for food purposes, where the initial euphoria seems to have diminished as the coding genes for the characteristics of interest are obviously difficult to make available. Thus, transgenic agricultural animals are used at present in particular as model animals for the purposes of research or methods development. Work on genetically modified pets has already crossed the commercialisation threshold in the context of fish and is popular above all in Asia. The estimates in scientific publications on when we can expect the commercialisation of transgenic animals and/or their by-products differ from those of the public authorities respondents in this study. Whereas, it is usually assumed among scientists that commercial use is soon to be expected, representatives of public authorities expect the first applications in five years at the earliest, on average in 7-10 years. In this connection, it is often emphasised that tenable estimates are extremely difficult to make because of the manifold and dynamic developments. Usually it is expected that the first approvals will be in the USA and South America. In general, it can be assumed that commercialisation in the field of gene pharming will ensue significantly earlier than in the field of food. In particular among scientists, estimates are optimistic in this context and speak of a few years until significant commercialisation. In this connection, the first approval for a pharmaceutical substance from a transgenic animal (a goat) by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) is pointed out – which could act as a milestone regarding potential further developments. In the field of food, significantly longer time-frames are estimated, which inter alia is based on the potential lack of acceptance by consumers. The necessary scientifictechnical principles and methods come up against – constantly changing – limits. Success is most likely to be ascribed to those animals which are genetically modified in such a way as to have positive effects on the environment; for example those pigs which have significantly lower amounts of phosphate in their excretions. Genetic modifications of this type are significantly easier to carry out on the scientific-technical level, are almost ready for the market and could encounter less resistance from the public because of their potential benefits for the environment. The approval of genetically modified fish is expected relatively soon. The US American company AquaBounty’s transgenic salmon has already been many years in the approval process in the USA. According to current information from AquaBounty further (possibly conclusive) information and data is being compiled for the competent authorities, the US FDA, an approval could be attained in the second half of 2008. Ethics Scientific and technological developments and changes generally bring with them besides their intended effects also unintended effects and consequences, which for example can be of social, ecological, economic or ethical nature. The question as to the potential risks of a technology or method is in itself not an ethical question, but rather more so is the question of its justification. Ethical concerns and/or arguments are always based on an individual or a societal value system. In relation to the field of genetically modified animals, questions like the following may be asked: what suffering, what injury can justifiably be inflicted on animals from an ethical perspective? What research approaches are justified? What benefit outweighs what risk? In general, it may be observed that the higher the animal is developed, that is the nearer it is ranked taxonomically with the human being, the more critically scientific-technical Seite 9 von 131 Summary work on the animal is viewed. Accordingly, society grants the right to a greater degree of animal welfare measures more quickly, for example, to vertebrates, to whom a capacity to suffer and sensitive faculty are ascribed. In this connection, the concept of an animal’s “telos” is also relevant; this is used in particular in English language literature and means the nature, the specific needs, wants and interests of an animal on the basis of its belonging to a particular species – i.e. “the pigness of a pig, the dogness of a dog”. This term concerns much more than the absence of pain, it also concerns social aspects of animal husbandry and the animal’s psychological capacity to suffer. This argumentation approach is of particular significance in the context of the potentialities of genetic modifications, where questions regarding the possible changing of the telos must be discussed. The ethical arguments and/or questions advanced in connection with the genetic modification of animals are not always specific to genetics. In other words, the perception and evaluation of such work and developments often do not differentiate between problems of conventional animal breeding, ethical questions relating to animal experiments in general, cloning on the one hand and specific aspects of genetic engineering on the other. With respect to genetic methods, the focus is sometimes on the process in itself (i.e. modifications of animals by means of conventional methods would be acceptable; intrinsic approach) or also the respective result aimed at and/or the associated speed on the way thereto. Concrete discussion must also distinguish between specific qualities of genetic interventions and the practices and methods usually employed thereby. There would seem to be especial potential for conflict whenever decisions must be taken between animal ethics and human health aspects. The societal need for discussion of ethical aspects and concerns should also be taken into account in this context. Various food scandals, the occurrences around the commercialisation of genetically modified plants and similar happenings have sensitised the public in recent years and helped create a principle of scepticism with regard to the scientific-political decision-making processes. Conclusion With respect to risk assessment regarding genetically modified animals on the other hand, this report is one of the first breakdowns of the problem with a synoptic representation of all relevant aspects and statutory instruments as well as identified need for action. In the course of research, it could be established that both in international organisations (OECD, APEC, ILSI, OIE) and at the most various public authorities in the European Union States, the risk assessment of genetically modified animals is not yet endowed with any great significance, independent of the progress which has meanwhile been made in science and application. The FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology initiative is, therefore, in spite of its deficits of special significance. All in all, in comparison with the extent of the ongoing research, there is a spectacular lack of publications or studies on the risks connected with genetically modified animals. Accordingly, it has to be remarked in this context, that the Austrian Ministry for Health, Family and Youth has shown great foresight in commissioning this study. Ultimately, it can be assumed that the prospective approval of the transgenic salmon and the EMEA’s first approval of a pharmaceutical (anti-thrombin) from a transgenic goat will have considerable significance for future developments, as through this the further possible economic potential of genetically modified animals and their by-products can hence really be exploited. Furthermore, the numerous ongoing scientific projects worldwide mean corresponding advances, e.g. with respect to the greater efficiency of the technologies, can be anticipated. And finally, cases like that of the transgenic ornamental fish which is already officially available in Asian countries and in the USA and Seite 10 von 131 Summary was also found (illegally) in several European pet stores, show that transgenic animals are slowly becoming established outside of the field of research. In view of these developments we may assume that genetically modified animals and/or their by-products – at least in the area of gene pharming, fish and possibly pigs in the food field as well as pets – will be a topic for regulatory and approval authorities in any case within the next five years. In conclusion, open questions and topics requiring further discussion are presented. The risk assessment of genetically modified animals, above all their by-products in the field of food, definitely requires specification at European Union level. Guidelines for example would be conceivable, i.e. the creation of a Guidance Document, as has already been developed for genetically modified plants and micro-organisms. Many provisions need further definition as well as establishing precise parameters to be determined within the risk assessment of transgenic animals and their products respectively. These proposals and claims respectively should be positioned on the European level in order to set off relevant action to be taken. The topic of cloned animals, whose by-products are expected on the market within a few years, also requires treatment. These animals and by-products are at present not subject to any legal regulation and neither would they be subjected to any risk assessment. Products from cloned animals are expected within the next few years. This seems all the more imperative as the European Commission has already directed a request for an opinion on the safety of such food to the European Food Safety Authority. With regard to questions concerning ethical aspects of genetically modified animals, possibilities for public dialogue, for broad discussion, should be considered. And finally, a risk assessment of animals or by-products from animals that were administered recombinant nucleic-acid products in somatic cells and/or tissue (socalled non-heritable constructs, DNA vaccine and the like) is imperative. The problem is constituted in particular in the fact that these applications are currently not subject to any regulatory system and so the risks associated with them are not assessed. Seite 11 von 131 Introduction 1 Introduction 1.1 Problem, focus questions and objectives The area of genetic engineering and animals encompasses the most diverse aspects, each being associated, from the perspective of a regulatory authority, with specific questions on risk assessment and risk evaluation, of the management of the identified risks and on external communication. The present study focuses on questions of risk assessment in relation to genetically modified animals. Scientists first succeeded in genetically modifying the genetic makeup of an animal (a mouse) in 1980; since then genetic engineering methods have also been used on agricultural animals. Many publications and reviews have since then regularly predicted that in the next 5-10 years respectively, correspondingly genetically modified animals and/or applications for their approval on the market should be expected. The report for the Royal Society of Canada, “Elements of precaution: Recommendations for the Regulation of Food Biotechnology in Canada”6, also assumed in 2001 that the following 510 years would see the technical and methodological requirements necessary for the commercial use of transgenic animals largely in existence; especially in the event that it be possible to obtain more detailed information about animal genomes. At that time the Royal Society strongly expected an application for the approval of a genetically modified fish within the subsequent 10 years. In 1991, a brochure by the German Consumer Initiative even extrapolated on the basis of the developments of the time that by the year 2000 10% of all pigs would already be genetically modified, and that by the year 2005 24% of all animals used for meat production would be transgenic. On the other hand, in 2003 the International Life Sciences Institute noted in general: “Much of this technology is still in its early stages and it is likely to be a decade before large animals with modified or deleted genes of commercial value have been evaluated and approved by the various regulatory bodies.”7 In turn, the majority of participants in the international workshop “Application of the Directive 2001/18/EC on genetically modified animals”8 in January 2006 expected the first applications for approval of transgenic animals also within the next 5 years. The representative of AquaBounty9 said during this conference that in the USA about a dozen applications can be expected in the next 5 years, mainly for pharmaceutical purposes. In the course of diverse discussions, however, it was possible to establish that in general precisely those commercialisations are expected about whose research stages one had personally already heard or read about. According to this, new applications are scarcely to be anticipated without detailed knowledge of the current publications and/or research plans and developments. The report by the European authority for food safety (EFSA), “Food producing animals. Principles of risk assessment of food producing animals: current and future approaches”10, which appeared in October 2006, deals especially with risk assessment of animals and/or their by-products in connection with contagious diseases and with the field of animal protection. Comprehensive theoretical representations of the possible components of risk evaluation as well as conclusions and recommendations are equally part of the EFSA report. The latter are rather general.11 Specific aspects of safety 6 The Royal Society of Canada 2001 International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) 2003 8 Initiative of the Netherlands Ministry of the Environment, the author participated on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth 9 AquaBounty is the US enterprise that has developed a transgenic salmon which is ready for the market and has been waiting for a number of years for official approval by the US authorities 10 Report on an EFSA Scientific Colloquium in December 2005 11 For example: “Risk profiles need to be created at the start of the project.” or “Data gaps should be identified and addressed.” 7 Seite 12 von 131 Introduction evaluation, which could result from genetic modifications to animals are, however, not treated in this report. In September 2005, the FAO/WHO Codex Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology set up its own working group12 on transgenic animals, which drew up a proposal for specific risk assessment, the “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from rDNA animals”. This represents one of the first comprehensive initiatives on the specification of risk assessment of food /by-products from transgenic animals. The above-mentioned guideline, in the version valid in November 2007, will be more closely described and analysed in chapter 2.3.2. This proposal was conclusively discussed at the end of September 2007 during the 7th session of the task force and is now with the International Codex Alimentarius Commission for final adoption.13 Objectives Within the framework of this project, the manifold claims and suppositions about genetically modified animals have been concretised, the newest developments researched and an assessment of the possible market readiness of individual approaches developed. The overview elaborated here should prospectively enable the Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth, as the competent authority, to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate those developments which make applications for the approval of a transgenic animal or a product from such animal probable in coming years. In order to make this field workable within the framework of a single study, specific focus questions were defined. The focus lies on transgenic agricultural animals and fish which are intended for use as food as well as on animals that have been genetically modified in the course of so-called gene pharming14. Examples of genetically modified pet animals have been compiled insofar as such would require approval under Directive 2001/18/EC. Furthermore, the questions associated therewith and/or potentially problematic aspects in relation to risk assessment have been elaborated. The legal provisions and international guidelines, etc. relevant in connection with transgenic animals have been summarised here for the first time and analysed in relation to relevant criteria for risk assessment as well as possible deficits. The focus thereby is on risk identification with respect to the protection objectives of food safety, human health and environmental protection. Thus, the following topics were per definitionem not the object of this study: Genetically modified animals that have been developed for scientific research purposes, e.g. as model animals or for research in developmental biology Genetically modified animals that were developed for xeno-transplantations Animals that are fed with genetically modified plants or treated with genetically engineered medication, hormones, vaccines, etc. Aspects of risk assessment of the pharmaceutical products resulting from genepharming Examples of applications like genetically modified insects that can be used for malaria-control, etc. Cloning aspects Risk management or risk communication questions Social, economic or other consequences which may result from the use of genetically modified animals 12 Codex Working Group on the Safety Assessment of Foods derived from rDNA animals, the author of this study participated on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth 13 This is due to happen at the 31st session from 30.6.-5.7.2008 14 Gene pharming aims at the production of pharmaceutically/therapeutically relevant proteins in the animal system, which can be harvested from the serum, urine or milk of the respective animal. The terms “gene farming” and “gene pharming” are used synonymously in the relevant literature Seite 13 von 131 Introduction Comparison of pro and contra arguments in connection with the application of genetic engineering methods to agricultural- / animals 1.2 Methodological approach Different methods were used to treat the focus questions described in chapter 1.1. A comprehensive literature research and the evaluation of scientific publications formed the substantial basis for the overview of possible and current work in research and development and associated questions concerning transgenic animals. In conjunction, the relevant legal provisions, recommendations and international instruments in connection with the risk assessment of genetically modified animals were researched and analysed, for instance pertinent provisions of EU law or the Guideline of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. The secondary literature found in the course of internet research at relevant institutions and organisations in the form of comments, statements or discussion papers was incorporated into the analyses and evaluations. Additionally, there was a poll (by e-mail) of experts from European and other authorities. This served above all the identification of the questions and developments perceived to be topical in the field of genetically modified animals from the specific perspective of these experts. Scientific experts and/or institutions were contacted for specific scientific questions and/or concrete details which it was possible to identify in the process of the analyses. Finally, it was also possible to integrate the author’s personal experiences and the results of her discussions, stemming from the above-mentioned international workshop in January 2006 and her participation in the Codex-working group on rDNA animals. 1.3 The structure of the report Chapter 2 begins with a description of the general theoretical aspects of risk assessment and then describes existing regulations for the risk assessment of transgenic animals in particular, including a comment on each one. This part also contains a detailed commentary on the current version of the “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from rDNA animals” of the FAO/WHO Codex Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology. Chapter 3 sums up which animals are currently being genetically engineered in order to derive food and/or pharmaceuticals. Work on pets is also dealt with there. The concluding chapter 4 covers criteria relevant for comprehensive risk assessment in connection with genetically modified animals as well as a first comparison of the various instruments researched. Further, the current developments in relation to release-attempts and commercialisation of transgenic animals are explained and in conclusion open questions and/or necessary research avenues are outlined. An excursus has been included in this report as a thematic supplement. It points out possible ethical questions and ideas for discussion in connection with transgenic animals. Seite 14 von 131 Risk Assessment 2 Risk assessment. Legal provisions and Guidelines After a short introduction on general criteria of risk assessment, this chapter discusses various relevant legal regulations and guidelines. This discussion by no means constitutes any kind of expert legal opinion. Rather, the provisions relevant in connection with the risk assessment of genetically modified animals should first be identified and introduced in a kind of overview. 2.1 Risk assessment theory The principle of risk assessment was originally applied in a natural sciences context for the evaluation of individual, defined substances, e.g. chemicals or pesticides. The approach has up till now been anthropocentric, i.e. taken the human as the object subject to the risk, related to the single individual and her/his life span, sometimes also at the level of a population. The numerous, more or less similar international representations on the methodology and general principles of risk assessment shall not be described in detail here, instead only the basic foundations are sketched. In the case of transgenic animals and in relation to organisms in general, the risk problematic is significantly more complex in all its facets, for instance the possibly endangered object is more diverse, e.g. the transgenic animal itself, its offspring, humans, the environment and/or specific ecosystems, other populations, etc. The focus of a risk assessment can for example lie on food safety, human health, protection of the environment or on questions of ethics and animal welfare. Also when it comes to products more complex than single substances, e.g. food, conventional linear risk assessment reaches its limits. Numerous studies, in particular pertinent documents from the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, point out regularly in this context that the classical principles of risk assessment were not developed for complex products and are thus transferable only to a limited extent. Risk assessment is a methodological process, which is based substantially on scientific data and findings in order to assess potential adverse effects of a substance or an activity, etc. as well as the extent and probability of such effects – this may be associated with qualitative, quantitative or semi-quantitative statements. Potential risks15 can be distinguished thereby. At the beginning of each risk assessment there must be a concrete goal, i.e. what is the central protection objective? This is a prerequisite and is not a part of the actual risk assessment and science cannot provide the answer. Effects which may be evaluated as negative must arise or at least it must be possible to hypothetically anticipate such. As above-mentioned, the goal of a risk assessment is first to establish potentially adverse effects, regardless of the probability of their occurrence. The individual steps can be summarised as follows: Identification and description of the possible risks as well as their adverse effects in connection with a concrete occurrence (a substance, a pathogen, an occurrence, etc.), i.e. potential dangers are identified in this step independently of their probability. The focus is mostly on human health (food safety) or the environment Assessment of possible exposure routes, in connection with food possibly the corresponding nutritional profiles, probabilities and/or incidences of the occurrence of an identified risk 15 On the distinction between risk and danger see also Müller 2001, according thereto risk derives from human decisions and actions whereas danger constitutes a risk which cannot be influenced by humans, e.g. natural disasters Seite 15 von 131 Risk Assessment Finally, the risk evaluation appraises the results of the previous steps: the possible extent of damage, further criteria which perhaps may have to be integrated (ethical, economical, social, etc.), consequences resulting from “uncertainty” (see on this below) Hence, a possible risk derives from the combination of effect and/or extent of damage of one occurring potential adverse effect and the probability or incidence of its occurrence (= likelihood of exposure). This results in a probability, i.e. a quantitative statement, which however is usually applied qualitatively. This procedure eliminates thinkable but improbable dangers. An important supplement to these theoretical steps lies in the consideration of the “uncertainty” in relation the scientific data, the uncertainty of what is known about biological processes or structures and/or uncertainty regarding any actual occurrence of damage.16 This means that decisive scientific data and information are often unavailable, there is as yet little understanding of relevant biological processes and sequences or similar deficits. In the course of a risk assessment, existing uncertainties must be identified in the individual steps, for example: where is the data unclear or not representative? Where is information and/or data fundamentally missing? These must be distinguished from such uncertainty as stems from indeterminableness and/or lack of knowledge. Equally, the consequences resulting such uncertainties should be described in the risk assessment, e.g. in the sense of where conclusive, purely scientific evaluation is not possible for such reasons. In which areas can potential effects (qualitatively or quantitatively) not be estimated? The final decision in the context of a risk assessment substantially based on scientific data and findings can never be value-free. Appraisals and definitions must be arrived at, e.g. what is the protection objective? How much data and/or which data are sufficient? How much uncertainty or residual risk is acceptable? Even the assessment of what is evaluated as an adverse effect is dependent on the current time and socioculturally conditioned, and thus variable, contexts. 2.2 European Union 2.2.1 Directive 2001/18/EC Directive 2001/18/EC17 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) currently sets the European standard in relation to the necessary criteria for risk assessment in the environmental field. It is applicable for the following uses: Deliberate releases, i.e. in the case of intentional introduction of a GMO or a combination of GMOs into the environment Placing on the market of GMOs as products or in products Thus, the deliberate release and the placing on the market of transgenic animals, e.g. of ornamental fish, requires approval under this Directive.18 The risk assessment of these animals would have to be conducted in accordance with the criteria formulated in Annexes II (principles for the environmental risk assessment) und III A (information required in notifications concerning releases of genetically modified organisms other than higher plants). 16 On “uncertainty” in connection with the risk assessment of GMOs see in particular Müller 2001 Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220[0]/EEC, OJ L601, 17.4.2001 17 18 Approval for the placing on the market of a transgenic animal and/or products therefrom can ensue either pursuant to Directive 2001/18/EC or Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003, depending on the intended use. See also on this chap. 2.2.2 Seite 16 von 131 Risk Assessment The Directive is aimed in general at the protection of human health and the environment in the case of deliberate release and/or placing on the market of GMOs; questions of food safety are not taken into consideration. There is moreover an explicit reference to the precautionary principle in the formulation of objectives. In Annex II C.2. the following is established as a further general principle: “It is important not to discount any potential adverse effect on the basis that it is unlikely to occur”. The risk evaluation – referred to in the Directive as “environmental risk assessment” - is carried out on a case-by-case basis and includes the “evaluation of risks to human health and the environment, whether direct or indirect, immediate or delayed, which the deliberate release or the placing on the market of GMOs may pose[…].” Annex II19 sets out the basic principles for the environmental risk assessment, for instance: Definition of direct (resulting from the GMO itself), indirect (occurring through a causal chain of events), immediate and delayed effects Call for an analysis of the cumulative long-term effects on human health and the environment relevant to release and placing on the market, covering inter alia flora and fauna, animal health and the feed/food chain. Explanations of possible adverse effects of a GMO on humans (including allergenic or toxic effects), on animals, on the dynamics of populations, etc. Description of the general steps of risk assessment Necessity to supply large quantities of ecological data in relation to the GMO becoming persistent or invasive, selective advantage or disadvantage conferred to the GMO, potentials for gene transfer, possible interactions of the GMO with non-target organisms, possible effects on animal health Annex III A applies to GMOs other than higher plants, it must therefore apply to genetically modified animals. It specifies the criteria named in Annex II and defines the information required in relation to: General characteristics of the donor and the recipient organisms, where appropriate the parental organism, taxonomic data, description of the geographic distribution, sexual reproductive cycle, etc. Nature of the vector Information relating to the genetic modification, e.g. methods used, description of the insert and any unknown sequences, selection methods Information on the GMO, for instance description of phenotypic characteristics, any (new) characteristics which may be expressed or no longer expressed, remaining vector or donor nucleic acid, stability Considerations regarding human health and animal health, e.g. toxic or allergenic effects of the GMOs and/or their metabolic products, any changed pathogenicity of the GMO, other product hazards Information relating to the conditions of release and the receiving environment, e.g. timepoint, duration, quantities of the GMO, information on location and site, description of the flora and fauna, of target and non-target ecosystems Information relating to the interactions between the GMO and the environment, e.g. characteristics affecting multiplication and survival, genetic transfer capability, anticipated mechanisms and results of interactions between the released GMO(s) and the target organisms, known or predicted effects on non-target organisms, possible competitive advantages of the GMO, description of the ecosystems to which the GMOs could be disseminated, etc. 19 This Annex is supplemented by guidance notes providing further description; Commission Decision of 24 July 2002, OJ L200, 30.7.2002 Seite 17 von 131 Risk Assessment Comment The formulations, which are kept general, reveal in parts that mainly genetically modified plants were thought of in terms of the application of the Directive and its Annexes. Article 31, exchange of information and reporting, formulates inter alia the obligation of the Member States to establish registers, which should document the locations of the releases of GMOs and their placing on the market. The latter aspect would, however, certainly not apply to genetically modified animals, the formulation in line 3b reads: “Member States shall also establish registers for recording the location of GMOs grown under part C […]”. The general term “GMO” is clearly reduced to plants by the word “grown”. The general requirements formulated in the Annexes are often supplemented by explanatory examples, these relate nearly exclusively to plants, sometimes to microorganisms; e.g. in the case of “pathways of dispersal of viable material” seeds and spores are mentioned; or in relation to the possibility of GMOs spreading or establishing themselves in habitats, only in the case of plants and micro-organisms is there a reference to the necessity of taking into consideration the reproduction and survival structures. A further example: data must be submitted in respect of previous field testing over several growing seasons. All in all, this Directive contains extremely comprehensive requirements for the risk assessment of genetically modified animals in relation to possible interactions with the and/or adverse effects on the environment, particularly in Annex III A. The areas to be considered thereby include a detailed characterisation of the transgenic animal on the basis of description of the donor and recipient organisms, the characteristics of the vector utilised, the characteristics of the modified animal itself and detailed information to be delivered on the release conditions, the environment affected in each case and a description of the possible interactions with the environment (see in this respect the description of Annex III A above.) Aspects concerning human health are dealt with only rudimentarily, food safety is not discussed due to the fundamental scope of the Directive. Parameters of health and other similar aspects of the transgenic animal are scarcely included. On the whole, no particular reference to transgenic animals can be discerned in the Annexes; specification would be required on this point, however, there are sufficient starting points for risk assessment in relation to possible environmental effects. 2.2.2 Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 An application for the placing on the market of a food product (food, food ingredients) produced from a transgenic animal for human consumption must be submitted in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1829/200320 on genetically modified food and feed.21 The objects thereof are “to provide a high level of protection of human life and health, animal health and welfare, environment and consumer interests in relation to genetically modified food and feed”. The scope of this regulation is defined as follows in Art.3 (1): “This section shall apply to a) GMOs for food use; b) food containing or consisting of GMOs; c) food produced from or containing ingredients produced from GMOs.” 20 Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on genetically modified food and feed, OJ L268, 18.10.2003 21 Depending on the intended use, an application for the approval for placing on the market of a transgenic animal or of derived products must be made under either Directive 2001/18/EC or Regulation 1829/2003. The release of transgenic animals is subject to the Directive on deliberate release into the environment Seite 18 von 131 Risk Assessment Art. 5 (4) states: “In the case of an application relating to a GMO for food use, references to ‘food’ in paragraph 3 shall be interpreted as referring to food containing, consisting of or produced from the GMO in respect of which an application is made.” This means that both transgenic animals and the products obtained from such, e.g. meat, sausage, milk or cheese fall within the scope of the Regulation and must therefore undergo a risk assessment. Under art. 4 (1), food must not have adverse effects on human health, animal health or the environment. The fulfilment of these criteria must be “adequately and sufficiently demonstrated” at the time of application by the submission of studies carried out, analyses, etc. – and this both for the GMO intended for use as or in food (i.e. the transgenic animal) and for the food referred to in the scope. Equally, demonstration of substantial equivalence is required, by “an analysis, supported by appropriate information and data, showing that the characteristics of the food are not different from those of its conventional counterpart, having regard to the accepted limits of natural variations for such characteristics […].” The text of the Regulation contains no precise references as to which information must be submitted in the context of the application to demonstrate the above criteria. The application must in case be accompanied by the “designation of the food, and its specification, including the transformation event(s) used” as well as “where applicable, a detailed description of the method of production and manufacturing”. In certain cases, an environmental risk assessment pursuant to Directive 2001/18/EC must be carried out: “In the case of GMOs or food containing or consisting of GMOs, the application shall also be accompanied by: a) the complete technical dossier supplying the information required by Annexes III and IV to Directive 2001/18/EC and information and conclusions about the risk assessment carried out in accordance with the principles set out in Annex II to Directive 2001/18/EC, […]”. Worthy of mention as an interesting detail is the provision which requires the submission of “either a reasoned statement that the feed does not give rise to ethical or religious concerns, or a proposal for labelling it”. Comment Among the general objects, the relevant aspects like the health of the animal, food safety, human health and the environment are listed. While it must be demonstrated that there are no adverse effects on human health, the Regulation does not contain any concrete criteria for the conducting of a risk assessment in this regard. Criteria for the demonstration of food safety are lacking. With respect to the approval of GMOs (e.g. genetically modified animal) or foods containing or consisting of GMOs (e.g. meat and sausage products but clearly not milk or cheese) there is a reference to the environmental safety requirements provided by the Directive 2001/18/EC “[…] to ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to prevent the adverse effects on human and animal health and the environment which might arise from the deliberate release of GMOs”. Similar to the critical remarks formulated in chap. 2.2.1, deficits can also be identified here: there is no obligation to analyse specific parameters regarding the health of the transgenic animal, the preservation of the concept of substantial equivalence, focus on potential effects on environments by reference to Directive 2001/18/EC, lack of criteria to ascertain food safety and/or to establish potential adverse effects on human health. Accordingly, no specific reference to transgenic animals can be found here either, more specification is certainly necessary. The guidance document of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for the risk assessment of genetically modified plants and derived food and feed22 specifies the requirements in relation to the data which must be submitted in connection with 22 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), May 2006 Seite 19 von 131 Risk Assessment genetically modified plants on the basis of Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulation 1829/2003. The necessary information is explained in detail with concrete plant-specific examples and a suggestion for the structuring of the application is presented. This guidance document further codifies the principle of substantial equivalence as the basis for the risk assessment. After identification of possible differences between the GMO and a conventional counterpart, the rest of the risk assessment focuses on possible effects of the identified, intended or unintended, differences in the GMO. Possible points of criticism of this principle of substantial equivalence have been set out in numerous publications23, these shall not be repeated in the present study. Naturally, contentual principles cannot be derived from this guidance document for the risk assessment of transgenic plants for the case of genetically modified animals or their products. Nevertheless, this example shows that the existing legislative provisions contained in Directive 2001/18/EC and in Regulation 1829/2003 manifestly need substantial specification. If this was already necessary for genetically modified plants, then all the more so for the field of genetically modified animals, in order to guarantee risk assessment which is stringent, comprehensive, takes account of the protection objectives and also is ultimately commensurable. 2.3 FAO/WHO In the context of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, two relevant documents must be mentioned when it comes to the topic of transgenic animals: the “FAO/WHO Expert consultation on the safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified animals, including fish” from the year 2003 as well as the “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals” in the current version of November 2007. As agreed, the description and commentary of the latter guideline is a core point in this study. 2.3.1 FAO/WHO Expert consultation on the safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified animals, including fish This report from the year 2003 is not a classical, detailed guideline for the risk assessment of transgenic animals or their products and shall, accordingly, only be described in brief below. Basically, it is a general outline of the problem, in which inter alia technical methods, elements of international regulation, questions regarding surveillance (subsequent to approval) and ethical aspects are described. In part, relevant criteria for the evaluation of food safety are defined, often very generally and/or theoretically. Among these are inter alia: Assessment of unintended effects depending on integration, number of copies and expression of the transgene and potentially associated pleiotropic effects Possible mobility of the transgene within the genome when viral or transposon vectors are used Stability of the integration into the animal genome Existence of undesired DNA sequences, e.g. from marker-genes, bacterial DNA from the vector, etc. Studies of feed conversion ratios Allergenic potential Toxicity Analysis of the most important ingredients of animal products Amount of the food in the average nutritional profile This document already establishes that substantially the same approach as in the case of genetically modified plants can be taken for the risk assessment of genetically modified animals (this point will later be picked up again in connection with the Proposed Draft 23 E.g. IFZ Graz/Federal Environmental Agency 2002, Müller 2004, Spök 2004 Seite 20 von 131 Risk Assessment Guideline, see chapter 2.3.2). The starting point is the comparison of the GMO with the conventional counterpart; the principle of substantial equivalence is also a fundamental element of the risk assessment. The first step is the comparison between the conventional and the transgenic animal, which should take the following aspects into account: Phenotypical characterisation of the transgenic animal inc. the analysis of animal health parameters that are not defined in any more detail (also serves the identification of potential unintended effects) Details regarding the genetic modification (sequence of the integrated material, number of copies and location of the integrated transgene, etc.) Establishment of any potential allergenicity Analysis of the key components of the respective animal product (compositional analysis). Furthermore, a “food intake assessment” is proposed, i.e. an assessment of the amount of the respective foodstuff contained in the average human diet. This should be followed by a toxicological evaluation and an assessment of the dietary-physiological consequences which might arise from the novel foodstuff. Each of these sometimes very generally described steps can necessitate further analyses and investigations. Therefore, substantial equivalence would form the basis for a risk assessment under this approach. Aspects concerning the environment are only touched on insofar as they are directly related to food safety. The main question in this context is whether and if so how a transgene can enter the human food chain via the environment. This is relevant in particular for genetically modified fish and to a lesser extent for genetically modified poultry, where escape is possible and/or likely. The majority of the criteria and contents described in this FAO/WHO document are also in the “Draft Guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals” and shall be commented on in detail in the following chapter. 2.3.2 Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals In 1999, the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission set up a Task Force on Food and Biotechnology, the so-called Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology (TFFBT). The function of this task force is to assess the safety of such foodstuffs and to develop standards, guidelines and recommendations on a scientific basis. In September 2005 at the 5th session of the TFFBT, the setting up of a working group for the development of a draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified animals was resolved. Over the course of two sessions24, each over several days, this working group developed a proposal for a “Draft Guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals”. In addition, an expert consultation was carried out in March 2007 on specific questions regarding antibiotic marker-genes and non-heritable constructs (DNAsequences which are not inherited). The results of the working group and the expert consultation were subsequently discussed at the 7th session of the TFFBT from 24 September to 28 September 2007 (in Japan) and the proposal was finalised. This proposal is now at the International Codex Alimentarius Commission for final adoption at its 31st session (30.6.-5.7.2008). The “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals” in the version valid in November 2007 (hereinafter the Proposed Draft) will now be described and analysed, the complete text of the Proposed Draft is in Annex I. 24 Most recently from 30.5.-1.6.2006 with participation by the author Seite 21 von 131 Risk Assessment Besides all the general provisions on scope, definitions and principles of food safety assessment, section 4 of the Proposed Draft contains detailed requirements for the criteria subject to analysis. The Proposed Draft distinguishes thereby between the animals respectively relevant in the process, i.e. differentiates between Recipient animal (prior to the genetic modification) Donor organism (unless a synthetically produced nucleic acid sequence is involved) initial rDNA animal and the rDNA animal ultimately used for food production This increases, on the one hand, the extent of the information to be submitted and thus the probability of being able to encompass possible risks, but hampers, on the other hand, to some extent the transparency and comprehensibility of what is actually required in which case. In accordance with the principles this Proposed Draft is based on, whereby a healthy animal results with great probability in a healthy food (i.e. a food without any adverse affects), by far the largest part of the provisions are devoted to the various, abovementioned categories of animals. The information which is to be submitted in respect of the foodstuff itself is scanty and relates to the estimation of possible allergenic potential, the analysis of the composition and/or some ingredients and possible effects from processing and/or storage. Sometimes, provisions relevant in connection with food are found in other sections of the Proposed Draft, for example, information on the “effect of feed, exercise and growth environment on food products” is required for the description of the recipient animal. The concentrations of the newly expressed protein and/or other metabolites in the food product (“… in the edible tissue and other derived food products …”) must be described (section on the description of the genetic modification carried out on the food-product animal). 2.3.3 Analysis The Proposed Draft developed by the working group is at present the most comprehensive document in comparison to the other instruments analysed in relation to the risk assessment of food products from genetically modified animals. In particular for the assessment and evaluation of the different animals involved, comprehensive requirements and criteria are set out. Modelled on the “Codex Guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of food derived from rDNA plants”25 (Plant Document) Upon deploying the working group, the Task Force decided to use the Plant Document as a basis and to formulate the Proposed Draft in a manner closely based thereon. This meant, on the one hand, that inappropriate terminology was taken over, on the other hand, it became clear that certain passages of the Plant Document no longer reflected the current state of the art and science. A further consequence of this rigid dependence manifests itself in the adoption of only those provisions in the Proposed Draft which are specific to animals. General aspects of risk assessment that are necessary, but not considered in the Plant Document, could therefore per definitionem not be taken up in the Proposed Draft for transgenic animals. Ultimately this results, for example, in the establishment of possible toxicity and/or allergenicity as hitherto by identification of possible sequence homologies of the expressed protein, the risk assessment focuses on isolated single substances. 25 FAO/WHO Guideline Document CAC/GL 45-2003 Seite 22 von 131 Risk Assessment Scope The risk assessment focuses on aspects of food safety, “safety and nutritional aspects of foods”. Questions of animal protection, ethical or socioeconomic aspects, possible environmental risks, and the safety of transgenic animals as feedstuff are firmly excluded. The current formulation of the scope - unlike other versions discussed deliberately avoids the question of whether this risk assessment can/should also apply to genetically modified animals which serve purposes other than food, e.g. in the field of gene-pharming. Parts or remains of such animals can certainly end up in the food chain, by contamination, over disposal routes (also unintentionally as the example of the transgenic pigs in Canada shows) or via the processing of animal waste as feedstuffs. To leave these animals out of the present risk assessment is to miss out on an opportunity. The Task Force, which took this decision at their last session, also recognises this “The Task Force noted that […] the document would remain silent as to whether the guideline could be applied to the safety assessment of foods derived from rDNA animals intended to non-food use […] … entirely up to member countries to decide on the most appropriate approach.”26 The approval of transgenic animals, whose products are intended for non-food use, has been rejected out of safety concerns for example by the Royal Society Canada: “The panel recommends that approvals should not be given for GM products with human food counterparts that carry restrictions on their use for non-food purposes (e.g. crops approved for animal feed but not for human food). Unless there are reliable ways to guarantee the segregation and recall if necessary of these products, they should be approved only if acceptable for human consumption.”27 Non-Heritable Constructs The term Non-Heritable Constructs (NHC) covers applications in which recombinant nucleic acids are transferred into somatic cells. These NHC can remain episomal or be integrated into the chromosomes of the somatic cells, but are not passed on. Examples thereof thus include the use of genetically produced vaccines, DNA-vaccines and transgenic probiotic bacteria (lactic acid bacteria) as vectors and similar. As it remained unclear throughout the discussions whether NHC have a different risk potential and thus require specific consideration in the Proposed Draft, the Working Group of the TFFBT developed a questionnaire on this topic, as it also did for the ARM genes (see further below). This was discussed at a WHO/FAO Expert Consultation between 26.2. and 2.3.2007 in Geneva. One significant result of this consultation was the finding that in relation to possible risks at a qualitative level, there was no difference between heritable and non-heritable nucleic-acid constructs, when these are chromosomally integrated. Quantitative differences can arise as a result of the differing expression patterns in each case. In the course of the 7th session of the TFFBT, a supplementary footnote on paragraph 1 was conclusively resolved in order to clarify that this Proposed Draft “..had been developed primarily for animals bearing heritable recombinant-DNA constructs.”. A further footnote (paragraph 7) established that additional, specific criteria may be necessary for the risk assessment of NHC. Principle of substantial equivalence The principle of substantial equivalence has established itself in most international regulations as a binding concept in the context of risk assessment. Its foundations were developed in the course of classical plant breeding. With respect to the question as to necessary tests for genetically modified plants, the system of comparison with the 26 27 FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Report of the sixth session, 2007 The Royal Society of Canada 2001 Seite 23 von 131 Risk Assessment conventional counterpart was subsequently integrated into precisely this principle of substantial equivalence, which thus reflects the approach of classical breeding. Substantial equivalence also provides a basis for the present Proposed Draft: indirectly in paragraph 4 and directly in paragraphs 13 and 14. This is rationalised inter alia by the difficulties of transferring principles from the classical risk assessment of potential toxic single substances to whole foodstuffs. The concept of substantial equivalence is labelled a “key step”, at the same time paragraph 14 points out that “safety assessment in itself” is not concerned but rather a “starting point”. Theoretically, this neither limits nor more closely describes the extent of possibly necessary experimental tests. It is important to stress this, because many years of experience in approval processes of genetically modified plants and/or derived products under Directive 2001/18/EC or Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 have shown that the principle of substantial equivalence and/or the establishment thereof is often seen as the endpoint of a risk assessment. The area within which a GMO is deemed to be substantially equivalent is construed very widely. The conclusions drawn therefrom by the applicants have mostly been the same: on the basis of the finding of substantial equivalence at the beginning of a risk assessment (insofar therefore really used as a starting point), possible further experimental tests have been argued to be unnecessary. The subsequent steps of the risk assessment consequently focussed on the newly expressed protein. These hitherto common, somewhat reductionist, approaches should, however, be avoided for the purposes of precautionary risk assessment. The Royal Society Canada takes a critical stance regarding the principle of substantial equivalence because of its unclear definition and superficial application: “However, the panel also concluded that, for the purposes of the safety assessment of GM foods for human consumption, “substantial equivalence” should be considered to have been achieved only if, to the point of scientific certainty, there is equivalence in the genome, the proteome and metabolome of the GM food as compared to that of the native food.”28 Antibiotic Resistance Marker (ARM) Genes The topic of ARM genes is somewhat complex. In the discussion regarding ARM genes there are very diverging views on whether these are technically necessary and thus indispensable or whether their use really gives cause for safety concerns. On the one hand, existing alternatives to these marker genes are regularly mentioned. Thus, in a report by the DEFRA29 in the chapter on “Alternative Markers to Antibiotic Resistance Genes” it is pointed out that a series of other systems is already available in the case of plants. These are precisely listed complete with their respective advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, even experts critical of genetic engineering, for instance Cummins and Ho, in their text “Genetically modified food animals coming” note that there are scarcely alternatives whose “safety to humans in food products” has sufficiently been demonstrated. As early as 1998, the British Royal Society gave a recommendation that ARM genes be replaced by alternative marker systems as soon as this be possible. This recommendation was repeated in 2002. Likewise, in 2001 the Royal Society Canada already pointed to available alternatives, with the additional remark that the biotechnology industry (without further specification) would not develop any more plants with ARM genes and that similar trends are likewise to be expected in connection with transgenic animals.30 28 The Royal Society of Canada 2001 Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 2001 30 The view that the cause for bacteria’s increasing resistance is more likely caused by the wide general use of antibiotics in feedstuffs and in human therapy and less likely to lie in the danger of a possible gene transfer from genetically modified organisms is supported thereby. 29 Seite 24 von 131 Risk Assessment The most recent Austrian research work, “Risk assessment of antibiotic resistance marker genes in genetically modified organisms. A comprehensive report”31, evaluates the possible risks arising from the use of ARM genes in transgenic plants on the basis of the most newly available scientific findings. The afore-mentioned study develops a detailed, critical argumentation in relation to the EFSA GMO Panel’s classification of the use of certain ARM genes (for example npt II) as risk-free. Significantly different countryspecific patterns regarding the qualitative and quantitative use of antibiotic treatments, their respective clinical relevance (local significance) as well as the background exposure existing in each case are documented in detail. Consequently, no broad categorisation of ARM genes can be sustained. The rating of the npt II gene as simply inactivating clinically irrelevant substances (e.g. neomycin, kanamycin or paramomycin) cannot be applied to all European countries in the same way according to this most recent study, although neomycin is only used in rare cases. This line of argumentation is also followed substantially by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA), which rates neomycin and kanamycin as relevant substances in veterinary and human medical treatment. Penicillin and derivatives of tetracycline are still a routine part of clinical treatments. In relation to possible alternative systems, the report explains that these are not yet ready for the market and furthermore imply other intrinsic risks, which can hardly be assessed. On the basis of the described differences and of the lack of representative data, Wögerbauer ultimately emphasises the necessity of an evaluation on a case-by-case basis upon the application for the deliebrate release or placing on the market of a GMO with ARM genes. The working group of the TFFBT developed a questionnaire on this topic, as also for the non-heritable constructs, which was discussed at a WHO/FAO Expert Consultation between 26.2. and 2.3.2007 in Geneva. The results of this consultation brought no significant new findings in relation to ARM genes. It was established that at the present time there is insufficient knowledge as regards the safety of food products from transgenic animals with ARM genes. The Expert Consultation finally comes to the conclusion that alternative systems do not yet have the efficiency of conventional systems, that very little information is available about them and that what is available does not necessarily indicate a lesser potential for risk (in comparison to ARM genes). In the case of one possible alternative, GFP (green fluorescent protein), information from tests with transgenic plants is available, whereby a possible potential for cytotoxicity was established (in situ testing, not administered orally). However, the Expert Consultation recommends the advancement and development of further, new alternative systems as desirable. Consequently, at the end of September 2007, during the course of the 7th session of the Task Force, no changes were made to the provisions in paragraphs 64-67. Unintended effects It is important that possible unintended effects resulting from a genetic engineering procedure be considered theoretically at many different levels. Paragraphs 15 and 16 make detailed reference to the different levels and even contemplate unintended effects resulting from the further breeding of rDNA animals. The formulation – “Safety assessment should include data and information to reduce the possibility that a food […] would have an unexpected, adverse effect on human health.” – does not specify, however, which criteria are to be imposed. It also remains unclear when and how exactly these possible unintended effects must be assessed. 31 Wögerbauer 2007 Seite 25 von 131 Risk Assessment Miscellaneous Some formulations seem unclear or are open to ambiguous interpretation. Paragraph 27, Description of donor organism or other source(s) Which detailed information must be submitted in case of a synthetically produced DNA-sequence? The formulation “It is particularly important to determine whether the rDNA sequence impart pathogenicity [...]” appears problematic. It must be emphasised that merely a finding that pathogenicity can be imparted, is not enough. In this case, concrete information must be submitted, the possible effects on food safety must be described, etc. Paragraph 30, Description of the genetic modification(s) including the construct(s) used [...] Must information about the primary sequence of the rDNA only be made available if this is of synthetic origin? Characterization of the genetic modification(s) in the rDNA animal [...] Paragraph 37, under point A) not only the potential for “mobilization or recombination” should be established but also the possible consequences resulting therefrom for the animal and for food safety Details on the number of integrated copies and their integration sites are missing Paragraph 39 A and E: here too, the consequences resulting from these findings should be described Paragraph 55, Food storage and processing Here too, it must be noted that the consideration of possible effects (“should also be considered”) and the description of the processing processes do not provide enough information for a risk assessment. The description and evaluation of possible consequences is necessary. Safety assessment of the recombinant-DNA animal ultimately used for food production, Paragraphs 40-62 As has already been mentioned, this Proposed Draft operates mostly on the principle that a healthy animal in all probability yields healthy (i.e. without adverse effects) food. This derives from the premise that substantial equivalence is proven, i.e. the comparison of the transgenic animal with its conventionally bred counterpart. Thus, if a genetically modified animal is substantially identical with one of the same type and race which has been cultivated through conventional breeding, substantial equivalence is postulated Thus, there are few comprehensive provisions on the concrete assessment of the product per se The analysis of the composition of the food product only concerns comparing the concentrations therein with that of the conventional counterpart. A particular problem is posed in this respect by the possible range of these parameters, which, apart from the genetic modification and the effects resulting therefrom, vary greatly with the breeding conditions, the feedstuffs administered and other similar factors. The question of what criteria are required to determine the suitability of an appropriate, conventional counterpart for comparison purposes has not yet been solved The consequences of the heavy dependence on the Plant Document are also visible here. From the assessment of allergenicity to the compositional analysis, the principles familiar from the requirements for genetically modified plants are taken over in this Proposed Draft. The primary orientation on the establishment of sequence homologies does not seem adequate in this connection, the same goes for the focus on tests with the isolated new protein. No tests with the whole foodstuff are foreseen Seite 26 von 131 Risk Assessment 2.4 Countries Here, those countries will be introduced for which it was possible to obtain reasonably usable information with reasonable efforts. For possible further details, targeted (but also more involved) research in China, Cuba, perhaps also India, Korea or Malaysia could be conducted. 2.4.1 USA In the USA, food/-products are regulated by three different authorities. The Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) is responsible for food and feedstuffs from genetically modified organisms. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates meat and poultry products and release attempts (also with genetically modified plants). Finally, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) comes into play when genetically modified plants display resistance against weed killers or pesticides. Pursuant to the “Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act” foods can be placed on the market without prior approval as long as it cannot be proven that they are injurious to health. The FDA has the final decision on whether a product can be rated as “generally regarded as safe” (GRAS), i.e. the assessment of food safety consists in the evaluation of the end-product independent of the production process. Thus, the principle applicable hitherto has been that products derived from genetically modified organisms do not require any special risk assessment or separate regulation. The following information about possible changes in the law in connection with genetically modified animals comes from different sources.32 The US FDA as the authority with main responsibility has no up-to-date information regarding this topic on its website and did not reply to an email request in this matter. Neither are any references to the approval process currently running in respect of the company Aqua Bounty’s transgenic salmon to be found. The US FDA is presently (August 2007) – probably as a result of the increasing pressure, which has now also been articulated by industry and research players – working for the first time on the development of rules for transgenic animals and derived products. As, however, the FDA has not yet issued any direct statements on the matter, the exact objective being pursued must for now remain unclear. This would be of particular interest in connection with the FDA’s statements at the end of 2006, which classified food from cloned animals as harmless, safe and therefore not necessitating any extra regulation. An approval should be required for each genetically modified animal at any rate if products derived therefrom should end up in the food chain. According to a report in the New York Times, the existing law on veterinary medicines, the “New Animal Drug Rule”, should be used to this end. An additionally integrated gene would be treated as a pharmaceutical thereunder and a special guideline should be developed in order to define the application of the rule to the transgenic animal as well as the information which must be submitted. This would, then, not be a regulation specific to food products. AquaBounty draws the following conclusions from experiences in the course of the approval process thus far: “We expect the new approach to be risk-based and to include detailed studies covering (A) the molecular characterization of the transgene construct and its expression in the animal, (B) studies of the transgenic phenotype, including gene expression levels, behaviour, health and welfare of the host animal, (C) studies of the long term stability of the transgene over time, life history and multiple generations, (D) food and feed safety, including direct and indirect toxicity measures, (E) a demonstration of efficacy, and 32 e-Mail communication J. McGonigle/AquaBounty, Article in the New York Times, Website of the Union of Concerned Scientists Seite 27 von 131 Risk Assessment (F) an assessment of the potential for environmental impact and possible mitigation measures that could remove, reduce or modify any identified impacts.”33 The website of the Union of Concerned Scientists has the following interpretation: if the protein newly expressed in the animal is substantially a pharmaceutical, then the transgenic animal will be evaluated and approved pursuant to the above-mentioned Drug Rule. If this new protein were a conventional food ingredient, then evaluation and approval would ensue pursuant to the already existing regulations in these areas, e.g. for additives, etc. Under this approach, AquaBounty’s transgenic salmon, which seeks approval as a food product, would fall under the law on veterinary medicine, because growth hormones are classified as pharmaceuticals. At the beginning of 2007, the USDA set up a special department in the field of transgenic animals in order to define the USDA’s role in future processes. The duration and direction of this development in the USA is at present not foreseeable. 2.4.2 Canada In Canada, responsibility in relation to genetically modified animals is spread across several authorities, Health Canada (federal department), Environment Canada (federal department) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).34 A risk assessment must be conducted prior to every deliberate release or approval of a transgenic animal or a derived product as well as prior to any import, the applicant must submit a great deal of information to the authorities for this purpose. Transgenic animals are classified under the Canadian Environmental Act (CEPA) and the “New Substances Notification Regulation” as “new substances”. Environment Canada is responsible for the risk assessment with respect to possible consequences for the environment. In order to specify the generally worded requirements for the risk assessment in relation to environmental effects, the CFIA developed a comprehensive document, the “Notification guidelines for the environmental assessment of BT animals” (see annex II). Inter alia the following information is required: Information about the transgenic animal inc. details on cell lines, oocytes, parent animals, methods for further breeding of the transgenic animals Description of the genetic modification, information on the vector, on the resulting genotypic and phenotypic changes Description of unintended effects in the transgenic animal Number of copies of transgenes inserted, integration sites, genetic material possibly knocked out or modified by the insertion Possibility of horizontal gene transfer Behaviour, interaction, reproductive behaviour in the environment Possible ecological effects of the transgenic animal or residues/remains, descriptions of habitats, pathogenicity, toxicity, possible invasiveness, effects on biodiversity, etc. Potential adverse effects on human health, likely exposure routes (not specified exactly) All other information which may be relevant for the assessment of possible risks for human health or the environment 33 e-mail communication J. McGonigle/AquaBounty In Canada, the term “Biotechnology-derived animals” is used. This includes far more than just genetically modified animals, the following further categories are included: “Clones of animals derived by nuclear transfer from embryonic and somatic cells. Chimeric animals that have received transplanted cells from another animal. Interspecies hybrids produced by any method. Animals derived by in vitro cultivation such as maturation or manipulation of embryos.” 34 Seite 28 von 131 Risk Assessment Health Canada evaluates the safety of food products from transgenic animals on the basis of the Novel Food Regulation (see Annex III).35 The notification must include inter alia the following information: “[…] (a) common name under which the novel food will be sold; (c) a description of the novel food, together with (i) information respecting its development, (ii) details of the method by which it is manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged and stored, (iii) details of the major change, if any, (iv) information respecting its intended use and directions for its preparation, (v) information respecting its history of use as a food in a country other than Canada, if applicable, and (vi) information relied on to establish that the novel food is safe for consumption; (d) information respecting the estimated levels of consumption by consumers of the novel food; […]” B.28.002.(2) A comprehensive guideline was also developed for this, the “Guideline for the Safety Assessment of Novel Foods” (Health Canada, June 2006). This describes in detail the requirements for the application documents for the assessment of food safety, as yet, however, only for genetically modified plants and micro-organisms. At present work is being done to provide the same for transgenic animals (novel foods derived from animals). The expertise of the CFIA will be drawn on in order to evaluate aspects of animal health in particular. The CFIA has also created a guideline, the “Animal health risk analysis framework for biotechnology-derived animals” (see Annex IV), which deals with risk assessment exclusively from the perspective of animal health and animal protection. The approval decision is ultimately taken by Health Canada and/or Environment Canada; each decision is taken on a case-by-case basis. The precautionary principle that is seen as an element of risk management comes into play when within the context of a necessary decision there is a risk of serious or irreversible damage and “full scientific certainty” is not given. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans is responsible for transgenic fish.36 Up till now (status as of 2 September 2007)37 not one transgenic animal has been approved in Canada, either for release attempts in the environment or for the production of foodstuffs. Comment In summary, it can be said that Canada has developed very detailed rules for the production, approval and import of transgenic animals and derived products. For both risk assessment in relation to environmental effects of genetically modified animals and for such in the field of food safety, detailed guidelines and requirements either exist or are being developed. The status accorded to animal health and welfare within the regulatory system is a special feature of the Canadian system. In 2001 the Royal Society of Canada developed recommendations for the adaptation of the regulatory system and of risk assessment in order to be better able to take into account and assess health and environmental aspects in connection with food products from genetically modified animals. In general, because of the numerous scientific uncertainties in relation to the risk assessment of genetically/produced foodstuffs, an 35 Foodstuffs from genetically modified animals are per definitionem novel food The detailed interplay of these authorities is not completely transparent “from the outside”, in particular because as yet there has been no approval, i.e. the process for transgenic animals in realita has yet not been run through 37 Canadian Food Inspection Agency: 36 Seite 29 von 131 Risk Assessment approach applying the precautionary principle is considered necessary. The principle of substantial equivalence is described as ambiguous and as too imprecisely delineated. Further, there is criticism that, in common risk assessment practice, this principle is mostly interpreted as an argument contra the necessity of further and/or more comprehensive tests and not as a possible point of departure for further investigations. The report recommends carrying out rigorous analyses of the possible consequences by “direct testing for harmful outcomes” in lieu of said principle. In each case, clear proof that there is no risk in connection with new technologies is required (“ […] unless there is a reliable scientific basis for considering them safe.”). The CFIA is called upon to develop its own guidelines in relation to the approval process for genetically modified animals, which also take into account both behavioural and physiological parameters in the risk assessment. In the case of transgenic fish, a moratorium in relation to breeding in farms on Canadian coastlines is called for, or the tying of approvals for transgenic fish to obligatory breeding in so-called “land-based facilities”. In response to this report, the Canadian government has developed an action plan to implement the recommendations contained therein. In the meantime, the “Guideline for novel foods derived from plants and micro-organisms” has been revised. And, as already mentioned, a new guideline for the risk assessment of food products from transgenic animals and fish is being developed. 2.4.3 Argentina Argentina is one of the few further countries which have issued special statutory regulations – on the one hand for the field of transgenic animals per se Rule Nº57/03, the relevant annex to which was gratefully received by the author of this study in an English version, on the other hand for vaccines produced by genetic engineering and similar products, which are used for animals (Rule Nº656/92).38 In the Annex to Rule Nº57/03, “Application for permit for experiments with and/or release into the environment of genetically modified animals” (see Annex V), the requirements in terms of documentation to be submitted upon application for the carrying out of experiments in “controlled conditions”, for deliberate releases and also in the case of the import of genetically modified animals, gametes or embryos are set out in detail and relatively comprehensively. This information simultaneously represents the relevant criteria for the risk assessment for the authorities, whereby molecular characterisation of the “transformation event” and aspects of biosafety are especially central. The risk assessment is conducted case-by-case. The studies can only be commenced after positive feedback from the authorities. Each approval contains inter alia measures regarding “biosafety” and regarding the frequency and details of inspections as well as risk management. Genetically modified animals and/or their products must fulfil not only the requirements of these provisions but also those of the “Animal Health Regulation” (Law N°130636/49) (“to prevent risks to human and/or animal health or the environment”). In the following cases the authorities must be notified within 24 hours: In the case of unintended release or escape of animals In the event that unexpected characteristics appear in the transgenic animal In any “abnormal” situation, for instance sharply increased mortality rates, illnesses or other unforeseen effects on other organisms. The information which must be submitted focuses on the genetic information and functions and on the possible effects and measures in relation to environmental safety. The data required include (the usual) details like sequences of the construct to be integrated, the marker-gene, the introns and promoters, the vector, details about the donor and recipient organism, as applicable details about the site of the intended release, etc. Further, a detailed description of such information as has been considered in advance 38 e-mail communication Dr. M. Burachik, Coordinador General Oficina de Biotecnología, Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentos (Ministry for Agriculture, Livestock Breeding, Fisheries and Food) Seite 30 von 131 Risk Assessment for the prevention of any contamination, also of the environment, as well as any consequent measures is necessary, e.g. description of: Isolation and biosafety measures Confinement conditions Methods to control potential vectors Techniques to detect gene transfers from the transgenic animal to the biotic environment Distance to closest roads and heavily travelled areas. Finally information on possible interbreeding partners, the potentially altered selection pressure and inheritance patterns but also on the wellbeing of the animals and any toxic or other adverse effects inter alia on human health must be provided. Possible further details in relation to risk assessment with respect to human health and/or food safety could not be ascertained up to the time of project completion. According to information provided by the competent authority, as yet (29.06.2007) no applications have been made in Argentina for the approval of a genetically modified animal, either for the field of gene-pharming or for food use. Applications for experimental releases for research purposes have been submitted and approved after a corresponding risk assessment. These concerned cattle and sheep that express pharmaceutical substances in their milk (human growth hormone, bovine growth hormone and modified human insulin). The transgenic animals did not get outside of the controlled conditions; the tests took place under strictly confined conditions in the laboratory. The offspring of such animals are also subject to legal provisions in Argentina. An application for experimental releases for research purposes of transgenic sheep (expression of a reporter gene) has been submitted, a further application in relation to cattle is expected very soon. An inspection system has been set up in Argentina in this connection. 2.4.4 Other countries Australia In spite of over 20 years of ongoing research with respect to the production of genetically modified animals, no transgenic animal has been approved outside of the research field to date in Australia (or in New Zealand). Work in these countries is focussing on fish, cows with an additional gene for β- and κ-casein (between 20 and 100% more casein) and sheep (focus on wool). In the evaluation of the food safety of a product from a transgenic animal, the principle of substantial equivalence is also of central significance in these countries. The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code39 is a food law for Australia and (in many parts) for New Zealand; chapter 1.5.2, “Food Produced Using Gene Technology”40, deals with genetically produced or modified foodstuffs. It contains definitions and labelling requirements as well as the requirement that such undergo an approval process and a risk assessment (which, however, is not further specified here) in the area of food safety. Products which have already been approved, e.g. various genetically modified plants, are listed in a register here. The Food Standards Australia New Zealand, which is responsible for the carrying out of the risk assessments, created in June 2005 a 60-page booklet on the topic of risk assessment of genetically modified/produced foods, “GM Foods. Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods”.41 The necessary criteria include for example: Information on the donor and recipient organism, information on which parts have been used as food up till now Description of the genetic material and the methods used for the integration, e.g. source, function, regulation elements of the genetic material, primary sequence, how 39 40 41 Seite 31 von 131 Risk Assessment often and where it has been integrated, possible consequences resulting therefrom, etc. Any “effects of any new genes on human health” must also be described in connection with the above, there is particular reference to antibiotic-resistance-marker-genes and the associated question of a possible transfer of the resistance to bacteria in the human digestive system Characterisation and expression of the new protein, possible toxic or allergenic characteristics of the protein, information about feeding tests carried out with it Differences between the novel and the conventional food, in particular as regards ash content, moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, amino acids, vitamins, minerals Toxic or allergenic potential of the new food Nutritional value in comparison to the conventional food, final intended use, any directions for processing Risk assessments in the environmental field, also in the case of intended releases, are carried out in Australia by the Department of the Environment and Heritage as well as by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) in the Department of Health and Ageing, the main principles – for instance the obligatory performance of a risk assessment – are anchored in the gene technology law.42 A separate advisory committee has been established in connection with ethical questions, the Gene Technology Ethics Committee. The OGTR has specified the requirements a risk assessment must fulfil when it comes to intended release or placing on the market in a 118 page document called “Risk Analysis Framework” (January 2005).43 Interestingly, this document is only indirectly addressed to applicants, as it expounds those principles according to which the authority (the Regulator) conducts a risk analysis44, “The Risk Analysis Framework describes the principles of risk analysis used by the Regulator to protect human health and safety, and the environment, in accordance with the Gene Technology Act.” The risk assessment pertinent in connection with the present study is treated in chapter 3 of the above-mentioned framework. However, in contrast to comparable documents from other countries, hardly any concrete criteria are listed, rather there are numerous fundamental explanations and descriptions about what might theoretically present a danger, how adverse effects can be grouped and so on. The rationalisation: “No list of generic criteria would be sufficient for all cases. Therefore the properties of the GMO, its location(s), the types of dealings and the management conditions employed will all be important in deciding which people and what particular local environmental attributes are most susceptible.” Individual, concrete details named include: The possibility of harmful effects on humans and other organisms and/or ecosystems and non-target organisms Horizontal gene-transfer to other organisms The possible propagation and/or persistence of a GMO in the environment Possible selection advantages Toxic, allergenic or pathogenic effects on other organisms Unintended effects or secondary effects As also seen in other cases, the explanatory examples in this guideline are taken exclusively from the plant field. Japan In Japan, all food obtained from genetically modified organisms must undergo a risk assessment by the "Food Safety Commission” and subsequently be approved by the competent Ministry for Health (Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare; risk management body). 42 674/$file/GeneTechnology2000_WD02.pdf 43 44 In this context, risk analysis means the combination of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication Seite 32 von 131 Risk Assessment According to the competent authority45, special standards have been developed for the risk assessment of genetically modified plants. In the meantime (June 2007), almost 80 genetically modified cultivated plants have been approved under these standards. On the other hand, there are no separate guidelines or standards for transgenic animals, and up till now there have been no applications for the approval of such; there have also been no requests by scientific or private economy institutes. The authority is aware, however, that numerous experimental projects of this type are carried out in Japan. European countries Most of the competent authorities surveyed in European Union countries have no national regulations or recommendations with respect to genetically modified animals that go beyond Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulation (EC) 1829/2003. The measures formulated in Directive 2001/18/EC (see chapter 2.4.2) are mostly perceived to be sufficient for the present (at least until such an application for approval must be processed for the first time), some point to the anticipated guideline from the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission (see chapter 2.4.3) as a further important basis. Germany points additionally to those criteria for risk assessment which are set out in the German Statutory Regulation on the Safety of Genetic Engineering (Gentechniksicherheitsverordnung). Annex 1 on “risk groups of donor and recipient organisms/general criteria for the safety evaluation” contains criteria like Information about the donor and recipient organism, e.g. type and characteristics of the vectors contained, interaction with others and effects on other organisms in the environment including anticipated competing or symbiotic characteristics Description of the genetic modification, such as source of the genetic material, methods used, stability of the organism in relation to the genetically modified traits Health considerations, e.g. toxic or allergenic effects of the genetically modified organisms and/or their metabolic products, product risks (not further specified), possible pathogenicity Environmental considerations, e.g. factors which influence the survival, the breeding and the dispersal of the genetically modified organisms in the environment; description of the ecosystems to which the organisms may be unintentionally dispersed; known or foreseen effects on plants and animals These rather general criteria may be able to provide a starting point as occasion arises, but do not contain by any means all the necessary aspects and information required in connection with the risk assessment of genetically modified animals. In the Netherlands, every genetic modification of animals (including cloning) requires special approval in advance from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. These requirements, set out in the "Animal Health and Welfare Act”, also apply to all research institutes. Every application is additionally subjected thereby to an ethical evaluation, on the one hand in relation to the effects on the animal itself, on the other hand in relation to the ethical evaluation of the objective of the intended modification (see also the discussion in the excursus “Ethical Aspects”). These specific regulations were introduced subsequent to the public debate concerning the genetically modified bull “Hermann”. Authorisation is also necessary from the Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, which in each case assesses possible adverse consequences for humans and the environment. Up till the end of this study, no details on this specific national risk assessment in the case of research projects were available in the English language. In Great Britain, the authority mainly responsible for health questions is the Health and Safety Commission/The Health and Safety Executive. The HSE has developed jointly with the “Scientific Advisory Committee on Genetic Modification” guidelines for projects using genetically modified organisms, the fifth chapter of which deals with genetically modified 45 Dr. K. Fukushima, Office of International Food Safety, Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare Seite 33 von 131 Risk Assessment animals.46 It contains the information considered necessary by the authorities for a risk assessment with a focus on “contained use” projects. Possible risks for the environment, e.g. in the case of a transgenic animal escaping (availability of cross-breeding partners, survival capability, potential for horizontal gene transfer, etc.), and for health of workers are centred on – this necessitates, for example, an assessment of the allergenic or toxic potential of an animal. Ultimately, a semi-quantitative assessment of the risk under investigation must be made (severe, modest, minor, negligible). In 2002, the Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission issued a report entitled “Animals and Biotechnology” on genetically modified animals. The AEBC advocates that genetically modified, cloned and conventionally bred animals be handled so far as possible within the same legal framework. In the field of animal protection, legislative amendments are viewed as necessary in this respect. Because of the currently inassessable risks in connection with the possible ecological effects of genetically modified fish, it is recommended that these not be kept in open and/or coastal waters. As customary in the English speaking countries, “public engagement”, i.e. public discussion and the participation and involvement of all socially relevant stakeholders in the discussion process, is accorded great importance. 46 The SACGM Compendium of Guidance: Seite 34 von 131 Excursus Ethical Aspects Excursus: ethical aspects Ethical questions in connection with the genetic modification of animals shall be outlined here in a short excursus. Accordingly, this is not an exhaustive representation of all possible or usual arguments, the corresponding counter-arguments and the theoretical foundations thereof47, but rather an overview of the discourse field with those of its main ethical aspects associated with the subject of this study. This proceeds in principle from a value system which – to greater or lesser degrees – does not call animal protection per se into question. Science ethics Scientific and technological developments and changes bring in general, along with their intended effects, also unintended effects/consequences, which may for instance be of a social, ecological, economic or ethical nature. Scientific ethics is concerned in this connection inter alia with the possible consequences of scientific activity or scientific findings for society as a whole. It attempts thereby to define criteria and parameters for the evaluation of new technologies (as result of a scientific development) or current research (as institutional science) as ethically imperative, ethically desirable or ethically objectionable. Equally, aspects such as the freedom and limits of research and their implementation, questions of scientific responsibility or the value system this is founded on and the “right thing to do” are discussed.48 The question of the potential risks posed by a technology or method is not an ethical subject in itself, but rather more so is the question of its justification. The more severe and long-lasting the extent of the interference, the more rapidly its justification is questioned. Ethical concerns and arguments are always based on an individual or societal value system. In this context, ethics is the culture-related, normative basis for human action. A multidimensional interbraiding of current developments, opinions, values, fears and perceptions exercises a subliminal influence thereby: a fast-growing basis of knowledge with technological possibilities, the constant change resulting therefrom, globalisation, the dominance of the economy and at the same time less state and supposedly less regulative and/or public control; and correspondingly: diffuse unease, scepticism, mistrust of public institutions, increasing significance of eco-topics, fair-trade products and similar developments.49 In any case, a distinction must always be made between general scepticism and concerns on the one hand, and concrete ethical questions on the other. Ethical aspects are very diverse depending on the societal and cultural context, the arguments made are very different and based inter alia on changing value systems. Which risk is justifiable in which case and why? How can/must this be dealt with? Who bears the costs, who the risks, who profits? What significance do the rights and interests of an individual have as opposed to a society (or a social group)? An evaluation in the sense of “right” or “wrong” must be decided by a society, sometimes as the occasion arises and time and time over anew. 47 There are numerous different ethical and ethical-philosophical approaches, e.g. theoretical ethics, normative ethics or discourse ethics, utilitarianism or deontology and also different interpretations of whether results or actions are subject to ethical examination. All these theoretical approaches and strategies ultimately affect the formulation, evaluation and weighting of ethical concerns, but shall however not be further dealt with here 48 Schicktanz 2000 49 McDonald 2000 Seite 35 von 131 Excursus Ethical Aspects Animal ethics In relation to the field of genetically modified animals, similar questions can be asked: from an ethical point of view, what suffering, what harm is it reasonable to cause to animals, is justifiable? What advantage balances what risk? Aspects of animal health and species-appropriate husbandry as well as animal welfare considerations are the main and at the same time the minimum criteria from the ethical perspective. In general, it may be observed that the higher the animal is, i.e. the closer it is to humans taxonomically speaking, the more critically work on the animal is viewed. Hence, society grants the right to a greater degree of animal welfare measures more readily to vertebrates for example (as opposed to say earthworms), as a capacity to suffer and sensitive faculty are ascribed to vertebrates. In particular in Switzerland, a more advanced approach is taken on this, centred on the term “the dignity of the creature”. This calls for a definite rejection of anthropocentric animal protection, according to which animals are only to be protected insofar as this benefits humans. “Dignity of the creature” thus means protecting animals for their own sakes. Their worthiness for protection does not depend thereby on their degree of proximity to humans but rather consists in being and in being allowed to remain an animal of a particular type under comprehensive consideration of their physical and psychological integrity.50 In this connection, the concept of an animal’s “telos” is also relevant; this is used in particular in English language literature. The telos of an animal means its nature, its being, its specific needs, wants and interests on the basis of its belonging to a particular species – i.e. “the pigness of a pig, the dogness of a dog”. 51 Thus, this term concerns much more than the absence of pain, it also concerns social aspects of animal husbandry and the animal’s psychological capacity to suffer. This argumentation approach is of particular significance in the context of the potentialities of genetic modifications, where questions regarding the possible changing of the telos must be discussed. Animal ethics & genetic engineering The genetic modification of animals is either evaluated fundamentally sceptically to negatively (intrinsic rejection) or on the basis of the consequences resulting specifically from the technology (extrinsic rejection).52 In the case of intrinsically motivated rejection there is little room for discussion; such can only be addressed with highly restrictive legislation (should this be so desired). As already mentioned, the Swiss standpoint is formulated fairly categorically: “A normative limit must be applied to the technological dealings of humans with animals. Dignity is indivisible. Genetic engineering procedures fundamentally violate dignity with their specific deviation from natural living contexts and evolutionary laws”. The authors base a call for a “general ban on the genetic manipulation of agricultural animals” on the ethical concerns formulated.53 This approach puts the intrinsic value of the animal in the foreground, regardless of its usefulness to humans.54 Ethically motivated questions arise from the above-mentioned concept of telos. Should this be absolutely respected? May it be changed? If so, within what limits? To follow the pathocentric approach, the development of transgenic animals which – e.g. in the case of non-appropriate husbandry – no longer feel any suffering could be argued positively. Suffering would be the sole ethically relevant criterion thereby; on the other hand, the telos of the animal would be changed. Further arguments could be religiously motivated, pick up on the unnaturalness of the genetic engineering procedures or the possible 50 Amman 1999 Thompson 2000, Straughan, Pew Initiative 2005 52 Straughan 53 Amman 1999 54 On possible deviations from this approach see further below in this chapter, details of the legal regulation in Switzerland 51 Seite 36 von 131 Excursus Ethical Aspects severity of the interference. Especial potential for conflict seems to arise when it is necessary to decide between animal ethics and human health. Spectrum of the arguments The different critical ethical arguments and/or aspects invoked in connection with the genetic modification of animals all lie within these poles. They are summarily represented below without any kind of prioritisation or valuation. Interference in divine order Interference with natural conditions, because existing species boundaries are overridden Man forces what cannot come about through evolution The speed in achieving breeding goals is outside that of evolutionary timeframes Injury of the natural integrity, dignity, identity and telos of an individual Evaluation of the possibility of adapting animals by genetic modification to breeding and husbandry conditions which are not deemed species-appropriate, e.g. in order to thus reduce susceptibility to stress or sickness; i.e. this would involve, on the one hand, diminishing the capacity to suffer, on the other hand it would involve interference in the telos and/or genetic integrity Genetic engineering exchange of genetic information takes a purely utility-oriented approach Mechanistic or utilitarian approach in dealing with animals, increased instrumentalisation Twofold burden on transgenic animals through genetic modification on the one hand, and existence as a laboratory animal for experiments on the other, i.e. there is more (qualitative and/or quantitative) suffering than with conventional laboratory animals Genetic modification causes numerous potentially detrimental side-effects, sometimes unforeseeable damage The crude inefficiency of the methods results in numerous “useless” animals (e.g. because the transgene is not expressed at all or only very weakly), which are then slaughtered Unexpected suffering, deformations, pain, impaired health because of new, sometimes strongly expressed genes, at times foreign to the species, because of coincidental integration or pleiotropic effects; negative physiological condition, independently of whether a genetic engineering procedure also has a phenotypic effect Genetic modification of animals to obtain pharmaceuticals increases the pressure on animals to have longer lactation phases, thus they are milked more frequently and for longer; this unnatural procedure causes additional pain Specific argumentation in connection with such transgenic animals as are used in basic research as so-called model animals, in order to deliberately develop specific disease symptoms Growing research possibilities resulting from genetic engineering lead to an increase in the animals used in research Question as to the ethical consequences in the case of potential restriction of a technology which in the middle-term may potentially be able to reduce or prevent human suffering Transfer of pig genes, for instance, into specific food plants might result in food which is forbidden or ought to be avoided by certain (not only religious) groups Escape of transgenic animals into the environment or entry - unintentionally – into the human food chain Potentially possible reduction of the genetic pool Seite 37 von 131 Excursus Ethical Aspects Magnitude of the consequences, i.e. not only the consideration of the transgenic animal itself but also the impairment of the surrogate mother animal and/or the progeny Each of the arguments cited here could be further differentiated and/or countered or qualified. This would go beyond the scope of this excursus. Country-specific Ethical questions and arguments in connection with the genetic modification of animals do not generally find expression in legal regulations, also not in the European authorisation procedure for transgenic animals. In the Anglo-American countries and in Switzerland there is a lively stream of publications on ethical matters in which governmental bodies and similar are also involved. Some country-specific aspects as to ethics are sketched out below. As already mentioned in chapter 2.4.2, animal health and animal welfare are accorded a special significance in Canada within the regulatory context, there must be a separate risk assessment under the aspect of animal health. This does not consider ethical evaluations for themselves alone but integrates them into the process as a whole. McDonald calls for a further-reaching approach, ethical evaluations should not be one aspect among others, but be seen as a complete appraisal in their own right: “It is itself an “all-things-considered” judgement, which takes into account all relevant factors.” In Great Britain, animal protection traditionally enjoys great importance. Various national studies and reports consider the topic and regularly formulate calls for the adaptation of legal regulations to take into consideration the requirements resulting from the genetic modification of animals. “Any harm to an animal, even if not absolutely impermissible, nonetheless requires justification and must be outweighed by the good which is realistically sought in so treating it.”55 Further information is available for the Netherlands. Pursuant to the Animal Health and Welfare Act, every experiment with animals in connection with genetic engineering methods must fulfil a catalogue of ethical criteria, whereby both a justification for the project and the lack of suitable alternatives must be demonstrated. This applies both to work on the animal itself as also to animal embryos. The competent Ministry56 may then issue an approval when the project is not associated with any “inacceptable consequences” for the health of the animal, when there are no further ethical concerns and the possible benefit, e.g. for human health, is preponderant. The following criteria are drawn on for the evaluation:57 The biotechnological project must be carried out for serious purposes An alternative method must not be available The biotechnological project must not adversely affect the animal’s health or welfare The impact on the animal’s integrity must be ethically acceptable (Here a distinction is made between impact on phenotype (i.e. appearance, behaviour and selfsufficiency) and impact on genotype (genetic make-up) Gains and importance of the project are balanced against the potential impact on the animal’s health, welfare and integrity It is also emphasised by the authority that there is no consensus on the meta-level in the Netherlands as to what is ethically acceptable and what is not. This is decided on a caseby-case basis. Switzerland has extensive and also relatively specific requirements on animal protection. The explicit recognition of the notion of “dignity of the creature” is anchored in the Federal Constitution. This “ethics of co-createdness” means that animals are to be 55 56 57 Straughan Ministry of Agriculture, SAEBC e-Mail communication J.B.F.C. van den Assum Seite 38 von 131 Excursus Ethical Aspects protected for their own sakes, regardless of their proximity or use to man. In the Swiss Gene Technology Law (GTG), the above constitutional provision finds expression in the definition of animal dignity as a protection objective, which encompasses all animals, i.e. agricultural animals as well as house pets and others. The question of whether genetic modifications infringe the dignity of the creature must be decided on a case-by-case basis. According to the Swiss GTG, the possible impairments of the animal must always be weighed up against the described human interests worthy of protection – like human and animal health, the securing of sufficient food, reduction of ecological damage, augmentation of knowledge, etc. Transgenic animals with the exclusive object of increased performance are clearly prohibited. The Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation has developed a guidance document “Ethische Güterabwägung bei Tierversuchen” (ethical balancing of interests for animal experiments), which can be used by researchers for critical self-assessment in relation to the weighing up of interests. The European Union regulations on gene technology, especially Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulation (EC) 1829/2003, do not contain any concrete criteria in connection with animal protection or in relation to ethical questions. However, under article 29 of the afore-mentioned Directive, there is a possibility to have ethical questions discussed by a special committee. Provisions which deal with animal protection in general (e.g. Directive 86/609/EEC on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes) do not contain any criteria dealing with genetically modified animals and the specific issues associated therewith. The Animal Health and Animal Welfare Panel (AHAW), a scientific panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), is concerned with animal protection, species-appropriate husbandry, specific slaughtering methods for different species and similar issues, but explicitly excludes the handling of ethical aspects in its work. The EU Community Action Plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2006-201058 of January 2006 also deals with general animal welfare initiatives; it calls for the reduction of animal testing as well as for the creation of alternatives thereto and the upgrading of “existing minimum standards for animal protection and welfare [...] as well as possibly elaborating specific minimum standards for species [...]” in line with new scientific findings, but does not comment on ethical subjects. The objectives defined in paragraph 1 of the Austrian Genetic Engineering Act59 (GTG) do not mention ethical values explicitly, but line 5 of the principles listed in paragraph 3 does define an ethical principle: “[...] 5. In the case of genetic analyses and gene therapies on humans, attention must be paid to the safeguarding of human dignity; the responsibility of humans for animals, plants and ecosystems must be taken into account (ethical principle).” This formulation allows the conclusion that animals – in particular higher animals which can be expected to feel pain and have heightened powers of perception – should at any rate be considered entitled to a species-appropriate existence without the infliction of severe suffering.60 Finally, paragraph 63, social unsustainability, should be mentioned. In this connection an “irreversible interference in [...] value systems also with respect to other human and animal living creatures, etc.”61 can constitute a so-called “unbalanced burden on society”, which in end effect could serve as an argument for the social unsustainability of a product. In this context, it must be pointed out that the provisions of paragraph 63 have never yet been applied since their coming into effect in 1995.62 58 Communication of the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council Federal Act, which regulates work on genetically modified organisms, the release and placing on the market of genetically modified organisms and the use of gene analysis and gene therapy on humans (Gene Technology Law – GTG) and changed the Product Liability Law; BGBl. 1994/510 in the versions BGBl. I 1998/73, I 2001/98, I 2002/94, I 2004/73, I 2004/126 and I 2005/127 60 Kerschner, Lang 2007 61 Wagner 2007, p.229 62 ibid 59 Seite 39 von 131 Excursus Ethical Aspects Résumé In summary, it can be said that the ethical arguments and questions cited in connection with the genetic modification of animals are not always specific to gene technology. That means the perception and evaluation of such projects and developments often do not differentiate between problems of conventional animal breeding, ethical questions relating to experiments on animals in general, cloning on the one hand and specific aspects of gene technology on the other. In relation to genetic engineering methods, it is sometimes the process itself which takes centre stage (i.e. modifications of animals by conventional methods would be acceptable) and/or the respective result striven for and/or the associated speed en route to this objective. Concrete discussions should therefore distinguish between specific features of genetic engineering procedures and those of conventional practices and methods. Animal protection as such has been on the agenda for decades, in particular in connection with intensive farming and battery farming methods and the diseases associated therewith, with modern animal breeding and with laboratory animals for research. The most various studies and reports show that human dealings with agricultural animals in the context of modern agriculture generally tend to create unease and thus a need for discussion. Nevertheless, the general exploitation of animals by human is seldom raised as a problem, rather the focus is always on specific applications, like animal experiments in the cosmetics industry or indeed possible genetic engineering modifications. In general, animal experiments, including genetic engineering experiments, are the more easily accepted the more they have to do with medical research and thus are potentially associated with human health. The risk assessment of genetically modified animals or food products derived from them is a process which is substantially based on scientific facts and/or findings. The topic of the transgenic animal as a whole is, however, much farther-reaching. The societal need for the discussion of ethical aspects and concerns should also be taken into account in this connection; it should not be seen as a hindrance. Various food scandals, the occurrences around the commercialisation of genetically modified plants and similar happenings have sensitised the public in recent years and helped create a principle of scepticism with regard to the scientific-political decision-making processes. General societal discussions on ethical questions would also seem necessary if socially robust, i.e. socially accepted, forms of application for genetic engineering on animals are to be found. LIST OF REFERENCES The references listed below are by no means exhaustive. They represent only those studies, guidelines, etc., which were easily accessible during the course of the research in connection with this study. Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission: Animals and Biotechnology; AEBC, September 2002 Ammann D., Goetschel A.F.: Die Verfassungsnorm der Würde der Kreatur. Konsequenzen für die Zulassung genmanipulierter Tiere; Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnologie, SAG – Studienpapier B2, Juli 1999 (12.4.2007) Amman D., Cimerman Z.: Bio- und Gentechnik an Tieren; Zürcher Tierschutz, Zürich Februar 2007 Einsiedel E.F.: Public perceptions of transgenic animals; Rev. sci. tech. Off. Int. Epiz., Vol.24 (1), S.149-157, 2005 Seite 40 von 131 Excursus Ethical Aspects European Food Safety Authority: Gutachten des wissenschaftlichen Gremiums für Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz (AHAW) zur Biologie und zum Wohlergehen von Tieren, die für Versuchszwecke und andere wissenschaftliche Zwecke verwendet werden; rev. Version Jänner 2007 European Science Foundation: Use of animals in research; Policy Briefing, August 2001 Kerschner F.: Kommentar zum Gentechnikgesetz; Wien 2007 McDonald M.: Biotechnology, ethics and government. A synthesis; The Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee, Project steering committee on incorporating social and ethical considerations into biotechnology, Ottawa October 2000$FILE/GovEthics_McDonald_e.pdf (17.7.2007) Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology (Hg.): Exploring the moral and ethical aspects of genetically engineered and cloned animals. Summary of a multi stakeholder workshop; Rockville/Maryland 24.-26. Jänner 2005 (25.5.2007) Schicktanz S.: Ethik in den Wissenschaften. Wege der Urteilsbildung am Beispiel „Transgene Tiere“; in: Hüsing B., Zimmer R., Schicktanz S.: Reproduktions- und Gentechnik bei Tieren; Biotechnologie-Agentur Baden-Württemberg, Fraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung, S.99-121, Karlsruhe September 2001 Sherwin S.: Towards an adequate ethical framework for setting biotechnology policy; The Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee, Stewardship Standing Committee, Ottawa January 2001$FILE/BioPolicy_Sherwin_e.pdf (17.7.2007) Straughan R.: Ethics, morality and animal biotechnology; Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council, Swindon/UK o.J. f (17.7.2007) Thompson P.: Food and agricultural biotechnology: incorporating ethical considerations; The Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee, Project steering committee on incorporating social and ethical considerations into biotechnology, Ottawa October 2000$FILE/FoodAgric_Thompson.pdf (17.7.2007) Waßmuth R.: Literaturstudie zum aktuellen Stand der Anwendungen von Gentechnik und Genanalytik in der Tierproduktion; Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Thüringer Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Naturschutz und Umwelt, Jena April 2006 Seite 41 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples 3 Transgenic animals. Examples Countless articles in scientific literature report on new methods, findings and applications concerning the genetic modification of animals. In fact, there is such an abundance of publications that a complete overview of the status-quo or of the respective relevance of the individual papers is hardly possible. Time and time again case-studies and possible applications are announced and cited, are then suspended and later again revived perhaps with new details and published anew. In the area of pharmaceuticals in particular, which sees regular mergers, takeovers and corresponding renaming of companies, it is practically impossible to discern any continuity in the various approaches without continuous and detailed research. In order, nevertheless, to be able to create an overview within the framework of this study, recourse was taken especially to reviews and literature studies. According to Waßmuth, a complete overview would also require research and analysis of the pertinent patent literature. Animals have been used by people for agricultural and similar purposes for centuries, and also continually developed by means of breeding. The objectives pursued thereby have always been increased production, changes in proportion of meat or other desired attributes. Since scientists first succeeded in genetically modifying the genetic makeup of an animal (a mouse) in 1980, genetic engineering methods have also been used on agricultural animals. Genetic engineering picks up directly from previous developments, admittedly with entirely new possibilities. The objectives from the year 1990 for the application of genetic engineering methods in animal breeding listed by Waßmuth in his literature study in 2006 are more or less unchanged today and, moreover, little different from those of conventional breeding. Central objectives are the improvement of synthetic and productive capacity, acceleration of growth, better feed conversion ratio, decreased emission of pollutants (e.g. less phosphorous in excretions), resistance to disease, change in the agricultural end-products, production of pharmaceutically relevant substances or adaptation to environmental conditions. In spite of the already long-running and extensive work done, genetically modified animals have up till now hardly attained readiness for the market. There are several reasons for this, e.g. the limited fundamental knowledge about the relevant biological/genetic processes and structures, the causes of which are especially constituted in the considerably more complex, as compared to plants, biological backgrounds. Most of the characteristics interesting in the context of agricultural animals are conditioned by more than one gene, a further factor which makes concrete implementation more difficult. Molecular mechanisms for the integration of new DNA sequences in mammalian genomes are also still the object of ongoing intensive research. Just as problematic is the attainment of stability in the expression of the gene and in the passing of such on to the progeny (mostly different integration sites, i.e. each animal thus represents its own line). And finally, the hitherto extremely low rate of success in the creation of transgenic animals also plays a significant role, efficiency lies at a maximum of 2-3%. Therefore, the development work is laborious and extremely costly; numerous projects on the production of transgenic animals are currently directed in particular at the augmentation of scientific knowledge and the development of efficient methods. The following chapters contain a number of concrete examples from more recent literature in the field of agricultural animals, applications with fish, on gene-pharming and in relation to house pets. The lists and tables found in numerous publications shall not be reproduced here, as these mostly just summarily compare possible application areas and animal species used. Generally speaking, these do not enable any conclusions to be drawn as regards concrete, actually current ongoing research and development projects. Seite 42 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples 3.1 Agricultural animals, fish The specific objectives for agricultural animals encompass primarily general increase of production (especially via additional genes for growth hormones), more targeted selection, reduced resource-input and/or better feed conversion ratios, less environmental pollution, resistance to diseases (inc. BSE, TSE, etc.) and to infections, reduced fat content in meat and increased muscle mass (means higher meat content), and the altered composition of food products such as milk, cheese or meat. Work is being done on all agriculturally relevant animals, but cattle, pigs, chicken, sheep and fish take centre stage. 3.1.1 Cattle The first transgenic bull was “Herman”, who was developed by the enterprise GenePharming (the Netherlands, USA; today: Pharming). The original objective was cows that produce human lacto-ferrin in their milk, which in turn was to be used as an additive in baby food. Only one living animal developed from the genetically modified embryos, the above-named bull.63 Herman was sexually mature in April 1992, artificial insemination using his sperm was allowed from 1993. A total of eight female transgenic offspring were born, five of these attained sexual maturity. However, these produced only small amounts of human lacto-ferrin. In March 1996 these offspring of Herman in turn gave birth to calves. From then on the scent seems to be lost; apparently no information about the later years is available. According to an article in the magazine Science from the year 2002, the enterprise suspended the work around the mid 1990s.64 Lacto-ferrin plays a direct role in the field of food. The above-mentioned enterprise Pharming continues to produce human lacto-ferrin obtained from the milk of transgenic cows. This lacto-ferrin is used for its bioactive protective function (potential protection against infections in the gastro-intestinal tract) for instance in the form of food supplements (functional food)65 or as additives to infant food. Japan in particular is seen as a promising market; bovine lacto-ferrin is currently widely used as an additive or food supplement there. As the studies conducted by the enterprise showed no adverse effects, no genotoxicity or allergenic potential, a so-called GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) notification was delivered to the US Food and Drug Administration. In general, resistance to diseases is a hotly pursued objective, as high costs are involved. Work continues to be done on cattle with additional lacto-ferrin genes, both human and bovine.66 The increased amount of lacto-ferrin is expected to strengthen the animal’s general defence mechanisms against diseases – and thus also against mastitis. In 2005 there were reports on Jersey cows which exhibited resistance to mastitis because of a gene from the bacteria staphylococcus simulans (related to the s. aureus which mostly causes the infection) that codes for the protein lysostaphin. Nonetheless, these cows do contract mastitis from other pathogens, e.g. e. coli or streptococcus uberis. As the transgene is expressed in the milk, the scientists working on the project reckon with serious reservations among the public should a commercialisation at some point be on the table.67 Further work is being done on cows (and sheep) in connection with the prevention of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, like BSE and TSE, by inactivating specific genes. Numerous objectives are pursued in relation to milk: increased yield, less fat content, less/no lactose, hypoallergenic milk (inactivation of the gene for beta-lactoglobulin), increased proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, increased similarity to human breastmilk, 63 ILSI 1995, Selig 2004, Waßmuth 2006 Science 18 January 2002, Vol. 295. no. 5554, p.437 65, Waßmuth 2006 66 van Berkel 2002, Hyvönen 2006, Waßmuth 2006 67 Wall 2005, Rainard 2005 64 Seite 43 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples faster coagulation for cheese production or increased casein content (to yield more cheese from the same amount). Caseins, which constitute almost 80% of the milk proteins, have a particularly central role.68 Cows with modified casein content can be resistant to mastitis69; increased casein content means greater yields in cheese production70; more κ-casein would mean finer emulsions and make processing easier; more β-casein can increase the milk’s calcium content.71 The understanding of the physiological factors and processes which ultimately regulate the amount of milk produced within the animal in the mammary glands is still limited at present.72 The modification of milk quality has functioned hitherto above all in mice and has shown unexpected adverse effects thereby. Lactose-reduced milk (α-lactalbumin) has been tested in transgenic mice. Because of the increased viscosity of the milk, the mice were no longer able to suckle their young.73 According to other publications, the development of transgenic cows with an additional gene for β-casein or κ-casein was already successfully accomplished in 2001/2002, the milk yielded by these cows did accordingly have a greater content of the respective casein. The next challenges are seen to lie in improving the efficiency of the production methods and strategies for the production of an economically relevant, i.e. correspondingly large, herd.74 The Scottish Roslin-Institute does work on the genetic identification and utilisation of agronomically relevant attributes in cattle within the framework of a long-term publicly funded project.75 3.1.2 Pigs The first genetically modified pigs were developed in the USA in 1988.76 As has often been reported, these pigs with an additional gene for a growth hormone suffered from numerous illnesses like arthritis, kidney failure and stomach ulcers, similar problems were observed again and again in experiments into the late 1990s.77 The largely unexpected side-effects were traced especially to the fact that under natural circumstances the growth hormone was only produced during a particular, time-limited development phase, but in the case of the transgenic pigs continually. One combined goal is the increased efficiency in feed conversion ratios and at the same time reduced environmental pollution. In Canada, transgenic pigs (EnviropigTM) with a phytase gene originating from e. coli were developed to absorb and convert phosphorous better from feed. 78 Currently, the phytase enzyme is generally added to pig-feeds. Subsequently, this leads to a reduction in phosphate excretion of approx. 60-80% and thus to diminished pollution of the environment by manure or dung; however, the phytase activity decreased with the increasing age of the pigs. The pigs were developed in collaboration between the University of Guelph/Toronto, the University of Aarhus/Denmark and the MaRS Landing/Guelph (Consortium of the University of Guelph, the City of Guelph and enterprises). Approval is being sought for Canada and eventually the USA; because of the very extensive regulation in Canada (see also chap. 2.4.2) it is impossible to estimate a possible time-frame at present.79 Carcasses of these transgenic pigs ended up unintentionally in animal feed at the beginning of 2002. 11 piglets which 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Brophy 2003 Kochhar 2005 Karatzas 1997 Pew Initiative 2004, Cummins 2006 Wheeler 2003 Niemann 2005 Brophy 2003 ILSI 1995 Pursel 1997, Niemann 1998 Golovan 2001, Kochhar 2005, Pollack 2007 University of Guelph Seite 44 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples were either still-born or died directly after birth were deep-frozen for disposal by incineration but inadvertently brought to the carcass processing plant.80 For some years there has been work in the USA on pigs that have a modified gene (fat-1 from the worm caenorhabditis elegans) for coding an n-3 fatty acid desaturase. This results in an increased content of unsaturated fatty acids in the meat of these animals. In particular the omega-3 fatty acids, which are found especially in fish under natural circumstances, are deemed to have numerous beneficial effects on human health. Cloning was commenced last year in order to be able to build up a commercially useful herd of transgenic animals; this is currently still troubled by the familiar cloning problems.81 In 2002, the transgenic pigs developed at the Kinki University in Osaka/Japan were the special subject of reports; the meat from these pigs contained about 20% more unsaturated fatty acids. Their additional gene from the spinach plant codes for an enzyme (desaturase) that spinach uses to convert saturated fatty acids to unsaturated linoleic acid. The extremely low success rate, only every 100th piglet survived after birth, was a problem.82 The current status-quo for the year 2007 is unclear. Genetically modified pigs which express the gene for α-lactalbumin from cows were successfully developed in 2002/2003.83 The animals were subsequently used especially in model studies to improve understanding of the production and composition of milk proteins. Selig and Niemann84 report furthermore on pigs developed in Australia by the company BresaGen with an additional gene for porcine growth hormone. Besides increased rate of growth, this results in a better feed conversion ratio and a greater proportion of lean meat, but without the previously observed pathological effects in the phenotype. According to Niemann, these pigs are already ripe for the market; however, actually marketing them has been postponed due to lack of acceptance by the public. Internet research in this connection leaves some questions unanswered: BresaGen operates in the meantime as Hospira's Adelaide and seems to be active exclusively in the pharmaceutical field.85 3.1.3 Chickens Lactose is under discussion as an additive to poultry feed, but cannot be processed, i.e. metabolised, by these animals. Hence, chickens have been genetically modified to carry a bacterial lacZ gene. Because of the enzyme this codes for, lactose can be converted to glucose and galactose and thus may be used as an additional source of energy in feed.86 Corresponding feed experiments should ensue. In their literature studies, Waßmuth and Amman cite altered meat composition and general resistance to disease as further objectives in the genetic modification of chickens but do not mention any specific research projects.87 3.1.4 Sheep88 Genetically modified sheep have been the object of work above all in Australia for about the last 20 years, for example with an additional gene for a growth hormone.89 These transgenic sheep were bigger, had leaner meat and faster growing hooves. Wool 80 Campaign for responsible transplantation: Lai 2006 82, Niemann 2005, Amman 2007 83 Wheeler 2003 84 Selig 2004, Niemann 2005 85 86 Mozdziak 2003 87 Waßmuth 2006, Amman 2007 88 In the case of sheep, genetic engineering work is aimed especially at qualitative or quantitative change in wool attributes 89 CSIRO 2003, Kochhar 2005 81 Seite 45 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples production was either increased or decreased depending on the breed. The female animals had longer lactation periods and produced twice as much milk.90 Here too, Waßmuth and Amman list altered meat composition and disease resistance as further objectives, again without stating specific research projects.91 Kochhar mentions experiments aimed towards achieving better feed conversion ratios.92 3.1.5 Fish The current scientific developments and projects in connection with transgenic fish are vast and in the meantime quite unsurveyable. Literature citations in this context fill dozens of pages, and this in spite of the fact that not one of these fish has yet been approved for food use. And nonetheless, the first food derived from genetically modified animals will be from fish. Their reproductive biology is much simpler than that of mammals, the methods are significantly more advanced. All publications cite the fact that more than 30 different species are being worked on worldwide at present, e.g. salmon, carp, trout, bass, flunder, pike, catfish, loach and cod as well as on ornamental fish such as gold fish, zebra fish and spotted medaka. By far the most work has been done on the Atlantic salmon and the rainbow trout, of this more than 50% concerns the integration of an additional growth hormone.93 The integration of genes for growth hormones is tested, for example, also in carp, trout, tilapia and loach.94 Further objectives include tolerance to cold, resistance to disease, tolerance of noxious substances, altered meat quality or changed fat content and deployment as indicator organisms. According to Tappeser, the work on fish with an additional gene for a growth hormone and the improvement of cold tolerance (by means of an anti-frost protein) are furthest advanced.95 Disease resistance is striven towards, for instance, by a gene coding for lysozym, such work is taking place on the Atlantic salmon.96 For a long time, mainly gene sequences or promoters (often viral) from mammals or birds were used. Advances in scientific knowledge have since made original fish sequences available; this enhances the efficiency of the methods, which is significantly higher for fish than for agricultural animals.97 In this connection, the already much-cited transgenic Atlantic salmon from the US American concern AquaBounty must be mentioned. This salmon, with an additional gene for a growth hormone, grows 4-6 times faster than conventionally bred salmon, attains a marketable size 2 times faster than conventional fish and converts feed better; this results in 25 and 50% reductions in production costs. The stable integration of the transgene took four generations. Besides the increased growth rate, the transgenic salmon was observed to display raised aggression potential, premature aging, increased oxygen requirements, more intensive foraging and reduced “antipredator response”. Because of their more aggressive behaviour and increased need for food, these fish are better predators, one potential ecological effect would be the displacement of other populations from the traditional feeding places. These effects arise especially during the juvenile phase, which is simultaneously the stage at which wild types are most endangered. The consequences are, according to AquaBounty, the necessary “critical control points” in the ecological risk assessment, whereby stable physical confinement measures are nonetheless seen as necessary. 90 CSIRO press release 22 November 2002 91 Waßmuth 2006, Amman 2007 92 Kochhar 2005 93 Maclean 2000, Devlin 2001, FAO/WHO 2003, Harper 2003 94 Cummins 2006 95 Tappeser 2000 96 WHO 2005 97 Houdebine 2005 Seite 46 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples After a decade long development process, the transgenic salmon has been ripe for the market for many years. AquaBounty has been engaged in the US Food and Drug Administration approval procedure for foodstuffs for many years.98 According to current information further (possibly conclusive) information is at present being compiled for the US FDA, an approval might be possible in the second half of 2008. In this context it is emphasised that the said process is by no means predictable, ultimately because of the lack of official criteria and requirements.99 AquaBounty also did some work on a cold-tolerant fish (anti-freeze protein), however, the result was a mere 2% increase in tolerance. This work was discontinued. Besides fish there work is being done on other forms of seafood, e.g. crustaceans and shellfish (e.g. mussels, oysters, shrimp, crabs, etc.). In these cases the embryonal stage is particularly difficult to work on, the technologies are not so advanced and there is hardly any information available. Due to the worldwide depleted numbers of such animals this field is of great economic interest, the primary objectives here are also faster growth and resistance to disease. The greatest ecological concerns are voiced with respect to transgenic fish; in contrast to agricultural animals these outweigh possible concerns regarding food security as in the case of fish uncontrolled proliferation resulting from the escape of one single individual from a breeding farm is very probable. The risk potential lies especially in the possible proliferation in wild populations, in outcrossing, in possible fitness advantages (in particular in the case of increased growth hormone) and thus in the potential displacement of natural species. The superiority of the transgenic salmon with an additional gene for growth hormone over wild-type populations in certain situations has already been proven and the necessity for analysis of the “genotype-environment interactions” has been emphasised in a risk assessment.100 Numerous effects resulting from the genetic modifications in fish are reported:101 pleiotropic and position effects, for instance abnormal gill growth (and consequent increased oxygen uptake), missing body segments, atrophied neck and caudal parts, skull malformations, tumours or altered fin and vertebrae and thus altered swimming behaviour, altered feeding and social behaviour, etc. Equally, stability of the gene expression with respect to enhanced growth has not yet been attained. Furthermore, transgenic fish can be “mosaic”, i.e. not all the cells of such modified fish have actually integrated the transgene. Moreover, there are reports of changed amounts or composition of amino acids, cholesterol and protein, changed fat and water content in the meat and a deterioration of swimming ability in the case of transgenic salmon. Possible effects on the mating behaviour of the transgenic fish, their predatory and competitive behaviour or eating behaviour must be considered. In the case of genetic modifications promoting cold resistance, there is additionally the possible effect on ecosystems and their populations because of the “new” species. Harper evaluates possible pleiotropic effects as operating in several directions, i.e. not only negatively.102 The potentially higher survival rate and the altered protein/fat ratio can be seen as positive. In general, breeders try to counteract these risk potentials by using induced triploidy to make the transgenic fish sterile, this however results in very various success rates between 10 and 95%, and moreover impairs growth rates or shows other side-effects.103 Further possible alternatives would be diverse physical or chemical containment measures. 98 Such a process is made more difficult by the lack of corresponding provisions on genetically modified animals in the USA, see also chap. 2.4.1 99 e-Mail communication J. McConigle, Vice President External Affairs, AquaBounty, 5.9.2007 100 Devlin 2004, Devlin 2006 101 Maclean 2000, Tappeser 2000, OECD 2006, Devlin 2006 102 Harper 2003 103 Cummins 2002, Harper 2003 Seite 47 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples Nonetheless, it must be emphasised in this connection that most of these risk potentials have up till now merely been theoretically postulated on the basis of experiences with other ecological occurrences, pertinent extensive scientific studies or findings are scarcely available at present.104 Because of these imponderables, the British Royal Society calls upon industry and government to impose a moratorium on the breeding of genetically modified fish in marine enclosures, breeding should have to be in land-based facilities as a condition for approval for commercial production.105 The relatively soon-to-be-expected approvals for transgenic fish for food use will likely depend in part on the evaluation and/or clarification of these ecological problems. 3.2 Gene-pharming Pharmaceutically/therapeutically relevant proteins are usually produced using bacterial systems. These function in greater scales, but problems arise because of the different prokaryotic post-translational modification processes or because of incorrect protein folding. Similar problems arise when yeast cells or plants are used, the use of mammalian cells is very limited because of the high costs involved in obtaining high yields. The objective of gene-pharming is to produce medicinally and therapeutically relevant proteins, e.g. anti-thrombin, anti-trypsin, mono- and polyclonal antibodies, albumin, globine (haemoglobin, myoglobin, neuroglobin), fibrinogen and lacto-ferrin, with the help of transgenic animals and to harvest such from their milk, blood, urine or sperm.106 Because of the amounts which can be obtained and the existence of proven methods for the extraction and purification of substances from milk, work centres on expression in the mammary glands. According to Waßmuth, the production of medicines in the milk of transgenic animals is being worked on especially in the USA, the Netherlands and Scotland. Different animals are used depending on the quantity of the protein necessary, e.g. cattle, goats, pigs, rabbits or hens. Problems specific to gene-pharming include the possibility of animal-specific pathogens or viruses being present in the milk and thus in the possible end-products. Often, the new protein is not only formed in the target tissue but also in other sites in the animal organism, moreover the expression level of the desired protein cannot be estimated before the beginning of the lactation phase. Numerous reviews describe the respective status quo of research and potential commercialisations very generally, often – because of potentially confidential information – without precise details, e.g. “more complex proteins, like erythropoietin or human clotting factor VIII can already be produced in satisfactory quantities”, commercialisation is imminent107 or “currently at least 33 different drugs in clinical trials”, some of these already in the decisive last phase.108 Certain pharma concerns, such as Genzyme, PPL Therapeutics, Pharming, Eli Lilly, Nexia, etc. are active in this area. Specific information about their activities and the respective status quo is hard to obtain, some information is accessible on their websites.109 It may be assumed that more data could be discovered by researching the relevant patent literature, insofar as this is available. 104 Exceptions: Maclean 2000, Howard 2004 Royal Society UK 2001 106 This above all because of the significantly larger quantities possible in comparison to production from cell cultures 107 Niemann 1998, Niemann 2005 108 Lonberg 2005 109 A comprehensive report from January 2006 can be obtained from the information service Kalorama Information; this describes the current research and development work going on in gene-pharming and includes extensive profiles of the relevant enterprises. It costs just under $3,000 105 Seite 48 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples In the following, some concrete examples from more recent literature shall be described in greater detail. 3.2.1 Goats In the summer of 2006, the European Commission approved the first medicine from a transgenic animal:110 anti-thrombin III (ATryn), which is produced by GTC Biotherapeutics from the milk of genetically modified goats. ATryn is used in surgical procedures on hereditary antithrombin deficient patients, in order to prevent problems resulting from the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. The application for approval was submitted in January 2004 and it first received a negative review in February 2006 by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA). The reason was, however, not the production system via transgenic goats but the quality of the clinical studies, a particular critiquepoint being that the samples used were too small. Furthermore, the production process in the studies was criticised as deviating from the one which was intended for ultimate use and apparently not enough immunobiological tests were performed. At the request of the enterprise, further information was conveyed by GTC Biotherapeutics and additional expert opinions obtained. This ultimately led to a positive evaluation. According to the EMEA’s evaluation report111, the CHMP finally decided that the advantages of ATryn outweigh the risks, and recommended issuing permission for placing ATryn on the market. ATryn was approved under “exceptional circumstances”. This means it was impossible to obtain full information about the medicine because of the rarity of the disease. On 28 July 2006, the European Commission issued an approval for placing ATryn on the market in the entire European Union. Subsequently, negotiations were to be held in each of the Member States, with the relevant health systems with respect to the financial conditions and then sales and marketing established.112 The final introduction to the market was planned for the middle of 2007. The approval of a recombinant anti-thrombin from transgenic goats had been anticipated by various publications since at least the year 2000.113 GTC Biotherapeutics is working on numerous other proteins from transgenic goats, e.g. since 2008 on monoclonal antibodies like CD 20 (used in the therapy of B-cell nonHodgkin's lymphoma, B-cell leukaemia and rheumatoid arthritis). It is planned to take up negotiations for approval with the US Food and Drug Administration from 2010.114 3.2.2 Chickens In general, chickens are attractive production systems; breeding requires little space, they have a similar glycolisation pattern to that of humans, there is no problem with prions, and they grow fast and have short generation times and favourable production quantities in their eggs.115 Because there are many years of experience in the production of vaccines in eggs to look back on, eggs are a favoured production option for pharmaceutically relevant substances. The genetic modification of chicken embryos is complex, furthermore most chickens only express the new protein in some body cells (mosaicism).116 More recent research strategies focus on embryonic chicken stem cells and retroviral vectors.117 110, 111 Summary under 112 113 Ziomek 1998, Rudolph 1999, Das 2001 114 GTC Biotherapeutics: 115 Das 2001, Zhu 2005, Amman 2007 116 Yang 2000 117 Das 2001 Seite 49 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples The US enterprise AviGenics Inc. is specialised in the manufacturing of recombinant therapeutic substances from transgenic chickens, in particular because of the glycolisation in chickens. The products include, e.g. cytokine, monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins, which are planned for use in treating cancer, certain infections and autoimmune diseases. The clinical studies in phase 1 have been successfully completed for two of the products, another is currently in phase 1 stage, two further in the development stage. No more is specified about the particular products.118 By 2002, the stable expression of β-lactamase in chicken albumin over several generations was successfully accomplished.119 The production of antibodies in chicken albumin from transgenic chickens for use in treating cancer or other diseases is the subject of multiple reports.120 Such proteins can be produced via eggs in a tissue-specific fashion and in the relevant quantities. 3.2.3 Cattle Research on cattle is complex and thus cost-intensive, moreover specific disadvantages are seen in cattle as bioreactors in spite of the relatively high milk yield possible: the effort involved in harvesting zygotes, generally just one calf per pregnancy, lower pregnancy rates in transgenic cattle (in comparison to conventional cattle), longer time interval before the first lactation (approx. three years), lower integration rate in comparison to other animal species.121 Human polyclonal antibodies have been produced in the blood of transgenic and cloned cattle, which have an integrated “human artificial chromosome”.122 The possible use spectrum of antibodies reaches for instance from the treatment of specific infections or cancer, over their use in organ transplantation up to the treatment of autoimmune disease. Such applications give rise to specific problems due to the interactions of human antibodies with those of the cattle, for example the possible formation of chimeric antibodies. In this field as in many other cases, cloning has been used for the rapid proliferation of animals that have integrated the transgene stably. The US American enterprise Hematech is working on the production of polyclonal antibodies from cattle whose own immune system has been shut down.123 Cloned transgenic cattle also produce a recombinant bi-specific antibody which is intended for use inter alia in cancer therapy (T cell mediated tumour cell killing).124 It was possible reliably to harvest the antibody from sperm and purify it and test its activity. It is planned to continue processing the antibody and to submit it for trials in clinical studies. The same experiments were also performed on rabbits. 3.2.4 Other animals Pigs Work is being done on expressing human protein C125 (hinders excessive blood clotting) and human haemoglobin126 in the blood of transgenic pigs. The latter is, however, not absolutely identical in function with human haemoglobin. Moreover, only some of the cells contained and expressed the transgene. The first transgenic pig that expressed a human protein in its milk was developed in the mid 1990’s after about 10 years of research.127 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 AviGenics Inc.: Harvey 2002 Roslin Institute:, Zhu 2005 Waßmuth 2006 Echelard 2002 Pew Initiative 2004 Grosse-Hovest 2004 Cummins 2006 Niemann 2005 Velander 1997 Seite 50 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples Sheep In the late 1980’s, sheep were the first transgenic animals to express a human recombinant protein in their milk, the blood clotting factor IX, since then there have regularly been similar reports.128 The “descendants“ of Dolly, the first animal cloned from an adult cell, who were developed in 1997, also expressed factor IX in their milk. α1-anti-trypsin from genetically modified sheep was already in Phase II clinical studies in 1999. 129 Rabbits In the 1990’s, rabbits were regularly declared to be suitable production systems for pharmaceutically relevant substances, the advantage being their high and rapid rate of reproduction. Since then, reports have become scanty. Pharming, a Dutch enterprise, is currently working on the production of recombinant human-C1-inhibitor in transgenic rabbits.130 The product is currently in Phase III clinical studies. However, there were already reports of the forthcoming application for approval in the USA in 2005. 131 Further approaches with rabbits aim, for instance, at the production of vaccines. Transgenic rabbits can express two recombinant proteins from rota-viruses in their milk, such can be used for the treatment of viral gastroenteritis in young children.132 3.3 House pets Genetically modified pets have become topical only in more recent years, in particular in the USA and Asian countries. At present there are only isolated examples in practice, the first transgenic pet is an ornamental fish. 3.3.1 Ornamental fish Asia Transgenic zebra danio fish (danio rerio) were originally developed for scientific purposes in the late 1990’s at the National University of Singapore, Department of Biological Sciences (working group led by Dr. Zhiyuan Gong), as this fish’s rapid development from egg to larva stage made them suitable as model animals in developmental biology. The fish were equipped with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) from a type of jellyfish so that it was easier to observe the development of their internal organs. In a next step, these transgenic zebra fish were further developed as pollution indicators for heavy metal or oestrogens: “Such fluorescent-coloured transgenic fish will be able to respond to the presence of chemicals like oestrogen through the estrogenic promoter and heavy metals and toxins through the stress-responsive promoter. The fish will immediately display the colour depending on the type of environment the colour has been specified for. Although only red and green colours have been produced in the zebra fish, A/P Gong revealed that he could add up to as many as five colours to the zebra fish, each colour to indicate a different pollutant. In using such transgenic fish, pollutants can be detected with one quick look. The fish are also biodegradable and economical to breed. All these factors make them very suitable pollutant indicators.”133 Work is being done on further fluorescent types, e.g. carp or goldfish which inter alia could be used as water temperature indicators. Subsequently, a fluorescent teleost medaka (oryzias latipes) was developed in Taiwan, moreover the Taikong Corp., Taiwan’s biggest producer and dealer of aquarium fish, started marketing the transgenic aquarium fish. Depending on the source, the Taikong 128 129 130 131 132 133 Velander 1997, Breekveldt 1998, Rudolph 1999 Rudolph 1999 Pharming: (14.8.2007) Niemann 2005 Soler 2005 National University of Singapore: Seite 51 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples Corp enters into an appropriate contract with the University of Singapore or that of Taiwan, so as to be able to market the transgenic fish through their daughter enterprise azoo. Since the spring of 2003, TK-1134, a form of the Japanese medaka (oryzias latipes) and TK-2, zebra danio fish (danio rerio), have been officially available from azoo in the fluorescent colours green, red, purple and golden. According to an entry in Wikipedia, approximately 100,000 fish were sold in less than one month at a price per head of about $18.60. Taikong has its own research and development department for the development and breeding of new fish species, new genetically modified variants are being developed continually: ”Fluorescent Fish has become the representative of Taikong's achievement of BioTechnologies. Since the first Fully-Fluorescent Transgenic fish announced in 2001, there are 10 more new species Fluorescent Fish be announced continuously. In 2005, Taikong will announce 5 new species Fluorescent Fish at the same time. They are TK1 diamond series ¡V Emerald night Pearl, Ruby night Pearl, Golden Night pearl and TK2 Platinum series ¡V Platinum red Leopard and Platinum green Leopard.”135 According to Amman’s 2007 report, the transgenic aquarium fish which have been available in Taiwan since 2003 are sold under the name “Night Pearls”. They were also exported to Singapore and Japan, this has since been suspended because of persistent protests by environmental organisations and the fish have thus become a popular form of contraband. USA, Canada, Australia These transgenic zebra fish have been on the market in the USA136 since the beginning of January 2004 under the trading name “GloFish® Fluorescent Fish”; the Texan enterprise Yorktown Technologies has contracted with the National University Singapore to operate as an importer. In the meantime, the enterprise has developed numerous own (patented) breeds with the corresponding coral genes from the progeny of the Asian transgenic fish, these are sold as Starfire Red™, Electric Green™ and Sunburst Orange™.137 Investigations of possible adverse effects on the environment and on wild populations as well as consultations with diverse US authorities preceded the launch onto the market according to information on the enterprise’s own website. Ultimately, the genetically modified breeds are legally available in pet shops in spite of the lack of any actual approval or official risk assessment. Both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) as well as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared themselves not to be responsible for a corresponding application by Yorktown Technologies or declared that they did not see any need for regulatory action.138 The FDA’s original opinion of 9 December 2003 is posted on the website “FDA Statement Regarding Glofish: Because tropical aquarium fish are not used for food purposes, they pose no threat to the food supply. There is no evidence that these genetically engineered zebra danio fish pose any more threat to the environment than their unmodified counterparts which have long been widely sold in the United States. In the absence of a clear risk to the public health, the FDA finds no reason to regulate these particular fish.” 139 By its own account, Yorktown Technologies is not currently planning to extend the sale of its transgenic aquarium fish to other countries. In Canada, the transgenic aquarium fish require approval inc. prior risk assessment pursuant to the “Environmental Protection Act”, at present no such approval has been issued. 134 135 136 137 138 139 The letters TK stand for Taikong Corp. azoo: Except in California where the sale and possession of all transgenic fish is currently prohibited Yorktown Technologies Nature Biotechnology 2004 US Food and Drug Administration: Seite 52 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples In May 2007, Yorktown Technologies submitted an application for the import and sale of three variations of these transgenic fluorescent zebra danio fish (danio rerio). In a preliminary opinion the Australian authorities come to the conclusion that the fish probably pose no risks to human health or to the environment, the procedure was, however, still ongoing in September 2007.140 According to the application documents, GlofishTM is already being sold in Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. European Union Transgenic aquarium fish have been found in pet shops in European Union countries since the summer of 2006; according to various sources in Rouen, Paris, the Netherlands and in Germany. In early November 2006, about 1,400 transgenic fluorescent aquarium fish were found in pet shops in Utrecht/the Netherlands.141 According to a statement by the competent Netherlands authority, the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM), these were variants of the Asian “Night Pearls” which had been developed in a fish farm in Malaysia and imported over a dealer in Singapore. Up to this point in time, 400 of the over 1,400 imported transgenic aquarium fish had already been sold. The remaining unsold fish and those which were returned were sent back to the exporter in Singapore according to the Netherlands authority. According to information from the French Agriculture Ministry, transgenic aquarium fish were also found in France in May 2006; these were destroyed. In February 2007, transgenic aquarium fish (zebra danio fish) were found in a pet shop in Kiel/Germany.142 According to the competent authority, these were imports from Poland, possible trade routes were analysed in order to prevent further imports. Furthermore, zebra danio fish (danio rerio, under the name “Baerbling Gold”) with striking red colouring were discovered in a routine inspection by the state veterinary inspection office in Bavaria.143 According to the Bavarian authority, these transgenic fluorescent fish came from the Czech Republic and were withdrawn from the market as a result of not having an approval pursuant to EU law. Under EU law, these transgenic aquarium fish require authorisation under Directive 2001/18/EC for import, sale and possession and are, therefore, illegal in the pet market. Ecological aspects The potential influence of such transgenic aquarium fish on existing wild populations if they escape (e.g. over disposal routes like being released in outside bodies of water, being flushed down the lavatory, etc.) is cited in particular as a possible detrimental ecological effect. As there has not yet been any official procedure of risk assessment or anything of the kind in connection with these fish, recourse must mostly be made to the publications made available by the developing and distributing enterprises and institutions. 140 Office of the Gene Regulator: VROM, Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment: 142 Spiegel magazine:,1518,472468,00.html and the Ministry for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas Schleswig-Holstein: 143 Bavarian Regional Authority for Health and Food Safety: 141 Seite 53 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples Yorktown Technologies makes the following statement in this context: “Stringent testing will be performed before any fish is made available to the public, with specific emphasis placed on analyzing growth rates, temperature sensitivities, and mating success. Any line of fluorescent fish demonstrating increased strengths or successes in these areas relative to non-fluorescent fish of the same species, or otherwise displaying any characteristic that poses an environment concern, will not be offered for sale.”144 Both Taikong Corp. and Yorktown Technologies allege on their websites that all these aquarium fish are sterile and that hence a proliferation of the transgene in wild populations is not possible. The British Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA) 145, a trade group for importers, breeders and dealers expresses doubt, however, as to whether the sterility functions 100% (as has already been the issue with triploid salmon). The OATA has issued its own statement in relation to genetically modified aquarium fish in which it calls the development of transgenic aquarium fish “unwelcome” and declares the range of aquarium fish naturally available to be sufficient. With respect to possible ecological effects, it remarks that consequences in this regard should not be detrimental in theory, at most cold-tolerant tropical fish might pose a problem.146 All in all, both the OATA and the Netherlands authority are of the opinion that these aquarium fish probably have no adverse effect on the environment or on human health. Since zebra danio fish are tropical fish that require temperatures between approx. 16 and 31°C, their survival chances in European winters are estimated to be quite minimal. The mild winters, especially in Southern Europe, possible results of the climate change and the good adaptability of these aquarium fish may yet show this estimate to be hasty. An adapted, newly established fish population would have effects on the predator-preyrelation, on the food sources available, etc. Furthermore, the question of a potentially possible passing on of the transgene to wild populations and the resulting consequences must be asked. A letter from Dr. W. Muir to the CEO of Yorktown Technologies establishes, as expected, no potential for the passing on of the transgene (“[…] GFP has a significant net fitness disadvantage, indicating that one would expect natural selection to eliminate the transgene regardless of where it escaped or was released.”147). Moreover, comparatively little literature is available on specific questions in connection with these genetically modified fish, for example the question of any “fitness advantage” or the effects of fluorescence on hunting or mating behaviour. Zhiyuan Gong, who developed the first fluorescent aquarium fish in Singapore declares that these fish would have no reproductive advantage over wild-living fish of the same species, their fluorescence would probably even be disadvantageous.148 A further publication149 deals with the question of predator-prey behaviour in connection with red, fluorescent zebra fish. According to this, the striking colouring has neither an aposematic (warning signal) effect nor is it particularly attractive in comparison to wild type zebra danio fish. Both are hunted to the same extent by the relevant predators (here certain types of bass), predator-prey behaviour is not impacted according to the results of these laboratory experiments. 3.3.2 Cats The first genetically modified cats were supposed to come onto the US market in early 2007. Allerca, part of the US American enterprise LIFESTYLE PETS Inc., did work on the development of a transgenic, sterile cat with a suppressed Fel d1 gene. This gene codes for a glycoprotein produced in the sebaceous glands, which is considered to be the main allergen in connection with so-called cat allergies. This protein is distributed all over the animal’s fur via the saliva. According to Amman,150 animal welfare campaigners and 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Yorktown Technologies: Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association: OATA: National University of Singapore: Cortemeglia 2006 Amman 2007 Seite 54 von 131 Transgenic Animals Examples veterinarians increasingly criticised this project, alleging it was harmful for the animals’ health and ultimately not destined to be effective, as other cat proteins also trigger allergy. In 2006, Allerca developed an alternative strategy. Cats with natural genetic variants of the Fel d1 gene were further developed by selective breeding into the currently available hypoallergenic cat, which is not genetically modified. This has a variant of the protein Fel-d1 with smaller molecular weight, which is harmless to allergy sufferers. The price for one of these hypoallergenic, castrated cats is US $ 5,950. The demand in the USA is so great that as of 1.9.2007 no further orders will be taken for a period of 12 months.151 The positive reports on Allerca’s website are contrasted by very different stories. Extremely critical articles from the San Diego Union Tribune in the year 2006 can be found under and These report on possible criminal activities in particular in connection with financial issues of the Allerca’s founder; the scientific basis of the work on hypoallergenic cats is also called into question. 3.3.3 Other kinds of animal During the course of the research, only a single reference in relation to other transgenic house pets was found. An article in the Washington Post of 13.3.2004, which treats the placing on the market of the above-mentioned GloFish into the US market, quotes Barbara Glenn, Managing Director for animal biotechnology at the industry group Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), as follows: “Other possible creations include a dog that isn't as susceptible to hip dysplasia, an ailment common among German shepherds and Labrador retrievers that's associated with over-breeding.”152 Allerca, the US enterprise that developed the above-mentioned hypoallergenic cats, responds to numerous requests with the following statement on its homepage: “Because there are many more allergy causing proteins that are associated with dogs than with cats, we do not have any plans at this time to breed hypoallergenic dogs (puppies).”153 As of August 2007, the state of affairs is nonetheless that in the USA not one single transgenic animal has been officially approved. Within the framework of this study it must ultimately remain unclear whether any enterprises, and if so which, are actually working on such a project. 151 152 153 20.8.2007 Witte 2004, 20.8.2007 Seite 55 von 131 Conclusions 4 Conclusions Risk assessment Descriptions of the general principles of risk assessment and specific criteria with respect to genetically modified plants are plentiful in international literature. Concrete recommendations, guidelines, published articles, etc. referring to genetically modified animals are only sparsely available up till now. First, the regulatory frameworks analysed in chapter 2 are summarised as follows with respect to the risk assessment of transgenic animals and derived food products: Directive 2001/18/EC is directed very comprehensively at the compilation of possible parameters in risk assessment with respect to environmental effects. Animal health plays no role here, likewise animal protection aspects Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 prescribes general principles and protection objectives to be fulfilled, with respect to parameters required in the environmental field it points to the above Directive. However, specific criteria for risk assessment in relation to food safety are missing. Animal protection and/or ethical aspects are not mentioned. Like no other of the instruments analysed, the FAO/WHO Codex “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals” differentiates between the different animals that are used or created in the course of the process and thus provides by far the most extensive list of criteria in this respect. This increases the scope of the information to be submitted and thus the probability of being able to assess possible risks. However, only a few requirements are formulated as regards actual food. Nothing is stated as to whether this guideline ought also to be applied to those transgenic animals which are not intended for food use. Hence, this is left up to the discretion of national states. The Royal Society Canada pleads for just as rigorous a risk assessment for transgenic animals and derived products intended for non-food purposes as for those intended for food purposes. Canada has developed altogether very detailed regulations for the production, approval and import of transgenic animals and the products derived therefrom. Detailed guidelines and/or requirements exist or are being worked on both for the risk assessment in relation to environmental effects and for those in the area of food safety. The status accorded to animal welfare and animal health within the regulatory context is a special feature of the Canadian system in comparison to others. These aspects are not found at either the level of the European Union or in the Draft Guideline of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Australia also has documents on the risk assessment of transgenic animals, both in relation to environmental effects and with reference to food safety. Ethical aspects are not explicitly covered thereby. At present it is completely unclear where developments in the USA and within the competent authority, the Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), are leading. Seite 56 von 131 Conclusions Directive 2001/18/EG Regulation (EG) 1829/2003 FAO/WHO Propsed draft Guideline Canada Theoretical protection objectives environment, human health environment, human health, animal health, consumer interests human health, animal health Areas covered Principles environment, human health in part human health case-by-case; precautionary principle case-by-case; principle of substantial equivalence food safety case-by-case; principle of substantial equivalence case-by-case; principle of substantial equivalence; precautionary principle case-by-case; principle of substantial equivalence; uncertainty environment, human health, animal health environment, animal health, human health in part Australia environment, human health, food safety environment, human health, food safety Argentina environment, animal health case-by-case; food safety unclear Applicability to transgenic animals + environment (+/) - food +/- food (specification necessary) + food + environment +/- food guideline being developed + environment + food (specification in relation to animals would be helpful) + environment It must be stressed that as yet not one of the instruments analysed in chapter 2 has been applied in realita to the risk assessment of a genetically modified animal or a derived food product.154 Thus, there are currently no concrete examples for any actual, finished risk assessment process for transgenic animals in relation to possible environmental risks or risks to human health.155 As mentioned in chapter 3.3.1, the transgenic GloFishTM is presently undergoing the approval process for placing on the market in Australia. None of the regulatory instruments contains decision trees or like aids for the decisionfinding procedure within the framework of the risk assessment. The question arises as to whether such uniquely effective criteria can be defined at all in these cases. In most cases, extensive lists were developed of criteria, which ought to be considered in the context of the risk assessment or in the subsequent application for approval. The European Union Regulation 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed, which does not define any specific criteria in relation to the demonstration of food safety is an exception, it must be demonstrated that there are no “adverse effects on human health, animal health or the environment”. The individual regulations state that the respective lists must be applied on a case-by-case basis (i.e. may contain too many or too few details). It must be remarked in this context that the examples cited to provide concretization in the individual instruments derive almost exclusively from the field of transgenic plants. 154 “The challenge is to see whether the existing regulatory model will work […]”, Kochhar 2005 Apart from the opinions which have been issued – as required – before the beginning of experimental work in closed systems 155 Seite 57 von 131 Conclusions The focus of this study is genetically modified animals that can be used for food production or for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals or as pets. Defining or developing a comprehensive guideline including concrete delimitations regarding transgenic animals would far exceed the scope of this paper. Nonetheless, this report does summarise for the first time the main parameters in the risk assessment of transgenic animals and derived food products. The principles of risk assessment (hazard identification) described here derive from a synopsis of the assessment of diverse authorities, surveyed scientists and enterprises, comparative analyses of the existing regulatory instruments, scientific literature and similar analyses of the risk assessment of genetically modified plants. They are by no means exhaustive, but serve the definition of the scope as well as the identification of such points where there is need for further definition and specification in relation to transgenic animals. Human health can be negatively affected by the quality of food per se and also indirectly as a result of environmental effects. The basis for the risk assessment of all applications mentioned in this paper is the comprehensive description and/or assessment of the transgenic animal, including the genetic modification thereof. The main criteria for this include – this is by no means an exhaustive list – descriptions of: Donor animal (e.g. name, taxonomic data, degree of relatedness between donor and recipient organisms, pathogenicity, toxicity, allergenicity, previous use as food) As applicable other sources of the transgene or synthetic sequence Recipient organism before the genetic modification e.g. name, taxonomic data, toxicity, allergenicity, previous use as food, etc. Analysis of the genetic modification: Molecular characterisation of the construct to be transferred, primary nucleic acid sequence Description/characterisation and origin of the vector; viral elements are often used especially for the development of transgenic animals, it must be clarified whether this is associated with any specific risk potential Details of marker genes used Methods used for the transfer Details on the protein that is intended to express, e.g. biochemical characterisation, function, toxic or eco-toxic potential, allergenic potential Description of the transgenic animal (GMA): Molecular description of the sequence actually integrated Insertion site/s plus respective number of copies, identification of the flanking regions and possible open reading frames Potential position effects, e.g. activation or inactivation of existing gene sequences, possible consequences thereof Analysis/description of the product expressed Expression pattern, expression site and level, in particular details of expression in those tissues/organs which later serve as food, details on where any expression that was unexpected because of the functionality of the promoter nonetheless occurred The existence or expression pattern of marker genes Stability of the organism in relation to the new genetic traits, details on stable inheritance of the transgene Phenotype, e.g. evaluation of growth rate, morphology, behaviour, aggression potential, feeding and mating behaviour, etc. Health of the GMA on the basis of yet to be specified parameters (clinical, immunological; these are not even specified in the comprehensive FAO/WHO Draft Guideline) Pathogenicity; endogenous retroviral activation Assessment of possible unintended effects, e.g. changes in metabolism resulting from the expression of a new protein or because of significantly higher amounts of a hormone, expression of chimeric proteins, etc. Seite 58 von 131 Conclusions Within the framework of discussion for the development of the FAO/WHO “Proposed draft guideline for the conduct of food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant DNA animals” on the risk assessment of transgenic animals in the food area (see chapter 2.3.2), it has been shown that there is broad consensus that no metabolites toxic to humans are formed in the animal organism in general and that in all probability no “silent pathways” exist whereby toxins are intrinsically produced.156 The literature on the subject contains no references to concrete toxic danger potentials, however the assessment of such is repeatedly called for. In order to be able to assess possible effects on the environment, also in relation to genetically modified pets, inter alia the following information on the transgenic animal is necessary: Possible fitness and/or selection advantage, survival ability, reproductive behaviour, feeding behaviour, influence of the predator-prey-relation resulting from the genetic modification Cross-breeding partners Habitats Possible effects on wild populations and/or non-target organisms Invasivity and persistence, i.e. establishment of the genetically modified type (dependent on escape and fitness) in the respective ecosystem Possible horizontal gene transfer to other animals or humans Possible adverse effects which might result from excretions/faeces or out of the cadaver of the GMO Discussion is necessary on whether specific, defined parameters are necessary for fish because of their particular ecological danger potential At present there is little concern about the possible negative ecological effects of transgenic animals. Transgenic animals for pharmaceutical production are generally only kept in containment conditions. In the case of agricultural animals kept in normal conditions, escape is rather unlikely; moreover these do not reproduce in an unbridled fashion, as do plants for instance. The resultant risk depends on the number of the escaped animals, their mobility and the cross-breeding partners from wild populations available in the respective ecosystem. Fish are certainly very problematic in this context, possibly also smaller animals like poultry or rabbits. In such cases the possible ecological concerns may be greater than those regarding food safety. The requirements for an assessment of the “delayed environmental impact of the direct and indirect interactions between the GMO and target organisms (if applicable)” set out by Directive 2001/18/EC (Annex II D.1) must be specified in connection with genetically modified animals. In relation to the assessment of food safety, the general approach is that a healthy animal very probably yields safe food/-products.157 Together with the application of the principle of substantial equivalence, this often means that there are only a few criteria for the evaluation of the food itself. Besides the above-mentioned description of the genetically modified animal (GMA) and its health, the following further parameters inter alia are relevant for the assessment of food safety: Description of the method for obtaining the food/-product from the GMA, for example, the development of further breeding lines, cross-breeding partners, etc. Possible allergenic potential of the food, i.e. the assessment of the allergenic potential of the transgene product (not via a similar syntheticised protein) and possible further allergens Assessment of potential toxicity; it must still be discussed which concrete delimitations would make sense for animal products; see on this the remarks above regarding toxic metabolites in animals 156 157 e-Mail communication Dr. M.L. Houdebine, INRA For example in the USFDA, FAO/WHO Seite 59 von 131 Conclusions Existence of new or differently expressed proteins in the animal organism and similar, e.g. growth hormone, vector remnants, remnants of nucleic acids, resistance to antibiotics, etc.158 Analysis and description of the possible consequences of established unintended effects at the genetic level on the quality and/or composition of the foodstuff, e.g. other metabolites, changed concentrations, other/more antinutritiva, etc. Analysis of the ingredients and/or of main macro and micro-nutrients, minerals, vitamins and other relevant parameters; see also the remark below in this respect Changes in the nutritional value and/or content of antinutritiva, possibly details on amount of consumption or the role of the conventional food in the nourishment of the respective population Further discussion of the following relevant questions on the assessment of food safety is necessary: Feed conversion studies are not relevant in connection with foodstuffs from animals. Thus, it must be established what tests might alternatively be necessary. Definition of parameters for the conventional counterparts suitable for comparison with transgenic animals, e.g. on the basis of comparable breeding conditions (the extent of comparability must also be defined), feedstuff, age, body weight, gender, etc. Complex food/-products like meat or milk are quite variable in their composition, this depends heavily on the environment, feedstuffs, breeding conditions and similar parameters Thus, within the framework of an analysis of the ingredients, concrete authoritative parameters must be precisely defined for the individual complex food products, like meat or milk. Not least in order to be able to further develop the much-criticised principle of substantial equivalence In conclusion, the extent of scientific uncertainty and the resultant, potential consequences must be described within the framework of these assessments. The precautionary principle should be applied according to the Canadian model, especially in the case of potentially severe consequences combined with large uncertainty. Transgenic animals. Example applications It became apparent that in purely quantitative terms significantly more research trials on the genetic modification of animals are in progress than was assumed when the study was begun. In fact, there is such an abundance of publications available that a complete overview of the fast changing, world-wide activities and/or their respective relevance is hardly possible any more. Time and time again, case-studies and possible applications are announced and cited, only to disappear again. Reports like this one can – rather like a spotlight – light up specific segments, hence the results of diverse studies tend to complement each other and overlap only in the most seldom of cases. Genetic modifications of animals have been topical since the 1980’s; research on and use of genetic methods in the field of agricultural animals or pets is performed on every major animal species with manifold conceivable goals. But gene transfer methods are still inefficient, the mostly coincidental integration or interaction of the transgene with the rest of the genome is still not understood in terms of its processes and consequences. Significantly more work is being done on the development and production of pharmaceuticals than for food purposes, where the initial euphoria seems to have worn off, as the coding genes for the characteristics of interest are obviously difficult to make available. Thus, transgenic agricultural animals are used at present in particular as model animals for the purposes of research or methods development. Work on genetically 158 According to Waßmuth there has not y been a conclusive evaluation of the nutritively conditioned cross-over of foreign DNA into internal organs Seite 60 von 131 Conclusions modified pets has already crossed the threshold to commercialisation in the field of fish, which are popular above all in Asia. Concrete examples are described in detail in chapter 3. Deliberate releases Only one authority, in Argentina, reported on concrete experience with the experimental release of transgenic animals. These cases involved genetically modified cattle (four animals) and sheep, which express pharmaceutical proteins (human and bovine growth hormone as well as modified human insulin) in their milk. It was not possible to establish conclusively whether these animals were kept outdoors, “release of transgenic animals at the stage of research or experimentation under strictly confined conditions.” Further applications are being processed. The oft-cited transgenic salmon of the US American company AquaBounty can only be placed in outside bodies of water after the issuance of a permit from the FDA. According to several other authorities, experiments and projects with and on genetically modified animals have only taken place under “contained use”, i.e. in closed systems, e.g. in Great Britain159 or Germany. There were some references to experiments “under field conditions” registered pursuant to Art. 11 Directive 2001/18/EC. These concerned animals on which genetically produced vaccine was being tested and genetically modified mice and rats as environmental indicators. Commercialisation The estimates in scientific publications on when we can expect the commercialisation of transgenic animals and/or their by-products differ from those of the public authorities respondent in this study. Whereas among scientists it is usually assumed that commercial use must be expected soon, representatives of public authorities expect the first applications in five years at the earliest, on average in 7-10 years. In this connection, it is often emphasised that tenable estimates are extremely difficult to make because of the manifold and dynamic developments. Usually it is expected that the first approvals will be in the USA and South America. It may be assumed that commercialisations in the field of gene pharming will come significantly earlier than in the field of food. In particular among scientists, estimates are optimistic in this context and speak of imminent commercialisation and/or significant commercialisation within the next five years. Recombinant pharma products from genetically modified animals are also more probable than the corresponding foodstuffs because the development costs for a transgenic animal are extremely high and must thus be linked to the relevant economic perspectives (return on investment).160 This is easier to secure in the pharmaceutical field, where in addition critical public discussions are hardly to be expected. Effects of a presently indeterminable nature in this area may be possible due to developments in the production of pharmaceuticals in genetically modified plants. In this connection, the first approval granted for a pharmaceutical substance from a transgenic animal (a goat) by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) is pointed out (see chapter 3.2.1). In the field of food, significantly longer time-frames are estimated, based inter alia on the potential lack of acceptance by consumers. The necessary scientific-technical 159 Whether genetically modified sheep, which according to an email source are kept outside in Scotland, are really included could not be verified by the end of the study 160 For example about US $ 500,000 for the development of a transgenic calf; Yang 2000 Seite 61 von 131 Conclusions principles and methods come up against – constantly changing – limits. Research and development on agricultural animals are scarcely carried out in private enterprises due to the enormous costs associated, but instead mainly in universities and “governmental research labs”. Success is most likely to be adjudged to those animals which are genetically modified in such a way as to have positive effects on the environment; for example those pigs which have significantly lower amounts of phosphate in their excretions (see chapter 3.1.2). Genetic modifications of this type are significantly easier to carry out on the scientific-technical level and could encounter less resistance from the public because of their potential benefits for the environment. The approval of genetically modified fish is expected relatively soon. The US American company Aqua Bounty’s transgenic salmon has already been many years in the approval process in the USA. According to current information,161 further (possibly conclusive) information and data is being compiled for the competent authorities, the US FDA, and should be delivered by the end of 2007. It is scarcely possible for the enterprise to assess whether it will be possible to obtain an approval during the course of 2008 as the authority has no official catalogue of criteria or specific regulations. In summary, it may in end effect be assumed that the prospective approval of the transgenic salmon and the EMEA’s first approval of a pharmaceutical (anti-thrombin) from a transgenic goat will have considerable significance for future developments, as through this the further possible economic potential of genetically modified animals and their by-products can really be exploited. Furthermore, the numerous ongoing scientific projects worldwide mean corresponding advances, e.g. with respect to the greater efficiency of the technologies, can be anticipated. The continuing decoding of animal genomes in particular paves the way for possible further developments. The first available genome maps, from the year 2004, were those of the cow and the chicken, currently work is being done inter alia on pigs, sheep and goats. And finally, cases like that of the transgenic ornamental fish which is already officially available in Asian countries and in the USA and was also found illegally in several European pet stores, show that transgenic animals are slowly becoming established outside of the field of research too. In view of these developments, we may assume that genetically modified animals and/or their by-products – at least in the area of gene pharming, as well as fish and possibly pigs in the food field and also pets – will be a topic for regulatory and approval authorities in any case within the next five years. Conclusion and need for further action The risk assessment of genetically modified plants has long been intensively discussed, there are numerous models and approaches and just as much criticism and suggestion for improvements. As regards the risk assessment of genetically modified animals, however, this report is one of the first outlines of the problem with a synoptic description of all relevant aspects and instruments as well as identified need for action. In the course of the research, it was possible to establish that both in international organisations (OECD, APEC, ILSI, OIE) and in the most various authorities in the European Union states, the risk assessment of genetically modified animals is not yet accorded any great significance, regardless of the advances recorded in the meantime in science and application. Moreover, in comparison with the extent of the ongoing research, there is all in all a spectacular lack of publications or studies on the risks connected with genetically modified animals. The numerous publications brought out on work with and on transgenic animals hardly report at all on side-effects and/or any unintended effects which arose. The majority of the publications which occupy themselves with such risks do this on a purely theoretical level and/or in a derivative 161 e-Mail communication J. McGonigle/AquaBounty, 5.9.2007 Seite 62 von 131 Conclusions fashion based on the experiences with and findings on genetically modified plants. As yet there is hardly any practical experience with the existing regulatory instruments. Numerous provisions apply to the field of risk assessment of transgenic animals in relation to the environment, Directive 2001/18/EC offers a good basis here, see also the need for action formulated below. The risk assessment of genetically modified animals per se should find sufficient criteria here too. The initiative of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology is of special significance for risk assessment in relation to food safety in spite of its deficits, as it is one of the first comprehensive instruments in the field of food safety. In this context, the deficits identified in relation to food safety and genetically modified animals in Regulation EC 1829/2003 are pointed out again, see also in this regard the need for action formulated below. Measures should be taken in time to prevent a development like that in the case of genetically modified plants, where the marketability of the GMO ensued considerably earlier than the issue was dealt with on a regulatory level. As this experience showed, it is quite difficult to adapt or supplement existing approval practices in retrospect. The requirements for the risk assessment of genetically modified animals and/or derived food products defined in this study are by no means exhaustive but rather serve the definition of the scope and the identification of those points where there is need for further definition and specification in relation to transgenic animals. Accordingly, it may be remarked in the present context, that the Austrian Ministry for Health, Family and Youth has shown great foresight in commissioning this study. Hence, open questions and topics requiring further discussion and more detailed analysis are hereby presented in conclusion: The risk assessment of genetically modified animals, in particular their by-products in the field of food, definitely requires specification at European Union level. Guidelines for example would be conceivable (e.g. a guidance document, development of a decision tree) to concretise the existing legal framework, i.e. Directive 2001/18/EC, in particular its Annex IIIA as well as Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 in relation to more precise requirements for the risk assessment of transgenic animals. Such should define concrete parameters and delimitations in relation to food safety. In this context, parameters should also be defined, for example, for the conventional counterparts suitable for comparison with transgenic animals or the specific parameters to be applied when it comes to the analysis of ingredients of individual complex food products, e.g. meat or milk. This should definitely be called for in discussions at European and international levels, in order to set corresponding actions in motion. Tackling the topic of risk assessment of cloned animals162 is considered just as important. The questions arising from the cloning will be partly identical with those discussed in this report; but they will also bring their own specific problems. Cloned animals and their by-products are at present not subject to any regulatory instrument. If they are also genetically modified they fall within the scope of the above-described gene technology regulations, which however, do not necessarily cover the specific risk aspects potentially arising from the process of the cloning. In general, products from cloned animals (transgene or not) are already anticipated within the next few years. 162 Animal cloning is especially topical in connection with scientifically or economically relevant transgenic animals, pets (in particular demand in Asian countries and to some extent in the USA) and sport animals. Cloning is used as the main means of reproduction for some specific genetically valuable transgenic animals Seite 63 von 131 Conclusions Dealing with this topic seems all the more imperative since the European Commission – as a result of the report by the US Food and Drug Administration on the safety of foodstuffs from cloned products – requested an opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in March 2007 on the possible “implications of animal cloning for food safety, animal health & welfare and the environment”. Besides questions of safety, possible regulation of this food stuff should also be discussed. The EFSA working group “Animal Cloning” plans to complete and publish a first draft opinion by December 2007, to then undergo public appraisal and discussion.163 Possibilities for public dialogue, for broad discussions of aspects like ethics and/or animal protection in connection with genetically modified animals, should be considered. Non-heritable constructs (NHC): a risk assessment of animals or their derived products, which have been administered recombinant nucleic acid products in somatic cells and/or tissue seems equally imperative in the future. It seems quite unlikely that the risks and questions in the context of such a risk assessment would be significantly different from those treated here. The problem consists particularly in the fact that these applications are currently not subject to any regulatory system and thus possible risks associated therewith are not assessed. Questions associated with DNA vaccines in particular ought to be discussed, as was emphasised by the FAO/WHO Expert consultation. 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This Guideline supports the Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology. It addresses safety and nutritional aspects of foods consisting of, or derived from, animals that have a history of safe use as sources of food, and that have been modified by modern biotechnology to exhibit new or altered expression of traits.164 2. The development, raising and use of animals for human purposes, and in particular, for use for food, raise a variety of issues beyond food safety. Without prejudice to their legitimacy or importance, or to whether or how the use of recombinant-DNA methods in developing animals for food use might affect those issues, this Guideline addresses only food safety and nutritional issues. It therefore does not address: • animal welfare; • ethical, moral and socio-economical aspects; • environmental risks related to the environmental release of recombinant-DNA animals used in foodproduction; • the safety of recombinant-DNA animals used as feed, or the safety of animals fed with feed derived from recombinant-DNA animals, plants and microorganisms. 3. The Codex principles of risk analysis, particularly those for risk assessment, are primarily intended to apply to discrete chemical entities such as food additives and pesticide residues, or a specific chemical or microbial contaminant that have identifiable hazards and risks; they are not intended to apply to whole foods as such. Indeed, few foods, whatever their origin, have been assessed scientifically in a manner that would fully characterize all risk associated with the food. Further, many foods contain substances that would likely be found harmful if subjected to conventional approaches to safety testing. Thus, a more focused approach is required where the safety of a whole food is being considered. 4. This approach is based on the principle that the safety of foods derived from new animal lines, including recombinant-DNA animals, is assessed relative to the conventional counterpart having a history of safe use, taking into account both intended and unintended effects. Rather than trying to identify every hazard associated with a particular food, the intention is to identify new or altered hazards relative to the conventional counterpart. 5. This safety assessment approach falls within the risk assessment framework as discussed in Section 3 of the Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology. If a new or altered hazard, nutritional or other food safety concern is identified by the safety assessment, the risk associated with it would first be assessed to determine its relevance to human health. Following the safety assessment and, if necessary, further risk assessment, the food would be subjected to risk management considerations in accordance with the Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology before it is considered for commercial distribution. 164 This Guideline was developed primarily for animals bearing heritable recombinant-DNA constructs. Seite 73 von 131 Annex I 6. Risk management measures such as post-market monitoring of consumer health effects may assist the risk assessment process. These are discussed in paragraph 20 of the Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology. 7. The Guideline describes the recommended approach for the food safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals where a conventional counterpart exists, and identifies the data and information that are generally applicable to making such assessments.165 In assessing the safety of food from recombinant-DNA animals, the approach should take into account all of the following: A) the nature of the recombinant-DNA construct and its expression product(s), if any; B) the health status of the recombinant-DNA animal; and C) the composition of foods produced from recombinant-DNA animals, including key nutrients. While this Guideline is designed for foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals, the approach described could, in general, be applied to foods derived from animals that have been altered by other techniques.166 8. A diverse range of animals are used as food or for food production (e.g. mammals, birds, finfish and shellfish) and may be modified using in vitro nucleic acid techniques. Because of the combined impacts of their genetic diversity, husbandry, and conditions under which they are raised or harvested, assessment of food safety must be considered on a case-by-case basis, with due regard to the framework presented in this Guideline. SECTION 2 — DEFINITIONS 9. The definitions below apply to this Guideline: “Recombinant-DNA Animal” — an animal in which the genetic material has been changed through in vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles. “Conventional Counterpart” — an animal breed with a known history of safe use as food from which the recombinant-DNA animal line was derived, as well as the breeding partners used in generating the animals ultimately used as food, and/or food derived from such animals167. SECTION 3 — INTRODUCTION TO FOOD SAFETY ASSESSMENT 10. Traditionally, food products derived from animals developed through conventional breeding or obtained from wild species have not been systematically subjected to extensive chemical, toxicological, or nutritional evaluation prior to marketing. Thus, although new breeds of animals are often evaluated by breeders for phenotypic characteristics they are not subjected to the rigorous and extensive food safety testing procedures, including validated toxicity studies in test animals, that are typical of chemicals such as food additives or contaminants that may be present in food. Instead, 165 The approach to the safety assessment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals was first discussed at the 1991 Joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Strategies for Assessing the Safety of Foods Produced by Biotechnology. Further elaboration of the recommended approach was undertaken at the 2003 Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Animals, Including Fish. 166 The food safety assessment of foods derived from animals bearing non-heritable constructs may require additional specific consideration, e.g. regarding hazards identified in the 2007 Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Animals. 167 It is recognized that for the foreseeable future, foods derived from modern biotechnology will not be used as conventional counterparts. Seite 74 von 131 Annex I food derived from an animal of known and acceptable health status has generally been considered suitable for human consumption. 11. The use of animal models for assessing toxicological endpoints is a major element in the risk assessment of many compounds, such as pesticides. In most cases, however, the substance to be tested is well characterized, of known purity, of no particular nutritional value, and human exposure to it is generally low. It is therefore relatively straightforward to feed such compounds to test animals at a range of doses some several orders of magnitude greater than the expected human exposure levels, in order to identify any potential adverse health effects of importance to humans. In this way, it is possible in most cases, to estimate levels of exposure at which adverse effects are not observed and to set safe intake levels by the application of appropriate safety factors. 12. Studies using test animals cannot readily be applied to testing the risks associated with whole foods, which are complex mixtures of compounds, and often characterized by a wide variation in composition and nutritional value. Due to their bulk and effect on satiety, they can usually only be fed to test animals at low multiples of the amounts that might be present in the human diet. In addition, a key factor to consider in conducting animal studies on foods is the nutritional value and balance of the diets used, in order to avoid the induction of adverse effects that are not related directly to the material itself. Detecting any potential adverse effects and relating these conclusively to an individual characteristic of the food can therefore be extremely difficult. If the characterization of the food indicates that the available data are insufficient for a thorough safety assessment, properly designed studies using test animals could be requested on the whole food. Another consideration in deciding the need for studies with test animals is whether it is appropriate to subject test animals to such a study if it is unlikely to give rise to meaningful information. 13. Due to the difficulties of applying traditional toxicological testing and risk assessment procedures to whole foods, and based on the experience of assessing the safety of whole foods, a more focused approach is required for the safety assessment of food derived from animals, including recombinant-DNA animals. This has been addressed by the development of a multidisciplinary approach for assessing safety, which takes into account both intended and unintended changes that may occur in the animal or in the food products derived from it, using the concept of substantial equivalence. 14. The concept of substantial equivalence is a key step in the safety assessment process. However, it is not a safety assessment in itself; rather it represents the starting point, which is used to structure the safety assessment of a new food relative to its conventional counterpart. This concept is used to identify similarities and differences between the new food relative to its conventional counterpart168,169. It aids in the dentification of potential food safety and nutritional issues and is considered the most appropriate strategy to date for safety assessment of foods derived from recombinantDNA animals. The safety assessment carried out in this way does not imply absolute safety of the new product; rather, it focuses on assessing the safety of any identified differences so that the safety of the new product can be considered relative to its conventional counterpart. UNINTENDED EFFECTS 15. In achieving the objective of conferring a specific trait (intended effect) to an animal by the insertion of defined DNA sequences, additional traits could, in some cases, be acquired or existing traits could be lost or modified (unintended effects). The potential occurrence of unintended effects is not restricted to the use of in vitro nucleic acid 168 The concept of substantial equivalence as described in the report of the 2000 joint FAO/WHO expert consultations (Document WHO/SDE/PHE/FOS/00.6, WHO, Geneva, 2000). 169 The concept of substantial equivalence was further considered in the context of comparative safety assessment at the FAO/WHO expert consultation on the Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Animals, Including Fish, 2003. Seite 75 von 131 Annex I techniques. Rather, it is an inherent and general phenomenon that can also occur in conventional breeding as well in association with the use of assisted reproductive technologies currently in use. Unintended effects may be deleterious, beneficial, or neutral with respect to the health of the animal or the safety of the foods derived from the animal. Unintended effects in recombinant-DNA animal may also arise through the insertion of DNA sequences and/or they may arise through subsequent conventional breeding of the recombinant-DNA animal. Safety assessment should include data and information to reduce the possibility that a food derived from a recombinant-DNA animal would have an unexpected, adverse effect on human health. 16. Unintended effects can result from the random insertion of DNA sequences into the animal genome, which may cause disruption or silencing of existing genes, activation of silent genes, or modifications in the expression of existing genes. Unintended effects may also result in the formation of new or changed patterns of metabolites. 17. Unintended effects due to in vitro nucleic acid techniques may be subdivided into two groups: those that are “predictable” and those that are “unexpected”. Many unintended effects are largely predictable based on knowledge of the inserted trait and its metabolic connections or of the site of insertion. As knowledge of animal genomes grows, and familiarity with in vitro nucleic acid techniques increases, it may become easier to predict unintended effects of a particular modification. For example, homologous recombination, where appropriate, allows precise gene placement and so may reduce the occurrence of unintended effects associated with random integration. Molecular biological and biochemical techniques can also be used to analyse changes that occur at the level of transcription and translation that could lead to unintended effects. These should all be considered on a case-by-case basis. 18. The safety assessment of food derived from recombinant-DNA animals involves methods to identify and detect such unintended effects and procedures to evaluate their biological relevance and potential impact on food safety. A variety of data and information are necessary to assess unintended effects, because no individual test can detect all possible unintended effects or identify, with certainty, those relevant to human health. These data and information, when considered in total, provide assurance that the food is unlikely to have an adverse effect on human health. The assessment of unintended effects takes into account the phenotypic characteristics of the animal that are typically monitored by breeders during animal production stock development and improvement. These assessments provide a first screen for recombinant-DNA animals exhibiting unintended traits. Recombinant-DNA animals that pass this screen are subjected to safety assessment as described in Sections 4 and 5. FRAMEWORK OF FOOD SAFETY ASSESSMENT 19. The safety assessment follows a stepwise process of addressing relevant factors that include: A) General description of the recombinant-DNA animal; B) Description of the recipient animal prior to the modification170 and its use as food or for food production; C) Description of the donor organism or other source(s) of the introduced recombinantDNA; D) Description of the genetic modification(s) including the construct(s) used to introduce the recombinant-DNA; E) Description of the methods used to produce the initial recombinant-DNA animal171,172 and the processes to produce the recombinant-DNA animal ultimately used as food or for food production; 170 Not to be confused with a surrogate dam. 171 First animal produced as a result of introducing the recombinant-DNA construct. 172 Sometimes referred to as the founder animal. Seite 76 von 131 Annex I F) Characterization of the genetic modification(s) in the recombinant-DNA animal ultimately used as food or for food production; G) Safety assessment: a. Health status of the recombinant-DNA animal; b. Expressed substances (non-nucleic acid substances); c. Compositional analyses of key components; d. Food storage and processing; and e. Intended nutritional modification; H) Other considerations. 20. In certain cases, the characteristics of the food may necessitate additional data and information to address issues that are unique to the product under review. 21. Experiments intended to develop data for safety assessment should be designed and conducted in accordance with sound scientific concepts and principles, as well as, where appropriate, Good Laboratory Practice. Primary data should be made available to regulatory authorities at request. Data should be obtained using sound scientific methods and analysed using appropriate statistical techniques. Analytical methods should be documented.173 22. The goal of each safety assessment is to provide assurance, in the light of the best available scientific knowledge, that the food does not cause harm when prepared, used and/or eaten according to its intended use. Safety assessments should address the health aspects for the whole population, including immunocompromised individuals, infants, the elderly and individuals with food hypersensitivities. The expected endpoint of such an assessment will be a conclusion regarding whether the new food is as safe as the conventional counterpart taking into account dietary impact of any changes in nutritional content or value. In essence, therefore, the outcome of the safety assessment process is to define the product under consideration in such a way as to enable risk managers to determine whether any measures are needed to protect the health of consumers and if so to make well-informed and appropriate decisions in this regard. SECTION 4 — GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RECOMBINANT-DNA ANIMAL 23. A description of the recombinant-DNA animal being presented for safety assessment should be provided. This description should identify the introduced recombinant-DNA, the method by which the recombinant-DNA is introduced to the recipient animal and the recombinant-DNA animal ultimately used as food or for food production, as well as the purpose of the modification. The potential risk of introducing pathogenic elements (e.g. elements responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and other infectious disease) originating from biological materials used as sources or during the production should be considered. The description should be sufficient to aid in understanding the nature and types of food being submitted for safety assessment. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECIPIENT ANIMAL PRIOR TO THE MODIFICATION AND ITS USE AS FOOD OR FOR FOOD PRODUCTION 24. A comprehensive description of the recipient animal prior to the modification should be provided. The necessary data and information should include, but need not be restricted to: A) common or usual name; scientific name; and taxonomic classification; B) history of development through breeding, in particular identifying traits that may adversely impact on human health; 173 Reference is made to General Criteria for the Selection of Methods of Analysis in the Codex Alimentarius Procedural Manual (Appendix). Seite 77 von 131 Annex I C) information on the animal’s genotype and phenotype relevant to its safety, including any known toxicity or allergenicity, symbiosis with toxin-producing organisms, potential for colonization by human pathogens; D) information on the effect of feed, exercise and growth environment on food products; and E) history of safe use as food or for food production. 25. Relevant phenotypic information should be provided not only for the recipient animal prior to the modification, but also for related lines and for animals that have made or may make a significant contribution to the genetic background of the recipient animal prior to the modification, if applicable. 26. The history of use may include information on how the animals breed and grow, how its food products are obtained (e.g. harvest, slaughter, milking), and the conditions under which those food products are made available to the consumer (e.g. storage, transport, processing). The extent to which the food products provide important nutritional components to particular subgroups of the population, and what important macro- or micronutrients it contributes to the diet should also be considered. DESCRIPTION OF THE DONOR ORGANISM OR OTHER SOURCE(S) OF THE INTRODUCED RECOMBINANT-DNA 27. Information should be provided: A) Whether the recombinant-DNA was synthesized and it is not from a known natural source; B) If derived from another organism: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. that organism’s usual or common name; scientific name; taxonomic classification; information about the natural history as concerns food safety; information on naturally occurring toxins, and allergens; for microorganisms, additional information on pathogenicity (to humans or the animal) and the relationship to known human or animal pathogens; vii. for donors of animal or viral origin, information on the source material (e.g. cell culture) that has been used, and its origins; and viii. information on the past and present use, if any, in the food supply and exposure route(s) other than the intended food use (e.g. possible presence of contaminants). It is particularly important to determine whether the recombinant-DNA sequences impart pathogenicity or toxin production, or have other traits that affect human health (e.g. allergenicity). DESCRIPTION OF THE GENETIC MODIFICATION(S) INCLUDING THE CONSTRUCT(S) USED TO INTRODUCE THE RECOMBINANT-DNA 28. Sufficient information should be provided on the genetic modification to allow for the identification of all genetic material potentially delivered to the recipient animal and to provide the necessary information for the analysis of the data supporting the characterization of the DNA inserted into the recombinant-DNA animal ultimately used as food or for food production. 29. The description of the process of introducing and incorporating (if appropriate) the recombinant-DNA into the recipient animal should include: A) information on the specific methodology used for the transformation; B) information, if applicable, on the DNA used to modify the animal (e.g. genes coding for proteins used for packaging vectors), including the source, identity and expected function in the animal; Seite 78 von 131 Annex I 1. if viral vectors or known zoonotic organisms have been used, information on their natural hosts, target organs, transmission mode, pathogenicity, and potential for recombination with endogenous or exogenous pathogens; and C) intermediate host organisms including the organisms (e.g. bacteria) used to produce or process DNA for producing the initial recombinant DNA animal. 30. Information should be provided on the DNA to be introduced, including: A) the primary DNA sequence if the recombinant-DNA was synthesized and it is not from a known natural source B) the characterization of all the genetic components including marker genes, regulatory and other elements affecting the expression and function of the DNA; C) the size and identity; D) the location and orientation of the sequence in the final vector/construct; and E) the function. DESCRIPTION OF THE METHODS USED TO PRODUCE INITIAL RECOMBINANTDNA ANIMAL AND THE PROCESSES TO PRODUCE THE RECOMBINANT DNA ANIMAL ULTIMATELY USED AS FOOD OR FOR FOOD PRODUCTION 31. Information should be provided on the various techniques and processes that are used to introduce the recombinant-DNA to obtain the initial recombinant-DNA animal. Examples of possible techniques may include transformation of gametes, microinjection of early embryos, nuclear transfer of transgenic cells. 32. A description of the methods used to demonstrate heritability should be provided, including descriptions of how heritability is attained (e.g., breeding mosaic animals to obtain true germ-cell transmissible insertions). 33. Although initial recombinant-DNA animals are generally not intended to be used as food or for food production, knowledge of the method to generate these animals may be useful in hazard identification. 34. Information should also be provided on how the initial recombinant-DNA animal leads to the production of the animal ultimately used as food or for food production. This information should, if applicable, include information on the breeding partners, or surrogate dams including genotype and phenotype, husbandry, and conditions under which they are raised or harvested. 35. The history of use of food products from the animals used to generate the animals ultimately used for food production from the initial recombinant-DNA animal (e.g., breeding partners, surrogate dams) may include information on how the animals breed and grow, its food products are obtained (e.g., harvest, slaughter, milking), and the conditions under which those food products are made available to consumers (e.g., storage, transport, processing). CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GENETIC MODIFICATION(S) IN THE RECOMBINANT-DNA ANIMAL ULTIMATELY USED AS FOOD OR FOR FOOD PRODUCTION 36. In order to provide clear understanding of the impact on the composition and safety of foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals, a comprehensive molecular and biochemical characterization of the genetic modification should be carried out. 37. Information should be provided on the DNA insertions into the animal genome; this should include: A) the characterization and description of the inserted genetic materials. This should include an analysis of the potential for mobilization or recombination of any construct material used; B) the number of insertion sites; Seite 79 von 131 Annex I C) the organization of the inserted genetic material at each insertion site including copy number and sequence data of the inserted material and of the surrounding region, sufficient to identify any substances expressed as a consequence of the inserted material, or, where scientifically more appropriate, other information such as analysis of transcripts or expression products to identify any new substances that may be present in the food; and D) identification of any open reading frames within the inserted DNA or created by insertion with contiguous animal genomic DNA, including those that could result in fusion proteins. 38. Information should be provided on any newly expressed substances in the recombinant-DNA animal; this should include: A) the gene product(s) (e.g. a protein or an untranslated RNA) or other information such as analysis of transcripts or expression products to identify any new substances that may be present in the food; B) the gene product(s)’ function; C) the phenotypic description of the new trait(s); D) the level and site of expression in the animal of the expressed gene product(s), and the levels of its metabolites in the food; and E) where possible, the amount of the target gene product(s) if the function of the expressed sequence(s)/gene(s) is to alter the accumulation of a specific endogenous mRNA or protein. 39. In addition, information should be provided to: A) demonstrate whether the arrangement of the genetic material used for insertion has been conserved or whether significant rearrangement have occurred upon integration; B) demonstrate whether deliberate modifications made to the amino acid sequence of the expressed protein result in changes in its post-translational modification or affected sites critical for its structure or function; C) demonstrate whether the intended effect of the modification has been achieved and that all expressed traits are stable and are expressed as expected. It may be necessary to examine the inheritance of the DNA insert itself or the expression of the corresponding RNA if the phenotypic characteristics cannot be measured directly; D) demonstrate whether the newly expressed trait(s) are expressed as expected in the appropriate tissues in a manner and at levels that are consistent with the associated regulatory sequences driving the expression of the corresponding gene.; E) indicate whether there is any evidence to suggest that one or several genes in the recombinant-DNA animal has been affected by the transformation process; and F) confirm the identity and expression pattern of any new fusion proteins. SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF THE RECOMBINANT-DNA ANIMAL ULTIMATELY USED AS FOOD OR FOR FOODPRODUCTION Health Status of the Recombinant-DNA Animal 40. In contrast to the situation with plants, animals that have a history of safe use as sources of food generally do not contain genes encoding for toxic substances. Because of this, the health of a conventional animal has traditionally been used as a useful indicator of the safety of derived foods. The practice of only allowing animals with known and acceptable health status to enter the human food supply has been and continues to be an essential step to ensuring safe food. 41. An evaluation of the health of the animal is one of the essential steps in ensuring safety of food derived from recombinant-DNA animals. In undertaking this evaluation, it is important to compare the health status of the recombinant-DNA animal to the health status of the appropriate conventional counterpart, taking into account developmental stage. Seite 80 von 131 Annex I 42. The evaluation should include the following: A) General health and performance indicators, including behaviour, growth and development, general anatomy, and reproductive function, if appropriate; B) Physiological measures including clinical and analytical parameters; C) Other species-specific considerations, where appropriate. Expressed Substances (non-nucleic acid substances) Assessment of possible toxicity or bioactivity 43. In vitro nucleic acid techniques enable the introduction of DNA that can result in the synthesis of new substances in recombinant-DNA animals. The new substances can be conventional components of animal derived foods, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, which are novel in the context of that recombinant-DNA animal. New substances might also include new metabolites resulting from the activity of enzymes generated by the expression of introduced DNA. 44. It is recognized that the evaluation of the health status of the recombinant-DNA animals may give information about possible toxicity and bioactivity of the expressed substances. However, it is still generally expected that the safety assessment will include evaluation of these substances. 45. The safety assessment should take into account the chemical nature and function of the newly expressed substance and identify the concentration of the substance in the edible tissues and other derived food products of the recombinant-DNA animal, including variations and mean values. Current dietary exposure and possible effects on population sub-groups should also be considered. 46. Information should be provided to ensure that genes coding for known toxins or antinutrients present in donor organisms, if applicable, are not transferred to recombinantDNA animals that do not normally express those toxic or anti-nutritious characteristics. This assurance is particularly important in cases where food derived from the recombinant-DNA animal is processed differently from the donor organism, since conventional food processing techniques associated with the donor organisms may deactivate, degrade or eliminate anti-nutrients or toxicants. 47. For the reasons described in Section 3, conventional toxicology studies may not be considered necessary where the substance or a closely related substance has, taking into account its function and exposure, been consumed safely in food. In other cases, the use of appropriate conventional toxicology or other studies on the new substances may be necessary. 48. In the case of proteins, the assessment of potential toxicity should focus on amino acid sequence similarity between the protein and known protein toxins as well as stability to heat or processing and to degradation in appropriate representative gastric and intestinal model systems. Appropriate oral toxicity studies174 may need to be carried out in cases where the protein present in the food is not similar to proteins that have previously been consumed safely in food, taking into account its biological function in the animal where known. 49. Potential toxicity of non-protein substances that have not been safely consumed in food should be assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on the identity and biological function in the animal of the substance and dietary exposure. The type of studies to be performed may include studies on metabolism, toxicokinetics, sub-chronic toxicity, chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity, reproduction and development toxicity according to the traditional toxicological approach. 174 Guidelines for oral toxicity studies have been developed in international fora, for example, the OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals. Seite 81 von 131 Annex I 50. In the case of newly expressed bioactive substances, recombinant-DNA animals should be evaluated for potential effects of those substances as part of the overall animal health evaluation. It is possible that such substances may be active in humans. Consideration should therefore be given to potential dietary exposure to the substance, whether the substance is likely to be bioactive following consumption and, if so, its potential to exert effects in humans. 51. Assessment of potential toxicity may require the isolation of the new substance from the recombinant-DNA animal, or the synthesis or production of the substance from an alternative source, in which case, the material should be shown to be biochemically, structurally, and functionally equivalent to that produced in the recombinant-DNA animal. Assessment of possible allergenicity (proteins) 52. When the protein(s) resulting from the inserted gene is present in the food, it should be assessed for potential allergenicity in all cases. An integrated, stepwise, case-by-case approach used in the assessment of the potential allergenicity of the newly expressed protein(s) should rely upon various criteria used in combination (since no single criterion is sufficiently predictive on either allergenicity or non-allergenicity). As noted in paragraph 21, the data should be obtained using sound scientific methods. A detailed presentation of issues to be considered can be found in the Annex to this document175. 53. The transfer of genes from commonly allergenic foods should be avoided unless it is documented that the transferred gene does not code for an allergen. Compositional Analysis of Key Components 54. Analyses of concentrations of key components176 of the recombinant-DNA animal and, especially those typical of the food, should be compared with an equivalent analysis of a conventional counterpart grown and bred under the same husbandry conditions. Depending on the species (and the nature of the modification) it may be necessary to make comparisons between products from recombinant-DNA animals and appropriate conventional counterparts raised under more than one set of typical husbandry conditions. The statistical significance of any observed differences should be assessed in the context of the range of natural variations for that parameter to determine its biological significance. However, it should be acknowledged that, particularly in the case of certain animal species, the available number of samples may be limited and there is likely to be large variation between animals, even those bred and raised under the same husbandry conditions. The comparator(s) used in this assessment should ideally be matched in housing and husbandry conditions, breed, age, sex, parity, lactation, or laying cycle (where appropriate). In practice, this may not be feasible at all times, in which case conventional counterparts as close as possible should be chosen. The purpose of this comparison, in conjunction with an exposure assessment as necessary, is to establish that substances that are nutritionally important or that can affect the safety of the food have not been altered in a manner that would have an adverse impact on human health. Food Storage and Processing 55. The potential effects of food processing, including home preparation, on foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals should also be considered. For example, alterations could occur in the heat stability of a toxicant or the bioavailability of an important nutrient after 175 The FAO/WHO expert consultation 2001 report, which includes reference to several decision trees, was used in developing the Annex to these guidelines. 176 Key nutrients are those components in a particular food that may have a substantial impact in the overall diet. They may be major constituents (fats, proteins, carbohydrates as nutrients or enzyme inhibitors as antinutrients) or minor compounds (minerals, vitamins). Key toxicants are those toxicologically significant compounds known to be inherently present in the organism, such as those compounds whose toxic potency and level may be significant to health and allergens. In animals, the presence of toxicants would be rare, whereas the presence of allergens would be common in some species. Seite 82 von 131 Annex I processing. Information should therefore be provided describing the processing conditions used in the production of a food ingredient from the animal. 56. If the modification is intended to change storage or shelf-life, the impact of the modification on food safety and/or nutritional quality should be evaluated. Intended Nutritional Modification 57. The assessment of possible compositional changes to key nutrients, which should be conducted for all recombinant-DNA animals, has already been addressed under ‘Compositional analyses of key components’. However, foods derived from recombinantDNA animals that have undergone modification to intentionally alter nutritional quality or functionality should be subjected to additional nutritional assessment to assess the consequences of the changes and whether the nutrient intakes are likely to be altered by the introduction of such foods into the food supply. 58. Information about the known patterns of use and consumption of a food, and its derivatives should be used to estimate the likely intake of the food derived from the recombinant-DNA animal. The expected intake of the food should be used to assess the nutritional implications of the altered nutrient profile both at customary and maximal levels of consumption. Basing the estimate on the highest likely consumption provides assurance that the potential for any undesirable nutritional effects will be detected. Attention should be paid to the particular physiological characteristics and metabolic requirements of specific population groups such as infants, children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and those with chronic diseases or compromised immune systems. Based on the analysis of nutritional impacts and the dietary needs of specific population subgroups, additional nutritional assessments may be necessary. It is also important to ascertain to what extent the modified nutrient is bioavailable and remains stable with time, processing and storage. 59. The use of animal breeding, including in vitro nucleic acid techniques, to change nutrient levels in animal derived foods can result in broad changes to the nutrient profile in two ways. The intended modification in animal constituents could change the overall nutrient profile of the animal product and this change could affect the nutritional status of individuals consuming the food. Unexpected alterations in nutrients could have the same effect. Although the recombinant-DNA animal components may be individually assessed as safe, the impact of the change on the overall nutrient profile should be determined. 60. When the modification results in a food product with a composition that is significantly different from its conventional counterpart, it may be appropriate to use additional conventional foods or food components (i.e. foods or food components whose nutritional composition is closer to that of the food derived from the recombinant-DNA animal) as appropriate comparators to assess the nutritional impact of the food. 61. Because of geographical and cultural variation in food consumption patterns, nutritional changes to a specific food may have a greater impact in some geographical areas or in some cultural population than in others. Some animal derived foods serve as the major source of a particular nutrient in some populations. The nutrient and the populations affected should be identified. 62. Some foods may require additional testing. For example, animal feeding studies may be warranted for foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals if changes in the bioavailability of nutrients are expected or if the composition is not comparable to conventional foods. Also, foods designed for health benefits may require specific nutritional, toxicological or other appropriate studies. If the characterization of the food indicates that the available data are insufficient for a thorough safety assessment, properly designed animal studies could be requested on the whole foods. Seite 83 von 131 Annex I SECTION 5 — OTHER CONSIDERATIONS POTENTIAL ALTERED ACCUMULATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF SUBSTANCES OR MICROORGANISMS SIGNIFICANT TO HUMAN HEALTH 63. Some recombinant-DNA animals may exhibit traits that may result in the potential for altered accumulation or distribution of xenobiotics (e.g., veterinary drug residues, metals), which may affect food safety. Similarly, the potential for altered colonization by and shedding of human pathogens or new symbiosis with toxin-producing organisms in the recombinant-DNA animal could have an effect on food safety. The safety assessment should take the potential for these alterations into account, and where such alterations are identified, consideration should be given to the potential impacts on human health using conventional procedures for establishing safety. USE OF ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE MARKER GENES 64. Alternative transformation technologies that do not result in antibiotic resistance marker genes in foods should be used in the future development of recombinant-DNA animals, where such technologies are available and demonstrated to be safe. 65. Gene transfer from animals and their food products to gut microorganisms or human cells is considered a rare possibility because of the many complex and unlikely events that would need to occur consecutively. Nevertheless, the possibility of such events cannot be completely discounted177. 66. In assessing safety of foods containing antibiotic resistance marker genes, the following factors should be considered: A) the clinical and veterinary use and importance of the antibiotic in question; (Certain antibiotics are the only drug available to treat some clinical conditions (e.g. vancomycin for use in treating certain staphylococcal infections). Marker genes encoding resistance to such antibiotics should not be used in recombinant-DNA animals.) B) whether the presence in food of the enzyme or protein encoded by the antibiotic resistance marker gene would compromise the therapeutic efficacy of orally administered antibiotic; and (This assessment should provide an estimate of the amount of orally ingested antibiotic that could be degraded by the presence of the enzyme in food, taking into account factors such as dosage of the antibiotic, amount of enzyme likely to remain in food following exposure to digestive conditions, including neutral or alkaline stomach conditions and the need for enzyme cofactors (e.g. ATP) for enzyme activity and estimated concentration of such factors in food.) C) safety of the gene product, as would be the case for any other expressed gene product. 67. If evaluation of the data and information suggests that the presence of the antibiotic resistance marker gene or gene product presents risks to human health, the marker gene or gene product should not be present in food. Antibiotic resistance genes used in food production that encode resistance to clinically used antibiotics should not be present in foods. REVIEW OF SAFETY ASSESSMENTS 68. The goal of the safety assessment is a conclusion as to whether the new food is as safe as the conventional counterpart taking into account dietary impact of any changes in nutritional content or value. Nevertheless, the safety assessment should be reviewed in the light of new scientific information that calls into question the conclusions of the original safety assessment. 177 In cases where there are high levels of naturally occurring bacteria which are resistant to the antibiotic, the likelihood of such bacteria transferring this resistance to other bacteria will be orders of magnitude higher than the likelihood of transfer between ingested foods and bacteria. Seite 84 von 131 Annex I ANNEX: ASSESSMENT OF POSSIBLE ALLERGENICITY SECTION 1 — INTRODUCTION 1. All newly expressed proteins178 in recombinant-DNA animals that could be present in the final food should be assessed for their potential to cause allergic reactions. This should include consideration of whether a newly expressed protein is one to which certain individuals may already be sensitive as well as whether a protein new to the food supply is likely to induce allergic reactions in some individuals. 2. At present, there is no definitive test that can be relied upon to predict allergic response in humans to a newly expressed protein, therefore, it is recommended that an integrated, stepwise, case by case approach, as described below, be used in the assessment of possible allergenicity of newly expressed proteins. This approach takes into account the evidence derived from several types of information and data since no single criterion is sufficiently predictive. 3. The endpoint of the assessment is a conclusion as to the likelihood of the protein being a food allergen. SECTION 2 — ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 4. The initial steps in assessing possible allergenicity of any newly expressed proteins are the determination of: the source of the introduced protein; any significant similarity between the amino acid sequence of the protein and that of known allergens; and its structural properties, including but not limited to, its susceptibility to enzymatic degradation, heat stability and/or, acid and enzymatic treatment. 5. As there is no single test that can predict the likely human IgE response to oral exposure, the first step to characterize newly expressed proteins should be the comparison of the amino acid sequence and certain physicochemical characteristics of the newly expressed protein with those of established allergens in a weight of evidence approach. This will require the isolation of any newly expressed proteins from the recombinant-DNA animal, or the synthesis or production of the substance from an alternative source, in which case the material should be shown to be structurally, functionally and biochemically equivalent to that produced in the recombinant-DNA animal. Particular attention should be given to the choice of the expression host, since post-translational modifications allowed by different hosts (i.e. eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic systems) may have an impact on the allergenic potential of the protein. 6. It is important to establish whether the source is known to cause allergic reactions. Genes derived from known allergenic sources should be assumed to encode an allergen unless scientific evidence demonstrates otherwise. SECTION 3 — INITIAL ASSESSMENT SECTION 3.1 – SOURCE OF THE PROTEIN 7. As part of the data supporting the safety of foods derived from recombinant-DNA animals, information should describe any reports of allergenicity associated with the donor organism. Allergenic sources of genes would be defined as those organisms for which reasonable evidence of IgE mediated oral, respiratory or contact allergy is available. Knowledge of the source of the introduced protein allows the identification of tools and relevant data to be considered in the allergenicity assessment. These include: the availability of sera for screening purposes; documented type, severity and frequency of allergic reactions; structural characteristics and amino acid sequence; physicochemical and immunological properties (when available) of known allergenic proteins from that source. 178 This assessment strategy is not applicable to the evaluation of foods where gene products are down regulated for hypoallergenic purposes. Seite 85 von 131 Annex I SECTION 3.2 – AMINO ACID SEQUENCE HOMOLOGY 8. The purpose of a sequence homology comparison is to assess the extent to which a newly expressed protein is similar in structure to a known allergen. This information may suggest whether that protein has an allergenic potential. Sequence homology searches comparing the structure of all newly expressed proteins with all known allergens should be done. Searches should be conducted using various algorithms such as FASTA or BLASTP to predict overall structural similarities. Strategies such as stepwise contiguous identical amino acid segment searches may also be performed for identifying sequences that may represent linear epitopes. The size of the contiguous amino acid search should be based on a scientifically justified rationale in order to minimize the potential for false negative or false positive results.179 Validated search and evaluation procedures should be used in order to produce biologically meaningful results. 9. IgE cross-reactivity between the newly expressed protein and a known allergen should be considered a possibility when there is more than 35% identity in a segment of 80 or more amino acids (FAO/WHO 2001) or other scientifically justified criteria. All the information resulting from the sequence homology comparison between the newly expressed protein and known allergens should be reported to allow a case-bycase scientifically based evaluation. 10. Sequence homology searches have certain limitations. In particular, comparisons are limited to the sequences of known allergens in publicly available databases and the scientific literature. There are also limitations in the ability of such comparisons to detect non-contiguous epitopes capable of binding themselves specifically with IgE antibodies. 11. A negative sequence homology result indicates that a newly expressed protein is not a known allergen and is unlikely to be cross-reactive to known allergens. A result indicating absence of significant sequence homology should be considered along with the other data outlined under this strategy in assessing the allergenic potential of newly expressed proteins. Further studies should be conducted as appropriate (see also sections 4 and 5). A positive sequence homology result indicates that the newly expressed protein is likely to be allergenic. If the product is to be considered further, it should be assessed using serum from individuals sensitised to the identified allergenic source. SECTION 3.3 – PEPSIN RESISTANCE 12. Resistance to pepsin digestion has been observed in several food allergens; thus a correlation exists between resistance to digestion by pepsin and allergenic potential.180 Therefore, the resistance of protein to degradation in the presence of pepsin under appropriate conditions indicates that further analysis should be conducted to determine the likelihood of the newly expressed protein being allergenic. The establishment of a consistent and well-validated pepsin degradation protocol may enhance utility of this method. However, it should be taken into account that a lack of resistance to pepsin does not exclude that the newly expressed protein can be a relevant allergen. 13. Although the pepsin resistance protocol is strongly recommended, it is recognized that other enzyme susceptibility protocols exist. Alternative protocols may be used where adequate justification is provided181. 179 It is recognized that the 2001 FAO/WHO consultation suggested moving from 8 to 6 identical amino acid segments in searches. The smaller the peptide sequence used in the stepwise comparison, the greater the likelihood of identifying false positives, inversely, the larger the peptide sequence used, the greater the likelihood of false negatives, thereby reducing the utility of the comparison. 180 The method outlined in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia (1995) was used in the establishment of the correlation (Astwood et al. 1996). 181 Report of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Allergenicity of Foods Derived from Biotechnology (2001): Section “6.4 Pepsin Resistance”. Seite 86 von 131 Annex I SECTION 4 — SPECIFIC SERUM SCREENING 14. For those proteins that originate from a source known to be allergenic, or have sequence homology with a known allergen, testing in immunological assays should be performed where sera are available. Sera from individuals with a clinically validated allergy to the source of the protein can be used to test the specific binding to IgE class antibodies of the protein in in vitro assays. A critical issue for testing will be the availability of human sera from sufficient number of individuals.17 In addition, the quality of the sera and the assay procedure need to be standardized to produce a valid test result. For proteins from sources not known to be allergenic, and which do not exhibit sequence homology to a known allergen, targeted serum screening may be considered where such tests are available as described in paragraph182. 15. In the case of a newly expressed protein derived from a known allergenic source, a negative result in in vitro immunoassays may not be considered sufficient but should prompt additional testing, such as the possible use of skin test and ex vivo protocols.183 A positive result in such tests would indicate a potential allergen. SECTION 5 — OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 16. The absolute exposure to the newly expressed protein and the effects of relevant food processing willcontribute toward an overall conclusion about the potential for human health risk. In this regard, the nature of the food product intended for consumption should be taken into consideration in determining the types of processing which would be applied and its effects on the presence of the protein in the final food product. 17. As scientific knowledge and technology evolves, other methods and tools may be considered in assessing the allergenicity potential of newly expressed proteins as part of the assessment strategy. These methods should be scientifically sound and may include targeted serum screening (i.e. the assessment of binding to IgE in sera of individuals with clinically validated allergic responses to broadly-related categories of foods); the development of international serum banks; use of animal models; and examination of newly expressed proteins for T-cell epitopes and structural motifs associated with allergens. 182 According to the Joint Report of the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Allergenicity of Foods Derived from Biotechnology (22-25 January 2001, Rome, Italy) a minimum of 8 relevant sera is required to achieve a 99% certainty that the new protein is not an allergen in the case of a major allergen. Similarly, a minimum of 24 relevant sera is required to achieve the same level of certainty in the case of a minor allergen. It is recognized that these quantities of sera may not be available for testing purposes. 183 Ex vivo procedure is described as the testing for allergenicity using cells or tissue culture from allergic human subjects (Report of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Allergenicity of Foods derived from Biotechnology). Seite 87 von 131 Annex II Annex II, Canada: Notification Guidelines for the Environmental Assessment of Biotechnology - Derived Livestock Animals Health Canada: Prepared by: Harpreet S. Kochhar, BVSc, MVSc, PhD Animal Biotechnology Unit, Veterinary Biologics Section Animal Health and Production Division, Animal Products Directorate Contributors: New Substances Branch, Environment Canada Health Canada Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada Draft 2.1 January14, 2004 Table of Contents Scope of the document Purpose of the document Legislative authority Interpretation of biotechnology-derived Livestock Animals Required technical information for environmental assessment of biotechnology derived livestock animals 1. Information in respect of the organism 1(a) Identification, current taxonomic name to species or sub-species level, strain, synonyms, common names and trade names 1(b) Strain history 1(c) Description of any modifications of the organism 1(d) Description of methods that can be used to distinguish and detect the modified organism 1(e) A description of biological and ecological characteristics of the modified organism 1(f) Identification of patent or other rights, or any application for a patent or other rights 2. Information in respect of manufacture or import of the organism 2(a) The identification of manufacturers, importers or vendors 2(b) Description of the locations of manufacture in Canada 2(c) Description of product containing the organism/Animal 2(d) Description of any recommended procedure for the storage and disposal of the organism 2(e) Estimation of the quantity of the organism that was or will be imported to or manufactured in Canada 2(f) Description of method of manufacture and of quality control and quality assurance procedures Seite 88 von 131 Annex II 3. Information in respect of the introduction of the organism 3(a) History of use 3(b) Intended and potential uses of organism and potential locations of introduction 3(c) Description of the mode of action in relation to the intended use 3(d) Description of the procedures for the introduction of the organism 3(e) Description of any recommended procedure for terminating the introduction of organism 3(f) Description of procedures for disposal of remaining biomass and residues 4. Information in respect of the environmental fate of the organism 4(a) Estimated quantities of the organism in the environment and the estimated population trends 4(b) Description of habitats where the organism may persist or proliferate 4(c) Identification of other species that are likely to be exposed to the organism 5. Information in respect of the ecological effects of the organism 5(a) Data from a test conducted to determine the pathogenicity, toxicity or invasiveness of the organism 5(b) Ecological effects of organism residues 5(c) Potential of the organism to have adverse environmental impacts that could affect the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity 6. Potential of the organism to be involved in adverse human health effects and the most likely route of human exposure to the organism 7. All other information and test data in respect of the organism that are relevant to identifying hazards to human health and environment 8. Identification of other government agencies either abroad or within Canada, that the person has notified of the manufacture or importation of the organism and the purpose of the notification 9. Description of test procedures followed in developing the test data, including methods, reference substance and quality control and quality assurance procedures Annexure (Definitions) Scope of the document: This document has been prepared to assist notifiers responsible for complying with Part II.I of New Substances Notification Regulations (NSNR) under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999). Schedule XIX of the NSNR, outlines the general information requirements for organisms other than micro-organisms. These guidelines will elaborate on the technical information requirements of Schedule XIX providing supplemental information on biotechnology-derived livestock animals. These guidelines will be periodically revised and updated to reflect technological advances and increasing understanding of risk factors associated with animal biotechnology. Seite 89 von 131 Annex II Purpose of the document: The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), promulgated in 1988 and amended in 1999, provides the federal government the authority to address pollution issues. It addresses substances ranging from chemicals to living organisms that are animate products of biotechnology. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act,1999 captures new substances, including animate products of biotechnology, that are not regulated under other legislation specifically listed in CEPA 1999, Schedules 2 and 4. The Governor-in-Council makes the determination whether other federal Acts and Regulations meet the criteria for notice prior to import, manufacture or sale and assessment as defined in CEPA 1999. Currently captured under CEPA 1999, for example, are terrestrial animals which are the product of biotechnology such as transgenic animals. These organisms and a number of terrestrial species would be more appropriately managed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, through its regulatory responsibilities, as the lead federal Agency for animal health and veterinary public health. In keeping with the principles of the 1993 Federal Regulatory Framework for Biotechnology, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency proposes to utilize the authority of CEPA 1999, apply the NSNR and conduct a CEPA 1999 risk assessment for defined biotechnology-derived livestock animals. Legislative Authority: Currently in Canada, biotechnology - derived animals are regulated through the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA 1999) co-administered by Environment Canada (EC) and Health Canada (HC). The New Substances Notification Regulation (NSNR), Schedule XIX, section 29.16 of CEPA provides the first regulatory trigger, for import or manufacture of these organisms, while the Novel Foods regulations under Foods and Drugs Act administered by Health Canada come into effect if the product is intended for use as food. Interpretation of the term ‘biotechnology-derived livestock animals : Several statutes within the government of Canada define biotechnology as "the application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms or parts or products of living organisms in their natural or modified forms". This broad definition encompasses organisms developed through traditional breeding methods and newer technologies such as genetic engineering. (For complete list of definitions, please refer to Annexure) The term ‘biotechnology-derived animal’ is an extension of the definition of biotechnology. It refers to animals which have been generated through biotechnological methods. This term may include, but not be limited to, the following categories of animals: 1) Genetically engineered or modified animals in which genetic material has been added, deleted, silenced or altered to influence expression of genes and traits. 2) Clones of animals derived by nuclear transfer from embryonic or somatic cells. 3) Chimeric animals that have received transplanted cells from another animal. 4) Interspecies hybrids produced by in vitro methods. 5) Animals derived from in vitro cultivation, such as maturation or manipulation of embryos. It is possible to generate animals with useful novel traits for many purposes, for example, 1) enhanced agricultural productivity and product quality i.e., dairy, meat, eggs, wool, 2) Seite 90 von 131 Annex II reduction or elimination of undesirable by-products or wastes i.e., reduction of phosphorus levels in swine manure, 3) biomedical research, 4) production of biopharmaceuticals, or 5) production of organs for transplantation to humans (xenotransplantation). Animals that are near-identical copies of valuable individuals can be generated or alternately, methods can be employed to modify the animal’s germline cells by introduction of new genes by transfection, use of retroviral vectors, or transposons. Genetically modified animals can be further cloned to generate transgenic progeny which are nearly identical to the parent The Notification Guidelines for the CEPA 1999 Assessment of Biotechnology-Derived Animals, addresses the issues related to anticipated risks pertaining to mammalian and avian livestock species intended for release outside of research and development facilities. In this context, the hazards related to the technology and its impact on human health, food safety, animal health and environment are closely inter-related and cannot be easily addressed individually . The following guidelines are intended to serve as a baseline for assessing biotechnology-derived animals. However, it must be recognized that, each genetic modification presents a different set of circumstances and potential risks, which must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. These guidelines will be periodically revised and updated to reflect technological advances and increasing understanding of risk factors associated with animal biotechnology. Required technical information for environmental assessment of biotechnology derived animals The process of risk assessment is initiated by a request from the notifier to manufacture, import, or release the animal into the environment. The history and the background, a full description of the commodity and the proposed release, including production protocols, volume, quantity, frequency and time frames of the proposed release (intended use) are all documented Just to clarify - Subsections 106(1) and 106(2) of CEPA 1999 prohibit the import or manufacture of any living organisms not listed on the Domestic Substances List. In other words, the triggers are import or manufacture of a new living organism that is an animate product of biotechnology, or a new biotechnology-derived animal. The information to be provided referred to in these subsections is prescribed in the New Substances Notification Regulations and further elaborated in these guidelines. The CEPA risk assessment process considers hazard identification and probable exposure. It is based on the equation: Risk = Hazard X Exposure. In contrast to conventional animal import risk assessments (such as under the Health of Animals Act and Regulations) which examine the potential of the organism to harbor infectious agents and to introduce these agents into Canadian livestock, the CEPA risk assessments also cover consideration of environmental and human health hazards. The assessment process identified under CEPA 1999 is thus based on the information that is required under Schedule XIX of the New Substances Notification Regulations (information in respect to organisms other than micro-organisms). The following information will guide notifiers as to the specifics required in order to meet the prescribed information elements of the Schedule XIX of the NSNR. 1. Information in respect of the organism: 1 a) Identification, or current taxonomic name to species or sub-species level, strain, synonyms, common names and trade names: The correct identification of the organism; the taxonomic name, international codes of nomenclature and standard taxonomic sources, substantiation of the identification, a designation to the species or subspecies level. If the genus and species are not known or are proposed but not recognized, then the taxonomic family should also be provided. Experimental Seite 91 von 131 Annex II designation, strain name, variety, trade or common names, if known, should also be provided. If unknown or there are none, then this should be specified. 1 b) Strain history: Information on the historical record of the organism from named varieties or strains, experimental designations, or wild sources (e.g., country, region, accession number, reason for selection) of the strain that is proposed to be introduced, should be provided. This information should include breeding methods or selection practices if used to develop the new organism. Information on dam and sire (and their cell lineages) and the origin of the cells (e.g. somatic or germ line (totipotent)), source of oocyte (such as obtained from abattoir or live animal), source of sperm (in case of sperm-mediated gene transfer), source of embryos, and the health status and origin of surrogate mother should be made available. Details of the methods used to select the breeding stock and methods to propagate the transgenic animal should be made available. 1 c) A description of any modification of the organism: A description of any direct or intentional modifications made to the organism by any means should be provided. If none has been made, then this should be specified. 1c)(i) the purpose of the modifications: The intended purpose of modification of the animal in terms of its use, for example, to produce therapeutic proteins (biopharmaceutical purpose), products of industrial importance, organs for xenotransplantation, and all other uses need to be identified. 1c)(ii) the methods and steps taken to make the modifications: Notifiers should describe the methods and steps taken to make any direct or deliberate modifications to the organism either through classical, physical (e.g., natural hybridization), chemical (base analogues, acridines, nitrous acid, hydroxylamine, alkylating agents), or other mutagenesis techniques, or through other, e.g., recombinant DNA techniques. Where the organism has been modified using recombinant DNA techniques, the description should take into account the following areas: • DNA cloning strategies and procedures including schematic representations; • vector construction details, and information on the functional elements contained within the vector (e.g., promoters and other regulatory elements, replication elements, structural genes, markers and restriction sites); • gene transfer methods employed (e.g. nuclear transfer, virus-mediated transformation, electroporation, microinjection, sperm-mediated gene transfer, ballistic injection or any other method); • vector characteristics (e.g., pathogenic, disarmed and whether bacterium or virus). • the identities of the reagents and amount of DNA added during each step. • methods used to verify that no unintended expression (ectopic and pleiotropic) occurs at any un-intended site. There should be appropriate references provided on the published scientific literature. 1c)(iii) the phenotypic and genotypic changes that resulted from the modifications: A description of the phenotypic and genotypic changes known to have resulted from the modifications to the organism, such as any known changes in physiological characteristics and biological functions, including unintended changes, should be provided. The description should include transgene expression levels, cellular and genomic location, and resulting alterations, additions, or deletions in nucleic acid sequence. Seite 92 von 131 Annex II 1c)(iv) the genetic stability of the changes: A description of the stability (inheritance through several generations, site of integration, effect of selective pressure) of the phenotypic and genotypic changes known to have resulted from the modifications to the organism should be provided. In addition to testing for the presence of transgenes in the transfected cells, the stability of the transgene inserted should be tested using molecular tools along with the proposed technique for monitoring the production of the modified product (e.g. a novel protein in milk). The genetic stability in terms of inheritance should be addressed i.e. whether the genetic modifications are capable of being transmitted to the next generation through sexual reproduction, and the transgene activity levels in offspring. The recombination and the rearrangements of the genes and their possible ill-effects should be gauged. Study of the transgene stability over 3-4 generations of transgenic animals is recommended in order to confirm stability. 1c)(v) the nature, source and function of any introduced genetic material: The full sequence of all the introduced fragments should be made available and the fragment rearrangement studies need to be done. The location of insert, orientation position and any hazard characteristic should be elucidated. • source, description and function of genetic material being introduced • endogenous genetic material knocked out or modified or silenced as a result of insertions • number of copies of each transgene inserted • location and number of transgene integration sites • duration of embryos in culture • identification including the taxonomic designation of all organisms that were a source of genetic material • origin of replication, coding and non-coding sequences used • selection markers (e.g. antibiotics, heavy metals, physiological characteristics) 1 d) A description of methods that can be used to distinguish and detect the modified organism: This information shall be useful to identify and distinguish the modified animals from their unmodified counterparts and also from the ones which failed to express the intended characteristics, incorporate or insert the transgene (non-takes) due to technical or other problems. • methods used to confirm the presence of transgene in the modified embryos/cells/fetuses/animals. • specific mechanism for transgene integration • methods used to confirm expression of transgene in the products derived from the modified animal • any phenotypic tags/marks used to distinguish modified animals from unmodified animals 1 e) A description of the biological and ecological characteristics of the organism 1e)(i) The life cycle: • information on the average life expectancy of the animal Seite 93 von 131 Annex II • detailed description of the life cycle including expected stress triggers and environmental adaptation needed after genetic modification. 1 e)(ii) The reproductive biology, including the species with which the organism/animal can interbreed in Canada: For the transgenic animals the assessment of their reproductive status and health is an important parameter to gauge the effect on the population of the conventional animals of the same or inter-related species. The following information should be provided • reproductive health and status of the animal (e.g. whether the modification leads to a terminal effect) • list of all other animal species with which the modified animal can successfully interbreed • effect of the reproductive potential of the modified animal on the wild type or conventional population • risk of losing genetic stability of the transgene if interbreeding with conventional counterparts occurs. 1 e)(iii)The involvement in adverse ecological effects, including pathogenicity, toxicity and invasiveness: Data should be provided for the following concerns • disease susceptibility of the modified organism (whether altered, increased or decreased) should include the considerations for endogenous retrovirus replication etc., • increased pathogen load that the animal may shed (in feces, urine or other secretions) due to the genetic modification, • effect of the genetic modification on carcass quality, and environmental impact of aborted fetuses, manure, milk, eggs or proteins. 1 e)(iv) A description of geographic distribution and habitat of the animal/ organism: • Information regarding the natural habitat and survival of the organisms based on their distribution in various ecozones • The geographical barriers including climatic extremes (factor in the spread of the organism and affects on survival). 1 e)(v) The potential for dispersal of traits by gene transfer: Information on the possibility of horizontal gene transfer through, for e.g., gut flora, viruses, or other vectors. Of particular interest are antibiotic gene markers used in transgene construction. This needs to be addressed in conjunction with the accidental release of the modified organism into the environment where it can interbreed with conventional counterparts. • need to be clear what information items would be helpful, e.g. dispersal of traits by: o interbreeding with wild populations (probabilities, etc) o biomaterials released from the organism if released, e.g. manure and presence of ‘undesirable’ genetic material that could transfer to environmental microflora 1 e)(vi) Locations and situations where the organism has caused adverse ecological effects: Notifier should provide any known information on adverse ecological effects on animals, plants, ecological processes, where the organism was involved. Seite 94 von 131 Annex II In the absence of reports on adverse ecological effects, related reports in this context may be provided. Related information can help to assess the risk associated with adverse ecological effects. 1 e)(vii) Involvement in biogeochemical cycling: For example, the potential impacts of the composted manure spread on the farm or waste product removal on the environment should be assessed and the data provided. 1 e)(viii) Interactions with other organisms in the environment: Information required on the aggressiveness, body build-up etc.) have impacts on the feral or native populations from which the notified organism originates or on other species. 1 e)(ix) The conditions required for survival, growth, reproduction and overwintering: Information about the survivability, growth and normal reproductive pattern is vital to judge the ability of the modified organism to survive in the environment after its release from containment. Information specific to animals such as Information on the seasonal survival ability, its growth and any seasonality observed in reproductive cycle or dormancy in growth should be provided. 1 e)(x) Capability of the organism to act as a vector for agents involved in adverse effects: Information on the ability of the modified animal to act as a vector for agents involved in creating adverse effects should be provided. 1 e)(xi) The mechanism of dispersal of the organism and modes of interaction with any dispersal agents: If the animal is in containment or confined, information is required regarding the possible mode of escape and what mechanism may exist to allow for its dispersal. 1 f) Identification of patent or other rights, or any application for a patent or other rights: If the notifier has been granted or has applied for a patent or other right, the authority under which the patent or other right was issued or applied for should be provided, as well as the patent or right number or application number. If more than one has been granted or applied for, then this should be specified. 2. The following information in respect of the manufacture and importation of the organism: 2 a) The identification of manufacturers, importers or vendors: Name and location of the facilities where the production of the organism and its modification is done. Information on the transport or movement of the animals between the production and maintenance facilities or involvement of a vendor in between is required. Information provided does not exempt vendors from notification obligations under these regulations if they subsequently start producing or importing the animal. 2 b) Description of the locations of manufacture in Canada: A description of the facilities including full address of each production , maintenance, research and development (R & D) and assessment facilities should be provided with respect to following details • details of the location including scale drawings and maps, size of site, slope and geography • distance to populated areas and other protected areas like watersheds, farms, wetlands, watercourses etc. • facilities and equipments at the different locations • organizational charts including the personnel working in the facility (names, titles, duties) and reporting relationship and emergency contacts. Seite 95 von 131 Annex II 2 c) Description of product containing the organism/Animal: Data regarding the product derived from animal are required. This information item as it is written is not likely relevant to biotechnology-derived animals. As such, it can be used to either compliment item 3(a) and (c) or the elements of products generated can be completely captured under these same items. Either way, it is agreeable to focus on any products derived from the organism and if the organism itself is the ‘product’, for e.g. in the case of a pet. This can include the reproductive bodies intended for sale, etc. 2 d) Description of any recommended procedure for the storage and disposal of the organism: Information regarding the maintenance of the animal(s) at the facilities, how they are bio-contained in terms of their existence and the possibility of escaping. The information on handling, identification and tracking methods of genetically modified animals should be provided. Other information required in context with storage and disposal of products and by-products is: • volume / quantity of stored material • duration of stored material such as hours, days, weeks, months. • form of storage such as refrigerator, freezer, room temperature or any other. • location of storage place • labelling of storage place and equipment. • disposal of germ plasm such as embryos, semen, oocytes etc. • disposal of carcasses of euthanized/dead animals such as by incineration, composting etc. 2 e) Estimation of the quantity of the organism that was or will be imported or manufactured in Canada: Following information should be provided: • number of modified animals that are anticipated to be generated during coming year and subsequent years • number of animals to be imported or introduced into the nuclear herds (if from the same line) • anticipated numbers of the breeding stock (if intended) • number of animals which are non-takes or do not express the transgene, mosaics, are of undesired gender, aborted fetuses and non viable animals. (Note that each transgenic founder animal and its progeny will need a separate submission in terms of assessment.) 2 f) Description of method of manufacture and of quality control and quality assurance procedures: the information required should be provided under the following categories: • Creation and characterization of the transgenic founder animal (Go) and related information (Similar to that provided in section 1) • Establishment of a reliable source of transgenic animals (transgenic procedures, natural reproduction, or cloning of transgenic animals to produce further generations of transgenics) • Maintenance of transgenic animals Seite 96 von 131 Annex II • monitoring health of transgenic animals • transgenic animal housing and handling facilities • feeding and animal welfare considerations • physical containment measures • Quality control and quality assurance procedures such as • testing for replication of competent retroviruses in reteroviral based gene transfer (identifying packaging cell lines, virus titre, potential for recombination, etc) • Host range/ specificity, tissue tropism and shed/spread capabilities of the viral vector(s) • Recommendations for product testing (when and how often to test, methods, etc.) • Records/documentation of all the experimental work including. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) • Proof of accredited facility with any animal care organization. 3. Information in respect to the introduction of the organism: 3 a) History of use: A description should be provided of the history of any use of the animal in Canada or any other country. This description should consider the length of time the animal has been used. If there is no known history of use, this should be specified. 3 b) Intended and potential uses of organism and potential locations of introduction: Information in regards to the intended use e.g. bio-pharmaceutical, industrial application, food or any other use should be available. The full description of the regions and the areas where the modified animals will be introduced and their effects on native population of animals and ecological balance should be provided. Other information needed would be: • full address of potential location of introduction • duration of introduction in potential location • quantity/ total numbers of animals to be introduced. 3 c) Description of mode of action in relation to the intended use: A detailed mechanism as to how the genetic inserts will function within the organism e.g. the molecular processes involved in the secretions of a bio-pharmaceutical in milk. The notifier should provide information on relevant biochemical breakdown pathways or end products for the notified organism. The description should indicate whether the organism functions by altering the physical, biochemical or bio-geochemical environment. 3 d) Description of procedures for the introduction of the organism, including 3 d)(i) method and rate of introduction: Information should be provided about • how often will the organism be introduced into the environment • whether the animals will be physically separated from conventional organism or will be co-mingling with their counterparts that are used as for example, surrogate dams or animals used for oocyte donations Seite 97 von 131 Annex II 3 d)(ii) any activities associated with introduction: All activities associated with the introduction of the animal should be detailed. These may include the: • landscaping of site or making it bio-contained • redirection of streams • cutting down of trees • composting of manure • waste biological material treatment and disposal • evacuation or elimination of any life form on site • proper licensing and clearances from local authorities • import and export regulations regarding germplasm (semen, embryos and oocytes) • transportation of animals, animal products and their waste material • monitoring and tracking of the animals (identification procedures) 3 d)(iii)any recommended procedures for storage and handling and disposal of any surplus material: Information on how any biological material or tissue samples are intended to be handled and information regarding the storage and use of the modified germplasm (semen, embryo etc.) should be provided. Information should also be provided regarding the fate of mosaics, "non-takes", surrogate mothers and the animals used for embryo/oocyte donation. 3 d)(iv) any contingency plans for accidental release (and any reproductive isolation measures: Information regarding the separation of the male and female animals and how they would be prevented from or allowed to inter-breed. If accidental mixing happens or the escape of the organism is detected, the procedures used to segregate the organism or re-introduce it into the herd should be specified. 3 d)(v) resistance to control agents.: Generally not applicable 3 e) Description of any recommended procedure for terminating the introduction of the organism: Information on the recommended procedures for termination of the animals (e.g. euthanasia) needs to be provided in detail. 3 f) Description of procedures for disposal of remaining biomass and residues of the organism: Description of intended procedures, for example, manure composting, redirection of other wastes such as urine, body fluids, placenta, aborted fetuses etc.. Description of disposal procedures for bio-products derived from the animal such as milk, semen etc. should be described. 4. Information in respect of the environmental fate of the organism: 4 a) Estimated quantities of the organism in the environment and the estimated population trends: Details of prevalence of the genetically modified organism with similar genetic manipulations (if any) already existing in a controlled or open environment situation need to be provided. 4 b) Description of habitats where the organism may persist or proliferate: The general profile of the animal’s capacity to exist in a particular habitat or survive with the environmental conditions related to weather, nutrition, co-existing flora and fauna should be detailed. Seite 98 von 131 Annex II 4 c) Identification of other species that are likely to be exposed to the organism and other species that are likely to be affected: A list of all species that could be exposed to the animal is required in detail. 5. Information in respect of the ecological effects of the organism: 5 a) Data from a test conducted to determine the pathogenicity, toxicity or invasiveness of the organisms: Data to support the absence of any toxic or pathogenic potential of these hazards should be provided. • adventitious infectious agent transfer • endogenous retrovirus activation • heteroplasmy of mitochondria • embryo manipulation / use of cell culture • hazards related to transgene expression • insertional mutation - disruption of endogenous gene function • transfer of antibiotic resistance genes to the environment Duration of test: The time taken for conducting different tests by the company should be provided. Control groups: Test organisms subject to treatments and contact with the notified animal should be accompanied by an appropriate untreated (negative) control group of test organisms which are not exposed to the notified animal. Control groups should be used to ensure that any observed effects are associated with exposure to the notified animal and should be identical in every respect to the treated test animals except for exposure to the notified animal. For example, the control test animals should be from the same source, be of the same age, and receive the same nutrition and care as the treated test animals. To prevent bias, test animals should be randomly assigned to control and treatment groups. Wherever possible, notifiers should attempt to establish a positive control group with a relevant closely related animals to ensure that the test system is capable of detecting an adverse effect.The company needs to provide us info on all the controls used in their experiments/projects. Reporting of data: Notifiers should detail all information for a complete and accurate description of the test procedures, information, and analysis. This should include a justification for choosing a particular test species and test method and a statistical analysis of differences between the test group and control groups. 5 b) Ecological effects of organism residues: Information must be provided on the residues originating as a result of metabolic and other phenomena like waste, reproductive secretions or body fluids. 5 c) Potential of the organism to have adverse environmental impacts that could affect the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity: This will require data to support the effect of modified animal on bio-security and bio-diversity (see details for reference in Annex D). However, the notifier should provide information on the following: • Spread of the transgene into indigenous domestic animals or wildlife Seite 99 von 131 Annex II • fitness of the modified animal compared to the conventional animals or wild counterparts • changes in adaptability of the modified animal to the environment • ability to escape, disperse and become feral 6. The potential of the organism to be involved in adverse human health effects and the most likely route of human exposure to the organism: In addition to the potential effects of the transgenic material exposure on human health either through the product of the transgenic animal or by other routes, details are required. Data on the direct or indirect mechanisms involving intermediate vectors should be provided. 7. All other information and test data in respect of the organism that are relevant to identifying hazards to human health and environment: All aspects of trials and potential risk and benefit information available to the producer should be made available with the understanding that the privacy of the product information will be maintained. All other information and data relevant to environmental and health hazard identification should be provided, such as: • experimental data (including negative results); • summaries of literature reviews • results of searches from databases • results of studies of the risk to employees, customers, public, or the environment (e.g. environmental fate modelling) that may result from the use of the organism (occupational health and safety data). Additional information includes information in the person's possession or to which the person should reasonably have access. "In the person's possession" means information in the company's offices in Canada or, if the notification was submitted by a foreign company through a Canadian agent, the offices in the country where the notification originated. The phrase "to which the person ought reasonably to have access" means information in any of the company's offices worldwide, or other locations where the person can access the information. • Information on possible environmental benefits resulting from the production or use of the animal should also be provided. Any additional information may be provided in the language in which the information was originally prepared. 8. Identification of other government agencies either abroad or within Canada, that the person has notified of the manufacture or importation of the organism and the purpose of the notification: Information should be provided of any known circumstances where the import or production of the organism has been notified to another agency or government, and the purpose of such notification. Seite 100 von 131 Annex II • identify which government agencies within Canada have been contacted, consulted with, or notified and asked for approval for commercialization, importation, exportation, or R & D. • identify which government agencies outside Canada have been contacted, consulted with or notified and asked for approval for commercialization, importation, exportation, or R & D. 9. Description or specification of test procedures followed in developing the test data, including methods, reference substance and quality control and quality assurance procedures: Complete details as to the purpose of each test, its results, and efficacy of the test conducted along with the reference standards used to assess the genetic manipulation of the animal, generation of data submitted for notification. ANNEXURE GLOSSARY Biodiversity: The variety of life and its processes. Biodiversity includes all life forms, from one-celled fungi, protozoa and bacteria to complex organisms such as plants, insects, fishes and mammals. It includes processes, pathways and cycles that link living organisms into populations, ecosystems and landscapes. This variety of life is dynamic and constantly changing and evolving. It is sensitive to perturbations that may result from human activity. Biodiversity is generally recognized on three levels: • genetic diversity - the variety of genetic building blocks found among individual representatives of a species; • species diversity - the variety of living organisms found in a particular place; and • ecosystem diversity - the variety of species and ecological functions and processes, both their kind and number, that occur in different physical settings. Biopharm animals: Transgenic animals modified to produce proteins for extraction, purification and therapeutic use. Carrier DNA: DNA used to expedite the preparation or the transformation of genetic material into an organism but which is itself not part of the construct. Clone: Genetically identical copy of a gene, cell or organism asexually reproduced from a common ancestor Coding Region: A DNA sequence which can be translated to produce a protein. Synonymous with open reading frame. Construct: An engineered DNA fragment (e.g. plasmid) which contains, but is not limited to, the DNA sequences to be integrated into a target organism's genome as a transgene. Counterpart: The chosen counterpart for use in testing transgenic animals should, if possible, be the host animals already existing as stable populations (wild or domesticated) in Canada. In the case of an F1 hybrid, the counterpart must be a similar genotype/phenotype of the same species. Consideration may also be given to the use of several counterparts. Dam: The female parent of the animal especially domestic livestock Seite 101 von 131 Annex II Ectopic gene expression: Expression of a (trans)gene in a tissue where, or developmental stage when, such expression is not expected. Electroporation: Introduction of DNA into a cell mediated by a brief pulse of electricity. Endogenous retrovirus: Integrated retrovirus DNA (provirus) believed to be derived from infection of the germline of an ancestral animal. All animals are thought to carry numerous endogennous retroviral genes, some of which were inserted millions of years ago. Endogenous retroviral genes could produce virions, viral components, or be silent. Environment: Environment means the components of the earth and includes air, land, water, all layers of the atmosphere, all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms and the interacting natural systems that include components referred to above (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Section 3). This includes the natural and managed ecosystems which include agricultural ecosystems. Environmental Effect: Any significant change that the release of the genetically modified organism may cause in the environment. Environmental Risk: Risk is defined in terms of probability of the occurrence of an effect, multiplied by the hazard (i.e., the degree of harm that results from the effect). Environmental Safety Assessment: The qualitative and/or quantitative estimation of the likelihood of adverse environmental impacts that may result from the release of the modified organism into the environment. Genotype: The sum total of the genes of an organism, latent or expressed or the genetic identity of an individual. Genetically modified: Refers to an organism whose genotype has been modified by application of biotechnology (e.g. gene transfer or chromosome set manipulation) Insert: That part of a construct (see above) which is integrated into the recipient organism's genome. Micro-injection: The introduction of DNA into the nucleus of an oocyte, embryo or other cells by injection through a very fine needle Mitochondria (mitochondrion, singular): Highly pleiomorphic organelle of eukaryotic cells that varies from short rod-like structures present in high number to long branched structures. Has a double membrane and the inner membrane may contain numerous folds (cristae). Houses several copies of mtDNA and a few hundred proteins which carry on numerous biochemical and energy extraction functions and interact with the cell nucleus genes. Major function of mtDNA is to regenerate ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria are maternally inherited. Non-coding Region: DNA sequences which lie outside of an open reading frame and which are not translated to become part of a protein. These might include scaffold attachment regions, promoters, leader sequences, enhancers, introns, terminators, and any other sequences that are used for gene expression either in the plant or other hosts, such as origins of replication, transposable elements, DNA borders, lox sequences, etc. Nuclear reprogramming: Restoration of the correct embryonic pattern of gene expression in a nucleus derived from a somatic cell and introduced into an oocyte. Oocyte: The developing female gamete before maturation and release. Phenotype: The observable characteristics of an organism (including physical, biochemical or other traits) which may result from the interaction of the organism with its environment. Promoter: A regulatory element of a gene that specifies the start site of transcription. Seite 102 von 131 Annex II Retrovirus: An enveloped virus that replicates by reverse transcription of its RNA genome into DNA, followed by integration of the DNA into the cell genome to form a provirus (as though it were a cellular gene) that may lead to the production of progeny virus particles. Sire: A male parent of the domestic animal Somatic cell: Usually any cell of a multicellular organism that will not contribute to the production of gametes, ie. most cells of which an organism is made: not a germ cell. Surrogate mother: A female that bears a child/ young one on behalf of some one else who is unable to bear a child. The process is used routinely to bear many embryos derived from a mother capable of bearing one young one at a time. Totipotent: Capacity of a cell giving rise to all types of differentiated cells found in ant organism. A single totipotent cell could, by division, reproduce the whole organism Trait(s): The phenotypic characteristic(s) of an organism resulting from the interaction of the organism’s genotype and its environment. Transfection: Alteration of genome of a cell by direct introduction of DNA, a small portion of which becomes covalently associated with the host cell DNA. Transgene: A gene construct introduced into an organism by human intervention. Transgenics: Organism that has stably integrated one or more genes from another species ("trans") and can pass them on to successive generations. Transposase: The enzyme responsible for moving a transposon from one place to another. Transposon: A DNA element capable of moving (transposing) from one location in genome to another in the same cell through the action of transposase. Vector: An autonomously replicating DNA molecule into which foreign DNA is inserted and then propagated in a host cell. Xenotransplantation: the transfer of living cells, tissue and/or organs from one species to another, (e.g., transplant of a kidney from a pig into a human) Seite 103 von 131 Annex III Annex III, Canada: Novel Food Regulation (Health Canada) Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Division 28 of the food and drug regulations Novel Foods Interpretation B.28.001. The definitions in this section apply in this Division. "genetically modify" means to change the heritable traits of a plant, animal or microorganism by means of intentional manipulation. ( modifier génétiquement) "major change" means, in respect of a food, a change in the food that, based on the manufacturer's experience or generally accepted nutritional or food science theory, places the modified food outside the accepted limits of natural variations for that food with regard to (a) the composition, structure or nutritional quality of the food or its generally recognized physiological effects; (b) the manner in which the food is metabolized in the body; or (c) the microbiological safety, the chemical safety or the safe use of the food. ( changement majeur) "novel food" means (a) a substance, including a microorganism, that does not have a history of safe use as a food; (b) a food that has been manufactured, prepared, preserved or packaged by a process that (i) has not been previously applied to that food, and (ii) causes the food to undergo a major change; and (c) a food that is derived from a plant, animal or microorganism that has been genetically modified such that (i) the plant, animal or microorganism exhibits characteristics that were not previously observed in that plant, animal or microorganism, (ii) the plant, animal or microorganism no longer exhibits characteristics that were previously observed in that plant, animal or microorganism, or (iii) one or more characteristics of the plant, animal or microorganism no longer fall within the anticipated range for that plant, animal or microorganism. ( aliment nouveau) Pre-market notification B.28.002. (1) No person shall sell or advertise for sale a novel food unless the manufacturer or importer of the novel food (a) has notified the Director in writing of their intention to sell or advertise for sale the novel food; and (b) has received a written notice from the Director under paragraph B.28.003(1)(a) or subsection B.28.003(2). (2) A notification referred to in paragraph (1)(a) shall be signed by the manufacturer or importer, or a person authorized to sign on behalf of the manufacturer or importer, and shall include the following information: (a) the common name under which the novel food will be sold; (b) the name and address of the principal place of business of the manufacturer and, if the address is outside Canada, the name and address of the principal place of business of the importer; (c) a description of the novel food, together with (i) information respecting its development, Seite 104 von 131 Annex III (ii) details of the method by which it is manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged and stored, (iii) details of the major change, if any, (iv) information respecting its intended use and directions for its preparation, (v) information respecting its history of use as a food in a country other than Canada, if applicable, and (vi) information relied on to establish that the novel food is safe for consumption; (d) information respecting the estimated levels of consumption by consumers of the novel food; (e) the text of all labels to be used in connection with the novel food; and (f) the name and title of the person who signed the notification and the date of signing. B.28.003. (1) Within 45 days after receiving a notification referred to in paragraph B.28.002(1)(a), the Director shall review the information included in the notification and (a) if the information establishes that the novel food is safe for consumption, notify the manufacturer or importer in writing that the information is sufficient; or (b) if additional information of a scientific nature is necessary in order to assess the safety of the novel food, request in writing that the manufacturer or importer submit that information. (2) Within 90 days after receiving the additional information requested under paragraph (1)(b) the Director shall assess it and, if it establishes that the novel food is safe for consumption, notify the manufacturer or importer in writing that the information is sufficient. Seite 105 von 131 Annex IV Annex IV, Canada: Animal Health Risk Analysis Framework for Biotechnology-Derived Animals Canadian Food Inspection Agency: November 2004 Acronyms AAFC Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ABU Animal Biotechnology Unit AHPD Animal Health and Production Division AHRA Animal Health Risk Analysis bp base pairs, referring to nucleotides BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy BVDV bovine viral diarrhea virus CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency CEPA Canadian Environmental Protection Act DNA deoxyribonucleic acid EC Environment Canada ES embryonic stem GM genetically modified GMO genetically modified organism HC Health Canada HGT horizontal gene transfer ICSI intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection ISH interspecies-hybrid IVF in vitro fertilization MI microinjection M-MoLV Moloney murine leukemia virus MOS mosaic animals (transgene present, but not in all cells) mtDNA mitochondrial DNA NSNR New Substances Notification Regulations NT nuclear transfer (unmodified clone) OIE Office International des Épizooties PCR polymerase chain reaction PERVs porcine endogenous retroviruses PERT product-enhanced reverse transcriptase Seite 106 von 131 Annex IV RNA ribonucleic acid RV retroviral SMGT sperm-mediated gene transfer TG transgenic VSV-MoLV vesicular stomatitis virus – Moloney murine leukemia virus The Animal Health Risk Analysis Framework for Biotechnology-Derived Animals is a protocol used by the Animal Health Risk Analysis Unit and the Animal Health and Production Division to conduct risk analyses on animal health. The objective of this framework document is to provide guidance to perform animal health risk assessments of animals, and their derived products, regulated by the Animal Health and Production Division. It is anticipated that the regulated animals will principally include terrestrial mammalian and avian livestock species intended for release outside of research and development facilities. 1. Introduction The Animal Health Risk Analysis (AHRA) group within the Sciences Branch of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is responsible for conducting risk analyses and providing scientific information and advice to the Animal Health and Production Division (AHPD) of the CFIA in support of the National Animal Health Program. Risk analysis includes the three interactive processes of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication (Covello et al., 1993). The Risk Analysis Framework for Biotechnology-Derived Animals is a protocol used by AHRA and the Animal Biotechnology Unit (ABU) of the AHPD to conduct risk analyses from the perspective of animal health. The general design of the document is modelled after the Animal Health and Production Risk Analysis Framework (AHRA, 2004). The protocol describes the processes followed for conducting animal health risk analyses and provides guidelines for risk assessors and managers. The risk management and risk communication are the responsibility of the AHPD for the animal health and ultimately for Environment Canada and Health Canada which have legislative authority. However, when appropriate, all parties participating in the risk assessment should be involved in risk communication. This framework document will focus on the risk assessment process from an animal health perspective. 1.1 SCOPE "The assessment of risk for many genetically engineered organisms may be dauntingly complex, combining as it does the micro-scale of molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology with the macro-scale complexity of ecology, population genetics, behaviour, biogeography, and evolutionary biology." (Scientist’s Working Group on Biosafety, 1998). This framework is intended for the assessment of biotechnology-derived animal from the animal health perspective. It is anticipated that the regulated animals will principally include terrestrial mammalian and avian livestock species intended for release outside of research and development facilities. For import commodities (biotechnology-derived), the Animal Health and Production Risk Analysis Framework (AHRA, 2004) may be consulted, which complements this document. Biotechnology-derived animals in Canada are, currently, almost exclusively produced from research and development activities of academic and commercial establishments. Under CEPA, such animals may be exempted from government regulation that apply to commercial production establishments, provided there is no release of the organism (or animal), its genetic material or toxic material from the organism into the environment. Further development of animal biotechnology research and applications leading to commercial use of biotechnology-derived animals can be expected in the future. It is Seite 107 von 131 Annex IV important for the public to have confidence in regulations which have implications on animal health. To achieve this goal, regulatory assessments should be based on scientific knowledge and assessment procedures must be sensible and practical. Therefore, the need to develop an approach to conduct an animal health risk assessment for biotechnology-derived animal was addressed by AHRA. The objective of this framework document is to provide guidance to perform risk assessments relating to biotechnology-derived animals. Although other considerations such as human health, environment implications, genetic diversity and sustainability are mentioned, the principal focus of this document is on the risks to animal health posed by the production of cloned, transgenic and other animals derived from biotechnology. Animal welfare considerations are also included in this document, reflecting the involvement of the CFIA in this area (CFIA , 2002; Doonan, 2002), and consistent with recommendations made by non-governmental advisory bodies (United States National Academy of Sciences, 2002). The risks associated with biotechnology-derived animal must be assessed individually. This is warranted because of the large number of variables involved, these include: the species involved, the health status of the individuals and herds/ flocks involved, the techniques and materials employed in the production of biotechnology-derived animal, the transgene used, the potential for exposure to the environment (biological and ecological characteristics of the animal), the end use of the animal. 1.2 DEFINITION OF "BIOTECHNOLOGY" AND "BIOTECHNOLOGY-DERIVED ANIMALS" In several Acts and Regulations of Parliament (e.g. Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA); the Health of Animal Regulations) biotechnology is defined as: "The application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms or parts or products of living organisms in their natural or modified forms". The term "biotechnology-derived animals" is an extension of the definition of biotechnology. It refers to animals which have been generated through biotechnological methods. This term may include, but not be limited to, the following categories of animals (Adlakha-Hutcheon, 2001): genetically engineered or modified animals in which genetic material has been added, deleted, silenced or altered to influence the expression of genes and traits, clones of animals derived by nuclear transfer from embryonic or somatic cells, chimeric animals, interspecies hybrids, animals derived from in vitro cultivation such as maturation or manipulation of embryos. Appendix 1 (Introduction to the Generation of Biotechnology-Derived Animals) describes some techniques that are used to generate biotechnology-derived animals. 1.3 LEGISLATION Currently in Canada, biotechnology-derived animals, such as transgenic and other biotechnology-derived livestock animals are regulated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) and its New Substances Notification Regulation (NSNR). CEPA is co-administered by Environment Canada (EC) and by Health Canada (HC). Part II.1 of the NSNR implements provisions of Part 6 of CEPA by prescribing the information as well as the timelines for notifying Environment Canada of the intent to manufacture or import such animal or its derived products. Environment Canada and Health Canada then assess for whether or not the animal is toxic or has potential of being "toxic". The Novel Foods Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act administered by Health Canada comes into effect if the product is sold or advertised for sale as food. The CFIA is working in collaboration with EC and HC to scientific and technical advise, including conducting Seite 108 von 131 Annex IV animal health risk analyses. Under the authority of Health of Animals Act and Regulations and Feeds Act and Regulations the CFIA administers and enforces regulatory controls over animal health, animal products, veterinary biologics and livestock feeds. On the basis of the end use for which an animal or its derived products is being assessed, different government departments may be responsible for the assessment. The end use of the product determines which department or agency may be responsible for conducting an assessment. For example (the following list is not exhaustive): If the animal or its derived products including semen, oocytes and embryos are going to be imported, the CFIA would be consulted (Health of Animals Act and Regulations). If the production of recombinant products from the living animal is intended for use in animal as veterinary biologic, the CFIA would be consulted for the assessment (Health of Animals Act and Regulations). If the production of recombinant products from the living animal is intended for medical devices, xenotransplantation, therapeutic biologicals, cosmetic, veterinary drug and industrial chemicals or biochemicals, Health Canada (Food and Drugs Act and Regulations) and Environment Canada would be consulted for the assessment (CEPA, 1999 and the NSNR). If any animal parts, by-products or rendering materials is intended to be used as livestock feed, or if intended to be used as a fertilizer the CFIA would be consulted (Feeds Act and Regulations and Fertilizers Act and Regulations). If any animal parts, by-products or rendering materials is intended to be used in cosmetics, Health Canada (Food and Drugs Act and Cosmetic Regulations) and Environment Canada would be consulted for the assessment (CEPA, 1999 and the NSNR). Environment Canada, Health Canada and CFIA work together to ensure that both the food and the environmental safety and the health of the animal and the feed of the final product are evaluated. 2. The General Process of Conducting a Risk Analysis Risk analysis is the process of identifying the elements that pose risk, analysing their likelihood and the significance of impacts, their management, and communicating them to applicants, stakeholders and the broader community. Risk analysis consists of three processes; risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. The Animal Health and Production Risk Analysis Framework (AHRA, 2004) may be consulted for further details. 3. Risk Analysis Procedures for Biotechnology-Derived Animals from an Animal Health Perspective 3.1 INITIATION PROCESS Figure 1 describes the steps of such a risk analysis procedure. The risk analysis process is initiated by an applicant who makes an inquiry to Environment Canada and Health Canada. Depending on the end use, the CFIA is then asked to collaborate with EC and HC by providing scientific and technical advice from an animal perspective as to whether or not to authorize an animal to be used. Whether the authorization is to consist of a single, multiple use or on a continuous basis of an animal, the steps followed in the process of approving the commodity remain the same. Within the CFIA, the risk analysis process is initiated by a decision of the Director of the Animal Health and Production Division to conduct a risk assessment. The Animal Biotechnology Unit (ABU) is responsible of filling a specific form to request a risk assessment (Appendix 2, Request for an Animal Health Risk Assessment of Biotechnology-Derived Animals). The request should be endorsed by the Director of the AHPD and sent to the Director of the Science Division, then on to the National Manager of the AHRA Unit. Conformity with this process allows AHRA to respond appropriately to the request. The Animal Health and Production Risk Analysis Framework (AHRA, 2004) may be consulted for further details of the steps following an inquiry. Seite 109 von 131 Annex IV Figure 1 The request form (Appendix 2) includes required information such as the history, background and description of the commodity, including production protocols, the volume, quantity, frequency and time-frames of the proposed release. In addition to the request form, additional information, as described in Table 1 (for further details refer to Appendix 3, Information Required for Conducting an Animal Health Risk Assessment), is needed to conduct such assessment. This information will be supplied by EC and HC through the schedule XIX of the New Substances Notification Regulation ( Table 1 Summary of Information Required 1. Summary Description of Animal 2. Reason for Production 3. Details of Production 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Source of Genetic Material Source of Donor Animals Health Status of Donor Animals Source of Recipient Animals Seite 110 von 131 Annex IV 3.5 Health Status of Recipient Animals 4. Cloned/ Transgenic Animal Production 4.1 Sources and Quality Control of Reagents 4.2 Detailed Description of Techniques Employed 5. Characterization of Cloned/ Transgenic Animals 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Health Evaluation of Founder Animals and Subsequent Generations Genetic Characterization Transgene Product Biological and Ecological Characteristics Note: additional information could be requested if necessary (through EC and HC) 3.2 RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS The first step in the animal health risk assessment process is the identification of hazards associated with the biotechnology-derived animal for which a request has been received. This process occurs through the collection of evidence, including consultation with officials both within Canada (CFIA and other Government Departments) and internationally on a case by case basis. The risk assessment process involves four other interrelated assessment steps: release assessment, exposure assessment, consequence assessment and risk estimation. These steps clarify the stages of the risk assessment, describing them in terms of the events necessary for the identified potential risk(s) to occur, and facilitate understanding and evaluation of the outputs. Figure 2 illustrates the processes involved in a animal health risk assessment. Seite 111 von 131 Annex IV Figure 2 Risk assessment principles: • The risk assessment process should be flexible in order to deal with the complexity of real life situations. No single method is applicable in all cases. This is exemplified by the variety of animal commodities, methods and materials used to produce the animal, the multiple hazards that may be related to the method of production (biotechnology-derived animal), the different diseases’ epidemiology, detection and surveillance systems, exposure scenarios and types and amounts of data. • Both qualitative and quantitative risk assessments have merit. • An organizational arrangement that separates risk assessment from risk management decision-making is encouraged to ensure that the risk assessments are not influenced to fit prior regulatory conclusions. • The risk assessment should be based on the best available information that is in accord with current scientific thinking. The assessment should be well documented and supported with references to the scientific literature and other sources, including expert information elicitation (Appendix 4, Source Materials for Use in Risk Assessments). • Consistency and transparency in risk assessments should be encouraged to ensure fairness and rationality, comparison of risks and ease of understanding by all Seite 112 von 131 Annex IV interested parties. Consistency may be limited to similar biotechnology-derived animal and depend on the types and amount of data available. Improvement in risk assessment methods should supersede consistency. • Risk assessments should illustrate the uncertainty in the risk estimation output. • In general, the risk estimate increases with increasing volume or quantity of the commodity (biotechnology-derived animal) released. • The risk assessment should be amenable to updating when additional information becomes available. 3.2.1 Hazard Identification A hazard is defined as an agent, element or event that poses potential harm, an adverse event or adverse outcome (AHRA, 2004). Hazard identification is a categorization step identifying biological agents and genotypic and phenotypic hazards, dichotomously as potential hazards or not, which could potentially be introduced with a commodity or activity and for which pathways exist for exposure of the agents to susceptible animals. The risk assessment is concluded if a hazard identification fails to identify potential hazards associated with the release. AHRA is responsible for identifying the hazards associated with biotechnology-derived animals and their products, and conducting the risk assessment from an animal health perspective for each hazard. The risk assessment process involves collecting evidence and information and, on a case by case basis, consulting with experts nationally and internationally. Often, officials in the CFIA Centres of Expertise and the associated Biotechnology Testing Centers (Molecular Analysis and Testing Unit / MATU) are consulted: Charlottetown Laboratory, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island St-Hyacinthe Laboratory, St-Hyacinthe, Quebec Ottawa Laboratory (Carling), Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa Laboratory (Fallowfield), Ottawa, Ontario Sidney Laboratory, Sidney, British Columbia In contrast to conventional import risk assessments, hazards associated with biotechnology-derived animals include consideration not only of hazards associated with infectious pathogens, but also hazards related to the impact of the genetic modification on animal health and welfare and hazards that have potential impacts on genetic diversity and sustainability. However, as mentioned previously, the principal focus of this document is on the risks to animal health posed by the production of cloned, transgenic and other animals derived from biotechnology. Criteria to identify infectious hazards are described in the Animal Health and Production Risk Analysis Framework (AHRA, 2004). Genetic hazards are identified based on the scientific evidence found in the literature. In the following table (Table 2) an attempt is made to list potential hazards related to the techniques and methods used (more details are presented in Appendix 5: Hazards Associated with Biotechnology-Derived Animals). These lists are not exhausted, other hazards may be added when identified. Because of the broad scope of this document, the large volume of the literature and the rapid pace of advancement in this field, the references cited should not be interpreted as all inclusive. In a field as new as animal biotechnology, genotypic and phenotypic hazards have not been completely identified and characterized. Table 2 Hazards Related to the Techniques and Methods Used in production of Biotechnology-derived animals 1. Technique or Processes-Based Hazards 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Adventitious Infectious Agent Transfer Endogenous Retroviral Activation Heteroplasmy of Mitochondria Embryo Manipulation / Use of Cell Culture Seite 113 von 131 Annex IV 2. Transgene or Product-Based Hazards 2.1 Transgene Expression 3. Insertional Mutagenesis / Mutation-Based Hazards 3.1 Insertional Mutagenesis Mutation 4. Other Hazards 4.1 Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance Genes from Cells of TG Animals to the Environment 4.2 Transfer of TG-bearing DNA through the Digestive Tract 4.3 Transfer of TG to Domestic Animal and Wildlife Population and Ecosystems 5. Hazards Associated with Interspecies-Hybrid Animals Produced by in vitro Techniques The generation of a biotechnology-derived animal represents a sequential series of events that cannot be viewed in isolation. For a biotechnology-derived animal that is a transgenic, it begins with the generation of transgenic founder animals and ends with the production of a group of transgenic animals exhibiting the desired trait. Risk must be evaluated throughout this process to the production of at least one generations, and should include consideration of whether or not the transgene is present in a heterozygous or homozygous state. Cloned animals must be evaluated from the generation of the initial cloned animal to the production of progeny. In Appendix 6 (Adverse Effects Associated with Hazards of Biotechnology-Derived Animals) an attempt is made to identify some adverse effects associated with the hazards. This appendix also presents the techniques, types of biotechnology-derived animal which can potentially express the effects, the release and the exposure pathways associated with the hazards. 3.2.2 Risk Assessment Steps Release Assessment Release assessment consists of describing and quantifying the potential of a risk source (the animal) to release or otherwise introduce a hazard into an environment accessible to animal population, including the risk to the animal derived from biotechnology itself or its progeny in subsequent generations. With respect to the hazards posed by animals derived from biotechnology, release assessment involves consideration of the prevalence of the hazard, the point at which the hazard can be detected and the methods used to detect the hazard. The release assessment typically describes the types, amounts, timing and probabilities of the release of the hazard. In addition, the release assessment will include consideration of how these attributes might change as a result of various actions, events or measures. In a risk assessment for biotechnology-derived animals, the various types of hazards — infectious, genetic — dictate the variety of inputs that need to be considered in the release assessment. In addition, any assessment of the release of a hazard from a biotechnology-derived animal must include consideration of the effects posed by animal waste products. Exposure Assessment Exposure assessment consists of describing and quantifying the relevant conditions and characteristics of animal exposure to hazards produced or released by a given risk source. The exposure assessment typically describes the amount, timing, frequency, duration of exposure, routes of exposure, and the number, species and characteristics of the animal population that might be exposed. Detailed information concerning the release and exposure assessment in relation to identified hazards is presented in Appendix 6 (Adverse Effects Associated with Hazards of Biotechnology-Derived Animals). Consequence Assessment Seite 114 von 131 Annex IV Consequence assessment consists of describing and quantifying the relationship between specified exposures of a biological agent and the economic consequences of those exposures. A causal process must exist by which exposures produce adverse animal health or environmental consequences. The consequence assessment typically includes a specification of the impact on health in the animal populations sustained under given exposure scenarios. In conventional import related risk assessments, consequences are related to infectious pathogens, and may include, but not be limited to: • animal mortality and morbidity • production losses (e.g. decreased reproductive efficiency, feed conversion etc.) • costs associated with disease control (e.g. veterinary fees, vaccination, antibiotics, depopulation, decontamination etc.) • reduced markets (e.g. domestic or export, live animal or products) • human health implications (e.g. zoonotic disease). Such consequences still apply with respect to B-D animals. In addition, other consequences related to unique genotypic and phenotypic hazards, such as the following, should be considered: • perinatal mortality and morbidity • costs associated with genotypic and phenotypic changes in B-D animals (e.g. immune function effects) • loss of genetic diversity (e.g. in host and related species) • costs associated with tracing B-D animals and their products • effects related to commercial markets and consumer acceptance • welfare concerns (repetitive invasive procedures, handling and restraint) (Appendice 7: Animal Welfare in Canada and the Codes of Practice: Backgrounder and Appendix 8: Welfare Evaluation in Three Successive Stages of a Transgenic Animal Production Program), • adverse consequences to the environment, including disruption of ecosystems and native species extinctions • costs associated with the control and eradication costs, • quarantine and isolation costs, • cleaning and disinfection costs, • treatment costs, • vaccination costs. Risk Estimation Risk estimation consists of integrating the results from the release, exposure and consequence assessments to produce quantitative measures of animal health. The final outputs of this process are estimates of the magnitude of possible adverse animal health consequences, including a characterization of the probabilities, uncertainties or degree of confidence associated with these estimates. Therefore, a risk estimation takes into account the entire risk pathway from hazard identification to unwanted outcome. A qualitative risk assessment is thus a summation of the findings of the release, exposure and consequence assessments. For quantitative assessments, the final outputs may include: Seite 115 von 131 Annex IV • estimated numbers of herds, flocks, animals experiencing adverse health and other impacts of various severities over time, • probability distributions, confidence intervals and other means for expressing the uncertainties in these estimates, • portrayal of the variance of all model inputs, • a sensitivity analysis to rank the inputs as to their contribution to the variance of the risk estimation output, • analysis of the dependence and correlation between model inputs. 3.3 PEER REVIEW A draft of the animal health risk assessment document is produced and subsequently distributed for peer review on a case by case basis. The importance of peer review, particularly for risk assessments related to biotechnology, has been highlighted in several reports and studies (e.g.: Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee, 2002). The participants in a peer review are selected based upon nature of the risk assessment. They may include: • CFIA staff, including those of the CFIA Animal Biotechnology Unit, • other Government of Canada staff, • non-governmental specialists in industry and academia. Comments received from reviewers, when appropriate are incorporated into the risk assessment document. 3.4 ANIMAL RELEASE PROTOCOL Recommendations of a release protocol from an animal health perspective for biotechnology-derived animals are the responsibility of Animal Biotechnology Unit (ABU). The recommendation are base on the tolerability of the estimated risk provided in the risk assessment document. Development of those recommendations protocol may involve further consultation with CFIA expertise including the ABU, the AHRA Unit, Laboratory staff, Legal Services, etc. It is important to recognize that, the final decision regarding release into the environment of a biotechnology-derived animals or animal products is the responsibility of Environment Canada and Health Canada. Considerations associated with the release protocol and risk management options may include, but not be limited to: • biocontainment requirements for the animal or product (semen, embryo...) • any breeding restrictions, • allowable uses for the product, • domestic or international use, • requirements for labelling, • requirements for traceability, • monitoring requirements – gene stability, health effects, gene expression, etc., • effect of release on natural populations and on the ecosystem. Seite 116 von 131 Annex IV 3.5 ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION DIVISION - RISK MANAGEMENT DECISION When finalized and approved by the Director of AHPD, recommendations from an animal perspective to to accept (or not) the release of a biotechnology-derived animal into the environment are sent to Environment Canada and Health Canada. 4. Risk Management Options are provided to risk managers to continue in the risk management process. Risk management comprises a number of measures, however not all are necessarily included in every risk analysis. The elements of risk management include: • Risk evaluation: the aspect of risk management concerned initially with the decision to request a risk assessment, and secondly, with interpreting, comparing, judging the significance of and deciding the tolerability of the risk as estimated in a risk assessment document. • Option evaluation: the process of identifying, evaluating the efficacy and feasibility, and selecting risk mitigation measures (in addition to those that may have been considered in the initial risk assessment) in order to reduce the animal health risk associated with biotechnology-derived animals. The efficacy is the degree to which an option reduces the likelihood and magnitude of adverse biological and economic consequences. Evaluating the efficacy is an iterative process that involves incorporation into the initial risk assessment, which is then re-evaluated to determine the degree of risk reduction. The evaluation for feasibility normally focuses on technical, operational and economic factors affecting the implementation of the risk management options. • Implementation: proper actions are taken following the risk management decision on acceptance or refusal of the release. • Monitoring and review: the ongoing process to observe the release and conduct a review, if necessary, of the risk assessment, the risk mitigation measures and the risk management decision. 5. Risk Communication Risk communication takes place throughout the risk analysis process. The interactive exchange of information on risk occurs among risk analysts, risk managers and other interested parties. It begins when a risk analysis is requested and continues after the implementation of the decision (acceptance or refusal) on the animal. Risk communication is an integral component of the risk analysis and risk management process, and should not be considered an "add-on". Risk communication with stakeholders is principally the responsibility of the Environment Canada and Health Canada, however risk communication should be carried out by all parties involved in the risk assessment, when appropriate. The widespread and deep interest of the public in biotechnology makes it imperative that risk communication is a priority. In 2001, the CFIA Public and Regulatory Affairs Branch produced a discussion paper entitled "Risk Communication and Government: Theory and Application for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency". Once reviewed and approved, the animal health risk assessment for biotechnologyderived animal documents will be available via the CFIA website. 5.1 PRINCIPLES OF RISK COMMUNICATION • The communication of risk should be an open, interactive and transparent exchange of information that may continue after the decision on release. • The principal recipients of risk communication include, in addition to the applicant and the other Government Departments, the authorities and other stakeholders Seite 117 von 131 Annex IV such as domestic and foreign industry groups, domestic livestock producers and consumer groups. • Peer review should represent a component of risk communication in order to obtain scientific and analytical critiques, and to ensure the validity of the scientific data, methods and assumptions. • The uncertainty in the model, model inputs and the risk estimates of the risk assessment should be communicated. REFERENCES Adlakha-Hutcheon, G., (2001). "Transgenic Animal Safety Assessments: Transgenic Avian Species / Internal Report", Animal Biotechnology Unit , Animal Health and Production Division, Internal report, CFIA. Animal Health Risk Analysis Unit (AHRA), (2004). "Animal Health and Production Risk Analysis Framework", AHRA, Science Division, CFIA. ( Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee, (2002). "Improving the Regulation of Genetically Modified Foods and Other Novel Foods in Canada." Report to the Government of Canada, Biotechnology Ministerial Coordinating Committee. ( Canadian Food Inspection Agency, (2002). Draft: "Farm Animal Welfare Infrastructure." CFIA Performance Measurement and Program Support, Animal Health and Production Division, CFIA. Canadian Food Inspection Agency, (2001). "Risk Communication and Government: Theory and Application for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency." CFIA Public and Regulatory Affairs Branch. ( publications/riscomm/riscomme.shtml) Covello, V.T. and Merkhofer, M.W., (1993). Risk assessment methods: Approaches for assessing health and environmental risks. Plenum Press, New York, 319 p. Doonan, G., (2002). "So what does a food inspection agency have to do with animal welfare?" CFIA Officer Training Program, CFIA. Scientist’s Working Group on Biosafety, (1998). Manual for Assessing Ecological and Human Health Effects of Genetically Engineered Organisms. The Edmonds Institute, Washington DC, ( United States National Academy of Sciences, (2002). Animal Biotechnology: Sciencebased concerns., Chapter 6, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Aneuploid: Of nuclei, cells or organisms having more or less than an integral multiple of the typical haploid chromosome number. (Penguin Dictionary of Biology (PDB)) Apoptosis: Programmed individual cell death that occurs normally in development, during aging and in various pathologic conditions. (The University of Kansas Medical Center: medicine/pathology/ed/keywords/kw_apoptosi.html) Blastocyst: Stage of mammalian development at which implantation into the uterine wall occurs, the inner cell mass spreading inside the blastocoele Seite 118 von 131 Annex IV as a flat disc. (PDB) Chimera: Usually applied to organisms which (unlike mosaics) are comprised of cells of two or more distinct genomes resulting from experimental manipulation (e.g. grafting or aggregation) early in development. (PDB) Clone: 1) A group of organisms of identical genotype, produced by some kind of asexual reproduction and some sexual processes. 2) A group of cells descended from the same parent cell. 3) Nucleic acid sequences are said to be cloned when they are inserted into vectors and then copied along with them within host cells. (PDB) 4) An organism produced asexually, usually by a fusion of a cell (embryonic or adult) with an enucleated oocyte. DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid. Electroporation: Process by which an electric potential applied across cells in culture disrupts their membranes sufficiently to create tiny pores, through which DNA can be taken up. Epigenesis: In modern terms, relating to those mechanisms by which DNA is contextualized, controlled and regulated to produce changing patterns of gene expression in the face of changing environmental signals. A central tenet is that DNA sequence information, by itself, contains insufficient information for determining how gene products interact to produce any kind of mechanism. (PDB) Epigenetic influence: A factor that influences the phenotype without influencing the genotype. (Colour Atlas of Genetics [CAG]) Imprinting, genomic: Different expression of an allele or chromosomal segment depending on the parental origin. (CAG) Mitochondrion: Cytoplasmic organelle of all eukaryotic cells engaging (mainly) in aerobic respirations, and the source of most ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in these cells. Plural is mitochondria. (PDB) Mixoploidy: A tissue or individual having a mixture of cells with a different number of chromosomes (chromosomal mosaic). (CAG) Mosaic: Organism comprised of clones of cells with different genotypes derived, however, from the same zygote (unlike chimeras). (PDB) Pleiotropy: The ability of allelic substitutions at a gene locus, or a cell product, to affect or to be involved in the development of more than one aspect of a phenotype. (PDB) Position effect: Occurrence of phenotypic change resulting, not from gene mutation as such, but from a change in position of a piece of genetic material. (PDB) Retrovirus: A member of the family Retroviridae, RNA viruses for which the replication cycle involves the integration of a DNA copy of the virus genome, produced by reverse transcription, into the chromosomal DNA of the host cell. This property has been exploited by the use of retroviral vectors for the insertion of foreign DNA into cells and organisms. Stem cell: Undifferentiated cells of either embryonic or adult origin which divide to produce one stem cell and another which can pass along a specific differentiation pathway. Seite 119 von 131 Annex IV Transgene: Any gene introduced by gene manipulation from one organism into an organism of a different species (i.e. xenogeneic). Can also be from the same species under a new promoter (i.e. autogenic). Zygote: Cellular product of gametic union. (PDB) Sources: PDB Thain, M. And Hickman, M. (2000). Penguin Dictionary of Biology, 10th Edition. Penguin Books, London UK. CAG Passarge, E. (2001). Colour Atlas of Genetics, Second Edition. Thieme, Stuttgart. Seite 120 von 131 Annex V Annex V, Argentina: Application for Permit for Experiments with and/or Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Animals (ANNEX to Resolution No. 57/2003) Application for Permit for Experiments with Environment of Genetically Modified Animals and/or Release into the The Permits to Experiments with and/or Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Animals will be granted by the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food. REQUIREMENTS The information in the Application will be used to assess whether granting the permit to experiment with and/or release into the environment GMAs is within the agricultural interests. It is absolutely forbidden to experiment with and/or release into the environment GMAs without proper authorization by the competent authority. 1. Permit to experiment with and/or release into the environment a GMA shall be requested in the following cases: 1.1. tests with animals in controlled conditions 1.2. field trials 1.3. imports of genetically modified organisms, gametes or embryos In case of lab-bioterium experiments, including in vitro production of GM gametes or embryos, the applicant shall describe the experiment for CONABIA to assess the need to request biosafety conditions. 2. Transformation experiments must have uniform names within the Application and these should be consistent with those used in the subsequent Applications related to the same event or events. 3. Any natural or artificial person, hereinafter the Applicant, may request a permit to release a GMA into the environment. 4. For the processing of the permit, the Applicant shall appoint a Legal Representative to the corresponding legal effects and at least one Technologist in Charge. 5. The Applicant shall convincingly prove his/her legal personality and the qualifying powers pertaining to his/her Legal Representative. 6. The information presented by the Applicant or the Legal Representative(s) as part of the file submitted to request a permit to release a GMA into the environment shall have affidavit status. 7. The Applicant shall establish his/her legal address within the area of the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and state his/her current address. 8. The Applicant shall submit the Application for a Permit to Experiment with and/or Release into the Environment a GMA (hereinafter Application) duly completed. 9. The Applicant shall submit the Application, in Spanish, to the SAGPyA. Every page must be signed by the Legal Representative. The Technologist in Charge must sign where indicated. FIFTEEN (15) hard copies and ONE (1) electronic copy of the Application. The Application for permits to experiment with and/or release into the Seite 121 von 131 Annex V environment GMAs, including reproductive material, must be submitted to the National Agrifood Health and Quality Service – SENASA – with a letter addressed to the Directorate of International Traffic at Paseo Colón Ave. No. 367, 5° Floor, Front, 1067, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Tel. 0054-11-43316041/9. 10. The remarks on scientific knowledge on the subject matter of the presentation stated by the Applicant in the documents mentioned in point 8 above shall be accompanied by bibliographic references. Complete bibliographic references shall be available in their original language. By request of CONABIA, if the bibliography were in other language than Spanish, a translation certified by a public translator must be attached. 11. Any Application for a permit to experiment with and/or release into the environment GMAs that involves activities connected to the use of genetically modified material, such as pathogens infection, parasites infestation and material sampling, shall include the corresponding protocol and the information of the professional in charge of any such actions. 12. The experiments with and/or releases into the environment of GMAs may only take place after the Applicant has been notified by SAGPyA about the pertaining approval. If permit is denied, the competent authority shall determine the destination and disposition of unused material. 13. The permit to experiment with and/or release into the environment the GMA subject of the Application granted by the competent authority may be used by the Applicant only. 14. Failure to comply with the risk management and biosafety conditions agreed upon at the moment of granting the permit may result in the partial or complete destruction of the material involved and, eventually, in the withdrawal of the permit. 16. In case of importing test material into the country, such material must comply with the Animal Quarantine and Health regulations in force. 17. The Genetically Modified Animals and/or its products, including reproductive material, must comply with the animal health regulations established by the competent authority to prevent risks to human and/or animal health or the environment (Law No.130636/49, its norms, and the regulatory framework for veterinary products, Mercosur Resolution No. 345, dated April 6, 1994.) 18. The Applicant shall at all times be responsible to comply with the risk management and biosafety conditions stipulated when the permit to experiment with and/or release into the environment a GMA is granted. The Applicant shall be held responsible throughout the experiment duration and after its termination as CONABIA establishes (see point 20) regardless of any modification or alteration to the natural or artificial person of the Applicant during said period of time. 19. The information on the site where the experiment or the release will take place shall include maps and the lease agreement, should the site not belong to the Applicant. 20. The Applicant shall be responsible for controlling the access to the site where the experiment takes place. Personnel in charge of handling the materials and/or animals involved should be technically qualified and have thorough knowledge of the kind of material being used. 21. The permit will include a period of time, after the project termination, during which the Applicant shall be responsible for the site where the experiment took place. Seite 122 von 131 Annex V 22. The Applicant shall facilitate the inspections to the site where the Genetically Modified Animals are and cover the expenses stipulated for each one of them. Inspections shall be performed by the agents authorized by the SAGPyA to that end, and shall be as frequent as deemed necessary during the development of the experiment as well as during the established period after project termination. 23. The Applicant must give immediate oral notification and written notification within TWNETY-FOUR (24) hours to CONABIA in the following cases: - Accidental release of the Genetically Modified Animal and/or its products, - If the Genetically Modified Animal or the associated host organism present characteristics different from those expected, - If there is an abnormal situation (excessive mortality, sickness or unforeseen effects on other organisms.) 24. In case of accidental escape of the GMA, the Applicant must immediately notify the Technical Coordination at CONABIA at the address provided in point 9 above and implement the contingency plan proposed in the Application. 25. Should the Applicant desire some information included in the Application remain confidential, the abbreviation CID184 (Confidential Information Deleted) must be written on the front of the Application and in the body where the information was omitted. 26. In the case of Applications with CID, the Applicant shall submit to the Directorate of International Traffic of SENASA at the address provided in point 9 above in a sealed and signed envelope, a complete Application in which the information to be kept confidential (Confidential Information, hereinafter CI) has been highlighted. This document must be marked “Copy with CI” on the top right-hand corner of every page. The bibliographical information considered confidential must be submitted with the rest of the CI. 27. The following information may not be considered CI: a. Name of transformation experiment b. Phenotypic characteristics to be inserted into the GMA c. Name and address of the Applicant, Legal Representative and Technologist in Charge. d. Purpose of the requested permit. e. Location of the experiment. f. Methods and procedures to control the GMA and to act in case of emergency. g. Final disposition of biological material. h. Necessary information for the biosafety assessment. 28. The Directorate of International Traffic of SENASA shall be responsible for the safekeeping of CI according to the regulations in force. 29. CONABIA shall provide a rooster of experts qualified to assess the document marked as “Copy with CI”. The Applicant must agree to the review of the documentation by sending a written notification to the Technical Coordination of CONABIA, at the address provided in point 9 above. The Applicant shall have the right to choose ONE (1) primary reviewer and TWO (2) additional reviewers from the rooster as well as to suggest an expert ad referendum from CONABIA. Both the primary reviewer and CONABIA may request the CI be assessed by a subcommittee formed by the primary reviewer and the TWO (2) additional reviewers selected. The Applicant may, in the same statement of agreement, designate a representative to be present at the review of the CI. 184 In Spanish “ICE” (Información Confidencial Eliminada). Seite 123 von 131 Annex V 30. Those present at the review of the CI shall sign THREE (3) identical copies of the certificate in which the opinion of the experts is included. ONE (1) copy shall be delivered to the Applicant. 31. Any request to modify an already approved Application or an Application still at the assessment stage must be notified in writing to the Technical Coordination of CONABIA and directed to the address provided in point 9 above to be reviewed by the Committee. The Applicant may only apply the modification to the experiment after having received notification attesting a favorable decision. 32. During the established period after project termination, the Applicant must yearly notify to the Technical Coordination of CONABIA at the address indicated in point 9 above about the use given to the site used for the experiment and about any new developments that might have taken place. This information shall be verified through the corresponding inspections. 33. The Applicant must submit to SAGPyA at the address provided in point 9 above a Final Report, in compliance with the form to that end, within ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) calendar days after the experiment termination. The Final Report must be signed by the Legal Representative on each page and FIFTEEN (15) hard copies and ONE (1) electronic copy must be submitted to be assessed by CONABIA. The Report shall detail the behavior, in compliance with the information requirements specified when SAGPyA granted the permit. 34. In case of experiments approved for more than ONE (1) year, the Applicant must submit annual reports during the development of the project to the address provided in point 9 above. The Legal Representative must sign every page. FIFTEEN (15) hard copies and ONE (1) electronic copy must be submitted to be assessed by CONABIA. 35. The Applicant must also submit the Final Report in those cases when, for any reason, the experiments have not been completed. The Legal Representative must sign each page, and FIFTEEN (15) hard copies and ONE (1) electronic copy must be submitted to be assessed by CONABIA. 36. The submission and favorable assessment of the reports mentioned in points 33, 34 and 35 above are essential requirements that the Applicant must comply with in order to request a new permit to experiment with and/or release into the environment of GMAs. 37. The procedure for requesting a permit will be properly concluded when the correct management of the authorized experiments has been verified and the reports required under points 33, 34 and 35 above have been favorably assessed. Application for Permits for Experimental Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Animals under confined conditions A. SUMMARY 1. Applicant: 2. Organism subject to control: Scientific name: Common name: 3. Inserted trait(s): Seite 124 von 131 Annex V 4. Identification of the used construct: Name(s) and/or number(s); Breeder: 5. Introduced gene(s). Nucleotide sequences. Main gene(s): Accompanying gene(s): Sequences of: markers, promoters, termination signals, introns, others. In case of inserting large DNA segments in vectors such as artificial chromosomes, a detailed restriction map should be included if the complete sequence has not been determined. 6. Type of permit requested (See page 1, point 1): 7. Quantity of GM material: 8. Previous permit(s): 8.1 In Argentina Date: Permit No: 8.2 In other countries Date: Granting institution: Permit No: Application for Granting Permits to Experiments with and/or Release into the Environment under confined conditions of Genetically Modified Animals B. APPLICATION FORM 1. This Application for a permit to release this transformation experiment before the CONABIA is: (check what applies) ( ) New ( ) Renewal. File No: 2. In case of imported material released in another country, indicate: Country of origin: Permit No: Granting institution: Type of permit granted: 3. If this material is being tested in another MERCOSUR country, indicate: Country: Release date: Permit No: Granting institution: Type of permit: Seite 125 von 131 Annex V 4. Applicant information: Name: Legal address: Current address: Phone: FAX: E-mail address: 4.1 Legal Representative: Name: Current address: Phone: FAX: E-mail address: Institution: Position: 4.2 Technologist in Charge Name: Current address: Phone: FAX: E-mail address: Institution: Position: 4.3 Name and position of any other person, in addition to the Legal Representative and the Technologist in Charge, that will be responsible for planning, supervising, monitoring, and safeguarding the experiment with and/or release into the environment of GM animals. 5. Type of permit requested: (check what applies) ( ) Bioterium ( ) Repetition of bioterium Place(s) where the previous tests were carried out in Argentina: Permit or file No: Date: ( ) First field trial ( ) Repetition of field trial Place(s) where the previous trials were carried out in Argentina: Permit or file No: Date: 6. Purpose of experiment: In a paragraph, describe the purpose of the experiment subject to this application. 7. Movement of the Genetically Modified Animals: Describe the mean(s) of transport used to move locally developed animals and/or the mean(s) used to import them to the country. Seite 126 von 131 Annex V 8. Release characteristics (for locally developed animals): 8.1 Number of animals to be released/produced: 8.2 Place and institution of the material origin: 8.3 Movement date(s) within the country: 8.4 Field or bioterium release date(s): 8.5 Destination within the country and/or site where the release and/or handling will take place: 9. Characteristics of the introduction to the country of genetically modified animals, gametes or embryos: 9.1 Number of animals/gametes/embryos to be introduced: 9.2 Country, place and institution of origin of the material: 9.3 Import date(s) (introduction to the country): 9.4 Movement date(s) within the country: 9.5 Release date(s) into field or bioterium: 9.6 Port of arrival: 9.7 Destination within the country and/or place where the release and/or handling will take place: 10.Describe the genetically modified animals, gametes, and embryos. Complete the following points as appropriate: 10.1 Donor organism(s): Scientific name(s): Common name(s): Other denomination(s): Genetic elements, whether their function or expression is expected or not: 10.1.1 Main gene(s): 10.1.2 Inserted marker gene(s): 10.1.3 Other accompanying sequences (promoters, etc): 10.2 Recipient organism Scientific name(s): Common name(s): Other denomination(s): 10.3 Vector or vector agent, whether expressed or not: Scientific name(s): Common name(s): Other denomination(s): 10.4 Other means of introduction of the transgene: 11.Brief description of any biological material (such as means and serum) used for the cultivation of gametes and embryos (if applicable): 12.Detailed description of the biosafety methods and procedures, methods to eliminate and/or inactivate supposed accidental contaminants and sterility controls that have been used in the country of origin: 13.Detailed description of the biosafety methods and procedures, methods to eliminate and/or inactivate supposed accidental contaminants and sterility controls that have been used in Argentina to prevent the pollution, release or dissemination into the environment of the GMA Seite 127 von 131 Annex V during each stage of the experiment, as well as each GMA component subject to control in any type of permit requested: In this point, the bioterium, the trial fields, the surrounding area and the processing places should be described. 13.1 Bioterium test: Description of the site and its location. Biosafety level according to the WHO Amount of GMAs to be used Isolation and biosafety measures Proposed methods to control potential vectors of any kind of recombinant genetic material e) Techniques to detect genetic modifications in the selected animals f) Techniques to detect gene transfers from the GMA to the biotic environment a) b) c) d) 13.2 Field trials a) b) c) d) e) Description of site and exact location on a map, including orientation marks Detail size and infrastructure (fences, funnels, etc.) Amount of GMAs to be used Description of surrounding area (animals, geographic accidents, settlements, etc) Lease agreement, should the applicant not owe the field, having the signatures certified by notary public, the police, or a national public agent. f) Proposed isolation measures g) Proposed methods to control potential vectors of any kind of recombinant genetic material h) Techniques used to detect the presence of the transgene and its availability within 15 (fifteen) days i) Techniques to detect gene transfers from the GMA to the biotic environment j) Confinement conditions k) Distance to closest roads, to heavily traveled areas and to the field limits 14.Detailed description of the method proposed for the final disposition of the GMAs and all the material used in the experiment. If antibiotic resistant genes had been used, the procedures to dispose excreta should be described: 14.1 Bioterium tests: provide information about the destination of the waste material and the treatment it will receive 14.2 Field trials: detail the destination of the GMAs after the termination of the experiment 14.3 In case of accidental escape of the GMA of its confinement conditions, the proposed control method should be described 15.Submission date: Application for Granting Permits to Experiment with and/or Release into the Environment Genetically Modified Animals C. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Names, addresses, phone and FAX numbers, e-mail addresses of the people who developed/provided the GMA(s) and/or the gametes and/or embryos from which they are derived: 2. Country, city and institution (name, address, phone and FAX numbers and e-mail address of the responsible scientist) where the recipient organism and the vector or vector agent have been taken, developed and/or produced: Seite 128 von 131 Annex V 3. Characteristics of the material: 3.1 Regarding the organism subject to control, in this point it should be included (when applicable): 3.1.1 Scientific name and a brief phenotypic description 3.1.2 Very detailed description of the following points: a) Recombination and/or crossing probabilities with organisms of the same or other species b) From the selective pressure perspective, describe the possible advantages and disadvantages the modified organism might have over the original species in natural environments (invasiveness) c) Possible alterations to the animal’s wellbeing derived from the inserted genetic modification d) Hereditary pattern of the inserted trait in the GMAs e) Information about any toxic or harming effect to human, animal or environmental health that may occur due to the genetic modification. 3.2 Detailed description of the molecular biology of the donor-vector-recipient system that has been used or will be used in the production of the GMA subject to control. In this point, it should be included: a) Brief description of the donor species gene b) Identification of the vectors including a map of the plasmid vectors had this system been used. The vector characteristics, such as marker genes and promoters, should be described and the genes expression levels should be indicated. The nucleotide sequences homologies with pathogens such as viruses should be identified, and a supported assessment of the probabilities and expected consequences of an eventual genetic recombination that may generate pathogens (such as the generation of new pathogen breeds) should be submitted. If large DNA segments have been inserted into vectors such as artificial chromosomes, a detailed restriction map should be included if the complete sequence has not been determined. c) Identification (when known) of the genetic product and the affected metabolic pathway d) Description of the effect(s) the genetic product has on the host organism or on those organisms that it may accidentally reach. Include description of the secondary metabolites to assess the components that may enter the food chain. e) Include background information on the gene transfer to the same or other species 3.3 In case of organisms with deletions of insertions that modify and/or add any function, it should be included: a) Description of the added and/or modified function b) Effects on the modified organisms regarding their physiologic, biochemical, etc. characteristics c) Transmission mechanisms of the genetic modification, resistance method and persistence in the environment and the host d) Possible interactions of the GMA with other organisms in the ecosystem where the experiment and/or release is carried out. Analyze, in particular, the probabilities of successfully competing with the original species in different ecosystems e) Hereditary pattern of the inserted trait in the GMA f) Information on any toxic or harmful effect to human, animal or environmental health that may occur due to the presence, contact, manipulation or processing of the GMA or products derived from it. 4. Detailed description of the purpose of the experiment and the proposed schedule of the procedures carried out on the GMA: In this point, the background and the results of experiments conducted in the country and abroad that have not been described in point 6 of the Application should be Seite 129 von 131 Annex V included. 5. Detailed description of proposed destination: a) Include the final destination as well as intermediate destinations b) Uses and/or distribution of the GMA, products and subproducts as well as all the material used in the experiment c) Specify whether the material will be exported. In such case, indicate the destination port, country and town d) If the genetic material of the GMA (embryos, gametes or somatic cells) will be kept, indicate the site and the biosafety conditions in which it will be kept and the use it will be given. 6. Transportation In this point, the proposed method of transportation to locally move the GMA to its final or intermediate destinations should be specified for both locally developed and imported animals. Signature of the Legal Representative Signature of the Technologist in Charge Print name Print name Application for Granting Permits to Experiment with and/or Release into the Environment Genetically Modified Animals E. FINAL REPORT 1. Name of the institution: 2. Common and scientific name of the organism subject to control 3. Identification of the transformation event(s): 4. Tested material(s) (gametes and somatic cells): 5. Inserted trait(s): 6. Location of experiment (including province, town, name of institution or settlement): 7. Purpose of experiment: 8. Start and Termination dates: 9. Final design of experiment: 10.Experiment results on inserted trait(s): 11.Studies and/or analysis on the GMAs, some of them or their subproducts: 12.Expected results of the experiment and/or release: Seite 130 von 131 Annex V 13.Unexpected results of the experiment and/or release that might be observed: 14.Final disposition of the genetically modified material: 15.Final disposition of the materials connected to the project (excreta, secretions, tissue among others): 16.Method used in the final disposition of the elements used in the experiment: 17.Compliance with the biosafety conditions set by CONABIA for lab, bioterium and /or field after the experiment termination: 18.Observations: 19.Final Comments: Signature of the Legal Representative Signature of the Technologist in Charge Print name Print name WE HEREBY STATE on our own and on behalf .................................................................................... of our principal 1) That we know and accept the terms of this Norm. 2) That the information included in this Application is complete and accurate. We acknowledge that false or inaccurate information or any forgery of the documentation will result in the rejection of the Application or the withdrawal of the issued permit, if already granted. 3) That we will execute the directives of the competent authority and that failure to comply with the biosafety conditions established by the SECRETARIAT OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK, FISHERIES AND FOOD and/or by CONABIA will result in the withdrawal of the issued permit for the File No ……………………… of the Register of the NATIONAL AGRIFOOD HEALTH AND QUALITY SERVICE. 4) That failure to comply with what has been stated in the preceding paragraph, in case of withdrawal of the permit, shall result in the destruction of the material related to the granted permit and that the company will remain ineligible to obtain permits related to genetically modified materials the following year. 5) That we are to be held entirely responsible for the management of the GMA at all stages of its handling and we assume complete civil and commercial responsibility. Signature of the Legal Representative Print name Signature of the Technologist in Charge Print name Seite 131 von 131 With respect to risk assessment regarding genetically modified animals, this report is one of the first with a synoptic representation of relevant aspects and statutory instruments as well as identified need for action. The focus lies on questions of risk assessment regarding genetically modified agricultural animals including fish intended for use as food as well as on animals that have been genetically modified in the course of so-called gene pharming, furthermore, examples of genetically modified pet animals have been compiled. Bestelltelefon: 01/711 00-4700