The Dahlonega Nugget (Vol. XIV, nos. 19-22)


The Dahlonega Nugget (Vol. XIV, nos. 19-22)
University of North Georgia
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North Georgia College & State University
The Dahlonega Nugget (Vol. XIV, nos. 19-22)
W. B. Townsend
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Townsend, W. B., "The Dahlonega Nugget (Vol. XIV, nos. 19-22)" (1903). Andrew W. Cain Newspaper Collection. Book 123.
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A d v s r t is l n o r
M ed iu m ,
D e v o t e d to L o c a l , M i n i n g a n d G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n .
X IV —NO. 19.
D A H L O N E G A , G A . , T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 4,
One D o l la r P sr A n n u m
W . B . T O W N S E N D , E d ito r and P rop rietor
T he N.
T he h istory o f T he N orth
iff Goods, Shoes, Hats,
equal to the prosp ects o f the on e
ju s t a p p ro a c h in g .
In all respects
it is exp ected to reflect c r e d it and
renown up on the in s titu tio n s heres
to fo r e unattain ed.
In f a c t the
degree o f the progress o f a n y i n stitution. ifeel&axJ^!fc.J,fetrionstrated,
by the a m o u n t o f genuine p a t r i o t -
ism th a t is vita lize d in its a n nu al
P resid en t
A S P E C IA L T Y .
S te w a r t,
th e
w orker o f su ch li f e assisted b y th e
f a c u l t y w h o are u sin g the same
en ergy an d d e te r m in a tio n w h ich
pring Goods Open.
the students meet w ith in t b e r e c it a tio n r o o m s — all are sp arin g
efforts to m ak e
a p p r o a c h in g
c o m m e n c e m e n t a success.
m sssam is^m ssiM m s1
[A n d e rse s
i & Jones
w i
C L O T H IN G ,
[S h o e s,
H a t s ,;
F u r n is h in g s
Clothing a specialty.!
| They will sell you clothing for cash|
fat Gainesville or Atlanta prices. A |
Jnice line of samples and will take'|
fyour order for tailor made goods. I
^Dry Goods,
M felaainraareKraBSggSSB
S u n d a y m o r n in g the a n nu a l serinoffl; w i l l be p r e a c h e d by Dr. R o b ert H u g h M orris o f B arn esv ille.
T h e a b i l i t y o f Mr. M o r r is is well
k n o w n an d meeds no c o m m e n t
here. A f t e r the eleven o ’ c lo c k
serm o n there w ill be n o fu rth er
exercises t i ll M o n d a y m o r n in g .
A t 10 a. ni. will o c c u r the d e c la mation) p-rize- c o n te s t b y t h e F r e s h maiiii. el.ass. On M o n d a y a fte rn o o n
ait five o ’ c l o c k the m i l i t a r y d e partments will have the sham battle,, c o m m a n d e d by M a j. J. F. C.
T b is
U nited
b a ttle
w ill
ap -
j battle than th ere has been in five
years as M a j. T il ls o n has r e c e n tly
returned fr o m regular service in
th s P h ilip p in e Islands.
In p la ce o f th e C orona S o c ie ty
e n te rta in m e n t the
o o r e
T 3 r o * , P
r o p
r ’ s .
M o n d a y n ig h t at 8 : 8 0 , v e r y
likely th is w ill be a m e m o r a b le
j eve n t in the
T his recep tion has
e a l e r
i n
well p la n n e d e s p e c ia lly fo r th e
officia l guests, and the one who
has th o h o n o r o f ad d ressin g the
! m e m b e rs
011 this
j W . F. Crussell o f A tla n ta .
is Mr.
G e n e r a l M e r c h a n d is e .
w ill
IvJC H N T D .
in -
S P E C IA L T Y .
L ad ies an d Gents.
On T u e s d a y n i g h t the c h a m p io n
d e b a te w ill c o m e o ff. S u b j e c t :
E xact R eprcduclio
R e s o lv e d : ‘ ‘ That, L a d y M c B e t h
was m o r e b la m a b le f o r the m u r -
in structive an d
see th a t
e n te r ta in in g
On W e d n e s d a y M o r n in g will
o c c u r the J u n io r or a tio n s at 9 :30
after w h ich H o n . E b . T. W i l l i a m s
will speak.
A t 8 :8 0 W ednesday
n ig h t the S en ior class w ill d e liv e r
th e ir o r a tio n s , an d th e n the de
li v e r y o f the d ip lo m a s w ill f o l lo w .
Gov. T e rre ll is e x p e c te d to be
p resent S u n d a y
M onday.
Ju d ge G e o . F. G o b e r and M r . W .
P . W i l d r u m w ill represen t the
U n iv e r s ity o f G e o r g ia a t this i n s titu tio n d u r in g
m e n t here,
com m ences
W i t h such p ro sp e cts we feel sure
t h a t n e ith e r the au th o rities n o r
th e v isito rs w ill be d is a p p o in te d
in th e ir a n tic ip a tio n s w h ile here.
W e wish to say to on e an d all
c o m e . I f y o u live clo s e en oug h
H o m e L ife.
d iscu ssio n will c e r t a i n l y be eager- i
ly heard b y all.
T h e au th o ritie s
have arra n g ed to
A wave o f infidelity and a tide
o f d iv o r c e
is s w e e p in g
homes fr o m their m o r n in g s .
halt s h o u ld be called n o t ' o n ly by
p u b lic o p in io n , but the co u r ts o f
tho cou ntry.
L e gislation will not o f cou rse,
effect a settlement o f this p e r p l e x in g q uestion. It can o n ly lend its
A visit to the
house o f
the electric c o m p a n y at
B r id g e will show e v e r y th in g to bo
in first class shape. W e ve n tu re to
ascertain that there is n ot a plant
s u p e r io r to it in the w h ole c o u n try.
H n r s t,
H a r v e and Jack H u ls e y look after
the plant, and k e e p the m a c h in e r y
sp ick and span all the time.
great dam is a to w e r o f
and it seems r e m ark a ble that three
little strands o f wire can transmit
its m ig h t y pow er to G a in esv ille to
help to its solution.
C onscience
and co n v ictio n must be w r o u g h t
if we c o u ld see the p r o b le m
righ tly settled.
P e o p le o f the better classes m u s t
set an e x a m p le .
N o outside fo e
should be a llow ed in the h o m e circle. N o t h in g that can m ar o r
defile sh ou ld bo b r o u g h t in, and
o n ly that w h ich tends to p u r ity
cherished there.
I t was the c o m m e n t o f ono o f
the richest w o m e n in A m e r ic a a
f e w days since, as she left a c o u r t -
to e n g u lf the social fa b r ic . It is
in the h om e that life is m oulded
ment.s, m um.
g r e a t blessing
legal business promptly
dishes to the p o o r .
L a w ,
attended to
Attorney at Law,
Dahlonega, Ga.
H. T
& S u rg eo n .
(Dahlonega, Ga.
It m ay. p r o v e a
to y o u r
fa m ily ,
L a d y — W e ll, I must
a t
Dahlonega, Ga.
A ll
T r a m p - - I ju s ’ d r o p p e d in, m u m , j
to offer m y new cure f o r in d ig e s -.]
tion, d y sp ep sia and kin dred a iL
reasonable en o u g h . W h a t is the
cu re?
T r a m p L iv e on plain f o o d and
’ " and’ in d’ igestible
g ive y o u r rich
j pie.
T he e le c t r ic lights w ill add is stru n g the wires which brin g the
] b e a u ty to th e a ttr a c tiv e features p o w e r into tow n. It will o n ly take
o f a blue grass lawn and th ere will a short time to c o m p le te the road
be various kin d s o f ice refre sh - as far as New B r id g e , on ce it is unm en ts served. C e r ta in ly the y o u n g der way. — Gainesville News.
lv. o f P.
G o ld C ity Lodge No. 117, meets
every M onday night in their Castie
H a ll, over Price’ s store.
W h ar t o n A n d e k s o n , 0 . C.
.1). C. S t o w li. R o f S
D. J. B l a c k w e l l , P.
Don’t Try the Cure.
g r a d e d to New B r id g e , and but
little w o r k vvill be necessary be!
W h i l e the A l l u m n i r ecep tion is i fo r e p u ttin g d o w n the crossties
! g o in g on th e tw o lite r a r y societies ; and rails. T he c o m p a n y n o w has
| w ill entertain th e y o u n g p eop le hundreds o f erossties piled along
the tr o lle y
Blue Moi^jtain Lodge No. 38, F.
& A. M ., rnWta 1st T uesday night
o f each month.
R . H. B a k e r , W . Mf
amples o f h om e liv in g are illu strated and
e x e m p lifie d .— Nashville
A m e r ic a n .
mum, and I ch arge y o u n o th in g f o r
the p re scrip tion .
wire will be attached to arms atte n d in g fr o m the p oles u p on which
R E L I G 10 U S S E R V I C E S .
Baptist Church — Rev. J. R.
Gunn. Paster. Services S u nd ay at
11 and at night.
Prayer meeting
Thursday night.
Sunday School at 9 o ’ clock.
M e t h o d is t —Services every Sunday at 11 and at night. Rev. E . C.
M arks, Pastor.
Prayer meeting
every W ednesday night,
Sunday School at 9 o ’ clock.
Presbyterian— •Services only on
1st and 3rd Sundays.
D. J Blackwell, pastor.
Sunday School 9 a. m.
A t t o r n e y
in cu lcated
and lessons taught.
A b o v e all, it is there that rig h t e x -
T he line o f the electric roads is
the r ig h t - o f - w a y , and
R . II. Baker. Mayor.
A ld erm en : EL S Strickland, J.
E . McGee, F G. Jones. J. W . B o y d ,
T . J . Smith. W. P. Price,Jr.
Win. J . W o r le y , Clerk.
James V. Harbison, Marshal.
------ 0-------
and fitted f o r the strenuous c o n flicts. It is there that prin cip al is
light the tow n and p rop el the cars
the c o lwill be
3rd M ondays in A pril anti O c t o ber. J. J. Kim sey, Judge, Cleveland, Ga. W . A . Charters, Solicitor General, Dahlonega, Ga.
------ o ------C (3 U N T Y O F F I C E R S .
John Huff,'Ordinary.
John If. Moore,Cleik.
Jatnes M. Davis. Sheriff.
E. J. W a l d o n ,T a x Collector.
James L. Healan. T a x R eceiver.
V. R . H ix, County S u rveyor.
Joseph B. Brown, Treasurer.
D. 0. Stow Coroner.
1 u p on
ro o m where t h ir t y -s ix undefended
d iv o r c e suits had been tried in one
“ T his is the saddest th in g I
c o m e in y o u r b u g g y o r w agon and
have ever seen. T h e w o m e n nevy o u ca n either c a m p o u t w ith us'
er learn a n y th in g about house*
or vis it som e fr ie n d w h ile y o u
k e e p in g , a p p a r e n t ly , and instead
stay. I f yo u live a con s id e ra b le
o f attending to h ous ehold matters
d is ta n c e it w ill be all the m o r e i n after m a rriage th e y are with out
terestin g f o r y o u to c o m e t o this
interest in them. T h e y p rin k up
p a r t o f N o r t h G eorgia.
and parade arou nd and then the
In f a c t it w ill be a k in d o f remen p r in k up and parade around,
hearsel o f the p a st lin k e d t o the
and trou ble fo l lo w s .
It all ends
progress o f th e present an d d ir e c t here in the d iv o r c e court, as a mated to the p r o s p e r it y o f th e fu tu re.
ter o f co u rse . It is a v e r y sad
In su ch a sp irit she w ill li g h t her
th ing, v e r y . Y o u know, I have
bonfires to the v is i t in g hosts a n d
liy e d in m an y hotels and I have
in su ch a sp irit w ill the rad ie n t
seen a great deal o f the w a y these
spark g l i m m e r f r o m th e t o p o f
littie tragedies start.”
her steeple as the j o y f u l hosts
T h is'tid e o f infidelity and easy
fade away.
d iv o r c e must be turned back ; it
Everything In Good Shape.
f this Style Shoe.
der o f D u n c a n th a n was M c B e t f i ,”
B o t h societies have selected ab le
which g o w h izzin g o v e r tbe streets.
j sp ecia l feature f o r th e y o u n g peoA 3 S T X )
w h ich the B a t t a li o n
sp e cte d at 5 :45.
It is
e n title d to
I w ith a G r a n d Levee
j lege ca m pu s.
T his
i n
I be present on this n o ta b le o c c a I .
1 dioii will
avail them selves o f an
| o p p o r t u n it y to do so.
; h oped th a t all who is
th e c o l -
receivin g letters fo r s o m e t im e to
th e e ffe ct th at m a n y p r o m i n e n t
p eo p le will be present on th is o c casion.
h is to r y
P residen t S tew art has been
fo u r o ’ c l o c k in the a ft e r n o o n th e
Sub F r e s h m a n “ A ” class w ill c o n test fo r the o r a to r ic a l prizes, a fte r
F a c u l t y have c o n t r ib u t e d a fu n d
fo r an a lu m n i recep tion to be held
uion, rnoias Buiimog.
D e a l e r *
is m a in ta in e d t h r o u g h o u t the d is cussion, th e r e b y m a k in g it m o r e
| p ro a ch nearer an a ctu a l m i lit a r y
liv e r y Stable,
and he w ill c e r t a i n l y have
eager and a tte n tiv e a u d ien ce.
o f sp irit w ill pervade the en tire
e xercises sin ce it w ill be revised.
T h e co lle g e m u s ic w ill be m ade
this year by the band f r o m F o r t
M cP h e r s o n w h ich is o f the 16th
U n ited States I n f a n t r y . I t w ill
j ad d v a riety t o the o c c a s io n by
| g iv in g m usic b o th w ith string and
brass instrum ents.
In secu rin g
the F o r t M c P h e r s o n band the c o li lege deserves to be p r o u d fo r n o t h i n g w ill add m o re to th e e x ercises th an g o o d m u sic.
On S atu rd ay J u ne 6 th at 8 p.
111. the S u b F re s h m a n “ B ” class
w ill have its d e c la m a t io n c o n te s t
fo r the first and secon d g o ld m e d als resp e ctiv ely.
T h e “ B ” class
has so m e s p len d id d e c la im e r s this
year and it w ill be in te re s tin g to
hear th e m .
On the f o l l o w i n g
f i
w ill d e liv e r an address.
M r. C la y
is on e o f G e o r g i a ’ s leading m en
speakers fo r th is o c c a s io n and the
Tiliscm o f the 4tli
m o r n in g the S o p h o m o r e class w ill
en ter the d e c la m a t io n p rize c o n test.
A t eleven I I 011. A . S. C la y
T here w ill
features to the p ro g ra m th is year,
som e o f the o ld ones being le f t out,
hence it is h o p e d th a t a freshness
man w h o is fo r t u n a te 011 th is o c ca s io n w ill be en sp ired b y the
s o ft e n in g s ilv e r sentences o f th e
fa ir , an d his o n c e m o r b i d scul
gia A g r ic u ltu ra l C o l l e g ; has been will be li ft e d f r o m th.e ca vern ed
marked with sp le n d id an nu a l c o m - i l a b y r i n t h o f d o u b t to the fu tu re
m en ce m e n ts, but the prosp ects o f l i g h t o f h op e 1
A t th e h o u r o f 9 : 8 0 T u e s d a y
n one th at have g one before are
- D E A L E R S IN-
G . A . C o lleg e.
[ b y .1. F. BROACH. |
i t y
a r b e r
h o p
say that's
S H O P next d o o r to Joh n
M o o r e ’ s Store, where, y o u will
waited u pon in first class style.
share o f y o u r p a tro n a ge is ra
estly solicited.
I ’ m the p o o r ,
R o b e r t J on es o f A tlanta, values j
Q H.
HEM wanting a nice clean
shave, hair cut; or shampa.:
call ou Henry Underwooo
c o m p a n y f o r , having lost this val- ; First class barber shop in every
respect next door to Duckett’ s store on
uable m em b er while at w o r k f o r
main street where they will be found
I ready to wait on you ai any time
one o f his toes at a thousand do! j
lars. T his is what he is sueing a
wanted in K ansas to
Jim Dumps a little girl possessed
Whom loss of appetite distressed.
“ I des tan’t eat! ” the child would.,
Jim fixed a dish of “ Force.” with
She tasted it, then, joy for him !
She hggged for more from “ Sunny
’ j V ”
E n te re d a t tho D alilon eg a, G a. I*. O
a s Second Class M a tte r.
Official O r g a n o f both
C ity
T h e south is c o m i n g to the front,
in all im porta n t enterprises.
The Southern railw a y is to be
double tracked fr o m W a sh in g ton
to Atlanta.
One hundred thousand dollars is
The Ready-to-Serve Cereal
b ein g raised to build an institution-
A tlanta.
fined fr o m
P e rfe c t F ood for C h ild re n .
“ Wheat is a perfect summer cereal, and
efforts should be made to teach children
Lo d is b E. Ho g a n ,
to eat It.”
in “ How to Feed Children.”
F r id a y .
B e carefu l
A t Y o r k , P a ., the oth er night, a
lady d r o p p e d one and was burned
to death.
A t Canton, Ga., tw o ladies who
are great
frie n d s
have been put on
was tried in Blairsville
Candler and bound o v e r f o r
C om .
the po lice o f Atlanta they may n o t |
illicit fare so well.
d istilling last week.
T he tow n o f M alazgnier, A r m e nia, was recently destroyed by
Mining Lands
It was tbe intention o f the m an - j
ager lo have the e lectric line fr o m
Gainesville to the D u n lap Shoals j I have thy, following gold mining,
com p le ted this week. A p icn ic j properitics for sale in
I l t , y , CwJl.
will be given on the banks- o f the |
acres, Cr tuiles south-west of'
T. e taxes on n e g ro danco halls Chattahooebe river where ail can ‘
Dahlonega,. and. adjoining the Briar
in Atlanta have been raised t o $200 e n joy themselves and rejoice ove r Patch. Fiye gold-bearing veins openand it may be that m any will close the c o m p le tio n o f this line which ed up, assaying frosja $4.50 to - $9.00%,
per ton. wiitb ore enough in sight to.
out. W o n ’ t this be a great p i t y ? will enable the p e o p le o f G-.aiuesr u j a ten stamp mill 25 years.
ville to have so •am ok p leasure proposition, lias a, chartered waterFirst, o f the week news came
d u r in g
the su m m er djtch running, through thc entire
property, with water power enough in,,
fr o m
K an sa s C ity stating that
command for all necessary machinery.
m ore than 20,000 p e o p le were
Wed ti,inhered. In
w ith ou t shelter on o ceo u n t o f the
W . A . C r a w fo r d , a miner,. 5i<).
W is t ie C o m it y ,
floods. The loss o f life is great.
580. acres, 12 miles north-east of
years o f age, w b o is well k n o w n in
Dahlonega, in the above county. Two,
havin g
Iowa, Kansas and
Oklahom a this
Veins opened up from 8 inches to two
were visited toy a cloud burst and several months at the B arrettsvillo feet wide, running $9.00 per ton mill
fr o m [ test. Veins run through the entire
terrific rain falls last week, causing mines, has been m issing
I 500 acres. This property also cona g re a t flood and thousands o f d o l - the G reen field mine at A u r a r ia tains very valuable placer diggins.
sm ce M a y 2. H e went to Atlanta |Water iu abundance for all necessary
lars damages.
mining operations.
Well timbered
to g e t m o n e y to p a y his men off and a farm of GO acres in cultivaticn.
M illard L e e will not hang yet. but has n ot r e tu rn e d .— H e was Titles clear and perfect,
Address for particulars and prices,
His case go es to the S u prem e last seen in ' C a n to n 18 inst., left
cou rt. The evidence submitted in there v ery suddenly and has not
to- $ 15.T5
T,o work getail trade
for■a n Anti-Trust Tobacco factory.
T b e authorities o f Atlanta were Good Salary and permanen t position to,
A fe w days a g o M rs. J. H ,
I B f o w l i n g fell fr o m a fen ce in notified lalt week to lo o k ou t f o r
j Lock.Box...PjJ, Bed.fqpd City, Virginia.
1Banks co u n t y and bro k e her neck. tw o fu g it iv e Chinam en fr o m $Jew
NOTICEO r l e a n s w h o were bein g sent back
W . M . C old w ell, a f o r m e r citto China and who escaped. T h e y
Lot, No. 447, in 15th district, first,
izen o f Union cou nty, G a . , was
had better make up their minds to section. In the gold belt of Lumpkin
earners in Chestatee river.
killed m a f lo u r in g m ill in C olorad o
g o back where they can be lo o k e d j
Address W. 1$, S % a iu > e ,
Meridian Miss.
after by tbe A m erica n p reach ers, ,
W . D. H a rk in s o f W h ite cou nty, f o r if they get the hands o f j
sons were killed.
.Judge B roy les is a terror to loafin
a g o o d fa ir y to
a ll you ngsters.
al Methodist church in Atlanta.
W A N T E D ;:
A n um ber o f ou r citizens went
harvest the d o w n to Gainesville to see the d e struction caused by the cyclo n e.
T w e n ty -f iv e th ousand men
The &Nugget,
A Tornado Strikes the City ot
R o b e r t L even, Gen eral C um m in g , Mrs. -Annie G a rrett, J o h n
W e s le y A d a m a,
M ary
M aud G o r d o n ,
B ertie L o n d o n ,
F a n n ie D u n ca n , M a ry L o u D u n can. C. K n ow les, Bessie S kinner,
E d N abros, L il lie W o o d y , Mrs. J.
M. C am pa n d B a b y , B o b M orris,
Claudie Shed, Grin H a y n e s, Jack
M u rp h y , Jake W a d d e ll,
R ic h , G r a d y Lee, E th e l L yle,
D o r o t h y S loan , M in n ie Stowe, E d
Nagle, H e r m a n E n g lis h , D o r o t h y
S loan , L il lie L og g in s, L u la L o g gins, Mrs. Nathan Jon es, H o m e r
Ash, C om e r A sh , M in n ie J a c k son, M orris C h ild , B a b y o f H e r
rin g to n , C arolin a W e stb ro o k , c o l o r e d ; Jim B el!, c o l o r e d ; A lv in
Barnes, c o l o r e d ; A l f P o o l, c o l o r e d ; Id a Clark, c o l o r e d ; D o c S t o v all, co lo re d .
Last Monday shortly afternoon a terrific tornado struck Gainesville, causis ing a fearful loss of life in that city,
Holland and White Sulphur, killsoon to be c om p le te d at a cost o f
$±,500,000, is constructed entirely ing over a 100 men, women and children and injuring over one hundred
o f G e o r g ia marble.
more, and the loss of property is estiH o n . D u p on t G u erry , w h o ran mated at least $600,000. Many of them
f o r g o v e r n o r , has been elected being mangled beyond recognition, the
only means of identification being the
president o f W esleyan Fem ale c o b
the case co v e r s 400 pages o f typo been heard o f since. F oul play is
.R E A L E S T A T E A G E N T *.
records of the two cotton mills in
feared, and M r, Greenfield has
written matter.
H e has accepted.
which most, of the victims worked. Its
Da h l o n e g a , G a .
e m p l o y e d Atlanta detectives to
path was about three hundred yards
L a st week G ibbon s, the n e g ro
T h e U n ion C o u n ty B ann er, a make a search f o r the missing
said to be lynched in jelferson
new p a p e r just started at Blairs- m a n .— D a w s o n v ille A d vertiser.
Two clouds met and the tornado
Makes Kidneys and! BiaiJdes- Right
cou nty recently, surrendered to swooped down and in t\vo minuses kill
im g Bim'jifJWMaa JU i M i M ia s a w ir a i
ville by Messrs. E. G . W e ll b o r n
ed all these people, tore, two stories
the sheriff o f that county.
and C. W . Gnffies, has fo u n d its
from the five, brick .story.factory of the
w a y to c u r table.
It is fu ll o f
Ex-a ld erm a n John M. K i n g o f Gainesville Cotton Mills, demolished
news, well gotten u p and neatly
R ich m on d , V a ., has b e e s con v icted near two bundled cottages, raised two
Success, gentlem en.
o f b rib ery and sentenced to the brick stores frort) the ground, turned
F a n n ie B ell, Rev. M. W . W h ite ,
over loaded freight trains and blew
penitentiary fo r 12 months.
down innumerable buildings. On it A s b u r y Mize, M attie A lexa n d er,
C ob b ,
A le x .
Bill’d ell,
Tho tw o new b uildings at M il!- went along Sujjimit street, which is. W in n ie
F ra n k B row n , A n g e lin e R obeson,
edgeville fo r the insane will soon inhabited almost exclusively by nePROF. ANSTEAD will dispose of his
H i ll,
groes... Nearly a hundred cottages on K i t t y R o be rts. M ille d g e
bc com p leted and will g iv e addis
Ju lia household furniture at PUBLIC AUC♦
this street were leveled to the ground,
Storetional room f o r 900 white patients. but fortunately most all the tenants A lle n , E m m a E le x a n d e r, Julia
G ra n t,
P ra n k
M in n ie house,
A . r e
X 11 . y i t e d
G o v e r n o r T erre ll Qtnay rem ove
C rosby, Bessie T U E S D A Y ', J U N E 1GTH, 1903,.
morning to take a part in a negro pic- B row n , Lehtnd
the sheriff o f Berrien co u n ty fr o m
AT 10, A. M. SHARP.
K n o x , S alin a C rosby, M arie Crosnic.
office because he is said to be neg^
t o
C a l l a n d E x a m i n e
O u t r
Among other articles offered for sale
At New Holland, two miles from the b y , R e n a W o o d , P ear,..Strickland,
lecting his duties and is fr e q u e n tly Southern station, where the Pacolet Cary T ow n s, E m i l y S in k ler, M i l - will be included: Handsome parlor
©ouch, chairs, rockers, , portiers, artprills are located, employing 600hands, lie S tr ic k la n d , H a t tie Shaw, Mat- square, sideboard,
the factory was spared but 100 cottages tie Shaw, F a n n y Show, R ic h a r d suites for bed-room, furniture, kitchen
T he Philadelphia P re ss thinks were entirely demolished, standing Syfers, G eorgie Syfers, E d d ie Sy- furniture and fine “ Iron King” stove,,,
baby carriage, “ Wheeler & Wilson”
tbe plan o f tw o sessions o f the near by tenanted by its operators. fers, Sam Syfers, L u la T h o m p s o n , sewing machine, hat-rack, &c., <Jte.
Brien A n d e r s o n , A n n
Georgia legislature a y e a r is a Here many persons were killed, bodies
C h e a p e s t a n d P r e t t ie s t in
were blown hundreds of yards and W i l l J enkins, A n n ie B lassin gam e ,
g o o d one, as one can-, make jaws
many of them when picked up bore no Bessie B lassingam e.
and the oth er can repeal them.
resemblance of humanity.
I > a h l o i i e g a .
From New Holland the tornado
Mrs. A lic e B o b o , M rs. B. F.
On S u nd ay afternoon in Atlanta
swept cmward to the east to White O ’ K e l ly , Mrs. W i l l i a m W e s t m o r e d u rin g a severe storm lightnin g Sulphur, a town of about erne hundred
%Our sto ck con sists o f e v e r y th in g u su a lly k e p t in a store and we|
la n d ,' Mrs. M arian
W il lb a n k s ,
killed Miss L u la H i g g in s ,
The inhabitants, leaving death and destruc- M rs. H . H . N elson, B enn ie H e n ♦ w i l l m ak e it t o y o u r interest to trad e w ith us. G ive us a trial.J
G e o r g ia A v e n u e c h u ic h was b u r n - tion in its path and then ascended and dricks, M rs. J. C. B ryan , W illie
ed and thirtyssix street cars were is heard of no more that we have learn- B raya n , Lester P h illip s , Mrs. T.
A. Coker, W i l l i a m T a tu m , N o r ed.
kn ocked out o f service.
I I .
1 3 . G
The city presented an inky darkness man W h ite , Mrs. J. R. W h ite ,
and at the flash of lighting could be Ola W h it e , Mrs. W i l l i a m L e d for d ,
Last Sunday at W illiam so n , Ga.,
seen whirling through tlie air timber, W il li e L e d fo r d , A l b a r y L o y d , Mrs.
t w o n egroes, A n d r e w H o o d and household furniture, cattle, bodies and T h o m a s T ruelove, Mrs. M . A . J.
E d H o o d , were shot and killed most everything else that was in its Bass, S purgeon Pass, J oh n M a yn e,
d u r in g a church r ow b y Sandy path. People were blown about like Mrs. H . L. Nicks, Mrs. Julia
pieces of paper and their screams could Neeley, B a b y Y o r k , Pearl Y ork ,
D ick erson
W ill
H a v i n g m ad e s a tis fa c to r y arbe heard above the terrible roar of the Leon L ig o n M c G i ll , Mrs. M ary
Jon es was p r o b a b ly fa tally shot
tornado. One lady with her child in A b e l, Mrs. B ell Y o r k , M aisy W e s t - rangem ents to c o n tin u e business
b y another n egro.
her arms was blown half a mile. The m o rla n d , M y r tic e W e s tm o r e la n d , at the
- D E A L E R INnext day they were found. The baby S purgeon Pass, J r . ; M an d a W y li e ,
g a r P K E S E N T L O C AT IO N
W e note f r o m the daily and alive and. the mother dead.
A boy’s co lo red .
w eek ly press o f the state that the head was severed from his body.
I w ill c o n tin u e sellin g
Soon afterwards many physicians
race fo r the ju d g e sh ip o f the suK a ta B o b o , Mrs. L ou
Hen1 3
p rem e c o u r t betw een ju d g e Fish, wefe up from Atlanta, helping to care dricks, H a t t ie H e n d rick s , Pearlie
forthc woifnded.
And on Tuesday H e n d r ic k s , Annie_ S o s b y , F ra n k
the present incumbent, and ju d g e
excursion trains ran into the city, car- W e s t m o r e la n d , J im m ie
W h itB e v e r ly E vans is attracting con- rying ten thousand people from every
m ore, S c h le y N elson.
siderable attention. J u d g e E vans direction.
Contributions are being sent in by
D e p u ty Marshal D ow n s, a c c o m is one o f the most talented and
many persons and cities to assist the
I still have a l o t o f
panied by C o l l e c t o r A'-. .J; Spence,
best known superior c o u r t ju d ges
homeless people in their distressin G eo rg ia . I f the endorsements ed condition, parts of some of their W . L . B o w l i n g , . Ju an E. J o n e s
< > K
he is rece iv in g fr o m the press m a y houses being blown for miles. The and J. V . K e lle y , went out on a.
be taken as evidence, he will have amount of cash raised up to date is raid last week and m ade a n u m b e r j
G l ' / r T I i S T G
K E i A D Y
about $7,000. Much more is needed o f seizures. T h e y started ou t on j
an easy fight o f it.
and you are arc appealed to for aid.
The following is the estimated loss thc 22 nd and w ou n d up on the 26. j
T he flood in Kansas has caused
of the persons and firms given below : In Choestoe they distvoved a 60 I th a t I w ill sell at and belo w first J
m an y deaths, much suffering and
Gainesville Cotton Mills, $50,000. o-allon distillery near the h om e o f [co st. I have ju s t op e n ed up a i
The Minnesota capital which
w . EE* M c A f e e ,
P u b lic
S a le .
fLargeStock oi Dress Roods,
e& t
G ro o d s
L o w e s t P r ic e s .!
I n Sim rftQ i B u ^ ld in ff. ’
great loss o f p r o p e r ty . A t T o p e - Pacolet Mill, $100,000. ' Gainesville W m . D u c k w o r th and another at ; v,e;lu tifu l line a f Lawns, D im ities.
ka 7,000 crossed o v e r the river to Cotton Oil Company, $3,000. Gaines- Jason R e id ’ s, but g o t no “ c o p p e r ’ , L
aies ,m d
A pp liqu e s th at
safety but those w h o remained ville Ironworks, $5,000. Southern rail- at the latter place. The n e xt seiz j
way, $1,000.
T. T. Moore, $300. .T.
. , i
« Lean t be beat fo r be au ty and price,
w ere thc sufferers.
F ire broke
K. Clark, $400. Mrs. Pfeifer, $5,000. J. ure was made near the home o f
out and floating houses spread the K. Logan, $8,000.. Cooper & Scroggs, M rs. Jonas W o o d y , in Canada. M y stock is c o m p l e t e , an d prices
flames and at least fo u r hundred $3,000. B. I). Langford, $8,000. Pied- H e r e they got a co m p lete distillery to _
? an y one, all I ask is y o u r
buildings were d estroy ed in North mont hotel, $800. W. B. Sloan-, $3,000. an (La lot o f m a l t corn and eight or in sp ection and 1 will <rw,araiitee
One p reacher and his J. T. Waters, $1,000. Gainesville and ten fermentore.
A t Jim H udsons, t o please y o u in q u a lit y , beau ty
Dahlonega electric railway company,
fa m ily remained on t o p o f a house
$4,000.. Robert Rowing, .$700.
Joe also in Canada., they fou n d a c o m - and p rice.
f o r three days.
A mother after Reed, $300. R. D. Griggs, $1,500. ,T. plete
aad, destroyed
T h a n k in g y o u for* past favors, Id
h o ld in g her y e a r -o l d - b a b e
f o " H, Whisenat, $2,000. Mrs. E. F. Lit- about a thousand gallons o f beer
B. G. Parks, $1,000., J. T. and mash, ten gallons o f whis-- trust to merrit y o n r pa,tronage in
three days and nights in a tree top tle, $500.
k ey and a j u g . o f ‘ ‘ b a c k in g s .”
runin plain view o f p e o p le w h o were
Near Su cbes they d estroyed a n nm - the fu ture.
ning from $100 to $1,000.
p o w e rle ss to rescue her, became
The Southern railway is a heavy los- o f fertnenters, but the still bad
unconscious and both d r o p p e d in- er to the pumping station, depot and been rem oved . A t H e n r y F ish e r’ s,
to twelve f o o t water and were lost., the destruction to'rolling stock. Both on D o o ly , they d e stroy ed five or
i n tw o different instances babies the Western UnioM. and Postal Tele- six hundred gallon s o f beer but
the still had been
re m o v e d .—
w ere born in
houses-. graph Companies lose poles and wires.
Some of the bodies-- found have not B lairsville Banner.
Som e o f the 8,000 inmates o f the
been identified.
Others -are being
There, are 100 ap p lication s fo r
tsylum near tfie river were d r o w n - searuhed for. The list of:the dead so
ed while «<eing rem ov e d fr o m the far is as follows,.req»i.r«i-g a car load the pard on in g bo ard to investigate
this time.
of coffins r
Sausage, Etc,
Fresh Meats
t« >’.• tlie
R A IL R O A D ,
Desiring' to make some important cbum
ges in my business \ will sell all kinds of
Yours for Business,.
J. T , 1ILLE1,
M in in g N o te s.
Rev. W . T. D ow d y will preach | P r o f. Martin will spend his va
at C oncord church next Sunday at |cation in Glfiiie'SviH'e.
?> o ’ clock
- I The Consolidated Co. had its
I hereby call a mass meeting of i
.. ,
,, n n
animal meeting in the north on
■Children’s Day services at the r o o s t at H . I). Gurleys.
i , ,
, 8 ,
way fo r you r job
, ,
- , . .
. 1
I the day 'fixed, and we a re glad to
Come t hi
Mr. J. R. Glenn of Xacoochee the citizens o f Dahlonega, at the I ,
. „
- Methodist church here w eie v e r y ; . Ml._ u. s . Copeland is now at learn that a nn'mber o f its memValley, was down here awhile last
courthouse tonight, at 8 o clo ck ,, iaWre8ting.
j wOrk in the office o f the GninesHon. W. H. M cA fee went down week.
bers are expecting to start to Dahfor the purpose o f making a con- ! Mrs. Martha Cain will please iic- >v ille and Dahlonega Railroad Co.
lonega on the 16th inst. no, doubt
t» Allanla last Sunday.
; \y0 have had good rains since
tribution to the cyclone sufferers cept our thanks fo r a dish of large at- Gainesville.
having an eye ta'resuming work.
'Charlie McGuire returned frxmi our 'last issue and grow ing crops
nice strawberries.
o f our sister city.
Billie Riley not long ago discovJudge Huff will leave for G reenAlabama last'Friday.
|look fine.
E . H. B a k e r , Mayor.
Do you want a go o d position in ville, S. C. next Monday to exam- ered a vein down on the Hand
G o t o H. I). G u rley’ s Store and : I f you want to hear one o f the
which gave satisfactory
this section ? I f so see notice else |ine some gold property fo r a gen->
get >011 a pair of nice shoes cheap. !
brass bauds in Georgia come
Mr. Ross Thomas is here
Billie is an old miner
where of salesmen wanted.
I tleman interested.
visit from Alabama.
P rof. Ansted will have a public j out to the commencement,
and generally meets with success,,
A t H. I). Gurleys you will find
Down at the Barlow they are
, *
sale (Mi tile 16th msl. Sec ad.
Miss Katie Wilson of Baltimore,
Col. W. P. Price returned from
a line and fresh lot o f fancy can- finding p l e n t y o f snakes as well as 01 ^,0
else where.
1is here on a visit to her grand piir- Baltimore last Friday.
dies, cakes, etc., just received.
j <vold. In two days last week six | vn™vs " 1,1 ■u' 19 oin° '
! ...
, , .
Messrs. 1;ate, Bev. and -lorn
Tlte proposed all day singing at |euts, Col. and Mrs. \\. 1 . 1. lice.
Fresh potatoes at Anderson &
Chickens just largo enough to j pilots and two coach whips weie
Johnson 'are engaged at work
Concord church Was rained out
The tax receivers book closes Sat Jones at 00 cents per bushel.
make the gravy taste good , sell j killed- t h e longest o f these being down on Cane creek, near the Bariusi Sunday.
I f you haven’ t returned jl Mr. ’R icketts, who is near 70 from the wagons here at 12i- cents, six feet.
low. T h e bed o f this streain has
and wife of yOur state taX yet, yon hail better j y (l.(rg ()f age, is down with the
If you have anything to sell ads ! Dust Tuesday the board o f trns- always paid well and we may look
■\mxo.;, G.i., at rived in the city do <o.
j mi.uipS.
vertise it in the N u g g e t , where it tees o f the public school re-elected for good results if the season is
^S atu rday.
| j t scom8 that our informant j ] f ^
^ ^
yourgclf will be seen by hundreds o f p e p s j ail the present teachers and asked not so rainy that high water
; the council for the same amount of will run them out.
I f you wish any bananas, green was wrong about Luster Cavender , ^
summor cotnc to Dahlonega. p|c _
i money that was given the school
a p p l e s , i c e cold soda water,
g o t o being arrested in Pickens county j AcoolOTnodatioM ff00d and rates
The Ingersoll & Crisson dredge
Prof. Garner, who has been j
boat d id n ’ t begin operation first
C. W . Satterfields.
j last week.
lecturing during the week, will |^JS*:
the month in the Chestatee rivMr. and Mrs. R. N. Mays of
Col. Charters returned from the j W e meant to say last week that probably stay fo r the commence-|
The following members o f the
Half Way, spent last Sabbath in ! coast last Friday where he had j the taxable property in DablonS ment.
j legislative committee appointed to er as Wa"s ‘expected, on account of
i ’n A.
its College
D a h l o n e g a with relatives.
j been fishing and fighting musquitos ega as assessed this year,, was
a i ..
Tnnho' "visit the
x cssi?.
‘ n>.«ei son u. ! week, to be here Sunday, are: j being desired, but it will be ready
$499,080, but a period at the
Dr. Purdey, of the Purdey-Calabout a couple of weeks.
days. No
wrong place made a big difference.
Mr. Will Vaughn and Mr. Charhouii Mining Co., left yesterday
and are now selling goods
o f Jackson; McCury ()f H a r t;j dredge has ever been operated m
A student confessed to stealing
to be absent three or four weeks. lie Thomas, left last week for T a lby electricity.
. SteC(1 o f vvtll
c aIToll; Kendrick o f ! the bed where they
I ulGCU O l
lulah Falls, where they g o with some money this week, but his
Dr. Howard informs us that
M. G. Head has just received a |T;l!litfcri.(): Shackleford of Clark, i to work it, and a large amount of
their teams to work on the rail-, name is withheld from us and no |
during the month o f June is a good
. . ,•
c ln,irtri+ new line of men’ s and ladies’ shoes. .
I o-old is expected to be discovered,
case made against him.
' Has a fcw f)ftil. o f tm^ eS) sl.ppers | A n e w line of men’ s, women s ° Ml, j ^ Ashley who is TUUtime to transplant all kinds of road.
and citizen should be served alike
Mr. Thomas Ray, who is eras
for sale cheap.
j an;l children s shoes ju=t in at
dredge boat clown in Dawevergreens.
when it comes to stealing.
! Anderson & Jones’ Bargain Store.
Mr Caul Strickland, who has |ployed o n the railroad in Ten ness
I f you are not already taking j Jnfant8 •
jNop> from 3 to 6 , children son county, spent a day or two in
been down to Swainsboro for s e v - »<*, came home last Saturday on a
Dahlonega last week.
His mathe N u g g e t drop in next
from 5 to 8, 9 to 12, 12 to '2,
who resided in Gainesville j
chinery is the most modern and
eral months, has returned home on j ten days visit. He is - c o m p a n i e d Davis,
, ’
„ ,,
Iand have your name added to its |Something real nice.
All sizes.
• .,
i by Mr. Cook who is in seat eh ot and came to Dahlonega some time i
operates like clock work.
, .
i i f
i j ! subscription li&t
a few weeks visit.
, ,
]I Men’ s fine shoes “from
''•** $1.25 to
- - $4
- -• Ashley is also working a mica
a<xo and bargained for a lot or old j
! hands for the road.
At Anderson & Jones store you |
iron for shipment, has absconded, ! Mr. Geo. Jenkins has gone down j 50_ J u l i e s ’ fine shoes from $1.25
mine in Lumpkin county, which
i>• i
,■ . i Miss Myrtle Thomas, who not
debts uhpaiil. to Gainesville to open out the j t0 $2.50. Give them a call if you
will fand a lSee line o f dress shirts, i
was purchased from the Corns in
long ago went north, was wedded
Give them a call-if .you want a nice
A m ong them here is Mr. Steven restaurant for Mr. John Hatfield i Want a bargain.
the western part of the county.
on the 22nd to Mr. G.. B. Hoffman
who will join him week after next. 1
T- u
shirt for commencement.
It hits reached a depth c f 80 feet,
T h e P u b l i c S c h o O l.
at Sherwood, O. Mr. Hoffman is Rice, W ill Vaughn and probably
On Saturday night next Miss j
from which large blocks
The recent destruction of a num- an enterprising farmer of that sec- others.
T i l l * * . w i l l give four violin solos j ^
Dah,onojra pnblic schooi been taken containing pieces o f
ber of illicit distilleries over iii tion who went from the south a
The annual meeting of the G eorUnion county is going to make'! f (iW y Cars ago, and the bride is the gia Educational Association con - accompanied on the piano by Mrs. |c j08c(> onc 0f its most interesting mica clear o f seams measuring
Stewart during the elocution prize j
SaUu.dayi and ils .12x 1-1 inches.
liquor from over that way some j beautiful daughter o f our esteemed
venes at Cumberland Island, June
Out at Cavender’ s Creek things
scarcer here fo r awhile.
: friend, Mr. H. H. Thomas of Dahteachers will now take a little rc23 26, 1903, and promises to be contest.
are moving along like clock work.
The city council met Monday j croation and rest for the next 00 ....................
We regret to learn that Mrs. j lotiega.
attended and very inter*
night and after accepting the tax |(jay !5< They all certainly n e e d it, It w a s the intention of the mancgtinof ""
Wcslev Ash, who resided in the_J^
thej^j Judge Huff has plii'chased'
piVrchased a cow , cstjn2f
as usual. Pi of. J. N. R og—
O il
Clark house near the X u o g k t ; for
John-Hester’s triplets at erg uf Dahlouaga, will be present book as assessed by the committee j fo r C.IC[, and every one has given : ager to com plete all rock work
office, is in a very serious mei
ental (he expense of the county, which |on the 25th and his subject is, and receiving the marshal’s report j gncjj attention as is needed to make j the canal last Saturday at n
it o n e of the best schools in Geor- and give the hands a picnic o r
condition over in Union county.
cannot surely be objected to by j ‘ >Xfte Educational Value o f Train- adjourned till to m o rro w night.
, !
Nothin* bus’ been left tin- i barbecue, but the rain came and
Col. Jones, president of Cav> anyone, as the little ones needed j
Monday after the re port reac i- - •
- teacher that w o u l d ! interfered
the program.
ender Creek gold mine, is n o w ! the milk and the father was not
^ ain° " advance its interests. E very little j The tunnel work is mostly rock
The marshal has gone round ed here of the tornado
b a c k at his home in North Caro j able to buy it for them.
He wor*s
^ eP on® 0
‘ I c hild has received proper at tens j now -and it can n ot be told when it
and notified all persons not to V1 0 tDC
lina. l i e has much b u s i n e s s to j every day but has three other
thc ,,,.0f!resi of all who | will he
sweep out any paper or trash on crowdc,! w,.b
look after, causing his yisits at j small children to prcvide for. The
! have taken the advantages of the be com menced on the reservoir
the square. There is an ordinance i eat A on ’
each place to be short.
|cow cost $27.50.
opportunity offered by this insti> soon. Their little five stamp mill
against this and the one who does t i v e s t ie i e .
Lula Carroll, col., was up be- so any more will have to pay a
W e regret to learn that airs. 1t'ntion have greatly advanced in keeps running, and another larger
Mr. Isabella of Murphy, N. C.,
and Mr. M. W . L o w o f Y ou n g fore Mayor Baker last Friday for fine. Put your trash in a box and James Bryan, a sister-in-law of their studies, which causes the one will be built soou.
have it ready for the scavenger ex-tax collector John Sargent, was patrons and every citizen o f DahS i n c e the recent rain's have set
Harris, Ga., came over Saturday fighting W ill Trammel, who re
to investigate the large amount of ceived a sentence of $15 and cost wagon. By doing this you will killed by the cyclone in Gainesville lonega to feel proud o f the school, in Crown Mountain has been able
The save money.
Monday also a daughter of Peter and especially the teachers who to run on full time and the results
timbered lands recently optioned or 90 days on the streets.
W o o dy , both of this county.
have worked so hard to bring it are very gratifying to the m an to Anderson
& Jonos ill this boy was given 80 days or a fine o f
A n interesting article concern$2 and cost. Lula has a high temagers. Both plates and recent ass
It is stated that the Bell Tele- up to its present standard,
per and has been before the mayor ing the college and the approachphone Co. will soon rebuild t h e !
On Saturday the closing excr> says show that the ore is greatly
The girls dormitory will be seyeral times, but it doesn’ t seem ing commencement will be found
improving as they advance into
equipped with electric lights this to check her in the least.
Lula on our first page from the pen of
the mountain, and all that is
Mr. J. F. Broach, one of the stu- Dahlonega, which they recently ' both interesting.&nd entertaining,
week. A large arch lamp will J }d be[. fino_
needed to make this mine pay a
dents of this institution.
swing in front of the college and i
dividend is for them to keep the
cause every thing to look quite ; During the colored meeting last Broach realizing the advantages phone Co., and will shortly begin How and many were unable to
mill running, which can be done
bright up that way during com- Sunday night at the
Baptist this college is giving never fails to the erection of a line from Gaines- : procure even standing room,
ville to Dawsonville.
; The prizes were awarded as f o l - when the Gorge dam is com pleted
W n ce m e n t.
, ----------at all Season s of the year. Team teachers whenever an opportunity
^ Postmaster Tate visited Chestas while he was full of mountain dew
Tuesday as “ L o n g” John Ander- |
Gra(ie- N a u n i e Ducket, sters are busy every day getting
son was crossing the Yahoola creek j ^
Ruhy McKt,e>
tee last Friday and went to see the |Albert p in e d
the church some is offered.
the logs in for this purpose now.
littlo motherless triplets who are! time ago and very likely thinss
he looked \
nd h(jn()r>
Claml McGuire,
T w o professional beggars struck while it was rising
W e are olad to state that the
iu charge of Mrs. Win. A llis o n ,! he has a right to go to this home
Jim mic Kob()rts and Chloie R o b - Singleton, belonging to the Standour town last week and after sep- back and saw his bucket o f
carrying them some things that o f worship m any shape he wants
Della ard Co., continues to improve
arating made a pretty thorough float out of the buggy and s t a r t j; erts, general excellence.
were sent by his wife and Mrs. to, but since sobering up he t e downstream. John jum ped out Edmonson,
Earnest both in quality and quantity o f
canvass of the place, collecting
Littlefield. Mr. Tate was accom- alized that there was going o be
into water up to his waist and ;
^ cxcol|encc>
several dollars.
One carried a
ore and is once more being profitn an iedb y Col. W. S. H uff and 1trouble in the camps and left out,
H om er ably worked under the supervision
named stiff leg and a crippled hand, and
IIon. G . D. Bruce.
Mr. Bruce carrying a negro woman
F o r greatest im- |o f
\y. (}. Campbell. He. has
the other had but pne leg.
N ev- to sink and brought, his eggs on to ,p()lber(.
took a picture of the little ones j Hunter as a partner,
»'■«ertheless we know o f then liying town.
i provement in writing the y
e a r , ! o n jy foeen running from ten to
Judge Huff enjoyed his first
: tiiess of -English peas last I hrtfs'*
A tten tion! A tten tion !!
and will soon haye the photoOne day last week Henry Adams
gragh? ready for' all who wish to pimped on Uncle Caleb Seabolt,
r e s i d i n g in the upper edge of this
make a purchase.
county, and kicked and beat the
Miss Susan McDonald requests
before he
,,v, man ...
................ j
ns to say that (he card in last
eon Id be stopped, without any
weeks N u g g e t , staling that, cadet
Hammond had left town without j provocation
; was looking him straight in the
paying her, i ; untrue. A n d further
savs that she ,.i;
did not write this ! I a c e 'v,UIUUl
„ Tr
<v • i
n, I n fl, „«(■. Uncle Caleb did the same, till Hen("»n! uiilhonzec r.o one ul^o to ,us*c
, ,.
VYlllllu a
„ lew
- -Corona,. ,j B e lie R ogers.
miles of ________
T. P. Lom bard of
I fifteen stamps but will soon be
| jugt ag bad a condition as either, j Ctdifornia, who resided here for
......... _ .......
See. A — Mary |a5 ie to keep the full twenty
wb() work an<i oaru a living by
8oroe time v
- I{ ou.u*
,— . . . years
j ----- ago,, is j Stanton (medal.) Books awarded j stamps moving.
The supply o f
[ t^ei t, owu hands Und do not pro-1 registered at Hall’ s Villa this week, to Ruth Russell, To.n Huff, Birdie j water is short on account o f the
, . 1 1 ! .
* i
n r K
A/ 1
i .
/ >.
canal not having been cleaned out
j tend to beg.
Yes, there is old j ; l)L com pany with Mr. A. M Kitch- j Anderson, Garner Huff.
, j j ncle Qharlie right here in town, ens o f Chicago.
Mr. Lombard
Fourth Grade— Alice Stewart, j f or y ears, rendering him unable
1who earns the most o f his own liV'- owns the Battle Branch mine in j (medal.) Books awarded to Mat- j toTun the mine and mill at the
ihg by work and never asks for a this county. Both gentlemen ex- ; , j e {jarbison, Pearl Rice, Montinc ■same time.
pect to return to Dahlonega with Hutchins^'Carrie Huff, Cecil Jack- j Another big clean up o f about
cent to be given to him.
their families to spend the sum- i gon an,i Mattie Craig. F or com - eight hundred pennyweights, m j
Some days ago Mr. John H.
mendable'effort and good a ttend-; eluding a hundred that was taken
£ ,* * * » m
oore was called away on busance a book was awarded to R u fc |out the other day, has been made
Col. W . P. P iice sent the torna's
C t liin a n b n ;H it w b M j m l m i l l i l ; “ J1™ * “ •
’ m c ,>> i n c s s f n t , h i s s t o r e t o t h o c l o r k ’ s
Ed Baker.
; down at the Calhoun mine.
appeared savs
p pea red in print.
says tn.u
that |
&nd ^ \()fficci in the court house, where he |do stricken city o f Gainesville a
Fifth Grade— First honor, Fran^ I had the pleasure last Sunday of
Adams i remained f o f a half an hour or contribution o1 ten
MJr. Hammond nas always paid j •' - Ailoms I t-oaiaioeil f o r a ball an h m r or I
»” f
w " ‘rL
rf :
S i - 1 i l i o g ' t h a t \ - b i c h ™ taken from
icr and owed her nothing when he '' ’ f )C ( 11 “' 1 ........... ‘
forgetting that his store was j Tuesday, being
M t Dahlonc™.
The facts are » ">« « » “ 'bo w” u ic '1 * " " "
r l X d ' taek Dahloocga Ibtt Las ( i r « w < M « ' » ™ » r . Ora MeKoe, a h o o k . Kooks the sluice way » h i l e it was m the
It contained
yet. Let a meating of the citizens i awarded to Willie Wallace and bla?k sand.
...... - » « » I ” 7
S : “
i f e
...................... ..
;; i ......... ........................
.............. .......
**” showed
Te upC0"
!h l:
« ,
quick and
little accounts in town but n o t | IotlQ< ,(
I..- „i.i
-r>«rm Kt-nrtdincr at be called and a committee appoint- |Johnnie Black.
accounts. ..n
, ! ^|1C .j^ylutn, but as he was not con an old honest negro, standing at
Sixth Grade— First honor shared
ed fo r the purpose of raising what
having time to go round before h e !
,vith j sidered dangerous there was n o! the door waiting.
l i e said lie
by Pearl Anderson and Isabelle the quantity, being the nicest
departed^ left the money J ’ e. chance to get him into the asylum, went in and seeing no one there we can hero for our sister city.
thing we have examined in a long
. i ... !
+a\ o-n away tor iciir Let us all give something to the Charters. Difference of only oneMr. Reeves to make tin sttiic !
' ! !°' "riend h j " b e n ! »ml after keeping him in jail here j was afraid to go
lifth per cent in examination aver- time— from fine particles on up to
o-o in and steal needy who arc now in distress.
toents, and
.1 ! l
im- ! for a long time he was released. Jsome one might o
ages for both lerms, and only two- large nuggets. The expenses are
iO O
.ICil hvtofo
....^,k oAniot'iino'
unable to see
before tilt.
the im--j, ^
^ i i h e J w o r r nJ r ' s p
! somethinguni
a.ul hohe would be ac^ Our town may be swept by a c y fifths in general average for year. very light, taking only about six
that i } f
This good old negro clone, cloud burst or fire one of
pr< -sion got out among some
wUbout I a word to any one, and talks but I cosed o f it. ih is good old n egio
hands to operate it, Mr. W h a rthese days and cause us to haye to Medal to Pearl AnderSOn and
Mr. Hammond had left
' little now, A warrant was swore I man has no education but this act
book t o Isabelle Charters. _ Books ton Anderson has been operating
tban Booker
seeing lifs creditors-.- Jn
this m i n e for years and it is use-Benson ! out for hub by Mr. Seabolt but at is a be'ter example
tiott with this, Alonzo
W a s h in g t o n h as been able to g iv e , monuments which some of us have j Maud Jackson
less for us to remark that it pays,
-• I I-m
IiaVino' been accused, ot writing
'asii accounts
accounts Henry
y nutI not ocen a n d if it w as f o llo w e d b y all th e contributed
to in the past. Later.—
the records show7 that Pearl
for everyone acquainted with the
ar r es t ed, an d if he w a s. n o th in g
'■ d■ for ton Rice has not missed my time in
ib is c a r d and u sin g M :» s JVlctAmn e g r o e s rOvvj and ly n c h in g s w otild j A m e e tin g has been c a lle
|Calhoun knows that.
could be done with him, except to
the entire four years.
uld’ s name, requests us to state
Soon be a th in g o f the p a st.
i m g'hl.
that he-httd- nothing to do with it. try to <-ret him into the asylum.
Lumpkin County’s Minerals
Advice T o Legislatures,
A W a r Relic Found.
Washington, May 20.— Director
W alcot o f the geological survey and
his able corpse of assistants have
been gathering some interesting
data o f economic interest and utility to the people o f various sections
of the country. One o f their latest bulletins consists o f con trib u tions to economic geology.
The results of
tnado chiefly in 1903;- are no\v]condensed and published to meet the
wants of the man of affairs.
Below are given notes on those'
contributions affecting Lurspkin
“ Gold and ! Pyrite Deposits o f'
the Dahlonega District,” by Mr.
Edwin Eckel, discusses briefly the
general geology o f the Dahlonega district '(Lumpkin cou n ty^’/fche
gold tores and ore deposits, the relations of the gold-ore deposits and
their age. The upper weathered
zQne o f gold deposits can be works
ed at every low cost by hydraulic
mining; the deeper gold ore re>>
quires expensive prosesses, and
hks-not been found entirety satisfactory.
The most interesting d evelopment in the Dahlonega district dur*l
ing-1902 was the opening of'a largehigh-grade body o f pyrite near the
town, the property of the Chesta*tee Pyrites Company, about sixmiles northeast of Dahlonega, on
the south side of the Chestatee riv*
er. This deposit outcrops .about
feet along the
It appears
to be not less than twenty feet1 in
thickness and has been followed
down on the dip fo r a distance of
about 150 feet.
The average of
the analysis shows about 44 per
ceat. sulphur, 4aT per cent, iron,
and 3 per cent, copper.
A n editor, in the spirit o f a father, gives some go o d advice to his
local representative in the legislas
ture which we reproduce for the
benefit o f such members as may
need it and be able to benefit by
its kindly spirit:
“ K eep tolerably sober.
“ Alw ays cut the cards— it’ s all
you ’ ll get outiof the game.
“ Neyer make a speech if you
can avoid it.' Ybu are liable to be
asked some embarrassing questions.
“ Vote fo r no appropriation that
carries a dollar.out o f the state;
yote- for;anything that will bring
one in.
“ Pass stronger laws against
fencecutters and' cow^stealers— if
you can get^a'majority not subject
to indictment.
“ Read the T in 1- Commandments.
“ Be kind to the lobbyist and the
vote-'buyer — leave them enough
change to go home on.
“ Ddn’ t cultivate a taste fo r too
many fine dishes— remember the
menu in the fktwoods.
“ There will be those who will
tell you that you are handsome and
have intelligent features.
them the lie in words as well as—
“ Stand by you r section and
friends when they are in the
wrong— they d o n ’t need you when
“ I f you die at you-r post it’ s all
right —will try to send a healthier
one next time.” — Dawson News.
Last Friday afternoon Mr. J. E.
Cole, who resides two miles southwest o f town,
through an unfrequented place on
his farm enjoying the balmy May
breezes, glancing downward into
a little ditch, noticed a small shinning surface. Picking it up he was
surprised to see that he had a valuable silver ring with gold mounting. The morning was found to
bear this inscription: “ Lieut. P.
L Pease, Company F, 4th Michigan Cavalry.” To the left o f the
mounting on the ring was the name
“ Pease,” and on the right the
name “ Nellie.”
On this spot during the 60’ s a
company of federal soldiers killed
a large number o f sheep belonging
to Mr. Cole’ s father, and camped
o ver night. The ring may have
been lost by the officer at that time,
or possibly he was killed, his body
returning to dust, leaving this
mark of rank. The name “ Nellie”
lends some romance to this discovery, she possibly being the idol
of his heart who has never heard
o f him since, or it may haye been
his mother’s ring, placed on his
finger in the sad hour o f “ farewell.” — Dallas New Era.
A s to Happiness;
Mrss Edna Cain o f the Quitman
Free Press, admittedly one of
Georgia’ s most brilliant and talented editors, has this to say o f
“ Happiness
“ W e go on long journeys to see
it and come back to find that' W6'
have left it at h o m e ; we plan for
days to hate it as a gttest, and
prepare a beautiful feast for it,
a u d io , dullness sits at the board
instead. iJater' it eoroes in the
most unexpected guise afid turns
some com mon day into a festival.
R changes constantly;' it never
stays. It is the butterfly wftieh
flutters from one bud' to a n oth er;
the rose which blooms and fades ;■
the gorgeous sunset, which in a
m om en t burns to ashes. It lasts
o n ly so long a'S a breath of' perf u m e ; the sudden glatree
languid eyes before the lids close
down, or the last tone o f a" song.
People who seek it most persistently are seldom rewarded by it.
The only condition im posed 1 u‘pon
happy people is that they enjoy it
and ask no questions'.
And f
often think that the on ly way ttr
be happy is to learn to do witlWtit
happiness.’ ’
Profits by Prejudice.
A n exchange tells of as shrewd
colored man who is making money
out o f the race prejudice as ho has
found it to exist in Brooklyn and
Jersey City. His plan of operation is this: He selects' a bouse insome choice residence section, buysit and moves in with his family.
Immediately there is ar how? on the
part of his neighbors who do not
■want negroes in the neighborhood..
The negro assures the objectors
that he likes the house and neighborhood and that he has no apecial
desire to leave, but if they are willing to pay him his price for the
property he will sell.
Then he
names a price that- w ill’ net' him
about 40 to 50 per cent piOfit on-1
the investment, and he'usually gets*,
it. H e is credited With' having
made thousands of dollar's* in thismanner in the past two- ot" tbrtee
years, and is believed now to* be
regularly into this “ rt'al1 estate”
Harsh measures are not always
best— as the woman who marries
a man to reform him is a,pt to discover to her sorrow^
A T w o E dge Sword.
Advertising may be likened unto a two edged sword in that it
cuts both ways.
Its-effect upon
the public is the only one to which
r»uch attention has been- called,.
but its influence upon the merchant
himself is hardly less- important.
Atlertness fo r new' goods, low
prices, bargains,--the grasp of op-i
portnmties, may all bo accurately
gauged by th’e advertising a merchant does.- The man who does
not advertise is slow, indifferent,
n o t!n’p to the times and not eager
to give his- customers the newest
and best o f eyerything.
Advertising educates not only the buying public, but the merchant as
well.— Retailer and Advertiser.
Where did all the wild pigeons
go to? is a question harder to answer than what becomes of the
pins. Less than forty years ago
they abounded all through the
middle West and other sections in
countless flocks that often darkened the-air fos miles a>round. Now
a wild pigeon’ JS as much a curiosity as a dodo.—Ex*A Westener who advertised fo r
cook and a music teacher got nine
replies to the form er and 889 to
the latter, thus showing anybody
can teacrh music, but it requires
ability o f a high order to cook
victuals.— Augusta Herald.
Foley's Kidney Cure will p o sitiv ely cu re a n y case o f
K id n e y o r B lad d er disease that is n o t b e y o n d the
reach o f m ed icin e.
I f y o u n o tice a n y irregularities, c o m m e n c e tak in g
Foley & C o., Chicago.
Gentlemen:— I was afflicted with Kidney and
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and had given
up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY’ S KIDNEY
CURE was recommended to me.
After using one
bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking
six fifty-cent bottles, 1 was cured of Kidney and
Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past
twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY’ S KIDNEY
James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W . Va.
S h a tte r e d N e r v e s
and W e a k H e a r t.
{ ž – G i  ¡ Œ L G 5 0 G 0 g • š G ˆ • ‹ G K H̰ ¯ ¯ G
A shattered nervous system nearly always
leads to some affection of the heart, especially where the patient’s heart is weak from
hereditary or other causes. Dr. Miles’ Heart
Cure is not only a great heart regulator, but
it r» a blood tonic which speedily corrects
and regulates the heart’s action, enriches the
blood and improves the circulation. It will
build you up just as it did Mr. Crawford
whose letter follows,, and greatly improve
your general health:“I have &een> so greatly benefited5 by* Dr.
Miles’ Nervine and Heart Cure that I freely
recommend them as the best remedies’ for
the diseases they are recommended to cure:
When I began taking these medicines I
weighed scarcely 140 pounds, my nerves
were badly shattered and my heart- troubled
me a great deal. I had pain in my left^arn*
and shoulder, ha<d difficulty in sleepin^Jon
my left side, had frequent' smothering spells
and my heart woulH' flutter and palpitate.
I could eat scarcely any kind of foodciwithout
suffering great distress, and was so- restless
and nervous that J-slept little night or day.
Now I am never b'othered with my heart,
my nerves are steady1aS a d'ife,-I-sleep well,
eat well and weigh 163 pounds.- I<arfti‘happy
now and am trying to make back the-‘money
I spent for doctors ^ho did me n\3’ g?>od
while I was i ft/
•$>-ORAWTOR-D‘, ■Ge nter,
All druggists sell'and guarantee first bottle Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles-Medical Co., Elkhart, Indv-
Dr, C. H. Jones.
t o t h et r
B la n k s F o r S a le
A t the N u g g e t .) ffice y o u will
find the following- blanks:
Warranty Beedsr.
Mortgage Deeds, .
Mortgage Notes-,. Mbrtgage Fifas
Chattle Mortgages, Plain1 Notes,
Common Beasesj
Miner’s- Beases*.
Criminal Warrants,
Peace Warrants,
Power ofAttorney,
Witness Summons,.
J. P.' Summons,.
Justice’ s Court Fifas,
Forthcom ing Bonds.,
Constable’ s advertisements^.
Bonds fop mi tie,
Affidavit, & Bond for Garnishment
Administrator’ s Deeds
and Attachments.
Are you Interested in Y our
Future Welfare?
Eejpip yourself with a practical business education and yon
will be prepared to meet*. the responsibilities of life: We
are placing many young men and ladies in pay i opposition s..
for teaching or civil service, you can make-no mistake iu<
preparing at onr school.
The Lanier Business College,
M A C O N , GA.
P ho t o gr aphic W o n Qo ne
^ d e AT
red n ced
Nest Door Above Masonic Hall*
Dealer in
G D, BRUCE, Gen Man age r
, G a.
C lo c k ' an d' W a to li R e p a ir in g
f o ie y
a p e r
S§?S'. a Y e s s ^
;A n absolutely Free and Independent Daily Newspaper, carrying the:important news o f tho world, mailed direct to subscribers everywhere
at the rate o f O N E C E N T A D A Y .
C lo th in g ,!
1s _ P
Abty E dited,by John-Tem ple Graves.
Under Management o f Charles Daniel.
a h l o n e g a
e o p l e
O n ly
J. F. Moore & Co.
h e
P r ic e s in
r t i c l e s .
IG-oocL 1STice- C h e a p
Bcrtraxt £36
fpo’d <hSb
J *
If n n era 1
D ir e c t o r &
E m b a lm e r
C O F F IN S ,
C O F F IN F I X T U R E S ,
B U R I A L R O B E S,
Dahlonega, Ga.
W e D eal In
tFtefaas© Saainstitufes
D r.M iles’ H eart Cure and
Nervine Cured M e.
A Veteran of the ®ivl! W a r Cured After Ten Y ears
of S u ffe rin g .
R. A. Cray, J .P ., of Oakville, In d., writes:—
“ Most of the time for ten years I was confined to m y
bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so
severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted
the best medical skill available, but got no relief until
FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me.
I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me.*’
Too N ervous to Sleep
or R e s t.
Staple D ry Goods, Shoes, Pants, Over alls,
Groceries, all kinds I^arm Implements and
Mining Supplies at very reasonable foures.
In fact any and everything you need. *
a n y
N o m ed icin e can d o m ore.
Foley's Kidney Cure at o n c e and a void a fatal m alady.
M Kidney and
Bladder Diseases
A Kerohant Cured After Having Given Up Hope.
!j. f. hoore & company.!
G r e a tly
M ? '®
Pedagogue— “ W hen you
teach yo u r pupils that two apples
added to two apples make fou r ap ples you believe in demonstrating
the proposition by given them the
apples, do you
Teacher — “ Certainly, sir.
that means they get both the sum
and the substance.” — Chicago.
o m m m
far cftUdretii safe, sure, No opiates J
SuBscrifrtions accepted at the office, of N U G G E T
O il R E M I T D I R E C T TO
Tlji.. ATLANTA NEWS, Atlanta, Gaw
Good Advertising Medium,
Devoted to Local, Mining and General Information.
V O L . X I V — NO. i
D A H L O N E G A , G A ., T H U R S D A Y , J U N E If,
-D E A L E R S IN-
Feed Stuff
Spring Goods Open,
ssm xm ssssgsm m a sa
- - -'.'-L.-v.
C L O T H IN G , J
F u rnish in gs,
Drv Goods, M
.Guns, Machines,. Groceries.
Clothing a specialty.!
Iliey will sell you clothing for cashf
at Gainesville or Atlanta prices. A*
« nice line of samples and will take"!
{y ou r order for tailor made goods. ' !
d a h io n e
o i-
M o o r e B ro*, P r o p r
i teachers a very valuable outline
The Normal Class.'
j for a course m Literature .through
The Touchers Course given by the 1the eight graded and a History of
N.-G. A. College this year, begin- Education from China to Modern
ning A p r !’i l '"28
" ' and ending June 6th, I Times,
' )
4ias been a decided success.
This j Theory and Practice was discussy e a r’ s work pleases this departs j by P r o f J. S. Stewart, i can conmerit, o f the college beyond the ex- |scicnliotisly say that if a teache
perimental stage. The -attendance got nothing from the Normal e x j has been very encouraging, the’ tos cept one or two o f P r o f. Stewart’s
The en - “ Mind to Mind Talks” he would
j tal registration being 45
i roil meat was:
j bfe amply repaid for his. entire exT> bTATKS.~l
j1 BY
-Georgia. 44; iNorth I penses during the (G weeks course.
j Carolina, L
|P r o f Stewart is a man of personal
j ' B r C o u n t ie s .— Lu
12; ; magnetism— a
I White, 1; Union, 6; Morgan
j born with !be power of making
Hal!, f>; Randolph, 4 ; Newton
: all, who come in'contact with him,
H enry, i ; Dawson, 2; Walker
■t h i n k . He is an enthusiast, find
Gwinnett, 2 ; Towns, 1; Catoosf 1; I an educational reformer.
Rabnn, !; Wilkes, 1; Banks, 1; | The Normal has been beneficial
Habersham, 1; Fulton, 1; Pike, 1; ■in many respects,
Franklm, !; Walton, 1.
.1. It has.imparted information
The personage o f the enrollment
j that will bet ter enable the teachers
was one of the marked features of
to take the state examination.
the course. The writer honestly
2. It has gi v e n t he t e aeh c r s t h e
believes til at D
i here was not one
best methods of touching the eledead" teacher in attendance. All
m e n to ry b rr. n>e he s .
olunta-riiy aitended this course
!], Its social side has been very
! with the avowed purpose o f ob! taining that
which pleasant. W e ai! hope (the writer
would better prepare them for do- |at least) to brighten our declining
ing the duties o f that greatest of |years by friendships contracted at
professions — training . human this Normal.
D e a l ex* i n
Ladies and Gents.
W icked W ag.
An old man in Georgia named
Jack Baldwin, having lost ;is hat
in an old well one day. hit died a
rope o a stump and let h impel
down. A wicked wag named Neal
came along just then, relates the
Atlanta Journal, and quietly detaching a bell from Baldwins’,? old
blind horse, approached the well,
bell in hand, find began to tiug-a
ling. Jack thought the old horse
was com ing and said; “ Hang the
old blind horse he’ s coining this
way, sure, and he ain’ t got no
more sense than to fall on me—
whoa B all!”
The sound came
closer. “ Great Jerusalem!
old blind fool will he on top o f me
in a minit— whoa, B all!”
kicked a little dirt on Jack’ s head
and Jack began to pray:
“ Oh,
L o r d , have mercy on— whoa, Ball
— a poor sinner; I ’ m gone n ow —
wdioa, Ball— Our Father who art
in— whoa, Ball --hallowed be thy
— gee, Ball! Gee! What’ ll I d o —
name. Now I iay me down to
si— gee, Ball!” [Just then-fell in
more dirt.] u Oh Lord if you ever
intend to do anything fo r me—
back, Ball!
W h oa,— Thy Kingdom com e— gee, Ball! Oh, Lord
you know I was baptized in Smith’s
milldam— Whoa, Ball! H o ld up,
murder, whoa!”
Neal could no
longer hold in and shouted a laugh
which might have been heard two
miles, which was about as far as.
Jack chased him when he g ot out.
S U P E R I O R C O U RT .
3rd Mondays in April and O ctober. J. J. Kirn Bey, Judge. Cleveland, Ga. W . A. Charters, Solicitor General, Dahlonega, Ga.
— —o-----C O U N T Y O F FIC E R S.
John lluff, Ordinary.
John II. Mnore.Oletk.
Janies M. Davis Sheriff.
E . - J . Waldon, Tax Collector.
James L. Ilealan, Tax Receiver.
V. R. Hix, County Surveyor.
Joseph B. Biowfa, Treasurer.
D. C. Stow Coroner.
"4. It.has liben a source o f inminds and souls.
During the course, the teachers spiration to us all. It has taught
were very fortunate i n hearing us to do our work honestly and
some able and scholarly lectures; courageously at the behests of
Some of those were:
duty. Let us hope that we have
The Yellow and Dark .Maps— obtained that spirit which will enable us to teach, not fo r the con Ool. Price.
American Scenes— Pres. J. S. temptible reward o f gold, but for
the greatest of rewards— a monuC IT Y G OV E R N TIE N T.
ment budded in the educated man*
Astronomy - -Prof. Bovd.
R . H. Baker. Mayor.
H a b it-in Education—-'Hon. W. hood o f the future.
Aldermen: E. 8 - Strickland, J.
B. Merritt.
J. B. H e n d e r s o n .
E . McGee, F G. Jones. J. W . Boyd,
T . J. Smith. VC P. Price,Jr*
Popular Education— Prof, BritWin. J. Worley, Clerk.
Dahlonega Aids the Cyclone
James V. Ilarbison, Marshal.
W ords-—Prof. Steed.
Education ... Prof.
R E L I G I O U S 0 S E R V IC E S .
Baptist Church — Rev. J. R.
A ccord in g to a call from the
Gunn, Paster. Services Sunday at
mayor o f Dahlonega quite a nuniSilk Culture— Mr. Magid.
11 and at night.
Prayer meeting
The course in Arithmetic by o f her citizens met in the court
Thursday night.
P r o f. Boyd and Barnes was very house
Sunday School at 9 o’ clock.
Methodist—Services eve:y Suu-’
instructive. These gentleman not and contributed $188.50 fo r the
day at 11 and-at night. Rev. E. O.
only know mathematics, but also tornado sufferers of Gainesville as
Marks, Pastor.
Prayer meeting
know the methods of teaching follows:
every .Wednesday night.
W . A . C harters............ . ,$ 25.00
a r it h m e t ic p r o p e rl y .
Sunday School at. 9 o’ clock.
P r o f. Steed’s method o f teaching j W. P . Price, Sr., .. .
Presbyterian-—Services only on
1st and 3rd Sundays.
History is an excellent one.
He rl. D. C u r l e y ..........
D. J Blackwell, pastor.
is a profound student o f History. .1, C. IL Tillson .. ..
Sunday School 9 a. m.
His interpretation o f the events of T. J. Smith & Bro.
American History is unprejudiced J. V . Harbison . . . :.
W . B. T ow n sen d ,.
and yery scholarly.
Blue Mountain Lodge No. 38, F.
& A. M . . meets 1st ’Tuesday night
The topics o f Geography and Tate, Littlefield & C o . . .
of each month.
Mauucl Training were thorough* S. R i c e .......................
E. H. B a k e r , W. Mi
sssmmmsmsumi handled by Prof. Rogers, the most E, 15. Vickery
K. of P.
practical teacher in Georgia.
It J. F. Moore & C o ..
Gold City J.odge No. 117, meets
o o r e 5. 00 A Clever Method o f Stealing*.
is he who sees God in man, and Col. J „ II. M
I every Monday night in their Castle
1L Underwood, c o l ........
nature bountiful and useful every
j Hall, over Price’ s store.
B. P. Gail lard .................
An ingenious and successful
W h a k t o n A n d e k s o n , C. C.
Prof. Gaillard’ s course in Pbys> J. M. D a v is ..........
LOO trick, was played at a London flat
I). C. St o w , R. R. o f S.
D, J. B l a c k w e l l , P.
A gentleman
iolngy, together with his praetG C. IE Jones . -.................
5.00 in broad daylight.
cal experiments in the Chemical R. M . .Bryson...................
LOO rang the bell at B o’ clock and inLaboratory, was very instructive to J. F. Castleberry.............
1.00 quired whether Mr. G rey was at
W . J. H ig h to w c r ........
LOO home. “ No,"-sir,” said the janitor.
Miss Clarke has givon us a very B. H . M o o r e .....................
LOO “ He rarely if ever comes pack
D a h lo n eg a , Gasystematic outline of
English M. J. W illia m s...............
2.50 from the temple before 5 o ’clo ck ,’ ' All legal business promptly attended to
Henry Goudiock, col.. ..
.50 “ That is strange,” returned the
A special feature o f the Normal F. L R eese.................
r ~
2.50 other, “ since I know he has an ap»
Course was Elocution which was R. IE B a k e r.............
5.00 pdintment here with a Mr. J ohnA t t o r n e c/y a t L a w ,7
very ably presented
Miss Dr. IE C. W b c ie l ie f .. ..
5.00 son at 4 o’ clo ck .” Then he ' went
B arighi— one of the most talented : Bank of D a h jo n o g a .! . : .
5.00 his way.
IJ ahlon eqa, Ga.
A t 4 o ’clock to the minute Mr.
readers of of the country.
All W. !’ . Price, J r.................
teachers stand in need of instruct I W . S. H u f f .......... ■.........
1.00 Johnson caPed and, giving his
lion along this line.
Knowledge C. W . Satterfield...............
1.00 j
without expression is useless.
B. R. Headers & S on s..
5.00 ' wait in Mr. G re y ’ s apartments,
R. G u n n ............
The yo u n g ladies o f the Normal : Roy,
5.00 which he denuded o f everything of
(D ahlonega, Ga.
Class are especially indebted to j Rev. I). J. B lackw ell.. .
2.-00 “ portable value” in ten minutes
and then w’alked out, observing as
Mrs. Josephine Whelche! for her j
Total...............................$133.50 ho passed the porter that he could
instruction in Flower making.
A resolution
by Dr. H. C. wait no longer.
C-iyil- government, which will
IIBN wanting a nice c^saii
shave, hair cut or shampoo
; .soon be taught in all . the schools, I V helehel requesting
An Arkansas printer, in mak- j
call on Henry Underwood
| was another interesting part of the ; council to donate £50.00, unaniing up the forms In a hurrv the First class barber shop in every
i Normal. This subject was taught mously earned by a rising vote.
door to Duckett’ s sfor%on
other day, got a marriage and a
where they will be found
by Prof. Carrier of Toeeoa, Ga.
| A committee o f two from each.
grower’ s* advertisement' mixed up ready to wait on you at any time
j One object in a Normal 'Course W ard was
the so that it read as follo w s:
Georgia, Lumpkiu County.
j is the learning of methods. None mayor to canvass the town for
Brown and Ida G raye were united {
T o all w hom it may con cern :
|are better prepared to give rnstrnc- contributions up to .12 o ’ clock next
in the h oly sauer kraut by the ! „ I,,, W . J.
, B urt,- adm
,. ,inistrater of'Joh
\ l':<)n along this line than P rof. I dajr, as follows: 1st Ward, Rev.
quarter of barrel. Mr. Brow,, i , j
t S T S
j Brittain of the Atlanta schools. 1D . J. Blackwell and F. L . Reese; a well known young cod fish at 10 ! lands of sasd deceased. And said apj His connection with the best regu- I 2 nd V>, ard, J. M, Brooksher and
cents per pound, while the bride, j S S S u I a r ^ c r i n o f the Comt S o t d i : iated schools of the state enable B. !■’. Anderson; 3rd Ward, Rev.
Miss Gray, has some nice p igs’ |nary of said county, to be held on the
1 >•
11mi :o or, Ia in ! i.;c v e r y hcsi m o lh - J. R. Gunn and W . P. Price, Jr,
feet which will be sold ‘o.homW
cneaper lst Monday in July, next.
W. J. Bunx, Adm’r.
■:ods of touching. He also gave the
Meeting then adjourned.
than any in town.— The Lyer.
- of the Estate.of Jolm P. Corn, dec,
IA ;nderson,
W . B . T O W N S E N D , Editor and Proprietor
One Dollar Per Annum
it."T BAKER,
Attorney- at Law,
Oi’7 r i
W H IM lL ,
Physician & Surgeon,
O-enerai Merchandise.
The £ Nugget,
Gainesville Receives $250.00 Doyle A. Moore, $ 1.00'; W W
E rom Dahlonega.
Crisson, $1.00; Maria H a y g o o d ’
col., 50c; H a r ry Thomas, 25cRealizing the needy condition of
cash, 40c. Grand total, $250.00.*
the cydo'ne stricken people „ f
I he above amount $25.00 by
Gainesville the citizens o f Dahion-iCoJ. Charters, $5 00 hv T) M
E n tered a t th e D a h lo n e g a , G a . P . O
a s S e c o n d C la s s M a tte r.
Official Organ o f both City ant
‘ '-ade in.fhis territory
o o d a 7 St T oba cco factory!
right n -in Add perm ai!ent position to
” , ... . an< Address with references
I. !
O . * . V lr jln i,.
s ,.i2zlCi ( s a ;
< *• b . y e sen , ,h e m $2SOJJ0.
In addition to (be $183.50 sub- ! 25 by Will Griffin
The legislature meets June 24th.
S L * * * •**«
meeting (list to be found
^ The total number of deaths at
l o p e k a , Kans., caused from the
flood, has reached 71.
Wallace E lki n, Brunswick, Ga.
at Columbus, 0 ., witf be decorated with Southern flowers.Nine persons were killed in
railroad collision near Stillwell,
Kans. last week and 28 injured.
A t Knoxville,'T enn., last week,
Jim Green killed Jim Harris in a
dispute which arose about one
G. A. College
Money and packages o f supplies
lo the Gainesville sufferers ai’e be, It has been known for sortie
ing carried free by
the Southern time past that at least two vacanExpress Co.
cies would have to be filled in the
A negro charged with criminal college facility.
-------------- Stewassault
was lynched* the other art having
O accepted
em ploym__
flight at Greenville, Miss.,, by two in the State University, and Prof
hundred citizens.
Ansted, of the Business Depart—
ment, resigned: ko srocepi a situation m Toronto, Canada.
Numerous applications have been received by the Board o f Trustees to
fill these two vacancies. F o r PresTwo thousand dollars worth of ident of the faculty, applications
were received by the have come from nearly every state
cyclone sufferers at Gainesville in the union.
The Prudential
last week from Baltimore.
committee has been engaged for
Mass Mary Stevens, o f Hall weeks in reading, and considering
county, died* this week shortly these various applications.
after eating Bread, into the dough applicants, or the greater part- of
o f which a spider had' been kneed- them, were distinguished educaed,tors, and in their several spheres
----------|were competent college professors.
,t a negro danee near A m ericas W h at the committee desired was
fl c other „ i s ht Geo. Johnson kill- to lint], if poasiMo. . man who
eil the mnstei- o f ceremonies be- posse«aed not on ly the miaiifieaGeorgia has been allotted a little
over $27,000 as her share o f the
■$2,000,000 appropriated by con gress for the malitia.
se ll0 °
Strange Freaks of the GainesMcGee. $1.00; Mrs. L . McCln-ng
ville Cyclone.
r o m e ag l e
IJ » W ic
M a i* -,
j T U E S D A Y , JUNE 16TH, 1903,
One boy jumped from the fifth
AT 10, A. At. SHARP.
floor o f the mill to escape death.
A m ong other articles offered for sale
He was caught by the wind, low w ill
be in clu d e d :
H andsom e parlor
ernl slowly to the ground and ran couch, chairs, rockers, portiers artsquare
away without a scratch.
suites for bed-room , furniture, kitchen
thc^a t t ^e
strychnine. Mrs. Tanner has been University o f Georgia will be re- room on the top floor o f
The mi’ll, jumped as soonn as the front
leaitested and is now guarded at quested to select Dr. Avis.
the Arlington.
last named Board efects the Presi- wall fell. She was earned several
I will continue selling
hundred feet by the force o f the
dent ot' the N. G. A. College.
week a
clou Id
j wind and depositeil gently
Swept away three o f the Pacolet
West the tracks of the Southern road, i
cotton mills at Spartenburg, S. C., Virginia, a graduate o f
uninjered in the least.
causing much loss of life and Point, and on whom the UniversiA little boy at the Gainesville
ty of West \ irginia, after being
property and great distress. Dead
Cotton Mill was blown out o f a
7>7; people homeless 15,000; oper- one of its professors for several fifth-story window and blown b a c k I still have a lot of
ators thrown out o f employment, years, conferred the Degree o f Ph. into the mill through an open win*,
D, He was retired from the U.
12,000; mill
losses, $3,180,000;
< > K
now o f (he third story, unhurt.
S. A rm y on account o f stiffness in
damage to farms and others,
The school house was blown to!
his his left knee, which incapaci$500,000; damage to faifroads,
tated him from performing long pieces, but the floor was left in--!
bridges, etc., $100,000.
tact and every desk was left stand- j
marches on foot.
Mrs. Avis is a
damage to property, $4,130,000.
Georgia lady, and related to many ing except one which was toppled |that - will sell at and below first
I lie suflerers are being aided.
7 ''! cosfc- 1 have just opened uo a
i of our best families.
Prof. Avis
More than $300 was raised in the!
One among the saddest deaths j beautiful line o f Lawns, Dimities
j is expected to aid in bringing up
churches at Gainesville fo r then
|the Iat hem a tica 1 and Engineering department where it will be
1 lie citizens o f Gainesville have unexcelled by any college in the across the street to a neighbor’s, f " fc be ,)Gafc for bea>‘ ty and pr
^ stock is complete, and prices j
gone to work cleaning away the South. Being a typical Southern Both she and the boy were i n - ' My
srantly killed, while her own home to please any one, ail I ask is your
debris o f
the recent cyclone mountaineer, he will soon be
...... — ............., « « ,VI1JL 5»uit oe at
„„j .
and oui.tlmg up again.
Every home with the people o f North remained untouched. The double inspection and I will
G rood s!
A_r© JL nyited.
to C all a n d E x a in in © ( >l L1.
Cheapest and Prettiest in
1 >aJiloiiej>a.
[Our stock consists o f everything usually kept in a store and w e*
►will make it to your interest to trade with us.
Give us a t r i a l . !
l - x . M>. G I J R L B Y .
-D E A L E R , IN-
Fresh leafs,
I m S im m o 11 s B u ' Iclii i o*.
C o r
funeral accurred at Alta Vista I to please you in quality
w u t v 8 'e s
(u a m w iH l,
!Land price.
cemetery luesday
^ r
Sahl t0 bG| The B ^ in e s s department o f the j
Chestnut Street Baptist church i
' *1JWJ U .....L
.Thanking you f o r past favors, i i
Methodist i,
, ^
- ,
.i b t u p o i t .
1 he dead now nnm ! Plattsb-iro- \T %• „-i,
/ j L UH
negro churches!i trust t0 merrit your patronage in
house were the future.
“ • I “ te » ' ‘ *•%«. 'h onors' o t ' c S “l n | wrecked.
* * " * m '1 " * « ' '
■irelivimr in' t" /
^ ho .hoin c,ess|111 v e r it y , and m addit-ion to his
leave Georgia, and the entire state.
Sausage, Efc.
H A T 1
i h e
A S a M
A B .
L e sim ig to make som e important clinn1!!
B>3’ b u s i n e s s I w i l l s e l l
all k in d s
o f
Yours for Business, 11
^ovem m cnt.
u ’U‘8b
|labors in the Business department
Also several will teach Frencli'and German
th o u sa n d r a tio n s , a c c o r d in g to the I All the remaining members o f
T a te ,
w h o , th e
fa e u lt v
w e re
The p r o j e c t s
; w ere ne\'er bf’ tte r .
i h e pastors o f GainesyHle issued j
an appeal in behaM o f the cyclone j
sufferers last week, stating that!
four churches, one white and three!
colored, were totally destroyed, I
many homes and one seho.sf house. ■
[Large Stock ol Dress Roods!
Lowest Prises.
r e q u e s t o f H o n . F . C.
F fH Y S IIB N IY C e g E
G eorgia, Lum pkin County.
Stfve hi» pcisoual check for
in' addition
I t ,“r lhi";c[Mining Lands
liOt, K o. 147, in 15th district
W ill be sold b efore the cou rt house ! veins nnfno 1
co u n tv . T w o
$1.00; E. W. Walker, $1.00; J. E. door o f the cou n ty o f Lum pkin 011 the :
“ 8 1Rche« 10 two
1tinning $9.00 per ton mill
Blackburn, $1.50; S. L. Fratorj 1st Tuesday in Ju ly, n «x t, w ithin :
the legal hours o f sale to the hic-hest :
llS™ lm Hirough the entire
$1.00; J. B. Brown, $1.00; LaFay- bidder fo r cash the fo llow in g property ^u ' a^‘ e s - I b is property also c o n One peculiar thing was noticed
to -w it :
^ lam s y e iy valuable placer diggitis.
at New Holland.
A chicken lay ette Carter, 25c; John Austin, col.,
Lots o f land, numbers (878) eight Water in abundance fo r all necessary
. , , and
and (870)
Well timbered
- 50,, and (879)
, -: . ---------------------<iead almost Without a bruise, ev- $1.00; William Riley,, col., SI-00; hundred
eight hundred and. sev en ty -n in e, i n .
r!n o f CO acres in cultivation
feather stripped from its
the 11th district and first section o f i -“ He's clear and-perfect.
boy, 5c; J. F. Griffin, $1.00; Mrs Lumpkin coiin y. Georgia. Levied on I Address tor particulars and prices,
b®d.y; within 2tt steps lay anotl
Wilt, wi.yu,
$ 1.00 ; itus.
Mrs. wier
w i c r lioyd
B o y ' |-fs Hie property of William M. Stover, ! ~\XT
74 ,r
er, with hardly a feathei ,..,* ,1 iI ;J.- -B...........,
; Mrs. M, H. Stanton
0 0 -1
i UC,rin t-to sat,sfy a fi' fa* isssue(1
-^ ^ L C j^ L f© ©
At Col. Sloan’s whoso house *^i.00
v vi P . i,
’ ri ^
® Justice court of the 1252nd, j
R E A L E S l'A T K
ouse J. M. Brooksher, $1.00; B. F. A n - G M._, in favor o f W arren Ilin d rix
was blown entirely awav, not a
L ev y
derson, $ 1.00; Henly Wimpy." $ 1.. vs. said W illiam M. Stover.
D a u x ^o n e g a , ( t A.
j shingle or lath remaining in place,
made and returned to me by W . M .
00; Miss Amanda Cain, $1.00; J. G erren, L . C.
in one corner at the rear stood a
■I. M-. Davis, Sheriff.
C. Barnes, $1.00; T. E . Casey’
wash tub- with fust enough floorMakes Kidneys and Bladder Eiaht
50c; Miss Josie Clark, $1.00; H.
ing underneath to hold it up.
L. Coffey, 25c; Dr. M. N. Stow."
Several men at the Southern
$1.00; T . M. Brady, 25c; Harrold
depot sought shelter in freight
Brady, 25c; Boyd Gurley, 50c;
cars. The cars were lifted from
the ground and overturned, but
the inmates escaped unharmed.
A negro woman received a lick
P R O !'. ..INSTEAD w ill dispose o f his j
on the head by a flying timber household furniture at PU B LIC ALTC- 1
and both eyes knocked entirely W O N , in the old .7. F. Macro Store- I
to tions o f a teacher, h „ t m e ,vl„
could meet the special demand's
A t Brooksher, Texas, a mob o f o f the college, and make the most
50 men. alleged to be prohibi- out o f its environments.
Tw o small negro children were furniture and fine “ Iron K in g ” stove
tionists, entered two saloons located
the state is requiring more of
baby carriage, “ W heeler & W ilson ”
there ancT= destroyed both liquor the college than it has ever before. blown fifty yards and very sli-ht- sew uig m achine, hat-rack, &c., &c.
and’ fu-rnitnre with pistol balls.
The U, S. Government is going to
> <
r r
A 10 year-old boy yas seen high
I he North Georgia Citizen, pub- rehabilitate its M ilitary departm the air astride a plank.
lished at L^altori, is one o f the best ment, and that officer selected to
weeklies in Georgia, always bright have the oversight o f the entire
came down with an ankle sprained.
, and newsy, containing interesting work ought to be a man o f more
W ill B-lacksher was in the car
than ordinary capacity, experieditorials on important matters.
shed o f the Electric Company, w„
en ce and executive ability.
The head of the boy whose
blown away 40 yeards-, but escapThese qualifications tfi'e c o m ed death. He was painfully inlife was lost at the Gainesville
mittee belieye that they have jured.
mill during the cyclone, vfas- found
found in Prof. E. S. Avis, Ph. D.,
a few days afterwards at New
Straws and shingles were found
now located at Newark, Delaware,
Holland, a distance o f two miles.
buried in the bodies o f trees.
and have recommended him to thechicken was- found driven half
otatc chemists have analyzed Board of Trustee's for the- position
way through a tree.
recommenda. W ylie Tanner’s stomach, who reH aving made satisfactory ar>
Little Ol'lie Cody, a twelve-yearcently died in Hall county, and tion the local' Board has ratified,
business i
&ay that death
was caused by and tlite BoaYd o f Trustees o f the old gill, employed 111 the spinning ; rangements to continue 1
- '^ V
$ 1 0 0 'If V
and $2.00 cash, was sent direct co section. In the g old belt o f 'Lumpkin
cou n t}’ , corners in p i „ s t „ t e e river.
Gainesville by the aboye named
Address W. -K. -Sharpe, '
They have
Meridian Miss. that a note of the same be made in
the Dahlonega
list. xiioi;
Also qpd.W
o f ;I
U ()1
confederate graves
» y is forced to work else
k l-00; H . F. Anderson,
$1,00: persons
lersons to receive it »as» above
nlmvo statotoi ;
J? _
Eldridge Asbury, 50c; .J, S. Stewed. Making a total o f $44.25 al- |
art, $8.00; Garner Huff, 9 years ready sent.
!I I have
.. following gold n,iiiin<>old, 25c; J. N. Rogers, $1.00; Mrs.
The follow in g ladies each gave ! propennes for sale in
J. E. Blackburn, $1.00; J. C. Brita quilt: Mrs. A. N. Asbury, Mrs. j
C o u n t y , CJa.
tain, $1.00; Mrs. M. K. Williams,
acres’ 5 mi,®s srfuth-wesfc of
$1.00; E . O. M a'ks, 50c; J, W . H. I<. Anderson and Miss Bessie i n
Boyd, $1.75; Jack Strickland, col. Asbury. These quilts have been ! P a S r i V - o l d S I S J
open n dUP
a> check
the :Aec*
to §9.00
50c; M. G. Head, $2VO0; G
Mcs f ....... '
amount o f money
I f
Guire, $3.00; G. D. Bruce, $2,00G. H. McGuire, $1.00; Geo. w ’ also mailed to the proper party in : proposition has a chartered' water
Gainesville by last Saturday’ s noon I
through the entire
Walker, Jr., $1.00; W . E. R ic k - mail
P>opeity with water power enough in
etts, 50c; John Huff, $1.00;. Mrs.
T ff 1
r rlf 11 necessary
m achinerv
F. K . Harris, 50c; W . J. W orley,’
W S filte
'o i a i i t T
R a
$1.00; F. G. Jones, $1.00; J. E
The Pacolet mills at New H o lland commenced running again
filter part o f last week.
To day the
.. ..
on first
page) §00.50, the amount maks
mg $250, has been gotten up since
by the committee, together with
several quil
forwarded by
Sat Ht’day s noon mail, as foil
7 ~ -J ots:
1 1of. Sharp has been re-elected
president of the Y o u n g Harris
6 0
.................. I I
H ® a
f i o e a l
S e w
The letter o f Mr. Jim
will appear next week.
* .
Martin Beck killed a big rattler
last Sunday.
Blackberries,' the printers favor
c io p , will soon be in.
w “ ,ker 10,1 ,or EIH
■was badly butt.
1 1 opines of Another
The Preacher at the Table.
A m i
b riooin o chicken, t „ 11, I " t “ “ T ’ V° ' “ IM ° f “ » « . ] - !
Recently Arthur Singleton, col.,
The students have about all left •own are r e q u e s t e d ~ n o t ^ o bring I "
" t *
» ’* " » « * ■ I tiie com m en cem en t opened Satur- being aware that the preacher o f
Postmaster Tale leaves for T e n ^i
. ..
’h ,
^ Gail lard, Jr., came up 1day night with the “ B” declam ations
out for their respective homes.
in the shells,
nessee today,
color would visit this place in
l this week from Gainesville and and after a lively contest Miss Mary
The students played their last
Mr. G. H. McGuire, after an spent several days with his parents H uff won first m edal and Mr. A. B. a few days, he put up two guineas
15 big crowd of Gypsies are stagame o f baseball here last Saturn absence o f three weeks from the here.
W ood o f G ainesville, Ga., won seeond. to ratten so he could prepare a
lioned'nt the Mahew place.
Sunday m orning Dr. M orris deliver- table for him in good style.
city, has returned.
Mis. Strickland has been very
P rof. J. S. Stewart will leave ed a m asterly sermon. His them e was
The time arrived and the exMat land
R om
sick but is improving.
Some communications have been | Mr..............
— «o«f m
i e ae [ and
i ( i aMr
r . i ^forr me
the state
State University
University eon,
com a strong p roof and argum ent fo r !j pounder o f the gospel came, who
crowded out both last and tlrs i berry o f Lagrange, both o f whom meneement at Athens Saturdav Christianity, and it was eloquen tly
New subscribers arc still being
into Arthurs about meal
weck|have sons at college hero, have His *....
M n u t a ym. handled. On Sunday night he again
will likely remain
received. Thanks, to all.
time, where a table laden with
preached an eloquent sermon.
Mr. Joe Ricketts was fined one beeD In (),,r ci,y tWs week.
Dahlonega fo r a month.
-On M onday m orning the first men , many good things awaited him.
Ansted is expected to and cost for slapping- his
Dr. Head went out Monday
speakers were well trained and the I When the preacher placed his feet
M onday night after the
leave for London June 17th.
enHer- contest was close, but Mr. Wier Gai’
brother Sunday.
; to assist in performing a surgical
j tinder the table he was full o f joy,
tainment was over at the college, j 1:lr(1 won first prize and Mr. Wilcox
Price Charters and some others
Wanted right away—some chest j 0|' eratlPn 011 Mr. John Gamlin,
an hour or so was spent dancinw Isecond- ,fl»e music on these occasions j the many full dishes causing his
are quite bad off with mumps.
j nut telephone posts.
See B. R. I ■
18 ln a very dangerous condis at the Hatfield House by many o f I
0Xce!I«>t and added much to tin eyes to glisten like uew silver dolcause
JMeaders <fe Sous.
v>[ j ^lon'
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kerr
those who participate
in such
On M onday afternoon the sham batGainesville, visited relatives here
“ l o u got a fortune when you
Choctaw Davis, after remain- (in
this week.
married sister Singleton,”
reing m Alabama three weeks r e - ! i - V u
vveek among the
Prof. Colvin informed us yes |band played “ D ix ie ,” when the charg- marked the good man, at the same
i » « » , tho low, the rich and the
ing lines rushed to a w antoned victory
Mr. Coffey is no longer in the turned last Saturday
terday that the next day after the
. 0 n M onday night Mr. Crusselle d e- time asking fo r the big dish con postoffice. He is engaged at the
<>n= * , last week
cyclone in Gainesville he found a lighted the audience with his m asterly taining tho guinea.
Signal office.
ten dollar bill sticking to the splin alum ni address. A fter this, the o fs t a c k , . Mr. John Moore’s gar- | the C a b o o s e and 0 , 1 ™ , ° bed
‘ ’The L o rd will bless those that
I ,
5 j Renew you r subscription when dtn, killing many bean vines,
ters o f a broken off tree, which he ficers and guests en joyed a banquet in feed his disciples,” said the hungry
I the dinning hall at the g irl’ s dorm iyour time expires to the N u g g e t
turned over to the committee.
man. Again asking fo r the bioThe mumps i „ Dahlonega h a v e t b e
™ “t h ' c V , ^
j t01J - A11 of which was a grand success.
if you wish it continued.
opt a good many people away route would not leave until * 8 1 A f t e r the c o m m e n c e m e n t c lo s e d 1■
o f the livoIiesfc alum nal m eetI ho students saved up enough f . 0,,1 the commencement this week, j o ’clock, but by a special pet,nit 1, ' l« s . n ig h t so m e o f „ 10
“ Sister Singleton is such a good
j S S " ™
blank cartridges Monday to have a
cup o f ooffco
ice an d y o u n g m en w e n t seren ad e |m „ Tuesday, „
w i,loh
The board has decided to add IIs al,owec’ to g o as soon as the
I please.”
“ sham” battle nearly all night,
the 7th grade to the public school |1>ortei' Spring mail arrives, not m g .
A h e ir s o n g s w e re b e a u tifu l I new feature o f the organization was I
“ You have such a beautiful place
Henry Parks of Dawson county, at Dahlonega again. G o a l move. later than 8 o'clock.
but tb e e n d in g o f th e ir s c h o o l da ys I set 0,1 fo o to f raising and main-|
Pass me the cake.”
an d e a r ly s e p a r a tio n ca u se d sa il- I tainillS a scholarship fund o f ,$150.00 a here.
was bound over by Com. Baker
Hon. George Bell o f Swains . \[ Mr. John Hester, father o f the n ess.
! year lo r educating and developing
“ May God bless you
last week "for blockading.
boro, has been spending this week triplets in this county requests us
som e needy, w orthy, helpless in telli- About a half cup o f coffee please.”
WiJI W ard, being too full of |m Dahlonega, together wit h his j to rctlU D
A f t e r a k in g illn e s s o f c o m u m n - ! f e,lt girl or boy to obtahl a fu ll colthanks to the people
It went on this way fo r about a
over joyful, gave a yell Monday
|o f Dahlonega fo r their goodness i tion Mrs. J. H. Hutchins breathed
E ve ry time tho
-Sixty-two dollars was subscribed in half an hour.
and was locked up. One and cost.
her last here yesterday at 4:30
Miss Kern Parks, daugher
the room on the spot. Later a canvass preacher said anything about the
t0 ihc
espeentire organization vill be made Lord or Author and his wife he
W a x t e d .— Seyeral young men Chief of Police Parks o f Gaines « ‘ i k l(J Jf™ - , te’ Mrs* L i,tl°- who leaves a host o f friends and |of
i many relatives to mourn her loss, for this purpose.
to learn boiler making
Address, ville, has beeu visiting relatives! K< 'm'' 1 iS‘
would either pass his cup or ask
Mr. W. T: Townsend won first prize
j Her remains wore carried to “JefK. i ). C ile M’ n’f ’g Co., Newnan, here this week.
for the big dish or a slice o f cake.
j The cases o f the United States
and Mr. Byers second, in the SophoGa.
ferson, Ga., for interment.
And when that man started to pull
more declam ation contest.
On account of the rains and bad |^
Arveta Sullins and Warren
I he Legislative Committee a p - L
A iien d ale g ot the prize fo r the his feet from under the table and
Mr. R. M. Cox, a former clerk condition of the roads last week i llilln's> of this county, charged
inJ,n *frSet p m ictize.
Miss get up be made two efforts and
o f the Superior court o f White neither daily mail could arrive with conspiracy, recently tided pointed to visit the c o l l e g e ’ has I
several grunts,
looking like a
county, paid our office a pleasant here on schedule time.
in Atlanta, resulted in a mistrial,
d o w n with a suit on, packed with
visit Monday.
and the bond o f each has been f i x - Hon. Geo. Bell, former editor o f medal.
The Normal Course of the N.
Mr. \\. F. Crusselle, o f the At- G. A . College here chosed its iu- ed at §300, which has not been g i v - the Wiregrass Blade and author ; Tll(i champion debate was a very
I f Booker Washington doesn’ t
en yet.
o f the kissing bill, which failed to j lively bu t interesting occasion. Both,
anta Constitution, took in the j teresting session Saturday with a
become a law, to the delight o f all sides worked with vim and energy for favor social equality why does he
commencement this week, togeth- j lectllI'e from Prof. Rogers
the decision, but it was won by the Phi force
Bishop Anderson, J . L . Parks
him self into hote.’ s o f
you n g people and many older ones, Mu Society.
The general sentim ent
er with his wife and daughter?
Mr. and Mrs. A. p . Bell of and Walter Anderson, of Dawson
the town was turned over to them was that the debate was one o f the whites where white chambermaids
were up before Com.
EnProf. Oscar Palmour, a former I Waynesboio, are on a visit to rel- county,
and they had things their own way, most interesting features o f the co m - have to make up his bed?
quires the Marietta Journal.
teacher in the N. G. A . College, atives
Mr. and Mrs. J. F . Baker last Thursday charged with and if they didn't enjoy themselves m encem ent.
blockading. Bishop had two cases
was in Dahlonega this week, mix Castleberry, this week.
W ednesday m orning the Juniors disit is their own fault. They were
Auraria Items.
against him and was bound over
ing and mingling with his many
played marked ability in the orations
all pleased with the institution.
Prof. Colvin, a former teacher
which they had prepared for the occa friends.
in one. Parks was aequited and
<>f the N G. A. College, but now
sion. Mr. J. B . Gortatow sky won the
which will be taught
Past Sunday, in this county, Mr. pnncipal o f the Cornelia High Walter Anderson was required to i
m edal. A lso the G urley essay m edal. by Mr. J. F. Broach, will com make a bond fo r his appearance I entertainment by theAlumnis tool
Joe Gooch of Union, was wedded school, attended the commence
M aj. ,T
J. O
I A fter the
mu o
liiiior orations Mai
before a higher court in Atlanta. place at tho college dormitory. ■Tillson gave a lectu re on the Chinese mence Monday, June loth.
to Miss Cora Ward, a daughter of ment here this week.
Capt. and Mrs. PI. D. Jaquish
It was a most delightful occasion,
— ....... and th eir custom s and gave new life to
Mr. Thomas Ward of Hightower
Last Friday the city council met attended by quite a number o f disthe exercises by adding this u n expect- left Sunday morning for a -few
_ Mlss Louise Morton o f Gainesdistrict, by Squire II. T. Lee.
and appropriated $50.00,
the tinguished visitors, all o f whom ed feature. M aj. Tillson spoke o f the days visit in Gainesville.
ville, the beautiful and accomplish
amount requsted fo r the Games
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Jefferson
enjoyed themselves very much, line artistic nature o f the Chinese acts
The electric
line to Dunlap ed daughter o f M 1-3 B P
M ot
< W
com pared w ith oth er people and show Shoals
of Atlanta, are spending a few
,oals will be completed in a few ton,
ton. is
out city
, . d spending
„ . l i ^ a short ,V" ' 01s“ fferers. »"•' » 1« „
to together with the rest o f our citis
in our
ed their actu al handy, work.
the zans who were on hand.
more days, then grading will be time with her friends, Mr. and levy tho amount asked for
On W ednesday night, which marked weeks with Mrs. Jefferson’s sister,
resumed again on the main line to Mrs. J. A. Whelchel.
many pleasant words spoken on the conclusion, was the Senior orations, Mrs. J. H. Summerour o f Auraria’.
the assessing committee had per- this occasion will long be remem- after w hich the President delivered
Dahlonega, so we are reliably in
Communion services were held
The posmasfer at Landrum, Ga., formed its tax work without being bered by each and every one pres- the diplom as to the graduating class.
at the Baptist church Sunday.
A fter the graduatin g exercises the
under date o f the 6th, writes us as qualified, as some objections were ent.
Rev. T. L. Robinson, the paster,
Prof. A. W. Cain, who went
soene was closed w ith a parting hym n
follows: “ Y ou r patrons here are raised to if, the committee took
preached a very interesting serfrom this county and has been
and Joe
Joe Holliwa
Holliway from the band and a hand shake of
?m ^
o c^ery aU(l
complaining at not receiving their the oath as required bv law aod '
farew ell passed through the audience, mon to a large congregation.
teaching school in Texas for two papers on Saturday.
Have for
thus another years w ork was com plete.
The body o f Lila W oody, the
years, is back on a visit.
Texas the last five or six weeks been
O f course there will be no change I ^
li‘ St FHday ni-"'ht with a sup
daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Peter
agrees with him both physically reaching here on Tuesday of the i<j the assessment. The books will i P*J ° f mountain dew fo r com
Mining Notes.
W o o d y , was interred at the Auraand linancially.
next week.
Delay somewhere.” be gone over and amounts check- 1 “ encemcnt- Saturday night asria Jr. E. cemetery last Friday.
_____ leoal sls*
o ;an,; George Walker made a raid . There is nothing new to report She was one o f the many little
Dr, Brown o f Murray county, Some postmaster on the line is ed up so as to make its work
and to
keen down
down any
on™- litigations
___ i !aftei ‘ themmdown
to keep
cl°w non
mill ln mining this week that we know children killed by the fearful torwho has a son attending school neglecting his duty and if it occurs and
|1-oafi and after a hard race caught ° f - Since the torrents o f rain of nado at Gainesville.
here, took in the commencement. again we will report tho matter to that might arise otherwise. *
H olliway, but nothing was found last ceased,
cpnoori all
d i the mines ,have
Also M i . Geo. .folks o f Hawldnss the department.
Miss Bessie Miller left Sunday
j mong our citizens who went j except some empty juaa. The boy resumed operation.
I t . is a rare morning fo r Roswell, where she
ville. It is their first visit but we
Mr. J. N. Cook, who came over
t0 Gainesville
bis uai
hat in me
the "race
~ *“
=>' weck
'vuen to j,! lost ms
race and both thing for us to have as much
hope it will not be their last.
goes to attend the Stribling— Motz
from Tennessee with Mr. Tom
? . ? A r V ntt'!Ktri0n o f the c* clone |shirt s!eeves were hanging on ram fall as occurred here last wedding,
which occurred there
Ray recently, in search o f hands
^ Mi. 1 . S. Littlefield, who . use the bushes.
Monday he ’ had a week at this season o f the year,
Among our distinguished vis
itors here this week was Judge to work on the railroad, was a r- to reside there. He went to the place j trial before Mayor Baker but as but fortunately no damage was
E. E. Hutcheson
Gober of Marietta, Ga. The Judge rested down at Jefferson last Sun- where ho had lived and the house, j none o f the witnesses soemou to done.
o f t reda, spent Saturday night
has been hero but once, we believe, I day charged with violating- a law store and everything was swept know anything about him, ho was
However, Mr. Tregent, who has with relatives at Auraria.
since lie was solicitor general, I which prohibits this, but having away. At tho time o f the tornado released and told to go, and warn- the Barlow leased, came up last
mid his numerous friends were I no transfers was released. People it was occupied by Mr. J. H . ed not to bring any " m o r e
or Saturday with a largo bottle o f j
Resolution o f Than!ks.
glad to meet him once more.
j " ’iH say the negroes ought to W h.senant, whose store and every- to Dahlonega.
rent gold to turn over to the Con- 1
be sent out of the country, yet thinp- he possessed was gone oxD a h l o n e g a , G a .,
Last Saturday was the first sun- J when a man comes after them he cept a calf and it bad its log brok- ! They all like tho N u g g e t . Mr. solidated. H e is not on ly engaged him self but lurs sub leased a
Juno C, 1908.
shinny day wo had had here fo r a is arrested.
ill Hartman in writing from
It was certainly a pitiful rW
lot o f it to several good practical _ W e, the Committee on Resoluweek. A full week's cloudy, rainy
looking silight to see Mr. W hisen- fhom aston, says: “ Enclosed find
miners, all of whom are doing tions, representing the Normal
Rev. Marion Ridley o f
weaiher up to that time caused it
’ 1 •
ant out doctoring
crippled fLOO to renew my subscription to
well, causing the old .Barlow to ! Class o f the X . G . a . College, do
to bo enjoyed very much.
The county, preached at Mt. Airy last
calf and his wife and children sit- the N u g g e t , beginning with last come to the front again.
hereby present tho follo w in g resowater courses have been high but Sunday in Union. His collections
ting about on pieces o f timber of issue. W e do not want to miss a
A letter received from a m em - lutions:
over there must have been slim
we nave heard o f no damage.
their once happy home, shedding single c o p y .” Mr. Geo. T. Daniel
ber of the Consolidated Co,, resid- ^W h e r e a s , The mstitutors have
\r ,
, ,, ,
wc l°ara that on his way back tears.
informs us to change his address
ing at Columbus, O., says: “ I given their untiring efforts for our
went 1
I US ! nU'e ’ r h° ° nCe I h° t00k th° Pictnre o f a llian aild
fo r a month to Soque, Ga., where
wn[Mo college here and lived in I his wife with his kodak at Mr.
Since last week we found out
expect to visit Dahlonega about advancement, and we, f u l l y aphe is visiting. That he “ can’ t do
'■“ c
the Waldens, fo r which ho charged the name of the student who stole
scholarship and
the 16th if nothing prevents, and pieeiating the
without the N u g g e t ,”
Mr. W
He spent three Jfifty cents. This man mu-bt l^ve
some money, referred to in last G. Candler, N. ( , ” „ ,.„„ew in„ Mi. Ainslie and Mr, Breymann ability o f this able corps o f teach\ears in Arizona but likes this been “ called to preach” "but tho
also expect to go down at that ers do
cou n try best, and is now engaged
roZ u h “ ,^ T i“ , '” bS 01be‘'
J » wtthrnu
R e s o l v e d , 1. That we, the Nors
Lord didn’t mean for him to take 'indents
here that wo publish his y o u r paper."
Mt. G K Prater of time. We had a very successful
in putting up a saw mill and cotton any pictures on Sunday.
meeting at Toledo and all o f the mal Class, both as a whole and as
gin over on Wahoo with Mr. M.
r». , i might
, ’i
^ NLt oaous t ,^ writes- “ 1 am
old officers were re elected.
W e individuals, do tender our heart-,
Mrs. Dunk Ilollifield o f
H . (li 1strap. Success to both.
V> * res expect to enstall one or two smel- felt thanks to these instructors for
county, was on a visit to a rela- away. His name is J. U. Reeves ion , to ,e „ ^
ters down there in the near fu - their untiring efforts in our beVJcltuubVlliC
. ,List Saturday~ afternoon Conn
w.v, iu tive
in Gainesville during the cy- d Alabama, t o r s o m e time cadet all tho news. Best country paper I
ture.^ Our prospects at Dahlone- half.
I . i . i o w n s e n d , had beer n,i8s- ever saw.” All this is , ' y
S d - l b a T l ' n T ” ';'
« » d >vas in it but
*. Further, R e s o l v e d , That a
his trunk,
the ceutagiug
, c„ „ n , r y edi or and ga mines were never better than
, 1, , l e a n e r , i - e s u l t - fertunalely cscaped
uninjured m g money
they are now. Some two or three co p y o f these resolutions be prelug 111 (be latter being •-.......— . l o u ................~
1- .
order to catch will strive to keep the n Z . t o
knocked j She was at Mr. John Loggins! Dormitory and
months ago we sent 1000 lbs o f ore sented to the president o f tho co l________
aluviM, down
by the former, Thnv
1 hey saw it approaching and all
out o f the B enning mine to the lege and also a co p y be given to
Some time ago Sain
sold Mr.
ian into the house and the family T " 11™ - ..... ™ . » ” <' u . hank they e!,me. Mr. C.-M Heiid Tube
Tuleride Reduction Co. at Colora- both N u g g e t and Signal fo r pubSmith a ham, which ho
said was
--- “ >• " n» j .-ot together
one corner. “ ■ r t Z
,T f
. dnllar and h ^ ' t b ^ do Springs and tney report an av- lication .
«. ch. It was not long until one say: “ A dollar enclosed fo r an< ^ 11^
y .r o v e d to
erage saving out o f the
L u c y F. N a g l e , C h r .
oe different, causing the i swept away
a- l sfent at other years subscription. Can’ t get
.. except the
t r o iib h ;
J. F. M c C k a c k i n , Sec,
Sain caller
... ant Sattciheld s, by Reeves, along without the N u g g e t
If is pounds at the rate o f $40 per ton.
We may also enstall one o f their
uiith a I!
F a n n ie R a g s d a l e ,
i and no one irfjurod.
Et hel Tu r n bu l l ,
trunk, andjUscd it more than once, this office.”
comes to plants down on our mines in a
J ■ B. H e n s o n ,
short tim e .”
al t e r
h it e
When Johnny Popped.
A s Burdette .Sees It.
G o t th e R e c i p e .
“ I may as will confess i t , ” roB ob Burdette, the famous huW hen Johniiy Burns, the grocer’ s boy, made up his mind to get morist and philosop h y . givcv She niarked the man in the mackin tosh,' according to the Chicago
married, he had been courting the following simple recip<:
same girl for three years, says the
“ M y homeless friend Wit a toe Tribune. “ I ’ m the biggest fool
Chicago Tribune. He was a big chromatic nose. . while v o n are in the United States.”
“ W h at new light have you had
hoy of 80, out had never risen j stirring up sugar in a ten cent of
.above the honest labor o f delivers j gin let me give you a fact to on it? ” asked the man who had
his feet on the table.
m g eatables at people's back doors, |wash down with it.
“ I saw an advertisement .the
Busan Allen lived at home and | Y ou may say you have longed
’‘ Send
helped her mother with the work, j fo r the free, independent life o f a other day to this effe ct:
There was no nonsense about her. \fai mer, but you have never been •fl and learn how to achieve world
J o h n n y delivered groceries there. j able to get money enough to buy a wide fam e.’
“ Well, I sent the dollar, and
The fam ily approved o f him, but; farm. But there is where you are
th ou gh t he was too slow.
His Smistaken. For some years, you this is the reply I received:
“ ‘ There are two ways:
m ost ardent advances took the j have been drinking a good improvMo matter how long you have suffered, F O L E Y ’ S K ID N E Y
“ ‘ 1. Refuse to m akeu p a room
shape o f candy.
“ -Something to j ed farm at the rate of one hundred
C U R E will help you. This we will GUARANTEE.
bite tfn,” he said.
When he co n -j square feet at a "gu lp.
If you for Booker Washington.
‘ ‘ 2. Announce through the
eluded to pop he wore his Sunday j doubt this statement figure it out
It has cured many cases of Bright’ s Disease and Diabetes that
papers that you would consider
best and tipped his chair back on j for yourself,
had b@en thought incurable, however we do not claim that it will
its hind legs. Susan sat near him j A n acre o f laud contains 48,500 yourself honored b y being permitcure
these diseases in advanced stages as no. medicine can- make
munching candy.
|square feet. Estimating for con- ted to make ftp a room for Booker
new kidneys for you, but
!‘Been out t o d a y ," he hazarded j. venience, the land at -$18.56 an Washington.
after a long silence
“ ‘ There isn’ t much to choose
acre, you will see that it brings
“ Y o u bet. I went over to see |the land to just one mil.l per square between these two methods, but
Mamie W il s o n .”
! foot. Now pour down the fiery -you are entitled to your c h o ic e .’ ”
“ W h at's she d o i n '/ ”
dose and imagine you are swallow. The Southern Presbyterian A s - j
“ Say, Johnny, she’s got a fel- ing a strawberry patch.
Call in
at . Lexington,
K y ., j
le r ,”
j five of your friends, and have
§250,000 j
“ Sho. ’ ’
|them help you gulp down that
missionary work, j
“ F a c t .”
Lgarden o f 500 square feet.
A cco rd in g to a close calculation j
There was a long silence
The j on a prolonged spree and see how
clock on table ticked desperately, i long it will take you to swallow a it cost $5,000' to get a heal him |
to see as we do, not to save his j
“ f s ’pose Mamie, thinks you’ve j pasture land sufficient to feed a
soul for a heathan knowing no bet-. !
got a feller?”
cow. Put down that glass o f gin;
ler is all right any way.
“ Well haven’ t I ? ”
there is dirt in it— 100 square feet
expensive business.
“ Say, Sue, wouldn’ t it be
of good rich dirt, worth $48.56 an I
will positively cure every case of kidney and bladder trouble if taken
joke if wo got married?”
acre. ”
The official report of the depart' ;
in time, and even in the worst
„ F
, ,,
“ I dunno.
Folks say getti
[Is @@n!d i s ! S tra ig h te n B p
ment shows that there were onlv
cases of Bright’ s Disease and
Thomas Maple, Birbeek, III.; writes: “ I had a very bad
marn'ed isn’ t any joke. ”
75 bales-of cotton ginned from the |
comcase ox kidney froubie and my back pained me so I could
“ Say, Sue. W ould you want a
------growth o f 1902 in Lumpkin conn-:
not straighten up. The doctor’ s treatment did me no good.
fort and relief.
swell, bang-up weddin’ if we got j “ I ’ m afraid I ’ ll have to. charge ly.
Saw FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE advertised and took one
Dawson 8?7,
White 418,!
bottle which cured me arid I have not been affected since.
m arried?”
j you full fare for that boy. mad- Hull 10,950.
Remember when the kid- I gladly recommend this rem edy.”
“ You bet.
1 want a regular j a n i," said the ticket agent, as he
ferea Phy&iciait^Treated Him llfhsai Success
blow o u t ."
i issued a ticket to a sharp f.eaturdestruction never ceases, so
W . L. Yancy, of Paducah, K y., writes: “ I had a severe
“ Your father will foot the bills,
Boston woman of middle age
case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in
|and held out his hand fo r tho adcommence taking F @ L E ¥ ?S southern Kentucky treated me without su c ce s * I then took
wOn’t h e ? ”
ditional fare, according to the
“ Y e s .”
KIDR3EY ©O R E at once and- FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE. The firs! bottle gave immediate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. !
i New Y o rk Tribune,
“ Then i t ’s a go. ’ ’
avoid a fatal malady.
gladly recommend this wonderful .rem edy.”
" ‘W hat f o r ? ” she asked.
GcavSuffered Twenty-Five Tsars
To Cure a Bone Felon.
“ He is more than 12'vears old. ”
Seym our W ebb, o f Moira, N . Y,_, writes: “ V had been
e rs.! H e a lt h .
-----| “ A in ’ t you Tom Sanders that
is made from a prescription of troubled
with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had
This is an inexpressibly painful j used to live in Greenwich about
a specialist in kidney diseases tried several physicians but received s o relief until I bought
a bottle of FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE. After using two
disease that attacks the fingers, j $ years a g o ? ” inquired the vo- D o c to r’ s D o s e s W e a li»
and was used for years in pri- bottles I was absolutely cured. I earnestly recom m end
ersed S to m a c h .
mit no one ever needs to suffer., man, eying him.
\rat^ practice before it was FOLEY’ S KIDNEY C U R E .”
one to complete its course.
Here j “ Yes, but w h y ?”
D r. M ile s ’ N e r v in e C u r e d
put**on the market.
TWO S I Z E S i S s s^ssf
is a sure cure. Your finger gets;
“ Used to buy your tea and sum
M e.
sore on the end and underpart hot, j gar of Widder J ones?”
throbbing and deep-seated. Its a j “ I believe I d id .”
and sweet sleep to the tired brain worn out
Dip the sore finger in a I “ I ’ m the Widder Jones, Recol- with the cares and anxieties.of the sickroom.
Read the following:
cup o f hot water as hot as you can j Sect the last lot of groceries you
“I have always been healthy with the exception of a touch of rheumatism- since my
bear— sorest point down.
Then ! had of m e ; those you promised to a^e oa*n© on, up to. the time,of my husband’s
last illness some years ago. I- assisted in
apply heat, under the cup.
Bear |pay fo r in ten clays?”
nursing my husband for nearly three months
the water as hot as possible fo r)
“ W h y, Mrs. Jones, d id n 't I — when he departed this life and the mental
strain I think caused my trouble. Aside
fifteen minutes.
Take out and i d id n ’ t I ” —
irom extreme nervousness ray trouble com__A( the N u g g e t o ffice you will
menced with sore throat and neuralgia. My
apply iodine to the sore while.)
“ Those groceries, Mr. Sanders physician gave me purgative doses which find She following- blanks:
Warranty Deeds,
Color freely and keep j a in ’ t beiki paid for yet, and this Weakened me very much aim my stomach
for a time seamed inactive. Mental strain
Mort.iragc Deeds,
. F u t u r e W e l f a r e ';
tho finger warm and repeat the j boy lacked about a month of be- . and tne dormant condition of my stomach
soon told upon my general health. I had Mortgage Notes, Mortgage Pi fas
Fi.qm p 3 0 rseli with &practical business education and yoif
whole process three or four times! ing 12 years old when you got it.
little appetite and was soon forced to stay in Chattlo Mortgages, Plain Notes
o f life: W e
a day. You are cured when tbe i Does he g o ? ”
Common Leases,
alter the time I began, taking Dr.
are placing many young men and ladies in p tviu r p ) ' ;U0., 5
soreness goes down and the finger j “ He goes, m a da m ,” said the Mi-es* Res,torarive'Nervine and Tonic I was
Miner’ s Leases,
up about the house. 1 continued their use
Criminal Warrants,
You need not dip the agent, as he gave her a half-ticket until completely .cured. My' faith in Dr.
ivlriesj Remedies hrJg been strengthened by
Peace Warrants, ’
finger deep and the iodine will cost i with a sickly smile.
experience of other people, our d aughter havior tca-cbiog or civil service, you c;in t-sko no mistake'' in
ing1used 'Restorative Nervine with splendid
---------- -—
a nickel,
pieparing at o u t school.
results-in a case of para'ysis and a friend to
Power ofAttorney,
------ — ....
| She— “ A
well known
writer WiK)m I senf a box of the Anti-Pain Pills reWitness .S d mmo a s,
t.iat she has been completely cured of
W h y G o l d Is R a r e .
|says that in order to succeed a ports
neuralgia hv their use. I know of a number
J. P. Summons,
-----|man must be 95 per cent, back- oi others whom your medicine has helped in a
Justice’s Court Fifas,
large degree. X wish you continued success.”
F or!h com in g Bonds,
M r s . P r a n c e s C o f f m a n , Dayton, Va.
W h y is gold so ra re'
H e — u j , f don’ t know,
All dru^fjp'sts sell and guarantee first botConst aisle’ s advert isenicnlp,
because it is heavy.
There are! V " <kk1 man-y who hive managed tie Dr, Mihi-s’ Remedies, i-'end for free book
Ronds for Title,
only two metals that arc h e a v i e r - j to * rn v o aro 95 Por cent- eneek.
Affidavit & Bond for Garnishment
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
namely, platinum and iridium. |— - l,Ica? o Baily News.
A <1m inisf r ator’ s Deed a
and Attachments.
'Remember that at the beginning
T o jS u ffe sw a From
Kidney and Bladder Oiseases
801! I I I iECOIilliEI I f
D r, C , H , Jo n e s
JB1a n k s
IPo r S a I e
fire you Interested In
If DKSiilli TO El|!i!l’ YOURSELF
The Lanier Business
M A C O N , GA.,
the earth was a body o f gas.
By j
gradual condensation it, became |
liquid, while now the whole o f -its j
mass save only an outer crust |*
much thinencr in proportion to!
the whole bulk than is the shell of j
an egg would be a fluid but for the ;
fact that it is held together by tremendous pressure.
Naturally ini
the course o i its formation about a j
center o f attraction the .weightier j
particles composing Coo globe!
gathered about that center.
Ac j
oordingly we find that the earth as
a whole weighs five times as much J
as water, while the rocks form ing i
the crust are only about two and a .:
half times as heavy as water.
Sealskin Church.
The Eskimos possessed tho most!
remar'sable place of worship in the
world. It
sealskin church.
Fort v sealskins were
stretched I
oyer a light
framework,i and iaij
l^is tcoi, 18 by 12 feet, services
were hold every Sunday. But the!
church came to an untimely end.,
One hard winter the Eskimos’
dogs, being half f: mished, dined
on the sealskins, and only the:
Tho Eskimos!
frame was left,
haye now erected a
p roof tabernacle.
f VJ
I I 'm
Hi i.- ; . «3 ,'i psr
y fia
ah «•
a F itf? r a
1 1 Iffm w
N i 19
Ga&x'.-its isi &i K
ii fj
Jahlonega .Portrait g o ’e i J a i k r
]£ n ib a lm e r
And Dealer m
Dahlono-ga, Ga.
vV e D e a l I n
Staple D ry Goods, Shoes, Pant
Groceries, a!! kinds Farm IfDplemen
bupplies <'t very reasonable fieur
in fact any and everything yon need.
G -r e a tly
r e d u c e d
P r ic e s
V_I. 1 1 .
G O, BKUCE, Gen Manag
C l
i H
P e o p l e '
% g
d ma
ni m
M l4
C L A R K M S V I L I .E ST .,
I I £ 1'?
; >A!IL'(Ni;:G.
i 01 Oi
l\vOij J
Ably Editt a t l>y .j oli 11 r e m p l e G a j i v e s .
u ider Mai
ment or C h a r l e s ' D a n i e l
! An al»soiutel}r r ree and independent Daily Newspaper, ciiN-v nsf t ee
I im;)ortasit news of the world, mailed direct to subscribers-cvorvwb ■rr
j at the rate of O N E C E N T A DA V.
>i Sric( i a l t y
PA P E R -
C J lo t h ia g .
ut i e offer, of N U 'W E T
O R R E M iT D I R E C T T O
j^it i-...
ThE AT; ANT,\ ; . £ W ' , A t la - .t;
\ l F. 1 Q0 RE i
V: a .
Good Advertising Medium,
Devoted to Local, Mining and General Information.
V O L , X I V — NO. 1 8.
D A H L O N E G A , G A ., T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 18.
T. J . SMITH &
Git my old knapsack, Mary and
uniform o f gray,
Git my battered helmet, Mary fo r
I ’ ll need ’ em all today.
Git my canteen an’ piy leggins;
reach me down ij\y rusty gun,
F or I ’ m going out paradin’ with
the boys o f ’ 01.
Never mind them bloodstains Mary,
never mind that ra gg ed hole,
It was left there by a bullet that
was seeking fo r my soul.
Just brush off them cobwebs, Mary,
git tbe bonnie flag of blue,
For I am goin’ out paradiu’ with
the boys of ’ 62.
These old clothes don’ t tit me Mary,
like them did when I was young,
D on ’ t you remember how neatly to
my manly form they clung?
Never mind that sleeve that’ s empty, let it dangle loose and free,
For I am goin’ out pmudin’ with
the boys of '63
Pull my sword belt tighten, SI f r y ,
fix th,".t strap beneath my chin;
I ’ ve grown old and threadbare,
Mary, like my uniform an’ thin,
But I reckon I ’ ll pass master, as I
did in days of yore,
For 1 am goin ’ out paradin’ with
the boys of ’ 64.
Shoes, Hats,''
z—™•ŽG n––‹šG v—Œ•S
ihynhpuG z{vylUH
M Gq – • Œ š
H ats,;
F urnishings,
Dry Goods, Notions, Guns, Machines, Groceries.
Clothing* a specialty.!
They will sell you clothing for cash!
at Gainesville or Atlanta prices, A |
nice line of samples and will take'J
i your order for tailor made goods.
D A H L O N E G A.
sŒ™ G z›ˆ‰“ŒS
o o r e
ment Only.
!Asad,@ irs®ii
W . B. T O W N S E N D , Editor and Proprietor
G ibson's Drawing in the cur-D E A L E R S INrent issue o f C ollier’s W eekly is a
good sermon. It is one o f the
saddest incidents that ever comes
before the p ublic eye.
The haps
py home is the crowning feature
|of America customs and institu|tions. I f the United States is to
] withstand the corruption
avarice and debauchery that has
cut down all the other great nations o f the w orld ’ s history, itself
must be by the virtue of the purity of the home. The wife js not
the uncrowned queen o f America.
She is crowned, or should be, with
a halo o f love.
T o her husband
she should be a sympathizer in
time o f mental depression, a c o m panion for his happier woods and
thoroughly congenial with every
phase being that enters into life.
To marry merely for material
betterment is a bargain o f the
basests sort. It lowers both man
and woman n ot o n ly in the eyes
o f the world, but they cannot have
any self respect. Where no con geniality between the two exists,
the children cannot grow up in an
atmosphere o f high moral culture.
N ow I ’ m ready. Mary, kiss me; To our minds,this might
kiss your old sweetheart good classed as the unpardonable sin,
for it is the acting throughout life
Brush aside the wayward tear- o f a part, living a life o f falses
drops, Lord I didn’ t think y o u ’d hood. It not} on ly condemns the
principals to njisery and self c o n I ain’ t goin’ forth to battle cheer tempt but it giyes to tjic children
up, Mary, sukes alive
in their early years a view of life
I ’ m just g oin ’ out paradin’ with that is wholly at variance with
the boys of ’65.
that which they should have.
— Ex.
Marriage for the sake o f m a te-'
rial betterment fftfees away from
From James Elliott.
the man and tho woman the higher natures with which they are enS o d d y , Tenn., June 2, 1008.
dowed for in making the vows at
E d it o r N u g g e t :
ths altar they p ub licly announce
Saturday, May BO, was Decorathat they cast aside the sacredtion Day here. So it rained them
ness o f truth and love.
out and they were dertermined to
A dvice is worse than useless
have it. But on Sunday 81— all
when it is not wanted, for then it
the secret orders— with their lodge
is more than apt to goad one to
equipments, marched on to the
desperation. Many take a false
cemetery, led by the Soddy band
and four guns in the crowd, step that they know to be wfbng
just to convince a friend “ that
which sounded very much like
Sabbath breaking.
Though the they are r ig h t.”
The jingling o f the guinea can
people o f Soddy do not regard
Sunday as much as the good m in - never help the hurt that love will
feel. I t seems to us that one o f
ister you speak o f in your columns.
Speaking in regard to the secret the few things in life which is calorganizations, the Odd Fellows culated to excite the most abject
seem to have the lead here. terror in even a brave iuan or
HB8B8a«83BiB3BffiBB^BBZ3i3gS3Sgg3E3gBBB They are about 150 strong. There woman, is to marry o » c whom he
were about 80 put through the or she does not love. It is almost
ceremony one night and it was an j universally true that in every life
all-night job.
The union
is before going down to the grave,
W h at
about 250 strong. A ll the other there comes a great love.
if this love should com e into your
orders are in good shape.
pledgN o w I would like to give a word
o f warning to the distressed lover ed to another? Jt is one o f the
that I saw his love letter in the most serious o f alt life's problems
N u g g e t some time back.
I f the and the lack o f consideration with
young lady is the daughter o f a which the present American genB r o - , P r o p r ’ s .
miner he ought not to have the eration is meeting it, is one o f the
word, “ lo ve ,” inlayed with gold on most hopeless signs o f the times.
Dry Goods,
Feed Stuff
One Dollar Fer Annum
ž•SG{•ˆšG“  ›
D e a le r in
mh t ps€
n y v j l y pl z
.A . X
I >
General Merchandise.
his heart. She might take a n otion to work it out, or his fatherin-law might get an option on him
and sell him out.
So no more this time, by saying
to the editor to be aware o f shooting irons.
J. A. E l l i o t t .
Bull Sluice.
D e a le r in
K I N D .
Ladies and Gents.
gP E O IA f/p y.
Art in
Exact Reproduction ol this Style Shoe.
What is Y o u r Aim?
Y ou n g man, what is you r aim
3rd fyfonrlavs in April and O ctoin this life?
Y o u r aim may be
high, hut the great trouble with ber. J. J. Kimsey, Judge. Cleveland, Ga. W . A . Charters, Soliciso many o f you is that you are tor General, Dahlonega, Ga.
such p oor shots.
There is much
------- o ------fo r you to aim at, but-the highest
COUNTY o f f i c e r s .
aim o f your life should be to live
John Huff, Ordinary.
such a life that you will be missed
John II. \Joore,01eik.
James M. Davis Sheriff.
when you die.
There are many
K. J. Waldon, Ta x Collector,
men to d a y who could be usefijl
; James L. I leal an, T a x Receiver.
men mentally, physically and finany . R. Ilix, County Surveyor.
cially able, but they live for self
Joseph B. Brown, Treasurer,
D. C. Stow Coroner,
and self alone, when
they die
they will pay
C IT Y G O V E R N M E N T .
m turner. Their greed for gain
R . II. Baker. Mayor.
has given them a deaf ear and a
E. S r Strickland, J.
blind eye to all that is pure and
E . McGee, F G. Jones. J. W .B o y d ,
noble. Their first consideration T . J. Smith. W. P. Price,Jr.
in all business transactions is the
Win. J. Worley, Clerk.
almighty dollar, and not the good
Jagjes V. Harbison, Marshal,
------- o^--—
they may do for the friends they
may make. Y o u n g men, if your
Baptist Church — Rev. J. R.
aim in life is to make money, mat- Gunn, Paster. Services Sunday at
ters not how it co,?ies, there will 11 and at night.
Prayer meeting
Thursday night.
be no doubt about you making it,
Sunday School at 9 o’ clock.
but when you have amassed a f o r Methodist —Services every Suntune you will doubtless find you day at 11 and at night. Rev, E. G.
have no friends, save fo r vour Marks, Pastor.
Prayer meeting
mouey. Like the gnat on the horn everyr Wednesday night,
Sunday School at 9 o’ clock.
o f the ox, the world will know
Presbyterian— Services only on
not w^hen you came or when you 1st and 3rd Sundays.
left. Have a lofty aim m this life;
D. J Blackwell, pastor,
Sunday School 9 a. m,
live to do the world some good
------- o —— and to be missed when you die. A
kind word, a gentle deed, will cost
Blue Mountain Lodge No. 38, F.
you nothing and it will live on .& A. M .; meets 1st Tuesday night
long after you have left the busy of each month.
B . H. B a ; v E R , W. Mf
scenes o f this life.— Ex.
Don’t Be a Second Class Man.
K. o f f .
Gold City Lodge No. lj.7, meets
every Monday night in their Castle
Y o u can hardly imagine a hoy 1
Hall, over Price’ s store.
saying: “ I am g o in g to bp a sec
W h a r t o n A n d e r s o n , C. C.
ond class man. I don’ t want to be
D. C. Spojv, R. R. o f S .
D, ,J, B l a c k w e l l , P.
first class and get the good jobs,
the high pay7.
Second class jobs
are good enough fo r me.” Such s*
hoy would be regarded as lacking
in good sense if not in sanity,
D a h lo n eg a , Ga.
Y o u can get to be a second class All legal business promptly attended to
man, however, by not trying to be
I bT T wo r l e ^
a first class or.e.
Thousands do —
K n ew the Pulse.
that all the time, so that second
class men are a dru g on the markOld Doc Burns had been a valAND REAL E STA T E AGENT,
et, remarks Success.
ued citizen o f a little Western
D a h lo n e g a , GaSecond class things are only
town, but had lost his prestige
wanted when first class can’t be
through an e i t came weakness for
had. You wear first class clothes if
whisky, gays the D etroit Free i
you can pay fo r them, eat first class,
butter, first class meat and first
'Dahlonega, Ga.
Pie was a first-class doctor when j
class bread, or, if you don’ t, yon
he was sober, but he was so seldom
wish you could.
Second class
in that condition that he c o u ld n ’ t !
men are no more wanted than any
be trusted with the chills.
One .
other second class com modity. W
H E N w an tin g a n ice clean
day a Rian was taken suddenly ill, j
sh ave, h air cu t o r sham poo
They are taken and used when the
and as the only other doctor in j
call ou
H en ry U n d e rw o o d
better articje is scarce or is too
First class barber shop in every
town had gone to the country to j
high priced fo r
the occasion. respect n e x t d oor to D u ck ett’ s store on
see a patient, a hurry call was J
F or work that really amounts to main street w here th ey w ill b e fo u n d
ready to w ait on you at any time
sent fo r D oc Burns.
anything first class men are wantH e arrived, drunk, as usual, but
G eorgia, L um pkin County.
’To all w hom it may coucfiru:
assuming a professional air, he |
I , W , J . B u rt, adniinistrater o f J oh n
began an examination. In trying j The Baltimore American says
P , C orn , h ave applied to tlje Ordinary
to find the patien t’ s pulse he got j that higher education for women j o f said coun ty f o f leaye to sell the
hold of his own hand, which was never will be a complete success i lands o f said deceased. A n d said ap;plication w ill com e on to be heard at
lying on the edge o f the b e d .: until it learns how to tie up diplo- |the regular term o f the Court o f O rd iThe moment his finger touched j mas with ribbons that match the j nary o f said county, to bo held on the
The company f^tat is building
the dam at Bull Sluice on the Chattahoochee below Roswell, has already expended more than $200,000, and will expend § 1,000,000
more. The dam will be complex
ted by January 1, 1905, il not before.
More than one hundred
thousand barrels o f cement will bo
required to do tho work.
dam w i l l b e f o r t y f e e t h i g h , and
when c o m p l e t e d w i ll back water
to Roswell bridge, a distance o f
three miles. About three hundred
m e n are n o w at work o n t h e dam. the pulse he exclaimed :
— Alpharetta Free Press.
“ W h y, the m an ’ s d r u n k ! ”
E. 11, BAKER,
A ttorn ey at Law,
A ttorney at Law,
“ Br. i r T WHELCHi,
Physician &Surgeon,
com plexions
j piculs.
ce c i- i
1st "Monday iu Ju ly, next.
W . J. B u r t . A d m ’ r.
o f the Estate o f Joh n P . C o m , d ec.
Th e J N
Speaks Complimentary of The
Our new list o f subscribers for
June have commenced to show up
N ugget and Dahlonega.
Jim Dumps found M rs. Dumps
About an unexpected guest.
“ T h ere’s nothing in the house
to e a t ! ”
“ T h ere’s something better far
than m eat.”
Th e guest endorsed Jim’ s view
with vim
W h en helped to “ F o r c e ” by
“ Sunny Jim .”
E n te r e d at, th e D a h lo n e g a , G a . P . O
a s S e c o n d C la ss M a tte r.
Official Organ o f both City and
Oil the 10th snow fell in nearly
all parts of Colorada.
The Spartanburg cotton mills
recently destroyed by water, will
Be built at once.
During the cyclone in Gainesville a Bible belonging to Mr. W .
B. Sloan was blown fully a mile.
Mrs. Tanner was last Saturday
bound over to the Superior court
o f Hall county charged with poisoning her husband recently.
from the cloud burst received
81*,000 for relief by different cits
ies, being enough, says the mayor.
ready for
any emergency.
Sam Broadax, a Hancock county
lad who was serving out a sentence o f eight years for poisoning
a little five-year-old girl, has been
Farmers a rt EatlnA" Force."
“ Thanks fo r ‘ Force..’ I eat it three
times a day. Folks call m e “-Sunny Jim .’
T ook som e to the country with m e on a
visit and the farm ers out there are
eating ‘ F o r c e ’ now.
“ W il
Ro t f .”
hŠ’•–ž“Œ‹ŽŒ”Œ•›G™–”G nˆ•Œš““ŒS
To W , P . P r
ic e
J r ., D a i i l
o n e g a
G a in
, Ga :
Enclosed please find check for
$ 1.00, subscription to the N u g g e t .
I am taking several weekly papers
in addition to the great daily— At
lanta Journal, but the N u g g e t has
more nev^s to the size than any
weekly I read. Therefore I can’ t
afford to stop it.
W ishing you
success, I am
Y ou rs respectfully,
J. C a r t e r .
I am sure Dahlonega did her
part well in her very liberal donation to the Gainesville sufferers. 1
have been goin g there 27 years
last May. It was always one of
my favorite towns. A ccordin g to
size it has the best set o f merchants
I have ever sold goods to and many
o f the cleverest people in the state.
Excuse me for taking up so much
o f you r time, but I have to say
this much.
The Eeadj-to-Sery* C .r «l
Last Sunday it is reported that
between 850 and 500 lives were
lost in a cloud burst at Hepner,
A business man o f Gainesville
in writing under date o f the 12th
inst., says:
e s v il l e
, G a .,
June 5, 1908.
Card From
It seems from Mr. R idley’s letter that our informant last week
was mistaken, as will be seen from
the following, which we publish
with pleasure:
Ed. Nug g et :
In reply to an
item in las: week’s N u g g e t , I wish
to say that I was not at Mt. A iry
on the first Sunday in June. Neither do I live in Lumpkin county, or
take pictures on Sunday at 50 cts.
There are many readers o f your
paper that know this item to be
false and all the congregation at
Mt. A iry know that I was not
t here.
The colored people o f GainesL i k c N io b o of old, Gainesville, Georgia's Queen Ciiy, sits weepville, just after the storm appealed
to Booker Washington but at last ing foi her children. Clou.Is o f sorrow, scenes o f desolation, hearts
accounts his deaf ear was turned buidcneU with grief, are everywhere about us. As though sorrowful
toward them. H e is to busy lec-f for the destruction they have wrought, the elements seem to weep
with us. Scarcely a ray of sunshine has pierced the leaden skies
since that fateful Monday, June 1, and onr beautiful city is constantly
It is stated that light articles and dienched with tears from the skies.” Out of the clouds o f gloom
fragments o f debris and sadness with which we are surrounded, however, a voice has
blown high in the air from Gaines- come, bidding us be o f good cheer.
Georgia’s great heart has ress
ville during the terrible storm, ponded nobly to onr call for aid and from city and hamlet letters of
were found about Hiwassee, in sympathy, bearing evidence of the brotherhood o f man, in the shape
Y o u r informant only wished to
Towns c o n t y a distance o f 8© or o f checks and drafts have come to feed the hungry, relieve the su fslander me as a minister. Not be40 miles.
fering and bury the dead. To every one who has contributed of moncause they respected the Sabbath
William Morton, a negro porter
day as much as they would a good
o f Sanders & Co., by » clever ma- Gainesville return her heartfelt thanks and prays G od’s richest" bless- drink o f corn whiskey, or they
nipulation of two checks, robbed ing upon the giver thereof.
would have gave their name in the
T o C i t i z e n s o k D a h l o n e g a , w e h e r e b y a c k n o w l e d g e th e r e the Atlanta National bank of $617.item.
Ma r io n Rid l e y ,
79 last Saturday.
Poor negro, c e i p t o f $205.75.
A rg o, Ga.
Great is Dahlonega. No community in Georgia has done better.
the ai®ount is not large enough
fo r hirrrto be put on the ‘ ‘ easy list.” Taking nil into consideration, J doubt if any has done so well.
A negro boy living at Fort VaK
GainesrsMe will always love you.
ley, Ga., died in Cobb county jail
Millard Lee has been respited
Gratefully Yours,
the other day from fright it is
again, making the Oth time.
Z. T. C A S T L E B E R R Y ,
supposed— becsusc he was charghas been declared sane by two
Treasurer Relief Fund.
ed with muider. This was the easjuries and found guilty of murder
N o t e b y T h e E d i t o r . — $-14.25 w e r e g i v e n b y c i t i z e n s o f D a l i l o n iest and quickest way out of it.
by another, and yet he is given
e g a b e f o r e , m a k i n g a t o t a l o f $250.00 s u b s c r i b e d b y o u r c i t y .
Bsore time. Mu?ch o f the criminal
The flood sufferers of Kansas
law had fust about as well be reIn Kansas 20,000 people are
City are calling fo r aid.
homeless on account o f the recent
Some one stole a watch from a
Chinaman in Macon last week. are on a strike in Chicago.
The amount o f money in the
Mining Lands
A t seyeral places in this county
yesterday corn was damaged by
T h e n e x t general exam ination o f
applicants for license to teach in the
P u blic Schools o f the state o f Georgia
will be held on June 27th, 1903.
A ll
w ho ex p ect to stand said exam ination
in Lum pkin county w ill m eet m e in
D ahlonega on the above named date.
J. J . S e a i '.o l t , O . S . C.
G eorgia, Lum pkin County.
AVill be sold before the cou rt house
door o f the coun ty o f Lum pkin on the
1st Tuesday
in July, n ext, w ithin
the legal hours o f sale to the highest
b idder fo r cash the fo llo w in g property
t o -w it :
L ots o f land, num bers (878) eight
hundred and seven ty -eiglit, and (879)
eight hundred and se y en ty -n in e, in
the 11th district and first section o f
L um pkin coun ty, Georgia. L ev ied on
as the property o f W illiam M . Stover,
by virtue and to satisfy a fi. fa. isssued
from the Justice court o f the 1252nd,
G M ., in favor o f W arren H en d rix
vs. said W illiam M . Stover.
L ev y
made an d returned to m e by W . M .
G erren, L . C.
J. M . D a v i s , gh eriff.
Editor Campbell o f the Som erset (K y.) Journal gives the recipe
for killing a town: “ Oppose improvements.
Trade somewhere
else. A sk two prices fo r your
Don't subscribe for
your home paper, but borrow it.
Criticise everything you are not
interested in.”
Last Monday one million acres
fn California were thrown open
fo r settlement by the United
land office
at Washington City. The strip stretches
from Mojane on the west to Colorado river on the eaatT and may
be, taken up either by t&e desert
Hated act or as homestead in 40 and
MO tscre lots.
T l J . Norrell,
Bessemer Savings Bank in Ala-,
bama, has left out after stealing
$280,000 of o f the people’s money.
I f caught we do not know what
they will do with him out there,
but if it was in Georgia he would
have a fat thing being giyen a little
recreation and rest in the penitentiary, eating Uncle Sam’s grub.
Tom Brown who was hurt by
being thrown from a hand car on
electric line
months ago, died at the Piedmont
hotel early
Monday morning.
Since receiving his injuries he- has
been in a critical condition and
his death created no surprise. His
remains were interred at Sardis
yesterday, —Gainesville
News. '
- The Georgia Bar Association state treasury up to May 1st, was
meets at Tallulah Falls July 2nd. $377,624.14.
o f
A. S. Tcnnelle near MilledgeEdward M cIntyre, a hotel keeper in Pennsylvania, after fasting ville raised six bushels of Irish p o forty days died on Tuesday of last tatoes from a peck.
week. He was trying to cure a
Things arc in a bad shape at
severe attack of paralysis, and
Jackson, K y . Erwin testified that
------------------------f he saw Jett shoot Judge Mercum
H aving made satisfactory arW , H, Wale, a bogus coal dealer ;ind was offered bribes to say oth
of Boston, Mass., is about to be envise and the result was Sunday rangements to continue business
sentenced to the penitentiary cioht morning the torch was applied at the
years each for twenty-one offenses, to his hotel.
making 168 years.
I will continue selling
Walter Crane of Cedartown,
when his term expires he will
Ga., committed suicide last Satur- B e s t
swindle no n i c e .
G o o d s
day on a moving train by dynaMajor W. II. Gibbs, who fired
mite, blowing the rear end o f the
the first shot of the civil war from
ear entirely away.. A lot Ier leit
Johnson, on Morris Island, upon
says that his love for Mrs. AdingFort Siunter, on April 12, 186 l r
ton of Rossville, caused it.
died in Columbia S. C., June 12th.
I still have a lot of
Major Gibbes was a gunner in
Dr. W. S. Wilk inson, o f AugusCaptain George James company, ta, is taking a fast, trying to core
to whom General Beauregard sent a stomach tyowWe.
He has not
tho order to open liio upon Major eaten any f*v>d for over 50 days,
Anderson in Fort Sumter.
so he claims, yet fee feels well. He
that I will sell at and below first
should go iiitn the newspaper busiTho Southern Hosiery Associa ness and publish a weekly for the cost. I have just opened up a
tion met in Asheville, N.
benefit of all who want a paper beautiful l i n e a l Lawns, Dimities,
ytsterday to consider the question
for nothing. Such a man as the Organdies and
Appliques that
of advancing the prices, and likely
doctor could w r y well afford it.
ca n ’ t, be beat for beauty and price.
those not wishing to give any mon
Lowest Prices.
H II o
JE &
H A T «
fo r stockings w,H have to order a j Tho slo<,p ;u , won^n o f “ Thenol- My stock is complete, and prices
o please any one, all I ask is your
shortcr variety, something a bom ,c V > in Fl, mcc> is (ic;1(L J q m
the length of country ed ito rs- just 188^ shf; wag ,jmnvn ijl(()
inspection and I will guarantee
ong enough to to 1-eep their shin j. lt,plic , W p tlmioffh fear of ft vis
to please you in quality, beauty
bones from being sun burned.
I ,,
, i.,, ,,, i
. •,
I l! ot llie police, and it wass found and price.
Bro. McNelley o f the Cherokee 1impossible
Thanking you for past favors, I
Advance is now using all home Through the twenty years o f her
trust to nierrit your patronage in
I f other weekly editors sleep her pulse and respiration
would adopt this plan and leave continued normal.
Some months
oil iheir patent outsides and plate ago she began to show sitrns of |
œ ™šG – ™G iœš•ŒššS
matter, it would give employment consumption, from the effect o f !
to home prin'crs and prevent which
disease she died a few I
many from being out. of a job. days ago.
The day before her I
W e know o f papers in Georgia death she opened her eyes and |
that are all printed in Atlanta but spoke a few words, the first time |
their date lines show them to a p - she had done either since she be j
pear from some other place.
ga t her sleep.— Savannah News. 1
C^sr a ®
J. f . MILLER,
A i
I have the fo llo w in g g old m ining
properilies fo r sale in
I js t ia a p k ls a C J o s s s a ly , € x a .
100 acres, 5 miles sou th -w e st of
D ah lon ega, and a d join in g the Briar
Patch. F iye g o ld -b e a rin g veins o p e n ed up, assaying fro m $4.50 to $ 9.00
per ton. w ith ore enough in sight to
rua a ten stamp m ill 25 years.
proposition has a chartered water
ditch running through the entire
property, w ith w ater pow er enough in
com m and fo r all necessary m achinery.
W ed tim bered. In
W latte € o u iity j
500 acres, 12 miles north-east o f
D ah lon ega, in the ab ove co u n ty . T w o
veins opened up from 8 inches to tw o
fe e t w ide, running $9.00 per ton mill
test. V eins run through the entire
500 acres. T h is property also c o n tains very valuable placer diggins.
W ater in abundance fo r all necessary
m ining operations.
W ell tim bered
and a farm o f 60 acres in cu ltivation .
T itles clear and perfect.
Address for particulars and prices,
”Vvr. EC* M c A f e e ,
a h l o n e g a
, G
(Hakes Kidneys and Bladder Right
A^re Iriyited.
to G all a n d E x a m i n e O ur-
ILarge Stock of Dress Goods,!
TG jŒˆ—Œš›Gˆ•‹Gw™Œ››Œš›G•G
Let him g©> back to China and he
will likely receive enough m oaey
from this country to secure another, as much money is g o in g in
that direction f r o m people who
sympathize with the poor Chinas
very nicely.
It is as fo llo w s :
t o work retail trade in this territory
Miss Janie Cavender, Jess Adams, for an A n ti-T ru st T oba cco factory.
Good Salary and perm anent position to
Charlie Anderson, Dahlonega; T. right man. Address w ith references
A. Beck, Cane Creek, Ga; J, K, 1 L ock B ox 167, B edford City, Virginia.
Mincy, O. M. Waters, Randa, Ga.;
James Sutton, Pleasant Retreat,
L ot, Ko. 447, in loth d istrict, first
G a .;J . C. Anderson, H a lf Way,
section, in the g old b e lt o f Lumpkin,
G a .; G. W . Longneckcr, Eaton, co u n ty , corners in d ie s ta te e river.v
Address \Y. K. S h a r p e ,
Ohio; A lfred D ow dy, W ild, Ga.;
M eridian Miss.
John Hawk, A r g o , Ga.; J. B. Henson, Chapel Hill, N. C.; G. S. PraV i L U A I I Ij K
ter, Decatur, Ga.; J. C. Fellers,
M a rio n ,G a .; OculusLaPrade,
iPrade, Ocu- ! n /f Ius, Ga.; Capt. Tillson
Ga.: Frank M cGee. B
Ala.; Dr. E. S. Avis, Newark,
►Our stock consists o f everything usually kept in a store and we}
►will make it to y o u r interest to trade with us.
Give us a trial.
- D E A L E R IX -
Fresh leafs
Sausage, Etc,
I n S i m m o n s B u ’ l d ina-,
a K T T IIS T G - R E A D Y =
fo r th e
© A J X
Desiring to make some important changes in my business I will sell all kinds o f
F O R T H E N E X T 60 D A Y S
■“ PI ONE!
t UG n UG
o Œˆ‹S
iloeal Ife-Wd,
fe G>9
Mr. Ihomas Ray returned to J Mr. W. F.' Worley
|Beaver Judge, Tenn., to-day.
yille, came up
A very good
of Gaines- j
Dahlonega jterday.
Dahlonega presents a much |Tuesday.
Snmmcr hits come Jagain.
duller appearance since the stuA little fouixycar-old girl o f
There was a light frost in some dents have left.
of Mr. Sam Head died in Yahoola
parts of this county last week.
Come on all you visitors to Dah- district last Monday.
Mr. F. P. Catchings of Gaines- lonega who wish a delightful
Mr. Rex, form erely o f Dahlonvile, has been n,p a day or two this place to spend the summer.
ega, is now engaged for the rail-
rainfall here yes-
Dobbs of Marietta, a sister
Jof Mrs. J. 8 . Stewart, is up on a
M in in g N o te s .
The new mill at the Loud mine
in W hite has been completed and
is now in operation.
The Ingersoll & Crisson dredge
boat iss completed and is ready
far operation as
soon as some
plates are received.
W oods and McDonald, two native practical miners, are still
1 h e N . G, A . C o l l e g e A l u m n i .
a h l o n e g a
, G
June 14th, 1903.
. E
d it o r
On June 9th, 1903 the regular
annual meeting o f The Alumni Society o f the North Georgia A g r i w eek.
cultural College, resolutions were
Mrs. W ebb, who has been l tin- road at Beaver Ridge, Tenn.
Mr. J. A. C u rry o f South CarThe farmers are certainly put ning t h e Burnside House
read, discussed, and enthnsias has
Mr. Shnlz, who graduated at the olina, is on a visit to his sister,
tically passed to establish a schols
ting' in good time now catching j moved buck to her residence.
N. G. A. College, not long since, M is. D. J. Blackwell.
profitably engaged at mining down ! i,
,, .
up with their work lost during the j
, i
'ship at our Alm a Mater, valued at
i v j o h . Warner, after an aosence is spending some time here with
the Standard property.
U p in Jones’ Creek district last on vr
T i i . , i one hundred and fifty dollars per
l.i.ii} < ,ijs.
Iof more than a month from Dah- friends.
Mem hors o f the Consolidated 1
Sunday Mr, Geo. Grizzle and Miss
H on. Geo. Bell and lady return- j lonega, returned last Monday.
will be here today, who are c o m Since the tornado at Gainesville Jane Collins were wedded.
ey for this scolarship is to be raiss
ed l a their homes at Svvfnsboro last
ing with the intention o f starting
Last week Mrs. Dave Franklin Rev. J. W. West could get no
ed by annual contributions from
Do you wish to take out a life
Saturday, after spending about a
up some o f the -company's mines.
paid $2.00 to schedule a $2.50 debt work to do for his family and
the Alumni o f this college. E very
policy or insure you r property?
week in Dahlonega,
Mr. Ashley is going to have
her husband had made fo r boards. has moved back to this county.
Alumnus will be asked and expecI f so call on H. B. Crawford,
That fellow who hoed corn last
vr i
u •
We regret to learn that Mr. J.
! iiev. Mr. Murks be>ng absent
ted to participate in this nobl3
Willie Reese o f Atlanta, has Dawson county.
Mr. W illiam
Sunday, down on \ahoola c r e e k , ;
<- u t
’ ! tnere was preaching at but one B. Witt, form erly of this place
With but one exception;
been up on a visit this week to his Ricketts, who has just completed
must have forgotten the recent
church here last Sunday— at the but now o f McCay’s Tenn., has
all the members of the Society,
brother, Mr. Frank L. Reese.
the Ingersoll & Crisson boat, will
sermon o f the preacher here.
who were present, gladly subscriblikely
H . L. Coffey has severed his
Beginning tomorrow the Tube
ed annual contributions ranging
The apple crop in this section
Messrs. E. E. Crisson and Colconnection with tho Signal office
post office will be supplied by the
from two to five'dollars, the majorMrs. Frank W orley after__a short
will almost bo a complete failure,
and gone to Atlanta to work. quit Head are engaged in mining ity contributing five dollars each.
Yahoola carrier, being only one and
so we are informed by parties liv- visit here, returned to her home in
near Rail H ill, in search o f what
a half mile out o f the way.
Others have subscribed since, makDodge, a son of Rev. C. M. eFrGainesville this weck, accompany
ing in different parts.
is known as the Johnson vein
ied by Mrs. J. H. W orley o f Dah- guson o f this county, was lying at which was said to be very rich ing tho sum now promised about
Mr. J. A. Howard is now assistWanted right away—some chestseventy dollars. W e are dependthe point o f death yesterday of
ing in the Dahlonega post office.
when lost many years ago.
nut telephone posts.
See B. R.
ing upon the absent members for
typhoid fever.
He is an old hand and can handle
very good vein has already been
Having rented my store room
Meadors & Sons.
Nothing but
remainder o f the required amount,
mail with a rush correctly.
Mrs. J. H. M cK ee has gone to discovered.
first o f September to J. H. H atgreen chestnut wanted.
and we believe they will respond
AH the ditch work and flume
field, I now have over $350 worth Nelson, Ga., where she will remain
Remember if you r time is out
W e are glad to state that Mr.
substantially and heartily.
o f shoes, hats and dry goods to for awhile, not expecting to return lines o f the Cavender Creek canal
and you don’ t renew your subNewt. Satterfield o f Davis district,
lady members subscribed liberally.
sell at actual cost.
M. G. H e a d . to Dahlonega until college opens were completed last week, and the
scription you r name will be cut off
who has been dangerously sick
T w o o f them fiye, and two others
way would be clear now if the
o f our list in the next few days.
Mr. Charlie H ope of Gaines
with typhoid fever, is better.
two and one-half dollars each.
A daily mail from Dahlonega to tunnel was completed. But as it is
ville. has been up this week tradOur office had a pleasant visit
An exeeutve committee, consistWo have often heard of “ It will
mostly rock, and very hard, ' it
ing horses and mules with the Gaddistown has been established,
last Friday from Col. Davis of
ing o f the president, secretory,
be a cold day in August when so
Gipsies and all other people wish- which went into effect last TuesHiwassee, Ga., who is over looktreasurer
and three other members
and so.” So it came last Friday.
day. It has been needed for some done, the drilling having to be of the Alumni Society, was aping to change or sell stock.
ing up some lands in this county
The thermometer registered at 50.
done by hand which makes its
for a eliant.
pointed to raise and apply the
There are two prisoneis in our
progress very slow. They aim to
Cadet W. T. Townsend made a
money for the scolarship fund.
Hon. G. D. Bruce leaves for
jail now, T om Darby, who is
The 16th infantry band, which
begin the reservoir about the first
|speech in the champion debate on
charged with stealing some gold Atlanta next M onday so as to be o f next month, so we are in fo rm - The follo w in g members com pote
played here last week for the co m Tuesday night o f last week.’ The
the Executive committee: E. B.
down at the Barlow mine quite on hand at the opening summer ed.
mencement, is the best one that
next morning he woke up with a
Vickery, J. W. Boyd, Mrs. W.
has ever played on' these occasions
awhile ago, and Scupin Gaddis, session o f the legislature, which
There is enough low grade ore
case o f mumps and was unable to
F. Crusselle, R. M. Bryson, Dr.
begins tho follow in g Wednesday.
charged with riot.
in Dahlonega.
at the Findley mine to run a reago home as he expected.
M. N. Stow, and Miss Marie
H. B. Crawford succeeds J. S. sonable size mill for years and
Sheriff Davis went down
It will be seen by an official
Mr. James Gaillard o f Macon,
Dawson last Sunday and arrested Stewart in the insurance business, years, saying nothing o f the rich
notice elsewhere that the general
Ga., was among the visitors here
Money or subscriptions sent to
examination of teachers desiring
Scupin Gaddis, who i3 wanted in and represents Hartford & Queen vein which, by its great yield of
last week for the first time in many
J. W. Boyd, Dr. M. N. Stow, or
gold has excited the people both
to follow the business, will take
Lumpkin county charged
years. Seeing him only at a disL. B. Vickery, all at Dahlonega,
place here on June 27th.
riot, and upon failure to make Equctable Life Assurance Society. far and near. But it is idle for
tant we failed to recognize him who
Georgia, will be duly received
Some years
4t the lack o f water.
Mr. Joe Ricketts turned a kettle had come and gone before we bond the defendant was placed in
and reported to the Executive
At Bruce’s gallery you will find ago a canal run to this mine and Committee.
o f boiling water over on himself knew anything about it.
when it changed ownership and
the other day, causing him to have j years not only
Charlie Anderson’ s wife, col., for sale different photographs,
The beneficiary of this scholais
Consolto close up his barber shop aud j changes in things but people,
has a new way of stopping her showing the destruction of the re*
ship fund must be competent to
dated the center of attraction was
bring his crutches into use.
husband from quarreling at her by cent cyclone in Gainesville. Those
pursue advantageously the studu s
A female battle occurred up in
calling in the city marshal.
This who have not had an opportunity
prescribed by some one of the lowMi. L e i iy ,
father o f cadet IYahoola on Sunday the 17th inst ,
was cut off from both the Findley
tho ’
visitin- Gainesville should super classes in this college under its
Berry who graduated here recently, between Mrs. Jim Walden and she did Tuesday night, and
ply themselves with a lot these and Barlow mines for the Hand present organization, and unable,
after spending a week in Dahlon- i Mrs. j im Robinson, two sistersthe biggest mistake that was ever
to each ones report.
financially, to otherwise maintain
ega, departed for his home last |in-laws. One drew an auger, the
made in mining here.
himself or herself in college.
Monday, in company with his son. other a chair and the old lady
Mr. John Hatfield has vacated
Hon. Joe Underwood and Capt.
But few people here realize the
the beneficiary
The Gainesville and Dahlonega jumped in between them with a A sb u ry o f White county, spent a the Consolidated hotel and now magnitude of Mr. A sh ley’ s mica
must promise and agree to pursue
Railroad Co. will finish its line to dish rag and seperated them be- few hours in Dahlonega last Tues occupies the Burnside House, mine in this county.
The shaft
the best literary course offered by
the Dunlap shoals this week, if fore any damage was done.
or incline is about ninety feet
the college
and continue the
Later on Mr.
his old war comrades and they ins traveling public.
nothing happens to the rapid
deep, mica from the top to the
course till graduation.
The Bell Telephone Co. is going terested a crowd telling o f the Head will g o out o f business and
progress of the work that is now
bottom and still continues. It is
to put the line from here to hardships they endured during the Mr. Hatfield will move his store
Miss Lizzie Shed, has boon segoing on.
being hauled to the railroad and
Gainesville in tip top shape— ad- civil conflict.
lected and will enter upon her
into his stand.
shipped off as fast as it is taken
Prof. and Mrs. Steed left for vertising for the posts now, and
course o f studies next September,
Mica is found in many oths
The directors o f the Gainesville
Macon last Monday.
Mrs. Clark Mr. Meaders, the operator here, inas our student. The selection of
went to her home in Atlanta and forms us that the company is g o - Dahlonega on his way from Porter and Dahlonega Electric Co. meet er places in Lumpkin cou n ty but Miss Shed meets the hearty aps
The in Gainesville today and from little attention has been given it
P r o f. departed Tuesday, ing to build a line from Dahlone- to Gainesville last Monday.
proval o f all who know the young
leaving only three of the college ga to Dawsonville, which will be Queen o f the Mountains has been what we learn mean business. until recently. Mica is a very val lady and her opportunities.
of W c would not be surprised to learn liable mineral and those owning
professors in town we believeof great convenience when tho two
The female department o f our
the month and visitors to this most by this time next week that work property containing it should beProfs. Boyd, Gaillard and Vickery. ; places are connected by wire.
college was strongly and unanifavorite summer.resort have com - had again been resumed on the gin to do some development work.
endorsed by the Alumni
P rof. Rogers left last Monday
Capt. A sbu ry informed us while menced arriving.
W e will have a railroad after
road to Dahlonega.
Society, and it urges the trustees
for his old home down the country in town this week, that he had just
awhile and then you who are too
and foster the same. gone for awhile, taking his harvested his wheat and it turned
P r o f. Ansted
left with his
far away from one now to make
Monday and demanded $25 from family yesterday, to the regret of
A sincere vote o f thanks was
vacation and drumming up boys out well.
Some years ago the
shipments profitable, will, by d othe
W . F. Crusselle, and
and girls for the next session of Captain found one stalk o f wheat
his many friends here who hate to
ing some work now, be able to
eral days trading stock here. They give up the citizenship of such
Miss Fannie Gaillard, our orator
the N. G. A . College.
in some oats he had sown and it
show up your property, hasten the
said no other collector had called kind, good hearted people.
fo r the commenceThe
was o f such a fine quality that he
building o f a road and be ready to
Friday night some twenty or
on them for such tax in Georgia, Professor goes to Toronto, Canada,
ment just closed for-the able and
saved it for seed, and the third
make m oney when it is completed.
more had a picnic out at Cane
but they paid over the money and and his family will remain at Ros*scholarly
in which they
year afterwards he made from one
We are pleased to learn that
creek falls.
The weather was
went on with their trading.
us before the auwell, Ga., until fall, when his wife
grain o f wheat eighteen bushels.
the ore at Crown Mountain is immost too cool to make it very
o f com Mr. Frank Meaders went down will join him.
p rovin g considerably.
The parpleasant, the men having to wear
Jack Seabolt was brought in last
to Atlanta this week in the interest
overcoats so as. to be comfortable. Thursday and bound over for
Prof. Martin, after spending a tial clean up o f the flumes and the
i c k e r y , See’y.
o f the telephone line from Dah
few days in Gainesville returned overcharge o f gold on the plates
It seems that the
The town boys have organized a
lonega to Dawsonville, which is to
The flood in Missouri has been
last Saturday to Dahlonega, where last week resulted much better
settlement still, locatedin Yahoola
baseball team.
This is what
terrible, and tho loss o f property
be built by the Bell Telephone Co.
he has decided to spend the sum- than the former, which is very ensome time ago, has already giycn
makes C o r n and vegetables so high
Instead of building it direct from
great, besides many deaths.
mer, bringing with him his mother couraging to all Concerned. I t is
a lot o f trouble and how much
If each one engaged would devote
Ed. W orley, formerly o f Dahlons
this place to Dawsonville via. A u o f P e rry , Ga., also his aunt, Miss just like we have stated before.
more we have no idea. It is gentheir time in raising corn ami vegeega, who is employed in a drug
raria, an effort will be made to
C, P. Mann o f the same city, who There is no trouble about Crown
erally the case where so many
tables, they could supply the mar*
have it go by Palmours and by
store in Kanses City, writes this
expects to spend tho most o f the Mountain paying good dividends
have their fingers in the dish.
ket and have something to show
McKees and on to Dawsonville.
week that the water had been ten
summer here.
W e welcome one when sufficient power is had to
One gets caught and ho wants all
for it,
It is only about four miles further
feet deop in his place o f business,
seaand all.
the others to help bear their share
and will be of more profit to the
- So far no steps have been taken of the burden.
sons o f the year, and an effort is and the building is four feet from
The board o f trustees o f the
by the:board of education o f this
being made i n t h i s direction now the ground. The streets presentUniversity elected Prof. A vis last
Week before last vve clipped an
county to secure the censes of
by the construction o f the Gorge ed the appearance o f great rivirs
Last Monday little Lcuie Meads
Monday president ot tho N. G. A.
item from the Davvsonyille Advers
Lumpkin, but it is likely that the
dam. They have been engaged and people traveled about in boats.
crs came near losing his life out
College, as recommended by the
tiser, telling o f the disappearance
county school commissioner will
for some time getting in the logs W e prefer to remain in Lumpkin
at Cane creek falls by getting into
board of the latter.
M r. A vis
of one Mr. ' Crawford, who had
Persons may get rich
d.) the work, as he tells us he will
and now have about three hun- county.
water over his head.
returned to his home in Newark,
been mining fo r another gentlebe able to d.> so, aud the law gives
dred on the ground ready for use. faster in other countries but they
Harbison, his wife and several
Delaware, so as to prepare to
man down on the Greenfield p r o p may
o f it all m a single
him tile preferance.
The present power is getting weak
children went out. His son, John,
move to Dahlonega and get ready
erty, and had gone to Atlanta for
and if it doesn’ t rain within the day or night by either flood or
Dahlonega is now a member of money to pay off his hands and it and Louie arrived first and when for the opening o f the institution
next few days it looks like they
Mr. Harbison and his family got
tiie League o f Georgia Munici- was thought that he had been
in September, today.
will have to close down the plant
in sight they saw John out on the
The other day while Mr. Rem
pa lilies, formerly called Mayor’s f o u l l y dealt with. W e understand
P r o f. E. S. A y is of D el.,, who again. This is to be regretted as Stargel of this county, was out in
bank screaming and Louie in the
The next meeting that he has been heard of in Tenwater g o in g down. Mr. Harbison was recently elected president of the summer season is the main the woods lo ok in g fo r a bee tree
will be held at Macon, Ga., on the nessee since, as live as a cricket.
the N. G. A. College by the board time to make money gold mining, and gazing up at the trunk o f a
12th of August, 1903. Any may- Hereafter parties having money jumped out of his vehicle and ran
and just as he got to the waters o f trusteess, arrived in Dahlonega while the weather is favorable.
sturdy chestnut, his attention was
or or member o f the council, for mining purposes in this county
Later.— It rained at several pla- directed to a big rattle snake at
edge Louie was going down the last Saturday, and has been lookwhose, city belongs to ii is e l ig i b l e should deposit it m the Bank of
ing around find getting acquainted ces in the cou n ty yesterday, and the root o f the tree, notifying him
as Ion as its dues are kept paid j Dahlonega where they can gel it third time, but fortunately struck
The as long as the water holds out j by the shake o f its tail that it had
higher ground with his head above with the place and people.
1 no dues are different j themselves without .sending a man
the water.
This broke up the Professor is originally a Viginian sufficiently to furnish the power j been disturbed. Mr. Stargel killThen there would
amounts, owing to the size o f city, j aff sc far.
pleasures for the day and ail r c - and says our red hills reminds him j the Crown Mountain plant w i l l ! ed it and made -a straight course
Dahlouega's is *2.00.
i be no trouble.
i turned to town very nervous.
of his old state yery much.
i keep moving.
j home, looking for no more bees.
W o understand that Charlie
Jones leaves today to accept a p o *
sition in St. Louis.
Nerve Food Not Needed.
Got His Money Back.
Reminded Him of Childhood.
No class o f people is more eseentially the victim of those to
whom the world owes
than physicians.
And many of
the latter have organized a mutual
protective association for the c o l lections o f fees, says the New
’ York'Commercial. This story is
to ld apropos o f a recent experience
o f tho eminent Dr. Shrady whose
£ime brings a high price per minrute.
E . M. W ig «m s , a Joplin man,
lost and recovered $20 in an unusual way a few days ago, says the
Kansas City Journal. H e had the
odd habit o f carrying his surplus
cash in the sweat band o f his hat.
He had $20 thus hidden the other
day when he laid his hat down in a
restaurant to eat.
When he got up, by mistake he
wore away another man’s hat.
For several days he kept a sharp
watch fo r the man he bad exchanged with. Finally he was walking
north on Main street when a hat
came sailing from a an electric
car, followed by a stranger, who
was angrily muttering: “ By gosh,
I wish the gu y that stole my hat
would fetch it back.”
Rev, Sam P. Jones- delivered a
lecture in Augusta one night last
week. A m on g other things, he
An impecunious youth visited
his office in search of relief from
physical ills and, after giving due
consideration to his namerous
symptoms, the doctor wrote out a
prescription to be filled by the
druggist. H anding it over, he
was about to summon the next
Immediately removing the one
patient from an overflowing office,
he had on he said:
“ A in ’ t this
when the young man remarked :
“ Doctor, I ’ m in a fix, and I you rs?”
“ By gum, it is!” was the reply.
haven’ t the money to pay for getting this fillled. H ow much will W iggins then made a grab fo r the
it c o s t ? ”
' ■ other hat, and, on turning down
“ About a d o lla r,” remarked the the sweatband, found that sure
enough, his twenty “ plunks” were
“ Do you think you could lend still '.here. H o will patronize a
bank hereafter.
me the dollar, th en ?”
“ Let me see the prescription,”
said the doctor, and, taking it, he
proceeded to make a number of
“ There, that will do, n o w ,”
said he.
“ W h y did you change it, Dr.
S h ray?”
“ Well, young man, I thought
you needed those drugs for your
nerve— but now I perceive that 1
was mistaken, and I am glad to
rectify my error.”
Now, upon a time, says Judge,
there were two swains, aud each
loved the same fair lady.
a da)? they came unto the damsel
and the first made speech unto
her, saying:
“ Behold, I am consumed with
the tires o f devotion for you.
would go to the ends o f the world
for you. ”
Whereat she responded, “ G o .”
A nd he went out in a great happiness, believing that when he had
sought the end o f the world he
should have her hand.
Then came to her side the second swain, much cast down in
spirit and exceedingly heavy of
“ Oh, fair o n e ! ” he sighed, “ I
would not go to the end o f the
world fo r you, but I would go to
the end of the world with you ! ”
“ C om e,” she said.
This teaches us that the way
to make ’ em happy is to make
’ em happy with us.
Turkish Cruelty.
The following is one day’ s work
o f Turkish soldiers upon the H e brews :
About 5300 houses were burned
and upwards o f 200 persons, mosts
ly women and children, were killed. The women and girls were
amim’ ured while resisting outrage.
W hole households were slain.
O o e family o f seven were slain
and their bodies heaped on the
health. Not a living soul was
left in the village. The survivors
Many ot tho half burned or otherwise injuried, tied.
Some o f the fleeing villagers
were captured aud had their ears
iiud noses cut off before they were
The report adds that 1,500 viN
lagers were in the mountains without clothing or food.
One band
o f these, consisting o f forty woiiiuu aud children, was caught by
soldiers and killed after horrible
llcv. E. R . Caswell, a well
known Georgia Baptist divine, has
been practically expelled from his
denomination and the ordination
papers, under which he has filled
so many Georgia pulpits, have
been demanded. The request for
the ordination papers aud expulsion came from a Baltimore church
as the result o f sensational charges i
which have been recently filed
against Mr. Car well, in
kis morals are said to be involved.
A W ay of Explaining It.
W ife — W h y, John, just see what
a stupid blunder the newspaper
has made in its account o f our silver wedding! Don’ t you remember I w’-oto it out fo r the reporter
that we had spent together twentyfive years o f married happiness,
and the stupid typesetter bas gone
and made it twenty five years of
married happiness. Isn’ t it aw
Reflections of
“ Society eats the heart out of
women like whiskey eats the heart
out o f men. The society woman
is little better than the Florida
A man
has been
thrown off on when he gets for a
wife a society girl aud a poodle
dog. He now favored the dance
fo r some folk,
He believes in
cultivating the biggest thing, and
with some it was their feet.
“ W om en had cut off so much
o f the top o f their dresses fo r the
ball room, and so much o f the b ottom of it fo r the bicycle skirt that
he was getting afraid. A country
cousin went to the city ball, aud
after dancing for several hours in
the whirl, came out on the porch
and declared to his friend that he
had never seen the like since he
was weaued.”
A minister in B rooklyn says
that fifty thousand a year sends
a man to the devil.
“ That,” re^
marks the Baltimore American,
“ if it is true, is the special train
but is justice to his satanic majesty, the minister should remember
that he is by no means illiberal
with his cheap excursion rates,”
Husband— Oh, well, dear; d o n ’ t
be loo hard on the poor fellow.
Perhaps he’ s married twenty-five
years him self.—L ondon Tit-Bits.
A farmer near Greensboro, Ga.,
has netted $720 an acre from his
straw’ berry crop.
Good figures are not what they
arc dressed up to be.
When they are down in the
world a man is cowed, a woman
A hammock is built fo r two,
even when it isn’ i big enough for
The more sisters a man has the
more men he feels sorry for
as they get married.
A Missouri woman sat up tin
til 1 o'clock the other night waiting fo r her husband to come home.
Then she gave it up and went up
stairs, only to find him in bed fast
“ His deception,” as she
called it, made her so mad that she
didn’ t speak to her husband for
three days. But what else could
the foolish man expect?
A n old bachelor says that wo
man is tho only animal afflicted
with the bargain hunting habit.
Send U s
G r ip ’s
G rim G rasp C a u se d
H eart D ise a se .
Could Not Lie
L eft Side.
Dr.Miles'Hea.s.’t Cure and
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Saaranteed for All Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Is Safe and Sarg
cures the most obstinate cases
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It supplies the kidneys vdth the
substances they need to build up
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It will cure Bright’ s Disease and
Diabetes if taken in time, and a
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wonderful curative power o f this
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It sooths and heals the urinary
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It will make you well,
k Physician Healed, How Prescribes li DaHy
Dr. G eo. Ewing, a practicing physician at Smith’ s
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experience with FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE: “ For years
I have been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder
trouble and enlarged prostate gland. I used everything
known to the profession without relief, until I commenced
to use FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE. After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved and cured. 1 prescribe it now
daily in my practice and heartily recommend its use to all
physicians fer such troubles, for I can honestly state I have
prescribed it in hundreds of cases with perfect su ccess.”
to @si Up Several Times Every
_ Mr. F. Arnold, Arnold, la ., w rites: “ I was troubled
with kidney disease about three years. I was nervous
and all run down, and had to get up several times during
the night, but three bottles of FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE
effected a complete cure. I feel better than I ever did
Slid recommend it to my friends,”
F O L E Y &
U. S . A
w k.
D r, C, H , J o n e s
Mrs. H. R. Jobe, formerly of Birmingham,
Ala., writes from Eldred^e, the same state,
as follows:'
“It is with the greatest pleasure that I recommend Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Heart
Cure. I only wish that 1 could tell every
sufferer how much pood they have done me.
_ A t the N u g g e t office you will
Last winter I had a severe attack of LaGrippe, which left my heart in a very bad 'find the following; blanks:
condition. I could not lie down for the
W arranty Deeds,
smothering spells that would almost overcome me and the feeling of oppression
M ortgage Deeds,
around my heart. I had not been so that I
could lie on my left side for a long- time. I Mortgage Notes, Mortgage Fifas
your Heart Cure and tGok three bottles, Chattle Mortgages, Plain Notes,
f othare
no trouble now with my heart and
Common Leases,
can lie on my left side as well as my right.
M iner’s Leases,
Formerly I had suffered for years with nervous prostration. I had tried so many remCriminal Warrants,
edies that I had got clear out of heart of getPeace Warrants,
ting anything that would help me. The
nerves of my heart were so affected that
sometimes it would lose beats so it would
Pow er ofA ttorn ey,
seem to stop altogether. It was on the advice of a lady friend that I tried your RestorWitness Summons,
ative Nervine. I felt better after the first
J. P. Summons,
few doses and two bottles of Nervine and
Justice’s Court Fifas,
one of Heart Cure made-me feel like a new
person. _My heart is all right and my nervForthcom ing Bonds,
ousness is all gone. I never fail to recomConstable’ s advertisements,
mend it to others afflicted as I was.”
Bonds for Title,
All druggists sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book Affidavit & Bond fo r Garnishment
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Administrator’ s Deeds
Dr. Miles M*dic*l Co., Elkhart, Ind.
T H E G R E A T L A N IE R .
.B la n k s F o r S a le
Are you Interested in Y our
Future Welfare?
Equip yourself with a practical business education and you
wilt be prepared to meet*. the responsibilities of life: We
are placing many young men and ladies in paving positions.
for teaching or civil service, you can make no mistake in
pieparing at our school.
The Lanier Business College,
M A C O N , GA.
and Attachments.
P h o t o g r a p h ic ^
B A R G A IN S !
•Dahlonega portrait § o ’d ffallenj,
P un era I
D ir e c t o r &
E m b a l m er
Next Door Above Masonic Hall
And Dealer m
C O F F IN S ,
P \ QTf
C O F F IN F I X T U R E S ,
Dahlonega, Ga.
W e D eal In
Staple Dry Goods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls,
Groceries, all kinds Farm Implements and
Alining Supplies i t very reasonable figures.
In fact any and everything you need.
G D, BRUCE, Gen Man age r
T il
a p e r
C l o t h i n g . §
a h l o n e g a
si Y e s
Ably Edited by John Tem ple Graves.
A il ii
j mpi n a r
at Ih * !'a
G a.
sure* !7o e p fc ts?
utei}7 Fri'ti and Independent Dnily Newspaper, carrying tbe
t new* of the world, mailed direct to sui'seribers everywhere
Subscriptions (tcc-fied at the office o j N O G GE T
f o r c h lld r a n t
Under Management o f Charles Daniel.
C L A R K E S V I L L E S T .,
a S p e cia lty .
e o p l e 's
C lo ck an d W a tc h R e p a ir in g
ic e - d i e a
O s s ly
J. F. Moore & Co.
1 \T
h e
M a n y A .r t i d e s .
t G o o d )
-A T -
G r e a t ly r e d u c e d P r ic e s
A t la i
Good Advertising Medium,
3evotsd to Local, Mining snd General Information.
V O L . X I V — NO. ic
D A H L O N E G A , G A . , T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 25.
jShoes, Hats,
Dry Goods,
W . B. T O W N S E N D , Editor and Proprietor
-D E A L E R S IN-
Cne Collar Per Annum
'* 4 " '
La Senorifa.
D e a le r i n
Feed Stuff
Ladies and Gents,
Art in
T R I P L E T S — B O Y D , F L O Y D AND F L O Y .
The above is a picture of the consequence of the trip he bought
Exact Reproduction of this Style Slioe.
•triplets o f Mr. and Mrs, John H es- for the cou n ty a oow and turned it
ter of Cheatatee district o f L u m p - over to Mrs. Allison to be used for
kin county.
These little ones the children. They now have the
are two boys and one girl.
The cow, which is a and are
little girl being the on e' in the getting plenty o f milk and are
Woman by a Woman.
t»m uttaassxassssxwm m iiitkiam sm
right hand side of the photograph.
They were-born cn the 18th and
I f w om en ’ s brains
19;h of April. 1908, and the moth3rd Mondays in April and Octostrong as their hearts, the c o m b iber. J. J. Kimsey, Judge. Cleve^
j er o f the babies died on the 11th
nation would conquer heaven.
land, Ga. W . A . Charters, Solid|day of May, 1908. Reaving these
I Extreme a m iability in women tor General, Dahlonega, Ga.
I helpless little ones in the hands of
is either stupidity or a social or
—— o-----®aBBat2Si^aEffi®Sa222r^SSK3£S3SS32S;;- r ^ S a
Mrs. William AHison who is the
matrimonial axe to grind.
C O U N T Y O F F IC E R S ,
great aunt o f the babies, and aunt
W om en are a study— men are
John Huff, Ordinary.
I o f th:- father o f the infants, who
John H. .Moore,Cleik.
an understudy.
she also raised,
-Tile children's
James M. Davis Sheriff.
The divination of the heavens is
E. J. Waldon, Ta x Collector.
names are Boyd, Floyd and Floy.
j A, B, C compared to the divinaJames L. Heal an.. Tax Receiver.
Besides these children, Mr. Hes>
tion o f women.
V. R. Hix, County Surveyor,
ter has three others, the oldest a
Joseph B. Brown, Treasurer.
The head woman attract us.
bright little girl o f JO years,
D. C. Stow Coroner.
The heart woman fasten us.
named Mar}’ , and two more boys
As an individual woman is d i TH E HOUSE W H E R E BO RN .
named -James and W illiam J . ,
vine. As a sex, she is a bore.
Judge H u ff also
aged respectively 6 and 4 years. growing fine.
R . II. Baker, Mayor.
When a man is divorced, the
Aldermen: E. S- Strickland, J.
A ll o f these and their father sent.them a few other things.
woman “ poor th in g ” him and put E . McGee, F G. Jones. J. W .B oyd ,
live together with Mr. Allison j Mi's. W . II. C. Tate, Mrs. T. S.
on an extra smile.
W hen a wo- T . J. Smith. W. P. Price,Jr.
and his wife and daughter in a ! Littlefield aud Mrs. Mary Meaders
man is divorced, the men all wink
Win.- J . Worley, Clerk.
little house up in the mountains |have all been very kind to these
James V. Harbison, Marshal.
and wonder what there is in it!
which is about 18x20 feet square, ' helpless, little ones, and each
W a s h ’ s it a f o x y design o f some
R E L I G I O U S 0 SE R V IC E S ..
making a total of eleven people |have sent them many useful and
o n e ’ s that made w idow ’ s weeds so
Baptist Church — Rev. J. R,
badly j dainty articles of cloth ing which
becom ing?
Gunn, Paster. Services Sunday at
they very much needed and which
crowded for room.
Prayer meeting
I f women were judges o f men, 11 and at night.
On the 29th of-May.Judge Huff, ; was appreciated fully by the ones
Thursday night.
there would be n o marriages.
Sunday School at 9 o’ clock.
our ordinary, sent up to find out in charge o f the little infants.
Methodist—Services eve.-y Sunthe needs of the babies, as they |
day at 11 and at night. Rev. E. C.
Photographs of these triplets can be that is an inconcievable p ro p o se
had been reported to him to be had fo r 25 cents each at B ru ce’ s G alMarks, Pastor.
Prayer meeting
worthy objects of charity. As a 1lery, D ahlonega, Ga.
Wednesday night,
A man is born generous, just,
Sunday School at 9 o’ clock.
forgiving, A woman has to have
Presbyterian—^Services only on
Not Ch romc.
T w o Late With The Dollar.
every one o f these virtues poun d - 1st and 3rd Sundays.
D. J Blackwell, pastor.
ed into her with a sledge hammer.
“ H urry up with your fare,”
Sunday School 9 a. m,
Men take themselves so seriousThe Squire was trying to secure
cried the conductor of a Broadway
a pension for a needy, old widow,
car to a me-: .-'eager boy with a big
woman who bears him rail at the
says a writer in L ip p in co tt’ s.
Blue Mountain Lodge No. 38, F.
bundle under his arm, says tho
coffee, blame the laundry man, & A. M., meets J st Tuesday night
D octor was an important witness. New Y o r k Press,
and turn the house topsy, turvy of each month.
He cheerfully accompanied the
“ I ’ ll give it to you in a minute,”
R . II. B a k e r , W . M ‘
when he has the toothache.— I
applicant to the Squire’ s office,
returned the boy.
But as he
Nettie Seeley-Murpby, in Philadeland stated what he knew about
K . o f P.
searched in his pocket his face
the army record of her husband.
Gold City Lodge No. 117, meets
grew scarlet. “ It’ s in my other j
night in their Castle
The Squire took time to fix up the
Recent developments in
suit, wrapped up in this paper,”
H all, over Price’ s store.
papers, and when the D octor went
post office department at W ash he exclaimed.
W h a r t o n A - n d e r s o n , C. C .
to sign them h e ■found that what
D . C. S t o w , R. R. of S .
“ None of Jiiiit,” interposed (he ington are supplemented by an
he had stated cut but little figure.
D. J. B l a c k w e l l , P.
conductor. ‘ ‘ You'll have to <>-et interesting story from New York.
The Squire had given full rein to
It is to the effect that Postmaster
his knowledge o f what must be
“ Wait a minute, conductor, and Van C ott’ s son is drawing a salary
proved if he was to succeed.
see if he isn’ t telkng the truth,” $3,600 a year for an unauthorized
“ But I c a n ’ t swear to that, said a prosperous looking man.
office. Mr. Van Cott, Jr., has an
D a h lon ega , Ga.
S q u ire ; that isn’ t what I told you
Meantime the boy, his face red- incom e from investments o f $ 20, - All legal business promptly attended to
at a ll .”
Then he repeated the der still, uraied his bundle and pros 000 a }rear, but the ease with
whole statement.
ceeded to rummage through the which $8,600 a year can be drawn
apologized and pockets o f the old uniform.
A t from .the federal treasury when a
man is a ring republican was too
agreed to fix the papers over again. last he tishori out a nickel.
W hile
When he finished them and .sent
“ You are an honest, b o y , ” said tempting to be resisted.
D a h lo n e g a , Ga.
fo r the Doctor, the witness discov- the prosperous
man. the postmaster general was shutting
Mississipered a good many changes in ver- “ Here’ s a d ollar.”
biage, but very little in subThe messenger boy looked at pi because the negro postmistress
The Squire had again the dollar and then at the man. alleged she was afraid, after havto * «
*3 ft 8 $
told the story as he wanted it.
(Dahlonega, Ga.
“ Not if I know it,” ho exclaim- ing held the office unmolested for
The doctor grew wroth, and used ed loud enough for everybody on several years, and discontinuing a
“ I don’ t want Tennessee rural free delivery route
a few. cuss words, assuring the the car to hear.
Besides because two men held up a carrier,
Squire that he was a d — d rascal, no pay for bein’ host.
HEN- wanting a nice clean
and d id n ’ t purpose co m m ittin g y o u ’ re too late w idde coin. W ’en the people were being robbed by W
shave, hair ,cut or shampoo
you seen dat guy about to put me political favorities in W ashingperjury.
call ou Henry Underwood
H ow much rascality has
“ Now, look her, D o c !
Y ou
First class barber shop in every
been covered up or pushed into respect next door to Duckett’ s store on
have a chance to do this poor old wi:l a nickel? Keep yer old dollar
the background by getting up a main street where they will be found
woman a great service. She needs till I asks you fer it.”
ready to wait on you at any time
Then the prosperous looking sensation about the colored broth that money very badly. Y o u are
er to take the people’ s attention G eorgia, L um pkin County.
the only witness left on earth th at
To all whom it may concern:
will probably not be known until j
can do her any good. Y ou know
there is a change in the political / I, W. J. Burt, administrater of John
The postoffice of Mew Y o rk city j
com plexion o f the administration, j P, Corn, have applied to the Ordinary
a good deal, but not enough.
of said county for leaye to sell the
has thirty-two stations and 159 J— Savannah News.
lands of said deceased. And said ap*
D o n ’ t stick in the bark, Doc. good,
substations. In it is handled daily j
plication will come on to be heard at
and won’ t hurt you.
No, sir;
forty-five tons o f , mail matter, j The most miserable failure in the regular term of the Court of OrdiI pledge you my word that a man
nary of said county, to be held on the
Fourteen stamp cancelling ma- ‘
o f your temperament will get over chines, each handle 28,000 letters ' the advice o f others and never fo l- j 1st Monday in Juiy, next.
W . j . B u r t , Adm’ r.
it in less than twenty minutes.” an hour.
j lows his own.
| of the Estate of John P. Corn, d»«,
z—™•ŽG n––‹šG v—Œ•S
h • ‹ Œ ™š– • G
J o n e s .
C L O T H IN G ,
H ats,
F urnishing’s,
[Dry Goods, Notions, Guns, Machines, Groceries,
Clothing a specialty.
They will sell you clothing for cash!
Jat Gainesville or Atlanta prices. A I
jn ice line of samples and will take |
fy ou r order for tailor made goods.
D A *H L O N E G A
sŒ™ G z›ˆ‰“ŒS
M o o re B r o * ,P r o r )r 5s.
A ttorn ey at Law,
Will. J. WORLEY, •
A ttorney at Law,
Dr. H. C. WHELiEL;
Physician &Surgeon,
D e a le r in
s r i>
G eneral M erchandise.
T h e i Nugget,
E n te r e d a t t h e D a h lo n e g a , G a . P . O
a s S e c o n d C la s s M a tte r .
Official Organ o f both City and
The legislature commenced
hot sessidtt yesterday.
t f you wish to spend the summer
pleasantly, come to Dahlonega.
The amount o f money ♦hat will
be borrowed to run the present
legislature is $60,000.
Dr. Wilkinson of Augusta, Ga.,
enjoyed his first meal one day last
week after a 40 days fast.
The postoffice department has
decided to resume the establishment o f rural free delivery routes.
A number o f mills are closing
down throughout the country
owing to the high price o f cotton.
At Jackson, K y ., one juror was
in favor o f acquitting Curtis Jett
fo r the murder o f J. 13. Mercan,
causing a mistrial.
Judge Kimaey refused bail in
the case o f the stato vs. Mrs. Onie
Tanner of Hall county, charged
with poisoning her husband.
Several other persons have died
from injuries received in the c y clone at Gainesville, which makes
tho total number o f deaths caused
by it 106.
The surplus funds contributed
to Gainesville amounts to $25,000,
which will be used in building
homes for tho poor whose houses
were destroyed.
To get a rural free delivery mail
route established now there must
not be less than 100 families on it
unless exceptions are made for
some special reasons.
John D. Rockfeller has con tributed $500.00 to the Kansas
sufferers and
the Philadelphia
North American refers to it as oil
upon the troubled waters.
A t a mine 12 miles from Cams
bridge. 0 ., lightning struct a hot
Saturday in which ->,000 pounds o f
dynamite was stored, killing six
men and injuring twenty.
Dora Campbell, form erly postmistress at Maysvilfe, Ga., was arrested in Baltimore last Saturday
charged with embezzling postal
funds while she held the office.
Atlanta camp o f the confederate
veterans has started a movement
to build a suitable monument to
the women of tho state who so
nobly did their part during the
w a f.
One day last week the grand
ju ry o f Fulton county returned 40
true bills and two no bills. That
jury could dispose o f the business
of Lumpkin county
in a few
T w o sons of millionaire Ronnsavillc were heavily fined by the recorder o f Rome, Ga., besides being confined in imprisonment five
days in the lock up fo r fighting.
It is a rare thing fo r millionaires
sons to bo treated this way.
Tbo grand ju ry o f Fulton county has indicted Sims, the defaulting bank clerk who is now servs
Ing out a sentence In the federal
prison. So when Mr, Sim’s time
expires with Uncle Sam he will
have something that will interest
him in the state court.
A Roact T o Pyrites Mine.
The College Professors G e t
More Money.
Failing to agree upon terms of
freignt rates for ore with the
Gainesyille and Dahlonega Electric
railway Company, Messrs. Scott,
Baldwin & Pratt, who own extensive and profitable pyrites mines
eight miles from Dahlonega, toward Cleveland, have succeeded in
interesting the Southern Railway
Company sufficiently in the project
o f constructing a railroad from
some point on the Southern’ s main
line to their ore fields, to begin a
survey o f the proposed extension.
A corps o f civil engineers and
attaches, with a complete camp
and full equipment, went to work
surveying the road Monday morning, The crew is now at work be»
tween the city and the Chattahoochee river. The camps are located
at Gower Springs fo r the present,
but next week will be moved across
tho river.
The line o f the survey is already
roughly run, and as indicated by
the surveyors will begin at a point
500 feet north o f the station at
Gainesville, running to the old
Fair Grounds, through that p r o p erty, on to the City Park, by
Longstreet Heights alongside the
electric line, and down C ry Creek
to the river. The line o f the survey will crcss the Chattahoochee
at Stringer’s Ford, and run up
Little River V alley to Aaron
Pass’ , on to near Murray ville and
to the Pyrites mine. The surveyors say they may also run a branch
line into Dahlonega.— Eagle.
A u r a r i a I te m s .
W h at m usic ’chants the
Sum m er skies to thy praise,
Oh, Land o f G old ;
W h at grandeur shades
Thy lovely clim e,
F rom ’ neath thy silver stars?
’ Tis n ot o f tliy Valleys green
That I w ould Sjpeftk ;
But to exclaim w ith awe
A t thy striving, w orking hasts,
W ith heart I seek.
The farmers arc putting
double time now, working late and
early. They say the “ pinch o f the
game” will soon be over.
Carl Schultz and Rev.
White gave us a pleasant call last
Tuesday. Come back, gentlemen,
we enjoy visitors sometimes.
Miss Bessie Miller is on an e x tended visit to Roswell, Ga., at the
wedding of one o f her friends.
The Baptist minister and the
marshal of Dahlonega, came down
Saturday, June 20,th and gave us
a call, returning home Sunday.
Mr. W ilks Evans was ordained
deacon at Etowah church last
Sunday. A large crowd is said to
have been present.
M r, John Bell o f Atlanta, is
spending a few weeks with us.
H e says be bfid father spend his
time for rest and recreation in A u raria than anywhere else.
Crops are looking as Well in our
section as they are in any part of
country, if not better.
Neither is our mining interest
losing ground. W e are to have a
new lot o f prospectors with us
this week again, in connection with
the Briar Patch property.
W e think we can say that we are
progressing a little in the interest
o f our school.
W e hegan our
summer term on June 15th, and
we now have twenty five scholars
at the beginning o f the second
week. One o f our patrons sent
four pupils the first day.
is the worthy cause and we hope
that the interest will still increase,
f o r every community is measured
by the standard o f its public
Last Saturday the board of
trustees o f the N. G. A. College
convened and raised the salaries
o f its teachers, in accordance
with the wish o f the legislative
com mittee when it reported favorably fo r the present appropriation.
The amounts voted for each is as
f o ll o w s :
Prof. Gaillard, vice president o f
faculty, $1,250.
Prof. Steed. $1,100.
Prof. Vickery, $1,100.
Prof. Boyd, $1,100.
Prof. H iller,*$1,000.
Miss Clark, $800.
Prof. Barnes, $500.
Two tutors $500 each, or $1,000
for one, to be determined by board
Mrs. Steed, librarian, $100.
Janitor and helper, $400.
Treasurer, $100.
Secretary, $50.
In addition to Prof. Barnes’
salary he will receive his beard
extra fo r superintending the boy’ s ’
dormitory, leased from the Consolidated Co. One o f the faculty
will also live at this dormitory,
and it may be expected that the
students taking shelter under its
roof will be properly cared for.
More Locals.
Mrs. A . .T. Reese o f Atlanta, is
up on a visit.
H e n ry
Goss o f
White, was
bound over last night fo r blockading.
Winnie Jefferson, residing near
tho jail, will clean or color coats,
pants, dress skirts, etc.
Y ot.n g Martin
Wehunt was
brought in yesterday by sheriff
Davis, charged with riot
Mrs. Hubert Smith
LaGrango, Ga., is on a visit to Mrs.
L. Q. Meaders, her mother.
Coroner Stow has been attending the Funeral Directcr’ s Assos
ciation in Atlanta this week.
A lbert is the name o f a new
postoffice established at the Cross
Roads in Martin’ s Ford district.
Dr. II. F Harris, professor in
Atlanta Medical college, will be
here today fo r a few days the
guest o f Dr. M. N, Stow.
The trustees o f the N. G. A.
College are using their best efforts
now, and mean to have one o f the
best managed institutions in the
south, where education is free to
The denial o f preacher Ridley
last week o f being guilty o f taking
pictures on Sunday and receiving
pay fo r the same, has brought
on more talk. The facts arc these:
Mr. Ridley lives in Fannin county
instead o f Lumpkin, and preached
at Mt. Airy on Saturday instead
o f Sunday'. But he did take a
picture fo r yo u n g Mr. Walden, a
son o f Mr. John Walden, in this
county, on Sunday as was stated,
which can bo proved beyond a
doubt. The taking o f the picture
on Sunday would have been too
bad fo r even a country editor ins
stead o f a man who professes to
be a preacher, and then denying
it, makes the offense still worse
and a very bad example indeed.
The Hcady-to-Scrre Cereal
L ot, No. 417, in 15th d istrict, first
section. In the g o ld 'b e lt o f Lum pkin
coun ty, corners in Chestatee river.
Address W . E . S h a s p e ,
M eridian Miss.
» . l .j h
L u m p k in C ounty, © a .
There are ten squads o f surveyors between Ellijay and Marietta
surveying the A. K. & N. Railroad, the survey having been made
to Knoxville to that point. It is
said tho line will g o east o f Marietta and run to Atlanta in eighteen
months, which will give them a
shorter route
from Cincinnatti
to Atlanta by 75 miles.
Hanna says he could not be
forced to run for vice president.
The n ex t general exam ination o f applicants for license to teach in" the
I’ tthlic Schools o f the State o f G eorgia
w ill bo held on June 27th, 1003.
who expect- to stand said exam ination
in Lum pkin cou n ty w ill m eet me in
D ahlonega on the above named date.
J. S. S e a b q t .t , C. S. C.
ICO acres, 5 m iles so u th -w e st o f
D ah lon ega, and a d join in g the Briar
Patch, i'iy e g o ld -b e a rin g veins o p e n ed up, assaying fro m $4-50 to §9.00
per ton. With ore enough in sight to
run a ten stamp m ill 25 years. ~ This
proposition has a chartered
ditch running through the
property, w ith w ater pow er enough in
com m and for all necessary m achinery.
W eil tim bered. In
W h i t e C oun ty^ C*a.
500 acres, 12 miles n orth-east o f
D ah lon ega, in the ab o v e c o u n ty . T w o
veins opened up from 8 inches to tw o
feet w ide, running $9.00 p er ton m ill
test. V ein s run through the entire
500 acres. T h is property also c o n tains very valuable placer diggins.
W ater in abundance fo r all necessary
m ining operations.
W ell tim bered
and a farm o f CO acres in cultivation.
T itles clear and perfect.
A ddress for particulars and prices,
I .
c A
f e
________ D a i i i .o n t .o a , G a .
Wakes Kidneys and Bladder Right
jL a d ie s
E s p e c ia lly !
A r e In y ite c l
to Call a n d E x a m i n e O u r
Our stock consists o f everything usually kept in a store and we
rangements to
͇sˆ™ŽšGz›–Š’G –Gk™ŒššGn––‹šG‘
Having made
I have tlie foilo w iu g gold m ining
properities for sale in
The Gainesvilte Cotton mill will
be built at once, the contract haying been let out to a W o re lies! or
Dr. Broughton has pitched on
to the professors o f the T ech n ological School in Atlanta with both
feet. W h o can please him ?
m v y GzhslT
W o u ld n 't Believe at First.
“ I wouldn’t believe it till I tried it, but
*iforce ’ is a cure for insomnia. I used to
stay awake night after night. Now I eat a
big bowlful of *Forcc1 iust before going to
bed, and sleep and 1 have become good
friends again.
"I*. L* ICvans."
A letter written from LaGrange,
Ga., July 24, 1902, by J. T. J oh n son co Rev. R. O. Smith, in which
the writer enclosed a small amount
o f money to tho addressee was
found by Mr. Benjamin Palmour,
o f this place, at a point on the
Blue Ridge called Rice’s Cabin,
near the White and Tow ns county
line, more than forty miles from
the scene o f tho tornado.
letter is in tho hands ot Col. J. W .
H. Underwood and the money in
the possession o f Mr. J. M. Palmour, the father o f the you n g man
who fouud the letter. We request
that the press assist in finding the
owner if he suryived the storm,
and if not, then the property heir.
— Cleveland Courier.
Mining Lands
maKes one chummy
with good sleep.
will make it to your interest to trade with us.
Give us a trial.
satisfactory ar-
continue business
at the
J O H N H. M O O R E .
^ • “ PR E SE N T L O C A T IO N ,^
I will continue selling
-D E A L E R IN-
Lowest Prices. Fresh Meats,
I have just
S a u s a g e , Etc.
I still have a lot o f
U p to Saturday 116 cars of
11 O
peaches and plums had passed
through Macon yia. the Central
road to Philadelphia and New
Y ork .
that 1 will sell at and below first
One o f the most important acts
to conic before tho present legislas
ture is the child labor bill. F or
A South Dakota editor has a subsome time we were opposed to St,
scriber who pays up a year in adbut learning more about the matvance every time he gets drunk.
ter we think it should become a
He is now paid up to 1941. Other
There are too many little
editors are begging the South
On last Monday night a nol'thefn children put into the cotton mills
Dakota man to name the bjand of
mob o f four thousand men and to labor very often fo r their father
tho liquor that subscribers uses.
boys, led by a Virginian, battered who idles about and drinks liquor,
Like Lincoln, they wish it to siis
doWh the prison doors at W ilm ingpercede all other brands.
There was a wholesale jail deton, Delaware, and led out a negro
livery in
Gainesville Monday
The inmates o f the state asylum and burned him to the stake who
night, five prisoners making their
ftumber 2,716. There is a total of had assaulted and murdered a
escape by breaking through the
1,877 white patients in the asylum, white girl. Fou r o f the mob lost
bottom o f the cells, entering a
900 o f these being males and 977 their liyes while approaching the
lobby and goin g out through a
females. There are 469 colored prison walls, but this didn’ t stop
window. Those who escaped were:
lUales and 870 females. A ccordin g the others.
Sloan Earl, charged with felony;
to tho report just made there are
J. G. Bryant, Walt Dayis, Robert
er437 insane people now waiting adGill, all negroes, charged with
mission to the institution. The sons residing in Gainesville were
misdemeanors, and Zeb Patterson,
c o s t of feeding tho inmates is 30 found in the upper edge of White
with three misdemeanors.
1county after the cyclone.
ce n ts a day.
G eorgia, L um pkin County.
W ill be sold before the co u rt house
d oor o f the co u n ty o f Lum pkin on the
1st Tuesday
in Ju ly, n ext, w ithin
the legal hours o f sale to the highest
bidder fo r cash the fo llo w in g property
to -w it:
L ots o f land, num bers (878) eight
hundred and se v e n ty -e ig h t, and (870)
eight hundred and se v en ty -n in e, in
the 11th district and -first section o f
Lum pkin cou n ty , G eorgia. L ev ied on
as the property o f W illiam M. Stover,
by virtue and to satisfy a fi. fa. isssued
from the Justice court o f the 1252nd,
G M ., in favor o f W arren H en drix
vs. said W illiam M . Stover.
L evy
made and returned to m e by W . M.
G erren, L . C.
J. M . D a v i s , Sheriff.
Jim Dumps had scarcely slept a
A ll night he’d toss about and
But that’ s all past— he’ll ne’er
Insomnia. H e ’s found a cure I
T is “ Force.”
A t night, when
lights are dim,
It soothes the nerres of “ Sunny
In S im m on s B uilding.
beautiful line of Lawns, Dimities,
ca n ’ t be beat for beauty and price.
M y stock is complete, and prices
o please any one, all I ask is your
inspection and
I will
to please yrou in quality,
and price.
Thanking you for past favors, I
trust to merrit your patronage in
the future.
ours for B
£{ol Gk h o s v u l n h o v { l s
U n d er N ew M an agem en t,
Is now open to the public, with a table supplied with the
best the country affords. Furniture entirely new.
Rates: Per day, $1.50; per week, $ 6 ; per month $20.
Mas. J O H N H A T F I E L D ; Prop.
We have plenty
tions on hand.
Mr. Boright o f Kansas City, is
down Icoking' at some pro petty.
Both chickens and eggs arc j Some o f our citizens chickens
scarce in Dahlonega now, and have j a r e d s m g with the cholera.
been fur a week or two.
| I f you are tired o f the crowded,
Miss Fannie Gaillard of Dahlone- hot cities, come to Dahlonega.
ga, attended the teachers con ven Mr. Ross Thomas returned to
tion at Cumberland this week.
Anniston, Ala., last Saturday.
G en. W arner left fo r the north
Mrs. Minnie Rice is visiting her
again first o f this week and will
sister, Mrs. Frank Moose, in White
be gone until tho middle o f June.
county this week.
Mr, Harry Thomas has gone
One of the three horses o f B. R.
down to Gainesville to take chargc i
Meaders <£ Sons pulling a plow
o f one o f the street cars as motorIyesterday, dropped dead.
Mr. John H. Moore is preparMr. Warren Bryson is sick at
ing to build him an up-to-date Mr. W m . Englands.
Mr. Frank Harris, after an ab
Both corn and meal have been sence o f several years from Dahvery scarce in Dahlonega fo r a lonega, returned last Tuesday.
week or ten days.
H enry Elrod, col., was find one
Marion Gamlin, charged with and cost by the mayor last Tuesillicit distilling, was bound over by day fo r being out too late at night.
Com. Baker last week.
Mr, W . J, Hightower is moving
Rev. Mr. Marks, after several his steam saw mill u p o n the W im days absence from the city, re- py place, much moro convenient
turned home last week.
to Dahlonega than heretofore.
Mining Notes.
The vein on the Consolidated,
being worked by Billie Riley, is
getting richer.
Jacob Loggins is still engaged
on the Calhoun property and has
some splendid shows.
Bryson and Teal are engaged at
work on the Turkey H ill property,
As tho fodder is about all gone
meeting with good results.
our citizens will have to haul hay
A Mr. Conway, who owns the
from Gainesville to feed on.
Newton lot adjoining tho celebraCorn meal raised a notch here
Mr. Isbell, a gentleman o f North
It is a yory easy matter to tell
Jones mine, has five prospecMr. and Mrs. R. C. Meaders
The price of corn and meal has
the ages o f girls and horses. The last week. It retails at 90 cents Carolina, who is interested in the tors busy at work now developing
went to Atlanta this week for the advanced ten cents on the bushel
timber business o f this county, is this property.
former never get older than 1(3, per bushel and scarce at that.
latter to have her eyes treated.
since the organization of the baseand the latter more than !).
Mr. Bruce Crawford has been in Dahlonega again on business.
H enry Sparks, Jake Sparks and
Mr. and Mrs. W . II. Jones of baII club here.
I f any one is dissatisfied with Lewis Price are engaged outting a
Since the warm weather the road using a crutch and stick fo r several
Dahlonega, paid relatives in Daw
Bear in mind that we can get up
days on account o f a sore foot.
the assessment made on theit props drain tunnel o f about two hunto
son county a visit first o f the week. you r letter heads, envelopes or
hot by persons who enjoy bathing
Miss Mary Crusselle and Miss erly by the city council, they will dred feet to a rich vein down on
. Miss Jessie Bowen o f White any other job upon short notice in this clear mountain stream.
Sal lie Gaillard 1iave gone up to have to make their grievances the Ivey. This vein is vefy rich.
county, has been spending some and in good style.
known by the first Monday night
Mr. Bruce, with five hands, is
Mr. and Mrs. W . F. W orley, Naehooehee V alley to spend a
time here with her sister,'Mrs. H.
in July.
Not long ago some one stole
mining near the Barlow on a lead
Mrs. Kerr and Mr. E. S. Cope- week or so.
B. Smith.
twelye gallons of liquor from a
“ swindling
v e in .”
At Mrs. Stricklands you will
Prof.® Stewart returned from
land, after a short visit here, reQuite a lot o f good ore has been
Dahlonega was visited by a hail blind man in this county. Thieves
turned to
Monday Athens last Thursday, where he find a lot o f hats at reduced prices.
storm last Saturday afternoon.
had been attending the University Also both white and colored waists
Courtney was in town
The stones were small, but fell for
at a much lower price than they
Mr. Doyle Moore leaves for T e x commencement.
W o are glad to learn that Mr.
a while thick and fast.
as n e x f week where he expects to
have ever been offered in Dahlon- Saturday night, and states that
Newt Satterfield, who was so ill
The sanitary taxes fo r tho secabout two pounds o f gold was
A\. P . Price, J r., has from 75
with typhoid fever some weeks ond quarter are now due, and all
cleaned up at the Loud mill Satto 100 pairs o f men’s nice pants to Star State. W e wish him a pleasMiss Pearl Burner o f Cartersago, is able to sit up and will soon who fail to settle by the first day
urday afternoon after about four
sell at a reduced price. < Nicest in ant, profitable trip and a safe re- be well.
villc, Ga., who has been employed
o f July will have to pay cost.
days beating. Cleveland Cornier.
town. G o and see them.
in the millinery shop o f Mrs.
J. V. H a k b i s o n ,
The new dredge boat o f IngerThe two little children o f Mrs.
Strickland fo r some months, reMr. Edwards, the Mayor o f the
More visitors have arrived at
soll & Crisson in the Chestatee
J. M. Hutchins, who recently died
turned home last Tuesday, to the
Porter Springs this week, and the thriving city of Blue Ridge, Ga., in Dahlonega, are now with J. E.
was started up this week.
The repairing and rebuilding of
regret of her many friends here.
Queen of the Mountains will soon came over last week and spent a and H . J. Randolph at Jefferson,
The dipper takes up a ton and a
the Dahlonega cemetery fence will
few days in Dahlonega, being the
present a city like appearance.
every three, minutes, which
first visit he has made this place in
A gentleman who resides in
all be wire, and the other will be by several members o f tho Briar gives you an idea o f what it is
20 years.
Roy. J. R. Gunn went down to
Martins’ Ford district, having the
as soon as tho means can be spared
Last Monday Mayor Edwards Etowah church last Sunday to as- to do the work.
over the gold field. Dr. Cravens
The mining business in the v i stock law, this week
sist in the ordination o f some deawas am ong the crowd, who was as cin ity o f Auraria, in this county,
that ho was going to sell out and o f Blue-Ridge, Messrs. Henry M cII. B. Crawford succeeds J. S.
arGuire, G. McGuire, Thomas Tate,
jovial and pleasant as usual.
is going to be lively now. A n u m move away.
Stewart in tho insurance business,
arid Littlefield o f Dahlonega, and shal Harbison.
W e arc informed that a repre- ber o f the members o f the Briar
They ceased hauling logs out at
and represents H artford & Queen
others went up into Chestatee disPatch Co. have been down this
Mr. J. W. Baird, o f Nashville, a
the Gorge last week, and are now
Also sentative of the Bell Telephone
trict in search o f tho finny tribe. large stockholder in Crown Moun- Fire Insurance Companies.
Co. will bo up in a few days and week and the general manager inready to resume the. construction
They carried no snake bite medis tain Co., has been here this week, Equetable Life Assurance Society.
formed us last Tuesday that they
of the dam as soon as directed by
cine along and failed to have the in com pany with Mr. E, W . Axson
here to Dawsonville via. Auraria, were going to work in earnest
those interested.
usual result.
Mr. Dodge Ferguson died at his
right away.
We are glad to learn
of the same city.
Ashleys and McKees.
Remember those
shoes, dry
o f this movement, for this is too
Rob Howell and Tom Smith,
Last Tuesday Marcus Allen and
goods and hats that are going at
valuable a gold mine to be idle
both colored, and Will Ward were continue to come in, showing that above Dahlonega, last Thursday
cost at M. G. Heads. Now is your
afternoon o f typhoid fever.
We Charlie Turner o f White county, any longer.
There is plenty o f
put into the lock up Saturday the people appreciate our efforts
were up before Com. Baker, chargtime to get a large lot o f goods for
gold there and they are bound to
night by assistant marshal Geo. in endeavoring to furnish them tender to the parents and all kined with violating the Internal rev
a small amount o f money.
succeed with the proper manageWalker, fo r being out after 11 with a good country weekly.
enue laws. Both were discharged ment.
One day last week Sheriff Day is o’ clock at night. They were reThe hotels and boarding houses
fo r want o f sufficient p r o o f to c o n Mr. W . P. Lunsford, o f Hood, o f Dahlonega are prepared to care
1 he most modern machinery is
went up to Rabun and arrested J. leased Sunday morning to appear
now being enstalled down at the
M. Robison, who is wanted in this again Monday, when the two ne- who has been in school at Dah- com fortably for a large number of
Experts, representing the United Etowah Gold Mining Co., near
county, charged
selling groes were fined one and cost each. lonega fo r quite awhile, is back summer visitors at very reasonable
home, and was shaking hands with rates. The gates o f the city are States Leather Co., are now out in Auraria, under the supervision of
mortgaged property. : He made W ard failed to appear.
the county examining the lands Mr. Craig I|. Arnold, general manbond.
his Blairs ville friends this w’eek. thrown open to you.
Lewis H. Cochran, o f Dial,
recently optioned to Anderson & ager. 1 his mine was form erly
He is one o f our brainiest, as well
Mrs. J. B. Witt, o f this place, passed through the city Sunday
When you come to Dahlonega Jones. When they make an in- known as the Betz, where a shaft
as cleverest you n g men.— Union
received a message Monday, stats last enroute to H o t House to see
and wish a first class hotel to stop vestigation we can tell yo u more o f several hundred feet has been
County Banner.
ing that her husband was danger- his best girl. On his return M on at, g o to the Dahlonega kept by about it.
sunk and the ore continues good
ously ill at McCay’s, Tenn., aud day evening he seemed to be feelIn addition to the $250 sent to Mrs. John Hatfield. It is newly
Three negroes have paid out all the way down. It is expected
her and her son left at once for ing good and spent the night in Gainesville from Dahlonega fo r
furnished and the table is supplied
have the m ill in operation by
the city, being the guest o f Allen the cyclone sufferers, Mrs. W. P.
that place.
with the best the country affords.
up viewing the city o f Dahlonega the first o f August. There is no
Brothers. Lewis is just from col- Price, Jr., added $10.00 more fo r
W e understand that Gen. W a rSee ad. elsewhere fo r rates.
machinery like it in this
lege at Dahlonega, and judging fear they wouldn’ t have enough.
ner anticipates moving down to
M r. J. .F Moore will soon be- keep on this way long negroes, country, and the crusher is much
from the way he talks agriculture, Mrs. Price never lets an opportus
Mr. Hulseys, between here and
than the one at Crown
after a late hour, will be as scarce
he will some day bo a model ag- nity o f this kind pass. She is
Gainesville, where he will be more
his residence, which is to add as ’ possums on a moonshiny night Mountain or H and, being shipped
always ready and willing to help
convenient to his business both riculturist.— Blue Ridge W orld.
from the great city o f London,
three more rooms, by raising the
Y ou will find Hall’s Villa a large
here and in Gainesville.
One day last week Mr. John the needy, both at home and
and all the machinery is said to be
wall o f his kitchen and dining room
commodious building and one of
tho best in this whole section.
It will be well enough for p e r - Montgomery o f this county, killed
to a two story. Mr. W m . R ick the most pleasant places fo r suma
Messrs. Ainslie and Breymann,
sons not having any business out
Dahlonega is now surrounded etts will do the job.
mer visitors in Dahlonega. W rite
large stockholders in the Consoliafter 11 o’ clock at night, to remem- yard. His sons wife heard it with country stores, buying all
Some time ago a Standard Oil fo r terms to J. F. Castleberry if
dated, Standard and Syndicate
ber that Mayor Baker means to singing but thought it was a dry the produce they can got and ship
Co. man came up to Dahlonega 3'ou wish to spend the summer in
Companies, have lost no idle m opunish all such, found guilty o f weather fly, and was parting the it to Gainesville, greatly cutting
with a load o f oil and supplied the our beautiful mountain city.
ments since being in our city.
violating the ordinance which pre- weeds to see what, was disturbing off our city’s supply, which will
market, agreeing to make a visit
the chickens, when she got right on
vents it.
are getting ready fo r businecessitate the merchants here to
It almost, but fortunately it made pay cash for barter in order to get every two weeks from Gainesville. Benson have been carrying thoir ness right away. Mr. Rosenthall,
The railway out to the Dunlap
no effort to bite her, although it it, fo r country people arc not com - But if he started he is lost fo r he arms in a sling this week. A lo n z o another stockholder and director,
shoals was not completed last week
has never been seen here but once.
was mad and singing, being disgot one o f his fingers stove up remained with them until Tuesing here to trade when they can
as was expected, but most likely is
turbed by the chickens. It was
Prof. Rogers, who has been ocs while playing base ball and Mr day. As stated in a previous isget goods at their own doors as
clone by this time. Mr. J. F. certainly a narrow escape.
Pying the chair o f agriculture at the Moose cut his arm while trimming sue o f the N u g g e t , a test o f a
DahMoore and
Gen. Warner went
N. G. College fo r the past several off some limbs preparing to fix up thousand pounds o f ore from the
On Monday Fred Trammell, a lonega.
down Saturday and directed in
months, sent in his resignation to his tomato plants. Quite a differs Benning was made recently by the
laying off the park out at the colored female was up before MayDr. Avis, the new president of the board o f trustees recently. ence in the business they were fol
Tuleride Reduction Co., at Coloor Baker fo r being drunk last
the N. G. A. College, intended re- W e regret this very much, fo r the lowing. One was fixing to p ro rado Springs, which showed it to
Sunday a week ago, over at Mart
turning home last Thursday but Professor is a fine gentleman and duce vegetables and the other pain
Mr. Green Abercrombie o f this
be worth $40 per ton, thirty-eight
a favorite resort for
owing to having to attend to some filled his position to the letter.
county, who got hurt at the
and idleness.
o f it was saved. Some o f this ore
many who wish to do mischief
Gainesville Cotton mill some time when they get to drinking. This business o f importance to the colF o r several weeks Messrs. AnA message was received from was carefully assayed here before
lege, didn’ t get off until Saturday.
ago, is in a bad fix and unable to
woman got so wild she had to be
derson & Jones o f Dahlonega have Gainesville this week calling fo r a and on ly a little over $2S3 per ton
Although the Doctor remained
earn a single cent. This was cans*
tied. A witness swore that she
been engaged in taking options on lot o f hands who wanted to work. could be saved. This gives an idea
here only about a wToek, causing
ed by a falling ladder which he
didn't do much of any thing and
lands for the United States Leather T hey are fixing to clear away the o f the value o f one o f these reduchis acquaintance to be very short,
was on, mashing his hip in such a
Mayor Baker said ho W o u l d give
Co. They now have options on debris in the path o f the cyclone tion plants in the handling o f the
nevertheless tho general impresmanner as to present him from
her a job on the streets fo r 60
over th iity odd thousand acres and and rebuild as fast as possible. In ore at this mine. The com pan y
sion is that he is the right man in
earning any part o f a living.
days unless she paid a fine of one
expect to increase it to 50,000. a year, or less time, the now bar- will enstall one or more o f them
tho right place.
has sued the company for $5,000, and cost.
This land lies in the counties of ren ground will be coyered with here. The property owned by the
his attorneys,
composes the Bast,
Union and nice new buildings and the peo- Syndicate
The large commodious hotel be- Lumpkin, Dawson,
Mrs. Sarah Davis, sister o f Mr.
Gaillard & Perry.
David Prewitt o f this county, longing to the Consolidated Co., Fannin, including some o f the ple will resume tho same move of Lockhart, Ivey and we believe the
Last. Monday as Co!. P. Price
all the city
died iccently- in Knofcville, Tenn.,
was returning from Auraria he was and was brought back to Union trustees o f the N. G. A. College whole country.
last fro m
the terrific cyclone that brought property purchased
caught out in a severe storm, quite
Capt. H all,
Being among the
for burial. In three days afterDahlonega has had a visit from
a distance from any one’s house.
most valuable m ining lands in the
wards one o f her daughters also tract was entered into b e t w e e n its Messrs. Aineslie, Breymann, RosW e had the pleasure last week gold belt here. These gentlemen,
The wind blew so he had to let the
died and was shipped to her fo r - managers and the board here last enthall and F. G. Thomson, all
o f meeting Mr. Cassady o f Nash- Capt. Ingersoll and four or five
bug gy top down to. keep tho ves
mer homo and placed by the side tr id a y . A t this hotel or d orm ito- members o f the Consolidated, Stanville, Tenn., who is here in search others, own this property. Preph id e from b lowing over and was
of her mother. They both died
dard and Syndicate Cos. They o f timbered lands. H e desires no
thoroughly drenched with the l'ain.
arations are being made to organftom a relapse o f the measles. will bo required to stay. It is a came fo r the purpose o f transactoptions but proposes to pay the ize a com pan y under a new name
A tree was blown across the road
Mrs. Prewitt’s husband died in fine, comfortable building and one ing some matters o f interest to
cash down at once, but as other and go to work, first at the Bast
and no way to pass around it until
Union county about eight years o f the most delightful places in these companies. Messrs. Thomgentleman have been taking ops aud Lockhart. The latter is said,
lie scut tho little boy, that was with
ago, and for a long while the lady Dahlonega. W e believe this to be son and Rosenthall have returned
tions on nearly all the timbered by those who know, to be the best
him, back to a colored man’s bouse
H ere the smaller
and her daughters would raise p ro - a wiso move.
to their homes in the north. The lands o f this county, it will be difand waited until two men could
deep mine in the county, a shaft
duce and haul and sell it in Ats
ficult fo r him to procure such already having beon sunk to a
clear the road. The law requires
lanta, a distance o f about ninety the watchful eye o f some o f the us. They are all jovial, big heartproperty, Mr. Cassady desires to considerable depth. They are men
that all trees near the road be cut miles.
This sad death will be co Ilego professors and will not
down, but little attention is paid to deeply regretted by their many have any chance to run all over ed men and our citizens are always purchase no mineral property, yet o f business sense and we feel co n glad to have a visit from any of he does not want any land with the
it in this section.
friends in Lumpkin counts’.
fident that they will meet with
i town at night.
mineral reserved.
EgsiS' have been retailing at 15
cents per dozen here this week—
regular Easter price.
A ll R ot.
T o Stimulate Advertising.
Miss Stone Going Back,
A n Alabama preacher has announced that hereafter he will
preach only the truth at funerals,
and that he does not propose to
make immuculate saints o f hellbound sinners.
That’ s all wind.
W heneyer a preacher or an edator starts out to tell the entire
truth in either funeral notices or
wedding announcements there will
be something doing.
A n d yet
there will be a happy medium
which will meet tho demand for
lefo rm . It certainly should be
disgusting to read some o f tho
sickening slush
which appears
whenever a couple get married,
and thus advertising of the bride
as the fairest specimen of womans
hood in all Alabama, when she is
probably pug-nosed and freckleds
faced and so darned pigeon-toed
that her tracks point east when
she is going south, is just a little
too strong to set well on the average human. The same thing happens when the preacher unlogizes
a notoriously bad citizen right into the pearly gates, and to the
living is a sham, while it don’ t do
any good to the dead.
No sense is shown by a lot o f
long winded resolutions or respect
signed by p eople’ who would not
associate with the man or woman
whale alive. T-jA reasonable amount
o f soft soap is a good thing, but
this overdoing of the thing is to be
dep 1ored. B uchanan Trib u ne.
The Buffalo E xpress has intros
duced a unique advertising feature
that should recommend itself to
many other dailies as well as to
merchants generally. They head
a certain department, “ Our City’ s
Show W in d o w ,” with a suggestive
attempt in illustrations at same,
Below are given in bold type the
words “ Today In Buffalo.” Then
“ Tho
W eath er,”
“ City
Lights,” “ Entertainment,” “ Meetings” and “ Yesterday.”
this and at each side are brief ads.
fro m the merchants of the city,
most o f which are illustrated. O f
eourse'these do not take the place
o f the full-page, half page, column
It is said that Miss Ellen Stone,
the missionary whose lectures about
her experience with brigands in
Turkey have been so successful, is
soon to return to the country
where she was kidnapped, says
the B rooklyn Eagle.
O f course, there can be nothing
parallel in the cases, but somes
how hers reminds me of that of
the drowned man whose body was
found lodged in an eddy and co v ered with eels.
When the eels
had been turned over to the w eep ing widow as her righful properly
she was asked w'hat she desired to
have done with her late lamented
1 i : l :) < R em oving her apron
from her eyes, she said, between
sobs and sniffles:
“ I — I guess y o u ’ d better— set him
The President’s Salary,
Many people believe that .the
$50,000 a year which tho Presid » t gets as his salary is the sum
total. This is a mistake.
©64 is given him, in addition to his
salary of $50,000, to pay the salaries of his subordinates and
clerks. His private secretary is
paid $3,500. his assistant private
secretary $2,250, his stenographer
$1,800, five messengers, each $ 1,200; a steward $-1,200, four other
clerks, good salaries; one telegraph
operator,, two ushers $ 1,200 and
$1,400, a night usher $1,200, a
watchman $900, and a man who
takes care o f tho fires receives
$8G4 a year. I d addition to this
there is given $8,000 fo r incident
ta 1 expenses, such as stationery,
earpets and the care of the presidential stables.
Under another
heading ho receives nearly $40,000
more. Of this $12,500 is for repairs and refurnishing the White
House, $2,500 fo r fuel, $4,000 for
the greenhouse, $15,000 for gas,
matches and stable.
The White
House all told costs the country,
i® connection? with the President,
something over $125,000 a year.
or even half column ad. which appears as usual. But mauy not
hitherto advertisers will be led to
commence in this small way, and
as the entire space seems virtually
a daily directory o f iht most im
portant local events transpiring
few of tho really enterprising
business tradesmen of tho city
will probably care to be left out.
It is an idea which may be characterized as bright.— Retailer and
L ost A t Both Ends of Line.
Mr. W . A. Carlile, chief engineer in charge of the Gainesville
& Dahlonega Electric
Company, was hit hard by the
storms o f flood aud wind.
Besides the damage suffered by his
company in the Gainesville tornado, Mr. Carlile lost considerable
by the flood in Kansas City, where
he and his brother had a large
commission house, in which the
water rose ten or more feet and
ruined a largo quantity of hay,
gram, provisions,
etc.— Gainesville News.
A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman the
other day r a n a w a y from her husband with another man. She explains that she did it because she
wanted to convert the other man
t o C h r is tia n ity a n d
she co u ld n ’ t
do it while she remained at home.
A nd, od d ly enough, the deserted
husband doeg not feel aggrieved.
He says if i t will save a soul he is
perfectly w i l l i n g for matters to
take their course. W h at peculiar
things are sometimes done in the
name o f religion, says the Savannah News.
An indictment was last week
found by the Pulton county grand
jury against G. Hallman Sims
with the embezzlement of $22,000
from the Capital City National
Bank while that bank was a'~state
institution, and he will be tried on
this charge after he is released
from the federal prison, where he
is now serving time fo r em bezzhAs a get-rich-quick scheme, ment from that bank after it beChicago journalism is not to be came a national institution.
Twelve years ago
What a perfect old world this
James Keeley began work on the would be if each o f us were as
Chicago Tribune as night police good as we know \ve ought to be.
reporter. To-day he is publisher
of the paper. E ight or nine years
ago John T. McCutcheon began
making drawings for the Chicago
press, which he gladly sold for $1
to $2 each. A few days ago Keeiey closed a contract with M cCutcheon for three years under
the terms o f which the artist is to
receive $20,000 a year for one cartoon a day, to be published in the
Tribune. This gives McCutcheon
an average of about $59 per cart o o n - v e r y creditable pay for a
d a y’ s work. McCutcheon, by the
way, is the creator of “ Little
Peterkin,” whom he seems to have
disowned sinco he achieved the
distinction o f war artist and c o rrespondent with Dewey in the Mas
nilla campaign.— Savannah News.
When a man decides on a course
o f sia he mortgages himself to the
devil. The mortgage may run a
go od while. A man may be permitted to pay an enormous amount
o f interest in anxiety and pain and
tlisease and shame and remorse
while he stays off the fatal day but
some day the mortgage will be
Then hidden secrets
begin to flash out like electric
lights in the darkness, and all the
story of his traffic with satan begins to unfold.— Ex.
Measured by all human calculation, it would seem that such disasters as those at Gainesville, Ga.,
and in the Pacolet River Valley,
South Carolina, would appeal to
the charity o f such men as Carnegie and Rockfeller, who have
more money than they can spend.
— Marietta Journal.
A smile and a frown come at
the same price, but tho former
pays happy interest on the invests
I f inventors o f excuses could
patent them the patent office would
soon furnish employment to every
Some people always carry their
troubles to God and keep their joy
to themselves.,
A lm o st U n n erv ed Me
—H eart Pains.
S h o rt of B r e a th ,
F a in t a n d L a n g u id .
III Kidney ini
ladder li§sa§es
Foley's Kidney Cure will p o sitiv e ly cu re a n y case o f
K id n e y o r B ladder disease that is n o t b e y o n d the
reach o f m edicin e.
N o m e d icin e can d o m ore.
I f y o u n otice any irregularities, c o m m e n c e takin g
Foley"s Kidney Cure at o n c e and a v oid a fatal m alady.
A fKos’oharit Cursd Altar Having O.ivcrs Up Hope.
Foley & C o., Chicago.
Gentlemen:— I was afflicted wtth Kidney and
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and. had given
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CURE was recommended to me.
After using one
bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking
six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and
Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past
twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY’ S KIDNEY
James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W . Va.
& Veteran of the QivS! War Ctsrod fifier Tea- Tsars
of Suffsrisig.
R. A . Cray, J.P ., of Oakville, In d., writes;—
“ Most of the time for ten yeafs I was confined to my
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FOLEY’ S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me.
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There are many symptoms of heart disease,
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Power ofA ttorn cy ,
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Witness Summons,
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J. P. Summons,
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Justice’s Court Fifas,
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Are you Interested in Your
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A bly Edited by John Tem ple Graves.
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TfjE ATLANTA U W ?, Atlanta. Ga.