Matt Baird - Bolder Translations
Matt Baird - Bolder Translations
Matt Baird Matt Baird German-English Translator, Editor Copywriter German-English Translator andand Copywriter Matt Baird German-English Translator, Editor and Copywriter About me • • • • proven, published translations bona fide editorial room experience 14 years in the translation biz 20 years learning, living & loving German About my work Translation • manager/customer magazines • press/marketing materials • blogs/web content Editing • translations/non-native copy • content marketing/social media Copywriting • online marketing campaigns • content marketing/social media • sponsorships/promotions translation | editing | copywriting 2 Matt Baird German-English Translator, Editor and Copywriter Contents Translation samples manager magazine customer magazine tech news press release 4 5 6 7 network man age men t acro ss the Gro up 14 A man and his horse: A DHL account man Germany ride ager from s his way to Olym pic gold once 08 Latest New again s The latest from the Group and the industry 13 Inst Editing samples fine-tuning a translation making non-native content shine 04 2012 Con nec ting 06 Picture this DPDHL’s sector s use industry knowledge to hel p customers. Read about who, wh at, why, and how. ant Replay The last three months at a glan ce FOCUS: THE SEC 8 9 14 Industry insid TORS ers How DHL uses in-depth kno wledge of the create and shar sectors to e specific solu tions 17 Sleepless at Sanofi Dynamic, even dramatic: A cust omer from the pharmaceutical sector faces diffi culties in Latin 20 Oversee America ing oil in Oma n A day in the life with the ener gy sector: Rob who works for Kennaugh Petroleum Dev elopment Oma n Copywriting samples 22 “Our Chin a stra online marketing campaign sponsorship article tegy is key for the For the automot future“ ive sector, the country matters and more, says Fathi Tlatli more 24 Chasing cong 10 11 lomerates Engineering & Manufacturin g is the newest complex, as the sector. It is activities of an account man ager show 26 Digital nati ves The rapid pace of change in the tech sect young manager or suits two s OUR COMPAN Y 28 Getting the hits Ralph Klin expl ains Deutsch e Post’s activities the online adve in rtising market 30 Cross-DHL: It’s a bea uty How the divis ions worked together to grow business with Avon 32 Preparing lead ersh ip for a changing Christian Stief world elhagen expl ains that lear stops with the ning never TEC Leadersh ip Program 34 Living Resp onsibility CEO Frank App el visits a scho ol in India 35 The Green page How projects throughout the Group are help carbon ing cut 36 Thinking insid e the How the hum Four manager box ble container 38 Go and see for changed our yourself The First s making prog world 48 “Customer behavior has always been subject to change , but in recent times, that change has happened at an unbelievable pace.” ECKHARD SCHLI NGMANN 28 “We’re position ing Group as an ind the ependent provider of hig hly complex techn ology infrastructures .” RALPH KLIN Choice Way ress. Check out how PUBLISHER : Deutsche Post AG, Headquart President Corpo ers Represente rate Communica d by Dr. Christ tions and Respo HEAD OF INTER of Ehrhart, Execu nsibility, Deuts tive Vice NAL COMMUN che Post DHL, ICATIONS: PRODUCTIO 53250 Bonn, Birgit Hense N EDITORS: Germany l EDITOR-INMathias Mülle CHIEF: Hend r (German Editio rik Krüger n), Allison Willia ms (English Edition) STAFF WRIT ERS: Jennifer Abramsohn, Marcel Plexn Matt Baird, ies, Rieke Przem Britta Hecke r, Laura Lehne uhs, Heiko Reute Wutke EDITO n, Gaby Pinkn r, Carol Stock RIAL ASSISTAN er, s, Werner Tewe T: Annina Wert (Senior Art Direc s, Eske Wrigh hs AUTHORS: tor), Peter Baue t, Eva Steffen Ermis r (Infographi ch GRAPHIC: cs), Marialuisa Jürgen Gütz Plassmann, Fride rike Hansen (Picture Editors) PROO F READER: Tanja Klöck cover). This ener PAPER: paper is made Recymago (90 from 100% g/m2 inside environmentally recovered pape pages, 200 g/m2 friendly resou r, and has the rce. We are Blue Angel certif world’s resou committed to rces. EDITORIAL icate as an protecting the AND CREATIVE environment SERVICES: G+J and the Corporate Edito rs GmbH, medi enfa- translation | editing | copywriting 3 40 OUR COM PAN Y Matt Baird sile partnenr t DPDHL has one of the electric veh largest flee icles in the ts of driving forc world, and e behind is a the develop alternative ment of propulsio n systems not just . And it about CO is 2 , it is also reductio about nois n and clea e ner citie s. Translation: Manager Magazine Dass er täglich Pionierarbeit leistet, geht Keith McCloud an diesem trüben Sommermorgen nicht unbedingt durch den Kopf. Es ist 8.10 Uhr in New York City, und er hat gerade eine Eilsendung am Pier ausgeliefert. Jetzt setzt er seinen Ford Transit Connect langsam zurück auf den Hudson River Gateway, der am Hafen entlangführt, und bewegt sich zurück in die verstopften Verkehrsachsen von Downtown Manhattan – langsam und vor allem lautlos. Keith McCloud fährt eins von insgesamt 30 Elektroautos, die DHL Express bis September in den Hochhausschluchten in den Betrieb integriert. Ortswechsel: Hans-JörgMöller biegt gerade mal wieder von der Landstraße ab. Im Recklinghausener Stadtteil Speckhorn im Westen Deutschlands steuert er einen der zahllosen Höfe an, die auf seiner täglichen Zustelltour liegen. Früher begrüßten ihn seine Kunden schon häufig an der Tür, als er den Wagen vorfuhr. Heute verschwindet der Verbundzusteller oft ungesehen – und ungehört. Sein Wagen ist einer von zwölf Renault Kangoo, die im Brief-Bereich mit Stromangetrieben werden. The silent partner DPDHL has one of the largest fleets of electric vehicles in the world, and is a driving force behind the development of alternative propulsion systems. And it is not just about CO2, it is also about noise reduction and cleaner cities. Keith McCloud does not really think of himself as a pioneer on this dreary summer morning. It is 8:10 a.m. in New York City and he just delivered an express package at the pier. Now he slowly steers his Ford Transit Connect back to the Hudson River Gateway, which runs along the harbor, and makes his way back to the congested streets of downtown Manhattan – slowly, and more importantly, quietly. McCloud is driving one of 30 electric vehicles that DHL Express is integrating into its Big Apple fleet through September. Across the Atlantic, Hans-Jörg Möller turns off the country road for the umpteenth time today. Just outside of Recklinghausen in western Germany, not far from the Dutch border, he drives up to one of the numerous farmhouses on his daily delivery route. In the past, his customers were often standing at the door to greet him as he approached. Today they frequently neither see nor hear him. Möller’s delivery vehicle is one of twelve electric-powered Renault Kangoos in operation in the area. Excerpt from DPDHL‘s network magazine (Issue 3 2011) translation | editing | copywriting 4 PHOTO: eith McC loud does not really as a pione er think of himself is 8:10 a.m. on this dreary summ in New York er morning. ered an It City and expre slowly steers ss package at the he just delivthe Huds pier. Now his Ford on he and make River Gateway, whichTransit Connect back to s his runs along town Manh way back to the the harbo congested attan – slowl r, McCloud streets of y, and more downis important Express is driving one of 30 electric vehic ly, quietly. integrating tember. in its Big Apple fleet les that DHL through Across the SepAtlantic, country Hans-Jörg road Möller turns of Recklingh for the umpteenth off the time today Dutch borde ausen in western . Just outsi Germany, houses on r, he drives up to not far from de one of the his numerous the tomers were daily delivery route. In the past, farmapproached often standing at his the him. Mölle . Today they frequ door to greet him cusently neith as r’s delivery powered er see nor he Renault Kang vehicle is one hear oos in opera of twelve electr iction in the Mail and area. Express lead the The Mail way divisi with six differ on has started a number ent types (see p. 43 of for an overv of vehicle. Express pilot projects vehicles, is running iew). “By we levels and can deliver letter using electric-po four s and parce wered without burn from renew ls at low ing fuel. noise And able energ delivery y sources, by using electricity routes up we can to 100% Brinks, make Chie carbo important f Production Offic n neutral,” says our part of GoG Uwe er, Mail. mental prote “Tha reen, our ction progr Group-wid t is an ing actio am. GoG e environn to reduc e our emiss reen is how we are ions.” In the futur take : DIRK KRÜLL K Yellow car, looking green Postman : Hans-Jörg Möller drives a Renault Kangoo an electr with ic motor – one of 100 vehicl over es silentl y at work for Deuts che Post DHL Strom aufwärts Mit einer der weltweit größten Elektrofahrzeug-Flotten treibt Deutsche Post DHL die Entwicklung des alternativen Antriebs voran. Dabei geht es nicht nur um CO2. Sondern auch um Lärmreduzierung und saubere Städte. OUR COM PAN The Y Matt Baird Translation: Customer Magazine 3 ri al | | Ed ito Fürsorge für die Mitarbeiter n | Co n te 2 Taking Care of the Team ts | Die PCK Raffinerie GmbH aus Schwedt/Oder hat 1.100 Mitarbeiter. de with take ma ictioim Sowohl die Zahlen der Arbeitsunfälle als auch die n isFluktuation m n o m d of a d st com at rprofitieren k o is m e Unternehmen gehen gegen null. Die Mitarbeiter von einem h “T ose ts or th g.” ic d d a umfangreichen, individuellen betrieblichen inGesundheitsmanagement, ing noth News | is doUnternehmensführung | Facts &die B•A•D zusammen mit der das seit 2009 bei in ter. Even ivial mat ificantly ative | tr s, a rm PCK durchführt. er Fo om ad n in g | r fr Dear re tances si is the lace is fa German refinery PCK Raffinerie GmbH, one of the largest companies in the state of Brandenburg with some 1,100 employees, has something to brag about: Both staff turnover and the number of workplace accidents are nearly zero. Why? Since 2009 PCK’s people enjoy extensive, personalized workplace health management services run by B•A•D in cooperation with the company’s senior leadership. Kundenspezifisches E-Learning | E-learning ... Custom(er)ised! e in p Magaz ent Grou Safety amPrev d B·A·D Te ional Health an Occupat Quarter 2014 2nd ief est, in br All the lat 4 re ealth Ca entive H int Prev forces Focal Po Rein an Law n – Germ Preventio d! Right to m(er)ise g ... Custo E-learnin 6 20 am gest e of the Te of the lar Taking Carry PCK Raffinerie GmbH,gonwieth some 1,100 over ne denbur staff turn German refi te of Bran out: Both hy ? in the sta to brag ab y zero. W companies mething are nearl so ts s en ha , cid ed employees er of workplace ac personalis mb extensive, in D A· B· and the nu K’s people enjoy n by Page 14 PC services ru ip. Since 2009 nagement r leadersh health ma y’s senio workplace e compan n with th tio era op co | B·A·D : nference pert Co orkplace B·A·D Ex Abuse at the W e ey Substanc ion Surv ct er Satisfa m sto 2013 Cu Vascular & B·A·D s w vie Book Re oklet Bo Exercise Today 10 Regelmäßige Unterweisungen der Mitarbeiter sind Pflicht. Dieser können Arbeitgeber auch per E-Learning nachkommen. Neben Basisthemen l| rnationa bietet B•A•D nun kundenspezifisch aufbereitete E-Learnings an, in | Intedie die betriebsspezifische Bilder, Dokumente etc. eingebunden werden e| | Featur können. 11 12 lgaria : event Bu TeamPr ss with Stre Dealing 13 ery: ed Refin Team A Refin e re of th Taking Ca 14 | Tips & Trends 18 | s t Fitnes All Abou back | Auszug aus B•A•D-Magazin inForm 2. | Feed Fax Form 23 Care ive Healthtional Health Care t Prevent pa Focal Poindments to the German Oceccut – reinforcing e Th amen w in eff alth care. The first VV) are no tional he e (ArbMed e occupa “preventiv Ordinance preventiv s become ’ rights to wer to eck-up” ha po ch e h th employees alt nal he ployees t tio em ou pa ab ing ccu re giv mo term “o h care” – not. Read nal healt yees and eck-up or occupatio th emplo have a ch Page 6 ans for bo ether to me wh e law cid d de ende any’s am what Germ employers. E-lear ised ! ustom(er) ployees are a must. ugh ning ... C ro em subs orkp ption consum to addictive at the w ce abuse cohol and other work. Alcohol elated inability Substan tion-r ts, al fety at ic n sa hol and d ou d ad al an am of ce s of co ses an st small ca e rm l co th al e fo h per y to s. T nt of influence early 44 per ce al consequence German econom n ci e rer cause of e are also finan t a strain on th lth insu u er ea p h h T e ic . k. alon publ year wor that the German addiction ion each tobacco me €60.25 mill ch institute of sm which stated by about se ar ei so tune of , the WIdO rese ployee absente dictive drugs ro 2.42 to ad In 2013 a report on em e use of million in 2002 tance th by ed d bs AOK issu sick days cause ade – from 2.07 support for su ference to d n of ec number t in the past d intervention an B·A·D expert co ). The n t, e 10 ce en e th er ag tm p of e ? 17 y (p em . Trea an th 12 m e 20 er th develop ? G in dictions million kplace is 14 in Hanover, se the wor ow do ad substance abu 20 e abuse at 8 and 9 May s like : H on ye ti on lo ti ac p es on qu take h em be held focus on loyers deal wit ies allowed to conference p nce will confere (and must) em and are compan egister for the R s n s? on ca ti ce n How bsta gal op om our e the le ictive su arned fr What ar the use of add perts. gs we le spondents in th e ol ex tr r th re ks to con nt of from ou ertise : among 80 per ce nd a hearty than d learn now an g of B·A·D exp survey is that e 11)! e to se Quartal 2014 Speakin er satisfaction e. We would lik high marks (pag rvic the stom 2013 cu ed with our se pating and for tisfi tici were sa omers for par st cu to our of y th instruction in a convenient wa can be ining and on urses that Routine tra meet this obligati earning co n e-l ca egration rs ers int ye Emplo ow the D now off all A· re d B· an . s rning need ent the co online lea customer to complem Page 20 individual and more tailored to materials imagery, Happy t 225 Bonn Imprin -Str. 1, 53 -Rabius 40072-25 ., Herbert (0)228 B·A·D e.V 2-223, Fax +49 w.bad-gm ww Publisher: 07 : et 40 ard of rn (0)228 of the Bo .de · Inte an bh m Tel. +49 gm air und, Ch m@badm or ge inf : Sie Email rnd Prof. Be : ent Managem rs Directo la Grünes z ief : Ursu bH, Main m Editor-in-Ch Line Gm sign: Edit rtransla tes Editing, de tof Mat ird, bolde Ba t at lia, Chris M : e.V., Foto d Translation D un A· rei B· phics : tt Drucke sta Photos, gra erk ln Kö eW Grafisch & Co.KG, Printing : pp GmbH Gebr. Ko Verlag, 604 ion . 1612-0 s permiss ISSN-No th expres only wi reprint tion or Duplica er. sh bli pu e from th reading Routine training and instruction of employees are a must. Employers can meet this obligation in a convenient way through online learning. B•A•D now offers e-learning courses that can be tailored to individual customer needs and allow the integration of company imagery, materials and more to complement the core subject matter. Unsere tionale interna Marke Excerpt from B•A•D TeamPrevent Magazine 2nd Quarter 2014 ! emund Directors nd Sieg Prof. Ber of the Board of an Chairm m! ad Downlo ampre ww.te rm at w Fo of in a copy translation | editing | copywriting 5 Matt Baird Translation: Tech News Kernsanierung bei Word & Co. Microsoft Remodels Office Schöner wird es, interaktiver und mobiler: Microsoft verpasst seiner Bürosoftware eine Rundumerneuerung. Das kürzlich vorgestellte Office 2013 ist voll auf Windows 8 ausgelegt. Hold on to your desk chair, your office is about to get a facelift. Microsoft’s Office software is being completely remodeled. Recently introduced Office 2013 is designed to be more attractive, more interactive and more mobile – and it will be ready for Windows 8. Wie das Betriebssystem wird auch das Büropaket sowohl auf PCs als auch auf Tablet-Computern laufen. Dafür sind Word & Co. für die Bedienung mit den berührungssensiblen Displays optimiert worden: Mit Wischgesten bewegt man sich durch Präsentationen, Menüs sind fingerfreundlich groß und handschriftliche Notizen zu Dokumenten lassen sich mit Tablet-Stiften direkt auf dem Touchscreen vornehmen. Neu ist auch die konsequente Online-Anbindung der Software. Standardmäßig werden alle Dateien in Microsofts Cloud-Speicher Skydrive abgelegt. Beginnt man beispielsweise auf dem Laptop eine Excel-Tabelle, kann man an der gleichen Stelle auf einem WindowsTablet weiterarbeiten. Die Synchronisation geschieht automatisch über das Internet. Zusätzlich gibt es mit den „Microsoft Web Apps“ auch abgespeckte Versionen der Programme, die ohne Installation direkt im Internet Explorer laufen. Like the operating system, the Office software will run on both desktops and tablets. Word and its siblings have been updated for touch screens, so you’ll be able to swipe through your PowerPoint slides, access finger-friendly menus and add handwritten notes to files right on the screen using tablet pens. Direct access to cloud features is also new. All files are saved by default in Microsoft’s Skydrive, so if you start an Excel spreadsheet on your laptop, you can continue where you leave off on a Windows tablet. The files synchronize automatically in the cloud. Slimmed-down versions of the programs – Microsoft Web Apps – will also be available, running in Internet Explorer without installation on the hard drive. Excerpt from “Gadget Guide“ in DPDHL‘s network magazine (Issue 4 2012) 52 ON THE MOV E Gadget guides W H AT W O R K S MICROSOFT REM old on to your desk chair, your office is about to ODELS OFFICE by default in Micros o translation | editing | copywriting 6 Matt Baird Translation: Press Release Deutsche Post DHL mit Führungspositionen in Nachhaltigkeits-Rankings Deutsche Post DHL leads sustainability rankings Bonn, 29. September 2011: Der weltweit führende Logistikdienstleister Deutsche Post DHL ist erneut in den führenden Kapitalmarkt-Indizes Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index, FTSE4 Good Index und Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index 2011 aufgenommen worden. Bonn, September 29th, 2011: Deutsche Post DHL, the world’s leading logistics provider, has been ranked once again in the leading capital market indices Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index, FTSE4 Good Index and the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index 2011. Die internationalen Rankings bewerten nach strengen Kriterien jährlich neu die Nachhaltigkeitsanstrengungen und -ergebnisse von Unternehmen und bilden damit eine wichtige Entscheidungsgrundlage für nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Investoren. In 2011 bewertete der Dow Jones Sustainability Index über 1.400 Unternehmen: Die Deutsche Post DHL hat sich in allen Hauptkriterien des Dow Jones Sustainability Index verbessert und im Vergleich zum Vorjahr im Gesamtergebnis 2 Punkte (von 85 auf 87) zugelegt. Besonders bei den ökologischen Kriterien der Nachhaltigkeits-Rankings konnte der Konzern mit 99 Punkten eine herausragende Bewertung erreichen und liegt damit weit über dem Industriedurchschnitt. Each year the international indices rank companies on their sustainability efforts and results based on stringent criteria. They form an important basis upon which sustainability-minded investors can make decisions. In 2011 the Dow Jones Sustainability Index ranked over 1,400 companies. Deutsche Post DHL improved in all of the index’s main criteria, scoring two points overall higher than in 2010 (from 85 to 87). The Group’s environmental criteria scored particularly high with an outstanding 99 points, far exceeding the industry average. Ebenso wurde die Deutsche Post DHL auch in diesem Jahr erneut als Mitglied des FTSE4 Good Index bestätigt. Der FTSE4 Good bewertet die Nachhaltigkeit von Unternehmen nach Kriterien wie zum Beispiel nachhaltigen Umweltstandards, Anstrengungen gegen den Klimawandel und Arbeitsstandards. Die Deutsche Post ist bereits seit 2004 im FTSE4 Good gelistet. Deutsche Post DHL has been confirmed once again for the FTSE4 Good Index. The FTSE4 Good evaluates companies for their sustainable performance based on criteria such as sustainable environmental standards, efforts to combat climate change and working standards. Deutsche Post has been listed in the FTSE4 Good Index since 2004. Excerpt from DPDHL press release on September 29, 2011: leads_sustainability_rankings.html translation | editing | copywriting 7 Matt Baird Editing: Fine-tuning a Translation The second gold in sight Second gold in sight Peter Thomsen has gold in sight again: as in 2008, the DHL salespeople from Neumünster, Germany, has been nominated again for the Olympic Games. Four years ago in Beijing he won gold with the team in eventing. Peter Thomsen is going for gold again! After competing in the 2008 Games, the DHL salesman from Neumünster, Germany, has been nominated for the 2012 Olympic Games in London. In Beijing four years ago he won gold with the team in eventing. Preparations took several months and Peter Thomsen’s competition in the German camp was intense. “The dice will be rolled after the CHIO horseshow,” said Mr. Thomsen in May. The international horse show ended yesterday and eventing on Saturday. In the end the north German came 13th in the riding discipline, consisting of dressage, show jumping and eventing. In this case thirteen was a lucky number for Mr. Thomsen because shortly after the end of the contest Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung (the German equestrian federation) nominated their riders for London 2012. Peter Thomsen is part of the five-member eventing team. At the CHIO horseshow in Aachen, Germany, he performed particularly strongly in show jumping and scored the third-best score of all participants. Preparations were long – lasting several months – and Thomsen faced stark competition from his fellow German riders. “The dice will be rolled after the CHIO,” said Thomsen in May, knowing that the team to represent Germany in London would be picked after this year’s global equestrian festival in Aachen, Germany, which ended yesterday. The eventing competition ended on Saturday. The German came in 13th overall in eventing, consisting of dressage, showjumping and crosscountry. In this case 13 was Thomson’s lucky number. Shortly after the global contest was over, the German equestrian federation (Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung) nominated their riders for London 2012 and Thomsen is now one of five riders representing his country on the eventing team. His particularly strong showjumping showing in Aachen most certainly played a role in making the team: he was the third-best rider overall in that discipline. translation | editing | copywriting 8 Matt Baird Editing: Making Non-native Content Shine Passionate in Providing the Right Passionate About Providing the Right People We are passionate in providing to companies the right people that with their expertise and competencies foster sustainable company growth. We are evenly zealous to introduce to candidates the right opportunity: Companies that value their competencies and that offer to them the right framework to expand. We are passionate about providing the right people who bring with them a wealth of talent and expertise that will support your company’s sustainable growth. We are equally zealous in our efforts to introduce candidates to the right opportunity, which means companies that value their skills and expertise and that offer the right environment to expand and further their careers. Our competencies are all based on more than two decades of experiences in international management functions, in consulting business and in executive search. Already now and even more in the very near future the key to success is to have access to the right talents and performers. Based on the demographic trends in all major economic systems we are standing in front of an age of shortage in well trained employees. The added value we bring to the table is rooted in more than two decades of experience in international management functions, business consulting and executive recruitment. Experts agree that the demographic trends in all major economies are leading us into a period in which there will be a shortage of well-trained personnel. Now, and even more so in the very near future, access to the right talents and top performers will be the key to success. translation | editing | copywriting 9 Matt Baird Copywriting: Online Marketing Campaign DHL and Camper Make Perfect Fit When a small, family business with global reach wanted to take their shoes to new markets, they turned to DHL’s worldwide network and local expertise and found the perfect fit. Learn more about how DHL and Camper make the perfect fit and what DHL can do to help your company take a sure-footed step forward on the path to growth. Sustainable Solutions Open Markets for Camper There are certainly no one-size-fits-all solutions in the footwear industry. Few companies understand this better than Camper, a growing Mediterranean business steeped in the tradition of a great family of innovators who have been manufacturing shoes since 1877. What began as one man’s dream in Mallorca has expanded into a successful international operation known for its stylish, unique and individual designs. Camper needed custom-fit, simple and sustainable logistics solutions to help the company enter new markets on solid footing. DHL’s local knowledge and expertise along with its e-commerce know-how provided the perfect fit. Now Camper’s shoes walk effortlessly through customs and onto the shelves in 57 countries and online customers can sport Camper styles anywhere around the world. With DHL’s sustainable approach, Camper is on the path to continued growth into new markets. translation | editing | copywriting 10 Matt Baird Copywriting: Sponsorship Article DHL and Formula 1TM Back in the USA! Aiming to win the hearts of American fans, Formula 1 heads back to the United States after a four-year hiatus. The first ever purpose-built Formula 1 track in the US will be hosting its inaugural Grand Prix on November 16-18 in Austin, Texas. The track is “race ready” according to FIA race director Charles Whiting. He calls the course “absolutely first-class” and ready to host one of the busiest, craziest and fastest weekends in the country, where 120,000 fans will witness the high-octane action on the state-of-the-art Circuit of the Americas. a Formula 1 race. He returns poised to claim his third consecutive F1 title and is looking for a podium finish to stay ahead of Spanish rival, Fernando Alonso of Team Ferrari. Vettel is also currently in the lead for the 2012 DHL Fastest Lap trophy. Keep up to date with former F1 driver Christian Danner’s latest Fastest Lap predictions on Facebook at Formula 1™ Backstage by DHL. DHL’s Motorsport team is in overdrive as it pushes to deliver some 35 tons of equipment per team from last week’s race in Abu Dhabi to the Lone Star State - a distance of over 13,000 kilometers (8,000 miles). Red Bull Racing driver and 2010-2011 World Champion Sebastian Vettel is glad to be back as well. He has fond memories of Formula 1 in the US: The last time he raced here he finished for the first time in the points in translation | editing | copywriting 11 m +49 (0)178 412 7777 e w skype mtb-trans | LinkedIn | Xing | Facebook | Twitter | ATA Matt Baird German-English Translator, Editor and Copywriter