Venezolanische Filmtage 2009 von 23. bis 26. September


Venezolanische Filmtage 2009 von 23. bis 26. September
Samstag, 26. September 2009
18.45 Uhr:
To Play and to Fight
/ Tocar y Luchar
Year of production: 2006, Director: Alberto Arvelo, Duration: 70 min
To Play And To Fight presents the captivating story of the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra System – an incredible network
of hundreds of orchestras formed within
most of Venezuela’s towns and villages.
Once a modest program designed to expose rural children to the wonders of music,
the system has become one of the most
important and beautiful social phenomena in modern history. The documentary
portrays the inspirational stories of world
class musicians trained by the Venezuelan
system, including the Berlin Philharmonic’s
youngest player Edicson Ruiz and world re.
conductor Gustavo Dudamel. With
interviews with many of the world’s most celebrated musicians including the great tenor
Placido Domingo, Claudio Abbado, Sir Simon
Rattle, Guiseppe Sinopoli, and Eduardo Mata,
To Play And To Fight is an inspirational story of courage, determination, ambition and
love, showing us that… only those who dare to
dream can achieve the impossible.
Die Vermittlung der südamerikanischen Kultur und Sprache
hat einen großen Stellenwert im Bildungsbetrieb des
Volksbildungshauses Wiener Urania:
- Reisevorträge
28. September 2009:
Peru – Impressionen und Rätsel
19. Oktober 2009:
Vom Dschungel ins ewige Eis – Vielfalt Südamerikas
- Bewegungskurse
Nehmen Sie teil an Ritmo Latino, dem Latin Danceworkout
oder einer Einheit Salsarobic und erleben Sie beim Training
das Feuer Südamerikas!
- Sprachkurse
Wir bieten Spanisch Kurse für Kinder, Erwachsene sowie Menschen
ab der Lebensmitte. Nehmen Sie teil und lernen oder vertiefen Sie ihr
Spanisch um bei Filmen nicht auf die Untertitel angewiesen zu sein!
Volkshochschule. Forum der Wiener
Volkshochschulen Nr. 632/09
Zulassungsnummer: GZ02Z031494M
P.b.b. Erscheinungsort Wien,
Verlagspostamt 1011 Wien
Medieninhaber, Verleger, Herausgeber:
Verband Wiener Volksbildung,
Hollergasse 22, 1150 Wien
ZVR-Zahl: 634864667
Verband Wiener Volksbildung
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich:
Volksbildungshaus Wiener Urania,
Dr. Erhard Chvojka
1010 Wien, Uraniastraße 1 | Anmeldung: kursanmeldung@urania– | Tel: 712 61 91 – 25 oder 26 |
Venezolanische Filmtage 2009
von 23. bis 26. September
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Botschaft
der Bolivarischen Republik Venezuela
Gezeigt werden Originalversionen mit englischen Untertiteln
Alle Filme im Mittleren Saal
(Hintereingang der Wiener Urania)
Eintritt pro Film 6,- Euro
Information und Kartenkauf unter:
712 6191 – 25 oder 26 (Mo - Fr , 9.00-20.00 Uhr)
Im Anschluss zeigen wir kostenlos zwei Kurzfilme:
Following the film we are going to show two short films for free:
Die Venezolanischen Filmtage in der Wiener Urania gehen in die nächste Runde:
Nach einem großen Erfolg 2008 machen wir auch dieses Jahr wieder einen
Streifzug durch südamerikanisches Kino.
Vier Tage bringen wir venezolanische Kinostreifen auf die Leinwand!
Mittwoch, 23. September 2009
19.00 Uhr: Eröffnung durch:
20.40 Uhr: Adam and Eve / Adán y Eva
Dr. Erhard Chvojka, Direktor der Wiener Urania
Alí de Jesús Uzcátegui Duque, Botschafter der Bolivarischen Republik Venezuela
Year of production: 2007, Director: Laura Muñoz, Duration: 10 min
Adam is an old man who spent his entire man. Through a peculiar forbidden apple, their
life working. He forgot to live and now, he lives mingle. Now they have to face their lonecan’t remember any more how to talk to liness and rediscover who they are in order to
the woman he loves. Eve is an old widow overcome their fears of a new beginning.
who has forgotten how to feel like a wo-
20.50 Uhr: The Toads’ Silence / El Silencio de los sapos
19.15 Uhr: Postcards from Leningrad / Postales de Leningrado
Year of production: 2007, Director: Mariana Rondón, Duration: 90 min
They left to save the world and we’re still
waiting for them to return.During the left
uprising in Venezuela in the 1970s, a young
guerilla woman secretly gives birth. To her
surprise, she is the first woman to bear a
child on Mother’s Day and so, her photos
are published in the newspapers. From
then onwards, she and her daughter have
to escape. Disguises, secret hidings and
false identities now define the little girl’s
life. Together with her cousin Teo, she starts
reinventing the adventures of their guerilla
parents by building a fantastic labyrinth of superheroes and strategies. All the child wants
is to become the invisible man to remain safe.
Although they succeed in escaping, they know
their parents might never come back, and in
exchange, Postcards from Leningrad is all
they are ever going to get.
The night and morning in the life of three
kids who go back home after their mother’s
Freitag, 25. September 2009
19.00 Uhr: Miranda Returns / Miranda regresa
Year of production:2007, Director: Luis Alberto Lamata, Duration: 120 min
20.45 Uhr: Empfang im Dachsaal
Im Anschluss an den Eröffnungsfilm laden die Botschaft der Bolivarischen Republik
Venezuela alle BesucherInnen zu einem Empfang in den Dachsaal der Wiener Urania
After the opening movie you are invited to join the reception in the “Dachsaal”
on the top floor.
Donnerstag, 24. September 2009
In 1816, a young seminarist secretly visits
the place where General Miranda is kept
captive, La Carraca. The young man convinces the General to make an interview
spreading his anti-colonialist ideas in Ca-
diz. Although he does not trust the boy, Miranda decides to talk to him. A retrospective
journey through the life of General Miranda
who might be the most universal of all Venezuelans begins.
Samstag, 26. September 2009
19.00 Uhr: The Class / La Clase
Year of production: 2007, Director: José Antonio Varela, Duration: 90 min
It’s the year 1989, Venezuela is going
through social and political unrest. Tita
(Carolina Riveros), a violin student who
lives in a popular slum in Caracas, wants to
Year of production: 2006, Director: Claudia Pinto, Duration: 10 min
become the first violin of a youth orchestra,
but her daily life’s limitations conflict with
this world full of possibilities. This leads Tita
to take a final decision.
17.30 Uhr: Our Miranda / Nuestro Miranda
Year of production: 2007, Director: Jean Charles L’ami, Duration: 60 min
The life of the most universal Venezuelan
is told through the eyes of children. Using
the cinematographic technique of cutting
and pasting, a long feature animation to recreate the defining moments of this exceptional man’s life was produced.