The worldwide largest UCN guide
The worldwide largest UCN guide
Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRMII) Technische Universität München A UCN guide System for the FRMII Dr. Thorsten Lauer - NDS 2015 Short intro in UCN business Technische Universität München Definition : Ultra Cold Neutrons are totally reflected at all incident angles by most materials Energy of neutrons in the gravitational field of the earth: E = mngh ~ 100 neV/m Properties of ultracold neutrons: energy wavelength velocity temperature lifetime < 250 neV > 55 nm < 7 m/s < 3 mK 15 min Energy level splitting of neutrons in a magnetic field: V B0 B 60.3neV / T UCN can be stored in material or magnetic traps Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 UCN guide system for the FRMII Technische Universität München S-bend in UCN guide Penelope EDM SR6 exit UCN source Biological shield 28 m Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Sputtering Infrastructure at the FRMII Technische Universität München Vacuum chamber: - Length 3.6 m Volume 243 liter 7.7E-7 mbar within 12 hours Coating posibilities: - max. tube length 1.6 m Max. diameter 180 mm Two magnetrons installed Targets available: NiMo, NiV, Ni, Ti, Al, Cu, Cr, Au, C, Gd, Ag Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Successful coating Technische Universität München First of twelve UCN guides for test measurements at ILL Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Optical wall potential NiMo The measurements at MIRA were performed by K.Seemann and O. Soltwedel Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Technische Universität München UCN guide assemblies Technische Universität München Assembly of the final elements UCN beam splitter Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Guide characterization at ILL Technische Universität München Setup for transmission and storage measurements at PF2 - Guide ID 115 mm OD 125 mm - Length per guide 1.5 m - Max. length ~17 m - In addition two 90° and one 25° bend in the beamline - 3 self-made UCN shutters - Vacuum 3 x 10-6 mbar Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 UCN shutter system Open shutter 0.5 mm gap Closed shutter gap less than 0.03 mm Technische Universität München UCN leakage < 0.2 UCN/sec Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Impressions of the longest UCN guide Technische Universität München 2 x 45 ° bend section 90 ° bend section pumping stations selfmade shutters Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Storage measurements Storage measurement in the whole guide l Technische Universität München Storage in a 1.5 m UCN guide segment 4 Vguide Aguide v Storage time 40.5 sec Storage time 42.1 sec storage time behaves as expected Almost no influence of the 0.1 mm slits between guides Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Loss coefficient Technische Universität München - With a slit between two guides of 0,1 mm 1 eff 1 1 1 sl l - τβ = 885 sec 4 Vguide Aguide v l - τeff = 40 sec 1/ 2 1/ 2 V E V ( E ) 2 arcsin 1 V E E - With a measured wall potential for NiMo (85/15 wt%) Vf = 221 neV - for the total storage volume 4.110 4 2.73 10 4 / 1.5 eff ( Theor. 2.5 10 4 ) effective storage time, neutron lifetime, l losses due to absorption, up scattering…, Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 sl slit losses UCN guide transmission Technische Universität München Time of flight measurements TOF spectrum 17 m 6 m/s 6 m/s TOF spectrum 2.6 m T: 0.499 ± 0.005 (0.992 ± 0.005) m-1 All people are happy…… BUT! Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 UCN Density Technische Universität München Turbine exit After UCN guide Density: 0.22/cm³ Density: 0.07/cm³ Conclusions: - density reduces to 31.8% of the initial density 31.8 ± 1% (Density) 49.9% (Transmission) Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Diffuse scattered neutrons Technische Universität München 6 m/s 3,3 m/s Transmission of only UCN (3,3 – 6 m/s) 0.327 ± 0.005 (0.961 ± 0.005) m-1 (0.318 ± 0.01 Density) 28m at the FRMII (straight) 33% transmission transmissionsmessungen Diffuse scattered neutrons Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Simulations (by Geza Zgimond at PSI) Technische Universität München Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Simulations (by Geza Zgimond at PSI) Technische Universität München Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Simulations (by Yuri Sobolev in Mainz) Technische Universität München Labview front end: - parameter control - data handling - Visualization Visual C library: - Simulation code Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Simulations (by Yuri Sobolev in Mainz) Technische Universität München Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Ongoing work Technische Universität München A new cold,very cold and ultracold neutron source at the TRIGA Mainz starting Dec.2015 (TUM & IKCh Mainz) Supermirror coatings for UCN applications…. Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Ongoing work Technische Universität München January 2016: start of the MOVATEC GmbH (in Eching, Germany close to the FRMII) - UCN optics Neutron Guides Neutron Polarizers ….. Wishes are welcome ! Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015 Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRMII) Technische Universität München Thank you for your attention And special thanks to the guide team 2014! Dr. Thorsten Lauer NDS 2015