newsletter 05/09 -


newsletter 05/09 -
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
Nr. 247 - März 2009
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: - Web:
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Ein kurzes Resumee
von Wolfram Hannemann
DEADGIRL (1:2.35, DVD, DS)
REGIE Marcel Sarmiento / Gadi Harel
DARSTELLER Noah Segan / Shiloh
Fernandez / Candice Accola / Eric Podnar /
Jenny Spain / Andrew DiPalma / Nolan
Gerard Funk / Michael Bowen DREHBUCH Trent Haaga PRODUZENTEN
Marcel Sarmiento / Gadi Harel VERLEIH
Ascot Elite Home Entertainment
Da finden zwei Schüler in einem verlassenen Krankenhaus im allerletzten Winkel im
Kellergeschoss eine nackte Frau, die auf
einen Tisch gefesselt ist. Und offensichtlich ist die Dame nicht von dieser Welt:
weder Pistolenkugeln noch Messerstiche
können ihr etwas anhaben. Die Jungs beschließen, die Dame als ihr persönliche
Sexsklavin zu benutzen... Ein interessantes
Thema, aus dem man bestimmt einen guten
Kurzfilm hätte machen können. Doch leider
ist hier ein echter Langweiler entstanden,
der von dilettantischen Schauspielern nur
so wimmelt und dessen Drehbuch nicht so
recht zu wissen scheint, was es eigentlich
will. Die technisch unterirdische Präsentation dieses Machwerkes von DVD war da
nur noch das Tüpfelchen auf dem berühmten “i”. Die Amerikaner würden hier passend sagen: “Fucking Amateurs!”. Und sie
haben Recht.
SPLINTER (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
Whigham / Paulo Costanzo / Jill Wagner /
Charles Baker / Rachel Kerbs / Laurel
Whitsett DREHBUCH Kai Barry / Ian
Shorr PRODUZENTEN Kai Barry / Ted
Kroeber VERLEIH Ascot Elite Home
Entertainment / SquareOne Entertainment
Es geht doch nichts über einen gut gemachten B-Film! Da wird ein Pärchen auf ihrer
Fahrt ins Grüne von einem Gangsterpärchen gekidnapped. Beim Rast an einer
Tankstelle muss sich das ungleiche Quartett
plötzlich gegen einen äußert aggressiven
Schmarotzer wehren. Das Blutbad kann
beginnen... Sehr professionell inszeniertes
Horrorfilmchen, das aufgrund seiner rasanten Schnitttechnik und der Wackelkamera
auch der Phantasie des Zuschauers noch
genügend Raum zur Entfaltung lässt. Denn
weniger ist manchmal mehr. Der perfekte
Cast rundet das Werk ab. Hervorragend
geeignet für einen spannend-trashigen Filmabend.
HORSEMEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
Dennis Quaid / Ziyi Zhang / Patrick Fugit /
Lou Taylor Pucci / Clifton Collins Jr. / Eric
Balfour / Peter Stormare DREHBUCH David Callaham PRODUZENTEN Michael
Bay / Andrew Form / Brad Fuller VERLEIH
Concorde Filmverleih
Wenn einem schon in den ersten Minuten
des Films das Bauchgefühl sagt, dass man
den Mörder bereits kennt, dann sollte man
sich auf dieses Bauchgefühl verlassen.
Nachteil ist dann natürlich, dass der dann
folgende Film extrem langweilig wirkt.
HORSEMEN ist ein solches Beispiel. Da
soll ein stark gealterter Dennis Quaid als
Ermittler eine Serie von grausamen Morden
aufklären und nebenher noch seine beiden
Söhne erziehen. Job und Privatleben beissen sich mal wieder und sind nur eines der
Klischees, die dieser Film beherbergt. Das
Ganze erinnert an einen Kreuzung zwischen
LAMBS, angereichert mit Langeweile.
Mein Tipp: Hände weg!
(1:2.35, DD 5.1 EX)
OT: Joheunnom Nabbeunnom Isanghannom
REGIE Ji-woon Kim DARSTELLER Kangho Song / Byung-hun Lee / Woo-sung Jung /
Kyeong-hun Jo / Kwang-il Kim / Cheong-a
Lee DREHBUCH Ji-woon Kim / Min-suk
Kim PRODUZENT Jae-Won Choi VERLEIH Splendid Film
Es gibt ein neues Filmgenre: den “Oriental
Western”! Spätestens seit Takashi Miikes
SUKIYAKI haben die Asiaten den Western
für sich entdeckt. Und sie passen das Genre an ihre Gegebenheiten an. Ort der Handlung dieses extrem aufwändig inszenierten
Actionfilms ist der Ferne Osten, wo sich
drei Rivalen gegenseitig mit allen Mitteln
eine Schatzkarte abjagen wollen. Das Ganze ist als eine Hommage auf die Filme
Sergio Leones zu verstehen. Sogar die Filmmusik, die unentwegt Altmeister Ennio
Morricone imitiert. Leider erschließt sich
der koreanische Humor nicht immer dem
europäischen Publikum. In Bild- und Tongestaltung jedoch ein beachtliches Werk.
LONG WEEKEND (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
Caviezel / Claudia Karvan / Robert Taylor /
John Brumpton / Roger Ward / Lara
Seite 2
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
Robinson DREHBUCH Everett De Roche
PRODUZENTEN Gary Hamilton / Nigel
Odell VERLEIH Tiberius Film
Erinnern Sie sich noch an das Meisterwerk
subtilen Horrors, das uns der australische
Regisseur Colin Eggleston im Jahre 1978
präsentierte? Auch der hieß LONG WEEKEND und wurde jetzt von Jamie Blanks in
Gedenken an den 2002 verstorbenen Colin
Eggleston neu verfilmt. Dabei sind die
Handlung und selbst viele der Kameraeinstellungen fast unverändert übernommen
worden. Damals wie heute endet der Ausflug eines Ehepaares in die australische
Wildnis in einer Katastrophe: die Natur
schlägt zurück. Aber mal ganz ehrlich: warum musste hier überhaupt eine Neuauflage
gemacht werden? Der Originalfilm ist hier
vollkommen ausreichend und an manchen
Stellen sogar noch mysteriöser als sein
Remake. Netter Versuch.
FRANKLYN (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
Eva Green / Ryan Phillippe / Bernard Hill /
Sam Riley / Art Malik / Mark Wingett
DREHBUCH Gerald McMorrow PRODUZENT Jeremy Thomas VERLEIH Ascot
Elite Home Entertainment
Einmal am Tag während eines Filmfestivals
muss man auch mal ein kleines Nickerchen
halten. FRANKLYN bot sich mir hier förmlich an. Das Nickerchen war natürlich ganz
unfreiwillig. Doch leider konnte mich der
Film nicht bei der Stange halten. Parallelwelten, ein Vater auf der Suche nach seinem
vermissten Sohn, die Begegnung mit einer
alten Liebe – es braucht hier eine ganz
schön lange Zeit, bis man überhaupt dahinterkommt, wie die ganzen Elemente
DEAD SNOW (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
OT: Død Snø
Norwegen 2009 / NORWEGISCHE OMEU
Jenny Skavlan / Ane Dahl Torp / Stig Frode
Henriksen / Bjørn Sundquist / Charlotte
Frogner / Vegar Hoel DREHBUCH Stig
Frode Henriksen / Tommy Wirkola PRODUZENTEN Tomas Evjen / Terje
Stroemstad VERLEIH Splendid Film
Der klare Festivalfavorit: ein Nazi-ZombieSplatter-Fun aus Norwegen! Ein paar Medizinstudenten machen Urlaub in einer abgelegenen Schneehütte und werden unversehens mit einer Horde zombifizierter deutscher Nazi-Soldaten konfrontiert. Was jetzt
kommt, muss man selber gesehen haben. Da
bleibt kein Auge im Kopf oder Arm am
Körper! Das alles ist natürlich nicht ernst
gemeint, sondern will sich als “Party-Tape”
verstanden wissen. Aber ohne Schnitte
dürfte das äußerst professionell inszenierte
Highlight in deutschen Landen nicht über
März 2009
die Ladentische kommen...
BOOK OF BLOOD (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
Jonas Armstrong / Doug Bradley / Simon
Bamford / Paul Blair / Sophie Ward DREHBUCH John Harrison / Darin Silverman /
Clive Barker (Vorlage) PRODUZENTEN
Lauri Apelian / Clive Barker / Joe Daley
VERLEIH Tiberius Film
HELLRAISER-Schöpfer Clive Barker lieferte die Vorlage zu dieser “Haunted
House”-Geschichte. Eine Professorin für
paranornale Phänomene will zusammen mit
einem Techniker dem Spuk in einem Haus
auf de Grund gehen. Als Medium dient ihr
einer ihrer Studenten. Ähnlich wie in POLTERGEIST macht sich das Trio an die
Arbeit. Und der Spuk lässt auch nicht lange
auf sich warten... Offensichtlich hat sich
Autor Clive Barker seit HELLRAISER
nicht wirklich weiterentwickelt. Denn
BOOK OF BLOOD enthält viele Elemente
aus genau jenem HELLRAISER. Da wundert es einen wahrlich nicht, wenn man
Langeweile verspürt. Immerhin: eine Stelle
im Film sorgte dafür, dass im Publikum
plötzlich alle wieder hellwach waren!
2K Digital 3D, PCM 5.1)
Jensen Ackles / Jaime King / Kerr Smith /
Betsy Rue / Edi Gathegi DREHBUCH
Todd Farmer / Zane Smith / Stephen Miller
(Vorlage) PRODUZENT Jack L. Murray
VERLEIH Kinowelt Film Entertainment
Das zweite Remake innerhalb des Festivals
war eine Neuauflage eines im Jahre 1980
entstandenen kanadischen Films. MY
BLOODY VALENTINE 3D ist ein Slasher
in Reinkultur. Hier bedarf es keines langen
Vorgeplänkels, sondern es geht direkt nach
dem Titelvorspann schon gleich blutig zur
Sache. Mit Grubenhelm, Gasmaske und
Spitzhacke treibt ein Psychopath hier sein
grausames Unwesen. Regisseur Patrick
Lussier liefert hier kompromisslos
zielgruppenorientiertes Kino ab – und das
gleich dreidimensional. Die 3D-Technik
wirkt dabei nicht aufgesetzt, sondern fast
natürlich und unterstützt den derben
Genuss. Natürlich muss man das schon
mögen, denn sonst könnte der abgetrennte
Unterkiefer, der da ins Publikum geschleudert wird, schon etwas zuviel des Guten
sein. Das spektakuläre 5.1-Sounddesign
ergänzt das plastische Bild perfekt. Popcorn-Kino für Hartgesottene.
Seite 3
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
The Costume Makes The Comedian
In ihren Augen spiegeln sich lodernde Flammen. Ihre
behandschuhten Hände sind zu Fäusten geballt. Ihre
langen Beine stecken in schwarzen Lackstiefeln, die
über die Knie gehen und mit Strapsen hochgehalten werden. Ihre langen, seidigen Haare umwehen die mit
schwarz-gelbem Latex umgossenen Apfelbrüste. Silk
Spectre ist ein Raubtier, dem sich nichts erfolgreich in
den Weg stellen kann.
Es ist der Magie der Masken- und Kostümbildner zu verdanken, dass man nicht einen Moment lang erahnt,
dass Schauspielerin Malin Akerman monatelang nach
Kondom stank und ständig blaue Flecken hatte. Was
auf der Leinwand pure Perfektion ist, ist in der Wirklichkeit das Ergebnis stundenlanger Tortur, die die Darsteller tagtäglich auf sich nehmen müssen. Natürlich
braucht man Lichttechniker, Kameramänner, Regisseure
und viele andere, um einen Film zu gestalten. Aber die
Maske und das Kostüm bilden die visuelle Grundlage
jeder Figur, ohne die der Film gar nichts wäre. Neulich
sagte Naomi Watts, sie hielte die zweistelligen
Millionengagen der Stars für durchaus angebracht.
Rebecca Romijn, die bereits in drei X-Men Filmen
Mystique porträtierte, dürfte ihrer Kollegin zustimmen.
Als Ex-Model ist Romijn sicherlich einiges
Unkomfortables gewohnt. Aber nichts hätte sie auf das
vorbereiten können, was sie auf dem Set von “X-Men”
erlebte. Bis zu neun Stunden am Stück musste die
Schauspielerin in der Maske sitzen. Am Ende war ihr
Körper zu 60% mit verschiedensten Prothesen bedeckt,
der Rest war mit einer Mischung aus Chemikalien und
blauer Lebensmittelfarbe eingesprüht. Ihre gelb-orangen
Kontaktlinsen waren so schmerzhaft, dass sie diese
nicht länger als eine Stunde tragen konnte – bei gerade
noch 10% Sehkraft. Um den lauernden Paparazzi kein
Foto des einzigartigen Kostüms zu ermöglichen,
musste Romijn in ihren Drehpausen in einem fensterlosen Raum verharren. An ihrem letzten Drehtag brachte
sie voller Übermut und Freude eine Flasche Tequila ans
Set. Nach mehreren Gläsern mit den Kollegen drehte
sie dann eine Kampfszene mit Hugh Jackman und erbrach sich leuchtend blau über ihn. Die blauen Chemikalien auf der Haut hatten bereits innere Organe in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Ein solches Kostüm oder auch
das langärmelige Latexkondom von Malin Akerman in
“Watchmen” sind unwahrscheinliche Kreationen.
Akermans Kostüm konnte für Stuntszenen nicht gepolstert werden, weil man jedes Schutzpolster gesehen
hätte. So blieb ihr nichts anderes übrig, als quasi nackt
Seite 4
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
zu drehen, denn millimeterdünner Latex bietet genauso
viel Schutz wie ein Seidennégligé. Aber Seide hätte wenigstens nicht nach Kondom gerochen. Solche Kleidung
hat mit der physischen Realität nichts gemeinsam. Bei
Kostümen, so hat man den Eindruck, hört der Realismus endgültig auf. Ein weiteres Beispiel dafür ist der
derzeit in den Kinos laufende “The Duchess”, der den
diesjährigen Oscar für bestes Kostümdesign gewonnen
hat. Keira Knightley trägt darin Perücken, die zwölf Kilo
und mehr auf die Waage bringen. Solche Perücken waren im 18. Jahrhundert tatsächlich en vogue und auch
so schwer. Der Unwahrscheinlichkeitsfaktor liegt hier
bei Keira Knightley: Die Damen von damals hatten Muskeln im Nackenbereich. Sie waren also durchaus in der
Lage, solche Frisuren zu (er)tragen. Miss Knightley dagegen ist bei aller Schönheit nicht so beschaffen. Die
Kostümbildner sahen sich gezwungen, ihr verschiedene
Kopf- und Nackenstützen zu bauen, damit sie heil durch
den Dreh kam. Trotz historisch korrekter Kostüme ist
auch hier der Realismus flöten gegangen.
Selbst die unwahrscheinlichsten und
halsbrecherischsten Kostüme erfüllen mehrere Zwecke.
Zum einen helfen sie Schauspielern bei der
Figurenfindung. Als Rosario Dawson die Rolle der walkürenhaften Domina Gail in “Sin City” bekam, hatte sie
keine Ahnung, wie sie sich an die Figur herantasten
sollte. Als sie das Kostüm, ein Haufen von Leder,
Schnallen und Netzen, zum ersten Mal sah, konnte sie
oben von unten nicht unterscheiden. Doch als sie es
dann trug, bekam sie ein Gefühl für Gail: “Auf einmal
machte alles Sinn. Selbst die Knappheit des Kostüms
machte mir keine Angst mehr, denn es war einfach Gail.
Schon nach wenigen Augenblicken fühlte ich mich wieder angezogen und konnte mich auf den Charakter und
die zu spielenden Szenen richtig konzentrieren.” Die
Wirkung des Kostüms auf den Darsteller ist wohl auch
dann besonders wichtig, wenn dieser, wie bei “Sin City”
oder den neuen “Star Wars”-Filmen, nur noch vor grünem Stoff spielt. Das Kostüm ist ein unerlässlicher Teil
der Charakterisierung einer Figur. Selbst wenn es
manchmal, wie bei Kate Winslet in “The Reader”, nur
das Evaskostüm ist.
Zum anderen dienen die Kostüme dazu, das vom Regisseur gewollte Image seiner Figuren klar in die Köpfe der
Zuschauer zu projizieren. Natürlich erlitt Malin Akerman
Abschürfungen und blaue Flecken, aber Silk Spectre
kennt so etwas gar nicht. Wenn ein Superheld ein un-
März 2009
wahrscheinliches Kostüm, das in Wirklichkeit niemandem Schutz bieten könnte, trägt und unversehrt aus
dem Kampf hervorgeht, dann wird er für den Zuschauer
real. Er wird zu einem “echten” Superhelden.
Die Wahrheit ist: wir möchten gar keine “korrekten” Kostüme in solchen Filmen sehen. Ich rege mich nicht wegen unrealistischer Kostüme auf, sondern wenn mir auffällt, dass Akerman in einigen Kampfszenen die Highheels gegen flache Schuhe tauschen durfte. Weil ich
dann brutal aus der Filmrealität herausgerissen werde.
Kann die sich nicht ein Beispiel an Michelle Pfeiffers
Catwoman nehmen? Die turnte in Stöckelschuhen auf
senkrechten Häuserwänden herum, ohne auch nur einmal weniger schmerzhaftes Schuhwerk anzuziehen.
Wichtig ist nämlich am Ende nur, dass alles in sich
stimmig ist. Das gilt für die historisch akkuraten und
subtilen Kostüme von “Revolutionary Road” genauso wie
für den zur Ikone gewordenen Ledermantel von Neo in
“The Matrix”. Der übrigens aus Wolle war.
Anna Rudschies
Anna spricht übrigens nicht nur mit Hollywood,
sondern auch mit Ihnen. Möchten Sie ihre Kolumne kommentieren, loben oder gar
verreissen? Anna freut sich über jedes Feedback. Ab sofort können Sie sie unter der folgenden E-Mail-Adresse persönlich erreichen:
Seite 5
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog
Montag, 02. März 2009
Der zweite Frühling und Tausende von
Hopp und Flopp – beides gab es zum Beginn der neuen Presse-Woche...
(1:2.35, D 5.1)
OT: Last Chance Harvey
Verleih: Concorde
Land/Jahr: USA 2008
Regie: Joel Hopkins
Darsteller: Dustin Hoffman, Emma
Thompson, Kathy Baker
Kinostart: 16. April 2009
Kein Wunder, das sich diesen Film mochte
– er spielt in London! Er (Dustin Hoffman)
kommt zur Hochzeit seiner Tochter von
Amerika nach London und trifft zufällig
Sie (Emma Thompson). Beide sind gestrandete, vom Glück ungewollt verschonte
Seelen. Eine Liebesromanze nimmt ihren
Lauf... Dass das alles trotzdem funktioniert, dafür sorgen die beiden Hauptdarsteller.
KOPF ODER ZAHL (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
Verleih: Kinostar
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009
Regie: Benjamin Eicher, Timo Joh. Mayer
Darsteller: Ralf Richter, Heinz Hoenig,
Mark Keller, Jana Pallaske
Kinostart: 23. April 2009
Wenn im Abspann eines Filmes mehr Komparsen und Sponsoren aufgezählt werden
als ordentlich Filmmitwirkende, dann ist
das ein sicheres Indiz dafür, dass hier Amateure am Werk waren. Die Frage, ob es
einen schlechteren Film als diesen geben
kann, würde ich im Moment mit “Nein”
beantworten. Den Regisseuren war hier
wirklich kein Klischee zu billig, um es
nicht in diesem dümmlichen Film um Immigranten, korrupte Polizisten, Kokain und
Nutten zu verwenden. Alles eingefangen
mit gequält künstlerischer Kamera und
einer gehörig nervenden Tonspur. Ein Tiefpunkt deutscher Kinematographie.
Dienstag, 03. März 2009
Der Fall Andreotti
Heftig politisch gab sich unser heutiges
DD 5.1)
OT: Il Divo
Verleih: Delphi
Land/Jahr: Italien 2008
Regie: Paolo Sorrentino
Darsteller: Toni Servillo, Anna Bonaiuto,
Carlo Degli Esposti
Kinostart: 16. April 2009
Die Geschichte von Italiens siebenfachem
Premierminister Giulio Andreotti, dem in
den neunziger Jahren der Prozess gemacht
wurde. Ihm wurden Geschäfte mit der Mafia nachgesagt, die in Folge zu etlichen
Morden führten. Toni Servillo brilliert in
der Rolle des Staatsmannes, der furchtbar
an Migräne leidet und stets mit gesenkter
Stimme spricht und sich stoisch gibt. Ein
exzellent bebildertes Stück jüngerer italienischer Geschichte, das leider mit Namen
und allerlei Fakten den uninformierten Zuschauer fast schon erdrückt. Sehenswert
alleine wegen des Hauptdarstellers.
Mittwoch, 04. März 2009
Und ewig muhen die Kühe
Ich hab’s schon immer gewusst: der Käse
wird in der Schweiz gemacht!
NUR EIN SOMMER (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
Verleih: Filmlichter
Land/Jahr: Deutschland/Schweiz 2007
Regie: Tamara Staudt
Darsteller: Anna Loos, Stefan Gubser, Stephanie Glaser
Kinostart: 12. März 2009
Die arbeitslose Ostdeutsche Eva bekommt
ein Jobangebot als Melkerin – in der
Schweiz! Und das nur einen Sommer lang.
Ihren Sohn und ihren Freund lässt sie zurück in der Plattenbausiedlung und macht
sich auf in luftige Schweizer Höhen. Doch
ihr Arbeitgeber – ein Eigenbrödler, der mit
seinem Leben nicht zufrieden ist – macht
ihr das Leben nicht leicht... Hier hat sich
mal wieder ein kleines Fernsehspiel ins
Kino verirrt. Nicht dass es so schlecht
wäre. Im Gegenteil. Die Besetzung stimmt
und Klischees nimmt man gerne in Kauf.
Doch für einen abendfüllenden Kinobesuch
bietet sich hier einfach zu wenig. Und die
Schweizer Bergwelt wäre sicherlich in
CinemaScope-Bildern besser aufgehoben
05. März 2009
On the Road und das jüngste Gericht
Mein Menü gegen das schlechte Wetter:
ELDORADO (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
OT: Eldorado
Verleih: Kool (Filmagentinnen)
Land/Jahr: Belgien/Frankreich 2008
Regie: Bouli Lanners
Darsteller: Bouli Lanners, Fabrice Adde,
Michaël Abiteboul
Kinostart: 14. Mai 2009
Dieses faszinierende kleine Road-Movie
aus Belgien stand bereits bei den französischen Filmtagen im vergangenen November
auf dem Spielplan. Erzählt wird die skurrile Geschichte eines Autohändlers, der in
seiner Wohnung einen Dieb auf frischer Tat
ertappt. Statt ihn der Polizei auszuliefern,
beginnt er eine Freundschaft mit ihm und
fährt ihn zu dessen Eltern. Die vielen kleinen Erlebnisse der beiden Hauptdarsteller
auf ihrer Fahrt übers Land machen den
Charme dieses optisch beeindruckenden
Filmes aus. Sehenswert.
KNOWING (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
OT: Knowing
Verleih: Concorde
Land/Jahr: USA 2008
Regie: Alex Proyas
Darsteller: Nicolas Cage, Rose Byrne,
Chandler Canterbury
Kinostart: 9. April 2009
1959 werden Zeichnungen von Grundschülern zum Thema Zukunft in einer Zeitkapsel eingeschlossen, um 50 Jahre später
wieder geöffnet zu werden. Nur einer der
Umschläge enthält keine Zeichnung, nur
eine wirre Zahlenfolge. Wissenschaftler
John Koestler glaubt, die Lösung zu haben:
die Zahlen stellen eine Warnung dar. Sämtliche großen Unglücksfälle der letzten 50
Jahre sind mit Datum und Anzahl der Toten aufgelistet. Niemand schenkt ihm Glauben... Nicolas Cage einmal mehr in der
Rolle des Losers, der hier – so scheint’s –
auserwählt wurde, die Menschheit zu retten. Die phantastische Geschichte ist von
der Idee her nicht schlecht, wird aber zum
Ende hin zu kitschig. Was mich persönlich
sehr beeindruckt hat, ist die Visualisierung
zweier Katastrophen (ein Flugzeugabsturz
auf dem Highway und die Entgleisung einer
U-Bahn). Das wirkte unglaublich authentisch, nicht zuletzt auch wegen des bombastischen Sounddesigns. Komponist Marco
Beltrami läuft in diesem Film zu Hochform
auf und liefert einen richtig Herrmannesken
Score ab.
Freitag, 06. März 2009
Am heutigen grauen, verregneten Freitag
gab es den passenden Film zum Wetter.
HELEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1)
OT: Helen
Verleih: Warner
Land/Jahr: Deutschland/USA 2009
Regie: Sandra Nettelbeck
Darsteller: Ashley Judd, Lauren Lee Smith,
Goran Visnjic
Kinostart: 14. Mai 2009
Helen ist Musikdozentin an der Hochschule, hat eine reizende Tochter im Teenageralter und ist zum zweiten Male glücklich
verheiratet. Doch ein stiller, verborgener
Feind schlummert in ihrem Körper: Helen
leidet nter starken Depressionen und trägt
sich mit Selbstmordgedanken. Zunehmend
wird sie zu einer nervlichen Belastung für
Seite 6
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog
ihre Familie... Eindrucksvoll versteht es
der Film, die Depression mit all ihren Auswirkungen als das darzustellen, was sie ist:
eine Krankheit. Insbesondere der Hauptdarstellerin Ashley Judd ist es zu verdanken, dass sich der Zuschauer in ihre Lage
hineinversetzen kann. Lauren Lee Smith
steht ihr zur Seite und überzeugt in der
Rolle einer Musikstudentin mit extremen,
zur Selbstzerstörung neigenden psychologischen Problemen. Insgesamt ein überzeugendes, fast authentisches Psychodrama.
Dienstag, 10. März 2009
Wahres Leben und Materialschlacht
Ist schon verrückt manchmal: an den ersten
Film heute hatte ich keine Erwartungen und
extrem positiv überrascht. In den zweiten
Film ging ich mit sehr hohen Erwartungen
und wurde herb enttäuscht.
DAS LEBEN (1:2.35, D 5.1)
OT: Le premier jour du reste de ta vie
Verleih: Kinowelt
Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2008
Regie: Rémi Bezançon
Darsteller: Jacques Gamblin, Zabou
Breitman, Déborah François
Kinostart: 23. April 2009
Über viele Jahrzehnte lang erleben wir die
bewegende Geschichte einer ganz durchschnittlichen fünfköpfigen französischen
Familie. Die erste Liebe, der Tod des Großvaters, Beziehungsprobleme – alles dürfen
wir hier hautnah miterleben. Und das ohne
dass es langweilig werden würde. Denn
Rémi Bezançon hat seinen familiären Bilderbogen so flott inszeniert, dass es eine
wahre Freude ist. Sein Schauspielerensemble ist allererste Sahne und auch die
Gefühlsebene kommt hier nicht zu kurz.
Das alles ohne Kitsch und Pathos, dafür
mit viel Wiedererkennungspotenzial. Mein
OT: Monsters Vs. Aliens
Verleih: Paramount
Land/Jahr: USA 2009
Regie: Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon
Kinostart: 2. April 2009
Film Nummer 2 am heutigen Tag stammte
mal wieder aus dem Computer.
Dreamworks Animation gab sich die Ehre
und lud zu einer animierten Materialschlacht ein. Nun, zumindest ich habe das
so empfunden. Leider bleibt der Witz hier
auf der Strecke und die Macher verstricken
sich zu sehr in einer Art TRANSFORMERS-Schlacht. Zudem wurde der
versammelten Pressepower nur eine 2DFassung dieses 3D-Films vorgesetzt. Scha-
de eigentlich. Aber ich glaube kaum, dass
die dritte Dimension den Film besser machen wird.
Mittwoch, 11. März 2009
Hochstapler und Hochflieger
Mein heutiger Vormittag war ganz heimischer Kost gewidmet...
(1:1.85, DD 5.1)
Verleih: Kinowelt
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009
Regie: Alexander Adolph
Darsteller: Devid Striesow, Nadja Uhl,
Thomas Thieme
Kinostart: 9. April 2009
Kaum aus dem Knast entlassen, versucht
sich Frank alsbald wieder als Hochstapler
– und das mit großem Erfolg. Doch er
bringt dadurch seinen Bruder in Lebensgefahr... Ein hervorragend gespieltes “Kleines
Fernsehspiel”, das sich ganz auf seine Darsteller verlässt und auch handwerklich
nichts vermissen lässt.
REISE ZUM HORIZONT (1:1.85, Digital,
PCM Stereo)
Verleih: Latzel Film
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2008
Regie: Thomas Latzel
Kinostart: 12. März 2009
Ein etwas zu lange geratener, digital aufgenommener (und entsprechend vorgeführter)
Dokumentarfilm über das Paragliding, in
dessen Mittelpunkt eine 70jährige Anfängerin und eine wettbewerbserfahrene junge
Polin stehen. Der Regisseur konzentriert
sich hier ganz auf die beiden Frauen, was
für Laien der Paragliding-Sportart wie mich
etwas nachteilig ist.
12. März 2009
Tag der Dörfer und Vorstädte
Nach dem grandiosen Erfolg vom Vortag –
noch ein deutsches Dabbl Fiedscher J
Verleih: Constantin
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009
Regie: Christian Ditter
Darsteller: Nick Romeo Reimann, Fabian
Halbig, Manuel Steitz
Kinostart: 26. März 2009
Die 8- bis 12-jährigen aufgepasst! Und
natürlich auch die ewig Junggebliebenen.
Denn das ist Euer Film. Witzig, spannend
und den Jugendlichen absolut gerecht werdend wird die Geschichte einer Hinterhofgang erzählt, die Dieben auf die Spur
kommt. Perfekt inszenierte und gespielte
13. März 2009
Der Frauenfilm
Zum Abschluss der Pressewoche gab’s
nochmal deutsches Fernsehspiel...
TANGERINE (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
Verleih: Filmgalerie 451 (Neue Visionen)
Land/Jahr: Deutschland/Marokko 2008
Regie: Irene von Alberti
Darsteller: Sabrina Ouazani, Nora von
Waldstätten, Alexander Scheer, Naima
Bouzid, Nohad Sabri, Said Bey
Kinostart: 14. Mai 2009
Eine kleine Musikergruppe aus Deutschland begibt sich in Tanger auf die Suche
nach den Wurzeln des Rock’n Roll. Dabei
kreuzt die attraktive Amira und deren
Freundinnen den Weg der Gefährten. Amira
nandelt mit Tom an. Um an ein deutsches
Visum zu kommen, erzählt sie ihm Lügen...
Hier haben wir jetzt den klassischen Vertreter des “Kleinen Fernsehspiels”. Optisch nicht sonderlich beeindruckend, aber
schauspielerisch ganz passabel. Leider kein
echter Kinostoff. Erstaunlich: alle wichtigen Funktionen des Filmteams waren mit
Frauen besetzt.
DORFPUNKS (1:1.85, DD 5.1)
Verleih: Piffl
Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2008
Regie: Lars Jessen
Darsteller: Cecil von Renner, Ole Fischer,
Pit Bukowski, Samuel Auer
Kinostart: 23. April 2009
Man schreibt die 80er Jahre. Ort der Handlung: ein Kaff an der Ostsee. Ein paar
Punker gründen eine Band und haben einen
Auftritt. Ansonsten hängen sie einfach nur
ab, demolieren Wohnungen unfreiwilligerweise oder bekommen eins auf die Schnauze. Sorry, liebe Filmemacher, aber das ist
so was von belanglos, dass wir uns das
nicht anschauen müssen!
Seite 7
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Seite 8
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029965
Alice im Wunderland - Staffel 3 (2
Fushigi No Kuni No Alice
Dir. Shigeo Koshi, Taku Sugiyama
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030071
Best of Animation 3
Best Of Animation
Dir. Bill Plympton
Featurette, Trailer, Booklet
Kurzfilm/Trickfilm 2004-2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) 97min.
absolut Medien 17.04.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030057
Fantastic Four - Die größten Helden aller Zeiten, Vol. 2
Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes
Dir. Franck Michel
Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2006-2008 Ltbx 16x9
DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0
(Sp) 87min.
Fox 27.03.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030121
Feuerwehrmann Sam: Winter in
Pontypandy / Rettung in letzter
Sekunde (2 DVDs)
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E) 100min.
Foreign Media (company of kids)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030013
Große Deutsche Märchen Box (2
Trickfilm 300min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030137
Kate - in geheimer Mission
Zeichentrick/Erotik 1998 66min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030139
Männer Magazine (k.J.)
Zeichentrick/Erotik 45min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030140
Meine Freunde Tigger und Puuh:
Singen und Tanzen im Hundertmorgenwald
My Friends Tigger & Pooh And A Musical
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (It) (Türk) 58min.
Walt Disney Studios 18.06.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029964
Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Mickys
lustige Strandparty
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - Mickey’s Big
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 69min.
Walt Disney Studios 18.06.2009
Prop & Berta
Prop Og Berta
Dir. Per Fly
Spiel, Film-Quiz, Trailer, Hörbuch, Internetlink
Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2001 FF DD 2.0 (D)
starmedia 06.05.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030095
Samson & Sally
Samson & Sally
Dir. Jannik Hastrup
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1984 FF DD 2.0 (D)
starmedia 06.05.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030096
SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die
Welle zurück
Spongebob Squarepants
Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 FF DD 1.0
(D) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (Sp) DD 1.0 (Holl)
Paramount 02.04.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029981
Tao Tao - Staffel 3 (2 DVDs)
Taotao Ehonkan Sekai Doubutsu-Banashi
Dir. Shuichi Nakahara, Tatsuo Shimamura
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030079
Vampire Knight - Box Vol.1
Vanpaia Naito
Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 175min.
AV Visionen (Anime Video) 27.04.2009
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030100
The Winx Club - 3. Staffel,
Komplettbox (4 DVDs)
The Winx Club - The Winx Club
Fantasy/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D) 575min.
Foreign Media (Company for Kids)
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030149
The Winx Club - The Winx Club 2
Staffel, Box 3 (2 DVDs)
The Winx Club - The Winx Club
Fantasy/Zeichentrick FF DD 2.0 (D) 220min.
Foreign Media (company of kids)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030014
30 Days Until I’m Famous - In 30
Tagen berühmt
30 Days Until I’m Famous
Sean Patrick Flanery, Camille Guaty, Alanna
Ubach, Jack Plotnick, Udo Kier, Carmen
Electra, Lucy Gallardo, Seidy Lopez, Lauren Tom, Mary Stein, Lupe Ontiveros, Mindy
Sterling - Dir. Gabriela Tagliavini
Komödie 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 86min.
Sunfilm (Savoy Film) 13.03.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029995
30 Rock - Season 1 (3 DVDs)
30 Rock
Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin
Komödie 2006 441min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 14.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030041
Abschied in der Nacht
Le Vieux Fusil
Philippe Noiret, Romy Schneider, Jean
Bouise, Madeleine Ozeray, Joachim
Hansen, Robert Hoffmann - Dir. Robert
Drama 1975 89min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030133
Woody Allen Collection (19 DVDs)
Woody Allen - Dir. Woody Allen
Komödie/Drama min.
Fox 22.05.2009
99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030110
Alone in the Dark 2 (Uncut Version) (k.J.)
Alone In The Dark II
Rick Yune, Rachel Specter, Lance
Henriksen, Bill Moseley, Ralf Moeller, Danny
Trejo, Zack Ward, Natassia Malthe, Jason
Connery, Michael Paré, P.J. Soles, Brooklyn
Sudano, Allison Lange, Peter Looney - Dir.
Michael Roesch, Peter Scheerer
Horror/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 88min.
Splendid 29.05.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030127
Alphabet Killer
The Alphabet Killer
Eliza Dushku, Cary Elwes, Timothy Hutton,
Tom Malloy, Michael Ironside, Bill Moseley,
Meltem Cumbul, Carl Lumbly - Dir. Rob
Audiokommentar, Alternative Szenen, Making of
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min.
Sunfilm 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20029998
Alphabet Killer (Blu-ray)
20 Years After
The Alphabet Killer
Eliza Dushku, Cary Elwes, Timothy Hutton,
Tom Malloy, Michael Ironside, Bill Moseley,
Meltem Cumbul, Carl Lumbly - Dir. Rob
20 Years After
Azura Skye, Joshua Leonard, Nathan
Baesel, Reg E. Cathey, Diane Salinger, Dan
Beene, Khadijah - Dir. Jim Torres
Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer
Science Fiction/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 97min.
Sunfilm (Savoy Film) 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030043
Audiokommentar, Alternative Szenen, Making of
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 7.1
MA (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min.
Sunfilm 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20029999
Anaconda (Blu-ray)
Seite 9
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Jon Voight, Eric
Stoltz, Jonathan Hyde, Owen Wilson, Kari
Wuhrer, Vincent Castellanos, Danny Trejo Dir. Luis Llosa
Blackout im Höllenparadies
Amanda York, Chrissie Cotterill, Kate
Ingram - Dir. Mai Zetterling
Trailer, BD-Live
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Action/Abenteuer 1997 Ltbx 16x9
DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E)
DDTrueHD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Tschech) 89min.
Sony Pictures 19.05.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030111
Action 1982 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Koch Media 08.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030087
Apokalypse Code
Kod Apokalipsisa
Vincent Perez, Oleg Stefan, Jay Benedict Dir. Wadim Schmelew
Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(Russ) 106min.
Sunfilm (Savoy Film) 13.03.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029996
Armin (OmU)
Armin Omerovic, Marie Bäumer, Jens
Münchow, Barbara Prpic, Orhan Güner Dir. Ognjen Svilicic
Making of, Trailer
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 (Kroat) 82min.
absolut Medien 17.04.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029970
Bed & Breakfast - Die Miete zahlt
der Tod
Intimate Relations
Julie Walters, Rupert Graves, Laura Sadler,
Matthew Walker, Holly Aird, Les Dennis, Liz
McKechnie, Amanda Holden, Michael
Burten Shore, Candace Hallinan - Dir. Philip
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien
Komödie/Drama 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 99min.
Koch Media 08.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030086
Die Besucher (3 DVDs)
Dagmar „Dáda“ Patrasová
Komödie/Fantasy 1983 450min.
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030072
Big Trouble in Little China (Bluray)
Big Trouble In Little China
Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun,
James Hong, Victor Wong, Kate Burton Dir. John Carpenter
Audiokommentar, Isolierte Filmmusik, Entfallene Szenen,
Erweitertes Ende, Featurette, Musikvideo, Interview, Trailer,
TV-Spots, Behind the Scenes
Komödie/Action 1986 Ltbx 16x9 DTS (D)
DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 99min.
Fox 26.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030122
Blackbeard (Blu-ray)
Mark Umbers, Angus Macfadyen, Stacy
Keach, Richard Chamberlain, Rachel Ward,
Nicholas Farrell, Steven Elder, Bill Fellows,
Clement von Franckenstein - Dir. Kevin
Abenteuer 2005 170min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030134
Bloodsport - The Red Canvas
(Blu-ray) (k.J.)
The Red Canvas
Maria Conchita Alonso, Sara Downing, Ken
Takemoto, Gray Maynard, Lee Reyes,
Fernanda Romero, John Savage, Ernie
Reyes jr., Ernie Reyes sen., Matt Riedy,
Rob Mars, Mario Orozco, P.D. Mani - Dir.
Kenneth Chamitoff
Action/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS (D) DD
2.0 (E) 101min.
Sunfilm (Savoy Film) 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030001
Bloodsport - The Red Canvas
The Red Canvas
Maria Conchita Alonso, Sara Downing, Ken
Takemoto, Gray Maynard, Lee Reyes,
Fernanda Romero, John Savage, Ernie
Reyes jr., Ernie Reyes sen., Matt Riedy,
Rob Mars, Mario Orozco, P.D. Mani - Dir.
Kenneth Chamitoff
Action/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 97min.
Sunfilm (Savoy Film) 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030000
Boys Love
Boys Love
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Jap) 120min.
AV Visionen (Anime House) 30.03.2009
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030103
Breaking the Waves (2 DVDs)
Breaking The Waves
Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgård, Katrin
Cartlidge, Jean-Marc Barr, Adrian Rawlins,
Sandra Voe, Udo Kier, Mikkel Gaup, Roef
Ragas, Phil McCall, Robert Robertson, Desmond Reilly, Sarah Gudgeon, Finlay Welsh Dir. Lars von Trier
Drama 1996 153min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus Premium) 22.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030104
Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen
Bride Wars
Anne Hathaway, Kate Hudson, Kristen
Johnston, Bryan Greenberg, Candice Bergen, Steve Howey, Chris Pratt - Dir. Gary
Entfallene Szenen, Featurette
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (It) 86min.
Fox 26.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030150
Bride Wars - Beste Feindinnen
Bride Wars
Anne Hathaway, Kate Hudson, Kristen
Johnston, Bryan Greenberg, Candice Ber-
gen, Steve Howey, Chris Pratt - Dir. Gary
Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Englisch für Sehbehinderte
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTSHD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (Russ)
Fox 26.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030151
The Brink (k.J.)
The Brink
Rachel Balzer, Jeff Ryan, Heather Ashley
Chase, Jason Flowers - Dir. Benjamin
Trailer, Bildergalerie
Horror 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Sunfilm (marketing-film) 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20029967
Charles Bronson Collection (2 Filme)
Charles Bronson
Action min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030135
Buried Alive - Lebendig begraben (k.J.)
Buried Alive
Leah Rachel, Erin Lokitz, Tobin Bell, Germaine De Leon, Terence Jay, Steve
Sandvoss, Lindsey Scott - Dir. Robert
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 91min.
3L 23.04.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030117
Jackie Chan Collection
Der Meister mit den gebrochenen Händen
/ Meister aller Klassen
Jackie Chan
Bildergalerie, Filmografie, Trailer
Action/Eastern 135min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030138
Ching Ching (k.J.)
Dominos: The Games We Play
Bun B., Charlex Duhon, Venecia Small,
Junie Hoang - Dir. Nahala Johnson
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min.
Sunfilm (Los Banditos) 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030002
Criminal Intent - Verbrechen im
Visier, Season Two, Part One
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Vincent D’Onofrio, Jamey Sheridan,
Kathryn Erbe, Courtney B. Vance, Charles
Dennis, Berry Dennen, Jennifer Darling,
Wally Wingert, Keith Ferguson - Dir. Bill
W.L. Norton
Kriminalfilm 2001-2008 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E) 503min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030048
Crossing Jordan - Season 1
Crossing Jordan
Jill Hennessy, Miguel Ferrer, Ravi Kapoor,
Kathryn Hahn, Steve Valentine, Jerry
Seite 10
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
O’Connell, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Ken
Howard, Lorraine Toussaint, Ivan Sergei Dir. Allan Arkush, Andy Wolk, Donna Deitch,
Ian Toynton, Dick Lowry, Rick Rosenthal,
Arvin Brown, Rachel Talalay, Alex
Zakrzewski, Nick Gomez, Tony Wharmby,
Leslie Libman, Michael Zinberg
Kriminalfilm 2001-2006 min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 28.05.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030040
The Da Vinci Code
Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou, Sir Ian
McKellen, Alfred Molina, Jürgen Prochnow,
Paul Bettany, Jean Reno, Jean-Yves
Berteloot - Dir. Ron Howard
Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DDTrueHD 5.1 (D)
DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) 174min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030005
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 1 komplett (5 Discs) (Bluray)
Dead Heist
Brandon Hardin, D.J. Naylor, Dominic L.
Santana, Big Daddy Kane, Traci Dinwiddie,
Jon Stafford, E-40 - Dir. Bo Webb
Horror/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 75min.
Sunfilm 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030044
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Gerald McCullouch,
Joseph Patrick Kelly, Marc Vann, Sheeri
Rappaport, Geoffrey Rivas, Paula Francis,
Palmer Davis, Eric Stonestreet, Terry
Bozeman, Conor O’Farrell, Skip O’Brien,
Glenn Morshower, Judith Scott, Edmund
Wyson, Pamela Gidley, Tom Gallop, Wayne
Wilderson, Michael DeLano - Dir. Kenneth
Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Danny Cannon
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2000-2001 940min.
Universum Film (UFA) 08.05.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030088
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 8 komplett, Episoden 0117 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Liz Vassey, Gerald
McCullouch, Larry Mitchell, Joseph Patrick
Kelly, Marc Vann, Jon Wellner, Sheeri
Rappaport, Larry Sullivan, Terry Bozeman,
Conor O’Farrell, Victoria Prescott - Dir.
Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Jeffrey
Hunt, Alec Smight
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007-2008 min.
Universum Film (TV-Formate) 29.05.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030061
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 8.2 (3 DVDs)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season
William L. Petersen, Marg Helgenberger,
Gary Dourdan, George Eads, Jorja Fox,
Paul Guilfoyle, Eric Szmanda, Robert David
Hall, David Berman, Wallace Langham,
Archie Kao, Liz Vassey, Gerald
McCullouch, Larry Mitchell, Joseph Patrick
Kelly, Marc Vann, Jon Wellner, Sheeri
Rappaport, Larry Sullivan, Terry Bozeman,
Conor O’Farrell, Victoria Prescott - Dir.
Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Jeffrey
Hunt, Alec Smight
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) min.
Universum Film (TV-Formate) 29.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030062
The Da Vinci Code - Sakrileg (Extended Version, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray)
Dead Heist (k.J.)
Dr. House - Season 1.1
House M.D.
Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps,
Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison,
Jesse Spencer, Bobbin Bergstrom, Stephanie Venditto, Sela Ward, Marco Pelaez, Ron
Perkins, Chi McBride, Currie Graham, Ingrid
Sanai Buron, Hira Ambrosino - Dir. Deran
Sarafian, Daniel Sackheim, Greg Yaitanes,
Peter O’Fallon
Drama 2004-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030049
Dr. House - Season 1.2
House M.D.
Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps,
Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison,
Jesse Spencer, Bobbin Bergstrom, Stephanie Venditto, Sela Ward, Marco Pelaez, Ron
Perkins, Chi McBride, Currie Graham, Ingrid
Sanai Buron, Hira Ambrosino - Dir. Deran
Sarafian, Daniel Sackheim, Greg Yaitanes,
Peter O’Fallon
Drama 2004-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030050
Dr. House - Season 1.3
House M.D.
Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps,
Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison,
Jesse Spencer, Bobbin Bergstrom, Stephanie Venditto, Sela Ward, Marco Pelaez, Ron
Perkins, Chi McBride, Currie Graham, Ingrid
Sanai Buron, Hira Ambrosino - Dir. Deran
Sarafian, Daniel Sackheim, Greg Yaitanes,
Peter O’Fallon
Drama 2004-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030051
Donkey Punch - Blutige See (k.J.)
Donkey Punch
Jaime Winstone, Tom Burke, Julian Morris,
Nichola Burley - Dir. Oliver Blackburn
Thriller/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 95min.
Universum Film (UFA) 12.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030035
Doppeltes Dynamit
Double Dynamite
Jane Russell, Groucho Marx, Frank Sinatra
- Dir. Irving Cummings
Musical/Komödie 1951 min.
Kinowelt 22.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030105
Drei Oberbayern auf Dirndljagd
Was treibt die Maus im Badehaus?
Franz Muxeneder, Willy Harlander, Jürgen
Schilling, Gina Janssen, Marie Ekorre, Nancy Lee Galloway, Werner Röglin, Grit
Castell, Gerry Thiele, Uschi Stiegelmaier Dir. Siggi Götz
Erotik 1975 FF DD 1.0 (D) 80min.
UIG (Cent Entertainment) 12.03.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030126
Durch den Tod versöhnt
The End Of The Spear
Chad Allen, Louie Leonardo, Jack Guzman,
Christina Souza, Chase Ellison, Sean
McGowan, Sara Kathryn Bakker, Cara
Stoner, Beth Bailey, Matt Lutz, Traci
Dinwiddie, Muse Watson - Dir. Jim Hanon
Drama 2006 111min.
Hänssler-Verlag (Hänssler Video)
tba BestellNr.: 20030123
Dying Breed (Special Edition, 2
DVDs) (k.J.)
Dying Breed
Mirrah Foulkes, Leigh Whannell, Nathan
Phillips, Bille Brown, Peter Docker, Sally
McDonald - Dir. Jody Dwyer
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 95min.
Splendid 17.04.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030008
Natalie Minnevik, Bibi Andersson, Marjaana
Maijala, Henrik Rafaelsen, Tind Soneby,
Björn Granath, Jarl Lindblad, Sara Arnia,
Peter Rogers, Carolina Berggren, Amanda
Andersson, Zorro Svardendahl - Dir. Klaus
Trailer, Film-Quiz
Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 80min.
starmedia 06.05.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030094
Dr. Dolittle 4
Fargo (Blu-ray)
Dr. Dolittle: Tail To The Chief
Kyla Pratt, Peter Coyote, Malcolm Stewart,
Niall Matter, Elise Gatien, Karen Holness,
Christine Chatelain, Kwesi Ameyaw, Stephanie Belding - Dir. Craig Shapiro
Komödie 2008 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1
(Sp) 84min.
Fox 27.03.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030120
Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi,
William H. Macy, Peter Stormare, Harve
Presnell, John Carroll Lynch, Kristin
Rudrüd, Steve Reevis, Steve Park, José
Feliciano - Dir. Joel Coen
Thriller/Komödie 1995 97min.
Fox 26.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030152
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Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Seite 12
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Fieber im Blut - La Veneziana
La Veneziana
Jason Connery, Laura Antonelli, Monica
Guerritore - Dir. Mauro Bolognini
Erotik 90min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030136
Fighting Warriors (FSK 18)
Dead End City
Gregory Scott Cummins, Christine Lunde,
Robert Z’Dar, Dennis Cole, Durrell Nelson,
Aleana Downs - Dir. Peter Yuval
Action 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) 82min.
Cine Plus 24.03.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029974
Final Engagement (k.J.)
Final Engagement
Arlene Tur, John Trapani, Ted Bell, Peter
Greene, Sven Garrett - Dir. Ari Novak
Action/Thriller 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 95min.
Sunfilm (marketing-film) 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030045
Fire from Below
Fire From Below
Kevin Sorbo, Glenn Morshower, Alex
Meneses, James Hampton, Alex Cord,
Burton Gilliam, Gigi Erneta, Matthew
Tompkins, Mike Kirton, Marina Sbrochi - Dir.
Andrew Stevens, Jim Wynorski
Making of, Trailer
Action/Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min.
Sunfilm 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030046
Fire Serpent
Fire Serpent
Randolph Mantooth, Nicholas Brendon,
Sandrine Holt, Robert Beltran, Lisa
Langlois, Steve Boyle, Richard Clarkin,
Michelle Morgan, Diego Klattenhoff - Dir.
John Terlesky
Science Fiction/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min.
Cine Plus 24.03.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029975
Der fliegende Ferdinand (2 DVDs)
LéTající Cestmír
Dir. Václav Vorlícek
Fantasy 1984 275min.
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030073
Forsthaus Falkenau - Staffel 06 (4
Christian Wolff, Katharina Köhntopp, Michael Wolf, Nicole Schmid, Bruni Löbel,
Walter Buschhoff, Helmut Alimonta, Robert
Atzorn, Angelika Bender-Wilschrei, Sky Du
Mont, Norbert Gastell, Hermann Giefer,
Klaus Grünberg, Angela Hillebrecht, Paul
Hubschmid, Horst Janson, Elisabeth Karg,
Claudia Lössl, Edwin Marian, Georg
Marischka, Michaela May, Philipp Moog,
Klaus Münster, Volker Prechtel, Jutta
Speidel, Hans Stadlbauer, Michael Stippel,
Claus Tinney, Gisela Uhlen
Drama 1989-2008 FF DD 1.0 (D) 585min.
Universum Film (ZDF Video) 12.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030156
Die Frau mit dem roten Hut (FSK
Kristina van Eyck, Toshiyuki Nagashima,
Bernd Stephan - Dir. Tatsumi Kumashiro
Drama 1982 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 90min.
WVG Medien (Pixelworld) 17.04.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030132
Die Frau, die im Wald verschwand
Grace Is Gone
John Cusack, Alessandro Nivola, Shélan
O’Keefe, Gracie Bednarczyk, Doug Dearth,
Doug James, Marisa Tomei, Dana Gilhooley,
Mary Kay Place - Dir. James C. Strouse
Interviews, B-Roll
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 81min.
Senator 05.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030036
Cary Grant Edition 2 (3 DVDs)
Matthias Brandt, Stefan Kurt, Karoline Eichhorn, Jürgen Hentsch, Christoph Hofrichter,
Georg Alfred Wittner, Hermann Schreiber Dir. Oliver Storz
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 88min.
EuroVideo 30.04.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030116
Nur dem Namen nach / Meine Lieblingsfrau / Es waren einmal Flitterwochen
Cary Grant
Komödie/Liebeskomödie 1939-1942 min.
Kinowelt 08.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030113
Ganz oder gar nicht (Blu-ray)
Hafenkrankenhaus, Folge 01-13 (2
The Full Monty
Robert Carlyle, Tom Wilkinson, Mark Addy,
Lesley Sharp, Emily Woof, Steve Huison,
Paul Barber, Hugo Speer, Deirdre Costello,
Bruce Jones, William Snape, Paul
Butterworth, Dave Hill, Andrew
Livingstone, Vinny Dhillon, Kate Layden,
Joanna Swain - Dir. Peter Cattaneo
Komödie 1997 min.
Fox 15.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030112
Die Gefangene (OmU)
La Captive
Stanislas Merhar, Sylvie Testud, Olivia
Bonamy, Liliane Rovère, Françoise Bertin,
Aurore Clément - Dir. Chantal Akerman
Drama 2000 Ltbx DD 1.0 (F) 118min.
absolut Medien (Suhrkamp) 17.04.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029971
Gespensterjäger GmbH
Los Totenwackers
Elisa Drabben, Jasper Harris, Azzdine
Benaji, Geraldine Chaplin, Natalia Sanchez,
Celso Bugallo, Terele Pávez, Mar
Regueras, Josep Julien, Ivan Morales - Dir.
Ibón Cormenzana
Trailer, Bildergalerie
Abenteuer/Jugend 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) 89min.
3L 09.04.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030118
Gnaw (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Sara Dylan, Oliver Lee Squires, Rachel
Mitchem, Hiram Bleetman, Julia Vandoorne,
Nigel Croft-Adams - Dir. Gregory Mandry
Horror/Komödie 2009 94min.
Splendid (I-On New Media) 29.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029997
Götz von Berlichingen mit der
eisernen Hand (+ Buch)
Raimund Harmstorf, Klausjürgen Wussow,
Michèle Mercier, Silvia Reize, Hans Holt,
Sky Du Mont, Detlev Eckstein, Sabina
Trooger - Dir. Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Drama 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 103min.
film 101 01.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030056
Grace Is Gone
Anneli Granget, Wolfgang Arps, Christa
Drama 1968 FF DD 1.0 (D) 325min.
Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 17.04.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030102
Hamlet 2
Hamlet 2
Steve Coogan, David Arquette, Skylar
Astin, Marshall Bell, Josh Berry, Melonie
Diaz - Dir. Andrew Fleming
Komödie 2008 88min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030052
Razaaq Adoti, Orlando Bloom, Agnes
Bruckner, Joy Bryant, Bobby Cannavale,
Stephen Dillane, Lee Ingleby, Anthony
Mackie, Bill Paxton, Victor Rasuk, Zoe
Saldana, Robert Wisdom, Gabriel Byrne,
Sarah Carter, Santiago Cabrera, Mpho
Koaho, Ky-Mani Marley, Rachel Miner, Peter
O’Meara, Jake Weber, Serena Scott Thomas - Dir. Frank E. Flowers
Behind the Scenes
Thriller/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 95min.
Sony Pictures 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029984
Hell Ride (k.J.)
Hell Ride
Larry Bishop, Dennis Hopper, Vinnie Jones,
Eric Balfour, Michael Beach, Cassandra
Hepburn, Leonor Varela, Laura Cayouette Dir. Larry Bishop
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer
Action/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 80min.
Senator 22.05.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030074
Hin und Her - Chaos im Doppelpack
Tur Och Retur
Amanda Davin, Helena af Sandeberg, Torkel Pettersson, Jørgen Langhelle, Ia Langhammer, Leonard Goldberg, Ville Bergman,
Julia Ragnarsson, Mattias Silvell, Bjørn
Floberg, Henny Moan, Bengt Schott, Maud
Hyttenberg Bartoletti, Inga Landgre - Dir.
Ella Lemhagen
Trailer, Film-Quiz
Seite 13
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Kinderfilm/Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) 91min.
starmedia 20.05.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030083
House of D
House Of D
Anton Yelchin, Robin Williams, Erykah
Badu, David Duchovny, Magali Amadei,
Harold Cartier, Téa Leoni, Zelda Williams,
Frank Langella, Mark Margolis, Orlando
Jones, Alice Drummond, Stephen Spinella,
Willie Garson, Olga Sosnovska - Dir. David
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 97min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029990
Im Kreuzfeuer
Robert Young, Robert Mitchum, Robert
Ryan, Gloria Grahame, Paul Kelly, Steve
Brodie, George Cooper - Dir. Edward
Kriminalfilm 1947 min.
Kinowelt 22.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030106
Im Winter ein Jahr
Karoline Herfurth, Josef Bierbichler, Corinna Harfouch, Hanns Zischler, Cyril
Sjöström, Jacob Matschenz, Misel
Maticevic, Daniel Berini, Matthias Kupfer,
Franz Dinda, Karin Boyd, Inka Friedrich,
Hansa Czypionka - Dir. Caroline Link
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 128min.
Highlight (Constantin) 28.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030019
Infection - Evil Is Contagious
Shiro Sano, Koichi Sato, Yoko Maki - Dir.
Masayuki Ochiai
Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Jap) 98min.
AV Visionen (Eye See Movies) 27.04.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030098
Dir. Douglas Camfield
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1982 FF DD 1.0 (D)
DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (Sp) 137min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030006
Chambers, Elizabeth Tulloch, Keith Loneker
- Dir. Neil LaBute
Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes,
Thriller/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 107min.
Sony Pictures 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029985
Lakeview Terrace (Blu-ray)
Lakeview Terrace
Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington,
Patrick Wilson, Jay Hernandez, Justin
Chambers, Elizabeth Tulloch, Keith Loneker
- Dir. Neil LaBute
Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes,
Trailer, BD-Live
Thriller/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DDTrueHD
5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DDTrueHD 5.1 (F)
Sony Pictures 19.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029986
Zarah Leander Edition 2 (4 DVDs)
Die große Liebe / Der Blaufuchs / Der
Weg ins Freie / Dokumentation „Ich bin
die Leander - dass muss reichen...“
Zarah Leander
Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfos
Drama 1938-1986 FF DD 1.0 (D) 359min.
Black Hill Pictures 08.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030093
Leaving Las Vegas (Blu-ray)
Leaving Las Vegas
Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue, Julian
Sands, Richard Lewis, Valeria Golino,
Steven Weber, Graham Beckel, R. Lee
Ermey, Laurie Metcalf, David Brisbin,
Xander Berkeley, Lou Rawls, Mike Figgis,
Kim Adams, Emily Procter, Stuart Regen,
Thomas Kopache, Waldemar Kalinowski, Ed
Lauter - Dir. Mike Figgis
Drama 1995 min.
Kinowelt 08.05.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030114
Lemon Tree
Etz Limon
Hiam Abbass, Rona Lipaz-Michael, Ali
Suliman, Doron Tavory, Tarik Copty, Amos
Lavi, Amnon Wolf, Smadar Yaaron, Ayelet
Robinson, Danny Leshman - Dir. Eran Riklis
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(E/Arab/Hebrä) 102min.
good!movies (Arsenal) 22.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030131
Jenseits von Eden (3 DVDs)
Der letzte Mord
East Of Eden
Sista Kontraktet
Mikael Persbrandt, Michael Kitchen, Pernilla
August, Reine Brynolfsson, Bjørn Floberg,
Jacqueline Ramel, Cecilia Ljung, Joakim
Forslund, Julia Dehnisch, Agnes Granberg,
Johan Lindell, Mathias Henrikson, Donald
Hogberg, Per Ragnar, Paul Birchard, Anders Ekborg, Leif Andrée - Dir. Kjell
Drama 1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Koch Media 29.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030063
Stephen King Collection (3 Filme)
Horror 264min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030145
Lakeview Terrace
Lakeview Terrace
Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington,
Patrick Wilson, Jay Hernandez, Justin
Englische Synopsis, Presseheft, DVD-ROM-Teil, Bildergalerie, Biografie, Trailer
Thriller 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Schwed) 109min.
Kinowelt 08.05.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030115
Little Buddha
Little Buddha
Keanu Reeves, Chris Isaak, Bridget Fonda,
Alex Wiesendanger, Ying Ruocheng, Jigme
Kunsang, Raju Lal, Greishma Makar Singh,
Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, Sogyal Rinpoche,
Thupten Kalsang, Doma Tshomo, Jo
Champa - Dir. Bernardo Bertolucci
Drama 1993 min.
Kinowelt 22.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030107
Lost - Die komplette dritte Staffel
(7 DVDs)
Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline
Lilly, Terry O’Quinn, Naveen Andrews,
Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Emilie de
Ravin, Daniel Dae Kim, Kim Yoon-jin, Michael Emerson, Henry Ian Cusick, Harold
Perrineau jr., Elizabeth Mitchell, Malcolm
David Kelley, Cynthia M. Watros, M. C.
Gainey, Mira Furlan, L. Scott Caldwell, Sam
Anderson, Tania Raymonde, Jeremy
Davies, Ken Leung, Rebecca Mader, Jeff
Fahey, John Terry, Nestor Carbonell,
Marsha Thomason, Brett Cullen, Veronica
Hamel, Richard „Cheech“ Marin - Dir. Jack
Bender, Stephen Williams, Paul A. Edwards,
Eric Laneuville
Abenteuer/Drama 2008 577min.
Walt Disney Studios (Touchstone)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029960
Lost - Die komplette erste Staffel
(7 Discs) (Blu-ray)
Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline
Lilly, Terry O’Quinn, Naveen Andrews,
Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Emilie de
Ravin, Daniel Dae Kim, Kim Yoon-jin, Michael Emerson, Henry Ian Cusick, Harold
Perrineau jr., Elizabeth Mitchell, Maggie
Grace, Malcolm David Kelley, Ian
Somerhalder, Michelle Rodriguez, M. C.
Gainey, Mira Furlan, L. Scott Caldwell, Christian Bowman, John Terry, Kimberley Joseph, Veronica Hamel - Dir. Jack Bender,
Stephen Williams, Tucker Gates
Abenteuer/Drama 2004-2005 min.
Walt Disney Studios (Touchstone)
99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029961
Lost - Die komplette zweite Staffel (7 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline
Lilly, Terry O’Quinn, Naveen Andrews,
Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Emilie de
Ravin, Daniel Dae Kim, Kim Yoon-jin, Michael Emerson, Henry Ian Cusick, Harold
Perrineau jr., Elizabeth Mitchell, Maggie
Grace, Malcolm David Kelley, Ian
Somerhalder, Michelle Rodriguez, M. C.
Gainey, Mira Furlan, L. Scott Caldwell, Christian Bowman, John Terry, Kimberley Joseph, Veronica Hamel - Dir. Jack Bender,
Stephen Williams, Tucker Gates
Abenteuer/Drama 2004-2005 min.
Walt Disney Studios (Touchstone)
99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029962
Seite 14
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Luzie, der Schrecken der Straße
Lucie, Postrach Ulice
Zaneta Fuchsova, Daniela Kolarova,
Jaromír Hanzlík, Jirí Pleskot, Michal Hofbauer, Hana Maciuchova, Mahulena
Bocanová, Dagmar „Dáda“ Patrasová, Otto
Simanek, Zdenek Dite, Lukas Bech, Jirí Lír Dir. Jindrich Polák
Kinderfilm 1984 180min.
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030075
Männerwirtschaft - Die erste
Season (4 DVDs)
The Odd Couple
Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Al Molinaro,
Garry Walberg, Joan Hotchkis, Larry
Gelman - Dir. Jerry Paris, Hal Cooper
TV-Promos, Featurettes, Outtakes
Komödie 1970-1971 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Sp) 592min.
Paramount 09.04.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029977
Manta Manta
Til Schweiger, Tina Ruland, Stefan
Gebelhoff, Sabine Berg, Norman Price,
Michael Kessler - Dir. Wolfgang Büld
Komödie 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 91min.
Highlight (Constantin) 07.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030024
Die Märchenbraut (2 DVDs)
Dir. Václav Vorlícek
Komödie/Fantasy 1979 390min.
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030076
Laurien van den Broeck, Jan Decleir,
Willeke van Ammelrooy, Kim van Kooten,
Johanna ter Steege, Ramsey Nasr - Dir.
André van Duren
Komödie/Drama 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
starmedia 20.05.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030084
Hideous Kinky
Kate Winslet, Saïd Taghmaoui, Bella Riza,
Carrie Mullan, Pierre Clémenti, Sira Stampe,
Abigail Cruttenden, Ahmed Boulane, Michelle Fairley, Kevin McKidd - Dir. Gillies
Interviews, Featurettes
Drama 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) 98min.
Highlight (Constantin) 18.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030033
Mary Poppins (Jubiläumsedition,
2 DVDs)
Mary Poppins
Dame Julie Andrews, Dick van Dyke, Glynis
Johns, David Tomlinson, Reginald Owen,
Karen Dotrice, Matthew Garber - Dir. Robert Stevenson
Musikfilm/Musical 1964 133min.
Walt Disney Studios (Disney) 18.06.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029963
The Midnight Meat Train (k.J.)
The Midnight Meat Train
Bradley Cooper, Vinnie Jones, Leslie Bibb,
Brooke Shields, Roger Bart, Peter
Jacobson, Barbara Eve Harris, Stephanie
Mace - Dir. Ryuhei Kitamura
Audiokommentar, Featurettes
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 99min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 04.06.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030037
Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Emile Hirsch, Diego
Luna, Alison Pill, Victor Garber, Denis
O’Hare, Joseph Cross, James Franco,
Lucas Grabeel, Brandon Boyce - Dir. Gus
Van Sant
Drama/Biographie 2008 min.
Highlight (Constantin) 15.08.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030026
Milk (Blu-ray)
Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Emile Hirsch, Diego
Luna, Alison Pill, Victor Garber, Denis
O’Hare, Joseph Cross, James Franco,
Lucas Grabeel, Brandon Boyce - Dir. Gus
Van Sant
Drama/Biographie 2008 min.
Highlight (Constantin) 15.08.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030027
Mit Django kam der Tod (k.J.)
L’ Uomo, L’Orgoglio, La Vendetta
Franco Nero, Tina Aumont, Klaus Kinski Dir. Luigi Bazzoni
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Western 1967 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (It)
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030141
Marilyn Monroe Collection (14
Something’s got to give / Misfits / Machen
wir’s in Liebe / Manche mögen’s heiß /
Bus Stop / Das verflixte 7. Jahr / Fluss
ohne Wiederkehr / Blondinen bevorzugt /
Wie angelt man sich einen Millionär /
Niagara / Liebling, wir werden jünger /
Versuchung auf 809 / Wir sind gar nicht
verheiratet! / There’s no business like
show business
Marilyn Monroe
Komödie/Drama min.
Fox 22.05.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030108
Die Moral der Ruth Halbfass
Senta Berger, Helmut Griem, Peter Ehrlich,
Margarethe von Trotta, Marian Seidowsky,
Karl-Heinz Merz, Walter Sedlmayr, Hans
Ohly - Dir. Volker Schlöndorff
Drama 1972 min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 22.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030109
Navajo Joe (k.J.)
Navajo Joe
Burt Reynolds
Featurettes, Bildergalerien, Trailer
Western 1966 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) 88min.
Koch Media 29.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030064
Die neue Addams Family Season 1.1 (4 DVDs)
The New Addams Family
Komödie 1998-1999 484min.
Foreign Media (company of kids)
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030148
Ong-bak 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Ong-bak 2
Tony Jaa, Sorapong Chatree, Sarunyu
Wongkrachang - Dir. Tony Jaa
Interviews, B-Roll, TV-Special, Filmclips
Action/Eastern 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 (Thai) 98min.
Splendid (Amazia) 29.05.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030129
Ong-bak 2 (Special Edition, 2
DVDs) (k.J.)
Ong-bak 2
Tony Jaa, Sorapong Chatree, Sarunyu
Wongkrachang - Dir. Tony Jaa
Clips, Interviews, Outtakes, Featurette
Action/Eastern 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Thai) 94min.
Splendid (Amazia) 29.05.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030128
Palermo oder Wolfsburg
Nicola Zarbo, Calogero Arancio, Padre
Pace, Cavaliere Comparato, Ida di
Benedetto, Magdalena Montezuma, Brigitte
Tilg, Antonio Orlando, Otto Sander - Dir.
Werner Schroeter
Interview, Booklet, Trailer
Drama 1980 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(It) 170min.
Filmgalerie 451 03.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030010
Palermo Shooting
Campino, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Dennis
Hopper, Inga Busch, Gerhard Gutberlet,
Harry Blain, Sebastian Blomberg, Jana
Pallaske, Melika Foroutan, Anna Orso, Lou
Reed, Udo Samel, Sandro Dieli - Dir. Wim
Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews,
Drama/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 104min.
Senator 12.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030157
Pan Tau (5 DVDs)
Pan Tau
Otto Simanek
Kinderfilm/Komödie 990min.
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030077
Paris, Paris - Monsieur Pigoil auf
dem Weg zum Glück
Faubourg 36
Gérard Jugnot, Kad Merad, Clovis Cornillac,
Nora Arnezeder, Pierre Richard, BernardPierre Donnadieu, Maxence Perrin, François Morel, Élisabeth Vitali, Christophe
Kourotchkine, Eric Naggar, Eric Prat, Julien
Courbey, Philippe Du Janerand - Dir.
Christophe Barratier
Drama/Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (F) 116min.
Highlight (Constantin) 28.05.2009
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März 2009
Seite 16
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030020
Die Perlmutterfarbe
Markus Krojer, Dominik Nowak, Zoe
Mannhardt, Benedikt Hösl, Thomas
Wittmann, Samuel Cakan, Franziska
Scheuber, Ferdinand Hofer, Paul Beck,
Brigitte Hobmeier, Viola von der Burg, Adele Neuhauser, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Johannes Silberschneider, Josef Hader, Sigi
Zimmerschied, Christian Lerch, Gerd
Lohmeyer, Johannes Herrschmann - Dir.
Marcus H. Rosenmüller
Drama/Jugend 2008 min.
Highlight (Constantin) 15.07.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030032
Das Phantom der Oper (NTSC,
Phantom Of The Opera
Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry,
Snitz Edwards, Gibson Gowland, Arthur
Carewe, John St. Polis - Dir. Rupert Julian
Intro, Filmausschnitte
Horror/Melodram 1925 FF DD 2.0 91min.
absolut Medien (arte Edition) 03.04.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030011
Phönix - The Warrior (FSK 18)
Phoenix - The Warrior
Kathleen Kinmont, Peggy Sands, James
Emery, Persis Khambatta, Sheila Howard Dir. Robert Hayes
Science Fiction/Action 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Cine Plus 24.03.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029976
Pippi Langstrumpfs neueste
The New Adventures Of Pippi
Tami Erin, Eileen Brennan, Dennis Dugan,
David Seaman jr., Cory Crow, Dianne Hull,
George DiCenzo - Dir. Ken Annakin
Kinderfilm/Komödie 1988 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E)
(F) (It) 97min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030007
Polizeifunk ruft (7 DVDs)
Karlheinz Hess
Kriminalfilm 1966-1970 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 24.04.2009
59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030101
Premonition - If You See It ... You
Will Die (k.J.)
Hana Inoue, Hiroshi Mikami, Noriko Sakai Dir. Norio Tsuruta
Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Jap) 95min.
AV Visionen (Eye See Movies) 27.04.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030099
Psych - Season 1.1
James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson,
Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten
Nelson, Liam James, Sage Brocklebank,
Carlos McCullers II, Isaah Brown - Dir. Mel
Damski, Michael Zinberg, John Landis, Tim
Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2006-2008 Ltbx 16x9
DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 320min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030053
Psych - Season 1.2
James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson,
Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten
Nelson, Liam James, Sage Brocklebank,
Carlos McCullers II, Isaah Brown - Dir. Mel
Damski, Michael Zinberg, John Landis, Tim
Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2006-2008 Ltbx 16x9
DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 328min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030054
Jennifer Carpenter, Jay Hernandez, Columbus Short, Greg Germann, Dania Ramirez,
Steve Harris, Rade Sherbedgia, Johnathon
Schaech - Dir. John Erick Dowdle
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 86min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029991
Quarantäne (Blu-ray)
Jennifer Carpenter, Jay Hernandez, Columbus Short, Greg Germann, Dania Ramirez,
Steve Harris, Rade Sherbedgia, Johnathon
Schaech - Dir. John Erick Dowdle
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, BD-Live
Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DDTrueHD 5.1 (D)
DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DDTrueHD 5.1 (It) 89min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029992
Der Rebell des Königs
André Sjöberg, Tuva Novotny, Anders
Ekborg, Malin Morgan, Gustaf Skarsgård,
Peter Andersson, Kim Bodnia, Jörgen
Persson, Dag Malmberg - Dir. Måns Mårlind,
Bjorn Stein
Audiokommentar, Storyboard
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Schwed) 159min.
Sunfilm (Savoy Film) 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030047
The Red Monks
I Frati Rossi
Chuck Valenti, Lara Wendel, Gerardo
Amato - Dir. Giani Martucci
Bildergalerie, Filminfomationen
Horror 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
VZ 12.03.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030125
Repo! (OmU)
Paul Sorvino, Paris Hilton, Bill Moseley,
Anthony Head, Alexa Vega, Sarah Power,
Sarah Brightman, Joan Jett, Dean
Armstrong, J. LaRose - Dir. Darren Lynn
Featurettes, Karaoke-Tracks, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar,
Entfallene Szenen, Szenenvergleich, Trailer
Musical/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (E)
Kinowelt 22.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030021
Repo! (OmU) (Blu-ray)
Paul Sorvino, Paris Hilton, Bill Moseley,
Anthony Head, Alexa Vega, Sarah Power,
Sarah Brightman, Joan Jett, Dean
Armstrong, J. LaRose - Dir. Darren Lynn
Featurettes, Karaoke-Tracks, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar,
Entfallene Szenen, Szenenvergleich, Trailer
Musical/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1
MA (D) DD 5.1 (E) 97min.
Kinowelt 22.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030022
Road to Perdition (Blu-ray)
Road To Perdition
Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law,
Jennifer Jason Leigh, Stanley Tucci, Daniel
Craig, Tyler Hoechlin, Liam Aiken, Dylan
Baker, Ciarán Hinds, Kevin Chamberlin - Dir.
Sam Mendes
Drama/Thriller 2002 117min.
Fox 15.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030164
Robert Zimmermann wundert sich
über die Liebe (+ Audio-CD)
Tom Schilling, Maruschka Detmers, Christian Sengewald, Sammy Steward, Julia
Dietze, Marlen Diekhoff, Adam Oest, Annika
Kuhl, Bettina Stucky, Steffi Kühnert, Kirstin
Hesse - Dir. Leander Haußmann
Making of, Featurette, Musikvideo, Interviews
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 98min.
EuroVideo (Delphi) 09.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030119
Rockaway (JK)
Nicholas Gonzalez, Mario Cimarro, Oleg
Taktarov, Witali Baganow, Ricardo Chavira,
David Vadim, Joseph Siravo, Chris Ferry,
Delilah Cotto, Antone Pagan - Dir. Jeff
Crook, Josh Crook
Action/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 80min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029993
The Rocker
The Rocker
Rainn Wilson, Josh Gad, Christina
Applegate, Jeff Garlin, Teddy Geiger, Emma
Stone - Dir. Peter Cattaneo
Komödie 2008 99min.
Fox 26.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030153
Roseanne - Die komplette 9. Staffel (4 DVDs)
Roseanne Barr, John Goodman
Komödie 1988-1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 588min.
Universum Film (UFA) 29.05.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030065
Die Rückkehr der Märchenprinzessin (4 DVDs)
Arabela Se Vrací
Dir. Václav Vorlícek
Komödie/Fantasy 1993 780min.
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
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März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030078
Die schönsten Märchen (2 DVDs)
Trickfilm 300min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030142
Rountree, Savannah Stehlin, Patrick St.
Esprit, Saïd Taghmaoui, Ally Walker, Albert
Hall, Mary Wickliffe, Julie Ariola, Yvette
Nicole Brown - Dir. Nick Gomez, Guy
Ferland, Clark Johnson, Charles S. Dutton,
Ziad Doueiri, Leon Ichaso
Know your enemy
Sherlock Holmes (2 DVDs)
Die graue Dame / Mordsache Holm
Kriminalfilm 170min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030143
Shuttle - Endstation Alptraum!
Tony Curran, Peyton List, Cameron
Goodman, James Snyder, Dave Power,
Cullen Douglas, Tom Kemp - Dir. Edward
Trailer, Interviews
Thriller/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 102min.
Koch Media 29.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030066
Sie liebt ihn, sie liebt ihn nicht
Sliding Doors
Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, John
Lynch, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Zara Turner,
Douglas McFerran, Paul Brightwell, Nina
Young, Virginia McKenna - Dir. Peter Howitt
Komödie 1997 FF DD 5.1 (D) 98min.
Highlight (Constantin) 18.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030034
Sieben Leben
Seven Pounds
Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Woody
Harrelson, Barry Pepper, Elpidia Carrillo,
Michael Ealy, Robinne Lee, Bill Smitrovich,
Joseph Nuñez, Tim Kelleher, Gina Hecht,
Andy Milder, Judy Ann Elder - Dir. Gabriele
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 118min.
Sony Pictures 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029987
Sieben Leben (Blu-ray)
Seven Pounds
Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Woody
Harrelson, Barry Pepper, Elpidia Carrillo,
Michael Ealy, Robinne Lee, Bill Smitrovich,
Joseph Nuñez, Tim Kelleher, Gina Hecht,
Andy Milder, Judy Ann Elder - Dir. Gabriele
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, BDLive
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DDTrueHD 5.1 (D)
DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DDTrueHD 5.1 (It)
Sony Pictures 19.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029988
Sleeper Cell - Season 1 (4 DVDs)
Sleeper Cell
Michael Ealy, Oded Fehr, Henry Lubatti,
Melissa Sagemiller, Alex Nesic, Blake
Shields, James LeGros, Jake Soldera, Omid
Abtahi, Kevin Alejandro, Carlos Gómez,
Michael Desante, Thekla Reuten, Jay R.
Ferguson, Angela Gots, Megan Ward,
Sonya Walger, Susan Pari, Nicholas Kadi,
Michael Rady, Mike Batayeh, Eden
Action/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 560min.
Paramount 02.04.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029980
Soldier - Die durch die Hölle gehen
Attack Force Z
John Phillip Law, Mel Gibson, Sam Neill,
Chris Haywood, John Waters - Dir. Tim
Action/Kriegsfilm 1982 90min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030144
Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise:
Season 1.1, Remastered (4 Discs)
Star Trek
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest
Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei,
James Doohan
Featurettes, Trailer, Easter Egg
Science Fiction 1966-1969 FF DD 1.0 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Sp) 855min.
Paramount 09.04.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20029972
Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise:
Season 1.1, Remastered (4 DVDs)
Star Trek
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest
Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei,
James Doohan
Featurettes, Trailer
Science Fiction 1966-1969 FF DD 1.0 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 772min.
Paramount 09.04.2009
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029978
Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise:
Season 1.2, Remastered (3 Discs)
Star Trek
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest
Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei,
James Doohan
Kaori Momoi, Yusuke Iseya, Renji Ishibashi,
Yoshino Kimura, Quentin Tarantino, Shun
Oguri, Takaaki Ishibashi, Toshiyuki Nishida,
Teruyuki Kagawa, Yoji Tanaka - Dir. Takashi
Western/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 95min.
Universum Film (UFA) 12.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030158
Survival Island - Wenn Blicke töten können
Billy Zane, Kelly Brook, Juan Pablo Di Pace,
Gabrielle Jourdan, Gary Brockette, Isabelle
Costantini - Dir. Stewart Raffill
Abenteuer/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min.
Koch Media 08.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030089
Tage und Wolken
Giorni E Nuvole
Margherita Buy, Antonio Albanese,
Giuseppe Battiston, Alba Rohrwacher,
Carla Signoris, Fabio Troiano, Paolo
Sassanelli, Arnaldo Ninchi, Antonio
Francini, Teco Celio - Dir. Silvio Soldini
Making of, Trailer
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(It) 114min.
EuroVideo 14.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030023
Teenage Champion - Go for Gold!
The Derby Stallion
Bill Cobbs, Zac Efron, William R. Moses Dir. Craig Clyde
Drama/Jugend 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) 98min.
Koch Media 29.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030067
Thailand Killer
Plook Mun Kuen Ma Kah 4
Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai, Banlu Srisaeng Dir. Towatchai Ladloy, Panna Rittikrai
Action 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (Thai) 90min.
KNM Home Ent. (Movie Power) 16.04.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030146
Featurettes, Trailer
Three Kingdoms - Der Krieg der
drei Königreiche (Blu-ray) (k.J.)
Science Fiction 1966-1969 FF DD 1.0 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Sp) min.
Paramount 09.04.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20029973
Saam Gwok Dzi Gin Lung Se Gap
Andy Lau, Sammo Hung, Maggie Q,
Vanness Wu, Andy On, Rongguang Yu, Hua
Yueh, Damian Lau - Dir. Daniel Lee
Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise:
Season 1.2, Remastered (3 DVDs)
Star Trek
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest
Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei,
James Doohan
Featurettes, Trailer
Science Fiction 1966-1969 FF DD 1.0 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 628min.
Paramount 09.04.2009
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029979
Sukiyaki Western: Django (k.J.)
Sukiyaki Western Django
Hideaki Ito, Masanobu Ando, Koichi Sato,
Trailer, Interviews mit Cast und Crew, Premierenvideo
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx 16x9
DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(Manda) 102min.
Koch Media 08.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030091
Three Kingdoms - Der Krieg der
drei Königreiche (k.J.)
Saam Gwok Dzi Gin Lung Se Gap
Andy Lau, Sammo Hung, Maggie Q,
Vanness Wu, Andy On, Rongguang Yu, Hua
Yueh, Damian Lau - Dir. Daniel Lee
Trailer, Interviews mit Cast und Crew, Premierenvideo
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Manda) 98min.
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Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Koch Media 08.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030090
Universal Pictures (Universal) 02.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030058
Time Bandits (2 Discs) (Blu-ray)
Transporter 3
Time Bandits
John Cleese, Sir Sean Connery, Shelley
Duvall, Craig Warnock, Katherine Helmond,
Michael Palin, Sir Ian Holm, Sir Ralph
Richardson, Peter Vaughan - Dir. Terry
Transporter 3
Jason Statham, Robert Knepper, François
Berléand, Natalja Rudakowa, David
Atrakchi, Jeroen Krabbé, Eriq Ebouaney Dir. Olivier Megaton
Interviews, Dokumentation, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Biound Filmografien, Digital Copy
Fantasy 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 111min.
Koch Media 29.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030068
Time Share
Time Share
Nastassja Kinski, Timothy Dalton, Kevin
Zegers, Cameron Finley, Billy Kay, Natalie
Elizabeth Marston, Kelli Garner, Geoffrey
Lower, Carlton Elizabeth Gebia, Pamela
Stanley, Randolph Mantooth, Barbara
Sharma, John Hostetter, Maxine Stuart,
George Murdock, Richard Tanner, Chez
Starbuck - Dir. Sharon von Wietersheim
Komödie 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 88min.
Highlight (Constantin) 07.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030025
Die Tintenfische aus dem zweiten
Stock (2 DVDs)
Chobotnice Z Druhého Patra
Dagmar Veskrnová, Pavel Zednicek,
Zaneta Fuchsova, Milan Simacek, Miroslav
Machacek, Josef Bláha - Dir. Jindrich Polák
Fantasy 1987 250min.
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.05.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030080
Tortura (k.J.)
Nico Zitek, Anna Trageser, Martina
Schölzhorn, Anton Grünbeck, Tini Amberger, Carolina Rath, Michel Schüler, Sascha
Sanders, Frank Beier - Dir. Marcel Walz,
Michael Effenberger
Bildergalerie, Interviews, Trailer
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
starmedia 06.05.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030097
Toxic - 1 Girl, 1 Curse, 17 Bodies
To x i c
Susan Ward, Corey Large, Master P. - Dir.
Alan Pao
Thriller/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 92min.
Splendid (I-On New Media) 29.05.2009
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030130
Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 100min.
Universum Film (UFA) 05.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030159
Transporter 3 (Blu-ray)
Transporter 3
Jason Statham, Robert Knepper, François
Berléand, Natalja Rudakowa, David
Atrakchi, Jeroen Krabbé, Eriq Ebouaney Dir. Olivier Megaton
Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D)
DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 104min.
Universum Film (UFA) 05.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030161
Transporter 3 (Special Edition,
Transporter 3
Jason Statham, Robert Knepper, François
Berléand, Natalja Rudakowa, David
Atrakchi, Jeroen Krabbé, Eriq Ebouaney Dir. Olivier Megaton
Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Wende-Steelbook
Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 100min.
Universum Film (UFA) 05.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030160
Transporter I-III: Triple Feature (3
Discs) (Blu-ray)
Transporter I-III
Audiokommentar, Making of, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen,
Interviews, Featurettes
Action 2002-2008 290min.
Universum Film (UFA) 05.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030163
Transporter I-III: Triple Feature (3
Transporter I-III
Making of, Interview, Trailer
Action 2002-2008 278min.
Universum Film (UFA) 05.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030162
Das ultimative Geschenk
The Ultimate Gift
Drew Fuller, Brian Dennehy, James Garner,
Abigail Breslin, Ali Hillis, Mircea Monroe,
Lee Meriwether, Donna Cherry, D. David
Morin, Bill Cobbs - Dir. Michael O. Sajbel
Making of
Trainspotting (Neue Version)
Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee
Miller, Kevin McKidd, Robert Carlyle, Kelly
Macdonald, Peter Mullan, James Cosmo,
Eileen Nicholas, Susan Vidler, Pauline
Lynch, Shirley Henderson, Stuart
McQuarrie, Irvine Welsh, Keith Allen,
Vincent Friell, Dale Winton, Billy Riddoch Dir. Danny Boyle
Featurettes, Interviews
Drama/Komödie 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 88min.
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 115min.
EuroVideo 14.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030042
Universal Soldier - Die Rückkehr
(Blu-ray) (FSK 18)
Universal Soldier: The Return
Jean-Claude van Damme, Michael Jai White,
Heidi Schanz, Xander Berkeley, Justin
Lazard, Kiana Tom, Daniel von Bargen,
James Black, Karis Paige Bryant, Bill Goldberg, Scott Roland, Colin Skelton, Chandra
West - Dir. Mic Rodgers
Making of, Featurettes, BD-Live
Action/Science Fiction 1999 Ltbx 16x9
DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E)
DDTrueHD 5.1 (Ungar) DD 5.1 (Poln) 83min.
Sony Pictures 07.05.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029994
Unsere kleine Farm - 4. Staffel (6
Little House On The Prairie
Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa
Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Scottie
MacGregor - Dir. Michael Landon
Drama 1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030055
Verrückt nach Mary (Blu-ray)
There’s Something About Mary
Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, Ben Stiller, Lee
Evans, Chris Elliott, Lin Shaye, Jeffrey
Tambor, Markie Post, Keith David, W. Earl
Brown, Jonathan Richman, Brett Favre Dir. Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Komödie 1998 119min.
Fox 26.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030154
Der Verrückte mit dem Geigenkasten (Blu-ray)
The Man With One Red Shoe
Tom Hanks, Dabney Coleman, Lori Singer,
Charles Durning, Carrie Fisher, Edward
Herrmann, James Belushi, Irving Metzman,
Tom Noonan, Gerrit Graham, David L.
Lander, Ritch Brinkley, Frank Hamilton,
Dortha Duckworth, David Ogden Stiers,
Julius Carry, Stephen Bradley, Art LaFleur,
Richard McGonagle, George Martin, Patricia
Gaul, Charles Levin, Dan Resin, Jeff Ware
- Dir. Stan Dragoti
Komödie 1985 min.
Fox 15.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030165
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Blu-ray)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Scarlett Johansson, Penélope Cruz, Javier
Bardem, Rebecca Hall, Patricia Clarkson,
Kevin Dunn, Chris Messina, Zak Orth,
Carrie Preston, Pablo Schreiber - Dir.
Woody Allen
Interview, Trailer
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 3.0 MA
(D) DTS-HD 3.0 MA (E) 96min.
Concorde 20.05.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029966
Vincent und ich
Vincent And Me
Nina Potronzio, Christopher Forrest, Paul
Klerk, Tchéky Karyo, Anna-Maria Giannotti Dir. Michael Rubbo
Trailer, Film-Quiz
Kinderfilm 1990 FF DD 2.0 (D) 96min.
starmedia 20.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030085
Walled In
Walled In
Mischa Barton, Cameron Bright, Deborah
Unger, Darla Biccum, Shannon Jardine,
Noam Jenkins, Josh Strait, Rob van Meenen
- Dir. Gilles Paquet-Brenner
Making of
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März 2009
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Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min.
Sunfilm 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030003
Walled In (Blu-ray)
Walled In
Mischa Barton, Cameron Bright, Deborah
Unger, Darla Biccum, Shannon Jardine,
Noam Jenkins, Josh Strait, Rob van Meenen
- Dir. Gilles Paquet-Brenner
Making of
Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 7.1
MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(E) 92min.
Sunfilm 08.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030004
John Wayne Mega Metallbox (20
ters, Eliot Feld, Bert Michaels, David Bean,
Robert Banas, Anthony Teague, José De
Vega, Jay Norman, Gus Trikonis, Eddie
Verso, Robert E. Thompson, Yvonne Wilder
- Dir. Jerome Robbins, Robert Wise
Drama/Musical 1961 153min.
Fox (MGM/UA) 26.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030155
Wild Child
Wild Child
Emma Roberts, Natasha Richardson,
Shirley Henderson, Aidan Quinn, Alex
Pettyfer, Kimberley Nixon, Juno Temple,
Sophie Wu, Linzey Cocker, Georgia King,
Ruby Thomas, Eleanor Turner-Moss, Nick
Frost, Daisy Donovan, Jason Watkins,
Selina Cadell, Lexi Ainsworth, Shelby
Young, Johnny Pacar - Dir. Nick Moore
Making of, Featurettes
The John Wayne Collection
John Wayne
Western min.
HMH (Great Movies) 28.05.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030070
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (Ungar) 94min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 07.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029969
Der Weg ins Freie
Wild Style
George „Lee“ Quinones, Frederick
Brathwaite, Sandra „Pink“ Fabara, Patty
Astor, Andrew „Zephyr“ Witten,
Grandmaster Flash - Dir. Charlie Ahearn
Drama/Musikfilm 1982 DD 2.0 (E) 90min.
Zyx 27.03.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030124
Zarah Leander, Hans Stüwe, Siegfried
Breuer, Walter Ludwig, Eva Immermann,
Hilde von Stolz, Hedwig Wangel, Agnes
Windeck - Dir. Rolf Hansen
Bildergalerie, Biografien, Hintergrundinfos
Drama 1940-1941 FF DD 1.0 (D) 113min.
Black Hill Pictures 08.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030092
Der Weg zum Ruhm
Casi Divas
Patricia Llaca, Julio Bracho, Maya Zapata,
Ana Layevska, Mónica Huarte, Dario T. Pie,
Diana Garcia, Gustavo Sanchez Parra - Dir.
Issa López
Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Casting-Featurette,
Drama/Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Sp) 103min.
Sony Pictures 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029989
Wen die Geister lieben
Ghost Town
Ricky Gervais, Téa Leoni, Greg Kinnear,
Kristen Wiig, Dana Ivey, Aasif Mandvi - Dir.
David Koepp
Making of, Outtakes, Interview, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min.
Kinowelt 03.07.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030059
Wen die Geister lieben (Blu-ray)
Ghost Town
Ricky Gervais, Téa Leoni, Greg Kinnear,
Kristen Wiig, Dana Ivey, Aasif Mandvi - Dir.
David Koepp
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 MA
(D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 102min.
Kinowelt 03.07.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030060
West Side Story (Blu-ray)
West Side Story
Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ
Tamblyn, Rita Moreno, George Chakiris,
Simon Oakland, Ned Glass, Wiliam Bramley,
Tucker Smith, Tony Mordente, David Win-
Wild Style (OmU)
Wilde Betten
Letti Selvaggi
Sylvia Kristel, Ursula Andress, Monica Vitti,
Laura Antonelli - Dir. Luigi Zampa
Komödie/Erotik 1978 90min.
KNM Home Ent. 16.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030147
Die wilden Hühner (Blu-ray)
Michelle von Treuberg, Lucie Hollmann,
Paula Riemann, Zsa Zsa Inci Bürkle, Jette
Hering, Jeremy Mockridge, Philip Wiegratz,
Martin Kurz, Vincent Redetzki, Veronica
Ferres, Doris Schade, Jessica Schwarz,
Benno Fürmann, Axel Prahl, Lukas Steimel,
Lukas Engel, Pino Severino Geyssen, David
Kötter, Frank Voß, Christine Rose, Nina
Vorbrodt, Roland Jankowsky, Herbert
Meurer, Marius Fischer, Anya Hoffmann,
Frank Wickermann, Justus Kötting, Katharina Eyssen, Axel Häfner, Simon
Gosejohann, Sina Burmester - Dir. Vivian
Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) min.
Highlight (Constantin) 15.08.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030028
Die wilden Hühner und das Leben
Michelle von Treuberg, Lucie Hollmann,
Sonja Gerhardt, Zsa Zsa Inci Bürkle, Jette
Hering, Jeremy Mockridge, Vincent
Radetzki, Philip Wiegratz, Martin Kurz, Paula Schramm, Nicole Mercedes Müller, Milena
Tscharntke, Paulina Rümmelein, Veronica
Ferres, Doris Schade, Jessica Schwarz,
Benno Fürmann, Kostja Ullmann - Dir.
Vivian Naefe
Komödie/Jugend 2008 min.
Highlight (Constantin) 15.08.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030029
Die wilden Hühner und das Leben (Blu-ray)
Michelle von Treuberg, Lucie Hollmann,
Sonja Gerhardt, Zsa Zsa Inci Bürkle, Jette
Hering, Jeremy Mockridge, Vincent
Radetzki, Philip Wiegratz, Martin Kurz, Paula Schramm, Nicole Mercedes Müller, Milena
Tscharntke, Paulina Rümmelein, Veronica
Ferres, Doris Schade, Jessica Schwarz,
Benno Fürmann, Kostja Ullmann - Dir.
Vivian Naefe
Komödie/Jugend 2008 min.
Highlight (Constantin) 15.08.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030030
Die wilden Hühner und die Liebe
Michelle von Treuberg, Paula Riemann,
Jette Hering, Lucie Hollmann, Zsa Zsa Inci
Bürkle, Jeremy Mockridge, Philip Wiegratz,
Martin Kurz, Vincent Redetzki, Svea Bein,
Veronica Ferres, Thomas Kretschmann,
Oliver Stokowski, Jessica Schwarz, Doris
Schade, Benno Fürmann - Dir. Vivian Naefe
Komödie/Jugend 2007 min.
Highlight (Constantin) 15.08.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030031
Winged Creatures
Winged Creatures
Kate Beckinsale, Dakota Fanning, Forest
Whitaker, Jennifer Hudson, Guy Pearce,
Josh Hutcherson, Embeth Davidtz, Jeanne
Tripplehorn, Jackie Earle Haley, Walton
Goggins, Beth Grant, Troy Garity, Soren
Fulton, Hayley McFarland, Kevin Cooney,
Jacquie Barnbrook, James Babson, Jeff
Rector, Al Ruscio, Whittni Wright, Marshall
Allman, Ankur Bhatt, Kevin Durand, Jamie
McShane - Dir. Rowan Woods
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min.
Highlight (Constantin) 18.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030016
Winged Creatures (Blu-ray)
Winged Creatures
Kate Beckinsale, Dakota Fanning, Forest
Whitaker, Jennifer Hudson, Guy Pearce,
Josh Hutcherson, Embeth Davidtz, Jeanne
Tripplehorn, Jackie Earle Haley, Walton
Goggins, Beth Grant, Troy Garity, Soren
Fulton, Hayley McFarland, Kevin Cooney,
Jacquie Barnbrook, James Babson, Jeff
Rector, Al Ruscio, Whittni Wright, Marshall
Allman, Ankur Bhatt, Kevin Durand, Jamie
McShane - Dir. Rowan Woods
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS (D)
DTS (E) 100min.
Highlight (Constantin) 18.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030015
Wishful Thinking
Wishful Thinking
James LeGros, Jennifer Beals, Drew
Barrymore, Eric Thal, Mel Gorham - Dir.
Adam Park
Komödie 1997 87min.
Universum Film 29.05.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030069
Wolke 9 (2 DVDs)
Seite 21
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Wolke 9
Ursula Werner, Horst Rehberg, Horst
Westphal, Steffi Kühnert - Dir. Andreas
Kurzfilm, Interviews, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen,
Outtakes, Biografien
Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(F) 95min.
Senator 16.03.2009
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029982
The Women - Von großen und
kleinen Affären
The Women
Meg Ryan, Annette Bening, Eva Mendes,
Jada Pinkett Smith, Carrie Fisher, Cloris
Leachman, Debi Mazar, India Ennenga,
Bette Midler, Debra Messing, Candice Bergen - Dir. Diane English
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 110min.
Highlight (Constantin) 18.06.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030017
The Women - Von großen und
kleinen Affären (Blu-ray)
The Women
Meg Ryan, Annette Bening, Eva Mendes,
Jada Pinkett Smith, Carrie Fisher, Cloris
Leachman, Debi Mazar, India Ennenga,
Bette Midler, Debra Messing, Candice Bergen - Dir. Diane English
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS (D) DTS (E)
Highlight (Constantin) 18.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030018
X-Men Trilogie (4 DVDs)
X-Men / X-Men 2 / X-Men - The Last Stand
Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry
- Dir. Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner
Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer
Science Fiction 2000-2006 327min.
Fox 24.04.2009
69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030166
Der Zementgarten
The Cement Garden
Andrew Robertson, Charlotte Gainsbourg,
Alice Coulthard, Ned Birkin, Sinéad Cusack,
Hanns Zischler, Jochen Horst - Dir. Andrew
Drama 1992 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 105min.
Highlight (Constantin) 04.06.2009
tba BestellNr.: 20030038
Dokumentarfilm/Kunst 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) 88min.
Concorde (Concorde Home Edition)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030039
Der erste Schrei
Le Premier Cri
Dir. Gilles de Maistre
Making of, Trailer
Dokumentarfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (F) 94min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 08.05.2009
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20029968
Wächter der Wüste
The Meerkats
Dir. James Honeyborne
Family-Version mit gesprochenen Tierstimmen, Musik-/
Geräusch-Tonspur, Interviews, B-Roll
Special Interest
Abfallprodukte der Liebe
Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 80min.
Senator 22.05.2009
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030081
Poussières D’Amour
Anita Cerquetti, Martha Mödl, Rita Gorr,
Kristine Ciesinski, Katherine Ciesinski,
Laurence Dale, Jenny Drivala, Gail Gilmore,
Sergueï Larin, Trudeliese Schmidt, Carole
Bouquet, Isabelle Huppert - Dir. Werner
Wächter der Wüste (Blu-ray)
Interview, Trailer, Kurzfilm
Wet Dreams
Dokumentarfilm/Musik 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) 125min.
Filmgalerie 451 03.04.2009
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030009
Botero - Geboren in Medellin
The Meerkats
Dir. James Honeyborne
Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2008 min.
Senator 22.05.2009
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030082
Wet Dreams
Dir. Tom Kurthy
Erotik 1995 FF DD 2.0 53min.
Pro-Fun Media (QUEER Films) 27.03.2009
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030012
Botero - Born In Medellin
Fernando Botero - Dir. Peter Schamoni
Seite 22
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Seite 23
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Azumanga Daioh: Complete
Collection (Re-Packaged)
Boys and girls, young and old, otaku and casual fans alikeeveryone loves Azumanga Daioh. It’s one of the most beloved
anime series of 2004, and now ADV has brought all six DVDs
together in a single affordable Thinkpak Collection. Includes
all experts from the original release.
Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Drama,
Foreign, High School, International TV,
Japanese 650min.
A. D. Vision 26.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085095
Doujin Work: Volume 3
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085157
Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese 2007
Media Blasters 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085043
Inu-Yasha: Season 7 - Deluxe Edition
Family Guy: Volume 7
Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Seth
Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Fox 2008
FF DD 5.1 499min.
20th Century Fox 16.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085193
Fist Of The North Star: The Movie
Bleach: Volume 16
Anime, Foreign, Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 12.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085160
Bob The Builder Fun Pack
Boxed Sets, Stop Motion Animation 190min.
Hit Entertainment 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085003
Care Bears Fun Pack
Boxed Sets, Animated Animals 264min.
Lionsgate 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085008
Celebrate Family!
Family, Nickelodeon 149min.
Nickelodeon 09.06.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085141
In the near future, Earth has been devastated by a nuclear
Hell. In these troubled times, kinetic martial arts have
replaced weapons of mass destruction, and the legendary Fist
of the North Star style may then be the only hope for
humanity’s survival. Ken, the rightful master of Fist of the
North Star, is forced to fight old friends gone mad, wicked
new enemies, and even comes face to face with his power
hungry elder brothers. All this in the hope that he will
someday be reunited with his beloved Julia. Fists fly, heads
explode, and the super powered men of this violent new age
clash in what may be the single most violent animated epic of
all time! Originally released on VHS and shown on TV many
times, The Fist Of The North Star movie is an anime classic!
The original English dubbed version is included, as is the
never before released Japanese language version!
Science Fiction, Thrillers, Anime,
Apocalyptic Future, Action, Animated Feature Films 1986 110min.
Eastern Star 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085228
Gigantor: The Collection Volume 1
Chance Pop Session: Complete
Collection (Re-Packaged)
Inspired by the pop idol Reika, three ambitious young singers
claw their way into a special school for exceptional talent.
But as their voices come together in harmony, the girls realize
that they share more than just a passion for song.
Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese,
Music, Pop Music 325min.
A. D. Vision 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085093
Clannad: Collection 2
Tomoya Okazaki is a high school student who resents his
hard life. Then he meets a strange girl named Nagisa
Furukawa , and his life begins moving in a new direction.
Anime, Based On Video Game, Drama,
Foreign, High School, Japanese 2007
A. D. Vision 05.05.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085054
Clifford The Big Red Dog Fun
Includes the first 26 episodes in their original air-date order!
Premiering in the ’60s, Gigantor blazed a new trail in America
for Japanese animation. The influential series was one of the
first featuring a giant, heroic robot and was designed with a
cinematic sensibility that thrilled and captivated audiences.
When terrorist groups, evil criminals and hostile aliens
become too powerful for Earth’s armed forces, the virtuallyindestructible robot Gigantor is built to combat them.
Commanded by Jimmy Sparks through a remote control,
Gigantor must battle to save the world from a never-ending
assault by ruthless villains.
Anime, Foreign, Japanese min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085180
Gilgamesh: Complete Collection
Gorgeous animation, breakthrough character designs, and
stunning visuals make this addictive tale of mystery, magic,
and espionage the first gothic anime masterpiece of the new
Thrillers, Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action
A. D. Vision 12.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085091
Gummibar: I Am A Gummy Bear
Boxed Sets, Family, Animated Animals
Lionsgate 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085009
Computer Animation, Music, Music Videos
Red 28.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085222
Digimon Data Squad: Collection
Hunter X Hunter: Volume 2
Digimon Data Squad box set contains 13 full 30 minute
episodes from the newest Digimon series. Follow the
adventures of Masaru and Agumon as they investigate their
way through the Digital World battling Digital Monsters in
exciting and different situations. Experience the final Digimon
series like never before.
Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese, Action
Viz Entertainment 07.04.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085154
Anime, Monsters, Adventure 390min.
Well Go USA 26.05.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085076
Inu-Yasha: Season 7
Anime, Foreign, Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 28.04.2009
Anime, Foreign, Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 28.04.2009
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085156
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch
Friends Fun Pack
Boxed Sets, Bugs, Family 214min.
Lionsgate 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085012
Naruto: Volume 13 - Box Set
Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action,
Adventure min.
Viz Entertainment 07.04.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085153
Naruto: Volume 13 - Special Edition Box Set
Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action,
Adventure min.
Viz Entertainment 07.04.2009
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085152
Naruto: Volume 14 - Box Set
Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min.
Viz Entertainment 26.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085159
Nighthead Genesis: Volume 5
Anime, Foreign, Japanese 2006 100min.
Media Blasters 12.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085044
Ninja Resurrection / Blood Reign
(Double Pack)
These two full-length anime features complement each other
beautifully. Ninja Resurrection is a bloody tale of vengeance
featuring the infamous Jubei Yagyu. Blood Reign is a horror
story about a ninja who must destroy his undead comrade in
2 Packs, Action, Adventure, Anime, Drama,
Foreign, Horror, International TV, Japanese,
Ninjas 160min.
A. D. Vision 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085097
Peanuts 1960’s Collection
Based On A Comic Strip, Family 150min.
Warner Bros. 07.07.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085201
Pokemon All-Stars: Volume 19
Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign,
Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 21.04.2009
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085150
Pokemon All-Stars: Volume 20
Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign,
Japanese min.
Viz Entertainment 21.04.2009
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085151
Princess Resurrection: Collection
Hiro Hiyorimi is an orphan who goes to live with his sister
Sawawa, the caretaker of a creepy old mansion. He ends up
saving the life of the mansion’s resident, who turns out to be a
princess of the monster kingdom — and his new master.
Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy,
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 24
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Foreign, Horror, International TV, Japanese
A. D. Vision 19.05.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085094
Saiyuki: Requiem / Martian
Successor Nadesico: Prince Of
Darkness (Double Pack)
Two full-length anime features every fan needs to have.
Saiyuki: Requiem follows the cynical, gun-toting monk and his
unruly band of misfits into the heart of demon territory. Prince
Of Darkness picks up three years after the fan-favorite
Nadesico series.
Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Space,
Anime, Foreign, Intergalactic War,
Japanese, 2 Packs, Action, Adventure
A. D. Vision 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085098
In a bid to destroy the Galaxy Alliance, evil King Zarkon joins
forces with the leader of the Drule Empire, Viceroy Throk.
They create the largest armada of destroyers that has ever
been seen in space. When this Fleet of Doom begins
obliterating one key Galaxy Alliance outpost after another,
they realize the threat is too great even for one of the mighty
Voltron units to deal with. Therefore, they send the call both
to the stellar ship Explorer and to the Castle of Lions. Keith,
Princess Allura, Hunk, Lance and Pidge fly into battle in their
robot lions, alongside Commanders Jeff, Krik and Cliff with
their vehicle teams. When Prince Lotor arrives as the head of
a super Robeast made of five united Robeasts, Keith and Jeff
give the order to form both Voltrons! Haggar targets Keith and
Allura with a curse, and the Fleet of Doom is closing in on
Galaxy Garrison. The ultimate giant robot team-up is Earth’s
last hope!
Science Fiction, Anime, Giant Robots
Media Blasters 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085082
Spaceballs: The Animated Spoof
Wonder Pets: Ollie’s Slumber
Based On Feature Film, Comedy, Science
Fiction, Spoofs 2008 100min.
MGM / UA 16.06.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085198
Nickelodeon, Animated Animals 2009
Nickelodeon 09.06.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085140
Speed Racer: The Next Generation - Comet Run
Yawara!: A Fashionable Judo Girl
- 6 DVD Set
Nickelodeon, Racing, Sports, Action,
Adventure 2008 63min.
Lionsgate 12.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085000
Inokuma Yawara just wants to be an ordinary high-school girl.
Unfortunately for her, she’s been trained since she was a
toddler by her grandfather, Jigoro, to be a judo prodigy.
Nothing less than an Olympic Gold Medal and the coveted
National Merit Award will satisfy him, and he’ll do anything to
ensure that she achieves it.
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World:
Complete Collection (RePackaged)
Takeru is your typical teenaged Average Joe-until he meets
Hikari, a beautiful girl who fell from the stars. Immediately
Takeru’s life turns upside down, as strange creatures and
dark forces converge on the unlikely pair. But even while
adversity brings them closer, Hikari’s mysterious past
threatens an even greater danger to Takeru and everything
he’s known. It’s a cosmic love affair with the Earth hanging in
the balance!
Adventure, Anime, Drama, Fantasy,
Foreign, International TV, Japanese 300min.
A. D. Vision 26.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085096
Thomas & Friends Fun Pack
Hit Entertainment 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085013
Thomas & Friends: Team Up With
Family, Stop Motion Animation 46min.
Hit Entertainment 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085014
Thomas & Friends: Team Up With
Thomas (With Toy Train)
Family, Stop Motion Animation 46min.
Hit Entertainment 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085015
Transformers: The Complete First
Action, Giant Robots, Science Fiction 1984
Shout Factory 16.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085104
Voltron: Fleet of Doom (The
Anime, Foreign, Japanese min.
AnimEigo 05.05.2009
207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085182
24: Season Seven
Janeane Garofalo, Bob Gunton, Mary Lynn
Rajskub, Cherry Jones, Annie Wersching,
Kiefer Sutherland, Colm Feore, Carlos
Bernard, Rhys Coiro
Set in Washington, DC, for the first time, the season opens
four years after Season Six with CTU dismantled and Jack on
trial for all his „misconduct“ at CTU. Jack’s day takes an
unexpected turn when someone threatens the government and
his expertise are needed again.
Terrorism, Thrillers, Action, Drama, Fox
2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 1115min.
20th Century Fox 19.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085192
24: Season Seven (Blu-ray)
Janeane Garofalo, Bob Gunton, Mary Lynn
Rajskub, Cherry Jones, Annie Wersching,
Kiefer Sutherland, Colm Feore, Carlos
Bernard, Rhys Coiro
Set in Washington, DC, for the first time, the season opens
four years after Season Six with CTU dismantled and Jack on
trial for all his „misconduct“ at CTU. Jack’s day takes an
unexpected turn when someone threatens the government and
his expertise are needed again.
Drama, Fox, Action, Terrorism, Thrillers
2009 min.
20th Century Fox 19.05.2009
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085214
Agent 69 Jensen: In The Sign Of
Agent 69 Jensen Master (Ole Soltoft - winner at Sweden
Fantastic Film Festival) travels from Tangiers to Moscow to
Beijing, Albania and, of course, Copenhagen in this
sexploitation Danish comedy. Agent 69 must retrieve the
stolen Albanian rocket blueprints contained in one of four
small tins containing microfilm. In fact all of the agents from all
different countries are in search of the coveted microfilm.
Naturally there is ample nudity, free spirited sex and several
lesbian scenes to satisfy any sexual desires. The comedy
skits are fresh, unpredictable and fabulously entertaining.
This film is the final installment in the „Signs of the Zodiac“
series of the famous Danish Tegn films, movies known for
their delightful blend of physical comedy and well-endowed
women who aren’t afraid to shed their clothes at the drop of
the hat.
Spies/Secret Agents, Comedy, Danish,
Erotica, Foreign 89min.
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085246
Agent 69 Jensen: In The Sign Of
Sagittarius / In The Sign Of
Scorpio (Double Feature)
A classic Danish erotica double disc collector’s edition! Two
full length movies featuring everyone’s favorite detective,
Agent 69. In the first film, Agent 69: Sign of Sagittarius, Agent
69(Ole Soltoft - winner at Sweden Fantastic Film Festival)
travels from Tangiers to Moscow to Beijing, Albania and, of
course, Copenhagen in this sexploitation Danish comedy.
film Agent 69 plays a secret agent hot on the trail of a CIA
microfilm hidden in a loaf of bread. Naturally there is ample
nudity, free spirited sex and several lesbian scenes to satisfy
any sexual desires in each of these films.
Spies/Secret Agents, Comedy, Danish,
Erotica, Foreign 177min.
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085248
Agent 69 Jensen: In The Sign Of
Agent 69 Jensen Master (Ole Soltoft - winner at Sweden
Fantastic Film Festival) plays a secret agent on the trail of a
CIA microfilm hidden a loaf of bread, in one of five women’s
over night bags. In fact many secret agents are after the same
bag not knowing that there are 5 different bags. Danish
Intelligence Agency wants to get the microfilm to the CIA but
Scorpio wants if for himself. This outrageously enticing film is
filled with cat fights, lesbian scenes, sensual acts that could
be featured in an erotic circus, a very kinky pool game,
seductively choreographed dancing, something for those with
a foot fetish and much, much more. The comedy skits are
fresh, unpredictable and fabulously entertaining. One in a
series of famous Danish Tegn films, movies known for their
delightful blend of physical comedy and busty women who
aren’t afraid to shed their clothes at the drop of the hat.
Spies/Secret Agents, Comedy, Danish,
Erotica, Foreign 88min.
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085247
All The Days Before Tomorrow
Romance, Comedy, Drama 2007 100min.
Vanguard 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085225
Army Wives: The Complete Second Season
Kim Delaney, Catherine Bell, Sally
Pressman, Wendy Davis, Brian McNamara
Drama, Military 2008 804min.
Disney / Buena Vista 02.06.2009
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084975
Asian Action Pack: Collection 2
Five great movies in a single low-priced collection: 2009 Lost
Memories, No Blood No Tears, Public Enemy, Conduct Zero,
Jungle Juice
Action, Comedy, Foreign, Korean 580min.
A. D. Vision 12.05.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085089
Four women awake in an underground cell with amnesia. The
women soon discover that they are part of an experiment with
no obvious purpose. They are visited, one by one, by the
Surgeon who cuts a four digit number into each woman’s
skin...the exact time he will return to kill them. Each woman
must quickly piece together the dark secret behind the
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
gruesome experiment and somehow survive the Surgeon’s
nightly visits of pain, torture and grisly murder. Be prepared
for a shocking ending that will leave you breathless!
Science Fiction, Torture, British, Foreign,
Horror 2008 120min.
Celebrity Video Distribution 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085135
Baseline Killer
Horror 2008 min.
North American Motion Pictures 07.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085087
The Best Of Whose Line Is It
Between Love & Goodbye
Kyle and Marcel are in love at first sight. Marcel, who is from
France, marries his lesbian friend Sarah so he can stay in the
US with Kyle. Enter Kyle’s sister, April, a former prostitute
who needs a place to crash. Taking a quick disliking to
Marcel, April methodically drips poison into their happiness.
But where Marcel sees a conniving woman with a not-sohidden agenda, Kyle only sees his sister in need. The perfect
couple falls headlong into possessiveness, jealousy and rage;
trapped in the tangled emotions found in that space between
love and goodbye.
Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2008 97min.
TLA Releasing 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084979
The Bluegrass Special
Family, Horses, Racing, Sports min.
Disney / Buena Vista 28.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085021
A shockingly entertaining double bill of Bollywood horror hits.
Mahakaal: The Monster. A nightmare creature haunts a young
girl’s dreams. Her friends refuse to believe her when she
tells them the fiend has entered the real world and they are all
going to die horribly. Tahkhana: The Dungeon. Two sisters,
separated as children, share the secret of a hidden treasure.
Years later, their secret falls into the hands of a bunch of
sleazy adventurers. What none of them know is that the
treasure is guarded by a hideous monster, animated by the
blood of a vengeful black magician.
Bollywood, Double Features, Foreign, Horror, Indian, Monsters 290min.
Mondo Macabro 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085231
The Booby Hatch
The creators of the original Night Of The Living Dead bring
you The Booby Hatch, a zany comedy full of schlocky humor,
nudity and sex! Sweet and innocent Cherry Jankowski
(Sharon Joy Miller) is a product tester for Joyful Novelties,
Inc., a manufacturer of erotic sex toys. She goes day-to-day,
trying to find self-fulfillment in a crazy, erotic, sex-filled
world. One of her friends at work, Marcello Fettucini (Rudy
Ricci), is at risk of losing his job because he’s having trouble
getting an erection. If he can’t get aroused, he can’t test out
the new products! Can Marcello and Cherry work out there
problems and live happy, or will they continue to just „lay
down on the job?“ Written and co-directed by Night Of The
Living Dead horror novelist John Russo, The Booby Hatch
satirizes the unbelievable sexual attitudes of the 1970s.
Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Erotica 1976
Synapse Films 28.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084980
Candice Bergen, Kate Hudson, Anne
Hathaway, Kristen Johnston
Comedy, Friendships, Romance 2009
20th Century Fox 28.04.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085041
Set in the final days of World War II, in the midst of fierce
fighting on the Eastern Front. As the Western Allies and the
Russian Red Army make their advance toward Berlin, a
British Army Officer attached to the Red Army discovers a
secret that can shatter the unity of the Allies. Seized by
Stalin’s dreaded Intelligence Service, he finds unexpected
help from an enemy and fellow prisoner, a German Captain. A
common bond binds the two Officers by honor, oath and
secrets. Joined by Anna, a beautiful Polish nurse cast adrift
in the tides of war, the three are pursued by a ruthless
Russian Intelligence Officer intent on preventing them from
reaching Allied Command with their secret that could change
the course of the war and the fate of millions.
War, World War II, Drama 2009 100min.
MTI Home Video 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085032
Cannon: Season Two - Volume
William Conrad
Action, CBS, Detectives, Drama, Mystery
1972 609min.
Paramount Pictures 02.06.2009
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085136
Russian playwright Anton Chekhov is ill with tuberculosis
and is cared for by his sister Maria. He is desperately
struggling to complete his play The Cherry Orchard. With
Maria’s help, he is able to continue writing, but when she
discovers that he has secretly married the Moscow Art
Theatre actress, she feels betrayed and schemes to prevent
him from returning to Moscow. When Chekhov discovers how
manipulative Maria has been, the stage is set for a major
Romance, Drama min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085172
The Cleaner: The First Season
Grace Park, Benjamin Bratt, Kevin Michael
Richardson, Esteban Powell
Drama, Substance Abuse 2008 Ltbx
Paramount Pictures 09.06.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085137
Cold Eyes Of Fear
Karin Schubert
Stylish and extravagant, Cold Eyes Of Fear is an excellent
example of an Italian „giallo“ thriller. Set in swinging
‘seventies London, this movie brings you a dark and decadent
world of corrupt cops, vengeful ex-cons, threats, betrayal,
fist-fights and feisty femme fatales. Motivated by revenge, an
ex-con abducts the son of the judge who put him behind bars.
The plot thickens as a deeper betrayal is revealed, leading
the story to erotic S&M scenes with scantily-clad women and
violent trysts in darkened, atmospheric nightclub settings.
Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Giallo,
Horror, Italian 1971 91min.
Redemption USA 28.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084958
Dante 01
The Bollywood Horror Collection:
Volume 3
Candice Bergen, Kate Hudson, Anne
Hathaway, Kristen Johnston
Romance, Comedy, Friendships 2009
20th Century Fox 28.04.2009
Chekhov And Maria
Bride Wars: Something New,
Something Borrowed, Something
Blu (Blu-ray)
Brother’s War
ABC, Comedy 300min.
Warner Bros. 09.06.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084957
Bride Wars
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085037
Shelley Duvall, Gosia Dobrowolska, Alice
Krige, Sarah Neville, Paul Cox, Kyle
McCulloch, Brent Neale
Visionary Canadian auteur Guy Maddin’s (Cowards Bend the
Knee, Brand Upon The Brain!, My Winnipeg) masterpiece
takes place in a 19th-century Alpine village where the wary
residents - adult, child and animal! - must speak softly and
tread lightly lest they cause an avalanche. But sexual
frenzies teem in this world of repression, setting off
incestuous love triangles and quadrangles with deadly
consequences. Bathed in lurid, luminescent tints that are more
stunning than ever in this new hi-def transfer, Careful
resembles a vintage melodrama from another planet something that could only emerge from the singular mind of
Maddin. Zeitgeist Films celebrates our 20th Anniversary
celebration with this beautiful new „Remastered and
Repressed“ edition of a cult classic.
Art House, Canadian, Comedy, Cult Film /
TV, Drama, Foreign 1992 min.
Zeitgeist Films 24.03.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085272
Chandni Chowk To China
Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone
Have you ever dreamed of being more than your
circumstances? Sidhu (Askay Kumar) longs to escape his
dreary existence cutting vegetables at a road-side food stand
in Chandni Chowk, one of the oldest and busiest markets in
Delhi, India. When two strangers from China proclaim he is
the reincarnation of a Chinese war hero, Sidhu envisions
fame, fortune and adventure. Journeying with them back to
China, Sidhu meets the alluring Sakhi (Deepika Padukone)
and love blossoms. But can it survive the vicious smuggler,
Hojo (Gordon Liu) and his cadre of kung-fu assassins?
Megalomaniacal villains, crazy inventors, Chinese mystics
and outlandish kung-fu assassins all get thrown together in
this joyful, uplifting adventure full of beautiful landscapes,
attention-grabbing songs, and high energy dancing. Featuring
top Bollywood actors Akshay Kumar and Deepika Padukone
and produced by acclaimed father and son duo, Ramesh and
Rohan Sippy, Chandni Chowk To China promises to excite.
Musical, Action, Bollywood, Comedy,
Foreign, Indian, Martial Arts 2009 140min.
Warner Bros. 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085025
At the edge of the galaxy, drifts Dante 01, a hellish space
station designed to contain and study the worst of the
criminally insane. After an unidentified mute inmate arrives on
the ship, he begins to reveal frightening alien powers, and
both captives and crew must decide whether he’s a monster or
a Messiah. From the acclaimed co-director of the postapocalyptic The City Of Lost Children, Dante 01 is a „visually
riveting“ (Lisa Nesselson, Variety) epic that takes sci-fi films
to a whole new dimension.
Science Fiction, Thrillers, Foreign, French
2008 min.
Dimension Extreme 21.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085148
Detective Story
Raita, a Japanese businessman, just moved into an apartment
building where his next-door neighbor is another guy named
Raita. But as a private detective, what that other Raita does
couldn’t be more different from a humble businessman’s way of
life. One night, in the beginning of a bizarre series of
murders, one of the private detective’s clients is killed and
has her liver removed. The next victim has her kidneys
removed, and the third her lungs. The two Raitas follow the
clues and meet an eccentric painter, one whose paints are
rumored to be made with human blood and organs...
Foreign, Horror, Japanese 99min.
Tokyo Shock 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085078
The Devil’s Ground
Daryl Hannah
Thrillers, Horror 2008 min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085058
Romance, Drama 2007 113min.
Vanguard 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085223
Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts
Comedy, Family 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 87min.
20th Century Fox 19.05.2009
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085051
discovering who killed her, even as the murderer returns to
try and kill Charlotte before they are discovered.
the one she loves. She records her exploits onto a tape as her
Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts
Mystery, Foreign, French 2007 87min.
Life Size Entertainment 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085170
Drama, Erotica min.
Music Video Distribution 02.06.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085263
Entrails Of The Wicked : The
Risen / The Unknown (Grindhouse Double Feature)
Geisha Assassin
Comedy, Family 2008 Ltbx DTS min.
20th Century Fox 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085068
Dr. Dolittle: Tail To The Chief / Dr.
Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts (2
2 Packs, Comedy, Family 177min.
20th Century Fox 19.05.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085052
Doctor Who: Attack Of The
Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British,
European, Foreign, International TV,
Science Fiction 1985 88min.
BBC Home Video 07.07.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084960
Doctor Who: The Rescue / The
Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British,
European, Foreign, International TV,
Science Fiction 1964 146min.
BBC Home Video 07.07.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084961
Double Features, Grindhouse 156min.
Sub Rosa Studios 30.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085139
Everwood: The Complete Second
Don’t Go In The Woods/ Forrest
(Double Feature)
Slasher, Thrillers, Double Features, Grindhouse, Horror min.
Code Red 26.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085239
Doodlebops Fun Pack
Boxed Sets, Disney Channel 258min.
Lionsgate 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085010
Driven To Kill
Laura Mennell, Steven Seagal, Dan Payne
A former Russian mobster named Ruslan, returns home and
discovers his daughter is marrying his arch nemesis. His past
also comes back to haunt him when his family is threatened.
Hungry for justice, Ruslan returns to the life he once
knew...with a vengeance.
Action 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 98min.
20th Century Fox 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085191
Treat Williams, Vivien Cardone, Emily Vancamp, Debra Mooney, Gregory Smith, John
Beasley, Tom Amandes, Chris Pratt
The WB, Troubled Youth, Drama, Family
2003 968min.
Warner Bros. 16.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085048
Exit 38
James Hong, Martin Kove
Lee Gray and Boyd Parker are members of an elite FBI unit
but they never intended on being partners. In fact, these men
wanted nothing to do with one another, but when a cunning
vampire starts feasting on the blood of innocent girls in a
small Nevada town, they have no choice but to go on a
mission to track down the dangerous vampire and end his
streak of terror. It will take the assets of the FBI and the
direction of a Chinese master to find the evil vampire known
as Mercer. They find him ensconced off ‘Exit 38’ at his
current feeding ground, a gentlemen’s club in an unsuspecting
town. Upon their arrival, they learn that Mercer has taken
captive the wife of Lee Gray and the daughter of Boyd Parker.
Can these two adversaries join together long enough to save
the lives of those they love?
Vampires, FBI, Horror 2006 88min.
S’More Entertainment 28.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084965
The Jeff Foxworthy Show: The
Complete Second Season
Driven To Kill (Blu-ray)
Laura Mennell, Steven Seagal, Dan Payne
A former Russian mobster named Ruslan, returns home and
discovers his daughter is marrying his arch nemesis. His past
also comes back to haunt him when his family is threatened.
Hungry for justice, Ruslan returns to the life he once
knew...with a vengeance.
Action 2009 Ltbx DTS 98min.
20th Century Fox 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085211
Jonathan Lipnicki, Anita Barone, Haley Joel
Osment, Jeff Foxworthy, G.W. Bailey
Comedy, Family 1996 FF 517min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084993
Freezer Burn
Ecoute Le Temps (Fissures)
Charlotte, a sound engineer and loner, travels to her mother’s
house in the countryside to help with arrangements after her
mother is murdered. Once there, she realizes that she knows
very little about her mother’s life in this strange village.
Frustrated by a lack of progress by the police investigation,
Charlotte begins to use her sound equipment to carry out her
own investigation. While listening to a fresh recording she
made in her mother’s house, Charlotte discovers a strange
phenomenon; sounds from the past blend in with sounds from
the present. Soon she is piecing together the last days and
hours of her mother’s life, drawing every closer to
In 1962 a top secret government agency designed a spaceship
to explore the deepest reaches of outer space. On its voyage
back to Earth it disappeared without a trace. 44 years later
Jack Alder, a rogue CIA agent has uncovered the
government’s dark secret. Today, Alder is set to unleash an
evil on this planet like nothing man has ever seen. Fueled by
his own ambition and greed, he has devised a plan that
threatens the fate of all humanity as he opens the door to
something not of this earth. Caught in the chaos is Slade
Hunter, a down and out ex-special forces soldier. He
searches to put the pieces of his brother’s brutal murder
together. Soon, he finds himself battling for his own life
against a band of mercenaries, government agents and Earth’s
deadliest visitor. A group of three friends come across a car
accident. They stop to help, but can’t seem to find any victims.
They search the nearby woods, finding nothing. The spot a
light from a nearby house, and decide to go to the house to
call for help. But they find the house empty as well. Puzzled,
and a little uneasy, they decide to return to
Romance, Science Fiction, Comedy 2007
Vanguard 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085224
The Fruit Is Ripe
Patricia is a free-spirited girl who embarks on an erotic
odyssey. Her parents give her a plane ticket to go to Munich.
Instead she gives the ticket away and remains in Greece.
While there, she teases and reveals herself to men and
women whom she meets along the way until she meets Tom,
Kotono is a beautiful geisha. She inherits a secretly-guarded
sword and pursues Hyoe, the man who killed her father.
Kotono is attacked by female ninja and assassins, but finally
she can face off against Hyoe. However, Hyoe tells her an
unbelievable story, a hidden truth about her father.
Action, Foreign, Japanese 2008 79min.
Well Go USA 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085074
Generation Kill (Blu-ray)
Lee Tergesen, Robert John Burke, Stark
Sands, Jon Huertas, Jonah Lotan, James
Ransone, Billy Lush
Baghdad, Iraq 2003. Mission: unclear. Enemy: unidentified.
Duration of tour: unknown. It was impossible for the Marines
of the First Recon Battalion to anticipate what would occur
during those first 40 days of the Iraq War as they found
themselves struggling with shoddy supplies, frustrated by the
chain of command and questioning the mission at every turn.
Fused with camaraderie, faith and fury, Generation Kill brings
you the gritty, raw and brutally honest insider’s look at what
has become of our comtemporary American war. Based on
Evan Wright’s best-selling book, and produced by David
Simon and Ed Burns, two of the men who brought you the
critically heralded HBO series The Wire, Generation Kill is
now an equally acclaimed seven-part miniseries event from
HBO Films.
Drama, HBO, TV Movies, War, War In The
Middle East 2008 420min.
HBO Home Video 16.06.2009
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085106
Get Smart: Season 3
Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, Edward Platt
Comedy, Spies/Secret Agents 1967 650min.
HBO Home Video 09.06.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085083
Girl On A Motorcycle
Marianne Faithfull, Alain Delon
Marianne Faithfull stars as the leather-clad Rebecca, a lovetorn woman who escapes her fiance and mounts her Harley
for a cross-country road trip to her passionate but cruel
lover, Daniel (Alain Delon), recounting their steamy affair in
explicit detail along the way. Girl On A Motorcycle (aka
Naked Under Leather) promises raunchy sex scenes shown
with psychedelic intensity, truly capturing the late 1960’s
zeitgeist of liberty and free love. Beautifully shot, starstudded, sexy and off-beat, this is a wild ride of movie!
Romance, Affairs/Love Triangles, British,
Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Foreign 1968 91min.
Redemption USA 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085269
The Girls Of The Copacabana
Three students bored with life in Paris, decide to sneak off to
Carnaval in Brazil in search of new and exciting sexual
experiences. Best friends with „benefits“, Juanita, Jean and
Hans are in for more than they bargained for in this comingof-age film. Complete with marvelous footage from the
Carnaval and breathtaking beaches not to mention more
gorgeous scantily clad ladies than you can feast your eyes on
at once. The film is filled with ample sexual adventures for all
to enjoy.
Music Video Distribution 16.06.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085268
The Grand
Woody Harrelson, Jason Alexander, David
Cross, Dennis Farina, Cheryl Hines, Ray
Romano, Richard Kind, Chris Parnell
A Comedy About The Fine Art Of Losing. Woody Harrelson
stars as One-Eyed Jack Faro, a not-quite-fully-rehabbed
gambler, party monster, and serial marry-er hoping to save his
late grandfather’s hotel-casino by winning $10 million cash at
The Grand Championship Of Poker. But first he’ll have to beat
a Vegas field of geeks, gurus, online amateurs, greedy
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
developers, ruthless housewives, old-school pros and more of
the top players in the world for the largest prize in poker
history. Jason Alexander, Ray Romano, Mike Epps, Judy
Greer, Werner Herzog, Gabe Kaplan, Michael McKean, Phil
Gordon and Doyle Brunson co-star in this no-limit comedy
from director Zak Penn (Incident At Loch Ness).
Poker, Comedy, Gamblers 2007 104min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085186
The Greatest Game Ever Played
Elias Koteas, Shia LaBeouf, Stephen
Dillane, Peter Firth, Luke Askew, Stephen
From Walt Disney Pictures comes The Greatest Game Ever
Played...the crowd-pleasing underdog epic that’s based on an
inspirational true story! Young amateur golfer Francis Ouimet
(Shia LaBeouf — Holes, I Robot) has nothing but talent and a
seemingly impossible dream to challenge the world’s greatest
player, his idol Harry Vardon. Soon, with the help of his
spunky 10-year-old caddy Eddie, Francis boldly breaks down
all barriers with a thrilling display of unrivaled drive, skill,
and heart...and challenges the golf pro for the U.S. Open
Drama, Golf, Sports 2005 min.
Disney / Buena Vista 16.06.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085188
bellies and their beds. Justine and Ferdinand escape to the
country of Tursa and buy an Inn only to find, that all pleasures
are taxed! Everything from drinking wine, smoking, sex,
laughter and dancing are being taxed by the Committee of
Decency so that the Count can raise money to buy the
country. He also has to marry a woman of Noble blood.
Justine and Ferdinand take down the Inn sign and put up a
sign naming the building „The Innocent Lamb“ disguised as a
convent school it is actually a brothel under the watchful eyes
of the local authorities. Von trenck is the true Count but he
lives in Vienna. Baron Bierrechalet goes to Vienna to pursue
him to come to Tursa and reclaim the country. The savvy
Justine uses a series of trickery and manipulation to trap the
Mayor in his own taxable behavior and Count Von t! renck
turns the country over to Baron Bierrechalet.
Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Foreign, German
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085256
How It All Went Down
In order to finance his newest film, Carmine „Istante“ Cavelli
(Silvio Pollio) returns to the streets where he grew up to sell
cocaine. But drug-dealing isn’t without its consequences as
the lives of everyone around him come tumbling down.
Romance, Drama 107min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085166
The Immigrant
Gringo Wedding (La Boda Del
He searches for the woman of his dreams. She searches for
her prince charming. Gringo Wedding is a fun romantic
comedy, where Rebecca (Ana Lucía Domínguez) and Matt
(Justin Kane) meet through a dating agency that is run by an
inexperienced crew who think they have it all under control.
With a language barrier and thousands of miles apart, Gringo
Wedding invites us to reflect on the true value of love and the
persistence it takes to find our soul mate.
Romance, Comedy 2006 115min.
Univision 28.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084981
Grumpy Old Men (Blu-ray)
Daryl Hannah, Burgess Meredith, Walter
Matthau, Ossie Davis, Jack Lemmon, Kevin
Next door neighbors John Gustafson and Max Goldman are
Grumpy Old Men. And since they’re played by Jack Lemmon
and Walter Matthau, they’re also Funny Old Men. Pairing up
again in this hilarious and heartwarming story of
neighborhood curmudgeons whose long-running feud becomes
an all-out rivalry when an attractive widow (Ann-Margret)
moves into the house across the street. Snowy Minnesota
provides the setting as Max and John unleash an uproarious
blizzard of practical jokes and zingers.
Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Romance, Senior
Interest 1993 104min.
Warner Bros. 07.07.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085234
Hatching Pete / Dadnapped
(Double Feature)
TV Movies, Adventure, Comedy, Disney
Channel, Double Features, Family 173min.
Disney / Buena Vista 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085085
When an unexpectedly pregnant - and broke - couple lists
their unborn baby for adoption on the internet to score an
upfront payment, they’re lured into a twisted, sadistic game of
desperation and deception. Starring Jeffrey Donovan, Leonor
Varela, Waylon Payne, and Miranda Bailey
Thrillers, TV Movies min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084997
The Hostess Also Likes To Blow
The Horn
Lady Luck has turned her back on Napoleon. The soldiers
become more independent scouring the countryside to fill their
Drama 92min.
Indican Pictures 14.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085142
In The Sign Of The Gemini
This ultra-racy comedy features a Tango Jelouise that’ll have
you captivated. Along with many rich and raw lesbian scenes,
it’s more than enough to satisfy any sexploitation fans with a
sense of humor. The comedy skits are fresh, unpredictable
and fabulously entertaining. One in a series of famous Danish
Tegn films, movies known for their delightful blend of physical
comedy and well-endowed women who aren’t afraid to shed
their clothes at the drop of the hat.
Comedy, Danish, Erotica, Foreign 92min.
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085249
In The Sign Of The Lion
Two elderly sisters Rosa (Sigrid Horne-Rasmussen),
continue to have their novels turned down because there is
not enough romance or eroticism. Together they decide to
write their memoirs of the romantic Count Johan (William
Kisum) and his evil brother Count Hubert (Ib Mossin
appeared in 39 films) and the things that went on at Boholms
Castle. Only the Postman Rasmussen (Karl Stegger) knows of
this. The novel is a best seller! The publisher Anton F. Møller
(Poul Bundgaard) insists on meeting the author. Rosa and
Soffy are embarrassed to say that it was them so they tell the
publisher that the author is their nephew, Tony Bram (Ole
Søltoft) who is out of the country at the time. This brilliant film
contains erotic games, violent very well choreographed
enticing dancing, peeping Toms, lesbians and threesomes.
One in a series of famous Danish Tegn films, movies known
for their blend of physical comedy and well-endowed women!
unafraid to shed their clothes at the drop of the hat.
Comedy, Danish, Erotica, Foreign 90min.
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085250
In The Sign Of The Taurus
The will of an eccentric millionaire Count controls the future
of the town. His will insists on a party the night of his death
and if the town wants his millions, then a baby must be born
out of wedlock under the sign of Taurus which is 9 months and
14 days from the day of his death. In this „perfect „town, all of
the young ladies and gentlemen are virgins and know nothing
about sex. When the town council, consisting of Pastor
Frydenhoj (Karl Stegger), Mayor Felix Andersen (Preben
Mahrt), Dr. Andreas Salvesen (Ole Soltoft), Police Chief
Striid (Ole Monty) and the Chemist Pillesen reads the will they agree to keep it a secret and to convince the town hussy
Carola (Lone Helmer) to be the mother of the child. All of the
council are upstanding citizens who know Carola intimately.
Word of the will leaks out and all of the young ladies rush to
Carola’s house and ask for sex lessons. The boys are all
taught by Caro! l’s boyfriend Albert (Otto Brandenburg).
Comedy, Danish, Erotica, Foreign min.
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085251
In The Sign Of The Virgin
The setting - a private boarding school for delinquent girls.
The board of Director’s have realized that the planet Venus
will be aligned perfectly for all sorts of risque behavior and it
must be kept in check. They have come up with a powder that
when added to water will curb all erotic desires so it must be
administered to all of the girls at once by Professor Armand
(Ole Soltoft). Meanwhile Professor Bomwitz (Bent Warburg)
has come up with a powder that when added to water becomes
the strongest aphrodisiac known to man! The two end up in
the same town, bump into one another and accidentally
exchange brief cases containing the powders. Professor
Bomwitz gives the girls their powdered water and empties the
rest into the town reservoir causing sexual chaos and mayhem
in the school and the entire town! Everyone ends up at the
local brothel run by Madame Gine.
Comedy, Danish, Erotica, Foreign 89min.
Music Video Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085252
In Tranzit
Vera Farmiga, John Malkovich, Thomas
Kretschmann, Daniel Bruhl
Romance, War, World War II, British, Drama, Foreign 2008 90min.
Peace Arch Entertainment 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085207
Ewan McGregor, Michelle Williams,
Matthew Macfadyen
London is rocked by a shocking terrorist bombing in this
dramatic thriller starring Michelle Williams (Wendy And Lucy,
Brokeback Mountain) and Ewan McGregor, (Trainspotting,
Star Wars trilogy, Angels & Demons). Williams delivers a
riveting and heart-felt performance as a young wife and
mother who suffers a devastating loss in the attack...which
occurs while she’s meeting her secret lover (McGregor).
Wracked with guilt and trying to piece her shattered life back
together, she becomes embroiled in the police investigation of
the attack - and discovers that the authorities will do anything
to cover up the terrifying truth behind it.
Romance, Terrorism, Thrillers, Affairs/Love
Triangles, Art House, British, Drama,
Foreign 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 100min.
ThinkFilm 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085049
Incendiary (Blu-ray)
Ewan McGregor, Michelle Williams,
Matthew Macfadyen
London is rocked by a shocking terrorist bombing in this
dramatic thriller starring Michelle Williams (Wendy And Lucy,
Brokeback Mountain) and Ewan McGregor, (Trainspotting,
Star Wars trilogy, Angels & Demons). Williams delivers a
riveting and heart-felt performance as a young wife and
mother who suffers a devastating loss in the attack...which
occurs while she’s meeting her secret lover (McGregor).
Wracked with guilt and trying to piece her shattered life back
together, she becomes embroiled in the police investigation of
the attack - and discovers that the authorities will do anything
to cover up the terrifying truth behind it.
British, Drama, Foreign, Affairs/Love
Triangles, Art House, Romance, Terrorism,
Thrillers 2008 Ltbx DTS 100min.
ThinkFilm 05.05.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085062
Intelligence: Season Two
Action, Cops, Drama 540min.
Acorn Media 14.04.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085162
Invasion Iowa
William Shatner
It’s a prank of mass proportions for William Shatner in Invasion Iowa. When he and his - entourage- land in Riverside,
Iowa to supposedly film a big-budget sci-fi flick, the
unsuspecting locals fall victim to his hijinks, bizarre demands,
and hilarious schemes.
Comedy, Reality, Science Fiction, Spoofs
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
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März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
This „enormously entertaining love story“ (Jeffrey Lyons,
Reel Talk with Lyons and Bailes) from writer/director Joel
Hopkins (Jump Tomorrow) co-stars Eileen Atkins (Gosford
Park), Kathy Baker (Edward Scissorhands), James Brolin
(Traffic) and Richard Schiff (The West Wing).
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084998
Romance, Drama 2005 97min.
Vanguard 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085226
John Adams (Blu-ray)
Laura Linney, Paul Giamatti, Rufus Sewell,
David Morse, Sarah Polley, Tom Wilkinson,
Justin Theroux, Danny Huston, Michelle
Ashford, Kirk Ellis, David Coatsworth,
Steven Shareshian, Tom Hooper
What our new nation was suffering attacks from both within
and without, John Adams had a vision of a nation of liberty
and justice for all. He guided his peers - General George
Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson - in
setting the values and agenda for a glorious, free America.
Adams and his wife Abigail refined these ambitious democratic
ideals, and their partnership became one of the most moving
love stories in American history. John Adams, the Pulitzer
Prize-winning book from Author David McCullough, is now
the critically acclaimed seven-part miniseries from HBO Films
- a sprawling, epic production from executive producers Tom
Hanks and Gary Goetzman, two of the men who brought you
the Emmy-award winning Band of Brothers. Starring Academy
Award nominees Paul Giamatti (Cinderella Man) and Laura
Linney (The Savages) as John and Abigail Adams, directed by
Emmy winner Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) and adapted by Kirk
Ellis and Michelle Ashford from McCullough’s book, John
Adams is the incredible saga of a man who dreamed a nation
and watched it come true.
Drama, HBO, Historical / Period Piece, 2008
Emmy Winners, Biography, Biopics, TV
Movies 2008 560min.
HBO Home Video 16.06.2009
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085105
Romance, Comedy, Drama 2008 93min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085120
British, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Historical
/ Period Piece, Romance 2008 177min.
Image Ent. 14.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085221
Last Chance Harvey (Blu-ray)
The Lost Samaritan
Emma Thompson, Richard Schiff, Kathy
Baker, Eileen Atkins, Dustin Hoffman,
James Brolin
William Archer lives an ordinary life, with an accountant-job,
a middle-class home and a seemingly loving wife. One night
William discovers that his wife has been cheating on him with
his boss. Sad and disappointed, William drives to a diner
where he meets Elle, a beautiful waitress. Later that night,
William witnesses a terrible car crash. Determined to save
the victim’s life, he races to the nearest hospital, but this good
deed will not go unpunished. Little does he know, the man
whose life he tried to save was meant to be killed by two FBI
agents. Now they are out to get William.
When it comes to love, is it ever too late to take a chance?
Academy Award winners „Dustin Hoffman and Emma
Thompson are perfect together in a movie that reminds us that
true love, can indeed, come to those who wait“ (Sandy
Kenyon, WABC-TV). New York Post) in Last Chance Harvey.
This „enormously entertaining love story“ (Jeffrey Lyons,
Reel Talk with Lyons and Bailes) from writer/director Joel
Hopkins (Jump Tomorrow) co-stars Eileen Atkins (Gosford
Park), Kathy Baker (Edward Scissorhands), James Brolin
(Traffic) and Richard Schiff (The West Wing).
Comedy, Drama, Romance 2008 93min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085144
Law & Order: Special Victims
Unit - The Ninth Year
B.D. Wong, Mariska Hargitay, Richard
Belzer, Christopher Meloni, Dann Florek
2008 Emmy Winners, Cops, Detectives,
Drama, Mystery, NBC 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 min.
Universal Studios 26.05.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085116
The Legend Of Blood Castle
Know Thy Enemy
As a young artist with great aspirations, Nate Harris was
determined to get rich or die tryin’; he is driven to be
somebody...Know Thy Enemy chronicles one man’s rise from
the streets of „the 305“ (AKA Miami) to the top of the billboard
music charts. Nemesis (Nate) is pressured into becoming a
stereotypical gangsta rapper in order to get signed and
achieve success. Fame quickly follows, but at a price;
inundated with drugs, sex, guns and money, his life is at stake
and he questions if getting rich and winning the game is worth
dying for.
Music, Rap, Drama, Gangs 2009 85min.
Lionsgate 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085016
Ewa Aulin, Lucia Bose
When Countess Erzsebet Bathory (Lucia Bose) is
accidentally splattered with some blood drops of one of her
nubile maidservants, the Countess finds out that the blood can
preserve her skin young and beautiful. Compelled to kill
innocent young girls to use their blood, the Countess is
helped by her husband Karl (Espartaco Santoni), who fakes
his own death and pretends to be a vampire to fool the
superstitious villagers about the source of the
exsanguinations. In the meantime Karl finds himself attracted
to Marina (Ewa Aulin), the young daughter of a local
innkeeper, perhaps another victim for the Countess.
Spanish, Foreign, Horror 1973 88min.
Mya Communication 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085260
A Little Princess
Adventure, Family 2009 95min.
MGM / UA 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085197
Sara Crewe is the pampered darling of her father, a wealthy
army colonel, and the Victorian London girls’ school where
she lives. But when her father dies and her fortune is lost,
Sara becomes an outcast. Through friendship, imagination and
her own resolute nature the „little princess“ finds her way
back to happiness. Based on the heartwarming novel by
Frances Hodgson Burnett (The Secret Garden) and starring
Maureen Lipman, Miriam Margolyes, Amelia Shankley, Nigel
Havers and David Yelland.
Lady Ninja Kasumi: Volume 4
Erotica, Foreign, International TV,
Japanese, Ninjas 75min.
Tokyo Shock 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085077
TV Movies, British, Drama, Foreign, International TV 1986 150min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084982
Lady Revenge: Curse Of La
Llorona / Blown (Grindhouse
Double Feature)
Double Features, Grindhouse, Horror
Sub Rosa Studios 23.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084977
Drama 2007 102min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084990
Lost In Austen
Last Chance Harvey
Emma Thompson, Richard Schiff, Kathy
Baker, Eileen Atkins, Dustin Hoffman,
James Brolin
When it comes to love, is it ever too late to take a chance?
Academy Award winners „Dustin Hoffman and Emma
Thompson are perfect together in a movie that reminds us that
true love, can indeed, come to those who wait“ (Sandy
Kenyon, WABC-TV). New York Post) in Last Chance Harvey.
within the Bennet family circle as she clumsily tries to help
the sisters nab husbands and even captivates the tantalizing
Mr. Darcy herself. But what about Elizabeth...and what will
become of one of the world’s greatest love stories?
Alex Kingston, Gemma Arterton, Jemima
Rooper, Hugh Bonneville
Amanda Price is sick of the modern world. She yearns for the
romance and elegance found in the books by her favorite
author, Jane Austen. But she’s about to get a rude awakening
as one fateful evening, she is propelled into the scheming 19th
century world of Pride And Prejudice while that book’s
Elizabeth Bennet is hurled into hers. As the book’s familiar
plot unfolds, Amanda triggers new romantic twists and turns
Thrillers 88min.
Well Go USA 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085075
Lost: The Complete First Season
Naveen Andrews, Michelle Rodriguez, Emilie de Ravin, Maggie Grace, Evangeline
Lilly, Harold Perrineau Jr., Matthew Fox,
Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Josh
Holloway, Daniel Dae Kim, Malcolm David
Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, ABC,
Action, Thrillers 2004 Ltbx min.
Disney / Buena Vista 16.06.2009
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085145
Lost: The Complete Second
Season - The Extended
Experience (Blu-ray)
Naveen Andrews, Michelle Rodriguez, Emilie de Ravin, Maggie Grace, Evangeline
Lilly, Harold Perrineau Jr., Matthew Fox,
Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Josh
Holloway, Daniel Dae Kim, Malcolm David
Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, ABC,
Action, Thrillers 2005 min.
Disney / Buena Vista 16.06.2009
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085146
Love Letters Of A Nun
Spain 1640, the reverend superior nun Mariana, attends the
death of her younger sister, Isabel’s husband, who is
overcome with hopelessness and heartache. Isabel then
kisses and caresses the cadaver’s exposed body as if he
were still alive. Mother Mariana is very aroused by
witnessing this act of sex and writes a confession letter to
Father Augustin, thinking that she will not have the courage to
confess the sin tomorrow during confessional. That night, one
of the novices, Maria, runs to Mother Mariana’s room talking
about a pilgrim taunting her. Maria mistakes Mother
Mariana’s maternal care for romantic interest and
reciprocates by sexually ravaging her. Mariana hesitates
momentarily and then slaps and pushes her away. Maria then
masturbates to orgasm using a large crucifix. Mother Mariana
interprets Maria’s actions for demonic possession and says
that the Holy office needs to be advised.
Erotica min.
Music Video Distribution 16.06.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085265
Love Takes Wing
Lou Diamond Phillips, Erin Cottrell, Cloris
Leachman, Haylie Duff, Sarah Jones,
Patrick Duffy, Jordan Bridges
TV Movies, Western 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085056
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März 2009
Seite 32
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084959
Lucrece Borgia
1498. Rome, the powerhouse of the Renaissance, is governed
by the tyrannical Cesare Borgia, a man who has no scruples
when it comes to furthering his political ambitions. To secure
an alliance with Naples, he has arranged that his sister
Lucrezia shall marry Alphonse, the Duke of Aragon. On the
eve of her wedding, Lucrezia secretly joins a street carnival,
where she meets and falls instantly in love with a stranger who later turns out to be her intended husband. It is not long
before Alphonse realizes the extent of Cesare’s cruelty and
thirst for power. Lucrezia reveals how her brother has used
her in the past for his political ends. When the Duke of
Aragon is of no further use to Cesare, he will surely meet the
same fate as his predecessors...
Drama 94min.
Music Video Distribution 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085267
Make Them Die: Campfire Tales /
Kiss Daddy Goodbye (Grindhouse
Double Feature)
Double Features, Grindhouse, Horror
Sub Rosa Studios 23.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084976
Mike Lane, Fred Grandy, Buck Kartalian
Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Monsters 1976
Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085057
Murder In A Blue World
Often described as ‘the Spanish Clockwork Orange’, this
controversial shocker is set in a violent near future world.
Honest citizens live in terror as gangs of leather-clad, whip
wielding sadists roam the nighttime streets. Meanwhile, in a
secret laboratory, strange mind control experiments are being
conducted. Against this background a beautiful nurse tries to
ease the pain of those condemned to die. But who really is
this angel of mercy and what is the purpose of her mission?
Thrillers 98min.
Music Video Distribution 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085266
My Bloody Valentine 3D
Mark Of The Witch/ Devil Times
Five (Double Feature)
Possession, Thrillers, Double Features,
Grindhouse, Horror min.
Code Red 26.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085240
Mask Of The Ninja
Anthony Wong, Casper Van Dien, Kristy
Wu, Bellamy Young
Detective Jack Barrett (Casper Van Dien, Starship Troopers)
has taken down the toughest criminals in Los Angeles...but is
he ready to face the deadliest order of assassins the world
has ever known? A murder case plunges Jack into a
mysterious war of shadows where no one can be trusted, and
the ultimate prize is a biological weapon that could let its
owner decide the fate of the world. Only Jack can protect
Miko (Kristy Wu, Buffy The Vampire Slayer), the mysterious
young woman who holds the crucial key, from a silent and
unseen enemy that can strike at any time.
Ninjas, Action, TV Movies min.
Genius Products 14.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085092
Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus
The California coast is terrorized by two enormous
prehistoric sea creatures as they battle each other for
supremacy of the sea.
Monsters 90min.
Asylum Home Entertainment 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085042
Miracle (Blu-ray)
Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson, Noah Emmerich
From the studio that brought you The Rookie and Remember
the Titans comes the movie everybody loves - Miracle. Filled
with exhilarating nonstop hockey action and heart-racing
suspense, it’s the inspiring true story behind one of the
greatest moments in sports history - the 1980 United States
ice hockey team’s triumphant Olympic victory against the
Soviet Union. Kurt Russell gives a brilliant performance as
the dynamic and determined coach Herb Brooks, who had an
impossible dream - beat the seemingly unbeatable Soviets at
their own game. Starting with a handpicked group of twentysix undisciplined kids, Brooks coached them to play like they
never played before, and turned twenty of them into a team
that believed they could achieve the unachievable - and in the
process, united a nation with a new feeling of hope.
Drama, Hockey, Olympics, Sports 2004 min.
Disney / Buena Vista 16.06.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085189
Mistresses: Volume 1
Affairs/Love Triangles, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International TV 2008 641min.
BBC Home Video 26.05.2009
The Monster Squad: The
Complete Collection
Jaime King, Jensen Ackles, Kerr Smith
Ten years ago in the town of Harmony, an inexperienced coal
miner, caused an accident in the tunnels that trapped and
killed five men and sent the only survivor, Harry Warden, into
a permanent coma. But Harry Warden wanted revenge.
Exactly one year later, on Valentine’s Day, he woke up...and
brutally murdered twenty-two people with a pickaxe before
being killed. Now, after years of peace, something from
Harmony’s dark past has returned. Wearing a miner’s mask
and armed with a pickaxe, an unstoppable killer is on the
loose. And as his footsteps come ever closer, the
townspeople realize in terror that it just might be Harry
Warden who’s come back...
Mystery, Slasher, Thrillers, Horror 2009
Lionsgate 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084995
My Bloody Valentine 3D (Blu-ray)
Jaime King, Jensen Ackles, Kerr Smith
Ten years ago in the town of Harmony, an inexperienced coal
miner, caused an accident in the tunnels that trapped and
killed five men and sent the only survivor, Harry Warden, into
a permanent coma. But Harry Warden wanted revenge.
Exactly one year later, on Valentine’s Day, he woke up...and
brutally murdered twenty-two people with a pickaxe before
being killed. Now, after years of peace, something from
Harmony’s dark past has returned. Wearing a miner’s mask
and armed with a pickaxe, an unstoppable killer is on the
loose. And as his footsteps come ever closer, the
townspeople realize in terror that it just might be Harry
Warden who’s come back...
Horror, Mystery, Slasher, Thrillers 2009
Lionsgate 19.05.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085023
My Bloody Valentine 3D: 2 Disc
Special Edition
Jaime King, Jensen Ackles, Kerr Smith
Ten years ago in the town of Harmony, an inexperienced coal
miner, caused an accident in the tunnels that trapped and
killed five men and sent the only survivor, Harry Warden, into
a permanent coma. But Harry Warden wanted revenge.
Exactly one year later, on Valentine’s Day, he woke up...and
brutally murdered twenty-two people with a pickaxe before
being killed. Now, after years of peace, something from
Harmony’s dark past has returned. Wearing a miner’s mask
and armed with a pickaxe, an unstoppable killer is on the
loose. And as his footsteps come ever closer, the
townspeople realize in terror that it just might be Harry
Warden who’s come back...
Mystery, Slasher, Thrillers, Horror 2009
Lionsgate 19.05.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084996
My Way: A Gangster’s Saga
Marc is a small-time hustler on the run from the mob after a
drug deal goes awry. Marc is also simultaneously navigating
strained relationships with his wife, his disaffected daughter
and his estranged father, whose affliction with Alzheimer’s
hampers Marcs ability to deal with the long muted pain
between them. The story unfolds as Marc’s painful struggle
for love and redemption runs headlong into the limited choices
he has to save his life.
Thrillers 107min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085167
Not Easily Broken
Maeve Quinlan, Taraji P. Henson, Morris
Chestnut, Kevin Hart
Romance, Drama, Marriage Woes 2009
Ltbx 16x9 99min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084992
Not Easily Broken (Blu-ray)
Maeve Quinlan, Taraji P. Henson, Morris
Chestnut, Kevin Hart
Drama, Marriage Woes, Romance 2009
Ltbx 99min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085022
Angela Bassett, Derek Luke, Jamal Woolard
Chronicling the extraordinary life of Christopher „The
Notorious B.I.G.“ Wallace, Notorious follows the young
rapper from the tough streets of Brooklyn to the heights of
superstardom as he juggles the increasing demands of
fatherhood, marriage and a music career. Amid chaos and
controversy, Biggie’s remarkable talent and fierce
determination help to solidify his legacy as one of hip-hop’s
greatest MCs.
Music, Rap, Biography, Biopics, Drama
2009 min.
20th Century Fox 21.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085035
Notorious: Collector’s Edition
Angela Bassett, Derek Luke, Jamal Woolard
Chronicling the extraordinary life of Christopher „The
Notorious B.I.G.“ Wallace, Notorious follows the young
rapper from the tough streets of Brooklyn to the heights of
superstardom as he juggles the increasing demands of
fatherhood, marriage and a music career. Amid chaos and
controversy, Biggie’s remarkable talent and fierce
determination help to solidify his legacy as one of hip-hop’s
greatest MCs.
Music, Rap, Biography, Biopics, Drama
2009 min.
20th Century Fox 21.04.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085036
Notorious: Collector’s Edition
Angela Bassett, Derek Luke, Jamal Woolard
Chronicling the extraordinary life of Christopher „The
Notorious B.I.G.“ Wallace, Notorious follows the young
rapper from the tough streets of Brooklyn to the heights of
superstardom as he juggles the increasing demands of
fatherhood, marriage and a music career. Amid chaos and
controversy, Biggie’s remarkable talent and fierce
determination help to solidify his legacy as one of hip-hop’s
greatest MCs.
Drama, Biography, Biopics, Music, Rap
2009 min.
20th Century Fox 21.04.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085040
O Jerusalem
Drama, Foreign, French, Historical / Period
Piece 2006 100min.
Starz / Anchor Bay 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085185
Kate Mara, John Hensley, Billoah Greene,
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März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Joshua Harto
After spending only one semester way at college, Oliver
Anderson (John Hensley) is back in his hometown, living with
his wealthy but conservative parents. He is reunited with his
best friends, Patrick (Joshua Harto) and Sorn (Billoah
Greene), for one last summer of carefree, adolescent fun.
Fueled by his desire to avoid responsibility at all costs, the
trio has a simple set of juvenile priorities: get drunk, chase
women and cause trouble. As the weeks go by, this reckless
routine quickly becomes increasingly self-destructive. A
succession of dysfunctional relationships coupled with
substance abuse and an identity crisis lead the group to
realize it may be time to grow up.
Comedy, Drama 2004 81min.
S’More Entertainment 28.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084966
Perry Mason: Season 4 - Volume
Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale, William
Hopper, Ray Collins, William Talman, Wesley
Lau, Dan Tobin
CBS, Classics, Drama, Lawyers / Legal
Issues 1960 min.
Paramount Pictures 09.06.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085138
Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge (RRated)
Belladonna, Katsuni, Sasha Grey, Stoya,
Gabriella Fox, Riley Steele
War, Zombies, Horror 75min.
Tempe DVD 16.06.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085158
Universal Studios 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084968
A Plumm Summer
Quincy, M.E.: Seasons 3
Brenda Strong, Jeff Daniels, William
Baldwin, Henry Winkler
Adventure, Family 2007 101min.
Paramount Pictures 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085026
Jack Klugman, Robert Ito, John S. Ragin
Detectives, Drama, Murder Mysteries, NBC,
On The Job 1977 min.
Universal Studios 02.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084967
Raising The Bar: The Complete
First Season
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Lee Pace
Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 2009 85min.
20th Century Fox 12.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085053
Possession (Blu-ray)
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Lee Pace
Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 2009 Ltbx DTS
20th Century Fox 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085069
Powder Blue
Forest Whitaker, Patrick Swayze, Lisa
Kudrow, Jessica Biel, Kris Kristofferson,
Ray Liotta, Eddie Redmayne
From the visionary Writer/Director Joone, come the long
awaited and highly anticipated sequel to Digital Playground’s
Pirates. Superstar Jesse Jane returns as the irresistible
Jules - the seductive pirate hunter who leads an all-star cast
that includes the world’s hottest, most beautiful girls. Digital
Playground contract stars Shay Jordan, Katsuni, Stoya,
Gabriella Fox and Riley Steele heat up the screen with their
most intense performances ever. International sensations
BellaDonna, Sasha Grey, Jenna Haze, Shyla Stylez, Brianna
Love, Shawna Lenee and many more complete this
unforgettable journey. Ready with swords drawn high, Evan
Stone, Tommy Gunn, and Stephen St. Croix reprise their
groundbreaking roles from the original. Pirates 2: Stagnetti’s
Revenge is an epic adventure that showcases 11 of the most
passionate sex scenes, breathtaking fight scenes, intense
orgies and over 600 amazing special effects!
On the gritty streets of LA, the destinies of four people desperate for connection and redemption are about to collide.
Jessica Biel, Ray Liotta, Forest Whitaker and Eddie
Redmayne lead a top-notch cast in this powerful thriller about
an overwhelmed erotic dancer, a grieving husband who has
lost his will to live, a terminally ill ex-con and a
pathologically shy mortician. With Kris Kristofferson, Lisa
Kudrow and Patrick Swayze in unforgettable supporting roles,
this film movingly chronicles the imperfect lives of people
teetering on the edge of despair and the miracles that bring
them back.
Pirates, Swashbucklers, Action, Erotica
2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 92min.
Digital Playground 10.03.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085155
Powder Blue (Blu-ray)
Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge (RRated) (Blu-ray)
Belladonna, Katsuni, Sasha Grey, Stoya,
Gabriella Fox, Riley Steele
From the visionary Writer/Director Joone, come the long
awaited and highly anticipated sequel to Digital Playground’s
Pirates. Superstar Jesse Jane returns as the irresistible
Jules - the seductive pirate hunter who leads an all-star cast
that includes the world’s hottest, most beautiful girls. Digital
Playground contract stars Shay Jordan, Katsuni, Stoya,
Gabriella Fox and Riley Steele heat up the screen with their
most intense performances ever. International sensations
BellaDonna, Sasha Grey, Jenna Haze, Shyla Stylez, Brianna
Love, Shawna Lenee and many more complete this
unforgettable journey. Ready with swords drawn high, Evan
Stone, Tommy Gunn, and Stephen St. Croix reprise their
groundbreaking roles from the original. Pirates 2: Stagnetti’s
Revenge is an epic adventure that showcases 11 of the most
passionate sex scenes, breathtaking fight scenes, intense
orgies and over 600 amazing special effects!
Erotica, Action, Pirates, Swashbucklers
2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 92min.
MTI Home Video 24.03.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085233
Platoon Of The Dead
In the distant future, man’s greatest enemy is one another as
the flesh-eating undead wages war against the living! A
Marine platoon is ambushed during a mission, leaving only
three soldiers alive to fend off the growing army of the living
dead. En route to their pickup point, they come across an
abandoned house with three mysterious women hiding out
inside. If they can make it through the night, they’re home
free...or so they think, because someone is hiding a dark
secret that may alter the course of this gore-drenched war...
Drama 2009 106min.
Image Ent. 09.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085033
Forest Whitaker, Patrick Swayze, Lisa
Kudrow, Jessica Biel, Kris Kristofferson,
Ray Liotta, Eddie Redmayne
On the gritty streets of LA, the destinies of four people desperate for connection and redemption are about to collide.
Jessica Biel, Ray Liotta, Forest Whitaker and Eddie
Redmayne lead a top-notch cast in this powerful thriller about
an overwhelmed erotic dancer, a grieving husband who has
lost his will to live, a terminally ill ex-con and a
pathologically shy mortician. With Kris Kristofferson, Lisa
Kudrow and Patrick Swayze in unforgettable supporting roles,
this film movingly chronicles the imperfect lives of people
teetering on the edge of despair and the miracles that bring
them back.
Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS 106min.
Image Ent. 09.06.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085039
Pretendiendo (Ugly Me)
Barbara Mori
Disillusioned after learning of her boyfriend’s infidelity and
being fired from her job, Amanda (Barbara Mori) a beauty and
talented architect decides to start a new life transforming
herself into someone „completely different“ to escape from
love. But, when she meets Marcelo (Marcelo Mazzarello) a
womanizer, she decides to teach him some manners as Elena.
But living a double life is much harder than she could have
imagined. Pretendiendo brings back the Romantic Comedy
genre to Latin film productions.
Romance, Chilean, Comedy, Foreign 2006
Univision 28.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084984
Jack Wild, Mama Cass Elliot, Billy Barty
Musical, Comedy, Family, Fantasy 1970
Currie Graham, Gloria Reuben, Melissa
Sagemiller, Jane Kaczmarek, Jonathan
Scarfe, Mark Paul Gosselaar, J. August
Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2008
Disney / Buena Vista 02.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085086
Rareflix: Volume 5 (Triple Feature)
Female students are terrorized by the spirits that haunt their
college. The daughter of a killed jailbird goes after the jury
that convicted him. An unreleased blockbuster of b-movie
Thrillers, Triple Feature, Horror 267min.
Media Blasters 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085080
Kathleen Lague
Deep in the Florida Everglades, something is alive that should
have died eons ago. Something is feeding when it should be
full. Something is moving, in ways that seem all but impossible
to pursuers. Its moving in the dark...under the surface of the
waters...with an appetite that makes no distinction between
man or beast. Now its up to an unlikely band of locals, an
animal control officer, a small town sheriff and a scientist’s
team of college youth to stop the threat...before its too late.
Thrillers, Horror 2006 92min.
Lionsgate 02.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085125
The Reader
Ralph Fiennes, Kate Winslet, Jeanette Hain,
David Kross
Romance, Academy Award Winners, Art
House, Drama, Holocaust 2008 min.
Weinstein Company 14.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085235
The Reader (Blu-ray)
Ralph Fiennes, Kate Winslet, Jeanette Hain,
David Kross
Drama, Holocaust, Academy Award
Winners, Art House, Romance 2008 min.
Weinstein Company 28.04.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085273
Reaper: Season Two
Missy Peregrym, Ray Wise, Rick Gonzalez,
Bret Harrison, Tyler Labine
Sam (Bret Harrison) is a slacker whose world turns upside
down on his 21st birthday when he learns that his parents
sold his soul to the Devil (Ray Wise). Forced to be Hell’s
bounty hunter, Sam, with the aid of his goofball friends, must
track down evil-doers and send them back where they belong.
The CW, Adventure, Comedy, Devils And
Demons, Fantasy 2008 572min.
Lionsgate 02.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085121
The Ruth Rendell Mysteries: Set 4
British, Drama, European, Foreign, Murder
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Mysteries, Mystery, PBS 353min.
Acorn Media 14.04.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085163
Torrey DeVitto
Comedy 2007 114min.
Peace Arch Entertainment 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085208
Return Of The Gladiator
Rome, 310 A.D. The Roman Empire is beginning to collapse,
and Proconsul Tullius Valerius (Albert Farley) fears that
provincial governor Gaius (John Barracuda) has been
secretly working with those Germanic barbarians seeking to
end Roman rule. Valerius then orders to former gladiator
Marcus (Brad Harris) to go undercover and investigate this
situation. In Gaius’ territory also lives Lycia (Maria Pia
Conte), the beloved of Marcus. Gaius soon learns of Marcus’
plans, and has him captured and unfairly accused of murder.
Led to believe that Marcus is guilty, Lycia turns against him,
and Gaius condemns the gladiator to be pulled apart by teams
of horses.
Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Drama,
Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Italian
1971 93min.
Mya Communication 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085232
The Showdown
Western min.
North American Motion Pictures 21.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085088
When two friends return from a girls’ weekend vacation in
Mexico, they find themselves stranded at the airport. Trying to
get home safely, they board an airport shuttle for the short
trip. But once their feet cross the threshold of the shuttle, a
night that had started like any other turns terrifying, and the
ride home becomes a descent into darkness.
British, Drama, Foreign, Academy Award
Winners, Art House, Romance 2008
20th Century Fox 31.03.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085038
A Song Of Innocence (La
In 1877, a wealthy family employs Angele - Marie, a young
peasant as a live-in wet nurse. An affectionate relationship
soon develops between Angele-Marie and the young mistress
of the household, Charlotte. But the husband, feeling alienated
by his wife after the baby’s arrival, takes a dim view of the
developing rapport between the two women and his seeming
exclusion from family decisions. He feels obliged to assert his
authority over the two women.
Thrillers 2008 107min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 07.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085059
Romance, Drama, Foreign, French 2005
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084983
Riot On 42nd Street
The Siege (Blu-ray)
Spaceballs (Blu-ray)
Grindhouse, Horror 89min.
Shriek Show 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085079
Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Annette
Bening, David Proval, Sami Bouajila, Tony
Rick Moranis, Mel Brooks, John Candy, Bill
Pullman, Daphne Zuniga, Joan Rivers, Dick
Van Patten, George Wyner
Sacred Flesh
Starring scream queen and face of Redemption, Eileen Daly
(Razor Blade Smile, 1998), Sacred Flesh toils with themes of
repressed sexuality and sin, as the Mother Superior of a
medieval convent is tormented by lust and torn on her vows of
chastity. Taunted by visions of Mary Magdalene, who reveals
the confessions of the younger nuns at the convent, the
Mother Superior learns that repression only leads to
perversions of the flesh as she sees her sisters naked,
masturbating, embroiled in steamy lesbian encounters,
molested by priests and even kidnapping and crucifying a
rival nun!
British, Erotica, Foreign, Grindhouse 2000
Redemption USA 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085270
The Saddle Club: Season 1
Australian, Family, Foreign, Horses, International TV 2001 min.
Peace Arch Entertainment 31.03.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085209
The Saddle Club: Season 2
Australian, Family, Foreign, Horses, International TV 2003 612min.
Peace Arch Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085210
The Secret Life Of The American
Teenager: Season Two
Molly Ringwald, Shailene Woodley
Drama, Family Relationships, High School
2009 min.
Disney / Buena Vista 16.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085173
When a crowded city bus blows up in Brooklyn and a
campaign of terror begins to make its bloody mark on the
streets of New York, it’s up to FBI special agent Anthony
„Hub“ Hubbard and U.S. Army General William Devereaux to
find out who’s responsible and put an end to the destruction.
Together, they face explosive danger at every turn when they
team up to a wage an all-out war against a ruthless band of
Military, Action, Politics, Terrorism, Thrillers
1998 116min.
20th Century Fox 09.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085213
Sling Blade: Director’s Cut (Bluray)
Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Duvall, John
Ritter, J.T. Walsh, Dwight Yoakam, Natalie
Canerday, Lucas Black
A young couple and an escaped convict find themselves
having to work together to survive and escape from a vicious
parasitic monster that transforms people into bloodthirsty
Drama, Friendships, Academy Award
Winners, Art House, Substance Abuse
1996 min.
Miramax 16.06.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085147
Splinter (Blu-ray)
Science Fiction, Horror 2008 82min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 14.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085060
A young couple and an escaped convict find themselves
having to work together to survive and escape from a vicious
parasitic monster that transforms people into bloodthirsty
Slumdog Millionaire
Science Fiction, Horror 2008 82min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 14.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085071
Irrfan Khan, Anil Kapoor, Freida Pinto, Dev
Spy Game (Blu-ray)
The Secret Of Loch Ness
TV Movies, Adventure, Family, Fantasy,
Foreign, German, International TV 2008
Peace Arch Entertainment 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085218
Romance, Academy Award Winners, Art
House, British, Drama, Foreign 2008
20th Century Fox 31.03.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085024
She Fell Among Thieves
Slumdog Millionaire (Blu-ray)
British, Drama, Foreign, International TV,
Mystery 78min.
Acorn Media 14.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085161
Irrfan Khan, Anil Kapoor, Freida Pinto, Dev
Comedy, Science Fiction, Space, Spoofs
1987 96min.
MGM / UA 16.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085275
25 years after committing an unthinkable crime, a quiet man
named Karl (Thornton) is finally returning home. Once there,
he is befriended by a fatherless boy and his mother. But when
his newfound peace is shattered by the mother’s abusive
boyfriend (Grammy winner Dwight Yoakam), Karl is suddenly
placed on a collision course with his past! Also featuring
Robert Duvall (Open Range), John Ritter (Bad Santa) and
J.T. Walsh (Breakdown) - Sling Blade is an unforgettable
movie experience!
Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) is just one question away from
winning a fortune on India’s version of „Who Wants To Be A
Millionaire?“ But how has this uneducated young man from the
slums succeeded in providing correct responses to questions
that have stumped countless scholars before him? And will he
ultimately win it all or lose everything, including his true
Shooting Star
The farce is with you in this „uproarious salute to science
fiction“ (The Hollywood Reporter) that teams comedy legend
Mel Brooks with an all-star cast of cutups including John
Candy (Splash), Rick Moranis (Ghostbusters) and Bill
Pullman (Ruthless People)! When the evil Dark Helmet
(Moranis) attempts to steal all the air from planet Druidia, a
determined Druish Princess (Daphne Zuniga), a clueless
rogue (Pullman) and a half-man/half-dog creature who’s his
own best friend (Candy) set out to stop him! But with the
forces of darkness closing in on them at ludicrous speed,
they’ll need the help of a wise imp named Yogurt (Brooks) and
the mystical power of „The Schwartz“ to bring peace and
merchandising rights to the entire galaxy!
Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) is just one question away from
winning a fortune on India’s version of „Who Wants To Be A
Millionaire?“ But how has this uneducated young man from the
slums succeeded in providing correct responses to questions
that have stumped countless scholars before him? And will he
ultimately win it all or lose everything, including his true
Brad Pitt, Robert Redford, Catherine
McCormack, Stephen Dillane, Larry
Superstar Brad Pitt teams with Academy Award®-winner
Robert Redford in this pulse-pounding action thrill ride. When
a top-secret, unauthorized mission goes bad, CIA agent Tom
Bishop (Pitt) is captured — and sentenced to die. With just 24
hours to get him out alive, Bishop’s boss Nathan Muir
(Redford) must battle enemies abroad and the system inside
the CIA to save his friend. Now, the clock is ticking and the
race is on... as the deadliest game of all explodes into the
spectacular, adrenaline-fueled thriller that ABC Radio says
„Sizzles with suspense!“
Spies/Secret Agents, Thrillers, Action 2001
DTS 127min.
Universal Studios 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084991
The Story Of Robin Hood
Adventure, Historical / Period Piece,
Medieval Times 1952 min.
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März 2009
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Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Disney / Buena Vista 28.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085020
Street Warrior
It’s where flesh slams against flesh. The fist meets the skull.
Body-slams crush the bones. Blood and sweat feed the
crowds. Now it’s time for one man to set the hottest ticket in
town on fire. Jack Campbell (Max Martini, Saving Private
Ryan) served honorably in the US Army as a Sergeant in
special forces with commendations for bravery in Kosovo and
Tora Bora and was awarded a Bronze Star for bravery in
Afghanistan. In Iraq, Jack’s physical attack on a sadistic
commanding officer to save the lives of civilians cost him a
prison stint at Fort Leavenworth and a dishonorable
discharge. Upon his early release, Jack heads back to his
hometown of San Madera, California, to see his only brother
Joey. Once in town Jack discovers that Joey is clinging to life
in a coma - a sorry casualty of the Gauntlet, the most
notorious underground fight club in the country. The Gauntlet
is the mastermind of Mr. Pope (Nick Chinlund, 24) a wealthy,
greedy and morally twisted businessman who has made San
Madera his own corrupt playground by greasing all the right
palms. Assisting him with his enterprise is the beautiful and
Revenge, TV Movies, Action, Fighting,
Mixed Martial Arts 2008 88min.
Genius Products 21.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085255
The Summit
An adventure reality series set in the most rugged terrain of
New Zealand, The Summit follows twenty people from around
the world as they battle each other in competitions that test
the limits of physical and mental ability. Featuring 10
Adventure, Mountain Climbing min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085005
Swamp Devil
Horror 2008 min.
Genius Products 07.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084994
Edwige Fenech, Barbara Capell
Count d’Alsay (Ernst Stankovski) and Colonel Delaroche
(Sieghardt Rupp) live in opposite sides of the same castle, of
which they contend the ownership. The two gentlemen bet
each other who will be the first to bed their respective new
virgin maid, and the winner will have the castle. In order to
win his bet, Delaroche is forced to ignore his lusty fiancee
(Edwige Fenech), who quickly turns her attention to another
officer. In the mean time a whole stable of local prostitutes
gets involved in the act.
Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Erotica, Foreign,
German, Grindhouse 1969 82min.
Mya Communication 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085262
Taking Chance
Kevin Bacon
TV Movies, Drama, HBO, Marines, Military,
War, War In The Middle East 2009 90min.
HBO Home Video 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085073
Ten Tigers Of Kwangtung
The Ten Tigers from Kwangtung attempt to protect a
revolutionary from the Manchu government, but their actions
have fatal consequences for their disciples. The Shaw
Brothers’ greatest stars have assembled here to take on this
legendary tale. The cast includes Ti Lung, Alexander Fu
Sheng, Wang Lung Wei, Philip Kwok and a veritable who’s
who of kung fu film legends. This classic film from 1979 was
directed by the influential Chang Cheh.
Martial Arts 91min.
Tokyo Shock 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085081
Tender Mercies
Robert Duvall, Tess Harper, Ellen Barkin,
Betty Buckley, Wilford Brimley
The Uninvited
Elizabeth Banks, Arielle Kebbel, Emily
Browning, David Strathairn
Music, Country, Country Music, Drama 1983
Lionsgate 02.06.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085118
From the producers of The Ring and Disturbia comes a nailbiting thriller, The Uninvited. Following the suspicious death
of their mother, sisters Anna and Alex become entangled in a
deadly battle of wills when their father becomes engaged to
Rachel, their mother’s former caretaker. As the two sisters
investigate Rachel’s questionable past, they are confronted
with ghostly visions, terrifying nightmares and deadly
consequences. All leading to an ending so shocking it „will
send chills down your spine!“
The Three Musketeers Of The
Thrillers, Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 87min.
DreamWorks Home Ent. 28.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085236
Action packed later period Spaghetti Western film with a cast
of cult and mainstream actors. George Eastman (Django
Shoots First, Karin Schubert (Black Emanuelle, Giancarlo
Prete (Street Law), Eduardo Fajardo ,(Ricco The Mean
Machine) and others, round out the cast of this western
version take off of The 3 Musketeers with a twist. With the
tag line „All for one....punches for all“ get action packed
fight scenes, (Chen Lee) lends his martial arts to this fast
paced story, who really has the stolen gold and where is it?
Loyalty to the musketeer code? Don’t count on it!!!
Spaghetti Westerns, Foreign, Italian, Western 1973 93min.
Ryko Distribution 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085229
Train Master
Jeremiah Wilson is truly the Train Master of Willamette
Western Railroad. He lives, breaths, and eats railroad. When
Brett Banner, the heir to New York Eastern, talks his dad into
purchasing Willamette Western, there is immediately a clash
between himself and Jeremiah. Jeremiah is fired by Brett two
years from retirement and turns into an angry, depressed
grandfather. When Brett’s nine-year- old son Justin realizes
Jeremiah’s grandson, Thomas, can drive a locomotive, he
kidnaps and holds Thomas’ favorite dinosaur ransom. Justin,
Thomas and 3 other children board an old engine in for
repairs and accidentally turn it into runaway engine causing a
chain reaction of events.
Transportation, Family 2008 94min.
MTI Home Video 12.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085031
The Sweet Pussycats
Academy Award winner Robert Duvall headlines this touching
story of a down-and-out country singer named Mac and the
young widow (Tess Harper) he meets in a small Texas town.
But as their relationship blossoms, Mac’s years of hard living
resurface when his music star ex-wife (Betty Buckley)
appears bringing his estranged daughter (Ellen Barkin) with
her. Will Mac’s painful past lead him toward an uncertain
future - or will he find a way to move past his sorrow and
start a fresh new life?
Twisted Souls (Ecorches)
This is the story of a young couple vacationing in an isolated
house in the countryside. During their stay they slip into a
violent and passionate relationship, which leads them to make
the worst decision of their lives.
Mystery, Thrillers, Foreign, French min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085171
The Ultimate Vacation Collection
Randy Quaid, Chevy Chase, Eric Idle,
Juliette Lewis, Wallace Shawn, Ethan
Embry, Doris Roberts, Imogene Coca, Dana
Hill, Marisol Nichols, Christie Brinkley, John
Candy, William Hickey, John Randolph,
Wayne Newton, Victor Lanoux, Jason
Everything is planned. Everything is packed. And everything
is about to go hilariously wrong. The Griswolds are going on
vacation. In the driver’s seat, of course, is Clark Griswold
(Chevy Chase), an Everyman eager to share the open road
and the wonders of family togetherness with his wife and kids.
Myriad mishaps, crude kin (Randy Quaid), encounters with a
temptress (Christie Brinkley), financial woes, Aunt Edna
(Imogene Coca) on the roof, one security guard (John Candy)
and 2,460 miles later, it is indeed a wonder the Griswolds are
together. There’s never been a family vacation like it. Except
perhaps for yours. And that helps explain why National
Lampoon’s Vacation remains so popular...and so very funny.
The first time the Griswalds took a trip - in National
Lampoon’s Vacation - moviegoers everywhere went along for
the ride... and went bonkers! Now, they’re into even zanier
sightseeing in National Lampoon’s European Vacation,
directed by Amy Heckerling (Clueless, Fast Times at
Ridgemont High). Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo return
as Clark and Ellen, winners of a European tour on which their
Boxed Sets, Comedy 383min.
Warner Bros. 19.05.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084964
The Uninvited (Blu-ray)
Elizabeth Banks, Arielle Kebbel, Emily
Browning, David Strathairn
From the producers of The Ring and Disturbia comes a nailbiting thriller, The Uninvited. Following the suspicious death
of their mother, sisters Anna and Alex become entangled in a
deadly battle of wills when their father becomes engaged to
Rachel, their mother’s former caretaker. As the two sisters
investigate Rachel’s questionable past, they are confronted
with ghostly visions, terrifying nightmares and deadly
consequences. All leading to an ending so shocking it „will
send chills down your spine!“
2009 87min.
DreamWorks Home Ent. 28.04.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085274
Carice Van Houten, Tom Cruise, Kenneth
Branagh, Terence Stamp, Tom Wilkinson,
Bill Nighy, Eddie Izzard
Based on the incredible true story of Colonel Claus von
Stauffenberg (Cruise) and his ingenious assassination plot
targeting Adolph Hitler, this engrossing thriller reenacts the
daring operation to eliminate one of the most evil tyrants the
world has ever known. Co-starring Kenneth Branagh, Bill
Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Terence Stamp and Eddie Izzard,
Thrillers, War, World War II, Drama,
Historical / Period Piece 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1
MGM / UA 19.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085195
Valkyrie (Blu-ray)
Carice Van Houten, Tom Cruise, Kenneth
Branagh, Terence Stamp, Tom Wilkinson,
Bill Nighy, Eddie Izzard
Based on the incredible true story of Colonel Claus von
Stauffenberg (Cruise) and his ingenious assassination plot
targeting Adolph Hitler, this engrossing thriller reenacts the
daring operation to eliminate one of the most evil tyrants the
world has ever known. Co-starring Kenneth Branagh, Bill
Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Terence Stamp and Eddie Izzard,
Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Thrillers,
War, World War II 2008 Ltbx DTS 120min.
MGM / UA 19.05.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085215
Valkyrie: 2 Disc Special Edition
Carice Van Houten, Tom Cruise, Kenneth
Branagh, Terence Stamp, Tom Wilkinson,
Bill Nighy, Eddie Izzard
Based on the incredible true story of Colonel Claus von
Stauffenberg (Cruise) and his ingenious assassination plot
targeting Adolph Hitler, this engrossing thriller reenacts the
daring operation to eliminate one of the most evil tyrants the
world has ever known. Co-starring Kenneth Branagh, Bill
Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Terence Stamp and Eddie Izzard,
Thrillers, War, World War II, Drama,
Historical / Period Piece 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1
MGM / UA 19.05.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085196
Wallander: Sidetracked,
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März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Firewall, One Step Behind
Kenneth Branagh
Thrillers, BBC, British, Detectives, Foreign,
International TV 2008 270min.
BBC Home Video 02.06.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085200
it includes some of the music sung at the Coronation service
itself in 1953. It also features two sublime anthems by William
Harris, the man who taught Princess Elizabeth the piano.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music 98min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085112
Arcade Fire: Miroir Noir
Weeds: Season Four
Elizabeth Perkins, Hunter Parrish, Kevin
Nealon, Justin Kirk, Alexander Gould
Everyone’s favorite pot-selling soccer mom, Nancy Botwin, is
back in the complete fourth season of the hit series Weeds.
Last time we saw her, Nancy’s business (and house) was
going up in smoke. So the Botwin bunch has relocated near
the border for a fresh start with some new buds. Life’s looking
green again in this subversive and buzz-worthy comedy.
Alternative, Documentary, Indie Rock,
Music min.
Merge Records 07.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085204
Arcade Fire: Miroir Noir - Deluxe
Comedy, Drama, Showtime, Stoners 2008
Lionsgate 02.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085117
Alternative, Documentary, Indie Rock,
Music min.
Merge Records 07.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085205
Weeds: Season Four (Blu-ray)
Bach Cantatas
Elizabeth Perkins, Hunter Parrish, Kevin
Nealon, Justin Kirk, Alexander Gould
Gramophone-award winning mezzo soprano Magdalena Koená
leads a top line-up of soloists for three of Bach’s most
admired Cantatas (BWV 113, 179 & 199), with Sir John Eliot
Gardiner conducting the Monteverdi Choir and English
Baroque Soloists in the beautiful St David’s Cathedral in
Wales. Sir John Eliot Gardiner’s Bach pilgrimage - a 60minute film of Gardiner’s Millennium Bach pilgrimage tour with
excerpts from many other Cantatas, recorded in Weimar,
Leipzig, Hamburg, Eisenach, Arnstadt, Blythburgh, Kirkwall,
Iona, St Davids, Cologne & New York -completes an
exceptional title and documents Gardiner’s remarkable
dedication to the music of J. S. Bach.
Everyone’s favorite pot-selling soccer mom, Nancy Botwin, is
back in the complete fourth season of the hit series Weeds.
Last time we saw her, Nancy’s business (and house) was
going up in smoke. So the Botwin bunch has relocated near
the border for a fresh start with some new buds. Life’s looking
green again in this subversive and buzz-worthy comedy.
Comedy, Drama, Showtime, Stoners 2008
Lionsgate 02.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085143
Wendy And Lucy
Michelle Williams, Will Patton, John
Robinson, Will Oldham
The most critically acclaimed film of the year, Wendy And
Lucy is a touching political road movie about an idealistic
young drifter, her faithful dog and the wide-open spaces of the
Pacific Northwest. Played by Academy Award-nominated
actress Michelle Williams, Wendy is a down-on-her-luck girl
who’s hoping to turn things around for herself with a summer
job in Alaska. On route to her new life, Wendy’s car breaks
down in Oregon and the thin fabric of her financial situation
comes apart. Gorgeously filmed in stark, luminous imagery,
Wendy And Lucy addresses issues of sympathy and
generosity at the edges of American life, revealing the limits
and depths of people’s duty to each other in our modern times.
Art House, Drama 80min.
Music Video Distribution 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084963
Classical Music, Concerts, Music min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085111
Bishop Paul S. Morton Presents:
Cry Your Last Tear
Music 2008 90min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085109
Black Label Society: Skullage
Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 115min.
Eagle Vision USA 21.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085103
Chris Botti: In Boston (Blu-ray)
The Wrestler
Concerts, Jazz, Music min.
Sony Music Video 31.03.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085072
Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel
Mickey Rourke gives the performance of a lifetime as pro
wrestler Randy „The Ram“ Robinson, a former superstar now
paying the price for twenty years of grueling punishment in
and out of the ring. But he’s about to risk everything to prove
he has one more match left in him: a re-staging of his famous
Madison Square Garden bout against „The Ayatollah.“ Darren
Aronofsky directs a powerful cast in this action-packed saga
of guts, glory and gritty determination that is „as irresistible
as a headlock“ (New York Post).
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/
Fighting, Art House, Drama 2008 Ltbx DD
5.1 109min.
20th Century Fox 21.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085034
Mats Ek’s International Emmy Award-winning version of the
fiery tale of passion and murderous jealousy is an exciting,
suspenseful mix of bravura dancing and inventive, powerful
storytelling. Set to Rodion Shchedrin’s „Carmen Suite,“ the
Russian composer’s arrangement of Bizet’s perennially
popular opera music, this stylish production features awardwinning dancer Ana Laguna as a mesmerizing and irresistible
Carmen, with Yvan Auzely and Marc Hwang as her rival
lovers: macho bullfighter Escamillo and romantic young
soldier Jose.
Ballet, Music, Performing Arts 60min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085126
La Clemenza Di Tito
Anthem’s Form King’s
Stephen Cleobury conducts the choir of King’s College,
Cambridge in this memorable recital of English Romantic
choral music, exquisitely sung and superbly recorded in the
college’s famous chapel. Timed to coincide with the Jubilee
celebrations of Queen Elizabeth II, this DVD presents a
mouth-watering collection of favorite anthems. Appropriately,
The action takes place in 80 AD. Tito rules the Roman Empire. Vitellia, daughter of the deposed emperor Vitellius,
seems to be obsessed with the notion that Tito was only able
to become Emperor because his father ousted Vitellius. She is
outraged that Tito is now planning to marry the foreign
Princess Berenice; she insists that he must die and goads her
admirer Sesto, a close friend of Tito, into agreeing to
assassinate the Emperor for her sake.
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 128min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085131
Cosi Fan Tutte
In eighteenth-century Naples, the cynical Don Alfonso
discusses women with two young officers, Ferrando and
Guglielmo. The gallants insist their sweet-hearts are virtue
itself, and accept Alfonso’s wager that he can prove the
ladies fickle if they follow his instructions for twenty-four
hours. Ann-Christine Biel, Maria Hoglind.
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts 139min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085134
Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail
After an act of piracy onboard the ship of the Spanish nobleman Belmonte Lostados, son of the Commandant of Oran, Constanze, who is betrothed to Belmonte, and her maid
Blondchen, along with Belmonte’s manservant Pedrillo, who is
engaged to Blondchen, fell into the hands of pirates. All three
have been bought from the slave market by the wealthy Pasha
Selim, a Spanish renegade (a convert to Islam from
Christianity) and brought to his palace. Pedrillo has
succeeded in sending word of their whereabouts to Belmonte.
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 133min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085129
Vicente Fernandez: Primera Fila
Concerts, Latin Music, Music min.
Sony Music Video 07.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085190
La Finta Giardiniera
This perfect exposition presented Mozart with three classic
buffo roles - an amorous old man, a wily maid and a handsome
young gardener. The Cavaliere offers a serious role à la
opera seria. And a female gardener who is finta, in other
words a fake, is a mezzo carattere the title given in opera
buffa to roles that are allowed to alternate between the comic
and the serious, between sentimentality and drama. But
Mozart takes even the heartaches of his comic characters
remarkably seriously, and with its clever changes between
major and minor keys, this introductory scene is anything but
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts 150min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085132
The Four Seasons
Two dazzling picture edits over one sumptuous soundtrack
bring new life to Vivaldi’s perennial work. Choose between
the ‘director’s cut’ with stunning images of the changing
seasons, filmed at the National Botanic Garden of Wales, or
the ‘performance edit’ with shots of Julia Fischer and the
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, in the garden’s futuristic
glass dome by Norman Foster.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music 103min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085110
Idamante, the son of the King of Crete, waits for his father
Idomeneo to return from the Trojan Wars. When Trojan
prisoners arrive in Crete, Idamante falls in love with Ilia, the
daughter of the now dead King of Troy. Stuart Kale, AnnChristien Biel.
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 143min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085130
This program is a live recording of Alfred Kirchner’s
production of Mussorgsky’s Khovanshchina from the Vienna
State Opera. Conducted by Claudio Abbado and featuring top
vocalists from Russia and Eastern Europe in all the leading
roles, this production was hailed as a triumph. Arguably
Mussorgsky’s greatest work, „Khovanshchina“ is an opera of
immense power and humanity set in the time when Peter the
Great assumed power in Russia.
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts 172min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085127
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Seite 38
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
The Killers: Thin White Dukes
This film celebrates The Killers’ ongoing success and
includes exclusive interviews with the band and those closest
to them, rare archive footage, contributions from the finest
music journalists around, location shoots around their home
city, seldom seen photos (many from private collections) and a
host of other features which in completion makes for an
enlightening, informative and downright entertaining program.
Biography, Documentary, Music min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085178
New Way“ Saves The Day - „Freakish“ Dashboard
Confessional - „Saints And Sailors“ Reggie And The Full
Effect - „Congratulations Smack + Katy“ Hey Mercedes „Quality Revenge At Last“ No Motiv - „Into The Darkness“
Down To Earth Approach - Exhibit Of The Year
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085181
Music, Music Videos, Punk, Punk Rock
Image Ent. 07.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085029
Die Zauberflote
Gary Moore & Friends: One Night
In Dublin (Blu-ray)
On August 19th, 2005, on what would have been the eve of his
56th birthday, a statue of Phil Lynott was unveiled in Dublin’s
Grafton Street by his mother. There to witness the event were
members of Thin Lizzy from throughout the band’s career.
Later that evening they joined forces under the leadership of
Gary Moore for a concert that paid tribute to Lynott’s memory.
The core band of Moore, Jethro Tull bass player Jonathan
Noyce and Thin Lizzy’s one and only drummer, Brian Downey
were joined by the stellar guitar talents of Brian Robertson,
Scott Gorham and Eric Bell for a set of Lizzy and Gary Moore
classics. 1. Walking By Myself 2. Jailbreak 3. Don’t Believe
A Word 4. Emerald 5. Still In Love With You 6. Black Rose 7.
Cowboy Song 8. The Boys Are Back In Town 9. Whiskey In
The Jar 10.Old Town 11. Parisienne Walkways
Concerts, Music 2005 98min.
Eagle Vision USA 21.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085108
Mozart In Turkey
This production, performed in the Harem of the Topkapi
Palace in Istanbul, is one-third documentary and two-thirds
filmed opera. This fascinating film revolves around a staging
of Mozart’s first popular success, Die Entführung aus dem
Serail. The film breaks up the musical sequences with footage
of rehearsals and comments by the opera director Elijah
Moshinksy who provides fascinating historical and musical
insights. The Turkish setting is breathtaking, and the film
provides some illuminating biographical information about
Mozart’s life during the composition of The Abduction, his
most popular opera during his lifetime.
Verdi’s drama of revenge, in its stunning new production by
David McVicar, is filled with some of the composer’s most
celebrated music. Sir Edward Downes conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of the Royal Opera House with a cast which
includes Paolo Gavanelli, Marcelo Alvarez and Christine
Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing
Arts 170min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085114
Music, Opera, Performing Arts 161min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085133
Special Interest
Le Roi D’Ys: Opera In 3 Acts
This Liege production, directed by Jean-Louis Pichon, comes
from Saint-Etienne. It essentially revolves around two
principles: readability and sobriety. Impressing sets, with
large rocks, underline the mythical subject; costumes
skillfully blend medieval and 19th-century elements. Patrick
Davin, musical director of the Opera de Liege, gives a
dramatic and fascinating reading, underlining the romantic
aspects and dark colors (wonderful the cellos!) of this rich
work. At the same time, he never loses sight of the soloists,
whom he accompanies with sensitivity and care.
Absolute Beginners Fitness: Step
& Dance Aerobics With Nekea
Music, Opera 180min.
Dynamic 24.03.2009
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085007
The Alzheimer’s Project
Styx And The Contemporary
Youth Orchestra: One With
Everything (Blu-ray)
Biography, Classical Music, Music, Opera
Kultur 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085113
1. Blue Collar Man 2. Lorelei 3. One With Everything 4. It
Don’t Make Sense (You Can’t Make Peace) 5. I Am The
Walrus 6. Just Be 7. Everything All the Time 8. Crystal Ball
9. Miss America 10. Criminal Mind 11. Too Much Time On My
Hands 12. Boat on the River 13. I Don’t Need No Doctor 14.
The Styx CYO Medley 15. Fooling Yourself (The Angry
Young Man) 16. Renegade
Oasis: And It’s Goodnight From
Concerts, Music 2006 144min.
Eagle Rock 21.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085107
Shot in London and Manchester, this film celebrates the
triumph that is Oasis and tells the band’s story in a way it’s
never been told before. Featuring rare footage, interviews
with the group and those closest to them (such as official
biographer Paolo Hewitt, Liam’s best mate Nigel Stewart, and
the Inspiral Carpets’ Clint Boon ), plus contributions from
NME journalists, the group’s producers and engineers and a
host of others, this program is the finest document yet on this
truly incredible band.
Following the death of Pamina’s father, her mother, the Queen
of the Night, has lost her powers - her dying husband passed
the sevenfold circle of the sun on to Sarastro, High Priest of
the „Temple of Wisdom“. However she refuses to submit to the
leadership of Sarastro and his followers and is determined to
regain her power. To pre-empt her, Sarastro has kidnapped
Pamina, the actual heiress of the Sun King. This wonderful
production demonstrates Mozart’s immerse skill in producing
a wide variety of genres and styles.
Handel’s timeless opera Tamerlano, whose model is Nicholas
Pradon’s Tamerlan ou La Mort de Bajazet, is brought to life in
this live recording from the 50th Handel-Festipiele 2001 at the
world famous Halle on the Saale. Conducted by Trevor
Pinnock and with exquisite direction by Jonathan Miller,
Tamerlano stands as one of Handel’s masterworks.
Fitness, Health 62min.
Bayview Entertainment 12.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085045
Alzheimer’s is the second-most-feared illness in America
following cancer, and it is the nation’s sixth leading cause of
death. Is such anxiety justified? The answer, until recently,
was not comforting. The Alzheimer’s Project consists of 4
films. The anchor of The Alzheimer’s Project series is
Momentum In Science which features 25 leading scientists, a
primetime state-of-the-science report revealing the most
cutting-edge research advances. The three additional
primetime specials (The Memory Lost Tapes; Grandpa, Will
You Remember Me? With Maria Shriver; and Caregivers.
Alzheimer’s is an irreversible and progressive brain disease
that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. Since
advancing age is the strongest risk factor for Alzheimer’s, as
the baby boom generation reaches retirement in 2011, the
number of those affected will soar. Hard scientific inquiry is
demonstrating that there are a number of ways that we can
improve our chances of remaining cognitively vital throughout
a long life. These findings are presented in this special.
Documentary, Health, Mental Illness,
Science 298min.
HBO Home Video 26.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085084
American Swing
Biography, Documentary, Music min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085177
Music, Opera, Performing Arts min.
Kultur 26.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085128
On The Two Deaths Of Pain Of
The Tribute To Pavarotti
The Seventies were sexy and sleazy. At the epicenter of it all
was Plato’s Retreat, the controversial, first-ever swingers
club. The year was 1977 and New York City burned in a
flurry of heat waves. On the conservative Upper West Side,
Plato’s embraced adventurous couples who came to dance, to
swim, swap. Immediately, Plato’s spawned a media
frenzy. Of course, this wild party did not last. American Swing
brings this enigmatic epic of excess to the screen for the first
Concerts, Music, Opera min.
Universal - Music 31.03.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085149
Documentary, Erotica 2008 81min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 14.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085061
The Tribute To Pavarotti (Blu-ray)
Concerts, Documentary, Heavy Metal,
Music, Progressive Metal min.
SPV 24.03.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085199
Playback: Director’s Series - The
Music Videos Of Maureen Egan &
Matthew Barry
Starting back in 2001, Maureen Egan and Matthew Barry
made a handful of music videos for great bands like
Dashboard Confessional, Saves The Day, Face To Face, and
the Alkaline Trio. Along the way, they were fortunate enough
to garner international acclaim and even win a few awards.
Now, here is everything they ever made, the sum total of
almost five years of blood, sweat and tears. Also included is a
lot of other stuff - photos, commentaries, and behind the
scenes footage showing what it was like to make videos back
when MTV would actually play them. Alkaline Trio - „Stupid
Kid“ Saves The Day - „At Your Funeral“ Dashboard
Confessional - „Screaming Infidelities“ Face To Face - „The
Concerts, Music, Opera min.
Universal - Music 31.03.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085187
Wilco: Ashes Of American Flags
Concerts, Music 2009 min.
Nonesuch 18.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084962
Iannis Xenakis: String Quartets
This DVD marks the first complete recording of Xenakis’ four
string quartet, including the late quartet „Ergma,“ which has
never been available before.
Classical Music, Concerts, Music 2009
Parents and educators alike are raving about Aut-erobics.
Developed by autism special education expert, Joanne Lara
M.A., Aut-erobics is the first fun instructional DVD of its kind
specifically designed for individuals with autism. Combining
movement and music, this unique sensory integration program
is divided into three easy to follow levels with a bonus hip
hop level, that integrates patterns, sequencing, visual
movement, audible processing, and rhythm to improve
communication between the left and right hemispheres of the
brain. Designed to stimulate social skills interaction, speech
and language processing and academic performance, auterobics is the perfect new fun „brain gym“ & fitness solution!
Fitness, Health 68min.
Passion River 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084974
Barney Fun Pack
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Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Seite 40
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Boxed Sets, Dinosaurs, Preschool 149min.
Hit Entertainment 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085001
Barney: Let’s Go On Vacation
Dinosaurs, Preschool 51min.
Hit Entertainment 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085002
The Best Of Dragon Gate: Volume
It has been said that the style of wrestling in Japan’s Dragon
Gate promotion is years ahead of that in its American
counterparts. Now, for the FIRST TIME EVER, American fans
can judge for themselves with this collector’s edition 2-disc
set! Featuring all of the biggest stars of the revolutionary
promotion and the hottest independent talent from the US
including Matt Sydal and Jack Evans, this is a must have for
any modern-day wrestling fan!
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/
Fighting 2008 300min.
Big Vision 14.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085220
Best Of Europe
Best Of Europe: France (Blu-ray)
Documentary min.
Questar 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085277
Best Of Europe: Italy (Blu-ray)
Documentary min.
Questar 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085276
Caught On Tape
With hilarious and shocking footage, Caught on Tape is a
funny, feisty, and wacky show that captures ordinary people in
some extraordinary situations! Featuring 4 one-hour episodes
on 2 discs.
Comedy, Documentary, Reality min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084999
Filmed at the Castell Henllys Iron Age Hill Fort in
Pembrokeshire, Wales and presented by Phil Bennett, head of
Archaeological Heritage for the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, this program covers all aspects of the fort.
From its beginnings to its abandonment, our presenter goes
into great detail about life at the fort, how the buildings were
constructed, the tools, clothing and artwork found there as
well as the many archaeological digs that have unearthed
secrets that have laid dormant for centuries.
Documentary 55min.
Artsmagic DVD 28.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084985
Cheddar: Industry Chicks
Girls, Girls, and more Girls is the theme of Cheddar DVD’s
special edition release of Industry Chicks. This DVD is
packed with exclusive footage of the industry’s premiere
models, strippers and pornstars. And to celebrate, Pinky, the
hottest chick in the porn game is hosting the DVD! Pinky
takes you for a ride from the AVN awards in Vegas to Elke the
Stallion’s private photo shoot in Cali. Along the way you’ll get
up close and personal with sexy vixens like Cherokee D’Ass,
Roxy Reynolds, Angel Lola Luv, Ms Juicci, Elke The Stallion,
Millain Blu, and many more.
Best Of Europe: London And
Beyond (Blu-ray)
Documentary min.
Questar 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085278
Music Video Distribution 12.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085258
The Best Of RVD TV: Vol. 1
Rob Van Dam
When one of wrestling’s most popular personalities stepped
away from the ring at the height of his career, fans were
shocked and demanded a return of „The Whole F’ng Show.“
And, return he did, but not to the squared circle. Rob Van Dam
took to his personal website and launched a groundbreaking
reality series „RVD TV.“ For the first time ever, fans were
able to not only get a glimpse into the life of the the mega star,
but to truly get to know the real Rob Van Dam. From his
personal workouts to his insight to spiritual growth, he
reveals the reality of being RVD. Plus, fans get an inside look
at some very interesting moments in the life of the former „Mr.
Money In The Bank,“ as he sits down with his celebrity
friends to discuss and debate the issues that matter to them
from gun control to language censorship and more! „Often
Imitated, Never Intimidated“ RVD is truly one of a kind and
now he has personally selected 15 of his favorite 5 STAR
episodes for this must-see DVD: The Best Of RVD TV!
Featuring appearances by Samoa Joe, Andrew Bryniarski,
Jay Mohr, Taboo, Justin McCully, Warrior, Chris Nowinski,
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/
Fighting, Reality 2008 360min.
Big Vision 07.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085030
Music Video Distribution 14.07.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085261
Boxed Sets, Documentary, High Seas,
IMAX Ltbx DTS 126min.
Image Ent. 05.05.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085064
The Children’s Bible
Religion/Spirituality min.
DVD International 28.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084989
Deadliest Catch: Season 4
Experience one of the most dangerous professions in the
world in Discovery Channel’s top-rated, Emmy Awardwinning hit series Deadliest Catch. Crab fishing this season
on the turbulent, frigid Bering Sea proves to be exceptionally
difficult as the injuries pile up. Two men get hurt by a loose
picking hook, and a veteran fisherman is forced to end his
fishing season early after a situation quickly turns lifethreatening. Don’t miss an exciting minute of these 16
episodes, and join us in After the Catch as the crews reflect
on their adventures with host Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs).
2008 Emmy Winners, Discovery Channel,
Documentary, Fishing, Reality 2008 860min.
Discovery Channel 07.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085027
Elmo And The Bookaneers:
Pirates Who Love To Read!
Tina Fey
Puppets, Sesame Street 2008 41min.
Genius Products 21.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084969
Adam Ferrara: Funny As Hell
Adam Ferrara
Adam Ferrara brings the stage to life with his honest, clever,
and fearless, perspective on family, relationships and himself.
He has an innate ability to draw you in with thoughtful
laughter that exposes the sharp truths behind his comedy.
Absolutely hilarious! Entertainment Weekly. As seen on:
Rescue Me, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, The King of Queens,
Definitely Maybe, Comedy Central, and much more!
Comedy 2009 61min.
Image Ent. 14.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085219
Fireman Sam: Hero Next Door
Firefighters, Stop Motion Animation 45min.
Hit Entertainment 19.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085011
Flying Free
In this informative and educational adventure, the Suncoast
Seabird Sanctuary offers a unique and unforgettable wildlife
experience. Founder/Director Ralph Heath, tells the
incredible story of the conception and mission of the largest
wild bird hospital and sanctuary in the U.S. Based on the
admission of 7-10 thousand injured birds a year, the
Sanctuary is considered one of the top wild bird rehabilitation
centers in the world.
Documentary, Educational 52min.
Passion River
tba BestellNr.: 40085006
Classics Of Steam
Germany At War: From 1918 To
Technology, Transportation, Boxed Sets,
Documentary 241min.
Artsmagic DVD 28.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084988
War, World War I, World War II, Boxed
Sets, Documentary 150min.
Artsmagic DVD 28.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084986
Creations Creatures: Season 1
Girls Gone Wild: Freshman Sex
The animal kingdom was conceived by God on the sixth day of
creation. Hosts Sheri Bolhand and Stacey Robbins guide
children and parents through a journey of animal education
and Holy Scripture. Some of the animals featured on the show
include penguins, bears, big cats, moose, bison, elk, reptiles,
birds, horses, nocturnal animals and live stock.
Family min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085169
Crips And Bloods: Made In
Blu Sea Trilogy (Blu-ray)
This revelatory film not only documents the emergence of the
Bloods and Crips and their growth beyond the borders of
South Central L.A., but also offers insight as to how this
ongoing tragedy might be resolved.
Dive into the ultimate ocean experience in this moving
Documentary, Gangs 99min.
New Video DVD 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085183
A Celtic Fort In The Iron Age
Boxed Sets, Documentary min.
Questar 16.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085259
Big Bouncy British Boobs
collection! Includes the Oscar-nominated films Dolphins and
The Living Sea, both with music by Sting, as well as the
critically acclaimed Coral Reef Adventure with music by
Crosby, Stills & Nash. Pierce Brosnan is your guide into the
world of Dolphins where we travel to the Bahamas and the
windswept waters of Argentina to learn how these complex,
fascinating animals live and play. In The Living Sea, Meryl
Streep narrates as we explore the mysteries and magic of the
„world ocean“ from Palau to California to Hawaii. And with
Liam Neeson narrating, deep-sea divers take you far beneath
the ocean’s surface for a brilliantly vivid Coral Reef
Girls Gone Wild min.
Mantra Films 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085203
Girls Gone Wild: Horny
Girls Gone Wild min.
Mantra Films 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085202
Girls Gone Wild: Horny
Cheerleaders (Blu-ray)
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Girls Gone Wild min.
Mantra Films 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085216
Hollywood Singing And Dancing:
The 1960s
A Grin Without A Cat
Art House, Documentary, Foreign, French,
Politics 1977 180min.
Icarus Films 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084970
Grace Hartigan: Shattering
The demise of the once powerful Hollywood studio system and
the rise of independent filmmakers brought a different kind of
realism to the movies of the 1960s. Although lavish
productions such as West Side Story and My Fair Lady were
triumphant at the box office, as the 1960s progressed Hollywood musicals reflected the changing tide and embraced rock
and roll music. These two episodes explore the movie musical
during this turbulent decade.
Documentary, Film About Film min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085164
Ryko Distribution 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085227
Kentucky Derby Greatest Moments
Sports, Horses, Racing min.
WaxWorks VideoWorks 17.03.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084978
The Life And Faith Of C.S. Lewis:
The Magic Never Ends
The story of a courageous woman who, along with her friends
Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, was a key figure in
the Abstract Expressionist movement in American art. Critics,
art historians, curators and others share their thoughts on the
significance of this dynamic painter and personality and the
now legendary art scene of that time. A major artist who
refused to be categorized, Hartigan continually invented and
reinvented herself and her style and persevered in the face of
profound personal and professional challenges: a very public
falling out with Clement Greenberg, one of the most influential
art critics of the time; an attempted suicide; an estrangement
from her only child; and the long, tragic illness and death of
her husband. This film tells the story of a fiercely independent
painter whose life is as gutsy and compelling as her art,
against the background of one the most explosive periods in
American art history.
Hollywood Singing And Dancing:
The 1970s
Biography, Documentary 85min.
Questar 07.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085253
Musicals of the 1970s were a combustible combination of Liza
Minnelli, John Travolta, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The
Ramones and disco music. The happy endings and light
hearted dance numbers that highlighted glamorous gams was
becoming a thing of the past, unless those gams belonged to a
transvestite from another galaxy. Musicals also tackled a
variety of unusual subjects such as the rise of Nazism in
Cabaret, and the Russian revolution in Fiddler on the Roof.
Live At The Broadway Dance
Center: Be The Music In Hip Hop
With Jared Grimes
Biography, Documentary, Photography/Art
2008 36min.
Microcinema DVD 28.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085099
If You Have... Back Pain
Live At The Broadway Dance
Center: Floorwork
Fitness, Health 30min.
Bayview Entertainment 12.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085047
Dancing, Fitness, Health 60min.
Bayview Entertainment 19.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085245
IMAX: Amazon (Blu-ray)
Christa McAuliffe: Reach For The
Heroes Of World Class: The Story
Of The Von Erichs
In 1983 World Class Championship Wrestling and its
franchise stars, the Von Erich brothers, were known around
the world. A small Dallas based promotion running out of a
shack of a venue, the Sportatorium, World Class was one of
the most syndicated television programs in America, making
the Von Erichs household names. Run by legendary wrestler
Fritz Von Erich, a.k.a. Jack Adkisson, World Class made his
oldest sons, Kevin, David and Kerry, three of the biggest
stars in the world of wrestling. Little did anyone know that
just as the Von Erichs and World Class were reaching
worldwide stardom they would begin a downfall that would
cast a full eclipse on their meteoric rise to fame. Directed by
Brian Harrison who, as a ten year old in 1983, watched on
television as wrestling’s world of staged combat between
good and evil took a sharp turn into a surreal and tragic
reality. Harrison heads to Texas to find his childhood hero,
Kevin Adkisson, a.k.a. Kevin Von Erich, the oldest and sole
surviving Von Erich brother. Through the first hand accounts
of Adkisson and dozens of others instrumental to World
Class, Harri
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/
Fighting, Documentary 2006 FF S 180min.
Big Vision 05.05.2009
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085050
Heroes Of World Class: The Story
Of The Von Erichs (Blu-ray)
In 1983 World Class Championship Wrestling and its
franchise stars, the Von Erich brothers, were known around
the world. A small Dallas based promotion running out of a
shack of a venue, the Sportatorium, World Class was one of
the most syndicated television programs in America, making
the Von Erichs household names. Run by legendary wrestler
Fritz Von Erich, a.k.a. Jack Adkisson, World Class made his
oldest sons, Kevin, David and Kerry, three of the biggest
stars in the world of wrestling. Little did anyone know that
just as the Von Erichs and World Class were reaching
worldwide stardom they would begin a downfall that would
cast a full eclipse on their meteoric rise to fame. Directed by
Brian Harrison who, as a ten year old in 1983, watched on
television as wrestling’s world of staged combat between
good and evil took a sharp turn into a surreal and tragic
reality. Harrison heads to Texas to find his childhood hero,
Kevin Adkisson, a.k.a. Kevin Von Erich, the oldest and sole
surviving Von Erich brother. Through the first hand accounts
of Adkisson and dozens of others instrumental to World
Class, Harri
Documentary, Sports, Sports Entertainment,
Wrestling/Fighting 2006 min.
Big Vision 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085067
Documentary, Film About Film min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085165
Linda Hunt
Explore the mysterious Amazon through the amazing IMAX
experience. Amazon celebrates the beauty, vitality and
wonder of the rapidly disappearing rain forest. Carrying the
cumbersome IMAX cameras and other equipment, filmmakers
overcame many difficulties to photograph this rarely seen
tropical landscape and present it with all the visual power
associated with IMAX. The filmmakers photographed native
tribesmen untouched by Western civilization and discovered
an awesome variety of animals and plant life. Narrated by
Oscar-winning actress Linda Hunt, Amazon follows a unique
collaboration between an American scientist and a tribal
shaman on a mission to find rare medical plants.
Documentary, IMAX 1997 Ltbx DTS 39min.
Image Ent. 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085063
IMAX: Journey Into Amazing
Caves (Blu-ray)
Liam Neeson, Jack Stephens, Greg
MacGillivray, Steve Judson, Alec Lorimore,
Steve Judson
Documentary, IMAX 2001 Ltbx DTS 40min.
Image Ent. 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085065
IMAX: Magic Of Flight (Blu-ray)
The Magic of Flight takes you on a technological thrill ride
faster, higher, and wilder than modern science or even your
imagination! Relive the historical first flight of the Wright
Brothers in 1903, then soar with the world-famous Blue
Angels as they defy the laws of gravity with their most
breathtaking maneuvers. Narrated by Tom Selleck, The Magic
of Flight.
Documentary, IMAX, Military, Aerial Action
1996 Ltbx DTS 40min.
Image Ent. 24.03.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085066
Cecy and Camilo - ages 21 - recently migrated to Reynosa,
Mexico from Santa Maria, Puebla with a dream to buy land
and build a home. A year later they return to their rural
hometown to reunite with their daughter. What seems like a
satisfying reunion turns into a confusing dilemma that
transforms the course of their marriage. Cecy and Camilo
helped shoot a part of the film giving it a home video quality.
Intimidad was filmed over the course of 5 years and mixes
digital verite with Super 8 and 16mm film stock.
Documentary 2008 min.
Dancing, Fitness, Health 60min.
Bayview Entertainment 19.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085244
Documentary 75min.
Passion River 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085217
Midnight Blue: Volume 6 - Porn
Stars Of The 80’s
As the popularity of the porn industry grew due to the advent
of home video, late-night cable’s Midnight Blue was there to
cover every raunchy moment! In these segments from the ’80s,
the rising porn stars of the time expose themselves like never
before: Midnight Blue.
Film About Film FF 121min.
Blue Underground 30.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084971
Midnight Blue: Volume 7 - Porn
Stars Of The 90’s
As more and more porn videos were cranked out daily on the
West Coast, Al Goldstein and late-night cable’s Midnight
Blue were there to document every smutty second. In these
segments from the early ’90s, the new regime of porn stars
candidly open up as never before: Freakshow proves she
really is, giving Al the most bizarre interview in the history of
Midnight Blue.
Film About Film 120min.
Blue Underground 30.06.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084972
Mixed Up Yuval: It’s Good to
Once again we find ourselves in Yuval’s upside-down,
imaginative world. Now Yuval visits a kingdom where it’s
forbidden to laugh! He meets Princess Blue and they set out
on an adventure where they discover the magic of laughter.
Foreign, Israeli 45min.
SISU Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085237
Mixed Up Yuval: It’s Journey To
The Star
Here Yuval presents the story of a slightly confused kid who
dreams of being a hero. He receives a blue star that gives him
superpowers, but when he gets frightened, he loses his gift.
Now he’s on a quest, learning that love and courage have the
power to bring success.
Foreign, Israeli 45min.
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März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
forms the backbone of Tony Palmer’s explosive film about
composer Carl Orff, a man tormented with guilt about his
mendacious and tragic behavior during Hitler’s Germany. This
film will change forever our understanding of this tormented
soul. This documentary features an interview with Carl Orff
before he passed away as well as interviews with three of his
wives and his daughter.
SISU Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085238
Nature: America
Boxed Sets min.
Questar 16.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085257
Documentary 115min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085179
NBC News Presents Yes We Can!:
The Barack Obama Story
Biography, Documentary, NBC, Presidents
2009 66min.
Universal Studios 05.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085184
Nero’s Golden House
It was once the grandest, most ostentatious building on earth.
It was built by the most infamous emperor in history to satiate
his many and various lusts. It was a building that played host
to violence, sexual perversion and great beauty. Even the
Romans found it too much and built the Colosseum on top of it.
Today a few rooms remain - and a new investigation is taking
place to try and distinguish fact from fiction. It will be one of
history’s great detective stories - can the building help prove
whether the Emperor Nero was as bad as they say - or
worse? Or was he actually an inspired artist and designer
unfairly maligned through the centuries? Is the Golden House’
one of the unrecognized architectural wonders of the world?
Rome’s most notorious emperor was trying to create a model
of Roman domination on land and sea. There were hundreds of
rooms, and thousands of frescoes and statues. Only the best
was considered worthy. To cap it all, a 120-foot statue of
Nero, as absolute ruler, stood at the entrance - (this was the
Colossus - from which the Colosseum would later derive its
name). On completing the
Ancient Egypt, Documentary 2001 50min.
Microcinema DVD 28.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085100
NFL Road To Super Bowl XLIII
Sports, Boxed Sets, Football, NFL 2009
Warner Bros. (TM) 02.06.2009
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085055
NFL Road To Super Bowl XLIII
Sports, Boxed Sets, Football, NFL 2009
Warner Bros. 02.06.2009
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085070
The Order Of Myths
The first Mardi Gras in America was celebrated in Mobile,
Alabama in 1703. In 2008, it is still racially segregated.
Filmmaker Margaret Brown (Be Here To Love Me: A Film
About Townes Van Zandt), herself a daughter of Mobile,
escorts us into the parallel hearts of the city’s two carnivals.
With unprecedented access, she traces the exotic world of
secret mystic societies and centuries-old traditions and
pageantry; diamond-encrusted crowns, voluminous, handsewn gowns, surreal masks and enormous paper mache floats.
Against this opulent backdrop, she uncovers a tangled web of
historical violence, power dynamics and elusive forces that
keep this hallowed tradition organized along enduring color
Art House, Documentary 2008 min.
Cinema Guild 31.03.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085122
Outside The Box: A Total Immersion Swimming Program For
Success In Open Water
Fitness, Health 40min.
Bayview Entertainment 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085046
Pablo Picasso was avant-garde and traditional, a legend
whose paintings almost everyone can visualize today. His
works and character had an enormous influence on 20th
century art. Didier Baussy-Oulianoff’s extraordinarily vivid
film was made in 1985, the same year that the Picasso Museum in Paris opened. The filmmaker enjoyed unprecedented
access to their expansive and unique collection. The film
works through the artworks of Picasso in chronological order
and discusses the forces that inspired them, whether in the
personal life of the artist or in the wider world. In this way the
film covers everything from the suicide of Picasso’s friend
Casagemas in 1901, which began his ‘blue period’, to the
Spanish Civil War that inspired his masterpiece, Guernica ‘a settling of all debts’. This rigorously intelligent and highly
rewarding film is a fine example of the art documentary genre.
Biography, Documentary, Photography/Art
Kultur 26.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085115
The true story of Carmina Burana, the ever-popular
masterpiece performed in Orff’s original orchestration and
sounding is utterly different from what we normally hear. It
Remove Psychic Debris And Heal:
Vol. 2
Meditation/Relaxation, New Age, Religion/
Spirituality min.
ChannelSources 24.03.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085018
Remove Psychic Debris And Heal:
Vol. 3
Meditation/Relaxation, New Age, Religion/
Spirituality min.
ChannelSources 24.03.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085019
Rinat’s Circus: Volume 2
Rinat has brought us a succession of popular DVDs such as
The Land of Words - Volumes 1 and 2. Now she discovers an
old, run down circus, and brings it to life through the joy of
song and dance. The story continues on disk 2, which
contains 6 chapters such as Butterflies and Manners. It’s a
spectacular show full of fun and surprises.
Foreign, Israeli, Jewish 45min.
SISU Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085242
The Pit: CrossPit
Road To Victory
Fitness min.
WaxWorks VideoWorks 21.04.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085264
War, World War II, Boxed Sets,
Documentary 295min.
Artsmagic DVD 28.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084987
Power Body: Strength And Core
Workout With Trish Muse
Trish Muse
A dynamic two DVD set containing Trish Muse’s Strength
Attack and Core Attack workouts! Trish Muse invites you to
use your dumbbells and medicine ball for a Strength Attack!
Increase your muscular endurance and burn calories by using
lighter weights and performing more repetitions. Boost your
strength and endurance using heavy weights to your tolerance
and performing fewer repetitions with dumbbells. Trish
completes your Strength Attack with a core workout using a
large medicine ball or dumbbell for a total body workout. A
functional stretch with music finishes things off as you stretch
across all planes of your body to maximize effectiveness,
efficiency, results and functionality. Get out your bands and
tubes for Trish Muse’s Core Attack with elastic resistance.
You get a variety of exercises in all positions and angles that
target your core by simultaneously working other muscle
groups in multi-dimensional movement patterns. Grab your
small medicine ball to add a different resistance challenge to
your core with multidimensional exercises. Short on time but
still need a workout? Work your core every wa
Fitness, Health 160min.
Bayview Entertainment 19.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085243
Primo Levi’s Journey
In the winter of 1945, Primo Levi, one of the century’s greatest
writers, was liberated from the Auschwitz concentration
camp. With the war still underway, he embarked on a thousand
mile journey to his home in Turin, Italy - a strange, beguiling
odyssey memorialized in his book, The Reawakening. Sixty
years later, director Davide Ferrario set out to follow in
Levi’s footsteps. Retracing his historic trip, the film weaves a
path through a modern Europe that has both changed and
remained the eerily same - from democratic rallies in the East
to neo-Nazi demonstrations in the West. Narrated by
Academy Award winning actor Chris Cooper, Primo Levi’s
Journey is a comic, frightening and picaresque road trip
through history.
Documentary, Foreign, Holocaust, Italian
2006 min.
Cinema Guild 31.03.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085124
Remove Psychic Debris And Heal:
Vol. 1
Tony Palmer’s: O, Fortuna
Pablo Picasso
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085017
Meditation/Relaxation, New Age, Religion/
Spirituality min.
ChannelSources 24.03.2009
Rough Cut
In January 2003 a woman was found beaten, strangled, and
stabbed in her Pennsylvania home. 8 months earlier, an
independent horror film was shot on the nearby Appalachian
Trail. Rough Cut is a feature length documentary that explores
the twisted true tale of two first-time filmmakers who had a
dream of making a horror movie and the bizarre events that
Documentary, Film About Film 2006 87min.
Ryko Distribution 19.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085230
Scenic National Parks: Alaska &
Hawaii (Blu-ray)
Documentary min.
Questar 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085281
Scenic National Parks: Great
Train Rides (Blu-ray)
Documentary, Transportation min.
Questar 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085280
Scenic National Parks: The Best
Of The National Parks (Blu-ray)
Documentary min.
Questar 12.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085279
Sea Tek
Adventure, Documentary, Science min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085004
Secret Societies
Conspiracies, Documentary 184min.
BFS 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085119
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März 2009
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März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
It is one of the most astonishing and inspiring survival tales of
all time. On October 13, 1972, a young rugby team called „The
Old Christians“ from Montevideo, Uruguay, boarded a plane
for a match in Chile - and then vanished into thin air. Two
days before Christmas, 16 of the 45 passengers miraculously
resurfaced. They had managed to survive for 72 days after
their plane crashed on a remote Andean glacier. Thirty-five
years later, the survivors returned to the crash site - known
as the Valley of Tears - to recount their harrowing story of
defiant endurance and indestructible friendship. Told in the
1973 worldwide bestseller Alive (and the 1993 film adaptation
starring Ethan Hawke), this shocking true story finally gets
the cinematic treatment it deserves. Visually breathtaking and
crafted with riveting detail by documentary filmmaker (and
childhood friend of the survivors) Gonzalo Arijon, Stranded is
by turns hauntingly powerful and spiritually moving.
Cannibalism, Documentary, Foreign, French
2007 min.
Zeitgeist Films 28.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085271
This Is The Life
In 1989, a collective of young artists gathered weekly at a
small health food store in South Central LA called „The Good
Life.“ Their mandate? To explore and expand the musical
boundaries of hip hop. This Is The Life tells the little known
story of a group of teenagers, who revolutionized hip hop by
innovating the very rhyme patterns, melodic concepts and
lyrical styles used by many of today’s biggest rap stars.
While their innovations have yielded billions of dollars for the
recording industry, the Good Life emcees have toiled in
relative obscurity in the United States. But much like their
jazz heroes of a bygone era, these street poets have garnered
a rabid and musically sophisticated fan base abroad, with a
cult-like following in Germany, Australia, France, England and
Japan. This feature-length documentary, directed by former
Good Life emcee Ava DuVernay, chronicles the rise and fall of
an unusual family of artists, while examining their obstacles to
commercial success. They all took different paths, but remain
connected by the music they made, the alternative hip hop
movement they developed, a
Honey, Everything Within Measure and Be Happy with What
You Have.
Foreign, Israeli 45min.
SISU Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085241
The Unforeseen
Willie Nelson, Ann Richards, Robert
Redford, Gary Bradley, William Greider,
Wendell Berry Reading
The American dream of owning a house with a white picket
fence goes head to head with environmental sustainability in
this urgent, beautifully crafted documentary. when a ambitious
real estate developer sets out to transform thousands of acres
of pristine hill country in Austin, Texas into a suburban
development - threatening a nearby natural spring - the
community fights back. In the conflict that ensues, we see in
miniature a struggle that is playing out in cities and towns
across the country. Breathtaking in score, The Unforeseen
questions what we’re willing to give up in the name of growth.
Art House, Documentary, Environmental
2007 min.
Cinema Guild 31.03.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085123
The Wehrmacht In Russia
On June 22nd 1941 three German Army Groups launched a
surprise attack on Soviet Russia. The most barbaric and
brutal struggle in history was about to be played out to the
death. History is always written by the victors, but this
documentary focuses on the other side of the coin. This 3
DVD and book set shows the war in Russia from the German
experience, a powerful study of that titanic conflict as seen
through contemporary German newsreels and told in the
words of the men who fought and died for Hitler. Each DVD
traces the fate of the three army troops which began the
campaign and follows the course of this vicious campaign as
the optimism of Barbarossa inexorably rolls on.
Documentary 97min.
Passion River 05.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40084973
War, World War II, Military min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085175
Tibetan Book Of The Dead
Where Jesus Walked
Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be
escaped. An ancient source of strength and guidance, The
Tibetan Book of the Dead remains an essential teaching in the
Buddhist cultures of the Himalayas. Narrated by Leonard
Cohen, this enlightening two-part series explores the sacred
text and boldly visualizes the afterlife according to its
profound wisdom. Part 1: A Way of Life reveals the history of
The Tibetan Book of the Dead and examines its traditional use
in northern India, as well as its acceptance in Western
hospices. Part 2: The Great Liberation follows an old lama
and his novice monk as they guide a Himalayan villager into
the afterlife using readings from The Tibetan Book of the
Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 75min.
Questar 07.04.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085254
Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 70min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085168
Too Much For TV Presents: Busty
Reality min.
Mantra Films 05.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085206
Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks
With Willie Jolley
Willie Jolley, captivating speaker and international bestselling author, delivers a powerful message that will inspire
you to transform your thinking so you can embrace change and
take control of your life. Just like everyone else, Willie Jolley
has experienced his own set of setbacks. Turning lemons into
lemonade, Willie shares his own life experiences through
stories and anecdotes delivering the power of perseverance.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085176
Tuvia Zafir-Tuvi Dubi: Volume 1
Tuvia Zafir, one of Israel’s all time top comedians, has
appeared in many films and comedy shows. He is a favorite of
children as well, with his storytelling series on DVD. Here
he’s back as the lovable bear Tuvi. With his animal friends,
he has many colorful, musical adventures in the forest as he
teaches children lessons about life. Songs include It’s All
architecture, and home in the Arizona desert, is universally
recognized as a modern masterpiece. It began as a desert
camp in 1937 and continued to evolve throughout his life.
Today it represents the summation of Wright’s ideals of
Organic Architecture an approach to building appropriate to
place, appropriate to time, and appropriate to man. In order to
better understand the enduring meaning and significance of
Taliesin West, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Director of the Frank
Lloyd Wright Archives, first provides and in-depth overview
of Wright’s remarkable life and career. He then focuses on
Taliesin West, relating everything from its origins, innovative
use of materials, and experimental construction methods, to
Wright’s orchestration of architectural concepts. Mr. Pfeiffer
conjures an intimate portrait of Taliesin West from the
perspective of someone who has lived and worked there for
nearly six decades. Disk 2: The Interactive Tour represents
the most comprehensive documentation of Taliesin West ever
assembled. It brings together a comprehensiv
Documentary 2007 82min.
Microcinema DVD 28.04.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085101
WWE: Greatest Stars Of The 90s
Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/
Fighting, WWE 540min.
WWE Home Video 14.04.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085090
You: Inner And Outer Beauty With
Dr. Michael Roizen
Dr. Michael Roizen
Dr. Michael Roizen, delivers a groundbreaking special that
breaks down the mechanics of beauty and explains how little
adjustments in your routine can help you become a happier,
healthier person. Concentrating on three levels of beauty Dr.
Roizen explains how they all work together to form a complete
and authentic you.
Health min.
E1 Entertainment 05.05.2009
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085174
World Of Wonder: Season 1
From the marvels of modern science to the great mysteries of
nature, World of Wonder - true stories of the amazing, the
fascinating, and the unbelievable - will quench the curiosity of
kids everywhere! Featuring 13 episodes.
Documentary, Science min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085028
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Home & Studio: 2 Disc Special Edition
Disc 1: A 60 minute documentary film. Beauty, Wright
believed, stands paramount among all aspects of life. He
sought it in everything from music, poetry, and sculpture, to
his own environments. He conceived organic architecture - an
innovative philosophy of building appropriate to time,
appropriate to place, and appropriate to man - as a basis for
creating beauty in his life and the lives of his clients. Wright
embarked on this approach with the first residence and
workplace he designed for himself: the Home and Studio in
Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. For two decades, it served
not only as his own family residence but an experimental
laboratory where he envisioned and tested many of the basic
principles that he would develop throughout his career,
principles now synonymous with organic architecture. The
Home and Studio represents a critical link in fully
appreciating Wright’s body of work. Disc 2: The Interactive
Tour presents a comprehensive documentation of the Home
and Studio. It brings together a wide-ranging collection of
contemporary photographs, 360-degree virtual reality
panoramas, and floor pl
Documentary 2008 60min.
Microcinema DVD 28.04.2009
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085102
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin
West: 2 Disc Special Edition
Disk 1: Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright’s studio, school of
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 45
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Akachan To Boku Vol. 3
Animation 24.04.2009
127,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Akaneironi Somaru
Saka Vol. 6
Animation 22.05.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Akaneironi Somaru
Saka Vol. 6
Animation 22.05.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055107
Asu No Yoichi! Vol. 2
Ef-A Tale Of Melodies. 5
Animation 24.04.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055063
Kannagi 6 (2008)
Animation 22.04.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054975
Animation 24.04.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055055
Kemeko Dx! Vol. 5
Fate/Stay Night Blu-Ray
Box (2006) (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.04.2009
587,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gakko No Yurei DVD
Collection Vol. 2
Animation 21.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054968
Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro The
Second Night Vol. 10
Asu No Yoichi! Vol. 2
Animation 24.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054969
Battle Spirits Shonen
Toppa Shonen Toppa
Bashin Vol. 3 (2008)
Animation 22.04.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054974
Ef-A Tale Of Melodies.5
(2008) (Blu-ray)
Animation 24.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055060
Animation 24.04.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055061
Kannagi 6 (2008)
Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro The
Second Night Vol. 11
Animation 24.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055066
Kemeko-Dx! Vol. 5 (Bluray)
Animation 24.04.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Minami-Ke Okaeri Vol. 2
Animation 22.04.2009
102,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kuroshitsuji 4
Blassreiter Vol. 10 (2008)
Animation 22.04.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054971
Animation 22.04.2009
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Casshrn Sins DVD
Tokubetsu Souchou Box
Vol. 3 (2008)
Hetalia Axis Powers Vol.
1 (2009)
Animation 24.04.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054716
Hetalia Axis Powers Vol.
1 (2009)
Animation 24.04.2009
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054717
Cobra The Animation
Vol. 1 (2009 / DD)
Higurashi No Naku Koro
Ni Rei: Pyashiro Edition
Animation 24.04.2009
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Cobra The Animation
Vol. 1 (2009 / DD)
Animation 24.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054966
Dead Leaves
Animation 25.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054967
Detective Konan Part 17
Vol. 6
Animation 24.04.2009
70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054953
Animation 22.05.2009
150,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Little Village People
Vol. 1 (2008)
Animation 13.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054719
Little Village People
Vol. 2 (2008)
Animation 13.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054720
Animation 13.05.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054979
Naruto Shippu-Den The
Movie Kizuna
Animation 22.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054980
Naruto Shippu-Den The
Movie Kizuna
Animation 22.04.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054981
Naruto-Shippuden Fushi
No Hakaisha, Hidan
Kakuzu No Shou 4
Animation 13.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054721
Negi Bouzu No Asatarou
Vol. 4 (2008)
Macademi Wasshoi! Vol.
Animation 21.05.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054983
Animation 24.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054722
One Piece 9th Season
Eniesu Lobby Piece.18
Animation 24.04.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054718
Animation 12.06.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055108
Inazuma Eleven 04 (2008
/ DD)
Major: 5th Season Kessen! Nihon Daihyouhen
Animation 22.04.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054973
Minami-Ke Okaeri Vol. 2
Animation 13.05.2009
72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054982
Major Yujo No Winning
Shot (DD)
Jigoku Shoujo
Mitsuganae Vol. 5 (PCM)
Animation 13.05.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Little Village Vol. 3
Hyakko Vol. 4
Animation 24.04.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055065
Animation 24.04.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054724
Kuroshitsuji 4
Linebarrels Of Iron Vol.
Animation 24.04.2009
236,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Michiko & Hatchin Vol. 4
Animation 24.04.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054714
Gintama Season 3 Vol. 9
Animation 22.04.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054972
Animation 24.04.2009
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 08.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055067
Animation 24.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054963
Casshern Sins Blu-Ray
Tokubetsu Souchou Box
Vol. 3 (2008) (Blu-ray)
Maria Sama Ga Miteru
4th Season Vol. 2
Collector’s Edition
Michiko & Hatchin Vol. 4
(2008) (Blu-ray)
Animation 22.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054977
Gurren Lagann The
Movie -Childhood’s End-
Animation 24.04.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055069
Kirarin Revolution 3rd
Tour Stage7
Animation 24.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054970
Animation 21.05.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054964
Maria Sama Ga Miteru
4th Season Vol. 2
Animation 20.05.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055109
Maria Holic Vol. 2
Animation 24.04.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054723
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 03.06.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055110
OVA Toheart2 Adplus
Vol. 1
Animation 24.04.2009
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
OVA Toheart2 Adplus
Vol. 1
Animation 24.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055071
Seite 46
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Penelope Tete En L’air:
Hitoride Dekiruyo Hen
Animation 24.04.2009
48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054984
Penelope Tete En L’air:
Kazokutte Iina Hen
Animation 24.04.2009
48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054985
Penelope Tete En L’air:
Minna Tomodachi Hen
Animation 24.04.2009
48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054986
Penelope Tete En L’air:
Tanoshikute Ooisogashi
Decode:02 1
Animation 22.04.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054994
Tetsuwan Birdy
Decode:02 1
Animation 22.04.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054995
Tetsuwan Birdy
Decode:02 2
Animation 13.05.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054996
Tetsuwan Birdy
Decode:02 2
Animation 13.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054997
Animation 24.04.2009
48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054987
To Aru Majutsu No Index
Vol. 4
Pipopa DVD-Box 2 (2009
/ DD)
Animation 24.04.2009
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 13.05.2009
398,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fire Vol. 1 (1996)
Animation 22.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055002
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fire Vol. 2 (1996)
Animation 22.04.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055003
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fire Vol. 3 (1996)
Animation 22.04.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055004
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fire Vol. 4 (1996)
Animation 22.04.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055005
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fire Vol. 5 (1996)
Animation 22.04.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055006
To Aru Majutsu No Index
Vol. 4 (Blu-ray)
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fire Vol. 6 (1996)
Animation 24.04.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055072
Animation 24.04.2009
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 22.04.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055007
Rideback 01 (Blu-ray)
Toradora! Scene 4
Animation 24.04.2009
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 22.04.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fire Vol. 7 (1996)
Rosario + Vampire
Capu2 Vol. 5 (2008)
Toradora! Scene 4
Rideback 01
Animation 24.04.2009
102,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shikabane Hime Gen
Vol. 1
Animation 13.05.2009
134,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shikabane Hime Gen
Vol. 1
Animation 22.04.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054999
The Tower Of DruagaThe Sword Of Uruk-Vol.
Animation 22.05.2009
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Tower Of DruagaThe Sword Of Uruk-Vol.
Animation 22.04.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055008
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fresh Vol. 1 (1997)
Animation 22.04.2009
60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055009
Vs Knight Ramne & 40
Fresh Vol. 2 (1997)
Animation 15.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055011
Zenmai Zamurai:
Watashiwa Dare?
Zettai Karen Children 09
Tytania Vol. 4 (2008)
Animation 24.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055074
Animation 24.04.2009
97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054726
Animation 24.04.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Zoku Natsume YuujinCho 1
Tentai Senshi Sunred 4
Uchino 3 Shimai 11
Animation 22.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054992
Animation 22.05.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055113
Tentai Senshi Sunred 5
Vampire Knight Guilty 4
Tetsuwan Birdy
Animation 22.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055001
Film 13.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054732
Absolute Power (1997)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054839
Ace Ventura 2 When
Nature Calls (1995 / DD
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054840
Ace Ventura-Pet
Detective (1994 / DD)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054841
Alien Vs. Predator (2004
/ DD 5.1)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054746
Analyze That (2002 / DD
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054842
Assassins (1995 / DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054843
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055018
Animation 24.04.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055000
Animation 22.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054993
Above The Law (1988)
Yatta-Man 11 (2008)
Slayers Evolution-R Vol.
Soul Eater: Soul.9
Film 13.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054731
Babel Standard Edition
(2006 / DD 5.1)
Animation 22.05.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055112
Animation 22.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054991
2010: The Year We Make
Contact (1984) (Blu-ray)
Animation 22.04.2009
60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055010
Animation 13.05.2009
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tytania Vol. 4 (2008)
Animation 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055012
Animation 22.04.2009
102,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Zoku Natsume YuujinCho 1
Animation 22.04.2009
87,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055014
Band On The Run (1982 /
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055084
Battle For The Planet Of
The Apes (1973) (Bluray)
Film 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054733
Behind The Mask: The
Rise Of Leslie Vernon
(2006 / DD 5.1)
Film 13.05.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054958
Beneath The Planet Of
The Apes (1970) (Bluray)
Film 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054734
Blade Runner: Ultimate
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 47
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Seite 48
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Collector’s Edition (Bluray)
The Day Of The Dolphin
Film 29.04.2009
222,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 13.05.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054960
Blood Work (2002 / DD
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054844
The Day The Earth
Stood Still (2008)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054767
Body Of Lies (2008 / DD
The Day The Earth
Stood Still (2008) (Bluray)
Film 29.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054748
Film 02.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054743
Body Of Lies (2008) (Bluray)
Film 29.04.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054736
The Day The Earth
Stood Still Blu-Ray
Comp.Box (1951) (Bluray)
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055082
Dirty Harry (1971 / DD
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054851
Disco (2008 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055022
Dog Day Afternoon
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054852
Dreamcatcher (2003 / DD
Boy A (2007 / DD)
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055085
Film 02.05.2009
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054766
Brainstorm (1984 / DD)
Day Watch Director’s
Cut Edition (2006)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054855
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054753
The Dead Pool (1988)
Escape From The Planet
Of The Apes (1971) (Bluray)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054874
Film 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054738
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054845
Death Race (2008 / DD
Escape To Victory (1981)
City Hall (1996)
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055086
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054846
City On Fire (2009)
Film 08.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055019
Collateral Damage (2002
/ DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054848
Conquest Of The Planet
Of The Apes (1972) (Bluray)
Film 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054737
Dance Of The Dead
(2008 / DD)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055020
Daredevil Director’s Cut
Edition (2003)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054752
Death Race (2008) (Bluray)
Film 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055081
Deception (2008 / DD
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055021
Demolition Man (1993 /
DD 5.1)
The Enforcer (1976)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054875
Eraser (1996 / DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054856
Diary Of The Dead (2008)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054768
I Shot Andy Warhol
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054755
Impak Maksima (2007 /
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055093
Kelly’s Heroes (1970 /
DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054859
The Last Dinosaur (1977)
Film 22.05.2009
75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055095
The Last Of The Just
(2007 / DD)
Film 02.05.2009
314,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Mad (2007 / DD)
Faerie Tale Theatre:
Goldilocks And The
Three (1984)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055089
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055090
Film 24.04.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055087
Honkytonk Man (1982)
Film 25.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055024
Dial M For Murder (1954)
Diary Of The Dead (2008
/ DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054857
Faerie Tale Theatre
DVD-Box (1982)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054849
Film 24.04.2009
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054854
Faerie Tale Theatre:
The Boy Who Left Home
To (1984)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054850
Hearts In Atlantis (2001 /
DD 5.1)
The Hot Rock (1971)
The Day The Earth
Stood Still Comp.Box
Cannonball Run II (1984)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054754
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054853
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054749
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054751
Harry And Tonto (1974)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054858
Borat: Cultural
Learnings Of America
For Make Benefit Glorio
Bull Durham (1988)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054876
Dolores Claiborne (1995
/ DD)
Film 02.05.2009
123,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054750
The Gauntlet (1977 / DD
Faerie Tale Theatre:
The Nightingale/Jack
And (1983)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055091
Fire & Ice: The Dragon
Chronicles (2008)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055092
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055025
Magnum Force (1973)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054860
Major League (1989 / DD
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054862
Major League II (1994 /
DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054861
Major League: Back To
The Minors
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054863
Mama’s Boy (2009 / DD
Film 13.05.2009
Seite 49
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054756
The Man In The Iron
Mask (1998 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054769
Masked Rider Agito
Project G4 (2001) (Bluray)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054866
The Outlaw Josey Wales
(1976 / DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054877
Pale Rider (1985 / DD
Film 21.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055015
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054867
Masked Rider Ryuki Episode Final (2002) (Bluray)
A Perfect World (1993 /
DD 5.1)
Film 21.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055016
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054838
Taking Lives: Extended
Cut (2004) (Blu-ray)
Film 13.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054740
Tango & Cash (1989 / DD
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054873
Tango & Cash (1989)
Meet Dave (2008)
Pink Cadillac (1989)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054881
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054757
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054868
Mein Fuhrer (2007 / DD
Point Of No Return
(1993) (Blu-ray)
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055094
Film 13.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054739
Midnight In The Garden
Of Good And Evil (1997)
Raising Arizona (1987 /
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054865
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054764
Mississippi Burning
Salem’s Lot (1979)
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054760
Modesty Blaise (1966)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054759
Napoleon Dynamite
(2004 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054761
Next Stop, Greenwich
Village (1976)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054762
Night Watch Director’s
Cut Edition (2004)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054763
A Nightmare On Elm
Street (1984 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055017
North By Northwest
(1959 / DD 5.1)
Showtime (2002 / DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054870
Film 13.05.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054959
Space Cowboys (2000 /
DD 5.1)
The Time Machine (2002
/ DD)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054880
Tommy: Collector’s Edition (1975 / DD 5.1 + DTS
Film 22.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054961
Music 22.04.2009
60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054952
L’Arc En Ciel: Live In
Music 20.05.2009
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054885
Music 06.05.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055120
U-571 (2000 / DD 5.1)
Bellydance Superstars:
30 Days To Vegas
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055026
An Unmarried Woman
Music 13.05.2009
43,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055121
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054747
Bellydance Superstars:
Bellydance Exercise By
A Walk In The Clouds
Music 13.05.2009
43,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055122
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054745
Bellydance Superstars:
Tribal Fusion Fundamentals
The Specialist (1994 /
DD 5.1)
Film 13.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054744
Film 29.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054765
Anderson Bruford
Wakeman Howe: An
Evening Of Yes Music
The Arcade Fire: Miroir
Noir-Neon Bible Archives
The Wedding Singer:
Totally Awesome Edition
(1998 / DD) (Blu-ray)
Spring Breakdown (2007
/ DD 5.1)
True Crime (1999 / DD
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054871
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054879
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054883
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054884
The Time Machine (1960
/ DD 5.1)
Film 02.05.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054770
The Wrong Man (1956)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054888
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055023
Mr.Holland’s Opus (1995)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054882
Tightrope (1984)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054864
The Seven-Ups (1973)
The Witches Of Eastwick
(1987 / DD 5.1)
You’ve Got Mail (1998 /
DD 5.1)
Mean Streets (1973)
Film 24.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054758
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054887
Film 13.05.2009
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054741
Perfume The Story Of A
Murderer (2006)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054869
Heart (1990)
Where Eagles Dare
(1968 / DD 5.1)
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054886
While She Was Out
(2008 / DD 5.1)
Sudden Impact (1983 /
DD 5.1)
Film 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055027
Film 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054872
White Hunter, Black
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Music 13.05.2009
43,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055123
Benesse Channel
Sukusuku No Uta DVD
Vol. 2
Music 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055080
Casiopea & The Square:
Casiopea Vs The Square
The Live!! (Blu-ray)
Music 22.04.2009
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 50
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Casiopea With
Synchronized Dna: 5
Stars Live (Blu-ray)
Harding: Britten: The
Turn Of The Screw 2nd
Music 22.04.2009
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055096
Colosseum: Colon 1994 Reunion Concert
Music 22.04.2009
52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054954
Edguy: Fxxking With
Fire - Live!
Music 22.04.2009
72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054956
Edguy: Fxxking With
Fire - Live!
Music 22.04.2009
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fukujin: Fukujin
Music 29.04.2009
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Glenn Gould: The Glenn
Gould Bach Collection
Music 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055028
Glenn Gould: The Glenn
Gould Collection Vol. 1
Music 22.04.2009
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055029
Glenn Gould: The Glenn
Gould Collection Vol. 11
& 12
Music 22.04.2009
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055031
Glenn Gould: The Glenn
Gould Collection Vol. 3
Music 22.04.2009
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055030
Glenn Gould: The Glenn
Gould Collection Vol. 5
Music 22.04.2009
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055032
Glenn Gould: The Glenn
Gould Collection Vol. 7
Music 22.04.2009
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055033
Glenn Gould: The Glenn
Gould Collection Vol. 9
& 10
Music 22.04.2009
93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055034
Harding: Mozart: Don
Music 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055097
Alison Krauss: A
Hundred Miles Or More Live From The Tracking
Music 13.05.2009
63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055119
Manic Street Preachers:
Everything Live
Bakuon Tetsudou Kotoden (Blu-ray)
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Special Interest 15.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054730
One Plus One
Celica 1600GT & Corolla
Special Interest 05.06.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055114
Celica LB Turbo
The Cliff Tomoko Ogawa
Bouldering Trial (2009 /
Special Interest 08.05.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055043
Special Interest 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055101
Kirokueno Chosen
Speed Trial 1966-
Dakar Rally 2009
Special Interest 05.06.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055116
Masked Rider Kiva Final
Stage & Bangumi Cast
Talk Show
Clint Eastwood: Out Of
The Shadows (2000)
Special Interest 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054836
F.C.Tokyo Season Review 2008
Special Interest 08.05.2009
70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055037
Music 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055098
Kevin Garmett: KG
Sado: Verdi: La Traviata
Special Interest 13.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054771
Music 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055099
Mitsuki Saiga Feat. Just:
Saiga Mitsuki Feat. Just
1st. Live 2008
Music 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055079
Sinopoli: Wagner:
Music 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055100
Styx: Caught In The Act
Jef United Ichihara
Chiba Year DVD 2008
Special Interest 08.05.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055038
Kashima Antlers Season
Review 2008
Special Interest 08.05.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055039
Kawasaki Frontale 2008
Special Interest 08.05.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055040
Music 27.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055124
Thelonious Monk:
Straight, No Chaser
Supertramp: Paris
Special Interest 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054837
Music 27.05.2009
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055125
Albirex Niigata Season
Review 2008
Special Interest 08.05.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055036
Special Interest 08.05.2009
89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055042
Shimizu S-Pulse Year
DVD 2008
Special Interest 24.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055102
Nelsson: Wagner: Lohengrin
Sanfrecce Hiroshima
2008 Season Year DVD
Special Interest 05.06.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055115
Music 13.05.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055078
Music 21.05.2009
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Special Interest 22.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054955
Nagoya Grampus Year
DVD 2008
Special Interest 08.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055041
NBA Champions 20072008: Boston Celtics
Virtual Trip Ibiza (Bluray)
Special Interest 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054727
Virtual Trip Maldives
Special Interest 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054728
Virtual Trip The Movie
Fascinating Nature (Bluray)
Special Interest 24.04.2009
78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054729
Vissel Kobe Season Review 2008
Special Interest 08.05.2009
70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055044
WWE Life Of Kane (2008)
Special Interest 24.04.2009
139,90 EUR BestellNr.:
WWE Royal Rumble
Special Interest 24.04.2009
64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055104
Yokohama F. Marinos
Year DVD 2008-2009
Special Interest 08.05.2009
67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055045
Yomigaeru Skyline
Special Interest 05.06.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055117
Special Interest 13.05.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054772
TV Program
New Japan ProWrestling: Shin Sedai
Rivalden (DD)
Babylon 5 Season 1 Set
1 (1994 / DD 5.1)
Special Interest 22.05.2009
TV Program 01.04.2009
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 51
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054889
Babylon 5 Season 1 Set
2 (1994 / DD 5.1)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054890
Babylon 5 Season 2 Set
1 (1995 / DD 5.1)
ER Season 11: Set 1
ER: 7th Season Vols.1-3
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054775
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054791
Friends 6th Season
ER Season 12: Set 1
ER: 7th Season Vols.4-6
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054907
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054895
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054792
ER Season 12: Set 2
ER: 8th Season Vols.1-3
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054891
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054896
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054793
Babylon 5 Season 2 Set
2 (1995 / DD 5.1)
ER Season XIII:
Collector’s Box (2006 /
ER: 8th Season Vols.4-6
TV Program 13.05.2009
236,90 EUR BestellNr.:
ER: 9th Season Vols.1-3
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054892
Babylon 5 Season 3 Set
1 (1996 / DD 5.1)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054893
Babylon 5 Season 3 Set
2 (1996 / DD 5.1)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054894
Bones Season 3 DVD
Collector’s Box (2008)
TV Program 17.04.2009
202,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Closer First Season
Set 1 (2005 / DD)
ER: 10th Season Vols.1-3
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054777
ER: 10th Season Vols.4-6
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054778
ER: 1st Season Vols.1-4
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054779
ER: 1st Season Vols.5-7
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054780
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054794
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054795
ER: 9th Season Vols.4-6
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054796
Friends 1st Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054897
Friends 1st Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054898
Friends 6th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054908
Friends 7th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054909
Friends 7th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054910
Friends 8th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054911
Friends 8th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054912
Friends 9th Season
ER: 2nd Season Vols.1-3
Friends 2nd Season
TV Program 13.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054809
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054781
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054899
The Closer First Season
Set 2 (2005 / DD)
ER: 2nd Season Vols.4-6
Friends 2nd Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054914
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054900
Friends: The Final Set 1
TV Program 13.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054810
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054782
ER: 3rd Season Vols.1-3
The Closer Second
Season Set 1 (2006 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054783
Friends 3rd Season
TV Program 13.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054811
ER: 3rd Season Vols.4-6
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054901
The Closer Second
Season Set 2 (2006 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054784
ER: 4th Season Vols.1-3
Friends 3rd Season
TV Program 13.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054812
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054785
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054902
Condor Man Vol. 2
ER: 4th Season Vols.4-6
TV Program 21.05.2009
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054786
Friends 4th Season
The Diary Of Ellen
Rimbauer (2003)
TV Program 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054950
Engine Sentai Go-Onger
Vol. 10 (2008)
TV Program 21.05.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055047
ER Seaon 11: Set 2
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054774
ER: 5th Season Vols.1-3
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054903
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054787
Friends 4th Season
ER: 5th Season Vols.4-6
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054904
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054788
ER: 6th Season Vols.1-3
Friends 5th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054789
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054905
ER: 6th Season Vols.4-6
Friends 5th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054790
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054906
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054913
Friends 9th Season
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054915
Friends: The Final Set 2
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054916
Full House Season 1 Set
1 (1987 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054917
Full House Season 1 Set
2 (1988 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054918
Full House Season 2 Set
1 (1988 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054919
Full House Season 2 Set
2 (1989 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054920
Full House Season 3 Set
1 (1989 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
Seite 52
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Seite 53
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054921
Full House Season 3 Set
2 (1989 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054799
Joey: First Set 2 (2005)
Set 2 (2003)
2nd Season (2000)
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054943
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054815
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054922
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054800
Nip/Tuck Third Season
Set 1 (2005)
The Sopranos: Complete
3rd Season (2001)
Full House Season 4 Set
1 (1990 / DD)
Joey: Second Set 1
TV Program 13.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054803
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054816
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054923
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054801
Nip/Tuck Third Season
Set 2 (2005)
The Sopranos: Complete
4th Season (2002)
Full House Season 4 Set
2 (1991 / DD)
Joey: Second Set 2
TV Program 13.05.2009
82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054804
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054817
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054924
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054802
The O.C. 1st Season Set
The Sopranos: Complete
5th Season (2002)
Full House Season 5 Set
1 (1991 / DD)
Lois & Clark 1st: Set 1
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054813
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054818
The Sopranos: Season 1
Set 1 (1999)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054934
Lois & Clark 1st: Set 2
The O.C. 1st Season
Full House Season 5 Set
2 (1991 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054935
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054814
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054819
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054926
Lois & Clark 2nd: Set 1
Primeval Season 1 DVDBox (2007 / DD)
The Sopranos: Season 1
Set 2 (1999)
Lois & Clark 2nd: Set 2
TV Program 24.04.2009
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054820
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054937
Rose Red (2002 / DD)
Lois & Clark 3rd: Set 1
TV Program 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054944
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054807
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054925
Full House Season 6 Set
1 (1991 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054927
Full House Season 6 Set
2 (1993 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054928
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054936
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054938
Lois & Clark 3rd: Set 2
Full House Season 7 Set
1 (1993 / DD)
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054939
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054929
Masked Rider Decade
Vol. 1 (2009)
Full House Season 7 Set
2 (1993 / DD)
TV Program 21.05.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055048
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054930
Masked Rider Kiva Vol.
10 (2008)
Full House Season 8 Set
1 (1993 / DD)
TV Program 21.05.2009
94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055049
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054931
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
Vol. 5 (1994)
Full House Season 8 Set
2 (1993 / DD)
TV Program 21.05.2009
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054932
Growing Pains: FirstSet 1
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054797
Growing Pains: FirstSet 2
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054798
Nip/Tuck First Season
Set 1 (2003)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054940
Salem’s Lot (2004 / DD
TV Program 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054945
Samurai Sentai
Shinkenger Vol. 1
TV Program 21.05.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055051
The Shining (1997)
TV Program 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054951
Supernatural 1st: Set 2
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054808
Tomica Hero Rescue
Force Vol. 10
TV Program 25.04.2009
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055052
The West Wing 1st
Season: Set 1
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054821
Smallville 1st: Set 1
The West Wing 1st
Season: Set 2
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054805
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054822
Smallville 1st: Set 2
The West Wing 2nd
Season: Set 1
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054806
Smallville 2nd: Set 1
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054823
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054946
The West Wing 2nd
Season: Set 2
Smallville 2nd: Set 2
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054824
Nip/Tuck First Season
Set 2 (2003)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054947
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054941
Smallville 3rd: Set 1
The West Wing 3rd
Season: Set 1
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054948
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054825
Smallville 3rd: Set 2
The West Wing 3rd
Season: Set 2
It (1990)
Nip/Tuck Second Season
Set 1 (2003)
TV Program 22.04.2009
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054933
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054942
TV Program 13.05.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054949
Joey: First Set 1 (2005)
Nip/Tuck Second Season
The Sopranos: Complete
Supernatural 1st: Set 1
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054826
Seite 54
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
März 2009
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
The West Wing 4th
Season: Set 1
What I Like About You:
Season 1 Set 2
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054827
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054830
The West Wing 4th
Season: Set 2
Without A Trace Season
1 Set 1 (2002 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054828
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054831
What I Like About You:
Season 1 Set 1
Without A Trace Season
1 Set 2 (2002 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054829
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054832
Without A Trace Season
2 Set 1 (2003 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054833
Without A Trace Season
2nd Set 2 (2004 / DD)
TV Program 01.04.2009
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50054834
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (BadenWürttemberg) bleibt unser
Verkauf geschlossen.
Newsletter 05/09 (Nr. 247)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe:
Anna Rudschies
© (2009) by
** Preisangabe in EURO gilt
nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis
sowie alle anfallenden
Importkosten inkl. unserer
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol
sind Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
Der NEWSLETTER ist die
offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE.
Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen
kein Verkaufsangebot dar,
sondern dienen nur zur
Dolby Merchandise
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 55