Literaturliste als PDF-Datei - S+K Verlag für Notfallmedizin
Literaturliste als PDF-Datei - S+K Verlag für Notfallmedizin
RETTUNG/SANITÄT Psychopathologische Konsequenzen nach den Anschlägen in Madrid: Auswirkungen traumatischer Ereignisse auf das RD-Personal H. González Ordi, J.J. Miguel-Tobal, A. Cano Vindel, I. Iruarrizaga Literatur: 1. American Psychiatric Association (2000) Diagnostic and Stati- 11.Norris FH, Friedman MJ und Watson PJ (2002) 60.000 disaster stical Manual of Mental Disorders. DSM-IV-TR. Washington DC victims speak: Part II. Summary and implications of the disaster 2. Bramsen I, Dirkzwager AJE und van der Ploeg HM (2000) Pre- 12.Norris FH, Friedman MJ und Watson PJ, Byme CM, Diaz E. dictors of postraumatic stress symptoms: A prospective study of und Kaniasty K (2002) 60.000 disaster victims speak: Part I. former peacekeepers. In: Am J Psychiatry, 157: 1115-1119 An empirical review of the empirical literature. 1981-2001. In: 3. Epstein RS, Fullerton CS und Ursano RJ (1998) Postraumatic stress disorder following an air disaster: a prospective study. In: Am J Psychiatry, 155: 934-938 4. Friedman MJ, Warfe PG und Mwiti GK (2003) UN Peace-kee- y resultados en la población general. In: Ansiedad y Estrés 10 (2-3) B und Frey-Wouters E (Hrsg.) Trauma interventions in war and 14.Schnurr PP und Vielhauer MJ (1999) Personality as a risk fac- peace. Prevention, practice and policy. Kluwer Academic/Ple- tor for PTSD. In: Yehuda R (Hrsg.) Risk factors for postraumatic Psychological responses of rescue workers: firefighters and trauma. In: Am J Orthopsychiatry. 62: 371-378 28a IM EINSATZ stress disorder American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC. S. 191-222 15.Ursano RJ und Fullerton CS (1990) Cognitive and behavioral responses to trauma. In: J Appl Soc Psychol. 20: 1766-1775 6. Galea S, Ahern J, Resnick H, Kilpatrick 0, Bucuvalas M, Gold J 16.Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS und Norwood AE (Hrsg.) (2003) Ter- und Vlahov D (2002) Psychological sequelae of the September rorism and disaster. Individual and community mental health 11 terrorist attacks in New York City. In: N Engl J Med. 346: 982-987 7. Galea S, Nandi A und Vlahov D (in Druck) The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder after disasters. Epidemiol Rev 8. Green BL (2003) Traumatic stress and its consequences. In: interventions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 17.Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS und Kao TC (1995) Longitudinal assessment of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression following exposure to traumatic death. In: J of Nerv Ment Dis. 183: 36-43 18.Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS, Vance K und Kao TC (1999). Posttrau- Green BL, Friedman MJ, de Jong JTYM, Solomon SO, Keane matic stress disorder and identification in disaster workers. In: TM, Fairbank JA, Donelan B und Frey-Wouters E (Hrsg.) Trauma Am J Psychiatry. 156: 353-359 interventions in war and peace. Prevention, practice and policy. 19.Ursano RJ, McCaughey BG und Fullerton CS (Hrsg.) (1994) Indi- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, New York, S. 323-348 vidual and community responses to trauma and disaster: The 9. Jonsson A und Segesten K (2003) The meaning of traumatic structure of human chaos. Cambridge: Cambridge University events as described by nurses in ambulance service. In: Accid Emerg Nurs. 11: 141-152 Ursula Hoppe Übersetzung und Galea S. (2004) Consecuencias psicológicas de los atentados del 11-M en Madrid. Planteamiento general de los estudios pers and civilian field personnel. In: Green BL, Friedman MJ, num Publisher, New York, S. 323-348 Co-Autoren: J.J. Miguel-Tobal A. Cano Vindel I. Iruarrizaga Psychiatry 65: 207-239 13.Miguel-Tobal JJ, Cano Vindel A, lruarrizaga I, González Ordi H de Jong JTVM, Solomon SO, Keane TM, Fairbank JA, Donelan 5. Fullerton CS, McCarroll JE, Ursano RJ und Wright KM (1992) Dr. Héctor González Ordi Facultad de Psicología Universidad Complutense de Madrid 28223 Madrid mental health research. In: Psychiatry 65: 240-260 deployment personality traits and exposure to trauma as pre- Press 20.Young BH, Ford JD, Ruzek JI, Friedman MJ, Gusman FD (1998) 10.Norris FH (1992) Epidemiology of trauma: Frequency and impact Disaster mental health services: A guidebook tor clinicians and of different potentially traumatic events on different demogra- administrators. Palo Alto, CA: Department of Veterans Affairs. phic groups. In: J Consult Clin Psychol. 60: 409-418 National Center for PTSD 12. Jahrgang · Dezember 2005 · 304a