Wholesale Price List
Wholesale Price List
DOUG YOUNG NURSERY Wholesale Price List 2015 dyn "The Liriope Place" The Young Family Nurseries A Family Tradition Since 1942 www.dougyoungnursery.com Forest Hill, Louisiana In Loving Memory Douglas R. Young (1942-2009) Founder "the man with the big heart" - Clyde C. Holloway Lifelong Friend and Fellow Nurseryman Wholesale Price List 2015 www.dougyoungnursery.com dyn Doug Young Nursery, LLC Nursery Manager's Office 29 Roberts Rd. Forest Hill, LA 71430 Phone (318)748-6787 | Fax (318)748-6788 info@dougyoungnursery.com Bobby Young office(318)748-8219, cell(318)446-0068 Owner/General Manager lsugrapehead@aol.com Steve Edwards Assistant Manager (318)613-5501 fax (318)748-8208 Joan Ingo joan@dougyoungnursery.com Wholesale Sales (318)664-6525 fax (318)748-8213 Jennifer Whittington jennifer@younghollownursery.com Wholesale Sales (318)664-6807 fax (318)748-6788 Wally Valle Field Foreman (318)664-6076 fax (318)748-6788 Vicki Fralick vfralick@yahoo.com Retail Manager, Perennial Grower (318)715-3237 fax (318)748-8218 Corporate Business Office 61 9th St. P. O. Box 39 Forest Hill, LA 71430 Phone (318)748-8205 | Fax (318)748-8208 Doug Young Nursery, LLC The Liriope Factory, Inc. Young Hollow Nursery, Inc. Rio Verde Nursery, LLC The Gardener's Shop Samiam Land Co, LLC Mariana Cazares (318)748-8205 Receivables mariana@dougyoungnursery.com Mary Jones (318)748-8214 Bookkeeper mary@dougyoungnursery.com 1 The Young Family Nurseries Since 1942 Doug Young Nursery, LLC 29 Roberts Rd. P.O. Box 39 Forest Hill, LA 71430 Phone (318)748-6787 Fax (318)748-6788 info@dougyoungnursery.com www.dougyoungnursery.com Bobby Young, Owner lsugrapehead@aol.com Samantha Young, Owner samiam405@aol.com Marcia Young, Owner Joan Ingo, Sales (318)664-6525 joan@dougyoungnursery.com Jennifer Whittington, Sales (318)664-6807 jennifer@younghollownursery.com Larger Container Trees/Shrubs 4202 Hwy 112 Forest Hill, LA 71430 Young Hollow Nursery, LLC 60 Tom Gunter Road P.O. Box 321 Forest Hill, LA 71430 Phone (318)748-6807 Fax (318)748-6502 info@younghollownursery.com www.younghollownursery.com Samantha Young, Owner samiam405@aol.com Marcia Young, Owner Bobby Young, Owner lsugrapehead@aol.com Nick Magnano, Sales Mgr. (318)748-8207 nick@younghollownursery.com The Liriope Factory, Inc 1580 Evangeline Rd. Glenmora, LA 71433 P.O. Box 39 Forest Hill, LA 71430 Phone (318)748-8870 Fax (318)748-8875 www.liriopefactory.com Manfred Robert, Sales (318)446-1329 mrobert@liriopefactory.com 888-625-9411 Rio Verde Nursery, LLC 2246 East River Rd. Oakdale, LA 71436 P.O. Box 39 Forest Hill, LA 71430 Phone (318)748-7905 Fax (318)748-7906 www.rioverdenursery.com Myra Maloney, Sales (318)748-7905 myram@rioverdenursery.com Rolando Serrato, Mgr. Forest Hill Nursery Farm, Inc Retired (1963-2012) Robert Young Nursery Retired (1942-2002) LIRIOPE AND TRADITIONAL GROUNDCOVERS ACORUS GRAMINEUS Variegated 4"-.65 1 gal.-1.75 ARDISIA JAPONICA 4"-.75 Green and Variegated 1 gal.-2.25 3 gal.-5.50 ASPIDISTRA ELATIOR Cast Iron 3 gal.-7.00 1 gal.-2.25 BAMBOO, Bambusa Vulagris Semi-dwarf 7 gal.-14.00 3 gal.-7.50 10 gal.-30.00 CAREX MORROWII 'Evergold' 4"-1.00 1 gal.-3.25 CAROLINA JESSAMINE Gelsemium Sempervirens 3 gal. staked-9.00 CROSS VINE Bignonia Capreolata 3 gal. staked-9.00 DAYLILY, Hemerocallis Fulva Aztec Gold (Gold) Eenie Weenie (Yellow) Double Cutie (Gold) Happy Returns (Yellow) Landscape Supreme Little Business (Red) Little Wart (Lavender) Stella D'Ora (Gold) Joan Senor (White) 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-5.00 EUONYMUS FORTUNEI 'Colorata' *4"-.50 1 gal.-1.75 *Great regular price, no discounts FERN 1 gal.-3.25 Cinnamon, Camunda cinnamonea East Indian Holly, Arachnoides simplicior Maidenhair, Adiantum pendatum, Southern & Rosy Remote Woods, Dryopteris remota dyn 3 LIRIOPE AND TRADITIONAL GROUNDCOVERS FERN, continued 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 Arborvitae, Selaginella braunii Australian Sword, Nephrolepsis obliterata Autumn, Dryopteris erythrosora Bird's Nest, Asplenium nidus 'Aves' Champion Wood Christmas Foxtail Holly, Cytomium falcatum Horsetail, Equisetum falcatum Japanese Painted Leatherleaf, Rumohra adiantiform 'Iberia' Southern River Southern Shield Tassel, Polystichum polyblepharum Woodsia FERN Boston, Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis' Macho, Nephrolepsis falcata Peacock Rabbits Foot Sprengeri Asparagus Staghorn 10" basket-10.00 16" basket-28.00 10" basket-12.00 16" fiber basket-30.00 10" basket-10.00 1 gal.-5.00 10" bsk-14.00 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 10" basket-10.00 10" basket-18.00 GINGER LILY, Hedychium coronarium Dwarf Shell, Alpinea zerumbet 1 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-10.00 Variegated 1 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-10.00 Butterfly, H. coronarium 1 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-10.00 Pineapple, Curcuma petiolata 3 gal.-10.00 Tricolor 1 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-10.00 HONEYSUCKLE3 gal.-7.00 Fragrant Green and Purple, Lonicera japonica Trumpet, L. sempervirens Winter, L. fragrantissima HOSTA SPECIES August Moon Fire & Ice Francee Inniswood Hyacinthus 1 gal.-5.00 Krossa Regal Praying Hands Royal Standard Sum & Substance dyn 4 LIRIOPE AND TRADITIONAL GROUNDCOVERS HYPERICUM CALYCINUM, ST. JOHN'S WORT IRIS African Bicolor Bearded (White) Butterfly, African (White) Japanese, I. japonica Louisiana (Blue, Yellow, White) Siberian, I. sibirica Walking Yellow Flag, I. pseudacorus Variegated Japanese 1 gal.-3.50 1 gal.-5.00 1 gal.-3.50 1 gal.-6.00 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-3.50 1 gal.-5.00 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-6.00 IVY Boston, Parthenocissus tricuspidata English, Hedera helix4"-.65 Fig,Creeping, Ficus pumila Turkey, Lysimachia nummularia (aka Creeping Jenny) 3 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-10.00 3 gal.-10.00 3 gal.-8.00 1 gal.-3.00 1 gal.-3.00 1 gal.-3.25 JASMINE Asian, Trachelospermum asiaticum *4"-.40 *no discounts1 gal.-1.25 Carolina 3 gal.-9.00 Confederate, T. jasmonoides 3 gal.stk.-9.00 Florida 3 gal.-5.50 Primrose, Jasminum mesnyi 3 gal.-5.50 Var. Asian, T. asiaticum 'Variegatum' 4"-.55 1 gal.-1.60 dyn 5 LIRIOPE AND TRADITIONAL GROUNDCOVERS LIRIOPE AND OPHIOPOGANS Aztec 4"-.651 gal.-1.60 Big Blue 4".651 gal.-1.85 Black Mondo1 qt.-5.00 Christmas Tree1 gal.-2.25 Densifolia1 gal.-1.75 Evergreen Giant 1 gal.-2.25 Gold Band1 gal.-2.25 John Birch 4"-.751 gal.-2.25 Mini Mondo 2 1/4"-.404"-.60 Mondo 4"-.55 1 gal.-1.50 Monroe White 4"-.1.00 1 gal.-2.25 Muscari 4"-.55 1 gal.-1.50 Royal Purple 4"-.75 1 gal.-1.75 Samantha 1 gal.-1.75 Silvery Dragon 4"-.1.00 1 gal.-2.25 Silvery Midget 1 gal.-2.25 Silvery Sunproof 4"-.65 1 gal.-1.75 Spicata 4"-.55 1 gal.-1.50 Super Big Blue 1 gal.-2.25 Variegated Liriope 4"-.65 1qt.-1.10 Var. Mondo, Silver Mist 4"-1.00 1 gal.-2.25 Webster Wideleaf 4".65 1 gal.-1.75 * 3 gal.-6.50 3 gal.-6.50 1 gal.-1.60 3 gal.-6.50 1 gal.-1.60 a company, produces over 20 million divisions of Liriope annually. PHLOX Garden, P. paniculata 1 gal.-3.50 Thrift, P. subulata 1 gal.-2.50 Louisiana 1 gal.-2.50 dyn 6 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL ABELIA X GRANDIFLORA Edward Goucher, Glossy, Golden, Rose Creek, Sherwood 3 gal.-5.50 ALMOND FLOWERING Prunus glandulosa 3 gal.-6.00 ALTHEA, Hibiscus Syriacus 1 gal.-2.50 5 gal.-8.00 ANISE, FLORIDA 3 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-6.00 ASH, GREEN, Fraxinus pennsylvanica 15 gal.-50.00 Arizona Ash 30 gal.-100.00 7 gal.-14.00 7 gal.-14.00 AUCUBA JAPONICA, Gold Dust 3 gal.-8.00 7 gal.-18.00 AZALEA, Rhododendron indicum1 gal.-2.50 3 gal.-5.50 7 gal.-14.00 10 gal.-30.00 Christmas Cheer G. G. Gerbing Pink Ruffles Conversation Piece Gumpo, Pink Pride of Mobile Coral Bells Hardy Gardenia Red Ruffles Fashion Hino Crimson Snow Formosa, Lavender Hino Degari Sunglow Formosa, Pink Macrantha, Orange Wakebisu Formosa, Red Macrantha, Pink Watchet George Tabor BARBERRY, Berberis thunbergii3 gal.-5.50 Crimson Pygmy BIRCH, RIVER, Betula nigra 3 gal.-9.00 15 gal.-50.00 5 gal.-10.00 30 gal.-100.00 BOTTLEBRUSH Common, Callistemon rigidus, C. citrinus 3 gal.-5.50 10 gal.-30.00 Hannah Ray, Weeping-Standard 5 gal.-$50.00 7 gal.-75.00 15 gal.-125.00 Better John 3 gal.-10.00 Green John 3 gal.-10.00 Little John 3 gal.-8.00 7 gal.-14.00 dyn 7 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL BOXWOOD 3 gal.-5.50 Japanese, Winter Gem, Winter Green BUCKEYE, RED 7 gal.-14.00 3 gal.-9.00 CAMELLIA C. japonica3 gal.-18.00 7 gal.-35.00 15 gal.-55.00 C. sasanqua, 1 gal.-2.50 3 gal.-12.00 Assorted and Shi Shi Gashira Sasanqua 7 gal.-25.00 15 gal.-45.00 CHERRY Prunus serrulata 'Kwansan' P. x yedoensis 'Yoshino' O'Kome Weeping Pink Weeping White 7 gal.-35.00 7 gal.-35.00 7 gal.-35.00 7 gal.-75.00 7 gal.-75.00 15 gal.-55.00 15 gal.-55.00 15 gal.-55.00 15 gal.-125.00 15 gal.-125.00 CLEYERA JAPONICA 3 gal.-5.507 gal.-14.00 Ternstroemia gymnanthera 15 gal.-45.00 COTONEASTER HORIZONTALIS, Low Fast 3 gal.-5.50 CHINESE PARASOL 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 CRAB APPLE, Malus species Robinson Red, Profusion, Prairie Fire 15 gal.-55.00 CREPE MYRTLE 3 gal.-9.00 5 gal.-10.00 Lagerstroemia Indica 7 gal.-14.00 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 CRYPTOMERIA Japanese Cedar Dwarf Global Jap Cedar 15 gal.-50.00 10 gal.-40.00 CYPRESS Bald (Pond Cypress), Taxodium distichum3 gal.-9.00 15 gal.-50.00 Leyland, Cupressocyparis leylandii 3 gal.-9.00 5 gal.-10.00 30 gal.-100.00 5 gal.-10.00 15 gal.-50.00 dyn 8 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL DOGWOOD, Cornus Florida Grafted Pink, Red, and White 5 gal.-30.00 15 gal.-50.00 ELEAGNUS X EBBINGIE 1 gal.-2.50 7 gal.-14.00 3 gal.-5.50 15 gal.-45.00 ELM, CEDAR 5 gal.-10.00 30 gal.-100.00 EUCALYPTUS 3 gal.-9.00 15 gal.-50.00 5 gal.-25.00 EUONYMUS, Also See Groundcovers E. kiautschovica 'Manhattan' FATSIA JAPONICA FORSYTHIA X INTERMEDIA 3 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-7.50 3 gal.-5.50 GARDENIA JASMINOIDES August Beauty, Dwarf Radicans, Frost Proof , Mystery GINKGO BILOBA 5 gal.-20.00 GRANCY GREYBEARD, Fringe Tree 5 gal.-20.00 Chionanthus virginicus 3 gal.-5.50 15 gal.-55.00 30 gal.-110.00 15 gal.-55.00 30 gal.-110.00 GRASS, ORNAMENTAL 1 gal.-2.50 3 gal.-5.50 Black Moudry Blue Fescue Reg. Miscanthus/Maiden Grass Cassin Var. Miscanthus Cortaderia 'Dwarf Pampass' Mexican Feather Grass Karl Forester P. 'Hameln' Juncus P. 'Little Bunny' Little Kitten Strictus 'Zebra' Dwarf Maiden, Miscanthus 'Adajio' Pampass 3 gal.-5.50 7 gal.-14.00 Fireworks 1 gal.-7.00 3 gal.12.00 P. 'Purple Fountain'1 gal.-4.00 3 gal.-8.00 dyn 9 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL HAWTHORN, Indian 3 gal.-5.50 Raphiolepsis indica, 'Clara' 7 gal.-14.00 HOLLY, Ilex spp. Weeping Yaupon, I. vomitoria 'Pendula' 10 gal.-30.00 Oakleaf *patented 3 gal.-10.00 7 gal.- 20.00 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 3 gal.-5.50 7 gal.-14.00 15 gal.-45.00 30 gal.-90.00 Burford, Dwarf, I. cornuta 'Nana' Mary Nell, I. meserveae Caressa, I. cornuta Needlepoint, I. cornuta Compacta, I. crerata Nellie R. Stevens I. cornuta Fosteri, I. x attenuata Savannah, I. x attenuata Green Luster, I. latifolia Sky Pencil, I. crerata East Palatkal, I. x. attenuata Dwarf Yaupon, I. vomitoria 'Nana' Helleri I. crenata Yaupon, I. vomitoria HYDRANGEA3 gal.-6.00 Garden, H. macrophylla Penny Mac Lacecap, H. macrophylla Variegated, H.m. tricolor Hybrid Varieties Oakleaf 3 gal.-15.00 7 gal.-25.00 3 gal.-10.00 Annabell Fire and Ice Blue Wave Masja Bombshell Nikko (Blue) Early Sensation Wedding Gown 3 gal.-15.00 Incrediball Dwf. Oakleaf (Pee Wee) L.A. Dreamin Pinky Winky Limelight Tardiva Little Lime JAPANESE YEW3 gal.-6.00 Podocarpus macrophyllus (Common) 7 gal.-14.00 10 gal.-30.00 15 gal.-45.00 JAPANESE BLUEBERRY 3 gal.-15.00 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 dyn 10 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL JUNIPER 1 gal.-2.50 3 gal.-5.50 Youngstown, Andorra compacta Golden Globe Bar Harbor, Juniperus horizontalis Grey Owl Blue Pacific Nick's Compacta Blue Point Old Gold Blue Rug, J. horizontalis Parsoni, J. prostrata Green Mound, J. horizontalis 'Procumbens' Sea Green LOROPETALUM CHINESE, Witch Hazel 3 gal.-5.50 Burgundy 7 gal.-14.00 10 gal.-30.00 MAGNOLIA D. D. Blanchard 5 gal.-25.00 Little Gem, M. grandiflora 5 gal.-25.00 Oriental, M. soulangiana, Ann 5 gal.-15.00 Southern, M. grandiflora 5 gal.-15.00 Sweet Bay, M. virginiana "Australis" 5 gal.-15.00 MAGNOLIA FUSCATA, Michalia figo, Banana Shrub 7 gal.-20.00 15 gal.-55.00 30 gal.-100.00 15 gal.-55.00 30 gal.-100.00 15 gal.-45.00 30 gal.-90.00 15 gal.-45.00 30 gal.-90.00 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 3 gal.-10.00 10 gal.-30.00 MAHONIA, M. bealei and M. fortunei 3 gal.-9.00 MAPLE, hybrids 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 Autumn Blaze October Glory Sun Valley Autumn Flame Red Sunset Red Swamp 5 gal.-10.00 Silver 15 gal.-50.00 Southern Sugar , Common 15 gal.-50.00 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 30 gal.-100.00 30 gal.-100.00 MAPLE,JAPANESE RED Acer palmatum Atropupurea "Seedling" Hybrid Varieties 5 gal.-60.00 15 gal.-200.00 7 gal.-100.00 30 gal.-300.00 dyn 11 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL MIMOSA, Green Summer Chocolate 5 gal.-40.00 15 gal.-50.00 7 gal.-60.00 MOCK ORANGE, Philadelphus coronarius 3 gal.-6.50 MULBERRY, French, Callicarpa americana Weeping 3 gal.-6.50 30 gal.-135.00 NANDINA Compacta Firepower Gulfstream Harbor Bell 3 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-5.50 3 gal.-7.00 3 gal.-7.00 OAK 5 gal.-10.00 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 BiColor Swamp White Nuttall Swamp Chestnut Burr Overcup Water Live Shumard White Mexican White Southern Red Willow *More Varieties on Request OLEANDER, Nerium oleander 3 gal.-10.00 7 gal.-18.00 15 gal.-45.00 Dwarf Salmon RedWhite PALM Cardboard 3 gal.-20.00 7 gal.-40.00 Coco 15 gal.-60.00 30 gal.-150.00 Sago, Cycas revolulta 1 gal.-6.50 5 gal.-18.00 7 gal.-36.00 15 gal.-55.00 30 gal.-110.00 50 gal.-185.00 100 gal.-300.00 Windmill, Trachycarpus fortunei 5 gal.-20.00 15 gal.-55.00 30 gal.-110.00 *Larger sizes on request PEACH Dwarf Bonfire Patio Crimson Cascade dyn 10 gal.-35.00 15 gal.-55.00 12 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL PEAR 15 gal.-50.00 Bradford, Pyrus calleryana and Cleveland 30 gal.-100.00 PHOTINIA, RED TIP, Photinia fraseri 3 gal.-7.50 7 gal.-18.00 15 gal.-45.00 PINEAPPLE GUAVA, Feijoa sellowinana 5 gal.-9.00 15 gal.-45.00 3 gal.-8.00 7 gal.-18.00 PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA 3 gal.-8.00 Wheeler's Dwarf Variegated Dwarf Variegated PUSSY WILLOW, Salix discolar 3 gal.-8.00 QUINCE, FLOWERING, Chaenomeies speciosa RED BUD, Cercis chinensis Eastern 15 gal.-50.00 Forest Pansy 7 gal.-35.00 15 gal.-60.00 ROSE Lady Banksia, Rosa banksiae (yellow) Lady Banksia Alba Plena (white) R. x hybrida 'Knock Out' (Patented) 3 gal.-7.50 30 gal.-100.00 30 gal.-110.00 3 gal. staked-10.00 5 gal. staked-10.00 3 gal.-12.00 *no discounts 5 gal.-15.00 *no discounts 7 gal.-25.00 *no discounts Belinda's Dream 3 gal.-12.00 Drift Roses (Patented) 3 gal.-12.00 *no discounts Storybook 3 gal.-12.00 SPIREA 3 gal.-5.50 Anthony Waterer, Pink, Spiraea x bumaida Bridal Wreath, Double White, S. cantoniensis Golden 7 gal.-14.00 10 gal.-30.00 SWEET OLIVE, Osmanthus fragrans 7 gal.-18.00 15 gal.-45.00 3 gal.-6.50 10 gal.-30.00 30 gal.-90.00 dyn 13 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL SWEET SHRUB, Calycanthus floridus 7 gal.-18.00 TULIP POPLAR, Liriodendron tulipifera 5 gal.-10.00 15 gal.-50.00 30 gal.-100.00 VIBURNUM 3 gal.-5.50 7 gal.-14.00 15 gal.-45.00 Chindo V. macrophyllum japonica Sweet, V. odoratissimum Suspensum VITEX, Agnus-castus, Blue Shoal Creek - Lavendar 3 gal.-8.00 15 gal.-45.00 15 gal.-45.00 7 gal.-14.00 30 gal.-100.00 WAX LEAF LIGUSTRUM, Ligustrum japonicum Green 3 gal.-5.00 15 gal.-50.00 10 gal.-30.00 30 gal.-100.00 WAX MYRTLE, Myrica cerifera Dwarf (Don's Dwarf) 3 gal.-8.00 3 gal.-10.00 WEIGELA FLORIDA Common and Variegated WILLOW, Weeping, Salix babylonica 3 gal.-9.00 Salix integ. "Flamingo", patented Corkscrew 3 gal.-5.50 WISTERIA SINENSIS Purple Evergreen 5 gal. staked-9.00 5 gal. staked-12.50 YUCCA FILAMENTOSA Green, Variegated, Red Color Guard dyn 15 gal.-50.00 15 gal.-55.00 15 gal.-50.00 5 gal.-10.00 3 gal.-10.00 14 SEASONAL COLOR AND TROPICALS PERENNIALS 1 gal.-3.25 Gaillardia Salvia - Greggi Red Artemisia Katie Dwarf Ruellia Salvia - Greggi Pink Aster Mexican Firebush Salvia - Maynight Ballon Flower Monarda Salvia - Midnight Columbine-Aquilegia Moses in the boat Salvia - Leucantra Coneflower Oxalis Sedum - Autumn Joy Coreopsis Penta Society Garlic Daisy - Gerbera Persian shield Spider Lily Daisy - Shasta Pickeral Rush Texas Sage Daisy - Shrub Purple Heart Yarrow Delphinium Rudbeckia Foxglove, Camelot *Other Seasonal Perennials Available AIRPLANE PLANT Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' 10" Basket-8.00 16" Basket-28.00 AGAPANTHUS 1 gal.-4.00 3 gal.-8.00 Blue Peter Pan, Dwarf White Elaine (Purple) Queen Ann Storm Cloud 1 gal.-5.50 *no discounts ALLAMANDA CATHARTICA Yellow 1 gal.-4.00 3 gal.-8.00 ANGEL TRUMPET Assorted Color 3 gal.-12.00 7 gal.-25.00 ASTILBE SPECIES 1 gal.-4.00 BANANA Chiquita (Edible) Ensete 'Maurelli' 7 gal.-25.00 Dwarf Cavendish Fruiting, Common 5 gal.-10.00 15 gal.-55.00 Rojo Siam Beauty 5 gal.-10.00 Yellow Charisma, Musella lasiocarpa 5 gal.-10.00 15 gal.-55.00 5 gal.-10.00 30 gal.-90.00 15 gal.-55.00 15 gal.-55.00 7 gal.-35.00 dyn 15 SEASONAL COLOR AND TROPICALS BIRD OF PARADISE, Strelitzia reginal 3 gal.-14.00 7 gal.-25.00 BLEEDING HEART 1 gal.-5.00 3 gal.-10.00 14" Terra Cotta-35.00 BOLIVIAN JEW 10" Basket-8.00 BULBINE 1 gal.-3.25 BUTTERFLY BUSH, Buddleia davidii 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 7 gal.-25.00 Buddleia Bluechip 3 gal.-9.00 CALLA LILY, Zantedeschia aethiopica Common (White) 1 gal.-5.00 Hybrid (Colored) 1 gal.-6.00 CANNA LILY, Canna x generalis, common 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 Hybrid CASSIA (legume) 3 gal.-8.00 7 gal.-25.00 CLEMATIS VINE 1 gal.-12.00 COPPER PLANT 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 CORDYLINE 1 gal.-5.00 3 gal.-10.00 CRINUM SPECIES Swamp Lily 1 gal.-4.00 CYPERUS ALTERNIFOLIUS, Umbrella Plant1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 DIANELLIA 1 gal.-5.00 3 gal.10.00 DIANTHUS Amazon , Firewitch, Bath's Pink DURANTA PLUMIERI Golden 1 gal.-3.25 1 gal.-3.25 dyn 3 gal.-7.50 16 SEASONAL COLOR AND TROPICALS ELEPHANT EAR, Alocasia calidora 3 gal.-12.00 Black Magic, Black Sword, Green, Upright Giant 7 gal.-25.00 ESPERANZA 1 gal.-3.25 FICUS BENJAMINA 3 gal-8.00 FIRECRACKER PLANT 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 HEATHER, MEXICAN 7 gal.-25.00 15 gal.-45.00 3 gal.-7.50 1 gal.-2.50 HEUCHERA 1 gal.-5.00 HIBISCUS Red-Leaf, H. acetosella H. rosa-sinensis(Tropical) 1 gal.-3.50 Southern Bell, H.moscheutos(Hardy) Texas Star, Coccineus 3 gal.-7.50 3 gal.-7.50 3 gal.-7.50 3 gal.-7.50 3 gal.st-25.00 INDIGO, Indigofera kirilowii 1 gal.-3.25 IXORA COCCINEA 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 JACOBENIA 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 JATROPHA 3 gal.-10.00 3 gal.-8.00 LAMB'S EAR 1 gal.-3.25 LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS, Asst. Bandana Lantana LYSIMACHIA NUMMLARIA Creeping Jenny MANDEVILLA SPENDENS 1 gal.-2.50 1 gal.-3.25 10" Basket-8.00 1 gal.w/trellis-8.00 3 gal.w/trellis-14.00 dyn 17 SEASONAL COLOR AND TROPICALS MEXICAN BIRD OF PARADISE, Caesalpinia pulcherrima,Pride of Barbados 3 gal.-15.00 5 gal.-25.00 MEXICAN PETUNIA, Ruellia simplex 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 PASSION VINE, Passiflora incarnata Red, Purple 1 gal.-5.00 3 gal.-10.00 PHILODENRON P. selloum P. xanado 1 gal.-4.00 7 gal.-35.00 1 gal.-4.00 3 gal.-10.00 15 gal.-45.00 3 gal.-10.00 PLUMBAGO AURICULATA 1 gal.-3.25 3 gal.-8.00 ROSEMARY, Upright and Creeping 1 gal.3.25 3 gal.-7.50 RUSSIAN SAGE, Perovskia 1 gal.-3.25 SHRIMP PLANT 1 gal.-3.25 SWEDISH IVY, Plectranthus australia SWEET POTATO VINE 3 gal.-8.00 10" Basket - 8.00 16" Basket - 28.00 1 gal.-3.25 TURK'S CAP 1 gal.-3.25 VERBENA 1 gal.-3.25 WEDELIA 10" Basket - 8.00 3 gal.-7.50 1 gal.-3.25 YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW 1 gal.-3.25 Brunfelsia australis dyn 3 gal.-7.50 18 EDIBLES AVOCADO, Joey and Lila 3 gal.-45.00 CITRUS Grapefruit; Ruby Red Kumquat; Meiwa Lemon; Improved Meyer Lime; Key Orange; Blood, Louisiana Sweet, Naval Satsuma; Brown Select, O'wari 3 gal.-30.00 BANANA Fruiting 5 gal.-10.00 15 gal.-55.00 Grand Nain, Dwarf Yellow Charisma, Musella lasiocarpa 30 gal.-90.00 5 gal.-10.00 7 gal.-35.00 BLACKBERRY, THORNLESS Arapho and Navajo 3 gal.-20.00 BLUEBERRY Climax Premier Tiftblue 3 gal.-15.00 FIG LSU (Purple, Gold), Improved Celeste 3 gal.-20.00 LOQUAT, Eriobotrya japonica (Japanese Plum) 15 gal.-50.00 5 gal.-10.00 30 gal.-100.00 MAYHAW3 gal.-10.00 5 gal.-15.00 PERSIMMON 5 gal.-35.00 7 gal.-45.00 3 gal.-15.00 POMEGRANATE, WONDERFUL dyn 19 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION PRICE These prices are for the members of the wholesale trade only and are F.O.B. our nursery. Prices are subject to change without notice. In order to receive wholesale prices, be prepared to show nursery or lanscape license. MINIMUMS We have no specific minimum orders. However, freight charges can be unreasonable as orders become too small. SLEEVES Sleeves are charged to the customer at cost. TRUCKING We have our Trucking Company but consideration will be given to arranging for Contract Haulers if it will be more cost effective for the customer. All freight charges are due upon receipt. DISCOUNT POLICY A 5% discount is given upon request to those customers with an established CONDITIONS OF SALE All liability ceases after plants are loaded buying pattern at over $5,000 annually on your truck. We shall be glad to rectify with DYN, and a good account record. Discounts do not apply to specially any mistake made by us, but in no case will our liability be more than the purchase priced items and a few regularly priced price. No complaints considered after 10 items. A 10% discount is given to those days. There will be a 25% restocking fee customers with an established $50,000 on pulled orders. annual buying pattern with DYN and a satisfactory account record. Some SHIPPING & HANDLING CHARGES items are not discounted. Shipping & handling charges are $5.00 per box on orders requiring boxing. Unless otherwise arranged, all boxed orders CONTRACT GROWING Contract growing is available. For will be shipped UPS. more information please give us a call. UPS charges will be COD unless you have an account with UPS. OUR WEBSITE AND SOCIAL NETWORKING TERMS OF PAYMENT Visit www.dougyoungnursery.com for Our terms are cash upon pick-up or delivery. Once established with our busi- updates, pictures, and our price list. For updates, photos, and other info, ness, credit may be obtained. visit our Facebook Page. Credit terms are limited to net 30 days. A 1.5% per month interest rate is charged to all past due accounts. We have small quantities of some plants which are not listed. Give us a call. If it's grown in our trade area, we may be able to tell you where to find it. We specialize in Liriope. Again, this season, we have millions for market in many varieties. dyn 20 NOTES LIST EDIBLES dyn 21 Doug Young Nursery P O Box 39 Forest Hill, LA 71430
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Commercial/residential lot (TCT No. T-109144) with Poblacion, Pikit residential bldg. 440 Cor. Roxas-Antipas Highway and Commercial lot (TCT No. T-114387) Municipal Road, Brgy. Poblacion, President...
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