2012-13 Annual Report - Lighthouse of Oakland County


2012-13 Annual Report - Lighthouse of Oakland County
A Beacon of Hope.
Moving families and individuals
from crisis to self-sufficiency.
Annual Report
Lighthouse of Oakland County Annual Report
A Special Note from the CEO:
The Annual Report is a testament to the work made possible by you. In the following pages you
will see all our program and operational accomplishments detailed by the different areas of our
mission. I am honored to be a part of the successes of our staff, volunteers and clients.
More than 1,600 donors made gifts to Lighthouse of $100 or more from July 1, 2012 – June 30,
2013. Over 2,700 additional donors made smaller, equally important cash and in-kind gifts during
that same period. Annual donations enable us to carry out the daily operations that make up our
continuum of care, deliver innovative programming, and continue the legacy of moving people
from crisis to independence. Annual donors are among our most loyal and important contributors
and we are honored to personally acknowledge your support. Please accept our gratitude.
A complete donor listing is available in the “News & Media” section of our
website www.LighthouseOakland.org. Click 2012-13 Annual Report/Donors List.
Welcome to Lighthouse
Lighthouse of Oakland County, Inc. and its three program subsidiaries have been providing services to low-income families in
Oakland County since 1972. What began as an effort to provide food and clothing from the back door of a local church has grown
into a family of agencies providing a continuum of services designed to move people from crisis and instability to self-sufficiency
and independence. These crucial supports enable low-income families to overcome barriers, to access benefits and support, and to
gain the skills and knowledge they need to lift themselves up and out of poverty.
Included within this family of agencies are Lighthouse of Oakland County, Inc. (the parent corporation providing administrative
and fund raising services to all parts of Lighthouse) Lighthouse Emergency Services (the most comprehensive emergency
services center in Oakland County), Lighthouse PATH (the first and most successful transitional housing program in Oakland
County), and Lighthouse Community Development (a successful non-profit affordable housing corporation in Southeast
These agencies are supported by Lighthouse of Oakland County, which provides a wide array of services to each subsidiary
including accounting and finance, volunteer recruitment and coordination, an active development program (donor recruitment
and retention, coordination of appeals and special events, and public relations and agency communications), and general
administrative oversight. Lighthouse believes in people and their capacity to improve their lives. It empowers people to develop
their own potential and strengthen their communities by encouraging innovation and leadership, maximizing resources, and
promoting cooperation among all Lighthouse constituencies.
Lighthouse of Oakland County Annual Report
Overview & Impact
Lighthouse provides programs designed to assist the growing number of families in crisis in Oakland County to overcome barriers,
move from crisis and instability to self-sufficiency and financial independence, and to gain the skills and knowledge they need to
lift themselves up and out of poverty. Our focus is to help solve the issue of poverty – one household, one family, and one
individual at a time. Our clients come from all parts of Southeastern Michigan. Our dedicated staff and volunteers, along with the
support of generous donors, seek to create positive long-term outcomes for those we serve. Lighthouse of Oakland County has
locations in Pontiac and Clarkston, MI and during the 2012-2013 fiscal year served over 10,000 individuals.
Last year, Lighthouse served a substantial number of working families who live below the federal poverty level. One or both
parents work, but earned family income is insufficient to meet basic needs for housing, food, clothing, transportation, health care,
and childcare. For most, life is a constant struggle against water and electricity cut-offs, eviction from a home because rent is
unpaid, and threats to health and well-being. Major financial crises often grow out of events that are only small setbacks for
most, such as losing a couple of days of work because of a child’s illness or the cost of eye glasses or dental work not covered by
insurance. Lost earnings and unanticipated expenses force these families to make difficult choices about which bills to pay and
which essential purchases to make. Stress related illnesses, lead poisoning, domestic and criminal violence, inadequate access to
health care and other threats to health and well-being are ever-present.
The families we assist struggle along on earnings that put them above the federal poverty line but fall far short of providing even
a modest standard of living. Even though these families are not technically in poverty, work does not properly sustain them and
every day is inundated with the stress of economic insecurity. Since very few of these families have savings or assets they can
sell to carry them through economic challenges such as a layoff, an extended reduction in work hours, or an expensive family
emergency, vulnerability to falling below the poverty line is high.
For these working poor families, the workforce is not typically rewarding.
The jobs which these families rely on for income pay low wages, do not
provide health insurance and other benefits, do not offer opportunities to
learn new skills, and subject workers to frequent cutbacks in hours or
Paths to better jobs are a huge obstacle for these families. In Oakland
County, some of the barriers are logistical, such as no public transportation
to available good jobs. Some are financial, such as not having money to
pay for additional education or training or not having money for child care
during evening class hours. Some are embedded in the nature of our
region’s economy, slow job creation or availability. More often than not,
these barriers are too formidable for these families to overcome through
their own efforts…and that’s when Lighthouse is there to help.
Lighthouse of Oakland County Annual Report
Lighthouse Emergency Services
Given the recovering economic state of this region, many clients coming to Lighthouse are in need of emergency assistance for the
first time. Lighthouse Emergency Services (LES) responds to families and seniors who have an immediate need for food, housing
assistance, utility assistance, medical assistance, transportation, and assistance with a variety of other crisis situations. With a staff
of modest size and a large number of dedicated volunteers, LES helps prevent hunger and homelessness for thousands of Oakland
County families each year.
Resolving the crisis is just the first step. Our trained staff and volunteers help families identify the root cause of their crisis and
determine a plan to help overcome barriers to self-sufficiency.
2012-2013 Accomplishments
• LES gave 636 households a clean start with their utility bills through a grant from the Michigan Public Services Commission.
• People are hungry 365 days a year. LES provided 23,222 individuals with multiple-day groceries and provided 800 families with
food to prepare a Thanksgiving meal.
• Our volunteers provided meals, gift cards, warm clothing, home essentials, gas cards and toys to 1,250 individuals/households
who were adopted through the Holiday Program. They graciously delivered not only groceries, but thousands of hand-wrapped
smiles too.
• LES helped 104 households avoid homelessness with emergency housing assistance for first month’s rent or security deposits.
• Dedicated to self-sufficiency, LES worked to ensure that 125 seniors received the support necessary to remain independent,
in their own homes and connected to their communities.
Lighthouse Emergency Services tackles the tough problems that come with families in crisis. Our goal is to immediately resolve
the crisis to begin helping the family think long-term about their hopes and dreams.
Lighthouse of Oakland County Annual Report
Lighthouse PATH
Lighthouse PATH’s transitional housing program is designed to help homeless women with
children gain the skills and confidence needed to live safely and independently. Participants
may live at PATH for up to two years while they improve their education, get a job, or enroll
in a job training program. Supportive services include intensive case management, a
Montessori pre-school and kindergarten, an infant/ toddler center, individual and group
counseling, medical care, workforce development, and life skills classes.
Lighthouse PATH also offers permanent supportive housing for 10 chronically homeless
individuals and case management services for 28 individuals. For the past twenty-two
years, PATH has proudly served over 1,200 families. Of these families, 92% have successfully
completed our program to obtain permanent housing, becoming gainfully employed, and
lead productive and more secure lifestyles.
12-2013 Accomplishments
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Lighthouse Community Development
Lighthouse Community Development began as a housing development corporation in Unity Park, a Pontiac neighborhood,
rehabilitating existing homes, building new homes, and developing the Beacon 1 apartments and townhomes. Lighthouse
Community Development enhances and strengthens the viability of local communities, but we go beyond that in providing
clients with coaching, and budget planning. In a roughly 16-year span, Lighthouse has built, renovated and found owners for
about 80 homes in Unity Park, the neighborhood in Pontiac bordering our main headquarters. Over the past year Lighthouse
renovated and sold three homes, renovated and leased a duplex, preserved 12 units, and is in the process of building two new
homes to be ready for resale by December 2013. By the end of 2013 Lighthouse will own 11 homes and one duplex in Unity Park
that we will rent to families who desire a better future.
12-2013 Accomplishments
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Lighthouse of Oakland County Annual Report
Featured Programs
The LIFE Program is a nontraditional case management program in that families are self-directed and participate in peer groups
to resolve issues and deal with crisis situations. The program pays financial incentives to participating families as they take the
initiative in making the changes they identify as important in their lives. Over the past 12 months, 36 individuals participated in
the LIFE program and six individuals served as mentors. Of these individuals:
• 8 maintained employment; 4 received a promotion, with pay increase
• 10 began to pay down debt
• 6 individuals purchased vehicles
• 14 are enrolled in higher education
Center for Working Families
The Center for Working Families helps low and moderate income families reach
financial stability and move up the economic ladder. The program offers access to a
full range of essential economic supports in a convenient neighborhood location to
help families build self-sufficiency, stabilize their finances, and move ahead.
Currently the program serves 681 families who are seeking support to find career
track employment, to learn to better manage their personal finances and to gain
access to public benefits. The program has three components: Employment Training
and Coaching, Financial Education and One-on-One Coaching, and Benefits
2012-2013 Program Results
• 547 Individuals received Employment Counseling & Employment Services.
• Clients reported an increase in earnings: 101 and 54% of these who report an
increase in net income – for increased net income, this year’s figure represents a
31% increase over the previous year.
• Over the past year, 113 individuals secured employment.
• 113 new enrollees participated in Financial Counseling; of these, 68 individuals
reported having a higher credit score after at least six months.
Career Dress
Career Dress serves as a one-stop-shop to help women who are actively
pursuing employment. Experienced volunteers style and completely outfit
women with interview clothing, shoes, undergarments, accessories and a
matching hand bag. Once employment has been secured, Career Dress is able
to provide at least two additional complete work outfits.
On average, Career Dress helps 40 to 50 women a month feel confident when
they go on an interview. One of the very unique features of this program is that
is run solely by volunteers. Our volunteers not only make sure that our clients
look great; they also listen and help build the much needed self esteem that
empowers our clients to succeed.
Last year, Career Dress assisted 252 women and since its inception in 2003,
Career Dress has assisted 3,369 women to date.
Lighthouse of Oakland County Annual Report
Operating Revenues 2012-13
Operating Revenues 2012/13
Special Events
United Way
Donated Goods
Rental Income
Individuals &
United Way
Donated Goods
Rental Income
Investment Return
Program Revenue
Government Agencies
Miscellaneous Income
Special Events, net
Operating Expenses 2012-13
Operating Expenses 2012/13
Emergency Assistance
Community Development
Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2013
A complete donor listing is
available in the “News & Media” section of
our website www.LighthouseOakland.org
Other Assets
Land, Building & Equipment
Investment Held for Endowment
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Fund Balance
Total Liabilities & Fund Balance
Thanks to Our Volunteers
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead (1902-1978).
We must extend our appreciation and gratitude to the dedicated volunteers who give their time, talent and treasure to help Lighthouse fulfill its mission of service to others. Volunteers constitute the largest portion of resources necessary to meet the needs of
the families and individuals we serve at Lighthouse of Oakland County. Last year, more than 4,100 volunteers donated more than
40,000 hours of their time to Lighthouse. They came to us from many different organizations, large corporations, local businesses,
community groups, churches, schools and neighborhoods. Our volunteers come from all backgrounds, and often include former
clients who have turned their lives around and want to pay it forward to the community that helped them in their time of need.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete our volunteer application online at www.LighthouseOakland.org, or call our
Volunteer Resources Officer, Liz Wiggins at (248) 972-1480 or lwiggins@LighthouseOakland.org.
Lighthouse of Oakland County
46156 Woodward Avenue
P.O. Box 430508
Pontiac, MI 48343
Clarkston Office
6330 Sashabaw Road
Clarkston, MI 48346
Lighthouse of Oakland County Board Members 2012 - 2013
Lighthouse of
Oakland County
Board of Trustees
Community Development
Emergency Services
Laurie Horvath, Chair
Mark Tomlinson, Vice Chair
Carl Smith, Treasurer
Patty Ghesquiere, Secretary
Loretta Smith, President
Eirther Seay-Bey, Vice President
Ken Peterson, Secretary
Dennis Winkler, President
Chris Liparoto, Vice President
Randall Gudme, Treasurer
Julie Johnson, Secretary
Robin Ann Schirs, President
Teri Fenner, Vice President
William A. Doyle, Treasurer
James Lambrecht, Secretary
Julie Beaty
Susann Bourdo
Joy Calloway
Jim LeBlanc
Neran Shaya
Matt Szalach
John Townsend
John F. Wright
John Ziraldo
Maurice Banks
Jim Clarke
Sally Drummond
Cresendre Hankins
Donna Hanson
Ellen Leitch
Sonja Lengnick
Brian Rhonemus
Monica Schwanitz
John Ziraldo
Maurice Banks
Jim Clarke
Susan Cooper, Emeritus
Augie Fernandes, Jr.
D. Stewart Green
Beth Grossman
John Irwin
Sue Nine
Robin Schirs
Dean Rocheleau
Richard Shapack
Loretta Smith
Dennis Winkler
John Ziraldo
Mark Bellinger
Cassandra Carter
Peter Durham
Pastor James Keys
Cynthia Pearson
Carl Smith
Dr. Bruce Turpin
John Ziraldo
Sharman Davenport, Ph.D.
Vice President of Programs
Wilma Abney
Executive Director
Tia Cobb
Executive Director
Lighthouse of Oakland County extends our sincerest thanks and gratitude to our fiscal year 20122013 cash donors for their support:
($50,000.00 + )
City of Pontiac
Community Foundation for Southeast MI
Consumers Energy Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Ms. M. Jean MacLellan
McGregor Fund
Michigan Public Service Commission
Michigan State Housing Development
Oakland County Grants
PNC Foundation
State of Michigan
Trapp Foundation
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
United Way for SE Michigan
($10,000.00 + )
American House Foundation
Andiamo Catering & Events, LLC
Bank of America
Bank of Birmingham
Charter One Bank
Comerica Bank, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dugas, Jr.
FIrst American Title Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Ghesquiere III
Grainger, Inc.
Kirk in the Hills Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Leitch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mihalich
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Pontiac School District
RGIS Inventory Specialists
Ruth Bartsch Memorial Trust
The Beaumont Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
U.S. Department of Justice
($5,000.00 + )
Acument Global Technologies
Mr. Robin J. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bonahoom
BorgWarner Automotive
Building Industry Association of Southeas
Chrysler LLC
Clannad Foundation
Ms. Susan E. Cooper
Erb Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Farber
Ms. Teri Fenner
Flagstar Bank
GM Orion Assembly Plant
Mr. and Mrs. Randall K. Gudme
Mr. John Irwin
Katz Family Philanthropic Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Sharafat Khan
Lear Corporation
Mr. Dana M. Locniskar and Mrs. Christine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manilla
Mrs. Rita Margherio
McDole Foundation
NeighborWorks of America
Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency
Mr. Anthony V. Pieroni
Ralph & Winifred Polk Foundation
Raymond James & Associates
Smith's Disposal
St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strasberg
TJX Foundation
($2,500.00 + )
Mr. and Mrs. Kedrick Adkins
American Axle & Manufacturing
Art Van Furniture
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Mr. David Breen
Business Communication Sytems
Clarence & Jack Himmel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke
Clarkston Community Church of God
Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Cockrell
Cranbrook Schools
Cross of Christ Lutheran
Design Research Engineering
DTE Energy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Eisenberg
Enterprise Leasing Company
First United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn
General Motors Foundation
Genisys Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey
Gordon Chevrolet
Ms. Patricia Gylfe
Mr. Richard Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kohl
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ludwick
McLaren Health Care
Mercedes-Benz of Bloomfield Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller
Mr. Geoffery Newcomb
Palace Sports & Entertainment
Mr. and Mrs. Huel Perkins
Pontiac Housing Commission
Ms. Geraldine Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Basam Robin
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rocheleau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross
The Salvation Army
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Seizert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shapack
Siebert Brandford Shank & Co.
St. Andrew Catholic Church
St. Hugo of the Hills Catholic Church
Taubman Co. Inc.
Mr. Mark C. Tomlinson and Rev. Diane
Troy Cardiology, P.C.
Village Woman's Club Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vlasic
Waterfall Jewelers
Mr. James R. Welch
Worsham Family Foundation
($1,000.00 + )
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abney
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Acheson
Alyce Godfrey Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dyche Anderson
Anderson, Eckstein & Westrick, Inc.
Android Industries
Arrowhead Foundation
Associated Community Services
Automated Pet Care Products
Balian Eye Center
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baskin
Bloomfield Hills Rotary Foundation
Bottle Crew
John Bowman Chevrolet
Brose North America
Buckles & Buckles, P.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carnwath
Mr. and Mrs. William Carry
Catholic Central HIgh School
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chiaravalli
Church World Service
Citizens Bank
Clarkston Medical Group
Clarkston State Bank
Mr. Michael Clement
Community Foundation of Greater
Consumer Insights, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cruz
Cunnington Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cunnington
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dickerson
Dr. John Dinka
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dougherty
Mr. William A. Doyle
Mr. Peter J. Dryer
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Erb
Faith Covenant Church
Ms. Wendi L. Farner
FedEx Ground
Mr. Mark Sims and Ms. Elaine Fieldman
First Presbyterian Church of Farmington
First Presbyterian Church of Pontiac
Flint District Board of Missions
Mrs. Virginia Fox
Mr. David D. Fukuzawa and Ms. Toni
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Gilman
GKN Automotive
Gleason & Associates Claim Service
Mr. Donald E. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gramzow
Granite Telecommunications
Great Lakes Crossing
Grimaldi Foundation
Ms. Donna L. Hanson
Ms. Teresa Hartle
Hiller's Market
Ms. Laurie Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ilg
Islamic Association of Greater Detroit
Mrs. Tami Jelinek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Jones
JP Morgan Chase
Kienbaum Opperwall Hardy & Pelton, PLC
Kohl's Store 1097
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Konkus
Kroger Community Rewards
Mr. J. Andrew Larimer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laveque
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan D. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Lee
Leon & Lulu
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lesperance
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lewis
Lions Club
Loomis Sayles & Company
Mr. Dale Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McEvilly
Mr. and Mrs. Ian McEwan
Ms. Julie McManus
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Kelly Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Morgan
Movement Search
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. O'Brien
Ms. Karen Ohryn
Orchard Lake Presbyterian Church
Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church
Mr. Thomas Panico and Ms. Jean D. Dinan
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Payne
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Piotrowski
Presbytery of Detroit
Ms. Theresa M. Prior
QC Coatings
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rawe
RDA Group
Ms. Deborah Ridenour
Mr. Steven H. Riga
Rock Industries
Roeper School
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ross
Ross Mortgage Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossio
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roualet
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Rubin
Ruth Butterfield Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. James Scapa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. John Schindler
Ms. Gay Ann Schirs
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schwanitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwartz
Shapack Gurrola, PLC
Mr. Alan Sheets
Dr. Randy Shoemaker and Dr. Anne M.
Sigma Beta Sorority - Psi Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. John Smail, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sorensen
St. Daniel Catholic Church
St. Irenaeus Catholic Church
St. James Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stanecki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stapleton, Jr.
Starbucks Foundation
Mr. David Stickley
Suburban Motors Management
Ms. Patricia M. Surd
Mr. Todd Szymczak and Ms. Dana Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tierney
Mrs. Rosemary R. Trapp
Mr. Mark D. Trosien
Trustiva Health
TRW Automotive, Inc.
United Methodist Women Birmingham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff VanCleave
Ms. Nancy Vlasic
Water Tower Self Storage
Mr. and Mrs. John Welker
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. West
Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
William C. Roney Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. John Ziraldo
($500.00 + )
24G, LLC
50th District Court
Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Adderley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allesee
Ally Financial
Ms. Laura Amtsbuechler
Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Anderson
Ms. Rachelle Angell
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Antos
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bailey
Baker College
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ballard
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Belfie
Mr. Ryan Bell
Beta Sigma Phi Gamma Master
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blom
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bolitho
BOS Automotive Products
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Boukamp
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Briggs
Brookside School
Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke
Burton Share Management
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Butki
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Caughlin
Mr. Robert Chapman and Ms. Gail White
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Church
Citizens Bank
Mr. James M. Dankovich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Denious
Mr. Gerald DiLoreto
Ms. Catherine Dinka
Ms. Wanda Dinkins
Ms. Lisa Drew
Mr. Donald Ducey
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dutton
Dwyer Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Euler
Expetec Technology Services
First Congregational Church
Flynn & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Freeburg
Freedom One Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Frericks
Ms. Sharon Frericks
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Galecki
Mrs. Tina Galley
Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Gaynor
General Motors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Genter
Girl Scout Troop 70791
Mr. Thomas C. Goad
Ms. Judie Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence R. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. James Gotch
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Green
Gretchko Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Griffin
Mr. Thomas J. Guyer
Ms. Karen Hagenlocker
Mr. and Mrs. Misak Hairabedian
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Healy
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Henke
Ms. Linda Hildebrand
Mr. Jonathon Hofley
Mr. and Mrs. James Holevas
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Hope Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hubbard
Ms. Dawn Hughes
Huttenlocher Group
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Huttenlocher
Mrs. Susan Ide
Independence Firefighters Association #26
Jack & Jill of America, Inc.
Ms. Phyllis Jenson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Jerneycic
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kerby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Kisser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kosch
Mr. Shawn Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Kroneman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Krueger
LaFontaine Automotive Group
Lakeland Physicians Group
Mr. Steve Lalka
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lambrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lapiana
Mr. Troy Leach
Lipsey Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Lumetta
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malinzak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Margherio
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Martin
Ms. Rebecca McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James McIlhon
Dr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Meer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mersol-Barg
Michigan Center for Orthopedic Surgery
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mills
Ms. Nancy Milner
Ms. Vera Milz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Morris
Moscow Philanthropic Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Munk
Munk's Motors
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murray
Mr. Pradeep Nagaraju
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nash
Oakland County Treasurer's Office
Mr. and Mrs. John P. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Oltman
Oral & Facial Surgeons of Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Shaughnessy
Overhead Door
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Penske
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Peterson
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Mr. and Mrs. James Pizzimenti
Plante Moran
Mr. John Poronto
Ms. Rachelle Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Racine
Dr. and Mrs. E. Raphtis
Dr. Anand C. Thakur and Ms. Neeraja
Mr. and Mrs. Vik Reddy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Renouf
Ms. Cherie Ritter
Ms. Inez Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson
Roeser Dental Associates
Mr. Jason Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Rosswurm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rudy
Saks Fifth Avenue
Ms. Judith Samuel
Ms. Janet Sangler
Ms. Susan Sauber
Ms. Katrina Schultz
Mr. Dave Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Scott, Jr.
Mr. Matthew S. Seeterlin
Ms. Suzanne Shank
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Shutty
Signature Associates
Ms. Linda Silvasi
Mr. Michael Smolash and Ms. Jennifer
Mr. George M. Smrtka, P.C.
Somerset Skin Centre
Mrs. Rebecca Sorensen, C.P.A.
St. Hugo of the Hills School
Sterling Bank and Trust
Steven Paul Friedman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Casper Steyer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stoddard
Ms. Daniela Stoia
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Swantek
Mr. David Sylvester
Ms. and Mrs. Eric Tilds
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toutant
Triumph Rehabilitation
Mr. Connor Tweddle
University Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vella
Vlasic Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
Ms. Leslie Walsh
Mr. Jeffrey H. Welker
Ms. Joan Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Winkler
Mr. Ken Wunderluch and Mrs. Jean
Ms. Barbara Yager
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Yamasaki
Mr. and Mrs. John Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zech
($250.00 + )
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Aikens
Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Ajluni
Mr. Mark J. Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Kasim Ali
All Saints Episcopal Church
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Ms. Susan Ambrose
American Association of University
Mr. Donald F. Amico
Ms. Nancy Angott
Ms. Ami Antonucci
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Appleby
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aretakis
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Baker
Mr. Marcus Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Banks
Mr. Andrew Basile
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Becker
Berkshire Middle School
Ms. Peggy A. Berner
Ms. Prudence Bernstein
Bethany Pentecost Tabernacle
Big Beaver United Methodist
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Birmingham
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Bober
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Boos
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Borucki
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bourget
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brickley
Mr. Bruce M. Brorby
Mr. and Mrs. Bowden V. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David Burgoyne
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Burstein
Mrs. Evelyn Burton
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Caldwell
Mr. Joseph S. Cantie and Ms. Lisa A.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Carroll
Ms. Laurel Cebrian
Ms. and Mr Deena Centofanti
Central United Methodist Women
Christ The Redeemer Catholic Church
Churchills of Birmingham
Clarkston Schools Transportation
Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. Clavenna
Coats Funeral Homes, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins
Commerce United Methodist Women
Mr. and Mrs. Ian W. Constance
Continental Corp.
Ms. Jan Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. James Creighton
Crestmark Bank
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Desmond
Ms. Rosalie Deveson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dill
Mr. and Mrs. Gadis Dillon
Ms. Tina Dinnan
Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Donnelly
Dorsey Schools
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Drauer
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Duhaime
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. Gunar Ejups
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Erjavac
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin K. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. L. Joseph Fioroni
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher IV
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Folster
Ms. Lois J. Forte
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Frank
Mr. Norbert Froeschke
Mr. Joel Garrett
Ms. Mara Geiger
Mr. Michael Gerstenberger
Mr. and Mrs. John Giampetroni
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Gillies
Ms. Net Gingras
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Glantz
Mr. Bruce Friedman and Ms. Julie
Mr. and Mrs. William Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Goshgarian
Ms. Kelly Gould
Mr. and Mrs. James Grassi
Ms. Kathleen Gray
Mr. Keith Green
Ms. Gretchen M. Greening
Guardian Industries Corporation
Ms. Susan J. Guenther
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Gwinn
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Harper
Ms. Jenise M. Harriford
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haun
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heiwig
Ms. Julia Henes
Mr. and Ms. Kirk Hewlett
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Derek F. Hodgson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoglund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Hubbard
IBM Employee Charitable Giving
Integrated Financial Strategies
Inteva Products
Ms. Una Jackman
Dr. and Mrs. M. David Jackson
Ms. Olga Jackson-Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jenkins
Ms. Michelle Jonna
Ms. Muirel A. Julian
Mr. and Mrs. James Junker
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gunnar Karlstrom, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kasapis
Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Kauppila
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Keating
Mr. Matthew C. Keil
Ms. Ann Janette Kelly
Dr. Mark Kolins and Dr. Maria
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Kopitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lamb
Mr. Lawrence N. Larson
Mr. Stephen Lash and Ms. Emily Duvall
Ms. Michella Latella
Ms. Suzanne Leich
Mr. Mark Chutnow and Ms. Sonja
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Leonard
Ms. Margo R. Lesser
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Love
Mr. and Mrs. John Low
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lunghamer, Sr.
Ms. Sandra Lyness
Mr. Clyde Mackenzie
Macquarie Group Foundation
Mr. Joshua Mallery
Mammina & Ajlouny, PC
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Mattis
Mr. Darin S. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCarthy
Ms. Mimi McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. McGough
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. McNary
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Merz
Metropolitan Club of America
Ms. Meredith Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Micallef
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Midtgard
Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Mohan
Dr. Laura M. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris
Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison
Ms. Maeva Mosquet
Ms. Veronica Murff
Mr. Charles G. Myers III
Dr. and Mrs. Shivajee Nallamothu
Ms. Kimberly B. Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Nicholas
Ms. Ruth H. Nix
North Congregational Women's
Oakland County Parks & Recreation
Oakland University Professional
Ms. Susan M. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Masta
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ottolini
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pagac
Ms. Dianne Paisley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. Homi Patel
Mr. and Mrs. William Penoza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perazza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peters
Mr. and Mrs. E. Petrella
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. Pierson
Ms. Carolyn L. Price
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mrs. Eugenie A. Priestley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Prior
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prowse
Quest Diagnostics
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ramsay
Mr. and Mrs. John Reider
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rhonemus
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Roeser
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Roodbeen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Root
Mr. and Mrs. Ryland D. Rusch
Ms. Judith M. Russell
Mr. John L. Ryan
S & W Holdings
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sadlier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Savage
Mr. Thomas L. Schellenberg and The
Ms. Robin A. Schirs
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton P. Schloop
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Schomer
Mr. and Mrs. William Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Shuert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siewert
Mr. and Mrs. Svend Skaarup
Skymasters Indoor Flying Club
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smist
Mr. Carl Smith and Ms. Mary Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Smith
St. Hugo of the Hills Altar Guild
St. John Fisher Chapel
St. John Providence Health Systems
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Stebbins
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Steglich
Ms. Sara L. Stenbeck
Mrs. Valerie Straith
Mr. Robert H. Swanborg and Ms. Maria
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Swanson
Ms. Yvette Tabangay, D.D.S
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Tanury
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler D. Tennent
The Helppie Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thelen
Mr. Daniel G. Thelen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thibodeau
Mrs. Linda J. Throm
TIGI Haircare
Travelers Community Connections
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Trerice
Troy Womens Association
Ms. Ruth H. Tyszka
UBS Foundation Matching Gifts Program
United Health Care
United Way of Greater Portland
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
United Way Washtenaw
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Vermeulen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vogt
Volkswagen of America, Inc.
Ms. Daya Vora
Mr. Robert G. Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Walker
Mr. James K. Waller
Waterford Merchants
Mr. John Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whall
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. John Wickstrom
Ms. Ekta Wilcox
Williams Products
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wolfbauer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziraldo
Zonta Club of Pontiac - North Oakland
Ms. Valerie Zughaib
($100.00 + )
Ms. Linda Aardema
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Aaron
Ms. Michelle Acciavatti
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Adaline
Ms. Joyce Adderley
ADE Incorporated
Ms. Gayle Albritton
Ms. Suzanne Alfastsen
Ms. Sonia Alitawi
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Aloi
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Alt
Ms. Carol Alward Phelps
Mr. Richard Anderson
Ms. Jennifer Andrews Moilanen
Angott Research Group
Ms. Dorothy Appleman
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Arnold
Ms. Diane G. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Arseth
Ms. Dorothy Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Aspinall
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Aurelia
Mr. David C. Ax
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baibak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bajorek
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Baker
Mr. Brian Balow
Mr. Mark D. Bande
Mr. Frank D. Bandranke
Mr. James Bante
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Barber
Mr. and Mrs. George Barbu
Ms. Enid Barden
Mr. David Barker
Ms. Colleen Barnard
Mr. Frank Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bartlo
Ms. Pamela R. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bashur
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Basinger
Ms. Mary C. Batchelor
Mr. Timothy A. Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Baylis
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Beattie
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beaulieu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Beauregard
Ms. Marilyn Beckham
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bednark
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Beeler
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Begley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Benning
Ms. Carol Ann Bentz
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Beresford
Ms. Claire Bernacki
Mr. E.S. Bernard
Ms. J.B. Bernard
Dr. Diane Bert
Mr. Scott C. Bertschy and Ms. Jean K. Han
Bethel United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Billington
Mr. Alan S. Binkow
Mr. Timothy Birtsas
Mr. Ezio Bisogni
Ms. Nancy Bissell
Ms. Alexander Blatt
Dr. and Mrs. David Bloom
Bloomfield Pediatric
Bloomfield Township Office
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blumbergs
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Blumm
Mr. Lawrence N. Bluth
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Boivin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Bommarito
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Bondar
Ms. Kim Bondar
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Bones
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Bono
Mr. Corey C. Bordine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bosnyak, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel N. Boss
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Bouchillon
Mr. and Mrs. David Boudreau
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Boutt
Ms. Barbara A. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bozek
Ms. Katherine Brandon
Mr. Gerald Brice
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Brinkmann
Mr. Preston Brooks
Ms. Aida Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Ray K. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bruchanski
Fr. Jerome Brzezinski
Ms. Jacqueline Buchanan
Ms. Christine Buechner
Ms. and Mrs. William Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Burklund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Burton
Ms. Christine Butwill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Buzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Byers
Ms. Katherine Cahill Durak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cannarsa
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carroll
Mr. Thomas Carroll
Mr. Michael E. Carry
Ms. Kathryn M. Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Caruso
Mr. John P. Casey and Mrs. Mary Lou
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Cassel
Ms. Lauren Cato
Ms. Pamela Catto
Ms. Amanda Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Celani
Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Chamberlain
Mr. Dan W. Chandler
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Chateau
Mr. George Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Cherfoli
Cherry Hill Lanes North
Children's Village School
Ms. Patti Chinonis
Ms. Debbie Choi-Blumbergs
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Chomic
Ms. Denise Choukourian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Christina
Ms. Kathryn Church
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Claerhout
Mr. Gregg Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clark
Clarkston High School
Clarkston United Methodist Church
Ms. Virginia Clausen
Mr. and Mrs. James Clement
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Clever
Ms. Rebecca L. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Codere
Ms. Cari Coffer
Mr. Bruce E. Coldren
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Colla, Jr.
Community Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Comstock
Concord Machinery
Congregational Church of Birmingham
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Conlen
Ms. Cornelia A. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Cook
Mr. Stuart Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornillie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Costantini
Costco Matching Gifts
Dr. and Mrs. John Cotant
Mr. James Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cottington
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Counihan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Cousin
Ms. Carol Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Keneth G. Coxen
Ms. Mildred I. Cprek
Ms. Marsha Cragg
Ms. Ashley Crain
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Craves
Mr. Mark Crawford and Ms. D'Ann
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crick
Ms. Ellen T. Crowley
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Ms. Kathy Cubbin
Ms. Mary R. Cuddohy
Ms. Kim Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cunnington
D & B Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Dagenais
Dahring & Zewe
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie J. Daigle
Ms. Heather Dalby
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Damioli
Dr. Myra Danish
Mr. and Mrs. David Dauch
Mr. Anthony Davenport
Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dawson
Mr. Larry DeAngelis
Mr. Gordon Deboard
Ms. Marjorie Decapite
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Degen
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Delong
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Deluca
Ms. Ellen Demaris
Ms. Demeau
Ms. Carolyn Demps
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Denio, Jr.
Ms. Cristina A. Denison
Department of Human Services
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Depman
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Derr
Ms. Roxanne Dersa
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. DeRubeis, Jr.
Ms. Edith DeRusha
Ms. Shilpa Desai
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dettloff
Mr. Jon Devine
Ms. Janet Diaz
Ms. Dianne Dickelmann
Mr. Brian M. Dietz and Ms. Debra Meier
Mr. Evanne Dietz
Ms. Janice Dillaha, C.P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doback
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Dobat
Ms. Katy Dobrowitsky
Ms. Eva Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dolik
Ms. Vickie Dolis
Mrs. Carole Doll
Ms. Janice Donahue
Mr. Mehmet Donat
Ms. Mary Donato
Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Donegan
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Donovan
Ms. Sandy Dorey
Mrs. Ellen C. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Dowland
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Downey
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dragisity
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Driscoll
Driven Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dubay
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Duda
Ms. Patricia Duke
Mr. Paul Dunkerley
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Dunphy
Mr. and Mrs. David Dunshee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dutkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Eckert
Ms. Cathy Edlund
Mr. Brian Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eland
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Elbert
Ms. Elisa Eldam
Mr. Gerald Elson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Ernst
Ms. Kristin Ervin
Mr. and Ms. Jason Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Evans
Dr. Joan H. Evans
Dr. William R. Eyler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Fabrizio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fahl
Ms. Marlene M. Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Farnen
Ms. Lisa Farris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fascetti
Federated Campaign Stewards
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fellin
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Fellman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Fenton
Ms. Emily J. Fettig
Mr. Michael Fetzer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fick
Fifth Third Bank
Ms. Daniela J. Filimon
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Finerty
Ms. Amy Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Bruce Fisher
Ms. Jeri Fishman
Ms. Lorrie Fiteny
Fleet on the Street Tours
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Flynn
Ms. Laura Flynn
Mr. Timothy P. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Forsythe
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Fortin
Ms. Carol Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. John Frazer
Mr. Russell W. Frederick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fredericks
Mr. Robert Fredrikson
Mr. and Mrs. John Freeland
Ms. Phyllis J. Frericks
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Fruechte
Ms. Elizabeth J. Fulton
Ms. Deborah Furton
Ms. Anna Gage
Mr. Thomas Gamalski
Ms. Deborah Gamelin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gard
Ms. Stacy Gasior
Mr. and Mrs. William Gehrke
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Kent H. Gell
Ms. Cheryl Gelnak
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gendregske
Mrs. Rita M. George
Mr. James Gerrity
Mr. Randy S. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Gidcumb
Mr. and Mrs. Jere B. Gillette
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Ginn
Ms. Rebecca Glasser
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gleiss
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Gobler
Mr. Michael A. Goddard
Mr. David M. Goldstein
Golling Chrysler Plymouth Jeep
Ms. Gretchen Gonzalez
Mr. Mark Thomas and Ms. Deborah L.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gordon
Ms. Eva Goren
Ms. Shanna Gorga
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Grace
Ms. Elise Graff
Mrs. Judith Graham
Mr. Luke Ponder and Ms. Darla Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Grawburg
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Grayson
Greater Detroit Jazz Society
Ms. Nancy Grech-Cumbo
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Grenadier
Mr. and Mrs. David Griffith
Ms. Tanya Griggs
Ms. Joan Grindel
Ms. Pamela L. Grozdon
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Grube
Ms. Tracey R. Guidotti
Ms. Kelly Gurman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Gustafson
Mrs. Jeanne Hackett
Ms. Kelly Haenini
Ms. Gail Haffey
Ms. Clara Hahnefeld
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hall
Ms. Susan Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Hamilton
Ms. Susan Hamilton
Ms. Shannon Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Harper
Ms. Julie Harrison
Mr. Kevin Harrison
Mr. David Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hastings
Ms. Elise Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Madhuri Hazra
Mrs. Anna Headbloom
Ms. Tina Hedge
Ms. Erika Heegan
Ms. Margaret Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hehl
Mr. Gregory S. Heleski
Mr. and Mrs. Arleigh P. Helfer, Jr.
Ms. Judi Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hemmila
Dr. Shary Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Hepler
Ms. Debra Herndon
Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Herron
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hespenheide
Ms. Cynthia J. Higgins
Ms. Michelle Highsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Hill
Ms. Gail Hines
Mr. John Hoagland
Ms. Michele Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hoff
Ms. Leslie A. Hohman
Ms. Mary M. Holdsworth
Mr. Robert Holliday
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Holmes, Jr.
Mrs. Debbie Holton
Ms. Nancy Homik
Mrs. Joanne Honoway
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Honoway
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hope
Mr. David Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Hossain
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Houck
Ms. Ann Houska
Ms. Mary Howell
Dr. and Mrs. Yuan-Chao Huang
Mr. Charles D. Hudson and Ms. Dree
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huneke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Impastato
Inter-Comm, Inc.
Ms. Alexis L. Iveson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ivinson
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jackson
Mr. Emmette Jacob, Jr.
Mr. Thomas W. Jacob
Ms. Mildred Jacobson
Ms. Diana Jacokes
James C. Scott & Associates
Ms. Anquenette Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Janes
Ms. Shelby Jarjosa
Jay Marketinig Associates, Inc.
Jazzy Ladies InStyle Red Hat Club
Ms. Karen Jencks
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Jennings
Ms. Nancy Jervis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jeske
Jim Douglas Auto Sales
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Johns
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Jolliffe
Ms. Mary Jones
Ms. Laura Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. John Juntunen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Jursek
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kachmar
Ms. Kris Kamish
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kane
Ms. Amy Kappaz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kardes
Ms. Carol Kasle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kasprzyk
Ms. Yvonne M. Katharopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keagy
Ms. Karen Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Keefe
Mr. John J. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kegley
Ms. Julie L. Keilitz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Keller
Mr. William Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Kelley
Ms. Joanne T. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Johny S. Kello
Ms. Leslie Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kemper
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keramedjian
Ms. Kathleen Kessler
Ms. Laura Keziah
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kezlarian
Mr. Norbert M. Kidd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kilkenney
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Kimel
Mr. Scott King
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kinsler
Mr. Thomas U. Kirby and Ms. Mary
Ms. Joann Kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kiwicz
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett P. Klein
Ms. and Mr. Stacy Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kleinhomer
Mr. Ron Kleinstiver
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Klepp
Ms. Kligman
Ms. Anne S. Klima
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Klingler
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Knill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Knoblock
Mr. Bill Knott
Mr. and Mrs. George Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel F. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kochanski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Koehn
Ms. Janis Koeppen Seabolt
Ms. Christabel Kola
Ms. Sally Kolar Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Damodar Konda
Ms. Marian R. Konot
Mr. Harold Konzen
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kopec
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kosch
Mr. and Mrs. Hal J. Koss
Ms. Marsha Kovacs
Ms. Robin Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kowik
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kraus
Ms. Mary Kravutske
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kroger, Jr.
Ms. Kristine Kromrei Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kronk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kuhn
Ms. Valerie Kushman
Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Lacroix
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ladd
Mrs. Mary Ann Laimbeer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laimbeer
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lamonte
Mr. Jeffry Landis
Ms. Margaret Lane
Ms. Victoria Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Loren N. Lau
Ms. Mary Ann Lawler
Ms. Stefanie E. Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lawless
Ms. Tambri Lawless
Ms. Shannon Lawlis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Layne
Mr. and Mrs. Darris Lazoen
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. D. Terry Learmont
Ms. Stephane LeBlanc
Ms. Betty LeClerc
Ms. Deborah L. Leich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leinius
Ms. Lisa M. Lepkowski
Ms. Mara Letica
Ms. Marilyn R. Lindahl
Ms. Joyce Little
Ms. Susan Loftis
Ms. Carrie Long
Mr. and Mrs. Kent LoPrete
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lordon
Ms. Laura Loud
Ms. Mary Lovasco
Mr. Benjamin Loveless
Ms. Yvonne Lovins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lunghamer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Regis Luther
Ms. Lori Lutz
Ms. Marie Lyon
Ms. Patricia MacEachern
Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Macioce
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackle
Mrs. Madeline Macy
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mahoney
Ms. Gloria Maire
Mr. Terrence L. Malloch
Ms. Ann E. Malone
Ms. and Mr. Claudia Malone
Ms. Miriam Malone
Ms. Tina Manetta-Turner
Dr. and Dr. David J. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Manvel
Ms. Mary Marble
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Marburger
Mr. Luke Marietta
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Marsh
Ms. Kelly Martin
Mrs. Martha M. Martin
Ms. Marty Martin
Ms. Laura Masell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Mathes
Mattress Liquidators, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Maxfield, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. May
Mr. John A. Mazza
Ms. Janet McAuliffe
Ms. Janet McCall
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. James R. McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. David A. McClaughry
Ms. Caroline McClellan
Ms. Debra McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McClure
Mr. Michael McCormack
Ms. Sherry McCormick
Mr. Hugh McDiarmid
Mr. Tim McElroy
Ms. Cary S. McGehee
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGraw
Ms. McKeem
Ms. Deborah McKelvy
Mr. and Mrs. David A. McLachlan
Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. McLean
Ms. Brenda McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. McMechan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. McTaggart
Meadowbrook Womens Club
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mellen
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Mermell
Merrifield Machiney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Messina
Ms. Nancy Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Meyer
Ms. Leia Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Mezey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Michels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. David Milefchik
Mr. Alan S. Miller
Ms. Martha Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Millgard
Mr. Forrest Milzow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Minelli
Ms. Virginia Minolli
Ms. Jennefer Mitchell
Mr. Jay Mittner and Ms. Cristina Torres
Mr. and Mrs. William Mixer
Ms. Pamela Moffritt
Ms. Jean A. Mohan
Ms. Julie Moll
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Molzon
Montgomery & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Moorhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Massimo Morandi
Ms. Rebecca A. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Morin
Ms. Elizabeth Morrow
Ms. Karen M. Mountz
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Mouser
Mr. and Mrs. John Mucha
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mudie
Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Muench
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mulawa
Ms. Mary Mulhern
Ms. Marilyn R. Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mumford
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Munro
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
Ms. Colleen Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Murphy
Ms. Carol Murray
Ms. Catrina Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Myers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nagridge
Mr. and Mrs. Balajee G. Nallamothu
Ms. Betty Nalley
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nelson
Mr. Rex Nelson
Mr. Robert L. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Neumark
Ms. Martha Newcomer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Newton
Mr. Jerome Neyer and Mrs. Sally Neyer
Ms. Leigh Nicholson
Ms. Tara Nittis
Ms. Ellie Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Norlander
Mr. Steven B. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Doug North
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Don Nystrom
Ms. April Oakes
Oakland County Retirees Association
Oakland Schools
Ms. Lisa Obee
Ms. Sara Oberg
Mr. and Mrs. William Obermaier
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene N. O'Callaghan
Ms. Heather Ocharzak
Mr. Patrick O'Connor
Ms. Carol Oddy
Ms. Carol R. Ohlmacher
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ohman
Ms. Mary Okray
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Olesen
Ms. Amy R. Olson
Mr. Christopher Olson
Ms. Melinda M. Olson
Ms. Madeline O'Neill
Ms. Leisa Onslow
Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Ordway
Mr. and Mrs. William Orlow
Ortonville United Methodist Church Men's
Ms. Ema Osaki-Kim
Ms. Ruth Otrompke
Rev. Louise Ott
Outwood Neighborhood Association
Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Palizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Pallach
Mr. and Mrs. David Palmer
Ms. Stephanie Paluda
Parks Title
Partnering for Impact
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patzelt
Ms. Kathleen Paul
Mr. William J. Pavlik and Ms. Barbara Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Pearcy
Ms. Cynthia Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. David Peash
Mr. and Mrs. Shih-Chen Peng
Mr. Wilfredo U. Perez, Jr.
Ms. Virginia Perov
Mr. Stephen Perry
Ms. Marina Pesserl
Pest Arrest
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips
Ms. Linda M. Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pirog
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Piserchia
Mr. Michael Pitts
Ms. Gail Pope-Rashid
Ms. Marilyn Popyk
Mr. Kenneth J. Pound
Preceptor Gamma Mu
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Preede
Presbyterian Women of Orchard Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Priebe
Prime Law Offices
Ms. Mollie Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pruente
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pulte
Ms. Connie Quarrier
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Quick
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Quinn
Ms. Jennifer Raab
Ms. Denise Rabidoux
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Racine
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Raczkowski
Rader, Fishman & Grauer, PLLC
Ms. Judee Ramsthel
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Raphtis
Ms. Karen Rashid Balow
Mr. Ronald P. Rashid
Ms. Suzanne Rashid
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Denis V. Raue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rea
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Reagan
Ms. Gayle A. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Reed
Ms. Kathleen Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Reinhold
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Remski
Ms. Sarah Rennick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richards
Mrs. Marlene Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Richie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rigonan
Mr. Robert R. Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Risi
Ms. Charlene Rismann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Rissman
Dr. William Rittinger and Ms. Ann Lehman
Ms. Colette Rizik
Mr. Matthew Rizik
Ms. Vicki Robb
Ms. Renate Roberts
Ms. Lori Roberts-Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Robertson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson II
Ms. Karen Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers
Ms. Mary Ronk
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rooke
Ms. Anne S. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ross
Ms. Rochelle Roth
Ms. Patricia Rotondo
Dr. Courtney E. Rowling
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Rubin
Mr. Neal Rubin and Ms. Marcy A. Hayes
Ms. Cari L. Rummel
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy H. Runk
Ms. Sharon Russell
Ms. Cheryl Ruszkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutkowske
Ms. Joanne Ruzza
Ms. Lori Ryan
Ms. Rosemary Ryan
Ms. Cathryn Rybicki
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sabbagh
Ms. Wendy Saigh
Ms. Marjorie Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic L. Saltarelli
Mr. Emerick Sanders
Ms. Geraldine Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sandon, Jr.
Mr. Jerry Savage
Ms. Lana Sawicki
Ms. Megan E. Sawicki
Ms. Patricia Scalici
Ms. Mary K. Scarchilli
Mr. Gary Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Scharl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Schmansky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scholler
Mr. Robert Schueler
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Schultheiss
Mr. Donald Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schultz
Ms. Ingrid Schuster
Mr. Stephen J. Schuster
Ms. Kathleen Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz
Mr. Richard Seelhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seger
Ms. Victoria M. Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Serra
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Sevilla
Mrs. Baiba Seward
Mark Seward
Mr. and Mrs. Ashish Shah
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shaman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shanbrom
Ms. Diana Sharer
Mr. Ronald C. Sheets
Mr. Ronald G. Shell
Mr. Daniel Shelton
Shifters Auto Club
Ms. Deborah Siddell
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Siegel
Ms. Linda K. Siegrist
Ms. Gail Siller
Mr. Mario Silva
Mr. George M. Sinko
Ms. Helen Sirois
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skandalaris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slawek
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Slusser
Ms. Mary S. Smith
Ms. Nancy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. David Smoger
Mr. James Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Sniokaitis
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Ms. Susan Solomon
Mr. Richard Sommers
Mr. Philip Sorrell
Dr. and Mrs. Julio Sosa
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Spencer
Ms. Debra L. Spicehandler
Mr. and Ms. James Spilos
Ms. Michelle Spognardi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spranger
St. Andrew Episcopal Church
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
St. Andrews Women's ELCA
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. St. Louis
Ms. Cherilyn M. Stagner
Ms. Leone B. Stanaback
Ms. Mary Ann Stange
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Stapp
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stavropoulos
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Steimel
Ms. Sandra Stem
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Stenger
Ms. Peggy B. Stepp
Mr. Bruce Stevens
Stewart EFI Connecticut, LLC
Mr. and Ms. Gregory A. Stewart
Ms. Patricia C. Stewart
Ms. and Mrs. Walter Stonehouse
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Stonisch
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Stout
Stout Risius Ross, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Stoye
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Strausbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Strecker
Ms. Julia Streckert Holtgreive
Ms. Margaret Strickland
Ms. Mary Stroup
Ms. Dorothy Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Sumney
Ms. Meera Sundar
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon S. Sundberg
Ms. Jennifer Swann
Ms. Chris Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Swartout
Mr. and Mrs. John Swienckowski
Symantec Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Szott
Ms. Marla Tapper Young
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Taunt
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tebbets
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ternan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Terry
Ms. Sharon K. Terry
Mr. Vern Tessier
Ms. Jane Tetreault
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Thane
The Chop Shop
The Wireless Source, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Theuer
Ms. Jane Thomas
Ms. Janet H. Thomas
Ms. Jill Thomas
Thomas M. Cooley Law School
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Thomas
Mrs. Colleen Thompson
ThyssenKrupp Systems Engineering
Ms. Nancy Timlin
Ms. Joan Tisdale
Ms. Kathy Tobin
Ms. Joan Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tonis
Mr. Daniel Toomey
Ms. Julie Topoleski
Ms. Kim Tortora
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tosch
Mr. and Mrs. G. William Trapp
Ms. Imelda Trevino Ingman
Ms. Sandra K. Troutwine
Dr. and Mrs. Rennard B. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. David Turnbull
Ms. Jaime R. Turnbull
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Turpin
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott Ulnick
Uncle Peters Pasties
United Methodist Women Clawson
United Methodist Women of First United
United Methodist Women of St. Paul
United Methodist Women-Holly
United Way of Alabama
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
United Way of Midland
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Unsworth
Ms. Kate Upton
Utica United Methodist Women
Mr. Patrick Valade
Ms. Jane Van Dragt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Van Overbeke
Ms. Beth Vance
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk Vandagens
Mr. David A. Vanderkooy
Mr. David Vangelder
Mrs. Anne Vanhollebeke
Ms. Nancy VanLeuwen
Ms. Yvette M. VanRiper and Mr. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Vaughan
Ms. Laverna Vela
Ms. Victoria Venn
Village Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vlasic
Ms. Colleen Wachowski
Ms. Patricia Wainer
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Walgren
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Walker
Mr. Vincent A. Walker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Walkowski
Mr. Kenneth Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Walley
Ms. Donna Walton
Ms. Kelly Warren
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Warrick
Ms. Octavia Washington
Waterford Group Charitable Foundation
Mr. David Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Way
Mr. Jeffrey Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Wehrwein
Ms. Kimberly Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Welbourn
Mr. and Mrs. William Wentworth
Ms. Brooke Wess
Ms. Lisa Wess
Ms. Anita West
Mr. and Mrs. James Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wheaton
Mr. and Mrs. James Whitaker
Ms. Judy M. Whiteley
Ms. Margaret Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Whiteley
Mr. Robert Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. James Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wiedemann
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Wiffen
Ms. Lori Wigler
Ms. Lauren Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Wilker
Ms. Cheryl Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Willard
Ms. Brigitte Williams
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Williams
Mrs. Ilah Williams
Ms. Mary Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Williamson, D.D.S.
Mr. David C. Wills
Ms. Diane R. Wilson
Mr. Hugh Wilson
Mr. Jack T. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wilson
Mrs. Lynn Wilton
Ms. Ann Winn
Mr. Edward Winters
Ms. Ave M. Wixted
Ms. Roberta Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wolff
Woman's National Farm & Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Yashinsky
Mr. Gregory Young
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Zak
Mr. and Mrs. Zenon M. Zarewych
Ms. Adrienne Zarghami
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zayec
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zemmin
Ms. Sarah Zimmerman
Mr. Karl J. Zimmermann
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ziraldo
Mr. Frank Zsirai
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zussman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zuzenak
($99.00 - )
300 Bowl-Dollies Bowling
A. J. Desmond & Sons Funeral Directors
Ms. Virginia B. Abbott
Ms. Angelita Able
Ms. Linda M. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Adams
Ms. GIna M. Agne
Ms. Judy Ahrens-Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alatchanian
Ms. Cheri Albright
Mr. Andrew Albu
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. John Alfes
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Alonzi
Mr. Frank Alpeters
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ambrose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ambrose
Mrs. Florence Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Anderson
Mr. Kyle Anderson
Ms. Shirley B. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Gino M. Apolloni
Ms. Katherine Apsey
Mr. and Ms. Julio C. Aravenacano
Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong
Ms. and Mr. Annette Arning
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton F. Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ashmore
Ms. Joan Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac T. Austria
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Avant
Mr. and Mrs. James Backes
Ms. Hannah Bahlhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bai
Mr. Paul Baker
Ms. Patricia Ballard
Ms. Dolores Baran
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Barber
Mr. Kenneth E. Barks
Ms. Karen Barner
Mr. Larry D. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Barratt
Ms. Linda Barrett
Mrs. Barbara Barry
Ms. Janice Barry
Ms. Mary Bartreau
Mr. Alan Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Baumgart
Ms. Jennie Baumgartner
Ms. Mia P. Beattie
Mr. Bruce N. Beaumont
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Bechard
Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Beiermeister
Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvey Bell
Mr. and Mrs. John Bell
Mr. Chris Beltowski
Ms. Catherine Bembas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bender
Ms. Lucy Benham
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Benscoter
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Benson
Ms. Leslie Benyo
Mr. Norman F. Berg III
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Berkowitz
Ms. Michelle Berman
Mrs. Kathleen M. Bernard
Ms. Marianne Bernard
Mr. David C. Berry and Ms. Janet Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Betker
Mr. Bindu Bhakta
Mr. Sean Bieri and Ms. Sophia Raptis
Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Biggerstaff
Ms. Anna M. Biliti
Mr. and Mrs. William Billig
Ms. Jean Ann Billings
Ms. Yvette Bing
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Birch
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bishop, Jr.
Ms. Linda Bjerke
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Bjorkman
Mrs. Mary Lou Blackerby
Mrs. Dorothy Blair
Ms. Eris Bleau
Mr. William A. Bluethmann and Ms.
Jacquelyn Goetz
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Bluhm
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blumenau
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Boatman
Mr. Michael Boczar
Mr. Roger W. Bodo
Ms. Gwendolyn L. Boesch
Ms. Tena Boetger
Mr. and Mrs. James Bohlander
Ms. Janet Bolone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bommarito
Mr. David W. Bonilla
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Borich
Mr. and Mrs. William Borland
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Borus
Mr. Richard J. Bosler
Ms. Deborah Boughner
Ms. Carol A. Boulanger
Ms. Susann Bourdo
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Boussie
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowker
Ms. Betty Bradbury
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Bradford
Mr. Otis Bradley
Ms. Maggie Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bragg
Mr. and Mrs. William Branch
Mr. Erich Brandemihl
Ms. Doris Brandt
Ms. Laura Breakie
Ms. Carolyn Bree
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan
Ms. Valerie A. Brenneman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bright
Ms. Deborah Broderick
Mr. James E. Brooker
Brookfield Academy
Brookfield Academy
Mr. Don Brooks
Ms. Toni Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas V. Brown
Brown Rehabilitation Management
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Brueck
Ms. Annette Bruner
Mr. and Mrs. William Bruner
Ms. Linda Bryant Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Budd
Ms. Lucinda Burke
Ms. Laura A. Burkhardt
Ms. Patricia Burkhardt
Dr. and Mrs. David Burks
Ms. Jacklyn Burney
Ms. Barbara Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Burns
Ms. Maxine G. Burnstein
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Buschmohle
Ms. Mary Ann Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Calice
Ms. Joy D. Calloway
Calvary Lutheran Church
Mr. Jeff Campeau
Ms. Wendi Camper
Mr. Mike Campero
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Canada
Ms. Tiffany Cantu
Ms. Katie Cantwell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Eual B. Carter
Ms. Sharrisse Carter
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Carty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cary
Mr. Brace Case
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H. Castillo
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Castorri
Mr. Robert Cates
Mr. and Mrs. Seth N. Chase
Chelsea Milling Company
Mr. Matt Chiodo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Chippero
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Christ
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Christy
Ms. Gail A. Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ciaramitaro
Mr. and Mrs. William Cichowski
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Clark
Ms. Eva Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark III
Clarkston Area Mothers
Ms. Bonnie Clary
Ms. Joanne Clemente
Ms. Karol S. Cline
Ms. Sarah Clock
Ms. and Mrs. Larry Clower
Ms. Mary Lou Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Coffey
Mr. David J. Cohen
Ms. Melanie Colbert
Ms. Susan Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collins
Dr. Michael Colman
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Colton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Colvett
Mr. Alex Comparoni, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Conforzi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Conlon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Connolly
Ms. Jennifer Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cook
Ms. Margaret Cooney Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Coppens
Ms. Ellen Corcoran
Mr. Richard J. Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Corsetti
Ms. Wendi Corteville
Ms. Andrea Cosey
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Roland R. Cote
Ms. Denise S. Cottingham
Ms. Kathleen Courtright
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Cousineau
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Craft
Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Cremeans
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crew
Mr. George W. Crockatt III
Mrs. Adrienne Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Ralf A. Crookston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Crowe, Jr.
Ms. Gloria E. Cruice
CTS Unitel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Cubbin
Ms. Sherry Cudd
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Cunningham
Ms. Mary Cupchack
Mr. and Mrs. Cosimo V. Cusumano
Ms. Mary Czachor
Mr. and Mrs. Prospero Dagbovie
Ms. Michelle D'Agostino
Mr. and Mrs. John Daiek
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Daigle
Mrs. Jeannine Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Daly
Ms. Dee Damico
Ms. Linda Damico
Ms. Dawn M. Dandurand
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Daniels
Ms. Martha F. Darnton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Dauw
Dr. Sharman Davenport, Ph.D.
Ms. Angeline M. Davis
Ms. Karen Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Davis
Ms. Shirley Davis
Mr. Gregg Daviskiba
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Dawson
Ms. Susan Decker
David Decoster
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeFiore
Ms. Jacqueline Deni
Ms. Virginia DePorre
Rev. and Mrs. Roger Derby
Mr. Jerome Derowski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeSteiger
Detroit Country Day School
Ms. Debra Dettling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Devault
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Dewitt
Mr. and Mrs. David B. DeWitte
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Dibasio
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiCarlantonio
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Dickstein
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred V. Diebel
Mr. John C. Diller
Ms. Kimberly Dilworth
Ms. Cynthia Dion
Ms. Patricia Dittmar-Fisher
Ms. Gael Divra
Ms. Barbara J. Dobb
Ms. Melissa Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Dohany
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dolen
Mrs. Darlene Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Donovan
Ms. Katharine T. Dopke
Ms. Anne L. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Doty
Ms. Tiffany Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Douma
Mr. William Dow
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Dowdy
Ms. Rosemary Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle
Ms. Judith Doyle-Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Druckenmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Dryer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dulmage
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duluk
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Dunn
Mr. Marc Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel J. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunsky
Duo Systems, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Duprey
Ms. Donna Dupuis
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Durkin
Mr. DeWitt S. Dykes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Dymerski
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dysarz
Ms. Dorothy Dyson
Mr. John Dziuba
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eaton
Mr. Paul D. Edwards
Mr. Douglas Eggert
Mr. Brian A. Ekis and Ms. Gretchen Korff
Ms. Laura P. Eldon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Elenbaas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Elledge
Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott
Ms. Christine L. Emmick
Ms. Claire Emmons
Mr. and Mrs. Nikolas Endrud
Ms. Meghan E. Enfield
Ms. Joan E. Engle
Ms. Linda Engler
Ms. Mary Ensroth
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Eoll
Mr. and Ms. Robert Epstein
Ms. Ginger Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Essenmacher
Ms. Anna Eusebio
Mrs. Bernice Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Evans
Ms. P. Evans Williams
Ms. Carol Evjen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fante
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Farinola
Ms. Paula D. Fasulo
Ms. Diane Favrow
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fehervary
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Feinthel
Dr. and Mrs. Jerre Feinthel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Feldman
Ms. Kimberly J. Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fenbert
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenner
Mr. Peter Fenyes
Ms. Beverly Fernsemer
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Ferri
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Ferry
Ms. Elizabeth P. Fidler
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fiems
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Finney
First Choice Staffing Company
First Church of Christ Scientist
Ms. Carole M. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Fisher
Ms. Roxie Fittonneville
Ms. Helen L. Fitzgerald
Ms. Sandy Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Flounory
Ms. Cherrill Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Fogel
Mr. Gary E. Fogelsonger
Ms. Cornelia K. Ford
Ms. Denise M. Forester
Ms. Eleanor E. Forish
Mr. Joseph Forsythe
Mr. Phillip Fotineas
Mr. Jim Fouchia and Ms. Sherrie P.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Fralick
Ms. Kelly N. Fralin
Ms. LaTonya Frank
Ms. Cheryl Frederickson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Freed
Mr. Mark Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Freese
Mrs. Meredith Frenkel
Ms. Deb Friedli
Friedman Management
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Frushour
Ms. Kathy Fryhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Fryzel
Ms. Virginia Fulgencio-Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Fulkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaddis
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Gadoua
Ms. Colleen G. Gagnon
Gail Kroll Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Gallardo
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gamache
Ms. Barbara Garbutt
Ms. Teresa Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Garr
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Gaskins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Gaus
Ms. Nancy Gaydos
Ms. Marie Gemmel
Ms. Claudine George
Ms. Eula George
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. George
Dr. George R. Gerber
Mr. Carlo Giacopelli
Ms. Kathy Giannetti
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibbard
Ms. Kathryn Gibbons
Ms. Mary Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gifford
Mr. Donald Gilbert
Ms. Amy Giles
Mr. Samuel A. Gill
Mr. John Gleichman
Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Glick
Global Sales & Marketing
Ms. Janice Goble Caloia
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Goers
Ms. Marie Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Z. Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Goldstein
Ms. Genevieve T. Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Gonynor, Jr.
Ms. Christine M. Gonzalez
Ms. Joanna Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. S. John Goodwin
Mr. Thomas E. Gorney
Ms. Candi Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gothard
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gouldey
Ms. Nicole Goyer
Ms. Carol Grady
Mr. Stephen E. Graf
Ms. Janalee Grainer
Ms. Ellyn Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gray
Ms. Brenda Green
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Green
Ms. Tamera Green
Ms. Virginia Green
Ms. Joann Greene
Ms. Nancy K. Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gregg
Ms. Shirley Gresehover
Ms. Barbara Grigsby
Ms. Barbara M. Grix
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Gross
Ms. Monica Grow
Mr. Fangming Gu
Mr. and Mrs. William Guarino
Mr. David A. Gugala
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Guidone
Ms. Elise Guidos
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Guir
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Guisinger
Mr. Mark Guthrie
Mr. Samuel Haberman
Ms. Jeri-Ann Hackenberry
Mr. and Mrs. Colin P. Haffey
Ms. Nancy Hagle-Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Hakim
Ms. Betty Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall
Mr. Gregory Hall
Mrs. Harriett B. Hallquist
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Halper
Ms. J. Ellen Halsted
Mr. Herbert Hames
Ms. Jacqueline F. Hamill
Ms. Marsha Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hammond
Ms. Dianne Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hansche
Mrs. Alayne Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen
Ms. Jean M. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Hardenburgh
Ms. Denise L. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Harding
Ms. Wendy Harfoot
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hargis
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Harned
Ms. Judith Harroun
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatcher
Ms. Susan F. Hathaway
Mr. Christopher Hatto
Mr. Errol Hau and Ms. Colleen Carlin
Ms. Julie Hauler
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hausman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Haven
Ms. Marion G. Havrilla
Ms. Aubri R. Hayali
Ms. Lorraine D. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. George Hedgespeth, Jr.
Ms. Dianna L. Helka
Ms. April Helton
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hempelmann
Ms. Anna L. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Hennemann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hennighausen
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Herman
Ms. Lynn C. Hernandez
Mr. Sanford Hertz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Hewson
Mrs. Susan Hickey
Ms. K. Rene Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Higgins
Ms. Shawndra Higgins
Ms. Carol Hilaire-Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hildebrand
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hill
Ms. Patricia P. Hill
Ms. Stacey Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Hillard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hiller
Mrs. Tamera M. Himes
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hinds
Ms. Kim Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hitch
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. Brent R. Hobson
Ms. Barbara Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hodges
Ms. Karen Hogle
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Holloman
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Holmes
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Homsy
Ms. Jennifer Hopcian
Ms. Joy Horne
Ms. Leslie Hosey
Mr. and Mrs. John Hou
Ms. Linda Houff
Mr. and Mrs. George Hrydziuszko
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hubarth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Hugel
Ms. Margaret A. Huggard
Mr. and Mrs. Harford Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Hughes
Cmdr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Humble
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunstad
Mr. David Hunt and Ms. Tara Sievers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hurtubise
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Hushen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Huzzard
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ide
Impressions Salon
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Ingalls
Ms. Deeann M. Irby
Ms. Teresa Jablonski
Mr. Gilbert Jackson
Ms. Shirley Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Jacob
Ms. Jennifer Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jakubiak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert James
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Jarrell
Ms. Kathleen A. Jenkins
Ms. Debra J. Johnson
Ms. Kathryn A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnson
Ms. Violette Johnson
Ms. Mary Jolliffe
Ms. Charlotte Jones
Ms. Frances A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery R. Jones
Mr. Thomas Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Jovick
Judson Bradway Huntoon Lake Civic
Mr. Richard Judy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Julicher
Mr. and Mrs. John Kallstrom
Mrs. Patricia Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Karlewski
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Karstensen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Kastler
Mr. Jeffrey Katz
Ms. Amber Kaufman
Ms. Lisa Kaufman Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kazakevicius
Ms. Minnie Keener
Ms. D.L. Keiser
Mr. and Mrs. George Keith
Ms. Charlotte Keller
Mr. and Mrs. George Keller
Mr. and Mrs. James Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Norb Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kelly
Ms. Nancy Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennedy
Ms. Mary Kerstein
Mr. Irvin Kessler
Mr. Robert S. Kian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kilbarger
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kiley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kindt
Ms. Cathy King
Ms. Linda King
Ms. Patricia Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kirk
Mr. Charles Kirkpatrick
Mr. Joel Kirsch
Ms. Kim Klaft
Ms. Erin Klein
Ms. Francine E. Klein
Ms. Michelle Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Klepinger
Mr. Gary R. Klepper
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Kline
Ms. A. June Klinert
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Klopcic
Ms. Kristi Klungness
Mr. and Mrs. D. Kolakowski
Mr. Karl J. Kollin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koloff
Ms. Carrie Komisarz
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Koseck
Ms. Bonita Koss
Mr. Kenneth J. Kostrzewa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Kowalski
Ms. Lori Krajenke
Mr. and Mrs. Casimir Krajewski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Krencicki
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kress
Mr. Aaron J. Kropfreiter
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Kropfreiter
Mr. Keith Kropfreiter
Ms. Tricia A. Kubacki
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kuhn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kuk
Ms. Carol Lafleur
Ms. Elizabeth Lagalo
Lake Oakland Heights Association
Lakeland Place Office
Ms. Margaret A. Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Langlois
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lankowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lapp
Mr. and Mrs. Mike P. LaRose
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Lattimer
Ms. Kathleen Lauer
Ms. Jodi LaValley
Leadership Management
Mr. and Mrs. James R. LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Lee
Ms. Monique Legris
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lemmen
Ms. Carol Lenchek
Mr. Marc P. Leopold
Mr. Joseph C. Lepak
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lessnau
Mr. Danny Lester
Ms. Vera Lev
Ms. Nancy Levarsky
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Lewandowski
Mr. Joseph Lewandowski
Ms. Barbara Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lewis
Mr. Harry Lewkowicz
Ms. Kathleen C. Liadis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lickteig
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liem
Ms. Sheila Lincoln
Mr. Eric Linder
Ms. Patricia R. Lindley
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lins
Ms. Cynthia Lisuk
Ms. Carol Litka
Ms. Ann M. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Glen P. Lloyd
Ms. Karen Lockman
Mr. and Mrs. James Logan
Ms. Sandra Longworth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loria
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Lorkowski
Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Lucarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Ludwick
Ms. Susan Lundal
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lupton
Ms. Marion Lusardi
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Luxon
Mr. Richard K. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. William Lytle
Ms. Audrey Maag
Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacDonald
Ms. Mary Jo Macey
Ms. Kelly Machado
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Macon
Macy's Somerset Collection
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Magnus, Jr.
Ms. Sandy Maguire
Ms. Margaret C. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maichen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maletzke
Mr. and Mrs. Davis P. Mallery
Mr. and Mrs. Aldred J. Mallia
Ms. Juanita Mallman
Mr. Mark Malven
Mr. Joe Mancinotti
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Mandalari
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mangiaracina
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manzella
Ms. Mary Mara
Ms. Mary Ann Marchand
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Vasilj Markovich
Mr. and Mrs. Ron M. Markowitz
Mrs. B. Marr
Mr. and Mrs. David Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Martus
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Massar
Ms. Martha B. Mast
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo P. Matera
Mr. Karl Mathieu
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mattson
Ms. Dana May
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon May
Mr. Thomas Mayer
Ms. Oweda Mayfield
Ms. Krysten McAllister
Ms. Linda McAllister
Ms. Nicole McArdle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur
Mr. and Mrs. John H. McBreatry
Mr. and Mrs. B. McBride
Ms. Norma McBride
Ms. Leah McCall
Mr. and Mrs. David N. McCammon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCormick, Jr.
Ms. Jack E. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McCracken
Ms. Susan M. McCubbrey
Ms. Celeste McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. David McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGlynn
Ms. Dore McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. David V. McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McHugh
Ms. Pauline McIlrath
Mr. and Mrs. William S. McIlrath
Ms. Joyce M. McKay
Ms. Jane McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLarty
Ms. Janet D. McMickens
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McNab
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McNaughton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mellerowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Melton
Ms. Pauline Mengebill
Ms. Diana H. Mercado
Ms. Marie Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mettler
Mr. Anthony E. Meyer
Ms. Julie G. Middlin
Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Mienaltowski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mikoy
Mr. Steven Milbeck
Ms. Angela Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Milligan
Ms. Angela Milton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Minninger
Ms. Charlotte C. Mintz
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Mitch
Mitchell Graphics
Mr. Leon Mitchell
Mr. Khokan Mitra
Mr. Kyoko Miyazaki
Mr. and Mrs. Eyal Mizrahi
Ms. Evelyn Modders
Mr. and Mrs. Efren Mojica
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Monk
Mr. and Mrs. Juan P. Montalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Monterosso
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore
Mr. Keith Morency
Mr. David Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morgan
Mr. Michael J. Morgan
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Morley
Ms. Darcy Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Morris
Ms. Erika Morrison
Mr. James F. Morrow
Ms. Patricia A. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet L. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Mortier
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Mottershaw
Mrs. Helen Moultrup
Mr. and Mrs. William Mountain
Mr. Christopher J. Mroz
Mr. David Mroz
Ms. Lynn Mroz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mudd
Ms. Virginia M. Mueller
Mr. Walter O. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. John Mumford
Ms. Susan M. Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy
Mrs. Kathryn Murphy
Ms. Rachel L. Murphy
Mr. Eddie Murrell
Ms. Sarah Nadeau
Mr. Richard K. Nadjarian
Ms. Jeanette Nadler
Ms. Ruth A. Nagy
Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. Nash
Ms. Patricia Nault
Mr. John A. Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Needham
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehr
Ms. Lori Nelles
Ms. Carol Nelson
Mr. Hassan M. Nemeth and Ms. Sandra
Mr. Daniel Nerad
Mr. Paul Newman
Ms. Darlene E. Niazy
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Nicholas
Mr. Elias Nicholas
Mr. Paul Nicholas
Mr. Daniel S. Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Noble
Mr. Francis E. Noggle
Mrs. Mary Noonan
Mr. Sean Norris
North Oaks Community Church
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Norton
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Noteman
Notre Dame Preparatory
Mr. and Mrs. John Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Nowosiadly
Ms. Jillian Nunez
Ms. Dawn Nykanen
Ms. Gina Oaida
Oakland County Treasurer's Association
Ms. Barbara O'Brien
Ms. Sheila O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O'Connor
Ms. Anneliese Oldencamp
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olejniczak, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Olerich
Ms. Dorothy Oliver
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Olson
Ms. Barbara Ondrisek
Mr. and Mrs. A.E. O'Neal
Ms. Pamela B. O'Neil
Ms. Isabel O'Neill
Ms. Jennifer Oprisiu
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Overy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Palgut
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Palmer
Ms. Jeannine Palms
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Papcun
Mrs. MaryAnn Pappas
Paradise Nails
Ms. Denise Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Reese W. Parker, Jr.
Ms. Sharon Parker
Ms. Michelle Parkison
Mr. John T. Parrott
Ms. Stephanie L. Partridge
Ms. Jennifer Patrona
Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Paris Pavlou
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Pawley
PayPal Giving Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Payton
Ms. Elizabeth Pazdro
Mr. Steven Pearson
Ms. Pamela Peat
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Perez
Mr. Huel D. Perkins, Ph.D.
Mr. Marvin B. Perlin
Mr. and Mrs. James Peters
Mr. Jeff Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Peterson
Mr. Greg Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillips
Ms. Georgina Pietrzak
Ms. Jorshenelle Pilarski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Pinner
Mr. Nick Pinner
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Pinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Piwonski
Ms. Carol Pleune
Mr. Lawrence Pocza
Mr. James Podbielski
Mr. Harold R. Pogats
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Pogats
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pollizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ponepinto
Ms. Janet M. Pongonis
Ms. Sharon Pontius
Mr. and Mrs. John Poponea
Ms. Emily Popp
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Porretta
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Porter
Ms. Sandra Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Poston
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Prahin
Ms. Jennifer Prahler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Prange
Mr. Thomas Prater
Presbyterian Village
Presbyterian Women of University
Presbyterian Church
Ms. Ann Primak
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Prost
Ms. Claire Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Przybycien
Ms. Sandra J. Pulk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pullar
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Quattrochi
Ms. Peg P. Quigley
Mr. Peter Quigley
Ms. Amy E. Quinn
Ms. Sandy Quinn
Ms. Judith A. Raetz
Ms. Tamara R. Rager
Ms. Ava B. Rakestraw
Ms. Nadine Rakoczy
Ms. Sharon Rakotz
Mr. and Mrs. Gualberto Ranieri
Mr. and Mrs. W. Steven Ray
Ms. Lisa D. Reaser
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Reddan
Ms. Patricia Redner
Mr. Jeremiah Reed
Mr. and Mrs. John Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Reisig
Ms. Tammy Reising
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reiter
Ms. Charlene F. Rencher
Mrs. Mary Repucci
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reuss
Ms. Lori Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Rice
Ms. Tanith Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Richardson
Ms. Mary Ann Riedle
Mr. Donald Riha
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Riney
Mr. Jim Ringstad
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Rinke
Ms. Rita C. Rinner
Ms. Susan J. Ritchey
Ms. Lois Robbins
Dr. Kimberly Roberson
Ms. Elsa M. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. G.K. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts
Mr. Michael Robinson
Ms. Michele F. Robinson
Mr. William E. Robinson
Mrs. Annette Rocheleau
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Rockind
Ms. Katie Roco
Ms. Julianne M. Roesch
Mrs. Angela Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Romanowski
Mr. William C. Roney III
Ms. Caroline Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. John Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rose
Mrs. Amy Rosswurm
Mr. Dante Rotondo
Ms. Rita P. Rotta
Ms. Cynthia Royster
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance W. Rudd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruddy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rupp
Ms. Carol Russek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Rutkowski
Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan
Mr. John C. Ryan
Ms. Margaret Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryeson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Rzepecki
Mr. Paul Sabbag
Ms. Donni N. Saco
Ms. Anita Sadler
Ms. Susan Sadler
Ms. Donna Sager
Ms. Sheree Salesin
Ms. Patricia Saliga
Mr. and Mrs. Corey R. Sanborn
Ms. Colleen K. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Sansom
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Santella
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sartiano
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Savinski
Ms. Sandra L. Savoie
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Saxon
Ms. Anne Sayers
Saylor Building Co.
Ms. Jean A. Scaman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Schaerer
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Scharf
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Scheil
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Schell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Schira
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Schlachter
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Schmidt
Ms. Virginia Schmidt
Mr. William Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schmitt
Ms. Karen Schnell-Goldberg
Mr. Joseph R. Schnug
Mr. and Mrs. William Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schuette
Mrs. Gwen J. Schultz-Ofiara
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Schulz
Ms. Maryann Schumann
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Henrik A. Schutz
Ms. Rosalyn Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sclawy
Ms. Nancy S. Scott
Mr. Christopher L. Scribner
Mr. and Mrs. James Scrivo
Ms. Jessica Seager
Ms. Antoinette Segitz
Mr. and Mrs. John Seibert
Mr. Andrzej Sekulski
Ms. Carol J. Selleck
Mr. Edward J. Serravalle
Ms. Jeanne S. Servis
Mr. Sarvesh Seshadri
Ms. Loreen M. Sesock
Mr. Mike Sfreddo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shafto
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shanteau
Ms. Allie Sharp-Guerrieri
Mr. Charles T. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Sheedlo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheiko
Ms. Patricia Sheridan
Mrs. Tamela Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sherry
Mr. Meredith W. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Shires
Mr. and Mrs. Jere M. Shockey
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Shripka
Ms. Deborah C. Shuttie
Ms. Debra K. Sibilsky
Ms. Grace Sidwell
Ms. Marta Sievers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Silk
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Silver
Mr. Bradley Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Simms
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sircus
Ms. Barbara Sisoler
Mr. and Mrs. James Sitko
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Skok
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Skrzycki
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Skynar
Ms. Cynthia C. Slajus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slattery
Ms. Barbara D. Slean
Ms. Tricia Sliwa
Ms. Lori Smartt
Ms. Luise Smela
Ms. Barbara M. Smith
Ms. Catherine Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Corey S. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Smith
Mrs. Joan Smith
Mrs. Loretta Smith
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith
Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Smith
Ms. Shenal Smith
Ms. Toni S. Smith
Mr. Tony Smith
Ms. Clara Sneed
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soberman
Mr. Thomas W. Sojda
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Solanskey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Spande
Ms. Donna Spaniola
Ms. Anna Speck
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spiece
Mr. and Mrs. Mark St. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. David Staats
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stafford
Don Standridge
Ms. Barbara K. Stanko
Ms. Susan L. Stapleton
Ms. Nancy Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stavropoulos
Ms. Patricia A. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Erich C. Steinmueller
Mr. Marvin Stempien
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Steward
Ms. Gwen Stewart
Ms. Laurena L. Stewart
Ms. Kim Stolarski
Ms. Alexis Stone
Ms. Christina Stone
Mr. Donald Stone
Ms. Mary C. Stoye
Ms. Marieth Stretten
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Stringer
Ms. Nancy Strodl
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Stroebel
Ms. Leigh Stubblefield
Mr. Daniel D. Succarde
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Suhy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Sulak
Ms. Nancy Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Surowitz
Ms. Lani Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sutschek
Ms. Barbara J. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Szura
Taco Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tahy
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tait
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Talley
Ms. Vicky Talmers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tanghe
Ms. Eija K. Tatseos
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Taube
Ms. Caroline Taylor
Ms. Jennifer Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor
Ms. Kelly Teague
Mr. and Mrs. David Teeter
Ms. Kathleen Teets
Mr. Frank Tenuta
Ms. Mary E. Terao
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Territo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Thalmann
Ms. Lois Thieleke
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tholl
Mr. and Mrs. August J. Thoma
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Thomas
Ms. Sherrine Thomas
Ms. Carole A. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Thomson
Thrifty Drugs
Ms. Cynthia E. Tischer
Ms. Sarah L. Todebush
Ms. Janice Tomakowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Tomezak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomkovicz
Mr. and Mrs. Giannino D. Tonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Topping, Jr.
Mrs. Marcy M. Totte
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Totte
Ms. Michela Treharne
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tressel
Ms. Denise Tretheway
Ms. Susan Trevas
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Trevino
Troy Democratic Club
Ms. Perry Troy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Trumper
Mr. and Mrs. W. Allan Tuomaala
Mrs. Joyce Turland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tvaroha
Ms. Lisa Tyson
Mr. Michael Tyson
Mrs. Pamela L. Uller
Ultimate Nails by Dodi
United Way Greater Pennsylvania
United Way of Plymouth Community
United Way of SE Pennsylvania
University Dental Assoc., P.C.
UPS Store 112
Ms. Claudia T. Urbanski
Mr. Zigmund F. Urbanski
Mr. Anna Urbonas
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Vaara
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Valade
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Valente
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Valentine
Ms. Mary Ellen Van Buskirk
Ms. Carol VanCleave
Mr. and Mrs. John VanDaele
Ms. Lucinda H. VanDusen
Ms. Jelena Vanevski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vanfleteren
Mr. Kevin VanHouten and Ms. Erika
Mr. James VanLeuven, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis VanWagoner
Ms. Tara Varde
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Veillette
Ms. Marilyn Veltman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Verch
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Verch
Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vernia
Mr. Gerald F. Verno
Mr. Bharath Vijayendra
Mr. Claude C. Vinegar
Mr. Erasmo C. Vizza
Mrs. and Dr. Cynthia von Oeyen
Ms. Nancy Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wagoner, Jr.
Ms. Mary Waldrup
Ms. Barbara Walker
Ms. Jeannie Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wallis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Wallunas
Ms. Fran Wamby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ward
Ms Deborah Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Warren
Ms. Kristy Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watnick
Mr. Charles Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Weber
Ms. Germaine E. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Wegner
Ms. Adrienne Weiss
Ms. Frances E. Weissinger
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Welch
Ms. Carolyn L. Wemple
Ms. Bonnie Wernick
Ms. Margaret T. White
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. White, Jr.
Ms. Pamela White
Ms. Robin M. White
Mr. Harvey Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholaus P. Whiteley
Mr. William A. Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Whiteman
Mr. Mark D. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Whitson III
Ms. Lizabeth Wiggins
Ms. Betty Wilber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilkes
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Willcock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Willen
Mr. and Mr. Ronald L. Willhide
Mrs. Constance M. Williams
Ms. Darlene Williams
Ms. Barbara Willing
Ms. Linda Wilson
Wines for Humanity
Ms. Elaine Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Witters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wojciechowski
Ms. J. Wojtczak
Mr. Richard W. Wojtylo and Ms. Kathleen M
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Woolverton
Ms. Mary J. Woolverton
Ms. Helen R. Wooten
World Wise
Ms. Ayleen Wright
Mr. Thomas Yaczik and Ms. Jeanine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yakubison
Ms. Victoria Yaskanin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan D. Yessian
Ms. Susan Yorke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Young
Mr. and Mrs. John Yun
Mr. Joseph G. Zabramski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zaffina
Ms. Kelli Zelenak
Ms. Sara C. Zibell
Mr. and Mrs. Anton H. Zidansek
Ms. Maria Zimmermann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Zinter
Ms. Mary Ziraldo
Dr. Nicholas Zorka
Ms. Lucia Zurkowski
Lighthouse of Oakland County extends our sincere appreciation and gratitude to
Beier Howlett Law
Armaly Brands
our generous 2012-2013 In-Kind supporters:
300 Bowl-Dollies Bowling
50th District Court
52nd -1 District Court
Ms. Sonia Aasgaard
Ms. Angelita Able
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abney
Ms. Rosemary Abraham
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Ms. N Acharya
Aco Hardware
Mrs. Paula Acton
Ms. Cindy Adamek
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams
Ms. Lori Adams
Ms. Rachel Adams
Ms. Robin Adams
Mr. Robin J. Adams
Ms. Terry Adams
Mr. Robert Ade
Ms. Cynthia Adelson
Advantage Way Point
Aerotek, Inc.
Affinity Group Credit Union
Ms. Shannon Aguis
Ms. Ami Aiuto
Akzo Nobel
Akzo Nobel
Akzo Nobel Coatings, Inc.
Alano Club of Oakland County
Ms. Pam Albright
Ms. Meghan Aldrich
Ms. Myra Allen
Ms. Pat Allen
Ms. Winona Allen
Ms. Lori Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Alonzi
Alps Automotive
Ms. Mary Ann Altenburg
Ms. K.R. Alverson
Ms. Alice Alvey
Ms. Kandace Amend
American Business Women's Assoc.
American House
American Legion Aux #377
Mr. Sreenivasan Amrutur
Ms. Bulah Anderson
Ms. Karen Anderson
Ms. Shannon Anderson
Ms. Sharhona Anderson
Ms. and Mr. Georgia Andrews
Mr. John Andrews
Android Industries
Mr. Daniel Angelucci
Angott Research Group
Anonymous LES
Anonymous LES North
Anonymous LOC
Anonymous LPTH
Anthony's Pizza
Ms. Andrea Antilla
Ms. Dorothy Appleman
Ms. Michele Armstrong
Armstrong White
Ms. Karen Arndt
Mr. Ed Arthur
Ms. Gretchen Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ashmore
Astrein's Creative Jewelers
Athletes 4 Christ
Ms. Elaine Atkins
Ms. Doris Atwood
Austin Financial Group
Avondale School District
Ms. Gisele Axelrod
Azimuth Capital Managment
Babes in Toyland
Ms. Corinne Bachman
Ms. Brooke Bachusz
Ms. Janet Bailey
Bailey Lake Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bailey
Baker College
Ms. Elaine Baker
Ms. Loretta Baker
Ms. Perah Baker
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Balardo
Ms. Brenda L. Ball
Ms. Denise Ballard
Ms. Kelly Ballard
Ms. Sue Banglmaier
Bank of America
Ms. Barbara A. Banks
Ms. Dawn Banks
Mr. Jay Banninger
Ms. Jan Barbuscak
Ms. Phyllis Bare
Ms. Julie Barker
Ms. Michelle Barker
Ms. Jane Barnes
Ms. Valerie Barnes
Ms. Tracey Barr
Mr. Henry Barta
Ms. Pamela R. Barton
Ms. Mary Bartreau
Basic Rubber & Plastic
Mr. Dennis Basierbe
Mr. David Basile
Ms. Kimberly Basirico
Ms. Yolanda Bates
Mr. Andy Batkiewicz
Ms. Jillian Bauer
Mr. Rob J. Bauer
Ms. Carolyn Bayne
Mr. and Mrs. John Beach
Ms. Nancy Beacham
Ms. Jo'van Beane
Ms. Valarie Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Beauman
Ms. Irene Becharis
Ms. Tamara Bedi
Ms. Kristen Beebe
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Beeler
Mr. Jeff Beggs
Behr Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bejin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bejin
Mr. and Mrs. William Bejin
Mr. Pierre Beliveau
Ms. Annette Bell
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Belleau
Ms. Jill Benedict
Ms. Lisa Benia
Ms. Barbara Benjamin
Ms. Dawn Bennett
Ms. Delores Bennett
Ms. Dorothy Bennoune
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Benscoter
Benteler Automotive
Ms. Linda Berger
Ms. Miriam Bergman
Mr. Jeffrey Bergmann
Berkshire Middle School
Ms. Claire Bernacki
Ms. Gail A. Bernard
Mr. Harvey Berns
Ms. Peggy Berry
Ms. Ruth Bertner
Mr. Michael Berube
Beta Sigma Phi Gamma Master
Bethany Baptist Church
Bethel United Church of Christ
Better Health of Novi
Mr. Ian Beurguss
Beverly Hills Racquet Club
Ms. Sue Bibby
Mr. Matthew Biddinger
Ms. Cheryl Bienkowski
Big Beaver United Methodist
Ms. Susan Biggerstaff
Ms. Nicole Bilski
Ms. Kristine Binge
Birmingham Maple Clinic
Birmingham Senior Citizens Center
Birmingham Unitarian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bise
Mr. Jim Bisignano
Ms. Kim Blackwood
Mr. Richard Blair
Ms. Katherine Blake
Ms. Jennifer Blizinski
Mr. Scott Blodgett
Bloomfield Village Moms Co-Op
Bloomfield Village Social Club
Ms. Jill Blosnick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blotkamp
Mr. Marc Bloxsom
Ms. Jacquelyn Bluethmann
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blumeno
Ms. Patricia Blust
Blvd Suites
Ms. Isabelle Bode
Body Pure
Ms. Florence Boehm
Ms. Carmel Boley
Dr. Richard Bolten
Ms. Suzanne Bolton
Ms. Chris Bonatz
Ms. Bonnie Bone
Rev. and Mrs. William L. Bones
Ms. Christine Bonkowski
Ms. Sally Boor
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Borkowski
Ms. Diane Borovich
Mr. Donald Bortz
Ms. Gail Bothwell
Ms. Denise Boucard
Ms. LeeAnn L. Bouck
Ms. Debbie Boudouris
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bourget
Ms. Suzanne Boutorwick
Ms. Regina Bowden
Ms. Tontiana Bowden
Ms. Nicole Bowen
Mr. J.R. Bowker
John Bowman Chevrolet
Boy Scout Troop #189
Ms. Amy Bozynski
Ms. Carol Bradbury
Ms. Mary Brand
Ms. Louise Brandemer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brandewie
Brandon Township Parks & Rec
Ms. Nora Braniff
Ms. Amanda Breasbois
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Breault
Mrs. Pat Brendle
Mr. Todd Breneiser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan
Ms. Tiffany Brewer
Ms. Debbie Bricely
Mr. Greg Bright
Ms. Wendy Brink
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brinser
Brioni Cafe & Deli
Ms. Karin Brittain
Ms. Rebecka S. Brittingham
Ms. Donna Bromm
Brookfield Academy
Ms. Tracy Brooks
Brookside School
Brother Rice High
Ms. Barb Brown
Ms. Barbara Brown
Ms. Barbara Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bowden V. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brown
Ms. Jenae Brown
Ms. Lakia Brown
Ms. Lisa Brown
Ms. Mary Brown
Mr. Reed Brown
Brown Rehabilitation Management
Brownie Troop
Brownie Troop #20230
Ms. Marilyn Brozovic
Ms. Jennifer Bruni
Mr. Robert Brush
Ms. Catherine Buchanan
Mr. Christopher Buchanan
Ms. Christine Buechner
Ms. Candace Buehner
Mr. Daniel Bukowski
Mr. and Mrs. David Bumler
Ms. Tammy Burch
Ms. Allison Burgess
Ms. Diana Burke
Ms. Lori Burke
Ms. Debra L. Burkett
Ms. Michelle Burkhardt
Ms. Kelly Burnell
Ms. Lakeisha Burnett
Burning Daylight Productions
Burton Elementary School
Ms. Martella Busch
Ms. Amanda Bussa
Ms. Jean Butler
Ms. Mary Ann Butler
Butzel Long
Ms. Diane Byrne
Mr. Brian Cady and Ms. Georgianne Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cady
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cahill
Ms. Penelope Calcaterra
Ms. Nicole Calderone
Ms. Dorothy Caldwell
Ms. Judith Caldwell
Calf Tech
Calvary Lutheran Church
Ms. Sarah Cameron
Ms. Debra Campbell
Ms. Delores Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Campbell
Mr. Mike Campero
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Canada
Mr. John Candela
Ms. Robyn Canvasser
Mr. Emmett Capito
Mr. Frank Caputo
Ms. Terry Caroline
Ms. Mary Beth Carozza
Ms. Madison Carpentier
Ms. Denisha Carr
Ms. Jane F. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carroll
Mr. James Carron
Mr. Derrick Carter
Mr. and Mrs. James Carter
Mr. Steve Cartier
Ms. Tamaka Cartier
Ms. Karen Carty
Caruso Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Casper
Ms. Charlene Castleberry
Mr. Ledell Castleberry
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Castorri
Ms. Cara Catallo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cattel
Mr. Larry Cavalloro
Cedar Crest Academy
Ms. Kris Cederman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Celani
Mr. Tom Celusnak
CES, Inc.
Mr. Michael Chaben
Mr. and Mrs. David Chaika
Ms. Denise Champagne
Ms. Pam Champagne
Mr. and Mrs. James Chapie
Mr. George Chapman
Ms. Michele Charboneau
Mr. Greg Charbonneau
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan B. Chase
Chase Plastic Service
Ms. Stanera Cheeks
Cherry Hill Lanes North
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cherry
Ms. Bobbi Chess
Chicken Shack
Ms. Sandra Chimenti
Mr. Matt Chiodo
Christ Lutheran Church
Christ The Redeemer Catholic Church
Friends of Lighthouse Jazz Christian
Chrysler LLC
Mr. John Chune
Mr. John Chung
Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
Mr. Robert M. Church, Jr.
Churchills of Birmingham
Ms. Tracie Chutolalh
Ms. Alisha Cieslak
Ms. Erin Clancey
Mr. Mark Clancey
Ms. Chris Clark
Mrs. Gwen A. Clark
Ms. Helen Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Clark
Ms. Ruthann Clark
Ms. Stacey Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke
Ms. Tracy Clarke
Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce
Clarkston Area Mothers
Clarkston Auto Wash
Clarkston Community Church of God
Clarkston Community Garden
Clarkston Dairy Queen
Clarkston Eagles
Clarkston Family Dental
Clarkston High School
Clarkston Junior High School
Clarkston Masonic Temple
Clarkston News
Clarkston State Bank
Clarkston Union
Clarkston United Methodist Church
Ms. Trisha Clough
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clowen
Ms. and Mrs. Larry Clower
Ms. Nancy Coates
Mr. Eric Cockrell
Ms. Cari Coffer
Ms. Heather Cogswell
Ms. Stacy J. Cohen
Ms. Dianne Coin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cojocari
Dr. and Mrs. Cornell Colbert
Mr. Guy Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Coleman
Ms. Yashica Coleman
Ms. Deb Collens
Colombiere Center
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Colton, Jr.
Mr. Eric Colts
Ms. Shannon Colucci
Ms. Marie Colyer
Comerica Bank
Comerica Bank
Comerica Bank, Inc.
Comic City
Community Bible Church
Community Housing Network, Inc.
Community of Christ
Community Presbyterian Church
Conant Elementary
Conde Nast Publications, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Condron
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
Congregational Church of Birmingham
Ms. Beth Conlin
Ms. Gloria Constance
Consumers Energy c/o Woman's Advisory
Continental Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cook
Ms. Valerie Cook
Mr. David Cooke
Cook's Academy
Cooley Elementary School
Ms. Angie Cooney
Ms. Carol Cooper
Mr. Gerald W. Cooper
Ms. Nancy Cooper
Ms. Marie Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Coplin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Corcoran, Jr.
Ms. Jacqueline Cornell
Ms. Cynthia Cornwell
Ms. Nicole Cornwell
Corporate Eagle Companies
Ms. Jan Corrigan
Corrigan Moving Systems
Ms. Debbie Corson
Ms. Christine Cortez
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cortez
Ms. Angela Costello
Ms. Sarah Coulson
Mr. Jonathan Coulter
Ms. Barbara Couwlier
Ms. Lori Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Craig
Mrs. Mariann Cramer
Cranbrook Schools
Ms. Cindy Crandell
Ms. Alisssa Crawford
Mr. James Cristbrook
Mr. James Cromwell
Ms. Karen A. Cross
Cross of Christ Lutheran
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Ms. Colleen Cruz
Ms. Kelly Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cruz
Mr. Larry Cry
Cub Scouts Pack #124
Mr. Pablo Cuevas
Culver's Restaurant
Mr. Bill Cumberworth
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Curlee
Curves for Women
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cusac
Custom Benefits Insurance Group
Ms. Karen Cynowa
Ms. Dawn Cyrek
Mr. Tim Dacey
Ms. Amanda Dado
Mrs. Jeannine Daly
Ms. Adah Damico
Ms. Dee Damico
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Damone
Dana Corporation
Ms. Lynne D'Andreta
Ms. Ashley Daniel
Ms. Claudia Danielewicz
Ms. Stephanie Danko
Mr. Bob Danz
Ms. Barbara Darga
Ms. Barbara Darga
Ms. Joy Davenport
Mr. Jeffrey Davidson
Mr. Rob Davidson
Mr. Benjamin Davis
Mr. Emerson Davis
Mr. James E. Davis
Ms. Joline Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Davis
Mr. Orbert Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Ms. Rebecca Dawson
Ms. Lisa Day
Ms. Marilyn Day
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeCaminada
Ms. Tricia DeClercq
David Decoster
Ms. Melanie Deeds
Deer Lake Athletic Club
Ms. Amy DeFord
Mrs. Janice Degen
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Degen
Mr. Joe Del Rosario
Mr. Don Dell
Ms. Kathleen Dell
Ms. Kristen Demos
Ms. Nan Denio
Ms. Beth Denver
Mr. and Ms. John R. Deradoorian
Derby Middle School
Rev. and Mrs. Roger Derby
Ms. Barbara Derocher
Ms. Nicole Derocher
Ms. Leanne DeRousse
Ms. Tamika DeShields
Destination Style Boutique
Detroit Catholic Central
Detroit Pistons
Detroit Red Wings
Ms. Cecilia Dettloff
Ms. Heidi Devereaux
Mr. Scott Devereaux
Ms. Rosalie Deveson
Ms. Dawn Devine
Ms. Natalya Devins
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Dewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Dickerson
Ms. Victoria Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Dickstein
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Didio
Ms. Susie Dillon
Ms. Amy Dimmer
Ms. Wanda Dinkins
Ms. Melissa Dionne
Disney Store
Ms. Jane Dittus
Ms. Dianne Diuble
Mr. and Mrs. Eden A. Diver, Jr.
Divine Mercy Parish
Mr. John Doe
Ms. Mindy Doerr
Ms. Kathy Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Doletzky
Mrs. Carole Doll
Ms. Ellen Dolsen
Mr. and Mrs. David Dombrowski
Ms. Sandra Dombrowski
Ms. Michele Domin
Mr. and Mrs. John Donnay
Ms. Pam Donovan
Door to Door Organics
Mr. Daniel W. Doubleday
Ms. Christina Doyle
Ms. Mary Jo Doyle
Mrs. Kelly Doyle O'Day
Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle
Draexlmaier Automotive
Ms. Jessica Drake
Ms. Edna Driscols
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. David Duckett
Ms. Barbara Duerden
Ms. Brooke Dukes
Mr. John Dunchez
Ms. Lynn Dunda
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunn
Mr. Jeremy Dunn
Mr. Ken Dupay
Ms. Karen DuPerry
Ms. Fran Durham
Ms. Erin M. Durren
Ms. Leanne Duvall
Ms. Karen Dye
Mrs. Shirley Dylewski
Dynamic Life Chiropractic
Ms. Dorothy Dyson
Eagle Ottawa
Ealy Elementary
Ms. Cindy Easton
Mr. Bruce Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Edwards
Ms. Cukesha Edwards
Ms. Lara Edwards
EEI Global
Ms. Carol Egrin
Ms. Estelle Egrin
Mr. Brian Eib
Mr. Jim Eib
Ms. Margaret Eib
Mr. and Mrs. David Einstandig
Ms. Brenda Elam
Ms. Felicia Elam
Mr. Walter Elam
Mr. and Mrs. W. William Eldridge IV
Mr. Scott Elia
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Elias
Mr. Jacob Elkins
Ms. Kristen Elliott
Ms. Holly Lee Ellis
Ms. Kathy Ellis
Mr. Robert Ellison
Ms. Nancy Elton
Mr. and Ms. David Ely
Ms. Heidi Emerick
Emerson Unitarian Church
Ms. Judy Emert
Ms. Mary Ellen Emmons
Energy Design Service System
Ms. D. Enoch
Mr. Dan Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ervin
Ms. Julie Esplend
Ms. Shannon Esselink
Ms. Vicky Estrada
Ms. Marcella Evans
Mr. Ryan Ewles
Ms. Cheryl Ezop
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Facciolla
Ms. Theresa Fair
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
Family International
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fante
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Farlin
Ms. Rebecca Farrand
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Faught
Mr. Greg Favaro
Mr. Nick Favazza
FedEx Ground
Ms. Susan Feigenson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Feldhus
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Feldman
Ms. Teri Fenner
Ms. Janice Ferguson
Mr. Kyle Ferrell
Ms. Lisa Ferris
Ms. Ann Fertuck
Ms. Emily J. Fettig
Mr. Michael Fetzer
Mr. Mark Sims and Ms. Elaine Fieldman
Ms. Marcelle Fields
Fifth Third Bank
Ms. Mary Finkel
Ms. Sharon A. Finley
Ms. Theresa Fiorani
First Congregational Church
Ms. Cindy Firsten
Mr. Kurt Fish
Ms. Joni Fisher
Ms. Cynthia Fisher Rowe
Dr. Gary Fiteny
Fitness Things
Ms. Colleen M. Fitzgerald
Ms. Gwen Fitzgerald
Ms. Dianna Fitzpatrick
Flagstar Bank
Ms. Maureen Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Fleck
Ms. Diana Fleszar
Ms. Jamie Fletcher
Flip Starz Gymnastics
Mr. Frank Flood and Ms. Anne Argiroff
Flying Rhino Cycling Club
Ms. Susan Folkl
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fontana
Ford Motor Company
Mr. Anthony Forest
Forgotten Harvest
Form Tech
Ms. Linda Fortino
Found Objects
Fountains Golf & Banquet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fournier
Fox Bar & Grille
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Fox
Ms. C. Franco
Mr. Dennis Frank
Mr. Al Frankiewcz
Ms. Tahesia Franks
Ms. Karla Frazier
Mr. Thomas Fredenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Freeland
Mr. Robert Freeman
Mr. Mark E. Frenchi, D.D.S.
Ms. Sharon Frericks
Ms. Pat Frey
Friedman Management
Friend of the Court
Ms. Michele Frierson
Mr. Norbert Froeschke
Ms. Tammy Froeschke
Front Door Designs
Ms. Nicole Fry
Ms. and Mr. Jackie Fullenkamp
Mrs. Christine Furlo
Ms. Linda Furlough
Mr. Gary Gabel
Galilean Church
Ms. Jodi Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gambee
Ms. Julie Ganfield
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gardner
Ms. Sandra Gardner
Ms. Sharon Garland
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garner
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Garretson
Ms. Barbara Garrett
Gateway Montessori School
Ms. Maura Gatowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Gatz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Gaus
Mr. Mark Gazda
Mr. Janet Gendelman
General Motors
General Motors
Mr. Bryan Genereaux
Genisys Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Geno
Ms. Sindy Gensman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher George
Mr. Michael George
Mr. Nicholas George
Ms. Julie Germond
Mr. Thomas Gervasi
Ms. Patricia Gerwert
GFK Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Ghesquiere III
Ms. Ann Gianopoulos
Ms. Julie Giattino
Mr. Andrew Gibbs
Ms. Beth Gibbs
Ms. Jennifer Giddis
Ms. Gale Gieske
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Gieske
Ms. Karen Gilcher
Mr. Don Gillespie
Ms. Kristine Gillespie
Gillett Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gillies
Ms. Lovica Gilmore
Ms. Donna Gilsdorf
Gina Agosta Salon
Ms. Barbara Girard
Girl Scout Troop #234
Girl Scout Troop #43751
Girl Scout Troop #70074
Girl Scout Troop #74695
Ms. Linda Giuliani
GKN Automotive
Gleaners Community Food Bank of Metro
Global Sales & Marketing
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
GM Orion Assembly Plant
GM Women's Club
Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey
Mr. Balkrishna Goenka
Ms. Mary Kay Goetz
Ms. Marie Goff
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Goga
Ms. Rosalyn Goldberg
Ms. Shari Goldberg
Mr. Jon Goldman
Ms. Vikki Goldstein
Golling GMC
Ms. Janet Golochowicz
Ms. Angela Gomez
Ms. Eva Gomez
Ms. Judy Goode
Ms. Carol Gordon
Ms. Lynn Gordon
Ms. Nancy Gordon
Ms. Julie Gorman
Ms. Katie Gorman
Ms. Meghan Gornick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gothard
Ms. Christine Grabb
Grace Chapel
Ms. Laurin Gracey-Parker
Mrs. Judith Graham
Ms. Katherine Graham
Mr. Tod Graham
Mr. Luke Ponder and Ms. Darla Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Grassmeyer
Ms. Nikole Graybill
Greater Detroit Jazz Society
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Green
Ms. Denise Green
Mr. Ken Green
Ms. Robin Green
Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Green
Greenfield Elementary School
Greenfield Girl Scouts
Ms. Susan Greenfield
Ms. Lorrie Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gregart
Ms. Judy Gregart
Mr. Jim Gregor
Ms. Karen Grenadier
Ms. Shirley Gresehover
Gretchko Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griffin
Mrs. Pamela Griffin
Ms. Tanya Griggs
Ms. Caryn Gross
Ms. Beth Grossman
Ms. Pamela L. Grozdon
Ms. Christina C. Grubb
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Grube
Mr. David Grzesiak
Guardian Industries Corporation
Mr. Patrick C. Guarino
Mr. and Mrs. William Guarino
Ms. Christina Guccione
Ms. Tami Guerra
Ms. Angel Guillen
Family Gunn
Mr. Matt Gunn
Ms. Karen Gunsberg
Ms. Miriam Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gurk
Ms. Mary Guy
Ms. Patricia Guzowski
Mr. Ted Haddad
Mr. Mark Hagen
Ms. Amanda Haithe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hales
Ms. Laura Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Halpin
Mary Halpin
Ms. Patricia Halpin
Mr. Markus Hamilton
Ms. Mia Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton
Mr. Thomas Hamilton
Ms. Nena Hamler
Hamlin Pub
Ms. Sarah Hampel
Ms. Lori Handzel
Ms. Patricia Hankerson
Ms. Dawn Hannah
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hannah, Jr.
Ms. Christine Hannenberg
Mrs. Alayne Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hanson
Mr. J Haque
Ms. Michelle Harbaugh
Ms. Peggy Harbaugh
Ms. Rhonda Hardeman
Ms. Susan Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hardman
Harlan Elementary
Ms. Alicia Harlow
Harness Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Harp
Ms. Gail Harper
Ms. Tiffany H. Harper
Ms. Gale Harrington
Ms. Kelly Harris
Ms. Linda Harris
Mr. Dree Harrison
Ms. LaShawn Hart
Ms. Joyce Hartom
Ms. Julie Hartson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey
Ms. Deborah Hasenau
Ms. Joann Hassett
Mr. Peter Hassett
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hastings
Ms. Fizi Hata
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hau
Ms. Terry Hauer
Ms. Leanna Haun
Mr. Michael Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hay
Ms. Tenniqua Hayes
Ms. Kate Hayman
Mrs. Anna Headbloom
Ms. Lucille Heald
Health Quest Physical Therapy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hedlund
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heister
Ms. Arielle Helfman
Ms. Kathryn Helper
Ms. Carolyn Hemmen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hemmila
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henderson
Ms. Melissa Hendges
Ms. Terri Hendren
Ms. Brianna Hendrix
Ms. Jill Henley
Ms. Lucy Henney
Mr. Gerald Hentschel
Mr. Thomas Herbst
Heritage in the Hills
Ms. Patti Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Herzfeld
Ms. Diane Herzog
Mr. Michael Heughens
Mr. and Ms. Kirk Hewlett
Mr. James F. Hickerson and Ms. Cynthia
Mrs. Anne L. Higgins
Ms. Shannon Higgins
Ms. Helen Hightower
Mr. Daniel C. Hill
Ms. Qiona Hill
Ms. Stacey Hill
Ms. Virginia Hill
Ms. Sara Himburg
Mrs. Tamera M. Himes
Ms. Kim Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hoerauf
Ms. Connie Hoffman
Ms. Mitzi Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Hoffman
Ms. Mary Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hohauser
Mr. Brian Hoisington
Mr. and Mrs. James Holevas
Mr. Ardis Hollingsworth
Ms. Yashica Holloman
Ms. Linda Holody
Ms. Lisa Holscher
Ms. Kelly Holubeck-Gotts
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Ms. Jan Holzer
HOME Realty Team
Ms. Karen Hone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Honoway
Mr. and Ms. Rick Honoway
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Honoway
Ms. Katherine Hopkins
Mr. Colin Hopper
Mr. Christopher Horan
Mr. Ken Horbatiuk
Ms. Sharon Horn
Mr. Brian Horsch
Ms. Clare Horton
Ms. Laurie Horvath
Hospice of Michigan
Mr. Dan House
Ms. Jessica Howard
Ms. Karen Howard
Ms. Maggie Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Howay
Mr. Gordie Howe
Ms. Joyce Howe
Ms. Loretta Hrdlicka
Ms. Michelle Hrischuk
Ms. Joyce Huang
Mr. James Hudson
Ms. Nan Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hudson
Mr. Ronald Hudson
Ms. Marianne Huesing
Huffmaster Companies
Ms. Kathy Huizdos
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huizdos
Mr. Jeffrey C. Hulderman
Ms. Debra Humble
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hunter
Ms. Kim Hurley
Huron Valley Hospital
Mr. Jason Hurst
Ms. Denise Huyser
Ms. Mary Hyde
Ms. Maria Hynde
Ms. Karen Hynes
Ms. Linda Ianni
Mrs. Susan Ide
Impressions Salon
Ms. Tami Inch
Independence Elementary
Independence Firefighters Association #26
Indianwood Golf & Country Club
Ms. Gloria Indzcoski
International Academy
Ms. Rebecca Irey
Mr. John Irwin
Ms. Margaret Isbell
Ms. Catherine Ivan
J. McLaughlin
Mr. Dan Jackanen
Ms. Gloria Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jackson
Mr. Rochelle Jackson
Ms. Cari Jacksoon
Ms. Bridgett Jacob
Jacobsen's Flowers
Jain Society of Greater Detroit
Mr. Irfan Jallad
Dr. John Jamnik
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Janosz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jasinski
Mrs. Tami Jelinek
Jenkins Magnus Volk & Carroll, P.C.
Ms. Sharon Jenks
Ms. Laura Jerneycic
Ms. Brenda Jeter
Ms. TaJuana Jeter
Mr. Andrew Jeung
Dr. Stacey Jinkins
Ms. Dawn Jinsky
Ms. Christin Johns
Ms. Jan Johnson
Mrs. Judy Johnson
Ms. Markeita Johnson
Ms. Melissa F. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson
Ms. Violette Johnson
Mr. Brent Johnston
Mrs. Lena Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Johnstone
Ms. Barbara Jones
Ms. Betty Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jones
Mr. Dennis Jones
Ms. Lisa Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones
Ms. Tyleta Jones
Ms. Kathy Jordan
Mrs. Susan Joseph
Ms. Evelyn Joy
Ms. Carol Kaiser
Ms. Linda Kaiser
Ms. Ansam Kalasho
Ms. Carol Kalat
Mr. and Mrs. John Kallstrom
Mr. Ramesh Kandukuri
Mr. Bernard Kantor
Ms. Lori Karbal
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kasapis
Mr. Olatunji Kasim
Mr. Randal Kasperski
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Katic
Ms. Alexandra Katnik
Ms. Keade Katuzin
Mr. Avery Katzman
Ms. Sylvia Kaub
Ms. Judy Kavulich
Ms. Nanettte Kearfott
Ms. Karen Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Keenan
Ms. Caelan Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Keenan
Mr. John J. Keenan, Jr.
Mr. John J. Keenan
Mr. Joseph Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keenan
Ms. Katie Kehoe-Crooks
Ms. Karen Kehres
Ms. Lisa Kelley
Ms. Nancy Kelly
Ms. Rosemary Kelly
Kelly Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kemper
Ms. Jonas Kennard
Mr. Michael Kennedy
Ms. Nancy Kerin
Ms. Alexis Kerr
Ms. Mary Kerwin
Mr. Irvin Kessler
Ms. Lucy Keurajian
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Keuten
Key Plastics
Kid Rock Foundation
Ms. Amy King
Ms. Phyllis King
Ms. Rebecca King
Mr. Travis King
Ms. Sandy Kinsler
Ms. Ellen Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kirklin
Mr. Chris Kirkum
Ms. Susan Kissinger
Ms. Lori Klebba
Ms. Renee Klebba
Ms. and Mr. Stacy Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Klimek
Mr. Daryl Klinko
Ms. Elizabeth Klosinski
Ms. Anne Klumpp
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kmiec
Ms. Claudia Knauss
Knights of Columbus
Mr. Paul Knoll
Ms. Heather Knudsen
Kohl's Store 436
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Koler
Ms. Jane Konoya
Ms. Kim Kopaceski
Ms. Kim Koppi
Ms. Kari Koreck
Mr. LaDonna Kornegay-Bey
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Korner
Ms. Catherine Korreck
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Koseck
Ms. Phyllis Kotwick
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kotzan
Ms. Anita Kowal
Ms. Kyle Kraft
Ms. Kendra Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kramer
Mr. Matt Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Kramer
Family Kremhelmer
Mr. Greg Kreutzer
Mr. Greg Kreutzer
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Kroneman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kronk
Mr. Don Krueger
Ms. Ilene Kruetzky
Ms. Bernice Krulikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krushena
Ms. Caelan Kuban
Ms. Mary Kuenzel
Ms. Marie Kuge
Ms. Charmaine Kunz
Ms. Donna Kus
Dr. Ilana Kutinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Laboe
Ms. Mary Laboe
Ms. Jolene LaCasse
Ms. Rebecca Ladenoff
Dr. Leslie Lafer
Ms. Kelly LaFontaine
Ms. Maureen LaFontaine
Mr. Ryan LaFontaine
Lahser High School
Ms. Marie Laidler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laimbeer
Lakes Oral Surgery
Lakeview Food Basket
Ms. Janeen Lalik
Mr. John Lalik
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lalik
Ms. Sharron Lalik
Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter
Mr. Shawn Lambouris
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lambrecht
Lambrecht Properties
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lanahan
Ms. Karen Lancaster-McIntosh
Ms. Barbara Lange
Ms. Lori Langenderfer
Ms. Yvonne Larabell
Mr. Horacio Laredo and Ms. Karina Cortes
Mr. Richard Largent
Mr. and Mrs. John Larry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson
Mr. Jerome Lasinski
Mr. Dave Lason
Mr. Greg Latour
Ms. Kelly Lauer
Ms. Sarah Lavery
Ms. Darcie Law
Mr. Larry Lawson
Mr. Troy Leach
Leadership Management
Leadership Oakland
Mr. Robert Lease
Mrs. Cathy A. LeBlanc
Ms. Norma Ledwell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leeds
Ms. Monique Legris
Ms. Joan Lehoczky
Ms. Laura Leigh
Ms. Peg Leinbach
Ms. Meredith Lemen
Mr. Mark Chutnow and Ms. Sonja
Mrs. Carole Lennox
Mr. Dennis Lennox
Leon & Lulu
Leoni Industrial Solutions
Leo's Coney Island
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. John Lescelius
Ms. Kathryn Lescelius
Ms. Jen Leslie
Mr. Jim Lesniak
Ms. Carolyn J. Leuenhagen
Friends of Lighthouse C. Leurck
Ms. Vera Lev
Ms. Lois Levenson
Mr. Ira Levin
Ms. Sally Jo Levine
Ms. Tracy Levitt
Ms. Alkinie Lewis
Ms. Brenda Lewis
Mr. Don Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis
Ms. Jean Lewis
Ms. Lynn Lewis
Mr. Harry Lewkowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ley
Dr. Julie Lezolte
Ms. Susan Lieber
Ms. Dayna Lieder
Life Pointe Chiropractic Center
Ms. Maureen Lifton
Ms. Gail Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. David Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Liparoto
Mrs. Sheila Lipschutz
Mr. Mark Lipson
Lipson, Neilson, Cole, Seltzer, Garin, PC
Lisa's Confection Connection
Ms. Judi Little
Little Monsters
Little Rico's Pizza
Mr. Richard Lockman
Mr. Dana M. Locniskar and Mrs. Christine
Ms. Teresa Loeffler
Mr. Lawrence Loehne
Ms. Beth Lofay
Mr. Harold Logan
Ms. Madeline Lokar
Mr. Gene Lomnicki
Mr. Stephan Long
Loomis Sayles & Company
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Loose, Jr.
Ms. Juana Lopez
Ms. Anca Lordachianu
Ms. Cristina Lorenzetti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lorts
Mr. Klee Loskill
Ms. Martasia Lothery
Ms. Laura Loud
Ms. Nancy Lovell
Mr. Gerald Lovins
Ms. Yvonne Lovins
Ms. Wendy Lucas
Mr. Anthony Lucca
Mr. Mark Luichinger
Ms. Terry Lukens
Mr. James Lulik
Ms. Amy Lumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lunghamer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lupton
Lutheran Church of the Ascension
Ms. Karen Luther-Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lutz
Ms. Susan Lutz
Mr. John Lutzke
Mrs. Robin Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch
Macedonia Baptist Church
Ms. Sharon Mackey
Macy's Oakland Mall
Mr. Mihir Maddireddy
Mr. William Madigan
Ms. Jane Magidsohn
Ms. Mamata Maheshwari
Ms. Elizabeth Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Majewski
Ms. Linda Malec
Mr. Stanley Malek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malinzak
Ms. Patricia Mallloy
Ms. Shannon Maloney
Mr. Ellen Malotka
Mr. and Ms. Scott Malvich
Ms. Kendra Mantz
Ms. Mary Mara
Ms. Kris Maran
Marc Dutton Irrigation
Ms. Jean A. March
Ms. Ella Marcum
Mrs. Rita Margherio
Ms. Rochelle Margolis
Maria's Bridal Couture
Ms. Carol Marietta
Ms. Pat Markell
Marketti Academy of Cosmotology
Mr. Michael Marks
Ms. Angela Marras
Marriott at Centerpoint
Ms. Amanda Marshall
Ms. Alison Martin
Ms. Trisha Martin
Ms. Amy Martocci
Ms. Kristine Martyn
Mr. Keith Masserang
Ms. Loralie Masserang
Ms. Julie Mastrogiacomo
Ms. Jean Mathews
Max Broock
Mr. David Maxsam
Mr. Katherine Maxwell
Ms. Karen May
Ms. Melissa May
Ms. Oweda Mayfield
Mr. Paul Mays
Mr. Angelo Mazzola
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur
Ms. Corine McBride
Ms. Leah McCall
Ms. Janelle McCammon
Ms. Mary Grace McCarter
Dr. and Mrs. David McChesney
Ms. Vera McCleish
Ms. Paula McClellan
Ms. Kelly McConnell
McCourt's Music Center
Ms. Susan McCoy
Ms. Samantha McCroy
Ms. Margaret McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald
Mrs. Donna McDonald
Ms. Ruth McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McElroy
Mr. Dan McEnroe
Ms. Nancy McEvoy
Ms. Elana McEwen
Ms. Karen McGaughey
Mr. Patrick McGinnis
Ms. Catherine McGowan
Ms. Amy McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Rudie McGregor
Mr. Pat McGuilly
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McInerney
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McKee
Ms. Maria McKendrick
Ms. Wendy McKervey
Mr. and Mrs. James McKillop
Ms. Terry McKinney
Ms. Kelly McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. McNally
Mr. James M. McPharlin
Ms. Dolores McPheeters
Ms. Ruth Ann McVay
Ms. Beth McWatters
Ms. Peggy Meador
Ms. Carol Meagher
Mr. Ryan Meelian
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Meer
Ms. Danielle Meissner
Ms. Gail Meissner
Ms. Terry Mejia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mellen
Ms. Dorothy Mengel
Mr. and Mrs. David Mengyan, II
Menlo Worldwide
Ms. Nicole Menuck
Bruce Mercado, DDS
Ms. Mary Mercer
Ms. Shamayne Mercer
Ms. Karen Merritt
Mesquite Creek Steakhouse
Messinian Association of Michigan
Ms. Stacy Metcalf
Metropolitan Dental Center
Ms. Kelsey Meyer
Ms. Trish Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. Ron Michaelson
Mr. Don Michau
Michele Watches
Michigan Associated of Retired School
Michigan Credit Union League
Michigan Ear Institute
Michigan Lakers, Chapter 32
Michigan Science Center
Ms. Sharon Mick
Midvale Senior Center
Ms. Theresa Migdal
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Migliazzo
Millenium Products
Millennium Limo
Ms. Donna Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Ms. Sarah Miller
Ms. Sharlene Miller
Ms. Tobey Miller
Mr. Zach Miller
Ms. Arlene Millman
Mills Pharmacy
Ms. Vera Milz
Ms. Carol Mitchell
Mr. Jarvis Mitchell
Mitchell's Fish Market
Ms. Mas Miyazaki
Ms. Madelone Mobly
Ms. Grace Moffitt
Ms. Sheilagh Mogford
Mom's Club of Royal Oak
Ms. M. Monohon
Mr. Michael Montano
Ms. Sharon Montgomery
Ms. Debbie Montpas
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Moody
Ms. Peggy Moon
Ms. Brenda Moore
Ms. Eunice Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Moore
Ms. R. Moore
Ms. Jennifer Moran
Ms. Robin Morang
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morell
Mr. Frank Morelli
Mr. Keith Morency
Ms. Maggie Moreton
Morgan & Milzow Realtors
Morgan Associates, PLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Morgan
Ms. Christina Morgan
Ms. Janice Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Ms. Carrie Mornuys
Ms. Cheri Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morris
Mr. Steve Morris
Ms. Jalicia Mosley
Mr. William Moss
Motawi Tileworks
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moultrup
Mrs. Helen Moultrup
Movement Search
Mr. David Mroz
MSU Extension Service
Mt. Zion Temple
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Mucci
Mr. and Mrs. John Mucha, III
Ms. Stacy Muehlheim
Mr. Tom Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Muenz
Ms. Mary Mulherin
Ms. Beth Muma
Mr. Robert Murdock
Ms. Julie Murray
Mr. Joe Murvar
Ms. Sarah Muzzin
Ms. Elaine Myers
Ms. Sofia Nakis
Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy Nancarrow
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nash
Ms. and Mr. Jennifer Nason
Ms. Tracee Nassar
National Truck Equipment Association
Nativity Episcopal Church
Ms. Amer Nauom
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nawrocki
Mr. Juan Negron
Ms. Lisa Nelson
Mr. Brian Nemer
Ms. Margaret Nemeth
New Line Productions
Mr. Michael Newbecker
Ms. Corrina Newman
Ms. Lillie Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Nichols
Mr. Michael Nickeze
Ms. Debbie Nielson
Ms. Gail Niemi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nine
Ms. Cheri Noble
Ms. Lynda Noch
Ms. Nancy Nolin
Mrs. Kris Nord
Mr. Leonard Norman
North Oakland Family Counseling
North Sashabaw Elementary School
Mr. Trevor North
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Northcross
Northpointe Capital
Northwest Plaza
Mr. Martin Norton
Norup International School
Notre Dame Preparatory
Nottingham Forest Women's Club
Mr. Daniel Nye
Nykanen Dorfman, PLLC
Ms. Charlene Oakes
Oakland Community College
Oakland County Boat Club
Oakland County CMH Authority
Oakland County Community Corrections
Oakland County Dispatch
Oakland County Human Resources
Oakland County Pioneer & Historical Socie
Oakland County Treasurer's Association
Oakland Police Academy
Oakland Press
Oakland Schools
Oakland University Athletics
Oakland University Project Upward Bound
Ms. Katie Ochs
Mr. Patrick O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. O'Dea
Ms. Theresa O'Dea
Ms. Pat Odgers
Ms. Jenna Ogle
Ms. Stacey O'Keefe
Old Navy Clothing Store
Old Navy Clothing Store
Ms. Jacqueline Olivares
Ms. Mary Oliver
Ms. Camille Olley
Mr. Christopher Olson
Ms. Sharon O'Neall
Mrs. Carol O'Neil
Ms. Heather O'Neill
Mr. John Opfer
Terry Oppenheim
Orbis Corporation
Orchard Lake Country Club
Orchard Lake Middle School
Orchard Lake Presbyterian Church
Orchid Day Spa
Ms. Bernice Ordan
Orion Oaks Elementary
Mr. Sam Orley
Ms. Bev Osantowski
Mr. Justin Osborn
Ms. Jane Osgood
Mr. Joe Osmialowski
Ms. Leanne Osterhagen
Ms. Jen Ostroff
Mr. Joel Ostrowski
Mr. Josh Otero
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ottaway
Our Lady of Lakes High School
Our Lady of Refuge
Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church
Our Lady of the Lakes Elementary
Overhead Door
Ms. Becky Owens
Oxford Pregnancy Center
Mr. Michael P. Pacioni
Ms. Christine Pajor
Ms. Draga Palincasw
Mr. Dave Palm
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Palmer
Ms. Susan Paquette
Ms. Kathy Pare
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Park
Mr. Glenn Parker
Ms. Kim Parker
Ms. Tonya Parker
Parks Title
Ms. Nicole Parlor
Mr. Carl Parlove
Ms. Alicia W. Parr
Ms. Toni Partyka
Ms. Arlene Pascoe
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Passon
Mr. Adam Pasternak
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pasternak
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pasternak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pasternak
Ms. Tricia Pasternak
Ms. Daneen Paszkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Pate
Mr. John Patounas
Ms. Roxanne Patterson
Ms. Amy Patton
Ms. Kathleen Paul
Ms. Cindy Pauly
Mr. William Pauzus
Ms. Janet Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Payne
Payroll One, Inc.
Peace Lutheran Church
Ms. Terri Pearce
Mr. Michael Pearson
Ms. Melissa Pecktoe
Ms. Debra Peel
Ms. Christin Peeples
Pella Windows and Doors
Ms. Tracy Pelland
Ms. Lynne Pellegrom
Mr. R.J. Pellerito
Pembroke Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Shih-Chen Peng
Mr. and Mrs. William Penoza
Ms. Cindy Penrod
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Penrose
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Penrose
PEO Sisterhood
Mr. and Mrs. Huel Perkins
Ms. Shirley Perkins
Ms. Amy Perlman
Ms. Barb Peru
Mrs. Denise Pesta
Ms. Emily Peters
Ms. Marilyn Peters
Ms. Janet Peterson
Peterson Spring
Ms. Cheryl Pettypiece
Mr. William Petway
PF Chang's China Bistro
Ms. Amy Pfeiffer
Ms. Bari Pfeiffer
Mr. Steven Pflieger
Ms. Nancy Phelps
Ms. Ann Phillips
Ms. Carrie Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips
Ms. Minnie O. Phillips
Ms. Molly Phillips
Ms. Nancy Phipps
Ms. Laura Phou
Phyle Inventory Control Specialists
Ms. Sara Piceu
Ms. Alexandra Pierce
Pierce Middle School
Ms. Joyce Pietila
Ms. Linda Pietila
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Ms. Elizabeth Pilibosian
Pine Lake Country Club
Pine Meadow
Pink Parchment Soaps
Ms. Caroline Pinnock
Pizzeria Dolce
Ms. Carolyn Plagne
Platinum Distributing
Ms. Nancy Platto
PLB Lending
Ms. Susan Plomin
Plum Market
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Plumer
Mrs. Maud Plumer
Mr. Michael H. Plumer
Mr. Harold R. Pogats
Ms. Jane Polan
Mrs. Patti Polmear
Pontiac High School
Ms. Jean Porter
Ms. Lisa Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Post
Ms. Breahn Post
Ms. Rachel Poterek
Mr. Alfred Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Powell
Ms. Kara Powers
Ms. Mary Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Prahin
Ms. Deborah Pranschke
Ms. Linda Pratt
Mr. Chris Pray
Precision Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Predmore
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Prentice
Presbytery of Detroit
Ms. Ann Presley
Ms. Carolyn L. Price
Ms. Glenda D. Price
Ms. Linda Price
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Priebe
Primi Piatti Market
Ms. Margie Printz
Professional Underwriters, Inc.
Ms. Christina Propst
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Puertas
Mr. Kenneth Pugh
Ms. Lonnie Pukoff
Mr. Jason C. Pummill
Ms. Martha Puskas
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Puzzuoli
Ms. Catherine Quaine
Mr. Michael Quaine
Mr. Tom Quakenbush
Ms. Rachel Queener
Quest Diagnostics
Quicken Loans
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Quin
Ms. Melissa Quinone
Ms. Leigh Radatz
Ms. Linda Radosh
Ms. Stacy Ragland
Ramblers Discussion Group
Ms. Barbara Randau
Ms. Hildy Randolph
Ms. Diane Raney
Ms. Leanne Raney
Ms. Jessica Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Raphelson
Dr. and Mrs. E. Raphtis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rassel
Mr. and Mrs. Denis V. Raue
RDA Group
Rear Ends
Ms. Leslie Reaser
Mr. and Mrs. D. Craig Rebold
Ms. Linda Record
Ms. Sharon Redmond
Ms. Tiffany Redwine
Mr. Arlyn Reed
Ms. Marlene Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed
Mr. Lloyd Reeves
Mr. Mike Regal
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Regiec
Mr. Michael Rehrauer
Ms. Alexis Reid
Ms. Cynthia Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid
Mr. Robert Reitz
Mr. Mark Reuter
Mr. and Mrs. Deron B. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reynolds
Ms. Mary Reynolds
Ms. Ormelia Reynolds
Mr. Steven Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds
Mr. George Ribble
Ms. Cheryl Rice
Ms. Kathleen Rice
Ms. Rhea Rice
Mr. John Richards
Ms. Melissa Richardson
Ms. Susan Richardson
Ms. Deborah Ridenour
Mr. Eric Ridenour
Ms. Linda Riker
Mr. Robert R. Ring
Ms. Nancy Ristich
Mr. Wally Ritkowski
Ms. Susan Rizzo
RJ Select
Mr. John S. Roach
Ms. Karny Roberts
Roberts Restaurants
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Robertson
Ms. Dawn Robertson
Ms. Jodi Robertson
Ms. Sue Robertson
Ms. Sheila Robine
Ms. Pamela Robins
Mr. Charles Robinson
Ms. Christa Robinson
Ms. Karen Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Robison
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rocheleau
Mrs. Lynda Rocheleau
Rochester Assembly of God
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rochlin
Mr. and Mrs. Owen B. Rockentine
Ms. Deborah Rockhill
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Rogers
Ms. Lisa Roggin
Ms. Janice Roller
Ms. Tatyana Rontal
Mr. and Mrs. James Roschefski
Ms. Reva Rosenfield
Ms. M. Rosenthal
Ms. Jessica Rosnek
Ms. Ann Ross
Ms. Eileen Ross
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ross
Ms. Melva Ross
Ross Mortgage Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ross
Ms. Wendy Rossman
Ms. Kati Rossmoore
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Rosswurm
Ms. Dawn Rottermond
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky E. Rowden
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rowley
Ms. Laura Rowlson
Ms. Belinda Roy
Ms. Lois Rubin
Dr. Earl Rudner and Ms. Bonnie Brenner
Rudy's Quality Market
Ms. Yolanda Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Runk
Ms. Nancy Ruppman
Ms. Cyndy Russell
Ms. Janet D. Russell
Ms. Linda Russell
Ms. Loretta Ryan
Ms. Gail Ryckman
Ms. Marilyn Sabella
Mr. Thomas Sacoman
Ms. Kristy Saieg
Saks Fifth Avenue
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sala
Ms. Sheree Salesin
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett T. Salomon
Salon Elan
Salon Tress
Ms. Myra Salrin
Ms. Sarah Salrin
Sam's Club
Ms. Celestine Sanders
Ms. Geraldine Sanders
Ms. Yvette Sanders
Ms. Louise Sandie
Ms. Gina Sandlot
Ms. Sandra Sandrock
Sandy Corporation
Ms. Debbe Sapertstein
Mr. Dave Sato
Ms. Jennifer Satovsky
Ms. Natalie Sauceda
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Savage
Ms. Jeri Sawyer
Ms. Christie Sayre
Mr. Shawn Scarpelli
Ms. Pauline Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schalter
Ms. Suzanna Schatz
Ms. Sherri Schiller
Ms. Robin A. Schirs
Ms. Willow Schlachter
Mr. and Mrs. David Schlaff
Ms. Virginia Schmidt
Mr. Ryan Schnackenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schneider
Ms. Mai Schonmeier Vang
School for the Mind & Body
Ms. Pamela Schroeder
Mr. Gregory Schuch
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Schultheiss
Ms. Kim Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schwanitz
Mr. Jeff Schwartz
Ms. Lisa Schwartz
Ms. Rosalyn Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schweibold
Scotch Elementary
Ms. Jessie Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Scott, Jr.
Mr. David Scovic
Mr. and Mrs. James Scovic
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scovic
Seaholm High School
Ms. Lauren Sears
Ms. Marge Sears
Ms. Robyn J. Seay
Seco Tools
Ms. Peggi Sedman
Ms. Antoinette Segitz
Ms. Frances Seikaly
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Seipke
Ms. Thomacine Selman
Mr. Henry Semczak
Mr. Sarvesh Seshadri
Ms. Joanne Sevrain
Ms. Julie Sexton
Ms. Melissa Sexton
Mr. Mike Sfreddo
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shader
Mr. and Mrs. Ashish Shah
Mr. Naguib Shahid
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shapack
Ms. Amy Shapiro
Mr. Ben Sharkey
Mr. Dale Sharp
Ms. Deborah Shastal
Ms. Charlotte Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shaw
Ms. Mimi Shaw
Ms. Elaine Sheets
Ms. Colleen Shelton
Ms. Sharon Shelton
Ms. Sue Shepanek
Ms. Mary Sheridan
Mrs. Laura Shiel
Shields of Troy
Mr. Chris Shoemaker
Mr. Norman Shook
Ms. Cathie Shuart
Ms. Michelle M. Shuler
Ms. Laura Shullman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shulskie
Ms. Debra K. Sibilsky
Ms. Kari Sidaway
Ms. Kristy Sidlar
Ms. Ann Siegel
Ms. Karen Sieloff
Ms. Elaine Silk
Ms. Chelsea Silver
Silver Lake Church of the Nazarene
Ms. Deborah Silverman
Ms. Sandy Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. David Simancik
Ms. Erin Simmerman
Ms. Pam Simmons
Ms. Jody Simonetti
Mrs. Veronica Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Singer
Ms. Amruta Sinha
Ms. Kathy Sivazlian
Ms. Susan Siver
Ms. Karen Skelly
Ms. Ruth Skiff
Ms. Alisha Skoegard
Mr. Paul Skrzpczak
Ms. Susan Skully-Hill
Skymasters Indoor Flying Club
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Slasinski
Slows Bar BQ
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smist
Ms. Amber Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Smith
Mr. Carl Smith and Ms. Mary Austin
Ms. Claudette Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith
Mr. Joe Smith
Mrs. Loretta Smith
Mr. Michael L. Smith
Ms. Pamela Smith
Ms. Rebecca Smith
Ms. Roxy Smith
Ms. Roxy Smith
Ms. Taisha Smith
Ms. Tanisha Rae Smith
Ms. Jeri Smithson
Ms. Jerolyn Smithson
Ms. Wendy Snage
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Sniokaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snyder
Mr. Ed Soberalski
Ms. Audrey Sobol
Social Committee
Social Kitchen
Mr. Peter D. Solomon
Ms. Marie Soma
Somethin's Poppin'
Ms. Liz Sopoliga
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Sosnowski
Mr. Will Sosnowsky
Ms. Ellen Sousa
Mr. David Sowerby
Spar Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spencer
Mr. Gary Spewgler
Ms. Rita Spiller
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Spitler
Ms. Kathryn Spray
Ms. Kathryn Sprengel
Springfield Plains Elementary
Ms. Melissa Srock
SSOE, Inc.
St. Anastasia Catholic Church
St. Andrew Catholic Church
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
St. Andrews Women's ELCA
St. Columban Catholic Church
St. Daniel Catholic Church
St. Daniel Mom's Group
St. George Greek Orthodox
St. George Orthodox Church
St. Hugo of the Hills Catholic Church
St. Hugo of the Hills School
St. Irenaeus Catholic Church
St. John Fisher Chapel
St. Paul Methodist Church
St. Paul United Methodist Church
St. Stephen Episcopal Church
St. Stephen Lutheran Church
St. Stephens Episcopal Church
St. Thomas More / St. Vincent DePaul
St. Thomas More Church
St. Trinity Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Roman A. Stadnyk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stafford
Ms. Judy Stahl
Don Standridge
Ms. Bridget Stang
Mr. Scott Stanko
Ms. Nicole Stanley
Mrs. Connie Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stapleton
Star Singles, Inc.
Ms. Arlene Starr
Mr. Brent Stash
Ms. Kellie Stasilowicz
Ms. Helen Stassinoc
Ms. Sheri Stav
Ms. Kari Stein
Ms. Marjorie Stein
Ms. Jane Steinger
Ms Joanne Steinmayer
Ms. Katherine Stellini
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Stenger
Ms. Debbie Stephens
Ms. Emily Stephenson
Ms. Janet Stephenson
Sterling Bank and Trust
Mr. Joan Stern
Ms. Roxanne Sternfeld
Ms. Annette Stevens
Ms. Mary Stevens
Dr. John Stevenson
Ms. Kelli Stevenson
Ms. Lizzie Stocker
Ms. Alice Stoddard
Ms. Helen Stoick
Ms. Beth Stone
Ms. and Mrs. Walter Stonehouse
Mr. Peter Stonk
Ms. Diane Storm
Ms. Mary Storror
Ms. Cheryl Stottlemyer
Ms. Linda Stouffer
Ms. Michelle Stover
Ms. Debbie Stoyanof
Mrs. Mary Stoye
Ms. Anita Stremberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Strine
Ms. Nancy Strodl
Mr. John Stubbins
Ms. Cim Sullivan
Ms. Shelley Sullivan
Sunrise of Bloomfield Hills
Mr. Steve Surbrook
Ms. Kim Sutton
Ms. Kelly Swagler
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Swantek
Mr. Steve Swift
Mr. Lawrence Sykes
Ms. Mary T. Syron
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Szalach
Ms. Laurel Szaroletta
Mr. Michael Szczesniak
Ms. Heidi Tack
Taco Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taggart
Ms. Stacie Tait-Fiori
Ms. Debbie Talley
Mr. Greg Tamm
Mr. Steve Tamplin
Mr. Ferol Tanner
Ms. Judy Tarnow
Ms. and Mr. Marla Tatuch
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Taube
Ms. Keri Taverna
Ms. Peggy Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Teicher
Ms. Carmelle Tennison
Ms. Mary-Lynn Tepatti-Longsworth
Mr. Larry Tepman
Ms. Deborah Terrell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Terry
Ms. Vivian Terry
Ms. Anetta Tersigni
Ms. Judy Thayer
Ms. Kim Thayer
The Anderson Group
The Damone Group
The Family Mission
The Learning Experience
The Parrott Team
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thelen
Mr. Daniel G. Thelen
Dr. Kenneth Thoma, D.D.S
Ms. Kaye Thomas
Ms. Lynda Thomas
Mr. Scott Thomas
Mr. Timothy Thomas
Mrs. Colleen Thompson
Ms. Irene Thompson
Ms. Kathy Thomson
Mr. Denny Thrasher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Throm
TIGI Haircare
Ms. Sarah Till
Ms. Mary Ann Tindall
Mr. Michael Tindall
Mr. James Tinson
Mr. Steve Tinson
TJ Maxx
TMP Architecture
Ms. Jody L. Tobias
Ms. Ilona Tobin
Ms. Kathleen Tomczak
Mr. Anthony Tomczyk
Ms. June Tome
Ms. Joan Tomlinson
Mr. Mark C. Tomlinson and Rev. Diane
Ms. Helen Topcik
Tops #1093
Ms. Lauren Torbico
Mr. Richard Torri
Ms. Kathy Toss
Ms. Josephine (Jojo) Traver
Mr. Thomas Travers
Ms. Nancy Trombley
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Trombley
Ms. Roseanne Tron
Troy Oaks Community of Christ
Troy Womens Association
Mrs. Nancy Troyer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Truba
Mr. and Mrs. David Trumbo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Trygstad
TTX Company
Ms. Terri Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tuckfield
Ms. Mary Anne Turgyan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Turnquist
Tutor Time
Ms. Lisa Tyson
Mr. Michael Tyson
U.S. Farathane
U.S. Trust Bank of America Private Wealth
UBS Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ufer
Mr. Paul Unatin
Unified Business Technologies
Union General
United Church of God
United Methodist Church
University Hills School
University Presbyterian Church
Ms. Debbie Uren
URS Corporation
Ms. Christine Utler
Mr. Chris Vacketta
Ms. Victoria Vaillancourt
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vaillencourt
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Valade
Mr. Lynn Valade
Mr. Matthew Valley
Val-Pak Associates, Inc.
Ms. Crystal Van Assche
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Van Assche
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff VanCleave
Ms. Jeanne Vandelinder
Ms. Diane VanDusen
Ms. Amanda VanKlaveren
Ms. Jan Vanoss
Ms. Linda VanPoperin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis VanWagoner
Ms. Nicole Vassallo
Ms. Marilyn Veltman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Veltri
Ms. Rochelle Vendittelli
Via Bologna
Ms. Kimberly Via
Ms. Mary Ann Victor
Mr. Donald Viles
Ms. Debbie Villneff
Mr. Mark Vincent
Vinsetta Garage
Ms. Aimee Visperas
Ms. Debra Vitasinski
Ms. Christina Viviano
Ms. Mary Viviano
Volkswagen of America, Inc.
Ms. Alice Wachol
Ms. Patricia Wachol
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Waelchli
Ms. Ann Wagner
Ms. Cheryl Waite
Mr. Tyler Waite
Mr. Craig Walden
Ms. Carol Waldo
Ms. Mary Waldrup
Ms. Barbara Walker
Mr. Chris Walker
Mr. and Mrs. David Walker
Ms. Traci Walker
Mr. William Walker
Ms. Sarah Walko
Ms. Christine Walsh
Ms. Doris Ward
Mr. and Mrs. William Ward
Warner Law Firm
Ms. Margaret Warner
Ms. Deborah Warnick
Ms. Brandi Warren
Ms. Donna Warren
Ms. Carrie Warunek
Ms. Amy Wascha
Ms. Evelyn L. Washington
Ms. Octavia Washington
Ms. Theresa Washington
Water Tower Self Storage
Waterfall Jewelers
Waterford Family Chiropractic
Waterford HOG
Waterford Oaks Community Church
Waterford Village Elementary
Mr. Theodore C. Waterhouse
Webber Elementary School
Mr. Michael Wehner
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weikel
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weiner
Mr. Rob Weinmann
Ms. Marilyn Weiss
Ms. Marilyn Weitzman
Mr. and Mrs. John Welker
Ms. Sandra Welker
Ms. Kelly Wellings
Ms. Laura Wernette
Mr. James Werthheimer
Ms. Tina Werthheimer
Mr. and Mrs. William Werthheimer
Ms. Susan Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. John Wessenberg
Mr. Erik Westfall
Mr. John Wettergran
Ms. Lila Wetzel
Ms. Kim Whelan
Ms. Karen White
Ms. Kati White
Ms. Nikki White
Mr. Tim Whited
Ms. Abby Whiteford
Mr. Harvey Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Whiteman
Ms. Pamela Whiters
Mr. Simmon Whiters
Mr. Melvin Whiteside
Ms. Patrice Whiting
Ms. Heidi Whitney
Mr. Michael Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Wiffen
Ms. Lauren Wiley
Ms. Monica Wiley
Mr. Kevin Wilhelm
Mr. Carl Wilk
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Wilker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Willen
Mrs. Constance M. Williams
Mr. Daniel Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Williams
Ms. Mary Jane Williams
Ms. Priscilla Williams
Ms. Tara Williams
Ms. Yolanda Williams
Ms. Rhea Willing
Mr. Demetrius Wilson
Ms. Linda Wilson
Ms. Marlea Wilson
Ms. Peggy Wilson
Ms. Tisha Wilson
Mrs. Lynn Wilton
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilusz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Winkler
Ms. Mercedes Wirsing
Ms. Dianna Wise
Ms. Donna Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wisely
Mr. Rich Wissmueller
Witbeck Home Appliance
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Withrow
Ms. Laura Witty
Mr. Michael Witzke
Msrs Andrew & Mitch Wodrich
Ms. Jennifer Wojtala
Ms. Julia Wolf
Ms. Carole Wollard
Ms. Shelly Wolski
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wood
Ms. Ann Woodard
Ms. Deb Woodbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Woodman
Ms. Karen Woodside
Ms. Sarah Woodworth
Ms. Heather Woody
Ms. Barbara Woolley
Ms. Patricia Worster
Mr. Patrick Wozniak
Wright & Filippis
Ms. Judy Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright
Ms. Marla Wujczyk
Mr. Ken Wunderluch and Mrs. Jean
Mr. Eric Wydra
Ms. Esther Wynder
Ms. Casey Wynn
Ms. Denice Yarber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yellen
Ms. Andrea Youmans
Ms. Delora Young
Ms. Gail Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young
Ms. Natalie Yute
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Zagrodzki
Ms. Adrienne Zarghami
Mr. Ron Zavowitz
Ms. Lisa Zeldes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Zemke, Jr.
Mr. Aaron Zepp
Ms. Judy Zerafa
Mr. Angelo Zervos
Mr. Robert Ziaja
Mr. John Zielke
Mr. Walt Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Ziulkowski
Ms. Francine Zizelman
Zonta Club of Southfield
Ms. Valerie Zughaib
Ms. Barbara Zuke
Ms. Sara Zupmore
Ms. Julie Zuppke
Ms. Christie Zynda
Mr. Gene Zynda