Guide to Detmold - integration


Guide to Detmold - integration
Guide to
A service for migrants
I’m new here – where do I register?
How do I get around?
How can I find somewhere to live?
Who will help me?
Where can I learn German?
Where can I apply for naturalization?
Where can I enrol my child for day nursery?
Where can I enrol my child for school?
Where can I find work?
Where can young people get help with finding training and work?
Where can I obtain financial assistance?
Unemployment benefit I and unemployment benefit II
Housing benefit
Child benefit, family allowance and parent support
Help for expectant mothers and family planning
Where can I find out about pensions?
What happens if I get ill?
Where can I find out about leisure activities?
Who provides information about integration?
Useful telephone numbers
Public holidays
13 – 14
15 – 16
16 – 17
I’m new here –
where do I register?
How do I get around?
Dear Readers of this Guide,
If you come from a non-EU country you should
go first to the Immigration Authority (“Ausländerbehörde”). They will be able to answer all
your questions about your future residence
and integration courses. This is also where
you apply for your residence permit and work
To help you find your way around in Detmold
you can pick up the free “Detmold Tour” map
of the town centre from the Tourist Information
A very warm welcome to Detmold! Moving to a
new country or a new town means lots of
uncertainties. No-one knows that better than
you. This Guide contains useful addresses,
things worth knowing and interesting information about your new home town to help you find
your way around in Detmold more easily and
more quickly. Even if you have been here for
some time already, you are sure to find some
valuable tips and information.
►Where can I find German lessons at my
►Where can I get advice?
►What sort of information will I get at the
Citizens’ Advice Bureau?
As you will see, it’s often easier once you know
your way around and know how things work.
We trust you will settle in quickly to life in Detmold and we hope this Guide will help you to
feel at home in your new surroundings.
Rainer Heller
Stefan Fenneker
Integration Co-ordinator
Stadt Detmold – Ausländerbehörde
(Detmold Town Council
Immigration Authority)
Hornsche Straße 24 · 32756 Detmold ­
Tel. 05231/977- 643
If you come from an EU country, you should
register with the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (“Bürgerberatung“) within three months of your arrival. They will take a note of your address and
forward it to the Immigration Authority.
Stadt Detmold – Bürgerberatung
(Detmold Town Council Citizens'
Advice Bureau)
Grabenstraße 1 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 05231/ 977- 580
Stadt Detmold – Tourist Information
(Detmold Town Council Tourist Information)
Rathaus am Markt 5 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 05231/ 977- 3 27
All areas of Detmold are linked by town buses.
Bus timetables for individual routes are available free from the transport operator, Stadtverkehr Detmold (SVD). The combined timetable
for the whole town costs €1.
Stadtverkehr Detmold (SVD) gGmbH
(Transport operator)
Lange Straße 77 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 05231/ 977- 746
The Citizens' Advice Bureau also deals with
applications for and questions about income
tax cards, authentication of documents, business and trade registrations, etc.
How can I find somewhere
to live?
Who will help me?
There are various ways of finding somewhere
to live:
Advice is available on almost any problem.
If you need help or assistance and you don’t
know where to go, then you should contact an
advice centre. Advice centres are there to help
you. You can get information and advice there.
Advice is free and confidential.
■You can search for accommodation in the
newspapers or you can place your own
advertisement (Saturday edition).
■Enquire at local house building companies.
You will normally be asked to fill out a questionnaire and then you will be given details
of what is available.
■Use an estate agent. They usually ask for
two months’ rent as a deposit. Ask how
much it will cost you.
■Notices: details of accommodation available
are sometimes posted up in shops, kiosks
or buildings with vacant flats.
■There are lots of property agencies on the
To qualify as a tenant in publicly subsidised
accommodation, where the rents are often
cheaper, you need an accommodation
authorisation (“Wohnberechtigungsschein”
or WBS). You can apply to the address
below for an accommodation authorisation:
Stadt Detmold, Wohnungswesen und
(Detmold Town Council Accommodation
and Property Service)
Rosental 21 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 05231/ 9 77- 6 12
Diakonisches Werk der Lippischen Landeskirche e.V. (Lippe Protestant Church social
welfare organisation)
Youth migration service (ages 12-27)
Help with language, educational, pro fessional and social integration.
Advice for refugees
Leopoldstraße 27 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 9 76 - 60
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Kreisverband
Lippe e.V. (Lippe branch of the German
Red Cross)
Advice for adult migrants (aged 27 or over)
Hornsche Straße 29 + 31 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 9214-0
Caritasverband für den Kreis Lippe und
die Stadt Bad Pyrmont e.V. (Catholic charity
organisation) Advice for migrants, general
social advice, advice on debt management
Palaisstraße 27 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 9929-9
Flüchtlingshilfe Lippe e.V.
(Help for refugees)
Leopoldstraße 2 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 070022 997711
Haus der Kirche Herberhausen
(Protestant Church house)
General social advice. Russian and Kurdish
translation available.
Gut Herberhausen 3 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 3 90 425 · E-mail:
Ev.-ref. Kirchengemeinde Detmold-West
(Detmold West Protestant Church commu nity) General social and family advice
Martin-Luther-Straße 39 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 6 5593
Frauenberatungsstelle Alraune e.V.
Beratung für Frauen (Advice for women)
Wall 5 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 2 0177
Where can I learn German?
There are various ways of learning German.
Integration courses offer very intensive
Integration courses
It’s often said that German is a hard language
to learn. So what’s the answer? If you have
recently arrived or if you have been in Germany
for only a short time or if your German isn’t
very good yet, you need to attend an integration
course. You can also attend an integration
course if you have been living in Germany for
some time already and are still having difficulties with the language. More information about
these courses is available from migrant advice
centres or from the Immigration Authority. The
courses cost € 1 per lesson. Those on a low
income may apply for a reduction or exemption
from payment.
German courses
at an adult education centre (VHS)
Adult education centres offer German courses
at various levels and will advise you on which
type of course is right for you. From beginners
to advanced level, there’s something for
As well as German, the VHS also offer courses
in a wide range of subjects such as languages,
IT and computing or vocational training. Adults
can take their secondary school leaving examinations, college of further education entrance and school-leaving/university entrance
examinations at a VHS evening class centre.
Full details of the adult education programme
can be found on the Internet:
The children’s programme is available at:
Stadt Detmold – Volkshochschule
(Detmold Town Council Adult
Education Centre)
Krumme Straße 20 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 977-236
Where can I apply for
Where can I enrol my child
for day nursery?
If you would like to become a German citizen
you can apply for naturalization. There are
certain requirements to be fulfilled.
Until they are old enough to go to school,
children can attend a day nursery. The child
should be enrolled directly at the day nursery
itself. Information about child care places is
available from:
Information about naturalization is available
Stadt Detmold – Einbürgerung
(Detmold Town Council – Naturalization)
Am Wall 5 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 977-2 85
Tel. 0 52 31/ 977-663
You can take your naturalization test at the
(Adult education centre)
Krumme Straße 20 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 977-235
Stadt Detmold – Jugendamt (Detmold
Town Council Youth Welfare Department)
Wittekindstraße 7 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 977-971
31 December is the closing date for enrolment
for the following nursery school year (starting
1 August).
Further information about day care for children
and child minders is available on the Internet at:
Day nurseries run language development
Where can I enrol my child
for school?
Where can I find work?
All children between the ages of 6 and 18 in
Germany must attend school.
You should enrol your child at the school itself.
The school principal will advise you. Contact
the school administration for help in finding the
right school to suit your child’s age and abilities.
Stadt Detmold – Schulverwaltung
(Detmold Town Council School Admini stration)
Georgstraße 10 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 977-296
There are several periods of school holidays
each year. Schools are closed during the
School holidays
■Autumn: 2 weeks
■Christmas: 2 weeks
■Easter: 2 weeks
■Summer: 6 weeks
When someone starts a job for the first time,
their employer will normally register the new
employee with the pension insurance institution. The employee will then be issued with a
social security number and a social security
Work permit and self-employment
The Residence Act (“Aufenthaltsgesetz”)
determines who needs a work permit, who
can be self-employed and who cannot. The
Detmold Immigration Authority is responsible
for dealing with applications and issuing
The school system at a glance
• Primary school
Cl. = Class
Cl. 1 – 4
• General secondary school
Cl. 5 – 10
• Vocational
• Intermediate
secondary school
Cl. 5 – 10
• Comprehensive
Cl. 5 – 10
Cl. 11 – 13
• Higher education institution
• Grammar
• Vocational training
• Higher education
• Higher education institution
• University
• Higher education institutioncourse
• University
To get a job you need a work permit (Immigration Authority), an income tax card (Detmold
Citizens' Advice Bureau) and a social security
card (obtainable from the pension
insurance institution).
• Grammar
Cl. 5 – 12
• Vocational
training • Higher
education institution course
• University course
Anyone can use career advisory services and
employment exchanges, whether or not they
have already paid unemployment insurance
contributions. The advice is free.
Agentur für Arbeit
(Government-run employment agency)
Wittekindstraße 2 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 01801/555111 (employees)
Tel. 05231/610-666 (employers)
Job searching – finding a job
Vacancies and applications for work and
training can be found in the classified advertisements section of regional and national
newspapers (Wednesday and Saturday
editions) and also on the Internet.
Agentur für Arbeit
(Government-run employment agency)
The Employment Agency deals with employees as well as employers. This agency:
■Helps people find jobs and training places
■Advises employers and job-seekers
■Provides help to improve employment
■Arranges vocational education and training
Where can young people get help
with finding training and work?
Where can I obtain
financial assistance?
Anyone looking for a training place can get
advice from the Career Information Centre
(“Berufsinformationszentrum” or BIZ).
The advice is free.
A variety of help is available for different problems. Whether you qualify for help depends on
your circumstances. Some of the main sources of assistance are listed here. The Advice
Centres can provide further information.
Berufsinformationszentrum Detmold (BIZ)
(Detmold Career Information Centre)
Wittekindstraße 2 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 610 - 222
Netzwerk Lippe gGmbH advises young people
and young adults on the transition to training
or work by providing individual advice, assistance and support.
To be eligible for unemployment benefit a
person must register as unemployed and
must have paid unemployment insurance
contributions for a certain time.
Give us a call if you have any questions, if
you need more information or if your son or
daughter is looking for assistance. The advice
is free.
Applications for unemployment benefit should
be made to the Employment Agency.
Netzwerk Lippe gGmbH
Wittekindstraße 2 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 64 03 - 63 /64
Tel. 0 52 31 / 64 03- 0
Unemployment benefit I and unemployment benefit II
Unemployment benefit I provides help in
case of unemployment.
Anyone who gets into difficulties and can no
longer provide for their basic requirements can
apply to Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lippe Pro Arbeit
(LPA) for financial assistance.
Unemployment benefit II is paid to
people who
■are aged between 15 and 64
■are able to work
■can be available to the employment market
for a minimum of 3 hours per day, are in
need of assistance and
■are permanently resident in Germany
(people in need who are able to work).
Further information is available from
Lippe Pro Arbeit.
Agentur für Arbeit
(Government-run employment agency)
Wittekindstraße 2 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 018 01/555111
Lippe Pro Arbeit (LPA)
Wittekindstraße 2 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 610-659
Housing benefit
People or households on a low income or small
pension and people in receipt of unemployment
benefit I who are not entitled to unemployment
benefit II can apply for help with their rent.
Stadt Detmold – Wohngeldstelle
(Detmold Town Council Housing
Benefit Office)
Grabenstraße 1 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 977- 6 05, Tel. 0 52 31/ 9 77- 0
Child benefit, family allowance
and parent support
Child benefit is paid for children resident
in Germany.
Those on low incomes can also apply for a
family allowance. Applications for child benefit
and family allowances should be made to the
Detmold Family Section of the Employment
Agency. They can also provide information
about parent support.
Agentur für Arbeit - Familienkasse Detmold
(Employment Agency – Detmold Family Section)
Braunenbrucher Weg 18 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 018 01/54 63 37
E-mail: Familienkasse-Detmold@
Help for expectant mothers and
family planning
The following institutions can advise on the
financial support available for expectant
mothers on low incomes. They can also
provide advice.
pro familia Lippe
Lange Straße 79 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 268 41
Ev. Beratungszentrum des Diakonischen
­Werkes der Lipp. Landeskirche e.V.
Lortzingstraße 6 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 9 92 80
Pregnancy counselling
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen
Bielefeld e.V.
(Catholic women’s social service)
Detmold branch office
Palaisstraße 27 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31 / 56 53 30 or 56 53 28
Where can I find out
about pensions?
What happens
if I get ill?
Pension scheme
Medical care
The pension scheme is an important provision
for retirement.
If you fall ill and need medical attention, you
should visit your “family doctor”. Family
doctors run a general medical practice.
To be eligible for a pension, certain conditions
must be fulfilled. Pensions are also available
in cases of reduced earning capacity and for
widows and orphans.
Pension information is available from:
Stadt Detmold – Rentenstelle
(Detmold Town Council Pension Office)
Grabenstraße 1 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/ 9 77-5 80
If additional treatment is necessary your doctor
will arrange for a referral. In some cases you
can consult a specialist directly, for example a
dentist, gynaecologist or optician.
Doctors’ practices have fixed consulting hours.
To avoid lengthy waiting times it’s advisable to
make an appointment by telephone.
Health insurance
Health insurance is compulsory in Germany.
Health insurance provides financial assistance
in case of illness or pregnancy. The insured
person’s husband/wife and children also qualify for benefits. A choice of health insurance
schemes is available.
A brochure with details of all the doctors practising in Detmold is obtainable from the health
insurance provider.
Where can I find out about
leisure activities?
Lots of leisure activities are available in Detmold.
Only a few are mentioned here.
The Lippe District Health Office provides
advice by appointment on general health
matters, illnesses, inoculations, etc. The
advice is free.
Lots of different events take place for example
at the Town Hall, the Municipal Library, the
School of Music and in Detmold's museums.
Kreis Lippe – Gesundheitsamt
(Lippe District Health Office)
Felix-Fechenbach-Straße 5
32756 Detmold
Tel. 05231/62233
Events information can be found in the “Aktuelle Veranstaltungskalender”, a listings guide
published by Detmold Town Council, which is
available from:
Stadt Detmold – Tourist Information
(Detmold Town Council Tourist Information)
Rathaus am Markt 5 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/977-327
or on the Internet at
Sports and leisure clubs
Detmold has a lively arts and leisure scene,
with lots of clubs and associations. Information
about these is available from:
Who provides information
about integration?
Stadt Detmold – Kulturteam
(Detmold Town Council Arts Team)
Charles-Lindbergh-Ring 10
32756 Detmold
Tel. 05231/977-920
Youth clubs
In many parts of Detmold there are youth
clubs which offer leisure activities and courses
for children and young people in different age
brackets. Some of these are for girls only or
boys only.
Stadt Detmold – Jugendamt
(Detmold Town Council Youth Welfare
Wittekindstraße 7 · 32758 Detmold
Tel. 052 31/977-971
Information about integration and migration to
Detmold, current projects, programmes and
events can be obtained from the Integration
There are several different organisations for
migrants in Detmold that promote integration
and multicultural living.
To get in touch with and obtain information
about organisations for migrants, contact:
Stadt Detmold – Koordinator für Integration
(Detmold Town Council Integration
Marktplatz 5 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 05231/977-340
Stadt Detmold – Sport und Bäder
(Detmold Town Council Sports and
Swimming Pools)
Georgstraße 10 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 52 31/977-231
Useful telephone numbers
Public holidays
Emergency call numbers
Most people do not work on public holidays.
Only a few service businesses like cafés and
bakers, restaurants and cinemas will normally
be open.
Fire brigade
Rescue service / emergency doctor 112
Town Council – switchboard 05231/977-0
Lippe District – switchboard 05231/62-0
The switchboard will connect you with the
person you would like to speak to.
Detmold telephone numbers and addresses
can be found in the Telephone Directory and
in the “Yellow Pages” classified directory.
New Year
In Germany, New Year is celebrated on the
night of 31 December (“Silvesternacht”).
1 January (New Year’s Day) is then a public
Easter, comprising Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, is the main Christian
festival in Germany. Easter falls on the first
Sunday after the spring full moon each year.
As in many other countries, 1 May is a public
holiday to mark Labour Day.
Ascension Day is the 40th day after Easter.
Ascension Day always falls on a Thursday,
nine days before Whitsun.
3 October
3 October is the date of formal reunification
of West and East Germany in 1990 and has
been a national holiday ever since.
Christmas is celebrated on 24, 25 and 26 December. The morning of 24 December is the
last chance for Christmas shopping.
Corpus Christi
The Catholic festival of Corpus Christi is
celebrated in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria,
Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, RhinelandPalatinate, Saarland, Saxony and Thuringia
on the second Thursday after Whitsun.
All Saints’ Day
All Saints’ Day is celebrated on 1 November.
This Catholic festival is a public holiday in
Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, North RhineWestphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and
Whitsun, comprising Whit Sunday and Whit
Monday, is 50 days after Easter.
Gestaltung: adesso-design · 0 52 31 / 60 22 80
Stadt Detmold
Rathaus am Markt
Koordinator für Integration
Stefan Fenneker
Marktplatz 5 · 32756 Detmold
Tel. 0 5231/ 977- 340
Fax 0 52 31/ 977-7 80