Honolulu Board of Water Supply


Honolulu Board of Water Supply
Honolulu Board of Water Supply
GIS Collaboration and System Integration Services
GIS Solutions works closely with the GIS staff at the Honolulu Board of Water Supply (HBWS) to help maintain their enterprise GIS and support business
needs related to asset management, work management and hydraulic modeling. GIS Solutions actively supports the systems environment – virtualization of servers, Windows, SQL-Server and ArcGIS software version and patch-level maintenance, while providing data modeling, application development and integration services. Two key solutions delivered by GIS Solutions are GISMO and GEOCON – Geographic Consumption analysis.
GISMO – GISMO represents the integration of GIS and IBM-Maximo. Specifically, GIS Solutions extended Maximo with map-based capabilities for
planning, scheduling and dispatching work (e.g. displaying work orders and service requests on base maps, modifying selected sets of work orders
by selecting them from the map and assigning assets to work and service requests by clicking the asset on the map). In order to keep the two
systems in sync, GIS Solutions also built and delivered a suite of database
editing tools that maintain unique feature identifiers across asset classes.
The back-end data modeling and editing tools, combined with front-end user
interface components provide the Board of Water Supply with the spatial
perspective needed to efficiently support work and asset maintenance
GEOCON – Geographic Consumption and Hydraulic Modeling Integration.
GIS Solutions supports the Board of Water Supply with systems integration design, development and implementation services aimed deriving
water system performance metrics (water flow, pressure, loss detections, etc.) from GIS data. The bulk of the GIS Solutions effort lays in data
modeling and quality assurance tools that ensure consistent link-node topology
the water system data. GIS Solutions built an Esri ArcObjects-based application that
traverses the Esri Geometric Network data model to identify services “connected” to
each demand aggregation node. It then links to the Board’s Customer Information
System to retrieve water consumption data for the selected services and totals the
consumption information for the demand node. Results of the demand aggregation
are exported to a file format consistent with the Hydraulic Modeling package so the
engineers can effectively assess the status of the water system.
Enterprise Support
GIS Solutions has provided a number of enterprise applications to the Board of Water Supply (BWS) with the goal of extending mapping capabilities
into existing work flows and business practices that benefit from the spatial perspective of GIS. GIS Solutions partnered with the Board to provide Esri
-based solutions that take advantage of the latest releases of ArcSDE, ArcGIS Desktop (ArcINFO, ArcEditor) ArcGIS Server (ArcObjects, Javascripot and
Flex APIs) and ArcEngine.
. . .CaseStudy
Enterprise Redlining – GIS Solutions designed and developed tools for enterprise redlining. The “Redliner” is a map-based sketching tool,
deployed to web and mobile-based mapping applications that allows users to mark-up images with graphics and text that describes a
particular problem with the map and GIS data (e.g. missing hydrants,
incorrect addresses, misaligned street segments, etc.). The sketch is
automatically uploaded to the GeoDatabase and flagged for review
by GIS editors. Once the edit is made, the author is notified and the
“Redline” record is retired. GIS Solutions built the Redliner system
from conceptualization to implementation, including the core sketching tools, database synchronization, custom ArcEdit tools and the
web-based Manager application that allows BWS team leaders to view
the state of all submitted redlines. To date, over 5000 Redlines have
been submitted and the technology has migrated through the Esri 9.x
product life-cycle.
MANO – Mobile Asset Notebook. The MANO project consisted of design, development and implementation assistance to support 100+
mobile, field crew members with map-based technology. The MANO application is an Esri ArcEngine solution deployed on Panasonic
Toughbooks. In addition to core mapping capabilities, the MANO application supports work flows and business practices related to work
and asset management, document management (As Built and Customer Service Records), Redliner sketches and markups, GPS integration
and Valve Isolation modeling. GIS Solutions actively supports the MANO application by soliciting feedback from the end-user community,
tracking bug and enhancement requests, providing application development services and assisting with rollout and implementation activities. GIS Solutions works closely with the Board of Water Supply on two tools that complement the MANO application; MANO Extractor
and MANO Sync. The MANO Extractor
is a Python-based tool, run as a scheduled task, to pull mapping data off the
enterprise SDE server and populate local
data sets that are consumed by MANO
users. The MANO Sync tool automates
the synchronization of data between the
MANO machines and the enterprise data
Corporate Headquarters
GIS Solutions, Inc. . 2612 Farragut Drive, 2nd Floor . Springfield, Illinois 62704 . TEL: 217. 546 . 3635 . FAX: 217. 546 . 3839 . info@gis-solutions.com
Chicago Office
GIS Solutions, Inc. . 1 E Wacker Drive, Suite 2805 . Chicago, Illinois 60601 . TEL: 312. 464 . 0391 . FAX: 312. 464 . 0590 . info@gis-solutions.com