Article - ITB Career Center
Article - ITB Career Center
INNOVATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ITB TRACER STUDY (2012-2015) (1) Bambang Setia Budi , Angga Dinan A (2) ITB Career Center, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Email:, Telp: (+62-22) 253 0714 ABSTRACT Organizing and implementing of Tracer Study to be successful has two requirements: that must be institutionalized and sustained. However, it is not enough if no attempt to continuous improvements in implementation of the infrastructure, facilities, methodology, communication, publications and others. In Indonesia, the implementation of Tracer Study generally still limited in the needs, resources and methodologies of its implementation. Often Tracer Study conducted by universities only because of the need for accreditation, so that the implementation was not done routinely. In addition, the operator of Tracer Study generally was still considered inadequate and it was accompanied by difficulty in applying the appropriate methodology in its implementation. Basically, innovation must continue to be developed to get a successful implementation. One indicator of success in Tracer Study improvement is the increase in number of respondents/response rate from year to year. ITB Tracer Study has been conducted since 2012 with a response rate continues to rise , at 2012 (49%), 2013 (72%), 2014 (80%) and 2015 (92%) respectively. This paper will discuss the innovation and its implementation at ITB Tracer Study. Moreover, it would also explained in detail the reasons why these innovations emerged. The innovations developed more emphasis on implementation of Tracer Study for bachelor degree graduates. Innovations that will be explained, among others, regarding the use of surveyor, entry of cohort approach as target respondent, online questionnaires, self-developed IT system, reward system, publication and human resources. Aim to be achived from these paper was to give alternative to all Tracer Study operator in conducting and developing Tracer Study in Indonesia. The innovations developed by ITB are also expected to be a reference or alternative method for other universities which organize Tracer Study in order to obtain an increase of response rate. Keywords: Tracer Study, Methodology, Implementation, Innovation, Surveyor Page | 1 INTRODUCTION One indicator of a good education system was the system used to measure the output quality of education itself. Things that can be measured to determine the quality of alumni are competence, distribution problems faced, user response, acceleration career, as well as other things that includes both harmony and disharmony between the quality of the alumni with the quality expected by universities. A good education system has a loop system where the responsibility of universities to the student did not end upon graduation but also related to the sustainability of its alumni careers so that they were prepared to work in community. Tracer Study is one of methods in education system which is used by several universities, especially in Indonesia to obtain feedback from alumni. The feedbacks obtained from alumni were required by universities in its efforts for improvement and development the quality of education system. Even this feedback could also be useful for universities to map the industry world so that interval between competencies acquired during studies in universities and the demands of the industry world can be minimized. Organizing and implementing of Tracer Study to be successful has two requirements: that must be institutionalized and sustained. However, it is not enough if no attempt to continuous improvements in implementation of the infrastructure, facilities, methodology, communication, publications and others. In Indonesia, the implementation of Tracer Study generally still limited in the needs, resources and methodologies of its implementation. Often Tracer Study conducted by universities only because of the need for accreditation, so that the implementation was not done routinely. In addition, the operator of Tracer Study generally was still considered inadequate and it was accompanied by difficulty in applying the appropriate methodology in its implementation. ITB, as one of the higher education institutions in Indonesia, has authorized ITB Career Center to conduct Tracer Study. At the beginning of Tracer Study implementation, ITB Career Center formed a structured and institutionalized team for conducting Tracer Study so that Tracer Study itself can hold out and progress. Tracer Study Team held Tracer Study ITB for the first time in 2010. In 2010 and 2011 Tracer Study conducted initially by study program (Prodi) which was in process of international accreditation. Since year 2012 to 2015 Tracer Study Team has successfully organized Tracer Study thoroughly for all Program in ITB about 4 times. This success was certainly not instinctive but accompanied with the development and innovation of Tracer Study itself for each year. Basically, a good system consist innovations and its must continue to be developed to get a successful implementation. One indicator of success in Tracer Study improvement is the increase in number of respondents/response rate from year to year. ITB Tracer Study has been conducted since 2012 with a response rate continues to rise , at 2012 (49%), 2013 (72%), 2014 (80%) and 2015 (92%) respectively. Page | 2 100% 80% 66% 28% 20% 72% 80% 51% 60% 40% 20% 34% 8% 92% 49% 0% 2012 (Entry 2012 (Entry 2013 (Entry 2014 (Entry 2015 (Entry Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort 2004) 2005) 2006) 2007) 2008) complete not complete Figure 1. Tracer Study ITB Response Rate (2012-2015) This paper will discuss the innovation and its implementation at ITB Tracer Study. Moreover, it would also explained in detail the reasons why these innovations emerged. The innovations developed more emphasis on implementation of Tracer Study for bachelor degree graduates. Aim to be achived from these paper was to give alternative to all Tracer Study operator in conducting and developing Tracer Study in Indonesia. The innovations developed by ITB are also expected to be a reference or alternative method for other universities which organize Tracer Study in order to obtain an increase of response rate. ITB TRACER STUDY INNOVATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ITB has conducted Tracer Study for all Prodi in ITB since year 2012 to 2015. In each implementation, Tracer Study ITB always make innovations. The reason why these innovations arise due to ITB aware that a major problem in the implementation of Tracer Study was the low acquisition of response rate. Generally for every Tracer Study operator, the best response rate able to be obtained was 50%. The initial idea of innovation to improve response rate was basically to minimize the gap between total number of alumni respondents, respondents initial database that can be validated and the number of respondents who filled out questionnaires. The smaller the gap between these three, the chances of getting high response rate could be acquired. Page | 3 (sumber: Schomburg, 2011) Figure 2. How to Obtain Data Respondent in Tracer Study Based on this initial idea, ITB attempt a different approach in Tracer Study methodology. One of the first steps in this approach was to try to use entry of cohort approach in target respondent determination. For ITB, the entry of cohort approach be used due to adapted with the suitability and condition of Indonesian culture. Beside entry of cohort approach, other innovations used by Tracer Study ITB among other things related to the role of surveyors, self-depeloved IT (Information Technology), reward systems, publications and human resources (HR). These innovations will be discussed further in next section. A. Concept of Innovation One of the main reasons Tracer Study ITB innovations developed refers to the suitability and condition of Indonesian culture. Based on this, the concept of innovation which was developed by ITB has both structural and cultural as well as formal and informal characteristic. Structural and cultural means that Tracer Study conducted not only based on/in accordance with applicable regulations, but also pay attention to or take advantage of the prevailing culture. Utilization of the prevailing culture was very meaningful because it can be a decisive factor in improving the response rate. For example, in some countries who was quite thick with the privacy acts, the response rate can be ascertained small because respondents are less likely to fill in a questionnaire which asking something personal. Another example, Indonesia is a country that does not apply privacy acts and has a great culture of sharing. In Indonesia, sharing stories/experiences/personal conditions to others was not a taboo but it was something important as part of personal admiration. Sharing culture if utilized properly it has potential to help increase response rate in Tracer Study implementation. Meanwhile, formal and informal meaning that in Tracer Study, procedures for its implementation was not only adapted to the need to follow the applicable procedures, but also are more flexible/rigid with the intention of Page | 4 creating the familiarity conditions. In general, all procedures such as making contact with alumni, sending letter of application to fiil in questionnaire, evaluation and reporting on implementation of Tracer Study were often held with formal. These conditions create a rigid environment due to communication that occur therein were not build intimacy. An informal approach, for example in ITB, occurs because of the role of surveyors in each procedure of Tracer Study implementation. Surveyor's been said before was a classmate of alumni themselves so the communication that occurs every time they make contact, either update database, email blast, request to fill in questionnaires, encourage to filling in questionnaires, SMS blast and contact by telephone was more to intimacy form. The informal approach makes the request for filling in questionnaire to alumni avoid any form of enforcement. B. Implementation Noted earlier that Tracer Study ITB for each period was always had an increase in response rate. Increased response rate was certainly due Tracer Study ITB continues to innovate, either in systems, methodologies, facilities and resources. Next discussion will be discussed for each innovations and its implementation in the implementation of Tracer Study ITB. 1. Entry of cohort approach Tracer Study implementation mostly has been conducted in various universities in the world, in Indonesia particularly, by using cohort as target respondents. From whole Tracer Study implementation, the main issue that emerged was the lack of response rate number. Currently response rate by 50% was said to be good, but this number was only depict half of respondents/alumni characteristics and profile. Based on this issue, Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB) as one of the Tracer Study operator seeks to solve this problem of improving response rate. One of steps undertaken by ITB was to use entry of cohort as a target respondents. The main reason to use entry of cohort due to conditions of ITB itself. At ITB, close relationship in class was a culture that has been established since graduates first entry to university. It was develop and binding while undergoing orientation and lectures. It was also brought up when they graduate, in work and until today. Entry of cohort is an approach in the determination of Tracer Study target respondent which based on the entry class when go to university. The amount of class used in this approach is as much as one class for each year. Meanwhile, the graduates year which used in the entry of cohort is in the range of 1-3 years after graduation. 1-3 years span is basically in accordance with the provisions set forth in the General Director of Higher Education (Dikti) Tracer Study guidelines presented by Mrs. Illah Sailah in 2011. Page | 5 (developed from INCHER - Schomburg) Figure 3. Tracer Study Time Entry of cohort approach in the implementation of Tracer Study is an innovation which trying to develop by ITB, given cohort approach so far was very difficult to obtain a response rate greater than 50% (for bachelor degree). Tracer Study operator who utilize the entry of cohort approach so far only ITB. Main reasons ITB use and develop the entry of cohort approach in the determination of Tracer Study target respondent, among others; (i)ITB trying to take advantage of networking that has been formed in the neighborhood of alumni (bachelor degree) since they enroll to university, (ii) Indonesian culture of sharing, (iii)internet (social media) used in Indonesia was quite high, (iv )looking for a new breakthrough in the implementation of Tracer Study in order to overcome the difficulties that arise in improving the response rate. Figure 4. How to Choose Target Responden with Entry of Cohort The determination of class in the entry of cohort approach as Tracer Study target respondents required a careful planning. The first step to determines the class still refers to the range of 1-3 years after graduation. Supposely Tracer Study conducted in 2013, based on reference of the year of graduation ranges then class which pick up as a target respondents are class 2006. Class of 2006 graduated from college in 2010 if they on time. At ITB, alumni 2006 who delayed the graduation generally about 1-2 years. Alumni who are late up to 3 Page | 6 years were rarely and almost zero due to those who are late up to 3 years generally have problems that occur regarding health reasons or other special case. The deadline for ITB students in study itself was maximum 6 years. Technique of determining class in the following years conducting Tracer Study is the same. Tracer Study Implementation in 2014 will used the class of 2007 while in 2015 the class used as a target respondents were alumni of 2008. The important thing to note here is that any technique used in the determination of this class remained essentially refers to range. In the previous discussion it can be noted that cohort approach was also used range in determining target respondents. Its difference just lie in the ranges between them, entry of cohort using years range while cohort based on month of graduate periode. The entry of cohort approach as a target respondents in conducting Tracer Study provides an opportunity for operators to analyze the profile of entry of cohort and also cohort. This condition is possible when conducting Tracer Study with entry of cohort approach has been done 3 times (ITB Case). For ITB, analysis based on cohort can be done due it consists three entry of cohort that already been research before. ITB case study; in 2015 ITB analyzed Tracer Study result for entry of cohort 2008 and cohort 2012. In previous years, ITB has conducted an analysis for the entry of cohort 2006 (in 2013) and entry of cohort 2007 (in 2014). Cohort 2012 itself is a combination of entry of cohort 2006, 2007 and 2008 so that the analysis is feasible because the respondent data from these three entry of cohort existing. At the end of the analysis, ITB Tracer Study Team found that data analysis results for cohort 2012 was not much different/almost similar with data analysis result for entry of cohort 2006, 2007 and 2008. The ability to analyze both cohort and entry of cohort is one of the advantages for entry of cohort approach. These advantage can always give a chance that data obtained are always comparable, especially after data been comparable its result was not much different/almost similar between them. However, it should be emphasized that the main advantages of entry of cohort approach is the ability to increase the response rate in the Tracer Study implementation (for bachelor degree). This was proved in every implementation of Tracer Study ITB, ITB always obtain a high response rate and increasing for each year. 2. Role of Surveyor Surveyor is one of the innovations implemented in Tracer Study ITB. Surveyors also an important part of the entry of cohort approach. Since Tracer Study ITB began to be held, the role of surveyor was always included in the process. In the course of Tracer Study ITB, the roles of surveyors were developing for each period both in terms of quantity, responsibility or reward given. Surveyor is an alumni from class of Tracer Study ITB target respondents. Surveyor is a representative of each Study Program (Prodi) at ITB. Number of surveyors from each Prodi generally is one person, except for some Prodi who had number of alumni more than one hundred, surveyors needed was two. Page | 7 Tracer Study ITB Team has a criteria in determining prospective surveyors to assist in the implementation of Tracer Study ITB. The criteria that are generally used among other things: (i)Surveyor chosen was a recommendation from their classmate in each Prodi, (ii)Surveyors have good communication with their classmates, (iii)Surveyor is expert in motivating their classmates, (iv)Surveyor easily accessible either by their classmates or by Tracer Study ITB Team, (v)Surveyor has a complete database of their classmates, (vi) Surveyor have time to play an active role in Tracer Study ITB, (vii)Surveyor live in an area that was easy to contacted/reached. Complete and update database (email and HP number) Give explanation about Tracer Study to their classmates Roles of Surveyor Ask and motivated their classmates to fill in questionnaire Coordinate regularly with Tracer Study ITB Secretariat Figure 5. Roles of Surveyor Surveyor is basically a bridge/connection between Tracer Study ITB Team with alumni in each Prodi. Surveyor play an important role in complement deficiencies/update database of their classmates. Surveyor always reminding their classmates to fill in the questionnaire in Tracer Study ITB. Surveyors can also provide recommendations or input to the implementation of Tracer Study ITB. The importance roles of surveyors made them need to have a stock of knowledge, information and sufficient understanding of Tracer Study importance itself. Tracer Study ITB Team debriefing surveyor for knowledge, information and understanding of Tracer Study through regular meetings which held three times (in three months). The purpose of the debriefing of knowledge, information and understanding of the Tracer Study is so that surveyors can inform their classmates about the importance of Tracer Study. 3. Self-developed IT In Tracer Study ITB, IT systems also get innovation. Innovation in IT systems was divided into two parts, online questionnaire system and website of Tracer Study. Related questionnaire system, at the beginning of Tracer Study ITB implementation, ITB Tracer Study Team only distributing questionnaire via email attachment sent to all alumni of the target respondents. Due to the lack of practical models and high potentially of questionnaire not returning, it is then replaced with online questionnaire. The use of this online questionnaire itself initially Page | 8 ITB Tracer Study Team attempted to use QTAFI as a base software. However, in the preparation it often give problem in terms of system application and require third party to handle it. As a solution for this condition, ITB Tracer Study Team had initiative to develop a self-developed online questionnaire (created by alumni of ITB). One of the advantages in using a questionnaire self-designed was Tracer Study ITB Team can always develop this system without to rely on other parties (labor more flexible and easier to adjustment). Until now Tracer Study ITB always use online questionnaire in any implementation of Tracer Study ITB. Figure 6. Tracer Study ITB Online Questionnaire Tracer Study ITB Implementation using online questionnaire system. As a container of this online questionnaire, Tracer Study ITB Team develop a website for Tracer Study only. Tracer Study ITB website from year to year always get routine maintenance due in the initial build of this website and in any implementation of Tracer Study ITB often found bugs in the system. Beside routine maintenance for each year, the website was developed (additional features) as needed. Currently the website and Tracer Study ITB questionnaire can be accessed from a variety of browsers including mobile browsers. It is very important due to easier access for alumni will help them to quickly fill in questionnaire, especially there was a fact told that internet use among graduates today was something commonly used. Figure 7. Website Tracer Study ITB Page | 9 4. Reward The target respondents for each Tracer Study implementation are alumni of the university. Alumni participated in this Tracer Study research by completing a questionnaire. In the process of course need to avoid enforcement that could result with the data validation. Many things can be done so that data obtained from alumni due to their active role in Tracer Study and not from enforcement of some people. ITB in any implementation of Tracer Study, give a special approach to alumni so that data obtained are valid. At the beginning of the implementation of Tracer Study ITB, ITB Tracer Study Team only made an approach from the roles of surveyor only. But since year 2013, Tracer Study ITB Team provide additional approaches, namely through a form of reward to alumni. Reward is a token of appreciation to a particular achievement given, both by and from individuals or an institution that is usually given in the form of material or greeting. Procurement reward system for the respondent would be an interesting thing for alumni. Reward for the respondents was hope to strengthen their motivation to participates in Tracer Study survey. Reward system which had been applied was in the form of souvenir/gadget and hopefully it will attract the attention of alumni who became the target respondents to fill in Tracer Study ITB questionnaires voluntarily. Reward is basically using the sponsor in its implementation. Given Tracer Study ITB Team established by ITB Career Center, sponsor of this reward system were company who became member at ITB Career Center. Reward given to alumni basically very limited in quantity so that in the process of implementation, Tracer Study ITB Team using a drawing system in granting rewards to alumni. The use of reward system itself was found to motivate alumni to be able to play an active role in filling Tracer Study ITB questionnaire. This was proved by increase number of response rate in the implementation of Tracer Study ITB. 5. Publications Good research results would need to be published disseminated to the public, not least Tracer Study as one of research on alumni. It was said early that Tracer Study was very useful as feedback from alumni to repair the system and quality of university education. Based on these explanations, Tracer Study interest to be published are things that need to be done. ITB as one of universities that have conducted Tracer Study regularly, every year always gave report and/or publication to the position holders at ITB about Tracer Study results. Report and publication is not only presents Tracer Study results, but also provides an explanation/understanding about the importance of Tracer Study implementation for university, primarily related to the improvement of the system and quality of education. Page | 10 Form of publication for Tracer Study implementation may vary. ITB since the beginning of Tracer Study ITB implementation gives publication about Tracer Study ITB results in form of book report. As progress and development of Tracer Study ITB, publication for Tracer Study was limited only at books report alone, but Tracer Study ITB Team also had made a video which explains the importance of Tracer Study. This video was made as one of reference that can be accessed by those who need in conducting Tracer Study. Figure 8. Tracer Study ITB Books of Report Tracer Study ITB publication through books report and video basically can be accessed by the public. Tracer Study Team ITB provide access to public to dig up on this information in hope that the importance of Tracer Study implementation can be understand. These publications even turned out to be very helpful for Tracer Study ITB Team in an effort to provide insight about the importance of Tracer Study ITB to alumni so that in its implementation helps increasing the response rate number. 6. Dedicated Human Resources Another innovations in Tracer Study ITB which so important is human resources (HR) for operating Tracer Study ITB itself. Innovations made by ITB in human resources was to provide staff whom specialized in Tracer Study with fulltime basis contracted. The aim was to create a dedication in work of the Tracer Study implementation. This dedication was especially important as part of the improvement and development being done in any implementation of Tracer Study. Tracer Study ITB Team initially employ their students to work part-time as admins. However, students were sometimes difficult to standby in the secretariat. Due to this condition, Tracer Study ITB Team hired 2 admin staff who work fulltime. Beside these, Tracer Study ITB Team also hired two research assistants who work fulltime. Things that need to be noted here is that of from total of 4 people working as part of Tracer Study ITB Team, all of them are alumni from ITB. This thing becomes important in view of ITB alumni who became the target respondents. Generally they were reluctance when people who requested their data to fill in questionnaires were others. Alumni feel more comfortable to give their personal data when people who requesting is a friend or one of their almamater. Page | 11 Protector Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Vice Rector of Communications, Partnerships and Alumni Person in Charge Head of Student Organizations Main Coordinator / Researcher Head of ITB Career Center Additional Researcher Finance Adminitration of ITB Career Center Assistant Researcher IT Team Assistant Researcher Assistant Researcher Technical and Secretariat Team Logistic Team Surveyor Team Figure 9. Tracer Study ITB Organization Chart In general, Tracer Study ITB staff currently consists of 4 experts who are divided into two categories of work, namely 2 research assistants and 2 admin. In Tracer Study ITB, these four experts was part in the Tracer Study ITB organizational structure, hereinafter known as Tracer Study ITB Team. Tracer Study ITB team was led by the Head of ITB Career Center and under the responsibility of the Head of Student Affairs. Tracer Study ITB was also under the protection of two vice-rector, which are the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs and Vice Chancellor for Communication, Partnerships and Alumni. CONCLUSION The innovations developed by ITB in conducting Tracer Study ITB were proved to increase the acquisition of a high response rate. Innovations that help increase the response rate were the entry of cohort approach as a target respondents, the roles of surveyor, self-developed IT system, publication about Tracer Study results and dedicated human resources. These innovations in the implementation had characterized concept as structural and cultural as well as formal and informal so it was very appropriate to the culture and conditions in Indonesia. Related to entry of cohort approach as one of innovations in Tracer Study ITB, it was able to provide two analysis, both cohort and entry of cohort, if the implementation had been conducting at least 3 times (ITB case). The data results obtained from the analysis even gives results that were not much different/almost similar, so generally it can remain comparable. Page | 12 APPENDIX I. Table of Data Analysis Comparison between Cohort and Entry of Cohort No 1 2 3 4 5 Data Cohort 2012 2006 Entry of Cohort 2007 2008 Total responden Complete 80% 72% 80% 92% 68% 70% 66% 66% 5% 6% 5% 5% Job status Work Work and selfemployed Not working/continuin g study Entrepreneur 21% 19% 22% 22% 6% 5% 7% 7% Suitable 72% 75% 70% 74% 3,99 2,65 3,65 4,38 17% 41% 42% B (23%) 4,38 2,27 2,93 3,85 17% 47% 36% B (22%) 4,3 2,4 3,27 4,21 17% 39% 44% B (21%) 4,22 2,78 3,62 4,37 18% 43% 39% B (20%) M (12%) M (13%) M (12%) M (12%) C (10%) C (10%) C (12 %) C (11%) J (9%) F (9%) 22% K (10%) F (9%) 25% F (9%) J (8%) 20% F (10%) J (10%) 23% 2% 1% 2% 2% 66% 9% 1% 6% 5% 86% 2% 9,2 millions 65% 9% 2% 5% 6% 86% 1% 12,4 millions 67% 11% 2% 7% 6% 83% 2% 8,8 millions 65% 10% 2% 7% 6% 84% 2% 9,1 millions 8,7 millions 7,4 millions 6,6 millions 8,6 millions 6,9 millions 8,3 millions 8,3 millions 7,7 millions Suitability of lecture with work Time looking for work Time needed for getting a job 6 Category of company 7 Category of business 8 Keterangan Company work type 9 Position 10 Average income Before graduate After graduate Before graduate After graduate Local National Multinational B = Mining M = Profesional services C = Processing industry J = Information F = Construction Government (NGO) Non-profit organizations Private company Own company Director Owner Manager Staff Apprentice Work Work and selfemployed Entrepreneur Page | 13 II. Data Analysis Chart between Cohort and Entry of Cohort Current Job(Cohort 2012) Current Job(Entry of Cohort 2008) 6% 7% 21% 22% 68% 66% 5% 5% bekerja (1463) bekerja dan wiraswasta (104) tdk bekerja/melanjutkan studi (462) wirausaha (132) bekerja (1714) tdk bekerja/melanjutkan studi (593) Current Job(Entry of Cohort 2007) bekerja dan wiraswasta (126) wirausaha (179) Current Job(Entry of Cohort 2006) 7.05% 19.37% 5.89% 22.21% 69.47% 65.93% 5.26% 4.80% bekerja (1496) tdk bekerja/melanjutkan studi (504) Tidak Bekerja/Melanjutkan Studi (368) Bekerja dan Wiraswasta (100) bekerja dan wiraswasta (109) wirausaha (160) Waiting Time Getting a Job (2012) 4.5 3.65 4 Waiting Time Getting a Job (2008) 4.38 4.5 Total 3.5 Mean (month) 3 Before graduate 2.5 3.62 4 4.37 3.65 Total Mean (month) Before graduate 433 3.62 After graduate 1436 4.37 3.5 3 378 Wirausaha (112) Bekerja (1320) 2.5 2 2 After graduate 1.5 1 1240 4.38 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 Sebelum lulus (378) Sebelum lulus (433) Setelah lulus (1240) Waiting Time Getting a Job (2007) Setelah lulus (1436) Waiting Time Getting a Job (2006) 4.00 4.21 3.27 Total Mean (month) 436 3.27 Total Mean (month) Before graduate 372 2.93 After graduate 1159 3.85 3.50 3.00 Before graduate 2.50 3.85 2.00 After graduate 1326 4.21 1.50 2.93 1.00 0.50 0.00 Sebelum lulus (436) Setelah lulus (1326) Sebelum lulus Setelah lulus Page | 14 Average Income / Month (2012) Rp9,163,440 Rp8,648,717 Average Income / Month (2008) Rp9,060,249 Rp6,918,898 Rp8,571,600 Rp7,659,249 bekerja (1448) bekerja dan wiraswasta (104) wirausaha (127) Average Income / Month (2007) Rp8,771,630 Rp8,301,287 bekerja (1694) bekerja dan wiraswasta (125) wirausaha (173) Average Income / Month (2006) Rp12,348,148 Rp6,616,696 Rp7,362,000 bekerja (1474) bekerja dan wiraswasta (107) wirausaha (150) Wirausaha (108) Bekerja dan Wiraswasta (100) Rp8,288,067 Bekerja (1306) REFERENCE Budi, Bambang Setia. 2014. Tracer study: urgency, problem, and how to increase response rate. Presented in training for tracer study team of UNPAD at WISMA UNPAD CIMANDIRI on monday, 3 November 2014. Bandung. Sailah, Illah. 2011. Perlunya tracer study untuk pendidikan tinggi. Jakarta (Direktur pembelajaran & kemahasiswaan Ditjen Dikti ). Schomburg, Harald. 2003. Handout for graduate tracer studies. International centre for higher education research (INCHER-Kassel) University Kassel. Germany. Schomburg, Harald. 2010. Concept and methodology of tracer studies – international experiences. Presentation at workshop in Sinaia 2-4 June 2010. International centre for higher education research (INCHERKassel) University Kassel. Germany. Schomburg, Harald. 2011. Methodology and methods of tracer studies. International centre for higher education research (INCHER-Kassel) University Kassel. Germany. Page | 15