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L I TTLE NUGG E TS F RO M JE WE L BOX THE ATR E With both the theatre and production director honored with a Governor's Arts Award Jewel Box Theatre An Oklahoma Tradition Chuck Tweed ~ Production Director James Gordon ~ Box Office Manager 3700 N. Walker 405-521-1786 Oklahoma City, OK 73118-7031 Get free tickets details on page 9 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 A JEWEL BOX DEBUT! ‘American Farce’ , by Michael Reimann, is the theatre’s 12th world premiere. The 2014 Original Playwriting winner finds Max with two problems: He is $20,000 in debt for horse betting; and a woman drops off a boy she says is his son. Things perk up when Max finds out the boy has a gift for picking winners. That is, until the no-nonsense grandmother shows up to take him home, just when Max is almost at his goal. Reimann’s play is sure to become a theatrical event audiences will remember for a long time. From Orlando, Reimann will also attend the opening night performance and join the cast, crew, and audience for an opening night party. LITTLE NUGGETS PAGE 2 VOLUME 4, ISSUE PAGE 4 BOX OFFICE OPENS AMERICAN FARCE November 4-5 for season patrons November 5 for the general public Monday - Friday from 1-6 pm 405/521-1786 Check out our website Jewel Box Performances run Thursdays through Saturdays 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:30pm For Reservations Call 405-521-1786 LITTLE NUGGETS 3 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 PAGE THE 57TH SEASON ! THE DIXIE SWIM CLUB BLITHE SPIRIT AMERICAN FARCE WORLD PREMIER EVERYBODY LOVES OPAL FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON COME BLOW YOUR HORN LITTLE NUGGETS 4 VOLUME 4, ISSUE PAGE 4 5 Q & A with author Michael Reimann How did you come up with the idea for ‘American Farce?’ My brother owned part interest in a thoroughbred many years ago, so I’m pretty familiar with tracks, betting, bookies and the general horse racing scene. I was actually at Pimlico Race Course the year Secretariat won the Preakness and the second leg of the Triple Crown. I decided a guy with a gambling debt would be a good starting platform for a stage play with lots of opportunity for conflict and complication. For you, what is the hardest part of writing a play? Asking which part is ‘hardest’ infers there’s an easy part. If that’s true, I haven’t found it. It’s all hard work from start to finish. I’m sure that’s why it feels so satisfying when one’s completed and ready to be produced live on stage. How many hours a day/week do you usually write? It depends on where I am in a project. I try to knock out a first draft as quickly as possible. Sometimes into the wee hours. It takes a great deal of effort to flush out a character’s needs and wants. Though I usually write every day, I’m pretty maxed out after about three hours. What is your profession? I started my own company, ran it for fifteen years and sold it. Acquired a real estate license ‘95 and sold vacation properties for the next fifteen, During that time I wrote novels, novellas, screenplays and stage plays of various lengths. Is this your first world premiere? ‘American Farce’ is my first play marketed and promoted as ‘the world premiere.’ I’m thrilled and honored the Jewel Box has so much confidence in the play. Will this be your first visit to Oklahoma? It is, and certainly one of the great things about being a playwright. Plays are produced in just about every corner of the country — I’ve been fortunate and have had the opportunity to visit some of those places and to have met great theatre people. I’m looking forward to visiting the Sooner State and land of the Choctaw. LITTLE NUGGETS VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 PAGE 6 Theatrically Tweed THE 57TH SEASON OF CONTINUING EXCELLENCE The first play arrived for our playwriting competition. It was logged in as play number one. I looked at the title: American Farce. Interesting. I read it. Brilliant! The next week I called the author and told him that, although he had not won ~ yet ~ I was going to direct his play. Then, the play went on to win. Entry number one became the number one winner. ‘American Farce’ is one of those plays that came virtually ready for the stage. Many original plays need some tweaking/rewrites/etc., but this play came ready to go. I had been chomping at the bit to have auditions; then begin rehearsals; and open the show. And, here we are. After four weeks of the most fun rehearsals, we are ready for the world premiere of Michael Reimann’s play. For our 11 world premieres, every author has attended from such states as California, Virginia (2), Ohio, Texas (2), Kansas, and Oklahoma (2). This year is no exception as Michael will arrive from Orlando, FL for not only opening night (Thursday, Nov. 13), but stay for Friday night as well, before flying home Saturday. We cannot wait to meet the author, and introduce him to the Jewel Box and Oklahoma. 57 seasons and still going strong! LITTLE NUGGETS VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 PAGE 7 ~GET FREE TICKETS WHEN YOU VOLUNTEER~ Volunteer and become part of the Jewel Box Theatre family! Choose a position for which you would like to volunteer, call us, and we’ll train you! So easy, so fun, and totally free! BOX OFFICE: Greet season patrons and sell box office tickets. At intermission, sell soft drinks and our special Jewel Box blue cups. With sixteen performances per show, you can choose a week night show (7:00 - 9:30 pm, Thursday - Saturday.) or a Sunday matinee (1:30-3 pm). Get a free T-Shirt, too! PAINT CREW: Choose a show or two or three, and help create the set by painting the walls, floors, doors, and more. When you see the show, you know you helped make it come to life! PROPERTIES: Help the director by finding items needed on the set, or something an actor holds in his/her hand (A tray, glasses, writing pad and pencil, a hanky, etc.). We call them props. Working properties involves organizing/maintaining props during the run of the show. COSTUMES: Work with our resident costumer, Christopher Sieker, preparing costumes for actors to try on, then maintain, iron, sew, and catalogue for the show. HAIR AND MAKE-UP: Such fun to work with stylist Jacque Mooney with wigs and make-up. We have many period pieces this season, so there will be a lot of fun to create hair styles and make-up. So many fun ways to help Oklahoma City’s oldest community theatre! Give us a call, and start your theatre journey with us! LITTLE NUGGETS VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 PAGE OPENING NIGHT PICTURES BLITHE SPIRIT LITTLE NUGGETS 8 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 PAGE 9 WIN FREE TICKETS Answer the 5 questions below and receive two free tickets to ‘American Farce’ THE FIRST SIX TO CALL IN WILL WIN! Call 405/521-1786 ~ Tuesday -Friday ~ 1-6 pm 1. How many children does the Captain have in ‘The Sound of Music’? A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 5 2. How many seats are in the Jewel Box Theatre? A. 165 B. 175 C. 185 D. 190 3. We have performed ‘The Miracle Worker’ twice. Did the actress playing Helen Keller win a Best Actress Gem both times? A. Yes B. No 4. The most produced show we have done indoors is: A. The Sound of Music B. Lend Me A Tenor C. Nunsense D. Steel Magnolias 5. Jewel Box held regional premieres for which two shows? A. Heaven Can Wait B. Cats C. Sleuth D. Forbidden Broadway: Greatest Hits E. Light Up The Sky AUDITIONS: F. Auntie Mame January 10th & 11th / 2-5pm ‘Flowers for Algernon’ ‘Come Blow Your Horn’ LITTLE NUGGETS VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 PAGE 10 BENEFIT FOR JEWEL BOX SUPPORTERS You asked for it – we’ve got it! This season, if you make a $5.00 donation at intermission, we’ll give you a Jewel Box insulated tumbler filled with your favorite drink and YOU CAN TAKE IT INTO THE THEATRE WITH YOU. Bring the mug back for future performances and you can have your drink for the regular $1.00 and take it into the theatre. This is only for patrons making a donation the Jewel Box tumbler for Styrofoam cups are NOT allowed in the theatre TICKET DEALS FOR YOU! Come and enjoy the best ticket prices in town Individual Ticket Prices for plays are only $15 $10 for Senior Citizens as well as college students & under Last Thursday of the run still offers TWO-FOR-ONE tickets LITTLE NUGGETS VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 PAGE Visit and “Like” us on Facebook OKC.JBT OR follow us on Twitter! Season Ticket Holders! We got your back! Sign up now for an e-mail reminder when our next show is coming up. Just call the box office (405-521-1786) ~ Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 pm and give us your e-mail address. If you have a regular night for your reservations (PLAN A), we’ll set you up to receive an e-mail at the beginning of the week of your regular performance night. Season ticket holders who call in to make their reservations for each show (PLAN B) will receive an e-mail reminding you when the box office will open for the next production. It’s a busy world out there. Let us take a little of the load off by keeping you posted. We’ll do the remembering for you! Be a Jewel Box Volunteer and receive two complimentary tickets to a show Call 405-521-1786 for more information Become part of the Jewel Box Family! LITTLE NUGGETS 11