proceedings of the seventy-seventh stated meeting of the american
proceedings of the seventy-seventh stated meeting of the american
Auk 56 PROCEEDINGS MEETING OF THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' STATED UNION It. G. DEIGNAN, SECRETARY The Seventy-seventh StatedMeetingof The AmericanOrnithologists'Union washeldfrom25 to 30 August1959,at the Saskatchewan Museumof Natural History, Regina. Businesssessions were held on 25 August,paperssessions on 26, 27, and28 August,andfieldtripson 29 and 30 August. Sponsoring organizations were the Saskatchewan Museumof Natural History, the ReginaNatural History Society,the Saskatchewan Natural History Society,and Regina Collegeof The Universityof Saskatchewan. BUSINESS SESSIONS On 25 August,the Councilmet throughoutmost of the day, the Fellows met late in the afternoon,and the Fellows and Elective Mem- bersmet togetherin the evening. The Councilhelda secondmeeting in the eveningof 27 August. 1960•nee•ing.The Seventy-eighth StatedMeetingwill be heldfrom 23 to 28 August 1960,at Ann Arbor, Michigan,by invitationof The Universityof Michiganas hostorganization,and of the Detroit Audubon Society,the MichiganAudubonSociety,the Museumof Zoology of The Universityof Michigan,and The Museumof MichiganState Universityas sponsoring organizations. Tentativeconsideration is beinggivento Washington, D.C., for the 1961meeting,and to Salt Lake City, Utah, for the oneof 1962. /1wards. The BrewsterMemorialAward, by actionof the Council, was made to Alexander Wetmore, with the following citation: "For the past generation,Dr. Wetmore has beenthe leading authority on the fossil birds of North America. His scoresof papersin this field havein part beensummarizedin his Check-list of the Fossil and PrehistoricBirds of North .dinefica and the PVestIndies (1956), to whichwe give particularmention. "Dr. Wetmore'scontributions to our scienceare by no means limitedto avian paleontology.The scopeof his interestsand the magnitudeof his efforts are reflectedin the booksand papers which year after year have set forth the resultsof his research. Among thoseof booklengthare: Birds of Puerto Rico (1916); The Migration of Birds (1926); Observationson the Birds of •ran.] 19601 DmCNAN, Seventy-Seventh Stated Meeting of theA.O.U. 57 Argentina,Paraguay,Uruguay,and Chile (1926); The Birds of Haiti and the DominicanRepublic(1931--with B. H. Swales); and last, but not least, the fifth edition of the ,4. O. U. Check-list of North ,4roericanBirds (1957), preparedunderhis chairmanship. "In Alexander Wetmore we hail a biologistwho, during a careerthat now spansmore than fifty years,has beenone of the chief architectsof Americanornithology." Marcia Brady Tucker Awards, assistingyoung ornithologists of promiseto attendthe annualmeeting,weregivenby voteof the officers to GeorgeAlderson,Reed College; Robert H. Barth, Jr., Harvard University; Gerald Collier, University of California, Los Angeles; and EugeneA. LeFebvre,Universityof Minnesota. Patrons. The Council voted to inscribe the names of three members permanentlyin the rolls of the Union as Patronsin recognitionof generouscontributionsto the organization: Louise de Kiriline Lawrence,Margaret Morse Nice, and Arlie William Schorger(the first two throughgifts in their honorby Mrs. Herbert E. Cames). Membership.The Secretaryreportedthat 2,985copies. of The Auk are beingmailed; this mailinglist includesall classesof members,subscriptions, and exchanges with otherjournals. The Treasurer'srecords showedmembersby classes,before the electionsin this meeting,as follows: Fellows ......................................................... Fellow Emeritus .......................................... 77 1 Honorary Fellows........................................ 20 Corresponding Fellows................................ 66 Elective Members ........................................ 196 HonoraryLife ElectiveMembers.............. 5 Honorary Life Members ............................ 19 Members ........................................................ Student Members ........................................ Total 2138 39 2561 CharlesH. Blake,Chairmanof the Membership Committee, reported that the same25 members,regionallylocated,as last year servedon his committee. He stated that the Treasurer's records indicated that the Union had addedor reinstatedsincelast year's Meeting 145 members,and had lost279 (of whom182 were"delinquent"),a net lossof 58 DEIGNAN, Seventy-Seventh StatedMeetingo[ theA.O.U. [ Auk tVol.77 134. He addedthat the specialthanksof the Union were due Dr. C. Stuart Houston,of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, who, while not. formally a memberof the Committee,had made a specialeffort to enroll new members in Saskatchewan. Finances. The report of the Treasurerappearsin full elsewherein The Auk. The Treasurer's records were examined and found in order on 12 August 1959, by T. B. Maxfield, CertifiedPublic Accountant, of Ithaca, New York. The duesfor all dues-payingclassesof memberswere continuedat five dollarsper year by vote of the Council. StephenS. Gregory,Chairmanof the InvestingTrustees,reported that the appraised valueof the endowment holdings,as of 31 July 1959, was $158,699,an appreciation, since31 July 1958, of $16,400. The net additionsduring the year were $27,100, of which $4,450 came from earnings. Gifts to the Josselyn Van Tyne MemorialFund were madeduring the year by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carnes,Paul H. Hannum, Cyrus Mark, and Mrs. Helen Van Tyne. With thesegifts, the Fund now totalledmore than $10,000,thus exceedingthe point set last year by the Councilat whichit may be considered operative. While the Union will welcomefurther donationsto the Fund, specialsolicitationwill no longerbe necessary. Editorial matters. The Editor, EugeneEisenmann,restatedthat he would not be a candidatefor re-election,and acknowledged with thanks the assistance that had beenrenderedhim by membersof the Editorial Committee and others. Three numbers of Volume 76 of The Auk haveappearedso far in 1959,and the fourth is in press. As was true last year, there is little backlogof manuscript. The Editor also reportedthat the "Ten-Year Index to The Auk," coveringthe years1941to 1950,preparedby CharlesK. Nichols,is now in galleyproof, and he agreedto seeit throughpress,'eventhough his term of officewill have expired. JosephJ. Hickey, Chairmanof the ad-hoc'Committeeon Format of The Auk, presented hiscommittee's finishedreporton publication costs. The Editor of The Handbookof North AmericanBirds,RalphS. Palmer,reportedthat the first volumeis expectedto be ready for the printer at the end of 1959, and that considerable manuscriptfor the second volume is in his hands. Reportsof committees.W.J. Breckenridge, Chairmanof the Committee on Biography,reportedthat two memorialsto Fellows had Jan.'] 1960J DEIGNAN, Seventy-Seventh StatedMeetingof the,4.0.U. 59 beenpublishedduringthe year endingwith the July 1959 issueof The Auk, and that three obituaries(one of a Corresponding Fellow, twoof Elective Members) arenowin thehands of theEditor. Duringthe year endingJuly 1959,the Committee hadlearnedof the deathsof three Fellows, two CorrespondingFellows, three Elective Members,one Honorary Life Member, and twenty Members: Walter F. Allen, Member, 16 August 1958 John H. Arnett, Jr., Member,7 May 1959 Francis L. Bacon, Member, 1958 AlexanderW. Blain, Life Elective Member,1958 Hiram Bellis DemarestBlauvelt, Life Member, 16 October1957 Anna P. Bradley, Member, 1959 Charles L. Broley, Elective Member, 5 May 1959 Charles E. Clarke, Member, 22 November 1958 Lionel S. Dear, Member, 22 May 1959 Caroline A. Dunham, Member, 7 January 1959 Pennoyer F. English, Member, 8 October 1958 Edwin T. Goodridge,Member, November1958 Hatch Graham,Sr., Member, 13 June 1958 Ludlow Griscom,Life Fellow, 28 May 1959 Donald Guthrie, Member,31 October1958 P. Auferman Henderson, Member Lawrence C. Kent, Member, 27 February 1958 Gustav J. Kramer, CorrespondingFellow, 19 April 1959 William H. Lanceley,Member, 20 October 1958 Edward C. Minich, Member, 1959 Robert T. Moore, Life Fellow, 30 October 1958 John T. Nichols,Life Elective Member, 10 November 1958 Edward A. Preble, Fellow Emeritus, 4 October 1957 Mrs. Walter E. Rogers,Member,4 January 1958 Bruce Fleming Stiles, Member, 17 July 1959 NobusukeTaka-Tsukasa, CorrespondingFellow, 1 February 1959 Louise K. Town, Member, 1959 Willard G. Van Name, Honorary Life Member, 26 April 1959 Harold Bacon Wood, Member, 1 December1958 William H. Behle,,Chairmanof the Committeeon Student Memberships,reportedby letter that 39 studentshad been namedto receive The Auk free of chargefor oneyear. With oneexception, appointed too late for inclusion in the list, the names of the Student Members werepublished in theApril issueof The Auk. S. CharlesKendeigh,Chairmanof the Committee on Research, presentedthe reportof the committee.It appearsin full form on pp. 78-79. Edwin R. Kalmbach, Chairman of the Committeeon Bird Protection, presentedhis report,whichappearsseparately in full on pp. 73-77. 60 D•om•, Se•e•tty-Seve•tth StatedMeeti•tgo] theA.O.U. [ Auk lVoL• ELECTION' OF OFFICERS At themeetingo[ FellowsandElectiveMembers,GeorgeH. •wery, Jr., was electedPresid•t, D•n Aredon was advancedautomti•lly to First Vice-president, AustinL. R•d waselectedSecondVice-presid•t, Herbert G. Deignanwas re-electedSecrem•, •d CharlesG. Sibleywas re-elected Trysurer. Threemenwereelectedto •e Council,wi• terms•plring in 1962: JosephJ. Hickey,Arlie W. Schorger,and RoberaW. Storer. Donald S. Farner was elecmdEditor of The Auk by actiono[ the Council. The Councilalsore-electedto the Boardo• InvestingTrusteesStephenS. Gregory,Chairm•, andArlie W. Schorger, andelected CyrusMark •ce ChrenceB. Ran•11, resignS. The complete list o• o•cers and membersof the Councilapp•rs at the end of the Proceedings. ELECTION TO SPECIAL CLASSESOF ME•[BERSI:IIP The followingpersons wereelectedto specialclasses of membership: F•ow John Davis, Carmel Valley, California A. Starker Leopold, Berkeley, California Thomas R. Howell, Los Angeles, California F•ow EM•us JamesP. Chapin, New York, New York COP. RESPONDING FELLow Derek Goodwin, Great Britain F. v•r. •ierkel, Germany F. J. Tur•ek,Czechoslovakia V. C. Wynne-Edwards,Great Britain H. Lewis Batts, Jr., Kalamazoo, Michigan Pershing B. Hofslund, Duluth, Minnesota C. Stuart Houston, Yorkton, Saskatchewan Richard F. Johnston,Lawrence,Kansas Martin H. •ioynihan, Balboa, Canal Zone Robert K. Selander,Austin, Texas William J. Baerg, Fayetteville, Arkansas Herbert H. Beck, Lancaster,Pennsylvania Ernest G. Holt, Montgomery,Alabama 1960J D•0SAS, Seventy-Seventh StatedMeetingo] the,'I.O.U. 61 A•rEN•)ANCE Registrationat the meetingincluded391 personsfrom sevenprovincesof Canada,34 statesandthe Districtof Columbia,England,India, and the Republicof the Philippines,as follows: ENcx•N•James Im)•--M. Fisher, Elizabeth Forster. A. Badshah. R1;PUm, lc or • P•n, zmn•s--J. B. Alv•rez, Jr. CA•A--,,ttberta: Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ball, TerenceH. Bassett,E. D. Beacham, Martin Boyd, W. A. Fuller, Cedric Hitchon, K. Hodges, Mrs. J. R. Jackson, Laurie Jackson,V. Lewin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lister, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mackay, Mrs. W. S. Ross, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner, Terence Walton. British Colurnbla: Elmer Callin, Anthony J. Erskdne,F. A. Goruall, Mr. and Mrs. Theed Pearse, Oliver Wells. Manitoba: W. M. Adams, Herman Battersby, Kenneth Black, W. Cartwright,Graham Cooch,David R. M. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hochbaum,Fanny A. Hollies, Mrs. R. B. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lawrence, Frank McKinney, Mrs. L. J. McKinney, D. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shortt, R. I. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ClarenceTillenius. New Brun,m•ick: Robert Squires, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Squires. Ontario: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Allin, JamesBaillie, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. D. Clarke, S. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. K. Denis, K. F. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. R. Frith, W. Earl Godfrey,William W. H. Gunn,F. M. Helleiner, John Livingston,Mr. and Mrs. Hoyes Lloyd, Harry G. Luresden,John Lunn, R. McCleary, Mr. and Mrs. G. North, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ouilliam, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Snyder,Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Speirs,GeorgeM. Stirrett. Quebec: JonasSpence-Sales. Saskatchewan:Ethel Abey, Gary Anweiler, Mrs. J. Bailey, W. H. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. K. Beckde,Mr. and Mrs. P. Lawrence Beckde,Margaret Belcher, John Beveridge,T. M. Beveridge,Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bird, J. M. Blemen,J. L. Blizzard, J. D. Boggs,C. Bojuk, Frank Brazier, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bremner,JaniceBrlggs, E. W. Brooman, Robert Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Callin, Edna Colbeck, Isobell M. Coleman,Mrs. H. A. Croome, Mrs. E. Cruickshank,Brian Davies, Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis, Joyce Dew, Lillian Domes,Alex Dzubin, Dorothy Eley, Lucy Eley, Mr. and Mrs. T. Ellis, Ray Elmore, Robert Folker, Elmer Fox, Glen A. Fox, Reginald Fox, Richard W. Fyfe, Grace Glenn, J. B. Gollop, JusticeP. H. Gordon,Pearl Guest,T. Harper, Sylvia Harrison, William Horseman, Dr. and Mrs. C, Stuart Houston,Dr. Harley Jenner,Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnston,Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Kaad, Mrs. M. H. Kennedy,Patrick Kennedy,Garth Klatt, R. F. Klatt, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Knox, Fred W. Lahrman, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ledingham,Robert McCall, C. McDonald,R. C. McKenzie,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McLennan,Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McNamara, Mrs. G. L. Mackenzie,Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Maliepaard, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mann, Herbert Moulding, Lucy H. Murray, GertrudeMurray, BernardA. Nelson,Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Nero, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Nilson, Lawrence R. Ostoforoff, E. Paynter, ConniePratt, Marguerite Robertson,V. Rondeau,Frank Roy, Mrs. E. Schua, SpencerG. Sealy, Bruce ' Shier, Inclira Singh, Gordon Staines, Mrs. N. Steele, T. Sterling, R. Stueck, Melba Stevenson, F. A. Switzer,Mrs. F. B. Taylor, Mrs. H. F. Temple,Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker, Mrs. Jean West, Wlnnifred Woods, W. Yanchinsky, Constance York. 62 DEIGNAN, Seventy-Seventh StatedMeetingo[ theA.O.U. [ Auk [Vol.77 UNx• STAT•s--ztlabama: Robert D. Weigel. Arizona: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Anderson. ztrkansas: Mrs. Mattie Daugherty, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas James. California: Enid K. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cogswell,Gerald Collier, Mary M. Erickson, Earle R. Greene,Thomas R. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Huey, L. R. Mewaldt, Mr. and Mrs. Alden H. Miller, Patricia L. Miller, Robert T. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stoner. Colorado: A.M. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kalmbach,Donald Malik, Jack Murphy, Donald M. Thatcher. Connecticut:Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Peterson. District of Columbia: H. G. Deignan, D. S. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wetmore. Florida: Oliver L. Austin, Jr., Pierce Brodkorb,H. Hill Hamon, W. B. Robertson,Jr., W. Shortt. Georgia: H. L. Stoddard, St., Rex Thomas. Illinois: Karl E. Bartel, Frank C. Bellrose,Jr., E. R. Blake, George K. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Fisher, S.S. Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Kendeigh,Margaret C. Lehmann,Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mrs. L. B. Nice, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rand, Paul Shulze,F. A. Swink, Albert Wolfson. Indiana: James B. Cope, Robert A. Johnson,Henry C. West, Nixon Wilson. Iowa: F. W. Kent, Mrs. P. Petersen, St., P. C. Petersen, Jr., Milton N. Weller. Kansas: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johnston.Louisiana: R. E. Caldwell,Jr., Ethel D. Jones,DouglasA. Lancaster, Electa D. Levi, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lowery, Jr., Ava R. Tabor. Maine: Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Pettingill, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whitman, Jr. Maryland: Chandler S. Robbins. Massachusetts: R. H. Barth, Jr., Ernst Mayr, Dwight Moore. Michigan: Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Batts, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Branch, Denis F. Owen, Robert Payne, John Rood, Mary Spear Ross, Peter Stettenheim, Robert W. Storer, Harrison B. Tordoff, Willet T. Van Velzen, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wallace, M. E. Wallace, S. F. Wallace. Minnesota: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Breckenridge,R. W. Dickerman,Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jaques,Mr. and Mrs. Eugene LeFebvre, Mary Lupient, J.P. Rogers. Nebraska: Mr. and Mrs. John Lueshen. New Jersey: Mrs. H. E. Cames, Mrs. J. Y. Dater, Norman B. Pilllng, Anne W. Wachenfeld,R. Wilkins, Helen J. Williams. New York: Dean Amadon, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brockner, Eugene Eisenmann,E. Thomas Gilliard, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Grinnell, Helen Hays, Lois Hussey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Mitchell, Ralph S. Palmer, Catherine M. Pessino,Mrs. Dayton Stoner, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ulrich, Charles F. J. Young. North Carolina: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Blake. North Dakota: Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Oammell,Robert H. Oensch,EdmundA. Hibbard. Ohio: H. E. Blakeslee,Mrs. RobertV. D. Booth,Vera Carrothers,Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Olenny. Oklahoma: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Land. Oregon: GeorgeAlderson. Pennsylvania: Wilson Baker, Dorothy L. Bordner, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bordner, Kenneth C. Parkes, Elizabeth A. Taft, Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Thomas. Tennessee: Albert F. GanJer. Texas: Elizabeth Blount, L. Irby Davis, Allan Hayse, Louise TeagardenHill, Margaret Louise Hill, Pauline James,Robert K. Selander, Edith R. Wilson, L. R. Wolfe. Utah: James R. King. Virginia: John W. Aldrich. Washington: Donald S. Farnet. West V;rglnla: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O. Brooks,GeorgeA. Hall. Wisconsin:JamesBrush,R. L. Dana, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Grant, Owen J. Oromme, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Hamerstrom, Jr., J. J. Hickey, ChesterO. Krawczyk, R. A. McCabe,Earl N. McCue, William McPeek, Jack Orgeman,O. Rongstad,Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Schorger,Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Scott, Marvin E. Vote. •J•6] D•N,•N,Seventy-Seventh Stated Meeting ofthe.4.0.U. 63 PUBLIC SESSIONS Paperssessions wereheldin themorning andafternoon of eachof the threedaysbeginning Wednesday, 26 August,in the auditorium of the SaskatchewanMuseum of Natural History. WEDNESDAYMORNING SESSION The meetingwasopened by an address of welcome by E. Manley Callin,President,Saskatchewan Natural History Society. Ernst Mayr, Presidentof The AmericanOrnithologists' Union, responded.The Secretary, HerbertG. Deignan,summarized the resultsof the previous day'sbusiness sessions, includingelectionsand awards. E. THOMAS GILLIARD,American Museum of Natural History, New York, Report from New Britain (slides). STU.•T HOUSTON, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, ThomasDrummond,Forgotten Ornithologist(slides). PIERCEBRODY:ORB, Universityof Florida,Gainesville, Florida,How Many Kinds of Birds Were There? OLIN SEWALLPETTINgILL,JR., Universityof Michigan,Biological Station,Fellston,Michigan,King Eiders Breedingwith Com•non Eiders in Iceland (slides). HAROLDD. MITCHELL,Buffalo OrnithologicalSociety,Buffalo, New York, •/ NestingInvolvingProthonotaryand Yellow Warblers (motion picturesand slides). WEDNESDAYAFTERNOONSESSION DONALDS. FARNER,State.Collegeof Washington,Pullman,and D. L. SERvENTY,,CommonwealthScientific and Industrial Research Organization,Nedlands,WesternAustralia,Body Temperatureand the Ontogenyof Thermoregulation in the Slender-billed Shearwater (slides). THOUASR. HOWELL, Universityof California,LosAngeles,California, Temperaturesinsidethe Air Sacsof Birds (slides). A. W. SCHOReER, Universityof Wisconsin,Madison,Crushingof Hicoria Nuts in the Gizzardof the Turkey (slides). JA•ES R. KINe, Universityof Utah, Salt LakeCity, Utah, L. RICHAVa) MEWALDT, San JoseStateCollege,San Jose,California,DONALDS. FARNER,State Collegeof Washington,Pullman, Washington,The Duration of PostnuptialMetabolicRefractoriness in the WhitecrownedSparrow (slides). 64 D•m•A•, Seventy-Seventh StatedMeetingof the •t.O.U. [ Auk LVol.?? A•m•N H. MIz,z,ZR, Universityof California,Berkeley,California,Responseto Environmental Light Incrementsby AndeanSparrowsfrom an EquatorialArea. ALTERS'W0LrS0N and DAVID P. WINCHESTER,Northwestern Univer- sity, Evanston,Illinois, Effect of Photoperiodon the Gonadaland Molt Cyclesof a TropicalBird, Queleaquelea(slides). S. CHARrESKENDEIGn,University of Illinois, Champaign,Illinois, Annual Stimulusfor SpringMigration (slides). L. ILZCHARD MEWAr,D% San JoseState College,San Jose,California, Orientationof Migratory Restlessness in the White-crownedSparrow (slides). THURSDAY MORNING SESSION POt•,PHS. PA•,•ER, New York State Museum,Albany, New York, ReproductivePattern of the Loons. ROrERTW. STOm•R, Universityof MichiganMuseumof Zoology,Ann Arbor, Michigan,The DiscoveryCeremonyof the Horned Grebe (motionpicturesand slides). Ar,Ex DzvmN, Canadian Wildlife Service, Saskatoon,Saskatchewan, Aerial Displaysand Flights of the Mallard (slides). HEr,EN HAYS, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Motivationso/ someof theDisplaysof theRuddyDuck (slides). RO•ER•W. NERO,Saskatchewan Museumof Natural History, Regina, ComparativeBehaviorof the Red-wingedBlackbirdand the YellowheadedBlackbird (motionpicture). GE•r,DCOr,LIER, University of California, Los Angeles,California, BreedingBehaviorin the TricoloredBlackbirdandsomeAspectsof Competitionwith the Red-wingedBlackbird (tape recorder and slides). RO•ER•K. SEr,ANDER andDONAr,D R. GmLER,The Universityof Texas, Austin, Texas,,4 Biosystematic Analysisof Sympatryof Boat-tailed and Great-tailedGrackles(Cassidix) in the Gul[ CoastRegionof Texasand Louisiana(tape recorderand slides). THURSDAY AFTERNOONSESSION Symposiumon Water[owl H. Ar•rER• HOCHBAUM,Moderator, Delta Waterfowl Research Station, Delta, Manitoba. 1. F•aNI• BELt,ROSE, State Natural History Survey, Havana, Illinois,Mallard Homing on Flyway Routes(slides). 19601 DF.,I•NAN,Seventy-SeventkStated Meeting of tke ,'i.O.U. 65 2. F. G. Coocu, CanadianWildlife Service,Winnipeg, Manitoba, EcologicalAspectso[ the Blue-SnowGooseComplex(slides). 3. MILTONW. WELLER,Iowa State College,Ames, ParasiteEg#layingin the Redhead(slides). 4. FraNK McKINNEY, Delta Waterfowl Research Station, Delta, Manitoba,The Analysisof Duck Displays(motionpicture). FRIDAY MORNING SESSION OLIVERL. AUSTIN,JR., Florida State Museum,Gainesville,Florida, The Ternsof theDry Tortugas(slides). C•ANDLERS. R0uNS, PatuxentResearchRefuge,Laurel, Maryland, and DONALDD. STAMM,U.S. Public Health Service,Montgomery, Alabama,Mist Netting as an Aid in Bird PopulationStudies(slides). GEORGE J. WAL:ACE,Departmentof Zoology,MichiganState University, East Lansing, Michigan, Further Commentson Robin Losses ona UniversityCampus. HOWARDL. COgSWELL, Departmentof BiologicalSciences,Mills College,Oakland,California,TerritorySizeandSubstrate for Foraging in the Wrentit and Rufous-sided Towhee(slides). DOUGLAS JAMES,Departmentof Zoology,Universityof Arkansas,Fayetteville,Arkansas,The Effect o[ Winter V•eatheron theAbundance of Birds (slides). S. DILLONRIVLEY,PeabodyMuseumof Natural History,Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,AggressiveNeglect as a Factor in Interspecific Competition in Birds (slides). R. H. BART., JR., BiologicalLaboratories,Harvard University,Cambridge, Massachusetts, Studieson Mixed SpeciesFlocks with Special Referenceto the Formicariidae(slides). C•ARLESJ. LARUEand RO,RT K. SELANDER, Departmentof Zoology, The Universityof Texas,Austin,Texas,An ApparentInterspecific Appeasement Display of the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) (motion picture). FRIDAY AFTERNOONSESSION PETERSTEa•rEN•EIM, USDA RegionalPoultryResearchLaboratory, East Lansing,Michigan,The Development of Plumagein Young LeghornChickens(slides). C•AULES H. BLASE,Hillsboro,NorthCarolina,Attainmentof Definitive Plumagein White-throated Sparrows,a PreliminaryReport (slides). 66 DraGNAN, Seventy-Seventh StatedMeetingof the,'I.O.U. [ Auk tVol.?? KE•ET>I C. PARKs;S,Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and PHILIP S. Hu•rpviR•;,z,PeabodyMuseum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,Apparent Departures from TypicalSequences of Plumagesand Molts (slides). LAw•;•,rc•; I. Gva•r•r•;L•,Laboratoryof Ornithology,Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Birds of SoutheasternAustralia (motion picture). JAcKA. Mu•PVi,z,DenverMuseumof Natural History, Denver,Colorado, Nesting of the Sooty Albatrossesin SubantarcticNew Zealand (motion picture and slides). A•F•;r) M. BAi•;,z, Denver Museum of Natural History, Denver, Colorado,The Hauntsof the RoyalAlbatross(motionpicture). SOCIAL ]•vENTS A luncheon for the Council and a d{nner for Fellows and members of the Counc{lwereheldat the Hotel Saskatchewan on 25 August; in the eveninga receptionand film program,sponsored by the Museum, were held for thosenot attend{ngthe bus{hess session. On the afternoon of 26 August, wives of membersand other guests were taken on a tour to Fort Qu'Appe]]e,and that even{ngan exh{b{t{on of Canadianb{rd art and bird photographywas openedat the Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina College, followed by a reception. Wives of membersand other guestswere given a tour of Regina City on the afternoonof 27 August. The eveningwas devotedto a picnicsupperin WascanaPark, followedby a programof filmsin the auditorium of the Museum. A cocktailparty, followedby the Annual Banquet,both sponsored by the Governmentof Saskatchewan, took placeon the eveningof Friday, 28 August,in the Wa-Wa ShrineTemple,with the Honorable T. C. Douglas,Premierof Saskatchewan, actingas host. The Union had not before in its history beenofficiallyentertainedby a Provincial or State Government. FIELD TRIPS Before-breakfastexcursionsto nearbyareaswere madeon the mornings of 26, 27, and 28 August. On Saturday,29 August,an all-day trip was made by bus to the northernend of Last Mountain Lake; the highlightof the day was the sp&tacleof some8,000 sandhillcranes at rest and in flight. On Sunday,a briefer excursionwas made to various prairie lakes and sloughsless distant from Regina. Jan.] 19601 DVaO•A•,Seventy-Seventh StatedMeetingo[ theA.O.U. 67 1•ESOLUTIOl•I$ The followingresolutions were submittedby the Resolutions Committee (Maurice Brooks,Chairman; Alfred M. Bailey; and Walter J. Breckenridge)and approvedby the GeneralSessionon 27 Au•mst 1959: 1. Resolved,that the American Ornithologists'Union, holding its 77th Stated Meeting in Regina, Saskatchewan, commendsthe Wheat Provinceand the QueenCity for its visionin providing/or all people sofinea facilityas the Saskatchewan Museumof Natural History. 2. Resolved,that the American Ornithologists'Union meeting at Regina,highlycommends the Government of Guatemalafor its action in protectingall waterfowlon Lake Atitlin especiallysincethe Giant Pied-billedGrebe (Podilymbusgigas) occursnowhereelse. The continued existenceof this uniquespeciesis therebyassuredand opportunity to study its behaviorand its interactionwith other specieson the lake is made more feasible. The Government is further commended for its efficient and informa- tive postingof the lake shore. The AmericanOrnithologists' Union further congratulates the Governmentof Guatemalaon taking the lead in Central Americain protecting not only a rare and noteworthyspeciesbut also an aquatic habitat attractive to visitors. The AmericanOrnithologists' Union requests its Secretaryto communicate this action to: Dr. Jorge A. Ibarra, Director, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala, for conveyance to the appropriateofficialsof the government. 3. Resolved,that the AmericanOrnithologists'Union, hereassembled in Regina,expresses its gratefulappreciation to the sponsoring organizations: ReginaCollegeof the Universityof Saskatchewan, Saskatche- wan Natural History Society,ReginaNatural History Society,and the Saskatchewan Museumof Natural History of the Departmentof Natural Resources,and the Museum director, Fred G. Bard, and to RobertW. Nero, Chairmanof the Local Committeeon Arrangements, and his efficientand hard-workingcommitteemembers: Mrs. Marjorie Ledingham, Elmer Fox, MargaretBelcher,Frank Brazier,JoyceDew, RichardFyfe, Peter Gregg,Mrs. JeanHodges,BruceKnox, Fred W. Lahrman,GeorgeF. Ledingham,Max MkConnell,JamesMillington, GertrudeMurray and Bruce Shier. 68 DEION•N,Seventy-Seventh Stated.Meeling of the•I.O.U. •Vol.?? The American Ornithologists'Union wishesalso to thank all the manypersons whohavemadepossible the fieldtrips,artsandphotography exhibits,toursand other specialeventswhichhave so hospitably accompanied the 77th StatedMeeting. 4. The AmericanOrnithologists' Union expresses its heartythanks to the Provinceof Saskatchewan, its Premier,the Hon. T. C. Douglas, and the otherofficialsof its government whohavesograciouslyhonored the Union and its guestsat officially-sponsored socialevents. The Union takesnoteof the fact that it hasnot beforein its history beenreceivedandentertained officiallyby a Provincialor StateGovernment, and it requestsits Secretaryto conveythe thanksof the Union to the appropriateofficials. OFFICERSAND TRUSTEESOF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS'UNION George H. Lowery, Jr., President ....................................... Dean Areadon, First I/ice-President ..................................... Austin L. Rand, Secondl/ice-President .................................. Herbert G. Deignan, Secretary .......................................... CharlesG. Sibley, Treasurer ............................................ Donald S. Farner, Editor oI The Auk ................................... Expiration of Term 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 ELEcTIvE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL Eugene Eisenmann ..................................................... John T. Emlen, Jr ..................................................... Olin Sewall Pettingill, Jr ............................................... Oliver L. Austin, Jr .................................................... Harold F. Mayfield .................................................... L. L. Snyder .......................................................... Joseph J. Hickey ...................................................... Arlle W. Schorger .................................................... 1960 1960 1960 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 Robert W. Storer ...................................................... 1962 Robert T. Orr, Cooper Ornithological Society Representative .............. H. Lewis Batts, Jr. Wilson Ornithological Society Representative........ 1960 1960 James P. Chapln, 1939-42 Herbert Frledmann, 1937-39 Hoyes Lloyd, 194548 Ernst Mayr, 1957-59 Alden H. Miller, 1953-56 Robert CushmanMurphy, 1948-50 Alexander Wetmore, 1926-29 Ex-Pm.iSmENTS INVESTING TRUSTEES Stephen S. Gregory ................................................ Cyrus Mark ........................................................... Arlle W. Schorger ..................................................... '.... 1960 1960 1960