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The original version of the following document was loaned through the courtesy of the Southern Oregon Historical Society to Southern Oregon University Hannon Library for digitizing and inclusion in the Southern Oregon History Collection. You will view a digital reproduction of the original document, starting with the next PDF page of this file. The original paper copy is in the permanent collection of the Southern Oregon Historical Society, 106 N Central Ave., Medford, OR 97501. All rights to the original are held by the Southern Oregon Historical Society, subject to copyright law. For more information about the Southern Oregon Historical Society, please go to their web page at http://www.sohs.org/, or phone (541) 858-1724. 0 .V ., . -, -O :J IT School Directory for COUNTY, OREGON 1956-1957 VALUATIONS OF DISTRICTS AND TAX LEVY, 1956-1957 CENSUS, OCTOBER 25, 1955 AVERAGE DAILY MEMBERSHIP, 1955-1956 ALF B. MEKVOLD, County School Superintendent UNA B. INCH, Assistant Superintendent BRUCE S. HITT, JR., Elementary Supervisor JIM McDONALD, Audio-Visual Aids Director ADELAIDE BAILEY, Secretary MILDRED HINMAN, Stenographer Jackson County Census, October 25, 1955 Total, 19,371 Girls, 9349 Boys, 10,022 District Boundary Board County Judge, J. RODNEY KEATING, Chairman Commissioner, L. G. (Shy) MORTHLAND Commissioner, CHESTER WENDT County School Superintendent, ALF B. MEKVOLD, Secretary Non-High School District Board A. E. BROCKWAY, Zone 3, 2325 Stewart Ave., Medford Chairman NORAH H. BLAIR, Zone 1, Rt 1, Box 100, Rogue River D. H. BARBER, Zone 2, Trail EDMUND RAMSAY, Zone 4, Rt. 1, Box 45, Jacksonville DUNBAR CARPENTER, Zone 5, Foothills Road, Medford Supt. ALF B. MEKVOLD, Secretary Rural School Board GLENN W. SMITH, Zone 4, Rt. 1, Box 85, Jacksonville, Chairman WILLIAM A. STARZINGER, Zone 1, c/o Hills Real Estate Office, Rogue River LYLE VAN SCOY, Zone 2, Eagle Point PAUL GASPAROTTI, Zone 3, 2411 Crater Lake Ave., Medford §R, Zone 5, Rt. 1, Box 364, Talent Supt. ALF B. MEKVOLD, Secretary American Red Cross HELEN A. WILSON, Executive Secretary LAURA D. PORTER, Secretary-Bookkeeper Civil Defense Maj. Gen. J. H. HICKS, Director County Library * HELEN WEBSTER, County Librarian NORA ZEHNER McKAY, Head of Boys and Girls Dept. Extension Service W. B. TUCKER, County Extension Agent GLENN KLEIN, County Club Agent MARJORIE HATTAN, County Club Agent Juvenile Court H. K. HANNA, Judge KAY CROWL, Juvenile Officer JACKSON Ct4/k , !o! slfi ,to-iv, 1 i-jk g Page 2 SCHOOL DIRECTORY County Health Department A. ERIN MERKEL, M.D., Public Health Physician Medical Director * FRANCES CLINK, P.H.N. ETHELMAE KANCLIER, P.H.N. CLEO KENT, P.H.N. * ELIZABETH McGALLIARD, P.H.N. * ALENA MAKINEN, P.H.N. * MARY ELLEN BELL, P.H.N. NINA VANDEWALKER, R.N., Clinic Nurse * MARY VANDENBERG, Psychiatric Social Worker * LENORE ESTES, Lab. Tech. ORIE MOORE, County Sanitarian * JOSEPHINE KOPPES, Secretary DOROTHY THOMAS, Ass't Secretary VIRGINIA PETER, Ass't Secretary ROSE MARIE DONAHOO, Secretary, Child Guidance Clinic HARRY DANIELSON, M.D., Psychiatrist-Child Guidance Clinic Jackson County Board of Health EUGENE THORNDIKE, Chairman J. RODNEY KEATING, County Judge ALF B. MEKVOLD, Supt. of Schools L. D. INSKEEP, M.D. MRS. HENRY PADGHAM A. ERIN MERKEL, M.D., Secretary ROBERT DUFF, City Manager LAWRENCE ELLIS, D.D. 2 - - SCHOOL DIRECTORY Transporting Districts To Own Districts: Dist. 1-Jacksonville Dist. 2-Griffin Creek Dist. 3-Ruch I Dist. 4-Phoenix . V Dist. 5-Ashland Dist. 6-Central Point It Dist. 9-Eagle Point V Dist. 10-Lone Pine Dist. 22-Talent V Dist. 35-Rogue River ' Dist. 40-Applegpte L Dist. 45-Elk-Trail b Dist. 59-Prospect Dist. 62-Evans Valley t' Dist. 89-Shady Cove Dist. 91-Butte Falls )/ Dist. 549-Medford k .IHs o Ditit High School Districts - Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. 1-Jacksonville 4-Phoenix 5-Ashland 6-Central Point 9-Eagle Point Dist. 22-Talent Dist. 35-Rogue River Dist. 59-Prospect Dist 91-Butte Falls Dist. 549-Medford County School Office COURT HOUSE ANNEX MEDFORD Telephone 2-4424 O.E.A. Headquarters Staff C. W. POSEY, Executive Secretary, 1530 S.W. Taylor, Portland RICHARD BARSS, Editor MARCIA MILLS, Placement Director EDWARD C. ELLIOTT, Field Service WILLSON MAYNARD, Director of Public Relations ALBERT E. SKAGGS, Director of Research Dr. D. D. DARLAND, Director of Professional Services Jackson County O.E.A. Officers DEVERE TAYLOR, President GEORGE JOHNS, Vice-President VIOLA POMEROY, Secretary ROBERT SAGE, Treasurer H. B. FERRIN, Lakeview, O.E.A. Trustee, District No. 6 * Miss Page 3 0 Page 2 0 SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL DIRECTORY County Health Department A. ERIN MERKEL, M.D., Public Health Physician Medical Director * FRANCES CLINK, P.H.N. ETHELMAE KANCLIER, P.H.N. CLEO KENT, P.H.N. * ELIZABETH McGALLIARD, P.H.N. * ALENA MAKINEN, P.H.N. * MARY ELLEN BELL, P.H.N. NINA VANDEWALKER, R.N., Clinic Nurse MARY VANDENBERG, Psychiatric Social Worker * LENORE ESTES, Lab. Tech. ORIE MOORE, County Sanitarian * JOSEPHINE KOPPES, Secretary DOROTHY THOMAS, Ass't Secretary VIRGINIA PETER, Ass't Secretary ROSE MARIE DONAHOO, Secretary, Child Guidance Clinic HARRY DANIELSON, M.D., Psychiatrist-Child Guidance Clinic Transporting Districts Jackson County Board of Health EUGENE THORNDIKE, Chairman J. RODNEY KEATING, County Judge ALF B. MEKVOLD, Supt. of Schools L. D. INSKEEP, M.D. MRS. HENRY PADGHAM A. ERIN MERKEL, M.D., Secretary ROBERT DUFF, City Manager LAWRENCE ELLIS, D.D. To Own Districts: Dist. 1-Jacksonville Dist. 2-Griffin Creek I Dist. 3-Ruch I Dist. 4-Phoenix am Dist. 5-Ashland Dist. 6-Central Point Dist. 9-Eagle Point -el Dist. 10-Lone Pine Dist. 22-Talent V/ Dist. 35-Rogue River ' Dist. 40-Appleggte L Dist. 45-Elk-Trail Dist. 59-Prospect Dist. 62-Evans Valley i' Dist. 89-Shady Cove -1 Dist. 91-Butte Falls V Dist. 549-Medford V ' .lieah, Distric High School Districts Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. 1-J acksonville 4-Phoenix 5-Ashland 6-Central Point 9-Eagle Point Dist. 22-Talent Dist. 35-Rogue River Dist. 59-Prospect Dist 91-Butte Falls Dist. 549-Medford County School Office COURT HOUSE ANNEX MEDFORD Telephone 2-4424 O.E.A. Headquarters Staff C. W. POSEY, Executive Secretary, 1530 S.W. Taylor, Portland RICHARD BARSS, Editor MARCIA MILLS, Placement Director EDWARD C. ELLIOTT, Field Service WILLSON MAYNARD, Director of Public Relations ALBERT E. SKAGGS, Director of Research Dr. D. D. DARLAND, Director of Professional Services Jackson County O.E.A. Officers DEVERE TAYLOR, President GEORGE JOHNS, Vice-President VIOLA POMEROY, Secretary ROBERT SAGE, Treasurer H. B. FERRIN, Lakeview, O.E.A. Trustee, District No. 6 -Page 3 * Miss - 0 V SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL DIRECTORY District No. 1, Jacksonville Valuation, $1,392,954.69 Mills, 59.0 Census, 569 A. D. M., 413.9 John Niedermeyer, Chairman ---- Rt. 2, Medford (Tel. 3-1255) Floyd Wyat --------------------------------- Jacksonville Russell McIntyre ----------------------------- Jacksonville B. J. Christianson........................... Jacksonville Harold Wall --------------------- Rt. 2, Box 488, Medford Marlene Worden, Clerk, Rt. 2, Box 470, Medford (Tel. 9-8194) School Address: Jacksonville (Tel. High 9-8361, Elem, 9-8124) Pat Tweedy, Secretary, (Tel. 9-8361) Myrna S. Frink,,Prin., 1654 Thomas Rd., Medford (Tel. 3-1352) Stephen Whipple, Music, 503 King St., Medford Floyd Robinson, 8, 904 Beekman, Medford Chester Lind, 7, 615 Oakdale Drive, Medford Henry 1. Johnson, 6-7, Box 566, Jacksonville Lynn R. Jenkins, 6, 906 King St., Medford Harriett J. Eitemiller, 5, 3705 Roberts Road, Medford Alma M. Austin, 4, Rt. 1, Box 369-B, Medford Shirley R. Routh, 4, 1667 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland Rachel E. Scheel, 3, Rt. 3, Box 169-C, Medford Mariece M. Lindsay, 3, 1540 Thomas Rd., Medford /Edith H. Arnold, 2, 912 West 11th St., Medford 'JJoan Dean, 1-2, 1006 So. Oakdale, Medford Charlotte Stearns, 1, 720 So. Peach St., Medford Pagie 4 John J. Crabb, Superintendent, Box 98, Jacksonville, (Tel. 9-8313) Glenn E. Schireman, Driver Training, P.E., Social Studies Leland I. Harter, Industrial Arts 1, 11,Drawing Abby L. Sturtevant, Typing and Shorthand Carl A. Totman, Science and Math Clara Wendt, Librarian, English Kenneth Toner, Social Studies Florence J. Hanson, Homemaking Fred T. Richardson, Math., Coach Leroy E Mauroni, Vocal and Instrumental Music Mary Sullenger, Girls' P.E., and English Francis J. Guidry, Elementary Principal Dealous L. Cox, 8 Vida R. McCarley, 7, Girls' P.E., 5-8 Fred Buehling, 6 Lynn Berntson, 5 Ida McArthur, 4 Enid L Maurer, 4 Audrey A. Clark, 3 Maude Hardy, 3 Rebecca J. Long, 2 Jeannette W. Thompson, 2 Leona D. Gilinsky, 1 Evelyn J. Winningham, 1 District No. 2, Griffin Creek Valuation, $1,] 15,815.05 Mills, 54.7 Census, 480 A. D. M., 265.3 Sam B. Harbison, Chairman 2125 Orchard Home, Dr., Medford (Tel. 2-4662) C. W. Guches................ Griffin Creek Rd., Medford Mrs. Marion R. Sander 2713 Orchard Home Dr., Medford Randolph Hugdahl .............. 2230 Canal St., Medford Glen V. Allen ................. 981 So. Stage Rd., Medford Galen R. Knox, Clerk, U.S. National Bank Bldg., Medford (Tel. 2-221 3) School Address: Rt. 1, Box 362, Medford (Tel. 3-2404) Page 5 District No. 3, Ruch Valuation, $971,147.90 Mills, 54.7 Census, 191 A. D. M., 109.9 E. H. Fossen, Chairman . Rt. 2, Jacksonville (Tel. 9-8434) J. Stanley Larson...................... Rt. 1, Jacksonville George W. Sample .................... Rt. 2, Jacksonville Robert B. Webb...................... Rt. 2, Jacksonville Fred R. West......................... Rt. 1, Jacksonville Louis Straube, Clerk......... Rt. 2, Box 102A, Jacksonville School Address: Jacksonville (Tel. 9-8134) Boyd Gibson, Principal, 8, 701 So. Chestnut, Medford Marvin A. Throne, 8, Music, Rt. 1, Box 165, Gold Hill Kenneth R. Nivens, 6-7, 124 Alida St., Ashland Lucile McKemie, 4-5, 1013 W. Main, Medford Cleo F. Shannon, 2-3, Rt. 1, Box 60, Jacksonville Ruth H. Granby, 1-2, Rt. 1, Box 275, Talent District No. 4, Phoenix Valuation, $4,332,497.10 Mills, 53.8 Census, 1005 A. D. M., 740.0 Donald Korth, Chairman -- Rt. 1, Box 330, Talent (Tel. 3-5894) J. Curtis Barnes............... Rt. 3, Box 220B, Medford Allen Harris.............. 4238 So. Pacific Hiway, Medford Merle Simmonds................ Rt. 3, Box 349C, Medford Jack Hoffbuhr ................. Rt. 3, Box 178, Medford Mrs. Florence Drake, Clerk......... Rt. 3, Box 193, Medford School Address: Phoenix, Oregon (Tel. Elem. 2-4074, High 2-6055) Ernest R. James, Superintendent, 209 5th St., Phoenix, (Tel. 3-1222) Albert N. Consbruck, World History, American History & Govt., Coach, P.E. Richard A. Dickenson, English, American Problems, Speech John P. Dube, Vocational Agriculture and Agri. Shop Rowean J Holmes, 9-12, Homemaking 0 0 Page 5 SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL DIRECTORY District No. 1, Jacksonville Valuation, $1,392,954.69 Mills, 59.0 Census, 569 A. D. M., 413.9 John Niedermeyer, Chairman ---- Rt. 2, Medford (Tel. 3-1255) Floyd Wyat --------------------------------- Jacksonville Russell Mcintyre ........................ ... Jacksonville B. J. Christianson ........................... Jacksonville Harold Wall ------------------... Rt. 2, Box 488, Medford Marlene Worden, Clerk, Rt. 2, Box 470, Medford (Tel. 9-8194) School Address: Jacksonville (Tel. High 9-8361, Elem, 9-8124) Pat Tweedy, Secretary, (Tel. 9-8361) Myrna S. Frink, Prin., 1654 Thomas Rd., Medford (Tel. 3-1352) Stephen Whipple, Music, 503 King St., Medford Floyd Robinson, 8, 904 Beekman, Medford Chester Lind, 7, 615 Oakdale Drive, Medford Henry 1. Johnson, 6-7, Box 566, Jacksonville Lynn R. Jenkins, 6, 906 King St., Medford Harriett J. Eitemiller, 5, 3705 Roberts Road, Medford Alma M. Austin, 4, Rt. 1, Box 369-B, Medford Shirley R. Routh, 4, 1667 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland Rachel E. Scheel, 3, Rt. 3, Box 169-C, Medford Mariece M. Lindsay, 3, 1540 Thomas Rd., Medford /Ecdith H. Arnold, 2, 912 West 11th St., Medford v Joan Dean, 1-2, 1006 So. Oakdale, Medford Charlotte Stearns, 1, 720 So. Peach St., Medford Page 4 John J. Crabb, Superintendent, Box 98, Jacksonville, (Tel. 9-8313) Glenn E. Schireman, Driver Training, P.E., Social Studies Leland 1. Harter, Industrial Arts 1, 11, Drawing Abby L. Sturtevant, Typing and Shorthand Carl A. Totman, Science and Math Clara Wendt, Librarian, English Kenneth Toner, Social Studies Florence J. Hanson, Homemaking Fred T. Richardson, Math., Coach Leroy E. Mauroni, Vocal and Instrumental Music Mary Sullenger, Girls' P.E., and English Francis J. Guidry, Elementary Principal Dealous L. Cox, 8 Vida R. McCarley, 7, Girls' P.E., 5-8 Fred Buehling, 6 Lynn Berntson, 5 Ida McArthur, 4 Enid L Maurer, 4 Audrey A. Clark, 3 Maude Hardy, 3 Rebecca J. Long, 2 Jeannette W. Thompson, 2 Leona D. Gilinsky, 1 Evelyn J. Winningham, 1 District No. 2, Griffin Creek Valuation, $1,115,815.05 Mills, 54.7 Census, 480 A. D. M., 265.3 Sam B. Harbison, Chairman 2125 Orchard Home, Dr., Medford (Tel. 2-4662) C. W. Guches................ Griffin Creek -Rd., Medford Mrs. Marion R. Sander 2713 Orchard Home Dr., Medford Randolph Hugdahl .............. 2230 Canal St., Medford Glen V. Allen................. 981 So. Stage Rd., Medford Galen R. Knox, Clerk, U.S. National Bank Bldg., Medford (Tel. 2-2213) School Address: Rt. 1, Box 362, Medford (Tel. 3-2404) District No. 3, Ruch Valuation, $971,147.90 Mills, 54.7 Census, 191 A. D. M., 109.9 E. H. Fossen, Chairman Rt. 2, Jacksonville (Tel. 9-8434) J. Stanley Larson...................... Rt. 1, Jacksonville George W. Sample .................... Rt. 2, Jacksonville Robert B. Webb ------------------------ Rt. 2, Jacksonville Fred R. West -------------------------- Rt. 1, Jacksonville Louis Straube, Clerk ---------- Rt. 2, Box 102A, Jacksonville School Address: Jacksonville (Tel. 9-8134) Boyd Gibson, Principal, 8, 701 So. Chestnut, Medford Marvin A. Throne, 8, Music, Rt. 1, Box 165, Gold Hill Kenneth R. Nivens, 6-7, 124 Alida St., Ashland Lucile McKemie, 4-5, 1013 W. Main, Medford Cleo F. Shannon, 2-3, Rt. 1, Box 60, Jacksonville Ruth H. Granby, 1-2, Rt. 1, Box 275, Talent District No. 4, Phoenix Valuation, $4,332,497.10 Mills, 53.8 Census, 1005 A. D. M., 740.0 Donald Korth, Chairman - Rt. 1, Box 330, Talent (Tel. 3-5894) J. Curtis Barnes ---------------- Rt. 3, Box 220B, Medford Allen Harris --------------- 4238 So. Pacific Hiway, Medford Merle Simmonds ----------------- Rt. 3, Box 349C, Medford Jack Hoffbuhr ------------------ Rt. 3, Box 178, Medford Mrs. Florence Drake, Clerk ---------- Rt. 3, Box 193, Medford School Address: Phoenix, Oregon (Tel. Elem. 2-4074, High 2-6055) Ernest R. James, Superintendent, 209 5th St., Phoenix, (Tel. 3-1222) Albert N. Consbruck, World History, American History & Govt., Coach, P.E. Richard A. Dickenson, English, American Problems, Speech John P. Dube, Vocational Agriculture and Agri. Shop Rowean J Holmes, 9-12, Homemaking 0 Page 6 S SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL DI RECTORY Mildred James, (One-half day) Mathematics Harry R. Kannasto, Band, Chorus Virginia LaBounty, Physical Education, World Geography Roscoe Larson, Gen. Sci., Biology, English John W. Marler, Woodworking * Mary Lou Neville, Commercial Mabel C. Sims, English, Latin, Journalism, Library E. M. Skipworth, Vice-Prin., Physics, Geometry Jack Woodward, General Math., P.E. John E. Myers, Elementary Principal Charles L. Wilson, 8 Kathryn S. Stancliffe, 8 Mary Loyd, 7 Lewis Bertrand, 7 John Q. Stewart, Jr., 6 Gladys M. Sloan, 6 * Mabel L. Moore, 5 Wallace L. Eri, 5 Joseph L. Fader, 5 Zuba Stack, 4 Ardis Pramann, 4 Lloyd E. Hale, 4 Agnes Rupp, 3 Dorothea Crowley, 3 Maxine Corliss, 3 Gertrude A. Wooten, 2 Nadine B. Shaffer, 2 Olive R. Fountain, 2 Orva A. Taylor, I Ethel Morrison, 1 Jane Germer, 1 District No. 5, Ashland Valuation, $10,745,756.65 Mills, 51.1 Census, 3,065 A. D. M., 2168.5 Marshall E. Woodell, Chairman .... 650 Leonard St., Ashland (Tel. 9-4721) G. Edwin Dunn ...............-........ . Rt. 1, Ashland Howard S. Wiley................. Skycrest Drive, Ashland Mabel M. Stemple......... . . .. 355 Scenic Drive, Ashland Carroll W. Smith................. 806 Clay St., Ashland Irene E. Roach, Clerk ........ Box 437, Ashland (Tel. 8301) Esther E. Swift, Secretary (Tel. 8301) Ashland City School Office, Box 437, Ashland (Tel. 8301) Dr. Howard Balderstone, Superintendent, 180 Mountain Ave., Ashland (Tel. 8301) * Ralph Buell, English Journalism Mary Christlieb, Shorthand, Stenography Lenise Christopher, English Elden Corthell, Algebra, Math. Gerald Eurick, Commercial Giles Green, Librarian Adelbert Hackert, Math. ShirIey Hagen, Homemaking Earl hba,Geography, Coach Clifton James, Shop Millard Johnson, Biology Elizabeth Lasher, P.E. Herbert Lewis, Am. Prob., Debate Warren Lomax, Science, Geography Mary McLarnan, History Keith Mobley, Industrial Arts Leo Osborn, French, Spanish Oscar Silver, Jr., Science, Math. Alexander Simpson, P.E. Coach Gaylord Smith, Vice-Prin., Geography Estel Sohler, English Lucy Susee, English Iona Taylor, Dean of Girls, Speech Harry Wright, Science SPECIAL INSTRUCTION Ronald Apodaca, Elem. Spanish Bruce Bray, Elem. Vocal Music Huot Fisher, Band Frances Klein, Special Education Warren LaBounty, Physical Education Bernard Windt, Chorus, Orchestra JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Tel. 7301) Berl Cox, Principal Marjorie Petersen, Secretary Thyre A. Dodge, 8, Math. John R. Gray, 7, Coach James Harris, Jr , 8, Science Jack Kieling, Social Studies * Natalie MacDougall, Music * Mildred Million, 7, Arith. Robert Palmer, 7-8 Donald Rankin, Art * Eleanor Robison, 7, P.E. Georgia Ross, 7-8, P E. * Vida Scripter, 7 Otis Swisher, 8 Page 7 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Mildred James, (One-half day) Mathematics Harry R. Kannasto, Band, Chorus Virginia LaBounty, Physical Education, World Geography Roscoe Larson, Gen. Sci., Biology, English John W. Marler, Woodworking Mary Lou Neville, Commercial Mabel C. Sims, English, Latin, Journalism, Library E. M. Skipworth, Vice-Prin., Physics, Geometry Jack Woodward, General Math., P.E. * John E. Myers, Elementary Principal Charles L. Wilson, 8 Kathryn S. Stancliffe, 8 Mary Loyd, 7 Lewis Bertrand, 7 John Q. Stewart, Jr., 6 Gladys M Sloan, 6 Mabel L. Moore, 5 Wallace L. Eri, 5 Joseph L. Fader, 5 Zuba Stack, 4 Ardis Pramann, 4 Lloyd E. Hale, 4 Agnes Rupp, 3 Dorothea Crowley, 3 Maxine Corliss, 3 Gertrude A. Wooten, 2 Nadine B. Shaffer, 2 Olive R. Fountain, 2 Orva A. Taylor, 1 Ethel Morrison, 1 Jane Germer, i District No. 5, Ashland Valuation, $ 10,745,756.65 Mills, 51.1 Census, 3,065 A. D. M., 2168.5 Marshall E. Woodell, Chairman .... 650 Leonard St., Ashland (Tel. 9-4721) J. Edwin Dunn......................... Rt. 1, Ashland Howard S. Wiley ......... ....... Skycrest Drive, Ashland Mabel M. Stemple............... 355 Scenic Drive, Ashland Carroll W. Smith................. 806 Clay St., Ashland Irene E. Roach, Clerk......... Box 437, Ashland (Tel. 8301) Esther E. Swift, Secretary (Tel. 8301) Ashland City School Office, Box 437, Ashland (Tel. 8301) Dr. Howard Balderstone, Superintendent, 180 Mountain Ave., Ashland (Tel. 8301) HIGH SCHOOL (Tel. 8801) Stanley Jobe, Principal Jacqueline Lewis, Secretary * Ralph Buell, English Journalism Mary Christhieb, Shorthand, Stenography Lenise Christopher, English Elden Corthell, Algebra, Math. Gerald Eurick, Commercial Giles Green, Librarian Adelbert Hackert, Math. Shirley Hagen, Homemaking Earl Iba, Geography, Coach Clifton James, Shop Millard Johnson, Biology Elizabeth Lasher, P.E. Herbert Lewis, Am. Prob., Debate Warren Lomax, Science, Geography Mary McLarnan, History Keith Mobley, Industrial Arts Leo Osborn, French, Spanish Oscar Silver, Jr., Science, Math. Alexander Simpson, P.E. Coach Gaylord Smith, Vice-Prin., Geography Estel Sohler, English Lucy Susee, English Iona Taylor, Dean of Girls, Speech Harry Wright, Science SPECIAL INSTRUCTION Ronald Apodaca, Elem. Spanish Bruce Bray, Elem. Vocal Music Huot Fisher, Band Frances Klein, Special Education Warren LaBounty, Physical Education Bernard Windt, Chorus, Orchestra JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Tel. 7301) Berl Cox, Principal Marjorie Petersen, Secretary Thyre A. Dodge, 8, Math. John R. Gray, 7, Coach James Harris, Jr, 8, Science Jack Kieling, Social Studies * Natalie MacDougall, Music * Mildred Million, 7, Arith. Robert Palmer, 7-8 Donald Rankin, Art * Eleanor Robison, 7, P.E. Georgia Ross, 7-8, P.E. * Vida Scripter. 7 Otis Swisher, 8 BRISCOE SCHOOL (Tel. 7801) Chester Squire, Principal Page 7 0 Page 8 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Maxine Foster, Secretary William Stoughton, 6 Neil Richardson, 6 George Robertson, 5 Luella Morris, 5 * Arlene Miller, 4 Jean Lindstrom, 4 Phyllis Sampson, 3 Marie Bjorlie, 3 Mary Neff, 2 Leah Furnas, 2 Doris Lassen, 1 i Marie Prescott, I -INCOLN SCHOOL (Tel. 6771) Verne Speirs, Principal Arlene Dunkeson, Secretary * Gladys Owen, 6 Arthur Phillips, 6 Everett Daugherty, 5 Richard Leigh, 5 David Hill, 4 * Bertha A. Stephens, 4 Dawn Gwaltney, 3 Mary Gwinn, 3 * Dorothy Masters, 2 Janet Pruitt, 2 * Adele Sheldon, 2 Dorothea Bushnell, 1 * Gennie Kent, 1 Linnea Mathews, 1 BELLVIEW (Tel. 2-5726) Paul Retter, Principal Gladys Conner, Secretary Mary Ann Myrick, 6 Josephine Jarnagin, 5 Rose Van Buskirk, 4 Lois Harmon, 3-4 Thelma Wadley, 3 Dorothy Marler, 2 Vera Burgoyne, 2-1 Gunvor Clute, 1 (10 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Page 9 Margery Walkenshaw, 4 Eunice Neill, 3 Charlene Atkinson, 3 June Aftring, 2 Charlotte Hull, 2 Phyllis Olson, 1 Clara Fader, 1 HOME TEACHER Betty Powell * Ethel Reid District No. 6, Central Point Valuation, $8,523,747.68 Mills, 50.1 Census, 2,409 A. D. M., 1,938.2 C. W. Anhorn, Chairman -------- Rt. 2, Box 8, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-1379) Lester James ---------- ----- Rt. 2, Box 540, Central Point Norman Gail ------------------------ Box 537, Gold Hill William Askwith -------------------- Box 695, Central Point Wilton White ------------------ Rt. 1, Box 34, Central Point Merle Obenchain, Clerk-Secretary, Office Crater High School (Tel. NO 4-2793) P. 0 Box 457, Central Point H. P. Jewett, Superintendent, 156 Main St., Central Point (NO 4-1158) Office, Crater High School (Tel. NO 4-2793) CRATER HIGH SCHOOL (Tel. 4-2493) Arthur Straus, Principal, Box 684, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2605) * * Mattie Warren, Secretary Clarence Mellbye, Vice-Prin., Am. Problems Carol Ash, English, Dean of Girls Clara Belle Bates, Librarian Martha Boshears, Shorthand, Office Practice Norman Carothers, Band, Choral Music Edward Griggs, Vocational Agric. Lorraine Hall, Girls P.E. William Hall, Geom., Algebra, Sr. Math. Carol Harris, Bookkeeping, Typing Warren Holbrook, Art Edward Knapp, Boys P.E., Coach Donald Lacy, Speech Ronald Lamb, English, Dramatics Lawrence Larsen, Spanish, Gen. Math Charles LeFebre, Eng., World Hist., World Geog. William MacFarlane, Voc. Agric., Gen. Shop, Mech. Draw. Clarence Miller, Physics, Chem., Gen. Science Charles Moore, Ind. Arts James Nau, Am. Hist., Am. Problems, Coach Albert Piche', World Geog., Coach Robert Sutherland, Biology Page 8 * SCHOOL DIRECTORY Maxine Foster, Secretary William Stoughton, 6 Neil Richardson, 6 George Robertson, 5 Luella Morris, 5 Arlene Miller, 4 Jean Lindstrom, 4 Phyllis Sampson, 3 Marie Biorlie, 3 Mary Neff, 2 Leah Furnas, 2 Doris Lassen, I Marie Prescott, I .INCOLN SCHOOL (Tel. 6771) Verne Speirs, Principal Arlene Dunkeson, Secretary Gladys Owen, 6 Arthur Phillips, 6 Everett Daugherty, 5 Richard Leigh, 5 David Hill, 4 Bertha A. Stephens, 4 Dawn Gwaltney, 3 Mary Gwinn, 3 * Dorothy Masters, 2 Janet Pruitt, 2 * Adele Sheldon, 2 Dorothea Bushnell, 1 * Gennie Kent, 1 Linnea Mathews, 1 BELLVIEW (Tel. 2-5726) Paul Retter, Principal Gladys Conner, Secretary Mary Ann Myrick, 6 Josephine Jarnagin, 5 Rose Van Buskirk, 4 Lois Harmon, 3-4 Thelma Wadley, 3 Dorothy Marler, 2 Vera Burgoyne, 2-1 Gunvor Clute, 1 WALKER SCHOOL (Tel. 2-31 11) John Miller, Principal Vera Wenaus, Secretary Frank Koch, 6 Marvin Gettling, 5 John Cady, 5 Carol Smith, 4 0* SCHOOL DIRECTORY Page 9 Margery Walkenshaw, 4 Eunice Neill, 3 Charlene Atkinson, 3 June Aftring, 2 Charlotte Hull, 2 Phyllis Olson, 1 Clara Fader, 1 Al HOME TEACHER Betty Powell * Ethel Reid District No. 6, Central Point Valuation, $8,523,747.68 Mills, 50.1 Census, 2,409 A. D. M., 1,938.2 C. W. Anhorn, Chairman ...... Rt. 2, Box 8, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-1379) Lester James.. ........... Rt. 2, Box 540, Central Point Norman Gail ------------------------ Box 537, Gold Hill William Askwith ................... Box 695, Central Point Wilton White................. Rt. 1, Box 34, Central Point Merle Obenchain, Clerk-Secretary, Office Crater High School (Tel. NO 4-2793) P. 0 Box 457, Central Point H. P. Jewett, Superintendent, 156 Main St., Central Point (NO 4-1158) Office, Crater High School (Tel. NO 4-2793) CRATER HIGH SCHOOL (Tel. 4-2493) Arthur Straus, Principal, Box 684, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2605) * * Mattie Warren, Secretary Clarence Mellbye, Vice-Prin., Am. Problems Carol Ash, English, Dean of Girls Clara Belle Bates, Librarian Martha Boshears, Shorthand, Office Practice Norman Carothers, Band, Choral Music Edward Griggs, Vocational Agric. Lorraine Hall, Girls P.E. William Hall, Geom., Algebra, Sr. Math. Carol Harris, Bookkeeping, Typing Warren Holbrook, Art Edward Knapp, Boys P.E., Coach Donald Lacy, Speech Ronald Lamb, English, Dramatics Lawrence Larsen, Spanish, Gen. Math Charles LeFebre, Eng., World Hist., World Geog. William MacFarlane, Voc. Agric., Gen. Shop, Mech. Draw. Clarence Miller, Physics, Chem., Gen. Science Charles Moore, Ind. Arts James Nau, Am. Hist., Am. Problems, Coach Albert Piche', World Geog., Coach Robert Sutherland, Biology 0 Page 10 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Leonard Warren, Am. History, Coach Geraldine White, English, Journalism Frances Willett, Homemaking Dorothy Woodell, English Earle Fichtner, Driver Training JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Box 487, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2708) Charles A. Meyer, Principal, Box 273, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2708) Naomi Elden, Secretary Ruth Broomfield, Language Arts Helen Caster, Librarian Thelma Dobrot, Mathematics William Esselstyn, Boys P.E. * Ailene Inlow, Language Arts John McCoy, Gen. Science Donald McLarrin, Ind. Arts Harry Meyers, Band Lorna Meyers, Homemaking Alice Smock, Girls P.E John Smock, Social Studies Richard Traylor, Social Studies CENTRAL POINT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Box 487, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2683) Charles A. Meyer, Principal Corinne Robbins, Music Supervisor Boyd Wilson, 6 Viola Laird, 6 Grace Brownlee, 6 Letha Backes, 6 Maurine Shore, 5 Laura Patterson, 5 Wesley Claflin, 5 Elgan Amidon, 5 Shirley Weber, 4 Lois Sullivan, 4 Willette McLarrin, 4 Catherine McDonald, 4 Louisa Cane, 4 Lois Webb, 3 Annette Fellers, 3 Ruby Downing, 3 * Mabel Dodson, 3 Joy Bigham, 3 JEWETT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Tel. NO 4-1114) George Johns, Principal, Box 98, Central Point Helen Monsey, Secretary I SCHOOL DIRECTORY Viola Schwab, 2 Olivia Ryerson, 2 Helen Johnson, 2 Gladys Jewett, 2 * Patricia Greb, 2 Alice Gay, 2 Frances Tonn, 1 * Ila Mae Higinbotham, Rhoda Haskins, 1 Zelma Foote, 1 Grace Cline, 1 Oakley Bowers, 1 Page 11 1 HANBY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Tel. Gold Hill 5-9151) Gilbert A. Mack, Principal, Rt. 2, Box 489, Gold Hill Audree Beman, Secretary Charles Cook, Band Marguerite Black, Library, Homemaking, Girls P.E. Roland Griffith, 8 William Brewster, 7 Mildred Black, 6 Deane Roberts, 5 Lois Stabler, 4 Gertrude Jacobson, 4 * Louise Ramsey, 3 Ida von Buskirk, 3 PATRICK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Tel. Gold Hill 5-9400) Gilbert A. Mack, Principal, Rt. 2, Box 489, Gold Hill * Mary Klocker, 2 Marie Brannock, 2 Barbara Toner, 1 Wilda Franks, 1 SAMS VALLEY ELEMENTARY 5-9216) Roland Smith, Principal, 7-8 Reva Bayless, 5-6 Susan Ambrose, 3-4 Mildred Mack, 1-2 SCHOOL (Tel. Gold Hill District No. 9, Eagle Point Valuation. $4,658,935.41 Mills, 60.3 Census, 866 A. D. M., 716.4 Jack Caldwell, Chairman --------- Rt. 1, Box 96, Eagle Point Leonard Bradshaw ---------------------------- Lake Creek Eagle Point Darrel Stanley ............................. Ray Tresham ---------------- -------- Box 716, Eagle Point Dale Ackerman............................ Eagle Point 0 Page IO * SCHOOL DIRECTORY Leonard Warren, Am. History, Coach * Geraldine White, English, Journalism Frances Willett, Homemaking Dorothy Woodell, English Earle Fichtner, Driver Training JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Box 487, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2708) Charles A. Meyer, Principal, Box 273, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2708) Naomi Elden, Secretary Ruth Broomfield. Language Arts Helen Caster, Librarian Thelma Dobrot, Mathematics William Esselstyn, Boys P.E. * Ailene Inlow, Language Arts John McCoy, Gen. Science Donald McLarrin, Ind. Arts Harry Meyers, Band Lorna Meyers, Homemaking Alice Smock, Girls P.E John Smock, Social Studies Richard Traylor, Social Studies CENTRAL POINT ELEMENTARY SC CHOOL, Box 487, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2683) Charles A. Meyer, Principal Corinne Robbins, Music Supervisor Boyd Wilson, 6 Viola Laird, 6 Grace Brownlee, 6 Letha Backes, 6 Maurine Shore, 5 Laura Patterson, 5 Wesley Claflin, 5 Elgan Amidon, 5 Shirley Weber, 4 Lois Sullivan, 4 Willette McLarrin, 4 Catherine McDonald, 4 Louisa Cane, 4 Lois Webb, 3 Annette Fellers, 3 Ruby Downing, 3 * Mabel Dodson, 3 Joy Bigham, 3 JEWETT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Tel. NO 4-1114) George Johns, Principal, Box 98, Central Point Helen Monsey, Secretary SCHOOL DIRECTORY * * Viola Schwab, 2 Olivia Ryerson, 2 Helen Johnson, 2 Gladys Jewett, 2 Patricia Greb, 2 Alice Gay, 2 Frances Tonn, I Ila Mae Higinbotham, Rhoda Haskins, 1 Zelma Foote, 1 Grace Cline, 1 Oakley Bowers, 1 Page 11 I HANBY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Tel. Gold Hill 5-9151) Gilbert A. Mack, Principal, Rt. 2, Box 489, Gold Hill Audree Beman, Secretary Charles Cook, Band Marguerite Black, Library, Homemaking, Girls P.E. Roland Griffith, 8 William Brewster, 7 Mildred Black, 6 Deane Roberts, 5 Lois Stabler, 4 Gertrude Jacobson, 4 * Louise Ramsey, 3 Ida von Buskirk, 3 PATRICK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Tel. Gold Hill 5-9400) Gilbert A. Mack, Principal, Rt. 2, Box 489, Gold Hill * Mary Klocker, 2 Marie Brannock, 2 Barbara Toner, 1 Wilda Franks, I SAMS VALLEY ELEMENTARY 5-9216) Roland Smith, Principal, 7-8 Reva Bayless, 5-6 Susan Ambrose, 3-4 Mildred Mack, 1-2 SCHOOL (Tel. Gold Hill District No. 9, Eagle Point Valuation, $4,658,935.41 Mills, 60.3 Census, 866 A. D. M., 716.4 Jack Caldwell, Chairman --------- Rt. 1, Box 96, Eagle Point Leonard Bradshaw .-....................... . Lake Creek Darrel Stanley.... ........... .............. Eagle Point Ray Tresham ------------------------ Box 716, Eagle Point Dale Ackerman ..-.......-................ .Eagle Point h 0 ""D SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL DIRECTORY Beryl Hickson, Clerk, P. 0. Box 728, Eagle Point (Tel. VA 6-3182) School Address: Eagle Point (Tel. Elem. VAlley 6-3081, High VAlley 6-3431) -_ - District No. 10, Lone Pine Valuation, $1,309,206.17 Mills, 63.9 Census, 426 A. D. M., 261.9 Harry W. Heidenreich, Jr., Chairman 4205 Lone Pine Road, Medford (Tel. 2-7723) Floyd H. Baker................ Rt. 3, Box 77, Medford William G. Underwood . 3607 Delta Waters Rd., Medford Norman S. Thames ----------- 3268 Lone Pine Rd., Medford Clifford M. McGinty..... .... 1905 Roberts Road, Medford Estelle Ballard, Clerk-Secretary .. 819 Brookdale Road, Medford (Tel. 2-8507) School Address. 3158 Lone Pine Road, Medford (Tel. 2-8669) Page 1 2 Glenn D. Hale, Superintendent, Eagle Point (Tel. VAlley 6-3295) Mabel Atkison, Secretary, High School Shirley W. Callaghan, Vice-Prin., Gen. Math. Stanley D. Smith, P.E. Victor W. Hay, Gen Science, Algebra, Physics Don McGovern, Shop Charles F. Martin, Band, Driver Training Arthur Thompson, Geom., Am. Prob. Jean Shepherd, English 11,Girls P.E. Clarence F. Davies, Eng., World Hist., Latin, Journalism Stewart Hopper, Commercial Esther Hopper, Home Ec. Doris H. Smith, Social Studies Bert Edward Simmons, English, Speech Clifford J. Braun, Chem , Biology, Math. Yetta R. Olson, Eng., Spanish, Library Nat Etzel, Voc. Agric. * G Lee Hayes, Elementary Principal Mary McDonald, Secretary, Elem. School Albert K. Krambeal, 8 Eva McKee, 8 Darrell Copeland, 7 Frances McGovern, 7 Vernon Bonebrake, 7, P.E. Rose M. Davis, 6 Helen E. Barrow, 6 David L. Harbison, 5 Viola Pomeroy, 5 Elma McLarty, 4 Jessie Callaghan, 4 Virginia Calloway, 3 Hazel Atkins, 3 Jeanne L. Martin, 3 Nancy Rinabarger, 2 Emily Gregg, 2 Elsie Turner, 2 Julia Johnston, 1 Vera L. Selby Mabel F. Copley, 1 Maxine D. Berryman, 4-8, Music, Remedial Reading, Library I I I I Page 13 Lee Merriman, Principal, Rt. 1, Box 475, Ashland (Tel. 2-3886) Richard L Michaelis, Music, 2582 Biddle Road, Medford Gerald L. Newton, 8, 183 Harrison St., Ashland Beatrice V. Lindsay, 7, 1480 Webster, Ashland William L. Walkenshaw, 6, P.E., 852 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland Frances K. Henry, 5, Girls' P.E., Box 56, Shady Cove Dorothy Rix, 4, 1133 Mt. Pitt, Medford Ruth Brostad, 4. 341 Vista, Ashland Barbara A. Reedy, 3, 305 Bridge St., Ashland Gracia Brown, 3, 21 Myers Court, Medford Edith M. Thornton, 2, 903 Lozier Lane, Medford Mabel Hundley, 1, Rt. 2, Box 325, Central Point District No. 22, Talent Valuation, $1,642,618.96 Mills, 64.8 Census, 600 A. D. M., 453.2 William Bagley, Chairman .......... P. 0. Box 246, Talent (Tel. Ashland 2-4167) Gilbert Hill..................... Rt. 1, Box 370, Talent Nona McAbee....................... P. 0. Box 33, Talent Lyndal Newbry..................... Rt. 1, Box 253, Talent Dean Dorman ......... .......... Rt. 1, Box 269, Talent Merrilee Stephens, Clerk-Secretary, P. 0. Box 32, Talent, (Tel. Ashland 2-3646) School Address: Talent (Tel., Ash. Elem. 2-3932, High 2-3646) * Roy B. Parr, Superintendent, Talent Eugene Vinckel, Vice-Prin., Am. Problems, Gen. Business George A. Bray, P.E., Math., Driver Training, Asst. Coach Mildred Briggs, Homemaking, Eng., P.E. Ina Freeman, Dean of Girls, Arts and Crafts, Librarian Gordon Hart, Industrial Arts, Mech. Drawing, Biology Mary L. Offutt, English, Speech Ruby Messenger, Social Studies Irma Parr, Commercial Irving S. Thomas, Math., Science Ralph Carroll, Band, Music Ida Bowman, Art (V2 day) Page 12 SCHOOL DIRECTORY- e 1I SCHOOL DIRECTORY Beryl Hickson, Clerk, P. 0. Box 728, Eagle Point (Tel. VA 6-3182) School Address: Eagle Point (Tel. Elem. VAlley 6-3081, High VAlley 6-3431) Glenn D. Hale, Superintendent, Eagle Point (Tel. VAlley 6-3295) Mabel Atkison, Secretary, High School Shirley W. Callaghan, Vice-Prin., Gen. Math. Stanley D. Smith, P.E. Victor W. Hay, Gen Science, Algebra, Physics Don McGovern, Shop Charles F. Martin, Band, Driver Training Arthur Thompson, Geom., Am. Prob. Jean Shepherd, English 11, Girls P.E. Clarence F. Davies, Eng., World Hist., Latin, Journalism Stewart Hopper, Commercial Esther Hopper, Home Ec. Doris H. Smith, Social Studies Bert Edward Simmons, English, Speech Clifford J. Braun, Chem., Biology, Math. Yetta R Olson, Eng., Spanish, Library Nat Etzel, Voc. Agric. * G. Lee Hayes, Elementary Principal Mary McDonald, Secretary, Elem. School Albert K. Krambeal, 8 Eva McKee, 8 Darrell Copeland, 7 Frances McGovern, 7 Vernon Bonebrake, 7, P.E. Rose M. Davis, 6 Helen E. Barrow, 6 David L. Harbison, 5 Viola Pomeroy, 5 Elma McLarty, 4 Jessie Callaghan, 4 Virginia Calloway, 3 Hazel Atkins, 3 Jeanne L. Martin, 3 Nancy Rinabarger, 2 Emily Gregg, 2 Elsie Turner, 2 Julia Johnston, 1 Vera L. Selby Mabel F. Copley, 1 Maxine D. Berryman, 4-8, Music, Remedial Reading, Library I Page 13 District No. 10, Lone Pine Valuation, $1,309,206.17 Mills, 63.9 Census, 426 A. D. M., 261.9 Harry W. Heidenreich, Jr., Chairman 4205 Lone Pine Road, Medford (Tel. 2-7723) Floyd H. Baker........... ..... Rt. 3, Box 77, Medford William G. Underwood . 3607 Delta Waters Rd., Medford Norman S. Thames .-...... .3268 Lone Pine Rd., Medford Clifford M. McGinty .-.-.... . 1905 Roberts Road, Medford Estelle Ballard, Clerk-Secretary _. 819 Brookdale Road, Medford (Tel. 2-8507) School Address. 3158 Lone Pine Road, Medford (Tel. 2-8669) Lee Merriman, Principal, Rt. 1, Box 475, Ashland (Tel. 2-3886) Richard L Michaelis, Music, 2582 Biddle Road, Medford Gerald L Newton, 8, 183 Harrison St., Ashland Beatrice V. Lindsay, 7, 1480 Webster, Ashland William L. Walkenshaw, 6, P.E., 852 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland Frances K. Henry, 5, Girls' P.E., Box 56, Shady Cove Dorothy Rix, 4, 1133 Mt. Pitt, Medford Ruth Brostad, 4, 341 Vista, Ashland Barbara A. Reedy, 3, 305 Bridge St., Ashland Gracia Brown, 3, 21 Myers Court, Medford Edith M. Thornton, 2, 903 Lozier Lane, Medford Mabel Hundley, 1, Rt. 2, Box 325, Central Point I District No. 22, Talent Valuation, $1,642,618.96 Mills, 64.8 Census, 600 A. D. M., 453.2 William Bagley, Chairman........... P. 0. Box 246, Talent (Tel. Ashland 2-4167) Gilbert Hill -.................... .. Rt. 1, Box 370, Talent Nona McAbee.......... ........... P. 0. Box 33, Talent Lyndal Newbry................. .Rt. 1, Box 253, Talent Dean Dorman ............ ....... Rt. 1, Box 269, Talent Merrilee Stephens, Clerk-Secretary, P. 0. Box 32, Talent, (Tel. Ashland 2-3646) School Address: Talent (Tel., Ash. Elem. 2-3932, High 2-3646) I * Roy B. Parr, Superintendent, Talent Eugene Vinckel, Vice-Prin., Am. Problems, Gen. Business George A. Bray, P.E., Math., Driver Training, Asst. Coach Mildred Briggs, Homemaking, Eng., P.E. Ina Freeman, Dean of Girls, Arts and Crafts, Librarian Gordon Hart, Industrial Arts, Mech. Drawing, Biology Mary L. Offutt, English, Speech Ruby Messenger, Social Studies Irma Parr, Commercial Irving S. Thomas, Math., Science Ralph Carroll, Band, Music Ida Bowman, Art (Y2 day) 0 Page 14 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Francis Farthing, Elementary Principal Grace Millage, Secretary Richard B. Thorpe, 8, Coach Virginia Schopf, 8, Librarian William D. Mearns, 7 Merle Atkinson, 7 Richard Reum, 6 Esther W. Newcomb, 5, Girls P.E. Ruth Dews, 5 Charlotte C. Hannan, 4, Music Doris F. Corry, 4 Nellie D. Young, 3 Alfleda M. Wheeler, 3 K. Yvonne Mearns, 2 Genevieve Holdridge, 2 Cecile M. Fifield, 1 Mary Ann Conger, 1 Katherine Baalman, Special Education Karl Hayes, Special Education District No. 35, Rogue River Mills, 54.7 Valuation, $2,020,947.38 A. D. M., 490.2 Census, 605 Rt. 1, Box 382, Gold Hill Robert C. Gail, Chairman ......... Rt. 1, Box 397, Gold Hill Edward F. Martin ................. --------------- Rt. 1, Box 281, Gold Hill Carleton E. Sandeen Rt. 1, Box 420, Gold Hill ............. Helen E. Williams .. P. 0. Box 145, Rogue River Harold W. Salter -----............ Genevieve Dick, Clerk, Rt. 1, Box 410, Gold Hill (Tel. R.A. JUniper 2-3203) Ruth Worrell, Secretary (Tel. JUniper 2-3206) School Address: Rogue River (Tel. Elem. JUniper 2-3254, High JUniper 2-3206) John B. Harr, Superintendent, English (Tel. JUniper 2-3882) William B. Hunter, Vice-Prin., Math., U.S. Hist., Am. Probs. Beveley Hunter, Librarian Gerard B. Fahey, English, Speech, Spanish Altha S. LeRoy, Home Ec., P.E., English John D. Paisley, Science, Math. Elizabeth H. Marceau, Commercial Lyman L. Hatfield, Social St., P.E., Coaching Ray McClain, Coach, Gen. Science, Gen. Math., P.E. Walter L. Perry, Mechanical Drawing, Shop E. Neil Stone, Music, Band, Chorus 1-0 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Page 15 Robert J. Wilkes, 6 Joada Leonard, 5-6 Mary Lou Landrigan, 5 Elizabeth Balch, 4 Alyce Young, 4 Minnie L. Jensen, 3 >-,Donna Gardner, 3, Music Annie F. Gertson, 2 _-Evalena M. Gossett, 2 Camilla Kearns, 1 _-Mary Beck, I District No. 40, Applegate Mills, 54.7 Valuation, $633,581.44 A. D. M., 79.8 Census, 149 Rt. 4, Box 498, Grants Pass Francis Krouse, Chairman .. . Applegate J. Robert Tolle .-.......................... Applegate L. A. Hoffman .............................. Applegate Henry Head ................................. Rt 4, Box 412, Grants Pass Lester Hill.................. Berteena Hill, Clerk, Rt. 4, Box 412, Grants Pass (Tel. Provolt 2462) School Address: Applegate Hugh Clark, Principal, 7-8, P. 0. Box 357, Rogue River (Tel. JU 2-3228) Mary Overstreet, 5-6, Rt. 1, Box 468, Medford Ann Offenbacher, 3-4, Rt. 1, Box 71, Jacksonville Maybelle Offenbacher, 1-2, Rt. 1, Box 65, Jacksonville Berteena Hill, Music (Part-time), Rt. 4, Box 41 2, Grants Pass District No. 45, Elk-Trail Mills, 54.7 Valuation, $1,809,261.11 A. D. M., 116.6 Census, 203 Lewis C. Dusenberry, Chairman Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-2216) Shady Cove ---....................... Wayne E. Ash .-Trail Robert D. Chamberlain ------------................ Trail Anthony J. Miller................................ Trail Mabel l. Hanson ............ .................... William T. Miller, Clerk-Secretary, Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-2244) School Address: Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-2244) Robert G. Work, Principal, 7-8, Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-221'2) Loran Casebier, Elementary Principal -*Faith D. Onstot, 8 _-,Charles D. Quinowski, 8 _,-John L Crisman, 7 *Wanda Baker, 7, 7-8 Girls' P.E. E. Barry Campbell, 5-6, Trail Ernest L. Sackett, 4, Shady Cove Dorothy V. Matheny, 3, 3-8 Music, Shady Cove Barbara Campbell, 2, Trail Rowena Wilde, 1, Trail Francis Farthing, Elementary Principal Grace Millage, Secretary Richard B. Thorpe, 8, Coach Virginia Schopf, 8, Librarian William D. Mearns, 7 Merle Atkinson, 7 Richard Reum, 6 Esther W. Newcomb, 5, Girls P.E. Ruth Dews, 5 Charlotte C. Hannan, 4, Music Doris F. Corry, 4 Nellie D. Young, 3 Alfleda M. Wheeler, 3 K. Yvonne Mearns, 2 Genevieve Holdridge, 2 Cecile M. Fifield; I Mary Ann Conger, 1 Katherine Baalman, Special Education Karl Hayes, Special Education District No. 35, Rogue River Mills, 54.7 Valuation, $2,020,947.38 A. D. M., 490.2 Census, 605 Robert C. Gail, Chairman - --------- Rt. 1, Box 382, Gold Hill ------------------Rt. 1, Box 397, Gold Hill Edward F. Martin ...... Rt. 1, Box 281, Gold Hill Carleton E. Sandeen...... Rt. 1, Box 420, Gold Hill Helen E. Williams ................ P. 0. Box 145, Rogue River Harold W. Salter............. Genevieve Dick, Clerk, Rt. 1, Box 410, Gold Hill (Tel. R.A. JUniper 2-3203) Ruth Worrell, Secretary (Tel. JUniper 2-3206) School Address: Rogue River (Tel. Elem. JUniper 2-3254, High JUniper 2-3206) John B. Harr, Superintendent, English (Tel. JUniper 2-3882) William B. Hunter, Vice-Prin., Math., U.S. Hist., Am. Probs. Beveley Hunter, Librarian Gerard B. Fahey, English, Speech, Spanish Altha S. LeRoy, Home Ec., P.E., English John D. Paisley, Science, Math. Elizabeth H. Marceau, Commercial Lyman L. Hatfield, Social St., P.E., Coaching Ray McClain, Coach, Gen. Science, Gen. Math., P.E. Walter L. Perry, Mechanical Drawing, Shop E. Neil Stone, Music, Band, Chorus Robert J. Wilkes, 6 Joada Leonard, 5-6 Mary Lou Landrigan, 5 Elizabeth Balch, 4 Alyce Young, 4 Minnie L. Jensen, 3 _,,--Donna Gardner, 3, Music Annie F. Gertson, 2 _.-Evalena M. Gossett, 2 Camilla Kearns, 1 _-Mary Beck, I l District No. 40, Applegate Valuation, $633,581.44 Mills, 54.7 Census, 149 A. D. M., 79.8 Francis Krouse, Chairman ..------ Rt. 4, Box 498, Grants Pass J. Robert Tolle ..........-................. . Applegate Applegate L. A. Hoffman ...................... .-...... Henry Head........................ ....... Applegate Lester Hill ------------------- Rt. 4, Box 412, Grants Pass Berteena Hill, Clerk, Rt. 4, Box 412, Grants Pass (Tel. Provolt 2462) School Address: Applegate Hugh Clark, Principal, 7-8, P. 0. Box 357, Rogue River (Tel. JU 2-3228) Mary Overstreet, 5-6, Rt. 1, Box 468, Medford Ann Offenbacher, 3-4, Rt. 1, Box 71, Jacksonville Maybelle Offenbacher, 1-2, Rt. 1, Box 65, Jacksonville Berteena Hill, Music (Part-time), Rt. 4, Box 412, Grants Pass District No. 45, Elk-Trail Valuation, $1,809,261.11 Mills, 54.7 Census, 203 A. D. M., 116.6 Lewis C. Dusenberry, Chairman .... Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-2216) Wayne E. Ash .-.......................... . Shady Cove Robert D. Chamberlain ................-............ Trail Anthony J. Miller .............-.-............. . .Trail Mabel 1. Hanson.................................. Trail William T. Miller, Clerk-Secretary, Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-2244) School Address: Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-2244) Robert G. Work, Principal, 7-8, Trail (Tel. TRinity 8-221'2) Loran Casebier, Elementary Principal >Faith D. Onstot, 8 _-Charles D. Quinowski, 8 .- John L. Crisman, 7 *- Wanda Baker, 7, 7-8 Girls' P.E. E. Barry Campbell, 5-6, Trail Ernest L. Sackett, 4, Shady Cove Dorothy V. Matheny, 3, 3-8 Music, Shady Cove Barbara Campbell, 2, Trail Rowena Wilde, 1, Trail e Pa.- 6 L o SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL DIRECTORY Page-1 - District No. 59, Prospect Valuation, $1,999,206.48 Mills, 57.2 Census, 386 A. D. M., 304.7 William F. Gaines, Chairman .... Prospect (Tel. UNion 9-2128) Marjorie Biden ---------------------------------- Prospect Frank Boothby ---------------------------------- Prospect Eugene F. Burrill -------------------------------- Prospect John X. Davidson ------------------------------- Prospect Faye Orgain, Ceirk-Secretary, Prospect (Tel. UNion 9-220) School Address: Prospect (Tel. Elem. UNion 9-2331, High UNion 9-2220) H. Kenneth Vannice, Superintendent, Prospect (Tel. UNion 9-2077) Wesley H. Stauffer, Science, Health, P.E. Rupert K. Shaw, Drama, English, Am. Hist., World Hist., Am. Prob. William T. Schulz, World Geog., Crafts, Shop * Patricia Lou Lull, P.E., Journalism Bernard Kropp, Music Fern B. Walton, Math., Commercial, Library Lillian V. Willis, English, Home Ec. Melvin E. Rochester, Elementary Principal Richard A. Price, 8 Veda Neville, 7 Ruth Treichler, 6 Ileene Elliott Watson, 5 Bertie V. Moore, 4 Ethel Cushman, 3 Helen Bekker, 2 Louise Ingle, 2 Helen M. Brewster, I District No. 62, Evans Valley Valuation, $1,041,659.93 Mills, 54.7 Census, 193 A. D. M., 115.4 Jerome B. Wilson, Chairman ---- Rt. 1, Box 170A, Rogue River Alene Goldt................ Rt. 1, Box 257, Rogue River J. H. Martin................... Rt. 1, Box 59, Rogue River C. W. McCoy................. Rt. 1, Box 110, Rogue River Esther Frost.................. Rt. 1, Box 51, Rogue River Grace Heer, Clerk, Rt. 1, Bx 47, Rogue River (Tel. JU-2-3549) School Address: Rt. 1, Box 155, Rogue River (Tel. JUniper 2-3570) George Marsters, Principal, 8, Rt. 1, Box 155, Rogue River (Tel. JUniper 2-3981) Robert C. Anderson, 8, Music, Rt. 1, Box 62A, Rogue River J. Kenneth Miller, 6-7, P.E., Rt. 1, Box 67, Rogue River Verl L. Hoover, 5-6, Rt. 1, Box 92, Rogue River Musa Hagbery, 3-4, Box 206, Phoenix, Oregon Elizabeth Buck, 1-2, Rt. 1, Box 240, Rogue River District No. 89, Shady Cove Valuation, $741,097.42 Mills, 66.5 Census, 277 A. D. M., 145.6 Ed. Leaming, Chairman _......... Shady Cove (TRinity 8-2102) Edgar Vanderlip............................. Shady Cove Ivan Hale................................. Shady Cove Cecil Kee ................................. Shady Cove Arthur Hutchinson......................... Shady Cove Ruth Curren, Clerk-Secretary, P. 0. Box 38, Shady Cove (Tel. TRinity 8-2336) School Address: Shady Cove (TRinity 8-2331) Raymond A. Mullen, Principal, Shady Cove (Tel. TRinity 8-2278) Agnes M. Brown, 7-8 B411Croucher, 6, Boys P.E. Ruth M. Sawyers, 5, P.E. Norean L. Conway, 4 Annie Briggs, 3 Alice M. Greenley, 2 Grace Bigham, 1 District No. 91, Butte Falls Valuation, $1,388,651.87 Mills, 54.7 Census, 197 A. D. M., 145.6 Frank Edmondson, Chairman -----........ Butte Falls (Tel. TOwnsend 5-2298) Earl Remsen. ................ ............... Butte Falls Douglas B. Finch -------............. ..... .. Butte Falls Duane R. Burton....-----................. . Butte Falls Hannah H. Dalton ----------........... ..... Butte Falls John H. Fuiten, Clerk ................ Box 75, Butte Falls School Address: Butte Falls (Tel. TOwnsend 5-2231) * Louis 0. Machlan, Superintendent, Math., Box 66, Butte Falls (Tel. TOwnsend 5-3451) Arthur S. Backlund, Social St., Hist, Biology, 9-Math., P.E., Coach, Butte Falls Robert W. Cupples, Ind. Arts, Home Mech., Eng. 111,7-9 Science, Butte Falls Lucille Tweed, Commerce, Girls' P.E, Eng., Home Living, Library Tincye Murray, Elem. Principal, 7-8, Butte Falls Georgia Curtis, 5-6, Butte Falls Emma N. Moore, 3-4, Butte Falls Alice Harris, 2, Butte Falls * Mary Schubert, 1, Butte Falls District No. 59, Prospect Valuation, $1,999,206.48 Mills, 57.2 Census, 386 A. D. M., 304.7 William F. Gaines, Chairman Prospect (Tel. UNion 9-2128) Marjorie Biden ------------------------------------------- Prospect Frank Boothby ..... ........................... Prospect Eugene F. Burrill ----------------- ------------ Prospect John X. Davidson -------------------------------- ----------- Prospect Faye Orgain, CeIrk-Secretary, Prospect (Tel. UNion 9-220) School Address: Prospect (Tel. Elem. UNion 9-2331, High UNion 9-2220) H. Kenneth Vannice, Superintendent, Prospect (Tel. UNion 9-2077) Wesley H. Stauffer, Science, Health, P.E. Rupert K. Shaw, Drama, English, Am. Hist., World Hist., Am. Prob. William T. Schulz, World Geog., Crafts, Shop * Patricia Lou Lull, P.E., Journalism Bernard Kropp, Music Fern B. Walton, Math., Commercial, Library Lillian V. Willis, English, Home Ec. Melvin E. Rochester, Elementary Principal Richard A. Price, 8 Veda Neville, 7 Ruth Treichler, 6 Ileene Elliott Watson, 5 Bertie V. Moore, 4 Ethel Cushman, 3 Helen Bekker, 2 * Louise Ingle, 2 Helen M. Brewster, 1 District No. 62, Evans Valley Valuation, $1,041,659.93 Mills, 54.7 Census, 193 A. D. M., 115.4 Jerome B. Wilson, Chairman .... Rt. 1, Box 170A, Rogue River Alene Goldt --.................Rt. 1, Box 257, Rogue River J. H. Martin.-............... . Rt. 1, Box 59, Rogue River C. W. McCoy... ............. Rt. 1, Box 11 0, Rogue River Esther Frost .........-...... . Rt. 1, Box 51, Rogue River Grace Heer, Clerk, Rt. 1, Bx 47, Rogue River (Tel. JU-2-3549) School Address: Rt. 1, Box 155, Rogue River (Tel. JUniper 2-3570) George Marsters, Principal, 8, Rt. 1, Box 155, Rogue River (Tel. JUniper 2-3981) Robert C. Anderson, 8, Music, Rt. 1, Box 62A, Rogue River J. Kenneth Miller, 6-7, P.E., Rt. 1, Box 67, Rogue River Verl L. Hoover, 5-6, Rt. 1, Box 92, Rogue River Musa Hagbery, 3-4, Box 206, Phoenix, Oregon Elizabeth Buck, 1-2, Rt. 1, Box 240, Rogue River District No. 89, Shady Cove Valuation, $741,097.42 Mills, 66.5 Census, 277 A. D. M., 145.6 Ed. Learning, Chairman .-.... . Shady Cove (TRinity 8-2102) Edgar Vanderlip....................... ........ Shady Cove Ivan Hale .......................-...-...... Shady Cove Cecil Kee ............................. . . Shady Cove Arthur Hutchinson....................... . Shady Cove Ruth Curren, Clerk-Secretary, P. 0. Box 38, Shady Cove (Tel. TRinity 8-2336) School Address: Shady Cove (TRinity 8-2331) * Raymond A. Mullen, Principal, Shady Cove (Tel. TRinity 8-2278) Agnes M. Brown, 7-8 Bill Croucher, 6, Boys P.E. Ruth M. Sawyers, 5, P.E. Norean L. Conway, 4 Annie Briggs, 3 Alice M. Greenley, 2 Grace Bigham, I District No. 91, Butte Falls Valuation, $1,388,651.87 Mills, 54.7 Census, 197 A. D. M., 145.6 Frank Edmondson, Chairman.. .... Butte Falls (Tel. TOwnsend 5-2298) Earl Remsen....... ..............-.........-...... Butte Falls Douglas B. Finch ............................ Butte Falls Duane R. Burton . ... .....------- ----..... Butte Falls Hannah H. Dalton --------...................... . Butte Falls John H. Fuiten, Clerk --................ . Box 75, Butte Falls School Address. Butte Falls (Tel. TOwnsend 5-2231) * * Louis 0. Machlan, Superintendent, Math., Box 66, Butte Falls (Tel. TOwnsend 5-3451) Arthur S. Backlund, Social St., Hist., Biology, 9-Math., P.E., Coach, Butte Falls Robert W. Cupples, Ind. Arts, Home Mech., Eng. 111,7-9 Science, Butte Falls Lucille Tweed, Commerce, Girls' P.E., Eng., Home Living, Library Tincye Murray, Elem. Principal, 7-8, Butte Falls Georgia Curtis, 5-6, Butte Falls Emma N. Moore, 3-4, Butte Falls Alice Harris, 2, Butte Falls Mary Schubert, 1, Butte Falls 9 0 SCHOOL DIRECTORY IETR SCHOOL DIRECTORY District No. 94, Pinehurst Mills, 54.7 Valuation, $548,850.49 A. D. M., 23.8 Census, 39 Clyde Laird, Chairman -_ Star Rt., Box 90 (Tel. Fall Creek 2-Fl) ------------------ Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland Andrew Bostwick Julia Scholer --------------------- Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland James 1. Bairey ------------------ Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland Robert A. Cooper --------------- Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland Mildred Laird, Clerk, Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland (Tel Fall Creek 2-Fl) School Address: Star Rt., Box 78A, Ashland (Tel. 9-4536) District No. 549, Medford Valuation, $30,383,594.49 Mills, 43.7 Census, 6629 A. D. M., 4745.3 Otto Ewaldsen, Chairman.......... 20 Ross Court, Medford (Tel 2-2933) 816 W. 10th, Medford Evelyn Nye ...................... 1325 Bundy, Medford Frank C. Bash..................... Wm. A. Barker ............... 2430 Hillcrest Rd., Medford ------------------- 120 Stark, Medford Edward Branchfield 500 Monroe (Tel. 3-3683) Rebecca Jensen, Clerk-Secretary Pace 18 Pae18SHO SHO Harold F. Boner, Principal, 8, Math., Box 427, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2690) Tom Colley, 8, 1 29 Mistletoe, Medford Glorianna Littman, 8, Girls' P.E., P. 0. Box 403, Central Point E. Ronald Rice, Music, 215 Saginaw Drive, Medford Ronald J. Quackenbush, 7, 4839 Pacific Highway South, Med. Ruth Kaye, 7, 1011 Mt. Pitt Avenue, Medford Rachel Kneebone, 6, P. 0. Box 494, Grandview Drive, Ashland William H. Colley, 6, P.E., 2566 Howard Ave., Medford Elva E. Edler 5, 2029 Orchard Home Drive, Medford Jack L. Bailey, 5, 66 Clover Lane, Medford Flossie Murray, 4, 3734 Crater Lake Highway, Medford Zelda Van Valzah, 4, 19 Elm, Medford Betty L. Danielson, 3, 500 Barnes, Medford Catherine Peterson, 3, 2574 Jacksonville Hwy, Medford Margaret S. Mann, 2, 935 Garden Way, Ashland Ruth E. Dunn, 2, 2444 Biddle Road, Medford Mary Ellen Solin, 1, 942 Park St., Medford Dorothy C. Arney, 1, P. 0. Box 12, Phoenix Page 19 ae1 Leonard B. Mayfield, Superintendent Robert Lee Wallis, Principal, 1-8, Star Rt., Box 78A, Ashland (Tel, 9-4536) Grace T. Bostwick, 1-4 (Half-day) Star Rt., Box 101, Ashland District No. 100, Howard Mills, 54.7 Valuation, $2,404,083.89 A. D. M., 351.3 Census, 595 George C. Flanagan, Chairman --- Elk Lumber Co., Medford (Tel. 2-7146) M. H. Hurt .--- ----.... 2629 Table Rock Road, Medford Jack Campbell ------------------- Merriman Road, Medford 252 De Barr, Medford Marion Friend.................... Don Elliot..................... Elk Lumber Co., Medford Margaret Cox, Clerk-Secretary -, 2801 Merriman Road, Medford School Address: 2801 Merriman Road, Medford (Tel. 2-8912) IETR "' Elliott Lavon Lillian Medford Tel. Becken, Assistant Superintendent Darneille, Secretary Dorrell, Receptionist Public School Office, 500 Monroe St., Medford 3-3683) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 815 South Oakdale (Tel. 3-5341) Lester D. Harris, Principal * Josephine Kirtley, Vice-Principal Elaine Duffy, Secretary Dara McDonald, Secretary Juanita Anderson, School Nurse * Louise Basford, Supervisor, Special Education Gene Beaver, History Grace Berg, Dean of Girls Ryder Berg, Chemistry Warren Brenner, Typing Scott Brill, Metal Shop * Audrey Brist, Elem Strings (Orchestra) * Jean Brooks, Homemaking Elsie Butler, Mathematics Harold Carver, Driving Instruction Delphie Cox, Biology * Josephine Culbertson, Typing * Olive Curry, School Nurse John Drysdale, Orchestra Justin Dyrud, Vocal Music Supv. Paul Evensen, History, P.E. * Marian Forsythe, P.E. * Gertrude Fredrickson, Bookkeeping Ruth Gray, Biology Claire Gurwell, English Don Hanning, Machine Shop Ruth Hockersmith, Homemaking * Jane Jeldness, English, Chemistry, Algebra James A. Johnston, Physics and Geometry * Yvonne Keith, P.E. Curtis Kinney, Commerce District No. 549, Medford Valuation, $30,383,594.49 Mills, 43.7 Census, 6629 A. D. M., 4745.3 Otto Ewaldsen, Chairman.......... 20 Ross Court, Medford (Tel 2-2933) Evelyn Nye..... ................. 816 W. 10th, Medford Frank C. Bash .. ................. 1325 Bundy, Medford Wm. A. Barker................ 2430 Hillcrest Rd., Medford Edward Branchfield.................. 120 Stark, Medford Rebecca Jensen, Clerk-Secretary 500 Monroe (Tel. 3-3683) District No. 94, Pinehurst Valuation, $548,850.49 Mills, 54.7 Census, 39 A. D. M., 23.8 Clyde Laird, Chairman -_ Star Rt., Box 90 (Tel. Fall Creek 2-Fl) Andrew Bostwick ----------------- Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland Julia Scholer --------------------- Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland James l. Bairey ------------------ Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland Robert A. Cooper --------------- Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland Mildred Laird, Clerk, Star Rt., Box 90, Ashland (Tel Fall Creek 2-Fl) School Address: Star Rt., Box 78A, Ashland (Tel. 9-4536) Leonard B. Mayfield, Superintendent Robert Lee Wallis, Principal, 1-8, Star Rt., Box 78A, Ashland (Tel. 9-4536) Grace T. Bostwick, 1-4 (Half-day) Star Rt., Box 101, Ashland Elliott Lavon Lillian Medford Tel. District No. 100, Howard Valuation, $2,404,083.89 Mills, 54.7 Census, 595 A. D. M., 351.3 George C. Flanagan, Chairman -- Elk Lumber Co., Medford (Tel. 2-7146) M. H. Hurt -------------- 2629 Table Rock Road, Medford Jack Campbell .................. Merriman Road, Medford Marion Friend -------------------- 252 De Barr, Medford Don Elliot..................... Elk Lumber Co., Medford Margaret Cox, Clerk-Secretary -_ 2801 Merriman Road, Medford School Address: 2801 Merriman Road, Medford (Tel. 2-8912) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 815 South Oakdale (Tel. 3-5341) 'X Harold F. Boner, Principal, 8, Math., Box 427, Central Point (Tel. NO 4-2690) Tom Colley, 8, 1 29 Mistletoe, Medford Glorianna Littman, 8, Girls' P.E., P. 0. Box 403, Central Point E. Ronald Rice, Music, 215 Saginaw Drive, Medford Ronald J. Quackenbush, 7, 4839 Pacific Highway South, Med. Ruth Kaye, 7, 1011 Mt. Pitt Avenue, Medford Rachel Kneebone, 6, P. 0. Box 494, Grandview Drive, Ashland William H. Colley, 6, P.E., 2566 Howard Ave., Medford Elva E. Edler, 5, 2029 Orchard Home Drive, Medford Jack L. Bailey, 5, 66 Clover Lane, Medford Flossie Murray, 4, 3734 Crater Lake Highway, Medford Zelda Van Valzah, 4, 19 Elm, Medford Betty L. Danielson, 3, 500 Barnes, Medford Catherine Peterson, 3, 2574 Jacksonville Hwy, Medford Margaret S. Mann, 2, 935 Garden Way, Ashland Ruth E. Dunn, 2, 2444 Biddle Road, Medford Mary Ellen Solin, 1, 942 Park St., Medford Dorothy C. Arney, 1, P. 0. Box 12, Phoenix Becken, Assistant Superintendent Darneille, Secretary Dorrell, Receptionist Public School Office, 500 Monroe St., Medford 3-3683) Lester D. Harris, Principal * Josephine Kirtley, Vice-Principal Elaine Duffy, Secretary Dara McDonald, Secretary Juanita Anderson, School Nurse * Louise Basford, Supervisor, Special Education Gene Beaver, History Grace Berg, Dean of Girls Ryder Berg, Chemistry Warren Brenner, Typing Scott Brill, Metal Shop * Audrey Brist, Elem Strings (Orchestra) * Jean Brooks, Homemaking Elsie Butler, Mathematics Harold Carver, Driving Instruction Delphie Cox, Biology * Josephine Culbertson, Typing * Olive Curry, School Nurse John Drysdale, Orchestra Justin Dyrud, Vocal Music Supv. Paul Evensen, History, P.E. * Marian Forsythe, P.E. * Gertrude Fredrickson, Bookkeeping Ruth Gray, Biology Claire Gurwell, English Don Hanning, Machine Shop Ruth Hockersmith, Homemaking * Jane Jeldness, English, Chemistry, Algebra James A. Johnston. Physics and Geometry * Yvonne Keith, P.E. Curtis Kinney, Commerce 0 Page 20 * * Alice Kovenz, English John Kovenz, English, P.E. Alex McDonald, Dean of Boys L. A. Mentzer, Wood Shop Elaine Miller, English, Geometry 1. A. Mirick, Instru. Music Supv. Robert Newland, P.E. Frances Patton, Librarian DeLores Rabjohn, School Nurse Lee Ragsdale, Athletic Director Frank Roelandt, P.E. William Ruck, Social Studies Arthur Scott, Biology, Algebra Elizabeth Settle, English Lynn Sjolund, Vocal Music JoAnne Smith, Social Studies Maxine Smith, French, Latin Fred Spiegelberg, P.E. Robert Stedman, English, Dramatics Edna Stewart, English DeVere Taylor, History, Public Speaking Harriet Tobin, English Johnnie Van Scoy, History, Economics Lindsay Vinsel, Voc. & Industries Virginia Wait, Cafeteria Supervisor Virginia Westerfield, Band Delie Whisenant, Remedial English, Math. Dorothy Wilson, Spanish Vern Wolthoff, Social Studies Warren Wolf, Art HEDRICK JUNIOR (Tel. 2-7186) * 0 SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL DIRECTORY HIGH SCHOOL, 1501 E. Jackson Vincent P. Bevis, Principal Eloise Cohen, Secretary Ronald Andreason, Math. Mary Ann Athanas, P.E. Rampton Barlow, Vocal Music Ronald Bartlett, Band Douglas Brooks, P.E. Donald Ferguson, History Catherine Fonken, Art Raymond Graves, History Thelma Halverson, Eng., Pen. Robert Huff, Math., Geog. Monte Kounz, Science Jerry McDougall, English, Speech Ann McQuerrey, P.E., English Bruce Nelson, Algebra, Dean of Boys Duane Richardson, Wood Shop Barney Riggs, P.E., Arith. * Mildred Rogers, Library Dorothy Sloniger, English Gatewood Smith, Science, Arith. Dorothy Sneed, Homemaking Bert Villanueva, English, History, Geog. June Wheaton, Dean of Girls, Latin, Spanish McLOUGHLIN JUNIOR (Tel. 3-4513) HIGH SCHOOL, 320 W. 2nd Glenn L. Linn, Principal Estelle Colby, Secretary * Page 21 Elmer Ayres, Orchestra Benoyd S. Bayless, Art Melvin Boldenow, Health, P.E. Hazel Bosshard, Penmanship, Arith. Leonard D. Brunette, History Don Darneille, Dean of Boys, English, Speech Donald D. Davis, Arith. Louise Davis. Geography Eula Foley, Arithmetic, Algebra Howard Gang, English, History Annette Gray, English JoAnne Henry, Health, P.E. Gertrude Holmes, History Albert Huntemann, Band L-ester Hutchinson, Arith., Science Raymond Lewis, Vocal Music Gladys Loyd, English Lois Martin, Librarian G. Gordon Morris, Arith., Algebra Jeanne Nelson, Health, P.E. Joyce Porter. Homemaking John Reed, Science, P.E. Maude Robinson, Math., Algebra Earl Rogers, Special Ed. William Shepherd, P.E., Health George Sloniger, History Coral Stone, Homemaking Dorothy Sutter, English Naomi Van Dyke, Spanish, Latin. English Jack Vinceni, Science Vern Voss, Shop Marjorie Votaw, English Marvel Yung, Geography Margaret H. Brown, Vocal Music, English JACKSON SCHOOL, 630 West Jackson (Tel. 3-1611) Page 20 * * Alice Kovenz, English John Kovenz, English, P.E. Alex McDonald, Dean of Boys L. A. Mentzer, Wood Shop Elaine Miller, English, Geometry 1. A. Mirick, Instru. Music Supv. Robert Newland, P.E. Frances Patton, Librarian DeLores Rabjohn, School Nurse Lee Ragsdale, Athletic Director Frank Roelandt, P.E. William Ruck, Social Studies Arthur Scott, Biology, Algebra Elizabeth Settle, English Lynn Sjolund, Vocal Music JoAnne Smith, Social Studies Maxine Smith, French, Latin Fred Spiegelberg, P.E. Robert Stedman, English, Dramatics Edna Stewart, English DeVere Taylor, History, Public Speaking Harriet Tobin, English Johnnie Van Scoy, History, Economics Lindsay Vinsel, Voc. & Industries Virginia Wait, Cafeteria Supervisor Virginia Westerfield, Band Delie Whisenant, Remedial English, Math. Dorothy Wilson, Spanish Vern Wolthoff, Social Studies Warren Wolf, Art HEDRICK JUNIOR (Tel. 2-7186) * SCHOOL DIRECTORY HIGH SCHOOL, 1501 E. Jackson Vincent P. Bevis, Principal Eloise Cohen, Secretary Ronald Andreason, Math. Mary Ann Athanas, P.E. Rampton Barlow, Vocal Music Ronald Bartlett, Band Douglas Brooks, P.E. Donald Ferguson, History Catherine Fonken, Art Raymond Graves, History Thelma Halverson, Eng., Pen. Robert Huff, Math., Geog. Monte Kounz, Science Jerry McDougall, English, Speech Ann McQuerrey, P.E., English Bruce Nelson, Algebra, Dean of Boys Duane Richardson, Wood Shop Barney Riggs, P.E., Arith. @0 * SCHOOL DIRECTORY Mildred Rogers, Library Dorothy Sloniger, English Gatewood Smith, Science, Arith. Dorothy Sneed, Homemaking Bert Villanueva, English, History, Geog. June Wheaton, Dean of Girls, Latin, Spanish McLOUGHLIN JUNIOR (Tel. 3-4513) HIGH SCHOOL, 320 W. 2nd Glenn L. Linn, Principal Estelle Colby, Secretary * Page 21 Elmer Ayres, Orchestra Benoyd S. Bayless, Art Melvin Boldenow, Health, P.E. Hazel Bosshard, Penmanship, Arith. Leonard D. Brunette, History Don Darneille, Dean of Boys, English, Speech Donald D. Davis, Arith. Louise Davis. Geography Eula Foley, Arithmetic, Algebra Howard Gang, English, History Annette Gray, English JoAnne Henry, Health, P.E. Gertrude Holmes, History Albert Huntemann, Band L-ester Hutchinson, Arith., Science Raymond Lewis, Vocal Music Gladys Loyd, English Lois Martin, Librarian G. Gordon Morris, Arith., Algebra Jeanne Nelson, Health, P.E. Joyce Porter. Homemaking John Reed, Science, P.E. Maude Robinson, Math., Algebra Earl Rogers, Special Ed. William Shepherd, P.E., Health George Sloniger, History Coral Stone, Homemaking Dorothy Sutter, English Naomi Van Dyke, Spanish, Latin, English Jack Vincent, Science Vern Voss, Shop Marjorie Votaw, English Marvel Yung, Geography Margaret H. Brown, Vocal Music, English JACKSON SCHOOL, 630 West Jackson (Tel. 3-1611) Robert Baccus, Principal Lorraine McMasters, Secretary 0 Page 22 * SCHOOL DIRECTORY Donald Littman, 5, 6 Vernal Goodrich, 5, 6 Precia Medley, 5, 6 Margaret Nesheim, 5, 6 Edith Baker, 4 Marlene Richardson, 4 Angela Thompson, 4 Kathleen Quinowski, 3 Louella Schneider, 3 Sarah Watson, 3 Jane Snodgrass, 2 Doris Ness, 2 Ruth Hawkins, 2 Muriel Harvey, 2 Helen Gandt, 1 Eunice Gray, 1 Katherine Leavitt, 1 Alice Ward, 1 Paul Gandt, Special Ed. JEFFERSON SCHOOL, (So. Holly Extension) Tel. 2-9228 Kenneth Hulburt, Principal June Phillips, Secretary Earl Covey, Arithmetic Joan Ely, Lang. Arts Robert Phillips, P.E., 6th Della Weber, Music, Art, Penmanship * Lysle Gregory, 3 Norma Kimball, 3 Avadna Peterson, 3 Norma Grossman, 2 Jennymae Sherwood, 2 Ann L. Stoughton, 1 Esther Crum, 1 Marian Beeson, 1 Clara Goldin, Special Ed. LINCOLN SCHOOL, 608 No. Bartlett (Tel. 2-2640) Roy Gilbertson, Principal Betty Ragsdale, Secretary Morris Jimenez, P.E., Spelling Herbert Wing, Social Studies Hazeldean Hohensee, Music, Art, Penmanship Mary Coffin, English, Reading, Library Henry DeVoss, Atypicals, Speech * Anna Laura Honts, 4 Dareld Verley, 4 Ethel Chastain, 3 Yvonne Dugan, 3 0 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Page-2 Mary Norvell, 2 Bernice Viles, 2 Marion Rice, I Marjorie Shelton, 1 ROOSEVELT SCHOOL, 112 Lindley (Tel. 2-2300) John Childers, Principal Joy Reich, Secretary Gertrude Lorton, 4 Hazel Mekvold, 4 Marian Montgomery, 4 Robert Raymond, 4 * Kathleen Silver, 4 Stella Bundock, 3 Lucille Hulburt, 3 Maxine Mee, 3 * Elizabeth Rice, 3 Gwen Weaver, 3 * Muriel Acheson, 2 Patricia Blake, 2 • Margaret Jones, 2 Edna Olson, 2 Susanne Schulz, 2 Edamae Adamson, I Georgianne Beier, 1 Gladys Lawrence, 1 Betty Scott, 1 Frances Weaver, 1 ROOSEVELT ANNEX (Located Hedrick Junior High) Jack Holmes. 5, Lang. Arts Marjorie Blaar, 5, Pen., Art, Music Gilbert Ellis, 5, Soc. Studies Esther Fliegel, 5, Arithmetic Robert Wobbe, 5, Health, P.E., Spelling Eleanor Hamilton, 6, Art, Music Penmanship Clifford McLean, 6, Health, P.E., Spelling Roland E. Pope, 6, Arithmetic, Soc. Studies Mary Seitz, 6, Reading, English, Soc. Sutdies WASHINGTON SCHOOL, 610 South Peach, )Tel. 2-2855) Robert Sage, Principal Shirley Weisenburger, Secretary James Akerill, 5, 6, Soc. Studies Frances Collens, 5, 6, Arith. Irene Stephens, 5, 6, Spelling, English Alice Webb, 5, 6, Reading @0 Page 22 * Donald Littman, 5, 6 Vernal Goodrich, 5, 6 Precia Medley, 5, 6 Margaret Nesheim, 5, 6 Edith Baker, 4 Marlene Richardson, 4 Angela Thompson, 4 Kathleen Quinowski, 3 Louella Schneider, 3 Sarah Watson, 3 Jane Snodgrass, 2 Doris Ness, 2 Ruth Hawkins, 2 Muriel Harvey, 2 Helen Gandt, 1 Eunice Gray, 1 Katherine Leavitt, 1 Alice Ward, I Paul Gandt, Special Ed. JEFFERSON * SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL, (So. Holly Extension) Tel. 2-9228 Kenneth Hulburt, Principal June Phillips, Secretary Earl Covey, Arithmetic Joan Ely, Lang. Arts Robert Phillips, P.E., 6th Della Weber, Music, Art, Penmanship Lysle Gregory, 3 Norma Kimball, 3 Avadna Peterson, 3 Norma Grossman, 2 Jennymae Sherwood, 2 Ann L. Stoughton, 1 Esther Crum, 1 Marian Beeson, I Clara Goldin, Special Ed. LINCOLN SCHOOL, 608 No. Bartlett (Tel. 2-2640) Roy Gilbertson, Principal Betty Ragsdale, Secretary * Morris Jimenez, P.E., Spelling Herbert Wing, Social Studies Hazeldean Hohensee, Music, Art, Penmanship Mary Coffin, English, Reading, Library Henry DeVoss, Atypicals, Speech Anna Laura Honts, 4 Dareld Verley, 4 Ethel Chastain, 3 Yvonne Dugan, 3 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Page 23 Mary Norvell, 2 Bernice Viles, 2 Marion Rice, 1 Marjorie Shelton, 1 ROOSEVELT SCHOOL, 112 Lindley (Tel. 2-2300) John Childers, Principal Joy Reich, Secretary Gertrude Lorton, 4 Hazel Mekvold, 4 Marian Montgomery, 4 Robert Raymond, 4 * Kathleen Silver, 4 Stella Bundock, 3 Lucille Hulburt, 3 Maxine Mee, 3 * Elizabeth Rice, 3 Gwen Weaver, 3 * Muriel Acheson, 2 Patricia Blake, 2 * Margaret Jones, 2 Edna Olson, 2 Susanne Schulz, 2 Edamae Adamson, I Georgianne Beier, I Gladys Lawrence, I Betty Scott, I Frances Weaver, I ROOSEVELT ANNEX (Located Hedrick Junior High) Jack Holmes. 5, Lang. Arts Marjorie Blaar, 5, Pen., Art, Music Gilbert Ellis, 5, Soc. Studies Esther Fliegel, 5, Arithmetic Robert Wobbe, 5, Health, P.E., Spelling Eleanor Hamilton, 6, Art, Music Penmanship Clifford McLean, 6, Health, P.E., Spelling Roland E. Pope, 6, Arithmetic, Soc. Studies Mary Seitz, 6, Reading, English, Soc. Sutdies WASHINGTON SCHOOL, 610 South Peach, )Tel. 2-2855) Robert Sage, Principal Shirley Weisenburger, Secretary James Akerill, 5, 6, Soc. Studies Frances Collens, 5, 6, Arith. Irene Stephens, 5, 6, Spelling, English Alice Webb, 5, 6, Reading Page 24 * * SCHOOL DIRECTORY Laura York, 5, 6, Music Art, Penmanship Loren Soderlund, Health, P.E. William Brew, 4 Ruby Clark, 4 Alice Lynch, 4 Myrtle Patterson, 4 Alpha Jane Clinkinbeard, 3 Joan Johnson, 3 Kathryn Murray, 3 Georgia Davis, 2 Mary Ann Huff, 2 Kathryn Larison, 2 Dora Mae Shepard, 2 Ruby Dodds, I Helen Ford, 1 Ruth Gilbertson, I Fern Graves, 1 Catherine Walker, Spec. Ed. OAK GROVE SCHOOL, 2838 Jacksonville Hiway, (Tel. 3-2708) Bruce Metzger, Principal, 7, 8 Ruth Clogston, Secretary Max Morris, 8 Hugh Shurtleff, 7 Max Killingsworth, 6, P.E. Florence Connors, 5 Dena DeKorte, 4 Audrey Berry, 3 Patricia Stewart, 2 Marjorie Gandee, 1 WEST SIDE SCHOOL, Rt. 2, Box 443W, (Tel. 3-1234) Ernst Ludwig, Principal, 7, 8 Don Perry, 5, 6, Coach Lillian Bohrer, 3, 4 Patricia Colley, 1, 2
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