Teens tackle police duties


Teens tackle police duties
Your Independent Local News Source
Vol 3 No 38
Wednesday, July 16 2008
Teens tackle
police duties
By Courtney Duffett
The Oshawa Express
Photo by Courtney Duffett/The Oshawa Express
Brandon Ramiah repels down a wall with help from the Durham Regional Police tactical unit. The students are participating in a two-month Youth in Policing program throughout the summer to gain career
development strategies and learn about various units within the DRPS.
the different units within DRPS and how to
build a career in policing.
“Unlike other youth programs, this one
Some local high school students got the is about career development,” says Keith
chance to step into the shoes of Durham Richards, supervisor of the Youth in
cops, from working alongside members of Policing program with DRPS, adding that
the gang unit to repelling down a wall with
the program helps prepare stuthe tactical squad.
dents for adulthood and mentorStudents from across Durham
ship. “And it’s getting bigger
Region have joined the third annuevery year.
al Youth in Policing program with
The program, now in its third
Durham Region Police, which
year, has 28 students, which
takes place throughout the months
increased from 14 students last
of July and August. Students get
year and six students in its first
the chance to work alongside
members of the police service and
“It’s about getting kids
learn about the different units
involved into something that will
within the police service including Natasha Craig hopefully last a lifetime,” says
the gangs and guns unit, profesRichards.
sional standards unit, canine unit, homiThe Youth in Policing program started
cide unit, traffic enforcement unit and tac- just last week and will run through until
tical unit.
the end of August. This year, students
“I wanted to learn what I might be doing involved in the program range in age from
as my career,” says 18-year-old Natasha 14 to 18.
Craig. The Oshawa resident is a recent
“(This program) will look good on my
grad of G.L. Roberts Vocational Institute in resume,” says Cameron Watson, 14. He
Oshawa and plans on taking the police will be attending Sinclair for Grade 9 in
foundations course at Durham College in September. “I wanted a chance to get to
the fall.
help out the youths and the community,” he
“I want to work for the drug enforce- says, adding that he also wants to learn
ment unit,” she says. “I want to help clean about the different units and different culup the cities,” adding that Youth in tures.
Policing program will help her learn about
Davies sells hockey team
Generals face change in ownership
By Wally Donaldson
The Oshawa Express
It is anticipated, in the final analysis, a keen
business structure among current owner Rocco
Tullio and his two new hockey partners will
become a winning combination – Tullio for his
business moxy and his two cohorts for their keen
hockey sense!
Tullio, 42, chairman of Rock Developments in
Windsor and the operator of three fitness centres
within the same city, opened the door wide open to
two of his close friends, affording them the opportunity to “take advantage of a wonderful business
It was announced last Thursday morning that
former National Hockey League (NHL) star Adam
Graves and Peter DeBoer, the new head coach of
the Florida Panthers, have joined Tullio as owners
of the Ontario Hockey League’s Oshawa Generals.
The change of scenery in the front office actually unfolded three weeks ago when John Davies – a
successful Aurora businessman who played an
integral part in fashioning the Generals as they are
today, complete with an attractive new facility –
expressed to Tullio his desire to step away and turn
his attention to personal and other business
The latest development becomes an interesting
scenario since Davies was the individual to take the
proverbial bull by the horns four years ago when
purchasing the Generals shares from longtime
owner John Humphreys.
Tullio came on board at the start of last season
and completed a deal with Davies to become the
principle owner early last week.
And although DeBoer will be focusing much of
his attention on the progress of his Panthers, says
Tullio, the advent of Blackberries, cell phones and
See NEW Page 16
Bacteria levels high
in Oshawa beaches
Oshawa beaches have been deemed unsafe
for swimming.
After water-testing results came back
from the Ontario Ministry of Health laboratory in Peterborough, Oshawa’s beaches were
among the seven that have been posted due to
elevated bacteria levels.
The seven beaches posted in Durham
Region include Pickering Beach and Rotary
Park in Ajax, Beaverton South Beach in
Brock, Lakeview Beach East and West in
Oshawa, Kinsmen Beach in Scugog and
Elgin Pond in Uxbridge.
The beaches that remain open include
Beaverton North Beach in Brock, Thorah
Centennial Park in Brock, Bowmanville East
and West in Clarington, Newcastle Beach
Central in Clarington, Frenchman’s Bay East
and West in Pickering, and Whitby Beach in
For the duration of the summer, Durham
Region Health Department will continue to
conduct bacteriological water tests to determine if these beaches are safe for swimming.
Cops bust marijuana
grow op north of city
A search for a missing person led Durham
cops to a Nestleton marijuana grow op.
On July 13, Durham Regional Police
were canvassing the area, located about 13
km east of Port Perry, in search of a 17-yearold male when they came to a residence on
Highway 7A.
At the home, evidence of a grow op was
discovered and one male was taken into custody.
A search warrant was obtained and mem-
bers of the Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU)
later removed 58 marijuana plants from the
basement of the home, growing equipment,
373 grams of marijuana buds, 1,860 grams
of marijuana shake and a locked safe. The
total value of drugs seized is more than
Two other men were also arrested.
A 72-year-old man, a 56-year-old and his
21-year-old son, all of Highway 7A in
Nestleton, were charged with possession of
a schedule II substance for the purpose of trafficking
and production of a
schedule II substance.
All three were
held for a bail hearing. The 17-year-old
male was not discovered during the
canvass but returned
to his own home
safely that night.
Durham Regional Police deputy chief Chuck Mercier and Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair present
S/Sgt. Nick Lisi with his accreditation.
Local cop accredited
A Durham police member has been
accredited as a Certified Municipal
Staff Sergeant Nick Lisi was among
the latest group of recipients to receive
the accreditation. The program recognizes and develops management capabilities of local government administrators
in Ontario and is supported by the
Ontario Municipal Management Institute
(OMMI) and the Ontario Association of
Chiefs of Police (OACP).
“I am pleased that this accreditation
was given to me by an objective body,”
says Lisi. “It allows you to refocus and
helps to assist with development, both
internally and externally. It is amazing to
realize how much training I have
received throughout my career with
The different levels of accreditation
are available to members including
Police Specialists, Police Professionals
and Police Executives. The next step
involved in the process will be to role
out a model for civilian members.
Durham police are looking for a white
man wearing a green leather jacket after
a store clerk was punched in the face.
On July 8 around 10 p.m., a lone male
entered Fullers Variety Store on Albert
Street South in Oshawa. He asked to see
the sunglasses on display then punched
the 63-year-old male employee in the
face with a dog chain wrapped around
his fist.
The employee grabbed the male and
two other people came to assist however,
the suspect broke free and ran north on
Albert Street. The employee received
minor injuries.
The suspect is described as a white
male over 60 years old with long blonde
or grey hair but balding on top. He was
also wearing a leather-style green jacket.
Anyone with information is asked to
contact police at 905-579-1520.
Man sought in assault
Police dispatchers honoured
Durham police 911 call-takers have
been honoured for helping save lives.
More than 20 members were honoured for their part in saving the lives of
heart attack victims at an annual
Lightning Bolt Awards ceremony recently held at Deer Creek Golf and Banquet
Facility in Ajax.
Organized by the Central East Prehospital Care Program at Lakeridge
Health, the awards were presented to
police, fire and ambulance personnel
from throughout the region who helped
save lives of victims of cardiac arrest
during the past year. Many cardiac survivors were at the ceremony to thank
their rescuers in person.
Recipients of the award include 911
call-takers Colin Charles, Janice Stokes,
Karelyn Leclair, Amy Wilson, Meghan
Michael Hyde, Cindy Young, Shawn
Muir, Tracey Thompson, Tami Hartford,
Paula Mayers, Pauline McKnight,
Cheryl Nash, Robyn White, Karen
Lenihan, Suzanne Nelson, Kim Hook,
Rhonda Woolley, Kate Mintz and Valerie
Durham cops were called after a man
attacked his mother with a three-footlong sword.
On July 8 around midnight, Durham
police were dispatched to an apartment
on Colborne Street in Oshawa regarding
an assault. The complainant called 911
and reported that she was inside her
apartment and could see an elderly
female being beaten with what she
believed was a stick.
Police attended the scene and determined that the victim’s son had attacked
her with a three-foot-long Samurai sword
still in its sheath. The female victim fled
to a nearby apartment and the male
locked himself inside his apartment.
Police set up a perimeter and the tactical support unit was called in to assist.
At around 2:45 a.m., the male surrendered to police and was taken into custody without further incident. The female
victim received minor injuries as a result
of the assault.
The male was taken to Lakeridge
Health Oshawa and held for a psychiatric
assessment. The investigation is ongoing.
Oshawa man attacks mother
Page 2
JULY 16 2008
JULY 16 2008
Page 3
to our
Today’s teens get a bad rap, generally
labelled as an uninspired, unmotivated
crowd relying heavily on Mom and Dad to
succeed in school and eventually, work.
But one group of Durham teens showed
the naysayers otherwise. Instead of spending their summer holidays sleeping in,
prowling the neighbourhood with friends
or glued to the latest technological device,
these 28 youths are putting their futures
Through the Durham Regional Police
Services, these teens are participating in
the third annual Youth in Policing program, which sees them spending the
months of July and August stepping into
the shoes of cops and learning what it’s
like to protect the community.
And if the teens interviewed by
Oshawa Express reporter Courtney
Duffett are any representation of the
whole group, there’s good reason to be
impressed. One 18-year-old recent high
school graduate is already headed off to
Durham College’s police foundation program in the fall and just wanted to see
what she’s getting into.
Good idea. So many young people flipflop between college and university programs, unsure of what they want to study
and, ultimately, what career they want to
pursue. Not this individual, however, who
says she’s entering the field to clean up
Another teen, just 14-years-old, thinks
Youth in Policing will look good on his
resume. He may not be quite old enough
to apply for a job, but he’s already thinking about the skills and experiences that
will secure one for him.
The program has gained popularity
since it’s inception, with the 28 students
chosen from 260 applicants across the
region, which is up from 14 last year and
six students in its first year. It’s safe to
assume popularity will only increase with
more and more students lauding the program as a rewarding, valuable experience.
But the young participants aren’t the
only ones who should be applauded.
DRPS should be applauded for their
recruitment efforts. Youth in Policing may
seem like an engaging, educational experience. In fact, it’s a brilliant, creative
exercise in recruitment. What better way
to ensure a future police force than to draw
them in as teens and give young people the
chance to decide whether it’s a career they
want to pursue. And it’s working—about
half of the students consider policing as a
career option when they enter the program
while about 75 per cent consider it upon
And what better than a police officer
who knows, 100 per cent, this is the job
for them.
Page 4
600 Thornton Rd. S.
Oshawa, ON L1J 6W7
phone: (905) 571-7334
fax: (905) 571-0255
JULY 16 2008
Volume 3, Number 38
Greg McDowell
Advertising Director
Kim Boatman
Contributing Editor
Wendy Gallagher
Sports Editor
Wally Donaldson
Jessica Verge
Courtney Duffett
Bill Fox, Amber Nowak,
Glen Goodhand
Prioritize city spending
Dear Editor:
If Oshawa is to regain its
status as a “responsive, caring
and vibrant community” it
must spend taxpayers’ money
wisely. In order to do this and
realize a city that is affordable
for all and the best in which to
work and do business, it must
address its spending priorities. For example, the $14.3
million for City Hall redo and
the $500,000 on a Port
Consultant should not be at
the top of the list. Highest
property taxes in the GTA is
an issue and those that believe
otherwise might be challenged. Oshawa residents
need to see value for their
hard-earned money, especially in uncertain times.
John Neal
Regional and City
Councillor, Ward 7
Greed fuels transit hike
Dear Editor:
Great editorial and editorial
cartoon regarding transit price
increases even though no
increased service (as to hours of
operation) for your money.
Should half-month passes be
available as well? Who has $78
to $92 to plunk down all at once,
if one has to pay rent and buy
food if financially challenged.
Why can buses not be hybrid
or run on ethanol? A top priority
one would think that should
have been done yesterday.
Would it not be nice to see a fare
decrease if this ever happened?
Not likely with greed the main
motivating factor for those in
One other thing, I thought
region bus fleets had a locked in
gas price contract. So how can
the region use the excuse of rising fuel costs for yet another
fare increase?
I hope if this is the case, that
the regional government doesn’t
think we are that stupid!
R.M Hues
Controversial film worth the effort
Dear Editor:
The controversial movie
Allowed was playing this week at
AMC Theatre, 75 Consumer Dr.,
Whitby. I called on Mon. July 7
to find out what time this movie
was showing and discovered that
it was not listed with the other
movies on their recorded show
time list. I mentioned this to a
representative, who told me that
this was strange because the
movie Expelled: No Intelligence
Allowed was definitely showing
at 7:15 that evening. Later, I
called twice more and received
the same response from different
representatives although the
movie was still not listed on that
evening’s recorded show time
list. I could not help but feel that
there was a ring of truth to the
criticism I heard that both the scientific establishment and the
media would like to “expel” this
film quickly before the public
hears its message. Certainly, this
was hardly a conducive way to
promote this film and encourage
a large turnout – which is what I
thought theatres were all about.
Still, I resolved that I was not
going to let this experience spoil
my enjoyment of the movie itself.
Though I’ve heard critics label it
as propaganda for creationism,
the movie targets persecuted individuals (not just a few isolated
cases) from many different religious backgrounds, not just
Christianity, as well as some evolutionists who sympathized with
the dissenters from Darwinism.
There is plenty of evidence for
Darwinian ideas, especially
Social Darwinism of “Eugenics,”
and Nazi and Communist ideologies. People can disagree, but this
is not dishonest or manipulation.
“Expelled” is not a young Earth
creationist, or even a Christian
In closing, our universities
and schools must safeguard the
core value of freedom of inquiry.
The rational alternative to a legitimate scientific theory having
religious implications is an intelligent agnosticism – not dogmatism.
Rayburne Winsor
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JULY 16 2008
Maria dream ends for local singer
By Courtney Duffett
The Oshawa Express
The road has come to an end for a local
singer who was vying for the spotlight as Maria
in The Sound of Music.
After months of auditions, training, acting
and dance, Donna Lajeunesse, a 23-year-old
Oshawa resident, is saying good-bye to her
dream of playing the lead role in the Toronto
premiere of The Sound of Music. The production, produced by Andrew Lloyd Webber, David
Ian and David Mirvish, is set to hit the stage this
Lajeunesse was one of two of the six finalists
to be voted off of CBC’s How To Solve A
Problem Like Maria? Monday night.
“I knew it was coming,” says Lajeunesse. “I
packed as soon as I woke up,” adding it’s something actors learn as performers.
Lajeunesse says the judges know what they
were looking for and who they want to play
“I am extremely grateful for being brought
through the process,” she says. “It’s been a
crazy ride. It’s one of those
things where I hoped I’d do
well but you need to know
the types of look, sound
and style they’re looking
However for the four
remaining actresses, the
show must go on.
Continuing on with the
show in the final four are
Vancouver, BC, 24-yearold Janna Polzin from
Woodstock, 24-year-old
Jayme Armstrong from
Richmond, BC and 25year-old Marisa McIntyre
from Kitchener-Waterloo.
Lajeunesse, a professional dog groomer in
Oshawa, has wanted to do
professional theatre for a
long time and has done
community theatre since
she was 11.
“I love to perform,” she
says. Some of her past
roles on stage include
playing Nancy in Oliver,
Charlotte in Charlotte’s
Web and Sister Robert
Anne in Meshuggah Nuns.
Lajeunesse is now working on a future game
plan. She’s hoping to dive right into another
production and more auditions.
“My plan now is to get rest, catch up on
friends and family and then dive headlong into
it again,” says Lajeunesse. “You just have to put
on your happy face, get out there and do it
because in the end, it’s so rewarding to be able
to perform on stage.”
Donna Lajeunesse is just weeks away
from becoming the lead role in The
Sound of Music, set to hit the stages in
Toronto this fall.
Students look at policing
as a future career choice
STUDENTS From Page 1
students opted for the opportunity,
according to Tracey Kelly, co-op
instructor for the Youth in Policing
While some students are in the program to help them pursue a
career in policing and law
enforcement, other students in the program wanted the experience.
Keith Richards
“I thought it was a good
job opportunity to learn
more skills,” says Cataline Herrera, a 17year-old Whitby resident and recent graduate
of Father Leo. J Austin.
Herrera will be attending the University of
Ottawa in September studying International
Development and Globalization.
“I’m looking at this as a way of getting an
introduction into law or an authority job,”
says Herrera. “It looks good on a resume.
We’ll get to do lots of different things. And it
can only get better,” she says after getting a
chance to participate in an exercise with the
tactical unit last week where the students
learned how to repel down a wall from the
“I think it’s a really good program,” she
says, adding that she eventually would like to
pursue a career in law.
Richards says that about half of the students entering the program consider policing
as a career option and about 75 per cent of
students consider policing upon leaving the
This year, fortunate students were chosen
from approximately 260 applicants and will
also get to join Youth in Policing students
from across the province at a Youth Forum,
which is planned for August. Currently,
Photo by Courtney Duffett/The Oshawa Express
Durham Regional Police Service is one of
Justin Klimkait learns to repel down a wall with help from the Durham eight police services offering the Youth in
Regional Police tactical unit as part of the Youth in Policing program.
Policing program in Ontario.
In addition to gaining community service hours, students had the option this year of taking a co-op portion,
which will give them two Grade 12 co-op credits
towards their high school diploma. This year, about 15
JULY 16 2008
Page 5
Great Big Sea
plays GM Centre
Fans of Newfoundland music take note:
Great Big Sea is coming to Oshawa.
Tickets go on sale this Friday at 10 a.m. for
the Nov. 22 concert at the General Motors
With a career spanning 15 years, the
Newfoundland folk-rock band is touring in
support of their ninth studio album, Fortune’s
Favour, released last month. The album sees
the musicians embrace new sounds and ideas
in their quest to marry the traditional music of
Newfoundland with pop.
Tickets are available at all Ticketmaster
outlets, the GM Centre ticket office, by phone
at 905-433-9494 or 416-870-8000 or online
through www.livenation.com or www.ticketmaster.com.
Tickets are $49.50 or $57.50.
Tickets go on sale this Friday, July 18, at 10 a.m. for Great Big Sea. The Newfoundland band will play the
General Motors Centre on Nov. 22.
Page 6
JULY 16 2008
Swinging for a cause
More than 100 golfers
put on their golf shoes and
readied their clubs to take
part in the 12th annual
Golf Classic at
Royal Ashburn
Golf Club this
The annual
$57,000 in support
A total of
including local dignitaries
such as regional chairman
Roger Anderson, Don
Terry from Ontario Power
Generation and Ontario PC
leader John Tory took part
in the event along with the
34 volunteers that also
helped out this year.
included a welcome gift,
18 holes of golf at Royal
Ashburn Golf
Club and lunch.
Golfers began
the day with a
bag piper sending the golfers
off to their
assigned holes
for a shotgun
Over the last
stepped foot on
the golf course
and 300 volunteers have
come together to help raise
more than $500,000 for
For more information
on Grandview Children’s
Centre, visit www.grandviewcc.ca.
Photos by Courtney Duffett/The Oshawa Express
Approximately 144 golfers took part in the 12th annual Grandview Golf Classic at Royal Ashburn Golf Club to raise money for Grandview
Children’s Centre in Oshawa.
From left: Ontario PC Leader John Tory, Graham Northam and regional chair Roger Anderson talk amongst themselves before getting ready to golf the 14th hole at Royal Ashburn Golf Club.
Regional chair Roger Anderson hits his ball out of the sand on the 13th while from left, Mary and
Graham Northam and John Tory look on.
JULY 16 2008
Ontario PC leader John Tory hopes to sink his ball on the 13th while playing
a game of golf at the 12th annual Grandview Golf Classic.
From left: Graham Northam, regional chair Roger Anderson, Mary Northam and Ontario PC leader
John Tory on the 13th hole at Royal Ashburn Golf Club for the 12th annual Grandview Golf Classic.
Page 7
Courtesy calls
Have you been getting a lot of ‘courtesy calls’ lately? On a recent Saturday,
while very busy attending to household
chores, I was interrupted by a phone call
asking by name for myself or my wife. I
explained that it better be important
because I was very busy. “Well I am
sorry, this is just a courtesy call, and we
can call back later!”
My response, “A courtesy call?
Please as a courtesy do not call here
Now I do have some feelings for people who have to take jobs as telemarketers. I read somewhere that the average length of anyone staying with a telemarketing job is just over seven days. I
assume they get a lot of negative feedback.
Up to this point I have always tried to
be courteous to these callers. Now I am
playing by new rules.
Why should my privacy and time be
intruded by someone trying to give me a
sales pitch? How can they dare say they
are calling us as a courtesy? Here are
some tried and true methods we can all
use to dissuade these calls...depending
on your level of frustration.
My 10 tips for handling these calls:
1. When you answer the phone and no
one responds immediately you can bet it
is a telemarketer using a device to call
several people. When one responds,
within a minute, they pick up your call.
So as a rule of thumb, if someone does
not respond immediately as you say,
Hello, then hang up!
2. “Sorry I have a brother-in-law in
the business.” Coincidentally this has
been true in my situation. I had a brother-in-law who had a carpet steam cleaning business and another brother-in-law
who was a house and business contractor,
so for me, this was a valid reason for
ending a call...but even If I did not, a
small white lie, as a courtesy, wouldn’t
3. When they ask for me or my wife, I
ask them to hold on for a moment....five
minutes later I come back to the phone.
By then they usually have hung up!
4. “I’m busy right now, can you give
me YOUR HOME phone number and I
will get back to YOU later!”
5. Would you tell your company, I do
not appreciate interruptions at home, and
if they continue I will cease doing business with them.
6. Pretend to be very confused and
have difficulty hearing. “This is a mercy
call? A curtsey call? This is a about a
policeman’s ball?”
7. If you have time on your hands, go
along as though you are interested...”My
Gosh, I won a cruise...fairly shout to the
wife...Mary we won a cruise...have her
screaming with joy...oh my gosh, our
ship has finally come in!’...you get the
8. Click the phone a few
times...“Hello this is the RCMP, we are
tapping into this line, can I have your full
name please? What is your connection
with Mr. Fox? Are you aware that he is
being investigated as being a part of an
international sex slave trade group?”
9. “To whom am I speaking?” Could
you spell your name for me please? Can
you tell me how you got this phone number? Is this your full-time job? As part
of our investigation of telemarketers, can
you tell me your age please? Where
exactly are you calling from?
10. They moved/died/are in jail/just
were deported/used to live here until
their recent bankruptcy, etc.
Any other suggestions? Please forward them, by e-mail, not phone to
CBC presents Play On! Oshawa
Road hockey tourney
causes street closures
Some downtown roads will be closed early
next month as the city prepares to play hockey.
From Aug. 8 at 7 p.m. to Aug. 10 at 8 p.m.,
roads will be closed due to
Play On! Oshawa, an allages street hockey tournament presented by CBC’s
Hockey Night in Canada,
which is expected to draw
more than 1,000 participants and some 6,000
spectators at multiple rinks
throughout the weekend.
To set up the event,
road closures will start at 7
p.m. on the Friday night
with 21 rinks constructed.
The tournament starts at 8
a.m. on Saturday, running
until approximately 8:40
p.m., then resumes Sunday
at 8 a.m. with roads
reopened at 8 p.m. Roads
Residential and commercial locations in the
area will still be accessible
via foot traffic throughout
the weekend.
The following roads
will be affected:
• King Street: Centre to
• King Street: Simcoe
to Mary
• Ontario Street: King
to Bond
• Victoria Street: King
to Bond
• Celina Street: King to
Athol, Athol to Bruce
(Athol Street open)
• Albert Street: King to
Athol (open to local traffic
only – no rinks)
Emergency access will be available. For
more information, visit www.playon.ca.
Photo by Courtney Duffett/The Oshawa Express
Swing time
Ashley Lesch, 2, has fun getting pushed on the swing by her grandmother at
Lakeview Park in Oshawa.
Summer travel tips for seniors on the go
(NC)-As you prepare to embark on
your next adventure remember that a little advance planning can help avoid
unexpected bumps along the way. Days
Inns - Canada offers some essential tips
to help ease the stress and make your
Page 8
journey more enjoyable and hasslefree.
Give Yourself A Budget: Your next
vacation doesn't have to break the
bank. Simply decide on the type of
accommodations that you'll enjoy and
set aside a realistic budget. Be on the
lookout for travel deals such as senior
discounts, best rate guarantees and
vacation packages. Remember to pack
your proof of age identity card and any
senior club membership cards.
Plan Ahead: Research your destination and remember to book hotel reservations well in advance. Look for
national hotel chains that cater to seniors, such as Days Inn with its offering
of amenities including a free Daybreak
Café breakfast at most locations and
free high-speed Internet access.
Play It Safe: Pack any medications
or prescriptions in your carry-on bag
and bring along enough medication to
last you the entire trip. Visit your doctor
to learn about potential travel health
risks before you begin your trip and
consider preparing a first aid kit for the
Security On The Road: Before
departing, make sure you have adequate insurance coverage. Always carry
your supplemental travel and health
insurance policy with you and review all
insurance requirements before you
leave. Keep the telephone number of
your insurer handy in case of emergency.
Stay Connected: It's a good idea to
send your upcoming travel itinerary to a
friend or relative so someone will
always know your whereabouts. Be sure
to carry a prepaid phone card or cell
phone so you can keep in touch from
the road.
JULY 16 2008
Watch out for West Nile
Mosquito season in full swing
Durham residents should be wary of West
Nile Virus this summer as mosquito season is
in full swing until the fall.
In May, Durham Region Health
Department commenced surveillance activities
for the 2008 West Nile Virus (WNV) season.
The virus is spread to humans through the
bite of an infected mosquito.
WNV is mostly a disease of birds but can
spread to humans by mosquitoes that have fed
on both birds and humans. The virus is not
knows to spread from person to person, nor
from bird to person. There have been rare
cases from blood/organ transmission and
transmission from pregnant mothers to their
newborn child. Breastfeeding may also spread
the infection although this has not been confirmed. Mammals other than humans can also
become infected and may occasionally get sick
from the virus.
Most people who become infected with
WNV do not develop symptoms or have very
mild symptoms but can appear three to 15 days
following the
bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms may include
fever, headache and muscle
aches, usually lasting a week or
less. Rash and swollen glands are
also common. Severe symptoms
are more likely to occur in the elderly, the very young and those with
suppressed immune systems. In rare
cares, it can result in death. In less
than 1 per cent of cases, the virus can
also cause encephalitis (swelling of the brain)
or meningitis (swelling of the lining of the
brain and spinal cord). However, most people
recover fully.
Stay protected from
mosquito bites
Mosquitoes are most active
from May through September
and from dusk to dawn.
To be protected from mosquito bites, the following personal precautions can be
• Limit time outdoors when
mosquitoes are most active
• If outside, wear protective clothing such as long
pants, long sleeves, shoes and
• Wear light-coloured
clothing – mosquitoes are
attracted to dark, more intense
• Use an insect repellent on
exposed skin when outside in
places and at times when mosquitoes are most active
Dead bird surveillance
As of May 2008, the
health department commenced surveillance activities for WNV. As part of
this surveillance program,
the Canadian Cooperative
Wildlife Health Centre
(CCWHC) will be testing
dead crows, blue jays,
ravens and raptorial birds
including eagles, hawks
and owls. Not all birds of
these species may be fit for
testing and all unsuitable
birds will be recorded as a
“dead bird sighting”.
Area residents that
observe dead birds are
encouraged to report the
sighting to the health
department’s environmental help line during normal
business hours: 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Monday through
Friday at 905-723-3818 ext.
2188 or 1-888-777-9613
ext. 2188.
by a
no treatment or tests are needed
unless symptoms develop. There is
no specific treatment or vaccine
for WNV. Some people with
severe illness may require hospitalization.
Studies indicate that following infection, antibodies
and “memory” white blood
cells (T-lymphocytes) are
produced in the body. The
presence of these antibodies
and T-lymphocytes last for
years, therefore it is assumed
that immunity will be lifelong, however, it may
diminish in later years.
The Region of Durham does a catch basin
larviciding program every season where
regionally and municipally owned roadside
catch basins throughout the region will be
monitored for larval mosquito activity, which
began in June. Three catch basin treatments
will be conducted during the 2008 WNV season. The first catch basin treatment occurred in
mid-June, the second is to occur in mid-July
followed by a third in August.
In 2007, a total of 151,990 roadside catch
basins and 170 catch basins located on regional properties were larvicided.
Areas of standing, stagnant water will be
assessed as larval mosquito development sites,
which began in mid-May. Where remediation
of identified larval mosquito development sites
is not possible, a biological larvicide will be
applied following a local risk assessment. In
2007, a total of 80 sites were monitored with
more than 65 sites requiring treatment with a
How to prevent
mosquitoes from
breeding in
your backyard
The most common mosquito species
associated with West Nile Virus is the Culex
species, most often an urban-dwelling, container-breeding mosquito. Culex mosquitoes
have a limited flight range, and as a result,
adult mosquitoes are usually found close to
their breeding site.
Female mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs
in or around water that is stagnant, shallow
and high in organic matter. Eliminating
potential breeding sites is the primary control measure in reducing mosquito populations.
Under optimal conditions, mosquitoes
can breed in standing surface water in as little as four to seven days.
The following are steps that can be taken to
eliminate potential breeding sites in and
around your home and prevent from getting mosquito bites:
• Remove unused objects, garbage or
refuse that could collect stagnant water
(tires, flowerpots, etc)
• When not in use, turn over items such as
wading pools, recycling boxes, wheelbarrows and boats/canoes
• Clean and chlorinate swimming pools,
outdoor saunas and hot tubs and cover
them if not in use
• Weekly draining of water that collects on
pool covers, window boxes and flower pots
• Weekly changing of water in wading
pools, bird baths and pet food and water
• Aerate ornamental ponds or stock selfcontained ponds with mosquito-eating fish
(i.e. gold fish and koi)
• Cover rainwater barrels with a fine mesh
or screen
• Do not wash grass clippings or leaves
down roadside catch basins
• Turn compost over on a regular basis
• Do regular landscape maintenance of
weeds, tall grasses and shrubs
• Regular maintenance of roof gutters to
prevent clogging is necessary
• Ensure that doors and windows have
tight fitting screens and are in good repair
• Remind or help neighbours to eliminate
mosquito-breeding sites on their properties
West Nile Virus is named after the West Nile region of Uganda, where it was first isolated in
1937. Outbreaks have occurred in many areas around the world. The virus has been identified in birds, mosquitoes, horses and humans in Ontario since the summer of 2001.
JULY 16 2008
Page 9
Cops, fire, EMS
urged to donate
Blood Services
workers to boost
summer numbers
Blood donors are needed for this summer’s Sirens for Life challenge.
The challenge has shifted into high
gear for the final
month of the
campaign. The
annual summer
blood drive challenges
police, fire personnel and their
donate the most
blood each year.
Sirens for Life
began July 1 and
runs through to August 31 at all blood
donor clinics throughout central Ontario.
This year’s goal is 2,000 units of blood.
“We need 90,000 new blood donors
this year, but it can be difficult during
the summer months when trauma may
increase with more travel and boating
and donations can decrease with many
donors on vacation,” says Sue Harris,
community development coordinator for
Canadian Blood Services. “This year
Sirens for Life supporters are vital to
helping us meet the 901,000 units of
blood we will need in order to meet a
two per cent increase in hospital
Over the next four weeks, Canadian
Blood Service is anticipating that hospitals will need more blood than currently
expected to be collected.
Based on their forecasts, Canadian
Blood Services expects patients in hospitals across Canada to need more than
63,000 units of blood – about 2,000 more
units than expected to be collected.
www.blood.ca. To make an appointment
to give blood during Sirens for Life this
summer, call 1-888-2-DONATE.
The following are some of the places to donate blood for the
duration of July and August:
• Michael Starr Building – Ministry of Finance, Oshawa on
July 17 from 12 to 3 p.m.
• Regional Municipality of Durham Headquarters, Whitby on
July 18 from 12 to 3 p.m.
• Oshawa & District Shrine Club in
Oshawa on July 21 from 2 to 8 p.m.,
• Garnet Rickard Complex, Rink B in
Bowmanville on July 23 from 1 to 7:30
• General Motors West Paint Shop in
Oshawa on July 31 from 9:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
• Whitby Legion Hall $112 in Whitby
on Aug. 4 from 1 to 7 p.m.
• St. Gregory’s Auditorium in Oshawa
on Aug. 7 from 12:30 to 7 p.m.
• Oshawa Centre, Centre Court in
Oshawa on Aug. 9 from 12 to 3 p.m.
• General Motors Car Plant, Launch
Garage South in Oshawa on Aug. 15
from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
• Oshawa & District Shrine Club in
Oshawa on Aug. 18 from 2 to 8 p.m.
• Five Points Mall in Oshawa on Aug.
30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Page 10
The CooperSmith Company
James Odgers Guy originally owned the property at 16 Celina Street where the Cooper-Smith
Company was located. Guy was a Harbour
Master and a coal dealer, as well as the proprietor
of a grain depot. A large sign hung above the
property on Celina Street that read “FLOUR
AND FEED”. In 1905, Guy sold the property to
Elgin Cooper who transformed the old grain-buying establishment into a building that specialized
in houses seed peas. The building had to be
enlarged and considerably altered to accommodate this new business.
In 1908 Harry Smith, the son-in-law of
Cooper, joined the company and in 1910 he was
made a partner. Upon the death of Cooper in
1911, Smith took over the position of running the
company and Aubrey Cooper, the son of Elgin,
joined the business as a partner.
The property at 16 Celina Street was a twostory building that had large buildings in the rear
for storage. Cooper-Smith specialized in the sale
of all kinds of flour, feed, oats, grain and seeds.
During the busy season, 30 assistants were
employed to help operate the business.
In 1927, the business held a commanding
position the sale of seed, flour, cereal and even
poultry. Cooper-Smith was known for developing a seed created especially for homing pigeons.
The seed, developed by Harry Smith, was known
to give the pigeons remarkable stamina.
In 1929 Harry Smith passed away and Joseph
Higgins, an employee of the company, joined the
partnership with Aubrey Cooper. In 1945, Alan
Smith, the son of Harry, joined the company
becoming sole owner after the deaths of Aubrey
Smith in 1948 and Joseph Higgins in 1950.
In 1978 the name of the Company was
changed to Cooper-Smith of Oshawa Ltd. At this
time, Alan Smith stepped down and passed the
reins of the business down to his sons Steven and
Peter. The company experienced some difficulties and was forced into receivership, thus closing
the doors, in July 1982. The company re-opened
in August 1982 under new owners that were still
within the Smith family.
In January 1988 a fire completely destroyed
the property at 16 Celina Street. By this time,
Cooper-Smith no longer owned the property, but
they were renting it until a new suitable location
could be found to carry on the business.
According to the Vernon’s City Directories for
Oshawa, this family owned and operated business no longer existed after 83 years of business.
JULY 16 2008
JULY 16 2008
Page 11
Free concerts offered
in Memorial Park
Music lovers can find free entertainment in
Memorial Park this summer.
The city recently launched its annual
Concerts in the Park program. Performances
will take place in the Memorial Park band shell
three times per week until the end of August.
On Tuesdays (July 15, 22 and 29 and Aug. 5),
the Bill Askew Orchestra will entertain with big
band music at 8 p.m. On Wednesdays (July 16
and 30 and Aug. 13 and 27), the Oshawa Civic
Band will perform concert music at 7:30 p.m.
Thursdays features a variety of 7 p.m. per-
Wed. July 16, 30, Aug. 13, 27
Oshawa Community Museum is offering a
number of fun and educational programs for
children this summer. Each program costs $20
(discounts are available for multiple program
bookings), are appropriate for kids ages 5 to
12. The programs run from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and
pre-registration is required. July 16 is Victorian
Herbs and Crafts, July 30 is Digging up the
Past: Archaeology and Ancient History for Kids,
Aug 13 is Eco-Days and Aug. 27 is Midieval
Days and Knights. For more information, contact the Museum at 905-436-7624 ext. 106 or
visit www.oshawamuseum.org.
Tues. July 22
WORKSHOP – The Alzheimer Society of
Durham Region, Oshawa Centre office tower,
second floor, suite 207. The workshop will focus
on the middle stages of Alzheimer’s and
dementia. Advanced registration is required.
The cost is $5. To register, call 905-576-2567
or 1-888-301-1106.
THIS IS ME: FIND YOUR PERSONALITY PRO FILE – Oshawa Public Libraries, Jess Hann
branch. What does your favourite colour say
about you? Ever wonder if there is any truth
behind the fun personality quizzes in your
favourite magazines? Come to the library and
learn more about yourself and your friends.
And yes, there will be food. Space is limited.
For teens aged 12 to 19. To register, call 905579-6111.
Thurs. July 24
WII WILL ROCK YOU – Come to this drop-in
game night and party with the Nintendo Wii at
McLaughlin Branch Auditorium. Whether you
love sports, Dance Dance Revolution, American
Idol Sing Along or Mario Kart – we have it and
you can play it. Feel free to bring your own
Wiimote or use one of ours. Drop in any time
between 7 and 8 p.m. Event for teens aged 12
to 19.
Oshawa Around Town
The schedule includes:
• July 10: Brian Roman (Frank Sinatra, Elvis)
• July 17: Ron Moore’s Songs to the Key of
• July 24: SPIES (rock)
• Aug. 7: Emerald (Irish music)
• Aug. 14: Dan the Music Man
• Aug. 21: Good Times Orchestra (big band)
• Aug. 28: Ron Moore’s Songs to the Key of
selves while having fun and learning too! Be
sure to wear comfortable clothing. Registration
is limited and a permission slip must be correctly and completely filled out and signed by the
legal aged participant or the parent of minor
(aged 17 and under) participants before the
event. Call Tiffany at 905-579-6111 ext. 5238
for more information.
Oshawa Express’s Kristen McCabe, right, presents a Sony MP3 player courtesy of HiFi Centre to Kierra
Glover, 7, and mom Tanya Hamilton. Kierra was the winner of the Oshawa Express Canada Day ’08
Colouring Contest. Kierra was very excited to be the “big winner.”
Thurs. Aug. 7
Club, 160 Alexandra St. This 6th annual event,
hosted by Oshawa Mayor John Gray, will benefit the Oshawa Community Health Centre.
Golfers can register by visiting the health centre’s web site at www.ochc.ca. For more information, contact Cathy Stokes at 905-723-0036
ext. 229 or cstokes@ochc.ca.
Thurs. Aug. 21
be a stand-up comedian at this non-stop
Laugh-a-palooza. Find out Who’s on First,
make a joke book, play trivia, win prizes and
more. For ages 12 to 19. Event begins at 2 p.m.
It is free registration at any Oshawa Public
Libraries branch.
Fri. Oct. 3
Photo submitted
From left to right; Russell Charter, president of the Oshawa Folk Arts Council, Lily Davidson, director of the
Oshawa Folk Arts Council, Miss Fiesta Alexandrea Barotianis and Krista Murray, district branch manager
of CIBC Durham District came together to draw the winning name for a new television from ballots submitted during Fiesta Week.
50th ANNIVERSARY – Adelaide McLaughlin
Public Elementary School, 630 Stevenson Rd.
N. Former students and staff are invited to drop
in and share memories from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
with an official presentation in the gym at 7:15
p.m. For more information, call the school at
905 728-0521.
July 9 crossword answers
Thurs. July 31
SELF DEFENCE BASICS FOR TEENS – Awardwinning instructor Emmanuel Manolakakis of
FightClub Martial Arts and Fitness Training
Centre, will present an exciting self-defence
program for teens aged 12 to 18. This free
class will educate teens on how to protect them-
Page 12
Photo by Courtney Duffett/The Oshawa Express
Members of the Motor City Car Club presented a $500 cheque to Grandview Children’s Centre. Back left:
Mike Kalynko from Motor City Car Club, Pam McColl, foundation director for Grandview Children’s Centre,
Vicky Earle, executive director. Front left: Bob Clarke from Motor City Car Club in Oshawa, Mila
Vidakovich, 9, and Andre Khellawan, 11.
JULY 16 2008
Peaches, a 16 year old orange male tabby cat, is very loving and affectionate.
The Oshawa Express would like to remind its readers to still send in Echo
Baby pictures to run bi-weekly to the Express Perfect Pet feature.
ARIES: March 20 to April 19
Make adjustments in the home to
create a supportive environment.
Home activities bring pleasure.
Invite friends over for dinner on the weekend,
but pay attention to your diet.
TAURUS: April 19 to May 20
Your mind is working overtime
now, so try to keep your thoughts
positive. You will need plenty of
discipline to work on a creative project. Be alert
to business opportunities all around you.
GEMINI: May 20 to June 21
Devise a plan to earn more money
since you are probably worth more
than you are being paid. Draw up a
budget and learn to better handle your money.
Consider buying a home to fix up and sell.
CANCER: June 21 to July 22
Start a new project and keep your
attention focused on the task at
hand. You will achieve your greatest success through leadership and drive. Enjoy
a fortunate day on July 18. Drive with care.
LEO: July 22 to August 22
You will need a financial cushion if
you want to work for yourself.
Progress may seem slow, but you
should be able to come up with a strategy to
straighten up mistakes made in the past.
VIRGO: August 22 to Sept 22
Friendship and love are both on
your agenda. Old friends may leave
your life as new ones come in to
replace them. Your circle of friends is expanding. Get out and about and increase your networking contacts.
LIBRA: Sept 22 to Oct 23
If you do not like your job, consider
changing your career. Because work
is demanding, do not do everything
yourself, learn to delegate. Try not to worry so
much. Host a party on Saturday.
SCORPIO: Oct 23 to Nov 22
Be more tolerant of others whose
views are different from yours and if
you get the opportunity, vacation outside of the country. If your old goals have lost
their meaning, set new ones to take their place.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov 22 to Dec 21
More intuitive now, you are developing a greater interest in psychological and esoteric subjects. If you are
old enough, retirement might be an option. You
could be offered a project that tests your ability.
CAPRICORN: Dec 21 to Jan 19
Be co-operative and give your relationship space to grow. Balance your
own needs with those of your partner. Take him/her out for a surprise dinner. Do
not be overly critical of other people’s beliefs.
AQUARIUS: Jan 19 to Feb 19
Re-evaluate daily procedures on the
job and make required adjustments
to create greater efficiency. Mergers
or reorganization can affect your work environment. Start a new exercise program.
PISCES: Feb 19 to March 20
Pursue pleasurable interests or participate in activities with your children. Rather than criticize, develop a
safe and trusting relationship. Singles can attract
an older or younger partner. Take a romantic
July 9 Word Game Answers
The Stars Say is provided by Joan Ann of Oshawa. For personal readings, call
905-725-9179 or visit her website at www.astroconsultation.com
PRIZE: Bring in your completed and correct Express Crossword puzzle before the answers run in the following Wednesday edition and you will receive an Express T-shirt.
Limit is one t-shirt per person for the year.
JULY 16 2008
Page 13
Construction causes
traffic slow downs
Local residents could notice some slow
downs around town as construction crews are
working on various road projects throughout the
Lane closures will be in effect on Park Road
South from Malaga Road to Phillip Murray
Avenue for a period of approximately 20 weeks,
which began July 2, to facilitate watermain construction. Some delays may be expected in this
area during peak traffic periods.
Annapolis Avenue will be closed in stages
from Stevenson Road to Park Road for a period
of about 18 weeks, which started July 7, to facilitate the construction of sanitary sewers and
watermains. In addition, Park Road North has
been closed since July 7 from Annapolis Avenue
to Walmer Road for a period of about three
weeks. Motorists should plan to use alternate
north-south routes including Simcoe Street
North and Gibbons Street.
Bloor Street West is currently restricted to
one lane westbound between the Highway 401
EB interchange ramps and 500 metres west of
Stevenson Road for work associated with the
new Highway 401/Stevenson Road interchange.
And Mary Street North will be closed
between Hillcroft Street and Rossland Road
East, which commenced June 9 until the beginning of August, to facilitate watermain and
sewer replacement. Detour routes using
Rossland Road, Simcoe Street, Adelaide Avenue
and Ritson Road have been posted, however,
resident access and emergency access will be
For more information on road closures and
Local golf lovers can hit the greens with
Oshawa’s mayor this summer.
John Gray is hosting the 6th Annual
Oshawa Mayor’s Golf Classic on Aug. 7 to
benefit the Oshawa Community Health
Centre. Presented by Tribute Communities
and Windfields Farm, the event takes place
at the Oshawa Golf Club with a few spots
still left for golfers.
The golf package includes welcome gifts,
a warm-up at the driving range or putting
green with a prop, prizes, barbeque lunch,
contests, snacks and refreshments, dinner
and more.
Golfers can register by visiting the health
centre’s web site at www.ochc.ca. For more
information, contact Cathy Stokes at 905723-0036 ext. 229 or cstokes@ochc.ca.
Mayor hosts Golf Classic
Luscious leaves
This home on Oxford Street is a 2008 Garden of the Week recipient for its variety of flowers and
The corner general store
It is almost certain that it
was the vast variety of goods
available in the old corner general store, which prompted the
coining of the phrase, “everything from soup to nuts”.
Certainly these were available, and virtually anything
else that a farmer, homeowner,
housewife could want. It
goes without saying that flour,
sugar, butter, tea and coffee,
eggs, bread and milk were staples in these houses of merchandise. During the harvest
season, fresh vegetables were
displayed to tempt those who
did not have gardens of their
own. And in the winter tins of
peas, beans, corn, beets,
peaches, applesauce, prunes
and pears lined the shelves.
Salmon, sardines, corned beef,
and ham met the needs of meat
eater who wanted a change
from pork, beef, or lamb.
If the homemaker wanted
to make a new dress, bolts of
cloth of every colour and pattern were available. When
farmer John’s mare broke a
bridle, a new one could be
found in the harness department. If the proprietor didn’t
have a kitchen wood stove
“out back”, one could be
ordered through a catalogue.
The lady of the house could be
assured of replacing a broken
Page 14
can opener, purchasing a box
of rubber rings for her preserves jars, or buying a galvanized tub in which to scrub her
wash on Monday, and her kids
on Saturday night. The breadwinner (men were almost
exclusively that in the “good
old days”) could take home a
pair of work boots, a new
shovel, a keg of nails, or a wet
stone with which to sharpen
his hoe.
There was even room on
those shelves for such frivolous items as Aunt Jemaimah’s
Pancake Mix, cream-filled
wafer cookies, and boxed
cereal (as opposed to oatmeal
which porridge was concocted). There were even the
real luxuries, like soda pop,
all-day suckers, ice cream
cones—and the all-time
favourite of kids—licorice!
Normally the storekeeper or
his helper personally retrieved
every item—no selfservice existed.
There were no
bar codes or electric
eyes, which blipped
as the can of peas or
loaf of bread was
passed over it. In
some stores, on
smaller items at least,
prices were written
freehand. In others
they were stamped
on with a “gun” similar to the “date
adjustable numbers)
which banks use on
the back of cheques.
In either case that
amount was “typed” into the
cash register. When the total
was reached there was that
familiar “ring” as the cash
drawer was opened to receive
the remuneration, and give
change. No plastic containers
with handles—which could
double for garbage pail liners
existed—sturdy paper bags
did the trick.
A set of scales, on which
was often inscribed, “honest
weight”, was as much a part of
the scene as the grocer himself.
With the earlier models the
heft of the purchased goods
were simply determined by the
pre-measured weights placed
on the opposite side of the balances. Later models featured a
big sweeping hand, with a
“window” through which the
clerk could see the weight and
the corresponding price. Sadly,
this is a part of our cultural heritage almost totally lost forever!
JULY 16 2008
Inside the Del Zotto household . . .
Hockey always a family affair
By Wally Donaldson
The Oshawa Express
STOUFFVILLE - At the door of a beautifully manicured upscale home, Michael Del
Zotto offers a hearty handshake and smile to a
Steve, the father of this National Hockey
League (NHL) prospect who as a player and
coach certainly knows a thing or two about the
sport, introduces himself. Lee, the mother and
big time supporter of her two sons, makes a
graceful appearance. She realizes full well
that, like countless other occasions around the
dinner table and family room, the conversation
will soon turn to hockey.
It’s a family thing inside the Del Zotto
household, from the beginnings when Michael
and older brother David diligently challenged
each other on the small, man-made ice surface
in the back yard to this very exciting stage of
their personal lives.
And oh, what a time it is as the 18-year-old
current blueliner with the Oshawa Generals
prepares himself for a professional hockey
career. Surrounded by immediate and extended
closely-knit family members in Ottawa a few
weeks ago, Del Zotto’s name was called in the
first round by the New York Rangers.
“Florida or Anaheim might have been
nice,” laughs Lee, no doubt focussing on the
climate of these cities. “But New York is still
very good.”
See IS Page 16
Photo by Wally Donaldson/The Oshawa Express
Oshawa Generals defenceman Michael Del Zotto is flanked by his proud parents Steve and Lee at the
family home in Stouffville. The 18-year-old blueliner was drafted in the first round by the New York
City softball
brings out
the best
A combined effort of dedicated softball
enthusiasts will be rolling out the red carpet
tonight at Alexandra Park as the Oshawa City
and District Softball Association presents a celebrated doubleheader.
The Oshawa city league, which includes the
Neighbourhood Association Sports Committee
(NASC) house league, Oshawa minor fastball
Bulldogs, Oshawa Double B Sports Club and
the Oshawa City and District Fastball League,
are presenting a fastball twinbill, beginning with
the Oshawa NASC squirt all-stars.
First game is at 6 o’clock.
That game will be followed by the Oshawa
city and district all-star game, featuring national
team pitchers Todd Martin and Paul Koert.
The NASC is celebrating its 60th year of
operation and the occasion will be highlighted
with softball games at various levels being
played on all four diamonds at Alexandra Park.
Meanwhile, the Oshawa City and District
Fastball Association is in its 82nd year and
along with a game, it will also stage a home run
This should bring back memories for many
who witnessed a myriad of excellent fastball
matchups at Alexandra from the 1960’s to the
‘80’s. Scugog Cleaners juniors, Gale Lumber
and the Oshawa Tony’s all fielded quality teams.
Canadian Hall of Fame pitcher Pete Landers,
who originally competed with the Toronto
Globals before coming aboard with the Tony’s,
dazzled opposing batters for several years. Bob
Domick and Charlie Justice were also a local
JULY 16 2008
Page 15
From Del Zotto’s beginnings in Stouffville...
Is New York far behind?
IS from page 15
Indeed, it is.
And as much as Michael relishes the
thought and discussion of competing
one day with an “Original Six” hockey
club, he also enjoys throwing his focus
behind his 21-year-old brother, a graduate of Queen’s University in Kingston.
“Graduated in business,” he offers.
“I’m really proud of David and I know
he’s going to be successful.”
The rink in the back still exists, a
vivid reminder of four-year-old Michael
and David, two years his senior, testing
their grit, sometimes too enthusiastically without the puck.
“My grandpa made the rink and we
built up the snow on the sides because
there were no boards,” Michael recalls
of his formative days with his brother,
adding with a laugh, “We played contact
and bashed each other into the snow
“Honestly, I think that’s where I
developed most of my skills, being out
there on a smaller ice surface with less
room to work. That allowed me to work
more on my hands and puck control.
And we still compete out there to this
day. It’s a lot of fun.”
Lee says she has many fond memories of her two sons challenging for puck
possession on the rink.
“It was always fun to watch,” she
recalls with a huge smile, “but, unfortunately, I regret not taking more pictures
and videos. I still have the memory, but
nothing in front of me. Just watching the
two of them, they were very competitive. They kept going at it and they
wouldn’t let up. They’re still like that
today. That’s what I remember. The hard
fought battles, even though there
weren’t any boards.”
The father of the home, naturally,
was a witness to the progress Michael
was making on both recreational and
competitive levels. Indeed, when
Michael became a teenager, his skill
level was on the rise as duly noted by
family members – albeit with a slight
Lee saw her son making great strides
as a youngster.
“I’m certainly not an expert like my
husband obviously is,” she says with a
laugh. “I wasn’t in to hockey as a child.
“He’s got good smarts
on the ice with a
very good shot.”
- Steve Del Zotto
But to be honest, people were always in
awe of how Michael was making those
end-to-end rushes, even as a four or five
year old, and he would score almost at
will. For me, that was incredible. I
thought for sure even back then he
would make it to the NHL.”
Ironically, although he was scoring
goals on the forward lines with consistency on a competitive level with the
Richmond Hill Stars, it was the urging
of his father that prompted Michael to
fall back on defence. And it became an
excellent fit for this stalwart while stepping up another echelon to the midget
Markham Waxers.
“That was the right position for
him,” says Steve. “He’s a good passer
and he sees the ice well. He also creates
some plays from the back end.”
Coaching the Waxers at the time was
Paul Titanic and he too agreed
Michael’s foray to a potential hockey
career would be on the blueline.
Michael was, as a minor midget,
selected by the Generals in the first
round, second overall in 2006, to his
good friend and former Markham teammate Steven Stamkos, now the property
of the Tampa Bay Lightening.
“Brad (then general manager and
coach, Selwood) came to me to discuss
Michael and the possibility of him coming to Oshawa. It was during that time
we thought the Generals would be a
good fit. They’re an offensive minded
team and with Michael being an offensive minded defenceman, it seemed
only natural he would fit right in.”
And the potential of Michael fitting
alongside other defencemen with the
Rangers is a distinct possibility. Steve,
as a realist, knows additional steps must
be taken for his son to complete a lifetime ambition.
“He’s got good smarts on the ice
with a very good shot. With the new
NHL, this is what he’s made for. A little
more tenacity and competitiveness in
the defensive zone, fighting those battles will make him a better hockey player. I told him to just continue developing
those skills that has got him this far.”
Michael’s current focus is on conditioning. A mini-tournament in early
September, organized by the Rangers,
will provide this likeable, skilled
defenceman with yet another taste of an
elite level. He will at that time be taking
all the hockey tools he has refined over
the years and utilizing them to the best
of his ability in a sincere bid to impress
coaches and scouts.
And somewhere down the road,
Michael will be sitting at a dinner table
or inside the family room and enthusiastically sharing his rich experiences
about the world of professional sports.
After all, it’s a family thing where
hockey is the common theme inside a
warm environment that is most definitely the Del Zotto household.
The Oshawa Express file photo
A determined Michael Del Zotto has been training hard in the off season as he prepares for a mini camp being held by the New York Rangers in September.
Durham College athletes New owners to focus on
hockey side, says Tullio
prime for OCAA season
September can’t come soon enough for
Durham College athletes as the schedules for fall
sports have been released. Plenty of sports will get
their seasons underway shortly after classes begin
and the Durham Lords are looking to build off the
success they had last season.
The Women’s Soccer team will kick off the
defense of their OCAA championship and CCAA
National Bronze medal on Saturday, September 6
as they play host to Cambrian College.
The Lady Lords have four provincial
titles over the last five seasons. The
Saturday matinee will begin at 2:00 p.m.
and will be followed by the home opener for the Lords Men’s team at 4:00 p.m.,
who will also match up against the
Golden Shield.
The powerhouse Durham women’s fastball
team will begin its title defense and quest for an
11th consecutive OCAA Medal when the Lady
Lords begin their season on Thursday, September
11 when they visit the Mohawk Mountaineers for
a doubleheader in Hamilton. The Lords won’t
make their home debut until Friday, September 19
when they play host to the same Mohawk squad.
The Lords will hold a celebration in honour of last
year’s championship squad along with recognizing head coach Jim Nemish’s 300th career victory.
Opening pitch will be at 7:00 p.m. The annual
CAN-AM Classic will take place from September
Page 16
Men’s baseball will have a busy first weekend
of the season as the Lords travel to Kingston to
take on Queen’s University for four games in two
days from September 6-7. The men will return to
the friendly confines of Oshawa’s Kinsmen
Stadium for their home opener on Saturday,
September 13 beginning at 1:00 p.m. against the
expansion St. Clair Saints.
The baseball schedule is highlighted by an
eight-game home stand beginning with
the opener and running through to
September 21. The men will attempt to
once again win the CIBA Ontario
Championship and qualify for the
National Championship for the fourth
consecutive season. This year’s National
Championships are being held in
It will be an action packed month for Durham
Golfers as their season opens in London on
Saturday, September 20 for the Fanshawe
Invitational. The crown jewel of the season leading
up to the championship is the Durham Invitational,
which will take place at Lakeridge Links in
Brooklin on Monday, September 22. This year’s
OCAA provincial championship will be held in
Cornwall at the Upper Canada Golf Club from
September 29 to October 1.
To view the Durham Lords schedules, visit
NEW From Page 1
such will still give the former Kitchener
Rangers skipper a door to remain involved.
As for Graves, 40, who made his mark as a
keen athlete during his 16-season tenure in the
NHL and was involved in the Stanley Cup success with the New York Rangers and Edmonton
Oilers, he too will keep in touch via technology.
Graves is in the front office of the New York
Rangers as their hockey and business manager.
“Everyone is bringing something to the
table and this was something realized by everyone involved, especially myself because I have
really wanted to focus on the business side all
along,” Tullio notes.
“Now, I get the opportunity to roll up my
sleeves and concentrate on the day-to-day
operations, such as the financial and marketing
As a resident of Windsor, Tullio is very
familiar with DeBoer and Graves, both who
played together with the Compuware Spitfires
from 1985-88 and even came out with an
Ontario Hockey League (OHL) championship.
“I’ve known Adam’s wife, Violet, for the
last 20 years and I met Peter seven years ago
through a family friend. When the opportunity
arose, I approached Adam and Peter as partners
and I made it a point to emphasize to them their
focus would strictly be on the hockey side.
That’s it and they were comfortable with it,”
said Tullio.
Tullio stresses that with this fresh approach
to the next OHL campaign, all three owners are
adamant about spreading the good word of the
rich tradition the Generals have enjoyed by getting involved in charities and visiting schools.
BORN – Dunnville, Ontario on June 13, 1968.
COACHING CAREER – Became assistant coach of
the Detroit Junior Red Wings in 1994 and after one season
was promoted to head coach and general manager. Won the
Matt Leyden Trophy as OHL coach of the year in 1999 and
2000. The team shuffled to Plymouth were DeBoer piloted
the Whalers and following the 2001 campaign, joined the
Kitchener Rangers. Two years later, the Rangers had a
Memorial Cup title. After winning an OHL championship
with the Rangers last season, DeBoer was awarded the
head coaching duties of the NHL’s Florida Panthers.
BORN – Toronto, Ontario on April 12, 1968
PLAYING CAREER – Drafted 22nd overall by the
Detroit Red Wings in 1986 and had a professional hockey
career spanning from 1987 to 2003. Graves is best known
for his 10-year tenure with the New York Rangers, but did
also compete with the San Jose Sharks, Edmonton Oilers
and Detroit Red Wings. Graves completed his career with
329 goals and 287 assists. He won a Stanley Cup with the
Oilers in 1989-90 and the Rangers during the 1993-94 season. It was that year in New York when Graves set a franchise record for most goals (52) in a single season.
JULY 16 2008
Davis makes most
of Hawkeyes win
Gerry Allard of Val D’Or in 1967, who ran the same distance
against Kirkland Lake.
This run also broke a record for total yards rushing in a single game. Davis was able to add another 25 yards before taking
By Wally Donaldson
a seat and finishing the night with an impressive 390 yards on
The Oshawa Express
18 carries.
The previous record was held by another Hall of Fame playThe rain poured late Saturday evening, but it certainly didn’t er, Vern Plummer, who set his mark in 1970, while amassing
spoil a record-breaking night at Civic Stadium.
335 yards.
One record was broken and another tied by running back
“Amazing. Absolutely amazing,” beamed Oshawa head
Evan Davis while the Oshawa Hawkeyes were handily brush- coach Donovan Wright, who offered a ‘Holy Cow!’ when
ing off the Sarnia Imperials 48-27 in Northern Football informed of a record-breaking evening. “It was great watching
Conference play.
him break. I knew Evan had a big game, but 390 yards is unbeTo set the stage of this momentous occasion, picture the lievable and then to find out it broke a record almost 40 years
Imperials, down by a converted touchdown with 10 minutes left ago speaks volumes of Evan’s talent. I guess to break it on a
in the game and electing to go for broke on a fourth-down and record-tying run is, simply put, remarkable and almost unbelievgoal situation. The Oshawa goal line was within reaching dis- able.”
Imperials played it tough in the first half with the score deadImperials elected to go with a quarterback keeper. Matt locked at 20-20. Whitby native Kyle Amorim made his quarterBrowning was stuffed at the one-yard line by a pesky Oshawa backing debut for the Hawkeyes and didn’t look out of place.
However, Wright chose to go with a more seasoned QB for
This gave the Hawkeyes the ball, albeit, deep in their own the second half. Enter Chris Foster, who played a prominent role
in Oshawa’s Canadian championship victory over Calgary in
All quarterback Chris Foster had to do was hand the ball off 2005.
to Davis on their first down play and the speedy runner took it
Both quarterbacks concentrated on the running game in this
from there, dashing 109 yards along the sidelines for the score. one. The Hawkeyes ran 32 times for 486 yards. The pair also
The run tied a record, previously held by Hall of Famer combined for only 57 yards in the air.
No problem there, said Wright, especially when the
Oshawa defence held Sarnia from a score, followed by
the record-running Davis.
“It was good at both ends. The defence stopped
them and that showed me something. That was the way
you want it to end. And then Evan took it from there
with a great, great run. This was a nice win, for sure.”
Foster played a duel role in this one, also offering
his foot when kicker and slotback Rob Horstman
chipped a bone in his foot during practice last Thursday
and did not suit up.
Ironically, Foster made his debut following a
lengthy rehabilitation period to his arm following a
basketball injury in the off-season. “The team kept my
spirits up and I wanted to come back hard,” said Foster.
“It’s like riding a bike. I didn’t feel out of sorts. I’m
very comfortable with these guys and I have to tell you,
the (offensive) line did it for me. They were the ones
who came in here and did their thing.”
The Hawkeyes have rebounded nicely after dropping their first two outings. They will take a three-game
win string into Civic Stadium on Saturday evening
when they play host to a tough Oakville Longhorns
squad. This is their final home game of the regular season before finishing up one week later in Sault Ste.
Game time Saturday is 7 o’clock.
“This is going to be a real test for us,” says Wright.
“They are a predominantly passing team with a good
defence and they also have a good reputation behind
them. And we seem to always get up for competitive
teams like Oakville, so I’m confident we’ll come out
100 per cent on fire.”
In other games during the weekend, the Longhorns
Oshawa Hawkeyes defensive tackle Emilio Rojas-Silva (59), comes down dumped Kingston 25-15, Sault Ste. Marie kept its grip
hard on the Sarnia ball carrier with linebacker Delroy George (57) at the atop the standings with a 50-13 win over North Bay
bottom of the pile, during Saturday’s senior football contest in Oshawa.
and Tri-City thumped Milton 40-11.
Oshawa running back scampers
to tie, set NFC rushing record
Photo by Wally Donaldson/The Oshawa Express
Ian Bunting, left, and Ian McLean are to be inducted into the Northern
Football Conference Hall of Fame in two weeks at Sault Ste. Marie.
Bunting, McLean going
to NFC Hall of Fame
By Wally Donaldson
The Oshawa Express
Ian McLean was introduced to the Oshawa Hawkeyes organization as a
spirited peewee athlete in 1980. He has since climbed the ladder from
coaching to an executive capacity, playing a prominent part in growing with
the organization along the way.
Ian Bunting stepped right in as a gifted coach and organizer within this
closely-knit football outfit, helping build a minor program right up to the
senior level.
Together, the pair will take their “Ian” show to Sault Ste. Marie on
Saturday, July 26 when they are fitfully inducted into the Northern Football
Conference Hall of Fame in the building category.
Ceremonies will take place on a night when the senior Hawkeyes complete their regular season against the first-place Steelers.
Bunting and McLean were recognized during the first half of last
Saturday’s game at Civic Stadium by Hawkeyes’ general manager Don
Adam and Fraser Gosse, family relatives of McLean, were keen on
keeping football alive in Oshawa following the departure of a junior program in 1996. The focus was then placed on seeing that the midget program
“It took off and became the marquee club,” recalls McLean, now a resident of Barrie who, along with Bunting, coached the squad. However, a
need for a senior team became prevalent and McLean, as president of the
Hawkeyes organization at that time, set the wheels in motion.
The senior club was formed in 2001 and “30 tough guys” came on
board. The team, not unexpectedly, took its lumps in the first year, winning
a single game.
“We went into Oakville for our very first game as the new kids on the
block,” says McLean, “They were something like eight times Ontario
champs and I thought, ‘Oh, boy!’We lost 40-0 and you know what, that was
the best game I ever coached with a bunch of guys who hung in there.
“But, you know, we looked at Oakville and we all agreed that’s where
we want to be in a few years.”
A five-year plan was set to win a title, although the thought of being
competitive remained on the front burner. New coaches were brought in
during the third year of construction and it was at this juncture when the
Hawkeyes started to show themselves as a viable commodity.
“There were guys who I had played junior with committed to playing
for other teams. But then they decided to come to Oshawa. Junior players
who played under (Bunting) expressed their desire to play for the Hawkeyes
and that’s when it took off,” said McLean.
“This is when we really became a family. It goes back to when I was
playing peewee in 1980 and Ian was coaching. And it’s because of
(Bunting), I’ve been in this organization for the better part of 30 years now.”
McLean also served on the NFC board for six years as treasurer before
stepping down following the birth of his son. McLean continues to do stats
for each home game.
Bunting observes that when a senior team was being devised, it was
originally earmarked for Whitby as the Falcons. “I felt at that time that if
there was to be a football club in Oshawa and Whitby, it should be a
Hawkeyes team,” he recalls.
“ We went to the Hawkeyes executive and since we no longer had a junior team we always talked about putting something else back in place. So,
we brought the team in to the Hawkeyes with (McLean), Adam and Fraser.
“I was looking at retiring about that time, but they convinced me to
come in for 2001 and help build it up. We said that in five years, we wanted to be NFC champions. We ended up Canadian champions. It’s all been
Bunting and McLean attended NFC meetings earlier in the year and
when it came to a particular agenda, the two were asked to leave the room.
“It was for nominations to the Hall,” recalls Bunting. “When my name
came up, I was stunned. I mean, I wasn’t even paying attention at the time.
You never think about those things. When I came back into the room, they
told me that I was being inducted.
“It’s nice. This is 36 years in football. Three years ago, we won a
Canadian championship and this year, I’m being inducted into a hall of
“What more could anyone ask for?”
JULY 16 2008
Dodgers hanging on to fifth place
Oshawa Dodgers may be holding on to fifth place in the
Intercounty Baseball League, but they discovered during the
past week that a lot of work is still to be done if
they want to go against the big boys, like the
Barrie Baycats.
Baycats, holding down third spot behind
London and Guelph, pounded out a total of 37
hits and 27 runs during a two-game home and
home series against the Dodgers.
Dodgers were thumped 11-4 in Barrie last
Thursday evening, one night after dropping a
16-11 slugfest at Kinsmen Stadium.
Including an earlier 10-2 thumping at the hands of the
Toronto maple Leafs in Oshawa, the Dodgers went into
Kitchener last Sunday riding the crest of a three-game losing
Thank goodness for the Panthers.
Sean Mattson drove in three runs to spearhead the Dodgers past Kitchener 5-4.
Ryan Fleming added a homer for Oshawa
and Steve Lewis also drove in a run as the
Dodgers improved to a 15-17 record, supported
by a strong six-inning pitching performance
from pitcher Craig Chaput, who struck out seven
Dodgers close out the home portion of their
schedule tonight with the Hamilton Thunderbirds in town.
Game time is 7:30.
Page 17
Watch out for stolen
Internet connections
Is someone stealing your Internet connection?
On a hot summer's day two years ago, members of the
Washington police force arrived at a building in Arlington
County to arrest a suspected pedophile. The detectives
were met by an elderly woman, who, it emerged, had nothing to do with the crime. The problem was her wireless
router. The device was openly allowing access to the internet throughout her apartment building and it is suspected
that one of her neighbors was using it to upload child
I recently went to a residence in Oshawa and
found 4 unsecured wireless networks that I
could log onto owned by neighbors of the client
I was doing work for. Leaving my laptop on as I
drove away I found 127 wi-fi networks within a
half mile of this address. Ignoring the dozen
cafes and businesses in the area, one-fifth (23)
of them had no security.
A further quick check at each also showed that
all 23 still used the default password to access
the administration area of the router which
would enable a cybercriminal to edit details, lock
the user out or steal passwords. This is a typical
picture, the IT security consultant Network Box,
estimates that 13% of all home networks and
16% of business networks are unsecured. With
30 million routers sold worldwide last year alone,
that's a lot of access points capable of being
With Internet Service Providers now putting
download limits on most plans, you really don’t
want others using your internet connection to
download files and use up your limit.
If you know what you're doing you can make the router visit
other sites. For example, you can redirect from Google to a
replica site that uploads a keystroke recorder to the computer, which is capable of recording bank details and other sensitive data.
The good news is that nearly all wireless networks can be
secured in such a way that cyber criminals will find it very difficult to access your network or internet connection. Contact
Computer Troubleshooters on 905 493 1284 if you need
help securing your system.
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Page 19
Page 20
JULY 16, 2008