ex military - South Lakeland District Council
ex military - South Lakeland District Council
PART I South Lakeland District Council Licensing Regulatory Committee Meeting Date: 19 April 2013 Report Author: Mr David Spedding, (Licensing Officer) Portfolio: Environment and Sustainability Report from: Simon Rowley, Assistant Director (Neighbourhood Services) Wards affected: All Key Decision: Not applicable Key Notice: Decision Not applicable To seek approval to the Licensing of Historic (ex military) Hotchkiss Jeeps as private hire vehicles 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek Members’ approval to authorise the use of Hotchkiss M201 ex military jeeps for use on private hire tours and to amend the Councils current terms and conditions relating to the use of private hire vehicles. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 Members are requested to approve in respect of the type of vehicle as referred to at paragraph 3.6 of this report: (1) additional terms and conditions which are necessary to ensure that they are safe, mechanically sound and fit for use as private hire tour vehicles; (2) delegated authority to the Director of People and Places to approve applications for such vehicles as special event vehicles. 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 The Council has adopted terms and conditions regarding the type and specification of vehicles, which may be licensed as private hire vehicles. The terms and conditions are necessary to ensure that all vehicles used for private hire purposes are mechanically sound, safe and comfortable and therefore fit for purpose. 3.2 Private hire vehicle means a vehicle constructed or adapted to seat fewer than eight passengers other than a hackney carriage or public service vehicle which is provided for hire with the services of a driver for the purpose of carrying passengers. 3.3 Mr Neil Currie has made an application to licence a specialist vehicle to be used as a private hire vehicle. It is the applicant’s intention to operate seasonal classic army jeep tours in the Lake District with an operating centre based within South Lakeland. 3.4 The proposed tours will be approximately 1 hour in duration departing from the applicant’s base. All tours will take place on the public highways but mainly on single track roads, they will not venture off road. Tours will be varied in order to ensure that local communities and farm animals are not unduly disturbed. The tours would operate between the 1st April and the 30th September each year. Briefings will take place with passengers to ensure safe operations and appropriate passenger conduct and a back up vehicle will be available if breakdowns occur that cannot be rectified. 3.5 The applicant indicates that this new venture is unique adding a nostalgic, historic and exciting form of activity for the tourist industry. He believes that his business is an opportunity for economic growth with a potential for increased employment in the area. 3.6 The vehicles are described as 1959 Hotchkiss M201 Jeep, Ex Military with 2.2 petrol unleaded engine. The vehicles are registered in the UK for road use and have a current MOT and will be taxed. They also comply with the Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations 1986 and as such the vehicles are legal for road use. Photographs of the type of vehicle to be licensed are attached to this report at Appendix 1. 3.7 Should Members approve this proposal Mr Currie would complete the purchase of Hotchkiss jeeps and subsequently make application for the appropriate private hire driver licence / operator’s licences which are necessary for him to operate his private hire business. 4.0 RESEARCH AND CONSULTATION 4.1 The Licensing Authority has not previously issued private hire vehicle licences to an applicant who wishes to use such a licence for private hire bespoke tours. It should be noted that the grant of such a licence is the only means available to the applicant in order for him to operate this new business venture on the public highway legally. 4.2 Specialist vehicles such as ex – military vehicles, ex fire engines or other vehicles of unusual design or construction are being referred to the Licensing Regulatory Committee for determination. Each case will normally be determined on its own merits as it is not possible to draw up policy to cover a range of specialist vehicles due to the diverse nature, use and unusual design or construction of such vehicles. 4.3 Research on the Local Government Regulation website and via the internet would suggest that the applicant's business venture is unique to the United Kingdom and would therefore provide visitors to South Cumbria with a new experience. 4.4 The Council’s Licensing Officer has made enquiries with the Vehicle Operating Services Agency (VOSA) who have confirmed that a vehicle of this type simply needs to be registered in the UK and be compliant with a standard MOT test. Because of the vehicles’ age VOSA’s Individual vehicle approval scheme would not be a suitable means to establish if the vehicle was compliant with the technical standards, design and construction required to meet modern safety and environmental standards laid out in European legislation. However it is proposed to subject the vehicles to an annual inspection by a qualified mechanical engineer. This inspection is more rigorous than a Ministry of Transport MOT test and is undertaken to ensure that the vehicle is in an exceptionally good condition. See proposed conditions at 4.6 (f) 4.5 The vehicles subject to the proposed policy change are of such a specification that they can not meet the standard conditions of application for private hire vehicles. In particular the proposed vehicles can not comply with the following standard conditions of application:- a) No vehicle will be licensed if the passenger has to climb over seats or luggage to gain egress, or where such entrance or exit is sited over a fuel tank, high sill, or has been fitted with handles which are not clearly visible and of a type consistent with those fitted to all other doors on the vehicle. b) The vehicle must have a luggage compartment adequate to contain luggage for each of the passengers which it is authorised to carry. c) Door catches must be secure at all times and capable of easy operation by passengers. d) A South Lakeland District Council uniform private hire sign shall be displayed on both the driver’s door and front passenger door of the vehicle. e) Private Hire vehicles are to be less than 5 years old when first registered and will not be relicensed after reaching 10 years old; The Councils policy also requires vehicles over 8 years old to be subjected to 4 month MOT testing. 4.6 As a result of the implications raised in section 4.5 of this report the Council Licensing Officer has had to draw up new draft terms and conditions which are specific to the vehicles subject of this application. The revised terms and conditions will allow the applicants vehicles to operate as private hire tour vehicles without compromising public safety. The main considerations are outlined below and the draft revised terms and conditions are attached to this report at Appendix 2 for Members consideration and approval. a) The Hotchkiss M201 Jeep (Ex Military vehicle) will only be used for private hire purposes connected with pre booked tours. b) The Hotchkiss M201 Jeep, (Ex Military vehicle) will be restricted to carrying three fare paying passengers when used for private hire purposes. c) The vehicle will be equipped with suitable seat belts which comply with the Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations 1986. d) Where the vehicle operator intends to provide private hire tours covering the months April to September a six month private hire vehicle licence will be granted. However if this period is extended the vehicles will be subjected to 4 monthly MOT inspections. e) The front passenger seat of the vehicle will not be occupied by a person under the age of 16 years of age. f) On application the vehicle will undergo an MOT inspection together with an inspection by a qualified mechanical engineer who will provide a full engineers report which is more rigorous than a Ministry of Transport MOT test. Both tests will be at the applicant’s expense. g) The following requirements will apply in respect of the display of identification signage on the vehicle. i) There will be no requirement to display the South Lakeland District Council private hire door sign on either the nearside or offside of the vehicle. ii) There will be no requirement to display a South Lakeland District Council interior private hire identity disc on the nearside of the front windscreen of the vehicle. 5.0 PROPOSAL 5.1 Members are requested to approve the recommendation and adopt the proposed new terms and conditions which are deemed necessary to ensure that the vehicles are safe and comfortable for use as private hire vehicles. 6.0 ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS 6.1 The only alternative option is to decline to approve the recommendation. 7.0 NEXT STEPS 7.1 Not applicable 8.0 IMPLICATIONS 8.1 Financial and Resources 8.1.1 There are no financial or resource implications 8.2 Human Resources 8.2.1 There are no human resource implications 8.3 Legal 8.3.1 Section 48 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 states that: (1) subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, a district council may on the receipt of an application from the proprietor of any vehicle for the grant in respect of such a vehicle of a licence to use the vehicle as a private hire vehicle, grant in respect thereof a vehicle licence: Provided that a district council shall not grant such a licence unless they are satisfied (a) that the vehicle is (i) suitable in type, size and design for use as a private hire vehicle; (ii) not of such design and appearance as to lead any person to believe that the vehicle is a hackney carriage; (iii) in a suitable mechanical condition; (iv) safe; and (v) comfortable; (b) that there is in force in relation to the use of the vehicle a policy of insurance or such security as complies with the requirements of Part VI of the Road Traffic Act 1988, and shall not refuse such a licence for the purpose of limiting the number of vehicles in respect of which such licences are granted by the council. (2) A district council may attach to the grant of a licence under this section such conditions as they may consider reasonably necessary including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this subsection, conditions requiring or prohibiting the display of signs on or from the vehicle to which the licence relates. 8.3.2 Section 48(7) of the Local Government (Provisions Act ) 1976 states that any person aggrieved by the refusal of the district council to grant a vehicle licence under this section, or by any conditions attached to such a licence may appeal to a Magistrates Court. 8.4 Social, Economic and Environmental Impact 8.4.1 The overall impact assessment is positive as the business venture proposed by the applicant does encourage local entrepreneurship and is likely to support other businesses within the district allowing people to access and enjoy the Lake District. 9.0 RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Consequence Controls required 1) Should there be no clear policy on this issue any decisions on subsequent applications may not be robust and may lead to challenge 1) Costs awarded against Council should appeal be upheld 1) Committee to be made aware of the applicant’s right of appeal. 10.0 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY 10.1 There are many vehicles licensed for private hire tours in the District and as such no communities or section of the community are disadvantaged. 11.0 LINKS TO THE CORPORATE PLAN AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 11.1 There are links to the corporate plan as the applicant intends to create business growth and employment within the District. 12.0 CONCLUSION AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES 12.1 It is expected that the Licensing Regulatory Committee will approve, decline or add additional conditions to the draft terms and conditions as outlined in this report. APPENDICES ATTACHED TO THIS REPORT Appendix No. 1 Photographs of the type of vehicle requested to be licensed 2 New terms and conditions for private hire tours CONTACT OFFICERS David Spedding, Licensing Officer, 01539717467 d.spedding@southlakeland.gov.uk BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE None TRACKING Assistant Director Portfolio Holder Solicitor to the SMT Council Scrutiny Committee TH – 12.3.2013 N/A MN – 12.3.2013 N/A N/A Executive (Cabinet) Committee Council Section 151 Officer Monitoring Officer N/A N/A N/A N/A Human Resource Services Manager N/A To approval the Licensing of Historic (ex military) Hotchkiss Jeeps as private hire vehicles APPENDIX 1 PURPOSE OF APPENDIX 1 The purpose of this Appendix is to provide members with photographs of the type of vehicle which the applicant requests to be licence for private hire use. To approval the Licensing of Historic (ex military) Hotchkiss Jeeps as private hire vehicles APPENDIX 2 PURPOSE OF APPENDIX 1 The purpose of this Appendix is to provide members with revised terms and conditions which are deemed to be relevant and necessary in order licence private hire tour vehicles other than in accordance with the Councils currently adopted policies. SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL Neighborhood Services Directorate Public Health and Licensing, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4UD Tel No: 0845 050 4434 Ext. 7481/7438 Fax No: (01539) 740300 E-mail: licensing@southlakeland.gov.uk www.southlakeland.gov.uk TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLE LICENCES ISSUED BY SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL IN RESPECT OF HISTORIC (Ex MILITARY) HOTCHKISS JEEPS USED FOR PRIVATE HIRE TOURS (To be observed by Private Hire Vehicle Proprietors) The following terms and conditions must be observed/performed by every owner/operator (being that person to whom the Council issues this licence) of a private hire vehicle and shall be attached to and form part of every private hire vehicle licence:1 The Council's licence plate must always be displayed on the outside of the rear of the vehicle, either immediately above or immediately below the bumper. Such licence plate, acquired from the Council’s Licensing Office to include a serial number, the vehicle’s registration number and seating capacity, along with the licence expiry date. The particulars on the plate must face outwards so that the plate is clearly visible by daylight from the road behind the vehicle. 2 The licence plate is the property of the Council, to whom it must be returned within seven days if the licence is ever suspended, revoked or not renewed for any reason. 3 The private hire vehicle may be inspected by an authorised officer of the Council or police constable at all reasonable times. If the person inspecting the vehicle is not satisfied as to its fitness, he may give written notice to the owner/operator to make the vehicle available for further inspection and testing at such reasonable time and place as may be specified and the vehicle licence may be suspended until such time as the officer or constable is so satisfied. If the officer or constable is not so satisfied within two months from the initial inspection the licence shall be revoked. 4 The licence plate shall be returned to the Council within seven days of the suspension of revocation of this licence but will be returned upon reinstatement of the licence. 5 Notwithstanding the provisions of condition 3 above, the owner/operator shall present the vehicle for inspection when requested to do so by an authorised officer of the Council. The number of inspections shall not exceed three in any one period of twelve months and the current fee for inspections shall be paid on submission of the vehicle. 6 During the currency of the licence, the owner/operator shall keep in force in relation to the use of the vehicle as a private hire vehicle a policy of insurance or security complying with the provisions of Part VI of the Road Traffic Act 1972, which covers third party liability both in respect of physical injury or death and in respect of damage to personal belongings. The certificate of insurance shall be produced to an authorised officer of the Council for inspection whenever required. 7 If the owner/operator fails to produce evidence of adequate insurance cover on request, he shall produce it within five days to any authorised officer of the Council's Licensing Office. Failure to comply with this condition and condition 6 shall result in the automatic suspension of the licence. 8 The Hotchkiss M201 Jeep (Ex Military vehicle) or similar will only be used for private hire purposes connected with pre booked tours. 9 The Hotchkiss M201 Jeep, (Ex Military vehicle) or similar will be restricted to carrying three fare paying passengers when used for private hire purposes. 10 The vehicle will be equipped with suitable seat belts which comply with the Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations 1986. 11 Where the vehicle operator intends to provide private hire tours covering the months April to September a six month private hire vehicle licence will be granted. However if this period is extended the vehicles will be subjected to 4 monthly MOT inspections 12 The front passenger seat of the vehicle will not be occupied by a person under the age of 16 years of age. 13 On application the vehicle will undergo an MOT inspection together with an inspection by a qualified mechanical engineer who will provide a full engineers report which is more rigorous than a Ministry of Transport MOT test. Both tests will be at the applicant’s expense. 14 A 1kg (2.2lb) fire extinguisher of the dry powder type shall be fitted to the vehicle so as to be readily available for use at all times and be marked with the vehicle’s plate number. The fire extinguisher shall be maintained in good working order at all times. 15 The vehicle shall be maintained in good mechanical and roadworthy condition at all times. 16 The following requirements apply in respect of the display of identification signage on the vehicle. (a) There will be no requirement to display the South Lakeland District Council private hire door sign on either the nearside or offside of the vehicle. (b) Their will be no requirement to display a South Lakeland District Council interior private hire identity disc on the nearside of the front windscreen of the vehicle. 17 In addition to displaying the Councils plate on the rear of the vehicle the proprietor may, if so desired, display advertising signs subject to the following conditions:(a) One sign advertising the proprietor’s/operator’s business name and telephone number etc. may be displayed on both rear sides of the vehicle. The sign shall not exceed 24” x 12” or metric equivalent. (b) In addition to information regarding the proprietor’s/operator’s own business, signs displayed on the rear sides of private hire vehicles may also include advertising relating to another organisation or business. However, the predominant feature of the sign must be advertising of the proprietor’s own private hire business and any further advertising relating to any other business must be incidental to that. (c) Signs displayed on the rear doors/sides of private hire vehicles may include details of fare scales charged by the proprietor/operator. (d) In addition to the above arrangements, private hire vehicles may also display one sign advertising the proprietor’s/operator’s business name and telephone number etc on the rear tailgate of the vehicle. Such signs shall not exceed 18” x 12” or 36” x 6” or metric equivalent. (e) As an alternative to the above, the proprietor may, if so desired display advertising wholly relating to a non-taxi business subject to the following conditions:The advertisement shall not contain the following:i) political, ethnic, religious, sexual or controversial texts; i) escort agencies, gaming establishments or massage parlours; ii) nude or semi-nude figures; iii) tobacco or alcohol; iv) material likely to offend public taste (including material depicting bodily functions and genitalia and the use of obscene or distasteful language); v) material which seeks to advertise more than one company/service or product; vi) any advertisement to be placed at a reasonable distance, so not to obscure or distract from the South Lakeland District hackney carriage sign. 18 If the owner/operator wishes to transfer the licence to another person or persons he must first obtain the written consent of the Councils Director, of People and Places which will not be unreasonably withheld. The name and address of the person(s) to whom the licence is to be transferred must be specified. The fee for transfer is £51.00. 19 The licence may be suspended, revoked or not renewed for any cause which the Council considers to be reasonable. Such reasonable cause would include the vehicle being considered unfit for use as a private hire vehicle or for any offence under or noncompliance with the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. 20 No vehicle may be substituted for the vehicle in respect of which this licence is issued until it has been inspected, tested and approved by the Council. 21 If during the currency of this licence any of the particulars supplied in the owner/operator's application change (including any change to the design of the vehicle), details of the change shall immediately be notified in writing to the Council's Director of People and Places, who may require the vehicle to be submitted for a further test. 22 Any change of the address where the private hire vehicle is kept when not in use shall be notified to the Council in writing within seven days of the address being changed. If at any time the Council decide they wish the vehicle to be tested at the address where it is kept the proprietor shall provide the Council with such facilities as are reasonably necessary to do so. 23 Any accident to the vehicle causing damage which may materially affect its safety, performance or appearance or the comfort or convenience of its passengers, must be reported to the Councils Director of People and Places within 72 hours of its occurrence at the latest. 24 The Council may alter any of these conditions as it sees fit and will notify the owner/operator of any changes to the conditions. The changes will come into effect as soon as the owner/operator has been notified of them. 25 Any notice required to be served by the Council under this licence or under any of the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 shall be deemed to have been properly served if sent by prepaid post to or left at the last known address of the holder of the licence. 26 TRAILERS (with effect from 1 August 1997) 27 28 a) If a trailer is used this must be tested and deemed suitable for use, at the same time as the vehicle. The trailer must be covered and have sufficient luggage capacity. No luggage will be carried on the cover of that trailer either by the fitting of a roof rack or similar. b) Any luggage carried in a trailer must be protected against wind and rain penetration and be secured in a manner that guarantees the luggage's safety. c) The trailer is to have an approved means of attachment to the vehicle. The trailer must have been manufactured by an approved trailer maker and be marked with their name, address and gross weight and be braked. a) Smoking in the licensed vehicle by the driver is prohibited (This relates to any lit cigarette, cigar, tobacco pipe, or similar). b) Smoking by passengers is prohibited while being carried within the vehicle. Any such cigarette, cigar, tobacco pipe or similar shall be extinguished before entering the vehicle. a) Seating for each passenger must be not less than 400mm (16”) with a minimum width, measured between the arm rests, or any other point that is protruding into passenger seating area, of 1220mm (48”). b) The minimum width between the back of the driver’s seat and the front of the rear seating, measured when the driver’s seat is fully pushed back, must be not less than 180mm (7”). c) The height, as measured between the rear seat and the height to the roof lining in a vertical plain, must be not less than 860mm (34”). 29 Vehicles licensed as private hire vehicles under these terms and conditions will not be required to comply with the Councils standard conditions of application. 30 The following conditions on the Councils MOT inspection sheet will not apply to Hotchkiss jeeps used for private hire tours: - Condition – 7,13,21 and 22. March 2013 Taxi Licensing/Terms & Conditions Hotchkiss Jeeps