April - Inspired Media


April - Inspired Media
APRIL 2008
Harry Morris of
the Bank of Zachary
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APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 3
Hacking case localizes
identity theft problem
April 2008
Volume 3 Number 9
sophisticated high-tech identity theft operation, which originated overseas, recently caused some major problems in Zachary.
Identity theft occurs when personal information is stolen and used without
the victim's knowledge. It is used to commit fraud or other crimes. It can
destroy credit and ruin a person's good name.
Locally, the thieves targeted credit card numbers by hacking the computer
system at Sammy's Grill, according to Zachary Police Captain David McDavid.
The thefts came to light when unauthorized credit card charges in Zachary
and Jackson, were linked to the popular restaurant. Police noticed an increase of
credit card and debit card related complaints at the same time Sammy's management began to receive complaints about unauthorized charges to credit cards
from its customers. The unauthorized charges were made in Europe.
As soon as the connections were made, the case was turned over to the U.S.
Secret Service since it involved international crime. The criminal operation was
eventually halted, but McDavid estimates thousands of credit card numbers
could have been stolen.
McDavid said Sammy's hired investigators and together with the U.S. Secret
Service, was able to determine that the restaurant's software was hacked from
remote locations. Sammy's has since installed state-of-the-art computer software
to prevent further problems.
Howard Arceneaux
& Editor
Margot T. May
Associate Publisher
Helen Turner
Associate Editor
Bryan May
Business Manager
Ash Adams
Account Executives
Howard Arceneaux
Reggie Bridges
Mike Glisson
Kristy Griffin
Judy Troth
Tyler Winner
See Publisher’s Note, p5
Jason L. Hunt
Publisher's note ..................................................................................4
Cover Story: Business Leadership Awards ........................................8
Around Zachary ................................................................................12
ZFest update......................................................................................16
Zachary Business and Real Estate Journal is a monthly
publication published by Arceneaux Communications, LLC.
Reproduction of any content is prohibited without written
permission of the publisher. The publisher of Zachary
Business and Real Estate Journal reserves the right to
refuse any advertising which is deemed unsuitable for the
Calendar of Events............................................................................17
Zachary Business and Real Estate Journal
P.O. Box 1407
St. Francisville, LA 70775
New Business News: Pretty Woman Boutique ................................18
New Business News: Hibbett Sports................................................19
(225) 721-2990
Positive Thinking: Tyler Winner ......................................................22
List of Advertisers ............................................................................23
Focus on Health: FastLane ..............................................................25
Legal Matters: Kristy Griffin............................................................26
Moment of Faith: Reggie Bridges ....................................................27
Personal Wellness: Judy Troth..........................................................28
Real Estate: Mike Glisson ................................................................29
Snapshots ....................................................................................30-31
2008 Business Person of the Year -- For more than
30 years, Harry Morris has played a key role in the
development of Zachary. For his efforts, he is named
Zachary Business Person of the Year.
page 4 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
Publisher’s Note, continued from pg 4
"It could happen to any business that processes credit cards,"
McDavid cautioned.
He said the sophistication of the operation is indicative that
crooks are getting more clever and their ability to steal is getting
more complex.
"We're hoping some arrests will be made soon," he said without
As a precaution, local banks and credit unions have started to
replace credit and debit cards that may have been stolen.
"With technology, while we're enjoying life and the convenience
of technology, criminals are figuring ways to get around it,"
McDavid said. "This is the computer age now, and it's going to get
In fact, he said eventually, Zachary might be forced to create a
computer forensics division to deal with the proliferation of identity theft and other tech-related crimes.
Last year, Zachary Police sent two officers to the International
Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI) conference
in Toronto. McDavid credits their participation with the quick
response to the recent thefts. McDavid said additional training will
keep the local law enforcement officials on top of the latest techniques in computer forensics.
"Our guys were ready for this," McDavid said. "The chief is
giving us the training to combat it."
In the end, banks and financial institutions are forced to absorb
much of the costs associated with identity theft. That cost ultimately is passed along to consumers.
In the meantime, the Federal Trade Commission also has information about how to detect, deter and defend against identity theft.
Visit www.ftc.gov/idtheft online or call 1877-ID-THEFT. Or, if you
suspect that your identity has been compromised, call McDavid at
Howard Arceneaux
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EDITORS NOTE: If you have an item for Zachary Business &
Real Estate Journal, email it to howard@ZacharyBusiness.com or
send it to: Business News, P.O. Box 1407, St. Francisville, LA 70775.
Submissions should be 200 words or less and only those that promote
businesses in the Zachary area will be considered.
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APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 5
2008 Zachary Chamber of Commerce
Business Leadership Awards
By Howard Arceneaux
s publisher of the Zachary Business
and Real Estate Journal, I am once
again pleased to announce the Zachary
Chamber of Commerce's 2008 Business
Leadership Awards.
The core values of the Chamber are
Community, Excellence, Faith and Family.
These awards recognize and honor contributions to the Zachary community by businesses
and business people who exemplify the ideals
of the Chamber of Commerce.
Each of the honorees will be recognized
with a special engraved glass award at the
Annual Membership Banquet on April 24.
Next Month, the ZB&REJ will feature the
winners of Zachary's 2008 citizenship awards:
Volunteer of the Year Mary Bellcase; Hall of
Distinction honorees Lonny Myles, Marjorie
Chaney and Walter D. McMorris (posthumously). We will also feature the 2008 Citizen
of the Year, presented by the Zachary Rotary
Congratulations to all of the honorees.
2008 Business
Person of the Year:
Harry Morris
Since June of 1970, Harry S. Morris Jr. has
been a builder.
In 1974, the youthful Morris became the
Bank of Zachary's president and chief executive officer. He's overseen the bank's assets
grow from $10 million to more than $167 million.
Under his watch as the longest-serving
president in its 104-year history, the bank
expanded, opening branches in the Zachary
Plaza Shopping Center and in Central. He also
oversaw the construction of the new $3.25
million building that became the bank's current home in 1999.
Morris stepped aside last year from the
day-to-day bank operations to focus his energy
on building the community. His full attention
became economic development, and if there's
a business considering Zachary, chances are
he's involved with recruiting them in some
"I grew up here and I just really liked
Harry Morris began his career at the Bank of Zachary in 1974.
Zachary and I cared about how it developed,"
said Morris. "Daddy was a hometown doctor
and I guess I saw the importance of doing
things for the community and I've enjoyed
doing things for the benefit of the community.
I've enjoyed watching it grow and knowing I
had a little bit to do with it."
For a generation, Morris has been an active
ambassador for the Zachary community.
page 6 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
"It takes a long time to make contacts to
bring businesses into the community," Morris
said. "You can't just start doing it. You have to
meet the right people to get the ball rolling."
The Bank of Zachary is a community bank
in every sense of the word. It is that corporate
philosophy that has freed Morris to pursue
business deals that might be beneficial for
Zachary, but might not have an immediate
Harry Morris, left, talks with Bank of Zachary
President Pres Kennedy.
benefit for the bank.
"It's good for us that the point man also
happens to be our chief executive officer,"
said Pres Kennedy, who was recruited to
replace Morris as president last year. "He is so
closely identified with the Bank of Zachary.
"A community bank is what we are suppose to be, and that means building the community," Kennedy added. "Anything that ben-
efits Zachary will at some point probably have
a benefit for the bank. The bank was built by
being part of a community that is growing."
Shortly after Morris graduated from
Louisiana Tech and began to work at the Bank
of Zachary, he recruited his college friend Ed
Canning to work at the bank. He' s been there
just one year less than Morris.
"One big reason Harry has been able to do
what he does, go out in the community, is
because he's always had Ed," Kennedy said.
"He's a behind-the-scenes guy and his efforts
have allowed Harry to branch out."
Morris is the head of Team City, the
Chamber of Commerce's economic development arm that he helped start in 1989. He's
been a member of the board of directors for
five years. He will be installed as the chamber's president at the Annual Membership
Awards Banquet on April 24.
Morris is happily married to Sara Barton
Morris and he serves as an elder in the Plains
Presbyterian Church.
He next focus is to bring in cultural attractions to Zachary like plays and symphony performances in addition to things like a movie
theater, retailers and shopping malls.
"I really do enjoy it," he said. "My daddy
kept working, and I don't have any set time
when I will retire. I like what I do."
2008 Large Company
of the Year:
Georgia Pacific Port
Hudson Operations
Since it first acquired the Port Hudson
Operations plant in 1969, Georgia Pacific has
been interwoven into the very fabric of Zachary's
history. It is that long-term commitment to the
community in addition to its business success
that earns Georgia Pacific's Port Hudson
Operations the 2008 Large Company of the Year
The Wichita, Kansas-based company, which
was purchased by Koch Industries in 2006,
began as a pulp mill in 1968 and was purchased
by Georgia Pacific Corp. a year later. In 1986,
the plant became a pulp and paper mill and further expansion has helped to keep it well-positioned in a competitive marketplace.
Today, GP manufactures Brawny paper towels
and Quilted Northern and Angel Soft bath tissue.
The plant also produces printing and converting
paper used in printing and laser and ink-jet printers.
Kevin Marcilliat has served as vice president
of Port Hudson Operations for three months and
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APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 7
has worked at the local plant for 18 months. He
has been with GP for 15 years and has worked in
the industry for almost 30. He understands GP's
long-term vision and credits an overall corporate
philosophy with its desire to enhance Zachary's
quality of life.
The company focuses its community support
in four major areas: education, enrichment of
community, environment and entrepreneurship.
GP supports Zachary's schools from Head Start
through high school graduation and at each educational step along the way.
GP offers monetary and logistical support for
the Zachary Chamber of Commerce and other
civic organizations. Where there's need, Georgia
Pacific is there for support.
"A good relationship with the community
around us is important and benefits us all," said
Marcilliat. "It's important to Georgia Pacific to
support the community."
Roughly a third of GP's 930 employees live in
the Zachary area and 80 percent of the workforce
lives within a 15-mile radius of the mill. So
investing in the community has a direct benefit to
the plant's employees.
"One of our managers said the quality of the
community was a key factor for him moving to
Zachary," Marcilliat said. "We have an innovative group of people who are committed to longterm success…We focus on relationships, with
Georgia Pacific's vice president of Port Hudson Operations Kevin Marcilliat.
the community, with our customers, developing
our employees and staying competitive for the
long haul. This creates job security for everyone."
Marcilliat said one priority remains above all
else: A commitment to safety
"We do everything in our power to make sure
that employees get home in good shape," he said.
The plant will continue to concentrate on
developing products that are aimed for the retail
market. He credits strong alliances with retail
partners like Wal-Mart, Sam's Club and Target for
success of GP's brands.
"Our Angel Soft product is the No.2 selling
item in Wal-Mart stores," said Marcilliat. "We
want to continue to grow along with them."
Later this year, GP's Port Hudson Operations
will celebrate 40 years of producing quality products. Zachary will celebrate 40 years of GP's
commitment to making the community better for
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page 8 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
2008 Mid-sized
Business of the Year:
Sammy's Grill
Jason Jackson is a busy man. He rarely slows
down. The result of his labor has been worth it:
He's helped create probably the most popular
restaurant in Zachary, Sammy's Grill.
In August of 2007, Jackson and partner
Sammy Nagum moved basically across the street,
into a new 9,000-square-foot building at the corner of Old Scenic Highway and Mt. Pleasant
Road. It can accommodate up to 250 diners,
almost double the old location. But the food that
made Sammy's an institution is as good as it ever
was. The formula is pretty simple:
"It's all about our customers, I can't say
enough good things about them," said Jackson,
who began his career as a manager at Sammy's
first location, on Highland Road in Baton Rouge,
in 1994. He became a co-owner in 1998. "We try
to make food from a home-cooking standpoint
with value for what you get in terms of ingredients. We use fresh seafood and fresh meat.
Quality at a reasonable price makes the customers happy."
Seven days a week, Sammy's offers lunch and
Jason Jackson boils tons of crawfish each spring; Sammy's Grill's
new location.
dinner from a popular menu that features many
Louisiana classics. In addition, they feature five
specials every day off the menu. There's a reason
the customers keep coming back, some often several times a week.
"We try to provide big portions of quality food
at a good price," said Jackson. "The amount of
food you get means good value for the price."
Jackson said they're in the process of adding a
third location in Central behind Wal-mart on Wax
Road, close to Central High School. It will be
modeled after the new Zachary location.
Catering is another aspect of his business that
keeps Jackson busy. Sammy's usually caters four
to five events per week, from golf tournaments to
He still manages time for his family. Jackson
and his wife Tesha live in Zachary with their
three sons -- Caleb (11), Cole (10) and Jack (6),
who all attend Zachary schools. Sammy's is wellknown for its charitable efforts and fund-raising
support for the community.
"I appreciate Zachary, I don't see us going
anywhere," he said with a chuckle.
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 9
2008 Small Business of the Year:
Banners & Signs by Design, Inc.
When Mary Landry opened Banners & Signs by Design in August of
2003, she intended to make her business an extension of her Christian outreach.
She began modestly enough, small sections in her living room and
kitchen dedicated to the business. But as it grew, it eventually consumed
much of the first floor. There's not much more room for improvement.
"I ran it from my house and it's taken over a whole floor," she said with
a laugh. Indeed, there are various machines and sign-making materials scattered all over. It's a sign of her success, no pun intended.
Landry creates all types of signs and banners for businesses, organizations and individuals, just about any type of sign, she can deliver. Her husband, Dave, helps when he can, although he works with Denver Signs. She
often hires part-time workers and Zachary High students as needed.
Landry has increased the types of signs and banners she offers as the
technology changes and she purchases more equipment. She ships products
to 15 or 16 other states and she said she doesn't need to advertise because
word of mouth is keeping her plenty busy enough.
She said Banners & Signs is also a Certified State Agency and she gets a
lot of business through referrals from other sign companies.
"A lot of my business is right here in Zachary," said Landry, who has a
masters degree in Christian Theology. "My thing (business) is like my ministry, it's all about the people -- meeting people and making people happy."
Landry helped begin the Zachary Soccer Association and she coached
Mary Landry of Banners & Signs by Design.
under-12 youth soccer for seven years. Her business success
has limited the amount of time she has for such leisure activities. Eventually, she said she hopes to slow down, enjoy
retirement and get back to ministry work.
"I want to get into teaching eventually, but it's a matter of
finding someone and training someone to do this," she said.
"I'm very busy, but I still enjoy every minute of it."
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Will Waldrop, Agency Manager
Alton Gajan, Career Agent
Lonnie Morris, Career Agent
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Zachary, La 70791
2008 New Business of the Year:
The Selling Spot
Jonathan Aldy didn't know what to expect when he took a
leap of faith and opened The Selling Spot in February of
2007 as a dropoff store for selling merchandise on Ebay.
Six months later, Aldy's business had attained power seller status as one of Ebay's elite sellers. He quickly earned
Platinum status, meaning he averages $25,000 per month or
more in sales. He recently learned The Selling Spot is one of
the top 100 power sellers in all of Ebay, a remarkable feat
considering Ebay has more than 40 million registered sellers.
"It's a pretty big honor," Aldy understated. After just over
a year in business, Aldy has been invited to appear at "Ebay
page 10 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
Live!" in Chicago as a guest
speaker to teach other Ebay sellers how to gain the power designations. He's been featured on
WAFB and has customers all
over the region.
His goals remain ambitious:
Aldy wants to attain Titanium
status, meaning one of the top
resellers that average $125,000
per month. Only 30 exist.
"I've helped a lot of local
businesses by reselling some of
the stuff," Aldy said. "I help liquidate inventory for stores, like
Aldy sells almost anything,
including cars, clothes, artwork,
etc. He even sold an antique suitcase piano to a buyer in Belgium
and a limousine to someone in
the Balkans.
He gets the inevitable questions about growth, but Aldy
plans to manage it slowly and
won't jump into something for
short-term benefit at the expense
of long-range success. He is
looking to expand into Central or
Jonathan Aldy of The Selling Spot.
perhaps Livingston Parish. He
hopes to learn from his own
success and failures and along
with other Ebay resellers that
haven't made it.
Aldy likes to give back to the
community and he's heavily
involved with helping Zachary's
schools and the ZHS baseball
team. He also helps churches.
"I try to do as much as I
can," Aldy said. "It's pretty
much a one-man show so I've
learned what you can do and
what you can't do."
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APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 11
AROUND Zachary
Dardenne to speak at banquet
ecretary of State Jay Dardenne will be the keynote speaker at the
Zachary Chamber of Commerce's annual membership banquet. The
banquet is scheduled for April 24 at St. John's Catholic Church's gymnasium.
The evening begins with a social hour starting at 6 p.m. with a cash bar. A
prime rib dinner will be provided by Chris' Specialty Meats. Following
Dardenne's keynote talk, Zachary Business and Real Estate Journal publisher
Howard Arceneaux will present the 2008 Chamber of Commerce Leadership
Awards. That will be followed by he induction of the 2008-09 Chamber board
of directors and the presentation of the Zachary Citizen of the Year by the
Rotary Club.
Tickets are $30 apiece and can be purchased through the chamber office.
Call 654-6777 for information.
Relay for Life April 18
The annual Zachary/Baker Relay for Life is scheduled for April 18. The
event is the primary fund-raiser for the American Cancer Society and will again
be held on the infield of the track at Lane Regional Medical Center.
Relay for Life allows participants from all walks of life -- including patients,
medical support staff, corporations, civic organizations, churches and community volunteers -- to join in the unified fight against cancer. Events will begin at
5 p.m. and will last through the night until 5 a.m. on April 19.
Relay for Life opens as cancer survivors from the Zachary and Baker communities (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer) walk or wheelchair the
first lap. This is an emotional time and sets
the stage for the importance of each participant's contribution. A festive atmosphere
always develops around the track area as eating, playing games and walking raises money for the fight against cancer.
Highlighting the evening is the Luminaria Ceremony held after dark to honor
cancer survivors and to remember those who have lost the battle against cancer.
The luminaria line the track and are left burning throughout the night to remind
participants of the importance of their contributions.
There are a variety of sponsorships available. This year's Relay for Life event
chair is Gwen Rutowski (654-2649 or justuckmom@yahoo.com) and co-chair is
Jana Comeaux (654-2649 or jcomeaux1976@yahoo.com). This year's goal is
$65,000. Information about how to form a team or to become involved in Relay
for Life is available from the American Cancer Society at (225) 767-4551 or 1800-ACS-2345 or visit www.RelayforLife.org.
PWZ Scholarships available
The Professional Women of Zachary, dedicated to the continued promotion
and education of women, is accepting applications for 2008 educational scholarships. The PWZ scholarships are presented to women from the Zachary area
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page 12 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
AROUND Zachary
to help defray the costs as they further their educations, whether its at a university, community college, technical or vocational institution.
This year, the PWZ will present $50,000 in scholarships and the organization
is seeking applicants. Pick up scholarship applications at Magnolia Title, located
at 2060 Church Street in Zachary. For more information, contact Moonyean
Wood at 658-0000.
Property sold for $600,000
Free seminar at Lane RMC
Lane Regional Medical Center and Total Vein Care will host a free community education seminar on Trends and New Treatments for Venous Disease,
Varicose Veins and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Dr. Albert D. Sam, II will
be the featured speaker.
\The seminar will be held April 5, at Lane. A free breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m., and the seminar will begin at 9 a.m. Space is limited and
registration is required. Call 654-LANE (5263) to register.
The Advocate recently reported that a piece of property on Old Scenic
Highway south of Mt. Pleasant Road across from Copper Mill Golf Community
has been sold to a company owned by Baton Rouge businessmen John Valluzzo
and Fermin DeOca. Their company, Zachary on the Boulevard, LLC, paid
A free informational program on Weight Reduction Surgery will be held at
$600,000 for the land, which was sold by a company headed by developer Jim
Lane RMC on April 17 at 5:30 p.m. Obesity is a serious health concern. If
you are overweight or obese, you are more likely to develop serious health
problems such as diabetes, heart disease and other health conditions. Weight
reduction can help get you off medications for many of these conditions.
Call the Weight Reduction Surgery Center at (225) 654-2933 for informaBye Bye Birdie!, one of the most popular and enduring musicals of all
tion or to register for the program. Registration is required.
time, will be held April 9-12 at Zachary High School's theater. The Tonyaward winning production is a hilarious satire, loosely based on the life of
Elvis Presley.
The ZHS show stars junior Adam King as Conrad Birdie, an aspiring rock
Moving Forward After Stroke will be held April 14 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
star. Senior Chris Parish stars as Birdie's agent, Albert. Junior Maggie Joyner
at Lane Rehabilitation Center, located at 4601 McHugh Road.
plays Albert's secretary Rosie Alvarez and freshman Emma Graves plays teenMoving Forward After Stroke is a comprehensive education program for
ager Kim MacAfee.
Jen Masterson is ZHS' drama teacher and has been assisted by music
teacher Jason Bowers with preparing the production. The show begins at 7
p.m. in the ZHS Theater on April 10-12. There will also be matinee shows
April 9-10. Admission is $8.
Weight reduction session set
ZHS stages Bye Bye Birdie!
Stroke education program slated
Copper Mill Golf Community, 2263 St. Andrews, Lot 99, Build
your dream home on one of the larger lots located in a Cul-De-Sac.
Great views, walking distance to the clubhouse and Turnberry Park.
We can handle all
your real estate transaction needs.
Copper Mill Golf Community, 2283, S Turnberry, 4 bed, 3.5 baths,
3,264 living area, beautiful upstairs balcony with views of the 18th fairway.
Elizabeth Hubbard - Pre-Closing Specialist
John Hopewell - Closing Attorney
Wendy Boyd - Senior Closing Secretary
Copper Mill Golf Community, 2219 S Turnberry, 4 bed, 4 baths,
3,203 living area, and fabulous views of the 18th fairway.
5400 Firestation Rd., Ste C • Zachary
5031 La Hwy 19, Owners are retiring, property currently being used
as a daycare, 25 years at this location, Great Business Opportunity,
1.7 acres, versatile floor plan, all equipment remains.
Financing available
Marketed by
Tammie Phillips, Realtor
Call Brenda Kirkwood
225.658.9906 (f)
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 13
AROUND Zachary
the stroke survivor. Utilizing the latest techniques and state-of-the-art technology, Moving Forward incorporates a standardized inter-disciplinary approach to
stroke rehabilitation.
Education materials provided include an overview of stroke, safe and
appropriate exercises, home safety and modifications, adaptive equipment, diet
recommendations and other important information. Registration is required.
Family members and care providers are encouraged to attend. Call 658-6800
for information.
Diabetes group to meet April 8
A diabetes support group will meet April 8 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at
Lane RMC. For any questions or to reserve a seat, contact Sherri Brady, RN, at
AARP driver course set
The AARP Driver Safety Course will be held at Lane RMC on April 21 from
8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The classroom refresher course for
drivers age 50 and older will help attendees learn the
effects of aging on driving and how to adjust and remain
safe on today's roads.
Most auto insurance companies provide multi-year
discounts for course graduates. Class size is limited and
registration is required. Call 654-LANE (654-5263) for
information or to pre-register.
Sullivan's offers kids day
Sullivan's Gifts and Florist, located at 2220 Church Street next to
Leblanc's, will offer a kids' only
shopping day on May 3, the
Saturday before Mother's Day. There
will be a special table set up for kids
to select from a wide assortment of presents for their mothers. Extra helpers will
also be available to help wrap the gifts. For more information call 658-7570.
Help park get equipment
The Zachary Youth Park needs your help! In an effort to improve the park, a
grant has been applied for to add state-of-the-art playground equipment to the facility.
Zachary citizens need to show their support for the project by going online at
www.MyHometownHelper.com. Click “Find a Project”, choose “Louisiana” and
type in “Zachary.” Click on the project “Playground equipment for our town's
park” and scroll to the bottom to “Add a comment in Support.”
Jambalaya sale April 26
The annual jambalaya plate sale and silent auction benefiting Zachary's elementary schools will take place on Saturday, April 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the
Copper Mill Elementary cafeteria.
page 14 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
AROUND Zachary
Valuable auction items will be on display in the cafeteria, including LSU sports
goods autographed by Les Miles, jerseys signed by the Zachary High Bronco football team, “dinner and a movie” gift certificates, and memberships to area health
clubs. Deluxe gift baskets will also be available. In addition, there will be unique
opportunities to bid on “Mayor for the day,” “Fire chief for the day,” “Principal or
Superintendent for the day,” and “First spot in the carpool line.”
Andy Costello will prepare the jambalaya and tickets can be purchased in
advance at the Bank of Zachary and The Corbel.
All money raised will be divided equally between the Parent-Teacher
Organizations of Northwestern, Zachary and Copper Mill Elementary schools. If
you or your business have items for the auction or would like to sponsor a pot of
jambalaya, please email ElemPTO@hotmail.com.
La. second-most dangerous
Louisiana has risen from 10th to second place in the 2008 Crime State
Rankings, which compares the 50 United States and Washington DC in more than
500 crime-related categories. The 15th annual survey by CQ Press compares
arrests, corrections, offenses, courts, juvenile justice, drug and alcohol treatment,
crime clearances, law enforcement expenditures and more.
According to the survey, Louisiana has the highest murder rate of any state and
ranks fourth in assault, fourth in burglary, 19th in motor vehicle theft, 15th in rape
and 19th in robbery.
Nevada was ranked as the most-dangerous state, followed by Louisiana, New
Mexico, South Carolina and Arizona. The top five safest states are New
Hampshire, Maine, North Dakota, Vermont and South Dakota. For further information, visit www.cqpress.com.
The Big Read final scheduled
The EBR library will conclude its second annual community-wide reading program, The Big Read: One Book/One Community, with a Flamin' Finale on April
10 at the Magnolia Theatre and Performing Arts Pavilion on the campus of Baton
Rouge Community College, 5310 Florida Boulevard.
Doors open at 6 p.m. with a fiery reception and the showing of François
Truffaut's film version of Fahrenheit 451 at 6:30 p.m. Fahrenheit 451 was his first
and only English language film.
Following the film, audience members will participate in an open discussion
about the themes raised in Fahrenheit 451, led by a panel of community leaders.
For information, call (225) 231-3710 or visit www.ReadOneBook.org.
Computer classes at library
The following computer classes will be held for adults in April at the PrideChaneyville branch:
Computer Basics I on April 7 at 6 p.m., April 9 at 4 p.m. and April 12 at 2 p.m.
Participants will learn computer basics including parts of a computer, using a
mouse and creating files. Registration is required and limited to six.
Computer Basics II will be offered April 14 at 6 p.m., April 16 at 4 p.m. and
April 19 at 2 p.m. Participants will learn how to open software applications, use a
floppy disk, and print a document. Registration is required and limited to six.
Libraries offer youth programs
Several programs for young people will be held in April at local library branches. For more information or to register, call the individual library.
At the Zachary branch, Fire Safety for kids is scheduled for April 26 at 10 a.m.
The Zachary Fire Department will introduce children, ages 3 to 11, to fire safety
rules. The Clown Crew will entertain with a safety skit that teaches the importance
of being prepared. Following the program the firefighters will be available for pictures with their truck. Registration is not required.
At the Pride-Chaneyville branch, Fun with Curious George will be held on April
19 at 11 a.m. Children, ages 5 to 11, will listen to “Curious George at the Fire
Station” while making a fireman's hat. Registration is required and limited to 12.
Also at the Pride-Chaneyville branch on April 16 at 1 p.m., rock out like a rock
star. All teens are invited to test out their skills with Guitar Hero II on Playstation
II. No registration is required.
Daddy-Man to visit library
Inspirational speaker Daddy-Man will visit the Zachary library on April 5 at
10:30 a.m. He will speak to all ages about the importance of a father's role in a
child's life.
Daddy-Man is a character created 14 years ago by Donna and Ivy Butler, who
wanted to recognize the significance of a father's presence in a child's life. Donna
Butler's book, The Chronicles of Daddy-Man, will be available for purchase and
signing. Daddy-Man will also be available for pictures. No registration is required.
For more information, call (225) 658-1840.
"Zoo and Me Morning" set
Visit BREC's Baton Rouge Zoo on April 8 for a “Zoo and Me Morning.” The
theme of the program will be “Animal Hide & Seek.” This program is designed for
children ages 3 to 6 accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The program will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and will incorporate many
exciting activities including a train ride, animal encounters, art projects, "Zooper"
snacks and many other hands-on projects that you and your child can enjoy together. No more than two children per adult will be allowed. Cost: $15 for one child or
$25 for two children. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call
the zoo at 775-3877.
"Family Safari Night" slated
On April 12, join friends at BREC's Zoo for “Family Safari Night - African
Expedition.” Family Safari Nights are designed specifically for families and are
guaranteed to be an evening full of fun.
This program will have groups searching the Zoo for clues about animals and
becoming animal explorers for an evening. Activities include a scavenger hunt for
zoo explorers. In the morning, help give breakfast to zoo animals. The cost for the
program is $25 per person. Pre-registration is required. Payment of a non-refundable program fee and completion of the event form is required for registration. Call
the Zoo's Education Department at (225) 775-3877 for information or to register.
BREC hosts Wellness Expo
BREC invites family and friends to participate in the 2008 Wellness Expo on
April 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at BREC's North Sherwood Family Center, 3140 N.
Sherwood Forest Drive.
The Wellness Expo is a community health and wellness education resource
event that will provide an array of health-related activities. The American Cancer
Society, Life Share Blood Center, Chow Acupuncture, Utopia Colon Hydrotherapy
and BREC are among the vendors that will be on-site to answer any wellness questions.
An indoor walking track will be available, along with activities for children of
all ages, including a game room, jungle gym and movies. Door prizes will be
awarded and refreshments will be provided to patrons. This event is free and open
to the public.
For information or to become a vendor, call 926.4659 or visit www.brec.org.
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 15
ZFest expected to be bigger, better event this year
By Howard Arceneaux
The second annual ZFest is shaping up to be a
great event that will shine a positive spotlight on
Zachary for four days in May. Chamber of
Commerce director Lisa Rioux has been working
with event chairman Hubie Owen to organize this
year's ZFest, the only major fund-raiser for the
"We're much better organized because we have
one under our belt," said Rioux. "The community
seems to be very excited to be involved in ZFest
because of the success of the first one."
ZFest is scheduled for May 7-10 at Zachary
Youth Park. Admission is free all four days and the
schedule is packed with activities. The only costs
are for food and rides.
Mary Walters of Zachary High School has been
selected as the first Miss ZFest. She will help promote the event as part of her "reign."
ZFest gets under way on Wednesday, May 7,
with a "Christian-themed night" featuring Christian
bands and choirs providing music. Gates open at 5
p.m. and close at 10 a.m. The opening ceremony
will take place as well.
Thursday begins again at 5 p.m. with performances during the evening by the ZHS cheerleaders
and the Bronco Belles. The preliminary round of
the ZFest talent show is scheduled and live music
will be provided. Gates close again at 10.
page 16 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
ZFest will be open Friday from 5 p.m. to midnight. The talent show finals will be held along
with performances by Northeast Middle School
cheerleaders and Dazzlers. A softball tournament is
slated as is the ZFest Talent Show final. The winner
of the talent show will receive a recording session
with Richard Stiles of Southern Stiles
Entertainment. Trophies will also be awarded for
first, second and third places.
A full schedule of events is on tap for Saturday,
including the ZFest top dog contest, dance presentations and live music. The fireworks extravaganza
will take place at 9 p.m. and the festival closes at
midnight. The schedule is still subject to change.
"We've added a few new features and ideas and
revamped some of last year's activities," Rioux
said. Also new this year is a tethered balloon ride.
Carnival rides again will be a major draw for
ZFest. Unlimited ride bracelets for Wednesday and
Thursday cost $20 and Friday $25. Saturday's ride
bracelets are divided into two sessions, 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. and 3 p.m. to 11 for $25 each session.
Rioux cautioned that another change is that
there will not be any onsite parking but hassle-free
shuttles provided by First Student of Zachary will
ferry people to the festival grounds.
So far, a number of local and area businesses
have signed up to sponsor the event. There are still
more sponsorship spots available and the form is
available on the chamber's website at
www.ZacharyLA.com or www.ZFest.us. Booth
spaces are still available for arts and crafts and
information. For information about food booths,
contact Allen Walls at 287-3037 or contact the
chamber office at 654-6777.
Sponsors to date are: Bank of Zachary, Georgia
Pacific, Lane Regional Medical Center, Griffin Law
LLC, Outdoor Harmony, Pampered & Polished,
Nouveau Coiffure, DEMCO, Guaranty Bank,
Avery Lane and Merle Norman.
"We want to get more of the community
involved," said Rioux. "There will be something for
Chamber of Commerce
Member Crawfish Boil
5 to 7 p.m.
Bennett's Ski School
Circulation seminar
Lane RMC
Breakfast 8:30 a.m.
Seminar 9 a.m.
Diabetes Support Group
Lane RMC
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
APRIL 9-10
Bye Bye Birdie!
Zachary High Theater
Admission $8
April 11-12
Bye Bye Birdie!
Zachary High theater
7 p.m.
Admission $8
Stoke education program
Lane Rehabilitation Center
2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Weight reduction session
Lane RMC
5:30 p.m.
Relay for Life
Lane RMC track infield
5 p.m.
Chamber of Commerce
Business Builders Lunch
Roger's Steaks & Seafood
AARP Driver Safety course
Lane RMC
8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Chamber of Commerce
Annual Membership &
Awards banquet
St. John's Gymnasium
6 p.m.
MAY 7-10
Zachary Youth Park
Scale Down Orientation
Every Monday, 5:30 p.m.
Every Tuesday, 11:30 a.m.
Scale Down Center
Registration required
Kiwanis Club Meetings
Every Wednesday
7:10 a.m.
Rotary Club Luncheons
Every Thursday
Zachary Police Station
Jambalaya plate sale
& silent auction
Copper Mill Elementary
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 17
Business NEWS
Pretty Woman Boutique offers style, convenience
By Howard Arceneaux
hat began as a long-term friendship has
evolved into Zachary's trendy new
women's clothing and accessories store.
Pretty Woman Boutique, located at 4347 High
Street, near where the railroad tracks intersect
Highway 64 in Downtown Zachary, is the result of
friends getting together and realizing Zachary didn't have an apparel boutique tailored for women.
Eventually, Pretty Woman Boutique went from
dream to reality, opening March 1.
"We wanted to create a one-stop shop for
women who were looking for nice clothes, that
were affordable where they didn't have to go all
the way to Baton Rouge," said Beetle Boudreaux,
one of the store's three co-owners. "We want to
focus on Zachary and establish ourselves here and
to keep the shopping dollars here in Zachary."
Pretty Woman is a reflection of the clothing
tastes of Boudreaux and her partners Sharon
Phillips and Kay Buxton, Each brings a different
See Pretty Women Boutique, p21
Pretty Woman Boutique owners Kay Buxton, "Beetle" Boudreaux and Sharon Phillips
All you can surf, text,
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page 18 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
(225) 658 - 7588
Business NEWS
Hibbett Sports features wide selection of sporting gear
By Howard Arceneaux
ibbett Sports has opened its
newest location at 5514 Main
Street in Zachary, next to Office Depot.
The Birmingham, Ala.-based chain
offers all types of equipment and
clothes, including shoes, jerseys and
much more. The store also carries a
wide variety of equipment for sports
like football, soccer, baseball, basketball, weight lifting, general fitness, and
It offers a wide selection of name
brands including: Nike, Adidas, New
Balance, Under Armour, Fossil, KSwiss, Reebok, Adams, Asics, Oakley,
Puma, Rawlings, Wilson, Louisville
Slugger, Jansport, Brand Jordan,
BoFlex, Everlast, Easton, Heely's,
Shock Doctor, Mizuno, McDavid,
NBA, New Era, Schutt, Spalding,
See Hibbett Sports, p21
Hibbett Sports is a full-service sporting goods and apparel store.
Kristy E. Griffin
S U I T E E • Z A C H A RY
Two Convenient Locations:
2060 Church Street, Ste D
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225-658-5954 Fax
Angela C. LeBlanc
12012 Bricksome Avenue
Baton Rouge
225-291-6551 Office
225-291-7508 Fax
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 19
NEWS Makers
Kitchen returns to Zachary
auri Evans Kitchen, a 1998 graduate of
Zachary High School, has been named the
branch manager and attorney for Commerce Title in
Zachary. She replaces Calvert Stone, who moves to
Commerce Title's Sherwood Forrest location.
"Personally, it just feels right," said Kitchen, who
previously served as assistant branch manager for
Commerce Title's Prairieville location. "It's like a
county music song, 'you're trying to get back to where
Lauri Evans Kitchen
you're from. I have the feeling you get when you are
at home."
Kitchen received her bachelor's degree from Louisiana Tech and graduated
from LSU Law School in 2005. She recently married Jim Kitchen of Baton
Rouge. She's active in the Baton Rouge Rotary Club, Junior League and serves
as an officer in the Baton Rouge Independent Title Attorney Association.
Commerce Title opened in 1983 and has four offices in the Greater Baton
Rouge area. For four years, it has ranked No.1 in closings in Greater Baton
Rouge, as calculated by the Baton Rouge Business Report.
“For a Lifetime of Care”
p ro v i d i n g
g y n e c o lo g i c a l a n d
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Michael Stinson
225-755-0603 (Office)
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18161 East Petroleum Dr. • Baton Rouge phone
(225) 755-0603 • (877)822-9571
Pelican SCU promotes Rogers
Katherine Rogers has been promoted to Member
Service Representative at Pelican State Credit Union's
Zachary branch. Rogers previously served as a teller
at the Zachary Branch.
"Members really like Kaatherine because she
always greets them with a friendly smile and offers
them good service," said branch manager Lisa Cupit.
"She will continue to work at the Zachary branch
greeting customers with her as usual."
Katherine Rogers
Rogers will assist members with new accounts,
loans and other financial needs. She can be reached directly at (225) 408-6267.
Bryan's Place hires Davis
Troy Davis has been named Office Manager at
Bryan's Place, located at 3852 Highway 19 in
Zachary. In his new role, Davis will take care of the
office and will work with all customers.
Davis, who has been on the job for a month, comes
to Zachary after a couple years living in Las Vegas.
He is originally from Houston, and graduated from
Catholic High School in Baton Rouge.
"When people come in and see us, I will take care
of them and make sure they receive excellent service,"
Davis said.
Troy Davis
Walters named Miss ZFest
The Zachary Chamber of Commerce and ZFest Committee have selected
Mary Walters, a junior at Zachary High School, as Miss ZFest., Walters was
judged on character, leadership and congeniality, as well as academics and service to the community of Zachary.
Miss ZFest will serve a one-year term and will be called upon to appear and
speak publicly for ZFest. ZFest will be held at the Zachary Youth Park May 710. For more information, visit the ZFest web site at www.zfest.us.
page 20 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
continued from pg 18
taste in fashion to the store, and the shelves and
racks reflect the styles that appeal to each of them.
"I'm a little more flashy, Beetle is more conservative and Kay is sort of in between," Phillips said with
a laugh. "It's really a good mix of styles."
The boutique has something for everyone, from
sizes 2 to 18. There are casual to professional clothes
by several trend-setting designers for women. The
store also features some dressier styles as well.
In addition, there are plenty of fashionable accessories to choose from: jewelry, purses, shoes, eyeware and much more. There's also a nice selection of
candles and lotions and other items that make great
gifts along with a baby section, too.
Beside the three owners, Betty McHugh, Charlie
Vince and Christy Anderson are on hand to help customers with attentive service.
The store will celebrate with a grand opening and
ribbon cutting sometime this month. Boudreaux and
Buxton's hair salon, Stylemasters, has also relocated
from Baker to the rear of the store. Stylemasters will
continue to offer hair, coloring and waxing services.
The phone number is 654-0266 for appointments.
Pretty Woman Boutique is open from 10 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
on Saturday. Gift certificates are available for purchase and the store has a special 15 percent discount
promotion for customers during the months of their
birthdays. For more information, visit the boutique or
call 658-5899.
continued from pg 19
Ecko, Enyce, Converse, Crocs, CLC, Dickies, Eye
King, Fila, Gear for Sport, Geneva Watch, Impex,
Indiana Knitwear, JR-286, Life is Good, Moretz,
Mueller, Nautilus, Syndrome Alliance, Thorlo, Ten
Seconds, Timberland and Valeo. There's also a wide
selection of LSU items.
"We're a full-service sporting goods store," said
manager Ellen Smith. We're glad to be in Zachary and
we want to meet everybody's sporting good needs."
Hibbett's features a program called "Hibbett Sports'
Superstars, which lets individuals, groups and communities nominate one of their own young athletes for
special recognition. The criteria states that the athlete
should embody spirit, determination and a sense of
fair play. To nominate someone visit the company's
website at www.Hibbett.com.
Hibbett is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday
through Saturday and Noon to 6 p.m. on Sundays.
Call the local store at 658-2535 for information.
NEWS Makers
CIS announces new Chief Financial Officer
Nickolas Zaunbrecher, CPA, MHA, has been named Chief Financial
Officer for Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS). A native of
Crowley, he brings more than 15 years of experience in healthcare
administration to CIS. Zaunbrecher earned his Bachelor of Science in
Human Resource Management at LSU and his Master of Science in
Healthcare Administration at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, Ill.
Before joining CIS, Zaunbrecher was CEO of Meadowbrook
Specialty Hospital (formerly Healthsouth Corp.) in Lafayette. Prior to
his new role, Zaunbrecher held the position of Director of Operations
for CIS.
Nickolas Zaunbrecher
everyone’s taste buds
There’s something for
Monday - Thursday
11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday & Saturday
11 a.m. - 10 p.m.
11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
5647 Main Street A
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 21
POSITIVE T h i n k i n g
Three ways to overcome your fear of public speaking
peaking in front of a group is one of the best ways to
enhance your career, yet one of the biggest fears most people have is speaking in front of groups - both large and small. This
is something you can quickly overcome by practicing a few techniques.
Listed below are 3 quick tips to help you gain the confidence
needed to overcome the fear of speaking to any group:
1. Get Excited About The Topic - No matter how mundane you
may feel the topic is, you need to find a way to get excited about it.
Your enthusiasm will show in your presentation. When you do
some research on the topic, you will gain confidence as your
expertise grows; then you'll be ready to present it. Your colleagues
will pick up on the confidence you are projecting and give you
their full attention.
2. You Have Earned The Right To Speak On This Subject It's a good bet that you wouldn't have been asked to talk about the
subject if somebody didn't think you were capable of handling the
task. Keep this key point in mind while you're organizing your
thoughts and during the final presentation. Remember, you're definitely capable of talking on the subject - now go out there and
prove it!
3. Be Eager To Project The Value To Your Listener - Decide
what the one thing is you'd like to say about this subject and how it
could change their view of a situation. Speak passionately and
emphasize key ideas by stressing certain words or sentences. Your
audience will know that you believe in what you are saying. After
hitting the key points on the subject, you should give your audience
a chance to ask you questions. Answer the questions quickly and
directly - again, showing the audience that you're the "expert" on
the subject.
It's also important that you learn to become comfortable when
presenting in front of others. Practice your presentation with some
of your colleagues or practice with a coach. Practice will enable
you to feel more comfortable speaking in front of others. Your
excitement and eagerness to deliver your presentation will overcome any lapses, and the audience will know that you were the
right person for the job.
Tyler Winner is president of Dale Carnegie® Training of Middle
Louisiana and East Texas and can be reached at (800) 256-9222.
Apply Today!
The PWZ has $50,000 this year to
award for the 2008 scholarships.
Zachary High School Girls Deadline - April 21
Wo m e n ’s D e a d l i n e - M a y 1 9
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Opportunity! Apply Today!
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Fill out Applications and return to:
Myles Cook & Day
Books Plus
Zachary Small Animal Clinic
Magnolia Title
page 22 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
Ambrosia General Store ................................12
The Animal Center..........................................24
Aucoins Tree Service......................................24
Avery Lane Salon............................................16
Bank of Zachary..............................................14
Bayou Regional Women's Clinic, LLC ........20
Bennett's Water Ski & Wakeboard School....24
Best In Show ..................................................25
Bryan's Place ..................................................32
Cafe Phoenicia ................................................21
Cardiovascular Institute of the South ............29
Certain Title & Escrow, LLC ........................13
Chase Bank........................................................5
C.J. Brown/Shannon Woodside........................8
Delta Financial Services ................................24
Dr. Greg Nassif,
Nassif Family & Cosmetic Dentistry ..............2
Enterprise Rent-A- Car ..................................23
Farm Bureau....................................................10
First InCounters ..............................................24
Griffin Law, LLC............................................19
Headquarters Beauty Salon ............................24
Jason Hunt, JLH Networking ........................30
Joy's Scrubs Shop............................................24
Keller Williams Realty, Red Stick Plus ........25
Kleinpeter Physical Therapy ............................7
Lane Regional Medical Center ........................3
Mary Kay/Patsy Burdine................................12
Magnolia Title ................................................19
Merge Fitness..................................................28
Merle Norman and More ..............................24
Mr. Postman ....................................................25
New Life Flooring ..........................................25
Parish Home Center..........................................9
Patrick's Fine Jewelry ......................................8
Pretty Woman Boutique....................................5
Professional Women of Zachary....................22
Rogers Steak and Seafood..............................23
Sammy's Grill..................................................17
Sullivan's Gifts and Florist ............................11
Superior Ford ..................................................27
Tammie Phillips,
Copper Mill Real Estate of Zachary..............13
THR Commercial Real Estate........................20
Williamson Eye Clinic....................................26
US Capital Corp..............................................13
Zachary Storage ..............................................24
Zachary Wireless ............................................18
ZFest ................................................................31
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APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 23
BUSINESS Directory
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Zachary • LA
(225) 654-2649 (p)
(225) 654-3191 (f)
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1210 Church Street • Zachary
(p) 654-4110 • (f) 654-4109
M-F: 10-6/Sat: 10-5
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Zachary, LA
Call 721-3508
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Doesn’t Your Business Deserve It?
page 24 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
FastLane a convenient after-hours walk-in clinic
astLane, Lane Regional Medical Center's
new after hours walk-in clinic, is now
opened. Located east of Lane RMC next to
Medical Pharmacy at 4917 West Park Drive,
FastLane is staffed with physicians and nurses
and is equipped to handle many cases that don't
need emergency room care.
FastLane accepts patients who need to see a
medical professional, but not urgent care like
emergencies. All of FastLane's doctors are certified specialists in primary care or emergency
medicine. They can also work with a patient's primary care physicians by sending full reports that
can facilitate follow-up doctors visits.
Once diagnosed, patients who are treated at
FastLane can leave with full instructions from the
attending doctor and most of the time, they can
leave the clinic with medications, eliminating the
need for an additional trip to the pharmacy. There
is also medical equipment like crutches and
splints if necessary.
FastLane is open on weekends and holidays
for cases that are not severe enough for the
emergency room, yet still require immediate
attention. Fevers and coughs, sprains and
strains, eye infections, stomach viruses, cuts and
FastLane is located at 4917 West Park Drive next to Medical Pharmacy.
bruises are examples of the cases FastLane's
staff can takes care of.
FastLane's staff is not designed to replace the
emergency room. If a patient experiences chest
pains or shortness of breath, complications from
diabetes or bleeding the fails to stop, they should
proceed to the Lane emergency room.
FastLane is open Saturdays and Sundays from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the same hours on holidays:
New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Mardi Gras,
July 4, Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day, Martin Luther King Day,
President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day,
Labor Day and Veterans Day.
Personal payment and most major credit cards
are accepted. For more information, call 654-6570 or
visit the clinic at 4917 West Park Drive. Information
is also available at www.LaneRMC.org.
BUSINESS Directory
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Please Contact at 603-2154 or
19850 Old Scenic Hwy Suite 1000
Each office is independently owned and operated. 570-2900
Gifts & More
Fax Service
Mailbox Rentals
5295 Main Street
(225) 658-8218
(225) 658-8395 FAX
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 25
LEGAL M a t t e r s
Know liability pitfalls concerning reference checks
he interview
process can
be frustrating for
both employers and
job applicants who
are each seeking the
perfect fit for
employment. It is
often difficult to adequately assess how an
applicant will perform from reviewing a resume
and/or conducting an interview of the applicant.
The applicant's previous work experience can
sometimes provide valuable insight into what
kind of employee is really being considered for
the opening. This information can be helpful
not only to hiring party, but also to the job
applicant who may not project all of what
he/she is capable. Unfortunately, many
employers concerned about liability issues feel
restricted on what information they can convey
about a former employee to a prospective
Louisiana was one of the first states to enact
an immunity law for former employers who
provide employee information to prospective
employers. The law grants employers immunity from civil liability when that employer “provides accurate information about a current or
former employee's job performance or reasons
for separation” to a prospective employer. Job
performance, as defined in the statute, pertains
to attendance, attitude, awards, demotions,
duties, effort, evaluations, knowledge, skills,
promotions, and disciplinary actions. To ensure
immunity, the employer must not provide information that is knowingly false or deliberately
In addition to providing immunity from liability for the former employer, the law takes a
step further in encouraging dialogue between
former and prospective employers, by providing
immunity from liability for the prospective
employer. If the employee is hired, based upon
the prospective employer's reasonable reliance
on the relevant information provided
by the former employer, the hiring
employer cannot be held liable for
negligent hiring, negligent retention,
and other such claims related to the
hiring of the employee. Under certain
circumstances, a claim for negligent
hiring or negligent retention may be
brought against an employer by a
party injured as a result of an employee's actions. For example, if an
employer hires an employee, who has
had numerous prior driving accidents/violations, as a runner, and the
employee injures another party in a
work-related accident, the employer
may be held liable for negligent hiring.
Resistance by former or current
employers to supplying information to
prospective employers remains a common problem. Although the immunity
law was enacted in Louisiana in 1995,
many employers are unaware of the
protection it provides. As more
employers become aware of this
immunity from liability, they will be
able to better help each other in
choosing the right employee.
Stay in
touch with
Z a c h a r y ’s
page 26 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
MOMENT OF F a i t h
Pride, arrogance can impact a person's good judgment
omeone has said that “pride is the only disease known to man that
makes everyone sick except the person who has it.” Well spoken.
Pride is denounced throughout Scripture as a disastrous attitude that frequently infects all of us. We place too much trust in ourselves rather than
putting our complete faith in Christ, and in the end, we sink into despair.
As the writer of Proverbs states, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty
spirit before a fall.” (16:18 NIV).
Take for example the account of Herod's demise recorded in Acts
12:21-25. The arrogant king entered into the amphitheater of Caesarea to
deliver a public address to the people. According to the Jewish historian
Josephus, Herod's clothes sparkled in the sunlight striking his audience
with awe. In fact, they shouted “This is the voice of a god, not of a man”
(Acts 12:22 NIV). A couple of weeks ago, I stood in that very amphitheater and saw the royal box where the prideful ruler would have been standing. I could almost imagine the chanting crowd heaping praise upon praise
to their perceived divine king. The outcome for Herod was lethal. The
Bible says “Immediately because Herod did not give praise to God, an
angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died”
(Acts 12:23 NIV). What a miserable ending!
Yet, we find the same sad conclusion in our lives when pride consumes
us. Our arrogance obscures our judgment and makes us think we are
invincible. Too often, our pride can lead us to lose our job, our home, or
even our family.
Instead of allowing pride to overwhelm us, we must embrace a lifestyle
of humility. The example for us to follow is given by the Lord Jesus
Himself. Remember Paul's description of Christ's attitude: “Who [Jesus],
being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to
be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross!”
(Philippians 2:6-8 NIV). Our Lord rejected the human attitude of pride
and demonstrated the ultimate humility. This month, may we clothe ourselves in the humility of Christ.
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* Price quotes, printed estimates and/or work orders will be accepted. Internet quotes must be from a valid local tire retailer and must include the
shipping/freight charge included in the price of the quote. Quotes from tire distributors who do not install tires will not be accepted.
Mark your Calendar - May 7, 8, 9, 10, 2008
Z Fest at the Zachary Youth Park
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 23
More numbers that count toward good health
a day
goes by that I
am not asked
how to lose
that tummy.
My answer is
the same: eat
less and move more. This month we
focus on the moving more aspect.
Many of you have a consistent exercise
program in place and yet you are not
seeing the results you want- there are
generally only a few real reasons for
this. God designed our bodies to adapt
to what we ask them to do. If you ask
your body to walk briskly for a mile,
eventually your body will become very
able to do this. If you ask it to lift a
certain amount of weight a certain num-
2 Free Training
Sessions with
ber of times, your body will respond and master that
activity. This is a plateau -- what once was challenging is now routine; your body will make no more
changes until you ask it to do something more.
Here are a few examples of asking your body to
do more in the realm of cardio exercise. Many of
you walk for about 30 minutes. (All estimates are
for someone weighing 150 pounds) At a 3.0 mph
pace you will burn around 120 calories. If you
increase the speed to 4 mph, the calorie burn increases a little, to around 140 calories. If you increase the
time you walk, from 30 to 45 minutes, then you're
looking at 180- 210 calories. Increasing speed a bit
more, a 5 mph jog or fast walk will get you around
280 calories in 30 minutes, which increases to 420 in
45 minutes. Cycling at a 12-14 mph pace has similar
calorie expenditures (no coasting!). If you have hit a
plateau, increasing speed and time is one way to
move more.
There are 3,500 calories to a pound. Doing the
math, you will require about 30 sessions of 120 calories to lose one pound, or around nine at 420. It's up
to you what is more doable; some of you haven't
exercised, or you may have physical issues that
affect you. My point is, if you can't go faster, you
will have to go longer and more consistently-- perhaps six days a week instead of three. One of my
favorite examples is Jesus walking a 14 minute mileusually when I mention this, someone will point out
that He is, after all, God. He did not walk by
Himself- He generally had at least 12 others with
Him! And He carried on a conversation the whole
time (A 14-minute mile is 4.2 mph).
So, get after it! Next month, we'll examine the
eating less part of the equation.
Till next time…..MOVE IT!
it works!
Call 721-3508
to reserve your
spot today!
Doesn’t Your Business
Deserve It?
page 28 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
REAL E s t a t e
Location is biggest factor when shopping for a house
sually when realtors talk about
location, they are discussing a
neighborhood or a section of town. But in
the case of Zachary, location is an entire
city. There are many reasons why someone
would want to move to Zachary, but first
let's look at the major factors buyers consider when purchasing a new home.
According to the National Association of Realtors, neighborhood
quality is the number one reason buyers choose certain homes. The second most influential factor is commute time to work and school. Also
at the top of the buyers' lists, and the most important for many buyers,
is the quality of the schools. Other important items include proximity to
the airport and major highways, presence of quality health care facilities, and the availability of parks and recreational facilities for all ages.
With the number one School District in the state for the third straight
year, it's easy to understand why many families with school age children want to relocate to Zachary. An accomplishment such as this is a
result of hard work and commitment from dedicated educators with
support from the entire community. Check off one item!
While there are already many parks, golf courses, and ball fields in
the area, the Zachary Community Park planned by BREC will add
tremendously to the quality of life for the residents of Zachary. This
43-acre, $2.4 million “city park” will include something for everyone.
Check off another important item on the list.
Lane Regional Medical Center is currently expanding its facilities
and services to continue the quality health care that many home buyers
rank as an important factor when relocating to a new area. Check!
Wonderful established neighborhoods like Fennwood combine with
newer developments such as Copper Mill and others to offer families a
wide variety of home and neighborhood choices. And of course the
newly proposed traditional neighborhood development, Americana, will
play an important role in attracting new families to Zachary. Check!
Lastly, the Baton Rouge airport is just over the hill, it takes about 10
minutes to get to the Interstate, and Zachary residents can be in downtown Baton Rouge in under 30 minutes. Checkmate!
So, what is the real estate market like in Zachary? Like most of the
country, Zachary is in a buyer's market, a market where there are more
sellers than buyers. That in itself will result in homes remaining on the
market longer and prices leveling off or rising at a slower rate. But the
Baton Rouge area including Zachary has not experienced the major
problems in the market that have occurred in many parts of the country.
With spring having just arrived, buyers will be out looking for new
homes, and it can be expected that the real estate market in the Zachary
area will pick up as more families discover Zachary!
Next time: Selling your home in a buyer's market.
Cardiovascular Institute of the South
has been instrumental in the
implementation of the latest
technologies in cardiovascular care.
More than 180,000 patients each year
trust the doctors at CIS who continue to
revolutionize cardiovascular care and
develop the techniques of the future.
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APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 29
Pelican SCU sponsors Komen race
Pelican State Credit Union was a gold sponsor of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
in downtown Baton Rouge last month. Pelican had a team of 65 survivors and supporters
who volunteered to participate in the race and contributed more than $6,200. Over 8,000
residents participated in this annual event.
Business Builders
More than 40 people attended the Chamber
of Commerce's Business Builder's Luncheon
at Roger's Steaks & Seafood last month.
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page 30 • APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com
• Internet / Email / Software
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Networking & Virtual
Private Networking (VPN)
Ribbon Cuttings
Outdoor Harmony
All About You Salon
May 7, 8, 9, 10, 2008
Zachary Youth Park
1650 Mt. Pleasant Road
(Hwy. 64)
Carnival Rides • Games
Arts and Crafts • Food
Live Entertainment • Dog Show
Z Fest is sponsored by the Zachary Chamber of
Commerce and is made up of volunteers who
have given much of their time and effort
towards the festival. We would like to thank
Zachary Mayor Henry Martinez and Council
for supporting Z Fest for Zachary. Without the
cooperation of city government, the chamber of
commerce, and the many businesses and citizens of Zachary, Z Fest would not be possible!
First Student Transportation will be providing shuttle parking from 3 locations:
• Copper Mill Elementary • LeBlancs Payless Grocery • Zachary Library
APRIL 2008 • Zachary business & real estate Journal • zacharybusiness.com • page 31
Automotive Repair
Quick Oil Changes
State Inspections
in "Fixin"
YOUR Vehicle
3852 Hwy 19