2013-2014 Directory - JPO Service Centre
2013-2014 Directory - JPO Service Centre
The JPO Alumni Association (JAA) Launched in 2003, the Junior Professional Officer Alumni Association (JAA) groups over 2,000 members as of early 2014, and is viewed as a key contribution to the development of a crossgenerational JPO community spirit. Tthe JAA is also open to former SARCs (Special Assistant to the Resident Coordinator). Administered by the UNDP JPO Service Centre, the SARC Programme is implemented within the framework of UNDP’s JPO Programme. 49 former SARCs are member of the JAA, 40 of them were former JPOs as well. The JPO Alumni Association promotes a lifelong connection to the United Nations' activities and the Organisation's ethical standards. More specifically, it aims at: o Making use of the talents and resources of former JPOs to advocate the United Nations values; o Fostering a community spirit and knowledge sharing among former JPOs; o Facilitating job search for former JPOs. For more information on the JAA, please visit our website: www.jposc.org / Alumni, or contact the UNDP JPO Service Centre (JAA focal point: jean-luc.marcelin@undp.org). The Yearly JAA Member Directory Published every year by the UNDP JPO Service Centre (Office of Human Resources, Staff Administrative Services) the JAA Member Directory aims at producing a yearly snapshot of the composition of the JAA, from which key statistics, as well as trends over the years, can be extracted. Following the change of publication time from the end of each year to the beginning of each year, no 2013 directory has been published. The Yearly Directory is also meant to complement the online JAA Directory (www.jposc.org / Alumni / JAA Directory), whose access is restricted to the members of the JAA, and contains more detailed member information. We trust that this JAA Member Directory will strengthen the visibility of the JAA and further develop its activities. It will also allow the JPO Service Centre to refine its response to donor’s follow-up requests and to support career development of current JPOs. The UNDP JPO Service Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank the JAA Members for their continuous commitment in the Alumni initiative and their contribution to the current document. UNDP Office of Human Resources, Staff Administrative Services, JPO Service Centre, Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark www.jposc.org The JPO Alumni Association (JAA)..…..........……......……………….………...….1 The Yearly JAA Member Directory…..........................….…………….…………..1 JAA Overview JAA Members by Gender………………………………………………………………………………3 JAA Members by Nationality…………………………………………………………………………3 JAA Members by JPO Agency.………………………………………………………………….……5 JAA Members by last Year of JPO Assignment..………………………………………………6 JAA Members by post-JPO UN Status……………………………………………………….……7 JAA Members by current Sector of Activity……………………………………….……………8 JAA Members by current Region of Residence.………………………………….……………9 JAA Alphabetical Directory………………………….………..........................10-151 A……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………10 B……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………16 C……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………30 D……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………36 E……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………45 F……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………47 G……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………53 H……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………59 I……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………67 J……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………72 K……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………81 L……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………88 M…………………..………..…………………………………………………………………………...…89 N……………………………..……………………………………………………………………………100 O……………………………..……………………………………………………………………………104 P.……………………………..……………………………………………………………………………107 Q.……..…………………..………………………………………………………………………………114 R.…..……………………...………………………………………………………………………………114 S.…………………………..………………………………………………………………………………120 T……………….……………..……………………………………………………………………………133 U……………….……………..……………………………………………………………………………138 V..……………….……..………………………………………………………………..……………..…139 W..…………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….144 X……….……………………..……………………..…………………………………………………….148 Y……….……………………..……………………..…………………………………………………….148 Z....………………………..………………………………………………………………………………150 2 JAA Overview JAA Members by Gender Highlights: The proportion of female Alumni members is slowly increasing over the years: from 50% in 2006 up to 56% this year. This progressive trend reflects the growing number of current female JPOs, who now represent 72% of the JPOs administered by the UNDP JPO Service Centre. 56% 44% Female Male JAA Members by Nationality Highlights: Alumni members hail from 81 countries (74 to 2011, and 65 in 2009) Half of the the Alumni members come from the five following countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands. About 25% of the JAA members come from the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden). The breakdown by continent is as follows: Europe 81%, Asia 10%, Americas 5% and Africa 3% 3 Detailed breakdown: Denmark, 227 France, 207 Germany, 201 Japan, 168 The Netherlands, 160 Spain, 159 Italy, 131 Sweden, 119 Belgium, 105 Finland, 90 Norway, 82 Canada, 74 Austria, 60 Switzerland, 46 Luxembourg, 23 Korea, Republic of, 16 United Kingdom, 10 Portugal, 9 India, 9 Senegal, 9 Kenya, 9 USA, 8 Iceland, 5 Colombia, 5 Burkina Faso, 5 Ireland, 5 Bangladesh, 4 Nepal, 4 Cameroon, 4 Pakistan, 4 Nicaragua, 4 Egypt, 3 Peru, 3 Mali, 3 Sri Lanka, 3 Tunisia, 3 Saudi Arabia, 3 Philippines, 3 Mexico, 3 Madagascar, 2 Ghana, 2 Australia, 2 Nigeria, 2 Sudan, 2 Cote d`Ivoire, 2 China, 2 Uzbekistan, 2 El Salvador, 2 Greece, 2 Viet Nam, 2 Other *, 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 * One member from each of the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Comoros, Republic of Congo, Congo DR, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Replublic, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Mauritania, Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Zimbabwe 4 JAA Members by JPO Agency Highlights: The JPO Alumni Association now comprises 2040 former JPOs coming from 52 different UN organisations or specific entities (21 in 2006). 56% (60% in 2011, 76% in 2007) of the Alumni members were JPOs with UNDP or an affiliated agency (UNCDF, UNDOCO, UNV). This high figure comes from the fact that the JAA was first created by UNDP. It is however decreasing through the years as the JAA is open to all former UN JPOs and the database of former JPOs steadily becomes more comprehensive. Detailed breakdown: UNDP, 1028 UNFPA, 215 UNIDO, 87 WHO, 76 UNDP-UNCDF, 50 UN-DESA, 45 UNICEF, 43 UNOPS, 39 UNHCR, 38 FAO, 36 UNDP-UNIFEM, 36 UNAIDS, 35 UNDP-UNV, 31 ILO, 29 World Bank, 28 WFP, 24 UNRWA, 22 UN Women, 18 UNESCO, 15 UNODC, 13 OCHA, 13 UNOHCHR, 13 UNDP-UNDOCO, 12 IFAD, 9 UNDP-IAPSO, 9 IAEA, 8 UNDCP, 7 ITC, 6 UNEP, 6 UN-HABITAT, 5 UNITAR, 4 UNCCD, 3 ICTY, 3 UNOOSA, 2 UPU, 2 WMO, 2 IOM, 2 UNCTAD, 2 UNTAB, 1 IDB, 1 UNSSC, 1 UNCHS, 1 UN-ISDR, 1 ICAO, 1 UNFCCC, 1 MRC, 1 UN-ESCAP, 1 ICARDA, 1 UNDP Cap-Net, 1 WIPO, 1 UNCITRAL, 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 5 JAA Members by last Year of JPO Assignment Highlights: About three quarters of the Alumni members ended their JPO assignment in 2000 onwards. Recently separated JPOs are overrepresented in the JAA as more information on their whereabouts is available. Detailed breakdown: 160 137 140 128 124 118 120 113 101 100 92 107 106 107 104 94 94 77 80 63 60 53 43 3840 40 20 21 20 23 19 20 17 16 1416 16 11 1315 9 10 12 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 26 7 1965 1968 1970 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 n/a 0 6 JAA Members by post-JPO UN Status Highlights: The JAA members are divided into three categories: o “Current UN Staff” groups former JPOs who still work in the UN System o “Former UN Staff” groups former JPOs who worked for at least six months within the UN System after their JPO assignment but that currently have another professional activity or occupation, or that are now retired o “Not retained” groups former JPOs who did not work at all, or worked for less than six months, within the UN System after the completion of their JPOship At least 55% of the JAA members have been retained by the UN System after their JPO assignment At least 38% of the JAA members still work in the UN System Detailed breakdown: retained - former UN staff, 355 retained - current UN staff, 774 not retained, 911 0 200 400 600 800 1000 7 JAA Members by current Sector of Activity Highlights: At least 60% of the JAA members work in the field of cooperation and humanitarian aid. Based on available information, only 5% of the JAA members work in the private sector. No information is available for 21% of the JAA group. Detailed breakdown: cooperation - UN agencies (other than UNDP & affiliated), 500 n/a, 436 cooperation - UN agencies (UNDP & affiliated), 276 cooperation bilateral organisation, 198 cooperation - NGOs, 173 private sector, 107 non-UN multilateral organisation, 87 academic career, 80 public sector activities not related to cooperation, 76 freelance activities, 74 not working , 33 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 8 JAA Members by current Region of Residence Highlights: 60% of JAA members live in developed countries – this level remains relatively stable over the years. Detailed breakdown: HQ Locations, 1216 n/a, 244 Africa, 200 Asia-Pacific, 162 Latin America & the Carribean, 90 Arab States, 80 Eastern Europe & the CIS, 48 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 9 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence JAA Alphabetical Directory A Ms Terhi Aaltonen (Finland) UNAIDS Switzerland, (2007-2010) UNAIDS, UNAIDS Office for Peru and Bolivia, Rights, Gender, Community Mobilization Adviser, Peru Ms Caroline Aasheim (Norway) UNHCR Ethiopia, UNHCR Switzerland (2006-2009) Mr Lulessa Abadura (The Netherlands) UNDP Namibia, UNDP Lesotho (1994-1998) Ms Farah Abdessamad (Tunisia) UNDP Haiti, Lebanon (2009-2012) Ms Batula Hassan Abdi (Kenya) UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of, (2005-2008) Mr Bacar Abdouroihamane (Comoros) UNDP Central African Republic, (1982-1983) Ms Stephanie Abdulin (France) World Bank USA, (20032005) SSEP Inc, SSRN, Independent Contractor, USA Ms Shameza Abdulla (Canada) WFP Gambia, (20052007) USA Ms Machiko Abe (Japan) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1997-2000) Chile Ms Caroline Aberg (Sweden) UNDP Indonesia, (20052008) UNDP, RBLAC, Special Assistant to Deputy Director, USA Ms Anushka Abeynayake (Denmark) ILO Thailand, ILO Tanzania, United Republic of (2000-2003) EU / European External Action Service., Deputy Head of Mission Secretariat., Gender Adviser., Kosovo, UN Administered Territory Ms Olga Abramova (Uzbekistan) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2010-2013) D & M Consultancy , ---, Senior Consultant, The Netherlands UNFPA, Country Office, Adolescent/Youth Sexual Reproductive Health consultant, Tanzania, United Republic of 10 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Carlos Acero Casamitja (Spain) UNDP Chile, (2007-2010) Ms Lorena Acevedo Narea (Sweden) UNDP Cuba, UNDPUNDOCO USA (20062009) UNDP, RBLAC, Office of the Assistant Administrator, Special Assistant to the Director, USA Ms Angeline Ackermans (The Netherlands) UNFPA Indonesia, UNDP Malaysia (1993-1999) The Netherlands Ms Mónica Acosta (Spain) UNCCD Mexico, (20062009) Action Against Hunger, ---, Desk officer for Latin America and the Philippines, Spain Ms Kaori Adachi (Japan) UNFPA Mongolia, (19992002) UNESCO, Education Sector, Assistant Programme Specialist , France Ms Déborah Adalla Etonde (Central African Republic) UNDP-UNCDF USA, (2003-2005) France Mr Olivier Adam (France) UNDP-UNCDF USA, (1987-1990) UNDP, Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS, Resident Representative, Resident Coordinator, Ukraine Ms Hien Adjemian (France) WFP Cameroon, (20052007) WFP, Country Office, Chef de la logistique et des achats, Burkina Faso Mr Martin Adolfsson-Svensson (Denmark) UNOPS Denmark, UNOPS Guatemala (1998-2001) Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service A/S, ---, Souschef, Denmark Mr Lucien Aegerter (Switzerland) World Bank USA, (20082010) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Global Institutions, Programme Manager, Switzerland Ms Anna Af Ugglas Nygren (Sweden) UNFPA Bangladesh, (2010-2013) UNFPA, , Technical Specialist, Lao People's Democratic Rep Mr Melpo Agathocleous (Cyprus) IAEA Austria, (2007-2008) Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, Department of Labour Inspection, Radiation Inspection and Control Service, Labour Inspection Officer, Cyprus Ms Louise Agersnap (Denmark) OCHA USA, (2004-2006) UNDP, Regional Coordination Specialist (Latin America), UN Regional Coordination Specialist, Panama Ms Francesca Agnello (Italy) UNDP Kenya, (19982000) Italy Ms Anna-Maija Aguilera Calderon (Finland) UNFPA Somalia, (20082012) 11 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr José Ramon Aguin Ferradas (Spain) UNFPA Philippines, WHO Philippines (2010-2013) Philippines Mr Muni Ahlawat (Canada) UNDP Russian Federation, (2003-2005) UNDP, BDP, Programme Specialist, USA Ms Maria Ahlgren Mattsson (Sweden) UNDP Zambia, (19982001) Swedish Board of Export Credit Guarantees, Large Corporates, Senior Underwriter, Sweden Ms Nanna Ahlmark (Denmark) UNDP Egypt, (2004-2007) University of Southern Denmark, National Institute of Public Health, PhD fellow ethnic minorities' health, Denmark Mr Daniel Ahmad (Canada) WFP Ecuador, (19992001) Denmark Ms Sari Ahola-Korkalaine (Finland) UNICEF Bangladesh, (2008-2010) UNICEF NatCom Finland, Advocacy, Advocacy Officer, Finland Mr Erol Akdag (France) UNDP Iran, (1990-1993) Contract Agent with the EU Delegation to Croatia, Political Section, Attaché, Task Manager for Human Rights, Civil Sociert Organisations, Minorities and Demining, Croatia Mr Forster Akuoko (Ghana) UNDP Burundi, (20012004) UNDP, Regional Office, Governance Regional Programme Specialist, Senegal Ms Soumaya Al Alami (France) UNDP Dominican Republic, (1994-1997) UNODC, Operations Branch, South-East Asia and the Pacific, Programme Management Officer, Austria Mr Ahmad Al Hammal (Austria) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2003-2006) UNDP, Office Directorate , Management Specialist, Occupied Palestinian Territory Ms Einas Al-Ashgar (Saudi Arabia) UNDP USA, (2006-2008) Private sector Company, ---, ---, Saudi Arabia Ms Rossella Albertini (Italy) UNDP Senegal, (20102013) Italy Ms Barbara Albrecht (Austria) UN Women Rwanda, (2009-2011) Mr Alessandro Albu (Italy) UNDP Ghana, UNDP Egypt (2003-2005) Belgium 12 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Luis Alcalá Mugno (Colombia) UNFPA Honduras, (20102013) Ms Ana Alcalde (Spain) UNDP Ethiopia, (19992001) Ms Estrella Alcalde Rueda (Spain) UNFPA Mozambique, (2009-2012) Mr Mats Alentun (Sweden) UNFPA Zimbabwe, (19951997) Mr Farhan Al-Fahran (Saudi Arabia) UNDP USA, (2007-2009) Mr Raul Ivan Alfaro Pelico (Spain) UNDP Namibia, (20092011) UNDP, BDP, Environment and Energy Group, Regional Technical Specialist for Energy, Infrastructure and Transport, Panama Mr Samer Al-Fayadh (Sweden) ILO Cambodia, (19992003) Swedish Embassy, , First Secretary, Tanzania, United Republic of Mr Haitham Alfayez (Saudi Arabia) UNDP Switzerland, (20062008) Investment Bank, Proprietary Investment, Director, Saudi Arabia Mr Tobias Alfven (Sweden) UNAIDS Viet Nam, (20052007) Sachsska Children’s hospital/Karolinska Institutet, ---, Md, PhD, Sweden Mr Wajed Ali (Denmark) UNDP Bangladesh, (2009-2012) Denmark Ms Mintwab Aliyou (The Netherlands) UNDP Ghana, UNDP Zambia (1992-1997) The Netherlands Ms Annegret al-Janabi (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2001-2004) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Cooperation with countries and regions: policies and quality control, Representative BMZ Namibia, Germany Mr Daniel Almeida (Ecuador) UN Women Ethiopia, UN Women Belgium (20102013) Ms Leire Begoña Alvarez de Eulate Bada (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Cape Verde, (2009-2010) Spain Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), Strategic Evaluation, Team Leader Strategic Evaluation, Sweden 13 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Maria Alvarez Urturi (Spain) UNOPS Congo, The Democratic Republic, UNOPS Sri Lanka (20082011) Ms Isabelle Alz (Germany) WHO Denmark, (20052006) Germany Mr Balakrishnan Amirthalingam (India) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, (1992-1995) United Nations - Peacekeeping, United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, Chief Procurement Officer, Cyprus Ms Ana Amor Alameda (Spain) UNDP Peru, (2008-2010) Spain Ms Susanne Amsler (Switzerland) UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of, (2009-2011) Swiss Development Agency Ms Yoko Anazawa (Japan) UNDP Slovakia, (20032005) Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Japan Ms Gitte Andersen (Denmark) UNDP-UNIFEM Zimbabwe, (1989-1991) Denmark Mr Kasper Andersen (Denmark) UNICEF Nicaragua, (2001-2004) Denmark Mr Rene Andersen (Denmark) UNDP Thailand, (19992002) Neas Energy A/S, Climate Centre, Head of Climate Centre, Denmark Ms Lykke Andersen (Denmark) UNDP Kyrgyzstan, UNDP USA (1993-1996) UNDP, SAS/OHR/JPOSC, Chief, Denmark Ms Nina Bjerglund Andersen (Denmark) WHO Switzerland, (20052007) University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health, Institute of Public Health Sciences, Researcher, Denmark Mr Jorge Andrade da Silva (Portugal) UNDP Angola, (20072009) Belgium Mr Paul Andre de la Porte (The Netherlands) UNDP Tunisia, (19741978) France Ms Lene Marie Andreasen (Denmark) UNDP Ghana, (19992002) Denmark Ms Helen Isidora Andreasson (Sweden) UN-HABITAT Kenya, (2005-2008) Save the Children- Sweden, International Programme, Donor relations manager- UN, 14 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Anna Andrejew-Janssens (The Netherlands) UNRWA Jordan, (20112013) UNOPS, Headquarters, ---, Denmark Ms Misa Andriamihaja (Madagascar) UNDP Samoa, (20042007) African Development Bank, ---, ---, Tunisia Mr Eduardo Angulo Fernández (Spain) UNDP Ecuador, (19881990) Spain Ms Chiara Anselmo (Italy) UNFPA Pakistan, (20032005) Italy Mr Quentin Antoine (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Rwanda, (2007-2010) Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO), , Senior Investment Officer, Belgium Mr Raphaël Apelbaum (France) UNOPS USA, UNDP USA (2004-2006) Cabinet PENTECOSTE - Réseau ParisLex, ---, Legal Consultant, France Ms Simone Appelman (The Netherlands) UNFPA Niger, UNFPA USA (1995-2000) Amnesty International, ---, ---, The Netherlands Mr Dennis Arends (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNCDF Ethiopia, UNDP-UNCDF Chile (1996-2000) UNICEF, HIV/AIDS, Assistant Project Officer, Panama Mr Francesco Argenio Benaroio (Italy) ILO Italy, (2007-2009) Italy Ms Geraldine Arias (Nicaragua) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (2003-2006) IAEA, Dpt Technical Cooperation. Div Progr Support&Coord, Strategy and Partnership Officer, Austria Ms Fumie Arimizu (Japan) UNDP Bhutan, UNDP Thailand (2009-2012) UNOPS, Office in South Sudan, Programme Officer, Emergency Response Unit, South Sudan Mr Erik Arkesteijn (The Netherlands) UNIDO Zimbabwe, (19931995) KNHM, The Netherlands Ms Karen King Nash Arleth (Denmark) UNDP Bolivia, (20092012) U-landsnyt.dk, , Experienced Environmental Planner and Project Manager, Denmark Ms Alanna Armitage (Canada) UNDP Algeria, UNFPA USA (1991-1992) UNFPA, IERD, Director, UNFPA Geneva Office, Switzerland Ms Pia Arnmark (Denmark) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (1999-2002) Canada 15 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Matthieu Arrault (France) UNFPA Ethiopia, (20062009) Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, Direction de la planfication et de l'évaluation, Charg du suivi et de l'valuation, France Mr Ignacio Artaza Zuriarrain (Spain) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1999-2001) UNDP, Regional Bureau for Arab States Egypt Country Office, Country Director, Egypt Mr Johan Arvling (Sweden) World Bank Lao People's Democratic Rep, (19961999) ILO, ILO Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, Bangkok, Senior Programme Officer - Knowledge Management, Thailand Ms Naomi Asukai (Japan) ILO Switzerland, (20022004) United Nations, Joint Inpection Unit, Evaluation and Inspection Officer , Switzerland Ms Gawaher Atif (Canada) UNDP Oman, (19881990) WFP, on secondment to UNICEF, Partnership, Regional Chief of Partnership, Jordan Ms Emefa Attigah (Germany) UNDP Zambia, UNDP Switzerland (2007-2011) MSC - Marine Stewarship Council, , , Germany Ms Isabelle Auclair (Canada) UNDP Ecuador, (20092010) Université Laval, anthropology, , Canada Mr Lars Aumann (Germany) UNIDO China, (19961999) Germany Ms Bolanle Austen-Peters (Nigeria) UNDP Namibia, (19982000) Union Petroleum Services, Legal, Head, Nigeria Mr Freddy Austli (Norway) UNIDO Ghana, (20022003) UNDP, Country Office, Deputy Country Director, Albania Mr Laurent Aventin (France) UNFPA Morocco, (20002003) French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, France Mr Niaz Mohammad Awan (Pakistan) UNFPA Somalia, (20072010) Pakistan Mr Henrik Axelson (Sweden) WHO Viet Nam, (20042006) WHO, Headquarters, Health Economist, Switzerland UNOPS USA, (19992001) Sweden B Mr Martin Backlund (Sweden) 16 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Gunilla Backman (Sweden) UNDP El Salvador, (20002001) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition, PhD Candidate, United Kingdom Mr Walid Badawi (Egypt) UNDP Indonesia, (19931995) UNDP, Partnership Bureau/UNDP NY, Deputy Director, Division for Resource Mobilization, USA Ms Guitelle Baghdadi-Sabeti (France) WHO USA, (1994-1996) WHO, Good Governance for Medicines programme, Technical Officer, Switzerland Mr Sebastiano Bagnasco (Italy) UNIDO Tanzania, United Republic of, UNIDO Sudan (2004-2007) UNOPS, Corporate Outreach and Partnerships Group, Partnerships development specialist, USA Ms Rosa Bahl (Denmark) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, UNRWA Belgium (20102013) UNRWA , Partnerships Division, External Relations and Communications , Partnerships Officer , Belgium Mr Tom Bakkum (The Netherlands) UNDP Kenya, (20002003) Land Capital Group Inc., ---, CEO, Panama Mr Jean-Louis Balladier (Canada) UNDP Trinidad and Tobago, (1988-1989) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR-Colombia, Administrative Services Coordinator, Colombia Mr Gilles Baltrusaitis (France) UN-DESA USA, (20032005) Commission économique et sociale pour l'Asie Occidentale, ---, ---, Lebanon Ms Silke Banuelos-Kuang (Mexico) WHO Ecuador, WHO USA (2009-2011) USA Ms Sophie Baranes (France) UNDP USA, UNDP Liberia (1998-2003) UNDP, Country Office, DRR (P), Senegal Mr Antoine Barbry (France) UNCTAD Switzerland, (2003-2006) Mr Jean-Pierre Bardoul (The Netherlands) UNDP Viet Nam, IOM Kenya (1998-2001) Ms Joana Teresa Baro Urbea (Spain) UNDP Cuba, (2008-2011) Mr Jesco Baron von Puttkamer (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (20102013) European Commission, ---, Programme Officer - Institutional Support and Governance, Viet Nam WHO, Board of Appeal, Technical Officer (Legal), Switzerland 17 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Pablo Barrera Cruz* (Spain) UNDP China (2009-2013) UNDP, Office of the UN RC, Head of Office, Timor Leste Mr Lacina Barro (Burkina Faso) UNDP Mali, UNDP Senegal (2002-2006) Mr Dominik Bartsch (Germany) UNIDO Trinidad and Tobago, (1990-1992) UNHCR, ---, Chief of Mission, India Mr Baharak Bashmani (Finland) UNHCR Uganda, (20082010) Afghanistan Mr Houtan Bassiri (Japan) UNDP South Africa, (2004-2006) International Finance Corporation (IFC), , Senior Partnership & Donor Relations Officer , South Africa Ms Véronique Basso (France) ILO Switzerland, (20072008) Mr Bernard Basteyns (Belgium) UNIDO Mali, (1998-1999) IBF International Consulting, Développement social, Head of Sector, Belgium Ms Federica Battista (Italy) UNDP South Africa, (2000-2002) FAO, Gender Equity and Rural Employment Division, Consultant, Italy Ms Anja Bauer (Germany) UNFPA Botswana, (20042006) European Commission, , Programme Manager Health, South Sudan Ms Andrea Bauer (Austria) UNDP Uganda, (19941997) Mr Marco Baumann (Germany) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2008-2011) UNDP-UNDOCO, , Special Assistant to the Director, USA Ms Veronika Baumgartner (Austria) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2007-2009) Ministry of Finance, Economic Policy, Adviser, Austria Ms Kristina Baumkamp (Germany) UNFPA Ecuador, (20002003) German Development Service (DED), ---, Advisor on environmental conflicts, Ecuador Ms Rachel Bauquerez (France) WHO Switzerland, WHO Switzerland (2003-2006) The Global Fund, Headquarters, Public Health Officer, Switzerland Mr Sjaak Bavelaar (The Netherlands) UNFPA Malaysia, (19761977) n/a (retiree), Sweden 18 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Mariangela Bavicchi (Italy) UNDP Rwanda, (19841987) UNAIDS, Resource Mobilization, Chief, Resource Mobilization, Switzerland Ms Kristina Bayingana (Belgium) UNFPA Congo, The Democratic Republic, (2007-2010) Mr Ivan Baztan (Spain) UNDP Panama, (20082011) Ms Noemi Becerra Molina (Spain) UNRWA USA, (20082011) USA Mr Robert Bechtloff (Germany) UNCHS Kenya, UNEP The Netherlands (1999-2003) WiN=WiN GmbH Agency for Global Responsibility, ---, Project Manager, Germany Mr Christoph Beck (Germany) UNDP-UNV USA, Switzerland (1996-1999) UNDP-UNV, Volunteer Programme & Management Group, Deputy Chief, Germany Mr Klaus Beck (Denmark) UNFPA Philippines, (1997-2000) UNFPA, Office of the Executive DIrector, Special Assistant to the Deputy Executive Director (External Relations, UN Affairs, and Management), USA Ms Kathleen Beckmann (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, (1998-2001) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Country Office, Representative BMZ Nicaragua, Nicaragua Ms Elisabeth Beer (Italy) UNIDO India, (2001-2006) FAO, Emergency operations, Programme officer, India Ms Line Begby (Norway) ILO Switzerland, ILO Fiji (2011-2013) UNFPA, Humanitarian, Gender Based Violence Humanitarian Specialist, Lebanon Ms Christina Behrendt (Germany) ILO Switzerland, (20022005) ILO Ms Johara Bellali (Luxembourg) UNDP Viet Nam, UNDP Niger (2002-2004) UNEP, Divison of Early Warning and Assessment - DEWA, Capacity Development , Programme Officer, Kenya Ms Séverine Bellina (France) UNDP Norway, UNDP Senegal (2002-2004) French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, France Mr Giuseppe Belsito (Italy) ITC Zambia, (1994-1998) UN WOMEN, Regional Bureau for Arab States, Country Representative for Jordan and Syria, Jordan Mr Taoufik Ben Amara (Tunisia) Senegal, (1977-????) n/a (retiree), Germany 19 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Sandra Benbeniste (Spain) UNDP Mexico, (19992001) Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo, ---, ---, Spain Ms Carolin Bender (Germany) UNRWA Jordan, (20112013) German Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JPO Unit, , Germany Ms Anunciacion Benedicto Royuela (Spain) UNDP Guinea, (20112013) UNDP, , Aid Coordination Specialist, Congo, The Democratic Republic Mr Clemens Benedikt (Austria) UNFPA Zimbabwe, (20042006) UNFPA, Country Office, HIV Prevention Programme Manager, Zimbabwe Ms Miren Bengoa (Switzerland) UNFPA Ecuador, UNFPA Cameroon (2004-2008) CHANEL , Chanel Corporate Foundation , Executive Director , France Mr Pierre Celestin Bengono (Cameroon) UNDP Niger, (2009-2012) Mr Edmund Bengtsson (Denmark) UNIDO Angola, (19831987) UNDP-UNV, Volunteer Programme & Management Group, Knowledge Manager, Germany Ms Emanuela Benini (Italy) UNDP Trinidad and Tobago, (1980-1983) Ministry of External Affairs/Directorate General for International Cooperation for Development, Central Technical Unit, Focal Point for Cultural and Social Projects (Mediterranean Countries), Italy Ms Maria Teresa Benito Lopez (Spain) UNDP-UNCDF Bangladesh, (2008-2011) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Empowering CSOs Projects, Governance Programme, Iraq Mr Tor Benjaminsen (Norway) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (1992-1994) Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Professor , Norway Ms Catty Bennet Sattler (Sweden) UNHCR Switzerland, (1999-2000) UNDP, BOM/OHR, Chief, Strategic Planning, USA Ms Isabelle Bergeri (France) WHO Switzerland, (20042006) WHO, HIV, Technical Officer, Switzerland Ms Anna Tilde Berggren (Sweden) UNHCR USA, (20102012) USA Ms Els Berghmans (Belgium) UNDP Mozambique, (2005-2008) Mozambique 20 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Maria Vittoria Beria (Italy) UNDP Angola, (20012003) UN-DESA, Division for Social Policy and Development, Social Affairs Officer, USA Mr Gunnar Berkemeier (Germany) UNOHCHR Switzerland, UNDP Switzerland (20092011) Federal Foreign Service of Germany, Cooperation - Non-UN Multilateral Organisations Ms Pernilla Berlin (Sweden) UNAIDS India, (19992002) Ms Irene Bernabeu-Esteban* (Spain) UNDP Republic of Tanzania (2010-2013) UNDP, Office of the UN RC, Special Assistant, Afghanistan Ms Irene Bernal (Spain) UNDP Croatia, (19992001) Spain Ms Emmanuelle Bernard (France) UNDP USA, (2009-2011) USA Mr Umberto Bernardo (Italy) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2008) Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Italy Mr Ludovic Bernaudat (France) UNIDO Austria, (20012003) UNIDO, Headquarters, ---, Austria Mr Lars Bernd (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, (1999-2002) United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Regional Office for Arab States, ---, Egypt Ms Manon Bernier (Canada) UNDP Panama, (20042006) UNDP-UNV, Headquarters, Knowledge Management Specialist, Germany Ms Sylvie Bertrand (Canada) UNDP South Africa, (2002-2003) UNODC, Regional Office for Southern Africa, Regional Programme Coordinator HIV in prison settings, South Africa Mr Eric Besner (Canada) UNDP Rwanda, (20022004) UN-DPKO/MONUC, DDRRR, DDR Officer, Congo, The Democratic Republic Mr Lars Bestle (Denmark) UNDP Denmark, UNDP Viet Nam (2001-2004) International Media Support (NGO), ---, Director of Programme Implementation & Head of Asia Programme, Denmark Ms Floor Beuming (The Netherlands) UNDP Sri Lanka, (20082011) I am currently searching for a new job, The Netherlands Mr Dhananjaya Bhattarai (Nepal) UNHCR Uganda, (20092012) UNHCR, , Assosiate Protection Officer, Congo, The Democratic Republic 21 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Cristina Bianchessi (Luxembourg) WHO Switzerland, (20102013) USA Ms Ilaria Bianchi (Italy) UNICEF Burkina Faso, (2007-2010) Ms Helene Bie Lilleoer (Denmark) UNDP Mongolia, (20022003) University of Copenhagen, Institute of Economics, Centre of Applied Microenonometrics, Ph.D. student, Denmark Ms Machteld Bierens De Haan (The Netherlands) UNDP Kyrgyzstan, UNDP Costa Rica (1996-1999) VSO, ---, Regional Programme Development and Funding Advisor for Southern Africa, South Africa Ms Maryam Bigdeli (Belgium) WHO Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20012004) WHO, WR/CAM/DHS/HSD, Health Economist, Cambodia Mr Giovanie Biha (Burundi) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (1990-1991) UNDP, BOM/OBR/SPDT, Chief, USA Mr Raphaël Billé (France) UNDP Indonesia, (20032005) Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales, Biodiversity and Natural Resources, Programme Coordinator, France Ms Sigrit Bilsted Pedersen (Denmark) UNDP Sri Lanka, (19961999) Denmark Mr Peter Bischof (Austria) UNIDO Mozambique, (1994-1996) Austria Ms Charu Bist (Nepal) UNDP Lesotho, (20052008) UNDP, BCPR/Programme and Operations, Programme Specialist, USA Ms Liliane Bitong Ambassa (---) OCHA Senegal, (20042006) Mr Mathias Bizimana (Canada) UNDP Togo, (1994-1996) Canadian Commission for UNESCO, Culture and World Heritage / Culture et patrimoine mondial, Program Officer/Chargé de programme, Canada Ms Regina Bjarnadóttir (Iceland) UNDP Guyana, (20052007) Central Bank of Iceland, Economic Department, Economist, Iceland Ms May Britt Bjerke (The Netherlands) WFP El Salvador, (20072009) USA 22 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Nicole Bjerler (Austria) UNOHCHR Switzerland, UNOHCHR Nepal (20072009) Amnesty International, UN New York Office, Deputy Permanent Representative, USA Ms Hanne Bjoertomt (Norway) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2002-2003) Norway Mr Magnus Bjork (Sweden) UNFPA Kyrgyzstan, UNFPA China (2000-2003) UNDP-UNV, ---, Programme Officer, Kyrgyzstan Mr Lars Allan Björkman (Sweden) UNDP Iran, (1974-1977) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Sweden Ms Anette Bjorlin (Sweden) UNDP Thailand, (19951997) Länsstyrelsen i Stockholms län, Enheten för miljöanalys, , Sweden Mr Henrik Bjorn (Denmark) UNDP USA, UNDP Thailand (1996-1999) Trace Foundation, ---, Trace Foundation, China Ms Siri Bjornstad (Norway) UNOPS Denmark, (20012004) DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation), Corporate Procurement, Team Manager, Denmark Ms Caroline Blair (Canada) UNDP Tunisia, (19841986) Options, Kenya Office, Team Leader, Support to Reproductive Health Programme, Kenya Ms Ysabel Blanco (Canada) UNDP Paraguay, (20032005) Dept of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canada, Nicargaua, Program Manager, Guatemala and Nicaragua, Nicaragua Mr Ugo Blanco (Spain) UNDP Viet Nam, UNDP USA (2007-2010) UNDP, RBLAC , Special Assistant to the Deputy Director, USA Mr Pablo Blanquer Escribano (Spain) UNDP Senegal, (20102013) UNOPS, SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) Movement countries, Policy Advisor, Switzerland Mr Andres Blasco Cortes (Spain) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Denmark (2009-2011) UNDP, PSO, Procurement Analyst, Denmark Mr Bjoern Blau (Denmark) UNDP USA, UNDP Bhutan (1991-1995) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Danish Embassy, , Zimbabwe Ms Ellen Bleeg (Denmark) UNHCR Tanzania, United Republic of, UNHCR Switzerland (1997-2000) Ms Stephanie Bleeker (The Netherlands) UNFPA Rwanda, (19982000) Netherlands Red Cross, ---, Health Advisor , The Netherlands 23 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Kari Blindheim (Norway) UNDP Kenya, (19961998) Ms Monika Barbara Bloessner (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (19921995) WHO, Department of Nutrition for Health and Development, Technical Officer, Switzerland Ms Kristine Blokhus (Norway) UNFPA Indonesia, UNFPA Lao People's Democratic Rep (2006-2008) UNDP, Headquarters, Special Assistant to the Regional Director/RBEC, USA Ms Fiona Blum (Switzerland) UNDP Nicaragua, (20002002) Ms Marie Bøcker Pedersen (Denmark) UNDP Bhutan, (20032006) Copenhagen Local Government, Shared Services, Project Manager, Denmark Ms Bérangère Boell-Yousfi (France) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2005-2008) UNRWA, ---, Head of Donor Relations Unit, Lebanon Mr Harald Boerekamp (The Netherlands) UNDP Belgium, (20002002) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Indonesia Mr Kim Boermans (The Netherlands) UNDP Georgia, (20072010) The Netherlands Ms Malin Bogren (Sweden) UNFPA Bangladesh, (2007-2010) Mr Stephan Bojinski (Germany) WMO , (????-????) World Meteorological Organization, Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), ---, Switzerland Mr Ludo Bok (The Netherlands) UNAIDS Zimbabwe, UNAIDS Lesotho (19992002) UNDP, BDP/HIV/AIDS Practice, Policy Specialist, USA Mr Wouter Bolding (The Netherlands) UNESCO Nigeria, UNFPA Sri Lanka (1994-1998) Oxfam Novib, Knowledge & Programme Management (KPM), Global Monitoring, Evaluations & Learning Advisor, The Netherlands Ms Madeleine Bolliger Klah (Switzerland) UNDP Ghana, (20032006) -International Federation of the Blue Cross (IFBC), ---, ---, Chad Ms Frédérique Boni (France) UNDP Mali, (2005-2007) The Global Fund to Fight HIV-AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, Central Africa unit, Program officer, Switzerland Mr Hadrien Bonneaud (France) UN-DESA USA, UN Women USA (2010-2013) UN Women, Communications, Communications & Media Analyst, USA 24 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Jacob Bonnevie (Norway) UN-DESA USA, (20092012) MONUSCO Restoration of State Authority, Stabilisation Support Unit (SSU), Conseiller/Advisor, Congo, The Democratic Republic Ms Rea Seraina Bonzi (Switzerland) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2009-2012) Ms Dagmar Boos (Germany) UNAIDS Switzerland, (2003-2006) Ms Afke Bootsman (The Netherlands) UNDP Guyana, (20022005) Mr Emmanuel Bor (France) UNDP USA, (2004-2007) UNDP, UNDP Mauritius, Technical Adviser (Public Finance Management), Mauritius Ms Sara Bordas Eddy (Spain) UNDP Haiti, (2003-2005) UNICEF, Country Office, Deputy Representative, Madagascar Ms Merethe Borge (Norway) UNDP Sudan, UNDP China (2005-2008) The Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law , China office, Acting Head of Office, China Mr Martin Borgeaud (Switzerland) UNDP Mozambique, UNDP Venezuela (2009-2012) UNDP, BCPR, Rule of Law, Justice and Security Programme Specialist, USA Mr Niklas Borker Bjerre (Denmark) UN-DESA USA, (20082009) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark, Department for Stabilisation and Security Policy, Head of Section, Denmark Mr Marco Borsotti (Italy) UNDP Mozambique, UNDP Cuba (1983-1986) n/a (retiree), Austria Mr Robert Bos (The Netherlands) WHO Costa Rica, WHO Switzerland (1981-1985) WHO, Water, Sanitation and Health, Scientist, Switzerland Mr Oystein Botillen (Norway) UNDP Viet Nam, (19972000) Yara International ASA, Strategy & Business Development, Manager Global Initiatives, Norway Ms Laura Bott Guillemain (Switzerland) UNDP Ecuador, (20032005) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Maputo country office, Head of Domain Governance, Mozambique Ms Blandine Bouniol (France) UNDP Syria, (2005-2007) Caritas Europa, International Cooperation , Policy Officer for International Cooperation, Belgium Mr Michiel Bourgondien (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNCDF Mali, (2002-2005) BMB/Euroconsult Mott MacDonald, Economic Development and Governance, Consultant, The Netherlands ICAO, Bureau of Administration and Services, Human Resources Officer, Canada 25 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Kyoko Bourns (Japan) UNDP Mexico, (20082011) Ms Maria Bouroncle (Sweden) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, (1994-1996) Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Grants and Co-financing Management, Operations Lead Specialist, USA Ms Véronique Bourquin (Switzerland) UNRWA Syria, UNRWA Jordan (2004-2007) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Division Europe and Mediterranean Region, Programme Officeroccupied Palestinian territory, Switzerland Mr Fabrice Boussalem (France) UNDP Guinea, (20002002) Fiji Ms Sophie Boutin (France) UNDP Congo, The Democratic Republic, UNDP Congo, The Democratic Republic (2010-2013) UNDP, Monitoring & Evaluation, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Yemen Ms Elise Bouvet (France) UNDP Lebanon, (20002003) UNDP-UNV, Volunteer Knowledge and Innovation Section, Programme Specialist, Germany Mr Jérome Bouyjou (France) UNDP Viet Nam, (20012003) Ms Elinor Bradshaw (Finland) UNAIDS Nigeria, UNAIDS Thailand (2009-2012) Finnish Red Cross, Delegation in Honduras, Disaster Management Delegate, Honduras Ms Helga Bára Bragadóttir (Iceland) UNDP Angola, UNDP Fiji (2005-2008) UN Women , UN Joint Presence Office, Nauru, Country Development Manager, Nauru Mr Eric Branckaert (Belgium) UNDP Cameroon, (19971999) WFP, ---, ---, Italy Ms Nuria Branders (Belgium) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2010-2011) Myanmar Mr Rune Brandrup (Denmark) UNFPA Bolivia, (20032006) UNFPA, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Maldives Mr Nicolas Brass (France) UNHCR Ethiopia, UNHCR Switzerland (2007-2010) UNHCR, Division of External Relations, Associate Donor Relations Officer, Switzerland Ms Nanette Braun (Germany) UNDP-UNV Switzerland, UNDP-UNV Germany (1995-1998) UNDP-UNIFEM, Office, Chief, Public Information, USA 26 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Alessandra Bravi (Italy) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, UNDP Slovakia (20092013) Mr Jean-Baptiste Breda (France) WHO France, WHO Congo, Republic of (2008-2009) Mr Lars Bredal (Denmark) UNDP India, (1990-1993) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Danish Embassy in Nairobi, Deputy Head of Mission, Kenya, Kenya Mr Harald Bredesen (Norway) UNDP Liberia, UNDP USA (2008-2012) UN-DESA, UNDPA, ---, Ms Nonni Bredholt (Denmark) UNDP Bolivia, (19961999) Denmark Mr Armand Brevig (Denmark) UNIDO Zambia, (19941997) AstraZeneca, ---, Global Category Leader, Ms Suzanne Brezina (Austria) UNDP Rwanda, UNDP Rwanda (1998-2001) MONUC, ---, DDRRR Officer, Kenya Ms Elizabeth Brezovich (Austria) UNDP-UNIFEM Nicaragua, (2008-2010) Ms Marion Briens (France) FAO Switzerland, (20082010) on leave, France Ms Giorgia Brignone (Italy) UNOHCHR Lebanon, (2005-2007) UNOHCHR, FOTCD, Human Rights Officer, Switzerland Ms Claudia Briones Smith (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Mexico, UNDP-UNIFEM USA (2007-2010) UN Women, Ending Violence Against Women, Research and Programme Support Specialist, USA Ms Anne Mette Brix-Riisager (Denmark) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (1998-2000) Denmark Mr Frederik Brock (Germany) UNDP USA, (2001-2004) Ms Pernille Brodahl (Norway) OCHA Switzerland, (20062009) Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, External Relations, Fundraising Coordinator, Switzerland Mr Seth Broekman (The Netherlands) UNFPA Nepal, (20072009) UNFPA, East and Southern Africa Regional Office, Regional Programme Specialist , South Africa 27 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Annemarie Brolsma (The Netherlands) UNDP Botswana, (19961999) UNAMA, ---, Development Coordination Officer, Afghanistan Ms Caroline Bronne-Schaefer (Germany) UNDP Congo, The Democratic Republic, (2006-2009) UNRC, ---, Strategic Planning and M&E Specialist, Chad Ms Anne Christine Brouwers (Belgium) UNIDO El Salvador, (1979-1983) OXFAM-Solidarity, Partenariat, Desk Officer for Central Africa, Belgium Mr Stephen Brown (Canada) UNDP Oman, (19901992) Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, École d’études politiques / School of Political Studies, Professeur titulaire / Professor, Canada Mr Luca Bruccheri (Italy) UNDP Zambia, UNDP Timor Leste (2007-2010) UNDP, Country Office, Project Management Specialist (Public Participation & Knowledge Management), Afghanistan Ms Karin Bruce (Sweden) UNDP Belarus, (20032005) Tällberg Advisors, ---, consultant, Sweden Mr Gunnar Bruckner (Germany) UNDP El Salvador, (19901992) coachingplatform Inc., ---, Owner and Learning Coach, Germany Ms Luisa Brumana (Italy) UNICEF Angola, (19982000) UNICEF, Country Office, Senior HIV/AIDS Specialist, Mozambique Mr Aslak Brun (Norway) UNDP , (1989-1991) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, --, Norway Mr Stefan Bruni (Switzerland) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (1998-2001) Institute of Management and Regional Economics, Regional Economics, Lecturer and Project Manager, Switzerland Mr Andrea Bruni (Italy) WHO Sierra Leone, WHO Ethiopia (2009-2012) Mr Alessandro Bruno (Canada) UNDP Libya, (1995-1997) Freelance, ---, writer - translator, Canada Mr Luca Maria Brusa (Italy) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2001-2003) UNFCCC, Sustainable Development Mechanisms, Programme Management Officer, Germany Ms Birgitte Bruun (Denmark) UNFPA Indonesia, (20012003) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Health Policy Unit, PhD student, United Kingdom 28 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Steen Bruun-Nielsen (Denmark) UNDP Comoros, (19781980) Bruun-Nielsen EUservices Ltd., , , Ireland Mr Florian Bruyas (France) UN-HABITAT Kenya, (2005-2008) UNDP, BCPR, Prg manager, USA Mr Erik Bryld (Denmark) UNDP Nepal, (2001-2004) Skadkaer Consult, Governance and Conflict, Senior Consultant, Kenya Ms Helle Buchhave (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Lao People's Democratic Rep, (1999-2002) World Bank, Social Development East Asia, Regional Coordinator and Advisor, USA Mr Josef Buchinger (Austria) World Bank USA, (20082010) ConPlusUltra, Energy and Environment, Project Leader / Consultant, Austria Mr Magnus Bucht (Sweden) UNHCR Switzerland, (2003-2005) Stockholm Environment Institute, Human Resources Department, Human Resources Director, Sweden Ms Astrid Bucio (Canada) UNDP Dominican Republic, (1993-1995) Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, ---, ---, Canada Mr Aurélien Buffler (France) OCHA USA, (2004-2007) OCHA, Policy Development and Studies Branch, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, USA Ms Tuva Bugge (Norway) UNDP South Africa, UNDP USA (2010-2013) Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, Africa portfolio, , Norway Mr Andreas Brogaard Buhl (Denmark) FAO Zambia, FAO Madagascar (1991-1994) Denmark Mr Bjorn Oliver Bühler (Germany) UNFPA USA, UNFPA USA (2002-2005) UNFPA, Headquarters, Chief Administrative & Common Services Section, USA Mr Neil Buhne (Canada) UNDP Sri Lanka, UNDP Sudan (1984-1986) UNDP, BCPR/Geneva, Director, UNDP/BCPR Geneva Office, Switzerland Ms Thuy Ha Bui (Viet Nam) UNDP The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), (2006-2009) FAO, ---, Monitoring and Evaluation , Thailand Ms Marie-Ange Bunga (Belgium) UNDP USA, (2003-2006) USA Mr Hynek Bures (Czech Republic) UNDP India, (2001-2004) Self employed, dubbed perceptions, videographer, Switzerland 29 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Tormod Burkey (Norway) UNDP Papua New Guinea, (1998-2001) Det Norske Veritas (DNV), DNV Strategic Research, Senior Scientist, Norway Ms Ira Busch (Germany) UNDP Mauritania, (19982000) Freelance, ---, Consultant for project management and resource mobilisation, Germany Ms Flavia Bustreo (Italy) WHO Denmark, (19941996) WHO, Partnership for Maternal Newborn and Child Health, Deputy Director, Switzerland Ms Gabriela Büttner (Switzerland) UNDP Kyrgyzstan, (19982000) Freelance, ---, Freelance Consultant, France Mr Alfonso Buxens Ascoaga (Spain) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, (1996-1998) UNDP, PSO, Procurement Specialist, Denmark Ms Precy Vinea Cabrera (Philippines) UNFPA Kenya, (20032006) UNFPA, ---, ---, Timor Leste Ms Priscilla Cabrera Ventura (Spain) UNFPA Ecuador, (20082011) Spain Ms Maria Cadahia Perez (Spain) UNDP Montenegro, UNDP Papua New Guinea (20092012) Mr Sylvain Caillot (France) FAO Italy, (2005-2008) SPC, Oceanic Fisheries Program, Information Officer, France Mr Hans Cajus Pedersen (Denmark) UNDP Botswana, (19992002) Niels Brock, Offentlig Administration, Underviser, Denmark Mr Claudio Caldarone (Italy) UNIDO Bolivia, (19831985) UNDP, Country Office, Resident Representative, Mauritius Ms Céline Calvé (France) UNRWA Lebanon, UNRWA Lebanon (2008-2011) UNFPA, Humanitarian Response Branch , Coordination Analyst - GBV IMS, USA Ms Arianna Calza Bini (Sweden) UNDP El Salvador, (19992001) Gender and Mine Action Programme, , Programme Manager, France Mr Giorgio Camilleri (Italy) ICAO Canada, (20042006) ICAO, Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) Section, Air Navigation Bureau, Professional Engineer/Consultant, Air Navigation Integrated Programme, C 30 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Canada Ms Beatrice Campodonico (Italy) UNDP-UNIFEM Morocco, (2002-2004) European Commission, Delegation for Gaza and Cisjordania, ---, Occupied Palestinian Territory Mr Hien Cao (Switzerland) UNDP , (1981-1982) Switzerland Ms Susanne Carai (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (20062008) Ms Kumi Careme (Japan) UNDP Afghanistan, UNDP Cambodia (2006-2008) Cambodia Mr Francisco Javier Carmona Rodriguez (Spain) UNDP Cape Verde, (2007-2008) Junta de Anadalucía, , Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Spain Ms Ilaria Carnevali (Italy) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, (2001-2004) UNDP, UNDP Mozambique, Deputy Country Director (Programme), Mozambique Mr Alex Carrasco (Spain) UNDP Russian Federation, (2002-2004) ACDI-CIDA, Americas Branch / DG Amériques, Analyst / Analyste, Canada Ms Gisela Carrasco Miro (Spain) UNDP Mozambique, (2010-2013) Ms Laura Cartañá Llach (Spain) UNFPA Brazil, (2008) Spain Mr Andre Carvalho (Senegal) UNDP Comoros, UNDP Zambia (1983-1986) n/a (retiree), Senegal Ms Karolien Annie Casaer (Belgium) UNDP South Africa, (2010-2012) UNDP, Country Office, Policy Specialist (Aid Effectiveness), Bangladesh Ms Alessandra Casazza (Italy) UNDP Timor Leste, (2000-2003) UNDP, Regional Centre, Policy Advisor, Poverty Reduction, Thailand Ms Candie Cassabalian (France) UNICEF Botswana, (2004-2007) UNICEF, Country Office, Agent développement de l'adolescent, Panama Ms Arancha Castejon Silvo (Spain) UNDP Morocco, (19992001) IPADE Fundation, Director, Spain 31 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Ana Castillo Cebollero (Spain) UNDP Morocco, (20022004) Mr Olivier Cavey (France) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1996-1999) Mr Andrea Cavina (Italy) IAEA Austria, (2003-2006) Ms Margarita Celedon (Chile) UNDP Mauritania, (19921995) Mr Fulvio Cenci (Italy) FAO Sierra Leone, (20082012) FAO, FAOSL, Programme Officer, Sierra Leone Ms Simonetta Cengarle (Italy) UNFPA Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20012003) Monash University, , PhD student, Mr Paolo Ceratto (Italy) UNDP USA, UNDP Nigeria (1981-1984) UNSSC, Management & Administration, Deputy Director, Italy Ms Valérie Ceylon (France) WFP Cote d`Ivoire, (19982000) WFP, Headquarters, Programme Advisor, Italy Mr Prasun Chakraborty (India) UNICEF USA, (20072009) UN Women , Headquarters, Human Resourcs Specialist, USA Ms Christine Chan (Canada) UNFPA Cambodia, (20062008) Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality, ---, Gender Equality Policy Advisor, Timor Leste Mr Jean-Philippe Charlemagne (France) UNOHCHR Switzerland, (2002-2005) OHCHR, Headquarters, Chargé des relations extérieures et de la liaison avec les donateurs, Switzerland Mr Jean-Christophe Charlier (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Zambia, (1995-1999) Belgian Technical Cooperation , Governance Unit, Senior Governance Advisor, Belgium Ms Juliana Chaves-Chaparro (Spain) UNESCO France, (20082011) Horn of Africa Environmental Center and Network, Ethiopia Ms Emilie Chazelle (France) UNRWA Jordan, (20082011) UNRWA, Syrian Field Office, Programme Analyst, Jordan Ms Eunice Chege (Kenya) WHO Tanzania, United Republic of, (2008-2011) Kenya Austria 32 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Nabil Chemli (Tunisia) UNFPA Haiti, (2010-2012) SOAS, university of London , MA International Studies and Diplomacy, MA Student, United Kingdom Ms Olga Chepelianskaia (France) UN-DESA Switzerland, (2007-2009) Mr Julien Chevillard (France) UNDP Senegal, (20072009) UNDP, Country Office, Trust Fund Administrator, Energy and Environment Cluster, Cambodia Ms Azusa Chiba (Japan) UNOPS South Africa, UNOPS Denmark (20112014) UNOPS, Global Partner Services Office (GPSO), Partner Management Officer, Denmark Mr Domenico Chirico (Italy) IOM Pakistan, IOM Syria (2005-2008) Un Ponte Per, , Director, Italy Mr Mansourou Chitou (Senegal) UNDP Congo, The Democratic Republic, UNDP Cameroon (19811985) Ms Eun-Chim Jennifer Choi (Korea, Republic of) UNDP Timor Leste, (2006-2008) Korea, Republic of Ms Seon-mi Choi (Korea, Republic of) UNEP Thailand, (20082010) UNDP, BDP, Special Assistant, Mr Luc Chounet-Cambas (France) UNDP Afghanistan, (2002-2004) Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre), Mediation Support Programme, Project Manager, Switzerland Mr Farook Chowdhury (Bangladesh) UNDP Ghana, (19841986) UNO, ---, ---, Mr Ravi Christensen (Denmark) UNDP Bangladesh, (1999-2001) Dansk Rigspolitiet, ---, Programme manager, Denmark Ms Inge Christensen (Denmark) UNDP Belarus, (20082011) Greifswald University, IRTG 'Baltic Borderlands', Doctoral Researcher, Germany Mr Martin Christensson (Sweden) UNDP Georgia, (20052008) UNDP, UN Resident Coordinator Office in Mozambique, Policy Specialist, Mozambique Ms Thea Lund Christiansen (Denmark) UNDP Egypt, (1992-1994) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Denmark Ms Young-Ae Chu (Korea, Republic of) WHO Switzerland, (20032005) WHO, Stop TB Partnership, Country-Level Advocacy, Communications and Social Mobilization, Switzerland 33 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Jee Eun Chung (Korea, Republic of) UNDP South Africa, (2009-2011) Embassy of the Republic of Korea, , Director of Development Cooperation, Rwanda Ms Elena Ciccozzi (Italy) UNDP Kazakhstan, (19941997) France Mr Boubou Cissé (Mali) UNDP Denmark, World Bank USA (2004-2006) Government of Mali, Industry and Mines Minister, Mali Ms Mirjam Sophia Clados (Germany) WHO Switzerland, WHO Haiti (2010-2012) The Global Fund Ms Åsa Claesson (Sweden) OCHA Congo, The Democratic Republic, OCHA Switzerland (20052008) OCHA, Surge Capacity Section, Emergency Services Branch, ---, Switzerland Mr Frederic Claus (France) UNDP Russian Federation, (1997-2000) UNAIDS, Support Services Division, Chief, Switzerland Ms Maria Clavera Maestre (Spain) UNDP Paraguay, (20002003) UNOPS, Regional Project RLA00/001 of RBALC, Project Coordination Analyst, Paraguay Mr David Clayton (Canada) UNDP Syria, UNDP Mauritania (1983-1986) Environmental Resources Management, Vancouver, Canada, Senior Consultant, Canada Ms Magali Cloes (Belgium) UNFPA Congo, The Democratic Republic, (2001-2003) Belgium Mr Nils Clotteau (France) UPU Benin, (2006-2008) Universal Postal Union, Directorate of Development Cooperation, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Expert, Switzerland Mr Michele Cocchiglia (Italy) UN-ISDR Switzerland, (2005-2008) United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR), Advocacy and Outreach Unit, Programme Officer, Switzerland Mr Laurent Coche (France) UNDP Mali, (1994-1997) Mr Patrice Coeur-Bizot (France) UNDP Egypt, (1979-1982) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Malaysia Mr Matthew Cogan (Ireland) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (2005-2008) UNFPA, Headquarters, Consultant, USA 34 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Sébastien Cognat (France) WHO France, (20042006) WHO, Health Laboratory Strengthening, Team Leader, France Mr Harold Cohen (USA) FAO Italy, (1999-2001) Ms Chatrine Palm Cohn Jacobsen (Denmark) UNFPA Bolivia, (20072007) University of Copenhagen , ---, Project coordinator , Denmark Ms Mariacarmen Colitti (Italy) UNODC Afghanistan, (2004-2005) UNOPS, Global Partner Services Office (GPSO), Representative and Senior Partnerships Advisor, Belgium Mr Koenraad Collier (Belgium) UNDP Mozambique, UNDP Lesotho (1996-1999) Catambe Gallery Hotel & R. M, ---, ---, Belgium Mr Pierre Colonna (France) UNDP Nigeria, (19871988) ---, ---, European Affairs Adviser, France Ms Nelly Comon (France) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2003-2005) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Donor Governments Team, Resource mobilization Division, Senior Donor Relations Officer, Switzerland Ms Claire Conan (France) WFP Italy, (2002-2004) WFP, Headquarters, Agent évaluation, Italy Ms Nicoletta Confalone (Italy) UNFPA Switzerland, (1997-1999) COOPI, ---, Regional Coordinator, Congo, The Democratic Republic Mr Michael Contet (France) UN-DESA USA, (20052007) NATO, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, Political Officer, USA Ms Denise Conway (Canada) UNICEF Philippines, (1982-1984) ACDI-CIDA, Policy and Planning Directorate, Europe, Middle East and Maghreb Directorate, Senior Education Advisor, Canada Mr Bertrand Coppens (Belgium) UNIDO Congo, The Democratic Republic, (1973-1975) UNMIL, ---, Chief of Staff of the Special Representative of the Secretary General (on secondment from UNDP), Liberia Ms Elena Correas (Spain) UNDP Colombia, (20032005) Ashoka, Innovators for the Public, Spain, Programme Director, Spain Ms Sara Cortes Garcia (Spain) UNDP Nigeria, (20042006) Spain 35 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Alexandre Côté (Canada) UNDP Mauritius, (20032005) Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), Latin America and Caribbean Bureau, Deputy Director - Chile, Colombia and Peru, Canada Ms Françoise Coupal (Canada) UNDP Costa Rica, UNDP Niger (1984-1986) Mosaic.net International, Inc., ---, Founder. Add + President, Canada Mr Wouter Karel Chris Coussement (Belgium) UNDP Belgium, UNDP USA (2010-2013) UNDP, Donor Relations, Specialist, Ethiopia Ms Agnès Coutou (France) UNDP Timor Leste, (2004-2006) ICRC, Protection, Delegate, Indonesia Ms Pascale Crapouse (Austria) UNIDO Cote d`Ivoire, (1994-1996) WFP, , Regional Resource and Financial Analyst, Senegal Ms Victoria Cremeniuc (Moldova, Republic of) UNDP Guatemala, (19992002) Mr James Crescitelli (USA) UNHCR Tanzania, United Republic of, UNHCR Djibouti (2002-2004) U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, Refugee & Asylum Law Division, Associate Chief Counsel, USA Ms Louise Croneborg (Sweden) World Bank USA, (20092011) World Bank, Africa Region - Water Resources, Water Resources Management Specialist, USA Ms Miriam Cué (Spain) UNDP Morocco, (20002002) Institut de recherche pour le développement, International relations department, Planning and Strategy Officer, France Mr José Cuesta (Spain) UNDP Honduras, (20012002) Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Department of Economics for Sustainable Development, Lecturer in Development Economics, The Netherlands Ms Anne-Marie Cunningham (Ireland) UNDP Kenya, (20022004) Irish Red Cross Society, ---, Monitoring and Evaluation Delegate, Malawi Ms Ingrid Cyimana (Belgium) UNDP Zimbabwe, (19961999) UNDP, Country Office, Country Director, Burkina Faso UNDP Uruguay, (20052009) UNDP, BERA, Specialist Intergovernmental Affairs, USA D Ms Silvia Da Rin Pagnetto (Italy) 36 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Martijn Dadema (The Netherlands) UNIDO Yemen, (19992000) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Security Policy, Teamleader Arms Trade Policy, The Netherlands Ms Barbara Daetwyler (Switzerland) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1997-2000) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Divison Europe and Mediterranean Region, Head, Switzerland Ms Elisabet Dahlberg Frisk (Sweden) UNDP Myanmar, (20092012) UNDP, Office of the UN RC, Special Assistant to the UN RC, Uganda Ms Lotte Dahlmann (Denmark) UNDP Indonesia, UNDPIAPSO Denmark (19982000) International Media Support, ---, ---, Denmark Mr Niklas Dahlquist (Sweden) UNFPA India, UNFPA Sri Lanka (2003-2004) Mr Jens Kjærgaard Dall (Denmark) UNDP Uganda, (19972000) Denmark Ms Susanne Dam-Hansen (Denmark) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (1998-2001) UNDP, Country Office, Regional Cooperation Specialist, Egypt Ms Rikke Damm (Denmark) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2001-2004) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Embassy, Cotonou, Programme Coordinator, Education Sector, Benin Mr Giorgio D'Amore (Italy) UNDP USA, (1988-1990) Support Programme to the Economic Governance Processes in Zambia, Development Cooperation & MIS/Statistics Expert, Freelance consultant, ACE, Italy Mr Fabio Daneri (Italy) UNDP Albania, (19992000) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Albania Mr Gert Danielsen (Norway) UNDP South Africa, UNDP Panama (2006-2009) UNDP, Oslo Governance Centre, Democratic Governance Specialist, Norway Ms Camilla Dan-Weibel (Denmark) UNDP Benin, (2005-2007) 100% to the Children, Fundraising, Fundraiser og projektkoordinator, Denmark Mr Raphaël Dard (France) ITC Switzerland, (20042007) ITC, Headquarters, E-learnin Programme Coordinator, Switzerland Mr François d'Artagnan (France) UNDP Fiji, (1988-1989) UNU, ---, Director of Administration, Malaysia Mr Robin Dartell (Denmark) UNRWA Lebanon, (20042007) UNDP, Afghanistan Subnational Governance Programme, Planning Monitoring and Reporting Specialist, 37 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Afghanistan Mr Bikash Dash (India) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20022005) Ms Julie David (France) UNAIDS Mali, (20072009) Lebanon Ms Hilke David (Germany) IFAD Italy, (2011-2013) UNICEF, , , Italy Ms Mette Davidsen (Denmark) UNFPA Viet Nam, (19992002) Mr Soren Davidsen (Denmark) UNDP Viet Nam, (19992002) Ms Valentina De Bernardi (Italy) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2004-2006) European Commission, EC Delegation in Mozambique, Programme Officer - Social Sector and Humanitarian Assistance, Mozambique Ms Thilly de Bodt (Belgium) UNFPA Haiti, UNFPA Chile (1996-1999) Belgium Ms Blanche de Bonneval (France) UNDP Angola, UNDP Madagascar (1982-1983) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Brazil Ms Sophie de Caen (Canada) UNDP Benin, (1986-1988) UNDP, UNDP Haiti Country Office, Senior Country Director, USA Mr Philippe de Coninck (Belgium) UNDP Gabon, (19951998) Spain Mr Andre de Crombrugghe (Belgium) UNIDO Lebanon, UNIDO Turkey (1973-1976) (1) "Association Pour les Nations Unies" APNU, in Belgium; and (2) GOAL (Global Options And Linkages), International nonfor-profit association, (1) Vice-president; (2) Deputy Managing Director (and Founder), Austria Ms Aurore De Crombrugghe (Belgium) UNEP Belgium, (20102013) UNEP, Brussels Liaison Office, Associate Programme Officer, Belgium Mr Martim De Faria E Maya (Portugal) UNDP Mozambique, (1998-2002) UNDP, Country Office, DRR (P), Zimbabwe 38 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Francesca De Ferrari (Italy) UNICEF El Salvador, (2001-2003) UN-HABITAT, Liason Office NYC, Human Settlement Officer, USA Mr Jose Luis De Francisco (Spain) UNDP Guatemala, (19992001) UNHCR, ---, ---, Colombia Ms Isabelle de Goussencourt (Belgium) UNDP Senegal, (20032007) European Commission, European Delegation, ---, Haiti Ms Margareta de Goys (Sweden) UNIDO Tanzania, United Republic of, (1980-1982) UNIDO, Evaluation Group, Director, Austria Mr Johan (Hans) De Graaff (The Netherlands) UNDP Fiji, (1982-1983) UNDP, RBAP, Management Advisor, USA Mr Dimitri de Gruben (Belgium) UNAIDS Guatemala, (2005-2008) European Union, Field Office, International Observer, Georgia Ms Sarah de Hovre (Belgium) WHO Viet Nam, (20052008) Freelance, Human rights, gender, violence against women and children, Consultant, Belgium Mr Samuel De Jaegere (Belgium) UNDP Thailand, (20082011) UNODC, Regional Centre for West and Central Africa, Anti-Corruption Advisor, Senegal Ms Carolien De Joode (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNV Switzerland, (2000-2003) FAO, Emergency and Rehabilitation Division (TCE), Operations Officer, Italy Ms Sara De La Pena Espin (Spain) UN Women Belgium, UN Women Thailand (20092012) Mr Stijn De Lameillieure (Belgium) UN-HABITAT Brazil, UNDP Ecuador (2002-2005) Save the Children UK, Regional Program Manager, Latin America and the Balkans, United Kingdom Ms Astrid de Laminne de Bex (Belgium) ILO Rwanda, (2008-2011) Trocaire, Central and West Africa, Regional Institutional Funding Officer, Rwanda Ms Maaike De Langen (The Netherlands) UNDP Chad, UNDP USA (2003-2006) National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, Policy Unit, Head of the Policy Unit, The Netherlands Mr Antonino De Leo (Italy) UNDP Iran, (2001-2003) UNODC, Paris Pact Initiative, Project Coordinator, Austria Mr Luigi De Martino (Switzerland) UNDP Tajikistan, (19961998) Graduate Institute for Development Studies, Interdisciplinary Program in Humanitarian Action, Research Fellow, Switzerland 39 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Ines de Mazarrasa (Spain) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2003-2005) ---, ---, Consultant, Spain Ms Ana De Mendoza (Spain) UNDP Namibia, (20032004) Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, AECID Office Vietnam, Programme Director, Viet Nam Ms Joana de Mesquita Lima (Portugal) UNDP Timor Leste, (2007-2010) Self-employed, , Translator and Communications Consultant, Portugal Mr Marc De Mey (Belgium) UNIDO Thailand, UNIDO Thailand (1995-1998) Teltrans nv, ---, CEO, Managing Director, Belgium Mr Raul De Mora Jimenez (Spain) UNFPA Uruguay, (20092012) UNDP, BERA, Communications analyst, USA Ms Maria Teresa (Maite) De Muller Barbat (Spain) UNDP Jordan, (19992001) Municipality of Barcelona, Department of Immigration, Councellor’s advisor, Spain Mr Olivier de Munck (Belgium) UNIDO Costa Rica, UNIDO Haiti (1996-1999) UNEP, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Clearing-House Mechanism Programme Officer, Canada Mr Eric de Munck (The Netherlands) UNDP Niger, (1992-1994) Wageningen University and Research Centre, ---, ---, The Netherlands Ms Sara De Pablos (Spain) UNDP Mauritania, (20042006) Prospect C&S, LIFE, Monitoring and evaluation expert, France Ms Sara De Paz-Castro (El Salvador) UNITAR Switzerland, (2009-2012) UNITAR, , Associate Programme Officer, Switzerland Mr Adrianus de Raad (The Netherlands) UNDP Bangladesh, (1980-1982) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Germany Mr Paolo De Renzio (Italy) UNDP Mozambique, (2000-2002) International Budget Partnership, Open Budget Initiative, Senior Research Fellow, United Kingdom Mr Daan de Roo van Alderwerelt (The Netherlands) UNDP Yemen, UNDPUNCDF Senegal (19881994) FACORES Development Management Facilitation, Coaching and Research for Development, ---, Managing Director, Belgium Ms Aaltje De Roos (The Netherlands) UNDP , (1981-1985) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Sustainable Economic Development, Senior Policy Advisor, The Netherlands 40 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Kristel De Roy (Belgium) UNIDO Burkina Faso, (1998-2000) VCSPO (Vlaamse Confederatie van Social Profit Ondernemingen), ---, Stafmedewerker, Belgium Ms Jessica De Ruijter-Kerstens (The Netherlands) UNFPA China, (20032006) VSO, ---, HIV/AIDS advocacy&lobby officer, The Netherlands Mr Ramesh De Silva (Germany) UNDP Mozambique, (2009-2011) German Foreign Ministry, German Diplomatic Service, , Germany Mr Marc de Tollenaere (Belgium) UNDP Mozambique, (1996-1999) Self-employed, , Consultant, France Mr Arnaud de Vanssay (France) UNCCD Germany, (20042007) Catholic Church, Diocèse de Farafangana et Manakara, ---, Madagascar Ms Olivia Debaveye (France) ICTY The Netherlands, (2006-2008) EULEX-Kosovo, Judges Unit, Legal Officer, Kosovo, UN Administered Territory Ms Delphine Dechaux (France) WFP Mozambique, (20032005) WFP, Headquarters, Agent relations avec les donateurs, Italy Ms Catherine Decker (Luxembourg) UNDP Mongolia, UNDP USA (2009-2013) Ministère de la Culture de Luxembourg, Attachée de gouvernement, Luxembourg Ms Birgit Degnbol (Denmark) UNDP South Africa, UNDP USA (1995-1999) RIgsrevisionen, ---, Head of Section, Denmark Ms Gudula Deiringer (Germany) UNDP Niger, (1994-1996) Porsche AG, Funded Research , ---, Germany Mr Luc Dejonckheere (Belgium) UNDP Panama, (19811984) International Finance Corporation, The International Finance Corporation , Principal Investment Officer, USA Ms Cristina Del Castillo (Spain) UNDP Namibia, (20002002) Intermon Oxfam, Institutional Funding Unit, Fundraising Officer, Spain Ms Sandra Del Pino Marchito (Spain) UNOHCHR Switzerland, WHO Philippines (20082011) WHO, Division for Health Sector Development, Technical Officer (Health and Human Rights), Philippines Ms Irene del Rio Huerta (Spain) WFP Algeria, (2009-2012) WFP, Country Office Chad, Head of Sub Office, Malawi Mr Jean-Francois Delahaut (Belgium) UNDP Argentina, (19841987) SPF Affaires étrangères (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belgium) , Embassy of Belgium to Malta, Ambassador of Belgium to Malta, Malta 41 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Guillaume Delalande (France) UNDP Egypt, (2002-2004) OECD, ---, Policy Analyst, France Mr Jean-Yves Delaveux (Belgium) FAO Niger, (2006-2009) FAO, Emergency Coordination Unit, Emergency Operations Officer, Ecuador Ms Clotilde Delforge (France) UNFPA Mauritania, (20002003) France Ms Laurie Delstanche (Belgium) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, UNFPA Gambia (19962000) UNDP, Country Office, Capacity Development Specialist, Haiti Ms Hilde Deman (Belgium) UNFPA Rwanda, (20102013) Oxfam GB, Specialist, , Ms Caroline den Dulk (The Netherlands) UNICEF Kenya, UNICEF Tanzania, United Republic of (1993-1997) UNICEF, UN Communications Office, Communications Manager, Viet Nam Ms Patricia Déniz Alonso (Spain) UNDP Honduras, UN Women South Africa (20072009) CIVICUS, Partnerships Unit, Coordinator of the Affinity Group of National Associations (AGNA), South Africa Mr Roland Deschamps (Belgium) UNIDO Zimbabwe, (19951998) Andraman, ---, Consultant, Belgium Mr Romain Desclous (France) UNDP Denmark, (20032006) ActionAid International, , Regional Communications Advisor , Tanzania, United Republic of Ms Lucia Desigis (Switzerland) UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina, (2009-2011) SDC Swis Development Cooperation, E/MM Europe and Mediterrean Region, Chargée de Programme, Switzerland Mr Marc Destanne de Bernis (France) UNDP USA, (1988-1989) Belgium Mr Srikiran Devara (India) UNDP Uganda, (20052008) India Ms Daniele Di Pillo (Italy) UNICEF Bolivia, (20102012) Mr Mamadou Diakhite (France) UNFCCC Germany, (2000-2002) United Nations Environment Programme, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics , Consultant, France Ms Vanda Dias dos Santos (Portugal) UNDP Angola, UNDP Angola (2005-2007) UNDP, BCPR, programme specialist, USA 42 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Victoria Diaz Garcia (Spain) UN Women Senegal, UN Women Panama (20112013) UN Women, ---, Programme Specialist, Panama Mr Richard Dictus (The Netherlands) UNDP Yemen, (19871988) UNDP-UNV, ---, Executive Coordinator, Germany Mr Eric Dietz (Luxembourg) UNDP-UNCDF Senegal, UNDP-UNCDF USA (20072012) UNDP-UNCDF, Headquarters, Programme Finance Specialist, USA Ms Charlotte Diez (France) UNITAR Switzerland, UNITAR Switzerland (20042006) The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Malaria and TB, Board Relations unit, Board Relations Officer, Switzerland Ms Laura Dimitrescu (Romania) ITC Switzerland, (20002002) Belgium Mr Massimo Diomedi Camassei (Italy) FAO Samoa, (2005-2007) European Union, Delegation to Cameroon, Trade Affairs Manager, Cameroon Mr Christian Disler (Switzerland) UNDP Ukraine, (20062008) Swiss Development Cooperation, Headquarters, Desk Officer, Switzerland Mr Alejandro Diz (Spain) UNDP Sao Tome and Principe, (2000-2002) European Commission, Delegation, ---, Gabon Ms Adeline Djeutie (Cameroon) IAEA Austria, (2008-2009) IAEA, Division for Africa - Department of Technical Cooperation, Programme Management Officer, Austria Ms Else Djorup (Denmark) UNDP Cape Verde, UNDP Mozambique (1999-2002) SEB Skandinaviska Enskilda Bank, Denmark Ms Kara Djurhuus (Denmark) UNFPA Uganda, (20092011) Red Cross Youth, Denmark Mr Jean-Claude Do Rego (Senegal) UNDP , (1990-1994) UNHCR, ---, ---, Benin Mr Johannes Dobinger (Austria) UNIDO Honduras, (19951997) UNIDO, UNIDO Regional Office Colombia, UNIDO Representative, Colombia Mr Daniel Dobrovoljec (France) UNDP Algeria, (19871989) Tetra tech DPK-ProJustice - Cote d'Ivoire, Programme de Renforcement des Capacités de la Justice en Côte d'Ivoire, Chef de Projet-Chief of Party, Cote d`Ivoire Ms Maria Vinje Dodson (Norway) FAO Italy, FAO Italy (20092012) FAO, TCIO, Economist , Italy 43 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Ole Doetinchem (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (20052008) Council on Health Research for Development COHRED, Forum 2012, Senior Programme Officer Current, Switzerland Mr Yasumitsu Doken (Japan) UNDP Pakistan, (19951997) UNDP, BCPR Asia Pacific Regional Team, Programme Specialist, USA Mr Wouter Dol (The Netherlands) UNDP Bangladesh, (2005-2008) The Netherlands Ms Virginie Dolmazon (France) WHO France, (20092012) WHO, , Technical officer, France Ms Maria Ana Dominguez (Belgium) UNDP Gabon, (20012003) Ms Violeta Domínguez Acosta (Spain) UNDP Bolivia, (19891991) Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior (extenda), ---, ---, Spain Mr Marc-Andre Dorel (France) UNDP Austria, (19921994) UN-DESA, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, USA Ms Claire Douchet (Spain) UNDP Morocco, (20082009) Mr Adrien Dozol (France) World Bank USA, (20072009) AP-HP, Praticien Hospitalier, France Ms Tina Draser (Germany) UNDP Burundi, (19851987) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Middle East and North Africa, Fund Portfolio Manager, France Ms Barbara Dreis-Lampen (Germany) UNDP Malaysia, (19961998) GOPA-Consultants, Economic Development Department, Senior Consultant, Germany Ms Julie Drolet (Canada) UNFPA Cameroon, (19971999) University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work, Associate Professor, Canada Mr Nicolas Drunet (France) UNDP Senegal, (20072010) Ms Othilie du Souich (France) UNESCO France, (20002002) UNESCO, Headquarters, Spécialiste en planification du programme (GAR/RBM et SISTER), France 44 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Mettine Due (Denmark) UNAIDS India, (20032005) Mellomfolkeligt Samvirke, , MENA Coordinator, Denmark Mr Jacob Duer (Denmark) UNODC Senegal, UNODC Austria (1996-1999) UNEP Mr Eric Duflos (France) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (19951999) CGAP/World Bank, Paris Office, Senior Microfinance Specialist, France Ms Colleen Duggan (Canada) UNDP El Salvador, (19921995) International Development Research Centre, Peacebuilding Program; Gender Unit, Senior Program Specialist, Canada Mr Remy Duiven (Switzerland) UNDP Bangladesh, (1996-1999) Swiss Development Cooperation, Country Office, Deputy Director of Cooperation, Kyrgyzstan Ms Violaine Dupuis (France) FAO Italy, (2008-2010) France Mr Jeevanandhan Duraisamy (India) FAO Mozambique, (20032006) FAO, Headquarters, Emergency Operations Officer, Italy Ms Stéphanie Durand (France) UNICEF Myanmar, (20032005) Développement Sans Frontières, ---, Directrice des missions, France Ms Céline Dutilly-Diane (France) ICARDA Syria, (20032004) Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, France Mr Matthias Ebinger (Germany) UNOPS USA, UN-DESA USA (2003-2004) New York Presbyterian Hospital, Real Estate & Facilities Development Department, Manager, USA Ms Yoko Ebisawa (Japan) UNDP Solomon Islands, (2010-2013) Mr Pierre Echard (France) UNDP Dominican Republic, (1998-2001) CSR EUROPE, National Partner Network, Director, Belgium Ms Carolin Karin Eckert (Germany) UNDP USA, (2008-2011) UNICEF, HR Specialist, USA Ms Jacqueline Eckhardt-Gerritsen (Germany) UNFPA Mexico, (19972000) Freevoice - Dutch Support for Media in Development, ---, Regional officer Latin America, The Netherlands E 45 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Sharif Egal (The Netherlands) UNFPA Egypt, (20052008) UNFPA, Headquarters, Consultant, USA Ms Francine Egberts (The Netherlands) UNFPA Mongolia, (20082011) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch Embassy, , Mozambique Ms Anne Egelund Ryberg (Denmark) UNAIDS Zambia, (20052007) Denmark's Institute for Study abroad (DIS) and Roskilde University (RUC), ---, University Lecturer, Denmark Ms Yoko Eguchi (Japan) UNDP Benin, (1981-1983) International Consulting Associates, ---, Strategic Communication Specialist, USA Mr Jose Eguren (Peru) UNIDO Venezuela, UNDP Equatorial Guinea (19821986) Leadership Technologies, Inc., FranklinCovey Latin America, Client Partner and Consultant, Panama Ms Linnéa Madelene Eichhorn (Sweden) UNAIDS Cambodia, (2007-2010) Consultant, Ukraine Ms Lisa Eklund (Sweden) UNFPA Switzerland, UNFPA China (2003-2007) Mr Farid El Haffar (Italy) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, UNRWA Jordan (20062009) FAO, ---, Programme Officer, Italy Mr Maruan El Krekshi (Finland) UNDP Yemen, (20072010) Crisis Management Initiative, Middle East and North Africa, Project Manager, Finland Mr Rikard Elfving (Sweden) UNDP The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), (1999-2001) SIDA, Regional HIV/AIDS Team, Regional Advisor - First Secretary, Zambia Ms Christina Elich (The Netherlands) UNDP Guatemala, UNDP Panama (1993-1995) UNDP, Crisis Prevention & Recovery, Programme Coordinator, Guatemala Mr Judicaël Elidje (Cote d`Ivoire) UNFPA Congo, The Democratic Republic, (2004-2007) UNFPA, West and Central Africa Regional Office, Regional Programme Specialist Humanitarian Response and Preparedness, Senegal Ms Begoña Elizalde San Miguel (Spain) UNDP-UNV Germany, Germany (2006-2009) University Carlos III of Madrid, Political Sciences & Sociology Unit, Assistant Professor, Spain Ms Liselotte Ellegaard (Denmark) UNICEF Mozambique, (2002-2005) Danish Ministry of Transportation , Organisational and HR developement, HR Consultant, Denmark 46 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Vidar Ellingsen (Norway) UNDP Venezuela, UNDP Denmark (2005-2008) UNDP (on leave of absence), BDP/DGG, Programme Specialist, Norway Ms Margrethe Ellingseter (Norway) UNDP Malawi, (20092012) Ministry of Education and Research, Department of Higher Education, Senior advisor, Norway Ms Gerd Elmark (Denmark) UNFPA Yemen, (20042006) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Danish Embassy Amman, First Secretary, Denmark Ms Dalya ElZiniy (Egypt) UNFPA Philippines, (2009-2010) African Development Bank, Health Division, Tunisia Ms Vibeke Emborg (Denmark) UNDP Burkina Faso, (1996-1997) International Media Support, Asia, Africa & Latin America, Assistant Programme Manager, Denmark Ms Danielle Engel (Luxembourg) UNFPA Niger, UNFPA Ecuador (2001-2007) UNFPA, Headquarters, Coordinator United Nations Adolescent Girls Task Force , USA Mr Marcel Engel (Germany) UNIDO Mexico, (19941996) World Business Council for Sustainable Development, ---, Managing Director, Regional Network & Development Focus Area, Switzerland Mr Christian Engler (Switzerland) UN-DESA USA, (20062009) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, Programme Officer, Switzerland Ms Kerstin Eppert (Germany) UNDP Slovakia, UNDP Sri Lanka (2005-2008) Bielefeld University, Faculty of Sociology/BGHS, Research associate, Ms Anja Erbel (Germany) UN Women USA, (20102014) USA Mr Mikael Erbs-Jorgensen (Denmark) UNDP Samoa, (19941996) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Balkan, Head of Section, Denmark Ms Christell Erichsen (Denmark) UNDP USA, UNDP Mauritius (1997-2001) Ballerup Kommune, , Chefkonsulent, Denmark Ms Linda Eriksson (Sweden) IOM Nicaragua, IOM Colombia (1999-2002) IOM, Regional Office in Brussels, Regional Thematic Specialist on Counter-Trafficking, Belgium Mr Thomas Eriksson (Sweden) UNDP-UNV Germany, UNDP South Africa (19992002) UNDP, Country Office, DRR, Mongolia 47 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Christoph Ernst (Germany) UNDP Brazil, UNDP Papua New Guinea (1997-1999) ILO, Employment Sector, Senior Economist, Switzerland Ms Anita Ernstorfer (Germany) UN-DESA USA, UNDP USA (2006-2009) Mr Bjorn Erring (Norway) UNDP Bangladesh, (1979-1980) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Social anthropology, Professor, Norway Ms Siân Evans (United Kingdom) UNFPA Niger, (20052008) Belgium Mr Christoph Exner (Germany) WHO Switzerland, WHO Philippines (2008-2011) Council of Europe Development Bank, Human Resources Directorate, Human Resources Specialist, France Ms Katarina Fabian (Sweden) ICTY The Netherlands, (2005-2008) Ministry of Justice, Division for Criminal Matters and International Judicial Cooperation, Desk Officer, Sweden Ms Rikke Fabienke (Denmark) UNDP Mozambique, (2002-2005) Novo Nordisk A/S, Corporate Branding and Responsibility, Global Project Manager, Changing Diabetes in Children, Denmark Ms Cecilia Faingnaert (Belgium) UNDP Benin, (2005-2008) Belgium Ms Michele Falavigna (Italy) UNDP Rwanda, UNDP Senegal (1982-1984) n/a (retiree) Mr Cheikh Fall (Senegal) UNFPA Cape Verde, UNFPA Guinea-Bissau (1992-1996) UNFPA, Country Office, ---, Senegal Ms Cécile Famerée (Belgium) UNFPA Peru, (2005-2007) Belgium Ms Costanza Farina (Italy) UNDP Yemen, (19851988) UNESCO, Head of UNESCO country office and UNESCO Representative, Jordan Mr Mailin Fauchon (France) WFP Italy, (2004-2006) WFP, Headquarters, Logistics Officer, Italy Mr Ernest Fausther (Gabon) UNDP Congo, Republic of, (1981-1981) F 48 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Anne Favreau (France) UN-DESA USA, (20032006) United Nations Secretariat, Conduct and Discipline Team , Chief, Mali Ms Nathalia Feinberg (Denmark) UNDP Bangladesh, (1993-1996) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark Ms Marieke Feitsma (The Netherlands) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2000-2003) Ms Georgina Fekete (United Kingdom) UNDP Belgium, (19982001) UNDP, Country Office, DRR (P), Zambia Mr Nicola Felder (Switzerland) UNDP Honduras, (19961999) Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Division Politique II Afrique / Moyen - Orient , Adj. Diplomatique, Switzerland Ms Yana Feldman (USA) IAEA Austria, (2007-2009) IAEA, Safeguards Information Analyst, Austria Ms Nuria Felipe Soria (Spain) UNDP Brazil, (1997-1999) UN Women, Communications and Advocacy Section, Communications and Outreach Specialist, USA Mr Samuel Feller (Belgium) UNIDO Tunisia, (19982001) Holcim Group, Finance and Controlling Department, Project Manager, Belgium Ms Karin Fenczak (France) UN-DESA USA, UNDP USA (2008-2011) OCHA, , Humanitarian Affairs Officer, USA Ms Raquel Fernández Costa (Spain) UNFPA Morocco, UNFPA Sri Lanka (2008-2010) European Union, ---, ---, Mr Alfonso Fernández de Castro Torres (Spain) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, (2002-2004) UNDP, Procurement Support Office, Procurement Adviser, USA Mr Guido Fernandez de Velasco Sert (Spain) UNDP Nicaragua, (20022005) Spain Mr Carlos Javier Fernandez Garcia (Spain) UNDP Honduras, (20022004) UNDP, MDGs, Programme Specialist, Dominican Republic Ms Maria Fernandez Trueba (Spain) UNDP Panama, (20112014) Mr Alejandro FernandezMazarambroz (Spain) UNDP Mozambique, (2001-2003) n/a (studying), Masters in International Affairs (Columbia University), Student, USA 49 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Patricia Fernandez-Pacheco (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Ecuador, UNDP USA (2005-2009) UNDP, Country, Programme Specialist (RBM), Viet Nam Mr Lyès Ferroukhi (Sweden) FAO Italy, (1999-2000) UNDP, Environment & Energy Group, Bureau for Development Policy, Regional Technical Adviser: Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Panama Ms Rut Feuk (Sweden) UNICEF The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), UNICEF Peru (2005-2008) UNICEF, Country Office, Child Protection Specialist, Cambodia Ms Uta Brigitte Filz (Germany) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2010-2013) UNRWA, , Special Assistant to the DUOG, Occupied Palestinian Territory Ms Mette Fink-Nielsen (Denmark) UNICEF Zambia, (20022004) Denmark Mr Jogchum Finnema (The Netherlands) UNDP Switzerland, UNDP Mozambique (1996-2001) UNOPS, ---, Programme Management Offcie Coordinator, South Sudan Ms Mette Fjalland (Denmark) UNDP Indonesia, (19992002) UNDP, Liaison Office, Communications Analyst, Denmark Mr Tobias Flaemig (Germany) WFP Tanzania, United Republic of, WFP Italy (2004-2008) WFP, ODXC, Market Analyst, Italy Mr Stephan Flaetgen (Germany) UNFPA USA, (1987-1988) UNFPA, DMS/Finance Branch, ---, USA Ms Catherine Flagothier (Belgium) UNICEF Senegal, (20072010) UNICEF, Child Protection, Child Protection Specialist, Nepal Ms Isabelle Floer (Germany) UNDP USA, (2008-2010) GIZ (German Development Cooperation), Programme Office International Climate Initiative, Climate Expert (Mitigation), Germany Mr Frank Flood (Ireland) UNDP Ethiopia, (19982000) Department of Foreign Affairs, , , Ireland Ms Sonia Florisse (France) WHO Switzerland, (19982001) The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Country Programs Unit, Fund Portfolio Manager for West Africa, USA Ms Eloise Fluet (France) UNDP El Salvador, UNDP El Salvador (2008-2010) African Development Bank, Young Professional Program, Program Officer, Tunisia 50 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Sabrina Fofana (France) ICTY The Netherlands, (2004-2005) ICTY, Juriste, The Netherlands Mr Manuel Fontaine (France) UNICEF Switzerland, (1991-1993) UNICEF, Regional Office West and Central Africa, Regional Director, Senegal Mr Renato Fornocaldo (Italy) UNDP Burkina Faso, (1984-1986) Italian Development Cooperation, , Senior Advisor, Italy Ms Karen Förnzler (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, UNDP-UNV Germany (2006-2010) UNDP-UNV, Communications and Partnerships, Partnerships Development Specialist, Germany Ms Chiara Fortuna (Italy) FAO Italy, (2005-2008) FAO, AFSI, Communication Officer, Italy Mr Guillem Fortuny Fillo (Spain) UNFPA Mexico, UNFPA Panama (2007-2010) UNFPA, Headquarters, Data Management Analyst, USA Mr Audun Fostvedt (Norway) UNDP Sudan, (20112012) Mr Xavier Foulquier (France) UNICEF USA, (20052008) UNICEF, Bangkok (East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office), Programme Planning Specialist, Thailand Ms Sanne Fournier-Wendes (Denmark) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2001-2003) Vestergaard Frandsen Group SA, ---, Donor Relations Manager, Switzerland Mr Marc-Andre Franche (Canada) UNDP Colombia, (20012003) UNDP, Country Office, Country Director, Pakistan Ms Stefanie Franke (Germany) UN Women USA, UNFPA Nicaragua (2008-2011) Un Women, Inter-Governmental , Economics Analyst, USA Ms Ankie Frantzen (The Netherlands) UNDP Mauritania, (20002003) Consultant, ---, Consultant, The Netherlands Mr Luc Franzoni (Switzerland) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (1981-1984) Ambassade de Djibouti, ---, Docteur en droit, conseiller spécial de l'ambassadeur de la république de Djibouti en Suisse et aupres des Nations Unies, France Ms Marie-Claude Frauenrath (Germany) ITC Switzerland, (20012003) ITC, Trade in Services, Trade in Services Officer, Switzerland Ms Signe Frederiksen (Denmark) UNDP Ethiopia, (20022005) Denmark 51 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Johan Fredriksson (Sweden) UNDP Viet Nam, (19992001) Swedish Export Credits Agency (EKN), Senior Country Policy Advisor, Sweden Mr Stig Fredslund Kjeldsen (Denmark) OCHA USA, (2004-2006) Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy, Climate Change, Advisor, Denmark Mr Jean-Marie Frentz (Luxembourg) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, UNDP Niger (1999-2003) European Commission, Delegation of the European Commission to Syria, Attaché (Economic Cooperation), Luxembourg Ms Saara Maria Frestadius (Finland) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20092012) Ms Silvia Frias Nebra (Spain) UNDP The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), UNDP Senegal (20082011) Ms Annette Frick (Germany) UNDP Eritrea, (19971999) Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, ---, First Secretary, Viet Nam Mr Klaus S. Friesenbichler (Austria) World Bank USA, World Bank USA (2009-2011) Austria Ms Pernille Friis (Denmark) UNDP Viet Nam, (20052007) Danida Fellowship Centre, Consultative Research Committee, Project Administrator, Denmark Ms Chiara Frisone (Italy) UNAIDS South Africa, (2008-2011) Self-employed, Communications and video production, Communication consultant and video producer, South Africa Ms Barbro Fritzon (Sweden) UNFPA Mozambique, (2005-2007) Sweden Mr Peter Frobel (Germany) UNOPS USA, (20012004) IFAD, Human Resources Division, HR Management Advisor, Italy Mr Olivier Fruchaud (France) UNITAR Switzerland, (2008-2011) Ashoka, Ashoka Switzerland, Co-rep Ashoka Switzerland, Switzerland Ms Ingunde Fuehlau (Germany) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (19811983) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Germany Ms Maria Fuentenebro (Spain) UNDP Guatemala, UNDP South Sudan (2006-2009) WFP, Humanitarian Crises and Transitions Unit, Policy Division, Policy Officer, Italy 52 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Diana Harumi Fuentes Furuya (Mexico) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20062008) UNOHCHR, Headquarters, Human Rights Officer, Switzerland Ms Susana Fuertes Blanco (Spain) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (2005-2007) Egypt Mr Ivanoe Fugali (Italy) UNDP Somalia, (20022004) Italy Ms Bettina Fuhrmann (Germany) UNDP Chad, (1987-1989) Germany Ms Akiko Fujii (Japan) UNDP Pakistan, (19982001) UNDP, Directorate, Deputy Resident Representative, Jamaica Ms Mai Fujii (Japan) WHO Switzerland, (20072009) WHO, Country focus, Technical Officer, France Ms Makiko Fujita (Japan) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20092012) Ms Chiharu Fukazawa (Japan) UNDP Guatemala, UNDP Bolivia (2002-2005) Japan Ms Jane Fuller (Canada) UNDP-UNCDF Cambodia, (1999-2001) ACDI-CIDA, Strategic Policy and Planning Division, Asia Branch, Governance Specialist, Canada Mr Tatsuhiko Furumoto (Japan) UNDP Nepal, UNDP USA (2009-2012) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Country Assistance Planning Division II, Deputy Director, Japan Mr Albis Francesco Gabrielli (Italy) WHO Switzerland, (20052007) WHO, Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD), Medical Officer, Switzerland Ms Helvise Gallet (France) UNHCR Kosovo, UN Administered Territory, (2004-2006) OSCE, Institution du médiateur au Kosovo, Conseiller Spécial, Kosovo, UN Administered Territory Mr Paolo Galli (Italy) UNDP-UNCDF USA, (1987-1990) UNDP, Liaison Office in Washington, Deputy Director, USA Mr Francesco Galtieri (Italy) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2006-2008) UNDP-UNV, Headquarters, Chief, Peace Programming Section, Germany G 53 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Catherine Gamper (Austria) World Bank USA (20072009) Ms Maria Elena Ganan Nunez* (Spain) UNDP Cambodia, UNDP Rwanda (2009-2013) Ms Viridiana Garcia (France) UNDP USA, UNDP USA (2010-2013) OECD, France Ms Marina García del Soto (Spain) UNDP USA (1991-1993) ICEX Mr Gonzalo Garcia Delgado (Spain) UNDP Brazil, UNDP Cambodia (2007-2011) Save the Children Sweden, Office of the International Programme Director, Key Account Manager-United Nations, Sweden Ms Barbara Garcia Mateos (Spain) UNIDO Morocco, (20092011) Ms Jemima Garcia-Godos (Norway) UNDP Turkey, (19961998) University of Oslo, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Dr. Polit., Norway Mr David Garrigos-Soliva (Spain) UNDP Albania, (20002001) Asian Development Bank (ADB), Secretariat, Senior Secretariat Specialist, Philippines Mr Uffe Gartner (Denmark) UNDP India, (2000-2003) ACDI VOCA, , Program Manager, Iraq Ms Cordula Gaschutz (Germany) UNDP USA, (1980-1982) n/a (retiree) Ms Zipporah Gathiti (Kenya) UNFPA Uganda, (20022005) UNFPA, Country Office, Programme Analyst, Uganda Mr Peer Gatter (Germany) UNDP Yemen, (20012004) GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation), Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), Head of CIM Task Force Afghanistan/Pakistan, Germany Mr Michel Gaudé (France) UNHCR Rwanda, (19811984) Self-employed - Trainer (forced migration and humanitarian action), ---, Retired from UNHCR (after 30 years of service), France Ms Eva Gauss (Germany) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, UNDP USA (2009-2012) Germany 54 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Martin Gauss (Austria) World Bank Peru, (20062008) Kommunalkredit Public Consulting, Climate and Energy, Senior JI/CDM Consultant, Austria Ms Nadine Gbossa (Belgium) UNOPS USA, (19982002) IFAD, Head of Regional Office for East & Southern Africa, Country Director, Kenya Mr Peter Gebert (Denmark) UNIDO Jamaica, (19871990) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Environment and Sustainable Development, Head of Section, Denmark Ms Monika Christiane Gehner (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (19931996) WHO, Social media, , Switzerland Mr Steven Geiger (Switzerland) UNDP Viet Nam, (20032006) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Latin American Division, Advisor, Cooperation with Multilateral Development Banks and the United Nations, Switzerland Ms Danièle Gelz (Luxembourg) UNDP Senegal, UNDP USA (2006-2010) UNDP, Poverty Practice, Project Manager, Slovakia Ms Perrine Geniez (France) WFP Ethiopia, (20042006) Freelance, Nutrition, Consultant, France Mr Luc Genot (Belgium) UNDP Burundi, UNDP Burundi (1997-2000) Cote d`Ivoire Ms Katherine George (USA) WFP Ethiopia, (20092011) Mr Pepijn Gerrits (The Netherlands) UNDP Dominican Republic, (2003-2005) Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy, Programme Team, Director of Programmes, The Netherlands Mr Makonen Getu (Sweden) UNDP Lesotho, (19841986) Opportunity International, International Business Development, Vice President, United Kingdom Ms Tina Gewis (Austria) UNDP Afghanistan, (2005-2007) Norwegian Refugee Council, Regional Office Caucasus, Protection and Advocacy Adviser, Georgia Mr Glenn Gibney (Canada) UNDP Bangladesh, (1984-1986) Project Concern International , Country Office Indonesia, Country Director Indonesia , Indonesia Mr Jonas Giersing (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Tanzania, United Republic of, (20022004) Fairtrade Mark Denmark, ---, Director, Denmark 55 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Julita Gil Cuesta (Spain) WHO Viet Nam, (20102012) Danish Ministry of Health, Public Health Institute/EPIET programme, , Denmark Mr Patrick Gilabert (France) UNIDO Viet Nam, (19931995) UNIDO, Country Office Viet Nam, Representative, Viet Nam Ms Micheline Gilbert (Canada) UNDP Rwanda, (19921995) Canadian International Development Agency, Global Initiatives Division, Senior Analyst, Canada Ms Ulrike Gilbert (Germany) UNFPA South Africa, (1996-1998) UNICEF, Cambodia Country Office, HIV Specialist , Cambodia Ms Virginie Gillet (France) FAO Italy, (2005-2007) University of South Australia, Centre for comparative water policies and laws, Australia Mr Guillermo Gimeno (Spain) UNOPS Peru, UNOPS Denmark (2001-2003) Mr Lopez-Oliver R. Gines (Spain) UNDP USA, UNDP Bolivia (1991-1994) Spain Mr Bertrand Ginet (France) UNDP USA, (2006-2009) France Mr Antonio Giuffrida (Italy) IDB USA, (2000-2001) The World Bank, Health Nutrition and Population - Europe and Central Asia, Senior Health Economist, USA Ms Tiziana Giuliani (Italy) UNDP Libya, (2002-2004) Italian Ministry of Industry and Trade, ---, --, Italy Mr Michiel Glaudemans (The Netherlands) UNDP Guatemala, FAO Guatemala (2000-2001) Guatemala Mr Georges Glod (Luxembourg) UNDP Mali, UNDP Cape Verde (1998-2002) Caritas Luxembourg, International cooperation , responsable de projets , Luxembourg Mr Henry Glorieux (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Niger, (2005-2008) RCO, RCO Djibouti, Coordination Officer, Djibouti Ms Beata Godenzi (Switzerland) UNFPA Senegal, (19961999) Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, NGO Division, ---, Switzerland Ms Julia Goehsing (Germany) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Mexico (2003-2006) UNFPA, Country Office, ---, Lebanon 56 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Laura Gómez Climent (Spain) UNDP Timor Leste, (2005-2007) Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Policy Planning, Technical Advisor, Spain Ms Clara Gomez Hernandez (Spain) UNFPA Viet Nam, (20102012) Brazil Mr Juan Luis Gomez Reino (Spain) UNDP Viet Nam, (20022004) Georgia State University, Public Policy, Research Associate, USA Mr Oswaldo Gomez Rodrigez (Nicaragua) UNDCP Austria, (19941995) Pan American Health Organization, Family and Community Health/Life Cicle, Communications Officer, USA Ms Matilde Gomis-Pérez (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Jordan, (2000-2002) MPDL Palestine, ---, Country Coordinator, Occupied Palestinian Territory Ms Orria Goni Delzangles (Spain) UNDP Senegal, UNDP Turkey (2006-2010) UNDP, BDP/Poverty Reduction Group, Policy Specialist, USA Ms Claudine Gonsalves (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, (1988-????) USA Ms Pilar Gonzales Rams (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Uruguay, (2007-2009) UNICEF, Regional Office, ---, Panama Ms Lucia Gonzalez Lopez (Spain) UNFPA Viet Nam, (20112012) UNESCAP, Thailand Ms Wilma Goppel (The Netherlands) UNDP Senegal, (19761980) n/a (retiree), The Netherlands Ms Helena Gorancic-Lazetic (Canada) UNDP Croatia, (20032005) Canada Revenue Agency, Sustainable Development, Senior Sustainable Development Analyst, Canada Mr Frank Gosselink (The Netherlands) UN-DESA Senegal, UNDESA Guinea-Bissau (1993-1997) Mr Kenta Goto (Japan) UNDP Mongolia, (19982000) Kansai University, Faculty of Economics, Associate Professor, Japan Ms Elisabeth Gotschi (Austria) UNDP Nicaragua, (20072009) EU, ---, Head of Cooperation, Papua New Guinea Mr Julien Gourdon (France) World Bank USA, (20062008) World Bank, International Trade Department, , USA 57 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Sylvie Goyet (France) UNDP Fiji, (1991-1993) FIBA - Fondation Internationale du Banc d'Arguin, ---, Director General, Switzerland Mr Uli Grabener (Germany) UNESCO Russian Federation, (2000-2003) WWF Germany, Conservation Finance, Programme Financing Officer, Germany Ms Jessica Graf (Switzerland) UNDP Pakistan, (20022004) Hystra, ---, Project Manager, France Ms Hanna Grahn (Sweden) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2009-2012) UNDP, BCPR, Consultant, USA Mr Jean-Jacques Graisse (Belgium) UNTAB Tunisia, (19631965) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Italy Ms Eva Grambye (Denmark) UNDP USA, (1993-1994) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Embassy, ---, USA Ms Egle Granziera (Italy) WHO Switzerland, (20052007) WHO, DGO/LEG/GBI, Legal Officer, Switzerland Mr Sascha Graumann (Germany) UNDP Tajikistan, (19982001) UNICEF, Country Office, Representative, Georgia Mr Franklin Gregory (Belgium) UNDP Bolivia, WFP Bolivia (2000-2002) OCHA, ---, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Sudan Ms Daniela Gregr (Luxembourg) UNDP USA, UNDP Niger (2005-2009) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Haiti Mr Klaus Greifenstein (Denmark) UNDP Denmark, (19992002) UNFPA, Procurement Services Section, Programme Specialist - Asia, Denmark Ms Carina Grenryd (Sweden) UNOPS Malaysia, UNOPS Myanmar (1999-2002) Greenpeace Nordic, ---, Finance Manager, Sweden Ms Chiara Grimaldi (Italy) IFAD Italy, (2005-2008) Italy Mr Lars Grindsted (Denmark) UNDP Ethiopia, (19961998) Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, ---, Senior Adviser, Denmark Ms Anne Louise Grinsted (Denmark) World Bank Mozambique, (2006-2008) Mozambique 58 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Gianluca Grippa (Italy) UNDP Mexico, UNDP Chile (1988-1991) European External Action Service, Western Europe , Head of Division, Belgium Ms Cornelia Griss (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (20012004) WHO, Recruitment, Career Management and Organizational Design HR Service, Human Resources Specialist, Switzerland Mr Peter Grohmann (Germany) UNDP USA, (1997-2000) UNDP, Country Office Bahrain, RC/RR, Bahrain Mr Christian Gronlund (Denmark) UNOPS USA, (19961999) Cyber Schools Technology Solutions, Management, Project Manager Uganda / Chief Operations Officer Africa, Uganda Ms Catharina Groop (Finland) UNDP Namibia, (20032006) Åbo Akademi University, Department of Political Science, PhD student - Political Science, Finland Mr Matthias Grossmann (Germany) UNDP Namibia, (20052008) GIZ, Minitsry of Economics and Finance, Senegal, Senior Macroeconomic Advisor, Senegal Mr Michael Thomas Gruber (Germany) UNOPS USA, (20032006) KfW Development Bank, Urban Development Sector and Policy Division, Senior Sector Economist, Mr Matthias Grueninger (Germany) World Bank USA, (19992002) KfW Development Bank, , Senior Project Manager, Germany Mr Rogier Gruys (The Netherlands) UNDP Mongolia, (19961998) Parks Canada , Jasper National Park, Tourism Specialist, Canada Ms Karolina Gudmundsson (Sweden) UNDCP Colombia, UNDCP Switzerland (2001-2004) Mr Cesar Guedes-Ferreyros (Peru) UNIDO China, (19941996) UNODC, Division for Operations, Resident Representative, Bolivia Mr Pierre-Yves Guedez (France) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2003-2006) UNOPS, Office, Regional Information Specialist, Panama Mr Niels Guenther (Germany) UNOPS Kosovo, UN Administered Territory, UNOPS Switzerland (20022005) UNOPS, Three Diseases Fund (Burma/Myanmar), CEO, Myanmar Ms Ulrike Guerin (Germany) UNESCO France UNESCO Ms Maria Jose Guerrero (Spain) UNHCR Ethiopia, (20052006) 59 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan (Mexico) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20022005) UNICEF, , Social and Economic Policy Specialist, USA Mr Federico Guicciardini Corsi Salviati (Italy) UNDP Tunisia, UNDP-UNV Switzerland (1984-1986) WIPO, Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Senior Advisor, Switzerland Ms Sofia Guillot de la Puente (Spain) UNFPA Nicaragua, UNFPA Panama (2010-2013) Mr Adama Guindo (Mali) UNDP Central African Republic, (1985-1987) Independent Consultant, ---, Mediator, Peace and Security Independent Consultant, Canada Ms Sybille Gumucio (France) UNICEF USA, (20032005) Médecins du Monde, ---, Conseiller santé publique, France Mr Gerald Gunther (Germany) UNDP Malaysia, (19971999) UN Women, Afghanistan Ms Victoria Gyllerup (Sweden) UNDP China, (1998-2001) World Bank, Africa Region Results & Learning, Operations Officer, USA Mr Ralph Gerald Haag (France) UNDP Angola, UNOPS USA (1985-1988) N/A, International Relations, fr. Head Diplomat w/r Ambassador Plenipotentiary, France Ms Anne Maria Haaranen (Finland) UNDP Kazakhstan, (19982000) Save the Children Finland, International Programmes, Director, International Programmes, Finland Mr Sander Haarman (The Netherlands) UNDP USA, (1978-1982) WHO, Regional Office for Africa, Director, Administration and Finance, Congo, Republic of Mr Wolfgang Haas (Austria) UNDP Nicaragua, (19982000) UNDP, UN RC Office, UN Coordination Specialist, Ghana Ms Anni Haataja (Finland) UN-DESA USA, (20092012) UN-DESA, e-Government Branch, Division for Public Administration and Development Management, Governance and Public Administration Officer, USA Mr Nadir Hadj-Hammou (Algeria) UNDP Tunisia, (19821984) n/a (retiree) Ms Hideko Hadzialic (Japan) UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina, (2002-2005) UNDP, Country Office, DRR, Bhutan H 60 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Cyril Haessig (France) UNODC Austria, (20002002) UK National Health Service, Surrey Primary Care Trust, Drugs and Alcohol Action Team, Project Manager, United Kingdom Mr Ulrich Haeussermann (Germany) UNODC Austria, (20032006) UNODC, Economic and Financial Crimes Division, Project Coordinator, Nigeria Ms Anna Ida Charlotta Haggblom (Sweden) WHO Bangladesh, WHO Bangladesh (2010-2011) Mr Ulf Hägglund (Sweden) UNDP Kenya, UNIDO Liberia (1975-1977) Sweden Ms Yoko Hagiwara (Japan) UNDP India, (1999-2002) UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Africa Regional Office, Programme Officer, Kenya Ms Nina Hakamies (Finland) WHO Sri Lanka, (20062009) Business owner and founder, , Founder OmniYoga, Australia Ms Josefina Halme (Finland) UNDP Zambia, (20052007) Finland Mr Qays Hamad (Germany) UNIDO Kenya, (19992001) World Bank, Headquarters, Advisor to the Executive Director for Germany, USA Mr Ryo Hamaguchi (Japan) UNDP Maldives, (20072010) Ms Sonya Hammons (USA) FAO Italy, (2007-2009) Mr Ryuichiro John Hanawa (Japan) UNDP China, (2005-2007) Mr Fabrice Hansé (Belgium) UNDP Viet Nam, (20082010) Mr Kjetil Hansen (Norway) UNDP-UNCDF Mozambique, (2001-2003) Ms Mette Bloch Hansen (Denmark) UNDP USA, (2009-2012) Denmark Ms Majken Hansen (Denmark) WFP Zambia, (20032006) DanChurchAid, International Finance Unit, Head of International Finance Unit, Denmark Panama 61 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Marianne Hansen (Norway) UNOPS Denmark, UNOPS Malaysia (1999-2001) Norwegian Ministry of Finance, ---, Assistant Director General, Norway Mr Finn Hansen (Denmark) UNDP Costa Rica, (19951997) self-employed consultant, ---, director, Denmark Ms Maja Manzenski Hansen (Denmark) UNFPA China, (20062010) UNFPA, Country Office, Programme Specialist, South Africa Mr Stein Reidar Hansen (Norway) UNIDO Ecuador, (19931995) UNIDO, Donors Partnerships and UNDG Collaboration, Chief, Austria Ms Elin Christina Hansson (Sweden) UNDP Serbia, UNDP Denmark (2005-2008) Sweden Ms Christina Hansson (Denmark) IFAD Italy, (2003-2006) Ursuline Academy, Historical Geography, Comparative Government, Current Events, Educator, USA Ms Olivia Hantz (France) WFP Italy, (1998-2000) WFP, occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) Country Office, Programme Adviser, Head of External Relations and Support Services unit, Occupied Palestinian Territory Ms Ameerah Haq-Perera (Bangladesh) UNDP Indonesia, (19811982) n/a (retiree) Mr Kiyoshi Harada (Japan) UNDP Rwanda, (20002003) UN-DPKO, Burundi Mr Esben Quedens Harboe* (Denmark) UNDP Myanmar (20092012) International Media Support, Myanmarprogram, Lead, Mr Keith Hargreaves (United Kingdom) UNDP-UNV , (1994-1996) Strategic Asia, Business Development and Communications, Director, United Kingdom Ms Nicola Harrington-Buhay (United Kingdom) UNDP Argentina, (19911993) UNDP, Moldova, Resident Coordinator, Moldova, Republic of Mr Martin Hart-Hansen (Denmark) UNICEF Bhutan, UNDPUNDOCO Nepal (20002003) UNDP, Executive Office, Policy Specialist, USA Mr Nick Rene Hartmann (Denmark) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, UNDP USA (1996-1998) UNDP, Country Office, Deputy Country Director Programme, Congo, The Democratic Republic Ms Wakako Hashimoto (Japan) UNDP Syria, UNDP Uzbekistan (2002-2005) Japan 62 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Nicoline Haslev-Hansen (Denmark) UNDP Gambia, (19982000) Makeroom.dk, ---, Self-Employed, Denmark Ms Sophie Haspeslagh (Belgium) UNDP Algeria, (20052007) Group of NGOs, ---, ---, United Kingdom Ms Anne Hassberger (Switzerland) UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of, (2002-2005) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, ---, ---, Switzerland Ms Anu Maria Hassinen (Finland) UNDP Ukraine, UNDP Belarus (1998-2001) Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Department for Development Policy, Energy Adviser, Finland Ms Elsa Hastad (Sweden) UNDP Belarus, (19971999) Swedish International Development Agency, Department for Europe and Latin America, Assistant Director General, Sweden Mr Tomohisa Hattori (Japan) UNDP Yemen, (19841987) Lehman College, City University of New York, Dept. of Political Science, Assistant Professor, USA Ms Hilde Merete Haug (Norway) UNFPA Switzerland, UNFPA Madagascar (19961999) Centre for Health and Social Development (HeSo), ---, Consultant/Researcher, Norway Mr Jakob Haugaard (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Nepal, (2003-2005) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Humanitarian Action, Development Policy and Civil Society, Head of Section, Denmark Ms Silje Marie Haugland (Norway) UNDP Indonesia, UNDPIAPSO USA (2009-2013) Junior Professional Officer, climate and forestry issues, , Norway Ms Antti Hautaniemi (Finland) UNFPA Thailand, (20122014) Ministry for Education and Culture, Research funding,health and demographic change and evaluation, Researcher, Finland Mr Patrick Haverman (The Netherlands) UNDP Honduras, (20002002) UNDP, UNDP China, Deputy Country Director, China Mr Yasushi Hayashi (Japan) UNDP Uzbekistan, (19971999) IDRI (International Development Research Institute), FASID (Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development), Program Officer, Japan Ms Masami Hayashi (Japan) UNDP Mexico, (20032006) MicroFinance Network, ---, Director, Mexico Mr Julien Hayois (Belgium) UNAIDS Peru, (20082010) UNICEF, Peru 63 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Goerild Heggelund (Norway) UNDP-UNIFEM China, (1994-1997) Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Director of Global Programme, Senior Research Fellow, Norway Ms Ulrike Heidegger (Germany) UNDP Central African Republic, (1984-1986) self-employed, ---, lawyer admitted to Bars in Marseilles and Stuttgart, France Ms Caroline Heider (Germany) UNIDO Serbia, (19871989) World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group, Director General Evaluation, Senior VP, USA Mr Tarmo Juhani Heikkila (Finland) UNFPA Botswana, (20092012) Ms Tine Hein Mortensen (Denmark) UNICEF South Africa, (2002-2005) Ms Alessandra Heinemann (Germany) UNDP-UNCDF USA, UNDP-UNCDF Thailand (2009-2012) Ms Nea-Mari Heinonen (Finland) UNFPA Uganda, (20082010) Finland Ms Karin Heisecke (Germany) UNFPA Belgium, (20032006) self employed, consultant, Germany Ms Silje K. Moholdt Heitmann (Norway) UNFPA Eritrea, UNFPA Sudan (2007-2011) Mr Jérôme Heitz (France) ILO Madagascar, (20002002) French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France Expertise Internationale, Directeur de missions / Director, Project Management, France Ms Margo Hekker (The Netherlands) UNFPA Viet Nam, (19982000) The Netherlands Ms Yvonne Helle (The Netherlands) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (19921998) UNDP, Partnership Bureau/DRM, Resource Mobilisation Specialist, USA Mr Jan-Marcus Hellström (Finland) UNAIDS Nepal, (20082010) WHO, Global Alert and Response Unit, Technical Communciations Officer, Switzerland Ms Sanne Helt (Denmark) UNDP Gambia, (19972000) World Diabetes Foundation, Programme Section, Head of Programme, Denmark Mr Egon Helverskov Madsen (Denmark) UNDP Zambia, (19821985) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Denmark UNICEF Supply Division, ---, Contracts Officer, Denmark 64 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Andreas Henkel (Germany) UNIDO Yemen, (19831985) Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action), IT Department, Coach, Germany Mr Tomas Henning (USA) UN-DESA USA, (20082010) United Nations, Mediation Support Unit, , USA Ms Helene Henriksen (Norway) UNFPA Syria, UNFPA Switzerland (2009-2010) Care Norway, Norway Mr Elray Henriksen (Norway) UNDP Burundi, (20072008) Norwegian Church Aid, Headquarters, Civil Society Advisor, Norway Ms Kristina Henschen (Sweden) UNDP Armenia, (20022005) Sida, ---, Country Programme Coordinator, Sweden Ms Mirkka Henttonen (Finland) UNFPA Eritrea, UNFPA Switzerland (2002-2005) Finnish Red Cross, ---, Health Delegate, Mozambique Mr David Hercot (Belgium) UNICEF Niger, (20052008) Institute of Tropical Medicine, Department of Public Health, Scientist International Health Policy, Belgium Mr Jarle Herikstad (Norway) UNDP Bolivia, (19891993) UNDP, BOM/OIST/RIM, Regional Information and Communications Technology Officer, Panama Mr Martin Hermann (Denmark) UNDP Bhutan, (19961999) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Danish Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal, Deputy Head of Mission, Nepal Ms Lidia Hernández Alonso (Spain) UNFPA Nicaragua, (20002002) Spain Mr Xavier Hernandez Ferre (Spain) UNDP Colombia, (20082012) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Unity: RBLAC - Poverty Reduction, Colombia Ms Svenja Herrmann (Germany) WHO Denmark, (20042007) WHO, Regional Office for Europe, Technical Officer, Denmark Ms Ulrika Hertel (Sweden) UNDP Moldova, Republic of, (1997-1999) Sida, Global Programmes Unit, Health and Education Programme Manager, Sweden Ms Malin Herwig (Sweden) UNDP Kazakhstan, (20032006) UNDP, BCPR, Policy Specialist for InterAgency Matters, USA Ms Maj Hessel (Denmark) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Nicaragua (1997-2000) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Denmark, Rome, Italy, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Organisations in Rome, Italy 65 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Marie Heuts (Belgium) UNDP Benin, (2008-2011) Mr Antoine Heuty (France) UNDP USA, (2005-2007) Ms Valérie Heyman (Luxembourg) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Occupied Palestinian Territory (2006-2010) Mr Yasushi Hibi (Japan) UNDP USA, (1999-2001) Mr Tomas Esteban Hidalgo Eriksen (Denmark) UNDCP Colombia, (19921995) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Denmark Mr Jan Hiemstra (The Netherlands) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1994-1998) UNDP, Country Office, Deputy Country Director, Nigeria Ms Johanna Hildebrandt (Germany) UNDP Cape Verde, (1996-2000) Germany Ms Junko Hirai (Japan) UNDP Maldives, (20012002) Ms Atsuko Hirakawa (Japan) UNDP Haiti, (2011-2013) Mr Fernando Hiraldo del Castillo (Spain) UNDP Haiti, (2000-2002) UNDP, RBLAC, Programme Advisor, USA Mr Shinji Hirose (Japan) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2008-2010) Japan Ms Maarit Hirvonen (Finland) UNDP Burkina Faso, (1981-1984) Burkina Faso Ms Stephanie Hodge (Canada) UNDP Indonesia, (19941996) USA Ms Christine Hofmann (Germany) ILO Switzerland, (20062010) ILO, Decent Work Team for North Africa, Skills Development Specialist, Egypt Ms Gabriella Hök (Sweden) UNAIDS Guatemala, UNAIDS Cambodia (20032006) Sweden Revenue Watch Institute, ---, Deputy Director, USA 66 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Silke Hollander (Germany) UNDP Malawi, (20042008) UNDP, BDP/Capacity 21/Capacity 2015, Practice Manager, USA Ms Hanne Lise Holmberg (Norway) UNDP Bolivia, (19992002) Norwegian Mission Alliance , International Department, Regional director Asia, Norway Ms Anna Holmstrom (Finland) UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of, (2009-2013) Ms Yoshiko Honda (Japan) UNDP Syria, (2004-2007) UNDP, ---, Consultant, Japan Ms Caroline Horekens (Belgium) UNDP-UNIFEM Ecuador, (2005-2008) UN Women, Asia Pacific , Programme Specialist , Thailand Ms Lena Hothes (Denmark) UNHCR USA, (20042006) The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Preparations of the Danish EU-Presidency in 2012, Head of Section, Denmark Mr Tim Howick-Smith (United Kingdom) UNDP Sudan, (19721975) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Fiji Ms Anna Hoybye (Denmark) UNDP Botswana, (20022004) Danish Red Cross, ---, Health Delegate, Myanmar Mr Robin Hoytema Van Konijnenburg (The Netherlands) UNDP Burundi, (19821984) Heineken NV, Head Office, Executive Director Global Tax & Financial Markets, The Netherlands Ms Véronique Hulmann (Switzerland) UNDP Chad, UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (19961998) Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - Cooperation with Eastern Europe, Head of the Division Community of Independent States, Switzerland Mr Henk Hulshof (The Netherlands) UNDP Azerbaijan, UNDP Honduras (1998-2002) UNOHCHR, Country Office, Human Rights Officer, Guatemala Mr Tifenn Humbert (France) UNICEF Senegal, (20052008) WHO, Global Services Center/ Global Procurement and Logistics, Procurement officer (pharmaceuticals), Malaysia Ms Gitte Hundahl (Denmark) UNDP Mozambique, (1992-1995) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Northern Europe, Minister Counsellor, Denmark Mr Arndt Christoffer Husar (Germany) UNDP India, UNDP Thailand (2007-2010) UNDP, Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, Policy Specialist, Singapore 67 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Mari Huseby (Norway) UNDP USA, UNDP Cambodia (2007-2011) UNDP, RC Office, Special Assistant to the RC, Jordan Mr Thomas Huyghebaert (Belgium) UNDP USA, (2000-2003) European Commission, Governance, Democracy, Security and Gender Unit, Head of Democratisation Sector, Belgium Ms Constance Hybsier (Germany) UNDP Viet Nam, (20062009) UNEP, SEED Initiative, ---, Germany Mr Filippo Iarrera (Italy) UNFPA Peru, (2005-2007) The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, Latin America and the Caribbean Division, Programme Officer, Italy Ms Akiko Ida (Japan) UNFPA Namibia, UNFPA Uganda (1999-2002) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Senegal Office, Assistant Representative, Senegal Ms Andrea C. Iffland (Germany) UNIDO Samoa, (19871990) Asian Development Bank (ADB), Pacific Liaison and Coordiantion Office, Regional Director, Australia Mr Håkon Iglebæk (Norway) UNDP Nigeria, (20072009) Norway Ms Nicole Igloi (Germany) UNDP USA, (2010-2013) UNDP, Post-2015 Team/ BDP-GE, Programme Specialist, USA Ms Mira Ihalainen (Finland) UNAIDS Namibia, (20002002) Ethiopia Ms Ryoko Iizuka (Japan) UNDP Myanmar, (20062009) Ms Kazumi Ikeda-Larhed (Japan) UNDP Fiji, (1991-1993) UNDP-UNV, Partnerships and Communications Division, Chief , Germany Ms Saima Ilyas (Norway) UNFPA USA, UNFPA USA (2007-2011) UNFPA, Executive Board and External Relations Branch, External Relations Specialist, USA Mr Junichi Imai (Japan) UNDP Viet Nam, (20042006) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Program Team, Project Formulation Advisor, Viet Nam Ms Naomi Imani (Japan) UNFPA Kenya, (19931995) I 68 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Beatrix Immenkamp (Germany) UNDP-UNIFEM Jordan, (1996-1998) Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Antitrust, competition and trade (ACT) practice group, ---, Belgium Mr Arto Juhani Immonen (Sweden) UNDP Tajikistan, (20032004) Ms Kaarina Immonen (Finland) UNDP Viet Nam, UNDP Congo, Republic of (19901992) UNDP, on secondment to BINUCA, United Nations Integrated Peace-building Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA), ---, Central African Republic Mr Mitsuhiko Inaba (Japan) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, UNDP USA (1998-2001) UNDP, BOM/OFA Directorate, Finance Advisor, USA Ms Sawako Inae (Japan) UNDP Kosovo, UN Administered Territory, UNDP Botswana (20022005) Caritas Japan, International Desk, Programme Officer, Japan Ms Mie Inoue (Japan) WHO Switzerland, (19931996) Office cantonal de la statistique, SPD, Statistician, Switzerland Mr Hikari Ishido (Japan) UNDP Philippines, UNDP USA (1998-2000) Chiba University (Japan), Faculty of Law and Economics, Associate Professor (international economics), Japan Ms Kaori Ishii (Japan) UNDP Myanmar, (19901992) USA Ms Kaori Ishikawa (Japan) UNFPA Yemen, UNFPA USA (2002-2005) UNFPA, Myanmar Country Office, Deputy Representative, Myanmar Mr Monwarul Islam (Bangladesh) UNFPA Lao People's Democratic Rep, (19972001) Mr Zanofer Ismalebbe (Sri Lanka) UNDP Uzbekistan, (20032005) Ms Danae Christina Theresa Issa (France) UNDP Norway, (20102013) Ms Fabiana Issler (Brazil) UNDP Mozambique, (1999-2002) UNDP, BDP/GEF, Technical Advisor, South Africa Mr Takakazu Ito (Japan) UN-DESA USA, (20042006) UN Mission in Timor-Leste, Office, Political Officer, Timor Leste Executive Office of the UN SecretaryGeneral, , First Officer - Economic, Social, and Development Affairs, USA 69 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Mihoko Ito (Japan) IAEA Austria, (2003-2005) UNSSC, ---, Human Resources Officer, Italy Mr Hisashi Izumi (Japan) UNDP Sudan, (20092012) UNDP HQs, RBA, Programme Specialist , USA Mr Takashi Izutsu (Japan) UNFPA USA, (2006-2009) UNO, Department of Management, Medical Services Division, Psychologist, USA Ms Jantine Jacobi (The Netherlands) UNAIDS Nepal, (19931998) UNAIDS, EXO/CRD/GIN, Senior Adviser, Country Support for Treatment and Care, Switzerland Mr Stefaan Jacobs (Belgium) UNIDO Rwanda, (19761978) KBC Bank Deutschland AG, Credit Analyses and Credit Restructuring, Chief Senior Analyst, Germany Mr Per-Aage Jacobsen (Norway) UNDP Mali, (1977-1979) DNB Bank ASA, Energy Department/Project Finance, Senior Vice President, Norway Ms Astrid Jacobsen (Denmark) UNDP Pakistan, (19941995) Ministry of Environment and Energy, ---, ---, Denmark Mr Marc Jacquand (France) UNDP-UNCDF USA, (2002-2005) UNSCO, Coordination Unit, Strategic Planning Advisor, Occupied Palestinian Territory Mr Tilman Jaeger (Germany) UNESCO France, UNESCO Uruguay (20012004) Ms Maria Jain (Finland) UNDP Liberia, UN Women USA (2008-2012) Mr Oddvar Jakobsen (Norway) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (1980-1982) Tanzania, United Republic of Ms Birgitte Jallov (Denmark) ILO Switzerland, (19881992) EMPOWERHOUSE, ---, Director, Coach, Adviser, Consultant (owner), Denmark Mr Franck Janier-Dubry (France) FAO Italy, (1998-2001) Phyto-VALOR S.A.S., , Président directeur général, France Mr Jörg Janischewski (Germany) UN-ESCAP India, (19941996) Innovativkonzept Pvt. Ltd., ---, Managing Director, Germany J 70 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Harinder Janjua (Canada) UNDP Swaziland, (20042006) USA Ms Gertie Margaretha Janssen (The Netherlands) UNFPA Botswana, UNFPA Eritrea (1997-2001) The Netherlands Ms Jessica Jansson (Sweden) UNDP Kenya, UNDP USA (2009-2012) Swedish International Development agency - Sida, Global Programmes, Programme Manager Human Rights, Sweden Ms Åsa Jarskog (Sweden) ILO , (1994-1997) AF Process, Strategic Business Management, Programme Director, Sweden Ms Marjaana Jauhola (Finland) UNDP India, (1999-2001) University of Helsinki, Department of Political and Economic Studies, Postdoctoral Researcher , Finland Ms Ainhoa Jaureguibeitia Arias* (Spain) UNDP Mozambique (20092012) UNICEF, Kenya Ms Jessica Jeavons (United Kingdom) UNDP Guyana, UNDP Belgium (1995-1998) UNESCO, Programme Specialist, France Mr Alfredo Jefferson-Cortez (Peru) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (1978-1981) USA Mr Raimund Jehle (Germany) FAO Italy, (1999-2002) FAO, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Senior Field Programme Officer, Hungary Ms Satya Jennings (Switzerland) UNOHCHR Colombia, (2005-2008) Switzerland Ms Lotte Pia Jensen (Denmark) UNFPA Burkina Faso, (2000-2003) BØRNEfonden, BØRNEfonden Togo, Development Advisor, Togo Mr Bo Jensen (Denmark) UNDP , (1980-1983) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Denmark Ms Jette Bukjaer Jensen (Denmark) UNIDO Sierra Leone, (1982-1985) Independent Consultant, USA Mr Frank Rothhaus Jensen (Denmark) UNDP Bhutan, (19992002) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Technical Advisory Services, Senior Technical Adviser, Denmark Ms Rikke Offenberg Jensen (Denmark) UNDP Benin, UNDP Switzerland (2008-2011) UNDP, Office of the UN RC, Special Assistant to the UN RC, Niger 71 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Rasmus Jeppesen (Denmark) UNDP South Africa, (2008-2011) UNDP, Capacity Development Group, , USA Ms Janet Jeppsson (Sweden) UNIDO Costa Rica, (1993-1995) Karolinska Institutet, International Affairs, International Coordinator, Sweden Mr Petter Jern (Sweden) FAO Italy, (2007-2010) FAO, Emergency, Emergency Operations Officer, Italy Mr Wesley Jickling (Canada) UNDP Ukraine, (20052007) Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, , Director of Policy and Communications, Canada Ms Hilaria Milagros Jiménez Sánchez (Spain) UNDP Montenegro, (2007-2008) Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID) attached to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Economy and Environment, Head of Division, Tunisia Ms Katarina Johansson (Sweden) UNICEF Mali, (20052008) Sweden Ms Tanja-Michaela John (Germany) UNFPA Viet Nam, UNFPA United Kingdom (20002003) Ms Paula Jojart (Slovakia) UN Women The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), (2010-2013) Ms Frauke Joosten Veglio (The Netherlands) UNHCR Switzerland, (2004-2007) Switzerland Ms Nina Bull Jorgensen (Norway) UNDP Denmark, (20012004) COWI A/S, Country Office, Communications Consultant, Mozambique Ms Pernille Jorgensen (Denmark) WHO Philippines, (20032005) WHO, Influenza, Technical Officer, Denmark Mr Peter Jørgensen (Denmark) UNICEF Sri Lanka, (19901992) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Embassy in Burkina Faso, Conseiller du secteur eau et assainissement, Burkina Faso Ms Maria del Mar Jubero Capdeferro (Spain) UNFPA Mauritania, UNFPA Switzerland (2008-2011) Mr Pierre Jullien (France) UNDP Algeria, UNOPS USA (1991-1995) UNOPS, Operational Hub, Director & Representative, Cote d`Ivoire 72 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Ji Hi Jung (Korea, Republic of) UNDP Kazakhstan, (19982000) Holland + Knight LLP, Office in New York, Associate, USA Ms Ilona Jurgens-Genevois (Germany) UNDP Switzerland, (19992000) UNESCO, ---, ---, France Ms Dorte Kabell (Denmark) UNDP Bangladesh, (1983-1986) Kabell-Konsulting, , Consultant, Denmark Ms Aiko Kado (Japan) UNDP Kosovo, UN Administered Territory, UNDP USA (2009-2012) Ms Marie Kagaju Laugharn (Rwanda) UNDP Mali, UNDP Kenya (1992-1997) Freelance, ---, Consultant, USA Ms Anne Kahl (Denmark) UNDP Lebanon, UNDP USA (2008-2011) UNDP, BCPR, Programme Specialist (Conflict Prevention Team), USA Ms Violet Kakyomya (Uganda) UNFPA Kenya, (19961998) UNDP, Country Office, Deputy Resident Representative, Congo, Republic of Mr Trevor Kalinowsky (Canada) UNDP-UNCDF Madagascar, (2007-2009) Congo, Republic of Ms Katri Kallio-Koski (Finland) UNDP Zambia, (20102012) Ms Anja Kallmeyer (Germany) UN-DESA Switzerland, UNDESA USA (2004-2007) Mr Jean Baptiste Kamgang (Cameroon) IAEA Austria, (2000-2001) CDC, Center for Global Health (CGH), Informatics Specialist (SAS Certified Advanced Programmer), USA Ms Miwako Kamimura (Japan) UNDP Colombia, UNDP Timor Leste (2004-2006) UNICEF, ---, ---, Honduras Mr Dirk Michael Kamm (Germany) UNDP Fiji, UNICEF Fiji (1994-1996) German Red Cross, International Cooperation, Asia Unit, Delegate and Project Coordinator, Germany Ms Froeks Kamminga (The Netherlands) UNIDO Zimbabwe, UNIDO Ghana (1999-2003) Freelance, ---, Consultant, United Kingdom K 73 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Jean-Michel Kandé (France) FAO Senegal, (19941996) Ministère des Outre-Mer, Bureau de la vie économique, de l'emploi et de la formation, Chargé de mission concurrence et prix, France Ms Kazuyo Kaneko (Japan) UNDP-UNCDF Timor Leste, (2007-2010) JICA, Economic Infrastructure, Project Formulation Advisor, Kenya Mr Kyung Koo Philip Kang (Korea, Republic of) UNDP Turkey, (19982000) Korea, Republic of Mr Jussi Karakoski (Finland) UNDP Russian Federation, (1998-2000) Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Policy, Education Adviser, Finland Ms Marianthi (Marianna) Karatsiori (Greece) UNESCO Switzerland, (2009-2010) Greece Ms Lila Karbassi (France) UN-DESA USA, (20052008) UNO, Headquarters, Gestionnaire de projet, Global Compact, USA Ms Pauli Pekka Kariniemi (Finland) UNDP Zimbabwe, (19992001) Ministry of Finance, Finland, Financial Markets Department, Ministerial Advisor, Finland Ms Kristiina Karjanlahti (Finland) World Bank Liberia, World Bank (2007-2010) Bank of Finland, European and International Affairs, Economist, Finland Mr John Karlsrud (Norway) UNDP USA, (2006-2008) Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), ---, Research Fellow / Manager, Training for Peace programme; Deputy Head, Peace Operations and Peacebuilding Group, Norway Mr Hugo Karlsson (Sweden) UNDP Uzbekistan, (19982001) None, None, None, Sweden Ms Miriam Karp (Canada) UNHCR Congo, The Democratic Republic, (1989-1991) Make Yourself at Home, Short-term furnished accommodations in Vancouver, --, Canada Ms Tania Karpatschof (Denmark) UNDP Nepal, (1999-2001) Koebenhavns kommune, ---, ---, Denmark Ms Angelika Kartusch (Austria) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, UNDP-UNIFEM Belgium (2006-2009) Ms Yumiko Kashiba (Japan) UNFPA Pakistan, (19992002) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), ---, Project Formulation Advisor, Pakistan 74 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Oskar Kass (Finland) UNDP Ethiopia, (20032005) Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Department for Development Policy, Team Leader, Finland Mr Iori Kato (Japan) UNDP USA, UNDP USA (2003-2006) UNDP, Regional UNDG Asia-Pacific Secretariat, Regional Coordination Specialist, Thailand Ms Tomoko Kato (Japan) FAO Italy, FAO Sri Lanka (2000-2004) World Bank, Headquarters, Consultant, USA Ms Junko Kato Miyamoto (Japan) UNDP Mozambique, (2009-2012) Japan Mr Ancel Kats (The Netherlands) OCHA Senegal, (20052008) OCHA, Côte d'Ivoire CO, Head of Coordination, Cote d`Ivoire Ms Laura Kauppila (Finland) UNDP Latvia, (2001-2002) Finnish Red Cross, ---, ---, Tajikistan Mr Bjorn KavalkovHalvarsson (Sweden) UNDP Belarus, (20002003) Embassy of Sweden, Deputy Head of Mission, ---, Moldova, Republic of Mr Koji Kawabe (Japan) UNDP Kyrgyzstan, (20012004) MODEC Inc., Project Development Department, Project Control Manager, China Ms Mao Kawada (Japan) UNDP Slovakia, (20092012) UNDP, BDP, , USA Ms Kaori Kawakami (Japan) UNESCO France, (20082011) UNESCO, Asia Pacific Unit, World Heritage Centre, Assistant Programme Specialist, France Ms Liisamaria Keates (Finland) WHO Afghanistan, UNDP Afghanistan (2010-2013) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, , , Finland Ms Henriette Keijzers (The Netherlands) UNDP Ghana, (19891992) UNDP, Multi Partner Trust Fund Office, Deputy Executive Coordinator, USA Ms Helena Kekki (Finland) UNDP Viet Nam, (20052008) Finnfund, Finnpartnership programme, Programme Coordinator, Finland Ms Brechtje Kemp (The Netherlands) UNDP Sudan, UNDP Indonesia (2005-2009) International IDEA , Political Parties Unit, Advisor political dialogue, The Netherlands Mr Kristo Kentala (Finland) UNDP Azerbaijan, UNDP Peru (2009-2012) Finland 75 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Julia Kercher (Germany) UNDP USA, (2006-2009) UNOHCHR, Millennium Development Goals Section, Human Right Officer, Switzerland Mr Christof Kersting (Germany) UNFPA Mexico, UNFPA Brazil (1992-1995) GTZ, , Senior Advisor, Germany Mr Patrick Keuleers (Belgium) UNDP Mali, (1984-1987) UNDP, BDP, Policy Advisor, USA Ms Danielle Keulen (The Netherlands) UNIDO Madagascar, (2002-2005) UNICEF, Health Section Programme Division, Immunization Planning Specialist, USA Ms Julia Keutgen (Belgium) UNDP Burundi, UNDP USA (2006-2010) UNDP, BDP/DGG, Programme Specialist, Belgium Mr Saeed Ullah Khan (Pakistan) UNHCR Kenya, (20052008) Internatioanl Rescue Committee (IRC), Child & Youth Protection and Development Unit (CYPD), Technical Advisor - Youth & Livelihoods (Asia & Caucasus Region), Pakistan Ms Josiane Khoury (France) UNFPA USA, (2005-2008) UNFPA, Arab States Regional Office, Programme Specialist, Lebanon Mr Benjamin Kiersch (Germany) FAO Chile, FAO Italy (2000-2003) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Germany Mr Isaac Kim (Korea, Republic of) UNDP Cape Verde, (2005-2007) Deloitte Anjin Korea LLC., Enterprise Risk Managment, Manager, Korea, Republic of Ms Suhgenie Seojin Kim (Korea, Republic of) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, OCHA USA (2010-2011) OCHA, Funding Coordination Section, Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Ms Chanmi Kim (Korea, Republic of) UNDP USA, UNDP USA (2009-2011) UNDP, BDP/PG, Policy Analyst, USA Ms Boram Kim (Korea, Republic of) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2009-2011) United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Office of Community Support and Facilitation, Political Affairs Officer, Kosovo, UN Administered Territory Mr Christian Kingombe (Denmark) ILO Angola, (2003-2004) African Development Bank Group, Regional Integration and Trade Division (ONRI.2), Chief Regional Integration & Trade Officer, Tunisia Ms Carola Kiesel (Germany) 76 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Katrin Kinzelbach (Germany) UNDP USA, (2002-2004) Global Public Policy Institute, Human Rights Program, Head of Program, Germany Ms Inez Maria Kipfer (Germany) UNFPA Togo, (19971999) Johanniter Unfall-Hilfe, Johanniter International Assistance, Head of Africa Desk, Germany Ms Miho Kishitani (Japan) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2009-2010) WHO, Centre for Health Development , External Relations Officer , Japan Ms Naomi Kitahara (Japan) UNFPA Zambia, (19961998) UNDP, Country Office, DRR, Mozambique Mr Nobumasa Kitajima (Japan) ILO India, (2004-2005) UNDP-UNV, Multi Country Office , Programme Officer, Samoa Mr Jonas Kjaer (Denmark) UNDP Lesotho, UNDP USA (1997-2001) Kjaer Consult, ---, Owner, Denmark Ms Carina Kjelstad (Norway) UNDP Zambia, UNDP USA (2007-2011) USA Mr Martin Klaucke (Germany) UNDP Benin, (1999-2001) European Union, Delegation of the EC to Georgia, Head of Operations Section, Georgia Mr Cornelis Klein (The Netherlands) UNDP Lesotho, (19721975) Consulate of the Kingdom of Bhutan in the Netherlands, , Consul, The Netherlands Mr Jean-François Klein (Luxembourg) UNFPA Cape Verde, UNFPA Morocco (20012005) ILO, ---, Chief, Regional Programming Services, Lebanon Mr Rasmus Klitgaard (Denmark) UNDP Kenya, (20062008) NIRAS International Consulting, Middle East and Africa, Project Manager, Denmark Mr Yves Klompenhouwer (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNCDF Burkina Faso, ILO Trinidad and Tobago (1988-1992) FAO, Office of Support to Decentralization, Senior Coordination Officer, Italy Ms Anne Kluyskens (Belgium) UNFPA Senegal, (20062008) UNICEF HQ, Child Protection, Consultant, member of the Gender Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) Surge Team, Belgium Mr Timo Knäbe (Germany) ILO Switzerland, (20072009) Eulex Kosovo, Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo on Privatization Agency of Kosovo Related Matters, Legal Officer, Kosovo, UN Administered Territory 77 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Hein-Peter Knegt (The Netherlands) UNDP Mongolia, (20002002) Ms Susan Knorrenborg (Denmark) UNICEF USA, (20042006) Denmark Mr Anders Knudby (Denmark) UNDP Bhutan, UNDP Eritrea (2002-2005) Simon Fraser University, Geography Department, Assistant Professor, Canada Mr Kasper Koefoed-Hansen (Denmark) UNDP Costa Rica, (20022005) UNDP, BDP/EEG/MPU, Programme Specialist, Panama Ms Rohini Kohli (India) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2003-2006) UNDP, Regional Centre, Human Develop Rpt Specialist, Thailand Ms Yu Kojima (Japan) UNDP-UNIFEM Fiji, UNDP Fiji (1997-1999) Ms Antti Kojola (Finland) UNFPA USA, (1995-1998) Ms Laura Kok (The Netherlands) UNHCR India, (20062009) Mr Peter Kolakovic (Canada) WFP India, (2005-2007) Ms Solveig Kolberg (Norway) FAO Italy, (2002-2005) Mr Peter Kolding (Denmark) UNDP Guinea, (19971999) Mr Alfred K'Ombudo (Kenya) UNDP Mozambique, (2006-2008) Mr Akihito Kono (Japan) UNDP The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), (2006-2008) UNDP, Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, Regional Technical Advisor, Thailand Ms Minna Kononen (Finland) UNDP Honduras, (20042007) World Bank, Social Development, ---, USA LEAD Partners Oy, Partner, Finland Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development (Canada), Permanent Mission of Canada in Geneva, First Secretary (Management) and Consul, Switzerland Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Humanitarian Affairs, , Denmark 78 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Taija Kontinen-Sharp (Finland) UNDP Lebanon, (20072010) UNDP, BCPR, Programme Specialist, USA Ms Katri Kontio (Finland) World Bank USA, World Bank Peru (2005-2008) PAHO Mr Gijs Koop (The Netherlands) UNDP Zambia, (20032005) Dutch Court of Auditors, Public health, Auditor, The Netherlands Ms Betty Koreh (Norway) UNIDO Philippines, UNIDO Austria (1998-2001) Ullevaal University Hospital, International Office, Daily Manager, Norway Mr Ruben Korevaar (The Netherlands) UNFPA Mongolia, (20032005) The Netherlands Mr Michael Koros (Canada) UNDP Zimbabwe, (19881990) ACDI-CIDA, Democratic Institutions and Conflict Division Policy Branch, Senior Analyst, Peace and Security, Canada Ms Kristine Korsgaard (Denmark) WFP Bhutan, (2008-????) WFP, ---, Programme Officer, Denmark Mr Roeland Kortas (The Netherlands) UNIDO Cambodia, UNDP Thailand (1989-1993) Serbia Ms Svenja Korth (Germany) UNDP Suriname, UNDP Nicaragua (1994-1996) UNSSC, Peace & Security Programme, Head Peace & Security , Italy Ms Paivi Koskinen-Lewis (Finland) World Bank USA, (20092011) World Bank, USA Ms Ulla Kourany (Canada) UNDP Equatorial Guinea, (1988-1989) Foreign Affairs Canada , Multilateral, Democracy and War Economies, Director, Canada Ms Jojanneke Kraan (The Netherlands) UNFPA Viet Nam, UNFPA Sierra Leone (2003-2006) The Netherlands Ms Antonie Kraemer (Norway) UNDP Madagascar, (2004-2006) Norad, Department for Global Health and Education, Adviser, Norway Ms Birgit Krasilowsky (Finland) UNDP Lebanon, (20022004) Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Head of Financial Cooperation, Finland Mr Johannes Krassnitzer (Austria) UNOPS Switzerland, (2000-2003) UNDP, BERA, Programme Specialist (ART Initiative Programme), Switzerland 79 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Martin Krause (Germany) UNDP Argentina, (19941996) UNDP, Regional Centre in Bratislava, Practice Leader, Environment & Energy, Slovakia Mr Ulrik Bo Kristensen (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Burkina Faso, (2002-2006) UNDP-UNCDF, Johannesburg Regional Office, Regional Local Development Specialist, South Africa Ms Christine Kriza (Germany) UNAIDS Russian Federation, UNAIDS Malawi (2008-2010) Ms Ingunn Kroksnes (Norway) UNDP Cuba, UNDP USA (1996-1998) Norway Ms Malin Krook (Sweden) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (2000-2003) SIDA, Swedish Embassy in Maputo, Programme Officer, Governance, Mozambique Ms Anna Kroon (The Netherlands) UNDP Guatemala, UNICEF Bolivia (1998-2002) International Criminal Court, Human Resources, Programme Manager - IVP Programme, The Netherlands Ms Daniela Kroslak (Germany) UNFPA Rwanda, (20032004) UN-DPKO, Sudan/South Sudan, Senior Political Affairs Officer , USA Ms Camilla Kruse (Denmark) UNFPA Malawi, (20002003) Deloitte, ---, Manager, Denmark Mr Karsten Kryger (Denmark) UNIDO Ghana, (19992002) Network for Smallholder Poultry Development, ---, Coordinator for Project Support, Denmark Ms Susanne Krysiak (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Eritrea, (2002-2003) Region of Southern Denmark, HR, HR and management consultant, Denmark Ms Azusa Kubota (Japan) UNDP Malawi, (20022005) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Operations Coordinator, Maldives Ms Brigitte Kuchar (Austria) UNDP Central African Republic, (1994-1996) Ms Tanja Kuchenmueller (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (20062008) WHO, Food Safety and Zoonoses (FOS), Technical Officer, Switzerland Ms Susanne Kuehn (Germany) UNDP USA, UNDP Ecuador (2003-2006) Transparency International, Programmes Department, Head of Public Sector Integrity Programme, Germany Mr Carlo Kuepers (The Netherlands) UNIDO Colombia, (20032006) Ministry of Trade and Industry, Productive Transformation Program, Director Strategic Development Manufacturing Industry, Colombia 80 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Matthias Kuhlmann (Germany) UNODC Austria, (19992002) Fairtrade Labelling International e.V., ---, Head of Liaison Development Department & , Germany Mr Jorg Kuhnel (Germany) UNDP Congo, The Democratic Republic, (2003-2006) UNDP, Sudan - Central, Management Specialist / UN Reform, Sudan Ms Janneke Kukler-van der Graaff (The Netherlands) UNDP Kenya, (20062010) UN Women, Regional Office, Regional Strategic Planning and Coordination Specialist, Thailand Ms Mihoko Kumamoto (Japan) UNDP Viet Nam, UNDP USA (2001-2004) UNDP, Country Office, Technical Advisor, Indonesia Mr Benjamin Kumpf (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, UNDP USA (2009-2012) UNDP, BDP/Gender Unit, Knowledge Management Specialist, USA Ms Stephanie Kunkel (Germany) UNOPS USA, (19992002) UNICEF, Office of Executive Director, ---, USA Ms Nynke Marij Kuperus (The Netherlands) UNDP Sri Lanka, (20032006) UNDP, Country Office, M&E and Knowledge Management Specialist, Albania Ms Yasuko Kusakari (Japan) UNDP Ghana, (20062009) United Nations University (UNU), Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (INRA), Socio-economist, Ghana Mr Benjamin Kuscher (Austria) UNDP Cape Verde, UNDP Slovakia (2003-2007) KWI, ---, Project Manager, Austria Ms Stephanie Kuttner (Canada) UNDP USA, UNDP Haiti (2002-2004) World Bank, Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction Unit, Consultant, Brazil Ms Anu Kuusisto (Finland) UNDP South Sudan, UNDP Mozambique (2007-2009) Finn Church Aid, International Development, Programme Coordinator IoPT, Jordan Ms Anne Heidi Kvalsoeren (Norway) UNDP Nicaragua, (20042006) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Delegation to the United Nations, ---, USA Mr Gisle Kvanvig (Norway) UNODC Austria, UNODC Jordan (2004-2007) Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Vietnam Program, Director, Norway Ms Anna Liisa Kytola (Finland) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, (2007-2010) L 81 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Nancy Laatunen (Canada) UNDP Ghana, (19871989) CPCS Transcom, Practice Manager Social and Poverty Development Unit, Principal, Canada Mr Eric Lacasse (Belgium) UNDP Burkina Faso, (1997-2000) Brussels Institute for the Management of the Environment, Water, Attaché, Belgium Mr Philippe Lacoste (France) UN-DESA Austria, (20002002) Confederation of International Contractors' Associations (CICA), , Assistant Director General, France Mr Andrea Lacquaniti (Italy) UNAIDS Egypt, (20102012) Ms Laurence Lacroix Massenet (France) UNHCR Ethiopia, (20032005) Ms Anne Sophie Laenkholm (Denmark) UNFPA Uganda, (19961999) European Commission, ECHO, Protection Expert, Kenya Mr Jean-Baptiste Laffitte (France) UNDP Ethiopia, (20022004) COWI Belgium , Belgium, Project Manager, Belgium Ms Sophie LaFleur (Belgium) UNDP Kenya, (19972000) Anticip Consult, Human Resources, HR Advisor - Trainer, Belgium Ms Virginie Lafleur-Tighe (Canada) UNDP Mauritius, (20012003) European Commission, Europe Aid, Programme Officer, Egypt Ms Giulia Laganà (Italy) UNDP Belgium, (20082010) Italy Mr Gernot Laganda (Austria) UNDP South Africa, (2003-2005) IFAD, Environment and Climate Division, Climate Change Adaptation Specialist, Italy Ms Camilla Lai (Italy) UNODC Egypt, (20022004) Lai Law Offices, ---, International Development Consultant, Trinidad and Tobago Mr Marko Laine (Finland) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, (1991-1992) Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Finland Mr Christophe Lalande (France) UN-HABITAT Kenya, (2006-2009) UN-Habitat, Housing Unit, Leader, Kenya Mr Philipp Lambach (Germany) UNAIDS Switzerland, WHO Switzerland (2005-2008) 82 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Paul Lambers (Belgium) ILO Cote d`Ivoire, (19771980) Belgian Technical Cooperation, Capacity Building project, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Co-director, Rwanda Mr Alexandre Lamige (France) UNDP Uganda, (20022004) ACCEO Solutions, Business School, Programme Manager, Canada Ms Anne Landaes (France) UNDP Moldova, Republic of, (1998-2000) Médecins du Monde France, Siège, Responsable Europe de l'Est, France Ms Deborah Landey (Canada) UNDP Senegal, (19781981) UNDOCO, Organisation, Director, USA Ms Nora Landheer (Switzerland) UN-DESA USA, (20092012) Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions relating to International Cooperation (IC), , Outreach and Recruitment Officer, Switzerland Mr Staffan Landin (Sweden) UNDP Denmark, (20022005) Freelance, Gapminder Foundation, Consultant | Web Producer, Sweden Ms Camilla Landini (Italy) UNFPA Ethiopia, (20012003) Italy Mr François Langlois (France) UNESCO France, (20032005) UNESCO, Headquarters, Executive Officer, France Mr Luc Langouche (Belgium) UNIDO Rwanda, (19781981) BELGIAN DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (BTC), OPERATIONS, DIRECTOR OFOPERATIONS, Belgium Ms Petra Lantz De Bernardis (Sweden) UNDP Mozambique, (1982-1985) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Cape Verde Ms Patricia Larbouret (France) FAO Italy, (2005-2008) European Commission, DG DEVCO Headquarters in Brussels - Unit E3, Programme Manager - Sustainable agriculture / Food security, Belgium Mr Benoît Larielle (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Rwanda, UNDP-UNCDF Somalia (2005-2008) Belgium Ms Lisa Laroussi-Libeault (France) UNDP Switzerland, (20022004) UN-DPKO, MINUSTAH, ---, Haiti Ms Charlotte Larsen (Denmark) UNFPA Kenya, (19992001) Denmark 83 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Anne Erica Larsen (Denmark) UNDP Bhutan, (20092012) Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy, , , Denmark Mr Kaspar Bro Larsen (Denmark) UNDP Cambodia, (20022005) Danish Red Cross, Danish Red Cross' Regional Office for South Asia, Deputy Head of Region, India Mr Henrik Fredborg Larsen (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Nepal, (1999-2002) UNDP, Regional Bureau Asia Pacific/Bangladesh, Director, Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility, Bangladesh Mr Per Larsson (Sweden) UNDP Ukraine, (20022003) Dinamo Group, ---, ---, Sweden Mr Robert Larsson (Sweden) UNHCR Ethiopia, UNHCR The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) (2004-2007) Swedish Ministry of Justice, ---, ---, Sweden Ms Sofie Gillesberg Lassen (Denmark) WHO Kenya, WHO Ghana (2007-2010) Statens Serum Institut, Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Epidemiologist, Denmark Mr Marc Lassouaoui (France) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2001-2003) UNRWA, Headquarters, Senior Liaison Officer, USA Ms Barbara Laurenceau (France) UNFPA Haiti, (2003-2005) UNDP, Country Office, Gender Advisor, Haiti Ms Alida Laurense (The Netherlands) FAO Gambia, (19841988) Nedworc Foundation, ---, JPO Programme Officer, The Netherlands Mr Yann Laurent (France) FAO Italy, (2002-2005) Freelance, ---, Consultant, France Ms Claire Lautier (France) UNODC Senegal, (20042007) France Expertise Internationale, Direction of Operations, Project Manager, Finland Mr Luciano Lavizzari (Switzerland) UNDP Nepal, (1979-1981) Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Zimbabwe Mr David Lawson (France) FAO Italy, FAO Switzerland (????-????) UNFPA, Central and Western Africa Unit, Chief, Mr Edward Lawton (Ireland) ILO Switzerland, (20052008) ILO, Headquarters / Enterprise Department, Project Coordinator, Women’s Entrepreneurship Development, Switzerland 84 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Maïna L'Azou (France) WHO France, (20092011) Sanofi Ms Anne-Sophie Le Beux (France) UN-DESA USA, (20072010) UNOCHA, Office, ---, South Sudan Ms Katell Le Goulven-Schaefer (France) UNDP USA, (2001-2003) UN-Executive Office of the Secretary General, High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, Senior advisor, USA Mr Arnaud Le Menach (France) FAO Italy, (2005-2008) FAO, Headquarters, Spécialiste santé animale, Ms Gaëlle Le Roux (France) UNOPS Kenya, UNOPS Switzerland (2006-2008) SNCF, Headquarters, ---, France Mr Joseph-Michaël Leblanc (France) IAEA Austria, (2004-2006) Collège de l'Autorité de Sureté Nucléaire, --, Chef de Cabinet, France Mr Igor Lebrun (Belgium) UNDP Gabon, (19931995) Bureau fédéral du Plan, ---, ---, Belgium Ms Laurianne Leca (France) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2008-2010) UNRWA, Emergency Unit, Field Emergency Officer, Occupied Palestinian Territory Mr Herve Lecoq (France) UNDP Turkey, (19931996) UN-DPKO, Office of Operations in DPKO, Political Affairs Officer, USA Ms Hyeo-Kyeong Lee (Korea, Republic of) UNDP USA, (1996-1998) UNESCAP, Gender and Development Section, Emerging Social Issues Division, Social Affairs Officer, Thailand Ms Hyewon Lee (Korea, Republic of) UNICEF Belgium, (20072009) UNICEF, Representation, Resource Mobilization Specialist, Cote d`Ivoire Ms Hye-Seung Lee (Korea, Republic of) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2005-2007) WTO, Headquarters, Human Resource Analyst, Switzerland Mr Sjoerd Leenstra (The Netherlands) UNDP Thailand, (19741976) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch Embassy, Ambassador, Morocco Mr Edouard Legoupil (France) UNHCR Ghana, (20052008) UNHCR, Global Service Center, Associate Data Management Officer, Hungary Ms Irene Leino (Finland) World Bank USA, World Bank Pakistan (2009-2012) 85 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Christian Lemaire (Belgium) UNDP Sri Lanka, (19751978) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Switzerland Ms Jeanne Lennkh-Saad (Austria) UNDP Myanmar, (20002002) UNICEF, Knowledge Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Consultant, Thailand Ms Marie Sandra Lennon (Madagascar) UNDP Comoros, (20092011) UNDP, UN Resident Coordinator Office, Knowledge Management Specialist, Madagascar Mr Patrick Lenskens (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Lesotho, (1995-1998) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Belgium Ms Barbara Lenz (Austria) UNDP Myanmar, (19941996) self-employed, ---, ---, Austria Mr Marcus Lenzen (Germany) UNDP USA, (2004-2006) UK Department for International Development (DfID), DFID Nigeria, Conflict Adviser, United Kingdom Mr Gaetano Leone (Italy) UNDP Uganda, (19881990) UNEP, IPCC Secretariat, Deputy Secretary, Switzerland Mr Nicolo Leotta (Italy) UNDP Turkey, (19841985) Italy Mr Bernard Leservoisier (France) UNDP Bangladesh, (1993-1995) AFNOR, Sustainable Development and Resilience of communities, Standardization Program Manager, France Mr Jan-Olaf Letman (Denmark) UNIDO Egypt, (19801981) Nordea, ---, ---, Denmark Mr Emmanuel Letouze (France) UNFPA Haiti, (2000-2003) PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley, USA Mr Guido Licciardi (Italy) World Bank USA, (20092011) World Bank, USA Ms Katrin Lichtenberg (Germany) UNOPS Switzerland, (1997-1999) UNOPS, Europe and the Middle East Office, Portfolio Adviser, Denmark Ms Solfrid Lien (Norway) UNDP Sri Lanka, (19992002) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka peace process team, Advisor, Sri Lanka Ms Giske Charlotte Lillehammer (Norway) UNDP Benin, (2001-2004) Norway 86 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Julie Lillejord (Norway) OCHA USA, (2011-2013) UNDP, Office of the RC, Special Assistant to the UN RC, Ethiopia Mr Stefan Liller (Sweden) UNODC Colombia, (20052008) UNDP, RBEC / Office of the Assistant Administrator, Programme Specialist, USA Ms Thea Agape Lim (Philippines) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2010-2012) UNRWA, Department of Legal Affairs, Legal Officer, Occupied Palestinian Territory Mr Espen Lindbaeck (Norway) UNFPA Zimbabwe, UNFPA USA (1998-2001) NORAD, ---, ---, Norway Ms Lena M. Lindberg (Sweden) UNDP Benin, UNDP Viet Nam (1978-1981) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Sweden Ms Maya Lindberg Brink (Denmark) UNDP Afghanistan, UNDP USA (2008-2010) Ms Karoliina Lindroos (Finland) FAO Italy, FAO Italy (20052008) Indufor Oy, ---, Forest Policy Specialist, Finland Mr Henrik Lindroth (Sweden) UNOPS Pakistan, (19992002) UNDP, Country Office, Project Manager, Afghanistan Ms Camilla Lindstrom (Sweden) UNICEF Lao People's Democratic Rep, UNDP Zambia (2000-2003) United Kingdom Mr Olof Ronny Lindstrom (Sweden) UNFPA Uzbekistan, UNFPA USA (1998-2001) UN, CEB Secretariat, Senior Business Practices Adviser, Switzerland Ms Channe Lindstrøm Oguzhan (Denmark) OCHA USA, OCHA Belgium (2006-2008) UN-HABITAT, ---, Human Settlements Officer, Denmark Ms Sabine Linzbichler (Austria) UNDP Mozambique, (1997-1999) OCHA, RSO-CEA, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Kenya Mr Jayantha Bandula Liyanage (Sri Lanka) WHO Nepal, WHO Pakistan (1996-2001) WHO, IVD/SEARO, Medical Officer (Immunization system Strengthning), India Ms Mai-Britt Ljungbeck (Denmark) UNDP Indonesia, (19901993) Indonesia Mr Jose Llados (Spain) UNDP Angola, (19891995) USA 87 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Cornelia Loechl (Germany) WFP Senegal, (19992001) CGIAR, ---, ---, Mr Josef Loening (Germany) World Bank USA, (20042007) African Development Bank Group, Tanzania Country Office, Principal Country Economist, Tanzania, United Republic of Mr Niels Lohmann (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2005-2008) UNFCCC, Headquarters, Staff Development Officer, Germany Ms Inga Lohse (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (20042007) WHO, HAC/REC, Project Officer in Recovery and Transition Programmes (REC), Switzerland Mr Joel Loir (Belgium) UNDP Chad, UNDP Gabon (1997-2000) Public Health Ministry Belgium, Veterinary CITES Unit, Vet. Expert, Belgium Mr Frederick Loirat (France) WHO France, (20022005) WHO, GMG/FNM/ACT/ASM, Assistant Accounts in Allotment Service and Expenditure Monitoring (ASM), Switzerland Ms Sonia Lokku (France) UNDP Nepal, (1999-2002) France Mr Massimiliano Lombardo (Italy) UNESCO Indonesia, (2000-2003) USAID, Environment Program Specialist, Brazil Ms Monica Lomena Gelis (Spain) UNDP-UNCDF Senegal, (2010-2014) Mr Guillaume Loonis-Quelen (France) ILO Switzerland, (20032006) Union marine et maritime universelle (NGO), ---, Président fondateur, Switzerland Ms Amaia Lopez Catelo (Spain) WHO Panama, (20092012) WHO/PAHO, , , Panama Ms Leonor Cecilia Lopez Vega (Spain) UNDP Cuba, (2005-2007) UNDP, Country Office, Conseiller Technique Principale, Art Gold, Mauritania Ms Cecilia Lopez y Royo Di Taurisano (Italy) UNOPS South Africa, UNOPS Kenya (20092013) Mr Eduardo Lopez-Mancisidor (Spain) UNDP Algeria, (20082012) UNDP, Country Office, Charg de Programme, Etat de Droit, Tunisia Ms Laura López-Ortum Collado (Spain) UNDP Costa Rica, (20052007) Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation , Multilateral Division, Head of the support unit, Spain 88 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Thomas Loreaux (France) UNDP Cambodia, (20032004) Première Urgence, Operation, Desk Officer for Africa, France Ms Katrin May Lueken (Germany) UN-DESA USA, (20042007) UN-DESA Ms Mille Lund (Denmark) UNDP India, (1999-2002) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Indonesia Ms Anna Malin Lunden (Sweden) UNDP Moldova, Republic of, (2000-2001) Sida, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Moldova/Georgia, Programme Manager, Sweden Ms Eva Cecilia Lundgren (Sweden) UNDP-UNIFEM Mexico, (1998-2000) Church of Sweden, International Deparment, Programme Officer, Sweden Mr Hans Erik Lundgren (Sweden) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (1984-1985) OECD, Development Co-operation Directorate / Review and Effectiveness Division / Evaluation and Effectiveness, Head of Section, France Ms Jonna Lundvall (Sweden) UNDP Honduras, UNDP Honduras (2003-2006) Mr Pasquale Lupoli (Italy) UNDP Botswana, (????????) IOM, Operations Support Department, Director, Switzerland Ms Cathrine Lutro (Norway) UNDP-UNCDF Bangladesh, (2007-2008) Norway Mr Peter Luttik (The Netherlands) UNIDO Malaysia, UNIDO Indonesia (1981-1984) 7AC technologies, ---, business development, The Netherlands Mr Frederick Lyons (United Kingdom) UNDP Bolivia, (19711973) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, United Kingdom Mr Tony Young-Suc Lyu (Korea, Republic of) UNOOSA Germany, UNOOSA China (20082010) Upstart, , , Korea, Republic of Mr Niels Maagaard (Denmark) UNDP Botswana, (19861989) n/a (retiree), n/a, Senior Consultant, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Mr Morten Lynge Madsen (Denmark) UNAIDS South Africa, (2006-2007) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Denmark M 89 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Jakob Sloth Madsen (Denmark) UNFPA Mozambique, (2004-2006) World Diabetes Foundation, Programme, Programme Coordinator, Denmark Ms Rumi Maeda (Japan) UNDP Timor Leste, (1998-2001) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Governance Team, JICA Tokyo, Associate Expert, Japan Ms Miko Maekawa (Japan) UNDP China, (2000-2003) Japan Mr Jozef Maerien (Belgium) UNFPA Ecuador, (19951998) UNFPA, Rwanda CO, UNFPA Representative, Rwanda Mr Francis Maertens (Belgium) UNDP Mauritania, (19791981) UNODC, Vienna International Centre, Director, Austria Ms Irene Maestro Yarza (Spain) UNDP Albania, (19881990) University of Barcelona, ---, Professor, Spain Ms Hege Magnus (Norway) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2005-2007) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, --, Norway Mr Daniel Magnusson (Sweden) UNFPA Nicaragua, (20032006) Lund University, Division of Social Medicine and Global Health, Project Coordinator, Sweden Ms Akjemal Magtymova (Turkmenistan) UNFPA Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20022005) WHO, Country Office, WHO Representative, Maldives Mr Deodat Maharaj (Trinidad and Tobago) UNDP Guyana, UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of (1992-1996) Commonwealth Secretariat, United Kingdom Mr Michael Mahrt (Denmark) UNHCR Eritrea, (20022005) War Child Holland - Child Protection Advisor (but transitioning to UNICEF), , , Uganda Mr Daniel Maier (Germany) UNDP Switzerland, (20072010) UN Stabilization Mission in Congo (MONUSCO), O/SRSG Strategic Planning Cell, Planning Officer, Congo, The Democratic Republic Mr Stefan Maier (Austria) UNHCR Morocco, (20072009) UNHCR, , Executive Assistant to the Regional Representative , Congo, The Democratic Republic Mr Janis Majors (Norway) UNOPS Denmark, UNOPS Kenya (2001-2004) Brazil Ms Anna-Liisa Makela (Finland) UNFPA USA, (1997-2000) Finland 90 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Anne-Maria Makela (Finland) UNDP China, (1997-2000) Ms Yuka Makino (Japan) UNDP Cambodia, (19941997) Ms Paula Malan (Finland) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2011-2013) Mr Dominique Mampouya (Congo, The Democratic Republic) UNDP Guinea, UNIDO Austria (1976-1980) EU/SADC, Integration Economic, International Consultant, Botswana Mr Giuseppe Mancinelli (Italy) UNOPS Guatemala, UNOPS El Salvador (20002004) UNOPS, Regional Office in Panama, Director, Panama Mr Pablo-José Mandeville (Belgium) UNDP Nicaragua, (19801982) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Nicaragua Ms Viviana Mangiaterra (Italy) WHO Rwanda, (19871989) WHO, Department of Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS), Team Coordinator Partnerships, Switzerland Ms Vivi Mansson (Sweden) MRC Cambodia, MRC Lao People's Democratic Rep (2003-2005) Göteborg Vatten, Lackarebäcks vattenverk, Chemist/Laboratory engineer, Sweden Mr Jas Mantero (Italy) WHO USA, (2006-2008) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Preparedness and Response Unit, Expert in Epidemic Intelligence, Sweden Ms Marta Manzaneque Suarez (Spain) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2004-2007) Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, Roma Development Programme, , Spain Mr Jean-Luc Marcelin (France) UNDP Cambodia, UNDP Denmark (2000-2003) UNDP, BOM/OHR/SAS/JPOSC, Programme Specialist, Denmark Ms Marie-Véronique Marchand Rosemann (Switzerland) UNDP Pakistan, (20042006) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Latin America and Caribbean Division , Programme Manager, Switzerland Mr Matteo Marchisio (Italy) UNDP Ethiopia, (20002002) IFAD, Asia and the Pacific Division, Country Program Manager, Italy Mr Jean-Marc Marin (Belgium) UNDP Senegal, (19821984) UNDP, Country Office, Management Advisor, Congo, The Democratic Republic World Bank, South Asia Sustainable Development Unit, Senior Natural Resources Management Specialist, USA 91 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Sergio Marinelli (Italy) UNDP Bolivia, (19881990) European Commission, External Relations Directorate General, Relations with IFIs, Belgium Mr Laurent Marion (France) UNDP Iraq, (2001-2003) France Mr Silvio Paolo Mariotti (Italy) WHO Switzerland, (19941997) WHO, Prevention of Blindness and Deafness, Medical Officer, Switzerland Ms Silvia Markli Garcia (Spain) UN Women USA, (20102013) UN Women, Human Resources Center, Human Resources Specialist, USA Ms Grethe Markussen (Denmark) UNDP Bolivia, (19982000) Denmark Ms Chloé Marnay-Basaznger (France) UNOHCHR Switzerland, (2003-2005) OHCHR, Headquarters, Agent droits de l'homme, Switzerland Ms Claudia Marquardt (Germany) UNDP , (1981-1984) Germany Mr Koen Marquering (The Netherlands) UNHCR Switzerland, (2005-2008) UNODC, Country Office, Project Officer, Kyrgyzstan Ms Sandrine Martin (France) UNICEF Sudan, (20022004) Malaria Consortium, Africa regional Office, Public Health Communications Specialist, Mozambique Mr Yannick Martin (France) OCHA USA, OCHA USA (2009-2012) UN OCHA, Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Lebanon Ms Marie-Anne Martin (Canada) UNIDO Pakistan, (19761979) UN-DPKO, Conduct and Discipline Team MONUC, Chief, Congo, The Democratic Republic Ms Maria Piedad Martin Martin (Spain) UNDP Colombia, (20062010) UNDP, Office of the UN RC, Special Assistant to the UN RC, Mexico Ms Lorena Martínez (Spain) FAO Italy, FAO Italy (20032006) University of Córdoba, ---, ---, Spain Mr Rafael Martinez Gil (Spain) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2010-2013) UNDP-UNV, East Asia and the Pacific, Portfolio Manager, Germany Ms Susana Martínez Martínez (Spain) UN Women Ecuador, UN Women Brazil (2007-2011) 92 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Ulrika Martinius (Sweden) IFAD Italy, (1999-2003) Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), HR Department, Global Head, Peru Mr Pedro Martins (Portugal) UNDP Mozambique, (2005-2006) UNDP, HDRO, Research Specialist, USA Ms Veronique Marx (Luxembourg) UNFPA Viet Nam, (20092011) European Commission, DG Development Cooperation , Programme Officer, Belgium Ms Marie-Anne Marx (Luxembourg) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, UNDP El Salvador (1999-2003) Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation, Primera Secretaria de Cooperación, Nicaragua Mr William Massolin (France) UNDP Bangladesh, (1996-1999) European Union, EU-China Training Programme on Village Governance, EU CoDirector, China Ms Marie Mathiaud (France) UNODC Austria, (20032006) International Criminal Court, Chambers Trial Division, Legal Officer, The Netherlands Mr Tomas Matraia (Italy) UNDP-UNV Germany, UNDP Belgium (20092012) Mr Jun Matsumoto (Japan) UNDP Viet Nam, (19871989) The World Bank, South Asia Region, Sustainable Development, Senior Water Resource Management Specialist, Afghanistan Ms Ayaka Matsuno (Japan) UNDP Bangladesh, (1999-2002) ILO, Bangkok Office, on Special Leave Without Pay till September 2009, Thailand Mr Shohei Matsuura (Japan) UNDP Philippines, (20052007) Kyoto University, Graduate School of Global Environment Studies, Researcher, Japan Ms Reiko Matsuyama (Japan) UNDP South Africa, UNDP USA (1999-2002) IOM, Partnership on HIV/AIDS and Mobile Populations in Southern Africa (project staff), Project Officer, South Africa Mr Jochen Mattern (Germany) UNDP Guatemala, (20032006) UNDP-UNV, Office, Programme Officer, Zimbabwe Mr Kyle Matthews (Canada) UNHCR Georgia, (20032005) Concordia University, , Lead Researcher, Canada Mr Frederik Matthys (Belgium) UNDP Rwanda, (20062009) UNDP, UNDOCO, Regional Liaison Advisor for Africa, USA Ms Inka Mattila (Finland) UNDP El Salvador, (20022005) UNDP, Regional Office (RSCLAC), Evaluation Specialist, Panama 93 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Etienne Matton (Belgium) UNDP Kuwait, (19771978) IBM Global Business Sevices, EU Account / Assistance to Third Countries, Associate Partner, Belgium Mr Jan Mattsson (Sweden) UNIDO Sri Lanka, (19821985) UNOPS, ---, Executive Director, Denmark Ms Elke Mayrhofer (Austria) UNFPA Switzerland, UNFPA Kenya (2001-2003) UNFPA, Palestine Country Office, Deputy Representative, Occupied Palestinian Territory Ms Céline Mazars (France) UNDP South Africa, (2003-2005) France Ms Valeria Mazzacane (Italy) UNDP Ethiopia, (19841986) Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Italian-Egyptian Debt Swap Programme, Programme Manager, Egypt Ms Cécile Mazzacurati (France) UN-DESA USA, UNFPA USA (2006-2008) UNFPA, Humanitarian Response Branch, Programme Specialist, Youth & Gender, USA Ms Ismaila M'Bengue (Senegal) UNFPA Cape Verde, (1993-1995) UNFPA, Country Office, ---, Burundi Mr Jan Meelker (The Netherlands) UNIDO Congo, The Democratic Republic, UNCHS Kenya (19881992) Tanzania, United Republic of Ms Soetkin Meertens (Belgium) UN Women Mali, (20072011) UN Women, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Gender Sensitive Peacebuilding, Guinea Ms Aparna Mehrotra (India) UNDP-UNCDF USA, (1983-1984) UN-DESA, ---, Advisor/Coordinator on IAMB Matters, USA Mr Matthias Meier (Switzerland) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20042007) Mr Rolf Wilhelm Meier (Germany) UNDP Benin, (1978-1980) Independent Consultant Ms Frederika Meijer (The Netherlands) UNFPA Mexico, UNFPA Ethiopia (1996-2000) The Netherlands Mr Petter Meirik (Sweden) UNDP Georgia, UNDP Latvia (2002-2005) SIDA, Embassy of Sweden, Khartoum, First Secretary, Sudan Ms Ulrike Meissner (Germany) UNOPS Switzerland, UNOPS USA (2000-2004) Switzerland 94 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Clarissa Meister-Petersen (Denmark) UNDP Indonesia, (20032005) Danish Ministry of Culture, ---, ---, Denmark Ms Emma Melander (Sweden) UNDP Georgia, (19992001) Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Eastern Europe and the NIS, Programme Officer, Sweden Mr Lasse Melgaard (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Tanzania, United Republic of, (19982001) World Bank, Headquarters, Senior Country Officer, USA Ms Marije Mellegers (The Netherlands) UNHCR Kenya, UNHCR Egypt (2008-2011) Wheel Wishers, , Executive Director, The Netherlands Ms Myriam Menchen Fernández (Spain) UNDP Nicaragua, UNDP Timor Leste (2002-2004) European Commission, ---, ---, Belgium Ms Nadine Mendelek Theimann (France) UNDP Angola, UNDP Mozambique (1992-1995) The Change Leaders, ---, Consulting and Coaching for Change and Integral Leadership, France Ms Maite Mendizabal (Spain) UNDP Sao Tome and Principe, (1999-2001) Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, Africa and Asia Division, ---, Sao Tome and Principe Ms Bettina Maria Menne (Germany) WHO Italy, (1997-2000) WHO, HEV/GCH , Medical Officer, Global Change & Health, Italy Ms Gwendoline Mennetrier (France) UN-HABITAT Kenya, (2001-2004) UN-Habitat, Warsaw Office, Human Settlements Specialist, Poland Mr Christoph Merdes (Germany) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2005-2007) BMZ, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, Water, Energy, Urban Development, Desk Officer, Head of Water T, Germany Mr Caspar Merkle (Germany) ILO Switzerland, (20022004) UN Women, Regional Office for East and Horn of Africa, Regional Evaluation Specialist (Africa), Kenya Mr Sylvain Merlen (France) UNDP USA, UNDP Iraq (2003-2005) UNDP, ---, Programme Specialist (Early Recovery Field Advisor), Yemen Mr Michele Messina (Italy) UNICEF Honduras, (20002002) Consultant, Water and Sanitation and Local Development, Consultant, USA Ms Silvia Mestroni (Italy) UNICEF Uzbekistan, (2008-2012) UNICEF, , Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Uzbekistan Ms Jane Meyer (Denmark) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1997-2000) Denmark 95 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Renaud Meyer (France) UNDP Lebanon, (19982000) UNDP, Country Office, Deputy Country Director Programme, Afghanistan Mr Deogratius Joseph Mhella (Tanzania, United Republic of) UNSSC Italy, (2004-2006) USA Mr Axel Mierke (Germany) UNIDO Viet Nam, UNIDO Austria (1999-2001) Investment & Development Consulting, ---, Economist - Consultant, Germany Mr Jean-Baptiste Migraine (France) WMO Switzerland, (20052008) Ms Maria Isabel Miguel Emperador (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Ecuador, UN Women Panama (20082012) Ms Chisa Mikami (Japan) UNDP Cuba, (2000-2003) UNDP, Country Office, DRR, Guyana Mr Vagn Mikkelsen (Denmark) UNIDO Nigeria, UNIDO Angola (1978-1981) GOPA mbH, ---, Consultant, Denmark Ms Laila Christine Milad (Denmark) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2005-2008) Jordan Ms Cristina Milano (Italy) UN-DESA Switzerland, UN Women USA (2009-2011) UN Women, Human Resources Section, Human Resources Specialist, USA Ms Paola Minoia (Italy) UNDP Egypt, UNDP Lesotho (1998-2001) University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Geography, Senior Lecturer, Finland Ms Jennifer Miquel (France) UNFPA Sudan, UNFPA Kenya (2003-2007) IRC - International Rescue Committee, GBV Technical Unit, Gender Based Violence Technical Advisor, Belgium Ms Peggy Mischke (Germany) World Bank USA, (20092012) Technical University of Denmark DTU, Energy Systems Analysis, , Denmark Mr Frank Mischler (Germany) FAO , (????-????) Ms Emma Mistiaen (Sweden) World Bank Kenya, (20072009) World Bank, Africa Region, Social Protection Specialist, USA Mr Edwin Mitchell (The Netherlands) UNDP Botswana, (20002003) Walsh Peru, Mining and Environment Department, Head of the Department of Mining and Environmental Quality, Peru 96 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Miho Mitsui (Japan) UNDP Denmark, UNDP USA (2003-2005) UNDP, BES (Service Delivery Management – SAS), Manager, Denmark Ms Junko Miura (Japan) UNDP Timor Leste, UNDP China (2003-2006) Japan Mr Takaaki Miyaguchi (Japan) UNDP Indonesia, UNDP Thailand (2006-2008) Germany Ms Chie Miyahara Hasegawa (Japan) UNDP-UNV Switzerland, (1997-1999) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Public Administration Division, Director, Japan Mr Makoto Miyasako (Japan) UNOPS USA, (20042005) OECD, Human Resource Management, Head of Strategy and Business Analysis Group, France Ms Natsue Miyata (Japan) UNDP Indonesia, (20002002) Germany Ms Mitra Moadab Motlagh (Belgium) WHO Mozambique, (2005-2008) UNDP, Regional Center, Human Rights & Access to Justice Specialist, Egypt Ms Amina Mohamud (The Netherlands) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (1986-1988) Candidate LLM in Public International Law (2010), Brussels School of International Studies - University of Kent, Post-graduate student , United Kingdom Ms Malene Molding Nielsen (Denmark) WFP Bangladesh, WFP Italy (2000-2003) Consultant, , Consultant, Ph.D., Hungary Ms Francesca Moledda (Italy) UNDP-UNCDF Mauritania, (2008-2012) Belgium Ms Sonja Molinari (Switzerland) UNDP Madagascar, (1997-2000) ECLT (Eliminating child labour in tobaccogrowing) Foundation, ---, Project manager, Switzerland Ms Carlota Molinero (Spain) UNEP Kenya, (20092012) Mr Enrico Mollica (Italy) UNDP Djibouti, (19861988) self-emplyed, ---, Political Advisor and Policy Strategist (Consultant and Freelancer), Switzerland Mr Luca Monge Roffarello (Italy) UNCTAD Switzerland, (1999-2002) UNDP, Country Office, Senior Economist, Guinea-Bissau Ms Letizia Montecalvo (Italy) UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2012-2014) 97 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Robert Moosbrugger (Austria) UNDP Burundi, (20032005) Caritas Austria, Foreign Aid Department, Country Representative Pakistan, Pakistan Ms Elena Mora Sevillano (Spain) UPU Thailand, (20092010) Spain Ms Covadonga Morales Bertrand (Spain) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2009-2013) UNDP , BCPR, Policy Consultant, USA Ms Natacha Morales-Escoffier (Bolivia) UNDP-UNIFEM Ecuador, UNDP Ecuador (20032006) IADB, Social Policy and Social Programmes in Bolivia, ---, Bolivia Ms Lisa Moreau (Canada) UNDP Guyana, (19911993) ACDI-CIDA, Canadian Partnership Branch, Governance Directorate, Advisor, Local Governance , Canada Ms Jennifer Moreau (Germany) UNDP USA, UNDP Senegal (2008-2011) OECD, Public Policy - Anti-Corruption , Governance Advisor, France Mr Pedro Manuel Moreno Fernandez (Spain) UNDP Ecuador, (20042006) UNDP, Executive Office, Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator and Policy Specialist, USA Ms Cristiana Morf (Australia) UNDP Papua New Guinea, (2003-2004) Ms Takako Morita (Japan) UNDP Indonesia, (20122013) Asian Development Bank, Councel Post, , Philippines Mr Bruno Moro (Italy) UNDP Kenya, UNDP Mexico (1983-1986) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Colombia Ms Izumi Morota (Japan) UNDP-UNIFEM Nigeria, (1994-1997) UNDP, OAI, Programme Specialist, South Africa Ms Estibalitz Morras Dimas (Spain) UNDP Ethiopia, (20052007) IFAD, Environment and Climate Change , Programme Officer, Italy Mr David Morrison (Canada) UNDP Korea, Democratic People's Rep, (19881989) UNDP-UNCDF (on loan to CIDA), Organization, Executive Secretary, USA Ms Lisa Mossberg (Sweden) UNDP Albania, (20032005) Sida, Conflict Department, Unit for Humanitarian Assistance, Programme Officer, Sweden Ms Cécile Mouly (France) UN-DESA USA, (20052007) FLACSO, Programme of International Studies, lecturer-researcher, Ecuador 98 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Marie Louise Muff (Denmark) UNDP India, (2002-2005) Mr Brian Muggeridge Andersen (Denmark) UNDP Nicaragua, (19992002) IFU / IØ / IFV, Project Development Department, Investment Officer, Denmark Mr Peter Muller (The Netherlands) UNOPS USA, UNDP Fiji (1998-2002) OCHA , Pacific, Regional Disaster Response Adviser, Fiji Ms Hanne Muller (Denmark) UNDP Guatemala, (19982001) University of Pittsburgh, USA, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Teaching Assistant at the Center for Latin American Studies, USA Mr Henrik Mungenast (Sweden) UNDP Kazakhstan, (20012002) Sida, Sweden, Global Programmes Unit, Deputy Head, Sri Lanka Ms Caroline Munier (France) UNESCO France, (20042006) UNESCO, Bureau exécutif du secteur de la culture, Spécialiste adjoint de programme, France Ms Anne-Sofie Munk (Denmark) UNFPA Nicaragua, (20062008) MSF Denmark, Program Officer, Denmark Ms Mika Murakami (Japan) UNDP Argentina, (19961997) OPCW, Secretariat for the Policy-Making Organs, Office of the Director, Administrative Officer, The Netherlands Ms Flore Murard (France) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20022004) FAO, TCEO Emergency programme, Public information and reporting, Italy Mr John Murray (United Kingdom) UNDP Sudan, (19681970) Ms Ebe Muschialli (Italy) UNIDO Morocco, (20042007) UNIDO, , Chargée de Programmes, Morocco Ms Lena Musum Rømer (Norway) UNOPS Denmark, UNOPS Cote d`Ivoire (1997-2000) UNICEF, Human Resources Centre, Supply Division, Supply Chain Community Manager, Denmark Mr Bertrand Mutter (France) UNDP Austria, (19901993) UNHCR, Division of Human Resources Management, Chief Policy, Switzerland Mr Luke Myers (Canada) UNDP Swaziland, (19941996) CIDA, Ottawa, Canada N 99 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Yuko Naab (Japan) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (2003-2006) UNDP, BDP/Capacity 21, Capacity Development Adviser, USA Ms Ritsu Nacken-Morino (Japan) UNDP Fiji, (2002-2005) UNFPA, Country Office, Deputy Representative, Viet Nam Mr Jaime Nadal Roig (Spain) UNDP Seychelles, (19981998) UNFPA, Country Office, Representative, Bolivia Ms Satoko Nadamoto (Japan) UNDP Bangladesh, (2006-2008) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Headquarters, Gender Expert, Japan Mr Jörg Nadoll (Germany) UNDP Nepal, UNDP Thailand (2003-2006) Ms Eirin Naess-Sorensen (Norway) UNDP Lebanon, UNDP USA (2006-2009) Mr Toshihiro Nakamura (Japan) UNDP Timor Leste, (2002-2004) Kopernik, ---, Co-Founder and CEO, Indonesia Mr Ryo Nakamura (Japan) UNDP USA, (2007-2010) United Nations Secretariat, Department of Social and Economic Affairs, Forest Affairs Officer, USA Mr Hanayo Nakano (Japan) UNDP USA, UNDP Malaysia (2002-2005) UNDP, Bureau of Management / Office of Planning and Budgeting, Planning Specialist, USA Ms Minako Nakatani (Japan) UNDP Myanmar, (20002003) Global Link Management Consulting, Social Development Section, Researcher, Japan Ms Kaori Nakatani (Japan) UNAIDS Indonesia, UNAIDS Thailand (20092011) Ms Hayon Nam (Korea, Republic of) UNICEF USA, (20112013) UNICEF, , , Ms Alia Nankoe (The Netherlands) UNFPA Indonesia, UNFPA Senegal (2004-2007) World Bank, Headquarters, Communications Officer, USA Ms Monique Nardi (Italy) UNFPA Mozambique, (2000-2003) UNECA, ---, Development Management Officer, Ethiopia Ms Eiko Narita (Japan) UNDP Fiji, (2006-2008) UNFPA, , Deputy Resident Representative, Yemen 100 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Elizabeth Nash (Canada) UNFPA Guatemala, (2002-2004) Switzerland Mr Kunikazu Nate (Japan) UNDP Indonesia, (19971999) Ms Florence Navarro (France) UNDP Poland, (19921995) Mr Jose Navarro Camacho* (Spain) UNDP Cape Verde (20092012) Mr Gianandrea Enrico Nelli Feroci (Italy) UNOPS Argentina, UNDP Argentina (2008-2010) Ms Guro Nesbakken (Norway) UNFPA Ethiopia, (20042006) Norway Mr Thomas Neufing (Germany) UNDP-UNV Belgium, (1995-1997) UNOG, Staff Development and Learning Section, Chief, Switzerland Ms Ulrike Neuhauser (Austria) UNDP Malaysia, (19951997) City of Vienna, Dept. for the Co-ordination and Co-operation of Vienna Public Health Services with the European Union, Programme/Project Manager, Austria Ms Stéphanie Ngo (Germany) UNOPS USA, UNOPS Denmark (2004-2006) UNOPS, Regional Office, Human Resources Advisor/Portfolio Manager, Thailand Mr Robert Ngui Basil (Kenya) FAO Kenya, (2008-2011) FAO, Gender Unit, Gender Analyst, Kenya Mr Simon Nhongo (Zimbabwe) UNDP Sierra Leone, (1978-1980) n/a (retiree) Mr Ousmane Niang (Senegal) UNDP Central African Republic, (2004-2007) UNICEF, Lesotho, Chief Social Policy , Lesotho Ms Marjolaine Nicod (Switzerland) UNDP Viet Nam, (19951998) OECD, Developement Co-operation Directorate , Policy Analyst, France Mr Henrik C. Nielsen (Denmark) UNIDO Lesotho, UNIDO Lesotho (1982-1983) Copenhagen Business School+Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College, Business Economics, Senior Lecturer, Denmark Mr Thomas Nielsen (Denmark) UNDP Honduras, (19921995) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Chile 101 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Joel Nielsen (Denmark) UNDP Kenya, (19941997) UNHCR, Head of Management, leadership and External Relations Unit, Sr. Staff Development Officer, Hungary Ms Charlotte Pram Nielsen (Denmark) UNFPA Niger, (20092012) Mr Janne Niemi (Finland) UNDP Timor Leste, (2002-2005) Mr Alvaro Nieto Martin (Spain) UNDP Albania, (20082010) Mr Alwin Nijholt (The Netherlands) UNDP Zimbabwe, (20032006) Ms Jeannette Nijkamp (The Netherlands) UN-DESA , (????-????) Ms Charlotte Niklasson (Sweden) UNDP Kyrgyzstan, (20052007) Ms Elina Satu Helena Nikulainen (Finland) UNFPA China, (20102012) Ms Heidi Rapp Nilsen (Norway) UNIDO Turkey, (19992001) Northern Research Institute , Social science research, Researcher, Norway Mr Karl Nilsson (Sweden) UNDP Tajikistan, (20052008) Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Swedish Embassy, ---, Austria Ms Marlene Nilsson (Sweden) UN-DESA USA, (????????) UNEP, Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) , Special Assistant , Mr Toshiya Nishigori (Japan) UNDP Mongolia, (20032006) UNDP, Partnership Bureau, Tokyo Liaison Office, Public Affairs and Civil Society Liaison Officer, Japan Ms Yoko Nishimoto (Japan) UNDP Thailand, (20042007) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) , Tokyo HQ , Programme Officer,, Japan Ms Tomoko Nishimoto (Japan) UNDP Barbados, (19861988) UNEP, Division of Regional Cooperation, Director, Kenya Ms Anja Nitzsche-Bell (Germany) UNAIDS Ukraine, (19982000) UNAIDS, Headquarters, Director a.i. EXO, Switzerland Government Institute for Economic Research (VATT) , , Researcher, Finland UNDP, Peacebuilding Office Liberia, M&E Advisor , Liberia Ministry of Defence , ---, Risk analyst , Sweden 102 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Mir Nadia Nivin (Bangladesh) UNDP-UNV Germany, UNDP USA (2010-2012) UNDP, , Programme Specialist, Afghanistan Mr Atanasio Njeru (Kenya) IFAD Italy, (2011-2013) Mr Julius Njinkeng (Cameroon) UNDP Ethiopia, (19992001) MONUC, ---, ---, Congo, The Democratic Republic Ms Véronique Njo (France) UNHCR Senegal, (19911993) Freelance, ---, Consultant, France Ms Saeko Noda-Nakabayashi (Japan) UNOPS USA, (20012003) Hitonomori Co., Ltd., ---, Executive Director, Japan Ms Ingegerd Nordin (Sweden) UNFPA USA, (2000-2003) UNFPA, Procurement Services Section, Procurement Specialist , Denmark Ms Malin Nordqvist Samuelsson (Sweden) UNDP Mongolia, UNDP China (2002-2005) International Risk Governance Council, ---, Project manager, Switzerland Ms Saba Nordstrom (Sweden) UNDP Serbia, (20022005) European Commission, DG MARE, Inspector, Belgium Mr Kazuhiro Numasawa (Japan) UNDP India, (2008-2010) African Development Bank , Private Sector Development , Investment Officer , Tunisia Mr Takakazu Numata (Japan) UNDP Papua New Guinea, UNDP-UNCDF USA (19871988) UNDP, BOM/PSO, Senior Procurement Advisor, USA Mr Olof Nunez (Sweden) UNDP Korea, Democratic People's Rep, UNDP Lesotho (2002-2004) Independent Consultant, , Independent Consultant, Myanmar Mr Alfredo Nunzi (Italy) UN-DESA Austria, (19941996) European Police Office, Management Board Secretariat, Secretary of the Management Board, The Netherlands Ms Lina Nykänen-Rettaroli (Finland) UNAIDS Switzerland, UNAIDS Switzerland (2006-2009) UNAIDS, Argentina Country Office, Human Rights, Gender and Community Mobilisation Adviser, Argentina Ms Louise Nylin (Sweden) UNDP Georgia, UNDP Slovakia (2002-2005) Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Thematic Unit/National Human Rights Institutions, Head of the Thematic Unit/National Human Rights Institutions, Sweden O 103 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Josephine Obel (Denmark) WHO Tanzania, United Republic of, (2007-2009) Hvidovre Hospital, , Medical Doctor, Obstetrics&Gynaecology, Denmark Mr Pauni Obregon Ortega (Nicaragua) UNDP Panama, (20092013) Nicaragua Ms Julia Obrovac (Sweden) UNDP Cambodia, (19982000) The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Unit, Project Manager, Sweden Ms Ayako Odashima (Japan) UNOPS Timor Leste, (1999-2002) UNICEF, Logistics Centre, Logistics Specialist, Emergency, Denmark Mr Jan Thomas Odegard (Norway) UNIDO Mozambique, (1999-2001) Friends of the Earth Norway, ---, General Secretary, Norway Mr Stephane Oertel (Germany) UNDP Pakistan, UNDP Switzerland (2000-2002) World Economic Forum, Africa Team, Global Leadership Fellow, Switzerland Ms Yoko Ogawa (Japan) UNFPA Namibia, (19972000) Global Link Management, Inc., Social Development Dept, Specialist in International Health, Japan Mr Keita Ohashi (Japan) UNFPA Senegal, (20012004) UNFPA, , , Congo, The Democratic Republic Mr Anthony Ohemeng-Boamah (Ghana) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (1992-1994) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Guinea Ms Marja-Leena Oja (Finland) UNDP Bolivia, (19871989) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Finland Ms Juri Oka (Japan) UNDP Thailand, (19961998) World Bank, ---, Operations Officer, USA Ms Ayako Okamoto (Japan) UNFPA Egypt, (20022004) WFP, ---, ---, Italy Ms Etsuko Okazaki (Japan) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, (2004-2006) Japan Ms Christine Nelima Okhoya (Kenya) UNDP Ghana, UNDP USA (1995-2000) FAO, ---, Programme Specialist, Italy Ms Sólrún María Ólafsdóttir (Iceland) UNDP Malawi, (20072009) Iceland 104 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Jesper Olausson (Sweden) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, (1998-2001) Sweden Ms Amandine Alicia Oleffe (Belgium) UNAIDS Niger, UNAIDS Tanzania, United Republic of (2010-2013) Mr Niels E. Olesen (Denmark) UNDP USA, UNDP Latvia (1995-1999) COWI A/S, Economics and Management, Senior Project Manager, Denmark Mr Peter Eilschow Olesen (Denmark) UNIDO Cameroon, (19951998) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Denmark Ms Marianne Olesen (Denmark) UNDP Pakistan, (19992001) Freelance, , Independent consultant, USA Mr Morten Olesen (Denmark) UNDP Ethiopia, (20032005) Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen, Research & Development, Chief Consultant, Denmark Mr Trygve Olfarnes (Norway) UNDP USA, UNDP Uruguay (1993-1997) UNDP, UN-Nordic Office, Deputy Director. Head of Advocacy and Communication for the Nordic Office, Mexico Ms Kim Olga (The Netherlands) UNHCR Sudan, (20082011) Ms Maud Olinet (France) UNODC Austria, (20032005) INTERPOL General Secretariat, Office of Legal Affairs, Counsel, France Ms Amaya Olivares Zapiain (Spain) UNDP Angola, (20092012) UNDP, Poverty and Environment Cluster, Programme Specialist - GEF, Angola Mr Inizan Olivier (France) UNODC Austria, (20082011) UNODC, Division for Treaty Affairs, Programme Officer, Austria Ms Heidi Olli (Finland) WFP Italy, WFP Namibia (2004-2007) WFP, Planning and Resource Mobilization Unit, Programme Officer, Panama Mr Mikko Ollikainen (Finland) World Bank Indonesia, World Bank USA (20062009) World Bank, Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat, Sr Climate Change Specialist, USA Ms Hind Omer El Mughira (Sudan) UNICEF Kenya, (20082011) UNICEF, Education, Education Specialist, Jordan Ms Azza Omer Hassan (Sudan) UNFPA India, (20092011) 105 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Makiko Omura (Japan) UNDP Cambodia, (19971999) University of Cambridge, ---, ---, Japan Ms Kyoko Ono (Japan) UN-DESA USA, (????????) United Nations, Department of Peacekeeping Operations , Political Affairs Officer , USA Mr Geoffrey Onyancha (Kenya) UNFPA Eritrea, (20042007) Kenya Ms Marjolein Ooijevaar (The Netherlands) UNDP Bolivia, (20052008) AMREF Flying Doctors, Portfolio Management, Portfolio Manager, The Netherlands Ms Karen Oppfeldt (Denmark) UNAIDS Switzerland, (2006-2007) BØRNEfonden, Programme Department, Programme Officer, Denmark Ms Barbara Orlik (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2003-2006) Mr Hermen Ormel (The Netherlands) UNFPA Bolivia, UNFPA Nicaragua (1993-1997) Royal Tropical Institute, Sharenet, Health, Senior Advisor, The Netherlands Ms Lisa Orrenius (Sweden) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (2006-2008) UNDOCO, Headquarters, Policy Specialist, USA Mr Pedro Manuel Ortega Sánchez (Spain) UNDP Viet Nam, (20022003) Spain Ms Sonia Ortiz Arcos (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Brazil, (2006-2008) UNDP, Spain-UNDP Trust Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean, Programme Specialist, USA Ms Tania Ortiz de Zúñiga (Spain) UNDP Mauritania, (20022004) Spain Ms Mary O'Shea (Ireland) UNDP Thailand, UNDP South Africa (2005-2008) Thailand Mr Aart Osman (The Netherlands) UNDP El Salvador, (19951997) Consultant Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, , Expert organic and sustainable farming , Chile Ms Knut Ostby (Norway) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, UNDP Malaysia (19901992) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Timor Leste Ms Kaisu Osterinen (Finland) UNDP Mozambique, (1999-2001) Service Centre for Development Cooperation (umbrella NGO in Finland), Training and advice in the field of development co-operation, Training officer, 106 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Finland Mr Holger Osterrieder (Germany) UNDP Mauritania, UNDP Slovakia (2004-2006) UNECE, Population Activities Unit, Associate Population Affairs Officer, Switzerland Ms Alina Ostling (Sweden) UNDP Belarus, (20052008) European University Institute, political science, Researcher, Italy Ms Yuko Otsuki (Japan) UNDP Switzerland, UNDP South Sudan (2009-2012) OCHA, , Programme Officer, USA Mr Michael Otto (Sweden) UNDP Cambodia, (20052007) Sida, ---, ---, Sweden Ms Mary Otto-Chang (Canada) UNDP Jamaica, (19861988) UNICEF, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Consultant, Panama Mr Jonas Ottosen (Denmark) UNDP Botswana, (20052007) Danish Ministry of Defence, NATO & EU department, Head of Department, Sweden Mr Halfdan Lynge Ottosen (Denmark) UNDP Mozambique, UNDP Bangladesh (2006-2008) University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations, DPhil Candidate in Politics, United Kingdom Mr Palamanga Ouali (Burkina Faso) UNDP Namibia, UNDP Mali (2002-2006) Compassion International, Burkina Faso Field Office, Country Director, Burkina Faso Mr Azaria Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso) UNDP Burundi, UNIDO Guinea (1990-1995) General Council AG (NGO), Finance and Administration, Finance and Adminitrative Officer, Burkina Faso Ms Anne Caroline Ouma (Kenya) UNDP Viet Nam, UNDP Ethiopia (1995-1998) Umea University, Geography and Economic History, Lecturer , Trainer and consultant, Sweden Mr Bjarke Oxlund (Denmark) UNFPA Cambodia, South Africa (2001-2004) Denmark Ms Zeynep Ozgen (Turkey) UNDP Azerbaijan, UNDP USA (1996-2000) UNRWA, External Relations Department, Senior External Relations Officer, Occupied Palestinian Territory UNDP Liberia, (19771980) University of Twente, Department of Education, Head, The Netherlands P Mr Fred Paats (The Netherlands) 107 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Chiara Pace (Italy) UNDP-UNCDF Mozambique, UNDPUNCDF USA (2005-2008) UNDP-UNCDF, Headquarters, Communications Specialist, USA Mr Alejandro Pacheco Gurruchaga (Spain) UNDP El Salvador, (20062010) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Haiti Ms Adela Paez Jimenez (Spain) UNAIDS Senegal, (20092011) Pan American Health Organization Mr Hans H.M. Page (Germany) UNDP Switzerland, UNDP Viet Nam (1976-1978) FAO, Retired, Senior Consultant, Italy Mr Ruben Antonio Pagés (Cuba) UNAIDS Guatemala, (2010-2012) UNAIDS, CurrentUnit Regional Support Team, , Panama Ms Géraldine Pagniet (Cote d`Ivoire) UNDP Belgium, UNDP Belgium (2003-2005) Belgium Ms Jessica (Jeske) Paijmans (The Netherlands) UNFPA Guatemala, UNFPA USA (2009-2012) Consultant for European Union, The Netherlands Mr Eugene Pak (Korea, Republic of) UNDP USA, (2011-2014) UNDP, Management Consulting Team, Management Specialist, USA Mr Alexander Pak (Uzbekistan) UNFPA Yemen, (20062009) UNFPA, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office, Special Assistant to the Director, Turkey Ms Esther Palacio-Blasco (Spain) UNDP Senegal, (20012003) Free lance, , ---, Mozambique Ms Sabine Pallas (Germany) IFAD Italy, (????-????) Ms Marilla Palmen (Finland) UNFPA Egypt, (19982001) University of Kuopio, Department of Health Policy and Management, Researcher, Finland Ms Eija Palosuo (Finland) UNDP Denmark, (20052007) Finland Mr Erik Palstra (The Netherlands) UNDP Gabon, (19811983) Ms Karen Panameno De Alvayero (El Salvador) WHO Bolivia, (2009-2012) 108 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Berta Panes Goday (Spain) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2002-2004) International Committee of the Red Cross, --, ---, India Ms Flavia Pansieri (Italy) UNDP China, (1984-1985) UNOHCHR, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Switzerland Ms Sara Pantuliano (Italy) UNDP Sudan, (19982001) Overseas Development Institute, Humanitarian Policy Group, Head, United Kingdom Ms Kelly Papadaki (Greece) UNDP Switzerland, (20112013) Mr Lorenzo Pasquali (Italy) UNHCR Djibouti, (19881990) UNHCR, Human Resources Staff Services, Head of Service, Hungary Mr Luca Passerini (Italy) WHO Mozambique, WHO India (2010-2012) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Ms Astrid Patsch (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2000-2001) German Embassy in London, ---, ---, United Kingdom Ms Helen Patterson (Canada) UNDP Madagascar, (1990-1993) Mosaic.net International, ---, Organizational Development Advisor, Canada Ms Friederike Amani Paul (Germany) UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of, UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of (2009-2012) evaplan GmbH, Germany Ms Toril-Iren Pedersen (Norway) UNFPA Rwanda, (20082010) Ms Vibeke Pedersen (Denmark) UNDCP Bolivia, (19992001) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Denmark Mr Anders Cajus Pedersen (Denmark) UNIDO Eritrea, (19992002) GTZ, Indonesia, Senior Renewable Energy Advisor, Indonesia Mr Michael Pedersen (Denmark) UNDP India, (1999-2002) Home Rule Government of Greenland, Traffic and telecommunication, Head of division, Denmark Mr Morten Pedersen (Denmark) UNOHCHR Ethiopia, (2006-2008) 109 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Dana Peebles (Canada) UNDP Bolivia, UNFPA Bolivia (1984-1985) Kartini International, ---, Director, Canada Ms Anne-Christine Peherstorfer (Austria) UNIDO Belgium, (20062009) Ms Alessandra Pellizzeri (Italy) UNDP Mauritania, (20062010) UN- Secretary General, Peacebuilting Commission, Governance Programme Officer, USA Mr Arnaud Peral (France) UNDP Cuba, (2000-2003) UNDP, Country Office Brazil, DRR, Brazil Mr Matthias Percl (Austria) UNDP Kenya, UNDP Uganda (2004-2007) WHO, WPRO/DSE/ESR, Technical Officer, Philippines Mr Miguel Pérez Torralba (Spain) UNDP Colombia, (19981999) IFAD, ---, ---, Italy Ms Natalia Perez y Andersen (Denmark) UNIDO Colombia, (19992002) UNDP, UN Development Coordination, Policy Specialist, Zimbabwe Mr Joan Peris Lluch (Spain) UNDP Nicaragua, (20072010) UNDP, , Specialist in Knowledge Management, Nicaragua Mr Nicolas Perrin (France) UNDP-UNCDF Bangladesh, (2000-2002) World Bank, ---, ---, USA Ms Stefania Perrini (Luxembourg) UNDP Burkina Faso, UNDP Belgium (20032007) IOM, Election Unit, Project Coordinator, Belgium Ms Giulia Perrone (Italy) UNDP Argentina, (20032006) Ms Jeeva Perumalpillai (Sri Lanka) UNDP Papua New Guinea, (1981-1983) World Bank, Sustainable Development Dept- East Asia and Pacific Region, Sustainable Development Leader, Thailand Ms Maartje Peters (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNIFEM Jordan, UNDP-UNIFEM Lebanon (1998-2002) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department on Environment and Water, Directorate General International Cooperation (DGIS) , Policy Advisor, The Netherlands Mr Morten Rugtved Petersen (Denmark) UNHCR Switzerland, (1993-1996) 110 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Tommy Petersen (Denmark) UNOPS Afghanistan, UNOPS Jordan (20092011) Mr Kurt Petit (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Niger, (2001-2004) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Belgium Ms Chrystel Petricca (France) UNDP Gabon, (19982000) France Ms Karen Pettersson (Norway) UNAIDS Ethiopia, (20082011) Norway Mr Guillaume Pfeifflé (France) UNOHCHR Switzerland, (2007-2008) Mr Daniel Pfister (Switzerland) OCHA USA, (2010-2012) United Nations, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, USA Mr Christian Pflaumer (Germany) UNDP Ukraine, (19951997) Chandler Chicco Agency (healthcare PR firm), ---, Media Specialist, USA Ms Ruth Pfleiderer (Germany) UNFPA Sudan, (19961998) Kenya Ms Anandita Philipose (India) UNESCO France, (20082012) UNFPA Bangkok, , , Thailand Mr Ingo Piegeler (Germany) UNITAR Switzerland, UNOPS Cote d`Ivoire (1999-2002) UNFPA, Office in Geneva, Humanitarian Coordination Adviser, Switzerland Mr Nicolas Pierre (Luxembourg) UNDP Senegal, UNDPUNDOCO USA (20052009) UNDP, RC Office, UN Reform Specialist, Benin Mr Antoine Pierson (France) WHO France, (20012003) FIND, ---, Senior Laboratory Scientist, Project Leader, TB, France Ms Anna Pietikäinen (Finland) IFAD Italy, (2005-2008) OECD, OECD Development Centre, Americas Desk, Advisor, France Ms Tina Pihl (Denmark) UNDP-UNCDF Bhutan, (1999-2002) UNMIL, Strategic Planning Unit, Strategic Planning Officer, Liberia Mr Troels Pilegaard (Denmark) UNDP Somalia, UNDP Bangladesh (2005-2008) Danish Immigration Service, ---, Head of section, Kenya 111 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Horst Pilger (Austria) UNDP Yemen, (19931994) European Commission, EuropeAid, Head of Sector, Malawi Ms Silvia Pina (Spain) UNICEF Fiji, (2009-2012) Ms Caterina Pino (Italy) OCHA Kenya, (20082009) OCHA, , Humanitarian Affairs Officer/ CivilMilitary Coordination Focal Point, Kenya Mr Robert Piper (Australia) UNFPA Thailand, UNDP Cambodia (1990-1992) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Nepal Mr Abel Piqueras Candela (Spain) UNDP Angola, UNDPUNDOCO Angola (20002002) European Commission, Delegation in Lebanon- Social Sectors, Education/Social Sectors Programme Officer, Lebanon Mr Frederik Pischke (Germany) UN-DESA USA, (20062008) GWP/WMO, Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) & Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM), Senior Programme Officer, Switzerland Mr Edouard Planche (France) UNESCO France, (20002001) UNESCO, Headquarters, Programme Specialist, France Mr Antoine Planque (France) UNDP , (1980-1981) France Ms Juncal Plazaola Castano (Spain) UNFPA USA, (2009-2013) UNFPA, Violence Against Women and Girls, Technical Specialist, Thailand Mr Peter Johan Plesner (Denmark) UNFPA Algeria, (19911993) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, Head of Section, Denmark Ms Irene Plugge (The Netherlands) UNHCR Malawi, UNDP USA (1995-1999) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ---, ---, Belgium Ms Cécile Plunet (France) UNODC Austria, (20062008) UNODC, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, Programme Management Officer, Austria Ms Elisabeth Pluut (The Netherlands) WFP Mexico, WHO USA (1994-1997) WHO, DGO/IOS, Performance Auditor, Switzerland Ms Anne-Aël Pohu (France) UNDP Haiti, (2006-2008) RCN Justice et Démocratie, , Responsable des programmes Grands Lacs, Belgium 112 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Philippe Poinsot (France) UNDP Lebanon, (19921995) UNDP, Country Office, DRR, Mali Mr Geoffroy Poiré (France) UN-DESA USA, (20012004) WHO, WHO Country Office in Lao P.D.R., Operations Manager, Lao People's Democratic Rep Mr Sergio Polifroni Benedetti (Colombia) UNDP-UNIFEM Jordan, (2002-2005) Independent Consultant, Colombia Ms Yolanda Polo Tejedor (Spain) UNDP Brazil, (2004-2006) UNDP, HDRO, Outreach Consultant, Spain Ms Nicole Polsterer (Austria) UNDP Belgium, UNDP USA (2003-2006) UNEP, Sustainable Consumption and Production, Project Coordinator, France Ms Corinne Poncé (France) WHO Switzerland, (20012003) WHO, Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR), Technical Officer, Switzerland Mr Eero Porko (Finland) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, (1989-1990) UNESCO, Procurement Division, Senior Procurement Officer, France Mr Valentin Post (The Netherlands) UNIDO Malawi, (19931995) WASTE, ---, Senior advisor / controller, The Netherlands Mr Bruno Pouezat (France) UNDP Mali, (1986-1988) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Morocco Mr Villars Poulsen (Denmark) UNDP Zambia, (19962000) Danish Emergency Management Agency, Centre for Education and HR Development, Course Director, Denmark Mr Fin Poulsen (Denmark) UNDP Guatemala, (19931995) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quality Assurance - Development Assistance, Head of Section, Denmark Mr Hans-Christian Poulsen (Denmark) UNDCP Pakistan, UNDCP Afghanistan (1996-1999) University of Copenhagen, ---, EU Liaison Officer, Denmark Mr Kris Prasada Rao (Denmark) IFAD Italy, (2002-2005) PEMconsult, ---, Partner, Denmark Mr Antonin Prébois (France) UNDP-UNCDF Ethiopia, (2002-2004) France Mr Stefan Priesner (Austria) UNDP Bhutan, (19971999) UNDP, Country Office, Resident Coordinator/ Resident Representative, Uzbekistan 113 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Lukas Probst Lopez (Switzerland) UN-DESA Burundi, (20082010) Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Political Affairs Division IV - Peace Policy, Programme Officer for the Great Lakes Region , Switzerland Mr Jason Pronyk (Canada) UNDP-UNDOCO Afghanistan, UNDPUNDOCO USA (20002003) UNDP, Bureau for Development Policy, Strategic Planning & Change Management Advisor, USA Mr Gerhard Pulfer (Austria) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2000-2003) UNDP, Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People, Governance Strategy Group Coordinator, Occupied Palestinian Territory Mr Gerhard Putman-Cramer (The Netherlands) UNDP Malaysia, (19751976) n/a (retiree), Switzerland Mr Nuno Queiros (Portugal) UNDP Nicaragua, UNDP USA (2003-2006) UNDP, RBLAC/Ecuador, DRR P&O, USA Mr David Quien (France) UNDP Burundi, (20002002) ADA, Inclusive Financial Innovation , Head of the Department , Luxembourg Ms Vinciane Quoidbach (Belgium) UNDP Switzerland, UNDP South Africa (2001-2004) Cabinet of the Minister of health , health stratégic unit (cancer, chronic diseases and rare diseases)., Social Affairs Adviser, Belgium Ms Anne Raahauge (Denmark) UNAIDS Tanzania, United Republic of, (2008-2011) Denmark Ms Dorthe Raben (Denmark) UNFPA Burkina Faso, (2006-2008) Mr Armin Rabitsch (Austria) UNDP Zimbabwe, (20002003) OSCE ODIHR, Election Department, , Austria Ms Francesca Racioppi (Italy) WHO Italy, (1997-1999) WHO, DCE/EHG, Senior Policy and Programme Adviser, Environment and Health Policy and Programmes, Denmark Ms Florence Raes (Belgium) UNDP-UNIFEM Brazil, (2001-2004) UN Women, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Mozambique Q R 114 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Tobias Rahm (Sweden) UNHCR The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Tanzania, United Republic of (2003-2006) Ms Kamilla Kristensen Rai (Denmark) UNDP India, (1997-2000) Denmark Mr Pasi Rajala (Finland) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (2001-2003) Finland Mr Joachim Ramakers (The Netherlands) UNDP Timor Leste, (2003-2006) Mr Ole Ramsing (Denmark) UNFPA Mongolia, (20002003) Ms Emanuela Ranieri (Italy) UN-DESA USA, (20102012) Ms Riikka Elina Rantala (Finland) WHO India, (2009-2011) Ms Ulla-Maija Rantapuska (Finland) UNDP Kosovo, UN Administered Territory, UNDP USA (2010-2013) Mr Khaled Rashad (Egypt) UNIDO Nigeria, UN-DESA Lebanon (1997-2002) Jobseeker, Egypt Mr Finn Rasmussen (Denmark) UNDP Nicaragua, (19931995) International Media Support, Media and Conflict Unit, Programme Coordinator, Denmark Ms Charlotte Rasmussen (Denmark) WHO Switzerland, WHO Myanmar (2009-2012) WHO, Global Malaria Programme, Technical Officer, Switzerland Mr Frank Rauch (Germany) UNEP Kenya, (19992001) UNFCCC, Financial Resources Management Unit, Lead Budget Officer, Germany Mr Antti Rautavaara (Finland) UNDP-UNCDF China, (2001-2003) Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland, Finnish Embassy, First Secretary (Water), Ethiopia Ms Mette Ravn (Denmark) UNDP Burkina Faso, (1999-2002) NSU/ISCA , ---, Secretary General/Project Coordinator, Denmark UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, ---, Coordination Officer, Afghanistan WHO, Centre for Health Development, Technical Officer, Japan 115 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Filip Raymaekers (Belgium) UNDP Uganda, (19972000) DLV Milieuconsult, ---, Directeur, Belgium Ms Sara Raza Khan (Pakistan) UNFPA Mauritania, (20042007) UNFPA, Country Office, UN Reform Specialist, Pakistan Mr Claus Rebien (Denmark) UNDP Jamaica, UNDP USA (1989-1992) The Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA), , Vice President, Denmark Mr Mariano Redondo Martinez (Colombia) UNFPA Timor Leste, (2007-2011) Colombia Ms Ulrika Rehnström (Finland) UNFPA Bolivia, (20052008) Sweden Mr Rol Reiland (Luxembourg) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20052006) Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation, ----, Luxembourg Mr Carlo Reitano (Italy) UNFPA Morocco, (19951997) UN-ESCWA, Budget and Finance, Chief, Lebanon Ms Charlotta Relander (Finland) UNDP Latvia, (1997-1999) Switzerland Mr Simeon Renoldner (Austria) UN-DESA USA, JIU Switzerland (2008-2010) UN-DPKO, USA Ms Maria del Mar Requena Quesada (Spain) UNFPA Philippines, (2003-2004) Spanish Minitry of Foreign Affairs, Environmental issues and Development Cooperation, Environmental issues and Development Cooperation, Spain Mr Luc Reuter (Luxembourg) UNDP Senegal, (20012005) UNEP, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE), Programme Officer, France Ms Karin-Annabella Revuelta (Germany) UNFPA Sri Lanka, (19982000) Health Focus, Development Aid Consulting, Project Manager, Germany Ms Patricia Rey Gonzalez (Spain) UN Women South Africa, (2008-2011) USA Mr Dariann Riber (Denmark) UNDCP Austria, (19931993) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Embassy Islamabad, Counsellor, Denmark Mr Juan Ribó Chalmeta (Spain) UNDP Uganda, (19982000) Spain 116 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Noella Marisol Richard (France) UNDP USA, (2010-2013) UNDP, Democratic Governance Group, Policy Specialist, USA Ms Emma Richardson (Canada) UNFPA Honduras, (20062009) Guatemala Ms Ulrika Richardson-Golinski (Sweden) UNDP-UNV Germany, (1995-1998) UNDP, Country Office, DRR , Cape Verde Mr Alex Andreas Riechel (Germany) WIPO Switzerland, (20072009) World Intellectual Property Organization , Innovation and Technology Support Section, Project Coordinator, Switzerland Ms Aafje E.C. Rietveld (The Netherlands) WHO Switzerland, (19901992) WHO, Global Malaria Programme, Medical Officer, Switzerland Ms Katrine Riisgard Pedersen (Denmark) UNDP Viet Nam, (20022005) Municipality of Ballerup , Healt Section, Development consultant/Liaison Officer, Denmark Ms Maria Riiskjær (Denmark) UNHCR Switzerland, (2007-2009) UNHCR, Executive Office, Policy Development and Evaluation Service, Associate Policy and Evaluation Officer, Switzerland Ms Mia Rimby (Sweden) UNDP Kyrgyzstan, (20022005) Ms Tessa Rintala (Finland) UNICEF Cambodia, (2004-2007) WHO, , Communications Officer, Lao People's Democratic Rep Ms Vibeke Risa (Norway) UNDP Central African Republic, UNDP Timor Leste (1998-2002) Norwegian Refugee Council, Head Office, Gender Advisor, Norway Ms Silla Ristimaki (Finland) UNFPA Nepal, (20062009) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Nepal Ms Sara Rivenes Lafontan (Norway) UNFPA Jamaica, (20082011) Norway Ms Graziella Rizza (Italy) UNDP Tunisia, (19951997) EU, Horizonal Matter EU Cooperation, Officer in Charge of Horizonal Coordination , Egypt Mr Alessandro Rizzo (Italy) FAO Italy, FAO Tunisia (1997-2000) Mr Pierre Robert (Canada) UNDP Senegal, (19951997) UNICEF, ---, Specialist, Adolescents and HIV/AIDS, USA 117 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Torsten Rødel Berg (Denmark) ILO Nepal, (????-????) Aarhus University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Internationalisation Adviser, Denmark Mr Alvaro Rodriguez (Canada) UNDP Kenya, (19911992) UNDP, Country Office, Country Director Afghanistan, Afghanistan Ms Clara Rodriguez Ribas (Argentina) UNFPA Bangladesh, (2010-2012) Ms Maribel Rodriguez Rios (Switzerland) UNDP Cuba, (2002-2004) ACSUR Las Segovias, , Director, Spain Ms Christine Roehrer (Austria) UNIDO Nicaragua, (19982000) World Bank, Environment, Sr. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, USA Ms Ethel Roellich (Germany) UN-DESA USA, (20062008) International Trade Centre, Human Resources, Human Resources Officer, Switzerland Mr Richard Roemers (The Netherlands) UNDP Uzbekistan, UNDP Moldova, Republic of (1997-2000) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch Embassy in Moscow, Trade Secretary, Economic Section, Russian Federation Ms Julia Rohe (Germany) UNIDO Austria, UNIDO Austria (2004-2007) UNIDO, Investment and Technology Unit, Industrial Development Officer, Austria Ms Liv Rohnebaek Bjergere (Norway) UNDP Denmark, (19992001) NORAD, NORADs development news magazine, Bistandsaktuelt, Consultant/journalist, Norway Mr Martin Rokitzki (Germany) UNCCD Germany, IFAD Italy (2005-2008) Ms Lara Romaniuc (Canada) UNDP Turkey, (20052007) ACDI-CIDA, CIDA Afghanistan, CIDA District Representative, Afghanistan Ms Magali Romedenne (Belgium) UNFPA Viet Nam, (20032006) UNICEF, Child Survival adn development, Health and Nutrition Specialist , Togo Ms Mónica Ropain (Colombia) UNDP Comoros, (20072008) COLOMBIAN GOVERNMENT PRESIDENTIAL AGENCY FOR SOCIAL ACTION AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION DEPARTMENT, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ADVISER, Colombia Ms Patricia Teresa Rosa Garcia (Spain) UN Women Viet Nam, (2008-2012) Spain 118 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Nicholas Rosellini (Italy) UNDP Ghana, (19861989) UNDP, RBAP, Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director, USA Ms Lise Rosendal Østergaard (Denmark) UNFPA Senegal, (19992002) Aids-netværket, ---, ---, Denmark Mr Peter Roslander (Sweden) UNESCO Germany, (2007-2010) UNESCO, Institute for Lifelong Learning, , Germany Mr Andrea Rossi (Italy) ILO Tanzania, United Republic of, (2000-2002) Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School, Director, Measurement and Human Rights Program, USA Ms Tine Rossing (Denmark) UNDP Cambodia, (19992002) The World Bank, Social Dimensions of Climate Change in the LAC Region Initiative, Consultant, Canada Ms Annelie Rostedt (Sweden) WHO Uganda, WHO Switzerland (2005-2008) Swedish public health agency, Migration and Health, ---, Sweden Ms Alexandra Roth (Germany) UNFPA USA, UNFPA USA (2002-2005) UNFPA, Programme Division, Evaluation Specialist, Organisational Performance, USA Mr Jozef Rottiers (Belgium) UNIDO Morocco, (19771978) Belgium Ms Sandra Rotzinger (Germany) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Mongolia (2005-2008) Germany Mr Jean-Charles Rouge (France) UNDP Niger, (2001-2004) France Mr Jean-Sébastien Roure (France) ITC Switzerland, (20002002) ITC, Headquarters, Expert, Switzerland Ms Marielle Rowan (Canada) UNDP Mozambique, (1994-1995) Mott MacDonald, Social Sustainability Team, Principal Social Scientist, Ms Sandra Ruecker (Germany) UNEP Germany, UNEP Kenya (2004-2008) UNOG, Monitoring, Evaluation, Risk Management and Statistical Verification Section (MERS), Programme Officer, Switzerland Ms Marta Ruedas (Spain) UNDP Mexico, (19881990) UNDP, BCPR, Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Director, USA Mr Nicolai Ruge (Denmark) UNDP Papua New Guinea, (1992-1994) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Denmark, Kuala Lumpur, Ambassador to Malaysia and the Philippines, Malaysia 119 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Pablo Ruiz Hiebra (Spain) UNDP Haiti, (1998-2000) UNDP, BCPR, Practice Coordinator, Panama Mr Andrew Russell (Canada) UNDP El Salvador, (19901993) UNDP, Country Office, UN Development Coordinator and UNDP RR for Kosovo, Kosovo, UN Administered Territory Mr Mathieu-Paul Ryckewaert (France) UNDP-UNIFEM Morocco, (2003-2006) Besix Contracting, Public Affiars Senior Manager, Belgium Mr Henrik Ryden (Sweden) UNDP USA, UNDP Slovakia (2008-2011) UNDP, BOM/OHR, Project Manager, eRecruit, USA Mr Thomas Ryhl (Denmark) UNDP USA, (1997-1998) MAQS Law Firm, ---, Lawyer, Denmark Mr Asger Ryhl (Denmark) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Zambia (1993-1996) UN Women, Nordic Office, Director, Denmark Ms Layla Saad (Canada) UNDP Egypt, (2003-2005) UNDP, World Centre for Sustainable Development, BDP/KICG, Policy Advisor, Brazil Ms Nina Saalismaa (Finland) UNDP Guatemala, (20012004) Switzerland Ms Tiina Saaresranta (Finland) UNDP Ecuador, (19992000) Finland Mr Sakari Saaritsa (Finland) UNDP Syria, (2007-2009) University of Helsinki, Department of Economic and Political Studies, Postdoctoral Researcher, Finland Ms Elisa Sabbion (Italy) UNIDO Ethiopia, (---) Mr Unai Sacona (Spain) UNICEF Bolivia, (20082009) UNICEF, Programme Specialist, Ecuador Ms Nanako Saito (Japan) UNICEF Timor Leste, (2006-2008) Japan Ms Mariko Saito (Japan) UNDP Sri Lanka, (20032004) UNDP, UNDP Gender Team, Gender and Development Consultant, Japan S 120 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Eriko Saito (Japan) UNAIDS , (2000-2002) World Bank, ---, ---, USA Ms Adja Sakho (Senegal) UNDP USA, (2004-2006) UN-DPKO, United Nations Operation in Cote d'Ivoire, Administrative Officer, Cote d`Ivoire Ms Rie Sakumoto (Japan) UNDP Barbados, (20002002) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), TICAD Unit, RBA, UNDP, TICAD Adviser, USA Mr José Luis Salazar Mañez (Spain) UNDP Kenya, (19881990) University, ---, Final Thesis PhD, Ms Odette Salden (The Netherlands) UNFPA Suriname, (20052007) Ms Mercedes San Roman Ruiz (Spain) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2006-2010) Spain Ms Maria Isolina Sanchez Andrade (Spain) UNDP Sao Tome and Principe, (2006-2008) University of Houston, Sociology department, Teaching Assistant, USA Ms Inmaculada Sane GarciaCascon (Spain) UN Women Colombia, (2009-2012) The Bar Council of Catalonia, Human Rights Unit, Responsible for Human Rights, Spain Mr Nouhoum Sangaré (Mali) UN-DESA Cameroon, (2005-2008) OHCHR, ---, Human Rights Officer, USA Ms Alicia Sangro Blasco (Spain) UNDP Dominican Republic, (2000-2002) Centro Cultural Dominico Haitiano, Legal and Community development, Manager (Coordinator) of the legal and Community Development Department, Dominican Republic Mr Bouri Sanhouidi (Burkina Faso) UNDP Guinea, (19811982) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Mr Bernard Santen (The Netherlands) UNDP Pakistan, (19831984) The Netherlands Mr Martin Santiago-Herrero (Spain) UNDP Argentina, (19901991) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Panama Mr Andrea Santoni (Italy) ITC Switzerland, (20072011) International Trade Centre, Trade Support Institutions Strengthening Section, Benchmarking & TSI Capacity Buiding Officer, Switzerland 121 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Utako Saoshiro (Japan) UNDP Mozambique, (2009-2012) International Finance Corporation (IFC), IFC - Access to Finance, Operations Officer, Indonesia Mr Emanuele Sapienza (Italy) UNAIDS Switzerland, (2004-2007) UNDP, BDP, Policy Specialist, USA Ms Lourdes Sartorius GonzálezBueno (Spain) UNDP Panama, (19961997) Mr Jérôme Sauvage (France) UNDP USA, (1983-1985) UNDP, Liaison Office, Deputy Director, USA Ms Silvia Savini (Italy) UNFPA Mauritania, (19961998) Senior International Consultant, ---, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert, France Ms Anna Katariina Savolainen (Finland) UNRWA Jordan, UNRWA Occupied Palestinian Territory (2010-2013) Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Embassy of Finland in Kabul, Deputy Head of Mission, Afghanistan Ms Jennifer Saxe (Canada) UNDP Senegal, UNDP Romania (2002-2004) Government of Canada (Health), ---, Manager, Strategic Policy, Canada Ms Junko Sazaki (Japan) UNFPA Peru, (1988-1989) UNFPA , UNFPA Tokyo Office, Director, Japan Mr Carlo Scaramella (Italy) UNDP Sudan, (19911993) WFP, Headquarters, Chief, OEP, Italy Mr Michael Schaadt (Denmark) UNDP Afghanistan, (2007-2010) UNDP, Office of UN Resident Coordinator, Strategic Planner, Jordan Mr Eric J. Schade van Westrum (The Netherlands) UNDP Libya, (1966-1968) The Netherlands Mr Kai Schaefer (Germany) UN-DESA USA, (20052008) Mr Michael Schaller (Austria) UNIDO Costa Rica, UNDP Costa Rica (1995-1996) Sustainable - Agentur für Nachhaltigkeit, Owner of Agency, Consultant, Austria Ms Elisabeth Schauer (Germany) UNDP-UNIFEM Zimbabwe, (1997-1999) vivo international NGO, ---, Director, Italy Mr Jakob Schemel (Austria) UNDP Albania, (20072009) UNDP, Country Office, UN Coordination Specialist, Moldova, Republic of 122 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Robert Walter Scherpbier (The Netherlands) WHO Switzerland, (19972001) Mr Jo Scheuer (Luxembourg) UNDP Niger, UNDP Papua New Guinea (1994-1998) UNDP, BCPR, Coordinator DIsaster Risk Reduction, USA Ms Constanze Schimmel (Germany) ILO Switzerland, ILO Algeria (2009-2012) ILO, Country Office for Algeria, Junior Technical Officer, Algeria Ms Tania Schimmell (Denmark) UNDP Guyana, (19992001) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stabilisation and Security Policy Department, Team leader for fragile states & Head of Interministerial Stabilisation Secretariat, Denmark Mr Peter Schioler (Denmark) UNESCO South Africa, (1998-2001) Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), , Knowledge Technology Adviser, Norway Ms Camilla Schippa (Sweden) UN-DESA USA, (19992002) Institute for Economics and Peace, , Director, Australia Ms Nadja Schmeil (Germany) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2003-2006) USA Ms Julia Schmidt (Germany) IAEA Austria, (2004-2006) Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, International Cooperation and Advisory Services, Research Associate and Technical Advisor, Germany Mr Jens Niklas Schmidt (Sweden) UNDP Mozambique, (2009-2011) UNDP, RCO, Bolivia, Special Assistant to the UN RC, Bolivia Mr Mathias Schmitt (France) UNDP Mauritania, (20002002) Ms Doris Schmitz-Meiners (Germany) UN-DESA USA, (20042007) UN-DESA, Development Cooperation Policy Branch, Programme Officer, USA Mr Paul Schoen (United Kingdom) UNDP Bangladesh, (1992-1994) Freelance, ---, Agricultural Economist, United Kingdom Mr Georg Schoen (Austria) UNDP The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), (2009-2011) UNDP, ---, Management Consultant, Austria Mr Michael Schoiswohl (Austria) UNDP Afghanistan, (2003-2005) UNRWA, Department of Legal Affairs, Legal Officer (International Law), Occupied Palestinian Territory 123 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Kerstin Schotte (Germany) WHO Denmark, (20042006) WHO, ---, ---, Switzerland Mr Mark Bryan Schreiner (Canada) UNFPA Nigeria, (20022004) UNFPA, UNFPA Pacific Sub-Regional Office, Deputy Director, Fiji Ms Heleen Schrooyen (The Netherlands) UNHCR Switzerland, UNOHCHR Costa Rica (1998-2002) Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy, ---, Senior Programme Officer, The Netherlands Ms Julia Schtivelman-Watt (Canada) UNDP Senegal, (19901992) ITU, Administration and Finance Department, Chief, HR Branch, Switzerland Ms Christina Schuierer (Germany) UNDP-UNIFEM Barbados, (1994-1996) Germany Mr Karl Franz Schuler (Switzerland) UNDP , (1976-1978) Swiss Red Cross, International Cooperation, ---, Switzerland Ms Annemarie Schuller Tot Peursum (The Netherlands) UNFPA Zimbabwe, (20042007) The Netherlands Mr Wessel Schulte (The Netherlands) UNDP Uganda, (19982001) Koan Konsult, ---, ---, The Netherlands Ms Dagmar Schumacher (Germany) UNDP-UNIFEM Ecuador, (1990-1994) UN Women, Office, Director, UN Women Brussels Office, Belgium Mr Johannes Schunter (Germany) UNDP Thailand, UNDPUNV Germany (2006-2009) UNDP, BDP/Knowledge Management, Client Service Specialist, USA Ms Christine Schuster (Germany) UNFPA South Africa (Regional Bureau), (20102013) UNFPA, , Programme Analyst, South Africa (Regional Bureau) Mr Adrianus Schuurmans (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNCDF Yemen, UNDP-UNCDF Bhutan (1990-1995) Netherlands Institute Sinti and Roma, Netherlands, Programme Coordinator, The Netherlands Ms Petra Schwager-Quijano (Austria) UNIDO Mexico, UNIDO Austria (1994-1996) UNIDO, Cleaner Production Programme, Industrial Development Officer, Austria Ms Kay Schwendinger (Austria) UNDP Liberia, (20042006) UNDP , UN RC Office, UN Coordination Advisor, Pakistan Mr Carsten Schwensen (Denmark) UNDP Dominican Republic, (1996-1999) Orbicon A/S, Evaluation and Analysis, Senior Economist, Denmark 124 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Elisa Scolaro (Italy) WHO Switzerland, (20112013) WHO, Biostatistics and Data Management, Technical Officer, Switzerland Ms Vanessa Sedletzki (France) UNICEF USA, (20042006) Rights On, ---, CEO/International consultant, Italy Mr Giordano Segneri (Italy) UNDP Libya, (2008-2011) Ms Maria Segovia Aguirre (Spain) UNDP Denmark, UNDP USA (2009-2013) Mr Asier Segurola Ezcurra* (Spain) UNDP Morocco, UNDP Belgium (2011-2014) Ms Alexandra Seidel-Lauer (Germany) WFP Ethiopia, (20012003) Mr Ulrich Seiler (Switzerland) UNIDO Costa Rica, (1984-1987) UBS, ---, ---, Switzerland Ms Motoko Seko (Japan) UNFPA Cambodia, (20002002) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, ---, ---, Switzerland Ms Kristin Seljeflot (Norway) UNDP Ethiopia, (20012004) ACORD, Partnership Development Unit, Partnership Development Manager, Kenya Mr Amath Pathe Sene (Senegal) UNDP Mauritania, UNDP Kenya (2007-2011) UNDP-UNEP, Poverty Environment Initiative - Africa, Regional Adviser, Kenya Mr Kamel Senouci (France) WHO USA, (2006-2007) WHO, Director’s office (DO), Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB), Family, Women's and Children's Health (FWC), Medical Officer, Switzerland Ms Esther Senso Ruiz (Spain) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, UNDP Morocco, (20102013) UN Women, MCO Maghreb, Program Coordinator, Morocco Mr Samuli Seppänen (Finland) WHO India, (2006-2008) Harvard Law School, Doctoral Programme, PH. D. Student, USA Mr Donato Serena (Italy) UNOPS Senegal, (20082012) UNOPS, Regional Office, Portfolio Specialist, Senegal Mr Julien Serre (France) UN-DESA USA, (20042007) UNO, Executive Office of the SecretaryGeneral, Peacebuilding Support Office, ---, USA UNDP, OHR, Special Assistant to the OHR Director, USA 125 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Gemala Randi Puti Seruni (Indonesia) UNFPA Sudan, (20102013) Sudan Mr Yutaro Setoya (Japan) WHO Switzerland, (20112013) WHO, , Technical Officer, Switzerland Mr Svein Sevje (Norway) UNDP Bangladesh, (1977-1978) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Norwegian Embassy - Damascus, Ambassador, Syria Mr Johannes Seybold (Germany) UNDP Namibia, UNDP Switzerland (1992-1994) IAEA, Department of Technical Cooperation , Head of Section for Latin America, Austria Mr Paul Shaffer (Canada) UNDP Guinea, (19921994) Trent University, International Development Studies, Professor, Canada Ms Gwen Shah-Ingram (USA) UNDP Gambia, WHO Guyana (1977-1977) Personalized Medical Care Referral System, n/a, President, USA Ms Diane Sheinberg (Belgium) UNDP USA, (2006-2009) UNDP, BDP/DGG, Programme Specialist, Parliamentary Development, USA Ms Hisako Shiki (Japan) UNDP Cambodia, UNFPA Myanmar (2001-2005) Japan Ms Kyoko Shimamoto (Japan) UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of, (2010-2012) University of California, Los Angeles, School of Public Health, PhD student, USA Mr Ken Shimizu (Japan) UNDP Jamaica, (19982000) FAO, FAO Papua New Guinea, Programme Development Officer, Papua New Guinea Ms Maiko Shimizu (Japan) UNDP Zambia, (20112013) Ms Taeko Shioiri (Japan) UNFPA USA, (2005-2006) UN-DM, Department of Management/OUSG, Senior Officer, USA Ms Susanne Siao (Germany) UNOPS USA, (19982002) UNDP, RBAS/Regional Programme Division, Officer, USA Mr Alain Sibenaler (Luxembourg) UNDP Kenya, UNDP USA (1994-1998) UNFPA, Country Office, Representative, Cameroon Ms Mia Sichelkow (Denmark) UNDP Senegal, (20092012) Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Supply Division, Head of Section, Denmark 126 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Peter Siegenthaler (Switzerland) UNDP India, World Bank (1998-2001) World Bank, Uruguay Office, Country Representative Uruguay, Uruguay Mr Merten Sievers (Germany) ILO Switzerland, ILO Bolivia (2000-2004) ILO, Small Enteprise Programme, Senior Programme Officer, Switzerland Ms Kristjana Sigurbjörnsdóttir (Iceland) UNDP Sri Lanka, (20062007) Independent consultant, ---, Independent consultant, Iceland Mr Patrik Silborn (Sweden) UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNDP USA (2003-2006) The Global Fund to Fight HIV-AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, Private Sector partnerships team, Senior Partnerships Officer, Switzerland Ms Nora Silva (Nicaragua) UNIDO Ecuador, (19982000) Switzerland Mr Birat Simha (Nepal) UNDP Nigeria, UNFPA USA (1979-1984) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Nepal Mr Stéphane Simonet (France) UNDP Lebanon, (20042007) Freelance, ---, Climate Change & Environment Consultant, France Mr Guillaume Simonian (France) UNICEF Switzerland, (2008-2011) WHO, ---, Inter-agency focal point, Switzerland Mr Silvio Simonit (Italy) UNDP India, (2004-2006) Freelance, ---, Environmental & Resource Economist, Mexico Mr Jakob Simonsen (Denmark) UNDP Honduras, (19801981) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, USA Ms Simran Singh (India) UNDP Ghana, (20052008) India Mr Jozef Sioncke (Belgium) UNFPA USA, Lesotho (1997-2000) Belgium Mr Joost Siteur (The Netherlands) UNDP Costa Rica, (20002002) Misc., ---, Clean Energy Advisor, Thailand Ms Gro Skaaren-Fystro (Norway) UNDP Switzerland, (19961998) Transparency International Norway, Norway, Special Adviser, Norway Ms Britta Skagerfält (Sweden) FAO Italy, (2007-2010) Stockholm Resilience Centre, , , Sweden 127 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Tone Skaug (Norway) UNDP Morocco, UNDP Switzerland (1999-2002) WHO, Office of the Assistant DG, Health Systems & Services cluster, External Relations Officer, Switzerland Mr Karsten Thode Skovgaard (Denmark) UNDP Malawi, (20012003) Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Organization & law, Economist, Denmark Mr Thomas Skov-Hansen (Denmark) UNDP Nepal, (2005-2007) DanChurch Aid, Humanitarian Mine Action, Programme Officer, Kyrgyzstan Ms Kristin Skov-Spilling (Norway) UNDP Guyana, (19982000) COWI A/S, Department for governance and social development, Consultant, Denmark Mr Tor Skudal (Norway) UNDP India, (1998-2000) Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing, Environment, Counsellor, China Ms Nadine Smith (Canada) UNDP Thailand, (20022004) Commonwealth Secretariat, Economic Affairs Division, Small States, Environment & Economic Management Section, Economic Adviser, Climate Change & Sustainable Development, United Kingdom Ms Paula Smits (The Netherlands) UNICEF Nicaragua, (2008-2011) ZOA, , Corporate Secretary, The Netherlands Mr Anna Smulders (The Netherlands) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, UNESCO France (19921995) Freelance, ---, Education and Gender Specialist, The Netherlands Ms Karin Soerensen (Denmark) UNIDO , (2000-2003) Ms Mette Soetmann (Denmark) UNDP USA, (2009-2012) Ms Priya Sood (Canada) UNDP Jordan, (20052007) Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption, , Program Advisor, Canada Ms Hanne Ingemann Sorensen (Denmark) UNDP Korea, Democratic People's Rep, UNDP Thailand (1999-2002) Hospitalsenheden Vest, Administrationen, Chef for Afdelingssupport, Denmark Ms Lise Abildgaard Sørensen (Denmark) UNDP Bhutan, UNDP Myanmar (2008-2010) MFA, ---, ---, Denmark Mr Fernando Soto Mora* (Spain) UNDP Gambia, (20102013) AECID, Specialist, Spain 128 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Emmanuel Soubiran (France) UNDP-UNCDF Mauritania, UNDP-UNCDF Senegal (2004-2008) UNDP, Country Office, Aid coordination specialist, Madagascar Mr Sean Southey (Canada) UNDP Malawi, (19941996) Rare, Organization, Vice President, USA Ms Leontine Specker (The Netherlands) UNDP USA, (2010-2012) UNDP, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery/ Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Group, Livelihoods and environment specialist, USA Ms Louise Sperl (Austria) UNDP Senegal, UNDP Slovakia (2005-2008) World University Service (WUS) Austria, Project Manager, Austria Ms Agnese Spiazzi (Italy) UNDP Benin, UNDP Lebanon (2011-2013) UN-DESA, UN Office, ---, Switzerland Mr Minh Spielmann (France) UNDP Viet Nam, (19972000) Mr Roberto Spina (Italy) UNOPS Italy, (2001-2003) St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, Department of Cardiology, Cardiology Fellow, Australia Ms Christine Spoerel (Canada) UNDP Nepal, (1985-1987) Canadian International Development Agency, Headquarters, Governance Specialist, Canada Ms Nina Sreenivasan (Denmark) UNFPA Ethiopia, (20012004) Mr Kai Peter Stabell (Norway) UNDP USA, UNDP USA (2006-2008) UNDP, BOM/Security, Policy Specialist, USA Mr Laurent Standaert (Belgium) UNDP Belgium, UNDP Belgium (2010-2013) Belgium Mr Olivier Standaert (Belgium) UNDP Cambodia, (20022005) Belgian Red Cross, International Department, New Partnerships and Quality Manager , Belgium Mr Mauri Starckman (Finland) UNDP-UNCDF Nicaragua, (2001-2004) Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Embassy of Finland, Lusaka, Counsellor / Head of Cooperation, Zambia Ms Linda Starodub (Canada) UNDP Sierra Leone, (1981-1982) Board of International Association of Facilitators , , Secretary to the Board , Austria Mr Juerg Staudenmann (Switzerland) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2001-2003) UNDP, Country Office, Deputy Resident Representative, Serbia 129 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Matthias Stausberg (Germany) UN-DESA USA, (20022005) USA Mr Uwe Steckhan (Germany) World Bank USA, (20092010) World Bank, Office of the Partnership Advisor - Sustainable Development Network, Senior Operations Officer , Ms Nina Steensen (Denmark) WFP Italy, (2002-2005) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark, , Programme Officer, Denmark Ms Anna Stefansson (Sweden) UNDP Kyrgyzstan, (20082009) Mr Christoph Steffen (France) WHO Switzerland, (20062007) European Commission, ---, ---, Switzerland Ms Silke Steinhilber (Germany) ILO Switzerland, (19992001) Freelance, Research, Evaluation and Capacity Development , Consultant, Germany Ms Monika Steinlechner (Austria) UNIDO Namibia, (19941996) MTN Group Limited, Corporate Finance, General Manager, South Africa Mr Marco Stella (Italy) UNDP Colombia, (20092013) UNDP, Bureau for Development Policy, International Consultant, USA Ms Karin Stenberg (Sweden) WHO Switzerland, (20042007) WHO, Headquarters, Technical Officer (Health Economist), Switzerland Ms Sietske Steneker (The Netherlands) WFP Bolivia, UNFPA USA (1988-1992) UNFPA, ---, Resident Representative, Honduras Mr Luc Stevens (Belgium) UNHCR , (1989-1992) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC /UNDP RR, Thailand Ms Helen Stiefel Heymann (Switzerland) UNDP Bhutan, (19961999) Switzerland Mr Kjartan Stigen (Norway) UNIDO Zimbabwe, (19831987) Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (NORFUND), Industrial Partnership, Investment Director, Norway Ms Elisabeth Stigter (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNIFEM India, UNHCR Switzerland (19982003) Employers: UNDP, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, IOM, UNHCR, EUMM, UNIDO, UNWomen, Int. IDEA , ---, Consultant International Affairs, The Netherlands 130 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Michele Stoltz (Luxembourg) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2007-2009) Ms Isabelle Storder (Belgium) UNDP-UNIFEM Ecuador, (1997-2000) asbl promAndenne, ---, Economist, Belgium Mr Edo Ferdinand Stork (The Netherlands) UNDP Fiji, (2001-2004) UNDP, UNDP Honduras, Deputy Resident Representative, Honduras Ms Trine Storm (Denmark) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2005-2009) Denmark Ms Mette Strandlod (Denmark) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Malawi (1997-2000) UNFPA, UNFPA Nordic Office, Information Associate, Denmark Ms Nina Strom (Norway) UNFPA USA, (1999-2002) NORAD, ---, ---, Norway Ms Andrea Studer (Switzerland) UNDP Benin, (2002-2004) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, CIS Division, Deputy Country Director Kygyz Republic and Uzbekistan, Switzerland Mr Peter Stumpf (Germany) UNOOSA Germany, (2008-2012) UNOOSA, UN-SPIDER, Associate Information Systems Officer, Germany Mr Rolf Stypmann (Germany) UNDP Bahrain, (19781978) n/a (retiree), ---, retiree, Germany Ms Maria Isabel Suarez Garcia (Spain) UN Women USA, (20092012) UN Women, Headquarters, Evaluation Specialist, USA Ms Michiko Suga (Japan) UNDP Philippines, (20032004) Asian Development Bank (ADB), Lao Resident Mission, South Asia Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Social Services Division, Social Sector Specialist, Lao People's Democratic Rep Mr Keita Sugimoto (Japan) UNDP Angola, (20042007) UNDP, Country Office, Mine Action Specialist, Cambodia Ms Minako Sugisaki-Jordans (Japan) UNOPS USA, (20042005) International Criminal Court, Human Resources Section, Staffing Officer, The Netherlands Ms Seiko Sugita (Japan) UNDP Lebanon, (20032006) UNESCO, Office in Beirut, Social & Human Sciences Programme Specialist, Lebanon 131 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Kanna Sugiura (Japan) WHO Switzerland, (20112013) Ms Sonoko Sunayama (Japan) UNDP Yemen, (20032006) Asian Development Bank (ADB) Manila Headquarters, Central and West Asia Regional Department, Regional Cooperation Specialist, Philippines Ms Malin Sundgren (Finland) UNOHCHR Nepal, (20092012) UNDP, Election Project, Voter Education Specialist, Egypt Ms Kim Sundstrom (Sweden) UNFPA Myanmar, UNFPA Afghanistan (2003-2006) UNFPA, Country Office, ---, Afghanistan Ms Maria Suokko (Finland) UNDP Thailand, UNDP Cambodia (1998-2001) Finland Mr Alberto Suppa (Italy) UNDP Peru, FAO Italy (2006-2011) FAO, Investment Center Division-Technical Cooperation Department, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Italy Ms Chiho Suzuki (Japan) UNFPA Pakistan, (19971999) Ms Yoko Suzuki (Japan) UNFPA Swaziland, UNFPA Botswana (1999-2002) Johns Hopkins University, International Health, ---, USA Ms Christine Daa Svarer (Denmark) UNDP Nicaragua, (20022005) CARE International, ---, Head of Private Sector Development, United Kingdom Mr Mads Svendsen (Denmark) UNIDO Viet Nam, (19992000) UNDP, Bureau of Management, Management Advisor, USA Ms Lone Svenningsen (Denmark) UNDP Malawi, (19992001) Århus Amt (County of Aarhus), Børn og Ungefdelingen (Dept. for Children and Youth), Fuldmægtig/academic, public employee, Denmark Ms Matilda Svensson (Sweden) UNHCR Congo, The Democratic Republic, UNHCR Switzerland (20092012) UNHCR, , Associate Donor Relations Officer, Tanzania, United Republic of Mr Johannes Swietering (The Netherlands) UNDP Afghanistan, (1972-1974) Freelance, ---, Consultant, France Mr Janne Sykko (Finland) UNFPA Sri Lanka, (20042006) Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Embassy of Finland, Namibia, Counsellor / Special Advisor, Namibia 132 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Martha Kristine Syvertsen (Norway) UNDP Barbados, UNDP Haiti (2010-2013) PhD student, Norway Ms Inge Tack (Belgium) UNFPA Madagascar, (1994-1997) UNAIDS, UNAIDS Gabon , UNAIDS Country Coordinator , Gabon Ms Marina Tadolini (Italy) WHO Ethiopia, (20072009) ---, ---, Independent Consultant, Italy Mr Robert Taen (The Netherlands) UNDP Botswana, UNDP Sudan (1984-1987) IME management consultants, ---, management consultant, The Netherlands Mr Minoru Takada (Japan) UNDP Angola, (19961998) UNDP, BDP/SEED/EAP/EA, Policy Advisor, USA Ms Hiroko Takagi (Japan) UNDP USA, (2000-2003) Japan Ms Ikuko Takagi-Matsumoto (Japan) UNDP Mozambique, (1987-1989) Asian Development Bank (ADB), Strategy and Policy Department, Principal Planning and Policy Specialist, Philippines Ms Akiko Takai (Japan) UNFPA USA, (2000-2003) UNFPA, Country Office Yemen, Consultant - International Technical Advisor on HIV, Yemen Ms Kuniko Takamatsu (Japan) UNDP Thailand, (19982001) Hokkaido University, Center for Advanced Tourism Studies (CATS), Research fellow, Japan Ms Hiroko Takasawa (Japan) UNDP Azerbaijan, (19982001) International HIV/AIDS Alliance (NGO), Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Programme Officer, United Kingdom Ms Nami Takashi (Japan) UNFPA Lao People's Democratic Rep, UNFPA USA (2003-2006) Thailand Ms Naoko Takasu (Japan) UNDP Pakistan, (20032005) UNDP, Representation Office in Tokyo, Programme Management Specialist, Japan Ms Mugiho Takeshita (Japan) UN Women Senegal, (2009-2011) Ms Keisuke Taketani (Japan) UNICEF Viet Nam, (20082011) T Viet Nam 133 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Naoki Takyo (Japan) UNDP Nepal, (1998-2001) Self employed, , Poverty Reduction Specialist, Freelance Photographer, Fiji Mr Andrea Tamagnini (Italy) UNDP Sao Tome and Principe, UNDP Angola (1982-1985) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Italy Ms Alizatta Tamboula (Burkina Faso) UNDP Burundi, (19871989) UNDP, Country Office, Planning Specialist, Burkina Faso Ms Mikiko Tanaka (Japan) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (19951997) UNDP, Country Office, Country Director, Yemen Ms Sonia Tato (Spain) FAO Italy, (2002-2005) European Commission, ---, ---, Belgium Ms Claudine Tavel (Switzerland) UNDP Benin, UNDP USA (1981-1984) n/a (retiree), n/a, n/a, Switzerland Ms Carrie Taylor (Canada) UNDP Barbados, (20052007) Switzerland Mr Kokou-Bad Tchodie (Togo) UNDP-UNCDF Mali, (2001-2004) Rwanda Ms Johanna Teague (Sweden) UNFPA Bolivia, (20002003) SIDA, ---, (on Maternity Leave till September 2008), Sweden Mr Frédéric Teboul (France) UNDP USA, UNOPS USA (2001-2004) Greece Ms Minori Terada (Japan) UNDP Bhutan, UNDP Viet Nam (2000-2004) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Office, Associate Expert, Governance and Gender, Pakistan Ms Ghislaine Terrier (France) UNDP Brazil, (1984-1986) Office français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides (OFPRA), Division AmériquesMaghreb, Chef, France Ms Mari Tertsunen (Finland) UNDP Malawi, (20002002) GTZ, Department of Education, Health and Social Services, Planning Officer PSIA&Poverty Monitoring, Germany Mr Solomon Tesfamariam (Denmark) UNFPA Zambia, (20012004) World Vision International, ---, National Director, Swaziland Mr Thomas Theisohn (Germany) UNDP Angola, (19901991) Freelance, ---, Independent Consultant, France 134 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Guéladio Aly Thiam (Mauritania) FAO Tunisia, FAO Italy (2000-2003) Mauritania Ms Elisabeth Thioleron (France) UNDP Angola, UNDP Sao Tome and Principe (19851988) OECD, Division for peer reviews, engagement and evaluations (REED), Policy Advisor, France Mr Bamidele Thomas (Nigeria) UNDP Malawi, UNDP USA (1997-2001) Freelance, ---, Consultant, Nigeria Ms Nieves Thomet (France) ILO Switzerland, (20012004) Freelance, ---, Consultant, France Ms Karin Stokkendal Thomsen (Denmark) UNDP-IAPSO Denmark, UNDP Zimbabwe (19972000) UNICEF, Supply Division, Essential Medicines and Nutrition, Contracts Officer, Denmark Ms Susanne Thorsboll (Denmark) UNDP Gambia, (19951998) Danish Red Cross, Country Office, Head of Support Team, Congo, The Democratic Republic Ms Adalheidur Thorsteinsdóttir (Iceland) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, (2007-2010) Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Iceland, Defence Department, Advisor, Iceland Mr Harald Thorud (Norway) UNDP Afghanistan, UNDP Thailand (2009-2012) UNDP, BCPR, Consultant, USA Ms Lone Thorup (Denmark) UNDP Gambia, (19931997) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Embassy, Second Secretary, Tanzania, United Republic of Ms Ida Thyregod (Denmark) UNFPA Mozambique, UNFPA USA (2006-2010) UNFPA, Resource Mobilization Branch, Ressource Mobilization Specialist, USA Mr Patrick Tiefenbacher (Austria) UNOPS USA, (20002002) UNDP, BOM / Office of the Assistant Administrator, Chief, USA Ms Katja Marianne Tiilikainen (Finland) UNFPA El Salvador, UNFPA USA (2009-2012) Ms Alessandra Tisot (Italy) UNDP Gambia, (19881990) UNDP, Country Office, Country Director, Ukraine Mr Ariko Toda (Japan) IFAD Italy, (2003-2006) Japan International Cooperation Agency, Malawi office, Project Formulation Advisor, Malawi Ms Siv Tokle (Norway) UNDP Congo, The Democratic Republic, UNDP Mali (1990-1994) World Bank, Global Environment Facility, Senior Evaluation Officer, USA 135 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Shiho Toma (Japan) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (2000-2003) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), ---, ---, Jordan Mr Davide Tonini (Italy) UNDP USA, UN-DESA USA (2007-2012) Italy Mr Manuel Tonnar (Luxembourg) UNDP-UNCDF Mali, UNDP-UNCDF Viet Nam (1999-2003) Ministère des Affaires étrangères du Luxembourg, Direction de la Coopération, Coordinateur des Programmes, Luxembourg Mr Simon Tordjman (France) UN Women USA, UN Women Belgium (20102013) France Ms Tina Tordjman-Nebe (Germany) UNFPA Switzerland, UNFPA Morocco (20072010) UNICEF, Evaluation Office, Evaluation Specialist, USA Ms Barbara Torggler (Austria) UNDP Ethiopia, (19992001) UNESCO, Internal Oversight Services, Principal Evaluation Specialist, France Ms Angela Tormin (Germany) UNDP Jamaica, (19901992) KfW Entwicklungsbank German Development Cooperation, ---, Senior Programme Manager, Germany Mr Jens Toyberg-Frandzen (Denmark) UNDP USA, (1982-1983) UNIPSIL, , Executive Representative of the Secretary-General (ERSG), Sierra Leone Ms Noriko Toyoda (Japan) UNDP Indonesia, (20042006) World Bank, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit, ET Consultant (Statistical Capacity Building Coordinator), Indonesia Ms Rebecca Trafford-Roberts (United Kingdom) UNDP Pakistan, (19972000) United Kingdom Ms Viet Tu Tran (Viet Nam) UNDP Switzerland, (20042006) Mr Peter Transburg (USA) WFP Mozambique, WFP Mozambique (2005-2009) Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), ---, Coordinator for Knowledge Management and Parternships, France Mr Christoph Trausner (Austria) UNIDO Ghana, (19961998) WAVE Solutions for IT, Project Services, Senior Project Manager, Austria Mr Didier Trebucq (France) UNDP India, (2002-2005) UNDP, Peru Country Office, DRR, Peru 136 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr David Treguer (France) World Bank USA, (20112013) World Bank, Economics and Policy Team, Natural Resources Economist, USA Mr Paul Tremmel (Austria) UNIDO Uganda, (19951997) Mr Sébastian Trenner (France) World Bank USA, World Bank USA (2008-2010) European Union -- EU Delegation to Egypt, Social Development, Operations Manager, Egypt Ms Anne Triboulet (France) UNHCR China, (20012003) UNHCR, Regional Office, Administratrice régionale principale chargée de la formation/protection, Senegal Mr Gerd Trogemann (Germany) UNDP-UNV Switzerland, (1994-1997) UNDP, Johannesburg Regional Centre, Service Centre Manager, South Africa Mr Mikkel Trolle (Denmark) UNDP Bangladesh, (2002-2005) Denmark Ms Carole Tronchet (France) UNICEF Nepal, (20022006) UNICEF, Country Office, Evaluation Specialist, Bangladesh Mr Etsuko Tsukagoshi (Japan) UNDP-UNV Germany, UNDP-UNV Japan (19982000) My Peaceful Family, , President, Pre Marriage Coach, Parents Educator, USA Ms Nanako Tsukahara (Japan) UNDP Nepal, (2003-2005) UNDP, Regional Office, Programme Specialist, Thailand Mr Kenichi Tsunoda (Japan) UNDP Ghana, (20012004) Mohri Architect & Associates, Inc., Social Development Unit, Programme Specialist (Institutional Capacity Development), Japan Mr Kazuto Tsuruga (Japan) UNDP Afghanistan, (2002-2004) Mr Arvid Tuerkner (Germany) UNDP USA, (2002-2004) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Financial Institution Group (Banking), Senior Banker, Russian Federation Mr Thomas Tufte (Denmark) UNDP Paraguay, (19941996) Roskilde University, Communication Studies, Professor, Denmark Mr Jan Tuit (The Netherlands) UNDP Jamaica, UNDP Guinea-Bissau (1986-1990) Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy, ---, Programme Manager, The Netherlands Ms Taru Tuohiniemi (Finland) UNFPA Tanzania, United Republic of, (2007-2009) UNICEF India, Advocacy and Partnerships, Communication consultant; advocacy for child protection, India 137 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Tiina Maria Turunen (Finland) UNDP Lesotho, UNDP South Africa (Regional Bureau) (2009-2013) Kazakhstan Mr Lars Tushuizen (The Netherlands) UNDP Malawi, UNDP USA (2005-2008) UNDP-UNDOCO, Headquarters, Policy Specialist, Country Support & Leadership Development Coordination, USA Mr Jakob Tvede (Denmark) UNDP Nicaragua, (20052007) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Denmark, Deputy Head of Mission, Mexico Mr Tom Twining-Ward (Denmark) UNDP Samoa, (19961998) UNDP, BDP/EEG, Senior Technical Advisor for Capacity Development, Slovakia Ms Marianne Dons Tychsen (Denmark) UN-DESA Afghanistan, (2003-2005) United Nations Integrated Mission in TimorLeste, Office of the DSRSG - International Compact Unit, Coordination Officer, Timor Leste Mr Tommi Tynjälä (Finland) UNDP Peru, (1996-1999) Gaia Group, ---, Senior Advisor, Finland Mr Tomoo Ueda (Japan) UNDP USA, UNDP South Africa (2000-2003) Asian Development Bank (ADB), ---, ---, Philippines Ms Akiko Ueda (Japan) UNDP Bhutan, (20042005) University of Osaka, Global Collaboration Centre, Associate Professor, Japan Mr Andre Ufer (Germany) World Bank USA, (20072010) World Bank, Sustainable Energy – Gas, Oil and Mining, Operations Officer, USA Mr Kazuyuki Uji (Japan) UNDP India, UNDP Sri Lanka (2003-2005) UNDP, Regional HIV and Development Programme for Asia and the Pacific, UNDP Regional Centre in Colombo, Programme Specialist, Thailand Mr Ismo Ulvila (Finland) UNDP-UNCDF USA, UNDP-UNCDF Nicaragua (1997-2001) European Commission, DG Climate action, , Belgium Mr Tomoyuki Uno (Japan) UNDP Indonesia, (20082011) UNDP, Environment Unit, Technical Specialist- Climate Change, Indonesia Mr Frédéric Unterreiner (France) UNDP Cameroon, (19992002) UNICEF, policy and practice, planning and quality assurance specialist, USA U 138 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Marian Urbina Ferretjans (Spain) UNFPA Philippines, (2000-2002) United Nations University, Institute for Sustainability and Peace, Posdoctoral research fellow, Japan Ms Kristiina Urpalainen (Finland) UNDP-UNCDF Bhutan, UNDP-UNCDF USA (20012003) European Commission, G1, DG Research and Innovation, Policy Officer, Belgium Mr Robert Utz (Austria) UNDP Mauritius, (19951997) World Bank, ---, Lead Economist , Australia V Ms Leonor Adriana Valeiras Taboada (Spain) UNDP USA, (2009-2013) Ms Rosa Valente (Portugal) UNDP Timor Leste, (2000-2001) Switzerland Mr Jorge Valiente (Spain) UNDP Mauritania, UNDP Senegal (2007-2010) Spanish Cooperation, Field Office, Programme Officer, Nigeria Ms Marta Vallejo Mestres (Spain) UNDP Egypt, (2002-2003) UNDP, Regional Center in Bangkok, Programme Specialist, HIV/AIDS, Thailand Ms Giulia Vallese (Italy) UNFPA Eritrea, (19951998) UNFPA, Country Office, DRR, Fiji Ms Sara Van Belle (Belgium) UNFPA Senegal, (20052007) Marie Stopes International, Africa/Latin America Desk, Programme Manager, United Kingdom Mr Bastiaan Van de Loo (The Netherlands) UNFPA Indonesia, (20062009) UNRC, ---, short term Service contract, Indonesia Ms Edda Van Den Bergh Collier (Belgium) UNDP-UNIFEM Kenya, UNDP-UNIFEM Mozambique (1996-1999) Mr Martin Van den Boom (Germany) WHO Denmark, WHO Egypt (2008-2011) Egypt Mr Joost Van der Geest (The Netherlands) UNFPA Sudan, UNFPA Sri Lanka (1998-2003) Local Government Ombudsman, ---, Investigator, United Kingdom Ms Susanne Van der Giessen (The Netherlands) UNDP Bangladesh, (2000-2003) Wageningen University, Liaison Office, Senior Advisor Subsidies and Contract, The Netherlands 139 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Jan-Jilles van der Hoeven (The Netherlands) UNDP Nicaragua, (19971999) UNDP, Country Office, Sr. Deputy Country Director, Afghanistan Mr Nic Van Der Jagt (The Netherlands) ILO South Africa, (19961998) Ms Aika Van der Kleij (The Netherlands) UNDP Sudan, (20032005) IRC, Coordinating Gender-Based Violence Programme, GBV-Coordinator, Cote d`Ivoire Mr Geert Van Der Linden (The Netherlands) UNDP Philippines, (19771978) Asian Development Bank (ADB), Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development Activities, Vice-President until 31 Aug 2006, Philippines Mr Pim Van der Male (The Netherlands) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (1997-2002) Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Environment and Water Department, Senior Policy Officer Water and Sanitation Climate, Energy, The Netherlands Ms Graciela Van Der Poel (The Netherlands) UNFPA Panama, (20102013) Ms Marleen Elvi Van der Ree (The Netherlands) UNFPA Sierra Leone, UNFPA USA (2006-2010) USA Mr Marco Van Der Ree (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNCDF USA, UNDP-UNCDF Mozambique (1999-2003) UNDP-UNV, Partnerships Section, Chief, Germany Ms Karin Van Dijk (The Netherlands) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2000-2003) Primary schools, Montessori, Primary school teacher (Montessori), The Netherlands Mr Jacques Van Engel (Belgium) UNDP Viet Nam, (19871988) UNDP, BDP/EEG/MPU, Senior Programme Coordinator, USA Ms Miek (Anna Maria) van Gaalen (The Netherlands) UNOHCHR Switzerland, ILO Peru (1995-2000) USA Ms Sara Van Gaalen (The Netherlands) UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep, (20052008) The Netherlands Ms Charlotte van Hees (The Netherlands) UN-DESA USA, (20032006) Mr Jacob (Jaap) Van Hierden (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNCDF Sierra Leone, UNOPS Thailand (1991-1995) UNOPS, Cambodia Operations Center, Director, Cambodia 140 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Menno Van Hilten (The Netherlands) UNDP Fiji, UNDP Cuba (1990-1994) WHO, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, External Relations Officer, Switzerland Mr Arjan Van Houwelingen (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNDOCO USA, (1997-1999) United Kingdom Ms Sandra Van Hulsen (The Netherlands) UNIDO Indonesia, ILO Peru (1998-2002) Van Hulsen Consulting, ---, Senior Consultant, The Netherlands Ms Marije Van Kempen (The Netherlands) UN-DESA USA, (20092012) UNDP, Country Office, Rule of Law Coordinator, Afghanistan Ms Veerle Van Kets (Belgium) UNDP Benin, (1992-1995) dISIR, ---, ---, Belgium Mr Ernst Van Koesveld (The Netherlands) UNDP Lithuania, UNDP Viet Nam (1998-2001) Dutch Ministry of Finance, Overall Budget Department , Deputy Director, The Netherlands Mr Micha Van Lin (The Netherlands) UNDP Congo, Republic of, (2004-2007) FME-CWM, Policy unit, Policy advisor international business and finance, The Netherlands Ms Katrien Van Mechelen (Luxembourg) UNDP El Salvador, UNDP Nicaragua (2004-2007) Peace Parks Foundation, ---, Community and Tourism Development Technical Coordinator, Mozambique Ms Paulien Louise Van Noort (The Netherlands) UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina, (2003-2004) Self-employed, Mobility, Project Leader, The Netherlands Ms Muriel Van Nuffel (Belgium) UNDP-UNIFEM Brazil, (1994-1998) Africa Museum, Management / Administration , Training Officer, Belgium Mr Harm Van Oudenhoven (The Netherlands) UNDP-UNCDF Ethiopia, (1998-2001) El Castillo del Cacao * a chocolate factory, n/a, General Manager El Castilo del Cacao, Nicaragua Mr Leny van Oyen (The Netherlands) UNIDO Guinea, UNIDO Liberia (1984-1986) self-employed since 2002, , Independant Consultant, France Mr Peter Van Ruysseveldt (Belgium) UNDP Lebanon, (19951998) Ms Jacqueline Van Splunter (The Netherlands) UNDP Burkina Faso, (2006-2009) Burkina Faso Ms Corien van Vliet (The Netherlands) UNDP Guatemala, (20002002) The Netherlands 141 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Tamara Van Vliet (The Netherlands) UNDP South Sudan, (2008-2011) UNOCHA, Coordination and Response Division, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, USA Mr Marco van Wallenburg (The Netherlands) UNIDO Angola, (19881990) Oxfam, Financial Officer Zimbabwe/Angola, The Netherlands Mr Patrick Van Weerelt (The Netherlands) UNOHCHR Switzerland, UNDP South Africa (19962000) UNSSC, Headquarters, Senior Manager and Course Coordinator, Italy Ms Maria Vande Putte (Belgium) UNIDO Guinea, UNIDO Cote d`Ivoire (1981-1987) Secondary Commercial School, ---, Teacher, Belgium Mr Harold Vandermeulen (Belgium) UNOPS Kenya, (19992002) Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate-General of Development Cooperation, Development Counselor, USA Mr Johan Vandersmissen (Belgium) UNDP Mauritania, (19921994) Oracle, Europe, Middle-East & Africa, On Demand e-Business Suite Director, Belgium Ms Elise Vanormelingen (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Niger, (2007-2009) CONCORDE Europe - European NGO Conferederation for Relief and Development, ---, Policy Coordinator on EU funding, Belgium Mr Moises Venancio (Portugal) UNDP-UNV Mozambique, (1994-1997) UNDP, BCPR, Policy Advisor, USA Mr Tom Vens (Belgium) UNDP Afghanistan, (1994-1996) European Union, EU Delegation to Tanzania, Head, Political, Press and Information Section, Tanzania, United Republic of Mr Mika Vepsalainen (Finland) UNIDO Sierra Leone, UNDP Sierra Leone (19921994) UNECE, Division on Economic Cooperation, Trade, and Land Management, Chief, Trade Policy and Government Cooperation, Switzerland Ms Fleur Vernat (France) UNDP Denmark, (20072009) UNICEF, Headquarters, Executive Officer, USA Mr Anthonie Versluis (The Netherlands) UNIDO Malaysia, (19861987) Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, ---, Managing Partner Malaysia, Malaysia Ms Sanna Vesikansa (Finland) UNFPA Ethiopia, (20052007) Finland Mr Niels Vestergaard Knudsen (Denmark) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (2008-2011) UNDP, Aid Effectiveness, Programme Management Specialist, Tanzania, United Republic of 142 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Nadja Melina Vetters (Austria) UNDP Moldova, Republic of, (2009-2011) UNDP, Programme - Environment and Energy, Programme Specialist (E & E), Moldova, Republic of Ms Maude Veyret-Picot (Belgium) UNDP USA, (2010-2013) UNDP, BDP/HIV-Aid, Programme Specialist, USA Mr Guillaume Vieillard (France) UNCITRAL Austria, (2006-2008) Mr Francisco Vieira (Portugal) UNDP Guinea-Bissau, (2007-2010) UNDP, Côte d'Ivoire - Country Office, UN Coordination Specialist, Cote d`Ivoire Mr Antonio Vigilante (Italy) UNDP USA, UNDP Bolivia (1981-1983) UNDP, UN/UNDP Representation Office, Director, Belgium Ms Elina Maria Viitaniemi (Finland) UNAIDS Switzerland, (2009-2013) Ms Vedis Vik (Norway) UNDP India, (2001-2002) Norwegian Ministry of the Environment , Department for international cooperation, Section for geographical environmental assistance, Senior Advisor, Norway Ms Selma Villa Bergman (Spain) UNDP-UNIFEM Haiti, UN Women Dominican Republic (2008-2011) Spain Ms Beatriz Villanueva Penas (Spain) UN Women Morocco, (2010-2013) Mr Michel-Stanislas Villar (France) UNDP-UNCDF USA, (1989-1991) French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, French Embassy in Manila, Philippines, Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs, Philippines Ms Mireia Villar Forner (Spain) UNDP Cap-Net USA, (1996-1998) UNDP, UNDP Brussels (Partnership Bureau/BCPR), Policy Advisor (Crisis Prevention and Recovery), Belgium Ms Laura Vinha (Finland) UNFPA Viet Nam, UNFPA Thailand (2006-2009) Private sector, ---, Communications Specialist, Finland Mr Martinus Janszoon Vink (The Netherlands) UNDP Mongolia, (20062007) Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), the Hague, Strategy Unit for Development Cooperation, Research Fellow, The Netherlands Ms Sandra Visbal Agredo (Colombia) UNFPA Bolivia, (20102013) Colombia 143 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Gabriel Vockel (Germany) UNDP USA, UNICEF USA (2010-2013) UNICEF, , Child Protection Specialist, Kyrgyzstan Mr Per Vogel (Sweden) UNDCP Viet Nam, (19992002) Malteser International, Program - Thailand, Country Rep-Programme Coordinator, Thailand Ms Marion Volkmann (Germany) UNOHCHR Switzerland, (2006-2008) The Carter Center, ---, ---, Tunisia Ms Valentina Volpe (Italy) UNFPA Morocco, (20102012) Italy Ms Silke von Brockhausen (Germany) UN-DESA Germany, UNDP USA (2007-2010) UNDP, Partnerships Bureau, Communication Specialist, USA Mr Michael von der Schulenburg (Germany) UNDP USA, (1980-????) UNIPSIL, ---, Executive Representative of the Secretary General (ERSG) , Sierra Leone Ms Sophie von Dobschuetz (Germany) FAO Italy, (2004-2008) FAO, Animal Health Service, Consultant, Italy Ms Caroline von Gayl (Germany) FAO Italy, (2004-2007) FAO, TCSR, Programme Officer, Ms Claudia von Monbart (Germany) UNIDO Peru, (1978-1980) France Mr Ludwig von Reiche (Germany) UNDP USA, (1981-1983) mental images GmbH, ---, Chief Operating Officer, Germany Mr Philipp von Waechter (Germany) UNOPS USA, (19961999) UNOPS, Corporate Outreach and Partnerships Group, Portfolio Specialist, Denmark Mr Tao Vridaou (Chad) UNFPA Rwanda, UNFPA Congo, Republic of (20072011) Ms Saija Vuola (Finland) UNDP Kazakhstan, (20072009) HELCOM Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, ---, Project Manager, Finland Ms Elena Vuolo (Italy) WHO Egypt, (2008-2010) UNDP, Country Office, Technical Specialist (Planning & Reporting), Afghanistan Ms Pirita Vuorinen (Finland) UNDP Djibouti, UNDP Cote d`Ivoire (2002-2004) European Training Foundation, ---, ---, Italy 144 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Gabriella Waaijman (The Netherlands) UNDP Zimbabwe, (19992002) OCHA, Regional Office Southern Africa, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, South Africa Ms Alexandra Wachtmeister (Sweden) UNDP Ecuador, (20002003) Sida, Cambodia Team and Regional Asia Team, Senior Programme Manager, Sweden Mr Gunnar Waelzholz (Germany) ILO Thailand, (1999-2001) KPMG Sustainability, ---, Associate Director, The Netherlands Mr Koen Wagenbuur (The Netherlands) UNDP Samoa, UNDP Lao People's Democratic Rep (1997-2001) Cordaid, Emergency Aid and Reconstruction, Financial expert, The Netherlands Mr Dirk Wagener (Germany) UNDP Papua New Guinea, (2002-2005) UNDP, Ethiopia Country Office, Team Leader, Partnerships & Management Support Unit (PMSU), Ethiopia Mr Johannes Wagner (Austria) UNAIDS Switzerland, UNAIDS Jamaica (20042006) Bundesasylamt, Grundsatz- und Dublinabteilung, ---, Austria Ms Emilia Marianne Wahlstrom (Finland) UNDP Kazakhstan, (20092012) UNEP/OCHA, Joint Environmental Unit, Programme Officer, Switzerland Ms Ariane Waldvogel (Switzerland) UNDP Tanzania, United Republic of, (1995-1997) World Food Programme, Burkina Faso WFP, Deputy Country Director, Switzerland Ms Katarina Wallentin (Sweden) UNDP Denmark, (19982000) Action Aid, ---, Online- och webbansvarig, Sweden Ms Linn Wallerstedt (Norway) UNDP Pakistan, (20072009) Norwegian Refugee Council, Somalia/Kenya/Ethiopia, Controller, Norway Ms Dagmar Walter (Sweden) ILO South Africa, ILO Switzerland (1999-2002) ILO, Department of Statistics, Head of Management Support Unit, Switzerland Mr Marius Thomas Walter (Germany) UNDP Malawi, (20102013) Mr Jens Wandel (Denmark) UNDP Samoa, (19921995) UNDP, Bureau of Management (BOM), Assistant Administrator, BOM Director, USA Ms Defa Mairam Wane (Senegal) UNFPA Niger, UNDP Gambia (1993-1998) Senegal W 145 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Sophie Wanert-Calaga (France) WHO Switzerland, (20082012) Switzerland Mr Guoqian Wang (China) World Bank USA, (20042006) International Finance Corporation, IFC Beijing Office, Associate Operations Officer, China Ms Dorthe Egebech Warnaars (Denmark) UNDP Sri Lanka, (19992002) Danish Refugee Council, International Department, Head of Desk, Asia, Denmark Ms Yoko Watanabe (Japan) UNDP Nepal, (1996-1998) Global Environment Facility (GEF), Natural Resources Management - Biodiversity, Program Manager, Senior Biodiversity Specialist, USA Mr Robert Watkins (Canada) UNDP Gabon, UNDP Sudan (1984-1986) DPA/UNDP, Country Office, DSRSG/RC / RR, Lebanon Ms Karin Weber (The Netherlands) UNFPA Rwanda, UNFPA Viet Nam (2008-2011) Delta Partnership, , Senior Consultant, Uganda Ms Anne Weber (Luxembourg) UNFPA Namibia, UNFPA Burkina Faso (2006-2009) German Technical Cooperation, Programme Décentralisation/Développement Communal, Gender Consultant, Burkina Faso Mr Willem Wefers-Bettink (Sweden) UNDP Guatemala, UNDP Korea, Democratic People's Rep (1988-1991) IFAD, ---, Prog. Man., Strategic Change Programme, Italy Ms Katharina Wehrstein (Austria) UNIDO Sierra Leone, UNDP-UNCDF Sierra Leone (2009-2011) Ms Vera Weick (Germany) UNEP UNEP Mr Gundo Aurel Weiler (Germany) WHO Switzerland, (19972000) WHO, Headquarter, Programme Manager, Department of HIV, Switzerland Ms Zita Weise Prinzo (Switzerland) WHO Nepal, (1992-1995) WHO, NMH/NHD, Technical Officer , Switzerland Ms Natascha Weisert (Germany) ITC Switzerland, (20042007) UNIDO, Clusters and Business Linkages, Industrial Development Officer, Austria Mr Karsten Weitzenegger (Germany) UNDP Sao Tome and Principe, (1994-1996) AGEG Consultants eG, Economic Development, Development Consultant, Germany 146 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Volker Welter (Germany) UNDP Burundi, (19881989) UNDP, BOM/PSO, Procurement Advisor, Denmark Ms Silke Mason Westphal (Denmark) UNDP Costa Rica, (19961997) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DANIDA, Senior Technical Advisor, Environment & Sustainable Energy, Denmark Mr Jorgen Wettbo (Sweden) UNDP Moldova, Republic of, UNDP Mongolia (20002003) UDC-United Development Consultants, UDC AB, President, Sweden Ms Birgit Weyss (Austria) UNDP Bhutan, UNDP Swaziland (2007-2010) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Coordinator, Switzerland Mr Winfried Wicklein (Austria) UNIDO Philippines, (19961998) Asian Development Bank (ADB), Southeast Asia Department, Principal Country Specialist, Thailand Mr Erlend Wilhelmsen (Norway) UNDP USA, UNDP Haiti (2011-2013) Norwegian Refugee Council, HR, senior recruitment advisor post, Norway Mr Jens Wilkens (Sweden) WHO Denmark, (20052008) Sweden Mr David Williams (Canada) UNDP Gabon, (19781979) Sweden Mr Hans Willmann (Germany) UNHCR Malaysia, (19891991) WHO, HRD/RCO, Senior HR Specialist, Switzerland Ms Alice Wimmer (Austria) UNAIDS Pakistan, (20052007) UNHCR, Public Health, Public Health Officer, Lebanon Mr Thomas Winderl (Austria) UNDP Bhutan, (20012003) self-employed, independent consultant, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Austria Ms Petra Winiger (Liechtenstein) OCHA USA, UNDP Chad (2008-2010) Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, , Assistant Country Director, Chad Mr Jacob Dal Winther (Denmark) UNFPA USA, UNFPA Uganda (1997-2000) Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Asia Department, , Denmark Ms Valerie Wolff (Austria) UNDP Kosovo, UN Administered Territory, (2007-2009) EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Communication Department, Communication Officer, Austria Ms Rosanne Wong (Canada) UNDP Philippines, (20022004) UNESCO , HIV/AIDS Coordination Adolescent Reproductive and School Health Unit, HIV Preventive Education and School Health Officer, Thailand 147 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Anthony Wood (Canada) UNDP Mali, (1982-1984) UNDP, Multi-Country Office for Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue & Tokelau, Officer in Charge, Samoa Ms Janette Worm (The Netherlands) UNDP Burkina Faso, UNDP Lesotho (20002003) AIDEnvironment, Non-profit consultancy, Overall Management AIDEnvironment, Policy Advisor, The Netherlands Ms Louise Wrist Sorensen (Denmark) UNDP Kenya, (20022005) Forsvaret, Slagelse, Fuldmægtig, Denmark Mr Olivier Xhrouet (Belgium) UNDP-UNCDF Chad, (1990-1993) Belgium Mr Haoliang Xu (China) UNDP Kazakhstan, (19951999) UNDP, RBAP, Assistant Administrator and Director, USA Ms Mieko Yabuta (Japan) UNFPA USA, (1992-1994) UNFPA, ---, ---, USA Ms Akiko Yamamoto (Japan) UNDP Namibia, (20032006) UNDP, BDP/EEG Regional Coordination Unit for Eastern and Southern Africa, Regional Technical Advisor for International Waters/Strategies & Adaptation, South Africa Mr Naoto Yamamoto (Japan) UNDP Peru, (1994-1996) UNDP, OIST, Chief, Entreprise Solution, USA Mr Atsushi Yamanaka (Japan) UNDP Mongolia, (19982001) JICA/RDB-ICT, Rwanda Development Board-ICT, ICT Strategy Implementation Advisor, Rwanda Ms Eriko Yamashita (Japan) UNDP Panama, UNDP USA (2005-2008) Mexico Mr Hideo Yanai (Japan) UNDP-UNV Germany, (1997-2000) IC Net Limited, ---, Communications Coordinator, Japan Ms Sonam Yangchen-Rana (Nepal) UNDP Bhutan, (19861988) UNDP, Country Office, UN RC / UNDP RR, Lao People's Democratic Rep X Y 148 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Yumiko Yasuda (Japan) UNDP Malaysia, UNDP Thailand (2003-2005) WWF, Researcher, Center for water Law, Policy and Science, University of Dundee, United Kingdom Ms Signe Yde-Andersen (Denmark) UNFPA Burkina Faso, (2003-2006) Ms Georgina Yglesias Julia (Spain) UN Women Mauritania, UN Women Haiti (2009-2012) Spain Ms Kristine Yigen (Denmark) UNDP South Africa, (2001-2003) Danish Institute for Human Rights, Access to Justice team, International Department, Project Manager, Denmark Ms Sadia Yilla (Sierra Leone) UNDP Costa Rica, (19881990) UNDP, BOM Directorate, Senior Advisor, USA Ms Mizuho Yokoi (Japan) UNDP Ghana, (19982001) UNDP, Malawi , Senior Assistant Resident Representative , Iraq Ms Mio Yokota (Japan) UNDP Mongolia, (20072011) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Private Sector and Entrepreneurial Development, Estonia Mr Kaoru Yokotani (Japan) UNDP Uganda, (20062008) Embassy of Japan in Kenya, Economic Cooperation Unit, Researcher, Kenya Ms Kazuko Yokoyama (Japan) ILO Switzerland, (19811983) Toyogakuen University, ---, Professor of business administration, Japan Ms Isabel Yordi (Spain) UNDP India, (1992-1993) WHO, Gender and Health, Technical Officer, Denmark Ms Emiko Yoshimatsu (Japan) UNDP-UNV Germany, (2005-2006) Japan Ms Mami Yoshimura (Japan) UNDP Lesotho, UNDP USA (2010-2013) UNDP, BDP/HHD, Programme Specialist, USA Mr Faisal Yousaf (Pakistan) UNICEF Sudan, (20062009) Germany Ms Dulcinea Yraita (Philippines) World Bank USA, (20042006) Asian Development Bank, Philippines, Associate Information Resources and Services Administrator, Philippines Ms Akiko Yuge (Japan) UNDP Thailand, UNFPA Thailand (1976-1978) n/a (retiree) 149 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Ms Natsuko Yukawa (Japan) UNDP Iraq, (2004-2007) UNDP, Country Office, Programme Specialist, Jordan Mr Patrick Zahnd (Switzerland) UNDP Mali, (1979-1982) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Americas Region, Head of Regional Delegation, Mexico Mr Kim Zander (Sweden) UNDP Occupied Palestinian Territory, (1997-2000) Sida, MENA Unit, Analyst/Program Manager, Sweden Ms Marla Zapach-Coleman (Canada) UNDP Honduras, (19992001) Sweden Mr Tomas Zapata Lopez (Spain) UNFPA Namibia, (20102013) WHO, ---, ---, Ms Biliana Zarankova (Denmark) UNICEF Nicaragua, (2009-2012) Mr Fernando Zarauz Astorki (Spain) UNDP-UNCDF USA, (2008-2012) UNDP-UNCDF, Headquarters, Programme Analyst, USA Ms Dominique Zarrouk-Hicguet (Belgium) UNDP Tunisia, (19841987) Province de Namur, Administration des services de l'action sociale de la santé et du logement, Premier Directeur ff., Belgium Ms Séverine Zeegers (Belgium) UNHCR Kenya, (20052008) Belgium Ms Heidrun Zeig (Germany) World Bank India, (20092011) India Ms Sana Zemri (France) UNDP Egypt, (2000-2002) UNDP, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, Programme Specialist / Arab States, USA Mr Matteo Zignol (Italy) WHO Switzerland, (20032005) WHO, HTM/STB/TME, Scientist, TB Monitoring and Evaluation (TME), Switzerland Mr Urs Zollinger (Switzerland) UNIDO India, UNDP USA (1995-1999) King Zollinger & Co. Advisory Services, ---, Partner, Switzerland Ms Annamaria Zonno (Italy) UNDP Mauritania, (20022004) Italy Z 150 Name JPO Assignment Current Occupation & Country of Residence Mr Apdelatif Zouaoui (Belgium) UNDP Niger, (1997-2000) Belgian Ministry of Education (French Community), ---, Teacher, Belgium Ms Nadège Zoula (Congo, Republic of) UNDP Gabon, (20022005) UNDP, Country Office, Conseillère au programme, Congo, Republic of Mr Paul Zubeil (Germany) UNDP-UNIFEM USA, (2006-2009) UNFPA, Liaison Office in Brussels, Finance Specialist, Belgium Mr Michael Zuyderduyn (The Netherlands) UNIDO Viet Nam, UNIDO Pakistan (1996-2001) MDM, ---, ---, The Netherlands Mr Luc Zwaenepoel (Belgium) UNDP , (1979-1982) European Agency for Reconstruction, Evaluation Unit, Programme Manager, Greece Ms Anneke Zwetsloot (The Netherlands) UNFPA Colombia, UNFPA Uganda (2007-2011) The Netherlands * former SARC, but not former JPO 151
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