Portage Annual Report 2008-2009


Portage Annual Report 2008-2009
The Portage resident’s philosophy:
President’s report
Forty years ago, members of the Montreal community met at the home
of Sydney and Rosalie Lecker and determined to introduce the therapeutic
I have come here in search of myself. Confused and afraid, I have lived my
life in the shadow of drugs. I had rejected all who cared for me and loved me.
I had become a stranger to my family. Guilt, lies and hurt became my most
intimate companions, drugs and alcohol my most cherished friends. I belonged
nowhere and to no one. I felt desperately alone. Here at last, I have found true
friends. I no longer need to be the giant of my dreams or the dwarf of my fears.
I am allowed to be genuine, to express my emotions. My friends act as a mirror
for me, our common quest heals me. The strengths, love and hope that live within
me now become beacons for my life. From here I will go forth, whole once more,
self-knowing, confident and aware, never to live in the shadows again.
community model of treatment to Canada. Then and now the model
offers the most comprehensive positive outcomes for dependent persons.
Three years of intense effort, during which Dr. Lecker’s genius and insight
played a critical role, produced the original Portage program.
Today, I am proud to say that the services provided by Portage have
increased dramatically and are now offered across Canada. Furthermore,
community commitment and involvement, so central to the Portage
philosophy, remain our principal source of strength and success.
Portage is also working its way through its 2007-2011 Strategic Plan and continues to operate based on
annual plans in all its centres. This plan incorporates experiences and insights gathered while rendering
services across Canada and many parts of the world. I am proud to say that Portage achieved substantially
all its intended objectives and priorities during the reported year.
To ensure that Portage meets the highest standards, we have undertaken to secure accreditation for all of
our sites across Canada. This provides the opportunity to review our practices and to follow procedures,
Table of Contents
which will make us more effective. The Accreditation process targets improvements in design, operation,
and overall quality. This year all of our operating centres obtained the Accreditation Primer award.
This year witnessed improvements in financial results, the initiation and renewal of several important
President’s Report ..................................................................... 3
Executive Director’s Message ............................................ 4
Mandate and milestones
of the Portage Centres .......................................................... 5
Portage programs and services ................................ 6-10
service agreements, the introduction of treatment strategies and very encouraging research and evaluation
reports. Over the past three years we have been committed to building capacity with an emphasis on
human resources. More recently, our focus has been on the development of existing and new program sites,
and we currently have six development projects underway.
Research ........................................................................................ 11
We are committed to continuing to deliver and develop services where needed throughout the country
Portage in Québec ........................................................... 12-15
and to maintain the high standard, quality and cost-effective care for which Portage is known.
Portage Atlantic ................................................................. 16-17
This commitment to multi-jurisdictional service is unusual, and is in itself a testimony to the experience
Portage Ontario ................................................................. 18-19
and abilities of our staff.
Portage British Columbia .................................................. 20
Board of Trustees and
Management Committee ..................................................... 21
Assembling the resources necessary to fulfil our mission is an ongoing challenge for Portage. Human,
financial, and physical assets combined have made Portage services possible this year, and I wish to express
Board of Governors ............................................................... 22
to all those who contributed, governors, partners, and staff, the deep gratitude of the thousands across this
Auditor’s Report ..................................................................... 23
country who benefitted.
Finances : Centre d’accueil le
Programme de Portage Inc. ..................... 24
Finances : The Portage Program
for Drug Dependencies Inc. ....................... 25
Finances : The Portage Foundation .............................. 26
Peter A. Howlett
The Portage Facilities ........................................................... 27
Message from the Executive
Essential, innovative, excellent, and responsive are adjectives frequently used to
describe the Portage Organization and its services to the community. This enviable
public perception is the result of nearly 40 years of diligence and dedication
to develop and offer state-of-the-art addiction treatment at modest cost.
Portage is renowned for its commitment to its clientele and community, offering
a comprehensive range of services that exceed all expectations.
This year, Portage has pioneered a “continuing care” model to ensure that those
who have been admitted to a Portage facility will continue to receive two years
of ongoing therapeutic support, regardless of the duration of their residential
stay. Maintaining phone contact, individual and group counseling, as well as
referral services are some of the ways Portage will continue to support all those who cross its threshold.
This ensures that the entire continuum of care that exists in a community will be marshaled to address
the needs of this clientele. Many substance abusers who otherwise would be lost to the system will be
maintained on a treatment trajectory, greatly enhancing their probability for recovery.
Portage’s mandate is to support individuals in their
efforts to manage their dependency problem so
that they may once again become self-confident,
productive citizens, by means of effective and
proven interventions based on the therapeutic
community approach.
2009: An Exciting Year in the Life of Portage
After 10 years of effort, Portage British Columbia opened its doors at “The Crossing” near Keremeos, where
42 boys and girls from 14 to 18 years of age can now receive care.
Also this year, Portage Ontario received licensure and funding as a health care provider, and as a result,
important enhancements in mental health and social services.
In Québec, we are in the process of moving our centre currently located at Saint-Damien-de-Buckland
to lovely new surroundings in nearby Saint-Malachie, which will provide us with increasing programming
opportunities and superior facilities.
In Atlantic Canada, Portage is completing the first phase of an extensive construction project, creating a
campus that is specifically designed for Portage’s needs, offering living and program space for 64 male and
female youth. Future phases of construction will include the construction of an athletic complex.
We are all very proud of what we have achieved to date and are excited by our future challenges. We have
the expertise, the energy and the commitment to respond to the ever growing demands for our services.
Portage’s outstanding and devoted personnel ensures that we remain the nation’s foremost addiction
treatment provider, respected internationally for our excellence.
Peter Vamos
Opening of a
treatment centre
for adults
in Prévost
Opening of the
day centre and
in Montréal
Opening of a
day centre in
Québec City
Opening of a
residential centre
for adolescents,
in Elora
of a residential
program for
in Prévost
of the Program
for Mentally
Ill Chemical
Abusers (MICA)
Inauguration of the
Mother and Child
Program in Montréal
Opening of
a residential
centre for
adolescents in
Opening of
a residential
centre for
adolescents in
of the MIRE
for Integration
and Retention
in Employment)
in Montréal
Opening of the
new residential
rehabilitation centre
for mentally ill
chemical abusers
(MICA) in Montréal
of a new
centre for
in Keremeos
of a centre
in Toronto
Opening of an office
in Fredericton
(New Brunswick)
Opening of a
residential centre for
youth at Cassidy Lake
(New Brunswick)
Opening of the new
residential centre for
ANNUEL 08|09
the MotherRAPPORT
and Child
Program in Montréal
Headquartered in Montréal , Portage is a nonprofit organization devoted to the treatment
and rehabilitation of substance abusers.
In 2008-2009, nearly 2,000 substance abusers benefitted from
therapeutic residential or external services through one of Portage’s
thirteen programs. Annually, Portage’s intervention has an impact on
the life of thousands of people, including the families and friends of
substance-dependant persons in treatment.
The different Portage centres welcome both adults and adolescents,
mothers with their young children aged between 0 and 6 years old,
and mentally ill chemical abusers.
The Portage program is based on the acquisition of 21 competencies
that help residents develop the confidence necessary to remain sober
and to actively reintegrate into society. Knowing how to express
oneself in an appropriate manner, how to actively participate, how to
demonstrate empathy, how to help to resolve conflicts, how to work
as a team, how to ask for help, and how to have realistic goals and
objectives, are examples of competencies that the residents develop
and master by the end of their time at Portage.
An organization with
its people’s success
at heart!
Nearly 75% of substance abusers who
get treatment at Portage are poly-drug
users, that is to say they consume more
than one drug.
Portage Academy
The therapeutic
Portage requires that adolescents who enter into therapy in its
centres continue their studies. Portage has made agreements with the
regional school boards to establish schools in its centres in Prévost,
The Strength of the Group and the Respect
Beaconsfield, and Saint-Damien-de-Buckland in Québec, Elora in
for the Individual
Ontario, and at Cassidy Lake in New Brunswick. Discussions are
Portage is distinguished by the quality of its services and its specific
underway with school authorities at Keremeos in British Columbia.
therapeutic community approach. Through the application of positive
psychology and individual case management, Portage encourages
Thus, five days a week, teachers who are specifically dedicated to the
the development of self-esteem, trust and acquisition of competencies
Portage program teach adolescent residents. The class sizes are small,
to solve one’s problems. Respect for the individual is at the heart of
which facilitates the academic experience for these young people, a
all interventions.
significant number of whom face considerable learning challenges.
Where in the past they had experienced failure and frustration,
Portage offers residential services to substance abusers in a safe
Portage Academy encourages them to continue with their efforts. The
environment where they are surrounded by people facing similar
great majority of these adolescents receive their diploma at Portage
challenges and by staff who provide them with the necessary support.
or from the regular academic system after completing their therapy.
The Steps of the Therapeutic Community APPROACH
This year, eleven residents from the Beaconsfield centre received their
The individuals who take part in residential therapy at Portage go
high school diplomas during therapy.
through six steps that lead them toward sobriety, each progressing at
Some adult residents at the lac Écho Centre also choose to finish their
his/her own pace. During the first three steps, the residents work on
secondary studies during their time at Portage.
their personal issues, the adoption of different competencies related
Specialized clientele
to the therapy, and the reasons that led to their drug addiction. This
phase of the residential program emphasizes the development of
interpersonal relationships, self-awareness, trust, and dignity.
Mother and Child Program
Beginning in the fourth step, and continuing until the end of the program,
Through grants from the Government of Québec and financial support
residents are given more responsibility, so that they begin to play the
from the private sector, Portage offers a unique and innovative
role of a mentor. Over the course of these last steps, the residents take
residential program in Montréal, for mothers and drug-dependant
on the responsibility for organizing outings, for site security, and for
pregnant women. During the course of therapy, the mother retains
community coordination. It is also beginning with these steps of the
custody of her child so that they may participate in a variety of
therapy that the residents prepare for social reintegration.
activities together, thereby strengthening the rehabilitation process
and the bond between mother and child.
The responsibilities involved in the Portage therapeutic community
approach provide residents with a feeling of belonging and
As a complement to the rehabilitation services, Portage offers on-site
independence, which helps them to develop an awareness of the
personalized services to more than 30 children during their mother’s
importance of respecting the group’s system and rules. Although the
therapy at La Ribambelle, Portage’s newly inaugurated daycare.
therapeutic community is at the center of the path at Portage, case
management and individual treatment planning remain essential to
each person’s experience.
Program for Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers
In 1995, Portage introduced an innovative residential program to meet the needs of addicts who suffer
from mental illness, primarily from schizophrenia. The collaboration between the psychiatrist, the treating
medical personnel, the resident’s family, and Portage staff allows residents to become more independent
and functional in society.
The residential program is followed by an aftercare program, which lasts for 6 to 24 months and can be
completed in supervised apartments. Because of the program’s popularity, there is a significant waiting list.
The expansion of the program is a principle objective of Portage.
The La Rive Troupe
Through a partnership with Bell and Service Canada, young Portage
graduates created and directed a play entitled L’Impasse, under
the supervision of a Portage staff member. The play, which delivers
a social message of prevention, has been presented in schools and
youth houses in the Montréal region. This year, the La RIve troupe was
honoured at the Festival de théâtre Art Neuf where it won three prizes:
the prix de l’interprétation/prix PAP, the mise en scène/prix NTE and
the scénographie/prix Théâtre Denise-Pelletier.
So far, our research shows that:
Training & reintegration
into the workplace
To help people who have completed therapy, Portage also offers job
training services in Québec City and Montréal. Established in 1986
in Québec City, the Employment Readiness Centre prepares the
participants to re-enter the job market or to return to their studies.
In 2009, Portage continued its research on the adolescent and adult clientele of the lac Écho Centre.
This research was carried out from January 2003 to March 2008, included all the adult and adolescent
residents who participated in more than fifteen days of therapy, and was conducted under the direction of
Dr. Serge Brochu and his associates at the Université de Montréal.
From left to right: Linda Venne,
coordinator of the Festival Art Neuf;
Hélène Bourgeois-Leclerc, spokesperson;
Jocelyn Sioui, assistant coordinator and
director of the La Rive project; Robert
Maurac, general director of the Festival
Art Neuf; and Michel Girard, coordinator
and set designer of the La Rive project. In
the same order, the young people of the
La Rive troupe are Stella, Marlene, Vincent
and Alexis in the front.
• Therapy is beneficial to the substance abusers, regardless of the length of their stay;
• The benefits received from therapy have long term effects;
• The longer the duration of the therapy, the higher the likelihood of success.
The research illustrates that the length of treatment is a critical factor in the reduction of consumption of
illicit drugs. Indeed, the research findings show that eight months after leaving Portage, close to 80% of the
subjects who stayed in treatment at least six months are abstinent, whereas 37.7% of those who left within
two months remain abstinent.
In 2002, in partnership with the Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon,
Portage founded a pilot project aimed at the chronically unemployed:
the MIRE program (Movement for Integration and Retention in
Employment). Its principal objective was to break the dependence on
welfare and to ensure that participants can find work to meet their
needs and achieve financial independence. This initiative, participated
in by a significant percentage of Portage graduates, has been very
successful. Since October 2008, Emploi-Québec has included MIRE in
its programs and has ensured its long-term funding.
Annually, the job training and job market reintegration services at
Portage help close to 400 people gain employment.
& family support
Aftercare is essential in the continuity of services offered by Portage.
The participants have access to group therapy sessions or to individual
follow-up, allowing them to strengthen the competencies acquired
during their time at Portage. This program teaches social engagement
and promotes access to community services.
Portage Acquired Skills Scale (PASS)
In 2004, Portage’s Research Department developed the Portage Acquired Skills Scale (PASS) measuring
Portage also offers support to the families and companions during the
reintegration stage. Services for families, individual consultations, and
couple’s therapy and support groups are important elements of the
Portage program.
This year, through the generosity of the Lucie et André Chagnon
Foundation, Portage introduced Les Habitations Communautaires
Portage Inc. as part of its aftercare program. This property consists of
ten apartments, which are made available to graduates of the Mother
and Child Program.
tool to guide staff in the preparation of individualized treatment plans. The PASS measures progress in the
acquisition of the 21 competencies of the Portage program. It also provides identification of other aspects of
development during therapy and facilitates the transfer of this information to outside professionals.
Progress in psychological and social approaches to therapy is difficult to describe in objective terms. The
PASS is Portage’s answer to this challenge. Portage believes in the importance of continuous evaluation in
order to constantly improve its programs and the quality of its services. Its philosophy is to include the best
practices in the therapy offered. The PASS validates the impact of these improvements through empirical
research. This approach is intended to keep Portage on the cutting edge in the field of substance-abuse
in Québec
Tribute Evening
Various events were organized during the year which helped Portage
achieve its goals. In 2008, the Annual Tribute evening was dedicated to
Mr. Alban D’Amours, departing President and CEO of the Mouvement
des caisses Desjardins, and a long-time Portage benefactor, for his
remarkable commitment to the community. Through the donations of
businesses and individuals, $400,000 was raised for Portage.
From left to right:
Monique F. Leroux
Peter A. Howlett
Lucien Bouchard
Solange Dugas,
Henri-Paul Rousseau
Jean Charest
Michèle Dionne
André Bérard
Denise D’Amours
Alban D’Amours
Portage Golf Tournaments
Every year, two Portage Golf Tournaments, one in Montréal and
The new site at Saint-Malachie
where Portage will offer its
program for adolescents in
Québec by the end of 2009.
the other in Québec City, enjoy great success. This year, the event
in Montréal raised $130,000, while the event in Québec City raised
a total of $60,000.
Table du chef
The 10th edition of the Table du chef, a popular event held in Québec
Portage in Quebec
The Portage Program for Drug Dependencies Inc. was founded in
Québec in 1970. Its first adult program opened at lac Écho in Prévost
in 1973. In Québec, Portage offers its services to adults, adolescents,
mothers with preschool-age children, as well as to mentally ill chemical
City, brought together a dozen businesspeople from the Québec
region to the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac. For the past ten years,
this event has contributed nearly $100,000 in funding to the centre for
adolescents at Saint-Damien-de-Buckland. The guests all took part in
creating the menu developed by Executive Chef Jean Soulard.
abusers. The Marcelle et Jean Coutu Foundation provides core support
Recognition Celebrations
for the Portage adolescents program and other private donations are
Portage paid tribute to the graduates of the Montréal and Québec City
critically important to all the services offered by Portage.
regions at the Recognition Celebrations, presided over by honorary
A Funding Campaign that Exceeded Expectations
This year, amid the more difficult economic climate, the members of
the campaign committee worked to meet and surpass their targets.
The campaigns in Montréal and the region of Québec City raised two
million dollars, which is essential in order to maintain the services
offered by Portage in Québec.
presidents Alban D’Amours and the Honourable Pierre Duchesne,
Lieutenant-Governor of Québec respectively. These evenings are an
occasion to highlight the accomplishments of the individuals who
have participated in the various Portage residential programs and to
recognize their scholastic achievements. The 250 graduates honoured
in the fall of 2008 were welcomed by the warm applause of the many
family members and friends present to celebrate their great success.
It is through celebrations such as these that graduates come to realize
the enormous impact their therapy has had not only on their lives,
but on the lives of their family and friends as well.
Annual campaign & program donors
2008-2009 | Montréal & Québec
($350,000 and more)
Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon
Fondation Marcelle et Jean Coutu
($49,999 to $100,000)
Fondation J. A. DeSève
Mouvement des caisses Desjardins
Power Corporation du Canada
R. Howard Webster Foundation
($25,000 to $49,999)
AMALGAME Créativité Stratégique inc.
Bell Canada
Bombardier inc.
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Cirque du Soleil
Compuware Corporation of Canada
Fondation Sibylla Hesse
Groupe Canam inc.
RBC Fondation
Transcontinental inc.
($10,000 to $24,999)
Banque Nationale du Canada
Boivin, Denis
Club Rotary Québec-Charlesbourg
Desjardins Sécurité financière
Domtar Inc.
Ernst & Young S.R.L./S.E.N.C.R.L.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin S.E.N.C.R.L.
Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec
Fondation Paul A. Fournier
Fondation Simple Plan
Groupe Boisvert Moisan inc.
Groupe Santé Medisys
Hillsdale Investment Management Inc.
IBM Canada Ltée
Miller Thomson Pouliot S.E.N.C.R.L.
Normand, Carmand
Opération Enfant Soleil
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
Rothmans, Benson & Hedges
Samcon inc.
Samson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche s.e.n.c.r.l.
Sœurs de la Charité de Québec
State Street Canada
The George Hogg Family Foundation
VIA Rail Canada
($5,000 to $9,999)
Addenda Capital
Ameublements Tanguay
Banque Laurentienne
Bell Aliant Communication
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Bowles, Gordon
Cascades inc.
CGI Conseiller en gestion informatique
Chagnon, André
Chambre des notaires du Québec
Cogeco Inc.
DMR Conseil inc.
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Fiera Capital inc.
Fondation Famille Jules Dallaire
Fondation ITC
Fondation Jeunesse-Vie
Fonds de charité des employés d’IBM
Fonds de solidarité FTQ
Fujitsu Conseil (Canada) inc.
Gestion d’actifs Burgundy
Kilbourne, Wayne
KPMG s.r.l./S.E.N.C.R.L.
Labarre Gauthier Inc. (LG2)
La Capitale Groupe Financier inc.
Langlois Kronström Desjardins, S.E.N.C.R.L.
MacDougall, MacDougall and Mactier Inc.
McKinsey & Company
Mercer (Canada) Limitée
Merrill Lynch
Ogilvy Renault S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l.
PricewaterhouseCoopers s.r.l./s.e.n.c.r.l.
SECOR Conseil
SSQ Groupe financier
The Cyril & Dorothy, Joel & Jill Reitman
Family Foundation
The Gazette
The Hay Foundation
The Hylcan Foundation
Traducta Inc.
Zeller Family Foundation
($1,000 to $4,999)
Acier AGF inc.
Aéroports de Montréal
Banque Scotia
Cain Lamarre Casgrain Wells,
Caisse Desjardins des Rivières
Chaudière & Etchemin
Caisse Desjardins du personnel
de l’administration et des
services publics
Caisse populaire Desjardins des
Monts de Bellechasse
Caisse populaire Desjardins
de la Chaudière
Caisse populaire Desjardins
du Centre-Ville de Québec
CanAssistance inc.
Canderel Management Inc.
Centre Financier SFL Cité
de Montcalm
CFE Caisses Desjardins
de Bellechasse
Chabot, Jacques
Charneux, Roland
Club Lions Sillery – Sainte-Foy
Compagnie de chemins de fer
nationaux du Canadien National
Construction Mikado
Costin, Hélène et Yvon Charest
Côté, Paul
D’Amours, Alban
Dagenais, Camille A., C.C.
Darras-David Comptable agréés
Décary, Michel
Denis, Robert
Des Marais II, Pierre, O.C.
Devencore Ltée, courtier
immobilier agréé
Emergis inc.
Essor Assurances–Placements–
Conseils Inc.
F.D.JUL inc.
Fédération des travailleurs et
travailleuses du Québec
Fidelity Investments
Fondation de bienfaisance des
employés de BMO
Fondation Jean-Louis Tassé
Fondation Jean-Paul Tardif
Fondation McCarthy Tétrault
Fondation René Bussières
Fonds de placement immobilier
Fonds de sécurité Desjardins
Gare d’autobus de Sainte-Foy /
9039-5179 Québec inc.
Genest, Pierre
Gestion de placements Innocap inc.
Gestion de portefeuille Natcan
Giguère, Laurent, CA
Groupe Morisset Autos Inc.
Hébert-Lalonde, Louise
Heenan Blaikie S.E.N.C.R.L.,
Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Cie
Hilton Québec
Howlett. Peter A., C.M.
Hypertec Systèmes Inc.
Industrielle Alliance
Kaufmann de Suisse & Co. Inc.
Kininmonth, Paul
Kudzman, Susan
Lachance, Jean R.
Lallemand inc.
Lalonde, Jean-Claude
Lambert Somec inc.
Larry & Cookie Rossy
Le Groupe Faust
Lengvari, Georges Francis
Les Éditions Gesca Ltée
Les Pros de la Photo
Mackenzie Financial Services
MAESTRO, Société en
Mallette SENCRL,
Comptables agréés
Maxwell Cummings Family
McLean Budden
Mercedes-Benz de Québec
Mercier, Louise
Michaud, Louis J.
Optimum Réassurance inc.
Paquette, Guy
Paquette, J. Roger
Petra Ltée
Poulin, Placide
Pratt & Whitney Canada
Protech Foundation
Quebecor inc.
Ricoh Canada Inc.
Robin Veilleux Assurances
et Rentes Collectives inc.
Rosenbloom, Marilyn and Harvey
Samuel & Fils & Cie Ltée
Sandoz Canada inc.
SCOR Global Life
Services de cartes Desjardins
Services financiers SFL
SFL Partenaire de Desjardins
Sécurité financière
SITQ – Place Ville Marie
Smith, James
Sœurs du Bon-Pasteur de Québec
Sœurs de Saint-François d’Assise
Sœurs de Saint-Joseph de
Stein Monast s.e.n.c.r.l.
Stephen Bronfman Foundation
St-Georges, Anne D.
Sun Microsystems Canada
TD Assurance Meloche Monnex
The Birks Family Foundation
The Farman Foundation
Thibault, Alain
Trader Corporation
Uniprix inc.
Wilson, Lawrence R.
Donors :
Miracle Champions
($100,000 and more)
Potash Corporation
of Saskatchewan Inc.
Dr. Bill Lewis
T4G Limited
T.R. Meighen Family Foundation
Lions District 41-0, 41-N1, 41-N2
and Lions International
($25,000 to $99,000)
Bank of Nova Scotia
J.T. Clark Family Foundation
Neill and Gunter Limited
New Brunswick Police Association
Royal Bank of Canada
TD Canada Trust
The Children’s Foundation of the
NB Protestant Orphan’s Home
The McCain Foundation
Portage Atlantic offers residential treatment services for young
substance abusers, aged 14 to 21 years old. The centre is located on
165 acres of land at Cassidy Lake. Since 1996, Portage has helped
more than 1,400 young people of Atlantic Canada.
“Making Miracles Happen”
Capital Campaign
The “Making Miracles Happen” capital fundraising campaign has
already made it possible to construct the service building and the
dormitories for boys and girls and to invest the necessary sums to
advance the construction work on the main building.
Without the support of generous donors, the project would not have
happened. Until now, the campaign commitments represent close
to 1.5 million dollars. But it’s not over yet! The fundraising activities
will continue in order to complete and equip the interior of the main
building, which will comprise of classrooms for the residents, a
conference room, a nurse’s office, and a common room. There is great
pride in the progress made so far as well as hope that the coming year
will mark the completion of the new campus facility.
($5,000 to $24,999)
Armour Transportation Systems
Arseneault, Fernand and Ghislaine
Atlantic Lottery Corporation
Bank of Montreal
Basement Players
Blue Cross Medavie
City of Moncton
Club Kinsmen of Edmundston
Corey Feed Mills
Dieppe Rotary Club
Economy Glass a division of
Northfield Glass Group
Emmerson, Dave
Howlett, Peter A., C.M.
Jean Coutu of Moncton
Knights of Columbus of Oromocto,
Monsignor Boyd Council #6774
Lantech Drilling Services Inc.
Martin, Roland and Carmen
Maunder, John
MacMurray Foundation Inc.
Montorsan Holdings Ltd.
Nolan, Roderick
Steele, Harry R.
Stevens, Ena and Albert
The Greater Saint John
Community Foundation
The Order of the United
Commercial Travelers’ from
Jack Kidd Council 755 of Saint John
Trainor Surveys 1974 Limited
United Commercial Travelers
of Moncton, Council 758
Wilson, Frank
Annual Campaign
In its first year, the annual campaign already succeeded in
surpassing the $100,000 goal. The “Summer Kick-Off” 2008
and 2009 concerts that were held in Florenceville-Bristol raised
$50,000 for Portage. Portage would like to recognize the
significant contribution of AYR Motor Express Inc. which, through
its exceptional active partnership, allowed Portage to meet
its financial goal.
This year, Portage Atlantic is breaking new ground by holding
a series of community breakfasts. The annual campaign will raise
funds to offer continued care services, to implement activities
outside the program for the residents, and to encourage the
development of our employees so that they may continually
improve our program.
The Community: An Essential Partner
to Portage Atlantic’s Success
The community’s participation and the importance of having
spokespersons with ties to Portage significantly contribute to
reaching financial goals. Portage Atlantic is particularly touched
by the enthusiasm of the communities in several regions of
New Brunswick. Whether through partnerships, the organizing
of fundraising activities or donations of educational supplies,
technological tools, or furniture for the Cassidy Lake Centre,
Portage is well supported by the community.
Donors :
($25,000 to $99,000)
Ayr Motor Express Inc.
($5,000 to $24,999)
Atlantic Lottery Corporation
The Greater Saint John
Community Foundation
United Commercial Travel
of America - Jack Kidd
Council #755
($1,000 to $4,999)
Mayflower Sharp’s of Sussex
New Start Foundation Inc.
Provincial Chapter of NB Iode
Sisters of Charity of the
Immaculate Conception
St. David’s United Church
The Fredericton Community
Foundation Inc.
The McCain Foundation
University of New Brunswick,
Dept. of Sociology
Dickson, David M.
Fredericton Medical Clinic
Howlett, Peter A., C.M.
Tim Hortons, Fredericton
& Minto
The Portage Ontario
Annual Campaign
The Portage 2008-2009 annual campaign raised
over $250,000 in support of two key program areas
in addition to a number of other smaller projects.
The Portage Ontario
Youth Treatment Fund
The Portage Ontario Youth Treatment Fund
provides additional treatment beds for youth who
need urgent access to residential treatment. This
fund enables Portage to respond to youth and
families in a more timely way than would otherwise
be possible. Thanks to the generosity of supporters
of the program, Portage is able to provide treatment
and follow-up care for an extra 24 youth and their
families this past year.
all in the final phase of treatment, had a once-ina-lifetime opportunity to push themselves beyond
previously known limits and test their new-learned
skills, self-confidence, and self-awareness. As of this
year, Outward Bound experiences have become a
regular feature of the Elora program.
Annual Fresh Start Dinner and
Auction: A Phenomenal Success!
Hosted once again in the home and garden of
Dr. Peter and Susan Schaal, on June 2nd, the annual
Fresh Start event raised $85,000 for the Portage
Ontario Youth Treatment Fund, which helps youth
get more immediate access to the care they need
at Portage at Elora.
Outward Bound:
An Exercise in Self-reliance
Consistent with its philosophy of teaching selfreliance and teamwork, Portage embarked on a
partnership with Outward Bound Canada, which
shares the values and social responsibility that
Portage instils in its residents. Last year, nine young
women had the opportunity to participate in a
21-day excursion as part of their program. The girls,
Toronto Police Chief, Bill Blair (left) and Michael Howlett (right),
Chair of the Portage Ontario Regional Board
1985 and offers residential care and treatment for adolescents aged
Donors :
14 to 19 with addiction problems. Since that time, Portage has provided
($25,000 to $49,999)
care and support to over 4,000 youth and their families. Youth come to
Manulife Financial
The Portage residential treatment centre in Elora was established in
Portage from neighbouring cities such as Toronto, Hamilton, Guelph,
Kitchener-Waterloo as well as other communities across Ontario.
Portage Elora - Official Health Service Provider
“I can hardly put into words my
appreciation for the experience. I will
cherish the memories for my whole life !”
-Outward Bound participant
In 2008-2009, Portage’s continuing efforts to expand access to its
Ontario program came to fruition when Portage secured new funding
from the Ministry of Health and became an official Health Service
Provider. Under the new agreement with the Waterloo Wellington
Local Health Integrated Network (WWLHIN), youth referred by
parents, family physicians, other addiction agencies, and schools will
have access to treatment at Portage.
($10,000 to $24,999)
Baird, Jack D.
Clarke Addison’s Meadow Mills
Pontiac Buick Limited
Evald Torokvei Foundation
Plaxton, Barbara D.
Scott, Dr. Duncan
TD Bank Financial Group
The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Veale, David & Gillian
Via Rail Canada Inc.
($5,000 to $9,999)
MacDougall, Bart H.
Feige, Eric & Ann
Fiorillo, Henry F.
MacMurray Foundation Inc.
MacDougall, MacDougall
& MacTier Inc.
Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund
($1,000 to $4,999)
Algorithmics Incorporated
Barcados, Alex & Theresa
Barrie, Andy
Bay Bloor Radio
Blunt, Jennifer
Caven, Peter & Virginia Flintoft
Chairman Mills Inc.
Church, James & Jane
Danier Leather Inc.
Dawe, Shirley & John
Fortin, John R.
Frosst, Dr. Alan & Janet
Gillin, Peter & Dianne Sloan
GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
Harrison, Brian
Herman Miller Inc.
Howlett, Michael & Christina
Howlett, Peter A., C.M.
Kasimer, Sol
Kennedy, Charles
Laing, Mary Lee
Lean, Ralph & Marcelle
MacDonald, Brian
Nachman, Gabriel
Outward Bound Canada
Phillips, John K.
Porter Airlines Inc.
Price, Frances & Tim
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Prism Partners Inc.
Schaal, Dr. Peter & Susan
Stairs, Harriet H.
Taylor, Dr. Bryce
The Howitt/Dunbar Foundation
Tremain, Julia & Dianne
Vukota, Thomislav
Usher-Jones, Mary
Yorkshire Pudding Inc.
British Columbia
The Portage Program
for Drug Dependencies Inc.
Board of Trustees
January 2009: In response to a request for support from the community
of British Columbia, Portage entered into a service agreement
with Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health Authorities. Under this
agreement, Portage receives the necessary funds to administer
a 42-bed residential treatment centre for young people aged
14 to 18 years, near Keremeos in British Columbia.
Since 2006, prior to the opening of the centre at Keremeos, nearly
60 young people from British Columbia, most over 18 years of age,
have received treatment in Portage Centres in Québec, Ontario or
Peter A. Howlett, C.M.
Montorsan Holdings Ltd.
Jean Coutu, O.C., O.Q.
Chairman of the Board
Le Groupe Jean Coutu
(PJC) inc.
Russell King
Former Minister of Health,
New Brunswick
Fredericton Medical Clinic
André Chagnon, O.C., O.Q.
President and CEO
Fondation Lucie et André
Camille Dagenais, C.C.
Former President
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Tricia L. Kuhl
Lawyer, partner
Blake, Cassels & Graydon s.r.l.
Jacques Duchesneau,
C.M., C. Q.
Company Administrator
John R. McLernon
Honorary President
and Co-founder
Colliers International
Alice Dolbec
corporate secretary
Ted DiGiorgio, CA
Ernst & Young
Brian Evans
Former Principal Director,
Business Development
IBM Business
Consulting Services
Nicole Bureau-Tobin
Noël Garneau
Yvan Caron
Former President
Fédération des caisses
Desjardins de Québec
Pierre Genest
Chairman of the Board
SSQ Groupe financier
Peter Caven
Peter Caven Executive
Search Inc.
Laurent Giguère, FCA
New Brunswick. The centre at Keremeos represents a step in the
right direction. However, the need for treatment for substance
abusers over 18 years of age is such that the available service does
not meet demand.
The official opening on January 22nd, 2009 represented the
culmination of a great dream for Portage and its partners. However,
this dream would not have become reality without the efforts of many
who believed in the therapeutic community approach and who were
inspired by Portage’s success elsewhere in Canada. In particular,
From Grief to Action, an ardent promoter of Portage with decisionmaking bodies, believed in the mission and worked tirelessly in support
of the program.
The contribution of the Central City Foundation of Vancouver was
critical. The Foundation contributed over a million dollars, in addition
to heading a Capital campaign to raise an additional 5.5 million dollars,
which allowed the construction of the necessary facilities to offer
quality services in a peaceful environment.
Portage British Columbia begins its first year in Keremeos with
enthusiasm and commitment. Drug dependency is a major issue in
British Columbia and Portage’s contribution will provide hope to those
young people who really need it.
Paul Côté
President and CEO
VIA Rail Canada inc.
Peter A. Howlett, C.M.
Administrative Services
Pierre Bélanger
Director, Finances
Lise Charbonneau, CA
Dorothy Reitman, C.M.
Former President
Canadian Jewish Congress
Anne St-Georges
Retired Vice-President
Harriet Stairs
Former Vice-President
Bank of Montreal
Ann Vroom
Administrator Canadian
Council for the Advancement
of Education
Harvey Yarosky
Yarosky, Daviault & Isaacs
Senior Management Committee
Executive Director
Peter Vamos
Michael Howlett
President and CEO
Mental Health Commission
of Canada
Roderick C. Nolan, P. Eng.
Former Chairman
Neil and Gunther
Human Resources
Pierre Paquin
Senior Director,
Colette Taylor
Seychelle Harding
Corporate Secretary
Alice Dolbec
Interim Director,
Communication and
Governmental Affairs
Stéphanie Gareau
Board of Governors
Auditor’s Report
The Portage Program for Drug Dependencies Inc. is composed of 200 governors who each serve a one-
To the Directors of the
year renewable term. These governors are chosen among the leaders in their field and help bring Portage’s
Centre d’accueil le Programme de Portage Inc.
message to the community. In 2008-2009, the Board of Governors was composed of:
The Portage Program for Drug Dependencies Inc.
The Portage Foundation
Addison, Clarke
Ahern-Tisseyre, Michelle, O.C.
Alexander, Brian
Baillie, Fraser
Baril, Gilles
Béland, Claude
Béliveau, Jean, C.C.
Bell, Dennis
Benedetti, Alain
Bérard, André, O.C.
Birks Bongard, Sally
Black, Ron
Blais, Marie-Claude
Blouin, André
Bois, Jules
Boisvert, Yvan
Bonner, Yolande
Bowden, Richard
Bureau Tobin, Nicole
Callanan, Ted, C.M.
Carlisle, Mac
Caron, Yvan, O.Q.
Carroll, Bryan
Carsley, John
Caven, Peter
Chagnon, André, O.C., O.Q.
Chagnon, Isabelle
Clark, Jim
Cohen, Maurice
Conrod, Scott
Coreau, Maurice
Côté, Jean, C.R.
Côté, Marcel
Côté, Paul
Courteau, Georges
Coutu, Jean, O.C., O.Q.
Dagenais, Camille, C.C.
Décary, Michel
D’Alessandro, Dominic, O.C.
D’Amours, Alban
David, Charles
Des Marais II, Pierre, O.C.
Desbiens, Denis
Desrosiers, Jean-Pierre
Di Giorgio, Ted, CA
DiGrappa, Michael
Dolbec, Alice
Drummond, Derek
Drury, Victor
Dubé, Michel
Dubois, Claude
Duchesneau, Jacques, C.M., C.Q.
Dulny, Christopher
Durepos, Jill
Emmerson, Dave
Evans, Brian
Evans, Ron
Felson, Ray
Ferguson, David
Fidani, Alma
Fidani, Harold
Finnegan, Michael
Flood, Geoff
Furlong, Allan
Furlong, Dennis
Galarneau, Jean-Paul
Gamble, Wayne
Garneau, Noël
Genest, Pierre
Gignac, Clermont
Giguère, Laurent, FCA
Graham, Ross
Halley, Richard
Hébert, Norman D.
Hodgson, Maggie
Hooper, Heather
Hooper, Richard
Howlett, Michael
Howlett, Peter A., C.M.
Johnston, Donald J.
Kasimer, Sol
King, Russell
Kuhl, Tricia L.
Lachance, Jean R.
Lacroix, Claude
Laferrière, Nicole
Laflèche, Eric
Lavigne, Michel
Lean, Ralph, Q.C.
Leathley, John
Leathley, Lulu
Le Corre, Claude
Leduc, Hélène
Lefebvre, Jacques
Lefrançois, Marc
Lengvari, George F.
Linteau, Denis
Macdonell, John
MacDougall, Bart
MacFarlane, John
MacFarlane, Marian
Maloney, Aidan, C.M.
Mann, Alan
Marcotte, Geneviève
Marcotte, Robert
Martin, Micheline
McGregor, Maurice
McLernon, John
McLernon, Peggy
Mintz, Gary
Moffet, Réal
Murray, Ron
Nachman, Gabe
Nagy, Ernest
Neysmith, Brian
Nolan, Roderick
Normand, Carmand
Oppenheimer, Tamar, O.C.
Owen, Philip
Parker, A. Ranson
Péladeau, Erick
Pilon, Louis
Plaxton, Barbara
Poitras, Lawrence A., C.M.
Pomerleau, Guy
Pomerleau, Hervé
Poulin, Marie-France
Pound, Richard W., O.C.
Price, Martha
Provencher, André
Reitman, Cyril
Reitman, Dorothy, C.M.
Renaud, Harry
Renaud, Richard J.
Ritchie, Robert J.
Robichaud, Émile
McLernon, John
McLernon, Peggy
Robitaille. Pierre
Rocca, Luigi
Rogers, Pat
Roland, Miriam
Rouleau, Claude
Rouleau, Michel
Rousseau, Claude
Rousseau, Louise
Roy, Bernard A.
Ruttan, Rob
Ruttan, Susan
Sansom, Brenda
Schaal, Peter
Schaal, Susan
Schedleur, Pierre
Scott, André
Sloan Gillin, Diane
Stairs, Harriet
Standish, Matthew
St-Denis, Robert
St-Georges, Anne
St-Jacques, Jean
Taddeo, Dominic
Taddeo, Donat J.
Tanguay, Jacques
Theriault, Dan
Thomas, David R.
Tisseyre, Michelle
Tongue, Eva
Tremain, Julia
Tremblay, Marc
Usher-Jones, Mary
Veale, Jill
Vinci, Biagio
Vroom, Ann
Wallace, Mina
Webster, Peter
Wilson, Frank
Woodside, Brad
Yarosky, Harvey
The accompanying summarized balance sheets and the summarized statements of revenue and expenses
and changes in net assets or changes in fund balances are derived from the complete financial statements
of the Centre d’accueil le Programme de Portage Inc., The Portage Program for Drug Dependencies Inc.
and the Portage Foundation as of March 31, 2009 and for the year then ended on which we expressed
opinions without reservations in our reports dated May 28, 2009 for the Centre d’accueil le Programme de
Portage Inc., June 4, 2009 for The Portage Program for Drug Dependencies Inc. and June 12, 2009 for The
Portage Foundation. The fair summarizations of the complete financial statements are the responsibility of
the Organization’s management. Our responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guidelines
of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements.
In our opinion, these accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
related complete financial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guidelines referred
to above.
These summarized financial statements below do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian
generally accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be
appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the entities’ financial positions, results of operations
and cash flows, reference should be made to the related complete financial statements.
June 26, 2009
Chartered accountant auditor, license No. 10881
Centre d’accueil
The Portage Program
le programme de portage inc.
for Drug Dependencies Inc.
Summarized statement of revenue and
expenses and changes in net assets
year ended March 31, 2009
Summarized statement of revenue and
expenses and changes in net assets
year ended March 31, 2009
Government programs
Donations from The Portage Foundation
Contribution from the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation
7 292 223
1 334 647
1 100 050
896 541
6 883 012
1 553 096
1 423 008
733 753
10 623 461
10 592 869
Government programs
Donations from The Portage Foundation
Expenses charged back to the programs
4 659 256
2 653 108
280 003
333 759
3 817 359
2 004 932
716 123
270 654
14 496
7 927 064
6 823 564
Fringe benefits
Interest on long-term debt
2 946 894
626 352
3 846 798
38 153
75 471
2 740 998
569 901
3 357 162
58 583
69 221
7 533 668
6 795 865
393 396
27 699
Fringe benefits
5 356 411
1 345 986
4 175 708
5 238 228
1 280 775
4 112 092
10 878 105
10 631 095
Deficiency of revenue over expenses
before amortization
(254 644)
(38 226)
17 640
19 403
(272 284)
(57 629)
355 810
Amortization of fixed assets
Deficiency of revenue over expenses
Excess of revenue over expenses
Net assets, beginning of the year
340 586
398 215
424 112
340 586
Net assets, end of the year
Summarized balance sheet
as of March 31, 2009
804 559
776 860
1 197 955
804 559
Summarized balance sheet
as of March 31, 2009
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Guaranteed investment certificate
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
18 049
1 531 341
984 913
7 118
315 596
1 059 805
654 907
7 023
2 541 421
2 037 331
617 211
463 511
3 158 632
2 500 842
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue related to the Mother and Child
Program - Montreal
1 455 767
1 068 556
Bank overdraft
Credit facilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Current portion of long-term debt
350 138
268 749
Fixed assets
Deferred grants related to fixed assets
1 805 905
1 337 305
928 615
822 951
Net assets
424 112
340 586
3 158 632
2 500 842
On behalf of the Board
Net assets, end of the year
Net assets, beginning of the year
Changes to accounting conventions - Accounting reform
638 458
962 683
33 979
1 148 437
29 819
1 635 120
1 178 256
Fixed assets
1 377 852
1 464 461
3 012 972
2 642 717
505 851
353 406
80 000
135 940
90 000
508 968
55 267
80 000
939 257
870 175
Long-term debt
Deferred grants related to fixed assets
Deferred donations related to fixed assets
693 333
94 993
87 434
773 333
100 616
94 034
1 815 017
1 838 158
Net assets
Invested in fixed assets
422 092
775 863
416 478
388 081
1 197 955
804 559
3 012 972
2 642 717
On behalf of the Board
The Portage Foundation
Summarized statement of revenue and
expenses and changes in fund balances
year ended March 31, 2009
Portage centers
Donations from the Fondation Marcelle et Jean Coutu
Special events
Gifts in kind
1 279 671
350 000
727 968
875 240
(226 094)
67 483
6 694
1 183 288
350 000
721 652
1 041 238
135 403
23 968
9 570
3 080 962
3 465 119
Salaries and fringe benefits
Other expenses
Interest on long-term debt
Amortization of fixed assets
1 614 650
282 473
573 947
190 440
479 329
2 269 219
401 630
621 660
204 683
481 765
3 140 839
3 978 957
(59 877)
(513 838)
Fund balances, beginning of the fiscal year
5 105 418
5 619 256
Fund balances, end of the fiscal year
5 045 541
5 105 418
Deficiency of revenue over expenses
Summarized balance sheet
as of March 31, 2009
Short-term investments
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
3 218 539
68 729
4 285
227 877
4 865 510
96 505
4 171
3 291 553
5 194 063
Fixed assets
1 557 753
9 114 035
1 836 978
7 309 354
13 963 341
14 340 395
123 779
35 000
1 211 109
193 561
200 000
1 238 821
186 234
1 563 449
1 625 055
3 353 645
4 000 706
3 547 207
4 062 715
8 917 800
9 234 977
Fund balances
Operating funds
Fixed asset funds
Restricted funds
(173 644)
2 262 872
2 956 313
246 258
1 901 648
2 957 512
Bank overdraft
Bank loans
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Current portion of long-term debt
Long-term debt
Deferred grants
5 045 541
5 105 418
13 963 341
14 340 395
865 Richmond Square
Montréal QC H3J 1V8
Tel.: 514 939-0202
Day Centre
1640 Saint-Antoine West
Montréal QC H3J 1A1
Tel.: 514 939-0202
Unit Manager: Sonia Leblanc
Mother and Child Program
c/o Portage Headquarters
865 Richmond Square
Montréal QC H3J 1V8
Tel.: 514 939-0202
Director: Danielle Des Marais
Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers
Centre (MICA)
2455 Lionel-Groulx Ave
Montréal QC H3J 1J6
Tel.: 514 935-3431
Director: Antonio Maturo
MIRE (Mouvement
pour l’intégration et la
retention en emploi)
2187, rue Larivière
Montréal QC H2K 1P5
Tel.: 514 598-7474
Director: Sylvain Montpetit
Residential Centre
141 Elm Ave
Beaconsfield QC H9W 2E1
Tel.: 514 694-9894
Director: Alan Farkas
Residential Campus
1790, chemin du lac Écho
Prévost QC JOR 1TO
Tel.: 450 224-2944
Director: Sylvain Harvey
Day Centre
150, rue Saint-Joseph Est
Québec QC G1K 3A7
Tel.: 418 524-0320
Director: Claudia Savard
Work Training Centre
150, rue Saint-Joseph Est
Québec QC G1K 3A7
Tel.: 418 524-0320
Director: Claudia Savard
Residential Centre
244, chemin de la StationTouristique-de-la-Crapaudière
Saint-Malachie QC G0R 3N0
Tel.: 418 642-2472
Director: Serge Comeau
Residential Centre
P. O. Box 209, R.R. 1
Concession 12
Nichol Township Park, lot 15
Elora ON N0B 1S0
Tel.: 519 846-0945
Director: Patrick Culver
Atlantic Canada
Residential Centre
1275 Route 865
Cassidy Lake NB E4E 5Y6
Tel.: 506 839-1200
Director: George Gould
Interim Director: Randy Davis
Portage Atlantic
390 King Street, Suite 211
Fredericton NB E3B 1E3
Tel.: 506 472-4847
British Columbia
« The Crossing » at Keremeos
3865 Hwy 3 Ss 1
Keremeos BC VOX 1N1
Tel.: 250 499-4165
Director: Diane Power-Jeans
On behalf of the Board
Collaborators :
Phil Communications
Imprimeries Transcontinental inc.
Traducta inc.