Voglio far il gentiluomo: Conflict in Don Giovanni`s Leporello
Voglio far il gentiluomo: Conflict in Don Giovanni`s Leporello
Colgate Academic Review Volume 5 (Spring 2009) Article 7 7-13-2012 Voglio far il gentiluomo: Conflict in Don Giovanni's Leporello Amelia Hill Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.colgate.edu/car Part of the Dramatic Literature, Criticism and Theory Commons Recommended Citation Hill, Amelia (2012) "Voglio far il gentiluomo: Conflict in Don Giovanni's Leporello," Colgate Academic Review: Vol. 5, Article 7. Available at: http://commons.colgate.edu/car/vol5/iss1/7 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Work at Digital Commons @ Colgate. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colgate Academic Review by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colgate. For more information, please contact skeen@colgate.edu. Hill: Voglio far il gentiluomo: Conflict in Don Giovanni's Leporello !"#$%"&'()&%$&#*+,%$-"."L& N1*83$6,&$*&/"+&0%"1(++%P)&K+51/+331& & 02(-#/%W#--A%FGGH% % % [+%?'2%@#'&.22#A%'"(%'#'-(%1"/6/1'(6R$%$(=8/-%(=7-*#'$%/6(%2/)(%7*$$#:-(%'"6*8."%'"(%"(-7% *&%"#$%-*;/-%$(64/+'A%S(7*6(--*9%I($7#'(%2/>#+.%$(4(6/-%1*22(+'$%'*%I*+%b#*4/++#%/:*8'% '"(%#22*6/-#';%*&%"#$%-#&($';-(A%S(7*6(--*%>((7$%.8/6)%&*6%"#$%2/$'(6%5"#-(%"(%$()81($A% 76*4#)#+.%/%)#$'6/1'#*+%&*6%"8$:/+)$%/+)%&*62(6%-*4(6$9%W(%"/$%$(64()%&/#'"&8--;%&*6% ;(/6$A%-*+.%(+*8."%'*%6(1*6)%(#."'((+%"8+)6()%+/2($%#+%"#$%1/'/-*.8(9%E=/1'-;%"*5%-*+.% '"#$%'**>%#$%*7(+%'*%#+'(676('/'#*+9%0+%/4(6/.(%*&%*+(%5*2/+%/%+#."'%f5"#1"A%'"*8."% 1*2#1/--;%(=/..(6/'()A%$((2$%'*%&#'%#+%'"(%1*+'(='%*&%'"(%*7(6/g%5*8-)%.#4(%8$%/%:/6(% 2#+#282%*&%(%;(/6$d%#'%#$%'"(6(&*6(%@8#'(%6(/$*+/:-(%'*%$8..($'%'"/'%I*+%b#*4/++#% 1*8-)%:(%/%;*8+.%2/+9%[&%5(%#2/.#+(%/+%*-)(6%I*+%b#*4/++#A%*+(%5"*$(%$()81'#*+$%5(6(% 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