The Stoddert News - DDG-22
The Stoddert News - DDG-22
USS Benjamin Stoddert (DDG-22) Association The Stoddert News VOLUME 5 - NUMBER 3 2009 SUMMER EDITION Association President: Lou Turilli 429 S. Roselle Rd., Roselle, IL 60172, (630) 529-9875 Editor: Art Hansen, 5800 30th Avenue, Kearney, NE 68845, (308) 237-5435 LAST NEWSLETTER BEFORE THE 2009 REUNION @ Rapid City, SD The 2009 Reunion will be held on 14 - 18 October in Rapid City, South Dakota. The Stoddert Association has 30 rooms blocked off at the Rapid City Quality Inn, 1902 LaCrosse Street, Rapid City, SD 55701. The room rate is $65.99 for singles or doubles; extra guests (beyond 2 people) are $10.00 each and includes free breakfast buffet. This room rate will apply for up to two days prior to and two days after our scheduled reunion dates. Reservations must be made prior to September 14th to ensure the group rate. The phone numbers for reservations are (605)342-3322 or (605)-3429005 or email at The Quality Inn website is as follows: UPDATE! The airport shuttle is FREE from the airport to the hotel. Cost is $18.00 for one person, $28.00 for two, and $11.00 per person for groups of three or more, from the hotel to the airport. Menus and a complete itinerary for the tours can be found on our website, Also, registration forms can be pulled off the website, completed, and mailed in per the instructions on the forms! Don’t forget to pack binoculars and cameras! Page 1 of 4 Benefits of Association Membership Full password access to website Member Directory (With written permission from members) Hard copy newsletters Discount at Ship Store Join Today @ Contents of The Stoddert News Reunion 2009: Rapid City, South Dakota.......................................... 1 Benefits of Association Membership................................................... 1 Minutes from 2008 BSA Business Meeting ........................................ 2 Movie Quote Quiz................................................................................ 2 BSA Executive Committee .................................................................. 2 2009 50-50 Drawing ............................................................................ 3 Update on ACVA ................................................................................. 3 Past reunion candid shots ................................................................... 3 Benjamin Stoddert Association Summer Edition 2009 Volume 5 – No 3 MINUTES FROM THE 2008 STODDERT REUNION BUSINESS MEETING (10/05/08) MOVIE QUOTE QUIZ Meeting called to order by Association Chairman Louis Turilli. Old business: Minutes from the 2007 business meeting read and approved. Financial report read and approved - Money is being moved to a non-interest bearing account. Treasurer and Webmaster are going to consolidate their lists of membership. Herm reminded members that the Adams Class Veterans Association is still working on getting the Adams (DDG-2) preserved. 2. “Do you remember things that made sense? Things you could count on? Before we all got so lost? What are we gonna do, Charlie? What am I gonna do?” New Business: Election of officers - proposal to amend the by-laws to set up a succession of chairs; motion from Mike that we have a 3 year term for Treasurer approved (Frank dissenting) Motion was made and approved that terms for all officers will be 3 years and that the terms will be staggered commencing in 2008 with the election of a new co-chairman and treasurer; 2009 election of a new chairman; 2010 election of new secretary. Terms of office run from January 1st through December 31st. John Dishaw volunteered to become Treasurer and was elected by acclaim. Mike Hoffman volunteered to become Co-Chairman and was elected by acclaim. The Chairman’s recommendation that we continue with MRTR as reunion coordinator was approved. Buffalo, Baton Rouge, Myrtle Beach, San Antonio, Rapid City, Chicago, Louisville, Memphis, Charleston, Indianapolis, and San Diego were proposed as sites for our next reunion. San Antonio, Rapid City, Louisville, and Memphis were approved to be given to MRTR to work up for the leadership to review. Discussion of naming another DDG Benjamin Stoddert. Mike Hoffman asked to be permitted to send out letters as a representative of the Association. Permission was given with the proviso that the Chairman be kept in the loop. Jim Hinton spoke on Agent Orange’s connection to specific cancers and the VA’s position on veterans care. Motion made to adjourn the meeting, motion seconded and approved. Match the quote with the character from these films with patriotic titles: 1. “Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom…Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution…but from annihilation.” 3. “Hallie’s your girl now. Go back in there and take that nomination. You taught her how to read and write; now give her something to read and write about!” 4. “My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and I thank you.” A. George M. Cohan in YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (1942) B. Ron Kovic (Tom Cruise) in BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY (1989) C. President Thomas Whitmore (Bill Pullman) in INDEPENDENCE DAY (1996) D. Tom Doniphan (John Wayne) in THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE (1962) Answers on page 3 Have you visited our website lately? Reunion pictures from previous reunions are on the website, You can also check the website to complete the reunion survey! Benjamin Stoddert Association Executive Committee 2008-2009 Lou Turilli Mike Hoffman Dave Saunders John Dishaw John Bassolino Art Hansen Carole Bryan Chairman Assistant Chairman Secretary Treasurer Member-at-large Newsletter Editor Webmaster Washington, DC, 2008 Janie Hansen, Steve Buono, Art Hansen Submitted by David Saunders, Benjamin Stoddert Association Secretary Page 2 of 4 Benjamin Stoddert Association Summer Edition 2009 Volume 5 – No 3 2009 FIFTY/FIFTY DRAWING We will be selling 50/50 drawing tickets right up to a few minutes before the drawing at the 2009 reunion banquet dinner. Tickets will no longer be mailed out with the newsletters: instead you need only send your check in along with some of those pesky return address labels that regularly appear in your mailbox. Our treasurer will take care of the funds and will even stick the address labels on the tickets. Remember, the drawing is always open to everyone, regardless of whether or not you attend the reunion. You do not have to be present to win. The winners who are not at the reunion will have a check mailed to him or her immediately after the reunion. Here is a chance to cash in on some big bucks. Ticket sales for the 50-50 will continue until just before the drawing, which will be at the Sunday evening banquet. Help support a growing Benjamin Stoddert Association. If you want to purchase 50/50 tickets, simply mail $10.00 for each 12 tickets to John Dishaw at the address below and include 12 address labels so we can place them on the tickets for you. Make your checks payable to USS Benjamin Stoddert Association and mail to: John Dishaw 3035 Charlotte Street Newbury Park, CA 91320 UPDATE ON ACVA (Adams Class Veterans Association) Fundraising From Craig Bernat, ACVA Treasurer and Fundraising Director The ACVA REGULAR Credit Card donor page HAS NOT CHANGED. This is to make an ACVA Plankowner donation (usually $25). Or, after you become an ACVA Plankowner, you can make a REGULAR Project JumpStart donation. Donations using this web page DO NOT go towards our other fundraisers. NEW ACVA/JHNSA Fundraisers: "HULL PLATE" and "YARD O' CONCRETE" The ACVA made changes to their website to allow for specific designation and use of a form to donate to the "HULL PLATE" and the "YARD O' CONCRETE" Fundraisers. provides updated information. You can read details of how to help restore the USS CHARLES F. ADAMS DDG-2 using these two new fund raising plans. The information describes the two fundraisers in detail and allows you to select the amount(s) and "PLEDGE PLAN" to make a donation. Click on the SPONSORSHIP FORM for the fundraiser you want to get to the specific form you need to complete your pledge. Then either select "REGULAR MAIL” OR “EMAIL AS AN ATTACHMENT," to Craig Bernat. His mailing address and email are on the forms. The ACVA home website is Stoddert sailors visiting the Vietnam War Memorial, on the Washington DC tours, 2008 reunion. Exploring Chinatown in San Francisco, 2007: kind of like Liberty Call in an exotic foreign port, without the incidents with Shore Patrol. Saint Louis Reunion 2005: Spouses enjoy the fellowship too Page 3 of 4 Answers to Movie Quote Quiz: 1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (a) Benjamin Stoddert Association Summer Edition 2009 Volume 5 – No 3 DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 14TH Reservations and payments are due no later than 14 SEP 2009! To ENSURE your reservation, call MRTR (757-4790849, M-W), then mail your registration and payment to Military Reunions to Remember, USS Benjamin Stoddert Reunion, 1633 Kilt St., Virginia Beach, VA 23464. For hotel reservations, contact the Rapid City Quality Inn at 605-3423322. The cut-off is just days away—call now! Visiting an Amish classroom on the Lancaster County Tour, Philadelphia, PA 2006. We also visited historical landmarks in Philadelphia. Will these two Stoddert sailors be in Rapid City? Come and see for yourself. (Who are these guys, by the way?) View this picture and other crew photos at 2009 Renion pictures will be in the Fall newsletter. DDG-22 Benjamin Stoddert Art Hansen, Newsletter Editor 5800 – 30th Ave. Kearney, NE 68845 Page 4 of 4 Benjamin Stoddert Association Summer Edition 2009 Volume 5 – No 3
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Our treasurer will take care of the funds and will even
stick the address labels on the tickets.
(Thank you, John, for doing this!!)
Remember, the drawing is always
open to everyone, regardless of